Stereo Directory 1988

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Stereo Review Presents D splay -i1 January 5 1988 $3.



How To Buy A Stereo System
Setting Up Your System
Features, Specs. And Prices Of
Receivers, Speakers, CD
Players, Tape Decks, And More

o 272701 3
"Matthew Polk Has a Passion for Perfection!"
Experience the Awesome Sonic Superiority of
His Grand Prix Award Winning SDA Loudspeakers.

AudioWdeo Speaker of the Year basic concept of stereo is that a much more "Mindboggling, astounding,
1982 - SDA 1 lifelike three-dimensional sound is achieved by
Speaker of the Year
having 2 different signals, each played back
flabbergasting" High Fidelity Magazine
1983 - SDA 2 Speaker of the Year Words alone cannot fully describe how much
1984 - SDA CRS Speaker of the Year through a separate speaker and each meant to more lifelike SDA TRUE STEREO reproduction
/985 - SDA SRS Speaker of the Year be heard by only one ear apiece (L or R). So
is. Reviewers, critical listeners and novices alike
/986 - SDA SRS 2 Speaker of the Year quite simply, a mono loudspeaker is designed to
are overwhelmed by the magnitude of the sonic
be heard by two ears at once while true stereo
improvement achieved by Polk's TRUE STEREO
"They trub, represent!: a loudspeakers should each be heard by only one technology. You will hear a huge sound stage
breakthrough. Mulling Stone Magazine ear apiece (like headphones). The revolutionary
Polk SDAs are the first TRUE STEREO speakers
which extends not only beyond the speakers, but
Polk's critically acclaimed, 5 time AudioVideo beyond the walls of your listening room itself
engineered to accomplish this and fully realize The lifelike ambience revealed by the SDAs
Grand Prix Award winning SDA technology is the
the astonishingly lifelike three-dimensional makes it sound as though you have been
most important fundamental advance in loud-
imaging capabilities of the stereophonic sound transported to the acoustic environment of the
speaker technology since stereo itself Listeners
are amazed when they hear the huge, lifelike, original sonic event. Every instrument, vocalist
three-dimensional sonic image produced by "A stunning achievement" and sound becomes tangible, distinct, alive and
Polk's SDA speakers. The nation's top audio Australian RIFT firmly placed in its own natural spatial position.
experts agree that Polk SDA loudspeakers al- Polk SDA Technology solves one of the You will hear instruments, ambience and subtle
ways sound better than conventional loud- greatest problems in stereo reproduction. When musical nuances (normally masked by conven-
speakers. Stereo Review said, "Spectacular... each ear hears both speakers and signals, as tional speakers), revealed for your enjoyment by
the result is always better than would be occurs when you use conventional (Mono) the SDAs. This benefit is accurately described by
achieved by conventional speakers." High speakers to listen in stereo, full stereo separa- Julian Hirsch in Stereo Review, "...the sense of
Fidelity said, "Astounding...We have yet to hear tion is lost. The undesirable signal reaching discovery experienced when playing an old
any stereo program that doesn't benefit." Now each ear from the "wrong" speaker is a form of favorite stereo record and hearing, quite liter-
all 5 SDAs incorporate many of the 3rd genera- acoustic distortion called interaural crosstalk, ally, a new dimension in the sound is a most
tion advances in SDA technology pioneered in which confuses your hearing. attractive bonus..." Records, CDs, tapes, video
the Signature Edition SRS and SRS2 including and FM all benefit equally as dramatically.
full complement sub -bass drive, time -compen-
sated phase -coherent driver alignment and "Literally a New "You owe it to yourself to
bandwidth -optimized dimensional signal. Dimension in the Sound audition them." MO Fidelity Magazine
Stereo Review Magazine SDAs allow you to experience the spine
Why SDAs Aluxtys Sound Better tingling excitement, majesty and pleasure of
Stereo Review confirmed the unqualified The Polk SDA systems eliminate interaural live music in your home. You must hear the
sonic superiority of Matthew Polk's revolution- crosstalk distortion and maintain full, True remarkable sonic benefits of SDA technology
ary SDA Technology when they wrote, "These Stereo separation, by incorporating two com- for yourself You too will agree with Stereo
speakers always sounded different from con- pletely separate sets of drivers (stereo and Review's dramatic conclusion: "the result
ventional speakers - and in our view better - dimensional) into each speaker cabinet. The is always better than would be achieved by
as a result of their SDA design. stereo drivers radiate the normal stereo signal, conventional speakers... it does indeed add
Without exaggeration, the design principals while the dimensional drivers radiate a differ- a new dimension to reproduced sound."
embodied in the SDAs make them the world's ence signal that acoustically and effectively
first true stereo speakers. The basic concept of cancels the interaural crosstalk distortion and
speaker design was never modified to take into thereby restores the stereo separation, imaging
account the fundamental difference between a
mono and stereo signal. The fundamental and
basic concept of mono is that you have one
and detail lost when you listen to normal
"mono"speakers. The dramatic sonic benefits
are immediately audible and remarkable.
polk The Speaker Specialists ®
signal (and speaker) meant to be heard by both
ears at once. However, the fundamental and 5601 Metro Drive, Baltimore. Md. 21215


How to Buy a Stereo System 6
by William Burton
Setting Up Your Stereo System 18
by Ian G. Masters

Receivers 43 Cover components: at left. Sota Star Sapphire turntable (see
product listing on page 124) with Sumiko Premier MMT
Power Amplifiers 61 tonearm (page 131) and Talisman B cartridge (page 135);
Preamplifiers 73 NEC SW -300 subwoofer (page 166) At nght. JBL Pro III
mini -monitor speakers (page 156); NAD 6300 cassette deck
Integrated Amplifiers 83 (page 111). Pioneer CLD-1010 CD/CDV/LV player (page
Tuners 88 100). AR X -I0 receiver (page 43); a/d/s B3 storage module
Compact Disc Players 94 (page 198)

Cassette Decks 106 Cover photograph: look Leung

Turntables 119
Cartridges & Tonearms 126
Speakers 136
Stereo Review's
Headphones 182 STEREO BUYERS' GUIDE 1988
Signal Processors 191
Editorial and Executive Offices
Accessories 198 1515 Broadway
Pocket Stereo 214 New York. NY 10036
Blank Tape 218
Associate Publisher: Winston A. Johnson
Audio Glossary . . 221 Advertising Director, Buyers Guides, Richard J. Halpern
Directory of Manufacturers . . 226 (212) 719.6037
Eastern Advertising Manager: Charles L P. Watson
(212) 719-6038
Account Manager, Sharon Dube (212) 719.6915
Assistant to the Publisher, Trisha Nickel

Production Director Karen Rosen

Production Manager: Carolyn Barr

Midwestern Office
The Pains Group
4761 West Touhy Ave
Lincolnwood, IL 60646
(312) 679-1100
Arnold S Hoffman
Dirk Barenbrugge

Western Office
W Curtis & Associates
4827 Sepulveda Blvd.. Suite 220
WILLIAM BURTON Editor Sherman Oaks. CA 91403
(818) 784-0700
WILLIAM WOLFE Managing Editor Western Director: William 3. Curtis
Regional Manager Meg Roberts
Japan Office
DAVID STEIN Assistant Managing Editor twat Trading Co.. Ltd
BARBARA AIKEN, JOHN WEINBERG Editorial Assistants 603 Ginza Sky Heights Building
18-13. Ginza 7-Chome
Chou -Ku, Tokyo. Japan 104
LOUISE BOUNDAS Editorial Director Telephone (03) 545-3908
Account Manager. 1. S. Yagi
MICHAEL SMOLEN Executive Editor
CBS Magazines, a division of CBS Inc.
President Peter G Diamandis
ROMAN BEYER Vice President and Publisher Vice president. editorial director Carey Winfrey
Senior vice president, publishing. Robert F Spillane
Stereo Review Presents is published four times a year by CBS Magazines, Senior vice president. circulation. Robert E Alexander
a division of CBS Inc., 1515 Broadway, New York, NY 10036 Senior vice president. operations & administration:
Vice president, finance Arthur Sukel
PERMISSIONS: Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without permission. Vice president, subscription circulation: Bernard B Lacy
Vice president, manufacturing & distribution:
Requests for permissions should be directed to William Bunchuck,
Murray M. Romer
Rights and Permissions, CBS Magazines, One Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016. President. CBS Magazine Marketing, Carl Kopf


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With a worldwide reputation for sonic excellence, the new

Luxman Receivers also deliver more power than ever before.
For over 60 years, Luxman audio compo- ratings has created a need for receivers with
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The finest home audio components in the industry...
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ALASKA Audio Video Concepts Comer For Stereo lEkszronC3 Pac,fd Su-, tieserarons Stereo The Ph:ncxyaze Brock Aucro
Pramd twdo 1805,541.5'78 181)1527-6863 500 685-2264 701 258 316)473-4242 918,655-636 .409, 8320276
(307) 2729111 Calif Audio & Video chance Stereo R Sty 811CIFOnC5
IAISSISSW911 The Sound Approach OREGON Spent Ade, Video
(8051687-5799 1615 876.1951 302 821-562c. 516)4a1-7620 Focus Demon 1512)646.6991
ALABAMA Autornotwa Audio
Casa Moore Stereo Stereo Garage Hseey Eton., (601195e-6158 Sound 14408 503, 364-323.. Demmer) Audio Video
18051323-8341 :513 775.5900 502 443.4444 516, 5364160 Hawthorne Stern, 1513)396 2333
12051871.21X7 Casa Moore Stereo %ewers Audio Lab Audio Cdsnecton
The Soto: Cnurt
Southern Scut) 601,44.52377 video Etreakthrovgh 503224-9375 Meter Inernaponal
12051360-5601 1805) 832-6311 904 721-11360 1806 4228 32 5161728.4411 She eels Stereo '51:)72:5933
The Soupy Circuit
Dexter's Camera & H F
GEORGIA Ovaion ax 601. 6393033 4900 Sound Systems 5001476-5282 Showery 'leers°
(403 643-2172 HF Buys Custom 1605. 278.0135 .518) 753-09313 91eckees Stereo 51)1682-1221
ARIZONA Northncge Ctr Sign 1-1Souod 161111111CKIP111 Great Northern Stereo 502) 773-3732 adore Ado Video
Smrth Electronics (818, 993-1016
404 266-1694
1665 311 4036 Fo F .518( 931-8909 Stereo Rant 7f:152Z-2900
4021445 1020 Roceirsourd Labs IONIAN Source 4 arid Tow 314,647 3406 Chamurg Electronics 503 382-9062 Scunchoori
Buzz Jeerer v 1818,351.5421 4n5 Shade '606 864 6487 Night's Sgri & Sound 190',9162-4606 30E)35`-91.1
Sound Adobe Rogerson cl Labs 8313 537-1931 .8161665'208 PENNSYLVANIA
LOWNIANA Chemung Electroncs Sassafras Audio Scu-d Ides
(602) 955-8900 1818,882-4800 axe Eisisitainnient Ctr 060'1733.5531 317)277-1924
Warehause Stereo Rogersourdl Labs '933 533-6738 Stereo & Rocco] Cent MONTAN I .2151776-1341
1318 861 2666 Samna Pit C hailing Electronics
Sassafras Audio Saud bee
1602) 7829551 181817874E1163 > ucho 007)272-2225 4171346-45110
438. 9357146 Seem) & Feoord Cent 4061449-4945 1215) 527-3656
ARKANSAS Sound Center Sound Pt Fore PhOtAideo Schad Idea
1318 5435-6223 Sassaftas Audio
1-1, F. House 1818, 883-2811 LIMON 406, 4534364 C16)442.8230 43' 7/2844503
MARTUIIII0 215 357.7400
15011793-5300 Sound Center Audio Enterprises Stereo .31op The Son: Room
Disceminc Ear Sassahas Audio
.818,991-2685 4112 754.6056 (30', 49443.90
NEVADA (-16)442.2879 19'5 594-3201
CALIFORNIA ParacTme Electroncs export /14.4c Stereo Shop
219 534-0292
ArdetAtIcleo Enccunien Myer -Erma &luaus Audio UTAH
Paradyme Aedo Video (916,481.3900 1702) 731-2000 (7161621.4050
1209)521-1:80 012 629-5000 130' , 463-2000 Import Ares (215. 527.2913 Eroadway Music
COLORADO Ade, Visions Sound Style Stereo Shoo Sassafras Audio 001. 3551110
emetron 17321 731-4918 (716)424.1820
(2131462-1200 Gra,lwl,uoe Snoo 1112 980-4946 130'1546-3181 (215 362-2180 H' F1 Shah
303( 744.1263 Columbia Ado-Vrieo NEW HAIIPBHIRE The Servo Advantage Sound Shack 001. 621-5244
C Hanaend ,1c1 MAS8AC16.111,111 17161632-8038
(213) 858-91 t2 Soundings (312 334-4770 Audio Of Blew England (4121224-7000 Lynrs TV I Stereo
Gametes Ado -Video Tay5 -8 Sourd (603, 225-3:.13 Clore Audo
Dimensions n Stereo 1303) 759-5505 1413,469-1420 The Listening Rest (901. 7521564
1213) 5424521 Soundtrack (312 4336010 Auco Ot Hem Engiand 1215) 98 -2850 1412, 443-6160
The Music Saxe 4031524-- 532 Conbrental Sound VERMOtr
GNP Showcase 1303 425-6730 Mahe Room
(413 774-2E06 The Lisisnog Poet
Soundtrack (312! 966-5590 Cuomo s lei 454.7507 (412.681-8433 Mountain eked
(2131577-7767 Auclic. Yew Enwon Leonard Radio .802. 775 2308
Hollytron 13031671-9399 1,Mks Recording
'6031893-' 904 The Laerrig Post
Soundtrack 1312, 332-4116 Sounchatwo 17.15)e33-1111 (412 856-1199
1213) 464-2EM Elechic Gramophone NYC Meals Room
LA Sound I C3(TIM (3031442-3600 Sons Deluxe 4171443-3733 (503) 778, e02 14 F, House Coniemposwy Sounds
Soundtrack (31218874818 I:1E6783-2113
(213) 473-97'58 Enccie Ado NEW MOSEY (717 564-7688 1703 371.1815
1303)759.54.01 Stereo Systems Sae! 0' Wheels Fi House Ex.Alibur
Marcon. Redo (617) 236-4846 SC Such° T.otio 19.10 47'.9680
Soundtrack (3'21934-5544 (717 '37-7775 1703 548-3113
(213) 240-101X)
1303) 979-8900 Stereo Systems Hgh ;City *use 120115264 777
NORTH .:AROUNA M & V Stereo Eclud, keyeeEma,
Retererce Aucio (617, 7311.3737 Atlanta
Systems Soundtrack (3 214854144 (20-,390-'790 1717 524-9182 1703 5362.9130
13031450-6671 barn Electronics Nerrucket Sound
1213) 3984236 1617123'4151 Entenainnert ,704 256-43311 Sum nt Audio -Vile° the Audio :enter
Rtgersounci _ode Soundtrack 3' 2(858-8600 Envronmerts Mac- s T1, 1717 283-2770 1703 982.4793
1303)779.5333 Cdkirtea Aucho-Vdleo Namuckei Sound
1213)824'113 1617)532-5777 (20-1941-5329 '134 43'1-2494 Ogital Sound
Sour -warms (8.5)964.4886 &do Woo Concepts ENID. CAROUNA 1804 424-6850
Flagerscund _zee. Nanluxet Sound J S Audio Frawley Electronics
1213) 371.2411 13031356-1588 Stereo Systems (20')292-2739 1916 7251010 Surds Use ,mted
Soundtrons 18'5)741-1350 1817) 734-073)
ilLidersor Audio
'803 "' 1340 804 7924717
R5gereound Abe NarilLoket Sound Larvae Auao
(2131594.9646 (303,545-1097 The Slope i20',879--5669 (4191 6Xr3611 SOUTH DAKOTA
Soundtronn 18'51939-4014 1617) 771-4434 WANING/ON
Sale & Sounc Nentoket Stitt Leonard Radio Microwave Audio Won" Western Stereo
1303)574.2900 B"cier,'s
1213, 392-3031 NOMA 161719484622 1201)261.5525 0319, 44e- I no (605, 332.5535 1326 457.4150
Supenrsion The Sound Shop Avoid Radio Spepatst Morro outh Stereo
1303)636.1684 Naniucket Saco OHIO TENNESSEE Deno Esemonds
1213) 652-951 1219)2556434 (6171326-2344 1201,842-4565 B toceance H. F. House (306.943--393
Century Send CONNECTICUT Classic Stereo SOUMI Fl Semen Scum 1216. /342-5600 (615)693-433' Sarni Authority
(408) 996.74'a Aucaotroncs (219)483-0663 (617, 396-5454 12011 575-6910 4113 A5ohance Lindsey Warcl (3361525-2202
Century Steam 1203!838.4877 Classic Stereo The Num: Bcx Stereo City 1216.261-5600 161 51 331-4434 Sou n1 Autionty
(415) 573-9644 Carston Stereo (2191483.0553 1817,23'-5100 12011561-W1 Hommond Electronics fichohons Stereo 133615754544
Hermary's (203) 744-6421 Cased Stereo The Music ...Orsn The Sounding Board 1216 497-0070 11519 327-4312 Sound Autronty
1415) 5924430 Hi F. Stereo (Wee 13'171282.5264 1617. 343.9343 (20114456306 Cetaad Stereo Of Oho The Scald Room (336) 577-3900
Pro Audio Elron,cs (203) 666-4740 Gesso Stereo The Music 11.7um &MN:MOMS 1419 225-9422 4159184233 Hoene Entertainment
(4151654-66W Hi F. Stereo Hbuse 1317)362.9344 1617. 532-0660 (6091 751- 900 Scot n Sound New Oa' -New Wave (2961881-1265
Sanding Gov] 12031674.9755 Ovation Ado The Music .113eurn Sound Waves (543.474-4776 Becticrecs
1415)843.703 Take 5 Audio 13171 349-7729 (6091645- 222 WASHINGTON D.C.
1617 534-4431 Sght I Sound 19011346-9186
Skier Erna:
Stereo Plus (203(777.1750 Ton Lonely,' Audio Trolley Stereo NEW MEXICO (813' 931-7601 New Wave Car Stereo
14151861.11044 Zinn° Music (317) 448-7503 1617 4847847 (202.293-7100
Tate Sound 430M sght I S5und (901)565.6711
Stereo Plus (203) 7553696 her Audio Audio Goncecis Inc , 305, 524.7 )itio 1513! 773-6500 WEST VIPOINA
(415) 828-32 0 1E12) 3222192 17-XAS
1619. 699-68' 9 Si" In &sax, Rim -,cer
Western Audio Imports DELAWARE Audio Connection NEW YORK 1513)471-5602 Hilkoest H,gt, Fidelty
(4)5) 494-2552 Sound Studio 412r 232-1663 MICHIGAN Ado Excearge (2141 526.0575
(3021678-0100 Slew Caner S-gtit I Sound HAcreet (MgO Fifeity Red 'raper
World of Scum ReeyElectroncs 121219644510 1513124131110 1334. 529- 355
1415)383-43.3 Sound Stud* (812) 479.6787 1313;2395474 Ado Excherge 1214352-9757
1303 731-1024 Video Merretve 9-areo Or Wheels Wine E-rertzunment
Pled ?per
Wirt! of Sourc FtweyElectrards 1213-962-:191 5'31898-4590 334 ( 255-M35
1415)928-310' Sound Studo 1812) 886-9543 (31315491(100 Audio Sake (21419348585
(302) 478-931X) Jeweler. Aldo S:seo Or Wheels Freston hails Audio INSCONSM
Desert Stereo (2121244'104 .5 31868-4131
(6191 346-17:.2 FLORIDA
10110,. 15171322-1230 Come Audio 12141248.9104 General Electronics
Science Sound Syst Classic Slerec Siete° Cr Wheels Stereo & Record Ctr 1414,964.1660
Stereo Design Absolute Sound (313) 354-1448
(212)741.13T 5 3(2533113
(6'91573016C 1305)6291930 16161957.21X Custom Medha Desch 1214) 757-3500 General Electroncs
Niches Sole & Sound Classic. %met Hamiriond Electronics Steep & Recall Ctr 141412814E6'
Stereo Unforiee-1 Audio Advisors
1515) 4.37-4814
1212, 68956 6 6 0 2372504
16' 9, 22341! (305) 586-8497 16161361-6043 Leonard Rio (2141297-1933 Waco/Ian Electronics
Rem Electronics -13111111101M Electronics (414)9214555
Warehouse Samo Fox Audio tango* Stores (212, 84331125 6 41273 9292
Stereo & Record CS
(6'9)353-068C (305) 287-4335 171?) 252-4507 (616, 733 2528 Music Master. 121419339401 W woolen Electronics
-Pennant Electronics Stereo S Record Ctr 17151423-2910
Audio Expo/Ilse Sound Design & Eng KANEMS IIMNNESOTA (212) 840.1958 6- 415228467
(714) 240-0742 (305,562-7210 Audio Visions Team Electroncs a 163 New Yon( Video (214) 561-7455 INTONING
OKLAHOMA Teratara Audio Ctr
Audio Today Sound Plus Wxxl (31 3) MI - 1 751 (218( 1212'755-4640 ..7.,3ntemlocrani Sounds Murphy SOS & Scum!
1714)891.7575 1305) 391.1843 Audio Electronics Amatxtreahed Audio Park Avenue Audio 12141733-2866 1307)682-4771
,4051755-0795 Audio Video
Executive Sound Stereo BY Design 9131381.8585 15071286.1228 (212. 8858- 02 San] Salon The New Music Box
(714)759.1520 13051232-1812 Nelson's Amalgamated Audio Gyclon Etectrtirce. W81336-2240 (409) 5355719 (307)742-3774
Rogersounc Laos Stereo By Desgn (913)`67.2200 1507) 452 1955 1315 446-9440
(7141594-3346 1305)344.3700 Lereers.ty Audio Midwest Saville A & V Audio Excharge
Rogersound Ls_ve; Vems Electroncs (913,641-3775 1507) 291-2233 (516'334-7377
(714) 3808'79

(305) 391.3253 KEIITJCKY Audio 3v Design Audio Exchage
Said State 1V Audo Audio Workshop
Aucio /deo By Design 16121'75140 (516. 2952'00
1714)557.7370 1813)748.3863 155) .253333 Fret TecH Deehgnatrors Stereo
1612) 277-9533 (5161822-7.7



Shopping for a GOOD stereo system can create Dollars are not the only numbers
the illusion that musicians are associated with buying stereo compo-
stereo system performing live in your living nents: You will also see many specifi-
-or just one room or that your armchair is cations that measure their perfor-
the best seat in the concert hall. mance. Specs can be useful because
component-can If you read about stereo components,
for comparing features and perfor-
they help you compare components.
The "Audio Glossary" starting on
be fun. Preparing mance, and take your time when you page 221 explains many common au-
go shopping, you can have a system dio specs, technical terms, features,
thoroughly makes that brings the pleasures of high-fi- and functions.
all the difference. delity music into your home.
The first thing you should do when Buying a System
you start searching for a system-or If you are choosing components for
by William Burton even a single component-is to set a an entire system, you should first de-
budget. (The prices given in this cide which types of components you
guide are the manufacturers' suggest- want. These decisions can be made in
ed retail prices. Stores are free to set three steps: selecting your speakers,
prices as they wish, and they may cut choosing a type of amplifier, and de-
as much as one-half off the suggested ciding on source components.
list price.) If you want to buy an en- If you take these decisions one at a
tire system, you need to allocate your time, you can put together a good
total budget among the various indi- system within your budget. When
vidual components you want. Start- you divide your money between
ing with fewer components means speakers, amplification, and sources,
you can afford better ones. A simple you may have to choose between an
system might consist of a source com- elaborate system with many inexpen-
ponent (compact disc player, cassette sive components and a more basic
deck, or turntable), a receiver, and system with a few high -quality ones.
speakers. You can add other compo- While source components produce
nents later. For a $1,000 system, you the musical signal, and amplifiers and
might budget $250 for a program receivers process and strengthen it,
source, $250 for a receiver, and $500 the last link in the chain is the most
for speakers. important-the speakers. Speakers
turn the electrical signal coming from provement will probably come from a other things as recordings and con-
the receiver or amplifier into sound. better antenna. Another common up- cert tickets.
Whether you are selecting speakers grade is replacing a receiver with a
for your first system or upgrading the complete set of separates or making Receivers
speakers you have, don't make this the intermediate step to an integrated A receiver handles three main jobs:
decision lightly. Speakers affect the amplifier with separate tuner. Be- it tunes in radio stations, switches
sound you hear more than any other cause separates specialize in one func- and processes all source signals, and
component. tion-tuning, controlling, or power- makes these signals powerful enough
You need an amplifier of some ing-they usually outperform all -in - to drive the speakers. You can think
kind because speakers require more one receivers. of a receiver as a tuner, preamplifier,
electrical power than source compo- Upgrading can be an endless pro- and power amplifier in one box.
nents such as tuners, turntables, tape cess, but the path towards sonic per- In fact, you can read about tuners,
decks, or compact disc players can fection is endlessly rewarding. Take power amplifiers, and preamplifiers
provide. The necessary amplification your time, read about the compo- and get a good idea of the choices to
may be done by a receiver, a power nents you're interested in, and talk to make when buying a receiver. Be-
amplifier, or an integrated amplifier. trustworthy experts. Then each up- cause receivers are all -in -one package
The differences between these compo- grade will improve your system with- deals, you may have to make some
nents are explained below. out depleting your budget for such compromises. The most powerful re-
In choosing source components, ceiver may not have the best tuning
consider the types of programs you section, for example, or the receiver
will want to hear. To listen to radio with the most input jacks may have
broadcasts, you need a tuner or a re- the least flexible signal processing.
ceiver. To play compact discs, you And receivers that excel in one or
need a CD player. To play cassettes more of these areas tend to be more
and to record music or spoken -word expensive than basic and ordinary re-
programs from other sources, you ceivers. So what do you do?
need a cassette deck. To play LP's First, look back at your budget. Ig-
and 45 -rpm singles, you need a turn- nore the receivers out of your price
table. range. Forget about the ones without
pgrading can enough power for your speakers.
Upgrading Hints Avoid the ones that might damage
If you are upgrading your system, be an endless your speakers with too much power.
you may already have a good idea From the remaining models, you can
which component is the weakest link process, but make your final choice on the basis of
in it. If something breaks and you de- path toward sonic tuning, switching, or processing fea-
cide it's not worth fixing, your deci- tures and overall performance.
sion is made for you. If you want to perfection is Power Amplifiers
upgrade your system by adding a new
source component (such as a CD endlessly rewarding. Most power amplifiers have only
player), you again have your answer. one control, a button to turn it on
Unfortunately, it is not always so Take your time, and off. Although most amplifiers to-
easy to upgrade a system. day use only transistors, some still
Perhaps you only have a vague read about the use vacuum tubes instead. The sound
feeling that your system is just not as components you're of tube amps is sometimes described
good as it could be. If so, try to define as "warm," "natural," or "musical."
what is missing-this will help you interested in, Tube amps may also, however, pro-
focus on which components need up- duce more distortion and less power
grading. If you want more bass, larg- and talk to for the money than solid-state (tran-
er speakers or a subwoofer could be sistor) amps. You should listen to
the answer. Upgrading your speakers trustworthy both types to decide if you prefer one
can easily lead to upgrading your am-
experts. or the other. But remember that
plification, however, since large while each amplifier sounds different
speakers that move a lot of air may from every other one, most casual lis-
demand more power. teners cannot hear those differences.
Because speakers are so important Measuring the power produced by
in defining the sound of any system, a power amplifier is not simple. The
changing to a new pair is most likely specification for power may look like
to make a big difference in how this: "100 W/ch [watts per channel]
things sound. Besides seeking better into 8 ohms." The impedance, mea-
sound, you may decide to upgrade sured in ohms, is important because
other components if you want fea- different speaker impedances draw
tures they lack or if one of them is far different amounts of power from an
below the quality of the others in amplifier. Other specs tell you how
your system. much power the unit can produce for
If poor radio reception is the prob- brief periods, which is important be-
lem, you can upgrade your tuner or cause music contains many short,
receiver-although the greatest im- loud sounds such as drum beats.
S S I E.Rto Bt Gt iiit. i9SS
Since the invention d the Compact Disc, speaher Cieck for yourself at your nearest SPL Monitor
companies have been taking about how their healer. Be surprised at how great this digital sound
speakers are "digital -eacy". This seems odd when miracle of CD and DA really can be.
except for the additicn o' "digital ready" sticker,
many name brand speakers are pretty much wl-at "FIRST CAME THE CD, THEN CAME THE SPEAKER"
they vvere in the days of analogue. SPL MONITORS.

So you still haw that agcnizing choice betweer

the very efficient, veri iynamic speakers versus the
softer sounding brancs. Isn't it time for an end to
this either/or dilemma?
Finally, a speaker, de.igned after CD was invented,
that can boast not only audiophile performance.
but also the efficiency to deliver the "full impact"
of cigital's dynamic range...SPL MONITORS.
SPL Monitors challenge tie best of the low
efficiency audiophile orards and,
"far out perform then'
in dynamic range anc eff ciency.
When compared to the high efficiency
brards, SPL Monitors p ay as loud,
but sound, "so much smoother
and more open".

141 \L arm Ontario, Can., R 167 I one: 1-416-4:

Since antennas receive all signals at scratches or dirt. When the data loss
Preamplifiers the same time, the tuner must select is serious, cheap players can make
Preamplifiers switch and process the one you want to hear from the noises, skip, or even stick in one
the signals from source components rest. If you have tried to listen to a place. Players with sophisticated er-
and pass them on to a power amplifi- weak or noisy station, you know how ror -correction circuits will play
er. If you have a lot of signal sources, frustrating that can be. Some tuners through these rough stretches with-
make sure the preamp you select has have special circuits to improve the out skipping a beat.
enough inputs for them. If you want reception of weak signals, but an in-
a lot of control over the sound, look expensive tuner with a good antenna Cassette Decks
for signal -processing circuits in the may produce a better signal than a Although both eight -track car-
preamp or jacks that allow easy con- fancy tuner with a poor antenna. tridge players and digital audio tape
nection of separate signal processors On an analog tuner, signal -strength (DAT) recorders also use tape in
such as equalizers or dynamic -range displays can help you adjust the tun- "cassettes," the term usually refers to
expanders. ing for the best possible reception the four -track analog Compact Cas-
Some audiophiles hear significant (digital -synthesis tuners "lock in" a sette format developed by Philips.
differences between preamps, while selected frequency and cannot be ad- Cassette decks can record from other
others hear little difference and cite justed further by the user). A row of sources as well as play prerecorded
specifications that imply few of the lights (stronger signals light more tapes or ones you have recorded
differences could be audible. Ideally, lights), a moving pointer, or a light yourself. Because they often have
a preamp would handle music signals that goes on when the station is cen- many controls that must be used cor-
without adding noise or distortion, tered or is being received in stereo all rectly to make a good recording, clear
and most do add very little noise or indicate signal strength. Some dis- labeling and ease of operation are im-
distortion. If you want to choose a plays are more helpful than others, portant. Confusing features are use-
preamp by ear, compare models by but more displays are better than less.
playing the same recording on the none at all. Most decks have one transport,
same turntable, CD player, or tape For extra convenience, many tun- holding one cassette at a time, but
deck and listening through the same ers have a certain number of presets some-called "double" or "dubbing"
pair of headphones. Then you can be that store the frequencies of specific decks-have two transports. And au-
sure that any differences you hear are stations. You can store a classical sta- toreverse decks play or record both
in the preamps, not in other compo- tion, say, in Preset 1, a rock station in sides of a tape without your having to
nents. Preset 2, and a news station in Preset turn it over. Autoreverse single- and
Besides their switching and pro- 3, continuing until you run out of double -transport decks may have a
cessing functions, preamps actually presets. Once the frequency is memc- repeat feature for replaying tapes in-
do perform some amplification: their rized, pushing the preset button tunes definitely.
phono sections take the weak signal in the stored station automatically. Cassette decks use a variety of sys-
from a turntable and make it stronger tems designed to reduce tape noise.
while also changing its frequency bal- Compact Disc Players Dolby B is the most common noise -
ance according to standards set by CD players differ in price, features, reduction system, Dolby C less com-
the Recording Industry Association circuit design, and sound. Sonic dif- mon but more effective, and the semi-
of America. ferences can be subtle, as CD players professional dbx system can be very
sound about as different from one an- effective.
Integrated Amplifiers other as preamplifiers do. Good cir- Better tape decks tend to have
An integrated amplifier combines cuit design, however, can mean the more heads and more motors. With a
the functions of a preamplifier and a difference between corrected errors two -head deck, you cannot record
power amplifier. The control section and rude noises. While ordinary CD and play a tape at the same time. A
switches and processes the signal, and players have much the same fea- three -head deck allows you to listen
the power section makes the signal tures-skip, scan, programming, even to the tape while you are recording it
strong enough to drive speakers. remote control-some are extraordi- so you can compensate for any prob-
Think of an integrated amplifier as a nary, with features that set them lems with the recording without hav-
receiver without a tuner section. It is apart from the rest. Price differences ing to start over again.
a good choice both for those who are rather huge-one player may cost Decks with more than one motor,
don't listen to the radio and for those $79.95 retail while others cost well such as separate motors for the cap-
who want a separate high -quality over $1,000. stan that pulls the tape and for the
tuner. As with any other type of compo- hubs that turn the reels, can optimize
nent, first determine which CD play- each motor for its specific function,
Tuners ers are available in your price range. usually resulting in improved perfor-
A tuner is a source component that Then you can consider such special mance and reliability.
takes a signal from an antenna, tunes features as multidisc capability (a CD
in a broadcast frequency from a radio "changer"), the ability also to play Open -Reel Decks
station, and sends that signal to a pre- video LaserDiscs, unique sound pro- Much of the advice regarding cas-
amplifier or an integrated amplifier. cessing, or exceptional programming sette decks applies to open -reel ma-
Some tuners use analog displays (a ability. chines as well. Open -reel tapes have
long scale with a moving pointer and Better error -correction circuits several important advantages over
numbers indicating the frequencies), make some players perform better cassettes: better sound, longer playing
but most today have digital displays than others. There are times when times, and easier editing. There are
(numbers indicating the frequency some of the data on the disc is not many types of open -reel decks, differ-
just of the station being received). picked up by the player because of ing in the way they divide the tape
dB PLUS EFFICIENCY Up to 120 dB in a typical room
(dB Plus 1212 full power)
dB PLUS POWER Up to 400 watts RMS (see specification sheets
dB Plus 1212).
dB PLUS DYNAMICS Astounding speed and dynamic range, virtually
no ringing.
dB PUS BASS Deep, tight, powerful, clean. bass response 23 Hz
(dB Plus 1212).
dB P_US TWEETERS Unique, fast, smooth, musically very accurate,
dB Plus Polyfoam1M Tweeter.
dB PLUS OPENNESS Wide dispersion for easy listening to a large
sound stage.
dB PLUS ACCURACY Smooth, clean, low distortiort, low resonance,
high definition.
dB PLUS QUALITY Designs so pure that we curve and compare each
one to the original.
dB PLUS WARRANTY We're so confident, it's ten years.
See warranty cards.
dB PLUS CHALLENGE We challenge any speaker brand, any price range.
to a sound comparson.

dB PLUS 135 Torbay Road. Markham. Ontario, Canada L3R 'G7 1-416-475-0050
into tracks and in their speed options spindle directly with the motor shaft low -frequency driver) and a tweeter
(in inches per second, or ips). "Quar- (for precise speed control). (a high -frequency driver). A three-
ter -track" machines record two chan- way speaker adds a separate mid-
nels, left and right, on each side of the Cartridges range driver for the middle frequen-
tape, much like cassettes; you turn Cartridges hold the stylus ("nee- cies instead of assigning part of these
the tape over to record or play the dle") that is vibrated by the record's to the woofer and part to the tweeter.
other side. "Half-track" recorders di- groove. The cartridge turns these vi- Some speakers have drivers on every
vide the tape into only two parts, for brations into an electrical signal. side, some are large flat panels with
the left and right channels, and re- Most cartridges are either standard only one driver, and others are too es-
cord and play in only one direction. half -inch types or P -mounts, and they oteric to describe simply. Regardless
"Four -track" machines also work in must be used in compatible tonearms. of looks, their primary purpose is to
only one direction, but, like quarter - Cartridges also differ in the way they transform an electrical audio signal
track machines, have two pairs of ste- turn motion into electrical signals. into sound waves as accurately as
reo tracks. The moving -magnet design is most possible.
Faster speeds allow better sound common, the moving -coil less com- How do you find the best speaker
quality but use more tape. Slower mon, and there are still other meth- for you? First, rule out all models be-
speeds reduce the recorded sound ods. The stylus itself may be-in in- yond your budget. If you know which
quality but increase recording time creasing order of price and perfor- receiver or amplifier you will use,
and conserve tape. To get both high - mance-spherical, elliptical, or a lin- check the suggested power range of
quality sound and long playing times, ear -contact type. the remaining speakers and cross out
look for decks that handle large reels More important to the sound of those that are not compatible. Check
of tape (10 -inch diameter). your system, however, is the perfor- frequency -response specs to compare
mance of the cartridge, which is de- speakers' accuracy, looking especially
Turntables scribed by specifications such as fre- for an extended bass response (down
Also called phonographs or record quency response and channel separa- toward 20 Hz) and a small range of
players, turntables spin vinyl discs so tion. Figures for output voltage and variation (± 3 dB or less) between the
that the record grooves make the sty- tracking force tell you how compati- lower and upper extremes, which in-
lus in the cartridge vibrate, generat- ble a cartridge is with various phono- dicates a smooth and well-balanced
ing a signal that replicates the origi- preamplifier sections and tonearms. response.
nal recording. Many turntables come If your receiver or preamplifier When you have reduced the num-
with tonearms to hold a cartridge, doesn't have an input for a low -out- ber of speakers to a manageable few,
and some even include the cartridge. put cartridge, you can't use such a it's time to start shopping. Even
A turntable doesn't have to be ultra - cartridge without buying a head am- though speakers sound different in
sophisticated to spin a record and plifier, or pre -preamplifier, to match showrooms than in living rooms, you
hold a cartridge. What is difficult is the cartridge to your phono input. should listen carefully to a variety of
to spin a record at exactly the right speakers before you buy.
speed and hold a cartridge at exactly Tonearms Bring a recording that you know
the correct angle so the recorded in- Tonearms are usually divided into very well. Since people hear the hu-
formation in the grooves is transmit- two types: pivoted and linear (or radi- man voice so often, singing and
ted accurately, with no added noise al) tracking. Despite some theoretical speaking voices are good for testing
or distortion. advantages of linear tracking, the per- speakers. If a speaker sounds unnatu-
If a turntable comes with a tone - formance of a tonearm depends more ral on voices, it will be unnatural on
arm, the tonearm will be designed to on how well the design is executed everything. Experts recommend us-
accept one of a few different types of than on what type it is. ing acoustic music such as folk songs,
cartridges. The standard half -inch Some tonearms are "dynamically piano trios, or violin music-but if
cartridge is most common, but they balanced," which means that the you only listen to heavy-metal or
can be difficult to mount. "P -mount" downward force they exert to hold electronic music, bring your fave-rave
cartridges are easy to install-they the stylus in the groove is generated screamer to make sure the speakers
just plug into the end of the tone- by some means other than gravity. make it sound the way you want it to
arm-but they have been criticized "Statically balanced" arms depend on sound.
for insufficient rigidity (a wobbling gravity to produce tracking force.
cartridge adds spurious motion to the Light weight and rigidity are desir- Headphones
stylus). able tonearm traits. Some headphones are small and
Turntables differ in their degree of Because moderately priced and light so they can be used with pocket
automation and in their drive sys- budget turntables usually include radios or cassette players and porta-
tems. An automatic turntable will tonearms, separate arms are "high - ble CD players. Others are large and
start play at the touch of a button and end" components. You don't need to heavy, providing more isolation from
return the tonearm to its rest when worry about separate tonearms unless external noises, and are normally
the record finishes. A semiautomatic you buy a high -end turntable. Match- used at home. Outdoor headphones
must be started manually, but it picks ing a tonearm to a turntable and car- usually have Vs -inch mini plugs,
up the arm at the end and returns it tridge should not be undertaken while home headphones use the larg-
to its rest. And a manual turntable lightly by beginners. er 1/4 -inch phone plugs.
makes you do all the work, but it uses After deciding on the type of head-
fewer moving parts for increased reli- Speakers phones you want, you can begin to
ability. Some turntables connect the Most speakers are wooden boxes compare price and performance to
motor to the platter with a belt (to with a couple of drivers in the front. find the best -sounding phones possi-
lessen vibration), and others drive the A typical speaker has a woofer (a ble within your budget. Head -


The Energy 22 Pro Monitor has
been hailed by critics as one of the
major loudspeaker design
b-eaktlroughs of the last decade.
In fact, the Energy 22 may well
rank as a standard against which
other speakers should be judged.
AJclition either the Energy 22 Pro
Monitors or the Reference
Connoisseurs and we think you'll
agree teat they are not only the
most exciting speakers you've ever
heard, but "a stunning
achievement" indeed!

"A STUNNING ACHIEVEMENT" Miami, Florida, Audio By Caruso, Don Caruso - Owner. The RE=ERENCE
Top Retail Experts CONNOISSEURS are among the most neutral. uncolored. speakers we have found!!
They provide very relaxing list?ming.-

Personal Views About El Paso, Texas, Sound Room, Mark Pearson - Owner. -Energy 22 pro monitor is
the most three dimensional speaker ever."
The Energy 22 Phoenix, Mesa, Arizona, HI Fl Sales, Dave Ross - G. Mgr. -ENERGY 22. One of
the most accurate. best imaging speakers we have ever heard
New York, New 'fork, The Listening Roan, Ron Mintz - Owner. "As one of the Los Angeles, California, Christopher Hanson Ltd., Christopher Hanson -
First dealers in the U.S to realize ,he quality of the E-22. we continue to be amazed by Owner. The Energy 22 is very musically irmolving - 'Absolutely Brilliant''
the imagirg and spaciousness of this speaker of such compact size & price. San Diego, California, Stereo Sound Co., Bob Kokley - Owner. Over the
Hicksville, Long Island, New York, Designatron, John Thomas - Manager. years we have heard many promises of new breakthroughs in speakers with
"Never before have we experienced a speaker system which exhibits the level of realism disappointing results. The ENERGY 22 is one of the only products which performed
that the Energy provides. The excitement generared by Energy speakers is only beyond those promises. A lob well cone'
exceeded by the pleasure of owning them. The Energy 22 sets a reference standard by Berkley, California, The Sounding Board, Jeff Smith, Jim Serena
which all other speakers must be iudgecI" Co -Owners.
Washington D.C., Audio Associates, Mike Zazanis -Owner...The ENERGY -The Energy 22 is an outstanding speaker. What's incredible is the value. compact size
22 is a wry mus cal speaker at a very inexpen§ve once that easily could cost a lot more and its peformace
Chicago. Illinois. Pro Musica. Ken Chrisilanson, John Schwarz -
Co -owners. The Energy 22 Reference Connoisseur & Pro Monitors simply
outperform the competition. Musically salis!ying to the most demanding listeners EMZE722
Energy Loudspeakers. 135 Torbay Road. Markham. Ontario
Copyright API 1985 Energy Loudspeak.r., CIRCLE NO 85 ON READER SERVICE CARD L3R 1G7 -(41E)475-0050 TLX 06-986689
phones-especially the more expen- Many systems require accessories used to connect the machines to a
sive ones-are usually easy to audi- such as signal switchers, turntable home stereo system or powered
tion. Bring your favorite CD, LP, or isolation devices, or pre -preamplifiers speakers.
cassette to your dealer and plug the (head amps) for low -output car- Many pocket units have both a
headphones into the jack of the re- tridges. And you can use a spectrum tuner section and a cassette section.
ceiver or amplifier being used. Listen analyzer to evaluate the effects of To save space, the tuner section is
for solid lows, undistorted highs, real- equalization, acoustic treatments, and sometimes built into a cassette -
istic voices, clear peaks, and whatever other accessories. shaped pack that snaps into the play-
other qualities you deem important. er. Some portables can record cas-
Headphone specifications can tell Pocket Stereo settes as well as play them, taking sig-
you something about the perfor- Battery -powered portable music nals from microphones, a built-in
mance of particular models. The fre- systems can receive radio broadcasts tuner section, or line -level inputs
quency -response spec tells you the or play cassettes or CD's, producing from other components.
lowest and the highest sounds they signals for headphones. Most can also Features that increase the perfor-
can produce within a certain range. be powered with an adaptor that mance-and price-of pocket tuner/
Lower lows, higher highs, and tighter plugs into an AC power outlet, and tape players include autoreverse, anti -
tolerances are better, so 20-20,000 Hz the headphone output jacks can be roll mechanisms, automatic frequen-
± 2 dB is better than 50-15,000 Hz cy control (for more accurate tuning),
± 4 dB. Sensitivity specs tell you how Dolby B noise reduction, an EQ
much sound the phones will produce switch for metal and chrome tape,
with a thousandth of a watt input. tone controls (including built-in
More sensitive headphones play loud- equalizers), and so on. Only you can
er with the same input. decide if all these features are worth
the cost, but for superior sound I rec-
Signal Processors ommend Dolby NR and EQ switching
These are components such as at the very least.
equalizers, surround -sound proces- Using a pocket unit a lot can take a
sors, and PCM processors whose pri- lot of batteries. Rechargeable batter-
mary function is to make desired ies are more expensive than regular
changes in the audio signal provided alkalines, but they will save you mon-
by the source component. Most allow ignal processors ey in the long run. Some machines
the user to fine-tune the processing, cannot use rechargeable batteries,
adjusting sliders on an equalizer, for perform various however, so check that when you're
example, or setting the rear -channel comparing models.
volume in a surround -sound system. functions to
Signal processors can solve prob- enhance the Blank Tape
lems and expand your system beyond Tape comes in different formats,
its present capabilities. Equalizers
compensate for frequency -response
experience of but the tape inside the different shells
is usually made of plastic strips with
variations in source material, other listening to music, tiny particles of a metallic oxide or
components, and the listening room. pure metal stuck on them. Because of
Surround -sound units expand the usually increasing the distortions inherent in the tape
sound stage-when used with extra medium, a "bias" signal is used dur-
amplification and speakers-to put your involvement ing recording, and equalization (EQ)
you in the middle of the action. Other with your system is used during both recording and
types of signal processors perform playback. Bias is a very high -frequen-
various functions to enhance the ex- and improving cy signal-usually between 150,000
perience of listening to music, usually to 180,000 Hz, much higher than hu-
increasing your involvement with the its sound. man beings can hear-that is added
system and the resulting sound. to the signal being recorded. Tape EQ
(or pre -emphasis) boosts low and
Accessories high frequencies during recording
Cleaning and maintenance prod- and lowers them during playback.
ucts are perhaps the most important Cassette tape comes in four differ-
accessories. Dirt can ruin recordings ent types. Type I is ferric oxide and
on disc and tape as well as damage uses normal bias and 120 -microsec-
delicate mechanical components. ond (120-µs) EQ. Type II, whether
Tape recorders are especially vulnera- chromium dioxide (Cr02) or a
ble to dirt build-up and other prob- chrome -equivalent formulation, is
lems of use and wear. Every system called high -bias because it requires
needs speaker cables, interconnects, more bias current than Type I; it uses
and other wiring. The sound of most 70-µs EQ. Type III, ferrichrome, also
systems can be improved by better requires 70-ps EQ. Type IV is pure
antennas, more precisely aligned car- metal -particle tape, which can pro-
tridges, room acoustical treatments, vide the best sound on cassette; it re-
etc. And most people need storage ac- quires even more bias than Type II
cessories for software or hardware. but uses the same EQ.
If yot. aspire to owning the famous
Energy 22 "'T. Monitor but can't quite
afford t -war the ESM-2. With size and
performance. approaching the 22, it is
"both a fine loud;peaker and an
excellent va ue."
Or Jer ps the more compact ESM-3
will beter ;uit y1:30-1 - it is "definitely an
excellent va ue."
On a ;luoi2nt b Ago? Try the new
ESM-4 bookshelf monitor - very
Auc it cn any Di the ESM monitors. We
think ,ecu'l Igree with what Stereo
Review, H1 (7 Fidelity anc Audio Ideas
say br Icvw.




"response varied only ± 1.5 dB from 180 to 18,000 Hz which is unquestionably one of the smoothest responses we have yet encountered
from a speaker... dispersion on a par with response flatness ... phase shift highly linear... excellent peak power -handling ability ... only at
100 Hz did we manage to reach the speaker's (power handling) limits: with 990 watts (using single cycle bursts followed by 128 cycles of
silence) ... smooth midrange and high frequency response, excellent dispersion and group delay, and exceptional short-term power -
handling ability ... definitely an excellent value" Stereo Review February 1986, on the ESM-3

"a tine loudspeaker and an excellent value ... very smooth and quite flat, falling within ± 31/2 dB on -axis throughout the range above the 50
Hz band ... in the lab's 300 Hz pulse test the ESM-2 accepted without noticeable complaint the full output of the testamplifier ... (470 watts,
peak into 8 ohms), for a calculated SPL (Sound Pressure Level) of 114 3/4 dB. Loud transients thus should be handled well ... bass sounds
more extended than the response curves might suggest, with surprising heft at the very bottom ... Stereo imaging, too is very good ... Even if
your budget can accommodate twice the ESM-2's price - you owe it to yourself to audition Energy's latest design."
High Fidelity January 1986, on the ESM-2

'exceptional overtone balance ... imaging was just about the best I've heard ... excellent dynamic range ... it sounds great ... no real
compromises in its design ... anyone looking fora $1,500.00 to $2,000.00 system would be foolish not to carefully audition the Energy ESM-
2 ... amazing at the price." Audio Ideas, 1985 edition, on the ESM-2

Cop righ: API 1986, Energy Loudpeakers THE #1 CHOICE ale1CTSYSTEAA M01,1102
by a2L9.A1
CIRCLE NO. 81 ON READER SERVICE CARD Energy Loudspeakers 135 Torbay Road. Markham. Ontario
L3R 1G7 -(416.175-0050 TL X 06966689
The music that goes into many of today's domed drivers. Virtues like
highly priced loudspeakers isn't always the same these compelled Stereo
music that comes out. Many of the finer notes and Review to also comment on
nuances are often trapped or lost. Why? Because Altec Lansing's "...high sensi-
advanced recording techniques and digital pro- tivity and ability to absorb
cessing demand a dynamic range of over 90 dB large power inputs...a Carbon Fibers in Woofer Cone
and an extended frequency response. Demands speaker that can develop high sound pressure
that are often beyond the limits of ordinary levels in any environment. Even the hand crafted
loudspeakers. walnut veneered cabinets utilize the latest com-
The truth is, most people can't hear what's puter aided design techniques, thick walls and
missing from their music-like a broad frequency extra bracing to eliminate resonance.
range-or what's been added-like coloring or So come hear Alec Lansing loudspeakers.
distortion. But there are a few who can. And discover just how much of your music has
For that select group, listeners with well trained been trapped by less than extraordinary loud-
ears, Altec Lansing has engineered a new line of speakers. Call 1-800-ALTEC 88 for information
loudspeakers to recreate every subtlety and the Altec dealer nearest you. (In PA 717-296
of recorded music with a clear open HIFI.) In Canada call 416-4%-0587 or write 265
sound and without coloring or Hood Road, Markham, Ontario L3R 4N3.
distortion. Even the accuracy of CD CIRCLE NO. 21 ON READER SERVICE CARD
recordings can be more fully appreci-
ated on these Altec Lansing loud-
speakers, prompting Stereo Review
Mid -range to remark " ...the bass distortion
was among the lowest we have measured.
The speakers have...very good bass, and a warm,
extended and unstrained character. -
The secret to Altec Lansing's consummate per-
formance? Remarkably sophisticated technology.
Like woofers of a woven carbon fiber material
(instead of paper or polypropylene) that is
extremely rigid yet sufficiently light for maximum
transient response and extraordinary low fre-
quency definition. The result is a pure, clean, deep ALTEC LANSING
bass that beautifully complements the performance LOUDSPEAKERS FOR
of our mid and high frequency polyimide/titanium THE WELL -TRAINED EAR



SYSTEM Careful planning, before and after making your purchase,

results in home -entertainment excellence.
by Ian G. Masters

ANY of us grew up with the When you are making your pur- there will be a strong temptation to rip
sort of one-piece stereo sys- chases, bear in mind what you will all the boxes open immediately, pull out
tem called-not always fond- eventually have to do to make the sys- the components, and plug them togeth-
Ml y-a "coffin." These "con- tem work. All systems require different er in some fashion just to see how they
sole" entertainment centers usually types of wires, for instance, so before work. While this is a natural enough
owed more to the art of furniture mak- you leave the store make sure you have impulse, it's one that should be con-
ing than to good electronic design, but the right kinds and enough of each. trolled.
they had one major advantage over to- Most components are supplied with the Before you remove any component
day's sophisticated audio systems: they appropriate patch cords, but a few may from its box, it's essential to look at the
came already assembled. Once the not be. Rather than get all the boxes first few pages of the instruction book
bruisers from the local appliance store home and then find you have to run out supplied with it for any specific direc-
had deposited the console in your living and buy more wires before you can tions about unpacking. When you have
room, all you had to do was turn it on. even begin, it's a good idea to make removed a component, put all the pack-
Things are a bit more complicated sure you have what you need from the ing material back in the carton and save
now. To take advantage of the capabili- start. it. If you ever have to send equipment
ties of even a modest system, you will The one thing you will definitely in for service, or if you move to a new
have to plan carefully and pay attention have to buy is speaker wire. Determin- house or apartment, you will need the
both to physical placement and to the ing the length you'll need is fairly cartons for safe shipping.
interconnection of the components. straightforward as long as you know in When all the pieces are unpacked,
advance roughly where your amplifier look at the back of each one and write
Plan Ahead and speakers will be. The cables should down the serial number. You could do
Even before you decide what equip- be of equal length. As for the type of this at any time, of course, but it's usu-
ment you want to buy, you should do a speaker wire you should buy, the main ally easier before the equipment is on
careful survey of the room it will go in, determining factor is its thickness. the shelf with a tangle of wires behind
as its physical configuration can deter- Most specialty speaker cables sold by it. You will need the numbers to fill out
mine how well specific components will audio or audio/video dealers are heavy the warranty cards. Note all the serial
perform. For instance, the size of the enough to be appropriate for the long- numbers on a separate sheet and keep it
room may affect your decision on the est of runs, but avoid the light, clear - in a safe place.
sort of loudspeaker to buy-a small plastic -coated wires often labeled After they have been unpacked, some
room may dictate small speakers, and a "speaker wire" in department stores or components require a small amount of
large room with high ceilings may re- discount outlets. When buying conven- assembly or adjustment before they can
quire large ones. tional wire, however, there is a wide be used. Most CD players, and some
What you want the system to do choice of thicknesses. Ordinary 18- or cassette decks, have transit screws to
should also influence your plans. A re- 16 -gauge lamp cord ("zip cord") is keep their moving parts from rattling
ceiver, a cassette deck, and a pair of probably adequate for short runs (15 around during shipment, and these
speakers may be sufficient for you now, feet or less); otherwise, you should use must be loosened or removed. The in-
but as you add functions in the future, at least 12 -gauge cable. struction booklet will describe this pro-
space demands will become that much cess in detail; if it does say to remove
greater. As you can see, planning your The First Steps anything, keep the part either with the
setup before you head out to buy the Once you have brought home your booklet or in the empty carton for fu-
equipment is very important. system and everything else you need, ture repacking.

18 S FKF( Bt 11 -Its (;t 11)F l988

One piece of equipment that often trolling component's ability to handle
needs considerable assembly is the turn- them. Check all the instruction man-
table. You may have to install the plat- uals and add up the power -consump-
ter, the dust cover, the tonearm coun- tion figures to make sure that they can
terweight, or the headshell. While this be handled safely. If they can't, you will
is a good time to put everything togeth- have to power at least some of your
er, the final stage-balancing and ad- equipment separately. One solution
justing the tonearm and cartridge- may be to buy a "power strip," a box
should probably be done later, when with five or six AC outlets and a master
the turntable is in its final position. power switch.
If you planned your system before
purchasing it, you will have a fairly Power Cords and Cables
clear idea where everything will go. Whatever arrangement you decide
Now is the time to try your arrange- on, one thing you should avoid is a tan-
ment out. A rough positioning of the gle of power cords behind the system.
components will show you what works Not only do these take up space and
physically. You may find, for instance, have a tendency to tie themselves in
that the receiver looks peculiar sitting knots, but there is a risk that they will
on top of the cassette deck because it's cause an audible hum. The power cords
an inch wider. It is much easier to rear- attached to most hi-fi equipment come
range things now, before they are con- coiled up and held either by a plastic re-
nected together. tainer or a twist tie of some sort. Undo
Also keep in mind things that will just enough to reach the appropriate
make your system easier to operate power outlet and secure the rest with
when it is set up. If you intend to make the supplied retainer. It's also a good
a lot of recordings, for instance, place idea to identify each plug somehow in
the cassette deck where the level indica- case it has to be disconnected and re-
tors will be easily visible. And if any of connected later.
your components have infrared remote In fact, all the cables that connect
controls, make sure there is a clear line your system should be identified. Patch

Si urvey the room

the system will go
of sight to your usual listening position.
Power to the System
Before you begin to deal with any
cords look pretty much alike, and once
the whole system is wired up and the
components are in their final positions,
it's often hard to tell what leads where.
connections, you will have to decide You may want to change things in the
in, since its configuration how to get AC power to each of the future, and the labels will save you a lot
can affect how your components. With most systems, it is of trouble. You might even consider la-
usually desirable to have everything op- beling the cables before you assemble
system will sound. erate from a single power switch, usual- your system. Doing so will allow-or
ly on the receiver or amplifier. Most of force-you to think things through log-
these have one or more AC outlets on ically before you start plugging things
the back panel that are operated by the in, and when the time comes to connect
unit's power switch (these are labeled your components, it will simply be a
"switched") and, usually, another out- matter of inserting each plug into the
let that simply passes power through appropriate jack.
to the connected component ("un- To do this, you should place each
switched"). Other components some- component close to its final position,
times have back -panel outlets too, ei- but without obscuring the connections
ther switched or unswitched. on the rear panel. First attach the
Unless you have a very simple sys- speaker cables to the amplifier or re-
tem, you will probably not be able to ceiver's output terminals, being sure to
connect everything directly to the am- observe any polarity markings and
plifier or receiver, but you may be able checking to make sure there are no
to string the components together "in "whiskers" of wire protruding that
series," with one component plugged might brush up against the chassis or
into the next and so on. Alternatively, the other terminal and cause a short.
you can use one or more three-way AC Then attach the other ends of the
adaptors plugged into the switched out- speaker cables to the terminals on the
put of the receiver or amplifier to power speakers. Make sure that the left and
as many components as necessary. right cables are connected to the left
There are several things to consider and right speakers, respectively, and
with either arrangement, however. that the wires are connected to the posi-
First, make sure that the total maxi- tive and negative terminals in a consis-
mum power consumption of all the tent fashion at each end of the signal
components does not exceed the con- chain.


For over thirty years Teac has been famous for building

precision tape recording equipment. But, we're not willing

to rest on our reels. So now Teac offers its most com-

prehensive line ever. From audio and hi-fi video recording

equipment, to compact disc players, to graphic equal-

izers, speakers, and a complete line of audio and video

accessories. One thing, however, will never change at

Teac-our obsession with creating the most advanced,

featured -filled, superbly executed audio and video equip-

ment we can make. So, no matter what Teac you decide to

buy, you can be assured of acquiring a p.ece that has

been built to unheard of standards.

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A lot of TV manufacturers are trying to sell you audio equipment

most outstanding feature is its resemblance to their TVs. At Akai, we take audio -
for -video a lot more seriously.
Akai's origins are in high fidelity and we never forget it. When we build
audio/video equipment, we produce components that do an audiophile proud.
Consider our AA -V405 Receiver. Instead of a paltry 35 or 40
watts per channel, the AA -V405 produces 100 watts per channel
(continuous, 0.05% THD, 20 Hz -20 kHz into 8 ohms). To add
life even to mono signals, we've designed a special Surround
Sound stereo circuit. To correct the faults of so many video
sound tracks, we've built in a seven -band graphic equalizer.
And a full function remote control lets you operate the entire
system from your listening/viewing position.
The Akai AA -V405 has all the connections you'll need to
No modern video component should
integrate your video system perfectly. Three TV antenna
come without remote control. inputs plus a cable converter output handle your RF needs.
Akai Division. Mitsubishi Electric Sales America. Inc.. 22S Old New Brunswick Road. Piscataway. NJ U$FS4
Fur the location of your nearest Akai deakt call 1111.Free -800-121. I No
AA -V405 -B Receiver

Three direct -line video inputs and three is accommodate a pair of

VCRs, a video disc player, and video monitor. If you're impressed, you're not alone.
The judges of the CES Design & Engineering competition have already cited
the AA -V405.
To round out your Ak4i AudioNideo system you can choose from a variety
of components built to stand on their own, not as an adjunct to someone's market-
ing program. Akai Digital Oversampling
CD Players, Twin -Field Super GX Head
Cassette Decks, and P -Mount Turntables
Akers CD -A305 -B Compact Disc Player consistently earn praise from reviewers
boasts digital oversampling and 36 -track programmability.
throughout the world. They are the
tangible results of Akai's master plan to develop audio and video components of
such high caliber that audio and video truly become one.

Where audio and video are one.
Next, if you don't have an all -in -one speaker only and repeat the test; the im-
receiver, the central audio compo- provement, or deterioration, should be
nents-the integrated amplifier, or the obvious immediately.
preamplifier and power amplifier, and If you spend much of your time lis-
the tuner-should be connected using tening to FM, it's worth taking the time
the appropriate cords. Make sure the to make sure that you are receiving a
power switches are off while you make high -quality signal. This process can be
the connections. At this point, when simple or difficult, but you will never
you have the nucleus of your system as- really know how well you can pick up
sembled, you should perform a few sim- radio broadcasts until you actually
ple tests to make sure it is connected hook up an antenna and see what the
properly. tuner does.
The simplest kind of antenna is the
System Checks T-shaped wire "dipole" provided with
Recheck that all your connections most receivers and tuners. For many
are solid, and then connect the AC pow- applications-particularly in cities,
er, if you have not already done so. Be- where you are close to the broadcasting
fore you turn the power on, check the antennas-a dipole is enough, but it has
receiver, the integrated amplifier, or the to be postioned carefully. Simply hook
preamplifier to make sure that the vol- it to the 300 -ohm antenna terminals on
ume control is set at a low position. the rear panel of your receiver or tuner
Then check that the tape -monitor and move it about till it works best. It's
switches are off, the tone controls are in not a good idea to secure it to the wall
the "flat" position, the balance control just yet, however, as you may find a
is in the center, and any speaker -selec- better position after living with it for a
tion switches are activated correctly for while.
your setup. If the dipole turns out to be clearly
Turn on the power and check to see inadequate, an indoor tunable antenna
that all the appropriate lights are illu- may be the answer. The next step up is
minated. If you have a receiver or tun- a rooftop antenna, though this may be
er, select FM as a signal source, tune in impossible if you live in an apartment
a station, and turn the volume up very building. If you do, and if the service is
Feed a mono signal gradually. (If you don't have a tuner, offered, you may have to subscribe to
o your speakers use an LP or a tape.) Observe if there is your cable -TV company's FM feed.
sound being produced and if it is com-
with the balance ing out of both speakers. If there is a Tape Connections
centered-they are in problem, shut the system down imme- With the basic setup in working or-
diately and recheck your connections der, it is time to start connecting your
phase if the sound comes and settings. other components, such as a cassette
from a distinct midpoint. If you have been careful in the earlier deck, a CD player, and so on.
stages, however, there should be no Before you actually make any of
problem in getting sound out of the these connections, you may have to
speakers at this point. Now it is time to make some decisions, especially if you
make sure that your system is produc- wish to attach more than one recording
ing the correct sounds. First, turn the device. All but the most modest receiv-
balance control on the receiver, inte- ers and preamplifiers provide two or
grated amplifier, or preamplifier all the more tape -monitor circuits, and these
way to the left and then to the right, are usually interconnected in some way,
and note whether sound is being pro- so this is the time to decide which re-
duced only by the corresponding speak- corder should be attached to which cir-
er in each case. cuit. If you are planning to use your
Another important check, of speaker system occasionally for dubbing tapes,
phasing, should now be performed. the choice may be critical, as many pre-
Place the speakers a few feet apart and amplifiers and receivers allow copying
feed a mono signal to them with the from Deck A to Deck B but not the
balance control centered. If the speak- other way around.
ers are in phase, the sound will appear Setting up your tape equipment is
to come from a very distinct point mid- normally straightforward. It can be-
way between them. To exaggerate the come more complicated, however, if
effect, put your head directly between you also have an equalizer or a sur-
the speakers-the sound should seem to round -sound processor. These signal -
originate right between your ears (rath- processing devices are often designed to
er like the effect you sometimes get be inserted in the signal path between
with headphones). If you are in any the preamplifier and the power amplifi-
doubt, reverse the polarity on one er. With separate components, this is


When we built the first AdventA in 1968, filled polypropylene dome midrange, 750 watts
we believed music should sound exactly the way of power handling capability and a sound diffraction
he artist had intended. Nothing added. Nothing baffle. (Designed to enhance stereo imaging
taken away. and broaden the musical soundstage.)
Just music. Wherever you put an Advent,
Since then, trends in speaker you know it will look great. Our famous
design have come and gone. But the solid hardwood tops and bases go per-
Advent philosophy has remained the fectly with any decor and there's an
same. You'll know why when you listen Advent for virtually any size room.
to our current line of loudspeakers. If you want to hear music with
They've been designed with the latest a little something extra, listen to any
technology, yet preserve the clean, loudspeaker. If you want to hear the
accurate sound Advent is known for. truth, listen to an Advent.
All our speakers feature high
efficiency long throw woofers, ferrofluid-
f lied tweeters and are compact disc
ready. The Advent Maestro takes this
performance even further with a mica -
Sound as it was meant to he heard.


sv traiernark ,. internam ,nal Jens,' me c '987 internat,,a, Jensen ioc CIRCLE NO 30 ON READER SERVICE CARD
easy to accomplish, and some receivers ground wire is included because the sig-
and integrated amplifiers allow you to nal from a phono cartridge is extremely
interrupt the signal between the preamp low and, therefore, is more inclined to
and power -amp sections. With others, pick up hum than other parts of the
however, a signal processor will have to system. It's a matter of insurance and is
be placed in one of the tape -monitor often not needed.
loops. For this reason, most of these
components have their own built-in The Last Steps
tape -monitor circuits to replace the When all your components are
ones they occupy. hooked up, it's time to put them into
their final locations. As you move each
Playback -Only Sources component into position, pay some at-
The remaining components, such as tention to the cables joining them to-
compact disc players, should be much gether. Make sure that the cables are as
simpler to hook up because they are far away as possible from power cords,
single-ended-in other words, they sim- and keep runs of wire as short as possi-
ply supply a signal to be reproduced. ble. Keeping the tangle behind your
The only difficulty you are likely to face system to a minimum makes sense both
with this sort of component is if you electrically and aesthetically.
have more of them than your preampli- Once the electronics are in place and
fier or receiver can accommodate. functioning, it's time to place your
About the only way you can prevent speakers. The sound they produce is as
this is by choosing equipment with the much a product of their acoustic envi-
right number of inputs in the first place. ronment as of their technological so-
though you may be able to use one of phistication, and great care should be
the tape -monitor inputs for a source taken so they can perform optimally.
component. But in the real world, there are only so
One very common playback -only many places in a room that you can put
source is, of course, the turntable, and speakers, particularly large ones.
you should tackle it next. The majority Make sure your speakers are

of turntables are supplied with a tone - acoustic environments that are as simi-
arm that is already mounted in the lar as possible. All surfaces-especially
lace your speakers chassis, but in some of the more elabo- those close to a speaker-reflect its
in similar acoustic rate systems the tonearms are separate sound, and this can have a profound in-
components. If possible, have your fluence on the overall impression it
environments-moving dealer mount the arm before you take makes. It is important that the two
them even slightly can the system home. But if you find you channels sound as much alike as possi-
make a big difference in have to do it yourself, or if you want to, ble, and this is extremely hard to
follow the instructions exactly-any achieve if the room acts on them differ-
how good they sound. shortcuts in positioning or securing the ently. Avoid putting one speaker in a
tonearm may seriously compromise its corner and the other along a wall or
performance. next to a doorway, for example, and be
It's more probable that you will have prepared to move them around a bit.
to mount just the phono cartridge your- Very slight adjustments of position can
self-although if you can get the dealer result in dramatic improvements in the
to do it, you can avoid one of the more sound-but make these judgments from
awkward and frustrating tasks in audio. the spot where you'll do most of your
Be very careful to check the positioning listening and not standing next to the
of the cartridge in the headshell. Also speakers.
make sure that the electrical connec- The final step is to sit down and read
tions are both secure and correct-most allthe instruction manuals cover to
tonearm and cartridge manufacturers cover. If there is a function that you
color -code their connections, but some were unaware of or that is unclear from
do not. You may have to do some care- the manual's description, try it out.
ful reading in the instruction manuals Play with each component until you
to determine just what should be con- really have the "feel" of your system
nected to what. If your cartridge and and can put it through all its paces.
arm are modular, or "P -mount," types, An audio system can be complex,
things will be much simpler: just plug and it may be some time before you fig-
in the cartridge and forget about it. ure out how to make it do everything
After you have seen to the turntable/ you want it to. But you can give your-
arm/cartridge combination, you should self a head start: a well -planned and
move the turntable to its approximate carefully assembled system should be
final location and make the electrical an exciting source of entertainment
connections. Incidentally, a separate right from the beginning. 0


Reference Control Amplifier
Reference Power Amplifier

We've given the C-90 a twin -mono amp construction which features The demand for a reliable and high -output power amplifier has never
separate power supplies and chassis layouts for the left and right chan- been greater now with the wide dynamic range made possible by the
nels. This elaborate construction shuts out mutual interference Compact Disc. The M-90 Reference Power Amplifier was designed
between channels, thus dramatically reducing intermodulation distor- especially for this digital age.
tion. There's also an independent power supply that uses an exclusive Speaker systems can have rated impedances of, say, 6 or 8 ohms,
transformer for video circuits, displays, relays, microcomputers and but when they play music wit wide dynamic variations, the actual
electronic switches. impedance can go much lower, especially at low frequencies. With
We've also isolated the circuits in the C-90 from the external world dynamic digital sound, an amplifier must be equipped with a power
because we know that a preamplifier is as susceptible to external supply that performs re,iably even under the heaviest load. And that's
disturbances and vibration as any other component. Preamps handle why we've created the M-90: its power supply features two outsize
very delicate signals measured in microvolts and millivolts. When sub- transformers, large electrolytic capacitors (for a total capacitance of
jected to vibration, parts vibrate in sympathy, resulting in a type of 48,000µF) and four bridged rectifier circuits with fast -recovery diodes.
distortion called "microphonics." Though subtle, this effect is discern- And in the power amplifier, 16 high -power transistors (8 per channel)
able, especially with the tremendously wide dynamic range possible are used in an elaborate "four -in -parallel" configuration.
with digital programs. So we constructed feet from polycarbonate (for What this means is that the M-90 is ready to deliver a continuous
optimum shock absorbing response), anchored circuit boards to the average power output of 20C watts*per channel, min., at 8 ohms
chassis with rubber dampers, used flexible copper screws to cushion from 20Hz to 20,000Hz with no more than 0.003% total har-
shocks, and employed a massive solid -aluminum volume control knob. monic distortion. What's even more amazing is its dynamic power.
In order to retain higher purity and integrity, we shortened signal 300 watts at 8 ohms, 550 watts at 4 ohms and 800 watts at 2 ohms
paths as much as possible through the use of relays, electronic (with EIA dynamic test signal).
switches and other means of electronic control wherever applicable. We also have made signal paths as short as possible to ensure
This has resulted in a drastic reduction of signal loss and deterioration signal integrity. The volume control for CD input is located on the front
(noise, distortion, crosstalk, etc.). panel, of course, but actual level adjustment is performed by a poten-
To boost the delicate signals from moving -coil cartridges, tiometer located behind the input terminals and linked by a long shaft.
Pioneer's exclusive "hybrid" booster combines a quality transformer In addition to the input for a control amp, the M-90 has an input,
and an optimum -gain phono equalizer. With one-half the normal with volume control, for airect connection of a Compact Disc player to
number of turns of coil, the transformer's thicker wire reduces DC allow you to enjoy purer -than -ever digital sound. Another line -level
resistance and stray wire capacitance for better high -frequency direct input is also provided that permits you to add other digital equip-
response. The reduced gain in the transformer is compensated for oy ment in the future. The M-90 also has an output to allow you to return
an equalizer specially designed for low -noise performance. All this the signals to the preamp for equalization or recording on a tape deck.
ensures that our "hybrid" booster provides a flat response from lows to We used our exclusive Non -Switching Circuit Type II for the power
highs and well -damped sound, making your "analog" records sound output stage, thus ending switching distortion. And we have elaborated
better than ever. on this design to reduce distortion further across a wide power output
Pioneer's policy of using only quality parts is expressed through- range. Thermal distortion is also drastically reduced by stabilizing the
out the amplifier, from circuit boards to wiring, from capacitors to idling current supplied to power transistors from the moment power is
semiconductors. Copper plating is used for the chassis and screws, for turned on. Moreover, we've reduced non-linear distortion of power tran-
instance, to reduce subtle magnetic distortion. sistors to 1 t30 that of our class -B amps.
In addition to high -quality sound, the C-90 also provides tremen- To ensure quality sound, we used quality parts, such as gold-
dous convenience: it connects, switches and controls six video com- plated in/output jacks, OFC (Oxygen -Free Copper) wiring, and 70µm -
ponents - two play -only units (LD players, TV tuners, etc.), three thick copper -plated circuit boards. To reduce magnetic distortion, the
record/playback VCRs, and one processor unit. Besides, it provides entire chassis is copper -plated, and so are screws used throughout.
two monitor outputs, and a 5 -pin RF converter output that accepts an Sophisticated craftsmansh,p is evident from the exterior: the
optional RF modulator (JA-RF5) for connecting a conventional TV. power amp's aluminum panel front glows with a traditional lacquer -like
Using the sharpness, detail and noise reduction controls, you can even luster. The front panel also con'ains large fluorescent power output
enhance the video as you watch or dub. indicators.
And for added convenience, the C-90 comes with a remote con-
trol that lets you control volume and input selection, as well as handle
other Pioneer audio/video equipment with the "SR" mark. Adding a
touch of class to the amplifier is an aluminum front panel finished with *Measured pursuant to the Federal Trade Commission's Trade Regulation Rule on
a lacquer -like shine. Power Output Claims for Amplifiers.





Reference Digital Non -Switching Integrated Amplifier Reference Digital Synthesizer Tuner
Here's an amazing amplifier that's ready for digital reproduction: We've pushed the level of FM sound quality to record highs with the
the A -91D. It even comes with a digital circuit for Compact Discs. addition of two Pioneer exclusives to the F-91.
With the A -91D, program signals go through the shortest direct The first is the ARTS (Active Real -Time Tracing System) included
path from circuit to circuit, to minimize chances of noise pickup and to in the IF section of the tuner. With some tuners, especially expensive
maintain musical purity. We've made this possible by having actual ones, you have the choice of using a narrow or wide IF bandwidth.
switching and control occur near circuits or input terminals. A "LINE The first lets you avoid interference, but you have to settle for an in-
DIRECT' switch lets you further trim the signal route; it runs the input crease in distortion. The second provides lower distortion and better
selector direct to the power amp, bypassing all intervening circuits (ex- sound, but interference may get in the way. Pioneer ARTS - it's simply
cept volume control) physically as well as electrically. It lets you enjoy the best of both worlds: its IF filter actively follows the desired signal
unusually clear and clean reproduction from any program source. while rejecting interference. Now you can enjoy both the low distortion
Subtle vibrations can cause subtle sound degradation by of a wide bandpass and the high selectivity of a narrow bandpass.
microscopically moving parts and devices. So we've shut them out Sensitivity is improved too.
using a non -resonating frame chassis, insulators and a heat sink, all The second Pioneer feature is the Digital Direct Decoder Type III.
with a honeycomb construction. They also add to the rigidity of the It takes the output from the APTS IF circuitry and converts it into digital
entire chassis. Using separate circuit blocks contributes to clarity by form before directly turning it into stereo analog signals. Thanks to
keeping interference to a minimum. digital operation, our DDD Type III is less prone to signal degradation.
Our new Non -Switching Circuit Type III features excellent low - Moreover, in the Type III, we've simplified the circuitry using a new PLL
impedance driving capability combined with low distortion. Our exclu- detector, which has reduced noise even further.
sive power -amp design offers more advantages. One, it puts an end to Improvements extend to other circuits of the tuner as well.
switching distortion to add clarity to the sound you hear. The front end, for instance, features an ID MOS FET to improve recep-
stabilizes idling current, so that distortion due to thermal fluctuation is tion. Indeed, the front end is as highly sensitive and selective as an
reduced to zero. Three, distortion created by power transistors is elaborate 4 -ganged turing capacitor.
reduced to 1/50th the original value. Four, load variations are sup- The F-91, like our amps and CD players, is designed based on our
pressed, and dynamic response is improved when large currents are anti -vibration concept to damp harmful resonance and vibration for im-
drawn at low impedances, thanks to separation of the voltage- and proved sound. We've turned circuits into modules and filled them with
current -amplifying stages. epoxy resin. And we've added honeycomb ribs to the chassis and used
The A -91D is designed to drive low impedances of 6 or even 4 large insulators to shut out external vibration.
ohms with low distortion over a wide frequency range. Backing it up are Then, of course, there are a wealth of features designed to
two high -capacity power transformers. They are contained in finned improve convenience. You can preset up to 24 FM and AM stations in
die-cast iron cases, filled with a damping agent, which dissipate heat any combination. Up to three different stations can be programmed so
to prevent the increased resistance and impedance that high tempera- that, when controlled by an optional timer, they are tuned in sequence
tures can cause. They are also solid and non -resonating, and -a convenient way to make unattended recording.
magnetically shielded to prevent magnetic radiation from affecting More features for convenience are an auto tuning mode, selec-
delicate signals. table muting level, recording level calibrator, and a fluorescent display.
In the A -91D, we've extended the digital advantages by including
independent digital conversion circuitry. There are two glitch -free D/A
(Digital -to -Analog) converters (one for each channel), a digital filter Pioneer ARTS (Active Real -Tine Tracing System)
which uses four times the normal sampling frequency (176.4kHz), A conventional widebarid filter permits low -distortion reception but suffers when
and an analog low-pass filter built from quality discrete parts. undesirable signals interfere (Photo 1). An alternate narrowband filter may cut
Use the A -91D with a CD player with digital output such as the interference, but can add distortion because of the limited bandwidth (Photo 2).
Photo 3 shows the response of the F-91 with ARTS. As you can see, it delivers
Pioneer PD-M90X, and you'll get digital sound in its purest form. a low -distortion signal even when there's interference. The Pioneer ARTS simply com-
There are six digital inputs and three digital outputs, of which two bines the low -distortion performance of a wide bandwidth and the high selectivity
inputs and one output have optical interfaces to permit electrical of a narrow bandwidth.
isolation. An Optical Transfer Distortion Canceller is added to eliminate
jitter for accurate optical transmission.
The A -91D delivers a continuous average power output of
120 watts* per channel, min., at 8 ohms, from 20Hz to
20,000Hz with no more than 0.003% total harmonic distortion.
'Measured pursuant to the Federal Trade Commission's Trade Regulation Rule or,
Power Output Claims for Amplifiers.
2 3




PD-M9OX 4 -way repeat, random play, fluorescent panel and other

Six -disc multi -play convenience
Class and convenience happily coexist in the PD-M90X, which com- conveniences
bines classical elegance with computer -age features. The PD-M9OX offers four-way repeat, including a single track, a single
Our top -of -the -line multi -play CD player, the PD-M9OX lets you disc, all six discs and programmed tracks. The random play feature lets
enjoy beautiful, dynamic digital sound for hours and hours, uninter- you leave track selection up to the player - touch the RANDOM PLAY
rupted. It accepts up to six CDs mounted inside a special magazine button, and a built-in microcomputer randomly selects the songs for
and plays the discs just the way you want them played. You can play you from among the six loaded discs, without repeating tracks!** Or,
each song on all six discs one by one, or jump to the song or disc you press this key in the programmed play mode, and the computer ran-
want instantly, using DISC NUMBER and TRACK NUMBER buttons domly selects songs from among those programmed. Programmable
provided both on the remote control and on the unit itself. For added pauses, 2 -speed manual search, track search, and timer start function
convenience, you can also select up to 32 tracks from the six discs and with options of normal and random play - these are other conven-
program them for playback in any order! A single -disc loader is also iences of our multi -play CD player.
standard for single -play convenience. A multi -function 7 -digit fluorescent display is provided to show you
the operating status of the player. It shows the elapsed time and
Remote control with "one -touch" program loading remaining time of a track in play, as well as the remaining time of an
The PD-M9OX comes provided with a full -function "SR" remote control. entire disc. In addition. the display shows the accumulated total time
It offers three extra conveniences: a numeric keypad, a multi -function each time you program a track. A graphic indicator shows which disc
LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) panel and the MPSS* (Magazine Program is being played at any moment.
Selection System). The keypad gives you instant access to any track,
a feature you'll also find useful when programming tracks. The LCD Anti -vibration concept
panel serves as a guide to programming, letting you preset tracks and When it comes to hi -tech features for better digital sound, the
the order away from the player while referring to labels of the discs. PD-M9OX has plenty. To damp vibration and resonance, which can
The Magazine Program Selection System permits you to store up cause muddy sound, we use a copper -plated honeycomb chassis; a
to 80 programmed "steps" (songs and pauses) from eight six -disc Disc Stabilizer to firmly clamp the rotating disc; and large aluminum -
magazines. Using MPSS, you are saved from reprogramming tracks ringed insulators made of vibration -absorbing polycarbonate.
each time you mount a magazine: all you have to do is press the
memory button for that specific magazine and the "transfer" button. Oversampling digital filter
The programmed songs are then automatically "loaded" from the An oversampling digital filter using twice the normal sampling frequen-
remote into the player. Now loading programmed tracks has become cy - 88.2kHz - ensures low noise and minimal phase distortion for
as simple as touching a button. extra clarity and razor-sharp sound definition.

Digital level control

A digital level control lets yoL attenuate the playback level from the
remote. Since it adjusts the signal while still in digital form, our digital
volume control adds a minimum of noise and distortion.

Digital output
There is a digital output for connection to an outboard DAC (Digital -to -
Analog Converter) unit or an amplifier featuring a built-in DAC like the
Pioneer A -91D, so that you'll enjoy better yet, purer yet digital sound.

MPSS is a trademark of Pioneer Electronic Corporation.

**Some tracks may repeat when a oisc contains more than 100 tracks.

Note: The PD-M9OX comes with both a 6 -disc magazine and a single -disc loader.
Additional magazines (JD -M100) are available as options.



PL -90
Think of it as the most advanced form in turntable by a precise quartz-PLL servo system to provide
technology. The PL -90 is designed to let you enjoy cog -free and ripple -free smooth torque generation.
the maximum dynamic range and low distortion The motor is fitted with a Stable Hanging Rotor to
that today's best analog recordings can deliver. improve stability. The platter is large (14-3/16
To get the best performance out of today's inches across), heavy (7 lbs. 4 oz.) and has a high
sophisticated phono cartridges, we've fashioned moment of inertia (655 kilograms per square centi-
its straight tone arm out of light yet rigid alumina - meter), to smooth out rotation.
ceramics. Then we've fitted on it a Pioneer DRA The important tone arm and motor are fully in-
(Dynamic Resonance Absorber), a combination sulated from external influences through a Double
of a viscous damper and weight, to eliminate Insulation System that shuts out vibration in both
resonance. horizontal and vertical planes. The cabinet is made
To ensure that your records are played with of high -density material to suppress resonance.
extremely low noise and wow and flutter, we use a Ease of use is enhanced with the addition
coreless direct -drive DC -servo motor controlled of automatic arm lift -up at the end of record play.


DSS-E10/DSS-E6 woo Gunn

Here's a pair of speaker systems specifically designed to serve as duces double the amount of usable bass sound, extending the low-
standards for accurate digital reproduction. A number of Pioneer requency response substantially.
exclusive designs has contributed to the making of our reference Our DRS (Dynamic Response Suspension) improves the linearity
speaker systems. of the damper and surround of the woofer, so that the driver responds
One is the LDMC (Linear -Drive Magnetic Circuit) in the woofer. accurately to a wide range of inputs from the loudest to scftest sounds.
It creates a uniform magnetic field over a wide range within the voice -his adds to a wider dynamic range.
coil gap. As a result, the voice coil is driven by the same uniform force The diaphragm of the woofer is made of Pioneer's PG or Polymer
whether it is being pushed far outward to create very loud sounds, Graphite* that's light and firm. It combines low distortion, smooth
or is hardly moving to produce the faintest notes. The LDMC response and low coloration. The midranges are made of hard boron
makes the sound you hear refreshingly transparent, powerful and to improve sensitivity and assure natural response. Tweeters are
exceptionally lifelike. lightweight and responsive beryllium ribbons combining better tran-
Our woofers also feature the EBD (Electronic Bass Drive). This sient response and low distortion.
design uses two voice coils wound on the bobbin, one on top of the
other. Driven by two frequency -divided voice coils, the woofer pro - *Polymer Graphite is a trademark of Pioneer Electronic Corporation.




The best in picture and sound Elaborate power supply and quality parts
Here's the finest LD player available to consumers anywhere in the The LD-S1's power supply is elaborate, using two transformers, one for
world. Designed and engineered specifically for the videophile with an servo and digital circuits, and another for audio and video circuits. And
ear for excellent sound. Take a look at some of the LD-S1's standout to shut out interference between audio and video circuits, each has a
specifications: 420 -line horizontal resolution, 48dB video signal-to- separate power supply (independent coil windings on the transformer)
noise ratio, 105dB audio signal-to-noise ratio and 97dB audio dynamic and is laid out so that it is separated from the other. Quality parts are
range. used for improved sound and picture, including a 1mm-thick OFC
(Oxygen -Free Copper) ground bus plate, gold-plated terminals, copper -
Full -floating drive system plated chassis, and OFC AC power cable.
Subjected to vibration, the pickup of an LD player can cause jitter,
patchy colors and streaks in solid colors. And vibrating PC boards Superb operating conveniences
can muddy the sound. So we've isolated the motor disc drive from the The LD-S1 is equipped with a number of features to make operations
rest of the chassis, to reduce the amount of vibration passed from the superbly easy. Any part of a disc can be accessed in one-half the nor-
motor to other parts of the player. The result is a drastic reduction of mal time of conventional players. A large fluorescent panel serves as
jitter and streaks. Specifically: Our new Dynamic Pressure Bearing has your guide to operation. A new addition is the "Last Memory" feature:
lessened the load applied to the metal bearing. As the shaft starts to press the "LAST MEMORY" button before shutting off the power, and
rotate, liquid silicone collects under the shaft, cushioning it and support- at the next viewing play resumes with a scene a few seconds back
ing it to prevent direct contact with the bearing. Transmission of motor from where you left off. The front panel has all the controls you need
vibration is lessened and friction reduced for smoother motor rotation. for operation. And the remote control is ergonomically designed for
Our magnetic disc clamper uses a powerful magnet to hold the ease of use.
disc. The moment a disc is in place, the clamper arm is removed from Available functions include Still/Step, Dual -Speed Scan, Frame/
the clamper, thus ending the transmission of the motor vibration to Time Search, Chapter Search, 9 -Step Multi -Speed Play, 4 -Mode Repeat,
other parts of the player. Chapter -Skip Search and Chapter Program. Other features include on-
screen display, picture tone control, two video outputs, I/O port for
Accu-Focus System computer interface, gold-platec headphone output, and an SR terminal.
The tracking beams reflected from the disc are added by the quadrant
photodetector inside the pickup assembly. But there is a slight phase
difference between the outputs from leading and trailing beams. In the
LD-S1, however, the outputs from the leading beam are delayed so that
they can be added to those from the trailing beam in time. This reduces
distortion and improves frequency response, especially the highs, of
the RF output. Both audio and video benefit.

4X oversampling digital filter and twin D/A converters

We've incorporated a digital filter using a sampling frequency 4 times
higher than that used in conventional filters. Working with an analog
low-pass filter, it reduces phase delay as well as distortion. To eliminate
phase difference between channels, we use two independent glitch -
free D/A (Digital -to -Analog) converters. LDs with digital sound have
never sounded better. Full.Floating Drive System

Digital memory
Eight -bit digital memory brings you versatile and clean special effects
- the LD-S1 is the first player ever to be equipped with this innovative
feature. You can freeze and store a picture in memory for view ng
anytime. You can enjoy still and multi -speed play even from CLV
(Extended -Play) discs, not to mention CAV (Standard -Play) discs. You'll
also enjoy "strobe motion" and still with sound, two exciting new dioitat
additions. Pictures are exceptionally stable and free of noise. Scanned
pictures are also free of noise bars.
I roe ampellr
11114.011,1 NILO%



C-90 A -91D
Rated Output 8V (20 - 20.000Hz, 10k ohms. TH D 0 001%) Continuous average power output of 120 watts* per channel, min.,
Input Sensitivity/Impedance
at 8 ohms from 2CHz to 20,000Hz with no more than 0.003% total
PHONO (MM) 2 5mV/50k ohms
PHONO (MC) 0 25mV/40 ohms or 0 125mV/3 ohms
harmonic distortion
'o!al Harmonic Distortion 0.003% (20 - 20.000Hz, 8 ohms, continuous
CD. TUNER. AUX. TAPE 150mV/50k ohms
rated power output)
Output Level/Impedance
Input Sensitivity/Impedance
PRE OUT. 1V/600 ohms
PHONO (MM). 2 5mV/50k ohms
TAPE REC: 150mV/Ik ohms
PHONO (MC) 0 25mV/40 ohms
Total Harmonic Distortion 0002% (20 - 20.000Hz, 10k ohms, output 1V) CD. TUNER. AUX. TAPE. 150mV/50k ohms
Intermodulation Distortion. 0.002% (output IV)
PHONO Overload Level (1kHz)
(50Hz 7.000Hz= 4 1. 8 ohms)
MM/MC. 200mV/20mV (TH D 0.008%)
Frequency Response
Output Level/Impedance
PHONO (RIM Equalization) 20 - 20.000Hz ± 0 2dB TAPE REC 150mV/0 8k ohms
CD. TUNER. AUX. TAPE 20 - 20.000Hz OdB - 1dB SPEAKERS A. B. A+B. OFF
Tone Control
HEADPHONES Low impedance
BASS ±9dB (100Hz)
Frequency Response
TREBLE ±9dB (10kHz)
PHONO (RIM Equalization)
Muting 20dB
Signal -to -Noise Ratio (IHF, A -network)
MM 20 - 20,000Hz ±0 2dB
MC 20 - 20.000Hz ±0 3dB
96dB IMM) 86dB (MC)
CD. TUNER. AUX. TAPE 1 - 150,000Hz OdB. - 3dB
Tone Control
BASS ± 8dB (100Hz)
Input Sensitivity/Impedance
TREBLE ± 8dB (10kHz)
VDP, VCR, TV Tuner, Adaptor 1Vp-p/75 ohms
Filter (Subsonic) 17Hz ( - 12dB/oct )
Output Level/Impedance
Loudness Contour +5dB (100Hz) +348 (10kHz)
Monitor. Adaptor. REC Monitor 1Vp-p/75 Ohms
(Volume at - 40dB position)
Frequency Range. 10Hz - 10MHz OclEi - 3dB
Signal -to -Noise Ratio (IHF. snort-circuited A -network)
PHONO (MM/MC) 95dB/83dB
Power Requirements 120V 60Hz
Power Consumption 40W
Dimensions (W x H x DI 18 x 4-15(16 x 15-15/16 inches Power Requirements 120V 60Hz
(without 457 x 125 x 405 mm Power Consumption. 670W (UL)
Weight (without package). 21 IDs. 6 oz /9 7kg
Dimensions (W x H a D). 18 x 6-13/16 x 18-11/16 inches
(without package) 457 x 173 x 475 mm
Weight (without package). 65 lbs. 15 oz /29 9kg
Continuous average power output of 200 watts* per channel. min.. F-91
at 8 ohms, from 20Hz to 20,000Hz with no more than 0.003% total FM TUNER SECTION
harmonic distortion. Usable Sensitivity (mono) 9 8dB! (0 85µV 75 Ohms)
Total Harmonic Distortion 0 003% (20 - 20,000Hz. 8 ohms. continuous 50dB Quieting Sensitivity
rated power output) Mono 12 8dBf (1 214V. 75 ohms)
Intermodulation Distortion. 0 002% (continuous rated power output) Stereo 34 8d13f (15AV. 75 ohms)
(50Hz 7.000Hz = 4 1. 8 ohms) Signal -to -Noise Ratio
Input Sensitivity/Impedance Mono/Stereo (IHF) 95dB/87dB
CONTROL AMP 1V/50k ohms (fixed) Distortion (at 80dElt)
CD DIRECT. LINE DIRECT 1V/50k ohms (variable) 100Hz (mono/stereo) 0 015%/0 02%
Output 1kHz (mono/stereo) 0 009% /0 02%
SPEAKERS A. B. A+9. OFF 6kHz (mono/stereo). 002°/ /0.07°/
HEADPHONES Low impedance Frequency Response 20 - 15.000Hz +0 2dB, -0 8dB
Frequency Response (CD) 20 - 20,000Hz OdB. -0 tcB Capture Ratio 0 8dB
Signal -to -Noise Ratio 125dB (IMF, A -network) Alternate Channel Seiectivity 85dB (400kHz)
MISCELLANEOUS Spurious Response Ratio. 80dB
Power Requirements. 120V 60Hz Image Response Ratio 70dB
Power Consumption 430W (UL) IF Response Ratio 100dB
Dimensions (W x H x D) 18 x 6-1116 x 16-15/16 inches AM Suppression Ratio 70dB
(without package) 457 x 154 x 430 mm Subcarner Product Ratio. 60dB
Weight (without package). 49 lbs. 13 oz./22.6kg Muting Threshold 25 2dB115mV. 75 ohms)
Stereo Separation
1kHz. 65dB
20 - 10.000Hz 55dB
Antenna Input. 75 ohms unbalanced
IHF. Loop Antenna. 150,4V/m
Selectivity 1808
Signal -to -Noise Ratio 50dB
Image Response Ratio 40dB
IF Response Ratio 60dB
Antenna Loop antenna
Output (Level/Impedance)
FM (100% Mod. Fired). 650mV/900 ohms
AM (30% Mod. Feed) 150mV/900 ohms
Power Requirements 120V 60Hz
Power Consumption. 25W
Dimensions (W x H x 18 x 3-5/16 x 12-7/16 inches
'Measured pursuant to the Federal Trade Commission's Trade Regulation Rule on Power Output
(without package) 457 x 84 x 316 mm
Weight (without package). 11 lbs 7 oz /5 2kg
Claims for Amplifiers

System. Compact disc digital audio system TYPE LaserVision videodisc system
Frequency Response: 4 - 20,000Hz ± 0.5dB OUTPUTS
Signal -to -Noise Ratio (EIAJ). 100dB VHF Output (NTSC)
Dynamic Range (EIAJ). 9608 Channel Channel 3 or 4 (switchable)
Channel Separation (EIAJ). 93dB Terminal. F -type jack (75 ohms, unbalanced)
Wow and Flutter (EIAJ) Unmeasurable ( ± 0 001%. weighted peak) Video Output
Distortion(EIAJ). 00035% Output Level. 1Vp-p (75 ohms, sync negative)
Output Voltage (EIAJ). 2V ± 0 5V Output Terminals. RCA jack (75 ohms. unbalanced)
Power Requirements. 120V 60Hz Audio Output
Power Consumption. 23W Channels. Discrete 2 channels (1 /L. 2/R, 1 /L+2/R.
Dimensions (W x H x D). 18 x 4-1/8 x 12-3/8 inches switchable)
(without package) 457 x 104 x 315 mm Output Level. Digital sound. 200mV rms (1kHz, - 20dB)
Weight (without package). 15 lbs /6 8kg Analog sound: 200mV rms (1kHz. 40%)
Output Terminals RCA jacks
Frequency Response. 4 - 20.000Hz (+0 5dB)
PL -90 Signal -to -Noise Ratio. 105dB
Dynamic Range. 97dB
Channel Separation.
Drive System: Direct Drive
Total Harmonic Distortion. 0 0035%
Motor. Coreless, Ouartz-PLL DC -servo motor with
Stable Hanging Rotor."'
14-3116 inches (36cm)
Frequency Response. 20 - 20,000Hz
Turntable Platter:
Signal -to -Noise Ratio. 70dB (CX on)
Inertial Mass. 655kg/cm2
Dynamic Range 70dB (CX on)
Speed. 33-1/3 and 45 rpm
Wow and Flutter (WRMS). 0.018% (0.008%*)
Power Requirements. 120V 60Hz
Signal -to -Noise Ratio: 85dB (DIN B)
Power Consumption. 55W
TONE ARM Dimensions (W x H x 18 x 5-3/8 x 18-7116 inches
Type. Statically balanced, alumina -ceramics st'aight
(without Package) 457 x 136 x 468 mm
tone arm with DRA
Weqh! (without package). 36 lbs. 15 oz /16 8kg
Effective Arm Length. 11-1/8 inches (282mm)
Overhang. 9/16 inch (13.5mm)
Usable Cartridge Weight: 2.4g - 12g
Power Requirements. 120V 60Hz Barb
Power Consumption: 14W LaserDisc rs a trademark of Pioneer Electronic Corporation.
Dimensions (W x H x 0).
(without package)
Weight (without package):
'Measured directly from FG output.
23-7116 x 8-7/16 x 17-1/16 inches
596 x 215 x 434 mm
38 lbs 2 oz /17 3kg
The LaserVision mark certifies compatibility with other laser optical video products Dearing
the mark.

DSS-E1 0 This mark indicates the compatibility for the Pioneer system remote control.
Enclosure. Bass -reflex bookshelf type
Unit Layout Symmetrical
Woofer 12 -inch (30cm) PG"' cone type
Midrange. 4 -3/4 -inch (12cm) boron cone type
Tweeter Beryllium ribbon type
Impedance 6 ohms
Frequency Range. 30 - 50.000Hz
Sensitivity 91dB/W (1m)
Maximum Music Power. 240W
Rated Power. BOW
Crossover Frequencies 650Hz (Low/Mid)
4,000Hz (Mid/High)
Dimensions (W x H x 0). 15-3/8 x 26-3/4 x 13-7/8 inches
(without package) 390 x 680 x 353 mm
Weight (without package). 57 lbs 5 oz /26kg

Enclosure. Bass -reflex bookshelf type
Unit Layout Symmetrical
Woofer 8 -inch (20cm) PGT" cone type
Midrange. 2 -1/2 -inch (6 6cm) boron cone type
Tweeter Beryllium ribbon type
Impedance. 6 ohms
Frequency Range. 40 - 50,000Hz
Sensitivity. 90dB/W (1m)
Maximum Music Power 120W
Rated Power. 40W
Crossover Frequencies. 1.000Hz (Upw/Mid) Note. Specifications and design subject to modification without notice.
5.000Hz (Mid/High)
Dimensions (W x H x D). 10-5/8 x 18-1/2 x 9-9/16 inches
(without package) 270 x 470 x 243 mm
Weight (without package). 23 lbs 2 oz /10.54 CIRCLE NO 70 ON READER SERVICE CARD
P 0 Box 1540. Long Beach. Cantor -11a 90801


505 Cochrane Drive, Markham, Ontario L3R 6B8 Phone (416) 479-4411
13911 Bridgeport Road. Richmond. British Columbia V6V 1J6 Phone (604) 278-1014
6412 Trans Canada Highway. St Laurent. Quebec H4T 1X4 Phone (514) 735-2651

ACOUSTIC RESEARCH nents); digital volume and tone controls; RS -232 ance controls; loudness switch; programmable
port allows control through personal computer; volume level; auto compression to prevent over-
AR X-10 AM/FM Stereo Receiver capable of multi -room remote control Amp sec- load; mounts on wall with accessory brackets;
Receiver with infrared remote to control power, tion: 70 W/ch into 8/4 ohms; dynamic headroom
volume, tuning, input selection, and AR CD 2 dB. Tuner section: IHF sens 26 dBf stereo; sig-
player functions. Features audio and video dub- nal strength for 50 -dB quieting 35 dBf stereo.
bing; close -tolerance metal -film resistors and film 17.5" w x 2.8" h x 14.8" d; 23 lb $1,100
capacitors for RIAA; concealed bass, midrange,
treble, balance, tone -defeat, loudness, filter, tape, RC1 Unified Remote Control
FM/AM, memory, and speaker -switching controls; Wireless remote controls R4 and other a/d/s/
8 AM /8 I'M station presets: gold-plated phono in components $100

AA -V405 -B 100-W/ch A/V Receiver
With wireless remote control; surround -sound de-
coding; 7 -band EQ; 16 AM/FM presets; video
and RF inputs/outputs; comprehensive LCD. In- headphone jack; drives 2 pairs of speakers. 25 W/
puts for MM phono; tape; aux; CD player; video ch into 8 ohms; 50 -dB quieting sens 43 dBf stereo.
sound source; VCR I; VCR 2; VDP; RF. Amp 24.5" w s 2.75" h x 10" d; 15.4 lb $799
section: 100 W/ch into 8 ohms. FM section: 50 -
puts. Inputs for N1M phono, sic phono; tape; AUX; dB quieting sens stereo 37.2 dBf; max S/N with
CD player; video sound source; VCR I; VCR 2. 65 dBf A-wtd stereo 65 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB.
Amp section: 100 contiuous average W/ch from 17" w x 4" h x 13.5" d; 16.2 lb $589 200-W/ch AM/FM Receiver 2000
20-20,000 -Hz into 8 ohms with less than 0.03% With Magnetic Field Amp, Sonic Holography,
THD, 130 W into 4 ohms; dynamic headroom 2 AA -V305 -B 80-W/ch A/V Receiver and special FM NR. Features AM stereo; MC
dB; 200 -ms dynamic power 150 W; 40 -ampere Wireless remote control; surround -sound decod- cartridge preamp; remote control. Inputs for MM
current capability. FM section 50 -dB quieting sens ing; 5 -band EQ; 16 AM/FM presets; video and phono, MC phono, tape, AUX, extra AUX, CD
stereo 25 µV (33.2 dBf); FM S/N (at 65 dBf) 75 dB RF inputs/outputs; comprehensive LCD. Inputs player, video sound source. Amp section: 200 W/
stereo, 80 dB mono; THD stereo 0.3%; capture ra- for MM phono; tape; aux; CD player; video ch into 8 ohms; dynamic headroom 0.2 dB. FM
tio 1.0 dB; AM rejection 60 dB; alt-ch sel 75 dB. sound source; VCR 1; VCR 2; VDP; RF. Amp section: alternate-ch sel 58 dB; adjacent-ch sel 40
17" w x 4.33" h x 14.5" d $800 section: 80 W/ch into 8 ohms. FM section: 50 -dB dB; 50 -dB quieting sens stereo 5µV; sep 40 dB at
quieting sens stereo 37.2 dBf; max S/N with 65 1,000 Hz; capture ratio 1.0 dB. AM section: sens
AR X-06 AM/FM-Stereo Receiver dBf A-wtd stereo 65 dB; capture ratio 1 5 dB. 17" 250 µV $1,595
Receiver with infrared remote to control power, w x 4" h x 13.5" d $499
volume, tuning, input selection, and AR CD 150-W/cb AVR100 Audio/Video Receiver
player functions. Features audio and video dub- AA -V205 -B 60-W/ch A/V Receiver Magnetic Field Amplifier; 6 AM/6 FM presets;
bing; close -tolerance metal -film resistors and film Wireless remote control; surround -sound decod- Asymmetrical Charge -Coupled FM Detector;
capacitors for RIAA; concealed bass, midrange, ing; 5 -band EQ; 16 AM/FM presets; video and Sonic Holography; bass control boosts or cuts
treble, balance, loudness, mono; tape, VCR, tun- RF inputs/outputs; comprehensive LCD. Inputs 100 Hz max 8 dB; treble boosts or cuts 10,000 Hz
ing, and speaker -switching controls; 8 AM/8 FM for MM phono; tape; aux; CD player; video max 8 dB; 4 video inputs, 3 video outputs, with
station presets; gold-plated phono inputs. Inputs sound source; VCR I; VCR 2; VDP; RF. Amp switching and dubbing; antenna/cable switching;
for MM phono; sic phono; tape; AUX; co player; section: 60 W/ch into 8 ohms. FM section: 50 -dB surround -sound processor with 50 W; 20 -function
video sound source; VCR I; VCR 2. Amp section: quieting sens stereo 37.2 dBf; capture ratio 1.5 remote. 150 W/ch. Tuner section: FM sens IHF
60 contiuous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz dB. 17.3" w x 4" h x 13.5" d; 16.2 lb $399 2.0 µV; FM 50 -dB quieting sens 4.5 µV mono or
into 8 ohms with less than 0.03% THD, 80 W into stereo; capture ratio 1.5 dB; AM distortion at 2
4 ohms; dynamic headroom 2 dB. 17" w x 3.25" mV 0.6% $1,199
h x 15.5" d $600
Beomaster 5500 50-W/ch AM/FM Receiver 150-W/ch AM/FM Receiver 150
AR X-04 AM/FM-Stereo Receiver Includes Master Control Panel remote control Designed for noise -free stereo FM and adequate
AM/FM receiver with concealed ergonomic con- and handheld infrared remote; presets for 20 AM power for CD's; PLL fully digital -synthesized
trols. Features 8 AM/8 FM station presets; mute and FM stations; Auto Power Handling Control AM/FM stereo tuner section; Magnetic Field
button; headphone jack; inputs for MM phono; compression; double-acting auto gain control in Amp; Asymmetrical Charge -Coupled FM Detec-
tape; AUX; CD player; video sound source. Amp FM; volume, bass, treble, and balance controlled tor; phono input; video/digital audio input; aux
section: 40 contiuous average W/ch from 20- from knob on MCP remote; works with other input; 2 tape inputs; 6 station presets; mono
20,000 Hz into 8 ohms with less than 0.03% THD, Beosystem 5500 components for multi -room re- switch; bass, mid, treble controls; balance control;
50 W into 4 ohms; dynamic headroom 1.4 dB; mote control; direct selection of any FM or AM switches for tone defeat, speaker selection, tape
200 -ms dynamic power 60 W. FM section 50 -dB station by frequency; station search; silver and monitoring, tape dubbing, FM muting, AM noise
quieting sens stereo 40 µV (37.2 dBf); FM S/N (at black finish. Power output 50 W/ch into 8 ohms; filter, loudness contour. 150 W/ch into 8 ohms.
65 dBf) 74 DB stereo, 78 dB mono; THD stereo dynamic headroom 1.5 dB; 50 -dB quieting sens FM section (stereo, 75 ohms, with Charge -Cou-
0.3%. 17" w x 3.25" h x 13" d $400 40 dBf; capture ratio 1.7 dB. 16.5" w x 3" h x pled Detector engaged): usable sens 16.3 dBf
12.75" d; 19.2 lb $1,950 (1.78 µV) 50 -dB quieting sens 23.5 dBf (4.0
a/d/s/ Beomaster 3300 25-W/ch AM/FM Receiver

R4 Remote -Controllable 70-W/ch Receiver Works with other Beosystem 3300 components 90-W/ch Receiver 900
Alphanumeric display on front panel indicating for multi -room remote control; sensi-touch ca- With Magietic Field Amp and special FM NR.
input source or received radio station. Digital - pacitance controls; volume controlled from wire- Inputs for MM phono, tape, Aux, extra AUX, CD
synthesized tuner with 30 memory presets for less remote; 4 FM, I AM presets; auto power player, video sound source. Amp section: 90 W/
AM or FM stations; optional wireless remote with source selection; bass (max +9, -14 dB at 40 ch into 8 ohms; dynamic headroom 0.2 dB. FM
control (which also controls other a/d/s/ compo- Hz), treble (max +9, -14 dB at 12,500 Hz), bal- section: alternate-ch sel 58 dB; adjacent-ch sel 40

STEREO BUYERS' Guam 1988 43

dB; 50 -dB quieting sens stereo 5µV; sep 40 dB at tuning; 16 AM/16 FM station presets; auto memo -
1,000 Hz; capture ratio 1.0 dB. AM section: sens HARMAN KARDON Ty; preset scan; dB signal -strength indicator; vari-
25 µV $635 HK 795i 70-W/ch AM/FM Receiver able stop level; auto QSC; electronic 7 -band equal-
AM/FM-stereo receiver with digital synthesized izer with 5 user-programmmable and 5 preset EQ
DENON quartz -locked tuning and high current power am- curves; spectrum analyzer display; high -gain pho-
plifier section with reactive load capability. Fea- no EQ for MM/MC cartridges; sleep timer; three
DRA-95VR Receiver tures DC driven digital display; tape out selector; video inputs; 2 -way dubbing; sound selector;
Features remote control; 85 W/ch; nonnegative dual RIAA EQ circuitry. Inputs for MM phono, acoustic expander; built-in cA-Tv module for mu-
feedback; pure current supply; simulcast; simulat- phono 2, tape. Amp section: 70 W/ch into 8 sic source from CATV. Power output: 120 W/ch
ed stereo; audio external processing loop; remote ohms. FM section: 50 -dB quieting sens stereo into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with no more
1.65 µV (14.6 dBf); max S/N with 65 dBf (1,000 than 0.007% THD $720
µV), A-wtd stereo 75 dB S750
RX750BK Audio/Video Receiver
HK4951 45-W/ch AM/FM Receiver Receiver with unified wireless remote control to
AM/FM-stereo receiver with digital synthesized operate receiver plus selected JVC Compu-Link
quartz -locked tuner. Features reactive load and components. Features Dynamic Super A, Gm
high instantaneous current capability, low nega- Driver; computer -controlled digital -synthesis
tive feedback; ultrawide bandwidth. Inputs for tuning; 16 AM/16 FM station presets; auto memo-
video input switching; 16 -station random preset MM phono, tape, CD player. Amp section: 45 ry; preset scan; dB signal -strength indicator; vari-
tuning; variable loudness; mc input; 2 A/V in and W/ch into 8 ohms. FM section: alt-ch sel 65 dB; able stop level; auto QSC; electronic 7 -band equal-
1 A/V out plus monitor out. Side panels stan- 50 -dB quieting sens mono 1.65 µV (15.6 dBf), izer with 5 user-programmmable and 5 preset EQ
dard $650 max S/N, A-wtd stereo 75 dB; sep 50 dB at 1,000 curves; spectrum analyzer display; high -gain pho-
Hz; capture ratio 1.2 dB $435 no EQ for mm/mc cartridges; sleep timer; three
DRA-75VR Receiver video inputs. 100 W/ch into 8 ohms from 20-
Features remote control; 65 W/ch; nonswitiching HK395i 30-W/ch AM/FM Receiver 20,000 Hz with <0.007% THD 5635
Class A amp; simulcast; audio external process- AM/FM-stereo receiver with digital synthesized
ing loop; 16 -station random preset tuning; vari- quartz -locked tuner. Features reactive load and RX8VBK Audio/Video Receiver
able loudness; mc input; 2 A/V in and 1 A/V out high instantaneous current capability, low nega- Receiver with unified wireless remote control to
plus monitor out; electronic input switching $500 tive feedback. Inputs for MM phono, 2 tape mon- operate receiver plus selected JVC Compu-Link
itors, CD player. Amp section: 30 W/ch into 8 components. Features Dynamic Super A, Gm
DRA-55V Receiver ohms. FM section: alt-ch sel 65 dB; 50 -dB quiet- Driver; computer -controlled digital -synthesis
Features 55 W/ch; nonswitching Class A amp; ing sens mono 1.65 µV (15.6 dBf), max S/N, A- tuning; 16 Am/16 FM station presets; auto memo-
16 -station random preset tuning; variable loud- wtd, stereo 75 dB; sep 50 dB at 1,000 Hz; capture ry; preset scan; dB signal -strength indicator; vari-
ness; 2 A/V inputs and I monitor output; elec- ratio 1.2 dB. AM section: sens 15 jiN .... S325 able stop level; auto QSC; electronic 7 -band equal-
tronic input switching; last -channel memory; izer with 5 user-programmmable and 5 preset EQ
auto seek 5400 HK385i 30-W/ch AM/FM Receiver curves; spectrum analyzer display. 100 W/ch into
AM/FM-stereo receiver with reactive load and 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than
DRA-35V Receiver high instantaneous current capability. Features 0.007% THD $600
Features 40 W/ch; 16 -station preset tuning; auto ultrawide bandwidth; low negative feedback; dis-
seek; variable loudness control; last -channel crete circuitry. Inputs for MM phono, tape, CD RX550VBK Audio/Video Receiver
memory; nonswitching Class A amp; A/V in/ player. Amp section: 30 W/ch into 8 ohms. FM Receiver with unified wireless remote control to
out; electronic input switching $320 section: alt-ch sel 60 dB; 50 -dB quieting sens operate receiver plus selected JVC Compu-Link
mono 1.9 µV (16.8 dBf), max S/N, A-wtd, stereo components. Features Dynamic Super A, Gm
DRA-25 AM/FM Receiver 74 dB; sep 45 dB at 1,000 Hz; capture ratio 1.5 Driver; computer -controlled digital -synthesis
Stereo receiver features straight amplification de- dB. AM section: sens 15 µV 5275 tuning; 16 AM/16 FM station presets; auto memo-
sign; CD direct switch; variable loudness EQ; liq- ry; preset scan; electronic 7 -band equalizer with 5
uid heat -cooled sink; high -linearity phono stage; user-programmmable and 5 preset EQ curves;
I6 -station random preset memory; microproces- HITACHI sleep timer; three video inputs; sound selector;
sor assisted tuning system; FL display; auto -scan; HTA50AVSW 50-W/ch AM/FM Receiver acoustic expander; optional cA-Tv antenna con-
up/down manual tuning; last -channel -tuned Quartz digital -synthesized tuner section; 20 AM/ trol unit. 60 W/ch into 8 ohms from 20-20,000
memory. 30 W/ch min rms into 8 ohms from 20- FM presets; unified infrared remote control; sur- Hz with no more than 0.007% THD $475
20,000 Hz with no more than 0.05% THD; FM 50 round -sound control system; audio inputs for
dB quieting sens 23 µV (stereo); capture ratio 1.5 phono, CD, tape; video inputs for TV, VCR, vi- RX450VBK Audio/Video Receiver
dB; AM suppression 50 dB S280 deodisc player; electronic volume and balance Receiver with unified wireless remote control to
controls; 5 -band graphic equalizer; rosewood end operate receiver plus selected JVC Compu-Link
FISHER caps. 50 W/ch into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz components. Features Dynamic Super A, Gm
with no more than 0.05% THD $500 Driver; computer -controlled digital -synthesis
RS -620 AM/FM Receiver tuning; 16 AM/16 FM station presets; auto memo-
100 W/ch receiver with infrared wireless remote ry; preset scan; 7 -band graphic equalizer; sleep
control. Features quartz-PLL digital tuning; 24 JVC
timer; acoustic expander; optional cA-ry antenna
station presets; 5 -band graphic equalizer; A/B RX950VBK Audio/Video Receiver control unit. Power output: 50 W/ch into 8 ohms
Receiver with unified wireless remote control to from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.03%
operate receiver plus selected JVC Compu-Link THD 5350
components. Features MOL LCD remote control;
Dynamic Super A, Gm Driver; computer -con- RX350VBK Audio/Video Receiver
trolled digital -synthesis tuning; 16 AM/16 FM sta- Receiver with unified wireless remote control to
tion presets; auto memory; preset scan; dB signal - operate receiver plus selected JVC Compu-Link
strength indicator; variable stop level; auto QSC; components. Features Dynamic Super A, Gm
electronic 7 -band equalizer with 5 user-pro- Driver; digital -synthesis tuning; 16 AM/I6 FM
grammmable and 5 preset EQ curves; spectrum station presets; auto memory; preset scan; 5 -band
speaker switching; headphone jack; inputs for analyzer display; high -gain phono EQ for mm/mc graphic equalizer; sleep timer; acoustic expander;
phono, CD, video/aux, tape I. and tape 2. 100 cartridges; sleep timer; three video inputs; 2 -way optional CATV antenna control unit. Power out-
W/ch into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with no dubbing; sound selector; acoustic expander; built- put: 45 W/ch into 8 ohms from 40-20,000 Hz
more than 0.5% THD $400 in CATV module for music source from CATV; with no more than 0.08% THD 5315
preamp output. Power output: 120 W/ch into 8
RS -610 AM/FM Receiver ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than RX250VBK Audio/Video Receiver
50 W/ch receiver with infrared wireless remote 0.007% THD $800 Receiver with unified wireless remote control to
control. Features quartz-PLL digital tuning; 24 operate receiver plus selected JVC Compu-Link
station presets; 5 -band graphic equalizer; A/B RX9VBK Audio/Video Receiver components. Features Dynamic Super A, Gm
speaker switching; headphone jack; inputs for Receiver with unified wireless remote control to Driver; digital -synthesis tuning; 16 AM/16 FM
phono, CD, video/aux, tape 1, and tape 2. 100 operate receiver plus selected JVC Compu-Link station presets; auto memory; preset scan; bass
W/ch into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with no components. Features Dynamic Super A, Gm and treble controls; sleep timer; acoustic expan-
more than 0.5% THD $300 Driver; computer -controlled digital -synthesis der; optional CATV antenna control unit. Power



TrIE ONKYO TX -84 AND RC-AV1-Capable of operating any

manufacturer's audio or y,deo components with a
sngle remote control
Today's audio/video home entertainment systems typicaly incorporate a variety of judio and video components, all
operating with their own separate remote controls.
Introducing.... The ONKYO TX-84-the first receiver ever offered with a "Universar' Programmable Remote Control that
car operate any wireless remote controlled components from any manufacturer. For total control of the TX -84 and
everything else in your audio/video system, ONKYO introduces the "Unifier"-Universal Programmable Remote Control
With the RC-AV1, the functions of many brands of infrared remotes can be memorized into one master unit, eliminating inter
braid remote incompatability forever. The RC-AV1 can be easily programmed to operate over100 functions, with function
key. conveniently grouped in three modes-audio, video, and auxiliary. The RC-AV1"Universal" Remote Control is available
for :ale separately or included as an option with the TX -8-4.
Designed for the audio/video enthusiast, the ONKYO TX -84 offers outstanding sonic performance in addition to full AIN/
capability. The TX -84 delivers 60 watts of FTC rated power per channel into 8 ohms with no more than .04% THD. Features
sucF as low impedance drive capability, discrete output stages, Automatic Precision Reception, and Dynamic Bass Expancer
make the TX -84 the equal of any comparable audio -only receiver. Its seven inputs
(5 a Jdio, 2 video) offer total system versatility, while the S-ereo Image Expander Artistry In Sound
and Simulated Stereo can optimize any video o- audio soJndtrack.
Together, the TX -84 and RC-AV1M can form the heart of your audio/video
system. Audition them today at your ONKYO dealer! DNICNI(0
200 Willicms Drive, Ramsey, NJ. 07446
ConsolidateYc Never before has so much dean power, pure sound
and unique technology been available at the touch of
a remote control button.

