Audio Esoterica April 2021

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WILSON AUDIO Alexx V loudspeakers 06
Gold Edition Galder turntable
TIVOLI HI-FI acquires new brands 10

occasion the wonder was if anything
NICK PAPAS & TONY STANTZOS 76 could ever sound better.
Yamaha is the only Japanese company
REVIEW that is world-famous for the quality
REVIEW of its loudspeakers. There are two
12 INTEGRATED AMPLIFIER Musical Fidelity promotes the products other famous Japanese loudspeaker
Designer Daniel D’agostino is proud of that comprise its M3 range using the manufacturers — TAD and TOA — but
the fact that his amplifiers rarely appear catch-phrase “Great-looking, superb- few people outside of Japan have ever
on the second-hand market and, when sounding hi-fi doesn’t have to cost a heard of them. To know the reason for
they do, they command premium fortune. Our M3 range offers an elegance Yamaha’s success, you need only listen
prices… sometimes exceeding the of design, quality of build and standard to these speakers… or their bigger
original purchase price. None of which of finish you’d associate with products brothers.
makes it any easier if you decide to join costing twice as much.”
a very exclusive club by signing the CLASSÉ DELTA PREAMP &
cheque that will turn you into a proud BEL CANTO
D’agostino owner! Classé’s new owners have moved
production away from China, where the
REVIEW Bel Canto is Italian for ‘beautiful singing’ previous owners had moved it from its
20 AMATOR III LOUDSPEAKERS but Bel Canto products are not built in original home in Canada, and introduced
The Sonus faber Electa Amator IIIs are Italy and the company’s founder and a brand new series that, without any
hugely capable performers. When it chief designer, John Stronczer, is an shadow of a doubt, has some of the
comes to midrange expression and American through and through. So how finest amplifiers Classé — or any other
articulation they are exceptional and did Bel Canto get its name, and exactly high-end manufacturer — has ever built.
with the right music they can sound what makes these two products so
almost magical. On more than one different? A SHORT HISTORY OF
There are few loudspeaker companies
with such an interesting history as
the UK’s Spendor Loudspeakers, and
few loudspeaker companies that have
debuted such significant advances in
audio technologies. The company now
has a new Australian distributor, Indi
Imports, so we took the opportunity to
No 1, 2021

Future Publishing Australia

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Art Director: Kristian Hagen
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Nate Grkinich, Stephen Dawson,
Steve Holding, Ian Frazer, William H. Fisher,
Eric Haswell, Brad Cunningham, Steven Rowland,
Paul Boon, Angus Bradley, Kailu Chen, Peter Giles.

All copyrights and trademarks
are recognised and respected.
look at some of the more significant 68 REVIEW BRYSTON BCD-3 CD PLAYER
moments in Spendor’s history. Says our reviewer, Martin Iredale: “If Advertising Director: Jim Preece
[email protected]
you had to buy your very last CD player, Advertising Manager: Lewis Preece
REVIEW [email protected]
63 Bryston’s BCD-3 is most definitely the Advertising Liaison: Diane Preece
LOUDSPEAKERS one I would recommend! And if you [email protected]

You’ll need to toe them in slightly want to buy your first DAC, I’d definitely Management
Managing Director: Neville Daniels
toward the listening position to get recommend you buy the BDA-3. Printed by IVE GROUP
the best of their solid focus for vocals Bryston’s on a winner with both these Distributed in Australia and NZ by Ovato
but once you do, you’ll also hear their components.” Why not turn to page 68 We are committed to only using magazine paper which is derived from
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DX MKII AMP/DAC/STREAMER All contents © 2021 Future Publishing Australia or published under licence. All
rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be used, stored, transmitted or
reproduced in any way without the prior written permission of the publisher.
REVIEW As the product name suggests, the ECI
Future Publishing Limited (company number 2008885) is registered in England
ƏȇƳáƏǼƺɀِ«ƺǕǣɀɎƺȸƺƳȒǔˡƬƺ‫ي‬ªɖƏɵRȒɖɀƺًÁǝƺȅƫɖȸɵً ƏɎǝ ‫׏׏‬ÈِǼǼ
6 DX MkII has it all! It’s not only a hugely information contained in this publication is for information only and is, as far as
we are aware, correct at the time of going to press. Future cannot accept any
The floor-standing Spendor D7.2s, competent integrated amplifier with a responsibility for errors or inaccuracies in such information. You are advised to
which are completely re-worked rated output of 125-watts continuous services referred to in this publication. This magazine is fully independent and not
versions of the original D7, sound taut, per channel into 8Ω, it’s also a full- Information contained in this magazine, whether in editorial matter or in feature

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kick hard when required, plus have a and an equally full-featured streamer. ǣɎɀƺȅȵǼȒɵƺƺɀƏȇƳٖȒȸƏǕƺȇɎɀًȇȒȸǣɎɀƳǣɀɎȸǣƫɖɎȒȸɀƏƬƬƺȵɎɀȒȸƏɀɀɖȅƺɀǼǣƏƫǣǼǣɎɵȒȸ
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90dBSPL/W/m sensitivity, so they don’t ǣȇǔȒȸȅƏɎǣȒȇِÁǝƺɀɖƫȅǣɀɀǣȒȇȒǔȅƏɎƺȸǣƏǼƏȇƳٖȒȸȵȸȒƳɖƬɎɀɎȒɖɀɀǣǕȇǣˡƺɀɎǝƏɎɵȒɖ

have read, acknowledged and accepted all the abovementioned conditions.

need excessive levels of power to do so. 76 DEALER FOCUS AUDIO SOLUTIONS XǔɵȒɖɀɖƫȅǣɎȅƏɎƺȸǣƏǼɎȒɖɀɵȒɖɯƏȸȸƏȇɎɎǝƏɎɵȒɖȒɯȇɎǝƺȅƏɎƺȸǣƏǼƏȇƳٖȒȸǝƏɮƺɎǝƺ
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INTERVIEW Audio Solutions has become as famous

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This year Philips Swift celebrates his about all aspects of home audio, both is for publication unless otherwise stated, and reserve the right to edit, amend,
21st year at Spendor, after having of which are given to customers free ƺȷɖǣȵȅƺȇɎɎȒɖɀɀǣǕȇǣˡƺɀɎǝƏɎɵȒɖǝƏɮƺȸƺƏƳًƏƬǸȇȒɯǼƺƳǕƺƳƏȇƳƏƬƬƺȵɎƺƳƏǼǼɎǝƺ
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he new Wilson Audio Alexx 5 is originally developed for the Chronosonic “This coupling system has superlative
not an updated version of the XV. Its crossover network uses the same vibration management that reveals far
original Alexx that was released AudioCapX-WA capacitors that are used greater dynamic nuances across the
to universal acclaim in 2016. in the WAMM Master Chronosonic, all of entire frequency spectrum,” says Wilson.
Designer Darryl Wilson says he and his which are made in-house at Wilson Audio. “The Alexx V joins a very special family of
team decided to approach the Alexx V as Its terminals are the ones developed for ground-breaking loudspeakers designed
it if were an all-new loudspeaker. “We took the Sasha DAW. The new Alexx V also and handcrafted especially for music
elements that clearly worked in the origi- debuts an entirely new Convergent lovers and audiophiles alike.”
nal design and began to apply the myriad Synergy Carbon (CSC) tweeter, with a
of technologies generated by Wilson’s 3D printed rear-wave chamber as well as
R&D since the advent of the Alexx for the a new technology — the Wilson Audio
WAMM Master Chronosonic, Chronosonic Acoustic Diode — an all-new spike More information from
XVX, Sasha DAW, and SabrinaX,” he said. system that features a novel combination Advance Audio Australia
This sees the new Alexx V using the of austenitic stainless steel and Wilson’s 02 9561 0799
same 177mm Alnico QuadraMag driver own V-Material.




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ergmann turntables float in the air, liter- circles because every single part used in its
ally! Or, to be more precise, the rotating turntables and tonearms is manufactured in
EDITION GALDER platters on Bergmann turntables float designer Johnnie Bergmann’s own workshop
TURNTABLE on a layer of air, in order to make sure that
unwanted noise cannot affect the music on an
in Denmark. His Galder turntable (pictured
here in its Gold Edition, with a matching Gold
LP. It isn’t only the platter that floats in the air Edition Odin tonearm) was the first Bergmann
either — so does the tonearm that supports turntable ever to become available without a
the phono cartridge, so there’s no way for noise tonearm.
For more information, to enter your hi-fi system that way either. Play Although you can buy a Bergmann Galder
contact Audio Magic LPs on a Bergmann turntable and you hear turntable fitted with an Odin arm for as little
03 9489 5122 only the music, nothing else. as $34,000, the Gold Edition version, complete The Bergmann name is hallowed in hi-fi with a vacuum hold-down, retails for $60,240.

Some might say we’re crazy for re-engineering
our new Delta Series amplifiers from the ground up.

But we say this: If the definition of insanity is doing the

same thing repeatedly, hoping for a different result —
then we’re completely, certifiably sane. Because only
at Classé, will we try anything, then try again until it’s
as close to perfect as possible. Everything we do is in
service of the purest, cleanest sound so you hear the
© 2020 Sound United. All Rights Reserved.

music, and only the music.


For more information or the name of your nearest dealer, please contact us:
Bowers & Wilkins Australia (02) 9196 8990 | | [email protected] BowersWilkinsAu

Sasha DAW (left): 30 years on from

Dave Wilson’s original WATT/Puppy
(the lineal ancestor of the first Sasha), the
new design is the highest resolution, lowest
distortion, and most linear loudspeaker in
the line’s history, and includes the 8-inch
driver from the Alexia Series-2.

Wilson Audio Alexia Series 2 (centre):

The respectful remaking of Wilson’s classic
Alexia, with its three separate time-alignable
enclosures, now incorporating Wilson’s latest
breakthrough W-Material developed for
Dave Wilson’s magnum opus, the flagship
WAMM Master Chronosonic.

SabrinaX (right): A ground-up rethinking

of Wilson Audio’s small floorstander, now
incorporating wisdom and technologies
developed for the recent Chronosonic XVX.
The result, claims Wilson, is even greater
musicality, while at the same time
improvements in transient speed,
resolution, intimacy, and transparency.


elbourne’s Tivoli Hi-Fi in Hawthorn East label the inputs, so for ‘TV’ it says ‘TV’. And you can also
is a destination store for hi-fi, home turn inputs off and on, so if they have only three things
theatre and installation projects, and is plugged in, it scrolls through only those three inputs.”
renowned not only for the quality of its There’s a dedicated space also for Scotland’s Linn,
advice but also for the quality and décor of its listening with Tivoli showing systems from the top Klimax pairing
rooms. We asked Tivoli Hi-Fi’s James Tranchina to give us of Klimax DSM and 350E speakers, down through the
IMPRESSIVE a quick tour around some of their key high-end brands Akurate, Selekt and Majik ranges to the little Series 3
DEDICATED and latest arrivals. First stop was Wilson Audio, active wireless speakers.
MCINTOSH SPACE, which has just returned to Tivoli Hi-Fi with “All are great products, fully featured,
AND THE MA9000, its SabrinaX, Sasha DAW and Alexia again simple for people to use, and easy
EVER INTEGRATED Series 2 models. We asked James to integrate into different things,” says
AMPLIFIER what makes Wilson Audio special. James. “And they sound fantastic.
“Well they just sound All the boxes you want ticked.”
absolutely gorgeous,” he says. Bowers & Wilkins is another
“It’s a speaker we know well key high-end brand, with
as a store, and while there’s no everything in-store up to the
right or wrong when it comes to 800 D3 flagship of the 800 Series
speaker choice, I just feel they’re Diamond, as well as the 700 and
the most natural and honest- 600 Series, the new 702 and 705
sounding speaker that I’ve heard.” Signatures, and a dedicated custom
For another US brand, McIntosh, wall to demonstrate in-ceiling, in-wall
Tivoli Hi-Fi has a dedicated space and outdoor speakers. “We’ve just taken
(pictured left) using elements inspired by on the new Classé electronics,” adds James.
the company’s famous Townhouse in the heart “That’s on demo in the room with the 800 Series.”
of New York City’s SoHo neighborhood. Also new in-store is the dCS range of high-end
“We find we’re doing a lot more integrated electronics out of the UK, and an entirely revamped
amplifiers in the high-end, rather than pre-powers home cinema room.
these days,” James notes. “McIntosh’s integrateds, like And why, we asked James, should you drop in or
the MA7200 or the MA9000, they sell very well for us. make a listening appointment with Tivoli Hi-Fi?
I think it comes down to people having fewer boxes “The easiest way to put it is just honest expert
around, and the beauty of the ‘Mac’ stuff is that when advice,” says James. “I’ve been here since, well two
you get into that realm you’re dealing with things that stints but my current one since 2001, and all of us
have DACs onboard, that have moving-magnet and are long-term people who love it, breathe it, live it —
moving-coil phono. With a lot of products you’ll need and love music.”
a DAC for this or a phono stage for that, whereas with
the McIntosh amps they’re full function. And they have More information: 03 9813 3533
paid attention to simple things such as being able to


aniel D’Agostino, the founder of to ask” territory, but is still considerably less than that of
D’Agostino Master Audio Systems his current flagship mono amplifier, the Relentless).
and the designer of the Progression But its success was what spurred D’Agostino to
Integrated amplifier, is one of continue in the same design vein, and whose looks
the world’s foremost amplifier and circuitry influenced his ‘budget’-priced Progression
designers. He first found fame as Series, which currently comprises the integrated
the founder of Krell, where his amplifiers were lauded amplifier under review, a monobloc power amplifier, a
for their power, their performance and their sound stereo power amplifier and a pre-amplifier.
quality. As for their looks, well, not so much, as Borat
would say. EQUIPMENT
When Daniel founded D’Agostino Master One of the features of all amplifiers bearing
Audio Systems, he decided that he’d better begin D’Agostino’s name has been the presence on the front
to start paying as much attention to his amplifiers’ panel of one or more multi-function meters whose
external appearance as he did to their circuitry, their appearance resembles that of an expensive Patek
performance and their sound quality. His first design, Philippe chronograph (or time-piece if you prefer, but I
the Momentum M400 mono power amp, was arguably can’t bring myself to call it a wrist-watch).
the first amplifier he’d ever designed that looked every While this marketing device has been remarkably
bit as good as it sounded, which was proved by its successful at carving out an identity for the brand,
sales success, despite its price (which is in “if you have these meters have polarised the opinions of critics.


One result of this diversity of opinion is that

with each new design, D’Agostino has made the
meters a little less ostentatious, reducing the size
of the meters themselves, the size of the bezels
surrounding them and the distance they protrude
from the front panel, so that the Progression
pre-amplifier was the first time the meters were
contained completely within the front panel,
though still surrounded by a coppery bezel.
As you can see, D’Agostino has gone even
further with the Progression integrated and
removed the individual bezels completely and
replaced them with a single rectangular surround
that mirrors the one on the opposite end of
the front panel that contains the buttons (all of
which have inbuilt LEDs) that are used to select
whichever input you’d like to be active. Speaking
personally, I would have preferred it if Daniel panel meters flash green then white, then green WITH EACH NEW DESIGN,
had used the same meters on the Progression continuously, at about two flashes per second. D’AGOSTINO HAS MADE
Integrated as he used on the preamplifier. My If the polarity of the amplifier has been inverted, OSTENTATIOUS, REDUCING
advice to him would be: “Don’t listen to the critics the meters flash red, then white. THE SIZE OF THE METERS
any more.” (But if he listened to that, he’d be Although it’s fairly common for DACs and CD THEMSELVES, THE SIZE OF THE
ignoring the advice I just gave him.) players to provide push-button access to signal BEZELS SURROUNDING THEM AND
Although he can tinker with the appearance polarity inversion, it’s rare to find it on an amplifier. FROM THE FRONT PANEL
of the meters, D’Agostino can’t eliminate them Which kind of begs the question of why you’d
completely, because as I stated earlier, they’re want to be able to invert signal polarity at all. It’s
multi-function meters, not just standard ‘power all to do with maintaining the acoustic integrity of
output’ meters — in fact they’re not actually the original performance.
‘power output’ meters at all. During normal Consider that when a drummer pushes
playback, the meters function as ‘signal level’ the pedal that operates his (or her) kick-drum,
meters, indicating the average signal level of the beater hits the drum skin, forcing it to go
the music being played. However, if you want forwards, compressing the air in front of it, after
to adjust channel balance (and the Progression which it moves backwards, then forwards and
Integrated is one of the very few modern high- so on until the vibration dies. But the initial
end amplifiers that will allow you to do this), the movement was forward, into the room.
meters become indicators of channel balance. If the sound of that kick drum is recorded,
And whenever you adjust the volume control, and signal polarity is maintained through-
the meters indicate the volume level you have out the recording and playback chain, when
selected. These function changes happen your speakers replay that sound, the woofer’s
completely automatically, which is rather clever. movement should be the same as the original
In another nod to the critics, D’Agostino drum skin, in that it should first move outwards
has included a ‘Dark’ mode on the Progression into the room. However, if signal polarity
Integrated that if activated will cause the front is inverted due to errors in the recording/
panel of the amplifier to be completely dark: reproduction chain, your woofers will move Which kind of
no glowing LEDs, and no greenish meter
illumination. Adjusting a front panel control (or
backwards instead of forward at the initial ‘hit’.
The above simplification makes it easy to
begs the question
one on the remote control) will deactivate the
‘Dark’ mode for around 15 seconds so you can see
see the initial problem. But there’s a further
problem, which is that it’s actually impossible
of why you’d want
the result of what you’ve done, but after that the
illumination will again extinguish.
to know whether a signal that’s going into the
Progression amplifier is the correct polarity in the
to be able to invert
Another reason for using D’Agostino’s first place so, in the exact words of D’Appolito’s signal polarity at
‘Dark’ mode would be if you have switched the Owners Manual: “Because you have no way of
amplifier’s ‘Mute’ control on (only available from knowing what the proper polarity is, you must all. It’s all to do
the remote control), and most particularly if you
have switched the polarity of the signal (also only
set this control by ear. Try listening with the
polarity normal or inverted, and use whichever with maintaining
available from the remote control) before using
the Mute control. This is because when the Mute
setting sounds better.” Interestingly, although
this is sensible advice, it seems to assume that
acoustic integrity...
control is activated in normal mode, the two front the setting that “sounds better” will be the one in


which polarity is correct, and this is not actually level input. The nomenclature simply assumes
a given: I have heard recordings that sound that you will be connecting the analogue output
better with inverted polarity than they do with of your own DAC to the Progression Integrated,
correct polarity. The panel on the left side of the which doesn’t come standard with its own DAC.
front panel has a top row of input selector push- You can, however, option in a DAC module,
buttons labelled (left to right) Server, Aux, Theatre, either at the time of purchase or later if you
Radio, Phono, and DAC. The two push-buttons choose. Doing this will add $8,995 to the base
beneath are labelled ‘Standby’ and ‘Mute’. Every price of the amplifier. If you do option it in, you’ll
one of these buttons has a bright LED at its centre get the whole digital sheebang: USB, S/PDIF
so you can see which one (or more) has been and Network (via Ethernet or Wi-Fi), though a
selected. Unless, of course, you’re in Dark mode. bit surprisingly (for reasons which will shortly
The ‘Server’ input is just a standard analogue line- become obvious) there’s no Bluetooth audio
level input, by the way, not a digital input. The capability. Digital capabilities are PCM up to
‘Theatre’ input is, as its name might suggest to 192kHz/24-bits and up to DSD 11.1MHz along
those skilled in the art, a ‘Pass-Through’ input that with MQA. However, in order to control the
bypasses the Progression Integrated’s volume DAC module, you’ll need to own a suitable
control. So any signal you connect will get the Apple device in order to use D’Agostino’s digital
benefit of the amplifier’s total available gain and app, which is IOS-only. When connected to the
power output. internet you can stream services such as Tidal,
The ‘Phono’ input button is a tad misleading, Qobuz, and Spotify via the built-in Converse
THE REMOTE CONTROL D’AGOSTINO because it’s not a phono input if you order the Digital streaming platform. The module is also
SUPPLIES WITH THE PROGRESSION bare-bones Progression Integrated. If you want a Roon certified.
INTEGRATED IS UNUSUAL FOR AT phono stage you need to order it and add $3,995
to the base price. The phono module enables REMOTE CONTROL
you to connect with a moving-coil or a moving- The remote control D’Agostino supplies with the
magnet cartridge (i.e. not both simultaneously) Progression Integrated is unusual for at least two
with the option of selectable impedance (50, reasons. The first is that it looks like no remote
100Ω, 200Ω, 500Ω, 1kΩ, 2kΩ, 10kΩ and 47kΩ). control I’ve ever seen before, being almost square,
All these adjustments (including MM/MC rather than rectangular. The second is that it
selection) are located on a DIP switch on a communicates with the amplifier via Bluetooth
printed circuit board inside the amplifier’s casing, radio signals rather than via the more usual
which will be OK if you use just the one cartridge, infra-red optical signals. While I am not convinced
but rather inconvenient if you switch back and by the shape of the control, for reasons of both
forth between different cartridge types. aesthetics and ease-of-use, I am totally on-board
The same might be said for the DAC input with using Bluetooth rather than infra-red,
button, because it, too, is simply an analogue line- because you don’t need line-of-sight to use it,


you don’t need to ‘point’ it at the amplifier, and it stage will always run out of power before the input
operates from a lot further away than a typical IR stage, which D’Agostino says makes the amplifier
remote. I was even able to operate the amplifier totally solid, totally stable, and able to drive huge
from a completely different room in my home. amounts of current into very low impedances
Using a Bluetooth remote is very canny, without affecting its performance. “Keeping
too, because it makes it possible for users to use the front-end transistors at a constant voltage
their phone or other device irrespective of the output of the amplifier gives
to control the Progression you an extra edge on power and big dynamics
integrated via an app instead without the front end being crushed by the output
of using the remote. However stage,” he says.
it appears that at the time of As with the Momentum and the Relentless,
writing, at least, D’Agostino has the Progression uses unusual elliptical heat-sinking.
only got around to providing It’s one of the reasons for the amplifier’s good
Using a Bluetooth an app for IOS devices. As yet,
there’s no app available for
looks, but there’s a practical aspect as well, because
D’Agostino took an aversion to conventional
remote is very Android. But there very well
could be one by the time
heatsink fins after one ripped a hole in his favourite
suit; “It was a very expensive Canali suit and it
canny, too, because you read this review, so that’s can’t be fixed,” he says. The Progression’s heat-sink
something you will need to finning is actually more efficient than the ones
it makes it possible check for yourself. in the Momentum, because the holes are bigger,
The Progression Integrated which gives them more area to dissipate heat.
for users to use their incorporates D’Agostino’s If you look at the excellent Owner’s Manual
iPhone or other ‘Super Rail’ technology, where
the front end of the amplifier
provided with the D’Agostino Progression
Integrated (it’s also downloadable from
idevice to control is powered by a fully-regulated
high-voltage rail, whereas the
D’Agostino’s website, so you could start reading
it straight away if you wanted to) you’ll see that
the Progression output stage’s rail is at a much it says “Handmade and built by hand in the
lower voltage and unregulated. USA using USA machinists, vendors and parts
via an app This means that the output procurement.”


