Stereo Directory 1984

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K Receivers

3 Tuners
* Tonearms
Tape Decks
A' Blank Tape
3 Accessories
t Headphones
4 Microphones
Car Stereo
descriptions, specs, and prices
on more than 3,000 components
SPECIAL ARTICLES-How to Buy and Upgrade a
Stereo System
Plus two new sections-POCKET STEREO an
111 K111.;

Nakamichi Sound Research Center Concert Hail

Nakamichi-Commitment To Excellence

No great work of art-no master- where the creation and recreation of our staff-engineers who are in love
piece of music-is created without music are directly compared. with music, in love with sonic per-
commitment. Every great artist- The concert hall symbolizes fection. Our philosophy sets us
every musician-is driven by an in- Nakamichi Philosophy --a dedica- apart from others and. more than
ternal need to express an emotion. tion to creativity, innovation, and mu- anyth ng else, has helped establish
At Nakamichi, we understand that sical excellence. Its location in our our enviable reputation for innovation
need. We too are committed-to combined headquarters and re- and musical perfection.
excellence-to perfection in the search lab is symbolic in itself for This philosophy created the leg-
realm of recorded sound. In short. the Nakamichi Philosophy per- endary Nakamichi 1000-the
we are committed to high fidelity! meates our entire organization. worldS first Discrete Three -Head
What does that mean? What is We are proud to be smal' enough Cassette Deck-the first cassette
"high fidelity?" For a company with for our President to have a drafting recorder worthy of the name "high
Nakamichi's reputation for outstand- board in its office and a sketch pad fidelity." It led us to develop the
ing specifications, it may be sur- at hand as he prowls the laborato- Nakamichi 680-the world's first
prising to learn that specifications. ries keeping his finger on the pulse highjidelity half -speed recorder. It
in themselves, do not concern us! of research. We are proud to be guided us in developing Hi -Corn
We are interested only in perfect large enough to have the finest staff II--- the world's first 20 -dB noise -re-
music reproduction. When we attain and the finest test instruments in the duction system without audible side
that goal, excellent specifications industry. And we are proud of our effects. It produced the Nakamichi
follow automatically for they simply dedication to music and to re- 1000ZXL-the world's first cassette
document technical performance. search-research that creates the deck with true random-access pro-
We believe that excellent specifi- products of the future-the prod- gram selection.
cations are the effect --not the ucts of the next decade and Nakamichi Philosophy- the un-
cause-of high fidelity-the re- beyond. ending search for sonic perfec-
sult-not the means-of attaining This philosophy-this dedication tion-has now created the world's
our goal! to imagination and creativity-at- first automatic playback azimuth
All too easily, this distinction is tracts the very finest engineers to correction system-- NAAC!
blurred and ultimately forgotten! Nakamichi Auto Azimuth Correction
Specifications become an end in is found only in the incredible
themselves. This is not surprising for Nakamichi Dragon and Mobile
specifications are easily quantified Sound System. NAAC -the unique
and naturally appeal to the techni- technological breakthrough that cre-
cal minds that create high-fidelity ates sonically perfect reproduction
products. DRAGON Auto Reverse Cassette Deck in a bi-directional playback system!
Not so at Nakamichi! We are un- NAAC-from Nakamichi-where
like many audio giants. To serve as devotion to music creates the prod-
a constant reminder that our goal is ucts of the future-today!
music reproduction, we constructed
an excellent concert hall as part of For mc,re information, write to
Nakamichi U S A Corporation
our headquarters/research facility. 1101 Colorado Avenue.
We consider the concert hall our Santa Monica. California 90401
Ultimate Test Instrument-a place

3 2

Cover Equipment A: Acoustic Research 288 speakers

B: Koss Music Box pocket stereo and P19 headphones.
C: Jensen RE530 cassette D: Philips Auto Audio System
2000 car speaker, E: Denon DP.45F turntable with Shure
SC39ED cartridge. F: Audio-Technica AT -9200 microphone;
G: Nagaoka by MicroFidelity Rolling Cleaner record cleaner;
H: Sharp DX -3 Compact Disc player. I: Yamaha. K.2000 cas- How to Buy a Stereo System William Burton 4
sette deck. J: Pioneer CA -100 Sound Processor, K: Phase Lin-
ear TS2000 tuner; 1,.: ADS Atelier A2 preamplifier. M: Luxman Upgrading Your Stereo System Julian Hirsch 12
RX-103 receiver
Glossary of Audio Terms 19
Cover Photos. Geoffrey Rosengarten Explanation of Abbreviations 22
Directory of Manufacturers 25
President. Larry Sporn
Vice President, Publishing Director J Scott Briggs
Vice President, Marketing: Jeff Hammond PRODUCT LISTINGS
Vice President, General Manager. Eileen G. Markowitz 1. Receivers 28
Creative Director Peter J. Blank
2. Amplifiers 40
President Richard P F nese 4. Turntables 60
President, Consumer Magazine Division Albert S Traina
Executive Vice President, Marketing and Circulation 5. Cartridges & Tonearms 69
Paul Chook 6. Tape Decks 80
Senior Vice Presidents Phillip T Heffernan,
Sidney Holtz, Edward D Muhlfeld. Philip Sine 7. Blank Tape 96
Vice Presidents Baird Davis. George Morrissey 8. Accessories 102
Vice President, Consumer Annuals Jerry Schneider
Treasurer Selwyn Taubman 9. Speakers 114
Secretary Bertram A Abrams 10. Headphones 150
Editorial, Executive, and Circulation Offices 11. Microphones 157
One Park Avenue 12. Signal Processors 164
New York, New York 10016
Advertising Director. Brian E McCabe 13. Digital Audio 172
National Advertising Mgr., Richard J Halpern 14. Pocket Stereo 178
Eastern Advertising Rep . Charles L P Watson
15. Car Stereo 182
Midwestern Office
The Pattis Group
4761 West Touhy Avenue
Lincolnwood, Illinois 60646
13121 679-1100 J. Scott Briggs, publisher William Lusingstone, editorial director
Arnold S Hoffman William A. Burton, directory editor
Dirk Barenbrugge
Borys Patchowsky. art director
Western Office Lincoln Perry, illustrator
3460 Wilshire Boulevard Ray Douglas Hyde, Jr.. editorial assistant
Beverly Hills. California 90010 Brian McCabe, advertising director
(213) 387.2100 Richard J. Halpern, national advertising manager
Western Advertising Manager
Marge Doherty -Wilhite

Japan Stereo Buyers Guide is published annually by Ziff -Davis Publishing Company,
lwai Trading Co .Ltd One Park Avenue, New York, New York, 10016.
J S Yagi
603 Ginza Sky Heights Building
18-13. Ginza 7 -Chrome
Chuo-Ku, Tokyo, Japan 104
Telephone (031 588-0165, 545.3908

STEREO BUYERS GUIDE is published annually by the PERMISSIONS: Material in this publication may not be reproduced
Ziff -Davis Publishing Company, One Park Avenue, New York,
N.Y.10016 Also publishers of Stereo Review, Computers in any form without permission. Requests for permission should be
Electronics, Expenmenter's Handbook, Incitation To Electronics directed to Elizabeth Amado, Ziff -Davis Publishing Company,
and Tape Recording Li Buying Guide
One Park Avenue, New York, New York. 10016.


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The Spea<er S3ecialiStS
How to Buy a
Stereo System
By William Burton
vying your own stereo system is an excit- you buy a component stereo system. But specs the music sound good-the impact of sharp
ing event, one that will open new worlds don't tell you everything about how a compo- transients, the contrast of soft and loud pas-
of music to you through the technology of au- nent will sound. Only your ears will tell you sages, the wide range of frequencies, and the
dio electronics. Because the sound quality you that. If you don't know everything about au- absence of tape hiss or record noise. Try to re-
will experience will depend on the quality of dio (I don't, and I don't think anyone does). member what real music sounds like so you
the components you purchase, the decisions you can still buy a stereo system that will pro- can select a system that comes as close to that
you make are important-but the selection vide pleasure and fulfillment for years to ideal as possible.
process itself should be a pleasure, not a chore. come. Following the hints in this article, ex- Also, listen to high -quality component sys-
If you look at stereo shopping as an creative amining the product listings in this buyers' tems at the homes of friends or in audio show-
challenge, an opportunity to get the best guide, reading test reports such as those ap- rooms. This will give you an idea of good re-
equipment for your music at the best prices, pearing in Stereo Review, and listening to the production, and while you may not be able to
and a chance to learn something about music advice of knowledgeable friends will all aid afford such a "reference" system (as you prob-
and electronics, buying your stereo can be a you in your quest. ably cannot afford a live orchestra or band) it
lot of fun. And that pleasure will continue ev- will set a standard, a goal to aim for.
ery day you use your system. BEFORE YOU GO SHOPPING A basic stereo system will not sound exactly
If you know audio equipment inside out, To prepare for your stereo shopping spree, like an orchestra, but fortunately it will proba-
and can rattle off the specifications, test report listen to music as it should be heard-live, as it bly play in a living room rather than a concert
results, and model numbers of every piece of is being produced, so you can judge the quality hall. Before you shop, think about where
equipment on the market, you probably don't of a system that reproduces music. Go to con- you'll listen to your stereo system. Huge
need this article-or anything else-to help certs and make mental notes of what makes speakers may impress you in the showroom

11 I, el s

with their authoritative bass and dramatic for- However, you don't have to buy a tuner if figure on 30% of your budget for the receiver,
tissimos, but you can't play them that loud if you buy a 20% for the turntable, 10% for the cartridge
you live in a small apartment with cantanker- Receiver, which performs the functions that (or 30% for a tape deck), and 40% for the
ous neighbors only a thin wall away. (Perhaps would otherwise be done by three separate speakers.
the solution to this particular problem is a pair components in a more sophisticated system: If you are extraordinarily concerned with
of headphones which will please your ears and the tuner, the preamplifier (or control amplifi- record wear and damage, you might consider
those of your neighbors.) er) and the power amplifier. (A preamplifier increasing the portion of the budget spent on
The size of your listening room is important and power amplifier are sometimes combined the turntable and especially on the cartridge; a
not only because it must contain the equip- into one unit, an integrated amplifier). The damaged record is usually irreparable. As long
ment you'll buy, but because that is also the preamplifier section of the receiver contains as CD players have list prices from $750 to
space you will want to fill with sound. Large the basic switching and sound -processing con- $1,500, they can't (unfortunately) be a part of
rooms require more amplifier power, and/or trols. One of the primary functions of a a budget system.
more efficient speakers, for music to be as loud preamp is to amplify the cartridge output of a In one -brand systems, the dollar allocations
as in small rooms. turntable up to line level. A preamp can also are already made for you. In fact, a consumer
Because different materials reflect or absorb modify the sound by means of tone controls usually can't find out how the manufacturer
sound (especially high frequencies such as (bass and treble knobs), adjust the balance be- has "budgeted" a one -brand system since the
those produced by cymbals and bells), the de- tween the two stereo channels, set the play- consumer is only quoted a single price for a set
cor of your listening room will influence the back volume level, select which signal source of matched components. A well -designed and
sound your system produces. A room with will be heard, and so on. The power amplifier manufactured one -brand system is a reason-
heavy drapes, overstuffed furniture, and plush section takes the line -level signal and makes it able alternative to separate components, espe-
carpeting will absorb sound. A powerful re- powerful enough to drive the cially if the prospect of shopping for a compo-
ceiver, efficient speakers, and careful speaker Loudspeakers, which actually produce nent system is daunting.
placement (not behind the sofa) might be re- sound by turning electrical power into vibra- But, compared to an equivalent component
quired for satisfactory sound reproduction in tions of a diaphragm (usually a cone or a system. a one -brand tends to have a lower re-
such an acousticallly "dead" room. A room dome). The various cones and domes making sale value, and (most importantly) usually has
that is acoustically "live," with hard wood up a speaker are called drivers, and the box speakers of inferior sonic quality. If you are in-
floors, bare walls, and many windows to re- that contains them is called an enclosure. A terested in a one -brand, see if you can buy the
flect sound waves, will not require as much basic speaker will have two (or possibly three) system without the speakers; then you can
power (or as efficient speakers) as a dead drivers-one for the low sounds and one for shop for the speakers separately. One -brands
room. Exactly where you intend to place the the high sounds (a three-way system will also are also difficult to upgrade by changing indi-
speakers should be considered before shopping include a separate midrange driver). The low - vidual components, and their styling options
since speaker placement affects both overall frequency driver is called the woofer, and the are limited (although their matched look can
tonal balance and perceived stereo "imaging," high -frequency driver is called the tweeter. be attractive).
not to mention the appearance of the room. You can keep these straight by thinking of the
low woof of a dog and the high tweet of a bird. CHOOSING COMPONENTS
COMPONENT SYSTEMS An electrical circuit within a basic loudspeak- Now that you know what you want, you've
Ideally, there would be nothing between the er splits the incoming signal into high- and got to work on matching the pieces to your
music and the listener. Unfortunately, simplic- low -frequency parts to send them to the tweet- room and to each other. As far as the size of
ity and performance have not come together to er and woofer respectively. This circuit is the components, you are the best judge of that.
this extent-simple systems tend to sound like called a crossover. If you want speakers as large as refrigerators
tinny mush, while good systems tend to be in your bedroom and can fit them in, fine. But
fairly complex and expensive. So you're look- BUDGETING YOUR MONEY remember that you should balance three fac-
ing for a compromise, something simple These are the components you need to cre- tors-your room, the power of the receiver,
enough to buy and use, but something that ate a basic system: signal sources, a receiver, and the efficiency of your speakers. If you
will produce better sound than your telephone. and speakers. Now you must decide how don't balance these factors, you may not be
There are three kinds of stereo systems you much you'll have to spend to get them. The able to play your stereo system as loud as you
can buy-the one -brand system, where the average basic stereo system as described above like-or it may distort terribly when you do-
components are selected by the manufactur- costs between $500 and $1,000. If you have or you may pay a lot of money for a powerful
er-store-packaged systems, where the dealer less to spend, consider used equipment, shop receiver or super -efficient speakers when you
matches the components-and the do-it-your- at discounters, or make your purchase by mail don't need them.
self mix -and -match system. No matter who se- order. It's not a good idea to buy used turnta- Choosing Your Speakers. Speakers being
lects the pieces, all basic component stereo sys- bles, cartridges, cassette decks, or other com- considered for a basic system will react much
tems are made up of three types of ponents with moving parts that can wear out, the same way to the signal sent to them by a
components. These are signal sources, the re- but used amplifiers, receivers, and other all - receiver, differing mainly in their efficiency,
ceiver, and the speakers. electronic components can sound as good as their frequency response, and in the resistance
Signal sources provide the audio signals new. (Beware of used speakers, and test them to the power they are receiving. The term for
which are amplified and processed by the rest out thoroughly before handing over your mon- this last concept is impedance. Most home
of the system. A turntable plays records, with ey.) If you're spending more than $1,000, you speakers will have an impedance rating of 8
the help of a cartridge to actually play (track) may want to consider separates (tuner, pream- ohms. The impedance of most "8 -ohm" speak-
the disc and a tonearm to hold the cartridge. plifier, and power amplifier) instead of an all - ers falls to well below that figure at some fre-
The output voltage of a turntable is very low, in -one receiver because of separates' additional quencies, thus requiring more amplifier power
requiring amplification and equalization. flexibility. to reproduce those frequencies. Likewise
Three other common signal sources put out Once you've decided on your total budget, speakers with 4 -ohm impedance will draw
higher signals at what is called "line level." A you need to allocate the money among the dif- more power from your receiver than 8 -ohm
Compact Disc player plays the new 4.7 -inch ferent components. For a $500 system, you speakers.
digital Compact Discs by means of a laser. might put $150 into the receiver, $100 for the These facts are only important if, either im-
Likewise, a tape deck will record and play turntable, $50 for the cartridge (or $150 for a mediately or at some later date, you plan to
back cassette tapes. A tuner picks up AM and tape deck instead of the turntable and car- connect a second pair of speakers to the same
FM radio signals. tridge), and $200 for the speakers. Roughly, receiver or amplifier and to play two or more

pairs of speakers simultaneously. In this case, of a speaker is to listen to a male announcer on Handy rules of thumb:
the lower of the two speaker impedances FM radio: many poor speakers will overem- 1. Only by doubling amplifier power will
should not fall below 4 ohms unless the receiv- phasize the upper bass to hide a lack of low you be able to obtain an audibly significant in-
er or amplifier is known to be good at driving bass and to add a bit more 'punch' to rock and crease in sound level (a 40 -watt amplifier will
low load impedances. disco music. An upper -bass boost is often ac- play just about as loud as a 50 -watt unit).
Efficiency is a measure of the sound power a companied by an upper -midrange boost mak- 2. An amplifier or receiver which has a
speaker puts out compared to the amplifier ing what is known in the trade as a "boom and power rating into 4 -ohm loads which is higher
power going in. On specification sheets this is sizzle" speaker. This sound quality may be se- than that for 8 -ohm loads is better than an
usually indicated by the related (but not equiv- ductive in a store, but can become unbearable amp or receiver with a 4 -ohm rating lower
alent) specification of sensitivity. Sensitivity is in long-term listening at home, especially after than that for 8 -ohm loads.
usually measured by putting one watt of pow- your ears become trained to listen for good 3. If a dynamic headroom rating is given,
er into a speaker and seeing how loud the sound quality. Upper -bass boost will make a the higher the better.
sound is one meter directly in front of the low male voice sound unnaturally boomy, as if 4. Buy as much amplifier power as you can
speaker. The sensitivity spec may look like the speaker were in the bottom of a barrel, and afford-but after deciding on the other com-
this -88 dB SPL/W/m, which translates to the upper -midrange overemphasis can impart ponents in your system; you can never have
"This speaker will produce a sound -pressure an unpleasant "edge" to a well -recorded string too much amplifier power.
level of 88 decibels when given a driven by a orchestra or a female vocalist. Amplifier or receiver output power is mea-
signal of one watt, measured one meter away Because speakers vary so much, not only in sured in watts (like light bulbs) and is usually
from the speaker." Sensitivity is important be- frequency response and efficiency, but in the given this formulation in data sheets: "25
cause a 3 -dB increase in sensitivity means that type, size, number, and arrangement of their W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than
you can obtain the same sound levels from an drivers, choosing a speaker is very much a 0.05% THD," which translates to "25 watts
amplifier or receiver which is half as powerful. matter of personal taste. If you like people to per channel, from 20 cycles per second to
This is where the Stereo Buyers Guide can sound as if they're in a barrel, buy speakers 20,000 cycles per second, with no more than
be especially useful. If you're in an audio that produce that effect-but don't expect the 0.05% total harmonic distortion." The only
showroom and you hear some especially lovely speakers to reproduce the sound of an orches- really important part of this specification in
speakers, check their sensitivity spec. Com- tra or a rock band accurately. For tailoring home equipment is the first number, the out-
pare it to the figures for other speakers. If it's sound to personal preferences, use the tone put power rating in watts. For home equip-
very low, you might need a more powerful re- controls on your receiver, or buy an equalizer ment of acceptable quality, frequency band-
ceiver. If the efficiency is greater than most to provide more precise control of the relative widths are usually wide enough and distortion
speakers, you can buy a less powerful (and less volume of parts of the sonic spectrum. levels usually so low that both specifications
expensive) receiver to produce the same sound When comparing speakers in a showroom, can be safely ignored.
levels. Typical sensitivity values for home follow these simple rules: It is debatable whether any receiver from a
loudspeakers run from 87 to 92 dB sound - 1. Always match (using FM interstation reputable manufacturer sounds significantly
pressure levels for 1 -watt inputs. And likewise, noise) the volume levels of the two speakers different from any other reputable receiver-
once you've selected the speakers you like, you you are comparing. Studies have shown that as long as their power ratings are the same and
can check the specs on receiver candidates to most listeners prefer the louder speaker in a neither of them is being overloaded. Differ-
see if they can produce the power the speakers comparison regardless of the quality of the ences in distortion, signal-to-noise ratio,
need. Remember that dead rooms will need softer speaker. 2. Make sure the dealer is dis- damping factor, and a host of other technical
more power than live rooms and that a speak- playing the speakers in their manufacturer - parameters can be measured, but the sonic dif-
er's sensitivity is not an index of its sound recommended placements. Speakers meant to ferences between most receivers-when they
quality but only of how much amplifier power be placed on shelves should be on shelves. are not asked to produce beyond their abili-
is needed to drive it to very loud levels. both in the store and in permanent installation ty-are slight. So, if you want, you can listen
In addition to sensitivity, another important at home. to every receiver in your price range and buy
specification of speakers is frequency response. 3. Listen to a wide variety of source materi- the one you think sounds best, but you should
A frequency response spec might look like al, good and had. A bad recording will make a consider other factors as well.
this: 20-20,000 Hz +3 dB. This means that borderline speaker sound awful. Since the receiver includes a tuner, you'll
the speaker will play with a loudness which 4. Try to arrange a home audition of the have to choose between digital tuning and tun-
does not vary by more than three decibels up speakers before you buy them, and/or make ing on an analog "slide rule"scale. To decide
or down as a steady test -oscillator frequency sure your dealer will give you your money on the type of tuning, operate both digital and
varies between 20 and 20,000 Hz. Unfortu- back or apply the purchase price in full to an- analog tuning on a variety of receivers and see
nately, most printed loudspeaker specifications other, more satisfactory pair of speakers. what suits your fancy. But watch out! A front -
are not comparable to each other since the
panel digital readout of the tuner frequency is
methods for obtaining the spec differ so widely Choosing a Receiver. Since the primary job sometimes used as a lure for the novice-it
between companies. You should completely of the receiver is powering the speakers, you may indeed mean that the station is locked to
ignore any speaker response which does not have to know how much power you need. This a digitally synthesized reference frequency for
contain a tolerance limit (like the "plus or mi- may appear to be a simple question, but the precise and accurate reception, but it may only
nus 3 dB" above). About the only part of a debate in the audio community continues to mean that the frequency of the station being
speaker frequency -response specification like rage on over this topic. The definitive answer received is displayed in numbers. Digital -syn-
the one above which can be depended on for is that there is no definitive answer-it de- thesis tuning is being found on less expensive
some useful information is the low -end limit pends, as mentioned above, on the size and equipment as time goes on, and it does provide
(20 Hz in this case). If you like low bass, look acoustical properties of your listening room excellent performance with greatly increased
for a spec that goes pretty far down, or the and its furnishings, the efficiency of your convenience.
bass guitar and low organ notes won't be as speakers, and lastly (but probably most impor- In evaluating the preamplifier functions,
loud and/or distortion -free as you'd like. tantly) on how loud you want your music. See make sure the receivers you consider have
The most important thing about frequency the table titled "How Much Power Do You enough inputs for the signal sources you plan
response is that a speaker should sound natu- Need?-Sound Level vs. Watts" to see how to use. It's better to have too many than too
ral and pleasing to your ears-no frequency many watts into speakers of varying efficiency few. And decide how much tailoring of the
should be slighted, no part of the sonic spec- produce how much sound in a "dead" listen- sound you would like to do with tone controls.
trum should be overemphasized. A good test ing room of 3,612 cubic feet. Other useful functions include connections

pm 7u 1 -11


SWITCH TO If you wont settle for anythirg less than pure music, accept
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BASF CHROME chromium dioxide particles. And that exclusive Chrome formula-
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Only dbx Sound Components offer you this that a Dolby* system merely reduces. The 224 also
many ways to improve the sound of your stereo sys- includes a Disc Decoder for dbx Discs, Digital dbx
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Our 3BX Series Two Dynamic Range Expander, To complete your system, try the Model 200
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The dbx 120 Subharmonic dbx difference. You can hear
Synthesizer gives back the it at your local authorized
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kind of bass you hear in a (914) 358-6060 TELEX: 13-7441.
live concert. The kind of bass
you can feel.
There are some things dbx
taketh away. Like tape noise.
The dbx 224 Noise Reduction System audibly elim-
inates the tape hiss from cassettes and open reels
Dolhy I a registered trademark of Dolby 1 aboraioneo I 1k:cooing Corporation
Music can't live without us.
and switching for two tape decks (even if you ful setup and maintenance of the cartridge, simply dub discs at home onto c .sette to ...Ike
only have one recorder, you can hook many tonearm, and turntable for best results. their music with them, and to protect the disc
other accessories to the other tape connec- Less music has been released on CD than in from the damage caused by repeated playing
tions), connections and switching for more any other form, but as of the fall of 1983, a and handling.
than one pair of speakers, a headphone output, catalog published by the Compact Disc Group Since you have a signal source (the tuner)
and an infrasonic-sometimes miscalled "sub- listed over 450 titles available in the all -digital built into your receiver, you can add the oth-
sonic"-filter (for removing inevitable and format, and that number is increasing as more ers when you can afford them. You must bal-
amplifier -power -consuming ultra -low -frequen- record companies commit themselves to Com- ance the performance of the component with
cy rumble noises coming from the turntable). pact Disc. CDs sound better than LPs, with the cost, considering the inherent capabilities
Choosing Signal Sources. Since we're now stronger lows, higher highs, and clearer of each format and the comparative availabil-
working backwards in the audio chain, from midranges, with negligible distortion and far ity of software.
the speakers through the receiver to the signal less noise. Early claims of the digital discs' in- Turntables (and Cartridges). If you've de-
sources, we come to the most interesting com- destructibility were generally exaggerated, but cided to get a turntable, you reed to decide on
ponents last. Which ones you'll look for will CDs are much less fragile than LPs, and any (1) the type of drive system, 12) the degree of
depend on what software (LPs, CDs, cassettes) fingerprints or dust that can cause mist racking automation, and (3) the type of tonearm.
you plan to buy. Each has its advantages and are easily wiped away. CDs are expensive, al- ( I ) Turntable platters are usually turned ei-
disadvantages. though prices are already below !he level of ther by a belt attached to the motor spindle
More music is released on LP than in any some "audiophile" LPs. (belt drive), or by the motor spindle directly
other form. LPs sound pretty good, with hard- Prerecorded cassettes have increased in (direct drive). Whatever the drive system,
ly any noticeable distortion and a good fre- popularity (despite the poor quality of all but smooth and even motion is desired, and this is
quency range. They're cheap and convenient, the "audiophile" cassettes) because of their indicated by a low wow & flutter specification.
but they are fragile and get noisy if you don't convenience and their use in car stereos. porta- (Wow is a slow speed variation-flutter is fast
take good care of them. And they require care- ble players, and pocket stereos. Mans people one.) You also want a quiet turntable, so look

The calculations in this table are for a lis- HOW MUCH POWER DO YOU NEED?-SOUND LEVEL VS. WATTS
tening room that measures 17 x 25 x 8t2
7. -_-
feet, is fairly "dead" acoustically, and con-
tains an area rug, heavy curtains, and sev- Necessary Output Power
eral pieces of heavy stuffed furniture. Dou- (watts per channel, both channels driven)
bling the volume of the listening room will Speaker Efficiency
increase the power required for the same Approximate
sound volume by about 1.6 times. Adding or Sound -Pressure High Medium Low
removing furniture will have a stronger ef- Type of Sound Level (in dB) (94 dB/W/m) (87 dB/W/m) (81 dB/W/m)
fect, changing the power requirements over
a range of about three to one. 2,512 12.600 50,120
Cannon (peaks) 130
The table illustrates several important
points: (1) How r,uch power you need de-
pends very strongly on how loud you like Very loud rock
music (peaks) 116 126 631 2,512
your music. If you never listen above moder-
ate background levels, 20 watts per channel
is plenty, even with inefficient speakers. (2) Very loud classical
music (peaks) 112 40 200 795
The average power required for most sys-
tems, even playing loud classical music at
concert levels, is quite low (unless you're Very loud classical
music (average) 102 4 20 80
driving two pairs of speakers at once, which
needs a lot more power). It is the mo- 0.6 3.2 12.6
mentary peaks that require a big amplifier. Loud classical music 94
Be aware, though, that a well -designed am-
plifier can "clip" the highest peaks as much Moderately loud
classical music 84 0.08 04 1.6
as 3 or 4 per cent of the time with only a mild
effect on the subjective sound quality. (3)
Soft popular music 74 0.006 0.03 0.12
The choice of loudspeaker can change your
power requirements by as much as a factor
of twenty. (In general, a 3 -dB increase in Soft classical music 68 0.0016 0.008 0.03
speaker sensitivity halves the power re-
quired for the same sound level.) The exam- Very soft classical
ples chosen pretty much cover the range of music 52 0.00004 0.0002 0.0008
efficiency of most commonly available loud-
speakers. Background noise, . . .
The value for "very loud rock music" rep- city apartment 46
resents the levels encountered at an actual
concert (even if your system can reproduce Background noise, .
such levels, we advise against your doing suburban day 36
so for the sake of your personal health and
community relations). The level labeled Background noise,
"Cannon (peaks)" is approximately correct country night 24
for a 105 -mm Howitzer firing blanks (as
called for in the score of a well-known Threshold of hearing 0
Tchaikovsky overture) at a distance of
about 100 yards. .msign,ficaM

for a low rumble spec as well. Most turntables differences in distortion according to type are patible arm. Many cartridge manufacturers
have acceptable rumble specifications, howev- generally inaudibly small, however, and a make cartridges that will work in both stan-
er, except) for the least expensive types (less well -designed pivoted arm can perform as well dard and P -Mount arms.
than $100). as a linear -tracking one, with a simpler mecha- Compact Disc Players. When buying a CD
(2) Fully automatic turntables will start the nism and at a lower cost. player, you need to weigh features against
record spinning and lower the stylus into the Don't neglect the smallest-but pound for price. Audio performance of tested units has
lead-in groove, and will lift the arm and return pound the most expensive-component, the been uniformly excellent, so the buying deci-
it to its rest at the end of the record. A semiau- one that affects the sound more than any other sion depends on whether you are willing to
tomatic turntable generally will only return except for the speakers, the tiny cartridge with pay for a high degree of programmability, re-
the arm to its rest or just lift it up automatical- its tinier stylus that must negotiate the can- mote control, or other features.
ly. A manual turntable requires that you move yons of an LP, vibrating as fast as 20,000 times Tape Decks. With a tape deck, consider
the stylus on and off the disc. Less automated per second. An LP and a stereo system can what you will use it for, and try to find the
turntables, because they are simpler, can be sound no better than the cartridge permits. best compromise between audio performance,
more reliable, but automatics may be kinder to Look for a cartridge with a recommended convenience features, and price. Auto -reverse
your tender vinyl, especially if you are not par- tracking force range below 2 grams to mini- decks and double cassette decks (with two
ticularly dexterous or want to allow children mize record wear. Always set the tracking transports, enabling copying of a cassette) are
to use your system. force in the higher portion of a cartridge's rat- becoming more popular, but these capabilities
(3) Tonearms hold the cartridge as the sty- ed range. will increase the cost-or require that other
lus follows the grooves of the record. One of the most frustrating operations in features be skimped on. Don't buy a cassette
Tonearms themselves move in two ways ac- setting up a stereo system is the installation of deck without a self-contained noise reduction
cording to their design, either in a gentle arc a cartridge in a tonearm, particularly if you system, if indeed any are still being made. Ad-
(if they are pivoted), or in a straight line (if have average or larger -than -average fingers, or vanced noise -reduction systems such as Dolby
they move along a track on the turntable). The are generally clumsy. A recent development in C and dbx will reduce tape noise to a greater
latter are called linear -tracking arms because the turntable/cartridge field is the P -Mount extent than the common Dolby B system.
they guide the cartridge in a straight line, so cartridge, which will plug directly into a P -
that the stylus tracks the grooves in the same Mount tonearm and be instantly adjusted for SHOPPING TIPS
way the record was cut, reducing tracking er- correct alignment and tracking force. To avoid Lastly, some words on shopping. Be pre-
ror and its associated distortion. Pivoted arms, the delicate operation of mounting and adjust- pared-listen to live music, audition reference
because they move the cartridge in an arc, ing a standard cartridge, buy a P -Mount car- systems, do your reading, consult friends, and
hold it at varying angles to the groove. The tridge and a turntable with a P-Mount-com- get an idea of what you want even before you
step into a store. You might even be able to
find specific components in this buyers' guide
or in ads that you would like to audition.
You'll learn a lot in the store (unless it's a bar-
gain -basement discounter who sells audio
equipment with the same sensitivity that they
apply to selling washing machines or porno
videotapes), but being prepared will help you
to learn even more.
Try all kinds of stores-audio salons, stereo
chain stores, department stores, and discount-
ers. They each have their advantages and dis-
advantages, and one or another may be right
because of price, selection, convenience, ser-
vice, or just how you feel about a particular
store. Being friends with your audio dealer can
be very helpful if your system doesn't sound
half as good at home as it did in the
Remember, you're buying this stereo system
for your ears and your music. Take both along
when you shop. Depending on which signal
source(s) you favor, take an LP, a CD, or a
cassette-or all three. Choose contrasting se-
lections that you know well, but keep in mind
that you are testing components-especially
speakers-by how they reproduce all types of
musical sounds, from the pedal notes of a
Bach fugue to the soaring violins of a Mozart
concerto, from the synthetic bass of Orchestral
Manoeuvres in the Dark to the shrieks of Rob-
ert Plant. Be sure to listen to the musical in-
strument you hear most often-the human
voice. If the vocals sound good, the vital mid-
range area is good and will keep guitars, pi-
-rust02!r-'441" anos, and almost everything else well
Yes. I'm the one who sold you that 8185,000 balanced.
'ultimate' stereo system last October I was
. . Finally, don't forget to have a good time.
wondering if you were interested in upgrading . . ?" . That's what music is all about.



9188 i

iramose..... MIR


And even a digital com- Plus six brand-new cas-

pact disc player. sette decks. Five terrific
What AKAI knows about There are plenty of sur- new turntables. And some
audio could fill a book. prises, too. of the most sophisticated
And now, it does. Like the first open -reel matched systems you've
Because AKAI's new 68 - deck designed for home ever seen.
page audio products cata- use with a studio -standard Best of all, it's all free
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And filled to overflowing And the new AM/FM name and address to:
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Turntables. Cassette the "Top -Rated" honors Compton, CA 90224.
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Matched systems. Speakers. fiction that's
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AKA HI_F,&Video
Upgrading Your
Stereo System
By Julian Hirsch
During a concert intermission, I overheard cause should be determined and the necessary tem can help you realize the greatest possible
one man asking another whether he changes made. improvement in sound per dollar spent.
should replace his fourteen -year -old vacuum - Behind most of the "should I replace it?" In general, modern solid-state components
tube stereo receiver, and, if so, with what? inquiries that come to me, however, I sense a do not deteriorate with age in the same way
Much the same question is often asked of me, vague feeling of discontent rather than a spe- the earlier vacuum -tube models did. The
and probably of most people with any close cific complaint, an ill-defined feeling that the greatest enemy of all electronic components is
connection to the audio world. Obviously, if system should sound better somehow, even heat, which shortens the life of practically
something no longer works, it should be re- though all the knobs and buttons seem to everything-capacitors, resistors, insulation,
paired or replaced. Which of those routes to function. Perhaps this is the result of hearing a etc.-that goes into a tuner, amplifier, or re-
take is, unfortunately, not always so obvious. newer and better system at the home of a ceiver. Tube equipment generally runs hot be-
People tend to develop a strong attachment to friend, at a dealer's showroom, or at an audio cause of the numerous power -wasting vacuum
a piece of hardware that has given good ser- show, or it may simply arise from reading ad- tubes usually squeezed into a small space with
vice over the years and are reluctant to replace vertisements or reviews of the latest wonders barely adequate ventilation for cooling. Tran-
it, even if it no longer meets its original perfor- of audio technology. sistors typically operate with much less power
mance standards. On the other hand, repairing While a total replacement of an old stereo (heat) dissipation than tubes performing simi-
older components can be very expensive, if re- system can often yield dramatic results, it may lar functions. Moreover, transistors do not re-
pair is possible at all. Most tube devices are ex- be unnecessarily costly, especially if only one quire the heating filaments intrinsic to the op-
pensive to fix, and, as a general rule. I would component is substandard. On the other hand, eration of a tube, which typically add a couple
not recommend trying to keep a vacuum -tube simply changing one arbitrarily selected com- of watts per tube to the total power require-
component operating after it begins to become ponent may fail to produce the desired sonic ments of the system. Except for the output
unreliable. In any case. if a system doesn't (or rejuvenation. Following a logical procedure to stages of a power amplifier, most transistor-
never did) sound as good as you want it to, the isolate the weakest part of an old or ailing sys- ized stereo components run only slightly warm


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IIEINi H(4.11GER. obor 47111111:1,
I \ iClinITT -.14Puck.4 .^4 .1 I\ 119 -Num



Heirz 1-OLLIGER ot,p- : HONE INT


,G, .INuvr N ,r:,.11'iluNY NO .,N10JUF, tlt t r r. , ..SUNS


E'ROICA" in E Flat Maior, Op 55 Gunars LARNENS vrclm
-,nducting ,,,,IMGARTNER direction
Hans OTTO. organ IF. RLIN




1..,/.:3KA?ELLE BE kLIN


REFERENCE Analog or digital, a system is only as

good as its signal source. When it comes to
digitally recorded over 650 titles, and in the
process has captured many of the most
recording digitally, one company stands out critically -acclaimed performances of the
CD'S. from the rest-with over a decade's more
experience than most of its competition.
world's greatest music with sonic accuracy
second to none.
Denon is credited with having Compositional masterpieces; definitive
introduced digital technology to the field of performances; state-of-the-art sound. The
audio in 1972. For over a decade Denon Denon Reference Compact Discs.
continually has refined PCM recording
techrology to a point where fifth -generation
Denon professional PCM recorders are
currently in use in Denon's own recording
During these exciting years. Denon has
at their hottest, and even power transistors exposed to some of the newer "demo" records If your speaker auditioning is done in an au-
rarely become hot except under sustained so popular at audio shows and among hard- dio showroom, you cannot assume that a
bench -test conditions. The reduced overall core audiophiles. and their sonic splendor may speaker that appeals to you there will continue
heat dissipation in solid-state components low- convince you that your system is hopeless ob- to do so in your home (or that one whose
ers internal temperatures and considerably solete. But unless these records include your sound you detest will still be objectionable at
lengthens life. favorite types of musical fare, don't be unduly home). It is best, then, to try out a pair at
This does not mean that a transistorized swayed by what you hear. Many of them can home-if you can find a cooperative dealer
component is necessarily trouble -free. A defec- make the least pretentious music system sound who will allow returns for credit. Whatever
tive part or connection can occur in any prod- better than it has any right to sound! Play your original speakers are, new ones will prob-
uct. However, most of them are detected in the records that represent your normal listening ably still be electrically compatible with your
manufacturer's final checkout or "burn -in" tastes. The differences between systems amplifier. A very few speakers have unusually
procedures, and most defective parts that es- are less spectacular with more mundane pm - low sensitivity and require higher input power
cape detection in those stages will fail early in gram material, yet this may be what you will for a given listening volume, but most speakers
the life of the product (preferably within the ordinarily be playing. It seems sensible to me are enough alike in this respect that sensitivity
warranty period!). If a modern hi-fi product to choose a system that makes the most of can be ignored as a selection criterion. Speaker
survives its first few months of service, it is what you want to hear. Incidentally. I am as- impedance should be considered since if it falls
likely to continue operating without signifi- suming that your interest in high fidelity is much below 4 ohms at any frequency some
cant deterioration for many years. primarily in musical enjoyment, rather than amplifiers may not be able to function proper-
It is almost axiomatic, however, that a prod- investigating the most subtle sonic qualities of ly. Here the manufacturer's specifications can
uct being considered for replacement is not different audio components. If the latter is the be used as a guide, augmented by test reports,
completely up to date, and most will be per- case, I am afraid that a logical approach to such as those in STEREO REVIEW, that
haps five to ten years old. Many older compo- system selection is invalid (although the final state the actual minimum measured imped-
nents were never designed to meet today's choice in both cases will presumably still be ance throughout the audio range. In my expe-
high standards of performance and probably made on the basis of what sounds best to you). rience almost any amplifier will operate cor-
have internal trim or alignment adjustments Let us assume that you have heard a system rectly into the load presented by one pair of
that arc no longer needed in current designs. that makes your favorite records sound better almost any model speakers; the problems (if
For example. few, if any, new tuners and re- in some way than your old system. No doubt any) arise when one attempts to drive two
ceivers today have i.f. tranformers or multi- every part of that system is different from the pairs of similar speakers in parallel.
plex decoders requiring critical alignment corresponding part of your own. Probably Perhaps simply replacing your venerable
settings, which can (and do) change with time. most of the audible differences can be ascribed speakers, which may have been "state of the
The coils have been replaced with ceramic fil- to the speakers and the room in which they are art" performers in their day, will give your
ters and the multiplex decoders with integrat- heard. It is risky to compare speakers that dif- system the sound you expect of it (or what you
ed circuits. These solid-state parts making up fer widely in size, price, or basic construction fondly remember it to have been in days past).
today's hi -ft components need little or no (a $1,000 floor -standing speaker is unlikely to If so, you are fortunate indeed, although I
maintenance or calibration after manufacture. sound like an older $100 "bookshelf' model ) would still advise examining your other com-
Despite the impressive advances in electron- Therefore, after your initial listening sessions, ponents for signs of senility.
ic technology in recent years, the mechanical consider your budget and try to audition Since speakers hardly ever "wear out" and
portions of an audio system are still its "weak mainly speakers falling within your price with reasonable care are not easily damaged,
links," the ones most likely to wear out, or at range (unless you enjoy being frustrated). It is the most likely reason for replacing a speaker
least to limit overall sound quality. These in- often possible to find less expensive speakers. system is the availability of newer designs able
clude record -playing components (turntable, perhaps from the same manufacturer. who to produce immediate and often considerable
tonearm, and cartridge), tape decks, and loud- sound coloration (or lack of it) is similar to sonic improvements.
speakers. Although a speaker is among the that of a higher -priced model that you like. At the other end of the electromechanical
most durable and long-lived of components (I
have never had one fail or even deteriorate sig-
nificantly in normal service over a period of
more than twenty-five years), most of the real-
ly important audible improvements in sound
reproduction have resulted from advances in
speaker design. A given speaker system, there-
fore, will probably be rendered obsolete by
new technology before it "wears out" from
normal use, though it is certainly possible to
damage a speaker by overdriving or other
careless usage.
The first step in deciding whether some or
all of one's system is due for replacement is to
consider whether its sound is displeasing, or at
least unsatisfying. Without a frame of refer-
ence this may be difficult, so a visit to a good
audio showroom or to the home of a friend
who has a good modern system is a logical be-
ginning. If you have some favorite records
with which you arc thoroughly familiar, take
them along. '(Do not expect them to sound the
same elsewhere as they do in your home-for
better or worse, they should sound different in
every location.) ". . Sure, lady, $1,450 is a lot of money, but wouldn't you rather have him

During this process, you will probably be home listening to a pair of VX-7's than out every night on monkey business?"

sound -reproducing chain is the turntable, or after many years of home service. Still, most grade this component every few years. And
record player. (I am here considering the turn- modern automatic and semi -automatic turnta- while the audible differences between most
table and tonearm as one component, al- bles have other moving parts-associated with good cartridges of similar vintage are not near-
though they may be from different manufac- their arm indexing and other automatic ly as great as some people think, they do have
turers.) Some people believe the turntable to features-made of plastic or light -gauge sheet different sound characters that is some cases
be almost as important as speakers in contri- metal that are at least theoretically subject to can be appreciated only when a better speaker
bution to the final sound, but I do not sub- wear or the need for some adjustment after system reveals them for the first time. To put
scribe to that view. I would admit that a defec- long periods of use. Wear of these parts will it another way, a cartridge that sounded fine
tive, poorly designed, or incorrectly installed usually manifest itself in obviously improper with your 1968 speakers may seem harsh, dull,
turntable is certainly capable of degrading a operation of the record player rather than sub- or otherwise unsatisfactory when your speak-
system's sound, but one that is operating prop- tle degradation of sound. Whether to replace ers have been upgraded to 1983 models. The
erly should be a neutral part of the system, the worn part or the entire player is a purely better the speakers (or almost any other part
neither adding to nor subtracting from the re- economic decision. of the system, for that matter), the more likely
produced sound. In other words, I do not be- Other factors having nothing to do with ba- you will be to hear improvements in other
lieve that replacing a properly functioning sic turntable performance may be even more components, and this is probably the best rea-
turntable is likely to improve the sound of important to you. For example, you may want son for replacing marginally satisfactory com-
your system in any way. Those who disagree more or less automation in your turntable ponents as part of a system -improvement
with this view will, of course, continue to than is offered by your present unit. If your program.
choose their turntables according to whatever phono cartridge has to be replaced, the new A system's most mechanical component,
criteria please them. one you choose may be more compatible with the tape recorder, is also the one most likely to
In my opinion, the most valid reasons for a tonearm of' lower (or higher) mass than the wear out and require costly maintenance.
replacing a turntable are poor design and/or a one you now have. A number of recent record Moreover, tape recorders, especially cassette
degradation of performance (which can occur players have low -mass arms designed for plug- machines, are the components in which some
gradually). Obviously, not all turntables are in "P -mount" cartridges. The combination of of the most dramatic performance improve-
equally good to begin with. There are often a very low -mass arm and a low -mass cartridge ments have been made in recent years. If you
measurable differences among them in respect give P -mount players outstanding ability to are using a cassette deck that is more than
to flutter and rumble, though most current track warped records as well as lessened sus- three or four years old, you may be surprised
models are very good in those categories and ceptibility to acoustic feedback and jarring ef- at the improved performance of current mod-
too much weight should not be given to small fects. However, since only P -mount cartridges els. The changes are frequently quite dramatic
differences in their numerical ratings. This is can be used with these turntables, those who because of the combined effects of improve-
not necessarily true, however, of turntables prefer conventional cartridges cannot take ad- ments in tape -head design, tape formulations,
made some years ago, many of which can with vantage of their special qualities. noise -reduction systems, bias and equalization
time develop audible rumble or flutter. Many people, having read of the develop- circuits, and transport mechanisms.
Probably even more important, though not ment of the Compact Disc digital audio sys- Cassette decks do wear out, at least to the
yet subject to standardized measurement tem, are reluctant to replace an ailing or other- extent of requiring replacement of belts and
methods, is the acoustic isolation of a record wise unsatisfactory analog record player, clutches in units employing that type of trans-
player from its environment. If your present anticipating its obsolescence in a few years by port mechanism. Today's better (and more ex-
turntable tends to skip grooves when ,anyone digital -disc players. While I understand their pensive) machines often use direct -drive mo-
walks heavily in the same room or generates concern, I am positive that the analog record tors, dispensing largely or even entirely with
acoustic -feedback "howls" from the speakers system will be the mainstay of high-fidelity lis- belts and clutches. This offers at least the po-
at high volume settings, then you need one tening for many years to come; it is more like- tential for a longer trouble -free service life. Of
that has better isolation. ly to coexist with the Compact Disc than to be course, in time both electronic circuits and
The effectiveness of turntable's acoustic iso- immediately replaced by it. motors can give trouble, but this is likely to
lation can be estimated by tapping or shaking The phono cartridge is one of the few audio take many years in the case of a good recorder.
its shelf or other support while playing a components that actually wears out with use. One part that can wear out with consider-
record (preferably a silent -groove record or In some cases a cartridge can even deteriorate able use and can be expensive to replace is a
one with lengthy low-level passages). If light just with the passage of time because of hard- tape head (especially a separate playback head,
to moderate tapping produces disturbing ening of elastomer dampers and similar parts for its gap is very small and high -frequency
sound from the speakers, or even causes the of the moving system. While no one can say performance will deteriorate seriously if the
pickup actually to leave the groove, the record with certainty how long a given stylus will gap widens or becomes uneven). I have no bet-
player is a candidate for replacement-and if a last, there is no doubt that not even a diamond ter information on tape -head life than I do on
record player fails this test at a dealer's show- stylus is "forever." Moreover, a worn stylus phono stylus life, though I would expect a
room, it is one to be avoided. (Note, however, does not announce its condition in time for the tape head to outlast a stylus by a considerable
that a poor match between the mass of the user to safeguard his record collection. By the margin unless low -quality tapes are the prima-
tonearm and the mass and compliance of the time the increased distortion and decreased ry program sources for the system. If and
cartridge can also cause groove jumping.) The tracking ability of a worn stylus is audible, ir- when excessive head wear (not to be confused
best isolation is likely to be found in an inex- reparable damage may already have been done with head misalignment) is confirmed by a
pensive direct -drive turntable. But there are to records played with it. The best practice is competent repairman, you may wish seriously
enough exceptions to both these "rules" to to take your pickup periodically to a qualified to consider replacing the entire tape deck (as-
make an actual in -use test with the cartridge dealer for a stylus inspection schedule, de- suming that it is at least a few years old). The
you're considering the best basis for a final pending on how often you use your phono sys- audible improvement in most cases will be
choice. (Our turntable test reports indicate tem, might be anywhere from quarterly to an- unmistakable.
when a model is much better or worse than the nually. Unfortunately, even microscopic in- Any regular reader of STEREO REVIEW
norm in this respect.) spection is not an unambiguous test of the is aware of the current tendency toward in-
Being a mechanical device with at least one need for stylus replacement. cluding lots of "bells," "whistles," and lights
rotating part (more if it has arm linkages), a Even if a cartridge has not deteriorated in in tape decks as well as in other electronic
turntable is subject to wear. Frankly. 1 think it any way, there can be other good reasons to components. Some of these features (such as
highly unlikely that a turntable's main bearing replace it. Ongoing improvements in cartridge computerized tape -bias optimization) are use-
and platter shaft will wear significantly even performance can make it worthwhile to up- ful, but others may not be. Each buyer must

make up his or her own mind. In any case, few and still function adequately in most impor- tion problem, look to your antenna system
such features are likely to justify replacing a tant respects. It is certain that the written first (ordinarily, multipath distortion can only
properly functioning recorder with a newer specs of those older components, even if they be treated effectively in the antenna system, al-
one. If you do much live recording on cas- were expensive, top -grade products in their though a number of recent developments in
settes, however, a machine with metal -tape re- time, would be surpassed even by lower -priced tuner circuit design offer other avenues of im-
cording capability may be desirable, though it equivalents today. But, for a variety of rea- provement). Then try to borrow a better tuner
is not strictly necessary. sons, even major differences in some specifica- to see if it really makes a difference. Even if it
Users of open -reel tape recorders generally tions are rarely audible, so it is usually inadvis- does, your old tuner may still be acceptable af-
require certain special capabilities of that me- able to use specs as the only, or even the main, ter a thorough overhaul, although that might
dium, and the latest machines may or may not criteria for deciding whether to replace some- be a less appealing alternative than buying a
offer genuine advantages over well-built ma- thing that still works properly and sounds new digital tuner with its advantages of com-
chines of a few years ago. The same potential good. pactness and potentially more reliable
for wear exists in open -reel recorders as in cas- Older FM tuners usually have a number of operation.
sette decks, of course, but their generally high- adjustable internal components (mostly in the There are several valid reasons for replacing
er cost makes repair more reasonable than re- i.f. and multiplex -decoder sections) that an old amplifier even when it is still working
placement in most cases. While the relatively should be checked at regular intervals (such as well. A new speaker system might benefit from
few open -reel decks manufactured today do annually) and realigned if necessary to ensure substantially higher amplifier power, although
not differ from their predecessors as strikingly full performance. Owners tend to ignore such a small power increase is barely worthwhile
as is the case with cassette decks, they have routine maintenance, especially if their sys- (doubling the output power can increase the
also undergone improvement, as has the raw tems seem to function normally without it. sound level by only 3 dB). Alternatively, your
tape itself. Most current tuners do not require as much new speaker's impedance may be too low for
That outlines what I consider the most valid routine maintenance as older ones, and they best results with your old amplifier, especially
reasons for replacing the speakers, record have generally superior performance charac- if you plan to drive additional speakers in a
player and cartridge, and tape deck in a music teristics as well, so it is quite possible that re- different room at the same time. Or perhaps
system. Although a loudspeaker is perhaps the placing an old, neglected tuner with a new one the preamplifier you have lacks the flexibility
most durable hi-fi component, ongoing design will make an improvement in sound quality. you require for your upgraded system (you
improvements may justify replacing your But not always! Most FM listeners need may have added a Compact Disc player or
speakers after a number of years even if they only a small fraction of the total performance cassette deck, and not all preamplifiers are de-
are still in perfect working condition. Record capability of a reasonably good tuner, which, signed to control a large number of ancillary
players and tape decks are subject to mechani- after all, must be designed to meet the needs of components with equal effectiveness). Another
cal wear that can necessitate their eventual re- a very diverse group of users. Moreover, most reason for upgrading is that today's amplifiers
placement. Also, as with loudspeakers, tech- FM broadcasts in this country offer sound are usually very quiet, and your old one may
nological developments may warrant the quality ranging from mediocre to terrible. be showing its age in the form of noise.
purchase of a new turntable or deck simply for Therefore, replacing an undistinguished older The parts of a hi-fi component most prone
the improved sound it will provide even when tuner with the latest "state-of-the-art" model to wear out or deteriorate over a period of
your old one is still in good working order. may make no audible difference at all. If you time are the switches and potentiometer con-
The situation is not so clear-cut in the case have a specific, identifiable reception problem trols that fill the front panels of most pream-
of the purely electronic components of the sys- (distortion, noise, interference from another plifiers and integrated amplifiers. After some
tem: the tuner and amplifier (or receiver, if the station, or the like), a new tuner with superior years, you may find that turning a volume or
two are combined). Barring actual failure of qualities in that area may help. But the only tone control produces scraping or crashing
an internal component (a transistor, switch, way to be sure of this is to try it out at home sounds from your speakers or that a switch
etc.), an electronic audio product can continue before buying, if you can find a dealer who does not always make contact properly the
to give good service for a surprisingly long will allow this or if you can borrow a compa- first time you move it (moving it through sev-
time. With an occasional touch-up alignment, rable unit from a friend. eral positions and then back to the one you
there is no reason a tuner or amplifier should Before digital -synthesis tuning became com- want may help).
not still meet its original operating specifica- mon even on inexpensive units, some degree of Obviously, if you have a receiver, it can only
tions after twenty or thirty years of service. (I guesswork (and skill) was usually required to be replaced as a unit even if just one part of it
still have a communications receiver that is tune in a station correctly. Tuning meters and is not performing properly. This is one the
going strong after more than thirty-six years similar aids sometimes failed to deliver their very few real disadvantages of a receiver (there
with no failures or even a tube change!) implied tuning accuracy. Dial calibration was are no inherent drawbacks in performance
Granted, there are few hi-fi components not always good to begin with and usually de- compared with equivalent separate tuners and
that will Satisfy the tastes of today's audio- teriorated over time (this is correctible with a amplifiers). On the other hand, it is likely that
philes after a couple of decades of service. For simple alignment procedure, but if you already a receiver that has been used for a number of
one thing, a mono system is passe today no know where your favorite stations appear on years will no longer be the equal of a new re-
matter how well it works. For another, our the dial, the actual calibration is less impor- ceiver in many important performance charac-
standards of audible performance are higher tant). Although digital tuners have no funda- teristics and features (such as peak output -
than they were in the fifties and sixties; the mental performance advantages, they at least power capability or digital -synthesis tuning).
hum and nojse levels of the best components leave no doubt of the received frequency, and, I suppose it is fruitless to be too rational
of those decades would probably not be ac- with no dial to be calibrated, they require no when dealing with something as personal and
ceptable today. Finally, as I pointed out above, realignment to maintaining tuning accuracy subjective as a stereo system. The appeal of
maintenance of an old piece of tube equipment throughout their useful lifetimes. While I can- those new components with their microcomput-
can become unreasonably expensive or even not guarantee that digital tuners will always be ers, digital readouts, flashing LED displays,
impossible. trouble -free, they should be substantially more and so on, is undeniable and, for many of us, ir-
Therefore, let us consider an "old system" reliable over the long run than the older ana- resistible. But for those who are not lured by
to have electronic components that are all sol- log variety. the technological trappings of audiophilia and
id-state, stereo, and no more than five to fif- To sum up: if your old tuner sounds good, just seek the best possible musical reproduction
teen years old. Furthermore, we will assume don't replace it-unless, like so many of us, for the money, I hope I have put into perspec-
that the components were good enough to you find the various features of the current tive the factors that affect a system's actual
have been called "hi-fi" when they were new crop irresistible. If you have a specific recep- sound over the long run.


Last year, we told you
about all our "industry firsts."

.S2n4i Cf Lot44d r

A75'9 -31.iaAAt zeru, 711-4. 7.;v 24.4m.3..

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89F9 _ 5.e.,,7 LA*19.4vt
O foe )147,0444.,
1195a iiAgA 5,gage, C,,AaTti
01644 Red
GSIQrG'-Rece.4g4.,o.wot 54air-/".
cx ogzotte.A...

This year, we've added to the list.

I- you happened to read the Buyers Guide last
year. you dis.coveted that Onkyo was second to
Amplifiers none when it came, to industry innovations. This
1983 Ready"
Supply St
year we ve set the pace again with our Triple
Stage System that eliminates all turntable feed-
"Digital Sy ?owe back. Automatic Precision Reception in our
tJners and receivers. instant selectable song
The Delta lsolatioo ,on location in our cassette decks. and a host of
Stage Recept other high performance features. So. whether
Itivle Vte6sloo Decks r.'s filling the gap between basic components
and costly audiopiile gear (our new Integra
Automatic Cassette Series), or providitg exceptional dollar value in
our receivers, cassette decks and turntables.
Ptogtammable Onkyo should be your #1 choice.

ONZYO IMPS C1,11.2 51/41.4till) not sr.No.v nlaa wtwtr mat swv,

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17,0 T
a 1,1
ro SNIT r,.

ear moo
seaft-ignotafis,ADommtannoltsmat: _--7-

,3NIECIrCA Nobody knows more about audio than Onkyo.

200 Williams Drive, Ramsey, NJ 07446

new technology invented by Pioneer engineers.The

THE DIGITAL Digital Direct Decoder is an unconventional circuit
that uses a 126 MHz pulse train and a pure 38
KHz sine wave, thereby eliminating the need for a
DIRECT DECODER: conventional noise filter (which creates distortion,
harmonics, and limits frequency response).
TECHNOLOGY SO Consequently, Total Harmonic Distortion
at 1 KHz has been reduced to 0.0095% (mono)
ADVANCED EVEN A and 0.02% (stereo), which you'll have to agree is an
exceptional improvement over conventional tuners.
Signal-to-noise ratio is an astonishing
HUMAN BEING 93dB (mono), 86dB (stereo).
Furthermore, alternate channel selectivity
CAN HEAR (always a nemesis and rarely exceeding 60dB
before) has been raised significantly to 90dB at
THE DIFFERENCE. 80dBf, eliminating neighboring station "bleed
over" once and for all.
And, whereas the better tuners available
Most highly -touted, so-called technological before produced stereo channel separation
breakthroughs are actually so subtle only a handful numbers no higher than 50dB, the F -90's num-
of people in the world can actually discern that bers are up 30% to 65dB.
there's a difference. Suffice it to say, you can expect the same
The rest of us, audiophiles and normal outstanding performance from our new A -90
human beings alike, must be content to subtract integrated amplifier.
the old specs from the new and assume there really To begin with, there's 200 watts per channel
is an audible difference. of exceptionally clean power.(0.002% THD,
But not with the F-90 tuner. A new tuner 20-20,000 Hz at rated power, both channels
with design technology that High Fidelity says driven, 8 ohms.)
represents"... a stunning breakthrough in FM tuner And signal-to-noise ratio is a superior
performance thanks to a circuit it (Pioneer) calls a 115dB that combines with the above numbers
Digital Direct Decoder..:' to get distortion levels that read at the level
Not only are the new F -90's specs remark- of immeasurability.
ably superior to the naked eye, its sound quality The reasons: our new dynamic power
and reception capabilities are unmistakably better supply, non -switching amp circuits, an FET Buffer
to the naked ear. circuit, D.C. Servo circuit, and a new, higher specifi-
Coupled with its companion amplifier, the cation on even the lowliest components.
A-90. you have a system Naturally, we recom-
that produces much mend you audition both
cleaner, more musical MI MI MI EN
the F-90 and A-90 at your
sound.The kind of sound earliest convenience.
the musicians and record- Because mere words
ing engineers had in mind O.= C -±I 0- A.0
in the first place. I- 0 000
can't describe a difference
so remarkable it can actually
The reason is an 00 be heard with your own
exclusive, revolutionary two ears.

Because tIle iIlusic matters.
19143 honer, EIrctrunics l USA) Inc.. PO. Box 1.54n .1, xig 910401


Acoustic Feedback: The pickup, by a turnta- Capstan: A shaft rotating at constant speed, a rate determined by the network design. A
ble, of vibrations from the loudspeaker. If which is pressed against the tape and moves it crossover frequency is a frequency at which
these vibrations reach the cartridge, they will past the heads. each of two drivers is receiving half the ampli-
be reamplified, causing noise (usually a rum- fier's power; below or above that point, one
ble, but in extreme cases a howl) and/or Capture Ratio: The minimum ratio between speaker will receive more power than the other
distortion. the strengths of two FM signals on the same speaker.
frequency that will enable the tuner to sup-
Acoustic Suspension: A speaker system in press the weaker by 30 dB. Cueing Device: A lever or control that raises
which the woofer cone is loosely suspended, and lowers the tonearm without direct han-
and its motion controlled to a great extent by Cardioid: A heart -shaped polar response, with dling by the operator. Usually viscous damped
the stiffness of the enclosed air. Noted for its strong rejection to signals arriving from the for uniform rise and fall times, no matter how
extended, low -distortion bass output and low rear. rapidly the control is moved.
Cartridge: The device which holds the stylus Cue Control: A switch which temporarily dis-
AM (Amplitude Modulation): A process in (or "needle") and translates into an electrical ables a recorder's Tape Lifters during fast -for-
which the program information is imposed on signal the motions of the stylus as it tracks the ward and rewind, so the operator can judge
a carrier signal of constant frequency, by vary- wiggling modulations of the groove. what portion of the recording is passing the
ing its amplitude in proportion to program heads of the tape deck.
level. Used on the standard broadcast band Channel: An independent signal path. Stereo
(550 to 1,650 kHz), and on longwave and recorders have two such channels, quadra- CX: A compressor/expander noise -reduction
shortwave bands. phonic ones have four. system first introduced by CBS Records. Ca-
pable of 20 dB of noise reduction, it extends
AM Suppression: The ability of an FM tuner Channel Separation: The amount of stereo the dynamic range of phonograph discs to 80
to reject AM signals. program material from one channel appearing to 85 dB. To realize this extension, the user
in the cartridge output for the other channel. must play the record back through a decoder,
ANRS, Super ANRS: A noise -reduction sys- Expressed in decibels relative to the desired but the system is designed so that a record
tem used by JVC, ANRS operates on princi- channel output, with values of 20 to 30 dB played without decoding is quite listenable.
ples similar to those used by the Dolby system. (the higher figure being preferable) through
Therefore, there is a degree of compatibility most of the audible frequency range being Damping: Fhe application of a mechanical re-
between recordings made with either noise -re- typical of good cartridges. sistance, such as a rubber or silicone material,
duction system. to the cantilever pivot to reduce the amplitude
Circumaural: A headphone in which the ear- of a resonance.
Antiskating: A system for neutralizing the lat- piece completely surrounds the wearer's ear,
eral skating force developed with a tonearm and is sealed to the head to provide tight bass dbx: A noise -reduction system by which the
having an offset cartridge angle. See Skating coupling. program is compressed before being recorded,
Force. and expanded upon playback to restore the
Closed -Loop Drive: A tape transport mecha- original dynamic range.
Automatic Turntable: A record player whose nism in which the tape's speed and tension are
tone arm is positioned automatically for play- controlled by contact with a capstan at each Decibel (dB): A measure of the ratio between
ing records when a control is operated, and end of the head assembly. two power levels. Doubling or halving the
which shuts off automatically at the end of power corresponds to a 3 -dB change, and 10 -
play. See Record Changer. Coaxial: Tweeters are sometimes mounted in dB corresponds roughly to the audible effect
front of woofers; since each driver fires along of doubling or halving the loudness of a signal
Bias: A high -frequency current which is com- the same axis, they are said to be coaxial. (although it represents a power ratio of 10:1).
bined with the signal being recorded. Neces-
sary for low distortion and noise, and must be Compliance: The ease with which a stylus can Deenaphasis: A form of equalization used in
adjusted for the properties of the tape used. be deflected by the groove wall. FM tuners, complementary to a pre -emphasis
used in transmission. The purpose is to im-
Bidirectional: In open -reel or cassette record- Condenser: A type of electrostatic microphone prove the overall S/N ratio, while maintaining
ers, the ability to play (and, in some cases, characterized by wide frequency range and a uniform frequency response.
record) both stereo track pairs on a tape by re- low distortion.
versing the tape's direction of motion without Dipole: A form of speaker which radiates in
removing and replacing the tape reels or cas- Crossfield Recording: A system in which the approximately equal amounts to the rear and
sette from the tape deck. When referring to Bias is not applied to the tape by the recording the front.
microphones, bidirectional means responding head, but by a separate head on the tape's
equally well to sounds from two opposite di- backing side, so -that the bias/signal will not Direct Drive: A record playing system whose
rections (a figure -8 pattern). partially erase high frequencies as they are be- motor is designed to turn at the record speed.
ing recorded. No intermediate coupling devices are used,
Biradial: See Elliptical. and the platter rests directly on the motor
Crossover Network: A filter which passes low shaft. Direct -drive motors generally utilize
Cantilever: The rod, or tube, that supports the frequencies to a woofer, middle frequencies to electronic speed control.
stylus at its free end, is pivoted a or near its a mid -range driver (in three-way systems) and
other end, and transfers the stylus motion to high frequencies to a tweeter. Frequencies out- Dispersion: The spread of a speaker's high fre-
the generating elements of the cartridge. side the range of each driver are attenuated a quencies, measured in degrees.

Distortion: An undesired change in the wave- Electret: A permanently polarized form of sound system's ability to reproduce all audible
form of a signal. With a single frequency (sine condenser microphone. frequencies supplied to it.
wave) signal, distortion appears as harmonics
(multiples) of the input frequency. The rms Electronic Speed Control: A system whereby a Graphic Equalizer: A multi -band equalizer
(effective a.c. point) sum of all harmonic dis- motor's speed is controlled by feedback from a whose controls are sliders, so that their
tortion components, is known as total harmon- frequency -sensing circuit attached to the de- settings can be seen as a rough graph of their
ic distortion, or THD. When a two-tone test vice being powered. frequency response characteristics. See also
signal is used, distortion components appear at Equalization.
frequencies which are sums and differences of Electrostatic: A drive system for speakers and
multiples of the input frequencies. Their mag- headphones using a thin plastic membrane, or Head: A magnetic component containing a
nitude is expressed as intermodulation (IM) diaphragm, suspended in a high -voltage elec- coil through which a signal current is passed,
distortion, which is more distressing to hear trostatic field, whose variation by the signal and a narrow gap in its pole structure against
than THD. voltage moves the entire diaphragm to create a which the tape presses.
sound pressure wave.
Dolby: Three companding (compressing/ex- Hz: The standard abbreviation of Hertz, the
panding) noise -reduction systems developed Elliptical Stylus: A stylus whose cross-section, unit of frequency; one cycle per second.
for tape recording. (Dolby B has also been as seen from above, is an ellipse placed across
adapted to FM broadcasting.) Dolby A, the the record groove. Elliptical styli can more i-f Rejection: The ability of a superheterodyne
professional version of the system, provides 10 readily trace the finer high -frequency modula- AM or FM tuner's i-f circuits to reject exter-
dB of noise reduction. Dolby B, the most com- tions of the groove that spherical styli can. nal interference at the intermediate frequency.
monly used consumer version, also produces
10 dB of NR, while Dolby C, the newer con- Equalization: An intentional departure from Image Rejection: The ability of a superhetero-
sumer version, doubles that. Dolby C is basi- response flatness to compensate for comple- dyne receiver to ignore signals removed from
cally two Dolby B circuits operating one after mentary characteristics introduced elsewhere the desired frequency by twice the intermedi-
the other. Basically, Dolby works by increas- in the system (as with discs, tape, and FM ate frequency (10.7 MHz in home FM receiv-
ing the high -frequency (treble) sounds during broadcasting). Also used to correct for re- ers, 455 kHz in home AM receivers.
recording and decreasing them during play- sponse deficiencies in speakers and other
back, which restores them to their original lev- components. Impedance: A speaker's opposition to the flow
el, so the tape hiss added during recording is of an alternating current, which varies with
decreased during playback. Expander: A device used to restore natural dy- frequency.
namic range by counteracting the compression
Driver: Any individual speaker within a sys- of dynamic range used in the making of re- Infinite Baffle: A fully sealed box enclosing
tem, such as the woofer, tweeter. etc. cordings and in broadcasting. the speaker.

Dual Capstan: See Closed Loop. Filter: A circuit that attenuates signals above Integrated Amplifier: A single component
or below a specific frequency without materi- combining the functions and circuitry of a
Dynamic: (When referring to speakers): A ally affecting signals in its pass -band. power amplifier and preamplifier.
speaker drive principle using the interaction
between the magnetic field surrounding a Flutter: The audible effect of short-term Intermodulation (IM): See Distortion.
voice coil carrying a signal current and a fixed record speed fluctuations, occurring at a loss
magnetic field to move the coil and the cone to audio or an infrasonic rate (0.5 to 200 Hz). Line: A term used to denote a high-level signal
which it is attached. This causes a frequency modulation of the input or output circuit. Line level is usually of
program material, heard as a wavering or the order of a volt, as distinguished from the
Dynamic: (When referring to headphones): A roughness of the sound. It is described as a microphone level of the order of millivolts.
headphone driver using a voice coil in a mag- percentage of rated speed; the smaller this per-
netic field, driving a paper or plastic dia- centage, the less audible the flutter. The per- Loudness Compensation: A form of equaliza-
phragm as in a speaker. centage is generally combined with wow. (See tion, coupled with the volume control, that
Wow.) It is often "weighted" (wrms) so that it progressively emphasizes low frequencies (and
Dynamic Range: The ratio between the maxi- corresponds to the average human hearing sometimes also high frequencies) relative to
mum signal level and the background noise. response. the middle frequencies as the volume is re-
Expressed in decibels (dB). duced. Intended to correct for the human ear's
FM (Frequency Modulation): A process in natural loss of hearing sensitivity at the fre-
Echo: A special recording effect, where a por- which the program information is imposed on quency extremes when sound level is reduced.
tion of the recorded program is taken from the a carrier signal of constant amplitude by vary-
playback head, a short interval after being re- ing its instantaneous frequency in proportion Magnetic: A type of cartridge which generates
corded, and mixed with the incoming pro- to the program level. Used on the FM broad- its signal from the relative motions of a mag-
gram. Principally used at tape speeds greater cast band (88 to 108 MHz). netic field and a coil or coils (either the field of
than 3% ips, where the delayed signal is not the coils may move, depending on cartridge
heard as a separate sound. Four Track (Quarter Track): A tape format design). The output is proportional to the ve-
in which the width of the tape is recorded in locity of the stylus motion.
Efficiency: The percentage of the electrical in- four parallel magnetic tracks, separated by
put power to a speaker that is converted to narrow unrecorded guard bands. Mass (tip): The combined effect of the mass
acoustic energy. Varies from a small fraction of the diamond stylus, its mounting, the canti-
of one percent to as much as ten percent or Frequency Response: Always specified as a lever rod, and the generating elements, as ex-
more, depending on the design of the speaker. range, such as 50 to 15,000 Hz; but in order to perienced by the record groove which must ac-
Higher efficiency means that less electrical be meaningful it must be further defined in celerate that mass.
amplifier power is required for a given listen- terms of decibel variation from absolute flat-
ing volume, but is not directly related to sound ness over a specified frequency range (e.g., ±3 Memory Counter (or Rewind): A system
quality. dB from 50 to 15,000 Hz). An indication of a which allows the tape to be rewound automat -


ically to any predetermined point on the tape. Level Meter whose needle rises quickly and moment to moment. It is intended as an aid in
falls back at moderate speed, permitting the setting the recording levels to ensure that the
Molecular Film: A type of piezoelectric operator to judge the levels of transient peak tape is neither overloaded with excessive levels
speaker. waveforms. or "under -recorded" with too little signal, al-
lowing hiss and other noise to intrude.
Monitor Head: A separate playback head on Piezoelectric (cartridge): A type of cartridge
some tape recorders that makes it possible to whose generating element is a ceramic, crystal Ribbon ( microphone): A type of microphone
listen to the material on the tape an instant af- or electret which generates electncity when using a light metal foil ribbon in a powerful
ter it has been recorded, and while the record- bent, twisted or stressed. The output of such magnetic field. Widely used in studios.
ing is still in progress. cartridges can be fairly high. It is also propor-
tional to the amplitude of the stylus motion, Ribbon (speaker): A form of high -frequency
Motional Feedback: Correction of a speaker's rather than the stylus velocity. driver using a light ribbon' suspended in a
response by feeding information about its mo- magnetic field to generate sound when current
tion back to the amplifier. The amplifier then Piezoelectric (speaker): A speaker drive prin- is passed through it. In its basic form, a very
compares the speaker's motions with its own ciple using a ceramic element which expands high quality but fragile high frequency driver.
output and changes this output in such a way or bends under the application of a signal volt-
as to counteract any changes (distortions) cre- age. This deflection generates a sound output. Rumble: The audible effect of low -frequency
ated by the speaker. Used in some tweeter designs. vibration transmitted from the motor or other
moving parts to the record or the tonearm.
Moving -coil: A type of magnetic cartridge in Pitch Control: A circuit which permits a turn- Heard (as a hum or rumbling sound) only
which the coils, connected to the stylus, move table's speed to be varied slightly. when the pickup stylus is on a rotating record.
within a stationary magnetic field. Rumble is measured in dB below a specified
Polar Response: The variation of output, at signal level.
MPX Filter, Multiplex Filter: Circuits to re- any given frequency, at different angles to the
move 19 kHz tones from a signal to be record- forward axis of symmetry of the speaker, in Saturation: An effect that occurs when a tape
ed, in order to prevent audible interference be- general, it will be different in horizontal and is fully magnetized, and further increase of sig-
tween the tape recorder's bias signal and the vertical planes, as well as with frequency. See nal input level does not produce a correspond-
19 -kHz pilot tone in the output signal from a Dispersion. ing increase in recorded level. Saturation can
stereo FM tuner or receiver. also occur in the magnetic structure of the
Port: An opening in a speaker enclosure, per- heads.
Multipath: A condition in which a signal mitting the bass radiation from the pack of the
reaches the receiving antenna over two or woofer cone to be combined with its forward Selectivity: The ability of a tuner to reject un-
more paths of different lengths. The resulting radiation to enhance the total response. wanted signals on nearby channels. Abbreviat-
interference causes distortion in the receiver, ed sel.
as well as loss of stereo channel separation. Power Output: FTC rules require that amplifi-
er power be measured with all channels oper- Self -Energizing: A type of electrostatic phone
Multiplex: The system used to transmit two ating, after a standard pre -conditioning period which uses the stepped -up signal voltage to
stereo program channels on a single FM carri- to bring amplifier components to their maxi- supply the d.c. polarizing voltage required for
er in such a form that the complete program mum working temperature. Advertised power operation.
(left plus right channels) can be heard on a must be expressed in the form: "50 watts mini-
mono FM tuner. A multiplex demodulator in mum rms per channel into 8 ohms with less Sensitivity: In FM, the signal strength a tuner
the tuner converts the composite received pro- than 0.3% harmonic distortion from 20 Hz to requires in order to reduce noise and distor-
gram to its two -channel form. 20,000 Hz." The manufacturer is free to estab- tion to specified levels. "Quieting sensitivity"
lish its own power, frequency, and distortion measures the input signal needed to reduce
Noise: Any unwanted signal unrelated to the ratings, and implicit in the rating is the state- noise and distortion to 50 dB below the output
desired signal and tending to obscure it. In au- ment that rated distortion will not be exceeded audio signal level, a fairly listenable condition.
dio, noise is usually heard as hiss (random at any power from 0.25 watts to rated power. "Usable sensitivity" defines the signal level
noise) or as hum (the power line frequency needed to reduce noise and distortion to 30 dB
and its harmonics). Preamplifier: Also known as control amplifi- below the audio output, a condition noisy
er, or control center. A switching, amplifica- enough to render "usable" a misnomer. Sensi-
Omnidirectional: Emitting or responding to tion, and equalization component designed to tivity is usually stated both in microvolts (p.V)
sound equally in all directions. Frequently ap- select input signals, amplify them and deliver of signal across the tuner's 300 -ohm input (fig-
plied to speakers that are only "omni" in the an output voltage to a power amplifier. ures across the 75 -ohm input would be lower)
forward or upward hemisphere. and in "dBf'-decibels above a signal level of
Quarter Track: See Four Track. one femtowatt (10 'V W), equivalent to 0.55
Pause Control: A feature of some tape record- 1.1.V into 300 ohms. When referring to micro-
ers that make it possible to stop the movement Radial Tonearm: A tonearm that moves along phones, it is a measurement of the electrical
of tape temporarily without switching the ma- a track parallel to the record radius, maintain- output of a microphone for a given sound
chine from "play" or "record." ing perfect tangency to the groove. Sometimes pressure level at its diaphragm. Also used to
called straight line tracking arm or linear - mean efficiency. Abbreviated sens.
Peak Indicator: An indicator, usually of the tracking arm.
flashing -light type, showing when transient Semiautomatic: Having automatic arm return
signal levels exceed a recorder's ability to han- Record Changer: A type of automatic turnta- and motor shut-off at the end of a record, but
dle them without distortion. Such indicators ble capable of playing a stack of records (usu- no automatic start and tonearm set -down at
are often used to supplement Recording -Level ally 6 to 10) in sequence. the beginning of play.
Meters, which usually indicate average signal
levels. Recording -Level Meter: An indicator on a Servo Control: A technique by which the
tape recorder that provides some idea of the speed or position of a moving device is forced
Peak -Reading meter: A type of Recording - signal levels being applied to the tape from into conformity with a desired, or standard

speed or position. The speed of a servo -con- low the owner of a recorder with separate re-
trolled turntable is established by a precision cording and playback heads to listen to a tape
voltage or frequency standard, to which it is
compared and automatically adjusted to re-
as it's recorded, ensuring it is being recorded
properly. They also allow the use of external
ac-alternating current
duce the difference to a minimum with elec- signal -processing devices such as equalizers, amp-amplifier
tronic speed control). noise reducers and expanders, and are some- CD-Compact Disc
times known as "external processor loops" for CrOi-chromium dioxide
Shibata Stylus: The first of several multi -radi- that reason. dB-decibel
al stylus designs, with two flat facets forming a dBf-decibel femtowatt
vee-shaped "prow" in front, and a blunter Tension Arm: An arm, or feeler, over which de-direct current
stern. The main claimed advantage is that the SE-extra efficiency
the tape rides as it enters or leaves the heads of
stylus's sharp edges can easily track ultra -fine, EIA-Electronic Industries
a tape recorder. It is lightly spring loaded to Association
high -frequency modulations. take up any tape slack and maintain a uniform - EIAJ-Electronic Industries Association
tension, in order to reduce flutter. Should the of Japan
Signal -to -Noise Ratio (S/N): See Dynamic tape end or break, the arm causes the trans- EQ-equalization
Range. port to shut off. F-Farad
Skating Force: A frictional force between the THD: Total Harmonic Distortion. See FET-field-effect transistor
pickup stylus and the record material, tending Distortion. FR-frequency response
to move the pickup toward the center of the g-gram(s)
record. It is present only when the cartridge is HX-headroom extension
Tonearm: The portion of a record player that Hz-Hertz (cycles per second)
offset at an angle tracking error. See supports the phono cartridge and maintains it IC-integrated circuit
Antiskating. in the correct relationship to the record sur- IEC-International Electrotechnical
face and the spiral groove. Commission
Sound -on -Sound: A process in which a pro- IEEE-Institute of Electrical and
gram is recorded first on one track, then Tone Control: A circuit designed to increase Electronic Engineers
played back and re-recorded with added mate- or decrease the amplification in a specific fre- i-f-intermediate frequency
rial on the other track. quency range, with little or no effect at other IHF-Institute of High Fidelity
IM-intermodulation (distortion)
frequencies. Bass tone controls usually affect
Subwoofer: A speaker designed only to handle
frequencies below a turnover frequency which ips-inches per second
very low frequencies, usually from a top of 100 may vary between 100 and 1.000 Hz. Treble k-one thousand
Hz to a bottom below 20 Hz. tone controls are typically "hinged" to affect kHz-kiloHertz
frequencies above 1,500 Hz. The range of a LCD-liquid-crystal display
Super-Cardioid: Similar to cardioid (see tone control (the maximum amount by which LED-light-emitting diode
above) but with a narrower response lobe. it can vary the amplification within its operat- UR-left/right
ing range) is typically about +15 dB, but may LSI-large-scale integrated (circuit)
Supertweeter: A tweeter used only for be as low as +7 dB or as great as +20 dB. m-meter (as in SPL/W/m)
extemely high frequencies; usually in 4 -way or m-milli (one thousandth)
5 -way systems. MC-moving coil
Tracking Error: The angle between the front - MM-moving magnet
rear axis of the phono cartridge and a line tan- MNOS-Metallic nitrogen -oxide
Statically Balanced Arm: A type of tonearm gent to the record groove. Ideally it should be semiconductor
whose masses arc first balanced about the piv- zero, but can be maintained at less than 0.5 de- MOL-maximum output level
ot, then unbalanced to provide tracking force. grees per inch of playing radius in a well de- MOSFET-metal-oxide semiconductor
signed tonearm. Excessive error can cause in- field-effect transistor
Spherical Stylus: A stylus whose shape is con- creased distortion. mm-millimeter
ical with the downward -facing point of the MPX-multiplex
cone rounded to a specified radius of curva- µ-micro (one millionth)
Tracking Force: The vertical force (in grams) mV-milli volt
ture usually 0.5 to 0.7 mil. exerted by the stylus on the record groove. NAB-National Association of
Must be high enough to keep the stylus in con- Broadcasters
Stylus: The specially shaped jewel tip (normal- tact with the groove at all times. nWb-nanoWeber
ly a diamond) that rides in a record groove NR-noise reduction
and follows the variations in groove shape and Tweeter: A high -frequency driver. PLL-phase-locked loop
position. Its motion is transmitted through the P-P-peak-to-peak, push-pull
supporting cantilever to the generating ele- Two-way, Three-way: Refers to the number of RF (or r-f)-radio frequency
ments in the cartridge. Styli come in several frequency bands a speaker's output is divided RIAA-Recording Industry Association
shapes, such as Elliptical. Spherical, and of America
into. A two-way system would divide the spec-
Shibata. rms-root mean square
trum into two such bands, one of which would sel-selectivity
be handled by a woofer or woofers, the other sens-sensitivity
Synthesizer: A system for generating a precise by a tweeter or tweeters. A three-way system sep-separation
and stable frequency whose accuracy is deter- would have one or more woofers, midrange S/N-signal to noise (ratio)
mined by a quartz crystal oscillator, instead of speakers and tweeters. Systems up to five -way SPL-sound pressure level
inductance/capacitance tuned circuits. have been marketed. THD-total harmonic distortion
TIM-transient intermodulation
Tape Monitor: An interruption in the signal Woofer: A low -frequency driver.
path of a preamplifier, from which the selected VHS-Video Home System
input signal is supplied to an external tape re- VU-volume unit
Wow: The audible effect of a low -frequency W-watt(s)
corder. and to which the playback output of flutter, occurring at a rate of 0.5 to 10 Hz. W&F-wow and flutter
the recorder is returned for further amplifica- Most audible and objectionable on sustained Wb-Weber
tion and processing. Tape monitor circuits al- tones. See Flutter. wrms-weighted root mean square

To eliminate the major flaws
of cone -shaped speakers
we created speakers without a cone.
Technics Honeycomb Disc Speakers.

One of the unfortunate aspec:s of

the conventional audio speaker is the
speaker design itself: a cone -shaped
diaphragm that performs with ur -
desirable dips and peaks in frequency
response. The result is reproduct on
that can be less than accurate.
Technics has eliminated this problem
by eliminating the cone. Instead Technics
uses an ingenious, flat speaker called the
Honeycomb Disc. This flat Honeycomb
Disc is extremely rigid and lightweight.
So it responds quickly and with superb
accuracy to the most delicate or the
most dynamic musical signal. And can
handle a wider range of frequencies
than conventional speakers without
creating distortion.
Another problem of conventional
speakers is that each speaker cone is
mounted at a slightly different distance
from your ears. So you hear each musical
frequency at a slightly different time.
But the revolutionary design of the
Technics flat Honeycomb Disc ensures
precise speaker alignment. You hear the
musical frequencies the way you're
supposed to: all at the same time.
In fact, Technics Honeycomb Disc
Speakers are so well engineered, they
achieve Waveform Fidelity: the speaker
output signal is virtually a mirror -image
of the input signal.
And because of this Honeycc mb
Disc technology, these speakers are
capable of reproducing the exceptional
sound of digital recordings.
But perhaps best of all, the price of
all this technology is remarkably modest.
Hear how eliminating the speaker
cone can add to your music. Ex3enence
the startling fidelity of Honeycomb
Disc Speakers from Technics.

The science of sound

0 000000

30 years ago Harman Kardon in- used High Current Capabi

troduced the world's first high fidelity in our products and we are pres-
receiver. It was built on the philosophy ently using it in all of our receivers and
that quality audio must evolve from creative, amplifiers.
quality thinking.
The hk870 100 Watt3 power amplifier, our
Over the years, Harman Kardon continued to intro- newest product, carries this philosophy even
duce original audio theories that were truly "state -of - further. The hk870 has an exceptional 60 Amps of
the -mind", each proving so successful that they were High Instantaneous Current Capability and maintains
immediately absorbed into the marketplace as "state- a negative feedback level of only 12dB.
The hk870 is matched by the hk825 preamplifier.
For example, in 1958, Harman Kardon developed the The hk825 offers dual RIAA equalization circuitry in the,
first stereo receiver. A state -of -the -mind theory that in- phono section, a discrete Moving Coil head amplifier
stantaneously became state-of-the-art. and Ultrawidebandwidth of 0.1Hz to 180kHz delivering
Harman Kardon, in 1970, saw the need for a noise extremely pure, transparent sound.
reduction system for recording tapes and became the So, while other manufacturers continue to pile on un-
first company to use Dolby' in a cassette deck. neccessary features and performance reducing gim-
Now, Harman Kardon's most important state -of -the - micks, Harman Kardon continues to fine tune the
mind concept, High Current Capability, has turned basics and develop fundamentally advanced audio
state-of-the-art. A recently published paper2 states that
in order for an amplifier to properly drive loudspeakers 1. Dolby is the registered trademark of Dolby Laboratories Inc.
it must have the High Current Capability to instanta- 2. "Input Current Requirements of High Quality Loudspeaker Sys-
neously generate as much as 6 times its rated power tems", published and presented to the AES by Dr. Matti Otala. For a
copy of this paper, write to Harman Kardon.
into a 1.33 Ohm load. Harman Kardon 3. 100 Watts RMS per channel, into 8 Ohms, 20Hz-20kHz
has consistently with less than .06% THD.

harman / kardon
Our state -of -the -mind is tomorrow's state-of-the-art.

240 Crossways Park West Woodbury. NY 11/9/ In M,ithetirly Ouetw, For more intortikitlori call toll -free 1-(800) 528-6050 ext 870

HK 1983
150 Marcus Blvd 11787
31316 Via Colinas Ste 103. Westlake Village, CA 91362 .


AAL 'American Acoustics Labsl
629 :Arm Cermak Rd. Chicago. IL 60616 1447 N Caroian Ave Burhngame. CA 94010


ACCULAB by RTR INDUSTRIES 1407 N .,lence Rd. Columbia. MO 65201
811e Doering Ave Canoga Park. CA 91304 10 Tnpps Lane. East Providence. RI 02914


286 Brentwood Dr Hudson. OH 44236 146 East Fost Rd White Plains. NY 10601
ore Ed,: Post Rd White Plains. NY 10601
1200 Markham Rd. No 506. Scarborough. Ontario. Canada MIH3C3
PO Box 653 Buffalo. NY 14240 DUAL (d. of Adcoml
ACE AUDIO CO. 11 Elkins Rd East Brunswick. NJ 08816
532 5117 St. East Northport. NY 17731
515 Busse Rd. Elk Grove Village. IL 60007 DUBIE CORPORATION
ACOUSTAT CORPORATION 221 Crane St. . Dayton. OH 45403
3701 S Foto tuderdale FL 33315
BASF SYSTEMS (BASF Wyandotte Corp .1
10 Crosby Or Bedford. MA 01730 DYNAVECTOR SYSTEMS U.S.A.
ACOUSTICAL PHYSICS LABS 1721 Newport Circle. Santa Ana, CA 92705
151 611-1 St 53.
Rte 148 East Durham. NY 12423 EGO SYSTEMS LOUDSPEAKERS
ACOUSTIC DESIGN GROUP 50 Werman Cl. Plainview. NY 11803
.4 ',' Sox 65. E Rochester. MY 14445 ELECTRO-VOICE INC. (Gutton Industries. Inc.)
600 Cecil St. Buchanan. MI 49107
297 Pine Ave. Goleta. CA 93017
ACOUSTIC RESEARCH (Teledyne Acoustic Reseaichu 75 &star e t -nack. NY 11725 ELITE INDUSTRIES
301 E 79th St. II M NY NY 10021
10 American Dr. Norwood. MA 02062
B.E.S. IBertaui .roacoustic Systems. Inc I
ADC. Audio Dynanscs Corp IDIs BSR. USA. Ltd
1055 Steeart Ave Garden City. NY 11530
Pickett Distnct Rd. New Miliford. CT 067 76
BEYER/DYNAMIC Sums Audiotronics. Inc
.1. NY 11801 EPI (Epic..ire Products. Inc
ADCOM 25 Hale Sr Newburyport MA 01950
's Rd. East Brunswick. NJ 08816


9r, -.1 Barnes Rd. Portland, Oregon 97225 EPICURE PRODUCTS, INC.
ADC .., of BSR. USA)
25 Hale St.. Newburyport. MA 01950
fr r Blauvelt. NY 10913
., Ell Dr Richardson. TX 75081 ERCONA CORP.
ADS .,-alog Z. Dalai Systems. Inc 125 Wilbur PI. PO Box 161 Bohemia. NY 11716
C)", '',,J1t'SS Way. Wilmington. MA 01887
BLAUPUNKT (Robert Bosch Corp
,urn 25M Ave Broadview. IL 60153 ESS. INC.
ADVENT Dv Intl Jensen inc. an Esmatk CO
9613 Oatas Dr. Sacramento. CA 95827
4136 N 1 1,4, Per Park. IL 60176
35 Oslo,: Ike NJ 07074 . 1

21374 Lassen St , Chatsworth. CA 91311



Younkers. NY 10701
540 Nepperhan Ave
800 N' .,) 6010 Compton, CA 90220
AKG ACOUSTICS ,ops Audio Video Systems Ccrp 68 Holmes Rd. Newington. CT 06111 FRAZIER, INC.
- CT 06902
PO Box 34216. 1930 Valley View Lane. Dallas. TX 75234

57A Weslmore Dr Resdale, Ontario. Canada M9V3Y6 FRIED PRODUCTS COMPANY

AL ARON INC 7616 C,S Line Ave, Philadelphia. PA 19151
- 90, 6() Troy MI 48099
Route 303. Blauvelt. NY 10913 FUJI MAGNETIC PRODUCTS IFu1 Photo Film USA. Inc
ALLISON ACOUSTICS. INC. 350 C.Ith Ave New York. NY 10001
254 First Ave N Mtnneapohs. MN 55401 FUJITSU TEN CORP. OF AMERICA
ALLSOP INC. 19281 Pgctfic Gateway Dr. Torrance, CA 90502
PO Box 664. 74034 N E 193 Place. Woodinville. FULTRON (Arthur Fulmer Electronics Ow I
WA 98072 PO Boo 177 122 Gayoso at 2nd. Memphis. TN 38101


Box 521. Kunrholm Di_ Holhston. MA 01746 30 Rich St. Greenbrae. CA 94904


12250 Montague ST . Arleta. CA 91331 60 Da Veto Dr.. Bohemia. NY 11716


4705 5500 Rosecrans alvd Lawndale. CA 90260 400 S Wyman St.. Rockford. IL 61101


R.B. ANNIS CO. PO Box 5046. Berkeley. CA 94705
701 N Delaware St Indianapolis. IN 46202 359C Governors Hwy, S Windsor. CT 06074


ARCAM (USA) INC. Electrons Park, Syracuse. NY 13221
West Lake Rd 2141 Terrace Ln. Sloneate. NY 13152 5362 Rolsa Ave Huntington Beach. CA 92649


ASIATIC CORPORATION Newington Park. Newington. NH 03801
Corner Harbor .6 Jackson Sts Conneaut. OH 44030 6025 Yolanda Ave Tarzana. CA 91356


AUDIO CONTROL CORPORATION 1227 Mgt Whitman. Melville. NY 11747
6520112th St SW Lynnwood. WA 98036 7474 Pathfinde. '3 earl. VA 22101


AUDIOMOBILE PO Boo 141, Englewood. CO 80151
7/1 W 17 St Rldg A7 Costa Mesa. CA 92627 921 W ton. CA 90220


AUDIONICS 14225 Ventura Blvd Sherman Oaks. CA 91423
PO Box 969. University Sta . Portland. OR 97207 1718 W Mishawaka Rd.. Elkhart. IN 46514


AUDIOPHILE SYSTEMS PO Box .5046. Berkeley. CA 94705
6542 Hawthorne Park Dove. Inchanapolos. IN 46220 10843 Ursala Dr, Willow Springs. IL 60408


601 Old Willets Path. Hauppauge, NY 11787 4614 Seventh Ave Brooklyn, NY 11220
Way. Lanham. MD 20801


Pkwy. Minneapolis. MN 55430 Main St. Rindge Center, NH 03467


Foster City. CA 94404 71 Chapel St Newton. MA 02195


4 670 Airport Blvd. Ann Arbor. MI 48704 5910 Crescent Blvd, Pennsauken, NJ 08109


1669 Flint Rd. Dosynsvrew. Ont M31 2J7. Cana(*) 8000 Madison Ake. Madison. AL 35758



.iy NY 11797
LAKE (Ercona Corporation)
2493 Merrick Rd., Bellmore, NY 11710

LEAR JET STEREO (Detroit Electronic Group)

15278 Gratrot Detroit. MI 48205


11545 Ave D .14burn, CA 95603
1401 W Estes Ave.. Elk Grove Village. IL 60007


675 Canton St.. Norwood. MA 02062

14 Van Zant St Norwalk. CT 06855
HE YBROOK by MECOM ID Ascanio ti. LINN PRODUCTS LTD. (Audiophile Systems) NAGATRON, Nagatronics Corporation
Hwy. Marathon, FL 33050 6842 .'irk Dr.. Indianapolis. IN 46250 115 Henry St.. Freeport. NY 71520
Blvd Compton. CA 90220 38 Clv. Warren, PA 16365 1101 Colorado Ave.. Santa Monica. CA 90401
-4ton Ave N. Minneapolis, MN 55412 PO Box 338. Stone Mountain. GA 30086 741 Washington St New York. NY 10014
';! Saginaw. MI 48603 PO Box 5046. Berkeley. CA 94705 7801 E Compton Blvd Paramount, CA 90723
Oser Ave Hauppauge. NY 11787
INDUCED MAGNET SYSTEMS (IMS) LUXMAN (Alpine Eleclronics of America)
., St Freeport. NY 11520 3102 kashrwa St.. Torrance. CA 90505 NILES AUDIO CORP.
PO Box 160818. Miami. FL 33116
INFINITY SYSTEMS, INC. MAGNAVOX 13824 SW 142nd Ave. Miami, FL 33116
7930 Deering Ave Canoga Park, CA 91304 (North American Philips)
I 40 8 Straw Plains Prke. Knoxville. TN 37914 NORELCO by PHILIPS AUTO AUDIO
INTEGREX, INC. 230 Dully Ave HIcksville, NY 11802
PO Box 747. Havertown. PA 19083 MAGNEPAN, INC. (Magneplanar Products)
1645 9th St_ White Bear Lake. MN 55110 NORTRONICS CO., INC. (Recorder Care Dni 1
INTERSEARCH INC. 8101 10 Ave N. Minneapolis. MN 55427
47200 Boston Way. Lanham. MD 20801 MARANTZ CO.. INC. (Subs. Superscope. Inc
20525 Nordholl St Chatsworth, CA 91311 NUMARK ELECTRONICS
IRISH MAGNETIC RECORDING TAPE (Wuhan Nat'l 503 Raritan Center, Edison. NJ 08817
270-78 Newtown Rd.. Plainview. NY 11803 2081 South Main St . Route 17 Middletown. CT 06457 O'SULLIVAN INDUSTRIES INC.
19th 8 Gull Sts.. Lamar. MO 64759
916 Ash St.. Winnetka. IL 60093 2 Chambers St Btnghamten. NY 13903 OHM ACOUSTICS CORPORATION
241 Tele Pl.. Brooklyn. NY 11205
8.500 Balboa Blvd. Northrrdge, CA 91329 805 Woodman Ave . Winslow. IL 61089 OMNISONIX, LTD.
PO Box 430. Middletown Ave . Northford. CT 06472
Esmark Col 60 0.' Moonachie. NJ 07074 ONKYO U.S.A. CORP.
4 736 N United Pkwy Sc r. + n L 60176 200 Wilksams Or.. Ramsey. NJ 07446
JVC CORP. OF AMERICA PO p, canta Clara. CA 95052 ORTOFON
71 Slater Dr Elmwood Park NJ 07407 122 Dupont St. Plainview NY 11803
KEF NY 14240 PANASONIC (Ow Matsushita Electric Corp of America)
425 Sherman Ave
One Panasonic Way. Secaucus. NJ 07094
PO Box 1069 Palate
12250 Monti,:

' Arleta, CA 91331 PDMAGNETICS

PO Box 4499 Wilmington. DE 19807
1315 E Walsoncerner Rd 30745 135 Torbay Rd Markham. Ontarro Canada L3R 107
KINERGETICS INC. 14 Van Zant St. Norwalk. CT 06855 JC PENNEY
6029 Reseda Blvd. Tarzana. CA 91356 1301 Ave of Americas. New York. NY 10019
KINETIC AUDIO INTERNATIONAL LTD. PO Box 60271 Terminal Annex. 701 E Macy St.. PHASE LINEAR IN Intl Jensen Inc . an Esmark CO I
6624 W Irving Park Rd.. Carson. CA 90745 Los Angeles. 1-4 noor: 4136 N United Parkway. Schiller Park. IL 60176
7 Powder Horn Dr Warren. NJ 07060 PO Box 1903 0.1f1S30 Cay ML) 6.1 / /
6400 Youngerman Gale. Jacksonville, FL 32244
PO Box 688. Hope. AR 71801 850 7, Hksy. Dedham. MA 02026
77 Selleck St. Stamford, CT 06902
4129 N Port Washington Ave Milwaukee. WI 532'2 117.F a. Ave.. Newport Beach. CA 92663 230 Dully Ave.. Hicksville. NY 11802
505 E Euclid Ave.. Compton. CA 90224 o CA 90221 101 Sunnyside Blvd.. Plainview, NY 11803
7 Powder Horn Dr. Warren. NJ 07060
5000 Airport Plaza Once, Long Beach. CA 90815
LAKE COMMUNICATIONS. INC. M8K 8 Kreisel Sound Corp.) PML (Ercona Corporation)
5743 Howard St Niles. IL 60648 ' Jefferson Blvd_ Culver City. CA 90230 125 Wilbur PI PO Box 161, Bohemia. NY 11716
PO Box 4t. Livermore. CA 94550 Cankague Rock Rd.. Westbury, NY 11590 1915 Annapolis Rd.. Baltimore. MD 21230

1791 Whittier Ave Costa Mesa. CA 92627

PO Box 5046. Bexkeley. CA 94705


501 Center St.. Huntington. IN 46750

425 Sherman Ave Palo Alto. CA 94036

REALISTIC (Dhi Tandy Corp.)

1300 One Tandy Center. Fort Worth. TX 76102

46.23 Crane St. Long Island City, NY 11101

REVOX (Studer Resit), America. Inc.)

7425 Elm Hill Pike. Nashville, TN 37210

4448 W. Howard St . Skokie. IL 60076


3 Fairfreld Crescent. W. Caldwell, NJ 07006

ROBINS DIVISION (Beniamin Electroproducts. Inc.)

75 Austin Blvd. Commack. NY 11725
".. . We apologize for the stereo image's seeming to come
from your ceiling, but we are experiencing technical difficulties." 8116 Deering Ave.. Canoga Park. CA 91304


25 Hale St Newburydort MA 01950 20600 NordVolt St_ Chatsworth, CA 91311
PO Bor 2369 Woburn MA 01888


SAE (Scientific Audio Electronics. Inc I
775 Hentage Ave Portsmouth. NH 03801 150 Buffalo Ave Freeport, N Y 11520
701 E Macy St. Los Angeles. CA 90012


1832 Tribute Rd. Sude E. Sacramento, CA 95815 701 Heinz Ase Berkeley. CA 94710
1250 Valley Brook Ave. Lyndhurst. NJ 07071


SANYO ELECTRIC INC. :/..7/ Dora St . PO Boo 1085. Sun Valley, CA 91352
1200 W Artesia Blvd Compton. CA 90220 82 Totowa Rd Wayne. N J 07470


SCHOEPS (Posthorn Recordings)
1516 W Magnoha Blvd. Burbank. CA 91506 291 Strawtown Rd. West Nyack. NY 10944
142 W 26 St 10 Floor New York. NY 10001


SCOTCH 66'00 Orangethorpe Ave Buena Park. CA 90620
3M Center. St Paul MN 55101 7711 Landmeier Rd Elk Grove Village, IL 60007

URSA MAJOR, INC. ZAPCO (Zen Advanced Products Co I

Box 18. Belmont. MA 02178 5318 Paradise Rd. Modesto. CA 95351
20 Commerce Way. Woburn. MA 01888


10 W 37 St.. New York NY 10018


,,,, Blvd Medford. NY 11763


Paramus. NJ 07652

SHERWOOD icily of Inkel Corp

500 E Carson Plaza Or.. Suite 221, Carson, CA 90745


222 Hart, ,. 60204

"Mirage speakers represent unusually fine



. Stow. OH 44224 value in sound for the dollar. We
SNELL ACOUSTICS recommend them for use with our
Newburyport MA 01950
r7 ,

27 Rd. Danbury. CT. 06810
Harman Kardon 'A high quality audio system requires the
Sc',." Ridge. NJ 07656
use of uniformly high quality components.
We have found that Mirage loudspeakers
395 Rive, New York. NY 10025 are among the best value in speakers
Pt'." MA 02146

NAD-USA "Accurate loudspeakers are necessary in
2: - s Santa Ana. CA 92705 order to realize the benefits of today's finer
SOUND DYNAMICS components. Wa find that Mirage
(Au.:.Products Intl)
161 Don Park Rd. Markham Ontario. Canada L3R 1C2 loudspeakers amply fulfill that criterion,
SOUND GUARD CORPORATION and at a reasonable price."
348 SI7 ' ' . 133060

Onkyo "Mirage speakers project a seamless,
Milford. PA 18337 open, three-dimensional sound field which
SPEAKERLAB, INC. retains the musical excitement of the
735 N Northiahe Way. Seattle. WA 98103
original performance."
Terminal Or. Plainview. NY 11803


1425 Elm Hill Pike. Nashville. TN 37210

PO Box 5046. Berkeley. CA 94705
Perhaps they know
151 Ludlow SI . Yonkers. NY 10705


PO Boo 5046 Berkeley. CA 94705
something you should.
SUPERSCORE by MARANTZ (Superscope. Inc I
20525 Nordhoff St Chatsworth. CA 91311

5555 North Elston Ave.. Chicago. IL 60630
8116 Deering Ave.,Canoga Park, CA 91304


Labriola Court. Armonk. NY 10504


7733 Telegraph Rd. Montebello. CA 90640


12 Harbor Park Or Pod Washington. NY 11050


7733 Telegraph Rd. Montebello, CA 90640

TECHNICS (Panasonic Co . Div or Matsushita

Electric Corp. of America)
One Panasonic Way. Secaucus. NJ 07094


1633 Broadway. New York. NY 10019


260 S Forge St Akron. OH 44327
Mirage Acoustic!. Unit 7. 1361 Huntingwood Dr_ Scarborough. Ontario. Canada MIS 311. 416-298-3434 in Canada. 617-329-8410 in U S
4 755 Georgetown Rd Lek,nrpon kV 40511

1984 EDITION 27
ADS with 2 dB headroom, 100 W rms into 8 ohms with 1 contour. 130 W/ch into 8 ohms from 20-20,000;
dB headroom at 0.05% THD and 0.1% IM distortion; THD at rated power 0.05%; IMD 0.1% SMPTE; FR
Atelier RI Receiver amplifier S/N > 75 dB phono; ch sep > 55 dB; FM 20-20,000 ±0.5 dB; noise 100 dB. FM section
Stereo receiver with 5 AM/FM station presets, fly- stereo usable sens 15 dBf (1.5 µV) into 75 ohms; FM (stereo, 75 ohms. with charge -coupled detector en-
wheel manual tuning and amplifier clipping indicators. SiN > 76/ > 72 dB mono/stereo at 65 dBf; sep > 40 gaged): usable sens 16.3 dBf (1.78 µV); 50 -dB
Features connections for 2 tape decks and 2 sets of dB. 100-10,000 Hz $1.495 quieting sens 23.5 dBf (4.0 µV); S/N 82 dB at 85
speakers. spring -loaded push terminals: LED digital dBf. 17%,W 15%- H x 5V." D
display. FM usable sens mono 1.0 µV (11.2dBf); $699
Beomaster 5000 Stereo Receiver
50dB quieting sens mono 1.8µV (16.5dBf). stereo AM/FM receiver designed for multi -speaker installa-
21 µV (3.77dBf): THD mono
0.15%. stereo tions. When used with Master Control Links and re-
0.25%; S/N mono 70dB. stereo > 67dB; FR 15- mote speakers, it can provide music throughout a DRA-700 Stereo Receiver
14.000Hz. 4 0.5. 1dB; ch sep -- 40dB at home by remote control. Features auto volume adjust- Stereo AM FM receiver with non-NFB. 0 dB, non -
1.000Hz; capture ratio 1.8 dB; FR 15-14,000 Hz ment to protect against overload; frequency -synthe- switching class A amplifier with oversize power
f 0.5. -1 dB. Amp section: 35 W/ch continuous aver- sized tuner; auto and manual tuning; 9 presets; Auto tranformer, dual FET phono equalizer, all DC con-
age power output into 8 ohms from 20-20.000 Hz Station Lock. Amp sectµ 1: output power 55 W/ch struction. Features MM/MC inputs; dual speaker op-
with 0.1% THD: 40 W/ch into 4 ohm load. FR tape, into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz; HD "0.02% eration; electronic switching; tape dubbing; loudness.
10-75.000 Hz i 0, 1.5 dB, phono conforms to DIN/IEC; THD "0.09% IHF: dynamic headroom 1 dB tone subsonic filter controls; auto scan of digital
RIAA equalization +0.5 dB from 40-20,000 Hz; in- into 8 ohms, 2 dB into 4 ohms; IMD " 0.15% IHF: FR quartz-PLL synmthesized tuning with 8 AM and 8 FM
put sens tape 50 mV into 200k ohms. phono 400 µV 20-20,000 Hz 1-1.5 dB phono and tape; S/N > 74 presets: high -gloss wood side panels. Power output
at 1.000 Hz into 47k ohms: S/N tape - 83dB, phono dB phono A -weighted. FM section: usable sens 17 dBf 60 W ,ch rms into 8 ohms 20-20,000 Hz 0.015%
73dB; 17.52"W 2.76"H 14.84"D: 17.4 (2 µV) 75 ohms stereo; 50 -dB quieting sens 42 dBf THD; IM 0.01% (1 kHz, 8 ohms); Sr N 84 dB MM. 70
lbs $500 (35 µV) 75 ohms stereo; FR 20-15,000 Hz 1-1.5 dB MC. 95 dB tape/Aux; RIAA deviation 20-20.000
dB; distortion at 65 dBf 0.35% stereo; capture ratio Hz t 0.3 dB; FM usable sens 1.8 µV (10.3 dBf); ef-
AKAI 1.8 dB. 16%" , 3" , 13'; 18 lb 11 oz $1.195 fective sel 70 dB; SiN stereo 78 dB, mono 81 dB;
THD stereo 0.15%, mono 0.07%; FR 20-15.000 Hz
AA -R42 AM/FM-Stereo Receiver Beomaster 6000 FM Receiver 0.2 dB. -1.0 dB: AM usable sens 300 µV: S/N 55
Stereo receiver with Zero Drive Circuit, moving -coil I ow -profile FM -stereo receiver with full -feature re- dB: power consumption 180 W; 18.6"W - 4.5"H
(MC) cartridge capability. Features dc servo amplifier: mote control. Features 7 buttons for 1 -touch selec- 16.4"0
subsonic filter; 12 -segment fluorescent power me- $549
tion of volume, up and down volume scan buttons,
ters; digital quartz synthesized tuning; single -screen hidden slide -type preset volume control; illuminated DRA-400 Stereo Receiver
fluorescent display for all functions; 20 presets, scale that displays volume settings; digital display FM- AM FM -stereo receiver with digital quartz-PLL tuning.
autoscanning capability; random-access tuning; stereo tuner with auto. manual. mono tuning modes; 5 AM/5 FM presets. Features nonswitching class -A.
acoustic memory: auto fader; tape dubbing. Output slide -type balance, bass, treble controls; FM tuning full direct -coupled amplifier; oversize power trans-
power 60 W ch min rms into 8 ohms 20-20.000 Hz display doubles as clock display; loudness switch former: MC phono head amplifier: fixed time con-
at 0.008% THD $430 Output power 75 W/ ch into 8 ohms. 20-20.000 Hz stant, positive center defeat tone controls; wood side
AA -R32. Similar to AA -R42 except no moving -coil car- at 0.08% THD; dynamic headroom 0.7 dB; IM dis panels optional. Output power 45 W/ch into 8 ohms,
tridge capability or random-access tuning; 16 pre- tortion - 0.05%; FR 20-20,000 Hz & 1.5 dB: damp- 20-20,000 Hz at no more than 0.05% THD: IMD
sets. Output power 45 Wich $330 ing factor > 60; input sens/imp 0.22 mV/47k ohms 0.03%, 60/7k Hz mixed 4:1; damping factor > 80 at
phono, 22 mV/200k ohms tape 500 mV/15-475k 1 kHz into 8 ohms; input sens/imp 2.5 mV/47k
AA -R22 AM/FM-Stereo Receiver ohms line; S/N A -weighted > 75 dB phono, > 78 dB ohms MM. 0.25 mV/100 ohms MC: phono overload
Stereo receiver with dc servo amplifier section, digital tape; sep -450 dB; output level/imp 530/1k ohms 200 mV MM, 20 mV MC; S/N 80 dB MM. 62 dB MC,
quartz synthesized tuning. Features single -screen flu- tape. 500 mV/Ik ohms line, 14 V/200 ohms head- 95 dB tape and AUX, RIAA deviation & 0.5 dB, 20-
orescent display for all functions; 12 presets, auto phones. FM section: mono/stereo usable sens 15 20,000 Hz; FM usable sens 1.8 µV (10.3 dBf); FM
scan capability; acoustic memory; auto fader: tape dBf (1.5 jAV); S/N mono/stereo -> 75/ > 72 dB at 65 sel 77 dB; FM S/N 71 dB at 0.15% THD stereo; AM
dubbing. Output power 30 W/ch min rms into 8 dBf: sep 40 dB. 100-10.000 Hz; FR 20-15.000 sel 55 dB; AM S. 55 dB; power consumption 130
ohms. 20-20.000 Hz at 0.05% THD $250 Hz t- 1 dB: distortion mono/stereo '-0.2%/ W: 17.5'W 16.5"D 4.5"1-1 $400
- 0.18%; capture ratio 1.8; adjacent/alternate-ch sel
AA -RI AM/FM Stereo Receiver > 6/ > 65 dB; spurious/image/i-f response ratio DRA-300 Stereo Receiver
Features easy -to -read dial with LED pointer; flywheel - > 110/ -- 86''12O dB; AM suppression /subcarrier Nonswitching class A amplifier with digital quartz PLL
assisted tuning knob; speaker A & B selector; loud- rejection > 63/ > / > 72 dB; 20% W > 15" D x 6'H; synthesized tuning system. 5 AM + 5 FM presets and
ness control; tape monitor. bass, and treble controls; 32 lb $895 memory hold of last tuned ch. Direct coupled, dis-
electronic circuit protection; tuning and FM stereo
crete output construction. Features 2 -speaker opera-
LED indicator; detachable AM loop antenna. 22 W ch
tion (A,B. A + B), tape dubbing, loudness and tone
min rms at 8 ohms with no more than 0.3% THD: FM CARVER controls, subsonic filter. Woodgrain side panels op-
sens (IHF) 12.7 dBf; FM sel 60 dB $170 tional. Output 33 W/ch rms 20-20,000 Hz at no

The Receiver
BANG & OLUFSEN AM/FM-stereo receiver designed to have noise -free
stereo FM and adequate power for digital discs. Fea-
Beomaster 8000 FM -Stereo Receiver tures PLL fully digital synthesized AM/FM stereo tun-
Remote -controlled FM -stereo receiver with 9 FM sta- er section; Carver's magnetic field power amplifier;
tion presets. Remote station selection. phono, tape 1. asymmetrical charge -coupled FM detector; phono in-
tape 2. tape dub to Beocord 8002 stereo cassette put: video/digital audio input: auxiliary input; 2 tape
deck. volume control, active filters, bass. treble. loud- inputs; 6 station presets; mono switch; bass, mid-
ness controls Features adjustable tape 1. tape 2. range and treble controls; balance control; switches
phono levels; tape line -monitoring facilities for 3 - for tone defeat, speaker selection, tape monitoring.
head decks. Output power 150 W rms into 4 ohms tape dubbing. FM muting, AM noise filter, loudness


1111111111111MMIIIIIAMINE11111.111111111 lad kJ 6.1

"10, nor en, (014

Denon DRA-700 AM/FM Stereo Receiver $549

Non-NFB 0dB Amplifier; Quartz PLL Synthesized FM Tuning; MC
Head Amp; 60 Watts' per Channel

Denon DRA-30C AM/FM Stereo Receiver $299

-Jon-switching A Amplifier; Quartz PLL
Synthesized FM Tuning; 33
Watts' per Channel.

Denon DRA-400
AM/FM Stereo
Receiver $399
Non -switching A
Amplifier; Quartz PLL
Synthesized FM
Tuning; MC Head
Amp; 45 Watts' per

Tie DRA-700 Receiver

incorporates ft -e same 0db Non-NFB
circuitry that earned Denon special recognition
by Audio Video International magazine in their Hi-Fi
Grard Prix Competition. This straight -forward circuit design
makes the DRA-700 the mos: electronically sophisticated receiver on
the market today.
The DRA-400 actually won the AVI Hi-Fi Grand Prix Award, and was cited for its Non -Switching A
Amplifier (which eliminates Switching and Crossover distortions) and Quartz 'LL Synthesized FM
Tuning System (which improves tuning accu'acy and eliminates
station drift).
The DRA-300 also offers a Non -Switching A Amplifier and
Quartz PLL Synthesized Tuning, but for under $300.
Denon products shE re more than name alone.
Denon America, Inc., 27 Law rove, Fairfield. N.J. 07006
Imagine what we'll do next.
Prices for comparmop purposes panels optional except on DRA /00 AN power ratings at 8 °um. 20Hz 20kHz. T HD 0 C (ORA 100. 0.015°°
REDEFINITION. The Asymmetrical Charge
THE CARVER ----- Coupled FM Detector was first intro-
duced in CARVER's TX -11 Stereo
Tuner, receiving unparalleled critical
Redefines your expectations of
'A major advance ... Its noise reduc-
receiver performance with the power Conventional power amplifier Magnetic field amplifier
tion for stereo reception ranged from
you need for Digital Audio Discs plus Solid line: audio output signal. Broken line: power appreciable to tremendous. It makes
supply voltage. Shaded area: wasted power. Vertical
virtually noise -free stereo FM recep- lines: power to speakers. the majority of stereo signals sound vir-
tion. A receiver with astonishing per- tually as quiet as mono signals, yet it
formance incorporating two highly The 130 watts -per -charmer
does not dilute the stereo effect."
significant technological break- CARVER Receiver is about the same
Julian D. Hirsch, STEREO REVIEW
throughs: Bob Carver's Magnetic size and weight of conventional re-
ceivers having merely 30 watts per (December, 1982)
Field Power Amplifier and his
Asymmetrical Charge Coupled channel!
"Separation was still there; only
FM Detector. NOISE -FREE RECEPTION: The AM - the background noise had been
ESSENTIAL POWER: Your system FM CARVER Receiver gives you FM diminished, and with it, much of the
needs an abundance of power to stereo performance unmatched by sibilance and hissy edginess so char-
reproduce, without distortion, the that of any other receiver. acteristic of multipath interference."
dynamic range of music on Digital As it is transmitted from the station, Leonard Feldman, AUDIO
Audio Discs and fine analog the stereo FM signal is extremely (December, 1982)
recordings. vulnerable to distortion, noise, hiss
The Magnetic Field Amplifier in the and multipath interference. "What distinguishes the TX -11 is its
CARVER Receiver gives you 130 However, when you engage ability to pull clean, noise -free sound
watts per channel* of pure, clean CARVER's Asymmetrical Charge out of weak or multipath ridden signals
power with superbly defined, high Coupled FM Detector circuit, the that would have you lunging for the
fidelity reproduction. stereo signal arrives at your ears vir- mono switch on any other tuner we
The Magnetic Field Amplifier tually noise -free. You hear fully sepa- know of."
produces large amounts of power rated stereo with space, depth and HIGH FIDELITY (January, 1983)
(absolutely necessary for the ac- ambience!
curate reproduction of music at The CARVER Receiver has been
realistic listening levels) without the designed for fidelity, accuracy and
need for heavy heat sinks, massive musicality. You will want to visit your
transformers, and enormous power CARVER dealer for a personal audi-
capacitors required by conventional tion of this remarkable instrument.
amplifier design.
Unlike conventional amplifiers Reflected multi -path Asymmetrical Charge *130 watts per channel RMS into 8
signals cause audible Coupled FM Detector
which produce a constant, high vol- distortion. gives your ears a true ohms, 20 Hz to 20 kHz with no more
tage level at all times, irrespective of sonic image. than 0.05% total harmonic distortion.
the demands of the ever-changing
audio signal (Even when there is no
audio signal in the circuit at all!), the
Magnetic Field Amplifier's power
supply is signal responsive. Highly
efficient, it produces exactly and only
the power needed to carry the signal
with complete accuracy and fidelity.

CARVER Powerful Musical Acairate

Carver Corporation P.O. Box 664, Woodinville, WA 98072

Distributed in Canada by Evolution Audio, Ltd.

Receivers Receivers
more than 0.05% THD. IM 0.03% (60 Hz. 7.000 Hz. on dial pointer: loudness switch; tape -monitor input: cut filters; tape monitor; loudness; muting; speaker
4.1 kHz); damping factor at 1.000 Hz 8 ohms more bass. treble controls. Output power 20 W 'eh into 8 switching Output power 30 W ch continuous into 8
than 80; phono sens amp 2.5mV 47k ohm MM. ohms. 20-20.000 Hz at 0.5% THD. IM distortion; ohms. 20.20.000 Hz 0.08% THD; high instanta-
Tape AUX 150 mV 30k ohm: phono max input MM damping factor . 20: input sens imp 2.5 mV 50k neous current capability 18 amps; FR -1I50.000
150 mV; phono S N MM 79 dB. tape/aux 93 dB ohms phono. 150 mV 50k ohms all others; hum and Hz 0, -3 dB: slew rate 100V sec: S N phono AUX
RIAA 20-20.000 Hz 0.5 dB; bass 100 Hz 8 dB. noise phono all others 70 90 dB; FM .sable sens P.O 85 dB: phono overload 130mV; FM sens 1.9V
treble 10.000 Hz 8 dB; FM usable sens 2.0µV; 30 mono stereo 2.8 µV (14.14 dBf) 6.8 µV (21.45 (mono); 50 -dB quieting sons mono stereo 3.7V 37V;
dB effective sel: 55 dB S'N: power consumption dBf): 50 -do quieting sens mono stereo 6.5 µV S N 74 cB stereo: FR 30-15.000 Hz 1. -2 dB: cap-
110W at 120V. 17.4"W 4.5"H 16.3"D...$299 (21.45 dBf) 55 µV (40 dBf); S N mono stereo ture ratio 1.75 dB: alternate ch sel 60 dB; sep 45 dB
65 '60 dB: capture ratio 2 dB: alternate-ch sel 60 dB; at 1 kHz 17' ,,"W x 4"H x 14' ID $315
FISHER image spurious 'et response ratio 50 70 '80 dB; AM
suppression 55 dB; THD at 50.d8 quieting mono - hk330i AM/FM Stereo Receiver
RS280 Stereo Receiver stereo 0.4% 0.5%. FR 20-15.000 Hz & 1 dB: sep AM FM -stereo receiver features tape monitor; loud-
Quartz MA. digital synthesizer AM FM -stereo receiver 40 dB at kHz; AM sens 300 µV m; power con-
ness; muting; speaker switching Output power 20
with fluorescent digital frequency display and built-in sumption 70 W; 15'.,"W ' , D 4' 10 W ch continuous into 8 ohms. 20-20.000 Hz with
5 -band graphic equalizer. Features stepped LED sig- lb.. $170 0.09% THD; high instantaneous current capability
nal -strength meter; FM muting; auto -search tuning; 6 10 amps; FR 4 Hz -150.000 Hz 0. -3 dB; slew
AM .6 FM station presets; manual tuning. high and HARMAN/KARDON rate 60V sec; S/N phono .AUX 80 85 dB; phono
low filters; FM stereo. memory. tuning, function LEDs. overload 120mV; FM sens 2.5V (mono); 50 -dB
Output power 100 W rms into 8 ohms. 20- hk690i AM/FM Stereo Receiver quieting sens mono- stereo 4.0V 45V: S. N 74 dB
20.000 Hz at 0.05% THD. IM distortion: damping AM FM -stereo receiver with digitally synthesized stereo: FR 30-15.000 Hz I. -2 dB; capture ratio
factor 50; preamp FR 20-20.000 Hz & 0.5 dB all quartz -locked tuner. Features DC digital frequency 1.9 dB: alternate-ch sel 60 dB; sep 45 dB at 1 kHz;
inputs: input sens.imp 2.5 mV MM. 150 mV tape display: 8 AM -8 FM presets; 5 -LED signal -strength 17' ,,"W x 4"H x 14',"D $235
mon. AUX/50k ohms all; phono overload 200 mV: meter: sample and hold MPX decoder: dual RIAA
preamp output 150 mV 5k Hz & 10 dB: hum and equalization circuitry; bass and treble turnover tone
noise 70 dB phono. 90 dB Aux, tape monitors 1 and controls; MC head amp: tone defeat; subsonic and HITACHI
2. IHF A -weighted. inputs shorted: FM usable sens high -cut filters; 2 tape monitors with 2 -way dub: loud-
mono stereo 10.77 dBf (1.9 µV) 18.45 dBf (4.6 ness: muting; uo down scan tuning. Output power 60 HTA-4F Tuner/Amplifier
riV): S N mono 'stereo 70 65 dB; capture r...tio 0.8 W ch continuous into 8 ohms. 20-20.000 Hz with Quartz digital synthesizer tuner amp with program-
dB: alternate-ch sel 70 dB & 400 kHz: image 0.06% THD: high instantaneous current capability mable 10 -station memory. Features auto scan of pre-
spurious i-f response ratios 75'85'90 d3; AM -sup- 45 amps; FR .2 Hz -150.000 Hz 0. -3 dB; slew rate set stations; digital frequency display: dual speaker
pression ratio 50 dB; THD 0.3% mono, stereo; sep at 200V sec: S N phono MM MC AUX 80 78 80 dB; set capability A. B, A B. Off; tape dubbing; direct
100 1k "10k Hz 40/40/35 dB: FR 20-15.000 Hz & phono overload MM MC 220 12mV; FM sees 1.9V
0.5 dB: AM sens 300 µV m; sel 40 dB at & 10 kHz; (mono): 50 -dB quieting sens mono stereo 3 2V 35V:
S N 55 dB; power consumption 420 W: 1 PA' W FR 30-15.000 Hz 1. -2 dB: capture -atio 1.0 dB:
16"D 5'/,"H; 36 lb $500 alternate ch se 70 dB: sep 55 dB at 1 kHz, 17',,,,"W
x 5' , H x 16'D $675
RS140 Stereo Receiver
Quartz -locked digital -synthesizer AM FM -stereo re- hk590i AM/FM Stereo Receiver
ceiver with LED digital tuning display, graphic equaliz- AM FM -stereo receiver with digitally synthesized
er. Features 6 AM/6 FM station presets: 5 -LED signal quartz -locked tuner. Features digital frequency dis-
strength meter: auto -scan tuning with indicator; play; 8 AM 8'-M presets: 5 -LED signal strength me-
manual /auto tuning switch: FM muting: sliding vol- ter; dual RIAA equalization circuitry; bass and treble function, control by microcomputer: feather -touch
ume. balance controls; low. high filters; loudness turnover tone controls: tone defeat: subsonic and controls: high -gain AM loop antenna; infrasonic filter:
switch: Panel Logic selected -function display. Output high -cut filters. 2 tape monitors with 2 -way dub: loud- dual LID power level meters: loudness compensation;
power 40 W ch into 8 ohms, 20-20.000 Hz at ness; muting; up down scan tuning. Output power 45 memory backup Frequency response 30-12.000 Hz
0.09% THD. IM distortion; damping factor - 40; in- W ch continuous into 8 ohms. 20-20,000 Hz with 2 dB. capture ratio 1.5 dB; 17',-,,"W 4',"H -

put sens/imp 2.5 mV /47k ohms phono. 150 0.08% THD; high instantaneous current capability 1 3'.,"D: 15 lb 13 oz $370
mV 47k ohms all others: EQ center frequencies 50. 35 amps: FR .2150.000 Hz 0. -3 dB: slew rate

250. 1k. 4.5k. 15k: boost cut range & 10 dB: huma 120V sec: S N phono AUX 80 80 dB: phono over HTA-3F Stereo Tuner/Amplifier
nd noise phono all others 78, 90 dB; FM usable sens load 170 mV: FM sens 1.9V (mono); 50 -dB quieting Stereo tuner amplifier with quartz digital synthesizer
mono stereo 2.3 µV (12.43 dBf)/4.6 µV (18.45 sens mono stereo 3.3V 37V: S N 75 dB; FR 30- in one component. Features programmable 8 -station
dBf): 50 -dB quieting sens mono/stereo 5.5 µV (20 15.000 Hz 1. -2 dB; capture ratio 1.0 dB; alternate memory: auto scanning of preset stations: digital dis-
dBf) 45 µV (38.26 dBf): S/N mono/stereo 70 '65 ch sel 70 dB: sep 55 dB at 1 kHz 17' ,.''W x 5' ',"H x plays ot station frequency and ch number, dual speak-
dB: capture ratio 1.0 dB; alternate-ch sel 60 dB: 16'D .$525 er set capability A. B. A B. Off: direct function con-
image/ spurious/i-f response ratio 60/50/70 dB; AM trol by microcomputer: feather -touch control buttons:
suppression 50 dB; THD at 50 -dB quieting mono hk490i AM/FM Stereo Receiver high -gain AM loop antenna; infrasonic filter; LED pow-
stereo 0.4% 0.5%: FR 20-15.000 Hz & 1dB: AM us- AM FM -stereo receiver with digitally synthesized er -lever meters: loudness compensation: memory
able sens 300 &V m; power consumption 85 W; quartz -locked tuner. Features digital frequency dis backup by lithium battery Power output 30 W ch min
15',"W 1 l'',/,"D 4'/,"1-1: 15 lb $330 play; 8 AM 8 CM presets; 5 LED signal-stregth meter; rms frcm 20-20.000 Hz with 0.05% THD: FR 10-
subsonic and high -cut filters; 2 tape monitors with 2 - 40.000 Hz 2 dB; THD at , rated output 0.05%;

RS120 Stereo Receiver way dub, loudness; muting: up down scan tuning. input sens. imp at 30 W output. 1.000 Hz: phono
AM FM -stereo receiver with analog tuning dial. graph- 2.5mV 47k ohms; tape. CD aux video 150mV 35k
ic equalizer. Features 5 -LED signal -strength meter:
ohms; '; N IHF, A network. rated power: phono 70 dB:
sliding volume, balance controls; tape -monitor input: tape. CD aux video 95 dB. FM section usable sens
loudness switch. Output power 20 W/ch into 8 ohms. IHF mono 13.2 dBf; 50 dB quieting sens mono 20.2
20.20.000 Hz at 0.09% THD. 0.1% IM distortion; dBf 5.6 µV. stereo 38.2 dBf 44.7 µV; S N IHF at 65
damping factor -40: input sens imp 2.5 mV 47k dBf mono 76 dB. stereo 70 dB: FR 30-12.000 Hz
ohms phono. 150 mV 47k ohms all others: EQ center + 2 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB: 17'"W 3' ,"H
frequencies 50. 250. 1k. 4.5k. 15k Hz; boost cut 11' :0; 12 lb 2 oz $245
range & 10 dB: hum and noise phono 'all others
70 90 dB: FM usable sens mono/stereo 2.8 µV HTA-2 Stereo Tuner Amplifier
(14.14 dBf) 10 rtV (25.43 dBf); 50 -dB quieting AM I'M stereo tuner with power amplifier in a single
sens mono stereo 10 µV (25.43 dBf) 50 µV (39.17 Output power 30 W ch continuous into 8 ohms. 20- component. Features vector tuning system: AM loop
dBf): S N mono stereo 70 65 dB: capture ratio 1.5 20.000 Hz with 0.08% THD: high instantaneous cur- antenna with built-in circuit: two speaker pair capabili-
dB: alternate-ch sel 55 dB: image/spuriour i-f re- rent capability 18 amps; FR .2-150.000 Hz i 0. -3 ty: light touch push button function switching: loud-
sponse ratio 55/50 70 dB; AM suppression 55 dB; dB: slew rate 120V," sec: S N phono /AUX 80/83 dB: ness compensation switch; slim design; easy connect
THD at 50 -dB quieting mono stereo 0.5% /1.096: FR phono overload 170 mV: FM sens 1.9V (mono): 50 - speaker terminals; Compact Disc player compatibility:
20-15.000 Hz & 1 dB: sep 40 dN at 1 kHz: AM sens dB quieting sens mono stereo 3.3V- 37V: S N 75 dB: tape monitor switch: FM mute switch. Rms rated out-
300 rtV m: power consumption 120 W; 151/.'W FR 30-15.000 Hz 1. -2 dB; capture ratio 1.0 dB: put power. both chs driven 40-20.000 Hz. 8 ohms:
11 ' ,"13 4',"1-1; 131b $190 alternate ch set 70 dB: sep 55 dB at 1 kHz. 17' ,,"W frequency characteristics 10-40,000 Hz ' 2 dB:
a 5' ,"H x 16"D $400 THD at rated output 0.1%; IM distortion 0.05%:
RS90 Stereo Receiver input sens at 25 W output. 1.000 Hz. phono
AM FM -stereo receiver with slide -rule tuning dial. hk380i AM/FM Stereo Receiver 2.5mV 47k ohms. tape. CD video aux 150mV 35k
Features 5 -LED signal -strength meter; LED tuning eye AM FM -stereo receiver features subsonic and high - ohms: S N IHF. A network. rated power; phono 70 dB:

1984 EDITION 31
Receivers 1 Receivers
tape. CD, video, aux 95 dB. FM section: usable sens switching design and DC amplifier; multi -functional phase ceramic FM i-f filters; auto wide, narrow i-f
mono 13.2 dBf; 50 dB quieting sens mono 18.2 dBf weekly program clock/audio timer; fluorescent peak bandwidth selection; MM and MC phono inputs; LED
4.5 µV; S N at 65 dBf mono 76 dB IHF, stereo 70 dB power -level meter; 3 -pair speaker capability; 2 tape peak power meters; audio attenuator; auto/manual
IHF; FR 30-12.000 Hz 2 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB: monitor with tape -to -tape dubbing facility; 120 Wich seek tuning; FM high -blend switch. Output power 85
stereo sep 40 dB at 1.000 Hz; 17','W 3',."H min rms at 8 ohms from 20-20,000Hz < 0.01% W/ch rms into 8 ohms, 20-20.000 Hz at 0.015%
11'/,"D; 11 lb 14 oz $180 THD; 40 lbs $1250 THD; slew rate 60 V/µsec; rise time 1.0 µsec; S/N
MC/all other inputs 86 .100 dB; FM S/N mono/
KR -950 Stereo Receiver stereo 88/76 dBµ $855
JVC Computerized high-speed stereo receiver. Features R-651. Similar to R-851 except manual normal/
75 W/ch min rms into 8 ohms from 20-20.000Hz narrow -f bandwidth selection, no MC input. Output
R -X80 AM/FM-Stereo Receiver - 0.01% THD: quartz PLL synthesizer tuner: 6 AM power 65 W ch $730
AM/FM-stereo receiver with 5 -band Sound Effect Am- and 6 FM presets; digital frequency AM, FM readout:
plifier graphic equalizer, quartz PLL synthesizer tun- LED power and tuning indicators; high speed and dc Kyocera R-451 Stereo Tuner/Amplifier
er. Super -A power amplifier. Features triple power amplifier; zero switching design; moving -coil capabili- Quartz locked PLL synthesizer AM FM -stereo tuner,
protection; 8 AM, 8 FM station presets; 2 tape moni- ty for phono input; adapter jack for graphic equalizer. amplifier with MOSFET design throughout. Features
tors; MM and MC phono cartridge capability; digital NR unit, etc.; 2 -pair speaker capability; 2 tape moni-
frequency display. Output power 70 W ch into 8 tor with tape -to -tape dubbing facility; 23 lbs . $530
ohms, 20-20.000 Hz at 0.008% THD; EQ center fre- KR -950B. Same as above but black $530
quencies 40. 250. 1k, 5k. 15k Hz; boost, cut range
12 dB $570 KR -930 Stereo Receiver
RM-80. Wired controller for RX-80 receiver .... $50 Computerized high-speed stereo receiver. Features
R -X60. Similar to R -X80 except no MC input Output 60 W, ch min rms at 8 ohms from 20-20.000Hz
power 55 Wich $450 < 0.03% THD; quartz PLL synthesizer tuner; 6 AM
R -X40. Similar to R -X60 except 6 AM 6 FM station and 6 FM presets; digital frequency AM FM readout;
presets. Output power 40 W $350 LED power and tuning indicators; hi speed and DC
amplifier; zero switching design; 2 pair speaker capa-
R -X44 Stereo Receiver bility; 2 tape monitor with tape -to -tape dubbing facili- fluoroscan digital frequency display; 7 AM/7 FM sta-
Super -A digital synthesizer FM; AM stereo receiver. ty; 17 lbs $380 tion presets; auto -seek tuning; 2 -way tape monitor -
Features 5 -band Sound Effect Amplifier stereo graph- KR -93013. Same as above but black $380 dub. Output power 45 W, ch into 8 ohms. 20-20,000
ic equalizer; quartz-PLL digital frequency synthesizer Hz at 0.015% THD; slew rate 40 V/µsec; rise time
circuitry; pushbutton station selection; presets for 6 KR -920 Stereo Recever 1.5 µsec; FM S/N mono stereo 80'74 dB ... $550
AM '6 FM stations; two video aux inputs; switches for Stereo receiver with LED power and tuning indicators.
two sets of speakers: loudness control; triple power Features 50 W/ch min rms at 8 ohms from 20- LUXMAN
protection. 50 W ch. min rms. into 8 ohms from 20- 20,000Hz; - 0.05% THD; AM/FM analog display
20.000 Hz with 0.008% THD $330 tuning; 2 tape monitors with tape -to -tape dubbing (B RX-103 AM/FM-Stereo Receiver
to A) facility; 2 pair speaker capability; 17 lbs $260 ServoFace digital synthesizer receiver with wireless
R -K22 Stereo Receiver remote control. Features Duo -Beta amplifier; Comput-
Stereo receiver with 5 -band Sound Effect Amplifier KR -910 Stereo Receiver er Analyzed Tuning; digital frequency display; MC
graphic equalizer. Features 12 station presets; Stereo receiver features 30 W 'ch min rms at 8 ohms phono preamp; infrared wireless remote control; FL
from 20-20.000Hz 0.03% THD; input selector power meters; discrete power amplifier; preamp out-
with illuminated indicators; 2 tape monitors with tape - put. Output power 90 W. ch into 8 ohms, 20-20.000
to -tape dubbing (B to A) facility; 2 pair speaker capa- Hz at 0.015% THD and IM distortion; phono S 'N 86
bility; 13 lbs $200 dB; FM usable sens 1.8 µV (10.3 dBf); FM THD
0.05%; FM sep 48 dB $1.000
KLH RX-102. Similar to RX-103 except has no remote cc
trol. MC input; features 24 -station memory. Output
R-301 AM/FM-Stereo Receiver power 60 W. $600
Analog -dial AM FM -stereo receiver with LED signal - RX-101. Similar to RX102 except no preamp output:
strength, tuning indicators. Features A. B/A + B FL power indicator. Output power 40 W/ch at 0.02%
speaker switching; low filter; FM mute; bass, treble THD and IM distortion; FM THD 0.1% $500
quartz-PLL digital frequency synthesizer; auto scan; controls. Output power 30 W/ch into 8 ohms. 20-
quieting slope control; speaker switching; loudness 20.000 Hz at 0.08% THD and IM distortion; FR 20- 1030 AM/FM-Stereo Receiver
compensation. 30 W 'ch, min rms, into 8 ohms from 20.000 Hz & 0.5 dB; hum and noise phono/all other FM -stereo receiver with Duo -Beta dc amplifier,
20-20.000Hz 0.03% THD $250 inputs -76/-95 dB; FM usable sens 2 µV mono, 50 - Computer Analyzed Tuning. Features discrete output
dB quieting sens mono/stereo 4.0.48 µV. S/N power amp; flasher tuning; variable loudness control.
R -K11 Stereo Receiver mono/ stereo 68/62 dB; capture ratio 1.8 dB; alter- Output power 35 W/ch continuous into 8 ohms. 20-
Stereo receiver with quieting slope control and indica- nate-ch set 40 dB; image/i-f/spurious response ratio 20,000 Hz at 0.03% THD and IM distortion; phono
tor. Features JVC's patented triple power protection; 45/80/70 dB: distortion mono/stereo S/N 83 dB; FM usable sens 1.8 µV (10.3 dBf); FM
speaker switch; video aux input; loudness control and 0.15%. 0.3%; sep 40 dB at 1 kHz; AM sens THD 0.12% at 1 kHz; FM sep 48 dB at 1 kHz $350
slider balance,- volume/tone controls, 30 W., ch. min 300µV/rn $250
rms, into 8 ohms, 20-20,000 Hz - 0.003%
Kyocera R-851 Stereo Tuner/Amplifier SR 8100DC Stereo Receiver
KENWOOD Quartz -synthesized PLL AM/FM-stereo tuner/ Quartz -lock frequency synthesizer AM/FM-stereo re-
amplifier with MOSFET design throughout. Features ceiver with 5 -band stereo equalizer, digital frequency
KR -10008 Stereo Receiver
fluoroscan digital frequency display; protection cir- display. Features LED amp status indicators; gold-
Computerized receiver with quartz PLL synthesizer cuitry that autoally enlarges safe operating area with plated input, output jacks; EQ output jack; PLL with
tuner and digital readout. Features graphic display of regard to high frequencies; pulse sensing protection; pilot canceller; 2 tape monitors with tape copy; low.
memory -stored operations: 7 -band multiple acoustic 3 -band equalizer that controls bass, midrange, treble high filters; dual -gate MOSFET FM front end; electron-
compensator; digital volume control with muting func- turnover frequencies; 2 -way tape monitor dub; sub- ic input selector; 8 AM,'8 FM station presets; pro-
tion; 6 AM and 6 FM station presets; hi -speed. zero sonic, high filters; 7 AM/7 FM station presets; linear grammable triple timer system; electronic station
search; EQ defeat, loudness switches. Output power
90 Wrch continuous average power into 4 ohms, 20-
20.000 Hz at 0.06% THD and IM distortion; FR 10-

NOTICE TO READERS 70.000 Hz & 1.2 dB; input sens 2.7 mV phono, 160
mV high-level: phono overload 225 mV at 1 kHz; S/N
90 dB phono, 98 dB high-level; phono RIAA deviation
Prices of items described are manufacturers' suggested prices & 0.2 dB 20-20.000 Hz; FM 50 dB quieting sens
only and are subject to change without notice. Actual selling mono/stereo 13.2/36.1 dBf; S/N 50 dB; FR 30-
15,000 Hz & 0.5 dB: FR 30-15.000 Hz & 0.5 dB;
prices are determined by the dealers. mono. 1.0 dB stereo; THD 0.15% mono. 0.2% stereo
at 1 kHz; capture ratio 1.0 dB at 65 dBf; alternate-ch
sel 65 dB: sep 45 dB; 16%"W 151/2"D
4''/,-H $599


Very simply, our R-851 is not for
everyone Not for every dealer. Not

ONLY ONE AUDIO for every audio buyer.

Only for those who demand the
best. Those who want sound that's
pure and distinctive... who hear

DEALER IN TWENTY subtleties others miss. For those

discriminating listeners, the R-851
is well worth the quest.

WILL CARRY THE Hear the silence before you

hear the sound.
Switch on the R-851, switch from
one function to another. Try Phono.

KYOCERA R-851 Tape 1. Tape 2. Auxiliary. Back to

Absolute silence (of course,
you'll get sound on AM/FM). The
silence is the mark of a great re-

TUNER/AMPLIFIER ceiver. And great engineering.

The kind of quiet an audiophile
loves to hear.

WITH MOS FET AMPS. Sound that takes you closer to

the source.
We've turned on the R-851 for some
very experienced -even jaded- audio
ears and all we can say is it stops
'em every time. The sound is dif-
ferent The sense of being there is
almost overpowering. All this comes
from 85 watts per channel of
power* (with dynamic power far
above this figure) and some of the
most sophisticated circuitry in the
business. Above all, it uses MOS
FET's. the new breed of output
transistors, in the amplifier section.
They can handle the transients, the
power surges, the power require-
ments of present-day sound (and
tomorrow's digital sound) better
than bipolar transistors ever could -
and give you a sonic purity like no
other (many claim MOS FET's have
picked up the warm, rich sound of
the great tube amps and gone a step

Fine tuned for every audio need.

From front end to output jacks, the
R-851 offers every feature an audio
enthusiast might want. The most
commonly used controls are right
up front -the more esoteric ones are
placed behind a neat flip -down
front panel. There's microprocessor -
controlled quartz -locked tuning
with 14 station programmable mem-
ory (7 AM & 7 FM); automatic
station seek; 3 -band parametric -
style equalizer; fluorescent display
panel; and two-way tape monitonng
and dubbing.
If you need some help in finding
that one Kyocera dealer in twenty.
contact: Kyocera International, Inc.,
7 Powder Horn Drive, Warren.
NI 07060 (201) 560-0060.

85 watts RMS per channel, both channels
driven. ai 8 Ohms with no more than 0.015%
THE) from 20-20.000 Hz. 23A

n ea er- ter with b -LLD power. 5 -LLD slgnal-

touch tuning: auto. manual scan tuning; 2 -way tape strength meters. Features echo with variable intensity
monitor :dub; 3 linear -phase ceramic filters: preamp control; auto fade-in out when switching functions;

.1.11P =
out main -amp in connectors; full overload protection.
Output power 90 W ch rms into 8 ohms. 20-20.000
Hz at 0.05% THD: FR 15-25.000 Hz & 1

phono AUX 85 90 dB: phono overload 230 mV; FM

dB; S/N
audio muting; pushbutton source select: lighted ana-
log tunirg dial. Output power 30 W/ch into 8 ohms.
2020.000 Hz at 0.08% THD: FR 15-20.000 Hz & 1
dB; S N phono/Aux 78 92 dB; phono overload 140
usable sens 10.33 dBf (1.8 µV): capture ratio 1.5 mV: FM usable sens 13.2 dBf (2.5 µV): capture ratio
dB: alternate-ch sel 70 dB: image rejection 75 dB; 2 dB: al'ernate-ch sel 50 dB. image rejection 44 dB;
S N 74 dB mono; sep 50 dB at kHz:
1 W S N 70 dB: sep 36 dB at 1 kHz: 16'/,'W 9Ii,"0
ry. only MMMC inputs, switching. Output power 43 16'/,"D 5',"H $600 3'';"H $300
W ch at 0.04% THD $400
TX -41. Similar to TX -51 except no CX decoder. linear STA-2270 Digital Synthesized Receiver STA-110 AM/FM-Stereo Receiver
switching circuit. MC input. Output power 33 W ch at Digital synthesized receiver with variable stereo ex- Stereo receiver with high-sens front end. Features
0.06% $300 pander. Features computerized memory. digital fluo- green tuning LED: Auto -Magic tuning: pushbutton se-
rescent frequency display; precise quartz -locked tun- lectors: illuminated analog dial: 11 -step bass. treble
TX -31 AM/FM-Stereo Receiver ing; 14 -segment LED power -level meter: 5 -segment controls: protection circuits. Output power 22 W ch
Servo -locked AM FM -stereo receiver with linear LED signal -strength meter. FR 15-25.000 Hz 1 dB; into 8 onms. 20-20.000 Hz at 0.08% THD; FR 15-
switching amplifier. MM MC phono inputs, switching. S N 85 dB phono. 100 dB aux; phono overload 165 25.000 Hz & I dB: S/N phono AUX 86 90 dB: phono
Output power 45 W. ch into 8 ohms. 20-20.000 Hz mV: FM tuner sens IHF 1.7 }IV 9.8 dBf: capture ratio overloac 105 mV: FM usable sens 10.8 dBf (1.9 pV):
at 0.04% THD $350 1.25 dB: S N 75 dB; sel 75 dB; image rejection 78 capture ratio 1.0 dB; image rejection 55 dB; S/N 65
TX21. Similar to TX -31 except no MC input Output dB: 4',"H 18',."W 11"'D $400 dB: sep 45 dB at 1 kHz; 16VW 12VD
power 30 W :chi at 0.06% THD $250 3'/,-H $270
TX -11. Similar to TX -21 except no servo -lock tuning. STA-740 Stereo Receiver
Output power 20 W ch at 0.06% THD .. $200 Stereo receiver with Auto Magic fine tuning. Fea- STA-115 Stereo Receiver
tures 39 -step bass and treble controls, tape monitor. Stereo receiver with FM stereo indicators and Auto
TX -25 AM/FM-Stereo Receiver speaker pair switching. Features fast -attack 21 -seg- Magic uning. Features 1 1 -step bass. treble and vol-
Computer -controlled quartz digitally synthesized re- ment LED audio power -level meter; LED signal - ume controls; high filter; stereo/mono switch; tape
ceiver APR system (mute stereo/auto-high blend). strength. FM stereo and tuning indicators. Output monitor A B speaker pairs. aux input. Features 30
Features dynamic super servo with delta power sup- power 40 W per ch. min rms into 8 ohms. 20-20.000 Hz "Cut" pushbutton to cut distortion, conserve pow-
ply ready for digital sources: 16 preset memories: (8 Hz at 0.05% THD: FR 15-25.000 Hz t dB: S N 85 er; 5 -level LED signal -strength meter. Output power
AM 8 FM); auto scan. A.B.A&B speaker select; direct - dB phono. 90 dB aux; phono overload 140mV; FM 24 W per ch mm rms into 8 ohms 20-20.000 Hz at
tone circuitry: 33 W per ch: both chs driven into 8 tuner sens IHF 1.9V µV 10.8dB: capture ratio 1.5 dB: 0.03% THD; FR 15-25.000 Hz dB: S N 85 dB

ohms; 20-20.000 Hz with no more than C.08% total S N 72 dB: sel 53 dB: image rejection 60 dB: sep 48 phono. 88 dB aux: phono overload 120 mV: FM tuner
harmonic distortion; also available with black matte dB at 1.000 Hz: 5' ',"H 18' ,"W 12'D $399.
sens IHF 1.9 µV 10.8 dBf; capture ratio 12 dB; Sfr
finish TX -2513 - $250 74 dB: sel 60 dB; image rejection 65 dB; 4'H
STA-790 AM/FM-Stereo Receiver 16' ,-W 8`,,'D $220
TX -35 AM/FM-Stereo Receiver AM FM -stereo receiver with 21 -LED power meters.
Computer controlled quartz digitally synthesized re- Features 7 -band equalizer with bypass switch; 30 -Hz STA-204 Stereo Receiver
ceiver. APR system (mute stereo auto -high blend) lo- "cut" button: Auto -Magic tuning: 5 -LED signal - Stereo receiver with Auto Magic tuning and separate
cal -distant) dynamic super servo with Delta power strength meter; 40 -step volume control; center -dent- 11 -step bass and treble controls. LED FM stereo indi-
supply ready for digital sources. Feature!. 16 preset ed balance control; high filter: loudness switch; FM cator. high filter. tape monitor. stereo mono. A"B
memories (8 FM 8 AM). auto scan. subsonic filter, 2 muting; tape monitor. Output power 45 Wch into 8 speaker pairs. Features 10 -segment LED AM FM sig.
FM muting levels, A.B. A&B speaker select; direct - ohms. 20-20.000 Hz at 0.04% THD: FR 15-25.000 nal-streragth meter; FM muting. Output power 16
tone circuitry. 45 W per ch. both chs driven into 8 Hz & 1 dB: S N phono AUX 86 92 dB; phono over- W ch. min rms into 8 ohms 20-20.000 Hz at 0.08%
ohms from 2020.000 Hz with no more tian 0.04% load 140 mV; FM usable sens 10.8 dBf (1.9 µV); cap- THD: FP 15-25.000 Hz 1 dB: S N 89 dB phono.

total harmoe,r distortion; key operation tone $330 ture ratio 1.5 dB: alternate-ch sel 53 dB. image rejec- 72 dB aux; phono overload 90 mV; FM tuner sens

1984 EDITION 35
Receivers 1
SR 7100DC Stereo Receiver
stereo; FM selector; gyro touch tuning; 18%-W x
Quartz -locked synthesizer AM/FM-stereo receiver
12%"D x 51/4"H $239
with dc amplifier, 8 AM/8 FM station presets, digital ....,Adorampagy 1.1111.L\
frequency display. Features LED power output dis- McINTOSH LABS Twoginfogre-^wwr
play; gold-plated input, output connectors; 2 -speaker
switching; bass, midrange, treble controls; 8 kHz fil- MAC 4100 Receiver
V vino 0"
ter; 2 tape monitors with tape copy; loudness switch; AM -FM stereo receiver with low -noise FET analog ;n - oi
Computuner programmable computer system; auto put switching and LED input indicators. Features low -
on; triple timer system; dual tuning meters; dual -gate
imp transistors; electronically controlled trimming of
MOSFET FM front end; PLL with pilot canceller;
precision -stepped volume control; 5 -program equaliz-
up/down station scanning; auto/manual tuning. Out- er; auto AC power control; front -panel tape -recorder
put power 63 W/ch, both chs driven into 4 ohms, 20- phono overload 20 mV MC. 250 mV MM; FR & 0.3
jacks. 100 W/ch min sine wave continuous average dB 20-20.000 Hz phono RIAA,
20.000 Hz at 0.06% THD and IM distortion; damp-
power output both chs operating into 4 ohms 2D-
0.2/-2.0 dB; 1-
ing factor 50 at 20 hz; input sens/imp 2.7 mV/47k 100.000 Hz AUX and tape; THD 0.005%; S/N 75 dB
20.000 Hz with '.05% THD; THD .05%; IM 05%; MC. 77 dB MM; 106 dB Aux and tape; FM usable sens
ohms phono, 160 mV/20k ohms high-level; phono
FR 20-20,000 Hz +0,-0.5 dB at rated power; sens 1.8 µV (10.3 dBf); S/N 84 dB mono, 79 dB stereo;
overload 225 mV; S/N 90 dB phono, 98 dB high-level 2.5µV (13 dBf) IHF min; capture ratio 1 8 dB; 56
A-wtd; FR 20-20.000 Hz & 0.2 dB phono, 10-
FR & 0.5 dB 50-15.000 Hz; THD mono 0.08% ste-
lbs $1.999
70.000 Hz & 1.0 dB high-level; FM IHF usable sens reo 0.10% wide. 0.3% mono, 0.5% stereo narrow;
1.7 µV mono; 50 -dB quieting sens mono/stereo capture ratio 1.5 dB; alternate-ch sel 55 dB wide, 75
2.5/35 j.i.V; S/N 0.15% mono, 0.2% stereo at 1 kHz; dB narrow; image rejection 85 dB; i-f and spurious re-
MCS by JC PENNEY jection 100 dB; sep at 1 kHz 46 dB; 181/4"W
FR 30-15,000 Hz & 0.5 dB mono, -1.0 dB stereo;
17 1/4" D 5 %" H
capture ratio 1.0 dB; alternate-ch sel 65 dB; image MCS 3265 Stereo Receiver
rejection 55 d8;*i-f and spurious rejection 90 dB; sep DA -R25. Similar to DA -R35 minus peak level indica-
Quartz -synthesized -tuning receiver with 16 station tors; amp output 60 W/ch at 0.015% THD and IM
45 dB at 1 kHz; AM usable sens 20 µV IHF; S/N 50
dB; 16% W 15'/4"D 4'/,"H presets. 60 W rms min per ch, 2 chs driven at 8 dist
$525 ohms, with 0.02% THD. Features fluorescent dis- $490
DA -R15. Similar to DA -R25 mint's MC head amp; pho-
play indicators; auto scan; preset scan; high and low no overload 140 my; output power 45 W/ch; damp-
SR 620 AM/FM Stereo Receiver
filtering; all electronic touch controls; tape dubbing; ing factor 100
PLL digital -synthesized tuning AM/FM receiver with 161/4'W 5"H 141/4"D; 20.9 lb $480 DA -R11. Similar to DA -R15 minus high filter; output
pilot canceller. Provision for 2 pairs of speakers. Fea-
tures gold-plated input, output jacks; touch tuning power 35 W/ch; damping factor 40; frequency syn-
MCS 3246 Stereo Receiver
controls; 16 station presets; auto scan tuning; 2 tape thesized digital tuning 7 FM/7AM presets, indepen-
Quartz -synthesizer stereo receiver with 16 station dent record selector, variable loudness
monitors; tape copy function; low filter; loudness presets. 45 W rms min per ch, 2 chs driven at $260
switch. Min continuous power output 55 W/ch into 4 ohms, with not more than 0.02% THD. Features
ohms, from 20-20,000 Hz with 0.06% THD$400
quartz lock tuning; flourescent display indicator; auto
scan; all electronic touch controls; high filtering con- 7150 AM/FM-Stereo Receiver
SR 520 AM/FM Stereo Receiver
trol; tape dubbing; 161/4"W x 5'H 14%"D; 18.7
Digital -synthesized stereo receiver with 38 W/ch into lb Digital synthesizer AM/FM-stereo receiver with
4 ohms min continous power output from 20-20,000 $380 Schotz PLL FM detector. Features search, scan tun-
Hz with no more than 0.09% THD. Features gold- ing; 5 AM 5 FM station presets; noninteractive phono
3285 AM/FM-Stereo Receiver
plated input/output jacks; up/down touch controls preamp; preamp-out /power -amp -in jacks; 2 tape
AM/FM-stereo receiver with quartz -locked digital syn-
for tuning; 16 station preset memory; auto scan tun- monitors with independent record, listen selectors;
thesizer tuner, Active Drive High Speed Switching tic
ing; tape monitor; tape -copy function; bass, midrange, pushbutton bridgeable amplifier with soft clipping";
power amplifier. Features acoustic memory in which
and treble controls; low filter; loudness switch; 20 dB speaker imp -matching switch. Output power 50 W/ch
bass, treble, filter positions can be preset; 8 AM/8 into 8 ohms, 20-20,000 Hz at 0.02% THD, 250
muting; PLL digital synthesized tuning with pilot can- FM station presets; up/down scan tuning; wide' W
celler; provision for 2 pair of speakers; 16'/,"W into 8 ohms mono; phono input senstivity 0.4 mV for
11'/."D narrow i-f bandwidth selector; fluorescent digital fre- 1 W output; S/N 78 dB phono; RIAA deviation &
37."H $375 quency display; power display; volume settine display. 0 25%. FM.511413 nituattno canc rew,ict....." I 7/ 311

Receivers Receivers
HF; 2.8 µV 14.1 dBf; capture ratio 3.0 dB; S/N 65 memory scan; phono power amp; high -current main 8 ohms with no more than 0.3% THD; FR 50-20,000
dB; sel 45 dB; image rejection 50 dB; 5"/"H x power amp $500 Hz; S/N 70 dB phono, 90 dB aux, tape; usable FM
5%"W x 12'D $200 sens 2.8 µV (14.14 dBf); ultimate S/N 65 d8 stereo;
R-2 AM/FM-Stereo Receiver 16.6'W x 4.5"H 10.6'D $100
STA-700 Stereo Receiver Servo -locked tuning AM/FM-stereo receiver with digi-
Stereo receiver with Auto Magic' fine tuning and 5 -
LED signal -strength meter, tape monitor. mono/
tal frequency display. Features Single -Strata voltage N.H. SCOTT
amplifier; full -complementary power amp; black alu-
stereo and A/B speaker pairs. Features EQ switch for minum. Output power 20 W/ch $299 379RS AM/FM Stereo Receiver
enhanced bass. Output power 5 W/ch, min rms into 8
Digital computerized receiver features 70 W/ch min
ohms 40-20.000 Hz at 0.5% THD; FR 15-25.000 SANSUI continuous rms output from 20-20.000 Hz <0.03%
Hz ±1 dB; S/N 82 dB phono. 90d8 aux; phono over-
THD; quartz PLL frequency synthesized tuning with
load 140 mV; FM tuner sens IHF 2.8 µV 14.17 dBf; Z -9000X AM/FM-Stereo Receiver 14 presets; digital information center with digital
capture ratio 2.0 dB; S/N 65 dB; sel 45 dB; image re- Quartz -synthesizer AM/FM-stereo receiver with readout, signal strength, center tuning, preset station
jection 55 dB; 3"W x 161/4"H 81/4"D $180 Simul-Switching for instant On/program selection. 7 - and memory indicators; dual fluorescent auto -range
band graphic equalizer. Features Super Feedforward peak hold power meters; 2 tape monitors with one-
STA-430 Stereo Receiver circuitry; adjustable reverberation amp; digital fre- way copy; 5 -band graphic equalizer
Stereo receiver with bass, treble controls, loudness quency display that doubles as clock with 3 -memory auto/manual tuning; 2 pair of speakers capability;
switch; tape monitor. Output power 10 W/ch continu- program timer; 8 AM/8 FM station presets; auto/ slide -type balance and volume controls; subsonic and
ous into 8 ohms, 20-20.000 Hz at 0.6% THD; FR & manual, preset scan tuning; fluorescent bar -graph high filters; FM muting; slide -type balance and volume
0.5 dB phono. 15-30,000 Hz 7 & 2dB high-level; power meters; reverb display; LED signal -strength controls; full electronic protection; IMD <0.03%;
S/N 89 dB phono. 72 dB AUX, 70 dB tuner, input
S/N 82 dB phono; 100 dB aux; ch sep 65 dB; damp-
sens 2.2 mV phono, 160 mV high-level; phono over-
ing factor 60 dB; IHF sens 9.8 dBf/1.7uV; stereo sep
load 90 mV; 50 dB quieting sens 16.5 dBf stereo;
50 dB; capture ratio 1.0 dB. 4%-H x 17"W $470
THD 1.0% at 1 kHz; capture ratio 3.0 dB; sel 45 dB;
sep 34 dB at 1 kHz; 16%W x '4111111
12"H x 359RS AM/FM Stereo Receiver
5"/,"D $160 1111111
Digital computerized receiver features 45 W min con-
tinuous rms output per ch from 20-20,000 Hz with
STA-450 Stereo Receiver
<0.05% THD; quartz PLL frequency synthesized
Receiver with Auto Magic fine tuning. A/B speaker tuning with 14 presets; digital information center with
switching, separate bass, treble and balance controls,
digital readout, signal strength, center tuning, preset
LED FM stereo indicator, stereo/mono switch. Fea- meter; moving -coil phono head amplifier; soft -touch station and memory indicators; LED power meters; 2
tures brushed aluminum front panel; 5 -LED signal - volume control with preset, level indicator; 2 tape tape monitors with one-way copy; 5 -band graphic
strength meter; tape monitor; edge -lit power -on but- monitors; 2 -way dubbing; 3 -speaker switching; wide/ equalizer with tone defeat; auto/manual tuning; 2 pair
ton. Output power 14 W/ch, min rms into 8 ohms narrow i-f bandwidth. Output power 130 W/ch into 8 of speakers capability; slide -type balance and volume
20-20,000 Hz at 0.3% THD; FR 15-25.000 Hz ± 1 ohms 20-20,000 Hz at 0.005% THD; FM usable controls; subsonic and high filters; FM muting; full
dB; S/N 81 dB phono, 85 dB aux; phono overload sens 10.3 dBf (1.8 µV); FM S/N 80 dB mono; FM electronic protection; IMD 0.05%; S/N 82 dB phono.
120 mV; FM tuner sens IHF 2.7 µV 13.7 Bf; capture THD < 0.005% $960 100 dB aux; ch separaton 65 dB; damping factor 60
ratio 2.0 dB; S/N 78 dB; sel 60 d8; image rejection 1-7000X. Similar to 2-9000x except has 4 -band dB; IHF sens 10.8 dBf/1.8 µV; stereo sep 50 dB;
50 dB; 5'1/4."H 71/4-D $160 graphic equalizer, 2 -speaker switching, no reverb capture ratio 1.2 dB. 4%"H x 17"W $390
amp. Output power 100 W/ch $800
STA-12 Stereo Receiver Z -5000X. Similar to Z -7000X except has LED peak 339RS AM/FM Stereo Receiver
Stereo receiver with Auto Magic' fine tuning, sepa- power meters. Compu-Selector System that links to Digital computerized receiver features 25 W min con-
rate balance and volume controls, stereo headphone some Sansui cassette decks. turntables for one -touch tinuous rms output per ch from 20-20,000 Hz
jack. function switch for FM mono, FM stereo, AM. operation. Output power 70 W/ch at 0.007% THD; <0.05% THD; quartz PLL frequency synthesized
phono and tape; BTL switch boosts output power to FM usable sens 10.8 dBf (1.9 µV) $500 tuning with 14 presets; digital information center with
10 W in mono mode. Output power 5 W/ch, min rms Z -3000X. Similar to Z -5000X except has dc -servo digital readout, signal strength, center tuning, preset
into 8 ohms 40-20.000 Hz at 0.9% THD; FR 40- amplifier. Output power 55 W/ch at 0.008% station and memory indicators; tape monitor; bass
20.000 Hz ±1 dB; S/N 70 dB phono, 72 dB aux; FM THD $400 and treble tone controls; auto/manual tuning; 2 pair
tuner sens IHF 7.0 µV 22.3 dBf; capture ratio 3.0 dB;
of speakers capability; slide -type volume control;
S/N 60 dB; sel 55 dB; image rejection 38 dB; 2%-H SANYO loudness contour; DC power amplifier; FM muting; full
x 10%'W x 6%"D $120 electronic protection; IMD 0.05%; S/N 80 dB phono,
DCR350 AM/FM-Stereo Receiver 100 dB aux; ch sep 65 dB; IHF sens 10.8 dBf/1.9uV;
AM/FM-stereo receiver with PLL frequency synthesiz- stereo sep 45 dB; damping factor 60 dB; capture ra-
REVOX er tuner. 2 -way tape monitor/dub. Features 6 AM/6 tio 1.2 dB. 31/4"Fl x 17"W $280
FM station presets; auto/manual up/down scan tun-
Revox 8780 FM -Stereo Receiver ing; LED digital frequency display; 5 -LED signal - 349RA AM/FM Stereo Receiver
Amplifier section features defeatable & 8 -dB bass strength meter; bass, treble controls; loudness switch; Features: 45 W min continuous rms output per ch
(120 Hz), presence (3 kHz), treble (8 kHz) controls; low, high filters; 41-detent volume control; output from 40.20.000 Hz <0.06% THD; (40 W from 20-
switchable low, high, low/high filters; mono, loudness, protection. Output power 33 W/ch into 8 ohms, 20- 20.000 Hz); 3 LED signal strength indicator; tuned
-20-dB audio muting switches; phono, tuner, AUX, tape 20.000 Hz at 0.03% THD; FR 10-40,000 Hz +0/-1 indicator; LED power meters; 2 tape monitors with
1 and 2 input selectors. Output power 75 W/ch into dB; phono sens/overload 2.5/150 mV/47k ohms; one-way copy; bass and treble tone controls; 2 pair of
8 ohms, 20-20,000 Hz at 0.05% THD; dynamic S/N phono/Aux and tape 78/90 dB; FM usable sens speakers capability; slide -type volume control; high
headroom 1 dB. Tuner features microcomputer -con- 10.8 dBf (1.8 µV); S/N mono/stereo 75/65 dB; dis- filter; full electronic protection; DC power amplifier;
trolled digital synthesis tuning; auto up/down push- tortion mono/stereo 0.3%/0.4% at 1 kHz; capture FM muting; IMD 0.06%; S/N rato 80 dB phono; 100
button scan tuning with -4- 0.0025% accuracy; LED ratio 1.5 dB; alternate-ch sel 60 dB; spurious/ dB aux; ch sep 65 dB; damping factor 60 dB; IHF
digital frequency display; 18 -station memory preset image/i-f rejection 75/60/85 dB; AM rejection 55 sens 10.8 dBf/1.9uV; stereo sep 45 dB; capture ra-
with last station recall; noise reduction, high blend, dB; sep 45 dB at 1 kHz; AM sens 300 µV/m; 420 tio 1.5 dB. 31/4"H x 17'W $280
FM mono, muting off, stereo -only selectors; signal - mmW ' 250 mmD < 120 mmH $280
strength meter; IHF 50 -dB quieting 13.2 dBf (2.5 DCR250. Similar to DCR350 except has analog tun- 319RA AM/FM Stereo Receiver
µV); stereo THD 0.25%; S/N 78 dB; capture ratio 2 ing dial; no tape dub. Output power 22 W/ch at Features 25 W min continuous rms output per ch
dB; alternate-ch sel 78 dB; AM suppression 70 dB; 0.09% THD; high -end response 30 kHz; phono over- from 40-20,000 Hz <0.08% THD: (20 W from 20-
unit can be used with European. Asian, US station al- load 130 mV; FM usable sens 11.2 dBf (2 µV); cap- 20.000 Hz); DC power amplifier; tuned indicator; 3 -
locations, deemphasis curves, with standard ac line ture ratio 3 dB; alternate-ch sel 55 dB; spurious/ LED signal strength indicator; tape monitor; bass and
voltages; 17%-W x 161/41) 6"H $2,899 f suppression 55/70/50 dB; sep 40 dB $200 treble tone controls; 2 pair of spekers capability;
DCR150. Similar to DCR 250 except no station pre- slide -type volume control; full electronic protection;
sets, up/down scan tuning, high and low filters,
SAE speakers A/B /A+ B switching. Output power 22
W/ch $160
R-102 Stereo Receiver
AM/FM stereo receiver utilizes an on -board computer OCR 100 Stereo Receiver Audio terms are defined
to eliminate dependency between front panel layout AM/FM receiver with flywheel tuning and 3 -part LED in the glossary on page 19.
and audio circuits. All controls grouped by function. signal -strength indicator. Features mode/muting
Features alphanumeric and digital readouts for input switch; Baxandall-feedback tone controls; loudness For an explanation of abbreviations,
functions, tone, volume. balance settings, station fre- button; brushed -satin finish; tape monitoring; head- turn to the list on page 22.
quency and tuner memories; 2 tone memories: tuner phone jack. 17 W/ch continuous average power into

Unlike most high fidelity corrpa- control. One -touch Simul Switch- 130 to 55 watts, and you can
vies. Sansui doesn't reserve its ing simultaneously turns or the app-eciate why no other collection
most advanced technology exclu- power and one input-turntable. of receivers gives you so much
sively for the top -of -the -line model tape deck or AM. FM broadcast con:rol over your music.
That's why every model in The microprocessor also controls Maybe you're wondering why
our new "Z" Quartz Synthesizer the Quartz-PLL digital syntl-esized Sansui doesn't give you less tech-
Compu Receiver line (Z -9003X, tuning that presets 8 FM and 8 AM nology and fewer features, as
Z -7000X, Z 5000X. Z -3000X) is stations. The drift -free tunirg, others do. It's because we never
distortion -free whether auto scan or manual, is compromise when it comes to
Sansui puts its so precise that in congested areas music. And neither should you.
best Super Feedforward even the weakest station sounds
Some competitive receivers as if it's just around the corner. Watts per channel
herald the fact that they eliminate There's also a programmaole digi- Mirimum RMS, 20-20KHz, both
audible distortion. But only Sansui tal quartz timer/clock with three channels driven into 8 ohms, at
with its highly acclaimed and exclu- daily independent memory func- rated Total Harmonic Distortion.
sive Super Feedforward DC power tions. You can awaken to FM: fall
amplifier system. banishes every asleep to cassette music: and arrive Z -9000X 130 w 005%
conceivable type of audible and in- home to hear your favorite record. Z -7000X 100 w 0050/0
audible distortion-THD, TIM inter- The top -of -the -line Z -9000X Z-E000X 70 w. 0070/0
modulation. envelope switching makes listening even more plea- Z -:77000X 55 w. .008%
crossover. etc. And this unique dis- surable with a 7 -band graphic
torticn-destroying circuitry is built equalizer, a built-in reverb amp, IMRE
into every new Sansui-Z receiver preset volume control plus pre -
The super intelligence amps for MC and MM cartridges
of microprocessor control More music
Similarly. all models incjr- control across the board
porate a high degree of automa- Combine all this with power Lyndhurst NJ 07071 Gardena CA 90248
tion thanks to microprocessor handling capability ranging from Sansu, Electric Co Ltd Tokyo. Japan

Putting more pleasure in sound

Circle No. 43 on Reader Service Card.
Receivers 1 Receivers
FM muting; loudness contour; edge lighted dial scale; Output power 29 W/ch rms into 8 ohms. 40-24,000 TECHNICS
IMD 0.06%; S/N 80 dB phono, 100 dB aux; ch sep Hz at 0.5% THD and IM distortion; clipping/dynamic
65 dB; damping factor 50 dB; IHF sens 10.8 headroom 1.53/2.0 dB; damping factor 40 at 8 SA -1010 AM/FM Stereo Receiver
dBf/1.9uV; stereo sep 45 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB. ohms; input sens 2.5 mV phono, 150 mV tape and Quartz -synthesizer computer -drive class A receiver
3",-H 17W $220 AUX; phono overload 140 mV; S/N phono/Aux with linear feedback. Features phono EQ; microcom-
91/100 dB; FR 8-40,000 Hz & 0.5 dB; FM us- puter -controlled tuning; auto IF Bandwidth Selector;
SHARP able/50-dB quieting sens 1.8 µV/40 µV stereo, 3.5 16 -station random access; auto -scan and auto -memo-
µV mono; THD stereo/mono 0.20%/1.5%; S/N ry; digital -analog display; space dimension control;
SA -250 Stereo Receiver stereo/mono 75/80 dB; sep 45 dB; alternate-ch sel graphic equalizer selectors and rear panel jacks allow
AM/FM-stereo receiver with 5 -LED signal-strengh me- 65 dB; image/i-f, spurious -response ratio 65/70/70 remote control of graphic operation; electronic input
ter, loudness switch, and flywheel tuning. Features dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB; FR 30-15,000 Hz & 1 dB; selectors; up/down 2 -speed 56 -step electronic vol-
tape monitor switch; high -cut filter; green and red AM sens 300 µV m; ac accessory outlets 1 switched. ume control pushbuttons with 10 -LED volume level
LED dial pointer; FM stereo LED indicator; edge light 1 unswitched; 16%-W > 13%"D x 4'H; 16.5 indication; two tape monitor switches and indicators
illumination; bass and treble controls; switch for 2 lb $200 with dubbing capability; scan level adjustable in 10
pairs of speakers. Amp section: 22 W/ch rms from dB steps from 20 dB to 50 dB; Aux/CD/video input
20-20,000 Hz into 8 ohms with no more than 0.09% SONY selector; high filter, subsonic filter; main and/or re-
THD; FRs; phono 30-20.000 Hz ±1.0 dB, tape 15- mote speaker selection; fuseless electronic protection
32,000 Hz ± 2 dB. Tuner section: FM usable sens STR-VX750 Stereo Receiver circuit with relay; FM mode switch. Amp section: 125
11.7 dBf ( 2.1 µV); S/N 73 dB mono, 68 dB stereo; Stereo receiver with audio/video computer control rms into 8 ohms; THD 0.003%; S/Ns (A -
FR 30-15,000 Hz ±3 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB; sep center and Audio Signal Processor for feather -touch weighted) MM 73 dB, MC 72dB (phono), 75 dB
38 dB at 1 kHz. 15%'W x 9'4'D r 3%."H; 11.3 control of volume in 1 -dB steps and bass and treble in (tape/aux); FRs RIAA standard curve ± 0.2 dB (pho-
lbs $160 2 -dB steps. Features direct-access/quartz synthesis no), 3-100,000 Hz ±3 dB (aux/CD/video/graphic
SA -150. Same as SA -250 except power output 10 tuning; auto sweep tuning and 10 -station preset scan- EQ/tape 1/2/EXT); input sens MM 0.23 mV, MC 14
W/ch (min rms) from 40-20.000 Hz with no more ning with auto tuning level; station card insert marks mV (phono/aux/CD/video/graphic EQ/tape 1/2/
than 0.9% THD; no 2 -color LED indicator; no edge preset stations; flourescent display; speaker switches ext). Tuner section: FM usable sens 10.8 dBf (1.9
light illumination; no high -cut filter; no provision for for A/B/AandB/off and 4/8 ohm; switchable 20 dB µV), 50 -dB quieting sens 37.2 dBf (39.7 µ) ste-
second speaker pair. 11 lbs $170 audio muting; Direct Comparator for quiet FM recep- reo,13.7 dBf (2.7 µV) mono; S/N 72 dB (stereo). 78
tion; legato linear amp for cleaner switching and dB (mono); FR 20-15,000 Hz; capture ratio 1.0 dB;
SHERWOOD crossover; memory backup system; remote control sep 60 dB at 1 kHz. 20'/.."W x 63/."D x 14'/."H;
optional. Amp section: 70 W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz 32.2 lbs $850
5-2680 CP AM/FM Digital Receiver into 8 ohms with 0.006% THD; IMD 0.006%; S/Ns
Digitally synthesized receiver with 8 AM and 8 FM (A -weighted) phono 1 87 dB, phono 2 84 dB. SA -810 AM/FM Stereo Receiver.
presets. Power output 70 W/ch min rms 20-20,000 tape/aux/video 1 and 2 105 dB; FRs; phono RIAA Quartz -synthesizer computer -drive class -A receiver
Hz with <0.05% THD at 8 ohms; IMD 0.05% at 70 standard curve ± .5 dB, tape/aux/video 5 Hz -100 with linear feedback. Features synchro-bias circuit;
W (SMPTE); S/N phono (15mV input) 92 dB. aux kHz + 0.5,-0.1 dB. Input sens phono 1 /phono 2/tape linear feedback, 16 -station random preset; auto -scan
100 dB; FR with built-in LPF 5-40,000 Hz; input sens and aux/video 1 and 2, 2.5mV/0.25mV/150mV/ and auto memory; digital -analog display; graphic
for rated output 2.5mV phono, 150 mV aux; usable 150mV. Tuner section: FM usable sens 11.2 dBf (2.0 equalizer selectors; rear panel jacks; remote control
sens 1.7 j.i.V (9.8 dBf); sens mono 2.8µV (14.1 dBf), la) mono; 50 -dB quieting sens 38.3 dBf (45 µV) ste- of graphic equalizer; electronic input selectors;
stereo 38µV (36.5 dBf; S/N mono 80 dB, stereo 75 reo, 17.3 dBf (4.0µV) mono; S/N 82 dB mono, 76 up/down 2 -speed 56 -step electronic volume control
dB; capture ratio 1.2 dB; FM FR 20-15.000 Hz ±1 dB stereo; FR 30-15,000 Hz +0.5,-1.5 dB; stereo pushbuttons with 10 -LED volume level indication;
dB; 173/,'H 4'/,"H 13'/."D $480 sep 45 dB at 1 kHz. 17'W x 4'/."D x 14'/.1-1; 14 fuseless electronic protection circuit; 2 -tape monitor
lbs.6 oz $490 switch with dubbing capability; aux/CD/video input
S-2660 CP AM/FM Digital Receiver STR-VX550. Same as STR-VX750 except no phono 2 selector; high filter, subsonic filter; main and/or re-
Digitally synthesized receiver with 8 AM and 8 FM input. Amp section 50 W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz into mote speaker system selection; quartz lock indicator;
presets. Power output 50 W/ch min rms from 20- 8 ohms with 0.008% THD; IMD 0.008%;S/Ns (A - flashing frequency scan indicator; FM muting/mode
20,000 Hz with <0.05% THD at 8 ohms; IMD weighted) phono 81 dB, tape/aux video 1 and 2 100 switch. Amp section: 85 W/ch rms into 8 ohms; THD
0.05% at 50 W (SMPTE); S/N (5mV input) 92 dB dB; 17"W 4'D .< 14'/."H; 17 lbs, 11 oz . $360 0.005%; IMD 0.01%; S/Ns (A -weighted) 73 dB
phono; 100 dB aux; aux FR with built-in LPF 5- STR-VX450. Similar to STR-VX550 without Audio Sig- (phono), 75 dB (aux/CD/video/graphic EQ,tape
40,000 Hz. FM section: usable sens 1.8 µV (10.3 nal Processor, auto level or remote option. Amp sec- 1,2/ext); FRs RIAA standard curve ±0.8 dB (phono).
dBf); 50 dB quieting sens mono 3.2µV (15.3 dBf). tion: 40 W/ch; S/Ns (A -weighted) phono 1 77 5-100.000 Hz -3 dB (aux/CD/video/graphic EQ/
stereo 38µV (36.5 dBf) S/N stereo 75 dB; capture dB,tape/aux/video 1 and 2 100 dB; FRs. tape/aux/ tape 1/2/ext); input sans 0.28 mV (phono). 17.0 mV
ratio 1.2 dB; FR at 20-15,000 Hz ±1 dB; 17'/."W video 10 Hz-70kHz -1 dB; S/N 80 dB mono, 75 dB (aux/CD/video/graphic eq/tape 1/2/ext). Tuner sec-
43/.'H x 13'7.1) $380 stereo; FR 30-15,000 Hz +0.5,-2 dB; 17"W tion: FM usable sens 10.8 dBf (1.9 µV); 50 -dB
4'/."D x 12'/."H; 13 lbs, 11 oz $320 quieting sens 38.3 dBf (45 µ) stereo, 16.1 dBf (3.5
S-2640 CP AM/FM Digital Receiver STR-VX350. Similar to STR-VX450 without VCR audio µV) mono; S/N 72 dB (stereo). 78 dB (mono); FR 20-
Digitally synthesized receiver with 6 AM and 6 FM dubbing. Amp section: 30 W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz 15,000 Hz; capture ratio 1 dB; sep 45 dB at 1 kHz.
presets. Power output 45 W/ch min rms from 40- into 8 ohms with 0.03% THD; IMD 0.03%; S/Ns (A - 16"/,.'W x 4"/'D x 13'H; 19.6 lbs $530
20,000 Hz with 0.5% THD into 8 ohms; IMD at 35 W weighted) phono 74 dB, tape/aux/video 1 and 2 96 SA-510.Similar to SA -810 except no graphic equaliz-
(SMPTE) 0.05%; S/N, phono (5mV input) 88 dB. aux dB;S 'Ns 80 dB mono, 75 dB stereo; 17'W 4'/.'D er. Amp section: 65 W/ch rms into 8 ohms; THD
100 dB; aux FR with built-in LPF 5-40.000 Hz. FM 12' ,"H; 12 lbs,13 oz $250 0.005%; IMD 0.01%; S/Ns (A -weighted) 74 dB
section: usable sens 1.9µ (10.8 dBf); 50 dB quieting STR-VX250. Similar to STR-VX350 with 8 station pre- (phono), 76 dB (aux/tape/video,graphic EQ, tape
sens; mono 3.5µV (15.8 dBf) stereo 50µ (39.2 dBf); set instead of 10 and without audio/video control 1,2/ext); FRs RIAA standard curve ±0.8 dB (phono).
S/N stereo 72 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB; frequency center, memory scan, or Direct Comparator. Amp sec- 5-100,000 Hz -3 dB (aux/CD/video,graphic EQ, tape
reponse at 20-15,000 Hz ±1 dB; 17'4' W tion: 20 W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz into 8 ohms with 1,2/ext); input sens 0.35 mV (phono), 19.0 mV
3'/."H x 11 "/' $280 0.08% THD; IMD 0.08%; S/Ns (A -weighted) phono (aux 'CD/video,graphic EQ/tape 1,2/ext). Tuner sec-
72 dB, tape/aux 94 dB; FRs; phono RIAA standard tion: FM usable sens 10.8 dBf (1.9 µV); 50 -dB
S-2620 CP AM/FM Stereo Synthesized Receiver curve ±.5 dB, tape/aux 10 Hz -50 kHz -3 dB. quieting sans 38.3 dBf (45 11) stereo, 16.1 dBf (3.5
Digital synthesized receiver with 10 presets; power phono/tape and aux, 2.5mV/150mV. Tuner section: µV) mono; S/N 72 dB (stereo), 78 dB (mono); FR 20-
output 20 W/ch min rms from 40-20,000 Hz with S/N 75 dB mono, 70 dB stereo; 17"W 4' ;D 15,000 Hz; capture ratio 1 dB; sep 45 dB at 1 kHz.
0.5% THD into 8 ohms; IMD at 20 W (SMPTE) 12'/.-H; 12 lbs.5 oz $180 16"/,."W 4"/"D 13"H; 18.3 lbs ... $420
0.05%; S/N phono (5 mV input) 88 dB; aux FR with
built-in LPF 5-40,000 Hz; usable sens 1.9µV (10.8 TANDBERG SA -140 AM/FM Receiver
dBf); S/N stereo 72 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB; FR at Quartz -synthesizer computer -drive class A receiver
30-50.000 Hz ±1 dB; 173/."W x 32/ -H TR3030 AM/FM-Stereo Receiver with linear feedback. Features 16 -station random ac-
11"/"D $220 Stereo receiver with 4 AMi4 FM station presets, elec- cess preset and auto -scan tuning; digital -analog dis-
tronic tuning. high-speed dc amplifier, unique 3 -stage play; phono equalizer; fuseless electronic protection
S-9180 Stereo Receiver phono equalizer. Features AM and FM band selector circuit; DC protection relay; 2 -tape monitor switch
AM/FM-stereo receiver with back -lit slide -rule tuning switches; volume, bass, treble, balance, tuning con- with dubbing capability; aux/CD/video input selector;
dial and illuminated pointer, FM center -tune meter. trols; signal -strength, center -tune meters; FM muting; A,B or A + B speaker selection; separate bass and tre-
40 -kHz input buffer filter to power amplifier. Features loudness -compensation, mono/stereo, high and low ble controls; subsonic filter; quartz lock indicator;
all discrete circuitry throughout audio path; dual -gate filters, speakers A and B switches. Output power 30 flashing frequency scan indicator; loudness switch.
MOSFET input to r -f amplifier; linear -phase FM ceram- W/ch into 8 ohms at <0.09% THD; hum and noise Amp section: 48 W/ch rms into 8 ohms; THD
ici-f filters; double -tuned quadrature detector; PLL tape/phono 82/77 dB; (1.8 µV)/37.3 dBf (20 µV); 0.007%; IMD 0.01%; S/Ns (A -weighted) 76 dB
MPX demodulator; loudness switch; FM mute; push- S/N at 65 dBf mono/stereo 76/74 dB; 51.5 cmW x (phono), 80 dB (aux/CD/video.tape 1,2/ext); FRs
button tape monitor, AM, FM, phono, AUX functions. 32 cmD i 32 cmH $299 RIAA standard curve ±0.8 dB (phono), 5-70,000 Hz


Receivers 1 Receivers
3 dB (aux /CD/video.tape 1,2/ext); input sens 0.4 noise -reduction system. synthesized tuner with pro- weighted. rated power) phono 78 dB. aux 92 dB, tape
mV (phono). 23 mV (aux, CD 'video.tape 1.2,,ext). grammable timer functions, relay -controlled input se- 92 dB; input sens/imp phono 2.3mV/47k ohms, aux
Tuner section: FM usable sens 10.8 dBf (1.9 µV); 50 - lector. Features moving -coil cartridge head amp; 5 - 150 mV,25k ohms; tape 150mV, 22k ohms; sens
dB quieting sens 38.3 dBf (45 µ) stereo. 16.1 dBf point signal-strength!multipath indicator; 3 -band (IHF) 10.8 dBf 1.9 µV; 50 -dB quieting sens; mono 19
(3.5 µV) mono; S. N 72 dB (stereo). 78 dB (mono); panoramic- tone control system with selectable fre- c113f; stereo 40 dBf; S'N at 65 dBf mono 76 dB, ste-
FR 20-15,000 Hz; capture ratio 1 dB; sep 40 dB at 1 quencies (bass & 10 dB 65-220 Hz. midrange & 10 reo 71 dB; FR mono 32.15.000 Hz 1.0 dB; stereo
kHz.16".',6"W 3"/,."D 11', "1-1; 15 lbs$300 dB 350-2000 Hz. treble & 10 dB 2.5k -20k Hz); dual 30.15.000 Hz 1.5 dB; stereo sep 1.000 Hz 42 dB;
SA -310. Similar to SA -410 except no DC protection 12 -point LED ot.tput level indicators; pre main amp 175/,,,"W 454"H 147,,,"D; 171/2 lbs $250
relay. 1 tape monitor switch, and no flashing frequen- jacks. Audio section: output power 90 W. ch into 8
cy scan indication. Amp section:35 W. ch rms into 8 ohms, 20-20.000 Hz at 0.02% THD; power amp in- YAMAHA
ohms; THD 0.02%; IMD 0.02%; Si Ns (A -weighted) put sens,'imp 1 V 47k ohms; MM phono S.'N 82 dB A
77 dB (phono), 82 dB (aux "CD/video,tape 1.2/ext); weighted. FM section; sens 10.8 dBf (1.9 µV); SiN R-100 Remote Controlled Receiver
input sens 0.45 mV (phono). 25 mV (aux/CD/Video. 70 dB stereo at 65 dBf; FR 20-15.000 Hz & 1 dB; Stereo receiver with computer -controlled 5 -band
tape 1,2'ext). Tuner section: S/N 71 dB (stereo), 77 distortion 0.08% at 65 dBt (at 1 kHz, stereo); sep 50 equalizer. loudness controls and filters. Features 5
dB (mono). 13 lbs $250 dB at 1 kHz; 17'.,,"W 14' ',"D 5',",,,1-1; 30 lb CCSS settings for bass, loudness. presence, treble.
10 oz $1.000 and high filter; up/down tone control bar; dynamic
SA -210 Quartz Synthesizer Digital Receiver roise canceller; 'auto phono- circuit: autoally switch-
Features auto -scan tuning; memory presets; slider VRX-9000 Stereo Receiver es to phono whenever the turntable tonearm is low-
controls for bass. treble. balance and volume; Amplifier section features direct -coupled OCL power ered onto a record; infrared remote control; speaker
fuseless electronic protection circuit; detachable AM circuitry; dual power -output meters with low,' high - protection circuit; computer servo -lock synthesizer
loop antenna; built-in loudness compensation for low - range meter switch; defeatable bass, midrange. treble with PLL tuning or FM servo tuning; Spatial Expander
volume listening; FM auto -manual mode switch; large controls; 12 -dB: octave low, high filters; loudness control; 10 -station random-access station status;
pushbutton source selector and tape monitor switch- control; -20 dB audio muting, 2 -deck tape monitoring auto bleed; 10 -LED signal -quality meter; 2 tape moni-
es; 4- and 8 -ohm speaker load imp available. Amp with 2 -way dubbing; phono. tuner, AUX input selector tors with tape -copy function; memory backup: digital
section: 27 W ch rms into 8 ohms; THD 0.5%; IMD with LEDs. Output power 80 W/ch continuous. into 8 frequency display; low -imp AM loop antenna; front -
0.5%; S/Ns (A -weighted) 75 dB (phono). 82 dB ohms. 20-20.000 Hz at 0.08% THD and 0.1% IM panel ga n switch for direct input of MC or MM car-
(tape aux); FRs RIAA standard curve (phono). 5- distortion; damping factor 50 at 1 kHz, 8 ohms; input tridge; built-in infrasonic filter; last ch memory. Amp
70.000 Hz -3 dB (aux tape); input sens 0.5 mV (pho- sens imp 2.5 mV, 47k ohms phono. 150 mV, 47k section: 100 W. ch rms from 20-20,000 Hz into 8
no). 30 mV (aux tape). Tuner section: FM usable sens ohms AUX. tape 1. 2; FR 20-20.000 Hz & 0.5 phono, ohms 1 dB; THD 0.008%; IMD 0.01%; S/Ns (A-
10.8 dBf (1.9 µV):50 -dB quieting sens 38.3 dBf (3.5 10-50.000 Hz 0.5 -1 dB high-level; SiN 82 dB weightec) phono MM 88 dB. MC 75 dB. AUX 100 dB;;
µ) stereo,16.1 dBf (3.5 µV) mono; S'N 71 dB (ste- phono. 93 dB AUX and tape. Tuner features PLL fre- input sens phono MM- phono MC line 2.5, 16µV/12
reo), 77 dB (mono); FR 20-15.000 Hz; capture ratio quency -synthesizer quartz -locked digital tuning with mV. Tuner section: FM usable sens 14.8 dBf (1.5µV)
1 dB; sep 40 dB at 1 kHz. 16"/,,"W 3"/,,"D up/down scan tuning with hold scan. LED digital fre- mono; 50 -dB quieting sens 8.8 dBf (0.75 µ) mono;
9' 9.9 lbs $200 quency display 6 -station AM 'FM memory preset; S- S/N 88 dB: FR 50.10.000 Hz ' 0.3 dB.30-15.000
LED signal -strength indicators; 25 -µsec Dolby de -em- Hz 0.3 -0.5 dB; capture ratio 1.2 dB (local); sep
SA -110 FM/AM Stereo Receiver phasis; FM muting switches; LED FM stereo indicator. 50 dB at 1 kHz. 17', ."W - 4", ,,,"H 15', WC); 24

Receiver with convenient sliders for balance, volume. FM section: IHF usable sens 10.8 dBf (1.9 µV); 50 - lbs 3 or $800
and bass and treble tone controls. Features large dB quieting 19 dBf mono, 40 dBf stereo; S, N 75 dB R-90. Similar to R-100 except rated at 70 Wth; no
gyro -touch tuning knob: LED optimum tuning indica- mono, 70 dB stereo. FR 20-15.000 Hz & 1 dB; dis- auto phono. dynamic noise cancellor or auto blend;
tortion at 1 kHz 0.08% mono, 0.25% stereo: capture 17"W 15"D 4"Fl: 21 lbs 2 oz $600
tor: fuseless electronic protection circuitry; large
pushbuttons for tuner. phono. and tape monitor selec- ratio 1.1 dB; alternate ch sel 65 dB; spurious rejec-
tion; built-in loudness compensation for low -volume tion 72 dB: image and i-f rejection 100 dB; sep 46 dB R-70 Remote Controlled Receiver
listening; detachable AM loop antenna; easy -connec- at 1 kHz; 17'/WW 14',',"D - 5%,,,"H $650 A 45 W'ch simplified version of R-100 receiver with
tion speaker terminals; 4- and 8 -ohm speaker load VR-5000. Similar to VR-7000 minus LED power -level computer servo lock synthesized tuning; 10 -station
imp available. Amp section: 20 W rms into 8 display. FM Dclby de -emphasis switch. Output power random-access programmable station memory; Spa-
ohms; THD 0.5%; IMD 0.5%; S Ns (A -weighted) 75 45 W ch $360 tial Expander control; MC MM cartridge switch and 2
dB (phono), 82 dB (tape, aux); FRs RIAA standard tape monitors with tape -copy function. Amp section:
curve 0.8dB (phono). 5-70.000 Hz -3 dB (aux/ VR-3000 Stereo Receiver FR line 20-100.000-3 dB. Tuner section: FM usable
tape): input sens 0.55 mV (phone)). 33 mV Stereo receiver with discrete output transistors in sens 9.3dBf (0.8 µV) mono: 50 -dB quieting sens
(aux tape). Tuner section: Frequency range 88- true push-pull configuration. Features 5 -point LED 38.1 d4f (22 µV) stereo, 15.3 dBf (0.8 µV) mono;
108.000 Hz; FM usable sens 10.8 dBf (1.9 µV); 50 - signal -strength indicator; LED tuning indicator; dual SiN mono stereo 85/81 dB; 17',4")N 15'/,'D
dB quieting sens 38.3 dBf (45 µ) stereo.16.1 dBf 5 -point LED output -level indicators; bass, treble con- 4"/,."1-1: 18 lbs 4oz $470
(3.5 µV) mono; S N 70 dB (stereo). 76 dB (mono); trols; loudness switch; tape monitor switch. Audio sec-
FR 20-15.000 Hz; capture ratio 1 dB; sep 40 dB at 1 tion: output power 25 W ch into 8 ohms. 20-20.000 R-50 Stereo Receiver
kHz. 16", ,,,"W 3"/,."D 9'/,."H:9.9 lbs $160 Hz at 0.1 THD: FR 10.50.000 Hz & 0.5 dB at 1-W 35 Vv ,.h receiver basically similar to the R-100 and
output; S N 82 dB phono A -weighted, at rated power; R-70, but with fewer features. Features include com-
TOSHIBA input sens, imp 2.5 mV,.47k ohms phono, FM sens puter Servo lock tuning with digital readout; 10 -sta-
12 dBf (2.2 µV); FR 30-15,000 Hz & 1.5 dB in ste- tion random-access programmable station memory;
SA -R3 Stereo Receiver reo; sep 40 dB at 1 kHz; 17"."W 14',"D continuously variable loudness control; bass exten-
Digital synthesizer AM FM -stereo receiver with 6 5'/"H: 22 lb $250 sion control. Amp section: THD 0.015% phono MM:
AM 6 FM station presets. CX record noise -reduction 0.008% line; S/N 88 dB phono. 97 dB line; FR 20-
circuit. Features dc amplifier; switching for 2 pairs of VR-2000 Stereo Receiver 20.000 HZ -3 dB. Tuner section: FM usable sens 9.3
speakers; infrasonic filter. Output power 40 W ch AM FM stereo receiver with discrete power amplifier dBf (0.8µV) mono; 50 dB quieting sens mono/stereo
continuous into 8 ohms. 20-20.000 Hz at 0.04% and vector cm tuning. Features built-in relay protec- 15.3 dBf (91.6µV) /38.1 dBf(0.8µV); FR 50-
tion; LED tuning indicators; built-in FM muting; tape 10.000 Hz ' 0.5 dB; 17',/,"W CH 13"/,"D;
monitor; AM loop antenna; nondistortion bass and tre- 14 lbs 5 oz $335
ble controls; loudness control: speaker A, B and A B R-30. Similar to R-50, this 25 W, ch receiver features
p1111111111111 j selection; stereo/mono switch; unswitched AC outlet. a quartz PLL synthesized tuner with analog dial, 5
' 21_11.1112.17._ 22 W per ch into 8 ohms min rms, both chs driven.
from 40-20,000 Hz. with no more than 0.2% THD;
AM 5 FM presets; continuously variable loudness
control, bass extension control and electronic func-
IMD 0.5%; FR 10-50.000 Hz 1dB; S N (IHF. A - tion switching; 14 lbs 1 oz $275

THD and IM distortion; phono S/N 72 dB; phono over-

load 150 mV; FM sens 1.8 µV: 50 -dB quieting sens
3.6 µV; distortion stereo 'mono 0.15%:'0.08%; sep
40 dB at kHz; 16.6"W
1 13.2"D 4.3"H; 15 NOTICE TO READERS
lb $380
SA -R2. Similar to SA -R3 except output power 25 Prices of items described are manufacturers* suggested prices
W ch; 13.6 lb $290 only and are subject to change wit lout notice. Actual selling
VECTOR RESEARCH prices are determined by the dealers.
VRX-9500 Stereo Receiver
Stereo receiver with dbx II disc encoder/decoder

1984 EDITION 39
ACCUPHASE put power 100 With into 8 ohms. 20-20.000 Hz. Hz at 0.01% THD; IM distortion 0.01%, 10 mW-200
0.02% THD. Supplied with rack handles. 19"W x or 208 W; noise -100 dB; slew rate 60 V/ixsec; power
P-600 Stereo Power Amplifier 13 V. " D x 5'4" H $375 bandwidth 1-100,000 Hz; damping factor 500 at 20
Power amp drives 7 -parallel push-pull output stage Hz. 8 ohms; input sens/imp 1.25 V/50k ohms; 19"W
with MOSFET pre -driver incorporating push-pull cir- AUDIONICS x 131/2"D x 51/2"H $1450
cuitry in all stages. Can fully drive a 2 -ohm low imp 3B. Similar to 4B except 100 W/ch. 400 W bridged;
speaker system with a guaranteed output of 700 CC -3 Power Amplifier input sens/imp 1.25 V/50k ohms; has 500-sq-in.
W/ch. Features digital peak power display; bridge Basic power amp in rack -mount enclosure and peak - heat -sink area; 9" $925
connection switch; 1 dB step input level control. Rat- indicating power LEDs. Output power 80 W /ch into 8 2B. Similar to 38 except 50 W/ch. 200 W bridged;
ed output 300 W/ch into an 8 -ohm load with both chs ohms (130 W/ch into 4 ohms), both chs driven 20- input senvimp 0.75 V /50k ohms; has 250-sq-in.
driven, distortion e 0.01%, 20-20,000 Hz; bridge 20.000 Hz; THD and IM distortion < 0.1% at rated heat -sink area; 19"W x 10'D x 31/4"H $525
connection 1.000 W into an 8 -ohm load, distortion output, 8 ohms: mono bridged -output power 225 W
< 0.01% 20-20,000Hz; IM distortion 4- 0.01%; into 8 ohms; slew rate 50 V/µsec stereo. 100 V/µsec CARVER
damping factor 300 (IHF 50Hz); S/N - 125 dB (IHF- mono; input sens/imp 1.0 V .22.9k ohms nor -
A); rated input 2V; 18''/,"W 9 'A, H inverting; 19'W x 11'D x 31/4"1-1 $750 M -1.5t Power Amplifier
18"/,."D $3.585 CC -5. Similar to CC -3 amp except 70 Wch into 8 Magnetic Field stereo basic power amp with LED dual
ohms FTC method 20-20.000 Hz with .15% THD peak -responding power displays, infrasonic and ultra-
P-266 Stereo Power Amplifier and IMD; average continuous power into 4 ohms 120 sonic filters. Output power 350 W/ch into 8 ohms at
Stereo power amp with MOS FETs as the power ampli- W ch. Circuit design allows imp loads as low as 2 no more than 0.1% THD; dynamic headroom/ch 750
fication devices in a triple push-pull arrangement and ohms. 17" 3" 10" 15 lbs $500 W at 4 and 8 ohms; noise > -100 dB A -weighted; IMD
the following 4 types of operations: 130 W/ch stereo .1%; bandwidth dc -250.000 Hz 40/-3 dB at 1 W;
into an 8 -ohm load. 30 W/ch (8 ohms) Class -A ste- AUDIO RESEARCH input imp 150k ohms; 19"W a 10VD x 3Y,H; 16
reo. 400 W (8 ohms) monophonic and 110 W Class -A lbs $799
monophonic. Rated output, normal. 130 W/ch (into D-115 Power Amplifier
an 8 -ohm load with both chs driven, distortion Vacuum -tube stereo power amp with cross -coupled M-500 Power Amplifier
e 0.01% 20-20.000 Hz); bridge connection, normal. circuitry. Features relay coupled for smooth turn on; Stereo power amp with super -efficient Magnetic Field
400 W, Class -A: 110 W (into an 8 -ohm load, distor- front -panel fusing for line and screen; power output circuitry in slim -line cabinet. Features peak -respond-
tion 4- 0.003%; damping factor 120 (IHF 50 Hz); 120 W/ch min into 8 oms from 20-20,000 Hz with ing power meters; cool operation; no bulky power
rated input 1.3V. Features Normal/Class-A selector e 1% THD: THD e 0.005% at 1W; power bandwidth transformer, heat sinks, or electrolytic capacitors;
switch; bridge connection switch; peak hold switch; 1 10-60.000 Hz; input imp sens 1.1 V for rated output; brushed -gold with brown trim or charcoal -gray finish.
dB step input level control; 17'/,"W 6%,"H input imp 75K ohms nominal; noise - 90 dB below Output power 250 W 'ch into 8 ohms. 20-20,000 Hz
14%,"D; cascade push-pull predrive: MOSFET final rated power, broadband-unweighted $2.995 at 0.05%/0.06% THD'IM distortion; FR 1-250.000
stage $1.375 Hz & 0.25 DB; S/N 100 dB A -weighted; slew rate 40
D-120 Power Amplifier V µsec $629
ACOUSTAT Solid-state stereo power amp with Analog Module
technology, unique linear output circuit. Features in- M400t Power Amplifier
Trans -Nova Twin -200 Power Amplifier ternal bridging switch for mono operation; power sup- Stereo power amp with Magnetic Field Circuitry that
Full FE T amp designed to obtain 1000 damping ply fuse on front panel; fuse -failure LED indicator. eliminates oversize heat sinks. power transformers,
factor in audio band with no first -order distortion in Output power 120 W/ch into 8 ohms. 10-20.000 Hz electrolytic capacitors. Features dual vertical LED
output stage. Features Complement Feedback circuit at - 0.25% THD; FR 10-20,000 Hz & 0.1 dB at 1 W peak -level display with VU -meter ballistics; brushed -
to eliminate negative -feedback problems. Output into 8 ohms; power bandwidth 0.6-100,000 Hz -3 gold with brown trim or charcoal -gray finish. Output
power 200 W/ch into 8 ohms at 0.02% THD; full - dB; input sens/imp 1.5 V rms/60k ohms; harmonic power 200 W/ch into 8 ohms. 20-20.000 Hz at
power FR 15-500,000 Hz -40/-3 dB; slew rate 175 distortion 4-0.004% at 1 kHz, W; IM distortion
1 0.05%/0.06% THD/IM distortion; FR 1-250.000 Hz
V/ixsec; 42 lb $1,095 4-0.035% at rated power; slew rate 40 V µsec; rise & 0.25 dB; S/N 100 dB A weighted; slew rate 40
time 2 µsec; damping factor 300. 10-20,000 Hz; V./µsec; 63/,"W x 6'/.-H x 6'/.D $449
ADCOM power consumption 1,000 W max; 19"W x 10VD x
5'/.-H; 43 lb $2.195 M200t Power Amplifier
GFA-1A Power Amplifier Magnetic Field power amp produces 120 With (min
Fully complementary stereo/bridged-mono power am- D-70 Power Amplifier continuous power into 8 ohms, 20-20,000 Hz with
plifier. Features toroidal transformer; dual power sup- Vacuum -tube stereo power amp with cross -coupled <0.05% THD. Dark pewter; LEDs indicate power and
plies; built-in protection relay and thermal -overload circuitry. Features relay coupled for smooth turn -on; use of speaker -protection circuitry. Noise 100 dB
switch; peak power LEDs; high/low-speed fan switch. front panel fusing for line and screen; power output
Output power 200 W/ch continuous both chs driven 65 W/ch min at 8 ohms from 20-20.000 Hz with
into 8 ohms. 20-20.000 Hz, 0.05%/0.1% THD/IM < 1% THD; THD - 0.005% at 1 W; power bandwidth
distortion; damping factor 200; slew rate 80 V/p.sec: 10-60.000 Hz; input sens .95V for rated output; in-
input sens 1.5 V; cabinet vented on all sides; 101/4"W put imp 75K ohms nominal; noise 9 dB below rated
x 8'/,'H a 6'/,"D $500 power. broadband-unweighted; 19"W 7-H
GFRP-1A. Rack panel for 1A amps $40 16.5"0; 95 lbs $1.995
GFRP-2A. Rack panel for two GFA-lAs $40
GFA-2 Power Amplifier
Stereo power amp with dual-FET input stage, direct - 48 Power Amplifier
coupled design, separate power supplies for each ch. Fully complementary class -AB power amp with bridg-
Features short-circuit and high -temperature protec- ing switch. 1,000-sq-in. heat -sink area, regulated down (IHF A -weighted); IMD 0.15% max (SMPTE ;
tion; auto reset on all protection circuits with LED in- power supplies to all voltage gain stages. ch sep back transient IMD <0.001%; frequency bandwidth 3-10
dicator; peak LEDs for output power indication; dual to line cord, red LED clipping indicator. Output power dB from 1-80,000 Hz at 1 W; 17.3"W 9'D
outputs (4/ch) to allow use of low -imp speakers. Out - 200 W/ch. 800 W bridged into 8 ohms. 20-20.000 2.55"H; 10.25 lbs $350


For mature audiences only.

When you shop for audio components it doesn't
take long to recognize the stuff designed by the
marketing committee.
Lots of brightwork. Knobs for the sake of knobs.
Impressive styling for impressionable people.
At ADS that kind of 'gingerbread' is out.
Function and excellence are in.
It's a philosophy that's made our speakers
famous. And, now we've applied it to a brilliant new
series of components: ADS Atelier.
A cassette deck, receiver, and turntable
appeared late last year. While everyone seems to
love their looks, what's impressed reviewers most is
their "outstanding performance."
A new tuner, amp,ifier and speaker system have
just been introduced. They bristle with features that
make enthusiasts drool: 16 digital pre-sets on the
tuner; 100 watts of power per side in the amplifier,
two tape deck loops. etc. And the speakers (in
matte black which seems to have become
everybody's favorite color) sound simply superb.
Another bit of good news: each component is
housed in a module of the same size and shape, so
that what you buy tomorrow will be compatible with
what we introduce next year.
Beside Atelier, ADS makes other components for
people with grown up tastes. Speakers,
mini -speakers, car speakers, amps and sub -
woofer systems.
If your ADS dealer is out of literature (which is
entirely possible given the growing enthusiasm for
high quality and good taste in this country) write to
us. Analog and Digital Systems,300 Progress Way,
Wilmington, MA 01187. Or call 800-824-7888 (in
CA 800-852-7777) Operator 483.
ADS Atelier.