How the world's The Carver Receiver 2000, at your

service. In a single, exquisitely -styled component,
we've engineered three of the most significant contri-

most powerful receiver butions ever made to audio technology.

A 200 watt RMS per channel Magnetic Field Power
A Sonic Hologram Generator for a three-dimen-
can provide the sional sound experience.
An Asymmetrical Charge -Coupled FM Stereo Detec-
tor in the tuner section for the cleanest, most noise -

benefits of audiophile free reception possible... plus AM STEREO.

Plus a low -noise high definition preamplifier and
surround sound processor so you can create a true

separates in a home theater experience.

Everything necessary fir music
enjoyment. Settle back in your chair and pick up

single, remote control the compact Receiver 2000 wireless remote control.
Touch the POWER button. Two hundred watts
spring to life. More than any other

component. receiver offered today. The kind of power needed to

deliver Compact Discs' incredible dynamic range with
the impact and clarity it deserves.
But you're in the mood for a record. Touch one of
the four source buttons to select PHONO. As the record
comes to life, you realize that it would be a superb
candidate for Sonic Holography. Mother touch of the
Jr Power Base.
remote control and you're suddenly in the midst of the
performers, a part of the musical experience.
Ample Powerfor Digital. Even before
Compact Disc players, clipping distortion caused by
able stereo signal you can find, then pushing those
two magic buttons. Separation is still there; only the
Suddenly, the phone rings. You reduce the volume lack of amplifier power has been the critical listener's background noise has been diminished, and with it,
easily without leasing your chair and take the call. enemy. Speakers create music by generating magnetic much °jibe sibilance and hissy edginess so charac-
Later on, you select a favorite FM station from the fields inside their voice coils. A drum beat sounds on a teristic ofmultipath interference."
twelve presets while you catch up on your reading. record; energy flows to your speakers; the speakers Thee realism with Souk Holography.
The sound is hiss -free, even when the station is far push the air. In the case of low bass notes, this means In a live setting, sound approaches from all sides, not
away. A great oldie comes on and you use the Receiver having enough power to resonate the entire cubic just head on the way it does from stereo speakers.
2000s remote to turn it up and rattle the windows for volume of your listening room thirty times per second! Sonic Holography uncovers critical timing and phase
a moment the way you always wished you could when The sad fact is, few receivers have the technical information that exists in your and CD's records, but
that song first came out. capabilities to provide the amount of power needed to has been inaudible with normal stereo components.
In the evening, it's movie time. The Receiver 2000 complete instantaneous music transient waveforms. Through the Carver 2000, this information emerges
becomes your gateway to high impact surround sound Before Bob Carver invented the Magnetic Field in three-dimensional space around you, pinpointing
that rivals any Dolby -equipped theater. Starships cruise Power Amplifier, the only way to get enough power to the precise location of instruments and vocals.
through your living room. Aliens prowl behind the completely eliminate clipping distortion was to give You don't need a trained ear to notice the differ-
couch. Laser battles erupt over your coffee table. up owning a receiver and buy a traditional power ence. Suddenly the listening field extends wider, higher
All controlled from the comfort of your chair. amplifier and put up with its bulk, heat and expense. and deeper than your speakers, literally immersing
A wealth of useful features. From the The Carver Receiver 2000 uses a better way. An afford- you in the performance.
silky feel of the large, easy -to -use knobs, to the able method of delivering the power speakers need The best of eretything in one compact
switched and unswitched power sockets on the without thermal waste, bulk and distortion. Our Mag- component. There has never been a more com-
Receiver 2000's back, you'll find that no detail has netic Field Power Amplifier design is elegant, effective plete method of enjoying music than the Carver
been overlooked. Even if it didn't have three of Bob and fully described in the 32 -page brochure we'll be Receiver 2000. Occupying just over two square feet of
Carver's major innovations tucked inside it, the glad to send you. shelf space, it gives you the power, the tuning ability
Receiver 2000 would be one of the finest receivers The finest receiver FM section. The and the miracle of Sonic Holography that can bring
you could own. Carver FM Stereo Receiver 2000 employs Asymmetri- any music or video source to vibrant life. Audition it at
It has inputs for phono, Compact Disc player and cal Charge -Coupled Detector technology which makes your Carver dealer. And then shift the balance of power
even video sound sources. It allows 2-1 and 1-2 dub- FM sound as good as other stereo sound sources. Free to your stereo system soon.
bing through dual tape deck inputs and outputs, and of background hiss, click and pops, picket fencing and
other multipath interference annoyances which dis-
Power: 200 watts RMS per channel
selection of two sets of speakers or a combination.
turb FM enjoyment.
into 8 ohms. 20-20khz with no more
Precision, defeatable tone controls are provided for
than 0.15% THD.
bass, treble and midrange, as well as a preset "loud- Or, in the words of Audio Magazine's Len Feldman,
ness" equalization curve for acoustic compensation '7he sign cane of design can only be fully
during low level listening. appreciated by tuning the ueakest most unacapt-
The bright digital readout and signal strength LEI)s
are only a hint of the high quality quartz synthesized
FM section and AM stereo circuitry within. Choose
from six FM and six AM station presets, tune man-
ually or use the Receiver 2000's automatic station
search feature.

PO Box 1237 Lynnwood WA 98046

Distnbuted Canada by technology
output: 35 W/ch into 8 ohms from 40-20,000 Hz preset scan; 10 -key direct frequency input (re-
with no more than 0.08% THD $260 mote); 2 video sound inputs; 5 -band graphic LUXMAN
equalizer; equalizer recording switch; two tape in- R-117 160-W/Ch AM/FM Receiver
RX150BK AM/FM Receiver puts with monitor; muting; electronic input selec- Receiver with full -function system remote control
Features digital synthesis tuning; 8 AM/8 FM sta- tors; fluorescent multi -display; speaker A/B se- including video and video sound switching. Fea-
tion presets; auto loudness contour; connections lector; headphone jack. 55 W/ch min rms. both tures low -impedance drive capability: CD
for 2 pairs of speakers; FM mode/muting switch. channels driven at 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz straight mode; 1-1-1 differential phono input; 5
25 W/ch into 8 ohms from 40-20,000 Hz with no with no more than 0.08% THD; s/N phono 73 dB,
more than 0.5% THD SI85 CD, AUX, tape 100 dB; FM 50 dB quieting sens
17.2 dBf (mono), 38.2 dBf (stereo). 16.56" w x
KENWOOD 4.31" h x 9" d; 11.7 lb $295

KR-V126R Audio/Video Receiver KR -A46 AM/FM Receiver

A/V receiver with unified full remote control and Features auto function selector system; quartz-
built-in surround -sound decoder. Features high - PLL tuning; I6 -station FM/AM presets; preset
capacity VIR power amplifier; three video con- scan; bass and treble controls; loudness control;
nections and dubbing with audio injection; Dolby electronic input selectors; fluorescent multi -dis-
Surround and theater/stadium effects; 20 -station play; speaker A/B selector; headphone jack. 40 gang varacters, dual gate MOSFET's; pre -out/
name preset system (SNPS) for FM/AM/CATV; W/ch min rms, both channels driven at 8 ohms main -in. Power output 160 W/ch from 20-20,000
music -select system presets stations into 5 catego- from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.09% Hz with <0.03% THD; Imo <0.03% (35 W/8
ries; preset scan with music calendar; 7 -band elec- THD; s/N phono 72 dB, CD, AUX, tape 95 dB; FM ohms); s/N 88 dB (MM), 70 dB (Mc), 98 dB (CD,
tronic graphic equalizer with 10 presets and pres- 50 dB quieting sens 17.2 dBf (mono), 38.2 dBf tape, A/V); FM sens (stereo) 36 dBf; FM S/N (ste-
ence control; 7 -band spectrum analyzer; video (stereo); FM s/N 72 dB (stereo) at 65 dBf; FM sep reo) 75 dB; FM THD (stereo) <0.1% $1,200
through -dubbing (VCR 2 to I, 3 to I); auto mem- 40 dB at 1,000 Hz; sel 53 dB at 400 Hz; capture R-115. Similar to above with 75 W/ch $750
ory entry for FM; 10 -key direct frequency input ratio 1.2 dB. 16.56" w x 4.31" h x 9.31" d; 10.1 R-113. Similar to above with 35 W/ch; THD
(main/remote); equalizer recording switch; mm/ lb $205 <0.08%. No remote control $400
Mc cartridge selector; speaker A/B selector; 5
W/ch rear speaker amplifier. 125 W/ch min rms,
both channels driven at 8 ohms from 20-20,000 KYOCERA MARANTZ
Hz with no more than 0.008% THD; s/N phono R-861 Tuner/Amplifier TA 170AV Remote -Control Receiver
mm/mc 82/63 dB, CD, AUX, tape 100 dB, video Features 100 W/ch (continuous rms, both chan- Receiver with I6 -preset digital tuning; 5 -band
90 dB; FM 50 dB quieting sens 14.2 dBf (mono), nels driven into 8 ohms, from 20 Hz, with no graphic equalizer; electronic volume; VCR to VCR
37.2 dBf (stereo); FM S/N 74 dB (stereo) at 65 more than 0.02% THD); 3 -band parametric EQ for dubbing; power meter. Inputs for MM phono,
dBf; FM sep 50 dB at 1,000 Hz; sel 55 dB at 400 exacting tonal adjustment; switchable MM/MC tape, CD player. Amp section: 165 continuous
Hz; capture ratio 1.0 dB. 16.56" w x 5.25" h x phono preamp; preamp out/main amp in jacks; average W/ch 20-20,000 Hz with no more than
14.5" d; 22.9 lb $650 subsonic filter; quartz -frequency synthesis tuning 0.05% THD into 8 ohms; FR 10-35,000 Hz ± 1 dB.
with high-speed 2,500 Hz comparator for low FM section: alternate-ch sel 50 dB; 50 -dB quieting
KR-V106R Audio/Video Receiver noise; switchable IF bandwidth; defeatable bass/ sens, mono 15 dBf, stereo 37 dBf; max s/N, A-
A/V receiver with unified full remote control and treble controls; Dolby FM de -emphasis switch; 7 wtd, mono 76 dB, stereo 68 dB; THD mono
built-in surround -sound system. 100 W/ch min AM and 7 FM preset stations; high -blend feature. 0.15%, stereo 0.3%; sep 42 dB at 1,000 Hz; cap-
rms, both channels driven at 8 ohms from 20- FM s/N 76 dB stereo, 82 dB mono; slew rate 50 ture ratio 1 dB. 16.5" w x 7.25" h x 13" d; 34
20,000 Hz with no more than 0.008% THD; S/N V/p.sec; rise time 1.0 joec; s/N (IHF-A) phono lb $650
phono 82 dB, CD, Aux. tape 100 dB, video 90 mc 74 dB, phono MM 85 dB, high-level inputs
dB; FM 50 dB quieting sens 14.2 dBf (mono), 37.2 103 dB $1,200 TA 135AV Remote -Control Receiver
dBf (stereo); FM S/N 74 dB (stereo) at 65 dBf; FM Receiver with 16 -preset digital tuning; 5 -band
sep 50 dB at 1,000 Hz; sel 55 dB at 400 Hz; cap- R-661 Tuner/Amplifier graphic equalizer; electronic volume; VCR to VCR
ture ratio 1.0 dB. 16.56" w x 5.25" h x 14.5" d; Features 70 W/ch (continuous rms, both chan- dubbing; power meters; inputs for MM phono,
22.3 lb $560 nels driven into 8 ohms, from 20-20,000 Hz, with tape, CD player. Amp section: 130 continuous
no more than 0.02% THD); defeatable bass and average W/ch 20-20,000 Hz with no more than
KR-V86R Audio/Video Receiver treble controls for exacting tonal adjustment; 0.05% THD into 8 ohms; 50 -dB quieting sens,
A/V receiver with unified full remote control. switchable MM/MC phono preamp; preamp out/ mono 16 dBf, stereo 38 dBf; other specs similar to
Features high -capacity VIR power amplifier; main amp in jacks; subsonic filter; quartz -fre- TA 170's (above). 16.5" w x 7.25" h x 13" d; 30
three video connections and dubbing with audio quency synthesis tuning with high-speed 2,500 lb $570
injection; 20 -station name preset system (SNPS) Hz comparator for low noise; switchable IF band-
for FM/AM/CATV; music -select system presets width; 7 AM and 7 FM presets; high -blend feature. TA 100 Remote Control Receiver
stations into 5 categories; preset scan with music FM s/N 74 dB stereo, 80 dB mono; slew rate 50 AM/FM receiver with 16 preset stations; 5 band
calendar; 7 -band electronic graphic equalizer V/joec; rise time 1.0 goec; s/N (IHF-A) phono EQ; inputs for MM, phono, tape, CD, 2 video
with 10 presets and presence control; video Mc 64 dB, phono MM 82 dB, high-level inputs sources, VCR to VCR dubbing. 100 W/ch; 0.1%
through -dubbing. 80 W/ch min rms, both chan- 100 dB $900 THD; 11.8 dBf IHF sens; 5.88" h x 16.63" w x
nels driven at 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with no 12.63" d; 23.7 lb $500
more than 0.008% THD; s/N phono 73 dB, CD, R-461 Tuner/Amplifier
Aux, tape 100 dB, video 90 dB; FM 50 dB quiet- Inputs for MM phono, 2 tape, 2 AUX, CD player. TA 60 Remote -Control Receiver
ing sens 14.2 dBf (mono), 37.2 dBf (stereo); FM S/ Amp section: 50 continuous average W/ch from Receiver with 24 -preset digital tuning, 7 -band
N 74 dB (stereo) at 65 dBf; FM sep 50 dB at 1,000 20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.02% THD into graphic equalizer. Inputs for MM phono; tape;
Hz; selectivity 55 dB at 400 Hz; capture ratio 1.0 8 ohms; dynamic headroom 2.1 dB; IHF IMD compact disc player; video sound source. Amp
dB $460 0.02%; FR 30-15,000 Hz ± 1 dB. FM section: alt- section: 60 continuous average W/ch from 20-
ch sel 55 dB; 50 -dB quieting sens mono 17 dBf 20.000 Hz with less than 0.1% THD into 8 ohms.
KR-V76R Audio Video Receiver (50 dB), stereo 37.2 dBf (50 dB); max S/N, A- FM section: 50 -dB quieting sens, stereo 39.2 dBf;
A/V receiver with unified full remote control. wtd, mono 77 dB, stereo 72 dB; THD mono max s/N with 65 dBf (1,000µV), A-wtd stereo 68
Features three video connections and dubbing 0.08%, stereo 0.12%; sep 48 dB at 1,000 Hz; cap- dB; Tim, stereo 0.3%; capture ratio 1.2 dB; alt-ch
with audio injection; 12 -station name preset sys- ture ratio 1.2 dB. AM section: loop sensitivity 300 sel 50 dB. 16.5" w x 7.25" h x 10.25" d; 17.2
tem for FM/AM; 24 -station preset memory with- p/V. 18.12" wide x 4.31" high x 12.12" deep; lb $350
out SNPS. 70 W/ch min rms, both channels driv- 18.5 lb $650
en at 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with no more SR -560 Stereo Receiver
than 0.03% THD; s/N phono 73 dB, CD, AUX, RC -101 Remote Control Unit. Wireless remote Features 16 preset digital tuning; 7 band EQ; in-
tape 100 dB, video 90 dB; FM 50 dB quieting sens control center for selection/function control of puts for MM phono, tape, CD, 2 video ; VCR to
14.2 dBf (mono), 37.2 dBf (stereo); FM s/N 72 dB Kyocera remote -control products $320 VCR dubbing. 45 W/ch; 0.3% THD; 11.2 dBf sens
(stereo) at 65 dBf $350 RS -103 Remote Control Center. Features single - IHF. 3.63" h x 16.5" w x 10" d; 11.9 lb ... $250
cable connection to Kyocera RC -10I control cen-
KR-A56R AM/FM Receiver ter and external remote control sensor $90 SR -360 Stereo Receiver
Receiver with full -function infrared remote con- RT-102 Remote Sensor. Hand-held wireless re- Features 5 -band equalizer; 16 preset tuning; in-
trol. Features auto function selector system; mote transmitter with 12 receiver, 6 tape deck, puts for MM phono, tape, CD. 25 W/ch; 0.3%
quartz-PLL tuning; 20 -station FM/AM presets; and 5 CD player functions $60 THD. 3.63" h x 16.5" w x 10" d; 9.7 lb ... $200


You get out of our new Sherwood S -2770R CP digital remote -control receiver what you put into it. Like your
TV audio. Your VCR audio and video. Your compact disc player. Your turntable. Your tape deck. Your everything. All in
stereo. At 74 watts per channel.
The S -2770R CP even has the ability to synthesize
stereo from monaural sources, such as normal
broadcast and cable TV. Add an extra pair of
speakers in the back of your entertainment
room and turn it into a theater.
The S -2770R CP can decode rear
channel information present in most stereo
sound and video programs. Video tapes of
movies you buy or rent are made from films
originally shown in theaters, where rear
channel sound is all part of the experience. The S -2770R CP
lets you recreate that surround -sound experience right in your own home.
You also get full video dubbing capability through permanent rear panel connections, or through conveniently
located jacks on the front for those occasions you need a second VCR There's more:
The wireless remote to control all of your components from across the room. A quartz digital AM/FM tuner
with 16 presets. A digitally controlled seven -band graphic equalizer/spectrum analyzer with five different EQ
memory settings. Auto/manual scan tuning. Loudness and sub -bass EQ. -20dB mute function. An LED
signal -strength indicator.
All so you can put everything you've got (or intend to get) into it, except a lot of
money. Just ask any of the dealers listed below.
They'll prove to you that Sherwood stops at
nothing to give you better, more enjoyable,
live -performance sound - whatever you're
listening to - at a surprisingly affordable price. LIVE PERFORMANCE SOUND'
Southern California - Leo's Stereo (213) 537-7070, Maryland - Luskin, (301)799-9000, New England. Georgia - Lechmere.
Chicago area - Musicraft, (312) 991-7220, Ohio - Sun TN, (614) 445-8401, NewYork Metni, Eastern Pa., Connecticut - Crazy Eddie, (201) 248-1410

Put Everytr
You've Got '%
Into It. Ex tN/<
McINTOSH no more than 0.1% THD into 8 ohms; dynamic R-25 AM/FM Receiver
headroom 1.5 dB; 200 -ms dynamic power 64 Features 2 tape monitor inputs; phono input; CD
MAC 4200 Receiver watts. FM 50 -dB quieting sens stereo 37.5 dBf; input; subsonic filter. 25 W/ch rms with 0.05%
Stereo AM/FM receiver with 100 W/ch into 4 N 74 dBA at 65 dBf; THD stereo 0.07%; capture
ohms, 75 W/ch into 8 ohms. 54 lb $2,890 ratio 2 dB; AM rejection 60 dB; alt-ch sel 55 dB.
16.94" w x 3.94" h x 14.56" d $650
SR -2A AM/FM Stereo Receiver
7175 PE AM/FM Receiver Stereo receiver with Stasis power amp, multi -reg-
Features power -envelope circuitry; inputs for ulated power supply. Inputs for MM phono, tape,
MM phono, MC phono, tape; aux, CD player, CD player. 30 continuous average W/ch from 20-
video sound source. 75 continuous average W/ch 20,000 Hz with no more than 0.1% THD into 8
from 20-20,000 Hz into 8 ohms with less than ohms; dynamic headroom 1.7 dB; 200 -ms dynam- THD; FM usuable sens. 15 dBf (1.5 µV); s/N 120
0.03% THD. 16.5" w x 4.25" h x 15" d; 20 lb, 4 ic power 45 watts. FM 50 -dB quieting sens stereo dB $200
oz $748 37.5 dBf; s/N 74 dBA at 65 dBf; THD stereo
0.07%; capture ratio 2 dB; AM rejection 60 dB;
D250 PE AM/FM Receiver alt-ch sel 55 dB. 16.94" w x 3.94" h x 14.56" d; 16 ONKYO
Features power -envelope circuitry; inputs for lb, 9 oz $449 TX-SV7 Audio/Video Receiver
MM phono, MC phono, aux, CD player, video Audio/video AM/FM receiver with Onkyo's RV-
sound source. 50 continuous average W/ch from AV7M universal remote control to operate re-
20-20,000 Hz into 8 ohms with less than 0.03% NEC
ceiver plus a variety of other audio and video
THD. 16.5" w x 4.25" h x 15" d; 20 lb, 6 oz$598 AVR-1000 Audio/Video Receiver componetns. Features built-in MTh decoder for
AM/FM receiver with built-in Dolby and matrix stereo broadcasts; built-in surround -sound pro-
7130 Digital AM/FM Receiver surround -sound processors. Features unified re- cessor with Dolby, matix, and hall surround
AM/FM receiver with inputs for MM phono; mote control with LCD readout that can operate sound; simulated stereo; 12 AM/FM station pre-
MC phono; aux, tape. Amp section: 30 continu- other NEC audio and video components; four sets; FM mute; inputs for 4 speakers; bass, treble,
ous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz with no built-in power amps (one for each front and rear and balance controls. Inputs for CD player, pho-
more than 0.03% THD into 8 ohms; dynamic ch); quartz-PLL digital -synthesis tuning; 16 AM/ no; VDP, VCR, tape I. and tape 2. 100 W/ch, 75
headroom +3 dB; IHF IMD 0.03%. FM section: W/ch (front) and 25 W/ch (rear) in surround
alt-ch sel 70 dB; 50 -dB quieting sens mono 2.8 mode $1,000
µV (14.2 dBf), stereo 28 µV (34.2 dBf); max S/N,
A-wtd, mono 82 dB, stereo 75 dB; THD mono Integra TX -108 AM/FM Receiver
0.09%, stereo 0.09%; sep 50 dB at 1,000 Hz; cap- Computer -controlled AM/FM receiver with full -
ture ratio 1.5 dB. AM section: sens 300 µV. 42 function wireless remote control that can also op -
cm w a 10.8 h x 38 d; 17 lb, 9 oz $378 crate selected Onkyo turntables, tape decks, and
CD players. Automatic precision reception sys-
7125 AM/FM-Stereo Receiver tem controls stereo/mono, local/ox, high -blend
Digitally tuned receiver with Dyn Sep circuit. on/off, and NR on/off functions. 100 continuous
Features presets for 5 stations; center -tune indica- average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz into 8 ohms
tor; loudness compensation and bass EQ switch- with - 0 0:!'"; ittn FM section: 50 -dB quieting
es; mono button. Amp section: continuous aver- FM station presets; preset scan; FM mute; selecta-
age power output 25 W at 8 ohms min rms power ble wide/narrow IF bandwidth; 3 volume level/
per channel 20-20,000 Hz both chs driven with channel balance presets; computer -controlled vol-
no more than rated distortion 20-20,000 Hz THD ume and input selection; audio mute; a master
<0.05%; THD <0.05% 20-20,000 Hz from 250 volume control; front/rear volume control; front -
mW to rated output; TIM <0.02% with 15,000 left, front -right, rear -left, and rear -right volume
Hz sine wave +3.18 Hz square wave at rated out- controls; rear and front bass/treble controls. In-
put. Tuner section: IHF usable sens 1.9 g.a.V (10.8 puts for phono, CD player, tape deck, AUX, Tv,
dBf); 50 -dB quieting mono 3.0 D.LV (14.8 d131); 50 - and VCR. Tuner section: FM usable sens 10.8 dBf
dB quieting stereo 30 µV (34.8 dBf); S/N 65 dB (0.95 µV); FM s/N 74 dB stereo. Amp section: sens 40 µV (37.2 dBf) stereo; capture ratio 1.3
A-wtd, mono/stereo 80/75 dB; FR 30-15,000 Hz; 100 W/ch into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with dB; alt-ch sel 70 dB. 18.88" w x 5.88" h x 18.12"
3.25" h x 16.5" w x 11.25" d $298 0.02% THD (front), 50 W/ch into 8 ohms (rear). d; 33 lb $850
16.94" w x 5.5" h x 16.94" d; 35 lb $869
NAKAMICHI Integra TX -88 AM/FM Receiver
AVR-700 Audio/Video Receiver Computer -controlled Am/Fm receiver with full -
SR -4A AM/FM Stereo Receiver Similar features as AVR-I000 except has 70 W/ function wireless remote control that also oper-
Stereo receiver with Stasis power amp, multi -reg- ch into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with 0.02% ates selected Onkyo turntables, tape decks, and
ulated power supply, extensive video switching. THD (front), 35 W/ch into 8 ohms (rear). 16.94" CD players. Automatic precision reception sys-
Inputs for MM phono, MC phono, tape, CD play- w x 5.5" h x 16.94" d $649 tem controls stereo/mono, local/ox, high -blend
er, video sound source; vcanaser disc. 60 contin- on/off, and NR on/off functions. Features real -
R-510 Audio/Video Receiver phase power supply; dynamic bass expander; sim-
Remote -controlled AM/FM receiver with 16 Am/ ulated stereo; preset memory scan; motorized vol-
FM station presets. 50 W/ch $499 ume control; FM/video simulcast capability. In-
puts for MM phono; tape; tape 2; CD player; vid-
NIKKO eo sound source; VCR; VDP. Amp section: 80 con-
tinuous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz into 8
AVR-65 Audio/Video Receiver ohms with <0.025% THD. FM section: 50 -dB
Remote -controlled Am/Fm, UHF, CATV stereo re- quieting sens 40 µV (37.2 dBf) stereo; capture ra-
ceiver with built-in m-rs/sAP decoder and 139 - tio 1.5 dB; alt-ch sel 70 dB. 17.75" w x 5.88" h x
uous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz with no channel tuning. Features quartz -locked tuner; 2 18.12" d; 26 lb $680
more than 0.1% THD into 8 ohms; dynamic head- video inputs/outputs; 10 AM/I0 FM presets. 65
room 1.3 dB; 200 -ms dynamic power 80 W. FM W/ch into 8 ohms with 0.05% THD; FR 20-20,000 TX-RV47 AM/FM Receiver
50 -dB quieting sens stereo 37.5 dBf; s/N 74 dBA Hz. s/N 65 db $900 Audio/video receiver with full -function wireless
at 65 dBf; THD stereo 0.07%; capture ratio 1.5 remote control that also operates selected Onkyo
dB; AM rejection 60 dB; alt-ch sel 60 dB. 16.94" NR -1050R Audio/Video Receiver turntables, tape decks, and CD players. Features
w x 3.94" h x 19.56" d; 22 lb, 4 oz $895 Remote -controlled receiver with 100 W/ch; 2 matrix surround -sound system for theater sur-
tape inputs; 20 station presets; bi-directional dub- round sound from movie sound tracks with 4 -
SR -3A AM/FM Stereo Receiver bing; LA mic; 4 -band graphic ei3 $700 speaker systems; dynamic bass expander; stereo -
Stereo receiver with Stasis power amp, multi -reg- NR -850R. Same as above with 65 W/ch $500 image expander; stereo synthesizer; preset memo-
ulated power supply, defeatable subsonic filter. NR -750. Same as above with 48 W/ch/ ry scan; FM/video simulcast capability. 55 contin-
Inputs for MM phono, MC phono, tape, CD play- rms $299.95 uous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz into 8
er, video sound source; 2 video sources. 45 con- NR -650. Same as above with 38 W/ch/ ohms with <0.08% THD. FM 50 -dB quieting sens
tinuous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz with rms $259.95 40 µV (37.2 dBf) stereo $500



Cerwin-Vega's new Select Edition Series. at extra Drdinary output levels, reproduction
remains remarkably defined and distortion free.
Sonic realism that creates a new dimension.
Finally, speakers that do justice to everything
These stunning speakers give you high-tech outside, you've got-from compact discs to 8mm digital
and inside-where it counts most. We've combined video playback.
exacting engineering standards with superior inno-
vation to deliver defined, dimensional per- For those vvt- o know a great thing when
formance. All six models offer expertly they hear it. And see it.
matched componentry for clear linear
response and electrifying depth. Cerwin-Vega's SE Series.
A new classic
Advances in consumer electronics demand
progressive loudspeakers. With its unsur-
passed efficiency (as high as 102dB 1W @ WI)
and power handling (up to 405 watts con-
Fs, more information pea.e wroe or c
tinuous), the SE Series delivers incompara- ortetn Vest., 12250 Mont ewe St /Arleta CA 91331 18181 896 0771
C-rvon.Ve98 Canada. 236a Midland Av.. Unit 21/Scarborough C ntryto MIS 4A9
ble dynamic range (exceeding 92dB). Even Cwwin-Ve.38 Europe. Skoodattopprej 71 /MEMO ft, Denmark
TX -84 AM/FM Receiver watts -per -channel 20-20,000 Hz into 8 ohms; dy- processor with simulated stereo; multi -function
Remote -controlled AM/FM receiver with a com- namic headroom 2 dB. 17.5" w x 3.25" h x I I" d; FL display; connections for 2 pairs of speakers;
puter -controlled automatic precision reception 16 lb $240 VCR noise filter; audio adaptor loop; electronic
system to control the stereo/mono, local/Dx, violume control; programmable 24 -hr digital time
high -blend on/off, and NR on/o8 functions. Fea- and clock display; anti -resonance construction
tures dynamic bass expander; stereo image expan- PIONEER with copper -plated screws. 60 continuous average
der; simulated stereo; audio/video dubbing; selec- VSX-5000(BK) Audio/Video Receiver W/ch into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with no
tive tone control; discrete output stage. Inputs for Features unified remote control to operate all more than 0.05% nip. 4.75" h x 16.56" w x
VCR I/VDP, VCR 2, tape I, tape 2, MM phono, and Pioneer "SR" components; nonswitching-amp 12.62" d $350
CD player. Amp section: 60 W/ch min rms into 8 (Type -II); low -imp drive capability; 3 video in-
ohms from 20-20.000 Hz with no more than puts with stereo audio; 2 -way video dubbing and VSX-2000 Audio/Video Receiver
0.04% THD; FR 20-30,000 Hz ± 1 dB. FM section: simultaneous recording; video enhancer with split Features unified remote control to operate Pio-
usable sens 17.2 dBf (4 1.LV)stereo; 50 -dB quieting screen; built-in 4 -mode surround -sound processor neer "SR" components; 2 video inputs; built-in 5 -
sens 37.2 dBf (40 p.V) stereo; capture ratio 1.5 band graphic EQ; video signal selector for sepa-
dB. 17.12" w x 4.38" h x 13.5" d; 18.8 lb $450
rate audio/video switching; quartz-PiL sunthesis
TX -84(M). Same as TX -84 except includes RC - tuner with 20 random station presets; auto and
AV I M universal remote control $530 manual station search; multi -function FL display;
simulated stereo; connections for 2 pairs of speak-
TX -82 AM/FM Receiver ers; electronic volume control; programmable 24 -
Remote -controlled AM/FM receiver wi:h a com- hr digital time and clock display; anti -resonance
puter -controlled automatic precision reception construction with copper -plated screws. 50 con-
system to control the stereo/mono, local/Dx, and tinuous average W/ch into 8 ohms from 20-
high -blend on/off functions. Features simulated 20.000 Hz with no more than 0.1% THD. 4.75" h
stereo; audio/video dubbing; selective tone con- x 19.56" w x 12.62" d $300
trol; discrete output stage. Inputs for VCR 1/vDP, with Dolby; video noise filter; dynamic expander;
VCR 2, tape 1, tape 2. MM phono, and CD player. quartz-PLL digital -synthesis tuner with 20 ran- SX-1600 AM/FM Receiver
Amp section: 45 W/ch min rms into 8 ohms from dom presets; 2 RF inputs (standard FM and cable Features built-in 5 -band graphic EQ; quartz -Pi
20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.08% THD; FR FM); direct -access tuning; 3 -position tone con- synthesis tuner with 20 random station presets;
20-30,000 Hz ± 1 dB. FM section: usable sens 17.2 trols; separate audio and video switching; audio auto and manual station search; connections for 2
dBf (4 µV) stereo. 17.12" w x 4.38" h x 13.5" d; tape dubbing; front -panel LCD readout; selectable pairs of speakers; simulated stereo; anti -resonance
16.5 lb $350 FM display (frequency or call letters). 100 contin- construction. 50 continuous average W/ch into 8
TX -82(M). Same as TX -82 except includes RC- uous average W/ch into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 ohms form 20-20,000 Hz with <0.3% THD. 3.88"
AVIM universal remote control 5430 Hz with no more than 0.005% THD in stereo h x 16.56" w x 8.69" d $240
mode, 70 W/ch with 0.007% THD in surround
TX -80 AM/FM Receiver mode. 4.88" h x 16.56" w x 15.12" d $570 SX-1100 AM/FM Receiver
Remote -controlled AM/FM receiver with a com- Features built-in 5 -band graphic EQ; quartz-PLL
puter -controlled automatic precision reception VSX-4000(BK) Audio/Video Receiver synthesis tuner with 20 random station presets;
system to control the stereo/mono and local/Dx Features unified remote control to operate Pio- auto and manual station search; connections for 2
functions. Features electronic feather -touch input neer "SR" components; 3 video inputs with ste- pairs of speakers; anti -resonance construction. 25
selectors; direct tone controls; 16 AM/FM station reo audio; 2 -way video dubbing and simultaneous continuous avergae W/ch into 8 ohms from 40-
presets. Amp section: 33 W/ch min rms into 8 recording; video enhancer with split screen; 20.000 Hz with <0.3% THD. 3.88" h x 16.56" w x
ohms from 20-20.000 Hz with no more than speaker -matrix surround -sound processor; video 8.69" d $200
0.3% -nip; FR 20-30,000 Hz ± 1 dB $230 noise filter; nonswitching-amp (Type -II); low -imp
drive capability; quartz-PLi digital -synthesis tun- Accessories
PARASOUND er with 20 random station presets; direct -access
tuning; simulated stereo; 3 -position tone controls; JA-RF5 RF Modulator
DR65 65-W/ch AM/FM Receiver separate audio and video switching; audio tape Converts composite (baseband) video to RF so
Quartz -synthesizer tuning; full -function wireless dubbing; front -panel LCD readout; selectable FM that video from an A/V system can be viewed on
remote; electronic input switching and volume display (frequency or call letters). 60 continuous a TV without a video input. Features selectable
control; 6 AM/FM presets; T -I0 discrete output average W/ch into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz output frequency; video/Tv switch for VHF an-
transistors; discrete phono preamp; separate pho- with no more than 0.005% THD. 4.88" h x 16.56" tenna loop -through; 5 -pin DIN connector and
no output selector; subsonic filter; preamp output w x 15.12" d 5430 "F" -type for video in/Tv out. For use with Pio-
jacks; auto/manual tuning; variable loudness; S- neer VSX-5000, 4000, 3000, and 2000 audio/vid-
LED tuning meters. 65 W/ch into 8 ohms; dy- VSX-3000 Audio/Video Receiver eo receivers $50
namic headroom 2 dB. FM section: alt-ch sel 68 Features unified remote control to operate Pio-
dB; quieting sens mono 15.3 dBf, stereo 39.2 dBf; neer "SR" components; 3 video inputs with 2 -
max S/N, A-wtd mono 80 dB, stereo 77 dB; sep way dubbing and simultaneous recording; built-in PROTON
44 dB at 1,000 Hz; 17.25" w x 3.33" h x 11.5" d; D940 AM/FM Receiver
23 lb $495 Receiver with Dynamic Power on Demand (DPD)
circuitry and Schotz NR. Features high dynamic
DR40 40-W/ch AM/FM Receiver power capabilities (rating 8/4/2 ohms to 160/
Quartz -synthesizer tuning; variable loudness; in- 280/380 W/ch); 4 -gang FM front end; 2 -gang AM
frasonic filter; discrete output transistors; 5 pre- front end; selectable phono section for MM and
sets; detented controls; relay protection with 2 - mc phono; speaker EQ; separate low -noise mc
color LED's; 5 -LED signal -strength meter; sepa- amp; active volume control; infrasonic filter. In-
rate preamp output jacks. Inputs for MM phono, puts for MM, Mc phono; phono 2; tape; AUX; ex-
tape, CD, video sound source. Amp section: 40 tra AUX; CD; video sound source. Amp section:
W/ch into 8 ohms. 17.25" x 3.25" x I I" .. $325 40 continuous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz
5 -band graphic EQ; video signal selector for sepa- with less than 0.02% THD into 8 ohms; dynamic
DR25 25-W/ch AM/FM Receiver rate audio/video switching; quartz-PLL synthesis headroom 6 dB; IHF IMD 0.008%; FR 20-20,000
Digital frequency readout. Inputs for MM phono, tuning with 20 random station presets; auto and Hz ± 0.2 dB. FM section: alt-ch sel 55 dB; adj-ch
tape, CD, video sound source. Amp section: 25 - manual station search; built-in surround -sound sel 90 dB; 50 -dB quieting sens 33.2 dBf stereo; s/
N 70 dB stereo; THD stereo 0.2%; sep 45 dB at
1,000 Hz; capture ratio 1.5 dB. 16.5" w x 4" h x
PRICES LISTED 10.12" d; 20 lb $449

are manufacturers' suggested retail prices AV -300 AM/FM Receiver

Digitally synthesized stereo receiver. Features
(also referred to as list prices); Schotz PLL detector. Inputs for MM phono, tape,
actual selling prices are set by individual dealers. AUX, video sound source. Remote control option-
al. 30 continuous average W/ch from 20-20,000
All prices are subject to change without notice. Hz with <0.02% THD into 8 ohms; includes Dy-
namic Power on Demand which boosts dynamic


330TurnpokeStreet Canton VA02021



µM Apikendro


Once again, AR reshapes the future of high fidelity.

No longer do you need to live witt- really matter to sound quality. That's why
components that look more at home in a AR amplifiers produce high current output
power station than in your home. No longer for outstanding dynamic headroom. Four -
need you sacrifice sound qua ity for sc me times oversampling gives the AR Compact
semblance of sound design. Disc player absolute phase linearity. And
AR, the company that revolutionized AR's unified remote control adds a final
loudspeakers with the Acoustic Suspension touch of elegance.
design, now changes the face of stereo No one serious about stereo would buy
components forever. By combining wcrld- equipment without listening. Now it's no
class industrial and electronic design,.AR longer necessary to buy without looking.
has produced the first audio components
as pleasing to the eye as they are to the ear.
The front fascias are gracefully
angled, so controls fall readily to hand.
Behind a hinged panel, infrecuently-used
controls are ready when you need them, out ACOUSTIC
of sight when you don't. RESEARCH

AR has reexamined the factors that We speak from experience.

power to 120 W (8 ohms) with 6 dB dynamic meter; loudness control; subsonic filter. Inputs 0.15%, stereo 0.4%; sep 43 dB at 1.000 Hz; cap-
headroom; IHF IMD 0.015%; FR 17-35,000 Hz ± 1 for MM phono; tape; aux; CD player. Amp sec- ture ratio 1.5 dB. AM section: sens 250 µV/m.
dB. FM section; 50 -dB quieting sens, stereo, 2.8 tion: 30 W/ch into 8 ohms. FM section: 50 -dB 17" w x 3.88" h x 15" d; 15.1 lb $329
quieting sens stereo 39.8 µV (32 dBf); max S/N
with 65 dBf (1,000 µV) A-wtd stereo 60 dB; cap- RX830 AM/FM Receiver
ture ratio 1.5 dB; AM rej 50 dB; alt-ch sel 50 Stereo receiver with LED dial pointer. Inputs for
dB $260 phono, tape, CD player, video sound source.
Amp section: 20 continuous average W/ch from
STA-125 22-W/ch AM/FM Receiver 20-20,000 Hz THD into 8 ohms with no more
Quartz digital tuning; search up or down; feather - than 0.08%; IHF IMD 0.08%; FR (phono) 20-
touch controls; 6 AM/6 FM presets; FM muting; 15,000 Hz ± 0.3 dB, FR (tape, CD, video) 10-
5 -LED signal -strength meter; loudness control. 38,000 Hz +1, -3 dB. FM section: alt-ch sel 65
Inputs for MM phono; tape; aux; CD player. dB; 50 -dB quieting sens, mono 4 µV (17.2 dBf),
Amp section: 22 W/ch into 8 ohms. FM section: stereo 60 µV (40.7 dBf); s/N, mono 70 dB, stereo
liV; Max S/N, A-wtd, stereo 70 dB. I HD stereo capture ratio 2 dB; AM rej 45 dB; alt-ch sel 50 65 dB; THD, mono 0.3%, stereo 0.5%; sep 38 dB
0.2%; sep 50 dB at 1,000 Hz; capture ratio 1.5 dB $220 at 1,000 Hz; capture ratio 2.0 dB. AM section:
dB. AM section: sens 300 µV/m. 20 Ib; 16.5" w x sens 300 µV/m. 17" w x 3.88" h x 13" d; 12.7
3.75" h x 9.75" d $399 STA-460 22-W/ch AM/FM Receiver lb 5219
PLL tuning; loudness button; FM muting; drives
RCA 2 pairs of speakers; stereo/mono switch; bass, tre-
ble, volume, balance controls; overheating and SAE
MSR250 Audio/Video Receiver overload protection. Inputs for MM phono; tape; R-102 Stereo Receiver
Dimensia A/V receiver with unified remote con- aux; CD player. Amp section: 22 W/ch into 8 AM/FM stereo receiver utilizes an on -board com-
trol and on -screen status indication when used ohms. FM section: capture ratio 3 dB; alt-ch sel puter to eliminate dependency between front -pan-
with Dimensia monitor. Features 5 -band graphic 50 dB $180 el layout and audio circuits. 50 W/ch at 0.025%
equalizer; automatic input selection; remote con-
trol volume, mute, direct access and station scan, STA-19 5-W/ch Personal Receiver
and power; SystemLink cabling; simultaneous re- Inputs for FM, AM, phono, tape. Features Auto -
cording and playback; auto status indication; Magic fine tuning; jack for mini headphones; jack
auto switching; electronic volume control; output for mini cassette players; special EQ switch; loud-
protection; preset turn -on volume; fluorescent
display; muting; quartz -Phi synthesis tuning;
auto stereo/mono switching; preset channel scan-
ning; signal processing loop; 4 Ac convenience
ness control. Walnut vinyl over metal case. 5 W/
ch into 8 ohms; S/N 70 dB phono, 72 aux; IHF
sens 22.3 dBf; sep at 1,000 Hz 35 dB $120
THD. All controls grouped by function. Features
outlets. Amp section: 50 W/ch in 8 ohms both alphanumeric and digital readouts for input func-
channels driven from 20-20,000 Hz with no more REVOX tions, tone, volume, balance settings, station fre-
than 0.08% THD; s/N 85 dB; EQ center frequen- B285 AM/FM Receiver quency and tuner memories; 3 digital tone memo-
cies at 63, 250, 1,000, 4,000, and 16,000 Hz; EQ AM/FM stereo receiver with two microproces- ries; tuner memory scan; phono power amp; high -
range ± 10 dB. Tuner section: FM sens 12.2 dBf; sors for control of input sensitivities, output lev- current main power amp $499
s/N 73 dB; sel 60 dB; sep 40 dB at 1,000 Hz; cap- els, and operating functions. Features alphanu-
ture ratio 1.5 dB; FM FR 30-15,000. 14.63" w x meric multi -mode LCD display; 29 AM or FM pre-
4.13" h x 13.38" d $429 sets; level and reception mode (mono/stereo, SANSUI
blend) separately programmable for each preset S -X1200 AM/FM Stereo Receiver
REALISTIC station; programmable volume limit; -20 dB but- AM/FM receiver with random presetting of 16
ton; subsonic filter; loudness contour; program- FM and AM stations. Features channel call and
AV -900 FM/AM/TV A/V Receiver mable output levels for A and B speaker pairs; preset scan; connections for two VCR's with bi-
Receives VHF TV broadcasts (decodes MTS ste- comprehensive speaker protection circuits; serial directional dubbing; sound attacker to add sonic
reo and SAP), UHF broadcasts, cable -TV chan- data bus for external control devices; wireless in- impact to video image; LED power meters; proces-
nels; 140 -channel TV tuner; wireless remote con- frared remote control (transmitter optional). In- sor terminals; hi -blend; variable loundness; Amp
trol (needs 2 AAA batteries); video signal pro- puts for phono, tape, CD player, tape 2. Amp sec- section: 120 continuous average W/ch 20-20,000
cessing and dubbing; digital -synthesized tuner; tion: 70 continuous average W/ch 20-20,000 Hz Hz with no more than 0.015% THD into 8 ohms;
stores 4 pairs of cable/FM channels; RF output with no more than 0.03% THD into 8 ohms; dy- FR 10-70,000 Hz +1, -3 dB. FM section: 50 -dB
on channel 3 or 4; baseband output for monitors. namic headroom 2.5 dB; FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 0.3 quieting sens,(Mono) 10.8 dBf; 17.31" w x 5.34"
Inputs for phono, tape, CD player, two VCR's, dB. FM section: alternate-ch sel 96 dB; adjacent- h x 17.12" d; black finish; 30 lb 51,000
surround -sound decoder. 35 W/ch into 8 ch sel 16 dB; 50 -dB quieting sens, mono 1.6 µV X900. Similar to S -X1200 except 80 W/ch into 8
ohms $600 (15.2 dig), stereo 19 µV (36.8 dBf); max s/N, A- ohms from 20-20,0130 Hz with no more than
wtd, mono 84 dB, stereo 80 dB; THD mono 0.02% THD $750
STA-2700 Remote -Controlled Receiver 0.15%, stereo 0.3%; sep 43 dB at 1,000 Hz; cap-
Quartz tuning; 6 AM and 6 FM presets; search ture ratio 2 dB. AM section: FR 120-3,000 Hz ± 6 S-XV1000 Audio/Video Receiver
tuning; digital frequency display; 5 -part LED sig- dB; sens 36µV. 17.75" w x 6" h x 13.06" d; 33 Audio/video receiver with video signal process-
nal -strength meter; 2 -part dual output power me- lb $2,500 ing controls; connections for 3 VCRs; remote
ters; 2 -way tape dubbing and 2 -deck monitoring; control; 16 random station presets; subharmonic
loudness control; MPX blend; FM muting; high synthesizer for bass enhancement; fader control;
filter; infrasonic filter; function LED's; overload ROTEL color balance. Inputs MM phono, phono 2, tape,
and overheating protection. Remote requires 2 RX 875 AM/FM Receiver AUX, CD, video sound source. Amp section: 80
AA batteries. 100 W/ch into 8 ohms $500 70 watt bridgeable to 180/W AM/FM receiver. continuous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz
Digital tuning with 8 AM and 8 FM presets; -rim with less than 0.01% THD into 8 ohms; frequency
STA-2280 60-W/ch AM/FM Receiver .03%; IMD .05%; s/N (stereo) 75dB. Inputs for response 10-100,000 Hz ± 3 dB. FM section: max
AM/FM-stereo receiver with 6 AM and 6 FM video 5599 s/N ratio, A-wtd, mono 76 dB. 16.94" w x 5.25"
presets and IMX stereo expander to extend sound RX 855. Similar to above only with 7 FM and 7 h x 16.56" d; 20 lb 5650
stage and improve imaging precision. Drives 2 AM presets and 50 W/ch $499
pairs of speakers; headphone jack; 2 AC outlets. S -X700 AM/FM-Stereo Receiver
Inputs for MM phono; tape; tape 2; aux; CD RX850 AM/FM Receiver Features quartz -Phi tuning; 16 station presets;
player. Amp section: 60 W/ch into 8 ohms, 98 W Stereo receiver with quartz -synthesizer tuning connections for 2 pairs of speakers; variable loud-
into 4 ohms. FM section: 50 -dB quieting sens ste- and 8 AM/8 FM station presets. Inputs for phono, ness control; high -blend switch. Inputs for MM
reo 40 µV (32 dBf); max stereo S/N 70 dB with tape, CD player, video sound source. Amp sec- phono; tape; CD player; video sound source.
65 dBf (1,000 µV) A-wtd; capture ratio I dB; tion: 30 continuous average W/ch 20-20,000 Hz Amp section: 43 continuous average W/ch from
AM rej 50 dB; alt-ch sel 70 dB $400 into 8 ohms with no more than 0.05% THD; IHF 20-20,000 Hz into 8 ohms with no less than
IMD 0.05%; FR (phono) 20-15,000 Hz ± 0.3 dB; 0.08% THD. FM section: 50 -dB quieting sens, ste-
STA-116 30-W/ch AM/FM Receiver FR (tape, CD, video) 10-45,000 Hz +0.5, -3 dB. reo 50 dBf; max s/N with 65 dBf, stereo 70 dB.
6 AM/6 FM presets; 300 -/75 -ohm FM and AM FM section: alternate-ch sel 60 dB; 50 -dB quieting 16.94" w x 4.5" h x 14.25" d; 18 lb $325
antennas; quartz digital tuning; feather -touch sens, mono 4µV (17.2 dBf), stereo 60 µV (40.7 S -X500. Similar to S -X700 except no high -blend
manual or auto tuning; 5 -LED signal -strength dBf); s/N mono 82 dB, stereo 77 dB; THD, mono switch. 30 W/ch with <0.2% THD $295


Still don't see it? That's the whole
idea behind Koss' revolutions ry
infrared stereophone system.The
Koss Kordless Stereophone.
Now, you can enjoy all the bene-
fits of stereopho-ie listening wth
no strings attached. And while
the cord may be missing, tie
great Sound of Koss sn't. The
Kordless system is so advand
it provides a fu I 20-20K Hz 're-
quency response at less than
1% distortion Plus enough signal
to fill a large room. Yet it's as easy
to use as conventional stereo -
phones. Just plug the Kordless
transmitter into virtually any
receiver or amplifier and turn it

on. Roam around the room listen-
ing to a record. Dance to a CD.
Enjoy stereo or monc TV broad-
casts and videos in bed. Jr
whatever else moves you. Sound
impressive? You bet it does. And
the best way to appreciate tiis
major advance n tecnnology is
to visit your nearest Koss Kord-
less Stereophone dealer. One
listen, and you'll never sit still
for ordinary headphcnes again.
Koss Stereorhones, 4129 N.
Port Washington Rd., Milwaul-ee.
WI 53212. Koss Limited, 4112 S.
Service Rd., Burlington, Ontaio
L7L4X5. Koss -Europe: CH -6E55,



SCOTT Hz with less than 0.2% THD into 8 ohms. FM sec- er stage. Amp section: 55 continuous W/ch into 8
tion: 50 -dB quieting sens stereo 50 µV (39.2 dBf); ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than
STAI510 Integrated Amp With Tuner THD stereo 0.5%; capture ratio 2 dB; AM rejec- 0.03% THD; FR 10-70,000 Hz +0, -1 dB. Tuner
Separate integrated amp and tuner sold together; tion 50 dB; alt-ch sel 65. 17.36" w x 4.62" h x section: 50 -dB quieting sens 38.3 dBf (45 µV) ste-
wireless remote control; 7 -band graphic equalizer; 9.25" d; 15 lb $250 reo; s/N 74 dB stereo; alt-ch sel 60 dB narrow.
LED power meters; digital station readout; gold- 17" w x 5.12" h x 11.25" d; 15 lb $370
plated input jacks. Inputs for MM phono, tape, S-2730CP AM/FM Receiver
CD/DAT, video sound source. Amp section: 150 AM/FM-stereo receiver with quart-PLL digital - STR-AV450 AM/FM Receiver
W/ch into 8 ohms. FM section 50 dB quieting synthesized tuning. Features 16 station presets; Remote -controlled AM/FM receiver with inputs
sens stereo 10 µV (25 dBf); max S/N 65 dB$550 auto scan; surround sound; MOSFET input stage. for MM phono, tape deck, CD player, video
STAI010. As above except 110 W/ch $450 Inputs for tape; aux; CD player; video sound source. Features ASP programmable bass and tre-
source. Amp section: 35 continuous average W/ ble acoustic memroy; quartz frequency -synthesis
RS50 Remote -Controlled Receiver ch from 20-20,000 Hz with less than 0.2% THD tuning; 10 AM/FM presets; direct -access tuning;
Includes 7 -band graphic equalizer; electronic vol- into 8 ohms. FM section: 50 -dB quieting sens ste- auto sweep tuning; preset scan; balance and mut-
ume control; power meter. Inputs for MM phono, reo 50 µV (39.2 dBf); THD stereo 0.5%; capture ing controls; headphone jack; A -B speaker
ratio 2 dB; AM rejection 50 dB; alt-ch sel 65. switching; direct comparator circuitry; separate
17.36" w x 4.62" h x 9.25" d; 13.5 lb $200 power supplies. Amp section: 35 continuous W/
ch into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with no more
SONY than 0.8% THD; FR 10-70,000 Hz +0, -1 dB.
Tuner section: 50 -dB quieting sens 38.3 dBf (45
STR-AV950 Audio/Video Receiver µV) stereo; s/N 70 dB stereo; alt-ch sel 60 dB
Remote -controlled AM/FM receiver with inputs narrow. 17" w x 4.25" h x 11.38" d; 11 lb. $300
for mc/mm phono, tape I & 2, CD player, Tv
tape, CD/DAT, video sound source. Amp sec- tuner, 2 video sources (1 front panel). Features STR-AV250 AM/EM Receiver
tion: 50 W/ch into 8 ohms. FM section: usable ASP programmable bass and treble acoustic mem- Features inputs for MM phono, tape deck, CD
sens 5 µV (19.2 dBf) $250 ory; surround sound; CATV antenna; frequency - player, I video source; quartz frequency -synthesis
synthesis microprocessor -controlled tuning; 10 tuning; 10 AM/FM presets; direct -access tuning;
RS30 AM/FM Stereo Receiver AM/FM presets; direct -access tuning; balance and auto sweep tuning; preset scan; balance and loud-
Quartz digital -synthesizer tuning section; power muting controls; headphone jack; A -B speaker ness controls; headphone jack; A -B speaker
output meter; high filter; presets for 8 AM and 8 switching; direct comparator circuit; station spec- switching; separate power supplies. Amp section:
FM stations. Inputs for MM phono; tape; CD/ trum display; current -mirror amp driver stage; le- 35 continuous W/ch into 8 ohms from 20-20,000
DAT. Amp section: 25 W/ch into 8 ohms. FM gato linear output stage; oc-servo design. Amp Hz with no more than 0.8% THD; FR 10-70,000
section: usable sens 5 µV (19.2) $150 section: 115 continuous W/ch into 8 ohms from Hz +0, -1 dB. Tuner section: 50 -dB quieting sens
20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.006% -rim; FR 38.3 dBf (45 µV) stereo; s/N 70 dB stereo; alt-ch
SHARP 5-90,000 Hz +0, -I dB. Tuner section: 50 -dB sel 60 dB. 17" x 4.25" x 11.38" 5200
quieting sens 38.3 dBf (45 µV) stereo; s/N 76 dB
SA-X50AV Audio/Video Receiver stereo; alt-ch sel 65 dB narrow, 30 dB wide. 17"
Receiver with multiple audio/video inputs and w x 5.12" h x 13.62" d; 21 lb $750 TANDBERG
outputs. Features PLL-synthesis TPR 3080 Programmable Receiver
tuning; 12 presets; 5 -band graphic equalizer; vid- STR-AV850 Audio/Video Receiver Remote-controlablle AM/FM receiver with zero -
eo -enhancer circuit; surround sound. Inputs for Remote -controlled AM/FM receiver with inputs feedback design. Features high current; digital
tape, CD, video sound source, video 1, video 2. for MM phono, tape I & 2, CD player, Tv tuner, 2 tuner with 26 presets; seperate program and re-
Amp section: 50 continuous average W/ch from video sources (1 front panel). Features ASP pro-
40-20,000 Hz into 8 ohms <0.5% THD. 17" w x grammable bass and treble acoustic memory; sur-
3.88" h x 10.5" d $250 round sound; CATV antenna; frequency -synthesis
microprocessor -controlled tuning; 10 AM/FM pre-
SA -X35 AM/FM Receiver sets; direct -access tuning; balance and muting
Features quartz digital-synthesi tuner; 5 -band controls; headphone jack; A -B speaker switching;
graphic equalizer; auto scan tuning; loudness direct comparator circuit; station spectrum dis-
switch; A, B, A+B speaker selector; 6 AM/6 FM play; current -mirror amp driver stage; legato lin-
presets. Inputs for MM phono, tape, CD player. ear output stage. Amp section: 80 continuous W/
Amp section: 35 continuous average W/ch 20- ch into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with no more
20,000 Hz with no more than 0.5% THD into 8 than 0.006% THD; FR 5-90,000 Hz +0, -I dB.
ohms; 1HF IMD 0.15%; FR 15-35,000 Hz ± 3 dB. Tuner section: 50 -dB quieting sens 38.3 dBf (45
FM section: adjacent-ch sel 56 dB; max s/N 68 dB µV) stereo; s/N 76 dB stereo; alt-ch sel 65 dB cord source selectors. Inputs tor mst and Mc pho-
stere; THD 0.3% stereo; sep 32 dB at 1,000 Hz. narrow, 30 dB wide. 17" w x 5.12" h x 13 62" d; no, CD, DAT, video, and tape. 80 W/ch. Rose-
Black or silver. 17" w x 3.69" h x 10.5" d; 10 18 lb $600 wood side panels. Remote control optional;
lb 5200 17.13" w x 5.25" h x 13.75" d; 27 lb ....$1,795
STR-AV650 Audio/Video Receiver
SHERWOOD Remote -controlled AM/FM receiver with inputs
for MM phono, tape I & 2, CD player, Tv tuner, 2 TECHNICS
S-2770RCP AM/FM Receiver video sources (1 front panel). Features ASP pro- SA -R510 AM/FM Receiver
Digital -synthesized AM/FM-stereo receiver with grammable bass and treble acoustic memory; sur- Features 56 -key wireless remote control that op-
digitally controlled 7 -band EQ and LED spectrum round sound; cA-ry antenna; frequency -synthesis; erates receiver and other Technics components;
analyzer. Features 4 EQ memories; 16 station pre- 10 AM/FM presets; direct -access tuning; balance 7 -band graphic equalizer/analyzer (max 12 dB
sets; video dubbing; infrared remote control; sur- and muting controls; headphone jack; A -B speak- boost or cut); memory for 4 EQ curves; front -
round sound; front -panel 2-ch-audio VCR input; er switching; direct comparator circuit; current - panel video input jacks; drives 2 pairs of speakers;
MOSFET input stage. Inputs for tape, CD player; mirror amp driver stage. Amp section: 65 contin- quartz digital tuning section; 24 station presets
video sound source; VCR; VCR 2; VDP (audio uous W/ch into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with called with keypad; 2 -color fluorescent display;
only). Amp section: 74 continuous average W/ch no more than 0.008% THD; FR 5-90,000 Hz +0, loudness; 9 -part power meters. Inputs for 2
from 20-20,000 Hz with less than 0.3% THD into -1 dB. Tuner section: 50 -dB quieting sens 38.3 VCR's, CD player, turntable, tape deck. 100 W/
8 ohms. FM section: 50 -dB quieting sens stereo 35 dBf (45 µV) stereo; s/N 74 dB stereo; alt-ch sel 60 ch; FM sens 11.2 dBf; FM sel 65 dB; 50 -dB quiet-
50 µV (36.1 dBf); THD stereo 0.15%; capture ra- dB narrow. 17" x 5.12" x 11.25"; 16 lb ... $500 ing sens stereo 40.2 dBf $750
tio 1.5 dB; AM rejection 55 dB 5430 SA -R410. Similar to above except 40 -key re-
STR-AV550 Audio/Video Receiver mote 5600
S-2750CP AM/FM Receiver Remote -controlled AM/FM receiver with inputs SA -R310. Similar to above except 55 W/ch; 5 -
AM/FM-stereo receiver with 5 -band graphic EQ. for MM phono, tape I & 2, CD player, 2 video band equalizer/analyzer $400
Features 16 station presets; surround sound; sources (1 front panel). Features ASP programma- SA -R210. Similar to above except 40 W/ch 3 -
MOSFET input stage; synthetic stereo mode for ble bass and treble acoustic memory; surround band equalizer; 30 -key remote $300
mono source material; auto -scan tuning; quartz- sound; frequency -synthesis; 10 AM/FM presets;
PLL digital -synthesized tuning. Inputs for tape, direct -access tuning; balance and muting con- SA -290 AM/FM-Stereo Receiver
aux; CD player; video sound source. Amp sec- trols; headphone jack; A -B speaker switching; di- Features quartz -synthesizer digital tuning, soft -
tion: 55 continuous average W/ch from 20-20,000 rect comparator circuit; current -mirror amp driv- touch controls, slim design. Black finish. Inputs


How a 77year-old became
the first name in digital audio. ,i4, 4)P0, oi::Picy
Denon's been involved in Today, CompactDisc play-
every phase of music repro- ers, regardless o brand, ...,,,, ...78., By.l'e,-,..,__
'Vet" _ 041,-
.-4..',/,. h.:4' r;:1:0 ,_ii-,i'S i'Vea
duction since the days of wind- reflect the influence of -,-4,..%,..-4- ,,,,---,..---<, ...1,,,,,,-. -,,_
_ .....,
up record players. So after the original Denon --, f ,.......--4. -,, .4.. -...,, .......
...,.. ..,. , ----,, .,..
seven decades of break- DN-023R. But this

throughs in studio recording, heritage runs strongest in CD
disc pressing, home high fidel- players from Denon. Because
ity and professional equipment,
we were uniquely prepared "One orate most finell-
to take the next step. A tape evineered pieces as "a winner on every count;'
"the player I recommend most
of -audio gearon tlw highly," "superlatives have to be
planet:" Ken Pohlmann, used:' and "in several respects,
Digital Audio, on the DCD-3300
the best I've ever heard"
the same engineers who design Reactions which simply
Denon pro machines design demonstrate one point. It's a lot



recorder so fundamentally dif-

ferent, it would obsolete every
previously accepted notion of
how good recorded sound
could be.
In 1972, Denon research-
ers achieved their goal. The
world's first digital recorder
worthy of commercial record


Denon home audio. And the look into the inieriorof

same ears that guide Denon thisplayer reveals that
recording sessions evaluate
the sound of Denon playback
Denon engineers were
components. not takingativsitortculs
Perhaps that's why each whatsoerer Germany's Hi- Fi Vision,
on the DCD-1500
succeeding generation of
Denon CD players is eagerly easier to make audio sound
production, the legendary anticipated by the world's like music when you really
Denon DN-023R. We quickly audio critics. And why they've know what music sounds like.
put our digital innovation to use, variously hailed our CD players
producing digital processors,
digital editors, digital mixers,
and the world's first digitally-
recorded LPs.
Clipping excerpted front the August, 1987issue of Degetol Ado Denon An erica, Inc., 222 New Rood, Porsippony, NJ 07054 (201) 575-7810
Reprinted with permission. CIRCLE NO. 12 ON READER SERVICE CARD Denon Gonodo, Inc., 17 Denison Street. Markham, Ont. L3R 1B5 Canada
for MM phono; tape; CD player. Amp section: 50 VRX-3500 Receiver
continuous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz Features discrete output amp section; synthesized
with <0.3% THD; dynamic headroom 1.2 dB. tuner. Inputs for MM phono; tape; aux; CD; vid-
FM section: 50 -dB quieting sens stereo 56 µV eo sound source. 40 continuous average W/ch
(40.2 dBf); max S/N with 65 dBf (1,000 µV) A- from 20-20,000 Hz with less than 0.08% THD
wtd stereo 71 dB; THD stereo 0.3%; capture ra- into 4 ohms; dynamic headroom 2.5 dB; IHF
tio I dB; AM rejection 50 dB; alt-ch sel 65 dB. IMD 0.08%; 20 lbs. 17" w x 3" h x 12" d $250

ON 16.94" w x 3.89" h x 9.56" d; 11.7 lb

SA -2029. As above in silver

SA -180 AM/FM Receiver

$225 VR-2300 Receiver
25-W/ch receiver features A/B speaker switch-
ing; analog flywheel tuning; loudness contour;
Stereo Review Features quartz digital tuning section; 16 station
presets; auto scan; 3 -LED signal -strength display;
headphone jack; tape monitor. Inputs for CD and
tIM phono $150
drives main and remote speakers; loudness; head-
phone jack; electronic protection. Inputs for tape
deck, CD player, turntable. 35 W/ch; FM sens YAMAHA
11.2 dBf; FM sel 65 dB $200 RX-1100U Audio/Video Receiver
Stereo Review SA -130 AM/FM-Stereo Receiver
AM/FM reciever with RS integrated system re-
mote control. Features digtal tuner; absolute lin-

is America's Features built-in loudness compensation, low -dis-

tortion tone controls. Inputs for MM phono;
tape; CD player. Amp section: 35 continuous av-
ear amplification; high dynamic power; low -im-
pedance drive capability; 16 -station random ac-

most popular erage W/ch from 40-20.000 Hz with <0.5%

THD; dynamic headroom I dB. FM section: 50 -
dB quieting sens stereo 45 µV (38.3 dBf); max S/
audio maga- N with 65 dBf (1,000 µV) A-wtd stereo 70 dB;
THD stereo 0.3%; capture ratio I dB; AM rejec-

zine. And now tion 50 dB; alt-ch sel 60 dB. 16.94" W x 3.89" H
x 9.89" D; 10.8 lbs $165

it's yours at VECTOR RESEARCH

VRX-9200R Audio/Video Receiver
cess preset tuning; digital fine tuning; continuous-
ly variable loudness control; dual tape monitor in-

half off. 120-W/ch A/V receiver with full -function re-

mote control. Features motorized rotary volume
puts; pre -main coupling terminals; three video
source inputs; video and audio record out selec-
tors; video enhancer with level and detail control;
control; built-in Dolby Surround; pre-out/main- switching for three pairs of speakers; LED indica-
in jacks; video signal routing; A/V processing tor on volume knob. 125 W/ch min rms into 8
Each informative issue gives loop; video monitor output; dedictated CD input; ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with less than 0.015%
you tests and reviews of new quartz -synthesis tuning; 20 station presets; preset THD. Black finish; 30 lb $949
products... announcements scan; mono/stereo switch; A/B RF antenna in-
puts; FM autoscan; 2 tape monitors with dubbing RX-900U Audio/Video Receiver
of the latest technological in either direction; Mc head amp; high and sub- AM/FM reciever with RS integrated system re-
advances... comprehensive sonic filters; parallel speaker switching; surround mote control. Features digtal tuner; absolute lin-
component buying guides... level, front/rear balance $750 ear amplification; high dynamic power; low -im-
pedance drive capability; 16 -station random ac-
professional maintenance tips VRX-8200R Audio/Video Receiver cess preset tuning; digital fine tuning; continuous-
...record reviews and more. It's 110-W/ch A/V receiver with full -function re- ly variable loudness control; pre -main coupling
mote control. Features motorized rotary volume terminals; three video source inputs; video and
everything you need to know control; built-in matrix surround; pre-out/main- audio record out selectors; video enhancer with
to get top-quality system in jacks; video signal routing; A/V processing level and detail control; switching for two pairs of
sound! loop; video monitor output; dedictated CD input, speakers. 85 W/ch min rms into 8 ohms from 20-
quartz -synthesis tuning; 20 station presets; preset 20,000 Hz with less than 0.015% THD. Black fin-
Only $5.99 brings a full year
12 issues-of Stereo Review
- scan; mono/stereo switch; A/B RF antenna in-
puts; FM autoscan; 2 tape monitors with dubbing
ish; 29 lb $699

in either direction; Mc head amp; high and sub- RX-700U Audio/Video Receiver
straight to your mailbox. You sonic filters; parallel speaker switching .... $600 AM/FM reciever with RS integrated system re-
save HALF the $11.97 regular mote control. Features digtal tuner; high dynamic
VRX-7200R Audio/Video Receiver power; low -impedance drive capability; 16 -station
subscription price. It's a great .W/ch A/V receiver with full -function remote random access preset tuning; continuously vari-
deal-and it'll mean a great control. Features motorized rotary volume con-
trol; built-in matrix surround; pre-out/main-in
able loudness control; two video source inputs;
video and audio record out selectors; video en-
deal of stereo enjoyment for jacks; video signal routing; A/V processing loop; hancer with level control. 65 W/ch min rms into
you. video monitor output; dedictated CD input; 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with less than 0.015%
quartz -synthesis tuning; 16 station presets; THD. Black finish; 17 lb $549
To order, send your name, ad- mono/stereo switch; A/B RF antenna inputs; FM
autoscan; 2 tape monitors with dubbing; mc head RX-500U AM/FM Receiver
dress, and a check for $5.99 to amp; loudness contour; parallel speaker switch- AM/FM reciever with wireless remote control.
the address below. Or, send in ing $450 Features digtal tuner; high dynamic power; low -
the subscription card you'll VRX-4200 Audio/Video Receiver
impedance drive capability; continuously variable
loudness control; switching for two pairs of
find in this issue. 65-W/ch A/V receiver with built-in matrix sur- speakers. 50 W/ch min rms into 8 ohms from 20-
Savings based on full one-year subscription round. Features pre-out/main-in jacks; video sig- 20,000 Hz with less than 0.015% THD. Black fin-
price of $11.97. nal routing; video monitor output; dedictated CD ish; 15 lb $379
input; quartz -synthesis tuning; 16 station presets;
Foreign postage: Add $3 a year for Canada. mono/stereo switch; A/B RE antenna inputs; FM RX-300U AM/FM Receiver
Add $5 a year (cash payment in U.S. currency autoscan; 2 tape monitors with dubbing; mc head Features digtal tuner; high dynamic power; low -
only) for other countries outside U.S. and amp; loudness; parallel speaker switching . $350 impedance drive capability; 16 -station random
possessions. Please allow 30 to 60 days for access preset tuning; 10 -segment signal -strength
delivery of first issue.
meter; tape monitor selector; dynamic bass exten-
For explanations of abbreviations. sion control; continuously variable loudness con-
specifications. and technical terms. trol. 37 W/ch min rms into 8 ohms from 20-
Stereo Review consult the glossary on page 221. 20,000 Hz with less than 0.015% THD. Black fin-
P.O. Box 55627 ish; 15 lb $269
Boulder, CO 80322-5627
The affordable new hybrid
from Audio Research...
the one myth waiting for!


audio research .

The SP9 Hybrid Stereo Preamplifier represents a STEREO PREAMPLIFIER
further evolution of the innovative electronic
design first embodied in the widely acclaimed
Audio Research SP11 Stereo Preamplifier. The
SP9 is not a "stripped -down" version of the
SP11, but rather represents an adaptation of
some of the SP11's patented hybrid technology
to a simpler, more economical single -chassis format.
Using just two 6DJ8 vacuum tubes (one in the
ahono section and one in the high-level stage) in
intermediary gain stages, the SP9 expresses the
musicality and natural "rightness" vacuum -tube
preamplifiers have been noted for, yet it
does so with the quickness and dynamic
vigor of the best solid-state designs.

imudie research
Because its two vacuum tubes are used so
conservatively, the SP9 will undoubtedly prove
11111111111111 to be one of the most reliable and low -
maintenance Audio Research preamps ever -
up to 10,000 hours of service life are possible
before replacement of these tubes might be
necessary. And, replacement tubes are not
required to be select, low -noise (and expensive)
types. Audio Research brand vacuum tubes
obtained from your authorized dealer will
provide the best performance and reliability.
Although the SP9 contains an on -board power
supply (as opposed to the SP11's isolated
Operational Features supply), it is a highly advanced, tightly
regulated design employing a shielded toroidal
Automatic muting circuit for warmup, powerline voltage power transformer to minimize any potential
drop or interruption; plus manual (switchable) muting of problems of mechanical noise or hum. Location
main preamplifier outputs. of this transformer in relation to special
low -hum input circuitry has been optimized
Full tape functions: two inputs, two outputs, plus within the SP9 chassis layout to virtually
two -position tape monitor switching. eliminate transformer -related noise. (Note that
Gold-plated input/output jacks selected for sonic purity. while outboard power supplies have become a
popular design trend among high -end audio
These connect "ground" before "hot," disconnect "hot" manufacturers, simply isolating the power
before "ground" for protection of other components. supply from the main chassis has little benefit
Shielded, toroidal power transformer for minimal if the basic design of the supply itself is
second-rate. In such cases, outboard isolation
mechanical noise and "hum." may be little more than a cosmetic cure for
Phono section impedance internally adjustable for more serious deficiencies.)
precise matching to moving -coil or moving -magnet While the SP9 is designed to provide superb
phono cartridges. playback from phono records, its high-level
circuits have also been optimized for other
Tube complement: two 6DJ8 vacuum tubes (one in popular input sources, including compact discs.
phono stage, one in line stage). In this respect, the SP9 is virtually overload -
Low noise (78dB below 1V RMS input phono, more proof, insuring maximum enjoyment of today's
most dynamic program material. And, with two
than 100dB below 1V RMS input high-level) plus sub- tape monitor loops, the SP9 offers the tape -
stantial overall gain (66dB) makes the SP9 usable with dubbing flexibility so many listeners want but
a wide range of popular moving -coil phono cartridges. seldom find in an audiophile -grade preamplifier.
Of course, all controls and switches used in the
SP9 Specifications SP9 have been carefully specified and selected
High level section: Electronically -regulated low and high to insure minimal sonic degradation - as have
± 5dB. 5Hz to 50kHz/ - 3dB points voltage supplies and electronic the other active and passive components used
below 1Hz and above 200kHz decoupling Shielded toroid transformer in the construction of the SP9. While the SP9 is
Phono: ± 3dB of RIAA, 30Hz to 40kHz Line regulation better than 01%
more affordable than some other Audio
DISTORTION: Less than 01% at 2V NOISE:
RMS output (typically less than .005% in High Level: Research preamplifiers, its more modest price
midband) (1) 70uV RMS maximum residual was not achieved at the sacrifice of component
GAIN: Phono input to tape output: 46dB unweighted wideband noise at main quality. Careful, elegant design, structural
High level inputs to tape output: 0dB output with gain control minimum
(98dB below 5V RMS output) simplicity and efficient manufacturing
Phono input to main output: 66dB
High level inputs to main output: 20dB (2) More than 100dB below 1V RMS input techniques have all contributed to a standard
(less than 7uV equivalent input noise) of physical integrity and musical accuracy
Inputs. 47K Phono (Phono provisions for Phono: 0 12uV equivalent input noise. never before achieved in this price class.
any value below 47K ohms or added IHF weighted. shorted input (78dB below
input capacitance for matching certain 1mV input)
To audition the SP9 Stereo Preamplifier, visit your authorized
magnetic cartridges ) TUBE COMPLEMENT: Audio Research dealer Black front panel available at additional
OUTPUT IMPEDANCE: 500 ohms 2 6DJ8/ECC88 dual triodes
(Hybrid FET/Tube audio circuit. cost Call o write for literature on the complete line of Audio
main output. 850 ohms recorder output Research products
Recommended load 60K ohms and solid-state power supply)
100pF (20K ohms minimum and 1000pF POWER REQUIREMENTS:
maximum) 100-135VAC 60Hz (200-270VAC
MAXIMUM INPUTS: Phono. 200mV at 50/60Hz) 50 Watts
1kHz (1000mV RMS, 10kHZ). High level
inputs essentially overload -proof
DIMENSIONS: 19" (48 cm) W x 51/4"
(13 4 cm) H (standard rack panel) x inaudio research
50kHz. all outputs. 60K ohm load (main
output capability is 50V RMS output at
101/4" (26cm) D Handles extend 15/8"
(4 1) cm forward of front panel Rear
chassis fittings extend Tie" (2.3 cm)
corporation 6801 Shingle Creek Parkway
1/2% THD at 1kHz into a 100K ohm load WEIGHT: 13 lbs (5 9 kg) Net, 22 lbs Minneapolis, Minnesota 55430
with 5V RMS high level input) (10 kg) Shipping Area Code 612 566-7570
Telex 290-583

ACCUPHASE ohms; 200 -ms dynamic power 300 W; dynamic PT -50 Power Amplifier
BY MADRIGAL headroom 4.3 dB; s/N 95 dB; slew rate 30 V/p.s; Compact power amp capable of handling 2 -ohm
P-600 Stereo Power Amplifier IMD 0.03%. 17" w x 4.33" h x 14.5" d 5800 loads. Features 10 -segment LED output meters;
7 parallel push-pull output stages with MOSFET rear -panel power fuse; front -panel gain controls;
pre -driver incorporating push-pull circuitry in all toroidal power transformer; fan cooled; standard
stages; digital peak power display; bridge connec-
ADA (AUDIO DESIGN ASSOC.) EIA rack -mountable. 25 continuous average W/
tion switch; 1 -dB -per -step input -level control. PBA-500 Subwoofer Amplifier ch from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.02%
Drives 2 -ohm speaker with guaranteed output of Continuously variable level, frequency and band- THD into 8 ohms; 40 W into 4 ohms; s/N 104 dB;
700 W/ch. 300 W/ch into 8 ohms; 1,000 W into 8 width controls. 20 -segment LED output meter; to- IMD 0.04%. 8 lb; 19" w x 1.75" h x 11.5" d$895
ohms bridged; damping factor 300 IHF 50 Hz; S/ roidal power transformer; fan cooled; front -panel
N <125 dB IHF-A; rated input 2 V; 18.94" w x switch and fuse; 800 W bridged mono from 20-
9.19" h x 18.75" d 56,725 200 Hz with no more than 0.05% THD into 8 ADCOM
ohms; 1,2130 W into 4 ohms; slew rate 10 v/Asec; GFA-555 Power Amplifier
M-100 Monophonic Power Amplifier IMD 0.08%; 19" w x 7.5" h x 12.5" d; 49 1144,295 High -current amp able to drive I -ohm loads with
MOSFET driver stage; digital peak -power dis- no current limiting and low feedback. Bridgeable
play; heavy-duty octo-parallel push-pull output PF-300 Power Amplifier for mono operation. 200'W/ch into 8 ohms; 350
stage; cascode bootstrap, push-pull differential mosi-E-r. power amplifier capable of driving V2 - W/ch into 4 ohms with <0.09% THD and
amp input section; DC servo -controlled direct - ohm loads continuously. Front -panel power <0.05% IMD; constant damping factor >100 20-
coupled input stage; series regulator regulated switches, indicators, and fuses; dual -mono design 20,000 Hz $700
power supply; I -dB stepping precision attenuator; with independent toroidal transformers; fan GFA-555W. As above with white front panel$775
low filter with selectable 10, 17, 30, or 50 Hz cut- cooled; 200 W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz with no GFA-555S. With silver front panel 5775
off; phase -inverting switch; provision for ventila- more than 0.05% THD into 8 ohms; 300 W into 4 RM-7. Optional rack -mount adaptors for GFA-
tion fan. Guaranteed specs: power output 800 W ohms; slew rate pa v/p,sec; IMD 0.08%; 48 lb; 19" 555 520/pr
into 4 ohms, 500 W into 8 ohms, 250 W into 16 w x 7" h x 15.5 d 53,995 RM-7W. As RM-7 in white 525/pr
ohms, all min RMS; damping factor 300; S/N RM-7S. As RM-7 in silver 525/pr
130 dB; 91.4 lb 55,750 PT -200 Power Amplifier
Dual -mono power amp capable of driving 1 -ohm GFA-545 Power Amplifier
P-500 Stereo Power Amplifier loads. Features 44 -segment triangular LED output High -current amp able to drive low -imp, includ-
Basic amp with power meters; bridge conection meters with peak indication; front -panel power ing 1 -ohm loads. Features low -negative -feedback
allows 1,000 W mono into 4 ohms, 500 W/ch switches, indicators, fuses; stepped attenuator design; constant damping factor; toroidal trans-
into 2 ohms. 250 W/ch into 8 ohms; 19" w x 8.6" gain controls; soft -clipping circuit; dual toroidal former, no current limiting except for fuses; in-
h x 17.5" d; 73.7 lb 55,750 power transformers; fan cooled; standard EIA stantaneous distortion alert with distortion prod-
rack -mountable. 60 continuous average W/ch ucts higher than I% at speaker outputs; direct -
P -300V 180-W/ch Power Amplifier from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.06% coupled design. 100 continuous average W/ch
With power meters. 180 W/ch into 8 ohms; THD into 8 ohms; 110 watts into 4 ohms; S/N 102 from 20-20,000 Hz into 8 ohms with no more
bridgeable for 500 W into 8 ohms, 300 W into 2 dB; slew rate 12 V/p.sec; IMD 0.15%. 28 Ib; 19" w than 0.09% THD, 150 W/ch into 4 ohms; IMO
ohms; 17.5" w x 6.4" h a 14.7" D; 50.6 lbS4.000 x 3.5" h x 16.88" d 52,195 0.008%. 17" w x 5.5" h a 12.5" d; 25 lbs . 5480
GFA-545W. As above with white front pane15550
PF-300 Power Amplifier GFA-545S. With silver front panel 5550
ACOUSTAT MOSFET power amplifier capable of driving 1/2 - RM-5. Optional rack -mount adaptors for GFA-
Trans -Nova Twin -200 Power Amplifier ohm loads continuosly. Front -panel power 545 520/pr
Full FET amp designed to obtain > LOCO damping switches, indicators, fuses; dual -mono design with RM-5W. As RM-5 in white 525/pr
factor in audio band with no first -order distortion independent toroidal transformers; 100 W/ch RM-5S. As RM-5 in silver 525/pr
in output stage. Features Complement Feedback from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.09%
circuit to eliminate negative -feedback problems. THD into 8 ohms; 160 W/ch into 4 ohms; slew GFA-535 Power Amplifier
Output power 200 W/ch into 8 ohms at 0.1% rate 15 V/p.sec; IMD 0.07%; 37 Ib; 19" w x 5.25" High -current amp able to drive low -imp loads.
THD; full -power FR 2-400,000 Hz +0/-3 dB; slew h x 15.5" d $1,495 Features low -negative -feedback design; constant
rate 165 V/p.sec; 40 lb $1,249 damping factor; hookup for 2 sets of speakers; in-
120. Smaller version of TNT 200. 120 W/ch into PBA-150 Subwoofer Amplifier stantaneous distortion alert with distortion prod-
8 ohms at 0.1% THD; slew rate 165 V/p,s; 28 Subwoofer amp with continuously variable ad- ucts higher than 1% at speaker outputs; direct -
lb 5799 justable level, frequency and bandwidth controls. coupled design; separate power transformers for
Features 20 -segment LED output meter. Front - each ch. 60 continuous average W/ch from 20-
panel power switch, indicator, fuse; fan cooled; 20,000 Hz into 8 ohms with no more than 0.09%
ACOUSTIC RESEARCH standard EIA rack -mountable. 100 continuous THD, 100 W/ch into 4 ohms; Imo 0.008%. 17" w
AR P -I0 Power Amplifier average W/ch from 20-200 Hz with no more than x 3.25' h x 12.5" d 5300
Power amp with massive transient (IHF dynam- 0.06% THD into 8 ohms; 125 watts into 4 ohms; GFA-535W. As above with white front pane15375
ic) power capibility of 1,200 W/ch in 2 ohms, 800 s/N 101 dB; slew rate 10 V/u.sec; intermodula- GFA-535S. With silver front panel 5375
tion distortion 0.07%. 20 lbs; 19 w x 5.25" h x RM-3. Optional rack -mount adaptors for GFA-
12.5" d 51.295 535 S20/pr
RM-3W. As RM-5 in white 525/pr
PF-200 Power Amplifier RM-3S. As RM-5 in silver 525/pr
MOSFET power amp capable of driving 1 -ohm
loads. Features 4 -segment LED output meters;
front -panel power switch; indicator and fuse; to- a/d/s/
roidal power transformer; fan cooled; standard High -Current 150-W/ch Power Amp
EIA rack -mountable. 60 continuous average W/ Desired for wide bandwidth and high current;
ch from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.07 % all discrete transistors; polypropylene capacitors;
W into 4 ohm., and 400 into 8 ohms. 150 contin- THD into 8 ohms; 110 watts into 4 ohms; s/N 95 metal -film resistors; 10 bipolar output devices per
uous average W/ch from 20-20.000 Hz into 8 dB; slew rate 10 V/Ixsec: IMD 0.07%. 25 Ib; 19" w ch; open -loop bandwidth of <100 MHz to avoid
ohms with no more than 0.3% THD, 200 W into 4 x 5.25" h x 15.5" d 5995 rate limiting and stability with complex speaker


oads; toroidal transformers for low noise and M100 100-W/ch Mono Tube Power Amplifier stage. 100 continuous average W/ch from 20-
high current; drives 2 pairs of speakers; power Basic power amp with auto servo DC balance, 20,000 Hz with no more than 0.09% THD into 8
and speakers switched from a/d/s/ CC4 control front -panel bias adjustment and indication. 100 ohms, 100 W into 4 ohms; FR 5-45,000 Hz ± 3
center or R4 receiver; bridgeable; clipping LED's. continuous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz dB; s/N 90 dB; dynamic headroom 1.4 dB; slew
150 W/ch into 4 or 8 ohms; 250 W into 1 ch. with no more than 1% THD into 8 ohms; FR 2- rate 11 V/psec; tMD 0.09% $440
17.5" w x 2.8" h x 14.8" d; 27 lb $999 60,000 Hz +0/-3 dB; S/N 90 dB; dynamic head-
room <1 dB; slew rate 15 V/psec; imp 0.2%; in-
put sens 0.7 V rms for 100 W. 19" W x 7" h x B & W LOUDSPEAKERS
APT 18.3" d; 53 lb $2,495 MPA810 Mono Power Amplifier
Al Power Amplifier Mono power amp with mosFur circuitry. Bridge -
Power amp with imp -adjust indicator, signal indi- D70 60-W/ch Vacuum -Tube Power Amplifier mode configuration cancels harmonic distortions.
cators, overload indicators, output protection, High -Definition® vacuum -tube power amp with loads the supply symmetrically, eliminates heavy
overload protection. Features 100 continuous av- continuous turn -on, warm-up for maximum pow- speaker return currents in ground circuit. Passive
erage W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz with no more er -tube life. Features patented cross -coupled cir- heatsinks progressively assisted by DC fan as temp
than 0.03% THD into 8 ohms; FR 10-30,000 Hz cuit; front panel fusing for line and screen. 60 rises. Features 30 -segment output -voltage display
± 0.25 dB; s/N 110 dB; dynamic headroom 3 dB; continuous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz
slew factor >10; IMD 0.006%; crosstalk between with no more than 1% THD into 8 ohms; FR 20-
channels <70 dB at 1,000 Hz; dynamic range 20,000 Hz ± 1 dB; S/N 90 dB; slew rate 12 V/
>103 dB; 16.9" wide a 3.1" high x 10.2" deep; 22 µsec; IMD 0.1%; input sens 0.95 V for rated out-
lb $748 put; input imp 75 kohms nominal; noise 90 dB
below rated power, broadband-unweighted; 19"
w x 7" h x 14.5" d; 63 -lb shipping weight $1,995
B200 Configurable Power Amplifier D120 120-W/ch Solid -State Power Amplifier
Configurable 2 -/3 -/4 -channel power amplifier High -Definition solid-state stereo power amp
with individual left/rear, left/front, right/rear, with Analog Module technology, unique linear
and right/front volume controls and speaker on/ output circuit. Stable under any load condition.
off switches. Features oversized power display Features internal bridging switch for mono opera-
with front/rear display switches; direct input. tion; power supply fuse on front panel; fuse -fail-
Power output into 2 channels: 260 W/ch into 8 ure LED indicator. Output power 120 W/ch into
ohms. 300 W/ch into 4 ohms. Power output into 8 ohms. 10-20,000 Hz at <0.25% THD; FR 1.2-
4 channels: 90 W/ch into 8 ohms, 120 W/ch into 75,000 Hz ± 1 dB; power bandwidth 0.6-100,000 and clipping indicator. 650 continuous average
4 ohms; FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 0.25 dB $999 Hz -3 dB; input sens/imp 1.5 V rms/60k ohms; W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz into 8 ohms with no
harmonic distortion <0.004% at 1,000 Hz, 1 W; more than 0.006% THD, 1.110 w into 4 ohms;
AUDIO RESEARCH IMD <0.035% at rated power; slew rate 40 V/ 200 -ms dynamic power 850 ay; dynamic head-
µsec; rise time 2 µsec; damping factor 300, 10- room 1.3 dB; s/N 107 dB; slew rate 60 v/ps; tMD
D79C 75-W/ch Vacuum -Tube Power Amplifier 20,000 Hz; power consumption 1.000 W max; 0.006%; peak current ± 60 amperes; bandwidth
High -Definition stereo power amp with patented 19" w x 10.5" D a 5.25" H; 50 -lb shipping 0-100,000 Hz -2 dB. 11" w x 9.25" h x 17.5" d;
cross -coupled circuit. 75 continuous average W/ weight $1,995 44 lb $3,500
ch from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than 1%
THD into 8 ohms; FR 20-20,000 Hz ± I dB; S/N Wood Cabinets
90 dB; slew rate 10 V/psec; Imo 0.5%; 19" w x For Audio Research components. BEDINI
10.5" h a 17.5" d; 120 -lb shipping weight $6,000 OC-4. Light oak $125 100/100-1 MEG Power Amplifier
WC -4. Walnut 5125 Class A output operation. 100 W/ch continuous
D250 240-W/ch Vacuum -Tube Power Amplifier into 8 ohms, 200 W into 4 ohms. THD 0.015%;
High -Definition power amp with controlled turn - IMD 0.025%; FR 1-100.000 Hz; high-level sens
on, warm-up for maximum power -tube life. Fea- B & K COMPONENTS 500 mV; 68 lb $4,000
tures patented cross -coupled circuit. 240 continu- PRO -600 250 -Watt Power Amplifier
ous average W/ch from 20-20.000 Hz with no High-powered amp with fan -cooled driver stage 250/250 MK II 247.5-W/ch Power Amplifier
more than 1% THD into 8 ohms; FR 20-20,000 250 continuous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz Class A output operation. 247.5 continuous aver-
Hz ± 1 dB; S/N 90 dB; slew rate 25 V/psec; IMD with no more than 0.09% THD into 8 ohms, 400 age W/ch into 8 ohms, 495 W into 4 ohms. THD
0.1%; 19" w x 10.5 h x 21" d; 155 -lb shipping W into 4 ohms; FR 5-45,000 Hz ± 3 dB; s/N 95 0.1%; IMD 0.25%; FR 10-150,000 Hz; high-level
weight $6,990 dB; dynamic headroom 0.1 dB; slew rate 15 V/ sens 1,500 mV; 42 lb $2,500
1.1.sec; IMD 0.09%; bridgeable to 800 W. 19" w x
M300 Mono 300-W Power Amplifier 6" h x 15" d; 40 lb $1,295 100/100 MK II 100-W/ch Power Amplifier
Hybrid design with field-effect transistors (for Class A output operation. 100 W/ch continuous
front end) and vacuum tubes (in output stage); EX -442 Dual -Mono Power Amplifier into 8 ohms, 200 W into 4 ohms. THD 0.1%; IMD
cross -coupled circuit; front -panel replaceable line Dual -mono power amp with gold-plated input 0.1%; FR 1-150,000 Hz; high-level sens 500 mV;
and screen voltage fuses with LED indicators; 2 and output connectors. 200 continuous average 38 lb $2,000
integral low -noise cooling fans (switchable for W/ch; FR 5-45,000 Hz ± 3 dB; s/N 95 dB; dy-
"Hi" or "Lo"); standby switch for warmup or in- namic headroom 0.5 dB; slew rate 15 V/µsec; 150/150 MK II 145-W/ch Power Amplifier
terruptions; auto muting for silent shutdown; IMD 0.09%; 300 W into 4 ohms; 42 -ampere peak - Class A/B output operation. 145 W/ch continu-
gold-plated inputs connect ground before hot; to -peak current capability. 19" w x 6" h a 15" d; ous into 8 ohms, 290 W into 4 ohms. THD 0.1%;
output taps for 1, 2, 4, or 8 ohms; front and rear 35 lb $895 IMD 0.1%; FR 1-100,000 Hz; high-level sens 500
handles. 300 minimum continuous W from 16- mV; 22 lb $1,000
25,000 Hz with -0.051% THD into 8 ohms; ST -202 PLUS Power Amplifier
power at clipping 330 W; FR 10-60,000 Hz -3 Power amp designed to deliver high wattage to
dB; S/N 90 dB; slew rate 25 V/µsec; 19" w x 10.5 speakers. 200 continuous average W/ch from 20- BELLES RESEARCH
h x 16" deep; 110 -lb net. 126 -lb shipping 20,000 with no more than 0.9% THD into 8 ohms; Belles 400 Stereo Power Amplifier
weight $6,990 dynamic headroom 1.8 dB; s/N 95 dB; slew rate Solid-state power amplifier with dual comple-
11 V/p.sec; IMD 0.09%. 19" w x 6" h x 15" d; 30 mentary circuitry and dual -mono power supply.
D115 100-W/ch Vacuum -Tube Power Amplifier lb $649 Features van den Hul cable wiring; Tiffany con-
High -Definition® power amp with controlled nectors; high -quality capacitors and resistors; tor-
turn -on, warm-up for maximum power -tube life. ST -202 150 -Watt Power Amplifier odial power transformer. 200 continuous W/ch
Features patented cross -coupled circuit; front - Power amp with gold-plated connectors for driv- from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.05%
panel fusing for line and screen. 100 continuous ing 8- and 4 -ohm loads. 150 continuous W/ch THD into 8 ohms; dynamic headroom 1.4 dB;
average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz with no more from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.9% THD slew rate 200 Yips; 50 Ib; 17" w x 6" h x 16"
than 1% THD into 8 ohms FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 1 into 8 ohms; FR 5-45,000 Hz ± 3 dB; s/N 90 dB; d $1.495
dB; S/N 90 dB; slew rate 15 V/psec; HAD 0.1%; dynamic headroom 1.5 dB; slew rate 11 V/µsec;
input imp sens 1.1 V for rated output; input imp IMD 0.09%; 200 W into 4 ohms $595 Belles 250 Stereo Power Amplifier
75 kohms nominal; noise <90 dB below rated Solid-state power amp with dual complementary
power, broadband-unweighted. 19" w x 7" h x ST -140 Class A Power Amplifier circuitry. Features van den Hul silver mono -crys-
16.5" d; 80 -lb shipping weight $2,995 Power amp with Class A design up to output tal wiring; Tiffany connectors; high -quality ca -


Three decades of leadership in
American audio electronics

"Gyntte,109Mansolork? I 1 I

Perhaps no man can be better said to represent the talented audio professionals. Their design brief is
philosophy of excellence in audio than Saul Marantz. startlingly simple: To develop quality products of
Many audiophiles and journalists consider him the lasting value.
father of high performance audio. The electronic The CP 100 Control Preamplifier, shown above, is the
components he created during the 1950's and 60's are
considered classics-respected and in demand in the first of these new classics. The CP 100 employs an
U.S., Europe and Japan. innovative all-F.E.T. circuit topology and precision
parts to assure true audiophile sound quality. It
In the 1970's, when Saul Marantz was introducing the also offers a full complement of features, ease of
first Phased Array loudspeaker, a young electronics operation and an integrity of construction that will
designer named John Curl was gaining international provide years of musical pleasure.
recognition for his innovative solid state electronics.
These designs were also destined to become classics. Lineage components are made available through a
network of experienced audio/video specialists.
Today, Saul Marantz and John Curl have joined They are knowledgeable professionals who offer
together in a new endeavor-one whose name, quality products, proper demonstration fac.lities and
Lineage, reflects not only a distinguished history, but a commitment to after -sale service and support.
also a future of continued leadership in the American
audio industry.
The first Lineage products will be available in late
1987. We hope that you'll take the opportunity to
To create new classics for the 1980's and 90's, Lineage audition Lineage, the new audio company with three
has brought together a multi -generational group of decades of experience.