THE ‘PHONO’ INPUT BUTTON IS A If that sentence sounded rather specific and long- buttons that would otherwise be difficult to
winded, it’s because D’Agostino is well aware access (at least the left-channel ones would be).
THE BAREBONES PROGRESSION that many manufacturers that claim to build their As for outputs, you get balanced pre-
INTEGRATED. IF YOU WANT A products in the United States in fact get all the amplifier outputs (again via XLR, but of course
PHONO STAGE YOU NEED TO component parts made in foreign countries and male types this time, rather than female).
merely assemble them in the USA. It’s great to see Also on the rear panel are a Bluetooth
D’Agostino doing the right thing. antenna, an RS232 connector to enable control
via a home automation system, 12V triggers to
REAR PANEL enable automatic remote power switching, a
Obviously the appearance of the rear panel will 6.35mm headphone socket and, of course, left
vary depending on whether or not you have and right channel speaker terminals (gold-plated
optioned in the digital module. If you have, you’ll multi-way types).
see a bolt-on plate with optical (Toslink) and The fact that the D’Agostino Progression’s
coaxial (gold-plated RCA) digital inputs, an RJ-45 headphone socket is on the rear panel is
Ethernet jack, a USB (Type-A) input and a single interesting. I am guessing that it wasn’t put on
stubby wi-fi antenna. the front panel because it would have ruined
If you’ve optioned in the phono module, the obvious visual symmetry of the front panel
the gold-plated RCA terminals at the far left design. It’s also more cost-effective to put it on
of the rear panel alongside the gold-plated the rear panel, rather than the front. If you don’t
RCA terminals marked ‘Aux’ will actually be a use headphones, it’s not going to worry you
phono input, as per the ‘Phono’ lettering screen- much, but if you do, this position is likely going
printed above them. If you haven’t optioned to be rather inconvenient.
it in, this will simply be a standard unbalanced If it is, I’d recommend that you buy a
line-level input. headphone extension lead, plug it into the
As for all the other inputs, every single rear panel socket and run the female end
one of them is balanced, in keeping with the to somewhere more convenient. In order to
amplifier’s balanced circuitry (the output stage activate the headphone output you have to
is also balanced). Rather oddly, rather than press the Theatre button on the front panel and
mounting the eight female gold-plated XLR hold it down for three seconds. Activating the
inputs either horizontally or vertically in the headphone output simultaneously deactivates
usual manner, D’Agostino has off-set them. the speaker outputs, so you can’t use both at the
It was only when I actually went to connect same time, which is something I often do. Then,
cables to them that I realised that although this in order to switch the headphone output off, so
might look odd, it works really well, because you can again listen via your speakers, you have
it’s super-easy to insert and remove the XLR to switch the amplifier off (or, more precisely, to
connectors, all of which have tiny locking Standby) then switch it back on again.


IN USE AND LISTENING SESSIONS sion Mono — is the power output, but given
Installation is straight-forward, though you do the totally clean, undistorted volume levels I was
have to be careful connecting speaker wires able to achieve in my listening room using very
because the knobs of the gold-plated speaker inefficient loudspeakers, I really doubt that there
terminals are not insulated. It is perhaps for this is anything to be gained by adding an additional
reason that D’Agostino’s Owners’ Manual recom- 100-watts per channel output in the case of the
mends “the use of high-quality cables terminated Progression Stereo or even 300-watts in the case
with spade or ring lugs that will fit the Progres- of the Progression Mono, other than bragging
sion Integrated amplifier’s binding posts.” (The rights. It’s important to bear in mind that those
reason being that any stray wires could result in a figures represent audible increases in power out-
short-circuit.) put of just 1.7dB and 3.9dB respectively.
You also have to make sure that you connect Basically, what I’m saying is that unless you
only ordinary, passive loudspeakers to the output have extraordinarily inefficient loudspeakers
terminals. If you connect an active speaker or a and have a listening room that’s the size of a
subwoofer, there’s a possibility that the negative concert hall, you really aren’t going to need
terminal of that device could be grounded, in any more power than is available from the
which case it might result in damage to the Progression Integrated, that being 200-watts
D’Agostino’s balanced output stage. per channel into 8Ω loads and 400-watts per
And for those who like their equipment channel into 2Ω loads. I really tried hard to drive
on the floor, you can only do this with the the amplifier into clipping, even resorting to
Progression Integrated if you have a hard wood wearing ear-plugs so that I could turn the volume
or tile (or more likely, natural stone) floor. The up without damaging my ears, yet I still could
Owners’ Manual specifically states that the not get the Progression’s output stage to clip,
amplifier should not be used on a carpeted even with highly dynamic music that was full
surface. As for setting polarity before listening, of transients. When playing my loudspeakers at
the simple fact is that you can’t ‘set’ polarity. You’re levels louder than I’d ever play them, even in my
very likely to have to use a different setting for most enthusiastic and raucus listening sessions,
each different recording you listen to, because the bass from the Progression was ultra-tight,
some will come into the amplifier with correct ultra-solid and completely coherent, without any
polarity and won’t need to be inverted, whilst blurring of even the fastest bass passages, and
others will come in with incorrect polarity and with absolutely no dimunition in tonal quality. At
will need to be inverted. Which is why having a the same time, while this bass was going full tilt,
switch to do it (rather than re-wiring both your the clarity and transparency of the very highest
loudspeakers every time, which is the way to frequencies was totally unaffected by the goings-
invert polarity manually) is a no-brainer. on in the bass — for example I could hear not
The bad news is that it’s difficult to choose only the reality of an initial cymbal strike, but also
the polarity that sounds the best, much less the the shimmer as the sound faded into inaudibility.
polarity that’s actually correct. But don’t just take In other words, outstandingly good performance.
my word for it, even D’Appolito’s Owners’ Manual I’ve been listening to Nick Cave and Warren
says: “Depending on the recording, the effects of Ellis’s lastest album, Carnage, and it was a
polarity inversion are often subtle and sometimes revelation to hear it reproduced by the D’agostino
even inaudible.” I have to say that I do like that Progression. Even the opener, Hand of God, which
the multi-function meters turn from green to red
when the polarity is inverted.
is fairly undemanding, demonstrated increased
rhythmic stability in its underlying pulse. As for
The good
The good news is that the D’Appolito the myriad synthesised sounds, the Progression news is that
Progression Integrated sounds fantastically good, made it clear that they were synthesised, whereas
no matter which polarity setting you choose, lesser amplifiers might have you wondering if the D’Appolito
which is hardly a surprise considering it was they were real or synthesised. The motif ‘Hand of
designed by a man who’s been building critically- God’ which is repeatedly chanted throughout the Progression
acclaimed, award-winning amplifiers for more
than forty years.
track by various solo voices, as well as by choirs,
all with varying degrees of deliberate distortion,
Integrated sounds
sounded more ethereally authentic when I
listened using the Progression.
fantastically good,
Sonically, the Progression Integrated doesn’t set
a foot wrong. The sound is glorious and there’s
Is this Cave and Ellis’s best album since Push
The Sky Away, or Abattoir Blues? I’d say not, and
no matter which
plenty of it. The most obvious ‘on-paper’ differ- it’s not even up to the standard of Ghosteen, polarity setting
ence between the Progression Integrated and, say but it’s a fine album indeed, and it’s certainly
the Progression Stereo — or even the Progres- wonderfully recorded. you choose


I admit to being adversely affected in my Great acoustic guitar intro to Porchlight too, with the
opinion by how down-beat all the tracks are, brushed drums and the lovely atmospherics. The
despite some of the inspired lyrics, witness out-of-tune piano sound is a nice touch as well.
“Reading Flannery O’Connor with a pencil and a Switching to something with a bit more bite,
plan” from the title track, or, even better, from the I played Foo Fighters’ latest, Medicine at Midnight.
album’s best track, Albuquerque, “We won’t get to As Arlo Guthre famously said in one of his songs ‘it
anywhere, darling, any time this year / We won’t wasn’t the best song I ever wrote’ and Dave Grohl
get to anywhere / Unless I dream you there” but I might be the first to admit that it isn’t the best
guess I should not have expected anything uplifting album they’ve ever released. The metal isn’t that
from an album that’s titled ‘Carnage.’ Cave and heavy and there’s a noticeable lack of the energy
Ellis certainly deliver what they promise. I would that permeated All My Life, for example. The tracks
dearly love it if they’d re-record this album with real are also a little too formulaic for my liking, with six
instruments. tracks clocking in within 9 seconds of each other.
Carnage is so depressing that I felt almost Co-incidence? Still, there’s a lot to enjoy, again both
uplifted playing one of my current favourite musically and sonically, most especially when you
albums, which is kind of on daily rotation, that have amplification of the quality of the D’Agostino
being the album Promises, by Pharoah Sanders Progression Integrated. Listen carefully and you’ll
and Floating Points (the stage name of pianist hear how the Progression has perfect balance
and DJ Sam Shepherd) in collaboration with the between its two channels, plus you can actually
London Symphony Orchestra. At 75 years of age hear the separation between the tracks during
his signature saxophone sound is not what it once the multi-tracking, such as on Shame Shame and
was, but he accomodates the deficiencies so well, even more evidently on the intro to Cloudspotter,
SPECIFICATIONS in the process creating mesmerizing soundscapes, where you should hear total silence in the right
particularly against the sustained sounds created by channel during the guitar riff until the percussion
D’Agostino Progression
the LSO’s string section. Once again, the D’agostino starts in the right. I happened to be looking at the
Brand: Dan D’Agostino Progression reveals instantly that you’re listening to D’Agostino’s meters at the time and noticed that the
Master Audio Systems real strings, rather than samples. The Progression right channel’s meter was dancing even though it
Model: Progression Integrated also captures the melancholy of the Sanders’ sax was the left channel that was playing. I assumed this
Power Output (8Ω): dramatically well, especially in its lower registers, was a one-off on my review sample, and it’s easily
200 watts per channel while also being rather more revealing of the fixed in any case.
Power Output (4Ω): reed sounds than lesser amplifiers. It’s also rather More great sound from Australian trio Middle
400 watts per channel revealing of the sounds at the end of Movement Kids’ new album Today We’re the Greatest. It’s the
Frequency Response: 2, and those at the beginning of Movement 3, but first they’ve made in a top pro studio and trust me,
0.1Hz to 1MHz, –3dB amplifiers are supposed to reveal such minutaie, you can hear the difference! What hasn’t changed
Frequency Response: irrespective of whether they’re supposed be there is the fabulous voice of lead singer Hannah Joy,
20Hz to 80kHz, ±0.5dB or not. except that you can now hear it in all its glory. This
Total Harmonic Distortion For fans who’ve been waiting patiently for is no better examplared that on Cellophane (Brain)
(@ rated output): <0.1% nigh-on seven years, don’t think twice before which starts off acoustic then bursts into electric
Signal-to-Noise picking up a copy of The Antlers’ (Peter Silberman guitar heaven with Joy’s voice leaping high and
Ratio: 95dB (unweighted) and Michael Lerner) Green to Gold album. I get low in front and behind. The kick-ass bass on R U
Standby Power distracted every time I play the second track, 4 me let me forgive the song’s title, Stacking Chairs
Consumption: 14 watts Wheels Roll Home, whose melody and arrangement is a masterpiece of a tune and Questions had me
Input Impedance: 100kΩ reminds me of Tommy James & The Shondells’ 60s gasping for breath. Golden Star has everything
Output Impedance: 0.1Ω hit Crimson and Clover (covered more recently by and more, all revealed with amazing clarity by the
Dimensions (HWD): artists as diverse as Joan Jett, Cher, Dolly Parton and D’Agostino Progression. But all the tracks really work
178×432×432mm Prince), but that certainly doesn’t stop me playing up to the closer Today We’re The Greatest which is a
Weight: 26kg Green To Gold over and over. It’s just such a lovely, truly glorious song on all levels.
quiet, contemplative album all of whose tracks
Price: $47,985 RRP resonated with me, particularly Just One Sec on CONCLUSION
(fully optioned as reviewed) which Silberman laments “Could you clear my cache This latest addition to Daniel D’Agostino’s
Comprised of $34,995 for base momentarily? / For just one sec, free me from me.” Progression series of components can be tailored
model plus $8,995 for the DAC I think I’d play this album even if it wasn’t a great to suit your exact requirements. But the greatest
Module and $3,995 for the recording, but luckily it is, as you’ll hear if you use the thing about this new amplifier is that it delivers
Phono Module. D’agostino Progression to play it, for example the the performance you’d expect from, say, the
drum sound on Stubborn Man and the gorgeous equivalent model in D’Agostino’s Momentum
Contact: Advance Audio bass and lead guitar sound on the title track (and series at just a fraction of the price. In other
Australia on (02) 9561 0799 or the drums too). Laid over all is the mellifluous vocal words, it’s everything you need in a high-end of Silberman himself. audio amplifier.

The Parker series is a real departure from traditional
speaker design. Significant advancements in cabinet
resonance, a newly designed crossover and bespoke
drivers delivers a giant leap in performance. All models
come in ceramic or diamond editions.

The new and improved construction, allows the cabinet

to truly disappear from the soundstage. As the world
shifts at this demanding time, we feel it’s necessary to
keep pace. At Marten, it’s business as usual and we’re
proud to deliver these three new speakers, no matter
the challenges we face.

In moments like these, we do more than float on the

surface - we swim in the music.

AVAILABLE IN AUSTRALIA THROUGH ABSOLUTE HI END . 0488 777 999 . [email protected] .
ELECTA AMATOR III Reviewer William H. Fisher


he sorpresa! There I was
expecting delivery of a pair
of small, bookshelf loud-
speakers and the courier
made me sign for two
outrageously large cartons,
both of which were so heavy that I had to get
a trolley to move them off the stoop. How on
earth could either of these cartons contain a
pair of small bookshelf loudspeakers?
Once inside, I opened the smaller of the
two cartons first, which revealed the Sonus
faber Electa Amator III loudspeakers I had been
expecting. So what could possibly be in the larger
box? Had the distributor also sent me a second,
larger pair of loudspeakers to evaluate? A few
moments with a box-cutter revealed that the
larger carton contained a pair of stands — stands
that I later discovered were designed specifically
for use with the Electa Amator IIIs.
Originally released in 2018 at the Rocky
Mountain Audio Fair (where they picked up a
‘Best of RMAF’ award), the Electa Amator IIIs were
designed to commemorate Sonus faber’s 35th
anniversary, because despite all the loudspeakers
the company has built since that time, it is on
record as stating that it was the original Electa
Amator (released 1987) and Electa Amator II
(released 1997) that contributed most to the
company’s international success, and that
this new ‘small but precious speaker’ inherits
characteristics from both those models.
Sonus faber was founded by the late Italian
loudspeaker pioneer Gianfranco ‘Franco’ Serblin.
He sold the company and retired in 2006, but
then came out of retirement in 2010 to start a
new company bearing his own name, producing
two famous eponymous designs, the Accordo


This means that the movement of that particular

bit of dome fabric is not only non-linear, but also
out of phase, which causes the high frequencies
to roll off prematurely. Sonus faber’s solution
was to add what they call ‘local dampening’ via
a small bridge across the dome, at the centre of
which is a backwards-facing cone. This structure
is quite visible on all Sonus faber tweeters
incorporating DAD technology.
Sonus faber says that the 180mm-diameter
bass/midrange driver in the Electa Amator III (part
number MW18XTR-04) was designed specifically
for it and — at least so far — has not been used
in any other Sonus faber model… or at least not
to my knowledge. The driver’s cone, however,
is made of the same materials that feature in
many other of the cones used in Sonus faber
speakers, being made of a blend of cellulose pulp,
kapok, kenaf and other natural fibres. During the
production process this cone is air-dried in real-
time, rather than being force-dried using a heat-
fan, a technique that is said to optimise rigidity,
reduce mass and minimise the cone’s resonance
behaviours. (And should you be wondering what
kenaf is, its botanical name is hibiscus cannabinus,
which should give you a very good clue about
this particular ingredient. As for kapok, it’s a fine,
fibrous substance rather like cotton that grows
around the seeds of the ceiba pentandra tree.)
THE MW18XTR04’S CONE IS TERMINATED BY A The MW18XTR-04’s cone is terminated by
STANDARD HALFROLL PROFILE RUBBER SUSPENSION a standard half-roll profile rubber suspension
SURROUND WHICH IN TURN CONNECTS TO THE BASKET, surround which in turn connects to the basket,
which is made from cast aluminium. Sonus faber
says it designed the motor system ‘to ensure
and Ktema, before he died in 2013. Sonus faber high excursion with low distortion in order to
is now under the control of The McIntosh Group maximise dynamics.’
(formerly Fine Sounds Group), which also has the The crossover network has a nominal
high-end audio brands McIntosh and Sumiko crossover frequency of 2.5kHz and is said to
Audio in its portfolio. use very high-quality components, including
ClarityCap capacitors and Jantzen inductors…
EQUIPMENT though I wasn’t about to pull the cabinet apart to
Even a casual glance will show that this new confirm this. Connection to the speaker is made
model is made firmly in the mould of the two via two pairs of rather beautifully made multi-
previous generations of Electa Amators: put sim- way speaker terminals that are shaped to make
ply, this third generation model is also a compact, handling easier.
two-way, stand-mount, bass-reflex design… just As stated earlier-on in this review, the
like the two that preceded it. Electa Amator III is a bass-reflex design. The
The tweeter in the Amator III is the same bass reflex port is located on the rear panel,
H28 XTR-04 DAD soft-dome type that is used above the terminal plate. It’s 185mm in length,
in the company’s top-end Homage Tradition 68mm in diameter and made from thick plastic,
and Reference models. That ‘28’ in the model making it rather larger than I’d have expected
number indicates that the tweeter is 28mm in for a cabinet of this volume. It’s also flared at
diameter, while the DAD stands for ‘Damped Apex both ends to reduce the possibility of chuffing or
Dome’. What’s DAD I hear you ask? When a soft other port noises.
dome moves forward (after first having moved There doesn’t appear to be a lot of speaker fill
backwards), the highest point of the dome inside the cabinet, because if you look in through
(which Sonus faber refers to as the ‘apex’) tends to the port you are able to see the unusual shape of
‘crumple’ inwards due to air pressure. the H28 XTR-04 DAD tweeter’s motor assembly.


Whereas most loudspeakers that are made of with the speakers. So if you are comparing prices
wood are made of a manufactured wood (usually on the internet, make sure that the prices you’re
MDF, HDF or ply) that’s then finished with either a comparing are ones that include the stands, or
plastic or wood veneer (or painted—usually with a you won’t be comparing like with like. (By way of
high-gloss varnish), the cabinet of the Sonus faber example, in the UK, where the speakers are sold
Electa Amator III’s cabinet is crafted from solid slabs without stands, and the stands are instead listed as
of 25mm-thick walnut that are left as bare wood on an optional extra, those stands retail for £1,495, or
the top and sides of the cabinet around $2,850 at the current exchange rate.)
but covered with soft leather At 11.2kg each these stands are very nearly as
on the baffle and rear panel. heavy as the speakers since the supports are metal
At the base of the cabinet is and the base is made from the same Carerra marble
a 30mm-thick slab of Carrera used at the base of the speaker cabinets.
marble which is the build The stand itself is 720mm high, which puts the
element that contributes most tweeters exactly ear-height above floor level…
I loved the Sonus to each speaker’s back-bending though some further height adjustment is possible
weight of 14.6kg. The overall thanks to the provision of four spikes underneath
faber Amator IIIs effect of this combination of the base of the stands.
pricey materials is very classy —
for so many reasons, there are very few loudspeakers IN USE AND LISTENING SESSIONS
including their size, that convey such an aura of
You won’t have to work too hard to get great sound
from the Sonus faber Electa Amator IIIs. Just do what
their heritage, their Whereas in some countries
the Electa Amator III’s are sold
I did and place them out into the room and away
from the side walls, and just a bit angled-in towards
appearance, their without stands, which brings the listening position. In most rooms this should
give a wide-open sound stage that’s nicely layered
the overall price down quite
sound-staging, and substantially, Sonus faber’s while still delivering reasonably balanced tonality,
Australian distributor has but if your particular room is a difficult one, you’ll
their imaging elected to bundle the stands have to find the best position by trial and error.




However, listening to Arvo Part’s Tabula

Rasa while running the speakers in, they initially
seemed a little bright in the upper treble, which
I quickly cured by re-angling the speakers so
the tweeter paths didn’t converge just in front
of the listening position, but instead converged
just a little bit behind it, the result being hugely
rewarding and beautifully-detailed high-
frequency sound without the brightness I’d
noted before, yet at the same time with the high
frequencies extended enough to take them up
beyond the upper limits of human hearing. The
quality and refinement of Sonus faber’s unique
damped apex dome tweeter meant that this
difficult recording never sounded aggressive, as
it sometimes can when reproduced by tweeters
whose high-frequency resonances are not so
well-controlled as they are here.
When I started listening to music
that tested the Sonus faber Electa
Amator IIIs’ midrange, these little
speakers delivered exceptional
expression and articulation, to the
point that with well-recorded tracks,
they sounded totally magical, the
magic being enhanced by the
dynamic capabilities on show, so
long as replay volume was kept
at a socially acceptable level. And
keeping the volume restrained was
difficult, because the overall sound
is so clean and balanced that I was
constantly winding up the volume
too far, and unfairly asking more of
these small speakers than they were
production and complex
rhythms with jaw-dropping They delivered
able to deliver. However, whenever I
did this, they warned me gracefully
finesse, reproducing Gardot’s
rich tonality brilliantly,
the album’s
by responding with mild confusion on
the peaks, rather than with noticeable
injecting levels of expression
and layers of nuance that were
distortion. as good as anything I have heard at production and
The Electa Amator IIIs are those rare small this level.
speakers that can really bring the excitement Maybe they’re not the last word complex rhythms
and emotion in music to the fore, and most in rhythmic precision or outright drive,
particularly when it comes to their ability to but I can’t recall comparable speakers with jaw-dropping
bring the best out of vocals. Listening to Melody
Gardot’s ‘The Absence’, the Sonus faber Electa
that track changes of intensity through
the mid-frequencies with as much skill
finesse and rich
Amator IIIs delivered the album’s sumptuous or enthusiasm. tonality

Pleasingly, low-end agility goes hand-in-hand

with this brawn, such that the resulting sound is
both articulate and tuneful. By way of example
I wasn’t expecting to feel the real impact of
those lovely deep bass lines on HTATM’s Identity
Trade, but the Amator IIIs surprised me by doing
a great job. If you’re cherry-picking tracks from
this album, make sure you don’t miss hearing
Kerosene, which features Diana Gordon, and then
make sure you don’t miss the fabulous music
video of it. Stupendously good!
Which is not to say that the low-frequency
delivery of the Amator IIIs is ideal for all musical
genres. If you listen to music that requires
aggression to work (i.e. if your music collection is
packed full of hardcore hip-hop or metal), or on
the classical side, you’re into pipe organ recitals,
then you’re likely to find the Electa Amator IIIs a
little too bass-light and just a touch too polished
and polite for your tastes. They don’t quite have
that ultimate degree of bite such music demands.
In common with the very best small, high-
quality two-way designs, the sound-staging
abilities of the Electa Amator IIIs are outstandingly
good, such that if you close your eyes whilst
you’re listening to them you’ll find it impossible
to locate where the speakers are within it yet at
the same time the stereo imaging is so precise
that you’ll hear all the instruments totally locked
in position and remaining positionally stable no
matter what the musical demands of the music
that’s playing.

Sonus faber’s engineers steered a very clever path
when they created the Amator III’s sonic signa-
ture. It is undeniably Italian and the sonic DNA of
the Sonus faber ‘family’ is writ large across it, yet
SPECIFICATIONS it’s at once accurate without having the ultra-neu-
Sonus faber tral delivery of a studio monitor while at the same
Electa Amator III They can also reveal sonic complexities like time muscular and full-bodied without straying
few other speakers, as I proved to myself listening into the realms of overt colouration. Granted you
Freq Resp: 40Hz–35kHz
to Yves Tumor’s ‘Heaven To A Tortured Mind’. The do need to partner them with suitably-talented
Sensitivity: 88dBSPL
stuttering intro to opener Gospel for a New Century electronics, and with an amplifier which has
Nominal Impedance: 4Ω
actually has a lot going to make it the tour de force sufficient free-flowing power on tap in order to
Dimensions (HWD):
it is, but most speakers just skate over the top, extract the full dynamism of which they’re capa-
whereas the Amator IIIs reveal everything with ble, but this is no more than would be asked of
Weight: 14.6kg
crystalline clarity, which serves to accentuate the almost any loudspeaker in the same orbit.
sonic shock as the track turns into Medicine Burn. I loved the Sonus faber Amator IIIs for so
Price: $16,995 per pair (RRP)
Low frequencies are another strength. These many reasons, including their size, their heritage,
(Including stands)
are fairly compact speakers so they’re never going their appearance, their sound-staging, their
to produce the kind of bass that makes furniture imaging and of course last, but far from least,
Contact: Synergy Audio Visual
rattle, but this doesn’t stop them from sounding their amazing and quite charming sonic qualities.
on 03 9459 7474 or visit
impressively authoritative or from delivering bass Have a listen and I think you’ll fall in love with
frequencies with palpable punch and muscle. them too.