Atelier ccmpertents can be stacked arid pilLksed into this

optional pedestal, with all wiring concealed. Neal'
Power Amplifiers 2 Power Amplifiers
Z-1 Wide Band Z Coupler put (both chs driven) 150 W + 150 W 8 ohms, 240 Hz at 0.01% THD; FR 0-200,000 Hz +0/-1 dB; in-
Impedance -matching device to enable a Carver Mag- W 240 W into 4 ohms; input sens/input imp 1 put sens/imp 1 V/50k ohms; load imp 4-16 ohms;
netic Field power amp to be used with a receiver or in- V/47 ohm; THD (rated output power - 3dB) 0.002% damping factor 60; S/N 120 dB; sep 105 dB at 1
tegrated amp. Receiver or integrated amp outputs (0.005% at rated power); IMD (rated output power kHz; output terminal 4-16 ohms speaker A or B, 8-16
drive power amp through Z-1 coupler, which presents -3dB) 0.002%; slew rate 400 V/µsec; TIM immea- ohms speaker A + B; one ac outlet; soft gray finish;
an optimum noninductive load to the power amp in surable; power bandwidth 5-100 Hz (THD 0.015%); 18WW x 14"D x 6W1-1
the receiver or integrated amp. $570
$50 S/N 124 dB; 48.4 lb. Sold with PRA -1000
preamp $1.200 KENWOOD
FISHER Basic M2 Power Amplifier
Premier One Power Amplifier
Hi -speed power amp. Features 220 W/ch rms at 8
Vacuum -tube power amp with low -noise precision BA 6000B Power Amplifier ohms from 20-20,000 Hz <0.004% THD; dynamix
parts in audio circuitry; LED bias indicators. Output Stereo power amp with dc circuitry, dual illuminated linear drive; dynamic headroom 1.5 dB at 8 ohms,
power 200 W/ch continuous into 4. 8, or 16 ohms power meters with LED peak -indicators. Features 0/- 2.9 dB at 4 ohms; Sigma drive for speaker controls;
30-15,000 Hz at 1.0% THD and IM distortion; FR 20 dB meter range selector; 4 -position speaker selec- fluorescent variable peak -hold meters; L/R level con-
20-20.000 Hz & 0.5 dB; S/N 90 dB $4,350 tor; input level control. Output power 100 W/ch con- trols; 2 -pair speaker system selection; zero switching
tinuous into 8 ohms, 20-20,000 Hz at 0.01% THD, design. 38 lbs $600
MV75a Power Amplifier IM distortion; damping factor 50 $550
Vacuum -tube stereo power amp with low -noise preci- BA 3000B. Similar to BA 6000 minus input level con- Basic M1 Power Amp
sion parts in audio circuitry; LED bias indicators. Out- trol; output power 60 W/ch $380 Hi -speed power amp. Features 105 W/ch rms at 8
put power 75 W/ch continuous into 4, 8, or 16 ohms, ohms from 20-20,000 Hz <0.005% THD; dynamic
30-15,000 Hz at 1.0% THD and IM distortion, 150 DAVID HAFLER linear drive; dynamic headroom 2.1 dB at 8 ohms,
W mono; FR 20-20,000 Hz & 0.5% dB; S/N 90 2.8 dB at 4 ohms; Sigma drive for speaker controls;
dB $1345 DH -500 Power Amplifier 2 -pair speaker system selection; zero switching de-
MV45a. Similar to MV75- I except 45 W!ch.. $850 Stereo power amp designed to deliver > 250 W/ch sign. 23 lbs $330
<0.025% distortion into 8 ohms; >400 W into 4
CROWN ohms (can be bridged, using optional bridging kit, to KYOCERA
deliver > 800 W into 8 ohms). Employs MOSFETs on
SA2 Power Amplifier compact enclosed multi -speed fan -cooled heat sink. B-901 Power Amplifier
Features dual -LED input/output comparator display Fuses and relay protect speakers against turn -on Stereo MOSFET power amp with direct coupling
indicators; stereo/mono switch; remote mute; 4 on- thumps or dc shifts; self -protective capability of the throughout. Features dc servocircuit monitoring in
board computers that analyze demand, immediate MOSFETs eliminates need for amp protection each stage; 2 separate power transformers; 2 -pole
history of amp, load for max output power; 2 -speed Kit $600 phase compensation; large peak power meters with
fan. Output power 220 W/ch continuous into 8 ohms, Factory assembled $750 W/dB scales. Output power 130 W/ch into 8 ohms,
20-20,000 Hz at 0.05% THD, 0.01% IM distortion; 20-20,000 Hz at < 0.01% THD; slew rate 120
FR 0.80,000 Hz +0/-1.5 dB; S/N 110 dB A -weight- DH -200 Power Amplifier Kit V/µsec; rise time 0.9 µsec; FR 5-100.000 Hz +0/-1
ed; 19"W x 14%'D x 7"H $2,000 Stereo power amp with class -A outputs, symmetrical dB; S/N 120 dB $1,670
mirror -image complementary push-pull input to out-
Power Line Two Amplifier put. Features 2 assembled, tested amp modules; LUXMAN
Features detented level controls; mono/stereo switch; mono bridging capability to 300-W conversion. Out-
Dynamic Analyzing Display, including IOC` all -distor- put power 100 W/ch continuous into 8 ohms, 20- MQ-68C Power Amplifier
tion, signal -present indicators; 3 bands reported for 20,000 Hz at 0.02% THD; FR 1-100,000 Hz -3 dB Zero feedback vacuum -tube stereo power amp with
each ch; Multi -Mode circuit that uses 3 -stage output at 1 W; damping factor 150 at 1 kHz, 8 ohms; slew Duo -Beta circuitry. Output power 25 W/ch continu-
design to eliminate distortion. Output power 50 W/ch rate 30 V/µsec; input time 2.5 µsec; sens/imp 1/5 V ous into 8 ohms 50-15,000 Hz at < 0.04% 0.04%;
into 8 ohms, 20-20,000 Hz, at no more than 0.04% rms/22k ohms. 16.1'W x 7.3'D x 6.3"H; 30 lb
THD; 1'4' front panel $800
$579 Kit $330
Power Line Three. Similar to Power Line Two except Factory assembled $43C MARANTZ
90 W/ch. Features frequency analyzing display that
provides information about spectral balance of amp HARMAN/KARDON SM 100 800 Watt Stereo Power Amplifier
output signal $949 Continuous power 400 W/ch both chs driven at 8
Power Line Four. Similar to Power Line Three except hk870 Power Amplifier ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.01%
165 W,ch $1,349 Stereo DC power amp with discrete components in THD, or 550 W/ch, both chs driven into 4 ohms from
audio circuitry. Features toroidal power supplies; 4 20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.05% THD; ac or
DB SYSTEMS dual -polarity power supplies. Power output 100 W/ch dc input coupling direct connection of speakers to
continuous into 8 ohms. 20-20,000 Hz at .06% power amp output; nonfrequency discriminating input
DB-6 Power Amplifier THD; high instantaneous current capability 60 amps; level controls; accessory switched loudspeaker con-
Stereo power amp able to drive 1 -ohm loads. Features power bandwidth <10-80,000 Hz; FR .1-180,000 nections; exclusive pin -fin heat dissipating tunnel; low
12 dB/octave subsonic filter; peak -clipping LEDs; Hz (1 W) +0/-3 dB; slew rate 160V/ sec; negative TIM and SID circuit topology; total stability when driv-
electronic clamp. Output power 40 W/ch continuous feedback 12 dB; input sens/imp main input ing reactive loads; gold-plated input and output con-
into 8 ohms 20-20,000 Hz at 0.003% THD; THD 1.0V/22.000 ohms; S/N (A -weighted, main input) nectors; 19"W x 21%"D x 7"H $4,995
0.0008% at 1 kHz; IM distortion e 0.002%; FR 20- 98 dB; damping factor 120 $500
40,000 Hz +0/-1 dB; input sens/imp 1 V/50k MA 5 Monophonic Power Amplifier
ohms; S/N 112 dB at 1 V A -weighted; slew rate 15 HITACHI Continuous power per ch class A 30 W at 8 ohms;
Viµsec; damping factor -400, 20-1,000 Hz. 4.9'H class AB 150 W at 4 ohms; class A or Class AB opera-
x 16'W x 12.8'D $595 HMA-7500MKII Power Amplifier tion, switch selected; ac or dc coupled inputs; gold-
DB-6M. Similar to DB-6 except bridged mono amp at MOSFET power amp with pure complementary dc plated input and output terminals; 8'/,.'W
140 W continuous with 0.008% THD; slew rate OCL, 2 -stage differential circuitry systems. Features 10'/,'D 5",'H
$595 calibrated peak power meters with meter range
Mono conversion of DB-6 to DB-6M $37 switch; 2 -speaker switching; protection relay for pow- MARK LEVINSON
er resistors, connected speakers; subsonic filter. Out-
DENON put power 75 W/ch continuous into 8 ohms, 20- ML -2 Power Amplifier
Class -A monophonic power amp utilizing only discrete
POA-8000 Power Amplifier
circuitry and modular construction. Massive power
Class -A monaural power amp with non -negative feed- supply consists of 1.2 KVA torodial power trans-
back circuit. Features high -constant output transistor former, a 30 -ampere bridge rectifier and 144,000
bias; peak -indicating output metering system; pol- µF of filter capacitance and is capable of delivering
ished bronze -gold end caps. Output power 200 W/ch 100 joules of energy. Dual -tracking regulator main-
continuous; THD 0.003%; power bandwidth 5 Hz - tains a specified voltage level within 0.15%. Regulat-
100 kHz; S/N & 22 dB; 48.4 lb $2,600 ing system provides -- 95 dB ripple and ac mains in-
terference rejection. 25 W at 8 ohms, 20-20,000 Hz,
POA-1500 Stereo Power Amplifier with < 0.1% THD, 50 W at 4 ohms with < 0.25%
Non-NFB direct -A amp features power -on self -diag- THD and 100 W at 2 ohms <0.5% THD. When
nostic display; power VU meters; infrasonic filter; pulsed, the ML -2 will develop 18 volts peak, at peak
wood trim to complement matching preamp; all DC 20,000 Hz at 0.008% THD; THD and IM distortion currents up to 26 amperes (468 W peak). Features
construction; A,B, A + B speaker switching. Rated out: 0.01% at rated output; power bandwidth 5-40,000 sophisticated protection system; gold-plated self -lock -

Power Amplifiers 2 Power Amplifiers
ing speaker connectors and Camac input connectors. average power output both ch operating into 1 ohm, 2 t on, and ac or dc amplification. Power output 105
Hand -brushed black anodized front plate. 8'/,'H ohms. 4 ohms or 8 ohms load imp; THD 0.02%; IM W/ch rms into 8 ohms, 20-20,000 Hz at 0.008%
19'W x 213/.°D; 65 lbs $3,245 0.02%; FR (at one W output) 20-20.000 Hz +0. THD; dynamic headroom 2.0 dB; damping factor
0.25 dB; noise and hum 95 dB $2,790 :00; slew rate 200 V/µsec at 100 V p -p; input 1 V
ML -3 Power Amplifier
Dual -monophonic power amp in a single chassis utiliz- MC 2250 Power Amplifie
ing only discrete circuitry. Employs two fully indepen- Power amp with interleaved multifilar wound auto -
dent power supplies, each consisting of a 1.2 KVA to- transformer and Sentry Monitoring Circuit to monitor
roidal poer transformer, a 30 -ampere bridge rectifier output signal and prevent overload of the output tran-
and two 36.000 p.F filter capacitors, providing 240 sistors. Features Power Guard circuit to eliminate
joules of stored energy for each ch. Four 1,700µF ca- amp clipping die to overdrive. Front panel is anod-
pacitors provide additional filtering for all voltage gain ized gold; chassis is chrome and black. 250 W/ch min
stages. Class -A AB2 operation in the output stage. continuous average power output, both ch operating
200 W/ch at 8 ohms 20.20.000 Hz <0.2% THD into 1 ohm, 2 ohms. 4 ohms, or 8 ohms load imp;
THD 0.02%; IM 0.02%; FR (at 1 W output) 20- (variable)/50k ohms; sep 100 dB at 1 kHz; S/N 122
and 400 W/ch at 4 ohms with <0.4% THD. Twenty
200-W. 15 -ampere power transistors per ch enable 20.000 Hz +3, -0.25 dB; noise and hum 95 dB; dB (IHF-A. closed circuit); power consumption 400 W;
the ML -3, when pulsed, to develop 52 volts peak, at 16'W 6"/"H 14'/,'D;80 lbs. $2,300 18'/," x 5%" x 14' $500
peak currents up to 52 amperes (2704 W peak) per
ch. Features a sophisticated protection system; gold- 2155 Power Amplifier NAD
plated self-locking speaker connectors; Camac input Power amp with Sentry Monitoring circuit and Power
connectors and selectable damping factor; hand - Guard Protection circuit to prevent clipping so THD 2150 Power Amplifier
brushed black anodized front plate. 10'/,"H x 19'W does not exceed 2% with up to 20 dB overdrive at Stereo, mono power amplifier with Soft Clipping- cir-
$5,400 1,000 Hz. 150 W/ch min continuous average power cuitry. Features speaker -matching impedance switch;
)< 24'/,'D; 116 lbs
input both ch operating into 1 ohm. 2 ohms, 4 ohms Soft Clipping-, overload indicators; bridging capability
ML -9 Power Amplifier or 8 ohms load imp; THD 0.02%; IM 0.C2%; FR (at 1 for moro operation. Output power 50 W/ch into 8
Stereo power amp rated at 100 W/ch at 8 ohms, 20- W output) 20-20,000 Hz +0, -0.25 dB; noise and ohms. 20-20,000 Hz at 0.02% THD 125 W mono
hum 95 16"W 5'/ 1.- H 13'D; 65 damping factor 100; 16.5'W < 11.4"D
20,000 Hz, - 0.2% THD and 200 W/ch at 4 ohms dB;
lbs $2,150 3.8-H $278
<0.4% THD. All circuitry is discrete and Class -A op-
eration is maintained throughout all voltage gain and
driver stages, with Class AB2 operation in the output 2150 Power Amplifier
stage. Power supply is comprised of a 1.2 KVA toroi- Power amp with Sentry Monitoring circuit and Power NAIM by AUDIOPHILE SYSTEMS
dal power transformer, a 30 -ampere bridge rectifier Guard. Front panel is anodized gold; chassis is
chrome and black. 150 W/ch min continuous average NAP253 Power Amplifier
and 2 36,000 µF filter capacitors, and is capable of
power output. both ch operating into 1 ohm 2 ohms, Features gain-decoupling capacitator, passive single -
storing 230 joules of energy. Two 520uF capacitors
4 ohms, or 8 ohms load imp; THD 0.02%; IM 0.02%; pole filter with no slew rate limit within bandwidth;
provide decoupling and additional filtering for all volt-
FR (at 1 W output) 10-100,000 Hz + 0.25 -1 dB;
heavy aluminum extruded heatsink; toroidal main
age gain stages. Eight 200-W. 15 -ampere power tran-
noise and hum 95 dB below rated output; 16'W x transformers; 4 regulated power supplies. 70 W con-
sistors together with the massive power supply enable
5'/,,"1-1 141/,"D; 58 lbs $1,800 tinuous into 8 ohms, 20-20,000 Hz at 0.02% THD
the ML -9, when pulsed, to develop 58 V peak, at peak
and IM distortion; FR 5-40.000 Hz & 3 dB; transient
currents up to 29 amperes (1,682 W peak) per ch.
MC 502 Power Amplifier capability 400 VA; sens 1.6 V; imp 22k ohms; can
Features gold-plated binding posts for output connec-
Basic stereo power amp with each channel consisting drive reactive loads with phase angles from 90° to
tions; Camac input connectors and selectable damp-
of an input preamp, a power amp section, three sepa- + vAth no appreciable distortion change; 17"W x
ing factor; hand -brushed black anodized front plate;
rate protecting control circuits and a phase inverter 12" 5-H $2,250
8%"H x 19"W 13%"D; 56 lbs $2,870
which is integral with the left channel. Anodized gold NAP 160. Similar to NAP 250 except has 24-V regu-
and black. Min sine -wave continuous average power lated power supply (powers Naim preamps); output
ML -11 Power Amplifier
output from 20-20.000 Hz, both ch operating, 75 power 50 W; transient capability 250 VA; sens 1.4
Stereo power amp rated at 50 W/ch at 8 ohms, 20-
20,000 Hz, <0.5% THD and 100 W/ch at 4 ohms W/ch into 2.7 to 4 ohm loads; 50 W/ch into 8 ohms V $1,350
< 0.6% THD. 140 W at 8 ohms when bridged. All cir- loads; 0.02% max harmonic distortion from 250 mW
cuitry is discrete and Class -A operation is maintained to rated power per ch from 20-20.000 Hz. both ch NAP1;0 Power Amplifier
throughout all voltage gain and driver stages, with operating; FR (at 1 W output) 20-20.000 Hz +O. - Stereo amp with 40 W continuous output power into
Class AB2 operation in the output stage. Power sup- 0.25 dB; 10-100.000 Hz +0.-3.0 dB; 16"W x 8 ohms, 20-20.000 Hz at 0.02% THD. Transient
ply consists of a 320 VA toroidal power transformer, 3'/,"H x 14'/,"D; 27 lbs $1,100 power capability VA 150 V; dynamic headroom 4.5
two 12 -ampere bridge rectifiers, and four 10,000 ;IF dB; reactive -load response, distortion, response same
filter capacitors, providing separate rectification and MISSION as for NAP 300 $750
20 joules of energy storage for each ch. Six 200 W,
15 ampere power transistors per ch enable the ML - 777 Power Amplifier NIKKO
11, when pulsed, to develop 25 volts peak, at peak Perfectly symmetrical dc -coupled class -A (except for
currents up to 12.5 amperes (312.5 W peak) per ch. output devices which operate in class AB mode) amp Alpha -450 Power Amplifier
An optional externally programmable voltage limiting utilizing two identical mono amps. All active compo- Featu-es high-speed bipolar -output transistors with
circuit makes it possible to reduce the voltage output nents are discrete. Casting works as giant heat sink. DC servo feedback loop; nonswitching output and
of the ML -11, offering protection for speakers that Totally modular in construction, features instrument - dual-FET input circuitry; dual vertical LED bar -graph
have reduced power handling capablity. Features type line connector; cast aluminum amp case; very peak -power indicator display; separate input level
gold-plated binding posts for output connections and high local feedback loops; output fuse incorporated in controls; relay -controlled speaker selectors; LED pow-
Camac input connectors; hand -brushed black anod- er and protection circuit indicators; headphone jack.
Output power 220 W/ch continuous both chs driven
ized front plate. 85/,'H + 19'W x 12'D; 25
lbs $1.750 into 8 ohms from 20-20,000Hz with 0.008% THD;
slew rate 100 µ/V sec; 240 Wich continuous into 7
McINTOSH ohms; S/N 115 dB; rack mountable; matte black fin-
ish; 19'W 18.1"D 7.2"H $1,050
MC 2500 Power Amplifier
Power amp with class -A voltage amp and interleaved Alpha -230 Power Amplifier
multifilar wound autotransformer. Features Power Features high speed bipolar output transistors; DC
servo feedback loop; dual FET input and nonswitching
Guard circuit to eliminate clipping due to overdrive;
black anodized front panel; black baked enamel chas- eedback loop. Output power 100 W,ch into 8 ohms, output circuitry; speaker selector switches; LED peak
sis. 500 W/ch min sine wave continuous average 175 W/ch into 4 ohms continuous with both chs driv- power and protection circuit indicators; headphone
power output both chs into 1 ohm, 2 ohm. 4 ohm or 8 en from 20-20,000 Hz; slew rate 180 Vm; rise time jack; 120 W/ch continuous both chs driven into 8
ohm load imp; THD 0.02%; IM 0.02%; FR (at one W 0.32 µsec; negative feedback < 14 dB; THD <0.2% ohm.. from 20-20.000Hz with 0.008% THD; slew
output) 20-20.000 Hz + 0 -0.25 dB; noise and hum DC -40,000 Hz; TIM immeasurable; S/N -.100 rate 100 µ/V sec; S/N 115 dB; matte black finish;
95 dB; 19"W + 10'/,"H 17"D; 129 lbs $3,300 dB $1,400 rack mountable; 19'W 13.5-D 5.4'H.. $560

MC 2255 Power Amplifier MITSUBISHI ONKYO

Power amp features complimentary pair of power
transistors biased Class AB to follow the voltage amp DA -A30 Power Amplifier M-54190 Power Amplifier
and Power Guard circuit to eliminate amp clipping Dual -monaural dc amp with linear cross -bias power Limited -edition dual Super -Servo stereo power amp
due to overdrive. 250 W/ch min sine wave continuous supply sections. comprehensive protection. indica- with very large power supply. Features high head -

Power Amplifiers 2 Power Amplifiers
room, dynamic stability; linear switching; auto -track- handles: RCA and XLR input connectors; switchable 121/4"D x 7'H; 47 lb $1,500
ing bias; extra -large peak power meters. Output pow- subsonic filter. Output power 100 W/ch into 8 ohms. X -15A. Similar to X -25A except output power 150
er 200 W/ch rms into 8 ohms, 20-20,000 Hz at 20-20.000 Hz at 0.1% THD; FR 20-20,000 Hz W/ch; input sens 1.87 V
0.003% THD; S/N 120 dB $1,100
$1.800 +0/-0.75 dB; sens 1 V for rated output; 17"W x X -10A. Similar to X -15A except output power 100
14"D x 6"H $2.299 W/ch; input sens 1.42 V $900
M -5060R Power Amplifier
Two independent mono amps on same chassis. Fea- RG DYNAMICS
tures dual Super Servo. linear switching circuitry; 2
large power transformers; peak -hold 2 -color power Model 200K Amplifier S-6040 CP Power Amplifier
meters; stable protection circuitry with IC voltage, Dual mono high -current power amp with separate Individually tested and certified basic stereo power
current -sensing device; two -speaker switching; sepa- power suplies for each ch including 2 transformers amp with MOSFET dc circuitry. Features full push-pull
rate left/right gain controls. Output power 120 W/ch and 2 x 100,000 mfd storage capacity. Features dc circuitry with complementary symmetry JFET in-
continuous into 8 ohms, 20-20.000 Hz at 0.005% high -resolution circuitry in all stages; full protection; put stage; cascode driver stage; second -order low-
THD $796 thermal, operating protection indicators; heavy-duty pass filter; complete relay protection; fuses in feed-
rack mount handles. Output power 150 W/ch into 8 back circuit; min current limiting. Output power 100
M-5030 Power Amplifier ohms; output current 60 amperes/ch $2,295 W/ch into 8 ohms, 20-20,000 Hz at 0.03% THD and
Dynamic Super Servo power amp. Features Delta
IM distortion; clipping/dynamic headroom 0.88/1.67
power supply; linear switching; large peak reading Model 5-1 High -Current Power Amplifier dB at 8 ohms; damping factor 90; FR dc -40,000 Hz
power meters; 100 W per ch. min rms, at 8 ohms High -current stereo amp with no current limitations. with low-pass filter; S/N 100 dB; input sens 900 mV;
both chs driven from 20-20,000 Hz with no more Features full protection; thermal, operating protection
than 0.005% total harmonic distortion power/consumption 30-550 W; 171/2'W x 151/2'D
$600 indicators; 100.000 Mfd storage capacitance; heavy- x 41/2"H; 30 lb $380
duty rack mount handles. Output power 100 W/ch
PHASE LINEAR into 8 ohms, 20-20,000 Hz at 0.04%; 0.08% SOUNDCRAFTSMEN
THD/IM distortion; output current 50 amperes/ch; in-
DRS 900 Power Amplifier put sens/imp 1.1 V/47,000 ohms; slew rate 60 DDR1200 Power Amplifier
Stereo power amp with average/peak-responding me- V/micro sec; S/N 96 dB; 19'W x 131/2'D x 7'H; 1,200 W power amp with 100 -LED frequency spec-
ters. Features separate input sens controls for each 33 lb $1.195 trum analyzer display. Features class H vari-portional
ch; light brushed -silver anodized panel. Output power
circuitry; autobuffer circuitry for continuous 2 ohm
SAE operation; 40 -LED power output meter from 0.02 up
to 2.000 W; Truclip clipping indicators for each ch;
A1001 Power Amplifier mono bridging switch on rear panel; TIM <0.02%
Stereo power amp with 500-W/ch continuous output 250 W/ch into 8 ohms; 375 W/ch into 4 ohms con-
power into 8 ohms, 20-20.000 Hz at 0.25% THC tinuous rms, 20-20,000 Hz. THD <0.09%; 750 W
and IM distortion, 750 W into 4 ohms at 0.025% at 8 ohms; 7" . 19" <12' D; 58 lb $1,199
THD. Features high current capability, full comple- A5001. Same as A5002 except no LED meters and
mentary speaker circuitry. FR 20-20,000 Hz 4 0/- no input level controls $749
0.3 dB; S/N 125 dB A -weighted; input sens 2.5 V;
19'W x 171/2"D x 8'/.-H $1,550 A5002 Power Amplifier
Power amp with class -H Vari-Proportional circuitry
150 W/ch continuous into 8 ohms, 20-20,000 Hz at A501 Power Amplifier and Autobuffer for continuous operation into 2 ohms.
no more than 0.015% THD; frequency range 10- Stereo power amp with 250-W/ch continuous output Features auto crowbar protection circuit for output
40,000 Hz at 1 W output through direct -coupled in- power into 8 ohms. 20-20.000 Hz at 0.025% THD protection without current limiting; 20 LED/ch 0-
puts; sens 0.8 V; S/N 100 dB; load imp 4-16 ohms; and IM distortion. Features relay protection for speak- 1,000 W & 3 dB (4 ohms) meters; front -panel switch-
17'/,'W x 13"D x 5'/.-H $1095 ers; complementary series -connected output stages; ing for 2 pairs of speakers; true clipping indicators;
LED level display; feedback level control. FR 20- input level controls. Output power 250 W/ch into 8
DRS 400 Power Amplifier 20,000 Hz + 0/-0.5 dB; S/N 125 dB A -weighted; in- ohms, 375 W into 4 ohms continuous rms, 20-
Stereo power amp with power, clipping, DRS LEDs. put sens 2.24 V; damping factor 50; 19"W x 121/4"D 20,000 Hz at <0.09% THD; S/N > 105 dB; slew
Features light brushed -silver anodized panel. Output x 7'H; 47 lb $1,050 rate > 50 V/p.sec; TIM <0.02%; dynamic headroom
power 50 W/ch continuous into 8 ohms. 20-20,000 > 2 dB $899
Hz at no more than 0.015% THD; frequency range A301 Power Amplifier
10-40.000 Hz at 1 W output through direct -coupled Stereo power amp with 150-W/ch continuous output A2502 Power Amplifier
inputs; load imp 4-16 ohms; 171/2"W x 13'D x power into 8 ohms. 20-20,000 Hz at 0.025% IM and
31/2' H
MOSFET stereo power amp with 20 -LED 0-500 W (4
$695 THD distortion. Features high -current capability; fully ohms) power meters. Features switching for 2 pairs
complementary circuitry; toroidal power supply; full of speakers; input level controls; true clipping indica-
QUAD protection; LED displays for output monitoring. FR tors; brushed aluminum with charcoal finish rack -
20-20,000 Hz +0/-0.3 dB; S/N 120 dB A -weighted; mount front panel. Output power 125 W/ch into 8
Quad 405-2 Power Amplifier input sens 1.87 V; 19'W x 121/4-D x 51/2'H; 35 ohms, 190 W/ch into 4 ohms, continuous rms, 20-
Voltage power current controlled amp with feed -for- lb $850 20,000 Hz at <0.05% THD; S/N > 105 dB: damp-
ward current error -correction dumping output circuit-
ing factor 200 $649
ry. Load -sensitive time -dependent current limiter pro- A201 Power Amplifier
tection circuit; dc offset voltage confined to negligible Stereo power amp with 100-W/ch continuous output DDX410 Power Amplifier
values even under gross overload; fixed high-pass fil- power into 8 ohms, 20-20,000 Hz at 0.025% THD Digital switch -mode MOSFET amp. 205 W/ch contin-
ter; clamp circuit interrupts output to speaker in case and IM distortion. FR 20-20.000 Hz +0/-0.3 dB; uous rms; 20-20,000 Hz into 2 ohms, 4 ohms, 8
of component failure. Output power 100 W continu- S/N 110 dB A -weighted; sens 1.42 V rms for rated ohms; THD 0.05,; TIM unmeasureable; S/N > 105
ous sine wave into 8 ohms, 100-1,000Hz at 0.01% output power; features LED output power display;
THD. FR -- 1 dB at 20 Hz, low frequency. --.5 dB at
dB; 16 lb; 5' 13'/," 8'/,"D $449
19'W x 121/2"D x 31/4"H; 28 lb $650
20,000 Hz; slew rate 0.1 V/y.sec; hum and noise -96
dB; 4.5"H 13.4"W 7.7"D; 20 lb
$695 SAE Two P10 Power Amplifier
Stereo power amp with 100-W/ch continuous output The NINE- Power Amplifier
Quad 303 Power Amplifier power into 8 ohms, 20-20,000 Hz at 0.025% THD Class A power amp without any active bias circuits or
Employs symmetrical triple circuitry; no controls. Out- and IM distortion. Features high current capability; in- thermal tracking networks. Features balanced -bridge
put power 45 W continuous sine wave into 8 ohms, dividual peak -power indicators; speaker switching. FR configuration; push-pull quadrature feedback circuits;
100-1.000 Hz at 0.03% THD. 0.1% THD at 10 kHz; 20-20.000 Hz + 0/-0.5 dB; S/N 100 dB A weighted; Discrete -Darlington output stage; direct -coupled cir-
FR 30-35,000 Hz -1 dB, 8 ohms; hum and noise - input sens 1.5 V; 181/2"W x 141/2'D x 51/2'H; 28 cuitry from input to output. Power output 60 W/ch
100 dB A -weighted; 324 mmD 159 mmH x 120 lb $399 into 8 ohms from 20-20.000 Hz with <0.1% THD;
mmW $395 IM distortion 0.05% from 0.25 W to rated output;
SAE X Series hum and noise 100 dB (wide band) below rated pow-
REVOX er; input sens for rated output 1.0 V rms; FR 20-
X -25A Power Amplifier 20.000 Hz ±0.25 dB; 14'W 8.5"H
B740 Power Amplifier 7-D; 35
Stereo power amp with 250-W/ch continuous output lbs
Basic stereo power amp with peak power meters. Fea- $1,000
power into 8 ohms at 0.025% THD and IM distortion.
tures fully complementary push-pull circuitry at every Features LED -type true power -level display; Andromeda Power Amplifier
stage, low negative feedback; full electronic protec- wide/narrow-band inputs; gray anodized aluminum Class AB power amp with full -wave quadrant differen-
tion without relays; 3 -dB stepped input level controls; finish. Class -A FR 20-20.000 Hz + 0/-0.5 dB; S/N
front -panel headphone jacks; front -panel carrying tial balanced -bridge topology using 4 independant
125 dB A -weighted; input sens 2.24 V; 19"W x push-pull feedback loops. Power output 200 W/ch

LPower Amplifiers 2 Power Amplifiers
continuous average into 8 ohms; THD 0.05%; IM speaker switches with LED indicators; LED indicators 20,000µF capacitance; max output current 8 amps
0.05%; slew rate 20 Vµsec; sens 1.8 V for rated out- for meter range and strapped operation; headphone rms; 20 amps peak; 19'W < 9"H . 9'D . $1,320
put; dynamic headroom 1.5 dB; 19'W 8.75"H jack for low -or high -imp headphones. THD at 1 kHz
7"D; 35 lbs $749 0.007% at 60 W/ch into 8 ohms, 0.007% at 75 VSP
With custom front panel and handles $849 W/ch 4 ohms; IMD 0.003%; FR 20-20,000 Hz +0
dB, -1 dB; input sens/imp 130mV/47 k !ohms; load Trans Mos Power Amplifier
The NINE Power Amplifier imp: stereo operation 4-16 ohms main or remote. 8- Stereo power amp with 150 W/ch continuous power
Class A power amp with auto -biasing technology obvi- 16 ohms main and remote, monaural operation 8-16 at 8 ohms, 20-20.000 Hz at 0.05% THD. Features
ating thermal tracking. conventional bias, and protec- ohms main o remote; x 2 3/ ' D output stage transconductance mode of operation;
tion circuitry. Power output 60 W/ch continuous aver- x 14'/."1-1; 20.9 lbs $500 low noit.e design; DC, MOSFETs for accurate
age into 8 ohms; THD 0.25%; IM 0.05%; slew rate wideband response and low distortion; self-limiting
15 Vµsec; sens 1.1 V for rated output; 19"W ' transconductance output circuitry; optimally balanced
8.75"H x 7"D; 35 lbs $679 THRESHOLD output stage for instant power -on without thump; con-
With custom front panel and handles $779 trolled amp behavior under input overload with no
Model S/1000 Series II Amplifier power si.pply stick; over 1.100 sq. inches of heat -sink
Polaris Power Amplifier Single ch, noninverting complimentary -symmetry au- area; exceptional stability into all loads; switch for
Class AB power amp that does not invert phase. Pow- dio power amp employing Stasis circuitry to create a more efficient operation at low imps; switchable 18
er output 100 W/ch continuous average into 8 ohms; tandem output stage in which linear -state voltage dB/octave active infrasonic filter; zero group delay
THD 0.05%; IM 0.05%; sens 1.5 V for rated output; amp dominates performance and is connected direct- distortion high frequency filter; switch for mono oper-
dynamic headroom 1.5 dB; 25 lbs $399 ly to the load, and operates in conjuncticn with a cur- ation; modular construction with plug-in boards; 5y,"
With custom front panel and handles $479 rent mirror bootstrap also connected directly to the optional rack mount available; slew rate 70 V/p.sec;
load which current shields the performa ice amp and output current instantaneous 44 amps peak to peak;
TANDBERG provides the working power through the load; circuit damping factor - 200 20-20.000 Hz; input sens 2
boards are military grade glass -epoxy with gold plated Vrms to 200 W output at 8 ohms; input imp 130k
TPA -3003A Power Amplifier traces; resistors are wire -wound or metal -film; power ohm resistive 20-20.000 Hz; 5'W 15"D < 14"H;
Basic stereo power amp with toroidal power trans- transistors and jfets are hermetically sealed and all 40 lbs, assembled $975
former. Audio circuitry includes selected all -metal film gain devices ale tested and selected for linearity and Kit $850
resistors, polystyrene capacitors, and min negative breakdown resistance; modular design of ch assem- Gold Edition. Similar to Trans Mos except 200 W/ch
feedback. Features large chimmney-type heat sinks; blies allow replacement of complete chs including power output; gold-plated input connectors; heavy-
separate left/right LED peak -clipping indicators. Out- input/output connectors and power supply fusing in duty hand -soldered wiring; hand -matched MOSFETs
put power 150 W/ch into 8 ohms at < 0.02% THD; minutes; large illuminated front panel peak power me- for ultimate sound quality; 19" rack mount $1,400
clipping headroom 1.05dB; FR 5-100,000 Hz ter covers range of ±3, -3 dB; rated power 500 W
+0/ -1.5dB; sens 1V; S/N 120dB (A -weighted) at rms into 8 ohms.; 20-20,000 Hz at 0.1% THD; band- YAMAHA
150W, 8 ohms; slew rate x 70V/µsec; damping fac- width -3 dB points, 4Hz and 100,000 Hz; gain
tor 100 wideband; sep > 75 dB $895 + 26.6 dB; input imp 75,000 ohms; output imp .1 BX-1 Mono Power Amplifier
ohm; output transistor complement 44 250 W rated Single-ch high -power class -A power amp with fully
devices; power supply kw toroidal transformer;
regulated power supply, massive toroidal transform-
TECHNICS 120,000 µF capacitance; max output current 2 amps er, 40,D00 j.i.F chemical filter capacitance. Output
rms; 50 amps peak; noise < 200 microvolts out; heat power 100 W into 4 and 8 ohms. 20-20,000 Hz at
SE-A3MK2 Stereo DC Power Amplifier sinking better than .1 deg,C/W; 19'W x 9"H x 0.02% THD; power bandwidth 10-100.000 Hz at 50
Power amp with computer -drive class -A circuitry. Fea- 17'D $3,300 W. 0.005% THD; IM distortion 0.001% at 4 and 8
tures linear feedback circuitry; new class -A synchro Model S/500 Series II. As model S/1000 series II ex- ohms; S/N 123 dB; rise time 0.3 µsec; slew rate 600
bias; concentrated power block; extra -large trans- cept dual ch. lesser power, without meters; rated pow- V/µsec; damping factor 160; 19%,"D x 10"/1-W x
formers and capacitors for stable power supply; 4 - er 250 W/ch rms into 8 ohms; both chs driven 20- 9'/,,,'Fi; 40.5 lb $2,000
stage Darlington output circuitry; auto -load imp de- 20,000 Hz at .1% THD; output transistor comple-
tector; computer protection circuitry; large, fast peak ment 22 250W rated devices/chn; power supply M-70 Power Amplifier
power meters; extra 2 Hz low-cut input terminals; 1,000 W toroidal transformer; 120,000 ±µF capaci- Zero Distortion Rule stereo power amp with X power
main/remote/main and remote/off pushbutton tance; max output current 16 amps rms; 35 amps supply. Features power sensor that controls amount
speaker selectors on front panel; thick aluminum cab- peak; 19"W x 9'H x 17'D $2,970 of ac celivered to amp; A/B speaker selectors; inde-
inet construction. Output power 300 W/ch into 8 Model S/30C Series II. As model S, 500 series II pendent left, right level controls for each stereo pair
ohms; THD 0.002%; IMD 0.002%; FR dc -200,000 above except rated power 150 W/chn rms into 8 of speaker systems; 20 -LED peak power meters with
Hz -3dB; input sens/imp 55 mV/4-16 ohms main or ohms; both chs driven 20-20,000 Hz at .1% THD; switchable range, peak -hold feature. Output power
remote, 8-16 ohms main and remote; S/N 100 dB; output transistor complement fourteen 250 W rated 200 W/ch into 8 ohms, 20-20,000 Hz at 0.002%
THD; input sens/imp 1.41 V/25k ohms; S/N 124 dB;
damping factor 200 8 ohms. 100 4 ohms; devices/ch; power supply 700 W toro dal transform-
16"/'W 8'/,."H x 19"/"D; 86 lb. $2,200 er, 60,000µF capacitance; max output current 12 IM distortion 0.002%; sep 95 dB at 1 kHz; damping
amps rms; 25 amps peak; 19"W x 9"H x factor . 200: slew rate 200 V/gisec; power consump-
SE -A7 Stereo/Mono DC Power Amplifier 13'D $1,980 tion 600 W; x 15'D x 51/2"H; 30 lb 3
Class -A 60-W stereo power amp can be strapped for Model S/150 Series II. As model S /300 series II oz $950
120 W output. Features linear feedback; auto -load above except rated power 75 W/ch rms into 8 ohms; M-50. Similar to M-70 except output power 120
imp detection; compact dual power transformers; flu- both chs driven 20-20,000 Hz at .1% THD; output W/ch and has level control for each set of speakers;
orescent peak power meters read power levels from 1 transistor ccmplement eight 250 W rated devices/ power bandwidth at 0.01% THD; S/N 122 dB; power
mW to 100 W; main, remote, or main and remote chn; power supply 400 W toroidal transformer; consumption 350 W; 26 lb $650

Preamplifiers 2 Preamplifiers
ACOUSTAT 2mV disc (head amp. on); 0.1 mV/0.05 mV for each ch (4 26 dB/ +- 32 dB selectable); MC input
selectable aux/tuner; 126mV; S/N 85 dB aux/tuner imp selector switch; right and left separate input level
Trans -Nova- Preamplifier 110dB (head amp on): 72dB. Features built-in head control (balance control); 2 -stage selectable loudness
Full FET preamplifier with single phono gain stage for all amp (4 26 dB// + 32 dB selectable); selectable MC compensator; 18- 'A." W 6-"/ H , 15-'%D
types of low- or high -output phono cartridges and new input imp; selectable MM load capacitance; twolevel compatability with MC cartridges $3.670
RIAA network. Features 4 high-level inputs; 2 tape mon- selectable loudness compensator; 17-'4."W x 5-H
itors with dubbing in both directions; output switching: x 14-"A,'D $1250 ADCOM
passive high filter and loudness compensation; conve-
nience outlets. FR 3-750,000 Hz ±3 dB; 10 lb $795 C-280 Stereo Preamplifier GFP-1A Preamplifier
Preamplifier, with all -stage Class -A push-pull arrange- Features two separate phono-input circuits: inputs for
ACCUPHASE ment and all DC servo controlled direct -coupled unit DAD and wide -range VCR audio; signal processor
amplifiers and signal paths. Total Distortion: loop; switchable phono-input capacitance; CX noise
C-222 Stereo Preamplifier <0.005% (20-20,000 Hz); rated input disc: 2mV. reduction; THD 0.007% 20-20,000 Hz
Preamplifier with all -stage push-pull arrangement disc (head amp on): 0.1 mV/0.5mV selectable: unweighted; IM distortion (SMPTE) <0.0012%; max
with cascode amplification and all signal paths direct- line/tuner: 126mV; rated output: 2V; S/N: line/tuner: output level 10 V 20-20.000 Hz; tape output level
ly coupled by the DC Servo Control circuit. Rated out- 110dB, disc: 85 dB. disc (head amp on): 72 dB. Fea- 150 mV; input sens/imp phono 1: 2.5 mV/47k ohms
put 2V: - 0.005% (20-20,000 Hz); rated input: disc: tures built-in head amp separate power transformers 0.5 -nV/100 ohms phono 2: 2.5 mV/47k ohms tun -

1984 EDITION 45
Preamplifiers 2 Preamplifiers
er, tape: 150 mV/100k ohms; phono input -capaci- that floats all inputs and outputs; rejection filters for 334"H
tance 85 pF overload at 1.000 Hz: 290 mV; S/N 15 $399
minimizing RFI, TVI. CB interference. FR 1-50,000 Hz PV3k. Kit version of PV3 $299
mV input. IHF load -85 dB phono 1. 2.5 V output: & 0.25 dB high-level, 10-40.000 Hz phono: harmon-
> 100 dB DAD/video tuner, tape: loudness: i- 3.5 ic and IM distortion <0.002% at 2 V rms; gain
dB/100 Hz; 2.5 dB/10,000 Hz; FR 20-20,000 Hz
phono/high-level to main outputs 60/26 dB; input/
output imp 50k/250 ohms; phono overload 500 mV DL -2 Control Center/Preamplifier
at 1 kHz; output level 2 V rms; noise high-level/phono Three-piece stereo control preamplifier: Switching
250/21..V; 19"W x x 3","H; 16 lb . $1,295 Module with all controls, power supply, phono module
A (phono preamp stage for placement at turntable).
SP -12 Preamplifier Switching Module features digital control -setting dis-
Vacuum -tube stereo preamplifier with front -panel plays, digital interface for wireless remote control sys-
muting for warm-up protection, repeat settings, etc. tem, 8 dual-ch touch -button selectable inputs, 2 for
Features front -panel power switch for activating back - external signal processors, mixable input. FR 1-
chassis, plug-in power receptacles; high accuracy, 100,000 Hz & 0.5 dB; max output 11 V rms before
close -tracking, segmented gain control; optional auto overload; hum and noise 97 dB below rated output,
mute kit version available; FR (high level) 5-30,000 unweighted, 101 dB A -weighted; max TH and IM dis-
10.25 dB; crosstalk: 100 Hz. 80 dB: 1,000 Hz, 75 Hz 1 .5dB; MM, 4_7.25 dB of RIAA 30-20,000 Hz; in- tortion 0.0003% below 10-V output, 20-20.000 Hz;
dB; 10,000 Hz, 60 dB; 19'W 3'H 12V,"D; put imp, 50k ohms phono, 100k ohms high level; input gain/imp (3 circuit, V.' jack) 178 V rms max/1
shipping weight 16 lb $375 19'W ;. 5.25"H 8.9"D; 19 lbs $995 ohm min, 10-50,000 Hz & 0.1 dB at rated output;
Rack mount version $1,195 63.5 dB dynamic range (displayed with 7 -segment
AUDIONICS LEDs); frequency adjust controls set at 20, 40, 80,
BRYSTON 400. 800, 1.6k, 5k, 10k, 20k Hz; 18 dB/octave roll -
SC -3 Preamplifier
off; 31 -position switched attenuators for & 0.2 dB ad-
Class A straight-line high-performance preamp. Fea- 1 B Preamplifier justment over 50 -dB range; 17"W x 7'/2"D x 3'/,'H.
tures phono (MC and MM inputs); AUX. tuner and tape Low-level, low -noise preamplifier designed for max Phono Module A: FR 20-20,000 Hz & 0.25 dB RIAA,
monitor inputs; infrasonic filter; selectable cartridge musical accuracy. Features open -loop linearity circuit; 10-30,000 Hz & 0.1 dB flat; hum and noise -88 dB
loading; gain switch for MC input; stereo/mono noise -free, voltage -stabilized power supplies; defeat - RIAA unweighted, -94 dB RIAA A weighted, -84 dB
switch; ch-reverse switch; output mute; AC accessory able 6 dB/octave at 30 Hz rumble filter; phono 1 and flat unweighted, -89 dB flat A weighted; IM/THD
outlet: volume and balance controls; gold-plated 2, tape 1 and 2. AUX. tuner selector; stereo/mono 0.0005%/0.02% min, 20-20,000 Hz at rated out-
input/output jacks; dual -mono power supply. Phono switch; balance, volume controls. Gain 50 dB phono, put; input gain 30-50 dB, 2.5 V, 1 kHz; input imp
sens MC .25 mV, MM 1.5 mV; phono S/N - 85dB ref 20 dB line; noise -80 dB at 5 mV input, 1 kHz 47k/100k ohms; output level/imp 11 V rms
5 mV input; source imp 50 ohms; THD and IMD unweighted; distortion 0.005%, 20-20.000 Hz max/600 ohms; 6%"D x x 13/4,-D. Switching
.01% at 5 V output; RIAA EQ ±.2 dB from 20- through phono stage at 5 V output $735 Module and power supply have satinized aluminum
20,000 Hz; rack mountable. 19'W 3'/,"1-1
front panel with charcoal Lexan inlay, other surfaces
10'D; anthracite grey or optional black finish $800 CONRAD-JOHNSON black anodized: Phono Module A has black anodized
steel finish $2,899
SC -5 Preamplifier Premier Three Preamplifier
Class A stereo control center. MM phono, tuner, AUX Vacuum -tube preamplifier constructed with low -noise Straight -Line Two Preamplifier
inputs; 2 tape monitors with bidirectonal dubbing; precision metal -film resistors, polystyrene capacitors Straight -wire -signal -path preamplifier with auto mut-
stereo/mono; output mute; tone controls with bypass in audio circuitry. Features facilities for 2 tape record- ing. Features tuner, phono, AUX 1. AUX 2, tape 1, tape
switch; AC accessory output; phono sens 2mV; phono ers. 2 -way dubbing. phono. tuner, Aux inputs. 2 ampli-
S/N - 85dB ref 10 mV input A -weighted; source imp 2, processor signal/source selector; 6 outputs, in-
fier outputs; front cluding headphone monitor; detented level, loudness,
50 ohms; THD and IMD -- 0.02% at 5 V output; RIAA Hz t 0.25 dB phono; S/N 70 dB below 10 mV phono,
EQ ±.25 dB from 20-20.000 Hz; 17" & 10 -dB boost/cut detented bass and treble, tape -
3" 10"; 84 dB below 2.5 V output high level; TH and IM dis-
anthracite grey or optional black finish copy. tape -monitor, balance, mode, low -frequency fil-
$500 tortion 0.05%; gain 40 dB phono, 29 dB high level: ter, phono-level controls; rumble, signal -present, over-
max output 25 V; phono overload 500 mV at 1 kHz load, tone -activated indicators; 13/."H front
AUDIO RESEARCH 14"W x 11,4-D x 4'/.'H $2,850 panel $549
SP -10 Preamplifier
PV Vacuum Tube Preamplifier CARVER
Vacuum -tube stereo preamplifier with additional gain Vacuum tube preamplifier with cathode follower out-
for use directly with MC cartridges. Features auto puts and solid-state voltage regulator designed for C-4000 Preamplifier
muting for repeat settings, etc; power switch for acti- minimal ac imp; regulated filament supplies virtually
vating 1,600 W capacity power receptacles; select- Features Sonic Hologram Generator designed to
eliminate infrasonic noise resulting from ac line fluc- recreate vector sound field present during original re-
able front panel inpedance matching for optimizing tuations. Features 1% tolerance mil -spec deposited cording and to locate musical instruments precisely in
MC and MM cartridge performance; gain selection for tin -oxide audio circuit resistors; audio circuit capaci- space (enlarged zone of coherence enables three peo-
matching cartridges; bypass switch defeats all func- tors are polystyrene di -electric; tracks within .5 dB
tions for optimum performance; FR (high level, -t .25
ple sitting side by side to experience the holographic
volume control; auto muting at turn -on, turn-off; 2 effect -older units upgraded by dealer for modest
dB) 5-30.000 Hz; magnetic phono, -1.25 dB of RIAA, tape recorder loops with 2 -way dubbing; 5 -function charge); 3-ch time -delay system with 40 W combined
30-40,000 Hz; input imp 50k ohms (all high level); mode switch; precision tracking volume control. Max
MM, 10, 30. 100. 10k, 47k ohms; 19"W x 5.25"H amplifier, user -selectable 35/50-msec initial delay
output 40 V rms; FR 2-> 100.000 Hz; distortion with variable echo density; third -generation Auto-
10.25"D; 33 lbs $3,450 <0.5% TH and IM; hum and noise 20-20,000 Hz, Correlator noise -reduction system. Peak Unlimiter;
phono 72 dB below 10 my input, high level 84 dB be- separate left and right bass and treble controls with
SP -8 Preamplifier
low 2.5 V output; output imp < 200 ohms; 16" turnover frequency switches, tone defeat; cartridge
Vacuum -tube stereo preamplifier with 1.5 -minute 10" 33/."; 15 lbs $1,485 matching; 2 -way tape dubbing, monitoring; external
warm-up timer. Features continuous protection
against line -voltage dropouts; high -accuracy. close - signal processor input; infrasonic filter. FR & 0.25 dB
PV2a Preamplifier 20-20,000 Hz phono RIAA. 5-200,000 Hz -1 dB
tracking segmented gain control; front panel recept- Vacuum -tube stereo preamplifier features low -noise
able switch that operates 2 relay -controlled outlets high level; input sens 0.85 mV phono, 50 mV high
metal film resistors, polypropylene and polystyrene level; phono overload 150 mV at 1 kHz; phono gain
with 1600-W capacity; isolated ground construction capacitors in audio circuitry, vacuum -tube design; 2 -
that floats all inputs and outputs; rejection filters for 35 dB; noise reduction 20 dB (20-200 Hz). 10 dB
deck tape monitoring with one-way dubbing; input se- (2.000-20,000 Hz); Sonic Hologram- image resolu-
minimizing or eliminating CB, TVI r -f interference. FR lector for phono, tuner. tape, AUX; reverse/ tion 5' horizontally, 20' vertically; Peak Unlimiter total
5-30,000 Hz & 0.25 dB high-level, to 40 kHz phono; stereo/mono mode selector; 2 amplifier outputs. FR dynamic -range recovery 6 dB; time delay 50 msecs
harmonic/IM distortion <0.01%/0.002% at 2 V & 0.25 dB 20-20,000 Hz phono; S/N 70 dB below
rms; gain phonoihigh-level to main output 26/60 dB; max; distortion 0.2%; bandwidth 20-10,000 Hz,
10 mV in phono. 84 dB below 2.5 V out high-level; feed forward to 19 kHz. 19"W x 8"D x 6V." H $1.099
input/output imp 50k/1k ohms; phono overload 900 THO and IM distortion 0.05%; gain 35 dB phono, 28
mV; output level 2 V rms; noise 250 i.LV rms max dB high-level; max output 25 V; phono overload 500 C-1 Preamplifier
high-level; 5µV phono: power consumption 60 W; mV at kHz; 14"W x 11'/.'D x 434'H $685 Features Sonic Hologram Generator dimensional
19'W x 101/2"D x 5VH; 22 lb $1.795
sound imager; separate left and right bass and treble
PV3 Preamplifier tone controls, tone defeat; MC phono input; 18
SP -7 Preamplifier
Basic preamplifier with simple vacuum -tube circuitry. dB/octave infrasonic filter; tape/source monitor with
Solid-state stereo preamplifier with Analog Module` FR 20-20.000 Hz ±5 dB phono RIAA; S/N 70 dB be- 2 -way tape -dubbing; provision for external processor.
technology. Features close -tolerance segmented gain low 10 mV phono. 84 dB below 2.5 V high-level out-
control; front -panel receptacle switch that operates 3
FR ±0.25 dB extended curve phono RIAA, 5-
put; THD and IM distortion 0.05%; gain 34 dB pho- 200,000 Hz high level; phono overload 150 mV at 1
relay -controlled outlets with 1600-W capacity; low - no. 24 dB high-level; max output 10 V; phono
surge turn -on circuitry; isolated ground construction kHz. 1.500 mV at 20 kHz; image resolution 5° hori-
overload 400 mV at kHz: 10V2'W x 7"D x
1 zontal. 20° vertical $549

Preamplifiers 2 Preamplifiers
AUX: THD 0.007%; IM distortion 0.005%; S/N 86 dB
C-2 Preamplifier MM, 70 dB MC. 105 dB tuner. AUX, tape .... $250 KENWOOD
Preamp features switchable phono input for MM or
MC cartridges; infrasonic filter (18 dB/octave below HAFLER Basic Cl Control Amplifier
20 Hz); bass and treble controls; tone control bypass; Hi -speed tasic control amplifier. Fatures MM or MC
2 tape inputs; provision for 2 -way dubbing; AUX input; DH -110 phono cartridge selection; low phonos S/Ns; continu-
external processor loop; mode switch; rear -panel jack Preamplifier operates all discrete devices (no inte- ously variable loudness control; two tape monitors;
for high-level gain (choice of 15 or 25 dB); anodized grated circuits in the signal) path in a full complimen- dubbing tape A to B; subsonic filter; Compact Disc
aluminum front panel finished in dark pewter. FR -3 tary symmetry format. Features rack mounting capa- player input. 12 lbs $225
dB at 3 Hz and 80 kHz (infrasonic filter out); noise bility; single active circuit board; step -action volume
control; switchable high-pass filter; integral muting KYOCERA
circuit; 2 pairs of audio outputs; low -imp power sup-
ply; full power bandwidth to 200.000 Hz; 2 phono, C-901 Control Preamplifier
tuner, AUX, 2 tape deck EPL inputs; 2 tape (buffered), Stereo control preamplifier with separate bass, mid-
2 line. EPL outputs; headphone jack; controls: vol- range, treble controls with an adjustable parametric
ume, balance, bass, treble, input selector phono se- graphic equalizer for bass and treble controls. Fea-
lector monitor selector mono/stereo, filter, external tures class -A circuitry throughout; 2 -pole phase com-
processor loco. tone control engage. THD pensation MM and MC phono inputs; selectable
0.0006% at 1,000 Hz. 3 V rms; FR +0.-0.25 dB, 27k/47k100k ohms MM imp; 2 -way tape monitor/
77 dB MC, 83 dB MM; THD 0.05%; output imp 600 20-20.000 Hz; S/N weighted 87 dB; rated output 3 dub; subsonic filter. FR 20-20.000 Hz & 0.2 dB all
ohms; TIM immeasurable; 17.3'W 9"D V rms, 4-210,000 Hz; THD -- 0.001% 20-20,000 inputs; S'N MM/MC 86, 70 dB; MC preamp sens
2.55-H $350 Hz; 17'W 3'H 8'/,"D; 10 lbs. 120µV at 1k ohm; MM sens 2.5 mV $1,290
Assembled $400

DBR-1513 & 2A Preamplifier DH -100 Preamplifier CL -34 Preamplifier

Rack mount precision preamplifier and tone control "No frills" preamp with low -imp power supply; delay Tube -type preamp with solid-state Duo -Beta circuitry.
with power supply; combines DB-I B. DB-5 in a 19" circuit; sufficient line output. Features tape deck line oesigned to accompany MQ-68C power amplifier but
rack unit. Auxiliary cable include GS 3 $825 outputs; volume, balance, treble. bass, push button easily interfaces with any modern solid-state amp.
input select. tape monitor, power controls; 2 switched Features gold-plated input connectors; tape monitor,
DB-1A Preamplifier outlets; - 3'H 10'D; 7 lbs. cub capability; tone -control defeat; low-cut filter; at-
Stereo preamplifier with separate DB-2A regulated Assembled $200 tenuator. S/N 80 dB phono 1/2, 100 dB AUX;
power supply. THD 0.0008%. 20-20.000 Hz; IM
Kit $150 17.3"W x 12.7"D x 3.1"H; 14 lb $700
distortion 0.001%; FR phono 10.40,000 Hz &
0.07 dB, high-level 2-50.000 Hz r 0. -1 dB; S/N A - HARMAN/KARDON MARANTZ
weighted 89 dB phono. 90 dB line; filters: low-cut flat.
20 Hz. 36 Hz at 6 dB:octave phono only, high -cut hk825 Preamplifier SC 9 Stereo Preamplifier
flat. 5 kHz. 10 kHz at 6 dB, octave; output imp 1k Stereo preamplifier with dual-RIAA equalization cir- Features Moving coil head amplifier; variable resistive
ohms; max output voltage 6 V into 10k ohms/ 3.000 cuitry; low -noise FETs in low-level and high-level input loading for MM and MC phono cartridges; 18
pF; input sens for 1 V output: phono 2 mV into 50k stages; MC head amplifier; capacitance trim; switch - dB/octave low group delay high and infrasonic filters;
ohms/ 100 pF, high-level 120 mV into 50k ohms; able bass and treble turnover frequencies; tone de- full tape dubbing facilities with tone controls; 3 -bank
8.5" x 7" x 3.2" $475 feat; 2 -deck tape monitor; two-way tape dubbing; tone controls with bypass and selectable turnover fre-
loudness; subsonic and high -cut filters; AUX, DAD, quencies; 2 preamp outputs with individual switch se-
DB-1B and 2A Preamplifier tuner. and phono input selectors. Input sens/imp: lection; !.eparate headphone amplifier with individual
DB-IA with low -noise high-level stage ( 94dB ref I phono MM 22rnV/47k ohms/135 pf, phono MC 150 power supply; fully buffered record outputs; exclusive
V). reduced crosstalk. tight tracking volume control, V/100 ohmns, AUX tape 135mV/25 ohms; phono linearized loop design; high level amplifier bypass
all gold-plated jacks and solid oak cabinet with hand - overload 200mV (MM)/ I 2mV (MC), FR (AUX, 1.0 V) switch; 16'/.- 10'/2"D
- 5'H $750
rubbed tung-oil finish. 12"W 3.6'H 7"D $575 .1-180.000 H: +0, -3 dB: RIAA accuracy +.2 dB;
DBR-1A. Same as DB 1A except mounted on 19' S/N phono MM -83 dB, phono MC -80 dB, AUX. tape SC 6 Stereo Preamplifier
rack; with DB-2 A power supply $511 92 dB; slew rate 120 V/ sec; THD (AUX 1 V) .05%; Feature!. MC head amplifier; adjustable resistive load-
turnover frequencies 100 Hz/400 Hz. 2 kHz/6 kHz. ing for MM phono cartridges; separate tone controls
x 4-H x 14'/2"D $400 for left and right chs with defeat switch; 2 -position
DENON loudness compensation; tape copy and tape monitor
provisions; 2 switch -selected preamp outputs;
PRA -6000 Preamplifier HITACHI 16'/."W r 9' ."D 5'','H $550
All -direct -coupled stereo preamp with pure non-NFB
circuitry from MC head amp to high -output amp sec- HCA-7500MKII Preamplifier MARK LEVINSON
tion. Features electronic switching; super phono Stereo preamn with complementary push-pull dc
equalizer; DAD input; real-time tone controls with 5 - equalizer amp ifier circuitry, dc push-pull FET differ- ML -6A Pramplifier
stage turnover switch, center defeat. Designed as ential tone control amplifier circuitry, MC phono head Monophonic modular preamplifiers, housed in individ-
companion to Denon POA-8000 power amp. Features defeatable bass. treble controls with ual chassis, with separate power supplies, offering
amplifier $3.000 turnover frequency selectors; low, high filters; 2 -way only the most essential control functions and connec-
tape dubbing and monitoring; -20-dB muting; sepa- tion capabilities. Utilizes L -series open -frame plug-in
PRA -1000 Stereo Preamplifier rate MM, MC phono cartridge load selector. Input modules. All audio circuitry is completely discrete and
Wood -trimmed, Class -A, non-NFB, electronic switch- sens/imp 2 mV -6 mV/50k ohms phono 1, 2 mV/50k operates in Class -A mode. In each chassis is one LI
ing preamp. Features all dc construction with front - line amplifier and one (L2. L3. or L3A to accommo-
panel tone controls, filters. Features tape dubbing, date any cartridge) phono amplifier module. The LI
oversized transformer and power supply. FR RIAA de- provides up to 26 dB of gain with typical distortion
viation tuner DAD. etc.. 20.100 Hz ± 0.2dB 1-300 specifications of 0.003% THD and 0.002% IMD and
Hz 0. 3dB; THD 0.002%. EQ
. Hz 8 V.
typical S, Nf 100 dB (unweighted below a 2 V refer-
. 0.002%, AUX 1 Hz 5 V; filter 18 Hz 6 dB. -octave, 7 ence). The L2 phono module offers selectable gain of
Hz 6 dB/octave: loudness control 100 Hz i 8dB, 10 38 or 44 dB. L3 and L3A modules offer 67 and 55
Hz 4 8dB; S, N phono MM 90 dB (2.5 mV input). MC dB of gain respectively. < Less than 0.008% THD
75 dB (0.25 mV input), tuner 105 dB (150 mV in- and 0.005% IMD for all 3 phono modules. The PLS-
put); 22 lb $495 154 power supply maintains load regulation of
ohms phono 2. 100 mV/50k ohms tuner, AUX, tape 1 0.05% and has a wideband noise output of I8uV.
FISHER and 2; max input level 350 mV at 1 kHz phono 1 and
2; output level imp 1 V/600 ohms preamp out 100
CC 3000 Preamplifier mV/600 ohms tape out. PIN. DIN; max output level NEED MORE INFORMATION?
Stereo preamplifier with moving -coil phono preamp. - 7 V preamp out; FR 20-20.000 Hz +0.2 dB phono
Features 3 -position phono imp switch; defeatable 1 and 2. 5.100,000 Hz + 0/-1 dB tuner. AUX, tape 1 Write directly to the manufacturer or
bass. treble controls; subsonic filter; loudness switch; and 2; THD 0.005% at 1 V phono 1 and 2, tuner distributor. A list of names and ad-
2 -way tape dubbing. Input sens/imp 2.5 mV/33k and AUX, tape I and 2); residual hum and noise preamp dresses starts on page 25.
47k ohms MM, 601.V/22 ohms MC. 150 mW100k out 8 mV; soft gray finish; 18%."W x 13%'D x
tuner, AUX, tape 1. 2; FR 0.2 dB phono, 0.5 dB 6V,"H $370

1984 EDITION 47
Preamplifiers 2 Preamplifiers
ML -6A features Camac connectors for all input and allows all audio circuitry to remain active. Features operated remote switches; built-in head amp; MM
output connections; gold-plated cartridge loading gold-plated Camac connectors for input and output equalizer amp with dc -optimized negative feedback
sockets on main circuit board and internal switches to connections and 2 level controls; hand -brushed and low -noise, high -capacity, rapid -response, power -sup
select 10, 20 or 26 dB of line gain. Hand -brushed black anodized front panel. 21/4"1-I

19"W 93/.'D;
black anodized finish. ML -6A: 21/4*H 19'W - 9 lbs $1.240
8"D. PLS-154: 41/4"H 4'W 10'/.11). 12 lbs.
With L2
With L3 or L3A

ML -7 Preamplifier
$5,950/ pr

Versatile stereo preamplifier offering connection ca-

C33 Preamplifier

Stereo preamp with dual preamp system. Features

low -noise electronic input switching system; two 7 -
pability for 5 line -level sources, monitor facilities for source input selector switches for 3 tape decks. 2
two tape machines, and several plug-in phono sys- turntables, 1 tuner, and 1 AUX; record monitor switch;
tems to accommodate virtually any cartridge. Utilizes 5 -band program equalizer; high and low frequency fil- ply circuits; muting circuit; infrasonic filter; tone -by-
L -series open -frame plug-in modules. All audio circuit- ters; compandor; front -panel tape recorder jacks. Fre- pass switch; docking, speaker selection, protection -
ry is completely discrete and operates in teh Class -A quency response +0, 0.5 dB from 20 Hz to circuit indication. Input sens 'imp 0.13 mV/ 10 ohms
mode. Fitted with two LI line amplifiers and two (L2, 20,000 Hz: THD 0.01%; S/N, A -weighted, phono 90 MC, 2.8 mV/47k ohms MM, 150 mV/47k ohms tun-
L3 or L3A) phono modules. The LI provides up to 26 dB below 10 mV input (84 dB IHF), high level 100 dB er, AUX, play 1. 2; THD 0.004% MC. 0.002% MM,
dB of gain, with typical distortion specifications of below rated output (86 dB IHF); compandor ratios 0.0015% tuner. AUX, Play 1, 2; sep 75 dB at 20 kHz
0.003% THD and 0.002% IMO. and typical signal to from 1:2 compression to 2:1 expansion; 16'W MC and MM, 80 dB tuner. AUX. play 1. 2; FR 20 Hz -
5'/,,,"1-1 13"D; 26 lbs $2,299 20 kHz & 2 dB; 181/4"W x 91/4"D x 51/4"H ... $400

C29 Preamplifier NAD

Stereo preamp with 1% metal film resistors and 5%
poly film capacitors; high frequency filter, low -fre- 1020A Stereo Preamplifier
quency filter; 20,000 Hz low-pass filter; transient - Stereo preamp designed for audiophile performance
free turn on and turn off; auto turn on. Frequency re- at bargain cost. Features wide -range phono preamp;
sponse +0 0.5 dB 20-20,000 Hz; front panel is precise RIAA equalization; rear -panel switch for low -
noise ratio of 100 dB unweighted below a 2 V refer- anodized gold and black with special gold/teal no- output MC cartridges; infrasonic filtering; high cur-
ence. The L2 phono module offers selectable gain of menclature illumination. black chassis; 16"W rent output buffer. Power consumption 5 W. Phono
38 or 44 dB. The L3 and L3A modules offer 67 and 5'A.'H 13-D; 19 lbs $1,299 input: Input sens (1kHz) for 0.5 V out MM 1.25 mV
55 dB of gain respectively; 0.008% THD and MC 90 jAV for 2 V out MM 5 mV, MC 360 µV; S/N
0.005% IMD for all three phono modules. The PLS- C27 Preamplifier with cartridge connected, A -weighted MM 75 dB re 5
154 power supply maintains load regulation of Stereo preamp with 7 different progam sources; 4 - mV in, MC 72 dB re 0.5 mV in; RIAA accuracy, MM
0.05% and has a wideband noise output of 18uV. An position filter switch; stepped tone controls indepen- and MC 10.5 dB. High-level inputs (tuner, AUX, tape):
external five -pin self-locking connector parallels. Fea- dent in each channel; continuously variable loudness input sens for 0.5 V out 80 mV, for 2 V out 320 mV;
tures the Camac phono inputs for cartridge loading; A control. Frequency response 4 0 - 0.5 dB 20- S/N A -weighted 86 dB re 0.5 V out; input overload
gain switch selects either 10 or 20 dB of line gain. 20,000 Hz; distortion '-0.05%; hum and noise AUX 25V; FR 20-20.000 Hz ±0.5 dB. Tape outputs:
Hand -brushed black anodized finish; ML -7: 21/4"H 1 and 2. tuner, tape 1 and 2, 85 dB unweighted, 90 output imp high level source Z + 1 kµ; nominal level
19"W 101/4"D; PLS-154: 41/4"H 4"W dB IHF A -weighted; phono 1 and 2, 80 dB below 10 320mV. Line output: output imp 60011; rated output
101/4"D; 14 lbs. With L2 $4,325 mV input, unweighted, 85 dB IHF A -weighted; 16"W 2 V; rated distortion (THD and IM) 0.02%; max out-
With L3 or L3A $4,865 - 5%,,"H 13"D; 20 lbs $999 put level 250 mV into 8µV; 3.8'H 16.5"W
9.5"D; 8.3 lb $198
ML -10 Preamplifier C504 Preamplifier
Stereo preamplifier incorporating a simplified version Stereo preamp with I % metal film resistors and 5% NAIM by AUDIOPHILE SYSTEMS
of the L -series circuitry in a single circuit board con- poly film capacitors; equalizer amplifier; output.'.
figuration. All audio circuitry is completely discrete headphone amplifier; input selector switching; tripie NAC 32 Preamplifier
and operates in the Class A mode. Connection capa- shielded power supply. Frequency response f 0 Features input selector for MM, MC cartridges, tuner,
bility for 2 line -level sources, monitor facilities for 1 0.5 dB 20-20,000 Hz; distortion 0.02%; S/N tun- 2 tape; volume, balance controls; mode switch; nor-
tape machine, and universal phono section that will er, tape 1 and 2, AUX 100 dB IHF A -weighted; mal, mute, tape monitor switch. Input sens 2.0 mV
accept virtually any cartridge. Line section provides equalizer center frequencies 30, 750, and 10,000 MM, 0.1 mV MC, 75 mV high-level; phono overload
up to 22 dB of gain with typical distortion specifica- Hz; boost and cut -1_12 dB; 16"W 3%H x 200 mV MM, 10 mV MC; FR 20-20,000 Hz & 0.5
tions of 0.004% THD and 0.004% IMD and typical 141/4"D; 14 lbs $975 dB; THD and IM distortion 0.02%; 12"D x 8"W x
signal to noise ratio of 95 dB unweighted below a 2 V 3"H $1,050
reference. Phono section offers selectable gain of 42. MERIDIAN
53 or 63 dB. Six internal switches and gold plated NAC 42 Preamplifier
loading sockets allow infinite cartridge loading capa- 1018 Control Unit Features input selector for MM, MC cartridges, tape,
bility. Typical distortion specifications for phono cir- Stereo preamplifier with choice of tuner, tape, phono tuner. FR 20-20,000 Hz & 0.5 dB; THD and IM
cuit are 0.014% THD and 0.005% IMD and S/N inputs. Has no tone controls to deteriorate souna. 0.02%, sens 0.1 mV MC phono/ 2.0 mV MM phono,
typically 72 dB. Features internal power supply Power switch in volume control. Replaceable phono 75 mV high-level; phono overload 10 mV MC, 200
with a high-speed; push-pull regulator; biased for input module (specify MM or MC). Matched to Merid- mV MM; 3"H x 8"W x 12'D; 6 lb $560
Class -A operation; capable of maintaining load regula- ian power amplifiers, speaker systems $565
tion of 0.05% and has a wideband noise output of Balanced line output for long leads $595 PNAG Moving Coil Preamp
23uV; gain switch selects either 7 or 17 dB of line FR 20 Hz -20 kHz ' 0.5 dB; sens 0.1 mV; 3 lb$199
gain. Features Camac input and output connectors; MISSION
hand -brushed black anodized finish. 21/4"H 19"W NIKKO
10'/,"D; 8 lbs $2,870 Model 776 Preamplifier
Stereo preamplifier with power derived from re BETA -50 Preamplifier
ML -12 Preamplifier chargeable, sealed heavy-duty batteries that eliminate Featres CX decoder; dual line input and output selec-
Stereo preamplifier that is a dedicated control unit for line -induced hum, provide very low imp, excellent tors; 2 sound processor loops; MC head amp; toroidal
the ML -11 power amplifier. Offers connection capa- interch power supply rejection. Designed around 2 power transformer; FETs in all signal stages; full tape
bility for two line -level sources, monitor facilities for identical chs consisting of phono and line sections. In- dubbing facilities; 32 -position attenuator volume con-
one tape machine, and a universal phono section to put sens 2 mV phono. 100 mV line for 1 V rms out- trol; 12 dB/octave infrasonic filter; switchable tone
accept virtually any cartridge. All audio circuitry is put; phono overload 150 mV at 1 kHz; output level controls; audio muting switch ( 20 dB); stereo/
completely discrete and operates in the Class -A nominal/max 1V rms/10 V peak; input imp 47k mono switch; line 1 and 2 mix control; rack mount-
mode. Phono section offers selectable gain of 42, 53 ohms/150 pF; output imp 250 ohms/4.7 11F; S/N able; matte black finish. THD (phono MC) 0.006%;
or 63 dB. Gold-plated sockets allow infinite cartridge phono/line 80/95 dB; hum 100 dB below rated out- THD (phono MM) 0.004%; THD (line level) 0.004%;
loading capability. Typical distortion specs for this put; THD/IM/TIM <0.05%/'0.05%/0; FR 20- S/N (MC) 70 dB; S/N (MM) 88 dB; S/N tuner, aux,
phono circuit are 0.008% THD and 0.005% IMD and 20.000 Hz & 0.2 dB phono, -0.1 dB line .... $997 tape 100 dB; 19'W 10.2"H 2.8-D .... $495
S/N is typically - 75 dB. ML -I2 receives power from
the ML -1 1 via 2 6 -conductor cables. Discrete voltage MITSUBISHI BETA -30 Preamplifier
regulators for each ch maintain load regulation of Features MC head amp; dual line input and output
0.04% and input noise rejection 38 dB. A standby DA -P30 Preamplifier switching; switchable sound processor loop; full tape
switch mutes the preamplifier and reduces power Stereo preamplifier with dual -mono construction. Fea- dubbing facility; 12 dB/octave infrasonic filter; 32 -
consumption of the ML -11 and ML- I 2 by 50% and tures 4 power -supply voltage regulator circuits; wire - position attenuator volume control: 8 dB stepped


.11=111111=111 11.

Preamplifiers 2 Preamplifiers
tone controls; advanced reel relay eliminates turn -on at 2 frequencies; ±2 dB tilt control to shift tonal bal- Model 200K Dual Mono Preamplifier
transients; rack mountable; matte black finish. THD ance; variable filter slope control at 5.000. 7,000, Separate power supplies for each ch including 2
(MC) 0.006% (MM) 0.004% (line level) 0.004%; 10,000 Hz; all tone controls have defeat positions; transformers and 2 s 120,000 mfd storage capaci-
S/N (MC) 70 dB (MM) 88 dB (line level) 100 dB; balance/mono switch; radio, AUX, disc, tape 1, tape 2 ty. Features high -resolution circuitry in all stages;
2.8'D $325 input selectors with optional microphone or MC pho- dual -gain phono circuits for MM or MC cartridges;
19'W 10.2"H
no inputs available. Input sens/ imp I mV at 35 mV straight -through wiring. 1 phono input; 2 aux inputs;
ONKYO in/47k ohms phono, 100 mV at 5 V in/39k ohms 1 tape monitor; separate volume controls for each ch;
tape. 1M ohm radio and aux; FR 30-20.000 Hz ±0.5 infrasonic filter; 19'W A 12'D x 3V,"H rack
dB phono RIAA, 30-20,000 Hz + 0/ 1 dB high level; mount. $1,595
P-3090 Preamplifier
Limited -edition Super -Servo stereo preamplifier with distortion 0.02%; residual noise 104 dB A -weight.
variable -gain equalizer for compatibility with all MC ed; 321mmW 208mmD 103mmH $800 SOUNDCRAFTSMEN
cartridges, selectable loading for MM cartridges. Fea-
tures direct bus -bar feeder power supply for tran- Quad 34 Control Preamplifier Unit SP4002 Signal Processor/Preamp
sient. dynamic distortion elimination; passive -element Preamp control unit Fully isolated pushbutton con- Combination preamp. 10 -band octave equalizer. Pre -
tone controls; infrasonic filter; headphone amp; mi- trolled inputs and liters; disc. tape, radio and AUX in- amp section features 2 separate phono preamps with
croprocessor "Waiting Monitor to indicate optimum puts; inputs for MM and MC cartridges; AUX input variable cartridge loading (0-750 pF) and variable
performance status. THD 0.002% MM and high-level. compatible with Compact Disc players; features tilt imp (100/47k ohms); variable & 20 dB gain stage;
0.008% MC; S/N high-level/MC/MM 100/88/70 control, a highly sophisticated 8 -pole filter to produce S/N 97 dB; 300 mV overload; will accept MC, van -
$1.250 gradual, smooth change in balance with no changes of able -reluctance. MM cartridges; 6 input sources; 2 ex-
response and no unwanted coloration; bass lift/step ternal processing loops, equalizer, mono A +B mixing
P -3060R Preamplifier control that bcosts low FR of small speakers and cor- switchable to 2 tape or 2 line outputs; switchable tape
Stereo preamplifier with dual Super -Servo, variable - rects frequency exaggerations caused by speaker monitonng/dubbing. Graphic equalizer: & 15 dB
gain equalizers for full compatibility with MM and MC placement. TI -4) .05%; residual noise 105 dB A - control/ octave; spectrum -level control and LEDs for
phono cartridges. Features direct bus -bar feeder pow- weighted; FR ± 0.3dB, disc RIAA 0.5dB. 12.8'W input -to -output balancing; EQ S/N 114 dB at full out-
er supply for transient, dynamic distortion elimina 25.6"H 11.9"D; 7.04 lb $595 put; Tape 2 jack duplicated on front panel; click -stop
stepped volume control; infrasonic filter $699
tion; all passive tone controls. FR 0.8-17.000 Hz &
0.2 dB; THD high-level/MM/MC 0.003%/0.004%/ SAE
0.018%; S/N MM/MC 82/76 dB $559 DX 4200 Signal Processor/Preamp
X -1P Direct -Line Preamplifier Combiration preamplifier/equalizer with digital audio
P-3030 Preamplifier Features touch switching with computer control, and video audio inputs. Features in/out balancing to
Preamplifier with Super Servo; MM and MC compati- adjustable R and C; MC input, external power supply. 0.1 dB; phono preamp has variable cartridge loading
ble. switchable-gain MC input; switchable-imp MM in- FR 20-20.000 Hz & 0.1 dB; max output 17 V; THD 50-800 pF. 100/47,000 ohm) adjustable ±20 dB
put; 78 rpm record equalization; infrasonic filter; all - and IM distortion 0.01%; MM phono sens 7 mV; gain MC variable reluctance or MM cartridge inputs;
passive -element tone controls; headphone amp; MM phono overload 250 mV; 19'W x 9'D x 3°H; 3 -way tape dubbing; 2 external -signal processor
CD/Aux input; 2 tape monitors; THD 0.003% (high 12 lbs $1200 loops; conventional line outputs plus separate
level). 0.004% (MM). 0.006% (MC and 78); S/N autobridge line outputs for auto mono bridging of
phono MM; 82 dR MC: 76 dB IHFA $380 SAE P101 Preamplifier most amplifiers; EQ S/N 114 dB; passive coil filters
Computer direct -line preamplifier. Features touch with 15 dB boost and cut for each octave;
PHASE LINEAR switching with computer control; adjustable R and C; differential/comparator circuitry for true 0.1 dB unity
phase switching; moving -coil input. FR 20-20,000 Hz gain EQ balancing; 19" rackmount front panel; in-
& 0.1 dB; max output 11 V; 19"W x 12Y,"D x cludes frequency spectrum analyzer test record and
P3800 Preamplifier
Stereo preamplifier with parametric controls, moving - 3'/,-H $650 instant re -set Computone charts; 5i/." A 19- x
coil (MC) phono input (requires no external trans- 11"D $699
former). Features moving -magnet (MM) phono input; SAE Two PA -10 Preamplifier
subsonic filter; dual tape deck copying; loudness con- Preamplifier with MC phono input with adjustable R CX4100 Preamplifier Signal Processor
tour switch; muting; stereo/mono switch; headphone and C, and 3 -band tone controls. FR 2420,000 Hz & Combination preamp/equalizer with built-in CX de-
amplifier with front -panel jack; boost/attenuate fre- 0.5 dB: THD and IM distortion 0.01%; S/N 95 dB coder tor additional 20 dB dynamic range from CX-
quencies over 20 -20,000 -Hz range; light brushed -sil- AUX, 80 dB MC. 74 dB MM; 18.25"W x 14.3"D x encoded records. Features external signal -processor
ver anodized front panel. Output 2.0 V rms; THD 3.5'H; 12 lb. $350 loop; 2 phono inputs; 2 tape inputs with 3 -way dub-
<0.003% at rated output; FR 20-20,000 Hz & 0.1 bing; phono S/N 97 dB, THD 0.01%; 12 dB EQ boost
dB RIAA MM and MC phono; S/N MM/ MC 97'94 dB; RG DYNAMICS and cut for each octave; differential/comparator cir-
slew rate 10V/psec; sep 70 dB at 1 kHz: 17V,"W x cuitry for 0.1 dB unity gain; 19" rack mount front
13'D x 3%,H $650 Model 4.2 Preamplifier panel; includes frequency spectrum analyzer test
Stereo preamp with switchable dual -gain circuit for record and instant re -set Computone charts; 15
P3600 Preamplifier using MC cartridges without head amp. Features 2 ib $549
Stereo preamplifier with separate moving -magnet tape monitors with 2 -way dubbing; 2 phono. 2 aux in- CX4000. Same as CX4100 without graphic equalizer
(MM) and moving -coil (MC) phono inputs. Features puts; infrasoric filter; defeatable bass, treble controls; but with 2 external signal -processor loops; 3'/," x
bass and treble controls; cartridge loading capaci- phase polarity switch; true -step volume control; dis- 19" 1 1" D $419
tance selector; loudness contour switch; muting; crete circuitry throughout; plug-in modular construc-
stereo/mono switch; front -panel headphone jack; light tion; 30,000 mfd storage capacitance; available in SP4OC1 Signal Processor/Preamp
brushed -silver anodized front panel. Output 2.0 V black rack mount or standard black panel with walnut Combination preamp, 10 -band stereo graphic equal-
rms; THD 0.003% at rated output; FR 20-20.000 end pieces. FR 20-20.000 Hz 4 0.05 dB phono. 0.5- izer. Preamp features 2 -way tape monitor/dub; sig-
Hz & 0.1 dB RIAA MM and MC phono; slew rate 10 300.000 Hz 3dB other inputs; input sens!imp 0.1 nal -processing section with infrasonic filter, 2 exter-
V/psec; sep 70 dB at 1 kHz; 17'/,"W x 13"D x mV rms selectable 47k!lk/100 ohms MC. 1.1 mV nal loops, EQ defeat, mono switch (can be applied to
3%"H $450 rms (MM). 220mV '47k ohms high level; phono over- line or tape outputs for recording); phono 1 and 2.
load 11 mV rms (MC). 150 mV rms (MM) at 1.000 tuner, and AUX input selectors; phono S/N 97 dB;
QUAD Hz; output level/imp 2 V. 180 ohms; S/N 80 dB pho- THD 0.01%. Equalizer center frequencies 30, 60.
no, 88 dB line; IM distortion 0.007% at 2 V output; 120, 240. 480, 960, 1,920. 3,840, 7.680, 15,360
Quad 44 Control Unit max output 'evel 10 V at 1.000 anc 100,000 Hz; Hz; boost/cut range & 12 dB:. has dual zero -gain slide
Preamplifier control system features lift/step bass gain 20.5 dB high level, 37 and 57 dB phono; 19"W contrcls with LEDs for input/output balancing $549
control to boost low -FR of small speakers, attenuate 12"D 3VH rack mount. 17'W standard; 13 SP40110. Same as SP4001 minus graphic equalizer;
bass output when operating as filter to give 5 dB drop lb ... $795 has third external loop with front -panel access, head-
phone outputs $399

NOTICE TO READERS S-6020 CP Preamplifier
Prices of items described are manufacturers' suggested prices Individually tested, certified stereo preamplifier with
FET cif ferential input. Features FET differential tone -
only and are subject to change without notice. Actual selling control amplifier; push-pull output; 2 tape monitors;
prices are determined by the dealers. 2 -way tape dub; output for 2 main amps; feather -
touch up/down volume control with 10 -segment LED
level indicator; relay audio -mute circuit. Output 10 V
max; THD and IM distortion 0.005% at 1 V output;

Mina/ audio Preamplifiers 2 Preamplifiers
FR dc -100,000 Hz; S/N 100 dB; phono overload of components; FET one gain cells use 2 matched low
250 mV at 1 kHz; RIAA phono equalization & 0.5 dB; noise cascoded JFETS and constant -current sources
power consumption 14 W; 17'/,'W x 15V,"D x in a unique topology which achieves full voltage gain
2%,"H; 11 lb $250 across a single JFET for maximal transmission of in-
formation and minimal coloration; provisions for two
SUMO by ALL-AMERICAN AUDIO tape recorders. RIAA equalization .1 dB deviation
from phase and amplitude accuracy; .015% THD at 3
Electra Preamplifier V preamp out; 20-20,000 Hz into 10,000 ohms; max
Stereo preamp with dc -coupled differential FE- phono output 15 V peak at 1% THD; bandwidth -3 dB points
stage and head amp for MC cartridges. Features STE- 5 Hz and 100,000 Hz; phono section noise MM -79
REO, MONO, A, R, A r e mode switching; laser -trimmed dB unweighted; -5 mV 20-20,000 Hz; me -78 dB
money stepped controls; gold-plated phono input jacks; dou- unweighted, -83 dB A -weighted ref to 5 my 20-


. freight
ble -action switching; all 1% metal -film resistors in au-
dio circuits; fully regulated power supplies. FR 20-
20,000 Hz t 0.1 dB; crosstalk -80 dB or better at
kHz and below; THD and IM 0.01% below 3V 'or TUN-
20.000 Hz; phono overload 200 mV peak at 1,000
Hz; input imp MM 47,000 ohm; adjustable capaci-
tance 40 ohm MC; line level 25,000 ohm; output imp
470 ohms; slew rate 25 v/p.s; rise time 2µsec; pow-
ER, AUx, TAPE inputs; sens 315 mV 3V rms at 1 kHz er -supply rejection ratio -80 dB; power -supply noise
for TUNER, AUx, TAPE inputs $435 100 mV; power supply stability 95-140 V; 17'W
2.5"H 12'D; $2,200
MODEL SA -1 ANALYZER 120.00 Model FET two series II Preamplifier
MODEL S5-3 IC TOP Of THE LINE 227 00 TCA-3002A Control Preamplifier Dual-ch, noninverting FET preamplifier; required gain
DUAL TURNTABLES - LOW MASS UNITS! Wireless control amplifier with MC input designed as for each stage of FET two series II is achieved through
complete preamplifier stage employing 11 discrete three FETS for a simple gain path topology employing
semiconductor devices in each ch. Features MM pho- minimal phase compensation; input/output connec-
NC ELECTRONICS DECKS - ETC. no input with capacitance, resistance adjustments;
tors are Threshold designed, gold plated with a posi-
bass, treble controls with tone defeat; digital disc in- tive "make" inner conductor supported in a machined
MODEL RX-44 NEW RECEIVER WRITE put capable of handling > 20 V. Audio circuitry in- Teflon insulator. .02% THD at 3 V preamp out 20-
WRITE FOR NEW '82 AND '83 MODELS!!! 20.000 Hz into 10,000 ohms; max output 20 V peak
KENWOOD DEALS - WRITE FOR OTHER MODELS at 1% THD; bandwidth -3 dB points 8 Hz and
MODEL KR -830 DIGITAL RECEIVER $270 00 100,000 Hz; phono noise MM -78 dB unweighted. -
MODEL KX-SSC CASS. DECK SPECIAL 165 00 83 dB A -weighted ref to 5mV out 20-20,000 Hz; MC
MARANTZ SPECIALS!!! 75 dB unweighted; -80 dB A -weighted ref to 5 mV
5R-8100 SUPER RECEIVER DEAL SPECIAL out 20-20,000 Hz; phono overload 500 mV peak at
5D-3030 CASS. DECK W/DOLBY BBC WRITE! 1,000 Hz; input imp MM 47 ohm; adjustable capaci-
SANSUI ELECTRONIX tance MC; 10-100 ohm adjustable resistance; output
0-370 M/8 CASSETTE DECK/BLACK $244.00 imp 470 ohms; slew rate 25 v/ms; rise time 2µS;
Z-5000 SUPERB RECEIVER DEAL CALL power -supply rejection ratio -80 dB; 17"W 2.5'H
SONY SUPERDEALS III clUdes selected all -metal film resistors, polystyrene 9"D. $1,100
SONY STR-VX4 SUPER QUARTZ RCVR. DEAL $199 50 capacitors, min negative feedback; 2 butterwcrth in-
SONY STR-VXS SPECIAL PRICE! frasonic filters: mono. loudness switches; 2 deck tape VSP
SONY TC-FX77 CASSETTE DECK 222 DO monitors with 2 -way dub; headphone amp with sepa-
RAC CASSETTE DECK DEALS!!! rate volume control $795 Straightwire Preamplifier
MODEL CX-400 SUPERDEAL CASSETTE $190 00 Stereo preamplifier with computer -controlled front
MODEL V-SRX DECK W/dbx" 215.00
end for auto muting and DC offset sensing. Features
MODEL V-4RX dbx deck' SPECIAL !
TECHNICS 8 -bit Z80 microprocessor; sensi-touch input selectiv-
TECHNICS ELECTRONICS ity with computer -controlled LED feedback; modular
SL -5 NEW LINEAR TRACKING TABLE 5126.00 SU-A4MK2 Stereo DC Control Amplifier
construction, board swap serviceability; DC servo
Preamp with built-in amorphous step-up transformer phono and amplifier stage; isolated shielded power
RS -M205 CASSETTE DECK SPECIAL .. 95 00 for extended linear response. Features full matching supply; high -resolution phase accuracy; dual tape
SEE A BETTER PRICE? LET US KNOW Iu phono equalizer for all types of cartridges; all class A monitoring with tape -to -tape copying; RIAA open -loop
SPECIALS with ICL ultra -low -noise FET input; low output imp al- contoured active equalization. Phono preamp section:
AUDIO CONTROL C-101 Equaliser/Analyzer $290.00 lows remote power amp placement; shelving tone con- max output 27 V rms 20-20.000 Hz. phono preamp
TOSHIBA KTV-S1 AM/FM Cass. Pori Port. 94.00 trols for equalization; presettable CD/aux; video input THD < .01% at rated output, phono preamp. High-
SHURE V-15LT 'F.* MOUNT CART. 55.00 selector; 4 -ganged master volume control; infrasonic

level amp section: max output 9 V rms 20-20,000

CASSETTE TAPES and high filter switches; loudness switch; separate rec Hz, amp THD .01% at rated output, high-level amp;
MAXELL XL 90 TYPE I OR II $34.00/12 selector with 2 -way dubbing; 2 tape monitors THD FR 1-20,000 Hz, 3 dB amp $995
SONY UCXS-90 NEW HIGH BIAS 32.00/10 . 0.006% MM, 0.01% MC. 0.006% line; FR 20-
TDK SA -90 SUPER AVALIN 24.50/10
100,000 Hz 10.2 dB phono, DC -100,000 Hz YAMAHA

BASF 90 PRO I OR II 2200/10 0

SONY METAL 90 CASS. SPECIAL. 30 00/10 dB line; S/N (A -weighted) 77 dB MM, 76 dB MC, 100
SONY FECR 90 FECR-CHROME. 20.00/10 dB line; input imp 47 kilohms 1. 2, MM. 30,470 MC, C-70 Preamplifier
L.5000 VIDEO - CHOOSE FROM S BRANDS 8.00 EA. 47 kilohms line; output imp 600 ohms tape 1, rec Stereo preamplifier with 2 -band parametric equalizer.
out, 2 ohms pre out; max output voltage 8 V; input Features Varigain volume control that reduces residu-
- send for free price list - sens 0.26/0.64 mV 1 MM. 20/65 uV MC, 0.64 mV al noise with volume reduction; Linear Transfer cir-
Name 2MM. 38 mV line; 16'; ,,,"W 3"/"H cuit; Extended Rolloff Equalizer; inverting preamp
Address 14' ,,-D; 17.6 lbs $1,100 outputs; direct phono inputs; MM cartridge load ca-
City pacitance selector; rec out selector; switchable infra-
State Zip SU-A8 Stereo DC Control Amplifier sonic, high filters. Input sens/imp 100 µV/100 ohms
Straight DC preamp with complete class A -circuitry. MC, 2.5 mV/100 ohms MM; 150 mV/47k ohms AUX,
HOURS Features full control flexibility; convenient program tuner, tape; phono overload MC/MM 13/300 mV;
10:00 - 5.00. MON THRU SAT selectors; MC and MM inputs; tape mode selector; max output 10 V; FR 5-100,000 Hz +0/-0.5 dB AUX,
Prices subieCt to change dubbing selector; control status indicators. THD tape, and tuner. 20-20,000 Hz & 0.2 dB MC, 10-
0.003% MM, 0.01% MC, 0.002% line; FR RIAA
Mimi, audio
12 East Delaware Place
standard curve Hz 0.2 dB MM. RIAA standard
curve *0.5 dB MC phono, DC -20,000 Hz i 0.2 dB
100,000 Hz & 0.3 d8 MM; THD 0.001%; IM distor-
tion 0.002%; S/N MCIVIM/ all others 90/94/105
dB; residual noise 1.8 µV; EQ frequency control
line; S/N (A -weighted) 79 dB MM, 75 dB MC, 100 dB low/high 31.8-800 Hz/800-20,000 Hz & 12 dB;
Chicago 60611

line; output imp 2 ohms, rec out 600 ohms; input power consumption 50 W; 17V."W x 14'/,"D x
sens 1.25 mV MM. 85 µV MC, 75 mV line; 16".'"H 3%"Fi; 15 lb 13 oz $780
Phone Now 2"/" 14',."; 7.6 lbs $350 C-50. Similar to C-70 except no equalizer; has contin-
(312) uously variable tone control turnover frequencies; 4 -
664-0020 THRESHOLD gang volume control. Phono overload MC/MM
TOLL FREE 8.5/220 mV; THD 0.002%; MM S/N 93 dB;
(800) Model FET one preamplifier bass/treble turnover frequency range 100-500
621-8042 Dual-ch noninverting FET preamplifier employing pro- Hz/lk-5k Hz & 10 dB; residual noise 2.5 µV; 15
prietary gain circuits for max accuracy through a min lb $530


Integrated Amplifiers 2 Integrated Amplifiers
ADS PMA-770. Similar to PMA-750 except output power 20.000 Hz; frquency response phono RIAA 20-
100 W,ch: has dual phono inputs. massive toroidal 20.000 10.5 dB line 20-20,000 Hz +1 dB. 2 dB;
ADS Atelier A2 Amplifier transformer $620 totalharmonic distortion 0.05%; IM distortion
Stereo integrated amp with separate input selectors 0.05%; S. N phono 72 dfl, CD. aux, tuner, tape 95
for recording and listening. Features two tape deck PMA-730 Integrated Amplifier dB; 17'/,'W - 3"1-1 11'/."D; 12 lb 6 oz $250
monitor loops; two seprate phono inputs; one for mov- Stereo integrated amp with 0 -dB power amp. Fea-
ing magnet cartridges and one for moving coil car- tures real -drive; real-time tone controls; phono equal- JVC
tridges; preamp output and main amp input jacks; izer; MC phono head amp; dual tape source switching
fast -response linear LED displays; clipping indicators; REC OUT selector for dubbing independent of program; A -X77 Stereo Integrated Amplifier
power output 4 ohm load 100 W/ch, THD <0.08%, A/B speaker switching; wood panels optional. Output Stereo integrated amp with Dynamic Super -A power
8 ohm load 80 W ch, THD <0.05%, 2 ohm load 70 power 60 W/ch into 8 ohms. 20.20.000 Hz at no amp. Features pure negative feedback; triple power
W ch, THD <0.2%; FR tuner, video, tape +0, 1.5 more than 0.05% THD; damping factor 100; input protection( 3 tape deck connections; flipdown hinged
dB from 5-90.000 Hz. phono conforms to RIAA sens/imp 2.5 m1/47k ohms MM. 200 µV,'100 ohms panel; MM/MC high -gain phono equalizer amp. Out-
equalization 1 0.5 dB from 50-20,000 Hz; S/N tun- MC, 150 mV/47k ohms tuner, tape. AUX; RIAA accu- put power 90 W/ch into 8 ohms; THD 0.003% at 20-
er, video, tape > 80 d8a, phono MM > 80 dBa; phono racy ±0.3 dB, 20-20.000 Hz; S/N (A -weighted) 86 20.000 Hz; IMD 0.001%; FR dc -300,000 Hz ±3
MC -- 60 dBa; IMD < 0.05% with 4 ohm loads; dB MM, 70 dB MC, 106 dB tuner tape. AUX; power dB; S/N 84 dB; 24.2 lbs $650
17.52'W 2.76"H 1 14.84-D; 20 lbs .... $580 consumption 150 W. 17.4'W x 15.6"D x
4.5'H $299 A -X50 Stereo Integrated Amplifier
ACCUPHASE Stereo integrated amp with 5 -band SEA graphic
FISHER equalizer, Super -A power amp. Features triple power
E-303 Integrated Stereo Amplifier protection; spectrum analyzer display; 2 tape deck
Integrated amp with MOSFET. parallel push-pull out- CA550 Integrated Amplifier connections; touch -button volume control; MM/MC
put stage. Features built-in MC head amp; 3 -step Stereo integrated amp with 9 -LED power -level meters. high -gain phono equalizer amp. Output power 65
loudness compensator; disc 1 input imp selector. Rat- Features class -A -II dc power amp; pushbutton func- W/ch into 8 ohms; FR 3-200,000 Hz +0, -3 dB; THD
ed output 130 W/ch (both chs driven, at 8 ohms. 20- tion selectors with LED indicators; bass, treble con- 0.007% at 20.20.000 Hz; IMD 0.001%; S/N 81 dB;
20.000 Hz distortion 0.02% below); damping factor trols; loudness, infrasonic filter and high -filter switch- 17' :W 4' :H 14' :D: 18.9 lbs l$430
80 (at 8 -ohm. 40 Hz); rated input disc 2.5mV, disc es. Output power 70 W/ch rms into 8 ohms,
(head amp on) 0.125mV; S/N aux/tuner 100 dB. 20-20.000 Hz at 0.009% THD and IM distortion; A -X40 Stereo Integrated Amplifier
disc 86 dB. disc (head amp on) 72 dB.; 17', ,' W damping factor >50; preamp FR 20-20,000 Hz Stereo integrated amp with Super -A power amp, and
6s/,."H 14', WO $1.700 ±0.5 dB; input sens/imp 250 µV/22 ohms MC. 2.5 5 -band SEA graphic equalizer. Features 12 -dot fluo-
mV/50k ohms MM, 150 mV/50k ohms tape moni- rescent power meters; 2 tape deck connections. Out-
E-204 Integrated Stereo Amplifier tors, tuner, AUX; phono overload MC/MM 6/180 mV; put power 50 W/ch into 8 ohms; FR 10-100,000 Hz
Integrated amp with MOSFETs in a Complementary - subsonic -filter response 12 dB/octave below 10 Hz; - 0. - 3 dB; THD 0.007% at 20-20,000 Hz; IMO
Symmetry push-pull power output stage and pure DC hum and noise MC/MM/tape monitor, tuner. AUX 0.001%; S/N 75 dB 17'/"W x 46/,,'H
amps in both the voltage amp and power amp 65/75/100 dB; preamp output 1000 mV/1.5k 11"/,."D; 13.9 lbs $280
sections.Features DC servo control of both sections; ohms; power consumption 320 W; x 14WD
built-in MC head amp; 2 -step loudness compensator; x 4'/,"H; 20 lb $450 A -X30 Stereo Integrated Amplifier
tone control with turnover selector switch; active sub- Stereo integrated amp with Super -A power amp. Fea-
sonic filter; disc input imp selector; - 20 dB attenua- CA 660 Integrated Amplifier tures triple power protection; 12 -dot fluorescent peak
tor. Rated ouput 75 W/ch, both channels driven into Stereo amp with dual power and 5 -LED peak -level in- power meters; 2 tape deck connections. Output pow-
8 ohms, 20.20.000 Hz. with <0.02% distortion; dicators. Features bass, treble controls; loudness er 40 W/ch into 8 ohms; FR 10-100.000 Hz +0.5, -
damping factor 80 (at 8 ohms, 50 Hz); rated input switch; source, mic mixing level/record control; input 3 dB; THD 0.007% at 20-20.000 Hz; IMD 0.007%;
disc 1/MM 1.9mV, disc 2/MC 0.09mV; S/N selector with illuminated indicators. Output power 40 S/N 75 dB 17' /."W 11"/,,,"D; 13.2
aux/tuner 100 dB. disc 1 80 dB, disc 2 77 dB $800 W/ch continuous into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz lbs $230
with 0.07% THD and IM distortion; input sens 2.5
AKAI mV phono, 150 mV tuner. AUX, tape 1. 2. S/N 78 dB A -K22 Integrated Amplifier
phono. 95 dB tuner. AUX. tape $300 litegrated amp with triple power protection that pro-
AM -U7 DC Stereo Integrated Amplifier tects speakers from power abnormalties. Features a
Zero drive amp with open loop circuit. Features dual HARMAN/KARDON two -amp design configuration; tone control circuitry
pole DC servo circuit; line straight switch; tape dub - in the power amp; A'8 speaker switch; loudness
PM660 Integrated Amplifier switch. Output power 40 W/ch into 8 ohms; FR 10-
Stereo integrated amp with high current capability, dc 30.000 Hz +1, -3 dB; THD 0.01% at 40-20,000
circuitry, switching for 2 pairs speakers. Features MC Hz; S/N 75 dB 17'/."W x 3"H 11'/."D; 9.5
phono head amp; variable loudness; main direct; pho- lbs $190
no load capacitance trimmer; defeatable bass. treble
controls; 2 tape monitors; 2 -way tape copy; subsonic. KENWOOD
high filters; stereo/mono/reverse switch. Output pow-
er 80 W/ch continuous into 8 ohms, 20-20,000 Hz KA-71 Integrated Amplifier
bing switch; MC/MM cartridge capability; loudness at 0.02% THD; frequency range 4.140.000 Hz; slew integrated amp with two tape monitors arid tape -to -
control; infrasonic filter; audio mute switch; 80 With rate 80 wusec; S/N phono/Aux 84/94 dB; phono rape dubbing facility. Features infrasonic filter; two
rms $400 overload 200 mV MM $530 pair speaker capability: 65 w/ch min rms into 8 ohms
AM -U5 DC. Similar to AM -U7 except 60 W/ch PM650. Similar to PM660 except output power 50 from 20-20.000 Hz: 16 lbs $265
rms $300 W/ch at 0.03% THD; S/N phono/Aux 80/92 KA-71B. Same as KA-71 but black $265
dB $370
AM -U3 DC Stereo Integrated Amplifier PM640. Similar to PM 650 except single tape copy. KA-9 Integrated Amplifier
Zero drive amp with DC servo circuit. operational fluo- Output power 35 W/ch at 0.05% THD; AUX S/N 90 Integrated amp with built-in 5 elements graphic equal-
rescent display, 2 tape monitors and direct access dB; MM phono overload 120 mV $270 izer. Features motorized volume control; 10 point 3
volume control. Power output 45 W ch rms; . $250 color LED peak power meters. 40 w/ch min rms into
HITACHI 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz < THD; 14Ibs .. $235
HA -1 Integrated Stereo Amplifier KA-5X Integrated Amplifier
PMA-750 Integrated Amplifier Integrated stereo amp with infrasonic filter and loud- High-speed amp with MM/MC phono cartridge switch
Stereo integrated amp with 0 -dB power amp. Fea- ness compensation circuit. Features due! speaker set; and dc amp. 40 w/ch min rms into 8 ohms from 20-
tures Direct -A amp; zero cross linear bias circuit; real - slim profile and convenient controls. 28 W/ch min 20.000 Hz < 0.003% THD; 18 lbs $210
drive to reduce distortion with varying loads; real-time rms from 40-20.000 Hz; THD 0.5%; IMD 0.1%; S/N
tone controls; super phono equalizer; MC phono head 72 dB (phono), 95 dB (CD, tuner, tape); 17'/."W KA-51 Integrated Amplifier
amp; separate tape -source and REC OUT selector for 31/.11 x 9"D; 8 lb 13 oz $140 Integrated amp with 2 tape monitors. tape -to -tape
dubbing independent of program; A/B speaker dubbing facility and 2 -pair speaker capability. 50
switching; wood end panels optional. Output power HA -2 Integrated Stereo Amplifier W/ch min rms into 8 ohms from 20-20.000 Hz with
80 W/ch into 8 ohms, 20-20,000 Hz at no more than lntergrated stereo amp with a infrasonic filter and < 0.09% THD; 13 lbs $175
0.02% THD; damping factor 100; RIAA accuracy loudness compensation control. Features feather - KA51B. Same as KA-51 but black $175
±0.2 dB. 20-20,000 Hz; S/N (A -weighted) 88 dB touch controls; fluorescent indicators; infrasonic fil-
MM, 72 dB MC, 110 dB tuner, tape. AUX; power con- ter; audio muting; dual speaker set; input selector for L02A Integrated Amplifier
sumption 230 W; 17.4"W x 16.3'D x 5.3'H; 26.4 Compact Disc digital audio: volume level indicator; Separate hi -speed integrated amp with dynamic linear
lb $450 min rms output power 50 W/ch at 8 ohms from 40- drive. Features SIGMA drive; logic control function

1984 EDITION 51
Integrated Amplifiers 2 Integrated Amplifiers
switches; non-magnetic design and separable power distortion; damping factor 50; FR 10-50,000 Hz & 1 NIKKO
transformer; MM/MC phono input. 170 W/ch min dB; S/N MM/MC/high-level 85/60/94 dB; phono
rms into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz <0.003% overload MC/MM 22/220 mV; input sens MC/MM/ NA -2000 Integrated Stereo Amplifier
THD; 78 lbs $3000 high-level 0;28/2.8/150 mV; power consumption full Integrated amp with monaural stereo and wide stages
power/idling 290/25 W; 16%'W x 13'0 x 4%'H; continuously switchable; Features rec out selector
KA-9XG Integrated Amplifier 20 lb 15 oz $450 makes it possible to record any program from any
High-speed amp with exclusive SIGMA drive, MM/MC source; bidirectional dubbing system; dual speaker
phono cartridge switch and dc amp. 120 W/ch min PM 730 Integrated Amplifier selector system; low harmonic distortion DC power
rms at 8 ohms from 20-20.000 Hz <0.008% THD; 70 W/ch into 8 ohms from 20.20,000 Hz no more amp system features a high -gain phono-equalizer cir-
25 lbs $495 than 0.03% THD. Features gold-plated input/output cuit which permits using MC cartridges plus 3 -stage
jacks; moving magnet and moving coil inputs; 2 tape high stability differential circuitry $340
KA-7X Integrated Amplifier monitors with bidirectional tape dubbing; separate
High-speed amp with dynamic linear drive and preamp and power amp; touch volume control with NA -700I1 Integrated Amplifier
MM/MC cartridge switch. 100 w/ch min rms into 8 LED indicators; 3 preset memory; volume levels; wire- Stereo integrated amp with 10 -LED power meters.
ohms from 20-20.000 Hz <0.008% THD .. $400 less remote controllable with optional RC 430/RMC MC head amp. Features monitor switches that allow
12; 163/,W x 310/H x 11 "/D $420 tape dubbing; infrasonic, high filters; loudness -con-
KLH tour switch; A/B/A + B speaker switching. Output
PM 225 Integrated Amplifier power 60 W/ch into 8 ohms, 20-20.000 Hz at
A-601 Integrated Amplifier 33 W/ch into 4 ohms from 20.20.000 Hz with no 0.03% THD $300
Stereo integrated amp with discrete -LED power me- more than 0.09% THD. Features gold-plated input/ NA-500II. Similar to NA -7001I except no MC head
ters with switchable range. Features low, high filters; output jacks; bass and treble controls; infrasonic fil- amp, high filter; has circuit -breaker protection. Out-
A. B, A t. B speaker switching; defeatable bass, treble ter; tape monitoring function; loudness control; 5 seg- put power 40 W/ch at 0.06% THD $240
controls; 2 -deck tape copy; 2 sets phono inputs; LED ment peak power LED indicators; 16'/,W x 31/3F1 x
function indicators. Output power 60 W/ch into 8 12'4) $250 ONKYO
ohms, 20-20.000 Hz at 0.02% THD; IM distortion
<0.02%; FR 20.20,000 Hz & 0.5 dB; hum and PM 225 Integrated Amplifier Integra A-8017 Integrated Amplifier
noise phono/all other inputs -84/-100 dB ... $300 33 W/ch into 4 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with no Dynamic Super Servo digital ready amp; delta power
more than 0.09% THD; gold-plated input/output supply; linear switching; MM and MC/Hi MC phono in-
A-351 Integrated Amplifier jacks; bass and treble controls; infrasonic filter; tape puts; 2 tape monitors; DC/Aux input; 2 -way tape dub-
Stereo integrated amp with discrete -LED power dis- monitoring function; loudness control; 5 segment bing; direct tone circuitry; 20 dB muting; infrasonic
plays with switchable ranges. Features low, high fil- peak power LED indicators; 16 '/,W 3 /,H filter; nonmagnetic materials. 75 W/ch min rms both
ters; A. B, A + B speaker switching; bass, treble con- 1 2'/,D $190 chs driven into 8 ohms from 20-20.000 Hz with
trols. Output power 35 W/ch into 8 ohms. <0.015% THD; also available with black matte finish
20-20,000 Hz at 0.08% THD; distortion
IM McINTOSH A -8017B $400
<0.08% FR 20.20,000 Hz & 0.5 dB; hum and noise
phono/other inputs -76/-95 dB $220 MA 6200 Integrated Amplifier Integra A-8015 Integrated Amplifier
Stereo integrated amp with 1% metal film reistors Dynamic super servo digital ready amp; Delta power
LUXMAN and 5% poly film capacitors; 2 feedback loops; equal- supply; linear switching; MC phono input; record se-
izer amplifier; power guard; turn -on delay. Power out- lector; 2 tape monitors; DC/Aux input; 2 -way tape
LX -104 Integrated Amp put 100 W min sine wave continuous average power dubbing; direct tone circuitry; 20 dB muting; infra-
Digital -ready integrated amp features high-speed fluo- per channel, both chs operting into 4 ohms, 20-
rescent peak power indicators with optional 2 -sec 20,000Hz. with <.05% THD; output load impedance
peak -power hold; 5 volume -level LEDs; mono sub. 4 ohms, 8 ohms; THD .05%; IM FR 20-20.000 Hz
woofer output with selectable crossover points at 50, +0, -0.5 dB at rated power; 16'W x 5'/'H x
100 and 150 Hz; Servo -face; remote signal indicator; 13'D; 30 lbs $1,649
full -function control of cassette and turntable; pie -out
main input; MC input; bass/treble control; turnover MCS by JC PENNEY
frequency switch (bass. 200/400 Hz; treble. 2.000/
4,000 Hz); tone circuitry switch; infrasonic filter (38 3860 Integrated Amplifier
Hz, 6 dB/octave); tape 1 or 2 monitoring; tape 2 to 1 Stereo integrated amp with LED power meters. Fea- sonic filter; nonmagnetic materials; 55 W/ch min rms
dubbing; A/B speaker switch; mono switch. 120 tures infrasonic and high filters; meter range selector; both chs driven into 8 ohms; from 20-20.000 Hz;
W/ch min continuous power into 8 ohms <0.012% loudness control; treble and bass controls. Output < 0.018% THD; also available with black matte finish
THD; FR 10 to 100.000 Hz, S/N MM 86 dB (IHF A - power 60 W/ch rms into 8 ohms, 20-20,000 Hz at A -8015B $320
weighted); 173/" W x 5'/' H x 17'/,' D. $900 0.05% THD $300
A-44 Integrated Amplifier
L-450 Integrated Stereo Amplifier 3822 Integrated Amplifier Stereo integrated equalizer amp with five bank graph-
Duo -Beta dc integrated amp with discrete circuitry. Stereo integrated amp with LED indicators. Features ic equalizer and pan pot. Features keyboard input; 2
Features low boost switch; recording selector switch; treble. bass, microphone level and loudness controls. tape inputs; A,8, A&B speaker select; 50 W ch min
peak power indicator: tape dubbing switch; MC Output power 20 W/ch rms into 8 ohms. 20-20,000 rms both chs driven into 8 ohms from 40-20,000 Hz
equlizer circuit. 55 W 'ch continuous both chs driven Hz at 0.1% THD: 15'/.'W x 8'/.'D a 3'H . $150 with <0.5% THD; also available with black matte
into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz <0.03% THD; in- finish $240
put sens 2.0 mV (phono MM), 2.0 mV (phono MC -1). NAIM by AUDIOPHILE SYSTEMS
190 mV (tuner, Aux and main in; S/N (IHF A -weight- PA -33 Integrated Amplifier
ed) 90/76/105 dB phono (MM)/phono (MC)/others. NAIT Integrated Amplifier Integrated amp with touch volume and preset power
18.6'W x 5.8'H x 13.3'D; 23.1 lbs $400 NAIM Audio Integrated Thing with MM phono, tape, indicators. Features super bass low frequency EQ; mic
tuner. inputs. Phono input sens 2.5 mV; 11'D 8'W input; 30 W/ch min rms at 8 ohms both chs driven
MARANTZ 3"H $399 from 40-20,000 Hz <0.08% THD $230
PM750 Integrated Amplifier NEC A22 Integrated Amplifier
Stereo dc integrated amp with 5 -band stereo graphic Stereo integrated ampr. Features keyboard input; 2
equalizer. Features gold-plated input, output jacks; 2 - A -10E Integrated Amplifier tape inputs; A,B, A&B speaker select; direct tone cir-
way tape dub; MC head amp; EQ output jacks; LED Integrated amp designed for Compact Disc players. cuitry; 40 W/ch min rms both chs driven into 8 ohms
power -level indicator; loudness control; infrasonic fil- Features NEC Reserve Power Supply to charge one fil- from 40-20,000 Hz <0.5% THD $150
ter; 9 -kHz filter; FM muting; 2 tape monitors; inde- ter the moment the other filter stops charging and
pendent record mode selector; fully complementary starts discharging; power supply design that uses in- SAE
symmetry output. Output power 75 W/ch into 4 dependent supplies for the phono amps, buffer, volt-
ohms. 20-20.000 Hz at 0.06% THD and 0.04% IM age amp, and current amp; high -gain head amp far A14 Integrated Amplifier
MC cartridges; no tone control system for simple and Features LED power, tape output bargraph meters;
Audio terms are defined straight signal path. 120 W/ch into 4 ohms, 60 W/ch parametric equalization with tape EQ; MC phono in-
into 8 ohms, both chs driven at 20-20,000 Hz; THD put; infrasonic filter. 140 W/ch continuous into 8
in the glossary on page 19. 0.003%; IMD 0.003%; S/N 90 dB (-142 dBV) pho- ohms. 20-20.000 Hz. at 0.05% THD $799
For an explanation of abbreviations, no MM, 72 dB/80 0(454 dBV) phono MCI, 83
dB/2500(454 dBV) phono MC2. 110 dB (-126 1102 Integrated Amplifier
turn to the list on page 22. dBV) line; 430mmW x 150mmH x 430mmD: 20 60 W/ch integrated amp incorporating the direct line
kg $1.300 concept. Computer system eliminates dependency be -


Integrated Amplifiers 2 Integrated Amplifiers
ween front panel layout and internal location of audio 20-20,000 Hz at 0.05% THD; input sens 2.5 mV memory :one/filter settings; Legato Linear non -

circuits. Features phono power amp; high current MM, 150 mV all others; FR 20-20.000 Hz & 0.5 dB; switching dc power amp; wide -response output tran-
main power amp; alpha numeric and digital readouts sep 60 dB phono, 65 dB all others at 1 kHz; damping sistors; ThermoDynamic Cooling heatpipe; infrasonic,
for indication of selected input; tone settings; volume factor 50; 3.5'H x 17'W x 8.7"D $265 high filters; 2 -way tape monitor/copy; auto muting;
and balance settings; fast response LED level display wireless remote control capability. Output power 40
for tone memory, tape, tape dubbing and external 428A Integrated Amplifier W/ch into 8 ohms, 20-20,000 Hz at 0.008%
processor; touch -buttons on front panel $450 Stereo integrated amp with dual -range fluorescent THD $280
power meters. Features infrasonic filter; center-
SANSUI detented tone, balance controls. Output power 35 TA-AX35 Integrated Amplifier
W/ch rms into 8 ohms, 20-20.000 Hz at 0.05% Irtegratec amp with 5 -band graphic equalizer. Fea-
AU -D11 MK II Super GF Integrated Amplifier THD; input sens 2.5 mV phono, 150 mV all others; tures feather -touch controls; two tape monitors;
Stereo integrated amp with DD/dc circuitry, New S/N 80 dB phono, 100 dB all others; FR 20-20,000 A.B.A&B4OFF speaker switch; CD/AUX input jacks on
Ground Floating Circuit, plus advanced Super Feed - Hz & 0.5 dB; sep 55 dB phono, 60 dB all others at 1 front and back; electonic relay protection. 30 W/ch
forward error correction amp. Features loop heat kHz; damping factor 40; 17'W x 8.7'D x H$225 into 8 ohms 20-20,000 with 0.08% THD and 0.08%
sinking; moving -coil head amp; defeatable bass, tre- IMD; FR standard RIAA curve ±5 dB phono. 10-
ble controls with 150/300 -Hz bass, 3k/6k-Hz treble 418A Integrated Amplifier 100,000 Hz +1,-3 dB all other inputs; S/N (A -
turnover frequencies; high, low filters; audio muting; Stereo integrated amp with infrasonic filter, 2 weighted) 73 dB phono, 93 dB others;
2 -way tape dub; rec selector; input selector with sepa- switched, 1 unswitched accessory outlets. Output 17" x 3'/.' 115/.; 19 lbs, 10 oz $160
rate MM/MC selector, high/low MC gain switch. Out- power 30 W/ch rms into 8 ohms, 20-20,000 Hz at
put power 130 W/ch continuous into 8 ohms, 10- 0.08% THD. Input sens 2.5 mV phono, 150 mV all TANDBERG
20,000 Hz at 0.0025% THD; FR 0-300,000 Hz -3 others; S/N 80 dB phono. 100 dB all others; FR 20-
dB; slew rate 400 V/psec; S/N 90 dB MM, 110 dB 20.000 Hz & C.5 dB; sep 55 dB phono, 60 dB all TIA 3012 Integrated Amplifier
Aux, tuner, tape $1,000 others at 1 kHz; damping factor 40; 17'W x 8.7-D x Features MOSFET output, passive calibrated tone
H $165 controls utilizing metal film resistors (1% tol), no
AU -077X. Super GF Integrated Amplifier
electrolytic or ceramic capacitors from phono input to
Stereo integrated amp with Ground Floating Circuit, SHERWOOD speaker output. Thermic servo loop to detect dc off-
Super Feedforward System, proprietary DD/DC (Dia- set on the output. Minimized "Miller Effect," no cur-
mond Differential DC) circuit, and five -range tone AD -2220 CP Integrated Amplifier rent or voltage limiting on output stages. 100 W/ch
control system (super bass, bass, midrange, mid Nonswitching full DC integrated amp with relay pro- rms into 8 ohms <.02% THD. May be combined with
highrange, and treble). Features large input -selector tection; 65 W/ch, min rms, 20-20,000 Hz with no Tandberg tuners and a pair of rosewood side panels
pushbuttons with LED indicator; horizontal fluores- more than 0.02% THD at 8 ohms; 1110 at 65W to create a receiver $995
cent peak indicators for power output. 110 W rms (SMPTE) 0.02%; dynamic headroom 1.3 dB; S/N
into 8 ohms, from 10 to 20,000 Hz; THD phono (5 mV input) 92 dB; Aux 105 dB; phono input TEKNIKA
<0.0028%; S/N 115 dB. In black finish ... $650 FR with built-in LPF DC -40,000 Hz; input sens for rat-
ed output, phoro 2.5mV, AUX 150mV; 17V.' x 4'/. 8851 Integrated Amplifier
AU-D55X Integrated Amplifier 1 $300 Stereo integrated amp with fluorescent peak power
Integrated stereo amp with Super Feedforward error display. Features infrasonic, high filters; 2 -way tape
correction circuitry. Features fluorescent peak power AD -2210 CP Integrated Amplifier monitors dub; tape record switch; MM and MC phono
level meter; monitoring and dubbing for two decks; Pure complimentary integrated amp with push vol- inputs; loudness switch; muting. 50 W/ch into 8
bass and treble controls; tone control defeat; loud- ume control; power output 35 W/ch.min rms at 40- ohms, 20-20,000 Hz at 0.04% THD; FR 20-20,000
ness control; MM and MC phono cartridge inputs; 20,000 Hz with 0.5% THD into 8 ohms; IMD at 30 W Hz ±2 dB AUX. 10.5 dB MM; S/N Aux/MM 96/84
speaker switching for A, B, or A&B. 70 W/ch continu- (SMPTE) 0.0816; dynamic headroom 1.4 dB; damp- dB; photo overload 150 mV; 17'A.'W x 123/4"D x
ous into 8 ohms, 20 to 20,000 Hz, with no more than ing factor 50 at 8 ohms; S/N phono (5 mV input) 88 4,4"H $250
0.004% THD. Phono FR 20 to 100,000 Hz; black dB, AUX 95 dB; AUX FR with built-in LPF 10-40,000 8451. Similar to 8751 except no power meters. sin-
(AU-D55XB) or silver (AU-D55S) 370 Hz; input sens for rated output 2.5 mV (phono), 150 gle tape monitor. 20 W/ch at 0.5% THD; FR 20-
mV (Aux); 17',." x 23/,." x 11"/,." $200 20.000 Hz ±0.5 dB AUX, 20-35,000 Hz -11 dB pho-
AU -D33 Integrated Amplifier no; S/N 75 dB phono; 9"/,-D x
Stereo integrated amp with Super Feedforward cir- SONY 23/4"H $140
cuitry, dc coupling throughout. Features MM and MC 8351. Similar to 8451. 12 W/ch at 1% THD; FR 10-
inputs; defeatable bass; treble controls; direct -access TA -V7 Integrated Amplifier 20,000 Hz -3 dB AUX, ±2 dB phono; 143/4.-W x
inputs; high filter; 2 -way tape dub; black finish. Out- Integrated amp with acoustic memory and audio sig- 11%,.-D x 3'H $120
put power 50 W/ch continuous into 8 ohms, 20- nal processor. Features electronic feather -touch con-
20.000 Hz at 0.004% THD; FR dc -300,000 Hz; S/N trols; Compact Disc player inputs; 'ape monitor YAMAHA
84 dB MM $350 switch with equalizer functions; tape 2/Aux inputs;
fluorescent display; auto muting; last -function memo- A-1000 Integrated Amplifier
AU -0101 Integrated Amplifier ry; switchable 20 -dB muting; MNOS memory IC; pulse Integrated amp with Auto class A/class AB power
Slim -design integrated stereo amp with Super Feed - power supply; switchable infrasonic, high filter; elec- switching with power levels of up to 10 W handled in a
forward error correcting circuitry. Features two tape tronic relay protection. Output power 80 W/ch into 6 pure class A mode. Features extended rolloff equaliz-
monitors with dubbing one to the other; loudness ohms; THD 0.09% from 20-20,000 Hz; IMD 0.09%; er; larger capacity chemical capacitors; Zero Distor-
switch; high filter; bass and treble controls with center FR standard RIAA curve ±3 dB phono, 5-100,000 tion Rule system; direct switch; direct coupled servo
defeat switch; phone jack; speaker switch. Output Hz -3 dB, (tuner, tape, AUX, CD); S/N (A -weighted) power stages with dual differential FET input circuitry;
power 30 W/ch continuous into 8 ohms from 20- phono/tuner/CD 80/89/100 dB; 14' x black anodized finish; 130 W/ch min rms output pow-
20,000 Hz, with <0.009% THD; S/N at MM phono 9'/."; 8 lbs $400 er into 8 ohms at 1,000 Hz with 0.005% THD; THD
input > 80 dB; black or silver finish $210 Aux/DAD/tape/tuner 0.002%; FR 20-20,000 Hz;
TA-AX500 Integrated Amp S/N At.x/DAD/tape/tuner 89 dB; 17V.- 3'/.-
H.H. SCOTT Amp with Audio Current Transfer makes left, right, 163/.", 28 lbs, 10 oz $590
preamp and power amp function independently of A-700. Similar to A-1000 except 100 W/ch min rms
458A Integrated Amplifier each other. Features low -noise phono input; two tape output power into 8 ohms from 20-20.000 Hz with
Stereo integrated amp with dual -range fluorescent monitors; certer defeat position on bass and treble no more than 0.005% THD; FR 20-20,000 Hz ±0, -
power meter calibrated in W using auto -ranging for controls; A,B,A&B.OFF speaker switch; outboard 0.5 d6 $450
accurate display from 0.001 W to full power. Fea- graphic equalzer; switchable infrasonic filter; linear
tures MM, MC phono preamps; center-detented tone, gain volume control; Compact Disc player direct in- A-500 Integrated Amplifier
bass, midrange, treble controls; infrasonic, high fil- put; Legato Linear power amp; dc power amp; elec- Integrated amp designed with Zero Distortion Rule
ters; protection LED. Output power 65 W/ch rms into tronic relay proction. 80 W/ch into 8 ohms from 20- circuitry; built-in head amp; DAD input; continuously
8 ohms, 20.20,000 Hz at 0.05% THD; input sens 20,000 Hz with 0.008% THD ; dynamic headroom variable loudness control; independent record-
0.25 mV MC, 2.5 mV MM. 150 mV all others; S/N 70 1.8 dB. FR standard RIAA curve +2,-2 dB (phono), out/source-in selector; center -defeat bass and treble
dB MC, 86 dB MM, 102 dB all others; FR 20-20,000 5-150,000 Hz -3 dB (tuner,tape, AUX 1 and 2, CD); control; continuous power 70 W/ch from 20-20.000
Hz & 0.5 dB. sep 65 dB MM, 70 dB all others at 1 S/N (A -weighted) phono MM/phono MC/tuner/CD/ Hz into 8 ohms with 0.01% THD; THD Aux/tape/
kHz; damping factor 60; 3.5-H x 17'W x D$350 are 88/68k/98/98/98 dB; 17' x 57.* x 14'/-; tuner 0.005% (1 W/8 ohms); S/N Aux/tape/tuner
24 lbs, 5 oz $320 100 dB; FR Aux/tape/tuner 20-20,000 Hz ±0.5 dB;
438A Integrated Amplifier 17'/. x 4'/.' 127." $300
Stereo integrated amp with dual -range fluorescent TA-AX6 Integrated Amplifier A400 Similar to A-500 except lacks Zero Distortion
power meters. Features infrasonic, high filters; 2 tape Srereo integrated amp with audio signal processor IC Rule circuitry and record-in/source-out selector; con-
monitors with 2-1 dubbing; center-detelted balance, that probides wide dynamic range, short signal path. tinuous power 40 W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz into 8
tone controls. Out power 45 With rms into 8 ohms. feather -touch operation. Features 3 -position acoustic ohms; THD 0.015% $220

1984 EDITION 53
ACCUPHASE AKAI memory tuning. Features linear ceramic filters; pulse -
counting digital circuit; crystal -controlled PLL tuning;
1-105 FM Tuner AT -S7 AM/FM Stereo Tuner digital frequency display; signal -strength display; ste-
Quartz -locked synthesizer FM tuner incorporating mi- Features quartz synthesizer tuner, operational fluo- reo and mono indicators; scan/tune, dim/bright,
croprocessor technology. Features scan tuning; man- rescent display; 20 station random presets with sta- stereo/mono, mute, high -blend filter, equalization,
ual tuning; memory tuning with 6 stations preset; IF tion indicator card; auto/manual scan; AM -IF band- scan/lock switches $699
sel control switch; multi -function meter for signal/ width selector; pulse count detector; detachable AM
modulation/multipath; bulk wave filters in IF section. loop antenna $250 DENON
IHF sens mono 11.2 dBf (2.0µV), stereo 28.8 dBf
(15µV); S/N mono 80 dB, stereo 75 dB; distortion AT -S3 AM/FM Stereo Tuner TU-750 Synthesized Tuner
mono 0.04% (1 kHz), stereo 0.04% (1 kHz); stereo Features quartz synthesizer tuning; flourescent digital AM FM -stereo quartz -locked frequency -synthesized
sep 50 -dB (1 kHz), 45 dB (10 kHz); 17W W frequency display; 16 station random presets; tuner with auto fine tuning, 7 AM/7 FM station pre-
5'/,"H x 14'A,"D $950 auto/manual scan; detachable AM loop antenna $200 sets. Features digital tuning display; recording level
check circuit; AM loop antenna; auto station scanning;
ADS CARVER panel illumination dimmer switch; interstation muting.
FM usable sens 1.8 µV; alternate-ch sel 60 dB; S/N
ADS Atelier 12 Tuner TX -11 FM -Stereo Tuner 76 dB stereo; THD 0.008% stereo; sep 55 dB;
AM/FM digital synthesizer tuner with 16 station pre- Quartz -synthesized FM -stereo tuner with Asymmetri- 17.1"W x 9.8"D x 2.95"H; 11 lb $285
sets and auto FM search tuning. Features flywheel cal Charge Coupled FM detector that virtually elimi-
manual tuning; fine tuning control; switchable muting; nates multipath distortion, distant -station noise with- TU-720 Stereo Tuner
high blend control; LED frequency display; center tun- out reducing separation. Features Charge -Coupling AM/FM-stereo tuner with high-performance front end.
ing plus signal strength displays; AC outlets. FM us- Delay; leading -edge detector; 16 station presets with Features 3 -stage linear -phase ceramic filter; PLL MPX
able sens mono 1.0 µV (11.0 dBf) stereo 5.5 µV last -station -tuned memory; digital -tuning; wide/ circuit; LED -assisted center tuning with servo lock; di-
(26.1 dBf); stereo 50 -dB quieting sens 15 µV (34.8 narrow bandwidth selector. Supplied with FM ribbon rect -coupled audio section; electronic switching; mut-
dBf); THD mono <0.15%, stereo <0.20%; S/N antenna, phono-type cables; rack -mount kit optional ing; record -calibration oscillator. FM usable sens 0.85
mono > 70 dB. stereo > 65 dB; FR 10-14.500 Hz, Usable sens 11.3 dBf mono, 34 dBf stereo without µV (9.8 dBf); sel 65 dB; S/N mono/stereo 86/84 dB;
+ 0, - 1 dB; ch sep > 38 dB at 1 kHz; capture ratio CCD. 16.3 dBf stereo with CCD; 50 -dB quieting sens THD mono/stereo 0.04%/0.06%; capture ratio 1.0
< 2.5 dB; quieting sens < 5 µV for 6 dB S/N; image 16.4 dBf mono, 37 dBf stereo without CCO. 21 dBf dB; AM suppression/image rejection/i-f rejection
rejecton > 55 dB; S/N with 1 kHz, 5 mV signal > 44 stereo with CCD; S/N at 85 dBf, 75/300 ohms 82 55/56/95 dB; sep 55 dB at 1 kHz; AM usable sens
dB; 17.52"W > 2.76'H > 14.84"D; 13.2 lbs $400 dB mono, 74 dB stereo without CCD, 85 dB stereo 15 µV; AM THD 0.4%; power consumption 11 W;
with CCD; FR 20-15,000 Hz 7+-1 dB; sel wide/narrow 17.4"W > 12.3"D 2.6"H: 8.5 lb $225
ADCOM 35/90 dB; capture ratio 1.0 dB; AM suppression
without/with CCD 65/50 -dB; image, i-f, spurious -re- FISHER
GFT-1A AM/FM Stereo Tuner sponse ratio 110 dB; output level/imp 700 mV/600
AM/FM-stereo tuner with quartz -referenced, digitally ohms; power consumption 15 W; x 121/4"D FM2421B AM -FM Stereo Tuner
synthesized tuning, auto up/down scan and instant - x 3'/,'H; 11.25 lb $549 Features digital frequency -synthesized tuning with
recall preset tuning, LED digital frequency display. auto/manual search, scan; LED digital frequency dis-
Features 8 AM/8 FM station presets; 5 -LED signal. CROWN play; 6 -station memory preset for AM or FM with
strength display; recording calibration tone (400 Hz LEDs; wide/narrow i-f bandwidth selector; multiplex
at 50% FM modulation); high -blend mono/mute FM -1 FM Tuner filter; FM muting; 5 -LED signal -strength indicators.
switches; tuning accuracy 0.00025%; FM usable Features quartz -crystal IC frequency synthesizer tun- FM section: usable sens 9.8 dBf (1.7 1.01) mono. 1.9
sens 2 µV; S/N 75 dB mono, 70 dB stereo; THD ing with auto continuous scan, auto search -and -stop dBf (4.3 µV) stereo; 50 -dB quieting 13.2 dBf (2.5
0.15% mono, 0.22% stereo at 1 kHz, 100% modu- operations. Features 5 -station memory preset; LED µV) mono, 35.9 dBf (34 µV) stereo; S/N 75 dB
lation; alternate-ch sel 70 dB; FM -stereo sep 40 dB at digital frequency display; 20 -LED analog tuning indi- mono, 70 dB stereo; THD at 50 -dB quieting 0.3%
1 kHz; 19'W x x 3'H $375 cator dial; LED signal -strength, multipath meter dis- mono, 0.4% streo; FR 20-15,000 Hz ±1 dB; cap-
plays; 25/75 -µsec deemphasis; carrier band filter, ture ratio 0.8 dB; alternate-ch sel 75 dB; image rejec-
GFT-2 Tuner muting selectors. IHF usable sens 10.8 dBf mono; tion 80 dB; i-f and spurious rejection 100 dB; sep 46
Digitally -synthesized quartz -referenced tuner with flu- 50 -dB quieting sens mono/stereo 2.75/35 µV (ste- dB at 1 kHz. AM section: usable sens 280 µV/m; sel
orescent digital frequency display. Features auto scan reo); S/N mono/stereo 70/65 dB; THD mono/stereo 45 dB; S/N 55 dB; 171/4"W x 13-0 x 3Y,"H $400
tuning; 7 FM and 7 AM presets; 5 -segment LED sig- 0.1%/0.09%; frequency response 30-15,000 Hz
nal -strength indicator; 50 -dB quieting sens 38.5 dBf 0.5 dB; capture ratio 2.0 dB; alternate-ch sel 75 FM660 Stereo Tuner
dB; image and spurious rejection 114 dB; sep 45 dB AM/FM-stereo synthesizer tuner with fluorescent digi-
at 1 kHz; 19"W 15'D x 5'4"H $995 tal frequency display, 5 AM/5 FM station presets.
Features quartz PLL digital synthesizer; auto/manual
FM Two Tuner scan tuning; 5 -LED signal -strength meter; slim -line
FM -stereo tuner with JFET front end. 6 -station preset push -bar switches for all functions; touch -bar tuning;
memory, stereo, manual indicators; FM usable sens
mono/stereo 10.77 dBf (1.9 µV)/18.45 dBf (4.6
µV); S/N 72 dB mono. 68 dB stereo; capture ratio 1
Audio terms are defined dB; alternate-ch sel 70 dB; image/spurious/i-f-re-
in the glossary on page 19. sponse ratio 70/85/100 dB; AM -suppression ratio
85 dB; THD at 50 -dB quieting mono/stereo
stereo; FR 30-15.000 Hz t 2 dB; THD at kHz
1 For an explanation of abbreviations, 0.3%/0.4%; sep at 100/1k/10k Hz 40/46/36 dB;
0.09% mono. 0.18% stereo; S/N 75 dB mono, 70 turn to the list on page 22. FR 20-15.000 Hz ± 1 dB; AM sens 300 µV/m; pow-
dB stereo; alternate ch sel 70 dB; capture ratio 1.2 er consumption 20 W; 11'/,'D x 31/4"H;
dB; sep 50 -dB at 1 kHz $250 12 lb $380

Tuners 3 Tuners
FM350 Stereo Tuner IHF mono 75 dB, stereo 70 dB: THD 1 kHz mono KT -7X AM/FM Tuner
AM -FM -stereo with servo -lock tuning. Features MPX 0.15%, stereo 0.3%; FR 30-15.000 Hz t 2 dB; cap- Quartz PLL synthesizer tuner with 12 stations memo-
filter; mode/FM muting switch; 5 -LED signal -strength ture ratio 1.0 dB; stereo sep 45 dB; AM section, sens ry bank; digital frequency display; 3 -way program tim-
meter; 3 -LED center -tuning indicator; illuminated loop antenna 46 dB µ./m; sel 1 kHz ' 10 kHz 40 dB: e': 11 lbs $250
slide -rule tuning dial; flywheel tuning. FM usable sens S/N 48 dB; image rejection ratio kHz 43 dB;

mono/stereo 10.77 dBf (1.9µV/18.45 dBf (ratio 1 17%"W 2%"H 9%°D; 5 lb 5 oz $210 KT -9 Stereo Tuner
dB; alternate-ch sel 60 dB; image/spurious/i-f re- Quartz synthesized tuner with 6 AM and 6 FM preset
sponse ratio 60/85/110 dB; AM -suppression ratio FT -1 Stereo Tuner station memory bank. Features auto or manual and di-
60 dB; THD mono/stereo 0.3%/0.4%; FR 20- AM/FM stereo Liner with vector tuning system. Fea- rect preset tuning system and built-in program timer;
15.000 Hz 1 dB; AM sens 300 µV/m; power con-
t tures high -gain AM loop antenna; illuminated dial 6 lbs $235
sumption 14 W; 17'/,"W 13%"D 2%"H; 8 pointer; slim profile; usable sens IHF mono 11.2 c1131
lb $200 1.0 µV/75; 50 -dB quieting sens 19.2 dBf mono, Basic T1 Tuner
38.2 dBf stereo; S/N IHF mono 75 dB, stereo 70 dB; Quartz PLL synthesizer tuner with fluorescent digital
HAFLER THD at 1 kHz, mono 0.3%, stereo 0.4%; FR 30- frequency readout. Features 6 AM/6 FM memory pre-
12,000 Hz -1-3 dB; capture ratio 1.0 dB; stereo sep sets: autu seek and manual tuning: PLL multiplex ste-
DH -330 Tuner 45 dB. AM section: sens, loop antenna, IHF 250 µVm, reo decoder IC: all electronic touch -switch operation
Tuner provides exact station selection with a quartz 18µV; sel at 1 kHz, t_ 10 kHz 40 dB; S/N 48 dB; im- with LEDs: 8 lbs $200
controlled, digitally synthesized tuning system. Fea- age rejection ratio at 1 kHz 40 dB; 171/4' W r 2%"1-1
tures multipath distortion and noise -sensing circuit; 91/4'D: 5 lb 5 oz $120 KT -51 Tuner
5 -station memory; Autosearch; digital readout; non- Quartz synthesizer AM/FM tuner. Digital frequency
JVC counter; 6 AM/FM presets; 7 lbs $200
volatile memory; 3 dual -gate MOSFETs; triple -tuned
RF stage in volume control and a separate output on
front panel for taping or headphones; kit is comprised T -X55 Stereo Tuner
of 4 fully assembled, tested, and aligned circuit Quartz PLL digital synthesizer AM/FM-stereo tuner
boards which plug together. Useable sens 2.4 µV with computer -controlled tuning for sens, i-f band-
(12.8 dBf); 50 -dB quieting sens mono 4.8 µV (18.8 width, FM mooe. Features QSC for optimum recep-
dBf); stereo 46 µV (38.5 dBf); 1 kHz, 100% modula- tion; 8 AM/ 8 FM station presets; digital frequency
tion mono -0.1%, stereo -0.18%; capture ratio 1.5 dB; display; digital signal -strength display. FM section: FM
alternate ch sel 70 dB; stereo sep 45 db at 1,000 Hz; usable sens 10.3 dBf (µV) mono; 50 -dB quieting sens
35 dB at 10,000 Hz; S. N. mono. 72 dB. stereo, 66 16.4 dBf (µ) stereo. 31.0 dBf (µV) mono; THD
dB, 0.07%; S/N 84 dB mono, 80 dB stereo; FR 30-
Kit $300 15,000 Hz; caoture ratio 1.0 dB; sep 50 -dB; AM sup-
$400 pression 67 dB. AM section: quieting sens µV built-in KT -51B Same as KT -51 but black $200
antenna, µ20V external antenna; S/N 50 -dB: sel 32
HARMAN/KARDON dB. 17%W 3'H 12'/,"D; 7.0 lbs $350 KT -31 Tuner
Analog AM FM tuner; 7 lbs $120
T -X22 FM/AM Tuner KT -3113. Same as KT -31 but black $120
TU615 AM/FM-Stereo Tuner
Digitally synthesized quartz -locked AM/FM-stereo Quartz -locked digital synthesizer FM/AM tuner with
tuner with auto/manual tuning. Features 6 AM/6 FM auto scan and 7 FM and AM presets. Features signal KLH
station presets; high -blend filter; MPX null filter; elec- strength indicator; static driver; digital trequency dis-
tronic scanning; memory back-up; 5 -LED signal - play. - T-210 AM/FM-Stereo Tuner
strength meter; FM mute. FM usable sens 1.8 µV; 50 - Digital -synthesized AM/FM-stereo tuner with fluores-
cent digital frequency display. Features 7 AM/7 FM
dB quieting sens mono/stereo 3.2/38 µV; S/N
mono/stereo 78'72 dB; THD mono/stereo station presets; signal -strength, in -tune LEDs; auto/
0.08%/0.1%; capture ratio 1.0 dB; alternate-ch sel manua' tuning; high -blend button. FM usable sens
70 dB; image/i-f/spurious response ratio 75/90/95 1.75 V; 50 -dB quieting sens mono/stereo 3.8/45
dB; sep 50 -dB 17%"W 14%1) 2%"H . $350 µV; S/N mono/stereo 70/65 dB; capture ratio 1.5
TU61O. Similar to TU615 except has analog tuning dB; alternate-ch selectivity 60 dB; image/i-f /spurious
dial, no station presets; has tuning indicator in dial response ratio 60/90/90 dB; distortion mono/stereo
lights. FM usable sens 1.9 µV; 50 -dB quieting sens 0.1%/.0.2% sep 45 dB at 1 kHz; AM sens 300
mono/stereo 3.8/44 µV; S/N mono/stereo 77/71 µV/m $300
dB: THD mono/stereo 0.09%/
0.15%; capture ratio 1.5 dB; alternate-ch sel 70 dB; dB quieting sens 38.1 dBf stereo. 16.3 dBf mono; T-101 AM/FM-Stereo Tuner
image/i-1 /spurious response ratio 55/75/70 dB; sep THD 0.10%, 0.15% stereo; S/N 80 dB mono; FR 30- Analog -dial AM/FMstereo tuner with signal -strength,
$220 15.000 Hz +3 dB; capture ratio 1.0 dB; sep 50 -dB: in -tune LEDs. Features high -blend switch; FM muting.
45 dB
AM suppression 67 dB. AM section: quieting sens FM usable sens 2.0 µV; 50 -dB quieting sens
HITACHI µ30V external antenna; S/N 50 -dB; sel 40 dB. mono: stereo 4.0/48 µV; S/N mono/stereo 68/62
17'/,"W 3"H 12%."D; 6.8 lbs $180 dB; a.ternate-ch sel 40 dB; image/i-f /spurious re-
FT -5500 Tuner sponse ratio 45/80/70 dB; THD mono/stereo
T -K10 AM/FM Stereo Tuner 0.15%/0.3%; sep 40 dB at kHz; AM sens 300
AM/FM stereo tuner with Field Condition Compute 1

AM FM stereo tuner with an illuminated tuning dial µV/m $180

System reception. Features IF wide/high sel switching
and RF normal/high sel mode in front end; brightener and flywheel driven tuning pointer. Features PLL ste-
MPX circuit; 10 -station random-access presets; high - reo demodulator IC for FM: LED signal strength indi- LUXMAN
gain AM loop antenna circuit: FET RF amp; 4 -element cator; FM muting. FM section: FM usable sens 10.3
ladder ceramic filters: FM rec level check switch: dBf mono; 50 -dB quieting sens 43.2 dBf stereo. 22.1 TX -1G1 FM Stereo/AM Tuner
memory backup power supply; FM auto sweep tuning; dBf mono; THD .2% mono, .3% stereo; S,'N 74 dB PLL frequency synthesizer FM stereo/AM tuner with
9 kHz/ 10 kHz ch spacing selector; FM section usable mono, FR 20-12.500 Hz; capture ratio 1.0 dB; sep computer analyzed tuning. Features 24 -station mem-
sens IHF. RF normal mode mono 10.8 dBf 1.0 µV, 75 37 dB; AM suppression 0 dB. AM section: quieting ory; auto seek; memory scan; CS Filter. LED memory
ohms; quieting sens 50 -dB mono 19.2 dBf. stereo sens µ30V external antenna; S/N 50 dB. 17%"W indicator; IF narrow band switch with memory for nar-
38.2 dBf; Silsi at 65 dBf mono 85 dB, stereo 78 dB; 3"H 11%"D; 6.4 lbs $130 row and wide bands of each station; remote control
capability (when used with the Luxman LX -104 inte-
THD IF wide mode 1 kHz mono 0.04%, stereo
0.06%; FR 20-15.000 Hz 10.5 dB; capture ratio KENWOOD grated amplifier). 17''/,"W x 33/,"1-1
wide 1.0 dB: AM suppression ratio 65 dB; stereo sep 12'/,-D $350
60 dB; AM section sens IHF, loop antenna 12 µV, L -02T FM Tuner
250 µV/m; sel 1 kHz -t 10 kHz 50 -dB; S/N 54 dB; FM tuner with nonspectrum IF system; features MARANTZ
image rejection ratio 1 kHz 50 -dB; 17',/.W 2"4"H nonstep sample and hold MPX system; pulse count
12',',.-D; 8Ib 13 oz $350 detector; quartz digital frequency readout; exclusive ST 530 AM/FM Digital Synthesized Tuner
Sigma drive audio output; 29 lbs ...... $3,000 Digital synthesized tuner features gold-plated output
FT -2 Digital Synthesized Tuner
jacks; 16 station preset memory; up/down touch con-
Digital synthesized tuner with quartz locked tuning KT-9XG AM/FM Tuner trols for tuning; LED indicators for all functions; wire-
system and 16 AM FM memory preset. Features fluo- Tuner with quartz PLL synthesizer tuning. Features less remote controllable with optional RC 430/RMC
rescent digital frequency readout; memory scanning pulse count FM detector; 8 station random FM or AM 12; memory backup; program recording allows con-
system; high gain AM loop antenna; slim line styling; memory balk; digital frequency display; selectable di- secutive recording of 6 separate FM or AM stations
usable sens IHF mono 10.8 dBf 1.0 µV; 50 -dB rect RF conversion; selectable IF bandwidth; dual pow- with an external timer; 16 3/,"W 2'/" H 11

quieting sens mono 19.2 dBf. stereo 39.2 dBf; S/N er supply; i 2 lbs $400 '"D $265

Tuners 3 Tuners
McINTOSH 15,000 Hz ±3 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB; 10%"W x ONKYO
10 %" D x 23/."H $270
MX 117 Tuner/Preamp 1-9060 Stereo Tuner
Stereo tuner/preamplifier with MOSFET RF amp, NAD (USA) Quartz digitally synthesized stereo tuner with 7 AM/7
MOSFET buffer amp. PLL stereo decoder, FM muting FM station presets. Features selectable i-f bandwidth;
circuit. FET analog switches. EQ amp. FR 20-20,000 4150 AM/FM-Stereo Tuner auto high blend; LED signal and deviation indicators;
Hz 4- 0 - 0.5 dB; distortion 0.02%; equalizer center Digitally synthesized AM/FM-stereo tuner with patent- switchable deemphasis; output level control. FM sens
frequencies 30, 750, and 10,000 Hz; boost and cut ed variable bandwidth. Features PLL detector; 5 1.7 µV; THD <0.15% stereo; black matte
±12 dB; 16'W x 5'A.°H x 13"D; 24 lbs $1,649 AM/5 FM station presets; search; scan; mute; output panel $490
level control. FM usable sens < 1.0 µV (5 dBf) mono;
MR 74 AM-FM/FM Stereo Tuner T-4017 Integra Tuners
AM/FM stereo tuner with multiple selectivity; linear Quartz digitally synthesized stereo tuner that auto-
phase (constant delay) IF amp; staggered tuning con- matically determines best FM quality by adjusting IF
denser elements. Sens 2.5 µV at 100% modulation bandwidth; DX/local antenna sens; stereo-
3% THD; S/N 70 dB; harmonic distortion stereo muting/mono-mute off; auto high blend; 16 random
0.5%; FR 20-15,000 Hz ±1 dB; capture ratio 1.5
dB min $849

MR 75 Tuner
AM/FM stereo tuner with MOSFET RF amp; PLL ste- 50 -dB quieting sens mono/stereo <2.3 µV (12
reo decoder; FM muting circuit; loopstick antenna; dBf)/ <20 µV (30 dBf); capture ratio 0.5 dB; AM re-
output/headphone amp; turn -on delay; triple -shielded jection 70 dB; alternate-ch sel 70 dB; THD
power transformer. FR 20-15,000 Hz +0, -1 dB; mono/stereo 0.05%/0.08%; S/N mono/stereo
capture ratio 1.8 dB; usable sens 2µV (11.2 dBf) 83/80 dB; sep 40 dB broadband; input overload 10
IHF; harmonic distortion 0.38%; 16"W x x V $318 memory presets (16 AM or FM); memory scan; auto
13"D; 23 lbs $1,349 scan; mute and IF APR override; battery -free backup;
4020A AM/FM-Stereo Tuner THD stereo; 0.1%; FM sen 1.8 µV IHF; also available
MR 80 Digital Tuner Analog AM/FM-stereo tuner with junction-FET front with matte black finish (T -4017B) $350
AM/FM stereo tuner with 4 differential amps; 3 -posi- end. Features PLL MPX demodulator; LED tuning indi-
tion deemphasis switch; 19 and 38 kHz filters; head- cators. FM usable sens 1.9 µV mono; 50 -dB quieting T-4015 Integra Tuner
phone amp; touch sensor; preset scan; control logic; sens mono/stereo 3.5/40 µV; S/N mono/stereo Quartz digitally synthesized stereo tuner; 8 AM/8 FM
lock circuit; scan circuit. Sens 14.7 dBf 3µV for 50 75/70 dB; FR 30-15,000 Hz ±0.5 dB; THD preset memories; auto scan; auto high -blend circuit;
dB of quieting; S/N 75 dB; harmonic distortion 0.2%; mono/stereo 0.2%/0.3%; capture ratio 1.5 dB; sel local/DX switch; battery -free memory backup; THD
IM 0.15%; FR mono and stereo 20-15,000 Hz ±1 65 dB; image rejection 50 dB; 1-1 rejection 75 dB; sep (stereo) 0.2%FM sens 1.9 µV IHF; also available with
dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB; 16"W x x 13-D; 42 dB at 1 kHz. AM sens 250 µV; 16.5'W x 9.5'D black matte finish $250
28 lbs $2.499 x 3.8"H $218
T-44 Tuner
MR 78 Tuner NIKKO Quartz digitally synthesized stereo tuner; 16 preset
AM/FM stereo tuner with junction field-effect transis- memories (8 AM/8 FM): auto scan; auto high blend
tor; IC balanced mixer; linear -phase filter; IF amp; con- NT -990 Stereo Tuner circuit; LED function and signal displays; FM sens 1.9
stant -delay design; linear -phase bridge discriminator. AM/FM-stereo tuner with digital frequency display µV; also available with black matte finish (T-
Sens 2 µV for 35 dB of quieting; S/N 75 dB; harmon- Features 6 AM/6 FM station presets; quartz synthe 446) $250
ic distortion 0.2%; FR stereo 20-15,000 Hz ±1 dB; sized tuning; up/down tuning buttons; AM/FM
capture ratio 2.5 dB; IM 0.2%; sep 40 dB at 1 kHz; stereo/mono switches; 5 -LED signal -strength meter; T-22 Tuner
16"W x 57/,,,"H x 13'D; 27 lbs $1,699 high -blend switch. 16.5"W x 12.75'D x AM/FM stereo tuner. Features high blend circuit; two
3.6'H $320 pole multiplex filter; LED signal display; FM sans 2.0
MCS by JC PENNEY µV; also available with black matte finish $110
NT -70011 Stereo Tuner
MCS 3760 AM/FM-Stereo Tuner AM/FM-stereo tuner with digital quartz synthesizer PT -33 Radian Series Tuner
AM/FM-stereo tuner with digital frequency display. tuning circuitry, digital frequency display, 6 AM/6 FM Quartz digitally synthesized stereo tuner. Features 12
Features 5 LED signal -strength, 3 -LED center -tune station presets. Features 3 -LED signal -strength me- preset memories (6 AM/6 FM); auto high blend; LED
meters; FM muting; flywheel tuning. FM 50 -dB ter; AM/FM, stereo/mono switches; up/down scan signal indication; FM sens 2.0 µV IHF $110
quieting sens 18.3 dBf (4.5 µV) mono; pilot rejection tuning buttons. 17.3'W x 11.6' x 3.8"0 .. $280
35 dB; hum and noise -72 dB; i-f spurious response PHASE LINEAR
75 dB; AM sens 300 µV/m $170 GAMMA -30 AM/FM Stereo Tuner
frequency synthesized tuner with 4 -digit flourescent T5200 Digital Synthesized Tuner
MERIDIAN AM FM -stereo digitally synthesized tuner with manu-
al/auto up/down scan tuning, 6 station memory pre-
sets with LEDs. Features LED digital tuning display;
FM stereo tuner features a min of controls; 6 station FM mute, record -level switches; 5 -LED signal -strength
presets accessible with rotary knob; front -panel meter meter; LED STEREO indicator; PLL MPX decoder with
that indicates frequency tuned or center -tune during auto pilot cancelling; wide/narrow bandwidth selector
preset stage; mono switch; FM mute switch .. $595 for AM and FM; AM -stereo output for future adapter;
brushed -silver anodized panel. FM usable sens
MITSUBISHI mono/stereo 0.95/19.5 µV; S/N mono/stereo
90/85 dB: FR 20-15.000 Hz 4-0.2/-0.5 dB; distor-
F30 Digital FM Stereo Tuner tion 1.0 dB at 1 kHz; alternate-ch sel 60 dB; image/i-
Quartz crystal PLL frequency synthesizer tuning sys- display; 7 AM and 7 FM presets; pilot cancel IC; IF lin- f/spurious response ratio 70/100/80 WI; sep 40 dB
tem with pulse swallow counter, dual modulus ear phase ceramic filters for improved group -delay at kHz; AM usable sans 300 µV; S/N 50 dB;
prescaler. Features auto tuning; 8 preset stations; lin- characteristics; front panel adjustable muting thresh- 17%'W x 13"D x 31/4"H $450
ear -phase ceramic filters; auto -switched sel; hi -blend old; illuminated preset buttons; switchable high -blend
function; multipath signal -level indicator. Usable sens filter; stereo/mono switch; auto/manual tuning PIONEER
10.3 dBf; alternate-ch sel wide/narrow 45/75 dB; switch; AM loop antenna; usable sens 11.2 dBf; 50 -
S/N 78 dB stereo; THD 0.08% stereo; sep 20 dB at dB quieting sens mono 14 dBf; S/N stereo 67, mono F-9 Stereo Tuner
1 kHz with hi -blend on; FR 30-16,000 Hz +0.5/-1 70 dB; THD stereo 0.20%, mono 0.15%; stereo sep Digital quartz synthesizer AM/FM-stereo tuner with 6
dB; image/i-f /spurious response ratios 100 dB; cap- at 1.000 Hz 45 dB; output level 550 mV; AM S/N 50 AM/6 FM station presets. Features digital frequency
ture ratio 1.0 dB wide; output level/imp 600 mV/1 k dB; rack mountable; matte black finish; 19'W x display; drop -down hinged front panel that hides all
ohms; 18WW x 101/2"D x 5%"H; 11 lb... $350 11.8'H + 2.8"0 $245 controls except AM and FM push -type, preset -station
selectors; LED signal -strength meter; up/down scan
M -F04 AM/FM-Stereo Tuner NT -50011 Stereo Tuner tuning; rec-cal oscillator; wide/narrow bandwidth se-
Micro -tuner with advanced front-end circuitry, touch - AM/FM-stereo tuner with slide -rule dial. Features LED lector. FM usable sens 10.8 dBf (0.95 µV) mono; S/N
sensor tuning. Features 2 -color tuning scale; inter - signal -strength tuning indicators; 3 -LED center -tune mono/stereo 90/85 dB; capture wide/narrow 1.0/-
station muting/mode selection. Usable sens 11.2 indicator; signal and stereo indicators; illuminated 2.5 dB; alternate-ch sel wide/narrow 40/85 dB; sep
dBf; alternate-ch.sel 60 dB; S/N 73 dB stereo; THD dial; lighted dial pointer; AM/FM, stereo/mono switch- 55 dB at 1 kHz wide, 48 dB 50.10,000 Hz wide;
0.4% at 1 kHz 65 dBf; sep 40 dB at 1 kHz; FR 40- es; 17.3" W x 9.9" D x 3.8' H $180 16*/,,'W x 14"4."D x 2%'H; 9 lb 15 oz . $425

Tuners 3 Tuners
F-7. Similar to F-9 but minus wide, narrcw selector; switches that allow independent selection of record- SANSUI
FM S/N mono stereo 85/80 dB; capture ratio 1.0 ing circuits while listening to any other source; select-
dB; alternate-ch sel 60 dB; sep 50 dB at 1 kHz $325 ed functions indicated on digital display. frequency re- TU-S77AMX AM Stereo and FM Stereo Tuner
sponse 20-70.000 Hz +0/-0.7 dB; total harmonic Quartz-PLL synthesizer tuner receives all four FCC -
F-5 Stereo Tuner distortion with less than 0.02% at 1,000 Hz. 2 volt approved AM stereo broadcasting methods, and
Servo -locked digital AM FM -stereo tuner with digital output; 17''4-W 133/."D 6'H $2.399 autoally switches to format being used by selected
frequency display. Features up/ down scan tuning; station. Features 8 AM and 8 FM station presets: pre-
LED signal -strength meter; FM stereo LED indicator. B261 Tuner set scan; wide/narrow IF bandwidth selection; Locked
FM usable sens 10.8 dBf (0.95 µV) mono; S/N Microcomputer -controlled tuner with programming and Stereo indicators: special Sansui demodulator to
mono/stereo 75/70 dB; sep 40 dB at 1 kHz, 30 dB, feature covering I.D. and frequency of the 20 eliminate "anti -birdie" filter; black finish $390
16%."W 14"/,.'D 2'/."H; 9 lb 15 oz . $225 pretuned stations and includes preferred mode of re-
ception for each station. Features 20 station selector TUS77X AM/FM-Stereo Tuner
F-90 Stereo AM/FM Tuner buttons; infrared remote control; two separate muting Features quartz PLL digital synthesizer tuning with
Quartz digital synthesis AM FM stereo tuner with 8 threshold controls; high -blend button; auto station auto/manual up/down scan tuning, fluorescent digital
AM, 8 FM presets. Features Digital Direct Decoder; scanning; liquid crystal display indicates stations and frequency display. Features 8 AM, 8 FM presets with
LED tuning indicator; station search tuning; AM stereo frequency alphanumerically; sensitivity 0.5µV on 75 lighted indicators; FM noise canceller, FM auto /mono
adaptor jack; FM usable sens 10.8 dBf: Distortion (at ohms for 26 -CB signal-to-noise ratio with 40 Hz devi-
1 kHz); 0.0095% (mono), 0.02% (stereo); alternate- ation; usable ;ens mono 2 µV, stereo 20 µV on 75
ch sel 90 dB; W 12'/,- D 234' H; 11 ohms for a signal-to-noise ratio of 46 dB with 40.000
lbs $320 Hz deviation; capture ratio 0.8 dB for a signal-to-
F-70. Similar to F-90 except no ODD; Distortion (at 1 noise ratio of 30 dB at 40,000 Hz deviation and an
kHz) 0.05% (mono), 08% (stereo); alternate-ch sel input of 1 mV on 75 ohms; sel 80 dB tuned -in signal
56 dB; 16V," W 9V." D n 234" H; 7 lbs. 1 100 µV on 75 ohms interferring signal lmV on 75
oz $200

F -X9 Stereo AM/FM Tuner mode. AM/FM selector switches; 5 -LED signal, LED
Shelf -sized quartz digital synthesis AM/FM stereo stereo and search indicators. FM usable sens 10.5
with 8 AM/FM presets. Features digital/analog clock; dBf; S, N 83 dB: THD 0.02%; capture ratio 1.0 dB, in
program/sleep timer; auto function; LED signal - 14-H n I 44R- black finish.
TU-S77XW. Same as TU-S77X but with wood side
strength meter; FM usable sens 10.8 dBf; stereo S/N
70 dB: 2',/,"H s 12'/:"W 81/2"D: 6 lb 12 oz $250 IMM
panels $370
F -X7. Similar to F -X9 except 6 AM/FM presets; sleep TV -555X. Same features as TU-S77X with FM sens of
timer; stereo indicator; no digital/analog clock or 10.8 dBf; S/N 85 dB and capture ratio 1.0 dB. Black
(TU-S55X13) or silver (TU-S55XS) $280

TU-S33 AM/FM-Stereo Tuner

ohms modulated to a deviation of 40,000 Hz; fre- AM FM -stereo tuner with servo -locked tuning system,
quency response 30 Hz 15,000 Hz ±1 dB measured "Just Tuned" pointer. Features floating circuit system
with 40.000 Hz deviation and 1 mV input on 75 that improves AM performance. FM sens 10.6 dBf

ohms; harmonic distortion 0.07% at 1.000 Hz and
40,000 Hz deviation mono and stereo L -R mV input
on 75 ohm;; signal-to-noise ratio 75 dB. 30 Hz
15.000 Hz linear referred to a deviation of 75.000
(1.85 µV); S/N mono/stereo 81'76 dB; THD
mono 'stereo 0.08%/0.09%; capture ratio 1.0 dB;
sep 5D dB at 1 kHz; FR 30.15,000 Hz + 3/-1.0 dB.
TU-S33S has silver finish; TU-S33B has black finish.
Hz with an input of 1 mV on 75 ohms stereo separa- rack -mount handles $200
program /sleep timer; 2'/.-H 12V,'W x 8 '/, D: 6 tion 100 Hz 10.000 Hz. 40 dB 1,000 Hz. 43 dB re-
lbs. 4 oz $170 ferred to a deviation of 40,000 Hz and an input of 1 H.H. SCOTT
F -X5. Similar to F -X7 except no auto function or sleep mV on 75 ohms; 18 lbs 12 oz: 17'/.- 6'
timer $130 $1.500 558T Tuner
Quartz PLL synthesizer tuner with 7 AM: 7 FM pre-
FX3 AM/FM Stereo Tuner sets, touch -control memory, full -function fluorescent
Shelf -sized analog AM, FM stereo tuner. Features FM SAE display. Features auto scan up/down tuning; active
muting switch; center tuning indicator; stereo indica- high-olend filter for min noise on FM -stereo; 4 -gang
tor. 23/.'H 12V W 9'D; 5 lb 8 oz $90 T14 AM/FM-Stereo Tuner electronic front end; 1.7-µV IHF usable sens; 0.8-µV
Features varactor front end; LED digital frequency DIN sens; S/N 75 dB (mono) at 65 dBf: distortion
readout; quartz -lock, synthesized touch tuning; 5 -sta- 0.08% (mono) at 65 dBf; frequency response 30-
QUAD tion memory preset; LED signal-strength/multipath, 15,030 Hz ± 0.5 dB; capture ratio 1.2 dB; sep 55
output -level bargraph meters; variable i-f bandwidth dB at 1 kHz; 17'W 11.8-D 1.7'H $280
FM4 FM Tuner selector; linear phase filters; PLL multiplex filter. 50 -
FM -stereo tuner designed to be used with Quad 44 dB quieting 34.8 dBf (stereo); S/N 76 dB; THD 5281 Tuner
preamplifier. Features no controls except 8 push- 0.15% (stereo) $600 AM FM -stereo tuner with 5 -LED signal -strength. 3 -
buttons to store/recall station presets. tuning knob. LED center -tuning meters on dial pointer. Features
power switch; bargraph meter to indicate signal T102 AM/FM Stereo Tuner heavy metal flywheel; linear FM dial; 1.8-µV IHF us-
strength, center-ch tuning; dedicated microprocessor Stereo tuner with linear phase IF filters. complemen- able sens. 1.2-µV DIN sens; S/N (mono) 72 dB at 65
that recalls desired station from memory, tunes it, dBf; distortion (mono) 0.15% at 65 dBf: FR 30-
autoally sets muting, auto frequency control levels. 15,000 Hz ,L-0.5 dB: capture ratio 1.2 dB; sep 50
Stations stored in memory remain there for up to 5 dB at 1 kHz: 17'W 8.7-D 3.5-11 $160
years. even with power disconnected. Mono,'stereo
50 -dB quieting sens 2.7/25 µV; mono/stereo S/N SHERWOOD
76/70 dB at 1 kHz, 1 mV A -weighted; mono.'stereo
distortion 0.05% 0.10% stereo; capture ratio 2.5 S-6010 CP AM/FM-Stereo Tuner
dB; sel 53 dB; image/i-f rejection 80/100 dB; FR 20- Digitally synthesized AM/FM-stereo tuner with dual -
15.000 Hz +0/-1 sB; crosstalk 40 dB at 1 kHz; pi- gate MOSFET front end. Features Varactor-diode
lot -tone suppression 60 dB; deemphasis switchable frontend; 3 pairs matched linear -phase ceramic i-f fil-
50/75 µsec; power consumption 6 V; 321mmW ters, fluorescent digital frequency display; 8 AM/8
207mmD 64mmH; 3 kg $625 ary ratio detector, fully complementary MPX drive FM station presets with battery memory backup. FM
and quartz -controlled varactor RF stages. Features usable sens 1.8 µV (10.3 dBf); 50 -dB quieting sens
touch tuning; 16 station memories (8 AM and 8 FM);
REVOX manual or auto search operation; auto sterec
739 FM/Tuner/Preamplifier Write directly to the manufacturer or
Combination FM tuner and preamplifier. Preamplifier T6 AM/FM-Stereo Tuner
section features line amplifiers for twc different levels Features digital frequency display; bargraph signal distributor. A list of names and ad-
A and B with for XLR and RCA phono (2/4 V, 220 strength meter; 50 -dB quieting 36.11 dBf (stereo). dresses starts on page 25.
ohms, unbalanced) output connectors. Input signals S 'N 67 de (stereo); THD 0.25% (stereo) 0.10%
switched by a microprocessor with noncontacting FET (mono) $33C

Tuners 3 Tuners
mono/stereo 3.2 µV (15.3 dBf/35 µV (36.1 dBf); station digital readout, auto scan tuning and active (0.95 µV); 50 -dB quieting sens mono stereo 16.3
capture ratio 1.0 dB; alternate-ch sel 80 dB: S/N high blend filter. 19" rack -mount front panel; 1.6 µV dBf (1.8 0)/37.2 dBf (20 p.V); S N mono, stereo
mono/stereo 80/75 dB; FR 20-15,000 Hz + 0.5 dB: IHF sens; S/N 75 dB; distortion 0.08%; 2" 19' 80/74 dB; THD mono stereo 0.04% 0.06%; alter-
power consumption 10.12 W: 17""W 15'/2"D 12'D $299 nate-ch sel 55 dB; AM sens 250 µV m; 16',/,"W
2'/,,"H: 10 lb $250 15"/"D 2',/"H; 9 lb $500
TD -2010 CP AM/FM Tuner ST -S707 FM/AM Stereo Tuner
Digitally synthesized tuner with 6 FM and 6 AM pre- Charlie FM Digital Tuner Quartz synthesizer tuner with 32k bit microcomputer
sets. Usable sens 1.9 µV (10.8 dBf); 50 -dB quieting Quartz -controlled digitally synthesized FM tuner with control to assure optimum reception. Features DC
sens mono 35 µV (15.8 dBf), stereo 50 µV (39.2 separation and de -emphasis adjustments made inde- construction with DC peak sample and hold MPX;
dBf); THD mono 0.1%, stereo 0.15%; S 'N mono 80 pentently of multiplex. Features blend; filter; mono: computer -controlled auto IF bandwidth selector: FM
dB. stereo 75 dB; stereo sep 50 dB: capture ratio 1.5 mute; IF narrow; single-step tuning; 5 station presets: auto RF band selector; multi -function 2 -color display;
dB; alternate ch selectivity 65 dB. FR at. 25.15,000 4 -LED signal -strength meter; 5 -LED multipath indica ch number readout: signal -strength readout: scan lev-
Hz ' 1 dB; usable sens at 20 dB 300 µV/m. S/N at 5 tor. Usable sens 13 dBf (2.5 µV) mono, 18 dBf (4 el readout: recording level check buttom: AM 'FM allo-
mV input 50 dB; sel at 10.000 Hz 50 dB; spurous re- µV) stereo IHF; 50 -dB quieting sens 17 dBf (3.7 p...V; cation selector button: 19 kHz pilot signal cancel cir-
sponse ratio 60 dB; audio output voltage at 30% mod mono. 38 dBf (40 µV) stereo; capture ratio 1.0 dB cuit; 16 -station random access preset memory;
150 mV; W 2'/.,"H 11"/'D.. $200 wide. 1.5 dB narrow; alternate ch sel 50 wide, 80 nar-
row; sep 50 dB at 1 kHz: THD 0.05% stereo at 1 kHz
SONY with 100% modulation; max S/N 74 dB stereo;
19W" 3.5"H n 0. 12 It- $505
ST -V7 AM/FM Stereo Tuner
Quartz frequency -synthesis FM -stereo tuner with Di- TANDBERG
rect Comparator low -noise tuning circuit. Features
multiprocess memory: auto. 8 -station memory preset. TPT 3001A Programmable FM Tuner
memory -scan tuning; microprocessor step up down Features computer -type logic servo tuning system; 8 - auto -scan and auto -memory; memory backup protec-
tuning; 3 -LED signal -strength meter for antenna posi- ganged varactor tuning diodes in front end, dual -gate tion: F -connector FM antenna terminal: detachable
tioning: fluorescent multi -function display. FM sec- MOSFETs in r -f and mixer stages: 8 -station memory AM loop antenna; SH-F101 FM wing antenna termi-
tion: S,'N mono stereo 84/78 dB; THD mono/stereo preset with touch -button recall and LED program nal. FM usable sens 10.8 dBf (0.95 µV): 50 -dB
0.08% 0.15%; FM usable sens 10.3 dBf(1.8µV); quieting sens mono/stereo 18.1 dBf (2.2 µV) 38.1
50 -dB quieting sens 16.1 dBf (3.5 µV)mono, 37.9 dBf (22 µV); THD mono/stereo 0.03% 0.04%; S N
dbf (43 µV) stereo; FR 30-15.000 Hz. -2 dB: mono -stereo 80/70 dB; FR 5-18.000 Hz 0.2 dB. -
image i-f spurious response 80/100'90 dB; sep 50 0.5 dB: capture ratio 1.0 dB; stereo sep at 1 kHz 65
dB at 1 hz; muting/tuning threshold 25 dBf. AM sec-
tion: quieting sens 200 µV built-in antenna. 30 µV ex-
dB: 16" ,,"W 2''"H - 9" "D: 5.7 lb $270
ternal antenna: S N 55 dB (50 mV, m): THD 0.3%; ST -S6 AM/FM Digital Tuner
14" 2' ," 10' ,".6 lbs. 10 oz $300 Quartz synthesized AM 'FM -stereo tuner. Features dc
stereo tuning; dc peak sampling/hold multiplex cir-
ST-JX500 AM/FM-Stereo Tuner cuit; 16 -station full random-access preset memory
Quartz frequency -synthesized AM FM -stereo tuner tuning; auto station memory: digital display for signal
with Direct Comparator low -noise circuit. Multi - readout; wide/normal/narrow 1.1 bandwidth selector; strength; LED multipath 'signal -strength indicator;
process memory; auto manual 10 -station memory autorange signal -strength with 1.000 meter range normal narrow i-f band width selector: slim
preset 'memory scan tuning; fluorescent display; 4 - LED, center tuning /preset frequency meters. Audio body $380
circuitry includes selected all -metal film resistors.
polystyrene capacitors, and min negative feedback; ST -S505 Quartz Synthesizer AM/FM Stereo Tuner
mono. ANC, servo, mute switches with LEDs; 3 -circuit Quartz synthesizer tuner with dc circuit construction
muting; output level control; S 'N 90 dB: narrow sel and computer -controlled auto bandwidth selector for
125 dB $1.195 optimum reception. Features 16 -station random-ac-
cess memory; auto -scan and auto -memory: multi-
TPT 3011A Programmable FM Tuner function digital display; 19 kHz pilot signal cancel cir-
Computerized FM -stereo tuner with 8 programmable cuit; displays for quartz lock. FM signal quality. and IF
station programming.; FM section is same as ST -V7 station presets, auto servo tuning released by touch bandwidth; jitter distortion cancelling circuit; back-up
except S N 84 dB mono. 78 dB stereo; THD 0.15% sensor in tuning knob. Audio circuitry includes select- memory protection: slim design. FM usable sens 10.8
stereo: THD 0.10% stereo; IMD 0.10% stereo; S 'N ed all -metal film resistors, polystyrene capacitors. and dBf (0.95 µV); 50 -dB quieting sens mono,'stereo
90 dB mono, 84 dB stereo; AM section: 100 µV with min negative feedback. Features 5 -ganged electronic 18.1 dBf (2.2 µV)/38.1 dBf (22 IIV): THD
external antenna: 17"W 2'',"D 11'-,'H; 6 lbs
- tuning circuits; 12 -bit microprocessor pretuning. mono stereo 0.04%/0.05%; S/N mono,'stereo 78'-
14 oz $250 memory system. FM sens for 50 -dB quieting 70 dB: FR 5-18.000 Hz 0.2 dB. -0.5 dB: capture
mono/stereo 14.8 dBf (1.5 µV) '37.3 dBf (20 WO; ratio 1.0 dB: stereo sep 1 kHz 60 dB; 16",',"W
ST-JX44 AM/FM-Stereo Tuner S N at 65 dBf mono, stereo 78/75 dB; distortion at 2'/"H 9'/"D: 5.3 lb $220
Quartz frequency -synthesis AM FM -stereo receiver 50 -dB quieting mono/stereo 0.3%/0.3%; capture
with Direct Comparator low -noise tuning circuit. Fea- ratio 0.9 dB; alternate-ch sel - 100 dB; spurious -re- ST -0O3 AM/FM-Stereo Tuner
tures Uniphase i-f filters; multiprocess memory; man- sponse 70 dB; AM -suppression ratio 70 dB: Quartz synthesizer AM FM -stereo tuner with Varac-
ual,'8 AM or FM memory preset 'memory scan tuning: 43.5cmW 35cmD 8.3cmH $695 tor, 4 -pole MOSFET front end. Features digital fre-
memory back-up: facility for optional RM-44 wireless quency display; SAW filter in i-f stage: 2 -color. 5 -LED
remote controller. S N mono stereo 82 77 dB; THD TECHNICS signal -strength meter: 8 AM/8 FM station presets:
monoistereo 0.08% '0.15% $200 up/down scan tuning. FM usable sens 10.8 dBf (1.9
ST -S8 FM/AM Digital Tuner la); 50 -dB quieting sens mono/stereo 17 dBf (3.9
STJX35 AM/FM Tuner Quartz synthesizer DC tuner with 25 kHz reference 0)/38.3 dBf (45 µV); S/N mono/stereo 77/72 dB:
Quartz frequency synthesis tuner with microproces- frequency and narrow IF bandwidth. Features FM/AM THD mono,' stereo 0.08% '0.15% alternate-ch sel 75
sor tuning. Features 5 AM and 5 FM station memory 16 station random access memory; multi -function dB; capture ratio 1.0 dB: IM distortion 0.03%;
presets; multifunction LCD; FM between station mut- digital readout: back-up memory system; switchless image 'i-f /spurious response rejection 65 85 90 dB;
ing. FM section: FM usable sens 10.3 (1.8190uV) wing antenna terminal FM usable sens 10.8 dBf FR 20-15.000 Hz . 0.5 '1 .5 dB; sep 55 dB. $370
mono; 50 -dB quieting sens 16.1 (3.5cf90u) stereo.
38.3 ( 4590uV) mono; THD at 1 kHz 0.15% mono.
0.3% stereo; IMD 1.5 % mono. 0.3% stereo: S 'N 82
dB mono. 77 dB stereo; FR 30-15.000 Hz 0.5 dB.
-2.0 dB: capture ratio 1.0 dB: sep 45 dB at 1 kHz.
AM suppression 54 dB. AM section: quieting sens
200 µV built-in antenna, 30 µV external antenna.
S N 54 dB (50 mV 'm); sel image rejection 38'45 Prices of items described are manufacturers' suggested prices
dB. 17" W 2' ,' H 11' ," D; 6 lbs, 10 oz $150
only and are subject to change without notice. Actual selling
SOUNDCRAFTSMEN prices are determined by the dealers.
T6002 AM/FM Stereo Digital Tuner
Digital quartz PL1 tuner with 14 station presets. 5 -

Tuners 3 Tuners
ST -001 AM/FM-Stereo Tuner nate-ch sel 70 dB; i-f 'spurious response rejection nal -quality indicator. FM usable sens at 300/75 ohms
Analog -dial AM FM -stereo tuner with bow -tie center 79'79 dB; THD 0.7% stereo; sep 40 dB at kHz;
1 1 2 µV 'C.6 µV: 50 -dB quieting sens 32 µV (35.2
tune display on dial pointer. FM usable sens 10.8 dBf 15',"W 11';,'D 3"H $150 di3f) stereo: capture ratio local DX 1.2'2.5 dB; S/N
(1.9 µV); 50 -dB quieting sens mono/stereo 17 dBf 83 dB: stereo distortion IM local/DX 0.04%/0.6%;
(3.9 µV),38.3 dBf (45 µV). S/N mono stereo 75 70 8441 AM/FM-Stereo Tuner sep local DX 60 28 dB at 1 kHz; FR 30-15.000 Hz
dB; THD 0.1 %/0.15%; alternate-ch sel 75 dB; cap- Analog -dial AM FM -stereo tuner with LED tuning di- 1- 0.3 -0.5 dB; AM S N 50 dB; 1714"W 12'4"D
ture ratio 1.0 dB; image/uf /spurious response ratio rection indicator, feather -touch controls; FM muting. 274"H: 8 lb 13 oz $370
50 85 '80 dN; FR 20-15.000 Hz x 0.5 '- I .5 dB; sep FM usable sens 1.2 µV; 50 -dB quieting sens 25.7 µV
45 dB at 1kHz; AM sens 250 µV m: power con- stereo; S N 68 dB stereo: capture ratio 2 dB: alter- T-1000 AM/FM Tuner
sumption 8 W: 11"4."W 10'''D nate-ch sel 70 dB; 0/spurious response rejection Incorporates computer Servo lock tuning system to
,,"H $250 83 83 dB: THC 0.6% stereo; sep 40 dB at kHz; 1 autoally select FM servo tuning mode or high -preci-

14',."W 11",,,,"D 2%"H $140 sion PLL -node. Features zero intermodulation mixer;
ST -S4 AM/FM Digital Tuner 834L Similar to 8441 except no LED tuning direc- Servo ga n control: ultra -linear direct FM detector;
Quartz synthesizer AM FM -stereo tuner with 16 -sta- tion indicator, feather -touch controls; has LED signal - auto DX; programming of up to 10 AM or FM stations;
tion full random-access auto scanning tuning. Fea- strength meter. FM usable sens 4µV; S N 64 dB; THD direct coupled CMOS DC NFB multiplex demodulator;
tures auto station memory; full digital disp'ay; digital 0.8% stereo: 11' ,,"D 3"H $100 pushbutton auto search .'manual mono tuning; digital
display of signal strength; normal/narrow i-f band- station frequency display; interchangeable station in-
width selector; slim body $280 YAMAHA dicator cards; S/N. IHF, mono/stereo of 92/85 dB;
50 -dB quieting sens of 40 µV (37.2 dBf) stereo; spu-
ST -004 AM/FM-Stereo Tuner T-2 FM -Stereo Tuner rious response ratio 110 dB $320
Quartz -synthesizer AM FM -stereo tuner with digital Features digital frequency display; r -f mode selector: 1-700. Similar to T-1000 S IHF. mono 'stereo of
frequency display. 6 AM /6 FM station presets. i-f mode selector; auto DX; digital display: slide -rule 89 84 dB; 50 -dB quieting sens of 40µV (37.2 dBf)
auto manual up/down scan tuning. FM usable sens dial. 330 -Hz record calibration: signal 0 meter. FM In stereo. spurious response ratio 70 dB $280
11.2 dBf (2.0 µV); 50 -dB quieting sens mono/stereo usable sens 8.8 dBf (1.5 µV); 50 -dB quieting sens
17.5 dBf (4.1 µV)/ 39 dBf (49 µV) S, N mono stereo 13.2 dBf (2.5 µV) mono. 34.2 dBf (28 µV) stereo; T-500 AM/FM Tuner
78 73 dB; THD mono stereo 0.1%/0.15%; alter- THD 0.05% mono. stereo: S'N 88 dB mono; FR 10- AM FM tuner with quartz PLL digital synthesizer tun-
nate-ch sel 60 dB capture ratio 1.0 dB; image, i- 18.000 Hz 0.3'-3 dB; capture ratio dB; alter-
1 ing and 10 programmable station presets. Features
f ,spurious response ratio 55/80/80 dB; FR 20- nate-ch sel 100 dB; image response -120 dBf: i-f re- digital frequency readout. manual single-step and
15.000 Hz 0.5/-1.5 dB: sep 50 dB at kHz; AM 1 sponse -120 dBf; AM suppression 60 dB; sep 55 dB auto search tuning: 3 -LED signal level meter. 50 -dB
sens 250 µV/ m; power consumption 8 W; 11"4.-W at I kHz: output 0.5 V fixed, 1 V variable: 17'4"W quieting sens stereo 42 µV (37.7 dBf): capture ratio
9',`E) 1"4,"Fi; 4 lb $250 13'/.'D $750 ;IHF) 1.5 dB; stereo 70 dB; harmonic distortion ste-
reo 0.2% at 1.000 Hz $180
ST -5 AM/FM-Stereo Tuner T-70 AM/FM-Stereo Tuner T-300. Similar fol.-500 except analog tuning; 50 -dB
Quartz synthesizer digital analog tuner with digital Computer servo -locked synthesizer AM FM -stereo quieting sens (IHF) stereo 4201 (37.7 dBf) capture
frequency display, analog tuning dial. Features 8 tuner with 10 AM/FM station presets. Features man- ratio (114F) 1.5 dB; stereo 70 dB: harmonic distortion
AM 8 FM station presets; auto. manual up.'down scan ual, auto -search tuning modes; initial station set: auto stereo C.3% at 1.000 Hz; stereo sep 40 d8 at 1.000
tuning; 3 -LED signal -strength meter; 1 -week local 'distant switching; low -imp AM loop antenna; Hz $150
batteryless memory back-up. FM usable sens 11.2 dB selectable AM sel; recording calibration oscillator; sig-
(2.0 µV); 50 -dB quieting sens mono/stereo 17.5 dBf
(4.1 µV)/39 dBf (49 µV); S/N mono/stereo 78/73
dB; THD mono/stereo 0.08%/0.15%; alternate-ch

Vge Sell of
sel 60 dB; FR 20-15,000 Hz +0.5/-1.5 dB;
12"/"W a 9"/"D 1''/"1-1; 4.2 lb $230 Brand Computers
8841 AM/FM-Stereo Tuner

Digital AM/FM-stereo quartz -locked PLL tuner with

- H Orne
manual auto -search memory direct -entry tuning.