LINEAGE CORPORATION 1556 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10128

pacitors and resistors; torodial power transform- 16 ohms; negative feedback 8 dB; sens 1 V for 170 short circuit, DC input offset, and thermal abuse;
er. 125 continuous W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz with W out; clipping level (soft clipping) 170 W; 19" w rear -panel switch -selectable input modes and
<0.05% THD and IMO into 8 ohms; dynamic x 5.25" h x 19" d; 40 lb $2,695 multiple connectors. Optional plug-in Jensen in-
headroom 1.8 dB; slew rate 200 V/µs; damping EA -230. As above except 30 W/ch, conventional put transformers. 150 W/ch into 8 ohms, 250 W/
factor >175; 351 lb; 17" w x 6" h x 10" d . $995 power supply. 30 lb, 8" d $895 ch into 4 ohms, 500 mono into 8 ohms; peak pow-
er for 10 ms 150 W stereo into 8 ohms, 300 W ste-
BERNING BOULDER AMPLIFIERS reo into 4 ohms, 600 W mono into 8 ohms; slew
rate full V p -p closed loop 35 Yips stereo; peak
EA -2100 Tube Power Amplifier Boulder 500 150-W/ch Power Amp current for 10 ms >50 amperes; sep 95 dB at <lk
All -triode stereo vacuum -tube power amp with 28 metal 250-W transistors for total of 7,000 W; Hz. 17.25" x 7" x 15.5" 51 lb $2,875
low coloration. Features high -frequency power - convection cooling; LED meter at -40, -20, -6 International version for 100/120/220/240 V
conversion system for fully regulated power sup- dB; clip LED indicators for + and - voltage or AC, 50/60 Hz $3,040
ply; low power consumption; 10- to 20 -year tube current; gold-plated connectors (3 -pin input D3F,
life. 100 continuous average W/ch from 20- RCA phono, 5 -way output); conductive -plastic Boulder 160 60-W/eh Power Amplifier
20,000 Hz with no more than 2% total distortion level controls; recessed panel controls; toroidal Totally discrete audio path with wide phase mar -
into 8 ohms; FR 7-70,000 Hz ± 1.5 dB; s/N 100 power transformer; shielded power cord; rem- gain for stability; DC coupled with servo for min-
dB; dynamic headroom 2 dB; slew rate 15 V/ veable rack -mount ears; screw -on feet; complete imal offset; 2 sequential stages; computer -
µsec; input imp 100,000 ohms; output imp 4, 8, protection circuitry with visual indicators for matched components to 0.01%; conductive -plas-
tic output level controls calibrated in dB; elec-
tronic speaker disconnect at power up/down;
switch -selectable differential or unbalanced in-
puts; signal indicators for each ch at -20 dB; clip
The new PMF5550 500 watt* power amplifier indicators for + and - voltage or current; short-
circuit protection; gold-plated 3 -pin RCA phono
input connectors and 5 -way binding -post output
connectors; front -panel circuit breaker/power
switch; convection cooling by large heatsink fins.
60 W/ch into 8 ohms, 80 W/ch into 4 ohms, 160
W mono into 8 ohms; peak power for 10 ms 60 W
stereo into 8 ohms, 105 W stereo into 4 ohms, 210
W mono into 8 ohms; slew rate full V p -p closed
loop 16 V/µms stereo; phase shift at 20,000 Hz
7'; sep 95 dB at 1,000 Hz, 70 dB at 10,000 Hz.
19" w x 3.5" h x 15.5 d; 40.5 lb 51,190

Boulder 100 34-W/ch Power Amplifier

2 sequential stages that yield 0.0015% THD for
up to 2,000 Hz. Features totally discrete audio
path with wide phase margain for stability; DC
coupled with servo for minimal offset; conduc-
tive -plastic output level controls calibrated in dB;
electronic speaker disconnect at power up/down;
linear temp -tracking current -limit circuit for max
power; switch -selectable differential or unbal-
anced inputs; signal indicators for each ch; clip
indicators for + and - voltage or current; DC in-
put offset cutout circuit; 3 -pin, RCA phono, and
phone input connectors; 5 -way binding -post out-
put connectors; toroidal power transformer; cool-
ing by heatsink fins. 34 W/ch into 8 ohms $750

Peter Perreaux Speaker Cables

For use with Boulder power amps only.

adds incredible power CS06. 6 ft, stacking banana both ends, coaxi-
al $74/pr
C512. 12 ft, stacking banana both ends, coaxi-
to his legendary musical accuracy. al S106/pr
CS25. 25 ft, stacking banana both ends, coaxi-
al $176/pr
The new PMF5550 with its huge Make an appointment for your CSSO. 50 ft, stacking banana both ends, coaxi-
power reserve meets the demands al S308/pr
own personal exploration of
of the most sophisticated record- NSOI. Terminator pair for use at speaker .. S39
this powerful new world at your
ings you have or may encounter, Perreaux dealer, or write for
regardless of speaker efficiency. details today. BRYSTON
Yet its ability to delineate the most 500 watts RMS per channel, continuous into 6B 500-W/ch Power Amplifier
delicate nuances is without peer. 8 ohms, both channels driven ,from 20Hz to Mono power amp with high voltage and current.
Whether you judge a power 20kHz, at no more than 0.03% THD from 0.25 Max 120+ amperes instantaneously into I ohm;
amplifier by such basic objective watts to rated output. 100 W into 4 ohms with average current of 22
measures as phase response, amperes; 1,000 W into I ohm with 3.5 amperes
average; ground lift switch. 500 continuous W/ch
distortion, band width, rise time
and the like, or simply trust your from 20-20,000 Hz with <0.005% THD into 8
ohms; S/N 105 dB; slew rate >60 V/µsec; IMD
ears to make the judgement, the 0.005%; 55 Ib; 19" w x 5.75" h x 12" d..$1,700
Perreaux PMF5550 cannot be
overlooked. 4B 200-W/ch Power Amplifier
Featuring significant, evolution- Fully complementary class -AB power amp with
ary advances in internal signal bridging switch, 1,500-sq-in. heat -sink area; regu-
management, the PMF5550 Power Perreaux audiophile products are lated power supplies to all voltage gain stages; ch
distributed in the U.S. exclusively by sep back to line cord; red LED clipping indicator.
Amplifier extends Peter Perreaux's Output power 200 W/ch, 800 W bridged into 8
tradition of uncompromising Signet ohms, 20-20,000 Hz at 0.01% THD; IMD
excellence. 4701 Hudson Drive, Stow, OH 44224 0.01%, 10 mW-200 W; noise -100 dB; slew rate
60 V/psec; power bandwidth 1-100,000 Hz; Premier Five Vacuum -Tube Mono Power Amp cuitry. Quietly shuts down under thermal stress.
damping factor 500 at 20 Hz, 8 ohms; input sens/ Low -imp power supplies and extensive use of Power output into 2 channels: 400 W/ch into 8
imp 1.25 V/50k ohms; 19" w x 13.5" d x 5.25" polystyrene capacitors; LED bias indicators. 200 ohms, 650 W/ch into 4 ohms, 800 W/ch into 2
h 51,503 W into 8 ohms; S/N 94 dB; 19" w x 9" h x 20.5" ohms, 1.400 W/ch into I ohm. Power output into
3B. Similar to 4B except 100 W/ch, 400 W d; 90 lb $3,000 4 channels: 100 W/ch into 8 ohms, 200 W/ch
bridged; input sens/imp 1 V/50k ohms; 500-sq- Premier Four. Similar to Premier Five except 100 into 4 ohms, 325 W/ch into 2 ohms, 400 W/ch in
in. heat -sink area; 9" D 5975 W $2,950 I ohm; slew rate 200 V/pS $2,500
2B. Similar to 3B except 50 W/ch, 200 W MV50. Similar to Premier Five except stereo, 50
bridged; input sons/imp 0.75 V/50k ohms; 250- W/ch into 8 ohms; S/N 94 dB; 40 lb $1,485
sq-in. heat -sink area; 19" w x 10" d x 3.5" 14550 DENNESEN ELECTROSTATICS
COUNTERPOINT Antares II 75-W/ch Power Amplifier
4 -Way Switch Box
mosFET power amp. 75 continuous average W/ch
No active components; designed for high -current SA -4 130-W/ch Power Amplifier from 20-20,000 Hz with no >0.1% THD into 8
applications. For Bryston equipment only$195.03 Power amp with 130 continuous average W/ch ohms; FR 10-100,000 Hz I 0.1 dB; s/N 90 dB; dy-
from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.2% THD namic headroom 3 dB; slew rate 30 V/ps; IMD
CAMBRIDGE AUDIO into 8 ohms; s/N 92 dB; dynamic headroom 2 dB; 0.1%. 19" w x 5.25" h x 8" d; 30 lb $595
IMD 0.65%; 19" w x 6.7" h x 19" d; 60 lb$5,225 Orion. Same as above except 150 W mono$1,500
A75 Power Amplifier
Separate power amp with power -on switch only. SA 20/20 600-W/ch Power Amplifier
FR 5-50,000 Hz -1 dB; S/N >100 dB; THD 0.5%. Mono hybrid power amp with tube front end and DENON
17.5" w x 2.5" h x 11" d; 21 lb. Wood side panels mosFET output stage. Features no overall loop POA-3000Z 250-W/ch Power Amplifier
included $599 feedback; warm-up and shut-off auto speaker Features dual super non-NFB circuitry; 4 large -
muting. Includes vacuum -tube rectification. 600 capacity high-speed power transitstors; floating
CARVER continuous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz into load circuitry; self diagnostic display; CD direct
8 ohms with no more than 0.5% THD, 988 W into input terminals. 250 continuous average W/ch
M -1.5t 400-W/ch Power Amplifier 4 ohms, 1,500 W into I ohm; 20 -ms peak amper- from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.008%
Magnetic Field stereo power amp with LED dual age into 0.1 ohm 50 amperes; s/N 84 dB; slew
peak -responding power displays, infrasonic and rate 0.6 V/p.; IMD 0.02%. 19" w x 6.7' h x 19" d;
ultrasonic filters. 400 W/ch into 8 ohms; dynamic 55 lb ea $3,990/pr
headroom/ch 600 W at 4 and 8 ohms; 16 1135899
SA 20 Hybrid Power Amplifier
M -500t 250-W/ch Power Amplifier Hybrid power amp with tube front end and
Stereo power amp with Magnetic Field circuitry MOSFET output stage. Features no overall loop
in slim cabinet; peak -responding power meters; feedback; warm-up and shut-off auto speaker
cool operation; annodized brushed aluminum in muting; internal switching to operate as a bridged
dark pewter finish. 250 W/ch into 8 ohms; slew mono amp for 3x power. Includes vacuum -tube
rate 40 V/psec 5629 rectification. 220 continuous average 1.1"ch from
20-20,000 Hz into 8 ohms with no more than
MI.Ot 200-W/ch Power Amplifier 0.5% THD, 420 W into 4 ohms, 1,000 W into I
Magnetic Field amplifier with long-term, high ohm; 20 -ms peak amperage into 0.1 ohm 50 am- THD into 8 ohms; FR 1-300,000 Hz +0, -3 dB; s/
headroom and dual peak -responding power peres; s/N 84 dB; slew rate 0.6 V/p; IMD 0.02%. N 123 dB A-wtd; dynamic power 315 W + 315 W
LED's. Features electronic protection; sonic 19" w x 6.7" h x 19" d; 55 lb $1,995 (8 ohms), 585 W + 585 W (4 ohms), 900 W + 900
transfer modification. 200 W/ch into 8 ohms; dy- W (2 ohms); slew rate t 500 V/psec; IMD
namic headroom 3 dB; slew rate 200 V/ps. 19" w SA -12 Hybrid Power Amplifier 0.0015% $2,400
x 3.5" h x 10.5" d; 12 lb $499 Hybrid power amp with tube front end and
MOSFET output stage. Features no overall loop POA-6600 250-W Mono Power Amplifier
M400t 200-W/ch Power Amplifier feedback; warm-up and shut-off automatic speak- Mono power amp with Dual Super Non-NFB cir-
Stereo power amp with Magnetic Field Circuitry er muting. 85 continuous average W/ch from 20- cuit for high-speed signal transmission. Features
that eliminates oversize heat sinks. Features dual 20,000 Hz with no more than 1% THD into 8 pure current power supply; separate power sup-
vertical LED peak -level display; dark pewter fin- ohms; FR 5-100.000 Hz t 0.2 dB; s/N 92 dB; dy- ply block chassis; Cannon -type balanced input
ish. 200 W/ch into 8 ohms; slew rate 40 V/psec; namic headroom 2 dB; channel-to-ch sep >85 dB connector; conventional RCA input jack with se-
6.75" w x 6.75" h x 6.75" d $499 from 100-10,000 Hz; 19" x 4.5" x 12.5" ... $995 lector switch; front -panel level control; extra -
large speaker terminals; peak indicators; high-
M200t 120-W/ch Power Amplifier speed reset -type protection circuit; remote power
Magnetic Field power amp produces 120 W/ch DB SYSTEMS
on/off switching from DAP -5500 or PRA -I 100
into 8 ohms. Dark pewter finish; LED's indicate DB-6A 40-W/ch Power Amplifier preamps. 250 W min rms into 8 ohms from 20-
power and use of speaker -protection circuitry. Stereo power amp able to drive I -ohm loads. Fea- 20,000 Hz with no more than 0.02% THD; dy-
17.3" w x 9" d x 2.55" h; 10.25 lb 5399 tures l2-dB/octave infrasonic filter; peak -clip- namic power 800 W at I ohm; intermodulation
ping LED's; electronic clamp. Output power 40 distortion <0.002%; signal-to-noise ratio 123 dB;
Z-1 Wide -Band Z Coupler W/ch continuous into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz slew rate ±500 V/psec 5700
Imp -matching device enables Carver Magnetic at 0.003% THD; THD 0.0008% at 1,000 Hz; IMD
Field power amp to be used with receiver or inte- <0.002%; FR 20-40,003 Hz +0/-1 dB; input POA-2200 200-W/ch Power Amplifier
grated amp. Receiver or integrated amp outputs sens/imp I V/50 kilohms; s/N 112 dB at I V A- Features unity -current interface; twin pure -cur-
drive power amp through Z-1 coupler, which pre- wtd; slew rate 15 V/ps; damping factor >400, 20- rent power supply; dual super non-NFB; direct
sents an optimum noninductive load S49 1.000 Hz. 4.9" h x 16" w x 12.8" d $750 CD input; 200 W/ch $675
DB-6A-M. Similar to DB-6A except bndged
CELLO mono amp at 140 W continuous with 0.008%
THD; slew rate 30V/psec $750 DISCRETE TECHNOLOGY
7000-00 Performance Amplifier Set 19" Rack adaptor $55 Distech LSII 1100 W/ch Power Amplifier
2 mono amps (left and right) and 2 mono supplies Mono conversion of DB-6A to DB-6A-M $39 Power amp with MOSFET output and Distech AC
(left and right) for stereo; power output section DB-6A-M(2). Similar to DB-6A-M except pair of power cable. 100 continuous average W/ch from
has 40 output devices per ch 512,500 mono amplifiers 51,450 20-20,000 Hz into 8 ohms with less than 0.95%
Tito, 200 W into 4 ohms; 200 -millisecond dynam-
Master Supply ic power 200 W; dynamic headroom 3.2 dB; s/N
120 V AC $2,250 dbx
90 dB below 10 -watt output; slew rate 40 V/mi-
BXI Configurable Power Amplifier crosecond; intermodulation distortion <0.09%.
CONRAD-JOHNSON Configurable 2 -/3 -/4 -channel power amplifier 16" w x 5" h x 14" d; 25 lb $950
with 3 sets of fuses and complementary circuitry
Premier One Vacuum -Tube Power Amp throughout. Features high -quality film capaci-
Power amplifier using vacuum tubes and low - tors; 8 x 250-W high-speed bipolar devices/ch; 2 DNM BY MUSIC HALL
noise precision parts in audio circuitry; LED bias x 3,200 VA toroidal transformers with 2 taps Gem 30-W/ch Power Amplifier
indicators. Output power 200 W/ch into 4, 8, or each; separate rectifiers for each ch; t 55-V pow- Star -Earth technology; MOSFET's; nonmetal
16 ohms; S/N 90 dB $4,800 er -supply rails. Contains no fans or limiting cir- case; Filmcap capacitors; 30 W/ch $1,600


ELECTROCOMPANIET 20,000 Hz; <0.04% IMO from 1-305 W; 450 W/ W/ch into 8 ohms, 400 W bridged into mono;
BY MUSIC AND SOUND IMPORTS ch into 4 ohms; 900 W mono into 8 ohms; input current capability ± 120 amps; neg feedback 12
sens 2.4 volts for 305 W at 8 ohms; FR 10-50,000 dB; damping factor 120 into 8 ohms 5895
Ampliwire Power Amps Hz ± 0.1 dB; s/N >100 dB at 305 W; 7" h x 19" Twenty -Four. Similar to above except 100 W/ch;
All Electrocompaniet power amps are Class AB w x 13" d; 50 Ib; Tentative price assembled $995 current capability ± 60 amps; 4 130-W power
and feature thermal shutoff safety filter in output transistors per ch; damping factor 75 into 8
stage for undistorted use with any type of speaker. DH -500 Power Amplifier ohms $595
200. Inverts phase. 150 W/ch into 8 ohms; 270 Stereo power amp designed to deliver >255 W/ch
W/ch into 4 ohms; FR 0-100,000 Hz; THD with <0.025% distortion into 8 ohms; >400 W
0.003%. 45 lb. Approx $2,995 into 4 ohms (can be bridged, using optional bridg- HEYBROOK
100. Does not invert phase. 100 W/ch into 8 ing kit, to deliver >800 W into 8 ohms). Employs BY D'ASCANIO AUDIO
ohms; 180 W/ch into 4 ohms; FR 0-100,000 Hz; MOSFETs on compact enclosed multispeed fan - P-2 Power Amplifier
THD 0.003%. 40 lb. Approx $1,995 cooled heat sink. Fuses and relay protect speakers Hand -assembled power amp with toroidial trans-
60. Does not invert phase. 75 W/ch into 8 ohms; against turn -on thumps or DC shifts; self -protec- former capable of 30 -amp output. Features cir-
135 W/ch into 4 ohms; FR 0-100,000 Hz; THD tive capability of the MOSFETs eliminates need cuits designed with close -tolerance, high -quality
0.004%. 32 lb. Approx $1,295 for amp protection. Factory assembled $850 compnents. Thick aluminum chasis acts a heat -
Kit $725 sink over entire surface, equalizing temp within
FORTE AUDIO the case and maintaining a stable relationship be-
XL -280 MOSFET Power Amplifier tween internal compnonents. 80 continuous aver-
Model 1 40-W/ch Power Amplifier J-FET double differential input and 12 MOSFET age W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz into 8 ohms with
Dual -channel, noninverting, complementary - output. Excelinear speaker tweaking adjustment; no more than 0.05% THD, 120 W into 4 ohms; s/
symmetry amplifier operates in the pure class A gold inputs; mono bridging switch; speaker pro- N 60 dB; IMD 0.05%; instantaneous peak current
mode throughout all stages. Features direct -cou- tection fuses. 145 W/ch into 8 ohms; <0.05% ± 30 A. 17" w a 4" h x 12" d; 18 lb $1,198
pled input stage; custom -wound toroidal trans- THD, 20-20,000 Hz; <0.04% IMD; S/N >100 dB;
former; milita rade lass -e xy circuit boards; FR 10-50,000 Hz ± 0.1 dB; 200 W/ch into 4
ohms; 400 W into mono. 5.25" h a 17" w x 10.5"
d; 27 Ib; assembled $600 HMA120AVSW Power Amplifier
Kit $525 Power display of 10 LED's per ch. 120 W/ch into
8 ohms; 200 -ms power 120 W. 14.5" w x 5" h x
DH 220 Power Amplifier 13" d; 17.7 lb $250
Direct -coupled bridgeable MOSFET power amp
stable into any load. 115 continuous average W/
ch from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.02% JADIS by MADRIGAL
THD into 8 ohms; typical THD at 115 W into 8 JA -200 160-W/ch Tube Power Amp
ohms 0.0015% at LOCO Hz; FR 6-60,000 Hz ± 0.5 Pure Class A power amp with power capability
dB; S/N 100 dB; dynamic headroom 2 dB; slew and dynamic behavior to drive difficult loads
rate 30 V/µsec; IMD <0.005%; damping factor with low distortion. 4 chassis (2 amps, 2 power
300 to 1,000 Hz into 8 ohms; 16" w x 5.12" h x supplies). 160 W/ch into 4 and 8 ohms .$12,750
10.5" d; 26 lb. Assembled $500
into 8 ohms, 70 W/ch at 0.2% THD into 4 ohms Kit 5403 JA -80 60-W/ch Tube Power Amp
from 20-20,000 Hz; FR 1-100,000 Hz ± 3 dB; slew Pure Class A; core of output transformer acts like
rate 30 V/p.sec; input imp 47 kilohms; output DH 120 Power Amplifier solid core for high efficiency; 2 chassis. 60 W/ch
imp 0.02 ohms at 1,000 Hz; output current 30 Stereo power amp stable with t. and R level con- into 4 and 8 ohms. 154 lb $8,300
amp peak; output noise <300 µV. 19" w x 7" h x trols, stereo/mono switch, AUX speaker outputs
12" d $950 which feed a matrix signal for ambience effects. JA -30 30-W/ch Class -A Power Amp
62 continuous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz Dual -mono (2 chassis); each transformer hand
FOSGATE with no more than 0.006% THD into 8 ohms; FR built for symmetry in resistance and self-induc-
10-40,000 Hz ± 0.5 dB; s/N >100 dB; damping tance of coils; transformer encapsulated for opti-
M-60 Mono Amplifier factor 219 to 1,000 Hz; sep 85 dB at 1.000 Hz; in- mal self -damping and thermal stability. 30 W/ch
Mono amp designed for use in A/V system. Can put imp 22k; slew rate 30 V/µsec; 15.75" w x into 4 and 8 ohms. 97 lb $4,300
be used for center front channel applications. 2 3.25" h x 9" d; approx 18 lb. Tentative price, as-
can be used for stereo compact complementary/ sembled $375
symmetry output stage. Low TIM and TID. In- Tentative price, kit 5325
cludes gain adjust and clipping indicator. 45 con- MLIO Power Amplifier
tinuous average W from 20-20,000 Hz into 8 Power-cascode Super -A power amplifier. 160
ohms with no more than 0.1% THD, 60 W into 4 HARMAN KARDON continuous average W/ch from 20-20,003 Hz
ohms; 200 -ms dynamic power 65 W; dynamic Citation Twenty -Two 200-W/ch Power Amp with no more than 0.002% THD into 8 ohms; FR
headroom 1.5 dB; S/N 95 dB; slew rate 15 V/µs; Selectable high -current and high -voltage cutput; oc-300,000 Hz +0, -3 dB; s/N 120 dB; IMD
Imo 0.1%. 6.56" wide x 3.56" high x 6.56" deep; dual -voltage design; dual power transformers; 0.002%; damping factor 200 (1,000 Hz 8 ohms).
5 lb $149 gold-plated input jacks and speaker terminals; 8 18.12" w x 8" h a 16.44" d; 61.6 lb $2,100

XL -600 MOSFET Power Amplifier Basic M2A Stereo Power Amplifier
Excelinear near -zero -phase shift circuit with 1- Features Super Dynamic Linear Drive (DLD)
FET double differential push-pull cascoded 'tube- dual -output power amplifier; low -impedance
like' input and current -mirroring 2nd stage. 16 drive capability; dynamic power (EIA) 616 W/ch
MOSFET outputs; direct coupled; stable into all into 2 ohms; wide range FL peak power meters
loads; high capacitance (72,000 mfd); Excelinear with selectable peak -hold and two hold times;
speaker tweaking adjustment; gold inputs; mono 130-W power transistors per ch; clipping indica- Sigma Drive Type B; full circuit protection with
bridging switch; variable speed DC fan cooling. tors; LED power meters; anodized brushed alu- thermostat -controlled fan cooling; 2 speaker pair
305 W/ch into 8 ohms at <0.05% THD, 20- minum blue/black finish with rubber trim. 200 selection; gold-plated input terminals; headphone
jack; power indicator; muting relay. 220 continu-
ous average W/ch from 20-20.000 Hz with no
more than 0.004% THD into 8 ohms; damping
PRICES LISTED factor 1,000 at 50 Hz. 17.31" w x 6.25" h a
are manufacturers' suggested retail prices 14.69" d; 34.1 lb $650

(also referred to as list prices); Basic MID Stereo Power Amplifier

actual selling prices are set by individual dealers. Features Voltage Interface Gate with Dynamic
Linear Drive (VIG-DLD) amplifier; low -imped-
All prices are subject to change without notice. ance drive capability; dynamic power (EIA) 210
W/ch into 2 ohms; FL peak power meters; full


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circuit protection; Sigma Drive type B; two dB; IMD 0.2%; peak current 75 amperes. 19" w x plies, each of 1.2 KVA toroidal power transform-
speaker pair switching; power indicator; head- 3.5" h x 16.5" d 35 lb $1,599 er, 30 -ampere bridge rectifier and 2 36,000 µF fil-
phone jack; muting relay. 125 continuous average ter capacitors, for 240 joules of stored energy for
W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than each ch; 4 1,700-µF capacitors filter voltage gain
0.005% THD into 8 ohms; damping factor 1,000 LINEAGE stages; Class -A AB2 operation in output stage;
at 100 Hz. 17.31" w x 5.69" h x 13.31" d; 21.5 PA -200 Stereo Power Amplifer protection system; gold-plated self-locking speak-
lb $410 Features all -discrete audio circuitry; full -comple- er connectors; Camac input connectors; selectable
mentary direct -coupled Filed -Effect transistor de- damping factor; hand -brushed black anodized
KM -206 Stereo Power Amplifier sign; complementary differential inputs; Class A front plate. 200 W/ch into 8 ohms, 400 W/ch
Features dual -range LED power meters; speaker operaton in gain/driver stages; MOSFET output into 4 ohms. 20 200-W, 15 -ampere power transis-
A/B selector; headphone jack; remote controlled stages with Class ABI operation; oc servo to tors per ch produce, when pulsed, 52 V peak, at
through KC -206 preamp. 150 W/ch min rms into eliminate all capacitors from audio stages; gold- peak currents up to 52 amperes (2,704 W peak)
8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than plated input and output connectors; protection per ch. 10.88" h x 19" w x 24.5" d; 116 lb$6,750
0.03% THD. 16.56" w x 4.81" h x 10.56" d; 18.7 circuitry acting entirely outside of signal path;
lb $350 front -panel overload indicators. High -current ul- No. 23 Dual -Mono 100-W/ch Power Amp
tra -stable design optimised for low distortin un- 2 separate mono amps in single chassis; AC
KM -106 Stereo Power Amplifier der rapidly changing speaker loads. Nominal rat- mains filtering; film capacitors; surge limiting; 2
Features dual -range LED power meters; speaker ed power 100 W/ch into 8 ohms; 1-100,00 Hz power supplies for each L and R ch; oxygen -free
A/B selector; headphone jack; remote controlled bandwidth with no slew rate limiting. Matte sil- copper bars supply output stage with +84-V DC
through KC -206 preamp. 125 W/ch min rms into ver with removable teak pedestal base. 17" w a rails; triple bypassing; output supply capacitance
8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than 12" d x 6.36" h (with base), 5.25" h (without of 146,000 µfarads and 2 1.2-KVA transformers
0.03% THD. 16.56" w a 4.81" h x 10.56" d; 17.4 base) $1,650 produce 240 joules of stored energy; full -wave
lb $300 bridge rectifier; independent tracking for + and -
LINN PRODUCTS rails; only bipolor devices in gain stages; inverting
KINERGETICS BY AUDIOPHILE SYSTEMS input for full balanced connection; 50-kohm imp
through audio bandwidth; output stage operates
KBA-202 Gold Series 200-W/ch Power Amp LK2 Stereo Power Amplifier in class AB; controlled clipping; external line and
Zero overall feedback (feedback in output stage 75 continuous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz; internal fuses; thermal sensors. 100 W/ch into 8
only); fully cascoded .1-FET input stage; dual companion to LK1 preamp. 12.75" w x 3" h x
mono construction; DC servo control to eliminate 10.5" d; 19 lb $855
capacitors in signal path; 24 output transistors;
poower supply for front end of each ch; 4 toroidal
transformers; 300 -joule power supply; military - LUXMAN
grade glass circuit boards with 2 -sided ground M-05 Power Amplifier
plane and 20 -oz copper traces; AB output opera- Duo-Beta/S Class A power amp. 105 continuous
tion; does not invert phase; hysteresis -distortion verage W/ch from 20-20,000 Hi «ith no more
cancelling circuit. 200 W/ch into 8 ohms, 400
into 4; headroom 3 db; input imp 50,000 ohms;
slew rate 100 V/µsec; voltage gain 30 (absolute);
power bandwidth 1-400,000 Hz; small -signal
bandwidth 1-1,000,000 Hz; 59 Ib; 19" w x 7.5" h
x 19- d $1,795

KBA-75 Gold Series 75-W/ch Power Amp

9-kVA power supply; dual -coil toroidal trans- ohms, 200 into 4, 350 into 2; gain 26 dB; damping
former; auto servo -controlled DC offset adjust- factor >700 (50 Hz ref to 8 ohms); 83 Ib; 17.5" w
ment; constant current sources for Class A opera- a 8.5" h x 15" d (18" d with handles) ...$4,400
tion; high -power output transistors with wide lin-
ear region; no phase inversion; hysteresis -distor- han 0.025% THD into 8 ohms; FR 10-100,000 Hz ML -9 100-W/ch Stereo Power Amp
tion cancelling circuit. 75 W/ch into 8 ohms, 150 ± 0.5 dB; s/N 120 dB; 18.12" w x 8.25" h x All discrete circuitry; Class -A operation in all
into 4; headroom 3 db; input imp 50,000 ohms; 17.25" d; 88.4 lb $3,300 voltage gain and driver stages; Class AB2 opera-
slew rate 65 V/µsec; voltage gain 30 (absolute); tion in output stage. Power supply of 1.2 KVA
power bandwidth 1-300,000 Hz; small -signal M-02 Power Amplifier toroidal power transformer, 30 -ampere bridge
bandwidth 1-1,000,000 Hz; 45 Ib; 19" w x 6" h a Duo-Beta/S power amp. 140 continuous average rectifier and 2 36,000 µF filter capacitors, storing
16" d $1,295 W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than 230 joules of energy. 2 520 µF capacitors decou-
0.025% THD into 8 ohms; FR 10-100,000 Hz t 1 ple and filter in voltage gain stages. Features
dB; s/N 120 dB; 17.19" w a 5.56" h a 13.19" d; gold-plated binding posts for output connections;
31.9 lb $800 Camac input connectors and selectable damping
KYOCERA factor; hand -brushed black anodized front plate.
B-910 150-W/ch Power Amplifier 100 W/ch into 8 ohms, 200 W/ch into 4 ohms. 8
Class AB power amp with triple push-pull high - MARK LEVINSON BY MADRIGAL 200-W, I5 -ampere power transistors with massive
frequency power stages; ceramic base/chassis; No. 20 100-W/ch Mono Reference Amp power supply develop 58 V peak when pulsed, at
DC configuration; large-cutless-core power trans- Class -A highly biased mono amp with fully regu- peak currents up to 29 amperes (1,682 W peak)
former; large honeycomb heatsinks; direct and lated power to all audio stages; internal spike and per ch. 8.75" h x 19" w x 13.36" d; 56 lb $3,500
subsonic inputs. 150 continuous average W/ch surge suppression; RF filtering of raw AC from
20-20,000 Hz with no >0.02% THD into 8 ohms; outlet to reduce noise; separated + and - supply ML -11 Stereo Power Amplifier
FR DC -200,000 Hz ± 3 dB at 1 W; S/N 120 dB; rails each with their own toroidal power trans- All discrete circuitry; Class -A operation in volt-
damping factor 150 (50 Hz); 200 W/ch into 4 former, full -wave bridge rectification, and filter age gain and driver stages; Class AB2 operation
ohms with 0.03% THD; power bandwidth 10- capacitors to prevent cross modulation between in output stage. Power supply of 320 VA toroidal
50,000 Hz; input sens 1.5 V (30 kilohm); 17" w a rails; electronic regulation to refine power used power transformer, 2 12 -ampere bridge rectifiers,
8.25" h x 15.75" d; 59.5 lb $2,000 by signal -carrying circuits; 3 high -current devices 4 10,000 µF filter capacitors, for separate rectifi-
to drive output stage; electronic protection cation and 20 joules of energy storage for each ch.
against abuse; all gain stages controlled at clip- Six 200 W, 15 ampere power transistors per ch
LAZARUS ELECTRONICS ping; balanced inputs with Camac connectors; enable ML -11, when pulsed, to develop 25 volts
H-1 Hybrid Power Amplifier Neutrik-XLR connector; internal switching to peak, at peak currents up to 12.5 amperes (312.5
Pure (not sliding scale) Class A tube mosFE-r hy- adjust for operation at 90 to 240 V AC. 100 W/ch W peak) per ch. Optional externally programma-
brid power amp may be operated as a fully differ- into 8 ohms, 200 W into 4 ohms. 17.5" w x 8.25" ble voltage -limiting circuit reduces voltage output
ential mono amp or as a stereo amp. May be con- h x 22" d; 90 lb. Faceplate also available in 19" to protect speakers; gold-plated binding posts for
figured (by dealer) as either Class A or Class A/ width I0,200/pr output connections and Camac input connectors;
B. 50 continuous average W/ch from 20-20,000 hand -brushed black anodized front plintoe. 50
Hz into 8 ohms with no more than 0.2 THD, 100 ML -3 200-W/ch Power Amplifier W/ch into 8 ohms,100 W/ch into 4 ohms 140 W
W into 4 ohms; 200 ms dynamic power 600 W; Dual -mono power amp in single chassis utilizing into 8 ohms bridged. 8.62" h x 19" w x 12" d; 25
dynamic headroom 3 dB, 8 ohms resistive; s/N 80 only discrete circuitry; 2 independent power sup- lb $2,100


McINTOSH sistors. Wide bandwidth output transformers; tri- 0.004% THD, 100 W into 4 ohms with 0.006%
ple triode driver tubes; LED indicators. 80 W/ch; THD; dynamic power 240 W into 2 ohms, direct
MC -2500 Stereo Power Amplifier THD no more than 0.5%; FR 8-45,000 Hz ± 1.5 input; FR 5-300,000 Hz; s/N >115 dB (direct in-
500 W/ch power amplifier with Power Guard cir- dB; s/N 85 dB; sens at rated power 1.5V. 17.5" w put). 8.26" w x 4.72" h x 14.87" d; 18 lb.. $375
cuit. Features patented McIntosh Sentry Moni- x 7.5" h x 13.5" d; 50 lb $1,395
toring circuit which constantly monitors the sig-
nal to the output transistors to protect them from NIKKO AUDIO
damage; left and right channel gain control; MOTIF BY CONRAD JOHNSON Alpha 650 Power Amplifier
speaker on/off switch; peak -reading, peak -lock- Motif MS100 100-W/ch Power Amp Power amplifier with 300 W/ch, 700 W strappa-
ing power meters; meter range selector; head- With MOSFET output stage; extensive use of large - ble to mono at 8 ohms $1,700
phone jack. Power output: 500 W/ch both chan- value polystyrene capacitors. 100 continuous av-
nels driven from 20-20,000 Hz with less than erage W/ch from 20-20.000 Hz with no more Alpha 480 Power Amplifier
0.02% THD; IM <0.02% if instantaneous peak than 0.1% THD into 8 ohms; FR 20-20,000 Hz Features protection circuits with front -panel LED;
power output is less than 1,000 W/ch both chan- ± 0.10 dB; S/N 100 dB; 19" w x 7" h x 18.5" d; 2 pairs of speaker outputs. 230 W/ch from 20-
nels driven; FR 20-20,000 Hz +0 -0.25 dB, 10- 45 lbs $3,250 20,000 Hzinto 8 ohms with no more than 0.006%
100,000 Hz +0.25 -I dB; damping factor >30 in- MS50. Similar to MS100 except 50 W/ch $2,350 THaD; FR DC -100,000 Hz; s/N 120 dB. ... $900
put impedance 50.000 ohms; input sensitivity
switchable, 0.75 or 2.5 V (level control provided Alpha 450 Power Amplifier
for higher input voltages). Power Guard: THD not NAD oc-configured high-speed nonswitching power
to exceed 2% with up to 20 dB overdrive at 1 2200 (The Power Tracker'") Power Amplifier amp with 220 W/ch rms $900
kHz. Power Requirements: 120 V 50/60 Hz 0.7 Stereo/mono power amp. Features high voltage, Alpha 280. Same as Alpha 480 with 130 W/
to 22 amps, 15 amps UL/CSA. Standard 19" high current design; bridgeable; new soft clipping ch $500
rack mounting; 129 lb $3,495 circuit; audible clipping indicator on front panel.
100 continuous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz Alpha 230 Power Amplifier
MC -2250 Power Amplifier with no more than 0.03% THD into 8 ohms; FR Features pc servo high-speed non -switching cir-
250 W/ch stereo power amplifier. 94 lb .. $2,495 3-80,000 Hz +0, -3 dB; S/N >91 dynamic head- cuitry. 120 W/ch into 8 ohms $470
room +6 dB; slew rate >35 V/psec; IMD
MC -7270 Stereo Power Amplifier <0.03%; 16-5" w x 4.8" h x 14.5" d; 27.6 lb$548 Alpha 130 Power Amplifier
270 W/ch power amplifier with Power Guard cir- DC servo power amp with 100 W/ch into 8 ohms
cuit. Features McIntosh autotransformer; left and 2155 Power Amplifier from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.03%
right channel gain control; peak -reading, peak - Stereo/mono power amplifier with Soft Clipping THD $350
locking power meters; meter selector. Power out- circuitry. Features speaker -matching imp switch,
put: 270 W/ch both channels driven from 20- bridging capability for mono operation. 40 amp
20,000 Hz with less than 0.02% THD; IM current capability; 55 continuous average W/ch NOVA
<0.02% if instantaneous peak power output is 20-20,000 Hz with >0.02% THD; dynamic head- DMA -300 Power Amplifier
less than 600 W/ch both channels driven; FR 20- room 3 dB; slew rate 20 V/p.sec $348 Dual monaural power amp with bi-polar circuit-
20,000 Hz +0 -0.25 dB, 10-100,000 Hz +0 -2 ry. Features nonswitching design with heavy
dB; damping factor >30; input impedance 20,000 power supply regulation. 150 continuous average
ohms; input sensitivity switchable, 0.75 or 2.5 V NAKAMICHI W/ch into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with no
(level control provided for higher input voltages). PA -7 Power Amplifier more than 0.02% THD; s/N 95 dB; dynamic
Power Guard: THD not to exceed 2% with up to Power amp utilizes Stasis topology. Features 700- headroom 2 dB; slew rate 40 V/ps; !MD 0.01%.
20 dB overdrive at I kHz. Power Requirements: W toroidal power transformer; 33,000 micro - 19" w x 7" h x 12" d; 45 lb $1,995
120 V 50/60 Hz, 13 amps. 16.2" w x 7.13" h x Farad x 4 filter capacitors; dual rectifiers; 16
14.5" d; 82 lb $2,295 transistors per ch. 200 continuous average W/ch
from 20-20,000 Hz with <0.1% THD into 8 ohms; ONKYO
MC -2002 Stereo Power Amplifier FR 7-150,000 Hz +0, -3 dB; s/N >120 dB; dy- Grand Integra M-510 Power Amplifier
200 W/ch power amplifier with Power Guard cir- namic headroom 1.7 dB; IMD <0.1%; output cur- Dual -mono power amp with real -phase power
cuit. Features McIntosh Sentry Monitor circuit; rent capability 18 amps continuous (50 amps supply. Features ultra -high -current capability
DC failure protection; power line surge protec- peak); dynamic output power 300 W/ch into 8 with any speaker system regardless of imp or effi-
tion; peak responding power meters. Power out- ohms; power bandwidth 5-50.000 Hz (8 ohms, ciency; 3 separate power supplies (left, right, aux
put: 200 W/ch into 8 ohms both channels driven 100 W, 0.1% THD); 17.12" w x 7.88" h x 16.56" for lights, meters etc.); speaker -imp range down
from 20-20,030 Hz with less than 0.01% THD; IM d; 59 lbs, 8 oz $1,750 to 1 ohm; calibrated power meters accurate to I
<0.02% at any power level below rated power PA -S. Similar to above but 100 W/ch. 17.12" w x dB; A + B speaker systems; adjustable meter sens.
both channels driven; FR 20-20,000 Hz +0 -0.25 5.31" h x 14.5" d; 35 lb, 4 oz $1,095 300 continuous average W/ch into 8 ohms from
dB, 10-100,000 Hz +0 -3.0 dB; damping factor 20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.005% THD;
>100; input impedance 20,000 ohms; input sensi- 500 W/ch into 4 ohms; 2 -ms dynamic power 400
tivity switchable. 1.4 or 2.5 V; IHF dynamic head- NEC W into 8 ohms; s/N 120 dB; tMD 0.003%; dy-
room 1.7 dB at 8 ohms. Power requirements: 120 M-50 Monaural Power Amplifier namic power 750 W into 4 ohms, 1,300 W into 2
V 50/60 Hz, 0.6-15 amps. 16.19" w x 7.13" h x Single -channel power amp with 3 switch -selected ohms, 2,100 W into 1 ohm. 20" w x 10.5" h x 21"
14.5" d; 50 lb $1,850 inputs. Features variable -frequency low- and d; 1b5 lb $4,500
high -cut filters; vibration -free construction; large
MC -502 Stereo Power Amplifier Grand Integra M-508 Power Amplifier
Compact power amp features 75 W/ch into 4 Dual -mono power amp with real -phase power
ohms. 50 W/ch into 8 ohms $1,200 supply. Features 4 x 2 high -current storage ca-
MC -752 Stereo Power Amplifier
75 W/ch power amplifier with Power Guard cir-
cuit. Features McIntosh Sentry Monitor circuit;
DC failure protection; power line surge protection;
Power output: 75 W/ch into 8 ohms both chan-
nels driven from 20-20,000 Hz with less than
0.01% THD; IM <0.005% at any power level be-
low rated power both channels driven; FR 20-
20,000 Hz ± 0.25 dB; damping factor >40; input
impedance 22,000 ohms; input sensitivity 1.4 V;
UHF dynamic headroom 1.4 dB at 8 ohms. Power
requirements: 120 V 50/60 Hz. 21 lb $895 pacitor block; calibrated high-speed power me-
ters, A + B speaker systems; low -imp drive capa-
MELOS AUDIO EL power meter; separate circuit construction; in- bility; variable and direct inputs. 200 continuous
dustrial -grade twin -crossbar relays with gold- average W/ch into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz
TM -90 ST Power Amplifier plated contacts; sculptured brass terminals; with no more than 0.003% THD; 200 -ms dynamic
Stereo power amp with toroidal power transform- heavy-duty speaker terminals. Rated power out- power 265 W into 8 ohms; s/N 122 dB; IMD
er. regulated power supplies using tubes and tran- put 50 W into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with 0.002%; dynamic power 460 W into 4 ohms, 685


W into 2 ohms. 18.25" w x 7.25" h x 16.75" d; 55 PMF1050 100-W/ch Power Amplifier
lb from 20-20.000 Hz into 8 or 4 ohms. Can drive
$1,150 Features Class -A operation to 10 W/ch; drives 0.5 -ohm loads. 30 Ib; 9.25" w x 6.06" h x 14.36"
any known speaker load; MOSFET output drivers; d $720
Integra M-504 Power Amplifier switching between 2 speaker systems and head-
Dual -mono power amp with real -phase power phones. 100 W/ch into 8 ohms from 20-20,000
supply. Features peak -reading power meters; A + Hz with no more than 0.03% THD; dynamic RCA
B speaker systems; low -imp drive capability; headroom >2 dB. 17" w x 4" h x 13.5" d; 27 MPA120 Power Amplifier
high -current output stage; heavy-duty 5 -way ba- lb $ I .050 Dimensia power amplifier with automatic power -
nana -plug speaker connectors. 150 continuous av-
on and on -screen volume graphics indication
erage W/ch into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with when used with Dimensia monitor. Features fluo-
no more than 0.003% THD, 240 W/ch into 4 PIONEER
rescent output display with peak hold; LED power
ohms; s/N 120 dB; IMD 0.002%; dynamic power Ni-913(1K) Power Amplifier and overload indicators; quick -connect speaker
190 W into 8 ohms, 360 W into 4 ohms, 480 W Features CD direct input with volume control; terminals; display on/off switch; headphone jack;
into 2 ohms. 17.12" w a 7.25" h x 16.75" d; 49 low -impedance driving capability; independent A/B speaker switching; AC convenience outlet.
lb $800 L/R mono construction; copper -plated chassis; Power output: 120 W/ch into 8 ohms from 20-
nonswitching Type -II circuit; 2 pair speaker out- 20,000 Hz with no more than 0.015% THD; s/N
PARASOUND puts; FL power level indicator; rosewood -finished 88 dB. 14.63" w a 4.75" h x 13.75" d $399
vinyl -covered side panels. 200 continuous average
D/AS-1000 130-W/ch Power Amplifier W/ch from 5-50,000 Hz into 8 ohms with no MPA100 Power Amplifier
Digital/analog servo amp with voltage and cur- more than 0.003% THD; dynamic power 300 W Dimensia power amplifier with automatic power -
rent feedback; computer -switched dual -voltage at 8 ohms, 550 W at 4 ohms. 10.41" h x 22.47" w on and on -screen volume graphics indication
power supply; 60 -MHz output devices; switch - h 21.22" d $950 when used with Dimensia monitor. Features
able BTL operation (1,000 W mono into 2 ohms);
quick -connect speaker terminals; headphone jack;
80,000-MFD power supply; LED indicators for A/B speaker switching; AC convenience outlet.
peak over continuous power rating and operation PROTON
of 2nd power -supply stage. Rack -mount exten-
Power output: 100 W/ch into 8 ohms from 20-
D1200 Power Amplifier 20,000 Hz with no mor than 0.015% THD; s/N 88
sions available. 130 W/ch into 8 ohms, 185 W 100-W/ch stereo power amp with Dynamic Pow- dB. 14.63" w x 4.75" h x 13.75" d $299
into 4 ohms, 300 W into 2 ohms; 400 -ms dynamic er on Demand (toD) to deliver as much as 1,500
power 660 W into 2 ohms; dynamic headroom 6 W/ch (2 ohms) at peak demand, with 6 -dB head-
dB; slew rate 90 V/p.s. 17.25" w x 6" h x 12" d; room. Features one- touch bridging and wide - REVOX
40 lb 5650 range power -output meters. 16.5" w x 4.31" h x B242 Power Amplifier
9.75" d; 33 lb $599 High -output power amp capable of driving loads
HCA-800 80-W/ch Power Amp from 2 to 8 ohms at rated levels. Features dual in-
High -current design; front -panel level controls; D-1150 Power Amplifier dependent power supplies; oc voltage control;
relay protection; rack mounts with optional kit. Features 50 W/ch rms; DPD; dual -mono configu- electronic short-circuit protection; temperature
36,000-MFD power supply; gold-plated input ration to enhance stereo imaging and reduce cros- sensor to activate fan cooling; auto on/off switch-
jacks. 80 W rms per ch; 250 W mono. 17.25" w x stalk
3.5" h x 12" d; 25 lb
$429 ing responds to signal from preamp; 4/8 -ohm
$325 speaker output switch; LED bar -graph output me-
QUAD ter; heavy-duty output connectors. 200 continu-
PERREAUX BY SIGNET Model 606 Power Amplifier
PMF5550 500-W/ch Power Amplifier Power amp with feed -forward error correction
Features Class -A operation up to 50 W/ch. 500 (current dumping) combines clarity of Class A
W/ch into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with no operation with efficiency of Class B. Designed to
more than 0.03% THD; suitable for 4 ohm use; play dynamic program into speakers. Is not rated
continuous current output 30 amps; FR 20-20,000 for continouous power. Protection circuitry uses
Hz ± 0.02 dB, 10-100,000 Hz ± 0.5 dB; ch sep 60 a sensor on AC -input side of power supply to in-
dB 20-20,000Hz; damping factor over 200 from tegrate current over time. No fuses or relays lo-
10-1000 Hz; input sens 1.5 volts rms for rated cated in signal path. Detailed static and dynamic
output at 100 Hz. 19" w x 10.25" h a 20.5" power curves available upon request from manu- ous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz with no
d $4,295 facturer. Total harmonic distortion (continuous more than 0.03% THD, 300 W into 4 ohms; dy-
sine wave in 8 -ohm resistive load any level up to namic headroom 2.5 dB into 8 ohms; s/N 117 dB;
PMF3150 Dual -Channel Power Amplifier 130 W) <0.01% at 20 Hz, <0.01% at 1,000 Hz, rise time -2 p.s; damping factor 200 (I kHz 8
Features 300 W/ch into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 <0.03% at 20,000 Hz; frequency response 20- ohms); sep 80 dB at 1,000 Hz. 18" w a 6" h x 14"
Hz with no more than 0.03% THD; MOSFET cir- 20,000 Hz -0.25 dB. 12.75" wide x 5.5" high x d; 37.5 lb $3,000
cuitry; THD/IMD 0.03%; max current output 10 9.5" deep; 27 lb $1,195
A continuous per/ch; bandwidth 0.5 dB from 10
Model 306 Power Amplifier ROBERTSON AUDIO
Power amp with feed -forward error correction Sixty Ten Power Amplifier
(current dumping) combines clarity of Class A Power amp with independent power supplies for
operation with efficiency of Class B. Designed to each channel. 200 continuous average W/ch from
play dynamic program into speakers. Is not rated 20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.1% THD into
for continouous power. Protection circuitry uses 8 ohms; FR 0.5-250,000 Hz ±3 dB; s/N 90 dB;
a sensor on Ac -input side of power supply to inte slew rate 256 V/p.sec; imp 0.0023%; 65 lbS2,700
grate current over time. No fuses or relays locat
Forty Ten Power Amplifier
Power amp with independent power suplied for
each channel. 60 continuous average W/ch from
Hz to 3,000,000 Hz at I watt; channel sep >70 20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.1% THD into
dB; damping factor >400 from 10 Hz to 1,000 8 ohms; FR 0.5-330,000 Hz ±3 dB; s/N 90 dB;
Hz; input sens 1.5 volts rms for rated output at slew rate 159 V/Asec; IMO 0.05%; 23 lb .. $995
1,000 Hz $2,395
PMFI850. Similar to above with 180 W/ch/
rms $1,895 ROTEL
ed in signal path. Detailed static and dynamic RB890 Stereo Power Amplifier
PMF2350 Power Amplifier power curves available upon request from manu- Power amp with 160 continuous average W/ch
Features 200 W/ch into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 facturer. 12.75" w x 2.75" h x 8.25" d; 11 lbS595 from 20-20,000 Hz into 8 ohms with no more
Hz with no more than 0.01% THD; Class -A oper- than 0.03% THD; Bridgeable to 480 watts/8
ation to 20 W/ch; channel sep 20-20,000 Hz 70 ohms; high -current close -tolerance compo-
dB; damping factor 1,000 at 200 Hz, over 400 QUICKSILVER AUDIO nents $699
from 10 to 1,000 Hz; input sens 1.5 volts rms for Mono Power Amplifier
rated output at 1,000 Hz. 19" w x 16.25" h a Hand -wired, tube -type amp using no Iransisitors RB870BX Stereo Power Amplifier
5.75" d; 34 lb $1,895 or circuit boards. 60 continuous average W/ch 100 -watt power amp bridgeable with RA870 (in -


tegrated amp) for 300 watts into 8 ohms; THD/ into 8 ohms; FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 0 dB; s/N 110 Pro Reference One. Same as Pro Reference Two
IMD 0.03% 20-20kHz; high current 5499 dB; dynamic headroom 1.2 dB; IMD 0.025%; 19" without LED meters 5599
w x 3.5" h x 14" d; 31 lb 5449
RB850 Stero Power Amplifier PCR800 Power Amplifier
50 W/ch bridgeable to 150 W into 8 ohms; THD Phase -control -regulation MOSFET stereo power
0.03%; IMD 0.05%. High current $299
SANSUI amp. 205 w/ch continuous rms; 20-20,000 Hz
B-2301 Power Amplifier into 2 ohms, 4 ohms, 8 ohms; THD 0.05%; TIM
Vintage series DC power amp with X -balanced unmeasureable; s/N >105 dB; 18 Ib; 5" w x 8.25"
ROWLAND RESEARCH technology. Features fluorescent peak power dis- h x 12" d $499
Model 7 Monaural Power Amp play with switchable peak/hold functions; bal-
Solid-state mono power amp with FET front-end anced ch-connector inputs. 300 continuous aver-
circuitry and bipolar outputs. Features direct - age W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than SUMO
coupled zero -negative -feedback circuitry to elimi- 0.003% THD into 8 ohms; FR 0-300,000 Hz +0, The NINE PLUS Power Amplifier
nate all capacitors and inductors from signal -3 dB; slew rate 300 V/psec; 18.66' w x 4.94" h Class A power amp without any active bias cir-
path; seperate power supplies for front-end cir- x 19.69" d; 81 lb $2,600 cuits or thermal tracking networks. Features bal-
cuitry; torodidal power supplies with 132,000-mi- anced -bridge configuration; push-pull quadrature
crofarad capacitance for over 500 joules of ener- B-2102 Power Amplifier feedback circuits; Discrete -Darlington output
gy; remote AC power switching; internal voltage Vintage series DC power amp with X -balanced stage; direct -coupled circuitry from input to out-
switching (100V -240v AC). Optional balanced in- technology. Features fluorescent peak power dis- put. Power output 65 W/ch into 8 ohms from 20-
put with XI.R connector. Adjustable input imp for play with switchable peak/hold functions. Han- 20,000 Hz with <0.1% THD; IM distortion 0.05%
optimum input cable termination. Class A opera- dles 2 pairs speakers with front -panel bass and from 0.25 W to rated output; hum and noise 100
tion to over 50 watts. 350 W continuous power treble attenuators. 200 continuous average W/ch dB (wide band) below rated power; input sens for
ourput into 8 ohms, 1,100 W into 2 ohms, stable from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.003% rated output 1.0 V rms; FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 0.25
below 1 ohm. 150 amps peak output current, 50 THD into 8 ohms, 600 W/ch dynamic power into dB; 14" w x 8.5" h x 7" d; 35 lb $1099
amps continuous. Damping factor >300. 20 Hz- 2 ohms; FR 0-300,030 Hz +0, -3 dB; s/N 115 dB;
20,000Hz; 135 lb ea; 19" w x 8.75" h x 24" slew rate 350 V/usec; 16.94" w x 6.94" h x Andromeda Power Amplifier
d 58,800/pr 16.25" d 51,1100 Class AB power amp with full -wave quadrant dif-
ferential balanced -bridge topology using 4 inde-
Model 5 Stereo Power Amplifier pendent push-pull feedback loops. Power output
Solid-state power amp with LET front-end circuit- SONOGRAPHE 200 W/ch continuous average into 8 ohms; THD
ry and bipolar outputs. Features direct -coupled BY CONRAD-JOHNSON 0.05%; IM 0.05%; slew rate 20 V/µsec; sens 1.8
zero -negative -feedback circuitry; seperate power SA120 120-W/ch Power Amp V (Cu rated output; dynamic headroom 1.5 dB;
supplies; torodial power transformer with Features MOSFET output stage; 120 W/ch into 8 19" w x 8.75" h x 7" d; 35 lb $999
164,000-microfarad total capacitance; remote AC ohms; S/N 100 dB; 18" w x 5.25" H x 12" D5895
power switching; internal universal voltage The NINE Power Amplifier
switch; optional balanced inputs with XI.R con- Class A power amp with auto -biasing technology
nector; adjustable input imp; Class A operation to SOUNDCRAFTSMEN obviating thermal tracking, conventional bias.
over 35 watts. 150 W/ch continuous power out- Pro Power Eight Power Amplifier and protection circuitry. Power output 60 W/ch
put into 8 ohms, 475 W into 2 ohms, stable below MOSFET stereo power amp. Features phase -con- continuous average into 8 ohms; THD 0.25%; 1M
I ohm; damping factor >175, 20-20,000 Hz; 75 trol -regulation power supply; 600 W/ch continu- 0.05%; slew rate 15 V/issec; sens 1.0 V for rated
amps peak output current; 30 amps continuous. ous rms into 4 ohms, 750 W/ch into 2 ohms; over output; 19" w x 8.75" h x 7" d; 35 lb 5799
103 Ib; 19" w x 8.75" h x 24" D $4,600 1,000 W/ch short term continuous power into 2
ohms; 375 continuous average W/ch from 20- Polaris Power Amplifier
Model 3 Mono Power Amplifier 20,000 Hz with no more than 0.05% THD into 8 Class AB power amp that does not invert phase.
Solid-state power amp with bipolar outputs with ohms; FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 0.1 dB; s/N -105 dB; Power output 100 W/ch continuous average into
LET inputs. Features direct- coupled zero -nega- slew rate 50 V/ps; ism 0.05%; rack mount. 19" 8 ohms; THD 0.05%; 1st 0.05%; sens 1.27 V for
tive -feedback circuitry; seperate power supplies w x 5.25" h x 17" d; 60 lb $1,399 rated output; dynamic headroom 1.5 dB; 25 lbs.
for front-end; toroidal power transformer stable With custom front panel and handles $649
to 1 ohm; remote power switching; balanced or A5002 Power Amplifier
unbalanced inputs standard; adjustable input Power amp with Class H Vari-Proportional cir-
imp. 100 W into 8 ohms, 220 into 4 ohms, 330 cuitry and autobuffer for continuous operation TANDBERG
into 2 ohms; peak output current over 55 amps. into 2 ohms. Features auto crowbar -protection TPA 3016A Power Amplifier
15.2" w x 5.25" h x 14" d; 441b 53,950/pr circuit for output protection without current lim- Stereo power amp with high -current (100 amp/
iting; 20 cEo/ch 0-1,000 W ± 3 dB (4 ohms) me- ch) output design. Features seperate power sup-
SAE ters; front -panel switching for 2 pairs of speakers; ply and toroidal transformer for each ch; zero
true clipping indicators; input level controls. Out- feedback with 16 power MOSFET's in the output
X1OA Power Amplifier put power 250 w/ch into 8 ohms, 375 w into 4 stage; 120,000-microfarad storage capacity; stable
Hypersonic Class A power amp. Features gold- ohms continuous rms, 20-20.000 Hz at <0.09% to 1 ohm; electronically controlled auto fan. 220
plated connectors; toroidal transformer; wide/ THD; s/N >105 dB; slew rate >50 V/ps; TIM W/ch with no more than 0.05% -rim; slew rate
narrow band inputs; LED true power meters; an- <0.02%; dynamic headroom <2 de 5899 200 V/ps; s/N 100 dB. 17.13" w x 8.69" h x
odized gray finish. 100 continuous average W/ch A5001. Same as A5002 except no I.ED meters and 13.75" d; 62 lb 53,595
from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.025% no input level controls 5749
Tut) into 8 ohms; FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 0 dB; s/N TPA -3026A Power Amplifier
110 dB; dynamic headroom 1.2 dB; slew rate 20 Pro -Power Four Power Amplifier Stereo power amp with high current output (45
amps/µs; ism 0.02%; 19" w a 3.5" h x 12.5" d; Ultra -high -current MOSFET power amp with 20 - amp/ch). Features selected all -metal film resis-
28 lb $900 segment I ED meter, true clipping indicators, 2 - tors and polypropylene capacitors; zero negative
pair speaker switching, level controls. 205 contin- feedback and discrete components. 150 W/ch
A502 Power Amplifier uous average w/ch from 20-20,000 Hz into 8 with no more than 0.02% THD into 8 ohms; s/N
Power amp with automatic bridging circuit. 200 ohms with no more than 0.05% THD, 300 w into 100 dB; 17.13" w x 5.25" h x 13.75" d; 24
continuous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz 4 ohms, 450 w into 2 ohms; s/N 105 dB; slew rate lb $1,995
with no more than 0.025% -rim into 8 ohms; 600 40 V/ps. 19" w x 5.25" h x 11" d 5749
W mono operation. Features dual -speaker system Pro -Power Three. As above without level con-
switching; peak and average LED power display. trols and LED meters 5649
Rack mountable. FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 0 dB; s/N The listings are based on data
110 dB; dynamic headroom 1.2 dB; IMD 0.025%; Pro Reference Two Power Amplifier provided by the manufacturers. Ke
19" w x 5.25" h x 14" d; 48 lb $699 MOSFET stereo power amp with 20-1.ED power more product information, contact
meters. Features switching for 2 pairs of speakers. an authorized dealer or the
A202 Power Amplifier input level controls; true clipping indicators;
Power amp with 100 W/ch and balanced, dis- brushed aluminum with charcoal finish rack - manufacturer directly. Manufacturers'
crete outputs. Features dual -speaker switching; mount front panel. Output power 100 w/ch into addresses and phone numbers are
peak and average level t.ED power display. Rack 8 ohms, 200 w/ch into 4 ohms, continuous rms, listed in the directory
mountable. 100 continuous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz at <0.05% THD; S/N >105 dB; beginning on page 226.
20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.025% THD damping factor 200 5699

STEREO BUYERS' Gunn.: 1988 71

TPA 3036. Similar to above except 100 W/ch; dB. Power supply 1,000 w toroidal transformer, erage W/ch 20-20,000 Hz <0.08% THD into 4
120,000 ILF capacitance. Rated power 160 W rms ohms; dynamic headroom 2.5 dB; IHF IMD
into 8 ohms of resistive or reactive imp 20-20,000 0.08%; FR 10-40,000 Hz ± I dB; 21 lbs. 17" w x
Hz at no more than 0.05% THD; idling bias 320 3" h x 12" d $349
W; bandwidth at -3 dB points, 7 Hz and 100,000
Hz; slew rate 50V/jasec; IMD 0.1%; input imp
75,000 ohms; output imp 0.03 ohms; output cur- WINGATE AUDIO
2000A Class A Power Amp
100% MOSFET's; zero negative feedback; dual -
mono construction; MOSFET regulated power;
toroidal power transformer; ultra -wide band-
width. 100 continuous average W/ch from 20-
20,000 Hz with no more than 0.5% THD into 8
current ouput 30 amp/ch; THD 0.08% ... $1,099 ohms; FR 0.06-250,000 Hz +0, -3 dB; S/N <100
dB; dynamic headroom 1.6 dB; slew rate 100 V/
TECHNICS µsec; IMD 0.5%; gain 30 dB; input imp 20,000
ohms; 19" w x 8.12" h w 22" d; 95 lbs $3.700
SE-A3MK2 300-W/ch Power Amplifier 2000M. 200-W mono block, same performance as
Features computer -drive linear -feedback Class -A 2000A except power output 200 W, damping fac-
circuitry; concentrated power block; extra -large tor >60; current drive capability 128 amperes
transformers and capacitors for stable power sup- rent capability 40 amperes continuous, 150 am- peak to peak, continuous current drive 46 am-
ply; 4 -stage Darlington output circuitry; auto - peres peak; 19" w x 9.5" h x 17.5" d; 79 lb$3,950 peres $8,000/pr
load imp detector; computer -protection circuitry; Model SA/2 Class A Stasis Power Amp. Similar
large, fast peak -power meters; extra 2 -Hz low-cut to SA/I except no output power meter. 100 con-
input terminals; main/remote/main and remote/ tinuous W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz with no more YAMAHA
off pushbutton speaker selectors; thick aluminum than 0.05% THD into 8 ohms; idling bias 240 MX -10000 Power Amplifier
cabinet. Output power 303 W/ch into 8 ohms; watts; FR 7-100,000 Hz at -3 dB points; s/N Limited Centennial Edition power amplifier. Fea-
FR dc -200,000 Hz t 3 dB; input sens/imp 55 -100 dB un-wtd, referenced to rated output; slew tures dual -amp class -A operation; hyperbolic
mV/4-16 ohms main or remote, 8-16 ohms main rate 50 V/psec; IMD 0.1%; 19" w x 9.5" h x converting nonswitching circuitry; power
and remote; damping factor 200 8 ohms, 100 4 13.12" d; 56 lb $2,650 MOSFET'S; high -precision analog dB scale peak
ohms; 16.94" w x 8.19" h x 19.97" d; 86 lb$2.325 Model SA/3 Class A Stasis Power Amp. Similar evel meter. 250 W/ch min rms into 8 ohms from
to SA/2 except dual ch, lower power configura- 20-20,000 Hz with less than 0.0005% THD. Tita-
SE -A100 170-W/ch Power Amplifier tion. 50 W/ch rms both channels driven from 20-
Features 1 voltage and I current amplifier per ch 20,000 Hz with no more than 0.05% THD into 8
(voltage amps isolated from load by Class AA ohms; idling bias 240 watts; frequency bandwidth
bridge circuit which drives current amp to avoid 7 Hz and 100,000 Hz at -3 dB points; s/N -100
influence of complex, fluctuating speaker imps on dB unwtd referenced to rated output; slew rate 50
voltage/current phase relationship, preventing V/ps; IMD 0.1%; 19" w x 9.5" h x 13" d; 56
counter electro-motive force); massive power sup- lb $2,650
ply; 3 transformers (L-ch current amp, R-ch cur-
rent amp, L/R voltage amps) using LC-OFC Model S/500 Class A/AB Stasis Power Amp
windings; 91,200-plarad filtering; magnetic isola- Dual-ch, noninverting complementary -symmetry
tion; vibration damping. 170 W/ch into 8 ohms, power amp employing the same signal -path and
240 W into 4; dynamic headroom 0.7 dB. 17" w x optical topology as SA -series amps except current
8.25" h x 18.75" d; 70 lbs $1,600 bootstrap section of Stasis ouput stage is operated
under high bias as Class A/AB. No global feed-
SE-ASMK2 150-W/ch Power Amplifier back employed. Front-end gain stages and voltage mum grey with high luster walnut end panels;
DC power amp with linear feedback and comput- amp section of Stasis output stage are biased for 120 lb $7,000
er drive to neutralize transient crossover distor- Class A operation at all signal levels. Front-end
tion. Features parallel 3 -stage Darlington output; signal trnasistors are subject to primary and sec- M -85B Power Amplifier
power -linear circuit to compensate for speaker ondary levels of cascode shielding. Modular con- Features auto class A; zero distortion rule; high
imp variation; power -output meters. 150 W/ch struction. 250 W/ch rms from 20-20,000 Hz with dynamic power; low -impedance drive capability;
into 8 ohms; FR DC -150,000 Hz +0/-3 dB; IMD no more than 0.1% -rim into 8 ohms; idling bias three -pair speaker switching; wide range LED
0.002% 8 ohms; LF damping factor 100; 16.94" 240 watts; frequency bandwidth at -3 dB points 7 power level meters with on/off switch. 260 W/ch
w x 7" h x 16.36" d; 40.6 lbs $800 Hz and 100,000 Hz; s/N -100 dB unwtd refer- min rms into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with less
enced to rated output; slew rate 50 V/ps; IMD than 0.003% THD. Black; 53 lb $999
THRESHOLD 0.1%; 12 continuous, 100 peak amperes capabili- RMA-M80. Rack mount adaptor for M -85B
ty/ch. 19" w x 9.5" h x 17.5" d; 78.5 lb . $3,500 power amplifier $18.00
Model SA/1 Class A Stasis Power Amplifier Model S/300 Class A/AB Stasis Power Amp. As
Single-ch, noninverting complimentary -symmetry model S/500 except rated power 150 W/ch rms M -65B Power Amplifier
power amp with N-ch JFETS in front-end signal into 8 ohms, both chs driven 20-20,000 Hz at Features auto class A; zero distortion rule; high
path and proprietary Stasis output stage. This is a 0.1% THD; output transistor complement four- dynamic power; low -impedance drive capability;
binary topology in which a pure Class A voltage teen 200-V. 20 -ampere devices/ch; power supply three -pair speaker switching; wide range LED
amp connected directly to the loudspeaker load 700-W toroidal transformer, 60,000 1.1.F capaci- power level meters with on/off switch. 170 W/ch
determines signal integrity while operating in tance; output current capability 10 amperes/ch min rms into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with less
conjunction with a high -amperage currect mirror continuous. 80 amperes/ch peak; 19" w x 9.5" h than 0.003% THD. Black; 38 lb $729
also operated in pure Class A and connected di- x 13" d; 56 lb $2,550 RMA-M80. Rack mount adaptor for M -65B $18
rectly to the load. No global feedback is used. Model S/200 Class A/AB Stasis Power Amp. As
Output stage bias accuracy is maintained through model S/300 above except rated power 100 W/ch M -45B Power Amplifier
Threshold's proprietary opto-isolated optical bias rms into 8 ohms, both chs driven 20-20,000 Hz at Features auto class A; zero distortion rule; high
technology. Front-end gain stages biased for 0.1% THD; idling bias 160 watts output transistor dynamic power; low -impedance drive capability;
Class -A operation at all signal levels and are sub- complement eight 200-V, 20 -ampere devices/ch; wide range LED power level meters with on/off
ject to primary and secondary levels of cascode power supply 400-W toroidal transformer, 30,000 switch. 125 W/ch min rms into 8 ohms from 20-
shielding. Output stage employs 40 ultra -wide - capacitance; max output current 8 amperes/ 20,000 Hz with less than 0.003% THD. Black; 31
bandwidth power transistors each rated at 200 V, ch continuous, 50 amperes/ch peak; 19" w x 9.5" lb $449
20 amperes. No fusing is imposed between output h x 17.5" d; 44 lb $1,700 RMA-M80. Rack mount adaptor for M -45B $18
and load. Input and output connectors have gold-
plated contact surfaces. Circuit boards are mili- M -35B Power Amplifier
tary grade glass -epoxy and all internal connec-
VECTOR RESEARCH Features 2 or 4 channel output; independent level
tions are hand soldered. Operation is allowed into VA -I450 Power Amplifier control; high dynamic power; low -impedance
any load as permitted by power -supply fuses and Features high -current, 8 -output transistors, dual drive capability. 40 x 2 or 20 x 4 W/ch min rms
thermal -protection circuitry. Large illuminated transformers; used in bridging mode with VA - into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with less than
front -panel peak power meter covers -30 to +3 1400 to convert to 200 W/ch. 100 continuous av- 0.003% THD; 13 lb $249


GFP-555W. As above with white front panel$575 DSP-8 Preamplifier
ACCUPHASE BY MADRIGAL GFP-555S. With silver front panel 5575 Used in conjunction with ASU-I0 and SC -88. Al-
C280L Class A Preamplifier lows remote control selection of any of 8 sources
All -stage Class A push-pull arrangement and DC GTP-500 Preamplifier/Tuner with digital readout in each room. Features 3 tape
servo -controlled direct -coupled unit amps and Preamplifier with built-in tuner can be used with loops; 1 external processor loop; separate phono
signal paths. Built-in head amp for MC car- Adcom or other power amps. Wireless remote stage (external). Inputs include MM phono; tape;
tridges; separate power transformers for each ch control included. Remote sensors available for re- tape 2 aux; CD player; tuner; video; CD 2. FR 5-
(+26 dB or +32 dB); MC input -imp selector mote control from different rooms. Preamp sec- 50,000 Hz ± 3 dB; S/N 110 dB; THD 0.007%; sens
switch; separate R and L input -level control; 2 - tion features inputs for MM phono; tape; tape 2; 50 mV. 8 lb; 19" w x 3.5" h x 12" d ....$1,300
stage selectable loudness compensation. Phono CD player; tuner. Tuner section features quartz -
input 2 mV, phono (head amp on): 0.1 mV/ referenced digitally synthesized tuning; auto up AUDIO DYNAMICS
0.5mV selectable; line/tuner input 126 mV; rated and down scan; 8 AM/FM presets; 5 -LED signal -
output 2 V; line/tuner S/N 110 dB; phono S/N strength display; high -blend circuit; 2 sets of out- C200 Preamplfier
85 dB; phono S/N (head amp on) 72 dB .57.625 puts (Ac coupled. DC coupled). s/N phono A-wtd Audio/video preamplifier with built-in Dolby
85 dB; Imo preamp 0.0015%; sens tuner 36.5 dBf and matrix surround -sound processors. Features -
C270 Class A Preamplifier stereo; THD tuner 0.09% stereo at 1,000 Hz; s/N simulated stereo for mono sources; bass, mid-
Cascode push-pull circuits on all stages: separate- tuner 75 dB stereo; sep tuner 52 dB at 1,000 Hz. range. and treble tone controls; tone -defeat
ly regulated power supply for each gain stage in 17" w x 3.25" h x 12.75" d 5550 switch; loudness switch; muting switch; external
each ch; fully balanced input and output for CD GTP-500W. As above with white front panel$625 processor loop; dubbing; separat recorind and lis-
player; 10 inputs; selectable loudness compensa- GTP-500S. With silver front panel 5625 tening selectors for recording one source while
tion. Inputs for MM phono; tape; tape 2; CD listening to another. Inputs for MM/MC phono;
player; CD player/balanced; tuner; 4 line -level Accessories tuner AUX; CD player; video montior, and 3 au-
sources. S/N 92 dB; 34.4 lb 55,480 RM-3. Optional rack -mount adaptors for GFP- dio or video tape decks. FR 10-50.000 Hz +0, -3
555 and GTP-500 520/pr dB (line level). 20-20,000 Hz ± 0.25 dB (phono).
C200V Preamplifier RM-3W. RM-3 in white 525/pr 11.75" w x 4" h x 12.62" d $599
Preamp and control center with 11 inputs; sepa- RM-3S. RM-3 in silver 525/pr
rate tone controls for each ch with selectable XR-500. Optional remote sensor for GTP-500590
turnover frequencies; some inputs and outputs ac-
cessible from front panel. Inputs for MM phono. SP -11 Stereo Hybrid Preamp
MC phono, tape, tape 2, tape 3; aux, phono 2, APT High -Definition* preamp with both vacuum
phono 3, CD player, tuner; line 2; line 3. Max HP Preamplifer tubes and field effect transistors. Inputs for MM
output 8.0 V; MM phono sens 0.5 mV for 0.5-V Multiple control stereo preamp. Features Tape I phono/MC phono; tape; tape 2; aux; CD player;
output at 1.000 Hz; MM phono input overload to 2 or Tape 2 to I dubbing, absolute output mute tuner; video. Features auto muting for warm-up,
level 300 mV, 30 lb 54.000 image control, variable phono imp, 18 dB infra- brown -out, powerline interruption; manual mut-
sonic filter. Inputs for MM phono, Mc phono, ing; bypass switch for audiophile -quality program
ACOUSTIC RESEARCH tape, tape 2, aux, phono I, phono 2, CD player, material; absolute phase switch; level control; to-
tuner, external processor. FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 0.5 roidal power transformer. FR 0.1->200,030 Hz
AR C-06 8 -Input Preamplifier dB; max output 7 V RMS (+17 dBV) max undis- ± 3 dB; S/N 110 dB; THD <0.005%; MM phono
Features infrared remote control of inputs and torted; THD 0.006% at 2.0 V rms (+6.0 dBV); sens 0.088 mV for 0.5 V output at 1,000 Hz; MM
volume via T-04 tuner cable link; switchable MM IMD 0.006% IHF; MM phono sens 1.25 mV for phono input overload level 350 mV at 1,000 Hz;
input capacitance; gold-plated phono inputs; sep- 0.5-V output at 1.000 Hz; MM phono input over- sens for line -level inputs 18 mV. 46 Ib; 19" w x
arate headphone amp. Inputs for MM phono; MC load level 100+ mV rms at 1,000 Hz; sens for 5.25" h x 10.25" d $4.900
phono; tape; tape 2; AUX; CD player; tuner; vid- line -level inputs 80 mV rms for 0.5 V nns output;
eo. FR 13-50,000 Hz ± 3 dB; sin 90 dB; THD 16.9" w x 3.1" h x 8.2" d; 10 lb $680 SP -10 Vacuum -Tube Stereo Preamp
High -Definition® stereo preamp with additional
P205 Preamplifier gain for use directly with MC cartridges. Inputs
Phono-only preamp with single -ended input, bal- for MM and MC phono, tape. aux. phono 2, tun-
anced output (100 to 600 ohm load). Features er. aux 2. Features auto muting for repeat set-
switchable cartridge termination 50-450 pF (in tings, etc; power switch for 1,600-W capacity
50 pF increments); 33 p, 47, 100, 1,000 kohms; power receptacles; selectable front -panel imp
Defeatable 18 -dB infrasonic filter (for evaluation matching for optimizing MC and MM cartridge
purposes); L + R output level (with switchable fil- pertbrmance; gain selection for matching car-
ter type). Switchable 8 -Hz pop/scratch filter. tridges; bypass switch defeats most functions for
0.005%; phono sens/imp 0.8 mV/47 kilohms Phono noise less than 76.8 dB re 5 mV input at optimum performance. FR (high level, ± 0.25 dB)
(MM), 60 pV/180 kilohms (sic); phono overload 1,000 Hz, weighted with cartridge connected 5-30,000 Hz; magnetic phono, ± 0.25 dB of Rlaa,
level 180 mV (MM), 15 mV (Mc); CD input sens/ (-78 theoretical limit). RFI immune. Tamper- 30-40,000 Hz; max output 6 V; THD 0.01% and
imp 50 mV/I5 kilohms; tuner/tape input sens/ proof controls; 4 -year warranty. FR 30-18.000 Hz IMD 0.002% at 2 V rms out; MM sens 0.125 mV
imp 50 mV/33 kilohms. 17" w x 3.31" h x 13" ± 0.2 dB; max output +26 dBV max undistorted; of 0.5 V output at 1,000 Hz; MM overload level
d $360 THD 0.06%; IMD 0.06% IHF; MM phono sens 300 mV; line -level input sens 25 mV; input imp
1.25 mV for 0.5-V output at 1,000 Hz; MM phono 501s ohms (all high level); magnetic phono, 10, 30,
input overload level 125 mV; 19" w a 3.46" h x 100, 10k, 47k ohms (selectable). Two units 19" w
ADCOM 8.2" d; 9 lb 5475 x 5.25" h x 10.25" d; 49 lb shipping weight$3.700
GFP-555 Preamplifier
Features 2 -sided copper -plated circuit board for P2 Preamplifier SP9 Hybrid Stereo Preamp
low noise and hum; switchable phono-input ca- Slimmed -down version of the APT Holman pre- On -board power supply; auto mute circuit for
pacitance; switchable gain on phono input; tape amplifier. Inputs for MM phono, sic phono, tape, warmup, voltage drop; switchable muting; 2 tape
dubbing; separate headphone amp; 2 sets of out- aux, phono I. phono 2, CD player, tuner. FR 20- inputs, 2 tape outputs; 2 -position tape -monitor
puts (Ac coupled. DC coupled); signal -processor 20,000 Hz ± 0.5 dB; max output 7 V RMS undis- switching; gold-plated input/output jacks con-
oop; 5 pairs of high-level inputs. Can record torted; THD 0.006%; IMD 0.006% IHF; MM nect ground before hot, disconnect hot before
phono sens 1.25 mV rms for 0.5-V rms output at ground; shielded toroidal power transformer; in-
1,000 Hz; MM phono input overload level >100 ternally adjustable phono-section imp; 2 6D.I8
mV at 1,000 Hz; sens for line -level inputs 80 mV vacuum tubes (I in phono stage. 1 in line stage);
rms for 0.5 V rms output; 16.9" w x 2.2" h x compatible with many MC cartridges; black front
8.""d; 9 lb 5450 panel extra. FR (high level, ± 0.5 dB) 5-50.000
Hz; magnetic phono, ± 0.3 dB of RIAA, 30-
AUDIO DESIGN ASSOCIATES 40.000 Hz; max output 2 V rms; distortion
from one input while listening to another input. CPC -8 Central Controller Mainframe
Inputs for MM phono; sic phono; tape; tape 2; Program controller mainframe with 8 input
CD player; tuner; video. FR oc-400,000 Hz ± 0.5 source selector modules. Each module has 8 For explanations of abbreviations.
dB; THD 0.005%; MM phono sens 0.4 mV for 0.5- source selection with remote control and remote specifications, and technical terms,
V output at 1,000 Hz; sens for line -level inputs 40 readout capability. Used with ASU-I0 AC con- consult the glossary on page 221.
mV. 17" w x 3.25" h x 12.75" d 5500 troller 514,431


<0.01% at 2 V rms out; input imp 50k ohms; player, video, tuner. FR 1-100,000 Hz ± 3 dB; put at 1,000 Hz; MM phono input overload level
phono 47k ohms (changeable). 19" w x 5.25" h x max output 6 V; THD 0.01%; IMO 0.01% IHF; 180 mV at 1 kHz; sens for line -level inputs 1.2
10.25" d; 13 lbs net, 22 -lb shipping weight$1,695 MM phono sens 0.5 mV for 0.5-V output at 1,000 mV; 11 lb; 17" w x 2" h x 10" d $495
Hz; MM phono input overload level 100 mV, sens
SP -8 Vacuum -Tube Stereo Preamp for line -level inputs 0.450 mV. 19" w x 3.5" h x
High Definition preamp with 1.5 -minute warm- 10" d; 12 lb $550
up timer. Inputs for MM phono, tape, AUX, tun- TF-12 Preamplifier
er, AUX 2. Features auto muting; continuous pro- Pro -5 Preamplifier Dual -mono tube preamp with all -differential tri-
tection against line -voltage dropouts; high -accu- Preamp features 5 high-level inputs; phono
1 ode design and no negative feedback. features dig-
racy, close -tracking segmented gain control; stage with 57 dB gain; balance, volume, bass, tre- itally controlled switching matrix (I -dB steps
front -panel receptable switch for 2 relay -con- ble controls; gold-plated RCA connectors; mov- over 80 -dB range) for volume and balance func-
trolled outlets with 1,600-W capacity; isolated ing -coil capacity. Inputs for MM phono, tape, tons to avoid colorations; LED dot-matrix dis-
ground construction that floats all inputs and AUX, CD player, tuner, video. FR 1-100,000 Hz plays relative levels of both channels in dB's;
outputs; rejection filters for minimizing or elimi- ± 3 dB; s/N 100 dB; MM phono sens 0.7 mV for high -frequency resonant power supply; wireless
nating CB, TVI, RF interference. FR 5-30,000 0.5-V output at 1,000 Hz; MM phono input over- remote control of volume, balance, and mute;
Hz ± 0.25 dB high-level, to 40 kHz phono; max load level 105 mV at 1,000 Hz; sens for line -level high -gain line section (36 dB). Inputs for MM
output 60 V; THD and IMD <0.01%/0.002% at inputs 0.636 mV. 19" w x 3.5" h x 10" d; 12 phono; mc phono; tape; AUX; CD player; tuner;
2 V rms; MM sens 0.5 mV for 0.5 V output at lb $349 video. FR 5-100,000 Hz ± 3 dB; MM phono sens
1,000 Hz; line -level sens 25 mV; gain phono/ 0.2 mV for 0.5-V output at 1,000 Hz; sens for
high-level to main output 26/60 dB; input/output line -level inputs 20 mV. 19" w x 3.5" h a 12" d;
imp 50k/Ik ohms; phono overload 900 mV; out- B&W LOUDSPEAKERS 15 lb $3,000
put level 2 V rms; noise 250 µV rms max high- CU810 Preamplifier
level, 5 µV phono; power consumption 60 W; 19" Features highly linear mc stage; unbalanced and TF-10 AH Preamplifier
w x 10.25" D x 5.25" H; 22 lb $1,995 balanced outputs. Overload margin uses 4 ultra - Stereo tube-FET hybrid preamp with low color-
low -noise multiple transistors in parallel with DC ation, 2 sets of individually buffered tape outs, re-
MCP33 Vacuum -Tube Preamp servo feedback loop. Inputs for MM phono; MC mote control mute, full recording facilities,
Preamp for low -output MC cartridges. Features switching power supply, passive phono EQ
front -panel gain and imp selectors. FR 20-50,000 (RIAA 20-20,000 Hz ± 0.25 dB). Inputs for MM
Hz ± 1 dB; max output 10 V; THD 0.005% at phono, mc phono, tape, tape 2, AUX, AUX 2, pho-
100 mV; IMD 0.01% at 100 mV; 19" w x 5.25" h no 2, phono 3, tuner. FR 10-100,000 Hz ± 0.5 dB;
x 12.38" d; 14 lb 51,395 max output 8 V; total distortion 0.5%; MM phono
sens 1.2 mV for 0.5-V output at 1,000 Hz; MM
SP -7 Solid -State Stereo Preamp phono input overload level 250 mV, sens for line -
With Analog Module' technology. Inputs for level inputs 100 mV; 19± w x 3.5" h x 12" d; 12
MM phono; tape; aux; tuner; aux 2. Features lb $2,095
manual and auto muting; close -tolerance seg- TF-10 A. As above except no MC input $1,845
mented gain control; front -panel receptacle
switch that operates 3 relay -controlled outlets
with 1,600-W capacity; low -surge turn -on circuit- phono; tape; tape 2; aux; CD player; BOULDER AMPLIFIERS
ry; isolated ground construction that floats all in- 108 dB; THD 0.005%; MM phono sens 5.14 my for Modular Preamp System
puts and outputs; rejection filters for low RFI, 0.5-v ouput at 1,000 Hz. 18.5" w x 3.75" h x Each module has gold-plated connectors, uses
TVI, CB interference. FR 1-50,000 Hz ± 0.25 dB 7.25" d; 8.8 lb $2,150 common power supply and measures 4.2" w x 3.5"
high-level, 10-40,000 Hz phono; THD and IMD h x 14.25" d.
<10.002% at 2 V rms; MM sens 0.5 mV for 0.5 V MS11. Phono preamp module does RIAA EQ
output at 1,000 Hz; gain phono/high-level to BEDINI and gain; 2 990 amps/ch; gain adjust; inputs for
main outputs 60/26 dB; input/output imp 50k/ 66SPA Preamplifier high-level MC and MM; max gain 46 dB; option-
250 ohms; phono overload 500 mV at 1 kHz; out- Flat preamp; no tone controls. FR 5-35,000 Hz; al input for low-level MC's has 20 -dB gain; RCA
put level 2 V rms; noise high-level/phono 250/2 THD 0.015%; IMD .015%; MM phono overload inputs standard, 3 -pin optional; unbalanced RCA
p.V; 19" w x 8.5" D x 3.5" H; 20 lb shipping 500 mV $700 outputs; solid-state balanced output for pro
weight $995 use $699
BELLES RESEARCH Factory -Installed Options: Triple F switchable
Wood Cabinets Besse' 3 -pole low-cut filter at 10, 20, or 30
For Audio Research components. XL Preamplifier Hz $101
OC-4. Light oak $125 Solid-state preamp with MM and mc capability. 3 -pin connectors for unbalanced feed to balanced
WC -4. Walnut 5125 Features van den Hul silver mono -crystal wiring; input (in addition to RCA connections) .... 535
Tiffany connectors; Wonder caps; subsonic filter; Solid-state balanced output; inverting BA990's, 3 -
B&K COMPONENTS regulated remote power supply (48 VA); external pin connectors $292
phono loading capability; 6 stereo inputs includ- Field -Installed Options: Solid-state MC input,
Pro-10MC Preamplifier ing I monitor, 2 stereo tape outputs; phono RIAA bridging, with 20 -dB gain $253
Preamp with built-in MC stage. Inputs for MM FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 0.1 dB; s/N 80 dB; THD and Transformer MC input; with Jensen MC trans-
phono, mc phono, tape, AUX, CD player, tuner. IMD 0.05%; 15 lb; 17" w x 3" h x 12" d .$1,249 formers $489
FR 1-100,000 Hz ±3 dB; max output 6 V; THD MS21. Selector -switch module with inputs for
0.01%; IMD 0.01% IHF; MM phono sens 0.5 mV XLM Preamplifier phono, CD, tuner, tape 1 and 2. aux; dubs be-
for 0.5-V output at 1,000 Hz; MM phono input Solid-state preamp with user flexibility of func- tween decks $409
overload level 100 mV, sens for line -level inputs tions. Features van den Hul wiring; defeatable MS31. Output -controller module sets volume
0.450 mV. 19" w x 3.5" h x 10" d; 12 lb .. $595 subsonic filter and tone controls; switching flexi- and balance, switches stereo/mono, normal/re-
bility for recording and listening at same time; re- verse image, and mute (-20 dB); unbalanced out-
Pro -10 Preamplifier mote power supply to reduce hum and noise. In- put; RCA connectors; optional 3 -pin connec-
Preamp with separate power supply and gold- puts for MM phono; tape 1; tape 2; CD player; tors $562
plated connectors for positive contact and reli- tuner. FR 20-20,000 Hz ± .25 dB; s/N 85 dB; THD MS32. Similar to MS31 except adds high -imp
ability. Inputs for MM phono, tape, AUX, CD 0.05%; MM phono sens 1.33 mV for 0.5 volt out - buffered inputs, Penny & Giles volume control,
individual-ch polarity switches. Optional bal-
anced input $977
Factory -Installed Options: 3 -pin connectors for
unbalanced out in addition to RCA connec-
are manufacturers' suggested retail prices Solid-state balanced output adds inverting
BA990's, 3 -pin connectors 5292
(also referred to as list prices); MSO1. Power supply module for up to 4 of above
actual selling prices are set by individual dealers. modules; bidirectional tracking voltages; toroidal
power transformers; oversize heatsinks; current
All prices are subject to change without notice. limiting; LED indicates power or unregulated
voltage $469


CP02. Short power cable (1 needed for each mod- and R bass and treble controls, tone defeat; MC PV7 Vacuum -Tube Preamp
ule) $21 phono input; 18 dB/octave infrasonic filter; tape/ Stereo preamp with low -noise metal film resis-
CP06. Long power cable (I needed for remoting source monitor with 2 -way tape -dubbing; provi- tors, polypropylene and polystyrene capacitors in
phono preamp) S26 sion for external processor $599 audio circuitry, 2 -deck tape monitoring with 2 -
MF1. Mainframe houses I of above modules$155 way dubbing; inputs for phono, tuner, tape, AUX;
MF2. Mainframe houses 2 of above modules. C-2 MM/MC Preamplifier 2 amp outputs. FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 0.25 dB pho-
Half rack size $163 Switchable input for MM or MC cartridges; in- no; S/N 70 dB below 10 mV in phono, 84 dB be-
MF4. Mainframe houses 4 of above modules. Full frasonic filter (18 dB/octave below 20 Hz); bass low 2.5 V out high-level; THD and IMD 0.05%;
rack size with removable rack -mount ears . $211 and treble controls; tone control bypass; 2 tape gain 35 dB phono, 28 dB high-level; max output
MSOO. Blank module panel for covering unused inputs; provision for 2 -way dubbing; AUX input; 25 V; phono overload 500 mV at kHz; 14" w x
slots $55 external processor loop; mode switch; rear -panel 11.25' d x 4.75" h $695
CA06. 6-11 pair interconnects for connecting pho- jack for high-level gain; dark pewter front . $399
no preamp remotely $47
CA01. 8" pair of gold-plated RCA interconnects CELLO CONVERGENT
for connecting modules in frame $39 AUDIO TECHNOLOGY
Price varies with options: complete system with Audio Suite SL -1 Preamplifier
MS11, MS21, MS31, MS01. MF04, CP02, and Open -architecture mainframe accepts up to 10 Preamplifier with all -vacuum -tube design. Fea-
CA01 $2,744 slide -in vertical modules for phono. tape. CD. vid- tures 12 separate regulators, with I for each
eo. and tuner inputs: houses pro modules including stage; adjustable loading; external power supply:
BRYSTON mic preamp/mixers, tape head recording and switched metal film resistors for volume and bal-
mastering amplification. upcoming digital -to -ana- ance controls. Inputs for MM phono; Mc phono;
12B Preamplifier log convertors, monitor amps for headphones or tape; aux; CD player; tuner; video. FR 0.1-1 MHz
Control amp can play 1 source while taping or re- speakers Can control multi -room and multi -me- ± 3 dB; S/N 90 dB; THD 0.0005%; MM phono
moting another. Features stereo/mono/mute dia systems. sens 0.125 mV for 0.5 V output at 1,000 Hz; MM
switch; I4 -V headroom. Inputs for MM phono, Mainframe chassis $1,500 phono input overload level 250 mV at 1,000 Hz;
MC phono, tape, tape 2, CD player, tuner; video. P101. MC phono input module $3,000 sens for line -level inputs 25 mV; 28 Ib; 19- w x
S/N -84 dB; THD 0.005%; 19" W x 1.75" H x P100. MM phono input module $1,700 5.24" h x 12.5" d $3,750
II" D $1,500 P100. High -gain MM phono input module$1,700
11B. Second MM input instead of MC in- P200. Tape input module $1,000
put $1,100 P200. CD input module $1,000
P200. Tuner input module $1,000 SA -11 Line -Level Control Amplifier
.5B Preamplifier P200. Aux input module $1,000 Full -featured line -level control center includes in-
Basic preamp with inputs for MM phono, tape, P200. Video input module $1,000 dustrial -grade stepper motors to control 2 mas-
CD player, tuner. FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 0.1 dB; B301. Output module $1,000 sive custom-built 41 -position attenuators. Fea-
max output 14 V; THD 0.005%; IMD 0.005% B100. MM phono input module $1,000 tures full vacuum -tube power supply and audio
IHF; 19" w x 1.75" h x 9" d; 9 lb $600 B201. Camac line input module $700 circuitry; wireless hand-held remote control; Iso-
B200. RCA line input module $600 linear design for max isolation and extreme lin-
4 -Way Switch Box P301. Output module $2,700 earity. Inputs for tape; tape 2; aux; CD player;
No active components; designed for high -current P300. Output module $2,300 tuner; video. 19" w x 6.7" h x 19" d; 70 lbS3,995
applications. For Bryston equipment only$195.00
Accessories SA -9 Phono Equalizer/Preamplifier
Blank bay assembly $35.00 Full vacuum -tube phono-cartridge preamplifica-
CAMBRIDGE AUDIO Blank front plates $21.50 tion and equalization system with completely in-
C75 Preamplifier Blank rear plates $13.50 dependent sic and MM circuits. Isolinear design
Inputs for sim/sic phono (switchable), tape, tape for max isolation and extreme linearity. Inputs
2. Features dubbing capabilities; straight-line de- Etude Control Unit for MM and MC phono. 25 lb $1,995
sign; solid -wood end panels. FR flat within 0.1 db 4 inputs for sources such as CD players, tuners, SA -9/11 Combo. Features, functions, and inputs
20-80,000 Hz; THD 0.005% 20-20,000 Hz; max tape, and video; 59 -position volume con- of SA -9 and 11 combined $5,990
output 12 V; MM input 2.6 mV at 47 kilohms; Mc trol $1,000
input 0.3 mV at 47 kilohms; s/N MM 82 dB, line SA -5.1 Preamplifier
96 dB. 17.5" w x 2.5" h x 11" d; 12 lb.... $599 Master Supply Preamp with inputs for MM phono, Mc phono,
120 V AC $2,250 tape, tape 2, AUX, CD player, tuner. FR 0.5-
CANTON 88,000 Hz ± 0.1 dB; max output 70 V; THD
CONRAD-JOHNSON 0.08%; IMD 0.08% IHF; MM phono sens 0.5 mV
EC -P1 Preamplifier for 0.5-V output at 1,000 Hz; MM phono input
Hand -wired preamp with gold-plated connec- Premier Three Vacuum -Tube Preamp overload level 700 mV; 19" w x 2.03" h x 17.03"
tions. Inputs for magnetic and dynamic pickup With low -noise precision metal -film resistors; d; 24 lb $1,795
systems (with level R.Q.), CD player or PCM tape polystyrene capacitors in audio circuitry; facilities
deck, tuner, 2 tape decks, AUX, MM & MC phono. for 2 tape recorders; 2 -way dubbing; phono, tun- SA -3.1 Preamplifier
Provides hook-up for EQ loop. 2 RCA outputs er, AUX inputs; 2 amp outputs; front -panel mute Preamp with inputs for MM phono, Mc phono,
and I Cannon jack. THD 0.004%; MM phono control. FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 0.25 dB phono; S/N tape, tape 2, AUX, CD player, tuner. FR 2.5-
seAns 2 mV for 0.5 V ouput at 1,000 Hz; sens for 70 dB below 10 mV phono, 84 dB below 2.5 V 30,000 Hz ± 0.1 dB; max output 70 V; THD
line -level inputs 200 mV. 17.13" w x 2.76" h x output high level; THD and IMD 0.05%; gain 40 0.18%; IMD 0.18% IHF. MM phono sens 2.5 mV
9.45" d; 13.44 lb $2,000 dB phono, 29 dB high level; max output 25 V. for 0.5-V output at 1,000 Hz; MM phono input
phono overload 500 mV at kHz; 14" W x
1 overload level 800 mV; 19" w x 2.03" h a 17.33"
CARVER 11.25" D x 4.75" H $2,950 d; 18 lb $995

4000-t Sonic Holography Preamplifier PV5 Vacuum -Tube Preamp SA -2 Preamplifier

With Sonic Hologram Generator designed to re- With cathode follower outputs and solid-state Preamp with inputs for sic phono. FR 0.5-350,000
create 3 -dimensional sound field of recording site voltage regulator designed for minimal AC imp; Hz; max output 38 V; 19" w a 2.03" h x 17 03" d;
and locate instruments precisely in space. Fea- regulated filament supplies virtually eliminate in- 18 lb $995
tures MC preamp; surround -sound decoder; Digi- frasonic noise resulting from AC line fluctua-
tal Time Lens; Auto Correlator NR; L and R tions. Features I% tolerance mil -spec deposited SA -7.1 Preamplifier
bass and treble controls with turnover frequency tin -oxide audio circuit resistors; audio circuit ca- Preamp with inputs for MM phono, MC phono,
switches, tone defeat; cartridge matching; 2 -way pacitors are polystyrene di -electric; volume con- tape, CD player, tuner. FR 2-30,000 Hz ± 0.1 dB;
tape dubbing, monitoring; external signal proces- trol tracks within 0.5 dB; auto muting at turn -on, max output 30 V; THD 0.25%; IMD 0.3% IHF;
sor input; infrasonic filter. NR 20 dB (20-200 turn-olr; 2 tape recorder loops with 2 -way dub- MM phono sens 0.8 mV for 0.5-V output at 1,000
Hz). 10 dB (2.000-20,000 Hz); Sonic Hologram bing; 5 -function mode switch; precision tracking Hz; MM phono input overload level 500 mV; 19"
image resolution V horizontally, 20' vertically; volume control. Max output 40 V rms; FR 2- w x 2.23" h x 7.1" d; 13 lb $595
19" w x 8" d x 6.25" h $1,199 >100,000 Hz; <0.5% THD and IMD; hum and
noise 20-20,000 Hz, phono 72 dB below 10 mV SA -6 Preamplifier
C-1 Sonic Holography Preamplifier input, high level 84 dB below 2.5 V output; out- Preamp with inputs for Mc phono. Max output
Features Sonic Hologram Generator; separate L put imp <200 ohms; 15 lb $1,485 30 V; THD 0.06%; IMD 0.07% IHF; 19" W x 2.03"


h x 7.75" d; 10 lb $450 unslewable; passive RIAA; each stage separately
regulated. Completely mono, invertable phase. E LECTROCOM PAN I ET
MM phono, mc phono, tape I, tape 2, AUX. FR I- BY MUSIC AND SOUND IMPORTS
15,000 Hz ± 0.1 dB; max output 20 V; THD Electrocompaniet preamps feature FR 5-100000
DBR-15B & 2A Preamplifier 0.005%; IMD 0.005%; MM phono sens variable Hz ± CU dB, max output 15 V, phono s/N 84
Rack -mount precision preamp and tone control mV for 0.5 output at 1,000 Hz; MM phono input dB: high-level sens 100 mV: no tone controls: bal-
with power supply. Combines DB- I B, DB-5 in a overload level 350 µV; 19" w x 1.75" h x 12" d; ance and volume only: MM input imp 47 kilohms:
19" rack unit. Auxiliary cable included ... $935 10 lb $2,250 ea external power supplies
With oak cabinet $1085
Sirius Preamplifier EC -1 Preamplifier
DB-1A & 2A Preamplifier Full -featured straight-line preamp with split pas- Includes inputs for moving -magnet and moving -
Stereo preamp with separate DB-2A regulated sive RIAA and FET input. Inputs for MM phono, coil phono cartridges, 2 tape recorder or signal -
power supply. THD t 0.0008%, 20-20,000 Hz; tape, tape 2, AUX. FR 5-100,000 Hz ± 0.1 dB; max processor loops, and tuner. Inverts phase. Ap-
IMD ± 0.001%; FR phono 10-40,000 Hz ± 0.07 output 10 V; THD 0.01%; !MD 0.01%; MM phono proximately $1,995
dB, high-level 2-50,000 Hz +0, -1 dB; s/N A-wtd sens 2.5 mV of 0.5 V output at 1,000 Hz; MM PrellA. As above except no mc phono and no
89 dB phono, 90 dB line; filters: low-cut flat, 20 phono input overload level 200 mV; sens for line phase inverting. Approx $1,395
Hz, 36 Hz at 6 dB/octave phono only, high -cut level inputs 125 µV. 19" wide x 2" high x 8"
flat, 5 kHz, 10,000 Hz at 6 dB/octave; output deep; 7 lb 5489 FORTE AUDIO
imp 1 kilohm; max output voltage 6 V into 10 ki- Sirius II. Dual mono; Includes external power
lohms/3,000 pF; input sens for 1 V output: phono supply $650 Model 2 Class A Preamplifier
2 mV into 50,000 ohms/100 pF, high-level 120 Dual -channel, noninverting, hybrid is/discrete,
mV into 50 kilohms; 8.5" x 7" x 3.2" $495 straight-line preamplifier. Features mm/mc pho-
DB-1B & 2A. DB-IA with low -noise high-level DENON
no inputs; 4 high-level inputs; tape monitor; full
stage (-94 dB ref I V), reduced crosstalk, tight PRA -2000Z Preamplifier record and signal -monitor routing ability; selecta-
tracking volume control, all gold-plated jacks and Inputs for 2 Mc phonos, 1 MM phono, tape, tape ble -gain cartridge section; internally selectable
solid oak cabinet with hand -rubbed tung-oil fin- 2, AUX, tuner, CD. Equalizer amplifier: input cartridge loading; all gain stages biased for pure
ish. 12" w x 3.6" h x 7" d $650 sens/imp phono-1 mc 0.1 mV/40 ohms, phono-2 class A operation at all signal levels; external
DBR-1A. Same as DB-IA except mounted on mc 0.12 mV/I00 ohms, phono-3 MM 2.5 mV/47 power supply; gold-plated signal connectors. FR
19" rack. Includes DB-2 A power supply . $535 kilohms; max input level phono-1 mc 20 mV oc-100,000 Hz ± 3 dB; THD <0.01% at 2 V rms
DB-1A-HL & DB-2A. Preamplifier similar to (1,000 Hz), phono-2 mc 24 mV (1,000 Hz), pho-
DB-1A with 5 high-level inputs and no phono no-3 MM 500 mV (1,000 Hz); THD phono-1
section. FR 1-250,000 Hz ± 3 dB; s/N 92 dB; THD <0.001% 1,000 Hz 20 V output, phono 2,3
0.0006%; sens for line -level inputs 120 mV $375 <0.0015% 20-20,000 Hz 3 V; s/N A-wtd phono-1
DB-1B-HL & DB-2A. Preamplifier similar to mc 80 dB at 0.25 mV input, phono-2 MC 75 dB at
DB-IA-HL with lower noise (-94 dB ref I V); re-

0.25 mV input, phono-3 MM 90 dB ar 2.5 mV in
duced crosstalk; tight tracking volume control;
loudness compensation switch; gold-plated jacks;
and solid oak cabinet with hand -rubbed Lung -oil
finish $530 out 20-20,000 Hz into 10 kilohm load; phono sec-
tion s/N >80 dB; high-level section s/N >100 dB.
dbx Front -panel controls allow selection of program
source for monitoring or recording, tape monitor-
CX1 Preamplifier ing, recorder disengagement (removes recoreder's
Audio/video preamplifier with a 2 -channel input characteristics as a load factor for other
switchable all -digital delay for ambience recov- source equipment), channel balance, audio level.
ery. The built-in Dolby Pro Logic surround sys- put; sep 20 Hz -I,000 Hz 80 dB, 20,000 Hz 70 dB. 19" w x 1.75" h x 7" d $775
tem has a 5-ch calibration signal and input -level Flat amplifier: input sens/imp 150 mV/47
adjustments for precise setup. Inputs for MM and kohms; THD <0.0315% (20-20,000 Hz, 4 V out-
mc phono, tuner, CD player, VCR, AUX, and 3 put); FR 1-300,000 Hz +0, -3 dB; s/N A-wtd 105 HAFLER
tape decks or 2 tape decks and 1 VCR (with vid- dB; sep 20 Hz 100 dB, 1,000 Hz 75 dB, 20,000 Hz DH -110 Discrete Preamplifier
eo). Outputs for front L&R and side/rear stereo 65 dB $1,600 Preamplifier operates all discrete devices (no inte-
or Dolby Surround with center ch, 3 stereo -to - grated circuits in signal path) in full symmetry
tape jacks, and a video -signal monitor. Features DAP -5500 Digital Preamplifier format. Controls: volume, balance, bass, treble,
stereo audio external -processor loop; audio/video Preamplifier with built-in D/A convener. Digital input selector, phono selector, monitor selector,
dubbing; independent recording and listening se- section features 4 DA push-pull Super Linear mono/stereo, high-pass filter; external processor
lectors; switchable tone controls (conventional Converter system; separate digital and analog loop, tone control engage. Features rack -mount-
bass/treble curves or low -bass only/spectral tilt); chassis; 3 digital inputs (1 optical, 2 coaxial); co- ing capability; single active circuit board; step -ac-
switchable infrasonic and high filter for all axial digital tape -monitor loop; 4 -times oversam- tion volume control; integral muting circuit; 2
sources; precision -tracking 5-ch volume control; pling digital filter; optical isolators between digi- pairs of audio outputs; low -imp power supply;
ch-mode controls for L/R stereo, RL reverse, L tal and analog sections; D/A convener output full power bandwidth to 200,000 Hz; 2 phono,
or R only, L+R mono, and L -R positions; head- jacks. Audio section features Unity Gain In- tuner, AUX, 2 tape deck, EPL inputs; 2 tape (buff-
phone jack; anti -resonance chassis and aluminum terface amplifier; Cannon -type input/output; 2 ered), 2 line, EPL outputs; headphone jack. THD
feet $1,500 RCA line -in; 1 RCA line out; front -panel mount- <0.0006% at 1,000 Hz, 3 V RMS; phono input FR
ed RCA input/output jacks; two tape loops; 20-20,003 Hz +0-0.25 dB; s/N weighted 87 dB;
DENNESEN ELECTROSTATIC source direct switch; separate power supplies for rated output 3 V rms, 4-210,000 Hz; THD
digital section and analog section; nonresonant, <0.001% 20-20,000 Hz; 17" wide x 3" high x
JC-80 Preamplifier vibration -resistant chassis to reduce the effects of 8.5" deep; 10 lb.
Dual mono, all FET, Dc -coupled, fully comple- microphonic and acoustic feedback. 17.09" w x Assembled $450
mentary, push-pull, A preamp. No interstage 5.2" h x 15" d $ I ,400 Kit $375
coupling caps; feedback input stage; virtually
PRA 1100 Preamplifier DH -100 Preamplifier
Features unity -gain interference -output amp; "No frills" preamp with RIAA EQ utilizing 1% -
[he listings are based on data variable loudness; 5 audio, 3 video inputs; mc/ tolerance components; low -imp power supply;
MM inputs 5425 power on delay circuit; Inputs for MM phono,
provided by the manufacturers. For tape, AUX, tuner. Features volume, balance, tre-
more product information, contact DNM BY MUSIC HALL ble, bass, tape monitor, power controls; 2
an authorized dealer or the switched outlets. FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 0.25 dB; max
Series 3 Preamplifier output 8 V; THD <0.005%; IMD below residual
manufacturer directly. Manufacturers' Full Star -Earth return system; DNM Filmcap noise of current test instruments; MM phono sens
addresses and phone numbers are electrolytic capacitors; nonconducting acrylic 10 millivolts for 0.5-V output; 13.5" wide a 3"
listed in the directory case; Twin 3 power supply $3,000 high a 9" deep; 7 lb.
beginning on page 226. With more complex (Six -3 type) power sup- Assembled $225
ply $4,000 Kit $175


LED input indicators; power -on muting relay. FR phono. MM phono inputs, 2 tape loops; remote
HARMAN KARDON 1-250,000 Hz -0.3 dB; THD 0.005% phono, power supply; adjustable imp and capacitance for
Citation Twenty -One Preamplifier 0.004% line; input sens/imp MM 2.5/47 kilohms, phono inputs; polarity switch. FR 2-500,000 Hz;
Inputs for CD, CD direct, video sound, tuner, line 150 mV/47 kilohms; s/N 108 dB; MM 87 dB; slew rate >20 V/psec; gain 60 dB; 20 lb; 19" w x
phono, 2 tape decks; ultrawideband fully discrete 17.31" w x 3.06" h x 12.88" d; 9.3 lb $240 2.5" h x 16.25" d $795
circuitry; low negative feedback; active/passive
symmetrical RIAA EQ; gold-plated jacks; mono KC -206 Audio/Video Preamplifier
switch; low -noise transistors; discrete MC head Audio/video preamp with unified remote control.
amp; subsonic filter (6 dB/octave, <3 at 15 Hz); Features 7 -band graphic equalizer; CD input; 2 sic-sft. Preamplifier
phase -correct loudness (+10 at 50 Hz, +3 at 250); video sound inputs; 2 -way tape dubbing with Full -function stereo preamplifier with ultra -low
bass and treble max boost/cut 10 dB; tone defeat. monitor; FL display; EQ recording switch; subson- distortion and high -resolution design. Features
Max output 10 V $495 ic filter; auto -function selector system (main/re- control to invert absolute phase; balanced differ-
mote). FR 10-70,000 Hz -3 dB; input sens/imp ential outputs. Inputs for tuner; CD/Aux; tape;
HEYBROOK ISO mV/33 kilohms (line), 2.5 mV/47 kilohms phono (MC or MM). Output imp 300 ohms; input
BY D'ASCANIO AUDIO (phono); 6.6 lb $230 imp phono 0-47,000 Hz, line 100,000 Hz. 2.5" h x
19" w x 12.5" d; 12 lb $3,250
C-2 Preamplifier SK -4A. Straight-line version of SK -5 without line
Hand -assembled preamplifier with versatile input
KINERGETICS amps, phase inversion switch and mode
selections and black finish. Features special cir- KPA-1 Preamplifier switch $2,450
cuitry for CD input to prevent overloading; alu- Designed to eliminate hysteresis distortion; MC With optional line amps installed $2,695
minum chassis; rear -panel power switch. Inputs
for MM and MC phono, tape, AUX, CD player,
tuner, and video. FR 10-50,000 Hz ± 3 dB; MM
phono sens 85 mV for 0.5-V output at 1,000 Hz;
line -level sens 160 mV. 17" x 3" x 13" .... $798 ZISdOtimid
10,0 HAMBURG 1 PK WAYNE. N J 07470
HPTI20AVSW AM/FM Preamp/Tuner FOR MORE INFO CALL: (201) 696-6531; (201) 444-5300
Quartz digital -synthesized tuner section; 20 AM/ CALL TOLL -FREE 800-247-4854
FM presets; unified infrared remote control with
LCD display; audio inputs for phono, CD, tape;
HOURS: Monday-Friday 10 am -8 pm; Saturday 10 am -5 pm
video inputs for TV, VCR, videodisc player; elec- TOSHIBA CX3077 30' T V &
tronic volume and balance controls; 5 -band AUDIO 111 TI
graphic equalizer; video signal enhancer; rose- $229 RECEIVERS

JVC RX550 $325 4 MAD VII

wood end caps $450
$450 TOSHIBA M4220/30 IN STOCK
2 separate chassis (preamp and power supply). NUMAR# VAM2000 DIG A/V MIXER JVC GX4R $825 $689
Uses no directly -delivered voltages to avoid noise JVC CGV6OU CHARGER FISHER 6760 CALL EVABOU $399
generated by main input voltage. High voltage JVC JXW9
generated by custom-built oscillator circuit and BOGEN -RIPODS IN STOCK
amp. Inputs for MM phono; tape; aux. S/N 46-60 BILORA TRIPODS CALL
RCA CMR300 & VM50002 Hr. Battery $50
dB; MM phono sens 5 mV for 0.5-V output at JVC 2 Hr. Camcorder Battery $59
1,000 Hz. 48.5 lb $7,600 SONY Camcorder Battery CANON VRHF720 NEW PRICE DROP
56 .99
PLIO Precision Control Preamplifier CO PLAYERS 01DER NOW
Features Gm processor; ultra -high -sensitivity JVC XLM440 $215 MINOLTA CR8000S IN STOCK
head amp. Inputs for MM phono, MC phono, tape, JVC XLM700 5379 AUDIO CASSETTE DECKS PENTAX PVC800A NEW LOW PRICE
tape 2, AUX, phono 2, tuner. THD 0.002%; MM PIONEER PEA170 CALL
phono sens 2.5 mV for 0.15 V output (rec out) at SONY CDPC5 SPECIAL KYOCERRA 6011000 IN STOCK
1,000 Hz; MM phono input overload level 300 SONY CDP710 CALL SONY CCOV110 BEST PRICE
mV; sens for line -level inputs 150 mV. 18.12" w x SONY CDP910 SPECIAL OLYMPUS VX801 CALL
5.69" h x 16.56" d; 26.4 lbs $1,650 VHS PORTABLE DECKS
GEMBI SLHF350 $360
BELL FF1700 $129 SLHF650 $499 TOTE VISION GS3000H $229
CALL SLHFT7 $439 GE 9712 5999
Basic C2 Preamplifier SONY SPP300
Preamp with 2 -step MM and 3 -step MC inputs. SONY BETA MOWE JVC GRC7U GOOD PRICE
Features single NFB-loop phono equalizer ampli- BMC 10006 HEIDER NOW
fier; 2 -way tape dubbing with monitoring; source ZENITH VM 6150 NEW
(rec out) tape selector; 2 Aux/video inputs; Ken - IN STOCK ZENITH VM 6200 $888
L01338 8. CL01010
wood NF-CR tone controls with selectable turn-
over; Super -coupled volume control for low noise VHS CAMCORDERS

at low volume; 4 -way filter system; loudness CONE MULTI REMOTE CONTROLLER GE 9806
switch; mono/stereo switch; headphone jack with CANON VRHF1100 (PN.P DIGITAL HI El) $1145
level control; output on/off switch; power and TOSHIBA DX900 (PCM DIGITA_ AUDIO OSP) PANASONIC AG160 LOW PRICE
output LED indicators. FR 1-350,000 Hz -0.3 dB; OL YMPUS VX802 8MM
THD 0.002% phono, 0.001% line; input sens/imp MINOLTA CR3300 VHS.0 CAMCORDER COMPONENT VHS CAMERAS

MM 2.5 mV/47 kilohms, line 150 mV/47 ki- SONY CCD V5 8MM HANDYCAM CANNON VC50A 7 LUX
lohms; S/N 110 dB; MM 88 dB; 17.31" w x 3.06" MINOLTA CRABS
h x 12.63" d; 9.9 lb S3I0 PANASONIC PV350 1 LUX SUPER VHS CAMCORDER
Basic Cl Preamplifier
Features CD/Aux input; MM/MC cartridge selec- We Amp, ARIEL Vlsa. MasterCard, sM Olsawer. C.O.D. mimeo.
tor; advanced single NFB loop phono equalizer
amplifier; 2 tape inputs with dubbing and moni- Allprices quote] include
manufactxrer s standard
toring; subsonic filter; continuously variable loud- accessories 8 U S Warranty All
ness control; Kenwood NF-CR tone controls; units are factory sealec Shipping
handling extra Not responsible for
typographical errors S b H Non -
Refundable Circle ND 74 on Reader Service Card. OLYMPUS YX01
PA -101 Preamplifier discrete and operates in Class -A mode. Fitted
KYOCERA Hybrid FET and electron tube preamp with with 2 LI line amps. PLS-154 power supply
C-910 Preamplifier enough gain for even lowest output Mc car- maintains load regulation of 0.05% with wide -
Control preamp with input and output level con- tridges. Features separate transformer; adjustable band noise output of 18 µV; external 5 -pin self-
trols. Features complete DC configuration; cut - imp loading with custom select setting; muting locking connector parallels. Camac phono inputs
less -core power transformer; single -stage push- function for no system crash due to power loss; for cartridge loading; 10 or 20 dB of line gain. LI
pull amplification. Inputs for MM phono, MC slow turn -on circuitry to prevent thermal shock provides up to 26 dB of gain, with 0.003% THD
phono, tape, tape 2, AUX, phono 2, CD player, to tubes. Inputs for mc phono, 2 line level. FR I- and 0.002% IMD typical, typical S/N of 100 dB
tuner/aux 2. FR DC -200,000 Hz ± 3 dB; max 1,000,000 Hz ± 3 dB; max output 160 V; THD unwtd below 2 V ref. Hand -brushed black anod-
output 2 V at rated input; THD 0.003%; MM <0.2%; IMD <0.2% sens for line -level inputs 300 ized finish. ML -7: 2.25" h a 19" w x 10.12" d;
phono sens 2.2 mV for 0.5 V output at 1,000 Hz; mV; 19" w x 1.75" h x 7" d; separate transformer PLS-154: 4.36" h a 4" w x 10.62" d; 14 lb. With
MM phono input overload level 300 mV; sens for $2,395 no phono section $4,450
line -level inputs 125 mV; 17" w x 5.75" h x 13" d; With L2 phono module. Gain 38 or 44 dB$5,400
22 lb $1,200 With L3 or L3A. L3 gain 67 dB; L3A gain 55
LUXMAN dB $6,050
LAZARUS C-05 Preamplifier
Duo-Beta/S Class A preamp. Inputs for MM pho- ML -10A Stereo Preamplifier
Cascade Basic Preamplifier no, mc phono, tape, tape 2, AUX, phono 2, CD Simplified version of L -series circuitry in single
Tube preamp with inputs for MM phono; tape; circuit board configuration. All audio circuitry
tuner. FR 10-32,000 Hz ± 3 dB; S/N 90 dB; THD completely discrete and operates in Class A. In-
1.2%; MM phono sens 1.5 mV for 0.5-V output at puts for 2 line sources, monitors tape deck, phono
1,000 Hz; moving -magnet phono cartridge input section for virtually any cartridge. Camac con-
overload level >250 millivolts at 1,000 Hz; sensi- nectors. Line section provides up to 22 dB of gain
tivity for line -level inputs 50 mV. 19" w x 1.12" h with typical distortion of 0.004% THD and
x 1.88" d; 8 lb $599 0.004% IMD and typical S/N of 95 dB unwtd
below 2 V reference. Phono section offers selecta-
LINEAGE ble gain of 42, 53 or 63 dB. Six internal switches
and gold-plated loading sockets allow infinite car-
CP 100 Control Preamplifier tridge -loading capability. Typical distortion for
Class -A preamp with all -discrete audio circuitry. player, tuner. FR 2-100,000 Hz ± 0.5 dB; max phono circuit are 0.014% THD and 0.005%
Features full -complementary dsirect-coupled output 18 V; THD 0.005%; 18.12" w x 5.25" h x IMD and S/N typically -72 dB. Internal power
wide -bandwidth design using all Field -Effect 17.44" d; 24.3 lb $2,200 supply with high-speed push-pull regulator; bi-
transistors; oc servo to eliminate all capacitors in ased for Class A; load regulation of 0.05%; wide -
signal path except as required for phono EQ; com- C-02 Preamplifier band noise output 23 V; 7 or 17 dB line gain.
plementary differential inputs; 2 -stage phono EQ; Duo-Beta/S preamp. Inputs for MM phono, MC Hand -brushed black anodized finish. 2.25" h x
electronic input switching; front -panel phono phono, tape, tape 2, AUX, CD player, tuner. FR 19" w a 10.12" d; 8 lbs $3,325
gain for both MM and mc phonos; rear -panel con- 10-100,000 Hz ± 1 dB; max output 18 V/100
trol with continuously variable resistive cartridge ohms; THD 0.005%, 0.037% MC; 17.81" w x ML -12A Stereo Preamplifier
loading; tone controls for low bass and upper tre- 3.19" h x 12.16" $600 For use with ML -11 power amp, or with other
ble; tone in, mute, stereo/mono, and ploarity in- power amp if used with PLS-124 power supply
vert switches; gold-plated connectors. Inputs for F-105 Surround Sound System Remote (see below). Inputs for MM phono, MC phono,
phono; tuner; CD player; video sound source; Full remote -control -system center with surround tape, AUX, tuner. Phono section accepts any car-
aux; 2 tape monitors for 2 -way dubbing. Rated sound. Provides inputs/outputs for complete sys- tridge, gain 42, 53, or 63 dB and gold-plated
output 3 V RMS; max output 15 V. Includes sepa- tem. Integrated amp, EQ, tuner, CD, turntable, 2 sockets for precise cartridge loading. Line -level
rate power supply to provide 3 switched AC con- tape decks, 2 VCR'S, LaserDisc player, and video section gain 4, 9, 13, or 17 dB to match amps,
venience outlets. Matte silver with removable monitor or TV with video input. Switchable dub- speakers, sources. Gold-plated Camac connectors
teak pedestal base. Dimensions: 17" w x 12" d x bing for audio/video; 25 W/ch rear speaker amp; for inputs and outputs and separate level controls
6.36" h (with base), 17" w x 12" d x 5.25" h Dolby Surround sound; time delay surround; in- for each section. Hand -engraved black anodized
(without base) $1,995 cludes input for connecting external remote con- front panel. Phono S/N <75 dB unwtd at 63 dB
trol sensors for A/v remotes. 17.25" w x 2.94" h x gain; THD 0.006% and IMD 0.004% SMPTE at
LINN PRODUCTS 11.88" d; 13.2 lb $550 6 V output; S/N <92 dB below 1 V ref; 19" w x
BY AUDIOPHILE SYSTEMS U-100 A/V System Controller. Same as above 9.75" d x 2.25" h $1,600
without surround sound $350 PLS-124. Optional power supply with separate
LK1 Remote -Controlled Preamp rectification and filtering for each ch. Ripple 40
Stereo microprocessor preamp with independent- mV before regulation in ML -12A. 7.25" w x
ly adjustable input -level matching; keyboard MARK LEVINSON BY MADRIGAL 2.25" h x 8.62" d $455
lockout; all switching and level adjustments elec- ML -6B Modular Preamps
tronic on board. Inputs for MM phono; MC pho- Mono preamps in 2 separate chassis (with sepa-
no; tape; tape 2; AUX; tuner. 10.5" w x 3" h x rate power supplies) with only essential control McINTOSH
10.5" d; 9 lb $845 functions and connection. L -series open -frame C -31V A/V Control Center
plug-in modules; all audio circuitry completely Audio/video control center with wireless IR re-
LOGAN LABS BY SYMDEX discrete and operates in Class -A; each chassis has mote control. Features McIntosh Electronic Pre-
1 LI line amp and 1 phono amp module for any cision Ladder Attenuator; 5 -band equalizer; ad-
PA -10B Preamplifier cartridge; LI provides up to 26 dB gain with justable loudness contour; 9 source inputs;
Electron tube phono-only preamp with separate 0.003% THD typical and 0.002% IMD; S/N 100 switching of 2 VCR'S with two-way dubbing; re-
power supply. Features symmetrical layout for dB (unwtd below 2 V reference); gain of L2 pho- mote -control expandable allowing remote control
both chs; muting function for no system crash no module 38 or 44 dB; L3 gain 67 dB; L3A gain in two additional listening areas $1,895
due to power loss; slow turn -on circuitry to pre- 55 dB. Phono module THD ± 0.008%, IMD C -MV. A/V control center. 38 lb $2,195
vent thermal shock to tubes. Input for MM phono, 0.005%. PLS-154 power supply maintains load
1010T is required for moving coils. FR I- regulation of 0.05% with wideband noise output C-30 Stereo Preamplifier
3,000,000 Hz ± 3 dB; max output 160 V; THD 18 µV. Camac connectors for all input and out- Preamp with inputs for CD, tuner, phono, video-
<0.2%; IMD <0.2%; separate transformer; 19" w put connections; gold-plated cartridge -loading disc, TV, VCR, and Aux. Features two tape mon-
x 3.5" h x 7" d; $5,495 sockets on main circuit board and internal itors with switchable dubbing; two external pro-
HLE-1010T. Companion pre -preamplifier for switches to select 10, 20, or 26 dB of line gain. cessor loops; current sensing power outlet acti-
moving -coil cartridges to be used in conjuction Hand -brushed black anodized finish. ML -6B: vates preamp when component connected to it is
with PA -10B $3,495 2.25" H x 19" W x 8" D. PLS- 154: 4.36" h x 4" turned on; 6 switched, one unswitched outlet; 5 -
w x 10.62" d. 12 lb. With L2 $7,050/pr band equalizer; output signal mode selector; vari-
With L3 or L3A $7,780/pr able loudness compensation control; headphone
jacks with independent level control. FR 20-
For explanations of abbreviations, ML -7A Preamplifier 20,000 Hz +0 -0.5 dB; max output 10 V; THD
specifications, and technical terms, Inputs for 5 line sources, monitors 2 tape decks, 0.007% max from 20-20,000 Hz at 2.5 V rated
consult the glossary on page 221. with choice of 3 plug-in phono sections for virtu- output; s/N phono 90 dB below 10 mV input; s/N
ally any cartridge. All audio circuitry completely high level !CO dB below rated output; Sensitivity:


phono 2 mV, high level 200 mV, for 2.5 V rated total isolation of digital and analog sections; iso- 3; AUX. AUX 2; tuner; CD player. FR 0.8-170,000
output. Max input signal: phono 100 mV, high lated ground technology; acoustical fine-tuning Hz ± 3 dB; phono s/N 85 dB; THD 0.005%.
level 10 V. Power requirements 120 V, 50/60 Hz, system; motor -driven volume control; inputs for 17.75" w x 4" h x 15.88" d; 16 lb 5480
25 watts. 16" w x 5.44" h x 13" d; 18 lb .$1,649 MM and mc phono, 2 tape, 2 AUX, tuner, CD; 2
outputs; multi -room remote control with RS -7 re-
C-504. Compact stereo preamp $1,090 mote sensor. Input sens/imp mc (switchable) 40- PARASOUND
80-160 µV/100 ohms, MM 2.5 mV/50 kilohms, PR200 Preamplifier
MELOS AUDIO line 150 mV/12.5 kilohms; s/N >94 dB; THD Discrete phono circuitry; variable loudness; bass
EQ; signal relay to mute turn -on transients; high
GK -I+ I Preamplifier voltage rails for high overload capability. Inputs
Vacuum tube preamp with remote power supply for MM phono, tape, tape 2, CD player/video,
and stepped attenuators. 3 selectable mc and MM tuner. Max output 12.5 V; MM phono sens 2 mV
phono section; each amplification stage powered for 0.5-V output at 1,000 Hz; sens for line -level
by one of nine regulated power supplies; passive inputs 150 mV; 17.25" w x 2.75" h x 8" d; 8
RIAA EQ; auto muting circuit protection. FR 2- lb $265
300,000 Hz f I dB; THD 0.07%, 20- 20,000 Hz;
s/N 65-85 dB (phono/sensitivity dependent); 19"
w x 3.5" h x 13.25" d; 15 lb (preamp); 17.13" w x PERREAUX
3.63" h x 6" d; 10 lb (power supply) .... SI,295 <0,002%; FR 1-100,000 Hz t 3 dB. 17.12" w x SM3 Preamplifier
3.25" h x 12.19" d; 15 lb, 4 oz 52,395 High -voltage MOSFET design; inputs for MM/MC
MERIDIAN BY MADRIGAL cartridges; tuner; tape, CD. FR 20-50,000 Hz
CA -5 Control Amplifier ± 0.25 dB; input sens tic 175 µV rms atl kHz/47
201 Control Unit Control amp with min controls. Features 2 power kilohms, 100 pF, MM 1.8mV rms; Aux/CD 350
Multi -room remote capability and ability to play outputs (2 amps); 2 tape inputs; hand -selected mV rms/20 kilohms, all other inputs 100mV
2 different sources simultaneously in any combi- components. Inputs for MM phono. MC phono, rms/25 kilohms; THD/IMD phono 0.005%, all
nation of 14 remote locations. Inputs for MM & tape, tape 2. AUX, CD player, tuner. FR 1.5- other inputs 0.008%; channel sep 70 dB, 20-
MC phono; tape 1 & 2; aux; CD tuner.... $975 100,000 Hz +0, -3 dB; max output 16 V; THD 20,000 Hz, all inputs. 19" w x 1.75" h x 13 5 d; 12
209. Remote master control works with 201 and <0.002%; MM phono sens 0.6 mV for 0.5-V out- lb SI,795
other Meridian 200 -series components; controls 8 put at 1,000 Hz; MM phono input overload level SA3 Preamplifier. Similar to above $1,195
inputs, volume, and mute SI25 170 mV, sens for line -level inputs 50 mV; 17.12"
w x 2.5" h x 11.36" d; 8 lbs, 3 oz $750 SX1 Dual Channel Preamplifier
MOTIF By CONRAD JOHNSON Class -A operation; FET tone control section. FR
NIKKO AUDIO 20-50,000 Hz ± 0.025%; input sens MC 250 pN
MC7 Dual -Mono Preamplifier rms, MM 2.5 mV, Aux/CD 285 mV rms; THD/
Dual -mono all-FET preamp with remote power Beta 5011 Preamplifier
supply. Features precision -matched field-effect Dual -input signal -selector preamp with 3 sound -
transistors for channel -to -channel balance; exclu- processor input/output terminals 5420
sive use of polystyrene capacitors throughout au- Beta 30. Same as above except 1 sound -processor
dio circuits and power supply regulators. Inputs input/output $280
for MM phono, mc phono, tape, tuner. FR 5-
100,000 Hz t 0.5 dB; max output 10 V; THD
0.1%; IMD 0.1% IHF; MM phono sens 0.35 mV NOVA
for 0.5-V output at 1,000 Hz; MM phono input CPA -100A Preamplifier
overload level 150 mV, sens for line -level inputs All -discrete, all-iFET preamplifier with option for
50 mV; 19" w x 3.5" h x 12" d; 15 lbs S3,500 mc amp. Inputs for MM, MC phono; tape; tuner; IMD MONO INPUTS 0.005%, all other inputs
CD player. Max output 12 V; THD 0.01%; IMO 0.009%. 17" w x 2.25" h x 13.5" d; 12 lb $795.