M3x VINYL Reviewer Ian Frazer


THE FIRST MUSICAL he Musical Fidelity M3x Vinyl The M3x Vinyl is also almost the first phono stage
FIDELITY PRODUCT phono stage is a first for Musical Musical Fidelity has manufactured that does not
TO BE BUILT IN Fidelity in more than one way. use op-amps (operational amplifiers), instead using
COUNTRIES THAT First, it’s the first phono stage in discrete components (separate resistors, capacitors,
EUROPEAN UNION the company’s M3 Series, which transistors and so on in the place of op-amps. This
Musical Fidelity promotes using is rather the opposite of what’s happening in other
the catch-phrase “Great-looking, superb-sounding hi-fi components, so we asked Musical Fidelity the
hi-fi doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Our M3 range reason. The answer, according to the company?
offers an elegance of design, quality of build and “Countless hours of listening tests have shown us that
standard of finish you’d associate with products even the very best op-amps do not tend to be so
costing twice as much.” neutral, natural, dynamic or vivid — all of which are
The M3xVinyl is also the first Musical Fidelity characteristics of the Musical Fidelity sound. For that
component to be built entirely in countries in the reason, we’re rediscovering our passion for traditional,
European Union. This is a significant switch that discrete designs.”
requires some explanation. When he started the Musical Fidelity is not the first company to
company back in 1982 after leaving Michaelson & eliminate op-amps from its circuits. Marantz famously
Austin, Anthony Michaelson built Musical Fidelity uses op-amp replacements it calls HDAMs and here
products exclusively in the United Kingdom. in Australia, local high-end manufacturer Burson
He later switched production of most of his Audio builds what it calls ‘Supreme Sound’ op-amp
products to Taiwan. However, in 2018 Michaelson replacements that it sells to other manufacturers as
sold Musical Fidelity to his good friend Heinz well as to DIY upgraders. Burson Audio’s Supreme
Lichtenegger, the owner of Pro-Ject, who with his Sound ‘op-amps’ are comprised entirely of discrete
wife Jozefína (who owns European Audio Team), devices. Each one is about 40 times the size of its IC
has multiple manufacturing facilities in the EU. equivalent and comprises 24 matched FETS (Field
The M3x Vinyl is the first Musical Fidelity product to Effect Transistors), 16 metal film 0.5% tolerance
be built in one of these facilities. It remains to be resistors, a pair of silver mica capacitors and a pair
seen whether Lichtenegger will start manufacturing of variable resistors. This means that a manufacturer
other Musical Fidelity components in the EU. that replaces a single dual op-amp with discrete


components will have to solder in (and make Because the levels of boost and cut applied are
room for on the circuit board) 44 components. different for every different frequency, the overall
This means you’d need almost 900 discrete effect is described as an ‘equalisation curve’, the
components to replace just 20 dual op-amps. most common of which is the RIAA curve, so-
But the M3xVinyl wasn’t the first Musical called because it was developed by the Record
Fidelity product to eliminate op-amps. It was Industry Association of America.
the second. The first was the M6xVinyl phono
pre-amplifier, a component that in many ways is
So in order to ensure the correct response
is sent to your main amplifier and then to your
The M3xVinyl
very similar to the M3x, which we’ll discuss later speakers, a phono stage must provide an ‘inverse’
RIAA curve that restores all the frequencies to
wasn’t the first
on in this review. However Musical Fidelity hasn’t
only removed op-amps from the M6xVinyl, it has their correct levels, for example boosting the bass Musical Fidelity
also removed all the active circuitry that’s usually at 20Hz by 19.3dB and cutting the treble at 20kHz
used to provide RIAA equalisation and instead by 19.6dB. product to
provides the all-essential RIAA equalisation using
a completely passive circuit. What’s more, it’s
But what happens below 20Hz? If the RIAA
equalisation boosts frequencies below 20Hz, this eliminate op-
divided this passive circuit into two different
circuits. Musical Fidelity says its split passive EQ
means that unwanted low-frequency sounds
from your turntable (drive motors, bearing noise
amps. It was the
circuitry: “is more costly to design and implement
but ensures the most accurate representation
and so on) as well as from your LPs (record warp
and sounds actually inadvertently recorded at the
second. The
of the ideal EQ curve. Split passive equalisation original recording session) would be made more first was the
allows for better impedance matching and less audible. It is for this reason that in1976, Europe’s
deviation from the ideal RIAA curve.” International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), M6xVinyl phono
In order to understand what this all means, decided to authorise the RIAA replay curve to be
and why it’s so important, we need to delve a modified in such a way as to reduce (attenuate) pre-amplifier, a
little more deeply into RIAA equalisation and
the whys and wherefores of how it can be
frequencies below 20Hz. It wasn’t an entirely
popular solution to the problem of low-frequency
component that
implemented — active or passively. noise, because the circuitry required introduced
amplitude and phase errors into the frequency
in many ways is
PASSIVE VS ACTIVE RIAA EQ response above 20Hz, and the circuit’s action very similar to the
The purpose of a phono stage — its raison d’etre, was so mild below 20Hz that it really didn’t
if you like — is to ‘correct’ the frequency response do a lot to remove rumble, particularly if that M3xVinyl
of the signal the diamond tip of your phono car- rumble occurred between 10 and 20Hz. Most
tridge’s stylus is extracting from the LP’s groove. manufacturers decided a better option was to
This comes about because in order to ‘store’ use a standard RIAA replay curve but provide a
music on an LP the cutting engineer has to pre- dedicated ‘rumble filter’ that provided far more
attenuate the levels of the low frequencies and attenuation at low frequencies than the IEC RIAA
pre-boost the levels of the high frequencies. At variant.
the midway point (1kHz) there is no boost or cut. As for the means of providing RIAA
This is the 0dB point. As the music being recorded equalisation, the circuitry required to do this
on the LP gets progressively lower in frequency, can be implemented in two different ways —
its level is progressively reduced until at 20Hz it is actively or passively. Active RIAA equalisation THE ALLESSENTIAL TURNTABLE
19.3dB lower than the 0dB reference at 1kHz. involves using voltage gain and feedback loops GROUND POST FITTED TO THE
The opposite happens with frequencies that adjust the frequency response depending REAR PANEL OF THE M3XVINYL.
above 1kHz. The higher the frequency of the on the amounts of feedback returned to the
music being recorded, the more the audio signal input. One advantage of active equalisation is ON ANY PHONO STAGE, AMP
is boosted until, at 20kHz, it’s boosted to +19.6dB. that exact component values in the circuit are OR PREAMPLIFIER


not crucial and that left- and right-channel You can see that the unit will accommodate
matching is largely unnecessary. One both moving-magnet (MM) and moving-coil
THE FRONT PANEL OF THE disadvantage is that, because it is active, the (MC) cartridges but despite the provision of two
M3XVINYL PHONO STAGE PRETTY circuit is prone to input overloads. push-buttons to select between them, there’s
There’s also the problem that an active circuit only a single phono input on the rear, so you can
BECAUSE THEY’RE ALL PRINTED must have a very high voltage gain in order connect either the one or the other, but not both
RIGHT THERE ON THE PANEL to deliver the level of compensation required simultaneously.
to boost low frequencies by 19.3dB as well as If you are using a moving-magnet cartridge,
providing the additional gain necessary to bring the six push-buttons just to the right of the two
the circuit’s output up to the necessary one or MM/MC selector buttons allow you to choose
two volts required to feed the line input of a hi-fi what load capacitance will be presented to your
amplifier (or pre-amp). The problem with gain is cartridge: 50pF, 100pF, 200pF, 300pF 350pF or
that the more of it you use, the more unstable 400pF. Whichever of these load capacitance
a circuit becomes and the more phase shift you values you select, the value of the load
introduce. A solution circuit designers often impedance will remain fixed at 47kΩ.
use to get around these problems is to split the The gain of the MM section is fixed at 40dB.
equalisation process into two, and use one active If you are using a moving-coil cartridge, the
circuit to manage frequencies below 1kHz and six push-buttons at the far right of the front panel
another to manage the frequencies above. allow you to choose the load impedance that will
The alternative to active equalisation is be presented to your cartridge: 25Ω, 80Ω, 100Ω,
passive equalisation, so-named because only 400Ω 800Ω or 1.2kΩ. The gain of the MC section is
‘passive’, non-powered, components — resistors fixed at 60dB.
and capacitors — are used to create the RIAA Between the MM and MC load-setting
equalisation required. The advantages of passive buttons are two buttons, the left-most of which is
equalisation include that the input can’t be labelled ‘IEC’ and the rightmost ‘+6dB’.
overloaded and because there is no feedback, What the IEC button does is switch the
the circuit is completely stable. However the M3xVinyl’s equalisation curve from being a
disadvantage is that because the circuit is standard RIAA curve to an IEC-RIAA curve. As
If you use a high- passive, no ‘gain’ is possible (this has to be done
by a separate circuit) and the performance of
for that ‘+6dB’ switch, it activates an additional
amplifier stage that adds an extra 6dB of gain
quality phono a passive circuit will be affected by the phono
cartridge’s own resistance and capacitance, as
to increase the voltage at the M3xVinyl’s output
terminals (which, by the way, are standard
cartridge, it is these effectively become part of the circuit itself. unbalanced types, using RCA connectors). So
To get around most of these problems, designers activating this circuit will mean that moving-coil
essential to also of passive RIAA equalisation circuits usually take a cartridge output voltages will be boosted by
leaf from the circuit’s active counterpart, and use a total of 46dB (40dB + 6dB) and moving-coil
use a high-quality two passive networks, one for frequencies below cartridges by 66dB (60dB + 6dB).
external phono 1kHz and the other for frequencies above. What the previous paragraph means in real
life is that without the additional gain stage if
stage if you are to FEATURES AND FACILITIES
The front panel of the M3xVinyl phono stage
your moving-magnet cartridge was delivering
5mV to the M3xVinyl’s input terminals, you’d have
extract the best pretty much gives away exactly what features it
has inside it because they’re all printed right there
500mV at the output terminals. For a moving-coil
cartridge delivering 0.5mV, you’d have 500mV at
performance on the panel itself. the M3xVinyl’s output terminals.


If you press the +6dB button in, those output because the PCBs do contain integrated circuits, But look past Love Her Madly
voltages would double, to 1000mV, or one volt including an STM32F030F4P6TR 32-bit 16kB and you have such unbelievably
(1V) for the same inputs noted previously. 48MHz ARM micro-controller. good tracks as Riders on the Storm,
As explained earlier-on in this review, the Worthy of special mention is the all-essential L’America, Been Down So Long, The
more gain stages you introduce during the turntable ground post fitted to the rear panel of Changeling and, of course, the title
equalisation process, the more you increase the the M3xVinyl. It’s simply the best such terminal I track. Game-changers of songs all.
possibility of errors being introduced, so if you have ever seen on any phono stage, or pre-amp For my money, the outstanding
can achieve adequate volume levels from your or integrated amplifier. It’s a full-on brass screw musician on Love Her Madly is bass
loudspeakers without using the additional 6dB fitting not unlike a speaker terminal. So much player Jerry Scheff, who once played
of gain on offer, my advice would be to leave it better than the horrible plastic/arrow prong bass for Elvis Presley. Listening via
switched off. terminals that are usually provided. the Musical Fidelity M3xVinyl I was
If you try to compare the ‘sound’ of the two able to appreciate even more how he
gain settings by alternately pressing the button LISTENING manages to be totally inventive, with
on and off, you should be warned in advance that If you use a high-quality phono cartridge, it is unusual bass lines that drive the song
this is a waste of your time, because the sound essential to also use a high-quality external and create an underlying pulse, while
will always seem to improve when you switch phono stage if you’re to extract the best all the time containing the song’s
to the +6dB setting. This is a trick your brain is performance from it. The phono stages built break-neck tempo (one of Scheff’s
playing on you, because given two otherwise into even the best high-end pre-amplifiers jobs was to make sure keys man Ray
identical sounds, the human ear will always prefer and integrated amplifiers simply won’t do it jus- Manzarek didn’t play too fast!). The
the louder one over the softer one. Why do you tice, most particularly if you’re using a M3xVinyl revealed the tone of his bass
think rock bands sound so good at live concerts? moving-coil cartridge. better than I’ve ever heard, and also
As for the final button on the front panel, I first listened to a brand-new LP I’ve just delivered the best stereo image I’ve
the ‘Power’ button, I’ve left that to last because purchased, but one with which I was intimately heard from this track, given that it
it’s rather curious. It’s not an On/Off switch. It familiar, having listened to earlier versions of it for was recorded wide, with instruments
instead switches the M3xVinyl between ‘On’ and more than two decades. That LP was the 45rpm played mostly left and right, rather
‘Standby’. The reason I say the switch is ‘rather version of L. A. Woman, by The Doors, pressed by than spread across the sound-stage.
curious’ is because Musical Fidelity’s promotional Analogue Productions. It’s a part of a six-disc set The spacey intro to L.A. Woman
literature claims the M3xVinyl is fitted with — and which makes up The Doors’ six studio LP titles (the was served up beautifully by the
I quote verbatim — “a new proprietary power others being The Doors, Strange Days, Waiting M3xVinyl, which makes the bass
supply solution that has zero standby power For The Sun, Soft Parade, and Morrison Hotel). and drums intro even more exciting,
consumption. Absolutely zero! It is a super green All were cut by the legendary Doug Sax using with the excitement increased
product and we are sure, there isn’t any other the original analog masters. According to Doors even more by how well the M3xVinyl
product in existence with an ecological standby producer/engineer Bruce Botnick, in order to play handled the crisp drumming of
function like this.” This statement is, of course the original tapes they had to be baked in an John Densmore.
impossible and, therefore, not true. The Musical oven to make sure the layers didn’t stick before
Fidelity M3x Vinyl does draw power in its standby they could be replayed!
mode, but it draws it not from the mains power, Of course L.A. Woman has Love Her Madly on WHILE MUSICAL FIDELITY HASN’T
but from a 3V CR2030 battery inside it. This it which was a No 1 here in Australia, a No 3 in USED ANY OPAMPS IN THE
battery ensures that whatever cartridge type, Canada and reached No 11 on Billboard’s Hot 100 THE CIRCUITRY IS NOT, AS THE
load and gain settings you were using when you chart when it was released as a single. I think it COMPANY CLAIMS, “ENTIRELY
switched the M3x Vinyl off will be restored when was The Doors’ best-selling song. DISCRETE” AS YOU CAN SEE
you next switch it on.
Take a look inside the M3xVinyl and you’ll not
only see the battery, but also that the PCBs inside
it take up so little space that Musical Fidelity
could, theoretically, have made the chassis a
good deal smaller than it is, but one reason for
its physical size is that it enables the designers to
position all the unit’s power supply components
on a separate printed circuit board (PCB) and
mount it as far away from the primary circuitry
as possible. They’ve also used a totally shielded
low-core saturation toroidal transformer to step
down the 240V mains voltage to the amplifier’s
rail voltage. Look inside very carefully and you’ll
see that while Musical Fidelity hasn’t used any op-
amps in the circuitry of the M3x vinyl, the circuitry
is not, as the company claims, “entirely discrete”


I think Densmore was pretty excited to good songs on his album of the same name, so
be working with Scheff because I think he it misses out according to my personal criteria for
lifted his playing to a level higher than I’d ever ‘Best Album.’ (And yes, I know Alan Parsons Project
heard from him before. Listen particularly to the is Alan Parsons and Eric Wolfson, so when I say
way his cymbals cut through the mix on this one I mean both.)
track: you won’t hear that using a lesser phono The Parsons link dictated that Dark Side
stage! Listen also to the repeated riff after the of the Moon just had to be the next album on
rhythm change at 3.02 and how the Musical my audition list, and once again, the opening
Fidelity’s channel balance is so exact that you track dictated the auditioning mood because
can hear the almost imperceptible difference in the clarity of the sound from the M3xVinyl was
SPECIFICATIONS arrival times from left and right speakers. Again, such that as those ‘heart’ beats pulsed from the
this is a level of detailing you just won’t hear speakers, I could feel my body melting back into
Musical Fidelity M3x VINYL from lesser phono stages. my listening chair.
Price: $2,500 (RRP) On Crawling King Snake (a cover of a John Great sound has that ability to relax the
Lee Hooker classic) you can hear not only the soul, and the sound from the Musical Fidelity
MM INPUT restraint of Marc Benno’s guitar contribution, had me totally relaxed from the get-go. There’s
Frequency Response: RIAA but also the unrestrained scream of Robby an amazing amount going on in Speak to Me/
or RIAA/IEC ±0.2dB Krieger’s lead. But then listen to how purely Breathe, and I’m not only talking about the
Input Sensitivity: 5mV in for and delicately the M3xVinyl delivers the final spoken contributions. Then in the following track,
500mV out (at 1kHz) lighthearted Krieger contributions. The contrast On the Run, listen to the pan that starts at 1.36
Input Impedance: 47kΩ is educational. Morrison’s vocal in Riders on the and then the panoply of effects that follows, and
Input Capacitance: 50–400pF Storm was also delivered marvellously well by hear how the imaging ability of the M3xVinyl
selectable the Musical Fidelity, and balanced perfectly throws everything into stark relief. The breath
Gain: 40 or 46dB with +6dB against the ghostly background vocals. The sounds as the track closes out were rendered
function sound of Manzarek’s Rhodes piano is also as well as I’ve ever heard them. Marvellous!
THD+N: <0.028% amazing, particularly in the upper octaves. As for Time, I was revelling in the hollowness
Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 95dB It’s a masterpiece of engineering, considering of the acoustic: the echoed percussion was
Crosstalk: >100dB the ‘studio’ and the equipment used, so the rendered with amazing precision. Money revealed
Overload Margin: 26dB album is a real tribute to the skills and talents yet again the M3xVinyl’s amazing ability to
of Bruce Botnick as well as those of the band. separate the left and right channels while still
MC INPUT I can never really listen to the lyric of Riders on maintaining a crisp stereo image. And on Us and
Frequency Response: RIAA the Storm without thinking how it was a portent Them I snapped to attention when I heard the
or RIAA/IEC ±0.3dB of Morrison’s death just three months later. sound of Dick Parry’s sax — the M3xVinyl was
Input Sensitivity: 500μV in The lyric also reflects that it was not only the working wonders with it, so it was a flawless
for 500mV out (at 1kHz) last track on the album, but the last track performance, both sonically and musically.
Input Impedance: Morrison would ever release. During every album that I played while I
25Ω–1.2KΩ selectable A real test for any phono cartridge — or was preparing this review I experimented with
Gain: 60 or 66dB with +6dB any phono stage for that matter — is the the RIAA curve setting, switching back and forth
function magical soundscape presented by the Alan between each and rather confoundingly, found
THD+N: <0.28% Parsons Project’s album I Robot. I was absolutely that I preferred the IEC-RIAA setting every time. I
Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 80dB captivated the minute the stylus dropped into really wasn’t expecting this! And it wasn’t because
Crosstalk: > 90dB the title track that kicks it off. The mezzo who it cut out rumble, because on all but one of the
Overload Margin: 26dB sang the wordless lead vocal on this should LPs I played there was no recorded rumble, and
have been given a credit. (Presumably it was Jaki my system doesn’t have any rumble to remove
GENERAL Whitren, but it could also have been a member anyway. The IEC-RIAA setting just sounded better
Output: 1×RCA (500mV nom of the English Chorale). The vocalese is a bit to me, period. As for that single LP I played that
10V max) reminiscent of Pink Floyd’s Great Gig in the Sky (it’s did have rumble on it (The Buskers’ Album) the
Input: 1×RCA actually much better!), which is rather fascinating IEC-RIAA setting completely eliminated the
Power Consumption (Max): when you consider that Parsons was the engineer rumble recorded on this album whilst leaving
20-watts for Dark Side of the Moon. The vividness of the the street and traffic noises untouched. In other
Power Consumption orchestral colouring on this track was reproduced words, a perfect outcome.
(Standby): <0.5-watts blindingly well by the Musical Fidelity M3xVinyl.
Dimensions: I personally think this was Alan Parsons’ best CONCLUSION
440×105×390mm album, mostly because it has more ‘best’ tracks The Musical Fidelity M3xVinyl phono stage is
Weight: 6.6kg than any other PP albums. (Those tracks being certainly a one-trick pony, in that it only does
Contact: Audio Marketing on I Wouldn’t Want to be with You, Breakdown, and one thing and accommodates only one phono
(02) 9882 3877 or visit Some Other Time.) I think his best-ever song is Eye cartridge, but as Paul Simon says in his song of in the Sky, but it and MammaGamma are the only that name, “it turns that trick with pride”.

The Power
to Deliver


NETWORK PREAMPLIFIER 03 9459 7474  /synergyaudiovisual

e1X DAC/CONTROL On Monday, just three days later, I was a firm believer
& e1X AMPLIFIER in multi-function controls. It all had to do with my
experience over the weekend.
My wife and I had been asked by friends to stay the
PREAMP & STEREO POWER AMPLIFIER weekend. After a very pleasant day touring vineyards in
the Barossa we were back at their place enjoying some

of what we’d purchased from the cellar doors when Mike
hy Minneapolis-based John (not his real name) asked if I’d look at his system for him,
Stronczer, the founder and chief because he didn’t think that it was sounding as it should.
designer of Bel Canto, who once Now Mike absolutely loves his music, has a huge collection
described himself to an inter- of LPs and a somewhat smaller one of CDs, and his system
viewer as “American by birth and is very nice, with a carefully curated assembly of synergistic
French by orientation” decided on components into which I had absolutely no input at all.
an Italian name for his company was always a mystery to The first problem was that I couldn’t help him with his
me until I read a review of one of his Evo amplifiers in which sound problem because he couldn’t get any sound from
the reviewer (Steven Stone) wrote “Bel Canto’s original his system at all. “Funny, it was OK yesterday,” he said.
products were single-ended tube amplifiers. These large, He was pressing buttons rather randomly on the front
hot, low-powered behemoths have very simple circuits that, panel of his amplifier, and every time he adjusted the
although inefficient, produce wonderfully lush, beautiful volume to see if he’d got a result, I heard a scratchy sound
sound. That’s why founder John Stronczer named his com- from the left loudspeaker, so something was amiss. So of
pany Bel Canto, which is Italian for beautiful singing.” course I offered to take over.
My first problem was that his amplifier was on the
E1X DAC/CONTROL PREAMP floor and his system was in his ‘man-cave’ at the back of
Bel Canto’s e1X DAC/Control Preamp is a complex device, the house, which had only one window and a single light.
though you’d never know it by looking at its front panel, I had to lie down on the floor (literally) in order to see the
which has a single rotary control and a headphone socket. front panel at all. Then when I was down there, it was so
Which begs the question of which is better: a single dark and the writing on the front panel was so small that
multi-function control or a front panel full of buttons? even using the light on my phone it was difficult to see
Funnily enough, my answer changed from the one to which button did what.
the other over a single weekend. On Friday, which was the The no-sound problem was quickly solved. It turned
day my review sample arrived, I was all for buttons. out that his son, who was visiting in the school holidays,