Features 5 AM/5 FM station presets; LED signal -

AKAI GX7 Computer

Controlled Cassette Deck s261
Sony STRVX550 Remote CALL
991 ISIS Control Receiver FOR
50 Watts/channel PRICE
Teac V707RX
Auto Reverse Cassette $295
strength meter; feather -touch controls: output level
J3033 Deck with DBX
control. FM usable sens 1.9 µV stereo; S/N 70 dB Technics SA410
stereo; capture ratio 1.5 dB; alternate-ch sel 70 dB; i- Digital Receiver
f/spurious response rejection 90/90 dB; THD 0.5%
stereo; sep 50 dB at 1 kHz; 17.4.'W 12"4"D
JENSEN 6 x 9 Triax 45 Watts/channel
41/2"H $300 Prices Good Until Dec. I, 1983

8441 AM/FM-Stereo Tuner

Analog -dial AM 'FM -stereo tuner with LED tuning di-
rection indicator; feather -touch controls; FM muting.
FM usable sens 1.2 µV; 50 -dB quieting sens 25.7 µV * Multi -Million Dollar Inventory
stereo; S.'N 62 dB stereo; capture ratio 2 dB; alter - * Most Orders Shipped within
48 Hours
Power rated from 20-20KHZ No more than O5°. THD
Audio terms are defined 241/ w badger rd madison, wi 53713
in the glossary on page 19.
For an explanation of abbreviations,
turn to the list on page 22.
TOLL FREE 800-356-9514 Saturdays 9-5

ADC lith DC servo motor, quick repeat, low -mass straight BANG & OLUFSEN
tonearm, electronic brake for platter $150
LT -31 Turntable
Beogram 8002 Turntable
Fully automatic single -play turntable. Features inte- AP -M5 -S Turntable Tangential -drive 33'/,-, 45 -rpm turntable with patent-
grated low -mass ADC L-3 magnetic cartridge; repeat/ Direct -drive fully automatic turntable. Features auto ed light/shutter tangential -tracking tonearm. Features
reject functions; precision nonferrous metal platter homing arm, discolith DC servo motor, DC tonearm low -mass tonearm, patented leaf-spring/pendulum
with soft rubber mat; automatic set -down function drive motor, 2 -speed cueing control, quick repeat, suspension system. W&F & 0.04% DIN; rumble > 70
compatible with both 12" 33 rpm and 7-/45 rpm auto disc size/speed selector, low -mass straight dB DIN
records; ultra -quiet, precision belt -drive system;
tonearm, feather -touch controls, LED function
4","H 13'/,-W 14",-D; 9 lb $130 indicator $200 Beogram TX Turntable
LT30 Linear -Tracking Turntable Features tangential tonearm; precision -ground belt
AP-MTS Turntable drive; patented suspension; integrated tonearm/
Semiautomatic single -play turntable. Features platter Linear -tracking turntable. Features direct drive, fully
belt driven by electrically governed DC motor. cartridge system. W&F wrms < *0.025%; rumble
automatic, discolith DC servo motor. DC tonearm DIN weighted > 70 dB; speed deviation <0.02%;
Tonearm belt driven by separate servo -controlled drive motor, 2 -speed cueing control, quick repeat, 19'/" 3'/,"
electronically governed DC motor; straight tangential
14"."; 19.8 lbs $495
auto disc size/speed selector, feather -touch controls,
movement; electro-optically controlled to within 0.5'; electronic brake for platter. LED function Beogram 2404 Turntable
electronic push-button viscous cue and pause control. indicator $250 Features stainless steel tonearm; low -mass MMC car-
4'/,'1-1 13","W 14'/."D; 9 lb $100 tridge; tonearm/cartridge integration; electronically
AP -Q41 Automatic Turntable controlled self-correcting drive system; 1 -touch mu-
ADS Quartz -locked direct -drive fully automatic turntable sic. W&F wrms <±0.03%; rumble >65 dB; speed
with automatic homing tonearm system. Features low - deviation e 0.05%;17' x 3V," , 13" .. $330
ADS Atelier P2 Turntable mass straight tonearm; servo -motor turntable drive;
Direct -drive fully automatic turntable. Features fre- dc -motor tonerarm drive; feather -touch controls; elec- Beogram 5000 Turntable
quency generator servo -controlled motor; isolated tronic inside -force canceller; automatic repeat; auto-
tonearm; Designed to be incorporated into Beosystem 5000
ultra -low -mass tonearm; integrated car- matic speed/disc-size selector; quick tonearm return; stereo component system; can be operated by remote
tridge; universal mounting shell; operating controls electronic platter brake $250 control via the system's master control panel. Fea-
outside dustcover; silicone -damped cueing mecha-
nism; switchable tures dual -chassis design; radial arm; effective mass
indexing. W&F <0.05% DIN/ - AP -Q310 Automatic Turntable
0.03% wrms; rumble > 48 dB DIN A/70 dB DIN B; Quartz -locked direct -drive fully automatic turntable
platter diecast aluminum with mass concentrated at with low -mass straight tonearm. Features Discolith
perimeter, platter diameter 300mm/11.81"; platter Coil dc servo motor; automatic repeat 0 .1/2.'3/.
weight 1.1 kg/2 lb, 7 oz; vertical tracking error 2.2', quick tonearm return; electronic platter brake; non
max; vertical tracking force adjustment range 0 to 2 resonant -compound base $175
grams; anti -skating adjustable to the tracking force
range for elliptical and spherical styli; 17.52'W AP -D210 Semiautomatic Turntable
4.53-H 14.25"D; 11 lbs $400 Direct -drive semiautomatic turntable with low -mass
straight tonearm. Features fixed headshell; antiskate
AKAI control; oil -damped cue; detachable dustcover; Disco-
lith Coil dc servo motor; quick tonearm return; non - of the tonearm/cartridge combination 6.8 grams;
AP -B1 Turntable
resonant -compound base; slim design. W&F DIN/JIS tonearm resonance 14 Hz; W&F wrms e ±-0.035%
Belt -drive semiautomatic turntable. Features front 0.045%/0.03%; rumble 73 dB DIN -B; speed devi-
panel controls, low -mass straight tonearm
rumble DIN weighted > 75 dB; 16'/,"W x 3"H x
$100 ation ±0.5% $135 12"."D; 13.2 lb $295
AP -D2 Turntable AP -8110 Semiautomatic Turntable Beogram 1800 Turntable
Direct -drive semiautomatic turntable. Features disco- Belt -driven semiautomatic turntable with automatic Radial -arm turntable with stainless steel tonearm;
lith DC servo motor. low -mass straight tonearm $135 tonearm return. Features 4 -pole synchronous motor; self-correcting electronically -controlled drive system;
straight tonearm with antiskate control; removable integrated tonearm/cartridge; 3 -point suspension.
AP -D3 Turntable headshell; front -panel controls; detachable dustcover;
Direct -drive fully automatic turntable. Features disco
W&F wrms < ±0.035%; rumble > 70 dB: speed de-
low -resonance -compound base. W&F 0.05%. JIS; viation <0.05% ;16'/,"W x 2'/,"H x
rumble 65 dB. DIN -B $100 12' D $250
AR Beogram RX Turntable
Turntable with electronically controlled drive system;
The AR Turntable automatic anti -skating; pendulum suspension; 1 -
Two -speed belt -drive manual turntable with cast -alu- touch music. W&F wrms < ± 0.45%; rumble DIN
minum T -bar subchassis; 3 -point spring suspension; weighted > 62 dB; speed deviation e 0.1%; 17' /'W
24 -pole synchronous motor. W&F 0.03% max IEEE; 3,/," H Y 13'/"D $195
rumble -40 dB unweighted, -65 dB DIN B weighted.
Tonearm is medium mass. straight tube; viscous - BENJAMIN ELECTROPRODUCTS
damped cueing; plug-in headshell; length 229mm piv-
ot to stylus tip; tracking error .53° per inch max at 6" B55BR Variable Speed Turntable
and .37° per inch at 3'; stylus force range 0-3 g; Manual turntable offering continuously variable speed
antiskating range 0-3 g; cable capacitance 85 pF. from 30-86 rpm and adjustable detents for 33'/,',
368mmW 467mmD 140mmH; 15 lb $430 45 and 78 rpm. Features 4 -pole constant -velocity
Without tonearm $300 motor; straight tonearm, rumble -60 dB: 18'/'W

Turntables 4 Turntables
14', "D < 5'/.-H; includes base and dustcover; 25 220mm; overhang 16mm; tracking error within 2.5': 1268 Single Play/Multiple Play Turntable
lb $210 stylus force range 0-3g; acceptable cartridge weight Fully automatic multiple -play turntable with elevator -
B55B. Same as 855BR except chassis only $165 4-9 g; 17.4"W r 5.4" H v 16.5'D $300 action changer spindle that holds up to 6 records, in-
terchanges with rotating single play spindle. Rumble -
BSR DP -301 II SemiaLtomatic Single -Play 70 dB; W&F +.0.04%; 171/4' . 7'4' $150
Direct -drive and 45 -rpm turntable with auto
Mini Turntables lift/shutoff tonearm. Features ac servomotor; 220 - 1258 Automatic Turntable
Single -play semiautomatic units featuring cue and mm static -balanced straight low -mass tonearm with Fully automatic multiple -play turntable with elevator -
pause control. action changer spindle that holds up to 6 records; in-
MT -1. Includes tetrad stereo ceramic cartridge with terchanges with rotating single play spindle; dynami-
diamond stylus $80 cally balanced ULM tonearm; vernier -adjustable
MT -2. Includes ADC SM-2 solid-state magnetic counterbalance; tracking force applied around verti-
cartridge $80 cal pivot: antiskating calibrated for all stylus types: il-
luminatec strobe: +6% pitch control; cueing damped
DENON in both cbrections. Rumble -68 dB; W&F 4 0.05%;
16'/." 4'/," v 7'/."5190
DP -80 Single Play
Quartz.PLL direct -drive 33Y,- and 45 -rpm turntable 505.1 Semiautomatic Single Play Turntable
without tonearm. Features 3 -phase out -rotor ac servo Semiautomatic single -play turntable with ULM dynam-
motor; 308 -mm double aluminum alloy platter with ically balanced tonearm system, low -friction gyro-
lower platter mounted to motor shaft. cornected to scopic gymbal. Vario-belt drive. Rumble -70 dB; W&F
disc platter by spring, damper; quartz -crystal PLL :70.04% $130
variable/normal speed control with & 6% servo
speed control; variable mode and magnetic record de- touch -control cueing, separate motor, high -density
tection system. W&F 0.015% wrms; rumble -77 dB resin -compound base; antivibration feet; brown finish FISHER
DIN B; 100 V. 50 VA ac output stepdown transform- cabinet. W&F 0.018% wrms $275
er; optional cabinets available; 140mmH x 376mm MT6360 Automatic Single -Play
dia 140mmH $895 DP11F Automatic Single -Play Remote -control programmable direct -drive 33/,'
Fully automatic direct -drive 33'/,- and 45 -rpm turnta- and 45 -rpm turntable with automatic tonearm. Fea-
DP -621 Semiautomatic Single Play ble with magnetic speed detection, noncontact auto- tures 120 -pole linear ac servomotor; J -shaped tubu-
Dynamic servo tracer "nonresonance concept" design matic functions Features compact cabinet with Flat - lar arm with viscous -damped cueing. Features infra-
in heavy wood base. Electronic tonearm damping sys- Twin motor; low -mass electronically controlled tone - red wireless remote control unit; programmable
tem. Noncontact antiskate. warp control, and lift func- arm for resonance damping, warp handling; quartz microcomputer for track selection; disc track
tion. Diecast platter and tonearm base. High -torque speed control; repeat function. W&F <0.02% wrms; sensor/counter; LED digital track display; strobe with
AC servo direct -drive motor. Quartz lock magnetic S/N 75 dB DIN -B; speed deviation <0.002%; speed control. W&F 0.035% wrms; rumble -70 dB;
speed system. Speed deviation <0.002% SN 82 dB; 14.6'W \ 13.4'D H $200 171/4"W v 141/4"D v 6'H $350
tonearm interchangeable (straight and S-shaped); ef-
fective length 24mm, overhang 14mm. tracking error Compressed Beechwood Cabinets MT M3O1C Automatic Single -Play
within 2.5": stylus force range 0-3g.. S-shaped arm. DK 300. For DP -800, DP -6000 $400 Fully automatic dc servo direct -drive 331/4- and 45 -
19.5'W 7.5'H v 16.5"D $595 DK 110. For DP -80. DP -75 $260 rpm turntable with straight 7 -balanced tonearm. mag-
DP -72L. Similar to DP62L with heavier base and mo- netic stereo cartridge. Features detachable headshell;
tor; tonearm assembly of special nonresonant DUAL strobe light; pitch control; motor -controlled cueing;
material $695 record -jacket size. W&F 0.04% wrms; rumble -70
CS630Q Turntable d8 $290
DP -75 Single -Play Quartz-PLL-controlled direct -drive turntable with inte- MT 300C. Similar to MT 301C except semiautomatic
Quartz -locked direct -drive 331/4- and 45 -rpm turnta- grated microprocessor. Features Ultra -Low -Mass np.,itwn $220
ble without tonearm. Features ac servomotor; double - tonearm; 4 -point gimball tonearm bearing; anti -skat-
damped platter; quartz -controlled speed: electronic ing; floating chassis with shock absorbers; electronic MT650 Automatic Turntable
function controls. W&F 0.015% wrms; rumble -80 pitch control (±10%); full-size platter with special Fully automatic quartz -locked direct -drive turntable
dB DIN B; speed accuracy ±0.002% $550 mat providing high damping; servo operated viscous - with straight low -mass tonearm. Features direct -drive
damped tonearm lift: front controls with electronic brushless dc servo motor; detachable cartridge shell;
DP -52F Automatic Single -Play buttons. W&F DIN/wrms 0.035/0.02%; S/N 54 heavy cast -aluminum platter; viscous -damped cueing
Automatic single -play turntable with Dynamic Servo dB unweighted. -80 dB weighted; effective tonearm mechanism; adjustable calibrated antiskate control;
Tracer noncontact microprocessor -controlled tone - mass 7 g; finish satin -metallic; 171/4' 41/4" up -front controls. W&F 0.035% wrms; rumble -70 dB
arm. Features automatic record -size, speed selection. 141/4' $250 DIN 45539B, tracking -force range g; speeds
quartz ac direct -drive motor with magnetic speed de- CS620Q. Similar to CS630Q except W&F ± 0.05% 331/4 and 45 rpm; silver finish; 45 -rpm adapter in-
tection, program scan feature; variable electronic sty- din, 0.025 wrms; S/N -52 dB unweighted, -78 dB cluded; 171/4"W D x 41/4"H; 13.2 lb $200
lus -force. antiskate. resonance damping; wood -veneer weighted $200 MT650C. 650 with cartridge $220
cabinet. W&F <0.01% wrms; S/N 78 dB DIN -B; CS616Q. Similar to CS620Q except no pitch control.
speed deviation < 0.002%; 18.2' W x 17' D Semiautomatic, auto return $180 MT640 Automatic Turntable
5.2' H $525 Fully automatic direct -drive turntable with straight
DP -51F. Same as DP -52F except no program scan; CS530 Belt Drive Fully Automatic Turntable low -ma -is tonearm. Features direct -drive brushless dc
woodgrain veneer finish $425 Fully automatic belt -drive turntable with ULM tonerm servo motor; pitch control; heavy cast -aluminum plat-
and floating chassis. Features four -point gimbal ter; viscous -damped cueing mechanism; adjustable
DP -45F Auto Single Play tonerm bearing; anti -skating; floating chassis with calibrated antiskate control; removable cartridge
Flat twin DC motor in high -gloss finished wood base. shock absorbers; high -torque electronic DC motor; shell. W&F 0.035% wrms: rumble -70 dB DIN B;
Features auto speed and record sizing; front apron full-size platter; high damping mat; viscous -damped speed variation/control range 0.5% 3%: tracking -
control of arm position, lifter, start/stop and manual tonearm lift; pitch control (±6%); illuminated strobe; force range 0.6-3.5 g; tonearm resonance ' 10 Hz:
override; dynamic servo tracer damps resonances in tilt and hold dustcover; front controls with soft -touch effective tonearm mass without cartridge 6.5 g: max
low -mass straight tonearm. Noncontact microproces- buttons. W&F ±0.06% din, 0.035% rms; rumble tracking error & 1.8'; silver finish; 45 -rpm adapter
sor control of all arm functions and antiskate; speed -50 dB unweighted, - 75 dB weighted; effective supplied: 171/4'W v 141/4"D x 41/4"H; 13 lb $180
deviation >0.002%; W&F 0.012% wrms; S/N 78 tonearm mass 7 g; finish satin metallic; 171/4" MT640C. 640 with cartridge $200
dB; tonearm effective length 220mm; overhang 4'/,' x 141/4' $150
16mm; tracking error within 2.5% stylus force range C5515. Similar to CS530 except semiautomatic with MT 125C Semiautomatic Single -Play
0-3 g: accepts cartridges 4-9 g; 17.4'W 5.4-H auto return. W&F ± 0.07% DIN, 4 0.045 wrms; rum- Semiautomatic 33V,- and 45 -rpm turntable with
16.5'D $350 ble - 48 dB unweighted. -72 dB weighted $135 straight low -mass tonearm, magnetic stereo car-
tridge. Features dc servo direct drive; pitch control;
DP -35F Auto Single Play CS1254 Automatic Multi -Play Changer front -panel operation; detachable headshell; antiskate
Flat twin DC motor in high -density compound base. Belt -drive multiple -play changer. Features automatic control. W&F 0.035% wrms; rumble -68 dB: pitch
Dynamic servo tracer controls resonances in low - start and stop; manual start and stop; damped cue - contro. range & 3%; 45 -rpm adapter; 15'4'W x
mass straight tonearm; quartz magnetic speed con- control; pitch -control range (k6%); 4 -point bearing 131/4'D x 41/4"H; 9 lb $150
trol; all noncontact microprocesor control of lifter, re- tonearm; hi -torque synchronous motor: 101/4" platter;
peat and antiskate; quick repeat system and front rumble > 68 dB weighted DIN B; W&F wrms MT6410 Semiautomatic Turntable
apron controls; speed deviation <0.002%; W&F ±0.05%; min tracking force 1.0 g; 16'4" x 14'4" Belt -drive turntable with precision low -mass straight
0.012% wrms; SN 78 dB; tonearm effective length 71/4" $160 tonearm. Features detachable cartridge shell; strobe,

1984 EDITION 61
Turntables 4 Turntables
33'/, and 45 -rpm speed -adjust controls: viscous- W&F 0.025% wrms; S N 78 dB DIN B; speed accura- nector cartridge; front -panel controls; antiskating de-
damped cueing mechanism; auto tonearm return/ - cy 0.003%; tracking error 0.1 tracking -force
vice; S 'N 70 dB DIN B; W&F 0.045% wrms; 17y,'W
shutoff. W&F 0.04% wrms; rumble -68 dB DIN B; range 0.2 g; cartridge weight 6 g; MT -70 cartridge 14'4"H 4%,,"D; 8 lb 13 oz $90
speed variation adjustment range t 0.5%_-3%; output 2.5 mV at 5 cm sec. 1 kHz; frequency range
tracking force range 0.6-3.5 g; tonearm resonance 10-25.000 Hz; 12' ,"W 12%"D 3V,"H $300
10 Hz; effective tonearm mass without cartridge
6.5 g; max tracking error 2.0'; silver finish; sup- HT -68 Automatic Single -Play L -F71 Automatic Single -Play
plied with 45-rm adapter; 17'/,'W x 14' ,"D x Fully automatic direct -drive quartz -locked 33'A- and
51/,"H; 10.2 lb Fully automatic turntable with straight low -mass Mu-
$130 45 -rpm turntable with Unitorque motor, straight sic Scan tonearm for random cueing, magnetic car-
MT6410C. 6410 with cartridge $150 tonearm. Features hi -tech damping; automatic size, tridge. Features remote controllability; E -D Servo for
speed selector; feather -touch IC logic control; front horizontal tonearm movement; cog -free dc careless

panel operation; Hitachi Anti -Resonance Compound servo motor; front -panel controls. W&F 0.03%
base material; antifeedback insulator feed plug-in wmrs; S N 75 dB DIN B $350
GEM Turntable dual -magnet phono cartridge. W&F 0.025% wrms; RM-71. Wired controller for L -F71 turntable .. $50
Belt -drive turntable integrated with Grace 707 II S/N 78 dB DIN B; speed accuracy 0.003%; tracking
tonearm. Features 4 -point suspension combined with error 2"; MT -35 cartridge output 2.5 mV at 5 QL-A75 Quartz -Locked Turntable
mass loading for dynamic stability; inverted sapphire cm/sec, 1 kHz. 17'4"W 14%"D 4%,"H; 13 lb Features double -servo quartz control; dynamic Q
thrust bearing; platter mass concentration, belt con- 3 oz $260 damping system for tonearm. Tapered, low -mass
tact at rim for best flywheel effect; low -resonance HT -67. Similar to HT -68 except no auto -size speed straight tonearm; gimbal support; replaceable arm
platter mat; vibration isolation $725 selector, no cartridge $200 shaft; Chuck'N'Lock head connector; high -torque
With Grace 747 tonearm with detachable head -

careless DC servo motor and heavy platter. Mirror -fin-
$800 HT -L55 Linear -Tracking Turntable ished multi -layer solid cabinet. W&F 0.018% wrms;
Direct -drive quartz servo turntable with microcomput- S N 80 dB: 19' ;," 8'1 l6'','; 30.8 lbs $650
HARMAN/KARDON er -controlled program repeat. Features low -mass gim-
bal -suspension linear -tracking tonearm; fully automat- QL-Y55F Quartz -Locked Turntable
T60 Semiautomatic Single -Play ic operation; up, down tonearm control buttons; auto Features E.D. Servo tonearm; double -servo quartz
Belt -drive 33V,- and 45 -rpm semiautomatic turntable cut button; program repeat; timer start at an arbitrary control; cog -free careless DC servo motor; electronic
with auto -lift tonearm. Features 3.3 -lb platter; 3 -point preset position with external timer unit; plug-in car-
floating suspension with counterweighted subchassis;
resonance -damping; tracking force and anti -skate
tridge system; muting switch. W&F 0.025% wrms; controls; computerized convenience, repeat; solid
quartz -lock (defeatable) high -torque dc servo motor; S.-11 78 dB DIN B; tracking error 0.1': 12'4"W cabinet with mirror finish; light -touch controls: S-
3% speed pitch control: removable ultra -low -capac- H 12'4" 0; 9 lb 14 oz $240 shaped replacement arm included. W&F 0.015%
itance cables with gold-plated plugs; highly absorbent
platter mat; disc stabilizer. W&F 0.035% wrms; rum-
wrms; S/N 78 dB; 19'/," 7"/," 16',,-; 26.4
HT -L303 Linear -Tracking Turntable lbs
ble -67 dB DIN B; effective tonearm mass without car- $500
Two -speed belt -drive fully automatic turntable with
tridge 8 g; capacitance trim 100. 200. 300 pF $400 program repeat. Features low -mass linear -tracking QL-L2 Quartz -Locked Turntable
140. Similar to T60 except has 2.2 -lb platter. speed - tonearm; microcomputer control; auto setting of Quartz -locked fully automatic linear -tracking turnta-
lock (defeatable) FG servo motor: no removable ca- record speed and size; auto control of tonearm move- ble. Features quartz motor with double servo control;
bles but gold-plated plugs. W&F 0.04% wrms; rumble ments both in out and up/down; auto return and optical system maintains arm tangent to groove; W&F
-65 dB: capacitance trim 160. 250. 350 pF $280 shutoff; auto cut; precise manual control; DC servo
T20. Similar to T40 except nondefeatable FG servo 0.025%: plug-in cartridge connectors; fully automat-
motor; plug-in connector type cartridge; speed indica- ed operation; manual switch; pulse count tonearm
motor. 1.1 -lb platter. W&F 0.045% wrms.... $200 tor; repeat indicator; smoked dustcover. SN 70 dB cueing system. W&F 0.025% wrms; S/N 78; 17'4"
DIN B; W&F 0.045% wrms; tracking error ' 2; 14',,": 11 2 lbs $240

17"4"W 31/4"H
- 1254'D; 8 lb 13 oz...- $180
1.-1.1 Linear -Tracking Turntable
Heybrook TT -2 HT -L33 Linear -Tracking Turntable Fully automatic, zero -tracking error turntable; 4 inch-
Belt -drive 33,,-45 rpm manual turntable. Features Two -speed, DC servo belt drive, fully automatic turn- es high. Features computer -supervised control; P -
low -speed synchronous motor driving massive 2 - table. Features low -mass, linear -tracking tonearm; mi- Mount design; independent suspension; DC servo mo-
piece platter; adjustable 3 -point spring suspension crocomputer control; program repeat; auto size and tor. W&F 0.045% wrms; S N 70 dB; 17'4" 3%."
speed control; precise manual cueing; plug-in connec- - 14',/,,,"; 10.8 lbs $190
tor cartridge: speed indicator; repeat indicator; S/N
70 dB DIN B; W&F 0.045% wrms; 12%"W 3'/,"H L -E33 Linear -Tracking Turntable
12',"D: R lb 13 oz $180 Fully automatic, zero -tracking error turntable. Plug-in
cartridge connector; independent suspension; cog -
HT -2 Automatic Turntable free careless DC FG servo motor; low -mass straight
Two -speed. direct drive, semiautomatic turntable with tonearm; computer -supervised operation; automatic
straight-line, gimbal -suspension tonearm with hi -tech disc sizeispeed selector. W&F 0.025% wrms; S N
damping. Features unitorque motor; plug-in connec- 78 dB; 13'4" 3%" 14'/,,"; 10.8 lbs... $220

L -E22. Similar to L -E33 except no independent sus-

pension. W&F 0.06% wrms; S /NI 60 dB; 13%."
3',,," - 1311: 8.4 lbs $175
QL-F300 Quartz -Locked Turntable
Quartz -locked fully automatic direct -drive turntable.
Features cog -free careless DC servo motor; indepen-
dent suspension; repeat feature; up -front controls;
space -efficient dustcover. W&F 0.025% wrms; max
tracking error 2 52'; 17'4' 4'," 14' ,,"; 11
lbs $160
subchassis constructed of cast aluminum; laminated
QL-A200 Quartz -Locked Turntable
armboard; massive wood base. Finished in real walnut
or gloss black. W&F 0.1% din peak weighted; rum- Quartz -locked auto -return direct -drive turntable fea-
tures double -servo quartz control; cog -free careless
ble 73 dB weighted DIN B 6' ,"H x 17',/,"W x
14',"D; 26 lbs DC servo motor; lightweight straight tonearm; inde-
$580 pendent suspension system; auto -return; space -effi-
cient dustcover. W&F 0.025% wrm,. max tracking
HITACHI error 2" 52'; 17'4" 4 14' 11 lbs $140
HT -I.70 Linear -Tracking Turntable tor cartridge; automatic controls; oil -damped tonearm
Fully automatic microcomputer -controlled linear - lifter; antiskating device; S/N 78 dB DIN B: W&F
tracking 33'A- and 45 -rpm turntable with quartz lock 0.025% wrms; tracking error 2'; 17.4'W 14'.."H Audio terms are defined
PLL servo. Unitorque direct drive. digitally controlled 4'A,"D; 11 lb in the glossary on page 19.
track selection. Features low -mass dynamically bal-
anced linear -tracking tonearm; specially developed HT -1 Semiautomatic Turntable For an explanation of abbreviations,
MM phono cartridge: compact size; muting switch; in- Two -speed DC servo belt -drive turntable with straight- turn to the list on page 22.
dependent dc tonearm motor: timer start capability. line gimbal -supported tonearm. Features plug-in con-

Turntables 4 Turntables I

L -A100 Auto -Return Turntable tern and static' balance high compliance straight 0.045 s N 60 dB !LC B, 1/ , W 6 H

Auto return belt driven turntable features precision tonearm. 12 lbs 14' , D $300
DC servo motor; lightweight straight tonearm. inde- KD-21RB. Same as KD-21R but black . $145
$1 15 PX-99. Eimilar to PX 100, but semiautomatic $230

Disc Stabilizers VS -300 Disc Stabilizer System Unit

DS -20. Outer d'sc stabilizer for L07DN 7 lbs $150 Disc stabilizer works with the Luxman PD -30 turnta-
DS -21. Inner disc stabilizer for L-07db. 2 lbs .. $40 ble to remove air between disc and platter to elimi-
nate vinyl resonances that cause loss of sep. ambi-
KYOCERA ence and groove information. 3' ,,"Al x 5' ' H x
14' , D. 9 lbs $250
PL -901 Ceramic -Platter Turntable
Belt -drive manual turntable with antistatic nonmag-
netic 11" ,. turntable platter. Features adjustable MARANTZ
insulation system that isolates transmission of vibra-
tion from base to chassis. Requiros separate TT 530 Direct -Drive Turntable
tonearm $3.500 Fully automatic direct -drive turntable with linear -
tracking tonearm. Features gold plated output plugs:
LINN SONDEK auto record size selection: auto record speed selector:
pendent suspension: up -front cueing corgrol; space,
efficient dustcover. W&F 0.045% wrms: max track LP12 Manual Single Play
ing error 2 52': 17' ; 41.- 141,,, 9.5 ; Belt drive 33' ,-rpm turntable with manual tonearm.
lbs ..... $100 Features 24 -pole synchronous motor. 12" zinc -alumi-
num alloy die-cast platter with felt mat, single -point
KENWOOD oilbath bearing. hardened tool steel spindle: adjust-
able 3 -point spring -suspension subchassis. heavy -
LO7DN DirectDrive Turntable gauge stainless -steel base plate. solid hardwood base.
Dire( t -drive turntable features quartz PLL logic con- W&F 0.04% wrms: rumble -60 dB unweighted: speed
trolled motor; highrigidity triple -layer base and low. accuracy 0.04%. optional 45 -rpm adapter avail-
resonance triple -layer platter, aluminum -carbon -bo- able: 17' ,"W 14"D 5' H $995
ron laminated tonearm and isolated power supply: 80
lbs . $2.500
KO.9X6 Direct -Drive Turntable auto repeat: pitch control with stroboscope: front -
Linear tracking quartz-PLL direct -drive turntable. Fea- PD -300 Stabilizer Turntable panel ad damped cueing; die-cast aluminum platter:
tures direct music search for up to 9 tracks: comput Belt drive Disc Stabilizer System 33' , and 45 -rpm feather touch controls; P -Mount magnetic cartridge;
enzed fully automatic repeat, cut. disc -size selection: turntable without tonearm. Features stroboscope. 16' ," 31 ." H 13' D $250
10 pole 6 -coil slotless and coreless unito-que dc ser- doubleinsulation system with horizontal balance ad -
vo motor. low -resonance tonearm: integrated photo - lust facility; &3% speed pitch control: high -inertia TT 510 Direct -Drive Turntable
sensor cartridge: 16 lbs $450 platter. W&F 0.03% wrms: S N 72 dB DIN B: Fully automatic quartz lock direct drive turntable.
19 6' W 15.6"D 8"H: 39 6 lb $1.000 Low -mess straight tonearm; gold-plated lead wires.
P-9 Linear -Tracking Turntable headshell terminal pins and output plugs; front -
Fully automatic linear -tracking turntable with auto PD -375 Stabilier Turntable mounted controls; viscous oil -damped cueing; isolat-
size and auto speed selector system. cueing device. Quartz -lock dc -servo fully automatic vacuum disc sta- ed subchassis suspension system; die-cast aluminum
and synchro start stop: 20 lbs $329 bilizer turntable that bonds record to heavy die-cast platter: calibrated counter -balance and anti -skate:
aluminum platter. Features vacuum -pump system: in 16' ,"0/ 4' ," H 14 ,'D $180
KO -7X Direct -Drive Turntable tegrated platter spindle receptacle. low -mass straight
Quartz Pt I direct drive fully automatic turntable with tonearm isolated from base. W&F 0.03%. S N 60 TT 10S0 Direct -Drive Turntable
rigid. low-m low-resonance straight tonearm, 12 dB: 19.3'W 154"D - 7,9`H; 25 lb $600 SemiaLtomatic direct drive turntable with coreless DC
$200 servo; low -mass straight tonearm: gold-plated lead
PX-101 Linear -Tracking Turntable wiles; headshell terminal pins and output plugs: vis-
KD-51F Quartz Turntable Fully automat -c tangential tracking 33' ,- and 45 -rpm cous oJdamped cueing: 33' , and 45 RPM speed se-
Fully automatic direct -drive turntable with cueing sys- turntable with optical sensing. Features direct drive; lector; pitch control with illuminated strobe: auto re-
stroboscope; 3% speed pitch control: up -front con- turn and auto shutoff; die-cast aluminum platter:
trols. W&F 0.045% wrm; S N 70 dB DIN B; 17.6"W calibrated counter -balance and anti -skate: 1E0 ,"W
16.2' D 4.6-11, 16.3 lb .. ... $400 4' 14' ,"D $139

PX-100 Direct -Drive Turntable TT 1060 Semiautomatic Turntable

Two speed. quartz locked direct -drive fully automatic Semiautomatic belt -drive turntable with 4 -pole AC
turntable with straight static balanced, low -mass synchronous motor; low -mass straight tonearm; gold-
tonearm and Auto Disc Pause function. Accurate plated lead wires. headshell terminal pins and output
place of tonearm with electrical cueing and with arm plugs: viscous oil -damped cueing; 33' , and 45 RPM
speed switches, remote control capabi icy (when used speed selector: auto return and auto shutoff; die-cast
aluminum platter: calibrated counter -balance and
antesFate; 16' ;" W 4' ;H 14' ,'D $99

MCS E 730 Linear -Tracking Turntable
tem and static -balance type high -compliance straight Microprocessor optoelectronic-controlled 33' ,- and
tone irm: 13 lbs $190 45 -rpm linear tracking turntable. Features dynamical-
ly ba,anced linear -tracking tonearm: Technica
KD 41R Quartz -Locked Turntable EPCP?3 phono cartridge; automatic record -size se-
Semiautomatic direct drive turntable with cueing sys- lector auto cue mute control, automatic search
tem and static -balance type highcompl ante straight forward backward: auto repeat: front -panel control
tonearm, 13 lbs $145 centei; 45 -rpm adapter. W&F 0.035% wrms: rumble
KO-41Ra. Same as KD-41R except black .$145
.7R dR DIN B 16 9 W 13'0 3.5"H.... $250

KD 31F AutomaticTurntable MCS 6725 Linear -Tracking Turntable

Fully automatic belt -drive turntable with cueing sys- Bell -drive fully automatic turntable. Features front -
tem and static balance high -compliance straight panel controls; front -panel cue lever: neon lamp
tonearm. 12 lbs $135 strobe. magnetic plug in cartridge: linear tonearm;
with Luxman's LX -104 integrated amplifier and the 33' , and 45 electronic speed controls: repeat con-
KD-21R Semiautomatic Turntable RX-103 receiver); auto start stop repeat, auto and trol. th/&E weighted 0.05%: rumble 70dB: 17"W
Semiautomatic belt drive turntable with cueing sys- manual switch. Aluminum diecast platter. W&F 3' ,"H 13' ,"D: 12 lb $200

1984 FDITION 63
Turntables 4 Turntables
MCS 6710 Semiautomatic Single/Multi-Play MISSION ELECTRONICS start, lift: cue, repeat, speed selector, platter on/off
Direct -drive 33', ,- and 45 -rpm turntable with with LED indicators; auto disc size detector through
tonearm. Features dc servomotor; 12" aluminum 775 SM Manual Turntable photo -optical sensors; LED tracking error, arm move-
diecast recessed platter with strobe; &6% pitch con- Manual 33' ," and 45 -rpm belt -drive turntable with ment indicators; &3 -mm arm height adjustment;
trol; straight tonearm with damped cue/pause. Fea- 24 -pole synchronous motor. Features die-cast alumi- counterweight with antiresonance filter. W&F
tures single multi -play capability (up to 6 records); num platter with lead -lined circumference, medium - 0.025% wrms; S'N 78 dB DIN B; tracking force
manual size selector for 7" and 12" discs; 6 -program density fiberboard base with lead infill to minimize range 0-3 g; cartridge weight range 4-10 g with 6-g
selector; repeat; electronic speed change. W&F resonances, eradicate mechanical hum; sorbothane headshell. to 20 g with subweight; includes height -ad-
0.05% wrms JIS; rumble -65 dB IEC A -weighted; justable feet, detachable dustcover; -

tracking force range 0-3 g; includes manual. umbrella 16','D 5'/."H $690
spindles, 45 -rpm adapter, removable tinted plastic
dustcover: 61/2"H 16"/1,"W 14"D LT -22 Automatic Single Play
61/4"H $150 Linear -tracking PLL quartz crystal direct -drive 33'/, -
and 45 -rpm turntable with automatic tonearm. Fea-
MCS 6205 Automatic Turntable tures precision dc servo motor; 12- diecast alumi-
Belt -drive fully automatic turntable with front -panel num platter; 6'4," effective length straight, static bal-
controls. Features front control cue lever; magnetic ance tonearm; auto lead-in 'auto return; free -access
cartridge; straight tonearm; repeat control; strobe lead-in; auto repeat; free travel, quick response, stylus
scope; W&F weighted 0.05%; rumble 70dB; 17"W protection: speed selector switch; start, stop. lift/cue,
4"H 15"D; 11 lb $130 repeat controls; light and rigid GFRP headshell for
cartridges up to 18 grams. W&F 0.025% wrms: SiN
MICRO SEIKI 75 dB DIN B; effective tonearm mass 13.9 g without
cartridge; offset angle 0'; tracking angle error max
RX 5000 Turntable 0.1.; 16'/."W x 16%"D 5'/,-H $350
Aramidfiber belt -drive turntable with remote motor
unit. Features 35 -lb copper platter; oil -bath bearing LT -10V Vertical Turntable
system; resonance -absorbing metal base; adjustable Vertical linear -tracking automatic turntable with com-
height via brass feet; accommodates up to 4 gasket motor isolation; sorbothane feet for turntable puterized auto control. Features auto lead-in: auto re-
tonearms simultaneously. Rumble -90 dB: 135 isolation; universal baseplate that accepts wide range turn; auto cut: free access lead-in, lift up and cueing;
lb $4.000 of tonearms. W&F 0.5% DIN: rumble -80 dB DIN B stylus protection: front panel controls for start. stop.
wtd; speed accuracy and variation 0.1% $999 lift cue, repeat and manual speed select. plug-in
RX-1500VG Turntable headshell; dual -magnet phono cartridge; W&F
Features ceramic bearing with oil -bath suspension 775S Turntable 0.055% wrms: S- N 73 dB DIN B. effective tonearm
combining mechanical spring; air suspension and oil 24 -pole synchronous -motor belt -drive turntable. Fea- mass 6.0 without cartridge; tracking error -0.1'; off-
damping; vacuum hold down; utilizes brass platter tures 33' ," and 45 rpm; constrained layer damped set angle 0"; 14"W 14"H 5'',"D $250
and a vacuum pump to provide a positive seal be- M.D.F. plinth; high moment of inertia constrained lay-
tween record and platter $2,000 er damped platter; absolute speed accuracy 0.3%; DP -52 Automatic Turntable
RX-1500. Identical model to RX-1500VG except no speed variation 0.1%; W&F DIN 0.05%; rumble (DIN Fully automatic direct -drive turntable with cartridge
vacuum -assisted record hold $1,000 B) bearing less than 80 dB. motor less than 75 dB; function controls located outside the dustcover, in-
I45mmH 428mmti 343mmD; 12 kg .. $649 cluding start, stop, repeat, size, pitch adjustment.
BL -10X Semiautomatic Turntable speed control; straight low -mass tonearm with remov-
Belt -drive semiautomatic system with a 6.8 lb platter 775 Turntable able headshell and cartridge premounted. W&F .047
to isolate any motor noise; oil -bath system for main 12 -pole synchronousmotor belt -drive turntable. Fea- wrms; tonearm static balance; effective lenghth 8 '/,'
platter ceramic bearing; MA -500X tonearm; knife- tures constrained layer damped MDF plinth. speed ac- overhang'- ", offset angle 24' tracking error .
edge bearing design; stainless steel bearings; optically curacy 0.15%; speed variation 0.15%; W&F DIN 1' 16'/,'W 5' ."H 15' ,"0 $150
sensed auto lift: variable pitch control $650 0.1%; rumble -75 dB DIN; 1354mm 430Wmm
330" D; 6 kgs $449 DP -12 Automatic Turntable
BL -51X Armless Turntable Fully automatic belt -drive turntable with cartridge
Belt -drive armless turntable. Features solid -wood function controls located outside the dustcover, in-
base with ebony finish; oil -bath bearing system; 5 -lb MITSUBISHI cluding start. stop. size and speed selection; straight
die-cast aluminum platter; dc servo -controlled motor. low -mass tonearm with dual -magnet stereo phono
Speed variable &3% $500 LT -30 Automatic Single -Play cartridge premounted. W&F .06% wrms; static bal-
Linear -tracking 33' and 45 -rpm P1 L quartz crystal ance tonearm effective lenghth 8' ',", overhang'/,',
BL -41 Fully Automatic Turntable direct -drive turntable with automatic tonearm. Fea- offset angle 24°, tracking error , 3-µ1'; 16'/"W
Belt -drive turntable with microprocessor circuit that tures slotless brushless servomotor; separate dc mo- 5'/"1-1 15,/,"'D $110
controls all tonearm movement through a separate tors for arm automatic operations; 121/2" aluminum
motor. Features low -mass carbon -fiber tonearm; 4.5 diecast platter with 14 -oz mat; 6'/," statically-bal- NAD (USA)
lb platter; oil -bath suspension system for main platter
ceramic bearing; auto function control with dustcover 5120 Semiautomatic Turntable
down; variable pitch control; base of rigid particle Semiautomatic belt -drive turntalbe designed to pro-
board braced with aluminum plate and finished in vide exceptionally vibration -free environment for the
simulated ebony $350 record, plus a radically new tonearm design that
serves as a stable, nonresonant carrier for the phono
BL -31 Manual Turntable cartridge. Features floating subchassis; ac synchro
Belt -drive manual system with a 4.5 lb platter and oil -
bath suspension for main platter ceramic bearing.
Features carbon -fiber straight tonearm with opti-
mized geometry base of real wood and aluminum
brace $250

MB12ST Semiautomatic Turntable

Belt -drive turntable with low -mass straight tonearm.
Features carbon -fiber headshell; decoupled counter-
weight; spring -mounted rubber antifecdback feet;
damped cue control; 4 -pole synchronous motor. W&F
0.055%: rumble -62 dB $150


Write directly to the manufacturer or
distributor. A list of names and ad-
dresses starts on page 25. anced straight stainless -steel tonearm with ultralight- nous motor; thin disc platter with thick rubber mat;
weight magnesium diecast shell, chuck -type headshell floppy tonearm; replaceable tonearm assembly; dy-
mount; LSI electronic pushbutton controls for stop. namic vibration absorber. W&F 0.04% wrms; rumble


Turntables 4 Turntables
- 43dB; effective tonearm mass without cartridge and optical shutoff sensor: optimum -mass straight PL -707 Automatic Single Play
7.9g; max tracking error ±0.4°/inch; 16'/,'W tonearm; all feather -touch controls front -mounted on Fully automatic quartz-PLL direct drive turntable. Fea-
4%"H 14-D; II lbs $248 dense front board: gyroscopic gimbal tonea-m mount. tures Stable Hanging Rotor motor; Dynamic Reso-
W&F 0.025% wrms; rumble 75 dB DIN B; can use nance Absorber; Polymer Graphite straight tonearm;
NAKAMICHI RC -5T remote (option) $200 front operation. W&F 0.035% DIN; rumble -80 dB
DIN B: W 16' ," D 6' H: 20 lb 5 oz $300
Dragon -CT Turntable CP-1033A Quartz Turntable
Dual -suspension direct -drive turntable that eliminates Triple -isolated quartz -locked semiautomatic turnta- PL -S70 Automatic Single Play
eccentricity wow with Absolute Center Search System ble. Features direct -drive quartz PLL DD DC motor; Qt.artz-PLL fully automatic direct -drive turntable. Fea-
to compensate for off -center record holes. Features quartz -locked indicator; optimum -mass straight tures Stable Hanging Rotor motor; repeat function;
"Cog -Free" Super Linear Torque motor; high -strength tonearm; adjustable anti -skate; all controls front auto disc -size selector; Polymer Graphite straight
rigid viscous -damped straight tonearm; decoupled mounted on dense front board; gyroscopic gimbal tonearm; Dynamic Resonance Absorber; front opera-
counterweight; auto return and ultra -smooth cueing; tonearm mount. W&F 0.025% wrms; rumble 75 dB tion; zero rear clearance dustcover. W&F 0.035%
quartz PLL DC brushless slotless coreless motor; cut DIN B $155 DIN; rumble - 78 dB DIN B; 16'4" W x 14%' D x
switch; indicators for center search in progress, not 4%- H; 14 lbs. 3 oz $190
achieved, and achieved; pitch control range 6%; CP-1022A Belt -Drive Turntable PL -550. Similar to PL -S70 except no repeat function.
33% and 45 rpm. Turntable specs: Main platter (alu- Triple -isolated semiautomatic turntable. Features belt 13 lbs 4 cz $165
minum) 1.4 kg; center search platter (glass) 550 g; drive; optimum -mass straight tonearm; detachable PL -S40. Similar to PL -50 except semiautomatic; no
start-up within 1 revolution; speed deviation unmea- headshell; adjustable anti -skate; front -panel controls auto disc -size selector. 13 lbs 2 oz $140
surable; speed drift unmeasurable; W&F 0.008% and cueing W&F 0.045% wrms; rumble 70 dB DIN PL -S30. Similar to PL -S40 except belt -drive DC servo
(wtd rms. fg direct), 0.03% (wtd rms, after center B $100
search); S/N > 78 dB DIN B. Tonearm specs: total
length 305mm; effective length 237mm; effective PHASE LINEAR
mass 14 g without cartridge; VTF adjustment range
0-3 g; allowable cartridge weight 4-11 g; cartridge 8000 A Automat c Single -Play
offset angle 21° 30'; stylus overhang 15mm; max PI L quartz locked direct -drive 33' , and 45 -rpm
tracking error 4 2.5° to -1°. 21.5"W r 9.06"H x turntable with manual/automatic tonearm. Features
16.5"D; 44 lbs 1 oz $1.750 PLL Hall -effect motor; 12.2" aluminum die-cast plat-

NP -8001I Semiautomatic Turntable
Quartz lock crystal controlled direct drive 33y, and
45 rpm turntable with improved straight low -mass
tonearm. Features DC servo motor; front panel con-
trols; direct reading vertical tracking force gauge; cali-
brated antiskate control; viscous -damped cueing sys-
tem; ±4% speed pitch control; illuminated strobe;
hinged dustcover; matte -black base finish; W&F
.035% wrms; S/N 68 dB DIN B; 16.5'W 15"H
4.3"D $200
hall motor; no Stable Hanging Rotor motor. W&F
NP -50011 Semiautomatic Belt -Drive Turntable 0.07% UN; rumble - 68 dB DIN B; 10 lbs 8 oz $110
Belt -drive turntable with tonearm. Features 4 -pole
synchronous motor; improved straight low -mass ter; 7.5- linear -motor tangential -tracking statically - REALISTIC
tonearm; direct reading vertical tracking force gauge; balanced straight tonearm; 3 -diameter disc size selec-
calibrated antiskate control; viscous damped cueing; tor; automatic repeat. W&F 0.013% wrms: rumble LAB -2100 Linear -Tracking Turntable
dustcover; silver. W&F .08% wrms DIN B; S/N 45 dB; -78 dB DIN B. cartridge weight range 4-14.5 g; Direct drive turntable with built-in microprocessor.
16.5'W 15"H x 4.8'D $120 19.4"W - 17.5"D x 6"H $650 Features logic -controlled tonearm for absolute zero
tracking error; 2 -speed bidirectional search push-
ONKYO PIONEER buttons to control tonearm; countersunk neon strobo-
scope with accurate pitch control; front -access con-
CP-1055FB Integra Turntable PL -88F5 Automatic Single Play trols; LEO indicators for disc size, speed, repeat and
Triple -isolated quartz -locked fully automatic turnta- Computerized front -loading fully automatic program- power on; low -profile styling; Realistic/Audio
ble. Features direct drive; quartz PLL DD/DC motor; mable turntable with PC-41MC moving -coil cartridge. Technica dual -magnet cartridge; built-in computer cir-
computer -controlled tonearm motor; optical shutoff Features quartz-PLL direct -drive Stable Hanging Ro- cuitry. Rumble - 75dB; W&F <0.025%; 41/4'W x
sensor; high -mass resincrete cabinet; strobe; opti- tor' motor; index scan; repeat; deck synchro capabili- 13%'H x 15'D $220
mum -mass straight tonearm; all feather -touch front - ty. W&F 0 025% wrms; rumble - 78 dB DIN B;
mounted controls; gyroscopic gimbal tonearm mount. 16%" W 13V,," D 3 Y." H; 22 lbs $400 LAB -440 Semiautomatic Single Play
W&F 0.023% wrms; rumble 78 dB DIN B; can use PL-44FS. Similar to PL-88FS except belt -drive, no Direct-dave semiautomatic turntable with straight
RC -5T remote (option); available in black matte finish computerizator. Includes PC-5MC moving -coil car- low -mass tonearm. Features selectable repeat; front -
only $300 tridge. W&F 0.345% wrms; rumble - 70 dB DIN B; mounted controls; dc servo motor; damped cue con-
19 lbs 8 oz $250 trol. W&F 0.035% wrms; rumble -70 dB; 16"/'W
PL -33 Linear -Tracking Turntable x 14%,"D x 5%'H $180
Linear -tracking turntable. Features DC brushless di- PL-L800S Automatic Single Play
rect drive; scan; heavy die-cast chassis; integrated ully automatic quartz-PLL direct -drive, linear -track- LAB -1500 Linear -Tracking Turntable
dual -magnet cartridge (OC-56V) in carbon -fiber arm: ing and 45 -rpm turntable. Features Stable Belt -drive automatc with cover -mounted tonearm and
motorized cover lift; full automatic play; wow Hanging Rotor" motor; repeat; linear tacking; direct programmable repeat. Fetures noncontact. photo -
andflutter 0 027% wrms: rumble 72 dB DIN B; $290 readout counterweight, electronic cueing; Polymer sensing size finder that automatically detects size of
Graphite straight tonearm; coaxial suspension; front disc; Realistic/Audio Technica dual -magnet cartridge;
CP-1028R Automatic Single -Play operation; PC-6MC MC cartridge. W&F 0.025% search pushbuttons; LED repeat indicator. Rumble
Fully automatic direct -drive 33%- and 45 -rpm turnta- wrms; rumble 78 dB DIN B; 16%," W 16"/,," D -70d8; W&F 0.045%; 31/.'W x 12%"1-I x
ble with programmable search. tonearm. Feature pro- 4'." H; 20 lbs. 9 oz $375 123/." D $160
grammability to randomly play up to 8 selections. In-
frared opto-sensing phono cartridge with user -
replaceable stylus: 2 motors; soft -touch front -
mounted controls; fluorescent microprocessor dis-
play; variable speed with LED indicator; detachable
headshell; triple -insulated feet. W&F 0.025% wrms; NOTICE TO READERS
rumble -72 dB DIN B $260
Prices of items described are manufacturers' suggested prices
CP-1044F Automatic Turntable only and are subject to change without notice. Actual selling
Triple -isolated quartz -locked fully automatic turnto
ble. Features direct -drive quartz PLL DD DC motor; prices are determined by the dealers.
computer -controlled tonearm motor allows search

1984 EDITION 65
Turntables 4 Turntables
LAB -395 Semiautomatic Single Play weighted); includes cartridge; 17%,'W 15-D damped cueing; automatic arm return; aluminum
Direct -drive semiautomatic turntable with S-shaped 5 j,"H $599 diecast platter. W&F 0.06% wrms; rumble -65dB:
tonearm. Features front -mounted controls; dc servo 13.4"W 3.9"H 13.4"D $100
motor; stroboscope: pitch control; damped cue con- SANSUI
trol. W&F 0.05% wrms; rumble -70 dB; 16' ''/32' W TPD2 Semiautomatic Turntable
,,,"D 55,/,."H $160 XR-Q7 Automatic Single -Play Semiautomatic direct -drive turntable. Features brush -
Fully automatic direct -drive turntable with vibration - less motor: built-in stroboscope; pitch control
LAB -290 Semiautomatic Single Play cancelling exclusive Silent Synchrotor System. Fea- ( 3%); anti -skating control: viscous -damped cueing;
Belt -drive semiautomatic turntable with straight tures careless linear -drive motor; quartz servo sys- one -touch manual reject; modular, plug-in headshell.
tonearm. Features dc servo motor: damped cue con- tem; straight Dyna Optimum Balanced tonearm W&F 0.05% wrms: rumble -70dB; 16.8-W 4 4-H
trol. W&F 0.05% wrms; rumble -70 dB; 17"/"W separately motor operated; microprocessor automa- - 13.6'D $100
14%,"D 5',"H $100 tion via front -panel soft -touch buttons. W&F
' 0.009% wrms; rumble -80 dB DIN B weighted; TPB3 Belt -Drive Turntable
LAB77 Multiple -Play Turntable speed deviation - 0.002% $500 DC servo -controlled belt -drive turntable. Features ser-
Multiple -play turntable handles up to 4 records. Fea- XR-Q5. Similar to XR-Q7 except W&F 0.019% wrms: vo -controlled motor; adjustment for varying platter
tures electronically -controlled dc motor: neon strobo- rumble -78 dB $370 speed ' 3%; built-in stroboscope; anti -skating con-
scope; straight tonearm; cue lever. 15"W 13"D trol; adjustable tracking force; damped cueing lever;
5'/." H $120 P-150 Linear -Tracking Turntable auto return; reject mechanism; modular, plug-in
LAB -75. Budget version of LAB -77 $100 Features 7 -selection random programming linear - headshell. W&F 0.05% wrms; rumble -70dB; 16.8"
tracking tonearm; FG-servo direct drive; speed -lock 4.4"H
- 13.6"0 $80
LAB -90 Manual Turntable indicator; phono cartridge; Compu Edit for use with
Compact manual turntable with auto return and some Sansui amplifiers/receivers for one -touch oper- TPB1 Semiautomatic Turntable
straight tonearm. Plays 7. 10 and 12" records man- ation. W&F 0.028% wrms; rumble -72 dB DIN B - Semiautomatic belt -drive turntable features servo -
ually; cueing lever raises and lowers tonearm; solid- weighted. Available in black (P -L5013) or silver (P- controlled motor; aluminum platter; straight low -
state cartridge with diamond stylus; 10"W 11%,"H L 50S) $340 mass tonearm; adjustable anti -skate mechanism; cali-
10',/,"D $60 brated stylus counterweight, viscous -damped cueing
P -L40 Linear -Tracking Turntable lever; automatic arm return. shock-absorbant feet.
LAB -59 Multiple Play Turntable Automatically selects record size. Features FG-servo W&F 0.06% wrms; rumble -60dB; 16.8" 4.4"H
Automatic changer stacks up to 4 records. Features direct drive; speed -lock indicator; Compu Selector 13.6"D $70
cue lever; factory balanced straight-line tonearm, sim- System; linear -tracking tonearm; cartridge. W&F
ulated walnut finish: plays 7, 10 and 12' discs at 0.028% wrms; rumble -72 dB DIN B -weighted. Avail- SCOTT
33'/, and 45 rpm; ceramic cartridge with diamond able in black (134_40B) or silver (P -1_40S) .... $270
stylus; 7"W 17'H $70 PS88 Direct -Drive Turntable
P -D30 Automatic Single -Play Fully automatic turntable features 5 front push-
REVOX Direct -drive FG-servo turntable with speed -lock indi- buttons to control speed and record size selection as
cator. Features Compu Selector System; straight well as the reject, start and repeat functions: rotary
B791 Tangential Tracking tonearm. W&F 0.038% wrms; rumble -72 dB DIN B - control to adjust platter speed as indicated by the
Tangential -tracking direct -drive automatic turntable weighted. Available in black (P-D30B) or silver (P- lighted. recessed strobe with 50 and 60 cycle nota-
with quartz -accurate variable -speed control. Features D30S) $200 tions for both 33- t/, and 45 rpm speeds; viscous
front -panel controls; 5 -digit LED display of nominal P -D20. Semiautomatic version of P -D30 but without damped cueing lever; straight. low -mass tonearm;
speed (33 or 45 Compu Selector System. Available in black (P-D20B) anti -skating control; adjustable counterweight; dust -
when vari-speed is activated; exclusive Linatrack lin- or silver (P-D2OS) $160 cover; spring -loaded feet; dampened base; FGDC ser-
P-1310. Similar to P -D20 except basic model. Avail- vo motor. Speed control 4 3%; S/N 60dB; W&F
able in black (P-D10B) or silver (Pa 1 05). $120 0 035":: 5-',"H 16'1,-W 14''-D ... $225
SANYO PS68A Semiautomatic Single -Play
Direct -drive semiautomatic 33'/3- and 45 -rpm turnta-
P33 Linear -Tracking Turntable ble with low -mass straight tonearm with removable
Direct -drive 335,- and 45 -rpm turntable with dc -mo- headshell. Features one -touch reject return/shut-off;
tor -controlled statically balanced low -mass linear - direct -readout stylus -pressure, antiskate controls;
tracking tonearm. Features integral magnetic car- 3% speed pitch control: tonearm cueing; spare
tridge; motorized cueing; servo -controlled brushless headshell receptacle; front -panel controls; dustcover.
dc direct -drive motor; top -mounted controls: fully W&F 0.045%; S/N 60 dB; stylus pressure range 1-3
automatic operation; auto repeat; electronic speed g: 177,"D 143/."W 5%-1-1 $190

control with digital display: . 3% pitch control. W&F

0.04% wrms: rumble -78 dB; cartridge frequency PS48A Semiautomatic Single -Play Turntable
range 20-20.000 Hz; 13'/.'D 13',/,"W Belt -drive semiautomatic 33' and 45 -rpm turntable
H $180 with low -mass tonearm with removable headshell.
Features 12" die-cast platter with strobe pattern;
PJ20 Turntable 3% speed pitch control: direct -readout stylus -pres-
Jacket -size direct -drive turntable. Features servo -con- sure, antiskate controls; strobe light; one -touch
trolled brushless DC direct drive motor governed by reject 'return, shut-off; tonearm cueing; spare head -
ear -tracking system; 8 -pole Hall Effect direct -drive feedback servo system that senses speed variations shell receptacle; low -capacitance phono cables. W&F
motor with separate 200 -pole tachogenerator; preci- and corrects them instantly; built-in neon strobo- 0.05%; S N 55 dB: stylus pressure range 1-3 g:
sion diecast chassis; Shure Tracer TXE-SR phono car- scope, pitch control; straight, tubular low -mass 17%, " D 14'/."W 5?, 'H $160
tridge with carbon antistatic/antiresonance brush. tonearm and lightweight detachable headshell; cali-
Vari- speed control range &9.9% in 0.1% steps; sus- brated counterweight; rotary anti -skate control; push- SHARP
pension resonance 3 Hz; tonearm /cartridge reso- button speed control: viscous -damped cueing: auto
nance 11 Hz $749 arm return; top -mounted controls. W&F 0.003% RP -117/C "Both Sides Play" Turntable
wrms; rumble -65 dB: 13.2'W 3.9'H 13.2"D: Auto -reverse linear -tracking belt -drive programmable
8795 Tangential Tracking lbs $130 turntable with 2 tonearms and cartridges to play both
Quartz -controlled direct -drive 331/4- and 45 -rpm sides of a record without it being removed from the
turntable with tangential -tracking arm; quartz -regulat- TPD4 Turntable sliding drawer. Features Automatic Programmable
ed Hall commutated dc motor with permanent mag- Fully automatic direct -drive turntable. Features brush - Music Selector for up to 14 cuts on sides A and B;
net; platter start-up time 1 sec: speed accuracy less motor: repeat switch; damped cueing control: auto play of side A, B. or A and B. soft -touch switches;
&0.01 %. Arm section: 1.5" tonearm mounted in built-in stoboscope, anti -skating control; auto -return VM cartridges; auto disc size and speed selection; dc
overhead tangential tracking trolley with opto-elec- mechanism; one -touch manual reject; modular plug-in motor. W&F 0.06% wrms: rumble 65 dB; FR 20-
tronic LED sensing, servo guidance system; auto headshell. W&F 0.05% wrms; rumble -70dB; 16.8"W 20,000 Hz: stylus force 3 g 330mmW 104mmH
lift return shut off; servo -electronic, dc motor arm 4.4"H 13.6'D $120 345mm0. 15.4 lbs $250
follow-up; cartridge output electronically muted ex-
cept when stylus in groove; pneumatically -damped TP.I10 Jacket -Size Turntable RP -113 Linear -Tracking Turntable
cartridge lowering. Front -panel controls operable with Jacket -size belt -drive turntable. Features DC servo - Stereo belt -drive fully automatic turntable with linear -
dustcover down: 4 -digit quartz LED readout; automat- controlled belt -driven platter; built-in neon strobo- tracking arm. plug-in cartridge. and automatic record -
ically -activated run -out switch. W&F 0.05% DIN scope: adjustable anti -skate control; tubular low -mass size and speed selectors. Features dial scale for cue-
weighted. 0.1% DIN unweighted; rumble -68 dB (A - tonearm with lightweight, plug-in headshell; viscous - ing; LED indicators for power and repeat; front -panel


Turntables 4 Turntables
controls. W&F 0.06% wrms; rumble 65 dB DIN -B. record sensor; SSMC nonresonant cabinet; optional SL-12004811 Disco Turntable
Tonearm: effective length 147mm; tracking error remote control. W&F 0.035% wrms; S/N 75 dB DIN Quartz -controlled, direct -drive disco -type 331/4- and
0.2% resonance 13 Hz. Cartridge: FR 20-20,000 B; 15 lbs,7 oz $290 45 -rpm manual turntable with tonearm. Features
Hz; tracking force 1.25 ±0.25 g. 13'W x 4'H x PS-FL1. Similar to PS-FL3 except no Magnedisc servo &8% quartz -locked pitch control; quick startup/
13'/,,"Cl; 8.8 lbs $170 control. W&F 0.035% wrms; S/N 75 dB $230 braking; pop-up stylus illuminator; gimbal -suspended
RP -113N. Same as RP -113 but lacks cartridge $150 tonearm with height adjustment; brushless dc motor;
PS-LX5 Automatic Single -Play aluminum diecast cabinet; antiresonant viscoelastic
SHERWOOD Quartz -locked direct -drive automatic turntable with main ba!e. W&F 0.025% $400
brushless, slotless motor, straight low -mass tonearm.
ST -905 Linear -Tracking Turntable Features Magnedisc servo control; record setting SL -D1.1 Turntable
Linear -tracking turntable with tonearm designed for guides; repeat option; 3 -way disc detection; SBMC Fully automatic linear -tracking, direct -drive 33%- and
LT P -mount cartridge. Features lighted strobe; repeat nonresonant cabinet, electromagnetic braking; re- 45 -rpm turntable with full-size straight-line tracking.
functions; ±6% speed pitch control; quartz -locked mote control with some Sony products. W&F 0.025% 4atures dynamic balanced tonearm/gimbal suspen-
direct drive. W&F 0.05%; S/N 70 dB DIN; tracking wrms; SIN 78 dB DIN B $220 sion; Technics premounted phono cartridge; dc mo-
force 1.25 g; tracking error 8.0.5' $250 PS -1X3. Similar to PS-LX5 except has servo -locked tor; &IC% variable pitch control, strobe; auto speed
ST -903. Similar to ST -905 except has FG servo -motor motor $210 selection; front -panel controls. Replacement car-
belt -drive. W&F 0.05% $200 PS-LX2. Similar to PS-LX3 except semiautomatic op- tridge/stylus EPC-P23/EPS-23ES (elliptical) or EPS-
eration. Has no repeat option, disc detection, remote 23CS (conical) $360
ST -890 MID Turntable control option. S/N 75 dB DIN B $150
Two -speed direct -drive semiautomatic turntable. Fea- SL -7 Linear -Tracking Turntable
tures DC FG servo platter motor; pitch control ±4%; PS-LX500 Linear -Tracking Turntable Compad fully automatic turntable features quartz
W&F 0.05% wrms; rumble DIN B 65 dB; tracking er- Direct -drive turntable with fully automatic operation. phase -locked control direct drive motor with full -cycle
ror -i- 3' -1'; 17'/,.'W 5"H x 147/." $150 Features microprocessor feather -touch control; re- detection FG servo system; sealed upper and lower
mote -control capability; P -mount plug-in connector sections; provision for DC power supply; disc stabiliz-
ST -880 MTD Turntable cartridge; tonearm indexing with dustcover down; er; 45 "pm adapter; scale above tonearm with LED
Two -speed belt -drive semiautomatic turntable; 4 pole damped tonearm cueing; auto disc -size selector; au- pointer. Speed accuracy within ±0.002%; W&F
ac synchronous platter motor. W&F wrms 0.08%; dio muting; disc -centering guides; linear -torque 0.012% wrms; rumble 78 dB DIN B; tracking error
rumble DIN B 55 dB; tracking error + 16°/."W brushless, slotless motor; luminous end -of -record angle within ±0.1'; effective tonearm mass 9 g in-
x 4°/." H x 14'/," $100 sensor; optional remote control. W&F 0.035% wrms; cluding cartridge; 12V," x 3'/," x 12V,";14.5
S/N 75 dB DIN B; 11 lbs $200 lbs $300
PS -1X55. Similar to PS-LX500 except no remote op-
SONY tion or damped tonearm cueing; 8 lbs. 13 oz. $180 SL-QL-15 Programmable Turntable
Full size programmable linear -tracking turntable;
PS -X800 Automatic Single Play PS -F5 Portable Turntable System quartz -phase -locked direct -drive motor; fully auto-
Quartz -locked fully automatic direct -drive turntable Portable system that can be used with headphones, matic; program music selection; program jump selec-
with Uni-Motion tangential Biotracer tonearm. Fea- Sony's APM-090 stereo speakers, radio cassette re- tion, program repeat, program music search; auto-
tures brushless, slotless motor; Magnedisc servo con- corders with AUX or external inputs, and with home matic speed and disc size selection; auto lead-in;
stereo systems. Can be used vertically, horizontally, dynamic -balanced tonearm with gimbal
trol; total electronic -controlled tonearm tracking,
damping operation; 4 -way disc detection: SBMC non - or hanging on a wall. Features linear -tracking arm; di- suspension $280
resonant cabinet; electromagnetic braking; repeat op- rect drive; linear torque motor; moving -magnet car-
tion; 2 -speed electronic tonearm indexing, height -ad- tridge; fully automatic start and stop; feather -touch SL -6 Linear -Tracking Turntable
justable gel -filled feet; optional synchronization with controls; 33'/, and 45 rpm 7' and 12' records; Programmable fully automatic 331/4- and 45 -rpm
some Sony products. W&F 0.025% wrms; S/N 78 dB tonearm indexing; tonearm cueing; works on batter- turntable with linear -tracking tonearm. Features plug-
DIN B $850 ies. ac adaptor, or external dc sources. S/N 59 dB in cartridge connector; 12' diecast aluminum platter;
DIN B; W&F 0.06% wrms; 3 lbs, 12 oz $150 direct drive; full cycle detection FG servo mechanism;
PS -X600 Automatic Single Play built-in 45 -rpm adapter; tonearm position LED; front -
Quartz -locked fully automatic direct -drive turntable PS-LX22 Direct Drive Turntable panel contrcds; isolator feet; manual override; turn-
with Biotracer tonearm. Features brushless. slotless Semiautomatic turntable with linear brushless, slot - table/tape deck synchronization; programmable mu-
motor; Magnedisc servo control; electronic -controlled less motor. Features front controls; disc -centering sic seect/jump/repeat/music search; automatic
tonearm tracking, damping; 4 -way disc detection; guides; straight duraluminum tonearm; long span piv- speed, disc -size select; automatic lead-in, disc detec-
SBMC nonresonant cabinet; electromagnetic braking; ot; MM cartridge; removable headshell. W&F 0.04% tion, tonearm search. W&F 0.012% wrms; rumble
repeat option; variable -speed electronic tonearm in- wrms; S, N 72 dB DIN B; 17' x 4i/3" x 14'; 8 lbs, 78 de DIN B; 121/4'W x 121/4'D x 3%'H; 9.9
dexing; height -adjustable gel -filled feet; optional syn- 13 oz . $140 lb $240
chronization with some Sony products. W&F 0 025% SL -V6. Vertical version of SL -V $260
wrms; S/N 78 dB DIN B $400 SL -5. Similar to SL -6 except no programmability. 9.7
TECHNICS lb $200
PS -X500 Manual Single Play
Quartz -locked manual direct -drive turntable with L-15 Programmable Turntable SL -D5 Automatic Changer/Turntable
Biotracer tonearm. Features brushless, slotless mo- Linear -tracking turntable with automatic selection of Direct -drive automatic -change 331/4- and 45 -rpm
tor; Magnedisc servo control; electronic -controlled program material, built-in optical infrared sensor for turntable with integral rotor/platter for stable rota-
tonearm tracking, damping; end -of -play tonearm music selections, straight-line tracking. Features dy- tion, low -mass low -friction gimbal -suspension tone -
lift/shut-off; 2 -way disc detection; SBMC nonresonant namic balanced tonearm gimbal suspension; ac/12- arm. Features B-FG servo speed control; front -panel
cabinet; electromagnetic braking; height -adjustable volt dc operation; auto repeat; speed auto cueing; controls; acoustic shield base material; automatic
gel -filled feet. W&F 0.025%; S/N $350 auto speed selection; auto stop/repeat/return; phase - changer with Memo -Gram; stroboscope with pitch
locked direct drive assembly. Replacement car- control; viscous -damped cueing. W&F 0.014% wrms,
PS -F1.3 Automatic Single Play tridge/stylus EPC-P 205CMK3/EPC-P05ED3 $875 rumble -75 dB DIN B; offset angle 22'; tracking -force
Fully automatic servo -locked front -loading direct - range 0-2.5 g; cartridge weight range 6-9.5 g (3-6.5
drive turntable with brushless, slotless motor, straight SL O Turntable g included weight); 161°/'W x 14"/'D x 71/4'H;
low -mass tonearm. Features microprocessor -con- Record -size turntable with straight-line tracking, built- 16.5 lb . $250
trolled 3 -motor front -loading operation with full logic in switchable moving -coil pre-preamp, MC -310 mov- SL -B5. Similar to SL -D5 except belt -drive via Ft; servo
control; Magnedisc servo control; repeat option; 4 - ing -coil cartridge. Features ac/12-volt dc operation; dc motor. W&F 0.045% wrms; rumble -70 dN DIN 8;
way automatic disc detector; SBMC nonresonant cabi- gimbal suspension; auto repeat/stop/return/cueing; x 141/'D x 7%."Fl; 10.6 $205
net; internal isolation suspension; wireless remote quartz -controlled direct -drive motor system. Replace-
control with some Sony products. W&F 0.025% ment stylus.'cartridge EPS-310MC $620 SL -D15 Linear -Tracking Turntable
wrms; Sibl 78 dB DIN B $300 Fully automatic direct -drive 33%- and 45 -rpm turnta-
SL-QL1 Linear -Tracking Turntable ble with linear -tracking tonearm. Features micropro-
PS-FL77 Front Loading Automatic Quartz direct -drive 33'/,- and 45 -rpm turntable with cessor -controlled tonearm. integral rotor/platter di-
Fully automatic front loading direct -drive turntable linear -tracking tonearm. Features fully automatic op- rect -drive ultra -low -speed dc motor; 12' diecast
can be stacked with other equipment. Features linear - eration; high-performance plug-in MM cartridge; man- aluminum platter; built-in 45 -rpm adapter; front -pan-
tracking; Biotracer design; P- mount tonearm; safety ual override; tonearm position scale with LED indica- el controls; tonearm position indicator LED and scale.
system for loading drawer; feather -touch operation; tor W&F 0.012% wrms; rumble -78 dB DIN B; W&F 0.012% wrms; rumble -78 dB DIN B; 16"/'W
auto disc -size selector; audio muting; quick repeat; cartridge output 2.5 mV at lkHz, 5 cm/sec; FR 20- x 12"/'D x 31/4'H; 11 lb $220
tonearm indexing right and left at high or low speed; 35.000 Hz &3 dB; sep > 22 dB at 1 kHz; effective
damped tonearm cueing; disc -centering guides; lin- moving mass 0.29 mg; 16"/"W x 13"/"W x SL -Q1(30 Automatic Single Play
ear -torque brushless, slotless motor: luminous end -of - 31/4"H; 16.31b $470 Fully automatic quartz -phase -locked direct -drive

1984 EDITION 67
Turntables 4 Turntables
331/4- and 45 -rpm turntable with straight low -mass heavy acoustic rubber base with simulated
tonearm with plug-in connector. Features ultra -low - wood $280
speed brushless dc motor; 12%' diecast aluminum SH-1563. Similar to SH-15B2 except heavy acousic
platter; soft -touch front -panel controls; disc -size de- rubber base only $280
tector; single -row strobe; ultra -slim design. ±6%
variable pitch control. W&F 0.025% wrms; rumble Plug -In Headshell
78 dB DIN B; 16"/,."W , 141/4"D 4'/,"1-1; 13.2 SH-100. Aluminum die-cast universal plug-in head -
lb $220 shell with calibrated overhang cursor and gold-plated
SL-QX200. Semiautomatic version of SL -Q30; lacks contacts for Technics tonearms $16.00
disc -size detector. 13.4 lb $200.
SL -Q300. Similar to SL-QX300 except no variable THORENS
speed control. 10.0 lbs $160
SL -Q200. Similar to SL-QX200 except semiautomat- Thorens turntables are belt -driven, single -play and
ic; 9.8 lbs $140 have straight tubular tonearms with interchangeable
shafts instead of headshells for lower effective mass;
SL-BL3 Belt -Drive Turntable gimbal suspension; 9" effective tonearm lengtn;
P -mount fully automatic linear -tracking tonearm. Fea- tracking error 0.18r/cm (0.46"/in.).
tures microcomputer operation; t6% pitch control return:shut off arm. Features straight statically bal-
with illuminated stroboscope; FG servo DC motor; TD 226 Twin-Tonearm Semiautomatic anced tonearm; synchronous motor; front -mounted
anti -resonant cabinet; 12" diameter aluminum die- Semiautomatic single -play 331/4- and 45 -rpm turnta- controls; antifeedback cabinet. W&F 0.07% wrms;
cast platter; built-in 45 rpm adapter; front -panel con- ble that can accomodate 2 tonearms, has automatic S 'N 60 dB; 16.5"W 14.8"D 4.9"H .... $110
trols; manual speed selection for nonstandard discs; end -of -record tonearm lift, platter -shutoff function for SR -82. Similar to SR-B2L except has andured magnet
tonearm position indicator and scale. W&F 0.045% one tonearm. Features motor -driven cueing for both cartridge $120
wrms: rumble -70 dB DIN B; tracking error angle with- tonearms; frictionless velocity -sensing system for
in ±0.1'; tonearm mass 9 g with cartridge: shut-off actuation; electronic speed selection; mag- VECTOR RESEARCH
3' ,"H 13'/."D; 9.7 lbs.... $180 netic antiskate system; ±6% speed pitch control.
Comes with blank tonearm position, one auto -lift SME VT -250 Automatic Turntable
SL -B300 Automatic Single Play tonearm. W&F < 0.035%; rumble -72 dB weighted. Direct -drive fully automatic turntable with quartz -lock
Fully automatic 33'.,- and 45 -rpm turntable with low - -52 dB unweighted $1.700 motor. straight tonearm, floating subchassis, gold
mass straight tonearm. Features belt -drive; plug-in contacts. all front controls $200
cartridge connector; FG servo motor; front -panel con- TD -12611I C Semiautomatic Single -Play
trols; electronic speed switching; pitch control with Turntable with automatic tonearm lift, motor shutoff. VT -200 Automatic Turntable
strobe; disc -size selector. W&F 0.045% wrms; rum- Features 331/4-. 45-. 78 rpm speeds; electronic speed Direct -drive semiautomatic turntable with pitch con-
ble -70 dB DIN B; pitch -control range 13%; selection; ±6% pitch control; stroboscope; electronic trol. straight tonearm. floating subchassis, gold con-
16'',,,"W - 141/4"D x 3"/"1-1; 8.6 lb $130 velocity sensor that actuates arm lift; frictionless tacts. all front controls $150
SL -B200. Semiautomatic version of SL -6300; has no magnetic antiskating; dust cover. W&F 0.04%;
disc -size selector; 3"/"H; 8.4 lbs $110 rumble -72 dB weighted. -51 dB unweighted; 191/4"W VT -150 Automatic Single -Play Turntable
SL -B100. Manual version of SL -B200; 8.2 lb . $90 151/2"D 6"/,,,"H $800 Synchro-belt-drive automatic 33' and 45 -rpm turn-
TD -126111 B. Same as TD -126C MKIII but without table with minimum -resonance straight tonearm. Fea-
Turntables Without Tonearms tonearm $645 tures auto return reject/shutoff; viscous -damped
TD -126111 SME. Same as TD- I 26 III C but with 3009 cueing; antiskate control; front -panel controls; 12'
SP-10MK3 Direct Drive Turntable Series III tonearm incorporated into shut -oft die-cast aluminum platter; low -mass headshell; direct
Quartz synthesizer direct -drive 331/4-, 45 -rpm. 78 - system $1.175 stylus -force readout; removable dust cover. Wow and
rpm turntable without tonearm. Features high torque flutter 0.08% wrms; S/N 55 dB; tonearm length 215
to bring up to full speed in 30° of rotation; electronic TD 147 Semiautomatic Single Play mm; overhang 16 mm; useable cartridge weight 3.5-
mechanical braking for speed change in 0.3 second; Belt -drive 33' , and 45 rpm turntable with 16 -pole 6.5 g; 16'",,,"W 14'."D 51/4"H; 9.5 lb $120
ultra -high precision integral rotor -platter quartz di- synchronous motor. Features heavy-duty base and
rect -drive motor; quartz synthesizer pitch control damped chassis to control feedback; Thorens' best YAMAHA
(0.1% steps to &9.9% all speeds); separate power tonearm; friction -free velocity sensing auto shut-off
supply, remote -control unit. RC unit features numeric triggering system. W&F 0.04%, rumble 52 dB PX-2 Automatic Single -Play
LED speed, pitch displays; soft -touch switches unweighted; 171/,"W 14' /.'D 61/,'H.. $525 Linear -tracking 331/4- and 45 -rpm dual -quartz PLL
(start/stop duplicated on turntable). W&F 0.015% servo direct -drive turntable with automatic/manual
wrms -10.001%; 14"/"W 14"/'D , 41/4.-H; TD -115 3 Mkll Semiautomatic Single -Play tonearm; 4 -phase 8 -pole coreless dc Hall -effect mo-
40 lb turntable; 16',/,,''D 61Y,,"W 3"/"H, Dual -servo 331/4-. 45-. 78 -rpm turntable with com- tor: 12'/," aluminum diecast platter with rubber mat:
13.2 lb power supply/control unit $1.700 mutator -type pulse -modulated dc motor, automatic 71:'," linear -tracking straight tubular tonearm with
SH-1085. Optional turntable base $800 end -of -record shut-off tonearm. Features 72 -pole opto-electronic tracking -error sensor, coreless dc ser-
tachogenerator for electronic speed selection; pitch vomotor. forged aluminum headshell. Features front -
SP-10M2A Direct -Drive Turntable control; fast start; current feedback that provides panel automatic electronic speed. auto repeat. cut.
Quartz synthesizer direct -drive 33'/,-. 45- 78 -rpm automatic pitch control to correct load variations; jew- play, and 7", 10-. 12" disc size selectors with LED
turntable without tonearm. Features high torque to eled pivot bearings; magnetic antiskate device. W&F record -size and repeat indicators: manual up 'down
bring up to full speed in 25° of rotation; electronic, 0.05%; rumble -50 dB unweighted. -68 dB weighted; cueing with 2 -speed forward/reverse operations; LED
mechanical braking for speed change in 0 3 second; 11"/," platter; arm length 81/4"; tonearm mass 7.5 quartz -lock indicator; 4_ 1/4" arm height adjustment
separate power supply, remote -control unit. W&F g; 1 P/2 " W < 14 "/ " D 51'H $435 (accomodates most cartridges). W&F 0.01% wrms;
0.025% WRMJ 10.035%; rumble - 70 dB DIN B; S/N 80 dB: tracking force range 0-2.5 g in 0.1-g in-
speed drift within 1 0.002%; 14"/.."W TD160 Armless Turntable crements, statically balanced; cartridge weight range
14" "D 4.,'"H. 20.9 lb turntable.... 81,100 Belt -drive331/4- and 45 -rpm turntable without 5-11 g (10-16 g with subweights); black -finish alumi-
SH-10B3. Optional turntable base $520 tonearm. Features 16 -pole 2 -phase synchronous mo- num diecast base with removable free -stop hinged
tor; 12' dynamically balanced nonferrous diecast acrylic resin dustcover and spring/rubber insulators;
SP -15 Direct -Drive Turntable platter. W&F 0.04% DIN 45507; rumble 52 dB 191/4"W 161/4"H 61/4"D $900
Quartz -synthesized direct -drive 33'/,-, 45-. 78 -rpm unweighted; 171/4"W 141/4"H 61/4"D ... $395
- PX-3. Similar to PX-2 except more compact. Wow and
turntable without tonearm. Features full speed in 0.4 flutter 0.015%; S/N 77 dB; 469mmW 428mmD
second (40° of rotation); brake to full stop in 0.4 sec- TD 146 Semiautomatic Single Play I49mmH; 12 kg $670
ond (40° of rotation) at 331/4- rpm; &9.9% quartz - Belt -drive 33' , and 45 rpm turntable with 16 -pole
locked pitch control. W&F 0.025% wrms; rumble 56 synchronous motor. Features floating subchassis sus- P-700 Automatic Single -Play Turntable
dB DIN A, 78 dB DIN B weighted $700 pension system; 9" low -mass. low -friction tonearm; Quartz PLL-locked direct -drive 33',- and 45 -rpm
SP -25. Similar to SP -15 except no 78 -rpm speed. friction -free velocity sensing auto shut-off triggering. turntable with minimum -resonance straight tonearm.
' 6% pitch control $400 W&F 0.05%; rumble 50 dB unweighted; 6"H Features light front -panel touch -controls; 2 light-
17"W 14"D; 17', lbs $350 weight resin headshells. W&F 0.015% wrms; S/N 78
SH-B10 Turntable Stand TD 166 MK II. Manual turntable, similar to TD 146 dB; 435mmW 378mmD I 1 1 mmH; 6 kg $270
45' angle TNRC turntable stand; use on following lin- but without auto shut-off function $250 P-500. Similar to P-700 except has direct servo drive.
ear -tracking turntables: SL -7. SL -10. SL- 1 5 pitch control $220
only $32.00 TOSHIBA P-300. Similar to P-500 except semiautomatic opera-
tion. Weight 5.8 kg $190
Turntable Bases SR -132L Automatic Turntable P-200. Similar to P-500 except belt -drive. W&F
SH-1582. Base for SP -25 and SP -15 turntables. Has Belt -drive 331/4- and 45 -rpm turntable with auto 0.04% wrms; S:N 70 dB; 5 kg $150


Cartridges &
ACCUPHASE stylus tip nude elliptical 0.3x0.7 mil: aluminum ta- HC -E II. Similar to HC-VDH II except with elliptical
pered tube cantilever $110 stylus $140
C-2 Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge
MC cartridge with high -stiffness. light -mass tubular PSX-20 Phono Cartridge AKG
sapphire cantilever. Features damped damper; rare- Induced -magnet phono cartridge with P -mount adapt-
earth samarium -cobalt magnet: permalloy core: large - er so that cartridge is useable for both conventional P-25MD Phono Cartridge
diameter coil wire; die-cast aluminum alloy hard hous- and P -mount tone arms. Features .3 x .7 bonded dia- Variable -reluctance induced -magnet cartridge with
ing. FR 20-60.000 Hz; ch sep at 1 kHz 30 dB; output mond; aluminum tapered cantilever: FR 20-20 K Hz; patented diamond -technology transverse -suspension
0.18 mV at kHz. 5 cm/sec: balance at 1 kHz 0.5
1 tracking force 1'/, ±.2 g; output voltage 4mV (5 system, cylindrical/magnet design. Features frequen-
dB; tracking force 1.0- 3.0 g $475 cm/sec at 1 kHz); ch balance within 2 dB (1 kHz); ch cy-response/crosstalk curve; universal adjustment
sep > 20 dB (1kHz); compliance 35 x 10-'cm/dyne
ADC (static); imp 4K ohms (I kHz); dc resistance 1200
ohms; load resistance 47k ohms; load capacitance
TRX .2 Phono Cartridge 275 pf; weight 5.9. 7.2 g (with adapter); stylus tip
Induced -magnet cartridge with line -contact nude rect- bonded eliptical 0.3 x 0.7 mil aluminum
angular diamond; precision die-cast metal body; sap- cantilever $90
phire cantilever (moving system); screw -down lock
stylus system mount. FR 20-26.000 Hz + 1 dB; rec- PSX-10 Phono Cartridge
ommended tracking force 1.2 g it .2 g; output voltage Induced -magnet phono cartridge with P -mount adapt-
3 mV (5 cm/sec at 1 kHz); ch balance within 0.5 dB er so that cartridge is useable for both conventional
(1 kHz); ch sep > 30 dB (1 kHz); compliance 40 x and P -mount tone arms. Features .7 7 bonded conical
10-4cm/dyne (static); imp 3.9 ohms (I kHz); dc resis- diamond; aluminum tapered cantilever: FR 20-
tance 650 ohms; load resistance 47K ohms; load ca- 18,000 Hz: tracking force 1'/, ± .2 g; output voltage
pacitance 275 pf; weight 8 g (with adapter); stylus tip 4mV (5 cm/sec at 1 kHz); ch balance within 2 dB (1
nude PH line contact; .12 x .06 x .05 (vital III) sap- kHz); ch sep > 20 dB (1 kHz); compliance 30 x 10-
phire -tube cantilever $250 'cm/dyne (static); imp 4k ohms (I kHz): dc resistance
1200 ohms; bad resistance 47k ohms; load capaci-
TRX 1 Phono Cartridge tance 275 pf; weight 5.9, 7.2 g (with adapter); stylus
Induced -magnet cartridge with line -contact nude dia- tip bonded conical 0.65 mil; aluminum tube gauge; carbon -fiber stylus brush; screwdriver; anti -
mond; precision die-cast metal body; screw down lock cantilever $60 resonance compound. Output 2.7 mV at 3.54 cm/sec
stylus system mount; beryllium cantilever (moving rms; FR 10-28,000 Hz; sep ± 1 dB; tracking -force
system); FR 20-24,000 Hz ± 1 dB; recommended ADCOM range 0.75-1.25 g; diamond "Analog -Six" stylus
tracking force 1.2 g ±.2 g: output voltage 3 mV (5 mass 0.015 mg; 3.5 g $250
cm/sec at 1 kHz); ch balance within 1 dB (1 kHz); ch XC-Sapphire Phono Cartridge
sep > 30 dB (1 kHz): compliance 40 x 10-4cm/dyne High output MC stereo phono cartridge with hollow P-1511 Phono Cartridge
(static); imp 3.9 ohms (I kHz); dc resistance 650 cantilever and sapphire van den Hul stylus. Features Variabie-reluctance induced -magnet cartridge with
ohms; load resistance 47k ohms; load capacitance 3.5 -micron contact radius; vertical groove extended patented diamond -technology transverse -suspension
275 pf; weight 8 g (with adapter); stylus tip nude PH to 85 microns; aluminum cantilever; crosscoil arma- system, cylindrical magnet. Features frequency-
line contact .3 x .22 x .5 (vital III) sapphire tube ture. Output 2.5 mV at 5 cm/sec: FR 20-20,000 Hz respor se/crosstalk curve; adjustment mirror; carbon -
cantilever $175 ± 1 dB; ch balance within 1 dB; effective tip mass fiber stylus brush; screwdriver, antiresonance com-
0.27 mg; tracking force 1.8 g: square -wave rise time pound Output 3.4 V rms at 3.54 cm/sec; FR
PSX-40 Phono Cartridge 10 msec; ch sep 20 dB 10-20,0000 Hz; 4.7 g $450 10-23,000 Hz; sep ± 1.5 dB; tracking force 1.0-1.5
Induced -magnet phono cartridge with P -mount adapt- g; elliptical diamond stylus; stylus mass 0.018 mg;
er so that cartridge is useable for both conventional XC-MR2 Moving Coil Phono Cartridge 3.5 g $165
and P -mount tone arms. Features .3 x .7 nude dia- High output phono cartridge with nude mounted sty-
mond: titanium tapered cantilever: FR 20-24.000 Hz: lus, square shank. Features thin walled aluminum can- P-10ED Phono Cartridge
tracking force 1'/4 + .2 g; output voltage 3.5mV (5 tilever; crosscoil armature; output 2.5 mV at 5 Variable -reluctance, induced -magnet phono cartridge
cm/sec at 1 kHz); ch balance within 1.5 dB (1 kHz); cm/sec; FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 1 dB; ch sep 28 dB at 1 with patented transverse suspension, cylindrical mag-
ch sep > 28 dB (1 kHz); compliance 35 x 10- kHz; tracking force 1.8 g; effective tip mass 0.35 mg; net. Features carbon -fiber stylus brush; screwdriver;
'cm/dyne (static); imp 3.2 ohms (I kHz); dc resis- .1 mil x 2.8 mil scanning radius; weight 4.7 g$325 antiresonance compound. Output 5.8 mV rms at
tance 610 ohms; load resistance 47k ohms; load ca- 3.54 cm/sec; FR 20-20,000 Hz; sep L-2 dB; track-
pacitance 275 pf; weight 5.9, 7.2 g (with adapter); XC-LT Moving Coil Phono Cartridge ing force 1.25-2.0 g; elliptical diamond stylus; stylus
stylus tip nude elliptical 0.2x0.7 mil; titanium tapered Low -output MC phono cartridge with Line -Trace sty- mass 0.25 mg; 3.5 g $115
tube cantilever $135 lus, large -diameter thin -wall aluminuni cantilever.
crosscoil armature; output 0.3 mV at 5 cm/ sec; FR P-5ED Phono Cartridge
PSX-30 Phono Cartridge 20-20.000 Hz ± 1 dB: ch sep 28 dB at 1 kHz; track- Variable -reluctance induced -magnet cartridge with
Induced -magnet phono cartridge with P -mount adapt- ing force 1.8 g; effective tip mass 0.35 mg; weight patented transverse suspension, cylindrical magnet.
er so that cartridge is useable in both conventional 4.7 g $260 Features compatability with automatic turntables.
and P -mount tone arms. Features .3 x .7 nude dia- record changers; elliptical diamond stylus. Output 5.8
mond; aluminum tapered cantilever; FR 20.22,000 HC-VDH II Moving Coil Phono Cartridge mV rills at 3.54 cm/sec; FR 20-20.000 Hz: sep ±2
Hz; tracking force 1' /, ±.2 g; output voltage 3.5mV High -output MC stereo phono cartridge with van den dB; tracking force 1.5-2.0 g . $80
(5 cm/sec at 1 kHz); ch balance within 1.5 dB (1 Hul stylus. Features thin -wall aluminum cantilever;
kHz); ch sep > 26 dB (1 kHz): compliance 35 x 10- crosscoil armature. Output 2.5 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR ANDANTE by SUMIKO
'cm/dyne (static); imp 3.2 ohms (I kHz); dc resis- 20-15,000 Hz + 1.5/ -dB, 20-20,000 Hz + 2.5/-1
tance 610 ohms; load resistance 47k ohms; load ca- dB; ch balance within 1.5 dB; tracking force 2 g; ef- FGV Phono Cartridge
pacitance 275 pf; weight 5.9, 7.2 g (with adapter); fective tip mass 0.35 mg; 4.7 g $220 Stereo phono cartridge with stylus configuration virtu -

1984 EDITION 69
Cartridges & Tonearms 5 Cartridges & Tonearms
ally identical to cutting stylus shape. Features extend- cm/sec; FR 15-28.000 Hz with class II tolerance; ch ver; multi -radial diamond; four high output, low -imp
ed line contact diamond stylus modified to prevent balance/sep 1/29 dB at 1 kHz; linear contact titani- coils wound on cores of very low permeability aligned
accidental recutting of grooves; nude diamond -stylus um -bonded stylus; Vector -Aligned dual magnet;para- in perfect symmetry with the magnet.
mounted on aluminum -alloy tubular cantilever; micro - toroidal coil; replacement stylus ATN130E ($60) MMC-1. Diamond contact line 0.1 x 0.1 mm sqr.;
mass magnet; hand -wound coils. Output 5.0 mV; FR $120 stylus bonding nude; cantilever sapphire tube; recom-
10-35,000 Hz; sep 30 dB at 1 kHz; compliance 20 x mended tracking force 10 mN/1 g; FR 20-20.000
10 'cm/dyne; tracking -force range 0.75-1.5 g; input AT120E Phono Cartridge Hz±1 dB; 1.6 g $445
imp 47k ohms; weight 6 g $200 Para -toroidal coil construction; output 5.0 mV at 5 MMC-2. Diamond contact line 0.12 :x 0.12 mm sqr.;
cm/sec; FR 15-25.000 Hz with class II tolerance; ch stylus bonding nude; cantilever sapphire tube; recom-
E Phono Cartridge balance/sep 1/29 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 1-1.8 mended tracking force 10 mN/1 g; FR 20.20,000
Micro -mass magnetic phono cartridge with aluminum - g; Vector -Aligned dual magnet; 0.3 x 0.7 -mil BiRadial Hz ±1.5 dB; 1.6 g $290
alloy tubular cantilever, 0.2 x 0.8 -mil polished nude mounted diamond stylus; replacement stylus MMC-3. Diamond elliptical 0.15 x 0.15 mm sqr.; sty-
bonded -diamond elliptical stylus; hand -wound coils; ATN120E ($45) $90 lus bonding nude; cantilever tapered aluminum tube;
output 5.0 mV; FR 12-30,000 Hz; sep 30 dB at 1 recommended tracking force 10 mN/1 g; FR 20-
kHz compliance 20 x 10' cm/dyme; tracking force AT110E Phono Cartridge 20,000 Hz ±.2 dB; 1.6 g $180
range 1-1.9 g; input imp 47k ohms; 6 g $100 Output 4.5 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 20-22,000 Hz; ch MMC-4. Diamond elliptical 0.20mm round; stylus
S. Similar to E except uses 0.5 -mil polished bonded- balance/sep 26 dB at 1kHz; tracking force 1-2 g; bonding titanium; cantilever tapered aluminum tube;
diamond spherical stylus; FR 18-27.000 Hz; sep 28 0.4 x 0.7 -mil BiRadial bonded diamond stylus; re- recommended tracking force 12 mN/1.2 g; FR 20-
dB at 1 kHz; compliance 18 x 10' cm/dyne; tracking placement stylus ATN I 10E($35) $65 20,000 Hz 4- 2.5 dB; 1.6 g $105
force range 1-2-5 g $75 MMC-5. Diamond elliptical 0.25mm round; stylus
H. Similar to S except output 10 mV; FR 18.23,000 AT105 Phono Cartridge bonding titanium; cantilever tapered aluminum tube;
Hz; sep 27 dB at 1 kHz; compliance 15 x 10' Output 4.5 mV at 1 kHz; FR 20-20.000 Hz; tracking recommended tracking force 15 mN/1.5 g; FR 20-
cm/dyne $50 force 1.5-2.5 g; ch sep 26 dB at 1 kHz; 0.7 -mil 20.000 Hz± 3 dB; 1.6 g $60
UniRadial bonded diamond stylus; dual magnet; re-
AUDIO-TECHNICA placement stylus ATN105 ($30) $50 DENON
AT35E Phono Cartridge "The Professionals" Series DL -1000 Moving -Coil Cartridge
Stereo phono cartridge with user -replaceable Moving ATP -3 Phono Cartridge MC cartridge with lowest effective mass. Features
MicroCoil- stylus assembly. Features low -mass de- For stereo operation; output 5.3 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR twin damper construction, amorphous boron tubular
sign; 0.2 x 0.7 -mil nude -mounted BiRadial square - 15-25.000 Hz; ch balance/sep 1.5 dB/23dB at 1 cantilever; nonresonant frame of aluminum alloy and
shank diamond stylus. Output 0.4 mV at 5 cm/sec; kHz; load imp 47k ohms; tracking force 2-3 g; 0.3 x fiberglass mix with hard plastic; special metal cross -
FR 15-50.000 Hz; ch balance/sep 0.5/30 dB at 1 0.7 -mil elliptical diamond stylus; replacement stylus shaped generating coil. FR 20-110,000 Hz; output
kHz; tracking force 1.2-1.8 g $250 ATP -N2; weight 7.2 g $60 0.12 mV at 1 kHz, 5 cm/sec horizontal; effective
ATP -N3; weight 7.2 g $80 moving mass 0.007 mg; stylus pressure 0.8 g; ch
AT152LP Phono Cartridge balance x 1 dB at 1 kHz; sep > 30 dB at 1 kHz; com-
Direct -plug-in stereo phono cartridge for SL series ATP2 Phono Cartridge pliance measured from record/static 20 x 10 -4
turntables. Features extremely stiff but lightweight For stereo operation; output 5.3 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR cm/dyne at 100 Hz/50 x 10 'cm/dyne; stylus 0.06
beryllium cantilever and nude -mounted square -shank 15-22,000 Hz: load imp 47k ohms; tracking force 3- mm square shank with elliptical tip; optional load re-
Linear Contact diamond stylus $225 5 g; 0.4 x 0.7 -mil elliptical diamond stylus; replace- sistance > 100 ohms $1,000
ment stylus ATPN2; weight 7.2 g $60
AT31E Phono Cartridge ATP-2XN. Same as ATP -2 with extra stylus $90 DL -305 Moving -Coil Cartridge
Stereo phono cartridge with user -replaceable Moving Lightweight MC phono cartridge with amorphous bo-
MicroCoil stylus assembly. Features square -shank 0.2 ATP -1 Phono Cartridge ron cantilever. FR 20.75,000 Hz; sep 28 dB at 1
x 0.7 -mil biradial diamond stylus. Output 0.4 My at 5 For stereo operation; output 5.3 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR kHz; dynamic compliance 14 x 10 ' cm/dyne; 5.8
cm/sec; FR 15-50.000 Hz; ch balance/sep 1/29 dB 20-20,000 Hz; ch balance/sep 1.5 dB/21 dB at I g $595
at 1 kHz; tracking force 1.21-1.8 g $175 kHz; load imp 47k ohms; tracking force 3.5 g; 0.6 mil
spherical diamond stylus; replacement stylus ATPN1; DL -303 Moving -Coil Cartridge
AT132EP Phono Cartridge weight 7.2 g $45 Lightweight MC phono cartridge with double -con-
Direct plug-in stereo phono cartridge for SL series structed aluminum tapered pipe cantilever, 0.1 x
turntables. Features Vector -aligned dual -magnet sys- AT1010 Tonearm 0.05 -mm rectangular stylus with elliptical solid dia-
tem with tapered alloy cantilever; 0.2 x 0.7 -mil nude - Features low -frequency resonance damping; silver mond tip. Output 0.2 mV at 1 kHz. 5 cm/sec; FR 20-
mounted biradial diamond stylus $135 wire used for all arm leads including AT -MS headshell, 70,000 Hz; load imp 100 ohms (with optional QU-
gold-plated contacts; lateral balance adjustment for 340 step-up transformer. 40 ohms); dynamic
P -Mount Phono Cartridges tracking warped records, stylus pressure 0-2.5 compliance 13 x 10' cm/dyne; stylus force 1.2 ±0.2
AT122LP. Linear contact diamond stylus .... $125 g $350 g: 5.8 g $385
AT122EP. 0.3 x 0.7 -mil nude diamond stylus $95 AU -340. Audio step-up transformer with 3 ohms/40
AT112EP. 0.4 x 0.7 -mil diamond stylus $70 Tonearm ohms/pass switching; step-up ratio; 1:10 at 40 ohms.
1:33 at 3 ohms; primary imp 3 and 40 ohms, second-
AT3OHE Phono Cartridge AT -1005 II Tonearm ary 4k ohms: load imp 50k ohms: FR 10-120,000 Hz
Stereo cartridge with user -replaceable Moving Micro - Features calibrated adjustments to permit exact se- + 0.5/-1 dB; distortion 0.05%. 20-20.000 Hz, 40
Coil stylus assembly. Features high output that elimi- lection of desired tracking force, antiskating, with sty- ohms; ch balance 0.5 dB; 215 mmD x 155 mmW x
nates need for transformer; 0.3 a 0.7 -mil nude - lus overhang; perforated plug-in shell, sliding car- 70 mmH $395
mounted diamond stylus. Output 2 mV; FR 15- tridge mounting, attaches by means of knurled
30,000 Hz; sep 29 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 1.4- locking ring and spring -loaded contacts; sliding main DL -103D Moving -Coil Cartridge
1.8g $135 counterweight along length of arm (calibrations per- Moving -coil stereo phono cartridge with cross -shaped
mit adjustment to 0.5 g); one -hole installation of arm. armature. Output 0.25 mV at 50 mm/sec; FR 20-
"Vector -Aligned" Series Stylus force 0-3 g, calibrated to 0.5 g; cartridge 65.000 Hz; sep 28 dB at 1 kHz; ch balance 1 dB at 1
AT155LC Phono Cartridge weight 5-24 g; effective mass 20 g (set for AT14S kHz; load imp 100 ohms; compliance 12 x 10-'
Output 5.0 mV at 5 cm sec at 1 kHz; FR 5-35.000 cartridge) $150 cm/dyne; tracking force 1.5 -0.2 g; elliptical diamond
Hz with class 1 tolerance; ch balance/sep 0.5/ 31 dB AT -S. Plug-in shell $8 stylus; 7.5 g
kHz; tracking force 0.8-1.6 g; nude mounted

square shank linear contact stylus; beryllium cantile- BANG & OLUFSEN DL -207 Moving -Coil Cartridge
ver; Vector -Aligned dual magnet; para-toroidal coil; re- Moving -coil cartridge with amorphous boron cantile-
placement stylus ATN155LC ($100) $255 MMC Series Phono Cartridges ver. Features direct linear flux system; 2 -way damp-
All MMC cartridges features armature mounted per ing; samarium -cobalt magnets in lightweight body;
AT140LC Phono Cartridge pendicularly to the cantilever: crystal sapphire cantile output 0.2 mV atr 1 kHz. 5 cm/sec; imp 40 ohms;
Output 5.0 mV at 5 cm/sec.; FR 5-32.000 Hz with compliance 13 x 10 -' cm/dyne at 100 Hz; effective
class II tolerance; ch balance 'sep 0.75/30 dB at 1
mass 0.25 mg: tracking force 1.4 g ±0.2g; stylus tip
kHz; tracking force 0.8-1.8 g; nude -mounted square Audio terms are defined 0.14 x 0.07 mm special elliptical diamond ... $275
shank linear contact stylus; Vector -Aligned dual mag-
net; para-toroidal coil replacement stylus ATN140LC
in the glossary on page 19.
DL -103 Moving -Coil Cartridge
($75) $175 For an explanation of abbreviations, Cartridge output 0.3 mV at 50 mm/sec; FR 20-
turn to the list on page 22. 45.000 Hz; sep > 25 dB at 1 kHz; ch balance 1 dB at
AT125LC Phono Cartridge 1 kHz; load imp 100 ohms; compliance 5 x 10-'
Para -toroidal coil construction; output 5.0 mV at 5 cm/dyne; tracking force 2.5 ±0.3 g; conical stylus;

rCartridges & Tonearms 5 Cartridges & Tonearms
8.5 g. Transformer step-up ratio 10:1; primary/ - Karat 17 Diamond (17D) DV -50A
secondary imp 40'4k ohms; FR 20.40.000 Hz 1 4 Moving coil stereo phono cartridge with super -ellipti- Low -output MC cartridge with 5MM and nude ellipti-
dB; load imp 50k ohms; 115 mmD x 51 mmW x 38 cal stylus and 1.7mm length diamond cantilever. Out- cal diamond stylus straight aluminum cantilever. Out-
mmH $200 put 0.2mV at 1 kriz, 5 cm/sec; FR 20-70.000 Hz; put 0.2mV at 1 kHz. 5 cm/sec; FR 20-50,000 Hz;
tracking force 2.0 g; 5.3 g $700 tracking force 1.5 g; 4.5 g $198
DL -103S Moving -Coil Cartridge
Output 0.3 mV at 50 mm sec; FR 20-60.000 Hz; sep Karat 17 Diamond Super (17DS) DV -505 Tonearm
> 25 dB at 1 kHz; ch balance 1 dB at 1 kHz; load imp Moving coil cartridge with a 1.7mm length tapered Biaxis inertia -controlled dynamic -balanced tonearm
100 ohms; compliance 8 x 10-' cm/dyne; tracking solid damond cantilever and Micro Reach Stylus. Out- with 2 pivots. Features dynamic damping system to
force 1.8 -40.3 g; modified Shibata stylus; 7.8 eliminate arm resonance; electromagnetic damping
g $195 system; free-standing mounting. Overall length 335
mm, effective length 241 mm; height 72-94 mm; off-
DL -301 Moving -Coil Cartridge set angle 21.5'; lateral tracking error 0-2.2% over-
Moving -coil phono cartridge with aluminum alloy ta- hang 15 mm; height adjustable from 38-70mm; suit-
pered pipe cantilever, elliptical solid diamond stylus able cartridge weight 9-35 g; supplied with 1.2-m
tip. FR 20-60.000 Hz; sep 28 dB at 1 kHz; compli- cable $700
ance 13 x 10' cm/dyne 4.7 g $175
DV -501 Tonearm
DL -160 High Output MC Cartridge Biaxis tonearm with eddy current damping. Overall
1.6mV output, special elliptical diamond stylus 0.07 length 309 mm; effective length 241 mm; offset an-
0.14mm with extended FR to 50.000Hz; over gle 21.5'; lateral tracking error 0-2.2% overhang
28dB ch sep, compliance 10 10-' cm/Dyne; stylus 15mm; height adjustable from 36-76 mm $600
force 1.6 4_0.3 g; load imp 160 ohm; 4.8 g $100 . put 0.2mV at 1 kHz, 5 cm/sec; FR 20-90.000 Hz;
tracking force 1.8 g; 5.3 g $650
DL -300 Moving -Coil Cartridge EMPIRE
Features double -construction aluminum cantilever Karat 23 Ruby (23R)
with 2 -way damping; cross -shaped armature; high Moving coil stereo phono cartridge with 2.3mm ruby Plug-in Cartridges
magnetic field strength direct linear flux system; one - cantilever. Output 0.2mV at 1 kHz, 5 cm/sec; FR 20- Designed for all Technics -type linear -tracking straight
point suspension system; special elliptical stylus. FR 50.000 Hz; tracking force 1.5 g; 5.3 g $310 tonearms.
20-40,000 Hz; imp 40 ohms; sep 25 dB at 1 kHz; ch 1080LT. With antistatic stylus. Features micro gold-
balance 1.5dB; dynamic compliance 8 x 102' DV -20B Type 2 plated nude Para Linear diamond stylus mounted on
cm /dyne at 100 Hz; stylus force 1.8 g 0:3 g; 4.2 High -output MC phono cartridge, with cantilever and gold-plated ultra -low -mass cantilever $150
g $100 elliptical stylus straight solid berrylium. Output 980LT. Similar to 1080LT except has 0.2 x 0.7 -mil
DL -300/T. Same as DL -300 except has AU -250 in - 3.6mV at 1 kHz, 5 cm/sec; FR 20-40.000 Hz; track- ni_de elliptical diamond stylus $125
line MC step-up transformer $160 ing force 1.8 g; 5.3 g $298 580LT. Similar to 980LT except no gold plating; has
ultra -low -mass thin cantilever $100
DL -110 High Output Moving Coil Cartridge DV -20A Type 2 480LT. Similar to 580LT except for standard
High compliance, high output MC with special ellipti- High -output MC cartridge with tapered aluminum can- cantilever. $90
cal diamond stylus does not require step-up device; tilever and elliptical stylus. Output 3.6mV at 1 kHz. 5 380LT. Similar to 480LT except has 0.3 x 0.7 -mil el-
lightweight design matches newer tonearm configura- cm/sec; FR 20-40.000 Hz; tracking force 1.8 g; 5.3 liptical diamond stylus $70
tions; output voltage 1.6 mV; FR 20.45.000 Hz ch $240 280LT. Similar to 380LT except has 0.4 x 0.7 -mil el-
sep over 25dB; compliance 8 10-' cm/Dyne stylus liptical diamond stylus $50
force 1.8 0.3 g. Load imp 160 ohm; stylus diam Karat 19A
0.1 0.2mm $80 Moving coil cartridge with 1.9mm length tapered sol- Standard Mount Cartridges
id aluminum cantilever and very small size armature. Designed for use in standard tonearms.
DL -103 M/Moving-Coil Cartridge Output 0.25mV at 1 kHz, 5 cm/sec; FR 20-70,000 1000GT. With antistatic stylus. Features micro gold-
Amorphous boron cantilever technology; output volt- Hz; tracking force 1.8 g: 5.3 g $230 p'ated nude Para Linear diamond stylus mounted on
age 0.12mV; FR 20-60.000Hz; output imp 40 ohm;
ch sep 25dB; stylus force 1.4 g -40.2 g dynamic
compliance 13 10-' cm/Dyne; 5.6 g $200


DA -401 Tonearm
Lightweight 322 -mm statically -balanced S-shaped
tonearm with dynamically damped system Features
2 -piece high -rigidity headshell; oil -damped cue, non -
contact magnetic antiskate control; tracking error
2.5'; tracking force 0-2 g in 0.1-g increments; height
adjustment 42-70 mm; cartridge weight range 4-10
g; effective mass 7.5 g $360

Karat Diamond (100D)
Moving coil stereo phono cartridge with line contact
stylus and 2.5mm cantilever. Output 0.2mV at 1 kHz.
5 cm/sec; FR 20-70.000 Hz; tracking force 1.5 g; ()
5.3 g $1.000 <\c:P e
Vec' o0c"
It°2' e\ec" oe6"9°\A
DV -10X Type 3 ((°leoq
Low mass high output MC cartridge with tapered alu- oe'4-60<c)
c<ccsese6e4e\yec'Oc'?': \ 3,c
zo :00 02,,
minum cantilever and elliptical stylus. Output 2.5mV <w-its0s1 .pks;\
\ess\ coe as5 0°
at 1 kHz. 5 cm sec; FR 20-20,000 Hz; tracking force e,,k-ecp 0 0,)6
eC23 ,oe"e e361.01 e
1.7 g; 4.6 g $1.000 `°,cpc\eo,kcses
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.eWe\e 4.0e 4° e 5°s) tN5

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C: -e" N so \C)
Write directly to the manufacturer or
distributor. A list of names and ad-
00° eo" e de?'
dresses starts on page 25.
G'ac t<"acieg G-

1984 EDITION 71
Cartridges & Tonearms 5 Cartridges & Tonearms
micro gold-plated ultra -low mass cantilever $150 fective moving mass 0.35 mg; tracking force 1.2 g; 6 Professional Series
900GT. Similar to 1000GT except has 0.2 x 0.7 -mil g $200 GCE-. With elliptical diamond stylus. Output 5 mV;
elliptical diamond stylus $125 F-91. Similar to F -9E except has Advanced Lumina! FR 10-35.000 Hz; sep 20 dB average, 20-20,000
EDR.7. High-performance cartridge with Para Linear Trace stylus with long, narrow contact line similar to Hz; tracking force range 1.5-3 g $37.50
diamond stylus mounted on low -mass cantilever $100 original cutter diamond; Vital mount for total effective GTE-. Similar to GTE $25
MC Plus 20. High -output MC cartridge with user -re- moving mass of 0.3 mg; 5.5 -mV output; load capaci-
placeable stylus assembly. Requires no step-up tance 350 pF $180
transformer $90 F -9E Ruby. Similar to F -9E except ruby H EY BROOK
SLM44. Super -low -mass cartridge with 0.3 x 0 7 -mil cantilevered $300
elliptical diamond stylus mounted on low -mass Heybrook Tonearm
cantilever. $75 F -8L Phono Cartridge Straight tonearm with 9',." nominal length; fixed
250E. Stereo cartridge with 0.3 x 0.7 -mil elliptical di- Matrical-flux stereo moving micro -magnet with Ad- headshell for rigidity; high tensile cartridge mounting
amond stylus $50 vanced Luminal Trace stylus similar to that in F -9L. screws and protractor; hydraulic cueing; gold-plated
150C. Similar to 250E except has 0.6 -mil conical Tracking force range 0.75-2.5 g; output 5 mV; effec- cartridge connectors; 1-m phono leads Black
stylus $40 tive tip mass 0.4 mg; 6.5 g $125 finish $249
G900/IGC Phono Cartridge 747 Tonearm by NAGATRON
Low -mass MM cartridge with van den Hul fine -line dia- Low -mass highly rigid damped aluminum tubular
mond stylus. Output 4.5 mV at 5 cm/sec, 1 kHz; FR straight tonearm with detachable headshell with wide - 1400ER Universal -Mount Phono Cartridge
20-20,000 Hz ±2 dB: balance/sep 2/25 dB at 1 surface coupling mechanism; case-hardened orthogo- Stereo induced magnet cartridge with 0.6 x 0.6 -mil
kHz; static compliance 40 mm/N lateral, 20 mm/N nal bearing system; decoupled counterweight isol.ited cross -grain -crystal natural diamond stylus. Aluminum
vertical; tracking force range 0.75-1.5 g; load resis- by damper; antiskate cue; overall length 293-321 alloy cantilever with special permalloy microtubular
tance 47k ohms; load capacitance 150.200 pF; 4 mm; stylus overhang 15mm; cartridge weight range armature and permalloy case. FR 20-22.000 Hz;
g $240 4-10 g $300 0.52 -mg effective mass; 1.75-2.25 g tracking force
910 IGC. Similar to G900/IGC except output 6.5 mV; range $55
static compliance 24 mm /N $240 70711 Tonearm 1440E. Similar to 1400R except 0.4 x 0.7 -mil ellipti-
Low -mass highly rigid aluminum tubular straight cal cross -grain -crystal -natural diamond stylus, 0.48
920/IGC Phono Cartridge tonearm with acrylic headshell; orthogonal gimbal mg effective mass $65
Low -mass moving -magnet cartridge with van den Hul bearing system incorporates cone mechanism made 1466E. Similar to 1440E except has boron bonded
fine -line diamond stylus. Output 6.5 mV rms 2 dB of solid base material with case-hardened bearing stylus. 0.45 -mg effective mass; UT -58 alloy cantile-
at 1 kHz. 5 cm/sec; FR 20-20.000 Hz it 2 dB; ch bal- cone tip; decopled counterweight isolated by small ver with permalloy microtubular armature; 1.5-2.0 g
ance within 2 dB; ch sep 20 dB; equivalent tip mass rubber damper; antiskate. cue; overall length 288- tracking force range $80
0.45 mg; vertical tracking angle 24°. static compli- 313 mm; stylus overhang 15mm; cartridge weight 14601E. Similar to 1440E except cartridge in inte-
ance 24 mm/N lateral, 16 mrn:N vertical; load resis- range 4.5-12 g; available in black or silver ... $225 grated headshell for low -mass tonearm $90
tance 47k ohms; load capacitance 150-200 pF 4.25
G900/E Phono Cartridge All Grado stereo cartridges come with diamond styli.
Low -mass cartridge. Output 6.5 mV at 5 cm/sec.; FR Input load 47k ohms with 10k ohms optimal; induc- MC -2E Phono Cartridge
20-20.000 Hz 1..3 dB; sep 20 dB at 1 kHz; tracking tance 55 mH; weight 4.5 g. Micro -MC cartridge with direct -coupled transducer.
force 1-3 g; 0.7 x 0.3 -mil elliptical stylus $65 duralumin cantilever; 0.07 x 0.14 -mm diamond tip
Super Fluxbridger Series elliptical stylus; output 0.2 mV at 5 cm/sec;
G950E Phono Cartridge G2+. With Twin Tip stylus. Output 3 mV; FR :0- balance/sep 1/25 dB; imp 30 ohms; dynamic compli-
Stereo cartridge with 0.0007" x 0.0003" elliptical di- 60.000 Hz; sep 25 dB, 10-30.000 Hz; tracking ance 8 x 10-' cm/dyne at 1 kHz; optimum tracking
amond stylus. Output 6 mV rms at I kHz, 5 cm/sec; force 1.5 g $250 force 1.5-0.15 g; FR 10.25,000 Hz; 8.7 g... $200
FR 10-20,000 Hz +5 dB; sep > 20 dB at 1 kHz; P -G2+. P -Mount version of G2 + $26550
static compliance 25 mm/N lateral, vertical; load G1+. With true ellipsoid stylus. Specifications same
resistance/capacitance 47k ohms/200-400 pF; 5g as for G2+ $150 KOETSU by D&K IMPORTS
$40 P -GI P -Mount version of GI $165
G+. Similar to G1 + Phono Cartridges
Electro II Stereo Moving Coil Cartridge P -Mount version of G+ 0
$$11100 EMC -1D (Koetsu Diamond). MC cartridge with solid
High output MC cartridge with van den Hul stylus; FR onyx body and diamond cantilever
20-22,000 Hz ± 3 dB; ch balance 1 dB max; ch sep EMC-1G (Koetsu Gold). MC cartridge with bod$y2o.f500
id onyx. Stepped boron cantilever; semi -line -contact
stylus tip $1,400
1R Mark II (The Rosewood). MC cartridge hand -
carved from solid rosewood block, parts inserted by
hand. Stepped boron cantilever; semi -line -contact sty-
lus tip
EMC -1B Mark II (Koetsu Black). Hand -made MCc5a0r-
tridge with removable boron cantilever for replacing
stylus. Aluminum -alloy body; semi -line -contact stylus
tip $660

SA -1100D Mark II. Tri-pivot tonearm with 3 -point
gimbal suspension system to eliminate antiskating
GF1 + . With special Grado stylus. otherwise similar to mechanism; vertical balance system; minimal reso-
G1+ $80 nance; detachable headshell (zinc alloy standard,
P-GF1 +. P -mount version of GF 1+ $90 rosewood layered with onyx optional) $700
25 dB at 1.000 Hz; sens 2.5mV at 5 cm/sec; vertical GF2 -. Similar to GF1 $65
tracking angle 20'; equivalent tip mass 0.6 mg; track- P-GF2-. P -mount version of GF2+ $75
ing force 1.6-2 g (1.8 g nominal); 9 g $300 GF3E. With elliptical stylus, otherwise similar to LINN by AUDIOPHILE SYSTEMS
GI . $55
GRACE by SUMIKO P-GF3E. P -mount version of GF3E $60 Asak DC2100K Moving -Coil Cartridge
Stereo MC cartridge with 0.2 0.8 -mil modified el-
F -9E Phono Cartridge Fluxbridger Series liptical stylus. FR 10-50.000 Hz ±3 dB; sep 27 dB;
Wide bandwidth stereo moving samarium -cobalt mag- GCE 1 With elliptical diamond stylus. Output 3 my; output 0.2 mV; imp 3.5 ohms; compliance 12 x 10-
net cartridge with unique Omni Axial pivot for re- FR 1050,000 Hz; sep 20 dB average. 20-20.000 'cm/dyne; tracking angle 20% tracking force 1.5-1.9
duced longitudinal drag distortion. Features line -con- Hz; tracking force 1.5 g $15 g. 6 g $495
tact elliptical stylus shaped from reduced -mass Vital P -GCE +1. P -Mount version of GCE + 1 $47.50 Trak. Moving -coil cartridge with 0.2 x 0.8 mil -modi-
diamond for extremely low effective moving mass. GTE+ 1. Similar to GCE +1 $45 fied elliptical stylus. Technical measurements same as
Compliance 20 x 10- cm/dyne; output 3.5 mV: ef- P -GTE - 1. P -Mount version of GTE 4-1 $18 for Asak $225

Cartridges & Tonearms 5 Cartridges & Tonearms
Ittok LV-H Tonearm Stratus Phono Cartridges shell; 23" 45' adjustable headshell offset effective

Tonearm with 11 1/2' overall length, 9" stylus -pivot Stereo cartridges with direct scanning. length 223mm; pivot to spindle length 210mm; over-
distance, damped cueing mechanism. Features radial $200 hang 18nim; effective mass 14 g; acceptable car-
ball bearings. Effective mass 12 g: total cable capaci- S-2 $150 tr dge weight 2-10 g; suggested cartridge compliance
tance 100 pF: cartridge weight range 3.12 g. $650 $115 4-25 Cu; connection 1,200mm cable with gold pho-
nos: adjustments: height, offset angle, overhang, bias;
LUSTRE by SUMIKO MICRO SEIKI by SAE overall lergth 285mm; 340 g: black $499

GST-801 Tonearm LC8OW Phono Cartridge 774 Tonearm

Moderate -mass tonearm with dual gimbal bearings. Improved MC stereo cartridge with hyperelliptical sty- Designed to direct couple cartridge assembly to turn-
Features magnetic application of vertical tracking lus, individual response curve. FR 10-45,000 Hz It 1 table masi. Features unique bearing design that elimi-
force; adjustable tracking angle during play via preci- dB; sep 30 dB at 1 kHz, 25 dB at 10 kHz; tracking nates conventional "flapping" headshells; low effec-
sion helicoid mechanism; high -rigidity stainless -steel force 1.7 g; load resistance 3.100 ohms $400 tive mass; minimal pivot friction; interchangeable
antiresonant-material-filled tonearm tube; pure silver
with Teflon coated internal wiring; magnesium LF-7 Phono Cartridge
headshell with silver wiring $500 Stereo moving -flux cartridge with user -replaceable el-
liptical stylus $100
Unitrac' 1 Tonearm
Low -mass universal tracking tonearm with unipivot MAX 237 Tonearm
design. detachable carbon fiber headshell. Features Standard length dynamically balanced tonearm with
thin -walled carbon fiber tube; vertical tracking angle interchangeable tubes. Features solid -brass bearing
adjustment; optimum arm geometry; gold connectors; system, brass stabilizers; double -collet chuck system; tonearm tube/headshell assembly. Cartridge weight
low -capacitance cable. Pivot/stylus distance 9 1/2"; gyroscopic mount; micro patented vertica' and lateral range 2-10 g; effective length 229 mm; effective
effective mass 8 g; bearing friction < 5 mg; headshell bearings; fluid damping. Stylus -pivot distance 11.1"; mass 5.5 g $397
offset 22.8% cartridge weight range 7-12 g with auxil- tracking force range 0.5-3 g; cartridge -weight range
iary weight. 3-7 g without weight; stylus overhang 4-33 g $1.000 774 LC Tonearm
0.675"; maximum tracking error 1.77* $325 Direct -coupled tonearm with rigid 2 -plane symmetric
MAX 505111 Tonearm and concentric gimbal -design bearings; fixed head -
MICRO -ACOUSTICS Dynamically balanced tonearm with fluid damping shell. Features height, offset angle . overhang, bias ad-
needle bearing Features medium mass straight justment.: 23' 45' adjustable headshell offset angle;
System II Series tonearm tube w th nondetachable headshell; dual lat- effective length 228mm; pivot to spindle length
eral bearing. Stylus -pivot distance 9.3'; tracking 210mm; overhang 18mm: effective mass 7 g; ac-
830 CSA Phono Cartridge force range 0.5-3 g; cartridge -weight range 4-16 ceptable cartridge weight 2.10 g; suggested cartridge
Ultra -low -mass direct -coupled electret cartridge with g $425 compliance 4-50 Cu; connection 1.200mm cable
Micro -Fine beryllium cantilever. twin -pivot revolver. with gold phonos; overall length 285mm; 393 g;
ultralight-weight carbon -fiber housing. Designed for CFX 1 Tonearm black $199
wide dynamic range digitally mastered recordings. Dynamically balanced carbon -fiber tonearm with nee-
Features internal warp stabilizer damping; microcir- dle vertical bearing, dual -radial lateral bearing, NAGATRON
cuit that matches output to any cable capacitance. decoupled counterweight. Stylus -pivot distance 9.3";
tracking -force range 0.5-3 g; cartridge -weight range 9600 Super IM Phono Cartridge
4-12 g $225 Stereo induced -magnet aluminum magnesium alloy
cartridge with tapered. tubular boron cantilever, sa-
MA500 Tonearm marium-.:obalt magnet; FR 20-30.000 Hz; output 2
Stainless steel arm with medium -mass straight arm. mV at 53 mm/sec. 1 kHz; recommended load 47k
Features knife-edge vertical bearing assembly: track- ohms; dynamic compliance 15 x 10' cm/dyne at 100
ing force range 0.5-3 g; cartridge weight range 4.12 Hz: tracking force range 0.9-1.3 g; triangle -tip ellipti-
g $225 cal semi -line contact stylus; effective mass 0.031 mg:
JIS and EIA standard mount; 7.6 g $275
300 Series Phono Cartridges
733 SM Phono Cartridge Features critically aligned samarium -cobalt alloy in-
Low -output MC cartridge with 0.3 x 0.7 -mm nude duced-rragnet structure: universal mount; FR 10-
block elliptical stylus. Output 0.2 mV at 1 kHz, 5 25.000 Hz; balance/sep 1.0:25 dB at 1 kHz; output
cm/sec; sep 20 dB at 1 kHz: balance 0.5 dB. 20- 4.0 mV 3t 50 mm/sec at 1 kHz; recommended load
20.000 Hz: tracking force 2.0 g $597 30k -100k ohms. 50k ohms nominal; dynamic compli-
preamp input resistance; Vari-Balance system; inde- 773 HC. Similar to 773 SM except has 0.6 x 0.8 -mm ance 9 x 10d cm/dyne; static compliance 20 x 10`
pendent damping, suspension systems; dynamic feed- stylus. Specs same as for 773 SM $227 cm/dyne.
back system; cutting stylus analog; microphonically 773 LC. Similar to 773 SM except has 0.6 x 0.8 -mm 300DJ. Designed for broadcasters, discos, other
tuned and damped; gold wiring. Output 3.5 mV; FR 5- stylus. Specs same as for 773 SM $227 commercial users; features back -cueing capability,
20,000 Hz .75 dB (calibration curve supplied); sep low distortion, heavy-duty stylus, cantilever, suspen-
30 dB at 1 kHz; tracking -force range 0.7-1.4 g; rise 773MM Moving -Magnet Cartridge sion; tracking pressure 4-5 g; grain -oriented equi-ra-
time 4.5jusec; cable capacitance,.load resistance 25- 0.3 0.8 mil elliptical whole diamond; output 4mV dial stylus $75
1500 pF,. 5k -100k ohms; 2.5-4 g, adjustable with at 1,000 Hz, 3mV 50mm/sec at 1.000 Hz 28 dB at
Vari-Balance $335 1,000 Hz 1.5-2.5 $79 200 Series Phono Cartridges
630 MP. Similar to 830 CSA but no Micro -point II dia- Stereo cobalt -alloy magnet structure; universal
mond stylus and no cutting stylus analog. FR 5- Tonearms mount; FR 10-25.000 Hz; balance/sep 1.0/25 dB at
20.000 Hz ' 1 dB $265 1 kHz; output 4.0 mV at 50 mm/sec. 1 kHz; recom-
3002. Similar to 630 minus iridium -platinum axial 774 SM Tonearm mended load 30k -100k ohms, 50k ohms nominal;
damper, calibrated curve. FR 5-20,000 Hz 1.25 Direct -coupled tonearm with rigid 2 -plane symmetric dynamic compliance 8 x 10 cm/dyne at 1 kHz: static
dB; rise time 5µsec $170 and concentric gimbel design bearings: fixed head - compliance 20 x 10' cm/dyne.
382. Similar to 3002 except has elliptical diamond
stylus with beryllium cantilever; minus Vari-Balance.
Tracking force 0.75-1.5 g; rise time 6µsec; 4 g $140
309. Similar to 382 except has aluminum cantilever.
FR -2 dB;rise time 7 jusec. $120 NOTICE TO READERS
100-e. Similar to 309 except standard elliptical sty-
lus. FR ±2.5 dB; rise time 8jusec; tracking force 0.8- Prices of items described are manufacturers' suggested prices
1.6 g $99 only and are subject to change without notice. Actual selling
309 Phono Cartridge prices are determined by the dealers.
Direct -coupled electret stereo cartridge. Features uni-
versal -match microcircuit, dynamic feedoack damp-
ers. Rise time 7 µsec $120

Cartridges & Tonearms 5 Cartridges & Tonearms
220CE. 0.3 x 0.7 mil shaped elliptical nude diamond Concorde Series TM 7. Stereo cartridge with elliptical diamond stylus.
stylus with tapered carbon -fiber cantilever; effective STD. Variable magnetic shunt stereo cartridge with el- FR 20-20.000 Hz; output 5 mV at 1 kHz, 5 cm/sec;
mass 0.60 mg $150 liptical diamond stylus. Output 5 mV; equivalent sty- sep/balance 22/2 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 1.25 g;
210E. 0.3 x 0.7 mil elliptical nude diamond stylus lus tip mass 0.6 mg; ch sep 20 dB at 1 kHz: tracking equivalent tip mass 0.5 mg; recommended load 47k
with aluminum UT -58 cantilever; effective mass 0.65 force 1.7-2.3 g; vertical tracking angle 20% 15 ohms/200 pF
mg $25
$110 g $125
EC 10. Variable magnetic shunt stereo cartridge with Tonearm/Cartridge Combination
100 Series Phono Cartridges elliptical diamond stylus. Output 5 mV; equivalent tip
Stereo induced magnet with super-permalloy shield: mass 0.7 mg; sep 20 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 1.7- Ortofon/SME 30 H Cartridge/Arm
FR 20-20,000 Hz: effective mass 0.85 mg; balance/ 2.3 g: 15g $95 Coupling of Ortoton's Concorde 30 low -mass car-
sep 1.5/24 dB at kHz; output 4.0 mV at 50
Pro. Integrated elliptical cartridge. FR 20-20.000 Ft; tridge/headshell with SME's Series III, IIIS low -mass
mm/sec (1 kHz); recommended load 30k -100k output 5 mV at 1 kHz at 5 cm/sec; sep/balance at 1 tonearm; uses solid nude fine -line diamond stylus and
ohms. 50k ohms nominal: dynamic compliance > 8 x kHz 20/2 dB: dynamic compliance specially -hardened aluminum alloy cantilever in S-
10' cm/dyne at 1 kHz; static compliance 20 x 10' horizontal/vertical 8/8 µm/mN; FIM distortion 1.8%; shaped arm. Output 3 mV at 5 cm/sec. 1 kHz; FR 20-
cm/dyne; aluminum cantilever. load resistance 47k ohms; 16 g $95 20.000 Hz; balance/sep 1.5/25 dB at 1 kHz; dy-
1951E. 0.3 x 0.7 Mil elliptical diamond stylus; integral
namic compliance 35 µm/mN; tracking force range
headshell $75 VMS Series Phono Cartridges 0.8-1.2 g; tonearm resonant frequency 13 Hz; 10.5
185E. 0.3 x 0.7 Mil elliptical diamond stylus; univer- VMS 30 MkII. Variable magnetic shunt stereo car-
sal mount
g $260
$65 tridge with axially oriented fine -line diamond stylus.
1651S. 0.5 Mil spherical diamond stylus; universal Output 5 mV at 1 kHz. 5 cm/sec; equivalent stylus tip PIONEER
mount $55 mass 0.45 mg; sep 27 dB at kHz; tracking force

1.0-1.6 g: vertical tracking angle 20'; 5 g $185 Moving -Coil Cartridges

ONKYO VMS 20 E MkII. Similar to VMS 30 Mkll except has el- PC-6MC. High output MC type with stylus 0.3 - 0.7
liptical diamond stylus. Equivalent tip mass 0.5 mg; mil elliptical, otuput voltage 2 mV; FR 10-32.000 Hz;
MC -100 Moving -Coil Cartridge sep 25 dB: tracking force 0.8-1.2 g $155 tracking force 1.7-2.3g. user -replaceable stylus (PN-
Moving -coil cartridge features carbon fiber with extra VMS 10 E Mkll. Similar to VMS 20 E Mkll except 6MC)
thin super-duralumin: 3 -layer cantilever. FR 20-
equivalent tip mass 0.65 mg; tracking force 1.7-2.3 PC-5MC. Similar to PC-6MC except has 0.5 mil coni-
50.000 Hz: tracking force 1.8 g +0.2 g $170 g $130 cal stylus. user -replaceable stylus (PN-5MC) $50
Replacement Stylus. Must be purchased directly VMS 5 E MkII. Similar to VMS 10 E Mkll except equiv- PC-4MC. Similar to PC-5MC except FR 10-35.000
through the manufacturer $100 alent tip mass 0.8 mg; output 6 mV; tracking force Hz. output voltage 1.5 mV; stylus 0.3 0.7 mil ellip-
MT -2. Transformer for MC -100 cartridge $98 1.5-3.0 g $80 tical; user -replaceable stylus (PN-4MC) $75
VMS 3 E. Stereo cartridge with variable magnetic PC-3MC. High output MC type with stylus 0.5 mil con-
ORTOFON shunt system. FR 20-20,000 Hz; output 6 mV at 1 ical, output voltage 2.5 mV; FR 10-32.000 Hz; track-
kHz. 5 cm/sec; sep 20 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 20 ing force 1.7-2.3g. user -replaceable stylus (PN-
Moving -Coil Cartridges mN (2.0 g); FIM distortion 1%; load resistance 47k 3MC) $50
MC 30. MC cartridge with fine -line diamond stylus. ohms; 5 g $60
Features wide -range damping system. Output 0.08 PICKERING
mV at 5 cm/sec, 1 kHz; FR 20-20.000 Hz & 1 dB; Ortophase Moving -Coil Series
balance 1 dB; sep 25 dB at kHz; dynamic compli-
MC 2000. MC cartridge with low -mass (0.27 mg) XLZ/7500S Phono Cartridge
ance 13 µm/mN vertical. horizontal; load imp 47k moving system; wide -range damping and hard Cartridge with nude Stereohedron- diamond stylus
ohms: tracking force 1.5 g; 6 -p.m stylus tip radius; 7 alluminum conical cantilever. Features symmetrical tip. Sensitivity 0.06 mV cm sec & 2 dB; FR 10-
g $850 contact line diamond; aluminum armature for mass 50.000 Hz; sep 35 dB; tracking force 0.5-1/5 g: in-
MC 20. MC cartridge with 0.14 x 0.07 -mm nude fine - reduction of 66% in relation to traditional armature cludes Dustamatic brush; replacement stylus
line diamond stylus. Features wide -range damping designs and to prevent magnetic noise; samarium co- D7500 $220
system, square magnetic pole. Output 0.09 mV at 5 balt magnet; pure silver coils. Output voltage at 1
cm/sec. 1 kHz; FR 20-20.000 Hz & dB; kHz, 5 cm/sec 0.050 mV; ch sep at 1 kHz - 25 dB:
XLZ/4500S Phono Cartridge
balance/sep 1.5/25 dB at 1 kHz; dynamic compli- FR 5-90,000 Hz: tracking ability at 315 Hz at recom- Low -imp cartridge with long contact line Stereo-
ance 12 µm/mN at 10 Hz; 8 x 40-iim stylus tip; mended tracking force > 100 lam; Ilg .... $1.000 hedron- stylus. Output 0.06 mV/cm/sec & 2 dB; FR
tracking force 1.7 g; 7 g $300 MC 200 I. MC cartridge. Output voltage at 1 kHz, 5 20-40.000 Hz; sep 35 dB; replacement stylus
MC 10 Super. MC cartridge with elliptical nude stylus. cm/sec 0.09 mV; ch balance at 1 kHz -- 1.5 dB; ch D4500S $150
Vertical .tracking angle 20', output 0.09 mV at 1 kHz. sep at 1 kHz 25 dB; FR 20-25.000 Hz 4 3/-1 dB XLZ/3500E. Similar to XLZ/4500S except has 0.2 x
5 cm/sec; balance 1.5 dB at 1 kHz; FR 20-20,000 tracking force 12-18 mN (1.2-1.8g); 16.5 g $400 0.7 -mil elliptical stylus. High -end response 30 kHz;
Hz & 1 dB: tracking force 1.5 g; FIM distortion < 1%; MC 200 U. Universal version of MC 200 I $350 sep 30 dB: replacement stylus D3500E
7g $100
$150 MC 100 I. Junior version of MC 200 I cartridge. Fea-
tures same MC and wide range damping system ring XSV/5000 Phono Cartridge
Optimum Mass Cartridges magnet; aluminum cantilever $300 Cartridge with nude Stereohedron`diamond stylus tip.
OM -30. Low -mass variable magnetic shunt cartridge. MC 100 U. Universal version of MC 100 I $$2500
Output 5.5 mV at 5.5 cm, sec; FR 10-50.000 Hz; sep
Features cartridge body of neryl plastic for rigidity 35 dB; tracking force 1 g; includes Dustamatic brush;
and min weight; copper coils; mu -metal container for TMC 200 Phono Cartridge replacement stylus D5000
electrical system; nude fine line diamond stylus; $220
Moving -coil cartridge with wide range damping, pure XSV/4000. Similar to XSV/5000 except FR 10-
tracking force 1.25; FR 20-27.000 Hz; output volt- boron cantilever. Output 0.9 mV at 1 kHz. 5 cm/sec; 36.000 Hz: tracking force 1 g; replacement stylus
age at 1 kHz (5 cm/sec) 3.5 mV; 2.5 g; ch sep at 1 FR 20-35.000 Hz & 2 dB; balance < 1.5 dB; sep 18 D5000
kHz -25 dB $220
$225 dB at 15 kHz; dynamic compliance 13/13 pim verti-
OMP-30. P -Mount version of the OM -30 cartridge; 6 cal, lateral; load imp, 10 ohm: tracking force 1.25 g; XSP P -Mount Cartridge
gms $225 equivalent stylus tip mass 0.5 mg; 6 g $350 Stereohedron- series P -mount cartridge; output
OM -20. Similar to OM -20 except for a more rectangu-
0 9mV cm.sec. FR 10-30.000 Hz; tracking force 11/2
lar nude elliptical diamond stylus. Designed for medi- VMS P -Mount Series
um -weight tonearms. FR 20-22.000 Hz; output volt-
TM 30 H. Moving -coil cartridge with fine line diamond
age at 1 kHz (5cm/sec) -4 mV $175 stylus. Features variable magnetic shunt system. Out- XSV/3000 Phono Cartridge
OMP-2O. P -Mount version of 0M-20 cartridge: 6 put 3.5 mV at 1 kHz. 5 cm/sec; FR 20-20,000; bal- Output 5 mV at 5.5 cm sec: FR 10-30.000 Hz;
gm $175 ance 1.5 dB; sep 25 dB at kHz; compliance 40

0M-10. Similar to OM -20 except for a heavier stylus µm/mN static vertical. 35µm/mN dynamic lateral;
tip; designed for use with heavier tonearms; tracking load 47k ohms/200 pF: tracking force 1.25 g; equiv-
force 1.5 g: FR 20-22.000 Hz; output voltage at 1 alent stylus tip mass 0.35 mg $90
kHz (5 cm/sec) 4 mV; ch sep at 1 kHz 22 dB.. $95 TM 20 H. Moving -coil cartridge with fine line diamond
OMP-10. P -Mount version of 0M-10 cartridge; 6 stylus. Output 3.5 mV at 1 kHz. 5 cm/sec: FR 20-
gm $95 20.000 Hz; balance/sep 1.5/25 dB; compliance 40
µm/ mN static vertical, 3 p./mN dynamic lateral; load
FF15XE Mkll Phono Cartridge 47k ohms/200 pF; tracking force 1.25 g; equivalent
Variable magnetic shunt cartridge with 8 -p.m elliptical stylus tip mass 0.45 mg; 6 g $60
diamond stylus tip. Output 1.2 mV at 1 kHz, 1 TM 14. Stereo cartridge with elliptical diamond stylus.
cm/sec; FR 20-20,000 Hz; balance/sep 2/20 dB at FR 20-20.000 Hz: output 4.5 mV; sep/balance
1 kHz; compliance 20 p.m/mN horizontal, vertical); 25/1.5 dB at 1 kHz; equivalent stylus tip mass 0.5 Stereohedron- stylus tip; tracking force 0.75-1.5 g;
tracking force range 1.5-3 g; replacement stylus mg; recommended load 47k ohms/200 pF; tracking sep 35 dB; features Dustamatic brush; replacement
NF15XE Mkt!: 5 g $65 force 1.25 g $30 stylus D3000 $140

Cartridges & Tonearms
XV-15/1200 Phono Cartridge
Output 4 4 mV at 5.5 cm sec. FR 10-30,000 Hz; 0.2
x 0.7 -mil elliptical stylus. tracking force 0.5-1.25 g;
sep 35 dB: features Dustamatic brush; replacement
stylus D1200 $110 PICKERING
XV-15/750E Phono Cartridge
Output 4 4 mV at 5.5 cm sec; FR 10-25,000 Hz; 0.3
We've been making
x 0.7 -mil elliptical stylus; tracking force 0.5-1.5 g; ch
sep 35 dB; features Dustamatic brush; rep.acement
plug-in cartridges
stylus D750 $80 bal bearings; bearing design is same as Sumiko s the
ARM for extremely free movement with no bearing for 35 years!
XV-15/625E Phono Cartridge play or chatter. Features decoupled counterweight op-
Output 4.4 mV at 5.5 cm sec; FR 10-25.000 Hz; 0.3
x 0.7 -mil elliptical stylus: tracking force 0.75-1.5 g;
tional damping; removable headshell $225
sep 35 dB; features Dustamatic brush; replacement SHURE Worlds first mag-
stylus $80 netic cartridge
V15 Type V -MR Phono Cartridge
Improved low -distortion Micro -Ridge stylus tip and was the Pickering America's first
XV-15/625DJ Disco Cartridge
Designed for disco use. Output 0.8 mV/cm /sec; sep Microwall beryllium stylus shank for incredible S120. Acclaimed magnetic
30 dB; tracking force 1-4 g; 0.3 x 0.7 -mil elliptical trackability. Features viscous -damped Dynamic Stabi- worldwide by radio cartridge
$75 lizer and Side -Guard stylus protection system; in- -a plug-in
stylus D.J.'s, recording
cludes Duo -Point Alignment Gauge and computer per-
formance printout. Output 3.2 mV at 1 kHz (5 engineers and audiophiles alike,
XV-15/400E Phono Cartridge
Output 8 mV at 5.5 cm sec: FR 10-25.000 Hz: 0.4 x cm, sec peak velocity); FR 10-28.000 Hz; sep 25 dB this monophonic pickup was easily
0.7 -mil elliptical stylus; tracking force 1-1.5 g; sep 35 plugged in with a simple slide -in
dB; features Dustamatic brush: replacement stylus motion, - great for "on -the -air"
D4000 $70
and entertainment security.
Micro IV Series
V-15 Micro IV AME. Output 5.5 mV at 5.5 cm,'sec; FR
20-20.000 Hz; 0.4 x 0.7 -mil elliptical stylus; tracking
force 1-2 g; sep 30 dB; features Dustamatic brush. Pickering
replacement stylus DIV-AME $65 introduced
V-15 Micro IV ATE. Output 6.5 mV at 5.5 cm/sec; FR a plug-in for
20-18.000 Hz; 0.4 x 0.7 -mil elliptical stylus; tracking
force 2-4 g; sep 28 dB: features Dustamatic brush;
Juke boxes.
replacement stylus DIV-ATE $50 The Pickering
V-15 Micro IV AM. Output 6 mV at 5.5 cm/sec; FR 303 provided
20-20.000 Hz: 0.7 -mil spherical stylus; tracking the first slide -
force 1.3 g; sep 30 dB; features Dustamatic brush:
replacement stylus DIV-AM $45 in slide -out
V-15 Micro IV ACE. Output 8 mV at 5.5 cmisec: FR stylus plus Seeburg's -Phoenix"
20-17,000 Hz; 0.5 x 0.7 -mil elliptical stylus; tracking plug-in car- Juke Box Circa 1954
or greater at 1 KHz; tracking force 1.0 g; replacement
force 3.5 g; sep 26 dB; features Dustamatic brush:
tridge for simple user replacement.
replacement stylus DIV-ACE $40 stylus VN5MR
When the world
V-15 Micro IV AT. Output 8 mV at 5.5 cm/sec; FR 20-
18,000 Hz; 0.7 -mil spherical stylus; tracking force 2-
4 g; sep 28 dB; features Dustamatic brush; replace-
V15 Type V -B Phono Cartridge
Shure's exclusive Hyperelliptical tip. Microwall berylli-
1959 went stereo so did
ment stylus DIV-AT $40 um stylus shank. Dynamic Stabilizer and Side -Guard Pickering with plug-in cartridges
V-15 Micro IV AC. Output 8 mV at 5.5 cm/sec: FR 20- stylus protection system. Includes individual comput- for Juke boxes and turntables.
17.000 Hz: 0.7 -mil spherical stylus; tracking force 3- er performance printout. Output 3.2 mV at 1 kHz (5
7 g; sep 26 dB; features Dustamatic brush; replace-
ment stylus DIV-AC $35
cm/sec peak velocity); FR 10-28.000 Hz; sep 25 dB
or greater at 1 kHz; tracking force 1.0 g: replacement
stylus VN5HE: VN5MR upgrade $220
AND IN 1983
Pickering offers a full line of "P -
P -Mount Cartridges
XSP/4004. Stereohedron- stylus. Output 3.8 mV: VI5 Type V -P Phono Cartridge Mounts" for Technics and other
tracking 11/, g; FR 10-36.000 Hz ..
- $180 Specifically designed for ultimate perfcrmance in P - linear and conventional type
TL -3. Stereohedron- stylus. Output 4.4mV; tracking Mount tonearms. Features Hyperelliptical tip; micro - turntables. Plug-in with the one
g; FR 10-25.000 Hz $125 wall beryllium stylus shank; computer performance
TL -2S. Stereohedron- stylus. Output 4.4mV; tracking printout. Same specs as V15 type V -B. Replacement of your choice:
-11/, g; FR 10-22.000 Hz $100 stylus VN5P $205
TL -2E. Elliptical stylus. Output 4.4mV; tracking '4,- St
11/, g; FR 10-22.000 Hz $80 ML140HE Phono Cartridge
TLE Type 2. Elliptical stylus. Output 3.OmV; tracking Slim -line high -efficiency cartridge body provides an TLC
1-114 g; FR 10-22.000 Hz $60 extremely flat frequency response from 20-22,000 TLE
TLE. Elliptical stylus. Output 4.4mV; tracking 1-1 y, g; Hz. Superb trackability with Microwall beryllium TLE Type 2
FR 10-20.000 Hz $45 shank and accurate tracing with Hyperelliptical tip.
TLC. Spherical stylus. Output 4.4mV: tracking 1.11/, Slim Dynamic Stabilizer combats record warp prob-
g; FR 1020.000 Hz .
.$40 lems. while destaticizing and cleaning the record, and
Side -Guard helps protect stylus from accidental dam- TL -1
PREMIER by SUMIKO age. Includes overhang gauge. Output 4.0 mV at 1
TL -2E
kHz (5 cm sec peak velocity); sep 25 dB or greater at TL -2S ,Ae\
Premier LMX Boron Cartridge kHz; tracking force 1.0 g. Replacement stylus

Low -mass MC stereo cartridge with hollow boron can- N140HE $190 TL -3S
tilever. hand -wound coils; samarium cobalt magnets. XSP/3003 TL -4S Super
Features FGV cutter analog stylus configuration with ML120HE Phono Cartridge XSP/4004
long. constant -radius contact line for increased detail, Slim -line high -efficiency cartridge bocy provides an
better tracking, and reduced groove noise; output 0.3 exceptional flat frequency response from 20-22,000
Premier LMS Improved. Similar to LME except has 0.6
$250 Hz. Low -mass, high -stiffness telescoped stylus shank.
Hyperelliptical tip, slim Dynamic Stabilizer and Side - PICKERING
spherical stylus. $125 Guard stylus protecton system. Output 4.0 mV at 1

kHz (5 cm/sec peak velocity); sep 25 dB or greater at "for those who can hear the difference:.
Premier MMT Tonearm 1 kHz: tracking force 1.0 g. Replacement stylus
N I 20HE $155 101 Sunnyside Blvd., Plainview, N.Y. 11803
Highly rigid medium -mass tonearm with double gim-
Cartridges & Tonearms 5 Cartridges & Tonearms
M111 HE Phono Cartridge dial (elliptical) stylus, replacement stylus N55E . $65 tracking error & 1.5° maximum; total arm, cable ca-
Features telescoped stylus shank. Hyperelliptical tip. pacitance 80 pF; weight 9.5g $400-425
Dynamic Stabilizer. Side Guard stylus protection sys- M44E Phono Cartridge XKSP1. Extra integral tlarm tube to X1(50 $70-80

tem; rigid. low mass converter allows mounting to ei- Moving -magnet type; output 9.5 mV at 5 cm:sec
ther conventional mount tonearms or most P - peak velocity (1 kHz); FR 20-20.000 Hz; tracking SONY
force 1.75-4 g; sep 20 dB (1 kHz); 0.4 x 0.7 -mil bira-
dial (elliptical) stylus; replacement stylus N44E .$57 XL-MC3 Phono Cartridge
Low -mass high -compliance MC stereo cartridge. Fea-
SC35C Phono Cartridge tures patented Figure 8 voltage -generating system:
Professional moving -magnet type. Output 5 mV at 5 replaceable super -elliptical diamond stylus. FR 10-
cm. -sec peak velocity (1 kHz); FR 20-20.000 Hz; sep 50,000 Hz; 3 g $200
20 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 4-5 g; 0.6 -mil spheri- XL-MC2. Similar to XL-MC3 except has standard ellip-
cal stylus: features band alignment point; replace- tical stylus. High -end response 45 kHz .. ..... $80
ment stylus SS35C $45 XL -MC 1. Similar to XL-MC2 except high -end response
30 kHz $60
SC39ED Phono Cartridge
Professional moving -magnet cartridge. Output 4 my XL -44L Phono Cartridge
at 5 cm sec peak velocity (1 kHz): FR 20-20.000 Hz; Figure 8 MC phono cartridge with nude super ellipti-
sep 25 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 0.75-1.5 g; 0.2 x cal diamond stylus attached directly to cantilever; FR
0.7 -mil biradial (elliptical) stylus; features MASAR tip. extends to 40.000 Hz $180
Mount tonearms; output 5.0 mV at 1 kHz (5 cm/sec Side -Guard stylus deflector; replacement stylus
peak velocity): FR 20-20.000 Hz: sep 25 dB at 1 SS39ED $30 XL -33 Phono Cartridge
kHz; tracking force 1.25 g. Replacement stylus SC39ED. Same as SC39ED except tracking force 1.5- Figure -8 MC phono cartridge with elliptical diamond
N111HE $135 3 g; ch sep 20 dB at 1 kHz; 0.4 x 0.7 -mil stylus: re- stylus mounted on rigid tempered aluminum cantile-
placement stylus SS39ED $70 ver, in 4 -pin diecast aluminum headshell; response
M110HE Phono Cartridge extended to 35.000 Hz $100
Features telescoped stylus shank. Hyperelliptical tip. SIGNET
and Side Guard stylus protection system: rigid, low VAL-7 Phono Cartridge
mass easy to use convertor allows mounting to either TK I OML Phono Cartridge Lightweight MM cartridge with elliptical diamond sty-
conventional mount tonearms or all P -Mount Microline- nude diamond stylus mounted on boron lus, carbon fiber cantilever: extends FR to 25 kHz$90
tonearms: same specs as MIII HE. Replacement sty- cantilever $375.400
lus N I 10HE $110 VL5 Phono Cartridge
TK9LCa Phono Cartridge MM cartridge with low -mass aluminum cantilever,
M105E Phono Cartridge Stereo cartridge with Linear Contact miniature nude low -distortion moving system $50
Features 0.2 0.7 mil elliptical tip and thin -walled. diamond stylus, tapered beryliium cantilever. FR 5-
reinforced aluminum shank. Features Destaticizer 35.000 Hz; output 2.2 mV at 5 cm/sec: tracking SONUS by SONIC RESEARCH
Brush to clean dust from record grooves and remove force 0.8-1.6 g; balance/sep 0.5/35 dB at 1
static electricity from the record surface Side -Guard kHz $325-350 D-5 Dimension 5 Phono Cartridge
stylus protection system helps prevent accidental sty- Magnetic cartridge with Lambda diamond stylus, inte-
lus damage. Fits most P -Mount tonearms and in- TK9Ea Phono Cartridge grated tapered aluminum cantilever; micro -machined
cludes rigid mount converter; output 5.0 mV at 1 Stereo cartridge with 0.2 x 0.7 -mil elliptical square - armature; designed to reproduce direct -to -disc and
kHz (5 cm/sec peak velocity); FR 20-20.000 Hz; sep shank nude diamond stylus tapered beryllium cantile- PCM-mastered recordings. Output 0.8 mV/cm/sec;
25 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 1.25 g. Replacement ver. FR 10-25,000 Hz; output 2.2 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 10-20,000 Hz & 1 dB, 20-40,000 Hz 2/-5 dB;
stylus N105E $100 tracking force 0.8-1.6 g: balance/sep 0.5/35
dB $300-325
M104E Phono Cartridge
Accurate tracing 0.2 0.7 mil elliptical stylus tip TK7LCa Phono Cartridge
and tubular heat -treated aluminum stylus shank. P - FR 5-35.000 Hz; output 5.0 mV at 5 cm/sec;
Mount compatible and includes rigid V,- mount con- balance; sep 0.5/33 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 3/4-
vertor; output 5.0 mV at 1 kHz (5 cm,- sec peak veloc- 1 3 4 g; nude square -shank miniature Straight Line
ity): FR 20-20.000 Hz; sep 25 dB at 1 kHz; tracking Contact micromass beryllium tube cantilever . $225-
force 1.25 g. Replacement stylus N104E $70 250

M99E Phono Cartridge TK7Ea Phono Cartridge

Heat -treated tubular aluminum stylus shank and 0.2 FR 5-30.000 Hz; output 5.0 mV at 5 cm sec;
0.7 mil elliptical stylus tip. P -Mount compatible balance/ sep 0.5. 33 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 3 4-
and fits conventional ./," mount tonearms with rigid, 1 3/4 g; 0.2 x 0.7 -mil nude square -shank miniature
converter. Output 5.0 mV at 1 kHz (5 cm/ sec peak elliptical stylus; micro -mass beryllium cantile-
velocity); FR 20-20.000 Hz; sep 20 dB at 1 kHz; ver $200-225
tracking force 1.25 g $50
Replacement stylus N99E TK5Ea Phono Cartridge compliance 50 cm/dyne x 10-.; balance/ sep & 1/30
FR 10-30,000 Hz; output 5.0 mV at 5 cm/sec; dB at 1 kHz; tracking force range 1-1.5 g: 5.5 g
M92E Phono Cartridge balance/sep 0.75/29 dB at kHz; tracking force (RCD-11 replacement stylus. $125)
Heat -treated tubular aluminum stylus shank and 0.4 .75-1.75 g; 0.2 x 0.7 -mil nude square -shank elliptical Calibrated D-5. Similar to Dimension 5 except hand
0.7 mil elliptical stylus tip. P -Mount compatible stylus; tapered cantilever; unicore coils .. $130.150 calibrated $350
and fits conventional mount tonearms with rigid. Replacement stylus $175
converter; output 5.0 mV at 1 kHz (5 cm/sec peak TK3Ea Phono Cartridge
velocity); FR 20-18.000 Hz: sep 20 dB at 1 kHz; FR 15-28.000 Hz; output 5.0 mV at 5 cm/sec: SB-2 Super Blue Phono Cartridge
tracking force 1.25 g. Replacement stylus N92E$30 balance sep 1.0/28 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 1-1 Moving -iron cartridge with Lamda stylus and super -
3/4 g: 0.3 x 0.7 -mil elliptical nude diamond stylus: lightweight moving system. FR to 35 kHz; sep 20 dB.
M95HE Phono Cartridge thin -walled tube cantilever $85-100 20-20.000 Hz; output 4 mV at 5 cm/sec; tracking
Output 4.7 mV at 5 cm sec peak velocity (1 kHz); FR force 1-1.5 g; 5.5 g (Replacement stylus No. RSB-11
20-20.000 Hz; sep 25 dB (1 kHz); tracking force TK I Ea Phono Cartridge $98) $195
0.75-1.5 g: hyperelliptical diamond tip; replacement FR 15-25,000 Hz output 4.8 mV at 5 cm/sec;
stylus N95HE $119 balance/sep 1.5/26 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 1 GB -3 Gold Blue Phono Cartridge
M95ED. Same as M95HE except with biradial (ellipti- 1/2-2 1 g; 0.4 x 0.7 -mil elliptical diamond stylus; High -compliance cartridge with low moving mass, so-
cal) tip; replacement stylus N95ED $99 thin -walled tubed cantilever $60-75 phisticated modified line -contact stylus. FR to 35
M95ED. Same as M95ED except sep 20 dB at 1 kHz: kHa; output 4 mV at 5 cm /sec: compliance 50
tracking force 1.5-3 g; replacement stylus XK50 Tonearm cm/dyne x 10-.; vertical tracking angle 20'; sep 30
N95E1 $79 Integral tonearm to eliminate headshell connecting dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 1-1.5 g; 5.5 g (Replace-
ring resonance and weight; has Signetrace damped ment stylus No. RCG-12 $87) $165
M55E Phono Cartridge planar tracking; designed to accomodate cartridges
Moving -magnet type: output 6.2 mV at 5 cm,'sec weighing 4-11 g; provides antiskating adjust for ellip- BZ-5 Bronze Phono Cartridge
peak velocity (1 kHz); FR 20-20.000 Hz; tracking tical conical line type styli; tracking force adjust 1/10 Moving -iron magnetic cartridge with line -contact ellip-
force 0.75-2 g: sep 20 dB (1 kHz): 0.2 x 0.7 -mil bira- g: increments 0-1.6 g; overhang adjustment 5 mm; soid stylus for use in any modern lightweight t larm;

Cartridges & Tonearms 66 If you could make
low -mass high -compliance balanced dynamic system. 980 HZS Phono Cartridge
your phono cartridge
Output 0.8 mV at 1 kHz: FR 10-20.000 Hz 1.5 dB; High -imp stereo cartridge with nude Stereohedron'
diamond stylus. mounted "longhair- brush. Output
last up to 10 times
compliance 42 cm 'dyne x 10-6; tracking angle 20';
balance 2 dB; cartridge weight 5.5 g: tracking force 0.8 mV/cm/sec 2 dB; FR 10-50.000 Hz: tracking
force 0.51.5 g. sep 35 dB at 1 kHz; 5.5 g $220
longer, and enjoy
1.0-1.5 g; features uni-pivot suspension; sep 30 dB
at 1 kHz; recommended load imp 47k ohms (Replace.
ment stylus No. RBC-Z 22 $70)$130 980 US Phono Cartridge
improved tracking
Silver Phono Cartridges
Low -imp phono cartridge with nude Stereohedron-
stylus tip; output 0.06 mV/cm/sec 2 dB; FR 10.
and lower distortion...
Similar to Gold series. Output 1.0 mV/cm-sec at
kHz; compliance 40 cms dyne x 10-6: balance

50.000 Hz; sep 35 dB; tracking force range 0.5-1.5
g; includes Dustamatic brush; replacement stylus
simply by using the
dB; ch sep 30 dB at 1 kHz; load imp 47k ohms; track-
ing force range 1.1 1/2 g; 5.5g.
D98S $220 right stylus treatment...
SE -9 Silver E. Biradial (elliptical) stylus (RCS -23 re-
placement stylus. $45); response 10-20.000 Hz
L -847S P -Mount Cartridge
Top of the line P -Mount cartridge. Features
wouldn't you go out
1.5 dB $95 Stereohedron- stylus: tracking ' ,-1'/, gs; output
0.7; FR 10-36,000 Hz; ch balance 2 dB: sep 35
and buy it? "
Black Phono Cartridge dB. 5.9 gs: replacement stylus D84S $180
Similar to Gold series, output 1.0 mV cm/sec, 5 mV
at 5 cms 'sec: FR 10-10.000 Hz ' 1 dB. 10-20.000 885LZS Low -Impedance Cartridge
Low -imp stereo cartridge with long -contact line
Hz . 2 -1 dB; balance sep 1 2 25 dB at 1 kHz; com-
pliance 30 x 10-6 cm dyne; imp 47k ohms; 5.5 g. Stereohedron' stylus. mounted "longhair" brush. FR
BA -11 Black A. Precision -ground and polished biradi- 20-40.000 Hz; sap 35 dB; 90 -micron tracking at 1-g
al elliptical stylus; tracking force 1.5-2 g $80 force: 5.5 g. Rep.acement stylus D88S $150
. .

RCB-23. Replacement stylus $40

L -837S P -Mount Cartridge
SR -202 Stereo Cartridge Features Stereohedron- stylus; tracks at , gs;
Moving -iron stereo phono cartridge with low -mass el- output 0.9; FR i0-30.000 Hz; ch balance 2 dB: STYLAST
sep 35 dB: 5.9 gs: replacement stylus D83S $140 Stylus Treatment
liptical stylus: designed for moderate S- and J- shaped
tonearms. Compliance 25 x 10-6 cm. dyne; FR to 20
kHz; balance sep '25 dB at 1 kHz; 5.5 g (RSR-25 681 Triple -E S Type
replacement stylus. 25) $60 Output 0.7 mV cm sec & 2 dB: FR 10-12.000 Hz 3
0.5 dB; balance sep + 2/35 dB (1 kHz): load imp
Plug -In Cartridges 47k ohms; load capacitance 275 pF: tracking force
SPM-2. For use with any tonearm with 4 pin locking 0.75-1.5 g; Stereohedron- stylus: weight 6.3 g with
screw; has 0.2 0.7 mil elliptical stylus and light-
self-supporting (1 g) brush; replacement stylus
weight hollow aluminum cantilever: FR 20-20.000 Hz 6800EEE-S, D6810 for LPs. D6827 for 78s. $138
-3 dB; sep 20 dB at kHz; tracking force 1.25 g

1 0.25; output 4.0 mV at 5 cm sec; 6.0 g (replace- 681 Triple -E Phono Cartridge
ment stylus RSPM-2 $45 $95 Output 0.7 mV cm. sec & 2 dB; FR 10-12.000 Hz
SPM-1. For tonearms having 4 pin locking screw Fea- 1.5 dB; balance sep 2. 35 dB (I kHz); load imp
tures 0.3 0.7 mil elliptical stylus; 20-20.000 Hz; 47k ohms; load capacitance 275 pF; tracking
FR -3 dB; sep 20 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 1.25 g 0.75-1.5 g; 0.2 x 0.7 -mil elliptical diamond stylus:
+0.25; 4.0 mV output at 5 cm/sec; 6.0 g (replace- weight 5.5g with self-supporting (1 g) brush; replace- This remarkable scientific
ment stylus RSPM-1. $25) $60 ment stylus D6800EEE, D 6810 for LPs. D6827 for formulation is now available
78s $116
at audio stores everywhere or
L747S Plug -In Cartridge directly from the factory.
Tonearm Modification Features Stereohedron stylus. FR 1025.000 Hz.
Converts tonearm on manual turntable to low -mass tracking force 0.75-1.25 g; output 4.4 mV; sep 35 CALL NOW, TOLL -FREE
dB; 5.7 g. Replacement stylus D747S $110
configuration. Includes thin lightweight straight arm
tube, fixed headshell. resonance -isolated counter-

weight, high -frequency damping, overhang adjust- 680SL Disco Cartridge IN CALIFORNIA DIAL
ment, low -capacitance leads. Retains original bearing Output 1.1 mV cm/sec ±2 dB; FR 20 20.000 Hz 800-222-5278
assembly. cueing. antiskate control. Pivot to stylus balance/ sep 2 30 dB; load resistance 47k ohms
COD/MO/CHECK accepted
distance variable; tracking force range 0.75-2 g; ca-
ble capacitance 90 pF; cartridge weight range 2-10 g;
load capacitance 275 pF; nude Stereohedron' stylus
tip; tracking force 3-6 g with brush; 5.5 g $109 OD VISA Minimum Order $law
Shipping/Handling extra.
4g $90
680EL Disco Cartridge Cali'ornia residents add 61/2% sales tax.
STANTON Output 0.82 my cm sec *2 dB; FR 20-18.000 Hz, Foreign orders not accepted.
balance sep & 2'30 dB (1 kHz); load imp 47k ohms. In Canada, call (514) 621-4087
981 LZS Phono Cartridge load capacitance 275 pF; tracking force 2.5 g; 0.4 a
Low -imp cartridge. fully calibrated for exact precision, 0.7 -mil elliptical diamond stylus; 5.5 g; replacement LAST Record Preservation
with nude Stereohedron- diamond stylus. Comes with stylus D6800EL $106 Kit, $18.95
mounted "longhair" brush. Output 0.06 mV/cm sec
2 dB; 785LZE Phono Cartridge LAST Record Preservative
2 dB cm sec 2 dB; FR 10-50,000 Hz 4

sep 35 dB; 5.5 g $250 Low -imp cartridge with 0.2 x 0.7 -mil elliptical stylus. Refill, $14.95
FR 20-30,000 Hz; sep 30 dB; 80 -micron tracking at LAST Collector's Kit, $120.00
1-g force; 5.5 g; replacement stylus D78E $100
981 HZS Phono Cartridge LAST Metering Dispenser, $30.00
High -imp stereo cartridge with nude Stereohedron- LAST Power Cleaner Kit, $9.95
diamond stylus, fully calibrated. Comes with mounted 681EE Phono Cartridge
"longhair" brush. Output 0.7 mV at cm/sec 2 dB; Output 0.82 mV/cm/sec ±2 dB; FR 10-10.000 Hz LAST Record Cleaning Kit, $5.95
FR 10-50.000 Hz 2 dB; sep 35 dB at 1 kHz: 5.5 2 dB; balance 'sep & 2/35 dB (1 kHz): load imp LAST RCM fluid, $20.00
$250 47k ohms; load capacitance 275 pF: tracking force
0.75-1.5 g; 0.2 x 0.7 -mil elliptical diamond stylus:
LAST Record Care Brushes,
weight 5.5 g with self-supporting (1 g) brush: replace Pack of 10, $9.95
ment stylus D6800EE. D6810l for LPs. D6827 for STYLAST Stylus Treatment, $15.95
78s $97 LAST Stylus Cleaner, $4.95
681SE Phono Cartridge
Write directly to the manufacturer or Output 1 mV cm sec 72 dB: FR 10-10,000 Hz
distributor. A list of names and ad- 0.5 dB; balance sep 2 dB/35 dB (1 kHz); load imp
47k ohms, load capacitance 275 pF; tracking force
dresses starts on page 25.
2-4 g: 0.4 x 0.7 -mil elliptical stylus; we.ght 5.5 g with
Liquid Archival Sound Treatment
self-supportirg (1 g) brush: replacement stylus
Cartridges & Tonearms 5 Cartridges & Tonearms
DI6800SE. D6810 for LPs, D6827 for 78s....$97 force 0.75-1.25 g; nude Stereohedron- stylus; 5.7 g through use of rare-earth high-energy magnets. Ad-
with self-supporting (1 g) brush; silver with white han- vanced Line Contact stylus; uni-axial pivot. Output 2
681A Phono Cartridge dle, white brush; replacement stylus D81. D810 for mV; FR 10-50.000 Hz; 5 g $600
Output 1 my cm/sec & 2 dB; FR 10-10.000 Hz & mono SPs, D827 for 78s $179 SD -901E+. Similar to SD -900E except output level
0.5 dB: balance/sep & 2 dB/35 dB (1 kHz); load imp 881E. Similar to 881S except has 0.0002' x 2 mV, allowing use without step-up device. FR 10-
47k ohms: load capacitance 275 pF; tracking force 0.0007" elliptical diamond stylus; FR 10-22,000 Hz 35.000 Hz $135
range 1.5-3 g; spherical stylus; weight 5.5 g (individually calibrated to 20,000 Hz); replacement
with self-supporting (1 g) brush; replacement stylus stylus D81E $158
D6807A, D6810 for LPs, D6827 for 78s $88 TALISMAN by SUMIKO
880S Phono Cartridge
L737S Phono Cartridge Phono cartridge with nude Stereohedron- diamond Talisman Alchemist
Plug-in cartridge with 0.3 x 0.7 -mil elliptical stylus. stylus tip; output 0.9 mV/cm/sec; FR 10-25.000 Hz:
Output 4.4 mV; FR 10-22.000 Hz; tracking force High output MC cartridge. Identical to Talisman S (be-
sep 35 dB; tracking pressure 1 g & 0.25 g; load low) except for output of 1.75 mV and rise time of
0.75-1.25; sep 32 dB; replacement D737E $80 imp/capacitance 47k ohms/275 pF; silver with white approx 7 µsec $385
handle, white brush; 5.7 g; replacement stylus
680EE Phono Cartridge D8OS $147 Talisman S Moving Coil Cartridge
Output 0.82 mV/cm/sec & 2 dB; FR 20-20,000 Hz: 880E. Similar to 880S except has 0.0002' MC cartridge with Direct Field Focus- design to re -
balance/sep & 2 dB/35 dB (1 kHz); load imp 47k 0.0007- elliptical diamond stylus; range 10-22,000
ohms; load capacitance 275 pF; tracking force 0.75- Hz; replacement stylus D8OE
1.5 g; 0.3 x 0.7 -mil elliptical diamond stylus
D680 $76 SUMIKO
600EE Phono Cartridge MDC-800 Tonearm
Output! 1 mV,,cm, sec & 2 dB; FR 20-20,000 Hz & Totally hand -made low -mass dynamic -balance
2.5 dB; balance/sep & 2 dB 35 dB (1 kHz); load imp tonearm with orthogonal gimbal bearings. Rigidity
47k ohms; load capacitance 275 pF; tracking force guaranteed by pressure and temperature bonding
1-2 g; 0.3 x 0.7 -mil elliptical diamond stylus; weight
5 g; replacement stylus D6003EE, D6010 for LPs,
06027 for 78s $62, $62 duce magnetic losses and fringing effects by eliminat-
600E. Similar to 600EE but FR 20-20,000 Hz & 2
ing magnetic yokes and all but pole piece; energy
dB; 0.4 x 0.7 -mil elliptical diamond stylus; tracking
force 1.5-3 g; replacement stylus D6004fE from Samarium cobalt ring magnet is "pulled" across
$56 the coils by front -mounted pole piece creating a direct
600A. Similar to 600E but with 0.7 -mil conical stylus;
tracking force range 2-4 g; replacement stylus relationship between motion at coils and voltage at
D6071A outputs; solid zinc body for reduced resonance, ta-
$51 pered for maximum rigidity; minimal internal air
L -727E Phono Cartridge spaces; cantilever is a low -mass sapphire tube that is
laser -indexed to a grain -oriented, long -line -contact
Plug-in cartridge with 0.4 x 0.7 -mil elliptical stylus.
diamond $300
Output 4.4 mV; FR 10-25,000 Hz; tracking force
0.75-1.24 g; sep 32 dB; replacement stylus Talisman B. Identical to Talisman S except for rigid
low -mass boron -tube cantilever $235
0727E $60 Features unique decoupled multiple counterweight Talisman A. Identical to Talisman S except for
system filled with lead for high energy absorption; aluminum magnesium alloy cantilever with nude -
L725E P -Mount Cartridge nonremovable headshell milled from solid aluminum, mounted elliptical diamond stylus $175
Has an elliptical stylus; tracking force 1-1./2 g; output temperature bonded to tempered -aluminum drawn
0.6; FR 10-22.000 Hz; ch balance < 2 dB; sep 28 tubing filled with antiresonant foam; silver-plated cop-
dB: 6.0 02: replacement stylus D72E TECHNICS
$60 per internal wiring with Mil.spec connectors $1,200
500EE Phono Cartridge SUPEX by SUMIKO
Output 1 mV cm. sec & 2 dB; FR 20-10.000 Hz & 1 Plug-in MM stereo phono cartridge with HPF core, sa-
marium -cobalt magnet. 0.2 x 0.7 -mil elliptical dia-
dB; balance/sep & 2 dB/35 dB (1 kHz); load imp 47k SDX-1000 Phono Cartridge mond stylus, boron pipe cantilever, 1 -point suspen-
ohms; load capacitance 275 pF; tracking force 1.2 g; Low -mass MC cartridge with 0.3 x 0.7 -mil Advanced sion. Output 2 mV at 1 kHz, 5 cm/sec; FR
0.3 x 0.7 -mil elliptical diamond stylus; weight 5 g; re- Line Contact modified elliptical nude diamond stylus 15-60.000 Hz & 3 dB; sep/balance 25/0.7 dB at
placement stylus D5100EE, D5110 for LPs. D5127 tip on rectangular base, boron -coated aluminum can-
for 78s 1 kHz; compliance 12 x 10 cm/dyne; load imp 47k -
$42 tilever, samarium -cobalt magnet; Bimorphic (2 sheets 100k ohms; effective moving mass 0.149 mg; track-
composite resin damping material) damping system; ing force 1.25 g; 6 g
500AA Phono Cartridge uni-axial pivot; FR 20-45,000 Hz; 4.6 g $500 EPS-P205ED3. Replacement stylus $115$210
Output 1 mV cm- sec & 2 dB; FR 20-10.000 Hz & 1
dB; balance, sep & 2 dB/35 dB (1 kHz); load imp 47k SD -900E.- Super Phono Cartridge EPC-P22/P22S Phono Cartridges
ohms; load capacitance 275 pF; tracking force 1-2.5 Low -mass MC cartridge with 0.3x 0.7 -mil Advanced Plug-in MC stereo cartridge with 1 -point suspension,
g; 0.5 -mil spherical diamond stylus; weight 5 g; re- Line Contact modified elliptical nude diamond stylus
placement stylus D5105AA, 05110 for LPs. D5127 laminated core, samarium -cobalt magnet, 0.3 x 0.7 -
tip on rectangular base, aluminum cantilever; uni-axial mil elliptical diamond stylus, boron pipe cantilever.
for 78s $36 pivot; magnetic pole piece; Bimorphic damper; FR 10- Output 2.5 mV at 1 kHz. 5 cm/sec; FR 20-35.000
50.000 Hz $225 Hz & 3 dB; sep.balance -22,1.8 dB at 1 kHz; com-
500E Phono Cartridge
Output 1 mV cm sec & 2 dB; FR 20-10,000 Hz & 1 pliance 12 x 10cm/dyne; load imp 47k -100k ohms;
SDX-2000 Phono Cartridge effective moving mass 0.29 mg; tracking force 1.25
dB; balance/sep & 2 dB. 35 dB (1 kHz); load imp 47k Low -mass MC with boron tube cantilever. Rise time g; 6 g $50
ohms; load capacitance 275 pF: tracking force 2-5 g: characteristics maintained by increasing output
0.4 x 0.7 -mil elliptical diamond stylus; weight 5 g; re-
EPC-P23 Phono Cartridge
placement stylus D5100E. D5110 for LPs, D5127
for 78s Plug-in MM stereo phono cartridge with 1 -point sus-
$37 pension. samarium -cobalt magnet; laminated core,
500A Phono Cartridge 0.3 x 0.7 -mil elliptical diamond stylus, aluminum pipe
cantilever. Output 2.5 mV at 1 kHz. 5 cm/sec; FR 10-
Output 1 mV, cm sec & 2 dB: FR 20-10.000 & 1 dB;
40,000 Hz; sep/balance 22/1.8 dB at 1 kHz; com-
balance/sep & 2 dB/35 dB (1 kHz); load imp 47k
pliance 12 x 10'r cm/dyne; load imp 47k -100k ohms;
ohms; load capacitance 275 pF; tracking force 2-5 g;
0.7 -mil spherical diamond stylus; 5 g; replacement effective moving mass 0.29 mg; tracking force 1.25
g; 6 g $70
stylus D5107A. D5110 for LPs, D5127 for 78s $31
EPS-23ES. Elliptical replacement stylus $25
Professional Series
EPS-23CS. Conical replacement stylus $15

EPC-P28 Phono Cartridge

881S Phono Cartridge
Plug-in MM phono cartridge with 1 -point suspension.
Output 0.9 mV, cm sec: FR 10-25.000 Hz (individ-
samarium -cobalt magnet, 0.3 x 0.7 -mil elliptical dia-
ually calibrated to 20,000 Hz); balance/sep (1 kHz)
mond stylus, aluminum pipe cantilever. Output 2.5
& 1 dB/35 dB; load imp 47k ohms; load capacitance
275 pF, including tlarm leads, cables, amp; tracking
(Continued on page 210.)
Use your convenient Mastercard, FOR MAIL ORDERS
Visa, American Express, Diners Club. CALL TOLL FREE:
Ask about details on COD orders.
Money orders accepted. Allow 4 weeks
clearance on personal checks
i*LfiBELLE 4-7
In Main-, Alaska and
Hawaii, tall 1-207-283-1401
155 51%1\ SERI. FT B11)141-11111), MAINE 04005 Call For Shipping
10 A.M.-8 P.M. Prices In Effect From September 241 -October 20 And Handling On Mail Orders


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Tape Decks

ADS AD -3500U Cassette Deck nism; direct lead-in/power eject system; auto tape se-
Stereo cassette deck with DX Combination 3 -Head lector; DC amp; auto monitor; intro scan; IPLS: auto
Atelier C2 Cassette Deck System. Features Dolby C and B; S/N 76 dB with met- mute; rec cancel; operational fluorescent display;
Stereo cassette deck with single capstan design and al tape; Auto Demagnetizing System; soft -touch oper- electronic digital timer/tape counter; auto play sys-
DC frequency generator servo -motor drive. Features ation with cue and review; 3 -color 12 -LED peak dis- tem; multiplex filter; timer start; remote control
speed accuracy of ± 1% or better; 80 sec winding play; LH-bias fine -adjust control; W&F 0.038% jack $400
time for C-60 cassettes; Dolby C. Dolby B noise re- wrms $295
duction; 12 -segment 2 -color LEDs. W&F 0.06% DIN;
GX-6 Computerized Cassette Deck
FR normal and chrome 30-16,000 Hz ± 1 dB. 20- AD-F330U Cassette Deck Computer -controlled bidirectional record/play with
18.000 Hz ± 2 dB. metal 30-18,000 Hz ± 1 dB; S,'N Feather -touch IC -logic controls with cue and review; Dolby B/C NR system. Features silent quick auto re-
(ref to level producing 3% THD at 315 Hz) 74 dBA computer -designed keyboard front panel; Dolby B aid verse recording/playback mechanism with reverse
with Dolby C, > 66 dBA with Dolby B. - 58 dBA with- C NR; 2 -motor drive; bias fine adjuster (normal-CrO2); mode selector (system utilizes bidirectional symmetri-
out Dolby; headphone output 320 mV into 200 ohms auto rec mute; auto tape selector; timer standby; S,'N cal precision) mechanism; twin -field super GX head;
(0.5 mW); 17.52'W 2.76-1-1 14.84'D; 18.3 73 dB with metal tape; W&F 0.035% wrms.. $225 feather -touch microcomputer controls; operational
lbs $550 flourescent display with 2 -color bar meters and digital
AD-F220U Cassette Deck tape counter; electronic recording level control with
AIWA Stereo cassette deck with soft -touch operation and indicators; recording level memory backup mecha-
Dolby B and C NR; auto tape selector; bias fine adjust nism; blank search, intro scan; auto tape selector; in-
AD -F770 Dolby HX Pro Cassette Deck (normal-CrO2); rec mute; auto replay; timer standby; stant program location system; record cancel; auto
Stereo cassette deck with Dolby HX Professional cir- 7 -step peak level indicator; micro grain capstan; S/N mute; switchable multiplex filter; timer start; remote
cuitry and Digital Auto Tape Adaptation System. Fea- 73 dB with metal tape; W&F 0.038% wrms.. $170 control jack; metal tape capability $400
tures flat keyboard control design; Dolby B and C;
feather -touch IC logic controls; remaining -time dis- AD-F990U Cassette Deck HX-R5 Computerized Cassette Deck
play in all modes; fluorescent multifunction display; Amorphous alloy combination 3 -head system; Dolby Computer -controlled bidirectional record/play deck
Intro -play; memory rewind and repeat; micro -grain HX Professional active bias system; computer de- with Dolby B/C NR system. Features silent quick auto
dual -capstan system; Auto Demagnetizing System; signed keyboard front panel; Dolby B and C NR sys- reverse recording/playback mechanism with reverse
auto tape selector; auto rec mute; wireless remote - tem; Digital Auto Tape Adaptation; flourescent multi- mode selector system utilizing bidirectional symmetri-
control capability; stereo mic terminals. W&F 0.25% function display; all -mode remaining tape time
wrms; cal precision mechanism; operational fluorescent dis-
N 80 dB above 5 kHz with Dolby C $495 display; 8 -second Intro -Play; memory rewind and re-
play with digital counter and 2 -color bar meters; elec-
peat system; feather -touch IC logic controls with cue tronic recording level control with indicators and
AD -F660 Dolby HX Pro Cassette Deck and review; Micro -Grain dual capstan; Auto Demagne- recording level memory backup mechanism; auto
Stereo cassette deck with Dolby HX Professional cir- tizing System; Auto Tape Selector; auto rec mute;
cuitry and flat keyboard control design. Features tape selector; instant program location system; auto
switchable MPX filter; Auto Tape Source Selector; mute; timer start; remote control jack; metal tape
Dolby B and C; feather -touch IC logic controls; multi- auto noise reduction detector; auto record level con- capability $350
color peak level indicator; Intro -play; memory rewind trol; S/N 74 dB with metal tape; W&F 0.025% wrms;
and repeat; micro -grain dual -capstan system; Auto FR 20-21,000 Hz (±3 dB) metal tape $595 GX-F31 Stereo Cassette Deck
Demagnetizing System; auto tape selector; auto rec
Computer -controlled stereo cassette deck with Dolby
mute; wireless remote -control capability; stereo mic AKAI B and C noise -reduction systems. Features twin -field
terminals. W&F 0.28% wrms; S/N 80 dB above 5 khz
with Dolby C
Super GX head; auto tape selector, dc amp; direct
$395 GX-F91 Stereo Cassette Deck drive; quiet and quick mechanism; Intro Scan, IPLS; 2
Computer -controlled stereo cassette deck with Dolby motors; power eject/direct lead-in system; auto
AD-WX110 Dubbing Cassette Deck B and C noise reduction. Features Super GX record cancel; max input -level indicators; electronic
Stereo cassette deck with two cassette transports for record/play heads; 3 -head, 2 -motor full -logic trans. digital tape counter. W&F 035% wrms; FR 20-
one -touch synchro dubbing. Features 4 -channel dub- port system; quartz -locked direct -drive, double -cap- 19,000 Hz ±3 dB with metal tape; S/N no NR/Dolby
bing to cut time to V. that of conventional decks; con- stan closed -loop system; Quiet and Quick mechanism. B/Dolby C 60/70/80 dB $300
tinuous playback; Dolby B and C noise reduction; LH auto tape selector; auto tape tuning with adjustable
bias fine adjust; auto tape selector; timer standby; bias; output and headphone level controls; dc servo HX-3 Dolby B & C Cassette Deck
music sensor; auto replay; LED peak level meters. amp; switchable peak/VU meters; digital real-time Cassette deck with Dolby B/C NR system. Features
W&F 0.045% wrms $395 tape counter; auto play; IPLS; Intro Scan; auto fader; feather touch controls; operational fluorescent dis-
auto record mute; auto record cancel. W&F play with digital counter; metal tape compatibility;
AD -R6000 Auto -Reverse Cassette Deck < 0.025% wrms, FR 15.21,000 Hz -±3 dB with met- auto tape selector; auto play; selected repeat; elec-
Stereo cassette deck with quick auto reverse. Fea- al tape; S/N no NR/Dolby B/Dolby C 60/70/80 dB; tronic recording level control; auto mute; timer start:
tures feather -touch IC logic controls; dual -motor drive distortion <0.7% $750 remote control jack $220
with DC servo motor mode; direction selector; Dolby B
and C; 3 -color 12 -part LED peak display; auto tape GX-7 Computerized Cassette Deck HX-2 Stereo Cassette Deck
selector; record sync operation. W&F 0.035% wrms; Computer -controlled cassette deck. Features Dolby Stereo casette deck. Features feather touch controls;
S/N 65 dB $395 B/C NR system; Super GX3 head; closed -loop double - Dolby NR system; operational fluorescent display with
capstan direct -drive system; Quick and Quiet mecha- digital counter; Dolby NR system; metal tape compati-
AD -F330 Dolby C Cassette Deck
bility; auto tape selector; electronic recording level
Two -motor stereo cassette deck with Dolby B and C control; auto mute
noise reduction. Features keyboard control panel; IC $200
feather -touch logic controls; fine bias adjust: auto rec CS -F14 Stereo Cassette Deck
mute; auto tape select; timer standby: oil -damped
Stereo cassette deck with Dolby B and C noise -reduc-
eject. W&F 0.035% wrms; S/N 73 dB with metal tion systems. Features feather -touch transport con-
tape $225 trols; metal -tape capability; 12 -segment FLD bar -

The Kyocera D-801 Cassette Deck
is hard to get because so much more

HOW COULD A is built into it. For example, it has

five circuit boards where most
decks have only one or two. But
that's only the beginning.

CASSETTE DECK It more than meets the ultimate

tape deck challenge.
The challenge is to move tape


across the heads at as nearly a con-
stant speed as possible. Variations
in speed, of course, come out in
your speakers or headphones as
wow and flutter.

BE SO HARD Many decks claim a wow and

flutter figure of 0.05% WRMS-
trouble is, speed variations of
0.05% are clearly audible with
piano music (one of the most re-

TO GET? vealing tests you can give a cassette

deck-try it on the D -80I and
The D-801 by Kyocera comes
through with a remarkably low wow
and flutter figure of 0.02% WRMS
-and that is derived from a unique,
three -motor, dual capstan drive
mechanism. Two capstans are
driven by a direct drive motor. A
beltless/clutchless simple DC motor
drives the feed and takeup reels,
while a third motor is used as a
head -position assist drive (it greatly
prolongs head -to -tape azimuth ac-
curacy). The dual capstan system
provides that sensationally accurate
tape travel, maintaining proper ten-
sion between capstans to eliminate
external shock source modulating
It more than meets the needs of
the audio perfectionist.
The D-801 goes above and beyond
even the fussiest audiophile's needs
with 3 -position bias/equalization
selection (with fine bias adjust-
ment), 400 Hz calibration tone.
Automatic Program Mute Record-
ing, automatic search, and
electronic 4 digit display, including
counter, elapsed time and time re-
maining functions.
The D -801's noise reduction sys-
tems were built for the audio purist.
It has two-Dolby' B & C- Dolby B
for music material of limited dynamic
range. Dolby C for music of the
widest dynamic range, so noise re-
duction can be tailored to program
Finally, the specs everyone
wants: frequency response of
30-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB using metal
or Cr02 tape, and a S/N ratio of 78
dB with metal tape in Dolby C NR
If you have any trouble finding
a Kyocera dealer, contact:
Kyocera International, Inc..
7 Powder Horn Drive, Warren,
NI 07060 (201) 560-0060.

'Dolby is a registered trademark of Dolby
Laboratories, Inc. I2A
Cassette Decks 6 Cassette Decks
rols; metal -tape capability; 12 -segment FLD bar - one -touch Rec/Mute and Rec/Pause; digital display; DD350 Stereo Cassette Deck
graph signal -level displays; oil -damped eject; timer memory counter; computer program search; stop- Direct -drive cassette deck with full -logic transport
start. W&F 0.04% wrms; FR 30-18,000 Hz ±3 dB watch; remaining time countdown. Black with rose- controls, metal -tape -compatibility, Dolby B noise -re-
with metal tape; S/N ratio no NR/Dolby B/Dolby C wood high -gloss finish end panels included. Fast for- duction system, peak indicators, timer standby. Fea-
58/68/78 dB with metal tape; distortion ward time 90 sec for C60. Frequency response tures separate motor for tape reels; normal/CrO,/
<0.8% $200 20-23,000 Hz with metal tape; wow and flutter metal bias/EQ switches; MX ferrite heads; 2 large
0.027% wrms; S/N 73 dB (with Dolby C. at 3% dual -scale VU meters; 3 peak -level LED indicators;
HX-1 Stereo Cassette Deck THD); 17.4'W x 4.6"H x 11.5"D; 13.2 lbs. $600 timer standby switch; low -imp microphone inputs.
Stereo cassette deck features metal tape compatibil- W&F 0.04% wrms; FR ±3 dB 40-14,000 Hz normal.
ity; Dolby NR system, feather -touch controls; 12 -seg- DR -M3 Stereo Cassette Deck to 15 kHz Cr0,. and metal tapes; S/N 62 dB with
ment FLD bar meters: oil -damped eject system; 3 -dig- Direct -drive 3 -head cassette deck with computer ser- Dolby on; THD 1.5% at 0 VU; fast -wind time 90 sec
it counter: one -touch tape selection; headphone vo motor. All functions microprocessor controlled. in- with C60 cassette; 17%"W 10'/."D x 4'H; 13
jack $180 cluding tape -tension servo for reliable tape -to -head lb $300
contact. Digital counter displays index and remaining
BANG & OLUFSEN time in minutes and seconds. Features Dolby B and C; CRW40 Double Cassette Deck
auto tape -type selection; infinitely variable auto bias- Double stereo cassette deck designed for high -quality
Beocord 9000 Stereo Cassette Deck ing; silent flat -key transport controls; peak -hold fluo- tape duplication. Features sequential play; synchro-
Top -loading stereo cassette deck with auto computer - rescent meters; dc amplifier construction; indepen- nized one -touch dubbing; Dolby B; soft -touch power -
controlled calibration that autoally adjusts for specific dent power supplies. Grey and silver, with wood assisted transport controls; LED bar meters; separate
tape formulation used. Features Dolby B and C noise - high -gloss end panels optional $500 tape -type selectors for each transport (metal. Cr0,.
reduction and Dolby HX-Pro (headroom -extension) DR -M2. Similar to DR -M3 except lacks computer -tun- normal); separate left and right record -level controls;
systems; double Sendust/ferrite tape head with sepa- ing auto -bias feature $400 front -panel mic inputs; headphone output. FR 30-
rate gaps for record and playback; manual switching 14.000 Hz 1.3 dB with normal tape, to 15 kHz with
system for normal/CrO,/metal tape formulations; DR -M1 Two -Head Cassette Deck CrO, and metal tape; W&F 0.06% wrms; S/N 51 dB
special low -noise playback amplifier; -20 to +6 dB Two -head stereo cassette deck with Tape Tension no Dolby, 61 dB Dolby on; THD 1.2% at 0 VU; line in-
record/playback peak signal -level meters; auto de- Servo Sensor and Nonslip Reel Drive Motors for ever put sensitivity 100 mV; sep 40 dB; crosstalk 70 dB.
magnetization; minutes/seconds tape counter; tape - tape -to -head contact of 20 grams. Features Dolby B C60 fast -wind time 100 sec; 15'4' W 11%." D
end indicator; single-motor/capstan drive system. and C noise reduction; optically controlled flat -touch 434" H; 9.9 lb $200
W&F DIN/wrms < 0.1%/ < 0.045%; FR 10-25,000 silent tape transport; peak hold -reading fluoro me- CRW77. Similar to CRW40. but adds high-speed syn-
Hz ±3 dB referred to 250 nWb/m, -20 dB, 20- ters; digital tape counter. FR 25-19,000 Hz metal, to chronized dubbing; Dolby C; rec mute; auto tape se-
20,000 Hz ± 1.5 dB all tape formulations; S/N Dolby 18,000 chrome, 30.17,000 normal; ch sep > 40 dB lection. 153/' W x 10" D 04" H; 10 lb . $250
B/C 68/79 dB Scotch Metafine and Sony FeCr, at 1 kHz; crosstalk > 65 dB at 1 kHz: W&F within
70/80 dB BASF chrom II, 64/74 dB BASF LHI tape; 0.035% (JIS wrms); S/N > 73 dB (3% third -harmon- CR77 Stereo Cassette Deck
sep > 40 dB at 1 kHz; input sens/imp 0.4V/47k ic distortion, with Dolby C. CCIR 'ARM); input sens Metal -compatible stereo cassette deck with Dolby 8
ohms radio. 15 mV/22K ohms line, 0.15 mV/3K 77.5 mV (50k ohm unbalanced) line at max volume, and C noise -reduction systems, dual 7 -LED level me-
ohms mic, 40 mV/22k ohms AUX; output level/imp 0.35 mV (-67 dB, 10k ohm unbalanced) mic; output ters, powered mechanism. Features input -level con-
500-2000 mV/5/6k ohms radio, 10 V maximum/56 level 775 mV (10k ohm load) line at max volume; trol; metal/CrO,/normal tape selector; record mute
ohms headphones; fast -wind time 70 sec with C60 434mmW r 115mmH 286mmD: 12.5411:4299
switch; microphone line input selector; low -imped-
cassette; 20%"W 11%.-D x 5%"H; 17 lb $1,295 ance microphone inputs; dc governor -controlled mo-
FISHER tor; hard permalloy record/playback head; full auto
Beosystem 5000 Cassette Deck stop; LED function indicators. W&F 0.06% wrms; FR
Stereo cassette deck with transport -in -a -drawer de- DD450 Stereo Cassette Deck ±3 dB 30.14,000 Hz normal, to 15 kHz Cr°, and
sign and HX Professional headroom -extension sys- Direct -drive 3 -head cassette deck with separate tape - metal tapes: S/N Dolby off /B on/C on 52/60/70 dB;
tem. Can be operated by remote control with hub motor, dual -process Dolby B noise -reduction sys- THD 1.5% at 0 VU; ch sep 40 dB; crosstalk 70 dB;
Beomaster 5000 receiver and Master Conrol Panel or tem. full -logic IC solenoid transport controls. Features fast -wind time 110 seconds with C60 cassette;
remote -control terminal. Features Dolby B and C 3 sendust heads; normal/CrO,/FeCr/metal tape 15%'W 8%'D 43/."H; 9 lb $200
noise reduction; peak -reading meters; Auto Search; switching with separate fine bias control; memory/
auto bias and EQ. W&F < ±0.078% wrms; speed de- auto -repeat function; fluorescent peak -level autohold CR127B Stereo Cassette Deck
viation <±1.5%; FR 30-18,000 Hz ±3 dB with meters. W&F 0.04% wrms; frequency response ±3 Metal -compatible stereo cassette deck with soft -touch
chrome tape; S/N > 56 dB (with metal tape) . $695 dB 30-14,000 Hz normal, to 16 kHz Cr°, and FeCr. transport controls, powered mechanism, LED bar.
to 18 kHz metal tape; S/N 62 dB with Dolby on; THD graph displays. Dolby B and C noise reduction. Fea-
Beocord 8004 Stereo Cassette Deck 1.5% at 0 VU; fast -wind time 90 sec for C60 cas- tures 3 -position tape selector; hard permalloy
Stereo cassette deck with Dolby B and C noise reduc- sette; 17'W x 10'/,'D x 4'H; 15.5 lb $580 record/play head; dc governor -controlled motor; tim-
tion and Dolby HX-Pro headroom -extension system. er standby function; dual concentric input -level con-
Features auto normal/CrO,/metal bias selection; real- DD300 Stereo Cassette Deck trols; 3 -digit tape counter. W&F 0.08% wrms; FR ±3
tume calibaration system that gives index to music in Metal -compatible stereo cassette deck with Dolby B dB 30-14.000 Hz normal, to 15 kHz Cr°, and metal
minutes and seconds; auto computer-controled noise reduction, direct -drive dc servo capstan motor, tapes: S'N 52 dB Dolby off. 62 dB Dolby B. 68 dB
search; single -gap record/play head; auto demagne- 2 MX/ferrite heads. Features normal/FeCr/CrO,/ Dolby B; THD 1.5% at 0 VU; fast -wind time 100 sec-
tizing; stop function that places 4 -sec noise -free metal tape selector; dual VU meters with 3 -LED peak onds with C60 cassette; 17%-W 10Y,'D 4
pause between cuts; timer start/stop function for indicators; input -level control with line/mic input se- 11 lb $200
record and play. Fast -wind time with C60 tape 70 lector; output -level control; auto repeat memory; 3 - CR356. Similar to CR127 but adds electronic sole-
sec. FR 20-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; W&F <0.045% digit t: pe counter with reset; record mute; electronic noid controls: switchable FM/MPX filter; timer stand-
wrms; S/N 78 dB (metal, Dolby C); sep > 35 dB. solenoid fe ether -touch controls with LEDs; timer by. W&F 0.05% wrms; S/N 54 dB no Dolby. 62 dB
20'/,' W x 11'/." D x 5'/." H; 16.5 lbs... $695 standby wit.. external audio timer. W&F 0.04%; FR Dolby B. 68 dB Dolby C: THD 1.4% at 0 VU: fast -wind
30-18.000 Hz ±3 dB with metal tape; S/N 62 dB with C60 90 sec. 16 lb $250
BENJAMIN ELECTROPRODUCTS with Dolby; 171/,'W - 9'/,'D 51/4" H $300
DD280. Similar to DD300 but minus FeCr tape posi- CR140 Stereo Cassette Deck
Rondelay 3001 Portable Cassette System tion, auto repeat memory, output -level control; has Metal -compatible stereo cassette deck with powered
Variable speed ( ± 20%) portable cassette player in separate left/right input -level controls; metal tape FR mechnism, Dolby B noise reduction system 7 LED
lightweight molded case. 12' full -range speaker in de- 30-15.000 Hz ±3 dB; optional RC 80 full -function bar -graph meters. Features normal Cr02/metal tape
tachable lid. Separate mic input with level control for remote control unit available; 17'/,'W 10%"D selector; dc governor controlled motor: hard permal-
public-address/voice-over music. Auto speed correc- 4'H $250 loy record/playback head; rec mute switch; slide in-
tion when recording. 20 W rms output. 12.5 lbs $249 put level, balance controls; full automatc stop; soft
CR150B Stereo Cassette Deck eject cassette door; W&F 0.06% wrms; FR ±3 dB
DENON Stereo 3 -head cassette deck with dual -process Dolby 30-14.000 Hz normal. to 15.000 Hz CrO, and metal
noise -reduction system, power -assisted soft -touch
DR -M4 Stereo Cassette Deck transport controls, bias fine control. Features MPX fil-
Quartz -locked 3 -head cassette deck with direct -drive ter; independent left, right input -level controls; out-
closed -loop 2 -capstan computer servo motor. All put -level control; normal/Cr0,/metal tape selectors; NEED MORE INFORMATION?
functions microprocessor controlled. Features Dolby dual lighted VU meters plus peak -level LEDs;
B and C; infinitely variable auto -bias computer tuning; tape/source monitoring. MPX filter. W&F 0.06% Write directly to the manufacturer or
silent transport; flat key controls; peak -hold fluores- wrms; FR ±3 dB 40-14,000 Hz normal, to 16 kHz distributor. A list of names and ad-
cent meter; control center display: auto tape select; Cr0,, to 18 kHz metal tape; S/N 62 dB, Dolby on;
dc amp construction; independent power supplies;
dresses starts on page 25.
THD 1.5% at 0 VU; fast -wind time 90 sec with C60
MPX filter switch; input/output slide level control; cassette; 171/2-W x 4'/,'H; 13 lb $350


Denon has never bL ilt multi-thcusand dollar cassette decks in order to sell unrelated inexpens ie ma:hines. Instead, Denon has
concentrated its full engineering effort to produce rationally -priced cassette decks that would impress serious music lovers with their
sound rather than they features. Now, the new DR -M4, DR -M3 and DR -M2 cassette decks exceed Delos t previous sonic performance
levels, while adding signif cant technclogical and convenience features.
Denon's Tape Tension Servo Sensor System has been further refined to provide automatic sens rg and correction of tape tension
for optimum tape -to -head cor tact thrcughout the entire play of each cassette. A new SF combination head extends frequency response
to 23kHz (metal) with a 7JdB S/N rat o (Dolby C). A new computer controlled silent tape transport rre:ianism provides entirely quiet
and safe tape handling. An electronic computer digital counter using an optical detector system autcmat cally indicates tape used and
tape remaining information.
The DR -M Cassette Decks feature Denon's Flat Twin direct capstan drive; non -slip clutchless, De t ess, reel drive mechanisms;
Dolby B & C noise reduction direct -coupled amplifier design, and separate amp/mechanical power supplies.
The DR -M3 of-ers :omputer tae tuning for bias and sensitivity. The DR -M4 adds programmable rardom access, stopwatch
function and dual -capstan transport. Otherwise, all the Deron DR -M Series Cassette Decks are princ pally The same-each offering
the highest performar ce and cuality at its price in the industry.
Denon produc s st-are more than name alone.

.rcz 'he best results on the new DR -M Series,

or a ly:assette decks, for that matter,
'I- new Denon DX -Serves Cassette Tape

Denon DR -M1 Two -Had Cassette Deck with Dolby C. Non -slip Reel Drive Motors. $299

Denon DR -M2 Three Head Cassette Deck

with Dolby C; Tape Tension Servo: SF Combination Head
(Side panels cplional) $399
Denon DR -M3 Three Head Cassette Deck
adds Computer T.ining System.
(Side panels optonali $499

Delon DR -M4 Three Head Cassette Deck

DENON magine what we'll do next.
adds Dual Capstan and Music Search. Deron America, Inc., 27 Law Drive, Fairfield, N.J.07006
(In:luding side panels) $599
Cassette Decks 6 Cassette Decks
tapes; S/N Dolby off/on 52/62 dB; THD 1.2% at CD191 Stereo Cassette Deck
OVu; sep 40 dB; crosstalk 70 dB; fast wind time 120 Metal -compatible stereo cassette deck with Dolby B
seconds with C60 cassette; 15'/'W 11'/'H and C, switchable multiplex filter, and 2 heads. Fea-
4'/,'D; 9.9 lb $150 tures ultrawideband frequency response with any
tape formulation; solenoid -controlled transport;
CR36 Stereo Cassette Deck sendust record/play head; auto repeat; dual 12 -LED
Metal -compatible stereo cassette deck with powered peak -indicating meters; bias fine trim; mic inputs; in-
mechanism. Dolby B noise -reduction system. 7 -LED put balance. W&F 0.05% wrms NAB; FR 20-21,000
bargraph meters. Features normal/CrO,/metal tape Hz ± 3 dB. any tape formulation; 17'/,,"W >
selector; dc governor -controlled motor; hard Permal- $345
loy record/playback head; record mute switch; slide - output level control. W&F 0.05% wrms: S/N 72 dB
CD91 Stereo Cassette Deck with Dolby C; 17' ,"W 4' / ,,'H x 8'/."D; 7
Metal -compatible stereo cassette deck with Dolby B lbs $170
noise reduction. switchable multiplex filter, and 2
heads. Features ultrawideband frequency response D -E1 Soft -Touch Cassette Deck
with any tape formulation; solenoid -controlled trans- Stereo cassette deck with soft -touch mechanism and
port; sendust record/play head; dual 12 -LED peak -in-

1 -111M-.
Dolby B NR. Features metal compatiblity; rewind auto
dicating meters; bias and equalization selectors. W&F play; master rec level control and independent rec
0.05% wrms NAB; FR 20-20,000 Hz ±3 dB. any balance control; timer capability; auto stop; mic jacks.
tape formulation; 175/,,'W 13'/,'0 x W&F 0.05%; FR (±3 dB) 30-14,000 Hz normal, 30-
$265 15.000 Cr0,. 30-16,000 metal; S/N (A -weighted.
metal tape, ref 3% THD) 58 dB Dolby off, 66 dB
type input -level, balance controls; full auto stop, soft - HITACHI Dolby B. crosstalk (ch, at 1 kHz) > 30 dB; distortion
eject cassette door. W&F 0.06% wrms; FR 1.0% (1 kHz. 0 VU). 17'/,' x 43/.' x 8°/."; 7
30-13.000 Hz ±3 dB normal, to 14 kHz CrO, and D -2200M Dolby B/C Cassette Deck lbs $140
metal tapes: S/N Dolby off /on 52/62 dB; THD 1.5% Microcomputer -controlled cassette deck with Dolby B
at 0 VU; sep 40 dB; crosstalk 70 dB; fast -wind time and C NR. Features Hitasenrite record and play head; JVC
110 seconds with C60 cassette; 15%"W 8'/."D Auto Tape Response System; metal compatibility; di-
4'/"H; 7 lb $130 rect -drive unitorque motor; electronic digital counter; DD -V9 Cassette Deck
dual -capstan transport. W&F 0.019%; FR (±3 dB) Auto -reverse 3 -head cassette deck with auto -reverse
HARMAN/KARDON 30-18.000 Hz normal and FeCr, 30.20,000 CrO, swivel head. Features Dolby B and C NR: Sen-Alloy re-
and metal; S/N (A -weighted, metal tape, ref. 3% cording head: 3 motors; Pulse Servo direct -drive cap-
CD491 Stereo Cassette Deck THD) 61 dB Dolby off, 69 dB Dolby B, 75 dB Dolby C; stan: computerized Bias. Equalization, Sensitivity of
Metal -compatible stereo cassette deck with Dolby HX crosstalk (ch. at 1 kHz) >40 dB; distortion 0.8% (1 Tape tuning; 10 -sec Index Scan; Blank Search; digital
Professional headroom -extension and Dolby B and C kHz. 160 nWb/m). 171/. x 5'/," x 11'/,-; 16 4 -function counter; slide -out control panel; fluores-
noise -reduction systems, switchable multiplex filter, lbs $750 cent digital level meters with peak hold; multi -music
and 3 heads. Features ultrawideband frequency re- scan; auto rec mute: auto tape selector; optional re-
sponse with any tape formulation; solenoid -controlled D -W700 Double Stereo Cassette Deck mote control. W&F 0.03% wrms; FR 25-18.000 Hz
dual -capstan transports; sendust record head; ferrite Double stereo cassette deck designed for duplicating ±3 dB with metal tape; S/N 60 dB; sep 40 dB;
play head; electronic clock/counter; bidirectional auto programs from one cassette to another. Features 43/,"H x 10"/,,,'H; 15 lbs $800
search; auto space; auto repeat; meter weighting; rec Dolby B and C noise -reduction systems; IC -logic feath-
mute; dual 16 -LED peak -indicating meters; bias fine er -touch transport controls; random programming; DD -V7 Auto -Reverse Cassette Deck
trim; mic inputs; calibration test -tone generator. W&F dubbing/playback; repeat play; 2 tic motors; facility Stereo cassette deck with "Flip Reverse" system (for
0.02% wrms (NAB): FR 20-24.000 Hz ±3 dB. any for optional remote control; 17'/,"W x 11'4"D x quick auto -reverse recording and playback) and di-
tape formulation. 17'/,,,"W 131/2"D 4',/,."H; 13 lb $370 rect -drive Pulse Servo motor. Features Sen-Alloy
$785 head; Dolby B and C with MPX switch; digital multi-
D -E7 Dolby Three -Head Cassette Deck function counter; Index Scan; Blank Search; Block Re-
C0391 Stereo Cassette Deck Stereo cassette deck with three heads and Dolby B peat; Multi -Music Scan; 12 LED multi -peak level indi-
Metal -compatible stereo cassette deck with Dolby HX and C NR. Features auto memory rewind; feather - cators with peak hold: safety -locked timer start auto
Professional headroom -extension and Dolby B and C touch controls; compatible with normal, chrome, met- rec mute; auto tape selector; optional remote control.
noise -reduction systems. switchable multiplex filter, al tapes; remote -control capability. W&F 0.038%; FR W&F 0.35% wrms; FR 30-17.000 Hz ±3 dB with
and 2 heads. Features ultrawideband frequency re- (±3 dB) 30-17,000 Hz normal, 30-18.000 Cr0,. metal tape; S/N 58 dB: sep 40 dB; 17'4' W 43/,'H
sponse with any tape formulation; solenoid -controlled 30-19.000 metal; S/N (A -weighted, metal tape, ref. 11'/,"H; 15.8lbs $500
dual -capstan transport; sendust record/play head: 3% THD) 61 dB Dolby off, 69 dB Dolby B. 75 dB
bidirectional auto search; auto space; auto repeat; Dolby C; crosstalk (ch, at 1 kHz) -> 30 dB; distortion KD-D55 Stereo Cassette Deck
meter weighting; rec mute; dual 16 -LED peak -indicat- 0.8% (1 kHz, 0 VU). 17'/,"W 4'/,,,1-1 Metal -compatible front -loading stereo cassette deck
ing meters; bias fine trim; mic inputs; output level 10"/,,'D; 10 lbs $350 with Dolby B and C (ANRS) noise -reduction systems,
control; mic mixing; bias and record calibration test - 3 heads. electronic digital counter. Features full -logic
tone generator. Wow and flutter 0.02% wrms (NAB): D-RV7 Auto -Reverse Cassette Deck transport controls; digital multifunction counter that
FR 20-22.000 Hz 3 dB, any tape formulation. Stereo cassette deck with auto -reverse mechanism counts tape, shows elapsed/ remaining tape time. Mu-
17'/,,"W 4"/,"H $575 that provides independent azimuth alignment for sic Scan countdown; Multiple Music Scan system that
each side of a cassette. Features Dolby B and C; 3 allows up to 20 selections to be skipped; 7 -LED multi -
CD291 Stereo Cassette Deck motors; IC logic control; infrared tape -end sensor; peak meters; record mute; output -volume control;
Metal -compatible stereo cassette deck with Dobly B continuous play; playing selections in any order; auto timer function; gear/oil-damped cassette door. Wow
and C noise -reduction, switchable multiplex filter, and sampling of each selection; auto bias and EQ; elec- and flutter 0.05% wrms; FR ±3 dB 30-16.000 Hz
2 heads. Features Dolby HX Professional headroom tronic tape counter; feather -touch controls; remote - metal and Cr0,, to 15 kHz normal tape, S/N Dolby C
extension system; ultrawideband frequency response control jack. W&F 0.04%; FR (±3 dB) 40-14,000 off /on 58/78 dB with metal tape; THD 1.0% with
Hz normal, 40-15,000 Cr0,, 40.17,000 metal; S/N metal tape at 0 VU, 1 kHz; fast -wind time 110 secs
(A -weighted, metal tape. ref. 3% THD) 60 dB Dolby with C60 cassette; 17'4"W x 11"D x 4'/,,"H; 12.1
off. 68 dB Dolby B, 74 dB Dolby C; crosstalk (ch, at 1 lb $380
kHz) 30 dB; distortion 0.8% (1 kHz, 160 nWb/m).
17' ,'W 4''/,,'H 10"/,,'D; 10 lbs... $300 KD-V44 Auto -Reverse Cassette Deck
Stereo cassette deck with "Flip Reverse" system for
D -E3 Dolby B/C Cassette Deck quick auto -reverse recording and playback. Features
Stereo cassette deck with Dolby B and C NR and 2 -motor full -logic control tape transport; Sen-Alloy
feather -touch controls. Features 12 -part LED meters; head Dolby B/C NR with built-in MPX filter; a Music
auto rec mute; metal compatibility; optional remote Scan system; and auto rec mute; for clean tape dubs.
control (RB100); timer capability; output -level con- The unit also features a 7 -LED multi -peak level indica-
trol. W&F 0.04% wrms; S/N 72 dB with Dolby C. tor system; timer start; cue and review facility. W&F
with any tape formulation; solenoid -controlled trans- 17' /,'W x 4'/,,'H x 8'/,'D; 8 lbs $200 0.05% wrms; FR 30.16,000 Hz ±3 dB with metal
port; sendust record/play head; auto repeat; rec tape; S/N 58 dB; sep 40 dB: 17'/,'W x 10"/"D
mute; dual 12 -LED peak -indicating meters; bias fine D -E2 Dolby B/C Cassette Deck 4,/,.°H; 10.4 lbs $330
trim; mic inputs. W&F 0.05% wrms NAB; FR 20- Stereo cassette deck with Dolby B and C and soft -
21.000 Hz * 3 dB. any tape formulation; 175/,,-W touch mechanism. Features metal compatibility; re- KD-V40 Auto -Reverse Cassette Deck
13'/,'D 4"/,,,-H $435 wind auto play; 12 -part LED meters; timer capability; Stereo cassette deck with "Flip Reverse" swiveling


Cassette Decks 6 Cassette Decks
head for quick auto -reverse recording and playback. bility. Available in silver or black $180 computerized tuning system that selects best bias
Features 2 -color fluorescent spectro-peak indicator; KX-31B. Same as KX-31 except black $180 level for tape used; auto repeat, rewind, play; facility
logic control mechanism; soft -touch operation; Dolby for using wireless remote controller. W&F 0.04%
B/C; MPX; Music Scan; Sen-Alloy record/play head; X -9C Cassette Deck wrms; FR 20-22.000 Hz ±3 dB with metal tape: S/N
electric digital counter; timer start; rec mute function. Two -head cassette deck with Dolby B and C NR. Fea- Dolby B/clax 68/94 dB; THD 0.7% with LH tape at
W&F 0.08% wrms; FR 30-16,000 Hz /t3 dB with tures feather -touch electronic full -logic controls; auto 400 Hz, 0 dB test level $1,000
metal tape; S/N 58 dB; sep 40 dB; 17'/,'W tape selector; direct program search system; full re-
11'/,,"H; 10.6 lbs $290 peat system; amorphous alloy head; synchro record- KX-101 Stereo Cassette Deck
ing from turntable. 9 lbs $309 Full -logic, solenoid -controlled stereo cassette deck
KD-V33 Auto -Reverse Cassette Deck with Dolby B and C NR. Features fluorescent indica-
Auto -reverse deck with "Flip Reverse" system. Fea- KX-7XCG Cassette Deck tors; Duo Seta circuitry; 2 Sendust heads; metal -tape
tures logic control mechanism; Dolby B/C NR; Music Two -head cassette deck with Dolby B and C. Features capability; ServoFace design. W&F 0.04% wrms; FR
Scan; 7 LED multi -peak indicators; timer start. W&F electronic full -logic controls with dual -motor drive; 20-22.000 Hz ±3 dB with metal tape; S/N with
amorphous alloy magnetic head. 23 lbs $400 Dolby C on, metal tape 73 dB; THD 0.7% with LD
tape at 400 Hz. 0 dB test level $500
KX-5XC Cassette Deck
Two -head cassette deck with Dolby B and C NR. Fea- K-118 Stereo Cassette Deck
tures electronic full -logic controls; dual -motor drive; Stereo cassette deck with Duo Beta circuitry. dbx
amorphous alloy magnetic head. 23 lbs $245 noise -reduction and disc -decoder systems, Dolby B
noise reduction. Features fluorescent tape counter;
RC -7 Remote Control Unit normal/Cr0,/metal tape selector: full -logic solenoid-
Control for KX-7XCG. KX-5XC. 6 lbs $25 controllec transport with remote -control capability;
flourescent peak -level indicators; auto rewind/play/-
0.08% wrms; FR 30-15.000 Hz ±3 dB with metal KYOCERA repeat; switchable MPX filter. W&F 0.04%: wrms; FR
tape; S, 'N 58 dB; sep 40 dB; 17'/."W 4'/'H 20-17.000 Hz t 3 dB normal, to 18 kHz Cr0,, to 20
9.9 lbs $320 D-801 Stereo Cassette Deck kHz metal tape; S/N with metal tape, no NR/Dolby/-
Stereo cassette deck with Dolby B and C noise -reduc- dbx 58/67/93 dB; overall distortion 0.6% with LH
KD-V22 Cassette Deck tion systems. Features normal, Cr0,, metal bias/ - tape at 1 kHz. 0 dB; 18'/,'W 10'/,"D 51/2'H;
Logic -control cassette deck with Dolby B and C NR. equalization tape selector; fine bias control; 3 -motor, / 3.2 lb . $500
Features full -logic controls, metaperm head; 6 -LED 2 -capstan drive system; Auto Program Mute Record-
multi -peak indicator; LED tape -running indicator; ing; Sendust-alloy record/play head; soft -touch trans- K-100 Cassette Deck
headphone jack. W&F 0.08% wrms; FR 40-15.000 port controls; 3 -function electronic digital counter Full -logic solenoid -controlled cassette deck with
Hz ± 3 dB with metal tape; S/N 58 dB; sep 40 dB; Dolby B and C. Features Duo Beta circuitry; Servo -
17'',-W 4'/,,"H 9'/,"ti; 8.2 lbs $180 face; end of record auto pause for unattended taping
KD-V11. Similar to KD-V22, but with JVC's ARNS NR with Lumen turntables; remote control through
instead of Dolby C. W&F 0.08% wrms; FR 40- Luxman't.RX-103 or LX -104 integrated amplifier; VU
15,000 Hz ±3 dB with metal tape; S/N 58 dB; sep meter. flourescent tape counter; FL direction indica-
40 dB; 17'/,'W 4'/,.*H x 9'/,'H; 7.7 lbs. $140 tor; tape selector switch for metal/chrome/normal;
S/N (witi metal tape and Dolby C) 72 dB; FR 20 to
KD-W5 Double Cassette Deck 20,000 Hz (metal); W 5-'/- H 14-'/.-
Stereo cassette deck has 2 full -logic controlled tape 0 $400
transports for dubbing and double -speed dubbing
with "Synchro Start" mechanism. Features continu- K-210 Stereo Cassette Deck
ous play function; tapeimic and line/mic mixing; Mu- Metal compatible cassette deck with Duo -Beta circuit-
sic Scan; ANRS 'Dolby B NR; pitch control Of 10% on (elapsed time/time remaining/stopwatch); bar -graph ry. Features Dolby B and C; soft -touch controls; preci-
deck A); 7 -LED multi -peak indicators; auto rec mute; level meters with peak hold; auto memory stop/- sion DC servo motor driven capstan; dynamically bal-
timer start. W&F 0.05% wrms; FR 30-16.000 Hz replay/repeat. W&F 0.02% wrms, FR 20-22,000 Hz anced flywheel; specially processed belt; one -touch
±3 dB with metal tape; S/N 58 dB; sep 40 dB; ± 3 dB with metal tape; S/N (A weightea) 68 dB with record; MechaLogic motor -driven system; end -of -
17'/,'W - 4'/,'H 11'/,."H; 11 lbs $340 Dolby 13.78 dB with Dolby C $590 tape au'o stop. 12 -dot flourescent peak meter; ac-
D-601. Similar to D-801 except no auto search, no cess to azimuth adjustment; FR 20 to 19,000 Hz
Remote -Control Unit dual capstan, mechanical tape counter. Wow and flut- (metal); S/N 70 dB (metal. Dolby C); W&F 0.05%.
RM-70E. For KD-DD7 and KD-DD9 $50 ter 0.035% w'ms $450 171/4 W H 14'/, D $250

KENWOOD Cybernet DD -701 Dubbing Cassette Deck MARANTZ

Stereo high-speed copy dubbing cassele deck with
KX-71R Cassette Deck mic echo mixer, auto tape select. Features 2 -speed SD -530 Dolby B/C Cassette Deck
Auto -reverse cassette deck with electronic full -logic dubbing capability; adjustable echo effect, full auto Dolby B and C stereo cassette recorder with 2 -motor
controls. Features Dolby B and C NR; full repeat and stop; Quick Start and Auto Recording Stop; timer feather -touch operation. Features automatic quick -
standby with optional timer; Auto Program Jump Sys- wind reverse, record, and play; gold-plated input/
-----wwW111111Wigairff-- tem; external processing loop capablity; rec mute, cue
and review; Dolby B noise -reduction system bargraph
output jacks; super -hard metal alloy record/playback
heads; 31 -tune quick music sensor; auto song and
signal -level meters. W&F 0.04% wrms; frequency side repeat; auto tape slack take-up; peak -reading
LED meters; wireless remote control capability with
INS range 30-20.000 Hz with metal tape; S,'N 64 dB with
Dolby on. $425
11.1.111. fi
" " m
CD -101 Stereo Cassette Deck
Stereo cassette deck with Dolby B NR. Features soft -
cue music repeat; permalloy head with Sendust guard touch transport controls; standard/Cr0,/metal tape
erase; 7 -LED peak level meters; metal tape compati- bias/equalization selectors; LED signal -level meters;
bility. Available in silver or black $320 permalloy. ferrite heads; dc governor capstan motor.
KX-71RB. Same as KX-71R except black $320 W&F 0.08% wrms; FR 30.15,000 Hz ± 3 dB normal,
to 17 kHz metal tape; S/N 60 dB Dolby on; THD optional RC 430/RIM 12; memory rewind. Wow and
KX-41 Cassette Deck 1.5%; fast -wind time 100 secs with C60 flutter 0.05%; frequency response (overall: -20 dB
Stereo cassette deck with soft mechanical logic con- cassette $200 below 0 VU) ± 3 dB 35.14,000 Hz normal, to 15
trols. Features Dolby B and C; permalloy head with kHz Cr0,, and to 16 kHz metal; S/N ratio 70 dB with
Sendust guard erase; 7 -LED peak level meters; metal LUXMAN Dolby C, 60 dB with Dolby B. 52 db with Dolby off;
tape compatibility. Available in silver or black $225 output line level/impedance 560 mV/3.5 kilohms; in-
KX-41B. Same as KX-41 except black $226 KX-102 Stereo Cassette Deck put line sensitivity/impedance 27 dBV/50 kilohms;
Computerized ServoFace stereo cassette deck with mic level/impedance -70 dBV/6.5 kilohms; 16%'
KX-31 Cassette Deck dbx NR. Features 3 -heads; double dbx circuitry for 3'°/' 11"/"; 8 lbs $350
Stereo cassette deck with soft mechanical logic con- both tape and disc playback; Duo Beta circuitry for
trols; Dolby NR: permalloy head with Sendust guard min negative feedback, elimination of TIM; 15% bias SD -420 Dolby B/C Cassette Deck
erase; 7 -LED peak level meters; metal tape compati- control; peak -level flourescent meters; Dolby B NR; Sterec cassette deck with Dolby B and C noise-reduc-

Cassette Decks 6 Cassette Decks 1

tion systems. Features soft -touch transport controls; feather -touch transports; fluorescent record meters; NAKAMICHI
gold-plated input and output connectors; multiple digital tape counter; program search; tape selection
program Compuskip forward and backward; repeat for normal. CrO, or metal; 169,0"W 4'/,"1-1 1000ZXL Computing Cassette Deck
playback; fine bias control; LED indicators for all 8'/,,"D; 13.2 lb $200 Front -loading computer -controlled discrete stereo
transport controls and for tape type. Dolby; timer cassette deck with Dolby B NR system, double -cap-
standby; LED peak signal -level displays; metal/ MCS 3544 Stereo Cassette Deck stan transport, 3 heads. Microcomputer autoally cali-
CrO,/normal tape selector; record mute; tape Auto -rewind cassette deck with Dolby B and C. Fea- brates azimuth, bias. level, equalization of any quality
counter. Wow and flutter 0.05% wrms; frequency re- tures mechanical soft touch operations: flourescent tape; features 4 tape memories for recording condi-
sponse t 3 dB 40-12.500 Hz normal. to 15 kHz power meters; digital tape counter: auto stop play: tions obtained by computer; 15 program RAMM with
Cr0,, to 16 kHz metal tape; S/N ratio no NR/Dolby tape selector for normal. CrO, or metal; 16' ."W 30 command memories via high-speed bidirectional
13/Dolby C 52 62.72 dB; input sensitivity, 4' ,,,"H 9' ,."D $180 search; LED status indicators. Additional features in-
impedance 24 dBV/50k ohms line, -70 dBV '10k clude 70/120-oec equalization selector; under/-
ohms mic; output level/impedance 600 mV/5k ohms MCS 3543 Stereo Cassette Deck normal/over bias set selector; 400 Hz test -tone oscil-
line. 35 mV/240 ohms headphones; 16'/."W Soft -touch transport stereo cassette deck with Dolby lator; quartz -controlled bias oscillator; multiplex and
11'/."D 3j."1-1 $300 B NR system. Features auto shut-off; VU record me- infasonic filter switches; dual fluorescent recording
ters; metal -tape capability; LED record indicator. W&F level bar -graph displays with peak hold, VU/peak
SD -320 Dolby B/C Cassette Deck 0.06% wrms; FR ±3 dB 50-13.000 Hz normal, to switch; 2-ch mic, line input. and output -level vertical
Stereo cassette deck with Dolby B and C noise -reduc- 14 kHz CrO,, to 15 kHz metal tape; S/N Dolby off /on slide controls; tape/source monitoring; LED 4 -digit
tion systems. Features soft -touch transport controls; 60 60 dB; 16'/"W 7'/,''D 4'/."H $150 tape counter with memory stop/play; pitch control;
gold-plated input and output connectors; LED peak - timer record/play with external audio timer; C-MOS
signal level displays; normal/Cr0,/metal tape selec- MCS 3522 Mid -Size Cassette Deck logic function controls powered by motor -driven cam;
tor; record mute; timer standby; tape counter. Wow Stereo cassette deck with soft -touch transport mech- direct -coupled recording and playback amplifiers,
and flutter 0.07% wrms; frequency response t 3 dB anisms and electronic servo DC motor. Features LED double NF equalizer circuitry; 3 microphone inputs
40-12.500 Hz normal, to 14 kHz Cr0,, to 15 kHz record -level indicator; Dolby B NR; metal -tape com- for tri-mic recording. mic line mixing; provision for
metal tape; S/N ratio no NR/Dolby B/Dolby C patibility; digital tape counter; auto shutoff. 15' W external NR system. W&F 0.04% wrms; FR 10-
52/62/72 dB; input
sensitivity/impedance -24 - 4'',"H 8"."D
- $150 25,000 Hz t 3 dB: EIA rack -mounting;
dBV/50k ohms line, -70 dBV/10k ohms mic; output 12"/,,,"D 10'/."H $3,800
level/impedance 600 mV/5k ohms line, 35 mV/ 100 MCS 3531 Soft -Touch Cassette Deck
ohms headphones; 16'/,'W 7',/,"D 3'/"H $225 Stereo cassette deck with soft -touch transport control Dragon Stereo Cassette Deck
and Dolby B NR. Features 5 -LED peak level display Microprocessor -controlled auto -reverse 3 -head cas-
SD -321 Stereo Cassette Deck meters; auto program search; metal -tape compatibil- sette deck with Dolby B and C NR systems. Features
Metal -ready stereo cassette deck with Dolby B and C. ity; permalloy head. 153 .'W 4' ' "H Auto Azimuth Correction system; assymetrical dif-
Features soft -touch operation; peak -reading LED me- 8'/,"D $130
ters; 3 -digit tape counter; 3 -position tape selector;
timer standby; gold plated input/output plugs. Wow MITSUBISHI
and flutter 0.05%: frequency response (overall: -20
dB below 0 VU) ±3 dB 30-14 kHz normal, to 15 kHz DT -35 Stereo Cassette Deck
Cr0,. to 16 kHz metal; S/N ratio Dolby El/C on 70 Metal tape compatible stereo cassette deck with Ems assew,-
dB/62 dB. Dolby off 52 dB; output line level/ Dolby B and C NR systems. Features FeCr, normal: am's a
impedence 500mV, 5 kilohms; line input (level at 0 special/metal tape selector; bias test oscillator; slide - IiMos
VU) sensitivity/impedence is -20 dBV/ 50 kilohms; type bias -adjust control with LED bias indicators; fluo- MICalli r-
mic level .impedence -65 dBV/5 kilohms: 16'/" rescent peak level meters; digital tape counter;
3' "7'/,"; 7 lbs $185 feather -touch transport controls with logical interlock;
SD -221. Same as SD -321 except without Dolby C; 6 record mute; memory play; read in read out buttons
lbs $130 for special counter memory operations; record/play
timer function; output level control; MPX filter; lighted fused resonance transport: Super Linear Torque di-
SD -225 Stereo Cassette Deck cassette compartment; pneumatically damped cas- rect -drive motors; auto retracting slot guides; tape -
Stereo cassette deck with Dolby B noise -reduction sette eject. W&F 0.035% wrms; FR 30-20.000 Hz pad lifter; auto tape slack take-up: 2 -speed cueing;
system. Features soft -touch transport controls; timer 3 dB with metal tape; S/N Dolby13,C on 66/74 dB; 2 -speed master fader; auto record pause; record level
standby; LED peak -signal level meters; normal/CrO,/ harmonic distortion 0.9%, 1.0%/0.8%/0.9% and bias calibration controls with 2 -tone oscillator;
metal tape selector; record mute; tape counter. Wow metal/FeCr'special/normal tape; 18'/,"W dual -gap ferrite/ sendust erase head: separate tape
and flutter 0.08% wrms; frequency response ±3 dB 11'/,'D 5'/."1-1 $490 and equalization switches for ZX. SX. and EX cas-
40-12.500 Hz normal, to 14 kHz Cr0,. to 15 kHz settes; direct -coupled recording and playback amplifi-
metal tape: S N ratio Dolby off/on 52'62 dB; input NAD (USA) ers; left right, master input levels; output level con-
sensitivity/impedance -24 dBV 50k ohms line. -70 trol: record mute; high -output headphone jack;
dBV. 10k ohms mic; line output level/impedance 600 6050C Stereo Cassette Deck defeatable infrasonic filter; 4 -digit LED electronic
mV/5k ohms: 16'/,,"W 7'." 3'/"H $179 Metal compatible stereo cassette deck with Dolby B counter with memory stop and repeat. W&F 0.019%
and C NR systems, dc servo capstan motor, direct wtd rms; FR 20-22,000 Hz ±3 dB with ZX tape; S/N
MCS by JC PENNEY load cassette me, ',The Features dual LED peak lev- Dolby B /C on 70/72 dB at 400 Hz with 3% THD (A-
wtd with ZX tape at 400 Hz. 0 dB); sep/crosstalk
MCS 3590 dbx Cassette Deck 37'60 dB at 1 kHz, 0 dB; 173/,'W 5'/,."H
dbx cassette deck with Dolby B and C NR. Features 11"/,"D; 21 lbs $1,850
feather -touch function transports; fluorescent power
meters; tape counter; remaining time signal; program IX -9 Stereo Cassette Deck
search; rec mute; 2 motors; dbx output level control. A super -tuned version of the ZX-7 where assymetrical
16Y," W 3'/." H 10''/."D; 11 lb 4 oz . $300 capstans are driven by unique Super Linear Torque
direct drive motor originally developed for the
MCS 3588 Auto -Reverse Cassette Deck $7,000 TX -1000 turntable. which totally eliminates
Auto -reverse stereo cassette deck with Dolby B and C togging. Electronics improved through direct cou-
NR. Features continuous auto -reverse control; quick el bargraph displays; bias, equalization, fine bias trim pling the playback as well as the record amplifier and
reverse control; mechanical soft -touch transport con- for normal. Cr0,, metal tapes; soft -touch tape trans- upgrading capacitors still utlized. Though there are
trols; timer stanc:by; LED record -level meters; record port controls; 3 -digit tape counter. W&F 0.06% significant sonic improvements, only W&F of .022%
mute; metal tape capability. W&F 0.08%; S/N Dolby weighted peak; FR + 3 dB 40-16,000 Hz normal to wrms differs from ZX-7 printed min specifica-
off/on 51/60 dB; sep/adjacent-track crosstalk 17,000 Hz Cr0,, to 19,000 Hz metal tape: S/N 70 tions $1,550
57 57 dB: 16.5"W 10.6'D 4.3"H; 9.5 lb $280 dB with Dolby C and metal tape: 16.5"W 9 5'0
4" H $238 ZX-7 Stereo Cassette Deck
MCS 3565 Stereo Cassette Deck Microprocessor -controlled discrete 3 -head, double -
Stereo cassette deck with 3 motors. Features feather - capstan stereo cassette deck with Dolby B and C NR
touch transports: Dolby B and C; fluorescent meters; systems. Features microprocessor -controlled trans-
program search; record mute; standby timer: auto Audio terms are defined
port; master fader; diffused -resonance transport;
MPX filter switch; 16'/,'W 4","H 10'/,."D; 8.8 in the glossary on page 19. asymmetrical dual capstan: LED peak -level meters
lb $250 with -40 to 10 dB range: 4 -digit LED tape counter;
For an explanation of abbreviations,
high -quality amplification with special equalizer and
MCS 3556 Stereo Cassette Deck turn to the list on page 22. double -NF monitor; record mute; defeatable MPX fil-
Cassette deck with Dolby B and C. Features electronic ter; facility for optional RM-20 remote control; timer


Cassette Decks 6 Cassette Decks
record/play capability. Wow and flutter -0.08% signal displays; power -assisted soft -touch tape -func- B NR system. Features one -touch recording; contin
weighted peak. > 0.04% wrms; FR 20.20.000 Hz tion buttons; one -button recording system; output lev- uous/simu'taneous playback modes; microphone mix-
i+ 3 dB SX and EXII, to 21 kHz ZX tape: S,N Dolby el control; cue and review; MPX filter; 2 -way dbx NR er; dc servo -controlled motors; hard permalloy
13/C on > 66/ > 72 dB; THD < 1% with SX and EXII system that also features expanded dynamic range; record/play heads; feather -touch transport controls;
tape. < 0.8% with ZX tape; 17%,"W x 11"/,,'D removable cassette -compartment door. Rack mount- record mute; LED level meters; timer standby mode;
5%,"H; 21 lb $1.250 able with optional kit. Available in black or silver. full auto strip; facility for remote control. W&F 0.06%
17.3"W 9.9"D 4.7"H $300 wrms; FR ±3 dB 30-14,000 Hz normal, to 15 kHz
LX -5 Stereo Cassette Deck Cr0,, to 16 kHz metal tape; S/N 68 dB with Dolby on,
Discrete 3 -head stereo cassette deck with Dolby B ND -620 Stereo Cassette Deck metal tape: fast -wind time 90 secs with C60 cassette;
and C NR systems. Features microprocessor -con- Stereo cassette deck with dual -motor IC logic -control 16'/,"W > 10%'D x 4'/.'H: 14.3 lb $380
trolled transport: master fader; diffused -resonance tape -transport mechanim. Compatible with normal,
transport; asymmetrical capstans; 50 -dB LED peak - Cr0,. and metal tape. Features dual 5 -section LED TA -2055 3 -Motor Cassette Deck
indicating meters; 4 -digit electronic LED tape counter; peak signal displays; Dolby B NR system; ferrite 2 -gap Metal -compatible stereo cassette deck with 3 -motor
bias tune control; defeatable MPX filter; record mute; erase head; timer record/play capability; super -hard direct -drive system. C90/C60/C46 tape -length se-
facility for optional RM-20 remote controller; timer permalloy head; remote controllable with optional kit; lectors, digital real-time counter. Features display of
record/play capability. W&F < 0.11 % weighted peak, removable cassette -compartment door. Silver. remaining or consumed tape time; 5 -sec automatic
<0.06% wrms; FR ±3 dB 20-20,000 Hz with ZX, 17.3'W x 10.6"D . 4.4"H $210 space on record; hard permalloy record/play head;
SX. EXII tapes; S/N Dolby B/C on > 64/ > 70 dB; Accubias to fine tune recording bias for any type of
THD <0.9% ZX, <0.1% SX and EXII tape; 17%"W ND -520 Stereo Cassette Deck tape; Dolby B and C NR systems; feather -touch trans-
12 %."D x 5%."H; 18 lb 12 oz $850 Stereo cassette deck with Dolby B NR system. Fea- port controls; memory stop/play; 2 -color LED peak
LX -3. Similar to LX -5 except 2 -head design; S/N tures LED peak signal -level meters; cue and review; level meters; timer record/play; facility for optional
Dolby B/C on > 62/ > 68 dB; THD < :.0% ZX. power -assisted transport controls. Silver. 17.3"W remote control. W&F 0.035% wrms; FR ±3 dB 20-
1.2% SX and EXII tape $595 4.3"H 10.0"D $189 15.000 Hz normal, to 18 kHz Cr0,, to 19 kHz metal
tape; S N no NR, Dolby 8/Dolby C 60/70/80 dB;
RX-202 Auto -Reverse Cassette Deck ONKYO fast -wind time 90 secs with C60 cassette; 161/4"W x
Stereo cassette deck with unique mechanism for uni- 14' ,,"D x 3"%," H: 14.8 lb $360
directional auto reverse that turns the cassette over in Integra TA -2070 3 -Head Cassette Deck
2 seconds to play or record opposite side. Manual Metal -compatible 3 -head stereo cassette deck with TA -2044 Integra Cassette Deck
control for flipping tape at any point. Features Dolby Dolby B and C NR. Features tape/source monitoring; Three -motor stereo cassette deck with full logic -con-
B and C NR; Auto Rec Standby; soft -touch transport sendust heads; brushless direct -drive 3 -motor tape trol silent mechanism. Features Dolby B and C: perm -
controls; 4 -digit LED tape counter; memory stop/play; transport; digital tape counter that indicates elapsed alloy head; Auto Music Control System; auto space
vertical peak -level meters covering -30 to +7 dB: or remaining time; auto Accubias; feather -touch rec mute; 10 -part LED meters; timer stand-by; com-
vertical output level and L R rec level controls; 2 - transport controls; 2 -color fluorescent signal meters; patible with normal. Cr0,, metal tape. W&F 0.04%
speed master fader. W&F < 0.11% wtd peak. auto space button; memory stop play; facility for op- wrms; FR 30-15,000 Hz ±3 dB normal, to 16 kHz
<0.06% wrms; frequency resonse 20-20.000 at - tional remote -control unit. W&F 0.021% wrms; fre- Cr0,, to 17 kHz metal tape; S/N (no NR) 60 dB with
20 dB; S/N > 68 d8 with Dolby C. > 62 with Dolby B quency response 20-16,000 Hz ±3 dB normal, to metal tape, with Dolby B, NR is 10 dB above 5 kHz
(both A-wrms ref to 3% THD at 400 Hz with high - 18 kHz Cr0,, to 19 kHz metal tape; S/N no NR/Dolby and 5 dB at 1 kHz. with Dolby C. NR is 20 dB at 5
bias ZX tape); THD < 1.0% with ZX, EXII tape. B/Dolby C 60/70/80 dB with metal tape; fast -wind kHz; mim input level 50 mV line; fast forward/rewind
1.2% with SX tape (both at 400 Hz at 0 dB); sep time 90 secs with C60 cassette; 17"/,"W time 90 seconds with C60 cassette 17'/,'W x
- 36 dB (1 kHz, 0 dB); crosstalk > 60 dB (1 kHz. 0 15%,"D > 3"/,."1-1; 20.9 lb $700 14%"13 4'/,'H $300
dB); fast -wind time 85 sec with C-60; 17.75"W H
5.37"H 10-13; 19 lb 13 oz $650 Integra TA -2066 Dolby B/C Cassette Deck TA -2035 Dolby B/C Cassette Deck
Microcomputer -controlled stereo cassette deck with Microcomputer -controlled 3 -motor stereo cassette
BX-2 Stereo Cassette Deck Dolby B and C NR and Accubias system to set correct deck with Dolby B and C NR. Features auto music
Microprocessor -controlled 2 -head cassette deck with bias for virtually any cassette tape. Features 3 mo- search; auto space on record; auto tape selection;
Dolby B and C NR system. Features 10.000 -hour hy- tors; 3 permalloy heads; Auto Music Control System; hard permalloy record/play head; Accubias fine bias
perbolic -contour laminated sendust record/play head; switchable EQ for normal. Cr0,. metal tape; electronic tuning; timer switch; full auto stop; 2 -color LED peak -
dual -gap erase head; cam transport incorporates 3 tape counter; memory stop and play; large feather - level dir.plays; feather -touch transport controls; facili-
motors to maintain accurate and gentle tape handling; touch transport buttons; timer recording and play; re- ty for optional remote control. W&F 0.045% wrms;
double NF circuitry incorporated in recording and mote -control capability; available in blink or silver. FR 1, 3 dB 30-14,000 Hz normal, to 16 kHz Cr0,, to
playback equalizers; 4 -digit LED counter with memory W&F 0.035% wrms; FR 25-16,000 Hz ±3 dB nor- 17 kHz metal tape; S/N no NR/Dolby B Dolby C
play: record mute: master record level control; output mal. to 18 kHz Cr0,, to 20 kHz metal tape; S/N (no 60/70'80 dB; fast -wind time 90 secs with C60 cas-
control; headphone jack; available in black or silver. NR) 60 dB with metal tape, with Dolby B, NR is 10 dB sette: 16'/,'W 10'."D 3" ,,"H $300
30 -step alignment and calibrations procedure guar- above 5 kHz and 5 dB at 1 kHz, with Dolby C, NR is
antees min specifications: W&F .06% wrms; FR 20- 20 dB at 5 kHz; 17%-W x 14%'D x 4'/,"1-1; 14.8 TA -2033 Dolby B/C Cassette Deck
20.000 Hz ±3 dB; THD <1.0% ZX tape; sep - lbs $480 Stereo cassette deck with Dolby B and C NR. Features
crosstalk 36/60 dB; 16"/,."W x 4'/,."1-1 Auto Music Control System; auto tape selector; full
9'/"D; 12 lbs 2 oz $450 Integra TA -R77 Auto -Reverse Cassette Deck logic -control mechanism; hard permalloy head; 7 -part
BX-1. Similar to BX-2 without Dolby C. Available in Microcomputer -controlled stereo cassette deck with LED meters; timer stand-by; DC servo motor; compat-
black or silver $299 quick reverse (changes tape direction in less than 1 ible with normal. Cr0,, metal tapes. W&F 0.05%
sec). Features Dolby 8 and C; 3 transport modes (one wrms; FR 20-14,000 Hz ±3 dB normal, to 15 kHz
RM-20 Wired Remote Control side, both sides, or continuous); Auto Music Control Cr0,, to 16 kHz metal tape; S/N (no NR) 60 dB with
Allows remote operation of record, play, pause, stop. System to sample selections; sendust record/play metal tape, with Dolby B, NR is 10 dB above 5 kHz
FF. rewind; plus reverse operation with Dragon. For LX head; auto space rec mute; large feather -touch trans- and 5 dB at 1 kHz, with Dolby C. NR is 20 dB at 5
series, ZX series, 580 series. 680 series, 700ZXE. kHz; min input level 50 mV line; fast -wind time 90
Dragon, and 1000ZXL cassette decks $50 secs with C60 tape. 16'/,"W x 10%'D x 4'/,"H;
10.6 lbs $250
TA -2022. Similar to TA -2033 except lacks Auto Mu-
ND -1000C Stereo Cassette Deck sic Control System and auto tape selector. Also avail-
Three -head. 2 -motor stereo cassette deck with com- able in black $200
puterized tape -evaluation system for auto bias, level,
and sensitivity adjustment. Features source/ TA -2015 Dolby B/C Cassette Deck
tape monitoring; full -logic transport controls; facility Computer -controlled 3 -motor stereo cassette deck
for optional remote -control unit; normal/Cr0,/metal port buttons; electronic tape counter; 3 DC servo mo- with Dolby B and C NR systems. Features auto music
tape selector; dual 12 -section LED peak -level dis- tors; compatible with normal. Cr0,, and metal tape; search system; auto space in record; auto tape detec-
plays; output -level control; Dolby B and C noise reduc- available in black or silver. W&F 0.05% wrms; FR 30- tion system; hard permalloy record/play head;
tion; MPX filter; auto memory stop/play function; tim- 15,000 Hz ±3 dB normal. to 17 kHz Cr0,, to 18 Accubias fine bias tuning; timer switch; full auto stop;
er record/play capability. Rack mountable with kHz metal tape; S/N (no NR) 60 dB with metal tape, 2 -color LED peak -level meters; feather -touch trans-
optional kit. Available in black or silver. 17.3'W x with Dolby B, NR is 10 dB above 5 kHz and 5 dB at 1 port controls; facility for optional remote control.
9.9'D ' 4.7-H $630 kHz, with Dolby C, NR is 20 dB at 5 kHz; 17WW x W&F 0.06%; FR ±3 dB 30-14,000 Hz normal, to 15
14%"D 4'."1-1. 14.8 lbs $400 kHz CrOa. to 16 kHz metal tape; S. N ratio no
ND -70011 dbx Cassette Deck NR/Dolby 8/Dolby C 58/68/78 dB; fast -wind time
Stereo cassette deck with dbx and Dolby B NR. Fea- TA -W88 Dubbing Stereo Cassette Deck 90 secs with C60 casssette; 16%"W x 10%"D x
tures memory rewind: dual 9 -section LED peak -level High-speed dubbing stereo cassette deck with Dolby 4'%:H; 10.1 lb $185