MC8 Stereo Preamplifier 0.01%; MM phono sens 2.5 mV for 0.5 V output
Similar to MC7 except stereo with internal power at 1,000 Hz; MM phono input overload level 250
supply. Inputs for MM phono; Mc phono; tape; mV; phono gain 34 or 40 dB switchable; line -level PIONEER
tape 2; CD player; tuner. FR 5-100,000 Hz t 3 sens 98 mV Black finish with oak side panels. C-90omo Audio/Video Preamplifier
dB; THD 0.1%; MM phono sens 0.35 mV for 0.5-V 19" w x 4" h x 9.5" d; 14 lb $1,995 Features wireless remote control; motorized rota-
output at 1,000 Hz; sens for line -level inputs 50 PPA-202. JFET mc head -amp card plugs into ry volume control; 5 audio inputs; 5 video inputs
mV; MM phono input overload level 150 mV at CPA -100A. Features selectable input imp; 3 gain (3 input/outputs, 2 input only); 3 different power
1,000 Hz. 19" w x 3.5" h x 12" d; 15 lbs .S2,250 settings; mc phono input. High -overload capabili- supplies; copper -plated chassis; 2 video outputs;
ty allows greater than I V rms undistorted out- recorcing selector/tape-dubbing switch; subsonic
NAD put. FR 0.05-1.5 mHz ± 3 dB; s/N 71 dB; THD and high/low filters; loudness, muting, and tone
0.01%. 6.75" w x 3" h x 1.5" d; 1 lb $300 controls; video enhancer (detail, sharpness, and
1300 Monitor Series Preamplifier noise cancel). 8.88" h x 21.69" w x 18.88" d$900
Features high -resolution phono preamp; bass EQ; JA-RF5. RF modulator converts composite (ba-
null switch to amplify L -R difference signal; low - ONKYO seband) video to RF so that video from an A/V
noise MC pre-preamp; external processor loop; Grand Integra P-308 Preamplifier system can be viewed on a TV without a video in-
semiparametric tone controls (bass center switch - Dual -mono preamp with electrically separate left put. Features selectable output frequency; video/
able to 50, 120, or 250 Hz, treble to 3,000, 6,000. and right circuitry and 2 sets of preamp outputs: Tv switch for VHF antenna loop -through; 5 -pin
12,000 Hz) with 1.5 -octave bandwidth, 12 -dB output #1 is from precision -paired master vol- DIN connector and F -type for video in/Tv out.
max boost or cut; 2 -way tape dubbing; infrasonic ume control using ALPS potentiometers, output For use with Pioneer C-90 audio/video preampli-
filter. Max output 12 V; RIAA response accuracy #2 includes fines balance adjustment via stepped fier $50
± 0.3 $498 left and right precision resistor aattenuators. Fea-
tures passive tone control system. dual record
1240 7 -Input Preamplifier output selectors; individual stereo/mono switch- PROTON
Features discrete transistors in phono preamp; in- ing for output 1 and 2; contra bass equalization. 1100 Preamplifier
puts for MM or MC phono, CD player, tuner, Wood side panels included. Inputs for MM phono; Stereo preamp with separate MC phono input.
tape, video, aux 1, aux 2; treble boost or cut max mc phono; tape; tape 2; tape 3; AUX, AUX 2; tun- Features built-in headphone amp; bass EQ switch;
7 dB at 10.000 Hz, bass boost or cut max 10 dB at er; CD player and DAT with input common - listen/record selector; high-level pre -out 18 V.
50 Hz; switchable infrasonic filter down 3 dB at mode noise filters. FR 0.8-170,000 Hz ± 3 dB; THD 0.003% (20-20,000 Hz, 2 V output); IMD
12 Hz at 12 dB/octave; high -current (15 V) head- phono s/N 92 dB; THD 0.0005%. 18.25" w x 4" h 0.003% (2 V output); FR 20-20,000 ± 2 dB; high-
phone amp; bass EQ; 2 outputs; cartridge capaci- x 15.88" d; 19 lb $650 level input resistance 30 kilohms; line -level input
tance loading $298 sens 150 µV, 2.5 µV MM phono, 0.2 µV high-lev-
Integra P-304 Preamplifier el mc, 0.1 µV low-level MC; s/N A-wtd 105 dB
NAKAMICHI Dual -mono preamp with electrically separate left line level, 94 dB MM phono, 79 dB MC phono;
and right circuitry. Features direct tone controls bass control at 100 Hz ± 10 dB; treble control at
CA -7A Control Amplifier with passive equalization; dual record output se- 10,000 Hz ± 10 dB; bass EQ at 75 Hz +3 dB; in-
Preamp with full -system wireless remote control lectors; adjustable phono gain and load imp. In- frasonic filter at 20 Hz -3 dB, slope -12 dB/oct;
of Nakamichi series 7 or 5 components. Features puts for MM phono; mc phono; tape; tape 2; tape phono input capacitance selectable between 100,


200, 320 p -f; phono overload MM 290 µV (1,000 rec outputs selectable from any input. Features
Hz, 0.1% THD); MM , phono THD 0.006% at 4.5 REVOX
phase reversal and full muting from front panel;
V ouptut, 0.01% mc phono; RIAA response B285 Preamp/Tuner separate R/L ch balance controls; master volume;
± 0.2 dB MM phono, ± 0.3 dB mc phono. 16.5" w AM/FM stereo preamp/tuner with two micro- balanced outputs standard; outputs mute upon
x 2.5" h x 13" d 5249 processors for control of input sensitivities, out- power -up or error. 19" w x 1.75" h x 13" d; 37
put levels, and operating functions. Features al- lb $3,950
1000 Stereo Preamplifier phanumeric multi -mode LCD display; 29 AM or
Features a 20V max high output capability and FM presets; level and reception mode (mono/ste-
active volume control; bass EQ switch; Dual reo, blend) separately programmable for each SAE
Mono Configuration (DMC); active subwoofer preset station; programmable volume limit; -20 X1P X -Series Preamplifier
crossover output (75 Hz/ISO Hz selectable); six dB button; subsonic filter; loudness contour; pro- Computer direct -line fully discrete preamp. Fea-
source record and listen selections; stereo/mono grammable output levels for A and B speaker tures separate power supply, loading for MM and
switch; bass/treble/presence controls; tone by- pairs; comprehensive speaker -protection circuits; mc phono inputs, rack mountable. Inputs for MM
pass; balance control and a -10 dB muting serial data bus for external control devices; wire- phono, mc phono, tape, AUX. FR 20-20,000 Hz
switch. THD 0.003% 20-20,000 Hz 2 V output; FR less infrared remote control (transmitter option- ± al dB; max output 17 V; THD 0.01%; IMD
20-20,000 Hz ± 0.2 dB; ch. crosstalk 85 dB; s/N al). Inputs for phono, tape, CD player, tape 2. FM 0.01%; MM phono sens 0.07 mV for 0.5 V output
(A-wtd) 110 dB (high level input 2 V output), 94 section: alternate-ch sel 96 dB; adjacent-ch sel 16 at 1,000 Hz; 19" w a 1.75" h x 12.5" d; 14
dB (MM 5 mV input), and 80 dB (Mc 0.5 mV in- dB; 50 -dB quieting sens, mono 1.6 µV (15.2 dBf), lb $1,200
put) S399 stereo 19 µV (36.8 dB1); max s/N, A-wtd, mono
84 dB, stereo 80 dB; THD mono 0.15%, stereo P102 Preamplifier
0.3%; sep 43 dB at 1,000 Hz; capture ratio 2 dB. Computer direct -line preamp with 3 digital tone
QUAD AM section: FR 120-3,000 Hz ± 6 dB; sens 36µV. memories, electronic volume and balance con-
17.75" w x 6" h x 13.06" d; 33 lb S2,3GC: trols. Features sequential audio muting to provide
Quad 44 Control Unit cross -fade between input sources; alphanumeric
Preamp/control system with lift/step bass con- B251 Preamplifier displays of all functions. Inputs for MM phono,
trol to boost low -frequency output of small speak- Microprocessor -controlled preamp with input mc phono, tape, tape 2, Aux, phono 2, CD play-
ers, attenuate bass output when operating as filter sensitivities programmable into nonvolatile mem- er, tuner, external processor. FR 20-20,000 Hz
to give 5 -dB drop at 2 frequencies; ± 2 -dB tilt ory and infrared remote control. Inputs for MM ± 0.5 dB; max output 7.5 V; THD 0.025%; IMD
control that shifts tonal balance; variable filter phono; Mc phono; tuner; tape; tape 2; AUX; pho- 0.025% IHF; MM phono sens 160 mV for 0.5-V
slope control at 5,000, 7,000, 10,000 Hz; all tone no 2; CD player; external equalizer. FR 20-20,000 output at 1,000 Hz; MM phono input overload
controls have defeat positions; balance/mono Hz +0, -0.2 dB; THD <0.01%; S/N 96 dB (line in- level 240 mV, 19- w x 3.5" h x 14" d; 17 IbS399
switch; radio, aux, disc, tape 1, tape 2 input selec- put), 75 dB (phono input); MM phono sens 1.6-23
tors with optional mic or Mc phono inputs avail- mV for 5 -mV output; sens for line -level inputs
able. Input sens/imp 1 mV at 35 mV in/47 ki- 160 mV to 2.3 V. 17.7" w x 6" h x 13" d; 15.4 SANSUI
lohms phono, 100 mV at S V in/39 kilohms tape, lb $1,400 C-2301 Preamplifier
I M ohm radio and aux; FR ± 0.5 dB 30-20,000 Vintage series preamp with balanced and unbal-
Hz phono RIAA, 30-20,000 Hz -0, +1 dB; high- anced 75 -ohm imp outputs. Inputs for MM phono,
level distortion 0.02%; residual noise -104 dB A- ROBERTSON AUDIO mc phono, tape, tape 2, phono, CD player, tuner.
wtd; 321 mm w x 207 d x 103 h $995 Twenty Twenty MC Preamplifier FR 5-300,000 Hz 20.2 dB; MM phono sens 2 mV
Preamp with auto -tracking DC servo control to for 0.5-V output at 1,000 Hz; sens for line -level
Quad 34 Control Unit provide low DC offset and drift Features out- inputs 150 mV/47,000 52,400
Preamp control unit with tilt control; bass con- board supply; mc load selector; standby switch.
trol; inputs for disc, tape, tuner, aux; 3 push-but- Inputs for MM phono, mc phono, tape, AUX, CD C-2102 Stereo Control Center
ton filters; bass lift and step. Distortion worst player, tuner, video sound. FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 0.2 Vintage series features built-in 2 -band parametric
case any input 0.5%. Residual noise A-wtd vol- dB; max output 14.5 V into 600 ohms; THD EQ; 2 preamp outputs; headphone output; LED in-
ume control at minimum -105 dB; FR ± 0.3 dB 0.005%; MM phono sens 2.6 mV for 0.5-V output dicators for EQ, subsonic, loudness, and muting.
any input except phono; phono FR RIAA t 0.5 at 1,000 Hz; MM phono input overload level 127 Inputs for MM phono; sic phono; tape; tape 2;
decibels 5695 mV, sens for line -level inputs 73 mV; 432 mm w x phono 2; CD player; tuner video; PCM line I & 2.
99 h a 190 d; 23 lb S1,495 FR 0-300,000 Hz ± 3 dB; s/N 88 dB; MM phono
RCA sens 2.5 mV for 0.5-V output at 1,000 Hz; sens
ROTEL for line -level inputs 150 mV. 16.94" w x 4.81" h x
MPT200 Audio/Video Preamp Tuner 12.88" d; 13.2 lb S700
Dimensia A/V control center with unified remote RC870BX Stereo Preamplifier
control and on -screen status indication when used Flat preamp (no tone controls) with inputs for
with Dimensia monitor lets you select inputs MM phono, mc phono, tape 2. FR 4-100,000 Hz SONOGRAPHE
from up to 13 Dimensia components and 5 non - +0.5 dB, -0.3 dB; THD 0.004%; IMD 0.004%; BY CONRAD-JOHNSON
system components. Features automatic input se- MM phono input overload level 180 mV, MM/MC SCI FET Preamp
lection; remote control volume, mute, direct ac- s/N 80/70 dB 5399 All-FET preamp with matched-FET polypropylene
cess and station scan, and off/on; SystemLink ca- RC850. Similar to above but has 2 tone con- and polystyrene capacitors for all audio circuits;
bling; simultaneous recording and playback; auto trols $249 discrete power -supply regulation; inputs for pho-
status indication; auto switching; quartz -I'LL syn- no, tuner, CD, video, tape 1 and 2. FR 5-100,000
thesis tuning; 20 -station random tuning memory; Hz ± 0.5 dB; max output 10 V; THD 0.1%; IMD
preset channel scanning; FM search tuning; elec- ROWLAND RESEARCH 0.1%; 18" w x 3.5" h x 12" d $595
tronic volume control; signal -processing loop; Coherence One Preamplifier
preset turn -on volume; fluorescent display; mut- Solid-state FET preamp with companion regulated
ing; bass, treble, and balance controls; 4 AC con- power supply. Accepts all MM and mc cartridges SOUNDCRAFTSMEN
venience outlets. Tuner section: FM sens 12.2 dBf; directly. Direct -coupled design from input to out- DX 4200 Preamplifier/Equalizer
S/N 73 dB (mono); image rejection 45 dB; sel 60 put. Split -passive RIAA EQ minimizes phono EQ Combination preamp/equalizer with digital audio
dB; sep 40 dB at 1,000 Hz; capture ratio 1.5 dB; errors. No negative feedback; proprietary design and video inputs. Features in/out balancing to
FM FR 30-15,000 Hz. 14.63" wide a 4.13" high x optimizes low-level signal recognition. Provides 0.1 dB; phono preamp has variable cartridge
13.38" deep $349 inputs for 1 phono and 3 high-level inputs. Tape loading (50-800 pF, 100/47,000 ohm) adjustable
± 20 de gain mc variable reluctance or MM car-
tridge inputs; 3 -way tape dubbing; 2 external sig-
nal -processor loops; conventional line outputs
PRICES LISTED plus separate autobridge line outputs for auto
mono bridging of most amps; EQ s/N 114 dB; pas-
are manufacturers' suggested retail prices sive -coil filters with 15 dB boost or cut for each
octave; differential/comparator circuitry for true
(also referred to as list prices); 0.1 dB unity -gain EQ balancing; 19" rack -mount
actual selling prices are set by individual dealers. front panel; includes frequency spectrum analyzer
test record and instant reset Computone charts;
All prices are subject to change without notice. 5.25" w x 19" h x 11" d $699
DX4000. Same as DX4200 without graphic


Join the 356154

CBS Compact 352948


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equalizer but with 2 external signal -processor mote optional. Rosewood panels; 17.13" w x lion even when driving loads less than 500 ohms.
loops; 3.5" w x 19" h x 11" d $439 3.25" h x 13.75" d; 11 lb $995 Circuit boards are military -grade glass -epoxy
with gold -over -nickel -over -copper -plated paths.
Pro Control Four -Control Center/Preamplifier Precision metal film and wirewound resistors are
Digital c-mos mos-rBot.. Features 5 tape moni- TECHNICS used throughout. Bandwidth response 1.5 Hz and
tors for audio or video tape, CD, tuner and phono SU-A200 Class AA Preamplifier 125,000 Hz at -3 dB points; distortion 0.01% at
inputs. 2 signal -processor loops, subsonic filter, Features Class AA circuitry to separate voltage 3 V rms from 20-20,000 Hz into 1,000 -ohm load;
and direct mode to bypass all processing. Head- amplification from current amplification for ideal crosstalk no greater than -75 dB at 20,000 Hz
phone jack, auto -bridge circuit to triple amplifier voltage/current phase relationship. Voltage amp with 1,000 -ohm source; noise no greater than
output. FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 0.1 dB; THD operates in Class A driving Class AA bridge cir- -110 dBA referenced to I V input; input imp
<0.005%; s/N: phono 97 dB, high-level 116 dB. cuit which provides ideal load characteristics for 25,000 ohms, nominal; output imp 100 ohms.
Rack -mount front panel. 19" w x 3.5" h x 10.5" max linearity and isolation from imp fluctuations. Controls for program source selector; record sig-
d $699 Class AA EQ circuit isolates voltage amp from nal routing; monitor signal selection; mode; bal-
load -imp fluctuations. Active Servo power supply ance; audio level. 1.75" high x 19" wide x 6.5"
DX3000 Preamplifier provides improved regulation and contributes to deep $1,800
Features bass and treble controls; 2 tape monitors low -noise performance. Switches video signals
with dubbing; stereo video inputs; loudness com- form A/V inputs as well as audio signals from 8 Model FET ten/pc Cartridge Preamplifier
pensation; signal -processor input/output. Inputs inputs with video output for monitor. Inputs for Dual-ch noninverting field-effect transistor
for MM phono, tape, tape 2, CD player, tuner, MM phono; MC phono; tape; tape 2/VCR; aux; preamp dedicated specifically to phono-cartridge
video. CD inputs matched to high dynamic range phono 2; CD player; tuner; video (AV 1). FR 0.5- gain applications. Accepts inputs from high- and
of players. FR 5-60.000 Hz +0, >1 dB; S/N 95 dB; 180,000 Hz +0, -3 dB. 17" w x 5" h x 14.25" d; low-level mc, MM or other velocity -output char-
THD 0.01%; MM phono sens 1.4 my for 0.5-v 20 lb $1,150 acteristic phono cartridge and provides RIAA
output at 1,000 Hz; MM phono input overload equalized output suitable for preamp high-level
level 200 my at 1,000 HZ; sens for line -level in- SU-A4MK2 Stereo DC Preamplifier inputs. Single gain -variable high-performance
puts 140 my. 19" wide x 2.36" high x 10" deep; Features amorphous step-up transformer for ex- stage provides signal increase required by differ-
10 lb $329 tended linear response; full matching phono ent cartridge types. Combination of active low -
equalizer for all types of cartridges; all Class A frequency and active and passive high -frequency
SUMO with ICL ultra -low -noise FET input; low output equalization make up RIAA equalization. Up to
imp allows remote power amp placement; shelv- 16 different cartridge -loading characteristics may
ATHENA Preamplifier ing tone controls for EQ; presettable CD/Aux/ be user selected with internal DIP switch assem-
Stereo preamp with built-in moving -coil head video input selector; 4 -ganged master volume blies. External power supply in separate chassis.
amp. Features discrete circuitry utilizing 1% control; infrasonic and high filter switches; loud- Circuit boards are military -grade glass -epoxy
metal film resistors and metalized polypropylene ness contour switch; separate record selector with with gold -over -nickel -over -copper -plated paths.
capacitors; gold-plated input/output jacks; sepa- 2 -way dubbing; 2 tape monitors. Maximum out- Gold-plated connectors with Teflon insulation.
rate record/mode select functions; linear -phase - put voltage 8 V; 16.94" w x 3.81" h x 14.19" d; Precision metal film and wirewound resistors are
matrix subsonic filter; high-level bypass; laser - 17.6 lb $1,160 used throughout. crosstalk no greater than -70
trimmed stepped volume control. FR 20-20,000 dB at 20,000 Hz with 1,000 -ohm source; output
Hz ± 0.1 dB; crosstalk 80 dB; THD/IM <0.01% SU-A6MK2 Stereo DC Preamplifier imp 420 ohms. 1.75" high x 19" wide x 6.5"
below 10 V output $649 Features shelving tone controls, selectable turn- deep $1,100
over frequencies, infrasonic filter, audio muting.
TANDBERG Inputs for MM phono, MC phono, tape 3, tape 2, Model FET nine Preamplifier
aux 2, phono 2, CD player, tuner, computer, Dual-ch noninverting field-effect transistor
TCA 3018 Control Preamplifier VCR, DAT recorder, TV. Max output 8 V; preamp. Accepts inputs from high- and low-level
Preamplifier with zero -negative -feedback design. 16.94" w x 3.88" h x 14.19" D $600 MC, MM or other velocity -output characteristic
All high-level inputs have overload rating of 20 phono cartridge, 3 high-level sources, and 2 tape
V; toroidal transformer with seperate winding for decks with full flexibility in record/monitor sig-
each ch; seperate power supply for each ch; se- THRESHOLD nal routing. Cartridge section uses single gain -
lected metal -film resistors and polypropylene ca- Model FET ten/hi Control Preamplifier variable preamplification stage for MC and MM
pacitors; no tone controls; seperate record and Dual-ch, high-level noninverting field-effect tran- cartridges. Cartridge loading selected by internal
program selection. 17.13" w x 3.25" h x 13.75" d; sistor preamp dedicated specifically to line -level DIP switch assemblies. Signal -path topologies and
12.5 lb $2,195 ignal applications. Accepts 5 high-level sources power -regulation circuits derived from FET ten
such as compact disc players) and 2 tape decks research. External power supply in separate chas-
TCA 3038A Control Preamplifier with full flexibility in record/monitor signal rout- sis. Circuit boards are military -grade glass -epoxy
Fully remote controlled unit similar to above. ing. External power supply in separate chassis. with gold -over -nickel -over -copper -plated paths.
Input .1-FETS operated in parallel, doubling trans - Gold-plated connectors with Teflon insulation.
Precision metal film and wirewound resistors are
used throughout. FR 1.5 Hz and 125,000 Hz at -3
dB down points; distortion 0.01% at 3 V rms
from 20-20,000 Hz into 10,000 -ohm load; high-
level input imp 25,000 ohms, nominal; output
imp 100 ohms. Controls for program source se-
lector; record signal routing; monitor signal selec-
tion; ch balance; audio level. 1.75" h x 19" w x
6.5" d $1,600
Threshold FET ten/hl control preamplifier
(top) and FET ten/pc (bottom).
Servo controlled volume (when used with re- conductance and lowering noise and distortion. 1000 Remote -Controlled Audio/Video Preamp
mote); tone controls; tone defeat; loudness; MM Secondary gain stages use cascoded MOSFETS to Switches 3 video sources; separate audio and vid-
and mc; DAT, CD, video, and tape inputs. Re- supress voltage fluctuations, allowing low distor- eo record -out selectors; selectable phase inver-
sion; ultra -low -noise MC phono input; zero -feed-
back all -field -effect -transistors and pure -Class -A
circuitry $2,600
Without remote control $2,200


are manufacturers' suggested retail prices
CX-10000 Digital Preamplifier
(also referred to as list prices); Limited Centennial Edition digital control ampli-
actual selling prices are set by individual dealers. fier with built-in digital sound field processor and
o/A convertor. Features hi -bit quadruple over -
All prices are subject to change without notice. sampling (18 -bit quantization at sampling fre-
quency of 176.4 kHz); hi -bit precision D/A con -


with high -luster geniune walnut end panels; 65 amplifier allows mounting in professional -type
lb $7,500 equipment racks $18

HX-10000 Phono Head Amplifier C -65B Preamplifier

Limited Centennial Edition phono head amplifier Features ZDR (Zero Distortion Rule circuitry);
used to increase output of moving -coil cartridges. direct -current -servo; current noise suppression;
Features two independent moving -coil head am- extended roll -off equalizer; continuously variable
plifiers (phono I and phono 2). S/N 88dB at 250 loudness control; record out selector; bass and
input.Finished in titanium grey with high -lus- treble controls with continuously variable turn-
ter genuine walnut end panels; total weight 20 over frequencies; gold-plated input terminals and
lb $2,500 headphone jack. Black; 16 lb $579
BMA -CS°. Rack mount adaptor for C -65B pre-
C -85B Preamplifier amplifier $18
Features Zero Distortion Rule (ZDR); DC -servo;
current noise suppression; extended roll -off equal- C -45B Preamplifier
izer; continuously variable loudness control; re- Features multiple audio source inputs; extended
version; digital -direct connection; digital input/ cord output selector; 2 -band parametric equalizer roll -off equalizer; continuously variable loudness
output port; digital parametric equalizer; 16 (adjustable center frequencies, bandwidth, ampli- control, record out selector; bass, treble, and mid-
memory programs combining digital sound field tude); inverting preamp output; gold-plated input range controls; moving -magnet cartridge switch-
ambience information and/or digital parametric terminals and headphone jack. Black; 16 lb $799 ing; gold-plated input terminals and headphone
equalizer; wireless remote control. Titanium grey BMA -CS°. Rack mount adaptor for C -85B pre- jack. Black; 16 lb $579

ACCUPHASE BY MADRIGAL tape; AUX; CD player; tuner; video. 40 continu- DCA-40 Digital Control Amplifier
ous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz with no Integrated amp with inputs for MM phono, tape,
E -303X 150-W/ch Integrated Amp more than 0.03% THD into 8 ohms; 60 watts into tape 2, aux, CD player, tuner. Features electronic
Power meters: 3 -position loudness compensation; 4 ohms; 200 -ms dynamic power 60 watts; dynam- digital volume control; separate phono preamp.
inputs for MM phono, MC phono, tuner, tape, ic headroom 2 dB; slew rate 40 V/ms; FR 13- 40 continuous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz
tape 2, AUX, phono 2, CD player, line 2. 150 W/ 50,000 Hz ± 3 dB; THD 0.03%; s/N 90 dB; IMD with no more than 0.06% THD into 8 ohms; 50 W
ch into 8 ohms; 250 W/ch into 2 ohms; MM pho- 0.03%; 25 -ampere current capability. 17" w x into 4 ohms; FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; THD
no sens 0.22 mV for 0.5 V output at 1,000 Hz; 3.31" h x 13" d $340 0.06%. 6 lb; 19" w x 3.5" h x 12" d $950
sens for line -level inputs 13.9 mV; 45.2 Ib; 17.5"
w x 6.4" h x 14.6" D $3,300
E-302 120-W/ch Integrated Amp Atelier A2 88-W/ch Amplifier P35 Integrated Amplifier
3 -position loudness compensation and power me- Stereo integrated amp with separate input selec- Features passive tone controls; passive segmented
ters. Inputs for MM phono; MC phono; tape; tors for recording and listening. Features 2 tape phono section; MC/MM switchable inputs; large
tape 2; phono 2; CD player; 3 line inputs. S/N monitor loops; 2 seprate phono preamps, one for toroidal input transformer; solid -wood end pan-
120 dB; MM phono sens 0.22 mV for 0.5 V out- MM cartridges and one for MCs; preamp output els. 60 W/ch; THD 0.05%; s/N MM 80 dB, MC 73
put at 1,000 Hz; sens for line -level inputs 7.1 mV; and main amp input jacks; fast -response linear dB, line 80 dB. 17.5" w x 2.5" h x I I" d; 17
120 W/ch into 8 ohms; 180 W/ch into 4 ohms; LED displays; clipping indicators; power output lb $665
35.6 Ib; 17.5" w x 5.75" h x 14.6" d $2,575 100 W/ch into 4 ohms, 80 W/ch into 8 ohms, 70
W/ch into 2 ohms. 17.5" w x 2.8" h x 14.8" d; 20
E-205 80-W/ch Integrated Amp lbs $699
Parallel push-pull output stage driven by MOS- 4040 35-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
FET driver stage; large power supply; direct -cou- Inputs for MM phono, CD, tuner, tape in and
pled circuitry with DC servo; high -gain equalizer; AKAI out. Designed for extreme clarity and warmth. 35
MC -input imp selector; 9 inputs; turnover selec- AM -A402 -B 100-W/ch Integrated Amp W/ch into 8 ohms $350
tor switch; tape monitor and dubbing switches; DC -servo circuitry for increased dynamic range; 4140. Similar to above but with 40-65 W/ch; MC
subsonic filter; outputs for 2 pairs of speakers; electronic circuit protection for system and switch; increased sens and gain $450
speaker selection switch; mono switch. Inputs for speakers; 5 -band EQ; processing loop; output lev-
MM phono; MC phono; tape; tape 2; CD player; el meter; loudness circuit. Inputs for CD player;
tuner; 3 line -level inputs. Champagne -gold or tuner; MM phono; tape; tape 2; aux. 100 W/ch DENON
black -anodized finish. 80 W/ch into 8 ohms, 100 into 8 ohms; EQ center frequencies at 63, 250, PMA-900V Integrated Amplifier
W/ch into 4 ohms. 17.5" w x 5.75" h x 14.56" d; 1,000, 4,003, 16,000 Hz with 10 -dB maximum Features 120 W/ch; pure-curent power; high-
30.8 lb $1,600 boost/cut. 17.3" wide x 3.9" high x 9.8" deep; speed dual non-NFB amp; A/V switching; front -
16.1 lb $300
ACOUSTIC RESEARCH AM -A202 -B 50-W/ch Integrated Amp
AR A-06 Integrated Amplifier DC amp construction; 5 -band EQ; processing
Features infrared remote control of input func- loop; loudness contour. Inputs for MM phono;
tions and volume via cable link to AR T-04 tuner. tape; CD player; tuner. 50 W/ch into 8 ohms; EQ
Pre and power amps can be split. Inputs for MM center frequencies at 63, 250, 1,00, 4,000, 16,000
phono; MC phono; tape; tape 2; AUX; CD player; Hz with max 10 -dB boost/cut. 17.3" w x 3.9" h x
tuner; video. 60 continuous average W/ch from 9.8" d; 12.8 lb $189
20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.03% THD into
8 ohms; 90 watts into 4 ohms; 200 -ms dynamic
power 90 watts; dynamic headroom 2 dB; slew AUDIO DESIGN ASSOCIATES panel video input; MM/MC input; processor loop;
rate 40 V/ms; FR 13-50,000 Hz ± 3 dB; THD MRA-808 Multiroom Amp. Mainframe muting switch. Side panels standard $700
0.03%; s/N 90 dB; IMD 0.03%; 40 -ampere cur- Contains 8 integrated amplifier modules. Each
rent capability. 17" w x 3.31" h x 13" d $440 module features digitally controlled volume, bass PMA-700V Integrated Amplifier
and treble. 40 W/ch continuous from 20-20,030 Features 100 W/ch; pure -current power; high-
AR A-04 Integrated Amplifier Hz into 8 ohms with no more than 0.03% THD; speed dual super non-NFB amp; A/V switching;
Features infrared remote control of basic func- 60 W/ch into 4 ohms; slew rate 10 v/p.sec; inter - front -panel video input; mai/aic input; processor
tions via cable link to AR T-04 tuner; gold-plated modulation distortion 0.02%; 50 Ib; 19" w x loop $530
phono inputs. Inputs for MM phono; MC phono; 12.5" h x 14.5" d $9,927 ACA -38. Side panels for PMA-700V $30


AVC-50011 A/V Integrated Amplifier PM635 30-W/ch Integrated Amplifier A-710 100-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
Audio/video control center with 25-W/ch amp, Inputs for MM phono; tape; CD player; tuner. Ceramic base/chassis; triple push-pull power
surround processor, Dolby surround sound, 3 sets All discrete circuitry. 30 W/ch into 8 ohms; 200 - stages; single -stage high -gain circuit for improved
of audio/video inputs/outputs with full switching ms dynamic power 75 W; slew rate 120 V/ms; in- open -loop FR; MOSFET drivers. Inputs for MM
capability, master volume, simulated stereo, full stantaneous current capability ± 15 amps; nega- phono. MC phono, tape, tape 2, AUX, phono 2,
video dubbing with enhancer circuit, auto copy, tive feedback 25 dB; S/N 85 dB $215 CD player, tuner, video. FR 10-100.000 Hz ± 1.5
external audio source input; 5 -band graphic EQ; dB at 1 W into 8 ohms; max output 0.2 V at rated
hadphone jack $375 sens; S/N 105 dB; MM phono sens 2.2 mV for
HITACHI 0.5 V output at 1,000 Hz; sens for line -level in-
PMA-500V Integrated Amplifier HA-007SW 65-W/ch Integrated Amp puts 200 mV; 100 continuous average W/ch from
Features 80 W/ch; pure -current power; high- Drives 2 pairs of speakers; inputs for 2 video 20-20,000 Hz with no >0.03% THD into 8 ohms;
speed non-NFB amp; 7 audio, 2 video inputs; MM sources, phono, CD, tuner, videodisc player, tape; dynamic headroom 0.7 dB; slew rate 120 V/us;
& MC inputs $370 bass and treble controls; balance control; loud- 140 W/ch into 4 ohms with 0.04% THD; damp-
ACA -36. Side panels for PMA-500V $30 ness control; subsonic filter; Pure Drive Circuit; ing factor 100 (I kHz); MC sens 0.12 mV at 10,
MOSFET'S; rosewood end caps. 65 watts per chan- 20, 100 ohms $800
PMA-300V Integrated Amplifier nel into impedance of 8 ohms; damping factor 60
Features 55 W/ch; 2 audio, 2 video inputs; MM & at 1,000 Hz; 19 lb $400
Mc inputs $250 KENWOOD
JVC KA-330013 Integrated Amplifier
PMA-250 Integrated Amplifier Basic series digital integrated amplifier with dual
Features high-speed power transistors; simple AXIIOBK Integrated Amplifier built-in 16 -bit D/A converters. Features optical
and straight signal path; CD -direct switch; inputs Integrated amp with separate CD ground and CD interface with DP -3300 CD player; VIG-DLD
for phono, CD, tuner, AUX, tape monitor; dual - input with differential input for low digital noise. (Voltage Interface Gate with Dynamic Linear
concentric volume controls; headphone jack; Features Dynamic Super -A, Gm driver; Gm se- Drive) power amplifier; 4x oversampling digital
large speaker terminals for audiophile quality lector and Gm volume control for low noise; 2 - filters; 7 -pole Butterworth FDNR analog low-pass
connections. 25 W/ch min rms into 8 ohms from amp construction; 8 inputs for CD I, CD 2, filters; 3 sampling frequencies (48/44.1/32 kHz);
20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.08% THD; dy- DAT, phono, AUX, tuner, tape 1, tape 2; high coaxial digital input; 3 tape inputs; dual rec-out
namic power 52 W/ch into 8 ohms; IMD gain phono EQ for MC/MM cartridges; connec- selector; 2 -way dubbing; digital -direct and line -
0.03% $200 tions for 2 pairs of speakers. 120 contiuous aver- straight switches; dual stm/mc phono equalizer
age W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than amplifiers; Kenwood NF-CR tone controls with
DUAL BY ORTOFON 0.005% THD $720 selectable turnover; high -rigidity chassis; audio
insulator feet; Sigma Drive Type B; variable loud-
PA5060 Integrated Amplifier AX9OVBK Remote -Controlled Integrated Amp ness; subsonic filter; mono/stereo switch; volume
60 watt/ch integrated amplifier with high current Integrated amp with unified wireless remote con- control with dB settings; gold-plated input jacks.
output capability and sic phono input. Black$380 trol to operate amp plus selected JVC Compu- 150 W/ch min rms into 8 ohms from 20-20,000
Link Components. Features dynamic Super -A Hz with no more than 0.004% THD; s/N 110 dB
PA5030 Integrated Amplifier power amp; Gm selector and driver; electronic 7 - (line), 87 dB (MM phono) $1,199
30 watt/ch integrated amplifier with high current band S.E.A. graphic EQ with 10 preset memories;
output capability and sic phono input. Black$280 2 -way volume adjustment; 3 video inputs with KA-880D Integrated Amplifier
sound selector and acoustic expander; high -gain Basic series integrated amplifier with VIG-DLD
HARMAN KARDON phono EQ; 2 -amp construction; low -imp direct - power amplifier. Features low -impedance drive
power supply; LCD serves as EQ setting indicator capability; independent CD input; CD -direct and
PM665 Vxi 150-W/ch Integrated Amplifier and real-time spectrum analyzer. Inputs for MM line -straight switches; 3 tape inputs; dual rec-out
nputs for A/V, aux, tuner, CD player, phono phono; MC phono; tape 1; tape 2; aux; CD player; selector; 2 -way dubbing with monitor switch;
(MM or MC); VCR/tape monitor switches 2 tuner; video 1; video 2; VCR. 120 continuous aver- MM/Mc cartridge selector with NFB loop equal-
age W/ch from 20-20.000 Hz with no more than izer amplifier; Kenwood NF-CR bass and treble
0.007% THD into 8 ohms; FR 5-100,000 Hz ± 3 controls; Sigma Drive Type B; -30 dB muting;
dB; THD 0.003%; s/N 100 dB; IMD 0.007%. loudness switch; subsonic filter; mono/stereo
17.19" w x 5" h x 15.75" d; 22 lbs $600 switch; 2 speaker systems operation. 100 W/ch
- min rms into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with no
AX7OVBK Integrated Amplifier more than 0.008% THD; s/N 108 dB (line), 86 dB
El (11) 41) 0 TO a -D - Integrated amp with equalized recording and (MM phono) $410
dubbing from tape I to tape 2. Features dynamic
amememmuni. Super -A power amp; Gm selector and driver;
computer -controlled 7 -band S.E.A. graphic EQ
KA-770D Integrated Amplifier
Basic series integrated amplifier with DLD power
decks and source; drives 2 pairs of speakers; selec- with 10 preset memories; high -gain phono EQ; 2 - amplifier. Features low -impedance drive capabili-
table turnover frequencies (bass 200 or 400 Hz, amp construction; low -imp direct -power supply; ty; independent CD input; CD -direct and line -
treble 2,000 or 6.000); tone defeat; mono switch; LCD serves as EQ setting indicator and real-time straight switches; 3 tape inputs; dual rec-out se-
capacitance trim (normal, +100, 200, 300 pF); spectrum analyzer. Inputs for MM phono; Mc lector; 2 -way dubbing with monitor switch; we
phase -correct loudness; high and low filters; 2 - phono; tape I; tape 2; aux; CD player; tuner. 70 Mc cartridge selector with NFB loop equalizer
way tape dubbing; lit mute button (20 dB down); continuous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz amplifier; Kenwood NF-CR bass and treble con-
preamp out and main in jacks; active/passive with no more than 0.007% mu into 8 ohms; FR trols; -30 dB muting; loudness switch; subsonic
phono section; 2 power transformers; 8 150-W 5-100,000 Hz ± 3 dB; THD 0.002%; s/N 100 dB; filter; mono/stereo switch; 2 speaker systems op-
power transistors. 150 W/ch into 8 ohms; dynam- IMD 0.007%. 17.19" w x 4.62" h x 13.81" d; 17.2 eration. 80 W/ch min rms into 8 ohms from 20-
ic power 500 W; current capability ± 80 lbs $400 20,000 Hz with no more than 0.008% THD; s/N
amps $925 108 dB (line), 86 dB (MM phono). 17.31" w x
PM655 Vxi. Similar to above except 90 W/ch; 5.69" h x 13.5" d; 20.24 lb
current capability ± 45 amps for 260 W on KYOCERA
peaks $625 A-910 150-W/ch Integrated Amplifier
PM645 Vxi. Similar to above except 60 W/ch; Ceramic base/chassis; cutless-core power trans- KA-76 Integrated Amplifier
current capability ± 30 amps; external processor former; DC configuration with DC servo control; Features 7 -band graphic equalizer; dual -range
loop instead of preamp out/main in jacks $425 . fine -ceramic linear modularized phono stages. In- LED power meters; CD/Aux input; 2 tape inputs
PM640 Vxi. Similar to above except 45 W/ch; puts for MM phono, MC phono, tape, tape 2, with 2 -way tape dubbing and monitor; equalizer
current capability ± 18 amps; neg feedback 20 AUX, phono 2, CD player, tuner, video. FR 10- recording switch; loudness switch; muting; A/B
dB; no low or high filter $325 100,000 Hz ± 1.5 dB; max output 0.25 V at rated speaker selector; headphone jack. 100 W/ch min
sens; S/N 96 dB; MM phono sens 2.2 mV for 0.5 rms into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with no more
V output at 1,000 Hz; sens for line -level inputs than 0.05% Tun; s/N 100 dB (line level). 16.56"
250 mV; 150 continuous average W/ch from 20- w x 4.31" h x 10.88" d; 14.7 lb $300
20,000 Hz with no >0.02% THD into 8 ohms;
For explanations of abbreviations. dynamic headroom 1.2 dB; slew rate 90 V/us;
specifications. and technical terms. 200 W/ch into 4 ohms with 0.05% THD; damp- LUXMAN
consult the glossary on page 221. ing factor 150 (I kHz); S/N 78 dB. 17" w x 5.75" LV-109 Digital -Direct Integrated Amplifier
h x 16.5" d $1,500 Integrated amplifier with built-in D/A converter.


Features digital interaction with Luxman D-109 driven amplification; CD straight; tape dubbing; >0.004% THD into 8 ohms; 60 amperes peak -to -
CD player; 2 digital -direct inputs; line straight independent rec-out selector; subsonic filter. In- peak swings; FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 0.2 dB; THD
switch; front panel video input jack; signal -pro- puts for MM phono; MC phono; tape: tape 2; aux; 0.004%; S/N 83 dB; IMD 0.005%; MM phono
cessor switch; rec-out dubbing selectors; sampling CD player; tuner; video. 45 continuous average sens 0.31 mV for I -W output; sens for line -level
frequency indicator; tape/video monitor selector; W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz into 8 ohms with no inputs 50 mV for I -W output; dynamic headroom
mono/stereo switch; -30 dB attenuator switch; more than 003% THD; 200 -ms dynamic power 1.4 dB; slew rate 150 V/µsec (input filter by-
bass/treble controls. 150 W/ch; THD/IMD 110 W at 14 ohms; FR 1-120,000 Hz ± 3 dB high- passed); 11 lb; 8.5" w x 3" h x 13.5" d $449
<0.09%; FR 5-200,000 Hz -3 dB; S/N (line level inputs, 20-20,000 Hz ± 0.3 dB phono Cyrus PSX. Connected to Cyrus II, power supply
straight) CD/line, tape >110 dB; 17.25" w x RIAA; THD <0.03%; s/N >105 dB; IMD is dedicated to preamp alone. PSX is then power
6.56" h x 18.13" d; 44 lb $1,500 0.005%. 17.25" w x 5.44" h x 13.88" d; 18.8 supply for amp. Output voltage -40 + 40 V DC;
lb $420 transformer regulation 3% at 500 VA; 8.5" w x
LE -109 Phono Preamp 3" h x 13.5" d; 5 kg $399
Designed as companion for LV-109. Features LV-100 Integrated Amplifier
separate MC/MM inputs; variable gain and imped- Features STAR circuitry; Duo -Beta; voltage - Cyrus I 30-W/ch Integrated Amp
ance switches; MC straight circuit; subsonic filter; driven amplification; CD straight; tape dubbing; Inputs for MM phono; MC phono; tape; AUX;
3 step attenuator selector. THD 0.005%; FR 20- subsonic filter; stereo headphone jack. Inputs for CD player. 30 continuous average W/ch from 20-
20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; input sens/imp phono 1 (Mc MM phono; tape; tape 2; aux; CD player; tuner. 20,000 Hz with no >0.004% THD into 8 ohms;
straight) 150 µV/100 ohms, phono 2 (MM 0 dB) 35 continuous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz 42 amperes peak -to -peak swings; S/N 83 dB;
2.5 mV/47 K ohms, phono 2 (Mc/22 dB) 260 into 8 ohms with no more than 0.05% THD; 200 - MM phono sens 0.4 mV for I -W output; sens for
µV/3,40,103 ohms, Phono 2 (Mc 32 dB) 90 µV/ ms dynamic power 80 W at 4 ohms; FR 10-80,000 line -level inputs 60 mV for I -W output; dynamic
3,40,100 ohms. 17.25" w x 2.5" h x 12.19" d; 9.9 Hz ± 3 dB high-level inputs, 20-20,000 Hz phono headroom 1.4 dB; slew rate 150 V/µsec (input fil-
lb 5500 RIAA; THD <0.05%; s/N >96 dB; min 0.015%. ter bypassed); 9 Ib; 8.5" w x 3" h a 13.5" d $399
17.25" w x 5.31" h x 10.94" d; 13.2 lb .... $300
LV-105U Integrated Amplifier
Features BRID (hybrid) and STAR circuitry; NAD
Duo -Beta; voltage -driven amplification; tape and MARANTZ 3300 Monitor Series Integrated Amp
video dubbing; front -panel inputs (A/v 2, audio - PM -94G Integrated Amplifier Power -Envelope circuitry; bass EQ; Close Track-
video); rec-out selector; video amp and switching 140 W/ch integrated amp features Quarter -A de- ing Soft Clipping; semiparametric tone controls;
capability. Inputs for MM phono; MC phono; tape; sign for Class -A operation at normal listening lev- inputs for MM phono, MC phono, tape, tape 2,
tape 2; A/v; A/v 2; CD player; tuner. 80 continu- els; AVSS (automatic voltage supply shift) for in- aux, CD player, tuner, video; speaker -imp selec-
ous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz into 8 creased dynamic headroom; matched complimen- tor. 75 W/ch into 8 ohms $598
tary MOSFET output devices in triple push-pull 3240PE. Similar to above except 40 W/ch; dy-
circuit; CD/phono direct switch; tone defeat namic headroom +6 dB $378
switch; toroidal power transformer; ceramic
damped capacitors; copper -plated chassis; sepa-
rate monitor/dubbing selectors for 2 tape decks NEC
plus vcR; built-in mc step-up transformer; A -1300E Integrated Amplifier
switches for mono mode, subsonic filter, muting, Features unified remote control with LED readout
speakers on/off. 140 W/ch into 8 ohms from 20- that can operate other NEC audio and video
20,000 Hz with no more than 0.01% THD. Rose - components; Dolby and matrix surround -sound
gold with rosewood side panels $3,000 processors. Inputs for MM phono, tape, AUX, CD
PM-94BL. As above with black finish $2,800 player, tuner, video and TV sound sources. 50
contir uous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz into
PM -94G Integrated Amplifier 4 ohms with no more than 0.05% THD; dynamic
100 W/ch integrated amp features Quarter -A de- headroom 5 dB; FR 10-70,000 Hz ± 3 dB; s/N 75
ohms with no more than 0.25% THD; 200 -ms dy- sign for Class -A operation at normal listening lev- dB. Bridgable to 130-W/ch 2-ch operation. 17" w
namic power 200 W at 4 ohms; FR (audio High els; AVSS (automatic voltage supply shift) for in- x 4.33" h x 17" d; 30.4 lb $699
level inputs) 3.5-300,000 Hz ± 3 dB, 20-20,000 creased dynamic headroom; matched complimen-
Hz ± 0.2 dB phono, 10-6 MHz video ± 1 dB; s/N tary MOSFET output devices; CD/phono direct A-910 Integrated Amplifier
90 dB (MM), 70 dB (Mc), 96 dB (tuner, tape, CD, switch; tone defeat switch; ceramic damped ca- Features unified remote control that can operate
video audio); IMD 0.03%. 17.25" w a 5.19" h x pacitors; copper -plated chassis; separate monitor/ other NEC audio and video components; inputs
13.88" d; 25.3 lb $900 dubbing selectors for 2 tape decks plus vcR; built- for MM/Mc phono, tuner, CD player, tape deck,
in MC step-up transformer; switches for mono AUX, TV and VCR sound sources; independent re-
LV-103 Integrated Amplifier mode, subsonic filter, muting, speakers on/off. cord and input selectors for listening to one
Features BRID (hybrid) design circuitry; STAR 100 W/ch into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with source while recording another; mute switch; bass
circuitry; Duo -Beta; voltage -driven amplification; no more than 0.015% THD. Black with rosewood and treble controls; bipolar power supply for vid-
tape dubbing; front panel inputs (A/v aux); rec side panels $1,360 eo output to keep degradation of video signal to a
out selector. Inputs for MM phono; MC phono; minimum. 100 W/ch into 8 ohms from 20-20,00
tape; tape 2; A/v aux; CD player; tuner. 50 con- PM -74D Integrated Amplifier Hz w,th 0.006% THD, 130 W/ch into 4 ohms; dy-
tinuous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz into 8 100 W/ch integrated amp features Quarter -A de- namic headroom 2 dB; FR 10-40,000 Hz ± I dB.
ohms with no more than 0.3% THD; 200 -ms dy- sign for Class -A operation at normal listening lev- 16.94" w x 5.12" h x 13.38" d 649
namic power 160 W at 4 ohms; FR 1-150,000 Hz els; AVSS (automatic voltage supply shift) for in-
± 3 dB high-level inputs, 20-20,000 Hz ± 0.3 dB creased dynamic headroom; CD/phono direct AV -350 Integrated Amplifier
phono RIAA; THD 0.3%; s/N >105 dB; IMD switch; tone defeat switch; ceramic damped ca- Remote -controlled integrated amp with built-in
0.01%. 17.25" w x 5.89" h a 13.62" d; 22.5 pacitors; copper -plated chassis; separate monitor/ Dolby, hall, and matrix surround -sound proces-
lb $650 dubbing selectors for 2 tape decks; switches for sors. Features 16 -bit digital delay; simulated ste-
mono mode, subsonic filter, muting, speakers on/ reo from mono sources; 3 volume/balance pre-
LV-102 Integrated Amplifier off. 100 W/ch into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz sets; video image enhancer; separate front and
Features STAR circuitry; Duo -Beta; voltage - with no more than 0.03% THD. Black .... $880 rear tone controls; a master volume control;
driven amplification; CD straight -sound en- front/rear volume control; front -left, front -right,
hancer; tape and video dubbing; independent rec rear -left, and rear -right volume controls; 4 built-
out selector; dynamic sound enhancer; subsonic McINTOSH in amplifiers that can be bridged into 2. Inputs for
filter. Inputs for MM phono; MC phono; tape; tape MA -6200 Integrated Amplifier 2 audio and 4 video sound sources. 30 W/ch x 4
2; aux; CD player; tuner; video. 65 continuous av- Features 100 W/ch into 4 ohms, 75 W/ch into 8 ch, 60 W/ch bridged.d; 21 lb $579
erage W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz into 8 ohms with ohms. 42 lb $1,795
no more than 0.03% THD; 200 -ms dynamic pow- A-610 Integrated Amplifier
er 140 W at 14 ohms; FR 1-120,000 Hz ± 3 dB Features unified remote control that can operate
high-level inputs, 20-20,000 Hz ± 0.3 dB phono MISSION ELECTRONICS other NEC audio and video components; inputs
RIAA, 10-6M Hz A/v/video. 17.25" w a 5.44" h Cyrus II 60-W/ch Integrated Amp for MM/MC phono, tuner, CD player, tape deck,
a 13.88" d; 19.8 lb $550 Integrated amp with optional external power sup- AUX, TV and VCR sound sources; independent re-
ply to double power output. Inputs for MM pho- cord and input selectors for listening to one
LV-101 Integrated Amplifier no; MC phono; tape; AUX; CD player. 60 contin- source while recording another; mute switch; bass
Features STAR circuitry; Duo -Beta; voltage - uous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz with no and treble controls. 60 W/ch into 8 ohms from


20-20,000 Hz with 0.006% THD, 80 W/ch into 4 loudness; separate record output selector; 10- Dynamic Power On Demand (DPD). Features
ohms; dynamic headroom 2 dB; FR 10-40,000 Hz transistor discrete phono preamp; relay protec- phono section with Mc and MM phono selections;
± 1 dB. 16.97" w x 5.12" h x 13.38" d 5469 tion; discrete output transistor; 3 -color LED active volume control; anti -clipping circuit. 40
power meters; 2 -way tape dubbing; A/B speaker continuous W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz; FR 20-
AV -250 Integrated Amplifier switching. Inputs for MM phono; tuner; tape 20,000 Hz ± 0.2 dB; s/N 85 dB (unweighted), 105
Remote -controlled integrated amp with built-in tape 2; CD player/video. 50 W/ch 8 ohms; dy- dB (A-wtd); dynamic headroom 6 dB; dynamic
Dolby. hall. and matrix surround -sound proces- namic headroom 2 dB; slew rate 55 V/psec; MM power rating: IHF 20 ms at 8 ohms is 160 W. 4
sors. Features 4 audio/video inputs; a master vol- phono sens 2 mV for 0.5 V output at 1,000 Hz; ohms 280 W, 2 ohms 380 W; 100 ms duration 8
ume control; front/rear volume control; front - sens for line -level inputs 500 mV; 16 Ib; 17.25" w ohms is 150 W, 4 ohms 220 W, 2 ohms 230 W;
left, front -right, rear -left, and rear -right volume x 3.5" h x 11" d $300 200 ms 8 ohms is 150 W, 4 ohms 190 W, 2 ohms
controls. 30 W/ch from 20-20,00 Hz; FR 10- 200 W. 16.5" w x 3.5" h x 12.5" d; 19.14 lb $299
40.003 Hz +0. -2 dB. 16.94" w x 3.56" h x CA220 20-W/ch Integrated Amp
13.62" d; 14 lb 5299 Discrete output transistors; detented volume and AM -300 Integrated Amplifier
tone controls; A/B speaker switching; headphone 30 W/ch integrated amp with DPD for 6 dB of
NIKKO AUDIO jack. Inputs for MM phono; tuner; tape; CD headroom and a dynamic power rating at 8/4/2
player/video. 20 W/ch into 8 ohms; dynamic ohms of 120/200/220 W. Features low imp drive
IA -120 Integrated Amplifier headroom 1 dB; MM phono sens 2 mV for 0.5 V capability; remote control; low -noise mc amp; se-
Integrated amp with inputs for CD, tuner, phono, output at 1,000 Hz; sens for line -level inputs 500 lectable MC/MM input. THD 0.01%; damping fac
AUX, tape I & 2, video I & 2, signal processor, mV; slew rate 22 V/µsec; 11 Ib; 17.25" w x 3.5" h
and CD direct. Each input is duplicated for an x 10" d 5165
output selector. Features auto record -output
routing system; 20 -dB muting; stereo/mono
switches; subsonic filter; loudness, bass, and tre-
ble controls; speaker selector for 2 pairs of speak- A-88XIBK) Integrated Amplifier
ers; and headphone output. Optionally rack Features nonswitching (Type -II) circuit; 3 -trans-
mountable. 120 W/ch into 8 ohms from 20- former multi -power supply; mc phono input; line -
20,000 Hz with no more than 0.008% THD $490 straight selector (tone control bypass); subsonic
filler; 2 tape monitors; 2 -way tape dubbing; head- for 90 dB; line input sens 150 mV; line input imp
NA -2000 Integrated Amplifier phone output; connections for 2 pairs of speakers; 47K ohms/220pF; phono input sens mm/mc 2.5/
DC integrated amp with 100 W/ch and 2 -way black finish with rosewood -finished vinyl -covered 0.25 mV; phono input imp mm/mc 47K ohm/I00
dubbing $330 side panels. 120 continuous average W/ch into 8 ohm; crosstalk at 1,000 Hz is 75 dB; s/N 100 dB
ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than for tape and video 5249
0.003% THD. 5.94" h x 17.94" w x 16.8" d $770
0A21 50-W/ch Integrated Amp SA -900D Integrated Amplifier REALISTIC
Inputs for MM or MC phono, tape. CD player, Features nonswitching (Type -II) circuit; twin - SA -150 Stereo Mini Amplifier
tuner; 300 VA toroidal input transformer; 20,000 mono -amp construction; 7 separate power sup- Inputs for tuner, tape deck, turntable. Mono/ste-
µfarad capacitors; MM or MC board. 50 W/ch plies. 120 continuous average W/ch into 8 ohms reo button; tone control; headphone jack; walnut -
into 8 ohms; slew rate 150 V/µsec; FR 15-40,000 form 20-20.000 Hz with no more than 0.003% grain vinyl. 9" x 2.5" x 6" S60
± 3 dB; 15" w x 3" h x 9" d; 11 lb $675 THD: dynamic power 441 W/ch at 2 ohms.
16.56" w x 6.12" h x 16.81" d $700 SA -10 Stereo Micro Amplifier
Inputs for ceramic phono, tuner, tape deck. Ste-
ONKYO A-V1200(BK) Integrated Amplifier reo/mono button; tone control; L/R volume con-
A-8190 Integrated Amplifier Features nonswitching (Type -II) circuit; 5 audio trol. 7.9" x 3.25" x 5.5" $30
Features real -phase power supply; full audio and inputs; 5 video inputs; simulated stereo; video en-
video input switching; 6 audio and 2 video inputs hancer; line -straight selector (tone control by-
including MM/MC phono; direct CD input with pass); dynamic expander; RF converter terminal;
gold-plated terminals; direct tone control with audio and video tape dubbing; connections for 2 B251 Integrated Amplifier
contrabass; pre -out terminals; dubbing capability; pairs of speakers. 80 continuous average W/ch Microprocessor -controlled integrated amp with
heavy-duty speaker terminals. 100 W/ch min rms into 8 ohms form 20-20,000 Hz with no more switched power supply; liquid cooling by heat
into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than 0.007% THD $600 pipe; input sensitivities programmable into non-
than 0.008% THD; dynamic power 303 W/ch into volatile memory. Features infrared remote con-
2 ohms, 235 W/ch into 4 ohms; 150 W/ch into 8 A-77X(BK) Integrated Amplifier trol; rise time of 2 µsec with 4 -ohm load; cable
ohms; 29.1 lb $500 Features nonswitching (Type -II) circuit; 3 -trans- capacitance selector (150/300/450 pF). Inputs
CW-A90. Optional woodgrain side panels for A- former multi -power supply; MC phono input; line - for MM phono; mc phono; tuner; tape; tape 2;
8190 $70 straight selector (tone control bypass); subsonic AUX; phono 2; CD player; external equalizer. 120
filter; 2 tape monitors; 2 -way tape dubbing; head- continuous average W/ch 20-20,000 Hz with no
A-8170 Integrated Amplifier phone output; connections for 2 pairs of speakers;
Features super -servo and delta power supplies; black finish with roeswood-finished vinyl -covered
full audio and video input switching; 6 audio and side panels. 100 continuous average W/ch into 8
2 video inputs including mm/mc phono; direct ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than
CD input; direct tone controls with contrabass; 0.003% THt). 5.94" h x 17.94" w x 16.8" d $550
heavy-duty speaker terminals. 80 W/ch min rms
into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with no more A-X909V(BK) Integrated Amplifier Liu LJ
than 0.008% THD; dynamic power 224 W/ch into Features unified audio/video remote control; 5
2 ohms. 170 W/ch into 4 ohms, 115 W/ch into 8 audio and 4 video inputs; 2 -way video dubbing;
ohms; FR 2-50,000 Hz +0, -1 dB. 17.12" w x simulated stereo; stereo -wide switch; built-in RF
5.81" h x 15.31" d; 24.7 lb $400 modulator; connections for 2 pairs of speakers.
3.94" h x 14.19" w x 13.06" d $390
A-8150 Integrated Amplifier more than 0.01% THD into 8 ohms; FR 20-20,000
Features delta power supply; seven audio inputs VSA-30(BK) Integrated Amplifier Hz +0, -0.2 dB; THD 0.01% at nominal output
including mm/mc phono; CD direct input; selec- Features built-in switchable surround -sound pro- and at 50 mW; S/N 96 dB at nominal output, 80
tive tone control; off. A/B. and A + B speaker se- cessor; remote control; 2 video inouts; 1video dB at 50 mW; MM phono sens 1.6-23 mV for 5 -
lection; discrete output stage. 60 W/ch min rms output; 5 audio inputs plus tape -monitor loop; mV output at 1,000 Hz; sens for line -level inputs
into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with no more simulated stereo. 30 W/ch into 8 ohms from 30- 160 mV to 2.3 V; dynamic headroom 3 dB; slew
than 0.06% Bit); dynamic power 135 W/ch into 20,000 Hz with 0.4% THD (front ch), 10 W/ch rate 100 V/µsec. 17.75" w x 6" h x 13.1" d; 18.7
2 ohms, 110 W/ch into 4 ohms, 78 W/ch into 8 into 8 ohms from 70-7,000 Hz with 37. 1HD (rear lb $1,700
ohms; 15.4 lb $260 ch). 16.56" w x 3.88" h x 11.25" d $300
PARASOUND PROTON RA870BX Integrated Amplifier
CA250 50-W/ch Integrated Amp D540 Integrated Amplifier Integrated amp with 100 W/ch from 20-20,000
Electronic volume control; detented variable High -current, high -dynamic power amplifier with Hz bridgeable to 300 W. MC input; CD direct in -


put with level control; high current. 0.03% THD; meter range switch; Mc cartridge preamp; bass, from load to reduce distortion. Current -drive
0.05% IMD S599 treble, and midrange tone controls; tone -defeat amp supplies current to speakers to avoid adverse
switch; bi-directional tape dubbing with REC se- influence of speaker -imp fluctuations and phase
RA840BX2 Integrated Amplifier lector; low/high filters; muting switch; loudness differences caused by complex speaker imps. In-
50 W/ch 20-20,000 Hz; Upgraded power supply switch; headphone jack; connections for 2 pairs of puts for MM phono; tape; tape 2; tuner; CD play-
with metal bypass caps. Close tolerance selected speakers. 160 W/ch into 8 ohms from 20.20,000 er; AViaux. 90 W/ch; 16.94" w x 4.56" h x
components; high tolerance; 0.05% THD; 0.08% Hz with no more than 0.003% THD; S/N 110 dB 13.36" d; 18.8 lbs $375
Imo; MM/MC phono inputs; high current $349 (line), 88/70 dB (MM/MC phono) $1,000 SU-V40. Similar to above except 50 W/ch into 8
RA820BX2. Similar to RA840BX2 except no MC ohms, 16.94" w x 3.91" h x 11.44" d; 13.9 lbsS280
phono and 30 continuous W/ch from 20-20,000
Hz with no more than 0.05% THD into 8 ohms, SONY
IMD 0.08% S249 TA-F700ES Integrated Amplifier VECTOR RESEARCH
Features nonmagnetic G -chassis construction; VA -1400 100 -Watt Integrated Amplifier
SAE spontaneous twin -drive power supply: super lega- 100-W/ch high -current integrated amp with 8
to linear circuitry; source direct switch to route output transistors. 200 W/ch with optional VA -
A1102 Integrated Amplifier input signal directly to volume control; passive 1450 bridging amp. Inputs for MM phono; Mc
60 W/ch integrated amp with on board computer tone -control circuitry with switch -selectable bass phono; tape; CD; video sound source. 100 contin-
to eliminate dependency between front -panel con- and treble turnover frequencies; defeatable sub- uous average W/ch from 20-20,000 Hz with
trol switches and audio circuits. Max THD from sonic filter; inputs for 3 tape decks with dubbing <0.08% THD into 4 ohms; dynamic headroom 2.5
20 Hz -20,000 Hz 0.025% at full rated power both dB; IHF !MD 0.08%; FR 10-40,000 Hz t 1 dB. 17"
ch driven. All controls are grouped together by w x 3" h x 12" d; 20 lb $350
function with alphanumeric and digital LED dis-
AX -900U Integrated Amplifier
Integrated amplifier with independent preamp/
power amp configuration. Features absolute lin-
ear amplification; high dynamic power; low -im-
pedance drive capability; CD direct position; con-
tinuously variable loudness control; preamp in/
main amp out terminals; dual record -out selec-
play for input functions, tone settings and volume capabilities, MM/MC phono, CD player, tuner tors. 130 W/ch min rms into 8 ohms. Black; 42
level. Features 2 -way tape copy; external loop; and AUX signal; independent record output selec lb $649
MM & Mc phono inputs; 3 programmable digital tor for taping one signal while listening to anoth
tone memories; sequential audio muting (fade er; A -B, A+B speaker switching. 105 continuous AX -700U Integrated Amplifier
out/in when switching inputs); high -current pow- W/ch into 8 ohms with 0.004% THD, 140 W/ch Features absolute linear amplification; high dy-
er -amp stage; peak/average LED power dis- into 4 ohms with 0.008% THD. 17" w x 6.38" h x namic power; low -impedance drive capability;
play 5499 17.25" d; 40 lb S700 CD ditect position; continuously variable loud-
ness control; record -out selector; accessory out-
SANSUI TA-F500ES Integrated Amplifier put loop; 3 tape inputs. 110 W/ch min rms into 8
Features nonmagnetic G -chassis construction; ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with less than 0.005%
AU -X901 Integrated Amplifier spontaneous twin -drive power supply; super lega- THD. Black; 29 lb 5519
Vintage series stereo integrated amp with Alpha to linear circuitry; source direct switch to route
X -balanced technology. Features direct -balanced input signal directly to volume control; passive AVC-50 Audio Video Integrated Amplifier
input for Sansui CD players; independent record tone -control circuitry; defeatable subsonic filter; Master A/V integrated amplifier with built-in
selector with OFF position; power amp direct con- inputs for 3 tape decks (2 video); mm/mc phono, surround sound decoder. Features 10 audio and 4
nection; high -gain phono EQ for MM and mc car- CD player, tuner, and AUX signal; independent video inputs and outputs; RS integrated system re-
tridges with FET input; bass and treble controls; record output selector for taping one signal while mote control; built-in video enhancer with contin-
selectable bass turnover; gold-plated input/out- listening to another; A -B, A+B speaker switch- uously variable sharpness, detail, and level con-
put terminals; A -B speaker switching; subsonic ing. 80 continuous W/ch into 8 ohms with trol; 5 surround modes including Dolby Sur-
filter; loudness contour; ext processor loop. In- 0.006% THD. 100 W/ch into 4 ohms with 0.01 round; bass extension control; continuously vari-
puts for phono: tuner; tape; tape 2; tape 3; tape/ THD. 17" w a 5.75" h x 14.75" d; 29 lb ... $500 able delay time control. 45 W/ch (front), 45 W/
DAT; CD player; tuner. 130 continuous average ch (rear) min rms into 8 ohms from 20,20,000 Hz
W/ch from 10-20,000 Hz with no more than with less than 0.05% THD. Black; 18 lb ... $499
0.003% THD into 8 ohms, s/N 120 dB; MM phono TANDBERG
sens 2.5 mV/47k ohms. Slew rate I 200V/psec; TIA 3012A Integrated Amplifier AVC-30U Audio Video Integrated Amplifier
17.63" w x 6.31" h x 17.38" d;44.1 lb; black fin- Features high -current MOSFET output, passive Master A/V integrated amplifier with built-in
ish $1,000 calibrated tone controls utilizing metal -film resis- surround sound decoder. Features RS integrated
AU -X701. Similar to AU -X901 except 100 W/ch tors (1% tolerance), no electrolytic or ceramic ca- system remote control; audio and video input
into 8 ohms with no more than 0.003% Too5700 pacitors from phono input to speaker output. source selection; independent record out selection
AU -X501. Similar to AU -X701 except 80 w/ch Thermic servo loop to detect or offset on the out- of audio and video sources; pre -main coupling
with no more than 0.005 THE) $500 put. Minimized Miller Effect; minimal negative loop; 4 -channel drive. 100 W/ch (front), 20 W/ch
AU -X301 Integrated Amplifier feedback and no current or voltage limiting on (rear) into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with less
Vintage series integrated amplifier with Alpha X - output stages. 100 W/ch rms into 8 ohms than 0.05% THD. Black; 26 lb $429
balanced technology. Features high -gain phono <0.02% mo. Rosewood side panels optional.
EQ for MM and Mc cartridges; independent record May be combined with Tandberg tuner and a pair AX -5011U Integrated Amplifier
of rosewood side panels to create a receiver$1,495 Features absolute linear amplification; high dy-
namic power; low -impedance drive capability;
TECHNICS CD direct position; continuously variable loud-
ness control; record -out selector; accessory out-
SUV10X 120-W/ch Integrated Amplifier put loop; MM/MC phono selector; 2 tape inputs;
Features separate record and input selectors and banana -plug compatible speaker terminals. 85
1111111111 A/V terminals. Inputs for MM phono; MC pho-
no; tuner; tape; tape 2; AUX; phono 2; CD player;
DAT deck; VCR; TV; tuner. 120 W/ch into 8
W/ch min rms into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz
with less than 0.01% -rim. Black; 18 lb ... S349
ohms; 29.8 lbs; 16.94" w x 5.8" h x 15.41" D$750 AX -5011U Integrated Amplifier
selector; subsonic filter; A -B speaker switching. SU-V7X. Similar to above except 100 W/ch into Features high dynamic power; low -impedance
65 W/ch into 8 ohms from 20-20.000 Hz with no 8 ohms; 24.3 lbs $560 drive capability; continuously variable loudness
more than 0.05% THE) $430 control; pure -current servo phono-EQ amp; MM
SU-V60 90-W/ch Integrated Amplifier Mc phono selector; banana -plug compatible
AU-G99X Integrated Amplifier Voltage -control amp and current -drive amp for speaker terminals. 55 W/ch min rms into 8 ohms
Stereo integrated amp with X -balanced technolo- each ch. Class AA bridge connected to separate from 20-20,000 Hz with less than 0.015% THD.
gy. Features FE peak power level indicators with current -drive amp isolates voltage -control amp Black; 16 lb $249



ACCUPHASE AM/FM presets; 5 -LED signal -strength display;

BY MADRIGAL switchable high -blend circuit; mono/mute switch; AUDIO DESIGN ASSOCIATES
T-106 AM/FM Stereo Tuner tuning accuracy of 0.00025%. THD stereo 0.07% FM -600 Tuner
Quartz -locked synthesis; 14 -station random at 1,000 Hz; 50 -dB quieting sens stereo 35.5 dBf; Analog FM tuner with 6 presets and digital fre-
memory; pulse tuning; double -tuned front end; s/N 78 dB stereo; FR 30-15,000 Hz ± 3 dB; cap- quency readout. Features AFC tuning; muting;
FM stereo demodulator; AM synchronous detec- ture ratio 1.5 dB; sep 53 dB at 1,000 Hz; AM stereo blend noise filter; stereo/mono mode all
tor; signal -strength meter; peak -modulation me- supression 70 dB. 17" x 3.25" x 12.5" $300 front panel switchable; signal strength/multipath
ter; MPX filter; sel switch; muting switch. FM GFT-555W. As above with white front panel$375 LED meter; 15 -pole IF filter; rear panel left and
section: 50 -dB quieting sens mono 17 dBf, stereo GFT-555.S.With silver front panel $375 right output level controls; standard EIA rack -
17 dBf; S/N 83 dB stereo, 79 dB mono (at 80 dBf mountable. FM section: FM usable sens stereo 1.9
A-wtd); FR 10-60,000 Hz +0, 0.5 dB; capture ra- Accessories mV; 50 -dB quieting sens stereo 2.7 mV; THD
tio 1.5 dB; sep 50 dB at 1,000 Hz; AM sup 80 dB RM-3. Optional rack -mount adaptors for GTP- 0.15% at 1,000 Hz; s/N 65 dB; FR 15-15,000 Hz
at 65 dBf. AM section: sens 20 µV/m at 20 dB S/ 500 and GFT-555 $20/pr ± 3 dB; capture ratio 1.9 dB; sep 47 dB at 1,000
N; 17.5" w x 5.06" h x 14.56" d $1,850 RM-3W. RM-3 in white $25/pr Hz; adjacent-ch rejection 90 dB 12 Ib; 19" w a
RM-3S. RM-3 in silver $25/pr 5.25" h x 13" d $2,395
T-107 Synthesizer FM Tuner XR-500. Remote sensor for GTP-500 $90
Electronic tuning; 12 -station random memory;
auto sweep for FM reception; double -tuned front AUDIO DYNAMICS
end to reject interference and IM; differential - a/d/s/ T200 AM/FM Tuner
gain linear FM detector; IF filters with flat CC4 Digital Tuner/Preamp Digital -synthesis tuner with Schotz noise reduc-
group -delay characteristics; resonator -controlled With microprocessor operating system for re- tion. Features 8 AM/ 8 FM station presets; auto
stereo demodulator; multipath and signal - mote -control operation, digital volume and tone wide -/narrow -bandwidth switching; extended AM
strength meter; MPX filter; muting switch; cham- controls, and alphanumeric display. Remote IR response; auto station scanning. FM FR 15-15,000
pagne -gold or anodized -black finishes. FM sec- receiver capability for multi -room remote control; Hz ± 0.375 dB; FM S/N 77 dB stereo; EM sens 44
tion: 50 -dB quieting sens 17 dBf; S/N stereo 85 RS -232 port for control by personal computer; dBf (43 µV) stereo 60 -dB s/N; capture ratio 1.75
dB; FR 10-16,000 Hz ± 3 1 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB $399
dB; sep 50 dB at 1,000 Hz; AM sup 80 dB; adj-ch
rej 30 dB. 17.5" w x 4.36" h x 13" d; 12.8
lb $1,200 CARVER
Tx -its FM/AM Stereo Tuner
ACOUSTIC RESEARCH Digital quartz -synthesized tuner with Asymmet-
rical Charge Coupled FM Detector circuit to re-
AR T-04 AM/FM Tuner digital -synthesized tuning with 30 AM or FM duce multipath distortion while retaining full sep-
Features infrared remote control of tuning func- stations; optional remote control. Preamp section: aration. 13 presets; auto/manual scan; wide/nar-
tions; system remote operation; 8 AM/8 FM sta- max output >7 V rms into 10,000 ohms/I,000 row bandwidth selector; antenna. FM section:
tion presets; frequency-syntesized tuning; digital pF; volume and balance control range 80 dB in I - FM usable sens 1 µV mono; 50 -dB quieting sens
frequency display; smooth flywheel -assisted tun- dB steps; bass and treble control range ± 10 dB in 3.1 µV; alt-ch sel 110 dB; adj-ch rej 110 dB; cap-
ing; manual or auto station search. FM section: 2 -dB steps; low bass 0 to +6 dB in 1 -dB steps. FM ture ratio 1.0 dB; AM sup 65 dB; image, i-f, spu-
FM usable sens (mono) 11.2 dBf (2.0 µV); FM 50 - section; sens <13 dBf mono; 50 -dB quieting sens rious -response ratio 110 dB. AM section: sep 35
dB quieting sens 37.2 dBf (40 µV) stereo, 14.6 <40 dBf stereo; capture ratio <1.5 dB; sel >65 dB; dB; S/N 77 dB $699
dBf (3.0 mV) mono; s/N 75 dB stereo; FR 30- spurious rejection >100 dB; stereo S/N >70 dB;
15,000 Hz ± 0.5 dB; capture ratio 1.0 dB; sep 48 sep at 1,000 Hz >47 dB. AM section; sens for 6 - TX -2 AM/FM Stereo Tuner
dB at 1,000 Hz; AM suppression 58 dB; alt-ch sel dB S/N <10 µV; IF rejection >50 dB; S/N 44 AM/FM tuner with Asymmetrical Charge Cou-
60 dB. AM section: FR 60-3,000 Hz ±3 dB. 17" w dB. 17.5" w x 2.8" h x 14.8" d; 18 lb $999 pled FM Detector. FM section: FM usable sens
x 3.31" h x 13" d $380 mono 1.8 µV, stereo 4.5 µV; 50 -dB quieting sens
RC1 Unified Remote Control stereo 5 µV; capture ratio 1.5; sep 43 dB at 1,000
ADCOM Infrared wireless remote controls CC4, R4 receiv- Hz; AM sup 60 dB; alt-ch rej 58 dB; adj-ch rej 28
er, CD3 CD player, and other a/d/s/ compo- dB. AM section: sens 250 µV with built-in anten-
GTP-500 Tuner/Preamplifier nents. $100 na, 20 µV with external antenna $399
Preamplifier with built-in tuner can be used with
Adcom or other power amps. Wireless remote Atelier T2 Digital Tuner
control included. Remote sensors available for re- AM/FM synthesized tuner with 16 station pre- CREEK AUDIO BY MUSIC HALL
mote control from different rooms. Tuner section sets and auto FM search tuning. Features fly- 3140 FM Tuner
features quartz -referenced digitally synthesized wheel manual tuning; fine-tuning control; switch - Auto mute; AFC $350
tuning; auto up and down scan; 8 AM/FM presets; able muting; high -blend control; LED frequency
5 -LED signal -strength display; high -blend circuit; display; center tuning plus signal -strength dis-
2 sets of outputs (Ac coupled. DC coupled). plays; AC outlets. FM usable sens mono 1.0 µV dbx
Preamp section features inputs for MM phono; (11.0 dBf) stereo 5.5 µV (26.1 dBf); stereo 50 -dB TX1 AM/FM Tuner
tape; tape 2; CD player; tuner. s/N phono A-wtd quieting sens 15 µV (34.8 dBf); S/N mono >70 Features Schotz dynamic noise reduction; auto
85 dB; IMD preamp 0.0015%; sens tuner 36.5 dBf dB, stereo >65 dB; FR 10-14,500 Hz, +0, -1 dB; IF -bandwidth switching; extended NRSC AM re-
stereo; THD tuner 0.09% stereo at 1,000 Hz; s/N ch sep >38 dB at 10,000 Hz; capture ratio <1.8 sponse; 6 AM/6 FM station presets; mono and
tuner 75 dB stereo; sep tuner 52 dB at 1,000 Hz. dB; AM quieting sens <5 µV for 6 dB S/N; im- high -blend switches. FM FR 15-15,000 Hz ± 0.25
17" w x 3.25" h x 12.75" d $550 age rejection >55 dB; S/N (with 1,000 -Hz 5 -mV dB; FM s/N 79 dB stereo; capture ratio 1.5 dB; FM
GTP-500W. As above with white front panel$625 signal) >44 dB; 17.5" x 2.8" x 14.8" $539 sens 43.7 dBf with 60 -dB s/N $600
GTP-500S. With silver front panel $625

GFT-555 AM/FM-Stereo Tuner

Features quartz -referenced digitally synthesized AT -A102 -B AM/FM-Stereo Tuner TU-800 AM/FM Tuner
tuning; auto up/down scan; instant -recall preset Quartz -synthesized tuner with random presets for Features Dynamic -Twin -Drive PLL circuits; 3 -
tuning; fluorescent digital -frequency display; 8- 16 stations $149 step IF bandwidth selection; 30 -station random


preset memory; MPX-NR switch; high -sensitivity TU920 Active -Tracking AM/FM Tuner computer -controlled tuning system; 10 -key di-
digital synthesis tuning; low -impedance output; Active -Tracking High -Selectivity (Hi Q) Circuit; rect -access tuning; auto/manual digital tuning;
auto -scan tuning; quick manual tuning; step man- digital -synthesized quartz -locked tuning; all -met- wide/narrow FM IF band selector; rec calibration
ual tuning; last -channel -tuned memory; large FL al chassis; 16 presets; muting; 2 -way seek; manual switch; 20 -station presets; FL display. FM 50 dB
display. FM 50 dB quieting sens 20 gaV (37.2 dBf) up/down tuning; 5 -LED signal -strength meter; quieting sens 38.8 dBf (24 µV) stereo; s/N 76 dB
stereo, 1.6 µV (15.3 dBf) mono; s/N 96 dB mono. tuned indicator. FM specs: S/N stereo 74 dB at 65 dBf, 83 dB at 85 dBf (stereo); capture ratio
86 dB stereo; capture ratio 1.2 dB; AM sup 70 dB. (normal and Hi Q); capture ratio 1.3 dB (nor- 1.0 dB (wide), 2.5 dB (narrow); FR 20-15,000 Hz
17.09" w x 3.5" h x 12.4" d $475 mal), 2.0 (Hi Q); alt-ch sel 65 dB (normal), 75 (Hi ± 0.5 dB. 17.31" w x 3.06" h x 12.25" d; 7.7
Q) $365 lb $260
TU-600 AM/FM Tuner TU911. Similar to above except lacks Active
Features dynamic PI.L detection with auto band- Tracking; 3 -LED signal -strength meter. FM alt- KT -76 AM/FM Tuner Timer
width selection; 20 AM/FM presets with stored ch sel 50 dB $235 Quartz -synthesis digital tuner with built-in 2 -pro-
gram audio -system timer. Features Station Name
HITACHI Preset System (SNPS) for 12 stations; 20 -station

HPT120AVSW AM/FM Tuner/Preamp

111111111111, Quartz digital -synthesized tuner section; 20 AM/
FM presets; unified infrared remote control with
LCD display; audio inputs for phono. CD, tape;
bandwidth instruction from each station; low -imp video inputs for TV, VCR, videodisc player; elec-
outputs; auto or manual scan. Side panels stan- tronic volume and balance controls; 5 -band
dard $350 graphic equalizer; video signal enhancer; rose- random preset memory with SNPS off: auto tun-
wood end caps $450 ing; preset scan; 60 -minute sleep timer; remote -
TU-450 AM/FM Tuner controlled through KC -206 preamp. FM 50 dB
Quartz -locked digital tuner features I6 -station FT-007SW Quartz Digital AM/FM Tuner quieting sens 39 dBf (49 µV) stereo; s/N 73 dB at
presets; digital synthesis tuning; MPX-NR switch; 16 AM or FM presets; FCCS designed to elimi- 65 dBf (stereo); capture ratio 1.2 dB; alt ch sel 50
auto -scan tuning; quick manual tuning; manual nate intermodulation and interference; auto quiet- dB; FR 30-15,000 Hz +0.5, -2.0 dB. 16.56" w x
step tuning; last -channel memory. FM 50 dB ing control function; signal -locked indicator for 2.94" h x 10.5" d; 6.2 lb $200
quieting sens 23.1 iaV (38.5 dBf) stereo, 3.1 laV FM; 2 -pole birdy filters; AM loop antenna; digi-
(21.2 dBf) mono; s/N 80 dB mono, 76 dB stereo; tal display to help position FM antenna; rose- KT -56 AM/FM Tuner
capture ratio 1.5 dB; AM sup 50 dB. 17.09" w x wood end caps $350 Quartz -synthesis digital tuner features I6 -station
2.75" h a 9.37" d $200 random preset memory; preset scan; auto/manual
JVC tuning; FL frequency and status display; power
DUAL BY ORTOFON stand-by for timer; remote -controlled through
FX1100BK AM/FM Tuner KC 206. FM 50 dB quieting sens 39 dBf (49 µV)
CT5040 AM/FM Tuner Computer -controlled quartz -Pit. digital-synsthe- stereo; s/N 73 dB at 65 dBf (stereo); capture ratio
High-performance AM/FM tuner features digital sis tuner with Optilink system for reduced digital 1.2 dB; alt ch sel 50 dB; FR 30-15,000 Hz +0.5,
synthesis tuning and 40 AM/FM station presets. noise. Features 40 AM/40 FM station presets; auto -2.0 dB. 16.56" a 2.94" x 10.5"; 6.2 lb ... $140
Black $250 memory; preset scan; variable stop level; dB sig-
nal -strength indicator; auto QSC; 6 -column al-
phanumeric display; 2 antenna inputs; program KINERGETICS
memory and monitor for recording off the air un- KBr-1 AM/FM-Stereo Tuner
DH -330 Tuner attended $470 Designed to correct for hysteresis errors in elec-
Quartz -controlled tuner provides exact station se- tronics of broadcast station (adjustable correc-
lection with a digitally synthesized tuning system. FXSOBK AM/FM Tuner tion); circuit designed to compensate for compo-
Features multipath distortion and noise -sensing Computer -controlled digital -synthesis tuner with nents used in broadcast station's electronics; re-
circuit; 5 -station memory; autosearch; digital remote control capability when used with JVC mote power supply; digital -synthesis tuning; 5
read out; nonvolatile memory; 3 dual -gate Compu-Link components. Features 16 AM/16 FM AM, 5 FM presets; scan tuning; selectable IF
mosFE-rs; 5 tuned front end circuits; triple -tuned presets; auto memory; dB signal -strength indica- bandwidth; inputs for 300- and 75 -ohm antennas;
RF stage volume control and separate output on tor; preset scan; variable stop level; built-in cA-ry finished in black or silver anodized brushed alu-
front panel for taping or headphones; kit is com- module for music source from cAry $270 minum. FM specs: 50 -dB quieting sens 36.0 dBf
prised of 4 fully assembled, tested, and aligned stereo; THD stereo 0.05% (wide), 0.10% (nar-
circuit boards which plug together. Usable sens FX33BK AM/FM Tuner row) at 1,000 Hz, 100% modulation, signal level
11.3 dBf; 50 -dB quieting sens mono 15.3 dBf, ste- Computer -controlled digital synthesis tuner with 65 dBf; S/N mono 75 dB, stereo 70 dB; sep 40 dB
reo 36.5 dBf; dist. at 1,000 Hz, 100% modulation remote control capablity when used with JVC (wide), 45 dB (narrow); capture ratio 1.5 dB; alt
mono 0.1%, stereo 0.18%; capture ratio 1.5 dB; Compu-Link components. Features 16 AM/16 FM ch sel 70 dB (narrow), 50 dB (wide); image rej 75
alternate ch sel 60 dB; sep 45 db at 1,000 Hz; 35 presets; auto memory; preset scan; digital readout dB; pilot and subcarrier rej 60 dB. AM specs:
dB at 10.000 Hz; s/N, mono, 72 dB, stereo, 68 on panel; optional CATV control unit $125. sens to 6 dB S/N 6.3 µV; image rej 50 dB; IF rej
dB. Kit $385 50 dB; FR 4,000 -6 dB $695
Assembled $460
BT -3300D FM Tuner KYOCERA
HARMAN KARDON Basic series FM tuner with Pentacle Power Supply T-910 Digital AM/FM Tuner
Citation Twenty -Three AM/FM Tuner design. Features Direct Linear Reception Circuit Digital PLL quartz -synthesized stereo tuner. Fea-
16 presets; infrared remote control; mono and (DLRC); Direct Linear Loop FM Detector; IF dis- tuies Dynamic Noise Reduction; 16 station pre-
mute buttons; LCD readout; Active -Tracking tortion correcting circuit; direct pure MPX decod- sets; nonferrous ceramic base/chassis; 2 FM an-
High -Selectivity (Hi Q) Circuit; digital -synthe- er; direct/distance RF selector; wide/narrow IF tennas; computer -programmed narrow/wideband
sized quartz -locked tuning; analog fine tuning; band selector; rec calibration with modulation IF selection. FM section: FM usable sens 1.7 µV
meter; auto/manual quieting control; 16 -station (9.8 dBf); 50 -dB quieting sens mono 3.0µV (14.8
preset memory with display; digital -rotary tuning dBf); THD 0.07%, mono 0.06% (at 1,000 Hz):
system; dynamic tuning process display; auto/
manual tuning; 3 -station preprogramming with
tuning lock; output level control; A/B antenna
selector; copper transformer shield and heat sink. The listings are based on data
FM 50 dB quieting sens 38.8 dBf (24 µV) stereo; provided by the manufacturers. Fm
s/N 76 dB at 65 dBf, 86 dB at 85 dBf (stereo); more product information, contact
flywheel -stabilized tuning knob; seek and manual capture ratio 1.0 dB (wide), 2.5 dB (narrow); FR
tuning; anodized brushed aluminum blue/black an authorized dealer or the
20-15,00) Hz t 0.5 dB. 17.31" w x 3.5" h x
finish with molded rubber trim; heavy -gauge met- 12.88" d; 11.9 lb $525
manufacturer directly. Manufacturers'
al chassis. FM specs: 50 -dB quieting sens stereo addresses and phone numbers are
15.2 dBf (normal), 19.1 (Hi Q); S/N stereo 75 dB Basic KT -880D Tuner listed in the directory
(normal and Hi Q); capture ratio 0.75 dB (nor- Basic series FM tuner with Pentacle Power Supply
mal). 1.75 (Hi Q); alt-ch sel 75 dB $595
beginning on page 226.
design. Features Direct Linear Reception Circuit;


s/N stereo 81 dB, mono 84 dB; capture ratio 1.0 IHF; IF response 90 dB. Power requirement 120 unified -remote integrated amplifiers. FM usable
dB; sep 58 dB at 1,000 Hz; AM sup 55 dB; alt-ch V 50/60 Hz 10 watts. 16" W x 5.44" H x 13" sens 10.8 dBf (1.9 µV). 16.94" w x 3.16" h x
rej 85 dB narrow, 40 dB normal. AM section: D $1,499 10.84" d $299
sens 280 p.V with built-in antenna, 10 µV with MR -510. Compact digital FM tuner $1,699
external antenna; 26.5 lb $590 T -601E Digital AM/FM Tuner
Digital quartz-PLL tuner with 16 AM/FM station
MERIDIAN BY MADRIGAL presets. Features auto seek; IC-PLL multiplex FM
LUXMAN 204 FM Stereo Tuner -Timer decoder; LED signal -strength meter. Fully remote
1-02 Digital Synthesized Tuner Instant access to 18 preset stations; scan tuning; controllable when used with NEC's A -1300E in-
PLL frequency -synthesized AM/FM stereo tuner. manual tuning in 50 -kHz steps; displays frequen- tegrated amp. FM usable sens 13.2 dBf (2.5 µV);
FM section: usable sens stereo 1.8 µV (10.3 dBf); cy, preset number, signal strength, or time; bat- alt-ch sel 60 dB. 16.9" x 2.4" x 10.5" SI99
tery backup; timer controls 200 system. 50 -dB
quieting sens 23 µv stereo; sel 56 dB; capture ra-
tio 1.5 dB; AM sup >55 dB $900
209. Remote master control works with 204 and Gamma 80 AM/FM Tuner
other Meridian 200 -series components; selects Features 20 random station presets; auto and
FM stations; controls 8 inputs, volume, and manual seek; memory scan; muting control with
mute; needs 9-V battery $125 variable high blend. FM s/N 86 dB; sens 43.2 dBf.
19" rack mount $470
T-120. Same as above but not rack mount-
Cyrus Digital AM/FM Tuner
THD stereo 0.06%, mono 0.05%; s/N 81 77 dB Quartz -locked synthesized tuner matches Cyrus Gamma 60 AM/FM Tuner
stereo, 81 dB mono; FR 20-15,000 Hz b0.5 dB; sep amp; 19 FM, 9 AM presets; auto scan with auto Features 10 Am/10 FM station presets; variable
55 dB; 17.81" x 3.44" x 13.56"; 10.6 lb ... S500 FM mute. FM section: FM usable sens mono 0.85 high blend; auto and manual seek; memory scan;
µV (26 dBf), stereo 19 µV (46 dBf); THD stereo muting control. 19" rack mount $360
T-102 AM/FM-Stereo Tuner 0.42%, mono 0.17% at 1,000 Hz; S/N 73 dB ste-
AM/FM tuner with digital -synthesized tuning and reo, 76 dB mono; FR 20-15,000 Hz ± I dB; cap- Gamma 30 AM/FM Tuner
pulse -count detector. Features compu-store; 5 - ture ratio 73 dB; sep 45 dB at 1,000 Hz; AM sup Quartz frequency -synthesis tuner with variable
station programmable timer; 20 station presets; 47 dB; pilot -tone rej 42 dB; image frequency rej muting; high blend; auto scan; manual search; 7
memory scan/auto seek; muting -level control; IF 57 dB; cross modulation sup 36 dB; output 1 V. AM/7 FM station presets. 19" rack mount . $340
narrow switch. FM section: usable sens stereo 0.9 AM section: FR 20-15,000 Hz ± I dB; sens 140
µV (10.3 dBf); 50 -dB quieting sens stereo 27 µV µV with built-in antenna; 8.5" w x 3" h x 13.5" d; NT -950 AM/FM Tuner
(39.9 dBf); THD stereo 0.06% at 1,000 Hz; s/N 4.18 lb $449 Digital quartz -synthesis tuner with 10 AM/10 FM
stereo 75 dB at 65 dBf; FR 25-15,000 Hz ± 0.5 dB; station presets; preset scanning; IF band (wide/
capture ratio 1 dB; sep 50 dB at 1,000 Hz; AM narrow) switching $260
suppression 70 dB; adjacent-ch rejection 20 dB
narrow; alt-ch rejection 80 dB narrow. AM sec- 4300 FMX Tuner
tion: FR 120-2,200 Hz ± 3 dB. 5.5 Ib; 17.25" w x With circuitry to decode FMX broadcasts for im-
2.25" h x 8.62" d $330 proved reception in stereo of weak stations. FM BWO1 FM Tuner
section: switchable i-f bandwidth (wide/narrow); Designed for high sens, excellent capture ratio
T-100 AM/FM-Stereo Tuner FM usable sens stereo 9 dBf; 50 -dB quieting sens and AM sup $775
AM/FM tuner with digital -synthesized tuning and stereo 22 dBf; THD stereo 0.07% at 1,000 Hz; S/
system remote -control capability. Features 16 sta- N stereo 80 dB; FR 30-15,000 Hz ± 0.5 dB; sep
tion random presets; auto seek; cable ready. FM 50 dB at 1,000 Hz; capture ratio <1.5 dB; adja-
section: usable sens stereo 0.95 µV (10.8 dBf); 50 - cent-ch rejection 80 dB $548 1-9090 MKII FM Tuner
dB quieting sens stereo 34.5 µV (42 del); THD Remote -controlled ultra -high -sensitivity FM tuner
stereo 0.15% at 1,000 Hz; s/N stereo 70 dB at 65 4130 AM/FM-Stereo Tuner with computer -controlled APR to automatically
dBf; FR 20-15,000 Hz ± 0.5 dB; capture ratio 1.5 Digitally synthesized AM/FM-stereo tuner with or manually adjust for stereo/mono, local/Dx,
dB; sep 50 dB at 1,(00 Hz; AM suppression 60 dB; dynamic -blend circuit. Features FM usable sens high -blend, wide/narrow/super-narrow band-
ch rejection 65 dB. AM section: FR 120-2,200 Hz 1.8 µV mono; 50 -dB quieting sens mono 14.2 width, and A/B antenna switching. Features
± 3 dB. 5 Ib; 17.25" x 2.25" x 8.62" $250 dBf, stereo 34.2 dBf; S/N mono/stereo 82/75 dB; multi -function digital display; digital readout of
FR 30-15,000 Hz ± 0.5 dB; THD mono/stereo signal strenght in dBf; 20 station presets; preset
0.9%/0.9% at 1,000 Hz; capture ratio <1.5 dB; scan; auto memorization; timer programming;
MARANTZ alt-ch rejection 70 dB; sep 50 dB $228 motorized output level control. Cable ready $700
ST 54 AM/FM-Stereo Tuner
Quartz -locked digital frequency synthesis tuner. T-4087 AM/FM Tuner
Features 24 -station preset memory (16 FM/8 AM
NAKAMICHI Tuner with automatic precision reception system
plus bandwidth setting for each preset); retains ST -7 AM/FM Stereo Tuner to control 4 modes (stereo -muting on/mono-mut-
memory for 2 weeks without AC or battery; Tuner with Schotz noise reduction. Features sig- ing off, auto high -blend on/off, local/Dx, and IF
switchable wide/narrow bandwidth $780 nal/multipath meter; 16 station presets; output bandwidth wide/narrow). Features 4 separate
level controls (R + L independent). FM IHF sens power supplies for RF amp, IF amp, demodulator,
mono 1.7 µV (10 dBf), stereo 3.9 p.V (17 dBf); FM
McINTOSH usable sens mono 1.7 µV (10 dBf), stereo 3.9 µV
MR -7082 AM/FM Tuner (17 dBf); 50 -dB quieting sens mono 2.7 1.I.V (14
AM/FM tuner with Signal Locked Loop tuning dBf), stereo 14 µV (28 dBf); THD stereo 0.08%,
system. Features electronic memory for 7 FM mono 0.06% at 1,000 Hz; s/N 76 dB stereo, 80 et"=.= = =
and 7 AM stations; digital frequency readout; dB mono; FR 20-15,000 Hz ± 1 dB; capture ratio -
DMOS-FET RF amplifier; double -balanced mix- 1.9 dB; sep 55 dB at 1,000 Hz; AM suppression
er; PLL MPX decoder; audio output suppression better than 60 dB; alt-ch rejection >60 dB. 17.12"
circuits for 19 kHz and 38 kHz carrier; LED tun- w x 2.5" h x 11.37" d; 10 lb, 6 oz $725 and multi -pies decoder; 20 AM/I M station pre-
ing meter; electronically regulated power supply; sets; battery -free memory backup; MOSFET RF
internal audio processor; memory search; wide - amp front end; PLL demodulator. Black finish
band AM; remote control interface. FM section:
NEC only. Wood side panels included. FM usable sens
sensitivity mono 13 dBf (1.3 V) for 30 dB of T-710 Digital AM/FM Tuner 17.2 dBf (2 µV) stereo; 50 -dB quieting sens 36
quieting; signal strength for 50 dB of quieting, Computer -controlled quartz-PLL digital -synthesis dBf (17 p.V) stereo; s/N 77 dB stereo; FR 30-
18/36 dBf mono/stereo; capture ratio 1.5 dB; IM tuner with 16 AM/FM station presets. Features 15,000 Hz ± 1 dB; capture ratio 1 dB. 18.25" w x
0.08% from 20-15,000 Hz with 100% modula- auto scan; preset scan; selectable (wide, narrow) 3" h x 14.62" d; 12 lb $400
tion or less; alt channel selectivity 55 dB; separa- IF bandwidth; Ft. frequency readout; low -noise
tion 50 dB at 1 kHz; AM suppression 60 dB; im- dual -gate MOSFET front end; multiplex stereo de- 1-4150 AM/FM Tuner
age rejection 90 dB. AM section: sensitivity 35 V; coder with a pilot canceller and active filter; stat- Computer -controlled quartz -synthesized AM/FM
S/N 55 dB IHF. 65 dB at 100% modulation; ic -resistant low -imp AM loop antenna; ladder IF tuner with 3 -mode APR, 20 station presets, high -
THD 0.2% at 30% modulation; selectivity 40 dB filter. Remote controllable when used with NED blend override, and multi-PLL. FM usable sens


17.2 dBf (2 µV) stereo; 50 -dB quieting sens 36.1 with built-in mTs decoder. Features 24 AM/FM
dBf (35 µV) stereo; capture ratio 1.3 dB (wide); station presets; 12 TV presets; LED tuning indica-
FM FR 30-15,000 Hz +0.5, -I dB. 17.2" w x 2.75" tor; RF input/output; video output; black finish.
h x 14.5" d; 8.2 lb $280 2.31" h x 16.56" w x 12.5" d $330
CU-760(BK). Optional remote control for use
T-4130 AM/FM Tuner with TX -V1160 tuner $50
Digital quartz -synthesized AM/FM tuner with 16
station presets. Features digital frequency dis- F-77(BK) Digital AM/FM Tuner
play; battery -free memory backup; stereo/mono Digital Direct Decoder (DDD) AM/FM tuner
swtich; mute on/off; memory and signal -strength dBA (at 65 dBf, unable sens rte-eo ..5.8 dBf (17 with quartz-PLL synthesis tuning. Features 16
indicator. FM usable sens 17.2 dBf (2 µV) stereo; µV); THD stereo 0.14%; FR 15-30,000 Hz ± 0.5 random presets; LED tuning indicator; auto sta-
50 -dB quieting sens 36.1 dBf (35 µV) stereo; cap- dB; capture ratio 1 5 dB; de -emphasis 25 µs, 50 tion search; AM -stereo adaptor jack; black finish.
ture ratio 1.5 dB (wide); FM FR 30-15,000 Hz las, 75 as (switchable). 19' w x 1.75" h x 13.5" d; 2.38" h x 16.56" w x 12.5" d $270
± 1.5 dB. 17.2" wide x 2.81" high x 10.56" deep; 13.5 lb $795
6 lb $180 F-X707(BK) AM/FM Tuner
TU1 PLL FM Tuner Quartz -Pit. synthesis tuner with 12 station pre-
PARASOUND MOSFET front end with 4 Varicap tuned sections; sets arid auto station search. 2.19" h x 14.19" w x I

6 station preset memory; stereo/mono switch; 13.06" d $170

S7'220 AM/FM Tuner last station recall; switchable de -emphasis. s/N 68
Quartz -synthesis with PLL tuning; 6 AM, 6 FM dBf; uasble sens 12.8 dBf; THD stereo 0.14%; FR TX -V70 AM/FM Tuner
presets; auto or manual tuning; 4 -LED signal - 30-15,000 Hz ± 0.5 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB. 17" Quartz-PLL synthesis tuner with 16 station pre-
strength indicator. FM section: IHF sens mono w x 2.25" h x 13.5" d; 12 lb $650 sets with auto station search and memory
10.8 dBf; 50 -dB quieting sens mono 16.1 dBf, ste- scan $165
reo 37.7 dBf; S/N 76 dB stereo, 82 dB mono; cap-
ture ratio 1.4 dB; sep 48 dB at 1,000 Hz; AM sup PIONEER
65 dB; alt-ch rej 66 dB; adj-ch rejection 8 dB. AM F-99X(BK) Digital AM/FM Tuner PROTON
section: sens 175 p.V with built-in antenna. 17.25" Digtal Direct Decoder (DDD) AM/FM tuner with 440 Digital Tuner
w x 2.75" h x 11" d; 10 lb $265 quartz-PLL synthesis tuning. Features 16 random Scholz AM/FM tuner with Schotz Noise Reduc-
presets; station search; LED signal strength meter; tion. Features digital station readout; 12 station
PERREAUX AM -stereo adaptor jack; black finish with rose- presets; memory backup holds station settings for
wood -finished vinyl -coveted side panels. 2.38" h 2 weeks when unplugged; adjustable rear panel
TU3 PLL FM Tuner x 17.94" w x 12.25" d $375 output level. FM section: FM usable sens mono 1.8
5 -section tuned-Varicap RE section; microproces- p.V (10.3 dBf); 50 -dB quieting sens mono (15.3
sor -controlled digital tuning; linear phase filters TX-V1160(BK) Digital AM/FM/TV Tuner dBf), stereo (33.2 dBf); THD stereo 0.2%, mono
in IF stage; switchable de -emphasis. s/N stereo 68 Quartz-PLL digital synthesis AM/FM/TV tuner 0.05% at 1,000 Hz; s/N 70 dB stereo, 75 dB

