Tox See

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TOX/See Protocol Sheet ™

A One-Step Urine Test for Rapid Drug Screen Interpretation

POSITIVE: A colored line in the control
region (C) and NO COLORED LINE next to
COC the respective drug name

C NEGATIVE: A colored line in the control

region (C) and a COLORED LINE next to the
COC respective drug name. Note: The presence
of any line, regardless of intensity, should be
interpreted as a negative result

C INVALID: a control line fails to appear.

• Insufficient specimen or incorrect proce-
COC dural techniques are most likely reasons
for control line failure
1 Add Urine 5 min 2 Check Control 3 Read Results • Review procedure and repeat the test
with a new test device
• Add 3 drops of The presence of a colored line • Results remain stable for up COC
• If problem persists, discontinue using the
urine to each well beside the C (control) serves as to one hour
lot immediately and contact Bio-Rad
• Check control line and read verification that: • Line = negative
The example shown is the TOX/See™
results at 5 minutes after the • a sufficient volume of • No line = positive
10-drug panel (Catalog number 194-5207).
addition of sample specimen was added
In the example, the test is positive for COC.
• a proper flow was obtained
TOX/See™ Protocol Sheet
Intended Use of TOX/See™
• This assay provides only a preliminary analytical test result. A more specific • The use of external positive and negative control material is recommended to
alternate chemical method must be used in order to obtain a confirmed test each new lot or shipment of product and every 30 days thereafter.
analytical result. The preferred method for confirmation testing and the method • This protocol sheet is only for general instructions only. The number of drugs
established by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and strips may vary depending on which product has been ordered. For specific
(SAMHSA) is gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). information, please refer to the package insert.
• Clinical consideration and professional judgment should be applied to any drug
of abuse test result, particularly when preliminary results are used.

Our Tests Feature a Combination of the Following Drugs at These Cutoffs:

Amphetamine AMP .................... 1000 ng/mL Cocaine COC ...................... 300 ng/mL Barbiturates BAR................ 300 ng/mL
Opiates OPI ........................ 300 ng/mL Oxycodone OXY ........................ 100 ng/mL Tricyclic Antidepressants TCA............... 1000 ng/mL
Opiates OPI2000 .............. 2000 ng/mL Buprenorphine BUP .......................... 10 ng/mL Ecstasy MDMA ............ 500 ng/mL
Benzodiazepines BZO ....................... 300 ng/mL THC THC ......................... 50 ng/mL Phencyclidine PCP .................. 25 ng/mL
Methadone MTD....................... 300 ng/mL Methamphetamine MET ..................... 1000 ng/mL Propoxyphene PPX ................ 300 ng/mL

Ordering Information
Catalog No. Description
194-5225 TOX/See™ Drug Screen Test AMP, BAR, BZO, COC, 194-5233 TOX/See™ Drug Screen Test AMP, MDMA, MET .................... 25 tests
MDMA, MET, MTD, OPI, PCP, THC ........................................ 25 tests 194-5217 TOX/See™ Drug Screen Test AMP, MET, OPI .......................... 25 tests
194-5228 TOX/See™ Drug Screen Test AMP, BAR, BZO, COC, 194-5215 TOX/See™ Drug Screen Test AMP, OPI, THC ......................... 25 tests
MET, MTD, OPI, PCP, TCA, THC ............................................ 25 tests 194-5214 TOX/See™ Drug Screen Test AMP, OPI ................................... 25 tests
194-5207 TOX/See™ Drug Screen Test AMP, BAR, BZO, COC, 194-5184 TOX/See™ Drug Screen Test AMP .......................................... 25 tests
MDMA, MET, MTD, OPI, TCA, THC ....................................... 25 tests 194-5185 TOX/See™ Drug Screen Test BAR ........................................... 25 tests
194-5230 TOX/See™ Drug Screen Test AMP, BAR, BZO, COC, 194-5205 TOX/See™ Drug Screen Test BUP ........................................... 25 tests
MET, OPI, PCP, TCA, THC ...................................................... 25 tests 194-5186 TOX/See™ Drug Screen Test BZO ........................................... 25 tests
194-5182 TOX/See™ Drug Screen Test AMP, BAR, BZO, COC, 194-5188 TOX/See™ Drug Screen Test COC .......................................... 25 tests
MET, MTD, OPI, THC .............................................................. 25 tests 194-5224 TOX/See™ Drug Screen Test MDMA ....................................... 25 tests
194-5183 TOX/See™ Drug Screen Test AMP, BAR, BZO, COC, 194-5190 TOX/See™ Drug Screen Test MET ........................................... 25 tests
MTD, OPI 2000, PCP, THC ..................................................... 25 tests 194-5191 TOX/See™ Drug Screen Test MTD .......................................... 25 tests
194-5209 TOX/See™ Drug Screen Test AMP, BAR, BZO, COC, 194-5192 TOX/See™ Drug Screen Test OPI ............................................ 25 tests
MTD, OPI, PCP, THC .............................................................. 25 tests 194-5203 TOX/See™ Drug Screen Test OXY ........................................... 25 tests
194-5216 TOX/See™ Drug Screen Test AMP, BZO, COC, OPI, THC ..... 25 tests 194-5194 TOX/See™ Drug Screen Test PCP ........................................... 25 tests
194-5200 TOX/See™ Drug Screen Test AMP, COC, OPI, PCP, THC ...... 25 tests 194-5204 TOX/See™ Drug Screen Test PPX ........................................... 25 tests
194-5202 TOX/See™ Drug Screen Test AMP, COC, MET, OPI, THC ...... 25 tests 194-5234 TOX/See™ Drug Screen Test TCA ........................................... 25 tests
194-5187 TOX/See™ Drug Screen Test THC ........................................... 25 tests

Bio-Rad For further information, please contact the Bio-Rad office nearest
Laboratories you or visit our website at

Clinical Website U.S. 1-800-2BIO-RAD Australia 61-2-9914-2800 Austria 43-1-877-8901 Belgium 32-9-385-5511 Brazil 5521-3237-9400 Canada 1-514-334-4372 China 86-21-64260808 Czech Republic 420-241-
430-532 Denmark +45-4452-1000 Finland 358-9-804-22-00 France 33-1-47-95-60-00 Germany +49-(0)89-318-840 Greece 30-210-7774396 Hong Kong 852-2789-3300 Hungary 36-1-455-8800 India 91-124-4029300 Israel 972-3-
Diagnostics Group 9636050 Italy +39-02-216091 Japan 81-3-6361-6902 Korea 82-2-3473-4460 Mexico +52(55)5488-7670 The Netherlands +31-318-540666 New Zealand 64-9-415-2280 Norway 47-23-38-41-30 Poland 48-22-3319999 Portugal 351-21-
472-7700 Russia 7-495-721-14-04 Singapore 65-6415-3188 South Africa 27-11-442-85-08 Spain 34-91-590-5200 Sweden 46-8-555-127-00 Switzerland 41-61-717-95-55 Thailand 662-651-8311 United Kingdom +44-(0)20-8328-2000
12/07 DG07-904 C-244

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