1984 EDITION 87
Cassette Decks 6 Cassette Decks
PIONEER mic jacks; lighted mode selector; solenoid logic con- Remote One. Remote control unit for C2 and
trol; auto metal/Cr0,/nomal bias selector; 2 -color, C101 $50
CT -90R Cassette Deck 14 -segment fluorescent peak level meter; Dolby B
Computer -controlled cassette deck with 3 -motor di- and C NR. FR 45-18.000 Hz ±3 dB (metal), 45- SANSUI
rect -drive transport and auto -reverse record and play. 17,000 Hz Cr0,, 45-17,000 Hz normal; W&F
Features quick reverse; index scan; music search/ - 0.04% wrms; S/N 75 dB Dolby C; 67 dB Dolby B ref D-97013 Stereo Cassette Deck
repeat; blank search; blank skip; auto bias, level, EQ; 3.0% distortion. A -weighted, metal tape; distortion Microprocessor -controlled 3 -head cassette deck with
auto tape selector; record mute; LED level meters; 1.0% 3rd harmonic; 4'/,."W auto Compu-Trec bias. EQ, sens adjustments, Dolby B
Dolby B/C switchable NR system; digital electronic 11"A.-1) $300 and C NR systems. Features direct -drive capstan;
real-time tape counter (indicates minutes, seconds. Dyna-Scrape filter with hold -back servo tension mech-
even in fast forward and rewind); timer -assisted SCT-500A Stereo Cassette Deck anism; diamond -differential dc equalizer, dc amplifier;
record or playback. FR 20-20,000 Hz (metal). S/N Full logic deck with Dolby B and C. auto search, ferrite heads with separate record and play gaps;
78 dB with Dolby C, 68 dB with Dolby B, 58 dB Dolby metal/Cr0,/normal bias pushbuttons, dual concen- normal/real-time digital counter; LED peak -level me-
off; W&F 0.03% wrms. 161/2" W x 133/,' D x 434' tric record level controls, mic/line input selector. Fea- ters; auto muting; timer -controlled functions; auto
H; 19 lbs $520 tures feather touch solenoid controls; 2 color, 8 seg- tape lead-in. W&F 0.025% wrms; FR 30-22,000 Hz
CT -70R. Similar to CT -90R except no real-time ment LED level meter; FR 25-17.000 Hz ±3 dB ±3 dB with metal tape; S/N 81 dB with metal tape,
counter or auto bias, level, EQ. FR 25-19,000 Hz metal, 25-16,000 Hz Cr0,, 25-16,000 Hz normal; Dolby C on $680
(metal). 17 lbs 6 oz $420 W&F 0.05% wrms; S/N 75 dB Dolby C; 66 dB Dolby
JT-216 Wired Remote Controller. For use with CT - B ref 3.0% distortion, A weighted, metal tape; distor- D -990R Auto -Reverse Cassette Deck
90R and CT -70R $50 tion 1.0% 3rd harmonic; 4'/"W 16'%,,'H , Quick auto -reverse microprocessor -controlled cas-
CT -50R. Similar to CT -70R except 2 -motor tape 9"/,"D $220 sette deck with Dolby B and C plus dbx NR. Features
transport, auto space record mute, no index scan, built-in 5 -band graphic equalizer; lntroskip Play;
blank search, or music repeat. FR 30.17,000 Hz SCT-40 Stereo Cassette Deck blank search; peak level meter; pitch control (±5%);
(metal), W&F 0.05% wrms. 161/2"W x 10%"D x Deck with solenoid logic controlled operation. sepa- electronic 4 -digit tape counter and real-time display;
4'/,'H. 13 lbs 9 oz $310 rate right and left record level controls, metal/- 15 -selection Auto Music Program Search; quiet pause
JT-217 Wired Remote Controller. For use with CT- Cr0,/normal bias pushbuttons, 3 digit tape counter; switch; 2 motors; 2 heads; wired remote control. W&F
5OR $50 LED record, pause and power indicators MPX filter 0.04%; S/N 78 dB with Dolby C; FR 20-19,000 Hz
CT -40. Similar to CT -50R with 2 -motor tape trans- adjustable output. mic/line input selector. Features with metal tape. Silver $650
port, skip search (9 cuts forward and reverse), music auto search; Dolby B and C NR; 2 color, 8 segment
search, record mute, LED level meters, Dolby B/C LED level meter; FR 27-17,000 Hz ±3 dB metal; 27- D -770R Stereo Cassette Deck
switchable NR system, electronic tape counter. FR 16,000 Hz Cr0,, 27-16,000 Hz normal; W&F Auto -reverse 3 -motor deck with dual capstan drive,
25-17,000 Hz (metal), S/N Dolby C: 77 dB; Dolby B: 0.05% wrms: S/N 74 dB Dolby C: 65 dB Dolby B ref Auto Music Program Search for up to 15 selections.
67 dB; Dolby off: 57 dB, W&F 0.04% wrms. 161/2"W 3.0% distortion, A weighted, metal tape; distortion Features 4 -digit normal/real-time electronic counter;
x 11'D x 4'H. 10 lbs 8 oz $260 1.0% 3rd harmonic; 45/,.'W 16'% "H Dolby B and C NR; 4 -second auto rec mute; dual
CT -30. Similar to CT -40 except no skip search, music $180 memory function; available in black (D-770RB) or sil-
search, record mute or electronic tape counter. 11 ver (D-770RS) finish. W&F 0.048% wrms; FR 35-
lbs 9 oz $220 REVOX 18,000 Hz +3 dB with metal tape; S/N 80 dB with
CT -20. Similar to CT -30 except no Dolby C S/N - metal tape. Dolby C on $600
Dolby B: 67 dB; Dolby off: 57 dB. 11 lbs $175 Revox 8710 MKII Stereo Cassette Deck
CT -10. Similar to CT -20 except soft -touch operation. Microprocessor -controlled stereo cassette deck with D-570 Stereo Cassette Deck
1 -motor tape transport. FR 25-16.000 Hz (metal), Dolby B and C NR system. Features peak level bar - Direct -drive, full -logic 3 -head stereo cassette deck
W&F 0.05% wrms. 161/2'W x 91/2-D x 4%"H; 11 graph meters with up to +8 dB indication; 2 quartz - with Dolby B and C NR. Features auto music program
lbs 5 oz $150 search; tape lead-in facility that automatically bypass-
es leader; roller -coupled holdback tension; Compu.
CT -1040W Double Cassette Deck Edit capability; dual memory function; 4 -digit fluores-
Double cassette deck for high-speed dubbing with cent tape/real-time counter; 12 -segment peak -
one -button synchro start, relay play skip search (9
indicating signal meters; timer record/play capability;
cuts forward and reverse), music search (playback semiauto bias control. W&F 0.03% wrms; FR 30-
deck only), auto tape selector, record mute, LED level 21,000 Hz ± 3 dB with metal tape; S/N no NR/Dolby
meters, Dolby B NR system. FR 25-17.000 Hz (met- B/Dolby C 60/70/80 dB; 16"A.'W x 12%'D x
al). S/N Dolby B, 67 dB; Dolby off, 57 dB, W&F 43/,'H; 14.3 lb $540
0.45% wrms. 161/2'W 11%,'D x 31/2'H. 17 lbs.9 D -590R. Similar to D570 except has auto
oz $375 reverse $500
D-370. Similar to D-570 except has 2 heads. Avail-
CTX9 Cassette Deck able in black (D-3708) or silver (D -370S) finish. Fre-
Shelf -sized computer -controlled cassete deck with 3 - controlled DO capstan motors; 2 servo -controlled reel quency response 30-18,000 Hz ±3 dB $420
motor direct -drive transport, auto -reverse record and motors; unique hinged headblock for absolute stabil-
play, auto repeat, music search, index scan, blank ity in azimuth plane; die-cast aluminum alloy trans- D -W9 Double -Recording Cassette Deck
skip. Dolby B/C, one -touch recording, ribbon sendust port chasis; mic/line mixing; internal programmable Stereo cassette deck with two complete transports ca-
head, auto function, synchro copying with PL -X9 turn- 24 -hour clock for stop/start record/play timing; pable or recording simultaneously (or sequentially) on
table. FR 30.17,500 Hz (metal), S/N 77 dB with headphone volume control; auto tape type sensing; command. Features full -logic controls; 15 -selection
Dolby C. 3%'H x 12'/,"W x 8Y.°D; 11 lbs 12 auto start of oxide cueing; MPX filter. W&F 0.035% Random Music Program Search; 3 -function memory;
oz $380 wrms; FR 30-20,000 Hz + 2/-3 dB; S/N > 72 dB IEC Dolby B and C; auto bias and EQ; 4 -sec record mute;
A weighted at 3% distortion, Dolby Con ... $1,999 auto leader bypass; timer record and playback capa-
CT-X8W Double Cassette Deck bility; 6 -segment peak level display; auto level control.
Shelf -sized double cassette deck for double -speed SAE FR 20-19.000 Hz; W&F <0.04% wrms; S/N ratio
copying. Features one -touch recording; Dolby B; 78 dB with Dolby C. 161°/,."W x 4'/,."H
feather -touch logic controls; auto function; synchro C101 Stereo Cassette Deck 12'/,."D. 14 lbs $450
copying with PL -X9 turntable. FR 30-17,000 Hz Three -head 2 -motor Computer Direct -Line stereo
(metal), S/N 64 dB with Dolby B. 61/2"H 121/2'W cassette deck with Dolby B and C. Features bias and D -77R Auto -Reverse Cassette Deck
x 73/'D; 14 lbs 8 oz $380 level adjust; 2 test tones for adjusting bias. FR 24- Bidirectional record/play stereo cassette deck with
18,000 ± 2.5 dB with type I tape. 24-20,000 ± 2.5 Compu Edit to make recording easy with Sansui turn-
CT -X6 Full -Logic Cassette Deck dB with type II, 24-20,000 ± 2 dB with type IV; S/N tables. Features Auto Level Control; Auto Music Pro-
Shelf -sized full -logic cassette deck with music search, (Dolby off) 52 dB type I. 53 dB type II, 55 dB type IV; gram Search; IC -controlled transport; Compu Selector
one -touch recording. Dolby B. auto function, synchro S/N (Dolby B) type I/II/1V tape 62/64/65 dB; S/N system; Dolby B. Available in black (D-77RB) or silver
copying with PL -X9 turntable. FR 40-15.000 Hz (Dolby C) type I/II/1V tape 70/72/73 dB; W&F (D-77RS). W&F 0.05% wrms; frequency resonse 30-
(metal), S/N 67 dB with Dolby B. 334"H 121/2"W 0.9% all tape types. Rack mountable $650 17.000 Hz ±3 dB; S/N ratio 68 dB with Dolby
81/2'D; 9 lbs $190 on $320
C2 Stereo Cassette Deck D -77F. Single -direction version of D77R. Available in
REALISTIC Stereo cassette deck with Dolby B and C. Features black (D-77FB) or silver (D-77FS) finish $230
full -logic transport controls; Cam -Actuated Transport
SCT-42 Auto Reverse Cassette Deck for smooth engagement of all functions; auto program D -55M Stereo Cassette Deck
Stereo auto -reverse cassette deck with programmable search; fluorescent level meters; memory, repeat Stereo cassette deck with Soft -Touch transport con-
memory. Features rec mute, separate sliding record functions; remote timer play/record; facility for op- trols; Auto Level Control. Features Dolby B NR sys-
level controls, digital fluorescent tape counter; two tional full -function remote control $299 tem: available in matte black (D-55MB) or silver (D-


Cassette Decks 6 Cassette Decks
55MS). W&F 0.07% wrms; FR 30-15.000 Hz ±3 (Dolby off), 77 dB (Dolby C); 16.5"W x 4.2"H x peak program meters; soft -touch controls; cue/ -
8.6"D $150 review; slide -type record level and balance controls;
dB $190
record mute; 3 tape type selections; LED function in-
RDW22 Double Cassette Deck dicators; 3 digit tape counter; cassette back lighting;
D -99D Dubbing Cassette Deck
Dual -transport stereo cassette deck with Compu-Edit Double cassette deck with synchronized playback be- high torque DC EG motor; permalloy head; dual -gap
for synchronization with some Sansui turntables. Fea- tween the 2 tape transports. Features Dolby B NR; erase head. FR 25-17,000 Hz (metal); S/N with
tures separate record/play and play -only transports; compatibility with normal, chrome, and metal tape; Dolby 66 dB; W&F 0.045%; 4%,"H x 17" W . $200
Auto Music Program Search; play one transport while auto stop; permalloy record/play head; dual 5-seg-
recording on other; full IC -logic transport controls; 659DA Auto -Reverse Cassette Deck
Metal -compatible cassette deck features Dolby B and
auto level control; Compu-Selector for one-rouch op- ,moolpilsiemorm. C. auto -reverse mechanism; 2 -color LED peak pro -
eration with some Sansui amplifiers/receivers; provi-
ram meters; forward and reverse play modes; soft
sion for external timer operation; available in black
touch controls; cue/review; separate left and right ch
(D-99DB) or silver (D-99DS) $350
record level controls; record mute; 3 tape selections;
LED function indicators; 3 digit tape counter; cassette
back lighting; mic inputs; headphone jack; high torque
DC EG motor; Dynalloy head; dual -gap erase head; FR
RDW310 Double Cassette Deck
25-17.000 Hz (metal); S/N with Dolby 74 dB; W&F
Double stereo cassette deck with high-speed (2.5 x)
ment LED meters. W&F 0.06%; SiN 61 dB: FR 40- 0.04%; 4%"H x 17' $280
tape dubbing. Features Auto Music Select; metal ca-
pability; Dolby B; LED peak level meters; rec mute; 16.000 Hz with metal tape $150
auto stop; air -damped doors; mic/line mixing; DC ser- 639DC Metal Compatible Cassette Deck
Stereo cassette deck features Dolby B and C; 2 -color
vo motor; soft -touch controls. FR 40-17.000 Hz
(metal). 40-16.000 Hz (chrome), 40-13,000 Hz RDS30 Dolby B/C Cassette Deck LED peak program meters; soft -touch controls;
Stereo cassette deck with Dolby B and C NR. Features cue/review; slide -type record level and balance con-
(normal); W&F 0.055% wrms; S/N (with metal tape)
Auto Music Select; metal compatibility; power -assist- trols; record mute; 3 tape selections; LED function in-
57 dB (Dolby off), 65 dB (Dolby on); 16.5'W
$200 ed controls; 7 -part LED meters; adjustable bias; LED dicators; 3 digit tape counters; cassette back lighting;
4.2'H . 6.5'D mic inputs; headphone jack; high torque DC EG mo-
function indicators; auto stop; air -damped cassette
door. FR 40-16.000 Hz (metal). 40-15,000 Hz tor; permalloy head; dual -gap erase head; mic inputs;
RDF70 Dolby B/C Cassette Deck
(chrome), 40-:3.000 Hz (normal); W&F 0.06% headphone jack. FR 25-17,000 Hz (metal); S/N with
Stereo cassette deck with Dolby B and C NR. Features
wrms; S/N (with metal tape) 57 dB (Dolby off), 77 dB Dolby 74 dB; W&F 0.04%; 4%-H x 17" $230
Auto Music Select; dual -motor transport; auto stop;
soft -touch logic controls; shows tape used, elapsed (Dolby C); 16.5"W 4.2"H 7.2'D $130
time, minutes remaining; 9 -part LED meters; rec
mute; adjustable bias; LED function indicators; high - RDS23 Dolby B Cassette Deck SHARP
sensitivity mic inputs. FR 30-18.000 Hz (metal), 30- Stereo cassette deck with Dolby 8 NR and Auto Music
17.000 Hz (chrome), 30-13,000 Hz (normal); W&F Select. Features logic interlock power -assisted soft - RT-4040 Double Cassette Deck
touch controls; metal compatibility; one -touch record; Double cassette deck with high-speed (3'/. ips) dub-
0.04% wrms; S/N (with metal tape) 57 dB (Dolby
permalloy head; LED function indicators; high-sens bing to copy tapes in half usual time. Features dub-
off). 77 dB (Dolby C); 16.5"W x 4.2"H x
mic inputs; auto stop; air -damped cassette door; DC bing level scale; Auto Program Search System; Dolby
8.5' D $190
servo motor. FR 30.17.000 Hz (metal), 30-16,000 NR; rec mute; compatible with metal. Cr0,, normal
Hz (chrome); W&F 0.05 % wrms: S/N (with metal tapes; timer standby; mic mixing in dubbing mode
RDR60 Auto -Reverse Cassette Deck
Stereo cassette deck with auto reverse and Dolby B tape) 64 dB (Dolby on); 16.6'W 4.4"H x and tape 1 mixing; frequency generator servo motor
9.8" D $100 in each transport; 1 -touch dubbing; monitoring during
and C NR. Features open -loop dual -capstan tape
transport; programmable operation; auto bias and recording; VU meter switchable for either transport;
RDS22 Dolby B Cassette Deck soft -touch logic control. W&F 0.048% wrms; FR 30-
EQ; Auto Music Select; soft -touch controls; 7 -part
Stereo cassette deck with Dolby B and soft -touch 19.000 Hz 1 3 dB metal, to 17 kHz CrO,, to 16 kHz
LED meters; adjustable bias; high -sensitivity mic in-
transport controls. Features single -motor DC servo normal tape; S/N Dolby off /on 57/67 dB. 16"A." W
puts; headphone jack. FR 30-18,000 Hz (metal). 30-
drive; metal -tape compatibility; 5 -part LED meters; 111;." D 4'/,' H; 12.8 lb $330
16,000 Hz (chrome), 30-14.000 Hz (normal); W&F
0.05% wrms; S/N (with metal tape) 59 dB (Dolby auto stop; mic and line inputs; headphone jack; air -
damped cassette door. FR 40-16.000 Hz (metal); RT-350 Auto -Reverse Cassette Deck
off). 77 dB (Dolby C); 16.5'W x 4.5"H
W&F 0.06% wrms; S/N (with metal tape) 61 dB Stereo cassette deck with Dolby B and C NR and auto
10.5'D $180
(Dolby on); 16.5'W x 4.9"H . 7.2'D $90 reverse Features full -logic control; Auto Program
Search System; Intro -scan; Blank Tape Pass to skip
RDF50 Dolby B/C Cassette Deck
Stereo cassette deck with Dolby B and C NR. Features RDS11 Dolby B Cassette Deck blanks > 30 sec; auto tape selector for metal. Cr0,,
Auto Music Select; metal compatibility; full -logic soft - Stereo cassette deck with Dolby B NR and single -mo- normal tapes; 2 -color LED peak -level meters. W&F
touch controls; 16 -part LED meters; adjustable bias; tor DC servo drive. Features 5 -part LED meters; auto 0.07% wrms; FR 40-15.000 Hz 13 dB metal, 30-
stop; air -damped cassette door; headphone jack; mic 13.000 Cr0,, 40-12,000 normal tape; S/N Dolby off
auto stop; high-sens mic inputs; air -damped cassette
door; DC servo motor. FR 30-18.000 Hz (metal), 30- and line inputs; metal compatibility. FR 40.15.000 57 dB. with Dolby B up 10 dB over 5 kHz, with C up
Hz (metal); W&F 0.08% wrms; S/N 60 dB (Dolby on); 20 dB 1-10 kHz. 16"/,." W 9'/." D 41'," H;
16.000 Hz (chrome). 30-14.000 Hz (normal); W&F
16.5"W . 4.911 x 7.2'D $80 12.8 It $330
0.05% wrms; S/N (with metal tape) 59 dB (Dolby
off). 77 dB (Dolby C); 16.5"W 4.5-H
$170 RD7 Dolby B Cassette Deck RT-300 Dolby B and C Cassette Deck
10.5' D
Stereo cassette deck with Dolby B NR and metal -tape Solenoid full -logic feather -touch transport stereo cas-
compatibility. Features 5 -part LED meters; head- sette oeck with Dolby B and C NR systems. Features
RDS40 Time -Display Cassette Deck
phone jack; 2 mic inputs. FR 40-15,000 Hz: W&F slim design; APSS; metal -tape capability; normal,-
Stereo cassette deck displays tape used, elapsed
0.08% wrms; S/N 54 dB (Dolby off); 11.8"W x Cr0,/metal tape selector; 2 -color 8 -LED peak signal
time. and time remaining. Features Dolby B and C NR;
Auto Music Select; power -assisted controls; 7 -part 5.2'H x 7.2"D $70 level displays; soft eject; full auto stop; 17"W
9'/,'D 4'H $200
LED meters; rec mute; adjustable bias; LED function
indicators; high-sens mic inputs: auto stop; air - SCOTT
damped cassette door. FR 30-18.000 Hz (metal), RT-250 Full -Logic Cassette Deck
619DB Metal -Compatible Cassette Deck Solenoid full -logic feather -touch transport stereo cas-
30-17,000 Hz (chrome), 30.13.000 Hz (normal);
Stereo cassette deck features Dolby 3; 2 -color LED sette deck with APSS and Dolby B and C. Features
W&F 0.05% wrms: S/N (with metal tape) 57 dB
metal -tape capability; 2 -color LED peak signal -level
meters; soft eject; normal/Cr0,/metal tape selector;
electronically controlled dc motor. W&F 0.07% wrms;
FR t 3 dB 40-14,000 Hz metal, to 13 kHz Cr0,, to
12.5 kHz normal tape; S/N Dolby off /on 52/62 dB.
NOTICE TO READERS 15%" W 9' D 4" H; 6.9 lb $150

Prices of items described are manufacturers' suggested prices RT-150 Soft -Touch Cassette Deck
Soft -touch stereo cassette deck with Dolby B and C.
only and are subject to change without notice. Actual selling Compatible with metal, Cr0,, and normal tape. Fea-
prices are determined by the dealers. tures rewind auto -play; dual 5 -part LED peak signal -
level meters; independent left/right record -level con-
trols. W&F 0.07% wrms: S/N 72 dB with Dolby C.
390 mm W 245 mm D 110 mm H .... $130

Cassette Decks 6 Cassette Decks
RT-100 Low -Profile Cassette Deck TC-FX1010 3 -Head Cassette Deck controls; synchronized operation; headphone output
Low -profile stereo cassette deck with metal -tape ca- Self -monitoring 3 -head computerized stereo cassette jack; Dolby B and C; 2 -motor tape drive; dynamically
pability and Dolby B NR. Features 10 -LED peak signal deck with audio signal processor IC for feather -touch balanced antiresonant flywheel; dc amplifier; direct -
level displays; electronically controlled dc motor; control of all functions, settings. Features self -moni- coupled playback head amp; 4 -gap erase head; 4 -po-
normal/CrO,/metal tape selector soft eject; hard toring head that sets record levels for min distortion; sition tape selector. W&F 0.04% wrms ±0.14%
permalloy record/play head. W&F 0.1 % wrms; FR multifunction memory for storing tape settings, cali- (DIN 45507); FR (±3 dB, re -20 dB) 30-17,000 Hz
_1- 3 dB 40-13.000 Hz metal, to 12 kHz Cr0,, to 11 bration of up to 4 different types of tape; Dolby B and metal, 30-17,000 FeCr, 30-15.000 Type II (Sony
kHz normal tape; S/N Dolby off/on 52/62 dB. 151/2" C NR; independent -suspension sendust and ferrite UCX), 30-14,000 Type (Sony SHF); S/N (re 3%
W 81/2" D 41/2" H; 5.5 lb $110 record, play/monitor head; closed -loop dual -capstan THD, peak -weighted), Dolby NR off/Dolby B/Dolby C:
drive system with BSL capstan and dc reel motors; 59/66/72 dB metal. 60/67/73 FeCr, 57/65/71
concentrated display that includes electronic peak Type II (UCX), 54/61/67 Type I (SHF); THD 1.0% at
SHERWOOD program meters. linear real-time tape counter, 1 kHz, re 0 dB record level, metal and FeCr; crosstalk
record -level setting guides; auto tape selection sys- 60 dB at 1 kHz between tracks; sep 35 dB at 1 kHz
5-6000 CP 3 -Head Cassette Deck tem for all types of tape, including metal; auto play; between chs; 17' x 41/2' x 101/2'; 12 lbs, 6 oz
Stereo cassette deck with 3 heads, Dolby B and C NR. memory play/stop; auto -space record mute; memory
Features sendust tape heads; normal/Cr0,/metal $320
backup system; dc amp, direct -coupled play head am-
tape capability; fine bias adjust control; switchable plifier; facility for optional remote control. W&F TC-FX505R Auto -Reverse Cassette Deck
MPX filter; microprocessor -controlled soft -touch tran- 0.04% wrms; frequency response 25-18,000 Hz ±3 Auto -reverse feather -touch full -logic cassette deck
sport. W&F 0.05% wrms; FR 30-21,000 Hz ±3 dB dB; S/N 60 dB A -weighted, Dolby off $650 with continous play mode. Features music scan; blank
with metal tape; S/N 77 dB with Dolby C; THD 3%; skip; auto music sensor; auto tape selector; auto play;
17'/,-W x 15'/,'D 4'/,'H $400 TC-K555 2 -Motor Cassette Deck optional remote control; fast 13 -segment peak me-
Three -head, 2 -motor stereo cassette deck with inde- ters; auto space/record mute; unattended recording;
S-450 CP Dolby B/C Cassette Deck pendent suspension sendust and ferrite record and Laser -Amorphous head construction; Dolby B and C;
Microprocessor -controlled cassette deck with Dolby B playback heads. Features closed -loop dual -capstan dc dc amplifier; direct -coupled playback head amp; 4 -
and C. Features Auto Music Selection; Index Scan; servo belt -drive transport system; BSL capstan, dc gap erase head. W&F 0.05% wrms ±0.14% (DIN
real-time counter; elapsed -time indicator; auto re- reel motors with solenoid logic feather -touch trans- 45507); FR: (±3 dB, re -20 dB) 30-17,000 Hz met-
wind, repeat, replay between selected points; sendust port controls; fine-tuning bias control for Type I tape, al, FeCr, Type II (Sony UCX), 30-15,000 Type I (Sony
heads; fine bias adjust. W&F <0.06% wrms; FR 30- plus positions for Types II, Ill, and IV tapes; Dolby B SHF); S/N: (re 3% THD, peak -weighted), no Dolby/ -
19.000 Hz *1/-3 dB. 171/2"W 151/2"D and C NR; auto -space record mute; auto play; memory
4'/,-H Dolby B/Dolby C: 58/65/71 dB metal, 59/66/72
$300 stop/play; concentrated display that includes elec- FeCr, 56/63/69 Type II (UCX), 54/61/67 Type I

tronic peak program meter, linear real-time tape (SHF); THD 1.0% at 1 kHz, re 0 dB record level, Type
5-250 CP Dolby B/C Cassette Deck counter, record setting guides; provision for optioral IV and Type II; crosstalk 60 dB at 1 kHz between
Metal -capable stereo cassette deck with Dolby B and remote control. W&F 0.04% wrms; FR 30-18,000 Hz tracks; sep 35 dB at 1 kHz between chs; 17' x 41/2'
C NR. Features Dynalloy tape heads; normal/ - ±3 dB with Type IV tape; S'1,1 60 dB A -weighted, x 101/2"; 9 lbs, 15 oz $260
Cr0,/metal tape selector; soft -touch transport con- Dolby off $450
trols; 12 -segment LED level meters. W&F <0.06% RM-50. Wired remote control $55 TC-FX45 Dolby B/C Cassette Deck
wrms; FR 30-19,000 Hz +1/-3 dB; S/N -. 76 dB RM-80. Wireless infrared remote control $120 Feather -touch full -logic cassette deck with optional re-
with Dolby C; THD 3%; 171/2"W x 151/2"D x RM-44. Full system wireless remote control for use mote control. Features music scan for 10 -sec sample
41/2"H $230 with selected Sony RC -capable products $150 of each cut; blank skip; auto music sensor; auto tape
RM-65. Recording synchronizer for use with selected selector; auto play; unattended recording or timed
S-150 Stereo Cassette Deck Sony turntables $25 wake-up option; headphone output jack; mic input
Metal -compatible cassette deck with Dolby B NR. Fea-
jack; Dolby B and C; 4 -gap erase head. Wow and flut-
tures 7 -part LED meters; pushbutton selection of TC-FX77 Dolby B/C Cassette Deck ter 0.05% wrms ±0.14% (DIN 45507); frequency
metal, Cr0,, normal bias and EQ; soft -touch controls; Stereo cassette deck with Dolby B and C noise -reduc- response: (±3 dB, re -20 dB) 30-16,000 Hz metal
backlit cassette well; LED indicators for pause, play, tion systems, 2 motors. Features dc servo belt -drive and FeCr, 30-15,000 Type II (Sony UCX), 30-13,000
record; Dynalloy record/play head; DC motor. FR 30- system; noncrystalline Laser -Amorphous record/play Type I (Sony SHF);S/N (re 3% THD, peak -weighted),
16,000 Hz 1.3 dB; S/N 67 dB with Cr°, tape (Dolby head for greater dynamic range; feather -touch full -
on). 171/2 W
Dolby off/Dolby B/Dolby C: 58/65/71 dB metal,
131/2 " D 4'/,"H $200 logic solenoid transport controls; concentrated dis- 59/66/62 FeCr, 56/63/69 Type II (UCX), Type I
play that includes electronic peak program meters. 54/61/67 (SHF); THD 1.0% at 1 kHz, re 0 dB
S-250 CP Stereo Cassette Deck linear real-time tape counter, 9 -selection Auto Music record level, Type IV and Type crosstalk 60 dB at 1
Metal -capable stereo cassette deck with Dolby B and Sensor/auto repeat feature, 4 -position tape selector kHz between tracks; sep 35 dB at 1 kHz between chs;
C NR systems. Features Dynalloy tape head; normal/ (includes metal); auto play; memory play/stop; autc- 17" x 4V," x 101/2":9 lbs, 11 oz $230
Cr0,/metal tape selector; soft -touch transport con- space record mute. W&F 0.04% wrms; FR 30-
trols; 12 -segment LED level meters. W&F <0.06% 17,000 Hz ±3 dB with metal tape; S/N 59 dB A - TC-FX44 Dolby B/C Cassette Deck
wrms; FR 30-19,000 Hz +1/ -3 dB: S/N > 76 dB weighted, Dolby off $400 Stereo cassette deck with Dolby B and C noise -reduc-
with Dolby C; THD 3%; 171/2"W x 151/2"D - TC-FX66. Similar to TC-FX77 except no AMS/repeat
4',"H tion systems, SD record/play head. Features dc servo
$230 feature or record -level guides $320 belt -drive system; full -logic feather -touch transport
controls; auto tape selection system for all tape for-
TC-V7 Auto -Reverse Cassette Deck mulations, including metal; Auto Music Sensor with
SONY Feather -touch, full -logic control auto -reverse cassette auto -space record mute; auto play; LED peak meters;
deck with linear counter for precise index of tape loca- facility for optional remote controller. Wow and flutter
TC-D5M Portable Cassette Deck tion and optional remote control. Features continuous 0.05% wrms; FR 30-16,000 Hz ±3 dB with metal
Pro -quality portable cassette deck with disk drive playback; auto music sensor; concentrated display; tape; S/N 59 dB A -weighted. Dolby off
transport. Operates from 3 power sources: batteries, $210
blank skip; auto play; auto space/rec mute; 13 -seg-
12-V car battery (with optional DCC-127AW adapter) ment peak meters; synchronized operation possible TC-FX35 Dolby B/C Cassette Deck
and ac outlets (with optional AC -61 adapter). Fea- with some Sony turntables; unattended recording or Feather -touch full -logic cassette deck with cue and re-
tures large VU meters with .6 dB LED peak indica- wake-up timer; roto-bilateral head and dual -capstan view. Features auto play; headphone output jack; 4 -
tion, battery check position, and 10 -sec illumination; transport system; Laser -Amorphous head; Dolby B gap erase head. W&F 0.05% wrms ±0.14 (DIN
independent L/R record -level controls; switchable and C; dual -gap erase head. W&F 0.065% wrms, 45507); FR (±3 dB, re -20 dB) 30-16,000 Hz metal
record -level limiter; switchable mic attenuater; built-in f0.2% (DIN 45507); FR (±3 dB, re -20 dB) 30- and FeCr. 30-14,000 Hz Type II (Sony UCX), 30-
monitor speaker; sendust and ferrite record/playback 15.000 Hz metal, FeCr, and Type II (Sony UCX); 30- 13,000 Hz Type (Sony SHF); S/N (re 3% THD,

heads; dc -to -dc converter power supply; corelLss dc 14,000 Type I (Sony SHF); S/N (re 3% THD, peak - peak -weighted) Dolby off /Dolby B/Dolby C:
servomotor; Dolby B NR; direct -coupled playback weighted), no Dolby/Dolby B/Dolby C: 58/65/78 dB 58/65/71 dB metal, 59/66/72 FeCr, 56/63/69
head amp; 4 -position tape selector; 4 -gap erase head. metal, 59/66/72 dB FeCr, 57/64/70 dB Type II Type II (UCX), 54/61/67 Type I (SHF); THD 1.0% at
W&F 0.06% wrms 1-0.17 (DIN 45507); FR ( ± 3 dB, (UCX), 54/61/67/ dB Type I (SHF); THD 1.0% at 1 kHz, re 0 dB record level, Type IV and Type II;
re -20 dB) 30-17,000 Hz metal and FeCr, 30- 1kHz. re 0 dB record level, metal and FeCr; crosstalk crosstalk 60 dB at 1 kHz between tracks; sep 35 dB
15,000 Type II (Sony UCX), 30-14,000 Type I (Sony 60 dB at 1 kHz between tracks; sep at 1 kHz between at 1 kHz between chs; 17' x 4'/,' x 101/2"; 9 lbs, 8
SHF); S/N (re 3% THD, peak -weighted): with Dolby chs 35 dB; 14" x 31/2' - 111/2"; 11 lbs, 1 oz $350 oz
NR off, 58 dB metal, 59 dB FeCr, 64 dB Type II (Sony
UCX), 53 dB (SHF), with Dolby NR on, 65 dB metal, TC-FX600 Full -Logic Cassette Deck TC-V3 Dolby B/C Cassette Deck
66 dB FeCr, 64 dB UCX, 64 dB SHF; THD at 1 kHz Full -logic, feather -touch cassette deck with auto mu- Dolby B and C cassette deck with feather -touch, full -
(re 0 dB record level) 1.0% metal and Type II; sic sensor and repeat function. Features linear logic controls and auto music sensor. Features auto
crosstalk 60 dB at 1 kHz between tracks; sep 35 dB counter; end -of -tape alarm; concentrated display; tape selector; auto play; fast LED peak meters; auto
at 1 kHz between chs; 91/2" 11/2" 6',y; 3 lbs. 12 memory counter; auto play; 16 -segment peak pro-
space/rec mute: optional unattended recording or
$780 gram meters; auto space/rec mute; choice of remote timed wake-up; 14" width for combatibility with Sony

Cassette Decks 6 Cassette Decks
G -V3 system; SD record/playback head; 4 -gap erase system. Features Dyneqe record equalization circuitry W&F 0.07% wrms; frequency response 30-16,000
head. W&F 0.065% wrms ±0.02 (DIN 45507); FR designed to automatically adjust record preemphasis Hz ±3 dB with CrO, tape; S/N 55 dB, improved 5 dB
(±3 dB, re -20 dB) 30-15,000 Hz metal and FeCr, of deck to maximize potential treble response while si- at 1 kHz and 10 dB at 5 kHz with Dolby. 16'/,'W x
30-15,000 Hz Type II (Sony UCX), 30 Hz -14,000 Hz multaneously minimizing treble distortion; Actilineare 1 P/, " D x 6'/."H $450
Type I (Sony SHF); S/N (re 3% THD, peak -weighted), recording system; peak -indicating meters with second
Dolby off /Dolby B/Dolby C: 58/65/71 dB metal, scale reflecting metal -particle signal levels; 10 -kHz TEAC
59/66/72 FeCr, 56/63/69 Type II (UCX), test oscillator; bias adjust controls for ferric, Cr0,,
54/61/67 Type I (SHF), THD 1.0% at 1 kHz, re 0 dB and metal tapes with set of left/right LEDs; separate Z-7000 Stereo Cassette Deck
record level, Type IV and Type II; crosstalk 60 dB at 1 left, right slider input/output -level controls with LEDs; Three -head 3 -motor cassette deck with auto bias, lev-
kHz between tracks: sep 35 dB at 1 kHz between chs; LED Dolby, .ape I and II/metal, source/tape, record el, and EQ. Tape Memory Function can be pro-
14" x x 9'4"; 8 lbs, 13 oz $210 preset on/off, power indicators; optional PCM infra- grammed with calibration data for three tape types.
red wireless remote control available. FR 20-20,000 Features Dolby B and C and dbx NR; dbx disc decod-
TCZ-FX25 Full -Logic Cassette Deck Hz ±3 dB: S/N 70 dB A weighted; anodized matte irg; lineal tape counter for time display; search to
Feather -touch. full -logic cassette deck with auto tape black finish; 18'/,,-W x 4'H $995 zero or cue; programming of up to 19 selections; 30 -
selector. Features auto play; cue and review; auto segment fluorescent peak level meters; search to
space/rec mute; fast 8 -segment peak meters; option- TCD 420A Stereo Cassette Deck record; Intro Search; sendust record head; ferrite
al unattended recording or timed wake-up; Dolby B; Front -loading metal -compatible stereo cassette deck playback head; pitch control; motorized head loading
SD record playback head; direct -coupled playback with Dolby B NR system, 3 motors in dual -capstan system; power eject; auto fade-in/fade-out; memory
head amp; 4 -gap erase head; W&F 0.05% wrms transport system, diamond -cut Senalloy record/play stop/playback/repeat; headphone amp with adjust-
±0.14 (DIN 45507); FR (±3 dB, re -20 dB) 30- and Tandberg erase (80 -dB erasure at 1 kHz, 60 -dB able volume; MOL balance controls. W&F 0.018%
15,000 Hz metal and FeCr, 30-14,000 Hz Type II at 100 Hz) heads. Features Dyneq. dynamic EQ am- wrms; S/N with dbx on 100 dB with metal tape; FR
(Sony UCX). 30-13.000 Type I Hz (Sony SHF): S/N plifier circuitry; Actilinear* recording system; tape 20-24.000 Itz ±2 dB with metal tape; 432mm W
(re 3% THD, peak -weighted). Dolby off /Dolby B: and bias selectors for type I (ferric). II (chrome), and 160mm H x 432mm D; 16kg $1,800
58/65 dB metal, 59/66 FeCr, 56/63 Type II (UCX), metal with left-, right-ch bias -adjust selectors for each Z-6000. Similar to Z-7000 above except W&F
54/61 (SHF); THD 1.0% at 1 kHz, re 0 dB record tape; separate left, right input/output -level controls; 0.019% wrms; FR 20-22.000 Hz 2 dB. Heads are di-
level, Type IV and Type II; crosstalk 60 dB at 1 kHz equalized peak -indicating VU meters; 3 -digit tape rectly coupled to the playback amplifier's FET input
between tracks; sep 35 dB at 1 kHz between chs; counter with reset. W&F 0.13% wrms; FR 30-18,000 stage $1,400
power consumption 14 W; 17' 4V," 10%-; 9 Hz ±3 dB; THD 3.0% metal, 2.0% ferric and Z-5000. Similar to Z-6000 except W&F 0.025%
chrome; S/N with metal tape 68 dB (IEC A -weighted); wrms, permalloy record and playback heads, 15 -seg-
4 oz $170 18%." W x 8'4"D x 4'H $649 ment flourescent peak level meters; FR 20-20,000
Hz 2 dB with metal tape $1,000
TANDBERG TCD 3034 Stereo Cassette Deck
Soft -touch. logic -controlled stereo cassette transport. RX Series Stereo Cassette Decks
TCD 3004 Cassette Deck Features cue, record mute; peak -indicating equalized
Microprocessor -controlled metal -compatible vertical meters; Dyneq' and Actilineare headroom -extension 3RX Stereo Cassette Deck
front -loading stereo cassette deck with dual Dolby B system; instant -access loading. Dustcover for cas- Stereo c issette deck with dbx NR system and 3 -head,
NR system. 4 motors, 3 tape heads. Features PROM - sette compartment optional. Accommodates metal 2 -motor transport. Features double dbx NR; tape/ -
brain logic microprocessor function contro's with LED tape. FR 10-20,000 Hz ±3 dB $499 source monitoring; Dolby B NR; 3 -step independent
indicators; recording preset; Dyneq. record EQ, Acti- bias and equalization selectors; timer function; mem-
lineare headroom -extension system; 4 -position bias/ - TASCAM by TEAC ory play/stop; independent input level controls; out-
record, 70/120 ilsec playback EQ controls with bias put level control; adjustable bias/record calibration;
fine adjust; calibration selector for off, azimuth, bias 122 2 -Speed Stereo Cassette Deck optional rack -mount kit, remote controller, test -tone
fine adjust, left/right record levels with calibration Stereo cassette deck with 2 speeds. 3 heads, Dolby B oscillator. W&F 0.04% NAB weighted; FR ±3 dB 20-
meter; separate left/right record, mic level controls NR, and Dolby i-0( headroom extension. Features 1'/, 20,000 Hz metal, to 19 kHz Cr0,, to 16 kHz normal
with master control; source/tape monitor switch; and 3'/. ips speeds; bias and EQ controls; extra line tape; SAN no NR/dbx 60/91 dB; fast -wind time 80
headphones volume control; resettable LED digital inputs on front panel; interface jacks for optional dbx secs with C60 cassette; 15.7'W . 15.7'D x 5.8"H;
counter display with memory; dual peak -indicating NR unit; optional microprocessor remote control; auto 20.9 lb $690
meters; error -detection digital display; winding speed rewind; fader start; rack mountable; DC servo capstan
control; azimuth control. FR 20-20.000 Hz ±3 dB; motor; DC reel motor; compatible with normal, Cr0,, 11-90911X Stereo Cassette Deck
S/N 70 dB $2.395 metal tape; VU meters with peak -reading LEDs; LSI 4 -track 2 channel cassette deck with dbx disc decod-
logic circuitry; tape counter memory; headphone vol- er. Features Computomatic program system memory
TCD 3014 Cassette Deck ume control. W&F at 1'/, ips ±0.085% (IEC/ANSI/- play/stop. block repeat; auto fade in/out switch; rec
Microprocessor -controlled stereo cassette deck with DIN weighted), 0.06% (NAB weighted); at 3'/, ips mute with auto spacer blank scan alarm; multi-
4 servo -controlled tape -transport motors. Has scan to ±0.055% (IEC/ANSI/DIN weighted). 0.04% (NAB function LED counter; CPS program display and alarm
play. scan to stop, auto rewind, auto replay, timer weighted); FR (with CrO, tape) at 3'/. ips 35.14,000 program display; MPX filter switch; bipolar power
record/play functions. Features 3 heads; Dolby B and Hz ±3 dB at 0 VU, 35-20,000 Hz at -20 dB; at 1'. supply and dc configuration amp; LED bar -graph level
C; azimuth alignment; bias adjustment; record cur- ips 35-8.500 Hz ±3 dB at 0 VU, 35-14,000 Hz at - meters; L/R 100mm long slide record level controls,
rent adjustment utilizing built-in test system; linear 20 VU; THD 1% at 3'/, with CrO, tape at 0 VU = 160 output volume control; L/R microphone inputs; timer
motor to position heads and pinch -rollers to tape; in nWb/m, 1 kHz, 1.2% at 1'/.; S/N at 3V. (with CrO, rec/play capability; 3 -position tape selector; head-
stant "flying start" record/play; Dyneq' record equal tape, 1 kHz ref., 3% THD) 63 dB A -weighted, at 17, phone jack and illuminated auto reverse status indica-
ization; Actilinear headroom -extension system' 58 dB A -weighted; sep > 35 dB at 1 kHz. 19'W x tors. W&F 0.045% wrms; FR 20-19.000 Hz; overall
5.8'H x 13.6-D; 19.8 lbs $725 (-20 VU. metal tape); S/N NR out/Dolby C/ dbx; 59
dB/79 dB/91 dB; 17'/,' x 4'/" 10'/,'; 151/4
M-124 Syncaset Stereo Cassette Deck lbs $650
Front -loading Simul-Sync stereo cassette deck with V-707RX. Similar to V-909RX except no Dolby C NR;
Dolby B NR system. FG dc servo -controlled motor, blank scan; programmable alarm or auto fade
and record/play and erase heads. Features Simul- in/out $500
Sync that permits monitoring on one track while si-
multaneously recording on another through the same V-1RX Stereo Cassette Deck
head; crossfield switch for Simul-Sync for slight Electroload motorized head loading stereo cassette
G blending of left and right chs; independent bias and
EQ selectors tor normal/Cr°, tapes; separate left and
deck with 3 -motor, 3 -head transport and dbx NR. Fea-
tures dynamic range expansion system; direct -drive
right record level controls; mic/DIN and line input se- capstan motor; block repeat; vertical peak level me-
lector; 3 -digit tape counter with memory rewind; 2 VU ters; timer record/play; output level control; fine bias
peak -reading meters; cue and review at half speed; meters; fast -wind time 90 seconds with C60 cassette. adjust control; double Dolby B NR; normal/Cr0,-
real time/real revolution counter; LED indication of all (Co)/metal tape selectors; 4 -digit electronic tape
transport functions. Optional side panels in rosewood. counter; soft -touch transport controls. W&F 0.025%
Wireless infrared remote control with built-in receiver wrms; FR ±3 dB 20-18,000 Hz normal, to 19 kHz
and rack mounts are available $1,395 NEED MORE INFORMATION? Cr0,/Co, to 20 kHz metal tape; S/N no NR/Dolby/-
dbx 63/73/92 dB; fast -wind time 90 seconds with
TCD 440A Cassette Deck
Write directly to the manufacturer or C60 cassette; 17"/ ,,' W ; 10'/"D 47,,-1-1; 13 lb
Metal -compatible stereo cassette deck with dual distributor. A list of names and ad- 4.0 oz $590
Dolby B NR system, separate record, play, Tandberg dresses starts on page 25.
erase heads (80 dB erasure at 1 kHz and 60 d8 era- V-2RX Stereo Cassette Deck
sure at 100 Hz). 3 motors in dual -capstan transport 4 -track 2 channel stereo cassette deck with dbx and

Cassette Decks 6 Cassette Decks
Dolby NR and low -frequency parametric equalizer. Dolby C NR; cobalt amorphous head; multi -display tape, time, music select (max 20 skips), record -mute
Features 3 heads; 2 -motor IC logic transport control; electonic tape counter (includes tape run time. time, refrain (max 16 times auto repeat); auto tape
microprocessor -controlled real-time tape counter; counter); memory play/stop/repeat; auto rec mute; select; auto input select; output volume control; re-
memory repeat/play, stop; bias fine tuning control; FR from 30-20,000 Hz metal. W&F 0.05% and S/N mote control with optional RP -9645; timer stand-by.
rec mute; output level control; fluorescent bar graph of 85 dB (dbx) $340 W&F 0.045% wrms $330
level meters; timer rec/play capability; independent V -400X. Similar to V-500 except no Dolby C NR. CPS;
L/R record level controls; metal/CRO,/normal tape memory play; FR 30-18,000 Hz metal; W&F RS -M222 Stereo Cassette Deck
selector; L/R microphone jacks; headphone jack. W&F 0.06% $260 High -speed -dubbing double stereo cassette deck with
0.035% wrms; FR (overall) 20,20,000 Hz metal Dolby B NR. Features synchro start; mic mixing; se-
V -350C Stereo Cassette Deck ries playback; auto normal/CrO,/metal tape selec-
Metal tape compatible stereo cassette deck with tion; music selector; dub/mix switch; peak -hold FL
Dolby B and C NR systems; soft -touch transport con- meters; playback level control; single -touch recording;
trol; rec mute; brilliance circuitry (to boost high fre- rec mute; soft -touch transport controls; rewind auto
quencies); auto mpx filter; 3 step BIAS/EQ selector play; metal -compatible MX heads; dual pause control;
and 8 -dot LED bar meter; FR 30-17,000 Hz with met- auto input selector. W&F 0.048% wrms; FR 20-
al tape; W&F 0.06% S/N 60 dB (at 5,000 Hz with 17,000 Hz ±3 dB with normal tape, to 18 kHz Cr0,,
Dolby B) $230 to 19 kHz metal; S/N 57 dB Dolby off, 67 dB Dolby
V-300. Similiar to V -350C except no Dolby C on; fast -wind time 90 secs for C60 cassette. 16'/,'W
NR $200 x 10"/,,'D x 4"/,,,"H. 12 lbs 7 oz $300
TECHNICS RS -235X Stereo Cassette Deck
Slim -line 2 -motor stereo cassette deck with dbx and
RS-M85Mk11 Stereo Cassette Deck Dolby B and C NR. Also has dbx disc decoding. Fea-
tape; 20-19,000 Hz Co (Cr0,) tape; 20-18,000 Hz Metal -compatible stereo cassette deck with Dolby B tures microprocessor logic control; AX head; 3 -color
normal tape; S/N 60 dB (3% THD level, weighted, NR; vertical hold; flat component style; quartz -locked - 18 -segment FL meter with peak hold; auto tape se-
metal tape); THD dbx in 92 dB (3% THD level, planar -opposed dc brushless, coreless, slotless direct - lect; auto input select; metal -compatible MX head; rec
weighted); 17'/,,"W 4'/'H x 10'/,"D; 15'/,. drive capstan motor with servo -controlled circuit; sep- mute; timer stand-by. FR with metal tape 20-19.000
lbs $520 arate coreless reel motor; full IC -logic control; Hz; W&F 0.045% wrms $270
V-4RX. Similar to V-2RX except for a cobalt amor- laminated sendust head; low -noise equalizer and high
phous RP head instead of the 3 -head system; no bias linearity amplifier; MPX filter. Features flucrescent RS -M224 Stereo Cassette Deck
fine tuning control. FR 20-17,000 Hz for normal electronic bargraph peak displays; dim/bright and Stereo cassette deck with Dolby B and C NR, soft -
tape $420 VU/peak switches; 4 -position tape selector with fine touch transport controls. Features single -touch re-
bias -adjust control; electronic full auto stop; record cording; rewind auto play; timer record/play; metal -
V Series Cassette Decks mute; mic/line mixing; output level control; 3 -digit compatible MX head; oil -damped cassette door. W&F
tape counter with memory rewind; electronic muting 0.048% wrms; frequency response 20-17,000 Hz
V -66C Stereo Cassette Deck circuit. W&F 0.035% wrms; FR ±3 dB 30-14,000 ±3 dB normal, to 18 kHz CrO, and metal tape; S/N
Cobalt -amorphous -head cassette deck with Dolby B Hz normal, to 16 kHz CrO, and FeCr tape; S/N Dolby 57 dB no NR, 67 dB Dolby B, 75 dB Dolby C; fast -
and C NR. Features 12 -segment fluorescent bar dis- off/on 59/69 dB; fast -wind time 90 secs with C60 wind time 90 secs with C60 cassette; 16'/,'W x
play for record/play levels; solenoids for transport cassette; 19'W 15'/,'D 3'/,'H $750 9'/,"D x 4'A.; 8 lb 13 oz $220
functions; DC servo motor for capstan control; second
DC motor for tape reels. FR 30.19,000 Hz with metal RS-M275X Stereo Cassette Deck RS-M234X Stereo Cassette Deck
or chrome tape; to 17,000 with normal tape; W&F Direct -drive stereo cassette deck with Dolby B and C, Slim -line stereo cassette deck with dbx and Dolby B
0.035%; S/N 59 dB weighted without NR, 69 dB dbx NR. Features 3 -motor direct -drive transport; and C NR. Also decoding for dbx disc. Features soft -
above 5 kHz with Dolby B and 74 dB with Dolby Intro -Search; AX head; multifunction FL digital touch transport; single -touch recording; rewind auto
C $280 counter; wide -scale, 3 -color FL meter (-40 to +18 play; 3 -color 18 -segment FL meter with peak hold;
dB) with peak -hold; dbx disc decoder; auto normal/ metal -compatible MX head; timer record/play; auto
V -44C Stereo Cassette Deck CrO,/metal tape selector; microprocessor feather - tape select; auto input select; record mute. W&F
Soft touch cassette deck with Dolby B and C NR and touch transport controls; bias fine adjust control. 0.05% wrms
U., As, switch for boosting treble frequencies. Fea- $220
W&F 0.03% wrms; FR ±3 dB 30.16,000 Hz normal,
tures DC servo motor; 12 -segment fluorescent bar to 17 kHz Cr0,, to 18 kHz metal tape; S/N ratio no RS-M227X Stereo Cassette Deck
meter; rec mute. S/N 72 dB with Dolby C; W&F NR/Dolby B/Dolby C/dbx 58/68/76/92 dB; aynam- Slim -line stereo cassette deck with dbx and Dolby B
0.05%; FR 30-16,000 Hz with metal or chrome tape, .c range 110 dB at 1 kHz with CrO, tape; 16'/,'W x and C NR. Features soft -touch transport; single -touch
to 15,000 Hz with normal tape $240 12/,"D x 3'/, " H $600 recording; rewind auto play; illuminated meters; met-
al -compatible MX head; timer record/play. FR with
V-33 Stereo Cassette Deck RS-M253X Stereo Cassette Deck metal tape 20-17,000 Hz; W&F 0.05% wrms $180
Front -loading cassette deck with Dolby B NR and Will Three -head slim stereo cassette deck with dbx and
ilAN, switch for increasing high -frequency response. Dolby B and C NR. Also has dbx disc decoding. Fea- RS -M205 Stereo Cassette Deck
Features 12 -segment LED bar level indicator; rec tures fine bias adjustment; 2 motors; microprocessor Stereo cassette deck with metal -tape compatability,
mute; metal tape compatiblity. FR 30-16.000 Hz with logic control; AX head; 3 -color 18 -segment FL meter soft -touch transport controls, dual analog VU meters.
metal or chrome tape, to 15.000 Hz with normal with peak hold; electronic counter for tape, time, mu- Features Dolby NR; left, right input -level controls; oil -
tape; S/N 57 dB without NR, 67 dB above 5,000 Hz sic select (max 20 skips), record -mute time, refrain dampened soft load, eject; removable cassette -well
with Dolby B; W&F 0.05% weighted $210 (max 16 times auto repeat); auto monitor change play door; MX record/play, double -gap ferrite erase heads.
(manually changeable); tape monitor; rec/source W&F 0.05% wrms; FR ±3 dB 20-17,000 Hz metal,
Simul-Sync System Cassette Deck monitor; auto tape select; auto input select; cutput to 16 kHz Cr0,, to 15 kHz normal tape; S/N Dolby
volume control; remote control with optional RP - off/on 56/66 dB; fast -wind time 90 secs with C60
M-124 Syncaset Stereo Cassette Deck 9645; timer stand-by. W&F 0.045% wrms... $450 cassette; 16'4 W x 8'/,' D x 4 H $130
Front -loading Simul-Sync stereo cassette deck with
Dolby B NR system, FG dc servo -controlled motor,
and record/play and erase heads. Features Simul-
RS-M258R Stereo Cassette Deck TEKNIKA
Auto -reverse stereo cassette deck with Dolby B NR.
Sync that permits monitoring on one track while si- Features quick -reverse tape mechanism; mode and di- 8861 Stereo Cassette Deck
multaneously recording on another through the same rection selectors; fixed SX heads; dual flywheel; soft - Stereo cassette deck with hard permalloy record/
head; crossfield switch for Simul-Sync for slight touch transport controls; music select; record mute; play. dual -gap ferrite erase heads. Features solenoid -
blending of left and right chs; independent bias and single -touch recording; timer record/play; auto operated 2 -motor direct -drive transport with FG servo
EQ selectors for normal/CrO, tapes; separate left and normal/CrO,/metal tape selection; dot -pattern FL dc capstan motor; soft touch IC -logic transport con-
right record level controls; mic/DIN and line input se- meters; output -level control; auto input selector. W&F trols; program quick sensor; separate input and out-
lector; 3 -digit tape counter with memory rewind; 2 VU 0.07% wrms; FR ±3 dB 30-15,000 Hz normal, to put level controls; Dolby B NR; 24 -part peak -hold flu-
meters; fast -wind time 90 seconds with C60 cassette. 16 kHz CrO, and metal tape; S/N Dolby o4f /on orescent meters; 4 -position tape selector (includes
W&F 0.07% wrms; frequency response ± 3 dB 30- 57/67 dB; fast -wind time 90 secs with C60 cassette; metal); auto stop at end of play; W&F 0.03% wrms;
16,000 Hz with CrO, tape; S/N Dolby off/on 55/65 x 13%"D x 12 lb 13 oz. $400 FR 30-17,000 Hz ±3 dB with metal tape; S/N 63
dB; 16'4"W 11'/,"D x 61/4"H $450 dB; Dolby on; THD <1.5% at 0 VU; 17'/,'W x
V -500X Stereo Cassette Deck
RS -245X Stereo Cassette Deck 12"/,."D x 4'/*H $300
Two -motor stereo cassette deck with dbx and Dolby B
Stereo cassette deck with dbx, dbx disc and Dolby B and C NR. Also has dbx disc decoding. Features mi- 8461 Stereo Cassette Deck
NR. Features IC logic transport control; 13 dot LED croprocessor logic control; AX head; 3 -color 18 -seg- Stereo cassette deck with hard Dynalloy record/play
bar meters: timer standby selector; auto mpx filter; ment FL meter with peak hold; electronic counter for dual -gap ferrite erase heads. Features dc castan mo-

Cassette Decks 6 Cassette Decks
tor; soft -touch IC -logic controlled transport. Dolby B (playback mode); auto switching for chrome tapes fade in/out during 2.5 -sec reverse; blank skip; 2 mo
NR; LED recording -level displays; normal/CrO,/metal and photo sens electronic controls of the tape drive tors; remaining time indicator; auto return to point re
tape selector; auto stop; W&F 0.06% wrms; FR 40- mechanism. Features built-in condenser mic; DC mo- cording began; intro scan; memory stop; auto ad-
16.500 Hz ±3 dB; S/N 61 dB, Dolby on; THD tor; on/off switch for FET auto level control; auto vance; auto tape -type selector; record/play timer;
<1.5%; 143/,."W x 9./,."D x 5'/"H . $200 shut-off; remote control; record level indicator. W&F 12 -part LED meters; optional remote control $495

±0.12%; FR 20-16,000 Hz; S/N > 58 dB; 7"W x

8361 Stereo Cassette Deck 2"Fl x 7"D; 4'/, lbs $1,275 K-500 Stereo Cassette Deck
Stereo cassette deck with hard permalloy record play, FA -logic transport controls stereo cassette deck with
ferrite erase heads. Features Dolby B NR; 3 -position 2 motors and Dolby B and C NR. Features sendust
tape selector; LED meters; W&F 0.16% wrms; FR 40- VECTOR RESEARCH record/play and double -gap ferrite erase heads; 2 -
15.000 Hz Cr0,, to 16,000 Hz metal tape; sep 30 color bar graph meters; auto tape selector; timer
dB; S/N Dolby off/on 50/60 dB; THD 2.2%, VCX-800 Stereo Cassette Deck racord/p.ay function; memory stop with repeat func-
14'/,,W" x 9'/,.D' x 5'/,"H $170 Front -loading stereo cassette deck with 3 heads, 2 ton; dc servo capstan and dc reel motors; facility for
motors, dual capstans. Features Dolby B/C tape, optional remote controller. W&F 0.05% wrms,
Dolby FM NR, HX headroom -extension systems; mi- 0.08% DIN; FR ±3 dB 40-16,000 Hz normal, to
croprocessor -controlled. Compu-counter automatical- 18 kHz Cr0,, to 20 kHz metal tape; S/N no NR/Dolby
TOSHIBA ly selects tape length, displays remaining time in min- B/Dolby C 60/68/76 dB EIAJ with CrO, tape; overall
utes and secs, sweep oscillator that allows adjustment distortion < 1% EIAJ at 315 Hz; 17'/,"W x 11'D x
PCG 50R Auto -Reverse Cassette Deck for flattest response; 2 memory circuits; auto 43/,"H; 9 lb 14 oz $350
Stereo 2 -motor cassette deck with auto reverse and rewind /play; record mute; feather -touch transport K-300. Similar to K-500 except no memory stop with
Dolby B and C NR. Features rotary head; quick re- controls. W&F C.03%; FR ±3 dB 25-19,000 Hz nor- repeat or remote -control capability; has hard permal-
verse; one side, two side, or continuous play; auto mal, to 20 kHz Cr0,, to 21 kHz metal tape; S/N no loy record/play head. FR to 16 kHz normal, to 16 kHz
NR/Dolby B/Dolby C 56/66/76 dB; 17'/"W x Cr0,, to 17 kHz metal tape $275
14'/,'D '. $1,000
-.440554r7 K-200 Stereo Cassette Deck
VCX-510 Stereo Cassette Deck Two -motor stereo cassette deck with Dolby B NR. Fea-
Stereo cassette deck with Dolby B/C NR, IC -logic 2 - tures soft -touch transport controls; true meter -type
motor transport, Music Search.. Features Duralloy signal -level meters with VU characteristics; dc servo
head; 4 -position tape selector; auto rewind/play; re- capstan, flat -torque dc reel motors; hard permalloy
peat play memory function; LED peak level meters; record/play, double -gap ferrite erase heads. W&F
rec mute; output -level control; MPX filter; provision 0.05% wrms. 0.08% DIN; FR 40-15,000 Hz ± 3 dB
for optional VRC-22 remote -control unit. W&F 0.04% all tape formulations, including metal; S/N Dolby
wrms; frequency range 25-19.000 Hz metal, to 18 off/on x 50/ > 60 dB with CrO, tape; overall distor-
bias/EQ selector; peak -indicating level meters; timer kHz Cr0,, to 16 kHz normal; S/N no NR/Dolby tion 1.0% at 315 Hz; separation > 35 dB at 1 kHz;
record/play; compatible with metal tape. W&F 0.04% B/Dolby C 56/66/76 dB A-wtd, ref to 3% THD; fast - crosstalk > 60 dB at 125 Hz; fast -wind time 80 secs
wrms; FR 20-17,000 Hz; S/N 75 dB with Dolby C. wind time 100 secs with C60 cassette; 17%"W x with C6.0 cassette; 17'/,"W x 11"D 4"/°H; 9
169/,."W x 4'/,"H x 10'/,'D $230 141/4"D x 55/,"H; 15.7 lb $500 lb $220

PC -G30 Dolby B/C Cassette Deck VCX-400 Stereo Cassette Deck

Solenoid -operated 2 -motor stereo cassette deck with Stereo cassette deck with Dolby B/C NR, full -logic so-
Dolby B and C NR. Features peak -indicating LED level lenoid -controlled transport, memory rewind. Features
meters; amorphous head; timer record/play; compati- Duralloy head; 4 -position tape selector; fine bias ad-
ble with normal, Cr0,, metal tape. W&F 0.45% wrms; just control; LED peak -level meters; rec mute; provi-
FR 20.18,000 Hz; S/N 75 dB with Dolby C.. $180 sion for optional VCR -22 remote control W&F 0.05%
wrms; FR 25-18,000 Hz metal, to 17 kHz Cr0,, to
PC -G10 Stereo Cassette Deck 15 kHz normal tape; S/N no NR/Dolby B/Dolby C
Metal -compatible stereo cassette deck with Dolby B
NR; peak -indicating LED signal -level meters; sott-
56/66/76 dB A-wtd referred to 3% THD; fast -wind
time 100 seconds with C60 cassette; 17'/,"W CORPORATION
touch transport controls; W&F 0.055% wrms; FR 35- x 5',,'H; 14.6 lb $350
17.000 Hz; S/N 57 dB. Dolby off; 16%'W x
10% H x D $140 VCX-200 Stereo Cassette Deck
Power -assisted 1 -motor -transport cassette deck with
Dolby B and C NR. Features Music Search; 2 sendust
UHER by WALTER ODEMER heads; variable bias; 4 -position tape selector; LED
meters; rec mute. Frequency response 30-16,000 Hz
CR-240 Portable Cassette Deck ±3 dB (metal), to 15 kHz (CrO,), to 14 kHz (nor.
Compact front -loading portable cassette deck with
Dolby NR, 2 contrarotating flywheels, and built-in
loudspeaker for mono monitoring. Features auto
mal); S/N 56 dB no Dolby. 66 dB Dolby B (over 4
kHz), 76 dB Dolby C (over 2 kHz); all other specs
same as for VCX-400; 173/...W x 14'/,'D >
start; auto stop; switchable auto level control; twin H $250
peak -reading level meters:built-in condenser mic;
power amp; headphone jack; joystick for selection of
YAMAHA Mon - Sat 9AM - 5:30PM E.S T.
Or use our "Nite Owl" line
K-2000 3 -Head Cassette Deck
Stereo 3 -head 2 -motor cassette deck with dbx and 800-327-1531
Dolby B NR. Features triple -laminated sendust heads: F 5:30 - 10PM E.S.T
Linear Electromagnetic Transduction Circuitry to re- in N Y Call (212) 253-8888
duce TIM; 16 -part LED meters (from -40 to +18 dB).
direct drive; auto bias; monitor erase; time Counter; LET US BEAT Al"
auto return to point recording begar; pitch control
±15%; full -logic, light -touch controls; full repeat; PRICE YOU CAN FIW!
memory rewind; continuous playback of programmed Cver 80 major lines of audio -video
section. W&F 0.02%. Available in black only $795

3 tape transport functions. W&F 0.2% DIN; FR 30- K -1000B. Similar to K-2000 except has manual bias conponents. Write or call forFREE flyer
16,000 Hz; S/N 58 dB Dolby off with FeCr, 66 dB control, double -laminated sendust heads. Black front
Dolby on with CrO, and FeCr, 65 dB Dolby on with panel $595 STEREO CORPORATION
normal tape; crosstalk - 70 dB at 1 kHz, reverse K-10005. Same as K-10005 except with silver front
track, -45 dB stereo; power ac line, dry cells, re- panel $595 OF AMERICA
chargeable, or car battery; 91/2" x 2V," x Dept BG
71/2" $1,389 K-700 Auto -Reverse Cassette Deck 1629 Flatbush Avenue
CR-240AV. Audio-visual version of CR-240 $1,427 Auto -reverse stereo cassette deck with microcomput-
er -controlled functions and Dolby B and C NR. Can be
Brooklyn New York 11210
CR 210 Uher Portable Stereo Cassette Machine programmed to omit unwanted cuts while recording
4 track stereo cassette machine with auto reverse and can play up to 15 cuts in any order. Features auto CIRCLE NO. 22 ON READER SERVICE CARD

1984 EDITION 93
Open -Reel Tape Decks 6 Open -Reel Tape Decks
AKAI connectors for remote control of tape transport func-
tions, remote control of variable tape speed, and slide
GX-747 dbx Open -Reel Deck
projector or crossfade unit. W&F (DIN 45507/IEEE
4 -track 2-ch auto reverse rec/play stereo/mono
193-1971) 0.06% at 15 ips, 0.08% at 71/2 ips; FR
10'/," deck with EE tape capability and type dbx. I
+2/-3 dB 30-22,000 Hz at 15 ips, to 20 kHz at 3%
Features full -logic feather -touch controls; tape/source
ips, to 16 kHz at 3% ips; S/N on '/.-track 63 dB at
monitoring; auto tension -arm lock system; electronic 15 and 71% ips, 60 dB at 3% ips; on y, -track 67 dB
at 15 and 7Y,, 64 dB at 3% ips; mic input level/imp
0.15 mV/2.2k ohms (lo position, 50 -to -6,000 -ohm
mics), 2.8 mV/110k ohms (hi, 20k -ohm mics);
Algal ASAI 16.3"1-1 17.8'W x 8.14'0 $1,799
B77 Self Sync. Similar to B77; available in 3% and
7Y, ips or 7% and 15 ips speeds with playback possi-
bility from record head $1,749
B77 Autostart. Same as B77 except with VOX
control $2,049
877 Slide Sync. Same as 877 except with additional
head for slide projector control $1,899

PR99 Stereo Tape Deck

harmonic distortion <1.81% at 400 Hz; S/N at -6 Stereo 15- and 7%. or 7Y,- and 3%-ips half-track re-
dBm: > - 54 dB unweighted, -62 dB ASA A -weight- corder with direct -drive servo -controlled capstan,
o. ed. 11'/." 25Y," x 21%"; 117 lbs $14,400 electrically controlled reel motors, 10Y," reel capaci-
a. ty. Features balanced XLR line-in/out and switched
PIONEER cal/uncal level settings; high- or low -imp mic input
(balanced, XLR option); 2 -way Self -Sync with com-
RT-909 Stereo Tape Deck plete tape editing facilities including tape dump; logic -
Open -reel 3% and 7Y,-ips, '/.-track, 3 -motor, 4 -head controlled transport; true VU meters with LED peak
stereo tape deck; FG dc servo dual -capstan motor, indicators; tape/source monitoring; safe/ready
two 6 -pole inner rotor reel motors; accepts up to record switches; 4 -digit tape counter; manual/-
digital real-time counter with memory: fine bias ad- 101/," reels. Features 2 -step bias/EQ selector with remote-control/fader-start operation. W&F 0.06%
justment; pitch control; timer recording and playback variable bias; fluoroscan level indicators with DIN at 15 ips. 0.08% at 7% ips, 0.1% at 3% ips; FR
capability; auto mute; remote control terminal $1,400 peak/average functions; 4 -digit electronic counter; + 2/ -3 dB 30-22,000 Hz at 15 ips, to 20 kHz at
reel and speed selector; pitch control; repeat switch; 7% ips, to 16 kHz at 3% ips; S/N 66 dB at 15 and
GX-625 Open -Real Tape Deck auto reverse; tape/monitor switch; separate mic/line, ips, 63 dB at 3% ips; case or 19" rack mount;
Open -reel 3' and 7'/,-ips, Y. -track 2-ch stereo deck left/right input -level controls; output -level control. 19'W x 15.7"H x 7.9'D $2,095
with ac servo direct -drive capstan. 2 eddy -current W&F 0.04% at 7Y, ips, 0.08% at 3% ips; FR 20- Console $330
reel motors. Features 2 GX rec/play, one erase head; 28,000 Hz ±3 dB (7'/, ips), 20-18,000 Hz ±3 dB Carrying case
reel capacity 10Y,"; auto repeat, play, stop; illuminat-
(3% ips); S/N 60 dB (7'/, ips), 55 dB (3% ips);
ed logic solenoid tape function controls with LED 13%-H 18VW x $900
standby indicator; LED digital timer/tape counter; 2 - SONY
deck tape monitoring; mic/line mixing; output level RT-7C7 Stereo Tape Deck
control; variable pitch control; mono/stereo record- Auto -reverse open -reel stereo tape deck. Features TC-399 Open -Reel Deck
ing; timer rec/play with external timer; computerized 33/.- and 7Y,-ips speeds; speed accuracy ±0.5%; 3 Quarter -track stereo record/play deck with Ferrite -
electronic braking. W&F 0.03% rms at 7'/, ips; FR motors; 4 heads; %-track, 2-ch design; handles P and -Ferrite heads in 3 -head design, head/play ampli-
30-26.000 Hz; i.3 dB at 71/2 ips; S/N 62 dB weight- reels; FG servo ac direct drive motor for capstan, 2 6 - fier. Features ac induction motor drive system; 7y,,
ed. with low -noise tape, peak recording level at 3% pole inner -rotor induction motors for reel drive; sole- 3%, and 1% ips tape speeds; servo back -tension de-
THD; 17.6'H 17.3'W 9.5'D $850 noid -operated, direct-switchable function buttons, vice; scrape flutter filter; all -mode auto stop; 7" reel
preset function button for timer rec/play; auto/ - capacity. 171/2"H x 16VW 7Y,"D; 27 lb 13
GX-77D Open -Reel Tape Deck manual reverse play; auto repeat play; independent oz
Open -reel 4 -track. 2-ch, auto -reverse rec/play $520
L/12 recording mode selectors; 2 bias/2 EQ tape se-
stereo/mono 7" deck with EE tape capability. Fea- lection; full complement of inputs/outputs. W&F TANDBERG
tures 2 -color LED peak -hold meters; tape/source 0.055 wrms; (71/2 ips), 0.08% wrms (3% ips); S/N
monitoring; power loading system; digital real-time 58 dB; distortion 1% max at 7'/, ips; fast rewind 100 TD204 SE Open -Reel Deck
counter; fine bias -adjust control; timer rec/play capa- sec with 7" reel; FR 30-24,000 Hz 1-3 dB at 7%, to Features record EQ curves allowing up to 80 dB SN
bility; remote -control capability. Tape speeds 7Y,, 16 kHz at 3% ips; crosstalk -50 dB; sep 50 dB; without NR (EQ switchable to NAB standard);
ips; W&F 0.03% wrms at 7'/, ips; S/N - 63 dB pitch control ±6% (play only); 9Y,,"H x 18"/,,'W Actilinear II record system; Dyneq headroom -exten-
at 71/2 ips, DIN 45500 standard; FR 25-33,000 Hz 14%,"D $700 sion system; active transconductance circuit for lower
-1 3 dB at 7Y, ips; distortion <0.5% at 71/2 ips;
intermodulation distortion: Sel Sync 4 -motor sole-
9.6"H 8.9"D; 37.5 lb $795 REVOX noidless operation; phase linearity network; push-but-
ton operation with LED indicators. including FREE posi-
GX4000D Compact Tape Deck B77 MKII Stereo Tape Recorder tion for easy tape editing and threading; standby
Contains GX rec and playback and separate erase Stereo 2 -speed (choice of 3% and 7Y, ips, 7y, and position with LED when one or both record buttons
heads. accommodates up to 7" reels. Features 15 ips, 1%, and 1%, or 1% and 3% ips) tape record- are engaged; electronically governed speed; optional
tape:source monitoring; mic/line mixing; sound -on - er with 3 motors; 101/2" reel capacity. Features front - wireless infrared remote control or conventional cord
sound. sound -with -sound; track selector; auto stop; panel vari-speed control (±2 semitones); integrated - remote control; 4 line inputs and master control for
output level control; VU meters. Tape speeds 714 and drive -logic computer -type push -point function keys; fading in/out; 2 -step front -panel widescale peak -read-
3', ips; W&F 0.08% rms at 7Y, ips; FR 30- built-in tape cutter; dual VU meters with peak level in- ing meters; front -panel bias adjustment.
24.000 Hz t 3 dB at 7Y, ips; S/N > 60 dB weighted dicators; separate left/right record and inputievel 1/. track. 15 and 71/. ips $1.595
at wide range tape setting with peak level at 3% THD; controls; tape monitor switch; provision for remote '/, track, 15 and 7'/, ips
distortion - 1% at I kHz. 0 VU; 17.3"W $1.595
12.4"H control of all functions and electric timer operation; '/, track, 71/, and 3'/, ips $1,595
9.1"D; 29 lb $400


Series 50 Recorder/Reproducers
ML -5 Master Recorder
8 -track (1/2"; 15 ips) or 2 -track (1,."; 7.5 or 15 ips).
Open -reel recorder contains the Studer A8ORC trans-
Features sync response equal to repro response;
port with audio electronics by Mark Levinson Audio;
heavy-duty transports with full servo systems. motion
available in 30 AES/ 15 NAB and CCIR ips, or 15 NAB
sensing and micro processor control plus high -torque
and CCIR /7.5 NAB and CCIR ips. Features low gap
capability and logic; monitor tracks or inputs using
splatter; wide -track record and playback heads; full - pre -load and record mode switched per track plus
track erase head; complete editing features. Operat-
overall output select switches; the 2 -track 52 has
ing level 200 nWb/meter = - 6 dBm (387 mV);
sync recording capability; tach-driven digital display
rec/playback FR (30 and 15 ips) 31.5-125 Hz ± 1.5 with positive or negative real-time readout; search to
dB. 125-20.000 Hz 0.2 dB, 0.5 dB; total third
cue return to zero button; quartz crystal referenced

Open -Reel Tape Decks 6 Open -Reel Tape Decks
scale VU meters; independent level controls; memory dual -capstan closed -loop transport and built in dbx.
record/play speed; dual pitch controls include coarse
stop function; pitch; manual cueing; dbx NR Features magnefloat capstan bearings; EE tape capa-
and fine; rear panel SMPTE accessory connector; 2
remote control units; high -torque slotless DC reel mo- Type interface optional. Tape format 1/2"; tape
bility; full -logic transport control; t- 6% pitch control;
tors; 5 independent photo-interruptors; bipolar power speeds 15 and 7'/, ips 0.5%; FR 40-22,000 Hz at manual cueing; independent 2 -stage bias/EQ selec-
supply for max headroom and noise immunity; option- 15 ips, to 16 kHz at 71/2 ips, both '.3 dB at 0 VU; tors; timer rec /play capability; FR 30.34,000 Hz (at
al dbx tape NR. THD 1.0% at 0 VU, 1 kHz, 185 nWb/m; S, N 671 dB 7'/, ips); S N 95 dB with dbx; W&F 0.03% (7', ips.
5058. W&F 15 ips 4_0.08% peak DIN/IEC/ANSI at 15 ips, 60 dB at 7'/, ips A-wtd NAB (increases to wrms) $950
wtd; 17"W 19'/,"H 127,,"D; 77'/,, lbs.; in- 88 dB in both cases with dbx); record/play amp head-
put imp 60 ohms unbalanced; output imp 500 ohms room 23 dB above 0 VU; 161/2"W 161/2"H X -300R Open -Reel Deck
10',/,-D; 40 lb $1,425 Bidirectional playback stereo open --eel deck with 3 -
unbalanced; FR record reproduce 40.20,000 Hz 3
dB at 0 VU; 40-20,000 ± 3 dB at -10 VU; sync and motor transport. Features EE tape capability; 3 heads;
reproduce 40-20,000 Hz 3 dB; THD 0.8% at OVU. 22-2 Half -Track Recorder/Reproducer light -touch locking transport control; rec mute; inde-
1.000 Hz 250nWb/m; 3% at 12 dB above 0 VU, Three-motor/3-head 1/2' tape recorder/reproducer pendent L'R output; line and mic input -level controls;
1,000 Hz, 1,000 nWb/m; S/N at ref of 3% THD at that accepts 71/2' reels and operates at 15 or 7'/, ips.
1,000 Hz 69 dB A-wtd NAB, 62 dB unwtd: 107 dB Features expanded -scale -2 to - 5 dB VU meters; in-
unwtd NAB with dbx; 100 dB unwtdwith dbx $5,795 dependent monitor and record ready controls for
5052. W&F 15 ips ' 0.08% peak DIN IEC/ANSI wtd; each ch; mic/ line mixing; detachable head housing;
* 0.04% rms JIS/NAB wtd; 7'/,ips 10.09% peak precision molded reel tables, spring -loaded reel hold-
DIN/ IEC/ANS1 wtd; 1106% rms JIS/NAB. wtd; ers. Fully independent electronics permit source or
17"W 19'/,"H 12'/,."D; input imp 60.000 tape monitoring, record for reproduce mode to be se-
ohms unbalanced; 70',/,,lbs; output imp 60 ohms un- lected independently for either track. W&F 0.07%
balanced; output imp 500 ohms unbalanced; FR 15 peak DIN/IEC 'ANSI wtd at 15 ips, 0.04% rms
ips 40-20.000 Hz 2 dB at 0 VU; 15 ips 40.22,000 JIS/NAB wtd at 15 ips (0.09% and 0.05%, respec-
Hz 3 dB at -10 VU; 7'/, ips 40-20.000 Hz i 3 dB tively, at 71/2 ips); FR 40-22.000 Hz 3 dB at 0 VU,
at -10 VU; sync and reproduce 15 ips; 40-20.000 1 kHz, 185 nWb/m; S/N 66 dB NAB A-wtd at 15 ips,
Hz 2 dB; 7' /, los 40-16,000 Hz dB; THD 0.8% 64 dB at 71/2 ips; headroom -' 26 dB above 0 VU at 1
at 0 VU 1.000 Hz 250 nWb/m3% at 12 dB above 0 kHz for record. 38 dB for play amps; 161/2"W
VU 1,000 Hz 1.000 nWb/m: S/N 70 dB A-wtd NAB. 121/2"H 9' ","0: 30.8 lb $775
63 unwtd; 107 dB A-wtd NAB with dbx 100 dB
$3,795 TEAC tape/source monitor selector; mic/line mixing; front -
unwtd with dbx
panel mic and headphone jacks. FR 30-34,000 Hz at
Series 30 Recorder/Reproducers X -1000R Bidirectional Stereo Deck ips; S/N 65 dB with 3% THD; W&F 0.04% at
Feature high -torque slotless dc reel motors; FG dc Computer -controlled dual -capstan stereo open -reel ips vrms $690
servo capstan motor; pitch control; permalloy record/ deck with bidirectional record/play, dbx decilinear X-300. Similar to X -300R except no bidirectional
NR/dynamic-range-expansion system, and EE -tape playback $620
sync and repro heads; logic -operated transport con-
trols; computer -controlled sensing logic; photo -optical compatibility. Features 5 -digit LED multi -'unction dig-
end -of -tape detector; 101/2" reel capacity; full sync ital tape counter/timer; dual -capstan closed -loop TECHNICS
functions; full FR in sync reproduce mode; FET transport with tension servo control; Magnefloat cap-
switching in function and output select sections; zero stan bearings; Search To Zero and Search To Cue; RS -152011S Open -Reel Deck
return function: optional full dual -process dbx NR sys- auto spacing in record; block repeat; Dupli-Sync for Compact professional tape deck; V, -track, 2-ch
tem; circuit driven 4 -digit FL index counter; flip -up dubbing to cassette; auto reverse/repeat; real-time record/play and 1/2 -track, 2-ch record/play and 1/2 -
head cover; Sync head shield; cue lever; dump edit pause; electrically assisted reel braking; 6% pitch track, 2-ch play; 4 head system; 15, 71/2-31/2-ips
control; motion sensing; timer record/play; 3 dc mo- speeds; quartz control phase -locked dc brushless ser-
logic; facility for optional remote transport control;
optional remote punch-in/out foot pedal. Can be used tors; 6 heads (3 each forward and reverse); facility vo direct -drive capstan motor; reel tables; 2 -tape ten-
vertically or horizontally or mounted in standard 19' for optional remote controller. Speeds 71/2 and 31/2 sion -controlled dc brushless direct -drive motors: iso-
ips; reel size up to 101/2'; W&F at 71/2 and 3'/, ips lated loop direct -drive transport system. Features full
EIA rack with optional hardware.
Model 38. Eight -track 1/2" recorder/reproducer oper- 0.03%/0.04%; FR ±3 dB 40-30,000 riz at 7V,, to 1C -logic tape transport functions; direct switching
ates at 15 ips and features precision die-cast head 24 kHz at 31/2 ips; S/N dbx off /on 65/100 dB; har- from mode -to -mode without tape strain; separate left,
mounting block and plug-in head assembly for field monic distortion 0.8% at 1 kHz, normal operating right bias/EQ controls; left and right VU meters; built-
replacement with minimal or no realignment. Head level; sep 50 dB at 1 kHz; input sens/imp 60 in stroboscope. W&F 0.018% wrms at 15 ips. 0.3%
angle can be adjusted while tape is moving Manually mV/50k ohms line, 0.25 mV ( - 72 dB)/200 ohms or wrms at 7 V, ips; fast -wind time 150 secs with
retractable shield minimizes noise $2,750 more mic; output level/imp 0.45 V/10k ohms or 2,500 -ft tape; FR 30-30,000 Hz 3 dB at 15 ips, to
Model 34. Four -track 1/2' recorder/reproducer oper- more line; headphone output imp 8 ohms; power con- 25 kHz at 71/2 ips; S/N 60 dB; 0.8% distortion; 50
ates at 15 and 7V, ips and features illuminated VU sumption 80 W; fast -wind time 100 secs with 1,800 - dB sep; mic input sens 0.25 mV (-72 dB): mic imp
meters and 4 phono-jack unbalanced high -imp line in- ft tape; 17"/,."H 17"W 10'/,."D; 48 lb 6 200-10.000 ohms; 17'/,"H 18'W
$1,400 10'/," D $2,100
puts and outputs (nominal level -- 10 dBV or 0.3 V). oz
W&F 0.06% peak at 15, 0.09% peak at 7'/, ips; FR
X-1000 Open -Reel Stereo Tape Deck RS -15000S Open -Reel Deck
(Sync, i 3 dB at 0 VU) 40.22,000 Hz at 15 ips, to
16 kHz at 71/2 ips; THD (at kHz) 0.08% at 0 VU
Computer -controlled 4 -track 2-ch dual -capstan trans- Three -speed (15, 71/2. and 31/2 ips) 1/2 -track 2 -chan-
(250 nWb/m), 3% at 13 dB above 0 VU (1.116 port open -reel tape deck with dbx NR, multi -function nel record, playback, erase. and 1/2 -track 2-ch play-
nWb/m); S/N 68 dB NAB A-wtd at 15 ips. 66 dB at digital tape counter/timer. EE tape compatibility. Fea- back stereo tape recorder with quartz -controlled PLL
7V, ips; crosstalk - 50 dB down at 1 kHz, 0 VU); tures permallcy heads; search to zero; search to cue: dc brushless servo direct -drive capstan motor with
17.5"H ' 16"W 8.43"D; 44 lb $1.700 block repeat: ,ec mute; auto spacer; mic attenuation double pinch -rollers. 2 tape -tension -controlled dc
Model 32. Half-track 1/2' recorder/reproducer oper- switching; independently switchable L/R recording for brushless direct -drive reel motors, 4 heads for re-
ates at 15 and 71/2 ips and features dual concentric monaural or sound -on -sound recording independent cording. 1/4- and 1/2 -track playback. erasure; mixing;
input and output -level controls; stereo headphone L/R source,tape monitoring; full -logic transport;
jack with independent level control; 2 illuminated VU mic/line mixing; 6% pitch control; 3 DC motors; op- (Continued on page 210.)
meters; 2 unbalanced high -imp phono-type line input tional remote control. Reel size 10V," and 7"; W&F
jacks; 2 unbalanced high -imp phono-type mic input 0.03% rms at 7'/," ips; 0.04% rms at 3'/,'; FR 30-
jacks. Nominal line 'mic input level 10 dBV (0.03 34,000 Hz 3 dB; 40-30.000 -10VU at 7'/, ips;
V)/ 60 dBV (1 mV); W&F at 15 and 71/2 ips S/N 65 dB dbx out, 100 dB dbx in (3% THD level,
0.06%/0.09% wtd peak; FR (sync and repro. 3 dB at wtd); sep 50 dB at 1.000 Hz. 17"W ' 17.8"H
0 VU) 40-22.000 Hz at 15 ips. to 15 kHz at 71/2 ips; 10.3'D; 48.5 lbs $1.200
THD (at 1 kHz) 0.08% at 0 VU (250 nWb/m), 3% at
13 dB above 0 VU (1116 nWb/m); S/N 68 dB NAB X -700R Stereo Deck
A-wtd at 15 ips, 66 dB at 71/2 ips; crosstalk - 50 dB Bidirectional record/play stereo open -reel deck with
down at 1kHz, 0 VU; 17.5"H 16"W 8.43'D;
44 lb $1.300
Audio terms are defined
22-4 Recorder/Reproducer
Four-ch system with 7' reel capacity and 15 and 71/4
in the glossary on page 19.
ips record/play capability. Features mixer interface; For an explanation of abbreviations,
function and output select; punch -in recording; re-
movable head housing; logic -controlled transport
tu-n to the list on page 22.
functions; headphone monitor selecto's; expanded

Blank Tape
BASF DX8 Series Cassettes MOL 400,000 Hz +12 dB, at 12.5 kHz + 7 dB; S/N
High-performance high position cassette tape with ul- ratio 63 dB; print -through 51 dB; dynamic range 91
Metal IV Cassettes tra -fine high-energy magnetic oxides and high -preci- dB; coervicity 340 oersteds $35
Metal -particle tape for Type IV/metal settings sion shell with dynamically balanced hubs and clear DX551. Same as above except no back coating, total
60 min $8.59 matrix slip sheets. Features nonabrasive head -clean- thickness 35mm, and length 550 meters $15
90 min $11.49 ing leader; reusable labels; 2 -sided index cards; large
120 min $13.99 tape -viewing window. Dynamic range 80 dB at 1 kHz;
residual magnetic fluxi-density 2,500 gauss; coercive FUJI
Pro I Super Cassettes force 680 oersteds.
Ferric -oxide formulation for Type 1/normal-bias- C60. 60 min $5.99 FR Series Metal Cassettes
position. C90. 90 min $7.99 Metal coating with tensilized polyester base; designed
60 min $4.49 for metal bias, 70 -µsec EQ; packaged in hinged plas-
90 min $5.99 DX7 Series Cassettes tic box.
Improved chrome -position double -coated cobalt - FR (C-46). 46 min $7.15
Pro II Chrome Cassettes doped tape for music programs; high -bias; 70 -µsec FR (C-60). 60 min $7.99
Pure chromium -dioxide formulation for Type II/ EQ; high saturation output level in high frequencies FR (C-90). 90 min $10.75
chrome/high-bias position. and wide dynamic range; precision shell half with
60 min $4.69 transparent friction sheets and dynamically balanced FR -II Series Cassettes
90 min $6.29 hubs. Chromium -dioxide cassettes with tensilized polyester
C60. 60 min $4.99 base; designed for Type 11/Cr02 bias, 70 -µsec equal-
Ferrochrom III Cassettes C90. 90 mm $6.99 ization; packaged in hinged plastic box.
Double -layer formulation of chromium dioxide and FR -II (C-46). 46 min $4.90
ferric oxide; Type III, ferrichrome bias, or Type I bias DX4 Series Cassettes FR -II (C-60). 60 min $5.45
and 70 µsec EQ. Especially recommended for car "Ultimate" normal -bias tape with double -oxide coat- FR -II (C-90). 90 min $7.50
stereos. ing. Improved high -frequency response. Same shell
60 min $4.49 half, friction sheets, and dynamically balanced hubs FR -I Series Cassettes
90 min $5.99 as DX7. Normal bias and 120 -µsec EQ. Ferric formulation with tensilized polyester base; de-
C90. 90 min $5.99 signed for ferric/normal/Type I bias, 120 -µsec equal-
Performance I Cassettes C60. 60 min $4.35 ization; packaged in hinged plastic box.
Normal, Type I ferric position.
FR -I (C-46). 46 min $4.90
60 mm $2.99 DX3 Series Cassettes FR -I (C-60). 60 min $5.45
90 min $4.19 Double -coated normal -position tape with wide dynam- FR -I (C-90). 90 min $7.50
120 min $5.19 ic range. Features very favorable MOL from low to
high frequencies with improved S/N ratios. High satu- ER Series Cassettes
Ferro LH Open -Reel Tape ration level and low distortion. Fully compatible with Ferric formualtion with tensilized polyester base; de-
Low -noise, high -output formulation exceeds profes- all makes of cassette decks with normal bias setting. signed for ferric/normal/Type I bias, 120-usec equal-
sional recording studio requirements. Complete with 120 -µsec EQ. C60. 60 min $4 ization; packaged in hinged plastic box.
sleeve and dust -proof box. C90. 90 min $5.60 ER (C-46). 46 min $3.60
1.800 ft, 7" reel $9.99 ER (C-60). 60 min $4.10
2,400 ft. 7' reel $11.99 DX1 Series Cassettes ER (C-90). 90 min $5.75
Ferrite formulation newly developed for high sensitiv-
Ferro Super LH Open -Reel Tape ity, high MOL, and excellent linearity. Ample dynamic DR Series Cassettes
Wide -dynamic -range tape designed for the most de- range for musical and general recording. Tape trans- DR (C-46). 46 min $2.99
manding studio mastering use as well as high -quality port characteristics improved with same high -preci- DR (C-60). 60 min $3.40
audiophile recordings. sion shell halves as other DX series cassettes. Normal DR (C-90). 90 min $4.75
1.800 ft. 7" reel $11.99 bias, 120 -µsec EQ. DR (C-120). 120 min $6.60
3.600 ft, 10'/,' metal reel $31.99 C60. 60 min $2.75
C90. 90 min $3.85 GI -I Series Cassettes
Chrome EE Open -Reel Tape
Normal bias, 120µ sec EQ car audio cassette with
Extra -efficiency chrome tape for recorders with EE Open -Reel Tape heat -resistant tape, shell and clear plastic case;
bias and EQ position.
tensilized polyester backing;
1.800 ft. 7' reel $19.99 DX11010B Studio Master Tape GT (C-46)
3,600 ft, 101/4" metal reel $5.45
$49.99 Open -reel audio tape with polyester base film materi- GT (C-60) $6.20
al. Width 6.25mm; base film thickness 21mm; coat- GT (C-90) $8.65
ing thickness 14mm; back coating 2.5mm; total
DENON thickness 37.5mm; length 1.100 meters. Frequency HITACHI
response 1 dB at 10,000Hz. 1.5dB at 12.5kHr
DXM Metal Cassette High -End High -Bias Cassettes
Designed exclusively for music; features improved High bias and chrome EQ.
MOL in low and medium frequency range and SOL in NEED MORE INFORMATION? SXC60. 60 min $5.10
high frequency range, wide dynamic range at high -fre- SXC90. 90 Min
Write directly to the manufacturer or $6.99
quency end, smooth magnetic coating; high -precision
cassette shells and matrix sheets; metal bias, 70- distributor. A list of names and ad- High -End Cassettes
usec EQ.
dresses starts on page 25. Normal bias and EQ.
C60. 60 min $8.60 SRC60. 60 min
C90. 90 min $5.10
$12 SRC90. 90 min $6.99



If your old favorites don't sound as good as they used to, the problem
could be your recording tape.
Some tapes show their age more than others. And when a tape ages
prematurely, the music on it does too.
What can happen is, the oxide particles that are bound onto tape
loosen and fall off, taking some of your music with them.
At Maxell, we've developed a binding process that helps to prevent
this. When oxide particles are bound onto our tape, they stay put. And
so does your music.
So even after a Maxell recording is 500 plays maxell
old, you'll swear it's not a play over five. t -4a

IOW 1111111111

© 1983 Maaell Cotporotion of Amencu. 5C Orford Co... Moorochte, N J 07074 IT'S WORTH IT
Blank Tape 7 Blank Tape
Mid -Range High -Bias Cassettes CD Series Cassettes
High bias and chrome EQ. UD-XL-I Epitaxial Cassettes
Cobalt -adsorbed gamma ferric oxide formulation de- Normal bias; 120 -µsec EQ.
EXC60. 60 min $4.35 signed for high bias/70-µsec EQ. C-60. 60 min $4.59
EXC90. 90 min $5.99 CD -60. 60 min $4 25 C-90. 90 min $6.39
CD -90. 90 min $5.75
Mid -Range Cassettes
UD-XL-II Epitaxial Cassettes
Normal bias and EQ. ND Series Cassettes
ERC60. 60 min Chrome type; high-level bias; 70 -µsec EQ.
$4.35 Premium ferric -oxide formulation designed for normal C-60. 60 min
ERC90. 90 min $4.59
$5.99 bias/120-µsec EQ. Particle shape, size uniformity, C-90. 90 min $6.39
and dispersion are controlled to yield maximum out-
Low -Noise Cassettes put level and low noise across frequency spectrum. Ultra Dynamic Cassettes
Normal bias and EQ. High frequency response is 4 to 7 dB over conven- Normal bias.
LNC60. 60 min $2.25 tional normal -bias tapes. Recommended for portable UD-46. 46 min $3.19
LCC90. 90 min $3.45 and car -stereo tape players. UD-60. 60 min $3.49
ND -60. 60 min $3.45 UD-90. 90 min $5.19
ND -90. 90 min $5.00 UD-120. 120 min
IRISH $6.99
N Series Cassettes Low -Noise Cassettes
Professional -Series Cassettes High -output ferric -oxide formulation with a high -fre- Normal bias.
In polybag.
quency sensitivity of up to 4 dB over conventional LN-46. 46 min $2.19
261-C60-3PA-HK. 60 min, 3/bag $3.30 low-noise/high-output tapes; designed for low noise LN-60. 60 min $2.39
261-C90-3PA-HK. 90 min, 3/bag $4.50 and low distortion on equipment with or without
In flip -top plastic box.
LN-90. 90 min $3.59
bias/EQ controls. LN-120. 120 min
2000-C30. 30 min N-60. 60 min $4.69
$1.50 $2.70
2000-C60. 60 min $1.75 N-90. 90 min $3.45 Microcassettes
2000-C90. 90 min $2.15 Normal bias.
In flip -top plastic box and polybag.
MC-46MX (1 per card) $8.09
2000-C60B. 60 min $1.90 KONICA MC-60MX (1 per card) $8.99
2000-C90B. 90 min $2.30 MC-46UD2PK (2 per card) $8.39
Metal Cassette Tapes MC-60UD2PK (2 per card)
Low -Noise, Extended -Range Cassettes 60 min $9.29
Flip -top plastic box.
90 min $7.49 Open -Reel Tapes
7000 C-60. 60 min $2.10
7000 C-90. 90 min $2.70 GM -II High -Bias Cassette Tapes XLII Open -Reel Tapes
60 min $3.09 Designed for use with EE -capable decks.
270 Series Professional Tape 90 min $3.99 XLII 35-90. 1,800 ft $19.99
277-151. 1,800 -ft, 7 reel $15.25 XLII 35-180. 3,600 ft $54.59
GM -I Normal -Bias Cassette Tapes
200 Series Professional Tape 60 min $2.49 XLI Back -Coated Open -Reel Tapes
Standard, 1'/, -mil, polyester base, 90 min $3.59 XLI 50-60B. 1,200 ft. 7" reel $11.29
231-151. 1,200 -ft, 7' reel $8.99 XLI 50-120B. 2,500 ft, 10'/," reel $30.59
ML Normal -Bias Cassette Tapes XLI 35-90B. 1,800 ft, 7' reel $12.69
60 min $1.89 XLI 35-180B. 3,600 ft, 101/4' reel
JVC $34.99
90 min $2.59
120 min $3.29 Ultra -Dynamic Open -Reel Tapes
ME -Pro II Cassette Tape
Metal -particle tape with high magnetic density and
U050-60. 1,200 ft, 7' reel $8.99
high particle acicularity for high MOL. UD50-120. 2,500 ft, 10'/,' reel $25.69
LORAN UD35-90. 1,800 ft, 7' reel $10.39
C-90 $17 UD35-180. 3,600 ft, 10'/,' reel $28.89
Loran Normal -Bias Cassettes UD50-120. 2,500 ft, 10'/,' reel
Dynarec Series $12.99
Designed for normal bias, 120 -µsec EQ settings. UD18-180. 3,600 ft, 10'/,' reel
Especially designed for recording Compact Discs and $14.99
C-46. 46 min $5.25
other PCM digital source material. C-60. 60 min $5.75
C-90. 90 min $7.95 MEMOREX
DA7 High -Bias Cassette Tape
Tape combines two layers of high-energy cobalt -treat- Loran High Bias, Type II Cassettes
ed particles. Metal IV Cassettes
Ferri -cobalt tape designed for use with CrO, settings. State-of-the-art metal formulation for metal bias
C-90 $7.45 C-46. 46 min
$5.25 (Type IV) and 70 -µsec EQ settings; low and midrange
$5.25 C-60. 60 min $5.75 S/N ratio at +6 dB above conventional premium
C-90. 90 min $7.95 tapes; unique dustproof Memorex album locks open
DA3 Normal -Bias Cassette Tape
Normal -bias tape, designed for recording music, has or closed, accepts cassettes in either direction.
Loran Metal Cassettes METAL IV C-60. 60 min
two layers of magnetic coating; one with high coerciv- $4.59
Metal -particle forulation cassettes designed for type METAL IV C-90. 90 min $6.29
ity and one with high magnetic flux density. Requires IV bias, 70 -µsec EQ.
120 ilsec EQ C-60. 60 min
C-90 $12.70 High Bias II Cassettes
$6.95 C-90. 90 min $15.75 Exclusive superfine uniform ferrite crystal oxide for-
C-60 $4.75
mulation for high -bias (Cr0,, Type II) setting and 70 -
DA1 Normal -Bias Tape µsec EQ; delivers flat frequency response at pre-
MAXELL ferred record levels (0 dB) and 4 to 5 dB lower noise;
Normal -bias tape with low noise and high output
made with gamma ferric magnetic particles having a unique dustproof Memorex album locks open or
MX Metal Cassettes closed, accepts cassettes in either direction.
high residual magnetic flux density. Metal bias/EQ.
C-90 HIGH BIAS II C-60. 60 min $3.19
$5.25 MX -46. 46 min $8.99
C-60 HIGH BIAS II C-90. 90 min $4.79
$3.85 MX -60. 60 min $9.99
MX -90. 90 min $11.99 MRX I Cassettes
Fl Cassette Tape
Popular series. Finest Memorex Type I cassette tape, with unique fer-
XLII-S Epitaxial Cassettes ric -oxide formulation for normal bias; 120 -µsec EQ
C-90 $3.95 High-level bias; 70 -µsec EQ.
C-60 settings; improved dynamic range across full sound
$2.95 XLII-S60. 60 min $5.29 spectrum; unique dustproof Memorex album locks
XLII-S90. 90 min $7.29 open or closed, accepts cassettes in either direction.
KEN WOOD MRX I C-30. 30 min
XLI-S Epitaxial Cassettes
MD Series Cassettes
MRX I C-45. 45 min $2.99
Normal bias; 120 -µsec EQ. MRX I C-60. 60 min
Designed for metal bias/701.1.sec EQ. XLI-S60. 60 min
MD -60. 60 min $5.29 MRX I C-90. 90 min $4.79
$9.25 XLI-S90. 90 min $7.29 MRX I C-120. 120 min $6.39

For years you have bee i ed scne necerily equate tc '.?.ricrm :his test 'or ycurself. Make
pretty tall stories about casHi-te tape. v1is r anuf 3ctLiers' a recordng of Deno' DX -Cassette Tape
Denon only makes one claim 'or specitk;a:ic is are owed on static first listening to -.11E sa_rce Then
DX -Series Cassettes. We say :hey meas remelts, tie tape's response to playdEc 4- you D< -b 3e recording and
will play on the moon; we d:r 't saN, :hey stead/ test tones Delon DX -Series compare the -wc Expelenoes.
will survive being baked in ovens. We CassEte Tape goes one step 'urther: it The me-maga s in the ITUSIC.
hope that they won't tip over 'our char also n n mixes Cynamic Distortion. the
or shatter your stemware. We only say distort c eated by actual mi. sical
that Denon DX -Series Casset-e Tape w II signa DENC N DK71 90
sound more like real music than any
other brand on the market.
"YOU DON'T LISTEN TO SPECIFICATIONS; T U." a .1(.10i_ iille-D realize the A -B
YOU LISTEN TO MUEIC:' testing 13 ri1 the rea gauge of sound
qual ti. Dn w e)inded listening can tell 13X7
Most cassette tape adiertising
tries to impress you with specifica:ions. you if a co --rpon?nt -or a tape-- is
The trouble is that specific 3t ons do nol super or


Nippon Columbia Co., Ltd., No 14-14, 4Clome, Atazaka Itinwo-Ku. Tolgio 10", Jepen LAaun Arraric a r=.1. '7 Law Dr Vt Fairfield. N 006
Blank Tape 7 Blank Tape
dB Series Cassettes Supertape Hi -Bias Cassettes 8 -Track Cartridges
Cassette tape for general recording of voice or music. 44-940. 60 min $3.99 Available in shrink wrap or blister pack.
Full lifetime warranty. 44-941. 90 min $4.69 8T40. 40 min $2.49
C-60. 60 min $2.59 8T45. 45 min $2.59
C-90. 90 min $3.79 Supertape Gold Cassettes 8780. 80 min $3.19
44-920. 45 min $2.69 8790. 90 min $3.69
Microcassettes 44-921. 60 min $2.99 8T100. 100 min $3.99
A series of 3 different microcassettes for different 44-922. 90 min $3.99 8T40-4. Pkg of 4 40 min $10.95
user application; two for music, one for general re- 44-923. 120 min $4.99 8T80-4. Pkg of 4 80 min $12.95
cording METAL Music Micro 60 min $8.99
MEX Dictation -Micro 60 min (2 pack) $7.99 Realistic Low -Noise, High output REVOX
MRX Music Micro 60 min $5.99 44-601. 30 min $1.59
44-602. 60 min $1.99 631 Magnetic Tape
NAKAMICHI 44-603. 90 min $2.79 New Revox tape with improved maximum output level
44-604. 120 min $3.49 at low frequencies. For 3% distortion, flux on tape
ZX Reference Cassette Tape
reaches 1,200 nWb/m, representing an S/N ratio of
Metalloy (metal -particle) formulation for recording Concertape: 3 -Packs 78 dB. Bias adjustment compatible with 621
with metal -compatible decks only; features ultra -high 44-606. 30 min $1.99 ea. tape $40
coercivity and retentivity for improved distortion and 44-607. 60 min $2.59 ea.
MOL; 70-1.,sec EQ. 44-613. 90 min $3.59 ea. RKO
ZX-C60. 60 min....,$6.50 44-614. 120 min $4.99 ea
ZX-C90. 90 min $9.00 Ultrachrome Cassettes
Concertape: Singles Chromium dioxide formulation; chrome (high) bias;
SX II Reference Cassette Tape 44-605. 60 min $ 88 ea. 70 -µsec EQ; housed in five -screw polystyrene shell
Double -coated ionized cobalt and ferric -oxide formu- 44-620. 90 min $1.25 ea. with chrome notch.
lation. CrO, bias and EQ (70 issec). C-60. 60 min $4.49
SXII-C60. 60 min $5.85 Mini -Cassettes C-90. 90 min $5.99
SXII-C90. 90 min $8.00 44-633. 30 min $2.69
Broadcast I Cassettes
SX Reference Cassette Tape Micro Cassettes Ferric formulation; normal bias; 120µsec equaliza-
Single -coated; ionized cobalt and ferric oxide formula- 44-640 2.4cm/sec.60 min. $3.49 tion; housed in five -screw polystyrene shell.
tion; high coercivity permits use of CrO, bias and EQ 1.2cm/sec.120 min $2.99 C-60. 60 min $3.99
(70 -µsec) for 4-5 dB better S/N ratio. C-90. 90 min $5.49
SX-C60. 60 min $4.50 RECOTON
SX-C90. 90 min $6.30 Xtra Dynamic Cassettes
Rainbow 5 -Packs Ferric bias; for home recording.
EX II Reference Cassette Tape Audio cassettes supplied 5/pack in see-through C-45. 45 min $2.49
Single -coated; ferricobalt formulation; same bias and molded plastic boxes. Cassette shells come in 5 dif- C-60. 60 min $2.99
EQ (120µsec) as EX tape; extra -low noise, high ferent colors for easy identification. C-90. 90 min
output. $3.99
RC5x 60. 60 min each $3.99
EXII-C60. 60 min $3.70 RC5x 90. 90 min each
EXII-C90. 90 min
$5.79 SCOTCH
Studio Cassettes XSM IV Cassettes
PDMAGNETICS High -bias high-energy cassette tapes with Teflon - Fine metal magnetic particle formulation; delivers
treated reels. 70µsec EQ. Frequency response 50- maximum output up to 10 dB better than typical ox-
1100 Metal Audio Cassettes 23.000 Hz. ide tapes and up to 7 dB greater than chrome tapes;
Designed to produce flat response over entire 30- SHB60. 60 min $3.49 low distortion, added high frequency response, and
20,000 -Hz range for critical recording applications; SHB6ORJ. 60 min. $3.99 improved S/N ratio.
metal bias. 60 min $7.99
C-60. 60 min $8.99 Studio Standard Series 90 min $10.29
C-90. 90 min $11.99 High -bias cassettes in rigid Norelco case. Features
Teflon -treated tape reels for trouble -free operation. XS I Cassettes
500 Crolyne Audio Cassettes SH-60. 60 min $2.79 Features premium grade, low -noise ferric oxide; for
Chromium -dioxide cassettes in precision housings SH-60RJ. 60 min, blister packed $2.79 use with recorders in the normal or 120 µsec equal-
with laminated double -layer foil construction for supe- ization position; album packaging; improved shell for
rior winding quality, controlled friction, and no jam- Deluxe Ultra Flow Cassettes critical mechanical permanence and 3 -head
ming; designed for CrO, bias. RU60. 60 min $1.19 equipment.
C-60. 60 min $4.99 RU90. 90 min $1.49 60 min $4.49
C-90. 90 min $6.49 RU60-2RJ. Pkg of 2 60 min $2.49 90 min $5.79
RU90-2RJ. Pkg of 2 90 min $3.29
Tri-Oxide FERRO Audio Cassettes RU4 x 60. Four 60 min Magic-Stak
in XS II Cassettes
Premium -quality ferric -oxide audio cassettes de- module $5.39 Features premium grade. dual -layer, cobalt -modified
signed for normal bias. RU4-90. Four 90 min in Magic-Stak module $6.79 ferric oxide; for use with recorders in the chrome or
C-60. 60 min $3.49 70 Aasec EQ position; album packaging; improved
C-90. 90 min $4.99 Ultra Flow High -Energy Cassettes shell for critical mechanical permanence and 3 -head
Available individually boxed or on blister cards. equipment.
QUASAR HE60. 60 min $1.75 60 min $4.79
HE90. 90 min $2.25 90 min $5.99
MT602 Microcassettes HE60-2RJ. Pkg of 2 60 min, blister packed $3.49
60 -minute normal -bias microcassettes in twin HE90-2RJ. Pkg of 2 90 min, blister packed $3.49 CX Cassettes
pack $5.00 Normal -bias ferric oxide cassette featuring extended
Budget -Priced Cassettes sensitivity in both high and low frequency ranges. 5 -
MT462M Microcassettes Available individually wrapped or in poly bags. screw impact polymer shell houses an inner assembly
46 -minute metal -bias microcassettes in twin RC60. 60 min $0.89 that features specially made low -friction roller guides;
pack $9.50 RC90. 90 min $1.19 album package.
46 min $2.99
MT90A Microcassettes 60 min
Angrom tape microcassettes $3.29
$9.50 90 min $4.79
Audio terms are defined 120 min $6.59
REALISTIC In the glossary on page 19. BX Cassettes
For an explanation of abbreviations, Ferric -oxide formulation for all-purpose cassette use;
Supertape Metal Cassettes polyester base. 5 -screw impact polymer shell featur-
44-960. 60 min $5.99 turn to the list on page 22. ing low -friction roller guides. Album packaging.
44-961. 90 min $6.99 46 min $1.89

Blank Tape 7 Blank Tape
46 min $1.89 Open -Reel Tapes Open -Red Tapes
60 min $2.19 FeCr Series.
90 min $3.29 FeCr 7-550BL. 90 min $14.00 SA Open -Reel Tape
120 min $4.79 FeCr 11-1100BL. 180 min $39.00 Extra -efficiency Super Avilyn open -reel tape for use
ULH Series. with new EE tape decks. High coercivity, low noise for
206-207 Open -Reel Tapes ULH 72-370BL. 60 min $9.00 full performance at half speed.
Polyester -base tape with "Posi-Trak" back coating. ULH 7-550BL. 90 min $11.50 SA35-90. 1,800 -ft, r plastic reel $15.95
Leader, trailer. Designed for critical stereo mastering. ULH 11-1100BL. 180 min $31.00 SA35-180M. 3,600 -ft, 10'/,' metal reel... $41.95
206. 7' reel, 60 min at P/, ips, 1.5 mil ... $9.39
207. r reel, 90 min at P/, iris, 1.0 mil . $10.79 TDK GX Open Reel Tape
Extremely high output level, extended range, low
Dynarange Open -Reel Tapes Professonal Reference Series noise, low distortion tape for mastering and all critical
Provides high-fidelity recording even at 3'/, ips; multi- recording applications. Back treated for smooth run-
purpose tape providing full dynamic range throughout MA -R (Metal Alloy -Reference) Cassettes ning and stable winding. Available in 35- and 50 -mi-
audible spectrum; S/N is 4 to 6 dB better than stan- Metal bias; 70 -µsec EQ; housed in reference standard cron thicknesses.
dard tapes. diecast metal shell; excellent high -frequency MOL and GX35.908. 1,800 ft, 7' plastic reel $12.95
211. Polyester backing, white yellow trailer, 5' high coercivity for improved sensitivity and extra re- GX35-180BM. 3,600 ft, 10'/," metal reel $34.95
reel, 30 min at P/, ips, 1.5 mil $4.09 cording headroom. GX50-60B. 1,200 ft, P plastic reel $10.95
r reel, 60 min $6.29 MA -R 60. 60 min $8.99 GX50-120BM. 2,500 ft, 10'/,' metal reel $29.95
212. 5' reel. 45 min at 7/, ips, 1.0 mil . $4.89 MA -R 90. 90 min $11.99
90 min, r reel $8.39 LX Open -Reel Tape
SA -X (Super Avilyn-Extended) Cassettes High output level, extended range, low noise, low dis-
Double -coated Super-Avilyn-particle tape; high bias; tortion tape for professional and all critical recording
SONY 70 -µsec EQ; high output and wide dynamic range; applictions. Available in 35- and 50 -micron
housed in precision shell and laboratory standrd thicknesses. Back treated (except for LX 35-90 and
Metal Series Cassettes mechanism. LX35-180M).
70 -µsec metal EQ. SA -X60. 60 min $4.99 LX35-90. 1,800 ft, 7' plastic reel $9.95
Metallic 46. 46 min $7.00 SA -X90. 90 min $6.99 LX35-90B. 1,800 ft, 7- plastic reel $10.95
Metallic 60. 60 min $8.45 LX35-180M. 3,600 ft, 10'/,' metal reel ... $27.95
Metallic 90. 90 min $11.50 AD -X (Acoustic Dynamic -Extended) Cassettes LX35-1BOBM. 3,600 ft, 10,/,' metal reel.. $30.95
Avilyn-particle technology in a normal -bias cassette. LX50-608. 1,200 ft, P plastic reel $9.95
FeCr Series Cassettes High output, wide dynamic range, excellent sensitiv- LX50-120BM. 2,500 ft, 10W metal reel.. $27.95
Normal or FeCr bias; 70 -µsec FeCr EQ. ity. Laboratory standard mechanism. 120 -µsec
FeCr-46. 46 min $3.90 equalizaton. Microcassettes
FeCr-60. 60 min $4.40 AD -X60. 60 min $3.89
FeCr-90. 90 min $6.10 AD -X90. 90 min $5.49 MA-MC6OB Microcassettes
Same metal -alloy tape formulation as standard -size
UCX-S Series Cassettes Reference Standard Series cassettes. High-MOL, high-coercivity tape for critical
Ferric -oxide magnetic tape; high bias, Type II. 70 - music recording in metal -compatible microcassette
µsec equalizaton. MA (Metal Alloy) Cassettes recorders.
UCX-S 60. 60 min $5.00 Metal bias; 70 -µsec EQ; housed in precision molded MA-MC60. 60 min $8.99
UCX-S 90. 90 min $7.00 plastic shell housing and laboratory standard
mechanism. AD-MC60B2 Microcassettes
UCX Series Cassettes MA -60. 60 min $6.69 Same acoustical dynamic formulation as standard -
Type I position (high bias, 70 µsec EQ) MA -90. 90 min $8.99 size cassettes. High -output, extended -range, low -
UCX-60,60 min $4.15 noise tape for music and speech recording. Packed in
UCX-90,90 min $5.75 SA (Super Avilyn) Cassettes twos.
Cobalt -ferric formulation; high bias; 70 -µsec EQ; ex- AD-MC6083, 60 min each $9.99
AHF Series Cassettes tended frequency response and low noise; laboratory
Type I position (normal bias, 120µsec EQ). standard mechanism. D-MC60B3 Microcassettes
AHF-60, 60 min $3.80 SA -60. 60 min $4.59 Same dynamic formulation as stnadard-size cas-
AHF-90, 90 min $5.20 SA -90. 90 m n $6.49 settes. Has flat response and low noise figure for
speech recording. Packed in threes.
BHF Series Cassettes AD (Acoustic Dynamic) Cassettes D-MC60133. 60 min each $11.99
Type 1 position; normal bias 120 -µsec EQ. Linear ferric oxide particle formulation for normal
BHF-60. 60 min $3.10 bias; 120 -µsec EQ; superior high -end response and YAMAHA
BHF-90. 90 min $4.25 output level; laboratory standard mechanism; for
home and car decks. Metal -Alloy Audio Cassettes
LNX Series Cassettes AD -60. 60 min $3.29 Designed for metal bias, 70 -µsec EQ.
Normal bias; normal or 120 -µsec EQ. AD -90. 90 min $4.79 MR -60. 60 min $8.39
LNX-46. 46 min $2.05 MR -90. 90 min $11.29
LNX-60. 60 min $2.25 General -Purpose Cassettes
LNX-90. 90 min $3.15 Super Ferric -Oxide Extended Cassettes
LNX-120. 120 min $4.05 D (Dynamic) Cassettes Super ferric -oxide extended audio cassettes designed
Normal bias; 120 -µsec EQ; precision mechanism. for high bias, 70 -µsec EQ.
Microcassettes D-30. 30 min $2.09 CRX-60. 60 min $6.29
Popular Series; ferric oxide; 3 to a package. D-46. 46 min $2.29 CRX-90. 90 min $8.69
3MC-60. min $11.40 D-60. 60 min $2.40
Popular Series blister pack. D-90. 90 min $3.39 Super Ferric -Oxide Audio Cassettes
MC -60. 60/120 min $3.80 D-120. 120 min $3.99 Super ferric -oxide audio cassettes designed for high
MC -90. 90/180 min $8.00 D-180. 180 min $5.59 bias, 70 -µsec EQ.
High Fidelity Series. CR-60. 60 min $5.49
MC45 HF. 46/92 min $4.10 Endless Cassettes CR 90. 90 min $7.79
MC60 HF. 60/120 min $4.50
Metallic Series. EC (Endless) Cassettes Ferric -Oxide Extended Audio Cassettes
MC46 Metallic. 46/92 min $5.55 Endless -loop design permits continuous repeating of Ferric -oxide extended cassettes designed for normal
MC60 Metallic. 60/120 min $6.10 recorded material; back coated; available with or with- bias, 120µsec EQ.
out foil strip for machines with automatic shutoff NRX-60. 60 min $5.10
Elcasets sensor. NRX-90. 90 min $6.75
Type I: SLH tape. EC-20S(F). 20 sec $4.19
LC -60. 60 min. $8.00 EC-30S(F). 30 sec $4.29 Ferric Oxide Audio Cassettes
LC -90. 90 min. $10.60 EC-1M(F). 1 min $4.39 Standard ferric -oxide audio cassettes designed for
Type II: FeCr tape. EC-3M(F). 3 min $4.49 normal bias, 120 -µsec EQ.
LC -60. 60 min $10.60 EC-6M(F). 6 min $4.99 NR -60. 60 min $4.29
LC -90. 90 min $12.80 EC-12M(F). 12 min $5.99 NR -90. 90 min $6.19

AAL cables and improve hum; employs passive circuitry RC -31. Full -function remote control for GX-F31/-
$20.75 51/71 $34.95
V-6 Audio/Video Home Entertainment Center Kit $16.25 RC -90. Full -function wireless remote control for GX-
Rack features tempered glass doors and recessed ad- 77/747/F95/F60/F35/F25/F11/F66RC/F39R/-
justable shelves which can easily accommodate up to ADCOM F33R/F21/F44R/UC-F5 8 15
a 19 -inch monitor. Features chrome record dividers; RH-12. NAB 10' reel holders $34.50
concealed tape storage drawer; made from top -grade GFS-1 Speaker Selector ST -20. Sensing tape (6')1/4 $5.951
fiberboard laminated with acrylic -coated, wood - Can switch speaker systems with amps rated at up to 3R-100. Rubber reel retainers $2.50
grained vinyls; easy cam -lock assembly; 48"H x 200 W/ch; usable with conventional or bridged amps;
51 1/4, " W 181/4 D $400 handles up to 3 pairs of speakers with built-in load ALLSOP
protection for low -imp loads; headphone output; 7'W
A-5 Audio Home Entertainment Center x 51/4' D x 21/4' H $89 Orbitrae Record Cleaning System
Rack features tempered glass doors with u -shaped Wet cleaning system that tracks each record groove
magnetic pads and 3 shelves, one adjustable. Has Carbon Fiber Headshell to remove impurities. Includes Orbitrac" cleaner, solu-
storage space for audio software. Made from top - Low -resonance low -mass carbon fiber headshell with
grade fiberboard, laminated with acrylic -coated vi- nontarnishing gold-plated terminal pins .... $14.95
nyls. Features cam -lock system for easy assembly.
31'/,'H x 451"W x 181/4" D $300 AIWA
A-4 Audio Control Center MT -80U Digital Audio Timer
Audio rack features 3 shelves, wooden dust cover, Ultraslim timer with wake-up alarm, sleep timer, digi-
concealed tape storage drawer; chrome -finished tal time display with dimmer capability. Features
record dividers for audio software storage; 501/4' x on/off beeper; power -interruption compensation; re-
23"W 181/4'D $280 maining -tape timer; 5 AM/5 FM time presets; pro-
grammable for up to 6 automatic changes between
A-3 Mobile Audio Rack tuner preset channels $120
Audio rack features tempered safety glass doors,
easy -roll casters and storage for audio/video soft- RC -R2000 Remote -Control System
ware. Includes 3 shelves, 2 adjustable; made from Infrared wireless remote -control system for Aiwa sole-
top -grade fiberboard, laminated with acrylic -coated noid -controlled cassette decks $95
vinyl; features cam -lock assembly. 40°/.'H x
231/4"W x 181/4"D $190 AKAI
tion and sprayer, record cleansing pad, dirt remover
ACE AUDIO AH-15. Demagnetizer for GX tape heads $39.95 brush, storage case $29.95
CHR-1. Head -cleaning fluid $3.50 Orbitrac" record cleaning solution refill in 8 -oz
4100 -X -24b Infrasonic/Ultrasonic Filter D-100. DIN/DIN cable $8.50 bottle $8.95
Active filter designed to eliminate infrasonic (turnta- DC -77. Dust cover for GX-77 $49.95
ble and record) noise and ultrasonic power -ampli- DC -255. Dust cover for GX-255 $45.50 Allsop 3 Ultraline Cassette Deck Cleaner
fier overdrive with high -frequency noise, etc.) interfer- DC -266. Dust cover for GX-267D $45.50 Auto -reverse cassette deck cleaner with wet cleaning
ence. Infrasonic section rate at 24 dB/octave below DC -620. Dust cover for GX-620/GX-625 $51.95 system. Includes dual cleaning pads; replacement
20 Hz; ultrasonic section rate 12 dB/octave beyond DC -630. Dust cover for GX-630D/DB/GX-270DSS cleaning cartridges in smoked plastic storage box;
20 kHz; distortion 0.002% at 2 V output. $142.50 $51.95 cleaning solution; leather -like case $15.95
DC -635. Dust cover for GX-635D/DB/GX-747 Without case $9.95
4000-X-24 Super Infrasonic Filter $57.50
Combined active Bessel and passive filter sections DC -4000. Dust cover for GX-4000DB $45.50 R.B. ANNIS
provide low phase shift and an ultra -sharp cutoff (-24 DR -110. DIN/RCA cable $10.50
dB/octave); removes all infrasonic disturbances; indi- DT -120S. 24 -hour digital display timer $85 Magnetometers & Demagnetizers
vidually hand -calibrated; distortion 0.002%; re- FP -210. Felt -pad tape cleaners $3 Model 25/S5. Deluxe jeweled pocket magnetometer
sponse -3 dB at 20 Hz (24 dB/octave) $132 HS -20. Headshell for AP -B20 turntable .... $11.95 with 5-0-5 gauss range; 21/4' diameter .... $43.00
HS -60. Headshell for AP-D30/D40/Q50/Q60 turn- Model 20/B5. Similar to 25/S5 except no jewels
4100 Infrasonic/Ultrasonic Filter tables $17.50 $11.60
Active filter. Subsonic section rate 18 dB/octave be- HS -80. Headshell for AP -Q80 turntable $17.50
. Model K20/S5. Deluxe Han -D -Kit bulk tape eraser for
low 20 Hz; ultrasonic section rate 12 dB/octave be- R -7M. Empty 7" aluminum reel $10.50 11 7-V ac. 50/60 Hz operation $75.80
yond 20 kHz; IM distortion 0.002% typical, 20- R -10M. Empty 101/4" aluminum reel $17.50 Model K20/B5. Standard version of K20/S5 $45.20
20.000 Hz $108.50 RC -5. Wireless remote for UC-5 Series $325 Model 115. Han-D-Mag audiophile demagnetizer for
RC -21. Remote control for GX-F6OR/77/747/- 117-V ac. 50,60 Hz operation $29.70
4000b Subsonic Filter F44R/F33R/F25/F35/F95/CS-F21/F11 $39.95 Long Probe Han-D-Mag. For 117-V ac. 50/60 Hz
Low -frequency filter with 4 rear -panel connectors for operation $37.70
18 dB/octave rolloff at 20 Hz or below, -3 dB; IM dis- Thin Probe version of Model 115 $33.70
tortion 0.01% at 1 V output; input imp 47k ohms;
output imp 150 ohms; min output load 10k ohms; AUDIONICS
hum and noise -86 dB; for use with direct -coupled Audio terms are defined
amps, receivers, and/or subwoofers. 6"W x 41/4"D in the glossary on page 19. ET -1 Electronic Transformer
21"H $98.50 Class -A direct -coupled head amp for MC phono car-
For an explanation of abbreviations,
tridges. Features separate outboard power supply;
3900 Ground Liminator turn to the list on page 22. provisions for cartridge loading. Input sens 0.2 mV
Designed to break up ground loop faults in connecting for 6 -mV output; S/N 90 dB wideband $250


Accessories 8 Accessories
AT622 Universal Tonearm Cable Record Care
AUDIO-TECHNICA Low -resistance cable for manual turntables; 51"
braided copper shieldp; color -coded molded phono 42-101 "Groove Sweeper"
PDQII Record Cleaning System plugs; gold-plated connectors $24.95 Record Conditioning System with patented 3 -way ac-
Kit including AT6002 brush, AT6012 cleaner, tion discharges static, dust and dirt loosened by mo-
AT607 stylus cleaner, AT608 solution $29.95 AT610a Cable Set hair bristles and vaccumed away. Will not harm
Low -capacitance cables for connecting turntable and records $40
AT605 Audio Insulator System amplifier; 4 -ft shielded cable with molded pair phono
Vibration -damping feet for use under speakers or plugs each end; gold-plated connectors and separate 42-110 P"ofessonal "Groove Sweeper"
turntables to prevent acoustic feedback; individually ground wire; single set needed per turntable $10.95 Record Conditioning System has same operation as
adjustable height. Supplied in set of 4, with bubble 42-101 with addition of removable, washable filter,
level $27.95 AT641 Cable Connectors built-in 45 rpm adapter, 3 conductor grounding for
Two gold-plated female phono feed -through cable improved static grounding $50
AT6015 TechniClean' connectors; extends length of other Vital Link
Audiophile record maintenance system cleans record cables $7.95 41-100 "Dust Magnet" Silicone Record Cleaner
surface and reduces static $24.95 Special "tacky" silicone compound reaches deep into
AT609 Headshell Wire Set grooves and lifts dust and prticles out onto the roller.
AT618 Disc Stabilizer Replaces original headshell wiring; set of 4 color -cod- Roller may be washed off with water or alcohol. Does
Solid brass disc with rubber coating designed to ed connectors made of silver litz wire and gold- not leave any residue $9.95
damp out sound -coloring resonances. Fits over turn- plated $7.95
table spindle $22.95 AT643. to mini stereo plug adaptor $3.95 BRYSTON
AT644. 1/2- to mini stereo 6 %-ft extension
AT6012 Sonic Boom' cord $8.95 Switch Boxes
Record -cleaning system with controlled-dersity fibers AT648. Mini mono to mini stereo 6% -ft extension Equipment switch boxes with no active components;
6 microns in diameter; cleaning fluid can be applied cord $6.95 designed for high -current applications.
to reservoir or directly to pad. Includes holder with Four-way (for Bryston equipment only) $170
cleaning surface, AT608 fluid $12.95 AT650 Moving -Coil Transformer Two-way (with headphone jack) $115
Passive transformer, no batteries or power supply re- Two-way (without headphone jack) $100
AT6002 Autocleanica' quired; variable imp 3, 20, 40 ohms and pass; FR 10-
Double -action disc cleaning system combines soft 100,000 Hz; THD 0.005% at 1 mV; output imp 47k CANTON
carbon -conductive brush and plush pad to loosen and ohms $250
remove groove dirt. Small arm on weighted base can Connect Series Switchboxes
be placed on motorboard; can be used with most AT630 Moving -Coil Transformer Speaker system switchboxes designed to install be-
manual turntables or automatic when in manual FR 15-100,000 Hz; input/output imp 20/47k ohms; tween amp outputs, speaker systems to allow routing
mode. Replacement pad and brush kit channel balance 0.5 dB; THD 0.01% at 0 5mV as desired
available $12.95 input $95 Combi 80. Switchbox for 1.8 pairs speaker systems.
AT602. Replacement of conductive brush, pad kit for Has DIN jacks for speaker, amp, receiver outputs
AT6002 $2.95 $100
BENJAMIN DIVISION Connect 60. Switchbox for 1-4 tape decks or up to 3
AT6003 Tri-Capsule BENJAMIN ELECTROPRODUCTS decks, 1 high-level source. Features regulators in left,
Holds up to 3 spare cartridges in standard plug-in right channels to reduce signal during recording; con-
shells (used in most European and Japanese 24-017 Audio Tape Bulk Eraser nection in tape -monitor loop; 5 -pole DIN jacks $100
tonearms); smoked -plastic domes ward off accidents, Erases virtually all signals from audio tape and leaves Connect 50. Similar to Connect 60 except for speak-
dust $9.95 tape with low noise level. Works with cassettes and er switching. Handles 1-4 pairs speaker systems, has
reels $19.95 DIN and phono jack headphones outputs. Features
AT6010a Disc Whisk' volume controls for adjusting channels 2 and 4; con-
Consists of dropper, antistatic cleaning fluid (applied 25-005 Audible -Tone Head Demagnetizer nection to output of amps, receivers; DIN speaker
from back to prevent streaks), pad holder, cleaning Automatic electronic head demagnetizer in cassette jacks $100
edge, adhesive for mounting holder, AT -608 fluid format removes accumulation of residual magentism Connect 20. Switchbox for 1-3 tape decks or 2 decks,
$7.95 from heads of home or auto cassette tape decks; 1 high-level signal source. Features left, right regula-
whistling tone indicates demagnetizing action $18.50 tors to reduce signal levels before recording; 5 -pole
AT617 Sonic Tonic DIN jacks $60
Fluid damping compound with applicator bottle. Dries 26.043 "Gibson Girl" Cassette Splicer Conned 10. Similar to Connect 20 except designed
to clear, resilient gel $6.95 Produces slight cuts on edges of spliced tape to pre- for 1-3 pairs speaker switching. Features standard
vent adhesive from contacting critical parts. Knob has DIN speaker jacks $60
AT607 Stylus Cleaning Formula cut and trim positions. Blade adjustment provided to
Cleaning solution dissolves foreign material on stylus maintin lifetime accuracy $7.95 Record Care Products
without harming known stylus adhesives; in bottle Discostat. Dry record -care kit containing Discostat
with stylus brush $3.95 26-038 "Gibson Girl" Tape Splicer tonearm-type cleaner; Styloclean stylus -cleaning fluid;
Same features as 26-043, but for 1/4' cassette States -cloth metallized record -care cloth $30
AT608 Record Care Formula tape $7.95 Cantosweep. Record -care brush with antistatic car-
Dissolves fingerprints, loosens stuck on particles, re- bon bristles. Removes static charges, dirt particles
duces static bond of micro -dust, airborne material. 30-005 Tape Head Clean Kit from grooves before play $25
Nonalcoholic; use directly on fibers of conventional Cleaning kit for all audio recorders (cassette, reel to Styloclean. Stylus cleaning fluid -applicator brush'n
brushes; 2 oz $2.95 reel). Contains bottles of head cleaner, head guide lu- cap $20
bricant, swabs (10 pcs) for safe, easy cleaning and
Universal Headshells lubricating of recorder heads $1.95 CROWN
AT-CF3. Low -mass, carbon -fiber headshell for straight
tonearms; grid pattern helps in alignment $15.95 35-005 Audio Cassette Wet Head Cleaner RTA-2 Real -Time Audio Analyzer
AT -N. Basic Type $12.95 Complete aucio tape head wet cleaning system; me- Real-time spectrum analyzer in '/- and full -octave
AT -S. Similar to AT -N except with improved rigidity tered liquid flow; cleans complete tape path .. $4.95 bands, switch selectable; consists of 32 single -pole -
and lower mass $8.00
AT -D. Professional quality; low mass; cast aluminum
alloy $12.00
AT -MS. Extra lightweight, low -resonance magnesium
headshell with built-in damping. Includes AT609 car-
tridge wires, built-in stylus overhang adjustment
screw $24.95
Prices of items described are manufacturers' suggested prices
Vital Link' Cable Series only and are subject to change without notice. Actual selling
AT620 Super Conductivity Cable Set prices are determined by the dealers.
Litz wire construction with double shielding and gold-
plated connectors; for low impedance and maximum
rejection of r -f interference; set of 2 $29.95

1984 EDITION 103

Accessories 8 Accessories
pair '/,-octave bandpass filters centered on 'A -octave records storage area behind pair of tinted safety glass Woodmore Entertainment Table
intervals. Features 5' scope; lighted graticule; pink- doors. Features 2 adjustable shelves; choice of solid Cocktail -style table houses components or up to 400
aise generator; 800-20,000 Hz and 16-630 Hz woods; chromed hardware, casters. Measures 42'H record albums. Features optional wood or glass doors
fast/slow integration rate select controls; 5 or 10 x 24'W x 17'D and glass top; available in hand -oiled or waxed finish-
dB/division select control; 0.70 dB input level control GUM Oak with natural oil finish $445 es; finished on 4 sides for stacking or grouping. 16"H
in 10 -dB steps, 40 -dB range vernier; internal bal- GL311. Oak with dark walnut finish $445 47'/."W x 19'D.
anced -input gain control. FR 16-20,000 Hz; sens at GL411. Walnut with natural oil finish $565 ET9002 Natural oak $330
full-scale indication 15.2 mV -150 V. max in (unbal- CD2. Optional natural oak cassette drawer; holds ET9003 Dark oak $330
anced), 0.76 mV -3 V, max in (balanced); scans 32 100 cassettes; has removable dividers; 3WH $70 ET9004 Natural walnut $410
chs in 16.6 msec; max output 1.1 V 'rms min; bal- CD3. Same as CD2 except dark oak $70
anced output 600 ohms/50 ohms (male XLR front CD4. Same as CD2 except natural walnut $75 Cabinet Accessories
connector), unbalanced output 300/25 ohms ('A' Entertainment Center Base. Leveling system designed
phone jack front and rear panel connector); 19'W Upright Audio Cabinet to group up to 5 cabinets.
15' D x 7'H $2,450 Roll -around audio cabinet with adjustable shelves for ECB2. Oak with natural -oil finish $95
up to 3 audio components, records storage area be- ECB3. Oak with dark walnut -oil finish $375
CUSTOM WOODWORK low. Features 2 tinted safety -glass doors; chromes ECB4. Walnut with natural -oil finish $110
& DESIGN hardware, casters; availability in choice of solid
woods, finishes. 42"H 24"W x 17"D. Entertainment Grouping Base
Lowboy Audio Cabinet KD400. Walnut with natural oil finish $475 Leveling system designed to group up to 4 Woodmore
Roll -around lowboy cabinet with left, right compart- KD200. Oak with natural oil finish $375
$37755 25"W cabinets and 1 30"W cabinet.
ments each behind pair of tinted safety glass. Left KD300. Oak with dark walnut oil finish EGB12. Oak with natural -oil finish $100
compartment has shelves for up to 4 components; EGB13. Oak with dark walnut -oil finish $100
right compartment has shelf for another component, 30' Woodmore Cabinet EGB14. Walnut with natural -oil finish $115
record storage area below; available in choice of solid Modular cabinet with adjustable shelf and chrome
woods; capability for stacking with optional accesso- hardware and casters. Features bronze tempered 42' Rack Mount
ries; hand -rubbed oil and wax finishes; chromed hard- glass or optional wood doors. Available in hand -oiled For use in a 30" Woodmore or 1 side of a Lowboy
ware, casters. 47'A'W x 30"H x 19"D overall, and waxed finishes. Measures 30'H x 24'W x RM2H. Oak with natural oil finish $73
27'/,'H < 22'/,"W x 18'A" D each compartment. 19' D. RM3H. Oak with dark walnut oil finish $73
KD600. Oak with natural oil finish $490 KD222. Natural oak $330 RM4H. Walnut with natural oil finish $73
KD700. Oak with dark walnut oil finish $490 KD322. Dark oak $330
KD800. Walnut with natural oil finish $610 KD422. Natural walnut $410 30' Rack Mount
ST6. Natural oak finish stacking accessory $65 For use in a 30' Woodmore or 1 side of a Lowboy
ST7. Dark oak finish stacking accessory $65 21" Woodmore Cabinet RM2L. Oak with natural oil finish $65
ST8. Natural walnut stacking accessory $85 Similar to 30" Woodmore except meaures 21'H x RM3L. Oak with dark walnut oil finish $65
24'H 19'D. RM4L. Walnut with natural oil finish $65
Glass Lid Audio Cabinet KD2101 Natural oak $235
Roll -around upright audio cabinet with glass lid for ac- KD2103 Dark oak $235 30' Stacking Accessory
cess to turntable; shelves for 3 audio components. KD2104 Natural walnut $410 Stacks any 24"W cabinet on top of another 24" cabi-
net, a lowboy or entertainment table.
ST2. Oak with natural oil finish $33
ST3. Oak with dark walnut oil finish $33
ST4. Walnut with natural oil finish $43


DB-4A MC Prepreamplifier
TO MULTI -STACK MC cartridge prepreamplifier with low -noise cascode
amplifiers, diode -protected inputs. Features internal
low/medium/high gain switch. THD 0.0008%, 20-
20,000 Hz at 1 V; noise -84 dB at 1 mV; FR 10-
100.000 Hz +0/-0.1 dB; input/output imp 9k
ohms. 2,000 pF/220 ohms; max load 10k ohms,
CWD's modular furni- 3,000 pF; internally adjustable gain/sens/overload
ture systems can ex- 33 dB/40 jaV/45 mV high; 28 dB/80 mV me-
pand from single units dium, 22 dB/160 liV/90 mV low; channel balance
to complete Home En- ±0.2 dB $185
tertainment Centers so With DBP-4 coupler, DB-2A power supply $245
you'll never be boxed -in
by obsolete stereo DBP-11 Phono Capacitance Switch Box
Enjoy Old-Worlc Features front-panel-switchable 100-400-pF loading
for 2 MM phono cartridges. Open postion is provided.
craftsmanship befitting
Phono jacks, plugs are gold plated $79.95
today's finest audio.
video and computer DBP-11MC. Similar to DBP-11 but with resistive in-
stead of capacitive values. Includes 5 -ohm load
Great Home Enter- $79.95
tainment Centers begir
with Custom Woodwork DBP-2J Passive Switch Box
& Design. From $235 Switching module with 8 input, 2 output jacks. Can be
iManut sugg. retail) used for switching 4 turntables, tape recorders, amp,
Call toll -free for the dealer signal processors, etc. Shorted test position included.
nearest you. Allows for selectable cartridge loading when used with
DBP-6 or 6MC. A -B comparisons possible with 2 Y
adaptors $45.95
DBP-2JAU. Same as DBP-2J except jacks are gold
plated $54.95
TOLL -FREE: 1-800-323-2159 Permits adding 100-400 pF of capacitance to phono
IN ILLINOIS: 312.563-1745 input of any preamp or receiver. Consists of 2 Y adap-
tors, set of gold-plated phono plugs with polystyrene
capacitors wired to give 100. 150, 200, 300. 400
In Natural Oak. Dark Oak or Natural American Walnut pF. Resistive load (1%) included for experimenting
with MC cartridges plus pair of empty plugs for mak-
ing custom values $34.95
DBP-6MC. Similar to DBP-6 except for MC cartridges.

Accessories 8 Accessories
Loads are 1% 10-, 20-, 50-, 100-, 200,- metal -film V.R.P. Record Sleeves walnut tore finish on storage cabinet doors. flip -up lid
resistors. Two empty plugs included $34.95 Scratch -free record liner sleeves that prevent static trim; tough Rendura coating; hooded double -wheel
charge buildup ouring record storage, removal from casters. Left side measures 27"W x 26%'H x
DBP-10 Phono Alignment Protractor sleeve. Super smooth surface will not ooze plastic ad- 19"D; right 34"H x 21'W x 19'D $372
Accurately measures lateral tracking error of mount- ditives onto record, package of 10 $3.50
ed phono cartridges to within 0.25'. Instructions pro- 2995 Audio Cabinet
vided to optimize geometry, set correct overhang for Cables R )11 -around upright audio cabinet with area on top for
minimum error and distortion, useful when checking turntable under flip -up tempered -glass lid. 2 audio
vertical tracking angle. Comes with carrying Gold -ens' Audio Cables components on open center shelves. Storage area at
case $21 95 Perfectionist cables for audio. video; provide ultra -low bottom behind pair of doors. Features paradise hicko-
capacitance with heavy gold-plated connections with ry finish; tough Rendura coating; hooded double -
molded nylon insulating sleeves. wheel casters. Record dividers optional. 45%,"H s
dbx '/2 -meter $11 95 x 19'D $290
1 -meter $12.95
Model 200 Program Route Selector 2 -meter $13.50 1785 VistaRak Audio Cabinet
Rack -mountable passive switching box has inputs/ - Roll -around upright cabinet designed to accomodate
outputs for 3 sound processors, 1 NR unit and 3 tape Tape Care Products turntable under flip -up safety -glass top, 2 audio com-
decks. Dubbing between decks is direct. 1'/ 'W x ponents on shelves and record storage at bottom be-
H x 7'/,D $129 Discwasher D'Mag- Cassette Deck Demagnetizer hind 2 safety -glass doors. Features pecan veneer fin-
Demagnetizes tape heads and capstans and entire ish with chrome side moldings; double -wheel chrome -
Model 400 Program Route Selector hooded casters. 44'H s x 19'4D (17Y,"
Rack -mountable powered switching box has same ca- behind doors) $280
pabilities and dimensions as above except dubbing
can be interrupted by sound processors and/or 1755 VistaRak
encode decode side of NR unit; lighted pushbuttons Paradise hickory with chrome trim and accent mold-
show routing, buffered tape outputs prevent imp in- ings. Features tempered safety glass door; glass cano-
teractions with preamp- receiver $229 py with spring -loaded hinges; 4 adjustable ebony
shelves; removable record dividers for up to 200
albums $187
DISCWASHER 5465. Similar to 1755 VistaRak except slate gray fin-
ish and shelves $146
Disc & Stylus Care Products
1600 Ccmpact Audio Cabinet
DiscKit' Record Care For compact audio systems. Paradise hickory with
Contains D4 record care system. Zerostat antistatic chrome accents; adjustable shelves to conform to size
instrument, SC -2 stylus -care system 'loused in ape path. Requires no batteries or power cords and of components; storage for albums and cassettes
DiscOrganizer $55 will operate in both home and car cassette decks $68.95
Provides essentials of record. and stylus care; in- Discwasher' Tape Deck CareSet' HEYBROOK by MECOM
cludes D4- Record Care System, SC -2 Stylus Care The Discwasher' Tape Deck CareSer includes Per-
System in milled walnut base $24.95 fect Path -Cassette Head Cleaner and C.P.R.- Capstan Heybrook AK -1
Pinch Roller Cleaner packaged together $14.95
Cartrid mounting kit with high tensile screws and
Zerostat' nuts; alien key wrench; open-end nut wrench; over-
Anti -Static instrument neutralizes static charges on C.P.R.- Capstan/Pinch-Roller Cleaner hang protractor $10
virtually any surface; works without coating by show- "Positive Drive" cleaning system safely scrubs pinch
ering surface with millions of positive, negative rollers. capstans with advancable cleaning fabric ma-
ions $23 trix, safe fluid $9.95 HITACHI
10 -cc C.P.R. fluid refill $1.25
D4' Record Care System AD -091 Electronic Head Demagnetizer
Sate record -cleaning system designed to remove con- Perfect Path' Cassette Head Cleaner Standard -size silver -oxide cassette demagnetizer us-
taminants without reducing record fidelity. Consists Nonabrasive dry system for cassette decks designed able for approx. 500 one -sec demagnetizations. Uses
of D4 fluid that lifts. suspends contaminants; soft -fi- to remove oxides. gummy residues along tape path. 650 Hz. black. 4'W 0.1 1b25.00
ber pad with hand -milled walnut handle to remove de- on tape heads; preserves sound and life of car. home AD -093 Record Cleaner
bris and dry record; DC -1 pad -cleaner brush $16.50 cassette decks $6.95 Battery -powered cleaner with high-speed rotating
1.25 oz replacement fluid $2.50 brushes. Usable with or without a record player. Uses
6 oz replacement fluid $10 ELITE INDUSTRIES 2 penli'e batteries; black. 8L x 2'/4H x 1%"D;
16 oz replacement fluid $17 0.44 lb $30
DC -1 brush $0.69 EL -6 Audio/Video Cabinet
Special formula for shellac records (78s) Audio video cabinet with hardwood book -matched ve-
1' , oz bottle $2.50 neers in oak, walnut, or teak. Features wood -framed KENWOOD
16 oz bottle $17 bronzed glass doors; 1' solid -wood radial corners;
finished back panel; 2 adjustable shelves; record stor- SRC -1X Audio Cabinet
Discorganizer age; retractable roll -out shelf; heavy-duty casters; Rack for these system combinations: KA-9XG/KT-
Milled walnut tray with dustcover designed to hold D4 36.74'H 28.5'W x 18'D $259 9XG/KK-7XCG/KD-9XG/GE-9X, KA-7X/KT-7X/KX-
Record Care System, SC -2 Stylus Care System, 5XC/KC)-7X/GE-9X, KA-5X/KT-7X/KX-5CX/KD-7X/-
Zerostat Anti -Static Instrument, provide space for re- FRAZIER GE-9X. 50 lbs $175
serve spindles, stylus guards, cartridges, other phono
accessories $15 SS -1 Speaker Stand SRM-9 Audio Cabinet
Speaker stand with top and bottom panels of high Tall-bo audio cabinet for New Life components.
DiscHandler density fibre -board. Features rubber discs to protect 16"/"W 37"/,,,"H Y 131/,'D; 27 lbs ... $150
Record -handling device that picks up, removes, flips, wood finish; furniture glides protect carpet; black lac-
returns records to their sleeves without hand contact; quer finish; completely assembled. Base size 13'/2"D AT -50 Audio Timer
to eliminate fingerprints, hand contamination . $9.95 x 11'/." W; speaker platform size 11'/."D 24 -hour digital clock audio timer $90
11'/.W x 61/.-H: angle of tilt 5'; 13 lbs ..$60/pr
D'Stat II Mat
Turntable mat reduces static charges on contact, pro- GUSDORF
vides cushion to reduce sonic, mechanical feedback
between record and turntable platter $8.50 2980 Status Pro II Cabinet NEED MORE INFORMATION?
Roll -around audio/video credenza. Left side has shelf
for up to 19" TV, storage area behind pair of doors, W-ite directly to the manufacturer or
SC -2 Stylus Cleaner System
Includes scientifically safe cleaning fluid, precision ny- right side has area for VCR or turntable under flip -up distributor. A list of names and ad-
lon -fiber brush designed to safely remove stylus con- safety glass top, 3 shelf spaces for equipment/ - dresses starts on page 25.
tamination. Brush has attached stylus -inspection accessories on adjustable shelves behind pair of safe-
magnifying mirror held in walnut handle $8.50 ty -glass doors. Features walnut tone finish. burled -

1984 EDITION 105

gi If you could play Accessories 8 Accessories
the same record over Record & Stylus Care Line
and over, and have KINERGETICS KMR-400. Antistatic disc cleaner designed to elimi-
nate static, remove fine dust. Requires no cleaning so-
even the 200th play KMP-1 Magnetic Cartridge Processor
Magnetic processor designed to correct basic non
lutions; stores in own case
KCS-303. Total record, stylus care kit. Includes

sound as audibly record purifier; record, stylus fluid; stylus cleaning

brush: inspection mirror $4.99
superior, noise -free and KCS-100. Clean Sweep record purifier prolongs
record life. Contains 2,000 cleaning bristles/sq in. In-
undistorted as the first... cludes dust -free storage box
KCT-2000. Audio/Video Tape -Head Cleaner for use

simply by using the with all cleaning products for tape machines. Leaves
no harmful residue. 2 fluid oz $1.99
right record treatment... KCS-2000. No -residue record, stylus cleaning fluid in
2 -oz bottle $1.69
wouldn't you go out Headphone Accessories
and buy it? 55 KEC-25. 25 -ft coiled extension cord
KMA-200. V.' to V. mono plug adapter
KSA-100. y." to stereo plug adapter $1.99
linearities of most MM cartridges. Connects between
turntable and amp $110 THE LAST FACTORY
KMP-2 Magnetic Tape Deck Processor Metering Dispenser
Magnetic processor designed to remove hysteresis 0.35 ml metering dispenser required for the Last
distortion produced by tape heads. Connects between record preservative; it is reusable and need only be
cassette deck output and amp input $110 purchased with the initial kit $30

KDP Dynamic Processors Last RCM Fluid

Designed for use between pre- and power -amp or- Record -cleaning machine fluid with formulation opti-
.-uits to correct basic circuit nonlinearities. mized for vacuum removal of used cleaner. Safe for
KDP-1. For high -quality receivers $145 all vinyl discs. Available only in gallon size $20
KDP-2. For moderately priced separates $145
KDP-3. For high -quality transistor amps $145 Last Record Preservative
Archival preservative for phonograph records pro-
vides minimum of 200 plays without discernible dis-
KINETIC AUDIO INT'L tortion per application. Safe for all vinyl records, de-
signed to eliminate record wear, reduce distortion and
Stereo Amplifier/Line-Level Control static electricity, increase stylus life. Requires no buff-
LAST Record For bi/multi-amping. other amp level adjustments. ing, rubbing, or waiting. Contains enough to treat 60
Preservation Kit Features 10k-, 25k-, 50k -ohm imp; phono jacks; con- records $18.95
nectors: mounting hardware $99 Preservative Refill. 2 oz: treats 60 records $14.95

This remarkable scientific Amplifier/Speaker Selector Stylast Stylus Treatment

formulation is now available Switches 2 stereo amps into single pair of speakers or Molecularity engineered thermodynamic phono stylus
2 pairs of speakers from single stereo amp .... $99 treatment designed to greatly lower stylus friction, in-
at audio stores everywhere or crease cantilever suspension life. One bottle contains
directly from the factory. Speaker Stands enough material for thousands of applications .. $16
Straight or tilted speaker stands with dual angle
CALL NOW, TOLL -FREE up 'down capability and flat black satin finish. Last Power Cleaner Kit
S -S. Small $79/pr Designed for deep cleaning situations, particularly ef-
800-223-5278 S -M. Medium $89/pr fective for the initial cleaning of new records; for LP
800-222-5278 Cabinets
- COD/MO/CHECK accepted Furniture -styled equipment/record/tape cabinets.
tlerCowd V/SA Minimum Order $15.00 Can be stacked; adjustable -height shelves or rack
Shipping/Handling extra rails: walnut veneer over particle -board side panels.
California residents add 61/2% sales tax. EC -XL. 48'H x 21'W x 18'D. Deluxe unit with
Foreign orders not accepted. Plexiglass door, black dual -wheel casters $449
In Canada, call (514) 621-4087 EC -L. 48"H x 21'W x 18'D $339
EC -M. 313"H x 21'W x 14.0 $239
LAST Record Preservation EC -S. 24'H x 21'W x 14"D $139
Kit, $18.95
LAST Record Preservative KOSS
Refill, $14.95
Audio Tape Line
LAST Collector's Kit, $120.00
KCT 4000. Illuminated demagnetizer for cassette,
LAST Metering Dispenser, $30.00 open -reel, 8 -track, VCR machines. Features soft and 45 rpm records only; kit includes a 2 oz bottle of
LAST Power Cleaner Kit, $9.95 guard tip; pinpoint light $14.99 Last power cleaner; 4 applicators, dropper and in-
LAST Record Cleaning Kit, $5.95 KCT 3010. Total cassette machine care kit designed structions; kit cleans 60 sides $10
LAST RCM fluid, $20.00 for automatic. manual decks. Includes inspection mir-
ror: cleaning probes; tape fluid $5.99 Last Stylus Cleaner
LAST Record Care Brushes, KCT 3000. Cassette, open -reel, 8 -track machine 44 oz seconalcoholic stylus cleaner $5
Pack of 10, $9.95 cleaning kit. Includes brush; cleaning probes; cleaning
STYLAST Stylus Treatment, $15.95 fluid: inspection mirror $3.99 MICRO -ACOUSTICS
KCT 2020. Nonabrasive automatic 8 -track machine
LAST Stylus Cleaner, $4.95 care kit Includes tape care fluid: housing brush $2.99 GG-1 Groove Ground
KCT 2010. Automatic cassette machine care kit. In- Automatic static drain and debris sweep providing
cludes cleaning fluid; housing brush $2.99 clean static -free path for cartridge stylus. Features
LAST KCT 1020. Nonabrasive automatic 8 -track head
cleaner $1.99
Micro -fine carbon fibers; gold-plated contacts for im-
proved conductivity; 2 mounting slots for use with va-
Liquid Archival Sound Treatment KCT 1010. Similar to KCT-1020, but for cassette riety of cartridges; fully automatic; 1.5 g; ground
P 0 BOX 41 LIVERMORE CA 94550 decks $1.69 adds no significant mass to cartridge/arm $29.95.


Accessories 8 Accessories
Kilavolt. Battery -operated anti -static device $35
Monster Cable Connecting Cables DC -203 Recopak. Special fluid and applicator, which,
RC430/RMC 12 Remote Receiver
Improved versioi of original Monster Cable with new when appked to a record, peels off to remove dust in
Remote receiver for wireless remote control RMC 12;
strand configuration designed for midrange clarity. grooves $30
RMC 12 remote functions features FM/AM; up/down
RC -200 Rolling Cleaner. Record cleaner employs so-
tuning; 16 station preset; volume up/down: input se-
phisticated elastomer roller; cleaned with water, tacky
lect; loudness; low filter; high filter; tape 1 play: tape
properties restored upon drying $20
2 play; balance; audio; muting; cassette play and re-
No. 102 Anti -Static Record Sleeves. Protect discs
peat, pause, record and record mute; 31 song search;
Prom stat c and dust (50 contoured sleeves) $12
turntable play: stop, repeat and cue $250
QR-202 Disc Cleaner. Record preener includes fluid,
brush for preener and tray with dustcovers $12
MAXELL Stat-10 Anti -Static Liquid. Long-term anti -static
record -treatment fluid $10
Tape Accessories
PR -7. 7" plastic reel $4.09
$4.99 Tape Care
12 -cassette plastic storage box
PC -507 Tape Splicing Kit. Unique splicing block and
MR -7M. 7" precision metal reel $9.19
$14.59 tools allcw splicing of open -reel, micro, and cassette
MR -10. 10'/,' precision metal reel $20
HE -44. Cassette demagnetizer $25.99
$25.99 CW-402 Pocket Winder. Battery -powered cassette
CW-340. Tape winder $15
rewinder with safety mechanism
faster transient response. and extended low and high QC -220 Wash -Up Four. Wet -type cleaner for cassette
Record Accessories $10
FR. From spool not pre-cut $0.95/ft capstan and pinch -roller. With fluid
SC -345. Staticlean $34.99
Pre-cut, with universal gold pin ends with lock -notch. QC -209 Cleaning Tape. Dry -type cleaner for cassette
AE -320. Self -rotating record cleaner . $29.99
$95/pr deck heads, capstan and pinch -roller $6
50 ft
30 ft $58/pr QC -205 Deck Cleaning Kit. Complete kit -head -clean-
MEMOREX ing fluid. rubber -cleaning fluid, jointed inspection mir-
20 ft $40/pr
$30/pr ror, with swabs in a cassette case $6
Tape and Record Care 15 ft
X -CD Audio Cassette Head Cleaner/Demagneti-
$6.99 Interlink Reference Connecting Cables Audio Accessories
$5.99 Connecting wire with 3 -wire multiple -gauge network GL -602 Stabilizer Mat. Specially treated glass mat to
Record Care Kit $80
$2.99 for each conductor. Thick core wire for frequencies eliminate record vibration
Cassette cleaning kit
below 300 Hz. 4 medium conductors for midrange, GL -601 II Stabilizer. Glass stabilizer with strobe and
Record Cleaner $2.99
hair -thin woven stranded wires for 700+ Hz. (Also level bead $30
Record Cleaning Fluid $2.69
available in custom lengths.) $80/meter pair MG -704 Magnesium Head Shell. Universal headshell
Cassette head cleaner $1.89
supplied with Litz wires $20
RC -401 Stabilizer Stylus Cleaner. Machined brass sta-
MISSION ELECTRONICS Interlink Interconnect Cables
bilizer with round felt stylus cleaner $15
High Resolution "Bandwidth Balanced- cables de-
signed to increase clarity, dynamic range, and imag- PC -115 Cable. Low -noise, low -imp cable (1.5 M for
ISOPLAT Isolation Platform $12
Ensures that vibrations, resonances are isolated from ing, and lower distortion. Balanced line configuration use with MC cartridges)
of 2 identical multiple -gauge litz wires inside braided No. 101 Anti -Static Tissues. 50 specially treated tis-
equipment mounted on it. Design based on critical ap-
copper shield. (Also available in custom lengths.) sues supplied in canister dispenser. Ideal for audio,
plication of vertical sandwich of highly inert fiber- $10
board and Sorbothane feet. Capable of controlling, $50/meter pair video aid computer products
AG -99 Litz Wire. Cartridge lead wires for MM type
damping vibrations in all 6 rotational, translational
Interlink III Connecting Cables (160 mg silver) $5
axes $59
Low -capacitance connecting cables with oxygen -free HC -1 II Clean. Fluid and applicator brush. Removes
dust and dirt adhering to stylus $4
SORBOMAT Turntable Mat copper litz wire center conductor. Features extra
ground wire molded between 2 identical conductors. BN-7B Screws. Black aluminum screws, nuts and ny-
Made from impregnated Sorbothane polymers: design
(Also available in custom lengths.).. $30/meter pair lon washers for securing cartridge $3
optimized to isolate rumble. motor vibrations. bearing
$39 BN-7S Screws. Silver aluminum screws, nuts and ny-
noise. platter ringing. etc., from cartridge
Superflex Speaker Wire lon washers for securing cartridge $3
High -purity copper speaker wire with flexible SB-1 S'ylus Brush. Fur stylus cleaning brush . $2.50
Other Accessories
Record clamp .. $39 "Duraflex" insulation; dividing web between the 2
Speaker cable $2 ft conductors. Same stranding configurat.on as Monster NAGATRONICS
Speaker stands $59 /pr Cable but fewer strands of wire. $0.50/ft
25 ft $35/pr Ag 9200 Z Coupler
15 ft $21 /pr Impedance. level coupling device designed for 3 -ohm
loft $16/pr output imp of Nagatron ribbon cartridge. most low -
MITSUBISHI output MC cartridges to 47k -ohm input imp of mag-
netic i-,put stage on most preamps. Features chemi-
DA -M30 Power -Level Meter
Designed for docking with A30 power amp. Features NAGAOKA by MICROFIDELITY cally pure silver windings, very short magnetic circuit;
selector switch for balanced or unbalanced line hook-
fluorescent display, advanced digital logic circuitry;
Compact Disc Cleaner up. Input imp 3 ohms; output imp 33k ohms; load re-
rise time typically 300 sec (max 1 msec); recovery
Kit consisting of holder, cleaning solution in spray sistance 47k ohms minimum; load capacitance 200
pF; FR 12-35,000 Hz &0.5 dB; max input 300 mV at
50 Hz; distortion 0.0001% at 5 mV in, 1 kHz;
crosstalk 75 dB; gain 40 dB $425

T-100 Audio Analyzer
Measures and verifies performance of audio equip-
ment; combines functions of oscillator, VTVM, distor-
tion analyzer; W&F meter; oscillator has 21 discrete
frequencies from 20-20,000 Hz; wideband pink
noise. measures distortion from 0.001% to 3% at
400 Hz; measures level with peak or average ballis-
time 1.5 sec; bar -graph display; each ch has 24. 5 -
tics; measures speed accuracy; W&F (weighted or
bar groups of fluorescent elements, every fifth unweighted); measures noise inputs down to 10 p.V;
blanked; calibrated in VV AB; 48 driver circuits; cir-
features nonmechanical bargraph display; logic con-
cuitry is outside signal path; remote -control cable trolled-FET switching; includes carrying case; 9.5 Ibs;
13'/,' W 9'/,'H > D $990
DR -730 Audio Equipment Rack bottle, and lamb's leather cleaning pad designed to
Vertical or horizontal format; twin glass double doors; remove dust, fingerprints. and other materials from PS -100 Power Supply
Compact Discs $34.95 10 V dc for MX -100, other Nakamichi blackbox se -
generous record storage; 4 shelves $225

Accessories 8 Accessories
ries components; can power up to 6 components SPS-1 Speaker Selection System Cycolac case. For 110-120 V ac, 50-60 Hz... $32
$100 To connect up to 4 pairs of speakers to receiver and QM -203. Same as QM -202 except for 230-250 V
play any or all pairs simultaneously. Features imp pro- ac $37.60
SF -100 Subsonic Filter tection switch; separate left and right ch grounds; ac-
Operates at line level to remove turntable rumble and commodates up to 14 gauge speaker wire; power QM -Series Tape Splicing Blocks
other infrasonics caused by record warps and
Specially grooved to firmly hold tape during splicing.
tonearm/cartridge resonances. Active filter attenu- Features 2 deep slits for straight, diagonal cuts. Sup-
ates response at either 40 or 50 dB at 10 Hz. Re- plied with double -backed adhesive for mounting with-
quires PS -100 power supply. THD 0.005%; S/N 110 out drilling; stainless -steel cutter. 53/."W x 1'D
dB; 7.5'W x 4'D x 2.5'H $95 /u H.
QM -311. For I/" tapes $30.80
SF -10 Subsonic Filters
QM -312. For cassette tapes $30.80
Compact passive filters perform same function as SF -
100. Provides 6 dB/octave filter, down 10 dB at 10 PF-601 Magnetic Tape Developer
Hz. May be used at tape output or amp tape -input Makes magnetic recording visible for determining
jacks. 2.6'1 y .51' diameter $15/pr proper track location, head/track positioning, etc.
Fine powder aerosol that will not harm tape, tape
NIKKO coating, recording; wipes off after use. 4 -oz can $15
BTL-1 Power Bridging Network QM -506 Inspection Mirror
Stereo power bridging network enables user to mono handling capacity up to 100 W/ch; genuine walru Inspection mirror with light for all recorders. Supplied
2 stereo power amplifiers. FR 10-30.000 Hz; THD side panels standard $80 with AA cells $9.60
0.01%; overall gain 0 dB; output level 1,000 mV
(rated); S/N 100 dB; imp in/out 50K ohms/600 Speaker Selection Systems QM -505 Cellular Foam Swabs
ohms; matte -black finish; 8.7'W x 6.3'D x To connect up to four pairs of speakers to receiver Package of 25 swabs, for cleaning audio, video tape
2.5' H $110 and play any or all pairs simultaneously. Designed to decks $9.40
accommodate high -definition speaker cables. Fea-
NILES AUDIO tures imp protection switch; separate left and right ch QM -116 Tape & Head Cleaner
grounds; both units will accommodate amps with Aerosol spray cleaner with extension tube to reach re-
CPM-31 Switcher power outputs of 200 W/ch; genuine walnut side pan- cessed parts. Safe for audio, video decks. 16 -oz
To connect receiver or preamp with up to 5 other els are standard and rack mount brackets are can $9.60
components; each component can be connected to optional.
one or more different components; genuine walnut HDS-1. Banana jack connectors $130 QM -142 Audio Cassette Head and Capstan Cleaner
side panels are standard $180 HDS-1P. Pin jack connectors $130 Nonabrasive, spun -bonded polyester tape with extra
CPM-2. Same as CPM-31 except accommodates 3 Rack mounts El 5 large pressure pad for cleaning entire head. Includes
add-on components instead of 5 $100 residue -free cleaning solution. $8.40
HVC-1 High -Power Speaker Volume Control
Adjusts volume at remote location rather than at amp. QM -99 Audio Head Spray Cleaner and Swabs
Connects between amp and remote speakers via Three -oz spray cleaner and 100 cotton swabs $8.20
Eliminate YQur spring -loaded push connectors. Features separate
L/R ch grounds for use with any type of amp; power
'Patchcord Headaches' handling 150 W/ch; genuine walnut side panels
standard $90
QM -103 Tape/Head Cleaner
Aerosol tape and head cleaner blasts loose oxides.
dirt. Supplied with extension tube $6

MM -1 Music Minder QM -108 Tape/Head Cleaner

Automatic monitoring and shut-off device for stereo Liquid tape and head cleaner in 8 -oz can $5.80
system. Electronically "listens" to your stereo. Shuts
off system if inactive for 5 minutes. Also has 60 -min QM -102 Tape Head Cleaner
timer mode $100 Liquid tape head cleaner in 2 -oz bottle. Leaves no res-
idue; can be used on capstans, pinch rollers $5.20
NORTRONICS/RECORDER CARE QM -122. Same as QM -102 but in 1.7 -oz spill -proof
bottle $4.20
Professional Alignment Tapes
AT -120. For ' open -reel decks; 71/4-ips, first-gener Reel Tabs
Rearranging wires and patchcords when ation full -track master recording. Contains all tests, Precut adhesive -backed Mylar or metal tabs for tape
you have more components than places tones required to adjust recorders to NAB standards. splicing, editing. Designed for use with Nortronics
to hook them up can send you running Supplied with instruction booklet, individual response splicing equipment.
for the aspirin. One of our switching curve $91.20 Mylar:
systems will bring you the relief you AT -200. First -generation master recording for cas- QM -531. 1.000/pkg. $60.80
have been looking for. sette decks. Provides zero reference, azimuth align- QM -526. 200/pkg. $15.60
Tape copying, in any direction from any ment, FR tests to DIN standards; 3 kHz tone for QM -521. 50 'pkg. $7.20
deck, is a simple matter with our Com- speed, flutter tests Individual response graph Cassette Mylar
ponent Patching units. And you can easily supplied $82.80 PF-527. 200/pkg $18.00
switch in and out your equalizer or noise AT -320. For use with NAB -type endless -loop mono, QM -522. 50 /pkg $7.20
reduction units. stereo cartridge recorders, players. First -generation QM -524. 50/pkg $7.20
Our Speaker Switching units connect up full -track master recording at 7'/, ips. For adjusting
to 4 pairs to your receiver, playing any or head azimuth, FR, record level, stereo head phasing,
all at the same time. They're compatible cue tone sens. tape speed $82
with all amplifiers and available for NUMARK ELECTRONICS
regular and high definition cables. QM -211 Professional Bulk Eraser
Generates powerful 60 -Hz erasure field for open -reel, SD2950 Electronic Display Unit
For complete information on these and cassette. 8 -track cartridge tapes. Features micro - Stereo frequency spectrum, peak level/tone comput-
other accessory items, write or call TODAY! switch turn -on, put-down turn-off; hand -contoured er display for use with any equalizer. Features 2 10 -
Cycolac case. For 110-120 V ac. 50-60 Hz $71.20 channel fluorescent displays; VU mode to display out-
Name QM -212. Same as QM -211 except for 230-250 V put level; peak level fluorescent meters with peak
ac $75
Add. hold, reset. Provides accurate display of each left,
right equalizer ch or all chs at once $349
City, State, Zip QM -230 Cassette Bulk Eraser SD2900. Similar to SD2950 except no peak level
Self powered hand-held bulk eraser for casss-ttes. capability $299
niles Features Cycolac case $42.40
110 audio QM -202 Professional Head Demagnetizer
PX2626 Generator/Measurement Amplifier
Pink noise generator/measurement mic amp for
Dept. BG, P.O. Box 160818, Miami, FL 33116 For use with all open -reel, cassette. 8 -track cartridge properly setting up stereo systems. For use with cali-
Telephone: (305) 238 4373 decks. Features flexible probe tip with soft, no -scratch brated mic, Numark SD2900 or SD2950 (above)
CIRCLE NO. 25 ON READER SERVICE CARD coating; leaf -switch turn -on /put-down turn-off; $89


Accessories 8 Accessories
area 217A.- vi 171/.' H , 171/2'D; top shelves Stylus Cleaning & Inspection Kit
ONKYO 211/2.-W 141/2-D $240 Designed to remove caked -on debris, build-up from
stylus and maintain general stylus care; includes 2 fl -
CB7U Custom Rack AR165 Audio Cabinet oz stylus cleaner, nylon brush. long -handled mirror,
Dual wood -grain cabinets, each with transparent glass Roll -around honey elm finished cabinet with rounded magnifying glass $10.95
doors. adjustable shelves; designed for vertical of hor- corners. Has area for up to 3 audio components, 1 -oz stylus cleaner refill $2.50
izontal layout; 29'/,."H43'/,."W r 15%'D (hori- records storage behind dual bronzed tempered -glass
zontal). 581/2.'H x 211/2'W x 15'/.'D (vertical) doors. Deluxe chrome -hooded dual -wheel casters; CFB410 Carbon -Fibre Record Brush
$349.95 431/2"H x 231/2.-W x 191/2-D overall; shelves Manufactured from aerospace quality carbon fibers
CB7A. Upper -cabinet unit with 4 adjustable shelves 211/2'W x 161/2"D $200 to eliminate shedding. Contains 500.000 filaments/ -
(from CB -7U) $210 side, each filament 0.0003- diameter to follow exact-
CB7R. Lower unit record rack (from CB -7U) $140 AR179 Audio Cabinet ly record groove as they remove all dust particles;
Roll -around bartonwood vinyl -laminate finished audio <1 -ohm natural electrical resistance of each fiber
SR4 Rack System cabinet with areas for up to 3 audio components. easily conducts away electrical charges to keep
Rack system with adjustable shelf, glass -door record records storage behind flip -up top, single front records static -free $14.95
compartment, roll -about casters, black matte finish bronzed tempered -glass doors. Features adjustable
$139.95 shelves; black hooded dual -wheel casters. 441/2-H x SC4 Stylus Cleaning System
23-W '. 171/2-D overall; turntable area (below flip Kit combines specially formulated stylus -cleaning flu-
AT -80 Timer top) 211/2'W * 151/2-D x 61/2"H; shelves 211/2"W id safe for delicate stylus parts, unique cleaning brush
Slim -line digital system timer with multimode oper- x 141/2-D $200 with controlled -penetration bristles to dissolve and re-
ation $129.95 AR182. Same as AR179 except ranch oak vinyl move stylus contaminants; 5 . magnifier included for
MT -2 Transformer finish $200 examining stylus, cartridge mounting. headshell elec-
Designed for use with MC -100 phono cartridge .$98 trical connections $7.95
DC928 Audio/Video Cabinet RC4. Replacement applicator pad (pad and brush)
Bartonwood vinyl -laminate finished audio cabinet with $8.95
RC -5T Remote Controller
Remote -control unit designed for Onkyo TA -2040, step shelf for up to 19" TV receiver, rounded corners.
TA -2050, TA -2060 cassette decks, CP-1130F, Left side has storage for records behind twin doors; PRC-82 Record Stabilizer
CP1150 turntables $49.95 right side has areas up to 3 audio components on ad- Provides constant, even pressure. reducing warps.
justable shelves behind twin clear tempered -glass Features 2 sizes of locking buttons to accommodate
O'SULLIVAN INDUSTRIES doors. 491/2"W x 311/2"H x 17'D overall; TV shelf various size turntable spindles $10.95
26" W 151/2' D; right shelves 211/2" W r 141/,-D
DC940 Audio/Video Center Cabinet $180 PIONEER
Bartonwood vinyl -laminate finished cabinet features
shelf for VCR or videodisc player with pull -down glass AR160 Audio Cabinet DT -510 Digital Timer/Clock
front, flip -up glass top, compartment for up to 19 - Hickory -grain vinyl finished cabinet with 24 -hour programmable timer with fluorescent digital -
color TV receiver, door -protected tape storage area accomodation for up to 3 audio components and numeric display. Slaved to ac power -line frequency.
with pull-out drawer and shelf on left side; flip -up records storage behind single bronzed tempered - Functions: timer auto on/off, sleep timer, clock, sec-
glass top for access to record player, glass door for glass door. 41'/,'H x 221/2"W x 16-D overall; ond counter, service interruption indicator. Features
access to 3 adjustable audio -equipment shelves, com-
partmented records storager area on right side. All
doors bronzed tempered glass except for tape stor-
age area door. 501/2'W x 43"/,.'W A 18'A. -D
overall; right shelves 211/2'W 141/2'D; VCR/VDP
shelves 211/2' W 141/2"W

P-75 Phono Head Amplifier

2 accessory ac outlets with maximum power handling
capacity 500 W: 16%." W 5"A." D 2' H; 4 lbs.

DT -540 Similar to DT -510 except does not have 2 ac-

cessory ac outlets; 161/2" W 51/2' D H5
shelf 261/2-W A 161/2"D x 71/2"H; TV shelf 261/2"W Designed to amplify signals from any low -output; low - lbs $100
18'D x 18-H; turntable area 211/2'W 16'D imp cartridge to level of conventional MM cartridges.
61/2' H $450 Flat response down to 5 Hz; insensitive to hum pick- Tape Accessories
up; voltage gain 26 dB; FR 10-100.000 Hz ±5 dB; PR -101. Empty 101/2' metal tape reel with NAB
DC930 Audio/Video Center Cabinet THD - 0.08% at 200 mV output; sep 60 dB; maxi- hub $18
Honey elm vinyl -laminate finished cabinet features ac- mum input level 0.03 V rms; input/output imp PR -100. 101/2" metal reel with NAB hub. boxed $18
commodation for up to 4 audio components on ad- 6,000/1,200 ohms; powered by 3 C cells; 1.2 PR -85. Empty 7' metal tape reel, boxed $15
justable shelves behind tempered -glass doors on left lbs $189 PP -220A. 101/2' Reel adaptor $11
side; accommodation for up to 19' TV receiver, VCR
or VDP on pull-out shelf on right side; 2 separate stor- PST -2 Stylus Timer RECOTON
age compartments behind wood -look doors along bot- Measures stylus wear time from 0-1,000 hrs in 100 -
tom. 51%-H x 5134" v 191/2"D overall; left hr increments; resettable for long-time use; can be re- CS112A Stereo Cassette Adapter
shelves 211/2'W x 16'D; VCR/VDP shelf 27'W versed 180° to start over again; mounting time 1 Cassette adapter allows any 8 -track player to accept
16-D; tv shelf 27'W 191/2"H x 181/2' D; 2 storage minute $15.95 cassette tapes. Unit features rewind, stop and play
areas 24'W x 17'/,-D x 13-H $350 positio-ts with an automatic stop $59.95
RC4` Record Cleaner
AR170 Low -Boy Audio Cabinet Includes 2 -fl -oz liquid record cleaning formula, brush Record Care Products
Warm honey elm vinyl -laminate finished cabinet with for noiseless operation $14.95 RBM-64 "The Brush" Clean Sound II
rounded corners with audio equipment storage area Record cleaning brush with carbon -fiber brush to re-
for up to 3 components on shelves on left side; move static charges, clean grooves with any suitable
records storage and 2 equipment shelves on right fluid $15
side with single glass door. 451/2"W x 343/,'H x RBM-52 Clean Sound II
193/,'D overall, left shelves 23 x 161/2"D; Record cleaning system with wooden -handle cleaning
right shelves 191/2"W x 161/2"D $260 brush, Clean Sound cleaning fluid, pad cleaning brush
in hard plastic container $15
AR177 Audio Cabinet RBM-50 Clean Sound Cleaning System
Roll -around bartonwood vinyl -laminate finished cabi- Consiits of cleaning brush, Clean Sound cleaning fluid
net with L-shaped flip -up tempered -glass top door for housed on cylindrical plastic container $11
access to turntable; twin tempered -glass doors for ac- 3131P Record Conditioner
cess to up to 3 audio components on adjustable Unique unidirectional pile pad brush with cherry wood
shelves, pull-out cassette drawer record storage area. handle. Comes with purifier solution that fits into
491/2"H ). 23'W . 171/210 overall; turntable area handle $15
211/2"W x 161/2'D x 6-H; shelves 211/2"W x
141/2" $250

AR175 Audio Cabinet Audio terms are defined

Roll -around honey elm vinyl -laminate finish audio cab-
In the glossary on page 19.
inet with area for up to 3 audio components on ad-
justable shelves, behind 2 tempered -glass doors at For an explanation of abbreviations,
top: central open turntable area; storage area behind 16 -oz Record Care refill $14.95
twin doors at bottom. Deluxe black dual -wheel cast- 8 -oz refill $8.95 turn to the list on page 22.
ers. 23",'W 171/,'D overall; turntable 2 -oz refill $3.95

1984 EDITION 109

Accessories 8 Accessories
C100RJ Musiclean' 124TC Super Cleaner TMS-3W. With walnut side panels $65.95
Deluxe record maintenance system with wooden -han- Nonabrasive tape -head -"capstan cleaner for 8 -track TMS.5. Same as TMS-3 except handles 5 sources
dle applicator brush, Musiclean solution $10 cartridge machines $2.89 $89.95
C101RJ. 1.5 oz Musiclean solution $1.79 90TC Sensing Tape TMS-10. Same as TMS-5 except handles up to 10 in-
C102RJ. 4 oz Musiclean solution $2.99 For use with all tape decks with electronic controls for puts. Provides facilities for tape -to -tape duplication
C103RJ. Package of 2 Musiclean replacement cueing, programming, reversing, track changing. without going through preamp or mixer Measures
pads $5 150"L x '/"W $2.79 16 W x 3'/,"Dx 3'H $149.95
139TC Cassette Salvage Kit TMS-10W/R. With walnut end panels or rack -mount
Black Magic' Record Care Products Includes empty cassette shell with screws, label, splic- ears $159.95
RBM-62 Static Eliminator ing tabs, plastic block for repairing defective
Pistol -shaped destaticizer uses piezoelectric module cassettes $2.49 SWB-3 Speaker Selector Switch
to remove static charges from records $17.49 75TC Cassette Mailers Connects up to 3 sets stereo speaker systems to any
RBM-1 Dust Wind Includes 12 cassette mailer cartons $2.29 amp; will play any or all simultaneously. Internal de-
Tonearm-like automatic record cleaner. Supplied with 53TR Audio Klean Stix sign assures that load on amplifier never falls below 4
antistatic fluid $8 Package of 100 6' cotton applicators in storage ohms. 63/.'"W x 3V,'D x 3'H $39.95
RBM-60 Clean Sound bag $2.19 SWB-3W. With walnut end panels $49.95
Record protection system with dry lubricant that pro- 94TC Cassette Storage Boxes SWB-4. Same as SW8-3 except handles 4 pairs of
tects record grooves. Can be applied repeatedly with- Package of 4 plastic storage boxes with built-in speaker systems $54.95
out build-up on record or stylus. Includes applicator. stops $2 SWB-4W. With walnut end panels $64.95
pump sprayer. 2 oz fluid $8 68TC Cartridge Tape Head Cleaner
RBM-61. 2 oz replacement for RBM-60 $4 Designed for 8 -track cartridge players. Has built-in HP -1 High -Power Speaker Switch
RBM-8 Record Cleaning Kit timer $1.89 Connects one or two amps to up to four pairs of ste-
Consists of Magic Touch record cleaning pad. 9 oz 71TC Cassette Head Cleaner reo speakers. Any pair of speakers may be individual-
Magic Giant antistatic record cleaning fluid... $7.49 Cassette cleaner removes dirt. oxides $1.69 ly programmed to either amp. This unit can be safely
RBM-63 Clean Stat Disc 54TR Tape Head Cleaner used with amps up to 250 W $100
Antistatic turntable pad with stroboscope markings Removes dirt, oxides from all tape deck heads $1.59
$7.49 55TR Tape Recorder Lubricant QT -1 Quad Patching/Control Center
RBM-10 Record Cleaning System Lubricant has silicone $1.59 Passive switching center expands tape monitor loop
Professional cleaning system with Magic Roller. 58TR Splicing Tape of audio system to accept 2- or 4 -channel NR sys-
antistatic cleaning solution, stylus/roller cleaning Designed for all formats tape, splicers. 108'L tems, graphic equalizers, matrix decoders, up to 4
brush. Comes with antistatic indicator bar that shows $1.19 mono, stereo, or quad tape recorders, with switching
ionization via color charge $6.49 65TC-8 Cartridge Dust Shields functions handled through front -panel switches or
RBM-11. 1.25 oz bottle cleaning fluid $1.79 Package of 8 snap -on shields for 4- and 8 -track patch cords; supplied with 16 shielded patch cords.
RBM-12. 4 oz bottle cleaning fluid $3 cartridges $0.99 Front panel switches include record, mix, 2 -4 -chan-
RBM-4 Record Cleaning Pad nel, play, monitor. AUX, input, output modes; front -
Made of nylon plush pile impregnated with nonionic Black Magic' Tape Care Products panel patching jacks for source/recorders in,
compound. Comes in plastic storage case $4 RBM-37 Cassette Demagnetizer recorders/source copy buss, recorder/monitor out,
RBM-5 Cleaning Fluid Solid-state cassette demagnetizer with IN USE LED. In- equalizer in/out, NR encode in/out, NR decode
Antistatic record cleaning fluid in 9 -oz plastic serts directly into cassette compartment of deck$23 in/out. Rear panel connects all recorders, accessories
bottle $4 RBM-43 Tape Editing Kit with 72 RCA type phono pin jacks. Insertion loss
RBM-7 Magic Roller Designed < 0.5 dB when operating recorders or decoders sin-
Super soft nylon plush pile roller for precleaning aluminum splicing block, leader tape, splicing tabs. gly, 6 dB when mixing 2 channels or 2 recorder out-
records $3.49 12 blank cassette labels, razor blade ... $13
. puts; walnut vinyl finish; 13'/,'W x 5"D x
RBM-3 Stylus Sweep RBM-44 Cartridge Demagnetizer 4.'A.'W $189.95
Brush for cleaning phono cartridge stylus $3 Comes with tape head cleaner, operates on ac line SP -1R. Rack -mount version of SP -1; 7"W 5'D
power $13 $200
RBM-45. Similar to RBM-44 except for cassette
Tape Care Products decks; has no tape head cleaner $11 SD -4 Sound Distribution Center
106TC Cassette Head Demagnetizer RBM-41 Cartridge Kit Accomodates 4 sets of stereo speakers with volume
Plugs into cigar lighter. For demagnetizing cassette Maintenance kit with 10 -ft nonabrasive cassette heat control, independent program selector for each pair;
tape heads $13.95 cleaner in plastic storage case, Magic Dew cleaning permits precise speaker level balancing for A/B test-
105TC. Similar to 106TC except designed for home solution, Magic Wand applicator with 6 replaceable ing. Features individual auto transformer; 10 -position
use, ac line power $10.95 pads $7 amp -output switch for delivery to speakers; all metal
87TC Cartridge Head Demagnetizer case with black front panel; 9VW x 71/4"D
Plugs into cigar lighter. For demagnetizing 8 -track RBM-48 Magic Stix' Maintenance Kit $279.95
cartridge player heads $10.95 Deluxe cassette kit includes applicator brushes with SD-4W/R. Same as SD -4 except has walnut side pan-
88TC. Similar to 87TC except designed for home use. replacement pads, deluxe cleaning solution $4 els or rack -mount ears $289.95
ac line power $9.95 RBM-42 Tape Cleaning Kit MP -3. Similar to SD -4 except has constant -impedance
61TR Tape Head Demagnetizer Includes Magic Tape Dew cleaning fluid. Magic Appli- L -pad controls rated for 35 W audio power or 70 W
AC line powered tape head demagnetizer designed for cator with 6 interchangeable pads $3.59 peak music power: can be used with high -power
use in cassette, open -reel, cartridge decks $9.94 RBM-41 Tape Cleaning Solution amps, low -efficiency speaker systems. No individual
83TC Cassette Tape Splicer Specially formulated tape cleaning solution with appli- auto transformer or 10 -position amp -output switch
Designed for use with all audio cassettes $6.49 cator swabs $3 $150
50TR. Similar to 83TC except designed for use with
Y. tapes $6.49 ROBINS DIVISION, FP -36R Patchbay
63TC Cartridge/Cassette Maintenance Kit BENJAMIN ELECTROPRODUCTS Features 18 inputs or 18 outputs on front panel; con-
Contains head cleaner, lubricant, brush $5 nects any combination of components in any se-
131TC Total Maintenance Cartridge 24-004 Cordless Cassette Tape Eraser quence; can be used independently in tape monitor
Contains cartridge. capstan,:head cleaner, track Removes recorded material from all standard and loop or to augment patching capability of QT -1 or SP -
switch test, demagnetizer with pinball action . $3.59 micro/mini cassettes in 2 seconds. Erases tape below 1; includes 12 patch cords; semigloss black metal
144TC. Similar to 131TC except for cassette normal erase head level; leaves low background noise cabinet; rack -mountable; 19'W x 5"D x 1"/""H
decks $3.59 level. Useful with dictation systems. Requires no out- $150
140TC Cassette Tape Maintenance Kit side power or batteries. Alnico magnet produces FP -36. FP -36R without rack mounting; walnut wood
Includes 2 brushes with replacement pads, mirror, strong demagnetizing field $12 sides; 137.-W $140
cleaning solution $3.49
51TR Protek-Tape Kit 24-005 Cordless Micro Cassette Eraser VS -1 Speakers/Headphone Volume Control
Spiral brush buffer for removing oxide deposits$3.49 Similar to 24-004 for micro cassettes $7 Switchable speakers, headphones volume control with
145TC Cassette Tune -Up heavy-duty L -pad control; accepts up to 150-w/ch
Professional test tape with nonabrasive cleaner, ste- RUSSOUND/FMP amp outputs; LED power warning indicator; metal
reo balance test, head alignment test $3 case with semigloss black finish; 43/4." x 4'/2"D
111TC Cartridge Care Kit TMS-3 Tape -Recorder Selector 3'H $90
Nonabrasive head cleaner with liquid cleaning Connects any combination of 3 tape recorders or oth-
solution $2.89 er line sources to be used single or simultaneously in SWB-4G Speaker Selector Switch Box
112TC. Similar to 111TC except designed for cas- any combination of functions. All switches silver plat- Speaker switch box with gold-plated connectors. gold-
sette decks $2.89 ed, self-cleaning. 634'W x 3'A'D x 3"Fl $55.95 plated switches and low -resistance wiring for all types


Accessories 8 Accessories
of speaker cables (including heavy-duty premium
type). Connects up to 4 pairs of speakers simulta- H.H. SCOTT SONRISE
neously with load imp within safe limits. Total loading
imp on amp will not be less than 4 ohms when any 830Z Audio Analyzer Mirrormont Ill CD Cabinet
combination of speakers of any imp are switched in. Audio analyzer indicates acoustical changes in speak- Rotating cabinet stores up to 40 Compact Discs, 20
Can be used safely with amps up to 250 W. Also avail- er system location, optimizes tape deck bias, equal- on each side. Solid oak or solid walnut. Also available
able as a furniture model with solid walnut end pieces. ization, record levels, tape compatibility; measures
63/. " W 3 V2' D 3-H $90 peak sound pressure level, dynamic range of program
material; hooks into amplifier, receiver, tape deck in-
SWB-4 MM Speaker Selector Box put. Features 110 -LED visual display grid covering
Multi -match (4-8-16 ohm) speaker -selector switch 32-16,000 Hz in 2-, 3-, or 4 -dB range switch; 10 -oc-
connects up to 4 pairs of speakers to any amp and tave band oscillator level control; SPL, flat, A -
will play any or all simultaneously. Total imp of speak- weighting, C -weighting mode switch; external mic/-
ers never falls below 4 ohms. Imp -matching trans- internal mic/Aux/calibration input select switch;
formers are switched into the circuits when necessary independent mic, line level controls; LED dimmer; in-
to keep loading on the amp within safe limits. Inserton cludes remote condenser microphone; optional 19"
loss 4 dB with 4-8 ohm speaker pairs switched in; 6 rack -mount handle $600
dB with 4 ohm pairs of stereo speakers; separate L/R
grounds; can be used with amps up to 250 W. Also SHURE
available as furniture model with solid walnut end
pieces. 63/.'W 3V,'D 3'H $70 M64 Preamplifier
Fixed -gain stereo preamplifier with switch -selected
SWB-3E Speaker and Headphone -Selector Switch phono, tape equalization; for use with unequalized
Connects up to three sets of stereo speakers and one amplifier inputs, microphones, as buffer amplifier in
pair of headphone to any amp and will play any or all "flat" position; on -off ac/dc switch; two phono jack in-
simultaneously. Connects one or both of two sound puts; 120 V ac 50/60 Hz, 5 W $99
sources to any combination of speaker pairs (with 8 - in audio or video tape formats; can be stacked to mul-
ohm speakers). Amp loading imp never falls below 4 Trackability Test Records tiply storage capacity $69
ohms; will also work equally well with 16 -ohm speak- Evaluates cartridge performance by analyzing the car-
ers; also available as furniture model with solid walnut tridge's most important performance characteristic-
end pieces. All switches silver plated. Can be safely trackability. SONY
used with amp up to 250 W. 6%"W x 31/4°D x TTR 103. Trackability test $11.50
H $50 Record TTR 117. Audio obstacle course test MX -1000 Microphone Amplifier
record $15 Four -channel microphone amplifier with input selec-
VS -2 Remote Speaker/Headphone Volume Control
tor. pan pots, low-cut filter. Designed for use with
Allows speaker or headphone listening at remote loca- SK -1 Stylus Cleaning Kit Sony TC -K555 cassette deck but can be used with all
tion. Sound level controlled by 10 -position rotary Removes built-up dust and dirt from stylus to prolong Sony home decks $300
switch which selects taps on an auto -transformer. Se- the life of cartridge and records. Includes cleaning flu-
lection switches for speakers or headphones, high or id, stylus cleaning brush, magnifying glass for stylus
low power operation. Designed for control of 4-, 8- or inspection $9.95

2%'D x 23/.' H
4'/2"W x
$70 SFG-2 Stylus Force Gauge
Allows precise setting of optimum stylus force for
maximum trackability and sharply reduced wear on
records and sylus tip $8.50 sound.
SIGNET Does your music sound better in the
GX-155 Audio Cabinet next room? Pro audio kills resonances
Free-standing cabinet for audio -component system SK402. Litz wire interconnector in 1 -meter lengths;
has oak -grain vinyl finish; 2 glass doors; record stor- low capacitance $35-$40 with SONEX acoustic foam, and now
age area; caster rollers. 36%'H x 18%'W SK305. Electronic stylus cleaner $35-$40 you can too. Control acoustics and turn
D $220 SK306. Replacement liquid cleaner for SK305 $4- .

your room into a studio. At midrange,
SK401. Maximum transfer high -conductivity cable as- SONEX has twice the sound absorption
SCOTCH sembly $30-$35 of good carpeting for about the same
SK503. Disc stabilizer $30-$35
ERK-130 Cassette Edit/Repair Kit SK501. Automatic tonearm lift $22.95 cost. If your dealer doesn't have
Contains precision splicing block; spindle for manual- SK505. Straight-arm headshell $15420 SONEX, send us $40 for a sample
ly winding cassette tape; 6 polyester picks (adhesive SK303. Vibration damping compound $10412
. .

SK405. Maximum transfer headshell wire set.. $10-


box of four 24"x 24"

tipped for retrieval of tape ends lost in housing); 6
130 -mil splicing tabs; detailed instruction booklet $12 sheets, or write
$3.60 SK301. Liquid stylus cleaning formula $446 for our color
Pre -Cut Tabs
SPT-7/32-36. 36 pre-cut 1.0 -mil polyester splicing
tabs $1.60 SONEX by ILLBRUCK/usa
SST -7/32.18. 18 pre-cut aluminized sensing tabs $2
SK -7/32. 12.5 ft of 1.9 mil polyester splicing tape in Sonex Juniors Acoustic Foam
dispenser kit $2.50 Sound-absoroing acoustic foam designed to reduce
noise, slap echo, room flexture, standing waves, and
Head Cleaners to smooth frequency response. Sculpturing of foam
S -C -HC. Cassette head cleaner $1.79 sheets creates surface area 450% greater than flat
surface wit) anechoic wedge shapes. Charcoal,
Record Care System brown, or beige. Squares 2" thick x 24" x 24'; 4
Three-way record protection --dust cleaning, static re- sheets per box $39.95/box
moval and friction reduction --with Sound Life fluid.
Applicator attaches to turntable spindle to meter a
controlled amount of fluid onto pad.
Sound Life replacement fluid/pad $10
Write directly to the manufacturer or
Sound Life replacement fluid $8.20
distributor. A Ilst of names and ad- illbrudc/usa
techniques with foams
Turntable Dust Guard dresses starts on page 25.
Conductive foam turntable pad reduces external elec- 3800 Washington Ave. N. Minneapolis, MN 55412
trostatic field to repel airborne dust $7 CIRCLE NO. 26 ON READER SERVICE CARD

1984 EDITION 111

Accessories 8 Accessories
PT -77 Programmable Timer BE -100 Cassette Eraser/Winder magnetic cartridges for optimum playback of records,
8-event/7-day programmable timer with 60 -minute Silently removes all magnetic recordings from all cas- calibration of audio systems. Features universal
sleep function. Features 2 switched ac outlets rated settes, including metal with > 65 dB erasure. Wind mounting brackets; selection of flat or NAB post -
1,000 W maximum; 10 -min backup battery; designed time within 170 seconds with C60 cassette .... $70 emphasis curves; switchable rumble filter; individual
to complement Sony ST -1X500 programmable tuner gain adjust, high -frequency responses; capacitive car-
but can be used as control center for entire hi-fi WS -300 Speaker Stands tridge loading trim; 117-230 V ac 50/60 Hz opera-
system $195 Deluxe speaker stands designed for Sony SSU-60, tion; immunity to external ac fields. Output 20 dBm;
SSU-50 speaker systems $70/pr output source imp 5 ohms, designed for loads of 150
7115 Program Timer
ohms or greater; gain 30-60 dB, adjustable; max in-
1 -day 4 event programmable timer with microproces- RM-65 Recording Synchronizer put level 120 mV at 1kHz; input resistance 47k
sor control and fluorescent display. Features "conver- Automatically cues PS-FL77, PS-FL1, PSLX-500, ohms; sep 60 dB min, 20-20,000 Hz; 71/4"W 5-D
sational" programming (flashing display guides you to PSLX-55 turntables with some Sony cassette 2'/.H $240
next function); sleep timer; ready function alarm; decks $25
membrane keypads; built-in rechargeable battery; 2 SP -98 Prepreamplifier
ac outlets (1 switched. 1 unswitched); power con- SOUNDAIDS Designed to amplify signals delivered by low -output
sumption 9 W 14" 2' ," 9'/,-; 4 lbs .. $130 low -impedance moving -coil phono cartridges and low -
Cassette Storage Cabinet impedance moving -magnet cartridges. Uses 2 alka-
PT -V5 24 -Hour Programmable Timer Wood cabinet with lock -jointed corners, 4 hand -fitted line 9 V batteries (not included); total power con-
Twenty-four hour programmable timer and alarm sys- 68 -cassette capacity drawers with recessed sides for sumption about 150 µamperes per ch; gain 34 dB
tem with 4 -event programming and built-in sleep tim- easy removal of cassettes. Cabinet fits on standard (x20) + dB; FR 5-150.000 Hz (-3 dB) input imp
er and ready alarm $130 record shelves, separates records, or supports 100 ohms; output imp 1.5K ohms, S/N 90 dB
shelves (with more than one cabinet). 12%-H (1,000 Hz. I mV in) turn -on time approx. 60 sec $189
PT -55 Programmable Timer $53
1 -event "1 -day programmable timer with 60 -min BA -26 Phono Head Amplifier
sleep function. Features 2 switched ac outlets rated at Record Storage Cabinet Blueprints Designed to amplify signals from any low -output. low -
500 W maximum $95 Plans. instructions. order forms for building vertical. impedance cartridge to level of conventional magnetic
horizontal record storage units from pre-cut plywood; cartridges. Flat response down to 5 Hz; insensitive to
AN -300 Outboard FM Antenna each element braces, is braced by, 2 others; no tools hum pickup; voltage gain 26 dB; FR 10.100,000 Hz
Highly sensitive tuneable outboard FM antenna with required; white glue, masking tape needed for assem- ' 5 dB; THD < 0.08% at 200 mV output; sep 60 dB;
90' rotation flexibility. Accepts automatic control sig- bly; vertical unit 6'6'1 21'/,'W 13'4- D; hori- max input level 0.03 V rms; input/output imp
nal from Sony receivers, while manual override allows zontal unit 2'10'' H 8'1'/,"W 14' $5 6k/1.2k ohms; powered by 3 C cells; 1.2 lb $189 .

usage with other separate tuners receivers $80

STANTON RC5PLus Record Cleaner
SB-500 Tape Deck Switcher Kit contains cleaning fluid that safely dissolves oily
Tape deck switching unit with copying facility for up 310 Professional Phono Preamp/Equalizer film, loosens microdust. other debris, leaves no resi-
to 3 decks $75 Designed to correctly interface all Stanton, selected due. Contain antistatic ingredient. Comes with "Polar,
ized" brush, conductive handle. Cleans 300 record
sides $16.95
2 -oz refill $5.95

A Clean Record is
8 -oz refill $9.50
RC4 2 -oz refill $3.95
RC4 8 -oz refill $8.95
RC4 16 -oz refill 514.95

a Healthy Record RC4 replacement applicator pad

1 -oz stylus cleaning fluid

Stylus Cleaning and Inspection Kit


Consists of 2 -fl -oz liquid stylus cleaning fluid, nylon

"c7he peAjec,1 jco, lecovul ccilie." brush, long -handled mirror, magnifying glass; car-
tridge does not have to be removed during stylus
cleaning $10.95

SC4 Mini Stylus Cleaning Kit $7.95

7.5 solution refill $1.50

The PhonoAmp Preamplifier
Stereo phono preamplifier with RIAA equalization,
RC5 is a superior record enough gain for MC and MM cartridges. Provides suf-
cleaning formula with an astound- ficient power to drive power amps directly. Features
ing, permanent anti -static element.
RC5 gives you complete record pro-
tection in one simple
application. Kit
includes an
easy -to -use
velvet high pile
polarized brush
with conductive
handle and a con-
venient built-in brush
cleaner. Write for our active impedance synthesis; front -mounted cartridge
record care booklet to damping control; bypass switch that allows input from
external preamp through PhonoAmp; Mil -spec compo-

nents; solid Koa cabinet

Control Switches

Stanton Magnetics Inc., 200 Terminal Dr , Plainview, N Y 11803 645 PL. Control switching center allows use of any
combination of up to 6 speaker systems. Equipped


Accessories 8 Accessories
with pushbutton /depression locking system .... $80 FC-24. For 2340 series decks $170 contacts. For Technics turntables $16
310 PL. 2 -conductor phone jack input with 2 -conduc- FC-34. For A-3440 tape deck $170 SH-98D. Similar to SH-100 except no calibrated over-
tor phone plug output fitting standard nonrecessed hang cursor $13
jacks $24.20 PB-64 Patch Bay
311 PL. Similar to 310 PL except has long plug for Has 64 RCA phono connectors on front, rear panels. VECTOR RESEARCH
recorders with recessed jacks $24.80 Compatible with low -loss cables $100
670 PL. Control switch to select either or both main, VCC-10 Floor Cabinet
2 remote speaker systems $24.95 Metal Reels and Hubs Equipment cabinet with 2 glass doors $180
668 PL. Control switch to select both channels of 1 of RE -1002. 10' ; NAB metal reel for '/,," tape . .$15
3 sources to drive one pair outputs $23.25 TZ-612B. - NAB hub adaptors; quick lock Remote -Control Units
S17.50/pr VRC-1. Wired unit for VRX-9000 receiver
9000 Series Impedance -Matching Transformers VP.C-2. Wired unit for VCX-500/600 cassette
decks 1 $75
For direct connection without adapters between low -
TECHNICS VRC-11. Wired unit for VRX-9500 receiver $85
imp mics and high -imp amps and tape decks $30.75-
VCR -12. Wired unit for VRX-8000 receiver $85
Component Racks VRC-21. Wired unit for VCX-800 cassette deck $85
TASCAM SH-700. Horizontal rack for Studio collection. $440 VCR -22. Wired unit for VCX-400/510 cassette
SH-350. Speaker stand for use with SH-700 Horizon- decks $85
MH-40 Multi -Headphone Amplifier tal Rack $60
Headphone amp which drives up to 4 pairs of stereo SH-710. Vertical rack for Studio collectior ... $400 Cabinets
headphones from a single line -level stereo signal. Fea- SH-536. Multi -purpose rack with tempered top and VKD-1A. For all Vector receivers $35
front glass; two adjustable metal mounting brackets; VXD-2A. For all Vector cassette decks $35
tures power switch; input controls; input mode and in-
record storage area; simulated walnut -grain finish VKD-3. For Vector equalizer $35
put level selectors; headphone level controls and out-
put jacks; input jacks; foldback terminals; nput imp $140
40,000 ohms; imp 8 ohms; max output level 100 SH-595. Multi -purpose rack with tempered top and Miscellaneous
mW (8 ohms) FR 50,20.000 Hz ±2 dB; S..N 88/85 front glass; metal mounting brackets; adjustable VMA-1. Rack -mount adapter for all Vector receivers,
wood shelf record; storage area; simulated walnut - cassette decks $35
dB. A -weighted, crosstalk better than 45 dB (1.000
Hz. max output level); THD 1% (1.000 Hz); 19'W grain finish $140 VMA-1A. Rack -mount adapter for Vector equalizer
$250 $35
- 3'. ,."H 9'D
SH-305MC Head Amp VMS -1. Rack -mount spacer for all Vector models $15
TDK Step-up transformer accurately matched to the EPC-
305MCMK2. but suitable for use with other MC car- YAMAHA
CP-36 Cassette Cabinet tridges. Features quadruple shielding; low/middle/-
Holds up to 36 audio cassettes in 3 separate drawers high/pass input imp selector; amorphous toroidal DT -2 Dig tal Clock/Timer
that hold 12 cassettes each $39.99 core; FR 15-100,000 Hz ±0.2 dB: THD < 0.001% Can be used to preset any predetermined turn on/off
at 1 kHz; ch sep , 90 dB at 1 kHz; ch balance within time. Intrudes sleep function $120
CP-15. Stores up to 15 audio cassettes $5.99
CK-15. Portable cassette case carries up to 15 0.2 dB 1 kHz load imp 47 kilohms; 2%'W
cassettes $9.99 3"/"H x 8'/'D; 9.9 lb $350

SH-8000 Frequency Analyzer

HD -11 Tape Head Demagnetizer
Portable handheld universal tape head demagnetizer Frequency analyzer with 31 -point warble tone genera- A DIFFERENT KIND
designed for open -reel or cassette tape decks; operat- tor and sound level meter. Features tweeter protector OF RECORD CLUB
ing time - 1 second; red ON, green READY TO USE LEDs; switch for high -range signals; 5 -setting precision
side -mounted activator switch; plastic -covered metal sound level meter; ultra -sensitive condenser mic; TREMENDOUS SAVINGS
tips; includes 1.5-V cells
1 $34.99 switchable (fast/slow) meter response speed for indi- d and tape in print -
cation of transient or average peaks; battery check .,ase obligations of any kind

HD -01 Head Demagnetizer switch and meter indication; carrying case; FR 20- DISCOUNTS OF 43% TO 73%
..uggested list sl < ,italo..
Automatic head demagnetizer with < 1 -second oper- 20.000 Hz. i 2 dB; oscillation signal warble tone; '.
hundr<l '
ating time: housed in transparent cassette shell with (31 measurement points); frequency precision ±6%
or better; output level/imp 70mV/ 1 kilohm; SPL mea- ALL LABELS AVAILABLE
LED to show demagnetization is taking place; self-con- och. ,st ul.
tained battery $24.99 surement range 35-105 dB SPL (0 dB= 2 ... 10'
µbar); power source DC 9 V ; battery life 10 hours SCHWANN CATALOG
HC -1 Head Cleaner continuous operation; 8"/" x 2'/", 4"/"; lists thousands of titles
Nonabrasive cassette tape machine head cleaner 2.2 lb $150 classical. pop ian country etc
SH-4060 Audio Timer Dividend Gifts - certificates
Empty Tape Reels Programmable 24 -hour timer with day -of -week indi- redeemable immediately for extra discounts
AR -7M. 7 metal reel $8.99 cator. Features digital FL time display; preset channel NEWSLETTERS
AR -10M. 10',," metal reel $13.99 indicator; outlet power/timer operation indicator: tim- informational news and happenings in the
er cancel key; quartz -locked clock; programmable for world of music special super sale listings
TEAC 1 time in 24 -hour, 2 times in 7 -day periods; power ca- DISCOUNT ACCESSORY GUIDE
pacity 600 W maximum; power consumption 7 W; Diamond needles cloths tape cleaners. etc
E-2 Bulk Eraser 1615/"W 6'/"D r/"H; 3.75 lb $100 QUICK SERVICE
same day shipping on many orders
Handles 7- and 101i; reels. Features pilot light, cir-
rarely later than the next several days
cuit breaker $100 Remote -Control Units
RP -9690P. Remote control for Technics open -reel 00% IRON -CLAD GUARANTEES
decks $100 on all products and services -your total
E-3 Tape -Head Demagnetizer satisfaction is unconditionally guaranteed
Removes residual magnetism from tape heads. RP -070. Wireless (infrared) full -function remote con-
trol for all Technics open -reel decks $200 Disi.ount Music Club is a no -obligation membership club
guides $29.50
this: guarantees tremendous discounts on all stereo
records and tapes and lets you buy what you want...when
RMK Recorder Maintenance Kit SH-F101 Indoor Active Tuned FM Wing Antenna yoc want...or not at all if you choose.
Kit includes 3 -oz HC -1 tape -head cleaner. 3 -oz rubber Compact in -door dipole antenna for reception in These are just a few of the money -saving reasons to write
cleaner, 3 -oz stainless polish. cotton swabs, cleaning strong signal areas to be used with Technics ST -S7. for free details. You can't lose so why not fill out and
cloth $9.95 ST -S3, ST -K808 tuners. Features automatic electron- mai the coupon below for immediate information.
HC -2. 11 -oz tape -head cleaner $6.50 ic tuning circuit; high gain characteristics. manual
$6.50 tuning knob; die-cast base; relative gain -2 db; figure - Ai.. DISCOUNT MUSIC CLUB. INC DEPT 29-1083
RC -2. 7 -oz rubber cleaner
650 Main Street. New Rochelle. N Y 10801
SP -2. 11 -oz stainless polish $6.50 8 pattern; half -power angle 90% output imp 75 ohm.
standing wave ratio 1.2 or less; power source DC 18
Flight Cases V; 16"/'W 6"/"H x 4'/"D; 1.9 lb $90
Tough vinyl -covered wooden trunk -type flight cases Address

for recorder transports (Teat 2340 Series) meet Air- Universal Headshells City -

line Transport Association specifications. SH-90S. Combination headshell/adaoter for direct

% State
FC-8. For Tascam 80-8 and 40-4 decks $225 plug-in universal headshell tonearms $30
FC-5. For Tascam Model 5A mixer $225 SH-100. Die-cast aluminum universal plug-in head - CIRCLE NO. 28 ON READER SERVICE CARD
RC -3. For Tascam Model 3 mixer $180 shell with calibrated overhang cursor, gold-plated

AAL tion midrange; 2'/." extended range tweeters and t_ 2.5dB; crossovers 800 and 4.7 kHz; sens 101 dB
2'/,' solid-state supertweeter; all dynamic drivers SPL,W/m; min power 15 W; imp 8 ohms; 48"H x 25
Digital Ready Series
feature high -temp heat -resistant wire wound on alumi- 1/2"W x 24 IX 175 lb
dr/S 800. Two-way infinite baffle loudspeaker sys- $1,500
num bobbins; walnut grain vinyl finish. FR 3.5 dB
tem. in air -suspension enclosure. features 8' foam- 30-25.000 Hz; imp 8 ohms; crossover frequencies
surround woofer with 1" voice coil and 3'/," cone Studio Reference Speaker System
10.000 Hz: sens 92.5 dB; input power 5-90 W rms; Vented speaker system with 12" woofer, 15" x 4'
tweeter. Vinyl -laminated cabinet. FR is 50-20.000 15"W 40'H 11"D; 54 lbs
Hz; imp 8 ohm nominal; crossover 5.000 Hz; power
$640 /or horn midrange. 5 1/4" x 2' horn tweeter. Features
450. 4 -way speaker with computer -optimized acous-
handling 5-25 W; 183/4" ; 11'4" midrange. tweeter level controls; oiled walnut or oak
... $89/ea tic suspension enclosure with base. 12' woofer with cabinet; black cloth grille. FR 22-20.000 Hz ± 2.5dB;
dr/S 1000. Two-way air -suspension bookshelf system 1'/2' voice coil and nylon -laminate composition
features 8" foam -surround woofer with P voice coil crossovers 880 and 5k Hz; sens 98 dB SPL /W/m:
cone, 5'/," high definition midrange' 23/4" extended - min power 15 W; imp 8 ohms; 48'H x 18 1 -2"W x
and 3'/," cone tweeter. Utilizes vinyl -laminated cabi- range tweeter; 2./," solid state supertweeter; all dy-
net. FR 45-20.000 Hz; imp 8 ohms nominal; cross- 1611 n102 1b $790
namic drivers feature high -temp heat resistant wire
over 5,000 Hz; 23" 11'/," 8" $99/ea wound on aluminum bobbins; walnut grain vinyl finish. Professional Series II Speaker System
dr/S 3000. Three-way air -suspension system features FR 3.5 dB 32-25.000 Hz; imp 8 ohms; crossover fre-
12' foam -surround woofer with 1- voice coil; 5' Vented speaker system with 12" woofer, 2' dome
quencies 10.000 Hz; sens 92.5 dB; input power 5- midrange. 1' dome tweeter. Features midrange,
sealed back midrange and a 3'4". cone -type tweeter. 90 W rms; 14'/,"W ;. 32"H > 11"D; 45
FR is 40-20.000 Hz; crossovers 2.5-5 KHz; imp 8 tweeter level controls; oiled walnut or oak cabinet;
lbs $500/pr
ohms nominal; power handling 5-75 W per ch; 24"
black cloth grille. FR 29-20.000 Hz 2.5 dB; cross-
350. 3 -way speaker with computer -optimized acous- overs 800 and 6.6k Hz; sens 95 dB SPL/W/m: min
15" 10' $99/ea tic suspension enclosure; 12' woofer with 1'," voice power 15 W; imp 8 ohms; 36"H x 18 1 2"W x 16'D:
dr/S 4000. Three-way system air -suspension system coil and nylon -laminate composition cone; 35/," high 80 lb $550
with 12". foam -surround woofer, 1-'4" voice coil; 5" definition midrange and; 2'/," extended range tweet-
sealed back midrange and a cone type tweeter. ers; all drivers feature special high -temp heat -resis- Tremor Subwoofer
FR 30-20.000 Hz; crossovers 2.5-5 kHz; 8 ohm tant wire wound on aluminum bobbins; walnut -grain Vented subwoofer with 2 woofers in seperate
nominal imp; power handling 5-75 W per ch; 27' vinyl finish; FR t 4 dB, 36-18, 500 Hz; 5-75 W
16' 11' subenclosures. Features oiled walnut or oak cabinet;
$189/ea rms.1.500 Hz. 10,000 Hz crossover frequencies;
dr/S 5000. Four-way vented bass reflex system fea- black cloth gille. FR 29-200 Hz '2.5 dB; sens 96 dB
imp 8 ohms; sens 91 dB auto reset circuit breaker SPL/W/m: min power 15 W; imp 8 ohms: 62'H x
tures 12' foam -surround woofer; 5' ferrofluid- protection; 29 lbs $400/pr 26-W x 16'D; 150 lb $690
cooled, sealed back midrange with a 3'4', cone -type 330. 3 -way speaker with computer -optimized acous-
and 3" piezo electric tweeter. Utilizes vinyl -laminated
tic suspension enclosure, 10" woofer with nylon -lami- Transcendent Speaker System
cabinet and features front -mounted fuse protection
nate composition cone, 35,," midrange and 2'/,' ex- Vented speaker system with 12' woofer,
element. FR 25-22.000 Hz; crossovers 1.5-5 kHz; tended -range tweeter; all drivers feature special
1 1/4"
imp 8 ohms nominal; power handling 10-100 W per dome midrange -tweeter. Features midrange -tweeter
high -temp heat -resistant wire wound on aluminum level controls; oiled walnut or oak cabinet; black cloth
ch; 27" 16' 11" $219,'ea bobbins; walnut grain vinyl finish. FR 4 dB, 40- grille. FR 38-20.000 Hz L 2.5 dB; crossover 1.9
dr/S 6000. Four-way air -suspension speaker system 18,500 Hz. 2.000 Hz. 10.000 Hz crossover fre-
features 15' foam -surround woofer with 11/4' voice kHz; sens 94 dB SPL/W/m; min power 15 W; imp 8
quencies. 8 ohms imp; 91 dB sens: auto reset circuit ohms; 24'H x 16'W x 14 1/2"D; 51 lb
coil; 5" ferrohuid sealed -back midrange with 3'/," breaker protection: 13'W $325
22" H 10V,"D; 29
cone -type tweeter and 3' piezoelectric tweeter. Fea- lbs
tures fuse protection element and front -mounted,
$300/ir Intimate Speaker System
230. 3 -way speaker with computer -optimized acous-
high -frequency and mid -frequency level controls. Vi- Acoustic -suspension speaker system with 10" woof-
tic suspension enclosure, 8' woofer with nylon -lami- er, P dome tweeter. Features tweeter level control:
nyl -laminated cabinet. FR 20-22.000 Hz; crossovers nate composition cone, 3'i," definition midrange
1.5-5 KHz; imp 8 ohms; power handling 10-110 W
oiled walnut or oak cabinet; black cloth grille. FR 49-
2','" extended -range tweeter; all drivers feature 20.000 Hz ±2.5 dB: crossover 5 kHz; sens 93 dB
per ch; 29" 18'/," 15' $279/ea special high -temp heat -resistant wire wound on alumi- SPL/W/m; mm power 15 W; imp 8 ohms; 19'H x
dr/S 7000. Multi -driver bass -reflex loudspeaker sys- num bobbins; walnut grain vinyl finish; FR ±4 dB 50,
tem features twin 10" foam -surround woofers with 12"W x 12"D; 29 lb $220
18.500 Hz, 2.500 Hz. 10,000 Hz crossover fre-
1',," voice coils; 5' sealed back ferrofluid midrange quencies. 8 ohms imp; 90 dB sens; auto reset circuit
and 3' piezo tweeter. FR 20-22,000 Hz; crossovers Shadow Speaker System
1-5 kHz; imp 4 ohms nominal; power handling 10-
breaker protection: 11"W 20'/," H 7./"D; 40 Acoustic -suspension speaker system with 8' woofer,
lbs $200/pr
100 W per ch; 32%" 1" dome tweeter. Features cylindrical cabinet covered
14%," 10'4" . $299. ea
dr/S 8000. Floor -standing three-way air -suspension with black cloth grille. FR 69-20,000 Hz tt 2.5 dB;
ACOUSTIC INTERFACE crossover 5 kHz; sens 91 dB SPL 'W/ m; min power
loudspeaker features 15" polypropylene woofer with
2' voice coil that incorporates heavy gauge copper 15 W; imp 8 ohms; 24 1/2"H x 8 3/4"D; 18 lb $124
Sound Prism Speaker System
wire around a high -temp aluminum core; two 5' Vented -horn speaker system with 24'x 52' compres-
sealed back, polypropylene, ferrofluid-damped mid- Angstrom Speaker System
sion woofer, 13" x 22" horn midrange, 7.25' x 3' Acoustic -suspension speaker system with 6 1/2'
range drivers and four quartz crystal tweeters. FR 17 horn tweeter. built-in tri-amplification; 800 W for
Hz to 20 KHz; crossovers 1.5-5 KHz; imp 8 ohms woofer. 1" dome tweeter. Features charcoal enamel
woofer, 30b W for midrange. 100 W for tweeter. Fea- cabinet; black cloth grille. FR 78.20,000 Hz ± 2.5dB
nominal; power handling 10-150 W per ch; 29' tures midrange, tweeter level controls; oiled walnut or
18'1," 15- SPL/W/m; min power 15 W; imp 8 ohms; 12 7/8'H x
$399/ea oak cabinet. FR 10-20.000 Hz "2.5 dB; sens 105 6 7/8"W x 6 1/2"D: 9 lb $110
dB SPL; W/m; crossovers 550 and 5k Hz; imp 8
ACCULAB by RTR INDUSTRIES ohms; 72"H x 27'W x 36"D; 500 lb $7.500 ACOUSTIC PHYSICS LAB
Digital Reference Loudspeaker Series Sound Portal Speaker System
550. 5 -way speaker with computer -optimized passive The Acoustic image Model II Loudspeaker
Vented -horn speaker system with 24' x 32i compres- Speaker houses long -excursion low -mass polypropyl-
radiator vented enclosure with base; 12' woofer with sion woofer. 19' x 7' horn midrange, 6" x 5' horn
1':'," voice coil and nylon -laminate composition cone; ene 10 -inch driver, soft dome P tweeter. Features
tweeter. Features midrange, tweeter level controls; nonsaturating inductors and metal film capacitors in a
12" mass -aligned passive radiator; 3'..' high defini- oiled walnut or oak cabinet. FR 15-20,000 Hz 3.5 kHz gradual slope design matched to transfer
The speakers they just
couldn't beat,not even for
a $5,000 cash reward.
We believe we make significantly better
speakers than anyone else. But that's
just an opinion. It needed to be put to a
op tough, pragmatic test.
So, in a series of full -page trade

ads, we repeatedly offered a $5,000
cash reward to the first audio dealer or
salesman who could show us a speaker
that surpasses any given Fourier model
in certain basic, scientifically verifiable
performance characteristics. Not one of Fourier 8
Fourier / two-way system
three-way system these insiders was able to come u p with a (1.3 cubic feet)
(3.0 cubic feet) valid challenger. Not a single one.
We weren't the least bit surprised. Fourier loudspeakers are mathemati-
cally optimized. Our computer models for the electrical and acoustical
behavior of drivers, crossover networks and enclosures are the most
complete, detailed and accurate in the world. Out of the many hundreds of
loudspeaker manufacturers, the three Fourier's lifetime
or four who bother with mathematical

All Fourier speakers
1 f
modeling at all use considerably older are protected by a
and less sophisticated models. You Lifetime Limited
Warranty program
can easily hear the difference in the (details on request).
end product.
Go see your audio dealer about Fourier speakers. And
Fourier 6 two-way
if he tells you there's something better, ask him why he
system (0.65 cubic feet) didn't collect an easy $5,000.