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122 Dupont St
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mono; FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 0.2 dB; capture ratio FM antennas; terminals for external FM antenna
1.5 dB; sep 45 dB at 1,000 Hz; AM sup 60 dB; alt- 9" x 2.5" x 6" $60
ch rej 55 dB; adj-ch rej 90 dI3. AM section: sens T101 AM/FM Stereo Tuner
300 ILV with built-in antenna. 16.5" w x 2.5" h x Computer direct -line digital tuner. Features 16
9.75" d; 15 lb $250
REVOX station presets (8 AM/8 FM); auto and manual
B285 Tuner/Preamp tuning; signal -strength, multipath, and level indi-
AT -300 AM/FM Stereo Tuner AM/FM stereo tuner/preamp with two micro- cators; IF narrow; high blend; memory scan. FM
AM/FM-stereo tuner with Schotz noise reduction processors for control of input sensitivities, out-
and remote control option; 20 station presets; put levels, and operating functions. Features al-
phanumeric multi -mode LCD display; 29 AM or
FM presets; level and reception mode (mono/ste-
reo, blend) separately programmable for each
preset station; programmable volume limit; -20
dB button; subsonic filter; loudness contour; pro-
grammable output levels for A and B speaker
pairs; comprehensive speaker protection circuits;
serial data bus for external control devices; wire- section: IHF sens stereo 3.9 µV (17 dBf); 50 -dB
search & scan; PI.1.; FM sens 1.9 µv and 50 dB less infrared remote control (transmitter option- quieting sens stereo 32 µV (35.3 dBf); Tito stereo
quieting sens (stereo) is 3.5 dB; THD 65 dBf 0.1%; al). Inputs for phono, tape, CD player, tape 2. FM 0.08% at 1,000 Hz; s/N stereo 70 dB. FR 30-
s/N 75 dB; sep 50 dB $219 section: alternate-ch sel 96 dB; adjacent-ch sel 16 18,000 Hz +1, -2 dB; capture ratio 1.2 dB; sep 55
dB; 50 -dB quieting sens, mono 1.6 µV (15.2 dBf), dB at 1.000 Hz; alt-ch rejection -100 dB narrow;
QUAD stereo 19 µV (36.8 dBf); max s/N, A-wtd, mono adj-ch rejection -15 dB narrow; 20 lb; 19" w x
84 dB, stereo 80 dB; THD mono 0.15%, stereo 3.5" h x 12.5" d $650
FM4 FM Tuner 0.3%; sep 43 dB at 1,000 Hz; capture ratio 2 dB.
FM -stereo tuner designed to be used with Quad AM section: FR 120-3,000 Hz t 6 dB; sens 36µV. 1102 AM/FM Stereo Tuner
44 preamp. Features no controls except 8 push- 17.75" w x 6" h x 13.06" d; 33 lb $2,300 Computer direct -line digital tuner with 16 station
buttons to store/recall station presets, tuning presets; auto and manual tuning; IF narrow; high
knob, power switch; bar -graph meter to indicate B261 Tuner blend. FM section: IHF sens stereo 4.1 µV; 50 -dB
signal strength, center -channel tuning; dedicated Microcomputer -controlled tuner with program- quieting sens 34 µV; THD stereo 0.08% at 1.000
microprocessor that recalls desired station from ming feature covering ID and frequency of 20 sta- Hz; s/N 70 dB stereo; FR 30-18,000 Hz +1, -2
memory, tunes it, automatically sets muting, tions, including preferred mode of reception for dB; capture ratio 1.2 dB; sep 55 dB at 1.000 Hz;
automatic frequency control levels. Stations each station. Features 20 station selector buttons; alt-ch rejection -100 dB narrow; adj-ch rejection
stored in memory remain there for up to 5 years. infrared remote control; two separate muting -15 dB narrow. 19" w x 3.5" h x 12.5" d . S349
even with power disconnected. Available in an- threshold buttons; high blend button; auto station
thracite grey. Mono/stereo 50 -dB quieting sens scanning; LCD display indicates stations and fre-
2.7/25 µV; mono/stereo s/N ratio 76/70 dB at 1 quency alphanumerically; sens 0.5 µV on 75 SANSUI
kHz, I mV A-wtd; mono/stereo distortion ohms for 26 -dB s/N with 40 -Hz deviation; usable iu-r701 AM/FM Tuner
0.05%/0.10% stereo; capture ratio 2.5 dB; sel 53 sens mono 2µV, stereo 20 µV on 75 ohms for a Vintage series tuner featuring random presets for
dB; image/i-f rejection 80/100 dB; FR 20-15,000 s/N ratio of 46 dB with 40,000 Hz deviation; cap- 30 FM and AM stations; numeric keypad for re-
Hz +0/-1 dB; crosstalk 40 dB at I kHz; pilot -tone ture ratio 0.8 dB for a s/N ratio of 30 dB; sel 80 call; programming two station frequencies for un-
suppression 60 dB; deemphasis switchable 50/75 dB tuned -in signal 100 µV on 75 ohms. FR 30- attended recording; memory scan; RE mode selec-
µsec; power consumption 6 V $595 15,000 Hz t 1 dB; harmonic distortion 0.07% at tion; IF bandwidth selection; record calibrator;
1,000 Hz and 40,000 Hz deviation mono and ste- FM noise canceller; mode switch. Usable sen
RCA reo L -R mV input on 75 ohms; s/N 75 dB, 30 Hz 38.0dBf (stereo); THD 0.0095% (stereo); s/N
15,000 Hz linear referred to deviation of 75,000 98dB; IF response (at 84MHz) 110dB. 17.63" h x
MPT200 Audio/Video Preamp Tuner Hz with an input of 1 mV on 75 ohms; stereo sep 3.81" w x 11.81" d; 10.4 lb $475
Dimensia A/V control center with unified remote 100 Hz 10,000 Hz, 40 dB 1,000 Hz, 43 dB re-
control and on -screen status indication when used ferred to deviation of 40,000 Hz and an input of 1 TU-X301 AM/FM Tuner
with Dimensia monitor lets you select inputs mV on 75 ohms; 17.75" w x 6" h x 13.06" d; Vintage series tuner features digital -synthesis tun-
from up to 13 Dimensia components and 5 non - 18.75 lb $1,800 ing; 6 AM/6 FM station presets; FM noise canceller
system components. Features automatic input se- circuit. 50 dB quieting sens 36 dBf (stereo), 16
lection; remote control volume, mute, direct ac-
cess and station scan, and off/on; SystemLink ca-
bling; simultaneous recording and playback; auto RT850 AM/FM Tuner
status indication; auto switching; quartz-mi. syn- Quartz -synthesizer tuner with microprocessor
thesis tuning; 20 -station random tuning memory; circuitry. Features 6 AM/6 FM presets, manual
preset channel scanning; FM search tuning; elec- and autoscan tuning. FM section: usable sens
tronic volume control; signal processing loop; mono 2µV (11.2 dBf), 50 -dB quieting sens mono dBf (mono); s/N 72 dB (stereo), 78 dB (mono);
preset turn -on volume; fluorescent display; mut- 3 µV (14.6 dBf), stereo 40 1.1.V (37.2 dBf); THD capture ratio 1 dB. 17.69" w x 1.81" h x 8.94" d;
ing; bass, treble, and balance controls; 4 AC con- 5.3 lb $290
venience outlets. Tuner section: FM sens 12.2 dBf;
s/N 73 dB (mono); image rejection 45 dB; sel 60 TU-D33X Quartz Tuner
dB; FM FR 30-15,000 Hz; capture ratio 1.5 dB. Digital synthesizer frequency front end; 6 presets
14.63" w x 4.13" h x 13.38" d $349 for FM and 6 for AM; last station memory; stereo
lock indicators. Selectivity 35dB; s/N 50dB; FM
quieting sens 50dB. 16.94" w x 1.81" h x 8.94" d;
REALISTIC 5.1 lb $250
TM -150 AM/FM-Stereo Mini Tuner stereo 0.2%, mono 0.08% at 1,000 Hz; s/N 73 dB
PLL tuning; stereo/mono switch; FM stereo stereo, 75 dB mono; FR 30-15,000 Hz +0, -2 dB;
LED; illuminated tuning dial; built-in AM and capture ratio 1.0 dB; sep 48 dB at 1,000 Hz; AM
suppression 58 dB; AM section: sens 300 µV/m; ST-S700ES AM/FM Tuner
s/N 50 dB; 17" w x 2.56" h x 11.5" d; 8.5 lb$279 Features quartz frequency -synthesis tuning; SsT
super sound tracking front end that continuously
The listings are based on data RT830 AM/FM Analog Tuner shifts the center of the bandpass filter in response
provided by the manufacturers. For AM/FM stereo tuner with LED indicators for sig- to the frequency modulations; wois wave opti-
more product information, contact nal strength; muting switch. FM section: usable mized IF system to automatically select optimum
an authorized dealer or the sens mono 2µV (11.2 dBf), 50 -dB quieting sens filter characterics; WoDD wave optimized direct
mono 3.5 µV (16 dBf), stereo 50 µV (39.4 dBf); PI.L detector with low distortion and noise;
manufacturer directly. Manufacturers' THD stereo 0.6%, mono 0.3% at 1,000 Hz; s/N WODSD wave optimized digital stereo decoder; di-
addresses and phone numbers are 65 dB stereo, 70 dB mono; FR 35-13,000 Hz t 1.5 rect comparator circuitry; 10 AM/FM station pre-
listed in the directory dB; capture ratio 2 dB; sep 38 dB at 1,000 Hz; AM sets; multi -process memory to remember various
beginning on page 226. suppression 62 dB; AM section: sens 300 µV/m; station settings for each preset; memory scan; cal-
s/N 45 dB; 17" w x 2.56" h x 12.56" d; 6.8 lbS179 ibration tone presets for off -air taping. s/N 91 dB


OPEN MON.-SAT. 10 A.M.-6 P.M. (EST)
ST-G6T AM/FM-Stereo Tuner
Features quartz synthesis. FM section: IHF sens
mono 1.2 µV (12.8 dBf); THD stereo 0.03%,
mono 0.02%; S/N 73 dB stereo. 80 dB mono. 2 WEST 47TH ST. RM. #901
AM section: sens 20 µV with built-in antenna. 5.1 New York, N.Y. 10036
lbs $315 7 day defective exchange
All products warranteed
ST -G50 AM/FM-Stereo Tuner Ask about 3 yr. extended warranties serviced
Features 39 AM/FM presets; twin -quartz tuning; nationally
stereo; FR 15-15,000 Hz +0.2, -0.5 dB; sel 65 dB. linear -switching MPX circuit for wide stereo sep No deposits on C.O.D orders
17" w x 3.38" h x 13.62" d; 9 lb $400 and FR; DC construction. FM section: 50 -dB Professional staff for planning full systems
quieting sens stereo 44 µV (38.1 d13(); THD ste-
ST-S500ES Ast/Fm Tuner reo 0.03% at 1,000 Hz; S/N 73 dB stereo; cap- RECEIVERS
Features quartz frequency -synthesis tuning; ture ratio i dB. 4.8 lbs $240 PLAYERS
wood wave optimized direct P1.1. detector with ADS R.4 $718
ADS CD3 $987
B&O 5500 $1489
low distortion and noise; WODSD wave optimized ST -G40 AM/FM-Stereo Tuner B&O CD50 $827
Carver 150 Receiver CALL DBX-DX5
digital stereo decoder; direct comparator circuit- Features 16 -station random-access preset memo- Carver 900 $520
ry; 10 AM/FM station presets; multi -process mem- Denon DCD 700 $319
ry and large LCD readout. FM section: 50 -dB Denon DRA 35V $237
Denon DCD 1500 CALL
ory to remember various station settings for each quieting sens stereo 44 µV (38.1 dBf); THD ste- Demon DRA 755 $399
Harman Kardon HD300
preset; calibration tone presets for off -air taping. Denon DRA 95VR $519
reo 0.18% at 1,000 Hz; S/N 73 dB stereo; cap- Heiman Kardon 4951 $339
In Stock
S/N 84 dB stereo; FR 15-15,000 Hz +0.2, -0.5 dB; ture ratio 1 dB; separation 50 dB at 1,000 Hz. 4.8 JVC XLM 700 $419
sel 55 dB narrow. 90 wide. 17" w x 3.38" h x Magnavox CDB465 $229
lb $185 Kyocera R661 $589 Magnavox CDB650 $399
13.62" d; 9' lb $300 NAD 7220PE $249 Nakamichi OMS3A $593
NAD 7175PE CALL Onkyo DX120
VECTOR RESEARCH Naxamichi SR2A $389 Pioneer PDM70 CALL
°racy° TX80 $168
Pioneer CLD909 $649
Orkyo TX84 $324
Sony CDPCIO $589
T6200 AM/FM Stereo Digital Tuner Quartz PI I -synthesized tuner. FM section: alt-ch Pioneer VSX 5000 $439
Sony CDPCSF $349
Digital quartz -Pt I. tuner with 16 station presets, sel 60 dB. 50 -dB quieting sens mono 3 µV (10 Proton 940 $359 Sony CDP310 $239
5 -digit station readout, auto scan tuning, and ac- Sherwood 2770 $298
dBf); 50 -dB quieting sens stereo 40 ;AV (37 dBf): Scny Stray 450
Yamaha CD1000 $439
$219 Yamaha CD700
tive high -blend filter. 19" rack -mount front panel. max s/N A-wtd, mono 75 dB, stereo 73 dB; THD Sony Stray 950 $497
IHF sens 1.6 µV; s/N 75 de; distortion 0.08%. mono 0.08%; stereo 0.2%. 8.5 Ib; 17" w x 3" h x Yamaha RX 300 $242
2.36" h x 19" w x 12" d $299 12.5" d $200 Yamaha RX 700 $439
Denon DRM07 $169
TPT 3001A Programmable FM Tuner TURNTABLES - Denon DRM3OHX CALL
T -85B AM/FM Digital Tuner CARTRIDGES Harman Kardon TD302
Features computer -type logic servo tuning sys- Features RS integrated system remote compatibil- $369
tem; 8 -ganged varactor tuning diodes in front ity; cat tuning; digital fine tuning; low -distortion AR EB101 $309 Harmon Kardon CD491
end, dual -gate MDSFET's in R -F and mixer stages; high -separation pure -stereo MPX demodulator; B&O RX-2 $189 In Stock
8 -station memory preset with touch -button recall Denon DP23F $197 NAD 6155 $349
20 -station random-access preset; 6 -way status sta- Dual CS505 a In Nakamichi CR7A $1299
and LED program readout; wide/normal/narrow Dual CS5000 Stock Nakamichi BX 300 $679
IF bandwidth selector; autorange signal -strength Thorens TD316 $209 Nakamichi BX 125 In Stock
with 1,000 -meter -range I.ED, center tuning/preset Tnorens TD320 CALL Sony TCWR 930 $449
frequency meters. Audio circuitry includes select- Yamaha PF1000 $389 Tanberg TCD 3014.31429
ed all -metal film resistors, polypropylene capaci- B60 MC3 $149 Yamaha KX1200 $559
Ortofon X3MC CALL Yamaha K720 $379
tors, and min negative feedback; mono. ANC. Talisman S $189 Yamaha K142 $189
servo, mute switches with LED's; 3 -circuit mut-
ing; output level control; s/N 90 dB; narrow sel tion memory; 4 -position IF mode selector (super
125 dB. Rosewood side panels optional .. $1,995 wide, wide, narrow, super -narrow); dynamic auto SEPARATE SPEAKERS
blend; signal -quality meter; switchable FM RI. COMPONENTS ADS L1090 $890
TPT 3031A Programmable FM Tuner mode; zero IM mixer front end. 50 dB quieting Advent Legacy $359
Adcom GFA 535 $249
Remote controlled tuner with 4 ganged diodes; sens (mono) 1.6 ILV (15.3 dBf); s/N stereo 87 dB; Adcom GFA 555 CALL
Advent Prodigy $229
dual gate mosurr's in RF stage; 16 station preset; sep 68 dB. 17.12" w x 3.62" h x 14" d $469 AR TSW 410 $392
Carver M500T $498
B&W Matrix 1 $769
manual/auto tuning; zero -negative -feedback au- RMA-180. Rack mount adaptor for T -85B . $18 Carver MI OT $399
B&W 1101 $298
Carver C-1 $495
Carver TX -2 Celestion DL6 $279
TX -900U AM/FM Digital Tuner $329 Design Acoustic PS8A
Denon PMA 500 $292
Features RS integrated system remote compatibil- Denon TU 600 $269
$259 DBX Soundfields..In Stock
ity; digital fine tuning; 3 -position auto/manual IF Denon POA 2200 $529
mode selector; 20 -station random access preset Halter DH500A $649
JBL Pro III $198
WAD 2200 $449
tuning; 4 -way station memory; high blend; inte- NAD 2600 CALL
Koss 100 Plus $159
grated multi -function display. Black; 9 Mission 737R $479
Proton 01200 $489
lb $379 Yamaha A1020 $489
Yamaha C85 $579
TX -500U AM/F111 Digital Tuner Yamaha 11020 $279 CAR STEREO
Yamaha DSP1 CALL
Features RS integrated system remote compatibil- Alpine 7902 $685
ity; direct PLI IF count synthesizer tuning; 2 -posi- Alpine 7263 $257
tion IF mode selector; 20 -station random access Blaupunkt Denver $229
Clarion 8825
dio section. Remote control and rosewood side preset tuning; 4 -way station memory; high blend; VIDEOS & T. V.'S Carver TX -9 $639$289
panels optional. 17.13" w x 3.25" h x 13.75" d; 11 integrated multi -function LCD display $269 Mitsubishi 422 $798 Carver 240 $279
lb $895 NEC DX 5000 In Stock Denon DCR7600 $397
TX -400U AM/FM Digital Tuner NEC 965U $689 Kenwood KRC 836 $389
Pioneer LD838 $439 Nakamichi TD 300 $3469
Features RS integrated system remote compatibil-
TECHNICS ity; direct PI I synthesizer tuning; 16 -station ran-
Pioneer VH900 $829 Nakamichi TD 700 $719
NEC 2660 $639 Nakamichi PA 200 $198
ST -G7 AM/FM-Stereo Tuner dom access preset tuning; integrated multi -fund - Proton 619A $589 Proton 203CD
Features 16 presets; triple -quartz control (front- lion t CD display; auto -search tuning; manual up/ Proton 625 CALL Soundstream TC308 $24
end i-f and MPX) for 120 dB i-f strip, quartz -con- Sony 2781R $799 Sony CDAXIO CALL
down tuning. Black; 7 lb $219 HK VMP500 In Stock Sony CDXR88 $579
trolled double-PLL DC -peak sample -and -hold
MPX digital linear detector using 1 -shot multivi- VISA MASTER AMEX
brator and mirror -loaded current stablizer for
wide dynamic range; auto i-f bandwidth; in/out For explanations of abbreviations, Ad Represents Small Percentage of Inventory!
computer interface. THD stereo 0.03%, mono specifications, and technical terms, Please Call for Products Not Listed!
0.02%; S/N stereo 94 dB; capture ratio 1 0 dB; consult the glossary on page 22I. Price and Availability Subject to Change
sens 20 µV; 9 lbs $500
SIERFIO BUIL. RS' Gum 1988 93

track, disc; full -function remote control; I-beam DX -1500 Compact Disc Player
ACCUPHASE BY MADRIGAL laser; I4 -bit digital filtering; dual D/A converter. Drawer -loading CD player with 9 -function re-
DP-80/DC-81 Two -Part CD Player Oversamples at 176.4 kHz. Displays current mote control. Features programming of 16 tracks
DP -80 transport plays discs and DC -81 digital track number, elapsed time of current track, in any order, 99 tracks in sequential order; skip
processor converts digital signals to analog; opti- elapsed time on disc, remaining time on disc. 17" forward; skip back; fast forward; fast reverse;
cal fiber cable. DP -80 features I master clock; lin- w x 4.33" h x 14.5" d $490 cancel; repeat track, disc, program; headphone
ear motor laser pickup; <1 -sec selection time; ce- jack with adjustable level; sound audible during
ramic -resin mounting floated from chassis; play, fast scan. Samples at 44.1 kHz. Displays current
search, pause, skip back, fast forward, fast re-
ADC track number, elapsed time on disc, program in
verse, repeat disc or phrase; cues by track num- 16/2R Compact Disc Player memory, remaining time on disc. 13" w x 2.89" h
ber; displays current track number. DC -8I fea- Slide -drawer -loading CD player with full -func- x 11.75" d; 7.5 lb $295
tures D/A converter with discrete elements; wi- tion remote control and advanced error -process-
deband optical -fiber inputs; 16 -bit digital signal ing circuitry for precise tracking and stability.
and deglitch signal for each ch input to D/A con- Features programming of 16 tracks in any order;
verter through 17 optoisolators; 12I -stage double- skip forward; skip back; fast forward; fast reverse; CD -A70 -B Easy -Programming CD Player
oversampling digital filter per ch; 9 -pole GIC cancel; repeat track, disc, or program; 7 -pole Programs virtually unlimited number of tracks
Butterworth active filters; direclty coupled 0 -dB (7th -order) analog filtering; 3 -beam laser. Cues by with AND, TO and WITHOUT keys (to play
gain buffer amp as output stage; de -emphasis cir- track number. Samples at 44.1 kHz. Displays cur- tracks I, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, press 1
cuit consisting of passive elements and buffer rent track number, elapsed time of current track; AND 5 AND 10 TO 18 WITHOUT 15); skip
amp; independent power transformer for each remaining time on disc; program in memory. 17" forward; skip back; fast forward; fast reverse;
digital and analog circuit; fixed- and variable -lev- w x 3.12" h x 11.75" d; 10 lb $250 cancel; repeat track, disc, phrase, program; 32 -
el audio output; XLR-type balanced output; con- function remote control; 3 -beam laser; 90 -dB per
nects to other CD players with 75 -ohm coaxial - octave digital filter; 7th -order active analog filter;
cable terminal $8,000
a/d/s/ single D/A converter; sound audible during fast
Atelier CD3 CD Player scan. Cues by track and index number. Oversam-
DP -70 Remote -Controlled CD Player Programs 30 tracks in any order; sound audible ples at 88.2 kHz. Displays current track number,
Play, track search, pause on front panel; number during fast forward and fast reverse; skip for- elapsed time of current track, elapsed time on
keypad, stop, repeat (all, I, phrase), index search, ward; skip back; fast forward; fast reverse; cancel; disc, program in memory. Anti -resonant con-
display (track and index or time), scan, and out- repeat track, disc, phrase, program; headphone struction including high -polymer cabinet, insulat-
put -level controls behind panel; fixed and variable jack with adjustable level; digital filtering (resam- ed floating suspension, and support feet for accu-
RCA outputs; XLR balanced output; 75 -ohm co- pling frequency 88.2 kHz); 3 -beam laser. Displays rate tracking; gold-plated RCA jacks; subcode
axial cable output; optional wide -band optical -fi- current track number, elapsed time of current terminal; stabilized servo control system; inde-
ber output; digital output pins; track selection in track, remaining time on disc, program in memo- pendent left/right monaural amps. 17.3" w x 3.1"
<1 sec with linear motor; 4 -times oversampling ry. Cues by track number, index number. Max h x 10.2" d; 8.6 lb $399
(176.4 kHz) digital filters; discrete digital -to -ana- line output 2 V; headphone output 2 V; 20 Ib;
log converter; 5 -pole GIC Butterworth low-pass 17.5" w x 2.75" h x 14.8" d $1,399 CD -A305 -B Remote -Controlled CD Player
filters; isolating optocouplers; independent power Programs 36 tracks; headphone jack; multi -func-
supply for digital and analog circuits; 4 opto- Atelier CD4 Compact Disc Player tion display; 2 -times oversampling digital fil-
couplers input digital data, latch clock signal, Cast laser and transport assembly shock mounted ter $329
deglitch signal to D/A converter; directly cou- with rubber isolators, aluminum and steel chas-
pled 0 -dB -gain buffer amp as output stage with sis/housing, and multiple power supplies to iso-
late digital and analog stages for minimum inter-
action and noise generation. Servo -laser intensity Beogram 5500 Programmable CD Player
system switches focus intensity depending on Integrates with Beosystem 5500; programs 20
quality of disc to maximize performance. Brick - tracks; adds time of programmed tracks; displays
wall digital filter works in conjunction with ad- time remaining on disc; skip forward and back; 3 -
vanced multiple -pole low-pass filter. Error cor- speed forward and reverse; direct access by track
rection uses variable -size window; I6 -bit D/A number; intro scan; 16 -bit quadruple oversam-
converters; fast -focus 3 -beam laser; programming
of 16 tracks in random order; repeat disc, track,
phrase, or program; random access by time with-
in a track; access by index point; audible fast
search. Displays elapsed time from track start, re-
push-pull DC servo direct coupling; metal shield- maining time to disc end, track/program selec-
ng; passive elements and buffer amp in de -em- tion number, index, program in memory .. $999
phasis circuit; ceramic composite resin floating
mounting; legs lathed from pure brass bar; hair- RCI Unified Remote Control
line -finish golden panel and natural persimmon Infrared wireless remote control for CD3, CD4,
sideboard; infrared remote needs 2 AA batteries. and other Atelier components $100
Pass -band ripple of digital filters ± 0.00005 dB
with attenuation of <100 dB; 46.4 lb .... $5,000
XC-001 Compact Disc Player piing; Bessel elliptical analog filters; auto space;
ACOUSTIC RESEARCH Features remote control; programming of 20 silver and black; controlled by Master Control
CD -04 Compact Disc Player tracks in any order; timer play function; repeat Panel (comes with Beomaster 5500 receiver); 2
Drawer -loading CD player with proven 14 -bit disc and program; audible 2 -speed cue and re- digital -to -analog converters; digital output. 16.5"
quadruple oversampling DAc system. Features view; auto blank system; 10 -key direct -access w x 3" h x 12.75" d $999
programming of 99 tracks in any order, 99 tracks pads on front panel and remote; comprehensive
in sequential order; skip forward; skip back; fast FL display. Oversamples at 176.4 kHz. 16.94" w x Beogram 3300 Remote -Controlled CD Player
forward; fast reverse; time/track selection; repeat 3.9" h x 12.06" d; 9.9 lb $500 Communicates with other Beosystem 3300 corn -


ponents (stops when cassette deck comes to end ence), each independently bypassable. The com- DCD-800 Compact Disc Player
of tape; deck slops when disc ends); front panel pression control is for background listening, mak- Features super -linear converter; quadruple over -
displays operating status; sensi-touch controls; ing car cassettes, and easier taping of CD's; DAIR sampling digital filter; LC-OFC analog filter; 2 -in-
display of track number, index number, track adds impact to musical transients; ambience adds dependent power supplies; headphone jack; 20 -
time, time left on disc; skip forward and back; 4 - or subtracts left -right information in midrange track random programming; 10 -key direct selec-
sec auto space; optional bracketed shelf for wall and treble frequencies. Features programming of tion; repeat function; auto space; auto edit; timer
mounting; I6 -bit, quadruple oversampling. 16.5" 16 tracks in any order; repeat track, disc, pro- play; remote control; emphasis display; 8 -digit FL
w x 3" h x 12.25" d $699 gram, or A -B phrase; skip forward; skip back; au- display $380
dible fast forward and reverse; error LED to show
Beogram CDX Top -Loading CD Player disc correction; headphone jack with adjustable DCD-600 Compact Disc Player
Skip forward and back; clear key cancels unwant- level; dual 16 -bit D/A converters; advanced error Features super -linear converter; double oversam-
ed tracks or cancels program; quadruple over - processing; 2. -band compressor; impact circuit. pling digital filter; 2 -independent power supplies;
sampling; search without program audible; digital Displays track number, total tracks, elapsed time headphone jack; 15 -track random programming;
and analog filters; displays track numbers (up to of track, disc time, and program stored in memo- 10 -key direct selection (remote only); repeat func-
20), programmed tracks, elapsed time of track or ry. Cues by track or index number. Oversamples tion; timer play; remote control; emphasis dis-
disc, current track and index number; programs at 176.4 kHz. 17.12" w x 11.88" d x 3.5" h $699 play; 6 -digit Ft. display $300
40 tracks in any order; repeats disc or program
up to 4 times; I4 -bit digital -to -analog conversion; DX3 Compact Disc Player
integral output cable. 16.5" w x 3" h x 12.25" d; Drawer -loading CD player with a 3 -beam laser, EMERSON
12.4 lb $699 digital filter with a 2 -time oversampling frequen- CD17OR Remote -Controlled CD Player
cy (88.2 kHz), and 3 dbx signal -processing cir- Programs up to 15 tracks in any order; skip for-
CAMBRIDGE AUDIO cuits: DAIR, compression control, and ambience ward; skip back; 2 -speed fast forward and reverse;
control (see above). Features programming of 9 index search; repeats disc, program, phrase; dis-
CD1 Compact Disc Player tracks in any order; repeat track, disc, or pro- plays total tracks, total playing time, current
Features 2 chassis (I for decoders and other for gram; cancel; skip forward; skip back; audible track number, elapsed time; 3 -beam laser; play
playing mechanism); 3 separate power supplies; 3 forward/reverse scan. Cues by track and index and pause indicators. 17.1" w x 2.8" h x 4" d$350
separate 16 -bit decoders/ch; I9 -bit resolution number. Displays current track number and CD160. Similar to CD17OR except lacks remote
yield; 6 analog filters; D/A converters; isolated elapsed time of current track. 17.12" w x 3.69" h control $300
CD tray; solid -wood end panels. 17.5" w x 5" h x x 11.44" d $599
II" d; 20 lb $2,800
CARVER DAC-205B Compact Disc Changer
DCD-3300 Compact Disc Player 5 -disc CD changer with 30 -button wireless re-
DTL-200 Mk II Remote -Controlled CD Player Features double super -linear converter; quadru- mote control. Features 32 -track programming; 5
With 3 -beam laser and Digital Time Lens circuit- ple oversampling digital filter; CALP filter; LC-OFC individually controlled horizontal -loading trays;
ry to change frequency balance and ratio of L -R analog filter; twin power transformers; optical
and L+R. Programs 12 tracks in any order, 99 in 'solator; 5 independent power supplies; separated
sequential order; skip forward; skip back; fast for- digital and analog circuits; RMC pickup chassis;
ward; fast reverse; cancel; repeat track, disc,
phrase, and program; 24 -function remote control;
quadruple oversampling (at 176.4 kHz); error in-
dication; dual D/A converters. Cues by track and
index number. Displays current track number,
elapsed time of current track, elapsed time on
disc, remaining time on disc, program in memo- 10 -second intro -scan; random playback; direct -
ry. Sound audible during fast forward and re- access track search; skip forward/back; forward/
verse $699 reverse scan; 4 -way repeat; multi -function dis-
digital -output terminal; optical digital output ter play $500
DTL-50 Remote -Controlled CD Player minal; headphone jack; 20 -track random pro
With 3 -beam laser and Digital Time Lens. Pro- gramming; 10 -key direct selection; index search; AD-923RB Compact Disc Player
grams 9 tracks in any order. 99 in sequential or- time search; repeat function; auto space; timer Features 6 -function wireless remote control; 16 -
der; skip forward; skip back; fast forward; fast re- play; remote control; emphasis display; 8 -digit FL track programmable with scan function; skip for-
verse; cancel; repeat track, disc, phrase, and pro- display $1,700 ward/back; display of track/index; 3 -beam laser;
gram; 12 -function remote control; 88.2 kHz over - digital filtering; remote compatible with Fisher
sampling; dual D/A convertors. Cues by track DCD-1700 Compact Disc Player receivers $300
and index number. Displays current track num- Features double super -linear converter; quadru-
ber, elapsed time of current track, elapsed time on ple oversampling digital filter; CALP filter; LC-OFC AD 815B Compact Disc Player
disc, remaining time on disc, program in memo- analog filter; 5 -independent power supplies; sepa- Features 6 -function wireless infrared remote con-
ry. Sound audible during fast forward and re- rated digital and analog circuit; smc pickup chas- trol. 8 -selection programmable with scan func-
verse $559 sis; digital -output terminal; headphone jack; 20 - tion; skip forward/back; all/one/off repeat func-
track random programming; 10 -key direct selec- tion with LED indicator; digital display of track
dbx tion; index search; time search; repeat function; and index numbers; index search; 3 -beam laser
auto space; timer play; remote control; emphasis with digital filtering $250
DX5 Sound -Processing CD Player display; 8 -digit FL display $900
Remote -controlled CD player with 3 processing AD -924B Compact Disc Player
circuits (compression, Digital Audio Impact Re- DCD-150011 Compact Disc Player Features 16 -track programmable with scan func-
covery [twa], and increased/decreased ambi- Features double super -linear converter; quadru- tion; skip forward/back; display of track/index;
ple oversampling digital filter; I.C-OFC analog fil- 3 -beam laser; digital filtering $250
ter; optical isolator; 4 -independent power sup-
plies; BMC pickup chassis; digital -output terminal;
optical digital output terminal; headphone jack; GOLDSTAR
20 -track random programming; 10 -key direct se- PCD-NI CD Boombox
lection; index search; A -B repeat: repeat function; CD section: skip forward and back; programs in
auto space; auto edit; timer play; remote control; any order; repeats track or program; displays
emphasis display; 8 -digit FL display $675 track number and elapsed time of track; synchro-
nized dubbing to cassette; FR 20-20,000 Hz; THD
DCD-900 Compact Disc Player 0.07%; s/N 90 dB; dynamic range 85 dB; sep 80
Features super -linear converter; double oversam- dB; ch bal ± 0.5 dB. Cassette section: soft -touch
pling digital filter; LC-OFC analog filter; 4 -inde- controls; auto stop; auto rec level; bias/EQ for
pendent power supplies; headphone jack; 20 -track normal, high -bias, metal tape; Dolby B NR; W&F
random programming; 10 -key direct selection; A- ± 0.35%; FR 63-14,000; s/N 52 dB no NR, 60 dB
B repeat, repeat function; auto space; timer play; with Dolby B; 3 heads. Tuner section: FM stereo
remote control; emphasis display $480 and mono (87.5-108 MHz), MW (515-1630 kHz),


LW (140-290 kHz), SW (5.8-18.5 MHz); AFC;. cess, programming, and volume control. Features KA-3300D amplifier; coaxial digital ouptut; pure
Amplifier section: 5 -band graphic equalizer; slide I5 -track random programming; 3 -beam laser digital output switch; twin high-speed ladder net-
controls for balance and volume; power output pickup; separate chassis for analog, digital, and work 16 -bit D/A converters with FET input; qua-
7.5 W/ch rms. Detachable speakers; 4.75" woof- servo circuits; Y -servo system with high -balance druple oversampling digital filters; 7 -pole Butter-
ers, 2" tweeters. RCA inputs and outputs; mini and high-trackability servos; V -sensor to prevent worth FDNR analog low-pass filter; high -rigidity
jack for headphones; mini jack for external speak- mistracking caused by vibration; independent sus- and multi -insulation; independent power supplies;
ers. 27.75" w x 9.5" h x 12.9" d $400 pension system; digital filter; quadruple oversam- Optimum Servo Control Type Ill; 3 -beam laser;
pling; Gm deglitcher; 2 -speed search; index rapid direct -play system; 4 play modes; 6 -mode
GCD-613 Programmable CD Player search; intro -scan; index play; index skip; track real time display; 20 -track random program
Programs 9 tracks in any order; repeat disc and skip; headphone jack with adjustable level; 2 out- memory; A -B section repeat; music skip; index
program; forward and reverse scan; displays total puts (one fixed, one variable); JVC Compu-Link search key; audible manual search; auto spacing;
time, elapsed time, track number; digital and ac- remote system compatible $1,000 repeat; music calendar display; auto open switch;
tive filter. FR 5-20,000 Hz ± 1.5 dB; dynamic auto loading; headphone jack with level control;
range >90 dB; s/N >90 dB at 1,000 Hz; output 2 XL-M700BK Disc Changer phase inverter switch. -nip 0.001%, dynamic
V rms; THD 0.03%. 13.6" x 3.6" x 11" ... $250 Drawer -loading CD player with an automatic range 97 dB, separation 115 dB, s/N 105 dB (all
changer, 6 -disc magazine, and single -disc tray for at 1,000 Hz). 17.31" wide x 4.31" high x 12.44"
HARMAN KARDON 7 -disc playback. Features programming of 15 deep; 22.1 lb $850
tracks in any order from 7 discs; programming
HD300 Remote -Controlled CD Player and transport functions via wireless remote con- DP -990D Compact Disc Player
Wireless remote control; programs 15 tracks in trol; Y -servo system; oversized fluorescent dis- Basic series CD player with full -function wireless
any order; skip forward; skip back; fast forward; play; direct track access with 21 -key touch pad; remote control. Features high -rigidity mecha-
fast reverse; cancel; repeat track, disc, phrase and continuous, programmed, random, and timer nism; multi -insulation system; I6 -bit integrator
program; cues by track number; 3 -beam laser; play; skip forward; skip back; fast forward; fast D/A converter with constant -current drive; dou-
single D/A converter; I6 -bit linear -conversion reverse; cancel; repeat track, disc; headphone jack ble oversampling digital filter; discrete 7 -pole
digital filtering, oversampling at 88.2 kHz; all dis- with adjustable level; digital filtering; single D/A Butterworth low-pass filters; independent power
crete, gradual analog filter $575 converter; sound audible during fast scans; supplies and optimum ground pattern; Optimum
Compu-Link remote system compatible. Cues by Servo Control Type III; 3 -beam laser; rapid di-
HD100 Programmable CD Player track number. Oversamples at 88.2 kHz. Head- rect -play system; 4 play modes; dual time display;
Programs 36 tracks; track and index search; audi- phone output 2 V $600 20 -track random program memory; A -B section
ble 2 -speed forward and reverse; displays track repeat; music skip; track search; audible manual
number, elapsed time, and program number, or XL-M500BK Multi -Disc Compact Disc Player search; auto spacing; repeat; auto loading; head-
total tracks, total time on disc, and remaining "6 + 1" CD changer with six -disc magazine plus phone jack with level control. THD 0.002%, dy-
time; metal chassis $375 conventional disc drawer. Features 32 -track ran- namic range 96 dB, sep 98 dB, s/N 98 dB (all at
dom programming; random play; intro scan; pro- 1,000 Hz). 17.31" w x 3.69" h x 12.31" d; 11
gramming and transport control via wireless re- lb $460
HITACHI mote control; 3 -beam pickup; Y -servo system; in-
DA005 Remote -Controlled CD Player dependent suspension system; digital filter; JVC DP -860 Compact Disc Player
Direct PIT servo; 5 -stage error correction; 121 - Compu-Link system remote compatible ... $550 CD player with wireless remote control. Features
band digital filter; programs 15 tracks in any or- 20 -track random programming; Optimum Servo
der; skip forward and back; fast forward and re- XLV550BK Compact Disc Player control; 3 -beam laser; double oversampling digi-
verse; cancel; repeat track, disc, phrase, program; Drawer -loading CD player with wireless remote tal filter; 10 -key input; track skip & search; total/
cue by track; 28 -function remote; headphone control with numeric keypad for direct track ac- track playing time, track number, memory dis-
jack; adjustable headphone level; 3 -beam laser; 1 cess and volume control. Features 3 -beam laser play; repeat; headphone jack. THD 0.007%, dy-
D/A converter; displays current track number, pickup; Opticalink system; Y -servo system; inde- namic range 92 dB (at 1,000 Hz). Kenwood uni-
elapsed time of current track, remaining time on pendent suspension system; large insulators; vi- fied -remote system compatible. 16.56" w x 3.44"
disc; sound audible during fast scan. Headphone bration -damping base; radial chassis base; dis- h x 10.31" d; 8.3 lb $280
output 2 V; 11 lb $550 crete digital filter; separate power supplies for
digital and analog circuits; editing key; program DP -560 Compact Disc Player
DAC-60 Remote -Controlled 6 -CD Changer chart; 32 -track random programming; random Features 20 -track random programming; Opti-
Magazines hold 6 discs or single disc; digital fil- play; intro scan; real time; 5 -way repeat; index mum Servo control; 3 -beam laser; double over -
tering; programs 32 tracks from unit or remote; play and skip; multi-mode/8 digit FL display of sampling digital filter; track skip & search; total/
repeats all 6 discs; random play; 2 -speed audible tracks and times; motor driven line-out/head- track playing time, track number, memory dis-
search in forward and reverse; headphone jack phone volume control; 2 gold-plated outputs (one play; repeat; headphone jack. THD 0.007%, dy-
with level control; displays disc number, track fixed level, one variable); JVC Compu-Link sys- namic range 92 dB (at 1,000 Hz). Remote con-
number, elapsed time of disc, total playing time, tem remote compatible $450 trolled with 10 -key direct access through Ken -
number of tracks on disc $399 wood unified -remote system. 16.56" w x 3.44" h x
XLV450BK Compact Disc Player 10.31" d; 8.3 lb $280
Following models all have 3 -beam laser. self -pro- Drawer -loading CD player with wireless remote
gram search. index search, and random play. control with numeric keypad for direct track ac- KINERGETICS
cess and volume control. Features 3 -beam laser
DA -009 Remote -Controlled CD Player pickup; Y -servo system; independent suspension KCD-30 Gold Series Remote CD Player
10 -key direct random access; Roulette Play be- system; digital filter; editing key; program chart; Volume and balance controls on front panel to
gins sequential play with random track; programs 32 -track random programming; random play; in- drive power amp directly; dynamic processing
24 tracks; 5 -way repeat; skip; 2 -speed search; dis- tro scan; real-time programmable; 5 -way repeat; circuits; corrected -slope filter; hysteresis -distor-
play shows programmed tracks; 121 -step digital index play and skip; multi-mode/8-digit FL dis- tion cancelling circuit; no capacitors in signal
filtering; low -vibration pickup $300 play; JVC Compu-Link system remote compati- path; servo loop to eliminate DC offset; 3 -speed
ble $315 search; dual D/A converters; I-beam laser; 4 -
DA -405 Remote -Controlled CD Player times oversampling; spring -isolated transport;
Remote volume control; 10 -key direct random XLV250BK Compact Disc Player program memory for 226 discs; indexing; 19"
access; floating suspension; timer play; programs Drawer -loading CD player with 3 -beam laser rack mount. Output level 4 V; 14 Ib; 19" w x
15 tracks; 4 -way repeat $250 pickup. Features Y -servo system; independent 3.75" h x 12.6" d $1,495
suspension system; digital filter for low noise; 15 -
DA -400 Programmable CD Player track random programming; repeat all tracks or KCD-20AR Gold Series CD Player
Programs 15 tracks; floating suspension; 2 -speed programmed tracks; 2 -speed search; skip for- Features remote control; volume and balance
search; repeat; timer play $200 ward/reverse; 6 -digit LCD display; headphone controls on front panel; high -output voltage with
DA -7000. Similar to above except midi -sized and output; JVC Compu-Link system remote compat- ability to drive power amp directly; dynamic pro-
programs 24 tracks $190 ible $260 cessing circuits; remote power supply; dual D/A
converters; single -beam with quadruple oversam-
pling; spring isolation of transport; full -function
JVC KENWOOD display; indexing $995
XLV1100BK Compact Disc Player DP -3300D Compact Disc Player KCD-20A. Same as above without remote con-
Drawer -loading CD player with wireless remote Basic series CD player with full -function wireless trol $895
control with numeric keypad for direct track ac- remote control. Features optical interface with KRC-20. Add-on remote external eye $99



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KYOCERA LUXMAN CD8850 CD/Cassette/Radio Boombox
Boombox with CD player, cassette, 5 -band
DA -910 Remote -Controlled CD Player D-03 Compact Disc Player graphic EQ, tuner, amplifier, detachable 3 -way
I-beam laser; digital filtering; programming of 24 Drawer -loading CD player with 7 -function re- speakers. Cue and review on CD and cassette; 3 -
tracks in random order; display of current track mote. Features I-beam laser; programming of 20 way power supply. CD player features skip and
number, elapsed time of current track, remaining tracks in random order; skip forward/reverse; back; headphone jack with adjustable level. Dis-
time on disc, program stored in memory; skip for- fast forward/reverse; cancel; repeat track, disc, plays current track number. Max rms power out-
ward; skip back; cancel; repeat track, disc, program. Displays current track number, elapsed put 7 W/ch. 10" w x 8.75" h x 6.25" d (no speak-
phrase, program; cue by track number, index time of current track/current disc; remaining ers); 22.5" w x 8.75" h x 6.25" d (with speak-
number; 8 -function remote control; headphone time; program stored in memory. Cues by track ers) $500
jack (adjustable output). Max line output 5 V; number, index number, time. Max line output 2
THD at 1,000 Hz 0.005%; s/N 95 dB; sep 90 dB; V; THD at 1,000 Hz 0.003% at -97 dB; ER 5- CDB650 FTS CD Player
FR 5-20,000 Hz ± 0.5 dB; 22 Ib; 17" w x 5.5" h x 20,000 Hz -0.5 dB; 17.81" w x 3.31" h x 13.75" Favorite Track Selection (FTS) memorizes pro-
13" d $1,600 d; 18.7 lb S1.500 grams from various disc (up to 785 tracks). Extra
altered output; music scan; single play; digital
DA -710 CX Remote -Controlled CD Player D-109 Remote -Control CD Player output for CD graphics, CD-ROM; skip forward;
Programs 24 tracks in any order, 99 tracks in se- Features full -function remote control; serial re- skip back; 3 -speed FF and reverse; 4 -sec record -
quential order; skip forward; skip back; fast for- mote jacks for connections to other Luxman pause insertion; anti -jamming protection; repeat
ward; fast reverse; cancel; repeat track, disc, products; digital output sends digital signal to track, disc, program; headphone jack with adjust-
phrase, program; 39 -function remote control; Luxman LV-I09 integrated amp; 1-4 time display able level; infrared remote control; 1 -beam laser;
headphone jack with adjustable level; digital fil- functions; programs up to 20 tracks; index scan; low -order low-pass digital filtering; high -order
tering; 3rd -order analog filtering; dual D/A con- analog filter; dual D/A converters. Cues by track
verters; sound audible during fast scan. Cues by number. Oversamples at 176.4 kHz. Displays cur-
track and index number. Displays current track rent track number, elapsed time of current track,
number, remaining time on disc, and program in elapsed time on disc, remaining time on disc.
memory. Headphone output 50 mW. 18.12" w x Headphone output 0-5 V. 16.5" w x 3.5" h x
3.56" h x 12.12" d; 13 lb $800 11.75" d; 9.75 lb 5480

DA-510CX Remote -Controlled CD Player CD8880 CD/Cassette/Radio Boombox

Quadruple oversampling digital filters; 2 discrete Vertical -loading CD player, tuner, cassette deck,
D/A converters; headphone jack with adjustable 5 -band graphic EQ, 2 -way speakers in portable
volume; gold-plated RCA jacks; 39 -function re- A -scan plays first 10 sec of music; A/B switch to boombox. CD -to -cassette dubbing; cue and re-
mote control; programs 20 tracks; optical isola- mark beginning and end of selected track(s) for view on CD and cassette; 3 -way power supply.
tion between digital and analog sections; digital repeat; memory check. FR 5-20,000 Hz ( -0.5 CD player has skip forward and back; FF and re-
output; walnut veneer side panels $650 dB); THD 0.003% (1 kHz); s/N, dynamic range verse; headphone jack with adjustable level; 1 -
100 dB; 17.25" x 4" x 15.25"; 27.5 lb .... $1,500 beam laser; dual D/A converters. Cues by track
DA-610CX Remote -Controlled CD Player number. Displays current track number. Min rms
3 -beam laser; 24 -key hand-held remote control D-113 Programmable CD Player output power 3.5 W/ch; 26" w x 6.75" h x 6"
can be used in system remote or separately; skip Double oversampling digital filter; active 3rd or- d $400
forward; skip back; fast forward; fast reverse; der analog low pass filter; 3 beam laser; system
cancel; repeat track, disc, program; programs 15 remote capability; 16 program random memory. CDB473 FTS CD Player
tracks in any order, 99 tracks in sequential order; FR 5-20,000 Hz (+0.5/-1.0 dB); THD 0.007%; s/ Favorite Track Selection (FTS) memorizes pro-
headphone jack with adjustable level; 9th -order N 94 dB; dynamic range 93 dB $650 grams from various discs (up to 785 tracks);
analog filtering; single D/A converter; sound au- touch -close drawer; 24 -function remote control
dible during fast scan. Displays current track D-102 Programmable CD Player with 10 -digit keypad and volume control .. S379
number, remaining time on disc, program in 15 track programmability; skip functions; 10 key
memory. 18.12" w x 3.56" h x 12.12" d; 11.11 input; memory call switch; repeat; headphone lev- CDB472 Remote -Controlled CD Player
lb $550 el control; timer play switch. FR 5-20,000 Hz -0.5 Programs 20 tracks in any order; dual 16 -bit D/A
dB; THD <0.004%; s/N >96 dB; dynamic range converters; headphone jack; 6 -function remote;
DA410CX Remote -Controlled CD Player >96 dB. 17.23" w x 3.38" h x 12.31" d; 11.9 skip forward and back; 3 -speed search (audible at
10 -button keypad on front panel and remote; pro- lb $550 2 slower speeds); repeat; index access; quadruple
grammability; compatible with timers; anti -reso- oversampling digital filtering. Displays track
nant construction; ceramic chassis spacers; zirco- D-90 Remote Control CD Player number, index number, minutes, seconds, total
nia ceramic laser guide shafts; double oversam- 15 program random memory; separate power tracks or total time, with indications for power,
pling; I6 -bit D/A conversion; 3rd -order Bessel-de- supplies for analog and digital circuits; 3 beam la- memory, errors, pause, repeat $330
rived analog filters; fluorescent display; head- ser; track/index, track elapsed time and disc re-
phone jack with level control; walnut veneer side maining time display; headphone level control. FR CDB560 Remote -Controlled CD Player
panels $500 20-20,000 Hz +0.5/-1.0; THD 0.005%; s/N 91 16 -bit D/A converter and 8 -function infrared re-
dB; dynamic range 90 dB $450 mote; programs 20 tracks in any order; skip for-
DA-310CX Remote -Controlled CD Player ward and back; FF and reverse; repeat track,
Anti -resonant construction; zirconia ceramic la- disc; dual D/A converters. Oversamples at 176.4
ser guide shafts; 2 -times oversampling; 16 -bit dig- MAGNAVOX kHz. Displays current track number, elapsed
ital -to -analog conversion; 3rd -order Bessel-de- CDV474 CD-V/LaserVision CD Player time of current track. 16.5" w x 3.5" h x 11 75" d;
rived analog filters; fluorescent display; head- Remote -controlled combination player for CD - 9 lb $330
phone jack with level control; walnut veneer side Audio, CD -Video, and LaserVision discs. Auto
panels $350 ID of disc type; programming. Video features in- CDB471 Programmable CD Player
Programs 20 tracks in any order; 3 -speed search
Remote -Control Accessories (music audible at 2 slower speeds); quadruple
RC -101 Control Center. Wireless remote control oversampling digital filter; dual 16 -bit D/A con-
center for selection/function control of Kyocera verter; skip forward and back; time or track dis-
remote control products. Features single -cable in- play $280
terconnect to units; 2 external remote sensor in-
puts; manual override $320 CD13460 Programmable CD Player
RS -103 Sensor. Features single -cable connection 16 -bit dual D/A converters; programs 20 tracks in
to Kyocera RC -I01 control center and external any order; skip and back; FF and reverse. Over -
remote -control sensor. Allows multi -room remote samples at 176.4 kHz. Displays current track
control of Kyocera remote -capable CD players, number, elapsed time of current track. 16.5" w x
receivers, cassette decks $90 3.5" h x 11.75" d; 10 lb $250
RT-102 Transmitter. Handheld wireless remote
transmitter with 12 receiver, 6 tape deck, and 5
CD player functions. Auto system power on/off. MARANTZ
Controls functions on Kyocera's remote models clude fast motion; slow motion; reverse play; CD -94 FTS CD Player
directly or through sensors $60 freeze frame; random access $749-$799 Features dual I6 -bit converters, quadruple over -


sampling, digital outputs with optically coupled full -function remote control; I-beam laser; dual 5240 Remote -Controlled CD Player
link to optional CDA-94 separate D/A converter; D/A converters; sound audible during fast scan. Wireless remote control; dynamic range control;
Favorite Track Selection memorizes over 200 disc Cues by track and index number. Displays cur- 3 -beam laser; skip and scan forward and back;
programs; shuffle play; random track program- rent track number, elapsed time of current track, displays track number, elapsed and remaining
ming; intro scan; three independent power sup- program in memory $1,795 time; repeats disc; programming of up to 16
plies for digital, analog, and mechanical sections; 209. Remote master control works with 207 and tracks $448
wireless remote with full programming capabili- other Meridian 200 -series components; selects
ties. Black rosewood side panels $1,700 tracks; controls 8 inputs, volume, and mute; 5220 Programmable CD Player
CD -94G. As above with rose -gold finish and rose- needs 9-V battery $125 3 -beam laser; skip and scan forward and back;
wood side -panels $1,800 Basic Remote. Operates CD player only ... $75 displays track number, elapsed and remaining
time; repeats disc; programming of up to 16
CD-75DX Compact Disc Player tracks; timer compatible $348
Features dual I6 -bit converters; quadruple over - MICRO SEIKI
sampling; digital data output for outboard D/A BY ANALOG EXCELLENCE
converter; bi-directional track skip; cue and re- C2 -M2 Remote -Controlled CD Player NAKAMICHI
view; random track programming and repeat. Remote controls direct track access, program- OMS-7A11 Compact Disc Player
Satin black finish $450 ming, display. phrase repeat, skip forward and Drawer -loading CD player. Features 3 -beam la-
CD-65DX Compact Disc Player. Similar to back, search forward and back, index search; in- ser; digital filtering (resampling frequency 176.4
above $400 dependent power supplies for each digital printed kHz); dual I6 -bit, glitch -free D/A converters; pro-
circuit board, analog PCB, servo mechanism, and gramming of 24 tracks in random order; display
CD -50 Compact Disc Player Ft display; quadruple oversampling; Philips laser of current track number, elapsed time of current
Drawer -loading CD player with wireless remote pickup mechanism; 2 D/A converters; 3rd -order track, remaining time on disc, program stored in
control. Features 3 -beam laser; programming of Besse! analog filter; digital and optical outputs; memory; sound audible during fast forward and
16 tracks in any order; skip forward; skip back; Brazilian rosewood cabinet; rosewood trim on re- fast reverse; skip forward; skip back; fast forward;
fast forward; fast reverse; repeat track and disc; mote; convertible to 18 bits with outboard proces- fast reverse; cancel; repeat disc, program; cue by
digital filtering; dual D/A converters. Cues by sor. FR 2-20,000 Hz ± 0.1 dB. THD <0.0015%; s/ track number. index number; 7 -function remote
track number. Oversamples at 88.2 kHz. Displays N >104 dB at 1,000 Hz; dynamic range >96 dB; control; headphone jack with adjustable level.
current track number, elapsed time of current analog out 2 V rms; 48.4 lb $3,995 Max line output 2 V; headphone output 35 mW;
track, remaining time on disc. 16.5" w x 3" h x THD at 1,000 Hz 0.0025%; s/N >104 dB; sep
10.88" d: 7.7 lb $350 >100 dB; FR 5-20,000 Hz ± 0.5 dB; 16 lb. 5 oz;
MISSION ELECTRONICS 17.12" w x 3.94" h x 12.12" d $1,850
CO -40 Compact Disc Player PCM 4000 Programmable CD Player OMS-5A11. Similar to OMS-7Al1 without re-
Features 16 track programming; I6 -bit double Drawer -loading CD player with 16 -bit quadruple mote and programming functions 51.495
oversampling; forward/reverse search/skip; re- oversampling (at 176.4 kHz); twin DAC-single
peat play; track/index display. THD 0.07%; s/N chip; programs 20 tracks in any order; skip for- OMS4A Compact Disc Player
90 dB; 3" h x 16.5" w x 10.88" d; 7.7 lb .. $300 ward; skip back; fast forward; fast reverse; cancel; Drawer -loading CD player with shunt -connected
repeat track, disc, program; cues by track; 1- de-glitehing; multi -regulated power supply; mag-
McINTOSH beam laser; extensive post-DAC analog filtering; netic chuck; remote control. Features program-
dual D/A converter; displays elapsed time, re- ming of 15 tracks in any order; skip forward; skip
MCD 7005 Compact Disc Player maining time, program in memory. 17" w x 3" h back; fast forward; fast reverse; cancel; head-
Features wireless remote control with volume x 13.5" d $699 phone jack with adjustable headphone level; 3 -
control; direct -access track, index, and time selec- PCM 7000. Similar to above but with remote beam laser; I6 -bit digital filter; dual D/A convert-
tion; volume control through McIntosh Precision control (with volume control), optimized ground- ers. Oversamples at 88.2 kHz; Displays current
Ladder Attenuator; same error correction system ing, 4 separate regulated power supplies $999 track number, elapsed time on disc. Headphone
as MCD 7000 with additional 8 -bit error correc- output 35 mW/40 ohms. 16.94" w x 3.95" h x
tion; full I6 -bit D/A converters with 4 -times over - 12.69" d; IS lb $995
sampling. 32 lb $1,599
DP -409R Compact Disc Player OMS-3A Compact Disc Player
MCD 7000 Compact Disc Player Auto -changer with remote control 3 beam laser; Drawer -loading CD player with shunt -connected
CD player with linear -torque, vibration -free, con- repeat track and disc skip track and 30 segment de-glitching; multi -regulated power supply; mag-
trollable -speed motor with digital PIT motor con- programmable; 16 -function remote $550 netic chuck; remote control. Features program-
trol to keep speed at correct value and perma- DM -5. 5 -CD magazine for DP -409R $13 ming of IS tracks in any order; skip forward; skip
nently keep correct phase relationship. Motor is back; fast forward; fast reverse; cancel; head-
mounted to a precision platform. Features double DP -209R Compact Disc Player phone jack with adjustable headphone level; 3 -
digital filtering; remote control; music scan; skip Features 3 -beam laser; 36 -selection programma- beam laser; 16 -bit digital filter; single D/A con-
forward and back; repeat track; 3 -speed music ble; skip function; repeat play; 10 -function remote verter Oversamples at 88.2 kHz; Displays cur-
search with search protection; pause; program- control; adjustable headphone level $300 rent track number, elapsed time on disc. Head-
ming of up to 20 tracks in any order; cancel; phone output 35 mW/40 ohms. 16.94" w x 3.95"
headphone jack with adjustable level; damaged DP -109 Compact Disc Player h x 12.69" d; 15 lb $850
disc/mute error -correction indicator; positive - Features 3 -beam laser; 36 -selection programma-
lock synchronization. Displays number of current ble; skip function; repeat play $240 OMS-2A Compact Disc Player
track, elapsed playing time of track. FR 2-20,000 Drawer -loading CD player with shunt -connected
Hz ± 0.3 dB; s/N 96 dB; dynamic range 96 dB. deglitching; wireless remote control; I5 -track
16 -bit equivalent through oversampling with digi- NAD
programming; oversamples at 88.2 kHz; head-
tal filter and 14 -bit D/A conversion. 22 lb $1,399 5300 Monitor Series CD Player phone output 35 mW/40 ohms. 16.94" w x 2.94"
Wireless remote control; dynamic range control; h x 12.69" d; 11 lb. 4 oz $529
MELOS AUDIO ambience circuit; quadruple oversampling; sepa-
rate D/A converters; error display; 3 -beam laser.;
CD -T Vacuum Tube CD Player skip and scan forward and back; displays track NEC
16 bit quadruple oversampling and digital filter- number, elapsed and remaining time; repeats disc; CD -810 Remote -Controlled CD Player
ing. Low microphonic tubes used for amplifica- programming $898 Drawer -loading CD player with wireless remote
tion and filtering. Remote control, scan, index,
timer, drawer loading $995


207 Professional 2 -Part CD Player
Drawer -loading CD player with additional inputs are manufacturers' suggested retail prices
and switching for tuner and tape; chassis for
1 (also referred to as /isi prices);
transport, I for processing; remote volume con-
trol; can operate as a preamp; programs 99 tracks
actual selling prices are set by individual dealers.
in any order; skip forward; skip back; fast for- All prices are subject to change without notice.
ward; fast reverse; repeat track, disc, or program;


control. Features programming of 24 tracks in separate the digital and analog sections. Features treble, balance controls; jacks for AC in, line out,
any order; 3 -way repeat; disc -eject programming; programmed playback; random shuffle playback; external speakers, headphones, auxiliary in, exter-
skip forward; skip back; audible fast forward and 3 repeat modes; skip forward; skip back; fast for- nal mic. Needs 10 D batteries or AC power (cord
reverse; index search; time search; variable intro ward; fast reverse; direct access to disc and track included). 19 lb, 9 oz $700
search; timer play; auto space; direct program ac- numbers; multi -function FL display. 17.12" w x
cess via front -panel or remote keypad; headphone 4.5" h x 13" d; 13.2 lb $600 RX-FD80 CD/Cassette/Radio Boombox
jack with adjustable level; phase -inverter; vibra- KC -600. Additional 6 -disc magazines for DX - Portable boombox with built-in CD player, cas-
tion -free design; optical D/A coupling; 3 -beam la- C600 $19.95 ea sette recorder, AM/FM tuner, amplification, 2 -
ser; separate analog and digital power supplies. way speakers. CD features: 18 -track program-
Fluorescent display indicates elapsed time of disc DX -530 Compact Disc Player ming; skip; search; repeat; LCD display. Cassette
and track, remaining time of disc and track, Remote -controlled CD player with opto-coupling features: autoreverse; Dolby NR; cue and review;
elapsed time of program, and remaining time of system to electrically separate the analog and dig- pause; soft eject. Other features: 5 -band graphic
program. 16.94" wide x 3.34" high x 12.59" deep; ital sections. Features programming of 20 tracks equalizer; ambience stereo; in and out jacks; mic
19.4 lb $629 in any order; shuffle play; repeat track, disc, pro- jack; handle. Needs 10 D batteries or AC power
gram, A -B phrase, and shuffle play; direct access (cord included). 11 lb, 4 oz; 6.3" h x 23.2" w x
CD -610 Remote -Controlled CD Player to tracks; auto -speed music search; index search; 6.8" d $400
Drawer -loading CD player with wireless remote skip forward; skip back; 2 -speed fast forward and
control. Features programming of 24 tracks in reverse; timer function; headphone jack; motor- SL -P3700 Remote -Controlled CD Player
any order; 3 -way repeat; disc -eject programming; ized volume control; output CMN filter; digital fil- Programs 20 tracks; preset editing to compute to-
skip forward; skip back; audible fast forward and tering; vibration damping; 3 -beam laser; digital tal time of program; number keypad on remote
reverse; index search; timer play; variable intro output terminal; printed circuit boards with spe- and front panel; repeats track, disc, program; vol-
scan; auto space; auto/manual editing for record- cially designed insulation packet to absorb elec- ume control on remote; average access time 1 sec;
ing; direct program access via front -panel or re- tro-magnectic flux. Display indicates track num- display shows total tracks and playing time,
mote keypad; headphone jack with adjustable lev- ber, index number, program in memory, remain- elapsed or remaining time for track or disc, pro-
el; variable output; high -linearity D/A converter; ing time of track/disc/program, elapsed time of gram; digital double-oversampling filter ... $280
isolated optical mechanism; 3 -beam laser; sepa- track/disc/program. 17.12" w x 3.62" h x 14.06" SL -P3500. Similar to above except lacks remote
rate analog and digital power supplies. Fluores- d; 12.3 lb $600 control. $230
cent display indicates elapsed time of disc and
track, remaining time of disc and track, elapsed DX -330 Compact Disc Player
time of program, and remaining time of program. Remote -controlled CD player with opto-coupling
16.94" w x 3.34" h x 12.59" d; 11.7 lb .... $459 system to electrically separate the analog and dig- CD2471 Programmable CD Player
ital sections. Features programming of 16 tracks Programs 20 tracks in any order; 3 -speed search
CD -510 Compact Disc Player in any order; 3 repeat modes; music search; skip (music audible at 2 slower speeds); quadruple
Drawer -loading CD player with wireless remote forward; skip back; 2 -speed fast forward and re- oversampling digital filter; dual 16 -bit D/A con-
control. Features programming of 20 tracks in verse; headphone jack with adjustable level; digi- verter; skip forward and back; time or track dis-
any order; 3 -way repeat; skip forward; skip back; tal filter; vibration damping; CMN filter; 3 -beam play $280
audible fast forward and reverse; timer play; intro laser. Display indicates track number and time
scan; auto space; direct program access via front - information. 17.12" w x 3.62" h x 14.12" d; 10.6
panel or remote keypad; headphone jack with ad- lbs 5480
justable level; 3 -beam laser. Fluorescent display CLD-1010 LD/CD/CDV Player
indicates elapsed time of disc and track. 16.94" w DX -230 Compact Disc Player LD/CD/CDV player can play 4 different types
x 3" h x 10.62" d; 9.2 lb $359 Remote -controlled CD player with opto-coupling of discs: 8" and 12" laserdiscs compact discs, and
system to electrically separate the analog and dig- compact disc videos. Features Pioneer "SR" uni-
CD -410 Compact Disc Player ital sections. Features programming of 16 tracks fied remote; 10 -track/ -chapter programmable CD
Drawer -loading CD player with wireless remote in any order; 3 repeat modes; search; skip for- and LD playback; program edit; full -automatic
control. Features programming of 15 tracks in ward; skip back; 2 -speed fast forward and reverse; front -loading system; repeat side, track, memory,
any order; 3 -way repeat; skip forward; skip back; cue and review; digital filtering; 8 -digit FL dis- program, or segment; LaserVision time search ac-
fast forward and reverse; index search; intro scan; play; 3 -beam laser; vibration damping. 17.12" w x curate to 1 second; forward and reverse chapter
headphone jack with adjustable level; 3 -beam la- 3.44" h x 16.06 d; 106 lb $355 skip and track search; on -screen function dis-
ser; digital filter. Fluorescent display indicates plays; 400 -line video resolution; 88.2 kHz over -
elapsed time of disc and playing time of track. DX -130 Compact Disc Player sampling. 16.56" w x 16.19" d x 4.75" h $800
16.94" w x 2.75" h x 11.41" d; 9.9 lb $299 Drawer -loading CD player can be remote -con-
trolled with selected Onkyo components. Fea- PD-9010X(BK) Compact Disc Player
tures programming of 16 tracks in any order; 3 Drawer -loading remote -controlled CD player
NIKKO AUDIO repeat modes; skip forward; skip back; 2 -speed with 3 -beam laser and digital filtering with 176.4 -
NcD-600 Compact Disc Player fast forward and reverse; cue and review; 8 -digit kHz oversampling. Features programming of 32
Features full computer interface for total control FL display; digital filtering; 3 -beam laser; vibra- tracks in any order; cancel; repeat track, disc, and
of player from IBM-compatible computer. Menu tion damping. 17.12" w x 3.44" h x 14.12" d; 10.6 program; skip forward; skip back; audible fast
driven software permits unlimited programmabil- lb $280 forward and reverse; headphone jack with adjust-
ity and centronics interface plugs into any printer able level. Displays track number, elapsed time of
port $4,599 track, remaining time on disc and program in
PANASONIC memory. Cues by track or index number. 18" w x
NCD-600 Compact Disc Changer SL-NPIO Portable CD Player 3.75" h x 12.19" d $600
Programmable CD changer stores up to 60 Programs 18 tracks; skip forward and back; re-
discs $3,999 peat track, disc, and program; headphone jack PD -7050 Compact Disc Player
with adjustable level; switchable high -cut filter; 1 - Remote -controlled CD player with 4 independent
CD -500 Compact Disc Player beam laser; digital filter. Displays current track power supplies (analog, digital, servo and dis-
Features remote control with 10 -key direct -access number, elapsed time of current track or disc, re- play). Features 24 -track random programming
pad; timer play; space play; index programming; maining time on disc. Plays up to 5 hrs on battery with "music window" for programmed fade-in/
pause; fast search; all clear; headphone output charge; in black, burgundy, or white. Includes re- fade-out and time fade; repeat track, disc, or pro-
with adjustable level. Optionally rack mount- chargeable battery pack, AC adaptor, connection gram; skip forward; skip back; index search; 2 -
able $650 cord, soft case $280 speed fast forward and reverse; quadruple over -
sampling digital filter; 2 glitch -free D/A convert-
CD -300 Compact Disc Player RX-CD100 CD/Cassette/Radio Boombox ers; accu-focus laser; digital level control; digital
Features remote control; 3 -beam laser; 18 -track Remote -controlled 3 -piece boombox with CD fader; anti -resonance design with honeycomb
random programming; index programming; player, double cassette deck, AM/FM radio. CD chassis and large insulators; disc stabilizer with
pause mode. Optionally rack mountable... $350 features: 18 -track programming; skip; search; re- magnetic damper; direct digital output; head-
peat; LCD display. Tape features: autoreverse play phone jack with level control. Displays elapsed,
and record on Transport I, play on 2; endless total, and remaining time $425
ONKYO play; high-speed copying; music sensor; feather -
DX -C600 Compact Disc Changer touch controls; soft eject; Dolby NR; bias/EQ for PD -6050 Compact Disc Player
Remote -controlled magazine -loading 6 -disc CD normal or chrome/metal tape; auto stop. Other Remote -controlled CD player can program up to
changer with opto-coupling system to electrically features: passive -radiator 2 -way speakers; bass, 24 tracks in any order. Features remote and


front -panel direct -access keypads; repeat track, zine and single -play tray. Features programming
disc, or program; skip forward; skip back; 2 -speed of 32 tracks in any order; repeat track, disc, mag-
fast forward and reverse; digital filter; anti -reso- azine, or program; random play; skip forward; MCD245 Dimensia Compact Disc Player
nance design with honycomb chassis and floating skip back; 2 -speed audible fast forward and re- Compact disc player with Dimensia remote -con-
laser pickup assembly; accu-focus laser; disc sta- verse; front -panel and remote direct -access key- trol operation and on -screen status indication
bilizer with magnetic clamp; headphone jack with pads; digital filter; anti -resonance design with when used with Dimensia monitor. Features 15 -
adjustable level $330 honeycomb chassis; linear servo system; head- track random programming; forward/reverse
phone jack with adjustable level. Displays search for track, index, or scan; repeat; auto
PD-X707(BK) Compact Disc Player elapsed, total, and remaining time. 3.12" h x switching; system record protection logic; Sys-
Features programming of up to 27 tracks in any 16.56" w x 12.38" d $425 temLink cabling; powered disc loading drawer;
order; repeat track, disc, or program; skip for- directory display panel; independent suspension
ward and back; 2 -speed audible fast forward and PD -M40 Compact Disc Changer system; manual function controls; 3 -beam laser
reverse; subcode output; disc stabilizer; linear ser- Remote -controlled CD player with 6 -disc maga- pick-up. FR 5-20,000 Hz ± 1.0 dB; s/N >95 dB;
vo system. 3.38" h x 14.19" w x 12.44" d $325 . zine and single -play tray. Features programming Tito 0.005% (at 1,000 Hz); sep 90 dB (at 1,000
of up to 32 tracks in any order; repeat track, disc, Hz); sampling FR 44.1 kHz. 14.63" w x 3" h a
PD -4050 Compact Disc Player magazine, or program; random play; skip for- 10.63" d $299
Remote -controlled CD player can program up to ward; skip back; 2 -speed audible fast forward and
16 tracks in any order. Features repeat track, reverse; digital filter; anti -resonance design with
disc, or program; skip forward; skip back; 2 -speed honeycomb chassis; linear servo system. Displays REALISTIC
fast forward and reverse; digital filter; anti -reso- elapsed, total, and remaining time. 3.12" h x CD -3100 Portable CD Player
nance designed with honeycomb chassis and 16.56" w a 12.38" d $375 Mini jack for use with headphones and cable for
floating laser pickup assembly; disc stabilizer home stereo system; soft -touch controls beep
with magnetic damper; headphone jack with ad- JD -M100 6-13isc Magazine when pressed; auto search; 2 -speed scan forward
justable level. Displays track number $200 Additional 6 -disc magazine for use with any Pio- and back; programs 16 tracks; 6 -digit LCD read-
neer CD changer. Includes a complete set of la- out; snap -on battery back needs 4 AA batteries.
Muhiplay CD Changers bels and hard plastic storage sleeve. Available in 6.5" x 5.5" x 1.3" with battery pack; 4.9" x 4.9" x
5 -piece master carton $15 ea 1.06" without $280
PD-M9OX Compact Disc Changer
CD player with 6 -disc magazine and single -play CD -1500 Remote -Controlled CD Player
tray. Features remote programming of 80 tracks PROTON Skips forward and back; 2 -speed search forward
into 8 separate memories for instant recall by re- 830R Compact Disc Player and reverse; programs 24 tracks; index search; re-
mote control; LCD function display on remote; Programmable CD player with remote control. peat tracks; switchable; floating disc tray; auto
programming of 32 tracks in any order from a 6 - Features 1 -beam laser; digital filtering; quadruple space: 3 -spot laser; wireless remote needs 2 AA
disc magazine; random play; repeat track, disc, (176.4 Hz) oversampling; random programming batteries $260
magazine, or program; skip forward; skip back; 2 - of 20 tracks; headphone jack with variable level;
dual error -correction circuit; skip forward/back; CD -2300 Programmable CD Player
3 -speed search, fine -step adjustment accurate to I Programs 15 tracks; 3 -spot laser; floating disc
sec, 2 lower speeds for precise cueing; displays to- tray; 4 -digit fluorescent display; repeats track,
tal tracks, time remaining, current track and in- program, disc; scan forward and reverse .. $220
dex, mins and secs elapsed; repeats track, entire
disc or program 5349
B226 16 -Bit CD Player
QUASAR Drawer -loading CD player with Revox system -
CD8966 Portable Compact Disc Player remote compatibility. Features I6 -bit, quadruple
Features 5 -hr operation with rechargeable battery oversampling; dual D/A converters; fixed and
speed audible fast forward and reverse; front -pan- pack; multi -function LCD readout; I8 -step ran- variable outputs; 2 digital outputs; 19 -step pro-
el and remote direct -access disc and track number dom-access programming; hi -cut filter for head- gramming by track, times, or special functions;
pads; direct digital output; digital level control; phone listening; high -resolution digital filter; 4 - direct track/index access from 1-99; audible for-
digital filter; gold-plated output jacks; anti -reso- step battery check indication $300
nance honeycomb chassis; large insulators; linear
servo control system; side panels finished in genu- CD8956 Compact Disc Player
ine rosewood $800 Drawer -loading CD player with direct access.
Features high-speed linear -motor access system;
PD -M70 Compact Disc Changer skip forward; skip back; fast forward; fast reverse;
CD player with 6 -disc magazine and single -play cancel; programming of 20 tracks in any order; or-,-
tray. Features remote programming of 80 tracks repeat track, phrase, disc, and program; one -
into 8 separate memories for instant recall by re- beam laser; single D/A converter; 96th -order FIR
mote control; LCD function display on remote; double- oversampling filter; audible fast scan.
programming of 32 tracks in any order from a 6 - Cues by track and index number. Displays cur-
disc magazine; random play; repeat track, disc, rent track number, elapsed time of current track, ward/reverse search; locate function; headphone
magazine, or program; skip forward; skip back; 2 - elapsed time on disc, remaining time on disc;. jack with adjustable level. LCD panel indicates
speed audible fast forward and reverse; front -pan- 16.94" w x 3.03" h x 0.19" d $250 track number, elapsed/remaining time, track re-
el and remote direct -access disc and track number maining time, program, and pause countdown. FR
pads; digital level control direct connection to CD8936 Portable Compact Disc Player 20-20,000 Hz ± 0.1 dB; s/N >100 dB; ch sep >90
power amp; gold-plated output jacks; linear servo Top -loading portable CD player with direct ac- dB. 17.7" w a 4.3" h x 13" d; 18.7 lb .... SI,295
system; digital filtering; anti -resonant construc- cess and switchable high -cut filter for HP output.
tion; honeycomb chassis; large insulators. Dis- Features skip forward; skip back; fast forward:
plays elapsed, total, and programmed time $600 fast reverse; headphone jack; repeat disc and ROTEL
track; one -beam laser; single D/A converter; audi- RCD820BX Compact Disc Player
PD -M60 Compact Disc Changer ble fast scans. Cues by track number. Displays 20 programmable selections; repeat functions for
CD player with 6 -disc magazine and single -play current track number, elapsed time of current disc, track, and entire program; I6 -bit quadruple-
tray. Features wireless remote control; program- track, remaining time on disc. Headphone output oversampling decoding system; FR 20-20,000
mimg of 32 tracks in any order; random play; re- 15 mW. 4.97" x 1.25" a 4.97"; 13.8 oz $240 ± 0.08dB; THD 0.0025%; s/N 100dB. Regulated
peat track, disc, magazine, or program; skip for- power supplies; 7 lb $799
ward; skip back; 2 -speed audible fast forward and CD8946 Compact Disc Player
reverse; front -panel and remote direct -access key Programmable CD player features high -resolu- RCD850 Compact Disc Player
pads; linear servo system; honeycomb chassis; tion digital filter; high-speed linear motor, 20 -step Drawer -loading CD player with programming of
anti -resonant construction; digital filter. Displays random-access programming; multi -function FL 9 tracks in random or sequential order. Features
elapsed, total, and programmed time $500 display; preset editing; stop/search forward and skip forward; skip back: fast forward; fast reverse;
reverse; 2 -speed search with cueing sound. s/N 96 cancel; repeat track; repeat disc; 3 -beam laser;
PD -M50 Compact Disc Changer dB; THD 0.004%; FR 4 Hz -20,000 Hz ± 0.3 dB. high -slope digital filtering; 3rd -order analog fil-
Remote -controlled CD player with 6 -disc maga- 16.94" h x 3.03" w x 9.44" d $230 tering; single D/A convertor. Oversamples at 44.1


kHz. Cues by track number. Displays current CP850 Remote -Controlled CD Player Features 6 -disc (5+1) changer mechanism; 3 -
track number, elapsed time of current track. 17" CD player with infrared wireless remote control. beam laser; random play with microcomputer;
w x 3.81" h x 11.44" d; 9 lb $379 Features 16 -track programming; multi -function 32 -program automatic programmable music se-
LCD display; 3 -beam laser; isolated suspension lector; continuous playback; repeat -playback
SANSUI system; skip forward/reverse; forward/reverse function; automatic program search system; FL
search; repeat disc. 16.75" w x 3.5" h x 10 75" d; multi display; 7 -band graphic EQ with spectrum
CD -X901 Vintage Series CD Player 7 lb, 8 oz $200 analyzer; audio and video function selectors; in-
Vintage series CD player with music scan for CP840. Same as CP850 but does not have remote puts for video 1, video 2, CD, phono, tape, and
playing back first 10 seconds of every track. Ran- control $180 tuner; sound muting speaker selector (A/B/
dom access programming for up to 20 tracks. cal- A+B); 12 Am/12 FM presets. CD section: FR 5-20
endar -style track programming chart. AMPS CP710 Programmable CD Player kHz s/N 93 dB; Too 0.005%. Amp section: 110
(automatic music program search). All/single Features 16 -selection memory; 3 -beam laser; skip W/ch rms into 8 ohms with 0.0% THD. 17" w a
track repeat; A/B repeat; index search; 4 -second forward; skip back; repeat disc, track; 2 -speed fast 6" h x 15.69" d; 28 lb $900
auto spacing; elapsed/total time indicators; timer forward and reverse; 8 -digit fluorescent display;
switch; remote control. s/N 110 dB; FR 5-20,000. wireless remote control $200 DX -C6000 6 -Disc CD Changer
17.63" w x 3.88" h x 15.94" d; 23.1 lb ... $1,300 CP700. Same as CP 710 (above) but does not in- Multiplay 6 -disc (5+1) compact disc player with
clude wireless remote control $180 remote control. Features 2 -speed cue and review;
CD -X701 Programmable CD Player automatic program search; programmable play;
Features 3 -beam laser; oversampling digital filter. CP10 Portable CD Player random play; repeat and continuous play. 17" h x
28 -key remote control; AMPS; repeat I track, Features multi -function LCD display; AC/DC op- 4.44" w x 12.56" d; 14.3 lb $500
point A to point B, and all tracks; random pro- eration; 16 -selection programmability; skip for-
gramming for up to 20 tracks; headphone output ward and back; search forward and back; head- WQ-CD30 Portable CD Player
w/volume control. s/N 105 dB; ER 5-20,000. phone jack; repeat disc. Battery pack option- Portable AM/FM stereo double cassette recorder
17.56" w 3.75" h x 16.13" d; 20.3 lb $725 al $240 with CD. Features 20 -selection auto programma-
ble music selector; auto program locate device
CD-V550R Auto -Space CD Player (APLD) for CD; high-speed tape dubbing; contin-
Drawer -loading CD player with auto spacing to SCOTT
uous playback from tape to tape 2; 3 -band

add 4 -second blanks between dubbing sections. DA990 Remote -Controlled CD Player graphic EQ; auto program search system (APss)
Features programming of 16 tracks in any order; 3 -beam laser; digital filtering (oversamples at 88.2 for tape 2; 2 -way 4 -speaker system with 4" free -
fast forward; fast reverse; repeat track, disc, pro- kHz); full -function wireless remote; programs 20 edge woofers and tweeters; CD output jacks. Uses
gram; 4 -function remote control; headphone jack tracks in any order; I6 -bit 0/A convertor; switch 10 D batteries. 23.25" w x 5.63" h x 7.63" d; 12.2
with adjustable level; combination digital/analog lb. (without batteries) $400
filtering; 3 -beam laser; sound audible during fast
scan. Cues by track number, index number, time. DX -R750 Remote -Controlled CD Player
Displays current track number, elapsed time of Compact disc player with infrared remote con-
current track, elapsed time on disc, remaining trol; APMS; APLD; APSS; cue/review; playback
time on disc, program in memory. 8.8 lb; 16.94" time display in seconds and minutes. 17" w x
w x 3.22" h x 12.36" d $370 3.13" h x 11.75" d; 9.7 lb $280

SANYO able analog tiller; headphone jack with volume DX -650 Programmable CD Player
control; big chrome -plated feet; auto space to add Compact disc player with 3 -beam laser; 20 -selec-
CPM1000 10 -Disc CI) Changer extra time between tracks $450 tion random-access programming; APSS; cue/re-
10 -disc CD -changer with remote control. Fea- view; repeat; front -loading disc table $200
tures 10 -disc magazine; single disc magazine; 24 - DA963 Remote -Controlled CD Player
button remote control; 32 -track programmability; Programs 15 tracks in any order; skip forward;
random play; intro -scan; 3 -beam tracking mecha- skip back; fast forward; fast reverse; repeat track, SHERWOOD
nism; skip & search mechanism; multi -function disc, program; 8 -function remote control; 3 -beam CDP-300R Remote -Controlled CD Player
Ft. display; internally -damped suspension system; laser; digital and analog filtering; single o/A con- Drawer -loading CD player remote compatible
mic mixing; 3 -way repeat operation; 3 -beam verter; sound audible during fast scan. Cues by with Sherwood remote -controlled receivers. Fea-
tracking system; adjustable output level from re- track number. Displays current track number, tures programming of 20 tracks in any order; skip
mote and front panel; timer play. 16.75" w x 4.5" elapsed time of current track, elapsed time on forward; skip back; fast forward; fast reverse;
h x 12" d; 11 Ib, 14 oz $480 disc, remaining time on disc, program in memo- one -beam laser; quadruple oversampling digital
ry. 11.1 Ib; measures 17.25" wide x 3.75" high x filtering; 1st -order linear -phase analog filtering;
MCD40 CD Boombox 11" deep $300 sound audible during fast scan. Displays current
Portable CD player, AM/FM tuner, cassette DA952. Same as above without remote con- track number, elapsed time of current track,
deck. Features programming of 16 tracks in any trol $200 elapsed time on disc. 17.36" w x 3.25" h x 9.75"
order; auto reverse; synchro dubbing; Dolby NR; d; II lb $300
soft -touch controls; graphic EQ; line -in and -out
jacks; auto stop; 2 -way speakers; 3 -way power SEARS ROEBUCK CDP-250R Oversampling CD Player
source; LED indicators; LCD $335 97551 Programmable CD Player Features Sherwood Digi-Link remote compatibil-
Drawer -loading CD player with direct, index, ity; 3 -beam laser pick-up; double oversampling
CP12 Portable CD Player and skip search. Features 3 -beam laser; program.
Ultra -thin portable CD player with new drive ming of 16 tracks in any order; skip forward; skip
back; fast forward; fast reverse; repeat track, disc,
and program; 9 -key remote control. Displays cur-
rent track number, elapsed time of current track,
elapsed time on disc. 420 mm w x 85 h x 270 d;
II lb $250

97521 Programmable CD Player

Drawer -loading CD player with direct, index,
and skip search. Features 3 -beam laser; program-
ming of 16 tracks in any order; skip forward; skip
back; fast forward; fast reverse; repeat track, disc,
and program. Displays current track number, digital filter; 16 -selection random programming;
elapsed time of current track, elapsed time on motorized front loading disc tray; 3 -mode repeat;
disc, program in memory. 420 mm w x 85 h x 270 random -play select; auto space; auto timer play;
mechanism and LSI for compactness. Features 16 - d; I1 lb $180 LCD multi -function display $260
track programming; 3 -beam laser; vibration -resis-
tant design; 86 -dB dynamic range; selection skip;
selection search; repeat track or disc; phone mute
switch; rechargeable battery for 4.5 hours of play. SA-CD800 CD/Receiver D6000 Remote -Controlled CD Player
4.94" w x .75" h x 5" cl; 13 oz $280 Compact disc multiplay AM/FM stereo receiver. Drawer -loading CD player with remote control


including remote volume. Programs 15 tracks in linear dual I6 -bit D/A converters; digital filter CDP-310 Remote -Controlled CD Player
any order. Features skip forward; skip back; fast with quadruple (176.4) oversampling; converter Features remote control; programming of 16
forward; fast reverse; cancel; repeat track; repeat deglitcher circuit; error prediction logic; linear tracks in any order; shuffle play; repeat track,
disc; repeat phrase; repeat program; cue by track; motor -tracking mechanism; multiple power sup- disc, program, or shuffle play; track search; fast
cue by time; 19 -function remote; headphone jack; ply; direct digital output $1,000 forward and reverse; auto space; timer play; head-
adjustable headphone; 3 -beam laser; oversamples phone jack; unilinear D/A converter; digital filter-
at 88.2 kHz; independent L/R digital filters 80 CDP-505ESD Remote -Controlled CD Player ing with double (88.2 kHz) oversampling; enve-
dB attenuation; five -pole active above 30.000 Hz Remote -controlled CD player with 20 -key direct - lope error detection system. The LCD indicates
analog filtering; dual D/A converter; display of access pad on both the remote and front -panel elapsed time of track, remaining time of disc and
current track number; display of elapsed time of controls. Features programming of 20 tracks in program, track number, index number, program
current track; display of program in memory; any order; AMS auto music sensor; shuffle play; next track number, and program accumulation
sound audible during fast scan. Headphone out- repeat track, disc, program, shuffle play, or user - time. 17" x 4" x 13.25" $300
put 5 V; 11 Ib; 16.9" w x 2.9" h x 12.9" d. $599 selected phrase; track and index search; fast for- CDP-31. Similar to CDP-310 $320
ward and reverse; monocoque-chassis construc-
SV40 Remote -Controlled CD Player tion; unilinear dual 16 -bit D/A converters; digital CDP-110 Programmable CD Player
Drawer -loading CD player with volume control filter with quadruple (176.4) oversampling; con- Features programming of 16 tracks in any order;
included on 17 -function remote. Programs 15 verter deglitcher circuit; error prediction logic; shuffle play; repeat track, disc, program, or shuf-
tracks in any order. Features skip forward; skip linear motor -tracking mechanism; multiple power fle play; track search; fast forward and reverse;
back; fast forward; fast reverse; cancel; repeat supply; direct digital output $600 auto space; timer play; headphone jack; unilinear
track; repeat disc; repeat program; cue by track; D/A converter; digital filter with double (88.2
headphone jack; adjustable headphone; three - CDP-C10 10 -Disc CD Changer kHz) oversampling; envelope error detection sys-
beam; oversamples at 44.1 kHz; dual -break-point Drawer -loading remote -controlled CD player tem. LCD indicates elapsed time of track, remain-
analog filtering; single D/A converter; display of with 10 -disc magazine. Features progamming of ing time of disc and program, track number, in-
current track number; display of elapsed time of 20 tracks in any order, 99 in sequential order; dex number, program next track number, and
current track; display of program in memory; skip forward and back; audible fast forward and program. 17" x 4" x 13.25" $260
sound audible during fast scan. Headphone out- reverse; cancel; repeat track, disc. phrase, and CDP-21. Similar to CDP-I10 $270
put 5 V; 9 lb, II oz; 16.9" w x 2.9" h x 10.6" program; single D/A converter; headphone jack
d $399 with adjustable level; 3 -beam laser. Cues by track Portable Compact Disc Players
and index number $800
SONOGRAPHE CFD-D77 Portable CD Boombox
D-2001 CD System with Amp and Speakers Portable CD system with built-in AM/FM radio,
BY CONRAD-JOHNSON Remote -controlled front -loading CD player with autoreverse cassette deck, and speakers. Features
SD -I Programmable CD Player built-in 25-W/ch amplifier and full -range speak- programming of 16 tracks in any order; 3 repeat
Drawer -loading CD player with discrete Fur au- ers. Features AMS auto music sensor; program- modes; shuffle play; AMS auto music sensor; skip
dio circuits and power supplies designed by Con- ming of 16 tracks in any order; 3 repeat modes; forward; skip back; fast forward and reverse;
rad -Johnson. Features programming of 20 tracks shuffle play; skip forward; skip back; audible fast Dolby B; 3 -band graphic EQ; input jack with vol-
in any order; skip forward; skip back; fast for- forward and reverse; line input; CD output; head- ume control; headphone jacks; stereo inputs and
ward; fast reverse; repeat disc, program; head- phone jack $600 outpats $600
phone jack; digital filtering; dual D/A converters;
sound audible during fast scan. Cues by track and CDP-910 Remote -Controlled CD Player CFD-66 Portable CD Boombox
index number. Oversamples at 176.4 kHz. Dis- Remote -controlled CD player with 20 -key direct - Portable CD system with built-in AM/FM radio,
plays current track number, program in memory; access pad on both the remote front -panel con- autoreverse cassette deck; and speakers. Features
elapsed time of current track. 18" w x 3.75" h x trols. Features programming of 20 tracks in any programming of 16 tracks in any order; shuffle
12" d; 8.5 lb $695 orders; shLffle play; repeat track, disc, program, play; 3 repeat modes; AMS auto music sensor; skip
shuffle plai, or user -selected phrase; index and forward; skip back; fast forward and reverse; in-
track search; fast forward and reverse; auto space; put jack with volume control; headphone jacks;
SONY timer play; 20 -selection music calendar; head- stereo inputs and outputs $400
CDP-705ESD Remote -Controlled CD Player phone jack with adjustable level; gold-plated line
Remote -controlled CD player with 20 -key direct - outputs; unilinear D/A converter $500 CFD-444 Portable CD Boombox
access pad on both the remote and front -panel Portable CD system with built-in AM/FM radio,
controls. Features programming of 20 tracks in CDP-05F Magazineless CD Changer cassette deck, and speakers. Features program-
any order; AMS auto music sensor; shuffle play; Drawer -loading remote -controlled CD player ming of 16 tracks in any order; 3 repeat modes;
repeat track, disc, program, shuffle play, or user - with motorized carousel that holds up to 5 discs shuffle play; AMS auto music sensor; skip for-
selected phrase; track and index search; fast for- at a time. Features programming of 32 tracks in ward; skip back; fast forward and reverse; 5 -band
ward and reverse; G -chassis construction for vi- any order: shuffle play; repeat play modes; AMS graphic equalizer; stereo inputs and out-
auto music sensor; skip forward and back; fast puts $350
forward and reverse; multi -function FL display;
headphone jack with adjustable level; unilinear D-10 Portable CD Player
D/A converter; oversampling digital filter; sepa- Lightweight CD player weighing only 14 oz and
rate digital and analog power supplies; envelope measuring 0.8" high. Features AMS auto music
differential detection $450 sensor; programming of 21 tracks in any order; 5
repeat modes; skip forward; skip back; audible
CDP-710 Remote -Controlled CD Player fast forward and reverse; auto tracking recovery
Remote -controlled CD player with a 20 -key di- if bumped during play; power consumption 1.8
rect -access pad on both the remote and front -pan- W; ultra -thin 3 -spot optical pickup. Remote con-
el controls. Features programming of 20 tracks in trollable with optional remote commander (RM-
bration absorption; optical transfer system for any order; shuffle play; repeat track, disc, pro- DMIK). Includes rechargeable battery, AC adap-
digital/analog isolation; unilinear dual I6 -bit D/A gram, or shuffle play; index and track search; fast tor. connecting cords, soft case, shoulder
converters; digital filter with quadruple (176.4) forward and reverse; auto space. timer play; 20 - strap $350
oversampling; converter deglitcher circuit; error selection music calendar; headphone jack with
prediction logic; linear motor -tracking mecha- adjustable level; error prediction logic .... $420 D-3 Portable CD Player
nism; separate large -capacity transformers for Features AMS auto music sensor; shuffle play; 2
digital and analog sections; direct digital output. CDP-510 Remote -Controlled CD Player repeat modes; skip forward; skip back; audible
Music calendar $1,500 Remote -controlled CD player with 20 -key direct - fast forward and reverse; auto tracking recovery
access pad on both the remote and front -panel if bumped during play; unilinear converter; digi-
CDP-605ESD Remote -Controlled CD Player controls. Features programming of 20 tracks in tal filtering. Includes BP -3 rechargeable battery,
Remote -controlled CD player with 20 -key direct - any order; shuffle play; repeat track, disc, pro- AC -930A AC adaptor, and shoulder strap . $250
access pad on both the remote and front -panel gram. or shuffle play; index and track search; fast D -T3. Same as D-3 with built-in AM/FM radio.
controls. Features programming of 20 tracks in forward and reverse; auto space; timer play; 20 - Radio features local/Dx and stereo/mono switch-
any order; AMS auto music sensor; shuffle play; selection music calendar; headphone jack with es $300
repeat track, disc, program, shuffle play, or user - adjustable level; unilinear D/A converter; digital
selected phrase; track and index search; fast for- filtering with double (88.2 kHz) oversampling. D-160 Portable CD Player
ward and reverse; dual -chassis construction; uni- 17" x 4" x 13.25" $370 Features AMS auto music sensor; skip forward;


skip back; unilinear converter; digital filter; 3- base; 3 -beam laser; linear pickup motor; displays ward; fast reverse; sound audible during fast scan;
beam laser; back -lighted LCD panel; built-in anti - elapsed or remaining time of current track, re- repeat track, disc, program; programming of 20
shock servo. Includes CPA -1 car cassette adap- maining time on disc; programs 16 tracks in any tracks in any order; headphone jack with adjust-
tor, CPM-100P car mounting plate; patch cords, order; extra -heavy isolating feet; auto space. FR 0- able level. Cues by track number, index number,
AC adaptor, and carrying strap. Remote control- 20,000 Hz ± 0.3 dB; s/N >96 dB (at 1,000 Hz); time. Displays current track number, elapsed
lable with optional RM-DMIK remote comm- dynamic range >95 dB (at 1,000 Hz); harmonic time of current track, elapsed time on disc, re-
mander $250 distortion 0.0025% (at 1,000 Hz); W&F unmea- maining time on disc, remaining time in track,
sureable; sep 95 dB (at 1,000 Hz); output 2 V program in memory. 17" w x 7" h x 15" d; 22
Portable CD Accessories rms; 17.5" w x 3.8" h x 11.7" d; 13.3 lb .. S749 lb $1,295
RM-DM1K. Remote Commander and receiv-
er $49.95 ZD-880 Remote -Controlled CD Player SL -P1000 Remote -Controlled CD Player
CPM-100P. Car mounting plate $49.95 ZD digital circuit; 3 -beam laser; linear pickup Features wireless remote with volume control;
motor; double oversampling (88.2 kHz) digital fil- 20 -track programming; A -B repeat; program re-
SYLVANIA ter; 2 D/A converters; 75 -ohm coaxial digital out- peat; heaphone jack with level control; electrical
put; optical coupling; programs 20 tracks in ran- and optical outputs; 10 -key number pad on unit
CD1473 FTS CD Player dom order; delete function; number keypad on and remote; 2 -speed search dial; programmable
Favorite Track Selection memorizes programs unit and remote; skip; scan; index search; repeats music scan; 8 -digit display of track number, index
from various discs (up to 785 tracks); touch -close disc, program, track, phrase; damping feet; auto number, time for current track, disc, or program;
drawer; 24 -function remote control with 10 -digit space; timer standby; headphone jack with level separate digital and analog circuits; gold-plated
keypad and volume control $379 control; optional wooden side panels. FR 0-20,000 output jacks; 96th -order double oversampling
Hz >0.5 dB; s/N >95 dB (at 1,000 Hz); dynamic (88.2 kHz) digital filter; 7th -order analog filter;
CD1471 Programmable CD Player range >95 dB (at 1,000 Hz); harmonic distortion high-speed laser transport; high -rigidity 3 -layer
Programs 20 tracks in any order; 3 -speed search 0.003% (at 1,000 Hz); W&F unmeasureable; sep base; 2 D/A converters; Class AA isolates voltage
(music audible at 2 slower speeds); quadruple >90 dB (at 1,000 Hz); output 2 V rms; 17.1" w x amp from sample -and -hold circuit; dual power
oversampling digital filter; dual 16 -bit D/A con- 3.8" h x 11.7" d; 17.4 lb $659 supplies $1,000
verters; skip forward and back; time or track dis-
play $280 AD -4 CD Player and Cassette Deck SL -P720 Remote -Controlled CD Player
Wireless remote control; random program dub- Programmable CD player with cueing dial to cue
CD1465 FTS CD Player bing of 16 tracks; auto space; Dolby B and Dolby to any point in any track. Features wireless re-
With Favorite Track Selection to memorize pro- C NR; I erase, 1 record/play head; autoreverse; mote control with volume adjustment; 2 -speed
grams from various discs (up to 785 tracks); dual synchro start auto dubbing; CD repeat. CD play- cueing; 2 -layer nonresonant base; Class AA cir-
16 -bit D/A converters $279 er section: s/N 94 dB; THD 0.02%; sep 90 dB. cuitry; double oversampling digital filter; 20 -step
Cassette deck section: W&F 0.05%; FR to 16,000 random programming; auto space; auto pause; A-
TANDBERG Hz $599 B repeat; repeat; search; skip; recall; headphone
jack with adjustable level; programmable music
TCP 3015A Compact Disc Player AD -7 CD Player and Cassette Deck scan plays start of each track for up to 99 sec. FL
Features 16 -bit quadruple oversampling; zero Wireless remote control; random program dub- display shows volume level and function. Music
negative feedback; No capacitors between the two bing of 15 tracks; auto space; rec mute; auto bias/ matrix display indicates current and programmed
D/A converters and the line output; digital filter EQ; Dolby B, Dolby C, dbx NR; MPX filter; tracks. 8 -digit readout indicates track number, in-
and phase -linear Besse' audio filter; full program- erase, 1 record/play head; autoreverse; Time Edit dex number, elapsed or remaining time of current
mability; separate headphone output volume con- calculates CD tracks that will fit on tape, chang- track, disc, or program $549
ing order to fill tape; timer compatible; synchro SL -P520. Similar to SL -P720 except lacks 2 -layer
start auto dubbing; blank scan; headphone jack base and programmable music scan $475
with level control; twin rec-level controls; bias ad-
just control; separate CD output; repeat of disc or SL-P600C 6 -Disc CD Changer
CD program; index search; 3 -beam laser. CD Plays 6 discs in magazine; wireless remote; 32 -
player section: s/N 95 dB; THD 0.004% at 1,000 track random programming; 10 -key number pad
Hz; sep >90 dB; W&F unmeasurable. Cassette on unit and remote; headphone jack with volume
deck section: W&F 0.05%; FR 30-19,000 Hz ± 3 control; high-speed access with 2 -purpose search/
dB with metal tape. 16 lb $569
trol. Rosewood side panels and remote control
optional. 17.13" w x 13.5" h x 13.75" d; 12.5 PD -600M 6 -Disc CD Changer
lb $1,895 Programs 32 tracks in random order; digital and
analog filtering; infrared remote control; shuffle
TEAC play; auto space; 3 -beam laser. FR 5-20,000 Hz;
dynamic range >92 dB; S/N >98 dB; W&F un-
ZD-3000 Remote -Controlled CD Player measureable; nominal harmonic distortion
Drawer -loading CD player with zero -distortion 0.02%; sep >90 dB $499
circuit; gold-plated fixed and variable outputs;
timer play; subcode output; in -operation program PD -450 Remote -Controlled CD Player
editing; all -metal chassis; floating isolation sys- 3 -beam laser; digital filter; program 20 tracks in skip buttons; display of number of tracks, pro-
tem; RC -301 20 -function remote control. Pro- random order from unit or remote; number key- grammed tracks, current track, elapsed time; ran-
grams 20 tracks in any order; skip forward; skip pad on remote; repeats track, program, disc; skip; dom and repeat play; digital filter $500
back; fast forward; fast reverse; cancel; repeat scan; displays remaining time of track or disc. FR
track, disc, phrase, program; headphone jack 2-20,000 Hz ± 1; dynamic range >93 dB; s/N >95 SL-XP5 Portable CD Player
with adjustable level; 3 -beam laser; oversampling dB; W&F unmeasureable; nominal harmonic dis- Top -loading portable CD player with FF1 single -
digital filter; 7th -order analog filter; dual D/A tortion 0.02%; sep >80 dB; 17.1" w x 3.9" h x beam laser. Features programming of 18 tracks in
converters; sound audible during fast scan. Cues 11" d; 7.3 lb $349 any order; skip forward; skip back; fast forward;
by track. Oversamples at 88.2 kHz to accomplish fast reverse; cancel; repeat track, disc, program;
digital filtering of frequencies below 88,200 Hz. headphone jack with adjustable level; digital fil-
Displays current track number, elapsed time of TECHNICS tering; single D/A converter; sound audible dur-
current track, elapsed time on disc, remaining SL -P1200 Disco/Audiophile CD Player ing fast scan. Oversamples at 88.2 kHz. Displays
time on disc, program in memory. 17.5" w x Top -loading CD player for discos or production current track number, elapsed time of current
3.44" h x 13.44" d; 17.6 lb $950 cues to any point within track. Rocker control for track, elapsed time on disc, remaining time on
momentary advance or retard. Features quartz - disc, program in memory. With carrying case and
ZD-1000 Remote -Controlled CD Player locked pitch control (± 8%); 2 -speed cueing; power supply. 4.97" w x 0.91" h x 4.97" d $325
Number keypad on front panel and remote; head- rear -panel remote jack for mixer; infrared remote
phone jack with level control; subcode output; control; auto cue to first note of desired track; FL SL -P120 Quick -Access CD Player
sound audible in fast forward and reverse; Zero display; twin high-speed D/A converter; double 1 -sec average access to any track; 20 -track ran-
Distortion circuit; oversampling digital filter (at oversampling (88.2 kHz) digital filter; 9th -order dom programming; headphone jack with volume
88.2 kHz); 7th -order analog filter; 2 D/A convert- low-pass analog filter; I-beam laser; high-speed control; 2 -speed audible search in forward and re-
ers; timer compatible; repeats disc, program, Linear Motor Access locates track start in <1 sec; verse; skip forward and back; repeat of track,
track, phrase; vibration -damping high -density subcode output; skip forward; skip back; fast for- disc, program; 2 -color FL display of elapsed or re -


maining time for track, disc, program; preset edit. maining time on disc; program in memory. 17" w circuit assembly; 10 -key direct -selection access;
ing; double oversampling (88.2 kHz) $249 x 3.5" h x 8.25" d; 11 lb $350 12 -selection programmable random-access play-
SL -P220. Similar to above except has infrared back; index search; 3 -way music search; 3 -way re-
wireless remote control with number keypad and peat play; 6 -digit multi -function fluorescent dis-
volume control; program recall $299
YAMAHA play; space -insert function; 10 -key remote con-
SL -P320. Similar to above except adds number CDX-10000 Compact Disc Player trol; timer -operated playback; front -panel head-
keypad on unit $349 Limited centennial edition compact disc player phone jack; sub -code output terminal; gold-plated
SL -P420. Similar to above except adds Class with wireless remote control. Features Hi -bit qua- output terminals. 17.12" w x 3.75" h x 11.12" d;
AAA circuits to isolate voltage control circuits druple oversampling digital filter; Hi -bit D/A 11.2 lb $699
from current load fluctuations to reduce distor- convertor; 20 -bit digital volume control; high
tion in sample -and -hold circuit $400 speed linear motor; internal photo -optical cou CDX-900U Compact Disc Player
Features Hi -bit quadruple oversampling digital
TOSHIBA filter; twin high-speed D/A convertors; dual-
transtrirmer shunt -regulated power supplies; dis-
XR-9037 Remote Control CD Player crete circuit configuration; 42 -key wireless re-
Remote control w/volume control; digital peak mote control; floating suspension design; 24 -track
search; 20 -program random memory; double direct -access random programming; random
oversampling and digital filter $450 play; index search; front -panel headphone jack
with level control; RS integrated system remote
XR-9457 Portable/Home CD Player control compatibility. Black; 17 lb $649
2 remote controls; I wireless for AC operation. 1
wired for Dc operation; 3 beam laser pick-up; re- CDX-700U Compact Disc Player
chargeable NiCad battery or 4 AA batteries; 16 piing; output level control; digital -out terminals; Features Hi -bit quadruple oversampling digital
program random memory with repeat (Ac heavy-duty chassis; 24 -track direct access; ran- filter precision 3 -beam laser pickup; floating sus-
only) $450 dom play; front -panel headphone jack; gold-plat- pension design; 24 -track direct -access random
ed connection terminals. Titanium grey with high programming; index search; 32 -key wireless re-
XR-9437 Portable CD Player luster walnut end panels $3,000 mote control; random play; front -panel head-
Compact CD player with AM/FM stereo. 9 FM/5 phone jack with level control; RS integrated sys-
AM presets; 3 -beam laser pick-up; 16 -program CDX-5000 Compact Disc Player tem remote control compatibility. Black; I 1