had plugged his phone into the system The only ‘non-intuitive’ issue with Interestingly, after not having seen any
and switched it to the auxiliary input, using the control is that you have to know component fitted with a Tilt control for at
which Mick never uses. He simply leaves what options are available for each sub- least twenty years, I’ve recently seen half-
the input selector on phono and presses menu, because they’re not ‘previewed’ on a-dozen, so I guess it’s now either a ‘flavour
the CD Direct button whenever he wants the front-panel display. So, for example, of the month’ control or manufacturers are
to listen to a CD. But once we had sound, it you have to know that the built-in phono using the same OEM software/hardware IC.
was obvious there were some fairly glaring stage allows you to choose between four In the case of the e1X, you get ten
anomalies, again attributed to his son, who different gain settings (40, 46, 60 and 66dB) different tilt options, from –5 to +5, with the
was unfamiliar with his system, so various before you start setting this particular maximum settings offering a maximum of
other controls were inappropriately set. parameter. You should, however, already 3dB of boost and cut. So if you choose the –5
Trying to work all this out while lying on know what features are on offer as a part setting, for example, you’ll get –3dB of cut at
the floor using my phone to illuminate the of the purchasing process itself — such as 20Hz and +3dB of boost at 20kHz. The centre
buttons and work out what was what had reading this or some other review of the e1X frequency (or the tilt axis or hinge point if
me cursing buttons (silently of course!). But DAC/Control Preamp, or simply having them you prefer) is at 775Hz.
the harsh light of the phone also revealed shown to you by your retailer. The Bass Eq button is ‘kind of’ a bass
that the amp’s proximity to the floor, along tone control control in that it allows you to
with the fact that Mick’s wife refused to cut or boost low frequencies, again from –5
set foot in his domain (or was not allowed, to +5, with the ‘maximum’ settings offering
I got two different stories on that one!) a 3dB of boost and cut. The difference
meant that all the knobs and buttons had a between Bel Canto’s Bass Eq control and a
fairly generous covering of dust and carpet bass tone control is that whereas a bass tone
particles, so I immediately had a fairly good control will have an effect on frequencies
idea of why the volume control made
scratching sounds (although this wasn’t the
I was intrigued all the way up to 1kHz, Bel Canto’s Bass Eq
control has no effect on frequencies above
problem I’d been asked to trouble-shoot) by Bel Canto’s 350Hz. Unlike some Bass Eq controls, which
are peaking types, Bel Canto’s Bass Eq control
and why some of Mick’s button-pressing
might not have been terribly effective. provision of a Tilt action is ‘shelved’ so that if you choose, say,
All this meant that we spent Sunday +1.6dB of bass equalisation, the frequency
disassembling his system, moving it all to control rather than response below 350Hz will progressively
his studio (he’s a very talented artist, and
the difference in the lighting conditions the usual bass and boosted with decreasing frequency to end
up at +1.6dB at 120Hz, after which it will
between his man-cave and his studio was
more than dramatic), then doing more
treble controls, remain at this level all the way down to 20Hz.
As for the that ‘Main HP’ control, it
disassembly and spending several hours
with an air compressor, several of his artists’
which it ‘kind of’ implements a second-order high-pass filter
for the main loudspeaker output so that
brushes, cleaning solvent, side-cutters and replicates you can better-integrate a subwoofer into
P2000 wet ‘n dry before re-assembling the your system (about which I’ll talk later in this
entire system. review). It gives you nine turnover points,
All of which reveals why, on the In the extremely unlikely event that you starting at 40Hz then moving up in 10Hz
Monday, when I resumed writing this review, don’t know what settings are available, they increments to the maximum of 120Hz. Not
I was now a fan of multi-function controls! are all explained in detail on pages 6 and 7 of planning on using a subwoofer? Then you
For a start, you don’t even have to see the said Owners’ Manual, complete with handy can turn the filter off completely.
control in order to use it. Then there’s only a and informative graphs to explain the e1X’s Tilt, There’s also a ‘Sub LP’ (Subwoofer Low-
single control, so there’s far less to go wrong Bass Eq and Main HP options. Pass) filter that allows you to interpose a
(or get dusty). And a multi-function rotary I was intrigued by Bel Canto’s provision complementary 2nd-order low-pass filter
control will be an optical encoder, so it really of a Tilt control rather than bass and treble into the circuit of the e1X’s analogue line
doesn’t matter if it does get dusty. controls, which it ‘kind of’ replicates. I say ‘kind output (not the main line output!).
But there are rotary controls and there of’ because whereas with bass and treble Obviously, being a complementary
are rotary controls, because some are controls you can boost both high frequencies circuit, you again get nine turnover points,
more difficult to use than others, due to and low frequencies at the same time, with starting at 40Hz then moving up in 10Hz
poor programming decisions made by the a Tilt control whenever you boost the bass increments to the maximum of 120Hz, plus
manufacturer. So, for the record, Bel Canto’s frequencies you reduce the high frequencies the option of not having the filter in-circuit
control is so easy and intuitive to use that at the same time and whenever you boost the at all. You can also adjust the output voltage
most people won’t need to refer to the high frequencies you simultaneously reduce of the line output from –6dB to +6dB in
Owners’ Manual at all. But if you do, the fact the low frequencies. So in essence you’re 1dB steps. I am not 100 per cent sure of the
that Bel Canto can explain every single one ‘tilting’ the otherwise-flat frequency response usefulness of this particular circuit, but I
of its functions in just a single page (page 5) one way or the other which, I guess is exactly guess it’s better to have the ability to do this
is proof of how easy it is to use. why it’s called a Tilt control. at this point in the signal chain than not.

THE BEL CANTO E1X DAC/CONTROL ANALOGUE INPUTS stored), then play it back. You can load the SEEK
PRE PROVIDES ALL THE DIGITAL The Bel Canto e1X has three analogue inputs one app onto your tablet or smart phone but at the
of which is a phono input and the other two line time of writing, that device would have to be
SO IF YOU HAVE A ROON ACCOUNT, inputs. All are accessed via RCA terminals. The pho- made by Apple, because the app is iOS-only.
YOU CAN USE ROON REMOTE TO no input has four different gain settings — 40dB,
CONTROL PLAYBACK OF YOUR 46dB, 60dB and 66dB — as mentioned previously, REMOTE CONTROL
which means you can deploy phono cartridges The Bel Canto e1X is provided as standard with
with nominal outputs of 0.25mV, 0.5mV, 2.5mV or a very handsome infra-red remote control that is
5.0mV. In order that these can be either moving- also heavy. So heavy ,in fact, (362 grams) that if you
coil or moving-magnet designs, you are also able needed to grab a weapon for self-defence, it would
to select the load applied: 50Ω, 100Ω, 500Ω, 1kΩ be a very good choice! This remote controls only
or 47kΩ. If you don’t need one or more of these the hardware-related components of the e1X: you
inputs, they can be “hidden” from the input selector can’t use it to select and play music. For that, you
switch so that you won’t have to scroll through need to use Bel Canto’s free SEEK app.
them. And if you’d prefer to name them to reflect
components in your own system, rather than the SPECIFICATIONS
default ‘PHON’, ‘LIN1’ and ‘LIN2’ you can — so long I know it’s unfashionable to refer to specifications
as you stick within the four character limit and use these days, but I usually can’t help myself and
only upper or lower case letters or numerals. At the when I looked at those provided with the e1X
very least you should change these to ‘Phon’, ‘Lin1’ DAC/Control Preamp I saw that in an otherwise
and ‘Lin2’ because it looks so much better on the extremely comprehensive set of specs there was
e1X’s otherwise basic front panel display. one that was missing — the frequency response.
It only took a moment to realise that Bel Canto is
DIGITAL INPUTS implementing its many response-tailoring features
The Bel Canto e1X DAC/Control Pre provides all including Tilt, Bass EQ, High-Pass and Low-Pass
If you have a the digital inputs you could need, plus it’s both
Roon and MQA compatible so if you have a Roon
filter options digitally, rather than by analogue
means. This means that all analogue audio signals
stereo system account, you can use Roon Remote to control
playback of your digital files. To do this you will, of
delivered to the e1X’s input are converted to digital
internally by an A–D converter for processing
that includes a course, have to use the Ethernet input, which ac- before being converted back to analogue by a
cepts up to 24-bit/192kHz files and DSD64 in DSF D–A converter and the sampling and conversion
subwoofer, you format. For higher rates you’ll need to use the USB processes required to do this place an upper limit
input, which accepts up to 24-bit/384kHz in PCM, on the unit’s high-frequency response.
should make and MQA and up to DSD128 in DoP format. The The same high-frequency limitations apply

listening to this other digital inputs (AES, SPDIF and Toslink) are all
capable of 24/192 performance.
to the e1X Stereo Power amplifier but this time it’s
not because of A-D-A conversion but because of
Bel Canto pair If you don’t subscribe to Roon, you can instead
use Bel Canto’s free SEEK app to browse through
the use of Class-D amplification (Bel Canto puts
the –3dB point of the e1X Stereo power amplifier
a priority your stored digital music (no matter where it’s at 50kHz.)


Although the upper frequency response limit based on a single test frequency (1kHz) and a and scrolls through every one of the
of this pair will be dictated by the power amplifier, distortion level of 1 per cent. Bel Canto rates 0.5dB steps that Bel Canto makes
I think I would have liked some kind of bypass the e1X somewhat lower, claiming an output of available in order that you can pre-
circuit to be fitted to the DAC/Control Preamp. 250-watts per channel into 8Ω, and 500-watts into cisely set your desired volume level.
4Ω. Interestingly, Bel Canto used IcePower Class-D This means that should you decide to
FRONT PANEL DISPLAY modules (made by Bang & Olufson) in its REF500 use it to ramp up from minimum to
I rather liked that the very first thing the e1X does amplifiers and Hypex modules here. maximum volume, you’ll be waiting
when it turns on is light up every single element in Stronczer may not have designed the second around 22 seconds.
the front panel display (in three additive stages) to stage of the e1X’s two-stage architecture, but he So if you decide to make major
create a large, blu-ish white rectangle so you can did design the first (input buffer) stage, which is a volume control changes, you’d be
see if you have any dead pixels. After this it shows very fast, low-noise Class-A amplifier with a single- better-advised to use the ‘Mute’ but-
in turn the company’s name, the product’s model stage folded cascode architecture and more than ton on the remote.
number and then the software version it’s running 500mA of peak current output capability that If you follow my advice you’ll
until finally showing the active input (at the left of has a very high open-loop bandwidth in order to find a ‘hidden’ feature of Bel Canto’s
the display) and the volume setting at the right. enable low distortion levels through the audio remote, which is that it has two
band. Bel Canto says this single-stage high-current settings: ‘Soft’ and ‘Mute’. ‘Mute’ mutes
E1X STEREO POWER AMPLIFIER amplifier stage (which it refers to as an SSHA) is the volume entirely, while ‘Soft’ knocks
The weight of the e1X is a dead giveaway that implemented using a vertical modular design it back by not quite so much (10dB,
it’s a Class-D design with a switch-mode power to permit the best use of IC-based and discrete actually). I say it’s a ‘hidden’ feature
supply, but even if you don’t pick it up you can component design. “The SSHA module brings because it’s not mentioned in Bel
tell from its size, because there’s no way you could a further element of dynamic resolution and Canto’s Owners Manual.
cram the power supply required for a Class-AB contrast to the NCore amplifier,” says Stronczer. I rather expected that the e1X’s
design rated at 250-watts per channel into such The SSHA stage delivers either 14dB or 20dB of front panel display would show 0.0
a small chassis. But what type of Class-D amplifier gain, depending on which internal switch setting to 100, but in fact, if you press the ‘Up’
stage is it using? Is it one from Hypex, or Purifi, or you use while the NCore module adds a further volume button once you’ve reached
IcePower? (Between them, these three manufac- 13dB, so the overall voltage gain of the amplifier is 100, the display shows ‘Max’. Because
turers supply Class-D modules to almost every either 27dB or 33dB. of this, I rather expected that if the
high-end manufacturer that’s building Class-D Rather than design his own power supply display was showing 0.0 and I pressed
amplifiers.) Stronczer again turned to Hypex for an off-the- the ‘Down’ volume button, the display
Look inside the e1X and you’ll find that shelf one. He uses that company’s SMPS (Switch would show ‘Min’, but it doesn’t. (And
Bel Canto is using two 400-watt NCore Class-D Mode Power Supply) S1200 which is a 1,200- so far as I could tell, ‘100’ and ‘Max’ are
modules from Netherland-based company watt supply specifically designed to be used in exactly the same volume level.)
Hypex’s NCcore range. “The output stage is a low combination with Hypex’s range of UcD and
gain NCore Class-D stage that provides extremely NCore amplifier modules.
low noise and distortion while delivering up to 30 BELOW YOU CAN SEE THE FOUR
amperes of current,” says Stronczer. “The overall LISTENING AMPLIFIER STAGES SITTING
architecture of this amplifier — along with the It was only when I came to actually use the re- VERTICALLY ON THE MAIN PRINTED
other NCore-based products in our line — is a mote control to adjust volume during my listening CIRCUIT BOARD. BEL CANTO CALLS
two-stage architecture with no global feedback.” sessions that I realised it has a fixed scrolling speed THESE SSHA MODULES
Hypex says of its NCore 500 OEM module:
“The NC500 OEM amplifier module is an extremely
high-quality audio power amplifier module which
operates in Class-D. Not only does it offer a way
for audiophile music reproduction to continue
in an ever-more energy-conscious world, its
measured and sonic performance actually raises
the bar for audio amplifiers of any description.
Operation is based on a non-hysteresis 5th-order
self-oscillating control loop taking feedback
only at the speaker output. Furthermore, the
NC500 OEM is an unbuffered amplifier leaving
the implementation of an input buffer up to the
manufacturer. The NC500 is practically devoid
of any sonic signature so this external buffer is a
good way of tuning in a ‘house sound’.”
Hypex rates each NC500 OEM Class-D
module with an output of 400-watts into 8Ω,
and 700-watts into 4Ω but these are peak figures


The very first music I played using this Bel The same transient capabilities were again
Canto combo was Fiona Apple’s wonderfully ably demonstrated to me when I fired up
titled album “The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than the Radiohead’s “In Rainbows”, particularly in the
SPECIFICATIONS Driver of the Screw and Whipping Cords Will Serve opener 15 Steps, but also right throughout the
You More Than Ropes Will Ever Do.” It’s a title that album. In 15 Steps I admired the way the Bel Cantos
Bel Canto e1x
Stereo Power Amplifier captured my imagination even though I have no were able to keep such incredible separation
idea of what it means. The first first track (Every between the left and right channels whilst at the
Price: $10,100 (RRP) Single Night) had me impressed by just how quiet same time keeping the vocals and bass perfectly
this Bel Canto combo is. There was absolutely no centred. There’s absolutely no bleed at all!
Power Output (8Ω): 250w/ch background noise at all, meaning that I could really Turn up the volume on Nude and you’ll be
Power Output (4Ω): 500w/ch hear all those weird things Apple has going on in able to appreciate the massive power delivery of
Minimum Load: 2Ω the background that are usually lost in the noise the Bel Cantos, which includes the almost second-
Frequency Response: floor of most amplifiers. sense knowledge that there’s still plenty of power
0Hz–50Hz ±3dB The same was true of Daredevil which is an in reserve. The fullness of the sound stage and the
THD+N: 0.002% (1w/1kHz/4Ω) outlandish track that just doesn’t work unless complete lack of distortion are also stunners and
IMD (CCIF): 0.0003% you have a first-class sound system. First there you can hear that Yorke’s really into it, putting his
Output Noise: 35μVRMS (A) are the rhythmic textures of the various disparate utmost best into his performance, and you sense
Gain: 27 or 33dB (Selectable) percussion instruments, and the stabbing sounds that Phil Selway and Colin Greenwood realise this
Damping Factor: >500 of Apple’s piano, all of which are fiendishly difficult and lift their usually tight partnership to a point
Output Impedance: <16mΩ to reproduce, yet the Bel Cantos e1Xes made it where they sound arc-welded together. The sound
Power Consumption: 44W seem easy. But then listen to how well the Bel of the finger-picked acoustic guitars on Faust Arp
Standby Consumption: 0.5W Canto e1Xes deliver the multiple acoustic spaces is perfect, as is the string sound of the Millennia
Dimensions (WHD): Apple used when creating the various sound Ensemble. On lesser amplifiers, these strings can
451×400×83mm effects. If you listen using ordinary amplification, sound syrupy, sweetened, and lacking in texture,
Weight: 5.9kg you just won’t hear this — everything will appear but with the Bel Canto e1Xes the sound was
to have been recorded in the same acoustic space. accurately and authentically realised.
Bel Canto eX1 The sub-bass throb that leads in on Valentine Another album you need to hear loud via
DAC/Control Preamplifier was delivered perfectly by the Bel Cantos, neither the Bel Cantos and a great pair of speakers is The
Price: $11,000 too dry nor too wet, which are the two most usual Strokes’“This Is It”. Do this and I’ll guarantee you’ll
mistakes made by many amplifiers. Listen, too, to be in for the duration right from the title track
MM/MC Input: how Apple’s vocal strategies change during the opener. The sounds of Nikolai Fraiture’s bass and
Input Sensitivity: MM: 2.5– song — the catches in her voice, the inflexions — Fabrizio Moretti’s kit are totally real, bursting from
5mV; MC: 0.25–0.5mV and you’re just going to love the fade at the end. the speakers, driven by the Bel Canto e1Xes. The
Input Load: MM: 47kΩ; MC: These strategies are all magnificently rendered by pair are again front and centre on Someday and
50ΩΩ, 100Ω, 500Ω, 1kΩ the Bel Canto e1Xes. again on Last Nite and yet again on my personal
RIAA Accuracy: If you’ve never heard anything of Fiona Apples, favourite Hard To Explain. It’s all just rock n’ roll, but
50Hz–15kHz ±0.25dB you simply have to listen to Jonathon. The sounds that’s the beauty of it, really, and the Bel Canto
THD+N: <0.01% (A-weighted) are amazing, but it’s the actual composition itself e1Xes do it oh-so-well.
S/N Ratio: >70dB (A-weighted) that is flawless — musically, this is a straight-out
genius composition. The minor keys against the CONCLUSION
Line Inputs: majors, the use of semitones, it’s a jaw-dropping If you have a stereo system that includes a sub-
Maximum Input: 2.2 VRMS musical experience. The very first time I heard it, woofer, you should make listening to this Bel Canto
Input Impedance: 10kΩ I was so amazed by the music that I didn’t even pair a priority, because integrating a subwoofer
THD+N: 0.003% notice the lyric, much less Apple’s voice. Once into a high-end two-channel system is very tricky
Dynamic Range: 110dB(A) again, the Bel Canto e1Xes were more than up to to do without the tools at hand to do it. And by
the task of delivering her genius. Pay very special ‘tools’ I mean the high-pass, low-pass, phase and
General: attention to the closing moments! sub-gain circuits that are fitted to the Bel Canto
Dynamic Range: 126dB (A) Listening to Bjork’s Cocoon (from “Vespertine”) e1X DAC/Control Preamp. These are what will
THD+N: <0.001% revealed that the ability of the Bel Cantos e1Xes enable you to integrate a subwoofer perfectly with
IMD (CCIF): <0.001% to deliver transients (the glitches) is second to your main loudspeakers so that you will always
Power Consumption: 20-watts none. These are superbly fast amplifiers, so fast that be guaranteed an improvement in the sound of
Dimensions (WDH): the effects Bjork incorporates may well have you your hi-fi system. (And a subwoofer will improve
451×400×83mm fearing for your tweeters, so turn up the volume at the sound of any hi-fi system, no matter how large
Weight: 6.4kg your peril. Listen to the beautiful high-frequency your main speakers might be).
sounds she’s captured a few tracks later on Pagan And if you’re not planning on using a
Contact: Absolute Hi End Peril and marvel that the Bel Cantos can deliver subwoofer, you should still make listening to these
on 04 8877 7999 or at them so effectively. On Frosti, which follows, the Bel Canto e1Xes a priority, simply because they rhythmic perfection of their delivery is awesome. work so well and sound so amazing.

NS-3000 Reviewer Eric Haswell



amaha is the only Japanese No longer available, the Yamaha NS-10M was
company that is world-famous a two-way, two-driver infinite baffle design that
for the quality of its loud- used 180mm bass/midrange driver and a 35mm
speakers. There are two other soft-dome tweeter in a 10.4 litre enclosure.
famous Japanese loudspeaker Which brings us to the Yamaha NS-3000,
manufacturers — TAD and TOA which is a two-way, two-driver bass reflex design
— but few people outside of Japan have ever that uses a 190mm bass/midrange driver and a
heard of them and both of them operate almost 30mm soft-dome tweeter in a 28.4 litre enclosure.
exclusively in the commercial sphere, so they’re
not exactly household names. ZYLON TWEETER
The very first loudspeakers Yamaha High-end loudspeakers do not sell like hot-cakes,
designed and built back in the 50s were not hi-fi so developing unique drivers for a specific model
loudspeakers. They were for use in the company’s is a very expensive exercise, so when a second
range of electronic organs, which it named model is added to a particular range, there’s a
‘Electone’ and promoted as having a sound the huge incentive to use parts developed for the
same as that of the conventional organs they first model in the second. Marketing departments
replaced. In other words, a ‘natural sound.’ This usually call this process ‘trickle-down technology’
‘natural sound’ slogan is continued to this day in the and canny consumers should always be on the
model numbers of all Yamaha loudspeakers — NS. look-out for products that use parts developed for
Amongst audiophiles, the most famous of more expensive designs, because it means they’re
Yamaha’s loudspeaker designs over the years getting a level of quality and performance that
was undoubtedly the NS-1000. Introduced in would not otherwise be possible.
1974 it was the first loudspeaker in the world This is certainly the case with Yamaha’s NS-
to use Beryllium diaphragms and it was the first 3000 design, because it uses exactly the same
loudspeaker to have a gloss black cabinet finish. tweeter as Yamaha’s range-topping NS-5000
This was a three-way, three-driver bass reflex design. On the face of it (literally!) it’s a fairly
design that was also available as a professional conventional 30mm dome tweeter, but if you
monitor for studios (NS-1000M). look under the hood, you’ll find it’s anything but.
Yamaha’s current flagship domestic For starters, the dome is made from a
loudspeaker, the NS-5000, shares much of the material that was first used in a loudspeaker
DNA of the original NS-1000, right down to the in the NS-5000 — Zylon. You’ve probably not
fact that it, too, is a three-way, three-driver bass heard of this material but it currently holds the
reflex design with almost the same physical world record as being the world’s strongest man-
dimensions and a similar finish. made fibre, one whose cross-sectional strength
Amongst audio professionals, the most outperforms both steel and carbon-fibre. In fact THE RESONANCE SUPPRESSION
famous of Yamaha’s loudspeakers designs was it’s so strong that in order to save weight, Zylon CHAMBER BEHIND THE ZYLON
the NS-10 and its variants (NS-10M, NS-10 Studio cord is used instead of stainless steel rigging on DOME SUPPRESSES UNWANTED
et al). These speakers became so famous with modern racing yachts. RESONANCES, BUT ALSO
recording engineers that at one point it could In terms of weight in relation to tweeter DOME TO IMPROVE THE TWEETER’S
fairly be said that almost every single recording domes, Zylon is actually lighter than Beryllium, INTRINSIC PERFORMANCE
studio in the world owned at least one pair. Even
now, if you look at any photograph of a recording
studio that was taken between 1980 and 2000
you’ll almost be guaranteed of seeing a pair of
Yamaha NS-10Ms.
Reasons for the popularity of the NS-10
design were many, but according to an in-depth
survey of 36 pairs of studio loudspeakers by
Philip R. Newell, Keith R. Holland and Julius P.
Newell, the main ones were— “the free-field
frequency response was what was needed for
pop / rock music mixing, the better than average
step function response which enables ‘rock and
roll punch’, the distortion characteristics being
better than average for a loudspeaker of its size
and that the output sound pressure levels were
suited for close-field studio monitoring with
adequate reliability.”

to it as such in the previous paragraph. However

Yamaha also abbreviates it to an “RS” chamber.
I assume no-one told them what those initials
stand for here in Australia!
The diameter of the dome itself is 25mm,
which increases to 30mm if you include the
dome’s suspension. The entire unit sits in the
exact centre of a machined aluminium face-plate
that is 114mm in diameter.