Mathematically Optimized Loudspeakers

Speakers 9 Speakers
function of each driver; high -density nonresonant button. quick connect/disconnect input terminals. Ef-
multi -fiber construction finished in hand -rubbed wal- cessible tweeter fuse with built-in spare; high-grade
ficiency 91 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms nominal, min walnut or black finish with removable black convex
nut veneer. FR 28-22.000 Hz ±2 dB; imp 8 ohms; 6.5 ohms; power handling music peak 100 W, max
13"W x 341/4"H , 1334'D; basic model II kit in- steel grille; FR 46-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; crossover at
rms 50 W, min rms 15 W; 227.-H , 12'/,,"W x 1.8 kHz; sens 90 dB SPL/W/m; nominal imp 8 ohms;
cludes all drivers, prewired crossovers, hardware. 9'/," D; 18.25 lbs; 23 lbs
grille cloth, damping materials, enclosure plans, and
$260/pr 19-H x 11'/,'W x 10'/."; walnut veneer finished
instructions $225/pr ADC 8 Speaker $440/pr
Complete Model II Kit includes all components in the Black finish $400/pr
2 -way tuned duct speaker with 8' woofer, P dome
basic kit plus finished walnut cabinetry and grilles tweeter (ferro-fluid cooled). Features crossover fe- L470 Speaker System
$400/pr quencies at 3.5 kHz utilizing first and second order Two-way acoustic -suspension speaker system with 7"
derived Butterworth filters; fuse protection; push-but- woofer and P soft dome tweeter. Walnut. vinyl or
ACOUSTAT ton, quick connect/disconnect input terminals. Effi- black finish. FR 50-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; crossover at 2
ciency: 91 db SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms nominal, 6.5 kHz; sens 89 dB SPL/W/m; nominal imp 8 ohms;
Professional Series ohms min; 18'/" H x 10'/." W x 9'/,' D; 28 16-H x 10W" 9"0 $320/pr
lbs $180/pr
Model Eight Speaker System
Similar to Model Two -+ Two below except utilizes 2 400 Miniature Speaker System
ADS Two-way acoustic -suspension speaker system with 7"
MK -121 drive units and requires 2 stereo amps. Can
high -compliance
ultra -long -excursion Stifflite cone
produce concert -hall levels in very large rooms and L1290 Monitor Speaker
commercial usage. FR 24-20,000 Hz ±2 dB; min woofer, P soft -dome tweeter; drivers are diffraction-
Acoustic suspension 3 -way monitor speaker system corrected and flush -mounted. Features high-grade
power 50 W x 4; nominal imp 6 ohms; 96"H x 36"W with 2 8'/" high -compliance Stiffite woofers in sepa-
x 4'D; 210 lb oak or walnut finish with radius -edged oak/walnut in-
$4,750/pr rate chambers. 2" soft -dome midrange. 1" soft -dome
Model Six. Similar to Model 8 except FR 26-20,000 serts, black convex steel grille in complementary fin-
tweeter. Features single -switch biamp conversion;
Hz; 28'W x 3'-',"D; 150 lb $3.750/pr ish. FR 60-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; crossover at 2 kHz;
tweeter level switch; tweeter. midrange protection sens 90 dB SPL/W/m; power rating 50 W nominal,
fuses; mirror symmetrical angled midrange/high fre- 75 W peak program; nominal imp 4 ohms; 11'/,,"H x
Model Two + Two Speaker System quency baffles for min diffraction; removable black
Full -range -element elecrtrostatic speaker systems 7'/,"W x 7'/."D. Available in pairs only .. $400/pr
cloth grille. FR 42-20,000 Hz ±3 dB: crossovers
with patented MK -121 drive system in floor -ceiling 600 and 4k Hz; sens 91 dB SPL/W/m; power rating
vertical -line -source design. FR 28-20.000 Hz ± 2dB; 300W Miniature Speaker System
150 W nominal,; imp 8 ohms; 41'/,'H x 10'/,'W x Acoustic -suspension 2 -way speaker system with
max output 115 dB SPL at 22 ft; min power 50 W; 11',."D;walnut veneer finish $1,300/pr 5.25' high -compliance. long -excursion Stifflite woof-
nominal imp 4 ohms; 96'H x 20"W x 3 '/,"D; 105 Black finish $1,260/pr
lb er. P soft -dome tweeter; drivers diffraction -correct-
$2,095 /pr
Model Three M. Similar to Model Two + Two except ed and flush -mounted. Features walnut -veneer cabi-
L1090 Speaker System
FR 30-20.000 Hz; 70 W min power required; sens net with radius -edged solid walnut corner inserts.
Three-way professional acoustic -suspension speaker acoustically transparent metal grille in complemen-
110 dB SPL at 18 ft; 72"H x 28"W x 3 '/,"D; 75 system with 2 7'/." high -compliance Stiffite cone
lb tary finish. FR 65-20.000 Hz 3 dB; crossover 2.0
$1,695/pr woofers in separate chambers, l'/,' soft -dome mid-
Model Three MH. Similar to Three M, but a hybrid sys- kHz with 12-dB/octave slope; sens 89 db SPL/W/m;
range, 3/4' soft -dome tweeter. Features tweeter pro- power rating 50 W nominal, 75 W peak program; imp
tem that contains a woofer enclosure with a crossover tection fuse with built-in spare; high-grade walnut ve-
frequency of 100 Hz. SPL is 112 dB at 18 ft; 40 W 4 ohms; 8V,"H x 67.1D x 6'/,-W. Available in pairs
neer or black finish and removable black cloth grille. only
min power required; woofer enclosure 2P n 18" x FR 47-23,000 Hz ±3 dB; crossovers 700 and 4.5k $350/pr
13'; 127 lbs $1,595/pr Hz: sens 90 dB SPL/W/m; power rating 150 W nomi- 300 Miniature Speaker System
Model Two M. Similar to Model Three M except FR is nal; nominal imp 8 ohms; 373/,"H x 9'/,'W x 95/,'D.
35-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; SPL 108 dB at 18 ft; 100 W Miniature 2 -way acoustic -suspension speaker system
Walnut veneer finish $1.040/pr with 5 1/4" high compliance ultra -long excursion
min power requirement; 72' x 20 ' r 3'/,'; 95 Black finish $1,000/pr woofer, P soft -dome tweeter. Features aluminum en-
lbs $1.395/pr
Model Two MH. Similar to model Three MH except closure (black or silver anodized) with black convex
L980 Speaker System
SPL 110 dB at 18 ft; 72" x 20' x 3 /2"; 110 steel grille. FR 65-20.000 Hz ±3 dB; crossover 2.0
Acoustic -suspension 3 -way speaker system with 12" kHz with 12-dB/octave slope; sens 89 -dB SPL/W/m;
lbs $1,295 woofers, 2' soft -dome midrange, 3/4" soft -dome rated input 50 W continuous. min input 5 W continu-
tweeter. Separate tweeter level control; accessible ous; imp 4 ohms; 85/,'H a 5'/,'W x 5'/,,"D $340/pr
ACOUSTIC DESIGN GROUP tweeter fuse with built-in spare; high-grade walnut ve-
neer or black finish with black perforated steel grille. 200 Miniature Speaker System
Triad 50 Speaker System
FR 37-23,000 Hz ±3 dB; crossovers 600 and 4k Miniature 2 -way acoustic -suspension speaker system
Three -unit system consisting of miniaturized bass Hz; sens 90 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 263/4"H x
unit with 6'/," woofer and two book -size satellite with 4' high -compliance ultra -long excursion woofer,
15'W x 13'/.*D; walnut veneer finish .. $1,000/pr P soft -dome tweeter. Features brushed aluminum
speaker units with separate midrange and high -fre- Black finish $960/pr enclosure (black or silver anodized) with black convex
quency drivers. Features woofer driven by signal -con- L880. Similar to L980 except has 10' Stifflite woof-
ditioning amp at 50 W rating; three -position switch steel grille. FR 85-20.000 Hz ±3 dB; crossover 2.0
provides for flat.
ers. FR 40-23,000 Hz ±3 dB; 23"H x 13"W x kHz with 12-dB/octave slope; sens 88 -dB SPL/W/m;
4 or -4 dB setting; low diffraction, 11'/" D; walnut veneer finish
phase -aligned configuration of the satellite $800/pr rated input 30 W continuous, min input 5 W; imp 4
Black finish $760/pr
midrange/high-frequency unit; in oak or wlanut wood ohms; 6'/,'H x 4' /."W x 4'/"D $260/pr
veneers. or in black or white finish. Woofer, 81/2 x 5- L780 Speaker System
5/, 8 inches; satellites, 8'/, 5-'/, , 5'4 inches. Acoustic -suspension 3 -way speaker system with
All three units: 23 lbs $500 high -compliance long -excursion Stifflite cone Linear Systems
Matching satellite stands $150 woofer, 1 1/2' soft -dome midrange. 3/4' soft -dome
tweeter; drivers are diffraction corrected and flush AR-9LS Speaker System
ADC mounted. Features quick -access tweeter fuse with Floor -standing columnar acoustic -suspension 4-way
built-in spare; black perforated steel grille. FR 45- speaker system with 5 drivers in vertical array. Fea-
ADC 12 Speaker
23,000 Hz ±3 dB; crossovers 700 and 4.5Hz; sens tures 12" forward -firing woofer; 10- downward -tiring
3 -way speakers with 12- woofer. 4' midrange (ferro- 90 dB SPL/W/m; power rating 150 W nominal; nomi-
fluid cooled); P dome tweeter (ferro-fluid cooled). woofer loaded by bass contour chamber; 8' lower -
nal imp 8 ohms; 20'/,"H x 121,'"W x 10'/,'D; wal- midrange and'/." dome high -range drivers combined
Features crossover frequencies at 1.2 kHz and 3.5 nut veneer finish
kHz utilizing first and second order derived Butter- $640/pr in single -magnet structure Lambda driver; oiled -wal-
Black finish $600/pr
worth filters; fuse protection; tweeter control; push- nut veneer cabinet. FR 28-32.000 Hz -3 dB: efficien-
button. quick connect/disconnect input terminals. Ef- cy 87 dB SPL/W/m; power range 15-400 W; cross-
L570 Speaker System
ficiency 91 dB SPL; nominal imp 8 ohms; min imp 6.5 overs 200. 1.1k, 5.5k Hz; imp 4 ohms; 51' /,'H x
Acoustic -suspension 2 -way speaker system with 8' 16'/,'W a 14"/"D; 118 lb
ohms; power handling music peak 150 W, max rms woofer and 1' soft -dome tweeter. Features user -ac $1.700/pr
75 W, min rms 15 W; 26'/," 14',,"W 11'/."0;
30 lbs AR-98LS Speaker System
Bookshelf/floor-standing acoustic -suspension 4 -way
NEED MORE INFORMATION? speaker system in vertical array design. Features 12'
ADC 10 Speaker
3 way speaker with 10" woofer. 4' midrange (ferro- Write directly to the manufacturer or woofer; 8" lower -midrange driver in subenclosure; 1
fluid cooled). P dome tweeter (ferro-fluid cooled). 1/2" dome upper -midrange and 3/4" dome tweeter
distributor. A list of names and ad- combined in a single -magnet structure Lamdba driv-
Features crossover frequencies at 1.2 kHz and 3.5
kHz utilizing first and second order derived Butter- dresses starts on page 25. er; 2 -position switch to adjust FR for floor/shelf
worth filters; fuse protection; tweeter control; push- placement; oiled -walnut veneer cabinet. FR 39-
32,000 Hz -3 dB; crossovers 22. 1.1k, 5.5k Hz; effi-
People who know music When a musician is in a room writing, playing
and taping, he wants the sound that comes out of his
speakers to be as real as the sound coming out of his
instrument. A guitarist wants to recognize his own
fingering on the frets. He wants to feel the unique
acoustical character of the room in which he's work-
ing. When he listens to albums by other artists he de-
mands the same honest accuracy. If his speakers dull
the strings, break up the bass, and artificially color
the room effects, he isn't hearing the music he bought.
Even a struggling musician could afford a pair of our new bookshelf speakers, the
AR8B, 18B or 28B-and get the accuracy of systems costing many times as much. All
three have the finest AR -built woofers and tweeters. All three were computer-designed in
real rooms, not scientific test chambers. So they sound acoustically natural in any normal
living space. Brighter in some rooms, darker in others. But always true to life. If you'd like
to hear more, send for details and local dealer names.

know how music should sound.

Left to right, the AR8B, 28B and 188 Affordably priced from $89 to $149 each.

IRHear what you've been missing.

'PeTELECHNE ACousnc RESEARCH 10 American Drive, Norwood, MA 02062
Speakers 9 Speakers
ciency 87 dB SPL W 'm: power range 15-250 W; imp 5012 Speaker System Model Three Speaker System
4 ohms; 29 1/2"H x 15 1 2"W x 10 19 32-D; 63 Acoustic -suspension 2 -way bookshelf speaker system Stabilized radiation -loading system with 10' woofer.
lb $1,000 pr with Advent woofer. P dome tweeter. Cabinet finish 3 1/2' convex midrange, 1" convex tweeter. Fea-
available in genuine walnut and oak veneer, solid tures corner -mount design: LC half -section crossover
B Series Bookshelf Speakers wood front moldings. Frequency response 40-23.000 network; switches for selecting system. Walnut -ve-

Hz 2.5 dB on -axis; crossover 1.8 kHz; sens 87 neer, oil -finished enclosure. Crossovers at 350 and
78LS Speaker dB.'W/m; imp 8 ohms; 26'/2"H 14'/."W
x x 3750 Hz; min power 30 W/ch for 100 -dB reverber-
Bookshelf or floor -standing acoustic suspension 3 - ant SPL: resonance 45 Hz; imp 4 ohms; 40-H 15
way system with 3 drive units in a vertical array. two 1/4"W 10'D $395
of which are closely spaced on a single magnet struc- 5002 Speaker System
ture for uniform vertical dispersion. Features one 300 Acoustic -suspension bookshelf system with Advent Model Nine Speaker System
mm (12') acoustic suspension woofer; one 38 mm woofer, 1" dome tweeter. Features 2 -position cross- Three-way stabilized -radiation -loading speaker sys-
(1-Y,") dome midrange and one 19 mm ('/.") dome over switch; walnut -grain vinyl finish. FR 42.23,00 Hz tem with 10' woofer. 3.5' convex -diaphragm mid-
highrange driver combined in the single magnet struc- ± 2.5 dB; crossover 1.8 kHz; sens 87 dB/W/m; imp range, convex -diaphragm tweeter, designed for
ture driver (each individually liquid cooled). FR 39- 8 ohms. 26"H x 14'/."W x 11'/,"D $500/pr placement on floor, against single wall. Features LC
32.000 Hz 3 dB; imp 4 ohms; crossover 700 Hz 4002. Similar to 5002 minus switchable crossover; half -section crossover network; switches to select sys-
and 5.000 Hz; sens 87 dB SPL /W/m; power range FR 46-23.000 Hz; 21'/."H x 13 ',/"W x /."0 tem acoustic power response (flat to concert -hall bal-
15-200 W $860,,pr $420 /pr ance slope); biamplification capability; walnut or oak -
veneer cabinet with hand -rubbed lacquer finish; steel
38B Speaker 3002 Speaker System base. Crossovers 350 and 3,750 Hz; imp 4 ohms; ef-
Bookshelf or floor -standing acoustic suspension 3 - Acoustic -suspension 2 -way bookshelf speaker system ficiency 0.7% at floor/wall intersection; power range
way system with drive units in vertical array for pre- with woofer. 1" dome tweeter. Features walnut -grain 30-200 W; resonance 45 Hz; 37 1/2"H x 12 1/2"W
cise stereo imaging. Features 200 mm (8') acoustic vinyl finish. FR 48-23,000 Hz r 3 dB; crossover 2.8 x 10 3/4"D $495
suspension woofer; 100 mm (4') acoustic suspen- kHz; sens 88 dB/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 20"H x 12- W
sion midrange; 19 mm ('/,,") liquid -cooled dome 8'/,'D $300 i,, Model Eight Speaker System
highrange. FR 52-32.000 Hz *3 dB: imp 6 ohms: Three-way stabilized-radiation-louding speaker sys-
crossover 650 Hz and 3,500 Hz; sens 87 dB 2002 Speaker System tem with 8' woofer. 3y," convex -diaphragm mid-
SPL 'W im; power range up to 100 W $400/pr Acoustic -suspension 2 -way bookshelf speaker system range, I" convex -diaphragm tweeter, designed for
with woofer, I'..' direct -radiator tweeter. Features placement on shelf or table or attached to wall. Fea-
48B Speaker walnut -grain vinyl finish. FR 50-23.000 Hz t3 dB: tures LC half -section crossover network with switches
Bookshelf or floor -standing acoustic suspension 3 - crossover 3.2 kHz: sens 88 dB/W/m; imp 8 ohms: to select system acoustic power response from flat to
way system with drive units in a vertical array for pre- 18'/,"H x 11"W x 8'D $240 pr concert slope. Crossover frequencies 450 and 3.750
cise stereo imaging. Features 250 mm (10') acoustic Hz: imp 4 ohms: efficiency 0.7%; power range 30 to
suspension woofer; 100 mm (4') acoustic suspen- AKAI 200 W; resonance 52 Hz; imp 4 ohms; power range
sion midrange; 19 mm ('/") liquid -cooled dome 30-200 W: resonance 52 Hz; 12'/."H - 20"W
highrange. FR 45-32.000 Hz +3 dB; imp 6 ohms; CW-T77 Speaker System 10'D. Walnut- or oak -veneer cabinet with hand -
crossover 400 Hz and 3.500 Hz; sens 87 dB Three-way speaker system with 12' woofer. 4' mid- rubbed lacquer finish $345
SPL/W/m: power range up to 150 W $520 pr range, 1.75" tweeter. Features tweeter, midrange
controls; walnut -grain vinyl cabinet. Imp 8 ohms; max Model Four Speaker System
58B Speaker power 120 W: Frequency response 30-20.000 Hz: Two-way stabilized radiation -loading system with 8'
Bookshelf or floor -standing acoustic suspension 3 - crossovers 1.5k and 9k Hz; 29.5'H x 15.5"W x woofer, 2 1' Convex Diaphragm tweeters. Designed
way system with drive units in a vertical array for pre- 11.2" D: 40Ib $540 to be used against or hung on wall with included hard-
cise stereo imaging. Features 300 mm (12') acoustic ware. Features walnut -veneer oiled -finished enclosure;
suspension woofer; 100 mm (4') acoustic suspen- CW-T55 Speaker System LC quarter -section network with 3 -position switch to
sion midrange; 19 mm ('.") liquid -cooled dome Three-way speaker system with 10" woofer. C mid- adjust response from nominally flat to "concert hall"
highrange. FR 39-32,000 Hz 3 dB; imp 4 ohms; range. 1.75' tweeter. Features midrange control, wal- balance slope. Crossover 2 kHz: resonance 52 Hz;
crossover 600 Hz and 4500 Hz; sens 87 dB nut -grain vinyl cabinet. Imp 8 ohms; max power 70 W; imp 8 ohms: min power 30 W/ch for 100 dB SPL in
SPL/W/m; power range up to 175 W $660/pr FR 40-20.000 Hz; crossovers 1.5k and 8k Hz; reverberant field; 19 3/8"W x 11"W x 10"D. $280
26.4"H x 13.4"W x 8.9"D; 28 lb $400 Oak -veneer finish $290
CW-T33 Speaker System Model Seven Speaker System
SX-15 Speaker System Two-way speaker system with 10' woofer, 1.75" Two-way stabilized -radiation -loading speaker system
Acoustic -suspension 3 -way speaker system with Lam- tweeter. walnut -grain vinyl cabinet. Imp 8 ohms; max with 8" woofer. 1' convex-diagphragm tweeter, de-
ina ribbon tweeter. FR 40-50.000 Hz .... $230/pr power 50 W: FR 45-20.000 Hz; crossover 5 kHz: signed for placement against single wall. Features
22.8"H x 11.8"W x 8.5"D; 40 lb $540 pr quarter -section LC network that uses air -core chokes.
SX-5Y Speaker System
computer -grade capacitor; walnut- or oak -veneer cab-
Acoustic -suspension 2 -way speaker system with AE -63 Three -Dimensional Speaker inet with hand -rubbed lacquer finish. Crossover 2
square passive radiator $120/pr 3 -way 3 -speaker system. Features woofer 6.5'; mid- kHz; resonance 52 Hz; imp 4 ohms; power range 15-
range 1.4" (rear -mounted), tweeter 1"; passive radia- 150 W; 26.5"H x 9.62"W x 9.62' D $225
ADVENT tor, rear mounted, 6.5'; imp 4 ohms; max power in-
put 80W; FR 60-23.000Hz; crossover frequencies Model Five Speaker System
6003 Speaker System 800 Hz and 3.000 Hz R 2"W 13.8"H 6.8"D; Two-way stabilized radiation -loading speaker system
Acoustic -suspension 3 -way speaker system with Ad- 14 lb $360/pr with 8' woofer, 1" convex tweeter. designed for
vent woofer, Advent midrange, and P dome tweeter. placement against single wall. Features LC quarter -
ALLISON section network with switch to adjust response to flat
or HF slope: oil -finished walnut -veneer enclosure.
Model One Speaker System Crossover 2 kHz; resonance 52 Hz; min power 15 W
Stabilized radiation loading design with 2 10' woof- for 97 -dB SPL in reverberant field; 18 1/2'H x 11"W
ers, 2 3 1/2' convex midranges, 2 1" convex tweet- x 10"D $195
ers. Features LC half -section crossover network; air - Model Six. Same as Model Five except resonance 59
core chokes; nonpolarized computer -grade
capacitors; features switches for selecting system
acoustic power response (flat to concert -hall balance
slope); biamplification capability using internal cross-
over; sealed oiled -walnut enclosure. Crossovers 350
and 3.750 Hz; imp 8 ohms; efficiency 0.7% at floor -
wall intersection; min power 30 W ch for 100 -dB SPL
in reverberant field; acoustic power output 0.5 acous-
tic W min over full FR with 70-W input; system reso-
nance 45 Hz nominal; 40-H x 19"W x 10
3 4"D $590 Hz: 11.25"H x 11.25"W x 11.25"D $160
Genuine walnut veneer cabinet with dark brown gri le Model Two. Same as Model One except has 2 8' Oak veneer or white or black lacquer
cloth. FR 40-22,000 Hz 2.5 dB: crossovers 750 $172
woofers. 2 3 1 2" convex midrange. 2 1" convex
Hz and 4500 Hz: sens 88.5 dB SPL W m; imp 8 tweeters. System resonance 45 Hz nominal; 36" H x Series 100 Speaker Systems
ohms: 32';W 22"H 8',,"D $750 pr 16"W x 9 3 8"D $510 Two-way stabilized radiation-loadine systems which

Speakers 9 Speakers
perform optimally standing on floor. All have walnut - Model 310. Scrriar to Model 312 except has 10" raige 46 dB; nominal imp 4 ohms: crossover fre-
grain vinyl cabinet and Allison convex-diaphram 1" woofer. 4" rrufringe driver; low -end frequency re- quency 1.5 kHz: 19- !0" 10'-,"; 10'/2
tweeter; quarter -section LC crossover network with sponse 65 Hz: crossovers 3 and IC) kHz; sensitivity lbs $240/pr
air -core choke and premium quality capacitator. 92 dB sound pressure level; power range 10-75 W:
Crossover frequency 2,000 Hz; sens 90 dB/ 2.83 dynamic range 46 dB 23"H x 14 5.8"W x 12 Challenger 2 Speaker System
V .m. Power range 15-150 W. 1 4"D. 30 lb $400/pr 2 -way speaker system with 10" woofer and I"
Model 110. 8' woofer: resonance 59 Hz. 18"H x onlyanide tweeter. Features high density particle
II' ," W x 7' ," D $130 Model 208 Speaker System bawd finished in furniture -grade woodgrain vinyl:
flush fronts; specially designed tapered gr lie frames;
Model 120. 8" woofer; resonance 52 Hz. 21 ' . "H x Two-way bass--ellex speaker with 8" low -frequency
13' ,'W x 7' 1" D $160 driver and 2'. ," oriver. Features ferrofluid in tweet- closed -box design: acoustically transparent black
Model 130. 10" woofer; resonance 45 Hz. 29'/,'H x er's voice coil assembly' oak -grained vinyl; acoustical- grille. FR 44-17,000 Hz: sens 90 dB SPL W m; pow -
16 W 8 $195 ly transparent removable grill.FR 55-17.000 Hz ) 3 el handling 150 W: min amp power 10 VV; nominal
dB; sens 92 dB-SPL W m; amp operating range 5-75 imp 4 ohms: crossover frequency 1 kHz; 22" 13'
ALTEC LANSING W; directivity I honzoital. 90 vertical; dynamic 10'/.."; 25 lbs $400/pr

19 Speaker System
Vented 2 -way floor -standing speaker system with 15'
woofer. Tangerine radial phase plug tweeter mounted
to 811D sectoral horn. Features removable acousti-
cally transparent knit fabric grille. FR 36-20,000 Hz

' 5 dB; crossover 1.2 kHz; sens 100.5 dB SPL with
shelving controls at optimum. power range 10 to 350
W; imp 8 ohms, dispersion 105" at -6 dB vertical and
horizontal; 39"H x 30"W x 21-D.
Nineteen-Wal. With black grille $2,400/pr
Nineteen -Oak. with brown grille $2.400/pr

LF2 Subwoofer
Vented subwoofer speaker system with 12" bass driv-
er, built-in 85-W power amp. Features hana-rubbed
diamond -matched Endriana. sheen lacquered cabinet
FR 35-80 Hz ' 3 dB; crossover selectable 40 60 80 Allison has added /NW frequencies-in .)eur Exprrience the
Hz; sens 95.5 dB SPL; dynamic range 52 dB; input dineerians to the rfras- actual I stening Allison Models Sir., Seven,
imp 47k ohms; 36"W x 36"D x 16"H; 122 lb $1.900 Ekght and Nine. Speakers
tiri.s. of sound -thr mast environ-neu
Model 14 Speaker System
admitted performance > Colvez Diaph-agriz that deserve to be seen as
Floor -standing vented speaker system with 12- woof- teca -to itigr combined Tliveter for -he -roost Nell as heard.
er. Tangerine radial phase plug compression tweeter with as (-ceiling new uniform fo-ward- Avalable in oak or
mounted to Mantaray constant directivity horn. Fea- designer lo9k. hernispaere dis.wrsion walnut.
tures hand -rubbed oiled walnut cabinet; removable For digital or conAm- of any svecker: Write or call
acoustically transparent black knit fabric grille; mid- tio -ecirdings, these Allison. Acoustics: Toll
range. tweeter level controls; Automatic Power con- hvii- a us Enree-wcy free 1-800-225-4791.
trol. FR 40-20.000 Hz 5 dB; crossover 1.5 kHz: In Massachusetts
power range 10.350 W: sens 96.5 dB SPL; dynamic
speakers come in 000k-
range 54 dB. dispersion vertical 'horizontal 40 '90" sherane fiocr-standing 617-237-2670.
at -6 dB. imp 8 ohms 30"H x 21"W x 16 melds with the superior Alliion Acoustics
1 2"D $1,400,, pr tecsmailogrycu'd expect Inc., Seven Tech Circle,
firim All Natick, MA 01760.
Model 8 Series II Speaker System > RpGrir-Ma relied
Vented 3 -way speaker system with 12' woofer, 5' desispfcr uruforrn
midrange, LZT compression tweeter with Tangerine aciramic power at al!
radial phase plug mounted to Mantaray constant -di-
rectivity horn. Features walnut -stained oiled hard-
wood cabinet; removable acoustically transparent
black knit fabric grille. FR 60-20,000 Hz ' 2.5 dB;
crossovers 700 and 5 kHz; sens 94 dB SPL; power
range 20-200 W: imp 8 ohms; 29 1/2"H x 16
1 2"W x 14"D: 51 lb $960/pr
Model 6 Series II. Similar to Model 8 Series II except
has 10" woofer; sens 92 dB SPL; dynamic range 47
dB. 25 1 2"H x 15 1 2"W x 13 1 2'D; 37 lb
$800 pr
Model 4 Series II. Similar to Model 6 Series II except
has no midrange driver; FR 60-20,000 Hz 3 dB:
crossover 2 kHz; sens 90 dB SPL; dynamic range 45
dB: 23"H x 14 5 /8"Wc x 12 1/4"D; 301b. $600 .pr

Model 312 Speaker System

Vented 3 -way speaker system with 12" woofer, 5'
midrange. 2 1.2' tweeter. Features oak -grain vinyl
cabinet; removable acoustically transparent knit fab-
ric grille. FR 55-20.000 Hz f 4 dB; crossovers 1.2
and 7 kHz; sens 93 dB SPL; power range 10.100 W.
dynamic range 48 dB; imp 4-8 ohms; 28 1 /4"H x 16
3 16'W x 12 3 16"13; 41 lb $500 pr

Audio terms are defined

in the glossary on page 19.
For an explanation of abbreviations,
turn to the list on page 22.

Speakers 9 Speakers
Challenger 1. Same as Challenger 2 except 8" woofer; B2-40 Amplified Subwoofer ene 8' woofer, 1" soft -dome tweeter with ferrofluid.
FR 48-17,000 Hz; power handling 100 W; 19' Bass reflex system with 2 long -throw 5V," woofers Features walnut -grain vinyl finished enclosure, dark
10" 10'; 19V, lbs . $320/pr plus built-in amp with soft -clipping circuit; active brown grille. Frequency response 53-20.000 Hz -3.5
crossover for satellite and subwoofer; sens control; dB; power range 15-70 W continuous; imp 8 ohms;
APATURE by ACR crossover filters; FR 30-200 Hz±1.5 dB; distortion crossover 3 kHz; 19 1/2"H x 12'W x 8
1% beyond 50 Hz at 100 dB SPL/half space/m; wal- 3/4'D $300/pr
Trident Three -Piece System nut or black ash finish; 201/,'H x 14V."W
Loudspeaker system consisting of bass module $695/ea Model 60ab Speaker System
subwoofer and 2 satellites. Finished in Hawaiian koa Acoustic -suspension 2 -way speaker system with poly-
with acoustically transparent cloth grilles on nonreso- 82-50 Amplified Subwoofer propylene 6.5' woofer, P soft -dome tweeter with
nant frame. Subwoofer features 10" dual V.C. styrene Bass -reflex system; 2 long -throw 6' woofers plus ferrofuid. Features walnut vinyl finished enclosure,
woofer in separate subenclosures for each channel; built-in amp for fast rise time control of driver perfor- dark brown grille. FR 70-20,000 Hz -3 dB; imp 8
level control; compressed -wood cabinet. Satellites mance; separate volume and crossover control to ohms; power range 15-60 W; crossover 3.5 kHz;
house 5.25' polypropelene midrange; ribbon tweeter; match with satellite performance; FR 20-200 Hz 14'H x 8 3 4"W x 8"D $240/pr
phase -compensated fast -reaction crossover; control ±1.5 dB; distortion 1% beyond 50 Hz at 100 dB
switch. Subwoofer specs: FR 28-125 Hz; sens 90 dB SPL/half space/m; walnut or black ash finish; BANG & OLUFSEN
SPL/W/m; min power 25 W; 16"H v 30"W 21"D; 21V,"1-1 18V,'W V 17V,."D $995/ea
70 lbs. Satellite specs: FR 125-34,000 Hz; sens 90 Beovox MS -150-Z Speaker System
dB SPL/W/m; min power 25 W; 12"H v 8'W 8'D; B4-200 Amplified Subwoofer Four-way speaker system with subwoofer to handle
14 lbs. Super subwoofer features 4 long -throw 8' woofers; frequencies below 150 Hz and ported reflex cabinet
Three-piece system $550 built-in 150 W amp giving 110 dB SPL from 20-200 tuned to Bessel function for optimum room matching.
LFM-2 bass module $280 Hz +1.5 dB; active variable crossover; sens control; Features 10' subwoofer, 8" woofer. 3' dome -type
R-5 satellites $130 'pr soft clipping circuit; 44'/,"H x 21'/,'W x 21 V," D; midrange, 1' tweeter; baffle moldings, speaker mount
walnut finish $2,750/ea designed for min diffraction; acoustic centers of driv-
AUDIO PRO by SONIC RESEARCH ers aligned on common axis to eliminate phase distor-
AUDIOSOURCE tion; crossover network with min phase shift; auto-
A4.14 Biamplified Speaker System matic protection for drivers; rosewood -veneer cabinet
Biamplified 3 -way bass -reflex bookshelf speaker sys- LS -Three Speaker System finish (other finishes available). FR 30-22,000 Hz;
tem incorporates Ace -Bass subwoofer with 2 5' Acoustic -suspension 3 -way speaker system with 5' max power 150 W rms; imp 8 ohms; distortion 0.5%;
down -firing rear -mount woofers and own amp, flush - woofer. 1 11/32' midrange, P tweeter. FR 80- dispersion 100°. Supplied with speaker stands
mounted 4 1/2' cone midrange, 1' soft dome tweet- 20.000 Hz; power range 10-70 W; imp 8 ohms; sens . $1.350/pr
er with separate amp. Features room -matching bass 85 dB SPL/W/m; crossovers 1.2 and 5 kHz; cast -alu-
minum enclosure with metal grille; 10 1/4"H x 6 Beovox MC -120-Z Speaker System
5/16"W x 5 1/8'D; 9.25 lb $160 Three-way speaker system in ported cabinet tuned to
Bessel function for optimum room matching with 8'
LS -Seven Loudspeaker woofer. 3' dome -type midrange driver. 1" tweeter.
Two-way compact speaker with 6" polypropylene Features baffle moldings, speaker mount designed for
woofer and wood enclosure $130 min diffraction; acoustic centers of drivers aligned on
common axis for min phase distortion; crossover net-
LS -One Speaker System work with min phase shift; automatic protection for
Acoustic -suspension 2 -way speaker system with 4' drivers; rosewood -veneer cabinet finish (other finish-
woofer, P tweeter. FR 100-20,000 Hz; power range es available). Frequency response 42-22,000 Hz;
12-40 W; imp 8 ohms; sens 83 dB SPL/W/m; cross- max power 120 W rms; distortion 0.5%; dispersion
over 2.5 kHz; walnut wood -grain or cast -aluminum 100' $795/pr
enclosure with metal grille; or walnut woodgrain;
7.12'H x 4.5"W x 4.56'0; 5.5 lb $100 Beovox S-80-2 Speaker System
Three-way speaker system in infinite -baffle cabinet
LS -Eight with 8" woofer, 3' dome -type phase -link midrange,
Compact speaker with 3" high -compliance driver de- P tweeter. Features baffle moldings, speaker mount-
signed for use as extension speakers $50/pr ing designed for min diffraction; acoustic centers of
drivers aligned on common axis to eliminate phase
AVID distortion; crossover network with min phase shift;
control, tweeter control. sens control (100 mV -5O V automatic protection for drivers; rosewood -veneer
range). L/R signal pushbutton, bass -blend push-but- Model 232ab Speaker System cabinet finish (other finishes available). FR 50-
ton control, power on/off signal -actuated in auto Bass -reflex 3 -way speaker system with polypropylene 22,000 Hz; max power 80 W rms; distortion 0.7%;
mode; walnut or black -ash finish; speaker stands in- 10" woofer, polypropylene 4 1/2' Integral Edge Mid- dispersion 100' $595/pr
cluded. FR 30-20,000 Hz +2 dB; crossovers 300 range in subenclosure, P soft -dome tweeter with
and 2.5 kHz; distortion 2% at 96 dB SPL/half- ferrofluid. Features walnut vinyl finish, dark brown Beovox S 55 Speaker System
space/m at 30 Hz; 20.5-H x 2.12"W x 10.5'D grille. FR 40-20.000 Hz -3 dB; crossovers 650 and 5 Speaker system designed to eliminate time distortion.
5898/system kHz; power range 15-150 W continous; imp 8 ohms; Features 8 1/4" woofer. 4 1/2' midrange, 2 1/2'
28'H a 15'W x 10 3/4"D $580/pr dome tweeter; baffle and cabinet designed to mini-
2-25 Loudspeaker System mize resonance; no sharp cabinet corners to intro-
2 -way speaker with 1' soft dome tweeter and 8" mid- Model 102ab Speaker System duce diffraction effects; common acoustical axis
range woofer; FR 50-20,000 Hz -3 dB; crossover at Acoustic -suspension 2 -way bookshelf speaker system mounting of drivers; rosewood. teak, oak, or white
2,000 Hz; imp 4 ohms 20V. v 11V." x 10V."; with polypropylene 10" woofer, P soft -dome tweeter cabinet finish with aluminum accents. Frequency re-
sens 90 dB SPL/W/m; walnut finish $450/pr with ferrofluid. Features walnut vinyl finish, dark sponse 60-17,000 Hz ±4 dB; crossovers 800 and 3
brown solid grille. FR 43-20.000 Hz -3 dB; crossover kHz; sens 4 W; dispersion 100'; max power 55 W
B2-45 Matched System 2.5 kHz; power range 15-100 W continuous; imp 8 rms; imp 8 ohms; 52.5 cmH a 26.5 cmW x 23 cmD;
Consists of two 2-25 speakers and B2-40 powered ohms 25"H x 15"W x 10 1/8'D $400/pr 8 kg $495/pr
subwoofer (see below); system response 30-20,000
Hz; output 100 dB SPL: 2-25's power range to 100 Model 80ab Speaker System Beovox Phase -Link C-75 System
W. $1.14`, 4 piece system Acoustic -suspension speaker system with polypropyl Two-way rear -radiating log -line bookshelf speaker sys-
tem with 2.4' woofers and 1" tweeter. FR 75.20,000
Hz ±4 dB; crossover 2.5 kHz; distortion 1.0%; max
power 75 W continuous; imp 6 ohms; dispersion 90%

NOTICE TO READERS anodized black or brushed extruded aluminum finish;

123/,.'H x 8"D x 4';"W $395/pr
Prices of items described are manufacturers' suggested prices Beovox Phase -Link C-40 System
only and are subject to change without notice. Actual selling Two-way rear -radiating log -line bookshelf speaker sys-
tem with 4' woofer, 1" tweeter. FR 100-20,000 Hz
prices are determined by the dealers. ±4 dB; crossover 2.5 kHz; distortion 1.0%; max
power 40 W rms; imp 6 ohms; dispersion 90'; anod-
ized black aluminum finish; 12 3/16'H x 8'D x 4
3/4"W $250 pr

I Speakers 9 Speakers
persion; simulated wood frame; FR 42.19,000Hz; provide 6 dB of boost or cut centered at 3 kHz; con
BECKER tinuously adjustable midbass contour control to pro-
sens 88 dB/W/m; power 5-125 W; imp 8 ohms;
27.75"H 19"W R 4.25"D $460/pr vide 6 dB of boost/or cut centered at 225 Hz; bass
Model RR 8-2DP Speaker
shelf control to provide 6 dB of attenuation at 40 Hz;
2 -way ducted -port speaker system for floors or book-
shelves. 8" polypropylene woofer with a 1" high tem- BOSE tape monitor switch. Power range 10 W to unlimited;
imp 8 ohms; cynamic range 106 dB; noise 90 dB re
perature voice coil and a 1" ferro-fluid-cooled
901 Direct/Reflecting' Speaker System 1 V (A -weighted); max input 2.1 V rms at 35 Hz; imp
polycone tweeter.Recommended amp power 15-75
W; FR 50-22.000 Hz; sens 93 db (2.83v at Direct/reflecting' acoustic -matrix speaker system 47k ohms. Equalizer 13'W x 47.'D x 2'/"H.
with Active Equalizer, 8 rear -facing, 1 front -facing Speaker 21'W x 13"D x 12 3/8"H. Sold only in ste-
1m) $159/pr
4'4" full -range drivers. Features pentagon -shaped reo pairs (equalizer supplied with each pair)
cabinet with multi -cell injection -molded core with par- $1.399/pr
Model RR 10-3DP Speaker
ticle board external panels and walnut veneer finish; Speakers only $1,190/pr
3 -way system with 10" woofer, 5' ferro-faiid cooled
active equalizer with specifically designed fixed EQ; 901 Speaker Pedestals. Black $63/pr
midrange '/.. high -temperature voice coil Midrange
continuously adjustable midtreble contour control to Chrome $84/pr
polymer laminated; continuously variable L -pads.
Power range 15-100, FR 40-22,000 Hz, sens 95 dB
SPL 2 83 V 'm $249/pr

Model RR12-3DP Speaker

12' polypropylene woofer with 5" polymer -laminated
midrange and a 1" poly dome tweeter. Has continu-
ously variable L -pads. Recommended amp power 15-
150 W; FR 35-22.000 Hz, sens 96 dB 2.83
BES speakers.
v/ $319/pr
Music in the Round.
RR 2-10-3DP Speaker The natural sound no other speaker can recreate.
3 -way speaker system with continuously variable L -
pads. Features dual 10' poly woofers with a 5" poly-
mer laminated midrange and a 1' poly dome tweeter. Now there's a speaker that produces sound the way
Power range 15.225 W; FR 34Hz-2 2kHz; sens 97 dB nature produces sound: In 360° waves. Front and back
SDL/2.83 V/m $409/pr and in all planes. Place them anywhere and free yourself
BENNETT SOUND CORP from the tyranny of narrowly -beamed box speakers.
The reviewers raved: "Open: "Clean and ' Elegant
Compusound 150 System What are your superlatives?
Active loudspeaker utilizing time -delay -derived cross-
overs. real-time computer -compensated dynamic
drivers, and separate power amps for each channel.
Six -channel power amp includes two independent
power supplies. System includes 2 3 -way speakers.
19' rack -mountable electronics unit, and connecting
cable. Speakers available in oak or walnut. Amp
specs: 150 W/ch at less than 0.005% IM or harmon-
ic distortion from 20-20.000 Hz; S/N >100 dB
unwtd; rise time 2.5 µsec. Speaker specs: sens 90 dB
SPL/W/m; 42.5'H x 14.5"W x 15.25'D $3.600

SM300 Speaker System
Floor -standing 4 -way system with dual -polymer dia-
phragm. Features 360' omnidirectional dispersion:
rotary midrange/high frequency level controls; bi-
amplification capability; wood frame. FR 30-
22.000Hz; sens 93 dB/W/m; recommended power
25-250 W continuous; imp 8 ohms; 53.5"H x 22"W
x 6.75'0 $1,500/pr

SM280 Speaker System

Large floor -standing 4 -way system with dual polymer
diaphragm. Features 360' omnidirectional dispersion:
rotary midrange/high frequency level controls; wood
frame; FR 32-22,000 Hz; sens 93 dB/W/m; recom-
mended power 10-200 W continuous. imp 8 ohms,
44.25'H > 22'W x 6.75"D $1,100/pr

SM255 Mark II Speaker System

Smaller floor -standing 3 -way system with single poly-
mer diaphragm. Features 360° omnidirectional dis-
persion; dual rotary midrange/high frequency level
controls; wood frame; FR 35-22,000 Hz; sens 91
dB/W/m; recommended power 10-200 W continu-
ous, imp 8 ohms; 30.25"H x 20'W ), 5.75"D

SM250 Mark II Speaker System

Smaller floor -standing 3 -way system with single poly-
mer diaphragm. Features 360' omnidirectional dis-
persion; rotary high frequency level control; wood
frame; FR 38-22.000 Hz; sens 88 dB/W/m; recom-
mended power 5-150 W continuous; imp 8 ohms;
28.5"H 19"W 4.25"0 $580/pr
Ask us for dour nearest BES tle -5t32-4644 714-549-3833
SM100 Speaker System 14.

Smaller floor -standing 2 -way system with single poly-

mer diaphragm. Features 360° omnidirectional dis-
Speakers 9 Speakers
601 Series II Speaker System at 2,000 Hz; power handling 75 W (DIN 45573).
Two-way direct/reflecting* floor -standing speaker oak veneer cabinet. FR 80.20,000 Hz; crossover 1.6
321/2"H including base; 16'W x 81/2"D $370/pr kHz; max power 250 W continuous music; imp 8
system with 4 3' tweeters, 2 8' long -excursion woof-
ers. Tweeters, one woofer mounted above main enclo-
ohms; 12'/,'H x 7'/,'W x 7'/"D $500/pr
A70 Speaker System Also in satin black lacquer finish
sure in Free Space array configuration for lifelike ste- $500/pr
Acoustic -suspension 2 -way speaker system with 8'
reo imaging. Features subport enclosure system; woofer, .5' cone tweeter with ferrofluid. Features LS -220A Speaker System
dual -frequency crossover; automatic tweeter protec- woodgrain-vinyl finish with removable black cloth Tower 2 -way speaker with 8" aluminum woofer, 1"
tion; walnut -grain vinyl finish. Crossovers 1.5 and 2.5 grille. FR 40-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; crossover 2 kHz; soft -dome tweeter. FR 60-20,000 Hz; crossover 3
kHz; imp 8 ohms; power range 20-150 W; 291/2'H x sens 90 db/W/m; min power 15 W; imp 6 ohms nom- kHz at 18 dB/octave; max power 100 W continuous;
14'W x 13"D. Sold only in matched pairs. $944/pr inal; 24" x 14' x 7 3/4"D $280/pr 36"H v 11'/,'W Y 9'/,'D $498/pr
501 Series III Speaker System A60 Speaker System B-1002 Bard Outdoor Speaker
Direct/Reflecting. 2 -way acoustic -suspension floor - Acoustic -suspension 2 -way speaker system with 8" All-weather 2 -way speaker with 8' aluminum mid-
standing speaker system with 10' long -excursion woofer, 1/2' cone tweeter with ferrofluid. Features range/woofer, 2" aluminum tweeter. FR 50-20.000
woofer. 2 31/2" tweeters. Features direct energy con- woodgrain-vinyl finish with removable black cloth Hz; max power 60 W continuous music; imp 8 ohms;
trol (adjustable vane in front of outward -facing tweet- grille. FR 55-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; crossover 3 kHz;
er matches spatial characteristics to tastes, room);
uses jack and plug connector; 18' dia. x 21" x
sens 90 dB/W/m; min power 10 W; imp 8 ohms; 18" 12' $498/pr
tweeter protection circuit; walnut -grain vinyl finish. x 11 1/2' x 7 1/2'D $200/pr B1000. Same as B-1002 except without tweeter
Crossover 1.5 kHz; power range 20-100 W; imp 8
ohms; 24'H x 14 1/2'W x 14.5"D. Sold only in ste- $338/pr
A40 Speaker System
reo pairs $684/pr Acoustic -suspension 2 -way speaker system with 6 LS -200A Speaker System
1/2" woofer, 3/4" dome tweeter with ferrofluid. Fea- Tuned -port 2 -way bookshelf speaker with 8" alumi-
301 Series II Speaker System tures woodgrain-vinyl finish; removable black cloth num midrange/woofer, 1' soft -dome tweeter. FR 60-
Direct/Reflecting* ported 2 -way bookshelf speaker grille. Frequency response 68-20,000 Hz ±3 dB;
system with 8' woofer, two 3' tweeters in Free Space
20,000 Hz; crossover 2.5 kHz; max power 150 W
crossover 3.5 kHz; sens 88.5 dB SPL/W/m; min pow- continuous music; imp 8 ohms; 20'/.'H x 113/.'W
Array-. Features dual -frequency crossover to allow er 5W; imp 8 ohms; 13 1/2'H x 8 1/4"W x
woofer and tweeter to operate simultaneously over
7 10'/.'D $358/pr
3/4"D $150/pr
nearly a full octave; tweeter protection circuit; particle
Professional Series
board cabinet with walnut -grain vinyl veneer finish. BOZAK
Transition frequencies 3 kHz woofer. 1.2 kHz tweet-
CM-109-23AW Speaker
er; power range 10/60 W/ch continuous; imp 8 CS -310B Concert Grand Contemporary Columnar 3 -way. 3 -line speaker with 8" woofers in
ohms; 17'W x 10.5'H x 9.5'D. Sold only in stereo Speaker with 4 B -199B woofers, 2 B-2098 mid-
pairs bass array with drivers over inverse tapered slot, 9
$390/pr ranges, 8 tweeters in vertical column. FR 16-20.000 4'/,' midrange drivers, 8 2' tweeters. FR 30-
Hz; imp 8 ohms; power range 60-350 W; matte wal- 16,000 Hz; crossovers 800 and 2.5 kHz; efficiency
201 Speaker System nut enclosure; 52"H x 36'W x 19'D . $3,798/pr 126 dB at 150 W, 4 -ft on -axis; imp 8 ohms; max
Direct/Reflecting* speaker system with high -density CS410CL. Same as CS -310B except Classic cabinet power 150 W continuous; marine plywood enclosure
polystyrene enclosure with contoured vent surfaces to $3,998/pr with beige enamel finish; 57'H x 223/"W x
reduce low -frequency distortion, direct energy control CS -410M. Same as CS -310B except Moorish styling 15'/."1"./ $3,398/pr
that adjusts radiation pattern of outward -firing tweet- $4,198/pr CM -109-23W. Same as CM-109.23AW except for
er beyond 2 kHz. Features Dual Frequency crossover
biamp operation $3,198/pr
network that allows woofer and tweeter to simulta- Symphony No. 1 CS -4000A Modern
neously operate over nearly full octave range; 6' Infinite -baffle, 3 -way floor -standing
speaker with CM -450-4 Speaker System
woofer; 2' tweeter; asymmetrical driver array; direct 2'/,' woofers, 6'/,' midranges, 8 2' tweeters in ar-
energy control; ducted -vent enclosure; automatic Columnar speaker designed for voice/speech, out-
ray. FR 35-20,000 Hz; crossovers 400 and 2.5 kHz door low-level music, classrooms, lecture halls, audi-
tweeter protection. Crossover transition frequencies at 6 dB/octave; imp 8 ohms; max power 250 W pro- toriums. Features 4 4' aluminum -cone full -range driv-
1.5 and 2.5 kHz; power range 10.60 W rms; imp 8 gram; walnut enclosure; 44 '/,'H x 26'/,"W
ohms; 14.12"W a 7.87'H x 6.75"D; 6.2 lb$262/pr ers; weather-proof cabinet; mounting brackets.
D $2,398/pr Measures 20'/.'H x 6'/,'W x 43/"D $458/pr .

CS -4000 CL. Same as CS -4000A with Classic CM -450-6. Same as CM -540-4 except includes 6
BOSTON ACOUSTICS styling $2,598/pr drivers. Measures 30 1/2"H $598/pr
CS -4000 M. Same as CS -4000A with Moorish
A400 Speaker System styling $2,798/pr
Three-way, 4 -speaker system, with dual 8' woofers, CS -4005A. Same as CS -4000A except low -boy enclo-
61/2' midrange unit in its own internal subenclosure; BSR
sure; 27'/,'H x 36'W x 20'D $2,398/pr
1' copolymer dome CFT/1 tweeter; crossover fre-
Model 153 Speaker
quency of 300 Hz from woofer to midrange; oak or Concerto VII CS -501A Speaker
walnut 15' 3 -way acoustic -suspension loudspeaker with wal-
$900/pr Floor -standing 3 -way speaker with 12' high -compli- nut vinyl cabinet $200
ance woofer, 6'/," midrange, 3 tweeters mounted in
A200 Speaker System arc array for improved dispersion. FR 40-20.000 Hz; Model 123 Speaker
Acoustic -suspension floor -standing 3 -way speaker crossovers 800 and 2.5 kHz at 6 dB/octave; imp 8 12' 3 -way acoustic -suspension loudspeaker with wal-
with 10" woofer mounted close to floor, 4.5' flush - ohms; max power 250 W program; walnut cabinet; nut vinyl cabinet
mounted cone midrange in sealed subenclosure, 1' $130
30'H x 20'/,'W x 16'D $1,398/pr
flush -mount polyamide dome tweeter with ferro-fluid.
Model 103B Speaker .

Features walnut veneer cabinet with removable black LS -330A Speaker

cloth grille; integral black pedestal base. FR 32- 10' 3 -way acoustic -suspension loudspeaker; walnut
Infinite -baffle 3 -way speaker with 12- woofer, 6' vinyl cabinet
20,000 Hz ± 2.5 dB; crossovers 450 and 3 kHz; $100
midrange, 1" soft -dome tweeter. FR 40-20,000 Hz;
sens 90 dB/W/m; min power 15 W; imp 8 ohms; crossovers 500 and 2.5 kHz; max power 200 W con- Model 82 Speaker
41'H x 21'W x 6 3/8"D $750/pr tinuous music; imp 8 ohms; walnut cabinet; 34 1/2" 8' 2 -way tuned -duct loudspeaker; walnut vinyl
Oak veneer cabinet with wheat -colored grille $750/pr x 15'/,'W x 12'/."D $1,038/pr cabinet $70
LS -250A. Similar to LS -330A except uses 4'/,' mid-
A150 Series II Speaker System range driver; Frequency response 45-20,000 Hz;
3 -way speaker with 10" acoustic suspension woofer, B&W LOUDSPEAKERS LTD
crossovers 500 and 2 kHz; 23'/,'H x 14'/,'W x
CFT/1 dome tweeter and 31/2" midrange. FR 38- 12'/'D $598/pr 801F Speaker
25,000 Hz ±3 dB; imp 8 ohms; crossover frequen-
Floor -standing 3 -way acoustic -suspension speaker
cies 650 Hz and 3,000 Hz; power handling 100 W CS -400 Speaker System with vertically aligned drivers to minimize time delays.
(DIN 45 573); 321/2'H x 16"W x 81/2'D. Oak or Infinite -baffle 3 -way speaker with 12' variable -densi-
walnut veneers Features crossover system; Audio Powered Overload
$590/pr ty woofer, 6' aluminum midrange, 2 aluminum "Z" Circuit to prevent driver damage; choice of cabinet
Wood -grain vinyl finish $500/pr tweeters. FR 40-20,000 Hz; crossovers 800 and 2.5 finishes. FR 45-20,000 Hz ±2 dB; power range 50
kHz; maximim power 100 W continuous; imp 8 ohms; W -no upper limit due to APOC; imp 8 ohms; 37.3'H
A100 Series II Speaker System walnut 25'/,'H x 18'W x
cabinet; 13'/"D x 22'D x 17"W; 97 lb.
Two-way acoustic suspension speaker with 10' low - $858/pr Walnut, teak, or black ash finish $3,500/pr
frequency driver and 1' CFT high -frequency unit. Fea-
Rosewood finish $3,950/pr
tures self -damped copolymer dome and magnetic flu- MB -80 Speaker System
id convection cooling of CFT voice coil structure; Miniature two-way high-performance acoustic -suspen- 802F Speaker System
wood -grained vinyl -veneered cabinet; black pedestal sion speaker. Features 6" aluminum cone woofer, 1' Acoustic -suspension floor -standing speaker with 2
base standard. FR 38-25,000 Hz ±3 dB; crossover soft -dome tweeter; failsafe tweeter protection circuit; 165mm woofers, 100mm midrange, 26mm tweeter.

Speakers 9 Speakers
Features Butterworth Squared crossovers; APOC; CABASSE Clipper Speaker System
choice of cabinet finishes. FR 55-20,000 Hz i 2 dB; Three-way speaker system with all drivers located on
power range 50 W -no upper limit due to APOC; 2nd - Galion Speaker System the same vertical axis and gradually stepped from top
and 3rd -harmonic distortion -- 1%, 100-20,000 Hz Four-way floor -standing speaker with all drivers locat- to bottom to create optimum imaging and min time -
for 90 dB SPL; sens 85 dB SPL/W/m; 41"H 14 ed on same vert cal axis and gradually stepped from domain distortion. Lifetime warranty. Features 30cm
1/2"W 11 3/4"D; 70 lb. top to bottom to create optimum imaging and mini- woofer; 12 cm mid -range; 5.5 cm dome tweeter; cast
Walnut, teak, or black ash finish $2,500/pr mum time -domain distortion. Lifetime warranty. Fea- frame drrvers; frequency response 55-20,000 Hz
Rosewood finish $2,950/pr tures 30 cm woofer; 17 cm lower mid; 5.5 cm dome 13 dB; yensitivity 94 dB/W/m; 110 W continued
mid; 2.5 cm tweeter; cast speaker frames; hand power rate; 775 W peak; hand rubbed and matched
DM7/II Speaker System rubbed and matched walnut veneer cabinets. Fre- walnut veneer cabinets; 74 35 . 33 cm; 2.2
Floor -standing acoustic -suspension speaker with quency response 50-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB (8 ohms); kg $1.600/pr
160mm midwoofer, 26mm tweeter. Features 14 -ele- sensitivity 94 dB/ IW/ 1 M: power handing 110 W Sloop. Similar to Clipper except 2.5 cm dome mid-
ment crossover; APOC; choice of cabinet finishes. FR continuous, 775 W peaks; 100 36 34cm; 33 range; FR 60-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; 64 35 33 cm;
80.20,000 Hz + 2 dB; power range 40 W -no upper kg $2,400 /pr 26 kg $1,200/pr
limit due to APOC; 2nd- and 3rd -harmonic distortion
3% sens 86 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 35 7/16"H
. 15"D x 10 11/16"W; 64 lb.
Walnut finish $1,290/pr

DM14 Speaker System

Acoustic -suspension speaker with 150mm mid -
woofer, 26mm tweeter. Features overload protection;
choice of cabinet finishes. FR 80-20,000 Hz t 2 dB;
power range 15 W -no upper limit due to overload pro-
tection; 2nd/3rd-harmonic distortion -- I%/ 3%;
sens 85 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 22 1/2"H x 11
1 /2'D 10"H; 35 lb.
Walnut, teak, or black ash finish $990/pr
Rosewood finish $1,130/pr

The DM17 Limited Speaker

Speaker with 2 drivers arranged with the top -mount-
The sound engineers at
ed treble unit time -aligned in relation to the
bass/midrange driver. Features bextrene thermoplas-
most of the world's great
tic cone; dome -shaped 26mm-diaphragm high -fre- classical recording studios*
quency driver pairs are computer -matched to 10.5
dB; resonance -free cabinet; automatic protection; have at least one thing in
suitable for amps having power output of 40 W or
greater; selected veneers of black ash or walnut; FR common.
better than 85-20,000 Hz -+ 2 dB free -field on listen-
ing axis at 2m; imp 8 ohms; sens 85 dB SPL/W/m
into 8 ohms; 8'/4"W I0'/,'D 16"H; 19.8 *Decca, Deutsche Gram-
lb $790/pr mophcn, CBS, Capitol, EMI,
DM12 Speaker System Polygram
Compact acoustic -suspension speaker with 150mm
midwoofer, 26mm tweeter. Features choice of cabinet
finishes. FR 85.20,000 Hz 12 dB; power range 15
W -no upper limit due to overload protection;
They all choose B&W 801F loudspeakers
2nd/3rd-harmonic distortion
85 cB SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 14'H
1 %/ 0.5%; sens
10 1/2"D
to monitor the fidelity of their recordings.
8 3/4"W; 21 lb.
Walnut, teak, or black ash finish
Rosewood finish
$750/pr You, too, can choose this same digital
DM220 Speaker
technology to monitor your recordings in your
Three-way system employing two 8" drivers; one for a
lower bass; the other handles upper bass and mid-
own home. B&W has just released the all new
range frequencies; 1' dome tweeter; available in DM110 at only $298.00 per pair and the DM220
American walnut or black ash simulated veneers.
Sens 90 dB SPL/W/m; Frequency response 53- at $498.00 per pair.
20,000 Hz; recommended power range 10-75 W
rms; 26.75' H 11.4'W 12.6"D; 30.4 lbs; use-
ful bass cutoff frequency 45 Hz; distortion less than These speakers are engineered for high
3%; 2nd harmonic; less than 0.5%. 3rd
harmonic $500/pr
acoustical output, high sensitivity (not less
LM -1 Leisure Monitor Speaker
than 90db) and a linear and extended frequency
Two-way mini speaker with colored nextel finishes,
protection against overload, for home and car use.
Available in brown. beige, charcoal, black, or red. Min
power I0 W; 4' woofer, 7," tweeter $498/pr Complete your studio with a pair of B&W's.
LM-1/PM. Panel -mount version $450/pr
LM-1/Mar. Marine version, protected against
corrosion $598/pr
LM-1/PM-Mar. Marine version, panel mount $550/pr

DM110 Speaker
k the Best in the World
Two-way vented speaker employing 2 drive units. 8' D stnbuted in United Stal,trid C,e ode by
woofer crossed over to 1' dome tweeter via a 4th -or-
der Butterworth squared circuit that provides fre-
Anglo American Audio Co. Inc., Box 653, buffalo, NY, 14240. (416) 438-1012
quency division at 3,000 Hz. Sens 91 dB SPL/W/m; Member of Misobanke International Group
FR 70-20,000 Hz + 3 dB; recommended power 10-
50 W rms. 19.3'H r 10.25"W 9.8'D; 18.5

1984 EDITION 123

Speakers 9 Speakers
Brick Speaker System wall mounting fixture; removable grille; nominal imp 4 Ditton 250 Speaker System
Two-way enclosed system with 21 cm woofer, 2.5 cm ohms; nominal power handling 40/60 W; FR 48- Acoustic suspension 3 -way speaker with ULTRA 1
dome tweeter; cast speaker frames; all drivers are lo- 30,000 Hz; crossover at 1,700 Hz; 12.6"W dome tweeter; 5" cone midrange; 8' PVC -surround
cated on the same vertical axis and are gradually 8.66"H x 3.15-D; 3.1 kg $350/pr woofer. Features flush -mounted, vertically aligned
stepped from top to bottom to create optimum imag-
drivers; walnut cabinet; 22'/,'H x 11'/,"W
ing and min time -domain distortion. Lifetime warran- Mini -Speaker Systems 9' /,'D
ty. FR 70-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; 93.5 dB/W/m; capable $600/pr
of withstanding 350 W peaks. Features hand -rubbed Plus L Speaker System Ditton 110 Speaker System
and matched walnut veneer cabinets; computerized Designed as a satellite for Plus B subwoofer (belcw), Acoustic -suspension speaker with ULTRA dome
optimization of all design perameters; 8 ohms; 64 x 2 -way speaker has 110 -mm woofer, 20 -mm tweeter. tweeter, 8" long -throw PVC -surround woofer. Fea-
30x 25 cm; 13 kg $700/pr Features flush wall mounting; walnut or black/white tures vertically aligned, flush -mounted drivers; walnut
finish; removable grille. FR 45-30,000 Hz; crossover vinyl cabinet; 17'H 10'W x 8'/.'D... $400/pr
CANTON 2.2 kHz; power range 10-60 W: imp 4 ohms; r'/."H
4'/.'W x $350/pr Ditton 100 Speaker System
Ergo A Speaker System Plus Set. Full -range system consisting of Plus B
1 Compact 2 -way speaker with 6'/," PVC surround
Amplified 3 -way floor -standing speaker with 2 250 - subwoofer/amp, 2 Plus L satellites $1,450 woofer: 1" ULTRA tweeter. Features vertically aligned
mm woofers, 125 -mm midrange, 20 -mm tweeter,
flush -mounted drivers; walnut -grain vinyl finish; black
separate bass. midrange, treble hybrid amps. Fea- GL -260 Speaker System
tures signal correction circuit; thermal overload, Low -profile 2 -way speaker with 160 -mm woofer, 20 -
short-circuit protection; bass level control; mm tweeter. Features wall -mounting suitability; black,
switchability for left/right configuration; oak, black, or white, or brown finish; perforated metal grille. FR 42-
white finish; perforated steel grille. FR 20-30,000 Hz; 30,000 Hz; crossover 1.7 kHz; power range 10-60
crossovers 130 and 2.2 kHz; max amp power 100 W; distortion <1%; imp 4 ohms; 10.5'H x 7.12'W
W/ch; THD/IM distortion < 0.05%/ <0.05%; S/N 4.75'D $350/pr
80 dB woofer amp, 90 dB midrange, tweeter GL -210. Similar to GL 260 except has 110 -mm woof-
amps; 39"H x 15'W x 15'D $3.500/pr er. Designed as satellite for GLS 50 subwoofer (be-
low). Low -end response 48 Hz; crossover 2.1 kHz;
Ergo P Speaker power range 5-35 W; 7'/,'H x 43/.'W x 4'/."D
3 -way floor -standing speaker with 25 mm titanium $250/pr
dome tweeter; midrange cone diaphragm 120 mm;
long -throw woofer, cone diaphragm 260 mm. Fea- Subwoofers
tures enclosure surfaces black or oak veneer; grille of Plus A Subwoofer
perforated steel plate; color to match enclosure; Self -powered super-subwoofer (bass cube) with built-
permafix spring clamps for easy connection; 5 meter in integrated power stereo amps for midrange -tweeter grille cloth. FR 78-20.000 Hz; crossover 2.300 Hz:
connecting cable; removable grille; integrated speaker satellites; bass amp with 2 hybrid amps in thin film power range 10-40 W; sens 87 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8
stand; nominal imp 4 ohms; nominal power handling configuration as bridge circuit. Features 2 long -throw ohms; 13"H x
110/160 W; FR 20-30,000 Hz; crossovers 450 Hz;
7'/.'D:9.75 lb $520/pr
woofers (cone diaphragm 310 mm); enclosure sur-
3.100 Hz $2.000/pr faces black (veneer available at extra charge); grille of CERWIN-VEGA
perforated steel plate; color to match enclosure:
CT 1000 Speaker System crossover frequency; bass level and input sens digital- Digital Series Speaker Systems
3 -way floor -standing speaker with 25mm dome tweet- ly selected and freely switchable on upper front panel;
er (titanium); 120mm dome midrange cone; long - digital feed of input data; digital display (manual over- D-9 Speaker System
throw 310 mm woofer. Features enclosure surfaces ride) via LED scale, separate for subwoofer, left and Three-way, four -driver, floor -standing system with
black or oak veneer; grille of perforated steel plate; right chs; 30.71'W x 22.64'H x 16.93"D; FR 16- 15' woofer, dual 6" midrange and 1" tweeter. Fea-
color to match enclosure; permafix spring clamps for 30,000 Hz (with satellites) $2,400/ea tures Helmholz/Theile enclosure fabricated from
easy connection; 5 meter connecting cable; remov- Complete with Quinto 520 speakers as high -density pressed board with woodgrain vinyl fin-
able grille; FG 200 speaker stand as optional accesso- satellites $3,000 ish and acoustically transparent brown stretch grille.
ry; nominal imp 4 ohms; nominal power handling
Frequency response 29-20,000 Hz; power range 5-
110/160 W; FR 20-30.000 Hz; crossovers 450 Hz, Plus B Subwoofer 350 W; sens 101 dB; imp 4 ohms; crossover fre-
3.100 Hz; 13.98"W x 25.98'H x 12.6'D; 21.5 Amplified subwoofer with 310 -mm long -throw woof- quencies 500 and 3,500 Hz: 35'/,' x 18' x
kg $1,350/pr er. separate bass, midrange, treble hybrid amps. Fea- 17'/,'; 85 lbs $950/pr
With optional FS200 speaker stands $1,500/pr tures signal correction circuit; thermal overload;
short-circuit protection; bass level control; auto- D-7 Speaker System
"Quinto" Series Speaker Systems matic/manual switching with time -delay relay: termi- Tower -type 3 -way speaker with 12' woofer, dual 6"
Speaker systems in this series feature dome -type nals, switching controls for up to 4 satellite speakers: cone distributed midrange driver in large chamber. 1 -
drivers; highly sealed plywood cabinets; 4 -ohm imp, walnut, black, or bronze -brown finish; removable per- horn tweeter. Features circuit protection; midrange,
perforated low -resonance metal grilles; walnut -veneer forated steel grille. FR 20-130 Hz; crossover 130 Hz, tweeter level controls; choice of finishes. FR 25-
finish with bronze -brown grille, or textured white lac- max amp output power 100 W each; THD and IM dis-
quer with white grille.
17,000 Hz ±3 dB: crossovers 700 and 3.5 kHz;
tortion <0.05% all amps; 15'/,'H x 15'D x sens 98 dB SPL/W/m: max power 125 W; imp 8
Quinto 540. Floor -standing 3 -way system with 310- W $1,100/ea ohms
mm woofer, 38 -mm midrange, 20 -mm tweeter. FR
$800 /pr
22-30,000 Hz; crossovers 800 and 3.5 kHz; power GLS 50 Subwoofer D-5 Speaker System
range 40-140 W; distortion <0.3%; 22.5"H >. Passive subwoofer with 310 -mm long -throw woofer.
13.4'W Floor shelf 3 -way speaker with 12" woofer. 6' cone
12.4'D $1.000/pr Features black or walnut -veneer finish; perforated midrange, 1' horn tweeter. Features circuit protec-
FG 200. Stand for Quinto 540 $150/pr steel grille. FR 22-120 Hz; crossover 120 Hz; power tion; midrange, tweeter level controls; choice of finish-
"Quinto" 530. Similar to Quinto 540 except book- range 20-70 W; sens 9 W; distortion <0.4%; 13.4' es. FR 32-17,000 Hz -±3 dB; crossovers 700 and
shelf design with 260 -mm woofer, 28 -mm midrange, cube $400 3.5 kHz; sens 86 dB SPL/W/m; max power 100 W;
20 -mm tweeter. Low -end response 25 Hz; crossovers imp 8 ohms
1k and 5 kHz; power range 30-100 W; distortion $600/pr
0.6%; 18.12"H x 12.25'W x 10.62'D $750/pr D-3 Speaker System
"Quinto" 520. Similar to Quinto 530 except has 220 - SL6 Speaker System Shelf -type 3 -way speaker with 10" woofer, 6' cone
mm woofer. Low -end response 28 Hz; crossovers Acoustic -suspension 2 -way speaker with 1'/." cop- midrange, 1' horn tweeter. Features circuit protec-
800 and 5 kHz; power range 25-80 W; distortion per -alloy dome tweeter, VHP woofer. Features unique tion: midrange, tweeter level controls; choice of finish-
<0.8%; 153/."1-1 Y 9'/,'W x 9'/,'D $600/pr system design for min vibration distortion American es. FR 30-17,000 Hz ±3 dB; crossovers 700 and
"Quinto" 510. Similar to Quinto 520 except has 200 - walnut cabinet $800/p 3.5 kHz; sens 92 dB SPL/W/m: imp 8 ohms $500/pr
mm woofer. Low -end response 36 Hz; power range With rosewood finish $1,000/p
25-80 W; 13'/"H x 8'/,'W x 8'/."D $500/pr 13-2 Speaker System
2 -way speaker with 10' woofer in .a cast aluminum
GLE-40 F Speaker System NEED MORE INFORMATION? frame and l' voice coil horn. Features high frequency
Low -profile 2 -way speaker acoustically tuned for wall
level control; resettable high frequency protection cir-
mounting. Features dome tweeter (fabric), 20 mm: Write directly to the manufacturer or cuit breaker; direct radiating vented enclosure; walnut
long throw woofer, cone diaphragm, 160 mm; enclo- distributor. A list of names and ad- wood grain vinyl finish; black cloth grille. FR 30-
sure surfaces black, white or walnut veneer; grille of
perforated steel plate; color to match enclosure;
dresses starts on page 25. 20,000 Hz; power handling min/max 5/125 W; sens
96 dB; nominal imp 8 ohms; crossover frequency
permafix spring clamps; 5 meter connecting cable; 3,000 Hz; 24'/, 14" 10'; 38 lbs $400/pr
Speakers 9 Speakers
D-1 Speaker System DQM-3 Speaker System dbx
2 -way system with 8' woofer and 1' voice coil high Acoustic -suspension speaker in "unbox" enclosure,
frequency horn. Features resettable high frequency 8' woofer. Features flat wound ribbon wre voice con; dbx Soundfield Imaging Speaker Systems
protection circuit breaker; vented design cabinet; wal- tweeter is 1' dome; FR 50-20,000 Hz; power rarge Two floor -standing enclosures. each with four 10'
nut wood grain vinyl; black cloth grille. FR 30-20,000 25-120 W; sens 90 dB at 1,000 Hz; crossover 2 woofers, four 4%" midranges, and six tweeters.
Hz; power min/max 5/100 W; sens 94 dB W/m; 8 kHz; imp 8 ohms 17%'W , 11%-H . 101/4"D; 35 Phased -array design produces both measurably flat
ohms imp; crossover frequency 3.000Hz .$350/pr Ibs; suede gray nextel $450, pr frequency and power response 20-20,000 Hz and
Simulated walnut grain $400, pr stable and consistent central image anywhere in lis-
SAT I Speaker Systems tening area (no main listening axis). Computer -de-
Full -spectrum speaker consisting of pair of satellites, ST -9 Speaker Stand signed crossover individually tailors amplitude and
single subwoofer. Satellites feature 6" woofer, 1' Floor stand for DQM series speakers; provides rig -d phase of each driver to produce psychoacoustically
horn tweeter; FR 100-17,000 Hz t 3 dB; crossover mounting, 3.5' upward tilt; matte black "inish; capaci- optimized radiation pattern and constant imp 4 ohms
3 kHz; sens 90 dB SPL/W/m; max power 90 W; imp ty 100 lbs. 11 1/2' W 14"H 12'D; 7/, 1/2 ohm 20-20,000 Hz. System includes proces-
8 ohms; circuit protection; midrange, tweeter level lbs $80 'pr sor to go in preamp/receiver tape monitor loop. Pro -
controls. SW -12 subwoofer features dual voice coil
floor -facing 12' woofer; FR 30-110 Hz t4 dB; built-
in crossover to satellites at 110 Hz; sees 95 dB
SPL/W/m; max power 100 W; imp 8 ohms
choice of finishes.
2 Sat I satellites, SW -12 subwoofer $600
SW -12 subwoofer alone $300

DQ-10 Speaker System
Air -suspension phased array moving -coil 5 -way
speaker with 10' woofer, 5' midbass, 2' soft -dome
midrange, '/,' dome tweeter, piezoelectric ceramic
supertweeter. Features low -diffraction time -delay cor-
rection; treble -slope control; solid walnut or oak trim
with black or white grille cloth; manufactured in mir-
ror -imaged pairs. FR 37-27,000 Hz; crossovers 400,
1k, 6k, 12.5 kHz; power range 60-200 W; imp 8
ohms; 31'/,'H 30VW \ 9'D $1,000/pr
ST -10 stand $80/pr

DQ-1 W Subwoofer
Subwoofer with 13" driver in heavy cast frame for
biamplified systems. Features walnut or oak finish
with black or white grille cloth; 28"H 18'W
14' D $350

Dynamic Tracking Studio Monitors

DQM-9 Speaker System

Dual rear -firing tuned port speaker features rigid die-
cast zinc chassis drivers in "unbox" enclosure; 11'
woofer and 5' cone midrange feature flat wound rib-
bon wire voice coils; tweeter is P dome. FR 28-
22,000 Hz; power range 25-200 W; sens 95 dB at
1.000 Hz; crossovers 450 and 3.5 kHz; imp 8 ohms;
25'W \ 14%'H \ 13WD; 65 lbs: suede gray
nextel $1,200/pr
Simulated walnut grain $1,120/pr

DQM-9 Compact Speaker System

Dual rear -firing tuned -port speaker features rigid die-
cast zinc chassis drivers in "unbox" enclosure; 9'
woofer and 5' cone midrange feature flat -wound rib-
bon wire voice coils; tweeter is P dome; FR 35-
22,000Hz; power range 25-140 W; sens 92 dB at
1,000 Hz; crossovers 450 and 3.5 kHz; imp 8 ohms;
22%"W 14%,'H \ 111/2"D; 55 lbs; suede gray
nextel $900/pr
Simulated walnut grain $820/pr
The Digital Age is upon us. It will provide a whole our loudspeaker systems. That is why Cerwin-Vega is
new dimension in listening dynamics and canly-but, the first and only loudspeaker company to have a full
DQM-7 Compact Speaker System line of seven "Digital Ready" speaker systems-rang-
Dual rear -firing tuned -port speaker features rigid die- only when used with loudspeakers capable of re-
producing the range, dynamics and realism digital mg in price from a few hundred to nearly a thousand
cast zinc chassis drivers in "unbox" enclosure; 9' recording makes possible. dollars a pair, ready. Now!
woofer; features flat -wound ribbon wire voice coil; Suddenly, everyone else's speaker systems are Cerwin-Vega's Digital Series deliver just what they
obsolete. While fine for standard analog recordings on promise: true Digital sound with all its breathtaking
tweeter is I" dome; FR 37-22.000Hz; power range dimension and accuracy. Listen to Digital sound on
25-120 W; sens 92 dB at 1,000 Hz; crossover 3 tape or vinyl disc, they just can't handle the sonic
requirements for proper Digital sourd. anyone else's conventional loudspeakers and they'll
kHz; imp 8 ohms; 21'/,'W 13%-H 111/4"D; 50 For nearly three decades, our philosophy a -td goal at probably sound like they're wrapped in a wet blanket.
Ibs; suede gray nextel $730/pr Cerwin-Vega has been to produce a loudspeaker capa- See your local Cerwin-Vega dealer and let your ears
Simulated walnut grain $650/pr ble of the wide dynamic range. extended frequency do the judging. While all the other companies are still
response, proper phase coherence, low distortion and working on their Digital prototypes, you can enjoy a
high efficiency required for modern music repicduction. proven Cerwin-Vega Digital Senes speaker system in
DQM-5 Speaker System Requirements, as it tums out, also necessary for proper your home, today.
Dual rear -firing tuned -port speaker in "unbox" enclo- Digital sound. Wrote for a copy of our technocal white paper -Digital Speaker
sure. Features flat 9' woofer; features flat wound rib- In addition, for the past five years, we've been using Systems"
digital source material, exclusively, to further perfect 12250 Montague Street. Arleta. Ca 91331 19133 Cerwen-Vega
bon wire voice coil; tweeter is 1' dome; FR 37-
22.000 Hz; power range 25-120 W; sens 90 dB at
1,000 Hz; crossover 3 kHz; imp 8 ohms; 21%'W
13%"H x 11'/.'D; 46 Ibs; suede gray nextel
Corwin -Vega! Digital Series
Simulated walnut grain $520/pr

1984 EDITION 125

Is the lower -priced
QED" Loudspeaker Speakers 9 Speakers
as good as cessor equalizes speaker FR and also features power
amp monitor/speaker protector; rumble suppressor;
Rosewood or zebrawood
Walnut cabinet
the Time Window? adjustable HF/LF EQ and high-pass/low-pass filters
for ends of audio band; automatic ch balancing for
Walnut vinyl cabinet $397/pr
out -of -balance program material; ambience control;
For some people it is
bypass for headphone listening: and replacement DESIGN ACOUSTICS
tape monitor; power range 30 to 400 W/ch; system
will produce > 110 dB SPL in 3,000 cu. ft. room; wal- PS -30 Three -Piece Speaker System
Both the Time Window and the QED nut or oak veneer with dark brown grilles; 42'H x Consists of 2 DA -10 satellites, DA-20LF bass module.
Loudspeaker are made by DCM, "for the 14%"W/D $2,500 Satellites are low -diffraction design with 5' mid -
Audiophile who would rather listen to woofer, 1' soft -dome tweeter. Bass module has 12'
music than to equipment."* Like all DCM DCM dual voice coil, long -throw woofer; power satel-
loudspeakers, they are designed for the lites/subwoofer 35/250 W; imp 8 ohms $1,400/set
Time Bass Woofer System
serious listener who also lives in the Phase -coherent subwoofer system features phase - PS-LF Bass Module
real world. Both are enjoyed by serious compensated crossover to accommodate satell to Down -firing dual voice coil, long -throw 12' woofer
listeners on six continents. speakers of various efficiencies without biamp- with twin crossover networks at 18 dB/octave, 140
lification; bypass switch for biamping with electronic Hz. Features input for use with DA -10 satellites (be-
Both the QED and the Time Window are crossover if desired. Minimum imp 4 ohms; 31'H a low); biamp inputs for use with other satellites. Re-
36 -inch floor -standing columns that 18'W x 18'D $792/pr sponse to below 40 Hz; oiled -walnut cabinet; black
cloth grille; power range 15-250 W; 21'H x 16'W x
are easy to place for optimum sound in Time Window' Speaker System 16' D $700/pr
nearly any room. Floor -standing 3 -way speaker system with variable -
dispersion time -coherent point source to permit sepa- PS -5 Speaker System
Both are phase -coherent over a wide rate adjustment of high and middle frequencies in am- Acoustic -suspension 2 -way miniature bookshelf
angle, and reproduce the sonic wave- bient sound field without changing total frequency/ - speaker system with 5' woofer, 1' dome tweeter.
form accurately. Each offers vivid energy balance. Power range 40-1,000 W; imp 8 Features midrange, tweeter level controls; oiled -wal-
ohms; accurately reproduces 30-p.sec impulse over nut cabinet; solid walnut beveled baffle; black cloth
imaging, with depth, detail and clarity. entire listening area; 44'H x 17'W x 15%'D grille. FR 80-16,000 Hz ±1.5 dB; crossover 2.5
Like the Time Window, the OED can $2,200/pr kHz; sens 85 dB SPL/W/m; power range 15-50 W;
imp 4 ohms; 11 /'H z 7%'W x 5%-0 $350/pr
handle awesome amounts of power; Time Window Three Speaker System
either will effortlessly deliver every de- Floor -standing 3 -way speaker system which is sub- Point Source Series
tail at alarmingly loud levels. But both stantial, yet easy to move and practical in the home. PS -10. Acoustic -suspension 3 -way speaker system
Features time -coherent point source for more accu- with down -firing 10' long -throw woofer, 5' mid -
sound so natural at extremely low levels.
rate off -axis sound reproduction; separately adjust- woofer, 1' soft -dome tweeter. Features tweeter level
you can enjoy the full dynamic contrast able high and middle frequency energy output in am- control; mirror -image driver placement; acoustically
of the best recordings without ever play- bient sound field; sens 90 dB/2.8 V/m power range treated baffle; walnut -vinyl finish; brown cloth grille.
ing them too loud for comfort. 20.200 W; imp 4.8 ohms; 39'H x 16'/,'W FR 40-22,000 Hz; crossovers 190 and 2k Hz; sens
123/,"D $1,400/pr 90 dB SPL/W/m; power range 15-200 W; imp 8
Both reveal the subtlest differences of ohms; 14'H x 13'4'D a 11"W $500/pr
the most expensive components yet pro- Time Window Speaker System PS -8. Similar to PS -10 except 2 -way design with 8'
Floor -standing 2 -way speaker system with cylindrical woofer, 1%' dome tweeter; FR 55-21,000 Hz; cross-
vide amazing sound with modestly back and triangular prism front. Optimized for min over 800 Hz; 13%'D z 11'H x 9'W $360/pr
priced electronics. However you may time -dispersion error. Incorporates 2 proprietary
improve your system in the future, you 6V," low/mid-frequency drivers. 2 dome tweeters
won't outgrow your DCM loudspeakers. symmetrically placed on 2 angled front faces of DIGITAL V SPEAKER SERIES
prism. FR 25-20,000 Hz; power range 10-200 W by RTR
Even better, you can enjoy either in continuous; imp 6-8 ohms; dispersion 180' horizon-
practically any existing system with as tal, 60' vertical; 36'H x 14%'W x 11%"D $800/p - Model 500 Speaker System
4 -way speaker with computer -optimized vented enclo-
little as 10 watts per channel. QED Speaker System sure, 15' woofer with nylon -laminate composition
Floor -standing 2 -way speaker system with woofer and cone. 2-5' high definition midranges with specially
So what is the difference? tweeter. FR 30-18,000 Hz; sens 91 dB/W/m; power treated cones; 2' 6' solid-state tweeter; 2' x
The Time Window offers extra versatility range 10-100 W continuous; imp 8 ohms; 36'H x solid-state supertweeter. Dynamic drivers feature
11'/,'W a 9 %' D $600/pr high -temp heat -resistant wire wound on aluminum
and has advantages in larger listening bobbins; walnut -grain vinyl finish. Power range 5-150
areas. But in many situations the QED ImageMaster Speaker System W rms; auto -reset circuit breaker protection; FR 20-
can provide the same overall sonic Folded transmission line 3 -way bookshelf system fea- 32,000 Hz; 500 Hz, 5000 Hz, 10,000 Hz cross-
tures high 93 dB/2.8V/1 meter sens along with accu- overs; 8 ohms imp; 97 dB sens: 18'/,'W x 373/"1-1
accuracy and quality at even lower cost. rately equalized time domain (impulse) response and K 11'D; 62 lbs.. $1,200/pr
Let your dealer show you which DCM high power handling capability; electronically phased
radiation pattern improves stereo image stability; Model 400 Speaker System
loudspeaker best suits your needs, power range 5-100 W; imp 8 ohms; 233/.'H x 3 -way speaker with computer -optimized acoustic sus-
then- 12'/,'W x 13'/'D; walnut cabinet $600/pr pension column enclosure; 2-10' woofer with nylon
Walnut vinyl cabinet $500/pr laminate composition cone; 2-4' midrange, 2-2'/,'
"Listen through it. not to it." ® solid-state tweeters/supertweeters. All dynamic driv-
Macrophone Speaker System ers features high -temp heat -resistant wire wound on
Unique -shape 2 -way bookshelf speaker system that aluminum bobbins; walnut grain vinyl finish. FR 24-
makes efficient use of shelf space. System resonance 30,000 Hz; 5-100 W rms; 2,000 Hz, 7,500 Hz
30 Hz; sens 84 dB/W/m; power range 5-100 W; imp crossover FR; 4 ohms imp; 96.5 dB sens; 15'W x
8 ohms; 13'H x 12V,'D x 9'W. 40'H x 11-1); 54 lbs
DCM $920/pr

For literature, and nearest DCM dealer,

contact us by reader service card, or Prices of items described are manufacturers' suggested prices
directly only and are subject to change without notice. Actual selling
DCM Corporation
670 Airport Blvd. prices are determined by the dealers.
Ann Arbor. MI 48104 U.S.A
Telephone 313-994-8481
1.Y1' Telex 23-4292 DCM CORP ARP


or those who question whether digital
s ready now there's a way to find out.
You're looking at the Dat Ictuist DQY. LQM Series was designed to deliver...the
Series o' h igh perfc:man: e oud speakers. energy of the original performance.
They're the result of UAL :List's con-
:nitment :a buildIstadio monitors En though the compact digital Cisc is
for the voneers 31' tirgitat re- si.ghtly less demanding than
cording techr.algt,. digral, the progress is still enormous.
- What these producers ar.d liere's how the Dahicuist DQM Series
engineers need& it a digital telivers what digita: demands.
, studio i gu=st The un-box enclosure
eqminate the acoustics: problems
caked by increased cali_net excitation,
Lah:quist developed a um...we graded -
density double side -wall cabinet. To con-
trol diffraction for accurate lateral and
ji-depth imaging, Ethlqaist also coated
oath front baffle with electro-statically
ligned f.bres.
Flat wound ribbon wire voice coils
ro further enhance performance DQM
driwrs future flat wound ribbon wire
voice cols for a 40% increase in winding
density. The resulting increase in bass/
inilranw speed, precision and efficiency
enables Dahlquist DQMs to fully exp:oit
the acoustic potential digital offers. In the
T2QM-9, DQM-9 Compact and DQM-7
4.7-caripact the driver chassis are machined
from acoustically superior die cast
dnc alloy.
Tte Dahlquist DQM Series-flve models
ranging from $200 to $600 apiece. They're
ready when you are.

Gin tact

Compact tilt I
Willets Pat h. !how zeu.t., 11785 In Canada, Evo (mon Audio, Ontario.
Speakers 9 Speakers
Model 300 Speaker System high -temp heat -resistant wire wound on aluminum SE 6 Speaker System
4 -way speaker computer -optimized acoustic suspen- bobbins; walnut -grain vinyl finish. FR 32-20,000 Hz; Acoustic suspension 2 -way speaker system with 6
sion enclosure, 12' woofer with nylon -laminate com- power range 10-75 W rms; 2,000 Hz; 10.000 Hz V,' polypropylene woofer, 2'/,' tweeter; FR 45-
position cone, 2-4' midrange; 3" extended -range crossover frequencies; 8 ohms imp; 94.5 dB sens; 18,000 Hz; crossover at 3 kHz; power range 5-40 W
tweeter; 2'/," solid-state supertweeter. All dynamic auto reset circuit breaker protection; 39 lbs; 14', "W rms; sens 91 dB SPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms; removable
drivers feature high -temp heat -resistant wire wound x 25'/,'H x 11"D $520/pr black knit grille; 14'/," x 8"/,,"W x 7'/,'D
on aluminum bobbins; walnut grain vinyl finish; FR
30-30,000 Hz; 10-90W rms; 7500 Hz, 10.000 Hz; Model 100 Speaker System
crossover FR; 8 ohms imp; 95 dB sens; 14'/,"W x 3 -way speaker computer -optimized acoustic enclo- Sound Pulse Series
30'H x 1PD; 44 lbs; auto reset circuit breaker sure, 8" woofer with nylon -laminate composition SP 80. Two-way bookshelf system with 8' woofer and
protection $800/pr cone; 4' high definition midrange; 2-3" extended - 3" tweeter, ducted port design; FR 45-19,000 Hz;
range tweeter; all drivers feature special high -temp crossover at 3,000 Hz; power range 10-40 W rms;
Model 200 Speaker System heat -resistant wire wound on aluminum bobbins; wal- imp 8 ohms; removable knit grille; 20"H x 12'W x
3 -way speaker computer -optimized acoustic suspen- nut grain vinyl finish; FR 36-20,000 Hz; 10-60 W 9'/,''D; 18 lb
sion enclosure. 10' woofer with nylon -laminate com-
rms; 2,500 Hz, 10,000 Hz crossover frequencies; 8 SP120. Three-way system with 12' woofer, 5' mid-
position cone, 4 high definition midrange, 2-3' ex- ohms imp; 94 dB sens; auto reset circuit breaker pro- range, and 1" mylar dome tweeter, ducted port de-
tended -range tweeter. All drivers feature special tection; 27 lb $400/pr sign; Frequency response 35-20,000 Hz; crossover
at 700 and 4,000 Hz; power range 8-80 W rms; imp
EGO SYSTEMS LOUDSPEAKERS 4 ohms; removable knit grille; 29"1-I x 17"W x
11'/,'D; 36 lb
TAKE THE Super Ego Series

Super Tower Speaker System

Super Mini Series

SUPEWEGa Floor -standing tower speaker system with 2 10'

woofers. 10' passive radiator, 5' midrange, 1" Mylar
dome tweeter with ferrofluid. Features fuse protec-
Compact mini speaker systems designed to fit in loca-
tions where space is at a premium.
Super -mini. Compact speaker system; features 5'

polypropylene woofer; 5" polypropylene passive radi-
tion; phase compensation switches; brightness con - ator; 1' Mylar dome tweeter with ferrofluid; remov-
able black knit grille. FR 42-21,000 Hz; crossovers
100 Hz acoustic, 2.5 kHz electrical; power range 10-
70 W; imp 4 ohms; removable black knit grille; 1'/,''H
x 7"/,,"D x 7"W; 11 lb $300/pr
Mini. Similar to Super -Mini except has 2' cone tweet-
er with ferrofluid. FR 45-18,000 Hz; crossovers 120
Hz acoustic, 2 kHz electrical; power range 10-50 W;
imp 4 ohms; 11"H x 6','"W x 6",'D; 9 lb $230/pr

22 Reference Connoisseur
Two-way bass -reflex mirror -imaged speaker, matched
dB left and right. Six different exotic matched
wood veneers available. Features 7' polypropylene

trot; alagash vinyl finish; removable black cloth grille.

FR 22-23,000 Hz; crossovers 400 and 4k -8k Hz;
power range 10-150 W; sens 97 dB SPL/W/m; 37'H
(includes integral 2' pedestal) x x 14"D; 67
lb $1,190/pr
One of the superb speakers from our Super - SE 12.3 Speaker System
Ego - series is what you want for a great Ducted -port 3 -way speaker system with 12' woofer,
stereo trip! Never before has there been a 5' midrange, 1" Mylar dome tweeter with ferrofluid.
product line packed with so many unique Features LED peak -level indicator, spring terminals;
features. It would take 5 speakers to get brightness control; midrange pad; fuse protectior;
all the features of one great EGO speaker Controlled Dispersion Energizer, Dual -Phase com-
system! Our 1" mylar dome tweeters with pensation' switches; front -mounted crossover panel;
Ferrofluid make Ego almost impossible to removable black knit grille. FR 30-21.000 Hz; cross-
blow-out! We offer you peak level L.E.D. overs 700 and variable 5k -8k Hz; power range 10-
indicators and...EGO's exclusive new 100 W rms; SPL 97 dB; imp 4 ohms; 26'/,'H x
Phase Compensation switches that adjust 15'/,'W x 1 P/," D; 48 lb
midrange tones! The flexibility of these $790/pr
cone woofer with PVC stitched suspension; 1.5' dual
speakers to suit your taste and acoustic SE 10 Speaker System hyperdome' tweeter. FR 25.20,000 Hz ± 1.5 dB off
environment. plus our use of high quality Bass -reflex 3 -way speaker system with 10' woofer. axis; sens 89 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; power range
drivers, make EGO speakers truly great 41/4" midrange, 1" Mylar dome tweeter with ferro- 20-200 W; 35'/,'H x 11"W x 14"D; 80 an affordable price! fluid. Features tweeter brightness control; LED peak lbs $1,500-2.200/pr
level indicator; phase compensation' switch with
What we say about our quality, we back compress/expand settings; black removable knit 22 Pro Monitors
up with our 7 -year limited warranty! So grille. FR 36-21,000 Hz ±3 dB; crossovers 700 and Two-way bass -reflex mirror -imaged speaker, matched
take a Super -Ego trip for yourself. variable 5k -8k Hz; sens 96 dB SPL/W/m; power 0.5 dB left and right. Includes stands. Features 7"
the difference it can make in your system. range 10-80 W continuous; imp 4 ohms; 231/4'H x polypropylene cone woofer with PVC stitched suspen-
And, see the Car Stereo Section for infor- 14"W x 111/4"D; 36 lb $590/pr sion; 1.5' dual hyperdome tweeter. Walnut -grain vi-
mation about our Newest Car Speaker, the nyl with black sag -resistant fabric grilles. FR 28-
EC -692. With Built -In Midrange Control! SE 8 Speaker System 20.000 Hz ±1.5 dB off axis; sens 89 dB SPL/W/m;
Bass -reflex 3 -way speaker system with 8' woofer imp 8 ohms; power range 20-200 W; 24'/,"H x
2'/,' tweeter; 31/4' midrange, 1" tweeter with 10'',"x 12"D; 34 lbs $800/pr
ferrofluid. Features tweeter brightness control; LED
peak level indicator; oiled -walnut veneer cabinet; ENTEC
black knit grille. FR 40-20.000 Hz ±3 dB; cross-
overs 2 kHz and variable 4k -8k Hz; sens 95 dB Subwoofer System
INTER -EGO SYSTEMS, INC. SPL/W/m; power range 10.50 W continuous; imp 4 Combines servo -controlled analog computer, two ded-
ohms; 201/4"H x 121/4'W x 91/4"D 22 lb .. $390/pr icated amps, and active crossover in single enclosure
Speakers 9 Speakers
with two subwoofers, each with three 10' long -excur- T/E 70 Speaker System 7/09 Speaker
Bookshelf 2 -way speaker system with 6" woofer and Acoustic -suspension 3 -way bookshelf speaker. Fea-
sion woofers. Controls for bass output; phase; low -fre-
quency response limit. Standard finish is black pin- 1" tweeter. Features walnut -grained vinyl veneered tures 10' woofer; 1" soft -dome tweeter: crossover
stripe Formica with black sculpted foam grille. FR frequencies 800, 6.000 Hz; controls (in 1.5 dB
steps) for each driver. Recommended power per ch
15-100 Hz 42 dB; max pressure slew rate 1,000 cu-
bic inches/sec; amp power 250 W, producing 126 dB
40-180 W rms; 6 ohms; sens 87 dB (2.83 V/m/pink
noise); FR 35-20.000 Hz. -3 dB at 45 Hz: walnut fin-
SPL with < 3% distortion. Each subwoofer is 37'H '
ish. 13-H 21'W 13"D; 40 lbs $800/pr
12"W 16.75"D.
System with two subwoofers $3,495
System with one subwoofer $1,895 ESS

AMT Series
ANT 1D Speaker System
3.0 Series II Speaker System
F.00r-standing passive -radiator 2 -way speaker system
Floor -standing 3 -way speaker system with 10' woof-
with 12" polypropylene woofer. 12' passive radiator
er. 6" midrange, P acoustic -loading spherical tweet-
21.5 sq inches. Features midrange presence, bril-
er in truncated -pyramid cabinet. Frequency response
liance cortrols; oiled walnut finish; black -brown grille.
32.20,000 Hz f 3 dB; crossovers 475 and 2k Hz; FR 35-23.000 Hz 4 3 dB; crossover 800 Hz; max
imp 4 ohms; 413z."H x 17'4" bottom x 8'/," cabinet and brown grille cloth; FR 55-20.000 Hz 4 3
$1.170/pr dB; power range 15-90 W; imp 8 ohms; 16-H power 400 W music; imp 6 ohms; horizontal/vertical
10'/,'W 7'/,"D $184/pr aispersion 1209/30; sens 91 dB SPL/W' m;
35.25rtrt x 16.25'W x 16.25"D 85 lbs $1,270/pr
2.0 Speaker System
Floor -standing 2 -way speaker system with 6' woofer, ESB USA
acoustic -loading spherical MAT Bookshelf Speaker System
8" passive radiator.
7/05 Speaker Passive -radiator 2 -way bookshelf speaker system
tweeter. Comes with integral stand. FR 38-20.000 Hz
3 dB; crossover 2 kHz; imp 6 ohms; 34'H x Passive -radiator 4 -way floor -standing speaker. Fea- with 12' woofer. 12' passive radiator. 21.5 in' Heil
$710/pr tures 12' woofer; 8' mid/low driver; 2- soft -dome air motion transformer with polyester articulated sili-
10',"W x 12'/"D
tweeter; crossover frequencies 500, 2.000. 5,000 con -edged diaphragm. Features presence/brilliance
Hz; controls (in 1.5 dB steps) for each driver. Recom- control: oiled -walnut finish; black -brown grille. FR 40-
1.0 Speaker System
mended power per ch 80.400 W rms; imp 6 ohms: 23.000 Hz ±3 dB: crossover 800 Hz; max 400 W
Miniature 2 -way speaker system with 6" woofer,
sens 89 dB (2 83 Wm/pink noise); FR 25-20.000 music power; imp 6 ohms: honzontabvertical disper-
acoustic -loading spherical tweeter, diffraction -con-
Hz, -3 dB at 35 Hz; rosewood finish. 671/4"H sion 12C' 30'; sens 91 dB SPL/W/m; 24'H x 14"W
trolling foam cabinet front. FR 50-20.000 Hz ±3 dB: $1.100/pr
crossover 2 kHz; imp 6 ohms; 14VH z 101/,'W x 19'W ( 14.5"D; 143 lbs $4.500/pr 14'D
8'D $398/pr
7/06 Speaker Performance Series
EPI Acousticsuspe-rsion 4 -way floor -standing speaker.
Features 12' woofer; 8' mid/low driver; 2' soft - PS -12C Speaker System
dome tweeter; crossover frequencies 500, 2,000, Passive -radiator speaker system with 12' woofer,
EPI Time/Energy Series Speakers
5.000 Hz; controls (in 1.5 dB steps) for each driver. Heil air -motion transformer with 10.4-sq-in. radiating
All EPI time, energy series speakers feature two -layer
Recommended power per ch 50-250 W rms: imp 6 area. Features walnut vinyl finish. FR 32-22.000 Hz
woofer cones and tweeter diaphragms; stiff plastic
ohms; sens 89 dB (2.83 V/m/pink noise): FR 25- ± 3 dB; crossover 1.8 kHz; power range 15-160 W;
layer that resists flexing; damping layer that controls
20.000 Hz, -3 dB at 35 Hz; rosewood finish. 55"1-i sens 93 dB SPL'W/m; imp 6 ohms; 25"H x 14'/,"W
resonances; ferrofluid cooling in the midrange and
19'W 11.5'0; 106 lbs $3,000/pr 13'i,"D $718/pr

7/07 Speaker PS -5C Speaker System

T/E 360 Speaker System
Acoustic -suspension 4 -way floor-stanaing speaker. Passive radiator speaker system with 10" woofer.
Floor -standing 3 -way speaker system with patented
Features 12' woofer; 8' mid/low driver; 11/4" soft - Heil tweeter/midrange driver. Features walnut -grain.
10' focused field woofer. 12" passive piston bass ra-
diator; 4' sealed frame midrange and P tweeter. dome tweeter, crossover frequencies 500. 2.000, FR 40-22,000 Hz f 3 dB; power range 15-140 W:
6,000 Hz; controls (in 1.5 dB steps) for each driver. imp 6 ohms: crossover 2.4 kHz; sens 93 dB
Features oak -grain vinyl veneered cabinet and brown
SPL/W, m; 24.12"H x 14"W x 14'D: 36 lb $628/pr
grille cloth; frequency response 32-20,000 Hz ± 3
dB; crossovers 700 and 3,000 Hz; power range 20-
17"W 10'/,'D PS -9C Speaker System
250 W; imp 4 ohms; 37'/,"H
Passive -radiator speaker system with 8' woofer. Heil
tweeter/midrange driver. Features tweeter level con-
trol; walnut -grain finished; FR 50-22.000 Hz ' 3 dB;
T/E 320 Speaker System
power range 15-100 W imp 6 ohms: crossover
Floor -standing 3 -way speaker system with patented
10' focused field woofer; 4" sealed frame midrange 1,800 Hz: sens 91 dB SPL/W/m; 193/"el x
11 ",'W 11'/,'D 33 lbs $409/pr
and 1" tweeter. Features walnut -grain vinyl veneered
cabinet and brown grille cloth; FR 42-20,000 Hz 4_ 3
dB: crossovers 700 and 3.000 Hz; power range 20- High-Drnamic-Range Speakers
250 W; imp 4 ohms: 29'H 17'W -10'/,'D
$500/pr HD -1000 Speaker System
Similar to HD -1200 except 10' woofer; nominal imp
4 ohms: SPL 96 dB W/m; FR 40-23,000 Hz: cross-
T/E 120 Speaker System
over frequencies 1,500 Hz, 8,000 Hz: 22' 1$41128'//p.:
Bookshelf -floor standing 2 -way speaker system with
10' woofer and 1" tweeter. Features walnut -grain vi- 12'; 35.5 lb
nyl veneer cabinet and brown grille cloth; FR 38-
HD -1200 Speaker System
20.000 Hz 3 dB: crossover 1,600 Hz; power range
15'W Portea speaker with 12" woofer; dynamic midrange
15-90 W: imp 8 ohms: 25'/,1-1
horn and 2 x 5" piezoelectric tweeter; brilliance and
midrange controls; walnut vinyl; nominal imp 4 ohms;
SPL 96 dB; FR 34-23.000 Hz; 25" < 14'/," 12";
T/E 100 Plus Speaker System
Bookshelf 2 -way speaker system with 8' woofer and Recommended power per ch 50-220W rms; 6 ohms; 42.5 la $522/pr
1- tweeter. Features walnut -grained vinyl veneered sens 88 dB (2.83 V/m, pink noise); FR 30-20.000
cabinet and brown grille cloth; Frequency response Hz, -3 dB at 40 Hz; walnut finish. 47'H 16"W HD -1C20 Speaker System
12-D: 90 lbs $2,000/pr Similar to HD -1200 except no midrange or midrange
38-20.000 Hz 3 dB; recommended power range
13'/,"'W control; nominal imp 4 ohms; SPL 96 dBW/m; FR 45-
15-90 W; imp 8 ohms; 21''H
$280 -pr 7/08 Speaker 23,000 Hz; crossover frequency 3,000 Hz, 22' -
Acoustic -suspension 3 -way floor -standing speaker. 12' /," 12'; 35.5 lb $314/pr
T/E 100 Speaker System Features 10" woofer; 1' soft -dome tweeter; cross-
Bookshelf 2 -way speaker system with 8" woofer and over frequencies 650. 6,000 Hz; controls (in 1.5 dB ELECTRO-VOICE
1" tweeter. Features walnut -grained vinyl veneered steps) for each driver. Recommended power per ch
cabinet and brown grille cloth; FR 40-20,000 Hz 4_3 40.200 W rms; 6 ohms; sens 87 dB (2.83 \I'mzpink Interface: C Series II Speaker System
noise); FR 35-20.000 Hz, -3 dB at 45 Hz; walnut fin- Vented 3 -way floor -standing speaker with 10" woofer,
dB; power range 15-90 W: imp 8 ohms; 20"H
11"D: 55 lbs.... $1.300/pr 61/4" vented midrange, 1'/,' dome supertweeter with
12"W 8','D $250/pr ish. 37"el 15"W -

Speakers 9 Speakers
acoustic lens. Features active equalizer; tweeter pro-
tweeter. Features woodgrain-vinyl finish; removable
tection; walnut veneer finish. FR 30-18,000 Hz A 2.5 FISHER grille. FR 55-20,000 Hz; crossover 3 kHz; power
dB; crossovers 42 Hz acoustic, 400 and 2.5k Hz range 8-40 W; sens 90 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms;
electrical; sens 93 dB SPL/W/m; power range 2.8- STE1200 Speaker System 17% " H x 11''/,'W x
350 W; imp 6 ohms; 31V,"1-1. x 20"W x 12V,"D
H $260/pr
Floor -standing bass -reflex speaker with 12' woofer;
$2.800/pr 2'/,' midrange, 1V," metal -ring tweeter. Features MS M140 Speaker System
tweeter, midrange level controls; walnut -veneer fin sh; Bass -reflex 2 -way speaker with 6' woofer, 2'/,'
Interface: B Series III removable grille. FR 30-30,000 Hz; imp 8 ohms; tweeter. Features candlelight -hickory vinyl finish. FR
Vented 2 -way speaker with 12" woofer, 8" mid - crossovers 500 and 5k Hz; power range 20-100 W; 60.20.000 Hz; crossover 6 kHz; power range 5-30;
woofer, dome supertweeter with acoustic lens. sens 92 dB SPL/W/m; 35'4"H x 17%"W x 16"D; W sens 92 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 11%."W x
Features tweeter protection; active equalizer; walnut 112 lb $1,790,'pr 9'/.'D x 8°/,'H
veneer cabinet. FR 30-18,000 Hz + 2.5 dB: cross- $200/pr
overs 42 Hz acoustic. 400 and 2.5k Hz electrical; STE1150 Speaker System MSM100 Speaker System
sens 92 dB SPL/W/m; power range 3.6-250 W; imp Bass -reflex speaker with 12' woofer, 1V," midrange Bass -reflex speaker with 6' woofer, VI,' tweeter. FR
8 ohms; 291/4"1 -Ix 16"W x 11'D $2,000/pr driver. 11/2" dome tweeter. Features tweeter, mid 60-20,000 Hz; imp 8 ohms; power range 5-30 W;
range level controls: walnut veneer finish; removable crossover 6 kHz; sens 90 dB SPL/W/m; rosewood -
Interface: A Series III grille. FR 40-20,000d Hz; imp 8 ohms; power rarge grain vinyl finish; 101/4'H x 8'/.'W x 9'/,'D $180/pr
Vented 2 -way bookshelf speaker with 12' woofer. 8" 15-75 W: crossovers 500 and 5k Hz; sens 92 dB
midwoofer. 1V," dome supertweeter with acoustic SPL/W/m; 30'/,'H x 16V,' W x 14%'D; 66 FOURIER SYSTEMS
lens. Features tweeter protection; active equalizer; lb $1.390/pr
walnut veneer cabinet. FR 35-18,000 Hz 2.5 dB; Fourier 1 Loudspeaker
crossovers 49 Hz acoustic, 1.5 kHz electrical; sens ST925 Speaker System Floor -standing 3 -way speaker with 1' aperiodic soft -
92 dB SPL, W/m; power range 90-250 W; imp 8 Bass -reflex speaker with 15' woofer, 6' midrange; dome tweeter, 4'/,' midrange cone, and 10' long -
ohms; 24V,"1 -ix 15'4"W x 8V.'D $1,680/pr level controls; candlelight hickory vinyl finish; remov- throw woofer in Thiele/Small-aligned B. vented enclo-
able grille. FR 40-20,000 Hz; imp 8 ohms; power sure with 3.0 cubic feet internal volume. Features
CD -35i Speaker System range 25-130 W; crossovers 1.5 and 7 kHz; sens 90 walnut veneer; nondiffractive front edges; black For-
Features 12" polypropelene woofer; 1.5' dome mid- dB SPL/W/m; 31V,"H x 181/2°W x 13V,"D; 51 mica top; constant -voltage crossover with modified
range; 1" dome tweeter; separate Direktor compo- lb $840/pr QB, (distributed poles); all drivers connected in
nents control dispersion of midrange and tweeter;
phase. FR essentially flat 32-20,000 Hz on axis; max
removeable grille; tilt down brushed brass trim panel; ST920 Speaker System power 250 W on music; efficiency 90 dB SPL/W/m;
adjustments for presence and brilliance; auto power Bass -reflex speaker with 12' woofer, 5' midrange, 4' imp 5.5 ohms (±1 over 150 Hz); 40"H (including
sentinel; walnut veneer finish; FR flat from 40- horn tweeter. Features midrange, tweeter level con- 1'/,' base) x 16'W x 11'/,'D (plus 1'/." black
30,000 Hz; imp 6 ohms nominal, 5 ohms min; cross- trols; candlelight hickory vinyl finish; removable grille. cloth grille)
over 1,500 and 8.000 Hz; 32.2'H $1,549/pr
21.3"W FR 45-20,000 Hz; imp 8 ohms; crossovers 1.5 and 6
10.5"0: 66 lbs $1,400/pr kHz; power range 20-90 W; sens 94 dB SPL/W/m. Fourier 8 Loudspeaker
D-35. More basic model with similar components and 28'H x 16'W x 12V,"D; 41 lb $700/pr Two-way bookshelf speaker with 8' polypropylene-
crossover to CD35i, but grille permanently affixed
cone long -throw woofer with 20 -oz ceramic magnet
and no speaker adjustments and no power sentinel STE1080 Speaker System and 1' aperiodic soft -dome tweeter in Thiele/Small
circuitry; dark oak veneer finish $1,100 / pr Bass -reflex speaker with 10' woofer, 11/2' dome aligned B. vented enclosure of 1.3 -cubic feet. Fea-
tweeter. Features walnut -grain vinyl finish; removable tures walnut -veneer cabinet with nondiffractive edges;
Interface: 3 Series II Speaker System grille. FR 40-20.000 Hz; imp 8 ohms; power range parallel configuration crossover with computer -de-
Speaker with 12' woofer, 8" midwoofer. 1V," dome 10-40 W; crossover 2.5 kHz; sens 91 dB SPL/W/m; signed topology to compensate for electromechanical
supertweeter with acoustic lens. Frequency response tweeter level control; 21'4"H x 12'W x 12'D; 27V, characteristics of drivers and yield actual fourth -or-
40-18,000 Hz +4 dB; crossover 1.5 kHz; sens 92 lb $590/pr der slopes. FR essentially flat from 41-20,000 Hz on
dB SPL/W/m; power range 3.6.250 W; imp 8 ohms; axis; max power 200 W music; efficiency 90 dB
walnut -grain vinyl finish; 25.4"H x 14'4"W x ST915 Speaker System
13 V. "
SPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms (±1.5 ohms) above 125 Hz;
$600/pr Bass -reflex speaker with 10' woofer, 5" midrange. 3' 22'H x 11' /,'W x 12'/,'D (plus 1'/,' foam
tweeter. Features tweeter, midrange level controls; grille) $799/pr
Interface: 2 Series II Speaker System candlelight hickory vinyl finish; removable grille. FR
Speaker with 10- woofer, 8" midwoofer, 1V," dome 50-20,000 Hz; imp 8 ohms; power range 10-50 W: Fourier 6 Loudspeaker
supertweeter with acoustic lens. FR 47-18.000 Hz crossovers 1.5 and 6 kHz; sens 92 dB SPL/W/m; Two-way bookshelf speaker with Thiele/Small-aligned
4 dB; crossover 1.5 kHz; sens 92 dB SPL/W/m: 26V."H x 141/."W x 11'4'D; 31 lb $500/pr C. vented enclosure of 0.65 cubic feet. Features
power range 3.6-250 W; imp 8 ohms; walnut -grain vi-
6'/,' long -throw polypropelene woofer with 20 -oz ce-
nyl finish; 24'4"H x 13'4"W x 10"/'D $520/pr STEC] Speaker System ramic magnet; 1' aperiodic soft -dome tweeter; paral-
Bass -reflex speaker with 8' woofer, WA' midrange lel configuration fourth -order Bullock crossover; non -
Sentry 500 Professional Monitor System 2" cone tweeter. Features silver vinyl veneer finish. diffractive walnut -veneered cabinet. FR essentially flat
Sentry 500 employs a super -dome tweeter capable of FR 50-20,000 Hz: imp 6 ohms; power range 10-60 from 55-20,000 Hz on axis; efficiency 90 dB
handling 25 W of input power coupled to high -fre- W; crossovers at 1 and 5 kHz; sens 91 ddB SPL/W/m; max power 200 W with music; imp 8
quency dispersion -controlling director which channels SPL/W/m; 17'/,'H x 10'4'W x 9V.'D; 19 lb
acoustic output into controlled spatial zone; increase
ohms; 17'/.'H x 9'/,'W x 10'/,'D (plus 1' re-
$450/pr movable black foam grille) $499/pr
the effective power handling ability of the tweeter in
its lower 1'/, octaves. Features 12' direct radiator MS157 Speaker System
woofer with fourth -order Butterworth tuning; cabinet
Bass -reflex speaker with 12' woofer, 5' midrange, 3"
of scratch -resistant, matte black vinyl; WB23 wall tweeter. Features walnut -grain vinyl finish; removable Eleven System
mount kit; 4 -position high frequency control; "bi- grille. FR 40-20,000 Hz; imp 8 ohms; power range 8- Speaker system with 15' and 12' woofers, 4 4'
amp plug; SEQ step-down kit allows extension of the 60 W; crossovers at and 5 kHz; sens 92 dB
midranges, each pair isolated in separate sealed en-
system's 3 dB -down point (f,) to 28 Hz; FR 40- SPL/W/m; 29VH x 14'/.'W x 11V,"D; 26 closures, 2 dc piezoelectric horn supertweeters.
18.000 Hz 1 3 dB 1 meter on axis, anechoic environ- lb $320/pr Crossovers 400 and 4k Hz; efficiency 103 -dB
ment; crossover 1,500 Hz; nominal imp 8.0 ohms; SPL/W/m; max power 100 W continuous; imp 4
min imp 6.0 ohms; 23.75'H 27"W 13'0; 70 SME 261 Speaker System ohms; stepped high -frequency, midrange controls;
lbs $920/pr Compact 2 -way speaker with 4' woofer, 1' tweeter. oiled -walnut veneer finish; black foam grille; 55'H x
Features silver -vinyl finish. FR 80-20,000 Hz; cross- 30'W x 18'D $1,532/pr
Sentry 100A Professional Monitor System over 4.5 kHz; power range 10-50 W; sens 85 dB
2 -way studio monitor with 8' woofer with optimally SPL, W/m; imp 8 ohms; 7'/,.'H x 4%."W x 4'/,' D; 5 Seven -D System
vented Butterworth tuning. dome supertweeter. lb $300/pr Floor -standing speaker with 12' woofer, 4'/,' high -
Crossover 2 kHz; FR 45-18.000 Hz +3 dB; imp 6 compliance midrange with rolled edge, soft -dome
ohms; SPL, W/m 91 dB; sens 41.8 dB; max power 30 MS147 Speaker System tweeter. Features front -mounted woofer, midrange,
W continuous; black matte vinyl cabinet; gray cloth Bass -reflex speaker with 10' woofer, 5' midrange, 3' tweeter controls; walnut -veneer finish; black knit
grille; 17.25"H x 12"W x 11"D; 28 lb.... $440/ pr tweeter. Features walnut -grain vinyl finish; removable grille. FR 25-22,000 Hz; power range 5-100 W; imp
grille. FR 50-17.000 Hz; imp 8 ohms; power range 8 ohms; crossovers 500 and 4k Hz; efficiency 98 dB
Interface: 1 Series II Speaker System 6.5-45 W; crossovers 1 and 5 kHz; sens 92 dB SPL/W/m; 29'H x 19'W x 16'/,'D; 98 lb $1,124
Speaker with 8' midwoofer. 1 V,' dome supertweeter

SPL/W/m; 26'/.'H a 145/,'W x 11"D; 22 lb $200/pr

with acoustic lens. FR 56-18,000 Hz 1 4 dB; power Mark V -D System
range 3.6-250 W imp 8 ohms; walnut -grain vinyl fin- ST 280 Speaker System Speaker system with 12" woofer, 4' midrange, 1'
ish; 21'/,'H x 11'4"W x 9"/,." $400/pr Bass.reflex 2 -way speaker with 8' woofer, 3' cone soft -dome tweeter. Features front -mounted woofer,

Speakers 9 Speakers
midrange; midrange, tweeter level controls; walnut -ve- (bottom) x 6' (top) W x 9" (bottom) x 61/4" (top) dB); 150, 1.200 and 5.000 Hz crossover with
$400/pr midbass, midrange and tweeter level controls; imp 8
neer cabinet; knit grille. FR 35-22.000 Hz; power D
range 5-100 W: imp 8 ohms; efficiency 97 dB Factory assembled $800/pr ohms: available as single -cabinet full -range system;
SPL/W/m; 25%"H x 14"W x 125/."D; 55 lb $846/pr 46'H 29"W 19"D, or separate satellites (23'H
A/2 Speaker System - 13"W x 11"D) and subwoofer (36'W x 36"D x
Speaker system with 18" polypropylene woofer, 1' 19" H).
Concerto D Speaker System
Floor -standing speaker with 10' woofer, 3' x 7" com- soft -dome tweeter. Features edge -on free -flow filters; Speakers, crossover and plans (with 2 JBL 18")
line tunnel. Freqt.ency response 45-20,000 Hz ±3 $1.976/pr
pression horn tweeter, 1" dome tweeter. Features
dB; power range 25-100 W; imp 8 ohms; crossover 2 Speakers, crossover and plans (with one JBL 18')
midrange, tweeter level controls; walnut -veneer finish;
kHz; sens 89 dB SPL/W/m; 23-H a 13"W x
knit grille. FR 35-22,000 Hz; power range 5-75 W;
imp 8 ohms; crossovers 2 and 4 kHz; efficiency 97 101/4' D $500/pr
System 13 Speaker Kit
dB SPL/W/m; 21'/,"W x 165/."D x 16"W; 56 Floor -standing bass -reflex 4 -way speaker kit with 15"
lb $688/pr Q/2 Speaker System
Speaker system with 8' polypropylene woofer, dome JBL woofer; 10' JBL midbass; 4" 8" horn mid-
tweeter. Features edge -on free -flow filters; circuit - range and 5' 5' JBL horn tweeter: FR 28-21.000
Mark IV -D Speaker System
Speaker system with 10" stiff -suspension woofer, 1' breaker protection. FR 45-20,000 Hz; power range ± 3 dB; power range 10-300 W; efficiency 93 dB;
dome tweeter. Features front -mounted woofer; tweet- 20-100 W; vinyl finish; 20-H x 13'W x 101/4"D max volume 118 dB; 150. 1,200 and 5.000 Hz
er level control; walnut -veneer finish; knit grille. FR $350/pr crossover with midbass, midrange and tweeter level
controls; imp 8 ohms available as single cabinet full
40-22,000 Hz; power range 5-50 W; imp 8 ohms;
Beta Loudspeaker range systems (36"H x 24"W 18'D) or separate
crossover 4 kHz; efficiency 96 dB SPL/W/m; 24'H x
$510/pr Full -range speaker of mini -monitor proportions with satellites (23-H 13"W 11-D) and subwoofer
14'W a 12-0; 44 lb
polyprope cones and linear crossovers. Features (32'W x 32'D 19"t1).
6'/,' polyprope woofer; composite tweeter with 2' Speakers, crossover and plans (with 2 JBL 15')
Monte Carlo D Speaker System
cone and 5/.- dome; phase compensated, slow -slope $1,400/pr
Bookshelf speaker with 8" woofer, 1' ferrof,uid dome
tweeter. Features walnut -veneer finish; black double- crossover; pressure release bass loading free flow fil- Speakers, crossover and plans (with 1 JBL 15")
knit grille. FR 50-22.000 Hz; power range 5.50 W: ter system; 13'/,"1-1 8'W - 8'D $250/pr $1,180/pr
imp 8 ohms; efficiency 94 dB SPL/W/m; 19"H x
$320/pr GENESIS System 12 Speaker Kit
12"D x 10"W; 31 lb
Floor standing bass -reflex 3 -way speaker kit with 15'
210 Speaker System JBL woofer, 8' 18" radial horn with EV midrange
CAD -1 System
Floor -standing 2 -way speaker with 8" woofer, 10' driver and 5' 6" EV radial horn tweeter; FR 29-
Bookshelf speaker with 8" woofer, 3" solid -backed
cone tweeter. FR 50-14,000 Hz; crossover 3 kHz; passive radiator, 1' ferrofluid-suspension inverted - 18,000 ± 3 dB; power range 10-300 W; efficiency
dome tweeter. Features 2 -position tweeter control; S3 dB; max volume 118 dB; (pro version. 97 dB effi-
power range 15-32 W continuous; sens 93 dB
walnut -grain vinyl finish; beveled low -diffraction - ciency. 122 dB; max 44-18.000 3 dB; 500 and
SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; walnut -grain vinyl finish;
frame black gripe. FR 30-20,000 Hz ±4 dB; cross- 5.000 Hz crossover with midrange and tweeter level
black knit fabric grille; 19"ti x 101/4"W x
$220/pr overs 45 and 1.8k Hz; sens 89 dB/W/m; power controls; imp 8 ohms 36'H 24-W x 18"D. Speak-
range 20-100 W; imp 8 ohms: 31'H x 161/4"W x ers, crossover, and plans $998/pr
FRIED PRODUCTS 101/4" D $500-$560/pr
System II Speaker Kit
G 20 Speaker System Floor -standing 3 -way bass -reflex speaker kit with 2
Model 0 Subwoofer 6" EV
Mirror -image dual-channnel subwoofer with transmis- Floor -standing 2 -way vented loudspeaker with 8' im- 10" JBL woofers 5' JBL midrange and 5"
sion -line design, 10' woofer. Normal input for use pact -protected woofer 10- mass -loaded passive radi- radial horn tweeter; FR 36-18,000 ± 3 dB; power
with Fried satellite speakers, biamp input for use with ation; 1' ferrofluid suspension inverted dome tweet- range 10-200 W; efficiency 93 dB; max volume 116
other satellites. Response within 3 dB at 20 Hz; pow- er; walnut -grain vinyl cabinet with black grille. FR dB; 60C and 4,000 Hz crossovers; midrange and
34-20.000 Hz4 dB; crossover points at 45 and tweeter level controls; imp 4 ohms; 30"H 19'W
er range 25-200 W; fuse protected; 31'H x 241/4"W
1800 Hz; nominal imp 8 ohms; sens 89 dB/W/m on 12'D. Speakers, crossovers and plans.... $789/pr
Kit $650/pr axis; 20-100 W recommended amp power; 27'/,'H
Factory assembled $2,500/pr x 14"W x 10'/,'D; lifetime limited System 10 Studio Monitor Kit
warranty $450/pr Bookshelf bass -reflex 4 -way speaker kit with 12' JBL
Model S.M. Similar to Model 0 except max 12' woof-
woofer; 5' JBL midrange; ferrofluid soft -dome
er; power 400 W; 38"H x 291/4"W x 15'D
$750/pr 110 Speaker System tweeter; ribbon supertweeter; FR 38-20,000 I- 3 dB;
Acoustic -suspension 2 -way speaker with 10' woofer, power range 10-150 W; efficiency 92 dB; tweeter lev-
Factory assembled $3.000/pr
1" ferrofluid-suspension inverted -dome tweeter. Fea- el controls; imp 8 ohms; oiled walnut finish with
tures walnut -rain vinyl finish: low diffraction -frame brown grille cloth; 26'H 16"W 12"D. Speakers.
G/2A Loudspeakers
black grille. FR 38-20,000 Hz ±4 dB; crossover 1.8 crossovers and plans $569/pr
Aperiodic, wide band 3 -way loudspeakers incorporat-
kHz; sens 89 dB/W/m; power range 20-100 W/ch; Above with cabinet kit $769/pr
ing all series crossover networks. high technology
drivers and "flow resistance" enclosures for both mid imp 8 ohms; 27'H a 141/2"W a 101/4"D $400-
and bass, woofers are high force factor polypropes; $420/pr System 9 Speaker Kit
Bookshelf bass -reflex 4 -way speaker kit with 10' JBL
mid units are 6'/,' composite polypropes aperiodic
dome; mid and treble units mounted on sloping baffle: 1 Speaker System woofer; 4' polypropylene midrange with ferrofluid;
cabinet is laminated fibercore with natural walnut Acoustic -suspension 2 -way speaker with 8' woofer, ferroflud soft -dome tweeter ribbon supertweeter; FR
overlay; bass chamber has "free flow" filters; black 1' inverted -dome tweeter. Features walnut -grain vinyl 39.20,000 ±3 dB; power range 10-150 W: efficien-
foam grille; FR ±_3 dB 22-22,000 Hz; sens 92 finish. FR 58-20.000 Hz ±4 dB crossover 1.8 kHz; cy 90 dB; max volume 112 dB; 350 4.000 Hz and
sens 89 dB/W/m; power range 15.50 W; imp 8 10,00C Hz crossover; imp 8 ohms; oiled -walnut finish
dB/2.83V/m; imp 8 ohms, very flat essentially resis-
tive; crossover all series, zero phase error, 99 Hz, ohms $220-$240/pr brown grille cloth; 26"H x 16"W 12'D Speakers,
crossover and plans $499/pr
2.5,000 Hz: input power 25-200 W/ch; 44'H
$1,700/pr Genesis Basic Louspeaker Above. with cabinet kit $699/pr
16'W . 18"D; 100 lb
W/2. Similar to G/2A speakers except tilt back front Bookshelf 2 -way acoustic suspension loudspeaker
panel; 8" woofer; FR 25.22,000 Hz; 39-H x 12"W with 6' woofer; 1" ferrofluid suspension inverted System 8 Speaker Kit
dome tweeter. walnut vinyl cabinet with black molded Floor standing bass -reflex 4 -way speaker kit with two
- 18"D; 180 lb $1,200/pr
grill; FR 68-20,000 ±4 dB; 1,800 Hz crossover fre- 8' JBL woofers; 4' polypropylene midrange with
quency; nominal imp 8 ohms; sens 89.'W/m on axis; ferrofluid: 1' ferrofluid soft dome tweeter. ribbon
C Satellite Speaker Kit
Pyramidal 2 -way speaker designed for use with Model 10-50 W recommended amp power; 16x/.' x x supertweeter; FR 36-20,000 ±3 dB; power range
10'/."W x 6'/,.'D; lifetime limited 10-120 W; efficiency 92 dB; max volume 112 dB;
0 subwoofer. Features 6" bass/midrange, dome
warranty $200/pr 400, 4,000 Hz and 10.000 Hz crossovers; imp 4
tweeter; pressure -release damped venting; 101/4"
ohms; 30"H . 19"W 12"D; speakers, crossover
GOLD SOUND and plans $444/pr

NEED MORE INFORMATION? System 14 Speaker Kit System 7 Speaker Kit

Floor -standing bass -reflex 4 -way speaker kit with 18' Floor -standing bass -reflex 4 -way speaker kit with two
Write directly to the manufacturer or JBL woofer. 10" JBL midbass 4' - 8" horn with JBL 12' polypropylene woofers 6" polypropylene mid-
distributor. A list of names and ad- midrange driver and 5' x 5' JBL horn tweeter. FR range 1' ferrofluid dome tweeter and ribbon
26-21,000 ± 3 dB; power range 10-600 W; efficien- supertweeter; FR 36-20.000 Hz ±3 dB; power range
dresses starts on page 25. 20-200 W: efficiency 95 dB; max volume 118 dB;
cy 95 dB; max volume 123 dB (pro version 36-
21,000 L3 dB; efficiency 98 dB: max volume 126 crossover 150, 4,000 Hz and 10.000 Hz: 8 ohms;

Speakers 9 Speakers
single cabinet full -range system (39"H 19"W System 3 Speaker Kit EPA.. 7 "A. ; 13 lb $198/pr
12'D) or separate satellites (14"H 8"W 5"D) Bookshelf bass -reflex 3 -way speaker kit with 10"
and subwoofer (18"H 32"W 32"D) Speakers, polypropylene woofer; 4" polypropylene midrange Grafyx 2
crossover and plans $378/pr with ferrofluid and P ferrofluid soft -dome tweeter; Two-way speaker housed in vented enclosure features
FR 42-20.000 ± 3 dB; power range 10-80 W; effi- 6" polypropylene foam -surround woofer with 1" high
System 6 Speaker Kit ciency 92 dB; max volume 111 dB; 400 and 4.000

temp aluminum voice coil and P ferrofluid-damped,

Floor -standing bass -reflex 3 -way speaker kit with two Hz crossovers; imp 4 ohms; oiled -walnut finish, brown linen, soft -dome tweeter. Utlizes wood -grained, vinyl -
10" polypropylene woofers; 6" polyproplylene mid- grille cloth. Speakers. crossover and plans $1692 pr laminated cabinet. FR 45-20 KHz with system reso-
range and 1" ferrofluid soft -dome tweeter; FR 39- Above with cabinet kit $289/pr
20,000 3 dB; power range 10-160W; efficiency nant frequency of 55 Hz at max amplitude; imp of 8
ohms nominal; crossover 6.4 KHz; sens 92 dB at 1
94 dB; max volume 116 dB; crossovers 150 and System 2 Speaker Kit KHz, 1 W; power handling 5-65 W/ch; 23" 111/2-
4.000 Hz; imp 8 ohms; single -cabinet full -range sys- Compact bass -reflex speaker kit with 8' polypropyl-
tem 30"H 19"W
8"/", 27 lbs $298/pr
12'D or separate satellites ene woofer and 1" ferrofluid soft dome tweeter; FR
(14-H 13"W 5"D) and subwoofer (18"H 46-20.000 - 3 dB; power range 10-80 W; efficiency Grafyx 3
29"W 29"D). Speakers, crossover and plans 91 dB; max volume 110 dB; 3.000 Hz crossover; Two-way, vented enclosure speaker system features
$298/pr imp 4 ohms; oiled -walnut finish. brown grille cloth; 8' polypropylene foam -surround woofer with P,
19-F1 11"W 9"D. Speakers, crossover and high -temp aluminum voice coil and 1" ferrofluid-
System 5 Mini Monitor Speaker Kit plans $99/pr damped, linen. soft dome tweeter. Utilizes wood -
Compact bass -reflex 3 -way speaker kit with 8 JBL Above with cabinet kit $199.- pr grained, vinyl -laminated cabinet. FR 41-20 KHz with
woofer; 4" polyproplylene midrange with ferrofluid
system resonant frequency of 45 Hz at max ampli-
and P ferrofluid soft -dome tweeter; FR 45-20,000 System 1 Speaker Kit tude; imp 8 ohms nominal; crossover 2.5 KHz; sens
3 dB; power range 20-80 W; efficiency 89 dB: max Compact bass -reflex 2 -way speaker with 6" polypro- 90 dB at 1 KHz, 1 W; power handling 5-75 W/ch;
volume 108 dB: 400 and 4.000 Hz crossovers; imp pylene woofer and P ferrofluid soft -dome tweeter: FR 27"/"
8 ohms; oiled -walnut finish brown grille cloth 19"H
13"/" x 9"/"; 38 lbs $398/pr
50-20.000 " 3 dB; power range 10.60 W; efficiency
11'W 9'D. Speakers, crossover and plans 91 dB; max volume 108 dB 3.000 Hz crossover; imp Grafyx 4
$264/pr 8 ohms; oiled walnut finish; brown grille cloth 19"H Three-way vented enclosure speaker system features
Above with cabinet kit $364/pr 11"W 9"D. Speakers, crossover and plans 10' polypropylene foam -surround woofer with 11/2',
$69.. pr
System 4 Speaker Kit Above, with cabinet kit $169. pr
Bookshelf bass -reflex 3 -way speaker with 12" poly-
propylene woofer; 4" polyproplene midrange with GRAFYX
ferrofluid and 1' ferrofluid soft -dome tweeter; FR 38-
20,000 ' 3 dB; power handling 10.100 W; efficiency Grafyx 1
92 dB; max volume 111 dB; 400 and 4,000 Hz Two-way speaker with vented enclosure features 51/2
crossover imp 4 ohms; oiled walnut finish brwon grille polypropylene foam -surrounded woofer with 1- high -
cloth; 26"H 16'W 12"D. Speakers crossover temp aluminum voice coil and 10mm, ultra -light,
and plans $198. pr polycarbonate dome tweeters. Vinyl laminate cabinet.
Above with cabinet kit $398 pr FR 50-20.000 Hz. power handling 5-50 W ch; 12"


FREEf cACripiro7
high -temp aluminum voice coil. 5" sealed -back poly-
propylene midrange and 1" ferrofluid-damped. linen,
soft dome tweeter. Utilizes wood -grained, vinyl -lami-
THE ULTIMATE SOURCE BOOK. nated cabinet. FR 30-20 KHz with system resonant
frequency of 37 Hz at max amplitude; imp of 8 ohms
THE MOST COMPLETE, MOST Up -To -Date Product Info Available. OVER nominal; crossover 1.8-7 kHz; sens is 91.5 dB at 1
10,000 Products, 810,000,000 Inventory. ALL MAJOR Brand Names. kHz, 1 W; power handling 5-100 W ch; 32%- x
Factory Fresh. Totally Guaranteed. Hard -To -Find and Specialty Items. Video games. 141/2" 10'/": 53 lbs $498/pr
Computers & Accessories. Portables. Car Stereos, Blank Audio & Video Tapes.
customers agree: Much more than a catalog, this is one of the most comprehensive HARTLEY PRODUCTS
al and authoritative product source books in the industry.
The Reference
Floor -standing 4 -way speaker with 24" super woofer.
10" midrange, two 7" tweeters, P supertweeter.
Crossovers 250. 3k, 7k Hz; FR 16 25,000 Hz; power
23 PARK ROW, range 25-300 W; imp 5-8 ohms; wood cabinet with

NEW YORK, 10038
removable knit grille; 501/2"H x 36'W x 24"D

The Concertmaster

Floor -standing 4 -way speaker with 18" woofer, 10'

midrange, (2) 7" tweeters crossovers 250, 3k. 7k
Hz; FR 16-25.000 Hz; power range 25-300 W; imp
Address 5-8 ohms; wood cabinet with removable black grille;
x 29'W x 18'D $3,340/pr
city Slate

Zip H -Series
All cabinets in H Series have hand -rubbed walnut ve-

neers. black knit grilles.
H-100. Aligned air -column speaker with 8' long -throw
woofer with 11/2" high -temperature voice coil. chemi-
cally treated cone, 1 i/ air -column midrange, 2" low -
111111111M1111101 mass cone tweeter. FR 50-20.000 Hz -'74 dB; power
BEFORE YOU SHOP-CALL range 5-50 W rms, unclipped; crossover 2.3 kHz;
(800) 2218180 21'/2'H x x 10VD $320/pr
FREE CATALOG! HAWAII & CANADA - H-200. Aligned air -column speaker with 10" long-
CALL (212) 732-8690 throw woofer with 1'/2" high -temperature voice coil,
chemically treated cone. 21/2" air -column midrange,
Speakers 9 Speakers
1" coated mylar dome tweeter. FR 35-25,000 Hz ±3 bextrene woofer; 1" dome tweeter; 15 element cross- Padouk finish; removable brown cloth grille. FR 35-
dB; power range 5-100 W rms; imp 8 ohms; cross- over; FR 40-20,000 Hz; imp 8 ohms; power range 20,000 Hz 15 dB; crossovers 1k and 3.5k Hz;
over 2.6 kHz; 30'H x 15"W x 15"D $550/pr 20-75 W. Finishes real walnut, teak, oak, and gloss rated/max power 60/120 W; sens 91 dB SPL/W/m;
H-300. Aligned air column speakers with 2 10" long - black. 16%-H x 91/4'W x 9WD; 19 lbs $978/pr imp 8 ohms; 26%."H x 14%.'W x 12%*0; 31 lb 14
throw woofers with 1'4" high -temperature voice coil, OZ $600/pr
chemically treated cone assembly. 4 1%" air -column Heybrook HB-3 HS -310. Similar to HS410 except has 25 -cm woofer,
midranges, 2 1" mylar dome tweeters. FR 30-25,000 Acoustic suspension 3 -way speaker with 10- doped no controls. Crossovers 1 and 4 kHz; rated/max pow-
Hz ±3 dB; power range 5-150 W rms; imp 4 ohms; cone woofer; 4" doped cone midrange and'/,' dome er 50/100 W; 22%"H x 123/."W x 12%"D; $400/pr
crossover 3.4 kHz; 43"H x 15"W x 15-D. $850/pr

SPL-1 System
System includes 2 SW- 10 bass modules, ST -4 phasor
arrays, tilt stands for SW -10, aluminum adjustable
stands for ST -4, mounting screws, stereo crossover,
Allen key. All parts have hand -rubbed walnut veneers;
black knit grilles. System FR 38-25,000 Hz ±2 dB.
SW -10. Aligned air -column bass module with 10'
woofer with 1' high -temperature dual voice coil, poly-
mer cone, magnetic suspension, EFM magnet; 3"
polymer cone midrange. magnetic suspension, with 2
3" air columns; imp 6 ohms; power 15-100 W rms.
ST -4. Polar -aligned phasor with phasor-array
supertweeter; imp 8 ohms; power range 15-150 W
rms; 12"H x 5'W x 5-D.
System price $1550
HSA Series Speaker Systems
HEYBROOK by MECOM All speakers in this series are ported bookshelf de-
tweeter; removable rear panel ro, Li- and tri signs with wood -grain vinyl finish. removable black
Heybrook HB-1 amplification. FR 35-20,000 Hz; power range 15-20 cloth grille.
Acoustic suspension 2 -way bookshelf speaker with 8" W. Finishes real walnut, teak, and gloss black. 25"H x HSA3122. 3 -way system with 12* woofer, 5' mid-
doped cone woofer; 1" dome tweeter. Features re- 13%'W x 11%"D: 46 lbs $989/pr range, 2' horn tweeter. FR 35-20,000 Hz; max pow-
movable rear panel forbiamplification FR 42- er 80 W rms; imp 8 ohms; 26%'H x 15%'W x
18,000 Hz; imp 8 ohms; power range 10-75 W. Fin- HITACHI 12%"D; 37 lb $340/pr
ishes walnut vinyl and gloss black. 18%-H x 11%"W HSA3102. Similar to HSA3122 except has 10" woof-
x 9".-D; 19 lbs $678/pr HS -410 Speaker System er. Low -end response 40 Hz; max power 50 W;
Bass -reflex speaker with 30 -cm metal -cone woofer, 23". ,-H x 13"/"W z 10%"D; 28 lb $260/pr
10 -cm metal -cone midrange, 2.5 -cm metal -cone HSA2102. Similar to HSA3122 except 2 -way system
Heybrook HB-2
Reflex tuned 2 -way bookshelf speaker with 61/4" tweeter. Features midrange, tweeter level controls; with 10" woofer. 2%" tweeter. Low -end frequency re -


A perfect match for the TT2

A lively new performer joins
the range. Easily driven by HB3
budget amplifiers, yet A monitor quality loud speaker.
possessing an open dynamic The performance is best described
quality capable of reproducing as exciting. The dynamic range
musical subtleties reveled and extraordnary clarity allow
by the very best systems. Con- the listener to easily relate to
vertible for active operation. the musical performance. Now
convertible for active operation.

A two -speed turntable, incorporating

a massive suspended chassis within a
substantial solid plinth. The resulting HB2
sound is clean and lively with satisfy- A classic design. Highly acclaimed
ing solidity and weight. High quality for five years. The neutral spacious
engineering for high quality musical
and uncoloured reproduction is
reproduction. enhanced by an amazingly extended
bass which gives music the realism
usually lacking in small speakers.
imported and distributed by
D'Ascanio Audio
11450 Overseas Highway, Marathon, FL 33050 (305) 743-7130
750 Oakdale Road Unit 52, North York, Ontario M3N 2Z4 (416) 746-573.3


Speakers 9 Speakers j
sponse 45 Hz; 227"H x 121/2.-W x 101/2"D; 24 minals: crossover points 900. 5,000 Hz; FR 25- neered in American walnut. Drive units: 300
lb $200, pr 20.000 Hz; operative power range 10-100 W; sys- 210mm (11'/.' 81/2') styrene/fibreglass cone;
tem resonance 42 Hz; SPL 93 dB/W/m: imp 4 ohms; 130mm (5') midrange-engineered polymer cone;
HSA 4121 Tower Speakers 353/." . 13" x 12" $270 45mm (11/2") tweeter; high -gauss ferro-fluid damped
12- 3 -way tower speakers. Features 12" woofer with
20mm (1/2') HF tweeter; crossover frequencies 350
12" passive radiator: 21/2" 5'/," tweeter; 4'4" IDS Model III Speaker Hz, 3,000 Hz, and 13,000 Hz; FR 17 Hz -40,000 Hz;
midrange; acoustically transparent knit grille; Ducted -port speaker with LED power indicator; tweet- efficiency 80-82 dB W/m with pink noise; imp 8
pushbutton connector terminals: auto reset circuit er and midrange level control, quick -connect temi- ohms; recommended power > 50 W/ch rms; 501/2"
breaker protection: Frequency response 30-30,000 nals; crossover points 1,500, 6,000 Hz; FR 40- x 161/2" . 181/2"; 220 lb
Hz useable, t. 4dB. 60Hz to 20,000Hz; imp 8 ohms: $4,600/pr
20,000 Hz; power range 10-80 W; system resonance
sens 91 dB/ W/m. pink noise input, anechoic condi- 45 Hz; SPL 91 dB/W/m; 8 ohms; 27' 15" x Reference Standard Mk. VII
tions; max power handling 80 W rms $440/pr 10" $230 Floor -standing 4 -way speaker with 111/2" x 81/2"
woofer, 5" midrange, 11/2" tweeter,'/.' supertweeter.
HS -70F Speaker System IDS Model II Features tilt, slope controls; heavily braced cabinet;
3 -way bass -reflex speaker system with 30cm woofer Ducted -port speaker with quick -connect terminals, American walnut finish; removable grille. FR 17-
and 2cm tweeter. Features urethane foam -filled flat - 10" woofer, 5' midrange; 3' acoustic lens tweeter; 40,000 Hz; crossovers 350, 3k, 13k Hz; sens 80-82
cone woofer; foam -filled flat -cone midrange; flat dome crossover point 2,000, 6,000 Hz; FR 45-19,000 Hz; dB at 1 W, depending on control settings; min power
tweeter; metal cones; gathered edge speaker cones: operative power range 5-50 W; system resonance 48 50 W rms; imp 8 ohms; 451/2"H with stand x 191/2"W
internal crossover circuitry uses more than 99.99% Hz; SPL 91 dB/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 22' x 13' x 161/2"D
pure oxygen -free copper wiring. Frequency response $3.600/pr with stands
10' $160
30.20,000 Hz 15dB; crosover frequencies 630. Professional Monitor Speaker System
3150 Hz; nominal impedance 4-8 ohms 161/2"W x IDS Model I Floor -standing 4 -way speaker with 111/2" x 81/2"
261/2"H 151/26"D; 55 lb $1,600/pr Ducted -port speaker with quick -connect terminals, 8" woofer, 5" midrange. 11/2" tweeter,'/." supertweeter.
HS -50F. Similar to HS -70F except for diffraction -ef- woofer, 3" acoustic lens tweeter; crossover point Features perspective control; heavily braced cabinet;
fect self -compensated midrange and tweeter design 3,000 Hz; FR 50-19,000 Hz; operative power range American walnut finish; removable grille. FR 19-
and Frequency response 35-20.000 Hz 15dB; 5-30 W; system resonance 50 Hz; SPL 91.5 40,000 Hz; crossovers 350, 3k, 13k Hz; min power
crossover frequencies 630. 2.800 Hz; nominal imp 6 dB/W/m; imp 6.8 ohms; 19" 11' \ 8' .. $120
ohms; 141/2"W 40 W rms; sens 82 dB at 1 W; imp 8 ohms; 411/2"H
24'1/25"H 14%,a'0; 42 with stand x 181/2"W x 151/2"D $2,580/pr with
lb $1.760/pr IMF ELECTRONICS stands
HS -40F. Similar to HS -50F except for FR 40-20.000
Hz - 15dB: crossover frequencies 800, 2800 Hz; Special Application Control Monitor Studio Monitor Speaker System
121/2"W 22'A,"H 121/2"D; 31 lb $1.360/pr Features styrene and fibreglass coned bass driver; in- Floor -standing 3 -way speaker with 8' woofer, 4" mid-

ternal bracing of midrange and bass enclosures; fer- range, 3/." tweeter. Features perspective control;
IDS by BECKER ro-fluid-cooled tweeter and supertweeter; external heavily braced cabinet; American walnut finish; re-
heavy audio cable: internal low -loss multi -strand movable grille. FR 23-40,000 Hz; crossovers 375
IDS Model V Speaker heavy, flexible configuration: frequency tilt control, and 3k Hz; min power 30 W rms; sens 81 dB at 1 W;
Ducted -port speaker with LED for power indication; slope adjustment: supplied with stands, damping sep- imp 8 ohms; 391/2"H with stand x 151/2'W x
tweeter and midrange level control; quick -connect ter- arators, brackets and interconnecting harness; ye- D $1,575/pr with stands

IMF Electronics Has A Wide Range Of Loudspeakers

For The Wide -Range Sounds Of The Digital Era.
Whether it be for a baronial hall in an English "stately home" or for discriminating
audiophiles who simply want the very best reproduction of their recordings, or as a ruth-
lessly accurate loudspeaker which can cope with the rigorous demands of professional
high level monitoring at recording sessions, our top of the line Special Application
Control Monitor is the obvious choice.
The SACM is a big (50"H x 16"D x 18"W) loudspeaker with a big sound. Constructed
of epoxy -saturated high density particle board, this virtually inert material minimizes
resonant colorations. The SACM employs IMF Electronics latest embodiment of
transmission -line bass loading. This complex structure requires a high degree of crafts-
manship in its construction. With its special internal damping, it provides ultra -low
distortion bass response down to 17 Hz - bass that is almost palpable and of visceral
impact. All IMF Electronics drive units are manufactured in our own factory. The bass
driver is our 113" x 8'/." styrene/fibreglass cone, crossing over at 350 Hz to our 5 inch
polymer cone mid -range driver which is housed in its own special wedge-shaped
enclosure, whose non -parallel sides eliminate standing waves. At 3 kHz our 13/4" ferro-
fluid damped tweeter comes into play and at 13 kHz our ferro-fluid damped 3/4" chemical
dome super -tweeter extends the high frequency response to 40 kHz!
For those who want the ultimate expression of the dynamic capabilities of the CD
digital discs, the SACM is at the pinnacle of audio performance.
The advantages of transmission -line bass loading are also available in our R.S.P.M.
Mark VII, Professional Monitor and least expensively, in our Studio Monitor.
The superior performance characteristics of our Special Application Control Monitor
are unique, but for those who simply are limited in space or do not have the wherewithal
for the SACM, we suggest they audition our extraordinary HPCM (High Performance
Control Monitor).
We do not know of any other loudspeaker of its size (26.8"H x 14.8"D x 11.6"W) that
has a frequency response of 37 Hz to beyond audibility, and can reproduce the full
dynamic range of digital discs at very high playback levels.
The HPCM gives the smooth, clean, highly -detailed sound that characterizes our
Special Application Control Monitor in a compact, no -compromise, cost effective system.
Audition the full -range of IMF Electronics loudspeakers at selected dealers.
IMF ELECTRONICS, INC. 5226 State Street
IMF Saginaw. Michigan 48603 Tel 15171 790-2121 Telex 227461
ELECTRONICS IMF ELECTRONICS, LTD. Richardson Street, High Wycombe
Buckinghamshire England HP1I 2SB Tel 104941 35576 Telex 83545


Speakers 9 Speakers
HPCM Speaker level) for extended low FR. 3 EMIM midrange drives. 2
Compact high performance control monitor. Features EMIT (1 front. back) tweeters, and 1 EMIT
narrow baffle with reverse angled edges; styrene and supertweeter. Oak diffraction wings. 55-H x 25'W (see Ego Systems Loudspeakers)
fibreglass coned woofer; ferro fluid damped; mid 20- D $2.995/system
range and tweeter; in -line drive units; full third -order JAMO
crossover. Crossovers at 300 Hz and 2.8k Hz; FR 37 Reference Stancard Illa Speaker System
Hz to beyond audibility; efficiency pink noise - 86 dB Floor -standing 3 -way speaker with 2 10" polypropyl- CBR- 1703 Speaker System
W/m; 8 ohms; power > 30 W/ch rms; walnut veneer ene woofers with L -C tuning for bass extension, 2" Floor -standing bass -reflex 4 -way speaker with 13"
brown foam fronts; 26.8" x 14.8" 11.6"; 79.20 polypropylene dome midrange. EMIT tweeter. De- woofer, 7" midrange, 2" dome high midrange, r.
lb $1,196/pr signed for min diffraction distortion. Features hand - dome tweeter. Features midrange, tweeter controls;
rubbed oak hardwoods and veneers. FR 35.32,000 tweeter/midrange overload diodes; pedestal FR 22-
CM2a Compact Loudspeaker Hz ±3 dB; crossovers 1 and 4 kHz; power range 50- 22,000 Hz; crossovers 350. 1.5k, 5.5k Hz; max
with ferro fluid 200 W; 48'H x 18"W a 7%"D $1.300/pr peak/continuous power 250/170 W; sens 96 dB at 1
Of acoustic suspension design
damped tweeters. ferro fluid damped midrange, flat m. 1.2 W: imp 4-8 ohms; 32"H x 17'W x 14"D; 68
Reference Standard 4 Speaker System lb $650
baffles, and frameless foam grilles. Drive units
200mm tweeter soft dome, ferro fluid; crossover fre- Floor -standing 3 -way speaker with 2 8" polypropyl- CBR 13113. Similar to 1703 except 3 -way saystem
quency 3,000 Hz; FR 54 Hz to beyond audibility; effi- ene woofers with L -C tuning for bass extension, 2" with 11" woofer. 4/," midrange, 1' dome tweeter.
ciency 86 dB W/m with pink noise; imp 8 ohms nomi- polypropylene dome midrange. EMIT tweeter. Fea- Low -end response 24 Hz; crossovers 750 and 4k Hz;
nal; power range 10.100 W/ch rms; walnut veneer, tures hand -rubbed oak hardwoods and veneers. FR peak/continuous power 200/130 W; sens 96 dB at
40-32,000 Hz ±3 dB; crossovers 1 and 4 kHz; pow- 1.8 W; 28"H x 14'W a 13-D; 46 lb $440
with brown foam fronts, optional black lacquer with
black foam fronts; 482 x 255 x 271mm wide; er range 40-150 W; imp 4.8 ohms; 33-H a 13'/,"W x CBR 903. Similar to 1302 except floor-
$395/pr 10-D $940/pr standing/bookshelf design with 81/4" woofer, 4V,'
13.4 lb
CM3a. Same as CM2a except drive units 200mm Reference Standard 5. Similar to Reference Standard midrange, dome tweeter. FR 28-20,000 Hz; cross-
bass unit plastic cone, 100mm midrange plastic 4 except has 2 61/4- woofers; 43-32,000 Hz ±3dB. overs 800 and 4.5k Hz; peak/continuous power
cone, ferro fluid; crossover frequency 340 Hz and Power range 35-125 W; 28'/,"H $770/pr 140/90 W; sens 96 dB at 2.1 W; 24'H x 12'W x
3.2k Hz; FR 45 Hz to beyond audibility; efficiency 84 11"D; 31 lb $300
dB W m with pink noise; imp 8 ohms nominal; recom- Reference Standard 6 Speaker System 703. Similar to CBR 902 except has 9' woofer, no
mended power 20.150 W 'ch rms; walnut veneer with Floor -standing or bookshelf 3 -way speaker with 8' midrange control. Low -end response 32 Hz; cross-
brown foam fronts, optional black lacquer with black polypropylene woofer with L -C tuning for bass exten- overs 900 and 4.5k Hz; peak/continuous power
foam fronts; 572 280 302mm wide; 26.5 sion. 2" polypropylene dome midrange, EMIT tweeter. 100/70 W; sens 96 dB at 2 W; 21"H x 11'D x
$675/pr Features hand -rubbed oak hardwoods and veneers. 10-W; 22 lb $220
FR 45-32,00C Hz ±3 dB; crossovers 600 and 4k 503. Similar to 703 except 2 -way design with 9'
Hz; power range 35.100 W; imp 4-8 ohms; 22"H a woofer, 1" dome tweeter; has no controls, only tweet-
MCR 2A Speaker System
Acoustic -suspension 2 -way speaker with 5" mid - 13V,"W x 10'D $598/pr er overload diode. Low -end response 34 Hz; cross-
tweeter. Features American walnut veneer over 1.8 kHz: peak/continuous power 80/50 W; sens
finish; removable grille. FR 65-40.000 Hz; crossover RS Series Speakers 96 dB at 2.3 W; 19"H x 10'W x 9"D; 16.5 lb $150
3 kHz; min power 20 W rms; sens 83 dB at 1 W; imp RS -7. Sealed -box 3 -way speaker with 8' polypropyl-
8 ohms; 141/2'H x 9'W x 9'D $465/pr ene woofer, 5' midrange, EMIT tweeter. Features mid- Mini CBR Speaker System
range. tweeter controls; oak -vinyl finish. FR 45- Compact 2 -way bass -reflex speaker with 5%" woofer.
32,000 Hz ±3 dB; crossovers 500 and 5k Hz; 1- dome tweeter. Features tweeter overload protec-
power range 35-125 W; imp 4.8 ohms; 23-H a 13-W tion. FR 37-20,000 Hz; crossover 1850 Hz; max
INFINITY x 9 V," D $430/pr power 110 W music; sens 92.2 dB SPL/W/m; imp 4-
RS -8a. 3 -way, sealed box w/61/2 polypropylene woof- 8 ohms; 12-H a 10-D x 7'/,'W; 12 lb $170
IRS Reference Standard Speaker System er. 4' ," polypropylene midrange and 1/2' PolyCell
Modular 4 -piece 3 -way floor -standing speaker: 2 tweeter. 47-22.000 Hz ±3dB. 4-8 ohms 23'D x Power Series
woofer modules with 6 12" woofers in feedback loop 12'W x 91/2'D $338/pr All models in black and walnut finish, have removable
RS -9. Has 2 61/2' polypropylene woofers, PolyCell grilles.
of servo amp (2 1.500-W woofer amps). 2
midrange/tweeter modules with 12 -dipole midrange dome tweeter. no controls. FR 48-22,000 Hz; cross- P 500 Speaker System
drivers, 36 tweeters in dipole line -source array (24 over 2.5k kHz; 18"H a 12'W x $218/pr Floor -standing 3 -way CBR speaker with 12' woofer.
front/12 rear -facing). Features bass variable low- RS -10. Smaller version of RS9. 6V,- polypropylene 15V,' x 3%- horn midrange with 2' driver, 5 3'
pass filters; low-pass variable damping; woofer level woofer and'/,' PolyCell tweeter. 13'/,'H x 8%"W x horn tweeters with 1" drivers. Features midrange.
controls; selectable input imp midrange/tweeter amp 7'/."D $158/pr tweeter controls; midrange. tweeter overload protec-
control; woofer phase switch; servo bass on/off cir- tion; pedestal. FR 22-20.000 Hz; crossovers 1 and
cuit; Monster Cable wiring for midrange, woofer. FR Infinitessimal III Speaker System 4.5 kHz; max power 500 W music; sens 96.1 dB
16.40,000 Hz ±2 dB; crossovers 70 Hz nominal, Die-cast 2 -way mobile or home speaker with 5' poly- SPL/W/m; imp 4-8 ohms; 30"H x 18'W x 14"D; 75
60-120 Hz at main control unit woofer/midrange, 5 propylene woofer. EMIT tweeter. Accessory bracket lb $600
available. FR 65-32.000 Hz ±3dB; crossover 3 kHz; P 350. Similar to P 500 except has woofer, 13'
kHz midrange/tweeter; midrange/tweeter amp input
range 100-500 W/ch; oiled and "Grand Piano" Indi- power range 10-60 W; 111/2'H x x x 3V.' horn midrange, single 5V,' x 2V," horn tweet-
an Rosewood finish; includes 100 -ft cable for hookup 5%"D $398/pr er. Crossovers 1.25 and 5 kHz; max power 350 W
of midrange/tweeter to midrange/tweeter amp. Woof- music; sens 96 dB SPL/W/m; 261/4H x 15'W x
er modules: 7'6'H x 18* square; midrange/tweeter 12"D; 48.5 lb $370
modules 7'6"H x 40"W (with hollow and sand -filled P 200. Similar to P 350 except has 8V." woofer, 11"
curved wing sections) - $30,000/system INTERAUDIO a 2%- horn midrange, 51/2" x 2V," horn tweeter, no
controls. Low -end response 25 Hz; crossovers 1.4
Reference Standard Series Speakers Alpha Four Speaker System and 4 8 kHz; max power 200 W music; sens 95.6 dB
Floor -standing speaker with 10" woofer, 10" Dual SPL/W/m; 23V,"H x 13-W a 10'/,"D; 33 lb . $260
Reference Standard 1 Compliance passive radiator, 6V," midrange. 2 3 - P 150. Similar to P 200 except 2 -way bass -reflex de-
Modular 4 -piece floor -standing speaker: 2 woofer tweeters with Omni Vector' lenses. Features automatic sign with 8W woofer, 5V," x 2V," tweeter. Low -end
modules with 6 servoed 8' polypropylene woofers, 2 tweeter protection and Total System Protection with response 30 Hz; crossover 2.5 kHz; max power 150
midrange/tweeter curved sections with 7 dipole EMIT fiber-optic indicators; push -type input terminals; wal- W music; sens 95.8 dB SPL/W/m; 20"H x 12'W x
drivers. 3 EMIT tweeters, 1 super -high -dispersion nut -grain) vinyl finish; removable black cloth grille. FR 91.D; 19.8 lb $160
EMIT in dipole source array. Features bass variable 24-20,000 Hz; crossovers 60. 400, 2.5k Hz; power
low-pass filters; low-pass variable damping with level range 15-200 W continuous; sens 91 dB; imp 8 JBL
control; selectable imp controls for midrange/tweeter ohms; 44"H x 141/4'W x 11 V,' D $918/pr
amp; bass amp phase switch; servo -controlled bass Alpha Three. Similar to Alpha Four except no passive L Series
circuitry; Monster Cable throughout; mid -tweeter, radiator, single tweeter/lens assembly. Low -end re-
high -tweeter control on rear of midrange/ tweeter sponse 28 Hz; crossovers 400 and 2.5k Hz; max D44C00 Paragon Speaker System
module; lacquered oak and hardwood veneers. FR 22- power 150 W; sens 90 dB; 32'H $680/pr Radial -reflection. dual 3 -way floor -standing speaker
32,000 Hz t 1.5 dB; woofer crossover variable 100- Alpha Two. Similar to Alpha 3 except bookshelf de- with 2 15" compression horn woofers, 2 compression
200 Hz; crossovers 125, 750, 3k, 8k Hz; 60-H x sign with no midrange driver. Low -end response 32 midranges, 2 uhf ring radiators. Features midrange,
12'W x 12"D bass column; 60"H a 24"W screens Hz; crossover 2 kHz; sens 89 dB; max power 100 W; uhf .evel controls; special dispersion surface to
$4,995/system 221/2-H x 131/2'W $478/pr recreate stereo image; oiled walnut finish. Crossovers
Alpha One. Similar to Alpha 2 except 8" woofer. Low - 500 and 7k Hz; power range 10-200 W continuous;
Reference Standard IM Speaker System end response 38 Hz; power range 10.75 W continu- imp 8 ohms; 35%"H x 103%"W x 24V,,"D
Floor -standing 5 -way w/active equalizer (contour and ous; 18'/."H x 11 V,' W x 9 V," D $318/pr $9,000/system

1984 EDITION 135

Speakers 9 Speakers
L250 Speaker System J-325 Loudspeaker System 5" midrange, 3' direct -radiator tweeter. Features wal-
Floor -standing 4 -way speaker with 14' woofer. 8" Ported 3 -way speaker with 5" midrange; 1" dome ra- nut -grain vinyl finish; black cloth grille. FR 56-21,000
midwoofer. 5" midrange, 1" tweeter. Features bus - diator; multi -element high resolution crossover net- Hz; crossovers 3.5 and 10 kHz; power range 10-70
bar midrange, high, ultra -high level adjustment: high - work; hand-crafted enclosure of dense, compressed
resolution crossover network: walnut or black finish;
W continuous; imp 8 ohms; 27"H x 16'5/,"W x
choice of removable fabric grille colors. Crossovers
wood; oak -grained vinyl exterior $400/pr 11'/'D $199
400. 1.6k, 4.5k Hz; max power 400 W; sens 90 dB
1030. Similar to 1230 except has 10' woofer.
1320 Loudspeaker System Lowend response 58 Hz; power range 10-60 W;
SPL/W, m; imp 8 ohms; 52-H x 221/2"W x 141/2"D; 3 -way ported speaker with 8" woofer; 1" dome high -
135 lb. Walnut finish
241/2"H x 15'W x 10%,,"D $169
$3,000/pr frequency radiator and 5' midrange transducer; 820. Similar to 1030 except 8" woofer no midrange
Black finish $3,000/pr multi -element high resolution crossover network; driver; crossover 3.5 kHz; power range 10-50 W;
dense compressed wood; oak grained vinyl 20' 'A " H 11 '/," W , 9 1/2* D $119
L150A Millenium Speaker System exterior $340,'pr
Floor -standing 3 -way speaker with 12' woofer, 12"
System 300 Speaker System
passive radiator, 5' midrange in isolated chamber, 1" 1-216 Loudspeaker System Acoustic -suspension 2 -way speaker with 10- woofer,
dome radiator. Features midrange, tweeter level con- 2 -way bookshelf speaker with 6'/," bassdriver and 1" soft -dome tweeter. Features tweeter level control;
trols; compressed wood cabinet with American black 1" dome high frequency driver. Features multi -ele- dark -brown cloth grille; oak -grain vinyl finish. FR 48-
walnut veneer finish; brown, rust, or camel grille. ment high resolution crossover network; dense com-
Crossovers 1.1 and 3.7 kHz; power range 10-300 W
20,000 Hz ±3 dB; crossover 3.1 kHz: imp 8 ohms;
pressed wood with oak -grained vinyl exterior $200/ pr power range 10-75 W continuous; 23" x 13' x
continuous; sens 89 dB SPL/W/m; 411/2"H , 17"W
10%": 23 lb $175
13'D; 83.5 lb $1,500/pr LT -1 "Mini" Loudspeaker
Mini loudspeaker with 5'/,' low frequency driver; P System 200/A Speaker System
L112 Century II Speaker System dome radiator and high resolution dividing network. Acoustic -suspension 2 -way speaker with 8" woofer,
Ducted -port 3 -way bookshelf speaker with 12" woof- Can be mounted in automobile rear decks, vans, mo- 1" dome tweeter. Features tweeter level control; oak -
er, 5" midrange, 1" dome tweeter. Features mirror - bile homes and boats; recommended amp range 5-50
imaged pairing; oiled -walnut finish; brown grille. grain vinyl finish; brown cloth grille. FR 56-20.000
W per ch; nominal imp 4 ohms; crossover frequency Hz ±3 dB; crossover 3.1 kHz; imp 8 ohms; power
Crossovers 1.1 and 3.7 kHz; power range 10-300 W 2,000 Hz; sens 86 dB SPL/2.83 V/m $500/or range 10-60 W continuous; 18%-H ' 11"W
continuous; imp 8 ohms; 24'/,"1-1 141/2"W x
9%"D; 16 lb $140
13"D $1,100 13-380 Bass System
Bass system with 15" loudspeaker and 4" ribbon JVC
L96 Delta Speaker System wire voice coil in a vented alignment. Features hand-
Ported 3 -way bookshelf speaker with 10' woofer, 5" crafted oiled American black walnut veneer cabinet; Zero Series
midrange. 1" tweeter. Features midrange, tweeter lev- biamp option with BX63; max recommended amp
el controls; oiled -walnut finish; removable brown cloth
Zero 6. Acoustic -suspension 3 -way speaker with 12'
power 600 W continuous sine wave; crossover fre- woofer, 4" ceramic -coated metal -cone midrange. Fea-
grille. Crossovers 1.1 and 3.7 kHz; max power 250 quency 63 Hz; sens 90 dB; 27'/,' 20'/" tures midrange, tweeter level controls; removable
W; sens 87 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 231/2"H x 17' $495/ea
141/2-W x 111/2'D grille. FR 35-100,000 Hz; max power 100 W rms;
$800/pr 25"/,"H x 143/,'W 13'/,'D;48.4 lb. $880/pr
8460 Bass System/Subwoofer Zero 4. Similar to Zero 6 except has 10° woofer, 234"
L86 3 -Way Loudspeaker System Bass system consists of a JBL Model 2245H 18"
Speaker with 8" bass driver; 5" midrange and light- cone/soft-dome midrange. Maximum power 75 W
driver mounted in a vented enclosure of 8 cubic feet; 221/2"H 12"/,,"D 12"/,"W; 36.3 lb $660/pr
weight dome tweeter; recommended amp power 10- the combination is third -order quasi -Butterworth. Fea- Zero 2. Similar to Zero 4 except single level control.
200 W; nom imp 8 ohms; crossover frequencies 800 tures die-cast aluminum frame; integrally stiffened
Hz, 3.700 Hz; sens 88 dB SPL/W/m; High -end response 25 kHz; max power 50 W; 201/2"H
x 13' cone with foam surround; an edgewound voice coil; 4' 125/"D 11"/,6"W; 26.4 lb
10'; 35 lb $590/pr $500/pr
diameter and nearly P long; individually machined
magnetic pole piece and back plate; cone coated with Bass -Reflex Series
L56 Delphi Speaker System aquaplas. a damping formulation to ensure optimum SK -90. Ported 3 -way speaker with 12" free -edge
Ported 2 -way bookshelf speaker with 10- woofer, P mass and density; driver features a large high flux
tweeter. Features oiled -walnut finish; removable woofer, 5' free -edge midrange P dome tweeter. Fea-
symmetrical field geometry magnetic structure which tures midrange, tweeter controls. FR 30-40,000 Hz;
brown grille. Crossover 2.2k Hz; power range 10-150 reduces second harmonic distortion; enclosure is den- max power 100 W rms; 26%"H ' 15"W x 13"D;
W; sens 90 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 221/2°H sity compressed wood. 1" thick and heavily braced; 46.3 lb $560/pr
14'W - 11%"D; 44 lb $490/pr min recommended amp power 200 W continuous SK -50. Similar to SK -90 except has 10' woofer, 21/2"
wave; normal imp 8 ohms; crossover frequency 63 Hz midrange. Low -end response 40 Hz; max power 60 W
L46 Sigma Speaker System (external crossover); sens 94 dB SPL; magnetic as-
Ported 2 -way speaker with 8" woofer, P tweeter.
rms; 211/2"H x 12VW x 11%"D; 27 lb $300/pr
sembly weight 20 Ib; 24"/,."1-1 x 38'/,.'W x SK -30. Similar to SK -50 except has 8' woofer, 21/2"
Features oiled -walnut finish; removable brown grille. 24'/"D; shipping weight 125'/, lb .... $1,250/ea tweeter, no midrange driver. Maximum power 85 W
Crossover 3 kHz; power range 10-100 W; sens 88 dB peak
SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 20%"H - $200/pr
121/2"W JENSEN
101/2"D; 29 lb $360/pr
System C Speaker System
115 Speaker System Vented bookshelf 3 -way speaker with 10' woofer, 2" KM -1 Monitor Loudspeaker
Ported 2 -way bookshelf speaker with 61/2" woofer, P soft -dome midrange, P soft -dome front -firing tweet-
tweeter. Features oiled -walnut finish; removable Monitor speaker designed to produce high sound -
er, 2' rear -firing tweeter. Features midrange, tweeter pressure levels without sacrificing sonic accuracy. In-
brown grille. Crossover 2.5 kHz; power range 10-100 level controls; oak veneer cabinet; dark brown grille. cludes integral power amp with 2 power supplies and
W; sens 87 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 141/2"H x FR 47-21.000 Hz +2/-4 dB; crossovers 900 and
9%"W 7'/,,,"D; 35 lb 8 output sections producing a max output > 1,200
$300/pr 5.5k Hz: sens 87 dB SPL/W/m; power range 9-125 W. Features 3 -way dividing/equalizing network fed
W; imp 8 ohms; 241/2"H x 141/2'W , 12WD $440
Radiance Series
System 500 Speaker System
4312 Monitor II Speaker System Acoustic -suspension 3 -way speaker with 12" woofer,
Ported bookshelf 3 -way speaker with 12' woofer, 3" 5" midrange, P soft -dome tweeter in front, 2" direct
midrange, 1.4" tweeter. Features midrange, tweeter radiator tweeter in rear. Features midrange, tweeter
level controls; American black walnut cover finish; re- level controls; dark brown cloth grille; oak -grain vinyl
movable grille. Crossovers 1.5 and 6 kHz; power 10- finish. FR 38-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; crossovers 760 and
200 W; sens 91 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 231/2"H 4.2k Hz; imp 8 ohms; power range 10-100 W contin-
141/2"W 111/2"D; 52 lb $870/pr uous; 29'H 151/2"W x 11"/,,,"D; 45 lb .. $300
J -Series System 400 Speaker System
Acoustic -suspension 3 -way speaker with 10" woofer,
J-350 Loudspeaker System 3'/," midrange, 1' dome tweeter. Features midrange;
Loudspeaker with 10- low frequency driver in combi- tweeter level controls; brown grille: oak -grain vinyl fin-
nation with a 10" passive radiator and P HF dome ish. FR 45-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; crossovers 1.5 and
radiator. Features
from separate power supply; floating input circuit; S-
multi -element high resolution 4.2 kHz; imp 8 ohms; power range 10-90 W continu- ype soft -clipping limiter; full electronic overload pro-
crossover network; bypass capacitors for improved ous; 261/2"H x 13'W x. 10%."1:11; 31 lb .... $230 tection. Sound -pressure level on peaks of 120 dB un-
transient response; compressed wood and damping
der typical listening conditions; FR 30-20,000 Hz
material; oak grained vinyl exterior; smoked glass 1230 Speaker System
±2 dB: S/N 100 dB; 2nd and 3rd harmonic distor-
$600/pr Acoustic -suspension 3 -way speaker with 12' woofer. tion < 1.0% 20-20,000 Hz (measured at 1 m on axis

After 25 years, KLH quality
still comes through loud and clear.
Few question the fact that
KLH is one of the great In digital -ready speakers
names in audio. Why? The
answer is simple: quality. at the listening end.
Year after year. Model
With KLH Series 600 Speakers, you're ready for digital
after model. Component sound. These true tuned port systems feature high -flux -den-
after component. sity design woofers for more precise reaction to input sig-
nals...ferrofluid midrange drivers (Models 610, 612, 620) for
clean, rich "presence"... and wide -dispersion tweeters.
KLH 620-a tower of 3 -way audio power with two 10"
woofers that take you down to a powerful rich -sounding
bass. Recommended for 10 to 140 watts -per -channel ampli-
KLH 612-a 3 -way system with 12" woofer for deep, solid
bass, plus impressive performance in the mid and high fre-
quencies. Recommended for 10 to 110 watts -per -channel
KLH 610-head and shoulders above any other speaker in
its price range. Clean, clear, 3 -way KLH performance. Rec-
ommended for 10 to 90 watts -per -channel amps.
KLH 608-a 2 -way unit that's small in size but big in per-
formance. Just right for those who want great hi fi on a
or receivers rated 10 to 75
watts -per -channel.
For technical data on any of the
above KLH components,
In table top radios. write: KLH Research &
Development, 7 Powder
Horn Drive, Warren,
Back in the 60's, KLH set the industry on its ear with NJ 07060 (201) 560-0060.
a table top radio (Model 21) that had the sound of a
giant hi-fi system in one little package.
KLH did it again with the TR-82 FM Table Top
Stereo-the Model 21 classic reborn with technology
of the 80's. True high fidelity FM stereo sound. With
an LED display of station frequency and time (yes, it's
a clock radio, too). With a host of big -system features:
independent bass & treble controls...FM muting...
loudness compensation...stereo balance control...
front panel headphone jack...auxiliary input capability
(like a cassette player!) impressive 6 watts RMS
per channel both channels driven at 40-20,000 Hz
with minimum THD at 8 ohms of 0.9%.

11 1111-1111
Speakers 9 Speakers
at mean SPL of 96 dB under anechoic conditions); LSK200D Speaker System dome tweeter. Features tweeter level control; oiled -
volume compression 1 dB 20-20.000 Hz to 120 2 -way 2 -driver acoustic -suspension system with 8" walnut veneer cabinet: black cloth grille. FR 38-
dB; input impedance 20k ohms balanced: input sensi- woofer and 2'/,' tweeter. Walnut grained vinyl enclo- 22.000 Hz t 2.5 dB: crossover 1.8 kHz; recom-
tivity 0.774 V nominal (0 dB). adjustable in 2 dB sure 11"."W 20'/,,H 8"'"D; 31 lbs mended power 15 W: sens 91 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8
steps from -20 dBm to 12 dBm for full output. 264 $155/pr ohms: 151/4"H . 9"W 9"D; 30 lb $598/pr
lbs (120 kg): 30.5"H 5 2.75 " W
26"D $25.000 pr KINETIC AUDIO INT'L Trapezoid
Subwoofer with 12" long -excursion woofer. Features
Model 105.2 Speaker System Titan Speaker System tapered acoustical trapezoidal line labyrinth; 4 sets
Floor -standing 3 -way speaker with min interunit time Tapered Acoustical Trapezoidal Line/Labyrinth 5 -way input terminals; biamp capability with, without elec-
delay. Flat FR 38-22,000 Hz. Features visual indica- speaker with 2 12' polypropylene woofers. 61/4" poly- tronic crossover. FR 18-2,000 Hz t 2 dB; crossovers
tion of optimum listening area; variable system geom- styrene midwoofer, 2" dome midrange 'tweeter. 11/4' 40, 90, 175 Hz or none internally; recommended
etry extends choice of listening position; contoured dome tweeter, 1/4' dome supertweeter. Woofers have power 20 W; sens 91 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms;
midrange, tweeter cabinets reduce off -axis coloration; long -excursion design for lowest FR; midwoofer has 40-H 16"D 14"W $299/ea
novel bass -loading technique; electronic protection diffractionless surround; midrange/tweeter driver has Impulse Subwoofer. Similar to Trapezoid except sens
(S -STOP) against overload, fault conditions: peak lev-
90 dB and recommended power 25 W 26"H
el indicator; pairing of systems for sens, FR match to 141/4"W 14"D
within 0.5 dB. Max output 107 dB SPL on program $229/ea
peaks; THD < 1%, 20-20.000 Hz; 965 mmH 415
mmW; 80Ib
Series 600 Speaker Systems
Model 105.4 Speaker System
All speakers in this series have tuned ported cabinet
Floor -standing 3 -way speaker. Features flat FR 60- walnut -grain vinyl finish: removable grilles.
22.000 Hz: contoured mid-range,tweeter cabinets: vi-
620. 3 -way system with 2 10" woofers. 5" midrange.
sual indication of optimum listening area; variable
3" tweeter. FR 65-20.000 Hz: crossovers 2,500 and
system geometry; novel bass loading; S -STOP; pairing
of systems for sens match to within 0.5 dB; max out-
5,000 Hz; power range 10.140 W; sens 90 dB
SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms: 13"W 35%"H
put 108 dB; THD 1%. 30-20.000 Hz; imp 8 ohms:
963mmH 350mmW
121/4" D $400/pr
380mmD; 45 lb each 612. Similar to 620 except has 12- woofer. Power
$1.850: pr range 10-110 W; sens 92 dB; 15"W 251/2"H

13'/,"D $300/pr
Model 103.2 Speaker System
610. Similar to 620 except has 10" woofer. Power
Floor -standing 2 -way speaker with novel bass loading;
range 10-90 W; 121/4-W 221/4"H 11'D
S -STOP protection; pairing of systems for sens, FR
match to within 0.5 dB. FR flat 60-20.000 Hz; SPL $220/pr
608. Similar to 620 except has 8" woofer, no mid-
output 106 dB on program peaks; THD < 1%, 50- range driver. Power range 10-70 W; 12"W
20,000 Hz; imp 8 ohms; 506 mmH 265 mmW 21"H
91/4"D $150/pr
249 mmD; 19 lb $900 pr magnetic liquid. Linear -phase system design features
4 high -power noninductive controls. Impedance KLIPSCH
Carlton III selectable 4/8/16 ohms; power range 25-200 W
Two-way floor -standing loudspeaker fitted with a pas- rms; sens 92 dB SPL/W/m; FR 12-22,000 Hz 1.5 Klipschorn
sive bass radiator which extends low frequency down dB; crossovers 90. 1k. 3k. 7k. Hz; 60"H 22"D -
Floor -standing speaker with trihedral fold in woofer
to 47 Hz; and a computer -designed 'seamless' divid- 18-W; 245 lb $4,998, pr horn with driver and compression drivers in the mid-
ing network which eliminates phasing. FR 47-20.000
Hz 2.5 dB; max output of 106 dB; THD < 1% from Trapezium Speaker System
60-20,000 Hz; nominal imp 8 ohms; 26.21 lbs.; Tapered Acoustical Trapezoidal Line Labyrinth 5 -way
27'/,"H 12'/,"W 11"D $750/pr floor -standing speaker with 12" polypropylene woof-
er, 6'/,- polystyrene midwoofer, 2" dome midtweeter.
Model 101 Speaker System 11/4" dome tweeter. 1/4" dome supertweeter in linear -

Acoustic -suspension 2 -way speaker with 110 mm phase array. Features 4 level controls; hand -rubbed
woofer, milinex dome tweeter. Features teak/walnut Tung -oiled walnut -veneer finish: removable black
cabinet; black brown cloth grille. Frequency respose cloth grille. FR 14-22.000 Hz 1.5 dB; crossovers
90-30,000 Hz t2 dB; sens 81 dB SPL/W/m; input 90, 1k. 3k, 7k, Hz; sens 90 dB:W/m; power range
range 20-100 W; imp 8 ohms; 340 mmH 190 45-150 W; imp 8 ohms: 60"H 20-D 16"W.

mmD 180 mmW $590/pr Mirror -matched pairs $3.998/pr

Carina II Speaker Labyrinth Speaker System
Two-way compact 3 -drive -unit loudspeaker with high- Floor -standing 4 -way speaker with 12" polypropylene
frequency unit mounted between twin bass drivers to woofer, 61/4" polystyrene midrange, 2" midtweeter.
provide higher power output and reduced distortion. 11/4" dome supertweeter. Features FR 18-25,000 Hz
especially when playing Compact Discs. Features KEF ±2 dB; crossovers 90, 1k. 3.5k Hz; sens 91 dB
Senes 'C' loading technique to extend bass without SPL/W/m; power range 15-150 W continuous; imp 8
overloading on infrasonic signals; ferrofluids provide ohms; midrange, tweeter level controls; combined or
cooiing for the voice coil, eliminating the risk of ther- separate electronic and passive crossovers; walnut
mal damage. FR 55-20,000 Hz 3 dB at 2m on ref- veneer finish; 50"H 18"D 16"W .. $2,598/ pr
erence axis; max output 108 dB; THD < 1% 70-
20.000 Hz; nominal imp 8 ohms; 80 W program Trapezoid Speaker System
rating; 20.7 lbs; 23'/,'H 11'/."W 10"D Floor -standing 4 -way speaker with 12" woofer, 6.5"
$500/pr polystyrene midrange, 11/4" dome tweeter. 1/4" dome range and tweeter designed for corner placement.
supertweeter. Features midrange. tweeter. super - Sens 106 dB W/m: power handling 100 W; FR 35-
KENWOOD tweeter controls. FR 18-22,000 Hz t 1.5 dB; cross- 17.000 Hz t5 dB; 52" H 311/4"W - 281/4-1).
overs 175, 2k, 7.5k Hz: sens 91 -dB SPL /W/m; imp 8 Priced according to finish $1.972-2.776/pr
LSK-500D Speaker System ohms; 25-200 W: 40"H 16"W 14"D$1.398/pr Belle Klipsch. Same components and technical design
3iway 3 -speaker acoustic suspension system with
as Klipschorn but folded twice for more versatile
11" woofer, 4'/,." midrange and 21/4' tweeter. Wal- Impulse/CRM Speaker System placement. Sens 106 dB W/m; power handling 100
nut grained vinyl enclosure 131/4,"W r 23"/'H f loor-standing 3 -way monitor speaker with 12" woof- W; FR 35-17,000 Hz " 5 dB: 35'/,' H
10'/'D; 25 lbs ea 301/4" W
$380/pr er. 6.5" polystyrene midrange, 11/4' dome super - 181/4"D. Available in wide range of custom finishes
tweeter. Features midrange. tweeter level controls; and grille cloths $2.238/pr
LSK-400D Speaker System walnut veneer. FR 18-22,000 Hz, t 3 dB; crossovers The Klipsch La Scala. Similar to the Belle Klipsch but
3 -way 3 -speaker with 10" woofer; 4-'A," midrange 180 and 2k Hz; sens 90 dB SPL/W/m; power range
available only in natural birch, black or stained lac-
2-1/4" tweeter; acoustic suspension. Walnut 15.150 W continuous; imp 8 ohms; 26"H 141/4"W quer. 351/4" H 231/4" W 241/4"D. Priced accord-
grained vinyl enclosure 12'/.."W 21"/,,"H 14"D $898/pr ing to finish
105/"D; 44 lbs $326/pr $1.498-1,594/pr
Cornwall. Same tweeter and midrange drivers as the
LSK400D. Same as LSK-500 except 10" woofer Micro Monitor Speaker System Klipschorn in 15" ported enclosure. Sens 100 dB
$326/pr Miniature 2 -way speaker with 61/4" woofer, 11/4" W/m; power handling 100 W: FR 3R-17.000 Hz.

A- about $420* a pa r, acd tion of a meter) and uniform
the new kg2 is hardly passive radia- 10: x 100 cis-
an expensit,e loudspeaker. Yet it tor to handle persion.
o-fers discriminatirg listeners the lowest As a finish-
the qualit!.. featires nornalty octat/e. The ing touch, tie kg2
associated w th much large-, wocfer utilizes neticulousty
more expensive models. an 8" special crafted of rca.
T -e first thirg you'll no -.e polymer cone wo Dd- sclid lurn-
about the kg2 is its exceptional y coupled to a oeicore panes
clean, well-balanced sound. Jniquely wound F equency response of t -f ks= s with your choice
Silky smooth, vet st II deliverinc voice coil for e;ceptionally fiat. of oak or walnut
the lustre and gust: of even the exceptionally veneer, hard -oiled
most subtle dynamics. That's a cw modulation dis:ortion and a to a rich lustre. And finally, it
tough co nbiration to achieve in Lsty richness to vocals. The bear the KLIPSa- name -a corn-
a speaker small enough to be tweeter is a hybirc of the horr pary with a 40 year history of
used on 3 bozkshelf. a nc dome desicrs providing cual and meg -ity.
ger erous efficien:',../ along with a See and hear the new
Also uncommon to other s -able, well -focused stereo
speakers cf its size and price KL Ps aH kg2 a- your author zed
inage. KL PSC-I dea er. lie's in tie Yellow
range, the kg2 All of
provides an Pages
di's results in
abundance cl a speaker sys-
well-def $42) per pair is suggested retal. Actual
tem with high - price ray vary in dillerent regicns Di the
bass wit -lout power handling CO imitr,i
sacrificing the
delicate nar-
monics or mi:.
range. tO
capability (65
watts maxi-
mum continu-
ous), generous
A Leeend In Sound
IS SO SO .0 0


The kg2 Polar responie is eases-ially constant. Hod-

has two active z=ontal and velicel polar espcnse of frequencies
from 630 Hz to 6000 1- z a e ilustrated.
:90.5 dB SFL
drivers plus the one watt one P 13.:x 688. I-Dpe. Arkansas JSA
Speakers 9 Speakers
351/2'H x 251/4'W x 151/4"D; priced according to K.A.N. Speaker System DR 80 Digital Reference Speaker System
finish $1,148-1,428/pr Acoustic -suspension 2 -way bookshelf speaker with 5' Two-way speaker features 8' dynamic woofer with
Heresy. Same tweeter and midrange as the Klips- woofer, 1' dome tweeter. FR 70.20,000 Hz ±3 dB; LNP cone and 4 layer copper voice coil; V soft dome
chorn with a 12" woofer in a sealed enclosure. FR 35- imp 8 ohms; 12"H > 71/4"W x 61/4'D ... $625/pr tweeeter with barium ferrite magnet; imp compensat-
20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; 100 W max handling power; 98 ed crossover; continuously active dynamic overload
dB SPL W/m; 211/2"H x 151/4' W x 131/4' D; priced protection; recommended amp power 10-100 W/ch
according to finish 8672-760/pr MAGNEPAN max; imp 7 ohms; FR 35-20,000 Hz; efficiency 90
dB/W/1M; 3/' high -density nonresonant particle-
kg' Speaker Magneplanar Tympani -IV board cabinet; bartonwood hickory vinyl finish;
Two-way speaker with rear -mounted passive radiator Radiator -ribbon speaker with reduced -mass midrange 12'/,'W x 23' H x 87.-D $300/pr
with crossover frequency at 1,800 Hz. FR 35-20,000 driver. Features 5 -ft long, 2.5 -micron thick trans-
Hz ± 3 dB; sens 90 dB SPL/W/m; 120 W; 181/4'H formerless and bipolar aluminum ribbon tweeter; 2 HE 10 High Energy Speaker System
x 11'/,'W x 13'/,'D S.:120/pr bass panels. Tweeter FR 2,000-50,000 Hz Three-way speaker features 10' dynamic woofer; 5'
$2,950/pr air -sealed midrange; high frequency 3' cone tweeter;
imp 4 ohms; efficiency 94 dB/W/M; FR 35.20,000
KOSS MG-IIB Speaker Hz; power handling capacity 150 W; walnut vinyl ve-
Floor -standing 2 -way speaker with Magneplanar neer finish; 15'/,'W x 29 '/,'H x 10'/,'D
CM 1030 Speaker woofer, Magneplanar' tweeter. Features oak side
Dual -port, 4 -way, 4-bandpass floor -standing speaker
rails; brown fabric grille. FR 40-18,000 Hz ±3 dB;
with 10' woofer, 2 4' midranges, 1" dome treble crossover 400-1,600 Hz at 6 dB/octave; power HLM 308 3 -Way High Level Monitor Speaker System
tweeter, 1' dome tweeter. Features -173-dB midrange, range 25-200 W; imp 5 ohms purely resistive; 71'H Features 8- dynamic woofer; 4' air -sealed midrange;
treble, tweeter spectrum -shaped controls. Bandpass x 22"W x 2"D $1.025/7r high frequency 3' cone tweeter; imp 4 ohms; efficien-
29-19,000 Hz -3 dB; crossovers 300, 2.5k, 7k Hz; cy 93 dB/1W/IM; FR 50-20,000 Hz; power handling
efficiency 94 dB SPL/W/m; power range 15-200 MG -I (Improved) Speaker capacity 50 W; walnut vinyl veneer finish; 13W x
W/ch; imp 5 ohms; 381/4"1-1 x 161/4'W x 141/4"D Floor -standing 2 -way speaker with Magneplanar^ 27'/,'H x 9'/"D $196/pr
$777/pr woofer, Magneplanar tweeter. Features oak side
rails; off-white fabric grille. FR 45-18,000 Hz ±4 dB; MCINTOSH
CM 1020 Speaker crossover 1.6 kHz; sens 82 -dB SPL/W/3 ft; power
Vented 3 -way, 3-bandpass floor -standing speaker range 40-200 W rms; imp 5 ohms purely resistive; XRT 20 Loudspeaker
with 10- woofer, 41/4" midrange, 1" dome tweeter. 60'H x 22'W x 2'D $675/pr Speaker with 24 P dome tweeters in vertical line in
Features midrange, tweeter controls. Bandpass 31- the same plane, with a total of 27 drivers built into
18,500 Hz -3 dB; crossovers 300 and 3.5k Hz; effi- SMG Magneplanar Speaker each XRT 20. FR 20-20,000 Hz; sens 87 dB
ciency 92 dB SPL/W/m; power range 15.150 W/ch; Full -range 2 -way speaker with 0.5 -mil diaphragm SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms nominal; crossover frequen-
imp 5 ohms; 33-H x 151/4'W x 131/2"D $597/pr driven by Magneplanar' magnetic field. Features oak cies 100, 250, 1.5 kHz; woofers, two 12'; midrange,
side rails; brown fabric grille. FR 50-16,000 Hz ±4 one 8"; bass section 39%,'W x 251/4"H x 121/4"D;
CM 1010 Speaker dB; power range 20.100 W rms; imp 4 ohms purely high -frequency section 7'/."W x 103/."H x
Vented 2 -way, 2-bandpass floor -standing speaker resistive; crossover 2.4 kHz; 48%."H x 241/2"W 11 'A . D; 170 lbs $6,200/pr
with 8' woofer, 10" passive radiator, 1" dome tweet- 11/41); 70 lb $450/pr
er. Features ±3-d8 tweeter spectrum -shaped control. XR 19 Loudspeakers
Bandpass 35-17,000 -3 dB; crossover 3.5k Hz; effi- MARANTZ 15 -driver speaker with low- and mid -frequency driv-
ciency 90 dB SPL/W/m; power range 15-100 W/ch; ers mounted on the same plane surface combined
imp 6 ohms; 28'H x 151/4"W x 11"D $417/pr SP 1230 Speaker System with elliptical tweeter array. Features overload protec-
Ported 3 -way speaker with 12" Linear T Drive woofer, tion system; indicator lights. FR 20-20,000 Hz; sens
Kossfire 210 Speaker 5' midrange, 1' dome tweeter. Features automatic 86 dB SPL/W/m; power range 30-250 W; imp 8
Vertically aligned 4 -driver, 3-bandpass speaker with overdrive protection with LED indicator; midrange, ohms nominal; crossover frequencies 100, 250. 1.5k
12' woofer, 5' midrange, 2 1' tweeters. Features tweeter level controls; simulated walnut vinyl finish; Hz; 451/2"W '. 251/4"H x 121/2"D; 151 lbs
midrange, tweeter level controls; linear -phase, con- removable grille. FR 35-22,000 Hz ±3 dB; cross-
stant -voltage crossover network; pecan veneer over
overs 1.5k and 7.5k Hz; power range 10-200 W;
particle -board cabinet; molded rigid grille. FR 30- sens 90 dB SPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms; 30'H x 16'W XR 16 Isoplanar Speakers
20,000 Hz; power range 10-100 W/ch; sens 92 dB x 133/,'D $540/pr Isoplanar speaker system produces a widely dis-
SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 321/4'H 15'/,'W x
persed energy field; individual radiators are mounted
131/4" D $420/pr DR 120 Digital Reference Speaker System in a vertical line; crossover frequencies 250 Hz, 1.4
Three-way speaker with 12' dynamic woofer with kHz and 7 kHz; imp 8 ohms; can be driven by up to
Kossfire 110 Speaker LNP cone and 4 layer copper voice coil; 3' dynamic 150 W; overload protection system; 89 dB SPL/W re-
Speaker with 10' woofer, 11/2' magnetic -fluid midrange with ferrofluid; P soft dome tweeter with ferred to 8 ohms; 12' woofer; 8' low midrange; 11/2"
damped midtweeter, 2 11/2' tweeters. Features ±5 - barium ferrite magnet; imp -compensated crossovers; upper midrange; P tweeter; 35%'W x 171/,'H x
dB tweeter level control; 3-bandpass, 4 -driver design; level controls for midrange and tweeter; continuously 111/2'D; 75 lbs
automatic -reset circuit -breaker protection; scratch -re-
active dynamic overload protection; recommended
sistant vinyl -laminate finish; cloth/rigid-foam grille. amp power 10-100 W/ch; imp 6 ohms; FR 32- XR 14 Isoplanar Speakers
FR 30-20,000 Hz; power range 10-100 W/ch; imp 8 20,000 Hz; efficiency 89 dB/W/m; V." high density Speaker system produces equal intensity at ±90' to
ohms; 32"H x 131/4'W x 101/2'D $220/pr nonresonant particle board cabinet; bartonwood hick- the perpendicular from the plane of the radiators;
ory vinyl finish; 15'/,W x 29'/,"1-1 x 105/,'D crossover frequencies 700 Hz, 1.4 kHz and 7 kHz;
Dynamite M-80 Speaker $520/pr imp 8 ohms; can be driven up to 100 W; overload
Speaker with 2 41/2' woofers, P dome tweeter. Fea- SP 1030. Similar to SP 1230 except has 10' woofer. protection system; sens 89 dB SPL/W referred to 8
tures hand -rubbed walnut -veneer finish. FR 50- Low -end response 40 Hz; power range 12-150 W; ohms; woofer 10-, low midrange 5', midrange radia-
30,000 Hz; power range 10-30 W/ch; sens 87 dB 26'H x 131/4'W x 101/2"D $440/pr tor 31/4', upper midrange radiator 11/4', tweeter radi-
SPL/W/m; imp 6 ohms; 121/2"H x 5%.'D x ator 1'; 30'1/2"W x 14%'H x 10-D; 52
51/2"W $200/pr DR 100 3 -Way Digital Reference Speaker System lbs $1,398/pr
Features 10' dynamic woofer with LNP cone and 4 -
LINN SONDEK layer copper voice coil; 3' dynamic midrange with XL 10 Loudspeaker
by AUDIOPHILE SYSTEMS ferrofluid; V soft dome tweeter with barium ferrite 3 -way loudspeaker system having one passive and
magnet; imp compensated crossovers; continuously two active drivers. FR 45-20,000 Hz; max power
DM5 Isobarik Speaker System active dynamic overload protection; recommended woofer 100 W program noise, tweeter 60 W program
Isobark-loading 3 -way floor -standing speaker with amp power 10-100 W/ch; imp 7 ohms; FR 35- noise; min power as little as 30 W; imp 8 ohms nomi-
12" x 9" woofers, 5" midranges. 2 P dome tweet- 20,000 Hz; efficiency 90 dB/W/1M; 3/" high -densi- nal; tweeter protected by 0.6 -ampere fast -acting fuse;
ers. FR 25-20,000 Hz ±1.5 dB; crossovers 375 and ty nonresonant particle board cabinet; bartonwood reference output level -89 dB/W/m; speaker sizes
3k Hz; instantaneous dynamic range 54 dB; imp 4 hickory vinyl finish; 15'/,'W x 26'/,'H x 10'/,'D one 10" (25.4 cm) lower bass, one 8' (20.3 cm)
ohms; power range 50-500 W; 30-H x 15'W $430/pr bass driver, and one P (2.54 cm) dome tweeter;
161/4" D $3,740/pr 24"/,"W x 141/2.'H x 7"/,"D; 27.5 lbs$780/pr
HE 12 High Energy Speaker System
S.A.R.A. Isobarik Speaker System Three-way speaker features 10" dynamic woofer; 5' MCS by JC PENNEY
Isobarik-loading 2 -way bookshelf speaker with 2 8' airsealed midrange; 3' cone tweeter; imp 4 ohms; ef-
woofers, 1- dome tweeter. Features cast structural ficiency 95 dB/W/M; FR 25-20,000 Hz; max power MCS 8290 Tower Speaker System
foam housing. FR 36-20,000 Hz ±2 dB; imp 4 250 W; walnut vinyl veneer finish; 15'W x 31'/."H Ported 3 -way tower speaker with 9" Honeycomb Disc
ohms; 17'H x 13"W x 10"D $1,590/pr 101/2" D $396/pr woofer, 2' Honeycomb Disc midrange, 1'/.' Honey -

Speakers 9 Speakers
comb Disc tweeter. Features tweeter level control; SM 4 Speaker System
Heavily braced acoustic -suspension 2 -way speaker
thermal relay protection: LED overload indicator; re-
movable cloth grille. FR 40-35,000 Hz -10 dB: cross-
overs 1.8 and 3.5 kHz: power range 10.120 W: imp
with 16.5 -cm wcofer, '/,," soft -dome tweeter mounted
inside felt ring on flush low -diffraction baffle. Features Willie Nelson,
8 ohms; 33"H x 11±,-W x 10"D; 30 lb .. $500/pr
Issac Stern
MCS 8332 Speaker System
Honeycomb disc 3 -way speakers with 12" woofer,
3';," midrange. and Pi," tweeter. Features linear
phase port; LED overload indicator; thermal relay pro-
tector; push speaker terminals; power capabilities up
to 90 W

MCS 8232 Speaker System

music lovers
Bass -reflex 3 -way speaker with 12" woofer, 1'/,"
soft -dome midrange. 2- tweeter. Features midrange, have
tweeter controls: driver protection; reset buttons;
woodgrain-vinyl finish: removable cloth grille. Power
range 10-100 W; imp 8 ohms; 27"H a 15"W x
10' $400 pr
MCS 8229. Similar to 8232 except has 10" woofer,
only tweeter level control. Power range 10-60 W;
in common.
x 13"W x $300 pr
MCS 8231. Similar to 8229 except has 8" woofer. first -order crossover. Crossover 3.5 kHz; power
3'/: cone midrange. no level controls. Power range range 10-50 W rms; sens 92 dB SPL/W/m; 15WH
10-30 W: 23"H x 13"W x 9"D $150 pr 10"W 7',"D $238/pr
T-4. Speaker stand dedicated to the SM - .4 or
MERIDIAN SM- .5 speakers .