Drawer -loading CD player with 44 -key wireless lb $449

remote control. Features hand -selected parts;
double floating suspension design; super -high- CDX-500U Compact Disc Player
speed access; Hi -bit quadruple oversampling digi- Drawer -loading CD player with wireless remote
tal filter; Hi -bit D/A convertor; Hi -bit digital vol- control. Features 16 -track random programming;
ume control; photo -optical coupling; dual -trans- 3 -way music search; repeat disc, track, and pro-
former shunt -regulated power supplies; digital - grammed sequence; auto space insert; 88.2 kHz
out terminals; random play; index search; front double oversampling; double resolution digital fil-
panel headphone jack; RS integrated remote sys- ter; 3 -beam laser pickup; Yamaha LSI circuitry;
tem compatible. Black; 55 lb $2,200 floating suspension; index search; timer playback
capability; headphone jack with level control; RS
CDX-1100U Compact Disc Player integrated remote compatibility. FR 5-20,000 Hz
Features Hi -bit quadruple oversampling digital +0.5%/-1.0 dB; s/N 100 dB; THD 0.004%; dy-
random memory with repeat; quick -program se- filter; Hi -bit D/A convertor; Hi -bit digital volume namic range 96 dB. 17.13" w x 4.19" h x 13.75"
lect; uses 4 AA batteries or NiCads $430 control; photo -optical coupling; digital -out termi- d; 9 Ib, 4 oz $329
nals; output level control; gold-plated rear -panel
XR-9127 Auto -Repeat CD Player connection terminals; 44 -key wireless remote con- CDX-400U Compact Disc Player
Double oversampling and digital filter; automatic trol; floating suspension design; 24 -track direct - Features 3 -beam laser pickup; double resolution
repeat capability; 10 -key remote with volume access random programmable play; random play: digital filter; 88.2 kHz double oversampling; vi-
control $330 index search; front -panel headphone jack; Black: bration -damping construction; 6 -digit fluorescent
35 lb $1,099 display panel; 16 -selection random programming;
VECTOR RESEARCH 3 -way music search; repeat disc, track, and pro-
CD -2000M Compact Disc Player grammed sequence; auto space insert; index
VCD-900 Compact Disc Player Features Yamaha LSI technology; 3 -beam laser, search; timer playback capability; headphone jack
Drawer -loading CD player with full -function re- independent L/R ch digital filters; vibration with level control. FR 5-20.000 Hz +0.5%/-1.0
mote control (10 -key direct -track access, remote damping circuit assembly; 10 -key direct -selection dB s/N 100 dB; THD 0.004%; dynamic range 96
volume control). Features programming of 15 access; 12 -selection programmable random-access dB 17.13" x 4.19" x 13.75"; 9.3 lb $299
tracks in random and sequential order; skip for- playback. index search; 3 -way music search; 3 -
ward; skip back; fast forward; fast reverse; cancel; way repeat play; 6 -digit multi -function fluores- CDX-305U Compact Disc Player
repeat track, disc, phrase, and program; 3 -beam cent display; fixed -/variable -level output termi- Drawer -loading CD player with wireless remote
laser; digital and analog filtering; single D/A con- nals; output -level volume controls and display; control with direct access. Features 16 -selection
verter; sound audible during fast scans. Cues by space -insert function; 10 -key remote with volume random programming; 3 -way music search; re-
track number. Oversamples at 88.2 kHz. Displays control; timer -operated playback; front -panel peat disc, track, and programmed sequence; 6 -
current track number, elapsed time of current headphone jack; gold-plated output terminals; digit fluorescent display; auto space insert; 88.2
track, elapsed time on disc; program in memory. XLR connectors; rack -mount adapters. 17.12" w kHz double oversampling; double resolution digi-
17" w x 3.5" h x 12.5" d; II lb $450 x 3.75" h x 11.12" d; 11.4 lb $899 tal filter; 3 -beam laser pickup; floating suspension
design; index search; timer playback capability;
VCD-770 Compact Disc Player CD -20008 Compact Disc Player headphone jack; RS integrated remote control
Drawer -loading CD player with I2 -key remote Features Yamaha LSI technology; 3 -beam laser; compatibility. FR 5-20,000 Hz +0.5%/-1.0 dB;
control and quadruple oversampling. Features independent L/R ch digital filters; vibration signal-to-noise ratio 100 dB; THD 0.004%; dy-
programming of 15 tracks in random and sequen- damping circuit assembly; 10 -key direct -selection namic range 96 dB. 13.38" w x 3.13" h x 11" d; 6
tial order; skip forward; skip back; fast forward; access; 12 -selection programmable random-access lb 10 oz $299
fast reverse; cancel; repeat track, disc, phrase, and playback; index search; 3 -way music search; 3 -
program; 3 -beam laser; digital filtering; single D/ way repeat play; 6 -digit multi -function fluores- CDX-5U Compact Disc Player
A converter; sound audible during fast scans. cent display; fixed -/variable -level output termi- Features 16 -selection random programming; 3 -
Cues by track number. Oversamples at 176.4 nals; output -level volume controls and display; way music search; repeat disc, track, and pro-
kHz. Displays current track number, elapsed space -insert function; 10 -key remote with volume grammed sequence; 6 -digit fluorescent display;
ime of current track, elapsed time on disc; re - control; timer -operated playback; front -panel auto space insert; 88.2 kHz double oversampling;
headphone jack; subcode output terminal; gold- double resolution digital filter; 3 -beam laser pick-
plated output terminals. 11.4 lb $799 up; floating suspension design; index search; tim-
For explanations of abbreviations,
et playback capability; headphone jack; its inte-
specifications, and technical terms. CD -1000B Compact Disc Player grated remote control compatibility. FR 5-20,000
consult the glossary on page 221. Features Yamaha LSI technology; 3 -beam laser; Hz +0.5%/-1.0 dB; s/N 10O dB; 13.38" w x
double -resolution digital filter; vibration damping 3 13" h x 11" d; 6 lb, 10 oz $249




a/d/s/ w&F 0.0055% deck 1, 0.028% deck 2; s/N 80 dB tal tape counter; feather -touch is logic controls;
with Dolby C, metal tape above 5,000 Hz; FR 10- cue & review; fluorescent peak meters. w&F
C4 3 -Head Dolby B/C/HX Pro Cassette Deck 17,000 Hz normal -bias tape, 10-19,000 Hz high - 0.028% wrms; FR 20-16,000 Hz ± 3 dB normal -
Microprocessor operating system for digital re- bias, 10-20,000 Hz metal. 16.94" w x 4.38" h x bias tape, 20-17,000 Hz ± 3 dB high bias, 20-
cording -level and balance controls; full status dis- 11.75" d; 14.5Ib $750 18,000 Hz ± 3 dB metal; s/N (A-wtd) metal: 78
plays; remote controlled through a/d/s/ R4 re- dB Dolby C. 16.63" w x 4.38" h x 11.63" d; 10.4
ceiver or CC4 tuner/preamp; auto bias/EQ for all AD -A70 Autoreverse Cassette Deck lb $350
tape types; memorizes adjustable bias and level Cassette deck holds up to 5 cassettes for quick -re-
settings for each tape type; displays elapsed or re- verse I5 -selection random -programmed playback AD-WX707 Double Cassette Deck
maining time; quartz-controlled-PLL capstan and sequential -timed recording. Features 4 mo- Autoreverse cassette deck with Dolby B and C.
motor drive in die-cast metal chassis; timer re- tors; Dolby B & C; blank skip; music search; rec Features bias fine tuning; continuous playback;
cord and play; auto repeat; music search; mic/ mute; headphone jack; LED meters; electronic feather -touch ic logic controls; high-speed dub-
line mixing; adjustable headphone output; LED tape counter; auto tape selector. w&F 0.06% bing; auto rec mute; auto tape selector; rec/play
rec-level meters; rec-level range 80 dB in l -dB wrms; FR metal 30-15,000 Hz ± 3 dB; s/N metal timer standby (deck 2). s/N 78 dB Dolby C, 65
steps. Speed deviation <0.5%; W&F <0.04% wtd 78 dB Dolby C. 13" w x 4.25" h x 13.62" d; 13.2 dB Dolby B; FR 20-16,000 Hz normal -bias tape,
rms; FR with all tape types 20-20,000 Hz ± 2 dB; lb $650 20-17,000 Hz high bias, 20-18,000 metal. 16.94"
S/N >74 dBA with Dolby C and metal tape (op- w x 5" h x 12.31" d; 1 Ilb $250
tional outboard NR system extends S/N to >93 AD-F77OUB Dolby B & C Cassette Deck
dBA). 17.5" w x 2.75" h a 14.8" d $1,400 Features 3 heads; 2 motors; auto bias/EQ; Dolby AD -R30 Autoreverse Cassette Deck
HX Pro; dual capstans; bias fine tuning; remain- Features 3 -way reverse operation for continuous,
RC1 Unified Remote Control ing -time counter; music search; output level con- one cycle, or unidirectional operation; horizontal
Infrared wireless remote controls CC4, R4 receiv- trol; memory stop/play; mike inputs; headphone flat keyboard operation panel; feather -touch is
er, and other a/d/s/ components $100 jack; rec mute; digital automatic tape adaptation; logic control; Dolby B & C; bias fine tuning; auto
ic logic controls; fluorescent meters with peak MC mute. w&F 0.065% wrens; FR 20-16,000 Hz
Atelier C3 2 -Speed Cassette Deck hold; auto Dolby NR detector; intro play ADMS. normal -bias tape, 20-16,000 Hz high bias, 20-
Records and plays at 1.88 ips (standard speed) W&F 0.025% wrms; FR 20-17,000 Hz ± 3 dB nor- 17,000 Hz metal; s/N 78 dB
and 3.75 ips (double speed). Remote controlled mal -bias tape, 20-18,000 Hz ± 3 dB high bias, 20- DX head; erase double -gap ferrite. 16.56" w x
through a/d/s/ R4 receiver or CC4 tuner/ 19,000 Hz ± 3 dB metal; s/N (A-wtd) metal: 68 4.38" h x 11.94" d; 11.4 lb $180
preamp. Quartz-PLL direct -drive -capstan multi- dB Dolby B, 80 dB Dolby C. 16.56" w a 4.38" h x AD -S15. As above without autoreverse $150
ple -pole outer -rotor motor; repeat; mic/line mix - 11.31" d; 12.1 lb $550 AD -S10. Same as above without soft -touch con-
'fig; 3 heads; 2 motors; Dolby B; Dolby C; music trols and no auto tape selector $120
search; memory stop/play; LED meters; head AD-WX22OU Double Cassette Deck
Features 2 heads; 2 motors; auto bias/EQ; bias
fine tuning; music search; output level control; AKAI
LED meters; mike inputs; headphone jack; rec GX-R99-B 3 -Head Autoreverse Cassette Deck
mute; 0.25- time dubbing cassette deck random Sets and maintains optimum record level; teflon-
programmable; dubbing playback; random Dolby bonded head housing of beryllium -alloyed die-
B & C; I -touch synchrodubbing. w&F 0.038% cast zinc to maintain accurate azimuth; super GX
wrms; FR 20-13,000 Hz ± 3 dB normal -bias tape, (glass and crystal) head; high -tuned DC amp with
phone jack. W&F standard speed 0.04% wrms, 20-15,000 Hz ± 3 dB high bias, 20-16,000 Hz ± 3 Foldback Electrode Transistors (FBET) for in-
high speed 0.035%; FR (with all tape types) stan- dB metal; s/N (A-wtd) metal: 66 dB Dolby B, 78 creased midrange resolution and widened dynam-
dard speed 20-20,000 Hz ± 2 dB, high speed 25- dB Dolby C. 16.56" w x 4.38" h x 12.75" d; 12.3 ic range; 5 motors; auto bias/EQ; Dolby B; Dolby
22,000 Hz ± 2 dB; S/N (A-wtd, all tape types) lb $550 C; dual capstans; bias fine tuning; direct drive;
standard speed: >58 dBA no NR, >66 dBA elapsed -time counter; remaining -time counter;
Dolby B, >74 dBA Dolby C, high speed: >60 AD -W20 Double Cassette Deck music search; output level control; memory stop/
dBA no NR, >68 dBA Dolby B, >76 dBA Dolby High-speed dubbing casssete deck with quick -re- play; rec mute; headphone jack; auto fader; FLD
C. 17.5" w x 2.75" h x 14.8" d; 19.6 lb ... $969 verse record/playback in both decks. Features display; record cancel; gold RCA jacks; auto tape
2+2 heads; 2 motors; continuous record/play- monitor; timer start; feather -touch full -logic con-
AIWA back; programmable 18 -selection edit dubbing; trols; direct lead-in; power eject. Wireless remote
auto bias/EQ; Dolby B; Dolby C; music search; control optional. W&F 0.028% WRMS; FR fer-
AD-WX909 Autoreverse Double Cassette Deck blank skip; LED meters; headphone jack; rec ric 20-18,000 Hz ± 3 dB, high bias 20-19,000 Hz
Features 3 heads with micro -grain -surfaced cap- mute. w&F 0.6% wrms; s/N metal 78 dB Dolby ± 3 dB, metal 20-21,000 Hz ± 3 dB; S/N (A-wtd)
stan; auto tape/source monitor selector; ADMS C. 16.63" w x 4.38" h x 12.75" d; 12.3 lb $550
. metal: 70 dB Dolby B, 80 dB Dolby C, 60 dB no
NR. 17.3" w x 4.1" h w 14.6" d; 19.1 lbs . $649
AD-WX808 Double Cassette Deck
Autoreverse cassette deck with Dolby HX Pro GX-8-B 3 -Head 3 -NR -System Cassette Deck
and Dolby B & C. Features Amorphous head; Quartz-PLL direct -drive motor for low W&F; su-
el "i"' blank skip continuous playback; double -speed per GX (glass and crystal) head; manual bias
playback; Ic logic control; digital tape counter; trim; extended -range peak meter; 3 motors;
auto rec mute; rec/timer standby. w&F 0.055% Dolby B; Dolby C; dbx; dual capstans; bias fine
wrms; s/N metal: 78 dB Dolby C, 65 dB Dolby B; tuning; elapsed -time counter; remaining -time
FR 20-17,000 Hz normal -bias tape, 20-19,000 Hz counter; music search; output -level control; rec
high bias, 20-20,000 Hz metal. 16.94" w x 5" h x mute; headphone jack; auto mute; rec cancel;
(auto demagnetizing system); Dolby HX Pro 12.31" d; I I lb $350 gold-plated RCA and headphone jacks; FLD dis-
(deck 2); Dolby B & C (both decks); gold-plated play; feather -touch full -logic controls; direct lead-
CD inputs and LINE/CD front panel selector; AD -S40 Dolby B & C Cassette Deck in; power eject. W&F 0.04% wrens; FR ferric 20-
high-speed dubbing; feather -touch lc logic con- Features 3 heads; 2 motors; auto bias/FQ; Dolby 19,000 Hz ± 3 dB, high bias 20-20,000 Hz ± 3
trols; independant digital tape counters; bias fine HX Pro; dual capstans; bias fine tuning; head- dB, metal 20-21,000 Hz ± 3 dB; S/N (A-wtd)
adjustment for Cr02/normal-bias tape (± 20%); phone jack; rec mute; computer designed key- metal: 70 dB Dolby B, 80 dB Dolby C, 115 dB
music sensor (both decks); continuous playback. board front control panel; ADMS; electronic digi- dbx, 60 dB no NR.3.9" d; 14.3 lb $609


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GX-6-B 3 -Head Dolby B & C Cassette Deck tures 3 heads; 3 motors; Dolby B & C; 6 switch - Dolby B & C NR; dual -capstan transport; full -log-
Super GX (glass and crystal) heads for increased able mike/line outputs; 6 mike inputs; 2 -band ic control transport; computer -controlled silent
dynamic range; extended -range peak meter for parametric equalizer; master output -level control; mechanism; non -slip reel drive; manual bias fine-
music with high dynamic range; manual bias soft -touch controls; phantom power; LED output tuning; full auto -stop; SF combination head; dual
trim; auto mute; feather -touch full -logic controls; display; 60 -dB total attenuation; 2 send/return power supply; mPx-filter switch; 4 -digit tape
record cancel; gold-plated RCA and headphone loops; channel return and sub solos; headphone counter with memory stop; FL peak level meter;
jacks; FLD display; direct lead-in; power eject; 3 jack. FR high bias 20-18,000 Hz ± 3 dB; s/N (all balance control; rec pause/mute; auto -space; !-
motors; dual capstans; bias fine tuning; direct A-wtd), high bias 55 dB no NR, 64 Dolby B, 68 touch rec/standby; output level control; head-
drive; elapsed- and remaining -time counter; mu- Dolby C. 23.3" w x 5.4" h x 20.4" dD $1,695 phone jack. FR 25-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB with metal
sic search; output -level control; rec mute. W&F tape; w&F 0.045% wrms; s/N >73 dI3 (Dolby
0.04% wrms; FR ferric 20-19,000 Hz ± 3 dB, C) $500
high bias 20-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB, metal 20-21,000 BANG & OLUFSEN
Hz ± 3 dB; S/N (A-wtd) metal: 70 dB Dolby B, Beocord 5500 Autoreverse Cassette Deck DR -M20 3 -Head Cassette Deck
80 dB Dolby C, 60 dB no NR $549 Automated recording; Auto Azimuth Guidance; Features Dolby B & C NR; dual -capstan trans-
auto Dolby B and Dolby C for play; auto and port; full -logic control transport; computer -con-
GX-R70EX-B Autoreverse Cassette Deck manual rec level; programs 23 tracks; HX Pro trolled silent mechanism; non -slip reel drive;
Sets and monitors optimum recording levels; headroom extension; tape loads in motorized manual bias fine-tuning; full auto -stop; SF combi-
twin -field Super GX head with separate gaps for nation head; dual power supply; mPx-filter
recording and playback; twin active power supply switch; 4 -digit tape counter with memory stop; FL
for stable amplification and lower IMD; auto peak level meter: balance control. rec pause/
fader; reverse selector; peak/peak spectrum me-
ters; auto mute; direct lead-in; power eject; rec
balance; 2 heads; 3 motors; auto bias/EQ; Dolby
B & C; dbx; dual capstans; elapsed -time counter;
music search; output -level control; rec mute;
headphone jack. Wireless remote control option-
al. W&F 0.05% wrms; FR ferric 20-17,000 Hz
± 3 dB, high bias 20-18,000 Hz ± 3 dB, metal 20-
19,000 Hz ± 3 dB; S/N (A-wtd) metal: 70 dB
Dolby B, 80 dB Dolby C, 110 dB dbx; 60 dB no
NR. 17.3" w 4.1" h x II" d; 11.5 lb .... $549 mute; auto -space; I -touch rec/standby; output
evel control; headphone jack. FR 25-19,000 Hz
GX-R60EX-B Autoreverse Cassette Deck ± 3 dB with metal tape; w&F 0.045% wrms; s/N
Twin -field Super GX head with separate gaps for drawer; black and silver; remote controlled by >73 dB (Dolby C) $400
recording and playback and twin active power Master Control Panel. w&F <0.09% wrens; speed
supply for stable amplification and lower IMD. deviation <± 1.5%; s/N with chrome tape >64 DR-M14HX Cassette Deck
Features feather -touch full -logic controls; FLD dB Dolby B, >74 dB Dolby C; 16.5" w x 3" h Features wireless remote control; Dolby HX Pro;
display; reverse selector; direct lead-in; power 12.75" d; 18.7 lb $999 Dolby B & C NR; full -logic control transport;
eject; rec balance; 2 heads; 2 motors; Dolby B &
C; dbx; dual capstans; elapsed -time counter; mu- Beocord 3300 Dolby B/HX Pro Cassette Deck reel driye; manual bias fine-tuning; full auto -stop;
sic search; output level control; rec mute; head- Integrates with Beosystem 3300 for remote con- SF R/P head; constant current drive circuit; dual
phone jack. Wireless remote control optional. trol from multiple rooms; black plexiglass and power supply; mPx-filter switch; 4 -digit tape
W&F 0.05% wrms; FR ferric 20-17,000 Hz ± 3 brushed aluminum; optional wall brackets; sensi- counter with memory stop; FL peak level meter;
dB, high bias 20-18,000 Hz ± 3 dB, metal 20- touch controls; remote controlled from Terminal balance control; rec pause/mute; auto -space; mu-
19,000 Hz ± 3 dB; S/N (A-wtd) metal: 70 dB 3300 remote; communicates with 3300 turntable sic search; I -touch rec/standby; output level con-
Dolby B, 80 dB Dolby C, 110 dB dbx; 60 dB no and CD player for coordinated recording; auto trol; headphone jack. FR 25-18,000 Hz ± 3 dB
NR. 17.3" w x 4.1" h x 11" d; 11 lbs $429 search; meters adjust for tape type; sendust heads; with metal tape; w&F 0.045% wrms; s/N >72 dB
auto demagnetization. w&F <0.07% wrms; speed (Dolby C) $400
HX-A451W-B Double Cassette Deck deviation <± 1.5%; s/N with chrome tape >65 DR-M12HX. As above except without remote
High-speed cassette deck with random program- dB Dolby B; 16.5" w x 2.75" h x 9.9" d; 8.37 control $340
mable dubbing and playback for both transports. lb $499
Master driver mechanism uses 3rd motor for tape DR-M1OHX Cassette Deck
synchronization. Features feather -touch full -logic Features Dolby HX Pro; Dolby B & C NR; full -
controls; auto mute; rec pause; timer start; blank DENON logic control transport; computer -controlled si-
skip; 3 motors; Dolby B & C; music search; DR-m44Hx 3 -Head Cassette Deck lent mechanism; non -slip reel drive; manual bias
elapsed -time counter; LED meters; mic inputs; Features Dolby HX Pro; Dolby /3 & C NR; dual - fine-tuning; full auto -stop; SF R/P head; dual
rec mute; headphone jack. Wireless remote con- capstan transport; full -logic control transport; power supply; 4 -digit tape counter with memory
trol optional. W&F 0.09% wrms; FR ferric 30- computer -controlled silent mechanism; direct - stop; FL peak level meter; balance control; rec
15,000 Hz ± 3 dB, high bias 30-15,000 Hz ± 3 drive FG servo motor; nonslip reel drive; comput- pause/mute; auto -space; music search; I -touch
dB, metal 30-16,000 Hz ± 3 dB; S/N (A-wtd) er -controlled bias fine-tuning; full auto -stop; SF rec/standby; headphone jack. FR 25-18,000 Hz
metal: 67 dB Dolby B, 77 dB Dolby C, 57 dB no combination head; dual power supply; mPx-filter ± 3 dB with metal tape; w&F 0.05% wrms; s/N
NR. 17.3" w x 4.3" h x 11.5" d; 9.7 lb ... $380 switch; 4 -digit tape counter with memory stop; FL >72 dB (Dolby C) $280
peak level meter; real-time counter; wired remote
HX-A305W-B Double Cassette Deck control; rec pause/mute; 1 -touch rec/standby; DR -M07 Cassette Deck
HX heads; normal- and high-speed dubbing; se- output level control; headphone jack. Includes Features Dolby B & C NR; full -logic control
quential play; Dolby B NR $229 wood side panels. FR 25-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB with transport; manual bias fine-tuning; full auto -stop;
metal tape; w&F 0.035% wrms; s/N >75 dB SF R/P head; 3 -digit tape counter; LED 6 -segment
AUDIO-TECHNICA (Dolby C) $650 peak level meter; balance control; 1 -touch rec/
standby; headphone jack. FR 40-16,000 Hz ± 3 dB
T-RMX64 4 -Track Cassette Deck DR-M3OHX 3 -Head Cassette Deck with metal tape; w&F 0.057% wrms; s/N >73 dB
4 -track deck with integral 6 -in, 4 -out mixer. Fea- Features wireless remote control; Dolby HX Pro; (Dolby C) $210

ACA -20. Side panels for DR-M3OHX, M2OHX,
M I4HX, and M I2HX cassette decks

are manufacturers' suggested retail prices DUAL by ORTOFON

(also referred to as list prices); CC5050 Cassette Deck
actual selling prices are set by individual dealers. Three -head stereo cassette deck with Dolby B
and Dolby C noise reduction. Frequency response
All prices are subject to change without notice. 20-19,000 Hz ± 3 dB with metal (Type IV) tape.
Black finish $380


FISHER play; logic control; weighted peak -hold LED me- tape is recorded. Features Dolby B & C NR; "Reel
ters; mic inputs; mic/line mixing; headphone Rock" to allow you to locate precise edit points in
CR-W98 Double Cassette Deck jack; rec mute. Timer controllable. W&F 0.025% forward or reverse at full speed or half -speed;
Double autoreverse cassette deck with 6 -function WRMS; FR with all tape types 20-24,000 Hz t 3 quick autoreverse; digital peak display; two -mo-
wireless remote control. Features autoreverse for dB; S/N (A-wtd, with high bias tape) 58 dB no tor full -logic transoprt; direct -drive capstan; in-
both transports; synchronized I -touch high- NR. 66 dB Dolby B, 75 dB Dolby C $950 dex scan; blank search; music scan; block repeat;
speed dubbing; sequential play; Dolby B & C NR; blank skip; auto rec mute; 4 -way digital counter;
TD392 Dolby B/C/HX Pro Cassette Deck headphone jack with level control; optional re-
3 heads for monitoring during recording; Sendust mote control $450
record head, narrow -gap high -density ferrite play R70E. Remote control unit $50
head; motor; Dolby B; Dolby C; Dolby HX

....._ -=la
Pro; solenoid logic transport; bias fine trim with TDV66JBK Cassette Deck
test -tone oscillator; output level control; weighted Computer -controlled discrete three -head cassette
_ .
LED meters; headphone jack; rec mute. W&F deck is remote controllable with optional remote
0.05% WRMS; FR with all tape types 20-22,000 or when used with selected JVC Compu-Link
Hz t 3 dB; S/N (A-wtd, with high -bias tape) 58 components. Features Dolby B & C NR with NIPX
dB no NR, 66 dB Dolby B, 75 dB C $675 filter; full -logic transport controls; SA head; mon-
itor -capable discrete 3 -head configuration; DC
metal tape capability (both transports); electronic CD302 Cassette Deck configured amps; index scan; blank search; block
full -logic controls; FL display/level indicators. Cassette deck with sendust record/play head and repeat; music scan $450
Black $400 logic -controlled solenoid transport; Dolby B; R70E. Remote control unit $50
Dolby C; Dolby HX Pro; bias fine tuning; output
CR-W96 Double Cassette Deck level control; rec mute; headphone jack; defeats- TDVV660JBK Double Cassette Deck
Features autoreverse for both transports; syn- ble multiplex filter. W&F 0.05% WRMS; record - Double autoreverse cassette deck is remote con-
chronized 1 -touch high-speed dubbing; sequential play FR, ferric 20-21,000 Hz t 3 dB, high -bias trollable when used with selected JVC Compu-
play; Dolby B & C NR; metal tape capability 20-21,000 Hz t 3 dB, metal 20-21,000 Hz t 3 dB; Link components. Features Dolby B & C NR;
(both transports); soft -touch controls; switchable S/N (A-wtd), high bias 65 with Dolby B, 73 with twin quick autoreverse systems; two -motor full -
NIPX filter. Black $300 Dolby C $450 logic mechanisms; double -speed editing with syn-
chro start; continuous back-to-back play of two
CR-W95 Double Cassette Deck CD202 Cassette Deck tapes auto/synchro rec mute (deck B); auto tape
Features autoreverse for both transports; syn- Narrow -gap permalloy record/play head; Dolby selection; music scan; timer start; oversize LCD
chronized 1 -touch high-speed dubbing; sequential B and C NR; logic transport with solenoid con- panel with electronic tape counter $385
play; Dolby B & C NR; metal tape capability trols; bias fine tuning; 2 heads; LED meters.
(both transports). Silver $300 W&F 0.05% wrms; record -play FR, metal 20- TDW6OJBK Double Cassette Deck
20,000 Hz t 3 dB; S/N (A-wtd) high bias 65 with Double autoreverse cassette deck is remote con-
CR-W86 Double Cassette Deck Dolby B, 73 with Dolby C $325 trollable when used with selected JVC Compu-
Features autoreverse record/playback for deck 1; Link components. Features Dolby B & C NR;
synchronized I -touch high-speed dubbing; se- CD102 Cassette Deck twin quick autoreverse systems; two -motor full -
quential play; Dolby NR; metal tape capability Narrow -gap permalloy record/play head; Dolby logic mechanisms; double -speed dubbing with
(both transports); soft -touch controls; switchable B NR; full -logic transport with solenoid controls; synchro start; continuous back-to-back play of
MPX filter. Black $250 2 heads; I motor; LED meters. W&F 0.05% two tapes; auto/synchro rec mute (deck B); music
wrms; record -play FR, metal 20-20,000 Hz t 3 scan: timer start; 6 -LED multi -peak indicator;
CR-W85 Double Cassette Deck dB $285 mode indicator $385
Features autoreverse record/playback for deck 1;
synchronized 1 -touch high-speed dubbing; se- TDW550JBK Double Cassette Deck
quential play; Dolby NR; metal tape capability HITACHI Double cassette deck is remote controllable when
(both transports). Silver $250 DW99 Double Autoreverse Cassette Deck used with selected JVC Compu-Link compo-
High-speed 1 -touch dubbing; 20 -part Ft. peak me- nents. Features two -motor full -logic mechanisms;
CR-W56 Double Cassette Deck ter with peak -hold selector; timer rec/play; 4 -dig- double -speed editing with synchro-start; continu-
Features synchronized I -touch high-speed dub- it FL counter; music scan; random memory pro- ous back-to-back play of two tapes; Dolby B & C
bing; sequential play; Dolby NR; metal tape capa- gram search; 3 motors; Dolby B and Dolby C; NR; auto/synchro rec mute (deck B); auto tape
bility (both transports). Silver $250 blank skip; memory stop/play; unified -remote - selector; music scan; timer start; oversized LCD
control compatibility. w&F 0.04% wnns; FR fer- panel with electronic tape counter $305
FOSTEX ric 30-14,000 Hz t 3 dB, high bias 30-15,000 Hz
t 3 dB, metal 30-16,000 Hz t 3 dB; s/N metal 66 TDW330JVK Double Cassette Deck
Model 160 4 -Track Cassette Deck/Mixer dB Dolby B, 72 dB Dolby C; 12.62" w x 3.5" h x Double cassette deck is remote controllable when
Records 4 tracks in I direction; 3.75 ips; Dolby C 14.12" d; 15.5 lb $500 used with selected JVC Compu-Link compo-
NR; pitch control; 2 mic inputs; 4 line outputs; nents. Features two -motor full -logic mechanisms;
overdubs and punches in; sync input to track 4 DW77 Double Autoreverse Cassette Deck double -speed editing with synchro-start; continu-
for MIDI; ch insert points for signal processors. Logic control; high-speed dubbing; Dolby B and ous back-to-back play of 2 tapes; Dolby B and C
Each input ch has straight-line fader, high and Dolby C; music scan; random memory program NR; auto tape selector; 6 -LED multi -peak indica-
low tone controls, source/tape button, assign- search; 4 motors; auto tape selector; timer rec/ tor $265
ment button to mix buss or direct, pan control, play; blank skip; LED meters; rec mute; head-
aux send control. W&F 0.1% peak wtd; FR 40- phone jack; unified -remote -control compatibility. TDX301JBK Cassette Deck
14,000 Hz; S/N 70 dB wtd $795 FR ferric 30-14,000 Hz t 3 dB, high bias 30- Computer -controlled autoreverse cassette deck
15,000 Hz t 3 dB, metal 30-16,000 Hz t 3 dB; s/ with Dolby B & C NR. Features full -logic trans-
Model X-30 4 -Track Cassette Deck/Mixer N 66 dB Dolby B, 72 dB Dolby C. 14.5" w x port mechanism; quick autoreverse system with
Records 4 tracks in 1 direction (up to 2 at once); 5.12" h x 11" d; 10.5 lb $400 flip reverse head; Compu-Link remote compati-
Dolby B and Dolby C NR; pitch control; color - ble; stereo microphone imputs; 6 -.LED multi -peak
coordinated controls; 4 track by 2 ch submixer DW33 Double Autoreverse Cassette Deck indicator; auto rec mute $240
for overdub monitoring; optional foot control for High speed; soft -touch controls; auto tape selec-
overdubbing, punch -in, programming. W&F tor; timer rec/play; continuous play; synchro- TDW220JBK Double Cassette Deck
0.1% peak wtd; FR 40-12,500 Hz; S/N 70 dB nized dubbing start; 2 motors; Dolby B; blank Doable cassette deck with Dolby B & C NR. Fea-
wtd $595 skip; LED meters; headphone jack. w&F 0.08% tures U-turn autoreverse system (deck B); soft -
wrms; FR ferric 30-14,000 Hz t 3 dB, high bias touch logic control mechanisms; double -speed
HARMAN KARDON 30-15,000 Hz t 3 dB; 30-15,000 Hz t 3 dB; s/N editing with synchro start; auto tape selector
metal 65 dB Dolby B $220 (deck A); electronic record/play switching; 6 -
CD491 Dolby B/C/HX Pro Cassette Deck LED multi -peak indicator for each channel; stereo
Ultrawideband cassette deck with direct -drive microphone inputs
dual -capstan transport; 3 heads; 2 motors; Dolby JVC $235
B; Dolby C; Dolby HX Pro; bias fine trim with DDVR77J Cassette Deck TDX201JBK Cassette Deck
record and bias calibration test -tone oscillators; Autoreverse cassette deck with Multi -Editor that Computer -controlled full -logic cassette deck with
music search; output level control; memory stop/ allows creation of fade-ins and fade-outs after a Compu-Link remote capability. Features Dolby B


and Dolby C noise reduction; stereo microphone 16.56" w x 4.81" h x 10.56" d; 8.4 lb $175 tors; Dolby B; Dolby C; dbx; Dolby HX Pro;
inputs; 6 -LED multi -peak indicator; automatic re- dual capstans; bias fine tuning; blank skip;
cord mute $185 elapsed -time counter; music search; memory
stop/play; LED meters; soft -touch controls; rec
TDWHOJBK Double Cassette Deck D-811 Dolby B/C/HX Pro Cassette Deck mute; headphone jack. w&F 0.05% wrms; FR
Double cassette deck with Dolby B NR. Features 2 heads; 3 motors; 3 preset bias/EQ's; Dolby B; (± 3 dB) ferric 20-17,000 Hz, high bias 20-19,000
two soft -touch logic control mechanisms (1 play- Dolby C; dual capstans; bias fine tuning; direct Hz, metal 20-19,000 Hz; s/N (A-wtd) ferric: 66
back, 1 rec/play); double -speed editing with syn- drive; digital electronic counter for elapsed and dB Dolby B, 70 dB Dolby C, 89 dB dbx; high
chro start; ANRs noise reduction system; auto remaining time; output level control; memory re- bias: 67 dB Dolby B. 71 dB Dolby C, 90 dB dbx;
tape selector (deck A); electronic record/play peat stop/play; LED peak -hold meters; soft - metal: 67 dB Dolby B, 71 dB Dolby C, 90 dB
switching; 6 -LED multi -peak indicator for each touch controls; mike inputs; headphone jack with dbx. 9.9 Ib; 17.25" w x 4.5" h x 12.06" d . $580
channel $ 1 65 volume control; rec mute; wireless remote. W&F
0.02% wrms; metal 20-22,000 Hz ± 3 dB, high K-112 Cassette Deck
KEN WOOD bias 20-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB, normal 20-20,000 Hz Features Dolby HX Pro, Dolby B and C; feather -
± 3 dB; S/N (A-wtd) metal: 58 dB no NR, 10 dB touch full -logic -controls; 4 -digit electronic
KX-96W Double Autoreverse Cassette Deck Dolby B, 20 dB Dolby C; line -input sens for 0 -dB counter with memory; fine bias control; system
Double cassette deck with dual bidirectional rec/ reading 70 mV; line output level with 0 -dB indi- remote control capability. s/N metal Dolby C 73
play system. Features quick -reverse; two motors; cation 580 mV; mike input sens 0.5 mV $750 dB, Cr02 72 dB; distortion 0.3%; w&F 0.05%
full -logic computer control; Dolby B & C NR; wrms; FR metal 20-21,00 Hz t 3 dB; Cr02 20-
high-speed dubbing; continuous relay play; relay D-611 Dolby B/C Cassette Deck 20,00 Hz t 3 dB $500
and dual recording; direct 16 -program search sys- 2 heads; 3 motors; 3 preset bias/EQ's; bias fine
tem; index scan; headphone jack; LED peak me- tuning; direct drive; output level control; memory K105 Autoreverse Cassette Deck
ters; auto tape selector. w&F 0.1% wrms; s/N 72 repeat stop/play; LED meters; soft -touch con- Remote -capable cassette deck with blank search.
dB; FR 30-15,000 Hz ± 3 dB (Type II). Remote trols; mike inputs; headphone jack; rec mute; Features rec mute/auto space; auto record pause;
controlled through KC -206 preamp and Ken - wireless remote. W&F 0.035% wrms; metal 20- auto scan; intro scan; 2 heads; 3 motors; Dolby B;
wood receivers. 16.53" w x 4.69" h x 10.44" d; 22,000 Hz ± 3 dB, high bias 20-20,000 Hz ± 3 Dolby C; dbx; dual capstans; blank skip; elapsed -
11.4 lb $380 dB, normal 20-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; S/N (A-wtd) time counter; music search; LED meters; soft -
metal: 58 dB no NR, 10 dB Dolby B, 20 dB touch controls; rec mute; headphone jack. w&t.
KX-660HX Full -Logic Cassette Deck Dolby C; line -input sens for 0 -dB reading 70 mV; 0.05% wrms; FR (t 3 dB) ferric 30-16,000 Hz.
Basic series cassette deck with Dolby HX Pro line output level with 0 -dB indication 580 mV; high bias 30-18,000 Hz, metal 30-18,000 Hz; s/N
headroom extension system. Features Dolby B & mike input sens 0.5 mV. 18.12" w x 4" h x 12.12" (A-wtd) ferric: 65 dB Dolby B, 69 dB Dolby C,
C NR with dynamic stabilizer; manual/auto re- d; 16 lb $550 90 dB dbx; high bias: 67 dB Dolby B, 71 dB
cording bias adjust control; low -imp Permlic rec/ Dolby C, 90 dB dbx; metal: 67 dB Dolby B, 71
play head; silent 2 -motor drive with full -logic Remote -Control Accessories dB Dolby C, 90 dB dbx. 9.9 Ib; 17.25" w x 4.5" h
computer control; high -rigidity mechanism and RC -101 Remote Control Center. For selection/ x 12.06" d $480
head mount; direct I6 -program search system; function control of Kyocera products. Single -ca-
auto-rec mute; blank search; index scan; re-re- ble interconnect to units; 2 external remote sensor
cording standby; repeat with auto blank skip; inputs; manual override $320
counter zero stop; master rec and L/R preset lev- RS -103 Sensor. Single -cable connection to Kyo- DT84 Digital Audio Tape Deck
el controls; FL wide -range peak meters; FL linear cera RC -101 control center and external remote - DAT deck with wireless remote control. Records
tape counter; auto tape sel; headphone jack; L/R control sensor. Allows multi -room remote con- at 48 -kHz sampling frequency; 44.1 and 48 kHz
mic inputs; timer rec/play capable. FR 20-18,000 trol of Kyocera remote -capable CD player, re- sampling frequency play; 4x oversampling; sub -
Hz ± 3 dB (metal); w&F 0.06% wrms. 17.31" w ceivers, and cassette decks $90
x 4.44" h x 12.81" d; 11 lb $300 RT-102 Transmitter. Handheld transmitter with
12 receiver, 6 tape deck, and 5 CD player func-
KX-66CW Double Cassette Deck tions. Auto system power on/off. Controls main
Cassette deck with autoreverse play/rec deck and functions on Kyocera's remote -control comro-
unidirectional playback only deck. Features full - nents directly or through remote sensors $60
logic computer control; Dolby B & C NR; 2 mo-
tors; high-speed dubbing; continuous relay play;
relay recording; direct 16 -program search system; LUXMAN
index scan; auto tape selector; auto rec mute; K-03 Direct -Drive Cassette Deck
headphone jack; LED peak meters. w&F 0.1%; S/ 3 -head cassette deck features 3 motors; Dolby B
N 72 dB; FR 30-15,000 Hz ± 3 dB (Type II). Re- and C NR; dual capstans; bias fine tuning; direct code post recording; 30 -track random -program
mote controlled through KC -206 and Kenwood drive; remaining time counter; output level con- play; cue/review; 200x high-speed search; 2 -way
receivers; 11.2 lb $280 trol; memory stop/play; rec mute; headphone repeat; auto rewind/auto replay. FR 5-20,000 Hz;
jack; logic control; Duo -Beta circuitry. w&F s/N 96 dB; THD 0.01% $1,900
KX-76R Autoreverse Cassette Deck 0.022% wrms; frequency response with metal
Full -logic control cassette deck with 9 -program SD -55 Stereo Cassette Deck
search system. Features Dolby B & C NR; index 2 head cassette deck with dual motor and micro-
scan; continuous autoreverse; auto tape selector; processor control. Features Dolby B and C NR;
auto recording mute; LED peak meters; head- variable bias fine tune control; auto tape type sen-
phone jack; L/R mic inputs; remote controlled sor; rec mute; memory tape counter with auto
through KC -206 preamp and Kenwood receivers. stop; MPX filter $780
W&F 0.06% wrms; s/N 73 dB; FR 30-15,000 Hz
± 3 dB (Type II). 16.56" w x 4.5" h x 10.63' d; Double Cassette Decks
8.4 lb $250
SD565 Autoreverse Double Cassette Deck
KX-56CW Double Cassette Deck Double cassette deck with autoreverse, record,
Features I rec/play mechanism; Dolby B & C and playback for both transports. Features 15 -
NR; two motors; soft -touch controls; high-speed song quick music search; auto tape selector; high-
dubbing; single relay paly; auto tape selector; LED speed dubbing; mike/line mixing; auto rec mute;
peak meters; headphone jack; L/R mic inputs; ape 20-22,000 Hz, Cr02 20-20,000 Hz, normal Dolby B & C; 2 heads; 2 motors; memory stop/
timer ready; remote controlled through KC -206 20-20,000 Hz; signal-to-noise ratio with metal play; LED meters; soft -touch controls; mic inputs;
preamp and Kenwood receivers. w&F 0.15% ape and Dolby C >73 dB, Dolby B >67 dB, no headphone jack. w&F 0.05% wrms; record/play-
wrms; s/N 72 dB; FR 30-15,000 Hz ± 3 dB (Type noise reduction >60 dB; 17.81" wide x 6.38" high back FR (t 3 dB) ferric 35-15,500 Hz, high bias
II). 16.56" w x 4.69" h x 10.44" d; 8.8 lb . $200 x 14.38" deep; 24.64 lb $1,200 35-16,500 Hz, metal 35-17,500 Hz; s/N (all A-
wtd) metal 65 dB Dolby B, 72 dB Dolby C. 16.5"
KX-46C Cassette Deck K106 Autoreverse Cassette Deck w x 4" h x 10.25" d; 11.9 lb $450
Features soft -touch controls; music search; auto Remote -capable cassette deck with timer func-
tape selector; LED peak meters; L/R mic inputs; tion. Features blank search; rec mute/auto space; SD160 Double Cassette Deck
headphone jack; timer ready. w&F 0.09% wrms; auto tape selector; programmable search; auto re- Features Dolby B NR; high-speed dubbing; mic
s/N 72 dB; FR 30-15,000 Hz ± 3 dB (Type 11). cord pause; auto scan; intro scan; 2 heads; 3 mo- input, LED meters. FR normal 40-13,000 Hz,


Cr02 40-14,000 Hz, metal 40-15,000 Hz; s/N peak -reading LED meters. Speed accuracy ± 1%; nominal input level 0.316 V. Comes with EIA
without NR 54 dB, Dolby B 64 dB; w&F 0.08%. W&F 0.06% wtd rms; FR 30-19,000 ± 3 dB; S/N standard rack -mount adaptor. Optional remote
4.38" h x 16.5" w 7.25" d; 8.4 lb $170 59 dB no NR, 68 dB Dolby B, 77 dB Dolby control w&F 0.027% wrms, ± 0.048% wtd peak;
C $298 FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB at -20 dB $945
Portable Cassette Decks

NAKAMICHI CR 5A 3 -Head Cassette Deck

PMD 430 dbx Portable Cassette Deck Discrete cassette deck with asymmetrical dif-
3 -head Ac/Dc cassette deck with Dolby B. Fea- Dragon Autoreverse Stereo Cassette Deck fused -resonance dual -capstan transport. Features
tures fine -bias control; headphone jack with ad- Microprocessor -controlled 3 -head cassette deck 3 motors; Dolby B; Dolby C; bias fine tuning;
justable volume; dual recording level controls; 2 with Dolby B and C. Features Auto Azimuth output level control; memory stop/play; I.ED me-
mic inputs; switchable mic attenuation (0, -15, Correction system; assymetrical diffused -reso- ters; soft -touch controls; headphone jack; rec
-30 dB); auto replay; pitch control; 3.5 lb; 2" x nance transport; Super Linear Torque direct - mute; auto repeat; dual speed -master fader con-
9" x 6.5" $550 drive motors; auto -retracting slot guides; tape - trol; independent L/R. w&F 0.027% wrens; FR,
RB 430. Rechargeable NiCad battery pack . $50 pad lifter; auto tape slack take-up; 2 -speed cueing; ferric 18-21,000 Hz ± 3 dB; s/N (all A-wtd), met-
2 -speed master fader; auto rec pause; rec-level al 66 dB Dolby B. 72 dB Dolby C; line -input sens
PMD 420 Dolby B Portable Cassette Deck and bias -calibration controls with 2 -tone oscilla- for 0 -dB reading 50 mV; line -output level with 0 -
Features 2 heads; bias fine tuning; mic inputs; tor; dual -gap ferrite/sendust erase head; separate dB indication 1,000 mV. 17.12" w x 5.31" h x 12"
headphone jack; built-in speaker; pitch control; 3 - tape and EQ switches for ZX, SX, and EX cas- d; 18 111), 2 oz $995
position tape selector; switchable limiter; 3 -way settes; direct -coupled recording and playback am-
power. w&F 0.12% wrms; FR ferric 40-14,000 Hz plifiers; left, right, master input levels; output lev- BX-300 Dolby B & C Cassette Deck
3 dB, high bias 40-15.000 Hz ± 3 dB, metal 40- el control; rec mute; high -output headphone jack; Discrete 3 -head cassette deck with asymmetrical
16,000 Hz ± 3 dB; s/N (A-wtd) ferric: 51 dB no defeatable infrasonic filter; 4 -digit LED electronic dual -capstan transport driven by direct -drive cap-
NR, 59 dB Dolby B; line -input sens for 0 -dB read- counter with memory stop and repeat. w&F stan motor. Features 3 motors; dual capstans;
ing 70 mV; line output level with 0 -dB indication 0.019% wrms; FR 20-22,000 Hz ± 3 dB with ZX bias fine tuning; direct drive; output level control;
400 mV; mike input sens 0.3 mV. 9" w x 2" h x tape; s/N Dolby B/C on 66/72 dB at 400 Hz with memory stop/play; LED meters; soft -touch con-
6.5" d; 2.9 lb $450 3% THD (A-wtd with ZX tape at 400Hz, 0 dB); trols; headphone jack; rec mute; pitch control;
sep/crosstalk 37/60 dB at 1,000 Hz, 0 dB; input wired remote control; 2 -speed master fader; de-
PMD 221 Portable Cassette Deck sens/imp 50 mV/50 kilohms line; output level/ featable MPX filter; 2 -position EQ switch; 3 -posi-
Features 2 speeds (1.88 and 0.94 tits); 3 heads; imp 1 V/2.2 kilohms line, 45 mW/8 ohm head- tion tape selector; separate L + R output level.
mic inputs; headphone jack; built-in speaker; phones; 17.75" w x 5.31" h x 11.81" d; 21 w&E 0.027% wrms; FR ferric 20-20,000 Hz ± 3
built-in mike; pitch control; 3 -position tape selec- lb $1,995 dB, high bias 20-20.000 Hz ± 3 dB, metal 20-
tor; ext mike and speaker jacks; manual or auto 20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; s/N (A-wtd) metal: 64 dB
level control; switchable limiter; 3 -way power. CR 7A 3 -Head Cassette Deck Dolby B, 70 dB Dolby C; line -input sens for 0 -dB
w&F 0.12% wrms; FR ferric 40-12.500 Hz ± 3 Discrete cassette deck with asymmetrical dif- reading 50 mV; line output level with 0 -dB indi-
dB. s/N (A-wtd) ferric: 48 dB no NR; line -input fused -resonance dual -capstan transport. Features cation 1,000 mV. 16.94" w x 3.94" h x 9.88" d;
sens for 0 -dB reading 70 mV; line output level 3 motors; auto bias/EQ; Dolby B; Dolby C; man- 12.4 lb $750
with 0 -dB indication 400 mV; mike input sens 0.3 ual azimuth adjust; elasped-time counter; remain-
mV. 9" w x 2" h x 6.5" d; 2.9 lb $330 ing -time counter; output level control; memory MR -2 2 -Head Pro Cassette Deck
stop/play; LED meters; soft -touch controls; head- Rack -mountable cassette deck with balanced line
PMD 201 Portable Cassette Deck phone jack; rec mute; wireless remote; auto & inputs. Features 3 motors; Dolby B; Dolby C;
Features 2 speeds (1.88 and 0.94 IPs); 2 heads; manual tape/equalizer selection; auto fade; auto bias fine tuning; output level control; memory
mic inputs; headphone jack; built-in speaker; repeat. w&F 0.027% wrms; FR, ferric 18-21,000 stop; I.ED meters; mike inputs; headphone jack;
built-in mike; pitch control; 3 -position tape selec- Hz ± 3 dB s/N (A-wtd), metal 66 dB Dolby B, pitch control; auto repeat; hyperbolic -contour
tor; ext mike and speaker jacks; manual or auto 72 dB; line -input sens for 0 -dB reading 50 mV; laminated sendust rec/playback head. w&F
level control; switchable limiter; 3 -way power. line -output level with 0 -dB indication 1,000 mV. 0.06% wrms; FR, ferric 20-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; s/N
w&F 0.12% wrens; FR ferric 40-12,500 Hz ± 3 17.12" w x 5.31" h x 12" d $1,495 (all A-wtd), ferric 62 dB Dolby B, 68 dB Dolby
dB. s/N (A-wtd) ferric: 48 dB no NR; line -input C $559
sens for 0 -dB reading 70 mV; line output level RX-505 3 -Head Cassette Deck
with 0 -dB indication 400 mV; mic input sens 0.3 Discrete stereo cassette deck with unidirectional BX-125 Dolby B & C Cassette Deck
mV. 9" w x 2" h x 6.5" d; 2.9 lb $280 auto reverse to eliminate bidirectional azimuth Microprocessor -controlled silent -mechanism 2 -
error. Mechanism turns cassette over at end of head cassette deck. Features 2 heads; 3 motors;
MITSUBISHI side during record or playback. Features asym- output level control; memory stop/play; I.ED me-
metrical dual -capstan closed -loop transport; auto ters; soft -touch controls; headphone jack; 2 -speed
DT -160 7 Cassette Auto -Changer fade (20 secs before end of tape); Dolby B and C; master fader; defeatable MPX filter; 2 -position EQ
Double cassette deck features high-speed dub- oc servo motors; auto record pause; LED peak switch; 3 -position tape selector; separate L + R
bing, 9 -segment programmable music search, au- level meters reading from -40 to +10 dB; dual - output level. w&F 0.06% wrms; FR ferric 20-
toreverse, Dolby B $385 speed master fader; punch -in recording; memory 20,000 Hz, high bias 20-20,000 Hz. metal 20-
stop/play; soft -touch controls. w&F <0.04% 20,000 Hz; s/N (A-wtd) metal: 62 dB Dolby B, 68
NAD wrms; FR 20-20.000 Hz ± 3 dB all tape types; s/N dB Dolby C; line -input sens for 0 -dB reading 50
>70 dB with Dolby C and metal tape; THD mV line output level with 0 -dB indication 500
6300 Monitor Series Cassette Deck <0.9% with ZX tape; line -input sens for 0 -dB mV 16.94" w x 3.94" h x 9.88" d; 11 lb .. $475
With Dolby B and Dolby C NR, Dolby HX Pro reading 50 mV; line -output level with 0 -dB indi-
and Dyneq headroom extension; Play Trim to ad- cation 1.000 mV; 17.75" w x 5.69" h x 11.81" d; BX100 2 -Head Cassette Deck
just playback EQ to compensate for differences in 22 lb $1,295 Features 3 -digit mechanical tape counter; I.ED
cassettes made on other decks (also allows for RX-202. Similar to above with 2 heads. w&F meters, Dolby B, oc servo motor, headphone
overall high -frequency compensation); 3 heads <0.06% wrens. 17.75" w x 5.38" h x 10" d; 19 lb. jack. w&F 0.05% wrms; FR 20-20,000 Hz with all
and double Dolby; fine bias tuning; elapsed time 13 oz $695 tape types; THD <1.0%; S/N metal 62 dB no NR;
counter; compatible with normal, high -bias, met- line -input sens for 0 -dB reading 50 mV; line -out-
al tape; nonsymmetric dispersed -resonance dual - MR -1 Discrete 3 -Head Pro Cassette Deck put level with 0 -dB indication 500 mV; 16.94" w
capstan transport; wireless remote; CAR proces- Cassette deck with asymmetical dual -capstan dif- x 4.31" h x 9.88" d; 12 lb $329
sor to boost level of soft passages 20 dB. Speed ac- fused -resonance transport. Features Dolby B and
curacy ± 1%; W&F 0.03% wtd rms; FR 30- C; 3 motors; memory stop; rec mute; external NR
19,000 ± 3 dB; S/N 59 dB no NR, 68 dB Dolby loop accessed via standard phono jacks; dual 16 - NEC
B. 78 dB Dolby C $898 segment peak -reading electronic level meters; K -700E Double Cassette Deck
Crystalloy recording and play heads; subsonic fil- High- and normal -speed dubbing cassette deck
6155 Dolby B/C/HX Pro Cassette Deck ter; MPX filter; ± 6% pitch control front -panel can be remote controllable when used with NEC
With Play Trim; Dolby B; Dolby C; Dolby HX 0.25" unbalanced line -input jacks; rear balanced unified -remote integrated amps or receivers. Fea-
Pro; DC servo motors; LED meters $448 XLR input and output jacks; unbalanced 0.25" tures 2 heads; 2 motors; I5 -program random
rear jacks. Balanced inputs: imp 600 ohms; rated memory for recording and playback; Dobly B &
6240 Dolby B & C Cassette Deck input level +4 dBm; headroom 16 dB to max in- C; continuous playback; music search; flaying -
Play Trim; Dyneq headroom extension for im- put level (+20 dBm); min input level -6 dBm. start recording; auto play; intro play; auto rec
proved high -frequency response; compatible with Unbalanced inputs: imp 100 kilohms; nominal re- mute; 4 -digit counters; LED meters; soft -touch
normal, chrome, metal tape; bias fine tuning; cording level with input of -20 dBV (0.1 V); controls; mike inputs. w&F <0.06% wrens; FR


(-2 dB) 20-16,000 Hz (Type -I tape), 20-17,000 cording; Dolby B & C; Dolby Hx Pro; 2 real-time dB (Type -I tape), 30-16,000 Hz t 3 dB (Type -II
Hz (Type -II and -IV tape); s/N (Type -IV tape) 56 tape counters; program music search for both tape), 30-17,000 Hz t 3 dB (Type -IV tape); s/N
decks; headphone jack; mike input. Remote con- (Type -IV tape) 58 dB no NR. 17.12" w x 4.38" h x
trol optional 5600 10.38" d; 9.1 lb $310

Integra TA -2058 Unidirectional Cassette Deck TA-RW44 Double Cassette Deck

Cassette deck with computer -controlled 3 -motor Features autoreverse (deck 2 only); high-speed
transport, Dolby B& C NR, and Dolby HX Pro. and normal-spped dubbing; Dolby B; 2 Dc -servo
Remote -control compatible with Onkyo remote - motors; auto bias/EQ (deck 2); rec mute; auto
controlled receivers. Features auto bias -adjusting stop; time standby mode; music search (deck 2);
system to optimize FR within 5 sec; 3 heads; auto soft -touch controls; master level fader. w&F
bias/EQ; elapsed -time counter; remaining -time 0.07% wrms; FR 30-15,000 Hz t 3 dB (Type -I
counter; music search; memory stop/play; LED tape), 30-16,000 Hz t 3 dB (Type -II tape), 30-
meters; mike inputs; rec mute; headphone jack; 17,000 Hz t 3 dB (Type -IV tape); s/N (Type -IV
dB no NR, 66 dB Dolby B, 75 dB Dolby C. 16.88" MPX filter; 3 repeat modes; master left/right level tape) 58 dB no NR. 17.12" w x 4.38" h x 10.12" d;
w x 4.31" h x 10.62" d; 11.5 lb 5349 fader with balance fine tuning. w&F 0.045% 11.7 lb 5260
wrms; FR 30-17,000 Hz t 3 dB (Type -II tape).
K-510 Double Cassette Deck 30-18,000 Hz t 3 dB (Type -IV tape); s/N (Type - TA -R240 Autoreverse Cassette Deck
High-speed dubbing cassette deck with Dolby B Features Dolby B & C; 2 heads; 2 motors; com-
& C. Features continuous playback; synchro-start puter -controlled silent -mechanism transport;
dubbing; soft -touch controls $249 fine-tuning accu-bias; automatic music control
system; auto bias/EQ; blank skip; mike inputs;
headphone jack; auto space; LED meters. Remote
NIKKO AUDIO control optional. w&F 0.07% wrms; FR 30-14,000
D-100III Autoreverse Cassette Deck Hz t 3 dB (Type -I tape), 30-15,000 Hz t 3 dB
Features 3 heads; Dolby B, C, and dbx; automatic (Type -II tape), 30-16,000 Hz t 3 dB (Type -IV
bias programming system (mos); manual bias tape); s/N (Type -IV tape) 58 dB no NE. 17.12" w
system; random program song selection (RPSS); x 4.38" h x 10.38" d; 9.3 lb 5260
direct program song selection (toss); index pro-
gramming; real-time counter; intro check; auto V tape) 70 dB Dolby B, 80 dB Dolby C. 17.12" TA -2130 Unidirectional Cassette Deck
spacer; L/R mic inputs; rec mute; mutiplex filter; w x 4.36" h x 14.12" d; 14 lb $500 Features Dolby B & C; 2 heads; 2 motors; com-
peak reading meters. Optional wired remote con- CW-K58. Optional woodagrain side panels for puter -controlled silent -mechanism transport;
trol and rack mount. FR 25-20,000 Hz metal, 25- TA -2058 $60/pr fine-tuning accu-bias; automatic music control
19,000 Hz high bias, 25-17,000 normal; s/N 92 system; auto bias/EQ; blank skip; mike inputs;
dB with dbx; dynamic range 110 dB $700 Integra TA -2048 Unidirectional Cassette Deck headphone jack; auto space; LED meters. Remote
D -801I. Same as above except 2 heads and FR 20- Cassette deck with computer -controlled 3 -motor control optional. w&F 0.06% wrms; FR 30-15,000
19,000 Hz metal, 20-18,000 Hz high bias, 25- transport and Dolby B & C NR. Remote control Hz t 3 dB (Type -I tape), 30-16,000 Hz ± 3 dB
17,000 Hz normal; dynamic range 110 dB; s/N 90 compatible with Onkyo remote -controlled receiv- (Type -II tape), 30-17,000 Hz t 3 dB (Type -IV
dB with dbx $470 ers. Features 3 heads; auto bias/EQ; bias fine tun- tape); S/N (Type -IV tape) 58 dB no NR. 17.12" w
ing; music search; memory stop/play; LED me- x 4.38" h x 10.38" d; 9.1 lb $240
ND -850W Cassette Deck ters; mike inputs; rec mute; headphone jack; mas-
Double cassette deck $430 ter left/right level fader with balance fine tuning. TA -2017B Unidirectional Cassette Deck
w&F 0.045% wrms; FR 30-17,000 Hz ± 3 dB Features Dobly B & C; 2 heads; I motor; bias fine
D -60W Double Cassette Deck (Type -II tape), 30-18,000 Hz ± 3 dB (Type -IV tuning; LED meters; soft -touch controls; mike in-
Features 6 motors; high-speed dubbing; Dolby B tape); s/N (Type -IV tape) 70 dB Dolby B, 80 dB puts; direct -function transport; peak level meters;
& C; ABPS; IP; RPSS; random dubbing song search Dolby C. 17.12" w x 4.36" h x 14.12" d; 14 MPX filter. W&F 0.07% wrms; FR 30-14,000 Hz
(ROSS). Optionally rack mountable $420 lb 5380 t 3 dB (Type -I tape), 30-15,000 Hz t 3 dB
CW-K58. Optional woodgrain side panels for (Type -II tape), 30-16,000 Hz t 3 dB (Type -IV
ND -750 Cassette Deck TA -2048 $60/pr tape); S/N (Type -IV tape) 56 dB no NR, 66 dB
Full -logic autoreverse cassette deck with Dolby B Dolby B, 76 dB Dolby C. 17.13" w x 4.44" h x
&C 5299 TA -W460 Double Cassette Deck 10.63" d; 10 lb. Black finish only 5190
Features high-speed and real-time dubbing; con-
D -30W Double Cassette Deck tinuous playback; Dolby B & C; computer -con- RC -5T Wired Remote Control
High-speed dubbing cassette deck with continu- trolled tape transport with 4 DC motors; automat- Optional wired remote control operates major
ous play. Features Dolby B & C; separate L/R in- ic music control system; auto space; auto bias/EQ; transport functions of Onkyo-compatible turnta-
put level controls; multiplex filter; mic inputs; LED meters; mike input; headphone jack. Remote bles and cassette decks. 13 -ft cord $55
headphone output; soft -touch operation. Option- control optional. w&F 0.07% wrms; FR 30-15,000
ally rack mountable $290 Hz t 3 dB (Type -I tape), 30-16,000 Hz ± 3 dB PARASOUND
(Type -II tape), 30-17,000 Hz ± 3 dB (Type -IV
tape); s/N (Type -IV tape) 58 dB no NR. 17.12" w D/Hx-600 Dolby B, C, HX Pro Cassette Deck
ONKYO x 4.38" h x 10.12" d; 10.1 lb 5330 With Dolby B and Dolby C NR; Dolby HX Pro
Integra TA -2090 Unidirectional Cassette Deck headroom extension; sendust-alloy head; LED
Computer -controlled cassette deck with Dolby B, TA -R260 Autoreverse Cassette Deck peak and peak storage meters; Play Trim; poly-
C, dbx NR and Dolby HX Pro. Features 3 heads; Features Dolby B & C; Dolby Hx Pro; 2 heads; 2 styrene capacitors; hand -selected parts; single DC
3 motors; auto bias/EQ; dual capstans; bias fine motors; computer -controlled silent -mechanism servomotor; soft -touch controls. S/N 75 dB with
tuning; direct drive; elapsed -time counter; re- transport; fine-tuning accu-bias; automatic music metal tape and Dolby C; 17.25 w x 4.5 h x II d;
maining -time counter; music search; output level control system; auto bias/EQ; real-time 4 -digit 12 lb $335
control; memory stop/play; mike input; head- tape counter; blank skip; mike inputs; headphone
phone jack; rec mute; record calibration controls; jack; auto space; LED meters. Remote control op-
sendust heads; MPX filter; fluorescent meters; 2 - tional. w&F 0.07% wrms; FR 30-14,000 Hz t 3
color peak hold. Remote control and side panels dB (Type -I tape), 30-15,000 Hz t 3 dB (Type -II CT-A9X(BK) Unidirectional Cassette Deck
optional. w&F 0.02% wrms; FR 25-17,000 Hz t 3 tape), 30-16,000 Hz t 3 dB (Type -IV tape); s/N Features 3 heads; closed -loop dual -capstan drive
dB (Type -I tape), 25-19,000 Hz t 3 dB (Type -II (Type -IV tape) 58 dB no NR. 17.12" w x 4.38" h x system; quartz-PLL servo direct -drive capstan
tape), 25-21,000 Hz t 3 dB (Type -IV tape); s/N 10.38" d; 9.3 lb $330 motor; ribbon senddust record/play head; 35 -seg-
(Type -IV tape) 60 dB no NR, 70 dB Dolby B, 80 ment FL level meters; real-time tape counter;
dB Dolby C, 87 dB dbx. 17.69" w x 3.93" h x TA -2140 Unidirectional Cassette Deck Dolby B & C; DC playback EQ; auto loading;
15.44" d; 20 lb $900 Features Dolby B & C; Dolby Hx Pro; 2 heads; 2 power eject; tape return; music search; auto mon-
CW-20. Optional woodgrain side panels for TA - motors; computer -controlled silent -mechanism itor; auto tape selector; master fader; black finish
2090 $60/pr transport; fine-tuning accu-bias; automatic music with rosewood side panels. w&F 0.018% wrms;
control system; auto bias/EQ; real-time 4 -digit S/N 58 dB no NR $900
TA-RW490 Double Cassette Deck tape counter; blank skip; mike inputs; headphone
Features double autoreverse; double recording; jack; auto space; LED meters. Remote control op- CT-1380WR Double Cassette Deck
high-speed and real-time dubbing; continuous re- tional. w&F 0.06% wrms; FR 30-15,000 Hz t 3 Features Pioneer "SR" unified remote control;


autoreverse recording and playback in both 30-14,000 Hz, high bias 30-15,000 Hz, metal 30-
decks; Dolby B & C; high-speed dubbing; contin 16,000 Hz; S/N (A-wtd) 66 dB with metal tape
uous dubbing; relay record and play; random -ac and Dolby B $150
cess programming of up to 10 songs per tape side;
SCT-35 Dolby B Cassette Deck
2 heads; L/R record level controls; 2 -color peak
level meters; auto -stop; tape counter; pause; soft -
eject door; bias/EQ selector for normal, high -
bias, metal tape; 0.25" mic and headphone jacks.
FR 40-14,000 Hz ± 3 dB metal and high bias, 40-
controls; FR metal bias 40-17,000 Hz ± 3 dB; s/N 12,000 Hz ± 3 dB normal: W&F <0.09% wrms.
Cr02 70 dB; -rim 1.5% (metal tape), 1.8% 4.63" a 15.38" x 8.63" $90
(Cr02), 1.2% (normal tape) $299
SCP-30 Cassette Player
music search; music repeat, skip search; record 720B Dolby B & C Cassette Deck Plays metal, high -bias, normal tapes; pause; auto
mute; synchro start; timer record and playback; Stereo cassette deck with Dolby B and C. Fea- stop; simulated walnut cabinet. 8" x 4.5" x
gold-plated headphone jack. w&F 0.06% wrms; tures soft -touch operation; one -touch record; bias 5.25" $50
s/N 57 dB no noise reduction. 16.56" wide x 4" circuit to reduce crosstalk between stereo chan-
high x 12.38" deep $500 nels; defeatable MPX filter; LED record indicators; 8 -Track Cartridge Player
balance control; mic inputs; headphone jack;
CT -V70 Double Cassette Deck mic/line mixing capability. w&F 08%; FR 30- TR-169 8 -Track Cartridge Player
Features autoreverse; Dolby B, C, and dbx; re- 17,000 Hz ± 3 dB (ferric); 30-17,000 Hz ± 3 dB Stereo 8 -track player; auto or manual program
cord and playback on both decks; high-speed (high bias), 30-18,003 Hz ± 3 dB (metal); s/N fer- change; output level control; program LED's. 4"
dubbing; simultaneous recording; relay record ric, 65.5 dB with Dolby B, 74 dB with C; high- x 10" x 7" $50
and play; random-access programming of up to bias/metal tape, 69.5 dB with Dolby B; 78 dB
10 songs per tape side. Signal-to-noise ratio 57 dB with C. 16.5" w a 4.38" h x 9.75" d $199
NR, 92 dB with dbx. 16.56" wide x 4" high x REVOX
12.38" deep $485 B215 3 -Head Cassette Deck
RCA Cassette deck with 3 microprocessors for control
CT-X707WR(BK) Double Cassette Deck MTR225 Double Autoreverse Cassette Deck of bias, level, EQ, transport, and real-time
Features autoreverse; Dolby B & C; high-speed Dimensia double cassette deck with remote -con- counter. Features 3 heads; 4 motors; digital stor-
dubbing; relay paly; synchro start; music search; trol operation and on -screen status indication age of bias, level, EQ settings for 6 tape formula-
record mute. w&F 0.075% wrms; s/N >57 dB no when used with Dimensia monitor. Features tion manual or auto record -level setting; die-
NR. 3.94" h a 14.19" w x 12.94" d $325 Dolby B & C NR; high-speed dubbing; soft -touch casttransport chassis; azimuth -stable pivoting
electronic controls; microprocessor control; peak headblock; 2 programmable locate buttons; loop
CT-1280WR Double Cassette Deck meters; random-access programming; scan -and -
Features autoreverse playback and recording on play system; automatic tape cueing; auto -tape se-
deck 2; autoreverse playback on deck 1; Dolby B lection; status display; tape mode display; record -
& C; relay play; high-speed dubbing; full -logic level control. s/N 70 dB (Dolby C), 60 dB (Dolby
control; music search; skip search; auto tape se- B); w&F <0.07%. 14.63" w x 5" h x 10.38"
lector; record mute. Remote controllable with d $399
Pioneer "SR" unified remote control. w&F
<0.09% wrms; s/N 57 dB no NR. 16.56" w
4.75" h x 10.44" d $300
scr-loo Double Autoreverse Cassette Deck
CT -207011(11K) Autoreverse Cassette Deck Dolby B and Dolby C; high-speed dubbing; com-
Features Dolby B, C. and dbx; full -logic opera- patible with normal, high -bias, metal tapes; mic
tion; music search; one -touch recording; 6 -seg- inputs; headphone jack; 2 -color 8 -LED peak -level
ment LED level meters. Remote controllable with meters; sequential play; soft -touch controls. W&F
Pioneer "SR" unifed remote control. 4" h a 0.08% wrms; FR (± 3 dB) ferric 40-12,500 Hz. mode; auto start -of -record locate. Counter com-
16.56" w x 8.56" d $290 high bias 40-13,000 Hz, metal 40-14,000 Hz; S/N putes elapsed time on partially wound tapes.
69 dB Dolby C, 61 dB Dolby B $230 W&F 0.1% wrms; FR ferric 30-18,000 Hz ± 3 dB,
CT -980W Double Cassette Deck high bias and metal 30-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; s/N
Features record and playback on deck 2; play- SCT-83 Autoreverse Cassette Deck (A-wtd) ferric: 55 dB no NR, 64 dB Dolby B, 70
back only on deck I; Dolby B & C; high-speed Dolby B; Dolby C; music search: solenoid opera- dB Dolby C, high bias: 57 dB no NR, 65 dB
dubbing; auto tape selector; relay play. w&F tion; plays 1 side, both sides, or repeats continu- Dolby B, 72 dB Dolby C, metal: 58 dB no NR, 66
0.13% wrms; s/N 54 dB no NR. 16.56" w x 4.75" ously; compatible with normal, high -bias, metal dB Dolby B. 72 dB Dolby C; line -input sens for
h x 10.44" d $180 tape; mic and headphone jacks; intro scan. W&F 0 -dB reading 50 mV; line output level with 0 -dB
0.06% wins; FR (± 3 dB) ferric 4014,000 Hz, indication 775 mV; 17.7" x 6" x 13" ....$1,880
PROTON high bias 40-15,000 Hz, metal 40-16,000 Hz; S/N
70 dB Dolby C, 62 dB Dolby B $220
740 Autoreverse Cassette Deck ROTEL
Full -logic -controlled cassette deck with Dolby B, SCT-74 Double Cassette Deck RD870 Dolby B/C/HX Pro Cassette Deck
C, and dbx. Features 2 heads; I motor; auto bias/ Dolby B and Dolby C; high-speed dubbing; com- Features Sendust rec/play head; precision trans-
EQ; elapsed -time counter; music search; output patible with normal, high -bias, metal tapes; port mechanism; 2 heads; 2 motors; bias fine tun-
level control; memory stop/play; LED meters; LED's for power and recording; mic inputs; ing; direct drive; LED meters; soft -touch controls;
soft -touch controls; mic inputs; headphone jack; headphone jack. W&F 0.12% wrms; FR (± 3 dB) mic inputs; headphone jack. w&F 0.05%; FR met-
rec mute; sleep timer function; 9 program memo- ferric 60-10,000 Hz, high bias 60-12,000 Hz, met- al 30-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB $499
ry selection; adaptable to timer for playback or al 60-14,000 Hz $180
record. w&F 0.05% wrms; FR ferric 25-16,000 RD850 Dolby B & C Cassette Deck
Hz ± 3 dB, high bias 25-18,000 Hz ± 3 dB, metal SCT-45 Double Cassette Deck Cassette deck with sendust rec/play head, ferrite
25-19,000 Hz ± 3 dB; s/N (A-wtd) ferric: 49 dB 4 heads; 2 motors; Dolby B; manual azimuth ad- care erase head. Features soft -touch controls;
no NR, 58.5 dB Dolby B, 68 dB Dolby C, 78 dB just; elapsed -time counter; mic inputs; headphone LE D meters; mic inputs; DC servo motors; head-
dbx, high bias: 53 dB no NR, 62 dB Dolby B. 71.5 jack. W&F 0.1% wrms; FR (± 3 dB) ferric 40- phone jack. w&F 0.08% wrms; FR ferric 30-
dB Dolby C, 85 dB dbx, metal: 53 dB no NR, 60 12,500 Hz, high bias 40-13,000 Hz, metal 40- 17,000 Hz ± 3 dB, high bias 30-17,000 Hz ± 3
dB Dolby B, 70 dB Dolby C, 95 dB dbx; line -in- 14,000 Hz; S/N (A-wtd) ferric 60 dB Dolby B. dB, metal 30-18,000 Hz ± 3 dB; s/N high bias: 55
put sens for 0 -dB reading 90 mV; line output level 16.5" W x 5" H x 8.81" D; 8 lb, 10 oz $130 dB no NR, 64 dB Dolby B, 72 dB Dolby C; 17" w
with 0 -dB indication 700 mV; mic input sens 0.35
mV $329 SCT-46 Double Cassette Deck
Dolby B; 2 heads; high-speed dubbing; head- For explanations of abbreviations,
AD -300 Autoreverse Cassette Deck phone and mic jacks; Synchro-Start; continuous specifications, and technical terms,
Features Dolby B & C NR; autoreverse (in play play; 2 -color LED level meters; permalloy rec/ consult the glossary on page 221.
and rec); MPX filter; auto bias selector; full -logic play head. W&F 0.1% wrms; FR (± 3 dB) ferric


SAE jack. w&P 0.08% wrms; record/playback FR fer-
ric 40-13,000 Hz ± 3 dB, high bias 40-14,000 Hz
Cioi 3 -Head Cassette Deck ± 3 dB; metal 40-16,000 Hz ± 3 dB; 17" w x
Full -logic microprocessor cassette deck with 4.89" h a 9.89" d $220
Dolby calibration adjustments. Features 3 heads;
2 motors; LED meters; Dolby B; Dolby C; bias RT-W500(BK) Double Cassette Deck
fine tuning; manual azimuth adjust; elapsed -time Cassette deck with high-speed synchronous dub-
counter; remaining -time counter; output level bing and continuous playback capabiity. Features
controls; memory stop/play; LED meters; soft - 2 heads, 1 motor; Dolby B; LED peak level me-
touch controls; Sendust heads; remote control op- ters; headphone jack; mic inputs; metal -tape ca-
tional. w&P 0.06% wrms; FR ferric 20-20,000 Hz pability; auto stop. w&E 0.12% wrms; record/
± 3 dB for all tape types; s/N (high bias) 55 dB no soft -touch transport controls; tape counter; head- playback FR ferric 50-11,000 Hz ± 3 dB, high bias
NR, 66 dB Dolby B, 75 dB Dolby C; line -input phone jack $190 50-12,000 Hz ± 3 dB; metal 50-13,000 Hz ± 3 dB;
level for 0 -dB reading 70 mV; line -output level 17" w x 4.88" h x 8.56" d; 7.3 lb $120
with 0 -dB indication 650 mV; 19" w x 5.25" h x RDW59 Double Cassette Deck
12.5" d; 17 lb $650 Features Dolby NR; continuous playback; high- RT-115(BK) Dolby B Cassette Deck
speed dubbing; synchronous dubbing; metal -tape Features metal -tape capability; 2 heads; 1 motor;
C102 2 -Head Cassette Deck capability; dual level meters; auto -stop; soft -touch headphone jack; LED peak level meters; auto stop.
Full -logic microprocessor cassette deck. Features transport controls; 3 -digit tape counter; head- w&P 0.1% wrms; record/playback FR ferric 50-
tape transport encased in electronic sliding draw- phone jack $90 11,000 Hz ± 3 dB, high bias 50-12,000 Hz ± 3
er; 2 heads; 2 motors; Dolby B; Dolby C; manual dB; metal 50-13,000 Hz ± 3 dB; 15.36" w x 4.62"
azimuth adjust; elapsed -time counter; remaining - RDW49 Double Cassette Deck h a 8.62" d; 5.5 lb S80
time counter; music search; blank skip; memory Features Dolby NR; continuous playback; high-
stop/play; LED meters; rec mute; sendust heads. speed dubbing; synchro dubbing; metal -tape ca-
w&F 0.06% wrms; FR 20-20,000 Hz for all tape pability; dual level meters; auto stop; soft -touch SHERWOOD
types; s/N (high bias): 55 dB no NR, 65 dB Dolby transport controls; 3 -digit tape counter; head- S-289RDR Double Cassette Deck
B, 74 dB Dolby C; line -input sens for 0 -dB read- phone jack $90 Features autoreverse dubbing capability; 2 dub-
ing 70 mV; line output level with 0 -dB indication bing speeds; Dolby B & C NR: compatible with
650 mV. 19" w x 3.5" h x 14" d; 18 lb ... $429 RDW41 Double Cassette Deck
Features synchro dubbing; continuous playback;
SANSUI Dolby NR; metal -tape capability; soft -eject doors;
5 -segment LED level meters; 3 -digit tape counter;
D-wil Double Cassette Deck auto stop $80
Auto -reverse high-speed dubbing cassette deck.
Features 2 heads and 2 motors for each transport; RDS29 Cassette Deck
Compu-Edit; 16 -track RMPS; I5 -track Automatic Features soft -touch controls; Dolby NR; permal-
Music Program Search; auto fader; rec cancel; in- loy heads; metal -tape capability; 5 -segment vu
tro skip; timer record/play; manual and auto lev- meters; headphone jack; input level controls; 3 -
el controls; auto bias/EQ; Dolby B & C NR; dual digit tape counter $60
capstans; auto azimuth adjust; elapsed -time
counter; music search; blank skip; memory stop/
play; LED meters; mike inputs; headphone jack; SCOTT
Sherwood Digi-Link remote components; auto
rec mute; black or silver. w&F 0.05% wrms; FR DD686 Double Autoreverse Cassette Deck music search; auto tape select; LED peak level in-
metal 30-17,000 Hz ± 3 dB; s/N (A-wtd) metal: Remote control; Dolby B, Dolby C, dbx NR; full - dicators; relay playback for continuous listening
57 dB no NR, 66 dB Dolby B, 73 dB Dolby C. logic transports; auto program search; relay play; of both decks; timer/start; rec mute $300
16.94" w a 4.37" h x 12" d; 13.4 lb $600 bias fine tuning; 3 -way autoreverse selection;

D-705 Dolby B & C Cassette Deck SONY

Cassette with timer record/play and real-time TC4700ES Unidirectional Cassette Deck
auto tape monitor. Features 3 heads; 2 motors; Three -head cassette deck with a mid -ship drive
bias/EQ; dual capstans; bias fine tuning; blank system that separates the control circuitry from
skip; music search; output level control; LED me- the audio circuits leaving the tape transport
ters; MC mute. W&F 0.035% wrms; FR metal 20- mechanism in the mid -ship portion of the chassis.
21,000 Hz t 3 dB; s/N (A-wtd) metal: 68 dB Features twin monaural oc amp design; LC-OFC
Dolby B. 16.94" w a 4.36" h a 12.25" d $500 laser amorphous heads; Dolby B & C; memory
D-3000WR Double Cassette Deck
High-speed dubbing autoreverse deck. Features
LED meters for each channel; full logic, soft -touch
controls; Dolby B and C; AMPS (Automatic Music headphone jack with volume control. W&F
Program search); rec mute. w&P 0.09% wrms; FR 0.08% wrms; FR (± 3 dB) 30-14,000 ferric, 30-
metal 20.17,030 Hz; s/N metal 72 dB Dolby C: 64 15,000 high -bias, 30-16,000 metal; A-wtd S/N: 62
dB with Dolby B. 16.94" w x 5" h x 8.97" d; dB with Dolby B, 70 dB with Dolby C, 90 dB
9.9lb $450 with dbx $550

D -505R Autoreverse Cassette Deck DD688 Double Cassette Deck

Features timer record/play; real-time tape Dolby B and Dolby C NR; high-speed dubbing;
counter; 2 heads; 2 motors; auto bias/EQ; Dolby music search; LED meters; soft -touch controls;
B; Dolby C; dual capstans; bias fine tuning; blank headphone jack; continuous play. W&F 0.15% stop/play; auto playback-EQ selector; MPX filter
skip; auto azimuth adjust; music search; output wrms; FR (± 3 dB) 40-13,000 ferric, 40-14,000 switch; auto play; auto space rec mute; timer re-
level control; memory stop/play; LED meters; rec high -bias, 40-15,000 metal; A-wtd S/N: 62 dB cord and playback; linear counter; counter sub-
mute; headphone jack. w&P 0.45% wrms; FR with Dolby B, 70 dB with Dolby C $250 tract function for remaining time indication;
metal 20-19,000 Hz ± 3 dB; s/N (A-wtd) metal: DD677. As above but without Dolby C and mu- headphone jack with adjustable level. w&P
66 dB Dolby B. 16.94" w x 4.36" h a 12.25" d; sic search $250 0.025% wrms; FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB (no NR,
11.3 lb $425 Type -IV tape); s/N 60 dB (no NR, Type -IV tape).
SHARP 17" w a 5" h x 13.75" d $700
SANYO RT-6W800(BK) Double Cassette Deck TC-WR950 Double Cassette Deck
RDW79 Double Cassette Deck Autoreverse high -speed -dubbing cassette deck Remote -controlled high -speed -dubbing cassette
Features 3 -way programmable autoreverse; infra- with Dolby B. Features soft -touch controls; auto deck with autoreverse, record, and playback for
red reverse sensor; auto -reverse record; high- program search; LED peak level meters; metal - both decks. Features Dolby B & C for both decks;
speed dubbing; synchro dubbing; Dolby NR; met- tape capability; 2 heads; 1 motor; music search; super bias technology; 2 laser amorphous heads
al -tape capability; dual level meters; auto stop; output level control; mike inputs; headphone in each deck; 2 motors for each deck; 12-selec-

114 S I 1.XF:0 BUYERS' GUIDE 1988

tion/I6-memory direct -access random music sen- (without noise reduction, Type -IV tape). 16" w x 112. Similar to above except basic deck with 2
sor for programmed playing and recording; sync 5.12" h x 9.75" d $210 heads. FR at -20 dB with no NR: 25-19,000 Hz
record; timer record and playback; auto music ± 3 dB metal, to 18,000 Hz ± 3 dB chrome, to
sensor for both decks; blank skip for both decks; 17,000 ± 3 dB normal; 13.45 lb $599
auto pause; auto play; autospace rec mute; memo-
ry stop; auto playback-EQ selector for both decks; TCD 3014A Cassette Deck 112R Autoreverse Cassette Deck
12 -segment FL meter; linear tape counter (deck 8 -bit, 32-K, E -PROM microprocessor -controlled Rotating play and record heads; Hysteresis Ten-
A); switchable tape counter (deck B); headphone stereo cassette deck with 4 servo -controlled tape - sion Servo Control; 16 -pin connector on rear for
jack with adjustable level; feather -touch controls. transport motors. Features scan to play; scan to remote control and interfacing with other decks;
w&F 0.05% wrms; FR 30-17,000 Hz ± 3 dB stop; auto rewind; auto replay; timer record/play; rack mountable; optional remote control; Dolby
(Type -IV tape); signal-to-noise ratio 59 dB (with- 3 heads; Dolby B and C; azimuth alignment; bias B and Dolby C NR; index and time counter;
out noise reduction, Type -IV tape). 17" w x 5.38" adjustment; record current adjustment utilizing ± 15% pitch control; auto bias/EQ; L and R mic
h x 11.25" d $700 built-in test system; linear motor to position inputs; timer standby; auto monitor. W&F 0.03%
heads and pinch -rollers to tape; instant "flying NAB, 0.06% peak DIN/IEC/ANSI wtd; FR at
TC-R503 Autoreverse Cassette Deck start" record/play; Dyneq record equalization; -20 dB with no NR: 25-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB metal,
Features remote control; Dolby B & C; Dolby Hx Actilinear II headroom -extension system; peak - to 19,000 Hz ± 3 dB chrome, to 17,000 ± 3 dB
Pro; 2 laser amorphous heads; 2 motors; record - reading meters; cue and review at half speed; real normal; THD 1% at 0 VU, 400 Hz; S/N (ref 3%
level calibration; timer record and playback; auto time/real revolution counter; LED indication of THD) 60 dB no NR, wtd, 70 dB Dolby B, over
music sensor; music scan; blank skip; auto play; all transport functions. Wireless infrared remote 1,000 Hz, 80 dB Dolby C, over 1,000 Hz; 18.2" w
autospace rec mute; memory stop; auto playback- control with built-in receiver included. Rosewood x 5.6" h w 11.7" d; 12.79 lb $795
EQ selector; 24 -segment FL meter; linear tape side panels and rack mounts available ... $1,995
counter; headphone jack with adjustable level; Mini -Studio Ports Two Cassette Deck/Mixer
feather -touch controls. w&F 0.05% wrms; FR 30- Compact, portable DC -powered combination 4 -
17,000 Hz ± 3 dB (Type -IV tape); s/N 59 dB (no
TASCAM BY TEAC channel mixer/4-track cassette recorder. Features
NR, Type -IV tape). 14" w x 4.25" h x 11.25" 246 4 -Track Cassette Deck/Mixer 2 heads; I motor; dbx; elapsed -time counter; out-
d $500 Combination 4 -track multichannel cassette deck put level control; headphone jack; EQ on each
and 6 -input mixer. Features 2 heads; 2 motors; channel; separate cue mixer; pitch control; dbx
TC-WR750 Double Cassette, Deck dbx; memory stop/play; soft -touch controls; defeat; zero return. W&F 0.05% WRMS; FR
Remote -controlled high -speed -dubbing cassette headphone jack; 2 speeds; 4 -buss mixer; sweep high bias 40-12,500 Hz ± 3 dB at 0 VU recording
deck with autoreverse, record, and playback for EQ; dbx defeat; pitch control. FR high bias 430- level; S/N high bias 57 dB no NR, 58 dB dbx;
deck B and playback and autoreverse for deck A. 14,000 Hz ± 3 dB at 0 VU record level; line -input line -input sens for 0 -dB reading 300 mV; line -out-
Features Dolby B & C; 2 sendust heads (deck B); sens for 0 -dB reading 300 mV; line output level put level with 0 -dB indication 300 mV. 13" w x
I sendust head (deck A); 2 motors for each deck; with 0 -dB indication 300 mV; mike input sens 1 9.81" h x 2.75" d; 6.6 lb $595
sync record; timer record and playback; auto mu- mV. 22.7 lbs $1,495
sic sensor for both decks; blank skip for both
decks; auto pause; auto play; autospace rec mute; 234 4 -Track Cassette Deck
auto plauback-EQ selector (deck A); manual play- 4 -track, 4 -channel full -IC -logic cassette deck with W-990RX Double Autoreverse Cassette Deck
back-EQ selector (deck B); 12 -segment LED me- sync recording and individual function select for Continuous recording; parallel recording; 3 mo-
ter; drum tape counter (deck B); headphone jack; each track recorded. Features 3.75-ips tape speed; tors in each transport; logic control; wireless re-
feather -touch controls. w&F 0.07% wrms; FR 30- digital tape counter; individual VU meters per mote control; sync reverse; 1 -touch high-speed or
15,000 Hz ± 3 dB (Type -IV tape); s/N 58 dB (no track with peak LED; punch -in recording; stereo normal speed dubbing; Random Memory Pro-
NR, Type -IV tape). 17" w x 5.12" h x 10.88" pan pots; balanced and unbalanced inputs; search gram Dubbing; cobalt amorphous linear -crystal
d $400 to zero; block repeat; 3 heads; 3 motors; dbx; out- oxygen -free copper rec/play head; Dolby B,
put level control; memory stop/play; mike inputs; Dolby C, dbx NR; independent counters for each
TC-WR550 Double Cassette Deck headphone jack; pitch control. Rack mountable. transport; 2 -color L/R peak meters; intro check;
Remote -controlled high -speed -dubbing cassette W&F 0.04%; FR high bias 40-16,000 Hz ± 3 dB; blank scan; timer compatible; rec mute with auto
deck with record and playback for deck B and S/N (A-wtd, high bias) 54 dB Dolby B, 95 dB space; headphone jack. W&F 0.045%; FR 30-
playback for deck A. Features Dolby B & C; 2 dbx. 19" w x 5.89" h x 14.06" d; 21.6 lb .. $949 19,000 Hz 3 dB with metal tape; S/N (3% distor-
sendust heads (deck B); 1 sendust head (deck A); 234L. As above with 1.88-ips tape speed .. $949 tion, wtd) 59 dB no NR, 78 dB (over 1,000 Hz)
2 motors for each deck; auto music sensor for Dolby C, 91 dB dbx (1,000 Hz); 13.3 lb... $759
both decks; blank skip for both decks; auto play; 122su(11 4 -Track Cassette Deck
autospace rec mute; auto playback-EQ selector 2 channels; 3 heads; cobalt amorphous record and R -919X Autoreverse Cassette Deck
(deck A); manual playback-EQ selector (deck B); play heads; FG-servo direct -drive motor; bal- 3 motors; 2 erase heads, I rotating record/play
7 -segment LED meter; drum tape counter (deck anced XLR inputs and outputs; RCA connectors; head: logic control; remote control; Dolby HX
B); headphone jack; feather -touch controls. w&F Hysteresis Tension Servo Control; Dolby HX Pro headroom extension; double Dolby B, Dolby
0.07% wrms; FR 30-15,000 Hz ± 3 dB (Type -IV Pro; bias/level calibration for each ch; index and C, dbx NR; 2 -color L/R peak meters; intro
tape); signal-to-noise ratio 58 dB (without noise time counter; block repeat; zero return stop or check; blank scan; memory stop/play; timer com-
reduction, Type -IV tape). 17" w x 5.12" h x play; unbalanced phone jack inputs on front pan- patible; manual tape calibration; headphone jack;
10.88" d $300 el; rack mountable; Dolby B and Dolby C NR; bi- electronic tape counter; CD level check; program
polar power supply; needle VU meters with peak search; direct selection; block repeat; SIM filter;
TC-R303 Autoreverse Cassette Deck LED's; ± 12% pitch control; output level control; optional wooden side panels; output level control.
Features remote control; Dolby B & C; 2 laser headphone jack with level control; optional re- W&F 0.029%; FR 25-20,000 Hz 3 dB with metal
sendust heads; 2 motors; cue; auto play; auto - mote control (RC -71); fader start. W&F 0.04% tape: S/N (3% distortion, wtd) 60 dB no NR, 80
space rec mute; manual playback-EQ selector; 12 - NAB, 0.08% peak DIN/IEC/ANSI wtd; FR at dB (over 1,000 Hz) Dolby C, 92 dB dbx (1,000
segment LED meter; drum tape counter; head- -20 dB with no NR: 25-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB metal, Hz); 13.3 lb $749
phone jack; microphone input; feather -touch con- to 19,000 Hz ± 3 dB chrome, to 17,000 ± 3 dB
trols. w&F 0.07% wrms; FR 30-15,000 Hz ± 3 dB normal; THD I% at 0 VU, 400 Hz; S/N (ref 3% V -970X Dual -Capstan 3 -Head Cassette Deck
(Type -IV tape); signal-to-noise ratio 58 dB (with- THD) 59 dB no NR, wtd, 68 dB Dolby B, over Closed -loop transport; 3 motors; I erase head, I
out noise reduction, Type -IV tape). 17" w x 4.25" 1,000 Hz, 78 dB Dolby C, over 10,000 Hz; 19" w record head, I play head; logic control; remote
h x 10" d $240 x 5.25" h w 11.7" d; 16.94 lb $895 control; Dolby HX Pro headroom extension; dou-

TC-WR250 Double Cassette Deck

High -speed -dubbing cassette deck with record
and playback for deck B and playback for deck
A. Features Dolby B & C; 2 sendust heads (deck
B); I sendust head (deck A); 1 motor for each PRICES LISTED
deck; timer record and playback; auto playback- are manufacturers' suggested retail prices
EQ selector (deck A); manual playback-EQ selec-
tor (deck B); 7 -segment LED meter; drum tape (also referred to as list prices);
counter (deck B); headphone jack; soft -touch actual selling prices are set by individual dealers.
controls. Wow -and -flutter 0.012% weighted root
mean square; frequency response 30-15,000 Hz All prices are subject to change without notice.
± 3 dB (Type -IV tape); signal-to-noise ratio 58 dB


ble Dolby B, Dolby C, dbx NR; 2 -color L/R peak phous head. Features 2 heads; 2 motors; auto and dbx NR; elapsed -time counter; mike inputs;
meters; intro check; blank scan; memory stop/ bias/EQ; elapsed -time counter; music search; headphone jack; soft -touch controls; I -touch re-
play; timer compatible; manual bias calibration memory stop/play; LED meters; mic inputs; rec cording; full auto stop; digital counter; FL dis-
with oscillator (separate for L and R ch); head- mute; headphone jack; MPX filter; intro check; 1 - play; rec level balance; timer rec/play. W&F
phone jack; electronic tape counter displays time; touch recording. W&F 0.05% wins; FR ferric 0.08% WRMS; S/N (A-wtd with high -bias tape)
CD level check; program search; direct selection; 25-18,000 Hz ± 3 dB, high bias 20-19,000 Hz ± 3 57 dB no NR, 66 dB Dolby B, 74 dB Dolby C, 92
block repeat; MPX filter; optional wooden side dB, metal 20-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; S/N (A-wtd) dB dbx. 16.94" w x 4.53" h x 8.75" D; 7.5
panels; output level control. W&F 0.028%; FR metal: 69 dB Dolby B, 74 dB Dolby C, 90 dB lbs $225
25-20,000 Hz 3 dB with metal tape; S/N (3% dis- dbx. 11 Ib; 17.12" w x 4.75" h x 10.44" d . $429
tortion, wtd) 60 dB no NR, 80 dB (over 1,000 RS -B107 Dolby B & C Cassette Deck
Hz) Dolby C, 92 dB dbx (1,000 Hz) 5699 R-43SX Autoreverse Cassette Deck Features FL peak -level meters; 1 -touch record-
Cassette deck with rotary head system. Features ing; full auto stop; digital counter; FL display;
AD -4 Cassette Deck and CD Player. 2 heads; 1 motor; Dolby B; Dolby C; dbx; output rec-level balance controls; timer rec/play; 2
Wireless remote control; random program dub- level control; LED meters; soft -touch controls: heads; I motor; elapsed -time counter; mike in-
bing of 16 tracks; auto space; Dolby B and Dolby mic inputs; rec mute; headphone jack. W&F puts; headphone jack; soft -touch controls. W&F
C NR; I erase, I record/play head; autoreverse; 0.06% wrms; FR ferric 30-16,000 Hz ± 3 dB, 0.08% WRMS; S/N (A-wtd, with high -bias tape)
synchro start auto dubbing; CD repeat. CD play- high bias 30-17,000 Hz ± 3 dB, metal 30-17,000 57 dB no NR, 66 dB Dolby B, 74 dB Dolby C.
er section: S/N 94 dB; THD 0.02%; sep 90 dB. Hz ± 3 dB; S/N (A-wtd) metal: 65 dB Dolby B, 16.94" w x 4.53" h x 8.75" d; 7.5 lbs $190
Cassette deck section: W&F 0.05%; FR to 16,000 70 dB Dolby C, 90 dB dbx. 9 Ib; 17.12" w x 4.89"
Hz $599 h x 10.75" d $299 RS -B105 Dolby B Cassette Deck
Features direct -mode switching; 2 heads; 2 mo-
W660R Double Autoreverse Cassette Deck W -310C Double Cassette Deck tors; I -touch recording; full auto stop; rec-level
Double quick-autoreverse ra.sette deck with full Continuous play; Dolby B and Dolby C NR; balance controls; timer rec/play; elapsed -time
IC -logic transport control. Features 2 heads; 3 compatible with metal tape; 5 -part LED VU dis- counter; LED meters; soft -touch controls; mike
motors; 2 transports; RMPD; cobalt amorphous play; 3 -digit tape counter; fine bias control. 6.4 inputs. W&F 0.08% WRMS; S/N (A-wtd, with
head in deck II; continous playback; auto bias/ lb 5179 high -bias tape) 56 dB no NR, 66 dB Dolby B.
EQ; Dolby B; Dolby C; blank skip; music search; W-300. Similar to W -310C except lacks Dolby C 16.94" W x 4.53" H x 9.28" D; 6.6 lbs 5145
LED meters; rec mute; headphone jack. W&F and fine bias control $159
0.05% wins; FR ferric 25-18,000 Hz ± 3 dB,
high bias 25-19,000 Hz ± 3 dB, metal 25-20,000 V -210C Dolby B/C Cassette Deck UHER OF AMERICA
Hz ± 3 dB; S/N (A-wtd) metal: 69 dB Dolby B, 2 heads; 1 motor; uses normal or metal tape; fine CR 1601 Portable Cassette Deck
78 dB Dolby C. 12 Ib; 17.12" w a 4.36" h a bias control; 5 -part LED VU meter; 3 -digit tape Compact front -loading portable cassette recorder
11.44" d $599 counter; auto stop. 6.4 lb $129 with monitor facility featuring 8 hours record
W460 -C. Similar to W660R without autoreverse V-200. Similar to V -210C except lacks Dolby C time and built-in voice actuating system. Features
and cobalt amorphous head 5549 and fine bias control $119 3 heads; 2 motors; dual capstans; bias fine tuning;
D -525C. Similar to W460 -C without blank scan manual azimuth adjust; direct drive; elapsed -time
and RMPD $349 counter; output level control; memory stop/play;
TECHNICS LED meters; soft -touch controls; mike inputs;
AD -7 Cassette Deck and CD Player RS-T8OR Double Cassette Deck headphone jack; rec mute; 3 tape speeds: 1.88 ips,
Wireless remote control; random program dub- Features quick autoreverse, record, and play for 0.94 ips and 0.16 ips with ALC. w&F <2% wrms;
bing of 15 tracks; auto space; rec mute; auto bias/ both transports; 4 reverse modes; parallel and 3 - FR ferric 20-19,000 Hz ± 3 dB; 9.3" w x 2.3" h x
EQ; Dolby B, Dolby C, dbx NR; MPX filter; hr series recording on both transports; series 7.3" d; 5 lb $1,649
erase, 1 record/play head; autoreverse; Time Edit playback; synchro start; FL display; auto bias/
calculates CD tracks that will fit on tape, chang- EQ; feather -touch controls; remote -control capa- CR-160AV Portable Cassette Deck
ing order to fill tape; timer compatible; synchro bility with some Technics receivers; high-speed Stereo cassette deck with Dolby B and C NR. Fea-
start auto dubbing; blank scan; headphone jack editing; 4 heads; 2 motors; Dolby B, Dolby C,
with level control; twin rec-level controls; bias ad- dbx NR; elapsed -time counter; music select;
just control; CD repeat of disc or program; index headphone jack. W&F 0.08% WRMS; S/N (A-
search; 3 -beam laser. CD player section: S/N 95 wtd) high bias 57 dB no NR, 67 dB Dolby B, 75
dB; THD 0.004% at 1,000 Hz; sep >90 dB; W&F dB Dolby C, 92 dB dbx. 16.94" w x 4.36" h x
unmeasurable. Cassette deck section: W&F 10.91" d; 11.7 lbs $600
0.05%; FR 30-19,000 Hz ± 3 dB with metal tape.
16 lb 5569 RS-T55R Double Cassette Deck
Features quick autoreverse for both transports;
R -616X Autoreverse Cassette Deck Dolby B, Dolby C, and dbx NR; high-speed dub- tures 2 heads; I motor; manual azimuth adjust;
2 motors; I erase head, rotating record/play
1 bing; auto bias/EQ; synchro start, stop; rec mute; mike inputs; headphone jack; ALC with 2 time
head; logic control; Dolby HX Pro headroom ex- auto space; anti -resonant metallic feet; edit search constants; sep channel record level control; 3
tension; Dolby B, Dolby C, dbx NR; 2 -color L/R on Transport A; soft -touch controls; 28 -part digi- built-in monitor speakers. Operates on dry cells,
peak meters; intro check; blank scan; memory tal peak readout $420 I2 -V car battery or 120 V AC. W&F 0.2% DIN;
stop/play; timer compatible; headphone jack with RS-T33R. Similar to above except lacks dbx and FR ferric 30-16,000 Hz ± 3 dB, high bias 30-
level control; electronic tape counter displays autoreverse on Transport B $350 16,000 Hz ± 3 dB; s/N ferric: 64 dB no NR, 55 dB
time; 1 -touch recording; independent L/R input RS -T22. Similar to RS-T33R execpt lacks syn- Dolby B; high bias: 66 dB no NR, 57 dB Dolby B;
controls; program search; direct selection; block chro stop and rec mute 5225 line -input sens for 0 -dB reading 588 mV; line out-
repeat; MPX filter; CD level check. W&F 0.05%; RS -T11. Similar to RS -T22 except lacks Dolby C put level with 0 -dB indication 775 mV; mike in-
FR 25-20,000 Hz with metal tape; S/N (3% dis- and digital peak readout $195 put sens 0.35 mV $899
tortion, wtd) 59 dB no NR, 74 dB (1,000 Hz)
Dolby C, 90 dB dbx (I,000 Hz); 11 lb .... $489 RS-B29R Autoreverse Cassette Deck Accessories
Cassette deck with V-Tri-Hold rotary head and 3 -
V-770 3 -Head Cassette Deck point head support for minimal lateral/vertical F-423 Diapilot
Full IC -logic tape transport; 2 motors; auto bias/ variance and precise alignment in both directions. Self-contained unit for synchronized tape control
EQ; Dolby B and Dolby C; Dolby HX Pro; bias High -pitch extra -tempered steel -azimuth adjust-
fine tuning; elapsed -time counter; music search; ing screws maintain correct head angle. Features
output level control; memory stop/play; LED 2 heads; 1 motor; Dolby B and Dolby C; remote -
The listings are based on data
meters; rec mute; headphone jack; intro check; controlled through some Technics receivers;
gold-plated jacks; MPX filter; Compumatic Pro- feather -touch controls; auto rec mute; timer rec/ provided by the manufacturers. For
gram Search (CPS). W&F 0.05% wrms; FR (all play; elapsed -time counter; music select; mike in- more product information, contact
± 3 dB) ferric 25-18,000 Hz, high bias 25-19,000 puts; LED meters; headphone jack. W&F 0.08% an authorized dealer or the
Hz, metal 20-20,000 Hz; S/N (A-wtd) metal 69 WRMS; S/N (A-wtd, with high -bias tape) 57 dB
no NR, 67 dB Dolby B, 75 dB Dolby C. 16.94" w
manufacturer directly. Manufacturers'
dB Dolby B, 74 dB Dolby C. 17.12" w x 4.75" h x
10.44" d; 10.8 lb $469 x 3.94" h x 9" d; 7.9 lbs $270 addresses and phone numbers arc
listed in the directory
V -550X Dolby B/C/dbx Cassette Deck RS -B207 dbx Cassette Deck beginning on page 226.
Full -IC -logic cassette deck with cobalt amor- Features 2 heads; 2 motors; Dolby B, Dolby C,


operation of automatic slide projector for use K540B Cassette Deck
with Uher open -reel and cassette decks DIN YAMAHA Casset:e deck with as remote system compatibil-
plug connector 5260 KX-1200U 3 -Head Cassette Deck ity. Features Dolby B, C, and HX Pro; sendust
3 -head cassette deck with 28 -key wireless remote R/P low -impedance head; 3 oc servo motors;
Z-135 Power Supply/Charger control. Features double dbx dynamic expansion; full -logic operation; master fader control; 12 -seg-
Power supply/charger unit for Uher cassette re- double Dolby B & C Nit; ORBIT system with op- ment LED peak level meters; 4 -digit linear time
corders 5107 tical balance tuning indicator; closed -loop dual - tape counter; memory stop; 0-M repeat; output
capstan tape transport; Dolby HX Pro dynamic level control. Black; 11 lb 5339
VECTOR RESEARCH bias servo; high quality amorphous head; full -log-
ic control; optimum recording level indicator; as K-22211 Double Cassette Deck
VCX-345 Double Cassette Deck integrated system remote compatibility. Black; 22 Features computer -controlled one-way operation
Double cassette deck with Dolby B and C Nit. lb 5699 dual mechanism; one -touch normal and double
Features 2 -speed dubbing; synchro-start dubbing; speed dubbing; relay play; Dolby B & C Nit; RS
continuous play; power -assist transport controls; K -1020B 3 -Head Cassette Deck integrated remote system compatibility. Black; 11
mic inputs; manual dubbing/recording level; met- Features precision closed -loop dual -capstan lb 5319
transport; Sendust rec/play heads; iron -plated
double -gap erase head; optimum record bias tun- KX-4110U Autoreverse Cassette Deck
ing; double dbx; double Dolby B & C; Dolby HX Features permalloy rotary head design; one-way
Pro; dynamic bias servo; wide -range multi -func- autoreverse; Dolby B, C. and HX Pro; music
tion fluorescent level meters wtih optimum re- search; auto tape selector; forward/reverse intro
cord level irdication; 4 -digit linear counter; dual - scan; blank skip; phrase repeat; auto fader; rec re-
speed FF/Rew; master fader; MPX filter; output turn; auto rec mute; timer rec/play; optional RS-
crv level control; rec return; auto rec mute; auto tape KW5 wireless remote control; 2 -color 6 -segment
selector; full 0-M repeat; memory stop; music t. ED peak level meters. Black; 11 lb 5299
search; dual differential; FET EQ amp. %vita
0.03% wrms; Fit 20-23,000 Hz t 3 dB; metal; s/N K340B Cassette Deck
95 dB with dbx. 17.12" w x 5.25" h x 15" d; 16.7 Features Dolby B, C. and HX Pro; sendust R/P
lb 5649 low -impedance head; 2 motors; full -logic opera-
al -tape capability; headphone jack. FR 40-17,000 tion; auto -tape selector. Black; II lb 5259
Hz metal tape; s/N 73 dB (Dolby C), 65 dB K -720B Autoreverse Cassette Deck
(Dolby B); w&F 0.06% wrms. 16.56" w x 4.31" h Features pure sendust heads; Dolby B, C, And K -142B Double Cassette Deck
x 8.25" d; 8.5 lb S250 HX Pro; dbx; introscan; music search; remaining Features one-way operation dual mechanism;
time; auto fade; linear counter; programmed re- soft -mechanical operation; Dolby B Nit; cue and
VCX-325 Double Cassette Deck cording and playback. Black; 13 lb $499 review; relay play; 1 -touch record; auto tape se-
Double cassette deck with Dolby B NR. Features lector. Black; 11 lb 5239
2 -speed dubbing; synchro-start dubbing; continu- K -640B Autoreverse Cassette Deck
ous play; power -assist transport controls; mic in- Autoreverse cassette deck with its integrated sys- KX-200U Cassette Deck
puts; manual dubbing/recording level; metal -tape tem remote compatibility. Features amorphous Cassette deck with RS remote system compatibil-
capability. Fit 40-15,000 Hz metal tape; s/N 63 head; auto fade; remaining time; introscan; car ity. Features Dolby B and C Nit; permalloy head;
dB (with Dolby B noise reduction); wow -and - EQ; Dolby B. C, and HX Pro; dbx. Black; 16 full -logic operation; forward/reverse intro -scan;
flutter 0.08% weighted rms. 17.25" w x 4.5" h x lb 5419 full repeat and phrase repeat; optional RS-KW5
10" d; 8.5 lb 5150 wireless remote control; auto tape selector; rec re-
KX-W500 Double Cassette Deck turn. auto rec mute; 2 -color 6 -segment peak -level
VCX-250 Dolby B & C Cassette Deck Double autoreverse cassette deck with as inte- meters. Black; 11 lb 5209
Power -assisted 1 -motor cassette deck with music grated remote system compatibility. Features
search. Features mike inputs; DC servo motor; rec permalloy heads; quick autoreverse; Dolby B & C Accessories
mute; headphone jack. w&F 0.06%; FR ferric, 30- NR; two -speed dubbing; relay play; auto tape se- RS -KW -5. Infrared remote control for all RS
15,000 Hz ± 3 dB; high bias, 30-16,000 Hz t 3 lector; music search; auto rec mute; rec return; 2 - compatible cassette decks. KX-200U, KX-400U,
dB; metal tape, 30-17,000 Hz t 3 dB; signal-to- color 6 -segment peak level meters; timer rec/ KX W500U, K-222, K-640, and K-540 550
noise ratio with metal tape 55 dB no Nit, 65 dB play; optional RS-KW5 wireless remote control. RMA-K20. Rack mount adaptor for KX-1200U
Dolby B, 75 dB Dolby C 5200 Black; 11 lb S389 and K -1020B S18


REVOX controlled reel motors; 10.5" reel capacity; bal- dual vu meters with peak level indicators; sepa-
anced XLR line-in/out and switched cal/uncal rate left/right record and input level controls;
PR99 MK II Stereo Tape Deck level settings; high- or low -imp mic input (bal- tape monitor switch; provision for remote control
Stereo half-track recorder with 2 speeds: 15- and anced, XLR option); 2 -way Self -Sync with com- of all functions and electric timer operation; con-
7.5-, or, alternatively, 7.5- and 3.75 ips. Features plete tape -editing facilities including tape dump; nectors for remote control of tape transport func-
direct drive; servo -controlled capstan; electrically logic -controlled transport; true vu meters with tions, remote control of variable tape speed, and
LED peak indicators; tape/source monitoring; slide projector or crossfade unit. w&F less than
safe/ready record switches; 6 -digit LED real-time t 0.1% at 3.75 ips, less than 0.08% at 7.5 ips; FR
counter; address locate; zero locate; variable +2/-3 dB 30-16,000 Hz at 3.75 ips, 30-20,000 Hz
speed control; manual/remote-control/fader-start at 7.5 ips; s/N <64 dB at 3.75 ips, < 67 dB at 7.5
operation. w&F 0.06% DIN at 15 ips, 0.08% at ips mic input level/imp 0.15 mV/2.2 kilohms
7.5 ips, 0.1% at 3.75 ips; FR +2/-3 dB 30-22,000 (low position, 50 -to -600 -ohm mics), 2.8 mV/110
Hz at 15 Ts, to 20,000 Hz at 7.5 ips, to 16,000 Hz kilohms (high, 20 kilohm mics). Also available in
at 3.75 ips; s/N 66 dB at 15 and 7.5 ips, 63 dB at high-speed, low -speed, super -low -speed, two- and
3.75 ips; case or 19" rack mount; 19" w x 15.7" h four -track versions. 16.3" h x 17.8" w x 8.14" d;
x 7.9" d 52,799 37 5 lb 52,250
Console 5475 B77 Autostart. Same as B77 except with vox
Carrying case 5295 control 52,530
B77 Slide Sync. Same as B77 except with addi-
B77 MKII Stereo Tape Recorder tional head for slide projector control 52,591
Stereo open -reel tape recorder with 3 motors.
Two speeds (3.75 ips and 7.5 ips). Features 10.5"
reel capacity; front -panel vari-speed control TASCAM
t 10%; integrated -drive -logic computer -type 44013 4 -Track Open -Reel Tape Deck
push -point function keys; built-in tape cutter; 3 heads; t 12% pitch control; punch -in record.