The Yamaha NS-3000’s bass/midrange driver is
190mm diameter overall, but it has a moving
diameter (cone plus roll surround) of 145mm and
a cone diameter of 115mm. The all-important
Thiele/Small diameter is 130mm, which gives it
an effective cone area (Sd) of 133cm². Not one of
these dimensions is 160mm, or even close to it, so
I have no idea why Yamaha’s specifications list this
as being a 160mm driver.
The bass/midrange driver cone is also formed
from Zylon and although it looks dish-shaped
in photographs, you’ll find that in the flesh it’s
actually flared, with a recessed central dust-cap
that’s also made of Zylon. The bass/midrange
driver’s frame appears to be made of machined
YAMAHA SAYS THAT “ZYLON aluminium (rather than a casting).
DRIVERS BOAST A SOUND VELOCITY Yamaha’s previously favoured material, with a
COMPARABLE TO BERYLLIUM YET density of 1.55g/cm³ compared with Beryllium’s ACOUSTIC ABSORBER
density of only 1.8g/cm³. One problem with Just as the performance of a tweeter’s dome
Zylon is that it can be adversely affected by both can be affected by resonances, so too can the
ultraviolet and visible light, so Yamaha coats its performance of a bass/midrange driver’s cone,
Zylon domes and cones with an aerospace alloy though this time the resonances are caused by
containing nickel, copper and iron, one of whose standing waves within the cabinet, due to the
brand names is Monel. fact that sound waves reflected from one surface
Yamaha says that “Zylon drivers boast a (say the top of the cabinet) are interfering with
sound velocity comparable to Beryllium yet sound waves reflected from an opposite surface
possessing the characteristic softness of textiles.” (in this case the bottom of the cabinet). Most
As for its composition when used as a dome and manufacturers try to limit these reflections by
cone, it’s a weave that’s made of a composite of ‘softening’ the hard internal surfaces with padding
carbon and glass fibres. or foam — or a combination of both. Yamaha
Also unconventional is the resonance says it solves the problem by fitting what it calls
These are small suppression chamber behind the Zylon dome
that, as its name suggests, suppresses unwanted
an ‘acoustic absorber’ which it says “cancels the
standing waves by use of internal resonance.”
speakers but this resonances, but which also controls back-
waves from the dome to improve its intrinsic
Unfortunately the company does not go
into any technical detail about which resonances
track was the performance. Controlling resonances and back- are cancelled or exactly how this is done, but it’s
pressure is an expensive business — just ask all done with a small U-shaped rectangular tube
first of many that B&W how much it cost to develop and produce filled with acoustic wadding. In the absence of
its famous ‘Nautilus’ system, which is designed any other technical information I can only assume
proved to me to achieve the same end. Yamaha has taken a that this tube is acting as a Helmholtz resonator,

that these little rather different engineering approach to the

same problem, however, so that whereas B&W
and has been tuned to resonate at the frequency
Yamaha’s engineers wish to cancel.
speakers punch uses a single tapered tube filled with different
absorption materials, Yamaha uses multiple tubes
Yamaha uses two such ‘acoustic absorbers’
inside the NS-5000, each of which is is J-shaped,
well above their of differing lengths.
Yamaha calls this a resonance suppression
rather than U-shaped as in the case of the
NS-3000. Once again I can only assume the
weight in the bass chamber because it is, and that’s why I referred smaller cabinet volume of the NS-3000 and the



resulting difference in the resonant frequency expect in a two-way design that’s not using the frequency response of the Yamaha NS-
required to be cancelled is the reason for the any compensation, but the parts used are 3000 is not only listed fairly conventionally
differences in shape and size of the acoustic top-quality, no better evidenced by the fact (as 39Hz to 60kHz –10dB), but also quite
absorber and the fact that there’s only one of Yamaha’s engineers have specified the use unconventionally (as 39Hz to 100kHz –30dB).
them inside the NS-3000’s cabinet. of an Mcap Supreme Evo capacitor made by Even if it were possible to hear a sound
Yamaha’s engineers say of the device Mundorf, in Germany. And the inductor used with a frequency of 100kHz (the upper limit
inside the NS-3000: “Designed specifically in the NS-3000 is one of the largest I have of hearing in an adult human is generally
for the NS-3000, the new acoustic absorber ever seen on a small two-way design — even accepted to be 20kHz), a reduction of 30
reduces the impact of internal standing waves larger than the one the British Broadcasting decibels at that frequency would make it
while simultaneously reducing the need for Corporation’s engineering department speci- even less likely to be audible, even in an
sound absorbing material. Consequently, fied for use in its famous LS 3/5A broadcast anechoic chamber.
musical energy remains distinctly evident.” monitor design.
Yamaha specifies the crossover frequency REAR TERMINALS
CROSSOVER NETWORK as 2.8kHz. Given its engineering prowess it’s not surpris-
The crossover network in the Yamaha NS- But speaking of specifications, someone ing that Yamaha decided to make its own
3000 that splits the incoming frequencies to at Yamaha either has a sense of humour or loudspeaker terminals rather than buy them
send to the drivers is relatively simple, as I’d is trying to slip one past the keeper, because off-the-shelf from one of the usual audiophile


BEHIND speaker terminal suppliers — WBT, etc.

And a fine job they’ve made of it too,
YAMAHA’S because the terminals and the posts themselves
“MAKE WAVES” are sculpted from solid brass. They’re multi-way
types that accept stripped wire, spades, rings and
SLOGAN banana plugs and both terminals are both colour-
coded and signically identified. These terminals
Yamaha’s corporate slogan ‘make waves’ is are fitted to a very tasteful solid alloy plate that
an exceedingly clever one, because it works simply bears the Yamaha logo, the Yamaha name
across so many of this famous Japanese and the model number of the speaker — NS-
company’s different businesses. The oldest of 3000. This plate is in turn fixed to the rear panel
these, of course, is its musical instrument divi- with four Philips-headed stainless steel bolts that
sion, which kicked off ‘way back in 1887 when fix into captive nuts inside the cabinet. (I assumed
the company was founded to manufacture from the use of stainless steel that the plate is
pianos and reed organs. not made of aluminium due to the potential for
Yamaha is now one of the largest piano galvanic corrosion.)
manufacturers in the world, not least because
in addition to manufacturing its own Yamaha BASS REFLEX PORT
pianos it now also manufactures pianos The rear-firing bass reflex port has a curiously-
for Bösendorfer. Over the years, Yamaha moulded exit ‘horn’ that’s shaped a bit like the
started manufacturing other types of musical petals of a flower, presumably to improve air SUPREME EVO CAPACITOR MADE
instruments as well, so it now makes an flow in and out of the port to reduce the pos- BY MUNDORF, IN GERMANY. THE
almost-orchestral range covering brass, sibility of chuffing, or ‘port noise’. The port itself is INDUCTOR USED IN THE NS3000
woodwind and stringed instruments as well 185mm long overall and for most of its length is
as percussion instruments. And, as all of these 55mm in diameter. The petal-shaped flared horn LOUDSPEAKER DESIGN
instruments — whether they’re acoustic or is moulded from black plastic; the tube itself is
electric — create sound waves, Yamaha’s made from pressed paper.
“make waves” slogan is most appropriate. As with many modern bass reflex designs,
So why do I think Yamaha’s slogan is Yamaha has included multi-stage foam plugs
so clever? Well, Yamaha’s marine division that can be used to partially or completely block
makes jet-skis as well as a huge range of output from the ports. The theory is that these
outboard motors for boats, and when you can be used to ‘improve’ the sound if you end up
attach an outboard motor to a boat and head putting the speakers at a sonically unfavourable
off, you’ll certainly “make waves” — both position in your listening room. Personally, I’d
sonic and aquatic. suggest a better option would be to move your
Yamaha is also famous as manufacturer speakers somewhere more sonically favourable in
of motorcycles, snow-mobiles, quad-bikes your room, but I guess if this is not possible you
and golf carts. The same “make waves” slogan could use the plugs as a last resort.
could still apply to these products, since all
make sound waves, but Yamaha instead uses SPS3000 STANDS
a completely different slogan — “Revs Your The Yamaha NS-3000s do not come with stands.
Heart” — which to me, doesn’t have quite the Yes, I know we’ve pictured them on stands, and
same ring.
However, although it may use different
you’ll see stands in most of the advertisements
for the NS-3000s, but as the fine print in those ads
As with many
slogans across its various divisions, all of
them use the same Yamaha corporate logo
says: “Although images of the NS-3000 may depict
the SPS-3000, it is not included.”
modern bass reflex
which, if you look at it closely, you will see Yamaha Australia offered me a pair of SPS- designs, Yamaha
is comprised of three tuning forks enclosed 3000 stands, which it says “were specifically
within a circle. Obviously tuning forks are designed for use with the NS-3000s” for the has included
associated with music (they were actually purposes of this review, but I declined, preferring
invented by a musician called John Shore in to use my own stands instead which, as it multi-stage foam
1711) but you also have to tune engines, so
the logo is still quite apt. And if you think I’m
happened, were the perfect height to elevate
the tweeters to the exact point they should
plugs that can
drawing a long bow with that analogy, you
should know that until quite recently, Yamaha
be — level with my ears when I’m sitting in my
preferred listening chair.
be used to adjust
made archery products and a great many Because I didn’t have the stands I cannot offer output volume
Olympic medallists used Yamaha bows on any personal comment on their construction,
their way to gold! but according to Yamaha, the risers of the stands from the ports


This same warranty is not, unfortunately,

available for the smaller, less-costly NS-3000s:
these instead attract the industry-standard
warranty of 5 years and there’s no Aladdin’s Lamp
‘new for old’ clause for a fault occurring within
the first 12 months. However, Yamaha Australia
says that if you register your purchase of a pair of
NS-3000s on its website, it will offer an additional
5 years of warranty protection to bring the total
warranty period up to 10 years.
Considering that all the elements in the NS-
3000 are built to the same standard as those in
the NS-5000, and use mostly identical materials, I
think you could safely expect more than ten years
of trouble-free life!

The second thing I did after unboxing my
review pair of NS-3000s was to double-check
the packaging to see where the grilles had gone.
(The first was to set them up facing each other,
connected in anti-phase, so I could run them in
using pink noise).
It transpired that I need not have double-
checked the packaging for the missing grilles,
because the NS-3000s not only do not come
with grilles but they’re also not even available as
an optional extra. So you’d better like the look of
‘naked’ loudspeakers!
Look carefully at the photographs
are made from wood (MDF) while the plate at accompanying this review and you’ll see that the
the top of the risers is made from 6mm metal left and right speakers are slightly different due
plate. The base is made from two metal plates to the tweeters being offset differently on each
which sandwich a wood chip/rubber mixture speaker, so rather than being identical pairs the
that absorbs any vibrations that escape the four speakers are actually’mirror-imaged’ pairs.
rubberised vibration-isolating feet. Mirror-imaging, although more costly for
Yamaha says of these stands: “The SPS- manufacturers, increases the speaker-positioning
3000 provides the ideal surface upon which options for end-users. The idea is that if you have
the speaker should sit for optimal performance. the speakers fairly close together, you’d arrange
After painstaking design and engineering of the the pair so the tweeters were to the ‘outsides’ of
speaker cabinet rigidity, the speaker stand must the cabinets, whereas if the speakers were further
not compromise this. The vibration-isolating feet away from each other, you’d arrange the cabinets
of the SPS-3000 safeguard against any negative so the tweeters were to the ‘insides’. It’s all about
impact of vibrations thus maintaining the being able to adjust the stereo image so it’s
accuracy of the audio.” correct at the listening position.
If you choose to buy the SPS-3000 stands, Because of the different positions of the
you can figure on paying around $2,000 per pair tweeter on the left and right speakers Yamaha
for them. has had to position its logo and name to the
left of one tweeter and to the right of the other.
WARRANTY Personally I would have preferred it if there were
Yamaha has strongly promoted the warranty no logo at all on the front baffle or, perhaps, that
terms of its flagship NS-5000 speakers, and justifi- the logos were rather smaller than they are, but I
ably so, because it’s a fantastic bargain for buyers. guess that since this is exactly what Yamaha does
Not only does Yamaha give a 10-year warranty with its branding on its expensive grand pianos,
on its NS-5000 speakers but in the unlikely event it should not be a surprise that it would do the
that the speakers speakers develop a fault in the same with its loudspeakers.
first 12 months, Yamaha does not repair them, but I should say before I start with my
instead gives you a brand new pair! experiences listening to the NS-3000s that


although as I said at the outset, I ran them in for one of the two wired out of phase is that the
48-hours continuously using using a pink noise resulting cancellation of the sound means that
test signal in order to settle the suspensions and I’m not listening to pink noise for days on end.
form the capacitors, I found that for the first few It also allows me to evaluate the quality control
hours of my listening sessions during production and the accuracy of the drivers
with music, the sound was and crossover network, because the lower the
actually improving whilst I volume level of the pink noise, the better the pair
was listening, so I gave them a matching. The almost-complete cancellation I
further 48-hours and re-started heard when running in the NS-3000s was proof
my listening sessions only to positive of the excellence of the driver-matching
find the same thing happening and the quality control achieved during the
They respond — the sound kept improving
the longer I listened.
manufacturing process.
Once the Yamaha NS-3000s were ready to
beautifully This is far longer run-
in time than I usually find
review, I placed them on my stands, without
their ports obstructed by the foam plugs and
to clockwise necessary with loudspeakers, 30 centimetres from the rear wall. In my room,
so maybe it’s down to the I thought this resulted in an excellent balance
movements of the construction of the drivers, or between the bass, mids and highs.
the cone material. So when One thing few small speakers do very well is
volume control, you are auditioning these handle amplifier power. As you turn up the volume,
becoming livelier speakers for yourself you will
need to make certain that you
their sound becomes more congested as the
dynamics compress. So it was rather a revelation to
and more dynamic are listening to a pair that’s
been completely run in!
discover that this is not the case with the NS-3000s.
They respond beautifully to clockwise movements
as you increase the Incidentally, the reason of the volume control, becoming livelier and more
for running in speakers with dynamic as you increase the volume — so quite
volume them facing each other and the opposite of what usually happens.


You do eventually reach a limit, of course, but both in terms of extension and in the feeling of
I was amazed at how loudly I could play them. weight they can attach to kick drums, bass guitars
The extreme treble of the NS-3000s, which is and other low-pitched instruments.
a little forward when listening at normal volumes, I absolutely loved Max Martin’s comment
becomes a little more obvious at these higher about Green Light, which bears repeating here: “By
volumes, but I found that I could ameliorate both no Top 40 rubric should her song fire off, within its
You can also hear these traits by facing the speakers directly up the
room, so I was listening a little off-axis. Also, after
first 60 seconds, a spectral synthesizer wobble, a
strident line of house piano, a subterranean vocal
the accuracy of 20 or 30 minutes of listening at high volume,
the treble softens a little, presumably as a result
plunge, and an apropos-of-nothing gear shift that
feels like storm clouds ebbing to the sun.”
Yamaha’s left/ of the tweeter’s voice-coil heating up and its But then again it’s something she does so
impedance increasing slightly as a result. often, so well and so naturally.
right speaker That said, I wasn’t too worried either way, You can also hear the accuracy of Yamaha’s
because the NS-3000’s high-frequency sound is left/right speaker matching on Sober, by listening
matching on so beautifully clean and nuanced that I imagined to the tone of the backing vocals remaining

Sober, by listening that I could tell whether the drummer was

using Zildjian or Sabian cymbals. Either way, the
absolutely identical as they alternate between
the left and right channels. The sweetness of
to the tone of sound was glorious, with a crisp impactful strike
transient on any hi-hat followed by a ride that
the sibilances on the word ‘sober’, is totally
enchantingly delivered by the NS-5000s.
the backing had no tinny-ness whatsoever, just a beautifully
true ring, until finished with a lovely sizzling cut-
As for Liability, I can think of few speakers that
have delivered this track as well as the Yamaha
vocals remaining off. Crash cymbal sonics were equally good, and NS-5000s did. It was a masterpiece performance
perfectly imaged by the Yamahas. and became a go-to track for visitors to whom I
absolutely As for the midrange, just listen to Mount wished to demonstrate not only Lorde, but also
Eerie (Phil Elverum) on his album ‘A Crow Looked the whole point of a having a high-fidelity audio
identical At Me.’ If you can get over the tragic lyric of every system. It’s kind of got everything, from Lorde’s ‘go
single song on the album (written shortly after for it’ to the unsweetened count-in for the piano,
the death of his wife, Canadian cartoonist and to the fullness and richness of the piano sound
musician Geneviève Castrée, of pancreatic cancer, itself, to the finger-scrapes on the guitar strings
aged 35) you’ll be able to marvel at the intimacy then there’s Lorde’s stage-centred voice first
with which the Yamaha NS-3000s deliver his strong and powerful with no FX, then little-girl,
chronicle/tribute to her. The speakers position his then with added FX and echo.
voice perfectly wherever he is in the room (he If push came to shove I’d have to say that the
moves around a bit!) and deliver the tonality of very deepest bass is not an overly strong region
his voice with true-to-life accuracy (particularly in for NS-3000s but it’s nothing a subwoofer couldn’t
My Chasm). Then, on When I Take Out The Garbage fix and if you’re prepared to sacrifice a little stage
at Night, the acoustic guitar sound you’ll hear is depth, you’ll be surprised at how much more bass
as if the guitar is in the room with you. Listen to they can muster if you move them closer to a
SPECIFICATIONS the string scrapes and to the microphone rustles, wall. Indeed this could easily be an argument for
Yamaha NS-3000 and to the plaintive, sparse piano. It’s a rough positioning them on a bookshelf or a side table
recording, and you can hear all the mistakes rather than a pair of stands — not to mention
Price: $12,999 (RRP)
listening via the NS-3000s — they don’t pull any that you’ll save yourself a couple of thousand
Type: Two-way bookshelf
punches. You’re with him there, in the room in dollars into the bargain.
Freq. Resp: 39Hz–60kHz
which she died, as he plays the instruments she
left behind, and the Yamaha NS-3000s transmit all CONCLUSION
Sensitivity: 87dBSPL
that raw emotion viscerally. Don’t go looking for a pair of NS-3000s in any
Crossover Frequency: 2.8kHz
The sparse piano on ‘A Crow Looked At Me’ finish other than piano-gloss black, because it’s
Nominal Impedance: 6Ω
reminded me a bit of one of my favourite Lorde the only one available, meaning that you’re really
Minimum Impedance: 4.6Ω
albums (actually all her albums are my favourites) going to have to love these speakers a lot if you’d
Dimensions (WHD):
— 2017’s ‘Melodrama’. Green Light, which kicks have preferred them in another colour or finish
off the album, starts a little Eerie-ly, but soon — and/or would rather have had the option of
Weight: 13.1kg
bursts into a totally full soundfield. The deep bass being able to fit a grille.
on this album is super-important to the overall You can count me as a person who’s not a
Contact: Yamaha Music
effect, so at the intro at 0:49 I was impressed by fan of high-gloss black finishes, or of speakers
Australia on 1800 805 413
how well the NS-3000s handled it. These are small without grilles, but you can also count me as
or visit
speakers but this track was the first of many that someone who liked these speakers so much
proved to me that these little speakers punch that’d I’d buy them anyway — which proves to
well above their weight in the bass department, you just how much I loved them.


Contact 1195 Botany Road

Mascot NSW 2020 [email protected]
02 9317 3330

DELTA Reviewer Andrew Rundle


f you have even a passing knowledge of Rather trickily, if your left and right speakers
the French language, you will know that happen not to be equidistant from your listening
Classé’s company name is pronounced position, you can use this delay circuit to delay the
not with a silent ‘e’, as in ‘class’, but with the audio signal going to the speaker closest to you in
final ‘e’ pronounced as an ‘a’, as in Class-A. order to sync the left and right channels. You can
This is not because Classé was founded in do this even if you are not using a subwoofer.
a French-speaking province in Canada (although You can also choose to high-pass the
it was, in fact, founded in Montréal, which has signal going to your main speakers, leaving the
more French speakers than English speakers), but subwoofer(s) to handle all the bass, or send a full-
because the company’s very first product — the range signal to them, so both main speakers and
DR-2, a 25-watt amplifier designed and built by the subwoofer(s) are operating at the same time.
company’s sole founder, David Reich — was, in fact, All this enables extraordinary flexibility when
a Class-A amplifier. setting up your system.
That’s rather appropriate, because the Classé The USB port on the front panel of the Delta
Delta Stereo power amplifier that’s one of the Pre is specifically designed to work with portable
two products reviewed here is also a Class-A media devices made by Apple ( ‘Pad, ‘Pod and
amplifier — or at least it is up to a power output ‘Phone ) accepting data up to 96kHz, as well as
of 12.5-watts, after which it transitions to being a providing power for them. It’s also able to be used
linear Class-A/B amplifier up to its rated output of to load firmware updates downloaded onto a USB
250-watts per channel into 8Ω (and 500-watts into stick from Classé’s website.
4Ω and 350-watts into 2Ω) and the Classé Delta The Classé Delta Pre’s volume control is not
Pre operates completely in Class-A. (For technical a variable potentiometer, which allows almost
details about the differences between Class-A and infinite adjustment of volume level, but a stepped
Class-AB amplifiers, see the article ‘Amplifier Classes’ attenuator, so you have to select a pre-determined
on page 58. volume level. Unlike many such devices, which
offer a fairly limited number of levels, the Delta
CLASSÉ DELTA Pre’s attenuator has a 107dB operating range
PREAMPLIFIER (from –93dB to +14dB) and over the most critical
Although it is only a two-channel pre-amplifier, the section you are able to adjust the volume in
Classé Delta Pre has all crossover controls and time 0.25dB increments. Says the Owners’ Manual: “Most
THERE ARE CURRENTLY delay controls (and more!) that you would expect stepped attenuators offer too few steps, causing
CLASSÉ DELTA RANGE. to find in a full-featured home theatre component: the listener to choose a level that is a bit too soft or
THIS IMAGE SHOWS very few two-channel pre-amplifiers provide these. too loud, not just right. The volume display on the
THE CLASSÉ DELTA You can also configure for either one or two touchscreen reads in 0.25 dB increments, thereby
MONO AMPLIFIERS AT subwoofers and when you tell the Pre that you’re closely approximating a continuous volume
WITH THE CLASSÉ using a subwoofer (or two) a dialogue opens that control, allowing the desired level to be selected
DELTA PREAMPLIFIER. allows you to set the crossover frequency, crossover precisely as required for critical listening.”
THE CLASSÉ DELTA slope and, if you’re using two subwoofers, whether In an age where it’s rare for high-end
STEREO POWER you’re using them in stereo or as two mono subs. components to offer any type of tone control at all,
HERE LOOKS IDENTI It also allows you to delay the signal to the subs the Delta Pre offers three different types of controls
CAL TO THESE MONO so you can time-align the signal to be in sync with for tone, although one of these three is aimed
VERSIONS OF IT. your main front left and right speakers. more at compensating for deficiencies in your


listening room’s acoustics than adjusting tone However, Classé has improved on the original
per se. The more straight-forward ‘tone’ controls implementation of the ‘tilt’ control by allowing
on offer are bass and treble tone controls, whose you to specify a range of frequencies that will
operation is so ubiquitous that they need no not be affected when you otherwise ‘tilt’ the
further explanation, and a ‘Tilt’ control, which is response. To my mind, this is a huge and useful
rare enough that it does require an explanation improvement. Classé has, however, been fairly
(at least it does unless you’re familiar with pre- conservative regarding the amount of boost
amplifiers manufactured by UK manufacturer and cut available, providing only 6dB rather than
Quad, which popularised this particular circuit). the more usual 10–12dB. This too, to my mind, is
The ‘Tilt’ control actually ‘tilts’ the Delta Pre’s very sensible. If you need more than 6dB there’s
frequency response away from flat, so that if you something seriously wrong with one or more of
‘tilt’ it one way, you get more bass and less treble, the other components in your system.
while if you ‘tilt’ it the other way, you get less bass As for the other ‘tone’ control, the Classé
and more treble. It operates a bit like a child’s Delta Pre has a two-channel, five-band
see-saw. This sounds a bit like how bass and parametric equaliser (PEQ) built in that allows
treble controls work except that whereas with you to construct up to five different filters for
tone controls you can increase or decrease bass each channel. One or more of these would
without affecting treble, the tilt control always most appropriately be used to compensate for