M10 Speaker System

Inter -Active design incorperating 4 power amps. 3 MISSION ELECTRONICS
with 70 w ch. 1 with 35 w, ch. driving 2 5" woofers.
2 5" midrange. 1 2" dome tweeter. birch cabinet 770S Speaker System
of low resonance with rear -loaded passive radiator. FR Two-way bass -reflex speaker with oil -cooled and -
33-24.000 Hz; 39"H 16"W 18"D cabinet; 70 damped dome tweeter and special sound wave disper-
lb each; walnut or mahogany $4.995/pr sive membrane. 25mm Polymer Dcme tweeter;
Rosewood finish $5,595. pr 225mm reinforced homopolymer cone woofer; cross-
over frequency 2,000 Hz. FR 40.20,000 Hz + 3 dB:
M2 Speaker System nominal imp 8 ohms: recommended amps 20-150
Ported 2 -way integrated speaker with 2 5" woofers, Wich; sens 91 dB SPL, W,m; 610H 270W
2" tweeter, power supply. 2 power amps in low -reso- 300mm D: 25.5 kg pr: finish black/wa'nut $999 pr
nance cabinet. Features Inter -Active technology, '
A -quality birch plywood cabinet construction; all met- 737 Speaker System
al stand with resonance damping available. FR 38- Two-way speaker features 214 mm polypropylene
20,000 Hz A 3 dB; max output 105 dB; 20"H cone woofer. 25mm fabric dome tweeter; crossover
15"D 7"W. Walnut or mahagony finish: with frequency 2,700 Hz. FR 50.20,000 Hz; nominal imp
amps $1.995, pr 8 ohms:: recommended amps 20-125 W/ch; sens 87
Rosewood finish: with amps $2,200/pr dB SPL/W m. 540H 250 W 270mmD; 19.5
kg. pr; finish black walnut $699/pr
M3 Speaker System
Compact Inter -Active 2 -way speaker with 5' woofer. 700S Loudspeaker
1',," tweeter. Features time -delay correction; power Features equal path lengths to the ear with radiation
supply; power amps. FR 38.20,000 Hz ±3dEl: max lobe directed Jp towards the listener. Walnut or black
output 100 dB free-standing, up to 103 dB on shelf: finish. Tweeter I 9mm Polymer Dome; woofer
14'/,"H 12"D 7"W. Walnut or mahogany finish; 210mm carbon fibre -based cone; crossover frequen-
with amps $1.395/pr cy 3.200 Hz. FR 60-20.000 Hz 3 dB; nominal imp

Rosewood finish: with amps $1.560 pr 8 ohms; recommended amps 20-100 W 'ch; sens 90
dB SPLW m 470H 250W 270mmD: 16

They own

MIRAGE ACOUSTICS kgs/pr $399/ pr

700 Speaker System

The Subwoofer
Stereo subwoofer containing separate crossovers
matched to the Mirage SM .4, SM .5 and SM- 1
Bass -reflex 2 -way speaker with 205 -mm woofer, 19 -
mm ferrofluid tweeter. Features walnut or black fin-
ish. FR 60-20.000 Hz + 3 dB: power range 15-80 W:
speakers. Two 10" woofers utilizing progressive sus-
pensions mounted in individual chambers of a braced. imp 8 ohms: 460 mmH 260 mmW 255 mmD:
floor -standing, acoustic suspension enclosure. Sys- 6.5 kg $299 pr
tem power range (with SM -.4) is 20-200 W. Cross-
over at 300 Hz. Sensitivity is 91 dB SPL/W/m; 70 Loudspeaker
19 '/," H 24'4"W x 15 '/" D $399/ea Features crossover network of full multi -component
design. cabinet of medium density fibreboard. 25 mm
SM-3 Speaker System soft -dome tweeter. 175mm carbon -fibre -based cone
Ported floor -standing speaker with 25 -cm woofer, woofer; crossover frequency 3,400 Hz: walnut/black
2.5 -cm softdome tweeter. Features adtustable inte- finish. FR 70-20.000 Hz ±3 dB: nominal imp 8
gral stand; internal Live Wire` wiring; first -order ohms: recommended power 20-75W +ch; sens 89 dB
crossover. FR 37-19.000 Hz ± 1.5 dB; crossover 2.5 SPL W m; 350H 210W - 21OrnmD; 8 kgs, pr
kHz; max power 250 W rms; sens 91 dB SPL/W, m;
37"H 151/,"W 111/4"D $778/pr
1645 9th Street
SM-2.5 Speaker System
Mirror -imaged 3 -way acoustic suspension floor -stand- E.F.T. Spa Speaker White Bear Lake, MN 55110
ing speaker with 25 -cm woofer. 12 -cm midrange. ' Full -range Energy Field Transducer spa speaker. de-
soft -dome tweeter. Features first -order crossover. FR signed to reproduce sound through any solid mass
59-18,000 Hz 3 dB; crossover 2.5 kHz; power when mounted underwater. Usable in spas, swimming
range 10.90 W rms; sens 92 dB SPL/W/m; 18"H pools. Jacuzzis. etc.. and suitable for mounting in boat
11'"W 8'/,,"D $298 pr hulls. Power handling 100 W rms: 8 ibs $220/pr CIRCLE NO. 38 ON READER SERVICE CARD

Speakers 9 Speakers
ish. FR 35-150 Hz; power range 30-150 W; imp 4 cooled voice coil; P soft dome tweeter. Features 10 -
MITSUBISHI ohms; 17'/,'H 171/4"W 14'/,'D; 40 lb $250/ea oz ferrite magnet of 9.400 gauss flux density; 2,700
Hz Sub -Bass Activator; vented (fourth -order Butter-
DS -505 Digital Reference Monitor RC -1 Satellite/Subwoofer Remote Control worth filter); dealer -replaceable press connectors;
Mirror -image 4 -way system features honeycomb Allows adjustment of all available tonal conditions re- 5/," flakeboard stock vinyl covered -oiled walnut finish
woofer midwoofer construction; edgewound voice motely. Features midrange, treble character switches; or oak on special order; 23"H x 13"W x 104/"D;
coils and ferro nickel rings for reduced distortion; va- 100 -Hz filter or full -range satellite operation; FR 42-20,000 Hz ±4 dB; $450/pr
por deposition; boron domes for midrange and tweet- satellite/subwoofer phase correction; Volkswoofer
er; oiled walnut cabinet; output acoustic pressure 90 level control; 8%"W 77,"D 21/4'H; 3 lb $185 Model L Speaker System
dB/W/m; woofer 12'/," cone; mid -bass 16'/.' cone;
Speaker with 8" woofer, 2' tweeter, 2" supertweeter.
mid -high 1'/,' dome; tweeter '/," dome; attenuators OHM ACOUSTICS Features tweeter level control; oiled -walnut finish. FR
mid -range, four -level 1.5-5,000 Hz; high frequency,
42-20.000 Hz ±4 dB; crossovers 1.7 and 10 kHz;
four level 5-40,000 Hz; nominal imp 6 ohms; FR 28- Model F Speaker System
40,000 Hz; 16'/,' power range 8.100 W; efficiency 100 -dB SPL at 3 ft;
28'/." 16'/" $2,600/pr Floor -standing speaker with 12' Walsh radiator, 16" 20°H x 12"W x 91/4'1) $440/pr
tweeter. Features oiled -walnut cabinet. FR 37-19.000
DS-32BMKII Speaker System Hz *4 dB; power range 75-250 W; imp 4 ohms; Model N2 Subwoofer
Bass -reflex 3 -way bookshelf speaker with 10' woofer, 44"H x 1734" W x 171/4"D (tapers to 13"W x 13"D at
4" midrange, 1'/ Dual -vented subwoofer with 2 8" woofers. Features
semidome tweeter. Features all top) $4,000/ pr walnut -veneer finish. FR 32-140 Hz; power range 10-
drivers mounted in die-cast aluminum frames in mir-
100 W; imp 8 ohms; 15"H x 16"W x 15"D $385/ea
ror -image alignment; simulated walnut finish; remov- Model I Speaker System
able fabric grille. FR 38-30.000 Hz; crossovers 700 Vented floor -standing 4 -way speaker with 12' Model E2 Speaker System
and 5k Hz; max power 120 W; sens 91 dB SPL/W/m; subwoofer, 1'/," soft -dome tweeter. 2 soft -dome
imp 6 ohms; 24'H Two-way vented speaker with 8' woofer with 5 -oz fer-
12'/,"W 12 /."D $530/pr supertweeters. Features walnut veneer on '4" parti- rite magnet and P liquid -cooled voice coil. Features
cle -board cabinet. FR 32-21,000 Hz 4_ 3.5 dB; cross- liquid -cooled Penta-Vented` tweeter; 3-postion con-
DS -181 W Speaker System overs 100, 2k, 10k Hz; power range 10-1,000 W trol for tweeter; 2,700 Hz -Sub -Bass Activator; vent-
Bass -reflex 3 -way bookshelf speaker with 8" woofer, continuous; imp 4 ohms; 331/4"H x x 15'4' ed enclosure (quasi -third order Butterworth filter);
2" midrange, '/" dome tweeter. Features mirror -im- at bottom, tapers to 131/4"W x 13VD at top
press connectors; s/,' flakeboard stock, oiled -walnut
age driver alignment; crossover switch; simulated wal-
$1.550/pr finish; 21'/," x 11V," x 7'/.' deep; imp
nut finish; removable grille. FR 45-30,000 Hz; cross-
nominal/minimum 8/4 ohms; 48-17,000 Hz _1-4 dB,
overs 2k and 10k Hz; max power 100 W; sens 90 dB Walsh 4 Speaker efficiency 0.73%; recommended power 7-75 W rms
SPL/W/m; imp 6 ohms; 18'4"H 101/4"W , Features 10" Walsh driver; 3 controls, for low, per- on music
9"/,,,"D $300/pr
$340/pr spective (midrange), and high, each with 3 positions;
press -connector inputs accept banana plugs and up Model M Speaker System
DS -141 Speaker System to 12 -gauge wire; casters; standard finish walnut and Vented 2 -way speaker with 4' woofer, P dome tweet-
2 -Way bass -reflex bookshelf woofer; 16cm (6'/,")
er. Features cast -aluminum cabinet. FR 120-20,000
cone tweeter; 5cm (2") cone; imp 6 ohms; FR 55-
Hz ±4 dB; crossover 3.5 kHz; power range 5-100 W
20.000 Hz; sens 90 dB/W/m; 7'/." 14' 8'/,,"; imp 4 ohms; 71/4"H x 4'/,"W x 4 v,'D $300/pr
4 kg (8 lb 13 oz) $160/pr

F-5000 Speaker System
Satellite 1B Speaker System
Air -suspension floor -standing 3 -way speaker with
Acoustic -suspension 2 -way speaker with 2.5' poly-
12.2' woofer; 4' midrange; 1.95' direct -drive mem-
propylene woofers. 2 1' soft -dome tweeters. Features
brane tweeter in phase -aligned array. Features mid-
36 tonal -balance selector; midrange, tweeter charac-
range tweeter level controls; matched stereo pairing;
ter switches; walnut or oak finish; black grille. FR 70-
African rosewood veneer finish. FR 28-20,000 Hz;
22.000 Hz ±3 dB; 7.5-400 W; 4 ohms; 21'H
crossover at 1.2 and 5.000 Hz; power range 200 W
71/4"W 7'/,'D; 19 lb $645/pr peak program $1,000/pr
Satellite 2B Speaker System
PS -45 Radian Series Speakers
Acoustic -suspension 2 -way speaker with 6'4" poly-
Two way air -suspension speaker. Features 8" Delta
propylene woofer, 1" soft -dome tweeter. Features se-
Olefin woofer; 2' ceramic horn -loaded tweeter, max
lector for 36 tonal balances; midrange, treble charac-
ter switches; walnut or oak finish; black grille. FR
input power 60 W; FR 45-40,000 Hz; sens 90
dB/W/m; silver vinyl enclosure $270/pr
65-20.000 Hz 4 3 dB; power range 15-100 W; oak, available in Scandinavian rosewood, black or
10VH 7"D 6'4"W: 9 lb
$495/pr white lacquer. FR 32-17,000 Hz ±4 dB; efficiency HS -20 Midi Speaker System
87 dB SPL/m/2.83 V; rec power 50-500 W/ch; Mirror -imaged 2 -way speaker with 6.5' woofer, 2'
Satellite 38 Speaker System 40"H. 12.5' 12.5' at top, 15.5' x 15.5" at tweeter; FR 60-20,000 Hz; max power 50 W; silver
Acoustic suspension 2 -way speaker with 5' polypro- base; 63 lbs $1,500/pr finish
pylene woofer; 1- soft -dome tweeter. Features selec- $200/pr
tor for 14 tonal balances via multiple inputs; black Walsh 2 Speaker
finish; black grille; FR 100-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; power
Floor -standing vented speaker designed for excellent
range 15-100 W; 101/,'H x 7"D 6'/,"W; 9 imaging and reliability. Features inverted conical sur-
lb Phase Coherent Series
$350/pr face; sub -bass activator; tufflex transmission block:
ferrofluid ferro lube: protection circuits; acoustic in- PC 100 Speaker System
Volkswoofer 1B Subwoofer sulation; acoustical attenuator; accoustically transpar- Air -suspension 5 -way phase -coherent speaker with 2
Internally amplified subwoofer with 12' polypropyl- ent circular metal grille; high -frequency balance con- 10' solid -piston woofers. 3' soft -dome upper -mid-
ene driver. Features preamp, power amp inputs; ac- trol. FR 45-16.000 Hz ±4 dB; efficiency 89 dB range driver, P soft -dome tweeter. Features speaker
tive filtering at 24 dB/octave; with additional rolloff SPL/W/m; recommended max power 120 W rms; protection; all sides finished in genuine walnut solids
point. Walnut or oak finish; black grille. FR 18-125 Hz imp nominal/minimal 4/4 ohms; 32'/,"H ' 11' /, and veneers; removable grille. FR 24-20,000 Hz;
±3 dB; amp power 400 W; 18%"W x 17%"H 11' at bottom tapering to 9'/." 94'." at top
1541D; 50 lb power range 50-200 W; 42'4"H x 14"W x 8-1); 80
$750 29; lbs $750/pr lb
Volkswoofer 2B. Similar to Volkswoofer 1B except $1,300/pr
amp power 200 W; 43 lb $600 Ohm C, Speaker PC 70 Speaker System
Volkswoofer 3B. Similar to Volkswoofer 2B except Features 10" polypropylene unit; 38 -oz ferrite mag- Air -suspension 3 -way phase -coherent speaker with
amp power 100 W; 17VH x 14'/,*(); net 1'/,' liquid -cooled voice coil; penta-vented liquid -
43 lb 10" solid -piston woofer. 2' soft -dome midrange. 1"
$500 cooled tweeter; 1" soft dome, 10 -oz ferrite magnet; soft -dome tweeter. Features speaker protection; gen-
LP -1 Special Version. Passive electronic crossover for 2.400 Hz/14.000 Hz sub -bass activator; vented uine walnut solid and veneer finish; removable grille.
B -model Volkswoofers only. 8.5" front panel or 19" (quasi -third order Butterworth filter); press connec-
rack mount. With bypass switch
FR 25-20.000 Hz; power range 25-125 W; 26'H x
$245/ea tors;'/,- flakeboard stock -oiled walnut finish; oak on 14%'W x 10'/,'D; 50 lb
Without bypass switch $750/pr
$225/ea special order. FR 37-21,000 Hz 44 dB; imp 4 ohms:
26r/"H 15"W 11'/.'D $650/pr PC 65 Speaker System
Goliath 38 Subwoofer
Air -suspension 2 -way phase -coherent speaker with 8'
Acoustic -suspension passive subwoofer with 12" Ohm K, Speaker solid -piston woofer, 1" soft -dome tweeter. Features
driver, internal crossover network. Black painted fin- Speaker with 9" low -frequency unit with P liquid- speaker protection; genuine walnut solids and veneer

One Step Closer to Perfection
The Ohm Walsh 2 is the "Speaker of the Year"
The new Ohm Walsh 4 is even better.

hear everything correctly. Our

Over 4,000 acknowledged
experts chose the Ohm Walsh 2 patented design mates this
as "The Speaker of the Year" in driver to a tiny super -tweeter
supplementing the highest
Audio Video International's 1982
octave. They are in time and
Hi-Fi Grand Prix Competition.
phase alignment at all listen-
How could anyone make a bet-
ing positions. This perfect
ter speaker than one that is
alignment is what prompted
"among the best speakers we
The Washingtonian to say
have ever heard, regardless of
price" (The Complete Buyers
"...the Walsh 2s are
among the best 'imaging'
Guide to Speaker/Hifi Equip-
speakers at any price,
ment), or that has received
more rave reviews than any which means they create
the original setting in
new speaker in the last 10
years? That question is answer-
which the music was
ed by the new Ohm Walsh 4.
recorded-evoking the
broad expanse of an or-
Here's What We Did chestra or the compact
the sound spacing of a jazz combo,
quality the New York Times for example." The inverted driver
described as "a spacious acoustic and cabinet of the Ohm Walsh 4 are
ambience with precise stereo imaging much bigger, which allows it to handle
creating a 'reach -out -and -touch -it' realism more power and go deeper.
The new Ohm Walsh 4 goes one better.
that this listener has rarely
We added a truly exciting and unique Now You Have A Choice
control called "perspective." This allows Either the Ohm Walsh 2 speakers
We gave it the abilityto play louder.
2 The new Ohm Walsh 4 can handle
500 watts rms of music. It can repro-
you to change your 'seat' in the audi-
ence from up front to in the rear-
which "...certainly must be rated a
'best buy'" (Audio), or the more expen-
matching your taste, your music, your sive new Ohm Walsh 4, with both the
duce a full orchestra at live levels in a
room and your state of mind. luxury of extended bass and the ability
normal liStening room, flawlessly. It also
5We made the Ohm Walsh 4 even to be played louder. In either case, you
can handle the new digital audio discs, more convenient to live with. They will get the sound Popular Mechanics
effortlessly. come built with casters for easy place-
3We made it play deeper. The Ohm has said, ". ..meets the ultimate audio
ment or movement. Moreover, our three test: It makes you unaware of its
Walsh 4 can reproduce over half an
ambience controls are placed within presence. You feel there's nothing bet-
octave deeper bass. At 30 Hz the 4's
easy reach on the rear. The speakers ween you and the music." One step
put out 10 times as much volume as the
are tall enough (40") not to be blocked closer to perfection.
superb 2's. Maybe only one record out
by most chairs and sofas but small
of a hundred demands this-but the 4's enough (only 121/2" square at the top) to Ohm Walsh 4 Specifications
are ready whenever you are. They let Frequency Response 32 Hz - 17 KHz 4 dB
be inconspicuous in most rooms. They Size 40" tall x 12W" ir 1-2W" at top.
you physically feel the impact of a bass 161/2 II 15W at bottom
come in five finishes (all genuine wood
drum or timpani. An unusual luxury, but Weight 63 lbs
veneer) to match your furniture. Efficiency 67 dB at 1 meter with 283 volt
its there. input with all controls at maximum
We gave it more control range, so Here's How We Did it Finish Genuine wood veneer. walnut and oak

4 you can better match your own

listening room to your musical taste.
We used the same unique,
patented technology as in the Ohm Inputs
standard Black or white lacquer on
oak and Scandinavian Rosewood
finish available on special order
Press connectors accepting 'banana
plugs' or bare wire up to 12 gauge.
While most high -end speakers do have Walsh 2. The main transducer is in the Controls 3 - low, high and perspective
each hes three positions
a high frequency control, the Ohm shape of a conical pyramid, inverted like Power requirement 50 watts minimum/500 watts
Walsh 2 has both a high frequency con- an upside down ice cream cone. This on Music maximum
Impedance 414 ohms
trol and an additional Sub Bass Activator driver is driven full range and by its very
control to balance bass output-some- nature gives perfect dispersion, so you Ohm Acoustics Corp.
can still sit anywhere in your room and 241 Taatfe Place. Brooklyn. New York 112 05
thing no other speaker has ever had.

We make loudspeakers correctly.
Speakers 8 Speakers
in ish; removable grille. FR 35.20.000 Hz; sens 86 S -33X Speakes transmission duct that loads bass/midrange driver
dB SPL/W/m; power range 25-100 W; 21"H a 12'W Shelf -sized 2 -way, ported speaker with 7" woofer. into deep -bass range. FR 55-21.000 Hz ±3 dB; pow-
x 10'/,'D; 29 lb $500/pr 21/4" cone tweeter. FR 60-20,000 Hz; 90 W music er range 10-80 W; max output 108 dB SPL; cross-
power; sens 91 dB SPL at 1 meter with 1 W; 14' H x over 4.5 kHz; imp 8 ohms; 14'/,'H , x
PC 60 Speaker System 8%" W 81/4" D; 8 lb $180/pr 7%" D $220/pr
Air -suspension 2 -way phase -coherent speaker with 6'
solid -piston woofer, 1' soft -dome tweeter. Features POLK AUDIO POTTED SOUND
speaker protection; genuine walnut solids and veneer by MITCHELL SPEAKER CO.
finish; removable grille. FR 40-20,000 Hz; power SDA-1 Speaker System
range 25.80 W: 131/2"H x W a 8'D; 30 lb $400 pr Speaker with 4 MW 6600x trilaminate polymer bass - Hanging Potted Sound Speakers
midrange drivers; Stereo/Dimensional isophase Indoor, outdoor speaker/planter with solid ceramic
PC 50 Subwoofer crossover system for blending all 12 active drivers of construction and 360° sound dispersion. Piezo tweet-
Air -suspension subwoofer with 10' solid -piston woof- 2 SDA- 1 s; SL 1000 L/P high -frequency radiator in- er mounted in top ceramic bell and 8" woofer in 13' -
er. Features genuine walnut solids and veneer finish. corporating an exclusive litz wire voice coil for FR be- diameter pots, woven into 4.5 -ft macrame hanger.
FR 30.150 Hz; sens 85 dB SPL W m; power range yond 25,000 Hz and a hyperbolic section polyamide Features hand-crafted glazes; 16 -oz magnet in woof-
25200 W: 15-17) x 14"H x 13"W. 33 lb.. $250/ea diaphragm for quicker, better transient response and er; 1.5' woofer voice coil. Comes in Cocoa Brown, Al-
1 sub -bass radiator. Recommended amplification .0- mond Tan. Mustard. Sky Blue. Buttercup Yellow. Or-
High Transparency Series 500 W/ch; FR 15.26,000 Hz; imp 4 ohms; crossover ange. Brick Red. Woofer FR 50-4,000 Hz.
frequencies 50 Hz, 100 Hz, 2,500 Hz; system reso- 175 W. 16 lbs $400/pr
HT 42 Speaker System nance 15 Hz; efficiency 95 dB/W/m; cabinet finish 75 W, 13 lbs
Bass -reflex 3 -way high-technology speaker with 12'
natural real walnut veneer (sealed to protect finish);
woofer. P/,' soft -dome midrange. 1" soft -dome 431/4"H x 16'W x 12D; 85 lbs $1.700, pr Table Potted Sound Speakers
tweeter. Features midrange and tweeter level con- Similar to above except designed for table placement
trols; speaker protection; walnut -grain vinyl finish; re- SDA-2 Speaker System instead of hanging.
movable grille. FR 30-20.000 Hz; sens 91 dB Similar to SDA-1 except 3 6600X bass -midrange 175 W. 16 lbs $370/pr
SPL/W/m; power range 25-125 W; 27"H x 15%'W a drivers and crossover frequencies at 50 and 2.500 75 W. 13 lbs
111/4"D; 52 lb
$500/pr Hz. FR 16-26,000 Hz; system resonance 16 Hz: effi-
ciency 92 dB/Wm; cabinet finish furniture -grade wal-
HT 32 Speaker System nut or rosewood woodgrain vinyl: or real walnut ve- QUAD
Bassreflea high-technology 3 -way speaker with 10' neer; 39%"H , 16'W x 12"D; 80 lbs $1.200/pr
woofer. P/,' soft -dome midrange, 2" cone tweeter. ESL -63 Electrostatic Loudspeaker
Features speaker protection; walnut -grain vinyl finish; SubSat 4/14 Speaker System Full -range electrostatic double speaker with dipole
removable grille. FR 40-20.000 Hz; sens 89 dB System contains 2 Monitor 4s, one LF 14 subwoofer source. Features 2 protection circuits. Power range
SPL/W/m; power range 10-60 W; 23"H a 13'W x (see specs below). LF 14 features 12' planar fluid - 100.190 W; sens 86 dB/2.83 V rms; imp 8 ohms;
10/.'D; 35 lb $340/pr coupled subwoofer. 2 6'4" trilaminate-polymer axis band limits -6 dB at 35 Hz, third -order, -6 dB at
bass/midrange drivers. Crossover 120 Hz; max out- 20 kHz; 92.5 66 27 cm; 23 kg .. $3,310/pr
HT 28 Speaker System put 108 dB SPL; power range 10-150 W; imp 4
Bass -reflex high-technology 2 -way speaker with 8" ohms; 28-H a 16'W x $530/3 -piece system Quad ESLs
woofer, 2" cone tweeter. Features walnut -grain vinyl Full -range electrostatic loudspeaker incorporates
finish; removable front grille. FR 50-20,000 Hz; sens R.T.A. 12C Monitor Speaker System closely coupled moving elements 200 times lighter
90 dB SPL/W/m; power range 5-50 W; 20'H a Real -time -array 3 -way floor -standing speaker with than diaphragms of moving -coil speakers; bandwidth
10%"W x 9%-D; 37 lb $180/pr 12' low -resonance molded -foam subwoofer, 2 61/4' 45.18,000 Hz; horizontal/vertical dispersion 707-
polymer laminated bass -midrange drivers. 1' open - 15'; sens 93 dB at 2 meters on -axis. free space; imp
PIONEER mounted, moving -coil soft -dome tweeter. FR 17- 15-30 ohms; expanded aluminum, bronze or black
25.000 Hz; crossovers 40 and 2k Hz; power range metal grille with polished wood end frames, feet;
S-1010 Speakers 10-500 W; imp 4 ohms; walnut or rosewood grain fir.- 880mmW 790mmH , 270mmD $1,780/pr
Pair of mirror -image 3 -way speakers with 14' passive ish (genuine walnut veneer available at extra cost);
radiator, 10" PG cone woofer, 2'/," PG cone mid- 39"H x 16"W a 12.13 $920/pr
range, beryllium ribbon tweter. Genuine hand -rubbed
walnut veneer cabinets. Impedance 6.3 ohms; fre- LF 14 Low -Frequency System REALISTIC
quency range 28-50,000 Hz; 80 watts rated power. Modular bass reference monitor low -frequency speak-
240 watts music power; sensitivity 92.5 dB SPL at 1 er with 2 6.5 -WI trilaminate polymer drivers fluid cou- Optimus Speaker Systems
meter with 1 watt; 18'4" W 13%" D x 36%" H; pled to low -resonance 12' foam -laminated planar 1-300. Floor -standing acoustic -suspension 3 -way
90 lbs. 4 oz $1,360/pr sub -bass radiator. Features low-pass filter (can be speaker with 10' woofer. 10" passive radiator. 5"
added as single dual-ch woofer unit or as one of ste midrange, 1- tweeter. Feature ferrofluid damping;
S-910 Speakers reo pair of bass modules); crossover bypassing for midrange, tweeter level controls; oiled -walnut veneer
Mirror image 3 -way, ported speaker system with 12' connection to bi/triamplified systems. Power range finish. FR 44-20,000 Hz; crossover 800 and 7.6
cone woofer. 4' PG cone midrange. beryllium tweeter. 20-250 W; walnut or rosewood grain vinyl cabinet kHz; max power 150 W; sens 91 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8
Impedance 6.3 ohms; frequency range 30 Hz -50 $330/ea ohms; 34-H 14'D v 12' $520/pr
kHz, 80 W rated power. 240 W music power, sensitiv- T-120. High -efficiency 3 -way tower speaker in genu-
ity 92.5 dB SPL at 1 w /111 watt; 15%" W 13%. D Ten B Speaker System ine walnut veneer. Features 10' long -throw woofer;
26%- H; 60 lbs. 4 oz $600/pr Sub -bass radiator/sealed 3 -way floor -standing speak- 5" midrange driver; 1' liquid -cooled tweeter; sealed
er with 10" fluid -coupled subwoofer, 2 6%" acoustic suspension enclosure; ferrofluid-cooled
S-710 Speakers bass/midrange drivers, 1" soft -dome tweeter. FR 22- dome tweeter; removable cloth grille; level controls
Mirror -image 3 -way, ported speaker with 12' PG 25,000 Hz; crossovers 60 and 3k Hz; power range for midrange and tweeter frequency response. FR 50-
cone woofer. 4' PG cone midrange. aluminum ribbon 10-200 W/ch; imp 6 ohms; walnut or rosewood grain 20,000 Hz; power handling capacity 80 W; sens 91
tweeter. Imp 6.3 ohms; FR 33 Hz -50 kHz; 60 W rated finish (genuine walnut veneer available at extra cost); dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 35'/,' x 12'/,"
power, 180 W music power; sens 91.5 dB SPL at 1 28"H 16"W x 111/4"D $640/pr 11V,"
meter with 1 W; 14'/," W
111/2" D 25'4" H; 53 50. Three-way system with open -back midrange and
lbs. 9 oz $500/pr Seven B Speaker System tuned port. Features 12' high -compliance woofer; 4"
Sub -bass radiator/sealed 3 -way bookshelf speaker midrange; 2'/,' liquid -cooled tweeter; walnut veneer;
S-510 Speakers with 10' subwoofer, 6'/,' plasticized bass/midrange, front and rear projecting midrange speaker; tuned
Mirror -image 3 -way. ported speaker with 10' PG 1' soft -dome tweeter. FR 26-25,000 Hz; crossovers port; midrange and treble controls. FR 50-20,000
cone woofer, 2' PG cone midrange. aluminum ribbon 60 and 3k Hz; power range 10-100 W; imp 8 ohms; Hz; power handling capacity 75 W; system sens 90
tweeter. Imp 6.3 ohms; FR 35 Hz -50 kHz; 40 W rated walnut or rosewood grain finish; 24"H 14'W , dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 25 14 10' $320/pr
power. 120 W music power; sens 91 dB SPL at 1 me- 91/4"D $480/pr 40. Time -aligned 2 -way speaker with 8' long -throw
ter with 1 W; 123/." W 1 P/,' D 22% H; 31 Five A. Similar to Seven B but 8- subwoofer; FR 31- woofer. 10" passive radiator. 2" tweeter. Features
lbs. 3 oz $360/pr 25,000 Hz. power range 10-60 W; 21%"H ferrofluid-cooled tweeter; tweeter level control; oiled -
101/2"W ,'D $350/pr walnut veneer finish. FR 38-20.000 Hz; max power
S -77X Speakers
75W; sens 87 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 26"H x
Shelf -sized 3 -way, ported speaker with 9' woofer. 2' Monitor Four Speaker System 141/,"W 10"D $260/pr
tweeter. 90' rotatable ribbon super tweeter. FR 48- Satellite speaker with trilaminate-polymer 6500 30. Tuned -port 2 -way speaker with 10" woofer; 2V,"
50,000 Hz; 100 W music power; sens 93 dB woofer. SL 1000 moving -coil tweeter, isophase cross- tweeter. Features color -coded spring terminals; FR
SPL/W/m; 17%' H x 10" W 81/4" D; 20 over network. Features cabinet, grille designed to 55-20.000 Hz; max power 70 W; 22V.'H x
lb $340/pr eliminate diffraction effects, smooth FR; terminated 12'/."W '/."D $200 'pr


Speakers 9 Speakers
terminals. Power handling capacity 40 W; 8 x 5 x MC -600. 2 -way bookshelf -sized speaker. Features ef-
Mach One LC Speaker System ficient long -throw 6'/," woofer; 2'/,' wide -dispersion
4' $120/pr
Floor -standing acoustic -suspension 3 -way speaker tweeter; genuine walnut veneer finish; removable
with 15" woofer, multi -cell midrange horn, high -com- 7. Features long -excursion 4" woofer; 1" soft -dome
tweeter; die-cast metal enclosure; deluxe crossover cloth' grille; recessed phono jack and screw terminals.
pliance tweeter horn. Features liquid -cooled heavy- Power handling capacity 40W; response 100-18.000
duty "bullet" tweeter; midrange, tweeter controls; LC for smooth response without artificial "peaks"; hang-
er slots and recessed spring terminal connectors for Hz $80/pr
crossover network; walnut -veneer finish cabinet; grille
cloth. FR 20-20.000 Hz; max power 160 W; sens 90 easy wall mounting. Power handling capacity 40 W;
dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 28'4" x 17%"W 7%." 4'/." 4'4." $100/pr Supertweeters
19. 2 -way ported extension speakers in walnut or vi- Dynamic; extends response to 40.000 Hz; mounts in
12'D $480/pr or outside speaker cabinet; max power 50W; 4" H$18
nyl. Features 8" woofer, 3' tweeter; 22' 12' x
$60/pr Piezo. Extends response to 27,000 Hz. Maximum
Nova Speaker Systems 61/4"
17. Sealed walnut veneer enclosure with a 5' full - power 75W; sens 96 dB SPL/W/m $13
500. Acoustic -suspension 3 -way speaker with 12"
woofer. 5' midrange; 3" tweeter. Features midrange range driver: wire mesh grille; 6'/,' 6V," x
6" $44/pr REVOX
tweeter level controls; walnut -grain vinyl finish. FR
55-20.000 Hz; max power 50 W; 24'H x 15'W 3.5. Features 3" driver; removable steel grille; high -
density molded enclosure; spring terminals; x Revox Triton Speaker System
10' /,'D $200/ pr Speaker consisting of floor -standing subwoofer mod
3%" x 3%" $40
4. Bass -reflex 2 -way system with decorator grille. Fea-
tures 8' woofer; tuned -port design; 2'/,' extended - 8. 4" driver in walnut vinyl veneer; 9', 5', ule, two 3 -way bookshelf satellites. Subwoofer has
$40/pr two 9.7" spring -supported drivers; each satellite has
range tweeter; genuine oiled walnut veneer; spring 434'
0.5. Metal frame. walnut vinyl veneer; 6' , 47 6 9" low, midrange, 1.2" dome midrange. 0.75'
terminals. Response 60-20.000 Hz; power handling -

dome tweeter. FR 30.25.000 Hz; crossovers 150,

capacity 50 W: 19 x 10'/. x 7'/, $160/pr 4'4" $30/pr
3. Mini -extension speakers. Features 5' driver in wal- 1 3k. 3.2h Hz; power range 20.110 W; imp 4 ohms;
nut vinyl veneer; 10" 8'/," x 51/2" $26/pr sobwoofe. 42"W x 18'D x 13"H; satellites 19'W x
Minimus Speaker Systems 12"H x 7 5-1) $1.899 for 3 -piece system
50. Time -aligned 2 -way tuned -port speaker with 6" 0.3. Walnut veneer cube speakers. Features exten-
woofer, 2" tweeter. Features push terminals nonreso- sion for pocket stereos; 3' driver; 4' x 4"
$24/pr Revox Synbol B Speaker System
nant high -density molded cabinet; metal grille. FR 50- 3%. Highly efficient 3 -way speaker with bass reinforce-
20.000 Hz; max power 55 W; x 9'D ment between 33 and 70 Hz via passive radiator.
$180/pr MC -Speaker Syslems
87," W Woofer made of rigid diecast basket, glass fiberrein-
11. Similar to Minimus50 except has time -aligned 1600. Bass -reflex system with polypropylene woofer.
Features 8" woofer; tuned port; 2'/,' dynamic tweet- forced, highly damped cone; dometype midrange
5'/,' woofer, 2'/,' horn -loaded tweeter. Maximum with 2' soft -plastic diaphragm. conpensating magnet;
power 50 W; 10'/,'H x 6 "/,,' W x 6'/'D er; genuine walnut veneer; removable cloth grille;
dome -type tweeter with 17.500 -Gauss field intnesity,
$160/pr spring terminals. Response 60-20.000 Hz; power
handling capacity 55 W; 18 . 11'/, 6','" $140/pr acoustic diffraction lens for optimum dispersion
12. Accoustically aligned speakers with 5' woofer; 2 above "presence" range; tweeter thermal protector
horn -loaded cone tweeter, spring terminals. FR 60- MC -1201. Acoustic -suspension 2 -way speaker with
tweeter. Features phono jack, screw reduces power level by 30 dB when overload occurs;
20,000 Hz; power -handling capacity 50 W; 10%," x 8' woofer,
removable decorator grille. FR 85- 2 level controls (6 dB each in 3 steps). Power range
6"/," x 6%,' $160/pr connectors;
17.000 Hz; max power 50 W; 17%"H ti 10%"W 20-180 W; crossovers 730 and 2.8k Hz; imp 4
7W. Walnut veneer mini -speaker. Features 4' woofer; chms; 431/4"H x 18'W x 15'/,'D $2.198/pr
71/4" D $120 pr
1' soft dome tweeter; removable cloth grile; spring

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Speakers 9 Speakers
Plenum B Speaker System
controls; bidirectional control; tweeter burn out pro- dling 5-40 W; mountain walnut finish; 8 ohms;
Bass -reflex 3 -way speaker with new woofer featuring tection; oiled -walnut finish; 2 removable grilles. FR 13V,"H 8%,,"W x. 71/4"D; 11 lb $200/pr
extended voice coil/magnet assembly, dome mid- 36-20,000 Hz ±4 dB; crossovers 700 and 3.5k Hz;
range, dome tweeter. Features custom crossover net- efficiency 90 dB SPL/W/m; power range 20-300 W;
work to prevent tweeter overload; handcrafting with 208D Bookshelf Speaker
imp 4 ohms; 29V,"H x 19"W . 141/2-D $1,590/pr Two-way 8" speaker features 1%," wide -dispersion
premium wood veneers. Sens 90 dB SPL/W/m; dis-
tortion 0.4%; max power 120 W tweeter; 8' high -compliance woofer; power handling
$1.198/pr 197811 Speaker System 5-50 W; mountain walnut finish; 8 ohms; 21'/WH .
Forum B. Similar to Plenum B except max power 90 Floor -standing 3 -way air -suspension speaker with 15"
W 111/2.-W x 8V,'D; 15.5 lb $240/pr
$798/pr woofer, 4V," midrange, 1 dome tweeter. Features
tweeter, midrange level controls; hickory vinyl finish; 315D Speaker System
RTR INDUSTRIES removable grille. FR 38-20,000 Hz ±4 dB; cross- Features 38cm (15') woofer; 12.7cm (5') midrange;
overs 750 and 3.5k Hz; efficiency 92 dB SPL/W/m; 2.5cm (1") tweeter dome; 45-20,000 Hz ±4dB;
G -350B Speaker System
power range 15-150 W; imp 6.8 ohms; 32'H x 90.5 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; nominal power han-
Passive -radiator, tuned -column 3 -way speaker with 17'W x 10%"D
10' woofer with 11/2' high -temperature voice coil, $820 /pr dling capacity 50 W; crossover frequencies 1,100 Hz
196B. Similar to 197B except has 12" woofer. Effi- and 3,500 Hz; air -suspension; enclosure volume
gravity -dispersal dampener impregnation of cone
ciency 96 -dB SPL/W/m; crossovers 800 and 3 5k 73.43 liter (2.6 cu. ft.); midrange/ tweeter level
apex; 12' passive radiator; 1'/,' carbon -fluid damped Hz; power range 15-120 W; 25V,"H x 15'W x control $760/pr
soft -dome midrange; 1' ferro-fluid soft -dome tweeter. 10'/,'D
Features midrange, tweeter level controls; auto -reset
circuit -breaker protection; color -coded pushbutton 311DC Three -Way 10' Loudspeaker
connectors; walnut -veneer finish. FR 22-25,000 Hz; Features P/" wide -dispersion tweeter; 5' acoustical-
crossovers 9 kHz, 15 kHz; power range 10-150 W; Obelisk Speaker System
ly isolated midrange; 10* high -compliance woofer; Folded double -prism 3 -way 48' hybrid transmission
sens 91 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 38'H x 18"W variable midrange/tweeter high -frequency control;
x 11'D line speaker with 8' asymmetrically -placed shallow -
$800/pr power handling 10-70 W; mountain walnut finish: 8 cone woofer, 10' mass -loaded -membrane, viscous -
G200B. Similar to G -350B except no 1V," midrange ohm; 23'H x 13'W x 9V,'D; 25 lb .... $500;pr
driver. Low -end response 42 Hz; crossover 2.5 kHz; damped passive radiator, 1' Mylar dome tweeters. FR
311D. Without high frequency control .... $460;pr 32-21,000 Hz + 2/-3 dB; crossover 2 kHz; imp 6
power range 10-120 W; no midrange level control;
36'H x 14V,"W x 12%'D ohms; max power 150 W average music program;
$600/pr 312D Three -Way 12' Loudspeaker walnut or oak finish (other finishes available); 27'H
Features 1%" wide -dispersion tweeter; 5" acoustical- . 14'W 12'D
G-8011 Speaker System ly
isolated midrange; 12" high -power -construction
Passive -radiator 2 -way tuned speaker with 8' woofer woofer; variable midrange/tweeter high -frequency
with 1%" voice coil, gravity dispersal damper impreg- Eagle Speaker System
control; imp 8 ohms; power handling 10-90 W; moun- Floor -standing 3 -way speaker with 8" polypropylene
nation, 10' passive radiator, 1' ferro-fluid soft -dome tain walnut finish; 26'H x 15V,'W x 113/."D; 35
tweeter. Features tweeter level control; auto -reset cir- woofer, viscous -damped passive radiator, 28-mm
lb $600/ pr
cuit -breaker protection; walnut vinyl finish. FR 32- dome midrange, W-shaped polyamide dome super -
25,000 Hz; crossover 2.5 kHz; power range 10-100 tweeter. Features fast -blow fuse protection. FR 28-
312 Speaker System
W continuous; sens 90 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 22,000 Hz -3 dB; imp 4 ohms; 28W H 13'D
Air -suspension 3 -way bookshelf speaker with 12' 12"W; 40 lb. Birch finish
25'/,'H x 14%"W x 11'D $400/pr $600/pr
woofer, 5%" midrange, 1%' tweeter. Features mid- Walnut finish
G -40B. Similar to G -80B except has 8' passive radia- $700/pr
range, tweeter level controls; tweeter burnout protec-
tor. Low -end response 60 Hz; 23'H x 12'W x tion; walnut vinyl finish. FR 45-18,000 Hz ±4 dB;
9'/,'D The Box Speaker System
$320/pr power range 10-90 W; imp 6-8 ohms; x Speaker with 8" polyproplylene woofer, same passive
141/2"H x 111/2"D $600/pr radiator as Eagle and Obelisk; 1' polyamide dome
tweeter. Features fast -blow fuse protection; Frequen-
1881 Speaker System
PM -C200 Speaker System cy response 30-18,000 Hz ±3 dB; imp 8 ohms;
Air -suspension floor -standing 3 -way speaker with 10' 23V," H 111/2"D; 34 Ib; birch or walnut
Bass reflex, 4 -way, 4 -driver floor model speaker with woofer, 4%' midrange, 1' dome tweeter. Features finish $650/pr
15 -inch polypropylene, crystalline mica, carbon cone midrange, tweeter level controls; tweeter burnout pro-
woofer, 5' midrange, 1%' planar diaphragm tweeter, tection; hickory vinyl finish; removable grille. FR 38-
and planar direct radiator supertweeter. FR 25- The Slant Speaker System
20,000 Hz ±4 dB; crossovers 900 and 3.5k Hz; effi- Speaker with 6' polypropylene driver with P coil,
40,000 Hz; efficiency 94 dB/W/m; power handling ciency 95.4 dB SPL/W/m; power range 10-100 W;
320 W. 3 -step balance control $1,000/pr stacked ceramic magnet and 1' polyamide dome
imp 6-8 ohms; 33%"1-I x 13%'W x 10V,"D tweeter. Features polypropylene viscous -damped pas-
PM -C100 Speaker System $500/pr sive radiator; V.' fibreboard enclosure, oak veneer
Bass -reflex 4 -way bookshelf speaker with 1354' finish; FR 30-18,000 Hz-3dB; imp 6 ohms; 23V,"
177BL Speaker System 11% x 11% ; 26 I b
woofer, 51/2' midrange, 1' tweeter, 1' supertweeter. $450/pr
Air -suspension 3 -way speaker with 8' woofer, 5' mid-
Features new polypropylene, mica, carbon woofer, range, 13/' tweeter. Features tweeter burnout protec-
midrange; walnut -veneer finish. FR 30-35,000 Hz; The Lark Speaker System
tion; hickory vinyl finish; removable grille. FR 50- Speaker with 4'/,- woofer/midrange. with shaped
max power 260 W; sens 92 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 18,000 Hz ±4 dB; crossovers 1.2 and 3.5 kFiz;
ohms; 26%'H x 15'W x 121/2'D; 40.1 lb $800/pr dome tweeter (10 mm coil). Features V," veneer on
power range 7-70 W; efficiency 92.5 dB SPL; imp 6-8 fibre -board finish; FR 60-22,000 Hz; imp 4 ohms;
PM -C70. Similar to PM -C100 with 10' woofer and ohms: 21'H x 11'W x 9%'D
160 W max power handling capacity. FR 40-30,000 $300/pr 13' x x 5V,-; 19 lb $350/pr
$600/pr 1666 Speaker System Contra Bombarde Subwoofer
Air -suspension 2 -way speaker with 16.5cm (6%') Twin conical slot -loaded -horn stereo subwoofer. Can
S-1130 Speaker System
woofers; 2.5cm (1') dome tweeter. Contemporary be bridged for single-ch operation. Features 2 8' driv-
3 -way, 3 -speaker tower speaker with 12' woofer and finish of mountain walnut vinyl laminated over particle
passive radiator. FR 28-22,000 Hz; max power 110 ers. Total horn path 20 ft from throat to mouth; FR
board with removable knit grille. Features high power 16-200 Hz; max power 150 W continuous; 35'H
W; sens 92 dB/W/m SPL; imp 8 ohms ... $640/pr construction woofer, textile dome tweeter protected 27%'W x 181/4"D; 165 lb $1,500/ea
against burnout. FR 55.20,000Hz ±4dB; sens 89.5
S-930 Speaker System
dB SPL/W/m pink noise; imp 8 ohms; nominal power SHERWOOD
Acoustic -suspension 3 -way speaker with 12" woofer, handling capacity 70 W; crossover frequency 2,200
4' midrange,'/.' dome tweeter. Features tweeter lev- Hz; recommended amp damping factor 10 mi; enclo-
el control. S-51 3 -Way Speaker System
FR 30-22,000 Hz; max power 110 sure volume 8.19 liter (0.29 cu ft.); power range 10-
W $400/pr Features 12" laminated polymer woofer; 5' laminat-
100 W; 13'H x 79/,"W x 6%'D; 11 lb. $290/pr ed polymer midrange and phenolic ring tweeter
S-730. Similar to S-903 except has 10' woofer, no
midrange driver, 2' tweeter; max power 80 W; sens damped with ferro-fluid; crossovers at 1,000 and
166 Speaker System
91 dB SPL/W/m 4,000 Hz; FR 33-20,000 Hz; power handling 120 W;
$300/pr Air -suspension 2 -way bookshelf speaker with 61/4" sens 90 dB/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 26"H
S-530. Similar to S-730 except has 8' woofer; max x
woofer, 1' dome tweeter. Features tweeter burnout 13'D
power 60 W; sens 90 dB $180/pr $500/pr
protection; walnut vinyl cabinet finish; removable kril
grille. FR 55-20,000 Hz ±4dB; crossover 2.2 kHz; S-31 3 -Way Speaker System
H. H. SCOTT power range 10-100 W; sens 92.5 dB SPL/W/m; imp Encloses 10' laminated polymer woofer; 5" laminat-
7-8 ohms; 13'H x 7%."W x $290/pr ed polymer midrange; 2" phenolic tweeter damped
Pro-100B11 Speaker System
Bidirectional 3 -way air -suspension floor -standing with ferro-fluid; crossovers at 1,000 and 4,000 Hz;
206D Bookshelf Speaker
monitor speaker with 15' woofer, 2 4V,' midranges; FR 40-20,000 Hz; power handling 80 W; sens 90
Two-way 6' speaker features 1%" wide -dispersion dB/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 24"H 14'W x 11"D
3 1' dome tweeters. Features tweeter, midrange level tweeter; 6%* high -compliance woofer; power han-
Speakers 9 Speakers
SA -W30 Active Subwoofer
S-11 3 -Way Speaker System 12" woofer power amp system is used with compact
Speaker with laminated high polymer 6" mid- SONAB by AUDIOSOURCE
speakers to enhance nondirectional bass frequencies.
range/woofer; 8' fluid coupled sub -woofer; 2' pheno-
OA -51 Loudspeaker
Automatic standby circuit turns system on/off when
lic rign tweeter damped with ferro-fluid; crossovers at
3,000 Hz and 70 Hz; FR 50-20.000 Hz; power han- Rosewood -finished speaker sold in mirror -imaged
dling 50 W; sens 90 dB 'W/m; imp 8 ohms; 23" pairs with matched veneers. FR 32-20.000 Hz DIN,
12' - 101/2" . $240/pr 300-17.000 Hz -± 2 dB, measured in free sound
field, response below 300 Hz attenuated to counter-
SNELL ACOUSTICS balance sound reflected from wall behind speaker;
THD <0.4% 300-7.000 Hz with 5 W input (94 dB
Type A/III Speaker System SPL/m); sens 87 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms nominal,
Floor -standing 4 -way speaker designed to produce < 8 ohms above 5 kHz, phase angle < ±28°: power
sound energy that is an exact analog of applied elec- handling 100 W. 430mmW 296mmH
trical input. Features 10" fused woofer in its own cab- 248mmD; 11 kg $900/pr
inet, 4" fused midrange, fused tweeter mounted in
separate cabinet on special curved enclosure to mini- SONY
mize diffraction effects, provide uniform dispersion
SS -U80 Speaker System
musical signal is in/out. Adjustable crossover at 60,
into listening environment. Can be biamplified with
Acoustic -suspension speaker with 12' woofer, 4' 90, and 140 Hz; amp power 50 W into 6 ohms from
exclusive Snell electronic crossover specific to Type
low -midrange driver. 21/2" high -midrange driver, di- 20 to 140 Hz with no more than 5% THD; 19' W x
A/Ill. FR 34-24,000 Hz ±1.25 dB on axis, up to 25'
off -axis; crossovers 275. 2,500 Hz, 15.000 Hz; min rect -drive ribbon tweeter. Features thick particle- 19'/," x 15'/,'; 40 lb 13 oz $295
power 80 W/ch;imp 4 ohms; 47'H 24'W board cabinet. fiber -board baffle; genuine walnut -ve-
13"D. Hand -sanded hand -rubbed white oak cabinet neer finish. 391/2"H v 161/2'W 141/2"D; 78 lb 11
$2.600/pr oz $760/pr SYMDEX
American walnut $2.485/pr
SS -U70 Speaker System Symdex Sigma
Acoustic -suspension speaker with 10' woofer, 4' A 2 -way acoustic suspension design using 61/2'
Type C Speaker System bextrene cone and soft cambric dome tweeter.
Floor -standing mirror -imaged speaker utilizing front - midrange driver, direct -radiator ribbon tweeter. Fea-
tures 1' thick particle -board cabinet, fiber -board baf- Features include physically time -aligned drivers; lin-
loaded 10" long -throw woofer, 4" midrange, 1/2" ul- ear phase crossover network; cut -away cabinetry for
tra -low -mass soft -dome tweeter rear -firing super - fle; genuine walnut -veneer finish. 321/2"H 15'W
14"D; 63 lb 6 oz $600/pr min diffraction; 2 sets of input terminals for bi-wiring.
tweeter; drivers are crossed over at 375 Hz, 3.500
FR 60-20.000 Hz; 10'W 22"H 6-0; black lac-
Hz and 15,000 Hz for rear -firing tweeter; crossovers quer formica finishes with brown or black
individually adjusted; individual inputs to low -and APM-700 Speaker System
Accurate Pistonic Motion bookshelf loudspeakers. grilles $795/pr
high -frequency drivers allow speakers to be optionally
bi-wired; hand -sanded hand -rubbed oak or American Bass -reflex design; removable grille cloth; one -touch
input connectors; tweeter adjustment control. APM Symdex Omega Woofer
walnut. FR from 35.22,000 Hz ±1.25 dB; sens 90 Specially designed add-on woofer system with 10"
dB SPL/2.8 V/ pink noise; nominal imp 4 ohms; pow- woofer equivalent area of a 61/2' round driver; APM
bextrene driver for use with Symdex Sigma to form an
er range 80-400 W/ch; 44'H ' 15"W 13'D tweeter equivalent of 2' round driver; FR 45-20,000
integrated 3 -way system; contains a passive cross-
$1.570/pr Hz; imp 6 ohms; sens 89 dB SPL (at 1 W.1 meter);
input power 160 W music; 81/2"W 151/2"H x over network for interfacing with the Sigma as well as
81/2": 13 lbs.4 Oz $500/pr provisior for biamping; gold pin and socket intercon-
Type E Speaker System nect; FR 40 Hz; 131/2"W x 31"H x 131/2"D; sold in
Floor -standing speaker with 8" woofer, P dome computer matched pairs with same finish options as
tweeter, and ultra -low -mass 1/2' rear -firing super - SS-U660A Bass Reflex Speakers
3 -way system with 12' woofer. 4" midrange, Bal- Sigma $1,095/pr
tweeter designed for accuracy of early -arrival sound
and accuracy of listening room response. Features in- anced Drive tweeter. FR 36-20,000 Hz; .mp 8 ohms;
dividual inputs for woofer and high frequency drivers sens 93 dB SPL (at 1 W.1 meter); input power 160 W
music; simulated walnut veneer finish; 141/2"W x TECHNICS
for optional bi-wiring of speakers; individually adjust-
ed crossovers; hand -sanded, hand -rubbed oak or 31"H 121/2'; 37 lbs.8 Oz $360/pr
SE -8 Speaker System
American walnut. Frequency response 39-22,000 Hz onear-phase bass -reflex 3 -way disc speaker with 13"
±1.75 dB; crossover frequencies 2,300 Hz and SS-U560A Bass Reflex Speakers
3 -way system with 10' woofer. 4' midrange. Bal- woofer. 31/2" honeycomb disc midrange, 11/2" honey-
15,000 Hz for rear -mounted supertweeter; nominal
anced Drive tweeter. FR 36-20,000 Hz; imp 8 ohms; comb disc tweeter. Features midrange, tweeter con-
imp 8 ohms; sens 93 dB SPL/2.8 V pink noise with trols; thermal relay protection with reset button, LED
unit -to -unit efficiency variation less than V, dB; maxi- sens 93 dB SPL/W/m; input power 100 W music;
simulated walnut veneer finish; 131/2"W 251/2'H indicato'; FR 36-35,000 Hz; crossovers 1.2 and 3.5
mum power handling 150 Wch; 33'H 14'W
101/2"; 37 lbs B oz $290/pr kHz; mare power 150 W music; sens 94 dB SPL/W/m;
1 D $800/pr 141/2"D; 59.5
imp 8 )hms; 28-H 151/2"W
SS -U500 Bass Reflex Speakers lb $1,300/pr
Type J Speaker System SB-6. Similar to SB-8 except has 10" woofer, 31/2'
Bookshelf speaker with polymer -treated curvilinear 3 -way system with 10' woofer, 4' midrange,2"
tweeter. FR 40-20,000 Hz; imp 8 ohms; sens 92 dB midrange driver. Low -end response 38 Hz; cross-
cone for midrange clarity and natural tonal balance; overs 800 and 4k Hz; max power 120 W music; sens
system maximizes accuracy of early arrival sound and SPL 'W. m; input power 80 W music; simulated walnut
veneer finish; 141/2"W 281/2"H x 101/2'; 30 93 dB SPL/W/m; 23'/-H x 131/2"W x 121/2"D;
accuracy of listening room response; individually ad- $800/pr
justed. Features individual inputs for woofer and lbs $220/pr 37.4 lb
SB-4. S miler to SB-6 except has 9" woofer, 2' mid-
tweeter for optional bi-wiring of system; hand -sanded;
SS -U400 Bass Reflex Speakers range driver. Low -end response 45 Hz; crossovers
hand -rubbed oak or American walnut. Sens 91 dB 1.8 and 3.5 kHz; max power 90 W music; sens 91 dB
SPL/m/2.8V pink noise with unit -to -unit efficiency 3 -way system with 8" woofer 2' midrange 11/2"
tweeter. FR 50-20,000 Hz; 8 ohms; sens 91 dB SPL/W. m; 21'/'H 111/2"W x 101/2"D; 24
variation less than 0.5 dB; max power 150 W/ch; FR $600/pr
SPL/W/m; power 60 W; simulated walrut veneer fin- lb
50-22,000 Hz ±2 dB; crossover 2.300 Hz; imp 8
ohms; 23'H 13'W 10-D; 38 lbs $579/pr ish; 131/2"W 251/2"H 101/2"; 23 lbs $160/pr
SB-L301 Speaker System
Linear-Jhase bass -reflex 3 -way speaker with 12"
Type K Speaker System SS -X150 Bass Reflex Speakers
Bookshelf 2 -way system with 61/2' woofer. 2' tweet- woofer, 4' midrange, radial horn tweeter. Features
Bookshelf accoustic-suspension speaker using 8"
er. FR 80-20.000 Hz; imp 8 ohms; sens 90 dB midrange, tweeter controls; thermal relay protection
woofer and 1/2" tweeter; crossover at 2.300 Hz; sys-
SPL/W/m; input power 50 W music; simulated dark with reset button. LED indicator. FR 39-22.000 Hz;
tem designed for accuracy of early arrival sound and
wood finish; 3'/,W 141/2"H k9'/'; 8 lbs 6 oz crossovers 1.5 and 4 kHz; max power 130 W music;
accuracy of listening room response; woofer incorpo- sens 90 dB SPL/W/m imp 8 ohms; 281/2'H x
rates polymer edge -treated curvilinear cone for accu- $180/pr
14'4,'W 131/2'D; 34.2 lb $500/pr
rate midrange clarity and natural tonal balance; soft -
SES-320 Rear Speakers
S13-1201. Similar to SB-L301 except has 10" woofer.
dome tweeter features unique polyamide vacuum --
Changes apparent size of listening room with rear Low -end response 41 Hz; crossovers 1.8 and 4 kHz;
formed diaphragm for fast transient response and 13'1/2,"W
speakers producing signal slightly after main speak- max power 100 W music; 261/2"H
wide dispersion; individually adjusted crossovers; in- $400/pr
ers. Stadium 'Concert/Club/Off dimension selector; 131/2'0; 28.7 lb
dividual inputs to low- and high -frequency drivers for
level control; rear level display meter; built-in power SB-L101. Similar to BL -L201 except 2 -way system
bi-wiring; hand -sanded and hand -rubbed oak or Amer-
amp. 7 W/ch; 30-3.000 Hz; <3% THD; 14"W with 10" woofer, radial -horn tweeter; no level con-
ican walnut. Nominal imp of 8 ohms; sens 90 dB trols, low -end response 43 Hz; crossover 2.6 kHz;
SPL/2.8 V/m pink noise with unit -to -unit efficiency x 91/2"; 6 lbs, 2 oz. Speakers 5" driver; 8
ohms; sens 90 dB SPL/W/m; 10 W max; 101/2' max power 90 W music; 241/2"H x 121/2,'W
variation less than .5 dB; max power 100 W/ch; $300/pr
$375/pr 61/2' x 41/2'; 2 lbs, 14 oz $320/set 1 PD; 22 lb
18'H 13"W 9'D
Speakers 9 Speakers
SB-X700 Honeycomb Disc Speaker System (music). 50 W (DIN) with 88 dB Wim; 1.500 Hz. cloth dome tweeters and resistively loaded/tuned-
2 -way speaker with 12" woofer, 31/2" midrange, and 5.000 Hz (8 ohms); 2,000 Hz, 4,000 Hz (4 ohm); at port floor -standing bass module with 10" high-corn-
11/2' tweeter; honeycomb disc drivers; features ther- 8 ohms closed mode. bass reflexed; at 4 ohms, 85 pliance. low -resonance woofer. System frequency
mal relay protection with reset button; walnut grain - Hz -35 kHZ, 75 Hz -35 kHz bass -reflex mode; at 8 range 32-20,000 Hz; crossovers 100 and 2 kHz;
finish; removable grille; bass -reflex design; attenua- ohms, closed mode: 12"/" 61/2," x 71/2", bass - power range 30-150 W/ch continuous; imp 8 ohms;
tors for tweeter and midrange; low -distortion cross- reflex mode: 14.9 31.5 , 17.0 cm; at 4 ohms, oiled walnut veneer cabinet; satellites 14'H 81/2'D

over networks; easy -to -use speaker cable connector closed mode 31.5 15.3 -: 18.7 cm; bass -reflex 71/2'W; woofer 24'H 16"W 13'/,
terminals; imp 8 ohms, input power 180 W music, 90 mode: 14.9 A 31.5 17.0 cm; 7.7 lb $36C/pr D $495/system
W DIN; output level 90 dB W/m; FR 30-33.000 Hz; Stands for satellite system $65 pr
crossover frequencies 1 kHz. 4 kHz; 14'1/,a" SB-F30 3 -Way Honeycomb Disc Speaker System
26V," 121/2% 36.4 Ib; $500/pr 12cm (41/2") honeycomb disc woofer; honeycomb 3D Decade Speaker System
SB-X500. Similar to SB-X700 except no midrange or disc midrange; honeycomb disc tweeter; similar to Floor -standing 3 -way speaker with 6" controlled -out-
tweeter attenuator and 10' woofer; input power SB-F40 except no handle/guard. Has 41/2' woofer, put woofer, 10- passive radiator, 1/2" polycarbonate
130W, music. 65W, DIN; output level 90dB/W 11/2" midrange. and l'/." tweeter in honeycomb driv- dome tweeter. Features resistively loaded passive ra-
(1.0m); FR 33-33.000 Hz; crossover frequencies er format. Impedance 8 ohms or 4 ohms; input power diator; oiled -walnut veneer cabinet; 3 -sided black
1.5kHz, 4kHz; dimensions 13"/", 23"/H; at 4 ohms 60 W music, 30 W DIN; at 4 ohms 40 W cloth grille. FR 40-25,000 Hz ±2 dB; crossover 2.4
121/2"W; 30.9 lb $400/pr music, 20 W DIN; output level at 8 ohms: 86 kHz; power range 25-150 W rms; imp 9 ohms; 31-H
SB-X300. Similar to SB-X500 except 9" woofer, 2' dB/W/m; at 8 ohms 85 dB/W/m; crossover frequen- , 121/2"W 91/2"D $395/pr
midrange and 110 W, music; 55 W. DIN input power; cies 1.6 kHz, 4.5 kHz $340 'or
FR 38-33.000 Hz; crossover frequencies 1.8 kHz. 3D Cube Speaker System
3.5 kHz; 11V"W 211/2"H 105/"D; 26.5 SB-F20 3 -Way Speaker System Bookshelf speaker with 6" controlled -output woofer,
lb $300/pr 3 -way system with large 14 cm (51/21 cone woofer, 6 3' polycarbonate dome tweeter. Features oil -walnut
cm (21/2') cone midrange; 1.4 cm (9/16") dome veneer cabinet; 3 -sided black cloth grille. FR 70-
SB-L71 Speaker System tweeter; heavy duty enclosure: thermal relay protec- 25.000 Hz ±2 dB: crossover 2.5 kHz; power range
Bass -reflex 3 -way speaker with 101/2" woofer, 21/2" tion. Similar to SB-F40 except 21/2" midrange and'/;.' 15-150 W; imp 8 ohms; 91/2"H 91/2"W
midrange, horn tweeter. Features ring -type reflex tweeters; can be used at 8 ohms for 60 W music, 30 9'/.-D $195/pr
port; linear -phase configuration. FR 38-30.000 Hz; W DIN with 87 dB W/m or at 4 ohms for 100 W mu-
sic. 50 W DIN with 88 dB W/M; crossover frequen- VISONIK
cies 2,000 Hz, 5.000 Hz; at 8 ohms: 80 Hz -20 kHz
closed mode; 75 Hz -20 kHz bass reflex: at 4 ohms David 9000 Speaker System
85 Hz -20 kHz closed mode; 80 Hz -20kHz bass re- Three-way speaker with 7' woofer, l'/," midrange,
flex mode; 12'1/2." - 6'.4)" N 71/2"; 5.5 lb $240/ pr 3/: tweeter. FR 35-25,000 Hz 4 -8 dB; crossovers
SB-F10. Similar to SB-F30 except 1/2" tweeter; imp 4 900 and 4.5 kHz; power range 20-120 W; imp 4
ohms, crossover frequencies 4 kHz. 15 kHz $220/pr ohms; nextel gray or simulated walnut finish; 141/2"H
91/2'W 91/2"D $660/pr
SH-S1. Tripod stand for SB-Fl. SB-F2 speakers $50 David 8000 Speaker System
SH-52. Angle mount for SB-F1, SB-F2 $40 Three-way speaker with 5' woofer. 2' dome mid-
SH-S3. Suspension chain, bracket for SB-F2 $30
range. l' dome tweeter. Features gray nextel, brown
enxtel, or metallic silver finish. FR 38-25.000 Hz;
crossovers 1k and 5k Hz; power range 20.100 W;
THIEL imp 4 ohms; 9'/'H 61/2'W 61/2"D .$460/pr
CS -3 Coherent Source Loudspeaker David 7000 Speaker System
3 -way loudspeaker with 28 mm soft dome tweeter, Two-way speaker with 5" woofer, P tweeter. FR 40-
11 cm midrange unit, and 25 cm woofer. Drivers po- 25,000 Hz; crossover 2.5 kHz; power range 15-70
sitioned along a sloping baffle, crossover network W; imp 4 ohms; nextel gray or simulated walnut finish;
crossovers 4 and 8 kHz; max power 90 W music; drivers complement the characteristics of the drivers 6'4,-W
91/2"H 63/4-D $290/pr
sens 92 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 27V"H in their enclosures. Features electronic bass equaliz-
141/2,-W 101/2"D; 20.5 lb $250/pr er; die-cast magnesium driver baskets; polypropylene David 6000 Speaker System
S84.51. Similar to SB-L71 except has 81/2" woofer. crossover network capacitors; cabinets finished Two-way speaker with 4' woofer. P dome tweeter.
Low -end response 43 Hz; crossovers 3.5 and 8 kHz; genuine teak veneer and a natural lacquer finish; FR Features brown or gray nextel finish. FR 45-25,000
max power 75 W music; 231/2"H 12"/,,"W 22.18,000 Hz 1'1'4 dB; imp 4 ohms, min; sens 89 Hz; crossover 2.8 kHz; power range 10-60 W; imp 4-
8"/"D: 16.1 lb $200/pr dB W/m; input power 40-250 W; 13' x 13" 41"; 8 ohms; 7'/,-H 51/2" W 5-D $330/pr
SB-L31. Similar to SB-L51 except 2 -way system with 75 lbs $1,500/pr
81/2" woofer, 21/2" cone tweeter. FR 45.22,000 Hz; David 5000 Speaker System
crossover 4 kHz; max power 60 W music; sens 91 dB Model 03a Speaker System Two-way speaker with 4' woofer, P tweeter. FR 45-
SPUN', m; imp 8 ohms; 22"/"H , 111/2"W Coherent -source 3 -way speaker with 10' woofer, 5' 25.000 Hz; crossover 2.5 kHz; power range 10-60
821/2,"D; 15.4 lb $140/pr midrange, 1" soft -dome tweeter. FR 30-20,000 Hz W; imp 4 ohms; nextel gray or brown finish;
±2 dB; crossovers 400 and 4 kHz; sens 90 5'W 51/2"D $280/pr
SB-F5 Speaker System dB/W/m; power range 20.250 W; imp 4 ohms; teak
Compact 2 -way linear -phase bass -reflex speaker with finish; also available, on special order. walnut, oak, Ambassador Series
71/2- woofer, sectoral radial -horn tweeter. Features rosewood, black; 38"H x 12'W 12'D$1,120/pr
slit reflex port; antiresonant cabinet; metal grille. FR A150 WN Speaker System
70-20.000 Hz - 10 dB; crossover 6 kHz; max power Model 04a Speaker System Three-way speaker with 12' woofer, 2' dome mid-
70 W music; sens 90 dB SPL/Wim; imp 8 ohms; Coherent -source floor -standing 2 -way system wit, range. P dome tweeter. Features walnut -veneer fin-
121/2"H 7'1/2,13 71/2"W; 6.8lb $180/pr 61/2" woofer/midrange, soft -dome tweeter. FR 50- ish with solid walnut corners. FR 20-22,000 Hz;
15.000 Hz ±2 dB; crossover 2.5 kHz; sens 87 crossovers 600 and 4k Hz; power range 20-150 W;
Micro Series dB/W/m; power range 20-150 W; imp 8 ohms; teak imp 4-8 ohms; 231/2-H 141/2'W 11"D $930/pr
SB-F3. Micro -size 2 -way bookshelf speaker with 6.3" finish; also available, on special order, walnut. oak, A120 WN. Similar to A150 WN except has 10" woof-
woofer, horn tweeter. Features diecast aluminum cab- rosewood, black; 36'H 10'W 10-D. $640/p - er, 11/2" midrange, 1/2' tweeter. FR 25-25,000 Hz;
inet. Imp 8 ohms; max power 90 W music; sens 89 crossovers 800 and 5k Hz; max power 120 W;
dB SPL/W/m; 12.6'H 7.5"D 7"W $370/pr Model 02 Speaker System 23%." H 121/2 " W 10 1/2 " D
- 770/pr
SB-F2. Similar to SB-F3 except has 4.7" woofer. Maxi- Ported 2 -way bookshelf speaker with 6V," woofer, 1' A100 WN. Similar to A120 WN except has 8' woofer,
mum power 60 W music; sens 88 dB SPL/W/m; cloth dome tweeter. FR 45-20.000 Hz ± 2 dB; cross- 11/2" dome midrange, 1/2" tweeter. Low -end response
10'H 6.2'D 5.4"W $310/pr over 2.5 kHz; sens 90 dB/W/m; power range 10-100 28 Hz; max power 100 W; 161/2"H 121/2-W
SB-Fl. Similar to SB-F2 except has 4' woofer. Sens W; teak finish; also available, on special order, walnut 81/2"D $670/pr
86 dB SPL/W/m; 8.3"H 5" 4.6"W $240/pr oak, rosewood, black; knit black grille; 19'H 11"W A80 WN. Similar to A100 WN except has 7" woofer,
9.5"D $350/pr 11/2' midrange, 1/2" tweeter. Low -end response 35
SB-F40 3 -Way Honeycomb Disc Speaker System Hz; crossovers lk and 5k Hz; power range 15.80 W;
Speaker with 51/2" woofer; 2' midrange, 1-' ." honey- 3D ACOUSTICS 131/2" H 91/2"W 8'/,'D $590/pr
comb disc drivers; thermal relay protection; handle/ A60 WN. Two-way system with 5" woofer. P dome
guard; optional wall mounting brackets; car mounting 3D Speaker System tweeter. FR 40-25.000 Hz; crossover 2.8 kHz; power
fixtures; can be used at 8 ohms for 60 W (music), 30 Three-piece speaker system with 2 acoustic -suspen- range 10-60 W; imp 4-8 ohms; 9%-H 61/2"W
W (DIN) with 87 dB W/m or at 4 ohms for 100 W sion bookshelf satellite systems with 6" midrange, 1" 61/2D $300/pr


Speakers 9 Speakers
boned on baffles to minimize diffraction. Power range compensate for diacement $440/pr
Sub -15 Subwoofer
Floor -standing subwoofer with 12" woofer. matrix 15-75 W se -is 88 dB W 'me; nominal imp 8 ohms;
crossover at 160 Hz. FR 16.200 Hz; imp 6 ohms; FR 40-25.000 Hz. 5020.000 Hz FR 3 dB; 12 Time Delay Compensated Series
power range 50.300 W continuous; walnut finish with dB 18 dB. 6 dB octave 7 -element crossover; 4,000
Hz crossover points; Butterworth 3rd -order; acoustic TSR112.2. Time -delay compensated 4 -way speaker
brown knit grille: designed for use with David speak-
suspension bass loading; 20.5 litre.; internal volume; system with 2 7'/- acciuslic-suspensior woofers and
ers; 23VH 17'W t 13%'D $430/ea
476cmH 264cmW 225cmD ..... $250,"pr 7'/,'" mid ange, 3V," ferre'lind damped dome tweet-
LASER 130. 3 way system incorporating 19mm soft - er. Features ambience control: walnut -veneer cabinet.
Sub -2S Subwoofer
dome tweeter. 50mm mid -range unit, 200mm piper FR 39-25.000 Hz 3 dB; crossovers 100, BOO,
Floor -standing subwoofer with 10" woofer with dual
bass unit $350 pr 3 5k Hz; max power 200 W progiams, sens 87 cB
voice coil. Features walnut -finished cabinet, brown
knit grille. FR 20-200 Hz; imp 4 ohms; power range LASER 150. 3 -way system utilitng the same tweeter SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 36',"H x 15'DX
50-250 W,ch; crossover 160 Hz. Can be used with and midrange as Laser 130. 250mm bass unit uses 14' W $1,700/pr
David 6000, 8000 speakers. 19-H , 141/2"W mineral -tilted homopolymer of propylene diaphragm.
Second -order Butterworth crossover has switch to (continued on page 177 )
12' ,"D; 37 lb $300 ea
Sub -2G. Similar to Sub -2S only available in optional
nextel gray or black walnut $400; ea

W Series Speaker Systems
W10. High -sensitivity 2 -way acoustic suspension de-
sign with 2" tweeter and 6' woofer. Bass/midrange
unit has vented aluminium voice coil former; cone tre-

ble unit has center dome to extend treble response.
Nominal imp 8 ohms; power requirement 15-50 W;
FR 75-20,000 Hz; sens 90 d8 -W m; 10'

The Mach 9
7' ;D 16' ;Ft weight 20 lb (9 kg) for 1 carton (2
speakers) $79-$99/ea
W20. A 2 -way order Butterworth design with a 6"
Auxiliary Bass Radiator (ABR). The W20 uses a 7"
bass midrange unit with a special air-dried cone
treated with high hysteresis damping material. The
treble unit is a 2" paper cone with integral dome.
Nominal imp 8 ohms; power range 15-75 W; FR 48-
20.000 Hz: sens 90 dB,W,m; 93/"W 7',,"D
Their Latest Award Winning System
22"H; weight 31 lb (14 kg) for 1 carton (2 speak-
ers) $2464260 pr
W30. A 2 -way high -sensitivity 3rd -order Butterworth The, Mach 9 is the top -of -the -line itticirents fa' a gr Ile coder tha-
design with twin 7' bass/midrange units and 2" inte- rev award winning 1A'hc tfecale Can be rased or lowered to :laser or
gral -dome tweeter. Nominal imp 8 ohms; power range sus err. imported from Erglani and expose the tcp can-rc I mxtu e
15-100 W; FR 52-20.000 Hz; sens 94 dB/W/m; 2' des red. All Mach
22VH: saw available in the
7" bass drive units; 12"W 9-0 systems are f nish-
weight 45 lb (20.5 kg) for 1 carton (2 speak- -wed States. The e:.-
$340-$380 'pr -mardinary engineer rte ei in mothed walnJ-
W40. 3 -way reflex design with twin ports to reduce achevement lies in tie veree- xsrs inducing
turbulance. Specially strengthened 10" paper unit -are :ombination of tie cthe- model,
with 2' voice coils in woofer. 4' midrange with ultra - »vrer, high sensitivrtv it this See let Mach'
light cone and vented aluminium voice coil former to -94 dE. SPL 1W 1M) anc (f. 7 li-ers interncl
increase power handling. Treble unit as in the W30 volume), Moch S (42
3:cu-cte sound repro-
and W50. Nominal imp 8 ohms; power range 15-125 me Mach 3 (32
W; FR 40-20.000 Hz; sens 93 clE3/W; m; 13';'W Idct on in practical
ZJLimet sizes. Requirini 'Hers:.
11' ,"D 26"H; weight 46 lb (21 kg) for 1 carton
(1 speaker) $600-$700 pr minimal amplication to- '

W50. 4 -driver 3 -way system with light moving compo- rit 'tiling sounds (it..s- enlirteningi-
nents and large magnets. Drive unit complement is a c few watts will do) the Fa- isfxmatior on cl
10' woofer. two 4" midranges and tweeter of the ?yt tom is also capable of 1111V01 clie Vvbcrfeda E
W30 and W40. Nominal imp 8 ohms; power range Mattering but clear Laud :peckers arc
15.150 W: FR 43-20.000 Hz; sens 95 dB/W/m; 10' acho-ized Whorled) e
woofer; 5' midrange: 2' treble: 13'/,'W 11'4"D reproduction with
erecter power. The front deniers, p ease L se -he
32'H; weight 53 lb (24 kg) $700.800; pr
"modular baffle" desLai eariers Se -v la Ca -d
is inique and includes 0 - write t)
Laser Series
LASER 50. Two-way speaker with 170mm doped-fi spoer and lower at- FR Depti-tmert.
ber-cone bass unit and highly damped plyamide 19 - -e tuation controls, LE: Whcrfedkle Loa)speakers
mm soft -dome tweeter designed with small volume pave- displays, auto- c/o San. ki 1. Assoc a -es, Irr._
and baffle area to avoid serious diffraction effects. CS brood 1-bilow
matic resettable
Power range 15-60 W; sens 88 dB/W/m in anechoic Melv Ile, New Yo -k 11747.
chamber: nominal imp 8 ohms: FR 58-25.000 Hz. )ve-load protectior cal
65.20,000 Hz 3 dB; 12 dB/6 dB octave 3 -element
crossover; 4.000 Hz crossover point; acoustic sus-
pension bass loading; 11.5 litres internal volume;
370cmH 230cmW 190cmD $180pr
LASER 90. Two-way speaker with 200mm bass unit
of doped paper, with p.v.c., rubber suspension ring
and tweeter from Laser 50. 20 litres capacity. bass
performance down to 40Hz. drive units are posi


Britain's most famous speakers 114CH SERIES
Write directly to the manufacturer or 291 Strawtown Road, West Nyack. New vane 1(1994 914-353-1799
distributor. A list of names and ad-
dresses starts on page 25.

AIWA K-240 Free -Field Headphones to improve fit and increase comfort indoors; fit mod-
Free -field stereo headphones; dynamic moving -coil els with 35- or 45 -mm elements: nonallergenic
HP -T10 Stereo Headphones transducer and 6 passive radiators in each cir- material .
Deluxe ultra -lightweight mini stereo headphones. Fea- cumaural cup. FR 15-20,000 Hz; imp 600 ohms;
tures 3 -way Acoustic Super Loudness left/right con- max SPL 119 dB at 0.3% THD; supplied with 10 -ft 4 - BANG & OLUFSEN
conductor cable and phone plug: 7.9 oz $99
U-70 Headphones
K-3 Mini -Free -Field Headphones Orthodynamic stereo headphones. FR 16-20,000 Hz;
Free -field mini stereo headphones weighing 2 oz.. dy- sens 8 mW for 94 -dB SPL; continuous load 2 W; dis-
namic MC transducer and passive diaphrams in each tortion 1% max; imp 140 ohms; 10 -ft straight cord
supra -aural earcup. FR 20-20.000 Hz. Max SPL 119 with 3 -conductor phone jack; 10.6 oz $100
dB at 0.5%. imp 400 ohms. 10 -ft cable with stereo
phone plug $79
K-141 Monitor Headphones
Semi -open stereo dynamic professional monitorirg DT -48 Dynamic Headphones
headphones with MC transducers. FR 20-20.000 Hz; MC dynamic headphones. FR 16-20.000 Hz + 2 dB;
max SPL 120 dB at 0.5% THD. imp matches 4-600 supplied with 10 -ft straight cord $210
ohms; 10 -ft 4 -conductor cable and standard 3 -con-
ductor stereo phone plug; 6.9 oz $80 DT -880 Dynamic Headphones
Stereo headphones utilize rare-earth magnet and vi-
K-130 Stereo Headphones brationless membrane. Semi -open design permits
stereo headphones with dynamic MC
Supra -aural close coupling for full bass response with hear -
transducers. FR 20-20.000 Hz; max SPL 119 dB; through external access. FR 15-25.000 Hz; sens 94
trols; 2 extra ear covers; headphone jack imp 200 ohms at 0.7% THD; 10 -ft 4 -conductor cable dB SPL with
converter 1% harmonic distortion; nominal imp
$65 with 3 -conductor stereo phone plug; 4 oz $55 600 ohms; 6 -ft coiled cord $135
DT -550. Similar to DT -88, except FR 10-22,000 Hz;
HM -7Y Mini Stereo Headphones with Microphones K-40 Stereo Headphones sens 95 dB SPL $93
Mini ultra -lightweight stereo headphones with binau- Ultra -lightweight supra -aural stereo headphones with DT -330 MKII. Similar to DT -550, except FR 15-
ral microphones. Perfect for concert recording. Fea- dynamic MC transducers. FR 30-18.000 Hz; max
tures built-in unidirectional condenser mics; mic 18,000 Hz; sens 90 dB SPL; nominal imp 40
SPL 117 dB at 0.9% THD; matches 4-200 ohm out- ohms $60
on/off switch; windscreens $45 puts; 10 -ft 4 -conductor cable; 3 -conductor stereo
phone plug; 2.7 oz $35 DT -109 Moving -Coil Mic/Headphone
HP-A50Y Stereo Headphones K -40M. Same as K-40 except with 4 -ft cable and mini Lightweight MC stereo headphones with cardioid
Ultra -lightweight miniature stereo headphones. Fea- stereo phone plug $35 broadcast -quality MC microphone; SPL 120 dB; left
tures 2 extra ear covers; headphone jack and right channels can be independently wired; re-
converter $35 K-1 Folding Mini Stereo Headphone movable ear cushions; high -impact plastic and stain-
Folding mini stereo headphone with unique scissor - less steel construction; field serviceable $145
HP -V2 In -Ear Type Stereo Earphones type headband. Fits into carrying case that hangs on
In -ear stereo headphones with stereo/mono switch. belt. FR 30-18.000 Hz; nominal SPL 98 dB at 1% DT -660 MKII Bass -Reflex Stereo Headphones
Features rotary volume adjuster. FR 20-20.000 Hz. THD. With 1.4m (about 4 ft 8") cable and mini stereo Stereo headphones with an enclosed bass -reflex sys-
> 0.2 oz without cord $20 plug. Includes mini plug -to -phone plug adapter; 1.6 tem incorporates ducted -port and specially designed
oz $29 venting system to improve bass response. Frequency
AKG range 15-25,000 Hz; max continuous power level ap-
AUDIO-TECHNICA U.S. proximately 113 dB at 1 kHz; imp 600 ohms; SPL 96
K-340 Stereo Headphones
dB at 1 kHz; ambient isolation greater than 16 dB;
Two-way electrostatic/dynamic headphone with fixed- ATH Point 1 Stereophones 6 -ft flat cord, extends to 12 ft $123
charge electrostatic transducer/dynamic moving -coil MC dynamic stereophones. FR 35-20,000 Hz; sens
transducer and passive diaphragms in each earcup. 100 dB at 1 kHz, 1 mW; matching imp 4-16 ohms; DT -108 Moving -Coil Mic/Headphone
Connects directly to headphone jack of receiver or acoustical foam ear -cushions; 1.5-m cord; 1/4" plug; MC stereo headphones with noise -canceling micro-
amp or across speaker output terminals. FR 15- 1.8 oz without cord; black $30 phone. FR 40-12,000 Hz; SPL 120 dB; mic rotates
25.000 Hz; SPL 117 dB at 0.1% THD; nominal imp ATH Point 2. FR 35-20.000 Hz; sens 105 dB SPL at 180'; foam -filled ear cushions and padded headband;
400 ohms; max continuous input 200 mW/ch at 117 1 kHz; imp 4-16 ohms; 5 -ft cord; 1 oz without field serviceable
dB SPL; includes 10 -ft 4 -conductor cables with 3. $125
cord $35
conductor stereo phone plug; 13.5 oz less ATH Point 2F. Same as ATH Point 2 but foldable and DT -100 Dynamic Headphones
cable $195 supplied with carrying case $40 MC dynamic headphones. FR 30.18,000 Hz; sens 1
ATH Point 4. Super -lightweight (1.6 oz) stereo head- mW at 400 Hz for 110 -dB SPL; imp 5. 100, 400,
K-4 Mini Stereo Headphones phones. FR 25.20,000 Hz; 2.5-m cord with mini ste- 2.000 ohms; max input 1 W phone $110
Two-way electrostatic/dynamic headphones weighing reo plug and adapter $60
2.3 oz. Features 2 fixed -charge electrostatic high -fre- ATH Point 6. Same weight as ATH Point 4 but fre- DT -96A Dynamic Headphones
quency, 2 dynamic moving -coil low -frequency trans- quency range 20-20,000 Hz; 4-16 ohms matching MC dynamic headphones. FR 30-17.000 Hz: sens
ducers in each supra -aural earcup; adapter plug that imp $90 mW at 400 Hz for 110 -dB SPL; imp 5-200 ohms;
fits home and portable equipment; unique self-adjust-
max input 100 mW/phone; 5 -ft cord; 8 oz $98
ing headband. FR 20-25,000 Hz; SPL 119 dB at Eskimo Stereophone Earmuffs
0.5% THD; imp 400 ohms; 10 -ft cable with stereo For cold -weather listening; quickly convert light- DT -220 Dynamic Headphones
phone plug $99 weight. portable stereophones to musical earmuffs or Closed -ear dynamic headphones. FR 20-20,000 Hz;

Headphones 10 Headphones j
sens 1 mW for 100 dB SPL; 600 -ohm imp; max input 90-116 Collapsible Headphones KH-51 Stereo Headphones
42 mW (for 116 -dB SPL); 260 g (without cable) $75 Super lightweight dynamic headphones fold up to fit Dynamic stereo headphones with 11/4' polyester film
inside cassette -size storage case. Features 3 -ft cord; drivers. Features extra pair of earpads; 8.2 ft Y -type
DT -302 Lightweight Headphones ','" phone adapter. FR 20-20,000 Hz; imp 32 ohms; cord with standard V." phone plug. FR 25-20.000
Open-air high -velocity dynamic headphones connect max input 100 mW. 1.02 oz without cord .... $11 Hz; sens 100 dB/mW; max input 100 mW/ch; imp
directly to high- or low -imp outputs. Frequency range 30 ohms; 1.8 oz minus cord $55
20-20,000 Hz; rated power 7 mW (2.1 V) for 600 90-115 Micro Stereo Earphones
ohms; sponge ear cushions; stereo phone plug; 2.3 oz Micro stereo earphones that fit inside the ear with no 101-3L Stereo Headphones
without cord $38 headband. Features 3.5 -ft Y cord with extra foam ear Dynamic stereo headphones with 1" polyester film
DT303. Same as DT302 but designed for TV listen- pads; 3.5 mm stereo plug fits all pocket stereos: drivers. Features extra pair of earpads; 4.9 ft Y -type
ing: has volume control built into its 22.5 -ft cable $45 comes in cassette -size carrying case. FR 20-20.000 cord with ..tandard ',/" phone plug. FR 35-20,000
Hz; imp 32 ohms; max input 50 mW/ch 0.17 oz Hz sens 95 dB, mW; max input 250 mW/channel;
DT -301 Single Headphone without cord $10 imo 40 ohms; 5.3 oz with cord $33
Single earphone for use with portable cassette record-
ers, transistor radios, dictating machines, TV receiv- 90-114 Featherweight Headphones KH-M5 Stveo Headphones
ers. Supplied with 5 -ft cord and miniature phone Ultra -lightweight dynamic stereo headphones with sa- Dynamic stereo headphones with "'" high polymer
plug $20 marium cobalt transducers. Features adjustable met- film driven.. Features 4.7 ft Y -type cord with standard
al headband; soft foam ear pads; 4.5 -it Y -spiral phone plug; extra earpads. FR 20-20.000 Hz;
DENON straight cord; 3.5 mm plug for all pocket stereos In- sens 102 dB "mW; max input 50 mW/ch; imp 32
cludes adapter fcr 1/2" stereo headphones jacks. FR ohms; 5 g without cord. 15 g with cord $20
AH-P1 "Micro" Earphones 20-20,000 Hz; imp 32 ohms; max input 300 mW.
In -ear type portable stereo phones with miniplug plus 0.88 oz without cord $8.95 KOSS
adapter for home use. Microcassette-size carry case
with cord storage. 109 dB/mW; 100 mW max; 18 90-100 Stereo Headphones ESP/10 Electrostatic Stereophones
ohm imp; 20-22.000 Hz; 4 9 g not including Stereo headphones with padded ear pads, 10 -ft Electrostatic circumaural stereo headphones with en-
cord $17 coiled cord with V," phone plug. FR 20-15,000 Hz; ergizer. Headset bandpass response 20-22.000 Hz
max input 500 mW; imp 4-16 ohms; 8 oz without ±2 dB; sens for 1.9 V rms at 1 kHz into E/10 ener-
AH-P5 Folding Portable Headphones cord $8 95 gizer, 2.0 V rms pink noise 100 -dB SPL: THD 0.38%
Double fold stores these stereo headphones in cas- at 1 kFfz. 100 dB SPL: radiating surface area of elec-
sette -size case. 100 dB/mw: 32 ohm imp; with cord INDUCED MAGNET SYSTEMS trostatic clement 25 cm'/ch; black with silver ac-
27 g $40 cents: 10 ft cord. Energizer bandpass response 3
P-10 "Button -Ears" Earphones dB at 15 Hz and 24 kHz; hum and noise 75 dB below
AH-55 "Docking" Headphones Close -coupled earphones (no headband --drivers fit di- sens reference level (100 dB SPL): phase response at
Connect cord either side or connect multiple sets in rectly in ears) with aluminum pocket holder, extra ear + 30' at Lt0 Hz. - 30' at 15 kHz; input imp 2 ohms
series. 100 dB mW; imp 32 ohm; 100 mW max in- pads, ','." phone -plug adapter for use with home ste- min at 20 and 20 kHz, 180 ohms max at 800 Hz;
put; FR 20-22.000 Hz; less cord 38 g; with mini plug reos, adapter for use with second pair of phones, 6 -ft min recommended amp power 35 W/ch; overload
and adapter for home use $35 extension cord. Features polyethylene tetrapthalate- voltage (for relay cutout) 5.3 V rms pink noise into
AH-P33 Similar to AH-5 $25 film diaphragms (9 microns thick). FR 20-20.000 energizer. semi -peak -indicating VU meters; LED over-
Hz; sens 103 dB,'mW; Max input 58 mW 4.9 g with load indicators: automatic overload detector; wood -
AH-99 Adjustable Cord Stereo Headphones cord and mini plug $30 grain trim $300
Large -diaphragm open headset with roll -up cord
housed in earpiece. Accepts second headset through HG 102 Micro Headphones PRO/4X Stereo Headphones
extra output jack. Miniplug plus adapter for home Miniature headphone driver units in a lightweight Dual -element stereo headphones combine rare-earth
use. 2 m cord plus 1 m adapter cord length. 102 headbandless head phone system. Features Y -type MC element with piezoelectric element in each earcup
dB mW. max 100 mW input. 80 ohm imp; FR 20- cord plug; adapter for phono to mini plug format; re- to provide a 10-40.000 Hz FR Closed -design head-
22,000 Hz; less cord 110 g $85 placement ear pads. Imp 32 ohms; FR 20.20,000
AH-77 Similar to AH-99. 100 dB/mw, 50 ohm $55 Hz; sens 102 dB; mW; max input power 50 mW $20

H-707 Moving -Coil Headphones
LW2 Stereo Headphones MC design weighs only 5.64 oz and features 46 -mm
Lightweight open-air stereo headphones with leather- diameter by 38 -micron thick diaphragms; open -back
ette inner band, foam ear cushions, mini -plug design; double headband for added comfort. FR 20-
adapter $35 20.000 Hz; imp 63 ohms; sens 104 dB/mW at 1

kHz; max input 100 mW; 9.75 -ft cord $60

LW1 Stereo Headphones H-505. Similar to H-707 except 8 -ohm imp; 106 -dB
Ultra -lightweight stereo headphones with samarium - sens; 4.58 oz $40
cobalt magnets. foam ear cushions. and mini -plug H404. Similar to H-505 except 16 -ohm imp; 102 -dB
adapter $20 sens; 3.7 oz $30 phones weigh only 10 oz, come with coiled cord; la-
beled left' right earcups; adjustable headband $85
LW3 Stereo Headphones KENWOOD
In -the -ear type headphones with added foam ear HV/XLC Stereophones
cushions and mini -plug adapter $20 KH-7L Stereo Headphones Lightweight high -velocity stereophones. FR 15-
Dynamic stereo headphones with 1" polyester film 35,000 Hz; sens for 100 dB SPL 1.0 V rms at 1 kHz.
GC ELECTRONICS drivers. Features extra pair of earpads; 8.2 ft Y -type Features volume, balance controls/
cup; variable -density contoured circumaural ear -
90-112 Stereo Headphones cushion i with twist -lock mechanism for easy removal;
High -velocity stereo headphones with 10 -ft coiled 10 -ft coiled cord; 8.4 oz less cord $80
cord terminated in phone plug. FR 20-20,000 Hz; HV/X. Same as HV/XLC without volume, balance con-
max input 100 mW; sens 100 dB SPL at 1 V: imp 4- trols; imp 90 ohms; 7.7 oz less cord $70
16 ohms: 6 oz without cord $16.95
HV/1A Stereophones
90-107 Stereo Headphones High -velocity stereophones with low -mass Decilite
Ultra -lightweight stereo headphones with samarium - drivers for 15-30.000 Hz FR: operates from outputs
cobalt drive elements. Features soft foam ear pads: of 3.2 to 600 ohms; distortion 0.5% at 100 dB SPL;
3.5 -mm stereo plug; phone plug adapter; 5.5 -ft Y sens 0.9 V rms for 100 dB SPL, handles 5 V rms con-
cord. FR 20.20,000 Hz; max input 100 mW: imp 4- tinuous with provisions for 14 -dB SPL transient
100 ohms: 1.5 oz without cord $12 peaks: 157 -ohm imp; acoustical sponge ear cushions:
extendable headband with self-adjusting pivoting
90-102 Stereo Headphones yokes. soft padded vinyl cover: 3 -conductor coiled
Stereo headphones with lett right volume controls. cord (10 -ft extended): 10.1 oz $50
10 -ft coiled cord with 1/4" phone plug and ste- cord with standard 1/2- plug. FR 20-20.000 Hz; sens HV 1LC. Same as HV/ 1 A except volume/balance con-
reo, mono switch. FR 30-18.000 Hz; max input 550 100 dB/mW; max input 100 mW/ch; imp 30 ohms; trol per earcup; sens 1.1 V rms for 100 dB SPL; imp
mW; imp 4-8 ohms; 11.75 oz without cord .... $12 1.8 oz minus cord $75 132.5 ohms; 10.8 oz $60

1984 EDITION 151

Headphones 10 Headphones
K/6XLC Dynamic Stereophones SP -504 Headphones bait. using focused -gap for low flux leakage; 1.75
Dynamic stereo headphones with low -profile (57 -mm) Stereo headphones with 3" dynamic drivers. Features oz/50 gr without cord $55
element with Mylar diaphragm and separate volume separate volume. tone controls on each earcup.
controls. FR 10-22.000 Hz; - 1% THD at kHz. 1 stereo -mono switch. FR 30-18.000 Hz; imp 8 ohms; NAGAOKA by MICROFIDELITY
100 dB SPL; sens 1.0 V rms at 100 dB SPL; 10 oz adjustable padded headband; 10 -ft coiled cord with
without cord $40 plug $22 P-10 Stereo Micro Headphones
K/6X. Same as K 6XLC. except lacking volume SP -503. Similar to SP -504 minus tone controls $17 Dynamic micro -type headphones weighting 15 g in-
controls $30 SP -502. Similar to SP -503 minus stereo/mono cluding card and mini plug. FR 20.20,000 Hz. imp
switch: has 21/4" dynamic drivers $15 32 ohms. Supplied with replacement ear pads. mini
KSP Sound Partner Stereophones SP -500. Similar to SP -502 minus volume controls; FR 1/4" phone plug adapter. and convenient pocket holder
Featherweight stereophone for pocket stereo use. 35-15.000 Hz; 8 -ft cord $12 with clasp $25
Folds to compact size to fit into denim tote bag (sup-
plied). FR 20-17.000 Hz: sens 100 dB SPL pink SP294 Stereo Headphones NAKAMICHI
noise at 1 V: imp 43 ohms: total weight 3.5 oz. includ- Stereo headphones with 2' ." dynamic drivers; indi-
ing 9 -ft cord. Comes with accessory adapters to fit al- vidual volume controls; stereo- mono switch. FR 40- SP -7 Stereo Headphones
most any sound system $30 15.000 Hz; adjustable soft leatherette padded head- Lightweight stereo headphone provides broad. flat
band and earcups:.10-ft cord $14 frequency response. extended dynamic range, and
K/20 High -Velocity Stereophones
minimal distortion; utilizes 25 -micron thick polyester
High -velocity headphones with low profile element. SP -94 Stereo Headphones
Features 8 -ft Y cord; cushioned washable foam ear I ightweight dynamic stereo headphones with 21/4"
pads. FR 18-20,000 Hz; sens 0.8 V rms $20 drivers. FR 40-15.000 Hz: imp 8 ohms: oversize
earcups for greater comfort: 8 -ft cord with plug . $9
P/19 Portable Stereophones
For listening to pocket stereos. portable radios. cas- Red Set Series
sette players. TV home receivers. amps with included
6.36 -mm adapter. FR 20.17,000 Hz: imp 43 ohms Red Set VII
(ideal for battery -powered products for low power Deluxe ultra -lightweight (1.6 oz. less cord) stereo
drain); 6 -ft cord with 3.5 -mm mini stereo plug . $20 headphones with rare-earth drivers. FR 20-20.000
Hz: sens 98 dB at 1 kHz: max input 0.2 W; matching
MURA imp 4-25 ohms; 4 -ft cord with mini plug; 8 -ft exten-
sion cord with 1/4" stereo plug included $30
HV190 Stereo Headphones
Stereo headphones with ferrite -magnet speaker sys- Red Set III Stereo Headphones
tem. FR 20-20.000 Hz; imp matching 8.70 ohms; High -velocity stereo headphones with Mylar dia-
max input 250 mW; lightweight 12 -ft coiled cord with phragms and subminiature ultra -lightweight samari-
1/4" stereo plug; 8 oz less cord $30 um -cobalt magnets and anoxic copper wire designed
to reduce signal attenuation. FR 20-20.000 Hz: sens
SB60 Stereo Buds Eerphones 98 dB at 1 kHz; max input 0.2 W: matching imp 4-25
Stereo speakers that fit directly into ears. Features 4 - ohms: 6.6 -ft cord with ' 3 -conductor stereo plug;
1.6 oz less cord . $20 film with 40.5mm diameter and 18.3mm voice coil;
FR 20-20,000 Hz; imp 45 ohms; max 100 mW; 3-m
Red Set II Stereo Headphones cable; standard 1/4" phone plug $70
Ultra -lightweight stereo headphones with folding
headband. cable terminated in 3.5 -mm mini plug. NUMARK ELECTRONICS
comes with ' ." plug adapter FR 20-20.000 Hz: sens
100 dB at 1 mW; max input 0 1 W: matching imp 4- FLS200 Stereo Headphones
35 ohms: samarium -cobalt magnets with high -veloci- Stereo headphones with film diaphragm samarium
ty Mylar diaphragms: 6.6 -ft cord with 0.138' 3 -con- cobalt magnet transducers. Features separate L/R
ductor stereo plug $16 volume controls on cable; adapters for ';." stereo
Red Set I. Similar to Red Set II except no folding head- phone plug to 3.5 -mm stereo mini plug and ' phone
band: matching imp 4-30 ohms; 1/4" stereo plug $15 plug to 3.5 -mm mono plug adapters; extra ear pads.
FR 20-25.000 Hz; sens 100 dB; imp 20 ohms; max
Red Set hs2 Headphones power 100 mW; 10 -ft cord with 1/4" stereo phone
Ultra -lightweight (1.8 oz less cord) stereo head- plug; 1.5 oz $30
phones with samarium -cobalt rare-earth drivers. Fea-
tures 4 -ft cord with mini plug: folding headband . $9 FLS75 Stereo Headphones
Stereo headphones with film diaphragm/samarium
NAD cobalt magnet transducers. Features 7 -ft cord with
1/4' stereo phone plug; 3.5 -mm stereo plug adapter.
Lightweight Headphones FR 20-20,000 Hz; sens 96 dB; imp 35 ohms; max
Lightweight headphones suitable for pocket stereos. power 100 mW: 1.5 oz $25
Features low -impedance. high -sensitivity drivers; ca-
ble antenna: bass response designed to extend a full FLS150 Stereo Headphones
octave deeper than that of any other lightweight mod- Stereo headphones with film diaphragm/samarium
el; supplied with coiled extension cord with full size cobalt magnet drivers; 7 -ft cord with 3.5 -mm mini
ft cord with 3 5 mm stereo plug $20 ." phone plug; 39mm diaphragm with very low sus- stereoplug: Y. stereo phone plug adapter; folding
pension frequency: FR 15-25.000 Hz: THD 0.5% headband. FR 20-20.000 Hz; sens 96 dB; imp 35
HV-100 Stereo Headphones max (1.000 Hz and 100 dB SPL) sens 100 dB SPL ohms: max power 100 mW: 1.5 oz $20
Lightweight vented high -velocity stereo headphones output for 0.5 V input using pink noise; 16 -micron
with thin Mylar diaphragms: voltage control; polyster film diaphragm; vacuum -formed high-terr HV100 Dynamic Stereo Headphones
stereo, mono switch. FR 30-15.000 Hz; 10 -ft coiled perature copper -clad aluminum voice coil with self Ultra -lightweight dynamic stereo headphones with su-
cord with plug. $20 supporting winding; high-energy planar samarium co per -thin Mylar diaphragm drivers; 8 -ft cord with ste-
reo phone plug. FR 20-20.000 Hz; imp 32 ohms; 6
oz $18

NOTICE TO READERS FLS310 Featherlite Stereo Headphones

Stereoscope -style stereo headphones with film
diaphragm,- samarium -cobalt magnet drivers; 41/4 -ft
Prices of items described are manufacturers' suggested prices cord with 3.5 -mm mini stereo plug. FR 20-22.000
only and are subject to change without notice. Actual selling Hz: sens 100 dB; imp 20 ohms: max power 100 mW;
1.4 oz $17
prices are determined by the dealers.
FLS300 Stereo Headphones
Ear -clip -style featherlite stereo headphones with film
diaphragm 'samarium -cobalt magnet drivers: ',-ft



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Headphones 10 Headphones
cord with 3.5 -mm mini stereo plug. FR 20-22,000 for stereo/mono used; adjustable lightweight head- rotatable earpieces; double headband; 8 -ft Y -type
Hz; sens 100 dB; imp 20 ohms; max power 100 mW; band; earcushions with multidensity polyurethane; 7 -
0.7 oz straight cord. FR 18-22.000 Hz; sens 101 dB SPL at
$17 ft Y -type straight cord with plug adapters for mono 1 mW. 1.3 oz $25
and stereo. Designed for all portable applications. FR
FLS25 Stereo Headphones 10-20.000 Hz; imp 40 ohms at 1 kHz; max irput SE -2 Stereo Headphones
Stereo headphones with film diaphragm/samarium power 0.5 W; 2 oz 535 Open-air stereo headphones with polyester dome
cobalt magnet drivers; 7 -ft cord with 3.5 -mm stereo
drivers. Features adjustable headband; 9 -ft 5" Y -type
plug; I/a" stereo phone plug adapter. FR 80-20.000 OA -202 Stereo Headphones cord. FR 20-20,000 Hz; max power 200 mW; sens
Hz; sens 92 dB; imp 30 ohms; max power 100 mW; 1 Open -audio stereo headphones with dynamic high -ve- 99 dB/mW; 7'/, oz $25
oz $15 locity drivers with 1" polyester diaphragms. FR 10-
20.000 Hz: distortion 0.5% at 110 -dB SPL. 1 kHz; PML BY ERCONA
PHILIPS sens 100 dB SPL at 0.25 V input, 1 kHz/ch; input
imp 50 ohms at 1 kHz; max input 0.2 Wich continu- D-42 Stereo Headphones
6301 Mini Stereo Headphones ous; adjustable padded vinyl headband with soft vinyl - Dynamic stereo, mono headphones; supplied with de-
Dynamic MC compact stereo headphones with samar- covered foam earcushions; includes 7 -ft Y-tupe tachable, washable soft rubber ear cushions. FR 30-
ium -cobalt magnets for portable use. Supplied with straight cord with plug and special adapter plug for
10 -ft ee hle with mini -plug; 1/4" phone plug adapter for
20,000 Hz; output imp 200 ohms stereo, 100 or
use with portable radios, TV sets, tape recorders; 6 oz 400 ohms mono; power/voltage at normal listening
home use. FR 20-20,000 Hz; imp 32 ohms; sens or less cord $30
97 dB SPL at 1 mW; 2 oz
0.3 mW/0.25V; 100 dB SPL with 0.3 mW input; 5
$48 mW max power with 2% distortion; supplied with 6 -ft
OA -101 Featherfone- Stereo Headphones unterminated cable; 9.5 oz $45
6211 Mini Stereo Headphones Lightweight open-air stereo headphones. Feature
Dynamic MC compact stereo headphones with samar- lightweight headband; acoustically engineered poly- RDF-224 Dynamic Headphones
ium -cobalt magnets for portable use. Supplied with urethane foam cushions; 5 -ft Y -type straight cord Dynamic stereo/mono headphones; removable soft-
10 -ft cable with mini -plug; /" phone plug adapter for with plug. FR 20-18.000 Hz; distortion less than foam -padded vinyl ear cushions; supplied with 8 -ft
home use. FR 20-20,000 Hz; imp 32 ohms; sens 0.5% at 100 dB SPL. 1 kHz; sens 100 dB min SPL, coiled cable, 3 -conductor phone plug. FR 20-18,000
- 92 dB SPL at 1 mW; 2 oz $24 0.25 V input at 1 kHz/ch; imp 40 ohms ±20% at 1 Hz; output imp 8 ohms ±20% at 1 kHz; output level
kHz; max input power 0.05 W; 2 oz $25 100 dB at 1 kHz; max input 100 mW; 12 oz $30
OA -303 Stereo Headphone QUASAR
OA -7 stereo Headphones Open audio design; spring steel headband with brcwn
Lightweight open -audio design; REE used in perma- leather cushion; imp 70 ohms; FR 20 Hz -20.000 Hz; SV400TQ Lightweight Headphones
nent -magnet compound; foam -cushioned headband; sens 101 d8 SPL at 0.1 volt input; max input 0.1 W Lightweight stereo headphones for portable or home
earpiece yokes incorporate pivoting system enabling rms; weight exc. cord and plug 4.5 oz; comes with n/.. - use, with mini- and plugs. Features fully adjust-
snug fit. Nominal imp 100 ohms; FR 20-22.000 Hz stereo female to mini stereo male adapter $40 able headband; 1.5 meter cord. FR 20-20.000 Hz;
±5 dB; sens 110 -dB SPL at 0.2 V; max input 0.1 W
imp 16 ohms; sens 0.126 V for 98 dB SPL at 1 kHz.
continuous; distortion 0.5% at 110 -dB SPL; supplied PIONEER 40 g with cord
with flat 10 -ft cord; 6 oz $70 $25
SEL-90 Stereo Headphones REALISTIC
OA -5A Stereo Headphones Dynamic open-air ultra -lightweight headphones with
Lightweight open -audio stereo headphones with 1.5" miniplug and standard phone plug. Features 90° -ro- PRO -60 Stereo Headphones
samarium -cobalt dynamic drivers. Imp 100 ohms tatable earpieces; double leather headband: 10 -ft Headphones with variable -density earcushions. "acous-
1C)% at 1 kHz; max input 0.25 W/ch continuous; straight cord. FR 10-22,000 Hz; sens 103 dB SPL at tic resistance." 10 -ft coiled cord with ./," phone plug.
sens 110 dB SPL at 0.2 V input. 1 kHz/ch; FR 20 1 mW. 2.5 oz $80 FR 15-30.000 Hz: THD 0.5%; - 8 oz $50
22.000 Hz; distortion 0.25% at 110 -dB SPL; adjust
SEL-70 Stereo Headphones LV-10 Stereo Headphones
Dynamic open-air ultra -lightweight stereo headphones High -velocity vented -back headphones with 2" dy-
with miniplug and standard phone plug. Features 90°- namic elements. FR 20.20,000 Hz; distortion 0.5%;
rotatable earpieces; double headband; 10 -ft Y -type 4-16 ohm imp; acoustic foam earpieces; soft vinyl -
straight cord. FR 10-22:000 Hz; sens 103 dB SPL at covered headband with self-adjusting yokes; 10 -ft
1 mW. 2.5 oz $60 coiled cord, 1/4" plug $40
SEL-50 Stereo Headphones PRO -30 Stereo Headphones
Dynamic open-air ultra -lightweight stereo headphones Lightweight uniform -phase stereo headphones with
with miniplug and standard phone plug. Features 90°- low -mass planar driver; rare-earth magnets; light-
rotatable earpieces; double headband; 10 -ft Y -type weight coiled cord. I/" plug $30
straight cord. FR 12-22.000 Hz: sens 103 dB SPL at
1 mW. 2.1 oz $50 NOVA -PRO Stereo Headphones
High acoustic isolation stereo headphones with low -
SEL-30 Stereo Headphones mass polyester drivers; volume control on each
Dynamic open-air ultra -lightweight stereo headphones earcup. FR 20-20,000 Hz; imp 4-16 ohms; cush-
with miniplug and standard phone plug. Features 90% ioned headband; 10 -ft coiled cord $32
rotatable earpieces; double headband; 8 -ft Y-tyoe
straight cord. FR 12-22,000 Hz; sens 103 dB SPL at NOVA -40 Stereo Headphones
1 mW. 2.1 oz $40 Stereo headphones with 31/,' dynamic drivers. FR 30-
18.000 Hz; imp 4-16 ohms; soft cushion earcups;
SE450 Stereo Headphones padded adjustable headband; 10 -ft coiled cord. '/"
able padded vinyl headband with pivot yokes and ny- Lightweight enclosed stereo headphones with inde- plug
lon- t ricot ered foam ear cushions; 10 -ft $25
pendent L/R volume controls. Features adjustable
4-cond ictor cord with no -break connector; includes headband; 9 -ft cord. Black or chrome finish. FR 20- NOVA -51 Stereo Headphones
adapter plug for use with portable radios. TVs tape 20.000 Hz; sens 105 dB/mW. 11 oz $40 Fold up stereo headphones with rare-earth magnets.
recorders; 5 oz less cord $60 6y, -ft cord with 1/2" phone plug. FR 50-20,000 Hz; 3
SE -4 Stereo Headphones oz
OA -4 Stereo Headphones $20
Open -type stereo headphones with polyester dome NOVA -52. Same as Nova -51 except with '/," plug $20
Lightweight stereo headphones with '/" dynamic drivers. Features 9 -ft 5' Y -type cord; adjustable
high -velocity drivers with synthetic film diaphragms headband. FR 20-20.000 Hz; max power 200 mW; NOVA -50 Stereo Headphones
and samarium cobalt magnets. FR 10.20,000 Hz; sens 96 dB/mW; 73/, oz $35 Micro stereo headphones with rare-earth magnets.
distortion 0.5% at 100 -dB SPL. 1.000 Hz; sens 105
Mylar diaphragms, foam earcushions, 6'/, -ft cord with
dB at 1 kHzich; input imp 40 ohms at 1 kHz; adjust- SE -205 Stereo Headphones
able lightweight headband with silver -dollar -sized
phone plug. FR 50-20.000 Hz: 2.8 oz $18
Dynamic stereo headphones with adjustable head-
multi -density polyurethane foam earpieces; includes band and 8 -ft 2" cord. FR 20-20,000 Hz. 15 oz with- NOVA -10 Stereo Headphones
adapter and 7 -ft Y -type straight cord with plug; 2 oz out cord $25 Stereo headphones with high -efficiency 2' speakers;
less cord $50 adjustable vinyl headband with cushioned earpads. FR
SEL-10 Stereo Headphones 50-15,000 Hz; has E0/, -ft cord, '/." plug $15
OA -2 Featherfone- Stereo Headphones Dynamic open-air ultra -lightweight stereo headphones NOVA -16. Similar to Nova -10 except has separate
Open -audio stereo headphones. Feature adapter plug with miniplug and standard phone plug. Features 90° - Glide Path' level controls $20

Headphones 10 Headphones
NOVA -35 Stereo Headphones phragms. Desigred for use with mini. home players. bte with .tereo mini jack and standard '/,- stereo
Micro stereo headphones with foam earpads. adjust- FR 20-20.000 Hz; imp 32 ohms: sens 96 dB at 1 pione plug. Extra set of ear cushions included. FR 20-
able headband. 5 -ft cord with plug. Frequency mW: 0.83 oz minus cable $18 20.000 Hz; sens 96 dB with 1 mW input. 1.4 oz $85
range 50-20.000 Hz; 3 oz $14
ST -99 Miniature Stereo Headphones HD 414 Stereo Headphones
Micro -in -Ear Stereo Earphones Miniature stereo headphones consisting of a pair of Open-air dynamic headphones. FR 20-20.000 Hz:
Stereo earphones designed to slip into outer ear. FR earpieces the approximate size of a quarter. Ear- sens 17.7 µbar, V. 1 mW (1.41 V) for SPL of 102 dB;
50-20.000 Hz: 0.6 oz $13 pieces slip into place over ears without headband. In- distortior 1% at 22 V. 1 kHz; imp 2000 ohms; 10 -ft
cludes lightweight 7 -ft cord and mini plug $17 cable. 5 ez without cable $84
Nova -33 Stereo Headphones
Lightweight portable headphones. 1'4, oz: 20-20.000 REVOX HD 400 Stereo Headphones
Hz response: foam earcushions; ',/," plug; 4 -ft Open-air dynamic headphones. FR 20-18.000 Hz:
cord $10 RH 310 Stereo Headphones sens 1 rr.W for SPL of 88 dB; imp 600 ohms: 10 -ft
Open lightweight headphones designed for amps rat- cable. 3 oz without cable $49
Stereo/Mono Headset ed for 4 -to -600 -ohm load imp; FR 20-20.000
Underchin design headset. Features lightweight de- Hz $100 HD 40 Lightweight Headphones
sign. plug; 8 ohms
' $10 Open stereo headphones. FR 22-18.000 Hz: sens 90
SANSUI dB with 1 mW input; distortion 1%. 2 oz without
RECOTON cable $37
SS -L5 Dynamic Stereo Headphones
ST -88 High -Velocity Stereo Phones Isolation -free dynamic stereo headphones in around - SIGNET DIVISION,
Stereo headphones with volume controls. Features the -ear design and 1%," drivers. Imp 100 ohms at 1 A.T.U.S., INC.
lightweight high -velocity samarium -cobalt magnets: kHz: FR 20-20.000 Hz; max input power 500 mW:
stereo mono switch; volume. tone controls. FR 15- sens 104 dB 'mW at 500 Hz; 2-m cord; 4.8 oz with- TK33 Stereophones
20.000 Hz: sens 102 dB at I kHz: imp 30 ohms: out cord $50 Dipolar electret condenser stereophones with power
max input power 0.5 W: 10 -ft cable with stereo phone adapter feature high -compliance film moving dia-
plug $43 MS -7 Dynamic Stereo Headphones phragm. 45 mm diameter. 2 microns thick. Features
Lightweight on -the -ear mini -sized dynamic stereo suede -finish inner headband and pivotal porous vinyl
ST -66 Ultra -lightweight Headphones headphones with adapter plug that permits mini ste- ear pads. Passive imp -matching transformer adapter
Designed for all mini recorders, players. stereo head- reo phone plug to be used with standard home audio features stereophone speaker operation. hi lo
phones weight only 2.47 oz exclusive of cable. Sens equipment. Imp 40 ohms; FR 30-20.000 Hz; max in- stereoprone sens switches; 2 dual -color LED arrays in
98 dB at I kHz: FR 20-25.000 Hz; input imp 25 put power 250 mW; sens 100 dB, mW; 2.5rn cord; groups of 6, first 4 indicating medium -to -loud normal
ohms: max input power 0.4 W: 10 -ft cable with mini 1.1 oz without cord $40 reproduction and last 2 indicating high-level peaks:
plug. ' ," stereo adapter $43 no external power required; can accommodate 2
SS -L3 Dynamic Stereo Headphones headsets. FR 20-22.000 Hz 2 dB: sens 100 dB at
Isolation -tree. around -the -ear stereo headphones with V. 1 kHz; THO 0.1% at 110 -dB SPL; matching imp
ST -77 Ultralightweight Stereo Phones 1

Designed for all mini recorders. players: includes an 1%,` drivers. 'mp 60 ohms; FR 20-20.000 Hz; max 4-16 ohms; includes 8.2 -ft cord with special plug.
adapter for standard receivers. Weighs 1.65 oz. less input power 500 mW; sens 104 dB mW; 2-m cord; 3.9 -ft adapter cable with 4 -conductor plug.
cable. Sens 98 dB at kHz: FR 20-25.000 Hz: imp
1 4.4 oz without cord $30 Stereopnone 9.7 oz with cord: adapter 4 lbs: adapter
25 ohms: max power input 0.3 W: 10 -ft cable with 8.7"D 5.5"H 2.4"W $325-350
mini plug. stereo adapter $38 MS -3 Dynamic Stereo Headphones TS33S. Additional stereophone for TK33 .... $135
Lightweight on -the -ear mini dynamic stereo head-
ST -22 Stereo Headphones phones fitted with mini stereo plug. with adapter for TK22 Stereophones
Dynamic stereo headphones; all -aluminum earcups; use with home audio equipment. Imp 30 ohms; FR MC dynamic stereophones feature high -compliance
leathery -soft ear cushions. headband; volume control 35-20.000 Hz; max input power 100 nrW: sens 97 polyester dome diaphragm. 20 microns thick. 45 mm
for each ch. FR 20-22.000 Hz; imp 8 ohms; matching dB/mW; 2.5-m cord; 1.8 without cord $20 diameter with 40 -micron self-supporting silver/ -
imp 4.16 ohms; sens 110 dB at 1 kHz with 1 mW: copper voice coil. FXD magnet. Features full -swivel
max input 0 5 W: 3" dynamic speakers: 10 -ft coiled SENNHEISER foam earpieces. soft suede -finish inner headband. FR
cord $30 20-20.000 Hz: sens 96 dB at 1 mW. 1 kHz; THD
HD 224 Stereo Headphones 0.4% at 110-d8 SPL: matching imp 4.16 ohms;
ST -91 Stereo Headphones Dynamic stereo headphones with double -walled 11',/,-ff cord with plug: 9.2 oz with cord . $100-120
Lightweight stereo headphones with samarium -cobalt circumaural foam earpads covering entire ear; in-
magnets. Includes adapter to allow use with mini. cludes steel -stranded detachable 3000 mm cable. FR Miniattre Stereo Headphones
home tape players. FR 20-25.000 Hz: imp 200 16-20.000 Hz; SPL 94 dB at 1 mW; THD 1.0%; TK2O. Features fully rotating yoke -and -pivot suspen-
ohms: sens 100 dB at mW; 1.23 oz minus
1 nominal imp 200 ohms. 252 g $153 sion system: can be compactly folded. fitted into belt
cable $28 pouch (supplied). FR 25-20.000 Hz; 1.5 oz $60-80
HD 430 Stereo Headphones TK11. Features unique ball -joint pivot on each
ST -11 Stereo Headphones Open dynamic headphones. FR 16-20.000 Hz: sens earcup. 4.9 -ft cord with mini plug, mini -to -standard
Lightweight stereo headphones with volume controls. 94 dB with 1 mW input. nominal SPL at 1 kHz: HD phone plug adapter. FR 30-20.000 Hz. slightly less
stereo mono switch. foam -filled earcushions. FR 20- 0.5%; imp 600 ohms; padded earpad rims and ad- than 2 oz $40-60
20.000 Hz, imp 8 ohms; sens 100 dB at 1 mW. 1 justable suspension strap; 10 -ft cable. 7 oz $134
kHz: 10 -ft coiled cord with phone plug $20 SONY
HD 222 Closed-Earcup Headphones
ST -16 Stereo Headphones Stereo headphones with ultra -lightweight diaphragms MDR Series Headphones
Stereo headphones with volume control for each ch; with powerful cobalt -samarium magnets in closed- Ultra -lightweight open stereo headphones with samar-
stereo mono switch. FR 20-18.000 Hz: imp 8 ohms; earcup design. Wide -range response extremely flat ium -cobalt magnets. high -excursion driver elements.
soft adjustable padded headband: soft ear cushions; from 16.10.000 Hz; imp 600 ohms. 8.8 oz $128 oxygen -free litz wire cables. and minimal headband
10 ft coiled cord with stereo phone plug $20 pressure.
HD 424 Stereo Headphones MDR -80T. Top -of -the -line headphones with 30 -mm
ST -93 Stereo Headphones Deluxe open-air dynamic headphones. FR 15-20.000 driver.. one-sided cable: FR 16-24.000 Hz; sens 101
Fold -away lightweight stereo headphones packaged in Hz: sens 17.7 µbar V. 1 mW (1.41 V)/ch for SPL of dB rorV: 2.2 oz less cable $85
cassette box. Include 5 -ft cord and ' " stereo phone 102 dB; distortion 1% at 22 V. 1 kHz; imp 2.000 MDR -70T. Headphones with 30 -mm drivers; FR 16-
adapter for home use. FR 20-22.000 Hz: imp 32 ohms: removable head and ear cushions; 10 -ft cable. 22.000 Hz: sens 100 dB mW: 1.8 oz less cable. $65
ohms: sens 100 dB at 1 kHz; 1.02 oz without 6.5 oz without cable $122 MDR -50T. Headphones with 30 -mm drivers; FR range
cord $17 18-22.000 Hz; sens 100 dB mW: 1.8 oz less
HD 420 Stereo Headphones cable $50
ST -98 Stereo Headphones Open-air dynamic headphones. FR 18-20.000 Hz; MDR -133. Consists of 2 MDR -type drivers designed
Lightweight stereo headphones with samarium -cobalt sens 94 dB with 1 mW input. nomina. SPL at 1 kHz: to harg comfortably from each ear; has no headband
magnets. Includes 2 extra ear pads. Packed in cas- HD 1.0%; imp 600 ohms: adjustaale suspension to ado bulk. interfere with hair styles: especially suit-
sette -sized storage box FR 50-22.000 Hz: imp 32 strap and cushioned earpads; 10 -ft cable. 4 oz $94 ed for pocket stereos; FR 40-18.000 Hz: 1 oz less
ohms: sens 102 dB at 1 kHz: 18 oz without cord $17 cable. Supplied with mini stereo plug Only $35
MS 100 Lightweight Headphones MDR -A301. Lightweight open stereo headphones fold
ST -90 Stereo Headphones "The Inside -Out " headphone. designed for portable for storage: FR 18-20.000 Hz; mono and stereo
Fold -away lightweight stereo headphones with samari- and home use. Supplied with replaceable 4' stranded - switcbable $35
um -cobalt transducers. superthin polymer film dia- steel cable with stereo mini -plug and 6' extension ca- MDR -E255. Water-resistant Fontopia headphones fit

1984 EDITION 155

Headphones 10 Headphones
snugly and comfortably inside ear; stereo miniplug cushion; FR 20-20.000 Hz ± 5 dB; distortion 0.5% 20.000 Hz; SPL 94 dB; imp 600 ohms; nominal load-
fits pocket stereos $35 at 105 dB SPL; max power input 0.1W RMS; imp 100 ing capacity 200 mW; distortion 1.0%; automatic
MDR -E252. Fontopia earphones in both black and ohms; weight 3.3 ozs; 7 ft Y cord with y." sterec fe- strap adjustment; gimballed earcups; 3-m cable; 330
white; earplugs fit snugly and comfortably inside eart; male to mini stereo male adapter $45 g
special 16 mm drivers; stereo mini -plugs fits pocket $184
stereos $30 Dynaphase 25 Stereo Headphones W 675 Featherweight Headphones
MDR -E222. Consists of 2 MDR -type drivers designed Lightweight open stereo headphones with dynamic Lightweight (2.2 oz) mono/stereo headphones with 8 -
to hang comfortably from each eat; no headband to high -velocity drivers with 1" polyester diaphragms. ft coiled cord. FR 20-20,000 Hz; imp 200 ohms at 1
add bulk or interfere with hair styles; especially suited FR 10-20,000 Hz: distortion 0.5% at 110 dB SPL, 1 kHz; has lightweight adjustable headband, yellow
to pocket stereos $25 kHz: sens 100 dB SPL at 0.25 V input. 100 Hz: input foam -cushioned earpieces. With 5 -pin plug for Uher
imp 50 ohms at 1 kHz: max input power 0.2 W.'ch cassette recorders $84
MDR -20T. Headphones with 23mm drivers; Unimatch continuous: adjustable padded vinyl headband with
plug fits all types of equipment; FR 20-22.000 soft vinyl -covered foam ear cushions: includes adapt-
Hz $20 er plug for use with portable radios. TV sets, and tape VIDAIRE
recorders; 7 -ft Y -type straight cord with plug ... $30
STANTON 983 Deluxe Stereo Headphones
Model V Micro Wafer -F Headphones Stereo headphones feature stereo/mono switch, vol-
Stereowafer Eighty Headphones Super -lightweight stereo headphones with adjustable ume controls, and padded headband. FR 20-18,000
Open headphones with samarium cobalt drivers. Fea- folding headband. Feature acoustically engineered Hz; imp 8-16 ohms; max input 0.5 W: 10 -ft coiled
tures black vinyl -covered foam ear cushions; spring polyurethane foam cushions; 5 -ft Y -type straight cord cord with y." stereo plug
steel headband with black vinyl covering; silver ex- $28
with plug. FR 20-18.000 Hz; distortion less than
0.5% at 100 dB SPL. 1 kHz; sens 100 dB min SPL, 617 High -Velocity Stereo Headphones
0.25 V input at 1 kHz/ch; imp 40 ohms ±20% at 1 Features snap -lock pivot in headstrap for compact
kHz; max input 0.1 W. 2 oz less cord $30 storage in pocket. FR 20-20.000 Hz; imp 4-32 ohms;
5 -ft shielded mini cord with 3.5 -mm stereo mini plug
TEAC and strain relief; optional adapter converts to stan-
dard 1/2" stereo phone plug $18
THD-101 Stereo Headphones
Open-air dynamic MC stereo headphones. Features 960C Dynamic Stereo Headphones
foam earpads; stereo phone plug with 3.5 -mm to Y.. Dynamic Stereo headphones. FR 20-18.000 Hz; imp
adapter. FR 20-20.000 Hz: sens 95 dB/mW 1 2 dB 8-16 ohms: max input 0.5 W; 6 -ft cord with 1/2" ste-
at 1 kHz; max input 100 mW; imp 30 ohms: 9.8 -ft reo plug $15
cable; 4 oz $40

EAH-830 Linear -Drive Headphones YH-100 Stereo Headphones
Low -distortion high -power -handling -capacity stereo Orthodynamic stereo headphones with lightweight
headphones. FR 15-35,000 Hz: max input 3000 polyester film diaphrams in dual -support drive unit
mW; 125 -ohm imp; 0.3% distortion; 3 -meter coiled with mutually opposed anisotropic ferrite magnets. FR
cord; Supra -Aural ear pads; precise -fit. soft leather
head pads; 450 g $75
tendable and adjustable pivot yokes. FR 20-20.000
Hz; sens 110 dB SPL at 0.20 V input; imp 100 ohms EAH-820 Linear -Drive Headphones
± 10% at 1 kHz; max input 0.1 W rms/ch; distortion Headphones designed to handle high power inputs.FR
< 1/4% at 110 dB SPL at 1 kHz $70 15-30.000 Hz; max input 3000 mW: 125 -ohm imp;
0.3% distortion; 3 -meter coiled cord; Supra -Aural ear
Dynaphase 55/60011 Headphones pads; precise fit. soft, wide -contact leather head pads;
Specially designed for recording professionally, re- 430 g $55
sulting in flat response and superior acoustical behav-
ior of driver elements. Feature 11/4" dynamic high -ve- EAH-810 Linear -Drive Headphones
locity elements with specially formulated synthetic Open stereo headphones with wide waveform re-
film diaphragms and samarium -cobalt magnets; ad- sponse at eardrum. FR 20-25.000 Hz; max input
justable headband with pivot yokes and glove -soft power 1000 mW; imp 63 ohms: distortion 0.5% at
padded vinyl cover: soft nylon tricot -covered foam 100 dB; 3 -meter cord; Supra -Aural ear pads; precise -
earcushions; 10 -ft 4 -conductor cord with double fit, soft, wide -contact leather head pads; 230 g . $35 20-20.000 Hz: output 98 dB/ mW SPL at 106 dB/V;
molded no -break connector. FR 20-22,000 Hz; dis-
tortion 0.25% at 110 dB SPL, 1 kHz; sens 110 dB rated/max input 3/10 W: HD 0.3% at 90 dB SPL;
EAH-7805 Stereo Headphones imp 150 ohms; double padded headband with supra -
min SPL at 0.2 V, 1 kHz: imp 600 ohms ± 10% at 1 FR 20-20.000 Hz; max input 200 mW; SPL 10C aural earcups; includes 8 -ft straight cord; 340 g less
kHz; maximum input power 0.25 W rms/ch: 5 5 oz d13/mW; imp 125 ohms $30 cord
less cord $95
EAH-T5 Compact Headphones YH-1 Stereo Headphones
Stereo/Wafers XXI Headphones Compact lightweight stereo headphone comes with
Ultra -lightweight professional -standard
Lightweight orthodynamic design featuring sintered
headphone; stereo mini plug and standard stereo headphone ferrite disc magnets with combination voice -coil dia-
FR 20-22.000 Hz ±4 dB; sens 2 V for 100 dB SPL; adapter $30
max power input 0.1 W continuous; distortion 0.5% phragm between. FR 20-20.000 Hz; output 94
dB/mW SPL; 3/10 W; 4D 0.3% at 120 dB SPL;
at 200 -dB SPL; 100 -ohm imp at 1 kHz; brushed blue EAH-05 Compact Headphones rated/max input imp 150 ohms: soft leather strap
denim finish; 10 -ft flat cord with heavy-duty plug; 5.9 Compact lightweight headphones fold into carrying
oz distributes weight over entire head: supra -aural pads;
$70 case: FR 20-20.000 Hz: imp 32 ohms; weight 1.06 8 -ft straight cord; weight 10.2 oz with cord .... $70
oz $50 YH-2. Same as YH-1 except output 93 dB/mW SPL;
Micro/Wafer XII Stereo Headphones
weight 8.1 oz with cord $50
Super -lightweight open -audio stereo headphones with UHER by WALTER ODEMER YH-3. Similar to YH-2 except 1/3 W rated/max input;
'4," dynamic high -velocity drivers with synthetic film 7.4 oz with cord $40
diaphragms and samarium -cobalt magnets. FR range W 775 Stereo Headphones
10-20.000 Hz; disortion 0.5% at 100 dB SPL/mV at Dynamic stereo headphones with one active, 6 auxilia YHL-005 Lightweight Stereo Headphones
1000 Hz; sens 105 dB SPL/mV at 1 kHz/ch; input y membranes per system; half -open design. FR 16 Natural -sound stereo headphones for casual music -
imp 40 ohms at 1 kHz: max input 0.15 W/ch continu-
anywhere use. Feature fatigue -reducing human -engi-
ous; adjustable lightweight headband with multi -den-
neered design; rare-earth samarium -cobalt magnets;
sity polyurethane foam earcushions: includes adapter NEED MORE INFORMATION? mini plug adapter. Imp 45 ohms; FR 20-20.000 Hz;
plug for use with portable radios, TV sets. and tape output SPL 102 dB/mW at 1 kHz; max input 100
recorders; 7 -ft Y -type straight cord with plug; 2 oz Write directly to the manufacturer or mW; output SPL 122 dB; 8 -ft cord; weight
less cord $50 distributor. A list of names and ad- with/without cord 2.8/1.8 oz $40
Model 45 Open Audio Stereo Headphone
dresses starts on page 25. HL -007. Similar to YHL-005 except smaller drivers,
lighter weight (2.5/1.4 oz with/without cord). 119 -
Comes with spring steel headband with black leather dB SPL output $30

AIWA Features selectable omni, cardioid, hypercardioid, or CK-8. Short shotgun $227
figure -8 pattern; flat/75/150-Hz) bass roll -off CK-9. Long shotgun $275
switch; 0/ 10, - 20 dB attenuator switch. FR 20- CK-22. Omnidirectional $127
CM -Z7 Electret Microphone
20.000 Hz (all patterns); sens - 43.5 dBm; max SPL C-451EB. Preamp $275
One -point stereo -wide -zoom position back-electret
138 dB with 0.4% THD; imp 200 ohms; 12/48 V C -460-B. Preamp $330
condenser mic with 2 unidirectional, 1 bidirectional
mic capsules. Features metal -vaporized polyester film phantom powered: supplied with SA -18/3 stand
diaphragm; cord with duo -fit plugs: mic stand, holder; adapter. W-26 windscreen, case; 1.75' diameter x C -567E Pre -Polarized Condenser Microphone
wind screen; battery. Weighs 6 oz $150 5.5'L; 12 oz $795 Professional miniature wide -range omnidirectional
lavalier condenser mic with FET preamplifier. Fea-
C-535EB Pre -Polarized Condenser Microphone tures durable metal construction with shock/noise-re-
DM -D6 Dynamic Microphone
Unidirectional dynamic recording mic with double Professional cardioid condenser mic designed for de- sistant system and easy field -serviceable capsule. Fre-
dome diaphragm. Features solid diecast housing; talk manding high-performance field use. Features special quency response 20-20.000 Hz; sensitivity - 43.5
switch; mic holder; Cannon 3 -pin XLR-type connector; 4 -position output switch for adjustable padding and dBm: SP- 132 dB with 0.5% THD; imp 500 ohms;
$50 bass rolloff to prevent possible overload and enable power required 9-52 V; supplied with H-20 tie tack,
H-21 tie bar, W-37 wire -mesh windscreen. H-16 belt
DM -D3
clip. case; 3.5 oz $235
Similar to DM -06 except has duo -fit plugs instead of
Cannon connector $30
D-330137 Hypercardioid Microphone
Hypercardioid dynamic mic with elastomer shock -sus-
CM -Z3 Microphone
Variable directivity mono zoom mic. Can be used with pended plug-in field -replaceable transducer system;
microcassette recorders, attaches to most VCRs $39 designee for the professional vocalist. Features dual -
Dandy 3 -position equalizer switches and hum- and
noise -rejection systems. FR 50-20,000 ohms; dual
CM -30Y Microphone
windscreen/pop filter; nickel -plated zinc alloy die-cast
Miniature 1 -point stereo mic $39
housing; includes SA -31 stand adapter case; 2' dia.
7.25' L; 12 oz $210
CM -60 Microphone
Remote -control tie -clip mic $30
D -320B Hypercardioid Microphone
user to tailor response; removable windscreen; field Hypercardioid dynamic mic with elastomer shock -sus-
DM -501 Microphone
Dynamic unidirectional MC mic with on/off switch replaceable shock -mounted transducer; integral FET pended field -replaceable transducer; designed for
$20 preamp; satin -black finish. FR 20.20,000 Hz; sens - professional entertainer. Features 3 -position EQ
61 dBV; SPL 130 dB; imp 200 ohms; power required switch .and hum rejecter. FR 80-18.000 Hz: sens
AKAI 9-52 V; supplied with SA -31 stand adapter and case; -57 dBm; imp 200 ohms: dual windscreen/pop fil-
satin -black finish; 10 oz $295 ter; nickel -plated zinc alloy diecast housing; includes
SA -31 stand adapter and case; 2" diameter 7.5"L;
ACM -100 Condenser Microphone
High -imp electret-condenser type general-purpose D -12E Cardioid Dynamic Microphone 10.5 oz $170
mic $58 Large -diaphragm cardioid dynamic mic with high
proximity effect. For bass drums and other low- D -310S Cardioid Microphone
pitched instruments and vocal applications. Features Cardioid dynamic mic with elastomer shock -suspend-
ACM -80 Condenser Microphone
shock -suspended transducer and fixed wire -mesh ed transducer; designed for vocal music coverage in
Medium -imp electret-condenser type general-purpose
$35 windscreen. Integral XLR-type connector in shaft. FR the home, studio, or on stage. FR 80-18,000 Hz; sens
40-15,000 Hz; sens -73 dBV; SPL 128 dB; imp 290 - 58 dBm; imp 200 ohms. Features integral on/off
switch, windscreen/pop filter, and hum rejecter; nick-
AKG ACOUSTICS ohms. Includes SA -30 stand adapter and case $295
el -plated zinc alloy diecast housing; includes SA -30
C460 Modular Condenser Microphone System stand adapter and case; 1.75' diameter ' 7.5'L;
Condenser Stereo Microphones
C422. Large -diaphragm stereo condenser mic with Modular system consists of 2 interchangeable 8.5 oz $150
FET preamplifier. Features 9 polar patterns/channel preamps. 9 .nterchangeable small -diaphragm cap- D-310. Similar to D-3105 but without integral on/off
selected via remote control with M -S or Y -Y recording sules, and associated accessories. A.I C-460 FET switch $135
techniques; 0/ - 10/ - 20 -dB preattenuator; 9.52 V preamps have 5-30,000 Hz FR, 200 -ohm source
phantom powered; LED aiming indicator; S -42E re- imp. 500 -ohm load imp;48 V power; 3 -position bass D-1901 Cardioid Microphone
mote controller; MK -42/20 66 -ft cable; W-42 wind- rolloff and 2 position attenuation. All capsules are Cardiod dynamic microphone for speech or music
screen; H-15/9 suspension mount/stand adaptor; condenser -designed and have FR of 20-20,000 Hz. performing and recording. Frequency response 30-
foam -lined carrying case. FR 20-20,000 Hz; sens Capsules available are CK-1 cardioid, CK-1S cardioid 15.000 Hz; sensitivity - 52 dBm: 200 -ohm imp; sin-
42 dBm; imp 200 ohms: 9VL x 1V," dia; 15.5 with rising response, CK-1X Remote Cardoid, CK-2X tered bronze windscreen; nickel -plated housing; sup-
$2500 Remote Omnidirectional. CK-3 Hypercardoid, CK-4 plied with SA -11 stand adapter and case; 1.5'
C-34. Small -diaphragm stereo condenser mic similar figure -8. CK-5 cardioid with shock -suspended trans- diameter < 6.25'1; 6.5 oz $115
to C-422 except sens - 43.5 dBm; W-34 windscreen; ducer and integrated windscreen/pop filter, CK-8 D -190£S. Same as D -109E but with integral on/off
H-15/6 suspension mount/stand adapter; 734'L; short shotgun. CK-9 long shotgun and CK-22 omnidi- switch $130
9.75 oz $1649 rectional with built-in pop filter. Preamps and cap-
C-33. Same as C-34 except for selectable polar pat- sules available either separately or in combinations. D -125E Cardioid Microphone
terns: cardioid capsules for X -Y stereo recording with CK-1. Cardioid $127 Cardicid dynamic mic with shock -suspended trans-
one capsule fixed to main housing, the other rotatable CK-1S. Cardioid $127 ducer; for general-purpose applications; hum rejecter
through 0* -180° angle; MK -32/20 66 -ft cable $950 CK-1X. Remote Cardoid $300 and heavy-duty wire -mesh windscreen. FR 100-
CK-2X. Remcte Cardoid $300 18,000 Hz; sens - 53.5 dBm; 200 -ohm imp; sup-
C-414EB Polydirectional Condenser Microphone CK-3. Hypercardioid $127 plied with SA -30 stand adapter and case; 1.75" di-
FET condenser mir with large -diaphragm capsule. CK-5. Cardioid $237 ameter 7' L; 8 oz $110

1984 EDITION 157

Microphones 11 Microphones
D -130E Omnidirectional Microphone ragm. FR 50-15.000 Hz; sens - 57 dB; 600 -ohm Pa); 20 -dB side attentuation at 120% matte black alu-
Omnidirectional dynamic mic with shock -suspended imp; balanced output; battery holder/belt clip with minum case; 161/4-1t. 2 -conductor cable with XLR-
transducer; designed for field applications. FR 50- on/off switch; uses 1.5-V N -type penlight cell. In- type connector; leatherette carrying case; 7.4'L $240
15.000 Hz; sens - 54.5 dBm; imp 200 ohms; hum cludes clothing clip, windscreen. battery, carrying M -500S. Same as M-5005 with on/off switch $250
rejecter and sintered bronze windscreen; nickel -plat- case; 16.5 -ft cable; mic 0.4" diameter x 0.8"L $100
ed zinc -alloy diecast housing; includes SA -30 stand M -260-S Super Cardioid Ribbon Microphone
adapter and case; 1.75' diameter x 7"L; 9 oz $105 AT801 Omnidirectional Microphone Super cardioid dynamic design. FR 50-18,000 Hz
Incorporates electret condenser permanently pclar- ±2.5 dB; sens - 153 dBm (EIA); high-energy ribbon;
D-40 Stereo -Pair Microphones ized element. FR 40.18,000 Hz; sens 48 dB; 600 - 200 -ohm imp. Suitable for speech, music. or vocals:
Package contains 2 D-40 low -imp cardioid dynamic ohm nominal imp; maximum input SPL 125 dB; S1,1 has on/off switch and Cannon XLR termination $200
mics. stand adapters, cable $99 50 dB at 1 kHz, 1 µbar; AA penlight battery powered.
Supplied with 16.5 -ft cable with professional XLR/- M-101 Omnidirectional Moving -Coil Microphone
AUDIO-TECHNICA U.S. A3F connector, slip -in stand clamp, carrying case $90 Omnidirectional type. FR 40-20,000 Hz; sens -150
AT801/XLR. AT801 with XLR/A3F connector on out- dBm (EIA); 200 -ohm imp. Withstands pressures as-
AT815a Line/Gradient Microphone put end of cable $95 sociated with modern music (modulated voltages up
Electret condenser shotgun mic with permanently po- to 2 V); low handling noise; 4'/,' ',"; Cannon XLR
larized element. FR 40-20,000 Hz; sens 50 dB; AT802 Omnidirectional Microphone termination $210
nominal imp 600 ohms; max input SPL 120 dB; S/N Mic with MC dynamic element. FR 50-16.000 Hz;
50 dB at 1 kHz, 1 ilbar: 1.5-V AA cell powered; 16.5 - sens 56 dB; imp 600 ohms. Supplied with 16.5 -ft M-201 Hypercardioid Dynamic Microphone
ft cable with professional XLR/A3F connector at mic cable with professional XLR/A3F connector; slip -in Professional -application unidirectional dynamic mi-
end, V,," phone plug at equipment end; slip -in stand stand clamp; carrying case $85 crophone with hum -bucking coil construction. Fre-
clamp; carrying case; windscreen; battery $205 AT802/XLR. AT802 with XLR/A3M connector on quency range 40-18,000 Hz; sens - 149 dBm (EIA).
AT815a/XLR. Same as AT815a except with XLR/ output end of cable $90 -56 dBm (1mW/Pa); imp 200 ohms electrical, 1k
A3M connector at output end of cable $210 ohm or more load; > 20 dB side attenuation at 120%
AT805S Miniature Microphone 16V, -ft. 2 -conductor cable and Switchcraft A3F con-
AT814a Unidirectional Microphone Electret condenser with permanently charged ele- nector; matte -black brass case with windscreen,
MC dynamic cardioid mic designed for professional ment; omnidirectional pattern. FR 50.15,000 Hz; clamp, case. 6.3" long $189
recording and broadcasting studios. FR 50-16,000 sens -57 dB; 600 -ohm imp; unbalanced output;
Hz; sens -56 dB (0 dB = 1 mW/10 dynes/cm,); built-in switch. Uses E675 battery. Includes clothing M-111 Omnidirectional Lavalier Microphone
EIA sens - 150 dB; 250 -ohm nominal imp. Features clip, lavalier cord, windscreen, belt clip. battery. carry- Miniature omnidirectional dynamic lavalier micro-
high -efficiency windscreen and balanced low -imp out- ing case. 16.5 -ft cable with 1/4" phone plug: mic 0.6' phone with filter providing flat FR when suspended
put and includes 16.5 -ft cable with XLR/A3F profes- diameter x 2'L $60 over chest; designed for TV broadcasting. FR 60-
sional connector with 1/2" phone plug, tapered slip -in 15.000 Hz (decreases 6 dB between 700-800 Hz
stand clamp, and carrying case $135 BEYER DYNAMIC, INC. and rises to 8 dB from 1000 to 10.000 Hz); output
AT814a/XLR. AT814a with XLR/A3M connector on -62 dBm; 200 -ohm imp; spring -mounted inner cas-
output end of cable $140 M-130 Bidirectional Ribbon Microphone ing suspended within outer housing: available with
Figure -8 bidirectional ribbon mic incorporating two standard Cannon 3 -pin connector or 1-m cable and 6 -
AT813 Unidirectional Microphone 0.012" aluminum ribbons that move one above the pin connector for use with company's TS 73 or TS 83
Incorporates electret condenser permanently polar- other with 0.020' separation; designed for studio wireless pocket transmitter: clamp and cord in black
ized element with 4 -micron polymer diaphragm. FR broadcasting or recording. FR 40-18,000 Hz; polar leatherette case: black matte finish; 3.35'L .. $200
20.20,000 Hz; sens - 55 dB; 600 -ohm nominal imp; pattern provides 3 -dB attenuation at 90% ribbon de-
input SPL 125 dB; S/N 50 dB at 1 kHz, 1 µbar; AA sign protects from overload or mechanical shock; MCE-5 Omnidirectional Tie -Clip Mic
penlight battery powered. Includes 16.5 -ft cable with supplied with standard 3 -pin Switchcraft connector; Broadcast -quality clip -on omnidirectional electret
professional XLR A3F connector and 1/4" phone plug, 5.04"L $420 condenser mic for on -camera applications. FR 20-
slip -in stand clamp, carrying case, battery $115 20,000 Hz; S/N 62 dB; max SPL 116 dB at 1 kHz;
AT813/XLR. AT813 with XLR/A3M connector on M-160 Super Cardioid Ribbon Microphone EIA sens 141 dBm; electrical imp 700 ohms; load
output end of cable $120 Super-cardioid dynamic double-mic. FR 40.18,000 imp 2500 ohms; supplied with detachable wind-
AT813R. Phantom -power version of AT813. External Hz ±2.5 dB; sens -152 dBm (EIA); 200 -ohm imp; screen and 1-m cable with 6 -pin male connector to in-
power only (9-65 V dc). Sens -49 dB; imp 200 low sensitivity at 120° to axis; suitable for stereo re- terface with MES5VNC pocket power supply.. $160
ohms; maximum SPL 141 dB. Supplied with cording; Cannon XLR termination $360
A3F A3M connectors on cable $165 M-69 Cardioid Moving -Coil Microphone
M-88 Super Cardioid Moving -Coil Microphone Dynamic cardioid design. FR 50-16,000 Hz ±3 dB;
AT831 Miniature Unidirectional Mic Super-cardioid dynamic type. FR 30-20.000 Hz sens - 144 dBm (EIA); 200 -ohm imp; for indoor /
Electret condenser permanently polarized element. ± 2.5 dB; sens 144 dBm (EIA); special transducer outdoor applications; unaffected by temperature.
FR 50-18,000 Hz; sens -58 dB; nominal imp 600 mounting eliminates body noise; withstands rough humidity $160
ohms; maximum input SPL 130 dB; S/N 45 dB at 1 handling, humidity, temperature changes; for studio M-69-SM. Same as M-69 but with on off and bass -cut
kHz. 1 µbar; 1.5-V N -type batery powered; balanced work. recording artists, instruments $320 switch
output via battery holder/belt clip with recessed $180
on/off switch. Includes clothing clip, musical M600 Unidirectional Dynamic Microphone M-400 Moving -Coil Cardioid Microphone
instrument adapter for acoustic guitar, saxophone. True hypercardioid characteristic dynamic mic with MC dynamic super-cardioid type. FR 50-15,000 Hz;
etc.; windscreen; battery; carrying case; 0.3" diame- built-in presence boost; hum -bucking coil; pop filter; sens -- 146 dB (EIA); 200 -ohm imp; on -off switch; 3 -
ter 0.91_ $115 lockable on/off switch; adjustable 3 -position bass at- pin XLR termination; blast filter; 24.6 -ft cable; black
tenuator. FR 40-16.000 Hz; side attenuation >24 anodized aluminum case and clamp $160
AT812 Unidirectional Microphone dB at 120% 1 kHz; output level - 56 dBm; EIA sens M -400S. Same as M-400 except with on/off
Incorporates MC dynamic element. FR 50-18,000 -149 dB; imp 250 ohms; load imp >1k ohms; bass switch
Hz; sens - 60 dB; 600 -ohm nominal imp. Suppled $170
attenuation -8/ -12/ -16 dB; aluminum case with
with 16.5 -ft cable with professional XLR/A3M con- steel mesh grille, black anodized finish; XLR or equiv M-818 Matched -Pair Microphone
nector on output end of cable $105 alent male connector $270 Cardioid dynamic matched -pair mics. FR 150-
AT812/XLR. AT812 with XLR/A3M connector on M600S. Same as M600, except that it has an on/oft 16,000 Hz; output level -55.8 dBm; 500 -ohm imp;
output end of cable $110 switch $280 front -to -back separation 18 dB; comes with attached
6.5 -ft cables with phone plug, 2 table stands, mic
AT811 Unidirectional Microphone M-500 Unidirectional Ribbon Microphone clamps, stereo adaptor cable, mounting bar, presen-
Incorporates electret condenser permanently polar- Hypercardioid dynamic ribbon mic with professional - tation case; 5.47-1.. $150/pr
ized element. FR 50-20.000 Hz; sens - 56 dB: 600 - application tailored presence boost. FR 40-18.000
ohm nominal imp; maximum input SPL 130 dB; S/N Hz; integral 4 -stage blast filter for high-level sound M-300 Unidirectional Microphone
50 dB at 1 kHz. 1 µbar; battery powered. Supplied sources; sens -152 dBm (EIA), -60 dBm (1mW/ Hypercardioid MC mic with pop filter; 3 -pin XLR con-
with 16.5 -ft cable with professional XLR/A3F connec- nector; mic stand clamp; black anodized aluminum
tor with phone plug, slip -in stand clamp, carrying case. FR 50-15,000Hz; sens - 150 dBm (EIA); imp
case, battery $100 200 ohms: 24.6 -ft cable
Audio terms are defined $125
AT811/XLR. AT811 with XLR/A3M connector on
output end of cable $105 in the glossary on page 19. CERWIN-VEGA
AT803S Subminiature Microphone For an explanation of abbreviations,
UE-1 Cardioid Microphone
Electret condenser permanently charged element; turn to the list on page 22. Uni-electret cardioid mic designed for stage instru-
omnidirectional pattern; 5 -micron polymer diaph- ments. Features pop filter: on .'off and tone imp


Microphones 11 Microphones
switches. FR 80.20,000 Hz; imp switchable 600/- Lavalier (PZM'-2LG) PL9 Dynamic Omnidirectional Microphone
10,000 ohms; sens -70 dB into 600 ohms (0 dB = 1 Designed to be worn on tie. scarf, or coat .. $350 Omnidirectional instrument mic with professional low -
v/pbar); 16 -ft cable with 1/4" 3-conducter phone plug imp. high -output characteristics. Features turned -
and Cannon XLR-3-11C equivalent connector; Tie Bar (PZM'-3LV) steel case; Memraflex steel grille; nonreflecting gray
7.914'L x 1.930' dia $125 Smallest PZM' microphone $350 finish. Frequency response 50.20.000 Hz; output
level -58 dB $169
UD-1 Cardioid Microphone PZM'-31S Pressure Zone Microphone
Unidirectional cardioid dynamic mic designed for live Designed to complement the PZM 30GP to provide a PL91A Dynamic Cardioid Microphone
vocal applications or studio use. Features built-in pop FR with a deeper low end. Active element is an elec- Vocal mic with strong bass boost when held close.
filter and on/off switch. FR 70-15,000 Hz; sens -73 tret capsule mounted on a 6" x 5' plate so that it Features directional, antifeedback performance; lock-
dB 3 dB (0 dB = 1 v/µbar): imp 600 ohms; 16 -ft ca- faces boundary defined by plate and surface on which ing on/of switch; diecast case; snow -gray finish, char-
ble with Y." 3-conducter phone plug and Cannon XLR- plate rests. Sourd pickup pattern is hemispheric. Mic coal Memraflex grille. FR 50-15,000 Hz; low -imp out-
3-11C equivalent connector; 7.323'1 x 1.575" is usable with either PX-18 transformer or PA -18 ac- put; output level -60 dB $132
diameter $100 tive power supply. FR 20-20.000 Hz; sens -76 dB
open circuit (0 dB -1V/; normal loading imp 1k PL6 Dynamic Supercardioid Microphone
CROWN ohms; THD 3% at 150 dB SPL; S/N < 125 dB SPL; Continuously Variable -D directional mic without up -
electrical imp 150 ohms with PA -18 and PX-18; ca- close bass boost. Features extra -tight supercardioid
Pressure Zone` Microphones` ble length 5.5 ft $350 directional pattern that minimizes feedback; rugged
Hemispherically patterned electret mics engineered PZM'6S. Similar to PZM 31S, smaller size $350 cie-cast case; Memraflex grille; nonreflecting gray fin-
to respond to coherent wavefront at surface of acous- ish. FR 50-17,000 Hz: low -imp output; output level -
tic boundary to eliminate comb filtering. Designed for The Sound Grabber 56 dB $119
television, theater, concert and PA applications. Fea- Consumer version of Crown's Pressure Zone Micro-
tures reduced pressure -calibrated electret modules phone. Designed for use with video and audio cassette PL5 Dynamic Omnidirectional Microphone
mounted within a few millimeters of rigid surface and recorders. Features 10 -ft cord with '/." microphone Professional instrument mic designed for high sound -
facing a boundary; need for fewer channels; simplified plug; isolated output signal that records on standard pressure levels (SPLs). Features pop filter; low -imp
cassette recorders and effectively eliminates motor input/high output level; rugged steel case; Memraflex
design for easier set up; handles 150 -dB SPL.
Equipped with battery and phantom power supply ar- noise, muffled sounds and room reverberations; steel grille; nonreflecting gray finish. FR 40-15.000
ranged in cylindrical metal tube with XLR connectors; powered with an alkaline 1.5V battery; includes elec- Hz: output level -55 dB; SPL-handling range up to
available in gold or black. tret condenser with open circuit voltage. 1 -year full 160 dB $110
warranty $100
PAP 2.5 Microphone PL88L Dynamic Cardioid Microphone
Low -profile, minimum -visibility Pressure Zone Micro- Vocal MPG with on/off switch. Offered in 2 versions:
phone* designed to improve directional pickup. Fea- DL88L low -imp and PL88H high -imp. Features snow -

PZM' 180 Similar to Sound Grabber except wider dy-

namic range $170
gray finish, contrasting charcoal grille. FR 50-14,000
tures a nearly invisible corner boundary; transformer - Hz $84
balanced low -imp output; permanently attached 15 -ft ELECTRO-VOICE
multidirectional cable. Plugs directly into a 12-48 V GC ELECTRONICS
phantom power supply. PL80 Dynamic Supercardioid Microphone
PZM' 2.5 BR4. Brass base 4", clear boundary $399 Supercardioid mic designed for real -life use. Features 30-2372 Dynamic Microphone
PZM" 2.5 B4C. Black base 4", clear boundary $359 professional low imp, integral blast filter, snow -gray Low -imp unidirectional dynamic MC mic with profes-
PZM' 2.5 B8C. Black base 8'. clear boundary $359 finish, contrasting charcoal Memraflex grille. FR 50- sional 3 -pin connector. 20 -ft 2 -conductor cable with
PZM' 2.5 B4D. Black base 4", dark boundary $359 20,000 Hz $216 ." phone plug. FR 60-15,000 Hz; output -75 dB at
1 kHz $70
General Purpose (PZM'-30GP) PL77B Conde iser Cardioid Microphone
XLR connector, electret capsule, and mike cantilever Designed for phantom or battery powering. Has re- 30-2382 Stereo Microphone
mounted on 1/4" aluminum plate 5' x 6"; wall or floor cessed on/off switch that controls battery power only. Stereo electret mic with matched unidirectional ele-
positioning or suspension above choir or orchestra Features 2-pcsition bass -contour switch; blast filter; ments. 9.9 -ft cable with two V," phone plugs. FR 50-
$350 nonreflecting snow -gray finish, Memraflex grille. FR 16,000 Hz; output level 68 dB at 1 kHz; imp 600
50-20,000 Hz $210 ohms $43
Low Profile (PZPV6LP)
Cantilever holding electret capsule, mounted on 2' x PLI I Dynamic Supercardioid Microphone 30-2373 Cardioid Microphone
3" aluminum plate; XLR connector at end of several Instrument m.c that can double for vocal applications. Cardiodid unidirectional dynamic mic with 2 -pin

feet of cable; suitable for conference rooms or TV Features variable -D directionality that virtually elimi- screw connector and 16.5 -ft cord with ' ,." phone
nates boost at bass frequencies when used up close; plug. FR 50-17.000 Hz $40
programming $350
blast filter; low imp; steel case finished in non-
Flush Mount (PZM'-2ORMG) reflecting gray. FR 50-15,000 Hz; output level -56 30-2388 Omindirectional Microphone
All connections at section of mic extending below level dB $204 Dynamic omnidirectional mic with dual imps, 4 -pin
of capsule, ensuring invisibility of mic: suitable for screw connector, and 15 -ft cord with'/.' phone plug.
mounting into podium, lectern, or pulpit; cantilever PL76B Condenser Cardioid Microphone FR 100-10.000 Hz; output level/imp -78 dB/250
capsule protected from objects or papers by 3 small Condenser mic designed for vocal applications. Fea- ohms, -60 dB/50.000 ohms $38
metal pegs $350 tures nonreflecting snow -gray -finished die-cast case.
FR 50-20.000 Hz; distortion 1% at 136 dB SPL; 30-23J6 Dynamic Microphone
power source 1.5-V AA cell $177 Low -imp unidirectional MC mic with 2 -pin screw con-
NEED MORE INFORMATION? nector, 15 -ft low -noise cord with ' /4" phone plug. FR
PL95A Dynamic Cardioid Microphone 100-13,000 Hz; output -85 dB at 1 kHz $38
Write directly to the manufacturer or Special -element and 2 -piece diaphragm dynamic car-
distributor. A list of names and ad- dioid mic designed for wide -range linear frequency re- 30-2378 Unidirectional Microphone
sponse. Features rugged steel case; pop filter; Electret condenser mic with fixed 20 -ft heavy-duty ca-
dresses starts on page 25. ble will V." phone plug. FR 30-16.000 Hz: output
Memraflex steel grille; nonreflecting snow -gray finish.
FR 70.20,000 Hz; output level 60 dB $180 level -68 dB at 1 kHz: imp 600 ohms $31

1984 EDITION 159

Microphones 11 Microphones
30.2374 Unidirectional Microphone CP-3. Optional small -diameter, super -omnidirectional 7300 P. With XLR-XLR connector cable $95
High/low imp dynamic MC mic with 4 -pin screw con- capsule $40
nector, 20 -ft 2 -conductor shielded cable with '/." 7300 E. With XLR-phone plug cable $95
CP-4. Super -directional (shotgun) capsule $60 7300 T. With XLR-high-imp phone plug cable. $160
phone plug. FR 80-15.000 Hz; output level/imp -2 CM -100. Similar to CM -300 but powered by 1.5-V
dB/500 ohms. -52 dB/50,000 ohms 7301 P. Same as 7300 P except black matte
$28 cell; maximum SPL 118 dB at 3% distortion; dynamic finish $110
range 94 dB; supplied with CP-1 cardioid capsule, ac- 7301 E. Same as 7300 E except black matte
30 Series Microphones cepts CP-2, CP-3, CP-4 $110 finish $110
30-2398. Electret mic with 20 -ft heavy-duty cord and
'/- phone plug 7301 T. Same as 7300 T except black matte
$24 DM -500 Super Cardioid Microphone finish
30-2308. Matched -pair omni MC mics with 4.3 -ft $135
Dynamic MC mic with windscreen, super-cardioid po- 7302 P. Same as 7300 P except white finish, matte
cords $22/pr lar pattern. FR 50.15,000 Hz ±5 dB; imp 250 black windscreen $110
30-2393. Lavalier dynamic MC mic with 16.5 -ft ohms; sens -73 dB ±2.5 dB $100
7302 E. Same as 7300 P except white finish, matte
$17 black windscreen
30-2302. Omnidirectional MC mic with 4.5 -ft cord $110
7302 T. Same as 7300 P except white finish, matte
$11 NEUMANN black windscreen $135
JVC fet 80 Condenser Microphones 7200 Stereo Cardioid Microphone
Line of studio mics that come in many configurations Cardioid dynamic mic with 2 MC elemints for 1 -point
M-201 Electret Condenser Microphone (omnidirectional, figure -8, cardioid, multiple pattern. stereo micing. Features fixed 9 -ft cable with dual col-
FR 40-18,000 Hz; sens -71 dB; S/N ratio > 47 dB at multiple pattern stereo); can be battery or phantom
lkHz; output imp 600 ohms or -coded phone plugs; stand adapter. FR 80-15,000
$60 (separate power supplies) powered except U 87 Hz; sens -63 dBm; imp 8 ohms: 6 oz $70
(which contains a switchable battery compartment).
MURA KM 83. Omnidirectional $349 7100 Cardioid Microphone
KM 84. Cardioid $349 r'ardioid dynamic mic for vocal and general-purpose
DX -242 Stereo Microphones KM 85. Cardioid, low -frequency rolloff $349 :ecording and PA use. Features wire -mesh wind-
Type F matched -paired stereo mics for stereo record- KMS 84. Pop -proof cardioid $835 screen; fixed 18 -ft cable with phone plug; stand
ers. Supplied with adapters to convert from mini to U 47fet. Cardioid
standard '/." phone plug; 5 -ft cable. Imp 500 ohms: adapter. FR 80.15,000 Hz: sens -59 dBm; imp 600
KMR 81. Hyper/supercardioid short shotgun $$96995 6 ohms; 6.5 oz
sens -70 dB at 1 kHz; FR 60-12.000 Hz $20 KMR 82. Shotgun

KM 88. Switchable 3 -pattern $1$$0700$ 8200 Lavalier Electret Condenser Microphone
EX -279 Lapel Microphone KM 86. Switchable 3 -pattern $915 Battery -powered electret condenser mic with alligator
Omnidirectional electret condenser mic with clothing KMF 4. Cardioid system $655 clip for broadcast, public address, and instrumental
clip. 10 -ft cable. mini plug, battery. FR 30-16,000 KMA. Omni tie -clasp
Hz; imp 600 ohms amplification and recording. Battery and windscreen
$20 KU 81. Binaural artificial head$2,570
$300 included. Battery module includes belt clip. 9 -ft cable
U 87. 3 -pattern
DX -118 Cassette Microphone ends in XLR. FR 50-12,000 Hz; imp 200 ohms (bal-
U 89. 5 -pattern $$11:009487 anced); sens -54 dBm; mic 1'/.. x
Type B mic designed to fit most cassette recorders battery mod-
SM 69 fet. Multipattern stereo $2,850 ule 3' x %-; 3 oz complete weight.
and supplied with dual plugs for audio, remote con- $66
USM 69. Multipattern stereo $2,590
trol. Imp 500 ohms; sens -70 dB at 1 kHz; FR 60- N80G2. 117-V ac portable power supply for powering
12.000 Hz; remote switch; 5 -ft cable $6 1 or 2 fet 80 mics
DX -211 Microphone DM -61 Dynamic Microphone
PHILIPS Unidirectional dynamic mic. FR 80-12,000 Hz; sens
Type E single -plug mic designed for tape recorders re-
quiring high -quality mic with single miniature plug. 75 d8/µbar at 1 kHz; imp 600 ohms $130
7401 Series Cardioid Microphones
Supplied with adapter to convert from mini to stan- Cardioid dynamic mics for professional vocal record- DM -51 Dynamic Microphone
dard 1/4" phone plug; on/off switch; 5 -ft cable. Imp ing and live applications. Features ball -head wire -
500 ohms; sens -70 d8 at 1 kHz; FR 60-12,000 Unidirectional dynamic mic. FR 80.12,000 Hz; sens
Hz 75 dB/Abar at 1 kHz; imp 600 ohms $100
DM -21 Dynamic Microphone
NAKAMICHI Unidirectional dynamic mic. FR 100-15,000 Hz; sens
75 dB/lAbar; imp 500 ohms $30
CM -3007 Electret Tri Microphone
DM -51 -Dynamic Microphone
Tri-mic system with 3 CM -300 mic recording system;
supplied with carrying case with space for head- Unidirectional dynamic mic. FR 80-12.000 Hz; sens
phones. cables, accessories 75 dB/µbar at 1 kHz; imp 600 ohms $100
CM -300S. Similar to CM -300T except single-mic
version DM -21 Dynamic Microphone
Unidirectional dynamic mic. FR 100-15,000 Hz; sens
DM -1000 Dynamic Cardioid Microphone 75 dB/t.abar; imp 500 ohms $30
mesh windscreen; on/off switch; detachable 15 -ft ca-
Cardioid MC mic with low -mass diaphragm, voice coil ble; stand adapter; black matte finish. FR 50-18,000
for extended high -end response; designed for vocals. PML by ERCONA
Hz; sens -73 dBm; imp 600 ohms; 9.5 oz.
Features triple metal screen pop, blast, wind filter; 7401 P. With XLR-XLR connector cable $135 DC -63 Condenser Microphone
double casing, foam suspension for reduced sensitiv- 7401 E. With XLR-phone plug cable
ity to vibration; immunity to hum and magnetic fields.
Condenser mic with adjustable direction permitting
7401 T. With XLR-high-imp phone plug cable. $116305
$ the mic to be used in cardioid, bidirectional and omni-
FR 30-20,000 Hz ±3.5 dB: sens -76 dB at 1 kHz (0
dB = 1V/; imp 250 ohms; supplied with Can- directional patterns. With the use of 2 ring switches
7300 Series Cardioid Microphones built around 4 reed switches and the directional po-
non -type XLR-3 connector; anodized black matte fin- Cardioid dynamic mics for vocal and instrumenta'
ish; 10.4 oz tentiometer, 44 distinct combinations are possible. In
$300 recorking and sound reinforcement. Ball -head wire -
cardioid A pattern: directivity index 18-20 dB; FR 30-
mesh windscreen; on/off switch; detachable 15 -ft ca- 20,000 Hz; sens -48 dB/Pa (over 200 ohms at 1
CM -300 Electret Condenser Microphone ble; stand adapter; silver/grey finish. FR 50-16,000
Studio -type system with interchangeable capsules. V); output 4.0 mV/Pa (over 200 ohms at 1 V): dy-
Hz: sens -57 dBm; imp 6 ohms; 8.5 oz. namic range 126 dB. For the cardioid B patterns: di-
Basic set comes with CP-1 cardioid and CP-2 omnidi-
rectional capsules, windscreen, 15 -ft cable, XLR con-
nector, battery, stand adapter. Features 10 -dB atten-
uator pad; low-cut proximity effect compensator. FR
±3.5 dB 30-18,000 Hz (CP-3); 30-20,000 Hz (CP-
4) ±3.5 dB; imp 200 ohms balanced; sens ±2.5 dB
-76 dB (CP-1. CP-2, CP-4), -74 d8 (CP-3); 138 -dB Prices of items described are manufacturers' suggested prices
SPL maximum (CP-1, CP-2): 136 dB SPL maximum
(CP-3); 118 -dB SPL maximum (CP-4) at 3% distor- only and are subject to change without notice. Actual selling
tion; dynamic range 114 dB (CP-1, CP-2), 107 dB prices are determined by the dealers.
(CP-3). 94 dB (CP-4) $170
CP-2. Omni capsule for CM -100 (included with CM -
300) $20

rMicrophones 11 Microphones
rectivity index 18.20 dB; FR 30-20,000 Hz; sans balanced option; XLR-type connector; 16 4 -ft cable
- 52 dB/Pa (over 200 ohms at 1 V); output 2.5 with plug $40 RECOTON
mV/Pa (over 200 ohms at I V); dynamic range 130
dB. Bidirectional: directivity index 22-25 dB; FR 30- 33-919 Dual Pattern Microphone MM -670 Unidirectional Dynamic Micropho
Stereo electret condenser mic with 2 internal cap- Unidirectional dynamic aic with on; off, hi 1, low imp
20,000 Hz; sens --52 dB/Pa (over 200 ohms at 1
V); output 2.5 mV/Pa (over 200 ohms at 1 V) dynam- sules. Features switchable wide/normal pickup pat- switches, black satin finish, wind filter. FR 30-18.000
tern. FR 30-15.000 Hz. Requires AA cell $40 Hz; 20 -ft with standard phone plug $70
ic range 130 dB. Omnidirectional: FR 30-20,000 Hz;
sens -- 52 dB/Pa (over 200 ohms at 1 V); output 2.5
mV/Pa (over 200 ohms at 1 V); dynamic range 130 33-1071 Cardioid Microphone MM -3000 Unidirectional Dynamic Micro', tone
Cardioid rem with pop filter. Features wire -mesh grille; Unidirectional dynamic mic with on/off switch, wind
dB. Output imp (balanced) 200 ohms. 158 > 31
$890 heavy-duty die-cast body; on/off switch; balanced filter, aluminum finish. FR 30.18,000 Hz; 20 -ft cable
mm; 325 grams; blasted chrome finish
low -imp capacity; 12 -ft cable with 1/4" phone plug; ith standard phone plug $65
DC96/12 Condenser Microphone stand adapter. FR 50.15.000 Hz $30
Cardioid mic which reproduces equal sound quality MM -660 Cardioid Microphone
33.1066 Compact Stereo Microphone Unidirectional electret condenser stereo mic for out-
within an area coverage of 180°. SYMSI power supply.
Cardioid back-electret mic with one -point placement door use; 1.5-V battery -powered; sens -68 dB at 1
Directivity index 18-20 dB; FR 30-20,000 Hz -I-2
42 dB Pa (over 200 ohms at 1 V); output to simplify stereo recording. Designed for excellent kHz; FR 50-16.000 Hz; imp 600 ohms. Includes
dB; sans
V); dynamic range transient response. FR 50-18,000 Hz; imp 600 windscreen, 3-m cord; aluminum casing; 295 g $60
8.0 mV/Pa (over 200 ohms at 1

120 dB; output imp balanced 200 ohms; 51/4' x 1'; ohms. Includes built-in desk stand; standard'/." -27
7.5 oz; satin -chrome finish $600 mounting threads; 8.2 -ft cable with 2 '/.- (3.5mm) MM -620 Cardioid Microphone
plugs; foam windscreen; on/off switch $30 Unidirectional cardioid electret mic designed for per-
DC -96. Similar to DC -96/12 except with SYMSI 48;
forming, Broadcasting, PA, home recording. Sens -68
sens 44 dB/Pa (over 200 ohms at 1 V); output 6.3
mV/Pa (over 200 ohms at 1 V); dynamic range 122 33-992B Supercardioid Microphone dB; FR 30-16.000 Hz; imp matches 200-600 ohms;
light directional patter' mic designed for PA/ - operates on 1.5-V AA battery. Supplied with 18 -ft
dB; 5' r P; 7 oz $520
recording use. Features windscreen; all --petal body; shielded cable with standard phone plug, swivel mic
on/off switch; 6 -ft cable with 1/4' plug; stand adapter. adapter, vinyl case; satin gold finish $50
VM-40 Condenser Microphone
Omnidirectional mic with choice of 2 power supplies, FR 80-14,000 Hz $25
voice/music switch, integral attenuator for close-mic 11M-770 Miniature Stereo Microphone
33-1091 Pocket Binaural Amplified Listener Ultraminature stereo electret condenser mic with 2
voice technique, and 4 -position ring switch that allows
Features 2 directional mics with dual -channel sepa- pickup elements. Features matrix circuit to provide
10 dB attenuation and/or low frequency roll -off. The
rate volume controls for each channel; high boost superior stereo separation; color -coded on/off switch;
mic can be powered by the SYMSI 12 (providing i 10
switch; 31/4 x 2'/, 1/4'; requires stereo head- 2 color -coded 3.5 -mm plugs; 2 standard phone -plug
V up to 448 V) or the SYMSI 48 (a +48 power sup-
phones with 1/4" plug or adapter and 2 AA adapters; foam windscreen; vinyl storage case. FR 48-
ply). With the SYMSI 12: FR 30-20,000 Hz; sens -42
batteries $20 18,000 Hz; imp 600 ohms; sans -80 dB at 1 kHz; dc
dB/Pa (over 200 ohms at 1 V); output 8.0 mV/Pa 22m
power source 1.35-V mercury cell; 76 mm L
(over 200 ohms at 1 V); dynamic range 118 dB; out-
put imp balanced 200 ohms; 135mm > 19mm; 120 33.1056 Electret Tie -Clip Microphone W x 22m D (including stand); < 3 oz; 1-m cord .$50
gr. With the SYMSI 48: FR 30-20,000 Hz; sans -48 Omnidirectiona, mic comes with 10 -ft cord (1/4" plug);
dB/Pa (over 200 ohms at 1 V); output 4.0 mV/Pa 1/4' mini plug adaptor; long life mercury battery; met- MM -610 Unidirectional Microphone
al case; clip and tie pin. FR 30-12,000 Hz; 600 Sensitive slimline unidirectional cardioid electret mic
(over 200 ohms at 1 V); dynamic range 124 dB; out-
ohms; 1/4' long $20 with brushed satin gold aluminum finish, shi- Ided ca-
put imp balanced 200 ohms; 110mm x 19mm; 95
$380 ble, windscreen, swivel mic adapter, vinyl carrying
gr; satin -chrome finish. With the SYMSI 12
$300 33-985C Omnidirectional Microphone case. FR 40-15.000 Hz; sens -66 dB; imp matches
VM-40 with SYMSI 48
High -ball omnidirectional mic with wire -mesh wind- 200-600 ohms; dc power 1.5-V AA cell; 18 -ft cable
VM-41. Similar to the VM-40 except with a cardioid
screen. Features pop filter; chromed body; on/off with standard phone plug $41
pattern and a directivity index of 12-15 dB. With
SYMSI 12 $405 switch; 6 -ft cable with 1/4' plug; stand adapter. FR50-
$325 13.000 Hz $20 MM-33ll Cardioid Microphone
VM-41 with SYMSI 48
Unidirectional dynamic cardioid mic designed for per-
33.1065 Microphone formers. Features hi/lo and on/off switches; ball -head
FP -92C0 Condenser Microphone
Cardioid condenser mic with internal 15 V power sup- Dual -head electret condenser mic adjusts up to 90° design; triple -mesh construction; 18 -ft shielded cable
ply that allows equipment connection as in any dy- for optimum stereo separation. Features built-in ta- with standard phone plug; swivel mic adapter; vinyl
ble -top stand; 61/4 -ft cord with 2 mini plugs; 2 foam case; silver finish $38
namic mic. Power supply shuts off when Cannon
XLR3-12 connector is detached. Directivity index 10- windscreens. FR 50-15.000 Hz; Requires AA cell $20
12 dB; FR 30-20,000 Hz t-3 dB; sens -38 dB/Pa MM -680 Omnidirectional Microphone
33-1050 Electret Microphone Electret condenser omnidirectional mic with on/off
(over 200 ohms at 1 V) and -18 dKB/Pa (over 10
kilohms at 1 V); output 12.6 mV/Pa (over 200 ohms Lightweight electret mic with windscreen, adjustable switch, wind filter, black aluminum finish. FR 50-
at 1 V) and 126 mV/Pa (over 10 kilohms at 1 V); dy- stand. on/off switch, 9 -ft cable with 1/4' plug. Sup- 16.008 Hz; low imp 20 -ft cable with standard phone
plied with battery. FR 20-13,000 Hz plug $35
namic range 116 dB; output impedance unbalanced
200 ohms and 10 kilohms; 61/4' >, 1/4'; 4 oz; satin - $18
chrome finish $380 MM -600 Unidirectional Microphone
FP -92K0. Similar to FP -92C° except omnidirectional 33-990 MC -1000 Unidirectional cardioid electret mic with on/off
pattern. Sens -42 dB/Pa (over 200 ohms at 1 V) 150-10,000 Hz response; imp 10,000 ohms; 51/4' switch. swivel stand adapter, satin gold aluminum fin-
and -22 dB/Pa (over 10 kilohms at 1 V); output 8.0 long; 6 -ft cable; V." plug $16 ish. FR 50-13,000 Hz; imp 200-600 ohms; power
source 1.5-V AA cell; 9 -ft cable with standard phone
mV 'Pa (over 200 ohms at 1 V) and 80.0 mV/Pa $32
(over 10 kilohms at one V) $365 33-1060 Electret Condenser Omnidirectional plug
20-13,000 Hz response; 6% ft cord; comes with
REALISTIC stand, windscreen, battery $13 MM -760 Ultraminiature Electret Microphone
Omnidirectional tie clip electret mic. Output level 65
33-1040 Dynamic Omnidirectional dB, FR 30-16,000 Hz; powered by 1.5-V AA battery
33-984 Highball Cardioid Microphone
Unidirectional dynamic mic with on/off switch, ball - Features miri-plug for audio, submini for remote (in plug assembly); 15 -ft shielded cable; standard
type screen pop/blast filter, rubber antishock ring. FR on/off; FR 100-11,000 Hz; low imp; includes 6% -ft phone plug; vinyl case; brush gold finish;'/.' diameter
cord, slip-on desk stand $13 x 1/41_ $32
80-13,000 Hz; switchable imp 600 ohms low, 10k
ohms high (low imp balanced option); XLR-type con-
nector: 16.5 -ft cable with plug $50 33-1058 Electret Tie -Clip Microphone MM400 Stereo Microphone Set
Fastens to tie or lapel; 30-12.000 Hz response; 600 Matched pair of mics with universal plugs and adapt-
ohms; metal case; long; includes clip, 6 -ft cord ers. Feature on/off switches, 500 -ohm imp, 3 -ft
33-1090 PZM Microphone
with mini -plug and long -life mercury battery .$10 cords $29
Pressure -zone mic with element mounted on a metal
plate. 20-18.000 Hz response; 600 ohms; 5 y,
41/4% 18 -ft cord with 1/4' plug; power supply box near 33-1034 'Pencil' Dynamic MM -750 Miniature Microphone
plug has on/standby/off switch; requires AA battery Features mini -plug for mike; submini plug for remote Ultra -small lavalier mic. FR 50-12.000 Hz; imp 600
$40 control jack on recorders; desk stand 6 -ft cord; FR ohms; sans -72 dB; power source 1.5-V cell; 13/. L
150-10.000 Hz $7 54" d-ameter; 20 -ft cable with 3.5 -mm mini plug. $26
33-1070 Super Omni Dynamic Microphone
Omnidirectional dynamic mic with all -metal body, rub- 33.1054 Low -Cost Dynamic DM150 Dynamic Microphone
Replacement Inc designed for voice, mu c. Features
ber shock ring, windscreen/blast filter. FR 40- Features mini -plug for mike; submini plug for remote
control; 3 -ft cord; slip-on stand $5 on/otf switch, desk stand, 3.5 -mm phoi plug, 2.5-
17,000 Hz 1 3 dB; imp 500 ohms, unbalanced with

Microphones 11 Microphones
mm remote -control plug. Imp 500 ohms; 3 -ft 57956 "Vocal Sphere" Omnidirectional Microphone A15 Series In -Line Adapters
cord $17 Omnidirectional mic with snap -in stand attachment, Modifies mic response. Has 3 -pin male output, female
on/off switch, pop/blast filter. Designed for speech, input connectors
MM100 High -Impedance Microphone rock vocal, music use. Power level -57 dB; FR 50- A15AS. Switchable mic attenuator $35
Replacement for crystal or other high -imp mic. Fea- 14,000 Hz; low imp; 20 -ft cable and connector; A15PRS. Switchable phase reverser $31
tures on/off switch; desk stand; phone plug; 5 -ft chrome finish $96 A15HP. High-pass filter $31
cord $16 A15LP. Low-pass filter $31
Unisphere A Cardioid Microphones A15PA. Presence adapter $31
DM100 Dynamic Microphone Hand-held cardioid mics with slip -in stand attach- A15RS. Response shaper $31
Features desk stand, 5 -ft cord, 3.5 -mm phone plug, ment, pop/blast filter, on/off switch. Designed for A15LA. Line input adapter $31
2.5 -mm remote -control plug. Imp 500 ohms $9 speech, rock vocal, music use. Power level -59 dB; FR A15BT. Bridging transformer $31
DM120. Same as DM100 except imp 50k ohms$15 50-13,000 Hz; 15 -ft cable with connectors, chrome A15TG. Tone generator $41
DM130. Same as DM100 except imp 200 ohms $9 finish. A27M. Stereo mic mount $35
586SA-C. High imp with V" plug $106 A53M. Shock mount for 578. 579. SM59, SM63,
DM133 Budget Cassette Microphone 586SA-LC. Less cable $92 SM81 mics $30
Inexpensive mic with desk' stand, 3 -ft cord, 3.5 -mm 586SB-CN. Low imp with 3 -pin plug $113 A55M. Shock mount for 515, 516, 545, 565, 585,
phone plug, 2.5 -mm remote -control plug. Imp 200 586SB-LC. Less cable $91 588. SM77, SM78 mics $30
ohms $7
Unisphere B Cardioid Microphones A95 Series Line -Matching Transformers.
REVOX High -imp cardioid mics. Power level -60.5 dB; FR 80- Connect low -imp mics to high -imp inputs or vice -
13,000 Hz. Handheld with slip -in stand attachment; versa. Designed for use with most mics, input jacks.
M3500 Dynamic Cardioid Microphone use for speech, rock vocal, music; has pop/blast filter; A95U. Low -Z, 3 -pin; high -Z. 1/2" plug. jack $24
Dynamic unidirectional hypercardioid moving -coil mi- on/off switch; comes with 15 -ft cable and connector; A95UF. Low -Z. 3 -pin; high -Z. '/" plug, jack $29
crophone. FR 40-18,000 Hz; imp 600 ohms. Comes chrome finish.
with windscreen, clamp, table stand, case; Cannon 588SA. High imp $77 SP19 "Sound Bridge" Unidirectional Microphones
XLR connector. Supplied with FR curve. All -metal con- 588SB. Low imp $77 Lightweight mics with cardioid pickup pattern. Fea-
struction with matte -black finish $200 588SAC. 588SA with '/.' plug $80 tures on/off switch; integral shock mount; 15 -ft cable
588SB-CN. 588SB with 3 -pin plug $84
515SAC Unidynev B Microphone
EM -5 Electret Condenser Microphone Dynamic cardioid mic for good -quality sound systems,
Unidirectional single -point electret condenser mic. FR tape recordings. Has locking on/off switch. Power lev-
70.15,000 Hz; imp 1k ohms balanced; frontal sens - el -61 dB; FR 80-13,000 Hz; high imp. Comes with
72 dB; power source 1.5-V R-1 cell $77 15 -ft cable with %.° phone plug, built-in shock
mount $57
DM -3 Dynamic Microphone 560. Similar to 515SAC $61
Unidirectional dynamic mic. Imp 500 ohms unbal-
anced; FR 100-10.000 Hz; frontal sens -77 dB; 3-m 575S Omnidirectional Microphone
cord with 6.3 -mm phone plug $20 Dynamic mic designed for wall/panel mount, on desk
or floor stand, or lavalier or handheld use. Features
SHURE slide -to -talk on/off switch; high imp. FR 40-15,000
Hz; output -58 dB; black ARMO-DUR* finish with sat-
Unisphere' I Series Microphones in anodized cap, stainless -steel grille; 7'/. oz. In-
Dynamic cardioid mic for high -quality recording, re- cludes stand adapter. lavalier assembly; 7 -ft single -
production. Has built-in pop filter; dual imp. FR 50- conductor shielded cable $37
15,000 Hz; power level -57 dB low imp; 15 -ft cable 575SB. Similar to 575S but low imp $37
565D. $130
565SD. Same as 565D plus on/off switch in Professional Microphones
handle. $133
565SD-CN. Same as 565D plus on/off switch. 20 -ft SM59-CN Dynamic Cardioid Microphone and plug; swivel adapter; silver Armo-Dur" case with
cable with 3 -pin professional connector. $139 Unidirectional mic with mechano-pneumatic shock - steel -mesh grille. Power level -62.5 dB; FR 80-
5655D -LC. Same as 565SD-CN less cable $118 mount design, pop filter. Power level -61 dB; FR 50- 13,000 Hz.
15,000 Hz; imp 150 ohms; aluminum, zinc, stain- SP19H-C. High imp with 1/4" phone plug $48
516EQ E-Qualidyne' Microphone less -steel construction; champagne enamel SP19L-CN. Low imp with pro 3 -pin connector $48
Unidirectional cardioid dynamic equalizer mic for finish $205
tape recording. Features equalization, response -shap- SM59-LC. Same as SM59-CN but less cable $184 SONY
ing control; 4 switches on handle provide 16 different
combinations of special effects to eliminate undesir- SM63-CN Dynamic Omnidirectional Microphone ECM -23F Cardioid Microphone
able effects or enhance various instruments. FR 50- Miniature lightweight omnidirectional mic with hum - Unidirectional back electret mic. Features FET imp
15,000 Hz; imp 150 ohms. Comes with foam wind- bucking coil, shock mount, breath/pop filter. Output translator; battery power, low-cut switch; pad switch;
screen; swivel adapter; cable; mini -plug adapter cable; power -56.5 dB; FR 50.20,000 Hz; imp 150 ohms; windscreen; carrying case ; cable; mic holder; XLR-3
carrying case Veraflex' grille damage resistant to drops and im-
microphone connector. FR 20.20,000 Hz; imp 250
516EQ-PR. Pair of 516EQ mics pact, rust, moisture, corrosion; champagne finish alu- ohms; S/N ratio 44 dB; SPL 126 dB maximum; dy-
minum case $126 namic range 96 dB; output for both balanced, unbal-
Unidyne' Ill Series Microphones
Dynamic cardioid mic for high -quality music, voice re-
SM63-LC. Same as SM63-CN except no cable $105 anced circuits; 20 -ft cable; L 1'/"
diameter $115
cording, reproduction. Dual imp. FR 50-15,000 Hz; SMII-CN Miniature Lavalier Microphone
power level -58.5 dB in low imp. Supplied with 15 -ft Dynamic omnidirectional mic with lavalier. tie -bar, tie - ECM-939LT Microphone
cable. tack mounting options. FR 50-15,000 Hz; power level Stereo -pickup mic designed to mate with Sony TCS-
545D. $118 -64 dB; low imp. Weighs 0.28 oz. Comes with 48- ca- 310. M-1000, M -1000B stereo cassette,
545SD. Same as 545D plus on/off switch in ble, mounting accessories $95 microcassette recorders. Comes with mini plug; PC -
handle $121 SM17-CN. Similar to SM11-CN but includes musical 61 Unimatch plug adapter; mic stand; windscreen;
545SH. Same as 545D but with on/off switch in per- instrument mounting accessories, 10 -ft. cable $100 carrying case. Offers easy adaptability to remote -con-
manently attached stand mount $126 trol operation when used with Sony MRU-60 remote -
545SIXN. Same as 545D plus on/off switch, 20 -ft SM57-CN Unidirectional Microphone control unit. FR 60-20,000 Hz; dynamic range > 96
cable with 3 -pin professional connectors $128 Dynamic mic with cardioid polar pattern, suitable for dB; coverage angle 0%150% 4 '4" L v 23/. " W $115

545L. Same as 545D but low imp. Supplied with instrument pickup. FR 40-15,000 Hz; output -56.5
lavalier cord, clip, permanently attached 20 -ft dB; dual low imp. Comes with 20 -ft cable with 3 -pin ECM -929T "Sound Crew" Electret Microphone
cable $97 professional connectors $145 Bidirectional back electret cardioid-capsule micro-
phone with stereo characteristics. FR 50-15,000 Hz;
578 Omnidyne Omnidirectional Microphone SM58-CN Unidirectional Microphone output level -57.6 dOm. Comes with stand; wind-
Omnidirectional hand-held mic for music, speech. Dynamic mic with cardioid polar pattern, suitable for screen; carrying case; left, right Unimatch plugs
Power level -60 dB; FR 50-15,000 Hz; dual imp; 15 - vocal pickup. FR 50.15,000 Hz; output power level - (threaded mini plugs with V.' phone -plug sleeves).
ft cable; accessory swivel bracket; chrome 56 dB; dual low imp; pop filter. Comes with 20 -ft ca- Compatible with all consumer tape recorders. 5'L x
finish $110 ble with 3 -pin professional connectors $181 %." diameter ...$85


Microphones 11 Microphones
ECM -150 Omnidirectional Microphone only; 10 -ft 2 -conductor shielded cable with mini from vocals to musical instruments, mic holder (%');
Miniature omnidirectional electret condenser micro- plug $54 adaptor included $40
phone. FR 40-13,000 Hz; output impedance 250
ohms; S/N ratio 60 dB; maximum SPL 117 dB; dy- EC -5 Cardioid Microphone RP -V340 Cardioid Microphone
namic range 83 dB; plug adapter for miniphone con- Pressure gradient electret condense mic. FR 40- Dynamic i.ardioid mic with 100-10.000 Hz FR: built-
nections; on/off switch; includes windscreen, case 15.000 Hz: output - 52 dB; S/N > 51 dB; max SPL in wind screen reduces wind, noise and overload from
with mic stand, tie clip, battery; fixed mic connector; 119 dB: output imp 2.2k ohms unbalanced; 6.97'L
6 -ft 5 -in cable; "A," diameter "421_ $65 0.87' dia; 4.1 oz mic and cable; 10 -ft shielded ca-
ble with mini/mini phone plug $42
F-V7ET Dynamic Cardioid Microphone
Dynamic cardioid vocal mic with active ciruitry that EC -3 Cardioid Microphone
produces vibrato, echo effects. Comes with Unimatch Pressure gradient electret condenser mic. FR 50-
plug that allows compatibility with all consumer tape 15.000 Hz; output 52 dB; S/N > 50 dB; max SPL
recorders and mic stand. Features on/off switch, 118 dB; imp 1.5k ohms unbalanced; 7.05'L
normal 'echo switch, speed effect switch. FR 100- 0.89' dia; 8.8 oz mic and cable; 10 -ft shielded cable
12.000 Hz; high imp; 8%1_ 1'/' diameter; 6.7 with mini/mini phone plug $28
oz $60
EC -1 Omnidirectional Microphone
ECM -2207 "The Instrument Mic" Pressure -type electret condenser mic. FR 60-13.000
Back electret condenser cardioid mic for micing in- Hz; output - 52 dB; S/N > 50 dB; maximum SPL
struments, with unimatch plug to fit all home record- 116 dB; imp 2k ohms unbalanced; 4.02"L n 0.69'
ers. FR 50.14,000 Hz: imp 200 ohms $50 dia; 3.5 oz mic and cable; 10 -ft shielded cable with
mini/mini plug $18
Fv-50T Cardiod Microphopne
"True reptoduction" cardiod mic; FR 90-13,000 Hz; TASCAM by TEAC
2 built-in windscreens; convenient on/off switch; low
imp; mic holder $45 PE -250 Moving -Coil Microphone
Professional MC mic designed for PA/recording appli- close-up voice sounds; excellent for voice recording
ECM -16T "The Tie Tac Mic" cations. Features cardioid MC design with 4 -position mic holder (%°) adapter included $26
Omnidirectional electret condenser mic for lavalier low -frequency rolloff selector; 250 -ohm balanced out-
applications, with unimatch plug to fit all home tape put with XLR connector; built-in threaded stand UHER by WALTER ODEMER
recorders. FR 50-13.000 Hz; imp 250 ohms .. $40 mount $250
M 646 Cardioid Microphone
ECM -101 Condensor Microphone PE -150 Electret Condenser Microphone Electret condenser cardioid mic. FR 30.20,000 Hz;
Stereo back electret condenser T-shaped mic with Professional PA recording cardioid electret condens- sens 3.5 mV/pA; imp 280 ohms. Supplied with table
mini -plug; FR 100-15.000 Hz $39 er mic operates on 1.5-V AA cell, accepts 48-V phan- stand and windscreen; powered by internal primary
tom power with no switching or battery removal. Fea- battery or from recorder's mic cable with 8 -pole
F -99T "The Stereo Mic" tures 10 -dB pad; off/flat/low-frequency rolloff plug $203
Stereo dynamic mic for recording purposes, with left switch; 200 -ohm balanced output with XLR connec-
and right unimatch plug to fit all home tape recorders. tor; stand adapter; 20 -ft cable; 1.5-V AA cell . $150 M 634 Stereo Microphones
FR 80.12.000 Hz; imp 200 ohms $40 Stereo -pair dynamic shotgun cardioid mics with
PE -120 Electret Condenser Microphone stereobar. All -metal design. FR 50-16,000 Hz; sens
PBR-330 Parabolic Sound Reflector Professional PAi recording cardioid,'omnidirectional 2.3 mV/pA; low resistive imp. Includes collapsible ta-
Concentrates sound for greater reach when used with condenser mic with 200 -ohm balanced output and ble stand and storage case $194
Sony ECM -170A. ECM -150 omnidirectional micro- XLR connector $100 M 534. Similar to M 634, but is single mic for desk
phones. Features hand-held or stand mount .... $70 PE -80. Identical to PE120 except no accessory omni- use $98
directional capsule $90
PE -50. Similar to PE -120 except carioid capsule is VIDAIRE ELECTRONICS
SUPERSCOPE by MARANTZ non -interchangeable $50
620 Unidirectional Ultradynamic Microphone
EC -9P Cardioid Microphone TEAC Professional mic features hi/lo dual imp; on/off
Pressure gradient electret condenser cardioid mic. FR switch' unidirectional pattern to eliminate unwanted
30-17.000 Hz: output 50 dB; S/N > 59 dB; maxi- ME -120 Microphone noise; 2 -position cable plug to change imp; mic hold-
mum SPL 126 dB; output imp 250 ohms balanced; Cardioid or omnidirectional electret condenser mic er; satin gold finish. Imp 600/50k ohms; FR 30-
7.7"L - 1.18" dia; 13.8 oz mic and cable; 10 -ft 2 - with 2 -position response switch (40.18,000 Hz car- 18.000 Hz; sens at 600/50k ohms -78/-60 dB;
conductor shielded cable with female Cannon connec- dioid. 30-16,000 Hz omni). Supplied with stand 20 -ft cable with 1/2" phone plug $53
tor, pigtails at other end $110 adapter. 2 windscreens, 15 -ft cable $120
ME -80. Same as ME -120 except cardioid only. 50- 942C Unidirectional Ball Microphone
EC -15P Tie -Clasp Microphone 16.000 Hz range $90 Dynamic ball mic with dual imp; on/off switch; unidi-
Omnidirectional electret condenser tie -clasp mic. FR ME -50. Similar to ME -80 except unbalanced/ - rectional pickup pattern to eliminate unwanted noise;
70-16.000 Hz: output - 52 dB; S/N > 60 dB; max balanced 10k/200 -ohm imp; range 50.14.000 Hz. mic holder. Imp 600/50k ohms; FR 80-15,000 Hz;
SPL 123 dB: output imp 250 ohms balanced; 1.5"L Supplied with foam windscreen and %." plug $50 sens at 600/50k ohms - 72/ - 52 dB; 20 -ft shield-
0.37" dia; 1.2 oz mic only; 15 -ft shielded cable ed cable with V." phone plug $48
with Cannon connector $100
TECHNICS 619 Unidirectional Microphone
EC -33S Microphone
Dynamic contoured mic with dual imp; on/off switch;
Pressure gradient electret condenser 3 -in -1 mic can RP -3545E Cardioid Electret Microphone unidirectional pickup pattern to eliminate unwanted
be separated into 2 unidirectional mics, put together Wide -response cardiod electret condenser mic; 40- noise: mic holder; satin gold finish. Imp 600/50k
to make single bidirectional stereo mic. FR 50- 14.000 Hz FR; excellent "detail" mic for complex in- ohms. FR 80-15.000 Hz; sens at 600/50k ohms
15,000 Hz; output -46 dB; max SPL 118 dB; S/N strument ensembles; stand adapter included ... $70 - 72 52 dB: 20 -ft cable with V,- phone plug $47
>55 dB; output imp 1k ohm unbalanced; 7.41_ x
1' dia each mic; 6.24 oz mic only; 10 -ft shielded ca- RP -3215E Stereo Cardioid Microphone 729 Tie -Clasp Electret Microphone
ble with 2 mini, 1 submini plugs $66 Stereo cardioid electret-condenser mic; two mic ele- Highly sensitive omnidirectional tie -clasp electret con-
ments physically aligned for easy stereo perspective; denser mic. Comes with vinyl carrying case. Imp 600
EC -7 Cardioid Microphone 50.10,000 Hz FR $60 ohms; FR 50-16,000 Hz; sens -65 dB at 1 kHz; cur-
Pressure gradient electret condenser mic. FR 40- rent drain 160 microamperes; 1.3-V mercury cell in-
16,000 Hz: output 52 dB; max SPL 123 dB; S/N RP -3500E Cardioid Microphone cluded; 1' diameter x 1'4'1; 13 -ft cable with
Cardioid electret-condenser mic; 50-12,000 Hz FR; phone plug $40
55 dB; output imp 250 ohms balanced; 7.441_
1.5' dia; 10.4 oz mic and cable: 10 -ft shielded cord high signal -handling ability for excellent dynamic
with phone plug $64 range for recording music; tripod desk stand 618 Omnidirectional Dynamic Microphones
included $60 Matahed-pair mics designed for all types of home and
EC -12B Omnidirectional Microphone
portable stereo tape recorders. Imp 500 ohms; FR
Electret condenser mic. FR 100-15.000 Hz; output RP -V370 Unidirectional Microphone 80-10.000 Hz; 5 -ft cord with 3.5 -mm mini -plug; in-
-52 dB; max SPL 120 dB. S/N 50 dB; imp 250 Unidirectional dynamic mic; 40-12,000 Hz FR; wide cludes mic stands; optional adapter converts to stan-
ohms balanced: 10.12' L 0.55' dia; 2.3 oz mic range makes this excellent for recording anything dard 1/4" plug $28/pr

1984 EDITION 163

ACE AUDIO controls. Center frequencies 31, 62, 125. 250, 500, SS -115 Graphic Equalizer
1k, 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k Hz; boost/cut range ±12 dB; FR 10 -band graphic equalizer. Features LED output level
6000-6 Transient -Perfect Electronic Crossover 5-100,000 Hz + 0.5/ 1.0 dB; dynamic range 10 V meters; two tape monitors; 20 frequency controls
Designed for optimum transient performance at the rms into 10k ohms; gain 0 dB ±1 dB; harmonic/IM each with a range of ±50 dB $250
crossover frequency (any frequency available); distortion 0.015%/0.018% at 1 V output; hum and
passes perfect square waves. With 1 frequency mod- noise 95 dB below 1 V output; input/output imp ADS
ule (interchangeable), 6 dB/octave slope, dual level 75k/100 ohms; load imp 10k ohms; inputs and out-
controls, ultra -low distortion and noise; .002% ± puts: 2 main, 4 tape monitor; infrasonic filter slope C2000 Biamplifier System Control
-95 dB. 2%-F1 x 6W x 43/."D $175 18 dB/octave; power consumption 23 W; 167.°W x Electronic crossover/equalizer designed to provide
8%"D x 4'4"H; 11.8 lb. Accessories included: 2 pair correct crossover characteristics for ADS L2030,
6500-DSB Electronic Crossover audio cables; electret condenser mic calibrated to L1530. L1230 Professional Monitor Series speaker
Designed to operate with any pa.. of stereo built-in analyzer; 1.5-V (UM -5) cell for mic $400 systems. Features system level and bass level con-
subwoofers to provide extra bass below 100 Hz; twin trols; crossover selector switch; dynamic bass equal-
level controls; Bessel filters provide optimum slope Sound Shaper Twenty Equalizer izer with signal -controlled boost at 22 or 37 Hz with
and improved group delay; any frequency available Twelve -band stereo graphic equalizer with LED in sharp -cutoff infrasonic filter; rear panel crossover
from 40-200 Hz; slope 12 dB/octave, distortion typi- each slide control and built-in spectrum analyzer,/ program switches that provide 4 frequencies and 4
cally 0.002% at 2 V output; includes 1 plug-in fre- display. Features LED level displays; tape -monitor, Qs for use with nonADS speaker systems; satin black
quency module $142 dub, line/record, bypass/equalize, mic/line, infrason- finish. THD <0.01%; S/N > 90 dB A-wtd; input sens
ic filter switches; meter controls. Center frequencies 530 mV; output imp 600 ohms; high-pass/low-pass
5000-6 Subwoofer Electronic Crossover 32, 56, 100, 180, 320, 560, 1k, 1.8k, 3.2k, 5.6k gain 0/ + 3 dB; crossover slope -12 dB/octave;
For mono subwoofers; crossover frequency 100 Hz 10k, 18k Hz; boost/cut range ±I2 dB; dynamic 17-W x 10"D x 2-H
(other frequency optional: extra charge $16). Pro- $549
range 10 V rms at 10k ohms; FR 5-100,000 Hz
vides 18 dB/octave slope on the subwoofer; 6 +0.5/-1.0 dB; gain 0 dB ±1 dB; harmonic and IM AIWA
distortion 0.015% at 1 V output; hum and noise 98
dB below 1 V output; input/output imp 75k/100 GE -80 Graphic Equalizer
ohms at 1 kHz; load imp 10k ohms; imputs/outputs: Seven -band stereo graphic equalizer with electronic il-
2 main, 4 tape monitor; infrasonic filter slope 18 luminated cursors, defeat and line/tape switches.
dB/octave; I6%"W x 8%-D x 4%"H; 11.8 lb Comes Center frequencies 40, 125, 330. 1k, 2.5k, 6.3k,
E'60*00566. with 2 pair cables $330 15k Hz; boost/cut range ±10 dB; max output 5 V;
harmonic distortion 0.0025% at 1 V. 1 kHz $120
is up Sound Shaper Ten

Similar to Sound Shaper Twenty except 10 -band ALLISON

equalization, no tape dub or monitor switches; no out-
put -level control. Center frequencies 31, 62, 125, The Electronic Subwoofer
250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k Hz; harmonic and IM Stereo bottom -octave equalizer/bandpass filter for
distortion 0.018%; power consumption 17 W; use in tape -monitor or external -processor loop of
dB/octave on satellites for smoothest overall re- 16'3/4"W 6%"E) x 4%*H; 8 lb $250 preamp, amplifier, receiver. Has FILTER ONLY switch.
sponse. More than 1 subwoofer can be connected; Rolloff 24 dB/octave below 20 Hz. 18 dB/octave be-
built-in bridging amp; 1% precision Sound Shaper Five Equalizer
yond 20 kHz; turnover frequencies +3 dB at 41,
$161 Five -band stereo graphic equalizer with LED in each 35.5, 48 Hz (extends Allison speakers flat to 20 Hz);
slide control knob. Center frequencies 60, 240, 1k, S/N 100 dB min A-wtd; 14'/.' W x 4%"D x 2' H $290
5000 Subwoofer Electronic Crossover 3.5k, 10k Hz; boost/cut range; dynmamic range 5 V
Designed to operate with subwoofers or mini speaker rms into 10k ohms; FR 5-100.000 Hz +0.5/-1.0 AUDIO CONTROL
systems. Features level control, defeat switch. Cross- dB, gain 0 dB ±1 dB; harmonic /IM distortion
over 18 dB/octave at 100 Hz; noise -90 dB; distor- 0.018%/0.035% at 1 V output; hum and noise 95 C-101 Series Two Equalizer/LED Spectrum Analyzer
tion 0.025% at 2 V out, 0.01% typically; 2%"H x dB below V output; input/output imp 75k/100
Stereo graphic equalizer features 101 -LED spectrum
6"W x 4%-D $161 ohms; load imp 100 ohms; inputs/outputs: 2 main, 2 analyzer display that operates on various levels;
Kit $106 tape monitor; power consumption 17 W; x shows controllable peak -reading modes (fast/slow);
6%"D x 4'/,"H; 8 lb. Accessories supplied: 2 audio horizontal LEDs indicate SPL with external mic of VU
6000 Electronic Crossover cables $130 meter readings; switchable calibration levels from
Designed for bi- or tri- (with 2 60005) amplifying.
2/dB/LED (analyzes pink noise and mic) to 4 dB/LED
Features plug-in frequency module; built-in power SS -315 Sound Shaper Graphic Equalizer (displays wider dynamic range). Center frequencies
supply; 15 crossover frequencies, 200-10,000 Hz at Graphic equalizer with 2 -way tape dubbing and LED set 32, 60, 120, 480, 960. 1,920, 3.840, 7,680,
12-dB/octave; 2 tweeter level controls. THD/IM dis- displays. Features a built in real-time spectrum ana- and 15,500 Hz; boost/cut range ± 15 dB; -1 dB in-
tortion .002%; input imp 220k ohms; output imp lyzer; pink -noise generator; a infrasonic flter; external frasonic rolloff at 25 Hz, -3 dB rolloff at 20 Hz,
100 ohms; hum and noise -90 dB; 6"W x 43/.-D x NR and sound processor loops; two tape monitors; -21 dB rolloff at 10 Hz; variable input level sens
2%"H $142 fluorescent display featuring 10 bands average with calibration; automatic mic/line input switching;
band, in/out display, L and R "peak" hold, level and pink noise generator; stereo paired equalizer sliders;
ADC range; 20 frequency controls with ± 15 dB range; cal- EQ tape button; 18 dB/octave infrasonic filter; phase
ibrated electret condensor mic $400 correlation rumble reducer circuit. FR 3-100,000 Hz
Sound Shaper Thirty Equalizer
±0.75 dB; distortion .009%; hum and noise -116
Ten -band stereo graphic equalizer with LED in each SS -215 Graphic Equalizer dB; 10,000 Hz bandwidth; input/output imp
slide control knob for quick visualization of response 12 -band graphic equalizer with 24 frequency con- 100k/150 ohms; 19'W 6.5"H X 3.5"D.. $429
curves and built-in spectrum analyzer/display. Fea- trols each with a ± 15 dB range. Features LED output
tures tape dub, monitor, line/record, bypass/ level meters; two tape monitors; infrasonic filter; ex- Ten Plus Series Two Equalizer
equalize, infrasonic -filter, mic/line switches; display ternal NR and sound processor loops $330 Stereo 10 -band equalizer with LED indicators in slide

Signal Processors 12 The leader in equalizers
controls. Features video sound input; 18 dB/octave
infrasonic filter; tape EQ with flashing LED warning in-
dicator; calibrated mic with response curve; sound
still stacks up best
with improved specs,more features and a new look.
AIDC s new line of Sound Shapers* -wine chat the best just got better.
Again Our stereo frequency equalizeis me torpor ite the superb e lee Ironies
11111112 reha -mlity, and high perftrmanee tee hnoloex that have made AIX famous.
Plus we ve improved them with new refinements that offer you more control
and i new design that makes them kx k u.s 14090d as they function.
Om top of the line SS 11') offers a minx gain o I dB and the best signal
to noise ratio in the indusin For the t tmost in Nersanlity the range of each
freqJency control is an extra wide L' dB. .ir nore than the 12 dB of lesser
pressure meter with 0 dB LED. FR 3-100,000 Hz ±1 equalizers. Tape monitoring and two )'ay dubbirg capabilities for two decks
dB; THD 0.07%; S/N 99 dB $329 are. available. LED indicators for 'mei Lomnol let you see the selected fre-
quency curve at a glance- The SS 11') me ludles a built-in real-time spectrum
Richter Scale" analyzer pink noise generator and tali rates electret microphone enabling
Unit combines five -band half -octave bass equalizer,
warble tone analyzer, electronic crossover, measure-
you to attain flat respon,e in minutes. Ot he r features include external
ment mic; designed to enhance bass response. Fea- nom reduction and sound proeesuy tops 1.) ae _ommodaie time de-
tures center frequency slide controls at 31.5, 45, 63, lay. -aibharmonic synthesizer. (Ix nami rang" expander or reverb
90 and 125 Hz. ±12 dB; stereo warble tone source
adjustable to each center band via rotary switch;
units There's also a suhhome filter that gets rid of damaging /
power robbing subsonic frequencies.
- 20 to +3 dB lighted meter registering mic input; ntliE
18 dB/octave infrasonic filter; source/tape monitor-
The other models in our Sound MI iper line offer the iff
ing; equalize program; low -frequency (12 dB/octave
at 200 Hz) summing circuit for rumble reduction; ul-
tra -low -boost ( + 15 dB at 36 Hz) switch; 100/1,000
your equalization and budget needs.315001
san-e fine ADC quality, with similar f.mtures ge. red to

I you've been waitin? for the right stereo fre-

Hz (12 dB/octave) electronic crossover circuit for quiney equalizer for your system. don't wait 01%
subwoofer and biamplification modes. FR 3-100.000
any longer. With ADC Sound Shapers. the Or '
Hz t 1 dB; THD .008%; input imp 100,000 ohms;
output imp 150 ohms, S/N 116 dB, ebony face -plate
with oak end panels $259 re into video,,6/
odds are stacked in your favor.fAnd if
be sure to see and
her what our new ADC Video
, Its'0

/'s /0/

Octave Plus Equalizer Sound Shapers can do to improve

Unit combines 10 -band octave graphic equalizer, war- if
ble tone generator/analyzer, measurement mic. Fea-
your video pc rformarav I L ilP

tures center frequencies 31.5, 63. 125, 250, 500, )
1k, 2k, 4k, 8k, 17k Hz ±12 dB boost or cut; stereo
warble tone source adjustable to each band center via ---irffril S' r
rotary switch. 2 -position range buttons; -20 to +3
dB lighted meter registering mic input; 18 dB/octave

.--_1Affr? 4
# / ir
if 7
infrasonic filter, source/tape monitoring. FR 3- $ / A- !' tfIG

r- ' /0 , !' , .