STEREO Buvr:Rs GUIDE 1988 117

ing; full -logic feather -touch controls; tape/source sep 50 dB; mic input sens 0.25 mV (-72 dB); mic
monitoring; remote control; LED counter; real- TEAC imp 200-10,000 ohms; 17.5" h w 18" w x ta 12-
time counter; rack mountable; direct -drive motor; X -2000R dbx Open -Reel Tape Deck d $2,203
accepts 10.5" reels. Tape speeds 7.5/15 ips; FR Quarter -track open -reel tape deck with autore-
40-22,000 Hz ± 3 dB at 7.5 ips, 30-24,000 Hz ± 3 verse; 6 heads; dbx; ± 12% pitch control; sound RS -15000S Open -Reel Tape Deck
dB at IS ips; W&F 0.05/0.06% wrms at 15/7.5 on sound; EE tape capability; full logic feather - Open -reel tape deck with 3 speeds (15. 7.5, and
ips; THD 0.8% at 1,000 Hz, 15 ips, 0 VU; S/N touch controls; tape/source monitoring; fine bias 3.75 ips). Features half-track 2 -channel record,
67 dB at 15 ips; output level 1,230 mV. 75 Ib; 17" adjustment; real-time counter; mic/line mixing; playback, erase; quarter -track 2-ch playback;
w x 19.88" h x 12.5" d $2,995 separate L/R input -level controls; rack mount- quartz PLL DC brushless servo direct -drive cap-
able; direct -drive motor; accepts 10.5" reels; rec stan motor with double pinch rollers, 2 tape -ten-
42 NB Open -Reel Tape Deck mute; timer function. Remote control optional. sion -controlled DC brushless direct -drive reel
Half-track open -reel tape deck with 3 heads; Tape speeds 3.75/7.5 ips; FR 40-22,000 Hz ± 3 motors, 4 heads for recording, half- and quarter -
± 12% pitch control; punch -in recording; sound - dB at 3.75 ips, 40-33,000 Hz ± 3 dB at 7.5 ips; track erasure, mixing; reel capacity 10.5"; IC -log-
on -sound; full -logic feather -touch controls; tape/ W&F 0.03/0.04% wrms at 3.75/7.5 ips; THD ic plus transistor tape -transport controls with
source monitoring; remote control; LED counter; 0.8% at 1,000 Hz, 7.5 ips, 0 VU; S/N 65 dB. 46.2 LED indicators, mode -to -mode switching with
real-time counter; mic/line mixing; separate L/R lb; 17" w x 17.9" h x 10.5" d $1,500 auto pause between modes; 3 -position bias and
input level controls; rack mountable; direct -drive << - 4 + x > $1,600 EQ switches; dual 2 -scale VU meters with ± 3 -dB
motor; accepts las- reels. Tape speeds 7.5/15 normal, +6 -dB high -range meter scale selector;
ips; FR 30-22,000 Hz ± 3 dB at 7.5 ips, 30-24,000 X-2000 dbx Open -Reel Tape Deck separate mic and line -level input controls with
Hz ± 3 dB at 15 ips; W&F 0.06/0.05% wrms at Quarter -track open -reel tape deck with rec mute; mixing; 0/20 -dB mic attenuator; output -level
7.5/15 ips; THD 0.8% at 1,000 Hz, 15 ips, 0 VU; timer function; 3 heads; dbx; ± 12% pitch con- control; L/R tape/source monitor switches; L/R
S/N 70 dB at 15 ips; output level 1,230 mV. 70.5 trol; EE tape capability; full -logic controls; feath- rec mode switches; 4 -digit tape counter showing
Ib; 17" w x 19.88" h x 12.5" d $2,695 er -touch controls; tape/source monitoring; fine elapsed time in mins, secs; timer start with exter-
bias adjustment; real-time counter; mic/line mix- nal audio timer; edit dial; fast -wind time 150 secs
3411 4 -Track Open -Reel Tape Deck ing; separate left/right input level controls; rack (2,500 -ft, 1.5 -mil tape). W&F 0.018% wrms at 15
3 heads; ± 12% pitch control; full -logic controls; mountable; direct -drive motor; accepts 10.5" ips, 0.03% at 7.5 ips; FR 30-30,000 Hz ± 3 dB at
feather -touch controls; tape/source monitoring; reels. Remote control optional. Tape speeds 3.75/ 15 ips, 20-25,000 Hz at 7.5 ips, 20-15,000 Hz at
remote control; LED counter; mic/line mixing; 7.5 ips; FR 40-22,000 Hz ± 3 dB at 3.75 ips, 40- 3.75 ips; S/N 60 dB NAB wtd at 7.5 ips, 58 dB at
separate L/R input level controls; rack mount- 33,000 Hz ± 3 dB at 7.5 ips; W&F 0.03/0.04% 3.75 ips; THD at 400 Hz, 0 VU 0.08%; sep 50
able; accepts 10.5" reels. Tape speeds 7.5/15 ips; wrms at 3.75/3.5 ips; THD 0.8% at 1,000 Hz, 7.5 dB; input sens/imp 0.25 mV/4.7 kilohms (mic,
FR 40-22,000 Hz ± 3 dB at 15 ips,40-16,000 Hz ips, 0 VU; S/N 65 dB. 17" w x 17.9" h x 10.5" unbalanced), 60 mV/I50 kilohms (line, phono
± 3 dB at 7.5 ips; W&F 0.05/0.07% wrms at 15/ d $1,400 jack); rosewood veneer side panels; 19.36" w x
7.5 ips; THD 0.8% at 1,000 Hz, 15 ips, 0 VU; S/ 17.5" h x 10.12" d $1,800
N 68/66 dB at 15/7.5 ips; output level 300 mV. X300R Autoreverse Open -Reel Tape Deck RS-1506US. Similar to RS -15000S except 4 -
44 lb; 16.06" w x 18.06" h x 10.12" d $1,795 One -quarter -track open -reel tape deck with 3 track, 2-ch play/record; 2 -track, 2-ch play$1,800
heads; EE tape capability; tape/source monitor- RS -1700. Similar to RS-1506US except autore-
32 Open -Reel Tape Deck ing; mic/line mixing; separate left/right input versing 4 -track, 2-ch record/play $2,200
Half-track 2 -track -mastering open -reel recorder level controls; accepts 7" reels. Tape speeds 3.75/
with 3 heads; ± 12% pitch control; punch -in re- 7.5 ips; FR 40-22,000 Hz ± 3 dB at 3.75 ips, 40-
cording; manual cueing; full logic feather -touch 30,000 Hz ± 3 dB at 7.5 ips; W&F 0.04/0.06% UHER
controls; tape/source monitoring; remote control; wrms at 3.75/7.5 ips; S/N 65 dB. 33 Ib; 16.1" w x 1200 Report Monitor Open -Reel Deck
LED counter; mic/line mixing; separate L/R in- 12.75" h x 9.1" d $960 Synchro full -track tape deck with neo pilot. Fea-
put level controls; rack mountable; accepts 10.5" tures 4 heads; AIX on/off switch; switchable roll -
reels. Tape speeds 7.5/15 ips; FR 40-22,000 Hz X-300 Stereo Open -Reel Tape Deck off filter; built-in monitor speaker; optional beep
± 3 dB at 15 ips, 40-16,000 Hz ± 3 dB at 7.5 ips; One -quarter -track open -reel tape deck with 3 generator; pilot frequency device for picture -sync
W&F 0.05/0.07% wrms at 15/7.5 ips; THD heads; EE tape capability; tape/source monitor- recording. Tape speed 7.5 ips; FR 40-16,003 Hz
0.8% at 1,000 Hz, 15 ips, 0 VU; S/N 68/66 dB at ing; mic/line mixing; separate L/R input -level ± 3 dB; w&F 0.15% wrms; s/N 62 dB; mic input
15/7.5 ips; output level 300 mV. 44 Ib; 16.06" w x controls; accepts 7" reels. Tape speeds 3.75/7.5 sens 0.2-15 mV; line input sens 40 mV; output
18.31" h x 10.12" d $1,495 ips; FR 40-22,000 Hz ± 3 dB at 3.75 ips, 40- level 775 mV. 3.8 kg; 28.5" w x 10" h x 23.5"
30,000 Hz ± 3 dB at 7.5 ips; W&F 0.04/0.06% d $4,499
22-4 4 -Channel Open -Reel Tape Deck wrms at 3.75/7.5 ips; S/N 65 dB. 30.8 Ib; 16.1" w
0.24 -track 4-ch master open -reel recorder with 3 x 12.75" h x 9.1" d $850 6000 Report Universal Tape Recorder
heads, internal logic control, ± 6% pitch control, 4 -speed (3.75, 1.88, 0.94, 0.47 ips) tape recorder.
sync recording, remote punch -in, search to cue, Records up to 24 hours on I tape. Designed for
search to zero. Tape speeds 15, 7.5 ips; FR 40- TECHNICS monitoring, court reporting, surveillance. Fea-
22,000 Hz ± 3 dB at 15 ips; W&F 0.05% wrms at RS-1520US Open -Reel Tape Deck tures 5" reel capacity; built-in DNR; switchable
7.5 ips, 0.04% wrms at 15 ips; THD 1% at 1,000 Compact pro tape deck. Half-track, 2-ch record/ auto level control; electronic tape tension control;
Hz; S/N 60 dB at 7.5 ips, 61 dB at 15 ips; line play and quarter -track, 2-ch record/play and 4 motors; switchable loudspeaker; tape counter;
input sens 300 mV; output level 300 mV. 40 Ib; quarter -track, 2-ch play; 4 -head system; 15-, 7.5-, A/V input jack. 11" w x 3.5" h x 9" d; 8
16.36" w x 16.12" h x 10.25" d $1,495 3.75-ips speeds; quartz PLL DC brushless servo lbs $1,729
direct -drive capstan motor; reel tables; 2 -tape ten-
22-2 Open -Reel Tape Deck sion -controlled DC brushless direct -drive motors; Report Monitor Series Tape Recorders
Half-track 2 -channel master open -reel recorder. isolated loop direct -drive transport; full IC -logic Report Monitor series decks feature 3 heads, AC
Features 3 heads; sound -on -sound; tape/source tape transport; direct switching from mode to function indicators. integrated power supply. fully
monitoring; mic/line mixing; accepts 7" reels. mode without tape strain; separate L and R bias/ electronic amp switching, battery or AC operation.
Tape speeds 7.5/15 ips; FR 40-22,000 Hz ± 3 dB EQ controls; L and R VU meters; strobe. W&F tape -tension regulators, die-cast aluminum cas-
at 7.5 ips, 35-25,000 Hz ± 3 dB at 15 ips; W&F 0.018% wrms at 15 ips, 0.3% wrms at 7.5 ips; ings. All models can be used in portable or station-
0.05/0.08% wrms at 15/7.5 ips; THD 1% at fast -wind time 150 secs with 2,500 -ft tape; FR 30- ary applications. Speeds 7.5. 3.75. 1.88. a94 ips.
1,000 Hz, 15 ips, 0 VU; S/N 68/64 dB at 15/7.5 30,000 Hz ± 3 dB at 15 ips, to 25,000 Hz at 7.5 4400 Report Monitor. 4 -track stereo $1,549
ips; output level 300 mV. 30.8 lb $895 ips; signal-to-noise ratio 60 dB at 0.8% distortion; 4200 Report Monitor. 2 -track stereo $1,549
4000 Report Monitor AV. Half-track monau-
ral $1,449


PRICES LISTED F-423 Diapilot. Self-contained unit for synchro-

nized tape control operation of automatic slide
are manufacturers' suggested retail prices projector for use with Uher open -reel and cassette
decks. DIN plug connector $260
(also referred to as list prices); F413 Acoustic Stop/Start Switch. Acoustic acti-
actual selling prices are set by individual dealers. vated start/stop switch for use with Uher tape
decks 5136
All prices are subject to change without notice. Z -125A Power Supply. Power supply and charger
for Uher Monitor series decks $130



arm; ultra -low -mass tonearm; 33.33 and 45 rpm;

ACOUSTIC RESEARCH variable speed control with strobe; holds platter
Connoisseur Series and tonearm on a subchassis that floats on 4
tuned mounts. W&F ± 0.025% wrms; rumble CJ -58 MKII Manual Turntable
ETL-1 Manual Turntable -75 dB DIN B, 53 dB DIN A; effective tonearm Belt -drive pivoted -arm turntable. Features 33.33
Manual belt -drive turntable with electronic speed length 8.69"; max tracking error 2.2"; 17.5" w x and 45 rpm; 3 -point fully adjustable suspension;
control and 3 -point dual -spring suspension sys- 4.53" h x 14.25" d (dustcover down); 11 lb $649 removable tonearm board; tufnol platter to elimi-
tem factory tuned with removable lead weights. nate ringing. w&F 0.05% wrms; rumble -77 dB;
Features adjustable isolation feet; sapphire main RC1 Unified Remote Control effective tonearm mass without cartridge 11 g; ef-
bearing; 33.33 and 45 rpm; 8.5 -lb platter. w&F Infrared wireless remote controls P4, R4 receiver, fective tonearm length 229 mm; 20 lb. With MAS
0.03% wrms; rumble -81 dB; 20.44" w x 7.5" h x CD3 CD player, and other aid/s/ compo- 28211 tonearm $587
17.5" d (dustcover down); 29 lb. Natural cherry nents $100 Without tonearm $289
finish $700
CJ 61 Turntable
ES -1 Manual Turntable
AKAI Belt -drive turntable with independent 3 -point
Manual belt -drive turntable with 24 -pole syn- AP -A305 -B Semiautomatic Turntable fully adjustable suspension; floating subframe de-
chronous motor. Features 33 and 45 rpm speeds. Belt drive; straight low -mass tonearm S99 sign utilizes a min of vibration -causing materials
w&F 0.04% wrms; rumble -78 dB; effective ton- for excellent dynamic behavior and rapid recov-
earm mass without cartridge 14.5 g; effective ton- ery following excitation. Features manual -pivoted
earm length 229 mm; max tracking error 2.e.
BANG & OLUFSEN arm. 33.33 and 45 rpm. w&F 0.06%; rumble -77
18.19" w x 7" h x 15.25" d (dustcover down); 18 Beogram 5500 Automatic Turntable dB; effective tonearm mass without cartridge II
lb. Natural cherry, with tonearm $500 Short tangential tonearm; 33 and 45 rpm; silver g $329
Natural cherry, without tonearm $375 and black; remote controlled by B&O Master Without tonearm $179
Control Panel; repeats play up to 7 times; leaf -
AR Series spring suspension; compatible with B&O micro -
EB-101 Manual Turntable All arm and automatic functions of Denon turnta-
Manual belt -drive pivoted -arm turntable with bles are noncontact. microprocessor controlled.
fully isolated 3 -point suspension. Arm and platter Motor servo is controlled and maintained by mag-
on subchassis formed by pressed -steel T -bar netic speed detection.
spring -suspended and damped at 3 points. 33.33
and 45 rpm. Features 12 -pole synchronous motor DP -59L Direct -Drive Turntable
(500 rpm at 50 Hz, 600 rpm at 60 Hz); 3.9 -lb Features massive wood base with isolation; 5.5 -lb
platter; detachable carbon -fiber headshell with platter with high -torque direct -drive AC motor.
clamping screw on arm; base finished in oiled Lift only $650
walnut veneer. w&F 0.05% DIN; rumble -72 dB
DIN; effective tonearm mass without cartridge 12 DP -47F Direct -Drive Turntable
g; cartridge weight range 3-9 g; effective tonearm Features dynamic servo tracer; flat -twin direct
length 229 mm; overhang 16 mm; vertical and dnve; full auto plus locate function; thick wood
horizontal friction <100 mg; 18.19" w x 7" h x base $425
15.25" d (dustcover down); 13.5 lb $425
cross cartridges; auto record -size sensing; auto in DP -35B Automatic Turntable
ADC tenor light. w&F 0.06% DIN, 0.03% wrms Features dynamic servo tracer tonearm; begins
DIN -weighted rumble -80 dB; 12.5" w x 3" h aad ends play automatically; flat -twin direct
LT 60 Automatic Turntable 12.75" d; 11.6 lb $450 drive; high -density compound base. Black . $320
Linear -tracking belt -drive P -mount turntable.
Features 33.33 and 45 rpm; soft -touch electronic Beogram 3300 Belt -Drive Turntable DP -23F Turntable
controls; illuminated electronic strobe with pitch Tangential tonearm; 33 and 45 rpm; remote con- Full-size automatic turnable with dynamic servo
control; anti -feedback suspension. 16.5" w x 5" h trol with Terminal 3300 remote, Master Control tracer. Black $260
x 15.5" d (dustcover down); 15.5 lb $140 Link, or Datalink system; black plexiglass and
brushed aluminum; can be wall mounted with op- DP -7F Turntable
LT 34 Automatic Turntable tional shelves; repeat; interior light; auto pause at P -mount automatic turntable with dynamic servo
Compact linear -tracking belt -drive P -mount turn- end of tape, and cassette deck pauses at end of LP; tracer. Black $180
table. Features 33.33 and 45 rpm; 2 oc-servo-con- leaf -spring -suspended subchassis; neoprene belt;
trolled motors; anti -feedback suspension. 13.25" electronic speed control (within 0.2%). w&F DUAL BY ORTOFON
w x 3.5" h x 13.75" d (dustcover down); 9.5 0.06% DIN, 0.03% wrms; DIN -weighted rumble
lb $100 -80 dB; 16.5" w x 3" h x 12.75" d; 11.7 lb $399 CS5000 Semiautomatic Turntable
Belt -drive turntable with hall -effect motor and 4 -
RC1 Changer Turntable Beogram TX -2 Automatic Turntable point full -floating suspension system. Features
Belt -drive truntable stacks up to 4 records. Fea- Tangential -tracking belt -drive turntable; 33 and quartz -monitored 3 -speed electronic control; op-
tures 33.33 and 45 rpm; viscous -damped cueing; 45 rpm; fixed headshell. Recommended tracking timum -pivot tonearm design; acoustic mat; cue-
electronically controlled oc-servo motor. ADC force 1-1.5 g; w&F 0.03% DIN; rumble -80 dB; ing lever; 33.33, 45, and 78 revolution -per -minute
magnetic cartridge included $100 16.5" w x 3" w x 12.75" d; 22 lb $329 speeds. Wow -and -flutter 0.015% wrms; rumble
-56 dB DIN unwtd. Available with black or wal-
Beogram RX-2 Automatic Turntable nut wood base $450
a/d/s/ Belt -drive turntable with pendulum -suspended
Atelier P4 Automatic Turntable chassis and straight pivoting tonearm; 33 and 45 CS505-3 Semiautomatic Turntable
Can be controlled by remote when used with a/ rpm; fixed headshell. Recommended tracking Belt -drive, heavy mass platter and acoustic mat.
d/s/ R4 receiver or CC4 tuner/preamp. With force 1-1.5 g; w&F 0.035% DIN; rumble -75 dB; Features floating chassis design; vario-pitch; car-
quartz -crystal -controlled direct drive; pivoted 16.5" w x 2.5" h x 17.9" d; 16 lb $229 bon fiber headshell on ULM tonearm. Walnut or


S/N <76 dB A-wtd. 53 cm w x 19 cm h x 42 cm d
(dustcover down); 43 lbs $1,190

Synchro Manual Turntable

Belt drive; 3 -point suspension; 33.33 and 45 rpm;
W&F 0.05% wrms; rumble <74.5 dB; S/N <72
dB A-wtd. 18" w x 5.5" h x 13.5" d (dustcover
down); 18 lbs $650

QLA75 Quartz -Locked Turntable
Select Series turntable features double -servo
quartz control; dynamic -Q damping system for
tonearm; 1 -shaped tonearm interchangeable with less than 0.025 wrms. 16.56" w x 3.56" h x 14.13"
black wood base $350 straight arm; gimbal support; high -torque corless d; 11 lb $240
DC servo motor and heavy platter. Mirror -fin-
CS505-2 Belt -Drive Turntable ished multi -layer solid cabinet. w&F 0.18% KD-66F Linear -Tracking Turntable
Semiautomatic turntable with acoustic mat. Fea- wrms; s/N 80 dB (DIN -B). 19.5" w x 8.25" h x Automatic direct -drive turntable with auto lead-
tures floating -chassis design; vario-pitch; ULM 16.5" d; 30.8 lb $650 in and return. Features slotless/coreless FG servo
tonearm. Available in black or walnut wood drive; P -mount cartridge connector (cartridge in-
base $290 ALFQ5BK Quartz -Locked Turntable cluded); cueing control; repeat switch; auto disc
Automatic direct -drive turntable with double -ser- size/speed selector; w&F less than 0.025% wrms;
CS503-1 Semiautomatic Turntable vo quartz control and Super-FG servo for speed remote controlled through KC -206 preamp and
Belt drive turntable features solid block shock -ab- accuracy. Features coreless Dc-FG-servo direct - Kenwood receivers. 16.56U w x 3.75U h x
sorbing chassis with damping feet; heavily drive motor with smooth cog -free rotation; inde- 14.I3U d; 9 lb $200
damped platter; ut.Nt tonearm; carbon fiber head - pendent suspension system; low -mass straight
shell. 33/45 rpm, w&F <0.07%/0.04%; rumble, tonearm with low -center -of -gravity support for KD-56R Direct -Drive Turntable
unwtd. >46dB. 17.3" w x 4.5" h x 14.3" d Black reduced IMD and w&F; space -efficient dustcover; Semiautomatic turntable with slotless/coreless FG
base $250 P -mount compatible; repeat; strobe; cueing lever; servo drive. Features P -mount cartridge connec-
33.33 and 45 rpm; floating tonearm/platter sus- tor (cartridge included); straight tonearm; cueing;
CS2215GM Fully Automatic Turntable pension. w&F 0.025% wrms; rumble 78 dB; ef- w&F less than 0.028% wrms. 16.56" w x 4.06" h
Belt drive featuring die-cast aluminum platter fective tonearm length 220 mm; max tracking er- x 14.38" d; 7.7 lb $130
with vario-pitch; shock absorber chassis; GIN, ror -0'43', +3°35'. 17.19" w x 3.19" h x 14.19" d
tonearm with detachable headshell. Black (dustcover down); 10.8 lbs $180 KD-36R Belt -Drive Turntable
base $250 Semiautomatic turntable features straight ton-
ALF350BK Automatic Turntable earm; P -mount cartridge connector (cartridge in-
CS2110GM Semiautomatic Turntable Automatic turntable with remote control capabil- cluded); cueing; w&F less than 0.05% wrms.
Belt drive with electronic speed control and ity when used with JVC Compu-Link compo- 16.56" w a 4.06" h a 14.38" d; 7 lb $120
shock absorber chassis. Black base $180 nents. Features new cabinet support system and
large insulators; low -mass straight tonearm with
low -center -of -gravity support for reduced IMD
HARMAN KARDON and w&F; precision Dc -servo motor; P -mount PL -910 Manual Turntable
T65C Semiautomatic Turntable compatible; front -mounted cueing control . $165 Armless belt -drive turntable with ceramic platter
Belt -drive turntable with AC sine -wave driven and base. Features 33.33 and 45 rpm; variable
motor; 33.33 and 45 rpm; ± 3% speed pitch con- ALF3BK Automatic Turntable speed control with strobe; cutless-core power
trol; 3 -point floating suspension with counter- Automatic direct -drive turntable with new cabi- transformer; dual suspension; heavy-duty Dc -ser-
weighted subchassis; 3.3 lb. platter; highly absor- net support system and large insulators for better vo brushless motor; I I -lb platter assembly. w&F
bent platter mat; disc stabilizer; removable ultra - stability and higher resistance to vibration and 0.025% wrms; s/N 78 dB DIN -B; accepts 9"-I0"
low capacitance cables with gold-plated plugs. acoustic feedback. Features coreless Dc-FG-servo tonearms. 18" x 7.5" x 15.25"; 44 lb .... $2,000
W&F 0.025% wrms; rumble -70 dB DIN -B; ton- direct -drive motor with smooth cog -free rotation;
earm mass without cartridge 9.5 g $575 low -mass straight tonearm with low -center -of - PL -701 Automatic Turntable
gravity support for reduced Imo and w&F; P - Fully automatic turntable with 4.6 -lb platter and
mount compatible; pivoted arm; strobe; cueing le- microcomputer electronic sensing tonearm. Fea-
HEYBROOK ver; 33.33 and 45 rpm; variable speed control. tures belt drive; pivoted arm; 33.33 and 45 rpm;
BY D'ASCANIO AUDIO w&F 0.03% wrms; rumble 78 dB; effective ton- variable speed control; strobe. Supplied with sta-
Tr -2 Series II Turntable earm length 220 mm; max tracking error -0'43', bilizer (0.7 Ib); straight aluminum tonearm; dual
Hand -assembled belt -drive 33.33- and 45 -rpm +3°35'. 17.19" w x 4.25" h x 14.19" d (dustcover suspension. W&F 0.03% wrms; S/N 70 dB DIN -
armless manual turntable with removable arm - down); 10.1 lbs $145 B; effective tonearm length 8.88" (0.6" over-
board. Features low -speed synchronous motor hang); max tracking error ± 2°; 18.12" w x 6" h x
driving massive 2 -piece platter; adjustable 3 -point AL-A1BK Semiautomatic Turntable 15.36" d; 19.6 lb $450
spring -suspension subchassis of cast aluminum; Semiautomatic belt -drive turntable with new cab-
laminated armboard; massive wood base. Fin- inet support system and large insulators for better PL -601 Semiautomatic Turntable
ished in real walnut or gloss black. w&F <0.1% stability and higher resistance to vibration and Front -panel controls; belt drive; dual suspension;
DIN peak wtd; rumble -73 dB wtd DIN -B. 6.25" acoustic feedback. Features coreless oc-servo pivoted arm; 33.33 and 45 rpm; variable speed
h x 17.5" w x 14.25" d; 26 lb $580 belt -drive motor with powerful torque and low control with strobe; wood base with adjustable
noise; low -mass straigh tonearm with low -center - feet; nonfriction electronic sensing; straight alu-
of -gravity support for reduced IMD and w&F; P - minum tonearm. W&F 0.035% wrms; S/N 68 dB
HITACHI mount compatible; pivoted arm; cueing lever; DIN -B; effective tonearm length 8.5" (0.6" over-
HTMD46 Automatic Turntable 33.33 and 45 rpm. w&F 0.045% wrms; rumble 65 hang); max tracking error ± 2"; 18.12" w x 6" h
Linear tracking; belt drive; MM cartridge with dB; effective tonearm length 220 mm; max track- 15.36" d; 17.4 lb $350
diamond stylus; auto size/speed selector; photo ing error -0°43', +3°35'. 17.19" w x 4.25" h
sensor return; feather -touch IC -logic control; 14.19" d (dustcover down); 8.1 lbs $105
muting; front -panel operation; die-cast alumi-
num -alloy platter; remote controlled through Hi- KENWOOD
tachi HTA50AV or HPTI20AV. W&F 0.045% LP12 Manual Single -Play Turntable
wrms; S/N 70 dB DIN -B $180 KD-76FC Linear -Tracking Turntable Belt -drive 33.33 -rpm turntable with manual ton-
Programmable direct -drive turntable with 7 -track earm; 24 -pole synchronous motor; 12" zinc -alu-
random program memory. Features auto disc minum alloy die-cast platter with felt mat; 1-
J.A. MICHELL BY RMI size/speed selector; slotless/coreless FG servo point oil -bath bearing; hardened tool -steel spin-
Gyrodec Manual Turntable drive; dual -magnet type cartridge; cartridge sen- dle; adjustable 3 -point spring -suspension subchas-
Belt drive; 33.33 and 45 rpm; balanced 3 -point sor sensitivity selector; remote controlled through sis; heavy -gauge stainless -steel base plate; solid
suspension. W&F 0.04% wrms; rumble <78 dB; KC -206 preamp and Kenwood receivers; w&F hardwood base; optional 45 -rpm adapter. W&F


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0.04% wrms; rumble -60 dB unwtd; speed accu- rpm; variable speed control. W&F 0.0225% CP-1046FB Automatic Turntable
racy t 0.04%; 17.5" w x 14" d x 5.5" h $945 wrms; S/N 78 dB A-wtd $3,995 Computer -controlled direct -drive pivoted -arm
turntable. Features PLL; quartz -lock; 33.33 and
Axis Manual Turntable RX-1500VG Thread -Drive Turntable 45 rpm; 2 -color quartz -lock indicator; triple -stage
With Class A amplifier; belt -drive; pivoted ann. 20 -lb bronze platter turntable with light -force isolation system with floating subchassiss; 3 -point
Plays 33.33 -rpm LP's and 45 -rpm singles. Speed vacuum record hold-down; 33.33 and 45 rpm; subchassis suspension; computer -controlled mo-
accuracy 0.1%; W&F 0.05%; rumble -75 dB variable speed control; nonresonant zinc alloy tor -assisted tonearm; opto-electronic record -end
DIN; effective tonearm length 284 mm; 16 frame and outboard motor; 4 -lb sealed oil -bath detector; straight low -mass tonearm; gimbal -pre-
lbs $595 center spindle. w&F 0.025% wrms; signal-to- cision tonearm bearings; 2 -speed search; black
noise ratio 85 dB A -weighted. 26" w x 6 5" h x finish. Remote control optional. w&F 0.025%
LUXMAN 16" d; 100 lbs $2,995 wrms; rumble -75 dB; effective tonearm length
RX-1500FVG. Air -bearing version of above. 120 224 mm; max tracking error +3', -1.5'. 16.5" w
P-102 Belt -Drive Turntable lbs $3,995 x 5.06" h x 14.75" d (dustcover down); 13 lb$230
Automatic linear -tracking turntable with strobe,
variable speed control, floating tonearm/platter BL -99V Manual Turntable CP-1036A Semiautomatic Turntable
suspension, cueing lever, repeat play, manual Belt -drive turntable with light -force vacuum Direct -drive pivoted -arm turntable. Features PLL;
play. P -mount compatible. Remote capable. w&F hold-down; walnut finished cabinet; 33.33 and 45 quartz -lock 33.33 and 45 rpm; triple -stage isola-
0.04% wrms; rumble 70 dB; effective tonearm rpm; variable speed control; 7 -lb aluminum plat- tion with floating subchassis; front -panel con-
length 133 mm; max tracking error 0.1'. 16.36" ter; 4 -lb tonearm base drilled to individuals' trols; straight-line low -mass tonearm; gimbal -sup-
w x 4.5" h x 14.06" d (dustcover down); 11.61 specifications. W&F 0.025% wrms; S/N 78 dB port precision tonearm bearings; balck finish with
lb $350 A-wtd. 21.5" w x 7.5" h x 17.5" d (dustcover smoked dustcover. w&F 0.025% wrms; rumble
down); 35 lbs $1,795 -70 dB; effective tonearm length 224mm; max
P-100 Belt -Drive Turntable BL-99VW. As above but with SAEC WE -407 tracking error +3', -1.5'. 16.5" w x 5.06" h x
Automatic linear -tracking turntable with pivoted tonearm $2,295 14.75" d (dustcover down); 12 lb $180
arm, 3.33 rpm only, variable speed control, float-
ing tonearm/platter suspension, cueing lever. RX-1500 Basic Turntable CP-116F Semiautomatic Turntable
w&F 0.06% wrms; rumble 72 dB; effective ton- Belt -drive nonresonant zinc -alloy turntable with Belt -drive truntable with auto -return and -reset
earm length 222 mm. 16.36" w x 4.81" h x 14.89" ability to mount 2 tonearms simultaneously. Fea- controls. Features front -panel controls; straight-
d (dustcover down); 11.7 lb $250 tures 33.33 and 45 rpm; variable speed control; line low -mass tonearm. damped cueing. w&i.
aluminum platter. W&F 0.025 wrms; S/N 78 dB
A-wtd. 19" w x 6" h x 13" d; 40 lbs $1,495
TT -451 Linear -Tracking Turntable
Automatic linear -tracking turntable. Features
auto -speed/ -size selector; P -mount compatible; NP -750 Automatic Turntable
33.33 and 45 rpm; w&F 0.05% wnns; rumble Fully automatic quartz -lock direct -drive turnta-
-70 dB. 16.36" w x 3.75" h x 13.56" d (dustcover ble $240
down); 9.5 lb $230
P-5 Semiautomatic Turntable
1T-170 Semiautomatic Turntable Direct -drive semiautomatic turntable with 20 -
Belt drive turntable features front panel cueing; pole, 30 -slot brushless DC 3 -phase motor. Fea-
P -mount cartridge; 33.33/45 rpm; w&F 0.08% tures die-cast aluminum platter; straight-line
wrms; rumble -55 dB. 4.63" h x 16.5" w x 13.25" tonearm; ± 3% pitch control. w&F 0 085%
d; 9.5 lb $100 wrms; rumble 38 dB weighted $200

P-3 Semiautomatic Turntable 0.045% wrms; rumble -70 dB; effective tonearm
MICRO SEIKI Semiautomatic full-size belt -drive turntable with length 210 mm; max tracking error +4.5', 1°
BY ANALOG EXCELLENCE P -mount tonearm, repeat key, and manual 16.5" w x 5.06" h x 14.75" d S110
SZ-IT Manual Turntable damped cueing. w&F 0.045% $100
Massive zinc -alloy turntable system with vacuum RC -5T Wired Remote Control
hold-down; belt drive; 33.33 and 45 rpm; variable NP -550 Turntable Optional wired remote control that operates se-
speed control; strobe; outboard air -bearing motor Belt -drive turntable with 4 -pole synchronous mo- lected tape and phono functions with 14 -ft cord.
with high -inertia flywheel spindle; 44 -lb bronze tor $90 Features record; rewind; play; fast foward; stop;
platter. W&F 0.025% wrms; S/N 90 dB A-wtd. pause; repeat; search; cue; play/reject. For use
35" w x 12" h x 18" d (dustcover down); 240 ONKYO with remote -compatible Onkyo turntables and
lbs $15,000 cassette decks $55
SZ-ITSS. Same as above with 48 -lb steel platter, CP-1057FB Integra Automatic Turntable
2 tonearms, and isolation base. 260 lbs $20,000 Computer -controlled quartz-PLL direct -drive
turntable. Features pivoted arm; strobe; 33.33
SX-555FVW Manual Turntable and 45 rpm; triple -stage isolation; floating sub - Premiere Mark III Manual Turntable
Belt -drive turntable with patented quadraplex chassis on 3 -point suspension; gimbal -support Belt -drive turntable without tonearm. Remote
isolation feet and vacuum hold-down; rosewood tonearm bearings; computer -controlled tonearm control power drive module, 33.33 and 45 RPM;
cabinet; 17 -lb air -bearing bronze and aluminum functions; separate motor for tonearm; 2 -speed variable -speed control; strobe; hi -torque Dc mo-
duplex platter; 33.33 and 45 rpm; variable speed search; straight low -mass tonearm; Polysorb vi- tor; adjustable spring -suspension system; record -
control. W&F 0.025% wrms; S/N 78 dB A-wtd. bration absorbing compound for record mat and coupling system; tone arm cartridge protractor,
21.5" w x 7.5" h x 17.5" d (dustcover down); 47 cabinet feet; gold -lacquered platter; gold -anod- strobe disc included. 20" w x 6.5" h x 15" d; 42
lbs $2,495 ized tonearm; opto-electronic record -end detec- lb $2,350
tor; black finish. Remote control optional. w&F Gold Plated. Premiere Mark III aluminum and
SX-111FV Belt -Drive Turntable 0.023% wrms; rumble -80 dB; effective tonearm 24k gold plating $2,950
Vacuum hold-down; air -bearing system; rose- length 226 mm; max tracking error +3', -1'.
wood cabinet; 22 -lb bronze platter; 33.33 and 45 17.44" w x 6.25" h x 16.12" d; 20 lb $350 Delphi MK III Manual Turntable
Belt -drive turntable without tonearm. Features
33.33 and 45 RPM; hi -torque ix motor; adjust-
able spring -suspension system; record -coupling
system; tonearm/cartridge protractor and strobe
PRICES LISTED disc included. 19" w x 6" h x 14." d; 35 lb$1,395
are manufacturers' suggested retail prices Dephi Aluminum. Aluminum/24k gold plat-
ing $1,970
(also referred to as list prices); Delphi Black. 24k gold plating $2,295
actual selling prices are set by individual dealers. Alexandria Mark III Manual Turntable
All prices are subject to change without notice. Belt -drive turntable without tonearm. Features
33.33 and 45 RPM; hi -torque DC motor; adjust -


able spring -suspension system; record -coupling arm length 132 mm $150 diamond -turned platter and pulley. 15" x 6" x
system. 20" w x 6" h x 15" d $895 19".
LAB 450 Semiautomatic Turntable Rosewood $1,665
PARASOUND With Realistic/Shure MM cartridge; direct drive; White ash $1,585
neon strobe; straight tonearm; damped cueing; Walnut or teak $1,530
T/FS-880 Semiautomatic Turntable front -panel controls; 33.33 and 45 rpm; adjust- Black ash $1,450
Belt -drive; floating suspension (motor separate able antiskating; rubber mat; 45 adaptor. Rumble
from subchassis); P -mount compatible; die-cast -65 dB; W&F <0.05% $130
platter; decoupled counterweight. W&F 0.025%; ROTEL
rumble -72 dB; effective tonearm length 222 mm; LAB -330 Turntable with Phono Preamp RP850 Belt -Drive Turntable
17" w x 4" h x 14.25" d $200 Semiautomatic turntable with switchable stereo Pivoted -arm turntable features 33.33 and 45 rpm;
preamplifier for compatibility with MM inputs, 4 -pole hysteresis synchronous motor. w&F
TTb-720 Semiautomatic Turntable ceramic phono inputs, or high-level tape or aux 0.03% wrms; max tracking error +2.35 to
Belt -drive; front -mounted controls; P -mount inputs. With Realistic/Audio-Technica cartridge; signal-to-noise ratio 70 dB (DIN -B); 17" w x
compatible; 33.33 and 45 rpm; variable speed belt drive; neon strobe; pitch control; damped
control; strobe; pivoted straight arm; DC -servo cueing; rubber mat; 45 adaptor; straight tonearm;
motor; damped spring suspension isolated from electronically controlled DC motor; 33.33 and 45
bottom of base. W&F 0.05% wrms; rumble -65 rpm. Rumble -55 dB; W&F <0.1% $90
dB; effective tonearm mass without cartridge 14 LAB -89. Similar to above except changer that
g; effective tonearm length 215 mm; max tracking stacks 4 records $80
error 1.6°. 16" w x 3.75" h x 12.75" d (dustcover
down); 10 lb $130
PIONEER Revolver Belt -Drive Turntable
Split -plinth turntable with plinth and platter of
PL -V70 Programmable Turntable medium -density fibreboard and selfdamping ma-
Automatic front -loading belt -drive programma- terial. AC synchronous motor with 2 -speed
ble turntable. Features oc servomotor; dynamic stepped pulley; ethylene proylene drive belt; 3
resonance absorber; linear -tracking; 33.33 and 45 molded nonadjustable feet. Includes Precision In-
rpm; random program playback. Includes low - stant Grip clamp, starmat, lubricating oil. With
mass tonearm with Pioneer PC -291 cartridge. Revolver tonearm and Audio-Technica cartridge. 5.31" h x 12.75" d $349
w&F 0.05% wrms. 16.56" w x 4.12" h x 13.75" Redwood high -gloss finish $525
d $300 Black -ash veneer $475
Gray $450
PL -L550 Automatic Turntable XP -99 Automatic Turntable
Direct -drive linear -tracking turntable with Stable Silent-synchrotor quartz -servo programmable di-
Hanging Rotor. Features dynamic resonance ab- REVOX
rect -drive truntable. Features pivoted arm; 33.33
sorber; T4P P -mount cartridge adaptor; Polymer B291 Linear -Tracking Turntable and 45 rpm; quartz lock. w&F 0.012% wrms.
Graphite straight tonearm; auto disc size selector; Quartz -controlled direct -drive turntable with pat- 16.94" w x 6.81" h x 16.47" d (dustcover down);
auto speed selector. w&F 0.025% wrms. 16.56" w ented Revox Linatrack system. Features ultra - 20.3 lb $500
x 4.25" h x 14.38" d $250 short linear -tracking tonearm; pitch control regu-
lation of ± 9.9% in precise 0.1% steps, with LED
PL-670(BK) Automatic Turntable display showing the variation; P -mount cartridge SCOTT
Direct -drive turntable with Stable Hanging Ro- PS4004 Automatic Turntable
tor. Features dynamic resonance absorber; T4P Belt drive; 33.33 and 45 rpm; soft -touch controls;
P -mount cartridge adaptor; Polymer Graphite integrated low -mass magnetic cartridge; pitch
straight tonearm; auto disc size selector. w&F control with electronic strobe; frequency -gov-
0.025%. 4.62" h x 16.56" w x 14.38" d $150 erned DC servo motor; insulating feet; LED
speed indicators; gold-plated output plugs. W&F
PL-X505(BK) Automatic Turntable 0.06% wrms; rumble -62 dB DIN B; 16.8 w x 5
Belt -drive turntable with Stable Hanging Rotor. h x 14.6 d (dustcover down) $200
Features linear -tracking tonearm; T4P P -mount
PC -295T cartridge; up/down cueing; reapeat PS59C Semiautomatic Turntable
function. w&F 0.045%. 3.94" h x 14.19" w x 14" 33.33 and 45 rpm; P -mount arm and cartridge;
d $140 pitch control with electronic strobe; frequency -
governed DC servo motor; w&F 0.1% wrms;
PL-570(BK) Automatic Turntable rumble -55 dB DIN B; 16 8 w x 4 h x 13.3 d
Belt -drive turntable with Stable Hanging Rotor. adaptor; channel balance; auto start; front -panel -
Features DC servomotor; low -mass straight ton- mounted controls; w&F <0.05%. 17.7" w x 5.6" 11111
earm; T4P P -mount cartridge connector; dynam- h x 15.6" d; 20 lb $1,000
ic resonance absorber:. w&F 0.05% wrms. 3.88"
h x 16.56" w x 14.75" d SI20
RCA Xerxes Turntable Without Tonearm
Medite top platform; 2 -piece single -point bearing
MT230 Linear Tracking Turntable designed to be self -centering and self -aligning; in-
Dimensia turntable with remote -control opera- ner and outer platters of solid aluminum alloy;
tion and on -screen status indication when used
with Dimensia monitor. Features belt -drive de-
sign; r -mount cartridge; programmable track se-
lection; system record -protection logic; auto size
and speed selection; cue muting. s/N 65 dB; w&F
less than 0.06%. 14.63" w x 3.5" h x 14.25"
d $249
(dustcover down) SI 10
LAB -2200 Direct -Drive Turntable SHERWOOD
Automatic linear -tracking turntable with Realis- ST 887 Fully Automatic Direct -Drive Turntable
tic/Audio-Technica dual -magnet P -mount car- Digi-Link remote compatibility with other Sher-
tridge, repeat button, straight tonearm, strobe, wood products. P -mount cartridges; direct read-
variable speed control, 33.33 and 45 rpm. W&F spring -mounted revolving motor, felt mat; sepa- out stylus pressure indicator; oc servo motor;
0.065% wrms; rumble 62 dB DIN; effective tone - rate power supply in small box; 33.33 or 45 rpm; front panel access to controls; 33.3/45 rpm vari-


able pitch $180 part grabs spindle while the second motion press- speed brushless DC motor for platter drive; 33.33
es record against mat. Simple level action; alumi- and 45 rpm; pivoting arm; quartz lock; strobe.
ST -875 Semiautomatic Turntable num casting; decoupled from record with spongy W&F 0.012% wrms; rumble -78 dB; max track-
Belt -drive turntable with push-button cueing, foam 595 ing error ± 2'; 10 lbs 5190
auto reject, auto return, and Dc -servo motor.
Features pivoted arm; P -mount compatible; 33.33 Vacuum Conversion Kit SL-JI ID Linear -Tracking Turntable
and 45 rpm. w&F 0.08% wrms; effective tonearm For Sapphire model: same vacuum system, same Belt -drive automatic P -mount turntable; 33.33
length 225 mm; max tracking error +2.6', -1'. features as on STAR available as an upgrade for and 45 rpm; electronic feather -touch controls;
17.36" w x 4.88" h x 14.25" d; II lb 5100 any Sapphire made. May be installed at factory cueing; auto -disc -detection system to prevent
on new Sapphire $695 lowering of tonearm on empty mat; TNRC anti -
SONOGRAPHE vibration cabinet. W&F 0.045% wrms; rumble
SG -3 Manual Turntable Systemdek IV Turntable SL-QD22 Semiautomatic P -Mount Turntable
Belt -drive turntable without tonearm. Tuned sus- Belt drive turntable w/33.33/45 rpm. Wow & Direct -drive turntable with 2 motors to avoid me-
pension, resonance -free polymer platter. w&F flutter 0.06%; rumble -78 dB; pivoted tonearm; chanical linkages between tonearm and platter -
<0.02% wrms; rumble -65 dB; 18.25" w x 6.75" anti -skate adjustment; fixed cartridge mount; drive motor; end -of -disc detection; ultra -low -
h x 14.5" d (dustcover down); 23 lbs 5449 19.5" x 15.75" x 6"; with tonearm 5850 speed DC brushless motor; pivoting arm; PLL
Without tonearm 5699 quartz lock; strobe; 33.33 and 45 rpm; front -panel
SONY electronic feather -touch controls. W&F 0.012%
Systemdek II X Turntable wrms; rumble -78 dB; effective tonearm mass 7.5
PS-FL711B Automatic Turntable Belt drive turntable w/33.33/45 rpm. Wow & g, length 230 mm; max tracking error ± 2°. 17" w
Front -loading linear -tracking automatic turnta- flutter 0.08%; rumble -78 dB; pivoted tonearm; x 4.5" h x 14.75" d 5170
ble. Features direct drive, PLL, quartz -lock, P - anti -skate adjustment; fixed cartridge mount;
mount compatible; 33.33 and 45 rpm; remote 18.75" x 14.5" x 5.5". With tonearm $459 SL-BDI Manual P -Mount Turntable
control capability, stackable top. w&F 0.03%; S/ Without tonearm 5299 Belt -drive turntable with variable speed control;
N 75 dB; effective tonearm length 3"; max track- strobe; 33.33 and 45 rpm. W&F 0.045% wrms;
ing error ± 0.1'; 16 lb $330 rumble -70 dB; effective tonearm mass without
cartridge 7.5 g, length 230 mm; max tracking er-
PS-LX520 Automatic Turntable SL -M3 Automatic Direct -Drive Turntable ror +0' 32' at inner groove and +2° 32' at outer
Fully automatic linear -tracking turntable. Fea- Features 33.33- and 45 -rpm; quartz lock PLL; P - groove; 7.1 Ills 5125
tures direct drive, PLL, quartz -lock, P -mount mount; variable speed; strobe. W&F 0.008%
compatible, 33.33 and 45 rpm; gel -filled feet; re- wrms; rumble -82 dB; effective tonearm length SL-BDIO Manual P -Mount Turntable
mote control capable. w&F 0.035%; sirs 75 dB; 238 mm; max tracking error within ± 0.05%; Belt -drive turntable with aluminum die-cast full -
effective tonearm length 3"inches; max tracking 33.1 lbs S585 gimbal pivot with highly rigid lightweight alumi-
error ± 0.1'; 11 lb $230 num tonearm. Features front -panel cueing con-
SL-1200MKII Direct -Drive Disco Turntable trol; TNRC vibration -isolation base; pivoted arm;
PS-LX430 Automatic Turntable Quartz -controlled 33.33- and 45 -rpm manual 33.33 and 45 rpm. W&F 0.45% wrms; rumble
Belt -drive P -mount turntable with pivoted arm. turntable. Features ± 8% quartz -locked pitch -70 dB DIN B; max tracking error +2' ... $100
Features 33.33 and 45 rpm, cueing lever, anti-re- control; quick start and stop; pop-up stylus light; SL-BD22K. As above; semiautomatic $120
sonanse base, disc size selector, remote control gimbal -suspended tonearm with height adjust-
capability. w&F 0.046%; rumble 70 dB ... $165 ment; brushless DC motor; aluminum die-cast SH-100 Plug -In Headshell
cabinet; W&F 0.025% 5480 Aluminum die-cast universal plug-in headshell
PS-LX230 Semiautomatic Turntable with calibrated overhang cursor and gold-plated
Belt -drive turntable with pivoted arm. Features SL -M2 Manual Direct -Drive Turntable contacts for Technics tonearms$16
33.33 and 45 rpm, cueing lever, anti -resonance Quartz -locked P -mount turntable; 33.33 and 45
base, disc size selector. w&F 0.045%; rumble 70 rpm, variable speed control with optical sensor Turntables Without Tonearms
dB. 7.75 lb $130 for end -of -record pickup. W&F 0.008% wrms;
rumble -82 dB; 17.8" w x 6.7" h x 16.2" d; 26.5 SP-I0MK3 33/45/78 -rpm Turntable
SOTA INDUSTRIES 5460 Quartz -synthesizer direct -drive turntable with
high torque for full speed in 30' of rotation; elec-
SOTA Sapphire Series III Turntable SL-MA1 Automatic Direct -Drive Turntable tronic, mechanical braking for speed change in
Manual 2 -speed belt -drive turntable with variable Features PLL quartz lock; P -mount; 33.33 and 45 0.3 sec; high -precision integral rotor -platter
speed control and strobe. Heavyweight (22 Ib) rpm. W&F 0.012% wrms; rumble -80 dB; effec- quartz motor; quartz -locked pitch control (0.1%
sub -assembly for maximum isolation; exclusive tive tonearm length 230 mm; max tracking error steps to ± 9.9% all speeds). Separate power sup-
inverted bearing with sapphire disc; single piece +0° 32' at inner groove and +2'32' at outer ply in remote -control unit with numeric LED
(11 Ib) platter, rim drive. w&F 0.02% wrms; groove; 19.8 lbs $400 speed, pitch displays. W&F 0.015%
rumble -84.5 dB; 20.5- w x 7.5" h x 16.25" d 44 0.001% 52,503
Ib; oak finish 5975 SL -J33 Programmable PLL Turntable SH-10B.S. Optional turntable base $1,000
African rosewood 51,075 Direct -drive automatic P -mount turntable allows
STAR Series III Sapphire. As above with vacu- up to 8 tracks to be played in any order. Indicates SP-10MK24 33/45/78 -rpm Turntable
um hold-down system: low-level pressure, contin- number of tracks on album side and which track Quartz -synthesizer direct -drive turntable with
uous through play, adjustable vacuum. Includes is playing. Remote controlled through some high torque for full speed in 25° of rotation; elec-
acrylic vacuum supermat. All -wood top and Technics receivers. Features linear tracking; tronic, mechanical braking for speed change in
speed control panel; heavy-duty dust cover, oak quartz lock; 33.33 and 45 rpm; front -panel feath- 0.3 sec; separate power supply, remote -control
finish $1,600 er -touch controls; cueing; auto stylus muting. unit. W&F 0.025% wrms ± 0.035%; rumble -70
Black lacquer $1,800 W&F 0.012%; rumble -78 dB; 9 lbs $240 dB DIN -B $1,300
Ebony, Brazilian rosewood 51,900 SH-10B3. Optional base $620
Wood $1,900 SL -L20 Automatic Linear -Tracking Turntable
African rosewood, walnut and cherry SI,750 Belt -drive P -mount turntable can be operated by SP -15 33/45/78 -rpm Turntable
Vacuum Acrylic Supermit. For Stars or vacuum remote control through some Technics receivers. Quartz -synthesized direct -drive turntable reaches
Sapphires. Designed for optimal coupling, Features front -panel soft -touch controls; cueing; full speed in 0.4 sec (40' of rotation); stops in 0.4
matched impedance, extreme damping .... $150 2 -speed search; auto disc-size/speed detection to sec (40' of rotation) at 33.33 rpm; ± 9.9% quartz -
Acrylic Supermat. For all nonvacuum decks. prevent tonearm from lowering on empty mat; locked pitch control. W&F 0.025% wrms; rum-
Acrylic/Intermat system transfers energy from 33.33 and 45 rpm. W&F 0.045% wrms; rumble ble 56 dB DIN -A, 78 dB DIN -B 5870
vinyl and damps fully, including platter... $135 -70 dB; 8 lbs $190 SP -25. Similar to SP -15 except no 78 -rpm speed,
Acrylic Supermat. For Sapphire 5100 ± 6% pitch control $500
Electronic Flywheel. A/c line conditioner for the SL-QD33 Automatic Direct -Drive Turntable SH-15B2. Heavy acoustic rubber base with simu-
Sapphire and Star turntables only. Isolates and Can be operated by remote control through some lated wood for SP -25 and SP -I5 5330
regulates motor/drive from all outside interfer- Technics receivers. P -mount; 2 motors to avoid SH-15B3. Similar to SH-15B2 except heavy
ence (voltage shifts, EMI, RFI, hash) 5300 mechanical linkages between tonearm and plat- acoustic rubber base only 5330
Reflex Clamp. Couples record to platter (in con- ter -drive motor; end -of -disc detection; electronic
junction with Supermat) with reflex action. One feather -touch front -panel controls; ultra -low - (Continued on page 135.)


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ACCUPHASE BY MADRIGAL PSX-10 Phono Cartridge brush; screwdriver; antiresonance compound.
Induced -magnet cartridge with P -mount adaptor Output 2.7 mV at 3.54 cm/sec rms; FR 10-28,000
AC -2 MC Phono Cartridge so cartridge is usable for in conventional and P -
Stiff, low -mass tubular sapphire cantilever; mount tonearms. Features bonded conical dia-
damped damper; rare-earth samarium -cobalt mond stylus, 0.7 mil; tubular aluminum cantile-
magnet; permalloy core; large -diameter coil wire; ver. FR 20-18,000 Hz; tracking force 1.25 ± 0.2 g;
die-cast aluminum alloy hard housing. Sep 30 dB weight 5.9 (7.2 g with adaptor) $60
at I kHz; output 0.18 mV at I kHz, 5 cm/sec;
tracking force 1.0-3.0 g $750
AC -3 MC Phono Cartridge SXC-van den Hul MC Phono Cartridge
Tubular boron and beryllium rod cantilever; mi- High -output Mc cartridge with tubular sapphire
crotrack stylus, rare-earth samarium -cobalt mag- cantilever and van den Hul stylus. Features 3.5 -
net, die-cast aluminum alloy hard housing. Out- micron contact radius; vertical groove extended
put 0.2 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 20-20,000 Hz ± I to 85 microns; aluminum cantilever; crosscoil ar- Hz; sep ± I dB; tracking -force range 0.75-1.25 g;
dB; sep 30 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking force 1.5-2.0 mature. Output 2.3 mV at 5 cm/s; FR 20-20,000 'Analog -Six" stylus mass 0.015 mg; 3.5 g . $250
g; cartridge weight 7.5 g $610 Hz +3, -0 dB;tracking force 1.8 g; square -wave
rise time 7 ms; ch sep 20 dB; 4.7g $500 P -15S Phono Cartridge
ADC Variable -reluctance, induced -magnet cartridge
XC-MRII Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge with patented diamond -technology transverse -
TRX 3 Phono Cartridge High -output mc cartridge with nude -mounted suspension system, cylindrical magnet. Features
Induced -magnet cartridge with line -contact nude square -shank stylus. Features thin -walled alumi- FR/crosstalk curve; carbon -fiber stylus brush;
rectangular diamond stylus; precision die-cast num cantilever; crosscoil armature. Output 2.3 screwdriver, antiresonance compound. Output
metal body; ultra -rigid beryllium cantilever; mV at 5 cm/s; FR 20-20,000 Hz ± I dB; ch sep 28 3.4 mV rms at 3.54 cm/sec; FR 10-23,000 Hz; sep
screw -down lock stylus system mount. FR 20- dB at I kHz; tracking force 1.8 g; effective tip ± 1.5 dB; tracking force 1.0-1.5 g; elliptical dia-
26,000 Hz ± I dB; recommended tracking force mass 0.35 mg; 0.15 mil x 3.0 mil scanning radius; mond stylus; stylus mass 0.018 mg; 3.5 g $165
1.2 g ± 0.2 g; output voltage 3 mV (5 cm/sec at I weight 4.7 g $360
kHz); ch balance within 0.5 dB (I kHz); ch sep PIOED Studio Phono Cartridge
>30 dB (1 kHz); compliance 40 x 10-6 cm/dyne XC-LTII Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge Designed for broadcast and disco; built-in stylus
static; imp 3.9 ohms (I kHz); co resistance 650 High -output sic cartridge with Line -Trace stylus, guard prevents damage during use. Output 5.8
ohms; load resistance 47 kilohms; load capaci- thin -wall aluminum cantilever, crosscoil arma- mV at 3.54 cm/sec; FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 2 dB; sep
tance 275 pf; weight 8 g; stylus tip nude PH line ture. Output 2.3 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 20-20,000 25 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking force range 2.5-4.5 g;
contact; 0.12 x 0.06 x 0.05 (vital III) $300 Hz ± I dB; ch sep 28 dB at I kHz; tracking force cartridge weight 3.5 g $120
1.8 g; tip mass 0.35 mg; weight 4.7 g $290
TRX I Phono Cartridge P -10S Phono Cartridge
Induced -magnet cartridge with line -contact nude HC-vdH H Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge Variable -reluctance, induced -magnet cartridge
diamond stylus; precision die-cast metal body; High -output Mc cartridge with van den Hul sty- with patented transverse suspension, cylindrical
screw down lock stylus system mount; titanium lus. Features thin -wall aluminum cantilever; magnet. Features carbon -fiber stylus brush;
beryllium cantilever. FR 20-24,000 Hz ± I dB; crosscoil armature. Output 2.3 mV at 5 cm/s; FR screwdriver; antiresonance compound. Output
recommended tracking force 1.2 g ± 0.2 g; output 20-15,000 Hz +1.5/-1 dB, 20-20,000 Hz +2.5/-I 5.8 mV rms at 3.54 cm/sec; FR 20-20,000 Hz; sep
voltage 3 mV (5 cm/sec at 1 kHz); ch balance dB; ch balance within 1.5 dB; tracking force 2 g; ± 2dB; tracking force 1.25-2.0 g; elliptical dia-
within 1 dB (1 kHz); ch sep >30 dB (1 kHz); effective tip mass 0.35 mg; 4.7g $250 mond stylus; stylus mass 0.25 mg; 3.5 g $115
compliance 40 x 10-6 cm/dyne static; imp 3.9 HC -E II. Similar to HC-VDH II except with el-
ohms (I kHz); oc resistance 650 ohms; load resis- liptical stylus $160 P-SED Phono Cartridge
tance 47 kilohms; load capacitance 275 pf; weight Variable -reluctance, induced -magnet cartridge
8 g; stylus tip nude PH line contact 0.3 x 0.22 x with patented transverse suspension, cylindrical
0.5 (vital I) $225
AKG ACOUSTICS magnet. Features compatability with automatic
P100LE Phono Cartridge turntables, record changers; elliptical diamond
PSX-40 Phono Cartridge Hand -made cartridge using the patented Trans- stylus. Output 5.8 mV rms at 3.54 cm/sec; FR 20-
Induced -magnet cartridge with P -mount adaptor verse -Suspension, Tapered Beryllium Cantilever. 20,000 Hz; tracking force 1.5-2.0 g $80
so cartridge is usable for both conventional and Features analog -6 stylus; adjustable vertical
P -mount tonearms. Features 0.2 x 0.7 mil nude tracking angle; 5 year warranty; limited edition. P4 Phono Cartridge
diamond stylus, tapered titanium tube cantilever. Moving -iron cartridge $1,000 Standard 0.5" -mount cartridge designed for
FR 20-24,000 Hz; tracking force L25 ± 0.2 g; PIOOLE-vdH. Same as PIOOLE except stylus is a heavy/medium heavy tonearms. FR 20-20,000
weight 5.9 g (7.2 g with adaptor) $135 van den Hull II type $1,000 Hz; sep 20 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking force 1.5 g;
cartridge weight 3.5 g $50
PSX-30 Phono Cartridge Super Nova PEES Phono Cartridge P4DP. As above; standard TP4 mount $50
Induced -magnet cartridge with P -mount adaptor Moving -iron cartridge with patented transversal
so cartridge is usable in both conventional and P - suspension system with the new van den Hul II
mount tonearms. Features 0.3 x 0.7 mil nude dia- replaceable diamond. Features FR/crosstalk ANDANTE By SUMIKO
mond stylus; aluminum tapered cantilever. FR 20- curve; carbon -fiber stylus brush; screwdriver. S Phono Cartridge
22,000 Hz; tracking force 1.25 ± 0.2 g; weight 5.9 Output 2.8 mV at 3.54 cm/sec; FR 10-28.000 Hz Micro -mass cartridge with aluminum -alloy tubu-
g (7.2 g with adaptor) $110 ± I dB; sep 30 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking force lar cantilever; 0.5 -mil polished bonded -diamond
range 1-1.5 g; cartridge weight 3.5 g $450 spherical stylus; hand -wound coils. Output 5.0
PSX-20 Phono Cartridge mV; FR 18-27,000 Hz; sep 28 dB at 1 kHz com-
Induced -magnet cartridge with P -mount adaptor P -25S Phono Cartridge pliance 18 x 106 cm/dyme; tracking force 1-2.5 g;
so cartridge is usable in both conventional and P - Variable -reluctance, induced -magnet cartridge input imp 47k ohms; 6 g $39
mount tonearms. Features 0.3 x 0.7 mil bonded with patented diamond -technology transverse - H. Similar to S except output 10 mV; FR 18-
elliptical diamond stylus; aluminum cantilever. suspension system, cylindrical/magnet design. 23,000 Hz; sep 27 dB at I kHz; compliance 15 x
FR 20-20,000 Hz; tracking force 1.5 ± 0.2 g. $90 Features FR/crosstalk curve; carbon -fiber stylus 106 cm/dyne $27


HSP MM Phono Cartridge sec; ch balance/sep 0.5/30 dB at I kHz; tracking bonded diamond stylus $70
Output 6 mV at 3.54 cm/sec; FR 18-25,000 Hz; force 1.2-1.8 g $295 ATN110E. Replacement stylus $35
sep 28 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking force 1-2 g; car-
tridge weight 6 g $34 AT31E Phono Cartridge AT105 Phono Cartridge
Cartridge with user -replaceable Moving Micro - Output 4.5 mV at I kHz; tracking force I.5 -2.5g;
P-76 MM Phono Cartridge Coil stylus assembly. Features square -shank 0.2 a ch sep 26 dB at 1 kHz; 0.7 -mil UniRadial bonded
Hand -wound coils; square -shank nude -mount 0.7 -mil biradial diamond stylus. Output 0.4 mV diamond stylus; dual magnet $55
with tapered line -contact diamond stylus. Output at 5 cm/sec. ch balance/sep .59 clE1 at kHz;
1 ATN105. Replacement stylus $30
2.5 mV at 3.54 cm/sec; FR 8-45,000 Hz t 3 dB; tracking force 1.21-1.8 g $195
sep 30 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking force 1-1.5 g; car- P -Mount Series
tridge weight 5.9 g $59 AT3OE Phono Cartridge AT231LP Phono Cartridge
Dual moving MicroCoil model with user replace- Universal -mount MM cartridge with linear -con-
APATURE BY ACR able stylus assembly and 0.3 x 0.7 mil BiRadial tact stylus. Output 3.5 mV at 5 cm/sec. sep 31 dB
stylus. Features thin -wall tube cantilever. Output at I kHz; tracking -force range 1-1.5 g; cartridge
Koce MC Phono Cartridge 0.3 mV at 5 cm/sec; sep 25/15 dB at 1,000 Hz; weight 6 g; 0.5" mounting adapter $145
High -output MC cartridge with 0.3 x 0.7 mil tracking -force range 1.4-2 g; cartridge weight 5 g.
man-made flawless nude elliptical diamond Recommended load imp 10-20 ohms $150 AT221EP Phono Cartridge
mounted on a tapered cantilever. Output 3.2 mV Universal -mount MM cartridge with square -shank
(1 kHz/50 mm/sec); output balance at 1,000 Hz AT3OHE Phono Cartridge 0.2 x 0.7 mil biradial stylus; output 5 mV at 5
within 1 dB; sep at 1,000 Hz 25 dB; DC resis- Stereo cartridge with user -replaceable Moving cm/sec. sep 31 dB at 1 kHz; tracking -force range
tance 120 ohms; imp 120 ohms; vertical tracking MicroCoil stylus assembly. High output elimi- 1-1.5 g; weight 6 g; 0.5" adapter $135
angle 20"; compliance 10 x 10-6 cm/dyne; track- nates need for transformer; 0.3 a 0.7 -mil nude -
ing force 2 t 0.3 g; cartridge weight 4.2 g . $200 mounted diamond stylus. Output 2 mV; sep 29 AT216EP Phono Cartridge
dB at I kHz; tracking -force 1.4-1.8 g $150 Universal -mount MM cartridge with 0.3 x 0.7 mil
Blue Phono Cartridge biradial stylus; output 5 mV at 5 cm/sec. sep 29
MC cartridge with samarium -cobalt magnet for AT 312EP Phono Cartridge dB at I kHz; tracking -force range 1-1.5 g; car-
3.2 -mV output. Snap -apart body for user -replace- Universal -mount MC cartridge with user -replace- tndge weight 6 g; 0.5" mounting adapter.. $100
able MC section with stylus. Elliptical stylus; alu- able stylus. Dual moving MicroCoil'". output 0.4
minum cantilever. Output 3.2 mV at 100,000 Hz mV at 5 cm/sec; sep 30 dB at 1 kHz; tracking - AT211EP Phono Cartridge
at 5 cm/s; FR 15-40,000 Hz t 3 dB; sep 25 dB at force range 1-1.5 g; cartridge weight 6 g. Comes Universal mount MM cartridge with 0.4 x 0.7 mil
1,000 Hz; tracking -force range 2 t 0.3 g; car- with .5" mounting adapter $175 biradial stylus; output 5 mV at 5 cm/sec. sep 29
tridge weight 4.2 g; scanning radius 0.3 x 0.07 at 1 kHz; tracking -force range 1-1.5 g; cartridge
mm; vertical tracking angle 20° $100 Vector -Aligned Series weight 6 g; 0.5" mounting adapter $75
Maui. Replacement stylus $60 AT160ML Phono Cartridge
Panama. Similar to Blue but MM and P -mount Paratoroidal-coil MM cartridge with Microline AT201EP Phono Cartridge
isith adaptor $60 stylus mounted on gold-plated beryllium cantile- Universal mount MM cartridge with 0.4 x 0.7 mil
Replacement Stylus. $30 ver. Output 5 mV at 5 cm/sec. sep 31 dB at 1 biradial stylus; output 5 mV at 5 cm/sec. sep 26
kHz; tracking -force range 0.8-1.8 g; 8.1 g . $295 dB at I kHz; tracking -force range 1-1.5 g; car-
ASTATIC ATN 160 ML. Replacement stylus $125 tridge weight 6 g; comes with 0.5" mounting
adapter $65
Mating Flux Series AT155LC Vector -Aligned Phono Cartridge
MF 100. Output 3.5 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 10- Output 5.0 mV at 5 cm/sec at 1 kHz; FR 5- AT201P Phono Cartridge
20,000 Hz t I dB; sep 25 dB at 1 kHz; tracking 35,000 Hz with class I tolerance; ch balance/sep Universal -mount MM cartridge with 0.6 mil unir-
force 0.75-1.25 g; Shibata parabolic stylus; com- 0.5/31 dB at I kHz; tracking force 0.8-1.6 g: adial stylus; output mV 5 cm/sec. sep 26 dB at 1

pliance 50 x 10-6 cm/dyne $290 nude -mounted square -shank linear -contact stylus. kHz; tracking -force range 1-1.5 g; cartridge
MF 200. Output 4.2 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 10- beryllium cantilever; Vector -Aligned dual mag- weight 6 g; 0.5" mounting adapter $55
20,000 Hz t 2 dB; sep 23 dB at 1 kHz; tracking net; pare -toroidal coil $250
force 1.5-2 g; Shibata parabolic stylus; compli- ATN155LC. Replacement stylus $100 ATI52MLP Phono Cartridge
ance 45 x 10-6 cm/dyne $160 Direct -plug-in cartridge for P -mount turntables.
MF 300. Output 4.2 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 10- AT140ML Vector -Aligned Phono Cartridge Features extremely stiff but lightweight beryllium
20,000 Hz t 2.5 dB; sep 20 dB at 1 kHz; tracking Output 5 0 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 5-32,000 Hz with cantilever and nude -mounted square -shank Mi-
force 1.5-2.0 g; elliptical diamond stylus; compli- class II tolerance; ch balance/sep 0.75/30 dB at I croLine'" diamond stylus $250
ance 35 x 10-6 cm/dyne $100 kHz; tracking force 0.8-1.8 g; nude -mounted
MF 400. Output 3.5 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 10- square -shank MicroLine"' stylus; Vector -Aligned AT132EP Phono Cartridge
18,000 Hz t 3 dB; sep 20 dB at 1 kHz; tracking dual magnet; para-toroidal coil $195 Direct plug-in cartridge for P -mount turntables.
force 1.5-2.5 g; spherical diamond stylus; compli- ATN140ML. Replacement stylus $75 Features Vector -Aligned dual -magnet system
ance 35 x 10-6 cm/dyne $80 with tapered alloy cantilever; 0.2 x 0.7 -mil nude -
ATI3OE Vector -Aligned Phono Cartridge mounted biradial diamond stylus $150
Induced -Magnet Series Para -toroidal coil construction; output 5.0 mV at
IM -10E. User -replaceable, 0.3 x 0.7 -mil elliptical 5 cm/sec; FR 10-30,000 Hz with class II toler-
diamond stylus. Output 4.1 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR ance; ch balance/sep .75/30 dB at 1 kHz; 0.2 x AZDEN
10-20,000 Hz t 2.5 dB; sep 22 dB at 1,000 Hz; 0.7 mil nude biradial stylus $135 GM-P5L Phono Cartridge
tracking force 1.5-2.5 g; cartridge weight 7.5 g; ATN130E. Replacement stylus $50 P -mount Mc cartridge with Nude line -contact
compliance 35 x 10.6 cm/dyne $52 stylus and boron cantilever. Output 0.2 mV at 5
IM -25P. P -mount; user -replaceable spherical dia- AT125LC Vector -Aligned Phono Cartridge cm/sec; sep 30 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking force
mond stylus. Output 4.2 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 20- Para -toroidal coil construction; output 5.0 mV at range 1-1.5 g; cartridge weight 5.9 g $250
20,000 Hz t 3 dB; sep 20 dB at 1,000 Hz; track- 5 cm/sec; FR 15-28,000 Hz with class II toler-
ing force 1-1.5 g; cartridge weight 5.9 g; compli- ance; ch balance/sep .59 dB at I kHz; linear -con- YM-P5OVL Moving -Magnet Phono Cartridge
ance 30 x 10-6 cm/dyne $50 tact titanium -bonded stylus $150 MM cartridge with Vital Nude line -contact stylus
1M-10. User -replaceable diamond stylus. Output ATN125LC. Replacement stylus $60 and tapered aluminum cantilever. Output 4 mV
4.2 mV at 5 cm/s; FR 10-20,000 Hz t 3 dB; sep at 5 cm/sec; sep 30 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking force
20 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking force 2.0-2.5 g; car- AT120E Vector -Aligned Phono Cartridge range 1-1.5 g; cartridge weight 5.9 g $150
tridge weight 7.5 g; compliance 30 x 10-6 cm/ Para -toroidal coil construction. output 5.0 mV at
dyne $40 5 cm/sec; FR 15-25,000 Hz with class II toler- GM -1E Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge
ance; ch balance/sep .59 dB at 1 kHz; tracking Mc cartridge. Output 2 mV at 5 cm/sec; sep 28
AUDIO-TECHNICA force 1-1.8 g; Vector -Aligned dual magnet; 0.3 x dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking force range 1.5-2.5 g;
0.7 -mil BiRadial nude -mounted diamond sty- cartridge weight 2.7 g $125
Dual Moving-MicroCoil Series lus S95
AT35E Phono Cartridge ATN120E. Replacement stylus $45 YM-10VE Moving -Magnet Phono Cartridge
Cartridge with user -replaceable Moving Micro - MM cartridge with 0.3 x 0.7 mil Vital elliptical
Coil stylus assembly. Features low -mass design; AT110E Phono Cartridge stylus. Output 4.5 mV at 5 cm/sec; sep 26 dB at
0.2 x 0.7 -mil nude -mounted BiRadial square - Output 4.5 mV at 5 cm/sec; ch sep 26 dB at I 1,000 Hz; tracking force range 1.5-2.5 g; cartridge
shank diamond stylus. Output 0.4 mV at 5 cm/ kHz; tracking force 1-2 g; 0.4 x 0.7 -mil BiRadial weight 4.5 g; ch bal 1.5 dB at 1,000 Hz .... $90


YM-P5OE Moving -Magnet Cartridge DL -305 MC Phono Cartridge EMINENT TECHNOLOGY
Universal mount cartridge with aluminum tube Features twin radius; baron cantilever. Output
cantilever and 0.3 x 0.7 mil elliptical stylus. Out- 0.2 mV at 50 mm/sec; FR 20-75,000 Hz; sep 28 Model 2 Straight Tonearm
put 4 mV at 5 cm/sec; channel sep min 28 dB at Straight -line -tracking, air -bearing tonearm with
1,000 Hz; t -force 1.25 g; weight 5.9 g $90 adjustable VTA/SRA over an arc while playing
record. Airpump included. Adjustable height; in-
YM-10E Moving -Magnet Phono Cartridge terchangable arm tube with preset geometry; de -
MM cartridge with 0.3 x 0.7 mil STD elliptical coupled counterweight in horizontal plane; inter-
stylus. Output 4.5 mV at 5 cm/sec; sep 24 dB at changable preset counterweights. Headshell and
1,000 Hz; tracking force range 1.5-2.5 g; cartridge tonearm manufactured as I piece. Tracking -force
weight 4.5 g $70 range 0-5 g; effective mass 5-20 g vertical, 20-30 g
horizontal. Overall length 290 mm; effective
YM-P2OE Moving Magnet Phono Cartridge length 180 mm; 400 g $850
Universal mount cartridge with o.3 x 0.7 mil sty-
lus. Output 4 mV at 5 cm/sec; sep 24 dB; track- ENTRE
ing force 1.25+ g; cartridge weight 5.9 g $70 BY ANALOG EXCELLENCE
YM-10C Moving -Magnet Phono Cartridge MC -9 Sapphire MC Phono Cartridge
MM cartridge with 0.65 mil conical stylus. Output dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking -force range 1.2-0.2 g; Low -mass samarium -cobalt magnet; sapphire
4.5 mV at 5 cm/sec; sep 22 dB at 1,000 Hz; track- cartridge weight 5.8 g $559 cantilever; 0.3-x-0.8 mil stylus. Output 0.25 mV
ing force 1.5-2.5 g; weight 4.5 g $60 at 5 cm/sec; FR 20-30,000 Hz ± 2 dB; sep >26
DL -304 MC Phono Cartridge dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking force 1.6-1.9 g; imp 3
YM-P50C Moving -Magnet Phono Cartridge Moving -coil phono cartridge features baron can- ohms; cartridge weight 5.9 g $395
MM cartridge with 0.65 mil conical stylus. Output tilever; high compliance $395
4 mV at 5 cm/sec; sep 24 dB at 1,000 Hz; track- MC -5 Boron MC Phono Cartridge
ing force range 1.25-1.5 g; cartridge weight 5.9 g; DL -302 MC Phono Cartridge Boron cantilever; high -flux -density samarium -co-
ch bal 1.5 dB at 1,000 Hz $60 Features high output; detail, charm and depth; balt magnet. Output 0.25 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 20-
baron cantilever. Output 0.25 mV at 50 mm/sec; 30,000 Hz ± 3; sep 26 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking
FR 28-70,000 Hz; separation 28 dB at 1,000 Hz; force 1.6-1.9 g; imp 3 ohms $295
BANG & OLUFSEN tracking -force range 1.4-0.2 grams; cartridge
MMC Series Phono Cartridges weight 6.0grams $260 MC -1 Basic MC Phono Cartridge
All MMC cartridges feature armature mounted Double -wound coils; vital nude diamond stylus.
perpendicularly to the cantilever; crystal sapphire DL -301 MC Phono Cartridge Output 0.5 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 20-30,000 Hz ± 3
cantilever; multi -radial diamond; four high -out- Output 0.3 mV at 50 mm/sec; FR 20-60,000 Hz; dB; sep 22 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking force 1.8-2 g;
put, low -imp coils wound on cores of very low per- sep 28 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking -force range 1.4- cartridge weight 5.9 g; imp 3 ohms $195
meability aligned in perfect symmetry with the 0.2 g; cartridge weight 4.7 g $160
MMC-1. Diamond contact line 0.1 x 0.1 mm DL -160 MC Phono Cartridge
sqr.; stylus bonding nude; cantilever sapphire Output 1.6 mV at 50 mm/sec; FR 20-50,000 Hz; Epoch II Series Model HZ9S Cartridge
tube; recommended tracking force 10 mN/I sep 28 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking -force range 1.6- MM cartridge has output of 0.8 mV. FR 10-
gram; FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 1 dB; 1.6 g $445 0.3 g; cartridge weight 4.8 g $115 25,000 Hz, individually calibrated to 20,000 Hz;
MMC-2. Diamond contact line 0.12 x 0.12 mm sep 35 dB at 1.000 Hz, 22 dB at 10,000 Hz; track-
sqr.; stylus bonding nude; cantilever sapphire DL -110 MC Phono Cartridge ing -force .75-1.5 g; cartridge weight 4 g With
tube; recommended tracking force 10 mN/I g; FR Output 1.6 mV at 50 millimeters per seconds; FR Stereohedron II stylus $250
20-20,000 Hz ± 1.5 dB; 1.6 g $295 20-45,000 Hz; separation 25 dB at 1,000 Hz;
MMC-3. Diamond elliptical 0.15 x 0.15 mm sqr.; tracking -force 1.80-0.30 g; weight 4.8 g $85 129S Low Impedance Phono Cartridge
stylus bonding nude; cantilever tapered alumi- Includes Stereohedron II stylus. Output 0.04 mV;
num tube; recommended tracking force 10 mN/I DL -80 MC Phono Cartridge FR 10-50,000 Hz, individually calibrated to
g; FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 2 dB; 1.6 g $195 Output 1.6 mV at 50 mm/sec; FR 20-45,000 Hz; 20,000 Hz; tracking force 0.75-1.5; 3.8 g $250
MMC-4, Diamond elliptical 0.20 mm round; sty- sep 20 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking -force range 1.8-
lus bonding titanium; cantilever tapered alumi- 0.3 grams; weight 4.5 grams $60 HZ8S Phono Cartridge
num tube; recommended tracking force 12 mN/ Includes Stereohedron 11 stylus. Output 0.8 mV;
1.2 g; FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 2.5 dB; 1.6 g $115 FR 10-20,000 Hz; sep 35 dB at 1,000 Hz, 22 dB at
MMC-5. Diamond elliptical 0.25 mm round; sty-
DIGITRAC BY ORTOFON 10,000 Hz; tracking force .75-1.5; 4 g $190
lus bonding titanium; cantilever tapered alumi- 300SE Phono Cartridge
num tube; recommended tracking force 15 mN/ Variable Magnetic Shunt cartridge with alumi- LZSS Low Impedance Phono Cartridge
1.5 g; FR 20-20,000 Hz± 3 dB; 1.6 g $65 num cantilever and nude fine -line diamond sty- Includes stereohedron 11 stylus. Output 0.04 mV;
lus. Output 4 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 20-30,000 Hz; FR 10-20,000 Hz; sep 35 dB at 1.000 Hz, 22 dB at
sep 24 dB at 1,000 Hz; high compliance 35um/ 10,000 Hz; tracking force .75-1.5; 3.8 g $190
CELLO mn; tracking force 1-1.5 g; weight 6 g $200
Maestro MC Cartridge HZ7S Phono Cartridge
Designed to make records sound like master 200NE Phono Cartridge Includes Stereohedron II stylus. Output 0.8 mV;
$2,000 Variable Magnetic Shunt cartridge with alumi- FR 10-20,000 Hz; sep 30 dB at 1,000 Hz, 15 dB at
num cantilever and elliptical nude diamond sty- 10 kHz; tracking .75-1.25 g; 4 g $120
Chorale MC Cartridge lus. Output 4 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 20-25.000 Hz;
Aluminum -alloy cantilever with elliptical stylus. sep 22 dB at 1,000 Hz; high compliance 30 jam/ HZ6E Phono Cartridge
$800 mN; tracking force 1.25-1.75 g; weight 6 g $140 Includes elliptical stylus. Output 0.8 mV; FR 10-
weight 13 g
20,000 Hz; sep 30 dB at 1,000 Hz, 15 dB at
100E Phono Cartridge 10,000 Hz; tracking force 0.75-1.25 $95
DENNESEN ELECTROSTATICS Variable Magnetic Shunt cartridge with alumi-
ABLT-1 Tonearm num cantilever and elliptical diamond stylus. GOLDBUG LABS BY RMI
Air -bearing lateral -tracking tonearm includes air Features dedicated P -Mount with universal appli-
pump. Entire armtube removable; any range de- cation. Output 4 mV at 1,000 5cm/sec; FR 20- Mr. Brier MC Phono Cartridge
20,000 Hz; sep 20 dB at 1,000 Hz; high compli- Double-taperd hollow -tube cantilever. Output 22
sired. Stylus overhang 0 mm; overall length and
ance 24 jam/mN; tracking force range 1.25-1.75 mV at 5 cm/s; FR 20-20,000 Hz ± I dB; sep 30
effective length vary (user adjustable); tracking
$1,450 g; cartridge weight 6 g $100 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking force 1.5-1.7 g; cartridge
error 0'; 1.5 lb weight 7 g $990
190S Moving -Magnet Cartridge
DENON Variable Magnetic Shunt cartridge with elliptical Clement U MC Phono Cartridge
stylus and universal mount. output 3.5 mV at 5 Beryllium hollow -tube cantilever and pure -oval
DL -1000 MC Phono Cartridge diamond tip. Output 22 mV at 5 cm/s; FR 20-
Output 0.12 mV at 50 mm/sec; FR 20-110,000 cm/sec; FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; sep 20 dB at
1,000 Hz; tracking -force range 1.25-1.75 g; car- 20,000 Hz t 1 dB; sep 27 dB at 1,000 Hz; track-
Hz; sep 30 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking -force range $60 ing force 1.6-1.8 g; cartridge weight 5.6 g . $490
0.8-0.1 g; cartridge weight 60 g $859 tridge weight 6 g


Medusa MC Phono Cartridge MC -D10 MC Phono Cartridge imp 6 ohms; VTA 20°; tracking force 1.6-2.2 (2 g
Oval diamond stylus. Output 2 mV at 5 cm/s; FR Diamond cantilever. Output 0.13 mV (1,000 Hz, optimum); weight 7.5 g $1,240
20-20,000 Hz t 1 dB; sep 27 dB at 1,000 Hz; 5 cm/sec); FR 10-80,000 Hz; 6.6 g $1,250
tracking force 1.8-2 g; cartridge weight 5.8 g$250
MC -A6 Signature MC Phono Cartridge
Titanium/aluminum alloy cantilever with silicon -
GRADO carbide whiskers; 0.1 x 1.2 mil ultra -line -contact Troika Low -Output MC Cartridge
Joseph Grado Signature Series stylus. Output 0.12 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 10- Elliptical stylus; body milled from solid alumi-
MCX Cartridge 85,000 Hz t 2 dB; sep 34 dB at 1,000 Hz; track- num; mounting screws; flying -lead cartridge
Hybrid design with 4 separate magnetic gaps ing force 0.8-1.2 g; cartridge weight 6.5 g; left/ tags eliminate 1 connector. FR 20-20,000 Hz t I
around cantilever; compatible with light- to medi- right ch balanced within 0.001 mV output. $745 dB; sep >30 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking force 1.5-
um -mass tonearms and standard 47,000 -ohm MM 1.7 g; ch bal at 1,000 Hz within 1 dB; recom-
inputs; user -replaceable stylus. Output 1.5 mV; MC -R5 MC Phono Cartridge mended load 470 ohms; tracking angle 2031,250
resonance 8-12 Hz; torsional resonance approxi- Ruby cantilever; ultra -line -contact stylus; nonres- Replacement stylus $833
mately 25,000 Hz; resistance 70 ohms; inductance onant body. Output 0.12 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 10-
9 Mh $300 75 Hz t 2 dB; sep 30 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking Kama Low -Output MC Cartridge
force 0.9-1.1 g; cartridge weight 6.5 g; left/right Elliptical stylus; body milled from solid alumi-
8MX Cartridge ch balanced within 0.002 mV output $695 num. FR 20-20,000 Hz t I dB; sep 30 dB at
User -replaceable stylus; compatible with standard 1,000 Hz; tracking force 1.5-1.7 grams; cartridge
47,000 -ohm MM inputs; output 3.5 mV; electri- MC -A3 MC Phono Cartridge weight 5.7 grams; ch bal within 1 dB at 1,000 Hz;
cal resistance 475 ohms; inductance 45 mH $200 Ultra -line -contact stylus; aluminum alloy body. tracking angle 20° $875
Output 0.12 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 10-70,000 Hz Replacement stylus $583
Specifications for all models below: 0.5" mounting t 2 dB; sep 28 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking force 1-
centers (or optional P -mount for some); input load 1.2 g; cartridge weight 6.5 g $395 Assam Moving -Coil Cartridge
47.000 ohms; inductance 45 millihenries; DC re- MC-A2E. Same as MC -A3 with elliptical stylus; Elliptical stylus; body milled from solid alumi-
sistance 475 ohms: pickup weight 5 g. FR 20-50,000 Hz t 3 dB $295 num Output 0.2 mV; FR 10-50,000 Hz t 3 dB;
sep 27 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking force 1.5-1.9
Professional Series grams; cartridge weight 5.7 g; VTA 20° .... $550
Designed for high output and stabiliy under severe
HEYBROOK Replacement stylus $367
use, for broadcast. in changers. or arms that will
not track at 1 g; recommended tracking force 2-3 The Heybrook Tonearm K-9 Moving -Magnet Cartridge
g. Output 4 mV at 3.54 cm/sec (45'): sep 20 dB Pivoted -tracking magnesium -tube straight ton- Elliptical stylus; aluminum cantilever. FR 20-
10-20.000 Hz earm with adjustable vertical tracking angle and 20,000 Hz t 2 dB; sep 25 dB at 1,000 Hz; track-
XCE+. Specially selected units from XT produc- fixed headshell. Statically balanced with fixed ing force 1.5-1.9 grams; VTA 20° $185
tion; elliptical diamond stylus $40 headshell and locking counterweight. Tracking - Replacement stylus $111
XTE+. Elliptical diamond stylus $27 force range 0-3 g; overall length 11.62" ... $498
Basik Moving -Magnet Cartridge
Super Flux-Bridger Series Spherical stylus. FR 20-20,000 Hz t 2 dB; ch sep
With a 5" or P -mount. Recommended tracking
JVC 25 dB; tracking force 1.8 g; weight 6 g $50
force a 75-2 g. Output 4 m Vat 3.54 cm/sec (45); Z45EBP P -Mount Cartridge
sep 25 dB 10-30.000 Hz. P -mount dual -magnet cartridge with diamond Toaearms
X2+. True Ellipsoid stylus $265 stylus $40 Ittok LV-II Tonearm
X1+. True Ellipsoid stylus $180 Tonearm with 11.5" overall length, 9" stylus -piv-
X+. Grado diamond stylus $120 ot distance, damped cueing mechanism. Features
XFI+. Grado diamond stylus $99
KISEKI BY SUMIKO radial ball bearings. Effective mass 12 g; total ca-
XF2+. Elliptical diamond stylus $82 Lapis Lazuli MC Cartridge ble capacitance 100 pF; cartridge weight range 3-
XF3E+. Elliptical diamond stylus $66 Made from lapis lazuli, blue stone with small gold 12 g $750
particles, diamond cantilever; stylus, armature,
Flux-Bridger Series magnet as in Agaat cartridges (see below); tested Basik Plus Tonearm
0.5" or P -mount; elliptical diamond stylus: Rec- for about 50 hours with music: made on special Straight statically balanced tonearm with fixed
ommended tracking force 1-2 g. Output 4 mV at order, requiring 2-3 months $5,600 aluminum headshell and decoupled counter-
3.54 cm/sec (45'1; sep 20 dB 10-30.000 Hz weight. Tracking -force range 0-3 grams calibrat-
XCE+ 1 $52 Agaat Ruby 4.5 Cartridge ed to 0.1 gram; effective mass 11 grams; stylus
XTE+ 1 $20 SaCo magnet 3 times as large as ordinary mag- overhang 18 mm; overall length 284 mm; effec-
nets for 35% higher output than Purpleheart or tive length 230 mm. Includes Basik cartridge$250
Replacement Styli Blue Silverspot cartridges; 0.3 -mm diameter, 4.5 -
For standard as and P -mount cartridges: spheri- mm long ruby cantilever; line -contact PF stylus
cal styli available for 78 -rpm records S4.00 addi- 0.14 x 0.6 mil; bottom plate of aluminum/magne-
tional. sium alloy bonded to body; color varies between Carnegie One MC Cartridge
X2+/S. 2 gold dots $100.00 white, black, red, green, blue; optimum perfor- Line -contact stylus; beryllium with carbon -fiber
X1 + /S. 2 yellow dots $69.00 mance after 15 hours playing, 22° C, humidity core enclosed in aluminum cantilever. Output
X +/S. Brown plate $47.50 65%. Output around 0.4 mV: ch balance t 0.25 0.28 mV at 0.5 cm/s; sep >30 dB at 1,000 Hz;
XF1 +/S. 2 blue dots $42.00 dB; sep t 30 dB; FR 20-50,000 Hz; imp 42 ohms; tracking -force range 1.5-1.8 g; cartridge weight
XF2+ /S. 2 white dots $33.00 tracking force 1.6-2.2 g; 11.2 g $2,100 6.7 g; scanning radius 5µm; VTA 24° $690
XF3E+/S. Tan plate $30.80
XCE+1/S. 2 silver dots $28.50 Purpleheart Sapphire MC Cartridge
XCE +/S. 2 red dots $26.50 Housing of purpleheart wood; 4.5 -mm -long sap-
XTE+ /S. 2 red dots $18.75 phire cantilever with 0.3 -mm diameter; same pole MCC 1000 MC Phono Cartridge
XTE+1/S. 2 silver dots $15.50 pieces and stylus as in Agaat Ruby 4.5 (above); Moving -coil phono cartridge with beryllium pipe
Sendust armature; SaCo magnet. Output 0.4 mV cantilever. Output voltage 0.25 mV, 1,000 Hz, 45°
HIGHPHONIC (1,000 Hz, 5 cm/sec); ch balance ± 0.25 dB, sep peak, 3.54 cm/sec; ch sep more than 27 dB at
BY ANALOG EXCELLENCE t 30 dB; FR 20-50,000 Hz; imp 42 ohms, 120 1,000 Hz; ch balance less than I dB; internal imp
µsec; tracking force 2 g; 7.5 g $1,784 14 ohms; stylus force 1.5 g t 0.02g; 5.7 g $1,000
MC-D1S Signature MC Phono Cartridge
High -compliance diamond cantilever; gold -finish Purpleheart MC Cartridge
alloy body; ultra -line -contact stylus. Output 0.11 Aluminum/magnesium-alloy bottom plate; pur-
mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 10-120,003 Hz t 2 dB; sep pleheart wood housing changes from brown to
35 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking -force range 0.6-0.9 g; purple in daylight; 0.14 -x -0.60 -mil super -elliptical C-2 High -Output MC Cartridge
cartridge weight 6.5 g; left/right chs balanced stylus; SaCo magnet; gold/purple color; alumi- Beryllium pipe cantilever; line -contact stylus.
within 0.001 mV output $2,000 num cantilever overlaid with boron; optimum Output 2.5 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 10-30,000 Hz;
performance after 15 hours playing at 22° with tracking force 1.8 g t g; cartridge weight 9.5 g;
MC -D12 MC Phono Cartridge 65% humidity. Output around 0.4 mV; ch bal- internal imp 120 ohms; compliance 8 x 10 cm/
Diamond cantilever. Output 2.5 mV $1,250 ance t 0.25 dB; sep t 30 dB; FR 20-50,000 Hz; dyne $395

STEREO BITTERS' Gtinw 1988 129

MISSION ELECTRONICS aluminum conical cantilever. Features symmetri- I. Output at 3mV at I kHz per 5 cm/sec. FR 20-
cal contact -line diamond; aluminum armature for 28kHz +4, -1 dB; sep >25 dB; tracking force
The Rose Cartridge a mass reduction of 66% in relation to traditional range from 1-1.5g; weight 5 g $300
MC cartridge made from solid rosewood wired armature designs to prevent magnetic noise; sa- 530. Similar to 540 except uses square -shank
internally with ultra -fine linear crystal. Line -con- marium cobalt magnet; pure silver coils. Output nude fine -line diamond. FR 20-25,000 Hz $225
tact stylus; annealed boron cantilever; output 0.2 voltage at 1,000 Hz, 5 cm/sec 0.050mV; ch sep at 520. Similar to 530 except uses a square -shank
mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 20-20,000 Hz t 0.5 dB; sep 1,000 Hz >25 dB; FR 5-90,000 Hz; tracking abili- nude elliptical diamond. sep 23dB; FR 20-23,000
25 dB at 1,000 Hz; max tracking force 2 g; car- ty at 315 Hz at recommended tracking force >100 Hz $150
tridge weight 6.2 g; VTA 20° $599 p.m; weight of unit 11 g $750
MC30 Super. MC cartridge with extruded alumi- Optimum -Mass Cartridges
Solitaire MM Phono Cartridge num body, and carbon fiber support system, and OM -40 Gold. Variable -magnet -shunt cartridge
Output 3 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 20-20,000 Hz t 2 silver coil windings. Stylus Fg type 1 with stylus with individually calibrated Van den Hul stylus.
dB; sep 28 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking force 1.8-2 g; tip radius r/R 4.5/80 Am. Output 0.25 mV at Output 3.5 mV at 1,000 cm/sec; FR 20-30,000
cartridge weight 5.7 g $99 1000 cm/sec; FR 15-45,000 Hz; sep >25 dB at Hz; sep 25-1,000 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking -force
1.000 Hz; tracking ability at recommended track- range 1-1.5 g; cartridge weight 5 or 2.5 g $300
773MM MM Phono Cartridge ing force 90 p.m; weight 9 g $450 OM -30. Low -mass variable -magnetic -shunt pho-
Cartridge with 0.3 x 0.8 mil synthetic diamond MC20 Super. MC cartridge with extruded alumi- no cartridge. Features cartridge body of neryl
stylus. Output 4 mV at 1,000 Hz. 3 mV 50 mm/ num body. Features Van den Hul stylus; carbon - plastic for rigidity and low weight; copper coils;
sec at 1,000 Hz; sep 28 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking fiber support system. Output 0.25 mV at 1,000 mu -metal container for electrical system; nude
force 1.5-2.5 g $79 fine -line diamond stylus; tracking force 1.25 g; FR
20-27,000 Hz; output voltage at 1.000 Hz (5 cm/
sec) 3.5 mV; wt 2.5 grams; ch sep at 1,000 Hz 25
dB $225
The Mechanic Tonearm
OMP-30. P -Mount version of OM -30; 6 g $225
Tonearm cut from single billet of aluminum with OM -20. Similar to OM -30 except for a more rect-
minimum number of separate pieces; direct -cou-
angular nude elliptical diamond stylus; designed
pled rigid two -plane symmetric and concentric
for medium -weight tonearms; FR 20-22,000 Hz;
bearings in ceramic cups; fixed 23° 45' offset angle output voltage at 1,000 Hz (5cm/sec) -4 mVS175
(adjustable); effective length 228 mm; pivot -spin- OMP-20. P -Mount version of OM -20; 6 g $175 .
dle 210 mm; overhang 18 mm; effective mass 16
0M-10. Similar to OM -20 except for a heavier
g; friction (horizontal or vertical) -14 g $1,400 stylus tip; designed for use with heavier tonearms;
tracking force 1.5 gram; FR 20-20,000 Hz; output
MONSTER CABLE voltage at 1,000 Hz (5 cm/sec) 4 mV; ch sep at
cm/sec; FR 15-40,000 Hz; sep >25 dB at 1,000 1,000 Hz 22 dB S95
Alpha Genesis 1000 MC Cartridge Hz; tracking -force range 1.5-1.9 g; cartridge
Low output; diamond -sputtered
OMP-10. P -Mount version of OM -10; 6 g S95
cantilever; weight 9 g $300 OM -5E. Similar to 0M-10 except for heavier sty-
phase -corrected coils $800 MC200U. mc cartridge with boron cantilever. lus tip; for use with heavier tonearms. Tracking
500 $650 Output 0.09 mV at 1,000 cm/sec; FR 20-25,000 force 1-5 g; FR 20-20,000 Hz S65
Hz +3, -1 dB; sep >25 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking- OMP-5E. P -Mount version of OM -5E $65
Alpha 2 H.O. MC Cartridge force range 1.2-1.8 g; weight 5.3 g $250
High output; Micro -Ridge stylus; sapphire canti- MC -100U. Low -mass Mc cartridge with wide - Pro Series
lever; Magnetic Field Control"' coil $650 range damping system. Features nude elliptical Concorde Pro Kit. MM cartridge kit with one
diamond. Output 0.09 mV at 1,000 cm/sec; FR Concorde integrated pro body and two spherical
MUSIC & SOUND IMPORTS 20-20,000 Hz +3, -1 dB; sep 25 dB at 1,000 Hz; pro styli. FR 20-20,000 Hz; output 5 mV at 1.000
tracking -force range 1.2-1.8 g; cartridge weight Hz 5 cm/sec; sep/balance at 1kHz 20/2dB;
Mas 282 Series II Tonearm 5.3 g $150 weight 16 g $95
Offers max rigidity and stability. Bearing system MC10 Super. Mc stereo phono cartridge with el- OM Pro -Kit. MM -cartridge kit with one OM Pro
tolerance of 10 microns. Features straight, dy- liptical nude stylus. Vertical tracking angle 20°, body and 2 pro stili. Features spherical stylus and
namically balanced, decoupled counterweight. output 0.25 mV at 1 kHz, 5 cm/sec; balance <1.5 aluminum cantilever. Output 5 mV at 5 cm/sec;
Tracking -force range 0-2.5 g calibrated to .1 g; ef- dB at 1 kHz; FR 20-20,000 Hz t 1 dB; tracking FR 20-18,000 Hz t 3 dB; sep 20 dB at 1,000 Hz;
fective mass 11 g; stylus overhang 18 mm; effec- force 1.5 g; FIM distortion <1%; 7 g $150 tracking -force range 3-5 g; cartidge weight 5 g$95
tive length 229 mm $169 Stylus Pro. Replacement stylus for OM Pro
High -Output Moving -Coil Cartridges Kit $30
Mas Econocoil Phono Cartridge X5MC. High output MC cartridgefor direct con-
High -output moving -coil cartridge with excep- nection to MM phono input. Features Fg type 2 300 Series
tionally flat response from 20-20,000 Hz. Fea- nude diamond stylus. High output/low moving 320U. Universal P -mount with 0.5" mount adapt-
tures elliptical stylus; accousticly inert fibre glass mass achieved through focused magnetic field er. moving magnet generating principal. Square
reinforced plastic body. Output 2 mV at 1,005 and only 230 coil windings per pole piece. Output shank nude eliptical diamond. FR 20-22,000 Hz;
cm/sec; FR 20-40,000 Hz t 3 dB; sep 25 dB; 2 mV at 5 cm/sec. FR 15-40KHz +4 -1.5 dB; sep output 5 mV at 5 cm/sec; sep 24dB $129
tracking force 1.5-1.8 g; weight 4.5 g $129 >25 dB at 1,000 Hz. weight 4.1 g $300 310U. Similar to 320U except has highly -polished
X3 -MC. High-ouput Mc cartridge connects di- elliptical diamond stylus. FR 20-20,000 Hz . $89
MUSIC HALL rectly to mm-phono input. Features focused mag- 305E. Similar to 310U except has an elliptical di-
netic field for high output with low -moving mass amond stylus. sep 23dB $60
Bullet Cartridge (230 coil windings per pol piece) and nude fine -
Highly modified Audio-Technica cartridge with line diamond. Output 2 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 20- Universal Series
elliptical stylus $100 40,000 Hz +4, -1.5 dB; sep >25 dB at 1,000 Hz; TM2OU. Variable -magnetic -shunt cartridge with
tracking -force range 1.8-2.2 g; cartridge weight square shank nude eliptical diamond and univer-
ORTOFON 4.1 g; vertical tracking angle 23' $190 sal mount. Output 4 mV at 1 kHz, 5 cm/sec; FR
X3 -MCP. P -mount version of X3 -MC $190 20-25,000 Hz; bal/sep. 1.5/25 dB; wt 6g .. $129
Ortophase Moving -Coil Phono Cartridges XI -MC. High-ouput Mc cartridge with low -mov- TM14U. Stereo cartridge with elliptical diamond
MC3000. Mc cartridge with ultra low mass (0.25 ing mass, aluminum cantilever, and elliptical dia- stylus and unversal mount. FR 20-20,000 Hz; out-
mg) moving system. Features propriety Ortofon mond. Output 2 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 20-30,000 put 4.5 mV; sep/balance 25/1.5 dB at kHz; 1

Fg Replicant 100 stylus mounted on a rigid alu- Hz +4. -1.5 dB; sep >22 dB at 1,000 Hz; track- equivalent stylus tip mass 0.5 mg; recommended
minum conical cantilever; carbon fiber armature ing -force range 1.75-2.2 g; cartridge weight 4.1 g; load 47k ohms/200 pF; tracking force 1.25g S89
wound with pure silver coils and a neodymium vertical tracking angle 23' $100 TM7U. Cartridge with elliptical diamond stylus
permanent magnet. Aluminum oxide, ceramic X1 -MCP. P -mount version of X1 -MC $100 and universal mount. FR 20-20,000 Hz; output 5
cartrige housing with Moh scale hardness factor mV at I kHz, 5 cm/sec; sep/balance 22/2 dB at 1
of 9. Output voltage at 1.000 Hz 5cm/sec 0.1 mV; Diamond Collection 500 Series kHz; tracking force 1.25 g $60
ch.sep. at 1,000 Hz >25dB; FR 5-90,000 Hz +4 540. MM cartridge utilizing proprietary slotted
-1dB; tracking ability at 315 Hz at recommended pole pin construction for improved high frequen- VMS Series Phono Cartridges
tracking force >80 pm; 9.5 g $1500 cy response. Patented locking stylus guard to se- FF15XE MkII. Variable Magnetic Shunt car-
MC2000. Mc cartridge with low -mass (0 27 mg) cure sylus to cartridge body avoiding unwanted tridge with 8-µm elliptical diamond stylus tip.
moving system; wide -range damping and rigid resonances. Square -shank nude diamond Fg type Output 3.2 mV at 1 kHz. I cm/sec; FR 20-20,000


Hz; balance/sep 2 dB/20 dB at I kHz; compli- magnet. Nude stereohedron stylus; output 0.06 with azimuth adjustability and LC-OFC cartridge
ance 20 pm/mN horizontal, vertical; tracking - mV/cm/sec; travking force .75-1.5 g; FR 10- leads $290
force range 1.5-3 g; 5 g $50 50,000 Hz $250
XSP/4004. Stereohedron stylus. Output 3 8 mV; FT -3 Straight Tonearm
tracking .75-1.5 g; FR 10-36,000 Hz $180 Statically balanced tonearm with anti -resonance
PARASOUND XSP/3003. Stereohedron series P -Mount car- foam -stuffed tube. Features decoupled counter-
PCe77 P -Mount Phono Cartridge tridge with output 3.3 mV. fr 10-30,000 Hz; weight; cone and ball race bearings; LC-OFC litz
Induced -magnet cartridge with aligned elliptical tracking force .75 to 1.5 g, ± .25 g $120 wiring; VTA adjustable during play; termination
stylus. Output 4 mV at 3.54 cm/sec; FR 20- TL -4S. 4 -coil induced magnet. Stereohedron sty- box with LC-OFC flexible link and gold-plated
26,000 Hz ± 0.8 dB; sep 30 dB at 1,000 Hz; track- lus, output 4.4 mV, tracking force .75-1.5 g, FR RCA jacks. Fixed -azimuth adjustable magnesium
ing force 1.25 g; cartridge weight 6.1 g $80 10-25,030 Hz $150 headshell. Tracking force 0-3 g calibrated to 0.1
TL -3S. Stereohedron stylus. Output 4.4 mV; g; effective mass 10 g; offset angle 23°; stylus over-
PCs55 Phono Cartridge hang 17.3 mm; overall length 305 mm; effective
Standard 0.5" -mount induced -magnet cartridge length 239 mm; tracking error 0.1237cm; 20
with low mass, medium compliance, and hinged oz $475
stylus guard. Thin -walled aluminum cantilever, FT -3K S395
0.6 -mil uniradial stylus. Output 5 mV at 3.54 cm/
sec; FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 1 dB; sep 28 dB at 1,000
Hz; tracking force range 1.5-2 g; cartridge weight REALISTIC
3.7 g $60 RXT6 Realistic/Shure Cartridge
Telescope stylus; dynamic stabilizer; tracking
IM1700 P -Mount Phono Cartridge force 1.25-1.75 g; P -mount adaptor and installa-
Induced -magnet cartridge with spherical stylus tracking .75-1.5 g; FR 10-25,003 Hz $125 tion kit $50
and aluminum cantilever. Output 5 mV at 3.54 TL -2S. Stereohedron stylus. Output 4.4 mV;
cm/s; FR 20-20,000 Hz ± I dB; tracking -force tracking .75-1.5 g; FR 10-22,000 Hz $100 RXP3 Realistic/Shure Cartridge
range 1.5-2 g; cartridge weight 5 g; vertical track- TL -2E. Elliptical stylus. Output 4.4mV; tracking P -mount; elliptical diamond stylus; tracking force
ing angle 20° $60 .75-1.5 g; FR 10-22,000 Hz $85 1.25 g $40
TL -1. Std P -Mount, 2 -coil movin magnet. Track-
PICKERING ing .75-1.5 g. Elliptical stylus, FR 10-20,000 Hz, R47XT Realistic/Shure Cartridge
output 4.4 mV $75 Elliptical diamond stylus (10 x 18 microns);
XLZ/7500S Phono Cartridge TL625DJ. P -Mount cartridge. FR 20-20,000 Hz, tracking force 1.75-2.25 g; sep 20 dB $30
Cartridge with nude Stereohedron diamond sty- output 4 4 mV, tracking force 3.5-4 g. Replace-
lus tip. Sens 0.06 mV/cm/sec ± 2 dB; FR 10- ment stylus DJL $75 RS500DJ Realistic/Stanton Cartridge
50,000 Hz; sep 35 dB; tracking force 0.5-1.5 g; in- TLE Type 2. Elliptical stylus. Output 3.0 mV; Pro Series cartridge for radio stations and dance
cludes Dustamatic brush; replacement stylus tracking force .75 to 1.5 g; FR 10-22,030 Hz $55 clubs (back -cues and scratch mixes); tracking
D7500 $250 TLE. Elliptical stylus. Output 4.4 mV; tracking force 2.5 g $30
force .75 to 1.5 g; FR 10-20,003 Hz $50 R500DJ. Replacement stylus $20
XSV/5000 Phono Cartridge
Cartridge with nude Sterehedron diamond stylus V-15/ Series II -S. Stereohedron stylus, FR 10- RXI500 Dual -Magnet Plug -In Cartridge
tip. Output 3.8 mV; FR 10-50,000 Hz; tracking 25,000 Hz, output 3.5 mV. Replacement stylus Diamond elliptical stylus; tracking force 1-1.5
force 0.5 to 1.5 g; sep 35 dB; includes Dustamatic DSR-S $80 g $30
brush. Replacement stylus D5000 $250 V-15/Series II -EE. Elliptical stylus, FR 10-20,000
XSV/4000. Similar to XSV/5000 except FR 10- Hz, output 3.5 mV. Replacement stylus DSR- R25XT Realistic/Shure Cartridge
36,000 Hz; tracking force .75-1.5 g; replacement EE. $50 Elliptical diamond stylus (10 x 18 microns);
stylus D5000 $180 V-15/ Series II -E. Elliptical stylus, FR 10-18,000 tracking force 2.5-3.5 g $20
Hz. output 3.5 mV. Replacement stylus DSR-
XV-15/1200 Phono Cartridge E S45 Styli
Output 4.4 mV at 5.5 cm/sec; FR 10-30,000 Hz; RS3P. Diamond stylus for RXP3 and Shure
0.2 x 0.7 -mil elliptical stylus; tracking force 0.75 M92E, M99E, M104E $28
to 1.25 g; sep 35 dB; features Dustamatic brush; PIONEER RSX. Diamond stylus for R1000, Shure M90,
replacement stylus D1203 $150 PC -295T Induced -Magnet Cartridge M75, T-2 series $25
T4P P -mount cartridge. FR 10-33,00 Hz; output R5X. Diamond stylus for R47, Shure M70 and
XV-IS/757S Cartridge voltage 2.5 mV; tracking force 1.25 g $80 M75 series $20
Stereohedron stylus, output 4.4 mV; tracking PN-295T. Replacement stylus for PC -295T $35 RS50E. Diamond elliptical stylus for ADC.
force .75 -1.5 g; FR 10-25,000 Hz; replacement QLM34 MK III, P32, K5E cartridges $22
stylus D757S $125 PC -300T Induced -Magnet Cartridge RT1500. Diamond elliptical stylus for RX1500,
T4P P -mount cartridge. FR 10-33,000 Hz; output Audio-Technica AT-IO2P, 102, 112, 122EP car-
XSV/3000 Phono Cartridge voltage 2.5 mV; tracking force 1.25 g $80 tridges; tracking force 1-1.5 g $20
Output 5 mV at 5.5 cm/sec; FR 10-30,030 Hz; PN-300T. Replacement stylus for PC -300T $30 R3X. Diamond stylus for R25, Shure M71 and
Stereohedron stylus tip; tracking force 0.75 to 1.5 M75ECS series $15
g; sep 35 dB; features Dustamatic brush; replace- PC -290T Induced -Magnet Cartridge 42-2772. Diamond conical stylus $15
ment stylus D3000 $120 T4P P -mount cartridge. FR 10-33,000 Hz; output DAT-2. Diamond conical stylus for Pickering
voltage 2.5 mV; tracking force 1.25 g $70 V15/AT-1/2, KLH, similar cartridges $12
XV-15/625E Phono Cartridge PN290T. Replacement stylus for PC -290T $30 ATN-771E. Diamond elliptical stylus for Audio-
Output 4.4 mV at 5.5 cm/sec; FR 10-25,000 Hz; Technica AT -70/71/71E $11
0.3 x 0.7 -mil elliptical stylus; tracking force 0.75 PC-SMC Moving -Coil Cartridge RSK8C. Diamond conical stylus for QLM30 and
to 1.5 g; sep 35 dB; features Dustamatic brush; High -output MC cartridge. FR 10-32,000 Hz; out- ADC K series cartridges $11
replacement stylus $100 put voltage 2 mV; tracking force 1.7-2.3 g $54 PS -203. Diamond stylus for Clarinette 14/15/16
PN-5MC. Replacement stylus for PC-5MC . $32 and 13-1117/1118 $6
XV-15/625DJ Phono Cartridge
Designed for disco use. Output 0.8 mV/cm/sec; PC -250T Moving -Magnet Cartridge
sep 30 dB; tracking force 1-4 g; 0.3 x 0.7 -mil ellip- T4P P -mount cartridge. FR 10-30,00 Hz; output
tical stylus $75 voltage 2.5 mV; tracking force 1-1.5 g $50 Revolver Straight Tonearm
PN-250T. Repelacement stylus for PC -250T $20 Statically balanced pivoted direct -coupled ton-
XV-15/400E Phono Cartridge earm with zero free -play -adjusted precision ball
Output 5.5 mV at 5.5 cm/sec; FR 10-25,000 Hz; races; decoupled counterweight; fixed aluminum
0.4 x 0.7 -mil elliptical stylus; tracking force .75 to
1.5 g; sep 35 dB; features Dustamatic brush; re- MMT Tonearm-Featured on cover
placement stylus D400 $85 Highly rigid medium -mass tonearm with double
gimbal bearings; bearing design of Sumiko's The For explanations of abbreviations,
P -Mount Cartridges Arm for extremely free movement with no bear- specifications, and technical terms,
TLZ/7500S. High-performance low -imp car- ing play or chatter. Features decoupled counter- consult the glossary on page 221.
tridge with 4 -coil, high-energy samarium cobalt weight; optional damping; removable headshell


headshell. Tracking force 2-10 g calibrated to 0.1 Ultra 400. Total eff mass 0.190 mg; dynamic ver- M104E Phono Cartridge
g; effective mass 7 g; offset angle 23.5'; stylus tical stylus compliance at 10 Hz 14 Acm/dyne; Cartridge with accurate -tracing 0.2 x 0.7 mil el-
overhang 18 mm; overall length 285 mm; effec- output at 1,000 Hz 4.0 mV 5160 liptical stylus tip and tubular heat -treated alumi-
tive length 228 mm; 393 g $175 Ultra 300. Total eff mass 0.165 mg; dynamic ver- num stylus shank. P -Mount compatible and in-
tical stylus compliance at 10 Hz 11; cludes rigid 0.5" -mount converter. Output 5.0
SAEC output at 1,000 Hz 3.2 mV $160 mV at I kHz (5 cm/sec peak velocity); FR 20-
BY ANALOG EXCELLENCE 20,000 Hz; sep 25 dB at kHz; tracking force