If, for example, you had a standing wave the DSP is in-circuit (even if it’s not actually doing
that resulted in your room accentuating anything at all) the frequency response is reduced
frequencies at 113Hz by 2.5dB, you could build to 10Hz to 84.5kHz. Other differences are that
a filter that provided 2.5dB of cut at 113Hz. distortion increases from 0.0004% to 0.002% and
Such parametric filters are widely available on noise increases from 133dB to 105dB. So to ensure
powered subwoofers, but I can’t recall seeing maximum sound quality, you’ll need to use the
one previously on a preamplifier. Classé’s Owners’ Classé Pre’s ‘Bypass’ mode.
Manual (which is absolutely excellent, by the The Classé Delta Pre has two muting modes.
way, and well worth reading solely for the One mode mutes the level by a specific amount
information contained in it) advises first that that you can preset, such as 20dB or 30dB. Classé Classé Delta Preamplifier
“These filters should be constructed based upon calls this mode ‘Dampening’. The other mode
audio measurements made by a well-qualified allows you to ‘mute’ the volume to a specific
Frequency Response: 1Hz–
acoustical engineer” and then follows up by level. I put the word ‘mute’ in inverted commas
2MHz (–3dB)
stating: “These powerful filters are made available because if you were listening at –20dB and you
THD: <0.0004% (1kHz)
in a completely manual fashion to help your had the muting set to –20dB, nothing at all would
IMD: <0.001%
professional installer give you the best listening happen. However, if you set it to –93dB, the sound
Maximum Line Input Level:
experience possible.” would totally disappear. Once you have used the
9Vrms/4.5Vrms (Bal/SE)
Whilst I agree that a professional skilled in Menu to select which of these you’d like to use,
Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 133dB
these measurements will be able to deliver a the ‘Mute’ control uses that mode (though you
better end-result than the average end-user, I do can always change it to the other via the Menu).
Crosstalk: 140dB (1kHz)
have to say that with the number of loudspeaker I would have liked having the two modes always
Gain Range: –93dB to +14dB
and room acoustics measurement packages now available, because this would enable me to either
Channel Matching: 0.05dB
available, it is possible for average end-users to temporarily drop the level of sound for a while,
Input Impedance: 50kΩ
do a pretty good job provided they do some yet still be listening to the music, or totally mute
Output Impedance: 200/50Ω
research into the “dos” and “don’ts” of equalisation the sound so I could take a phone call. What I
before starting out. The actual process would elected to do was activate the Dampening mode
Max Output: 18//9Vrms (Bal/
not be completely dissimilar to the one used for and whenever I wanted a full mute I’d just switch
subwoofers, which is described at www.tinyurl. to an unused input. Best of both worlds!
com/sub-cal. Classé has been particularly sensible The Standby button also serves as a ‘Data
with the PEQ circuit by limiting the boost to just Save’ mechanism. Each time the Standby button
RIAA Deviation (20Hz-
3dB per band, but enabling 20dB of cut per band. is pressed, the Delta Pre will save any custom
20kHz): <0.2dB
Because Classé uses digital signal processing settings you’ve made. It does not, however, save
Selectable Load for MM: 50,
(DSP) to provide these tone, tilt and PEQ any adjustment you have made to system balance
100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350,
functions (as well as several others) you should (though phono balance will be remembered) nor
400, 450pF
be aware that using the DSP will ‘downgrade’ will it save the volume level you were using —
Selectable Load for MC: 7.5,
many of the specifications claimed for the Delta this defaults to either –30dB or to whatever other
10, 33, 50, 82, 100, 330Ω, 1kΩ
Pre. For example the ‘native’ frequency response level you have pre-set.
Gain (High/Low):
of the Delta Pre extends from 1Hz to 2MHz but if
S/N Ratio (High/Low):
I can’t really imagine anyone ever wanting more
physical input facilities, either analogue or digital,
than are fitted to the Classé Delta Pre. For ana-
logue sources you get two pairs of balanced line-
USB-B: 32, 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96,
level inputs (XLR) plus two pairs of unbalanced
line level inputs, as well as a pair of unbalanced
192, 352.8, 384kHz, DSD64,
phono inputs. The phono inputs can be switched
DSD128, DSD256
The Classé Delta Pre for moving-coil or moving-magnet, between low
and high gain and offer an extended range of
File Types: WAV, AIFF, ALAC,
has a two-channel, five- loading options (see Specifications panel). And if
a single phono input is insufficient for your needs,
SPDIF: PCM 32k, 44.1k, 48k,
band parametric equaliser you can re-purpose the XLR2 balanced input to
88.2k, 96k, 176.4k, 192k /
be a phono input. All these inputs can be routed
(PEQ) built in that allows to the output entirely in the analogue domain, or
via the digital domain, as mentioned previously.
you to construct up to five Digital audio inputs include USB (PCM up to
Dimensions (WDH):
different filters for each 32-bit/384kHz and DSD up to 256), AES/EBU (PCM
up to 32/192), and three (each) coaxial and optical
Weight: 13.5kg
channel connections (all PCM up to 32/192).
Price: $16,900 (RRP)

YOUR ROOM, BEING AT HIGHER there’s an Ethernet connection, so you can get AirPlay-connected sources. You can also remotely
PRESSURE, IS RUSHING INTO THE files from anywhere on your network. control the Delta Pre with Classé’s free App which
AMPLIFIER TO FILL, IN ACCORD In all the Classé Pre has five outputs, all with does everything the infra-red remote can do and
balanced and single-ended options. There are more — but you do have to have the Delta Pre
outputs for the main left and right channel and a connected to your home computer network in
subwoofer; the other two outputs (Aux 1 and Aux order to be able to use this App (which is avail-
2) can be configured to mirror the main stereo able for IOS and Android).
channels for bi-amping, or one can be used to
send a high-passed signal to a second sub, as I
explained earlier in this review.
HDMI? No, it’s not on the standard Classé CLASSÉ DELTA STEREO
Pre, but you can add a 4K-capable HDMI module POWER AMPLIFIER
that will give you four HDMI inputs and one HDMI That louvre-looking window that dominates the
output to the unit. front panel of the Delta Stereo Power amplifier
But what of any wireless options? There are is actually the air intake for what Classé calls
no specific options but if you’ve connected the (and has trademarked) its “ICTunnel”, with the
Pre to your network, you could use Apple AirPlay “IC” bit not standing for Integrated Circuit, but for
because the Classé Pre will deliver content from “Intelligent Cooling”, which the company claims
any iOS device that’s connected to the same “removes heat from the amplifier by pulling cool
network. But there’s no Bluetooth and frankly I air through the intake on the front panel.”
don’t think there should be on a component of “Pulling cool air?” Professor Julius Sumner
this quality. The quality of an audio signal sent Miller would be turning in his grave. “The air is
wirelessly (via BT or any other system, including being pushed into the amplifier!” he’d be shouting
AirPlay) will always be inferior to the quality of a down from the heavens. Which is true.


The low noise fan inside the Classé Delta Stereo two power output meters, which will show power
power amp is creating a localised low-pressure area output in watts (but only if your loudspeakers
within the amplifier which the air inside your room, present a pure 8Ω resistance to the output
being at higher pressure, is rushing into the amplifier terminals). Because most loudspeakers do not
to fill, in accordance with nature’s abhorrence of a present pure 8Ω resistance in most cases the output
vacuum. Like quite a few manufacturers of high- power level shown will only be an approximation.
power amplifiers, Classé has elected to minimise the Classé suggests that you instead use the meters to
amount of heat-sinking required (and remove it from determine if the amplifier is running in its Class-A
being located externally, as it mode or its Class-AB mode, with the Owners’ Manual
would otherwise have to be) by advising that: “A good rule of thumb is that when
using a fan to remove the heat the pointer is below/left of vertical the amplifier is
from the internal heat-sinking. operating in Class-A.”
As for the “intelligent” reference, The two meters are back-lit, with that lighting
this simply references the fact able to be switched through three different levels or
that the fan only turns on when turned off entirely.
The Classé Delta required, and only runs as fast as
required to remove excess heat.
Despite reading output power, the meters are
not physically connected to the amplifier’s circuitry.
combo delivered Where is that heat removed to?
If you look around the back of
They’re instead connected via an optical coupler,
whose signal is converted to digital so it can be
the depthy richness the amplifier you’ll see the fan delivered to the needles logarithmically to deliver
itself, which exhausts via the VU-like movement.
of the soundfield rear panel. So as well as not “A VU needle ballistics response is preferable
obstructing the intake on the to a PPM (peak-reading) response in the context of
in a way that front panel, which would be a ‘power meter,’” says Classé designer Sergiu Ignat
was completely unlikely, you also have to make
sure the exhaust vent on the
when asked about this. “A VU will certainly miss
some of the peaks in a musical program, but we
gratifying rear panel is not obstructed in
any way.
considered that showing potential clipping more
often (as a PPM type would do) may discourage
The next most obvious users from listening comfortably to a satisfactory
feature of the Classé Delta level. While less spectacular than a PPM, the VU-type
Stereo’s front panel are those response was the judicious choice.”


The rear of the Classé Delta Stereo is (or more accurately, the technician tasked with
dominated by that fan I’ve already mentioned, investigating the fault) has a complete record
either side of which are pairs of multi-way colour- of what happened. I rather liked that Classé felt
coded speaker terminals that are very sensibly obliged to point out in its Owners Manual that
offset so you can use any type of speaker wire “Protection events are rare and generally occur
and/or connection that you like. Excellent design! due to issues that are external to the amp. They
In another example of excellent design, although should be interpreted positively. The amp is doing
I might be temped to regard it as overkill, the what it’s designed to do.” I’d totally agree with
terminals have a feature built-in called ‘torque this statement. Modern protection circuits do not
guard’ that works exactly like a torque wrench. interfere with sound quality and most of the time
When the terminals are sufficiently tight, further sit there doing absolutely nothing at all. But when
attempts to increase tightness will simply result in they do cut in, the fact that they’ve done so will
a ratchet-like clicking sound. I say overkill because not only save you thousands of dollars — literally
in a lifetime of tightening speaker terminals, I have — but will also ensure you have a pristine ‘as-new’
only ever broken one, and that was because it was amplifier, rather than one that’s been repaired.
a terrible design in the first place. Classé’s ‘torque-
guard’ terminals (made by Furutech, as are all the LISTENING SESSIONS
terminals on the Classé Delta components) are, I was right in the middle of reading the book
however, totally cool! “Snakes! Guillotines! Electric Chairs!” written by
Above the fan and speaker terminals are Dennis Dunaway who was, with Vince Furnier,
the line inputs. You have the choice of using a founding member of the Alice Cooper band
unbalanced (single-ended, or SE) RCA terminals or (Furnier changed his name by deed poll to Alice
balanced terminals, which are industry-standard Cooper just so it was the same as the band) when
XLR types. If, for whatever reason, you choose to the Classé Delta pre/power combo landed on
use the unbalanced inputs, Classé recommends my doorstep, so it seemed only appropriate that I
you leave the two pins that otherwise connect start by spinning a few Alice Cooper classics.
the ‘ground’ and ‘negative’ terminals of the XLR One of the first was Be My Lover, from the
input (pins 1 and 3 respectively) in place. band’s 1971 “Killer” album. This is an absolutely
Arrayed down the left-hand edge of the fabulous track (if you can get past the fact that
rear panel are an Ethernet jack, a USB connector the thematic is the one Lou Reed used when he
(simply for firmware upgrades), an RS232 jack, wrote Sweet Jane for the Velvet Underground, and
SPECIFICATIONS CAN-BUS terminals, jacks for infra-red extenders the structure is a copy of one the Rolling Stones
Classé Delta Stereo and d.c. triggers and an automatic standby made famous — 2.31 in if you’re interested).
Power Amplifier switch that be set so that the amplifier stays on It’s a perfect example of the complexity of the
Frequency Response: permanently or switches itself off after it hasn’t band’s arrangements, and the undeniable musical
1Hz–650kHz (-3dB) detected an audio signal for twenty minutes (and talents of the various members. Alice Cooper
Power Output: switches itself back on if such a signal is detected). seems to be remembered more for biting the
250 watts per channel (8Ω) I was very pleased to find that the Classé head off a chicken (which he didn’t do, BTW, at
500-watts per channel (4Ω) Delta Stereo has a very, very comprehensive least according to Dunaway) and the band for its
350-watts per channel (2Ω) regime in place to protect the amplifier from theatrics, than for the music.
THD: <0.0007% at 1kHz damage in the event of a fault condition (usually Listen to the music minus the theatrics and
Input Impedance: 82kΩ an external fault, but not always). Perhaps most you’ll be impressed. Dunaway’s bass lines are
Voltage Gain: 29dB importantly, because it’s the most common fault, interesting, Neal Smith’s drumming is amazing
SMPTE IMD: <0.0018% the Delta Stereo will shut down automatically if and the lead and rhythm guitar contributions
CCIF IMD: <0.004% you accidentally short-circuit its output terminals are exceptionally good. The self-referencing lyric
Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 120dB with, say, a stray strand of speaker cable. It will is also a step above that of most bands of their
Crosstalk: 107dB (1kHz) also shut down if excessive current is drawn from, ilk, and that of a good many highly-regarded
Slew Rate: 75V/μs say, a low-impedance loudspeaker. It will also songwriters as well. Listening via this Classé
Damping Factor: 850 (1kHz) shut itself down in the event of there being too combo made that all transparently clear.
Dimensions (WDH): much direct current at the speaker terminals — One problem I always had with AC was
444×492×222mm though this is to protect your loudspeakers as that their song titles often obscured just how
Weight: 46.4kg much as it is the amplifier itself. It will also shut good the songs were. A classic example is Killer’s
itself down if the amplifier becomes too hot, in Dead Babies, which contains the lyric “Daddy
Price: $19,900 (RRP) spite of the fan cooling, plus it will shut down if is an agrophile in Texas/ Mommy’s on the bar
the cooling fan itself fails, is disconnected, or is most every night/ Little Betty’s sleeping in the
Contact: Bowers &Wilkins unable to spin. But the Classé Delta Stereo does graveyard / Living there in burgundy and white.”
Australia on 02 9196 8990 or at more than just protect your expensive investment The bass intro to this track is sheer genius, and — it keeps an ‘Event Log’ of any faults, so that you again the Classé combo made this clear.


And listen to the subtlety of the hi-hat sizzle! wonderfully scored, so much so that you almost ”A VU NEEDLE BALLISTICS
Then just listen to the title track (and the closer) miss that it also has a great melody. What you PPM PEAKREADING RESPONSE IN
and you’ll hear why Frank Zappa was such an AC can’t miss is the incredible sense of fun, and THE CONTEXT OF A POWER METER”
fan. This is just great music, great sound, great it’s this sense of fun that’s not only captured SAYS CLASSÉ DESIGNER
recording technique. Admittedly the Classé exactly but also amplified by the Classé duo. SERGIU IGNAT
combo makes the double-tracking more obvious The follower, Willie the Pimp, not only features
than you’ll hear from lesser amplifiers, but this a blazing, bafflingly complex (and long!) guitar
only seems to add to the effect. You’ve gotta love solo by Zappa but also the incredible electric
the Dr Who close-out too! violin sound of Sugarcane Harris (whose sound
And if you’re wondering why AC would you can compare to that of Jean-Luc Ponty’s
choose to close with Killer, the opener, Under My electric on the closer track) and the incomparable
Wheels, will show you why. Sure it’s a classic rock rhythm section of John Guerin (drums) and Max
track, but with a precision that’s mind-blowing Bennett (bass). Both musicians were from jazz
despite the “everything but the kitchen sink” backgrounds and both went on to play with Joni
approach to the sonics. Naturally I finished my
session with School’s Out; how could I not? Which
Mitchell on Court and Spark, Hissing of Summer
Lawns and Hejira. (Indeed Guerin and Mitchell Admittedly the
meant I had to crank the volume to 11 (couldn’t
resist the Spinal Tap reference, but in point of fact,
were once an item, and the song Hejira is her
version of their break-up.)
Classé combo
it was more like –9 on the Classé Pre’s display.)
Although the song is anthemic, and the childrens’
I had not listened to ‘Hot Rats’ for a while
(whereas ‘Apostrophe’ is an almost-weekly listen)
makes the double-
voices inspired, only AC could have included the and was actually surprised at how modern tracking more
line “We got no class / And we got no principles and jazzy it sounded. Indeed if it were released
/ And we got no innocence / We can’t even think today anonymously I am certain that it would obvious than you’ll
of a word that rhymes.” ( Dunaway goes into detail shoot rapidly up the avante-guard jazz charts to
about this lyric in his book). number 1. It would also become a favourite with hear from lesser
Since I’d been thinking of Zappa while
listening to AC, I decided to use the Classé Pre
audiophiles on the basis that it’s so wonderfully
recorded that it’s a great system-tester. Listen
amplifiers, but this
and Delta Stereo combo to spin up some of
his classics as well, starting with Hot Rats. The
particularly to Ian Underwood’s sax sound on
Gumbo Variations, where he does his best Archie
only seems to add
opening instrumental, Peaches En Regalia, is Shepp imitation, referencing why Zappa called to the effect
Nonetheless, whatever I think of the lyrics, the
music is great and the production values are very
high and the Classé Delta combo delivered the
depthy richness of the soundfield in a way that
was completely gratifying. And is it just me, or
did the Classé combo make Dylan’s voice sound
better than I’ve ever heard it before?
But if you want to hear production values,
you can’t go past auditioning these Classés with
Amaarae’s debut long-player ‘The Angel You Don’t
Know’ (do, however, be prepared for some head-
snapping — and speaker-bending — sound
effects). Although her music is often called ‘afro-
pop’, the fact that every single one of the fourteen
tracks on TAYDK is completely different makes this
CLASSÉ’S CLAIM THAT HEAT IS the album (which was his first solo effort, by the an ineffective stylistic definition. But if it’s a genre-
REMOVED FROM THE AMPLIFIER way), Hot Rats. “On his recording of The Shadow bender of an album, it’s also a toe-tapping, finger-
BY “PULLING COOL AIR THROUGH of Your Smile [Shepp] plays a solo that sounded to snapping sonic revelation of an album, from
IS NOT QUITE TRUE... IT’S ACTUALLY me like an army of pre-heated rats screaming out her multi-tracked, echoed vocals to the depth-
PUSHED IN THROUGH THE INTAKE of his saxophone,” said Zappa. charged bass and take-no-prisoners percussion.
Yep, this is music from the 60s and 70s, but
at least one musician who was producing hits CONCLUSION
back then is still producing them, so I thought I’d The Classé Pre and Classé Delta Stereo honour
bring my auditioning into the 21st century by re- their brand name in every one of its meanings.
listening to Bob Dylan’s Rough and Rowdy Ways Sure, the circuitry is technically Class-A, but the
from just last year. Despite the fact I think that sound itself definitely rates an ‘A’ in its class, so the
he’s really taking the piss on most of the tracks amplifiers are ‘Class A’ in that sense as well. And if
(My Own Version of You being my No 1 exhibit) I can twist the pronunciation a little further, these
it’s still an extraordinarily listenable album. Dylan amplifiers are most definitely ‘classy’ as well, as
famously told The New York Times “The lyrics are you can certainly see for yourself from the photos
the real thing, tangible, they’re not metaphors.” in this review and will be able to hear for yourself
But we all know what Dylan thinks of interviews. when you audition them.

CLASS-A ince the company is actually named
after a particular ‘Class’ of amplifier,
Because transistors can only handle a fairly
small amount of power, multiple transistors are

& and the Delta Stereo uses both Class-

A and Class-AB circuit topologies, you
required to be connected together in order to
achieve high power output levels.
CLASS-AB should really know a little about both
these circuit types.
When using multiple transistors, they can
also be connected together in different ways,
Basically, in order to ‘amplify’ an audio signal called ‘Classes’. We’re only going to deal with three
we need to use a special type of semiconductor of them here in this review: Class-A, Class-B and
called a transistor which allows you to use a low Class-AB.
voltage (the input) to control a much higher In a Class-A amplifier, the transistors handle
voltage (the output). This means that the word 100 per cent of the audio signal, so they conduct
‘amplify’ is something of a misnomer because it’s though the full 360 degree sinusoidal waveform.
not actually making the low voltage signal any This means that the transistors are working at
bigger, it’s just making a different, higher-voltage their maximum capability, which means they
signal increase and decrease in perfect unison draw maximum power and generate maximum
with the low-voltage signal. heat.
Various different types of solid-state devices To avoid this, amplifier designers came up with
have been invented to do this. The most common a Class-B design, where two different transistors
of these is the bipolar junction transistor (BJT). were used. One transistor handled the first half-cycle
Another common one is the metal oxide of the audio signal from (0 to 180 degrees) and the
semiconductor field effect transistor, or MOSFET. other handled the second half-cycle, (from 180
Classé uses a special kind of MOSFET known as a degrees to 360 degrees), after which it’d hand the
lateral MOSFET. audio signal back to the other transistor.

Whilst-ever one transistor was ‘on’ the other
one was ‘off.’ There were two problems with this
system. The first was that you had to use one type
of transistor for the 0–180° part of the cycle, and
a completely different type of transistor for the
180–360° part, and the two different devices have
different electronic characteristics.
The second, bigger, problem with this
arrangement was that transistors cannot switch
instantly, so there was always a ‘glitch’ at the point
of switching which created so much distortion
this circuit could not be used for amplifying audio
signals. This is where Class-AB comes in.
In a Class-AB amplifier, each transistor
conducts for more than 180 degrees, so there’s an
overlap that effectively eliminates the switching
If you make the overlap quite small you
are able to reduce the cost of the amplifier by
having a smaller power supply, less expansive
heat-sinking and a reduced number of output
transistors. But there will still be a small glitch
when the audio signal changes from one
transistor to the other. This can be partially
overcome by increasing the size of the overlap,
but of course as you increase the amount of amplifier will operate up to 12.5-watts in Classé Delta Stereo would still be operating
overlap you also have to increase the size of the Class-A before switching to Class-AB. in the superior Class-A mode.
power supply, the area of heat-sinking and add In the scenario described in the We should note that there is some
additional output transistors. previous paragraph, so long as you listen disagreement about what constitutes a
The amount of overlap is determined by at a volume level that requires these two ‘Class-A’ circuit design—even amongst
the amount of bias voltage you apply to the amplifiers to deliver less than 2-watts, you’d amplifier designers. Some designers claim
transistors. If you use a low bias, the amplifier be hearing ‘Class-A’ sound all the time from that the only ‘true’ Class-A circuit is one
will operate in Class-A mode up to a certain set both amplifiers. If, however, you turn up where only a single semiconductor is used
power say, 2-watts, before switching to Class- the volume so you’re listening at a constant to produce the audio signal, and that there
AB. Let’s call this Amplifier X. If you use a higher level of 10-watts, Amplifier X would be can be no ‘sharing’ of the audio signal
bias, as Classé has done with its Delta Stereo, the operating in Class-AB mode while the between different semiconductors.

WHERE IS Technology) purchased both B&W and Classé

from EVA and one of its first actions was to
components resemble the Michi pre
and power amplifiers made by Rotel.
CLASSÉ MADE? hire David Nauber to bring Classé out of The resemblance was so uncanny I even
mothballs and finalise the development of wondered if they’d been made in the same
the Delta Series models. Its next move was factory. The answer, of course, was ‘No!”.
Where products are made is becoming an increas- to move production of the Delta Series from Rotel makes its Michi amplifiers in China,
ingly important question for many audiophiles, par- China to Japan, making use of that country’s whereas Classé makes its Delta amplifiers in
ticularly here in Australia. Originally manufactured in famous Shirakawa Audio Works manufactur- Japan. A very important difference. But then
Canada by Classé itself, the brand continued to be ing facility, where it was already manufactur- I wondered about the chicken and the egg.
manufactured in that country until it was purchased ing high-end Denon and Marantz products. Which came first? Who copied who? For the
by Bowers & Wilkins in 2001, which moved produc- “Shirakawa had the most comprehensive answer to that you only have to look back
tion to China. However, when B&W was in turn manufacturing and testing capability that to Classé’s CA-M400, CA-2100, CA-2200, CA-
purchased by EVA Automation (in 2016) it put Classé I’d ever seen,” says Nauber. “Everything from 3200 and A-5200 which Classé introduced
into hibernation, which included dispensing with how a board gets made, to how a product back at the turn of the century, which look
the services of Classé’s president, David Nauber, de- gets assembled, to how the packaging is almost identical to the Delta (but used
spite the fact that the company was in the process tested—it was beyond anything that we’d different internal circuitry). So although
of developing a brand-new model series — Delta. ever done.” the Delta Series itself is new for Classé, the
In 2018 Canadian company Sound United (which You may also be intrigued (as were company came up with this distinctive look
already owned Marantz, Denon, Polk and Definitive we) by how closely Classé’s Delta Series long before Rotel ever did.

Spendor’s Classic 200Ti is the
titanium-baffled version of the
company’s flagship Classic 200,
taking their standard price of
$34,999 up to $38,999. While
they hark back to the BBC
template from which Spendor
was born, and still deliver
music with the captivating
warmth and charm of the
1970s originals, the latest
models are built around the
newest generation of Spendor
technology — advanced poly-
mer and Kevlar cones, refined
crossover networks, enhanced
cabinet structures, new elasto-
mer panel damping and new
style magnetic grilles.