100,000 Hz ±1 dB; THD .008%; input imp 100k

ohms; output imp 150 ohms; S/N 116 dB, charcoal Frequency ,i ob
15 'r0
faceplate $229 Equalizers i
A ,le 0
I or ,4°
Ten Series Two Equalizer
Stereo graphic equalizer with video/sound input. 18
dB/octave infrasonic filter. Features LEDs in slide
:t , /41r/lIF
4/ V. ' It
controls; flashing LED to indicate when in tape EQ 1
i / er 0/
mode. Center frequencies 31.5, 63, 125, 250, 500, 4 §' ', 41' 100
1k, 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k Hz; boost/cut range ±12 dB; FR
3-100.000 Hz
4-1 dB: THD .005%; S/N 120
.. $229 -,011 iii,,-.i>,-

EC -21 Electronic Crossover
Vacuum -tube low -frequency, passive high -frequency
electronic crossover; features individual low-high-ch
level controls; 9 -dB max gain automatic warmup mut-
ing; fixed frequency capacitor kits available. Input imp
100k ohms; THD 0.003%; outputs match Audio Re-
search power amplifiers; 19'W x 6'D x 51/4"D $695

EQ-1 Graphic Equalizer/Analyzer
Rack -mount, professional -type stereo graphic equaliz-
er with built-in real-time analyzer, pink -noise genera-
tor, omnidirectional electret condenser mic. Features
LED display consisting of 80 red, 10 green, 2 red
LEDs that constantly give accurate music readings, in-
frasonic filter. Center frequencies 31.5. 63. 125,
250, 500, 1k. 2k, 4k, 8k. 16k Hz; boost/cut range
±12 dB; FR 3-100.000 Hz ±0.75 dB; distortion
0.2%. 20.50,000 Hz; hum and noise -90 dB at 1 V;
max input/output 5 V; input/output imp 100k/68
Shaping sound is as easy as A D
ohms; infrasonic filter slope -18 dB/octave; analyzer ADC Division BSR 1USA I Ltd.. B auvelt. N.Y.1091319141358-6060
display range -8 to +16 dB; pink -noise output C 1983


Signal Processors 12 Signal Processors
evel/imp 100 mV/6k ohms; mic sens -66 dB at 1 DB-10 Bass Turbocharger Additional common base $18
kHz; mic imp 600 ohms; mic FR 30-16.000 Hz; Incorporates 18 dB/octave infrasonic filter to elimi- DB-3-18-100. Similar to DB-3 except 2 -way electronic
19"W x 8.36"D x 5.22"H; 8.4 lb $400 nate infrasonic noise below 20 Hz. FR t 0.25 dB: rat- subwoofer crossover with 18 dB/octave Butterworth
ed output 2 V rms; max output 8 V rms; HD or IM dis- crossover at 100 Hz and additional common bass; re-
EQ-Four Graphic Equalizer tortion 0.025% $50 quires DB-2 power supply $292
10 -band equalization; attenuation control for accu- DB-2A. Power supply for DB-3 and DB-3-100 .. $70
rate output level matching; FR 5-100.000 Hz (_-4-,3 CROWN DBP-1. Auxiliary cable $16.50
dB; distortion 0.01, THD 20-20,000 Hz; S/N 85 dB;
control center points 32, 64. 125. 250, 500, 1.000. EQ-2 Synergistic Equalizer DB-3.24 In -Phase Crossover
2,000, 4,000, 8,000, 16,000 Hz; control range Stereo 11 -band ',octave equalizer with center fre- Twenty -four -dB octave crossover minimizes irregu-
-_12 dB; 17 "/'W 3'/,,"H 9"/,,'D; 12 dB; 6 quencies at 20, 40, 80. 160, 320, 640, 1250,
larity in radiation pattern through crossover region.
$180 2500. 5000. 10.000. 20,000 Hz. 415 dB High-. low-pass outputs always in -phase with each
boost/cut; each ch features octave frequency adjust other, 6 dB down at crossover frequency. Noise per-
EQ-TWO Graphic Equalizer controls; 420 dB tone controls with bass hinge formance improved by 10 dB over 18 -dB DB-3. Re-
Five -band stereo compact graphic equalizer with cen- points adjustable 180-1.800 Hz, treble hinge points quires DB-2A power supply or DBP-1 cable. User
ter frequencies at 60. 250, 1k. 4k. and 10k Hz. 12 adjustable 1-10 kHz; equalizer, tone cancel master specifies frequency. Available in 2 -way only $445
dB boost or cut for each ch. Features tape -monitor controls; overload indicators. Rear panel has unbal- DB-3-24-100. Standard version of above, set at 100
switch and jacks; unity gain control. Brushed black anced inputs, balanced inputs with switchable Jni- Hz. with additional common bass
finish $370
$100 ty/ + 10 dB gain selection, screwdriver -adjusted at-
tenuation controls, normal/inverted outputs. FR DB-7 Phase Inverter/Bandpass Filter
CARVER 10-100,000 Hz 40.3 dB, 20-20,000 Hz -t 0.1 dB, Increase power output of stereo power amp by 4
controls flat; hum and noise 90 dB below rated out- times through bridging into mono amp. affects 20-
C-1 Sonic Hologram Generator put, 20-20.000 Hz bandpass; IM distortion 0.01% at 20,000 Hz FR to 0.3 dB. Features buffered inputs
Patented outboard unit employs Sonic Holography, rated output; rated output 2.5 V rms; input imp 25k and outputs; switchable positive/negative phase for
attaching to any conventional hi-fi system to restore ohms unbalanced, 20k ohms balanced (trans- either or both channels; stereo bridging outputs; 18 -
lifelike space and dimension to music. Sonic Holo- formerless); output imp 300 ohms (normal), 600 dB, octave infrasonic and Besse! 18-dB/octave super-
gram Generator precisely locates instruments and ohms (balanced); satinized aluminum front panel with sonic filters; gain in inverted mode 0.05 dB of
vocals in 3 -dimensional space by using otherwise in- grey Lexan inlay; 71/4"H a 19"W x x noninverted gain; requires DB-2A power supply or
audible phase and time information to recreate the 74/,"H 1299 DBP-1 auxiliary cable
original vector sound field. Requires no special source $185
DB-2A. Power supply for DB-7 $78
material or additional speakers. Specifications and VFX-2A Crossover
performance are identical to Sonic Holography sec- Solid-state filters used for crossover or bandpass DB-5 Tone Control
tion of C-4000 preamplifier. 19'W 13/"H functions; 2-ch. 2 filters/ch (high pass, low pass at Low -noise. low -distortion tone control unit with three
4'/,"D $229 18 dB each) 20-20,000 Hz 40.1 dB; filter rolloff 18

switch selectable break frequencies for treble and

dB/octave. Stereo: 0-15.5 dB variable gain bridging
TX1-11 Asymmetrical Charge -Coupled Decoder input ich along with unbalanced unity gain input; out-
Asymmetrical charge -coupled FM decoder designed put imp 300 ohms (inverted and noninverted). 6 V
to be added to any component system for use in the max output into 600 ohms; IM distortion 0.01% at
stereo mode of any FM tuner or receiver. Features the rated output with 0 dB gain. Mono: functions as com-
asymmetrical charge coupled FM decoder circuitry to bined bandpass/2-way crossover. or as 3 -way cross-
improve existing tuner or receiver stereo quieting by over (tri-amping); mono jack combines 2 input signals
20 dB, (10 times quieter); will improve multipath re- to form mono output; mono bass output combines low
jection by 10 dB; FR 5-60,000 Hz 3 dB; THD 20- pass section of 2 filters to feed output jack. Satinized
20,000 Hz 0.05%; intermodulation distortion aluminum front panel with plexiglass cover; 19"W x
SMPTE 0.05%, CCIF 0.05%; sep, better than 30 dB; 5'/,"D x 3'/,"H $429
stereo quieting 50 dB; 17%"W 1'/ -H
CERWIN-VEGA DQ-LP 1 Stereo Variable Low -Pass Filter
For biamplified bass speaker subwoofer applications. bass. Separate outputs are included for mono (L&R)
GE -3 Graphic Equalizer Electronic crossover with low -distortion passive high- and difference or ambience (L -R) signals. Requires
Stereo 13 -band graphic equalizer combining octave pass filter, active low-pass section. Features each ch DB-ZA power supply or DBP-1 aux cable $348
and one -half -octave filter bands to provide precision independently variable 40-400 Hz; 18 dB/octave low
equalization of one -half -octave filter bands below 250 pass cutoff slope; separate bass EQ control adjust-
Hz. Bands are set on octave centers above 250 Hz.
able 0-5 dB boost at 20 Hz; choice or combination of
Balanced inputs have standard XLR jacks and unbal- stereo and L R center ch bass outputs; separate Type II Tape Noise -Reduction Systems
anced inputs have 1/4" phone jacks. Features dual -
bass controls; up to 15 dB gain; black satin brushed Type II units reduce noise by more than 30 dB across
voltage power supply; monolithic amps; active filter panel; walnut endblocks: 12%''W 5'/,1-1 entire audio -frequency spectrum and (except for
network; aviation -grade circuit boards. Center fre-
$350 NX40) add 10 dB recording headroom when used
quencies 31.5. 45, 63, 90. 125, 180. 250. 500. 1k,
with any good -quality tape recorder. In addition, they
2k, 4k, 8k, 16k Hz; boost /cut 12 dB; frequency accu- DB SYSTEMS decode dbx discs.
racy within 2%; FR 20-20.000 Hz '.0.15 dB; THD
Model 224. Linear decibel compander offers simulta-
<-0.005% at rated output with all band controls flat; DB-3-24 In -Phase Crossover neous encode 'decode (record/play) for full monitor-
S/N -98 dB unwtd, -100 dB wtd; gain control 6 dB Has 24 -dB octave characteristic to minimize irregu- ing capability with 3 -head decks. Also works with 2 -
(ref to unbalanced output). Rack mountable. 19"W larity in radiation pattern through crossover region. head decks. Effective NR 30 dB; dynamic range 105
10.25"D 3.5"H; 13 lbs $625 Features in -phase high- and low-pass outputs that are dB (max rms signal to A-wtd background noise); FR
6 dB down at crossover frequency. Requires DB-2A 40-20,000 Hz i 0.5 dB, 1 dB at 35 Hz; slew rate
CX-2 Electronic Crossover power supply or DPB-1 cable $445 - 10 VitAsec; equivalent input noise - 88 dBV A-wtd;
Passive electronic crossover designed for home DB-3-24-100. Similar to DB-3.24 except set at 100 THD 0.15% 100-20,000 Hz, 0.5% 30-100 Hz;
subwoofer systems. Requires no external power sup- Hz with additional common bass $370 IM distortion (SMPTE) 0.2%; 17"/,6"W x x
ply. Available crossover frequencies 100, 150, 250,
Hz fixed; 12 dB/octave slope; distortion unmeasur- $259
DB-3 Active Crossover Model 228. Tape NR system dynamic -range expan-
able at or below 2.5 V out; insertion loss 1 dB max; Designed for bi- and tri-amplified speaker systems. der that combines functions. specifications of Model
input imp 3.3 kilohms; recommended output imp 5 Features asymptotic slope 12 dB/octave Gaussian or 224 NR unit and Model 1BX Series Two dynamic -
kilohms; crosstalk -70 dB at 20 kHz; max input 11 V; 18 dB/octave Butterworth; fixed crossover frequen- range expander (see below) except for pre -tape
7'W 2','D 1' ," H $110 cies (specify on order); available 2- or 3 -way (for com- expansion $499
mon bass ch, designate 1V, or 2V, -way. respectively); Model 222. Similar to Model 224 but designed for 2 -
individual ch gains screwdriver adjustable. THD head recorders including PCM/VCR systems. Has
Audio terms are defined 0.0008%. 20-20,000 Hz; noise -95 dB; summed - separate encode (record) and decode (playback)
output FR within 1 dB 5-50,000 Hz; requires DB-2A functions, no monitoring capability. Specifications are
in the glossary on page 19. power supply or DBP-1 auxiliary cable. the same as for Model 224 $219
For an explanation of abbreviations, 3 -way Butterworth crossover $490 Model NX40. Economical version of linear decibel
2 -way Butterworth crossover $349 compander with simultaneous encode/decode
turn to the list on page 22. 3 -way Gaussian crossover $317 (record/play) for full monitoring with 3 -head decks;
2 -way Gaussian crossover $265 also works with 2 -head decks. Effective NR 30 dB;

Signal Processors 12 Signal Processors
dynamic range < 88 dB (max rms signal to A-wtd lyzer 30 dB shown on screen with center reference +0/-0.5 dB; input/output imp 50k/2k ohms; THD
noise); FR > 1.5 dB 50-15,000 Hz (pink noise or
selectable in 10 -dB steps from 60 to 110 dB (same 0.01% at 1 V output, 0.06% at 5 V; max output at
music); equivalent input noise -85 dBV A-wtd; THD for SPL indicator); display 30 LEDs x 10 band; meter 1% THD 7 V; S/N at 100/1k/10k Hz referred to 1 V;
bandwidth at 90 dB SPL input 15-20,000 Hz; pink - power consumption 8 W; 17#/,'W x 11'/,'D x
noise generator accuracy 10.5 dB. 19'W x 12#/,'D x 10 lb $350
5';'H $1,700
EQ350 Graphic Equalizer
Model 10/20 Automatic Equalizer Stereo 10 -band graphic equalizer. Features detented
Rack -mountable computerized 10 -band stereo octave slide controls; tape -monitor, line/source, and record
equalizer automatically equalizes speaker system to switch. Certer frequencies 31.5, 63, 125. 250, 500,
room in 30 seconds or less. Features digitally con- 1k 2k, 4k 8k, 16k Hz; boost/cut range t.12 dB;
trolled stereo graphic equalizer (+ 12 dB) with single - input/output imp 50k/2k ohms; THD 0.01% at 1 V
band accuracy within 1 dB at any setting: real-time output, 0.06% at 5 V; max output at 1% THD 7 V; FR
analyzer (RTA); stereo uncorrelated pink -noise gener- 20-20,000 Hz +0/-0.3 dB; S/N at 100/1k/10k Hz
ator; SPL meter (64-112 dB, unwtd. + 3 dB); cali- referred to I V; power consumption 6 W; I x

brated mic; microcomputer has 10 memories for 1 I 1/2'D x H; 9.2 lb $200

storing EQ settings; settings may be averaged as well; EQ2322. Similar to EQ350 except black front panel
0.5% 100-15,000 Hz; 1 ''A,"H 7'W x
*. L and R EQs also may be averaged; will automatically and cabinet, different knobs; all specs same as
equalize speakers separately or as stereo pair; THD above $200
9',,D' $129
Model 21. Decoder for dbx discs, tapes designed to and IMD each - 0.03%; equivalent input noise -95
reproduce full dynamic range of master recording, dBV A-wtd; dynamic < 105 dB; readout 25 LEDS NR500 Noise -Reduction System
virtually eliminate record pop, ticks, surface noise. I 1 -band display; auto -ranging RTA maintains display Super D dual -process NR system with decilinear
Dynamic range 100 dB (max rms signal to A-wtd in center of screen; "peak" hold; high -frequency compression/expansion system to expand dynamic
dB; THD rolloff (to approa:h hall acoustics) 1 dB/octave above range up to 40 dB. Features phase -compensated
noise); fresponse 40-20,000 Hz 1

1.000 Hz (-4 dB at 16.000 Hz); "Set Flat returns band -splitting system that minimizes breathing while
<0.3% at 1 kHz; 8'/,'W x 6'/°E) x 2'/,'H; 2.5
$109 equalizer to no-EQ condition with accuracy of -1 0.5 reducing hiss, clipping; decilinear system that elimi-
dB 20-20,000 Hz: 18 dB octave infrasonic filter; nates level -matching problems for record, play; re-
pre/post tape equalization switch; 3#/,'H x sponse speed matched to bandwidth requirements for
Dynamic Range Expanders
Expanders designed to increase dynamic range of 17".' -IN - 12'/,'D $1,000 optimum transient characteristics with min distortion.
records. tapes, FM broadcasts by as much as 50% Dynamic range 100 dB; THD 0.08% at 1 kHz, rated
reduce noise by as much as 20 dB. dbx Subharmonic Synthesizer level; FR 20-30.000 Hz; NR 40 dB max; record/play
Model 4BX. Advanced expander processes bass, mid, Model 120. Race -mountable unit creates signals be- input level 350 mV, imp 330 ohms; power consump-
and treble frequencies separately to make loud pas- tween 27-55 Hz by sampling 55-110 Hz program in- tion 7 W: 10%-D x 1'4"H; 8 lb 3 oz $190
sages louder and soft passages quieter; also includes put; restores bottom octave commonly lost during
Impact Restoration circuit to restore "punch to mu- record manufacture and broadcasting. Has sliders to EQ100 Graphic Equalizer
Wireless remote Logicontrol for all control subharmonic synthesis as well as low -frequen- Graphic equalizer with 7 detented boost/cut controls.
sical attacks.
nonswitching functions, including On/Mute, Off, Vol- cy boost; LEDs show frequencies. FR (main signal Features tape monitor switch. Center frequencies 65,
ume. and Bypass. LEDs monitor expansion in each channel) 1 dB 25-20,000 Hz; THD (main signal
160, 400, 1k, 2.5k, 6k, 15k Hz; boost/cut range
frequency range plus degree of impact restoration. channel) < 0.05% 30-20,000 Hz: output noise '.10 dB input/output imp 50k/2k ohms; THD at
Expansion variable from none to 50% in each band. (main signal channel) 83 dBV A-wtd (input shorted, 1/5 V output 0.01 %/0.06% controls set flat; FR 20-
Impact -restoration gain variable from 0 to i 12 dB in controls at max) 1'/,'H 17#%,"W x 7'4"D $249 20,000 Hz t 0.1/-0.3 dB; max output 7 V; S/N 100
each band. Features transition -level control; expan- dB; power consumption 6W; 15%'W x x

DENON 3#/,'H; 5 lb $130

sion -level control; tape -monitor loop. Attack rates pro-
gram -dependent, optimized for each band; release
rates for linear expander are program -dependent and DE -70 Dynamic Equalizer GLi
optimized (and are adjustable for impact restorer); Dynamic equa izer has four levels input/output
high -frequency transition adjustable; volume control switching, EQ. and expansion with LED -indicated EQ-1500 BI-FET Graphic Equalizer
range 40 to + 10 dB; dynamic range .105 dB block diagram on front panel. Features full switching Stereo 10 -band graphic equalizer with high-speed
(max rms signal to A-wtd noise); frequency response and connections for line in/out and two tape decks; biFET IC circuitry. Features center detent on slide
20-20,000 Hz 10.5 dB at no expansion (pink noise standard EQ 12 dB boost/cut for 12 bands. plus dy- controls; defeat switch; main, AM. tape -monitor input
namic threshold control for EQ on signal only; full - ;witches Center frequencies 30, 60, 120, 240, 500,
or music); THD 0.15% at no expansion; IM distor-
tion (SMPTE) < 0.1 % at any setting; equivalent input range expansion switch; peak -level indicators; dub- 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k Hz; boost/cut range + 12 dB; FR
noise 90 dBV A-wtd; power consumption 30 W. bing with or without EQ. Gain 0 dB + 0.2 dB; dynamic 20-20,000 Hz + 0.5 dB EQ flat, 0-500,000 Hz
3'/,'H 17/,"W 12'/"D $799 range 113 dB; THD > 0.003%; 20-20,000 Hz at 2 V ±0.1 dB EQ bypassed; distortion 0.05% at 1 V rms
Model 3BX Series Two. Expander makes loud pas- output, dynamic expander off; input sens 1 V; input out; THD and IM distortion 0.005%, 20-20,000 Hz
sages louder, soft passages quieter; bass, midrange, imp 40k ohms; output imp 600 ohms. power con- at 5 V; slew rate 14 V/µsec; S/N 90 dB below 2 V
treble frequencies processed individually. Features 3 sumption 20W. 17.4'W r 5.3' . 12'D .. $425 rms; max output 10 V before clipping; 19' rack -
rows of LEDs that monitor degree of expansion in mountable $250
each range; expansion -level control; transition -level EMPIRE
control; tape -monitor loop. Attack and release times
program -dependent, optimized for each band. Expan- GX200 Graphic Equalizer INFINITY SYSTEMS
sion ratio variable from none (1:1) to 50% (1:1.5) in Stereo 10 -band graphic equalizer with 20 -push-but-
each band; dynamic range 105 (max rms signal to ton frequency controls, LED display for each band. Burwen DNF 1201A Dynamic Noise Filter
A-vdd noise); FR 20-20,000 Hz 10.5 dB at no ex- Features reverse switch for NR applications; attenua- Processes any 2 -channel or matrix -encoded material
pansion (pink noise or music); equivalent input noise tor switch; EQ bypass switch; EQ record, tape -monitor from turntable, tape deck, receiver, tuner. Features
88 dBV A-wtd; THD < 0.15% at no expansion; IM controls. Center frequencies 32, 64, 125, 250, 500, push-button controls for selecting NR; sens control
1k, 4k, 8k, 16k Hz; boost/cut range 4 10 dB; FR 10- with LED display. FR (min bandwidth) 3 dB at 30
distortion < 0.1%; power consumption 30 W; 17
''/, W x 7 ' D x1'/,'H $549 35,000 Hz; S.'N 110 dB at 1 V; THD 0.003% at 1 V; Hz, 10 dB at 1 kHz, 20 dB at 2.5 kHz; (max
Model 1BX Series Two. Similar to Model 3BX Series input and output level/imp 150 mV/47k ohms; max bandwidth) 0.5 dB max 10-20,000 Hz, - - 3 dB at
Two except has infrasonic filter in its rms-level detec- output 6 V $250 30 kHz - 25 dB at 100 kHz; attenuation rate 9 dB/
tor to prevent mistracking caused by turntable rum- octave; NR levels up to 30 dB beyond 5 kHz, 14 dB
ble. record warp; 10 LEDs to monitor upward and GX100 Graphic Equalizer beyond 400 Hz; HD 0.2% max; gain 0 dB at 1 kHz,
downward expansion; power consumption 10 W; Stereo 10 -band graphic equalizer with slide controls. adjustable to 10 dB; internal noise 100 µV rms, 20-
17#'4,'W x 7#/2'D x 13/'H $249 Features attenuator switch; EQ bypass switch; EQ 20,000 Hz; has 8 phono jacks and tape -deck connec-
record, tape -monitor controls. Technical specifica- tors; 1 7 V,' W . By.' D 2'/,'H $350
Model 20/20 Computerized Equalizer/Analyzer tions same as for GX200 except THD 0.005% $190
Automatic microprocessor -controlled 10 -band graph- Burwer THE 7000 Noise Eliminator
ic equalizer, real-time analyzer, pink -noise generator. FISHER Transient (pulse) processor reduces or eliminates me-
SPL indicator. Includes calibrated 20 -20,000 -Hz 1 dium and small clicks, pops, ticks from turntable or
dB electret condenser microphone with 20 -ft cable. EQ550 Graphic Equalizer tape deck. Blanking period filled by transition voltage;
Center frequencies 31.5, 63, 125, 250. 500, 1k, 2k, Stereo 12 -band equalizer. Features EQ on/record/ has defeat, tape -monitor, threshold, sens controls,
4k, 8k, 16k Hz; boost/cut range + 14/-15 dB; accu- bypass switch; tape -monitor switch; LED indicators in LED indicators for transient noise elimination, high -
racy + 1 dB at full boost/cut, # 0.1 dB/step; gain 0 control knobs for quick indication of EQ curves. Cen- frequency calibration. FR 20.20,000 Hz 10.5 dB;
dB; THD 0.01%. 20-20,000 Hz. Dynamic range: ter frequencies 16, 31.5, 63, 125, 250, 500, 1k. 2k, distortion 0.1% THD, 0.5% IM; internal noise 40 luf/
equalizer 95 dB, SPL indicator 95 dB; real-time ana- 4k, 8k, 16k, 32k Hz; boost/cut range + 12 dB; FR rms; 16'4'W 7'/,'D >: 2'/,'H $350

1984 EDITION 167

Signal Processors 12 Signal Processors
DAVID HAFLER encoded FM broadcasts. Features front panel on/off KINETIC AUDIO INT'L
and Dolby decoding in/out switches; rear peanl input
160 Stereo Graphic Equalizer level calibration, output level, 25/75 µsec deem- Three -Point Crossover/Level Control
Stereo graphic equalizer with 10 LED - 20 to + 3 dB phasis input select controls. Noise reduction 9 dE wtd Monophonic passive crossover/level control system
level displays, equalize/bypass switch, center- (flat (CCIR/ARM); sens 35 mV rms min. variable output that keeps low frequencies from entering miniature
position) detented slide controls, biFET/bipolar tran- level 580 mV at Dolby level, overload 18 dB above monitor, satellite speaker systems. Features cross-
sistor design, class -A operation. Equalizer range at oc- Dolby level for 0.3% THD; distortion 0.05% referred over level control and mid -high-pass filter. Crossovers
tave intervals from 32 to 16,000 Hz; boost/cut to Dolby level; separation tape input 58 dB at 2 kHz, 65, 90, 180 Hz; converts 4- to 8 -ohm load. Mono
range J 12 dB; level control 8 dB; max output level 8 Dolby on; S/N 79 dB Dolby level (CCIR/ARM); alumi- version $99
V rms; FR 4-80,000 Hz f 0/ 3 dB, 20-20,000 Hz num anodized case; 8./,'W f- 4'D v 2 V,"H . $120
+0/ - 0.3 dB; THD ->88 dB below 3 V rms LT SOUND
(0.004%); IM distortion >90 d9 below 8 V rms JVC
(0.003%); input/output imp 68k ohms bypassed ACC -2 Amplitude Control Center
with 300 pF/ - 600 ohms to 25 kHz; hum and noise SEA -R7 Stereo Graphic Equalizer Stereo unit has Allison Research vca with feed -for-
115 dB below 8 V rms A-wtd; separation 88 dB at Sound Effect Amplifier stereo graphic equalizer with ward circuit design, de-essing with switchable knee, or
1 kHz. > 55 dB at 20 kHz; mic input FR 20-20,000 built-in multi -band delay time equalizer. Features mid - normal compression. Functions as compressor, limit-
Hz t 0/ - 0.5 dB; mic input sens 1.8 mV for 0 -dB low and low frequencies reverb selectivity at 5 fre- er, expander, de-esser, on -board oscillator for ampli-
meter indication, mic gain control at max; line monitor quencies; time bucket brigade devices for each chan- tude -modulated tremolo effects. Each channel has
sens adjustable 80 mV to beyond 8 V for 0 -dB meter nel; features 12 controls per channel. from 16 Hz to compression ratio, compression attack and release
indication. 32 kHz; control range switch for f- 12 dB or ±6 dB; controls; expander threshold expander ratio, attack,
Kit $300 control buttons for recording, monitoring and dub- release controls; 3 -color LED gain -reduction indica-
Assembled $400 bing with two decks; 2 -color fluorescent character tors. S/N 90 dB below 1 V; typical distortion
display panel; -6 dB input attenuator switch; SEA 0.001%; compressing/limiting slope variable be-
HARMAN/KARDON Character switch with a normal and reverse position tween 1:1 and infinity; 19'W x 7V,,"D
for dynamic companding; THD 0.001% 20-20,000 $1,250
EQ8 Graphic Equalizer Hz $400 CLX-2. Similar to ACC -2 except has no tremolo -ef-
Stereo 10 -band graphic equalizer with continuously fects capability, expander ratio, expander threshold,
variable infrasonic filter (from 5 to 30 Hz). Features S.E.A. 33 Stereo Graphic Equalizer attack, release controls. Has key function for keyed
separate left and right input controls with overload Slim -line 10 -band per channel graphic equalizer. Fea- expansion or noise gating; 2'H $795
LEDs; tape monitor; tape EQ. Center frequencies tures S.E.A. recording and defeat switches; transistor
31.5. 63, 125. 250. 500. 1k, 2k. 4k. 8k, 16k Hz; inductors for expanded dynamic range, tape monitor; TAD -4 Thompson Analog Delay
boost/cut range +12 dB; FR 5.140,000 Hz t 0, -3 -6 dB input attenuator switch $160 Stereo ambience unit for recording use features 2
dB (all controls at zero); THD 0.02% at 2 V output, separate channels each of analog delay and studio re -
20-20,000 Hz. 17'/,,," W 12'4" D ff. 4" H $225 verb. Controls continuously variable for echo EQ, re -
KENWOOD verb level, reverb EQ, echo repeat, direct level, echo
HITACHI level, reverb level. Delay time continuously variable
GE -1000 Graphic Equalizer 20-240 msec; delay time; bandwidth 12 kHz at 20-
HGE-2100 Graphic Equalizer Stereo 12 -band graphic equalizer with built-in time 70 msec, 8.4 kHz at 100 msec; down to 3.5 kHz at
Nine -band graphic equalizer with built-in delay line, delay system. Features LED -illuminated slide controls. 240 msec; dynamic range > 90 dB; 19'W x 7y."D
mic mixer. Features mixing diagram display; reverb Center frequencies 16. 32. 64, 125. 250, 500, 1k. 2-1-1 $750
and mic mixing. Center frequencies 63, 125, 250, 4k, 8k, 16k,
500, 1k, 2k. 4k, 8k,16k Hz; boost/cut range -L10 TC-1 Thompson Vocal Eliminator
dB; FR 5-30,000 Hz t 0/-0.5 dB; gain 0 dB; S/N 70 GE -X9 Graphic Equalizer Removes most or all of solo vocalist from standard
dB; input sens/imp 150 mV/47k ohms input and Stereo 10 -band graphic equalizer with 2 tape inputs, stereo records and leaves most of the background in-
tape play, 1 mV/8k ohms mic; output level/imp 150 defeat switch. Center frequencies 16, 32, 64, 125, struments and vocals untouched. Works on tapes and
mV/4k ohms; max output 5 V; 171/4"W 8','."D 250. 500, 1k. 2k. 4k. 8k. 12k, 16k, 20k Hz $300 records. 19'W v 2'H $595
3WH; 6 lb 10 oz $240
GE -10011 Graphic Equalizer ECC Echo Control Center
HGE-1100 Graphic Equalizer 10 bands per channel graphic equalizer. Variable Single -channel unit functions as preamp for 2 low -im-
Stereo 10 -band graphic equalizer with tape monitor, pedance mics and 2 low-level low -imp line level AUX in-
record EQ capability. Center frequencies 31.5, 63, puts; hand equalizer; echo and reverb controls for
125, 250. 500, 1k. 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k Hz; boost/cut mic level, EQ, echo. Features bi-FET op -amp circuitry,
range ± 10 dB; FR 5-30,000 Hz + 0/-0.5 dB; gain 0 relay on/off transient protection, mu -metal shielding
dB; S/N 70 dB; input sens/imp 150 mV/47k ohms for reverb unit. Delay dynamic range 85 dB below 1
input and tape play, mV/8k ohms mic; output
V; distortion 0.5% at 1 kHz, 0.775-V out; delay range
level/imp 150 mV,'4k ohms; max output 5 V;17V."W 20-240 msec; FR of delay ±1.5 dB; mic input imp
8%.--D 31/4"H; 6 lbs 10 oz $190 2,000 ohms for 600 -ohm or less mic; AUX input imp
47k ohms; output imp 200 ohms for 2k -ohm loads;
INTEGREX EQ range 118 dB for bass, midrange, and treble;
rack -mountable; 7"D x 2"H $695
Dolby B Noise Reducer Kit
RCC. Reverb control center similar to ECC without
Stereo unit with 4 Dolby channels for simultaneous range 110 dB; FR 10-50,000Hz. 8 lbs $200 echo capability; features Microplate. Reverb; FR 10-
encoding/decoding for 3 -head tape machines; de- GE -10011b. Same as GE -100 II but black $200 40.000 Hz L-0.5 dB direct, 22-18,000 Hz reverb;
signed to reduce hiss in magnetic tape-recording ma- dynamic range 80 dB below 1 V; THD. IM distortion
chines; decodes commercially available Dolby B FM RA -9011B Reverberation Amplifier 0.05% $595
radio broadcasts and/or encodes blank tapes from Reverberating time 0-2.5 sec/30 msec-80 msec. FR
any source; cannot be used for discrete 4 -channel en- 20-40,000 Hz; 4 lbs $200 PEQ-2 Parametric Equalizer
coding or decoding. NR 9 dB wtd (CCIR/ARM); min Dual 4 -band parametric equalizer. Studio quality EQ
sens 35 mV rms tape and Dolby FM tuner inputs, 40 RA -9011B Reverberation Amplifier has rumble filter, selectable peak -dip or shelving re-
mV rms AUX input; imp 47k ohms all inputs; 300 Reverberation time 0-2.5 sec/30 msec-80 msec. FR sponse on upper and lower bands, bypass switch.
ohms variable all outputs; max variable output level 20-40,000 Hz, 4 lbs $200 peak indicator, balanced and unbalanced inputs and
580 mV rms (Dolby level); overload 18 dB above
Dolby level 0.3% THD, distortion 0.05% (all outputs
at Dolby level); S/N unwtd, referred to Dolby level, at
monitor output 76 dB from Aux in. 80 dB from tape
and tuner in, Dolby on, 69 dB from tuner in, at tape
output 69 dB from AUK and tuner in, 76 dB from tun-
er in. Dolby FM on. Kit includes fiberglass printed cir-
cul board with component locations. all alignment cir Prices of items described are manufacturers' suggested prices
cuits, solid mahogany cabinet; 15'/,'W k 63/4"G
23,;-H $15f)
only and are subject to change without notice. Actual selling
Dolby Calibration Tapes. Specify reel or cassette. $9 prices are determined by the dealers.
DFM Dolby Noise Reducer
Decodes Dolby B -encoded cassette, reel tapes, Dolby -


Signal Processors 12 Signal Processors
outputs. FR coverage 20-20.000 Hz; bandwidth available in 81/4' front panel or 19" rack mount. 75
0.15-2.0 octaves; max level + 22 dBm: max or 100 Hz crossover point; with bypass switch $335 NUMARK ELECTRONICS
boost/cut t_15 dB; input imp 47k ohms; output imp Without bypass switch $315
47 ohms: THD 0007%; IM distortion 0.002%; EC2800 Electronic Crossover
31/4"H; 8.5 lb $525 MARK LEVINSON Multi -amplification 3 -way crossover with gold-plated
19"W 71/4"D
PEQ-1. Same as PEQ-2 but single -channel version and input, output connectors. Distortion <0.008%; cen-
no low -frequency rumble filter; 5 lb $349 LNC -2 Electronic Crossover ter ch -24 dB/octave slope; low and high chs -12
Modular electronic crossover system for frequency di- dB/octave slope $469
RV -2 Stereo Reverb Unit vision of line -level audio signals; employs 4 separate
Reverb unit for line -level inputs only. Features --6-dB active filters: 2 high-pass and 2 low-pass- output con- EQ2600 Equalizer/Tone Computer Display
and peak amplitude LEDs; 3 EQ controls: direct, re - nectors for each range for connection to power amps; Stereo 10 -band graphic equalizer with tone computer
verb, reverb drive controls; send -receive bus. FR 2- filters provide 18 dB/octave slopes; optional slopes display. Features true octave spacing ±15 -dB EQ,
for 6 dB or 12 dB for 3 -way stereo operation; 6 master -gain controls; fluorescent 10 -band display;
40.000 Hz ' 0.5 dB (direct): reverb 20-5,500 Hz:
reverb time 2.5 sec; input imp 47k ohms; output imp dB/octave slope OCS modules may be added; output ability to read left or right or both channel displays;
200 ohms for 2k -ohm loads; S/N 90 dBm (direct); level of each FR controlled by a 10 -turn locking poten- VU mode to read output level; pre/post EQ input;
19"W x 7"D 2"H $650 tiometer on the front panel. THD 0.002%; wideband accentuated/reverse mode recording; switchable
noise -102 dBV unweighted; accuracy within 5% of 0/10 -dB meter calibration. Uses binary -coded -deci-
NR -2 Noise Reducer/Range Enhancer specified crossover point; PLS-151 separate power mal notation circuit $329
Two -channel unit provides 2:1 compander noise re- supply load regulation 0.05%; wideband noise output
duction system and dynamic range enhancement sys- of 18 µV; features on/off switch for each high- and EQ2500D Graphic Equalizer
tem: for dual or independent tracking. FR 20-20.000 low-pass filter, internal stereo/mono switch and Ten -band stereo graphic equalizer with true octave
Hz -t 0.75 dB: S/N 90 dB: distortion 0.2% at 1 kHz: Camac connectors; hand -brushed and black anodized spacing Center frequencies at 30. 60, 120, 240,
input imp 47k ohms; output imp 200 ohms for 2k - finish. LNC-2; 2 V H, 19"W, 7 '/,"D; PLS-151; 480. 960, 1920. 3840, 7680, 15,380 Hz.
ohm loads: 12.75"W 6.15'D 2.5"H $350 41/4-H, 4"W. 10''/,'0; 12 lbs $2.700 Boost/cut ± 15 dB; master gain control for each
channel boosts or cuts an additional 15 dB. Features
LED display for each channel with peak hold; eq de-
NR -4 Four -Channel Compander
Can switch 4 channels of NR from record to play NAKAMICHI feat; oational wood side panels and rack -mount
mode using 2 inputs simultaneously or 2 -channel si- adapters. Frequency response 10-100,000 Hz ±1
multaneous record and tape monitor decode; has by- NR100 Noise -Reduction System dB (flat setting); harmonic distortion < 0.01% at 1 V
pass switches. FR 20-20,000 Hz 10.75 dB; THD NR system designed to be used with
Dolby -C output; hum and noise. shorted output, - 102 dB at
0.2% (compressed and expanded); slew rate 13 Nakamichi 700ZXE. 700ZXL,. 1000ZXL cassette 2 V output IHF-A; output impedance 100 ohms.
V/p.sec; expander noise output 95 dBm; max input decks. Can be used without recorder recalibration and 181/4 " W 3 ' H 6'/,"D $250
level 26 dBm; 12.75"W . 6.15"D 2.5"H $395 is selected by setting NR switch on cassette deck to
NR -8. Same as NR -4 except provides 8 channels of in- EXT. Provides 4 channels of NR (both stereo channels EQ2310 Graphic Equalizer
dividually switchable record /play and bypass noise in record and playback). Noise reduction approxi- Ten -channel stereo graphic equalizer with 20 linear
reduction or 4 -channel simultaneous record and tape mately 10 dB at 1 kHz, 20 dB 2k -8k Hz; power sup- sliding controls at true octave spacing (at 30, 60,
monitor decode $695 plied by remote -control socket on cassette deck; 120, 240, 480, 960. 1920, 3840, 7680, 15,380
91/4."W 4"/"D 1V. Supplied with 271/4' Hz). Boost/cut ± 15 dB; master gain control for each
cable $230 channel boosts or cuts an additional 15 dB. jFeatures
SL -2 Stereo Limiter
Stereo unit functions independently or in a stereo eq defeat; LED level display; optional wood side pan-
tracking mode. Provides 3 controls for attack and re- NIKKO els and rack -mount adapters. Frequency response
lease. Functions are a hard limiter, average limiter, or 10.100,000Hz ± 1 dB (flat setting); intermodulation
automatic level control. S/N 90 dB below 1 V; typical ATD-1 Time Delay Synthesizer distortion 0.02% at 1 V output; harmonic distortion
distortion 0.01% (not undergoing limiting); 19'W Designed to recreate concert hall sound in any acous- <0.0% at 1 V output; hum and noise, shorted out-
7V D 2'H $295 tical environment. Features pushbuttons for acoustics put, - 96 dB at 2 V output IHF-A; output impedance
of small, medium, large halls; push -buttons for hall 100 ohms. Black face plate. 18V," x 31/4"H x
character; for degree of reverberation 61/4"Dt 10.5 lbs $250
from 100 m;ec to 2 sec; stage distance or front to EQ2310S. Same as EQ2310 except with silver face
GX-101 Graphic Equalizer rear balance control; master output control; tape plate $250
Computer -analyzed 7 -band graphic equalizer. Fea- monitor, delay defeat switches; adjustable input level
tures 9 -level spectrum analyzer with memory for tour control with LEDs; 4/2 channel switch. Delay time 17- OMNISONIX
frequency curves; pink noise signal generator; cas- 128 msec; reverb decay time 100 msec 2 sec; FR
sette deck -to -cassette dubbing; normal and recording 20-7000 Hz t: 3 dB delay; 20-20.000 Hz + 0/ -- 0.1 801 Omnisonic Imager
switch; monitor switch; tape 1 and 2 selector; FR indi- dB main; THD 0.5% delay, 0.05% main; S/N 60 dB Designed to reproduce mono or stereo signals to cre-
cator; record output switch for input or output of delay. 80 dB main; input level/imp 100 mV/100k ate dimensional or 3 -dimensional sound (volume lev-
graphic equalizer; power switch off which allows sig- ohms; max output 0.775 V delay, 1.2V main; black; el. stereo separation, surround -sound imagery) re-
nals to pass through even when the unit is off. Spec- 19'W 11%, H 2'/,"D $370 spectively; connects to internal tape loop of any
trum analyzer displays 7 frequency spectrums in real system; features tape monitor, in/out buttons. Input
time. Center frequencies 60, 150, 400. 1k, 2.5k, 6k EQ-20 Graphic Equalizer imp 200 ohms; FR 10-100,000 Hz ±0.5 dB; THD
and 15k Hz; THD < 0.01% S/N 80 dB at flat position. Stereo 10 -band graphic equalizer with detented 5 - 0.005%, 10-20,000 Hz; 10'W + 6"D 4.25'H
17'/'W 3'/,.'H 12"D $500 step slide controls. Features tape monitor; equalizer $199
gain switch ( 6 dB. 0 dB. +6 dB): pre/post EQ, tape
MCS by JC PENNEY monitor switch; LED equalizer in/out switch. Center ONKYO
frequencies 31.5. 63. 125, 250. 500, 1k, 2k, 4k,
3035 Graphic Equalizer 8k, 16k Hz: boost/cut range L12 dB; FR 10-50.000 EQ-35 Integra Equalizer
Stereo 10 -band graphic equalizer with LEDs in slide Hz t 1 dB: THD 0.007%; S/N 105 dB; black; 19"W Twelve -band graphic equalizer with signal generator.
control handles. Features rotary input attenuator; 9"H 31/4"D $325 Features individual controls for each channel; LED
normal/reverse, tape monitor switches; brushed-alu slide markers; frequency centers 16, 32, 64. 125,
mmum front panel; audio cables. Center frequencies EQ-500 Graphic Equalizer 500, 1,000, 2,000. 4,000. 8,000, 16.000, 32,000
31, 64, 125, 250, 500. 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k Hz; Stereo graphic equalizer with 6 bands/channel. Fea- Hz; signal generator for all center frequencies except
boost/cut range 12 or 16 dB; FR 31.16,000 tures 11 position EQ slide controls: EQ defeat switch; 16 and 32,000 Hz; step or sweep generator mode;
Hz $200 3 tape monitor function switches that allow source level control, ±12 dB or ±6 dB adjustment range
monitoring, pre/post EQ monitoring. Center frequen- switch; operation mode display Delta power supply.
3032 Graphic Equalizer cies 40, 125. 400, 1.25k, 4k, 12.5 $kHz; boost/cut S/N 100 dB, THD 0.01%; also available with black
Stereo 5 -band graphic equalizer with variable range range 10 dB: black and silver $160 matte finish as EQ-35B $260
selector. Features EQ position switch for REC
OUT/SOURCE; tape monitor switch; brushed -aluminum PE -33 Graphic Equalizer
front panel: audio cables. Center frequencies 63. Stereo 10 -band graphic equalizer with LED slide con-
240, lk, 4k, 16k Hz; FR 5-100,000 Hz; THD 0.02%: trols behind door. Features LED EQ flow indicator; EQ
Audio terms are defined rout og; center frequencies 32, 64, 125. 250, 500
S/N 95 dB; 17"W 10'D 3'/."H $150
in the glossary on page 19. 1.000, 2.000, 4,000, 8.000, 16,000 Hz; boost/cut
M&K range ± 12 dB; S/N 10' dB; THD 0.01% ... $200
For an explanation of abbreviations,
LP -1 Passive Electronic Crossover
turn to the list on page 22. EQ-08 Audio Equalizer
Line -level electronic crossover designed for biamping; Ten band graphic equalizer with LED slide indicators.

1984 EDITION 169

Signal Processors 12 Signal Processors
Features LED EQ flow indicator; EQ routing; center cessing range 15 d8: downward/upward processing 125, 250, 500. 1k, 2k, 4k. 8k, 16k Hz; boost/cut
frequencies 32, 64, 125. 250, 500, 1,000, 2,000, range -6/0 to + 9 dB; attack/decay time 0.6 range) 12 dB; THD 0.005%; S/N 110 dB; FR 10-
4,000, 8,000, 16,000 Hz; boost/cut ±12 dB; S/N msec/80 msec-3 sec (program controlled); max out- '00,000 Hz + 0/-1 dB $400
100 dB; THD 0.01% $180 put signal level/imp 6 V/50k ohms at 1 kHz; min in-
put 80 mV; THD 0.12% at 60 and 2k Hz mixed 1:1. SE -77 Graphic Equalizer
PIONEER 1 V output; hum and noise max/min -90/-100 dB; FR Twelve -band stereo graphic equalizer in slim -line styl-
20-20,000 Hz +1 dB; input/output imp 100k/300 ing. Features separate tape -dubbing facilities for two
SG -90 Graphic Equalizer ohms; power consumption 3 W; 13%."W x 9"D x decks; controls for left and right channels, each with
Stereo 17 -band graphic equalizer. Features inverse 2'/."H $279 LED; equalizer recording and bypass switches. Center
EQ; auto -fader; tape monitor; tape/source equalizer
frequencies 16. 32. 64, 125. 250. 500 Hz, and 1, 2.
selector; center frequencies 16. 25. 40. 63, 100, VC -1 Videosonic Stereo Phasor
160, 250. 400. 630. 1k, 1.6k, 2.5k, 4.0k, 6.3k, Video audio signal processor combining expander,
16k. 25k Hz; + 6 dB or ± 12 dB switchable stereo synthesizer, and three noise/hiss filters. Con-
boost/cut range. S/N 114 dB (auto -fader off, equaliz- nects to most TVs and nearly all VCRs. Features 15
er flat); 161/4" W 141/4' D x 5 1/4" H; 10 lbs 8 dB expansion; 2 types of stereo synthesis; adjustable
oz $390 NR. TV headphone input imp 1 kohm; VCR audio imp
30 kohms. Distortion no more than 0.12%. 81/4' x
CA -100 Sound Processor 81/4" 21/4" $199
Sound processor with mic mixer. Features 2 mic in-
puts with pan pot; echo; 7 -band graphic equalizer; ADO Signature One Dynamic Expander
(center frequencies 60, 150. 400, 1k, 2.4k, 6k, 15k Stereo dynamic range expander with phase selector 4, 8, 16 and 32 kHz; boost/cut in 6 dB or 12 dB in-
Hz); ± 10 dB boost/cut range; auto -fader; adjustable switch to correct any reverse phase source. Features crements; FR 10 Hz to 100 kHz. S/N 110 dB; THD
fader cross point; tape monitor. S/N tape source 90 precision 1% metal film resistors in critical circuits; 0.005%. In black (SE -77B) or silver (SE -775) $280
dB; mic 1-2 69 dB; 161/4" W x 81/4' D 61/4" 20,000 mfd power supply paralleled with high-speed
H $270 capacitors; independent channel processing; patented RC -707 Graphic Equalizer
high-speed decision -making circuitry computes cor- Stereo graphic equalizer combines 7 -band line output
CA -X7 Sound Processor rect dynamic response; low distortion; laboratory cali- equalizer with 2 separate 5 -band equalizers in one
Shelf -sized sound processor with mic mixer. Features brated; 19'W x 31/4"H + 12'D. black rack chassis with a built-in Bucket Bridge echo amplifier
2 mic inputs with pan pots; echo; 7 -band equalizer. mount $695 and display. Ideal for mixing live performances with
FR 48-50,000 Hz; 0.008% THD; S/N 84 dB; 31/4" H pre-recorded material. FR 20-20kHz, THD 0.05%.
121/4" W 8-1/4" D; 7 lb 12 oz $250 SAE Available in black (RC.707B) or silver (RC -707S)
RG-9 Dynamic Expander E-101 Parametric Equalizer
Dynamic expander with fluoroscan meter, displays. Computer direct -line parametric equalizer with digital RA -990 Reverberation Amplifier
Features input level control. Dynamic expansion 4, 7, display, 2 bands with 10 memories/band. Bandwidth Combines bucket -brigade time delay, reverberation
10, 13, 16 dB; attack/release time 0.3/120 msec; adjustable from octaves; boost/cut range system with 2 -channel panpot mixing circuitry to
THD 0.05% at 1 kHz, 16 dB; S/N 100 dB; 16%," W 1-16 dB; rated output 2.5 V rms; THD 0.02%; S/N recreate realistic acoustic ambience, provide special
x 131/4" D + 31/4" H; 11 lb 11 oz $200 95 dB; 19'W x 121/4"D x 31/4"H $650 effects for sound reproduction, musical perfor-
mances. Echo mode has adjustable 0-3 second decay
SG -540 Graphic Equalizer 4000 Electronic Crossover time; Duet mode creates doubling effect with adjust-
Stereo 7 -band graphic equalizer with LED in each Two -band crossover with independent high -low bal- able 30-100 msec time delays. Individual pan pots,
slide control handle. Center frequencies 60, 150, ance controls for each channel; independent high- balance control provide mixing; special effects added
pass and low-pass controls; THD and IM distortion via combination of mic, line, tape inputs. FR 10-
0.02%; S/N 96 dB; FR 20-20.000 Hz +0.25 dB; in- 80,000 Hz + 0/-3 dB; THD <0.025%; S/N -. 90 dB
sertion loss 1 dB; input/output imp 67k/600 ohms; line. Available in black (RA -990B) or silver (RA -
rack mountable; 19'W , 3'/,"H + 31/4" D $275 . 990S) finish $240
5000A Click and Pop Filter SCOTT
Filter is designed to eliminate or considerably reduce
audible effects of scratches, grit, mistracking, static, 859Z Graphic Stereo Equalizer
imperfections, normal wear of records during normal Features 10 octave controls per channel with 12 -dB
play, tape recording. FR 20-20,000 Hz 1 1% dB; boost/cut range; power -on LED; tape monitor switch
S/N > 96 dB; THJD and IM < 0.1%; 10%."W for equalizing while listening to tape recordings; tape
91/4"H + 3"H; 8 lb $199 record equalization capability via front panel switch;
400, 1k, 2.4k. 6k, 15k Hz; boost/cut range ±10 dB; THD 0.008%; S/N 97 dB; ch sep 65 dB; center fre-
FR 5-70,000 Hz ± 1 dB; THD 0.005%; 16'/,' W SANSUI quencies 32, 64. 125, 250 and 500 Hz; 1.000,
81/4- D 31/4' H; 8 lb 5 oz $165 2,000, 4.000, 8,000 and 16,000 Hz; input imp
SE -9 Graphic Equalizer 47,000 ohms; input overload 8V $200
RG DYNAMICS Microprocessor -controlled stereo graphic equalizer
with unique motorized fader -setting system. 4 -curve SHERWOOD
PRO 20 Dynamic Processor memory storage, spectrum -analyzer display, pink -
Stereo dynamic processor designed to reduce noise, noise generator, external electret condenser mic. All EQ-200 Graphic Equalizer
restore transient response, eliminate tape hiss, reveal 16 (8 bands, 2 channels) frequency controls dual 24 -band graphic equalizer with 24 LED indicators.
details, enhance FM reception, improve record sound slide potentiometers, one section boosting/cutting Center frequencies 16, 32, 64. 125, 250, 500. 1k,
reproduction. Features input -level control; max/min band by + 12 dB, the other producing varying dc volt- 2k, 4k. 8k, 16k, 32k Hz; boost/cut 12 dB; THD
NR, tape monitor on/off, tape and main on/off dy- age for physically positioning sliders. Using auto ad- 0.01% from 20-20,000 Hz at 1 V; S/N 95 dB ref 1
namic processing switches; dual 4-20 dB LED level justment procedure, fader -to -fader interaction is mini- V output; FR 5-100,000 Hz at -3 dB; 17.37"W
displays. Total dynamic processing range 20 dB; mized. Auto setup procedure requires only 30 secs 4.37'H + 13.75"D $220
downward/upward processing range -3 to -8/0 to overall. L/R frequency spectra shown on gas display
+ 12 dB; attack/decay time 0.6 msec/80 msec-3 sec calibrated in 3 -dB increments over 24 -dB range. SONY
(program controlled); max output level/imp 6.5 Under/over LEDs warn of out -of -range conditions.
V/50k ohms at 1 kHz; min input 80 mV; THD 0.04% Features 2 -way dubbing, 2 -deck monitoring. Center SEQ-11 Graphic Equalizer
at 1 kHz, 1 V, max processing; IM distortion 0.05% frequencies 80, 160, 315, 630, 1.25k, 5k. 10k Hz; 11 -band stereo graphic equalizer with connections
at 60 and 2 kHz mixed 1:1; hum and noise max/min in/out level 1 V with flat control settings; THD for two tape decks and tape -to -tape possibility. Fea-
90/100 dB below 1 V output; FR 20-20,000 Hz ±1 0.008%; FR 10-100,000 Hz + 0/-1 dB; S/N 105 tures LED indication for EQ in and line out; left and
dB; input/output imp 80k/300 ohms; power con- dB; input/output imp 30k/600 ohms right octave adjustment; center frequencies 32, 63,
sumption 3 W; 17"W x 12"D x 31/4"H (optional rack - SE -9S. SE -9 with silver front panel $700 125, 500. 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k. 32 Hz; adjustment
mount available) $449 SE -9B. SE -9 with black front panel, rack -mounting range switchable + 6, 12 dB; S/N 90 dB; THD
hardware $700 0.006%; FR 10-100.000 Hz (all controls flat)$310
RG X-15 Dynamic Processor
Stereo dynamic signal processor similar to PRO -20 SE -8X Graphic Equalizer SEH-310 Graphic Equalizer
except over narrower control range. Features main Ten -band stereo graphic equalizer with spectrum -ana- Nine -band graphic equalizer with stereo image
output. tape recorder process/bypass, tape monitor lyzer display. Features 2 -tape -deck monitoring facili- enhancer. Features connections for two tape decks;
in/out switches; 6.15 -dB dynamic processing control; ties; analyzer calibration control; silver or rack -mount- mic mixing; Hybrid echo system. Center frequencies
dual 6-15 dB LED level displays. Total dynamic pro- ed matte black finish. EQ center frequencies 32, 63, 63, 125. 500, 1k, 2k. 4k. 8k. 16k Hz; adjustment


Signal Processors 12 Signal Processors
range 10 dB; S/N 95 (all controls flat) dB; THD sweep rate 0.1-10 seconds/octave; THD and IM dis- space $400
0.01%; FR 15-80,000 Hz. -3 dB (all controls flat); tortion 4- 0.01% at 2 V; S/N 114 dB at max output; PB-64 Rack mount patch bay $100
17" 2' , 11'',": 7 lb 11 oz $250
SEH-V5 Graphic Equalizer
Nine -band graphic equalizer with stereo image SH-8065 Graphic Equalizer
enhancer. Features mic mixing; connections for two Stereo 33 -band graphic equalizer with variable range
tapes; membrane -style keypads; center frequencies indicators. Features variable range selector; tape -
63. 125. 500. 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k. 16k Hz; adjustment monitor switch; parallel left, right slide controls (left
range t 10 dB: S/N 85 dB; THD 0.05%; FR 20-
channel on top, right channel on bottom). Center fre-
30.000 Hz, -1 dB (all controls flat);14" 2'/,," quencies 16, 20, 25, 31.5. 40, 50, 63. 80, 100,
94/,'; 4 lbs 14 oz $175 mic preamp input imp 2k ohms; FR 20.20,000 Hz
0.1 dB $699
SEH-22 Graphic Equalizer AS1000. Similar to AE2000 but without equalizer
Nine -band graphic equalizer with stereo image $549
enhancer and connections for tape deck. Center fre- AE2420. Similar to AE2000 but without 100 -LED
quencies 63, 125, 500. 1k. 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k Hz; ad- display. Auto Scan $499
justment range ± 10 dB; S N 85 dB; THD 0.01%; FR
10-50.000 Hz (all controls flat); 8'/,' 2'/' TG 3044 Third Octave Equalizer
11' 3 lb 12 oz $120 Third -octave stereo equalizer with 21 controls/ -
channel. Center frequencies 40. 50, 63, 80, 100. T: .1;10WITIIIIMOP
SOUND CONCEPTS 125, 160, 200, 250, 315. 400, 500. 630, 800. 1k.
1.6k, 2.5k, 4k, 6.3k, 10k. 16k Hz. Features EQ de-
SD550 Ambience Restoration System feat; infrasonic filter; tape monitor and tape record;
Stereo audio delay system; continuous delay variation Differential Comparator' circuitry for unity gain set-
5-100 msec; continuous reverb variation 0.100%; ting to within 0.1 dB accuracy for highest dynamic 125. 160, 200. 250. 315, 400. 500, 630, 800, 1k.
high -frequency rolloff from -3 to r6 dB; front mix range capability. THD and IM distortion 0.01% at 2 1.25k, 1.6k, 2k, 2.5k. 3.15k, 4k, 5k, 6.3k, 8k, 10k,
level 0-100%. rear level 0-100%; 50- or 100-msec V; S,'N 114 dB at 10 V output; input imp 47k ohms. 12.5k, a 6k. 20k, 25k Hz; boost/cut range ±31±12
delay range; rear output delay or quad direct; front Front panel rack mount, black anodized dB; FR 5-100,000 Hz -1 dB; THD 0.0025%, 20-
output direct or delay mix; input front or quad rear; aluminum $649 20,000 Hz; S/N 110 dB; input/output imp 47k/600
input imp 60k ohms min; output imp 300 ohms max; ohms; input sens/max output 1 8 V; gain 0 -dB; line -
FR 20.10,000 Hz + 1, -3 dB with 5 msec delay. zero DC 2215 Differential/Comparator' Equalizer level switch 150 mV/1 V; power consumption 28 W;
dB high -frequency rolloff; dynamic range 90 dB min, Stereo 10 -band equalizer with Differential/ - 16"4"W . 13'D 6'/-H; 13.2 lb $500
S/N 85 dB min, 90 dB wtd; 1% max distortion at 1 Comparator true -unity -gain circuitry for input to out-
kHz, 1 V rms, consisting almost entirely of 2nd har- put balancing accuracy to within 0.1 dB. Equalizer fil- SH-8030 Space Dimension Controller
monic; 15'/,'W .; 9'D 3'/,'H $739 ter circuits use precision wire wound passive -coil Space dimension controller designed to provide sur-
inductors for high gain, low noise and distortion. round sound from 2 speaker systems. Features 5 -
IR2100 Image Restoration System Front -panelcontrols include tape monitor. LED band graphic equalizer; dimension/signal-level dis-
Expands stereo image beyond confines of space be- defeat /EQ defeat and EQ tape record. THD and IM play; tape monitor; ambience, echo controls; dimen-
tween speakers to reproduce sonic image presented distortion <0.01% at 2 V; S/N 114 dB at 10 V; sion on /off. effector position switches; phono/Aux
to recording mics; speaker/listener angle continuous- boost, cut range ±15 dB. Includes frequency spec- selector; mic jacks with level, echo level control; mic 1
ly adjustable 204-100% continuous adjustment of pe- trum analyzer test record, computone charts, cables. panpot; mixing balance control. FR 7-150,000 Hz
rimeter to central sound level balance; master volume Front panel is rack mount, brushed aluminum with 0'-3 dB; S/N 80 dB; THD 0.005% line in; EQ cen-
control; connects in tape loop or between preamp and charcoal finish $399 ter frequencies 60. 250. 1k. 4k. 16k Hz; boost/cut
power amp; S/N 80 dB; distortion 0.1% max; hand- DC 2214. Same as DC 2215 except equalizer filter range -4:12 dBN; echo time 90 msec; sound image lo-
held with 15 -ft remote cable; 6'H . 3"W circuits have op -amp synthesized inductors. THD and cation 30° backward; input sens/imp 150 mV/30k
1 5"D $249 IM distortion < 0.01% at 2 V; S/N 106 dB at 10 V; ohms line in, AUX, tape. 2.5 mV/47k ohms phono; 1.5
IR2200. Nonremote version of IR2100 with perime- boost/cut range ± 12 dB $299 mV/10k ohms mic 1 and 2; output level/imp 150
ter to central sound level brilliance control; connects SE 450. Same as DC 2214 without Differential/ - mV/600 ohms line and rec out; max input at 1 kHz 5
in tape loop; has provisions for tape recorder, capabil- Comparator circuitry. Front panel available in silver V line in, 120 mV phono, 70 mV mic 1 and 2; max
or black anodized aluminum with black vinyl cabinet. output 5 V; power consumption 25 W; x
ity to record expanded image. S/N 80 dB; distortion
0.1% max; 7'W 4'D 2'H. Not rack mountable $249 111/,"D v 4"/'H; 10.6 lb $420
Factory assembled $169
Kit (KIR-1) $95 TASCAM BY TEAC SH-8055 Graphic Equalizer
Stereo 12 -band equalizer with real-time spectrum an-
VSP-1 Stereo Synthesizer PE -40 Parametric Equalizer alyzer and FL level indicator. Pink -noise generator
Provides interface to stereo system, creates spacious, Fully parametric 4 -band 4 -channel equalizer with built in for use with optional mic. Features L/R
realistic pseudostereo from mono sources; 10 -band each channel having 4 sets of continuously variable Q channel/peak mode FL display selector; 2 tape moni-
harmonically related frequency division. S/N 80 dB; gain and frequency controls; bands overlap 40-800. tors; FL volume level display; equalized playback/ -
distortion 0.2% max; 7'W 4"D 2'H.
. 200-4,000, 500-10,000 and 800-16,000 Hz; two recording selector; slide pots with LED indicators.
Factory wired $159 or more channels can be cascaded; switchable 60 Hz; Center frequencies 25, 40, 63, 100, 160. 250, 500,
Kit (KVSP-1) $90 18 dB/octave and 60 dB/octave low-pass filter on 1k. 2k. 4k. 8k. 16k Hz $340
each ch; THD <0.015% wtd; S/N 83 dB .... $650
SX-80 Peak Expander/CX Decoder SH-8045 Graphic Equalizer
Adds 20 dB of dynamic range to CX-encoded records RS -20 Dual Reverb Stereo 12 -band graphic equalizer with variable range
and videodiscs, 6-9 dB of upward expansion to Spring -type 2 -channel dual-reverb system using 3 dif- display; EQ position switch; tape monitor. Center fre-
nonencoded sources; connects into tape loop. pro- ferent -sized springs on each channel; limiters aheao quencies 16. 32, 63, 125. 250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k.
vides recorder connections. Features tri-color LED for of spring drive prevent "twangy" sounds caused by 16k. 32k Hz; boost/cut range ±12/±3 dB; FR 5-
0 VU calibration with standard record supplied. S/N transients, compatible with all sound systems with 108,000 Hz -3 dB; S/N 100 dB; THD 0.01%, 20-
80 dB; distortion 0.1% max; 7'W 4'D 2'H.
- slide switch to change input sens and output drive lev- 20.000 Hz; input sens/imp 0.5 V/47k ohms; max
Factory assembled $119 el to -10 dB or f 4 dBu; LEDs for each channel indi- input/output 6/6 V; gain 0 dB; power consumption
Kit (KSX-1) $76 cate signal below nominal level (when green) and 12W; 16"/,'W 9"/"D 6'/"H; 13.2 lb$200
above (when red); two receive jacks wired in parallel
SOUNDCRAFTSMEN with foldback jacks for looping sound to other signal SH 8040 Space Dimension Controller
processors; rack mountable; takes 3'/,' of rack Designed to provide surround sound from 2 speaker
AE2000 Real Time Analyzer/Equalizer systems. Features dimension/signal-level display;
Stereo 10 -band graphic equalizer with Differential/ source/tape monitor switch; echo position switch; di-
Comparator Analyzer/Equalizer, pink -noise genera- mension echo, ambience controls; mic level control;
tor. Features 100 -LED (10 -octave) real-time display NEED MORE INFORMATION? FR 20-150.000 Hz + 0/ -3 dB line in and playback.
with adjustable decay rate; mic preamp; input for 30-30,000 Hz mic; THD 0.05% line and playback,
analysis of 3 -head tape deck, other signal processor; Write directly to the manufacturer or 0.36% mic; S/N 101 dB line in and playback. 62 dB
Auto -scan mode; brushed -aluminum front panel; distributor. A list of names and ad- mic; input sens/imp 0.5 V/22k ohms line in and play-
hardwood side panels. Center frequencies 32. 64, back. 1.6 mV/10k ohms mic; output level 0.5 V line
dresses starts on page 25.
125. 250. 500. 1k. 2k. 4k, 8k, 16k Hz; boost 'cut
range ' 15 dB: display accuracy 0.1 dB; Auto -Scan (Continued on page 181.)

Eligita! Audio
AKAI noise sample/hold IC; A/1) and D/A converters; VCR function controls. Features CIRC error correction; ran-
servo mechanism contolled by the PCM processor's dom track selection; CLEAR button; CALL button; quick
CO -D1 Compact Disc Player quartz oscillator; Data Slice Level Control circuit sets check play (to play first 2 secs of each 30 -sec por-
Front -loading CD player with all controls on front pan- optimum data sep level for improved tape inter- tion); skip play to next track or return to the beginning
el. Features high-speed random access and pro- changeability; digital mute function records "0" digit of selection; REPEAT button; multi-functon fluorescent
grammed music selection; programmable playback of signals for editing during taping; feather -touch IC log, display shows program number, play time, elapsed
up to 24 selections; 1 -touch selection; instantaneous is control; built-in microcomputer provides auto re- time; headphone output with volume control; fixed
change from one selection to start of next; repeat wind, memory rewind, and timer record and play: tape and variable line outputs; 12"41"W x 5"/,"H x
playback; memory skip; index search; time search; counter with address search. NTSC system TV signal 9"/,."D; 12.3 lbs $1,000
pause; indicates elapsed time of each selection and mode; 2 -channel stereo; 44,056 Hz channel sam-
total time from beginning of disc. Quantization rate pling; 14 -bit linear quantization; FR 20-20.000 Hz:
16 -bit liner/channel; error correction code CIRC;
85 dB dynamic range; <0.03% distortion at 1 kHz;
sampling frequency 44.1 kHz; transmission bit rate speed deviation and W&F below measurable range; DA -01 Compact Disc Player
4.3218 Mbaud/sec; FR 20-20,000 Hz ±0.5 dB; line input 300 mV rms; line output 1 V rms; power Digital Compact Disc player with digital and analog fil-
S/N > 90 dB; dynamic range > 90 dB; ch sep > 90 consumption 55 W; 435mmW x 270H x 306D; 16 tering and random access of up to 24 programs. Fea-
dB; high -frequency distortion <0.005%; W&F of kG $3,500 tures repeat; phrase memory; skip; pause; Index sen-
crystal -oscillator accuracy; output level 2-0 V rms sor; Track Time Indicator for playing time of each
(100% mod); fast forward/backward time approx 4 DA -800 Compact Disc Player track, elapsed time, memory time; 2 -speed search in
secs; random-access time average 3 sec; 17.3'W x Horizonal-playing Compact Disc player with random forward and reverse. FR 20-20,000 Hz ±0.5 dB;
5.7"1-1 x 12.6'D; 16.3 lbs $1.000 memory programming for selecting cuts and order of S/N > 90 dB; dynamic range > 90 dB; ch sep > 90
play. Features Self Program Search System to play dB at 1 kHz; harmonic distortion <0.005% at 1 kHz;
DUAL first few seconds of each cut; forward and backward W&F relevant to crystal quartz tolerance; audio out-
skip; fast forward and reverse with audible program; put 2.0 V rms; quantization 16 bit linear,'ch; error
CD 120 Compact Disc Player index search; pause; repeat of any selection, entire correction CIRC; ch modulation code EFM; ch bit ratio
Front -loading vertical -play Compact Disc player with disc, or any segment, any number of times; adjustable
programmable operation for up to 15 selections. Fea- output; display of number of cuts on disc and total
tures electronic index with display of total playing time; display of elapsed time of cut being played. FR
time and number of titles; display of title number and 5-20,000 Hz ±0.5 dB; dynamic range 95 dB; Si N
individual playing time; time display of title in 95 dB; THD 0.003% at 1 kHz; W&F of quartz accura-
progress; indicator display of total amount of pro- cy; crosstalk 94 dB at 1 kHz; quantization 16 bits
gram completed; music title selection forward and re- linear/ch; sampling frequency 44.1 kHz; error -correc-
verse; cue function in automatic 30 -sec steps; adjust- tion code CIRC; channel -modulation code EFM (8 to
able headphone output; adjustable amplifier output; 14); channel bit rate 4.3218 Mb/sec; output voltage
fixed level amplifier output. FR 5-20.000 Hz ±0.5 2.5 V max; power consumption 23 W; 435mmW
dB; THD 0.03%; S/N 90 dB; crosstalk 85; W&F 110mmH r 264mmD; 5.9 kg $1,000
±0.001%; 12'4' x 53/"H x 9'/."W $900
DA -1000 Compact Disc Player
FISHER Front -loading vertical play Compact Disc player with
semiconductor laser pick up. Features forward and 4.3218 Mb/s; power consumption 30 W. 460mmW
AD850 Compact Disc Player
x 132mmH x 320mmD: 18.5 lbs (8.4 kg) $1.050
Vertical -play Compact Disc player with programmmed
auto playback, random access, sample scanning,
synchonous recording with compatible Fisher prod-
ucts, and soft -touch controls. Dynamic range > 90 DX -104 Compact Disc Player
dB $1.000 Digital Compact Disc player human engineered to po-
sition all of the unit's controls within easy, logical
HITACHI reach. Features front drop -in loading; computerized
random access; 8 -program random memory; memory
PCM-V300E Digital Audio Recorder readout; repeat function. Frequency response 5-
Portable digital audio recorder for recording and play-
20,000 Hz (±0.3 dB); 16VW x 5"/,."H x
back on VHS format videocassettes. Features low- 13'4"D $1,200
reverse; cue. repeat and auto search; program play-
back of up to 15 selections; precise (±0.1 micron)
mecha-tronics guidance system to keep the beam ac-
curately centered over correct track. FR 20-20,000
Hz ±0.5 dB; dynamic range > 90 dB; THD <0.03%;
W&F quartz accuracy; crosstalk 60 dB; sampling fre-
quency 44.1 kHz; error correction code CIRC; chan-
nel modulation code EFM; 320mmW x 145mmH x
234mmD; 5.6 kg $1,000

Compact Disc Player
Front -loading Compact Disc player with soft -touch

Kyocera goes to double lengths to
make sure there's no distortion in

WHY PUT TWO its DA -01 Compact Disc Player. It's

got both digital and analog filters-
so nobody hears distortion.

FILTERS INTO ONE The advantage of digital and

analog filtering systems.
Modern technology has made ana-
log filters pretty effective. But there
can be a problem-analog filters

GREAT COMPACT by themselves render limited per-

formance. By combining an ana-
log filter with a digital filter, and
precisely types in
just then t way, the limitations

DISC PLAYER? found wit analog filters are not

there anymore. Thanks to the
unique use of these filters, and an
impressive array of very advanced
circuitry, the Kyocera CD Player
provides accurate, crystal-clear, life-
like sound.

The awesome specs that only

digital can provide.
Needless to say, the Kyocera DA-Ol
comes through with some specs that
are mind -boggling: A full 90 dB
dynamic range... flat frequency
response from 20-20,000 Hz...
quiet 90 dB S/N ratio... and total
isolation 90 dB channel separation.
And, just in case you didn't
realize it, with the fabulous disc
player system, as provided in
Kyocera's DA-Ol Player, there is
no contact between disc and play-
back head. No tics, clicks, pops,
scratches or record wear. And the
DA -01 plugs right into your present
audio system-Kyocera or others-
just like a conventional turntable.

Easy to use, but total control of

every function.
The DA-Ol is easier to use than a
modern cassette deck-slide the
compact disc into the disc compart-
ment, shut the door and hit the
play button. With the DA -01's
feather -touch controls, you can
play the whole thing (60 minutes
a side)...repeat a track...scan...
pause... skip... advance... index...
and program up to 24 different
segments with an electronic mem-
ory. A functional LED digital panel
tells you program running time
and just where the optical scanner
is on the disc.
Admittedly, our DA -01's are
carried only by selected dealers.
If you have trouble finding
one, contact: Kyocera Inter-
national. Inc.. 7 Powder Horn
Drive, Warren, NI 07060 (201)

Digital Audio 13 Digital Audio
phrase memory; analog and digital filtering; LSI cir- tor; selection repeat; remote control; audible cue and
MAGNAVOX cuitry. FR 20-20,000 Hz; 90 dB S/N; 90 dB channel review; time -controlled auto start; semiconductor la-
sep: THD below 0.05% $1.100 ser pickup. FR 5-20,000 Hz ±0.5 dB; dynamic range
FD3000SL Compact Disc Player
90 dB or more; THD 0.01% or less (5-20,000 Hz);
Front -loading Compact Disc player with 15 -track W&F equal to crystal oscillator accuracy; sampling
multimode programming. Features auto slide -out MITSUBISHI frequency 44.1 kHz; quantization 16 bits linear/ch;
drawer for loading; track skip; "go to" for selection of 430mmW x 150mmH 360mmD; 12 kg
specific track; search; repeat; pause; digital filtering; DP -101 Compact Disc Player $1,300
high -stability digital -to -analog conversion; laser pick- Vertical -play Compact Disc player with full program-
up with nonpolarizing interference free beam; single - mability and wireless infrared remote control. Fea PHASE LINEAR
stage servo tracking; soft muting; low power dissipa-
tion for cooler operation; servo -controlled direct -drive 9500 Compact Disc Player
motor; long -life ambient -temperature semiconductor
Compact Disc player utilizing 2 separate digital -to -an-
laser. FR 20-20,000 Hz ±0.3 dB; phase linerity alog convertors for improved performance. Program-
S/N (dynamic range) >90 dB; channel sep mable for up to 24 selections in any sequence. Also
> 86 dB; THD < 0.005%; IMD < -- 86 dB; W&F features phrase repeat, index and time programming;
quartz crystal precision; maximum output level (at repeat funtion and memory recall; pause. fast scan
MSB) 2 V rms, typical; output imp < 100 ohms; mini-
and skip controls. Dynamic range 92 dB; FR 20-
mum load imp 10 kOhms; material/finish polysty-
rene, with extruded aluminum profiles; 16'/2"W
31/4"H x 12'/,'D; 131/4 lbs $900
FD2000SL. Similar to FD3000SL except top loading.
tures forward and back skip; audible scan/search: re-
peat functions; cue by cut number, index number, and
time; programming of 30 cuts in any order with re-
peatable sequence and skipping to next or previous
cut in sequence; meters showing laser position or sig-
nal level; display showing cut number, elapsed time,
index number, and next cut; headphone -level adjust-
ment. FR 20-20,000 Hz +0.01, - 0.3 dB; ch sep
J : 104 dB at 1 kHz. 83 dB at 20 kHz; S/N 97 dB A-wtd,
92 dB unwtd; intermodulation distortion 0.014% ref 20,000 Hz; channel sep 92 dB; THD 0.005%; output
to both 0 and -20 dB; THD 0.0056% ref to 0 dB, imp 10 ohms; 171/4-W 5V,"H 121/413 . $995
0.008% ref to -20 dB; headphone output 0.57 V
into 8 ohms, 7.56 V into 600 ohms; max line output SANSUI
level 1.56 V $1.100
31/4"H 12"D (lid closed). 161/4"W PC -V1000 Compact Disc Player
7. . H 12"D (lid open). 13 lbs $800 DP -103 Compact Disc Player Slim -line design with horizontal front loading and total
FD1000SL. Similar to FD2000SL except 121/4"W Front -loading vertical -play Compact Disc player with push-button or push -pad operation. Features wireless
H - 101/4"D (lid closed), 121/4"W 7"Fl
- 3 -beam laser pick-up for more precise accuracy and remote control for random access to individual
10'A- D (lid open) 11 lbs $800 better stability against mechanical shocks or vibra- tracks; Intro play; repeat between any two points on a
tions. Features motor -driven sliding tray for loading disc; other automatic functions; track -number dis-
MARANTZ discs; control features: play, pause, forward skip, re- plays; time display; precision servo systems for con-
verse skip, forward scan, reverse scan, repeat, stop trol of main and feed motors; 3 -beam laser pickup
CD -73 Gold Compact Disc Player fluorescent meter display and function illumination. system; combination digital -analog filter for minimum
Drawer -loading Compact Disc player with random FR 5-20,000 Hz ±0.5 dB; sampling frequency 44.1 analog processing. FR 5-20,000 Hz ±0.5 dB; S/N
programming of up to 15 cuts in any order with skip kHz; analog/digital conversion 16 -bit, linear; THD > 90 dB; ch sep > 90 dB; THD < 0.004%; W&F
forward to next cut in sequence. Features scan/ < 0.004% (at 10 kHz, 0 -dB input); dynamic range unmeasurable
search; repeat cut or side; cue by cut number; display
> 90 dB (at 1,000 Hz); crosstalk > 90 dB (at 1.000
of present and upcoming cut number; CANCEL function Hz); W&F below measurable limits; 13.7'W 3.9"H PC -X1 Tricode PCM Digital Audio Processor
to delete cut from program; gold-plated signal -output 12.6'D $695 Permits digital recording and playback at the slow Ex-
connectors; provision for optional remote control.
tended Play (EP) speed on any VCR. Video format
Rumble, none; W&F, none; FR 20-20,000 Hz; dynam- NAKAMICHI NTSC TV; PCM format EIAJ, STC-007 digital -audio -
standard; FR 5-20.000 Hz; S/N > 85 dB; dynamic
DMP-100 Digital Mastering Processor range > 85 dB; THD < 0.01%; W&F unmeasurable;
Digital mastering processor for use with any NTSC-C sampling frequency 44.056 kHz; quantization 14
compatible VCR; (VHS, Beta. U-Matic, or .4 -inch). bits linear $1,000
Features choice of EIAJ 14 -bit of 16 -bit encoding; ef-
ficient high -frequency (100 kHz) DC -DC converter; SANYO
special high-performance capacitors to reduce distor-
tion. Nominal specifications: FR 10-20,000 Hz ±0.5 DAD -8 Compact Disc Player
dB; dynamic range (re 1 kHz, 0 dB) 14 -bit 88 dB; 16 Front -loading vertical -play Compact Disc player with
bit, 92 dB; THD 0.006% 14 bit; channel sep 80 dB; 10 -digit keypad for memory programming or up to
W&F beneath measurable limits. Guaranteed mini- 16 selections. Features real-time counter; random ac-
mum specifications: FR 10-20.000 Hz ±1 dB; dy- cess; fast forward and reverse network of micro -
'c range 90 dB; S/N 90 dB; ch sept 90 dB; THD switching protected by a durable membrane with
0.005%; 161/4"W 51/4"H 114/,"D; 17. 5
lb $1,000


CD -MI Compact Disc Player
All touch -controlled Compact Disc player with ten -key i77; FLAN
control. Features index and time search; repeat and

namic range, 16 -bit, 90 dB; THD, 16 -bit, 0.006%;

41/4"W > 31/4"H x 121/4-D; 6 lb 10 oz $1,990

CD 803E Compact Disc Player LEDs indicating mode selection. FR 5-20,000 Hz;
Front -loading Compact Disc player with programma- S/N > 90 dB; ch sep > 90 dB; THD 0.006% (1,000
ble operation for up to 99 selections, and digital and Hz); quantization 16 bits linear; 131/4"W 5 H
analog filtering. Features 4 -mode playing time indica- 10'4'D $901)

the next
generation in
sound... _

A technological breakthrough in audio that delivers

finer sound reproduction than ever before possible.
The dream is now reality. Intro- sound, Hitachi gives you a choice
ducing the most perfect sound sys- - vertical or front load players.
tern in audio history. The Hitachi With 10 key or two key program -
DA -1000 and DA -800 Compact Disc mability and visible or hidden disc
Players. This revolutionary break- design. Both offer advanced fea-
through in audiotronics shatters the tures like forward and reverse, cue,
limitations of even the finest analog repeat and auto search for a unique
stereo system. There is greater sound experience. Now you can
dynamic range. Virtually no distortion. No wow "be there" for the live performance without
and flutter. No acoustic feedback. No record ever leaving your living room.
wear. The result is the purest, cleanest sound, Until you own Hitachi's Compact Disc
absolutely faithful to the original recording. Player, you've yet to hear the true sound of
As a leader in this new frontier of digital quality.

A World Leader in Technology

Hitachi Sales Corporation of America 401 W. Artesia Blvd., Compton, Calif. 90220



Digital Audio 13 Digital Audio

DX -3 Compact Disc Player
PCM-F1 Digital Audio Processor
Front -loading vertical -play Compact Disc player with Digital audio processor for recording and playback
programmable operation for up to 20 selections. Fea- with any VCR. Controls include; headphone volume:
tures semiconductor laser pickup; program indicator rec level; meter adjustment; muting; copy; rec mute.
for track and time; forward and backward skip: repeat
Features Cyclic Redundancy Check Code error correc-
and pause functions. FR 5-20.000 Hz 1- 0.5 dB: dy- tion to detect 99.9985% of dropout errors; word in-
namic range 90 dB; THD immeasurable; W&F immea-
terleaving and linear interpolation systems; copper -
surable; level fluction below measurable levels;
finished chassis and copper screws; mic amp;
crosstalk 60 dB at 1 kHz. 10 kHz: sampling frequen- EFM; error correction CIRC. 7 kg: 330mmW 24 -element LED meters reading from 50 to 0 dB:
cy 44.1 kHz; quantization 16 -bit linear: modulation 148mmH 230mmD $995 auto peak hold; digital copy out: auto emphasis detec-
tor; gold-plated inputs and outputs; 3 -way power sup-
ply. W&F immeasurable; dynamic range - 90 dB 16 -
bit. 86 dB 14 -bit: sep 80 dB; FR 10.20,000 Hz
' 0.5 dB; distortion - 0.005% 16 -bit, - 0.007%

14 -bit; sampling rate 44,056 Hz; quantization 16 -bit
and 14 -bit; power consumption 17 W: 8.5' 3.25"
12.12"; 8 lb 13 oz $1,900
PCM-701ES. Similar to PCM-F1, except ac -powered
for stationary use, and works with external mixer.
Compatible with any VCR usable in the US. Finished in

THAT BEAT ThE black anodized aluminum. Features digital copy out-
put; 28 -segment peak meters. Dynamic range 90
dB 16 -bit, > 86 dB 14 -bit; harmonic distortion
0.005% 16 -bit. 0.007% 14 -bit; FR 10-20.000 Hz
0.5 dB: W&F unmeasurable $1.100

COMPACT DEC CDP-701ES Compact Disc Player

Twin -monaural Compact Disc player designed for au-
diophiles. Features Random Music Sensor to program
up to 8 cuts; Location Search for access by time or in-
In a recent test done by Popular Hi -Fl, all four review- dex numbers; Music Scan for 10 -sec sample of each
ers chose the Linn Sondek LP12 Turntable over the
Compact Digital Disc.
"The Compact Disc Player sounds impressive at first,
probably due to its relative absence of surface noise
but once the music starts there is something which
tells you immediately that it is wrong."-Chris Thomas

"All the key musical elements were there, but the subtle
nuances of the music - delicate cymbal playing, intri-
cate guitar work and so on - were missing which cut: Auto Music Sensor for direct access to start of
made the overall presentation of the music less con- cuts; 2 -speed manual search forward and backward
with audible monitoring; repeat of passage. track, or
vincing and involving than that provided by the ana- disc; wireless remote control (with batteries); digital
logue front end." - Simon Davies indication of track number, index number, elapsed
time of track, time left on disc; bar graph shows num-
ber of tracks, length, total playing time of disc, pickup
... although it was better than we had anticipated, it position; 2 digital -to -analog converters; double -isolat-
still was far behind our reference Linn/ lttok Asak T ed subchassis for laser transport; separate integra-
combination in pure sound quality." - Chris Frankland tors, line amps, buffer amps, high -order low-pass fil-
ters; metal -encased analog output amp; shielded
"In my view it still has some way to go before it is as power supply; metal -film resistors. Comes with disc -

good as the best analogue disc playing systems."

Jonathan Kettle
- cleaning cloth and connecting cord. Dynamic range
95 dB at kHz: THD - 0.003%; FR 5-20.000 Hz

0.5 dB; stereo sep 90 dB at 1 kHz; W&F beneath

measurable limits; line output 2 V rms, load imp
10k ohms; 17"W 4.25"H 15.25"W; 25 lbs 7
For a complete reprint of the review, and other information on the oz (11.5 kg) $1.500
turntable that beat the compact disc, circle the reader service num- CDP-101 Compact Disc Player
ber listed below. Compact Disc player with automatic front loading. via
a motor -driven horizonal loading platform. Features
feather touch controls; Play, Pause and Fast -Scan;
LINN Sony RM-101 full function wireless remote control;
automatic music sensor (permits access to any selec-
SONDEK tion on the disc at the touch of a button); programma-
ble repeat function multifunction fluorescent display
For further information contact of track number and time of selection; advanced er-
AUDIOPHILE SYSTEMS LTD 6842 HAWTHORN PARK DR INDIANAPOLIS. INDIANA USA 46220 ror -correction circuits; reliable servo systems for
ALDBURN ELECTRONICS LTD ONTARIO CANADA speed. focus and tracking; polypropylene capacitors;
metal film resistors; gold plated output jacks; black.
CIRCLE NO. 44 ON READER SERVICE CARD anodized aluminum finish; dynamic range of over 90
dB; signal to noise rato over 90 dB; channel sep over
90 dB; W&F so low it cannot be measured; flat FR
across the entire audible range; negligible distortion;
14"W 41/."H 12'."D $900

Digital Audio 13 Digital Audio
SV-110 PCM Digital Audio Processor cuitry. Features microcomputers for random access
Digital audio processor designed for PCM recording system control, FL display drive, digital slicer, and op-
tical pickup position control; multi -function display;
TECHNICS and play back in combination with a videocassette re-
random access programming capability for up to 63
corder; designed to match appearance of home audio
system components and video recorders. Features up selections; intro -skip plays first few seconds of each
SV-P100 Digital Cassette Deck
to 6 hours continuous recording; digital cli..bbing ca- sor.g; repeat function for entire disc or program con-
Stereo digital cassette deck uses pulse -code modula-
pability; connections for 2 VCRs; 2 -way digital copy- tents; pickup position indicator in disc holder section
tion to record on, play back from, standard VHS vid-
ing; 2 -color peak -hold FL meters (-25 dB to +6 dB); FL display; control key indicators; a .tomatic disc
eocassette. Features LSI IC -chip digital signal pro-
headphone level control; butt -in microphone amp; loading; FR 4.20,001 Hz; dynamic range 90 dB or
cessing; versatile editing capabilities; liquid -crystal
playback mute cancel switch for cue and review more; S/N 90 dB or more; THD 0.004% or less at 1
display tape counter, level display meters (includes
monitoring $800 kHz, 0 dB; channel sep 90 dB or more; W&F quartz
peak hold); input, output terminals for direct dub
from second SV-P100; recessed power switch to pre-
vent accidental power off; headphone, microphone SV-100 Digital Audio Processor
jacks on front panel; fade-in/out control; motor -driven Digital audio processing for digital audio recording
cassette holder; dew lamp; soft -touch transport con- and playback. Features semiconductor circuitry for
trols; automatic recording possible with audio timer. compact size; quick and accurate adjustment; 2 -color
FR 2-20,000 Hz ±0.5 dB; harmonic distortion
0.01% at 1Hz. 0 dB: dynamic range > 86 dB; in-
put sens/imp 30 mV/10k ohms line, 0.7 mV /600
ohms microphone, 1 V p -p/75 ohms digital: output
level/imp 400 mV/600 ohms line, 1 V p -p/75 ohms
to b 6.
crystal oscillator precision; 16%,"W x 5%"H x
- 121/4"D; 22 lb $1,000


FL meters for accurate indication; two complete sets CD -1 Natural Sound Compact Disc Player
of video input/output jacks, one set on side and one Font -loading, sliding -disc -tray Compact Disc player.
on rear. PCM standard EIAJ; quantization linear 14 - Features nigh -gain phase detector tracking servo; er-
bit; decoding linear 14 -bit; FR 2-20.000 Hz ±0.5 ror corretlion; twin D/A converters; low-pass filters;
dB; harmonic distortion < 0.01%; 1 kHz. 0 dB; dy- Yamaha pure -current dam; programmed sequence
namic range > 86 dB; power supply ac/dc/car bat- playback for up to 15 selections; repeat playback;
tery. Main unit 9%'W x 3%"H ac power phrase playback. FR 10-20,000 Hz ±0.5 dB; THD
unit 3%."W x 3%"H x 9'/.'D; main urit 6.4 Ib; ac 0.005%; dynamic range 90 dB; channel sep 90 dB
power unit 5.1 lb $900 at 1 kHz. W&F crystal oscillator accuracy; fixed level
output 2 V rms maximum; variable level output 0.3-
(video format): record/play time 2 hours maximum;
3.6 V rms; 17%"W x 4%"H 14'D; 29 lb 11
power consumption 85 W; 16"A.'W 13'/."H SL -P10 Compact Disc Player
Fully programmable Compact Disc player with LSI cir- oz $1.395
10"/,'D; 46.3 lb $3,000

Speakers 9 Speakers

Low -end response 62 Hz; max power 125 W; sens 90dB SPL/W/m; maximum power 100W; imp 8
x 1 PA.' D $810/pr ohms; 26%"W 143/.'H r 12%'D $950/pr
(Continued from page 149.)
MACH 3. Similar to MACH 5 except low -end response
65 Hz; max power 100 W: $530/pr Natural Sound Series Speaker Systems
NS -70T. Acoustic -suspension 3 -way bookshelf speak-
TSR110.2. Similar to TSR112.2 except only 1 woof-
er system with 25 -cm woofer. 6 -cm midrange, 3.5 -cm
er, ' ," tweeter; veneer finish on particle board. Low -
YAMAHA tweeter. Features midrange, tweeter level controls;
end response 45 Hz; crossovers 300 and 3.5k Hz;
American walnut finish; FR 25-20,000 Hz; cross-
max power 150 W; sens 88 dB; 27' H x 13%'D x
$1,100/pr NS -2000 Speaker System overs 800 Hz and 5.000 Hz; maximum power 140 W
3 -way acoustic -suspension speaker with 13' woofer music; sens 88dB SPL/W/m; imp 6 ohms $375/pr
TSR108.2. Similar to TSR110.2 except no midrange
of pure carbon fibre. Features rounded baffle -board NS -50T Similar to NS -70T except has no midrange
driver or controls. Maximum power 100 W; crossover
$900/pr construction; flush -mounted drivers; offset grille cov- driver. control. Crossover 1.5kHz; maximum power
3.5 kHz; 22%"H a 12"W x 111/2"D $260/pr
TSR102.2. Similar to TSR108.2 except has 4%" er; centered in -line array; thick internal baffle boards; 120 W; artifical walnut finish
hand -selected walnut wood; midrange 8.8 cm (3%" NS -30T. Similar to NS -507 except has 20 -cm woofer.
woofer. Low -end response 75Hz; max power 60 W;
$650/pr beryllium dome; tweeter 3 cm 1'/,.- berryllium dome; Low -end response 40 Hz; crossover 1.5 kHz; maxi-
sens 83 dB; 16"H a 71/4"D x 7%'W
max power 125 W; sens 90 dB SPL/W/m; FR 28- mum power 100 W $190/pr
20,000 Hz; 29%" x 17'4' x 15 V." $3,000/pr NS -20t. Simi'3r to NS -30T except has 20 -cm woofer.
E Series Speaker System .

Maximum power 80 W
E 90. Bass -reflex 3 -way speaker system 2 10" woof-
ers. 2 3"4." midranges, P horn -loaded compression NS -1000M Speaker System
tweeter. Features midrange, tweeter controls; 4th -or- Speaker system with 11.8' woofer, 3.46' midrange. NS -10M Speaker System
1.18" tweeter. Features vapor -deposition beryllium - Acoustic -suspension 2 -way bookshelf speaker system
der Butterworth crossovers; walnut -veneer finish;
matched left, right pairs. FR 30-18,500 Hz; max pow- dome drivers; midrange, tweeter level controls; ebony with 7' woofer, 13/4' soft -dome tweeter. Features
cabinet with semigloss black finish; detachable black black wood finish. FR 60-20,000 Hz; crossover 2
er 140 W; sens 95 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms;
grille; sold in mirror -image pairs only. Frequency kHz; e'ficiency 90 dB/W/m; max power 50 W peak;
441/4"H x 15"W x 14%'D $1,950/pr
range 40-20,000 Hz; crossovers 500 and 6.000 Hz; imp 8 ohms: 15"W x 8%H 7'/."D $155/pr
Mach Series Speaker Systems
MACH 9. Bass -reflex 3 -way speaker system with 9'/
woofer, 2 3"/," midranges, horn -loaded com-
pression tweeter. Features automatic -reset thermal
overload protection; 6 -LED power indicator; mid-
range, tweeter controls; 4th -order Butterworth cross- NOTICE TO READERS
overs; walnut -veneer finish. FR 50-17,000 Hz; max
power 200 W; sens 94 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; Prices of items described are manufacturers' suggested prices
321/,'H x 13%.'W x 12''/,.'D $1,510/pr only and are subject to change without notice. Actual selling
MACH 7. Similar to MACH 9 except has single mid-
range driver. Low -end response 55 Hz; max power prices are determined by the dealers.
150 W; 26'%,"H $1.240/pr
MACH 5. Similar to MACH 7 except has no midrange
driver or control: has only 2 -LED power indicator.

Pocket Stereo
AIWA phone; auto tape shut-off; two volume controls; belt 110.V ac prongs); overnight recharging. When Power-
clip; operates on 4 AA batteries (not included) or 6-V max reaches full charge. prongs are retracted and
HS -T02 Auto -Reverse Pocket Stereo dc adapter (not included); headphones, carrying case module slips in position for up to 10 hours of use.
AM/FM stereo tuner and cassette player with NR and and tape pouch included; 6% x 334' x 11/4" . $50 Comes with 2 matched -output Micro-Lite headsets,
antiroll mechanism. Features cue and review; metal - soft case with belt attachment
tape compatibility; electronic pause; 2 headphone $140
RY-72 Pocket Stereo
jacks; ac adapter jack. Comes with lightweight head- Stereo cassette player and FM -multiplex radio fea- EWR-501 Pocketman
phones and belt hook $140 tures auto tape shut-off; operates on 4 AA batteries AM/FM pocket stereo features selection of up to 10
(not included) or 6-V dc adapter (not included); head- preset stations (five AM and five FM), as well as
HS -P05 Cassette Pocket Stereo phones, carrying case and strap included; 61/4' "seek" mode; Powermax recharging system; charge
Pocket cassette player with headbandless earphones. 3%* . 11/4' $40 will deliver up to 10 hours; comes with a pair of Mi-
Available in choice of color, measuring 1' thick and
cro-Lite stereo headphones and soft case $90
weighing 8.1 oz with batteries $90 RY-77 Pocket Stereo
AM/FM-multiplex featherweight headphone radio with SR -301 Pocketman
CR-02 AM/FM Pocket Stereo adjustable headband that folds up for storage. Fea- Shirt -pocket-size AM/FM stereo receiver includes
Card -size AM FM pocket stereo with headbandless tures foam -padded earpieces; LED stereo indicator; Clear powermax recharging system with built-in
earphones and automatic turn -on. Comes with case in -out jack; doubles to connect with other personal or NiCad cells. Comes with a pair of Micro-Lite stereo
and 2 AAA batteries. 0.5- thick <4'H; 2.3 oz $70 home stereos (connecting cables not included); oper- headphones with samarium cobalt drivers, soft foam
ates on 2 AA batteries (not included) $30 ear pads, stainless steel adjustable headband, and 6 -
HR -S02 Radio Headphones
foot cord with mini stereo jack; built-in 11/4" -diameter
Wireless folding headphones with built-in AM/FM ra- RY-64 Pocket Stereo micro speaker; retractable dipole antenna, stereo in-
dio. Jack allows other headphones, cassette recorder, AM/FM-multiplex pocket stereo is calculator size; op- dicator, charge indicator, fitted soft case; 21/4"
or other audio components to be plugged in. Features erates on 2 AAA batteries (not included); headphone 51/4 " x % $60
samarium cobalt drivers; telescopic whip antenna; and carrying pouch with belt loop included; 3'/ 2
sep 40 dB for FM stereo $70 34" $26
n 1/4" SR -303 FM Stereo Receiver
FM pocket stereo features Powermax recharging sys-
Pocket Stereo Micro Speakers RY-64/A Pocket Stereo tem that permit NiCad batteries to be recharged from
SC-A2Y. Dynamic Super Loudness internal amplifica- AM/FM-multiplex pocket stereo is pocket calculator any wall outlet. Includes Micro-Lite stereo head-
tion speaker systems with independent power supply size; 2 volume controls; operates on 2 AAA batteries phones, soft case $50
and internal on/off switching. Designed for use with (not included); folding/collapsible headphone, carry-
any pocket stereo system. Comes with connection ing pouch with belt loop and strap included; 4"
AWS-08 Amplified Speaker System
$80/pr 21/4" x $22 Amplified 2 -way free -edge speaker system capable of
SC-A5Y. Similar to SC-A2Y $65/pr sound pressure level of 90 dB/W/m. Output power
RY-62 Pocket Stereo 2.8 W rms; FR 70-20,000 Hz; automatic power shut-
AKAI AM FM -multiplex pocket stereo operates on 3 AA off; 4' driver and 11/2" dome tweeter; powered by
batteries (not included); belt clip, headphone includ- four C -cells or an external 6 -volt DC adapter; comes
PM -RI Pocket Stereo ed; 41/4 31/4" 11/4" $20 complete with soft carrying case and shoulder
Portable AM/FM auto -reverse cassette player. Fea- strap
tures AM /FM stereo tuner pack with stereo/mono $55
RY-63 Pocket Stereo
switch; auto stereo indicator; phone jacks; metal tape FM -multiplex pocket stereo operates on 3 AA batter- DAC-12 Output Adapter
compatibility; ultra -lightweight headphones; push- ies (not included); belt clip; headphone included; 5" Features dual -voltage, dual -output adapter. Mini plugs
button tape transport controls; audio mute; dual pow- 21/4" 1" $16
er source ac/dc
provide 6-V dc output from any 110- or 220-V ac
$150 source $20
RY-82 Pocket Stereo with Powered Speakers EQ-3 Pocket Equalizer PPA-1 Personal Portable Decoder
AM/FM-multiplex radio with powered speaker system, Slimline equalizer for pocket stereos with slide con- Lightweight (3.2 oz) adapter decodes dbx-encoded
stereo cassette player: cassette slides out to play trols offering ± 10 dB at 60 Hz, 250 Hz, 1,000 Hz, cassettes; "dbx B" position gives good results with
through headphone, and tape stop, operates on 4 AA 3,500 Hz, 10,000 Hz; AA batteries included.. $40 Dolby -B cassettes. Connects to headphone jack of
batteries or 6-V DC adapter; radio/speakers operate
personal portable; headphones plug into PPA-1. Dy-
on 4 C batteries or 6V dc adapter (batteries and LS -6 Pocket Stereo Speaker namic range 90 dB; frequency response (dbx type II)
adapters not included); headphone and carrying strap For use with pocket stereos. Features internal amplifi- follows decoding curve 50-15,000 Hz ±1.5 dB; THD
for cassette included; radio/speakers: 15" x 2" . 3 cation; optional leatherette case $40/pr <0.3% at 1,000 Hz; output noise -90 dBV; input
1/4": pocket cassette player $75 levels 100 mV nominal; 300 mV maximum for dbx-
CLEAR encoded tapes; 1 V maximum for other encoded and
RY-90 Pocket Stereo
unencoded tapes; maximum output < 25 mW into 32
Stereo cassette recorder/player with AM/FM-multi- SWC-838 Pocket Stereo ohms, both channels, designed to drive typical light-
plex radio; 'hot line talk button, 2 condenser mics Portable stereo cassette player with auto reverse and weight headphones; imps: input 180 ohms, output
for stereo recording; auto record level control; auto 2 headphone jacks. Features Powermax Recharging 3.3 ohms, compatible with typical pocket stereo cas-
tape shut-off; operates on 4 AA batteries (not includ- Module that separates from player to plug into ac sette players; powered by two AAA batteries (not in-
ed) or 6-V DC adapter (not included); headphone, car- socket for recharging. Comes with Micro-Lite head- cluded); 3 V dc nominal, will operate down to 1.8 V;
rying case with belt loop and strap included; 61/4" x phones, soft case with belt loop. 6" 3.5- 1.25'; 4'/,'W 11/4"H x 1%,"D $49
3 1/4" 1% $60 14 oz $160
RY-71 Pocket Stereo
SWC818 AM/FM Stereo Cassette Player
Stereo cassette player and AM .FM -multiplex radio Pocket cassette player with Powermax recharging PH45 Dolby Pocket Stereo
with "hot line" talk button and condenser micro - system (NiCad battery module that features slide out Dolby stereo cassette player with AM FM slide .in tun

Pocket Stereo 14 Pocket Stereo
er pack. Features auto reverse; metal tape capability, phone jack; LED indicators for FM stereo and battery; mal tape capability; auto stop mechanism; pause
tape counter, FM mono/ stereo selector; operates on 4 function; slide -rule tuning dial; LED indicators display
stereo playback; lightweight stereo headphones; built-
in speaker for listening without headphones .. $190 AA batteries (not included); black finish $170 battery power conditions and FM stereo reception
CR-50R. Same as CR-50B but red color finish $170 $100
CP-20 Auto -Reverse Stereo Cassette Player RQ-AR I Auto -Reverse Cassette Player
Auto -reverse stereo cassette player with program but- Auto -reverse stereo cassette player with feather -
7-1900 Pocket Stereo
ton. Features ant -rolling, high -inertia tape transport; touch controls and remote operations. Features man-
FM/AM/FM stereo headset radio with ETS Features
pushbutton station frequency scanning, memory for 8 coreless electronic servo motor; metal tape capability; ual fast forward and rewind controls; automatic re-
stations (4 FM, 4 AM) with recall of programmed sta- micro headphones. 2 headphone jacks... .. $130 verse function; anti -rolling mechanism; metal or
normal tape selector; high and low tone selector; LED
tions or the last station played, LCD digital display;
top -mounted headphone jack, samarium cobalt head- WM-32 AM/FM Pocket Stereo Receiver battery inoicator; lightweight stereo headphones; sec-
$70 AM, FM stereo receiver with LED indicators for AM ond headphone jack; AM/FM stereo tuner on FM ste-
phones, belt clip
fine tuning and FM stereo. Features 1 -hour power oft reo tuner Dptional $100
7-1750 Pocket Stereo FM mono/stereo selector; micro headphones; 20
mW ch $80 RX-1955 FM Stereo and Cassette Recorder
AM FM/ FM stereo headset radio small enough to slip
FM -32. Similar to WM-32 but FM mono/stereo only. FM stereo and cassette recorder with recording
into a shirt pocket. Features built-in AFC on FM.
Silver finish $70 through stereo mic-in lack or directly from built-in FM
thumbwheel volume and tuning controls, stereo LED
FM -32B. Same as FM -32 but black finish $70 stereo tuner. Features lightweight stereo headphones;
indicator; removable belt clip; button -type head-
FM -32R. Same as FM -32 but red finish $70 carrying holder; shoulder strap; separate left and
phones with samarium cobalt magnets and removable
right volume controls; selector switch for Metal (in
headband; uses 2 AAA batteries (not included);
playback mode), Cr0,, and normal; auto stop; runs on
2 "W 4VH x $52 SL -A32 AM Solar Receiver
2 AA batteries (not included); optional ac adapter$99
Solar -battery -powered AM receiver with pocket clip
7-1250 Pocket Stereo and monaural earphone included $35
RX-1935 FM Radio and Cassette Player
AM/FM stereo radio with built-in automatic frequency
KOSS FM radio and cassette player with slim design. Fea-
control and stereo LED indicator. FM antenna in head-
tures lightweight headset; cue: review; 2 LED indica-
phone cord: button type headphones with or without
removable headband; uses 2 AAA batteries (not in- AlA Cassette Player/Digital Tuner tors for battery power and FM stereo reception;
$31 Pocket -sized personal stereo with digital tuner. Fea- metal normal tape selector; mechanical pause; runs
cluded), 2'/, oz
tures LCD readout; station memory; safety LED that on 4 AA batteries (not included) or with optional ac
lights when SPL reaches or exceeds 95 dB; steady power cord $90
7-1600 Pocket Stereo
AM FM headset radio fits into shirt pockets. Features frequency during temperature or battery -V changes;
two -stage FM FJET front-end; Auto -Search; Auto - PQ-J70F Cassette Player and FM Tuner
separate left/right volume controls; LED stereo indi-
Scan: 2 -speed automatic accelerated station scan- Cassette player with a stereo FM tuner that connects
cator; slide -rule dial scale with thumbwheel tuning
ning; auto interstation mute $110 directly into the circuitry of the cassette player. Fea-
control; built in AFC on FM; uses 3 AAA batteries (not
included); 2'/,'W x 5V. -H x "/,"D; 10V, oz .$28 tures metal and normal tape capability; tone control;
A2B Music Box headphone jacks; auto stop; cue and review; lockable
Dolby B personal stereo cassette player with safety mechanical pause; LED operation indicator; stereo
LED that lights when SPL reaches or exceeds 95 dB headphones; runs on 2 AA batteries (not included);
rechargeable batteries available $70
CQ-F22K Pocket Stereo
Auto -reverse cassette player. AM/FM tuner unit, pow-
er pack and system headphones. in pocket format. RQ-J2 Ultra -Mini Stereo Cassette Player
Mini stereo cassette player with selector for metal and
Features Dolby D decoding; metal -tape capability;
normal tape. Features auto stop; high, low tone selec-
folding headphones; anti -roll mechanism; high/low
tor; feather -light stereo headset; foam earpieces; sec-
tone switch. FR 30-16,000 Hz. W&F 0.2% wrms
ond earphone lack; LED battery -strength display $80
(metal); 0.67 lbs with batteries; tuner pack 2.1 oz;
power pack 2.3 oz with batteries; includes carrying
$190 RQ-J75 Mini Stereo Cassette Player
Mini stereo cassette player for normal tapes. Features
tone selector; cue and review control; lockable pause
CQ-11K Stereo Cassette
Auto -reverse cassette player. Features Dolby B decod-
button; rotary volume output control; LED operation
ing; anti -roll mechanism; high low tone switch; head-
indicator; automatic end of tape shut off; carrying
phones; 0.67 lbs with batteries $120 bag; deluxe quality headphones; optional rechar-
geable battery; 5'/.'"H 3',"W 1'/"D; 9 oz $50
CQ-R10K AM/FM Stereo System
Compact AM FM headphone radio system. Separate RQ-J55 Mini Stereo Cassette Player
tuner, power packs can be mounted on either side of Features end -of -tape stop; dual sterecphone jacks: Mini stereo cassette player with metal normal tape
Koss Sound Partner stereophones $110 selector. Features rotary volume output control; auto
the headphones, 2.3 oz with batteries. Features
mono stereo mode selection; FM stereo indicator; FM end of tape stop function; lockable pause button; ste-
$80 Al B Music Box reo headphones; shoulder belt; silver finish; 6'h'H x
rod antenna; FM AFC; folding headphones
Personal AM FM stereo receiver with safety LED that x PA"D; 13 oz $35
S -A3 Mini -Speaker System lights when SPL reaches or exceeds 95 dB. Features
Acoustic -suspension mini -speaker cubes designed for 2 -stage J-FET RF amplifier; low V integrated circuits; RF-444 Receiver
FM Quadratune detector; phase -locked -loop integrat- Lightweight FM/AM/AF stereo headphone receiver
use with headphone stereo units, with built-in amplifi-
ers and batteries to boost signal level. Also have in- ed circuit; power light indicator; tuning indicator; ex- with belt clip and ultra -light stereo headphones. Fea-
ternal power lack; FM stereo light; built-in FM and AM tures 2 step hi/low tone control; LED FM stereo indi-
puts to be driven by line level signals. Automatic
antenna system; volume slide controls; tuning thumb - cator; feed AFC on FM; runs on 2 AAA batteries (not
switch off if no signal from headphone stereo unit.
wheel; power switch; AM/FM band selector; tone se- included); 4.2 oz $28
Max power handling 3 W; output 84 dB SPL/W/m; FR
100.20,000Hz, 1.3 lbs each (without batteries); 4 C lector; sensitivity selector $80
batteries required for each speaker $85 PIONEER
PKF9/SV Pocket Stereo
KENWOOD Pocket stereo features auto -reverse cassette player;
RQ-J20X Mini Stereo Cassette with dbx
Stereo mini cassette player with decod ng for dbx-en- built-in AM., FM stereo tuner; Dolby NR; music search;
CP-80 Stereo Cassette Player
Auto -reverse stereo cassette player with Dolby. Fea- coded tapes and CrO, tape selection. Features built-in soft -touch controls; dual -flywheel anti -roll mecha-
tures FM/AM tuner pack; micro stereo speaker sys- mic with on off switch; auto stop; cue and review; nism; dual -capstan operation; metal tape capability;
tem; metal tape position: auto reverse on/off switch; lockable pause, LED battery indicator; sliding volume tone control; auto shutoff; stereo mono switch. Ac
microheadphones with removable headband .. $190 control; lack for DC power when used with optional ac cessones: case, shoulder strap, band headphones,
adapter, model RP -34; optional rechargeable battery batteries 5 7"H 3.2'W 1.3"D; 14.3 oz $200
CP-60. Same as CP-80 without micro speaker system
or FM/AM tuner pack $130 pack. model RP -009; comes with case; belt to wear on
shoulder or waist $150 PKR7AW/RD Pocket Stereo
All-wetther pocket stereo with play/record capability
CR-50B AM/FM Stereo Cassette Recorder
Pocket stereo recorder with built-in mono microphone RX-1940 Pocket Stereo and auto -reverse. Features Dolby NR; music search;
and speaker Features built-in AM FM stereo tuner, FM AM/FM stereo cassette player with slim -line de- soft -touch operation; anti -rolling mechanism (dual fly-
metal tape position, stereo speakers, stereo micro- sign and lightweight headset. Features metal and nor- wheels); dual capstans; metal tape capability; all -

Pocket Stereo 14 Pocket Stereo
weather headphones (earphone type): one -point ste- operation and FM stereo reception: comes with case,
reo mic (all weather); auto shutoff. Accessories display. Features 3 -position switch to select digital
shoulder strap, instructions; operates off 2 AA batter- time display or either of 2 game variations on the LCD
included: belt hanger, shoulder strap, batteries.
ies or external power with optional ac adaptor. W&F screen; spare headphone jack; game sound effects
4 6'H 3 4'W 1.3"D: 15.2 oz $190 0.25% wrms; S/N 58 dB: FR 40-14.000 Hz: 3'W -
can be heard through headphones; precise slide -rule
4'/,'H x P/,'D .. $90 tuning dial for radio; FM stereo LED indicator; hi -lo
PKSAW/YL Pocket Stereo
All-weather pocket stereo with auto -reverse and Dolby tone switch; uses 3 AA cells; 3'W x 5Y,."1-1 x
MG35 Pocket Stereo
NR. Features music search; soft -touch operation; anti $50
Mini -size AM/FM stereo radio. cassette player with
rolling mechanism (dual -flywheel); dual -capstans;
stereo headphones, metal tape capability, and anti - M6060 Pocket Stereo
metal tape capability; all-weather headphones (ear- rolling mechanism. Features dual, shock -resistant,
phone type); dual -headphone jacks; auto shutoff. Ac- Mini stereo cassette player with stereo headphones,
counter -rotating flywheels; auto -stop; locking fast for- metal tape capability, auto-reverse/replay system and
cessories: belt hanger, shoulder strap, batteries.
ward and rewind; built-in radio; separate left and right pulse drive governor operation. Features rugged cabi-
4.6-H 3.4'W 1.3*D; 15.0 oz $170 volume controls; high/low tone switch; LED power net and dual. shock -resistant, counter -rotating fly-
battery and FM stereo indicators; thumbwheel tuaing; wheels: auto replay when rewound to the beginning;
PK3/SV Pocket Stereo
operates on batteries or external ac with opt onal high/low tone control; tape -direction and battery
Pocket cassette player with auto -reverse operation; adaptor; comes with foam -cushioned. lightweight ste-

soft -touch control; antiroll mechanism; dual -capstan check LEDs; variable pitch control; locking fast for-
reo headphones, shoulder strap, and case. W&F 0.3% ward and rewind; comes with ultra -lightweight, foam
operation; metal tape capability; 2 headphone jacks; wrms; S/N 57 dB; FR 40-14,000 Hz; 3%"W x
tone control; auto shutoff. Accessories: case. shoulder cushioned stereo heaphones and quilted white nylon
1'/,"D $80 case with support straps and pouch for extra cas-
strap, batteries. 4.2'H x 3.0'W x 1.1"D: 10.0
oz sette. W&F 0.12% wrms; S/N 50 dB; FR 40-14,000
$130 MG90 Pocket Stereo Hz; 4'/,-W - 6 H x D $40
Mini -size stereo cassette player with auto/manual re-
QUASAR verse, metal tape capability and lightweight stereo MG15 Pocket Stereo
headphones. Features locking fast forward and re- Mini -size stereo cassette player with stereo head-
3682 Pocket Stereo
wind: operates on 2 AA batteries (not included) or op- phones, metal tape capability. and auto -stop. Features
AM FM pocket stereo tuner deck that detaches from tional ac adaptor; includes case. shoulder strap and
main portable cassette recorder features 1 -touch re- fast -wind (forward or reverse) with sound; anti -rolling
owner's manual. W&F 0.3% wrms; S/N 57 dB; FR mechanism prevents W&F caused by movement;
cording; metal. CrO, tape playback and recording; 40.14,000 Hz; 3%.W x x 1%"D ..570 auto -stop; locking fast forward and rewind; separate
cue and review controls; lightweight stereo head-
phones; full auto stop; LED recording, battery level. balance, volume controls: high low tone switch; oper-
MG32 Pocket Stereo ates on batteries or optional ac adaptor: comes with
stereo, and tuning indicators; separate bass, treble. Mini -size AM -FM stereo radio/cassette palyer with
and balance controls; digital tape counter; built-in headphones, case. and shoulder strap. W&F 0.3%
stereo headphones, anti -rolling mechanism and mute wrms; S/N 57 dB; FR 40-14.000 Hz; 3'/;.'N
condenser; auto level control $290 switch. Features auto -stop; locking fast forward and x P/.'D $40
rewind; LED FM stereo and battery indicators; tone,
GX3683 Pocket Stereo
volume, and balance controls; AM/FM stereo mode RP66 Pocket Stereo
Compact FM stereo cassette recorder with lightweight selector; operates on bateries or external ac with op-
headphones, built-in microphone; input jacks for ste- AM/FM stereo radio with lightweight stereo head-
tional adaptor; comes with shoulder strap, case, belt phones, tone switch, and slide rule tuning. Features
reo mic and 1 -touch record. Features LED function in- clip. W&F 0.4% wrms; S/N 45 dB; FR 63-10.000 Hz;
dicator; cue and review; dc input jack slide -rule tuning; hi/low tone switch; band selection
$120 3 x 6 v. H x 1'/,"D $70 switch; FM stereo indicator; mini -size stereo head-
SANYO phone jack; operates on 2 AA batteries; belt clip;
MG1 Pocket Stereo Wx H ,'D $35
Ultra -mini stereo cassette player with stereo head-
MG110DT Pocket Stereo
phones, metal tape capability. mute switch and anti - MG7 Pocket Stereo
Mini -size cassette player with AM FM tuner pack. rolling mechanism. Features feather -weight steeo
anti -rolling mechanism, auto reverse. Dolby NR, metal Mini -size stereo cassette player with stereo head-
headphones, soft -touch play control; mute switch; phones. Features foam -cushioned, adjustable stereo
tape capability and lightweight stereo headphones. separate balance and volume controls; operates on in-
Removable AM 'FM tuner pack fits neatly inside cas- headphones; auto stop; locking fast forward: separate
ternal batteries or external power with optional adapt- left and right volume controls. Operates on batteries.
sette compartment; soft -touch transport functions; er; auto off; LED indicator lights; pitch control permits
twin LED indicators show tape direction; operates off with optional dc car adapter or external ac power with
adjusting playback speed. W&F 0.25% wrms; S/N 40 optional adapter. Comes with carrying strap. W&F
2 AA batteries or external rower (with optional ac dB: FR 40-16.000 Hz: 4'W x 3'H x 17,D ..$60
adaptor); comes with case ard shoulder strap, demo 0.25% wrms; S/N 48 dB; FR 63-13.000 Hz; 3'/,-W
tape. owner's manual. W&F 0.15% wrms; SiN 64 dB: 5%"H x WWI) $20
MG16D Pocket Stereo
FR 40-15,000 Hz: W x 4V'H x 1'/,'D $140 Mini -size stereo cassette player with stereo head- Pocket Stereo Speakers
phones, metal tape capability, anti -rolling mechanism
MG100 Pocket Stereo
and Dolby NR. Features extra -rugged tape mecha- MSPIO Mini Speakers
Mini -size stereo cassette player with auto reverse. nisi a; foam -cushioned, lightweight stereo head-
Dolby NR. mute switch and metal tape capability. Fea- Micro -size speaker system with built-in stereo power
phones; slide hi/low tone switch; auto -stop; locking amplifier powered by 4 C batteries (not supplied) or
tures foam -cushioned, lightweight stereo headphones; fast forward and rewind; separate volume and bal-
plays all tape types: mute switch; soft -touch play con- optional adapters Features auto off; LED power fea-
ance controls; operates on batteries or external ac tures "Amp -In" and "Direct -In" jacks for use with or
trol: LED tape-directon indicators; locking fast for- with optional adaptor; comes with case and shoulder
ward and rewind; operates on batteries or external ac without built-in amplifier; comes with instruction book
strap. W&F 0.3% wrms; S/N 57 dB off, 67 dB on; FR and 4 feet of speaker wire and ac adapter connecting
with optional adaptor. W8F 0.15% wrms; S/N 68 dB: 40-14.000 Hz; 33/'W 1'/,'D $60 cord. 24 W 'ch. imp 4 ohms; FR 90-20.000 Hz;
FR 40-15,000 Hz; 3%.'W x 4'he'H x 13/4."D
$120 MG31 Pocket Stereo
speaker size 2'/' dia.; 3%"W x 4VH x
Mini -size AM/FM stereo cassette player with metal $50
MG36D Pocket Stereo tape capability and lightweight stereo
Mini -size AM/FM stereo radio cassette player with
headphones. MSP20 Mini Speakers
Features locking fast forward and rewind; powered by Mini -size speaker system with built-in stereo 3-W
stereo headphones, metal tape capability, anti -rolling 4 AA bateries (not supplied) or optional ac adaptor,
mechanism and Dolby NR. Features dual, shock -resis- power amplifier and auto power switching, for use
comes with shoulder strap, case, owner's manual. with Sportster headphone portables. Features "Amp-
tant, counter -rotating flywheel; foam -cushioned. light- W&F 0.25% wrms; S/N 48 dB; FR 63-14.000 Hz:
weight stereo headphones: auto -stop; locking fast for- In" and "Direct -In" jacks for use with or without am-
x $50 plifier; operates off 4 "C" size batteries or optional ac
ward and rewind; built-in radio; separate left and right
volume controls; high/low tone switch; LED power adaptor. Comes with instruction book and 4 feet of
RP77 Pocket Stereo
battery, FM stereo and Dolby NR indicators; operates speaker cord: auto power switching circuit shuts itself
AM/FM stereo radio with lightweight stereo head- off automatically when not in use. Imp 4 ohms; speak-
on optional dc car adapter, batteries, or optional ac phones. and built-in arcade -type games. LCD clock er size 3' dia.; FR 100 Hz -20,000 Hz: 3%'W x
adaptor; comes with shoulder strap and case. W&F
0.3% wrms; Si N 57 dB; FR 40-14.000 Hz; 31/2"W 5'/, H x 3y,"D $70
x 1%'D $100 810 Mini Speakers
Audio terms are defined Two-way auxiliary speaker system with built-in ampli-
MG34DT Pocket Stereo
Mini stereo cassette player with Dolby NR. AM/FM in the glossary on page 19. fier. Features 2 -position tone control; operates on
tuner pack, anti -rolling mechanism, metal tape capa- conventional household current. Features 4- woofer
For an explanation of abbreviations, and 4' passive radiator for extended bass response,
bility and lightweight stereo headphones. Removable
AM FM tuner pack fits neatly inside cassette com- turn to the list on page 22. audio mute circuit; mode switch selects mono or ste-
partment; LED indicators monitor battery life. tuner reo. Output power 15 W- ch rms, 11',"H
83/,"D $100
Pocket Stereo 14 Pocket Stereo
TCS-350 Pocket Stereo phones. Features LED stereo indicator; soft -touch
Full feature stereo cassette -corder for music and controls $55
SONY voice recording. Features built-in electret condenser
SRS -F10 Powered Speakers
Cassette -sized AM/FM stereo folding active speaker
WM-D6 Pocket Stereo
Walkman Professional pocket stereo and miniature system for use with pocket stereos. Features AM/FM
home cassette deck. Features quartz -locked capstan indicator; LED battery/operation indicator; tension
servo system and disc drive; Dolby NR; featherweight film diaphragm; built-in headphone amp; telecoping
MDR -50L headphones; recording capability; 5 -LED FM antenia; AM ferrite bar antenna; local/distant
sens switch $70/system
record -level meter; 3 -position tape selector; W&F
>0.04%; playback speed control; line in/line out -
jacks; stereo mic input; 4 -way power supply SRS -10 Powered Speakers
Folding active speaker system for use with pocket ste-
capability $350
reos. Features internal amps (which also drive 2 extra
headphones); tension -film diaphragms; flat square
WM-F2 Pocket Stereo
Walkman stereo cassette -corder with built-in FM tun- mylar diaphragms; samarium cobalt magnets. 2'
er. Can record off the air or via optional ECM -101
mic; includes featherweight MDR headphones; mic in-
put; metal tape playback; counter -inertial flywheel; in- SHARP
stant edit; one -button recording; DX/local switch
$220 QT -19 Pocket Stereo With Amp and Speakers
FM cassette pocket stereo with separate amplifier
section (containing AM tuner) and 2 speakers detach-
WM-R2 Pocket Stereo
Walkman stereo cassette -corder with built-in shock able from amp section. AM radio usable when pocket
stereo is removed. Features touch reverse; antirolling
mounted stereo mics. Features featherweight MDR
stereo heaphones; counter -inertial flywheel; instant mechanism; metal -tape compatibility; soft -touch con-
edit; pause control; metal tape playback; auto shut-
trols; lightweight earphones; auto power off when
$200 stereo mics; MDR stereo headphones; built-in monitor phones unplugged; ac adapter. Red or black. Pocket
off; silver or black
speaker; one touch recording; instant edit; three digit stereo 125mmW 81mmH x 30.4mmD; 276 g
tape counter; auto record level control $110 10.61 oz) without batteries (uses 2 AA cells). AM
WA -55 Pocket Stereo
tuner/amp section: 165mmW 117mmH x
Soundabout AM/FM stereo cassette -corder. Features
WM-10 Super Walkman 59mmD, 402 g (0.89 Ibs) without batteries (uses 4
built-in stereo mics; records off built-in AM/FM tuner;
built-in monaural speaker; lightweight MDR stereo Pocket stereo cassette player with same dimensions C cells). Complete (pocket stereo, amp/AM tuner, and
headphones; instant edit; local/DX sensitivity; 3 -digit as cassette box Features Dolby NR; up to 5 hours of speakers): 320mmW 117mmH x 59mmD; 2.79
play with single AA battery (optional EBP-10 external bs (1.25 kg) without batteries $230
tape counter $200
battery pack holds 2 AA batteries for 13 hours of
play); brushless, slotless motor; metal tape compati- WF-9BR Pocket Stereo
WM-7 Pocket Stereo
Luxury Walkman with auto reverse, Dolby NR and bility; FG servo speed regulation; counter -inertial fly- FM/cassette pocket stereo with dynamic earphones
feather -touch operation. Perfect for travel or commut- wheel; auto stop. Comes with MDR -W30 headphones and touch reverse. Features antirolling mechanism;
ing. Features auto reverse; feather -touch controls; and carrying clip. 6.4 oz with battery .. $100 metal -tape compatibility; soft -touch controls; auto off;
Dolby NR; remote control positioned on headphone WM-F10. Similar to WM-10 except also has FM -stereo includes carrying holder. 125mmW x 81mmH x
cord for start/stop/reverse play; featherweight MDR tuner with local/distant sens switch and headphone - 30.4mmD; 9.7 oz (276 g) without batteries (uses 2
cord antenna . $130 AA cells) $140
headphones; auto play $170

WA -33 Pocket Stereo WIA-F1 Pocket Stereo FM -5R/81. FM Pocket Stereo

Stereo cassette player with built-in FM tuner. Features Ultra -compact FM pocket stereo with presets for 2
Soundabout AM/FM pocket stereo cassette -corder.
Features featherweight MDR headphones; 2 -inch dy- featherweight MDR headphones; headphone cord stations. Features auto off; 5-g earphones; front clip
namic speaker; recording from AM/FM tuner; metal serves as FM antenna; counter -inertial flywheel; metal for pockets; earphone -cord antenna; manual tuning;
tape playback; auto music sensor; record mute; ste- tape playback; 2 headphone jacks; distant/local sens stereo/mono switch; comes with 2 AAA batteries.
reo mic input $150 selector; built-in belt clip $100 53mmW 95mm x 17mmD; 2.4 oz (68 g) with-
out batteries $55
WM-F5 Pocket Stereo WIA-4 Pocket Stereo
Water-resistant Walkman cassette player with built-in Compact Walkman stereo cassette player. Features TEAC
FM tuner. Features rubber bushings for volume and featherweight MDR -1 headphones; counter -inertial
tuning, rubber gasket for cassette compartment, plus flywheel; 2 headphone jacks; metal tape playback; PC -7R) Pocket Stereo
built-in belt clip $75 Portable stereo cassette player with dbx NR and auto
heavy-duty door latch; FM stereo indicator LED; disc
reverse. Features independent volume controls; 2
drive; soft -touch controls; water-resistant earphones;
2 headphone jacks; LED battery indicator; DX/local SRF-33W Pocket Stereo headphone jacks; HP -7 ultra -lightweight headphones;
$150 Walkman radio with FM and AM reception. Features normal/metal tape selector switch; carrying case and
ultra -light MDR headphones; LED tuning indicator; belt hook. Options include TP7 AM/FM stereo tuner
WM-5 Pocket Stereo top -mounted controls; distant/local sens selector; 2 ($70); HP -30 "Stereolights" headphones, LS -X3 in-
Ultra -mini Walkman stereo cassette player. Features headphone jacks; adjusting belt clip $65 ternally amplified mini speaker system ($50). FR 40-
15,000 Hz (metal tape); S/N 82 dB (with dbx); 12 oz
silver or black finish; featherweight MDR -30 head-
SRF-5 Pocket Stereo (with dc 3V batteries); 4%'W 3%"H
phones; counter -inertial flywheel; 2 headphone jacks;
Water-resistant Walkman FM radio with miniature ear- 12/io-D $210
metal tape playback; auto shut off $130

Signal Processors 12 Signal Processors

(Continued from page 171.) 0.005% 20-20,000 Hz; S/N 110 dB; input 250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k. 8k. 16k Hz; boost/cut range
sens/imp 1 V/ 47k ohms; max input/output 8/8 V; ±10 dB; gain 0 ±1 dB; FR 5.100,000 Hz -±1 dB;
rated output 1 V; power consumption 8 W. 161'/,." THD 0.005% at 2 V output; S/N 80 dB unwtd at 2V
in and rec out; max input 4.5 V line in and playback, W 7'/.'D 3"/"; 4.4 lbs $150 input; unity gain range 0 to -20 dB ± 1 dB;
150 mV mic; max output 4.5 V; gain 0 dB; echo time input/output imp 22k/470 ohms; max output 10 V;
64 msec; sound image localization 30' backward; VECTOR RESEARCH sep 40 dB at 10 kHz; power consumption 22 W;
power consumption 11W; 16"/,'W x 11%,' H 175A,"W - 9%'D . 4%-1-1; 9 lb 11 oz .... $250
r/'; 7.1 lb $200 VQ-100 Graphic Equalizer
Stereo 10 -band graphic equalizer with low distortion,
SH-8025 Graphic Equalizer wide dynamic range. Features discrete circuit design;
Stereo 7 -band equalizer with center frequencies at unity gain acjust to prevent overloading; separate left. GE -5 Graphic Equalizer
63. 160. 400. 1k. 2.5k, 6.3k, 16k Hz. Features right output -level LEDs; infrasonic filter; equalized Stereo 10 -band graphic equalizer with Spatial Expan-
tape recording capability; tape monitor function; ac- der system. Features preamp, tape switching; all spe-
boost/cut 12 dB; low -noise amps; calibrated decibel
scale; tape monitor. FR 5-100.000 Hz -1 dB; THD cessory ac outlet. Center frequencies 32, 63, 125, cial effects can be added to recordings $245

oar Stereo
ADS tape -direction indicators; pushbutton eject, stereo, re- jacks; speaker on/off switch; optional HP -1 light-
wind, fast -forward, tape program selector, mute weight headphones; high efficiency samarium cobalt
Amplifiers switches; tone and balance controls; antenna trimmer; magnets; wide range 10 step total power meter; pow-
P120. Stereo power amplifier for 4 and 8 ohm loads azimuth tape head adjuster; 6"W x 5"D x er 20 W per channel into 4 ohms; FR 20-20.000Hz
with load -sensing feedback control system. Speaker 1%"H $80 ±1 dB; total harmonic distortion > 1%; equalizer
connectors have high -current spring -loaded termi- RY-705C. In -dash AM/FM radio with auto -stop cas- control frequencies 50, 150, 350, 1K, 2.5K, 6K. and
nals; screw -clamp power connectors; terminal blocks sette player. Features digital frequency tuning; digital 16 kHz; S/N ratio 75 dB. Optional Hp -1 headphone
sized to handle wire up to 10 gauge size; input con- clock; built-in AFC; short chassis with adjustabIe specifications imp 30 ohms per channel (stereo); FR
nectors are RCA jacks. Output power 60 w/ch into 4 shafts; mono/stereo switch; front-end antenna trim- 20-20,000Hz ±3 dB; limited one-year warranty
ohm loads, from 20 to 20,000 Hz; <0.1% THD; 40 mer; azimuth tape head adjuster. 734" x 5" :< $150
w/ch into 2 ohm loads <0.3% THD, and 50 W/ch 134" $80
into 8 ohms <0.06% THD. In the mono bridged Alphasonic Car Speakers
mode: output power 90 W into 4 ohm loads, from 20 ALPHASONIK by VISONIK D5000. Two-way mini -speaker with 4' woofer and 1'
to 20,000 Hz, with <0.3% THD; 11.22"W x dome tweeter in a cast aluminum housing. 50 W max;
1.97"H 6.14-13; 6.4 lbs $330 Power Amplifiers FR 50-25.000 Hz; 6'/." x 5lbs $276/pr
P80. Similar to P120 except output power 40 w/ch A-265. Class -A auto stereo power with low negative D4000. Similar to D5000 except FR 50-22,000 Hz
RMS into 4 ohms, from 20 to 20.000Hz, <0.1% feedback (30 dB) and high slew rate (30V/ and 4.4lbs
THD; 30 w/ch into 2 ohms <0.3% THD; 35 w/ch second) for low TIM. Features discrete power transis- TP651. 3 -way system includes two 6" woofers, two
into 8 ohms <0.06% THD $260 tors; perma-tect circuit; class A auto stereo amp; pow- 5" midranges. two dome tweeters, crossovers, and
er 65 W per channel into 4 or 2 ohms; frequency mounting hardware $200/system
ADS Automotive Loudspeaker response 20-20,000Hz ±0.5 dB; total harmonic dis- TP6951. Same as TP651 with two 6 x 9" woofers in-
320i. Wide -dispersion acoustic -suspension speaker tortion at rated power > 0.01%; signal to noise ratio stead of 6"
with P soft -dome tweeter with inside dome damping 85 dB; 21/4°W x 105/,'H x 6%"D $350 D5200. Slim 2 -way flush mount speaker with
and a long -excursion water-resistant 51/2" woofer with A-501. Class A auto stereo power amp features woofer and 1" soft dome tweeter. Features gray
ADS' Stifflite' cone and butyl rubber surround. switching power supply; molex harness connectors; Nextel finish; cast aluminum housing with low profile.
Tweeter and woofer have high -temperature all -metal protective circuit design; discrete power transistors; FR 60-22,000 Hz; recomended amp power 10-50W;
voice -coil assemblies. Features black matte finish, perma-tect circuit; stereo mode power 50 W per 6'/." 4'/." x 3/."; 2.2 lbs $196/pr
frameless black metal grille. FR 50-20,000 Hz ±3 channel, both channels driven into 4 ohms; FR 20 D4200. 2 -way flush -mount speaker with 4" woofer
dB; imp 4 ohms nominal; efficiency 90dB SPL from 20,000Hz ±25 dB; total harmonic distortion at rat and P dome tweeter. FR 80-22,000 Hz; recom-
2.8 vrms ("1 W") pink noise input, measured at 1 ed power > 0.1%; signal to noise ratio < 85 dB; mensded amp range 10-50 W; 7 x 4 V," x 2";
meter; crossover 2500Hz with 12dB/Oct slopes; 2''4"W x 9'/,H 6'/,'D $250 $180/pr
power rating 50 W nominal, 100 W max peak pro- A-240. Auto stereo power amp with built-in noise fil- D3200. Similar to D4200 but FR 60-22.000 Hz; 5-
gram; 8.45"W x 5.7"H - 1.6-D, with grille; 3% ter to eliminate alternator whine. Features molex con- 45 W power range; 6'/.- 4'/."
x 1'/.'; 3.5
$378/pr nectors; discrete power transistors; perma-tect cir- lbs
cuit; power 40 W per channel into 4 ohms; FR WP -820. 8 -inch high compliance woofer withSpol 6ly°p/rPor-
AIWA 20-20,000Hz ±0.5 dB; total harmonic distortion at pylene cone and a 4% pound magnet structure, 1 -
rated power > 0.5%; W x 7V,"H x 6%" D; 3 inch copper clad aluminum edge wound $108/pr
Cassette Radios lbs $175 W-620. 1 -inch copper clad aluminum edge wound
CTR-70. In -dash AM/FM radio/cassette player with A-220. Similar to A-240 except delivers 20 w/chi 7(45 voice coil for higher efficiency $108/pr
digital synthesizer tuner and auto -reverse cassette ohms) $125 W-6920. Edge wound voice coil $1
deck. Features 6 AM/6 FM station presets; top -side M-55. Acoustically sealed midrange
priority -play mechanism; digital frequency display; Alphasonic Preamp Equalizer T-35. Sealed back mounting
auto -station search; locking fast forward/rewind; met- PEQ-7. 7 -band equalizer/preamp that takes both high DT -12G. Sealed back mounting $27/pr
al -tape capability; local/DX switch. Designed to fit X - (1V to 2.5V at 1000 ohms) and low level (50 to DMT-1. Dome midrange; dome tweeter; sealed from
body cars. Output power 8 W/ch $270 800mV at 4K ohms). Features built-in low level fader; back to protect speaker; fits 4 x 6 hole .. $136/pr
CTR-50. In -dash AM/FM radio/cassette player with flexible sliding bracket allows easy installation; center TPX-3. 3 -way one channel crossover network; 12
auto -reverse cassette transport. Features single func- detented slide controls for the 7 critical frequencies dB/Oct slope with crossover points 1000Hz and
tion forward and rewind; punch -button tuning (4 in auto stereos; FR 10-100,000Hz +0 - 1dB; equal- 4000Hz; power handling 150 watts $25/ea
AM/I FM or 4 FM/I AM); local/DX switch; top side izer control frequencies 50, 150, 350, 1K, 2.5K, 6K,
priority play mechanism. Designed for X -body cars. and 16kHz; signal to noise ratio > 85 dB; total har- ALPINE
Output power 8 W/ch $200 monic distortion 0.02%; 1VW x 6"H x 4%"D
CTR-30. In -dash AM/FM radio/cassette player with $100 Cassette Radios
continuous silent reverse mechanism. Features high- 7347. In -dash PLL frequency -synthesized digitally
sens AM/FM receiver; DX/local and stereo/mono Alphasonic Bass Amplifier tuned AM/FM stereo radio with auto -replay cassette
switches; 6%,'W - 61/2"D x 1%"H $180 AS -2001. A universal add on subwoofer amp. Fea- deck. Features dbx. Dolby B, and Dolby C noise reduc-
CTR-20. In -dash AM/FM radio/cassette player with tures remote operation with built-in. on off switch de- tion; programmable music sensor; balanced -mixer FM
locking fast forward and auto motor stop at end of sign; mounting bracket; Perma-Tect circuit; output
tape play. Output power 5 W/ch; 61/2"W K 4%"D x power 60 wrms; FR 20-20,000Hz ±.25 dB; total
1%-H $125 harmonic distortion 0.25%; signal to noise ratio
85 dB; 5%"W 2%"H x 6%"D $145
Alphasonic Amplifier Equalizer //" 9 y'7
Cassette Radios
RY-747. In -dash AM/FM stereo radio with auto -re-
AEQ-720 7 -band equalizer and amp in one unit, with a
preamp 'EQ output for easy add on of an additional
6 MEM (
verse cassette deck. Features short chassis with ad- amp. Features 4 speakers, with a front/rear fader for
justable shafts; lighted slide -rule dial; LED stereo and balance adjustment; two "mini -plug" headphone

Car Stereo 15 Car Stereo
tuner; dual preamp outputs; LiteTouch memory; 10 rewind; cassette glide loading system; tape -direction ohms; wow and flutter 0.1% wrms; FR 40-16,000 Hz
station presets; SC tape head; metal-local/distant indicators: program switch; power antenna lead. Out- ±3 dB (metal. FeCr, Cr0,), to 13,000 normal; S/N
dual -function switch; engine -noise suppressor; auto put power 6 W at 1 kHz. 8% THD; output imp 4 55 dB; sep 40 dB. 61/2"W x 51/2"D x 2"H.. $150
cassette glide; key -off eject; separate bass and treble; ohms. W&F 0.1% wrms; frequency response ±3 dB
auto mute. Output power voltage 500 mV/10k ohms; 40-16,000 Hz metal/FeCr/Cr0,. to 13 kHz normal Alpine Cassette/Preamp/Tuner
W&F 0.09% wrms; FR 40-18,000 Hz ±3 dB (metal. tape; S/N Dolby off/on 55/65 dB; sep 40 dB. FM us- 7337. ETR/PLL AM/FM preamplifier/tuner with ste-
FeCr, Cr0,), to 16,000 normal; S/N 86 dB with dbx. able sensitivity 15.3 dBf; alternate-ch sel 80 dB; cap- reo cassette deck. Features SC tape head; metal/ -
72 with Dolby C, 64 with Dolby B, 55 with no noise ture ratio 2 dB; 7'W x 5'/.'D x 2'H $350 stereo dud -function switch; LiteTouch 10 -station tun-
reduction; sep 40 dB at 1 kHz; FM usable sens 16.3 7128. In -dash PLL digital frequency -synthesized er presets; music sensor; auto seek and FM mute;
dBf; FM S/N 70 dB with Dolby, 60 without; capture AM/FM stereo radio with auto -reverse stereo cassette Dolby noise reduction; LiteTouch transport controls;
ratio 2 dB. 7'/,"W x 51/2"D x 2'H $600 deck. Features metal -tape compatibility; hard Permal- separate bass, treble, detented volume controls;
boy tape head; music sensor system; cassette glide local/distant switch; fader control; key -off eject; auto
7146. In -dash PLL frequency -synthesized, digitally
tuned AM/FM stereo radio with auto -reverse cassette lock -in insert; auto reverse at end of play, fast for- cassette glide; engine noise suppressor. FR 40-
deck. Features Lite Touch 10 -station presets; SCC ward. rewind; metal/Cr0,/FeCr bias switch; locking 18,000 Hz ±3 dB with metal tape; W&F 0.09%
tape head; memory logic; Dolby noise reduction; auto fast forward/rewind; 5 -station tuner preset system; wrms; S/N 65 dB, Dolby on; FM usable sens 16.3
seek; metal-local/distant dual -function switch; music auto local/distart select; FM auto frequency control; dBf; 61/2"W x 51/2"D x 2"H $500
sensor; preamp fader; bilevel capability; illuminated manual tuning. Output power 2.2 W/ch continuous
cassette slot; separate bass and treble; key -off eject; into 4 ohms, 70-20,000 Hz at 0.8% THD. W&F Alpine Preamp/Equalizer
engine noise suppressor. Output power 6 W at 1 kHz 0.1% wrms; frequency response 40-15.000 Hz ±3 3316. 7 -band graphic equalizer with subwoofer out-
with 8% THD; output imp 4 ohms; wow and flutter dB all tapes: S/N 50 dB: FM usable sens 2.2 µV; sel put. FR 20-30,000Hz ±3 dB with 0.02% THD; input
0.1% wrms; FR 40.16,000 Hz ±3 db (metal, FeCr, 50 dB; S/N 55 dB; 7"W x 51/2'D x 2'H $300 sens 500 mV/10,000 ohm; Equalizer frequency
Cr0,), to 13,000 with normal tape; tape S/N 55 dB 7152. In -dash PLL frequency -synthesized digitally range 60Hz, 125Hz, 250Hz, 500Hz; equalizer tone
without Dolby, 65 dB with Dolby; sep 40 dB; FM us- tuned FM/AM stereo radio with auto -reverse cassette action ±12 dB; equalizer bands 7; (signal to noise ra-
able sens 16.3 dBf; FM S/N 60 dB Dolby off, 70 dB player. Features Dolby B and C; bilevel capability; bal- tio 100 dB (IHF A Weighted); subwoofer out 500
Dolby on; capture ratio 2 dB. 7WW x 51/2'D x anced -mixer FM tuner; SCC tape head; bi-lite dial illu- mV/30Hz; Subwoofer crossover frequency 80Hz 12
2'H $500 mination; music sensor; metal/stereo dual -function dB/ocatve; size 6.1/2" x 1' x 4-1/4" or 160 x 25 x
7136. In -dash PLL frequency -synthesized, digitally switch; engine -noise suppressor; cassette glide. Out- 120mm $200
tuned AM/FM radio with auto -reverse cassette deck. put power 6 W at 1 kHz with 8% THD into 4 ohms;
Features 10 -station tuning presets; digital -numeric W&F 0.1% wrms; FR 40-16,000 Hz ±3 dB (metal, Alpine Amplifiers
frequency display; SCC tape head; auto reverse at end FeCr, CrOd. to 13,000 normal tape; tape S/N 55 dB 3512. 65W +65W power amplifier. Output power
of play, fast forward, rewind; key -off eject; dual -func- Dolby off, 64 dB Dolby B, 72 dB Dolby C. sep 40 dB; 65W/ch with 8% THD (min continuous average pow-
tion metal/stereo switch; balance, preamp fader, FM usable sensitivity 16.3 dBf; FM S/N 60 dB Dolby er into 4 ohms, both chs driven, at 1 kHz; 50 W/ch
Tone Tenor controls; local/distant switch; automatic off, 70 dB Dolby on; capture ratio 2 dB. 71/2"W x from 30-20,000 Hz with 0.1% THD (min continuous
loudness adjust; noise suppressor; Dolby noise reduc- 5'/,'D x 2'H $270 average Gower into 4 ohms, both chs driven); FR 20-
tion; locking fast forward/rewind; power antenna lead; 7225. High -power bilevel AM/FM-stereo receiver with 60,000 Hz ±3 dB; S/N 100dB (IHF A -weighted);
tape -direction indicators. Output power 6 W at 1 kHz, auto -reverse stereo cassette deck. Features SCC tape speaker imp 4 ohms. 7-1/2'W x 2-"/,.'D x 7-

8% THD; output imp 4 ohms; wow and flutter 0.1% head; metal -tape capability; metal and local/ 1/2"H $250
wrms; FR 40-16,000 Hz ±3 dB metal/FeCr/Cr0,, to distance dual -function switch; locking fast forward/ 3516. I 8W + 18W power amplifier. Output power
14 kHz normal tape; S/N Dolby off/on 55/65 dB; rewind; preamp fader; separate bass and treble con- 18W/ch with 8% THD (min continuous average pow-
separation 40 dB; FM usable sens 16.3 dBf; S/N trols; engine -noise suppression; FM afc (auto frequen- er into 4 ohms, both chs driven, at 1 kHz); 8W/ch
Dolby off/on 60/70 dB; capture ratio 2 dB; 61/2"W x cy control); program switch; detented volume control. from 30-20,000 Hz with 0.8% THD (min continuous
$450 Output power 16 W rms/ch into 4 ohms at 1 kHz, average power into 4 ohms, both chs driven); FR 20-
5'/,'D x 2'H
7155. In -dash PLL frequency -synthesized digitally 8% THD. Othe specifications same as for 7135 and 30,000 Hz ±3 dB; S/N 75dB (IHF A -weighted);
tuned AM/FM stereo radio with auto -reverse cassette 7140; 61/2-W x 51/2"D x 2'H $250 speaker imp 4 ohms. 6-1/2"W x 1-1/4."D x 2-
deck. Features Dolby B and C; full front DIN; bilevel 7151. In -dash AM/FM stereo radio with stereo cas- '/.'H $60
capability; preamp fader; separate bass and treble; sette deck. Features auto reverse; bilevel; balanced 3518. 40W + 40W power amplifier. Output power
music sensor; SCC tape head; balanced -mixer FM tun- mixer FM tuner; Bi-Lite dial illumination; music sen- 40W/ch with 8% THD (min continuous average pow-
er; auto dimmer; illuminated cassette loading slot; sor; SCC tape head; metal/stereo dual -function er into 4 ohms, both chs driven, at 1 kHz); 30W/ch
LiteTouch memory; 12 station presets; digital clock; switch; engine noise suppressor; separate bass and from 3C-20.000 Hz with 0.1% THD (min continuous
noise suppressor. Output power 6 W at 1 kHz with treble controls cassette glide. Output power 6 W at 1 average power into 4 ohms. both chs driven); FR 20-
8% THD: W&F 0.1% wrms; frequency response 40- kHz with 8% THD into 4 ohms; W&F 0.1% wrms; fre- 60,000 Hz ±3 dB; S/N 100dB (IHF A -weighted);
16,000 Hz ± 3 dB (metal), to 13,000 normal; tape quency response 40-16,000 Hz ±3 dB (metal, FeCr, speaker imp 4 ohms. 71/2'W x 2"1/2 'D x
S/N 55 dB Dolby off. 64 dB with Dolby B, 72 dB with Cr0,), to 13,000 normal tape; tape S/N 55 dB; sepa- 51/2" H $160
Dolby C; sep 40 dB; FM usable sens 16.3 dBf; FM ration 40 dB; FM usable sens 16.3 dBf; FM S/N 60 3502. 50W +50W bridgeable power amplifier. Out-
S/N 60 dB no Dolby. 70 dB with Dolby B; capture ra- dB; capture ratio 2 dB. 7'/,"W x 51/2'D x 2'H $200 put power 80W/ch with 8.0% THD (min continuous
tio 2 dB. 7' 51/2"
>, $400 7124. FM/AM cassette radio with auto reverse. Fea- average power into 4 ohms, both chs driven, at 1 kHz;
7154. In -dash PLL frequency -synthesized digitally tures Bi-level' capability; SCC tape head': Metal-Cr0,- 50W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz with 8.0% THD (min
FeCr switch; cassette glide; locking fast forward and continuous average power into 4 ohms, both chs driv-
tuned AM/FM stereo radio with auto -reverse cassette
deck. Features full front DIN; bilevel; preamp fader; rewind; auto local/distance switching; mute switch; en); FR 10-100,000 Hz ± 3 dB; S/N 100dB (IHF A -
separate bass and treble; music sensor; SCC tape tape direction indicators; AFC built-in; volume control weighted); speaker imp 4 ohms. 7-1/2"W x 3-1/2'D x
head; balanced -mixer FM tuner; auto dimmer; illumi- detent; program switch; FM/AM switch: stereo/mono $350
nated cassette loading slot; 12 LiteTouch station pre- switch; power antenna lead; stereo ind,cator. Output 3506. 20W +20W bridgeable power amplifier. Out-
sets; digital clock. Output power 6 W at 1 kHz with power 8W/ch 1.000 Hz into 4 ohms, at 8.0 % THD. put power 35W/ch with 8.0% THD (min continuous
8% THD: W&F 0.1% wrms; frequency response 40- FM tuner section: usable sens 16.3 dBf 1.8 µV (75 average power into 4 ohms, both chs driven, at 1 kHz;
16,000 Hz ± 3 dB (metal). to 13,000 normal; tape ohm); 50 -dB quieting sens 1 9.2dBf 2.5 µV (75 20W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz with 0.04% THD (min
ohm); S/N 65 dB; alternate ch sel 500B; capture ra- continuous average power into 4 ohms, both chs driv-
S/N 55 dB; sep 40 dB; FM usable sens 16.3 dBf; FM
S/N 60 dB; capture ratio 2 dB. 7' X 5'/.' x tio 2.0dB. Tape section: W&F 0.1% wrms; FR 40- en); FR 10-70,000 Hz ±3 dB; S/N 97dB (IHF A -
$350 13,000 Hz ±3 dB; S/N 55 dB; sep 40d8 $200 weighted); speaker imp 4 ohms. 6-1/2"W x 2-0 x 7-
7135. Bilevel ETR/PLL AM/FM radio/cassette player 7150. In -dash AM/FM radio with stereo cassette 1/2" H $200
with digital frequency synthesized tuning, auto -re- deck. Features auto reverse; built-in AFC; metal/ 3508. 30W + 30W bridgeable power amplifier. Out-
verse transport, and SCC tape head. Features metal - stereo dual -function switch; cassette glide; power an- put power 50W/ch with 8.0% THD (min continuous
tape compatibility; LiteTouch 10 -station tuning preset tenna lead: tone control. Output power 6 W at 1 kHz average power into 4 ohms, both chs driven, at 1 kHz;
system; music sensor; auto seek; metal and local/ with 8% distortion into 4 ohms; W&F 0.1% wrms; 30W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz with 8.0% THO (min
distant dual -function switch: engine -noise suppres- frequency response 40-15,000 Hz ±3 dB (metal. continuous average power into 4 ohms. both chs driv-
sion; LiteTouch memory system; separate bass and FeCr, Cr0,). to 13,000 normal tape; tape S/N 55 dB; en); FR 10-70,000 Hz ±3 dB; S/N 97dB (IHF A -
treble controls. FR 40-16.000 Hz ± 3 dB with metal sep 40 dB; FM usable sens 16.3 dBf; FM S/N 60 dB; weighted); speaker imp 4 ohms. 6-1/2'W x 2-"/,.-D
tape; W&F 0.01% wrms; tape S/N 55 dB; FM usable capture ratio 2 dB. 61/2'W x, 41/2"D x 2'H . $160 x 7-1/2"H $250
sens 16.3 dBf; 61/2"W x 52'02'H $350 3006. 18W + 18W power amplifier. Output power
7138. Frequency -synthesized AM/FM radio/cassette Alpine Cassette Amplifier 18W/ch with 8.0% THD (min continuous average
player with 10 -station tuning preset system. Features 5114. Compact under -dash amplifier and stereo cas- power into 4 ohms, both chs driven, at 1 kHz; 8W/ch
SCC tape head; memory logic electronics; Dolby noise sette player with auto reverse. Compatible with nor- from 40-20.000 Hz with 0.8% THD (min continuous
reduction; auto seek; metal/stereo switch; stereo indi- mal, FeCr, Cr0,, and metal tapes. Features cassette average power into 4 ohms, both chs driven); FR 20-
cator; Tenor Tone control; auto loudness adjust; en- glide; loudness contour; locking fast forward and re- 20,000 Hz ±3 dB; speaker imp 4 ohms. 3'1/2."W x
gine -noise suppression; local/distant switch; digital wind; tape hiss canceller; separate bass and treble. 11/2"D x 6"H $70
clock; manual up 'down tuning; locking fast forward/ - Output power 6 W at 1 kHz with 8% THD into 4 3008.. 40W +40W power amplifier. Output power

Car Stereo 15 Car Stereo
40W/ch with 8.0% THD (min continuous average system. FR 45-25,000 Hz ±3 dB; imp 4 ohms;
power into 4 ohms, both chs driven, at ±5dB; sens 92dB SPL/W/m; max power handling
1 kHz; crossover 5000 Hz, 6 dB; sens 93 dB SPL/W/m; 20W; mounting depth 3/4'
30W/ch from 30-30,000 Hz with 0.2% THD (min $90/pr
max power 80 W $100/pr TK-1. Tweeter. FR 5,000-18,000Hz; sens 94dB
continuous average power into 4 ohms, both chs driv- 6214. 4' x 10' and 1" micro polymer dome coaxial SPL/W/m; max power handling 20W; mounting depth
en); FR 20-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; speaker imp 4 ohms. 2 -way system. FR 60-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; imp 4
7-3/4,'W x 2'D x 6"H $160
3/4" $80/pr
ohms; crossover 5000 Hz, 6 dB: sens 91 dB
SPL/W/m; max power 60 W $100/pr AR
Alpine Amplifier/Equalizers 6117. Midrange/tweeter component speaker system.
3214. 18W +18W 7 -band graphic equalizer with FR 2,000.30,000 Hz; imp 4 ohms; crossover (built- Car Speaker Systems
amp. Output power 18W/ch 1.000Hz, 8% THD, in) midrange 3,000 Hz, 6 dB and tweeter 26.000 Hz, 1CS. Infinite -baffle 2 -way system with 5.25' woofer.
8W/ch 30-20,000 Hz, 0.8% THD; FR 30-30.000 Hz 6 dB; sens 89 dB SPL/W/m; max power 80 .75' liquid -cooled dome tweeter. Efficiency 86 dB
±3 dB; S/N 75dB; 53/4'W x 13/4"D x 5/'H$110 W $100/pr SPL/W/m; power requirement 5 W/ch; max power 40
3023. 18W x 2, 7 -band graphic equalizer with amp. 6108. 8' subwoofer speaker system. FR 35-400 Hz; W nominal, 100 W max peaks; half -power points 63
Output power 18W/ch 1.000Hz, 8% THD, 13W/ch imp 4 ohms; max power 80 W $100/pr and 30,000 Hz; imp 4 ohms; crossover at 2,200 Hz;
40-30,000 Hz, 0.8% THD; FR 20-20,000 Hz ±3 6352. 5-3/4' 3 -Way ferrofluid polymer slim -mount
dB; 5'/'W x 13/4"D x 5'/,'H mounting depth 32mm; 227mm x 150mm x
$150 speaker system. FR 65-20,000 Hz; imp 4 ohms; sens 41mm (including grille); 3.6 kg (pair) .... $260/pr
3000. 18W x 4, 5 -band graphic equalizer with amp. 91 dB SPL/W/m; max power 60 W $90/pr 1M5. Acoustic -suspension 2 -way mini -speaker in rigid
Output power 18W/ch 1,000Hz, 8% THD, 8W/ch 6226. 6-'/," and 1' micro polymer dome coaxial 2. deep -drawn aluminum cabinet. Multiple mounting op-
40-20,000 Hz, 0.8% THD; FR 20-20,000 Hz ±3 way system. FR 45-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; imp 4 ohms; tions by threaded inserts on the rear of cabinet. Fea-
dB; 73/4.-W x 13/4-D x 53/4'H $220 crossover 5000 Hz. 6 dB; sens 91 dB SPL/Wm; tures one 2' woofer; one 3/4" liquid -cooled dome
3004. 18W +18W 5 -band graphic equalizer Output max power 80 W $90 'pr tweeter. Efficiency 85 dB SPL/W/m; power range 7-
power 18W/ch 1,000Hz, 8% THD, 8W/ch 40- 6162 Subwoofer. 63/4' subwoofer speaker system. 75 W/ch; FR 3 dB (half power) at 95 Hz and 25,000
20,000 Hz, 0.8% THD; FR 20-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; Power -handling capacity max 100 W, nominal 50 W; Hz; low -frequency performance -3 dB at 95 Hz with
73/4," Wx154Dx 53/4' H $200 FR 40-3,000 Hz; efficiency 89 dB 1 W/Meter; voice - effective Q (at resonance) of 0.8; imp 4 ohms nomi-
3007. I8W + 18W Bi-lever. 5 -band graphic equalizer coil imp 4 ohms; voice -coil diameter 13/4," or 30mm; nal; scratch -resistant textured grey or satin black cab-
with amp. Output power 18W/ch 1,000Hz, 8% THD, flux density 9,800 gauss; mounting depth 2-"A." or inet with black alluminum grille; 194mm x 121mm x
8W/ch 40-20,000 Hz, 0.8% THD; FR 20-20,000 Hz 68mm $80/pr 122mmD including grille panel. 4.4 lbs ea $238/pr
±3 dB; 73/4."W x 13/4'D x 53/4"H $180 6236. 5-3/4' and P micro polymer dome coaxial 2 - Mounting bracket (black or grey) $30/pr
way system. FR 50-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; imp 4 ohms; 3CS. Single -driver dual -cone system with 100mm
Alpine Equalizers crossover 5,000 Hz, 6 dB/octave; sens 91 dB (4') full -range woofer. Mounts in single 108mm-
3011. 5 -band graphic equalizer/preamp. Features SPL/W/m; power range 60 W $80/pr (4.25') diameter hole. Efficiency 90 dB SPL/W/m;
auto remote power -on switch; bi-amp in/out switch; 6161. 6-3/4' hybrid polymer dual -cone slim -mount power requirement 5 W/ch; max power 10 W nomi-
accepts digital time delay; digital time delay max/min speaker. FR 60-20,000 Hz; imp 4 ohms; sens 91 dB nal, 20 W max peaks; half -power points 110 and
control; digital time delay mode switch; input sens SPL/W/m; max power 60 W $70/pr 25,000 Hz; imp 4 ohms; 1.4 kg (pair) $66/pr
control; slide controls with midrange detent; fader; 6216. 4" and V micro polymer dome coaxial 2 -way
DIN connector: input level indicators (LED). FR 20- system. FR 60-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; imp 4 ohms;
20,000Hz ±3 dB; equalizer range ±12dB; input
crossover 5,000 Hz, 6 dB/octave; sens 89 dB
sens 500 mV/10,000 ohms, 2.0 V/100 ohms; digi- SPL/W/m; max power 40 W $70/pr 132.07 Amplified Subwoofer
tal time delay 1,000 m sec; output voltage 500 6151. 53/4' hybrid polymer dual -cone slim -mount Bass reflex system with 2 long throw 4" woofers; 30
mV/1,000 ohms; crossover frequency in bi-amp speaker. FR 65.20,000 Hz; imp 4 ohms; sens 91 dB
mode 1,000Mz W bridge amplifiers with soft clipping circuit; active
$150 SPL/W/m; max power 60 W $60/pr crossover; sensitivity control; SPL up to 95 dB (105
3015. 7 -band computerized graphic equalizer. Cen- 6141. 4' hybrid polymer dual -cone slim -moult
ter frequencies 60Hz, 140Hz, 320Hz, 800Hz, dB in car; FR 40-250 Hz; matte black finish; 14 lb;
speaker. FR 80-20,000 Hz; imp 4 ohms; sens 90 dB 293/4"W x 73/4"H 53/4-D $595/pr
1,800Hz, 4,300Hz, 10,000Hz; boost/cut ±12dB; SPL/W/m; max power 20 W $50/pr
FR 20-60,000 Hz ±3 dB; S/N 85dB; 6-3/4"W x 2'D 6142. 4" x 6' hybrid polymer dual -cone slim -mount
x 5-3/4°H $400
speaker. FR 80-20,000 Hz; imp 4 ohms; sens 91 dB
SPL/W/m; max power 40 W $50/pr MDX Systems
Alpine Active Crossover 6130. 3-3/4" dual -cone speaker system. FR 130-
3650. Electronic active dividing network. Features Modular Expandable Docking systems made up of
20,000 Hz ±3 dB; imp 4 ohms; sens 88 dB various amplifier modules (not available separately),
frequency selector; frequency multiplier switch; re- SPL/W/m; max power 20 W $45/pr CS150 crossover, FD240 fader.
mote power on -off; power indicator; DIN connectors; 6205. Coaxial 6 x 9 2 -way system with pole -mounted SA550 amplifier module has 20 W/ch at 4 ohms, 40
irput mode switch; output level control; 2 -way 12 cone tweeter. FR 50-18,000 Hz; sens 91 d3 W/ch at 2 ohms. FR 20-20.00 Hz ± 1 dB with
dB/octave slope circuitry. FR 10.50,000 Hz ±3 dB SPL/W/m; max power handling 40 W; magnet 20 oz; <0.02% THD, 10-50,000 Hz I 3 dB; THD
with 0.02% THD; input sens 500 mV/10,000 ohm; mounting depth 13/4." $90/pr >0.003% at 1 kHz at rated output; S/N > 100 dB
S/N (signal to noise ratio) 100 dB (IHF A -Weighted); 6203. Coaxial 63/4' 2 -way system with pole -mounted (IHF A -weighted); IM <0.005%; ch sep 70 dB at 1
frequency crossover points 80 Hz. 160 Hz, 320 Hz, tweeter. FR 70-20,000 Hz; sens 90 dB SPL/W/m; kHz; slew rate 20 Vµsec; damping factor > 200; in-
1,600 Hz. 3,200 Hz, 6,400 Hz; crossover slope 12 max power handling 40 W; magnet 10 oz; mounting
dB per octave; size 6-3/4' x 1-3/4." x 4-3/4" (160 x put sens switchable to 100. 250, 500 mV and 1.2 V.
depth 2'A." $80/p SA1050 amplifier module is similar to SA550 except
30 x 120mm) $130 50 W/ch at 4 ohms, 80 W/ch at 2 ohms.
ALTEC LANSING SA2050 amplifier module is similar to SA550 except
Alpine Car Speakers
100 W/ch at 4 ohms, 150 W/ch at 2 ohms.
6227. 5-3/4"driver and ribbon tweeter, deluxe 2-way Car Speakers MDX 340. Made up of SA 550. SA1050. SA2050
component speaker system. FR 70-35.000 Hz ±3 5 -Piece System. 3 -way system 5 -piece system con- amp modules, slim -line system includes electronic
dB; imp 4 ohms; crossover at 3.000 Hz; sens 86 dB sists of SW -1, 2 SK- 1 s, 2 TK- 1 s. FR 50-18,000Hz crossover and fader modules. All -bridged design. THD
SPL/W/m; power range 80 W $200/pr ±5dB; sens 92dB SPL/W/m; max power handling
6112. 12' subwoofer speaker system. FR 20-400 20W; mounting depth 23/4' $430/ea
Hz; imp 4 ohms; max power 150 W $160/pr SW -1 Woofer. FR 50-150Hz ±4dB; max power han-
6391. Model 6391 6' x 9' 3 -way ferrofluid polymer dling 40W: mounting depth 23/4' $260/ea
speaker system. FR 30-20,000 Hz; imp 4 ohms; sens 4B. 6 x 9 full range super duplex system. FR 60-
91 dB SPL/W/m; power range 100 W $150/pr 1 8,000Hz ±5dB; sens 95dB SPL/W/m; max power
6207. 2 -way component speaker system. FR 50- handling 75W; mounting depth 33/4" $260/pr
20,000 Hz; imp 4 ohms; crossover 3000 Hz; sens 4A. 6 x 9 full range duplex system. FR 80-18,000Hz
90 dB SPL/W/m; max power 80 W $130/pr ±6dB; sens 95dB SPL/W/m; max power handling
6292. 6' x 9' 2 -way hybrid polymer slim -mount 40W; mounting depth 3W $180/pr
speaker system. FR 30-20,000 Hz; imp 4 ohms; sens 4C. 6 x 9 full range duplex II system. FR 90-
89 dB SPL/W/m; max power 80 W $120/pr 16,000Hz ±6dB; sens 94dB SPL/W/m; sens 92dB
6363. 6-Y,' 3 -way speaker system. FR 65-20,000 SPL/W/m; max power handling 35W; mounting depth
Hz; imp 4 ohms; crossover (built-in) midrange 8,400 23/4'
Hz. 6 dB/octave and tweeter 18.000 Hz, 6
SK -1. Extended -range speaker. FR 100-10,000Hz 0.003%; S/N 110 dB A -weighted; slew rate 20
dB/octave; sens 89 dB SPL/W/m; $120/pr ±5dB; sens 92dB SPL/W/m; max power handling V/usec2.656-1-i . 9.812'D 27.8361.; 28
6217. 4" x P soft dome 2 -way component speaker 35W; mounting depth 2" $130/ pr lbs $2,900
system. FR 80-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; imp 4 ohms; SK -2. Full -range duplex system. FR 100-18,000Hz MDX 240. Made up of CX-150 crossover, FD240
crossover 3.000 Hz; sens 86 dB SPL/W/m; max ±6dB; sens 92dB SPL/W/m; max power handling fader, 2 SA550 and 2 SA1050 amp modules:
power 60 W $110/pr 35W; mounting depth 23/4" $120/pr 2.656-H x 9.812'D x 26.136'1; 26 lbs $2.350-
6209. 6" x 9" and 2' hybrid polymer coaxial 2 -way SK -3. Extended -range speaker. FR 90-15,000Hz 2,400

Car Stereo 15 Car Stereo
MDX 180. Made up of SA1050 and 2 SA550 amp amp output leads; compact 5' deep chassis $400 4 -way balance control $120
modules, CS150 crossover, FD240 fader. Handles 2 HCC-1200. In -dash Hi-Fi electronic tuning AVX-3100. In -dash manual tuning AM/FM/MPX radio
pairs of efficient satellites; 2.656'H x 9.812'D x AM/FM/MPX receiver with auto -reverse stereo cas- with compact chassis and FLEX installation capability
20.936'L; 20 lbs $1,850-1,900 sette deck and quartz clock. Features in -door LED dis- for installation in nearly all foreign and domestic cars.
MDX 120. Made up of CS150 crossover. FD240 play for time and frequency; Dolby noise reduction; Features locking fast -forward and rewind on cassette;
fader, 3 SA550 amp modules. Features electronic metal/CrO, tape capability; logic -controlled cassette full range tone control; 4 -way balance control and 14
front/rear fading; 2.656"H x 9.812'D x mechanism with key -off tape standby system; loud- W max output power $110
15.736"L; 14 lbs $1,350-1.400 ness contour; independent bass and treble controls;
MDX 80. Made up of SA550 amp module and CX150 superreach FM circuitry with noise canceller; synthe- Hi -Comp Car Speakers
crossover. Will drive 4 4 -ohm bass drivers (6.5" sized tuning with 12 station memory and auto -seek; HCS-80. 6 9' 3 -way system with 26 -oz barium fer-
each) and 2 satellite speakers in parallel hookup or built-in 40 W maximum power amp and low -distortion rite magnet; 1.75' piezo tweeter, 2.25' cone mid-
with passive fader. 160 W into 2 ohms. 2.656"H x preamp output leads; compact 5" deep chassis $400 range; tweeter and midrange rings gloss black; max
9.812"D x 10.121'1; 9 lbs $850-900 HCC-1150. In -dash hi-fi electronic tuning power 100 W; flat rectangular grille with diamond -cut
AM 'FM 'MPX receiver with auto reverse cassette play- badge $120/pr
AudioMobile Preamplifier er and quartz cock. Features back -lit Liquid Crystal HCS-30. Dual -cone 3.5' speaker $100/pr
SP -300. Preamp with adjustable input sens and min- Display panel for readout of frequency, time and func- HCS-70. 2 -way coaxial 6 x 9' with polypropolene
tion; DNR system for reduced noise on both radio and cone and dome tweeter; flat rectangular grille with di-
iature switching power supply. Features center-
detented bass, midrange, treble controls. Output pow- tape; metal/CrO, tape capability; logic controlled cas- amond -cut badge $85/pr
er 5 V max; FR 10-50,000 Hz +0/-1 dB; THD sette mechanism with key -off tape standby system; hCS-60. 5.25" 3 -way speaker system with 27 -oz
0.05%; 4.5' x 1.6- $310 loudness contotrs; separate bass and treble control; magnet; power handling 100 W; heavy-duty paper
superreach FM circuitry for optimal FM reception; cone; flat square grille with diamond -cut badge; alu-
AudioMobile Booster Amps synthesized turing with 12 station memory; auto minum tweeter ring cover available $70/pr
SA -2000. Booster amplifier bridgeable for 200-W seek; 4 -way balance control; built-in 50 W max power HCS-50. 5.25" coaxial speaker system with 2' piezo
mono operation. Features regulated power supply; 2 - amp; low -distortion pre -amp output leads; compact tweeter; 10 -oz ferrite magnet; door or deck mount;
sec turn -on delay; full protection; speaker fuses; ther- 5" chassis $280 biamping capability; flat square grille with diamond -
mal shutdown. Output power 100 W x 2; FR 10- HCC-565. In -dash hi-fi pushbutton tuning cut badge $60/pr
50.000 Hz +0/-1 dB; THD 0.1%; S/N > 100 dB; AM/FM/MPX receiver with auto -reverse cassette HCS-20. 4 x 6" coaxial speaker with oval grille fin-
W 7% " L x 4'/.'H $720 player. Features Dolby noise reduction; metal/Cr°, ished in black and diamond -cut badge (aluminum
SA -1000. Similar to SA 2000 except bridgeable for tape capability; logic -controlled cassette mechanism tweeter ring cover available) $50/pr
100-W mono operation, output power 50 W x with key -off tape standby system; loudness contour; HCS-15. Thin -line 4' speaker with flat square grille
2 $520 independent bass and treble controls; suoerreach FM and diamond -cut badge. Mounting depth 1.5'; 7 -oz
SA450. Booster amplifier handles 2 -ohm loads. Fea- circuitry with noise canceller; 5 pushbuttons for pre- strontium magnet $30/pr
tures double power at 2 ohms; full protection; instant set station selection; built-in 50 W max power amp; HCS-40. 5.25" 3 -way speaker system with cone
oft delayed on; adjustable input sens. Output power low -distortion ore -amp output leads; compact 5" tweeter; flat square grille with diamond -cut badge;
20 W x 2; FR 20-20,000 Hz +0/-1 dB; THD deep chassis $280 oiamp wiring capability; aluminum tweeter ring cover
0.05%; S/N > 100 dB; 5WW x 4%1_ x available; 20 -oz barrium ferrite woofer magnet
2'H $270 Audiovox Cassette Radios $19/pr
AVX-965. In -dash Hi-Fi electronic tuning AM/FM ste-
AudioMobile Amp Rack Systems reo radio with auto reverse; logic controlled cassette Audiovox Car Speakers
AR -4. Consists of SA -1 SA -1000, SA -450, SP -300, mechanism ano quartz clock. Features Dolby noise re- TRYVOX 9 6" 9' 3 -way speaker system
- $47
CXE-2, AC -504 fader control. Output power 340 duction; music sensor which automatically locates TRYVOX-15 6 3 -way speaker system $43
W $2,300 next selection in fast -wind modes; separate bass and
AR -3. Consists of 2 SA -1000s, SA -450, CXE-2, SP - treble control; 4 -way balance control; metal tape ca- AUTOTEK
300. AC -504. Output power 240 W $2.085 pability; built-in 50 W max amplifier and FLEX instal-
AR -2. Consists of 2 SA -450s, SA -1000, CXE-2, SP - lation capabilities $350 Cassette Radios
$1,775 AVX-955. In -dash AM/FM stereo receiver/cassette CSR -5550 E. Quartz -locked PLL electronic -tuned
300. AC -504. Output power 180 W
player with electronic tuning and auto -reverse cas- mini -chassis receiver with digital readout. Features
AudioMobile Crossover sette deck. Features built-in LED digital clock and ra- Automatic Gain Control on FM; Lo/Dx switch; Auto
CXE-2. Electronic crossover with 12-dB/octave con- dio frequency display; 12 station preset electronic Control Stereo; Dolby B NR; key -off eject; auto re-
stant voltage filter, programmable high and low pass tuning; superreach FM circuitry; local switch; locking verse; ceramic head; metal tape playback; program
points, low-pass output, stereo or mono for sub - fast forward and rewind; tape direction indicators; search; preamp fader; night illumination; noise
woofer. FR 10-50,000 Hz +0/-1 dB; THD 0.005%; compact chassis with FLEX installation blanker on FM. Output power 3 W; FR 50-15,000 Hz;
S/N 85 dB; 5.8" x 3.5' x 1.6' $245 capability $280 FM usable sens 1.5 µV; capture ratio 1.5 dB; FM sel
AVX-940. In -dash electronic tuning stereo 60 dB. Tape section: W&F 0.15%; FR 30-16,000 Hz;
AUDIOSOURCE AM/FM/MPX radio/cassette player with back -lit liq- S/N 65 dB $400
uid crystal display for frequencies and function read- 5350 E. Same as 5550 E but lacks Dolby, metal tape
LS -One Speaker System out; locking fast -forward and rewind; metal/Cr°, tape playback, program search. Specs same as for 5550 E
Acoustic -suspension 2 -way speaker system with 4" capability; 4 -way balance control; quartz clock; 12 except tape FR 30-12,000 Hz; S/N 55 dB $330
woofer. 1' tweeter. FR 100-20.000 Hz; power range station preset electronic tuning; superreach circuitry; 3500 E. Analog push -button -tuning compact -chassis
12.40 W; imp 8 ohms; sens 83 dB SPL/W/m; cross- compact 5' deep chassis with FLEX installation cassetta radio with Auto Control Stereo. Features
over 2.5 kHz; walnut wood -grain or cast -aluminum capability $225 Lo/Dx .witch; noise blanker on FM; Dolby B NR; DNR;
enclosure with metal grille; 7 1/8"H x 4 1/2"W x 4 AVX-690. In -dash AM/FM/MPX auto -reverse cassette metal tape playback; auto reverse; key -off eject;
9/16'D; 5.51b $100 with built-in amplifier and 5 -band graphic equalizer; preamp output. Specs same as above except usable
40 W power output; 4 -way balance control; locking FM sens 2.0 µV; tape FR 30-16.000 Hz; S/N 70
LS -Four Car Speaker fast forward and rewind; FM muting; superreach tun- dB $330
A 1Y," ferro-fluid cooled tweeter and 4' free -edge er; hi -blend wad AM IC circuit; and FLEX installation 3250 E. Analog push -button -tuning mini -chassis cas-
woofer designed to flush -mount in car door or rear capability $210 sette radio with Auto Control Stereo. Features Lo/Dx
seat panel; depth clearance of 1./." with 3" hole$85 AVX-620. In -dash manual tune AM/FM/MPX radio switch; noise blanker on FM; 4 -way fader; adjustable
auto -reverse cassette player with switchable FM ste- shafti. Specs same as above except tape FR 30-
AUDIOVOX reo, superreach circuitry; locking fast forward and re- 12.000 Hz; S/N 55 dB $220
wind; FLEX installation capability; push-button eject; CSR -5300. Quartz -locked PLL electronic -tuned mini-
Hi -Comp Line Cassette Radios 4 -way balance control $175 chassi!: cassette radio with digital readout. Features
HCC-1250. In -dash electronic tuning AM/FM/MPX re- AVX-3400. In -dash pushbutton AM/FM/MPX radio Automatic Gain Control on FM, Lo/Dx switch; Auto
ceiver with logic -controlled cassette player, music with auto -reverse cassette player. Features logic con-
sensor and quartz clock. Features back -lit LCD panel trolled auto -reverse cassette mechanism with locking
for readout of frequency, time and functions; Dolby fast -forward and rewind; FM local/distant selector; =x
noise reduction systems; metal/CrO, tape capability; LED indicators for FM stereo and tape direction; full MV
amorphous tape head; logic -controlled cassette mech- range tone control; 4 -way balance; 14 W max output
anism with key -off tape stand-by system; music sen-
sor automatically locates next selection in fast wind
power; compact 51/4' deep chassis with FLEX installa-
tion capability $175
V f

modes; loudness contours; independent bass and tre- AVX-3200.1n-dash manual tuning AM, FM/PMX radio
ble controls: superreach FM circuitry with built-in and auto -reverse cassette player with compact chas-
noise canceller and muting; synthesized tuning with sis and FLEX installation capability. Features locking
12 station preset memory and auto seek control; fast forward and rewind; full range tone control; side Control Stereo; noise blanker on FM; Dolby B NR; auto
built-in 50 W max power amplifier; low distortion pre - load cassette mechanism; 14 W max power amp and reverse; metal tape playback; fader; preamp output.

1984 EDITION 185

Car Stereo 15 Car Stereo
Specs same as above except tape W&F 0.2%; FR 30- ing; metal compatibility; separate bass and treble;
15.000 Hz; S/N 60 dB midranges (fabric) 28mm; 4 long throw woofers;
$300 loudness, balance, and fader controls. FM noise sup- cone diaphragm 110mm; enclosure surfaces black:
CSR -5200. Same as above except lacks Dolby, metal - pression; Cassette Program Search. Separate amplifi-
tape compatibility. Tape FR 30-12.000 Hz; S/N 50 grille of perforated steel plate, black: permafix spring -
er required. Tape FR 30-20,000 Hz; wow and flutter clamps for easy connection; removable grille; cross-
dB $260 0.15%; FM usable sens 13 dBf (75 ohms) $500

over frequency 800 Hz, 4,000 Hz; slope 6/12,

CSR -5100. Quartz -locked PLL electronic -tuned cas-
sette radio with digital readout. Features Auto Control 12/12; 7.5 kg; 37.4"W x 4.13"H 4.92"D $400
BOSE complete
Stereo; Lo/Dx switch; loudness control; locking fast
forward and rewind; fader. Specs same as above ex- CRC Digital Tuner/Cassette Player
cept power output 7 W/ch $210
DIN -size in -dash AM FM -stereo tuner with stereo cas-
CSR -3050. Analog push -button -tuning submini-chas- sette player. Fits most vehicles manufactured since
sis cassette radio with Auto Control Stereo; soft mute; CS -18A Car Speaker
1975. Features microprocessor -controlled PLL digital Heavy-duty, two way, oval 6"
adjustable loudness contour; 4 -way fader Specs tuner with 12 -station preset tuning; seek/scan/- 9" speaker with re.
same as above settable circuit breaker protection and a horn tweeter.
$180 manual tuning; 4 -digit LED frequency/time display;
CSR -2100. Manual -tune compact -chassis cassette ra- Features heavy aluminum die-cast frame, pound
auto FM muting; local/distant switch; FM fringe blend magnet structure; temperature resistant 1.6 -inch
dio with noise blanker on FM; Lo/Dx switch; auto re- and noise -cancel switches; power -antenna lead; auto
verse; 4 -way fader. Specs same as above except for
voice coil; attached metallic Doppler filter grille. Fre-
reverse cassette mechanism; Dolby noise reduction; quency response 30-20.000Hz; 98 dB sens, 1 w/m;
power output 3 W ch; FM sens 2.5 µV $150 normal/CrO,/metal playback equalization selector; 150 W power handling capacity; 6" 9' . $200/pr
Permalloy tape head; locking fast forward/rewind;
volume, balance, bass. treble controls; low-level CS -17 Car Speaker
BLAUPUNKT preamp outputs to connect directly to Bose 1401 Similar to the CS -18, except with shallower low profile
booster equalizer $575 magnet ideal for door mount applications; integral
Cassette Radios
"Berlin" SQR 83. In -dash stereo AM/FM radio with Doppler filter grille $160/pr
1401' Speaker System CSW-16. Similar to CS -18A but without the horn
auto -reverse cassette player. Features Dolby B; elec- Direct, reflection stereo speaker system with 4Y,"
tronic tuning; LCD readout; remote control; metal tweeter and the Doppler filter grille. The CSW-16
woofer; 1401 booster amplifier (4 25W): acive woofer cn be used for dual or single voice coil
tape compatibility; Cassette Program Search; elec- electronic EQ; Spatial Control-. low frequency control; operation $80/pr
tronic seek tuning; 4 presets; auto volume control high frequency switch; 2 Direct/reflecting speakers
keyed to ambient noise; FM noise suppression. Out- with engery controls, 2 door mount speakers; mount-
put power 20 W/ch CSW-21 Subwoofer
$1,850 ing depth 1V," $470
"Washington" SQR 32. In -dash AM/FM radio with A 12 -inch round, dual voice coil. subwoofer for trunk
auto -reverse cassette player. Features Dolby; elec- mounting. Features mounting board an 5 -inch diame-
BOSTON ACOUSTICS ter flexible acoustic tube for conveying sound into the
tronic PLL tuning; LED digital display; metal compati.
car interior. Can be paired with CS -18A or CS -17 $90
C700 Car Speakers
Two-way auto speaker system combines a 51/2" high- CSX-110 Subwoofer
compliance. long -throw woofer and CFT/2 1" dome Can be used with any combination of dual voice
tweeter mounted on black thin line housing that can subwoofers, CSX-110 is a crossover rated at 500
be mounted by a single circular cutout Features pcly- watts per channel $60
propylene cone in 5-Y.' woofer; copolymer dome in
the CFT/2. FR 58-20.000Hz, ±3 dB; imp 4 ohms; CLARION
crossover frequency 3,000 Hz; power handling 50W;
6" x 8-1/4' (with only required behind the Clarion 8000 Series
mounting panel, and 1" above it) $198/pr
bility: electronic seek tuning; 12 presets; separate 8500R Stereo Cassette Receiver
B & W LOUDSPEAKERS 12W AM,.FM compact chassis cassette receiver with
bass and treble; balance and fader controls; FM noise
suppression quartz -locked electronic tuning and 5 FM/5AM
$600 LM -1 Leisure Monitor Speaker
"Richmond." In -dash AM/FM radio with auto -reverse touchbuttons. Features scan tuning; magi tune III FM;
Two-way mini speaker with colored nextel finishes, auto DX/L0 (keyed AGC) MOS FET FM front end, dual
cassette player. Features Dynamic Noise Reduction; 5 protection against overload. for home and car use.
AM /5 FM presets; metal compatibility; separate bass. gate with balanced mixer; super SASC w, multipath
Available in brown, beige. charcoal, black, or red. Min rej; clean Z; soft muting; traveler's advisory reception;
treble, loudness. balance, and fader controls; FM power 10 W; 4' woofer, 7." tweeter $498/pr auto reverse; auto program control; locking fast
noise suppression. Output power 7 W/ch; tape fre- LM-1/PM. Panel -mount version $450/pr forward/rewind; permalloy head; illuminated tape
quency response 30-18.000 Hz; W&F 0.15%; FM us- LM-1/Mar. Marine version (protected against
able sens 13 dBf (75 ohms) door; separate bass and treble eq; 4 -way balance con-
$300 corrosion) $598/pr
"Manhattan." In -dash AM FM radio with auto -reverse trols; night control illumination; power antenna activa-
LM-1/PM-Mar. Panel -mount marine version $550/pr tor; compact chassis fits American European and
cassette player. Features Dolby; 5 AM '5 FM presets;
separate bass and treble; loudness switch; balance most all Japanese vehicles; sens (50 dB quieting)17
CANTON dBf; alternate ch selectivity 70 dB: capture ratio 1.5
and fader controls; switchable EQ for normal, chrome.
metal tapes; FM noise suppression. Output power 4 dB; stereo separation at 1.000 Hz 35 dB; W&F
AC 200 Car Speakers
ch; tape frequency range 30-15,000 Hz; W&F (wrms) 15%; stereo separation (ref 1,000 Hz) 42
Self -powered 2 -way car speaker for 12V operation dB; S/N ratio 53 dB; FR 30-14,000 Hz 120p.s (nor-
0.15%; FM usable sens 13 dBf (75 ohms) $300 with high amplifier output power; bass amplifier as
"Seattle." In -dash manual -tuned AM,'FM radio with mal tape); 70µS (metal Cl/0Z); 7'4'W x 12'H x
bridge circuit with direct coupling; tweeter amplifier 4/','D
auto -reverse cassette deck. Features Dynamic Noise $290
single amplifier. Features 20 mm; dome tweeter (fab- 8550R. Identical model to 8500R except has a mini
Reduction; separate bass and treble controls; switch -
ric); long throw woofer; cone diaphragm 110mm; en-
able loudness contour; FM noise suppression. Power chassis; 6%.'W x 1%.'H x 4A.D $290
closure surfaces black: grille of perforated steel plate, 8100R. Similar to 8500R; compact chassis cassette
output 7 W .ch; tape frequency range 30-18.000 Hz; black; built-in permanently adjusted equalizer; con-
W&F 0.15%; FM usable sens 13 dBf (75 ohms)$250 receiver except no magi -tune Ill FM; clear Z or auto re-
necting cable and installation accessories enclosed; verse; 7.,-W x 12"H x 4%."D $260
FR 48-25.000 Hz; crossover frequency 1,700 Hz: 2
Blaupunkt Cassette Tuner kg'
"Tucson." In -dash AM:FM tuner with auto-reverse $350,.pr Clarion 6000 Series
cassette player. Features Dolby B for tape and FM; HC 100 Car Speakers
digital display of frequency and time; electronic tun 6900RT Stereo Cassette Receiver/Tuner
2 -way car speaker. Also suitable as auxiliary home cr AM FM stereo compact chassis cassette receiver
add-on speaker for other applications; dome tweeter tuner with 5 pushbutton preset tuning and Magi -tune
(fabric) 20mm: long throw woofer: cone diaphragm III FM. Features MOS FET FM front end; dual gate with
110mm; enclosure surfaces black, white, or brown balance mixer; auto DX/LO (keyed AGC) super SASC
metallic; grille of perforated steel plate: color tc
with multipath rej; clean Z; traveler's advisory recep-
match enclosure; permafix spring -clamps for easy tion; tape auto reverse; Dolby "B" noise reduction;
connection; 5 meter connecting cable; one -point
NEED MORE INFORMATION? auto program control; metal (70µs) tape equalization;
mounting fixture: removable grille; CF 1700Hz
locking fast forward 'rewind; permalloy head; illumi-
5.12"W 7.49"H 5.41"D; 1 8 kg $250/pr
Write directly to the manufacturer or nated tape door; amplifier 12 W max output (6 w /ch)
distributor. A list of names and ad- separate bass and treble eq; 4 -way balance controls;
Pullman Car Speakers pre -amp output (RCA); night control identification;
dresses starts on page 25. Loudspeaker console consisting of 2 acoustically sep- power antenna activator; compact chassis fits Ameri-
arate 3 -way speakers: for powerful car stereo. Fea- can European and most all Japanese vehicles. Sens
tures 2 dome tweeter (fabric) 20mm; 2 dome (50 dB quieting)17 dBf; alternate ch selectivity 70
Car Stereo 15 Car Stereo
dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB; stereo separation at 1.000 bility; high convection heat sink; overload protection 0.8% THD from 20-20,000 Hz into 4 ohms; 7'/,i'W
Hz 35 dB; W&F(wrms) 15%; stereo separation (ref circuit; signal noise ratio 75 dB; FR 20-20,000 Hz x x 4'/."D $429
1,000 Hz) 42 dB; S/N ratio 53 dB; FR 30-14,000 1.5 dB; 6'A.'W 1'1/4"H x 6'/.'D $150 HPL-121. Similar to HPL-122 except no built-in
Hz 120us (normal tape); 701AS (metal CROZ) 30- 100 EQB4. 50 W 5 band graphic equalizer Features amplifier $349
16.000 Hz; 7'/,'W x 12"H x 4 1/4" D $290 front/rear fader and defeat switch; high convection
6950RT Identical to 6900RT cassette receiver/tuner heat sink; overload protection circuit; equalizer center Concord In Dash 500 Cassette Radio Series
except has a mini chassis; 65/,.'W x 1'/'H frequencies 60 Hz. 250 Hz, 1.000 Hz, 3,500 Hz, HPL-532. Quartz digital synthesizer tuner -amplifier -
4'/"D $290 10,000 Hz ±12 dB; S/N 75 dB; FR 20-20,000 Hz tape deck. Features auto scan; 10 preset memory;
6700RT. Similar to 6900 RT compact chassis stereo 1-1.5 dB; 5%.'W x 11/4"H x 51/4"D $100 electronic DC servo motor; front/back preamp; low
cassette receiver/tuner except no pushbutton preset level fader lighted switches; lighted function indica-
tuning 71/4"W x 12'H 4%"D $260 Clarion Speakers tor; lighted preset buttons; auto eject; adjustable low
6300 R. Simplified model 6900R compact chassis SD 1000. 6 x 9' Coaxial Speaker System. Polypro- level line outputs; Dolby B; bass equzlizer; AUX signal
cassette receiver with 5 -pushbutton preset tuning ex- pylene woofer with KAPTON voice coil '/,' poly - processing circuitry; stereo/mono; metal tape eq. 50
cept no super SASC with multipath rej; clear Z; lock- carbonate tweete with ferrofluid 3' midrange; max W max; 12 W/ch rms; 0.8% THD; 20-20,000 Hz; 4
ing fast-forward/rewind; metal tape equalization or capacity 140 W; rear mount depth 3'/.-; FR 40- ohms 7'/'W x 1"/'H x 4'/,'D $500
pre -amp output; 71/4"W x 12"H x 494."D $220 22.000 Hz $80/pr HPL-525. Similar to HPL-532 except no lighted func-
6100R. Similar to 6300R cassette receiver except no SD 980. 6 x 9' Multiaxial Speaker System. High tions indicators, lighted switches, or lighted preset
push-button preset; 71/4"W x 12'H x 4%."D$200 compliance woofer; pole mount midrange -tweeter; buttons.
6150R Identical to 6100R cassette receiver only with max capacity 80 W; rear mount depth 31/4'; FR 45- HPL-504. Tuner/amp/tape deck with DC servo drive
a mini -chassis; 6%..'W 1'1/4"H x 4%."D $200 .
20,000 Hz $120 motor. Features lighted switches; lighted function in-
SD 970. 6 x 9" Coaxial Speaker System. High com- dicators; low level front/back fader; auto eject; AUX
Clarion 4000 Series pliance woofer; pole mount tweeter; max capacity 60 signal processing circuitry for optional dbx or Dolby C
W; rear mount depth 31/4'; FR 45-18,000.. $80/pr plug in module; Dolby B; adjustable line outputs for
4700R. 12 W AM/FM compact chassis stereo cas- SD 630. 6'/,' Multiaxial Speaker System. High com- external amps; matched phase tape head; loudness
sette receiver with 5 preset tuning and improved FM pliance woofer; pole mount midrange -tweeter; max ca- control; n'etal tape eq; tuner/tape switch; mono/ -
reception system; compact chassis fits American, Eu- pacity 60 W; rear mount depth 21/4"; FR 55-20.000 stereo. 12 W/ch with 0.8% THD from 20-20,000 Hz
ropean and most all Japanese vehicles. Features MOS Hz $100/pr into 4 ohms; 7'/"W x 1"/'H x 4'/."D . $300
FET FM front end; auto DX/LO (keyed AGC); FM SD 620. 6'/,' Coaxial Speaker System. High compli- HPL-502. Tuner/amp/tape deck with DC servo drive
stereo/mono selector; traveler's advisory reception; ance woofer; pole mount tweeter; max capacity 40 W; motor. Features lighted switches; low level front/back
tape locking fast forward/rewind; permalloy head; rear mount depth 21/4'; FR 65-18,000 Hz .. $70/pr fader; auto eject; adjustable line outputs for external
auto stop at end of play; tape end indicator; illuminat- SD 610. 6'/," Dual Cone Speaker. High compliance amps; matched phase tape head; loudness control;
ed tape door; amplifier loudness contour; tone con- design hi frequency dispersion cone; max capacity 40 metal tape eq; tuner/tape switch; mono/stereo. 12
trol; stereo balance control; sens (50 dB quieting)18 W; rear mount depth 21/4'; FR 65-16,000 Hz $40/pr W/ch; 0.8% THD; 20-20.000 Hz; 4 ohms; r/'W
dBf; alternate ch selectivity 65 dB; capture ratio 2.0 SD 520. 5' Coaxial Speaker System. High compliance 12'/'H x 4'/,'D $250
dB; stereo separation at 1.000 Hz 35 dB; W&F woofer with strontium magnet; pole mount tweeter;
(wrms) .25%; stereo separation (ref 1,000 Hz) 40 max capacity 30 W; rear mount depth 1%'; FR 70- Concord Signal Processors
dB; S/N ratio 50 dB; FR 120As (normal tape); 70j.i.S 18,000 Hz $60/pr HPQ-89. Dolby C plug-in module for use with Con-
(metal CROZ) 40-12,000 Hz; 71/4'W x 12'H x SD 500. 5' Speaker. High compliance design; extra cord's Signal Processor Circuitry. Provides Dolby B or
4'A D $190 shallow mount depth; max capacity 30 W; rear mount C or may be bypassed with switch. 5'W x PA." H x
4750R. Identical system to 4700R except for a mini - depth 11/4"; FR 95-16 Hz $30/pr 3%,'D $100-130
chassis; 6%.'W x 1'/'H 4%."D; 'mini -chassis' SD 420. 4" Coaxial Speaker System. High compliance HPQ-90. dbx II plug-in module for use with Concord's
fits all Japanese, European and GM X -body vehicles woofer with strontium magnet; pole mount tweeter; Signal Processor Circuitry and any car stereo that has
$190 max capacity 30 W; rear mount depth 131/4"; FR 80- line output levels of .5 to 1 volt (adapter cable provid-
4500R. Similar to the 4700R compact cassette re- 17,000 Hz $60/pr ed) 5"W 1%,'H x 3%."D $100-130
ceiver except no preset tuning or auto stop at end of SD 410. 4' Dual Cone Speaker. High compliance de-
tape. Features tape program direction and auto - sign with strontium magnet; HF dispersion cone; max Concord Car Speakers
reverse $170 capacity 30 W. rear mount depth P1/4"; FR 100- HPS-271. 6' x 9" speaker with Ferrofluid dome
4300R. Similar to 4500R compact chassis cassette 15,000 Hz $40/pr tweeter coaxial and 19 oz strontium magnet struc-
receiver model without auto reverse. Features locking SD 310. 3'/,' Dual Cone Speaker. High compliance ture. 10-120 W power handling. 5140-160
fast forward and rewind capabilities and loudness design; high frequency dispersion cone; (may be cus- HPS-263. 6" x 9" speaker with pole mounted sealed
contour; 71/4" - 12' 4'/.' $130 tom mounted in GM dashboard without modification); cone tweeter and 18 oz strontium magnet. 40 W con-
4350R. Identical model to 4300R except has a "mini max capacity 20 W; rear mount depth 11/4"; FR 100- tinuous 90 W max $100-103
chassis"; 'A." 1%." x 4%." $130 18,000 Hz $20/pr HPS-265. 6'/,' speaker with sealed cone Ferrofluid
4100R. Basic model of the 4300R compact cassette pole mounted coaxial, 14 oz strontium magnet struc-
receiver without loudness contour; tone control or CONCORD ture and 1' /." coil assembly bi-amp connections. 5-
auto stop; 71/4' x 12" . 4%," $120 30 W power handling $90-110
In -Dash 100 Cassette Radio Series HPS-260. 6'/,' speaker with cone coaxial. Features
Clarion Power Amps HPL-101. Comoact AM/FM-stereo receiver with ste- strontium magnet and metal voice coil assembly. 4-
800 A2. 4 channel stereo power amplifier with 4 ch reo cassette deck. Features SA tape head; auto eject; 50 W power handling $80-100
inputs. Features selectable high or low level inputs; separate bass and treble controls; loudness switch; HPS-152. 5'/." slimline coaxial speaker with stron-
overload protection circuit; remote power switching tape equalizat on selector; 7%,'W x. 431/4-D x tium magnet structure and 12 W recurve cone. 4-30
circuit; high convection heat sink design; ground -loop 2%,'H $250 W power handling $70-90
isolation selector; signal to noise ratio 75 dB; FR 20- HPL-122. Compact programmable digital cassette re- HPS-151. 5'/4' full range 12 W recurve cone. 4-30
20,000 11.5 dB; output power 20 Wich front and ceiver with seek and scan. Features 10 station pre- W powe handling $60-90
rear; 51/4"W 11/4"H x 6%'D $130 sets; LED auxilliary and tape indicators; aux in and out
400 A2. 20 W/ch front and rear stereo power ampli- switch; signal processor circuitry; auto eject; preamp CRAIG
fier with selectable high or low level inputs. Features fader; locking fast forward and rewind; Dolby B; metal
overload protection circuit; remote power switching tape eq; adjustable line output controls; matched Cassette Radios
circuit; high convection heat sink design; ground -loop phase tape head; loudness control; stereo/mono W460. Electronically tuned AM/FM radio with auto -
isolation selector; optional fader control available (al- switch; separate bass and treble controls. 5 W/ch reverse cassette player. Features 6 AM/6 FM presets;
lows control on front and rear sound balance) .. $80

Clarion Equalizer/Amplifiers
300 EQB3. 5 band graphic equalizer with LED audio
power indicators; equalizer center frequencies 60 Hz.
250 Hz, 1,000 Hz, 3.500 Hz, 10,000 Hz, it 12 dB.
Features front /rear fader and defeat switch; high/low NOTICE TO READERS
input sens; floating ground input capability; high con-
vection heat sink, overload protection circuit; signal to Prices of items described are manufacturers' suggested prices
noise ratio 75 dB; FR 20.20,000 Hz 11.5 dB; only and are subject to change without notice. Actual selling
6%,'W 1'/,"H 6%.'D $210
200 EQB2. 50 W 7 band graphic equalizer with LED prices are determined by the dealers.
indicators. Features D.N.R. (dynamic noise reduction;
front/rear fader and defeat switch; adjustable
high/low input level sens; floating ground input capa-

1984 EDITION 187

Car Stereo 15 Car Stereo
clock; locking fast forward and rewind; Dolby noise re- 1701. Stereo AM/FM radio with auto -reverse cassette lation. Power input 40W nominal, 80W max; magnet
duction; sendust alloy tape head; separate controls player. Features locking fast forward and rewind; 20 oz; imp 6 ohms; depth below mounting surface
for loudness, bass, treble, balance, and fader; Electronic Search and Play; volume, balance, fader, 2'; cutout 5' x 5"; 32 oz per speaker $120/pr
LOC/DX and Mono/Stereo switches. 12 W/ch $370 and tone controls; Stereo/Mono and LOC/DX switch- V822. Two XL 6V," coaxial speakers with large diam-
1780. Stereo AM/FM radio with auto -reverse cassette es; IC -controlled soft mute. 3.5 W/ch into 4 ohms 90- eter voice coil for higher output of power amplifers.
player. Features Performance Monitoring System; 20,000 Hz with 5% THD; FM usable sens 23 dBf Features durable, high -compliance cloth surround;
preset tuning; Dolby for FM and tape; line-in/line-out (4.0 0/75 ohms); FM 50 dB quieting sens 26 dBf pole -mounted tweeter for more open bass response;
jacks; Electronic Search and Play; separate controls (5.50/75 ohms); alternate ch selectivity 60 dB; precision crafted, acoustically transparent wire mesh
for loudness, bass, treble, balance, and fader. Twelve capture ratio 3.0 dB; W&F 0.16% wrms $150 grille; polarized quick -connect terminals and ch-coded
W/ch into 4 ohms 80-20,000 Hz with 3% THD; FM 1503. Stereo AM/FM radio with auto -reverse cassette leads for easy installation. Power input 40W nominal,
usable sens 20 dBf (2.8 0/75 ohms); alternate ch player. Features convertible nosepiece for import or 80W max; magnet 10 oz; sens 89dB SPL/W/m; FR
sel 65 dB; capture ratio 2.0 dB; W&F 0.15% domestic cars; locking fast forward and rewind; IC - 80-10,000 Hz ±3dB; THD 0.4% 1 kHz/1 W; imp 6
wrms $350 controlled soft mute; power -off eject; power antenna ohms; depth below mounting surface 2'; cutout 5' x
1742. Stereo AM/FM radio with auto -reverse cassette switching; LOC/DX sens switch; Stereo/Mono switch. 5'; 28oz per speaker $100/pr
player. Features Dolby for FM and tape; Electronic 3.5 W/ch into 4 ohms 90.20,000 Hz with 5% THD; V351A. Two 6' x 9' flush -mount three-way speak-
Search and Play; sendust tape head; separate loud- FM usable sens 23 dBf (4.0 AV/75 ohms); FM 50 dB ers with large diameter voice coil for higher power
ness, bass, treble, balance, and fader controls; line -in quieting sens 26 dBf (5.5 AV/75 ohms); alternate ch output of power amplifiers. Features durable, high -
and line-out jacks. Twelve W/ch into 4 ohms 80- sel 60 dB; capture ratio 3.0 dB; W&F 0.16% compliance cloth surround for richer, cleaner, deeper
20,000 Hz with 3% THD; FM usable sens 20 dBf wrms $130 bass response; pole -mounted mid- and super -tweet-
(2.8 AV/75 ohms); FM 50 dB quieting sens 22 dBf 1700. Stereo AM/FM radio with cassette player. Fea- ers for more open bass response; precision crafted
(3.5 11V/75 ohms); alternate ch sel 65 dB; capture tures locking fast forward and rewind; volume, bal- acoustically transparent wire mesh grille; polarized
ratio 2.0 dB; W&F 0.15% wrms $280 ance, and tone controls; loudness switch; LOC/DX quick -connect terminals and ch-coded leads for easy
1860E. Stereo AM/FM radio with auto -reverse cas- switch; Stereo/Mono switch; end -of -tape eject. 3.5 installation. Power input 12.5W nominal, 25W max;
sette player. Features Dynamic Noise Reduction; Elec- W/channel into 4 ohms 90-20,000 Hz with 5% THD; magnet 20 oz; sens 92dB SPL/W/m; FR 60-22,000
tronic Search and Play; locking fast forward and re- FM usable sens 23 dBf (4.0 jaV/75 ohms); FM 50 dB Hz ±10dB; THD 0.6% 1 kHz/1 W; imp 6 ohms;
wind; preset tuning; separate loudness, bass, treble, quieting sens 26 dBf (5.5 AV/75 ohms); alternate ch depth below mounting surface 3"; cutout 6 x 8%";
balance, and fader controls; line-out jacks; power - sel 60 dB; capture ratio 3.0 dB; W&F 0.16% 60.5 oz per speaker $100/pr
loading tape deck with power -off eject. Power output wrms $100 V363A. Two 6' x 9" flush -mount coaxial speakers
3.2 W/channel into 4 ohms 90-20,000 Hz with 3% 1502. Stereo AM/FM radio with convertible nose- with large diameter voice coil for higher power output
THD, 4.5 W/ch at 1 kHz with 1% THD; FM usable piece for import or domestic cars. Features locking of power amplifiers. Features durable, high -compli-
sensitivity 20 dBf (2.8 AV/75 ohms); FM 50 dB fast forward; LOC/DX switch; auto Stereo/Mono; ance cloth surround for richer, cleaner, deeper bass
quieting sens 22 dBf (3.5AV/75 ohms); alternate tape -play indicator. 3.5 W/ch into 4 ohms 90- response; pole -mounted tweeter for more open bass
channel sel 65 dB; capture ratio 2.0 dB; wow and flut- 20,000 Hz with 5% THD; FM usable sens 23 dBf response; precision crafted acoustically transparent
ter 0.15% wrms $270 (2.8 AV/75 ohms); FM 50 dB quieting sens 26 dBf wire mesh grille; polarized quick -connect terminals
1760. Stereo AM/FM radio with auto -reverse cassette (5.5 AV/75 ohms); alternate ch sel 60 dB; capture and ch-coded leads for easy installation. Power input
player. Features preset tuning; locking fast forward ratio 3.0 dB; W&F 0.16% wrms $60 12.5W nominal, 25W max; magnet 20 oz; sens 92dB
and rewind; Electronic Search and Play; Dynamic 1720. Pushbutton -tuned AM/FM radio with auto -re- SPL/W/m; FR 60-23,000 Hz ±9dB; THD 0.6% 1
Noise Reduction; metal tape EQ; separate loudness, verse cassette player. Features locking fast forward kHz/1 W; imp 6 ohms; depth below mounting surface
bass, treble, balance, and fader controls; line-out and rewind; Stereo/Mono switch; LOC/DX switch; 3"; cutout 6 x 8%"; 56 oz per speaker .... $85/pr
jacks. 3.2 W/ch into 4 ohms 90-20,000 Hz with 3% fader control. Shafts adjustable from 130 to 148mm. V302A. Two 5'/,' flush -mount speakers with polar-
THD; 4.5 W at 1 kHz 1% THD; FM usable sens 20 Power output 4 W/ch with 5% THD $170 ized quick -connect terminals and ch-coded leads for
dBf (2.8 AV/75 ohms); FM 50 dB alternate ch sel 65 easy installation. Power input 8W nominal, 15W max;
dB; capture ratio 2.0 dB; quieting sens 22 dBf (3.5 Craig Cassette Amplifier magnet 5.4 oz; sens 90dB SPL/W/m; FR 110-
0/75 ohms); wow and flutter 0.15% wrms $240 . 1103. Stereo cassette deck with amplifier. Features 13.500 Hz ±10dB; THD 1.5% 1 kHz/1 W; imp 6
1741. Stereo AM/FM radio with auto -reverse cassette auto reverse; separate bass and treble controls; lock- ohms; depth below mounting surface PA.': cutout
player. Features locking fast forward and rewind; ing fast wind; tape -direction indicators; volume and 4'4" x 4V,"; 17.5 oz per speaker $43/pr
Dolby for FM and tape; Electronic Search and Play; balance controls; pushbutton eject. 4.0 W/ch into 4 V341. Two 4' x 6" flush -mount speakers with polar-
metal tape EQ; separate loudness, bass, treble, bal- ohms 150-20,000 Hz with 5% THD; THD 5% at 1 ized quick -connect terminals and ch-coded leads for
ance, and fader controls; Stereo/Mono switch; auto kHz at rated output; FR 40-10,000 Hz ±3 dB; W&F easy installation. Power input 7W nominal, 15W max;
DX/LOC switching; line-out jacks; 3.2 W/ch into 4 0.15% wrms; sep 35 dB; S/N 50 dB A -weighted; magnet 5.4 oz; sens 90dB SPL/W/m; FR 100-
ohms 90-20.000 Hz with 3% THD; FM usable sens crosstalk -55 dB $110 21,000 Hz ±6dB; THD 2.35% 1 kHz/1 W; imp 6
20 dBf (2.8 p.W75 ohms); FM 50 dB quieting sensi- ohms; depth below mounting surface 17'; cutout
tivity 22 dBf (3.5 AV/75 ohms); alternate ch selectiv- Craig Car Speakers 3%." 5'4'; 16.5oz per speaker $40/pr
ity 65 dB; capture ratio 2.0 dB; W&F 0.15% V851. Two XL 6' x 9' flush -mount three-way speak- V300A. Two 3%," flush -mount speakers with polar-
wrms $220 ers with large diameter voice coil for high -power -out- ized quick -connect terminals and ch-coded leads for
1740. Stereo AM/FM radio with auto -reverse cassette put amplifiers. Features durable, high -compliance easy installation. Power input 7W nominal. 15W max;
player. Features locking fast forward and rewind; cloth surround; pole -mounted mid- and super -tweeter magnet 5.4 oz; sens 88dB SPL/W/m; FR 130-
Electronic Search and Play; separate loudness, bass, for more open bass response; precision -crafted 18,000 Hz ±6dB; THD 0.4% 1 kHz/1 W; imp 6
treble, balance, and fader controls; Stereo/Mono acoustically transparent wire mesh grille; polarized ohms; depth below mounting surface P/,'; cutout
switch; auto DX/LOC switching; line-out jacks; auto quick -connect terminals and channel -coded leads for 3V." x 3W; 15.5 oz per speaker $25/pr
power antenna and dial -dimmer leads. 3.2 W/ch into easy installation. Power input 50W nominal, 100W V323A. Two 6V,' flush -mount coaxial speakers sepa-
4 ohms 90-20,000 Hz with 3% THD; FM usable sen- max; magnet 20 oz; sens 92dB SPL/W/m; FR 60- rate woofer and tweeter for deeper bass and extended
sitivity 20 dBf (2.8 jAV/75 ohms); FM 50 dB quieting 22,000 Hz ±10dB; THD 0.16% 1 kHz/1 W; imp 6 high frequencies. Features pole -mounted tweeter for
sens 22 dBf (3.5 AV/75 ohms); alternate channel sel ohms; depth below mounting surface 1"; 6 x 8V." more open bass response; precision crafted, acousti-
65 dB; capture ratio 2.0 dB; wow and flutter 0.15% cutout 60.5 oz per speaker $140/pr cally transparent low -profile grille; polarized quick -
wrms $200 V862. Two XL 6' x 9' coaxial speakers with sepa- connect terminals and ch-coded leads for easy instal-
1561. Stereo AM/FM radio with auto -reverse cassette rate woofer and tweeter for deeper bass and extended lation. Power input 12.5W nominal, 25W max;
player. Features preset tuning; locking fast forward high frequencies. Features larger diameter voice coil magnet 10 oz; sens 91.5dB SPL/W/m; FR 70-
and rewind; separate bass, treble, balance, and fader for higher output of power amplifiers; pole -mounted 21,500 Hz ±9dB; THD 0.4% 1 kHz/1 W; imp 6
controls; LOC/DX switch; IC -controlled soft mute; tweeter for more open bass response; precision ohms; depth below mounting surface %.; cutout 5"
power -off eject; power antenna switching; line -level crafted acoustically transparent wire mesh grille; po- x 5'; 32 oz per speaker $70/pr
output jacks. 3.2 W/ch into 4 ohms 90-20,000 Hz larized quick -connect terminals and ch coded leads. V305A. Two 6%," flush -mount speakers large diame-
with 3% THD; FM usable sens 20 dBf (2.8 AV/75 Power input 50W nominal, 100W max; magnet 20 az ter voice coil on aluminum bobbin handles the higher
ohms); FM 50 dB quieting sens 22 dBf (3.5 AV/75 sens 95.5dB SPL/W/m; FR 60-22,000 Hz ±6dB, power output of large amplifiers. Features polarized
ohms); alternate ch sel 65 dB; capture ratio 2.0 dB; THD 0.5% 1 kHz/1 W; imp 6 ohms; depth below quick -connect terminals and ch-coded leads for easy
W&F 0.15% wrms $200 mounting surface 1"; cutout 6 x 8%"; 60.5 oz per installation; durable, high -compliance cloth surround
1721. Electronically tuned AM/FM radio with auto -re- speaker $130/pr for improved bass response. Power input 12.5W
verse tape deck. Features digital display; electronic V830. Two XL 6V," flush -mount three-way speaker nominal, 25W max; magnet 13 oz; sens 92dB
station seeker; locking fast forward and rewind; IC - with large diameter voice coil for higher power output SPL/W/m; FR 70-17,000 Hz ±3dB; THD 0.4% 1
controlled soft mute; DX/LOC and Stereo/Mono of power amplifiers. Features durable, high -compli- kHz/1 W; imp 8 ohms; depth below mounting surface
switches. 3.5 W/ch into 4 ohms 90-20,000 Hz with ance cloth surround for richer, cleaner, deeper bass 2'; cutout 5' x 5"; 2.3 lb per speaker $55/pr
5% THD; FM usable sens 23 dBf (4.0 AV/75 ohms); response; pole -mounted mid- and super -tweeters for V203A. Two 6%," flush -mount speakers with polar-
FM 50 dB quieting sens 26 dBf (5.50/75 ohms); al- more open bass response; precision -crafted acousti- ized quick -connect terminals and ch-coded leads for
ternate ch sel 65 dB; capture ratio 3.0 dB; W&F cally transparent wire mesh grille; polarized quick - easy installation. Power input 5W nominal, lOW max;
0.16% wrms $200 connect terminals and ch-coded leads for easy instal- magnet 5.4 oz; sens 92dB SPL/W/m; FR 80-17,500


Car Stereo 15 Car Stereo
40 dB. Adjustable shafts; 7'W 2'H 4%-H$300
Hz ±8dB; THD 0.5% 1 kHz/1 W; imp 6 ohms; depth
x 6'; 19 oz EGO SYSTEMS CR-1130. in -dash unit with 3 FM/2 AM tuning pre-
below mounting surface 1%-; cutout
$43/pr sets and alto -reverse cassette player. Features sepa-
per speaker
EC 692 Car Speaker rate bass cnd treble controls; high -cut filter; normal
V322A. Two 4" flush -mount coaxial speakers. Fea-
Coaxial 6" 9" automotive speaker system featuring and Cr0,/metal-tape capability; locking fast forward/
tures separate woofer and tweeter for deeper bass
unique passive m drange and readily accessible envi- rewind. FM muting; auto Separation Control (ASC) on
and extended high frequencies: pole mounted tweeter
ronment control; Tull crossover at 4,000 Hz and vari- FM; dual -gate MOSFET front end with agc action; ce-
for more open bass response, precision crafted.
acoustically transparent low -profile grille; polarized able from 400.4,300 Hz; nonpress moistue-proofed ramic Weis for FM sel: loudness switch; FM stereo
quick -connect terminals and ch-coded leads for easy one piece woofer cone and 1" polydome tweeter; and tape -direction indicators. Amplifier output 16
installation. Power input 8W nominal. 20W max; mag- biamp terminals; 30 oz woofer magnet with 1'/,' alu- W,'ch mm into 4 ohms at 10% THD; FR 40-20.000
minum voice coil; easy mount grille assembly. Power Hz ±3 d6; S/N 70 dB A -weighted. FM usable sens
net 8 oz: sens 90dB SPL/W/m; FR 120-20.000 Hz
±-9dB; THD 0.35% 1 kHz/1 W; imp 6 ohms; depth range 4.100 W rms; sens 95 dB/W/rn SPL: 16 20 dBf; FR 30-15.000 Hz ±3 dB; alternate-ch sel
below mounting surface 1%"; cutout 3°/." x 3%"; lb/pr $170 60 dB; sep 35 dB at 1 kHz; capture ratio 3 dB.
24 oz per speaker $60/pr EC 592. Similar to above except for 5' round basket
V3O1A. Two 4" flush -mount speakers dual -cone con- with 20 -oz woofer magnet; power range 6-75W rms;
struction for smooth, extended high FR; polarized sens 93 dB/W/m SPL; 11 lb pr $ 1 30/pr
quick -connect terminals and ch-coded leads for easy
installation. Power input 8W nominal. 15W max; mag-
net 8 oz; sens 90dB SPL/W/m; FR 120-25.000 Hz
'8dB: THD 0.4% 1 kHz/ 1 W; imp 6 ohms; depth be- Cassette Radios
low mounting surface 11/4"; cutout 334" x 3'4'; 22
oz per speaker $42/pr
CE -4133. Under dash microcomputerized "Mini -Wiz-
ard" AM FM stereo radio with auto -reverse cassette
V252 Two 6" 9' flush-munt three-way speakers. player. Features auto program selector; Dolby noise
reduction; auto repeat: normal and chrome/metal
Power input 10W nominal. 20W max; magnet 20 oz;
imp 6 ohms; depth below mounting surface 3-; cut-
out 6' x 8'4"; 60.5 oz per speaker $50/pr
tape selector; ceramic tape head; Hall effect IC in
tape-end-sensing/auto-reverse control system; soft
V230. Two 6'/," flush -mount thre-way speakers. Pow-
er input 10W nominal, 20W max; magnet 20 oz; imp
auto cassette loading; key -off elect: antirol, system for
reduced W&F; fast forward/rewind mute; 4- vay radio
6 ohms: depth below mounting surface 2"; cutout 5"
5"; 32 oz per speaker $45 'pr
tuning; auto scan tuning and tuning search; 5 AM/5
FM station presets; manual tuning mode; preset pro-
from our
V242. Two 6" 9' flush -mount dual -cone speakers.
Power input 10W nominal, 20W max; magnet 10 oz;
gram timing; auto sep control; soft mute; r -f auto gain
control amplifier circuit; microprocessor -controlled COAXIAL
PLL synthesizer tuning; local/distant switch; 5 -band
sens 88dB SPL 'W/m; FR 45-17.000 Hz ±5dB; imp
6 ohms; depth below mounting surface 3'; cutout 6" graphic equalizer: loudness switch; fader control; digi- DESIGN
874"; 36 oz per speaker $37/pr tal quartz clock; digital time/frequency display: black
V191 Two 5V." convertible -mount speakers with po- front panel. Rear -seat remote controller optional.
larized quick -connect terminals and ch-coded leads W&F 0.09% wrms; FR 30-14.000 Hz 3 dB; S/N
for easy installation. Power input 5W nominal, IOW Dolby off/on 50/58 dB. FM 50 -dB quieting sens 24
max; magnet 3 oz; sens 88dB SPL/W/m; FR 95- dBf; FR 30-15,000 Hz ±3 dB; capture ratio 3 dB: al-
16.000 Hz ±6dB; THD 2.5% kHz/1 W; imp 4
ternate-ch selectivity 64 dB; sep 32 dB at 1 kHz. 65
ohms; depth below mounting surface 1%-; cutout 5" dBf: image/ i-1 -esponse ratio 65/90 d3. Equalizer
5": 36 oz per speaker $25/pr center frequencies 60. 250, 1k, 3.5k. 10k Hz;
V107. Two 6'/," flush -mount speakers. Power input boost/cut range ±12 dB; power consumption 2 A (1
5W nominal, 8W max; magnet 4 oz: sens 8dB W at 1 kHz); 7'W x 5VD 2"ti; 4.2 lb... $800
SPL/W/m; FR 70-17.000 Hz ±10dB; THD 2.5% 1 CE -4130. Same as CE -4133 except silver front
kHz/ 1 W; imp 4 ohms: depth below mounting surface panel $800
1%'; cutout 5" x 5'; 12.5 oz per speaker . $22/pr EP -820. Microprocessor -controlled AM -FM -stereo ra-
V106. Two 4" flush -mount speakers. Power input 5W dio with preamp and auto -reverse cassette player with
nominal. 10W max; magnet 4 oz: sens 88dB Dolby noise -reduction system. Unit features built-in 5 -
SPL/W/m; FR 13-15.000 Hz '" 6dB; THD 1.5% 1 band graphic equalizer with center frequencies at 60,
kHz/1 W; imp 4 ohms; depth below mounting surface 250, 1k, 3.5k 10k Hz, ±12 dB; quartz clock and
cutout 3v.- x 3%": 12 oz per speaker $21/ pr electronic tuning with digital frequency 'time display:
7 AM, 7 FM station presets: up down search and scan
tuning. Cassette features metal -compatible tape head. Exclusive, Environmental ControlTM
dbx equalizer switch for CrO, and FeCr tape; locking fast
forward/rewind. Radio features FM noise blanker: FM
Model 22 Car Noise -Reduction Unit muting; 4 -way fader control. Frequency range 40- Introducing the EGO' model, EC -692 co-
Decoder for dbx-encoded cassettes connects between 14.000 Hz $600 axial car speaker with exclusive Environ-
cassette tuner and power amp or between cassette ra- CR-1134. High -power in -dash AM/FM-stereo receiver mental ControlTM Now, you can easily adjust
dio preamp outputs and power -amp inputs. Features with auto -reverse stereo cassette deck. Features the midrange tones to suit the acousti-
bass and treble controls. Power requirements: 12 V Dolby noise reduction; 3 FM '2 AM station presets; cal environment of your car...without the
dc nominal (10.5 min, 14 max): current draw 150 normal and Cr0,/metal tape selector; ceramic tape need of a separate midrange driver! The
mA: ground negative: fuse 250 mA in line; connectors head; ASC circuit; soft mute: fader control; 3 -position unique new control (as pictured above)
3 -pin quick disconnect. Requires at least 50 -mV input adjustable shaft; universal DIN size. Output power 25 is neatly flushmounted to your speak-
signal (accepts 1.5 V max): max output 4 V. Dynamic W x 2 or 7 W . 4 chs $320 er grille. Now you can enjoy full Triaxial
range 100 dB (max rms signal to A -weighted noise); CR-1033. Similar to CR-1143 except lower power; Performance from our Coaxial Design!
FR follows dbx type II decoding curve 20-20.000 Hz has separate bass and treble controls: no fader con-
±0.5 dB (pink noise or music); THD <0.15% at 1 trol. All -black finish $290 The EC -692 utilizes a heavy 30 oz. magnet
kHz; output noise -88 dBV (A -weighted). 6' W CR-1032. Similar to CR-1033 except has no Dolby woofer with an 11/2" aluminum voice coil
5%' D 1'; H . .. $159 .
NR or bass and treble controls; has high -cut filter and and a 1"softdome tweeter. Recommended
loudness switches $250 for use with amplifiers ranging in power
CA -1 Car Decoder CE -4432. Electronic tuned receiver and cassette play- frcm 4 to 100 watts RMS. It has a bi-amp
Decoder for dbx-encoded cassettes, connecting be- er with FM noise blanker and dual -gate MOSFET front capability, a moisture -proof cone, and it
tween cassette tuner and power amp or between cas- end Features Dynamic Noise Reduction; fader con- comes with the EGO' 1 -Year, over the
sette radio's preamp outputs and power -amp inputs. trol; separate bass and treble controls: digital fre- counter, Warranty! It's truly, Super!
Features treble and bass controls, spade -lug connec- quency readout; search tuning; 10 -station memory (5
tors. Requires at least 20mV input signal. accepts 1 V AM, 5 FM): mono/stereo switch; local distant switch.
max; max output >1 V. Dynamic range 100 dB (max Cassette section features metal -tape compatibility.
rms signal to A -weighted noise); FR follows dbx type II tape -direction indicator, locking fast forward and re-
decoding curve 30-20.000 Hz ±-1 dB (pink noise or wind. Power output 4 W/ch into 4 onms from 50-
music); THD <0.3% at kHz; output noise -100
1 15,000 Hz with - 5% THD; max power 8 W;ch. 50
dBV A -weighted. Power requirements 12 V dc nomi- ohm specs for tuner section: alternate ch selectivity INTER -EGO SYSTEMS, INC.
nal (10.5 min. 15.6 max); current draw <80 mA; 60 dB: FM stereo sep 35 dB at 1 kHz: 'irR 30-15,000
ground negative; fuse 250 mA in line. 6"W x %.-I1 Hz; capture "Mu) 3 dB. Cassette section specs; FR
3%."D $99 30-12.000 Hz: W&F 0.15%; S/N 50 dB: stereo sep CIRCLE NO 45 ON READER SERVICE CARD

1984 EDITION 189

Car Stereo 15 Car Stereo
W&F 0.09% wrms; FR 40-14,000 Hz ±3 dB; S/N DP -646. In -dash AM/FM-stereo radio with auto -re- most cars. 1%'H x W x 41/4"D $150
53 dB A -weighted; 7'W x 5 "/..'D X 1 "/ H: verse cassette deck. Features built-in 44-W amplifier; DP -1000. Similar to DP -1006 except no loudness
3.8 lb $300 separate bass and treble controls; DSS switch; normal switch or bass and treble controls $130
CR-1031. Similar to CR-1130 except 4 W/ch, no and chrome/metal tape selector; life time metal tape DP -620. In -dash AM -stereo FM radio/stereo cassette
fader control. Satin chrome finish $290 head; antiroll system; ASC (Auto Separation Control) deck designed for small imported and domestic cars.
CR-1030. Similar to CR-1031 except no separate circuit; soft mute; universal (DIN) size $250 Cassette features locking fast forward/rewind; tape -
bass and treble controls or fader control. Tape fre- DP -64054. In -dash AM/FM-stereo receiver with auto- direction indicators; power -off eject; W&F 0.12%
quency response 40-14,000 Hz; amplifier output 4 reverse cassette deck. Features FM noise blanker; wrms; FR 60.8,000 Hz ±3 dB; S/N 50 dB; sep 35
W/ch $240 locking fast forward/rewind; antiroll system for re- dB. Radio features stereo/mono switch; stereo LED;
CM -6530. AM/FM radio/stereo cassette player with duced wow and flutter. Output power 10 W $185 balance and tuning/select controls; 5-W/ch output
FM noise blanker and dual -gate MOSFET front end. GP -1010. In -dash unit with 5 -button preset tuning power into 4 ohms, 150-20,000 Hz with 10.0%
End -of -tape sensing reverses tape automatically when and illuminated dial in cassette door. Features mLlti- THD; FM tuner 50 -dB quieting sens 24 dBf; sel 64
tape slows down. Features Dynamic Noise Reduction; color AM, FM stereo, tape -end, and tape -run LEDs; dB; sep 30 dB; FR 30.15,000 Hz ±3 dB; 7'W x
music sensing; fader control; separate bass and tre- soft -touch local/distant and mono/stereo switches; 5}°/..'D x 1"/. H $150
ble; loudness switch; line output RCA jacks; antiroll locking fast-forward/eject; FM noise blanker; AM/CM
mechanism; key -off pinch -roller release; permalloy selector behind tuning control and high/low tone Fujitsu TEN Cassette Tuner
tape heads; metal/CrO, switch. 50 ohm tuner specs: switch behind volume/balance control; silver front DP -7872. Universal in -dash AM/FM-stereo tuner with
FM usable sens 20 dBf; alternate ch sel 60 dB; FM panel. Output power 4 W/ch into 4 ohms at 10% stereo cassette player. Features auto -reverse cassette
stereo sep 35 dB at 1 kHz; frequency response 30- THD; frequency response 63-20,000 Hz ±3 dB. FM deck; built-in noise blanker; locking fast forward/ -
15,000 Hz ±3 dB; capture ratio 3 dB. Tape section: usable sens 26 dBf; FR 30-15,000 Hz ±3 dB; alter- rewind; adjustable shafts $175
FR 30-15,000 Hz; W&F 0.09% wrms; S/N 50 dB; nate-ch sel 70 dB; separation 30 dB at 1 kHz;
stereo sep 40 dB. Power 12 W/ch into 4 ohms from image/i-f response ratio 56/82 dB; capture ratio 6 Fujitsu TEN Cassette Players
50-15.000 Hz with <5% THD; max power 29 dB. W&F 0.15% wrms; FR 63-14,000 Hz ±3 dB; SP -572. Auto -reverse stereo cassette player with
W/ch $270 S/N 53 dB A -weighted; sep 34 dB; 6%."W x loudness switch; tape anti -tangle mechanism; antiroll
CM -6430. Similar to CM6530 except lacks DNR. 42%,'D x 12 Via'H; 3.1 lb $180 system for reduced W&F; locking fast forward/ -
music sensing, fader, and separate bass and treble GP -1011. Same as GP -1010 except black front rewind; program selector switch $120
controls. Power 12 W/ch into 4 ohms from 50- panel $180 SP -600. Compact stereo cassette player with auto-
15,000 Hz with <5% THD. Maximum power is 9 DP -1006. In -dash miniature AM/FM-stereo radio/ - matic eject; single fast-forward/rewind/eject lever;
W/ch $200 cassette deck. Cassette player features locking fast improved tone control; green guide light for cassette
CE -4431. Mini -size in -dash AM/FM-stereo radio with forward/eject; chrome -tape compatibility; tape -end door; auto power source switching; balance
auto -reverse cassette player. Features digital frequen- indicator light; W&F 0.15% wrms; FR 60-12,500 Hz control $110
cy display; search tuning; local/distant switch; ±3 dB; S/N 50 dB. Radio features 5-W/ch output
Cr0,/metal tape selector; mono/stereo switch; FM power into 4 ohms, 30-20,000 Hz with 10.0% THD; FULTRON
noise blanker; locking fast forward/rewind; MOSFET FR 30-10,000 Hz ±3 dB; dial in door; separate bass
front end; hard permalloy tape head; 6 AM/6 FM sta- and treble controls; loudness and local/distant Cassette Radios
tion presets; volume, tone, balance controls; tape -di- switches; FM muting; LED stereo indicator; FM 50 -dB 16-7600. In -dash electronically tuned AM/FM stereo
rection indicators: adjustable shafts. 180 mmW x quieting sens 23 dBf; image rejection 70 dB; FM -f radio with auto -reverse cassette player. Features
120 mmD x 50 mmH; 5 lbs $260 rejection 65 dB; sep 35 dB. Adjustable shafts to fit DNR; 6 AM/6 FM presets; seek and scan station find -

is so confident
road? Fultron auto -reverse
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booste-equalizers systems
more time warranty againstFultron power For the name
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Car Stereo 15 Car Stereo
ing; sendust alloy tape head; Cr0,-tape compatibility; 93/.. overall FR 50-20,000 Hz ±4 dB; driver size 15.000 Hz; crossover frequencies 3.000Hz (me-
6'/,' woofer, 1' tweeter; sens 91 dB/1W; max power chanical); sens 87dB SPL 'W 'm; imp 4 ohms $75 pr
auto tape search in forward and reverse; soft auto -
load and key -off elect; separate bass and treble con- 80 W: mounting depth 2'4' $250
trols; built-in stereo -mono circuit; LED digital station AM 165. 2 -way plate system; response -corrected INTER -EGO SYSTEMS
frequency and time display; balance and fader con- ferrofluid tweeter; edgewound woofer voice coil; 7' x (see Ego Systems)
trols; locking fast forward rewind; preamp line out- 9'/,' overall. FR 60-20,000 Hz i 4 dB: criver size
put; small chassis to fit most cars. Free lifetime war- 6Y," woofer. 1" tweeter; sens 92 dB, 1W; max power
ranty. Output power 4 W/ch into 4 ohms at 1 kHz with 100W; mounting cepth 31/2-0/pr $250 pr JBL
3% THD; FM FR 100-14,000 Hz ±3 dB $350 AM 135. 2 -way plate system; response -corrected
ferrofluid tweeter; x overall; FR 60.20,000 Automotive Loudspeakers
16-6900. In -dash electronically tuned AM/FM stereo
Hz; driver size 5V," woofer, 1' tweeter sens 91 dB/1 T545. 3 -way system. 6 9' woofer. 21/4" tweeter. FR
radio with auto -reverse cassette deck. Features Dynam-
ic Noise Reduction; preamp outputs; 6 AM'6 FM sta- W; max power 60 W; mounting depth 11/4' $200/pr 40-18,000 Hz; sens 92 dB SPL 'W/m; max power
tion presets; LED digital frequency time display; PLL
100 W; magnet 64 oz: mounting depth 3'/.' $180/pr
frequency synthesized tuning; locking fast forward 're- GRUNDIG T540. 2 -way system. 6 9' woofer, 2%' tweeter. FR
40-18,000 Hz; sens 92 dB SPL/W/m; max power
wind; Cr0,-tape capability; separate bass and treble
balance. fader controls; local/distant switch; auto FM Cassette Radios 100 W; magnet 64 oz; mounting depth 3%* $150/pr
GCE 9900. Features auto -reverse cassette player with T420. 2 -way system 6',/," woofer, 1' tweeter. FR 70-
muting; small chassis that fits most cars. Free lifetime
$300 sendust head and Dolby, synthesized electronic tuning. 18,000 Hz; sens 90 dB SPL/W/m; max power 75 W;
warranty. Specs same as for 16-7600
16-6800. In -dash electronically tuned AM. FM stereo digital display, night illumination, 6 r 6 station magnet 37 oz; mounting depth 2'/,' $119/pr
pushbutton, bi-directional seek functin, automatic an T205. 2 -way system 4'/,' woofer, 1' tweeter. FR 90-
radio with auto -reverse cassette deck. Features 6
tenna lead 22 watts of power $450 18.000 Hz; sens 88 dB SPL/W/m; max power 60 W:
AM/6 FM station presets: LED digital frequency 'time
GCH 9600M. Metro traffic information (MTI) system. magnet 24 oz; mounting depth 1%' $99, pr
display; locking fast forward rewind; Cr°, tape capa-
bility; separate bass and treble, balance, fader controls; offering the driver traffic information. Features Dolby;
local, distant switch; auto FM muting; small chassis 24 W rms; station pushbutton, separate bass and tre- JENSEN
that fits most cars. Free lifetime warranty. Specs same ble controls, fade- control and built-in muting $350
$250 GCD 9800. Features auto -reverse cassette player. digi- Cassette Radios
as for 16-7600 RE530. Electronically tuned AM/FM cassette car ste-
16-6700. In -dash pushbutton AM/FM stereo radio tal display. 24 watts rms, stereo blend. loudness con-
Features DNR: trol, automatic high cut soft mute. tape direction indi- reo receivvr; all of the features of the RE520 (below)
with auto -reverse cassette deck.
cators. switchable AFC; separate bass/treble plus: Dolby' and DNR"; preset memory scan; switch -
preamp outputs: separate bass and treble controls;
controls $300 able triple function automatic program control; dou-
mono stereo switch; balance and fader controls; FM
indicators: locking fast GCM 7000. Features 11 watts rms. balance control. ble balanced mixer with four element tuner; noise
stereo and tape -direction
forward/rewind; small chassis to fit most cars. Free local, distance switch, adjustable shafts and DIN snap - blanker circuit; backlighting; standard chassis. Out-
in mounting $150 put power 10 W'ch 50-15,000 Hz into 4 ohms. FM
lifetime warranty. Specs same as for 16-7600 $200
tuner section: usable sens 14.8 dBf; 50 -dB quieting
16-5700. In -dash AM, FM stereo receiver with auto -re-
sens 19.2 dBf; alternate ch sel 65 dB; capture ratio
verse cassette deck. Features Dynamic Noise Reduc-
tion; preamp outputs; separate bass and treble con- INFINITY 17 dB. Tape section: W&F 0.12% wrms; FR 50-
trols: mono stereo and FM muting switches; balance
12.500 hz. 50-15,000 (Cr0,), 50-18,000 (metal);
Car Speaker Systems S'N 60 dB $500
and fader controls; illuminated dial; FM stereo and
A693. Three-way system with crossover to blend the RE520. Pectronically tuned AM /FM cassette car ste-
tape -direction indicators; locking fast forward/rewind;
6" 9' polypropylene woofer. polycarbonate mid- reo receiver; all of the features of the RE518 (below)
small chassis that fits most cars. Specifications same -

$170 range, and EMIT tweeter. The midrange and tweeter plus: automatic tape search; Flex -Fader circuit; dual
as for 16-7600
level outputs; universal chassis. Output power 10
16-6600. In -dash pushbutton AM/FM stereo radio
W/ch 50 15,000 Hz into 4 ohms. FM tuner section:
with auto -reverse cassette deck. Features pushbuttons
usable se -is 14.8 dBf; 50 -dB quieting sens 19.2 dBf;
for 5 AM '5 FM stations; preamp outputs; balance and
alternate ch sel 60 dB; capture ratio 1.7 dB. Tape
fader controls; FM stereo and tape -direction indicators;
section: W&F 0.12% wrms; FR 50-12.000 Hz, 50-
local distant and mono 'stereo controls: locking fast
15,000 (Cr0,), 50-18,000 (metal); S/N 60 dB$420
RE518. Electronically tuned AM' FM cassette car ste-
reo recei-er: all of the features of the RE512 (below)
plus: Dolby noise reduction; tape equalization; switch -
able loudness compensation; local/distance switch;
universal chassis. Output power 10 W'ch 30-15,000
Hz into 4 ohms. FM tuner section. usable sens 14.8
dBf; 50 -dB quieting sens 19.2 dBf; alternate ch sel
are mounted to minimize interference frcm the woof- 60 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tape section: W&F
ers output. Power capacity 70 watts; FR 40- 0.12% wrms; FR 50-10.000 Hz; S/N 50 dB. $400
32,000Hz; crossover frequencies 4-8.000Hz; sens RE512. Electronically tuned AM/FM cassette car ste-
90dB SPL W m; imp 4 ohms $179/pr reo rece ver. Features digital display of time and fre-
forward/rewind; small chassis fits most cars. Free life- A692. 6' -9' 2 -way system with pciycaroonate tweet- quency; 5 AM and 5 FM electronic station presets;
$170 er; 40-22.000Hz 20 oz woofer magnet. Power capacity electronic scan; auto reverse; separate bass/ treble
time warranty. Specs same as for 16-7600
16-5200. Compact chassis stereo AM/FM radio with 70 watts; FR 40-32kHz; crossover frequencies 4.8kHz; controls; separate balance/fader controls; local/
auto -reverse cassette deck. Features locking fast for- sens 90 dB SPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms $129/pr distance switching; switchable stereo; mono FM
A63. 61/," round, 2 -way design speaker system. Fea- modes; automatic power antenna control lead; mini
ward 'rewind; stereo and tape -direction indicator. Multi-
ple nosepieces for import, vertical and standard instal- tures polycarbonate midrange/tweeter. Power capaci- chassis. Output power 10 W'ch 30-15.000 Hz into 4
ty 50 watts; FR 60-32,000Hz; crossover frequencies ohms. FM tuner section: usable sens 14.8 dBf; 50 -dB
lations. Free lifetime warranty. Specs same as for
$120 4-8,000Hz; sens 88dB SPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms quieting sens 19.2 dBf; alternate ch sel 60 dB; cap-
16-5000. In -dash AM/FM stereo radio -cassette play- $139 pr ture rat o 1.5 dB. Tape section: W&F 0.12% wrms;
Features mono/stereo, local/distant. FM muting A62. 6'/,' round, 2 -way design speaker system. Fea- FR 50-10,000 Hz; S/N 50 dB $370
tures polycarbonate midrange.tweeter. Power capaci- RE508. Electronically tuned AM/FM cassette car ste-
switches; balance and tone controls; small chassis that
ty 50 watts; FR 60-18,000Hz; crossover frequencies reo receiver; Features digital display of time and fre-
fits most cars. One year warranty. Specifications same
$90 4.000Hz; sens 88dB SPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms$99/pr quency; 4 AM and 4 FM electronic station presets;
as for 16-7600
A42. 4' round. 2 -way design speaker system. Fea- electroric scan; auto reverse; switchable stereo/mono
tures polypropylene woofer; separate polymer cone; FM modes; automatic local/distance switching; auto-
Fultron 8 -Track Radio
mechanical crossover; optional adaptor for 1'/,' to matic power antenna control lead; universal chassis.
16-5600. In -dash AM/FM stereo receiver with stereo
8 -track cartridge player. Features mono 'stereo, FM %," mounting. Power capacity 25 watts; FR 100 - Output power 10 Wich 50-15.000 Hz into 4 ohms.
muting program -change and local 'distant switches; FM tuner section: usable sens 14.8 dBf; 50 -dB
quieting sens 19.2 dBf; alternate ch sel 60 dB; cap-
tape program indicators; small size that fits most cars.
Free lifetime warranty. Specifications same as for 16- ture ratio 1.7 dB. Tape section: W&F 0.12% wrms;
FR 50-10,000 Hz; S/N 50 dB $300
7600 $120 Audio terms are defined R408. AM /FM cassette car stereo receiver; All of the
GENESIS in the glossary on page 19. feature; of the R220 (below) plus: Dolby noise reduc-
tion; tape equalization; auto load/key off elect; switch -
For an explanation of abbreviations, able FM interstation muting; separate bass/treble
Automotive Loudspeakers
AM 165. 2 -way plate system; response -corrected
turn to the list on page 22. controls; standard chassis. Output power 10 W/ch
terrofluid tweeter; edgewound woofer voice coil: 7" 50-15,000 Hz into 4 ohms. FM tuner section: usable

Car Stereo 15 Car Stereo
sens 14.8 al; 50 -dB quieting sens 19.2 dBf; alter- and low level inputs; compact size. Output power 40 depth 3-V.' $130/pr
nate ch sel 60 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tape section: W/ch; 10% THD; S/N 80 dB; 3'4"W 4V,"D x J1401. 4 x 10 Triax. Thinmount. Patented 3 -way
W&F 0.12% wrms; FR 50-12,000 Hz metal; S/N 50 134H $75 speaker; Thinmount' design allows greater applica-
dB $290 tions. FR 40-20,000 Hz; sens 99 dB SPL/W/m; max
R220. AM/FM cassette car stereo receiver. Features Jensen Equalizer/Amplifier power 45 W; magnet 9 oz; mounting depth 2-
pushbutton station presets; auto reverse; triple func- EQA5000. Graphic equalizer/amp features 7 bands '4.- $130/pr
tion auto program control; switchable Flex -Fader cir- of equalization; 18 dB boost. 6 dB attenuation for J3023. 6V," Triax*. Patented 3 -way speaker; ex-
cuit; dual level outputs; separate balance/fader con- each band; full electronic protection from reverse po- tremely shallow mounting depth; fits 51/4" applica-
trols; switchable loudness compensation; tuner acti- larity and thermal overload; fused power lead; high tions; 2' Piezoelectric phenolic cone midrange; 1'/,"
vated power antenna control lead; auto load/eject and low level inputs; LED output power meters; panel Piezoelectric tweeter; new P28- Polycellular woofer
cassette; mini chassis. Output power 8 W/ch 50- or under -dash mounting capabilities; EQ defeat cone. FR 52-40,000 Hz; sens 101 dB SPL/W/m;
15.000 Hz into 4 ohms. FM tuner section: usable switch; compact size. FR 20-50.000 Hz; Output pow- max power 75 W; magnet 20 oz; mounting depth 1-
sens 14.8 dBf; 50 -dB quieting sens 19.2 dBf; alter- er 40W/ch; 10% THD; center frequencies 60. 160. '4- $140/pr
nate ch sel 60 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tape section: 400, 1.000 2,500 6,000 12,000 Hz S/N 80 dB; 6 - J1279. 61/4" Triax.. Patented 3 -way speaker; shallow
W&F 0.1% wrms; FR 50-12,000 Hz; S/N 50 .*W x 41/4"D x H $140 mounting depth; 2' Piezoelectric tweeter. FR 52-
dB $250 40,000 Hz; sens 101 dB SPL/W/m; max power 75
R210. AM/FM cassette car stereo receiver; Features Jensen Car Speakers W; magnet 16 oz; mounting depth 1-V.' $125/pr
pushbutton station presets; switchable stereo/mono J1242. 6 v 9 Quadrax, patented four-way speaker; J2037. 6 x 9 Coax. Two-way speaker; 3' cone tweet-
FM modes; automatic local/distance switching; auto- 2' Piezoelectric tweeter. FR 40-20,000 Hz; sens er. FR 38-20,000 Hz; sens 102 dB SPL/W/m; max
matic loudness compensation; separate balance/ 103 dB SPL/W/m; max power 55 W; magnet 20 oz; power 90 W; magnet 20 oz; mounting depth 3-
fader controls; mini chassis. Output power 8 W/ch mounting depth 4' $160/pr 6' $120/pr
50-15.000 Hz into 4 ohms. FM tuner section: usable J3033. 6 x 9 Triae patented 3 -way speaker; new J1369. 6 x 9 Coax Thinmount". Two-way speaker;
sens 17.3 dBf; 50 -dB quieting sens 25.2 dBf; alter- P28" polycellur cone material; bi-amp capability 2" Thinmount" design allows installation in many doors,
nate ch sel 60 dB; capture ratio 2.0 dB. Tape section: phenolic cone piezoelectric tweeter. FR 38-40.000 side panels, and rear decks. FR 40-16,000 Hz; sens
W&F 0.3% wrms; FR 50-10,000 Hz; S/N 50 Hz; sens 103 dB SPL/W/m; max power 100 W; mag- 100 dB SPL/W/m; max power 50 W; magnet 9 oz;
dB $200 net 20 oz; mounting depth 3-'4' $160/pr mounting depth 1-%" $85/pr
JR105. AM/FM cassette car stereo receiver. Features 12020. 6 x 9 Triae. Patented 3 -way speaker; 2' Pi- J1069. 6 x 9 Coax. Two-way speaker. FR 40-
switchable stereo/mono FM modes; automatic local/ ezoelectric tweeter. FR 40-40,000 Hz; sens 101 dB 18,000 Hz; sens 101 dB SPL/W/m; max power 45
distance switching; separate bass/treble controls; SPL/W/m; max power 65 W; magnet 12 oz; mounting W; magnet 20 oz; mounting depth 3-34" $85/pr
universal chassis. Output power 10 W/ch 30-15,000 depth 3-'4" $140/pr J1405. 4 x 10 Coax Thinmount'. Two-way speaker;
Hz into 4 ohms. FM tuner section: usable sens 14.8 J1365. 6 x9 Triax. Thinmount. Patented 3 -way Thinmount" design allows greater applications. FR
dBf; 50 -dB quieting sens 21.4 dBf; alternate ch sel speaker; Thinmount" design allows installation in 45-18,000 Hz; sens 99 dB SPL/W/m; max power 45
65 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tape section: W&F many doors, side panels, and rear decks. FR 40- W; magnet 9 oz; mounting depth 2-'/,,' $85/pr
0.12% wrms; FR 50-10,000 Hz; S/N 50 dB. $170 20,000 Hz; sens 101 dB SPL/W/m; max power 50 J3013. 6'/," Coax. Two-way speaker; shallow mount-
W; magnet 9 oz; mounting depth 1-'4" $130/pr ing depth; new P28" Polycellular woofer cone; fits
Jensen Amplifier J1065. 6 9 Triae. Patented 3 -way speaker; 2' Pi- 5V," applications; 2' Phenolic cone Piezoelectric
A35. Features full electronic protection from thermal ezoelectric tweeter. FR 40-20,000 Hz; sens 102 dB tweeter. FR 52.40,000 Hz; sens 100 dB SPL/W/m;
overload and reverse polarity; fused power lead; high SPL/W/m; max power 50 W; magnet 20 oz; mounting max power 75 W; magnet 16 oz; mounting depth 1 -

Jensen drives sound into the future.