Interview feature Jez Ford

“ T
hese days there are few “Besides, our end-customers, dealers and
things outside of perfor- distributors in Asia have always liked that our
mance cars and hi-fi, and products are totally made in the UK. We wouldn’t
maybe wine, watches and want to lose that advantage, it’s an inherent
art, where you have to take element of our personality and individuality.”
a hands-on ‘test-drive’ before Indi Imports, which recently took over
you can make an informed buying or upgrade Spendor’s distribution in Australia, clearly agrees.
investment decision,” notes Philip Swift, CEO of the “The Indi Group made a decision to sell only
UK’s Spendor Audio Systems Ltd. “Good retailers, brands which have a true heritage and history
and the ‘driving experience’, not internet sales, in the audio industry,” says Indi Imports’ MD
continue to be an important link in the supply Paul Riachi. “That’s one reason why we took the
chain. As a specialist manufacturer with the focus opportunity with Spendor. And also, of course,
always on performance I don’t think the fundamen- because their build and sound quality is, I believe,
tals which Spendor applied 50 years ago are very the very best coming out of the UK.”
different to those that underpin everything we do
today. What has changed is the availability of new THE ATOD OF SPENDOR
and superb materials, manufacturing techniques, Spendor’s current collection of loudspeakers is
software and instrumentation, alongside the easy divided into three ranges — the A-Line, the D-Line,
availability of a vast library of music of all genres in and the Classics. The divisions are more about
wonderfully musical-sounding — though OK, not sound character and style than technology or
every recording is perfect — high-res formats.” performance, says Swift.
Philip Swift is clearly a businessman as well as “A few years back we asked ourselves, ‘How do
an audio enthusiast. Previously the co-founder of we communicate who we are and what we do on
Audiolab, he took over Spendor at the beginning a consistent global basis to our increasingly diverse
of 2000, and the company has since increased its but ever more discerning and aware — via the
turnover tenfold. And it still manufactures all three internet — target audience’. We identified three
of its product ranges in the UK. groups, which internally we refer to as making
“Yes, we design and manufacture all Spendor up our ‘Music Lover’s Universe’ — our audience,
drivers and cabinets in-house in the UK. This in other words. We identified Music Lovers,
gives us complete control over the quality of our Entertainment Seekers and Enlightened Consumers.
products and manufacturing processes. It would There are no black-and-white divisions between the
be difficult to continue using some of the special groups, and some will migrate between them as
proprietary materials and techniques — the experience and aspirations develop. So for example,
hand-finishing methods and special calibration while people in each group may have a turntable,
and testing we have developed for our drivers, their reasons for purchasing the turntable vary
cabinets, crossovers and complete loudspeakers between ‘novelty’, ‘intrigue’, ‘fun’, and ‘nothing
— if they were made in Asia or outside the UK. will ever sound as good as vinyl!’

Then there’s the Classic line, with designs
that hark back to the earlier days of Spendor in
their looks, but which nevertheless incorporate all
Spendor’s latest technologies and research, rising
to their peak with the $38,999 Classic 200Ti.
“There’s an obvious appeal to traditional
hi-fi enthusiasts,” notes Swift. “But the Classic
loudspeakers are also finding a new following
amongst those who simply want something a
little different from the world of chrome and tech.
Even if you don’t have the space or the budget,
no-one can fail to be impressed with the sheer
scale and music-making abilities of the Classic
200. And our new Classic 100Ti and Classic 200Ti
feature titanium baffles that bring a dramatic
modern look to our original Classic style.”

“So we focus a lot of attention on the shape, size,
form, dimensions and finish of each of our models
to ensure they will fit elegantly into any listening
environment,” says Swift. “But we focus even more
attention on making better and more innovative
products, at reasonable and accessible prices.”
He highlights some of the company’s most
recent innovations. In cabinet design there is
the Spendor 5th-generation linear flow port
technology which was inspired, he says, “by
the advanced aerodynamics we saw being
applied to great effect in Formula 1”. The new
port is featured in the Spendor D-Line D7.2 and
D9.2 speakers.
Dynamic damping is used inside the cabinets
of both A-Line and D-Line speakers. This, says
Swift, “ensures a clear naturally dynamic sound
THE ORIGINAL SPENDOR BC1, And that exercise helped us to understand free from cabinet coloration — it avoids high
how to describe each of our three product lines mass and heavy damping which store energy
MONITOR LOUDSPEAKER and who they will most likely appeal to.” and then, as it is slowly released, slow and blur
So he describes the A-Line as aimed at the sound you hear.”
customers who want high performance, neat Swift points also to Spendor’s LPZ tweeter
modern styling, and loudspeakers that will give and EP77 engineering-polymer mid/bass cones.
good results with a wide variety of equipment “The LPZ wasn’t a trial-and-error
and rooms, including less expensive equipment. development,” he says. “Instead we sought to
They are “bringing music to life”, he says, “refined understand exactly what happens to sound
and composed with real subtlety, but also with waves once they leave a tweeter diaphragm.
a snap and drive that makes them captivating to The goal of every tweeter designer is to achieve
While engineering listen to at all times.” linear acoustic output over a wide frequency
The D-Line, then, is aimed at customers range, but in practice this is extremely difficult.
provides the tools we who want modern loudspeakers that deliver Our approach is radical, and it works. The tweeter
uncompromised sound quality in any listening is built around a stainless-steel front plate which
need to realise our environment, able to reveal the advantages of forms a damped acoustic chamber in front of a
the finest high-end equipment and recordings. lightweight woven polyamide diaphragm. The
ideas, our ears will “They reveal every detail,” says Swift. “No front plate incorporates a phase-correcting micro
continue to guide distortion, no ambiguity, no blurring of the
music’s shades, tones and colours: all is exact
foil to equalise soundwave path lengths across
the diaphragm surface, while it also generates
our decisions on and faithful to the original recording, while
highlighting subtleties you may never have
a symmetrical pressure environment on both
faces of the tweeter diaphragm. So the tweeter
what sounds right noticed before.” operates in a balanced linear mode.”


The EP77 engineering-polymer cones professional product and thus avoid the important elements of the BC1 — and the
are rigid and light, “and avoid the break-up significant additional purchase tax that was BC2, BC3 and original SA1 — included thin-
and energy storage modes that blur and levied on non-professional loudspeakers. walled viscoelastic damped cabinet panels
harden the sound of most conventional Alan Sugar was even more innovative in his to push any cabinet colouration down in
loudspeakers,” he says. approach to this purchase tax issue, moulding frequency away from the critical mid-band,
For dedicated bass drivers, Spendor uses a three-way front for his Amstrad loudspeaker lifting the cabinet to a good listening height
a Kevlar composite material, with its desirable but only including two working drivers! with an original low-mass open-frame stand
combination of lightness and high rigidity. “So while adding a second tweeter was design, and careful tuning and damping
never a preferred option — wavelength of the reflex ports to ensure optimally flat
IN THE BEGINNING constraints make it near-impossible to LF response and correct Q. Also crucial was
It was innovation in cone materials which integrate two small tweeters — on a practical their understanding of the influence of
originally put Spendor on the map at the level the BBC did find that the slightly cone profiles, the application of three-port
end of the 1960s. Bextrene was the material extended ultra-high-frequency response inductor auto-transformers wound on high-
of choice for the speaker cones in Spendor’s made it easier to identify 19kHz stereo pilot saturation radio-metal cores for accurate level
first pair of speakers, the BC1, with Spendor’s tone breakthrough, a big problem in many matching, and a highly refined and calibrated
8-inch bass-mid driver staking a claim as FM tuners, and TV line-breakthrough noise. multi-element crossover network to achieve
the world’s first commercial-production Remember that the BBC and others selected an even flat frequency response with good
8-inch plastic cone driver. A product of the BC1 as a broadcast reference monitor phase characteristics. Finally they knew how
BBC engineer Spencer Hughes (co-founder loudspeaker — not merely for listening to to make loudspeakers that were closely and
with Dorothy Hughes, hence the name of music and voice, but to ensure the highest consistently pair-matched to a BBC-approved
Spen-Dor) and co-designer Dudley Harwood, level of technical quality and consistency for reference standard.”
the BC1 speakers had a three-way design: all programmes and broadcasts.” Some 600 pairs of BC1s are said to
the 8-inch Bextrene mid/bass driver, a Swift also offers a historical clarification have ended up in operation at the BBC —
Celestion HF 1300 tweeter ranging between on Hughes’ use of bextrene. and this author should perhaps declare
3kHz and 13kHz, and a Coles 4001 G “Bextrene on its own is an awful material that he grew up with two pairs of ex-BBC
supertweeter above 13kHz. for a loudspeaker cone!” he notes. “It is light Spendor BC1s in his home, and still has one
Philip Swift was a Spendor fan from and fairly rigid but it vibrates and generates of those pairs in full working order, though
the first (see following interview) and has nasty-sounding resonances and break-up sadly not with the original stands, which
an interesting take on that supertweeter. modes. Spendor’s secret was the application Philip Swift notes may have seen Spendor
“Contrary to what many enthusiasts of viscoelastic damping and understanding responsible, if inadvertently, for inventing the
and historians like to believe, the Coles that the loudspeaker cone, damping, loudspeaker stand as we know it today. One
supertweeter was added so that with three surround, suspension and adhesives must be more among the many innovations which
drivers the BC1 could be classified as a considered as a whole working system. So continue to keep the brand ahead.



he big brothers of the
A-Line, the Spendor A7s are
elegant in their simplicity.
They are two-way speakers,
each with a wide-surround
22mm tweeter and one of
the company’s latest 18cm EP77 Polymer
cones for mid/bass. They’re 93cm high, but
relatively slim and compact for a floorstander,
so will fit neatly into most homes. But don’t
push them up against a wall: their rear-firing
slot-shaped reflex ports not only reduce noise
and distortion, they give better grip on bass.
Four spikes screw into the metal discs on
each plinth to provide better contact and aid
the cabinet’s rigidity.


SPECIFICATIONS And with Spendor having its own cabinet- Their sound was clean and organised; where
making plant in the UK, it delivers a high quality other Spendors have prioritised refinement, these
Spendor A7 build with crisp edges and impeccably smart A7s also pack in plenty of punch to keep things
Price: $6,875 wood-veneer finishes in oak, black oak, walnut sounding lively. They also went satisfyingly deep,
Design: 2-way (above) or (previous page) in satin white, which keeping a firm grip on the bass line of Massive
Frequency response: here doesn’t incur the price supplement applied Attack’s Angel, for example. Each note was pulled
32Hz–25kHz in their home market. taut, the edges precise, the performance agile
Sensitivity: 88dB/W/m Toe them in slightly towards the listening position and controlled. Across all genres these articulate
Impedance: 8 ohms to get the best of their stereo imaging and solid Spendors remain endlessly listenable even
Dimensions (HWD): focus for vocals, because their detail levels proved when things get intense. These are refined yet
934×180×305mm fantastic, timing with pinpoint accuracy and entertaining speakers combining precision and
Weight: 18kg (each) transparency. subtlety with enjoyable dynamics and rhythm.



ecently replacing the original D7,
the new D7.2 speakers don’t mess
with the basic form factor, but
deliver changes under the skin.
They remain a two-and-a-half-way
design, with a Kevlar composite
bass unit augmenting the output of the centrally-
mounted EP77 polymer-coned mid/bass. The
tweeter is the LPZ (Linear Pressure Zone) design
explained by Philip Swift in our main article, built
around the eye-catching circular stainless steel
front plate which forms a damped acoustic cham-
ber in front of the woven polyamide diaphragm.
What’s changed inside the slender 95cm-
high cabinet is revised and now has asymmetric
bracing, together with a refinement of the small
low-mass constrained polymer dampers between
the bracing and cabinet panels, and the noted
lack of acoustic filling traditionally used to absorb
drivers’ rearward output. The new structure is
claimed to be far more rigid, providing a better
foundation from which the drive units can work to
advantage in low-frequency precision and agility.
The speaker’s bass output is tuned by the latest
generation of Spendor’s linear flow port.
It’s another beautiful box, too, with five
options for the finish, adding cherry to the list of
veneers for the A7 (left).
The D7.2s proved highly-transparent
performers, fairly ruthless in revealing the sonic
traits of the partnering system, so if your system
electronics are bright or edgy you’ll know about
it. They also took a few days to come on song,
mellowing out over time, but never to the point
of becoming overly easy-going. They sounded
taut, agile and highly responsive — they can
kick hard when required, and the 90dB/W/m
sensitivity means that they don’t need excessive
levels of power to do so. And again they remained
composed under pressure, staying organised and
rhythmically coherent even at higher levels. Spendor D7.2
There’s plenty of finesse too, vocals natural Price: $9,499
and expressive, while the D7.2s rendered an Design: 2.5-way
expansive and nicely layered soundstage overall, Frequency response:
populated by precisely-focused instruments. 29Hz–25kHz
Considering their comparatively modest Sensitivity: 90dB/W/m
dimensions, the sonic authority on offer here is Impedance: 8 ohms
impressive. If you want to analyse the recording Dimensions (HWD):
you can, but these speakers will also let you simply 980×190×330mm
sit back and enjoy the music. Weight: 21kg (each)


INTERVIEW home demonstrations and part exchanges, and

we got involved in some quite complex instal-
Philip Swift has been the owner lation projects. So we got noticed, and I got to
of Spendor since January 2000, meet and visit designers and engineers from just
and was previously co-founder about every important hi-fi manufacturer and
importer. We caught the attention of the hi-fi
of Audiolab. “I’m always thinking press and several professional sound engineers,
about the future,” he says, “that’s while many equipment designers and several
where my interest and focus has like-minded dealers would regularly drop by
for an update and a listen, to show us their
always been”. But here Jez Ford new products and sometimes to see how they
persuades him to delve into the measured. It was a fascinating time.
key moments of his hi-fi past. I also spent a summer in the R&D department
of Bang & Olufsen in Denmark, and saw how
serious hi-fi manufacturing was a complex and
PHILIP SWIFT ENCOUNTERED Audio Esoterica: Spendor recently celebrated challenging business. So when I left University I
SPENCER HUGHES BEFORE its 50th anniversary, and I gather you were aware knew there was only one thing I wanted to do.
of the company’s speakers from near the beginning. I’d met Derek Scotland [the co-founder of
AFTER HIS TIME WITH AUDIOLAB, Where did you first encounter them, and why did Audiolab] at University and we decided to design
HE BOUGHT THE COMPANY you warm to them? our own products, which subsequently became
Philip Swift: I was a student at Imperial College Lentek products when we moved to Cambridge
and found myself working part-time at the to join the company as MD [Swift] and Technical
original ‘Audio T’ shop in London’s Oxford Street. Director [Scotland]. Our Lentek products
That’s where I first heard a very early version enjoyed good success, and we were also the first
of the BC1. It sounded amazing — so real, so distributors outside of the US for Mobile Fidelity,
clear, with a stable stereo image and surprisingly Sheffield and Telarc. But once we decided we
articulate bass for the time. It wasn’t cheap, about were sure — and others were not so sure! — that
twice the price of a pair of KEF Concertos or B&W our concept for a new range of affordable high-
DM3s, and relative to those and other popular performance hi-fi electronics was viable, we quit
speakers of the day the BC1s were slim, compact our day jobs to focus totally on developing the
and standmounted. I had to work a lot of hours to Audiolab 8000A, 8000C and 8000P. That was done
afford my first pair of BC1s. A few years later I had in a bedroom in my house. The original 8000A
Spendor BC3s — serial numbers one and two! was launched in October 1983, and we never
And Audio T is where I met Spen [Spencer looked back.
Hughes] before Spendor was incorporated as a
limited company in 1971. We sold many Spendor AE: How long did you remain at Audiolab after
loudspeakers and I got to know Spen and his the arrival of Udo Zucker and the conversion to
‘family’ team well, and he was happy to explain all Tag McLaren Audio in 1998? Was there an interim
the design and engineering that made Spendor before taking on Spendor?
loudspeakers so special. So I guess I’ve always PS: I remember well... it was one year and one
been a fan of not just Spendor loudspeakers week — three months of that on gardening leave.
but also the company and its elegant intelligent Zucker didn’t want any input from me; I wish I
approach to engineering and manufacturing. could have left sooner! It was two years later that
I acquired Spendor.
AE: But before Spendor you had an illustrious career
with the original Audiolab. How did you get into AE: Where did Spendor stand when you arrived?
We quit our day jobs music and then hi-fi, and then into the industry? How did you come to join?
PS: Even as a child I had been fascinated by PS: UK company Soundtracs had acquired the
to focus totally on sound and music. I made various amplifiers business around 1993 when Dorothy Hughes
from scratch while at school, and built several [MD and wife of the late Spencer Hughes]
developing the loudspeakers. Then at the hi-fi shop when I went decided it was time to retire. Derek Hughes
to University we had amplifier test equipment [Spendor chief engineer, son of Spencer and
8000A, 8000C which was better than most manufacturers had, Dorothy] enjoyed his engineering role, but didn’t
and 8000P. That was and a proper demonstration room with a custom
remote-controlled comparator. At the time most
want to take on running a business day to day.
Spendor was still doing steady business — sales
done in a bedroom dealers simply sold sealed boxes with no demon-
stration — and no technical support or after-sales
weren’t growing and the brand had lost some of
its visibility, but its international reputation was
in my house...” service. We did things very differently: we offered intact. Then in 1999 an industry friend in Taiwan

mentioned that Spendor was for sale, and was I
interested? I was well advanced with developing
my own home automation business including
high-end audio, and had got involved in some
exciting projects with others. But I had to do it.
I knew if I didn’t buy Spendor it would be sold
to a Chinese company and re-located to China.
This was a never-to-be-repeated opportunity to
acquire one of the UK’s most highly respected
loudspeaker brands, and I saw there was great
potential to transform Spendor into a progressive
modern business and put the name firmly back
on the map.
A few minutes later Todd Wells, the MD of
Soundtracs, was on the phone to me! I acquired
the business at the beginning of January 2000.

AE: Where did you take the company from there?

And who were you working with?
PS: So initially Spendor loudspeakers were
designed and engineered by Spencer Hughes.
After Spencer passed away in 1983 Derek Hughes
took over. When I acquired Spendor in 2000
Derek continued as consulting engineer until
2003, when he decided to semi-retire and pursue
other projects. Graham Landick, ex-B&W and Tag
McLaren Audio, joined as Head of Loudspeaker
Design and Engineering — and that was when
we started to introduce the major changes and
innovations which were realised in our multi-
award-winning S-Series loudspeakers. Since I
acquired the business I think we’ve transformed,
streamlined and thoroughly modernised almost
everything. Alongside our all-new D-Line and
A-Line we’ve carefully — sensitively, successfully
— introduced the most significant-ever advances
to the Spendor Classic Line without losing any of Our new design team has some of the sharpest ears “OUR NEW CLASSIC 100Ti
the heart and soul of the 70s’ originals. Today our I’ve ever encountered, and everyone has a real passion for AND CLASSIC 200Ti FEATURE
turnover is about 10 times what it was back in music and sound. While engineering provides the tools we TITANIUM BAFFLES THAT BRING
2000, so we must be doing something right. need to realise our ideas, our ears will continue to guide
Terry Miles, who had over 30 years our decisions on what sounds right.
experience working for Spendor as chief
technician became Technical Design Manager in AE: Is there anything exciting in the pipeline you can share?
2007. In 2010 we moved to our own brand-new PS: I can reveal that later this year, when hopefully some
custom-fitted premises in Hailsham in East Sussex, sort of new normality resumes in the world, we will be
and we now have our own specialist cabinet launching BASE, a new division of Spendor specialising in
manufacturing facility (Timberworx) alongside Vibration Control Technology. Our first products have been
our new Spendor R&D facility at the Advanced three years in development, and they incorporate unique,
Manufacturing Park in Sheffield where I am now elegant, and highly effective patented technology. They
heading up our new team which will include a offer a solution which eliminates the all-pervading
number of fresh graduate engineers with the vibration which adversely affects the sound of all hi-fi and
vision and skills to implement the most modern audio components, from streamers to amps, turntables,
measuring techniques and simulation software. power supplies, whether digital, analogue or tube, and
I believe this is the only way forward because it regardless of cost. The effect of adding a BASE Platform
opens exciting possibilities for significant sound is instant, dramatic and clearly audible. We’ll update you
quality advances. Already we’ve come up with when we are ready to launch!
some exciting new ideas for future products, but
they will take time to develop and prove. For Spendor in Australia, visit:

BCD-3 Reviewer Martin Iredale


question I am often asked is: ‘Why would any- In fact it’s downright beautiful… probably the
one buy a CD player these days?’ I usually just best display I have ever seen on any CD player ever. It
answer with a single word: ‘Simplicity’. I am turned out to be an OLED, of course, but in the course of
now consciously trying to reduce the stresses discovering this, I also discovered that it comes in different
of modern living by making my own life as colours: blue and green. You can choose either, but it’s a
simple as possible. When I want to play mu- factory-only option, so if your local hi-fi store doesn’t have
sic, I rather like that I can just pop a CD in a drawer, press play both colours in stock, ordering a different colour might
and be listening to music immediately. Yes, I have ripped all take a while.
my CDs. Yes, I have a music server connected to my system. Despite the provision of this state-of-the-art display,
Despite this, when I want to listen to music, it’s more likely Bryston has included an option that means you don’t
that I’ll browse the CDs stored on my shelf, select one and have to use it. If you connect the BCD-3 to your local area
play it than that I’ll pull out my phone, fire up an app, browse network (via the Ethernet interface on the rear panel), you
through the music stored on my NAS and play from that. can control it via a web browser. (You can also update the
The same question must often be asked of the folks up at BCD-3’s firmware via that same Ethernet interface should
Bryston, in Canada, because they have an answer published Bryston make improvements to it to enhance operation or
on their website. Here it is, verbatim: “Although high resolution add a new feature.)
digital downloads dominate the attention of audiophiles, If you choose to operate the BCD-3 using the
many music lovers have hundreds or thousands of CDs that front panel controls you’ll find all the usual buttons are
require the finest playback equipment to sound their best. there, along with the less-usual ‘Repeat’ button (though
Though universal disc players or DVD players can play back it only does Track and Disc repeats, not A–B repeats),
CDs, they certainly won’t resolve the full dynamic range and and ‘Random’. If you use Bryston’s BR2 remote control
nuance the medium is capable of. Such players inherently to control the BCD-3 (which will require an additional
compromise CD playback to support additional formats.” purchase, since Bryston doesn’t provide one with the
BCD-3), you will get a feature that is not available from the
THE EQUIPMENT front panel: direct track access using 0–9 buttons. This is
The Bryston BCD-3’s front panel looks quite standard until you handy if you regularly skip tracks on CDs that have dozens
switch it on and the display lights up and you discover that of tracks, but on most CDs I find it’s faster to just press the
it’s amazingly crisp and sharp. ‘Previous’ or ‘Next’ buttons multiple times.