Advanced technology gives you tomor-
row's driving sound right now with the
dynamic Jensen' Series 3000 TRIAX" and
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All Series 3000 speakers have been
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ty and performance, enabling them to re-
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That's Jensen. The sound that moves
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When it's the sound
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Internationa l Jensen Inc 1983 "Trfaxial* and "Triax"'
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Car Stereo 15 Car Stereo
$110/pr at 1 kHz, 50 dB quieting; FM capture ratio 1 dB; jacks; engine -noise suppressor; key -off release; sen-
adjacent/alternate-ch sel 15/75 dB; spurious/im- dust alloy heads; 4 -way fader; biphonic sound. Output
.11201. 61/2' Coax. Two-way speaker; shallow mount-
age/0 response 72/73/75 dB; AM suppression 60 power 22 W/ch max, 12 W/ch into 4 ohms from 40-
ing depth; fits 51/2' applications. FR 55-20,000 Hz;
dB. Cassette deck section: W&F 0.18% wrms; fre- 2C.000 Hz at no more than 0.8% THD $380
sens 100 dB SPL/W/m; max power 50 W; magnet 16
$100/pr quency range 33-15,000 Hz; S/N 50 dB; THD KS -R55. In -dash mini -chassis AM/FM radio with met-
oz; mounting depth 1-1/2"
<0.6% at 0 dB output: ch sep 30 dB. Amplifier sec- al -capable cassette deck. Features PLL digitally syn-
.11188. 61/2' Coax. Two-way speaker; shallow mount-
ing depth; fits 51/2" applications. FR 58-18.000 Hz; tion: output level > 775 mV; THD <0.5% at 0 dB thesized tuner; Dolby B noise reduction; separate
sens 99 dB SPL/W/m; max power 45 W; magnet 12 output $400 bass and treble controls; low-level preamp output
$85/pr CD-82FN. Concept* in -dash AM/FM stereo/cassette jacks; engine -noise suppressor; key -off release; sen-
oz; mounting depth 1-1/2"
player with auto -reverse cassette mechanism and dust alloy heads; 4 -way fader; biphonic sound. Output
.11077. 51/2' Coax. Two-way speaker; 2' Piezoelectric
DNR. Features DCFC dc -controlled functon circuit; power 22 W/ch max, 12 W/ch into 4 ohms from 40-
tweeter. FR 60-18.000 Hz; sens 99 dB SPL/W/m;
Sen-Alloy tape head; locking fast forward; separate 20,000 Hz at no more than 0.8% THD $330
max power 45 W; magnet 20 oz; mounting depth 2-
$80/pr bass and treble controls; key -off eject; stereo hi -blend
.13003. 41/2" Coax. Two-way speaker; shallow mount- switch; fader control; muting switch; PLL circuitry; JVC Power Amplifiers
ing depth; P28" Polycellular woofer cone; 2' Piezo- local/DX switch. Specs same as for CD -83F $232 KS -A100. Audio Express component power amplifier
electric tweeter. FR 63-40.000 Hz; sens 98 dB CD -80N. Concept* in -dash AM/FM stereo/cassette with 50 W/ch max and 22 W/ch into 4 ohms from
player with auto -reverse cassette mechanism and 40-20.000 Hz < 0.8% THD $150
SPL/W/m; max power 50 W; magnet 12 oz; mounting
$90/pr DNR. Features DCFC dc -controlled function circuit; KS -A50. Component power amplifier with 25 W/ch
depth 1-1/2"
.11093. 41/2' Coaxial. FR 65.18,000 Hz; sens 97 dB locking fast forward/rewind; separate bass and treble rrax and 12 W/ch into 4 ohms from 40.20,000 at
controls; key -oft eject; mute switch; PLL circuitry; <0.8% THD $80
SPL/W/m; max power 40 W; magnet 10 oz; mounting
depth 2' $72/pr local/DX switch. Specifications same as for CD - JVC Signal Processors
83F $180 KS -E7. Audio Express 7 -band SEA equalizer with time
.11245. 61/2' Dual Cone Convertible Mount. Includes
removable angled collar for surface or flush mount- CD -72. Concept* in -dash AM/FM stereo/cassette delay $180
ing; 2' high frequency whizzer cone. FR 50-14.000 player. Features pushbutton tuning and cassette play- KS-EA50. 7 -band SEA stereo graphic equalizer/
Hz; sens 94 dB SPL/W/m; max power 40 W; magnet er with DNR system; locking fast forward/rewind; amplifier with 25 W/ch max and 12 W/ch into 4
1-'/. Flush. 3-73. auto stop: key -off eject; adjustable shafts; PLL circuit- ohms from 40-20,000 at <0.8 THD $150
5 oz; mounting depth
ry; local/DX switch; loudness switch. Specifications KS -E5. Passive 7 -band SEA stereo equalizer.... $80
Surface $50/pr
.11186. 41/2' Coax Convertible Mount. Two-way same as for CD -83F except output power 8 W rms/ch
speaker includes removable angled collar for surface into 4 ohms; S/N > 60 dB; THD 0.5% at 6-W output JVC Car Speakers
into 4 ohms $134 CS -6930 Rear deck 6' x 9' three way speaker sys-
or flush mounting; 2" Piezoelectric tweeter. FR 65-
18,000 Hz; sens 97 dB SPL/W/m; max power 40 W; tem with olefin diaphragm material. FR 30-20,000
mounting depth 2 Flush. 3-1/2 Booster Amplifiers Hz; imp 4 ohms; power handling 90 W $150
magnet 10 oz;
$77/pr AP -40F. Booster amp with bridged circuit. Features CS -6920.6' x 9" rear deck mounting coaxial speak-
J1445. 41/2' Dual Cone Convertible Mount. Includes short-circuit and 4 output channels. 20 W into four er system with olefin diaphragm. FR 30-20,000 Hz;
ohms; 20-50,000 Hz -5 dB; 0.5% THD. S/N > 60 power handling 90 W $120
removable angled collar for surface or flush mount-
ing; 11/2" high frequency whizzer cone. FR 70-17,000 dB $120 CS -4120. 4' x 10' rear deck speaker system with
AP -40. Same as AP -40 except 20W into 2 output olefin diaphragm material designed for mounting in
Hz; sens 95 dB SPL/W/m; max power 25 W; magnet
channels $70 General Motors' cars; imp 4 ohms; FR 40-20,000 Hz;
3 oz; mounting depth 11/2. Flush. 3-1/2
max power handling 40 W $90
Surface $35/pr
J1292. 51/2' Thinmounr. Full range speaker; Thin - JVC CS -620. 6V," round door mount coaxial with olefin di-
mount" designed to fit imports and other small cars. aphragm. FR 40-20,000 Hz; imp 4 ohm; mounting
Cassette Radios depth 1 4"; power handling 50 W $80
FR 58-16,000 Hz; sens 96 dB SPL/W/m; max power
40 W: magnet 9 oz; mounting depth 11/2." $60/pr KS -R35. mini -chassis pushbutton AM/FM ra- CS -610. 61/2" round door mount dual cone speaker
.11283. 4' Thinmounr. Full range speaker; Thin - dio with auto -reverse cassette player. Features Dolby with olefin diaphragm. Mounting depth 11/2"; imp 4
mount' designed to fit imports and other small cars. B; metal -tape compatibility; separate bass and treble ohm; FR 20-18.000 Hz; max power handling 40
controls; low-level preamp output jacks; engine -noise W $60
FR 65-20.000 Hz; sens 95 dB SPL/W/m; max power
30 W; magnet 5 oz: mounting depth 11/2' $50/pr suppressor; key -off release; sendust alloy heads; 4 - CS -420. 4' round door mount coaxial speaker with
way fader; biphonic sound. Output power 8 W/ch olefin daphragm. FR 45-20,000 Hz; mounting depth
.11435. 4 x 6 Dual Cone Dashboard Upgrade. High -
power dashboard upgrade speaker for cars with 4 maximum. 3 W/ch into 4 ohms; FR 100-20.000 at 11/2'; imp 4 ohms; power handling 30 W $70
6 cutouts. FR 65-18,000 Hz; sens 97 dB SPL/W/m; no more than 0.8% THD $270 CS -410 4' round dual cone door mounting speaker
max power 25 W; magnet 4.5 oz; mounting depth 1- KS -R30. In -dash mini -chassis AM/FM radio with auto - system with olefin diaphragm material. FR 45-
$38/pr reverse cassette deck. Features pushbutton presets; 16,000 Hz; imp 4 ohms; mounting depth 11/2"; pow-
"/33," $50
.11350. 3V," Dual Cone Dashboard Upgrade. High - Dolby B; meta, -tape compatibility; separate bass and er handling 30 W
power dashboard upgrade speaker for cars with 31/2 treble controls- low-level preamp output jacks; engine - CS -300. 31/2" round, single cone speaker system for
cutouts. FR 80-15,000 Hz; sens 90 dB SPL/W/m; noise suppressor; key -off release; metaperm heads. in -dash mounting. Featuring olefin diaphragm cone
max power 25 W; magnet 3 oz; mounting depth 1- Output power 8 W/ch max, 3 W/ch into 4 ohms; FR material; FR 80-15,000 Hz; imp 4 ohms; mounting
100-20.000 at no more than 0.8% THD . $240 depth I1/2"; power handling 30 W $30
$33/pr .

J2060. 61/2' woofer for component systems; installs KS -R15. In -dash mini -chassis AM/FM radio with met-
in rear deck or side panels. FR 52-56,000 Hz; sens al -capable cassette deck. Features pushbutton pre- KENWOOD
99 dB SPL/W/m; max power 65 W; magnet 15 oz; sets; Dolby B; music scan; separate bass and treble
mounting depth 21/2' $45/pr controls; low-'evel preamp output jacks; key -off re- Cassette Radios
.12080. 8' woofer for component systems; installs in lease; sendust alloy heads; 4 -way fader. Output power KRC-7100. Compact flat -chassis AM/FM radio/
rear deck or side panels. FR 35-1,000 Hz; sens 92 8 W/ch max, 3 W/ch into 4 ohms; frequency re- cassette deck with PLL synthesized tuning. Features
dB SPL/W/m: max power 65 W; magnet 12 oz; sponse 100-20.000 at no more than 0.8% auto seek; 18 FM/6 AM presets; preset scan; memory
THD $210 address; broadcast monitoring in fast forward and re-
mounting depth 4-1/2" $60/pr
KS -R10. In -dash mini -chassis AM/FM radio with met- wind; distant/local switch; auto noise reduction; auto
J2094. High -power soft -dome dashboard tweeter fits
31/2" and 4' x 6' standard and metric applications; al -capable cassette deck. Features Dolby B; music reverse with tape advance; Dolby noise reduction;
5 kHz crossover network. FR 1,700-24,000 Hz; sens scan: separate bass and treble controls; low-level metal tape compatibility; separate bass and treble;
94 dB SPL/W/m; max power 75 W; mounting depth preamp output jacks; Output power 8 W/ch max, 3 preout terminal. Output power 5W/channel. 71/2.'W
W/ch into 4 ohms; FR 100-20,000 at no more than x 2'H x 5'/.'D $469
11/2." $55/pr
0.8% THD $180 KRC-712. Compact flat -chassis AM/FM radio/
J.I.L. cassette deck with PLL synthesized tuning. Features
JVC Audio Express Line Components auto scan; 5 FM/5 FM presets; auto noise reduction;
KS -C100. Pa -synthesized AM/FM tuner with auto -re- auto reverse; key off eject; separate bass and treble.
Cassette Radios
verse cassette player. Requires separate power amp. Output power 15W/channel for rear, 5W/channel for
CD -83F. Concept* in -dash AM/FM stereo/cassette
player with auto cassette mechanism and digital tun- Features music scan; Dolby B and C; digital clock; front; frequency response 30-16,000Hz ±3dB; wow
ing with DNR (Dynamic Noise Reduction). Features metal -tape compatibility; separate bass and treble and flutter 0.12% wrms; 71/2.-W x 2"H x
controls; 4-ch low-level preamp output jacks; engine - D $429
DCFC dc -controlled function circuit; seek switch;
AM/FM station presets; auto -reverse tape mecha- noise suppressor; key -off release; sendust alloy KRC-512. Mini -chassis cassette receiver with PLL
nism; Sen-Alloy tape head; locking fast forward/ heads; 4 -way fader $400 synthesized tuning; auto seek; 5 AM/5 FM station
rewind; separate bass and treble controls: key -off KS -R75. In -dash mini -chassis AM/FM radio with auto - presets; Dolby noise reduction; metal tape capability;
eject; digital clock display: fader control; mute switch; reverse cassette deck. Features scan and seek; digital auto local/distant switching; hard permalloy head;
local/DX switch. Tuner section: FM 50 -dB quieting clock; PLL digitally synthesized tuner Dolby B noise bass and treble controls; preamp out jacks; 4 -speaker
reduction; metal -tape compatibility; music scan; sepa- fader control; lighting for all knobs; auto reverse cas-
sens mono/stereo 20/39 dBf; FM S/N mono/stereo
rate bass and treble controls; low-level preamp output sette deck; auto stereo/mono switching; manual tun -
65/55 dB at 65 dBf; THD mono/stereo 0.4%/0.1 %

LCar Stereo 15 Car Stereo
irig. Output power 5W/chaiinel; 61/2"W x 41/2"H x KAC-501. Power output 15 watts per ch; THD 0.07% profile wire mesh grille; rainshields included; heavy-
1%"0 $399 (1 watt); FR 20Hz-50kHz; Switchable input sens duty strontium magnet; 4 ohm rated $75/pr
KRC-3100. Compact flat -chassis AM/FM radio with 100mV or 500mV; 1H x 5'/,'D $85 KFC-1630. 6V," 2 -Way Door Mount speaker Shallow
auto reverse cassette player. Features PLL synthe-
white cone (1-11/Iy"); rainshields included; 10 oz
sized tuning; auto seek; 5 FM/5 AM presets; auto Kenwood Preamp/Equalizer magnet; 25 watts power handling; 4 ohm rated; low
noise reduction; illuminated cassette door and con- KGC-7400. Preamp/9-band graphic equalizer. Equal- profile wire mesh grille $75/pr
trols; balance and fader controls; preout terminal; ization frequencies 60Hz. 120Hz. 250Hz, 500Hz, KFC-103. 4' Dual Cone Door Mount. 5.8 oz. Stron-
separate bass and treble. Output power 5W/channel; 1 kHz. 2kHz, 4kHz, 8kHz, 16kHz; boost/cut ±12dB; tium Magnet; 20 watts power handling; low profile
71/2,,"W 4I'A,"H , 2"D $299 Sound Exciter; Front Compensator; Digital push wire mesh grille; rainshields included; 4 ohm
KRC-2100. Compact flat -chassis AM/FM radio with switch control; Fader Control; FR 20-70,000 Hz ±3 rated
auto reverse cassette deck. Features high sensitivity $65/pr
dB, S/N 97 dB; THD 0.02%; 5-1/2'W x 2'H x KFC-1220. 5" Dual Cone speaker. Ribbed polypropyl-
receiver; analog tuning with 5 presets; stereo/mono 5'D $199 ene cone; 1-1/2' depth; 6.3 oz. strontium magnet; 25
switch; auto noise reduction; tape advance; key off watts power handling; 4 ohm rated; low profile wire
eject; separate bass and treble; loudness switch. Out- Kenwood Equalizer/Amplifier mesh grille
put power 5W/channel; frequency response 30- $65/pr
KG C-7300. Graphic equalizer/amplifier. Total 40 KFC-694. 6" x 9 Dual Cone speaker. 10 oz. Mag-
14,000Hz ±3dB; wow and flutter 0.12% wrms; FM watts output power; Equalization frequencies 60Hz, net; 25 watts power handling; wire mesh grille; 4 ohm
usable sensitivity 14.8dBf; 71/2.-W . 2"H x 120Hz, 250Hz, 500Hz. 1 kHz, 3.5kHz, 10kHz; rated $65/pr
51/,"D $239 boost/cut ±12dB; Sound Exciter; Fader Control; LED KFC-1640. 61/2" Dual Cone speaker. Shallow white
KRC-112. Mini -chassis AM/FM radio with auto re- Level/peak indicator; FR 15Hz-60kHz ±3dB; S/N dual cone (II 1/2."); rainshields included; 7.7 oz. mag-
verse cassette player. Features auto mono/stereo and 92dB 5 -VW x 2H x 5 '14.-D $199 net; 25 watts power handling; 4 ohm rated; low pro-
distant/ local switching; auto noise reduction; preamp file wire mesh grille
output terminal; loudness switch. Output power $55/pr
Kenwood Preamp Equalizer KFC-83. 31/2' Dual Cone Dash Mount speaker. 5.8 oz.
5W/channel; frequency response 40-15.000Hz KGC-447. Preamp/5-band graphic equalizer. Equal- High Energy Strontium Magnet; 20 watts power han-
± 3dB; wow and flutter 0.12% wrms; FM usable sen- ization frequencies 50Hz, 200Hz, 800Hz.- 3.2kHz. dling; high efficiency; FR 100-20kHz
sitivity 14.8dBf; 61/,,,"W x 2'H x 4%"D $32/pr
$169 12.8kHz, ±12dB, Defeat switch; LED indicators;
Fader Control; Digital type push switch; FR 20Hz-
Kenwood Tuner/Cassette Decks 50kHz ±3dB; Signal to noise ratio 70dB; THD KRACO
KRC-1022. PLL-synthesized AM/FM tuner with man- 0.02%; 4-%,,'W x 1-"As'H x $139
ual and 12 -channel preset tuning, auto reverse cas-
Cassette Radios
sette deck; designed for installation in European sized Kenwood Crossover KID -597. Designer Series Dashmaster pushbutton
cars. Features automatic noise reduction system; 1000. Electronic crossover allows selection of one 3 - AM/FM /MPX radio with auto -reverse cassette tape
mono/stereo switch; auto broadcast sensor system; way. 2 2 -way and a subwoofer system; crossover player. Features auto high blend (high -end signal
muting switch; noise killer; balance control; seek tun- points continuously adjustable; with output level con- boost); 5 preselect pushbuttons; mute; fader control;
ing; key off cassette eject; Dolby noise reduction; tape trol. THD 0.04% (20Hz-20kHz) at 1.0v output; FR local/distant switch; locking fast forward/
advance control; fader, bass, treble controls; local/ 10Hz-100kHz 5-1/2'W x 2"H x 31/2"D $219 rewind $240
distance and loudness switches; digital frequency dis-
ETR-1089. Pushbutton electronically tuned AM/FM
play; display dimmer $649 Kenwood Car Speakers stereo receiver with auto -reverse stereo cassette
KRC-722. In -dash unit with PLL synthesized tuning, KFC-6900. 6" 9" 3 -Way speaker. Ribbed polypro- deck. Features electronic tune scan; digital clock; digi-
d gital frequency display, auto reverse cassette deck, pylene woofer cone; aluminum voice coil bobbin; a tal frequency/time display; 5 AM/5 FM station tuning
and Dolby noise reduction system. Features ABSS; pair of dome tweeter -used alunico magnet; 100 watts presets; sendust tape head; auto high -end signal
ANRS; autoscanning; 5 AM/5 FM station presets plus power handling; 4 ohm rated; wire mesh grille; 20 oz. boost; custom designer kit with 4 reversible
manual tuning; key off eject; bass and treble controls; magnet $199/pr faceplates $280
cassette standby; local/distant switch; metal tape ca- KFC-2020. 81 Sub -Woofer. 100 watts power handling; KID -597. In -dash AM/FM-stereo receiver with auto -re-
pability. FM sensitivity 14.8dBf; frequency response high strength ribbed 81 polypropylene woofer; 4 ohm verse stereo cassette deck. Features auto high -blend;
30-15.000Hz ± 2dB; S/N 70dB mono. Wow and flut- rated; wire mesh grille; 1' spacer $149/pr 5 preselect tuning buttons; FM muting; fader control;
ter 0.12% wrms; frequency response 30-15.000Hz KFC-6910. 6" x 9' 3 -Way speaker. Non -Press white
±2d13: separation 35dB; S/N 70dB A -weighted.
local/distant switch; locking fast forward/
cone; aluminum voice coil bobbin; 20 oz. magnet; 80 rewind $270
Dolby on $499 watts power handling; 4 ohm rated; wire mesh
KGE-803. High -power AM/FM stereo receiver with
Similar to KRC-722 except has auto grille $149/pr auto -reverse stereo cassette deck and 5 -band graphic
seek/scan; loudness contropl; ceramic tape head; KFC-160. 61/2" 3 -Way speaker. 60 watts power han equalizer. Features high -end signal boost; program
tape advance; FM tuner S/N ratio 70dB mono $569 dling; horn type tweeter; wire mesh grille; FR 4-Hz- selector; AM/FM. high -blend, stereo/mono. equalizer
20kHz; 4 ohm rated $125/pr switches; AM, FM, EQ. tape -direction indicators; bal-
Kenwood Amplifiers KFC-6920. F. x 9" 2 -Way speaker. Non -Press white ance and fader controls; custom designer kit with
KAC-901. Power output 100 watts per ch; THD cone; glass coated (nomex) voice coil bobbin; 20 oz. faceplates to match most car interiors. Output power
0.04% (10 watts); FR 20Hz-50kHz ±3dB; Switch - magnet; 80 watts power handling; 4 ohm rated; wire 20 W/channel; equalizer center frequencies 60. 250.
able input sens 100mV or 500mV; 11-'4"W x 2- mesh grille $125/pr 1k. 3.5k, 10k Hz
1/2 H D
$369 KFC-571. 5' x 7' 2 -Way speaker. 60 watts power ETR-1088. Designer Series AM/FM stereo cassette
KAC-8200. Power output 75 watts per ch; THD handling; 10 oz. magnet; wire mesh grill; 4 ohm radio with 6 AM and 6 FM pushbutton tuning, DNR.
0.03% (60 watts); Frequency range 5Hz-200kHz rated $119/pr
±3dB; Switchable input sens 100mV or 500mV 7- KFC-1610. 61/2" 2 -Way speaker. Aluminum voice coil
"/, " W 2-1'H 7VD $299 bobbin; rainshields included; 20 oz. magnet; 50 watts
KAC-801. Power output 50 watts per ch; THD 0.04% power handling; 4 ohm rated; low profile wire mesh
(10 watts); FR 20Hz-70kHz ±3dB; input sens grille $99/pr
100mV: 11-1/2"W x 2-1/2"H x 6-"/'D $249 KFC-1620. 61/2' 2 -Way speaker. Aluminum voice coil
KAC-7200. Power output 35 watts per ch; THD bobbin; rainshields included; 10 oz. magnet; 30 watts
0.03% (30 watts); FR 5Hz-200kHz ± 3dB; Switch - power handling; 4 ohm rated; low profile wire mesh
able input sens 100mV or 500mV 5-V,"W grille $85/pr
6-'D $199 KEC4610. 4' x 6" 2 -Way speaker. Universal Size
KAC-887. 4 -Channel power amplifier. Power output Frame; Rainshield and Space included; 3 oz. Stron-
15 watts per ch; THD 0.05% (4 watts); FR 20Hz- tium Magnet; 20 watts power handling; 4 ohm rated;
50kHz ±3dB; Switchable input sens 100mV or wire mesh grille $75/pr and auto reverse. Features separate bass and treble
500mV 2-1/2.-H x $149 KFC-120. 5' 2 -way. 25 watts power handling; low

control; FM muting; loudness control; metal compati-

bility; super alloy tape head; digital frequency display
and clock readout; locking fast forward and rewind;
balance and fader controls. Custom designer kit in-
NOTICE TO READERS cludes four interchangeable face plates. 20
W/ch $250
KHP-1085. Designer Series AM/FM stereo cassette
Prices of items described are manufacturers' suggested prices radio with Dolby noise reduction and metal -tape com-
only and are subject to change without notice. Actual selling patibility. Features separate bass and treble controls;
FM muting switch; loudness switch; balance and fader
prices are determined by the dealers. controls; stereo/mono switch; auto reverse; locking
fast forward and rewind; tape -direction indicator. Cus-
tom designer kit includes 4 interchangeable face
plates. 20/W ch $250

Car Stereo 15 Car Stereo
KGE-801. In/under-dash unit combines stereo cas- 0.9%. W&F 0.15% wrms; frequency response 40-
sette player. AM/FM-stereo radio, weather -band ra- LINEAR POWER 12.000 Hz t 3 dB; S/N 50 dB. FM 50 -dB quieting
dio. 5 -band graphic equalizer, 20 W/ch power ampli-
sens 44.31 dBf; capture ratio 2 dB; sel/sep 60/35
Linear Power Amplifiers dB; frequency response 40.14,000 Hz ±3 dB; S/N
fier. Equalizer has center -frequency slide controls set
300. Variable ga n; protection circuitry; frequency re- 60 dB; 62,',"W x 434"D r 1%"H $200
at 60. 250. 1k. 3.5k. 10k Hz and EQ bypass/on
sponse 12-150.000 Hz; THD 0.15%; S/N 95 db; CAR320. In -dash AM/FM-stereo receiver with auto -
switch with LED; cassette player has locking fast
forward/eject button, built-in auto stop, and LED tape output power 150 W/chn; 7%" x 131/4" x reverse stereo cassette deck. Features IMS; CMS;
4%" $700 locking fast forward/rewind; tone control; auto eject;
play/end indicators; radio features pushbutton FM
mute, AM/FM switch with LED indicators; stereo/ 2120. Crossover amp. Bi/tri phase coherent. FR 12- power -antenna lead. Output power 4 W/ch into 4
mono switch; separate weather band; illuminated 150,000 Hz; THD 0.15%; S/N 95 db; output power ohms; THD 0.9%. W&F 0.15%; frequency response
60/120 mono W/ch; 71/4" x 13%" . $700 40-13.000 Hz }3 dB: S/N 50 dB. FM 50 -dB
AM/FM dial scale in cassette door; adjustable
$200 1501. Variable gain, protection circuitry. FR 12- quieting sens 44.3 dBf; capture ratio 2 dB; sel/sep
KGE-800. Same as KGE-801 except with 8 -track play- 150,000 Hz ± 1 dB. THD 0.15%; S/N 95 db; out- 60/35 dB; FR 40-14,000 Hz ±3 dB; S/N ratio 60
er. without weather band $240 put power 75 W/ch; 7%," x 13'4" x 4%* $430 dB; 6WW 4% " D x 1% H $165
2601. Biamplifier. 30 W/ch, plus 60 W mono. FR 12- CAR360. Stereo cassette receiver with Dolby NR for
KXI-89. In -dash AM/FM-stereo receiver with auto -re-
150,000 ±1 dB; THD 0.15%; S/N 95 dB; output tape. Features auto reverse; 6 AM/FM station pre-
verse stereo cassette deck. Features compact design
power 30 W/ch 60 mono; 8' ), 10' 'x 2%'' $350 sets: auto scan tuning: preamp output and speaker
to fit most small cars; fader control; local/distant
901. Power amp with variable gain protection circuit-

switch; locking fast forward; AM/FM, FM mute, ste-
reo/mono switches; FM stereo indicator $190 ry. FR 12-150,000 Hz ±1 dB; THD 0.15%; S/N 95
KID -587. In/under-dash AM/FM-stereo radio/cas- dB; output power W/chn 45; 71/2" x 6%* -

sette player. Cassette features fast forward and eject

and LED tape run indicator. Radio features 5 AM/FM 601. Power amo with variable gain; protection circuit-
station presets; tone controls; LED FM stereo indica- ry. FR 12-150.000 Hz ±1 dB; THD 0.15%; S/N 95
tor; local/distant and AM/FM switches; balance and dB; output power W/chn 30; 8" 6%"
fader controls $170 2%" $200
KXI-87. AM/FM-stereo pushbutton radio with auto - 401. Variable gain; protection circuitry. FR 12-
stop cassette player. Designed for imported cars. 150,000 Hz ± 1 dB; THD 0.15%; S/N 95 dB; output
compact X -body, and Citation in -dash installation. power Wichn 20; 8%" x 5' x 1%" $150

Features 5 -button AM/FM tuning; fader control;

local/distance switch; locking fast forward; auto stop. Linear Power Preamp/Graphic Equalizer
Comes with nosepieces for all models and in -dash in- EQ-1. Variable input sens. FR 5-30.003 Hz± ldB:
stallation hardware $170 THD 0.006%; S/N 105 dB; output power W/chn 5V
KID -588B. In -dash AM/FM-stereo radio with auto -re- max: center frequency 70, 180. 300, 1.200, 2,700.
verse cassette player. Features manual tape select; 10.000; 4'4' 5%" x 13/,' $200 output; speaker fader control; IMS; CMS; separate
tape program selector switch; LED tape -play and bass and treble; locking fast forward and rewind;
tape -direction indicators; balance and tone controls; Linear Power Electronic Crossover loudness -compensated volume control $360
X0-1 Crossover points from 30-12,000 in V, octave CAR35S. Stereo cassette receiver with auto reverse.
local/distant and FM mute switches; LED stereo, AM.
$170 steps; 12 dB, octave slope. FR 4-250.000 ±1 dB; Features 6 AM/FM station presets; auto scan tuning;
and FM indicators
THD 0.01%; S/N 105 dB; output power unity; 41/4" preamp output and speaker output; IMS; CMS; lock-
KID -595. Designer Series AM/FM cassette radio that
can record from tuner or included handheld micro- x 5%" 1%- $140 ing fas' forward and rewind; loudness -compensated
phone. Features Dynamic Noise Reduction; balance volume control $300
and fader controls; fast forward and rewind; local/ Linear Power Subwoofers
distant switch; remote on/off. 20 W/ch $160 BassVent' Combo. Bass vent subwoofer; packaged Marantz Gold Series Car Speakers
with model 2601 bi-amplifier; Frequency range 100 MZS 693. 6' 9' 3 -way; 20 oz. barium ferrite mag-
Hz on down; sens 90 dB spl/W/M; max power 120 W; net; FR 50-20,000 Hz; piezoelectric tweeter; ferro-
Kraco Amplifier/Equalizers
KE-7. Booster amp/equalizer (±12 dB range) with 20 oz magnet; 10" mounting depth fluid midrange driver; heat -resistant grille; molded
BassVent' Subwoofer System. Preferred crossover050 woofer cone; max power 100 W; 4 ohms imp $140
fader control; power supply; dual -edgewise power me-
ters; headphone jack. Output power 40 2 W/ch; fre- 70-100 Hz; drivers mounted on a 10" x 10' MIS 630. 51/2" 3 -way; 20 oz barium ferrite magnet;
quency response 25-40k Hz ±3 dB; THD 10%; cen- 2%- loading chamber; requires 6' . 1%* slot in FR 100-18.000 Hz; dome type tweeter; ferrofluid
ter frequencies 60, 150. 400. 1k, 2.4k, 6k, 15k Hz; rear deck. Frequency range 100 Hz on down; sens 90 midrange driver; high temparature resistant grille;
$170 dB SPL/W/m; max power 150 W; 20 cz magnet; 10" molded woofer cone; max power 100 W; imp 4 ohms
200mmD 180mmW 65mmH
KE-6. Booster amp/ EQ; front -to -rear fader control; mounting depth $200 $120
power meter. Output power 30 x 2 W/ch; center fre- MZS 692. 6" x 9" 2 -way; 20 oz barium ferrite mag-
$90 net; FR 60-18,000 Hz; ferrofluid cone tweeter; heat -
quencies 60. 250, 1k. 3.5k. 10k Hz
KE-5. Booster amp, EQ; fader control. Output power MARANTZ resistant grille; molded woofer cone; max power 100
W; imp 4 ohms $100
30 2 W/ch; center frequencies 60, 250. 1k, 3.5k.
$80 Cassette Radios MZS 620. 51/2" 2 -way slimline; 4 oz barium ferrite
10k Hz
KEA. Booster amp/EQ; dual 5 -LED power meters; CAR302. In -dash AM/FM-stereo receiver with stereo magnet; FR 120-18.000 Hz; piezoelectric tweeter;
fader control. Output power 25 x 2 W/ch; center fre- cassette deck. Features 5 -station tuning presets; AIR heat -resistant grille; molded woofer cone; max power
(Atmospheric Interference Rejection); FM muting; 50 W. imp 4 ohms $90
quencies 60. 250. 1k. 3.5k. 10k Hz $80
separate bass and treble controls; preamp outputs; MZS 412. 4" . 10" 2 -way; 20 oz barium ferrite mag-
Dolby noise reduction; auto eject; locking fast net: FR 80-20,000 Hz; 2' piezoelectric tweeter; heat -
Kraco Car Speakers
forward/rewind; antenna -power lead; dial -scale dim- resistant grille; max power 90 W; imp 4 ohms $90
THP543. 3 -way system; horn loaded dome tweeter.
Frequency response 55-20.000 Hz; maximum power mer lead. Output power 4 W/ch; THD 0.9%; preamp MZS 420. 4' 2 -way; 5 oz barium ferrite magnet; FR
80 W; magnet weight 20 oz. woofer. 1 midrange. 0.5 output level 'imp 500 mV/3k ohms. Wow and flutter 120-18.000 Hz; 11/4" piezoelectric tweeter; max
0.15%; FR 10-13,000 Hz ±3 dB; S 'N Dolby off/on power 50 W; imp 4 ohms $60
tweeter; mounting depth 33/."; driver size
$130/pr 48/56 dB. FM 50 -dB quieting sens 42.13 dBf; cap- MZS 350. 3'/," 2 -way; 6 oz barium ferrite magnet; FR
5' ,'W
THP693. 3 -way system; horn loaded dome tweeter. ture ratio 2 dB; sel/sep 65/30 dB; FR 40-14,000 Hz 150-18.000 Hz; 1'/," piezoelectric tweeter; max
±3 dB; S/N 60 dB; 7%"W x 4%"D x 2'/,''H $250 power 20 W; imp 4 ohms $45
Maximum power 100W; magnet weight 20 oz. woof-
midrange. 0.5 tweeter; mounting depth 3'4'; CAR322. In -dash AM/FM-stereo receiver with auto - MZS 410. 4" full -range slimline; 6 oz barium ferrite
er, 1

$130/pr reverse stereo cassette deck. Features Dolby noise re- magnet; FR 120-14,000 Hz; max power 20 W; imp 4
driver size 6 9"W $40
THP692. 3 -way system; cone tweeter. Frequency re- duction; Interference Management System; separate ohms
sponse 45-18.000Hz; maximum power 80W; magnet bass and treble controls; metal -tape capability; fader
weight 20 oz. woofer, 1 tweeter; mounting depth control; locking fast forward/rewind; power -antenna MITSUBISHI CAR AUDIO
3'/,,"; driver size 6 9"W. 1Y,T $110/pr lead; dial -scale dimmer lead. Output power 4
THP542. 2 -way system; cone tweeter. Frequency re- W/ch; THD 0.9%. W&F 0.15%; frequency response Cassette Radios
sponse 55-18,000Hz; maximum power 70W; magnet 40-13,000 Hz ±3 dB; S/N Dolby off/on 52/60 dB. CZ -757. In -dash AM/FM stereo radio with auto re-
tweeter; mounting depth FM 50 -dB quieting sensitivity 42.13 dBf; capture ra- verse, metal compatible stereo cassette deck in com-
weight 20 oz. woofer, 1

2%"; driver size 5WW, 1%T $90/pr tio 2 dB; sel/sep 70/34 dB; FR 40-14.000 Hz ±3 pact chassis designed to fit almost any domestic or
dB; S/N 60 dB; 6%"W x 4%"D x 11/2-H... $250 foreign car. Cassette deck features Dolby noise reduc-
CAR312. In -dash AM/FM-stereo receiver with stereo tion, tape program search in either direction;
Kraco Cassette Adapter
cassette deck. Features Compuskip; separate bass normal/Cr0,/FeCr switch; Dolby and metal tape indi-
KCA-8. Allows cassettes to be played in 8 -track car-
tridge tape players. Plugs directly into cartridge and treble controls; IMS; CMS (Continuous Music Sys- catcrs. W&F 0.15% wrms; FR 40-15.000Hz with
tem); locking fast forward/rewind; auto eject; power - metal tape; S/N ratio 57 dB, Dolby on; stereo sep 35
slot. Features auto stop or rewind at end of
$50 antenna lead. Output power 4 W/ch into 4 ohms; THD dB. Radio features 6 button AM/FM electronic tuning

Car Stereo 15 Car Stereo
with memory; auto electronic and manual electronic tors for FM stereo and metal tape; manual tuning;
scan tuning; LED digital frequency/clock display. FM nal imp 4 ohms; mounting depth 31/2" $199/pr
fader and balance controls for 4 speaker system; Polyplex 6.5. Auto speakers with 6V," polypropylene
Dolby noise reduction; bass, treble, fader, balance loudness control; distant/local switch; adjustable
controls. FM S/N ratio 60 dB. Dolby on; sel 80 dB; FR woofer driven by 1' high -temp aluminum voice coil
shafts; power antenna lead. Output power 7 W
30-15.000Hz at - 3dB; sep 35 dB at 1,000Hz; cap- with ferrofluid-damped, 10mm polycarbonate dome
rms/ch into 4 ohms; 6'A,"W x 43/.'D 2'H $200 tweeter. Frequency range 60-20,000 Hz;
ture ratio 2 dB. Unit also features ignition noise killer; power
RX-711. In dash AM/FM stereo receiver with full auto range 30 W at max capacity; imp 4 ohms; mounting
key off/end-of-play pinch roller release, low level con- stop cassette player. Features locking fast forward;
nectors for separate 8. 25 W/ch power amplifiers; depth 2V," $149/pr
tape end indicator; dial in cassette door; hard permal- Polyplex 6.9. Auto speakers with 6" x 9" polypropyl-
7%,"W x 434' H x 2"D $400 loy tape head; metal tape compatibility; 5 AM/5 FM
RX-735. In dash AM/FM stereo reciver with auto re- ene woofer driven by P high -temp aluminum voice
station presets; local/distant switch: stereo indicator; coil with ferrofluid-damped, 10mm polycarbonate
verse stero cassette deck. Features quartz PLL fre- loudness control; fader and balance controls for 4
quency synthesized AM/FM tuning; 6 AM/6 FM pre- dome tweeter. Frequency range 55-20,000 Hz; pow-
speaker system; adjustable shafts. Output power 8 W er range 30 W/ch rms at 8 hr continuous power and
sets; auto seek, scan, manual rotary step tuning; rms/ch into 4 ohms; 7%"W v 43/."D 2 l/,'H $180 60 W at max capacity; nominal imp 4 ohms; mounting
super distant/local circuit; distance/local, mono/
RX-723. Super compact in dash unit with loudness depth 3'
stereo switches; FM muting; locking fast forward/ $149/pr
control and 7 W/ch amplifier. Features auto stop Polyplex 5.3. Auto speakers with 51/2" polypropylene
rewind; program selector switch; "pinch -off" tape deck; tape end indicator; locking fast forward; eject
protection; tape running indicator; adjustable shafts; woofer driven by 1- high -temp aluminum voice coil
button; manual radio tuning; local/distance switch; with ferrofluid-damped 10mm polycarbonate dome
fader and balance controls for 4 speaker system; dis- mono/stereo switch: fader and balance controls; nose
play dimmer lead. Output power 8 W rms/ch into 4 piece for vertical installations; adjustable shafts; pow-
ohms; 7'W 434'H a 2"D $320 er antenna lead. W&F 0.15% wrms; FR 50-
RX-909. In dash high power unit with 10/W ch output 15,000Hz; S/N ratio 50 dB. FM S/N ratio 62 dB; sel
at 1% THD, DIN chassis to fit most imported or do- 68 dB; FR 30-15.000Hz: capture ratio 2 dB; 61/2"W
mestic cars. Features auto reverse; locking fast 41/2"D x 1'/.'H $140
forward/rewind; program selector switch; Music Pro-
gram Sensor; "pinch off" tape protection; Dynamic Mitsubishi Under -Dash Units
Noise Reduction; tape indicator; cassette door light; RX-103. Under dash unit combines FM stereo radio
separate AM/FM dial light; FM ignition noise killer; su- and stereo cassette player. Cassette deck features
per DX/LOC circuitry; fader and balance controls; hard permalloy head; auto eject; 7 W/ch amplifier;
separate bass and treble controls; 5 button AM/FM bass, treble, balance controls; ignition noise
tuning power antenna lead; adjustable shafts. Tape killer $170
section; W&F 0.15% wrms; FR 50-10,000Hz at 3 GX-111. Under dash auto reverse cassette deck fea-
dB; S/N ratio 55 dB; sep 40 dB; FR 30-15 000Hz tures locking fast forward/rewind; tape program se-
±2 dB; sep 35 dB at 1,000Hz; capture ratio 3 dB; lector; hard permalloy head; low level DIN connector
7"W > 6'D 2'H $320 output; output power 7 W/ch at 4 ohms $130 tweeter. Frequency range 75-20,000 Hz; power
RX-755. In dash DIN chassis unit fits most imported CX-21. Under dash deluxe stereo cassette deck. Fea-
cars. Features auto reverse deck; locking fast
range 30 W/ch rms at continuous 8 ht power and 60
tures hard permalloy tape head; auto reverse; auto W at max capacity; imp 4 ohms; mounting depth
forward/rewind; 5 button AM/FM tuning; "pinch off" eject; locking fast forward/rewind; program selector 1%," $129/pr
tape protection; tape program selector; Music Pro- switch; dimmer control connection; NR; W&F 0.15%
gram Selector; mono/stereo switch; fader and bal- Polyplex 4.5. Auto speakers with 4./," polypropylene
wrms $140
ance controls; cassette door light; separate radio dial woofer driven by P high -temp aluminum voice coil
light; power antenna lead; adjustable shafts. Amplifier with ferrofluid-damped, 10mm polycarbonate dome
Mitsubishi Amplifier/Equalizer tweeter. Frequency range 90-20.000 Hz; power
section: power output 8 W/ch at 1,000Hz;
5% THD from 100-10,000Hz, 4 W/ch at 1% THD six
rms at continuous power for 8 hrs
band graphic equalizer. Features balanced
110-10.000Hz; FR 50-30,000Hz ±3 dB. FM tuner: and 60 W at max capacity; imp 4 ohms; mounting
transformless circuitry; dual high and low level inputs; depth 1%"
usable sens 22 dBf; 50 dB quieting sens 22 dBf; FR equalizer defeat switch; power on/off switch; two ch
30-15,000Hz at 2 dB; capture ratio 3 dB; alternate power level indicators; fader and balance controls for
ch sel 86 dB; stereo sep 35 dB at 1.000Hz; THD four speaker system; illuminated equalizer controls;
0.5% at 65 dBf; S/N ratio 60 dB. Tape section specs: 25 W/ch max power at 4 ohms; 2'W x 5"A"H
FR 50-10,000 ± 3 dB; W&F 0.15% wrms; stereo sep TD -1200 Mobile Tuner/Cassette Deck
61/4" D
40 dB; S/N ratio 50 dB A-wtd; crosstalk 50 dB; $130 In -dash auto -reverse cassette player incorporates
50mm 178mm 150mm much of the technology found in the Nakamichi Drag-
$270 Mitsubishi Car Speakers
RX707. In dash unit with super compact chassis to fit on home cassette deck, including the Nakamichi Auto
SX-205A. Acoustic suspension 2 way system; tweeter Azimuth Control System which automatically and con-
almost any car. Features auto reverse; locking fast diecast aluminum cabinet. FR 90-22,000Hz: Sens 88
forward/rewind; 5 button AM/FM tuner; program se- tinually aligns the 0.6 micron playback head to the re-
dB SPL/W/m; max power 30 W; magnet oz. 10 woof- corded music track on the tape to insure perfect play-
lector switch; mono/stereo switch; super DX/LOC cif, er, 5; Driver size 4" woofer ,r 1' tweeter. $100/pr
cuitry; loudness control; fader and balance controls; back of any tape recorded on any cassette deck.
SG-69TB. 3 -way system; cone type midrange and Features Dolby B and C, 70 and 120 µsec EQ: micro-
FM stereo indicator; power antenna lead; adjustable
tweeter. Frequency range 50-20,000Hz; Max power processor -controlled transport driven by unique Su-
shafts. Amplifier: power output 7W/ch at 1.000Hz, 4 100 W; magnet oz. 17.4 woofer; Driver size 6" x 9
W/ch at 5% THD from 100-10,000Hz, 3.5 W/ch at per Linear Torque motor and housed in a slide -out
woofer " $140/pr
1% THD from 100-10,000Hz; FR 50-20.000Hz ±3 drawer. Quartz PLL digital display tuner with 5 AM/5
SG-69CB. Coaxial 2 way system. Max power 40 W; FM presets; FM Dolby; FM blend; separate bass,
dB. FM tuner; usable sens 22 dBf; 50 dB quieting magnet oz. 20.7 woofer; driver size 6' x 9" woofer
sers 22 dBf; FR 30-15,000Hz at 2 dB; capture ratio midbass. treble controls; anti -theft system -lock code.
3 dB; alternate ch sel 86 dB; stereo sep 35 dB at $100/pr Minimum specifications: W&F .045% wrms; 20-
SG-13CD. Coaxial 2 way door mount system; water- 22,000 Hz ±3 dB; S/N 64 dB. Dolby B and C on
1,000Hz; THD 0.5% at 65 dBf; S/N ratio 64 dB. proof cover. Max power 30 W; magnet oz. 5.5 woofer;
Tape section: FR 50-10,000Hz ±3 dB; W&F 0.15% 64/70 dB; FM section: THD 0.13% (stereo); S/N 65
Driver size 5'4" woofer $80/pr
wrms; sep 40 dB; S/N ratio 50 dB A-wtd; crosstalk dBf mono; capture ratio 1.5 dB; sens 20 dBf; sel 60
SG-13WD. Dual cone speaker, waterproof cover. Max dB. Main unit 7y.,"
45 dB; 50mm 178mm 120mm $230 2V." x PA."; 5 lbs 8 oz; addi-
power 30 W; magnet oz. 2.8; mounting depth 1"; tional electronics enclosure 7V," x 2" > 5'4"; 1 lb
CZ -727. In dash unit features super compact chassis Driver size 5'4"
to fit almost any domestic or foreign car. Features $60/pr 14 oz $1.260
SG-10WE. Dual cone speaker. Max power 20 W; mag-
auto reverse deck; locking fast forward/rewind; eject net oz. 5.3; driver size 4"
button; program selector switch; DNR noise reduc- $50/pr PA -300 Mobile Power Amplifier
SR-35WA. Dual cone front -tray -mount speaker. Max A low -distortion high -power amp designed for the mo-
tion; normal/chrome/ferrichrome selector switch;
power 20 W; magnet oz. 5; Driver size 3%," . $35/pr
DNR tape indicator; manual tuning; bass, treble, bile environment incorporating a digital switching DC
SB-2SA. Stalk mount super tweeter; signal indicator.
fader, balance controls; dial illumination; distant/local FR 5,000-20,000Hz; max power 20 W; Driver size
switch; loudness control; low level output for separate
power amplifier; optional nosepiece for vertical instal- SG-10CE. Coaxial door mount waterproof cover. Max
lation. W&F 0.15% wrms; FR 50-12,500Hz; S/N ra- power 30 W; magnet oz. 3; Driver size 5%." . $65/pr
tio 57 dB. Dolby on; 35 dB sep. FM S/N ratio 64 dB;
sel 80 dB; FR 30-15,000Hz; sep 35 dB at 1,000Hz; MTX
capture ratio 2 dB; 6'/,"W x 4'/ "D x
1"/-F1 $250 Polyplex 7.0. Auto speakers with 6' x 9" polypropyl-
RX-726. Super compact AM/FM stereo receiver with ene woofer driven by 1V," high -temp aluminum voice
auto reverse cassette player. Features locking fast coil with 1" polycarbonate dome tweeter. Frequency
forward/rewind; tape program selector; metal/CrO, range 48-20,000 Hz; power range 30 W/ch at con-
equalization switch; hard permalloy tape head; indica- tinuous 8 hr power and 60 W at max capacity; nomi-

Car Stereo 15 Car Stereo
NCS 740. 4' full -range system. Power handling ca- INQ circuit designed to suppress impulse noise on FM
o DC converter; 70 W rms/ch at <.003% THD 4
pacity 15 W; max power handling 30 W; FR 75- band; local 'distant switch; fader, bass, treble con-
ohms; 1.000 Hz; bandwidth 5-50,000 Hz; 6 lbs 10
15,000 Hz; sens 90 dB; imp 4 ohms; magnet weight trols; preamp output 1.0 V at 2,000 ohms; amplifier
oz $340
3.5 oz; mounting depth 1.5% 2.2 lbs $40/pr output power 4 W/ch continuous at 400 Hz, both chs
NCS 735. 3% dash -mount system. Power handling driven into 4 ohms with 1.0% THD; usable sens 19
SP -400 Mobile Speaker System
capacity 10 W; max power handling 50 W; FR 60- dBf; frequency response 30-15,000 Hz ±3 dB; i-f re-
3 -way speaker system consisting of 5V,' cone woof-
20,000 Hz; sens 90 dB; imp 4 ohms; magnet weight jection 80 dB; sep 35 dB at 1 kHz; 7'W x 5%." D x
er, 1%' soft dome midrange. 1' soft dome tweeter
6 oz; mounting depth 1%'; 3% Dia. x 114-D; 2 lbs $430
mouned in a die cast frame, passive crossover net-
8 oz $35/pr CQ-S761. Compact AM/FM radio/cassette player
works in separate enclosures to eliminate magnetic
with auto -reverse mechanism and pushbutton AM/FM
interference. Power capacity 80 W, 50-22,000 Hz;
OMNISONIX tuning. Features FM optimizer; INQ circuit; MOSFET
crossover frequencies 2.5kHz. 8.5 kHz; 4 ohms;
and adaptive FM front end; auto gain control on AM;
speaker unit 10%* x x 61/4'; 5 lbs; crossover
801-A Omnisonic Imager locking fast forward/rewind; Dolby B tape noise re-
network 4%' 2%"; 7 oz $390/pr
Designed to reproduce mono or stereo signals to cre- duction; metal/Cr02/normal tape capability; W -cut
ate dimensional or three-dimensional sound (volume hard permalloy tape head; 4 -way balance controls
NORELCO by PHILIPS AUTO AUDIO (fader); separate bass and treble controls; fully ad-
level, stereo separation, surround -sound imagery) re-
spectively; connects to internal tape loop of any sys- justable shafts. Output power 7.5 W/ch into 4 ohms;
Power Amplifiers
tem. Features tape monitor, in/out buttons. Operates FR 40-35,000 Hz -3 dB. W&F 0.18% wrms; fre-
4028. 50-W total system power amp. Min continuous
from 12 V dc negative ground power sources; can be quency range 40-12,500 Hz; S/N ratio Dolby on/off
average power 25 W/ch; FR 20-20,000 Hz; S/N 80
bracket or Velcro mounted under most dashboards or 60/50 dB. FM usable sens 15 dBf; 7'W x 5'/"D x
dB; THD 1%; impedance 4 ohms; high- and low -imp
inside glove compartment. Max output 2 V; THD 2%." H $290
input sens; 5VW x 1%"H x 51/4" D; 2 lbs $80
<0.03%; input imp 200 ohms; FR 10-100,000 Hz CQ-S763. Similar to CQ-S761 except black $270
8028. 80-W total system power amp. Min continuous
±0.5 dB; 4.75-W x 5.25'D x 1.94"H .... $150 CO -5768. Similar to CQ-S763 except new Ambience
average power 40 W/ch; FR 20-20,000 Hz; S/N 80
auto -reverse cassette player with Ambience control
dB; THD 1%; imp 4 ohms; high- and low -imp input
PANASONIC switch; no Dolby NR $290
sens; 5%W 1%"H x 6%"D; 2.8 lbs $130
CQ-S747. In -dash AM/FM radio/cassette player with
Cassette Radios Repeatrack" cassette player and manual pushbutton
Norelco Equalizer/Amplifiers
RM-310. Ceiling -mount car stereo system with AM/FM tuning. Features FM optimizer; INQ circuit;
550 EQA. 5 -band graphic equalizer, 50 W total sys-
Repeatrack cassette player. Features locking fast MOSFE and adaptive FM front end; distributed -
tem power amp. Features min continuous average
forward/rewind; key -off eject; high filter switch; multi -stage auto gain control on AM; locking fast
channel 25 W/ch; FR 20-20,000 Hz; S/N 80 dB; forward/rewind; Dolby tape noise reduction;
THD 1%; imp 4 ohms; high- and low -imp input sens; AM/FM-stereo tuner with 3 station reference guides;
FM -stereo auto/mono switch; LED function indicators; metal/Cr% tape selector; hard permalloy tape head;
6"W x 1%"H x 5"D; 3 lbs $120
mute switch; local/DX switch; INQ circuit; center- 4 -way balance controls (fader); separate bass and tre-
870 EQA. 7 -band graphic equalizer, 80 W total sys-
detented balance and fader controls; 3 -band graphic ble controls; radio monitor; compact chassis; fully ad-
tem power amp. Features min continuous average
equalizer; loudness switch; stereo power amplifier; au- justable shafts. Output power 20 W/ch into 4 ohms;
channel 40 W/ch; FR 20.20,000 Hz; S/N 75 dB;
dio power indicators; 4 -position dome light. Output FR 20-40,000 Hz -3 dB. Tape wow and flutter
THD 1%; imp 4 ohms; high- and low -imp input sens;
$230 power 10 W min/ch into 4 ohms at 1% THD, 30- 0.13% wrms; frequency range 80-12,000 Hz; S/N
6%"W x 2'H x 6'/,'D; 4 lbs ratio Dolby on/off 60/50 dB. FM usable sans 14 dBf;
20,000 Hz. Tape W&F 0.15% wrms: frequency re-
sponse 40-12,000 Hz ±3 dB; S/N ratio 55 dB A - 7"W x 5%.°D x 1%11 $250
Norelco Car Speakers
weighted; sep 40 dB. FM section: usable sensitivitt CQ-S703. Ambience Repeatrack" cassette player with
NCS 769. 6" x 9" 3 way system. Power handling ca-
16 dBf; S/N ratio 73 dB A -weighted; image rejection pushbutton AM/FM radio. Features Ambience control
pacity 50 W; max power handling 80 W; FR 40-
60 dB; FR 30-15,000 Hz ±3 dB; sep 35 dB $600 switch; FM optimizer; INQ circuit; MOSFET and adap-
20,000 Hz; sens 90 dB; imp 4 ohms; midrange 3";
CQ-S958. Electronic -tuned AM/FM radio with auto -re- tive font end; distributed multi -stage auto gain con-
tweeter 2"; magnet weight 20 oz; mounting depth
x 4%"D; 11 lbs $130/pr verse cassette player. Features Dolby noise reduction; trol on AM; locking fast forward/rewind; hard permal-
31/4"; 6%"W
10 station presets (5 AM/5 FM); seek/scan tuning; loy head; 4 -way balance controls (fader); loud-
NCS 710. 4" x 10" 3 way system. Power handling
digital time and frequency display; FM optimizer; im- ness -compensated tone control; fully adjustable
capacity 35 W; max power handling 50 W; FR 60-
pulse noise -quieting circuitry; 4 -way balance; loud- shafts. Output power 7.5 W/ch into 4 ohms; frequen-
20,000 Hz; sens 90 dB; imp 4 ohms; midrange 2";
ness -compensated tone control; separate bass and cy response 40-35.000 Hz -3 dB. Tape wow and
tweeter 134"; magnet weight 20 oz; mounting depth
$110/pr treble controls; compact chassis with adjustable flutter 0.12% wrms; frequency range 40-12,500 Hz;
2%-; 4%"W x 10'L x 4'D; 9 lbs
shafts; Tape Program Search; compatible with nor- S/N ratio 50 dB. FM usable sens 14 dBf; 7'W x
NCS 1000. 4" "Hatchbox" coaxial system. Features
mal, chrome, metal tape; locking fast forward/rewind. 5%."D x $230
power handling capacity 30 W; max power handling
60 W; FR 120-20,000 Hz; sens 90 dB; imp 4 ohms; Power output 3 W/ch into 4 ohms (EIA), 7.5 W/ch at CQ-S708. Similar to CQ-S703 except has separate
400 Hz, volume control at max. Radio specs: usable bas!. and treble controls, radio monitor $220
tweeter 2'; magnet weight 7.25 oz; 4W x 51/4"L x
$100/pr sens 19 dOt; 50 dB quieting sensitivity 19 dBf; FR CQ-S682. Compact Repeatrack' cassette player with
9' D
30.15,000 Hz ±3 dB; alternate ch sel 75 dB; stereo pusnbutton AM/FM radio. Features FM optimizer; INQ
NCS 765. 6%' 3 way system. Power handling capaci-
sep 35 dB at 1 kHz; image response ratio 40 dB; IF circuit; MOSFET and adaptive FM front end; distribut-
ty 40 W; max power handling 60 W; FR 45-20,000
response ratio 100 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tape ed multi -stage auto gain control on AM; locking fast
Hz; sens 89 dB; imp 4 ohms; midrange 2%"; tweeter
player specs: FR 40-12,500 Hz ±3 dB; W&F 0.12% forward/rewind; hard permalloy tape head; 4 -way bal-
13/4"; magnet weight 20 oz; mounting depth 2%*; 7'
wrms; sep 40 dB; S/N ratio 60 dB with Dolby, 50 ance controls (fader); loudness -compensated tone
Dia. x D; 9 lbs $100/pr
without. 7'W x 5%.'D x 2%.H $540 control; fully adjustable shafts; chrome front. Output
NCS 755.5'/.' 3 way system. Power handling capaci-
CQ-S818. Bantam mini -chassis electronic -tuned power 7.5 W/ ch into 4 ohms; frequency response
ty 30 W; max power handling 50 W; FR 55-20,000
AM/FM stereo radio with cassette player compatible 40-35,000 Hz -3 dB. Tape W&F 0.18% wrms; fre-
Hz; sens 90 dB: imp 4 ohms; midrange 2'; tweeter
with metal, chrome, and normal tape. Digital display quency range 80-10,000 Hz; S/N ratio 50 dB. FM us-
1%"; magnet weight 20 oz; mounting depth 2'4%
$90/pr of frequency and time. Features 10 station presets (5 able sans 14 dBf; 7'W x 5'/,.'D x 2%.'H . $190
6%" Dia. x 3% D: 9 lbs $190
AM/5 FM); MOSFET FM tuner; loudness -compensat- QS -5687. With black front
NCS 746. 4' - 6' coaxial system. Power handling
ed tone control; Traveler's Information Stations; Daily Q-5668. Compact Repeatrack' cassette player with
capacity 15 W; max power handling 25 W; FR 80-
Priority Station; locking fast forward/rewind; radio manual AM/FM radio. Features FM optimizer; INQ cir-
14,000 Hz; sens 88 dB; imp 4 ohms; tweeter 2";
monitor; 4 -way balance control; preamp out. Power cuit; MOSFET and adaptive FM front end; distributed
magnet weight 10 oz; x 63/."L x
$70/pr output 3 W/ch into 4 ohms (EIA), 7.5 W/ch at 400 multi -stage auto gain control on AM; Dolby tape noise
2'/,'D reduction; locking fast forward/rewind; hard permal-
NCS 741. 4' coaxial system. Power handling capacity Hz, volume control at max. Radio specs: usable sensi-
tivity 19 dBf; FR 30-15,000 Hz ±3 dB; alternate ch loy tape head; separate bass and treble controls; ra-
20 W; max power handling 30 W; FR 100-15.000
sel 75 dB; stereo separation 35 dB at 1 kHz; image dio monitor; compact chassis; fully adjustable shafts.
Hz; sens 89 dB; imp 4 ohms; tweeter 1W; magnet
response ratio 40 dB; IF response ratio 100 dB; cap- Output power 7.5 W/ch into 4 ohms; frequency re-
weight 10 oz; mounting depth 1%-; 4%,"W x 4% L
$70/pr ture ratio 1.5 dB. Tape player specs: FR 80.12,500 sponse 50.35,000 Hz ±3 dB. Tape wow and flutter
234"D; 5 lbs
Hz ±3 dB; W&F 0.13% wrms; sep 45 dB; S/N ratio 0.13% wrms; frequency range 80-12,500 Hz; S/N
50 dB. 6%." x 5' x 2'A. $350 ratio Dolby on/off 60/50 dB. FM usable sens 14 dBf;
CO -5903. Compact in -dash pushbutton AM/FM-ste- I'W x 5%.'D x 1%'H $170
reo receiver and metal -compatible auto -reverse cas- CQ-6868. Compact AM/FM-stereo/cassette player
sette player with Dolby noise reduction and hard with locking fast forward/rewind and manual -tune
permalloy head. Cassette player features locking fast AM/FM tuner. Features tape -play and FM -stereo indi-
Write directly to the manufacturer or forward/rewind; metal/CrO, tape selector; W&F cators; automatic frequency control on FM; adjustable
0.18% wrms; FR 40-12,500 Hz ±3 dB; S/N ratio shafts. Output power 7.5 W/ch max into 4 ohms; wow
distributor. A list of names and ad-
Dolby off/on 50/60 dB. Radio features seek/scan and flutter 0.13% wrms; tape frequency range 30-
dresses starts on page 25. 15,000 Hz; S/N ratio 45 dB; FM usable sens 10 dBf;
electronic tuning with 6 AM/6 FM preset buttons and
digital time/frequency display; FM optimizer circuit; 7"W x 53/4.'D x $150

Car Stereo 15 Car Stereo
Panasonic Cassette Tuner/Preamp oz
$9'3/ pr FR 65.14,000 Hz; max power 8W: magnet 3
RM-710. Overhead console -type car audio system EAB-063. 6'/," coaxial 2 -way speaker with tweeter. or $35/pr
with auto -reverse cassette player. Dolby B noise re- FR 40-25.000 Hz; max power 25W: magnet 20
duction. AM/FM-stereo tuner, and stereo preampli- EAB-030. 3'/," dual -cone speaker with high frequen-
fier. Features locking fast forward/rewind; key -off $85/pr cy whizzer. FR 100-20.000 Hz: max power 20W;
EAB-412. 4" 10' coaxial 2 -way system with tweet- magnet 3.2 oz; .
eject; normal/Cr°, tape selector; tape program sen- er. FR 60-25.000 Hz; max power 25W; magnet 10
sor; AM, FM -stereo tuner with 5 -way electronic soft - Or $8C/ pr
touch tuning; 6 AM/6 FM station presets; EAB-062. 61/2" coaxial 2 -way system with tweeter. FR
pushbutton manual tuning; LED tuning indicators; 45-25.000
Hz; max power 25W; magnet 10
local/DX switch; impulse -noise quieting (INQ) cir- oz $75 'pr AC825 AM/FM Tuner/Cassette Player
cuit; 5 -band graphic equalizer; electronic volume EAB-049. 4" coaxial 2 -way system with horn tweeter.
control with LED level indicators; sound-attenuator Quartz digital AM FM tuner with Dolby cassette play-
FR 50.25,000 Hz: max power 30W; magnet 6.5 er. Features PLL circuitry; remote LCD frequency
switch; joystick balance and fader controls; loud- oz $70/pr readout; microcomputer -controlled wave -band switch-
ness and dimmer switches; stereo power amplifier; EAB-691. 6' . 9' dual -cone speaker with high -fre- ing; 6 AM/6 FM presets; back -lit buttons; pro-
4 -position dome light. Preamp frequency response quency whizzer. FR 45-20.000 Hz; max power 30W;
20-50.000 Hz ± 3 dB; THD 0.02% at 1 kHz. Tape grammed IF correction; auto adjustment of ch sep
magnet 10 oz; $65/pr
W&F 0.13% wrms; frequency response 30-14.000 and high response; music search; electronic speed
EAB-411. 4" v 10" dual -cone speaker with high -fre-
Hz :1 3 dB; S/N ratio Dolby on/off 63/55 dB; sep control; FSX permalloy head; auto repeat; cassette
quency whizzer. FR 60-20.000 Hz; max power 25W; standby; auto head and capstan release
40 dB. FM usable sensitivity 16 dBf; THD 0.15%; magnet 10 oz: $600
S/N ratio 72 dB; image rejection 65 dB; FR 20- $65/pr
EAB-061. 61/2" dual -cone speaker with water shield. Philips Equalizer/Preamplifier
15.000 Hz 3 dB: sep 40 dB at 1 kHz .. $1,400 FR 45-20,000 Hz; max power 25W; magnet 10 EN600. 6 -band graphic equalizer-preamp master
or $60/pr control center with Sound Series 2000'. Features
Panasonic Amplifier
EAB-050A. 5" dual -cone super -thin speaker with wa- master gain and volume control; electronic fader con-
CY-SB25. Booster amplifier with 25 W/ch output terproof cone. FR 50-16.000 Hz; max power 25W;
power. FR 20-40,000 Hz. 51/2"W trol; multi -amplifier control capability; FR 20-20.000
4'A.'D magnet 4.7 oz $53/pr
11/2"H Hz; THD <.05%; input sens adjustable; 11/2"H
$80 EAB-040. 4" dual -cone speaker with waterproof cone. 6'/."W 51/2"D; 3 lbs $300
FR 70-18.000 Hz; max power 25W; magnet 4
Panasonic Car Speakers oz-
$50/pr Philips Power Amplifiers
EAB-009. 6'/,' Honeycomb 2 -way system. FR 35- EAB-911. 5' single -cone speaker with water shield.
25,000 Hz; max power 60 W; magnet 13.5 EN220. Power amplifier Sound Series 2000' with
FR 50-15,000 Hz; max power 20W; magnet 7 LED system fault monitor. FR 20-20.000 Hz; 20
$300/pr oz $40/pr W/ch; S/N > 100 dB; THD '-.05%: imp 4 ohms; in-
EAB-080. 8" coaxial 2 -way system. FR 30-20.000 EAB-915. 4" single -cone speaker with water shield.
Hz; max power 100W; magnet 20 oz; put sens adjustable; 27,'H 51/2"W x 71/2"D; 4
$180/pr FR 60-15.000 Hz; max power 20W: magnet 7 lbs
EAB-069. 61/2" coaxial 2 -way system with horn tweet- oz $200
$40/pr EN250. System power amplifier with LED fault moni-
er. FR 40-25,000 Hz: max power 60W; magnet 10 EAB-909. 5' single -cone speaker with water shield.
oz tor. FR 20-20,000 Hz; 50 W/ch; S/N > 100 dB; THD
$90/pr FR 50-15,000 Hz; max power 8W; magnet 3 <.05%; imp 4 ohms; input sens adjustable; 21/2"H v.
EA13-692. 6' 9" coaxial 2 -way system with tweeter. oz $35/pr 9'/,'W 71/2"D; 7 lbs $350
FR 40-25,000 Hz; max power 30W; magnet 20 EAB-914. 4' single -cone speaker with water shield. EN2100. Power amplifier Sound Series 20001'. FR
20-20.000 Hz: 100 WO; > S/N 100 dB; THD
<.05%; imp 4 ohms input sens adjustable $500
Philips Car Speakers
EN8895. four way hi-fi panel system. Power handling
capacity 100; max power handling 200; FR 20-
22.000 Hz; ferrofluid cooling; imp 2/4 ohms; sens
1W 90 dB; bi-amp capable; mounting depth 11/2"; 15
lbs 40 oz $400/pr
EN8390. Two way panel system with ferrofluid cool-
ing. Power handling capacity 50 W; max power han-
dling 100 W; FR 50-20,000 Hz; imp 4 ohms; sens
1W 91 dB; magnet 25 oz; mounting depth 11/2';
10'/,"W 6"L 3'D; 9 lbs 4 oz $200/pr
EN8365. Two way bass reflex system with ferrofluid
cooling. Power handling capacity 40 W; max power
handling 80 W; FR 80-20.000 Hz; imp 4 ohms; sens
1 W 86 dB: magnet 15 oz; 91/2"W v 41/2"L . 51/2"D;
8 lbs 4 oz $170/pr
EN8869. 6 9 polyolef in cone double dome- three
way system with ferrofluid cooling. Power handling ca-
pacity 100 W; max power handling 200 W; FR 35-
Now Europe's *1 audio manufacturer 22.000 Hz; imp 4 ohms; sens 1W 92 dB; magnet 36
brings America a complete series of oz $200/pr
EN8769. 6 9 dome coaxial system with ferrofluid
True Auto Hi-Fi components. Each is cooling. Power handling capacity 100 W; max power
designed to deliver music reproduction handling 200 W: FR 40-20.000 Hz; imp 4 ohms;
worthy of fine home stereo systems. sens 1W 90 dB; magnet 40 oz; mounting depth 31/2';
6'/,'W 91/2'1. > 41/20; 16 lbs $150/pr
Philips Auto Audio offers you 25 EN8749. 6 9 polyolef in cone dome coaxial system
different car speakers (including our with ferrofluid cooling. Power handling capacity 50 W;
unique Sound Series 2000), three max power handling 100 W; FR 40-20.000 Hz; imp 4
power amplifiers, a preamplifier/ ohms; sens 1W 93 dB; magnet 20 oz: mounting
depth 23/.": 6%"W 9%"1.. 40: 14 lbs $130/pr
6 -band graphic equalizer, and a quartz EN8710. 4 10 dome coaxial system with ferrofluid
digital PLL tuner/cassette deck cooling. Power handling capacity 50 W: max power
For complete information, handling 100 W; FR 65-20.000 Hz; ferrofluid cool-
call toll free (800) 645-7711, or write ing; imp 4 ohms; sens 1W 91 dB; magnet 25 oz;
mounting depth 3'; cable length 16'; 4'/,'W v.
Philips Auto Audio, 230 Duffy Avenue, 10' ...1 4'/,D: 11 lbs $130/pr
Hicksville, New York 11802. EN8885. 61/2' double dome- three way system. Pow-
er handling capacity 60 W; max power handling 120
W; FR 25-22.000 Hz; imp 4 ohms; sens 1W 90 dB;
mperox Electronic Corporasillen magnet 36 oz; mounting depth 21/2"; 6%."Dia.
A NORTH AMERICAN PHIL IPS COMPANY 3'/."D; 10 lbs 6 oz $180/pr
EN8875. 6'/," dome coaxial system with ferrofluid
cooling. Power handling capacity 60 W: max power
Car Stereo 15 Car Stereo
handling 120 W; FR 25-20.000 Hz; imp 4 ohms; fast forward and rewind; power -antenna activator; 3.2 guard; key -off pinch -roller release; built-in pulse -noise
sens 1W 87 dB; magnet 35 oz; mounting depth 21/4'; ch $380 suppressor; hard permalloy head; FM auto/mono
6"/,2" Dia. x 31/4"D; 10 lbs 4 oz $140/pr UKE-7100. Mini in -dash AM/FM-stereo radio/ switch; locking fast forward and rewind; balance and
EN8855. 51/4' dome coaxial system with ferrofluid cassette player with Supertuner II and Dolby noise re- loudness controls; illuminated cassette door; power -
cooling. Power handling capacity 50 W; max power duction. Features quartz PLL electronic tuning; auto - antenna activator $240
handling 100 W; FR 35-20,000 Hz; ferrofluid cool- reverse cassette deck; music search; 4 -digit green KE-2100. 4n -dash cassette player with Supertuner
ing; imp 4 ohms; sens 1W 88 dB; magnet 25 oz; LED time/frequency display; 10 FM/5 AM station AM/FM-stereo radio. Features electronic tuning; 10 -
mounting depth 21/4"; cable length 16'; 5%"W electronic preset feather -touch tuning; separate bass station electronic presets; FM mono/stereo, local/DX,
$120/pr and treble controls; auto/local scan; FM auto/mono muting sw tches; electronic LED station pointer; lock-
5'/,"L < 31/4"D; 7 lbs 4 oz
EN8845. 4" dome coaxial system with ferrofluid cool- switch; auto FM muting; pulse -noise suppressor; hard ing fast 'onward/rewind; auto play after rewind;
ing. Power handling capacity 40 W; max power han- permalloy head; locking fast forward/rewind; tape AM/FM LED indicator; auto eject; connector for pulse -
dling 80 W; FR 60-22,000 Hz; imp 4 ohms; sens 1W guard; key -off pinch -roller release; loudness, balance. noise suppressor; adjustable shafts; power -antenna
90 dB; magnet 11 oz; mounting depth 11/4"; 41/4"W volume controls; metal/chrome tape selector; power - activator $230
41/4"L 21/4"D; 3 lbs 10 oz $90/pr antenna activator $350 KP-A400. In -dash AM/FM radio with cassette player.
EN8741. 4" high efficiency system. Power handling KE-6100. In -dash unit with digital quartz AM/FM-ste- Features Supertuner III*; 5 station presets; auto re-
capacity 40 W; max power handling 80 W; FR 60- reo Supertuner II and stereo cassette olayer with play after rewind; music search; tape guard; key -off
20.000 Hz; imp 4 ohms; sens 1W 88 dB; magnet 10 Dolby noise reduction. Features LED add,ess indica- pinch -roller release; hard permalloy head; built-in
tors on preset buttons (10 FM/5 AM); 4 -digit green pulse -noise suppressor; locking fast forward and re-
oz; mounting depth 11/4"; 41/4"W x 41/4"L
$60/pr LED time/frequency display; local/scan switch; pulse - wind; FM auto/mono switch; loudness control; vol-
EN8751. 5' ultra -slim system. Power handling capac- noise suppression; quartz PLL tuning; chrome/metal- ume, tone, and balance controls; illuminated cassette
tape selector; parallel fader control that permits use door; power -antenna activator $210
ity 15 W; max power handling 25 W; FR 80-15.000
Hz; imp 4 ohms; sens 1W 88 dB; magnet 5 oz; of 2 amplifiers; locking fast forward/rewind; auto re- P-500. Under -dash unit with FM Supertuner, PLL
mounting depth 11/4'; 5'/,'Dia. x l'/2"D; 2 lbs 4 play after rewind; loudness switch; auto eject; power - MPX demodulator. Features bass, treble, balance con-
oz $60/pr antenna activator; 2.9 W/ch into 4 ohms $330 trols; FM muting; stereo/mono and loudness switch-
EN8846. 31/4" 4 x 6' dome coaxial system. Power KEX-20. In -dash AM/FM-stereo cassette radio with es; auto eject; tape -play and stereo indicators. Output
handling capacity 30 W; max power handling 60 W; electronic Supertuner II. Features electronic tuning power 3 W/ch into 4 ohms 50-15,000 Hz at 5%
FR 200-22.000 Hz; imp 4 ohms; sens 1W 90 dB; with 10 FM/5 AM station presets; Dolby noise reduc- THD; W&F 0.3% wrms; tape FR 50-10,000 Hz ±3
41/4D; 7 lbs 4 tion; separate bass and treble controls; metal/chrome dB; FM usable sens 12 dBf (mono); FM sel 74 dB;
magnet 5 oz; 53A."W 41/41-
$130/pr tape selector; electronic LED pointer and LED AM/FM 71/4'W P 2'D x 3"H $190
EN8235. Dome coaxial mini system with ferrofluid band indicators; pulse -noise suppression; auto muting KP-5500. In -dash AM/FM radio with Supertuner and
cooling. Power handling capacity 30 W; max power on FM; auto/mono switch; locking fast forward/ cassette player. Features 5 -station preset pushbutton
handling 60 W; FR 200-22,000 Hz; imp 4 ohms; rewind; auto replay after rewind $300 tuning; FM/mono/stereo and muting switches; auto
sens 1W 90 dB; magnet 5 oz; 51/42"W 41/4"L UPX-9600. Mini in -dash cassette radio with Super - replay atter rewind; locking fast forward/rewind; auto
41/4D; 7 lbs 4 oz $130/pr tuner II AM/FM-stereo tuner, Dolby noise reduction. eject; volume, tone, and balance controls; adjustable
EN8320. Tunable hi-fi tweeter with ferrofluid cooling. and radio interplay feature. Features auto -reverse shafts; power -antenna activator $190
Power handling capacity 50 W; max power handling cassette deck; 5 -station preset tuning; FM auto/mono KP-4501. Similar to KP-5500 except without auto
100 W; FR 2700-22.000 Hz; imp 4 ohms; sens 1W switch; pulse -noise suppressor; auto FM muting; tape eject, stereo/mono, station preset buttons; has auto
90 dB; magnet 5 oz; mounting depth 1"; 41/4"W x guard; key -off oinchroller release; music search; hard reverse and auto muting; output power 3.2 W/ch; FM
$70/pr permalloy tape head; separate bass, treble, loudness sens 19.2 dBf; FM sel 50 dB $170
5'/2"L < 11/4D; 2 lbs 8 oz
EN8320G. Powder grey finish $70/pr controls; tape selector; power -antenna activator $300 KP-2500. Similar to KP-4500 less auto tape -slack
EN8335. Ford/Chrysler mounting dome tweeter sys- UKE-3100. Mini quartz-PLL-tuned AM/,'M-stereo ra- cancele, loudness, auto reverse, auto muting; has
tem with ferrofluid cooling. Power handling capacity dio with cassette deck. Features 4 -digit green LED auto eject and stereo/mono $150
50 W; max power handling 100 W; FR 2700-22,000 time/frequency display; 10 FM/5 AM station presets; KP-1500. Similar to KP-2500 except designed for
auto/local scan; FM stereo/mono switch; auto FM Japanese imports and X -body cars; mini chassis; FM
Hz; imp 4 ohms; sens 1W 90 dB; crossover frequency
2700 Hz: magnet 5 oz; mounting depth 1/4"; 2.8 muting; music search; tape guard; auto replay and muting: locking fast forward; output power 2.5 W/
$50/pr eject; locking fast forward/rewind; key -off pinch -roller ch continuous; FM sens 20.7 dBf; 61/4"W x 5'/2"D x
EN8340. 4" mounting dome tweeter system for im- release; hard permalloy head; tape play indicator; vol- 11/4"H $130
port cars with ferrofluid cooling. Power handling ca- ume. tone, ba'ance, loudness controls; power -antenna KP-4205. In -dash AM/FM radio with auto -reverse cas-
pacity 50 W; max power handling 100 W; FR 2700- activator $270 sette payer. Features music search; tape guard; auto
22,000 Hz; imp 4 ohms; sens 1W 90 dB; crossover KP-7500. In -dash AM/FM-stereo Supertuner and replay; cassette eject; loudness control; key -off pinch -
frequency 2700 Hz; magnet 5 oz; mounting depth auto -reverse cassette player with permalloy head and roller release; tape -direction LED; locking fast forward
3/."; 2.8 lbs $50/pr Dolby noise reduction. Features metal,throme selec- and rewind; hard permalloy head; FM mono/stereo
EN8346. GM mounting 31/4' 4 x 6" dome tweeter tor; locking fast forward/rewind; auto tape -slack can- switch- FM stereo indicator; volume, tone, and bal-
system with ferrofluid cooling. Power handling capaci- celer. Radio features pulse -noise suppression; auto ance controls; power -antenna activator; adjustable
ty 50 W; max power handling 100 W; FR 2700- muting; loudness; auto stereo/mono: balance, vol- shafts $185
22.000 Hz; imp 4 ohms; sens 1W 90 dB; crossover ume, tone, tader controls; playback response 50- KP-22D5. Stereo AM/FM radio with cassette player.
frequency 2700 Hz; magnet 5 oz; mounting depth 12.000 Hz; S/N Dolby off/on 45/52 dB; output pow- Features music search; tape guard; auto replay; cas-
$50/pr er 2.9 W/ch continuous, both chs driven into 4 ohms, sette eject; loudness control; key -off pinch -roller re-
1/4"; 3 oz
EN6500. 61/4" polyolef in subwoofer system. Power 50-15.000 Hz with 5.0% THD; FM 50 -dB quieting lease; locking fast forward and rewind; hard permalloy
handling capacity 75 W; max power handling 150 W; sens 19.2 dBf; FM sel 74 dB; P x2"W 71/4"D x head; FM mono/stereo switch; FM stereo indicator;
FR 60-5.000 Hz; imp 4 ohms; sens 1W 94 dB; mag- 2"H $260 volume, tone, and balance controls; power -antenna
net 25 oz; mounting depth 23/2"; 61/4" Dia. KP-6500. Similar to KP-7500 except without Dolby activator; adjustable shafts $160
$120/pr and auto re,erse. 5 -station preset tuning, auto eject KP-2000. Stereo AM/FM radio with cassette player.
3' D
EN6900. 6 . 9 polyolef in subwoofer system. Power and replay $220 Features auto replay after rewind; hard permalloy
handling capacity 100 W; max power handling 200 KP-A700. Ir-dash AM/FM stereo radio with Super - head; locking fast forward and rewind; FM stereo/
W; FR 48.2000 Hz; imp 4 ohms; sens 1W 94 dB; tuner III. and auto -reverse cassette player. Features 5 mono switch; loudness control; volume, balance, and
station presets; separate bass and treble controls; tone controls; power -antenna activator $130
magnet 40 oz; mounting depth 31/4"; 91/4" x
61/."Dia. 31/4"D; 14 lbs $150/pr fader control; auto replay after rewind; RCA -type pre -
EN8000. 8" polyolef in subwoofer system. Power han- out; music search; tape guard; key -off pinch -roller re- Pioneer Cassette Decks
dling capacity 100 W; max power handling 200 W; FR lease; built-in pulse -noise suppressor, hard permalloy KP-909G. Three -motor, direct -reel -drive auto -reverse
43-3.000 Hz; imp 4 ohms; sens 1W 94 dB; magnet head; FM auto/ mono switch; locking Oast forward and cassette deck. Features Dolby noise reduction; tape
30 oz; mounting depth 31/4% 81/4" Dia. x 4-D; 14 rewind; balance and loudness controls; illuminated guard; separate bass and treble controls; micropro-
$150/pr cassette door; power -antenna activator $260 cessor -controlled music search, music repeat, music
KP-A600. In -dash AM/FM stereo radio with Super - scan. blank skip; feather -touch transport controls;
PIONEER tuner III' and auto -reverse cassette player. Features 5 high -density ferrite head; metal/chrome tape selector;
station presets; fader control; auto replay after re- key -off soft eject; locking fast forward/rewind; loud-
wind; music search; tape guard; key -off pinch -roller ness, volume. balance controls; illuminated cassette
Cassette Radios
KE-7200. In -dash stereo AM/FM Supertuner Ill with release; built-in pulse -noise suppressor; hard permal- door Auto -Guard eject; terminal for optional remote -
auto -reverse cassette deck. Features 15 station pre- boy head; FM auto/mono switch; locking fast forward control unit. Requires separate power amp ... $380
sets (10 FM, 5 AM); feather -touch tuning; digital and rewind; balance, tone, and loudness controls; illu- KP-404G. Stereo cassette deck with Dolby noise re-
time/frequency display; auto/ local scan; Dolby noise minated cassette door; power -antenna activator $250 duction. Features music search; tape guard; separate
reduction; separate bass and treble control; tape KP-A500. In -dash AM/FM stereo radio with Super - bas, and treble controls; ferrite head; metal/chrome
guard; music search; metal -tape compatibility; key -off tuner Ill' and cassette player. Features 5 station pre tape selector; illuminated cassette door; key -off
pinch -roller release; FM auto/mono switch; auto mut- sets; separate bass and treble controls; RCA -type pre pinch -roller release; auto replay and eject; locking fast
ing; volume, balance, and loudness controls; locking out; auto replay after rewind; music search; tape forward/rewind; loudness, volume. balance controls.

1984 EDITION 199

Car Stereo 15 Car Stereo
Requires separate power amplifier $160 TS -1200K Tilt -Axial. 5.5' door -mount. FR 50-20,000 mounting depth 4' $150/pr
KP-575. Under -dash cassette auto -reverse cassette Hz; sens 91 dB SPL/W/m; max music power 30 W;
player with auto tape -slack eliminator, locking fast
TS -6907. 6 x 9". FR 30-22,000 Hz; sens 95 dB
magnet 6.7 oz; mounting depth 11/2" $90/pr SPL/W/m; max music power 100 W; magnet 18.7 oz;
forward/rewind, tape -direction indicators; loudness, P -16L. 6.5' door -mount. FR 50-10,000 Hz; sens 89 mounting depth 4' $170/pr
volume, tone, and balance controls. W&F 0.25% dB SPL/W/m; max power 8 W; magnet 3.7 oz; mount- TS -5. Surface mount 51/2". FR 180-13,000 Hz; sens
wrms; frequency range 50-10,000 Hz; S/N 45 dB; ing depth 11/2" $30/pr
max output power 6 W continuous; 61/2"W x 41/2'D 92 dB SPL/W/m; max power 8 W; magnet 3
TS -1611. 6.5" door -mount. FR 40-20,000 Hz; sens oz
x 2'H $130 $30//pr
92 dB SPL/W/m; max music power 30 W; magnet TS -55. Surface -mount 51/2'. FR 180.13,000 Hz;
6.3 oz; mounting depth 2' $40/pr sens 90 dB SPL/W/m; max music power 40 W; mag-
Pioneer Tuners TS -1600X. 6.5' door -mount. FR 40-20,000 Hz; sens net 3.7 oz $38/pr
GEX-90. Stereo AM/FM digital tuner with Supertuner 92 dB SPL/W/m; max power 20 W; magnet 7.3 oz; TS -X1. Surface -mount 31/4'. FR 120-18,000 Hz; sens
Ill requiring separate power amp. Features 15 sta- mounting depth 2' $35/pr
tion presets (10 FM/5 AM); LED address indicators 86 dB SPL/W/m; max power 20 W; magnet 2.4
TS-162DX. 6.5' door -mount. FR 40-20,000 Hz; sens oz
on preset buttons; electronic feather -touch tuning; $50/pr
92 dB SPL/W/m; max power 20 W; magnet 10 oz; TS -X5. Surface -mount 4'. FR 80-20,000 Hz; sens 88
digital time/frequency display on 4 -digit green LEDs; mounting depth 2%" $45/pr
built-in clock with clock button; pulse -noise suppres-
dB SPL/W/m; max power 20 W; magnet 7.6
TS -1622. 6.5" door -mount. FR 40.20,000 Hz; sens oz
sion; quartz PLL tuning; audio attenuator; auto $80/pr
91 dB SPL/W/m; max power 25 W; magnet 8.5 oz; TS -X6. Surface -mount 4'. FR 80-20,000 Hz; sens 88
scan/seek tuning; local scan/seek; FM auto/mono mounting depth 1'4." $60/pr dB SPL/W/m; max power 20 W; woofer magnet 5 oz,
switch; balance control; bass, treble, and loudness TS -164. 6.5' door -mount. FR 40-16,000 Hz; sens tweeter magnet 2.5 oz $110/pr
controls; input connector for tape deck; terminal for 92 dB SPL/W/m; max power 20 W; magnet 10 oz; TS -X7. Surface -mount 4'. FR 70-20,000 Hz; sens 88
optional remote control unit (CD -R90); power -anten- mounting depth 21/2'
na activator $60/pr dB SPL/W/m; max music power 60 W; magnet 4.9
$300 TS -165. 6.5" door -mount. FR 30-16,000 Hz; sens oz
GEX-60. Under -dash Supertuner III requiring sepa- $100/pr
94 dB SPL/W/m; max power 20 W; magnet 20 oz; TS -X8. Surface -mount 4%,". FR 55-20,000 Hz; sens
rate power amp. Features 15 station presets (10 mounting depth 21/2' $65/pr 86.5 dB SPL/W/m; max music power 80 W; magnet
FM/5 AM); LED address indicators on preset buttons; TS -167. 6.5' door -mount. FR 30-20,000 Hz; sens 8.1 oz $150/pr
feather -touch electronic tuning; separate bass and 93 dB SPL/W/m; max power 20 W; magnet 10 oz; TS -X9. Surface -mount 3'4". FR 50-22,000 Hz; sens
treble controls; built-in pulse -noise suppressor; auto mounting depth 21/2" $70/,'pr 86 dB SPL/W/m; max power 40 W; woofer magnet 7,
tuner/deck switching circuit; FM auto/mono switch; TS -1644. 6.5' door -mount. FR 40-20,000 Hz; sens tweeter -5.6 oz $200/pr
FM stereo indicator; AM/FM LED indicator; input con- 92 dB SPL/W/m; max power 25 W; magnet 8.5 oz; TS -Z80. Surface -mount 61/2". FR 70-20,000 Hz; sens
nector for separate tape deck; power -antenna mounting depth 1'4,"
$60/pr 89 dB SPL/W/m; max power 60 W; magnet 13.5
$220 TS -1633K. 6.5' door -mount. FR 30-20.000 Hz; sens oz $400/pr
92 dB SPL/W/m; max music power 90 W; magnet
Pioneer Cassette Tuners 10.2 oz; mounting depth 1'/,.'
KEX-65. In -dash auto -reverse cassette deck with
TS -168. 6.5' door -mount. FR 35-20,000 Hz; sens
quartz -controlled electronic AM/FM tuner. Features 90 dB SPL/W/m; max power 40 W; magnet 10 oz; Speaker Systems
Supertuner II front end; 10 FM/5 AM station electron- mounting depth 21/2" $120 / pr MM V. Features 3 separate units per ch: 1/2' ferro-flu-
ic preset feather -touch pushbutton tuning; auto/local TS -1655K. 6.5' door -mount. FR 30-20,000 Hz; sens id damped polymer dome high -frequency radiator;
scan; FM auto/mono switch; auto FM mute; pulse - 90 dB SPL/W/m; max music power 90 W; magnet cast -magnesium -basket 51/2' high -definition bass -
noise suppression; 4 -digit green LED time/frequency 9.5 oz; mounting depth 21/2' $125/pr midrange driver with polymer -impregnated nylon
display; separate bass and treble slide controls; Dolby TS -1690K Tilt -Axial. 6.5" door -mount. FR 40-24,000 cone; complex 12 dB/octave crossover network. FR
noise reduction; metal/chrome tape selector; music Hz; sens 91 dB SPL/W/m; max music power 90 W;
search; locking fast forward/rewind; ferrite head; tape
40-25,000 Hz; recommended amplification 5-100
magnet 9.7 oz; mounting depth 21/2' $150/pr W; driver size MW -51/2-, HF-1/2'; tweeter 11/2' diam.
guard; key -off pinch -roller release; loudness, volume. TS -87. Special application 31/2". FR 100.18,000 Hz: x 11/4"H; driver 6V," diam. x 11/2"H; crossover 3"L
balance controls; installation bracket with special se- sens 87 dB SPL/W/m; max power 20 W; magne' 2.4 x 2'W x 11/4"H; mounting depth 11/2" $260
curity keys; power -antenna activator. Requires sepa- oz: mounting depth 1'4'
rate power amplifier $30/pr MM IV. Polymer laminate cone 51/2" driver, 1/2' wide -
$420 TS -T3. Special application 31/2'. FR 250-20,000 Hz; dispersion high -frequency radiator and sophisticated
KEX-50. Digital quartz AM/FM-stereo tuner with cas- sens 92 dB SPL/W/m; max power 60 W; magnet 6.5 crossover network. Lexan housing. FR 40-20,500 Hz;
sette deck. Features Supertuner II; 4 -digit green LED oz; mounting depth 11/2' $50/pr recommended amplification 5-100 W; driver size
time/frequency display; LED address indicators on TS -M2. Special application 21/2'. FR 450-20 000 Hz;
preset buttons; metal/chrome tape selector; quartz- MW -51/2', HF-1/2"; overall dimensions 8'4'1 x 6'W
sens 91.5 dB SPL/W/m; max power 20 W; magnet 3 x 11/4'H; mounting depth 11/2"
PLL tuning; Dolby noise reduction; separate bass, tre- oz
$50/pr MM Ill. Combines coaxially the same two drivers used
ble, loudness controls; 10 FM/5 AM station electronic TS -M6. Special application 21/2". FR 350-22,000 Hr, in the MM IV and MM V. FR 40-20,500 Hz; recom-
preset feather -touch tuning buttons; auto scan/seek sens 91.5 dB SPL/W/m; max power 20 W; magnet 4
tuning; FM auto/mono and local/scan switches; pulse- mended amplification 5-100 W; driver size MW -51/2',
oz $80/pr
noise suppression; locking fast forward/rewind; auto HF-1/2"; overall dimensions 61/2' diam. x 11/2"H;
TS -462. Special application 4 x 6. FR 60-20,000 Hz, mounting depth 11/2'
replay after rewind; auto eject; illuminated cassette $160/pr
sens 89 dB SPL/W/m; max power 20 W; magnet 3 MM I. Polymer -treated full -range 4' system. FR 80-
door; power -antenna activator. Requires separate oz; mounting depth 11/2'
power amplifier
$50/pr 15,000 Hz; recommended amplification 5-50 W;
$380 TS -411. Special application 4 x 10. FR 50-20,000
KPX-600. Under -dash FM -stereo Supertuner and ste-
driver size FR -4'; overall dimensions 5'4' diam. x
Hz; sens 90.5 dB SPL/W/m; max power 20 W; mag- 11/2-H; mounting depth 1'
reo cassette player. Features auto replay and eject; net 10 oz; mounting depth 21/2"
locking fast forward/rewind; tape -play indicator; elec- TS -W203. Six -by -nine inch (speaker size 8") FR 28-
tronic governor motor; center-detented volume, bass, PROTON
10,000 Hz; sens 93 dB SPL/W/m; max power 60 W;
treble, balance controls; FM muting; loudness contour magnet 20 oz; mounting depth 3'/
switch; FM stereo indicator; FM stereo/mono switch.
$150/pr Cassette Radios
TS -202. 6 x 9" (speaker size 8'). FR 30-20,000 Hz; 212 AM/FM Radio/Cassette Player
FM S/N 68 dB; capture ratio 1.7 dB; sep 32 dB (65 sens 92 dB SPL/W/m; max power 60 W; woofer mag-
dBf, 1 kHz); sens 14.3 dBf; selectivity 74 dB. Fast - Digital AM/FM radio with auto -reverse cassette play-
net 20 oz, tweeter magnet, 3.5 oz; mounting depth er. Features the exclusive Schotz Phase III Variable
wind time 120 seconds with C60 cassette; W&F 3'/, $180/pr
0.13% wrms; frequency response 30-15,000 Hz -3 Bandwidth PLL Detector specifically designed for Pro-
TS -205. 6 x 9" (speaker size 8"). FR 30-22,000 Hz; ton. Four amplifiers, bridgeable to two, biased Class
dB; S/N 52 dB; 71/2'W x 61/2'D x $140 sens 92 dB SPL/W/m; max power 60 W; woofer mag- A/B. Features triple J-FET; 4 -gang tuner; Automatic
net 20 oz, tweeter magnet, 0.7 oz; mounting depth loudness Compensation; 5 AM/FM presets; Automat-
Pioneer Component Amplifiers 3'/, $200/pr ic Program Search; FM scan; muting; detented volume
GM -120. Output power 30 W/ch into 4 ohms; max TS -692. 6 x 9'. FR 35-16,000 Hz; sens 93 dB
power output 60 W/ch; FR 30.30,000 Hz ±3 dB; control; night illumination; separate bass and treble;
SPL/W/m; max power 20 W; magnet 20 oz; mounting Dolby B; shock -mounted tape transport; sendust tape
THD 0.3%; 75 dB; 21/2"H x 7'W x 81/2'D $150 depth 31/2"
$64/pr head. Power output 4 x 6 W/ch or stereo bridged 18
GM -5. Output power 10 W/ch into 4 ohms; max pow- TS -6903. 6 x 9". FR 40-19,000 Hz; sens 93 dB W/ch and 1 kHz with 8% THD; output imp 4 ohms;
er output 20 W/ch; FR 30-30,000 Hz ±3 dB; THD SPL/W/m; max music power 40 W; magnet 8 oz;
0.8%; S/N 70 dB; 1"H x 51/2'W x 61/4"D .... $80 capture ratio 1.5 dB. 61/2W" x 2"H x 51/2'D $370
mounting depth 3'4" $55/pr 204. Digital AM/FM radio with auto -reverse cassette
GM -2. Output power 2.8 W/ch into 4 ohms; max pow- TS -6904. 6 x 9". FR 35-20.000 Hz; sens 94 dB player. Features the exclusive Schotz Phase III Vari-
er output 6.5 W/ch; FR 40-30,000 Hz ±3 dB; THD SPL/W/m; max music power 80 W; magnet 15.5 oz;
0.8%; S/N 75 dB; able Bandwidth PLL Detector specifically designed for
x 51/2'W x 3'/.-D.... $45 mounting depth 31/2' $85/pr Proton. Amplifier biased Class A/B. Features triple J-
TS -6905. 6 x 9". FR 30-20.000 Hz; sens 94 dB FET: 4 -gang tuner; Automatic Loudness Compensa-
Pioneer Car Speakers SPL/W/m; max music power 80 W; magnet 15.5 oz; tion; 5 AM/FM presets; Automatic Program Search;
TS -1222. 5.5' door -mount. FR 50-20,000 Hz; sens mounting depth 4' $120/pr FM scan; muting; detented volume control; night illu-
91 dB SPL/W/m; max power 20 W; magnet 6.7 oz; TS -6906. 6 x 9". FR 35-22.000 Hz; sens 95 dB
mounting depth 11/2" mination; separate bass and treble; Dolby B; 2 pairs
$55/pr SPL/W/m; max music power 100 W; magnet 18.7 oz; of preamp outputs with preamp: level fader. Power

15 Car Stereo
1984 STEREO ed mid/woofer; high -power vented -aluminum voice
coil; 40 W power capacity; FR 60-20,000Hz ±5dB;
efficiency 91dB/1 W/1 meter; 4 ohm voice coil imp;
P1(410C100-WF. Dual cone, driver size 4' x 10'. FR
55-18,000 Hz; sens 93dB SPL/W/m; max power 60
W; magnet 10 oz $85/pr
crossover frequency 3,000Hz; 5.3 oz. strontium PK69C100-WF. Dual cone, driver size 6' x 9'. FR

DYERS GUIDE magnet; 2' mounting depth; optional wedges avail-

able for "on axis" mounting $80/pr
55-18,000 Hz; sens 94dB SPL/W/m; max power 80
W; magnet 10 oz $84/pr
PK52C100-WF. Dual cone, driver size 5'4" FR 60-
PYLE 18,000 Hz; sens 92dB SPL/W/m; max power 60 W;
magnet 10 oz $80/pr
FP69C200-FCD. Polypropylene coax, driver size 6'
Car Speakers
P-HS100A. 2 -Way mini box (red), driver size 4'. FR x 9'. FR 40-20,000 Hz; sens 95dB SPL/W/m; max
50-20,000 Hz; sens 90d8 SPL/W/m; max power 80 power 120 W; magnet 20 oz; mounting depth
$230/pr $68/ea
F69C200-FCD. With dome tweeter, driver size 6' x
P-HS150P. 2 -Way mini box (wedge), driver size 4'.
FR 50-20,000 Hz; sens 90dB SPL/W/m; max power 9'. FR 40-20.000 Hz; sens 96dB SPL/W/m; max
80 W $220/pr power 120 W; magnet 20 oz; mounting depth
3'4' $66/ea
P-HP523A. 2 -Way system, driver size 5'4'. FR 45-
PKM46C55-WF. Metric dual cone, driver size 4' x
20,000 Hz; sens 92dB SPL/W/m; max power 80
$190/pr 6'. FR 80-18,000 Hz; sens 92dB SPL/W/m; max
PK69C290-FCD. With dome tweeter, driver size 6' x Dower 50 W; magnet 5.5 oz $62/pr
PK46C55-WF. Dual cone, driver size 4' x 6'. FR 80-
9'. FR 40-20,000 Hz; sens 97dB SPL/W/m; max
$186/pr 18,000 Hz; sens 911:16 SPL/W/m; max power 50 W;
power 140 W; magnet 30 oz
PK69C290-FT. With cone tweeter, driver size 6' x magnet 5.5 oz $61/pr
F69C160-FCD. With dome tweeter, driver size 6' x
9'. FR 40-20,000 Hz; sens 97dB SPL/W/m; max
power 140 W; magnet 30 oz $176/pr 9'. FR 40-20,000 Hz; sens 96dB SPL/W/m; max
PKP69C200-FCD. Polypropylene coax, driver size 6' power 100 W; magnet 16 oz; mounting depth
3'4' $60/ea
x 9'. FR 40-20,000 Hz; sens 95dB SPL/W/m; max
on vo- msoanot 70 n7 S1 65/or
PK35C55-WF. Dual cone, driver size 3'4'. FR 90-

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SBG84 I e.
Go ahead! Pyle Driver
speakers can handle
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Car Stereo 15 Car Stereo
FP65C100-FR. Polypropylene coax, driver size 61/4'. 7,000 Hz; sens 97dB SPL/W/m; max power 100 W; IC-logic.cortrolled tape transport with auto -reverse
FR 65.20.000 Hz; sens 91dB SPL/W/m; max power magnet 16 oz; mounting depth 31/4" $34/ea feather touch operation and auto music program
50 W: magnet 10 oz; mounting depth 11/4" $49/ea F69C180-WF. Dual cone mount, driver size 6' x 9'. search; in -dash mounting; Dolby B and C; dual amp
W69C290-F4. Woofer 4 ohm, driver size 6' x 9'. FR FR 50-18.000 Hz; sens 96dB SPL/W/m; max power balance; bass and treble controls; and preamp out-
35-5.500 Hz; sens 95dB SPL/W/m; max power 140 80 W; magnet 2C oz; mounting depth 31/4' $33/ea puts for insertion of equalizer via preamp circuitry.
W; magnet 30 oz; mounting depth 3'/." ....$49/ea W65C160-F4. Woofer 4 ohm, driver size 61/4'. FR Requires power amp -FM sens 14.8 dBf for 30 dB
W69C290-F. Woofer, driver size 6' x 9". FR 35- 50-7,500 Hz; se's 95dB SPL/W/m; max power 80 quieting; 65 dB sel $519
6.000 Hz; sens 95dB SPL/W/m; max power 140 W; W; magnet 16 oz. mounting depth 21/4' ....$33/ea CX-900. In -dash stereo cassette tuner/preamp with
magnet 30 oz; mounting depth 31/4" $48/ea W52C165-F. Woofer, driver size 51/2'. FR 50.7,000 quartz synthesizer PLL tuning. Features 18 FM and 6
F52C100-FCD. With dome tweeter, driver size 51/4'. Hz; sens 92dB S°L/W/m; max power 90 W; magnet AM station presets; auto preset scan; tuner monitor
FR 60-20.000 Hz; sens 94dB SPL/W/m; max power 16 oz; mounting depth 21/2" $31/ea provides for radio music during tape rewind/fast for-
60 W; magnet 10 oz; mounting depth 2' $48/ea W410C160-F. Woofer, driver size 4' x 10'. FR 40- ward; auto -reverse; auto music program search; IC
W1OC200-F4S. Small box woofer, driver size 10'. FR 7,000 Hz; sens 93dB SPL/W/m; max power 80 W; logic -controlled transport for feather -touch operation;
29-1.000 Hz; sens 94dB SPL/W/m; max power 150 magnet 16 oz; mounting depth 31/2' $31/ea Dolby B and C; preamp outputs for equalizer; bass
W; magnet 20 oz; mounting depth 431/2" ....$48/ea P-T3PAS. Piezoelectric tweeter, driver size 31/2". FR and treble controls; 4 -way dual amp balance controls.
WP1OC200-F4. Polypropylene woofer, driver size 3.000-20.000 Hz; sens 89dB SPL/W/m; max power FM sens 14.8 dBf for 30 dB quieting; sel 50 dB; S/N
10'. FR 25-5,000 Hz; sens 96dB SPL/W/m; max 140 W: mounting depth 1/4- $31/pr 70 dB (mono), 65 dB (stereo); 7-1/42' W X 1-"/' H
power 150 W; magnet 20 oz; mounting depth 41/4' M5C160-CR. Midrange, driver size 5'. FR 500. x 4-"1/2," D $499
$47.50/ea 14.000 Hz; sens 94dB SPL/W/m; max power 100 CX-910. Same as CX-900 but in DIN size. 7-1/4," W
FP4C99-FR. Polypropylene coax, driver size 4'. FR W; magnet 16 oz; mounting depth 2' $30.50/ea 1.'1/4," H x 5-"/" D $499
70-20,000 Hz; sens 92dB SPL/W/m; max power 50 F65C120-WCR. Dual cone, driver size 61/4". FR 55-
W; magnet 10 oz; mounting depth 11/2' ....$45/ea 20,000 Hz; sens 95dB SPL/W/m; max power 70 W; Sansui Cassette Player
WP69C200-F4. Polypropylene woofer, driver size 6' magnet 12 oz; mounting depth 21/2' $30/ea SX-7. Stereo cassette player with full -logic control for
9". FR 40-5,500 Hz; sens 94dB SPL/W/m; max M5C160-F. Midrange, driver size 5'. FR 500-10,000 feather -touch operation and auto reverse. Features
power 130 W; magnet 20 oz; mounting depth 31/4" Hz; sens 94dB SPL/W/m; max power 100 W; magnet Dolby B; Auto Music Program Search; optional remote
$44.50/ea 16 oz; mounting depth 2' $30/ea control (RM-3); input for Sansui ST -7 tuner. Requires
W1OC200-F4. Woofer 4 ohm, driver size 10'. FR 25- WP52C100-F4. Polypropylene woofer, driver size amplifier. W&F 0.08% wrms; S/N 62 dB metal tape,
5,000 Hz; sens 96dB SPL/W/m; max power 150 W; 51/4'. FR 55-8.000 Hz; sens 93dB SPL/W/m; max with Dolby; FR with metal tape 30-16,000 Hz ±3 dB;
magnet 20 oz; mounting depth 41/2' $44/ea power 70 W; magnet 10 oz; mounting depth 21/4' 6"W x 2' H x 6' D $279
F4C99-FR. With ribbon tweeter, driver size 4'. FR 70- $28.50/ea
20.000 Hz; sens 92dB SPL/W/m; max power 50 W; F69C100-WF. Dual cone mount, driver size 6' x 9'. Sansui Cassette Amplifier
magnet 10 oz; mounting depth 11/2' $44/ea FR 55-18,000 Hz; sens 94dB SPL/W/m- max power SY-7. Fu'l-logic auto reversing cassette player with
WP8C200-F4. Polypropylene woofer, driver size 8". 80 W; magnet 10 oz; mounting depth 3" .. $28/ea amplifier Features Auto Program Search; Dolby B;
FR 30.5,500 Hz; sens 95dB SPL/W/m; max power F410C100-WF. Dual cone mount. driver size 4' x bass and treble controls; connections for graphic
10'. FR 55-18.000 Hz; sens 93dB SPL/W/m; max equalizer; optional remote control (RS -3). Power amp
140 W; magnet 20 oz; mounting depth 31/4"
$43.50 /ea power 60 W; magnet 10 oz; mounting depth may be mounted up to 20 inches from player. W&F
W65C200-F4D. Dual voice coil subwoofer, driver size 2'/." $27.50/ea 0.08% wrms; S/N 62 dB with metal tape; 12 W/ch
61/4". FR 35-4.000 Hz; sens 91dB SPL/W/m; max F57C100-WF. Dual cone mount, driver size 5' x 7'. min rms into 4 ohms, from 30-20,000 Hz, 1% THD.
power 120 W; magnet 20 oz; mounting depth FR 60.18.000 Hz; sens 93dB SPL/W/m; max power W x 2' H D $399
31/2" $43/ea 60 W: magnet 10 oz; mounting depth 2'/. $27/ea
W1OC200-F. Woofer 4 ohm, driver size 10'. FR 25- W4C55-F4S. SMall box woofer, driver size 4'. FR 55- Sansui Tuner
5,500 Hz; sens 96dB SPL/W/m; max power 150 W; 4.000 Hz; sens 89dB SPL/W/m; max power 60 W; ST -7. Quartz-PLL synthesizer tuner with presets for 5
magnet 20 oz; mounting depth 41/2' $43/ea magnet 55 oz; mounting depth 11/4" $27/ea FM and 5 AM stations and remote control unit, with
F46C75-FR. With ribbon tweeter, driver size 4' x 6'. F52C100-WF. Dual cone. driver size 5'1/2'. FR 60- digital frequency readout and preset buttons. Remote
FR 70.20.000 Hz; sens 92dB SPL/W/m; max power 18,000 Hz; sens 92dB SPL/W/m; max Dower 60 W; is bracket mountable or unit can be operated
50 W; magnet 8 oz; mounting depth 2' $42/ea magnet 10 oz; mounting depth 2' $26/ea handheld. FM sens 1.3 µV/75 ohms IHF; S/N 68 dB
W69C200-F4S. Small box woofer, driver size 6' x stereo, 75 dB mono; 6' W x 2" H x 11/4" D $269
9'. FR 25-1.500 Hz; sens 92dB SPL/W/m; max pow- REALISTIC
er 130 W; magnet 20 oz; mounting depth 31/4" Sansui Preamplifiers
$42/ea 12-1889 AM/FM Radio/Cassette Player SA -7. Pre -main amplifier includes "Sound Command-
P-CD2C10-X. Dome tweeter, driver size 16". FR In/under-dash unit combines AM/FM-stereo receiver, er" remote control. Features "Space 4" circuitry for
4.000-20.000 Hz; sens 88dB SPL/W/m; max power stereo cassette player. and LED digital radio frequen- spacious sound enhancement; electronic peak power
60 W; magnet 1 oz; mounting depth 1/4" $42/pr cy/clock display with LED dimmer switch. Cassette display; graphic equalizer connection; headphone
W8C200-F4S. Small box woofer, driver size 8'. FR section featu'es key -off eject and locking fast jack. Remote control adjusts volume, balance, bass
29-1.500 Hz; sens 93dB SPL/W/m; max power 140 forward/rewind; radio has stereo/moro switch; in- and treble, and select loudness and Space 4 sound ef-
W; magnet 20 oz; mounting depth 31/4" ....$41/ea cludes speaker and cables. Total power 24 W $180 fects. 12 w/ch min rms into 4 ohms from 30 Hz to
W8C200-F4. Woofer 4 ohm, driver size 8'. FR 30- 20 kHz with no more than 1% THD; S/N ratio 80 dB
5.500 Hz; sens 95dB SPL/W/m; max power 140 W; SANSUI CAR AUDIO (IHF-A): 6' W x 2' H x 6' D $259
magnet 20 oz; mounting depth 31/4' $40/ea SA -5. Similar to SA -7 but minus Space 4 circuitry
WP65C200-F4. Polypropylene woofer, driver size Cassette Radios $199
61/4". FR 40-6.000 Hz; sens 93dB SPL/W/m; max RX-700. In -dash radio/player with quartz synthesizer SA -3. Similar to SA -5 but with operating controls

power 120 W; magnet 20 oz; mounting depth PLL tuning. Features presets for 18 FM and 6 AM sta- mounted on front panel rather than in remote control
$39.50/ea tions; preset scanning; tuner monitor provides radio unit $159
W8C200-F. Woofer 4 ohm, driver size 8'. FR 30- music during rewind or fast -forward; auto reverse,
6.000 Hz; sens 95dB SPL/W/m; max power 140 W; auto music program search, soft -touch transport con- Sansui Graphic Equalizer
magnet 20 oz; mounting depth 31/4' $39/ea trols, Dolby B, preamp outputs for insertion of equal- SG -7. Palm -sized self-contained seven -band graphic
W65C170-F4S. Small box woofer, driver size 61/4". izer in preamp circuitry; bass and treble controls; and equalizer, for hand-held use or in -car mounting. Con-
FR 25-2.500 Hz; sens 91dB SPL/W/m; max power four-way fader controls. Selectivity 65 dB; FM sens trol frequencies 60. 150, and 400 Hz, and 1, 2, 5, 6,
130 W; magnet 16 oz; mounting depth 31/2' $39/ea 14.8 dBf for 30 dB quieting; 20 W/ch per IHF A-202 and 12 kHz in a boost/cut range of 12 dB; S/N ratio
P-T3C24-X. Cone tweeter, driver size 3'. FR 4.000- reference; W x 131/4," H x 5'1/2," D $429 85 dB $99
20.000 Hz; sens 94dB SPL/W/m; max power 90 W; RX-710. DIN sized version of RX-700, 71/4," W x
magnet 2.4 oz; mounting depth 11/2' $38/pr 1 H K 5"1/2," D $429 Sansui Amplifiers
W65C200-F4. Woofer 4 ohm, driver size 61/4'. FR RX-500. Same as RX-700/710 but with 6 W/ch pow- SM-100. Power amp with DC servo feedback circuit
40-6,000 Hz; sens 93dB SPL/W/m; max power 120 er and minus Dolby B. 71/4," W x 1'1/4," H x 51/4." for stable power at low frequencies; Features
W; magnet 20 oz; mounting depth 31/4' $37/ea $339 selectable input levels; booster input (for 8 ohms);
W65C200-F. Woofer: driver size 61/4". FR 40.6,500 RX-510. Same as RX-500 but in DIN size, 71/4," W x high/low inputs (RCA jacks); and DIN output. 32
Hz; sens 93dB SPL/W/m; max power 120 W; magnet 1"/" H x 5"1/2,' D $339 w/ch continuous into 4 ohms, from 20 Hz to 20 kHz,
20 oz; mounting depth 31/4" $36/ea 1.0% THD; S/N ratio 90 dB (IHF A-200); FR 20 to
W52C165-F4S. Small box woofer. driver size 51/4'. Sansui Cassette Tuner/Preamps 50,000 Hz at 0 dB, -3 dB (IHF A-202); 8% " W x
FR 30-3,000 Hz; sens 90dB SPL/W/m; max power CX-990. Cassette tuner/preamp automatically selects 21/4' H x 81/4' D $229
90 W; magnet 16 oz; mounting depth 21/4' $35/ea AM stereo broadcasting system of tuned station. Fea- SM-5C. Similar to SM-100 but 12 w/ch; 31/4' W x
W69C160-F4. Woofer 4 ohm, driver size 6' x 9'. FR tures quartz synthesizer PLL tuning; 18 FM and 6 H x 61/4' D $99
45-7.000 Hz; sens 97dB SPL/W/m; max power 90 mono or stereo AM station presets; auto scanning of
W. magnet 16 oz; mounting depth 31/4" ....$35/ea presets in 5 -second intervals; tuner monitor provides Sansui Car Speakers
W8C160-F4. Woofer 4 ohm. driver size 8'. FR 40- radio music when rewinding or fast -forwarding a tape; SB-X907. Rear -mount system with 5-V,' woofer, dual

1984 EDITION 205

Car Stereo 15 Car Stereo
passive radiator, 21/4' mid -range. 1' tweeter, in die- FTX 120. Component -style AM/FM radio with auto -re- able sens 19.2 dBf; 50 dB quieting sens 21.6 dBf;
cast aluminum housing. Handles 110 W; Imp 4 ohms; verse cassette player. Features ultra -compact EZ-C tuner sep 35 dB at 1 kHz; alternate ch sel 70 dB;
FR 43 Hz to 22 kHz, ±2 dB $449 chassis; Dolby B and C, FM optimizer; Auto Music Se- capture ratio 3 dB. 7'W x 51/2"D x "H $150
SB-F707. Flush -mount rear deck model with 8' round lect; Super Permalloy tape head; separate bass, tre- FTV 90. Stereo AM/FM radio with auto -reverse cas-
woofer, 21/2" mid -range, with Flexible -Axis 1 -inch ble, loudness, balance, fader controls; anti -jamming sette player. Features Dolby; FM optimizer; compati-
tweeter mounted above frame. Handles 80 W; Imp 4 system; local/distant and stereo/mono switches; line- ble with all tapes; Auto Music Select; manual reverse;
ohms; FR 28 Hz to 22 kHz, ±2 dB; Mounting clear- out jacks. Output power 10 W/ch (into 4 ohms, 50- local/distant switch; locking fast forward and rewind;
ance 3" $269 20,000 Hz, at 1% THD); amp FR 50-20,000 Hz ±3 fader control; tape -direction and stereo indicators; ad-
SB-X903. Rear -mount system with 4-1/2' woofer, dual dB; FR 30-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; tape FR 63-14,000 Hz justable control shafts. Output power 9.5 W/ch (into
passive radiator, 2" mid -range. 1" tweeter, in ABS ±3 dB with metal tape; S/N ratio 50 dB (A-weIght- 4 ohms, 50-20,000 Hz, at 1% THD); FR 50-20,000
high -impact plastic cabinet. Handles 80 W; Imp 4 ed); W&F 0.15% wrms; tape sep 40 dB; usable sens Hz ±3 dB; tape FR 80-10,000 Hz ±3 dB; S/N ratio
ohms; FR 55 Hz to 21 kHz, ±2 dB $239 12,8 dBf; 50 dB quieting sens 16,8 dBf; tuner sep 50 dB Dolby off, 58 dB Dolby on (A -weighted); wow
SB-F703. Flush -mount rear deck model with 61/2" 35 dB at 1 kHz; alternate ch sel 70 dB; capture ratio and flutter 0.15% wrms; tape sep 35 dB; usable sans
round woofer, 2' midrange, with Flexible -Axis 1 -inch 2 dB. 61/2'W x 51/2'D x 2'H $270 20.8 dBf; 50 dB quieting sans 23.8 dBf; tuner sep
tweeter mounted on frame; Handles 60 W; Imp 4 FTV 100. Stereo AM/FM radio with auto -reverse cas- 30 dB at 1 kHz; alternate channel sel 60 dB; capture
ohms; FR 38 Hz to 22 kHz, ±2 dB; Mounting clear- sette player. Features Auto Music Select; manual re- ratio 3 dB. 714'W x 51/2'D x 2'H
ance 21/4"
$199 verse if chosen; Dolby noise reduction; fader and bal- FTC 18. In -dash AM/FM cassette radio with metal -
SB-7. Flush -mount speaker system with flexible axis ance controls; FM optimizer; locking fast forward and tape capability, pushbutton tuning, Automatic Music
acoustic lens tweeter and 61/4 inch woofer with high rewind. Output power 9.5 W/ch (into 4 ohms, at I % Select System, and FM optimizer. Features auto -re-
energy strontium magnet. Power handling 60 W; Im- THD); tape FR 50-20,000 Hz; S/N ratio 50 dB; W&F verse cassette deck with Dolby noise reduction; line -
pedance 4 ohms; FR 40 Hz to 20 kHz; Approximately 0.15% wrms; tape sep 40 dB; usable sans 19.2 dBf; level outputs; distant/LOC switch; loudness control;
81/4' W x 6-1/2' H x 5-1/2'D; Mounting depth tuner sep 35 dB at 1 kHz; capture ratio 2 dB 71/2'W separate bass and treble controls; backlit function la-
21/2' $179 x 5%,"D x 2'H $200 bels. Output 500 mV. 30.20,000 Hz ±3 dB; W&F
SB-6. Oval coaxial speaker with 8' x 5' woofer and FTV 92. High -power AM/FM-stereo receiver with auto- 0.15% wrms; S/N ratio 50 dB A -weighted; FR 63-
2" tweeter, strontium magnet; Handles 30 W; Imp 4 reverse cassette deck. Features Auto Music Select 14,000 Hz ±3 dB; sep 46 dB; FM usable sens 19.2
ohms; FR 45 Hz to 20 kHz; Approx. 9' W x 51/2' H System; pushbutton tuning; FM optimizer; manual re- dBf; alternate-ch sel 60 dB; capture ratio 2 dB;
Y. 31/2" D; Mounting depth 21/2' $109 verse; fader, bass, treble, loudness controls; locking 61/2"W x 41/2-D x 2'H $150
SB-165. Flush -mount with 61/4' woofer and 2' tweet- fast forward/rewind; local/distant and stereo/mono FTC 12. In -dash AM/FM cassette radio with digital
er; handles 80 W; Imp 4 ohms; FR 40 Hz to 21kHz; switches; auto -antenna control. Output power 9.5 frequency/time display and auto -reverse cassette
Mounting depth 21/2' $99 W/ch into 4 ohms; FR 50-20,000 Hz; THD 1%. W&F deck. Features locking fast forward/rewind; distant/
SB-5. Round Coaxial speaker with 61/2' barium ferrite 0.15% wrms; FR 63-12.500 Hz ±3 dB with normal local, frequency/time, FM/AM, reverse switches. Out-
magnet woofer and 2' strontium magnet tweeter; tape; S/N ratio 50 dB A -weighted; sep 40 dB. FM 50 - put power 2.4 W/ch into 4 ohms at 5% THD 100-
Handles 30 W input; Imp 4 ohms; FR 40 Hz to 20 dB quieting sans 21.6 dBf; alternate-ch sel 70 dB; 20,000 Hz; FR 100-20,000 Hz ±3 dB. W&F 0.1%
kHz; Approx. 6'4' W x 61/2' H x 31/2' D; Mounting capture ratio 2 dB; sep 40 dB;7"W x 51/2"D x wrms; FR 80.10,000 Hz ±3 dB; S/N ratio 50 dB A -
depth 2-'4" $99 2'H. $180 weighted; sep 35 dB. FM usable sens 17.2 dBf; alter-
SB-3. Door/flush-mount thin -design coaxial with 6'4" FTV 98. AM/FM radio with auto -reverse cassette nate-ch sel 60 dB; capture ratio 3 dB; 61/2"W x
woofer and 2' chrome cobalt magnet tweeter; Comes deck. Features Dolby; Auto Music Select; FM optimiz- 4'/.-D x 2'H
with rain protector cover; Handles 30 W input; Imp 4 $150
er; reverse switch; handles all tape types; switchable FTC 46. Stereo AM/FM radio with auto -reverse cas-
ohms; FR 50 Hz to 20 kHz; Approx. 61/2' W x equalization; RCA line -output jacks; locking fast for- sette player. Features pushbutton tuning with 5 AM or
H x 21/2' D; Mounting clearance 1-1/2" $89 ward and rewind; separate bass and treble controls; FM (or combination) station presets; locking fast for-
loudness and fader controls; local/distant and ward and rewind; fader control; local/distant and
SANYO stereo/mono switches; backlit function labels. Output stereo/mono switch; EZ-C installation. Output power
power 9.5 W/ch (into 4 ohms. 50-20,000 Hz, at 1% 9.5 W/ch into 4 ohms, 50-20,000 Hz, at 1% THD;
In -Dash Power Plus Cassette Radios THD); FR 50.20,000 Hz ±3 dB; tape FR 63-12,500 FR 50-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; tape FR 80-10,000 Hz
FTX 180. Component -style AM/FM stereo radio with Hz ±3 dB; S/N ratio 50 dB (A -weighted); W&F ±3 dB; S/N ratio 50 dB A -weighted W&F 0.15%
auto -reverse cassette player. Features digital frequen- 0.15% wrms; tape sep 40 dB; usable sens 19.2 dBf; wrms; tape sep 40 dB; usable sens 20.8 dBf; 50 dB
cy display; quartz clock; Dolby B and C noise reduc- 50 dB quieting sans 19.2 dBf; tuner sep 35 dB at 1 quieting sans 21.6 dBf; tuner sep 30 dB at 1 kHz; al-
tion; metal -tape compatibility; Auto Music Select; Su- kHz; alternate ch sel 70 dB; capture ratio 2 dB. ternate ch sel 60 dB; capture ratio 3 dB. 61/2"W x
per Permalloy tape head; bass equalizer with 3 or 6 714-W x 5'/"Dx 2'H $180 41/2"D x 2"H $150
dB boost at 100/200/300 Hz; separate bass, treble, FTC 68. Stereo AM/FM radio with auto -reverse cas- FTC 27. Mini -size high -power AM/FM-stereo receiver
balance, fader controls; line-out jacks. Output power sette player. Features Dolby; compatible with all with auto -reverse cassette deck. Features FM optimiz-
15 W/ch (into 4 ohms, 50-20,000 Hz, at 0.3% tapes; Auto Music Select; FM optimizer; manual re- er; Dolby noise reduction; locking fast forward/ -
THD); amp FR 50-20,000 Hz ±1 dB; FR 30-20,000 verse; locking fast forward and rewind; fader and rewind; separate bass and treble controls; stereo/ -
Hz ±3 dB; tape FR 63-14,000 Hz ±3 dB; S/N 50 loudness controls; separate bass and treble controls; mono and local/distant switches; EZ-C Install system;
dB (A -weighted); W&F 0.15% wrms; tape sep 40 dB; local/distant and stereo/mono switches; RCA line-out auto -antenna control. Output power 9.5 W/ch into 4
usable sens 14.8 dBf; 50 dB quieting sens 17.6 dBf; jacks; EZ-C installation. Output power 9.5 W/ch (into ohms at 1% THD; FR 50-20,000 Hz ±3 dB. W&F
tuner sep 35 dB at 1 kHz; alternate ch sal 70 dB; 4 ohms, 50-20,000 Hz. at 1% THD); FR 50-20,000 0.1% wrms; FR 80-10,000 Hz ±3 dB; S/N ratio 50
capture ratio 2 dB. 71/2'W x 51/2-D x 2'H $400 Hz ±3 dB; tape FR 63.12,500 Hz ±3 dB; S/N ratio dB A weighted; sep 35 dB. FM 50 -dB quieting sensi-
FTX 160. Component -style AM/FM stereo radio with 50 dB (A -weighted); W&F 0.15% wrms; tape sep 40 tivity 20.2 dBf; alternate-ch sel 60 dB; capture ratio
auto -reverse cassette player. Features Dolby B and C dB; usable sens 19.2 dBf; 50 dB quieting sens 21.6 3 dB; sep 30 dB at
noise reduction; LCD frequency display; quartz clock;
1 kHz; 61/2"W x 41/2'D x
dBf; tuner sep 35 dB at 1 kHz; alternate ch sal 70 dB; 2'H $150
metal tape compatibility; Auto Music Select; Super capture ratio 2 dB. 61/2"W x 41/2'D x 2'H . $180 FTV 84. Stereo AM/FM radio with auto -reverse cas-
Permalloy tape head; bass equalizer with 3 or 6 dB FTC 48. Stereo AM/FM radio with auto -reverse cas- sette player compatible with any tape. Features Auto
boost at 100/200/300 Hz; separate bass, treble, sette player. Features Dolby; Auto Music Select; man Music Select; manual reverse; separate bass and tre-
balance, fader controls; line-out jacks. Output power ual reverse; compatible with all tapes; FM optimizer: ble; fader control; locking fast forward and rewind;
15 W/ch (into 4 ohms. 50-20,000 Hz. at 0.3% locking fast forward and rewind; local/distant switch: local/distant and stereo/mono switches; LED function
THD); amp FR 50.20,000 Hz ±1 dB; FR 30-20,000 fader control; adjustable control shafts; EZ-C installa- indicators. Output power 9.5 W/ch into 4 ohms, 50-
Hz ±3 dB; tape FR 63-14,000 Hz ±3 dB; S/N ratio tion. Output power 9.5 W/ch (into 4 ohms, 50- 20,000 Hz, at 1% THD; FR 50-20,000 Hz ±3 dB;
50 dB (A -weighted); W&F 0.15% wrms; tape sep 40 20,000 Hz, at 1% THD); FR 50-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; tape FR 80-10,000 Hz ±3 dB; S/N ratio 50 dB (A -
dB; usable sens 12.8 dBf; 50 dB quieting sens 16.8 tape FR 80.10,000 Hz ±3 dB; S/N ratio 50 dB - weighted); W&F 0.15% wrms; tape sep 40 dB; usable
dBf; tuner sep 35 dB at 1 kHz; alternate ch sel 70 dB; Dolby off, 58 dB Dolby on (A -weighted); W&F 0.15% sens 20.8 dBf; 50 dB quieting sens 23.8 dBf; tuner
capture ratio 2 d8. 71/2"W x 51/2'D x 2'H . $350 wrms; tape sep 35 dB; usable sens 20.8 dBf; 50 dB sep 30 dB at 1 kHz; alternate ch sel 60 dB; capture
FTX 140. Component -style AM/FM stereo radio with quieting sens 23.8 dBf; tuner sep 30 dB at 1 kHz; al- ratio 3 dB. 71/2'W x 51/2"D x 2'H
auto -reverse cassette deck. Features Dolby B and C;
ternate ch sal 60 dB; capture ratio 3 dB. 614'W x FTC 45. AM/FM-stereo receiver with auto-eject/auto-
metal -tape compatibility; Auto Music Select; Super 51/2"D x 2"H $160 replay cassette deck. Features pushbutton memory
Permalloy tape head; separate bass, treble, loudness, FTV 88. Stereo AM/FM radio with auto -reverse cas- tuning; auto stereo/mono switching; fader control;
balance, fader controls; anti -jamming system; local/ sette player. Features Auto Music Select; locking fast locking fast forward/rewind; local/distant switch; sep-
distant and mono/stereo switches; line -output jacks. forward and rewind; fader control; pushbutton tuning arate volume, tone, balance controls. Output power 3
Output power 15 W/ch (into 4 ohms, 50-20,000.Hz, for 5 AM or FM stations; manual reverse; knurled con- W/ch into 4 ohms at 10% THD; FR 100-20,000 Hz
at 0.3% THD); amp FR 50-20,000 Hz ±1 dB; FR trols; local/distant and stereo/mono switches; loud- ±3 dB. W&F 0.15% wrms; FR 80-10,000 Hz ±3
30-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; tape FR 63-14,000 Hz ±3 ness control; indicators for AMSS, tape direction, FM dB; S/N ratio 50 dB A -weighted; sep 40 dB. FM 50 -
dB; S/N ratio 50 dB (A -weighted); W&F 0.15% wrms; stereo. Output power 3 W/ch (into 4 ohms, 100- dB quieting sens 21.6 dBf; alternate-ch sel 60 dB;
tape sep 40 dB; usable sens 12.8 dBf; 50 dB quieting 20,000 Hz, at 10% THD); FR 100-20,000 Hz ±3 capture ratio 3 dB; sep 30 dB at 1 kHz; 61/2'W x
sans 16.8 dBf; tuner sep 35 dB at 1 kHz; capture ra- dB; tape FR 80.12,500 Hz ±3 dB; S/N ratio 50 dB 41/2'D x 11/2-H
tio 2 dB. 71/2'W x 5 /'D x 2'H $120
$300 (A -weighted); W&F 0.15% wrms; tape sep 40 dB; us- FTC 40. Stereo AM/FM radio with auto -reverse cas-

Car Stereo 15 Car Stereo I

Sanyo Cassette Player mounting depth 3" $50 pr

sette player compatible with all tapes. Features Auto
FT50. Mini -size stereo cassette player with locking SP88. 2 -way enclosed mini speaker system with bass
Music Select; manual reverse; auto stereo/mono;
local, distant switch; fader control; locking fast for- fast forward; calibrated tone control; auto stop. Out- reflex pot. 4' air -suspension woofer and 2' cone
ward and rewind; separate bass and treble; EZ-C in- put power 3.8 W/ch into 4 ohms at 10% THD; fre- tweeter; high -temperature 1" aluminum bobbin voice
stallation. Output power 9.5 W/ch into 4 ohms, 50- quency response 50-15,000 Hz ±3 dB. W&F 0.2% coil; special lock wire construction; ABS enclosure;
20,000 Hz, at 1% THD; FR 50-20,000 Hz ±3 dB: wrms; FR 63-10,000 Hz ±3 dB with normal tape; wire mesh grille; high-energy strontium magnet; in-
tape FR 80-10.000 Hz ±3 dB; S/N ratio 50 dB A - S/N ratio 45 dB A -weighted; sep 40 dB; 61/2"W x cludes hardware, wire, mounting brackets, and in-
weighted; W&F 0.15% wrms; tape sep 40 dB; usable 43/,'D 1','H $50 struction FR 80-20.000 Hz; max power 15 W rms
and 30 V't peak; magnet weight, woofer 6.5 oz, tweet-
sens 20.8 dBf; 50 dB quieting sens 21.6 dBf; tuner
EQA 600 7 -Band Graphic Equalizer/Power Amplifier er. 0.6 of $100/pr
sep 30 dB at 1 kHz; alternate ch sel 60 dB; capture
$120 30 W graphic equalizer/power amp combination with SP96. High power 3 -way speaker system. Features 6'
ratio 3 dB. 6V,"W X 4%'D X 2"hl
FTV 80. Stereo AM/FM radio with auto -reverse cas- twin LED meters and fader control. Features equalizer x 9' woofer with a massive magnet and 1V," voice
sette player compatible with all tapes. Features lock- defeat switch; audio muting switch; center-detented coil (aluminum bobbin); 2V," midrange cone with alu-
slide controls; accepts line level or speaker level in- minum bobbin and ferrofluid damping; wire mesh
ing fast forward and rewind; local/distant and
stereo/mono switches; manual reverse; function indi- puts; frequency center 50. 150, 400, 1k, 2.5k, 6k, grille; includes hardware, wire, and instructions. FR
cators. Output power 9.5 W 'ch into 4 ohms, 50- 15kHz; input sensitivity and imp max: 2.0V,47 ohm; 55.20,C00 Hz, max power 100 W peak and 50 W
total harmonic distortion (max.) 0.3%; frequency re- rms; magnet weight. woofer 20 oz, Midrange 2 oz,
20.000 Hz, at 1% THD; FR 50-20.000 Hz ±3 dB;
sponse 20-20.000Hz ±1dB; S/N ratio (A-wtd.) tweeter, 0.5 oz $100, pr
tape FR 80-10,000 Hz ±3 dB; S/N ratio 50 dB A -
weighted; W&F 0.15% wrms; tape sep 40 dB; usable 70dB; 6'W 5%"D v 2'H $100 SP16. High power 4" , 10' coax speaker system.
Feature!. 4" 10" woofer with Fiber Flex' edge; 2"
sens 20.8 dBf; 50 dB quieting sens 21.6 dBf: tuner
EQA 650 7 -Band Graphic Equalizer/Power Amplifier tweeter with ferrofluid construction; black wire -mesh
sep 30 dB at 1 kHz; alternate ch sel 60 dB; capture
$100 40 W combination graphic equalizer/power amp with grille; ri.gged ABS resin frame; protective netting; in-
ratio 3 dB. 71/4"W x 514"D . 2"H
FTC 38. Stereo AM/FM radio with auto -reverse cas- fader control. Features 5 -segment LED meters; dim- cludes hardware, wire and instructions. FR 80-
sette player compatible with all tapes. Features LED mer switch; meter sensitivity switch; tone defeat 17.00C Hz; max power 20 W rms and 40 W peak;
function indicators: manual reverse; locking fast for- switch; mute switch; black satin finish; frequency cen- magnet weight, woofer 10 oz, tweeter. 0.6 oz $60/pr
ters 50, 150, 400, lk, 2.5k, 6k, 15kHz; input level SP9035. Ultra -thin 6V," coax speaker system. Fea-
ward and rewind; local/distant switch; adjustable con-
high 2.0mVr47p.; total harmonic distortion (max) tures 6 woofer with Fiber -Flex' long -throw suspen-
trol shafts; EZ-C installation. Output power 9.5 With
into 4 ohms, 50-20,000 Hz. at 1% THD: FR 50- 0.1%; FR 20-40,000Hz; S/N ratio (A-wtd) 70dB; sion; separate coaxially mounted 2' piezoceramic
D x 2'H $130 tweeter, solid-state driver element; post -type tweeter
20,000 Hz -± 3 dB; tape FR 80-10.000 Hz it 3 dB; W
mounting; high-energy strontium magnet; special lock
S/N ratio 50 dB A -weighted; W&F 0.15% wrms; tape
sep 40 dB; usable sens 20.8 dBf; 50 dB quieting Sanyo Car Speakers wire voice coil winding; includes hardware, wire, wa-
sens 23.8 dBf; tuner sep 30 dB at 1 kHz; alternate ch SP90. Enclosed speaker system with passive radiator. ter -proof cover and instructions. FR 70-17.000 Hz;
Features 4' long -throw woofer with high temperature max power 15 W rms and 30 W peak; magnet weight,
sel 60 dB; capture ratio 3 dB. 61/2"W x 41/2-D
$100 aluminum bobbin; Separate 5' passive bass radiator; 6.7 oz mounting depth 1%," $50/pr
1'/,'H SP67. High power 6V," coax speaker system. Fea-
FTV 76. Stereo AM/FM radio with auto -eject cassette 1' hard -dome tweeter with aluminum bobbin and
player. Features FM stereo indicator; locking fast for- ferrofluid da.-nping; Solid, cast -aluminum enclosure tures Sigh -temperature aluminum bobbin voice coils;
ward and rewind; local 'distant switch; tape -play indi- with cooling fins; 3 -position high -frequency level con- 2" tweeter with ferrofluid construction; ABS resin
shafts. Output power 3 trol; Internal L -C crossover plus separate woofer and frame. black wire -mesh grille; protective cover and
cator; adjustable control
tweeter connection terminals for biamplified or con- netting; bridgeless design; includes hardware. wire.
W. ch into 4 ohms. 150-20.000 Hz, at 10% THD; FR
ventional use. FR 80-20,000 Hz; sens 85 dB waterproof cover and instructions. FR 60-17.000 Hz;
100-20,000 Hz t 3 dB; tape frequency response
80-10,000 Hz t 3 dB; S/N ratio 50 dB A -weighted; SPL/W/m; max power 100 W peak and 50 W rms; max power 20 W rms and 40 W peak; magnet weight,
W&F 0.2% wrms; tape sep 33 dB; usable sens 22.8 magnet weight 12.6 oz; mounting depth 7" $220/pr woofe 10 oz, tweeter 0.5 oz; mounting depth
clef; 50 dB quieting sens 25.8 dBf; tuner sep 25 dB SP9046H. Ultra -high -power 6y,' coax speaker sys- 1"/,, $60/pr
tem. Features 6'/,' woofer cone with long -throw Fi- SP40 High performance 4' coax speaker system.
at 1 kHz; alternate ch sel 35 dB; capture ratio 4 dB.
$80 ber -Flex' suspension and oversize 11/2" voice coil; Features 4' woofer with Fiber Flex' long -throw sus-
7 tr," W x 41/2'D x 2'H
Separate coaxially mounted 2V," cone tweeter; new pension; separate 1'/,' "super cone" tweeter; high -
FTC 28. Mini -size AM/FM radio with auto -reverse cas-
post -type tweeter mounting; heat -dissipating alumi- temperature aluminum bobbin and special lock wire
sette player. Features locking fast forward and re-
wind; manual reverse: auto FM stereo.'mono switch- num bobber; black mesh -type grille: includes hard- voice coil; black cone and surround finish; wire -mesh
ing; local/distant switch; LED stereo and tape - ware, wire, waterproof cover and instructions. FR 60- grille. built-in crossover plus separate woofer and
direction indicators; EZ-C installation. Output power 3 20,000 Hz; max power 50 W rms and 100 W peak; tweeter connection terminals; includes hardware,
W'ch into 4 ohms. 100-20.000 Hz, at 10% THD; FR magnet weight, woofer 20 oz, tweeter. 1.5 oz; mount- wire,waterproof cover and instructions. FR 70-
100.20,000 Hz t 3 dB; tape FR 80-10,000 Hz t 3 ing depth 2'/,' $100/pr 20,000 Hz; max power 30 W peak and 15 W rms;
dB; S/N ratio 47 dB A -weighted; W&F 0.2% wrms: SP75. 5' , 7" Convertible/Surface mount speaker magnet weight, woofer 8 oz, tweeter 0.5 oz; mounting
tape sep 35 dB; usable sens 24.2 dBf; 50 dB quieting system. Features Ferrofluid-filled 2" cone tweeter: deptn 17," $50/pr
sens 26.2 dBf; tuner sep 28 dB at 1 kHz; alternate ch protective netting; ABS resin housing; wire mesh SP24. 4' 6' coax speaker system. Features spe-
grille; heat -dissipating aluminum bobbin; unique lock cial rock wire construction; 4" 6" woofer with Fiber
sel 35 dB; capture ratio 4 dB. 6'/.'W x 4'/,'D ti
$80 wire voice coil winding; includes hardware, wire, and Flex- edge; protective netting; wire -mesh grille; in-
FTC 1. Mini -size AM/FM-stereo receiver with stereo instructions. FR 80.17,000 Hz; max power 30 W cludes hardware, wire, and instructions. FR 80-
cassette deck. Features auto stop; auto stereo/mono peak and 15 W rms; magnet weight woofer 11.9 oz, 20,000 Hz; max power 20 W peak and 10 W rms;
switching; locking fast forward; tone, balance, volume tweeter. 0.6 oz; mounting depth 2V" $55/pr magnet weight, woofer 4.1 oz, tweeter 0.26 oz;
controls; local/distant switch; AM/FM slide -bar band SP92. 6' 9" coax speaker system. Features 6' x mounting depth 1"/' $40/pr
selector. Output power 3 W/ch into 4 ohms at 10% 9' woofer with Fiber Flex* edge; coaxially mounted SP62. 6V," dual -cone speaker system. Features lock
THD; FR 300-15.000 Hz t3 dB. W&F 0.2% wrms; 2'/,' cone ferrofluid tweeter; special lock wire con- wire voice coil winding; protective cover; includes
struction; char -proof aluminum bobbin; wire mesh hardware, wire. waterproof cover and instructions. FR
FR 60-8000 Hz 3 dB; S/N ratio 50 dB A -weighted;
grille; post -type tweeter mounting; protective netting; 70-15,000 Hz; max power 20 W peak and 10 W rms;
sep 40 dB. FM 50 dB quieting sens 26.2 dB; capture
ratio 4 dB; sep 35 dB at 1 kHz; 61/2'W x 4'/,'D x includes hardware, wire and instructions. FR 55- magnet weight. 6.7 oz; mounting depth 1'4." $25/pr
$60 17.000 Hz; max power 40 W pea', and 20 W rms; SP64. 6Y," coax speaker system. Features 6'/,' air -
1"/,.'H suspension speaker; protective cover and netting;
magnet woofer 20 oz, tweeter, 2 oz; mounting depth
$70/pr wire -mesh grille; 2' cone tweeter; black design with
Sanyo In -Dash Cassette Tuner 3"A."
SP94. High-performance 6' x 9' 3 -way deck -mount silver tweeter cap; special lock wire voice coil winding;
FT 590. AM/FM-stereo tuner/cassette player with
LCD frequency display, metal -tape capability, and speaker system. Features mounting depth less than 4 inch.ides hardware, wire, waterproof cover and in-
Automatic Music Select System. Features Dolby noise inches; 6' . 9' woofer with Fiber Flex. edge and structions. FR 60-17,000 Hz; max power 20 W peak
reduction. 5 AM, 5 FM static) presets: FM optimizer Concentrated Mass. 20 oz. magnet weight,. 2Y," and 10 W rms: magnet weight. woofer 6.7 oz. Tweet-
circuitry; line -level cassette deck inputs: tape -protec- ferrofluid midrange; high -temperature aluminum bob- er 0.34 oz; mounting depth 1"/" $45/pr
tion system; sendust alloy head; full auto reverse; bin and EV wire voice coil; wire mesh grille; includes SP245. 4" 6" coax speaker system. Features spe-
hardware, wire and instructions. FR 55-20 000 Hz; cial lock wire construction; 4" 6' woofer with Fiber
locking fast forward/rewind; PLL frequency synthesiz-
er tuner; auto -scan tuning; Dolby FM; separate bass max power 20 W rms and 40 W peak; magnet weight, Flex.; includes hardware. wire, and instructions; (kit
and treble controls; loudness switch; function labels woofer 20 oz, Midrange, 2 oz mounting depth does not include speaker grilles). FR 80-20,000 Hz;
$80/pr max power 20 W peak and 10 W rms; magnet weight,
that light up when engaged: exclusive EZ Install sys- 3"A
tem. Line output FR 30-20.000 Hz ±3 dB at 500 SP165. High -power 4' 10' coax speaker system. wcofer 4.1 oz, tweeter 0.26 oz; mounting depth
mV. W&F 0.15% wrms; FR 63-14,000 Hz t3 dB Features 4" . 10' woofer with F ber Flex* edge; 2' 1%" $33/pr
with metal tape; S/N ratio 50 dB A -weighted: sep 40 tweeter with ferrofluid construction; protective net- SP55. 51/4' flush -mount speaker system. 5V," full
dB. FM 50 -dB quieting sens 20.2 dBf; capture ratio 2 ting; includes hardware, wire and instructions. FR 80- range speaker; special lock wire voice coil winding;
d8; alternate-ch sel 70 dB; sep 30 dB at 1 kHz; 7"W 17.000 Hz: max power 20 W rms and 40 W peak; wire -mesh grille; protective cover; hardware, wire, and
$280 magnet weight. woofer 10 oz. Midrange. 0.6 oz; instructions included; high-energy strontium magnet.
x 51/2"D x 2"H

1984 EDITION 207

Car Stereo 15 Car Stereo
FR 80-12,000 Hz; max power 7 w rms and 15 W FM and 6 AM preset tuning; 4 -way preamp outputs with Dynamic Noise Reduction. Features locking fast
peak; magnet weight, 5 oz; mounting depth with fader; bass and treble controls; digital display forward and rewind; metal -tape selector; auto stop;
12/" $30/pr with quartz clock; night illumination. Black panel. bass, treble, balance, fader controls. 45 W rms . $90
PA" x 2' x 6'; 4 lbs $650
SONAB by AUDIOSOURCE Sparkomatic Cassette Player/Amp
SPARKOMATIC SS -200. Under -dash end -load cassette player with
SW -TWO Car Subwoofer
amplifier. Features left and right slide -type controls;
Free-standing subwoofer with 6.5" driver for panel Cassette Radios fast-forward/eject and high/low tone switches; tape
mounting. Mounting depth 3'; extends .75' above SR -308. High-powered electronically tuned AM/FM play light; auto stop at end of play. Output power 3 W
surface; magnet weight 11.6 oz; total weight 2.25 radio/cassette player. Features presets for 5 AM and at 1% THD. 100-8,000 Hz. W&F 0.35% wrms; S/N
lbs; FR 45-5,000 Hz; sens 87 dB (-2 dB); imp 7 5 FM stations; PLL tuning; Dynamic Noise Reduction; ratio 30 dB; sep 35 dB. 6%."W x 43/4."D x
ohms; max power 80 W $100/pr bass, treble, balance, and fader controls; metal tape 11/2'H $35
selector; locking fast forward and rewind; also con-
SONY trols for FM muting, loudness, local/distant and Sparkomatic 8 -Track Player/Amp
mono/stereo switching. 45 W audio power $250 SS -100. Under -dash 8 -track cartridge player with am-
Cassette Radios SR -3300. In -dash AM/FM-stereo radio/cassette play- plifier. Features slide -type volume, balance, tone con-
XR-77. Digital FM/AM cassette radio with 25 W/ch er with auto -reverse tape transport and direction cor- trols; program selector; program indicator lights. Out-
amplifier. Features PLL-synthesis tuner; 5 FM and 5 trol. Features auto stop; pushbutton eject; electronic put power 3 W at 1% THD, 100-8,000 Hz. Wow and
AM soft -touch presets; local/DX and mono/stereo- loudness, muting, high filter, AM/FM controls; locking flutter 0.35% wrms; S/N ratio 30 dB; sep 35 dB.
mute switches; digital display with quartz clock; auto fast forward/rewind; bass, treble, balance, fader con- 51/2' W x 5V," D x 21/2' H
music sensor system; Dolby noise reduction; metal $35
trols; LED stereo indicator. W&F 0.3% rms; S/N ratio
and CrO, tape-EQ switch; separate bass, treble and 40 dB; sep 45 dB; output power 40 W continuous at Sparkomatic Amplifier/Equalizers
loudness controls; preamp rear-ch output with fader. 1% distortion; FR 20.20,000 Hz; 51/2'D x 11/2"1-1 GE 50. Booster amp/EQ; dual 5 LED power meters;
Output power 12 W/ch (ad hoc rules) at 0.5% THD; $250 EQ boost/cut range ±12dB; fader control. Center
7'/ , 2V," x 6; 4 lbs, 13 oz $500 SR -305. High -power AM/FM-stereo/cassette radic frequencies 60. 250, 1,000, 3.5,000, 10,000 Hz;
XR-85. Black auto -reverse cassette radio AM/FM with with 5 -band equalizer. Features left -right balance and Output power 201 With; 1% THD; FR 20-20,000
20 W/ch amplifier (may be used as 10 W x 4 with front fader controls; loudness control; FM muting; Hz ±3 dB; 41/2"W x 41/2"D x 11/2-H $70
fader). Features PLL-synthesis tuner; 6 AM and 6 FM local/distant and mono/stereo switches; locking fast LC 102. Booster amp/EQ; power meter (analog); EQ
soft -touch presets; precision auto -reverse tape trans- forward/rewind; AM/FM switch. Output power 40 W boost/cut range ±12dB. Center frequencies low.
port with key -off eject; dual -adjust tape head; sepa- at 1% THD; FR 20-20,000 Hz; wow and flutter 0.3% mid, high; Output power 40 W/ch; FR 20-20.000 Hz
rate bass, treble and loudness controls. 12 W/ch into wrms; S/N ratio 38 dB; sep 42 dB; FM sens 4 µV for ±3 dB; 61/2"W x 51/2"D x 1 '4. H $50
4 ohms from 40-20.000 Hz at 0.5% THD; 71/2' x 30 dB S/N; i-f /image rejection 60/50 dB; 7'W x
21/2' x 6'; 4 lbs, 3 oz $475 5'/'D x 1%-H $150 Sparkomatic Booster Amp
XR-75. Silver AM/FM cassette radio with 4 -way RCA SS 31E. Under -dash AM/FM radio/cassette player LC 52. Booster amp. Output power 20 W/ch; FR 20-
preamp output with fader. Features PLL-synthesis with Dynamic Noise Reduction. Features auto reverse; 20,000 Hz ±3 dB; 10% THD; 41/2'W x 4'D x
tuner; 6 AM and 6 FM soft -touch presets; digital dis- locking fast forward/rewind; metal -tape switch; bass. 11/2." H
play with quartz clock; local/DX and mono/stereo. $30
treble, loudness, balance, and fader controls 45 W
mute switches; precision auto -reverse tape transport rms output power $130
with key -off eject; dual -adjust head system; Dolby SR -303. In -dash AM/FM-stereo radio/cassette player. Sparkomatic Prewjred Car Stereo
noise reduction system; metal, CrO, tape EQ switch; Features continuous play; auto reverse; auto key -off C 42. Complete prewired 40 W car stereo system, in-
separate bass, treble and and pushbutton eject; locking fast forward/rewind cluding AM/FM radio/cassette player, compact door -
loudness controls. 7'/. x 2' x 6'; 3 lbs. 5 oz $475 buttons with LEDs, W&F 0.3% rms; S/N ratio 38 dB. mount speaker set, 40 W power booster
XR-75B. Same as above but black $475
Radio features local/distant, program, and AM/FM
XR-55. FM/AM cassette radio with precision auto -re- switches; balance and fader controls for 4 -way speak- Sparkomatic Car Speakers
verse tape transport and preamp RCA jack outputs. er adjustment, volume, tone, tuning controls; output SK 6950. Deck mount 4 -way system; 2 tweeters
Features Dolby noise reduction; tape EQ switch; 6 sta- power 8 W at 1.0% THD; FM sens 7µV for 30 -dB (91/2" x 6'A' x 4"). Driver size 6' x 9"W, 3'M,
tion presets; pushbutton tuning; 10 W/ch into 4 S/N; FR 60-12,000 Hz; 6"A'W x 4'1/2"D x 1%T. FR 50-20.000 Hz; sens 92dB SPL/W/m; max
ohms 40-20,000 Hz at 1.0% THD; separate bass, 11/2-H $120 power 100 W rms; magnet 20W oz
treble, loudness controls; output cable for remote $100/pr
SR -306. High -power AM/FM stereo radio/cassette SK 6922T. Deck mount 3 -way system (9'/ x 6V,"
power antenna. 7' x 11/2' x 6"; 4 lbs. $370 player with LED digital frequency display. Features x 3W). Driver size 6' x 9'W, 3"M. 1%T. FR 30-
XR-65. Silver AM/FM cassette radio with auto -reverse volume, tuning, tone controls; left -right balance and 17,000 Hz; sens 96.6dB SPL/W/m; max power 40
and preamp output system. Features PLL-synthesis front fader controls; local/distant, mono/stereo, W rms; magnet 20W oz; mounting depth 3V," $70/pr
tuner; 5 AM and 5 FM soft -touch presets; dual -adjust AM/FM switches; locking fast forward. Output power SK 6920C. Deck mount coaxial system (9'/. x 6V,"
head system; LED tone -tuning system; Dolby B noise 40 W at 1% THD; W&F 0.3% wrms; FR 20-20,000 x 31/2'). Driver size 6' x 9'W, 3'T. FR 30.15,000
reduction; auto music sensor; separate bass. treble, Hz; S/N ratio 38 dB; FM sens 4 µV for 30 dB S/N; Hz; sens 95.3dB SPL/W/m; max power 25 W rms;
fader. system EQ controls. 6 W/ch. 7%" x 2' x 5'; sep 28 dB at 1 kHz; i-f/image rejection 60/50 dB;
3 lb, 7 oz
magnet 20 W oz; mounting depth 31/4" $48/pr
$330 7"W * 51/2"D x 11/2"H $130 SK 4120C. Deck mount coaxial system (10' x 41/4"
XR-65B. Same as above but in black $330 SR -304. In -dash AM/FM cassette radio with inter- x 31/21. Driver size 4' x 10"W, 2-1-. FR 50-15,000
XR-45. Silver auto -reverse FM/AM cassette radio with changeable nosepieces and trim plates for Japanese, Hz; sens 95dB SPL/W/m; max power 25 W rms;
preamp output system. Features PLL-synthesis tuner; European, GM X -body, Citation cars. Features tone, magnet 20 W oz; mounting depth 31/2' $48/pr
5 AM and 5 FM soft -touch presets; LED tone -tuning balance, controls; locking fast forward/rewind; SK 690. Deck mount dual cone speaker; high frequen-
scale; separate bass and treble controls; fader. 6 AM/FM and stereo/mono switches; auto stop; tape - cy whizzer cone (91/2" x 61/2' x 3'A'). Driver size
With. 7V," x 2" x 5'; 3 lb. 3 oz $280 end light; cassette end loading. Output power 8 W 6' x 9'W. FR 50-12,000 Hz; sens 94c113 SPL/W/m;
XR-45B. Same as XR-45 but black $280 rms at 1% THD, 75-10.000 Hz; FM usable sens 8 µV max power 15 W rms; magnet 10 W oz; mounting
XR-25. FM/AM cassette radio with precision auto -re- for 30 dB S/N (mono); sep 24 dB at 1 kHz; i-f /image depth 3V,'
verse tape transport and 3 -band step equalizer (cen-
rejection ratio 45/54 dB: W&F 0.3% wrms; S/N ratio SK 650. Door mount 4 -way system (61/4' x 61/2' x
ter frequencies 100 Hz, 1 kHz, 10 kHz). Features 4. 35 dB; sep 40 dB. 63/4." W x D x 11/2'H $120 2"/,"). Driver size 6'W x 1 PT. FR 70-
speaker output with fader and balance controls; SR -300. In -dash AM/FM cassette radio with cassette 20,000 Hz; sens 92dB SPL/W/m
center -tune indicator tuning system; preamp RCA pin
end loading. Features volume, tone, balance, tuning SK 622T. Door mount 3 -way system (61/2" x 61/2' x
jack outputs; output cable for remote power antenna; controls; locking fast-forward/eject button; AM/FM 21/4"). Driver size 6'W x 2'M, 1'T. FR 50-17,000
compact chassis design. 4 W/ch into 4 ohms 180- and local/distant switches; stereo and tape -end indi- Hz; sens 96.6dB SPL/W/m; max power 40 W rms;
10,000 Hz at 1.0% THD. 61/2" x 11/4' 4 1/2"; 2 cators. Output power 7.5 W rms at 1% THD, 75- magnet 20 W oz; mounting depth 21/2'
lbs, 10 oz $240
10,000 Hz. FM sensitivity 8 µV for 30 dB S/N; sep SK 620C. Door mount coaxial system (61/2' x 61/2 x
XR-15. Precision auto -reverse tape transport AM/FM 24 dB at 1 kHz; i-f /image rejection 50/45 dB. W&F 21/4"). Driver size 6'W. 2'T. FR 50-15,000 Hz; sens
cassette radio with continuously adjustable high filter. 0.3% wrms; S/N ratio 35 dB; sep 40 dB. 7'W x 95dB SPL/W/m; max power 25 W rms; magnet 20 W
Features 4 -speaker output with fader and balance 4"A"D 11/2"H $90 oz; mounting depth 21/4' $40/pr
control; system EQ switch; metal and CrO, tape-EQ SR -200. In -dash AM/FM-stereo receiver with cassette SK 610. Door -mount dual -cone speaker; high frequen-
switch; night light; output cable for remote power an- player. Features volume, tone, balance, tuning con- cy whizzer cone (61/2' x 61/4' x 21/2"). Driver size
tenna; 4 W/ch into 4 ohms 180-1C,000 Hz at 1.0% trols; AM/FM, local/distant, mono/stereo switches; il- 6'W. FR 70-12.000 Hz; sens 92dB SPL/W/m; max
THD. PA" x 2' x 51/2'; 3 lbs. 6 oz. $200 luminated dial in tape door; program -selector and power 15 W rms; magnet 10 W oz $20/pr
MPX lights. Output power 7.5 W rms at 1% THD, 75-
Sony Cassette Preamp 10,000 Hz. FM sens 8 µV for 30 dB S/N; sep 24 dB VECTOR RESEARCH
XR-100. Auto -reverse cassette preamp with Dolby B at 1 kHz; i-f /image rejection 50/45 dB. Wow and flut-
and C noise reduction. Features Diversity Reception ter 0.3% wrms; S/N ratio 35 dB; sep 40 dB $90 Cassette Radios
System"; dual -adjust tape head; auto music sensor; 6 SS 30E. Under -dash AM/FM radio/cassette player VM-700. Features 30 W/ch; 15 W rms at 1% THD;

Car Stereo 15 Car Stereo STEREO BUYERS GUIDE
analog tuning; bass and treble; Dolby B; power load; 45 dB; FM tuner FR 40-14.000 Hz. 160mmW
loudness; five presets; metal; fader; line output; 125mmD 50mmH
local/dx; mono/stereo; key -off eject; auto reverse; ce- ADVERTISERS' INDEX
ramic head; FM usable sens 3µV; W&F <0.18%; Yamaha Amplifier
178mmW x 44mmH x 130mmD $325 YPA800. Amp designed to operate with equally high
VM-950. Features 30 Wich, 15 W rms at 1% THD efficiency and low distortion into 2 ohms ano 4 ohms.
Features adjustable input levels; subsonic filtering; READER PAGE
synthesized tuning; bass and treble; Dolby B; power
super efficient power design; can be biamped. Contin- SERVICE NO. ADVERTISER NUMBER
load; loudness; 12 presets; metal compatibility; fader;
line output; local/dx; mono/stereo; music search; uous power output 100 W/ch, into 4 ohms, both ch
clock; key -off eject; auto reverse; solenoid transport. driven, at 1 kHz with 1% THD; speaker imp 4-8
manual scan; auto scan; backlit panel; flat nose; ce- ohms; FR 30-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; S/N (IHF) 95 dB; Acoustic Research 117
ramic head; FM usable sens 3 µV; W&F <0.12%; 61/2' x 1%" x 9 $350 41 ADC Division BSR (USA) Ltd 165
178 mmW x 50 mmH 140mmD $500 ADS 41
VM-900. Features 30 W/ch; 15 W RMS at 1% THD; Yamaha Car Speakers Cover 3
YCSA-530. 2 -way system for rear deck or door 5 Aiwa
synthesized tuning; bass and treble; Dolby B; power
mounting; 51/4' woofer and a 1 inch titanium carbide Akai America, Ltd 11
load; loudness; 12 presets; metal; fader; line output;
4 ohm tweeter; 1'/.' voice coil and 10 ounce stron- Allison Acoustics 119
local/dx; mono/stereo music search; clock; key -off
eject; auto reverse; auto scan; ceramic head; FM us- tium magnet: mounting depth of 11/2"; FR 50-20,000 44 Audiophile Systems 176
able sens 3 µV; W&F <0.18; 178mmW 44 mmH Hz; sens 89 dB/W; power handling 60 W $200/pr 30 9&W 123
H 130mmD $400 YCS-691. 6" 9' coaxial 2 -way deck mount unit 7
with a 134- titanium carbide 4 -ohm tweeter; FR is 40- 2 BASF
20,000 Hz: power handling 60 W nominal: sens 91 15 B.E.S. 121
dB/W; mounting depth is 27,-; 6V,' coaxial 2 -way Carver Corporation 30
door mount speaker with 11/4' titanium carbide tweet- Cerwin Vega 125
Cassette Radios er; FR 45-20,000 Hz; sens is 91 dB/W: power han- Custom Woodwork & Design 104
YCR-900. AM/FM stereo receiver with bottom -loading dling capacity is 60 W; mounting depth is 2°/,' 127
$160/pr 32 Dahlquist
auto -reverse cassette player. Features Dolby B; elec- 133
YCS-690. 61/2" coaxial 2 -way door or rear deck 35 D'Ascanio Audio
tronic synthesized tuning; full -logic controls; auto
mountable 4 opnm speaker with 2' tweeter mounted dbx, Inc 8
seek and manual tuning; 6 AM/6 FM presets; adjust-
able muting threshold; FM Auto Noise Control; tape at a 15 degree angle; mounting depth is 2./,-; FR 45- 31 DCM Corp 126
scan; key -off eject; blank skip: music search/repeat; 20,000 Hz; power handling capacity 50 W nominal; 19 Denon America, Inc 13
metal compatibility; Maintenance Monitor System; sens 91 dB/W $100/pr 29
16 Denon America, Inc
continuously variable loudness; separate bass and YCS-400. 4' dual cone full range door mount speaker
20 Denon America, Inc 83
treble; fader; Spatial Expander circuit; display of fre- (4 ohm); mounting depth is 1"1,"; FR 70-20,000
Hz; power handling 40 W nominal; sens 91 11 Denon America, Inc 99
quency, tape scan mode, spatial expansion, tape
equalization, memory in use, mono/stereo. local/ dB/W $60/pr 28 Discount Music Club, Inc 113
distant, tape direction and speed, maintenance condi- YCS-800. 4 ohm 8' subwoofer with a 6" x 9' under 9 Discwasher Cover 4
tion, tape search, and Dolby in use. Notched for easy deck mounting design; mounting depth is 2%,"; FR 128
33 EGO Systems
installation. Power output 18 W/ch into 4 ohms with 20-1000 Hz: power handling capacity 100 W nomi-
45 EGO Systems 189
both chs driven at 1 kHz with 8% THD. FM tuner sec- nal; sens 92 dB/W $140/pr
YCS-300. 1 y,' titanium carbide dome tweeter with a 12 Empire Scientific 71
tion: usable sens 17.3 dBf, 2µV, 75 ohms; 50 dB
quieting sens 20.7 dBf, 3µV. 75 ohms; alternate ch '4" diameter voice coil; FR 2,000-20,000 Hz; power 29 Fourier Systems, Inc 115
sel 80 dB; image response ratio 60 dB; capture ratio handling capacity 60 W; sens 90 dB/W; strontium 46 Fultron by Arthur Fulmer, Inc 190
2 dB; S/N ratio 65 dB; THD 0.2% mono. 0.4% ste- magnet $90/pr Harman Kardon, Inc 24
reo; frequency response 30-15,000 Hz; sep 40 dB. Hitachi 175
AM tuner section: usable sens 30 µV; sel 35 dB. Cas- 111
sette section: W&F 0.12% wrms; frequency response 26 Illbruck/USA
40-14,000 Hz; S/N ratio 55 dB Dolby off, 65 dB Booster Amplifiers Illinois Audio 50
Dolby on. 180mmW x 135mmD x 50mmH $550 230A. Booster amp with output power 115 x 2 36 IMF Electronics 134
YCR-700. Similar to YCR-900 except lacks tape scan W ch; .003% THD; FR 5.200,000 Hz -0.5dB; S/N 34 J & R Music World 132
and has 5 AM and 5 FM presets. Power output 5 > 106dB; 8'W x 3Y,"D x 5"H $940 192
230. Booster amp with output power 115 x 2W/ch; 47 Jensen Car Audio
W/ch into 4 ohms with both chs driven at 1 kHz with 137
$480 .1% THD; FR 5-200,000 Hz 0.5dB; S/N > 106dB; 37 KLH
8% THD
YCR-500. Similar to YCR-700 except lacks blank 8'W x 3'/,'J x 5'H $750 Klipsch & Associates 139
skip, music search and repeat, separate bass and 151A. Low -distortion class AB booster amp. Output 8 Kyocera 33
treble $400 power 75 2 W/ch; 0.03% THD; FR 5.200,000 Hz 21 Kyocera 81
- 0.5dB; S/N > 106dB; 8'W ' 7'D x 2'/,"H $686 173
42 Kyocera
Yamaha Cassette Tuners AGM. Active 0-30 dB gain module matches 151A to
low-level line -output cassette players $90 18 LaBelle Camera & Stereo
YCT-800. AM/FM stereo standard -chassis tuner with
ESM. Energy storage module for 151A; increases of Maine 79
auto -reverse cassette player. Features FM Auto Noise
Control System; electronic synthesized tuning; seek power to 165W; extends full power bandwidth to 16- 17 The LAST Factory 77
and manual tuning; presets for 6 AM/6 FM stations; 20,000 Hz $74 24 The LAST Factory 106
local/distant switching; adjustable mute threshold; 151. Low -distortion class B booster amp. Output 141
38 Magnepan
auto tape loading; full -logic controls; soft eject; key - power 75 2 W/ch; .1% THD; FR 5-200,000 Hz
23 Maxell Corp. of America 97
off eject; Dolby B; compatible with normal, metal, - 0.5dB; SiN > 106 dB; 8'W x 7'D x 2V. -H
$495 13 Mirage Acoustics 27
CrO, tape; Music Search Repeat; blank skip; Mainte-
nance Monitor System; illuminated cassette door; sep- Nakamichi Cover 2, 1
arate bass and treble controls; fader; continuously Zapco Equalizer/Preamplifier 25 Niles Audio Corp 108
variable loudness; Spatial Expander circuit; adjustable PEQ. Stereo 9 -band equalizer/preamp. EQ boost/cut Ohm Acoustics Corp 143
output voltage; readouts for AM or FM. tape scan range -.:18 dB; adjustable input matching; volume 17
control; output level switch; mounting bracket. Center 3 Onkyo
mode, tape type, memory in use, mono/stereo, 198
local/distant, tape direction and speed. maintenance frequencies 50, 100. 200, 800, 1,600, 3,200. 46 Philips Auto Audio
condition, tape search, and Dolby. Requires separate 6,400. 12.800 Hz; output line level; THD <0.05%; 14 Pickering 75
amplifier. FM tuner section: usable sens 17.3 dal, FR 10-43,000 Hz ±3 dB; S/N 86 dB; 8%'W 6 Pioneer Electronics 18
2µV, 75 ohms; 50 dB quieting sens 20.7 dBf, 3µV, 4 V.' D x 1'/,'H $352 Polk Audio 3
75 ohms; alternate ch sel 80 dB; image response ra- Pyle Industries 204
tio 60 dB; capture ratio 2 dB: S/N ratio 65 dB; THD Zapco Equalizer/Crossover
PX. Paragraphic equalizer/active crossover; includes 43 Sansui Electronics Corp 37
0.2% mono, 0.4% stereo; frequency response 30-
15.000 Hz; sep 40 dB. AM tuner section: usable sens standard set filter modules. Output power line level; 40 Shure Brothers 145
30 µV; sel 35 dB. Cassette section: W&F 0.12% .005% THD; S/N > 105dB $400 27 Stanton 112
wrms; FR 40-16,000 Hz; S/N ratio 55 dB Dolby off, 22 Stereo Corp. of America 93
65 dB Dolby on. 180mmW x 130mmD Zapco Crossover/Preamp
4 Technics 23
50mmH $600 AEX. Crossover/preamp with line -level output power:
.005% THD; S/N > 105dB; 6',/,"W 4"D Wharfedale 149
YCT-600. Similar to YCT-800 except lacks tape scan .K

and has 5 AM and 5 FM presets. Image response ratio 2"H $400 10 Wisconsin Discount Stereo .... 59

Open -Reel Tape Decks 6 Open -Reel Tape Decks
(Continued from page 95) Telex/Magnecord 3000 Series UHER by WALTER ODEMER
Professional -style 3 -motor system that offers op-
reel capacity 10%". Features IC -logic plus transistor tion of purchasing transport, electronics package, and SG -631 Logic Open -Reel Deck
tape transport controls with LED indicators, mode -to - accessories separately or as a package. Different Three -speed (7'.,2. 3'/4. ips) 2- or 4 -track stereo
mode switching with auto pause between modes; 3 - speeds and head formats may also be chosen. Ac- record/play deck; Omega looping system eliminates
position bias and EQ switches; dual 2 -scale VU meters cepts up to 10V," reels with NAB Type A or B hubs pinch -roller, drive couplings, springs, and function
with t 3 -dB normal, 6 -dB high -range meter scale wheels; 4 -motor drive system includes 2 dc hub mo-
selector; separate mic and line level input controls tors, electronically regulated capstan drive, and ser-
with mixing; 0/20 -dB mic attenuator; output -level vomotor to form Omega loop. Features built-in strobe
control; L/R tape/source monitor switches; L/R rec disc; speed control; peak -reading meter; switchable
mode switches; 4 -digit tape counter showing elapsed peak -level limiter; separate stereo headphone power
time in minutes, secs; timer start with external audio with volume, bass, and treble controls; A/B monitor-
timer; fast -wind time 150 secs (2,500 -ft. 1.5 -mil ing; remote -control facility; 10V, reel max. W&F
tape). W&F 0.018% wrms at 15 ips, 0.03% at 7'/, 0.05%; FR 20-25,000 Hz at 77, ips, to 16,000 at
ips; FR -t3 dB 30-30,000 Hz at 15 ips, 20-25,000 3'/, ips, to 12,000 Hz at 1'/, ips; S/N 65 dB at 7V,
Hz at 7% ips, 20-15.000 Hz at 3% ips; S/N 60 dB ips $1,936
NAB wtd at 7% ips, 58 dB at 3% ips; THD at 400 Hz,
0 VU 0.08%; separation 50 dB; input sens/imp 0.25 SG -561 Royal Open -Reel Deck
mV/4.7k ohms (mic, unbalanced), 60 mV/150k Four -speed (7' 3',,, 1",, "/) 2- or 4 -track
ohms (line, phono jack); rosewood veneer side panels; mono/stereo record/play deck with interchangeable
19%"W 17%"1-4 10%"D $1,600 head mount. Features Reovac long -life heads; built-in
RS-1506US. Similar to RS-1500US except 4 -track 2- stereo amp with mixing facility; 7" reel capacity; Syn-
ch play record, 2 -track 2-ch play $1,600 chro-Play sound -with -sound; Multi -Play sound -on -
RS -1700. Similar to RS-1506US except auto revers- and fits 19" racks. Features transformer -isolated sound; reverb; echo; Dia-Pilot for record/play of cue-
ing 4 -track 2-ch record 'play $2,100 CMOS-logic transport controls; automation capability; ing sigmals for auto slide projetors and synchronizing
Auto Cue Release switch; interchangeable head sound and film in 8 and 16mm film -making; separate
TELEX blocks for variety of head configurations; snap -on mic/radio and phone input controls; mic in/out
head cover with mu -metal shield; heavy -gauge head switch; dual peak -indicating meters; tape/source
Telex/Magnecord 1400 Series assembly plate that accommodates up to 4 heads and montoring switch; separate and continous tandem
Three -speed (15, 7 y,. 3%, 1V, ips) open -reel tape re- contains tape guides, head selector switch, and opti- tone control; 4 -digit tape counter with zero reset; tape
corder. Accepts reel sizes up to 8%". Available with cal infrared sensor. W&F 0.22% DIN, 0.15% wrms at tension comparator; end -of -tape shutoff. W&F
variety of head configurations for single-, 2-, or 4 - ips to 0.15% DIN, 0.1% wrms at 15 ips; speeds 0.05%; FR 20-20.000 Hz at 77, ips, to 15.000 at
track operation. Features brushless dc servo ball - ips and 7y, ips or 7y, and 15 ips; record/play 3'/, ips, to 9.000 Hz at 1°/, ips; S/N 65 dB on 2 -
bearing drive system. W&F 0.35% at 3% ips, 0.24% frequency response ± 3 dB 50-20,000 Hz at 15 ips. track at 77, ips. 18'W x 13.9"H x 7.5"D$1.711
at 7% ips, 0.17% at 15 ips (all DIN wtd) or 0.25% at 30-18.000 Hz at 7V, ips, 20-12,000 Hz 3% ips with
ips, 0.17% at 7% ips, 0.12% at 15 ips (all adjustments optimized for 3M 176 tape; S/N 60 dB Report Monitor Series Tape Recorders
unwtd rms); S/N 60 dB NAB wtd; FR 30-10.000 Hz or better NAB wtd with half-track head, 3M 176 tape; Report Monitor series tape recorders feature 3 heads,
1-3 dB at 3% ips, to 18 kHz at 7% ips; 35-22.000 record/play THD at 1 kHz 1% or less at 0 dB with LED function indicators, integrated power supply.
Hz at 15 ips (2 -track); crosstalk 50 dB at 1 kHz (2 - 600 -ohm line output termination; equalization adjust, fully electronic amp switching, battery or AC opera-
track head); inputs 150 -ohm mic, balanced bridge. able for most standard or high -output, low -noise tion, tape -tension regulators, die-cast aluminum cas-
unbalanced bridge, mixing bridge. AUX bridge; outputs tapes; crosstalk rejection 50 dB or better at 1 kHz; ings. All models can be used in portable or stationary
150/600 ohms balanced. +4 dBm AUX A and B un- fast -wind times 90 secs or less for 10V," 2.400 -ft
balanced. Features VU meters; separate microphone
applications. Speeds 7'/ "/, ips.
tape, 80 secs for 7" 1,200 -ft tape. Transport: 19'W 4400 Report Monitor. Four -track stereo ... $1,512
and line -input controls; master gain control; catenary x 121/2"H x 10'D; 46 lb. Record/play electronics: 4200 Report Monitor. Two -track stereo .... $1,512
head block design; hyperbolic heads $2,500 19"W 5%,"D x 3V,"H; 5.5 lb .. $1,990-$2,470 4000 Report Monitor AV. Half -track monaural $1,313

Cartridges & Tonearms 5 Cartridges & Tonearms

(Continued from page 78.) dB at 1 kHz; compliance 12 x 10 cm/dyne at 100 diamond 8 > 40; output voltage 0.2 mV (1 kHz)
Hz; stylus tip 0.2 x 0.7 mil 0.07 mm square block 5 cm/sec peak 45% ch sep > 28 dB (1 kHz); FR 20-
mV at 1 kHz, 5 cm/sec; FR 10-40,000 Hz; diamond; imp 25 ohms; effective moving mass 0.098 20.000 Hz; recommended tracking force 1.4 ±0.2
sep/balance > 22/1.8 dB at 1 kHz; compliance 12 x mg; tracking force 1.25 ±0.25 g 6.7 g (cartridge
10 cm/dyne; load imp 47k -100k ohms; effective
g $210
only) 14.2 g (with headshell) $300
moving mass 0.29 mg; tracking force 1.25 g; 6 g$50 MC -5 Phono Cartridge
EPS-28ES. Replacement stylus $30 YAMAHA Lightweight MC cartridge with high -efficiency linear
output, low distortion, 8 x 40 -micron elliptical dia-
Linear -Tracking Turntable Cartridges MC -1S Phono Cartridge mond stylus. Features special vertical -horizontal ma-
EPC-23. MM cartridge $70 Universal unmounted headshell MC phono cartridge trix system with cross -shaped Sendust core; tapered
EPS-310MC. MC cartridge. Replacement for SL -10 with tapered tubular beryllium cantilever, twin dual tubular beryllium cantilever; precision 1 -point cantile-
turntable $130 coreless IC coils in aluminum die-cast housing. Output ver suspension. Total equivalent stylus mass 0.167
EPC-P205CMK3. MM cartridge $210 0.2 mV at 5 cm/sec, 1 kHz; sep 28 dB at 1 kHz; FR mg; output 0.03 mV at 1 kHz. 5 cm/sec; balance
10-20,000 Hz; stylus pressure 1.8 g & 0.2 g; 0.1 - within 1 dB at 1 kHz; imp 30 ohms (purely resistive);
EPC-310MC Moving Coil Cartridge mm square pure diamond stylus with special -contour FR 10.20,000 Hz (capability to 60 kHz); tracking
MC cartridge with pure boron pipe cantilever. Fea- 8 x 40 -micron elliptical tip; 18.5 g & 0.1 g $280 force 1.2 g & 0.2 g; compliance static/dynamic 28 x
tures coreless twin ring coils; plug-in connector; Tech-
10r cm/dyne; vertical tracking angle 22° & 2'; 12.7
nics Temperature Defense Damper. FR 10-60,000 MC -3 Phono Cartridge g. Accessories include stylus brush, 2 hex nuts, stylus
Hz; output voltage 0.2mV at 1 kHz. 5 cm/sec; ch sep Cross -matrix air -core moving -core stereo phono car- cover $195
> 25 dB 1 kHz; imp 80 ohms purely resistive; compli- tridge with samarium -cobalt magnet, 8 x 40 -micron MC -11 Similar to MC -4 except rare earth magnet; sty-
ance 12 . 104. cm/dyne 100 Hz; tracking force diamond stylus, tapered beryllium tube cantilever. lus 0.1 x 0.2 mm square solid diamond 8 x 20j.Lm;
1.25 g ±0.25 g; stylus tip 0.1mm square nude dia- Output 0.2 mV at 1 kHz, 5 cm/sec; FR 10-20,000 output voltage 0.35 mV (1 kHz. 5 cm/sec peak 45°;
mond, 0.2 K 0.7 mil elliptical; effective moving mass Hz; sep/balance > 28/0.8 dB at 1 kHz; tracking ch sep greater than 28 dB (1 kHz); FR 20-20,000 Hz
0.23 mg; 6 g $130 force 1.2 g; 5.9 g $220 (10-50,000 Hz capability); recommended tracking
MC -9. Similar to MC -3 except has 8 x 20 -micron sty- force 1.8 0.3 g $85
EPC-305MCMK2 Moving Coil Cartridge lus, aluminum -tube cantilever. Output 0.3 mV; bal-
MC cartridge with pure boron tapered pipe cantilever. ance within 1 dB at 1 kHz; tracking force 1.5 g; 5.3 MC -7 Phono Cartridge
Features coreless twin ring coils; temperature damp- g $100 Vertical/horizontal matrix MC phono cartridge with
er; 0.07mm precison-polished square block elliptical MC -4 Moving Coil Cartridge V/H cross Sendust core armature, tapered aluminum
diamond stylus; anti -resonant aluminum die-cast Phono cartridge with Cross Matrix coils system for tube cantilever, 0.14 x 0.07 -mm square solid dia-
headshell; cartridge supplied ready mounted; crystal precise stereo imaging while permitting independent mond stylus. Output 0.3 mV at kHz, 5 cm/sec
glass faceplate; gold-plated terminal pins; individual adjustment of vertical and horizontal compliance. peak; balance/sep at 1kHz 1 dB/28 dB; FR 10-
FR graph; FR 20-15.000 Hz ± 0.5 dB; output voltage Features equalizing damper; tapered tubular alumi- 20,000 Hz; tracking force 1.5 g & 0.3 g; dynamic
0.18mV at 1 kHz, 5 cm/sec zero to peak lateral ve- num cantilever; resonance -free cartridge housing; sa- compliance 15 x 10'r cm/dyne; high -impact plastic
locity; ch sep > 25 dB at 1 kHz; ch balance within 1 marium cobalt magnet; stylus 0.06 mm square solid housing; 5.7 g $150

Your hi-fi dream minus WE COULDN'T ELIMINATE WAS
Aiwa technology has made our
new V-7tX) audio system so ad-
the sci-fi nightmare. vanced, it's act uallv simple.
Simple to install; all you do is
plug each component into the sys-
tem rick. No more wjres. No mo
Simple to record your albums;
One touch and the V-700 does the
rest. It automatically knows what
type of tape you're using, sets the
correct recording levels, then
activates the linear tracking t urn-
tablejust as the tape begins. Presto!
Simple to edit; its called Aiwa's
auto -editing system. Just program
the turntable (that's right, it's
programmable too!) to play the
tracks you want, in the sequence you
want. During recording, the deck
will automatically pause while the
toilet= skips the tracks you
don't want.
The incredible Aiwa V-700.
Sophistication without complica-
SIM PLY ADVANCED don finally!
IW knelt it 44 I Nil 01004 1140ir. INwwrchlc. New Jr,Ile, 11:11: # 1.1 .####0411111 Shs il'oessooda) I la
It . Pi! i.# titlIVICt CAMP
Easy, Efficient,
Protect your records and
maintain their clean, clear
sounds with the
Discwasher D4,, Record
Care Sy stet and the
Discwashei SC -2n, Stylus
Care System.


H. TecnnologY elisewashere
.C°":3 Cieon,ncp FlUid

C°^ae is wuSof Cleaning
10m1 34

MN* DIscioroshor 'c ct 13uNto to Recond
c'aCLE EACEA senvict C

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