This system of skipping tracks works particularly

well on the BCD-3 because it has a buffer than
allows you to press multiple times very quickly,
and track access is also quick, so I probably
wouldn’t bother buying the remote unless I had
other Bryston components (though if this were
the case you might already own a BR2 remote!).
The disc drawer is very solid and, rather
refreshingly, made of metal rather than plastic.
Rather too solid in fact, because there are metal
rods either side of the tray that no doubt increase
rigidity but make it very hard to remove discs
unless you jamb your finger into the CD’s centre
hole and remove the disc from the tray that way. I
found it almost impossible to remove a disc from
the tray by grasping it by its outer circumference.
The rear panel of the Bryston BCD-3 has both
balanced (XLR) and unbalanced (RCA) analogue
outputs, and AES/EBU (XLR) and S/PDIF (RCA)
digital outputs. It also has RS232, Ethernet, USB
and ‘Remote’ connectors. Note, however, that the
USB input is only for system control — it does
not accept (or output) digital audio signals. There
is also no headphone output — either on the
front or the rear panel which, because I do a lot of The ‘Play’ button does the usual, but if you
headphone listening and prefer my headphones press it while a disc is playing, it will re-start play
to be as close to the original source as possible at the beginning of the track. Conversely, if you
(so as to have the least circuitry in the way) I view press |<< while playing a track, it skips you back
as a fairly significant oversight… but you might to the beginning of the previous track. I was not
have a different opinion. used to this functionality, but once I became
used to it, it then seemed like an excellent way of
LISTENING SESSIONS arranging the transport logic.
After loading my first CD into the player (and these What wasn’t quite so logical — at least to
are the only discs the BCD-3 will play, by the way) me — is that the player won’t skip tracks while
I played around with the transport controls a little a disc is paused, and in order to get the player
and made a few discoveries. The first was that the out of its pause mode you need to press pause THE USB INPUT IS ONLY FOR
fast-forward and fast-reverse buttons are multi- again: pressing ‘play’ won’t do it. Another quirk I SYSTEM CONTROL  IT DOES NOT
stage so one press will start a slow-ish search and discovered was that whenever I connected the ACCEPT OR OUTPUT DIGITAL
a second press will speed that search up. Pressing BCD-3 to my network and used my browser to AUDIO SIGNALS. THERE IS ALSO NO
the button a third time drops you back into play. control it, whatever CD I next tried to load into ON THE FRONT OR THE REAR


the player would rarely load, with the display

just showing ‘Reading’ continuously. Ejecting
the disc and then re-loading it always fixed
this issue, so it’s obviously just a programming
glitch and will likely already have been fixed
by the time you read this review, because
the machine I was using had old firmware
The very first disc I just had to play was a
strange one titled ‘Colour Thinking’ by Human
2.0 that was recorded by Dutch outfit trptk in
352.8kHz 32-bit DSD using only state-of-the-art
technology. The company makes its recordings
available in all formats, but obviously I was
listening to the CD version. It’s a conceptual
album that marries conventional instruments
with electronics and samples plus a small
choir. I’d been finding it strangely beguiling on
other components and in other formats and
I wanted to hear how well the Bryston BCD-3
would reproduce the sounds on the disc, more
than listen to the music itself. Wow! It was
immediately obvious just from the very first
track (Progress) that the sound from the Bryston
BCD-3 left the sound from my own player in
the shade, which rather stuck in my craw since
BCD-3 retails for just over half of what I paid for
my own machine. I was hearing deep, rich, bass
sound, super-authentic percussion (cymbals in
particular, but the sound of the snare drum was
also amazing), but it’s the overall soundscape
that’s created by the BCD-3 that is the most
mesmerising. The guitar sound on Problem
BRYSTON ‘thru-hole’ components across all of the Child howled from my speakers like a banshee,

printed circuit boards — everywhere else echoing the howl of lead singer Robin Coops.
you’ll find state-of-the-art surface-mount Despite its strangeness, I liked this disc
components are used. so much that I invoked the BCD-3’s ‘Repeat’
The Bryston BDA-3 has ten digital mode, and through a curious twist of fate
The performance of the BCD-3 turned inputs — S/PDIF (RCA & BNC), AES/EBU discovered that this mode is eternal: if you
out to be so exceptionally good that (XLR), HDMI (×4), USB (×2), and Optical switch it on, the Bryston will continue to play
Bryston decided it would use almost (Toslink). Between them, these offer the disc (or track) forever.
identical circuitry in a DAC as well, that PCM support up to 384kHz/32-bit and
DAC being the BDA-3. Both products DSD support up to DSD-256 (×4) which
use exactly the same DACs (AKM 4490s) include user-selectable upsampling.
in exactly the same configuration (two It has two pairs of analogue outputs,
per channel, in differential mode), but one unbalanced, via gold-plated RCA
it isn’t only the conversion process that terminals, the other balanced, using
is the reason for the exceptional sound gold-plated XLR terminals. The BDA-3
quality. The analogue output sections of retails for $5,600.
both the BCD-3 and the BDA-3 operate It’s not only the sound quality of the I invoked the BCD-3’s
entirely in Class-A, and all the gain and
buffering devices are discrete and all the
BCD-3 and BDA-3 that is exceptionally
good either. The build quality is also
‘Repeat’ mode and
components for are on their own PCB. exceptional. As for the country of discovered that this mode is
The power supply is on another PCB all manufacture, which is becoming
by itself and the digital circuitry is split an increasingly important concern, eternal: if you switch it on,
over two PCBs. In fact, in a rather beautiful
piece of electronics design by Bryston’s
particularly here in Australia, you’ll be
pleased to learn that they’re made in
the Bryston will continue to
own Dan Marynissen, there are only 12 Bryston’s own facility in Canada. play the disc or track forever

This obviously wouldn’t be good for either The realism of these instruments — and
the drive motor or the laser, so I’d advise using the sound of the percussion — as reproduced
this mode with caution, and making sure you by the Bryston BCD-3 is inspiring.
remember to turn the player off whenever Even on ‘standard’ commercial pressings,
you’ve finished listening, just in case. (But such as Red Hot Chilli Pepper’s ‘Blood
again, this might have been fixed in firmware Sugar Sex Magik’, tracks such as Suck my
already… which is one of the beauties of the Kiss showed the Bryston BCD-3 delivered
BCD-3’s firmware being update-able.) superlative sound throughout — not the
On more familiar fare, the performance least impressive characteristic of which was
of the Bryston BCD-3 was equally exceptional. the ability to delineate bass lines in the midst
Listening to Winds of Change’s ‘Work of Art’, of high-powered bass mayhem. More than
the reproduction was as good as I’ve ever a few components have difficulty resolving Bryston BCD-3
heard this album sound at 16-bits and 44.1kHz. Chad’s closely-miked kick drum and Flea’s Price: $6,200
Listen, for example, to the finger snaps that simultaneous hi-jinks on bass on Suck in Frequency Response:
kick off My Love for You and you’ll be amazed particular, but listening to the BCD-3, the bass 20Hz–20kHz ±0.1dB
by the clarity and reality of the sound… sounds were completely differentiated and THD+N: <0.002%
indeed it’s so clear and so realistic-sounding delivered with amazing detail, without losing S/N Ratio (Bal): 140dB
that I am prepared to bet that you just will any pace, rhythm or timing. S/N Ratio (Unb): 134dB
not believe you’re listening to a standard O/P Voltage (Balanced):
Red Book CD. Listen through the entire album CONCLUSION 4.0Vrms
and you’ll be equally amazed by the dynamics: Many pundits in the hi-fi industry will tell you: O/P Voltage (Unbalanced):
they’re simply incredible. ‘The CD is dead.’ I’d have to disagree, but even 2.0Vrms
I sampled more highly dynamic music if they’re right and I’m wrong, I can tell you that Dimensions (WHD):
listening to Aix Records’ album ‘Guitar Noire’ if you had to buy your very last CD player, Brys- 482×87×305mm
which features ex-Wings guitarist Laurence ton’s BCD-3 is most definitely the one I would Weight: 4.0kg
Juber, Steve Forman (percussion) and Domenic recommend! And if you want to buy your first Contact: BusiSoft on
Genova (bass). The sound of Juber’s Martin DAC, I’d definitely recommend you buy the (03) 9810 2900 or at
acoustic is perfectly captured, as is the sound BDA-3. Bryston’s on a winner with both these
of Genova’s double-bass. outstandingly engineered components.

ECI 6 DX MKII Reviewer David Cooke


t was only after I pressed that golden power button in it’s also a full-featured digital-to-analogue
the centre of the EC’s front panel and saw the bright blue converter and an equally full-featured
‘Є’ that is Electrocompaniet’s logo flash into being in the streamer.
display at the left of the amplifier that I realised exactly A power output of 125-watts into
how similar it is to the symbol for the currency of the 8Ω from such a compact (and, it just
European Union: the Euro. This could hardly be deliber- has to be said — stunningly beautiful —
ate, since the Norwegian manufacturer was building amplifiers chassis is impressively high. But even
twenty years before the EU came into being. But it is bemusing, more impressive is that it can also deliver
because Norway is still not a member of the EU, so the country’s 200-watts per channel into 4Ω loads
currency remains the Krone, as it has since 1875. and 370-watts per channel into 2Ω loads.
That 2Ω specification is particularly
EQUIPMENT noteworthy, because very few — if any
As the product name suggests, the ECI 6 DX MkII has it all! — integrated amplifiers can drive such
It’s not only a hugely competent integrated amplifier with a low impedances at all, much less at power
rated output of 125-watts continuous per channel into 8Ω, levels approaching 400-watts.


It means that the amplifier can not only The display can show only seven characters, so
provide voltage to your speakers, but current they’ve had to abbreviate Toslink to Toslnk. The
as well. In fact, Electrocompaniet claims a peak characters are all upper-case, too, because of the
current ability of more than 100-amps. display resolution. Curiously, however, if the HT
As for control, Electrocompaniet is one input is muted the display will, when you select
of the very few high-end manufacturers that it, show HT (MUTED) with the ‘Muted’ all in upper-
provides both iOS and Android apps so that you
can control the ECI 6 DX MkII not only from the
case, but in very small lettering, so the display
itself is obviously capable of another, higher-
As the product
supplied dedicated remote control, but also from resolution display mode. name suggests, the
your phone or pad. But that’s not all. This forward- The display shows only the input that is
thinking Norwegian company also allows control active; there is no digital indication of volume ECI 6 DX MkII has
via a standard web interface, so you can use your
computer, across all operating systems.
level. Instead, volume is indicated analogously
and rather ingeniously, via a method I cannot
it all! It’s not only a
And when I say ‘control’ I am not just talking ever recall seeing previously. Electrocompaniet’s hugely competent
about control over volume, input selection and so engineers have put a motorised potentiometer
forth, I’m talking about the ability to select, play behind the glass front panel, and fitted it with integrated amplifier
and pause etc tracks from all of the most popular
streaming formats and services, including Spotify,
a bright blue LED. So, as you raise and lower
the volume, either via the ‘Up’ and ‘Down’ push-
but also a full-
Tidal and Qobuz, plus the system also has built-in buttons on the front panel, or with those on the featured digital-to-
internet radio. You can also stream to it via Airplay remote control, you can see the blue LED move
and Bluetooth. It’s also Roon-ready, so if you clockwise (or anticlockwise) behind the front
analogue converter
subscribe to Roon, it will seamlessly connect and panel. At least you can if you’re directly in front of and an equally full-
let you play and control it via Roon. the amplifier. If you’re off to the left, you can’t see
The app in combination with it at all. If you’re off to the right, you can see a faint featured streamer
Electrocompaniet’s “EC Software Engine”, which blue halo reflection. If you’re above the amplifier,
is built into the ECI 6 DX MkII also lets you index it really depends on the position of the LED as to
play, pause etc tracks from your own music whether you can see it or not.
collection stored on your network. Although this is ingenious, it means that you
It would seem that Electrocompaniet is can’t really get an identical listening level across
expecting all owners to use one or more of the multiple sources because you can’t say, turn the
apps to control the ECI 6 DX MkII because the volume to 4, or 6, because there are no markings.
screen on the front panel is a relatively coarse The volume also doesn’t re-set itself when you
dot-matrix display (dot size of around 1mm), power down. It always powers up at the same
blue on black, so the letters that indicate the volume level that was being used when it was
active input — CD, DVD, AUX, HT, COAX1, COAX2, powered down. You’ll need the app for precision
TOSLNK1, TOSLNK2, USB — have staircases in adjustment. Handily, if the amplifier powers up
place of curves, but the letters are so large that at a volume level you’re not comfortable with, TURNTABLE USERS MIGHT NOTICE
they’re easy enough to read, even from many you can use the ECI 6 DX MkII ’s ‘Mute’ function AT THIS LEVEL YOU SHOULD BE US
metres away. to quickly drop it down. This circuit is perfectly ING AN EXTERNAL PHONO STAGE,
The misspelling of Toslink1 and Toslink2 is not implemented, so that when activated, the word AND YOU COULD PLUG THIS IN TO
a typographic error. MUTE shows in the front panel display. EITHER THE DVD OR AUX INPUT

Price: $11,949 (RRP)

AMPLIFIER SECTION The circuit also correctly cancels itself The Electrocompaniet ECI 6 DX MkII made
Power Output (8Ω): whenever the volume is adjusted and also, of Jaga Jazzist’s music sound absolutely fabulous.
125-watts/channel course, cancels itself whenever the amplifier is The sound of Martin Horntveth’s drum kit was
Power Output (4Ω): switched off. stunningly good, particularly when he’s taking
200-watts/channel it out on his cymbals, which he does often. The
Power Output (2Ω): LISTENING sound of the saxophones on For All You Happy
370-watts/channel Whenever you turn it on, the ECI 6 DX MkII auto- People is revelatory, but tear yourself away from
Frequency Resp: 1–150kHz matically defaults to MEDIA so it’s pretty obvious concentrating on this to listen to the differently
Channel Sep: >120dB that Electrocompaniet thinks most users will be programmed sounds in the left and right channels
THD: <0.004% streaming their music, rather than hard-wiring and the singing sound of the guitars.
Daming Factor: >350 it, but it would have been nice if the infra-red re- The extraordinarily complex soundscape of this
O/P Impedance: <0.02Ω mote had a ‘MEDIA’ input selector. (Or failing that, track was delivered perfectly by the ECI 6 DX MkII
Input Sens: 1.3Vrms that the manual had told me that you can access and, in the closing moments, you’ll hear what I said
it by pressing the Stop/Eject’ button!) about the silence of the amplifier’s noise floor.
DIGITAL SECTION Right from switch-on it was immediately Swedenborgske rom (Track 5) is one of the
USB: 24-bit/192kHz (up to) obvious that the ECI 6 DX MkII is not just a pretty most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard, and the
S/PDIF: 24-bit/ 192kHz (up to) face. It was able to drive my hopelessly inefficient wordless vocal ‘choir’ that comes in around two
Toslink: 24-bit/96kHz (up to) loudspeakers to more-than-adequate volume minutes in always makes me sigh with joy. Jaga
WiFi: 802.11 AC w MIMO levels (much higher than I’d ever listen) without Jazzist uses synthesised sounds better than any
Ethernet: 1 Gigabit even raising a sweat (though the amplifier’s band I have ever heard, and you’ll hear why
Formats Supported: WAV, casing did become rather warm, so do make sure listening to this track via the ECI 6 DX MkII. The
MP3, AAC+, Vorbis, ALAC, it is well ventilated). purity of the sound is so sensational it’ll have
FLAC, APE, WMA, PCM, And it wasn’t just the power levels that you gasping for breath. Listen to the way the
DSD 128 impressed. The sound is so super-clean that Electrocompaniet still lets you hear the vocal
distortion is clearly totally under control (i.e. line in the background even at the height of the
GENERAL inaudibly low) and the noise levels are also below crescendo. There’s another signature close-out
Power Consumption: the vanishing point. Whenever music wasn’t too. Listen to the sound of the piano fade.
110-watts playing, I couldn’t hear a thing from my speakers The ECI 6 DX MkII’s total command of rhythm
Standby Power — no hiss, no buzz, no unwanted background and pace is more than amply demonstrated by
Consumption: 1-watt circuit noise of any type whatsoever. Mikado, with its staccato cross-beats, percussion
Dimensions (WDH): The ECI 6 DX MkII was not the first product of and plucked string effects. You can also hear the
470×430×128mm Norway to arrive in my home. I have been a fan of amplifier’s total control over the bass and treble.
Weight: 20.5kg that country’s band Jaga Jazzist for many years.
As the band’s name suggests, they play a lot of CONCLUSION
Contact: Audio Dynamics on jazzy music, but I wouldn’t categorise it as jazz Electrocompaniet’s ECI 6 DX MkII is a rare find.
(03) 9882 0372 or at myself, and they seem to change their musical It’s that classic case of a steel fist in a velvet glove. style subtlely with each new album anyway. You really would not expect that such powerful,
If you’d like to sample their music you could start great-sounding and full-featured multi-functional
with their latest album (“Pyramid”) but I would electronics wizardry could be contained within
instead recommend 2005’s “What We Must” as the such a modestly-sized chassis whose shiny black
ideal entry point to their oeuvre. exterior is, in fact, reminiscent of velvet.

SOLUTIONS Report Jez Ford


he challenges of the last year have followed all the protocols, had the warning signs up to
been enough to take the wind out of sanitise your hands, and only allowed a few people in
many sails, both personal and business. the shop in any given room at any time.”
But when we spoke with Tony Stantzos, A reasonable if very different year, then, in which
who co-owns the Audio Solutions hi-fi Audio Solutions celebrated its 20th anniversary after
store in Mascot near Sydney Airport two decades running one of Sydney’s iconic
along with Nick Papas, he was as ebullient as ever. destination hi-fi stores. Back in 2000, Nick
“For us, to be honest, look, we can’t really complain. and Tony started Audio Solutions to
We had a very reasonable year,” he tells Audio Esoterica. combine Tony’s experience in
“We were pretty much open all the way through — custom installation of home
never really told that we had to close, so we obviously theatres and multiroom


Turntables have audio with Nick’s experience in high-end

two-channel audio. Over the years the balance
between the three sides of the business —
the two-channel, home theatre and the real
put the specialist of business between custom and two-channel custom stuff — I’d say that 20 per cent of it
has fluctuated — “there was a long time when last year was in theatre and custom, while the
back in the game. high-end and two-channel and home video was other 80 per cent was all in mid to high-end two
going really well for us”, Tony remembers. In 2019, channel.”
And that’s also from he’d told us that custom installation was coming And it isn’t hard to identify the reasons

talking to other back strongly. But as the pandemic told hold, the
balance changed once again.
behind this return to the joys of music.
“Well I think that was accentuated by people
specialists who are “In the last year, it’s been probably 80 per
cent mid to high-end two channel, and that’s very
being home, and I can give you any number
of different examples of that. One client had
saying the same different from normal,” he says. “There was really
very limited custom install, and home theatre
planned a big $15–20k New Zealand ski trip,
which obviously got cancelled. He came into the
thing. Massive.” was fairly quiet for us. So the balance changed store and he spent 20 grand on a two-channel


system, saying ‘If I went to New Zealand I wouldn’t

have done this’. So there’s one smack-bang full-on
sale that was taken from the travel industry.
“We also had people upgrading — people
who had bought a very good pair of speakers two
to three years ago but couldn’t afford to buy the
amplifier to drive them properly, so had kept their
old amplifier. And they’re saying — ‘I’m still earning
the same money, I’m at home, I’m not spending it...
you know what, I’m buying that amplifier.’ So they’d
come in and upgrade from a $5000 amplifier to a MAKING A
$15,000 or $20,000 amplifier.” DIFFERENCE:
Many companies have thrived online during the POWER CABLES
pandemic, and Audio Solutions has a detailed
website where it advertises its stock lines, its
custom installation and other services, as well as them, you know what I mean?
news and occasional trade-in items. But the store “So online is not something that we really
didn’t see a huge switch to online activity during focus on, and perhaps we’re missing out there, but
the pandemic, perhaps because, as Tony points we really are more about customer service, about
out, online sales are almost in conflict with what building relationships — getting the people to
makes Audio Solutions unique, which is the level come in here, or we’re spending long periods of
of its customer service. time on the phone talking to people who can’t
“It really is a very small part,” he admits, “and make it in, perhaps if they’re in country New South
probably we’d like online to be more important. Wales. So rather than them just reading stuff online
But the type of stuff we’re selling, you know, we and not really getting a full understanding of what
need people to come in. You’ve got to talk them they’re buying, we’re happy to talk for half an hour
through things, let them physically touch, look, or an hour on the phone, talk to people about what
smell — whatever they have to do the product they’re actually buying. I think that’s invaluable. And
— before they make that purchase. And hear it, that’s why we’re so unique.”
of course! I don’t know how many people are
going to go online and buy a $10,000 integrated THE POWER OF THE TWEAK
amplifier or a pair of speakers without hearing Another specialty at Audio Solutions is introducing


customers to the smaller things in hi-fi which platforms, and cables. Out front in the store
can deliver an extra level of performance from an now we have our new Nordost cable display —
existing hi-fi system. speaker cables and analogue interconnects, but
THE DIABLO 300 INTEGRATED “Absolutely — all those little things,” agrees also power cables. People are spending huge
Tony. “That’s something that Nick and I pride amounts of money on amps and electronics
“BEING A GRYPHON DEALER, THAT’S ourselves on, knowing what difference these and just running the power cable that comes
A VERY PROUD MOMENT FOR ME things can make to your sound system without in the box. And mate, spending even just a
AND NICK”, SAYS TONY STANTZOS spending huge amounts of money. Like isolation couple of hundred dollars — if you’ve got an
integrated worth five grand and you spend a
couple of hundred bucks on a power cable —
the difference it makes to the system is huge.”
We challenge Tony to answer why it’s worth
spending 200 bucks on the last metre of power
cable from the wall to the amplifier when you’ve
still got the same old dodgy copper all the way
through the house and up the street.
“Because it cleans up other stuff ; it’s not just
the power,” he says. “There’s radio frequency in the
signal that it filters out; there’s a lot of other stuff
in there that makes a difference to your sound
system. And often we put our money where our
mouth is and tell them to take it home and bring
it back if you don’t like it. They never bring it back.”


We asked Tony what was generating the most
excitement among the Audio Solutions team at


the moment in terms of new products and tech. traditional hi-fi speaker, but Nick and I have found
“Well, definitely now being a Gryphon dealer: that when you listen to them, they’ve got that
that’s a very proud moment for me and Nick, that characteristic of, you know, the time when we
Joe [Josef Riediger, at distributor Advance Audio] were growing up and first listening to music —
was happy to hand that over to us before his they just put a smile on your face.”
passing; that’s a huge thing for us. We’ve got the Any hints as to what to pair those with, what
Diablo 120 and 300, and we’ll be doing the pre works well with the JBLs in terms of amplification?
and power amps as well.” “We did find — after putting a lot of different
We noted a prominent space on the Audio things in and testing them — that even though
Solutions website for Spendor speakers (see the they’re fairly efficient, they need a lot of power.
separate article this issue), and asked Tony for So valves are good, but it’s got to be a substantial
their opinion on this longstanding British brand. valve amp. Otherwise a warm-sounding high-
“Yes we love their speakers — and they’re current solid-state integrated amp, that’s what
very unique. Greg here owns a pair of Spendors;
he loves them, and he’s the one that, you know,
you would pair them with. We’ve had great
success with Hegel amps; Hegel seems to go
Online is not
pushed us over the line after we parted way really well with them. They definitely need some something that
with PMC and needed something to replace it. grunt behind them to get them to work right.”
That was the perfect fit. They’re different to most we really focus
other speakers — they’re not a Focal or a JBL A CHANGING STORE
or a Bowers, the big guys, but they are a special Audio Solutions encourages walk-in customers, on: we really
product. We’re concentrating on the A series and
the D series at the moment; the Classic series will
as well as appointments for listening sessions in
the upstairs demonstration rooms. In addition
are more about
probably be next.”
Talking of classics, Tony also waxed lyrical
to Nick, Tony and Greg, there’s David (Sales) and
Joseph (Installations ) ready to assist. And there’s
customer service,
about the recently-released JBL Classic speakers. always something new to discover in this hi-fi about building
“Yeh, we’re getting a bit excited about the store which rarely stands still. The in-store Bowers
JBL Classic series. They’re probably not your & Wilkins Sound Studio was entirely rebuilt relationships...”

“Absolutely. People can go into shops and
they’re told ‘we can’t demo this, we can’t demo
that’. Well, we can, and we can let you hear the
difference between going for a $600 pair of
in-ceiling speakers or a $1500 pair of in-ceiling
speakers. They can be blown away by that.”
The front of the store has also been recently
renovated, though regular customers will be
relieved to know that the legendary Audio Solutions
coffee machine has not lost its place. But there’s a
new counter area, new displays for those Nordost
cables, and for mid-to-high-end wireless speakers
such as Naim’s Mu-so and the Bluesound Pulse.
Most prominent of all is the large new display area
for turntables. Turntables are still going well?
“It’s huge, mate, huge. Turntables, I think,
have put the specialist back in the game. And
that’s also from talking to other specialists who
A CURRENT STORE FAVOURITE, JBL’S CLASSIC are saying the same thing. Massive.”
100 SPEAKERS UPDATE THE ICONIC L100 Invariably when we speak to Tony
DESIGN FROM THE 1970s. “THEY’VE GOT THAT there’s some future plan about which he doesn’t
a couple of years ago, its new clean lines disguis- want to give too much away. This time he started
MUSIC,” SAYS TONY STANTZOS. “ THEY ing a wealth of equipment — speakers from telling us about a planned area where “you’ll be
JUST PUT A SMILE ON YOUR FACE.” B&W’s 700, 600 and Mini Theatre Series, right up able to see how a control system works in a whole
to Bowers & WIlkins’ range-topping 800 Series. house…” before decidingto save that for next time.
There’s a focus on in-wall and in-ceiling speakers, So there’s always something new happening,
CONTACT with a wall of B&W Custom Install models ready new products and technologies to discover, and
to play. all backed by the team’s in-depth yet jovial advice,
Audio Solutions
“That’s been going well, even during the plus the levels of personal service which have
1195 Botany Road pandemic,” says Tony. “That 20 per cent that I was seen Audio Solutions get through the pandemic,
Mascot, NSW. 2020 saying was custom business, a lot of that is B&W.” and indeed through now 21 years of business
02 9317 3330 And is that because they have the chance to serving the music and home entertainment hear those installation speakers playing in situ? lovers of Mascot, Sydney, and beyond.


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