V15 Type V -MR Phono Cartridge 1.25 g. Replacement stylus N104E $76
C -I MC Phono Cartridge MM cartridge with improved low -distortion Mi-
Medium output; beryllium cantilever; line -con- cro -Ridge stylus tip and Microwall beryllium sty- M55E Phono Cartridge
tact stylus; nonresonant metal -alloy body. Output lus shank for increased trackability. Features vis- MM cartridge. Output 6.2 mV at 5 cm/sec peak
0.4 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 10-50,000 Hz ± 2 dB; cous -damped Dynamic Stabilizer and Side -Guard velocity (1 kHz); FR 20-20,000 Hz; tracking force
sep 30 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking force 1.4-1.6 g; stylus protection system; includes Duo -Point 0.75-2 g; sep 20 dB (I kHz); 0.2 x 0.7 -mil biradial
cartridge weight 9 g; internal imp 40 ohms; com- Alignment Gauge and computer performance (elliptical) stylus, replacement stylus N55E . 571
pliance 10 x 10-6 cm/dyne 5595 printout. Output 3.2 mV at 1,000 Hz (5 cm/sec
peak velocity); FR 10-28,000 Hz; sep >25 dB at M44E Phono Cartridge
C-2 High -Output MC Cartridge 1,000 Hz; tracking force 1.0 g 5297 MM cartridge. Output 9.5 mV at 5 cm/sec peak
Beryllium pipe cantilver; line -contact stylus. Out- velocity (1 kHz); FR 20-20.000 Hz; tracking force
put 2.5 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 10-30,000 Hz; track- V15 Type V -B Phono Cartridge 1.75-4 g; sep 20 dB (1 kHz); 0.4 x 0.7 -mil biradial
ing force 1.8 g ± 0.25 g; cartridge weight 9.5 g; in- MM cartridge with exclusive Hyperelliptical tip, (elliptical) stylus; replacement stylus N44E . $62
ternal imp 120 ohms 5395 Microwall beryllium stylus shank, Dynamic Sta-
bilizer and Side -Guard stylus protection system. M99E Phono Cartridge
C-102 MC Phono Cartridge Includes individual computer performance print- Heat -treated tubular aluminum stylus shank and
Medium -output; aluminum cantilever; nude dia- out. Output 3.2 mV at 1 kHz (5 cm/sec peak ve- 0.2 x 0.7 mil elliptical stylus tip. P -Mount com-
mond stylus. Output 0.6 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 20- locity); FR 10-28,000 Hz; sep 25 dB or greater at patible and fits conventional 0.5" -mount ton-
30,000 Hz ± 2 dB; sep 25 dB at 1,000 Hz; track- 1,000 Hz; tracking force 1.0 g 5237 earms with rigid converter. Output 5.0 mV at 1

ing force 1.6-1.8 g; cartridge weight 7 g; internal kHz (5 cm/sec peak velocity); FR 20-20,000 Hz;
imp 40 ohms; compliance 10 x 10-6 cm/dyneS295 V15 Type V -P Phono Cartridge sep 20 dB; tracking force 1.25 g $54
Specifically designed for ultimate performance in
Tonearms P -Mount tonearms. Features Hyperelliptical tip; M92E Phono Cartridge
Microwall beryllium stylus shank; computer per- Heat -treated tubular aluminum stylus shank and
WE-8000S/T Straight Tonearm formance printout. Same specs as VI5 type V -B. 0.4 x 0.7 mil elliptical stylus tip. P -Mount com-
Statically balanced tonearm with offset angle Replacement stylus VN5P $221 patible and fits conventional 0.5" -mount ton-
built into ceramic headshell. Features titanium/ earms with rigid converter. Output 5.0 mV at I
aluminum alloy pipe with 10° taper; lateral bal- ML14OHE Phono Cartridge kHz (5 cm/sec peak velocity); FR 20-18.000 Hz;
ance control; double -knife edge bearings; decou- Slim -line high -efficiency cartridge body provides sep 20 dB; tracking force 1.25 g $33
pled counterweight. For medium- to high -compli- an extremely flat frequency response from 20-
ance cartridges. Headshell of fine ceramic, beryl- 22,000 Hz. Superb trackability with Microwall
lium connector; tracking force 0-3 g calibrated to beryllium shank and accurate tracing with Hy- SIGNET
0.1 g; offset angle 18 °: stylus overhang 13 mm; perelliptical tip. Slim Dynamic Stabilizer combats MK440ML MC Cartridge
overall length 400 mm; effective length 293 mm; record warp problems while destaticizing and Dual moving MicroCoil design features microline
tracking error <I° $1,500 cleaning the record, and Side -Guard helps protect stylus on gold-plated beryllium cantilever. Out-
stylus from accidental damage. Includes over- put 0.1 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 5-50,000 Hz; sep 25
WE -506/30 J -Shaped Tonearm hang gauge. Output 4.0 mV at 1,000 Hz (5 cm/ dB at 1,000 Hz, 18 dB at 10,000 Hz; tracking -
Statically balanced; decoupled counterweight; sec peak velocity); sep 25 dB or greater at 1 kHz; force range 1-1.6 g; cartridge weight 7 g $600
special alloy pipe; universal design. Headshell of tracking force 1.0 g $205
fine ceramic; tracking force 0-4.0 g calibrated to TK10m1 Series II MM Cartridge
0.1 g; offset angle 16% stylus overhang 9 mm; ML12OHE Phono Cartridge Features full toroidal coil wound with LC-OFC
overall length 392mm; effective length 286 mm; Slim -line high -efficiency cartridge body provides wire for generating system; Microline nude stylus
tracking error <1.5° 51,500 flat FR from 20-22,000 Hz. Low -mass, high -stiff- mounted on boron cantilever. Reduced compli-
ness telescoped stylus shank, Hyperelliptical tip. ance on stylus assembly for compatiblity with
WE -407/23 J -Shaped Tonearm slim Dynamic Stabilizer and Side -Guard stylus wide range of tonearms. Output 2 mV at 5 cm/s;
Statically balanced tonearm with patented forged - protecton system. Output 4.0 mV at I kHz (5 FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; sep 35 dB at 1,000 Hz;
steel double -knife-edge bearing. Each arm indi- cm/sec peak velocity); sep 25 dB or greater at 1 tracking -force range 1-1.5 g; cartridge weight 7.5
vidually balanced in all 3 planes (horizontal; ver- kHz; tracking force 1.0 g $167 g; scanning radius 2.5 micrometers; vertical
tical; front/back). Headshell sintered and multi- tracking angle 20° 5450
crystaled aluminum oxide, ceramic; tracking M 111H E Phono Cartridge TKN10m1 Series II. Replacement stylus for
force 0-4 g calibrated to 0.1 g; offset angle 18% Features telescoped stylus shank, Hyperelliptical TK 10m1 Series II cartridge $250
stylus overhang 12 mm; overall length 311 mm; tip. Dynamic Stabilizer, Side -Guard stylus pro-
effective length 221 mm $895 tection system; rigid, low -mass converter allows MK220E MC Cartridge
mounting to either conventional 0.5" -mount ton- Dual moving MicroCoil design with non -user re-
WE -317S J -Shaped Tonearm earms or most P -Mount tonearms; output 5.0 mV placeable stylus. Features 0.2 x 0.7 mil nude
Statically balanced tonearm with double -edge at 1 kHz (5 cm/sec peak velocity); FR 20-20,000 square -shank miniature elliptical diamond. Out-
bearings. Headshell of aluminum/titanium; Hz; sep 25 dB; tracking force 1.25 g $146 put 0.4mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 5-50,000 Hz; sep 25
tracking force 0-3 g calibrated to 0.1 g; offset an- dB at 1,000 Hz; cartridge weight 4.8 g.... $400
gle 20°. stylus overhang 13 mm; overall length MI1OHE Phono Cartridge
331.5 mm; effective length 235 mm; tracking er- Features telescoped stylus shank, Hyperelliptical MR5.0m1 MM Cartridge
ror <1.5' $695 tip, and Side -Guard stylus protection system; rig- Unicore-coil generating system with LC-OFC
id, low -mass converter allows mounting to either wire and microline stylus on gold-plated berylli-
WE -308N J -Shaped Tonearm conventional 0.5" -mount tonearms or all P - um cantilever. Output 5 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 5-
Statically balanced tonearm with double -knife- mount tonearms; same specs as MI 11HE . 5119 37,000 Hz; sep 33 dB at 1,000 Hz, 25 dB at
edge bearing and stainless steel pipe. Universal 10,000 Hz; tracking -force 0.8-1.8 g 5350
aluminum/titanium alloy headshell; tracking M105E Phono Cartridge
force 0-3 g calibrated to 0.1 g; offset angle 12.5% Features 0.2 x 0.7 mil elliptical tip and thin - MR5.01c MM Cartridge
stylus overhang 5 mm; overall length 329 mm; ef- walled, reinforced aluminum shank. Features Unicore-coil generating system with LC-OFC
fective length 235 mm; tracking error <1.5' $395 Destaticizer Brush to clean dust from record wire and square -shank nude stylus on beryllium
grooves and remove static electricity from record cantilever. Output 50 mV; FR 5-35.000 Hz; sep 33
surface, Side -Guard stylus protection system dB at 1,000 Hz, 23 dB at 10,000 Hz; tracking -
SHURE helps prevent accidental stylus damage. Fits most force range 0.8-1.6 g; cartridge weight 6 g . $275
Ultra 500. All of V15 type V MR (see below) plus P -Mount tonearms and includes rigid a 5" -mount
other features. Total eff mass 0.165 mg; dynamic converter. Output 5.0 mV at 1 kHz (5 cm/sec TK8LCp P -Mount MM Cartridge
vertical stylus compliance at 10 Hz 20; peak velocity); FR 20-20,000 Hz; sep 25 dB at I Universal design with straight -line -contact stylus
output at 1,000 Hz 3.2 mV 5400 kHz; tracking force 1.25 g $108 on beryllium cantilever. Output 5 mV at 5 cm/


see: FR 5-35.000 Hz; sep 33 dB at 1,000 Hz, 23 dB sep 26 dB at 1.000 Hz, 17 dB at 10,000 Hz; track- CB -23 Black A Phono Cartridge
at 10,000 Hz; tracking -force range 1-1.5 g; car- ing -force range 1-1.5 g; cartridge weight 6 g $65 Similar to Gold cartridges. Output 1.0 mV/cm/
tridge weight 6 g $250 sec. 5 mV at 5 cms/sec; FR 10-10,000 Hz ± I dB,
HiTec 101 MM P -mount Cartridge 10-20,000 Hz +2/-1 dB; balance/sep ± 2/25 dB
MR5.0me MM Cartridge Universal with dual magnets. 0.6 -mil conical sty- at kHz; compliance 30 x 10-6 cm/dyne; load

Unicore-coil generating system with LC-OFC lus. Output 5/cm/sec 5mV; FR 20-20,000 Hz; 24 imp 47k ohms; 5.5 g. Precision -ground and pol-
wire and 0.2 x 0.7 mil square -shank nude stylus. dB sep at 1,000 Hz, 15 dB at 10,000 Hz; tracking ished biradial elliptical stylus; tracking force
Output 5 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 5-30,000 Hz; sep 30 force 1.0-1.5 g; cartridge weight 6 g $60 range 1.5-2 g $80
dB at 1.000 Hz. 20 dB at 10.000 Hz; tracking - RCB-23. Replacement stylus $40
force range 0.8-1.6 g; cartridge weight 6 g . $225 Tonearms
SR -202 Stereo Cartridge
MK120He MC Cartridge XK-35 Tonearm Moving -iron cartridge with low -mass elliptical
High -output design features user -replaceable sty- Tonearm with Signetrace damped planar track- stylus; designed for moderate S -and J -shaped ton-
lus with 0.2 x 0.7 mil nude square -shank dia- ing, nonremovable tube. Tracking error t 1°; ca- earms. Compliance 25 x 10-6 cm/dyne; balance
mond. Output 2 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 15-30,000 ble capacitance 75 pF; effective length (stylus tip sep ±2/25 dB at 1 kHz; 5.5 g $60
Hz; sep 29 dB at 1.000 Hz, 20 dB at 10,000 Hz; to pivot) 240 mm; tracking force range 0-2 g; ac- RSR-25. Replacement stylus $25
tracking force 1.2-1.8 g; weight 5 g $200 ceptable cartridge weight 2-9 g; anti -skating ad-
justment $125 SPM-5 Plug -In Cartridge
MK66e MC Cartridge Nude line -contact stylus plus low -mass aluminum
Low -mass cartridge with dual moving MicroCoil Tonearm Accessories cantilever. FR 20-20,000 Hz -3 dB; sep 25 dB at
design. Features user -replaceable stylus with 0.2 x XKS451. Interconnect cables for XK-35 and XK- 1.000 Hz. Available with adapter for fitting on
0.7 mil square -shank nude diamond. Output 0.5 50. Also compatible with all tonearms employing standard tonearms. $160
mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 15-30.000 Hz; sep 29 dB at universal Japanese tonearm connector .. $35-50 SPM-4. Similar to SPM-5 but has bonded line -
1.000 Hz. 20 dB at 10,000 Hz; tracking -force ATB-2. Tonearm adapter mates Signet tonearms contact stylus. Tracking force 1.25 gm ± 0.25;
range 1.2-1.8 g; cartridge weight 4.2 g $200 to SME armboards $40 output 4.0 mV at 5 cm/sec $135
ARO-1. Replacement damping trough with sili-
MR5.0e MM Cartridge cone damping fluid in syringe. For XK-35 $15 SPM-3 Cartridge
Unicore-coil generating system with LC-OFC Low -mass elliptical stylus 0.2 x 0.7 mil; FR 20-
wire and 0.3 x 0.7 mil nude stylus. Output 5 mV 20,000 Hz, thin wall tube cantilever; ch balance
at 5 cm/sec; FR 10-30,000 Hz; sep 29 dB at 1.000
SME BY SUMIKO ± 1 5 dB (replacement stylus RPSM-3) ... $115
Hz, 19 dB at 10,000 Hz; tracking -force range 0.9- SME Series V Straight Tonearm
1.9 g: cartridge weight 6 g $195 Dynamically balanced tonearm with ultra -rigid 1 - SPM-2 Cartridge
piece magnesium casting from headshell to rear Elliptical stylus 0.2 x 0.7 mil. sep 20 dB at 1.000
MK55e MC Cartridge of counterweight rails. Features captive ball -race Hz; 6.0 g $90
Low mass; dual moving MicroCoil design; user - bearings; VTA adjustable during play; internally SPM-1. Similar to SPM-2 but has 0.3 x 0.7 mil
replaceable stylus with 0.3 x 0.7 mil nude mount- tapered arm tube for reduced mass and better elliptical stylus $60
ed diamond. Output 0.5 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 20- control of standing waves; silver wiring through-
28.000 Hz; sep 28 dB at 1.000 Hz. 18 dB at out. Tracking force 0-3 grams calibrated to 0.1;
10,000 Hz; tracking -force range 1.2-1.8 g; car- effective mass 11 g; offset angle 23° 38'; tonearm
tridge weight 4.2 g $150 weight 720 g $2,050 Veritas Moving -Coil Cartridge
Series IV. Similar to Series V $1,250 MC cartridge with coils on each side of pivot and
TK6Ep MM P -mount Cartridge hollow boron cantilever. Features line -contact di-
Universal design with 0.2 x 0.7 mil square -shank amond. Output 0.5 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 20-60,000
nude diamond. Output 5 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 10-
SONUS BY SONIC RESEARCH Hz I 0.5 dB; sep 30 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking -
30,000 Hz; sep 29 dB at 1,000 Hz. 20 dB at CD -ii D-5 Dimension 5 Phono Cartridge force range 1.75-2.25 g; cartridge weight 4.4
10,000 Hz; tracking -force range 1-1.5 g $150 Magnetic cartridge with Lambda diamond stylus, $800
integrated tapered aluminum cantilever; micro - Gamma. As above except 25 -dB sep $450
HiTec 107 P -mount Cartridge machined armature; designed to reproduce di-
Universal with 2 magnets, linear -contact stylus. rect -to -disc and PCM-mastered recordings. Out- Tonearms
Output at 1.000 Hz, 5 cm/sec 3.0 mV; FR 10- put 0.8 mV/cm/sec; FR 10-20,000 Hz t I dB, 20-
30.000 Hz; sep at 1,000 Hz 31 dB, 10.000 Hz 21 40,000 Hz +2/-5 dB; compliance 50 cm/dyne x Tribeam 12 Straight Tonearm
dB; tracking force 1-1.5 g; weight 6 g $150 10-6; balance/sep t .330 dB at 1.000 Hz; tracking Statically balanced tonearm with stainless -steel
force range 1-1.5 g; 5.5 g $250 Flagship. Features tri-quartz track sand -filled
MR5.0 Basic MM Cartridge RCD-11. Replacement stylus $125 chassis; one -knob VTA adjust while playing. Ve-
Unicore-coil generating system with LC-OFC CC -11 Calibrated D-5. Similar to Dimension 5 lox and titanium headshell; tracking -force range
wire and 0.4 x 0.7 mil bonded elliptical stylus. except hand calibrated $350 0.5-2.5 grams; effective mass adjustable med to
Output 5 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 15-25,000 Hz; sep Replacement stylus $175 high; offset angle 0.; overall length 254 millime-
27 dB at 1.000 Hz, 17 dB at 10,000 Hz; tracking - ters; effective length 50 millimeters $3,000
force range 1.3-2.3 g; cartridge weight 6 g . $125 SB-11 Super Blue Phono Cartridge Tribeam 16. For 16" discs $3,500
Moving -iron cartridge with Lambda stylus and
HiTec 105 MM P -mount Cartridge super -lightweight moving system. Sep 20 dB. 20- SLA 3 Tri-Quartz Straight Tonearm
Universal cartridge with dual magnets, 0.3 x 0.7 20.000 Hz; output 4 mV at 5 cm/sec; tracking Statically balanced ttmearm with pure -quartz
mil elliptical stylus. Output 5.0 mV at 1,000 Hz, force 1-1.5 g; 5.5 g $195 track and equimass-patented system. Velox and
5/cm/sec; FR 15-27,000 Hz; 29 dB sep 1,000 Hz, RSB-11. Replacement stylus $98 titanium headshell; tracking force range 0.5-2.5
18 dB 10,000 Hz; tracking force range 1.0-1.5 g; grams; effective mass adjustable from medium to
cartridge weight 6 g $110 CG -12 Gold Blue Phono Cartridge high; offset angle 0°; overall length 254 mm; effec-
High -compliance cartridge with low moving tive length 50 mm; tracking error CY; 13.4 oz$850
TK4Ep MM P -mount Cartridge mass, sophisticated modified line -contact stylus.
Universal design with 0.3 x 0.7 mil nude stylus. Output 4 mV at 5 cm/sec; compliance 50 cm/ Southern Junior Straight Tonearm
Output 5 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 15-20,000 Hz; sep dyne x 10-6; vertical tracking angle 202; sep 30 Statically balanced tonearm with special cover
28 dB at 1,000 Hz, 19 dB at 10.000 Hz; tracking - dB at I kHz; tracking force 1-1.5 g; 5.5 g $165
. and linear and track guage. Velox and titanium
force range 1-1.5 g; cartridge weight 6 g $95 RCG-12. Replacement stylus $87 headshell; tracking force range 0.5-2.5 grams; ef-
fective mass 50 grams; offset angle Cr; overall
HiTec 103 MM P -mount Cartridge .Silver Phony Cartridges length 254 mm; effective length 50 mm; tracking
Universal design with dual magnets. 0.4 x 0.7 mil Similar to Gold series Output 1.0 m V/cm/sec at / error 0*; 13 oz $550
elliptical stylus. Output 5.0 mV, 5/cm/sec; FR 15- kHz: compliance 40 cms/dyne x 10-°: balance ± 2
25,000 Hz; 25 dB sep at 1,000 Hz. 17 dB at dB: ch sep 30 dB at 1 kHz: load imp 47k ohms; STANTON
10,000 Hz; recommended tracking force range tracking force range 1-1.5 g: 5.5 g.
1.0-1.5 g; cartridge weight 6 g $90 CS -22 Silver P. Modified line -contact stylus Calibration Series
(RCS -22 replacement stylus) $100
TK2Ep MM P -mount Cartridge CS -23 Silver E. Biradial (elliptical) stylus FR 10- 981LZ Mk Its Phono Cartridge
Universal design with 0.4 x 0.7 mil elliptical sty- 20,000 Hz ± 1.5 dB $95 Low -imp cartridge, fully calibrated for exact pre-
lus. Output 5 mV at 5 cm/sec; FR 15-25,000 Hz; RCS -23. Replacement stylus $45 cision with nude Stereohedron diamond stylus.


Includes mounted "longhair" brush. Output 0.06 FR 20-40,000 Hz; output 0.06 mV/cm/sec; sep 35 Broadcast Standard Series
mV/cm/sec 22 dB; tracking force 1 g ± .25 g; FR dB; 90 -micron tracking at 1-g force; 5.5 g. Re-
10-50,000 Hz; sep 35 dB; weight 5.5 g $250 placement stylus D88S $150 600EE Phono Cartridge
Output I mV/cm/sec; FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 2.5 dB;
981HZ Mk 115 Phono Cartridge 785LZE Phono Cartridge balance/sep t 2/35 dB (1 kHz); load imp 47 ki-
High -imp stereo cartridge with nude Stereohe- Low -imp cartridge with 0.2 x 0.7 -mil elliptical lohms; load capacitance 275 pF; tracking force I-
dron diamond stylus, fully calibrated. Includes stylus. FR 20-30,000 Hz; output 0.6 mV/cm/sec; 2 g; 0.3 x 0.7 -mil elliptical diamond stylus; weight
mounted "longhair" brush. Output 0.7 mV/cm/ sep 30 dB; 80 -micron tracking at I -g force; 5.5 g; 5 g; replacement stylus D6003EE, D6010 for
sec; tracking force I g ± .25; FR 10-50,000 Hz; sep replacement stylus D78E $100 LPs, D6027 for 78s $66
35 dB at I kHz; weight 5.5 g $250 600E. Similar to 600EE but FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 2
Disco Series dB; elliptical diamond stylus; tracking force 1.5-3
881S Mk Its Phono Cartridge g; replacement stylus D6004fE $57
Output 0.9 mV/cm/sec; FR 10-25,000 Hz (indi- 680SL Disco Cartridge
vidually calibrated to 20,000 Hz); balance/sep (I Output 1.1 mV/cm/sec; FR 20-20,000 Hz; bal- Broadcast Series -Mark II
kHz) ± I dB/35 dB; load imp 47 kilohms; load ance/sep 2/30 dB; load resistance 47 kilohms; 500EE Mk II. Output I mV/cm/sec ± 2 dB; FR
capacitance 275 pF; tracking force 0.75-1.25 g; load capacitance 275 pF; nude Stereohedron sty- 10-20,000 Hz; balance/sep ± 2/35 dB (1 kHz);
nude Stereohedron stylus; 5.7 g with self-support- lus tip; tracking force 3-6 g with brush ... $109 tracking force .75-1.5 g; 0.3 a 0.7 -mil elliptical di-
ing (1 g) brush; white with silver handle, white amond stylus; replacement stylus D5OEE Mk
brush; replacement stylus D81S, D8I0 for mono L680EL Disco Cartridge 11 $50
LPs, D827 for 78s $180 For P -Mount tonearms; automatically compen- 500E Mk II. Output I mV/cm/sec ± 2 dB; FR
sates for higher tracking forces. Includes fluores- 10-22,000 Hz; balance/sep ± 2/35 dB (1 kHz);
681EEE MK II -S Phono Cartridge cent -coated stylus. Output 1.1 mV/cm/sec; FR tracking force 1-2 g; 0.4 a 0.7 -mil elliptical dia-
Induced -magnet cartridge with Stereohedron II 20-18,000 Hz; sep 30 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking mond stylus; weight 5.5 g; replacement stylus
stylus shape; dynamically improved cantilever as- force 3.5-4 g; weight 8.4 g. Replacement stylus D5OE Mk 11 $45
sembly. Output 0.7 mV/cm/sec; FR 10-22,000 D6800EL $106 500A Mk. II. Output I mV/cm/sec ± 2 dB; FR
Hz; sep 35 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking force 1 g 10-20,000 Hz; balance/sep ± 2/35 dB (1 kHz);
± .25; cartridge weight 6.3 g $120 680EL Disco Cartridge tracking force 1-2 g; 0.7 -mil spherical diamond
Output 0.82 mV/cm/sec; FR 20-18,000 Hz; bal- stylus; weight 5.5 g $37.50
High -Performance P -Mounts ance/sep ± 2/30 dB (1 kHz); load imp 47 ki-
lohms; load capacitance 275 pF; tracking force 2-
L -847S P -Mount Cartridge 5 g; 0.4 x 0.7 -mil elliptical diamond stylus; 5.5 g; SUPEX BY SUMIKO
Top -of -the -line P -Mount cartridge. Features Ster- replacement stylus D6800EL. Comes with extra SD -901 Mark IV T.Q.A. Phono Cartridge
eohedron stylus; tracking .75-1.5 gs; output 0.7 stylus $100 High -output MC cartridge with improvements
mV/cm/sec; FR 10-36,000 Hz; ch balance <2 dB; over SD -901E in high -frequency linearity, track-
sep 35 dB, 5.9 g; replacement stylus D84S. $180 681SE Phono Cartridge (Calibrated) ing, and dynamics. Output 1.7 mV at 3.54 cm/
Output 1 mV/cm/sec; FR 10-10,000 Hz ± 0.5 dB; sec; FR 10-42,000 Hz ± 2 dB; sep 27 dB at 1,000
L -837S P -Mount Cartridge 10,000 Hz to 20,000 Hz, individually calibrated; Hz; tracking force 1.8-2.2 g; wt 9.1 g $380
Features Stereohedron stylus; tracks at 0.75-1.5 g; balance/sep ± 2 dB/35 dB (I kHz); load imp 47
output 0.9 mV/cm/sec; FR 10-30,000 Hz; ch bal- kilohms; load capacitance 275 pF; tracking force SD -900 Mark IV T.Q.A. Phono Cartridge
ance ± 2 dB; sep 35 dB $140 2-4 g; 0.4 x 0.7 -mil elliptical stylus; weight 5.5 g Image specificity, tracking, and dynamic contrast
with self-supporting (1 g) brush; replacement sty- improved over SE -99E; nude -mount elliptical Vi-
Stereo Standard P -Mount Series lus D6800SE, D6810 for LPs, D6827 for 78s$110 tal solid diamond stylus. Each cartridge hand -se-
lected by David W. Fletcher. Output 0.2 mV at
L747S Plug -In Cartridge 680 Disco Cartridge 3.54 cm/sec; FR 10-50,000 Hz ± 2 dB; sep 27 dB
Features Stereohedron stylus. FR 10-25,000 Hz; Output 1.1 mV/cm/sec; FR 20-18,000 Hz ± 2 dB; at 1,000 Hz; tracking force 1.8-2.2 g; cartridge
tracking force 0.75-1.5 g; output 0.9 mV/cm/sec; bal/sep ± 2/30 dB (I kHz); load resistance weight 8.3 g $360
sep 35 dB; 5.7 g. Replacement stylus D747S$125 47,000 ohms; load capacitance 275 pF; tracking SD -900E+ Super $324
force 2-5 g; 0.7 -mil spherical stylus tip; comes
L737S Phono Cartridge with extra stylus. Weight 5.5 g; replacement sty- SD -3300 Phono Cartridge
Plug-in cartridge features Stereohedron stylus. lus D6800AL $90 MC cartridge with miniaturized body of nonreso-
Tracking force 0.75-1.5 g; output 0.9 mV/cm/ nant material and Vital diamond grain -oriented
sec; FR 10-22,000 Hz; ch balance 2 dB; ch sep 35 L500AL Disco Cartridge stylus; hand -wound coils; samarium -cobalt mag-
dB. Replacement stylus D73S; weight 5.7 g $100 P -Mount MM cartridge automatically compen- nets; aluminum/magnesium alloy cantilever. Out-
sates for higher tracking forces required for disco put 0.15 mV at 3.54 cm/sec; FR 20-30.000 Hz
L737E Plug -In Cartridge use. Comes with fluorescent -coated stylus. Out- ± 3 dB; sep 30 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking force 1.5-
Elliptical stylus, 0.3 x 0.7 mil; output 0.9 mV/ put 1.0 mV/cm/sec; FR 20-17,000 Hz; sep 28 dB 1.9 g; cartridge weight 3 g $240
cm/sec; FR 10-22,000 Hz; tracking .75-1.5 g; ch at 1,000 Hz; tracking force 3.5-4 g; cartridge SDX-3300. Boron 51,009
balance 2 dB; sep 35 dB; weight 5.7 g. Replace- weight 8.5 g; replacement stylus D57PAL $53
ment stylus D73E $85 500EL. Similar to above except output FR 20-
18,000 Hz; sep 30 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking force SYSTEMDEK
L -727E P -Mount Phono Cartridge 2-5 g; cartridge weight 5 g; replacement stylus TA -I Tonearm
Plug-in cartridge with 0.4 x 0.7 -mil elliptical sty- D5100EL $45 Pivoted tonearm with fixed cartridge mount.
lus. FR 10-25,000 Hz; tracking force .75-1.5 g; Cueing, anti -skate, adjustable vertical tracking
output 0.8 mV/cm/sec; sep 32 dB $75 SOOAL Disco Cartridge angle, pivot -stylus distance 11.75". Tracking
Output 1.0 mV/cm/sec; FR 20-17,000 Hz ± 2 dB; force 1-3 g; cartridge weight range 3-10 g; cable
L725E P -Mount Cartridge bal/sep ± 2/28 dB (1 kHz); load resistance capacitance 300 pF; mounting hole diameter 1-
Cartridge with elliptical stylus; tracking force 47,000 ohms; load capacitance 275 pF; tracking $160
0.75-1.5 g; output 0.8 mV/cm/sec; FR 10-22,000 force 3-7 g; 0.7 mil spherical stylus. Weight 5 g;
Hz; ch balance <2 dB; sep 28 dB; replacement replacement stylus D5I07AL $37.50
stylus D71 -2E; weight 5.7 g $55
Stereo Standard Series (with "Longhair" Brush) Virtuoso DTi Phono Cartridge
L720EE P -Mount Cartridge MC cartridge with diamond titanium -tube canti-
Elliptical stylus 0.3 x 0.7 mil; output 0.8 mV/cm/ 680EE (S) Phono Cartridge lever and anti -resonance foam insert; mass -re-
See; FR 10-20,000 Hz; tracking .75-1.5 g; ch bal- Cartridge with Stereohedron stylus. Output 0.82 duced van den Hul Type I stylus. Output 1.8 mV
ance 2 dB; ch sep 28 dB; replacement stylus mV/cm/sec; FR 10-20,000 Hz; tracking force at 5 cm/sec; FR 15-35,000 Hz ± 3 dB; sep 30 dB
D7I EE. Weight 5.7 g $50 0.75-1.5 g; weight 6.3 g; replacement stylus at 1,000 Hz; tracking force 1.75-2.25 g; cartridge
D680S $95
Professional Cartridges
Low -Impedance Series 680EE Phono Cartridge
Output 0.82 mV/cm/sec; FR 20-20,000 Hz; bal- For explanations of abbreviations.
885LZS Low -Impedance Cartridge ance/sep ± 2 dB/35 dB (1 kHz); load imp 47 ki- specifications, and technical terms,
Low -imp stereo cartridge with long -contact -line lohms; load capacitance 275 pF; tracking force consult the glossary on page 221.
Stereohedron stylus, mounted "longhair" brush. 0.75-1.5 g $76


weight 7.5 g $1,200 Output 2.5 mV at 5 cm/sec; sep 25 dB at 1,000
Virtuoso Boron $856 Hz; tracking force 1.25 g ± 0.25 g; cartridge YAMAHA
weight 6 g; 0.2 x 0.7 mil elliptional nude dia- MC -100 Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge
Talisman B MC Cartridge -Featured on cover mond; effective moving mass 0.019 mg; neodymi- Features cross -matrix air -core moving -coil sys-
Direct Field Focus design to reduce magnetic um magnet $250 tem; pure -beryllium tapered tubular cantilever;
losses and fringing effects by eliminating magnet- EPC-205CMK4. Same as EPC-205CMK4 except distinctive metal housing for high magnetic flux
ic yokes and all but 1 pole piece; energy from sa- regular mounting $280 density; origninal equalizing damper; high energy
marium cobalt ring magnet pulled across coils by samarium cobalt magnet. 9.5 g $300
front -mounted pole piece; solid zinc body for re- EPC-P310 MCMK2 MC Cartridge
duced resonance, tapered for rigidity; minimal in- With ultra -low -mass cantilever. Output 1.2 mV at MC -505 Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge
ternal air spaces; low -mass boron -tube cantilever; 5 cm/sec; separation 25 dB at 1,003; tracking - Features cross -matrix moving -coil system; pure -
long -line -contact diamond $345 force range 1.25 g ± 0.25 grams; cartridge weight beryllium tapered tubular cantilever; Low Tem-
Talisman S. Identical to Talisman B except sap- 6 g; 0.139 -mg boron cantilever; neodymium mag- perature Dependency (LTD) equalizing damper;
phire -tube cantilever $395 net; coreless twin ring coils; 0.2 x 0.7 nude dia- Sendust core; 1 -point suspension; resonance -free
Talisman A. Identical to Talisman S except alu- mond stylus $200 one-piece housing. 3.4 g $200
minum/magnesium alloy cantilever with nude -
mounted elliptical diamond stylus $253 EPC-P550 MM Cartridge MC -501 Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge
With ultra -low -mass cantilever. Output 2.5 mV at Features cross -matrix moving -coil system; alumi-
Alchemist Ills Phono Cartridge 5 cm/sec; sep 25 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking force num tapered tubular cantilever; Low Tempera-
"Intensified Focus" design for high output with- range 2.5 g ± 0.25 g; cartridge weight 6 g; 0.3 x ture Dependency (LTD) equalizing damper; Sen-
out slow transients, poor tracking ability, strain- 0.7 mil elliptical diamond $100 dust core; resonance -free housing. 3.4 g $150
ing at high modulations. Intense magnetic focus
at coils concentrates energy to prevent virtually EPC-P540 MM Cartridge MC -10 Moving -Coil Phono Cartridge
all losses and fringing effects. Hollow sapphire Output 2.5 mV cm/sec; sep 25 dB at 1,000 Hz; Features cross -matrix moving -coil system; alumi-
cantilever with laser -indexed, grain -oriented long - tracking force 1.25 ± 0.25 grams; cartridge num tapered tubular cantilever; original equaliz-
line contact stylus. Solid zinc body to prevent res- weight 6 g $70 ing damper; metal housing assembly; one -point
onance. Output 2.0 mV at 3.54 cm/sec; FR 10- suspension. 5.4 g $120
60,000 Hz; sep 30 dB at 1,000 Hz; tracking force EPC-P530 MM Cartridge
1.5-2.5 g; cartridge weight 6.7 g $462 Output 2 5 mV at 5 cm/sec; sep 25 dB at 1,000 MC -21 MC/MM Phono Cartridge
Hz; tracking force 1.25 ± 0.25 grams; cartridge Features MM/MC phono input compatibility;
Alchemist IIB Phono Cartridge weight 6 g $50 cross -matrix moving -coil system; aluminum ta-
Similar to Alchemist Ills except boron -rod canti- pered tubular cantilever; original equalizing
lever with nude -mount elliptical stylus $323 Tonearm damper; resonance free housing. 2.8 g $70
Alchemist IA. Similar to Alchemist Ills except
aluminum/magnesium cantilever with nude - EPA 250 S -Shaped Tonearm
mount elliptical stylus $323 Dynamically balanced tonearm with decoupled
counterweight. Tracking -force range 0-2 g; effec- Zeta Straight Tonearm
tive mass 14 g; stylus overhang 15 mm; overall Statically balanced tonearm with fixed aluminum
TECHNICS length 343 mm; effective length 250 mm; tracking hcadshell. Tracking force 1-5 grams; effective
EPC-205CMK4 MM P -Mount Cartridge error +1'6' at inner groove and +2'6' at outer mass 16 grams; stylus overhang 18 mm; overall
Ultra -low -mass -cantilever. P -Mount cartridge. groove $475 length 290 mm; effective length 210 mm $875

(Continued from page 124.1 nous motor. I -piece solid -core chassis and sprang
damping elements in feet. w&F 0.045%; rumble
-48 dB unwtd, -70 dB wtd $249 PF-800B Semiautomatic Turntable
THORENS BY EPI Belt -drive pivoted -arm turntable with dynamic
All Thorens turntables are belt -driven. single -play balance twin -pipe tonearm. Features 2 -section
units having straight tubular tonearms for maxi- VECTOR RESEARCH zinc plus aluminum platter; 33.33 and 45 rpm
mum rigidity: gimbal suspension: antiskate con- VT -185 Belt -Drive Turntable speeds; variable speed control ± 6%. w&F
trol: 9.12" effective tonearm length: frocking error Features quick -start 1x -servo motor; traditional 0.023% wrms; rumble 80 dB; effective tonearm
<0.18/cm (<0.467in.). plug-in head -shell with standard 0.5" mourning length 8.75"; 35 lb $519
centers; front -panel controls; aluminum -alloy
Phantasie Semiautomatic Single -Play Turntable TT -500U Automatic Turntable
Belt -drive 33.33 and 45 -rpm turntable with solid Direct -drive turntable with RS integrated remote
plexiglass chassis; 16 -pole synchronous motor; system compatibility. Features straight tonearm
twin solid -core chassis and 3 -point leaf -spring design; resonance absorbing turntable mat; disc
suspension. w&F 0.35%, rumble -52 dB unwtd. damper. Black; 15 lb $229
-72 dB wtd $2,295
TD 320. As above with wood chassis $549 PF-50B Automatic Turntable
TD 321. Armless version of TD -320 $450 Direct -drive turntable with 3 -point floating sus-
pension and knife-edge dynamic -balance ton-
TD 520 Semiautomatic Single -Play Turntable earm. P -mount compatible; 33.33 and 45 rpm;
Belt drive with auto tonearm lift, motor shut-off. resonance -absorbing mat; disc clamper/EP adap-
33.33, 45, 78 rpm; electronic speed selection; tor; overhang adjustment gauge. w&F 0.15%
± 6% pitch control; twin solid -core chassis; 3 - wrms; s/N 78 dBA; 9 lb. 14 oz $229
point leaf -spring suspension. w&F 0.035% $999 PF-30B. Similar to PF-50 except belt -drive $179
TD 521. Same as above without tonearm $900 PF-20B. Similar to PF-30 except semiautomatic,
platter; auto -return and shut-off; auto -start func- standard EP adapter $149
TD 318 Semiautomatic Single -Play Turntable ion; separate pitch controls for 33 and 45 rpm
Belt -drive 33.33 and 45 rpm turntable with 16 - ± 3%); strobe. w&F 0.05% wrms; s/N 68 dB TT -400U Automatic Turntable
pole synchronous motor; twin solid -core chassis; DIN B). 17.38" w x 4.5" h x 14.63" d; 11.5 Belt -drive; compatible with RS system remote
3 -pointleaf -spring suspension. W&F 0.04%; b $150 straight tonearm; resonance -absorbing mat; disc
rumble -50 dB unwtd, -70 dB unwtd $399 damper. Black; 15 lb $179
TD 316. Manual turntable similar to TD 318 VT -155 Belt -Drive Turntable
without auto lift and shut off $299 Features ix -servo motor; P -mount cartridge TT -300U Semiautomatic Turntable
compatibility; front -panel controls; aluminum -al- Belt -drive; straight tonearm design; resonance -ab-
TD 280 Semiautomatic Single -Play Turntable loy platter; auto -return and shut-off; pitch con- sorbing turntable mat; EP adaptor. Black finish;
Belt -drive 33.33/45 rpm with 24 -pole synchro- trol; strobe; 8.75 lb $100 10 lb $149



3D ACOUSTICS Studio Reference Speaker ± 2 dB. 28" wide x 94" high x 4" deep; 340 Ib/
Vented speaker with 12" woofer, 15" x 4" horn system 54.500/pr
3D610 Surround 5 -Piece Speaker System midrange; 5.25 x 2" horn tweeter. Features mid-
5 -piece phase -conditioned surround -sound speak- range, tweeter level controls; oiled walnut or oak Spectra 3 Electrostatic Speaker
er system with all matrixing built in to 3D10 cabinet; black cloth grille. FR 22-20,000 Hz ± 2.5 Three -panel variable -width electrostatic with
magnetically shielded subwoofer. Features 10" dB; crossovers 880 and 5,000 Hz; sens 98 dB sPL/ built-in selectable woofer. Mirror image pair. Min
shield dual -wind -voice -coil woofer; 6- rubber -roll W/m; mim power 15 W; imp 8 ohms; 48" h x power 70 W; imp 4 ohms; FR 30-20,000 Hz ± 2
midrange; 1" cloth -dome foam -encased tweeter. 18.5" w x 16" d; 102 lb 53,180/pr dB. 33" wide x 66" high x 2" deep; 220 lb/sys-
FR 30-20,000 Hz t 3 dB; min power 30 W rms; tem $2,995/pr
max power 150 W rms; sens 88 dB sPL/W/m; Professional Series II Speaker
imp 16 ohms. Oiled -walnut and black finishes. Vented speaker with 12" woofer; 2" dome mid- Spectra 2 Electrostatic Speaker
Subwoofer: 24" wide x 16" high x 13.75" deep; 49 range; I" dome tweeter. Features midrange and Two -panel variable -width electrostatic with built-
lb, satellites 14" wide x 8.5" high x 7.25" deep; 30 tweeter controls; oiled walnut or oak cabinet; in selectable woofer. Mirror image pair. Min
lb/pr $975/system black cloth grille. FR 29-20,000 Hz ± 2.5 dB; power 70 W; imp 4 ohms; FR 30-20,000 Hz ± 3
crossovers 800 and 6,600 Hz; sens 95 dB sPi./W/ dB. 22" wide x 66- high x 2" deep; 180 lb/sys-
3D610 System 3 -Piece Speaker System m; min power 15 W; imp 8 ohms; 36" h x 18.5" w tem $2,795/pr
3 -piece speaker system with built-in matrixing for x 16" d; 80 lb 51,780/pr
3D phase -conditioned surround sound. Magneti- Model Two + Two Electrostatic Speaker
cally shielded for near -video placement. Features Transcendent Speaker Four -panel vertical -array electrostatic speaker.
10" dual -wind -voice -coil woofer; 6" rubber -roll Vented speaker with 12" woofer, 1.25" dome Min power 50 W; imp 4 ohms; FR 28-20,000 Hz
midrange; 1" cloth -dome foam -encased tweeter. midrange/tweeter. Features midrange, tweeter ± 2 dB. 20" w x 94" h x 4" d; 200 lb/sys-
FR 30-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 30 W rms; level controls; oiled walnut or oak cabinet; black tem 52,599/pr
max power 150 W rms; sens 88 dB sPL/W/m; cloth grille. FR 38-20,000 Hz ± 2.5 dB; crossover
imp 8 ohms. Oiled -walnut and black finishes. 1,900 Hz; sens 94 dB sPL/W/m; min power 15 Model Three Electrostatic Speaker
Subwoofer: 24" wide x 16" high x 13.75" deep; 49 W; imp 8 ohms; 51 lb 5980/pr Three -panel curved -array electrostatic speaker.
lb, satellites 14" wide x 8.5" high x 7.25" deep; 30 Min power 70 W; imp 4 ohms; FR 30-20,000 Hz
lb/pr S650/system Intimate Speaker ± 2 dB. 28" w x 72" h x 4" d; 196 lb/sys-
Acoustic -suspension speaker with 10" woofer, 1" tem 52,199/pr
3D Column Passive -Radiator Speaker dome tweeter. Features tweeter level control;
Magnetically sheilded speaker with built-in ma- oiled walnut or oak cabinet; black cloth grille. FR Model One + One Electrostatic Speaker
trixing for 3D phase -conditioned surround sound. 49-20,000 Hz ± 2.5 dB; crossover 5,000 Hz; sens Two -panel vertical line -source electrostatic
Features 10" cone passive radiator; 6" controlled - 93 dB sPL/W/m; min power 15 W; imp 8 ohms; speaker. Min power 70 W; imp 4 ohms; FR 30-
output rubber -roll woofer; I" cloth -dome tweeter. 19" h x 12" w x 12" d; 29 lb $580/pr 20,000 Hz ± 2 dB. 11" w x 94" h x 4" d; 144 lb/
FR 35-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 25 W rms; system 51,750/pr
max power 150 W rms sens 88 dB sPL/W/m; imp Shadow Speaker
8 ohms. Tech black with solid walnut finish. 12" Acoustic -suspension speaker with 8" woofer, 1" Model One Electrostatic Speaker
w x 31" h x 10.5" d; 42 lb 5490/pr dome tweeter. Features cylindrical cabinet cov- Single -panel electrostatic speaker with satellite
ered with black cloth grille. FR 69-20,000 Hz woofer. Min power 75 W; imp 4 ohms; FR 30-
3D Cube Acoustic -Suspension Speaker ± 2.5 dB; crossover 5,000 Hz; sens 91 dB sPI./W/ 18,000 Hz ± 3 dB. 11" w x 72" h x 4" d; 180 lb/
Bookshelf 2 -way speaker with 7 -element low -dis- m; min power 15 W; imp 8 ohms; 24.5" h x 8.75" system $1,299/pr
tortion crossover network. Features 6" rubber - d 5380/pr
roll controlled -output cone woofer; 0.75" poly -
carbonate -dome ferrofluid-damped tweeter. FR Angstrom Speaker ACOUSTIC RESEARCH
70-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 15 W rms; max Acoustic -suspension speaker with 6.5" woofer, I" MGC-1 Ambience -Subsystem Speaker
power 150 W rms; sens 88 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 dome tweeter. Features charcoal enamel cabinet; Floor -standing acoustic -suspension speaker with
ohms. Tech black with solid walnut finish. Mir- black cloth grille. FR 78-20,000 Hz ± 2.5 dB; sens delayed ambience subsystem built into enclosure
ror -imaged matched pairs. 9.75" w x 9.75" h x 90 dB sPL/W/m; min power 15 W; imp 8 ohms. plus MGC- le control and amplification electron-
9.75" d; 15 lb ea 5240/pr 12.88" h x 7.5" w x 6.5" d; 9 Ib; walnut or oak ics. Speakers are mirror -imaged pairs consisting
finish 5350/pr of a 4 -way passive system and a 2 -way active sub-
ACOUSTIC INTERFACE Charcoal -enamel finish 5250/pr system for delayed ambience radiation. Electronic
unit controls system parameters and provides sig-
Sound Prism Speaker Tremor Subwoofer nal processing, delay, and power amplification for
Vented -horn speaker with 24" x 52" compression Vented subwoofer with 2 woofers in separate su- delayed ambience subsystem. Main system fea-
woofer, 13" x 22" horn midrange, 7.25" x 3" benclosures. Features oiled walnut or oak cabinet; tures two 8" cone woofers; two 4" cone lower/
horn tweeter, built-in triamplification (1,500 W/ black cloth grille. FR 29-200 Hz ± 2.5 dB; sens 96 midrange drivers; one dual -dome driver with a
woofer, 300 W/midrange, 100 W/tweeter). Fea- dB sPL/W/m; min power 15 W; imp 8 ohms; 27" 1.5" upper midrange dome and a 0.75" tweeter
tures midrange, tweeter level controls; oiled wal- h x 63.5" x 16" d; 150 lb 51,090 ea dome closely spaced on a single magnet. Delayed -
nut or oak cabinet. FR 10-10,000 Hz t I dB; sens With 2 800 W/ch amps 51,790 ea ambience system features 6" woofer in sub -enclo-
105 dB sPL/W/m; crossovers 550 and 5,000 Hz; sure; 1" dome tweeter. FR (3 -dB down point, half
imp 8 ohms; 72" h x 27" w x 36" d; 500 power) 39 and 32,000 Hz; power range 25-250 W;
lb 530,000/pr ACOUSTAT sens 88 dB SPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms; 26.25" w x
Model Eight Electrostatic Speaker 52" h x 16.12" d; 150 Ibs; oiled solid and walnut
Sound Portal Speaker Eight -panel vertical -array electrostatic speaker. veneers 53,600/pr
Vented -horn speaker with 24" x 32" compression Min power 50 W x 2; imp 6 ohms; FR 24-20,000
woofer, 19" x 7" horn midrange, 5" x 5" horn Hz ± 2 dB. 36" w x 94" h x 4" d; total weight of MGC-2 Ambience -Subsystem Speaker
tweeter. Features midrange, tweeter level con- each system 440 lb 55,500/pr Floor -standing acoustic -suspension speaker with
trols; oiled walnut or oak cabinet. FR 15-20,000 delayed ambience subsystem built into enclosure
Hz ± 2.5 dB; crossovers 800 and 5,000 Hz; sens Model Six Electrostatic Speaker plus MGC- le control and amplification electron-
101 dB sPI./W/m; min power 15 W; imp 8 ohms; Six -panel vertical -array electrostatic speaker. Min ics. Speakers are mirror -imaged pairs consisting
48" h x 25.5" w x 24" d; 175 lb 57,000/pr power 50 W x 2; imp 6 ohms; FR 26-20,000 Hz of a 3 -way passive system and an active subsys-


The company that
set the standards for
modern loudspeakers
now raises them.
AR invented the high fideli:y 000lGhelf
loudspeaker with our Acoustic S Jspension
pr nciple in 1954. Since that time, :he
speaker business has been divide( nto two
pr ncipal camps: AR and the conialies
irritating AR.
Today AR introduces the TSW Series.
These Acoustic Suspension specter a -e so
refined in performance, so sophisT sated in
technclogy, they're a virtual texttoDF. of
loudspeaker design.
We've carefully shaped, braced. and
grooved the inside of our cabinet presist
unwanted resonance. We've selected special
carbon -filled polypropylene diapilagms to
lower distortion at low frequencies Our new
61/2 -inch midrange driver reproduces vccals
with precision. And we mount ou- 1 t3nium
dome tweeter on a unique Tetra -lie GI.'" plate
to minimize diffracticn and its ccnsequent

As an integral part of the proeft we

hariessed the talents Df one of Amerca's
top industrial designers to create a -.peaicer
that you'll be proud of eves when iit'3 not
playing. In place of the typical 1/125 inch
veneer, these speakers have solid American
Wallut or Oak tops and bcttoms* lealy
one inch thick.
The new TSW Ser es Loudspeakers.
Once again, AR reshapes the fututeo.
'Wood lop only on Model TSW-10:

We speak from expEri!nc


330 Umpire Street. Canton, MA 02021
tem for delayed ambience radiation. Electronic helix tweeter mounting plate. Features 8" woofer; ty. Power range 10-100 W; imp 6 ohms; FR (-3
unit controls system parameters and provides sig- 6.5" midrange; 0.75" titanium -dome liquid - dB points) 50-22,000 Hz; sens 88 dB with 2.83 V
nal processing, delay, and power amplification for cooled tweeter with acoustic lens. Power range rms input at I meter on axis. 10.81" w x 22.88" h
delayed ambience subsystem. Main system fea- 10-100 W; imp 4 ohms; FR -3 dB (half -power) x 10.88" d; 24.2 lb 5700/pr
tures one 12" polypropylene woofers; two 4" points at 46 Hz and 40,000 Hz; sens 89 dB with
polypropylene cone midranges; I" titanium dome 2.83 V rms input at 1 meter on axis. Solid walnut 19T 3 -Way Speaker
tweeter. Delayed -ambience system features one or oak top and bottom with black -vinyl -veneer Bookshelf acoustic -suspension speaker features
6.5" polypropylene bass -midrange driver. FR (3 - cabinet and black cloth grille. 12.31" w x 24.5" h 6.5" woofer -midrange; 1" titanium -dome tweeter;
dB down point, half power) 39 and 27,000 Hz; x 11.72" d; 30.5 lb $560/pr two inputs for bi-amp operation capability. Power
power range 25-200 W; sens 88 dB SPL/W/m; range 10-75 W; imp 8 ohms; FR (-3 dB points)
imp 4 ohms 52,000/pr TSW-310 2 -Way Speaker 65-22,000 Hz; sens 88 dB with 2.83 V rms input
Floor -standing acoustic -suspension speaker with at 1 meter on axis. 10.13" w x 16" h x 6.94" d;
TSW-910 4 -Way Speaker tetra -helix tweeter mounting plate. Features 10" 14.5 lb $370/pr
Floor -standing columnar acoustic -suspension woofer; 0.75" titanium -dome liquid -cooled tweet-
speaker with tetra -helix tweeter mounting plate. er with acoustic lens. Power range 10-100 W; imp The Subwoofer
Features two 12" woofers (one front -firing, one 6 ohms; FR -3 dB (half -power) points at 45 Hz Floor -loaded acoustic -suspension subwoofer with
rear -firing); 8" lower -midrange driver; two 6.5" and 40,000 Hz; sens 90 dB with 2.83 V rms input crossover. Features two 10" drivers in oiled wal-
midranges; 1" titanium -dome liquid -cooled tweet- at I meter on axis. Solid walnut or oak top and nut -veneer cabinet. Power range 15-200 W; sens
er with acoustic lens; split crossover network. bottom with black -vinyl -veneer cabinet and black 87.5 SPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms. 30.88" w x 16.38" h
Power range 35-400 W; imp 4 ohms; FR -3 dB cloth grille. 12.31" w x 27.75" h x 11.72" d; 35.5 x 18.5" d; 70 lb $630 ea
(half -power) points at 28 Hz and 32,000 Hz. lb $500/pr
15.75" w x 52.81" h x 18.5" d $2,000/pr Partners Series
TSW-210 2 -Way Speaker
TSW-810 3 -Way Speaker Bookshelf acoustic -suspension speaker with tetra - Powered Partner Speaker
Floor -standing columnar acoustic -suspension helix tweeter mounting plate. Features 8" woofer; Acoustic -suspension booskshelf 2 -way speaker
speaker with tetra -helix tweeter mounting plate. 0.75" titanium -dome liquid -cooled tweeter with with shielded drivers for use with TV and person-
Features two 10" woofers (one front -firing, one acoustic lens. Power range 10-100 W; imp 8 al stereo systems. Features built-in equalized
rear -firing); two 6.5" midranges; I" titanium - ohms; FR -3 dB (half -power) points at 54 Hz and amp; on/off switch; volume and tone controls;
dome liquid -cooled tweeter with acoustic lens; 40,000 Hz; sens 87 dB with 2.83 V rms input at I AC/DC inputs; 4" long -throw woofer; 1" liquid -
split crossover network. Power range 25-250 W; meter on axis. Solid walnut or oak top and bot- cooled tweeter. Can be placed on top or near TV,
imp 4 ohms; FR -3 dB (half -power) points at 33 tom with black -vinyl -veneer cabinet and black hung on a pole, mounted on wall, or clamped to a
Hz and 32,000 Hz; sens 90 dB with 2.83 V rms cloth grille. 9.81" x 17.56" x 8.4"; 15.3 lbS350/pr shelf with optional clamps. FR 50-25,000 Hz ± 3
input at I meter on axis. 15.75" w x 42.56" h x dB; imp 10 kilohms. Black aluminum finish. Tri-
18.5" d; 95 lb 51,700/pr TSW-110 2 -Way Speaker angular shape 10.5" w x 6" h x 7.62" d; 7 lb
Bookshelf acoustic -suspension speaker with tetra - ea $380/pr
TSW-610 3 -Way Speaker helix tweeter mounting plate. Features 6.5" woof-
Floor -standing acoustic -suspension speaker with er; 0.75" titanium -dome liquid -cooled tweeter Rock Partner 2 -Way Speaker
tetra -helix tweeter mounting plate. Features 12" with acoustic lens. Power range 10-75 W; imp 8 Acoustic -suspension floor -standing or bookshelf
woofer; 6.5" midrange; 0.75" titanium -dome liq- ohms; FR -3 dB (half -power) points at 68 Hz and speaker with 8" long -throw woofer and 1.25" liq-
uid -cooled tweeter with acoustic lens. Power 40,000 Hz; sens 88 dB with 2.83 V rms input at 1 uid -cooled cone tweeter. Triangular shaped with
meter on axis. Solid walnut or oak top and bot- versitile mounting placements and options. FR 65-
tom with black -vinyl -veneer cabinet and black 22.000 Hz ± 3 dB; max power 100 W rms; sens
cloth grille. 9.81" w x 14.94" h x 8 4" d; 14 88 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms. Black vinyl ve-
lb $260/pr neer. 9.5" a 14.75" x 8.75"; 15 lb ea... 5280/pr
TSW-100 2 -Way Speaker Environmental Partner 2 -Way Speaker
Bookshelf acoustic -suspension speaker features Weather -resistant acoustic -suspension speaker
6.5" woofer; 1" liquid -cooled tweeter. Power with triangular shape for versatile mounting op-
range 10-75 W; imp 8 ohms; FR -3 dB (half -pow- tions. Features 4" long -throw polypropylene
er) points at 72 Hz and 25,000 Hz; sens 89 dB woofer; 1" liquid -cooled polymer cone tweeter.
with 2.83 V rms input at 1 meter on axis. Solid Power range 7-75 W; imp 6 ohms; FR 95-25,000
walnut or oak top with black -vinyl -veneer cabinet Hz ± 3 dB; sens 88 dB SPL/W/m. Die-cast alu-
and black cloth grille. 9.81" w a 14.19" h x 8.4" minum case and endcap. 10.5" w x 6" h x 7.63"
d; 12.3 lb $225/pr d; 6 lb ea $280

Connoisseur Series AR Series

All Connoisseur Series speakers feature woofer and
midrange drivers with carbon -loaded polypropyl- AR1MS Miniature Speaker
ene cones, vertically arrayed drivers, and genuine Acoustic -suspension speaker with rigid deep -
walnut veneer cabinets. drawn aluminum cabinet. Threaded inserts on
rear allow multiple mounting options. 4" cone
range 15-175 W; imp 4 ohms; frequency response 50T 3 -Way Speaker woofer; 1" dome tweeter. FR 95-25,000 Hz ± 3
± 3 dB (half -power) points at 40 Hz and 40,000 Floor -standing acoustic -suspension speaker fea- dB; power range 7-75 W; sens 95 dB SPL/W/m;
Hz; sensitivity 90 dB with 2.83 V rms input at I tures 12" woofer; 6.5" midrange; I" titanium - imp 4 ohms; satin black finish; 4.75" w x 7.62" h
meter on axis. Solid walnut or oak top and bot- dome tweeter; three inputs for tri-amp operation a 4.8" d; 4.5 lb $275/pr
tom with black -vinyl -veneer cabinet and black capability. Power range 15-200 W; imp 4 ohms;
cloth grille. 14.06" wide x 32.88" high x 13.31" FR (-3 dB points) 31-22,000 Hz; sens 90 dB with
deep; 57 lb 5903/pr 2.83 V rms input at 1 meter on axis. 14.63" w x a/d/s/
32" h x 13.13" d; 78 lb SI, I 50/pr Monitor Series
TSW-510 3 -Way Speaker
Floor -standing acoustic -suspension speaker with 40T 3 -Way Speaker M15 Floor -Standing 3 -Way Speaker
tetra -helix tweeter mounting plate. Features 10" Floor -standing acoustic -suspension speaker fea- Vertically aligned "unison" drivers (2 10" woof-
woofer; 6.5" midrange; 0.75" titanium -dome liq- tures 10" woofer; 6.5" midrange; I" titanium - ers and 5.25" midrange in separate subenclosure,
uid -cooled tweeter with acoustic lens. Power dome tweeter; three inputs for tri-amp operation 1" dome tweeter); woofers near floor, midrange at
range 15-150 W; imp 4 ohms; FR -3 dB (half - capability. Power range 15-150 W; imp 6 ohms; top, to control boundary effects; copolymer dia-
power) points at 44 Hz and 40,000 Hz; sens 90 FR (-3 dB points) 41-22,000 Hz; sens 88 dB with phragms; 4th -order (24 dB per octave) Linkwitz-
dB with 2.83 V rms input at 1 meter on axis. Sol- 2.83 V rms input at I meter on axis. 12.63" w x Riley crossovers at 200 and 2,000 Hz; stainless -
id walnut or oak top and bottom with black -vi- 27.5" h x 13.25" d; 43 lb 5860/pr steel voice -coil former; magnetic cooling fluid in
nyl -veneer cabinet and black cloth grille. 14.06" midrange and tweeter for high power handling
w x 30.13" h x 13.31" d; 49 lb 5720/pr 35T 3 -Way Speaker and dynamic linearity; frameless perforated -steel
Bookshelf acoustic -suspension speaker features grilles; walnut veneer or black. FR 30-22,000 Hz
TSW-410 3 -Way Speaker 8" woofer; 6.5" midrange; I" titanium -dome ± 3 dB; sens 89 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms. 47.3"
Bookshelf acoustic -suspension speaker with tetra - tweeter; two inputs for bi-amp operation capabili- h x 11.5" w x 15.8" d; 105 lb $2,750/pr


M12. Similar to MI5 except 8" woofers; FR 36- with radius -edged solid -walnut corner inserts, ohms. 13" w x 22" h x 8.62" d; 22 lb.. $299/pr
22,000 Hz ± 3 dB; sens 88 dB SPL/W/m; 43.3" h acoustically transparent black metal grille. FR
x 10.5" w x 14.2" d; 85 lb $1,850/pr 65-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; crossover 2,000 Hz with The Baby Advent
M10. Similar to MI2 except 1 10" woofer; 33.7" 12-dB/octave slope; sens 89 dB SPL/W/m; pow- 2 -way speaker with 6.5" woofer and 1.75" ferro-
h x 11.5" w x 13" d; 80 lb $1,350/pr er rating 50 W nominal, 75 W peak program; imp fluid cone tweeter. FR 60-25,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp
4 ohms; 8.62" h x 6.88" d x 6.88" w In pairs 8 ohms; sens 87 dB spl/W/m; max power >150
Compact Monitor Series only $399/pr W peak; 11" wide x 16.5" high x 6 75" deep;
13 lb $198/pr
CM7 3 -Way "Unison" Speaker 300CC 2 -Way Acoustic -Suspension Speaker
7" woofer, 1.5" dome midrange, I" dome tweeter; 5.25" high -compliance long -excursion Stifflite
copolymer diaphragms; 4th -order Linkwitz-Riley woofer, 1" soft -dome tweeter. Features aluminum ALLISON ACOUSTICS
crossovers at 700 and 2,000 Hz; voice -coil enclosure (black textured urethane with convex - Prices slightly higher in the West.
formers of stainless steel for woofer and Kapton steel grille). Available on special order in 6 cus-
for midrange and tweeter; magnetic cooling fluid tom colors with matching grilles and brackets IC -20 Image -Control Speaker
in midrange and tweeter for high power handling (black, light grey, dark grey, beige, mocha, Triangular acoustic -suspension tower speaker
and dynamic linearity; enclosure molded from white). FR 65-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; crossover 2,000 with 1 side facing wall, 1 side facing in, 1 facing
polymer resin filled with metallic mineral for high Hz with 12 dBioetave slope; sens 89 dB SPL/W/ out; each side facing away from wall has 10"
density and inertness; frameless perforated steel m; rated input 50 W continuous; imp 4 ohms. woofer, 4 3.5" convex midranges, 4 I" convex
grille. Black or white. FR 40-22,000 Hz ± 3 dB; 8.36" h x 5.88" w x 5.75" d $380 tweeters; relative balance of mids and tweeters on
sens 87 dB SPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms; 16.4" h x each panel may be adjusted by remote control or
8.8" w x 10.9" d; 45 lb $1,350/pr 200CC 2 -Way Acoustic -Suspension Speaker with switch on rear to direct more sound in (for
CM6. Similar to CM7 except 2 -way, with 6" 4" high -compliance ultra -long -excursion woofer, precise imaging with more direct and less reflect-
woofer and 1" tweeter; 2,000 -Hz crossover; FR 1" soft -dome tweeter; brushed -aluminum enclo- ed sound), out (for open and spacious ambience
50-22,000 Hz ± 3 dB; 12.7" h x 7.3" w x 8.9" d; sure (textured urethane with convex -steel grille). with more reflected and less direct sound), left,
33 lb $850/pr Available on special order in 6 custom colors right, or centered (for equal amplitude at off -cen-
CM5. Similar to CM6 except 5.25" woofer; FR with matching grilles and brackets (black, light ter listening positions); level of each panel has 3
65-22,000 Hz 3 dB; sens 86 dB SPL/W/m; 9.7" h grey, dark grey, beige, mocha, white). FR 85- possible settings; LED's on center of speaker dis-
x 5.7" w x 6.9" d; 22 lb $500/pr 20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; crossover 2,000 Hz with 12 play setting; drivers positioned to minimize room
dB/octave slope; sens 88 dB SPL/W/m; rated in- interaction; inside woofer pointed into cabinet,
L Series put 30 W continuous; min input 5 W; imp 4 outside woofer pointing out; separate inputs for
ohms. 6.88" h x 4.25" w x 4.75" d $290 woofers and for mids and tweeters for easy
L990 3 -Way Tower Speaker biamping. auto -resetting resistors in each cross-
Floor -standing speaker with drivers vertically over; cabinet panels 0.75"-1.25" thick, braced
aligned and positioned for optimum imaging and ADVENT front -to -back and between panels; interior
control of floor reflections. 10" Stifflite woofer, The Advent Maestro damped with glass fiber; passive parallel half -sec-
1.5" woven soft -dome midrange, 0.75" woven Acoustic -suspension floor -standing speaker with tion crossovers at 350 and 3,750 Hz; oak, walnut,
soft -dome tweeter; 12 -dB -per -octave all -pass solid -pecan top and base with beveled edges, anti - or black. FR -3 dB at 28.5 Hz, -8 dB at 21 Hz;
crossovers at 700 and 4,000 Hz; Kapton voice - diffraction baffle cover, and grille with rounded imp 6 ohms nominal, 8 average, 5 min; power
coil formers and magnetic cooling fluid in mid- side edges. Features 10" black cone and surround range 30-400 W/ch; sens 87 dB SPL/2.83 V/m;
range and tweeter; frameless perforated steel woofer; 2" mica -filled black polypropylene -dome 21" w x 48" h x 12" d; 100 lb $4,900/pr
grille; black or oak veneer. FR 38-25,000 Hz ± 3
dB; sens 87 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 34.7" h x CD9 3 -Way Floor -Standing Speaker
10.5" w x 11.7" d; 65 lb $975/pr Stabilized -radiation -loading speaker with 10"
woofer, 1.5" convex -diaphragm midrange, 1"
L780 3 -Way Bookshelf Speaker convex -diaphragm tweeter, designed for place-
Acoustic -suspension speaker with 8.25" high - ment against single wall. LC half -section cross-
compliance long -excursion Stifflite cone woofer, over network; switches to select system acoustic
1.5" soft -dome midrange, 0.75" magnetic -cool- power response (flat to concert -hall balance
ing -fluid soft -dome tweeter and midrange; dif- slope); walnut or oak -veneer cabinet with hand -
fraction -corrected and flush -mounted drivers. rubbed lacquer finish; steel base. FR down 3 dB
Black perforated -steel grille. FR 42-27,000 Hz ±3 at 35.5 Hz; crossovers 350 and 3,750 Hz; imp 4
dB; crossovers 650 and 5 kHz; sens 88 dB SPL/ ohms; efficiency 0.7% at floor/wall intersection;
W/m; max power 125 W; nominal imp 8 ohms; power range 30-200 W; 37.5" h x 12 .5" w x 10
20.88" h x 12.25" w x 10.5" d; walnut or .75" d $1,100/pr
black $749/pr
CD8 3 -Way Floor -Standing Speaker
L690 2 -Way Tower Speaker Stabilized -radiation -loading speaker with 8"
Floor -standing speaker with drivers vertically woofer, 3.5" convex -diaphragm midrange, 1"
aligned and positioned for lobe -free wide disper- midrange in subenclosure; 1" ferrofluid-filled convex -diaphragm tweeter. LC half -section cross-
sion. 8" Stifflite woofer, 0.75" woven soft -dome soft -dome tweeter. FR 40-23,000 Hz ± 2.5 dB; over network with switches to select system
tweeter; I2 -dB -per -octave all -pass crossover at min power 150 W rms; max power 750 W peak; acoustic power response from flat to concert -hall
2,000 Hz; Kapton voice -coil former and magnetic sens 90 dB sPL/W/m; imp 6 ohms. 50 Ib; 33.25" slope. Walnut- or oak -veneer cabinet with hand -
cooling fluid in tweeter; frameless perforated steel h x 16" w x 9.75" d $700/pr rubbed lacquer finish. Crossover frequencies 450
grille; black or oak veneer. FR 44-20,000 Hz ± 3 and 3,750 Hz; efficiency 0.7%; power range 30-
dB; sens 88 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 31.1" h x The Advent Legacy 200 W; response -3 dB at 39 Hz; 28.62" h x
9.5" w x 10.5" d; 45 lb $590/pr Acoustic -suspension floor -standing liquid -cooled 10.5" w x 10.5" d $790/pr
speaker with solid -pecan top and base with wrap-
L570 2 -Way Bookshelf Speaker around grille. Features 10" high -excursion cone CD7 2 -Way Floor -Standing Speaker
Acoustic -suspension speaker with 8" Stifflite woofer with aluminum -coil form; I" ferrofluid- Stabilized radiation -loading speaker with 8"
woofer and I" soft -dome tweeter. Features self - filled soft -dome tweeter. FR 42-23,000 Hz ± 3 dB; woofer, 1" convex -diaphragm tweeter, designed
resetting solid-state tweeter protector; high-grade min power 100 W rms; max power 500 W peak;
finish with removable black convex -steel grille; sens 88 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms. Black texture
FR 46-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; crossover at 1,800 Hz; vinyl finish over dense fiberboard. 46.5 lb; 28.25"
sens 88 dB SPL/W/m; nominal imp 8 ohms; 20" h x 16" w x 9.75" d $399/pr The listings are based on data
h x 11.62" w x 10.12" d; oak veneer or provided by the manufacturers. For
black $499/pr Prodigy Speaker more product information, contact
Liquid -cooled floor -standing speaker with solid - an authorized dealer or the
Miniature Speakers pecan endcaps and wrap -around grille. Features
8" high -excursion surround woofer with alumi- manufacturer directly. Manufacturers'
300W 2 -Way Acoustic -Suspension Speaker num voice coil; 0.75" ferrofluid-filled soft -dome addresses and phone numbers are
5.25" high -compliance, long -excursion Stifflite tweeter with complex crossover network. FR 48- listed in the directory
woofer, I" soft -dome tweeter; diffraction -correct- 22,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 75 W rms; max beginning on page 226.
ed flush -mounted drivers; walnut -veneer cabinet peak power 300 W; sens 87 dB spl/W/m; imp 8

S rt.REA) BtivF.Rs' Gtimt. 1988 139

for placement against single wall. LC crossover tic -suspension speaker with 4" carbon fiber cloth 14.5" d $980/pr
network with premium chokes, computer -grade woofer reinforced with epoxy and a 20 -mm poly-
capacitors; walnut- or oak -veneer cabinet with mide dome tweeter. FR 85-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; 5550 4 -Way Speaker
hand -rubbed lacquer finish. Crossover 2,000 Hz; power range 40 W nominal, 80 W max; imp 4 Vented design with 15" polymer coated woofer,
response -3 dB at 41 Hz; imp 4 ohms; power ohms; 9.38" h x 7" w x 5.31" d $250/pr 5" sealed back ferrofluid midrange; soft dome
range 15-150 W; 26.5" x 9.62" x 9.62". $500/pr polymer ferrofluid tweter, 3" come ferrofluid
CD6. Same as CD7 except for wall or shelf tweeter. FR 43-22,000 Hz; sens 96.5 dB W/m;
mounting; response -3 dB at 46.5 Hz; 11.25" h x AMBRIA by PARASOUND imp 4/8 ohm; crossover frequency 1,700 Hz,
11.25" w x 11.25" d $390/pr S-2000 5 -Piece System 6,000 Hz; power handling 120 W/rms, 240 W/
Subwoofer obelisk with 6 drivers; 4 satellite 2 - peak; 27" h x 15.5" w x 10.25" d $750/pr
Series LC 100 Speakers way speakers (for pole, wall, ceiling mount with
2 -way stabilized -radiation -loading speakers which Ambria fixtures); black or white; subwoofer 4550 3 -Way Speaker
perform optimally standing on floor away from hand -rubbed piano -grade lacquer. FR 28-22,000 Vented design with 10" polymer woofer; 5"
walls All have walnut -groin vinyl cabinet and Alli- sealed back ferrofluid midrange; soft dome ferro-
son convex-diaphram I" tweeter; LC crossover net- fluid tweeter. FR 45-22,000 Hz; sens 95 5 dB W/
work with 2 chokes and premium capacitors m; imp 4/8 ohm; power handling 80 W/rms, 160
Crossover at 2.000 Hz: sens 90 dB SPL/2.83 W/peak; 24" h x 15" w x 10" d $550/pr
power range 15-150 W.
3550 Bookshelf Speaker
LC 120. 8" woofer; response -3 dB at 41 Hz. 2 -way vented design with 8" polymer woofer; soft
21.75" h x 13.75" w x 7.5" d $320/pr dome polymer ferrofluid damped and cooled
LC 110. 8" woofer; resonance -3 dB at 46.5 Hz. tweeter. FR 60-22,000 Hz; sens 94.5 dB W/m;
18" h x 11.5" w x 7.5" d $260/pr imp 4/8/ ohm; power handling 45 W/rms, 90
W/peak18.5" h x 11.25" w x 8" d $340/pr
ALTEC LANSING 2550 Bookshelf Speaker
501 3 -Way Tower Speaker
Acoustic suspension speaker system with 2 10"
carbon fiber woofers; 2" midrange; I" dome
11 2 -way vented bookshelf speaker with 6.5" poly-
mer woofer; soft dome polymer ferrofluid tweet-
er. FR 65-22,000 Hz; sens 91.5 dB W/m; imp 4/8
tweeter each with polymide vacuum -deposited ti- ohm; power handling 40 W/rms, 80 W/peak;
tanium. power range 150 W nominal 300 W max; 12.75" h x 9.38" w x 7" d $260/pr
sens 93 dB W/m; imp 4 ohms; 46" h 12" w x
13.5" d $1,500/pr
508 3 -Way Tower Speaker Apogee Full -Range Ribbon Speaker
Acoustic suspension with 2 8" woven carbon fi- Full -range ribbon speaker with seamless cross-
ber cones, 2" midrange, I" tweeter, each with po- over. Features steel framework; trapezoidal woof-
lymide vacuum -deposited titanium housed in wal- er panel; 0.5" tweeter ribbon; 2" midrange rib-
nut veneer high -density pressed -wood cabinet. FR bon. sm 115 dB; imp 4 ohms. tar h x 35" w x
40-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB, SP'. 90.5 dB W/m; power 4" d; 300 lb ea $8,000/pr
handling nominal 125 W, max 250 W, recom-
mended min 10 W; imp 4 ohms; 40" h x 11" d x i 3 dB; sens 92 dB; imp >4 ohms with up to 10 Diva 3 -Way Ribbon Speaker
10.75" w $1,000/pr satellites; subwoofer 12" x 12" at base, 46" Full -range ribbon speaker with adjustable seam-
h $1,750/system less crossover. Features trapezoidal woofer rib-
401 3 -Way Acoustic -Suspension Speaker S-1000. Similar to S-2000 except 3 pieces; sub - bon; separate midrange and tweeter ribbons. SPL
12" carbon fiber woofer; 2" midrange; I" tweeter. woofer obelisk has 4 drivers; 2 satellite speakers. 115 dB; imp 4 ohms. 73" h x 31" w x 3"d ;150 lb
Power range 125 W nominal 250 W max; sens 93 FR 35-22,000 t 3 dB; imp >4 ohms up to 6 satel- ea $7,000/pr
dB W/m; imp 8 ohms; 32" h x 17" w x 12" lites. Subwoofer 9" x r at base, 35" h $900/sys-
d $960/pr tem Scintilla Full -Range Ribbon Speaker
30L Similar to above with 8" woofer 27" h x S-100. Extra satellite speakers for S-1000 and S- Full -range ribbon speaker with internal seamless
14.5" w x 12" d $750/pr 2000 systems. Black or white $335/pr crossover. Features trapezoidal woofer ribbon; in-
tegrated, coalescent midrange/tweeter ribbon
201 2 -Way Speaker S-150 2 -Way Link Speaker that utilizes filed magnetic and electromagnetic
Acoustic suspension speaker with 8" carbon fiber Molded enclosure; volume control. FR 70-22,000 constraints. SPL 110 dB; imp 4 or 1 ohms. 57" h x
woofer and 1" polymide/titanium tweeter. Power Hz ± 3 dB; sens 92 dB $495/pr 30" w x 3.5" d; 140 lb ea $3,780/pr
range 75 W nominal, 150 max; sens 91 dB W/m;
nom imp 6 ohms. 22" h x 12" w x 9" d $500/pr Duetta 2 -Way Ribbon Speaker
AMERICAN ACOUSTICS Mid -size 2 -way full -range ribbon speaker. Utilizes
101 Bookshelf Speaker PSW-200 Powered Subwoofer ribbon transducers for both midrange/tweeter
2 -way acoustic -suspension speaker with 6" car- Fifth order crossover network with parametric and woofer. Features trapezoidal woofer ribbon;
bon fiber woofer and 1" polymide/titanium EQ. LED display and individual gain, frequency, combination midrange/tweeter ribbon; internal
tweeter. Power range 50 W nominal, 100 W max; and boost controls. 15" vented; 15" polymer coat- seamless crossovers. SPL 100 dB; imp 4 ohms. 58"
sens 91 dB sPL/W/m; nom imp 6 ohms; 17" h x ed; 2" voice coil; FR 28-80 Hz; user adjustable h x 26" w x 3" d; 115 lbs ea $2,780/pr
9.5" w x 8.5" d $340/pr sens; power handling 400 W/rms;19.5" h x 22.5"
w x 18.75" d $700 Caliper 2 -Way Ribbon Speaker
55 Weatherproof Speaker Mid -size 2 -way full -range ribbon speaker. Fea-
Compact indoor/outdoor speaker. 2 -way acous- 95008 Tower Speaker tures trapezoidal woofer ribbon; narrow -canted
Vented 4 -way floor standing speaker with 12" combination midrange/tweeter ribbon; seamless
polymer coated woofer; 8" polymer mid bass; 2- crossover circuitry. SPL 105 dB; imp 3 ohms.
5" polymer midrange; I soft dome polymer, 13" Taupe or grey finish. 48" h x 24" w a 2" d; 70 lb
cone tweeter. FR 32-22,000 Hz; sans 99.5 dB W/ ea $1,995/pr
m; imp 4/8 ohm; crossover frequency 600 Hz,
1,700 Hz, 6,000 Hz; power handling 205 W/rms,
410 W peak; 40.88" h x 15.94" w x 14.56"
d $1000/pr 2300-FX Weatherized Speakers
Wall -mount 2 -way weatherized flat -wave system.
8550 3 -Way Speaker Imp 4 ohm; power capacity 30-60 W; woofer ap-
Vented speaker with 15" polymer coated woofer;
5" sealed back ferrofluid damped midrange; soft
dome polymer ferrofluid tweeter. FR 37-22.000 For explanations of abbreviations.
Hz; sans 98.5 dB W/m; imp 4/8 ohm; crossover specifications, and technical terms,
frequencies 700 Hz, 5,000 Hz; power handling consult the glossary on page 221.
205 W rms, 410 W peak; 30.38" h a 18.5" w x


from 20-200 Hz "1.5 dB; active variable crossover;
AUDIOSOURCE sens control; soft -clipping circuit; 44.5" h x 21.5"
IS -Nine Speaker w x 21.5" d; walnut $3,295
Box speaker intended for bookshelf placement. B2.70. FLoor-standing subwoofer with two 8"
Features L -C crossover at 3.5 kHz. Contains 8" cone woofers, built-in 80-W amp, and active vari-
polypropylene woofer; 1" tweeter. FR 65-20,000 able crossover. FR 20-200 Hz ± 3 dB; 103 dB SPL
Hz t 3 dB; max power 80 W; sens 88 dB; imp 6 from 20.200 Hz ± 1.5 dB. Walnut, black ash, or
ohms; white oak with cloth grille; 17.62" w x white lacquer. 20" w x 24" h x 17" d S1,424 ea

11.36" h x 8.3:" d $320/pr B-145. Floor -standing subwoofer with 10" cone
woofer and built-in 40-W amp. FR 30-200 Hz ± 3
LS -Seven Speaker dB; 102 dB SPL from 30-200 Hz ± 1.5 dB. Wal-
2 -way compact speaker with 6.5" polywoofer I" nut, black ash, or white lacquer finish. 14.75" w x
soft -dome tweeter, wood enclosure. FR 70-20,000 20.25" h x 14.75" d; 48 lb 5875/ea
Hz; max power 60 W; imp 8 ohms; sens 87 dB
sPL/W/m; L -C crossover at 2 kHz; genuine white -
prox 5" x 5" flat wave; strontium magnet; tweeter oak veneer, cloth grille; 8.88" w x 13.62" h x 6.44" BANG & OLUFSEN
approx 1.5" Dyna-ribbon. Available in ivory or d; 7 lb $260/pr Beolab Penta Floor -Standing Speaker
black; 9" h x 9" w x 1.5" d; 2.6 lb/ea $320/pr
. Powered 5 -sided bass -reflex speaker with 150-W
LS -One Speaker amp in each cabinet; 9 drivers in 3 -way configura-
DX -7 Compact Powered Speaker Acoustic -suspension 2 -way speaker with 4" poly- tion (4 5" woofers, 4 3" mids, 11" dome tweeter
10-W/ch speakers with 4 surround sound selec- propylene woofer, 1" tweeter. FR 100-20,000 Hz; vertically aligned); dynamic clipping attenuator for
tions (stereo, music/movie, delay) enclosed in die power range 12-40 W; imp 8 ohms; sens 87 dB compression; 3 -position bass -level switch; auto
cast aluminum; THD I% at 10.5 W; 3 amp fuse sPL/W/m; crossover 2.5 kHz; black cast -alumi- turn on and off; when used with Beosystem 5500,
protection. Speaker section 4" full range; SPL 88 num enclosure with metal grille, bracket included; digital display shows source, volume, recording
dB/W/m; imp 3 ohm $200/pr 7.12" h x 4.5" w x 4.561" d; 5.5 lb $180/pr status, overload; finished in brushed stainless steel
IS -One Walnut. Walnut veneer 8" x 5" x with black grille. Frequency response 40-20,000
BAW-103 Weatherized Mini Speaker 4.69" 5200/pr Hz +4, -8 dB; 65" high x 5" wide x 5" deep; 53
Indoor/outdoor 3 -way system 4" polypropylene IS -One W/T. Weathertight, stainless -steel grille lb 52.999/pr
woofer; 2" mylar tweeter; as- mylar tweeter. and bracket 5200/pr
Power capacity 50 W/rms, 100 W max; imp 8 RL 140 Speaker
ohm; sens 92 dB W/m; available in cream or Floor -standing bass -reflex speaker with 2 6.5"
black; 7" h x 4.5" w x 4" d; 10 lb/pr $160/pr AUDIO PRO woofers, 5" mid, I" dome tweeter in gray plastic
BAW-50. Similar to BAW-103 above except 2 - BY SONIC RESEARCH enclosure with black grille. Frequency response
way design $140/pr A4-14 Biamplified Speaker System 40-20,000 Hz +4, -8 dB; sensitivity 93 dB SPL/
Biamplified 3 -way bass -reflex bookshelf speaker W/m; minimum power 10 W; imp 8 ohms; 28" x
BA -200 Compact Speaker incorporates Ace -Bass subwoofer with two 5" 20" x 9"; 43 lb $900/pr
Compact 2 -way bookshelf speaker with 4" cone down -firing rear -mounted woofers and own amp,
woofer; 1" soft dome tweeter enclosed in black flush -mounted 4.5" cone midrange, 1" soft -dome Beovox S-80.2 Speaker
aluminum diecast enclosure. Imp 8 ohm; power tweeter with separate amp. Features room -match- 3 -way speaker in infinite -baffle cabinet with 8"
capacity 30-50 W/rms; sens 85 dB W/m. hx ing bass control. tweeter control, sens control (100 woofer, 3' dome phase -link midrange. 1" tweeter;
4.5" w x 4" d; 10 lb/pr $140/pr mV -50 V range), tIR signal pushbutton, bass - baffle moldings designed for min diffraction; verti-
blend push-button control, power on/off signal -ac- cally aligned drivers; auto driver protection; rose-
BA -402 Compact 3 -Way Speaker tuated in automode; walnut or black -ash finish; wood veneer (other finishes available). Max power
4" cone woofer; 2" cone tweeter; 0.5" super dome speaker stands included. FR 30-20,000 Hz t 2 dB; 80 W rms; dispersion 100' $700/pr
tweeter. Power capacity 50 W/rms, 100 W max; crossovers 300 and 2.5 kHz; distortion 2% at 96
imp 8 ohm; sens 91 dB W/m. Available in black, dB sPi./half-space/m at 30 Hz; 20.5" h x 2.12" w RL 60.2 Speaker
cream, yellow, red. 7" h x 4.5" w x 4" d; 10 Ib/ x 10.5" d $2,095/system Floor -standing speaker with I" dome tweeter, 2 5"
pr $140/pr cone woofers, aluminum passive radiator; charcoal
BA -101. As above except 2 -way design SI20/pr A2-2 Mini Powered Speaker black. FR 45-20,000 Hz +4, -8 dB; power range
Mini speaker with Ace -Bass and Ace -Plus circuits 10-90 W; sens 93 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms;
ATC LOUDSPEAKER in each channel. Includes volume control, three 21.25" w II 16" h x 7" d; 19.6 lb $500/pr
line inputs and tape output on amp carrying case.
SCM-50 Speaker FR 50-20.000 Hz; sens 99 dB sPL/W/m. Glossy Beovox MOO Compact Speaker
Bass -reflex floor -standing near -field studio control lacquer finish available in white, black, red or Black or brushed aluminum bookshelf box speaker
monitors with drivers employing soft domes, short grey. 8.25" h x 5.5" w x 4.13" d; 22 lbS1195/sys- with 2 4" woofers, I" dome tweeter. Power range
voice coils in long magnetic gaps, high -flux densi- tem 10-110 W: sensitivity 89 dB sound -pressure level
ty, dual suspensions, and cast frames for low dis- with I -W input measured at 1 m; imp 6 ohms; 4"
tortion and high SPI.. Features 9" cone woofer; 3" A2.1 Mini Powered Speaker w x 12" h x 8" d; 13.5 lb 5350/pr
soft -dome midrange; I" dome tweeter. FR 45- Mini powered speaker with Ace -Bass and Ace - Beovox CX50. Black finish; 8 lb $250/pr
18,000 Hz I 3 dB, 80-12,000 Hz t 2 dB; min pow- Plus circuits. Includes volume control and tape
er 50 W rms; max power 500 W rms; sens 85 dB output on amp carrying case. FR 50-20,000 Hz;
sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms. Oak and black standard sens 99 dB sPL/w/M. Glossy lacquer finish avail- B&W LOUDSPEAKERS
finishes. 12" w x 28" h x 16" d; 85 lb able in white, black, red or grey. 7.5" h x 4.75" w x 808 Ported Speaker
ea $3,300/pr 3.75" d; 18 lb 5895/system Floor -standing speaker with two 300 -mm thermo-
SCM-50A. Similar to SCM50 except contains 3 - plastic cone woofers, two 100 -mm polyamide ma-
way modified 2nd -order active filter with phase 3-40 Passive Speaker trix -cone midranges, 32 -mm polyamide dome
correction driving 3 amps (200-W bass. 100-W Floor -standing 2 -way speaker with two 8" cone tweeter. Features computer -optimized drivers and
mid, 50-W highs). Overload protection by active woofers and I" soft -dome tweeter. FR 43-20,000 cabinet; Audio Powered Overload Circuit; 4th -or-
FET momentary gain reduction plus tweeter ther- Hz t 3 dB; min power 25 W rms; max power 125 der Butterworth crossover; sep terminals for bi
mal protection by light distinguishing resistor W rms; sens 92 dB sPL/W/m; imp 6 ohms. Wal- and triamping. FR 30-20,000 Hz ± 2 de; min power
(LDR). Well balanced continuous SPL of 112 dB nut, black ash, or white laquer finish. 12" w x 24" 100 W; seta 91 de sPt./w/m; imp 8 ohms; walnut,
with substantial transient headroom. 12" w x 28" h x I I" d $648/pr or black ash finish; 25.75" w x 41.25" h x 20" d;
h x 16" d; 95 lb ea $5,500/pr 180 lb 57,500/pr
SCM-100. Similar to SCM50 except 12" cone 2-25 2 -Way Speaker Rosewood finish 59,500/pr
woofer. Sens 88 dB sPt./W/m, max continuous Features 1" soft -dome tweeter; 8" midrange woof-
sound -pressure level 115 decibels plus transient er. FR 50-20,000 Hz -3 dB; crossover at 2,000 Matrix 801 Series 2 Speaker
headroom; frequency response 35-18,000 Hz t 3 Hz; imp 4 ohms 20.25" x 11.25" x 10.25"; sens 90 Floor -standing 6th -order Butterworth -vented
dB, 60-12,000 Hz t 2 dB. 16" w x 33" h x 19" d; dB sPL/W/m; walnut finish $549/pr speaker with vertically aligned drivers to minimize
115 lb ea $4,200 time delays; APOC to prevent driver damage. FR
SCM-100A. Similar to SCM50A except 12" cone Amplified Subwoofers 20 Hz -20 kHz t 2 dB; imp 8 ohms; power range
woofer, max continuous SPL 115 dB plus transient 50-600/W. 39.75" x 17" x 22"; 110 lb ea.
headroom. 16" w x 33" h x 19" d; 125 lb B4-200. Super subwoofer features 4 long -throw 8" Available in walnut or black ash 54,503/pr
ea $6,400/pr woofers; built-in 150-W amp giving 110 dB SPL Rosewood finish $5,200/pr


30-200 W. 25" h x 9.25" w x16" d; 24.25lb; black
ash or walnut $800/pr

DM330i Acoustic -Suspension Speaker

Floor -standing speaker with 8" woofer, 8" bass/
midrange driver, 1" polyamide dome tweeter. FR
48-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 10-100 W; sens
91 dB sm./W/m; imp 8 ohms; walnut or black ash
finish; 11.5"5" x 33.75" x 12.62"; 37.5 lb $720/pr

CMI Matrix Mini Speaker

Bookshelf model, molded MAC (fiberglass polyes-
ter composite) low density matrix enclosure with
5" Kevlar bass driver and new TA301 metal dome Each satellite has 2 separate cube enclosures that
tweeter. FR 90-20,000 Hz ± 2 dB; imp 8 ohms; can be used stacked or separated and are switch -
power range 50-200 W. 9.63" high x 6.38" wide x able for direct or reflecting configuration. The bass
8.63" deep; I1 lb ea. White black or nextel module has 2 6.5" woofers in a double -ported en-
grey $650/pr closure. Features positive temperature coefficient
protection circuit; high positive current coefficient
DM220i 3 -Way Speaker resistor to compress overloading input signals.
Features two 8" drivers (one for lower bass and Max input power 165 W. Satellite cube: 3.5" on a
other for upper bass and midrange frequencies); I" side with a I" extension for the grille. Bass mod-
dome tweeter. Available in American walnut or ule: 12" w x 20" I x 8" h $699/system
black ash simulated veneers. Sensitivity 90 dB
CM2 Matrix Mini Tower SPL/W/m;frequency response 53-20,000 nz; pow- 901 Series V Speaker System
Floor standing 4th order Butterworth vented sys- er range 10-75 w rms; useful bass cutoff frequency Direct/Reflecting acoustic -matrix speaker with
tem consisting of CMI head unit crossing over at 45 Hz; distortion <3% 2nd harmonic, <0.5% 3rd Active Equalizer and 8 rear -facing, 1 front -facing
150 Hz into subwoofer section forming the stand. harmonic; 26.75" h x 11.4" w x 12.6" d; 30.4 4.5" full -range drivers. Features pentagon -shaped
B&W matrix enclosure is employed in both stand lb $570/pr cabinet with multi -cell injection -molded core with
and head module. APOC system. Imp not less particle -board external panels and walnut veneer
than 4 ohms; power range 50-200 W. 39.19" h x LM -1 Leisure Monitor Speaker finish; Active Equalizer with specifically designed
6.38" w x 8.31" d; Base width 10" x 9.5" d. Finish 2 -way mini speaker with colored nextel finishes fixed EQ; bass shelf control to provide 6 dB of at-
column -black, white, nextel grey, walnut$1,650/pr and protection against overload. For home and car tenuation at 40 Hz; tape monitor switch. Power
Rosewood finish $1,950/pr use. Switchable for 8 or 4 ohms. Available in range 10 W to unlimited; imp 8 ohms; dynamic
brown, beige, charcoal, black, or red. Min power range 106 dB; noise 90 dB re 1 V (A-wtd); max in-
Matrix Series Speakers 10 w; 4" woofer, 0.88' tweeter $538/pr put 2.1 V rms at 35 Hz. Equalizer 13" w x 4.88" d
All Matrix speakers are acoustic suspension and LM-1/PM. Panel -mount version $478/pr x 2.75" h. Speaker 21" w x 13" d x 12.36" h. Sold
feature an electronic time delay overload protec- LM-1/Mar. Marine version, protected against only in stereo pairs (equalizer supplied with each
tion. homopolymer polypropylene bass/mid driv- corrosion from salt air and salt water, in enclo- pair)
ers. and ferrofluid-cooled tweeters. Matrix enclo- sure $638/pr Speakers only $1,264/pr
sure comprised of a honeycomb structure of inter- LM-1/PM-Mar. Marine version, protected 901 Speaker Pedestals. Black or bronze S100/pr
locking perforated cross members bonded to the against corrosion from salt air and salt water, pan-
outer walls and filled with acoustic foam for reso- el mount $578/pr 601 Series 111 Speaker System
nance -free environment for drivers. Floor -standing Direct/Reflecting with all tweeters
DM1118 2 -Way Speaker and one woofer mounted above main enclosure in
Matrix 3. Floor -standing speaker with two 200 - Vented speaker with 2 drive units. Features 8" Free Space Array configuration for lifelike stereo
mm cone woofers (one for lower bass and other for woofer crossed over to 1" dome tweeter via 4th -or- imaging. Features two 8" Digital Dynamic Range
bass/mid frequencies); 26 -mm polyamide tweeter; der Butterworth squared circuit that provides fre- cone woofers; four 3" cone tweeters; subpart en-
heavy magnet assemblies in mid/bass drivers (5 lbs quency division at 3,000 Hz. Sens 90 dB sm./w/ closure system with slotted port. Min power 10 W;
ea). FR 70-25,000 Hz ± 2 dB; min power 25 w rms; m; FR 70-20,000 Hz ± 3dB; recommended power max power 200 W; sens 87 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8
no upper power limit due to overload protection; 10-75 W rms; 19.3" h x 10.25" w x 9.8" d; 18.5 ohms. Hardwood veneer with walnut finish.
sens 90 dB sPL/w/m; imp 4 ohms. Available in lb $370/pr 12.31" w x 30" h x 12.5" d; 45 lbs $1,026/pr
walnut and black ash finishes. 10.25" w x 35.75" h
x 16" d; 64 lb $2,198/pr DM100i Acoustic -Suspension Speaker 501 Series IV Speaker System
Rosewood finish $2,698/pr Bookshelf speaker designed for small rooms. Fea- Floor -standing Direct/Reflecting speaker system
Matrix 2. Bookshelf speaker with 200 -mm cone tures laser -optimized drivers; computer -optimized with 2 3" tweeters mounted in Free Space array
woofer; 26 -mm polyamide dome tweeter. FR 80- cabinet and crossover network; overload -protected and a 10" long -excursion woofer. Teak -grain vinyl
25,000 Hz ± 2 dB; min power 25 w rms; no upper high -frequency driver; 150 -mm critically impreg- veneer finish. Crossover 1.5 and 2.5 kHz; power
power limit due to overload protection; sens 87 dB nated composite short -fibre -cone woofer; 26 -mm range 20-125 W continuous; nominal impedance 8
sm./w/m; imp 4 ohms. Available in walnut and polyamide dome tweeter. FR 80-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; ohms; 25" h x 16" w x 14" d. Sold only in stereo
black ash finishes. 10.25" w x 23.5" h x 12.25" d; min power 10 w rms; max power 75 w rms; sens pairs $750/pr
35 lbs $1,498/pr 89 de spL/w/m; imp 8 ohms. Available in simu-
Rosewood finish $1,798/pr lated walnut and black ash finishes. 8.75" w 14.5" 401 Speaker System
Matrix 1. Bookshelf speaker with 1500 -mm cone h x 8.25" d; 12 lbs $278/pr Floor -standing Direct/Reflecting speaker system
woofer, 26 -mm polyamide dome tweeter. FR 80- with two 6.5" woofers and a 2" magnetic liquid
25,000 Hz ± 2 dB; min power 25 w rms; no upper cooled tweeter. Features Stereo Space array design
power limit due to overload protection; sens 85 dB
for Stereo Everywhere imaging; column -design en-
sm./w/m; imp 4 ohms. Available in walnut and AM -5 Acoustimass Speaker System closure; thermal -system protection circuit; 1.1 -cu-
black ash finishes. 9" w x 16" h x 12.25" d; 35 Compact 3 -piece speaker system with Acoustimass bic -foot ported enclosure for bass down to 35 Hz;
lbs $1,098/pr bass module and Direct/Reflecting cube satellites. max power handling 100 W; nominal impedance 4
Rosewood finish $ I ,398/pr ohms $599

Digital Monitor Series 301 Series II Speaker System

The listings are based on data
Direct/Reflecting ported bookshelf speaker system
DM1800. Features low -density version of Matrix provided by the manufacturers. For with 8" woofer, 2 3" tweeters in Free Space Array.
enclosure; finite analysis metal dome tweeter. more product information, contact Features dual -frequency crossover to allow woofer
Larger motor assembly and cabinet enclosure than an authorized dealer or the and tweeter to operate simultaneously over nearly
DM1600. Power rating 30-200 W. 19.25" h x manufacturer directly. Manufacturers' a full octave; tweeter protection circuit; particle-
9.25" h x 11.75" d; 26.5 Ib; Black ash or wal- board cabinet with walnut -grain vinyl veneer fin-
nut $1,100 addresses and phone numbers are ish. Crossover frequencies 3 kHz woofer, 1.2 kHz
listed in the directory tweeter; power range 10-60 W/ch continuous; imp
DM1600. Features low -density Matrix enclosure; beginning on page 226. 8 ohms; 17" w x 10.5" h x 9.5" d. Sold only in ste-
finite -analysis metal -dome tweeter. Power range reo pairs $422


201 Series II Speaker 4.2 Bass -Reflex Speaker Hz ± 2 dB; imp 4 ohms. 9.5" h x 6.75" w; mount-
Direct/Reflecting bookshelf speaker with Free Compact bookshelf speaker with Stereo Every- ing depth 2.63" $300-$400/pr
Field tweeter. Features dual -frequency crossover where performance. Features 8" woofer; 2.5" axi-
network; 6" woofer; 2" tweeter; auto tweeter pro- al -mounted tweeter; Stereo Targeting system; 705 While Full -Range Speaker
tection. Available in rosewood vinyl -veneer fin- dual -chamber bass -venting system with slot -port Compact dual -cone full -range speaker. Imp 4
ish. Crossover frequencies 1.5 and 2.5 kHz; power exit; auto tweeter -protection circuit; vinyl finish ohms; FR 58-17,000 Hz ± 3 dB. 5.88" h x 5.88"
range 5-60 W rms; imp 8 ohms; 14.5" w x 7.75" h with teak pattern. MM power 10 W rms; max w; mounting depth 1.75" 590-5150/pr
x 9" d; 9 lb $254/pr power 75 W rms; imp 8 ohms. 18" w x 9.5" h a
10" d; 15 lb. Optional speaker stand (AS -I) avail- A Series Speakers
101 Music Monitor able at extra cost $419/pr
Indoor/outdoor ported speaker. Features high - A150 Series II 3 -Way Speaker
impact polystyrene copolymer cabinet for envi- 2.2 Bookshelf Speaker Acoustic -suspension speaker with 10" copoly-
ronmental applications; 1 4.5" full -range passive - Compact bookshelf speaker with Stereo Every- mer -cone woofer, 3.5" copolymer -cone midrange,
radiator driver with integrated electronics per en- where design. Features 6" long -excursion woofer; and I" CFT5 ferrofluid-cooled soft -dome tweeter.
closure; optional multi -purpose mounting arms 2" magnetic -fluid -cooled tweeter; slot -port bass Features tapered -grille design to eliminate sonic
and soft plush brackets available at extra cost. tuning system; teak vinyl finish. Power range 10- diffraction. Power range 15-125 W rms; FR 39-
Power range 10-60 W; finished in black or white 75 W; max power handling 60 W continuous; imp 20,000 ± .4 dB; imp 8 ohms; crossover frequencies
with white, blue, red, or green grilles; 10 lb/pr; 9" 8 ohms. 9.88" w x 14.75" w x 7.5" d; 12 lb $299 550 Hz and 3,500 Hz. Includes black pedestal
w x 6" h x 5" d. Approx 5199-219/pr base. 32.5" h x 16" w x 8.36" d. Oak or walnut
BOSTON ACOUSTICS veneers $650/pr
RM-1 RoomMate Powered Speaker Woodgrain vinyl finish $560/pr
Pair of speakers with stereo amp in one to accept T Series Speakers
output of pocket stereo and portable CD player A100 Series II 2 -Way Speaker
through audio cable. 4.5" full -range driver with T1000 3 -Way Speaker Acoustic -suspension speaker with 10" copoly-
helical voice coils in each speaker. Features active Floor -standing acoustic -suspension speaker with mer -cone woofer and I" CFT5 ferrofluid-cooled
EQ; distortion -limiting circuitry; AC powered. 2 active 8" copolymer -cone woofers, 6.5" copoly- soft -dome tweeter. Power range 15-75 W rms; FR
Power supply 25-W transformer; enclosure of mer -cone midrange in an internal subenclosure, 39-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; crossover at 2,000 Hz; sen-
structural polypropylene composite. Peak SPL 101 and 1" CFT5 ferrofluid-cooled tweeter. Features sitivity 90 dB sm./W/m. Woodgrain vinyl finish
dB with 300-3,000 Hz pink noise at I meter. Each tapered -grille design to eliminate sonic diffrac- with tapered charcoal grille. Include black pedes-
speaker 6" x 9" x 6"; 10 lb. Black or white fin- tion; tall slender enclosure requires minimum tal base. 32.5" high (including base) x 16" wide x
ish $229/pr floor space; oak and walnut veneers. Power range 8.36" deep $400/pr
MMA-2. Mounting arms $40/pr 15-150 W rms; FR 38-25,000 Hz ± 3 dB; sens 90
TB -1. Travel bag $40 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; crossover frequencies A70 Series II 2 -Way Speaker
WB-10. Wall brackets $20/pr 250 and 2,500 Hz. 10.25" w x 42.5" h x 11.5" Acoustic -suspension bookshelf speaker with 8"
d $1,000/pr copolymer -cone woofer and 1" CFT5 ferrofluid-
Video RoomMate Powered Speaker cooled soil -dome tweeter. Power range 15-75 W
Bass -reflex bookshelf speaker for use with any T830 3 -Way Speaker rms; FR 45-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; crossover at 2,500
VCR, TV, monitor, or LaserDisc player. Features Floor -standing acoustic -suspension speaker with Hz: sens 90 db sm./W/m; imp 8 ohms. Wood -
4.5" fully shielded full -range helical -voice -coil 8" copolymer -cone woofer, 3.5" copolymer -cone grain vinyl finish with charcoal grille. 23" h x
driver; fully shielded electronic amplification/ac- midrange, and I" Texlite-dome tweeter. Features 12.5" w x 8.88" d $300/pr
tive-equalization system; dual -tuned ports; 6 -ft woodgrain vinyl finish with charcoal grilles or
RCA cable; volume control; mono 4 -connector. black ebony vinyl with black grille. Power range A60 Series II 2 -Way Speaker
Gray enclosures with black baffle and silver/gray 15-103 W rms; FR 45-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; sensitiv- Acoustic -suspension speaker with 8" copolymer -
grille. Input imp 30 kilohms; acoustic output 100 ity 88 dB set./W/m; impedance 8 ohms; cross- cone woofer and 1" Texlite soft -dome ferrofluid-
decibels sound -pressure level with 300-3,000 Hz over frequencies 800 and 4,000 Hz. 10" wide a cooled tweeter. Power range 15-75 W rms; FR 52-
pink noise at I meter. 6" w x 9" h x 6" dS279/pr 29" high x 10.5" deep $480/pr 20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; crossover at 3,000 Hz; sens 90
MM -2. Mounting arms $40/pr dB sm./Wim; impedance 8 ohms. Woodgrain vi-
WB-10. Wall bracket $20/pr Designer Series Speakers nyl finish with charcoal grille or matte black vi-
All Designer speakers are designed for flush nyl finish with black grille. 18.25" h x 11.25" w x
Point Two Series mounting in walls or ceilings and come packaged 7.75" d 5220/pr
ready to install. Each water-resistant speaker has a
10.2 Speaker matte white finish that can be painted to match A40V Series II Video Speaker
Floor -standing ported speaker with two 8" cone room decor. Includes mounting hardware with op- Acoustic -suspension 2 -way bookshelf speaker
woofers and two 3" cone tweeters. Features Ste- tional brackets available for installation in new with 6.5" copolymer -cone woofer and 0.75" fer-
reo Everywhere technology; Stereo Targeting sys- construction. Prices vary depending on included rofluid-cooled tweeter. Features MagnaGuard
tem; automatic system protection; Syncom 11 installation costs. magnetic shielding to allow placement near Tv or
computer quality control. Power range 10-180 W; video monitor. Power range 5-50 W rms; FR 68-
sens 88 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms; genuine 360 2 -Way Speaker 20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; crossover 3,500 Hz; sensitivity
waxed teak hardwood veneer; 12" w a 39.75" h x Flush -mount speaker with 6.5" copolymer -cone 90 dB sPL/W/m; impedance 8 ohms. Matte black
12" d; 61 lb $1,199/pr woofer and I" CFT4 ferrofluid-cooled soft -dome finish with black grille. 13.5" h x 8.25" w x 7.25"
tweeter. Woofer specially designed to provide full d $180/pr
8.2 Speaker bass without needing special enclosure. Power
Floor -standing ported speaker with 10" cone range 5-60 W rms; FR 48-20,000 Hz ± 2 dB; imp A40 Series II 2 -Way Speaker
woofer and two 3" cone tweeters. Features dual - 8 ohms; sens 90 dB sn./W/m. 12.06" h x 8.63" Bookshelf acoustic -suspension speaker with 6.5"
chamber design; Stereo Targeting system; Stereo w; mounting depth 3.25" $350-$450/pr copolymer -cone woofer and 0.75" ferrofluid-
Everywhere technology; ducted port enclosure; cooled tweeter. Power range 5-50 W rms; FR 65-
automatic system protection circuit; Syncom II 350 2 -Way Speaker 20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; sens 89 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8
computerized quality control. Power range 10- Flush -mount speaker with 5.25" copolymer woof- ohms. Woodgrain vinyl finish with charcoal grille
120 W; sensitivity 86 dB sm./W/m; impedance 4 er and 1" CFT4 ferrofluid-cooled soft -dome or matte -black vinyl finish with black grille. 8.25"
ohms; teak vinyl; 16" wide x 33" high x 9.25" tweeter. Power range 5-50 W rms; FR 58-20,000 w x 13.5" h x 7.25" d $160/pr
deep; weight 41 lb $949/pr

6.2 Bass -Reflex Speaker

Bookshelf speaker with controlled -dispersion -pat-
tern design for Stereo Everywhere performance.
Features 8" woofer; two 3" tweeters; Stereo Tar- PRICES LISTED
geting system; dual -chamber sub -ported bass are manufacturers' suggested retail prices
venting system; interactive crossover network;
hardwood veneer with teak finish. Min power 10 (also referred to as list prices);
W rms; maximum power 100 W rms; nominal actual selling prices are set by individual dealers.
impedance 4 ohms. 20" wide x 10" high x 9.62"
deep; 19.5 lb. Optional speaker stand (AS -1) All prices are subject to change without notice.
available at extra cost $599/pr


w; 30 lb $399/pr stabilized dual mains supply; electronically con-
trolled protection circuitry. FR 20-30,000 Hz ± 3
CS -310B Concert Grand Speaker Miniature System Series dB; bandwidth 3-140,000 Hz; distortion <0.03%;
3 -way speaker with 4 B -199B woofers, 2 B-2098 s/N 100 dB. IS" w x 66.5" h x 16.5" d; 275
midranges, and 8 tweeters in array. Power range MB -80' Speaker lb $15,000/pr
60-350 W; imp 8 ohms. Matte walnut enclosure. Miniature two-way high-performance acoustic -
52" h x 36" w x 19" d $4,199/pr suspension speaker. Features 6" aluminum cone CA 20 Active Speaker
CS-410CL. Same as CS -310B speaker except woofer, 2" tweeter; oak veneer cabinet. FR 80- Quad -amplified floor -standing speaker with dif-
Classic cabinet $4,799/pr 20,000 Hz; crossover 1.6 Hz; max power 150 W ferential amp and motional feedback system for
CS -410M. Same as CS -310B speaker except continuous music; imp 8 ohms; 12.5" h x 7.88" w each driver section (120 W woofer, 100 W mid-
Moorish styling $4,999/pr x 7.12" d. Satin black lacquer or walnut ve- range, 100 W tweeter). Features two 260 -mm
neer $549/pr cone woofers; 190 -mm cone woofer; 38 -mm met-
Symphony No. 1 CS -4000A Modern Speaker al -dome midrange; 25 -mm titanium -dome tweet-
Infinite -baffle 3 -way floor -standing speaker with MBS-1 Subwoofer er; Darlington output stage for amps; auto on/off
2 woofers, 6.5" midrange, and 8 2" tweeters in ar- Variable -Density pulp/lamb's wool cone sub - stabilized dual mains supply; electronically con-
ray. Max power 250 W; crossovers 400 and 2,500 woofer with 2 voice coils. Features baffle design; trolled protection circuitry. FR 20-30,000 Hz ± 3
Hz at 6 dB/octave; imp 8 ohms. Walnut enclo- vented cabinet. FR 20-85 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 8 ohms dB; bandwidth 3-140,000 Hz; distortion <0.03%;
sure; 44.5" h x 26.25" w x 15.62" d $2,599/pr nominal; sens 88 dB sPL/W/m; min power 25 W; s/N 100 dB. Black -ash or matte -mahogany finish.
CS -4000 CL. Same as CS -4000A with Classic max power 200 W; crossover 12 dB/octave at 80 13.4" wide x 48.4" highs 15.75" deep; 175
styling $2,899/pr Hz. 23.5" h x 14.5" w a 12.25" d; 48 Ib; genuine lb $10,000/pr
CS -4000 M. Same as CS -4000A with Moorish wood veneer, walnut, oak, or black $400 ea
styling $3,099/pr CA 15 Active Speaker
BSM by LASER AUDIO Tri-amplified floor -standing speaker with elec-
B-1002 Bard Outdoor Speaker tronic signal correction of all drivers. Features
All-weather 2 -way speaker with 8" aluminum Series 12 MKII 4 -Way Speaker 260 -mm long -throw woofer; 120 -mm midrange;
midrange/woofer and 2" aluminum tweeter. Max Floor -standing passive -radiator speaker with 12" 25 -mm titanium -dome tweeter; crossover fre-
power 60 W; FR 50-20,000 Hz; imp 8 ohms. Uses polypropylene -cone passive radiator; 12" poly- quencies 350/3,500 Hz; 3 separate 100-W ampli-
jack and plug connector. 18" dia. x 21" x propylene cone woofer; 4" cone midrange; 2" fiers for bass, mid, and high frequencies; THD
12" 5539/pr cone tweeter; circuit overload protecion. FR 30- <0.03% $6,000/pr
B1000. Same as B-1002 without tweeter 5459/pr 20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 15 W rms; max
power 100 W rms; sens 94 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4/8 CT 120 Floor -Standing Speaker
Digital Music Series ohms. Ebony wood -grain finish. 15" w x 41" h x 4 -way bass -reflex speaker features 310 -mm (2_-
11" d; 37 lb $320/pr 12") woofer; 200 -mm 8") bass/midrange; 38 -
DMS-6000Wi Speaker mm (22 1.5-) midrange; 25 -mm (:.-, 1") titanium -
Floor -standing infinite -baffle speaker with 12" Series 7 MKIV 3 -Way Speaker
cone woofer, 6" midrange, 2" cone mid -tweeter, Floor -standing acoustic -suspension speaker with
and 0.75" dome supertweeter. FR 28-21,000 Hz 12" polypropylene cone woofer; 4" cone mid-
± 3 dB; minimum power 10 W rms, max power range; 2" cone tweeter; circuit overload prote-
300 W rms; sens 94 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; cion. FR 30-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 15 W
genuine oak veneer finish; 80 Ib; 15.5" w x 41" h rms; max power 100 W rms; sens 94 dB sPL/W/
x 12.5" d $ I ,349/pr m; imp 4/8 ohms. Ebony wood -grain finish. 15"
w x 27" h x 11" d; 28.5 lb $240/pr
DMS-4500i Speaker
Floor -standing bass reflex speaker with 12" cone Series 4 MKIV 3 -Way Speaker
woofer, 4" cone midrange, and I" dome tweeter. Floor -standing bass -reflex speaker with 10" poly-
FR 25-21,000 Hz ± 3 dB; minimum power 10 W propylene cone woofer; 3" cone midrange; I"
rms, max power 150 W rms; sens 95 dB sPL/W/ cone tweeter; circuit overload protecion. FR 40-
m; imp 8 ohms; kumaka laminate or oak finish; 20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power IS W rms; max
48 Ib; 15.5" w x 26.5" h x 11.5± dD $719/pr power 65 W rms; sens 92 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4/8
ohms. Ebony wood -grain finish. 14" w x 24" h x
DMS-3000i Speaker 10" d; 18.5 lb $190/pr
Bookshelf bass reflex speaker with 8" cone woof-
er, 2" cone midrange, and 1" soft -dome tweeter. Series 3 Bass -Reflex Speaker
FR 32-21,000 Hz ± 3 dB; minimum power 10 W Floor -standing 3 -way speaker with 8" polypro-
rms, max power 150 W rms; sens 91 dB sPL/W/ pylene cone woofer; 3" cone midrange; 2" cone
m; imp 8 ohms; kumaka laminate or dark oak; 32 tweeter; circuit overload protecion. FR 48-20.000
Ib; 11.5" w x 24" h x 9" d $519/pr Hz ± 3 dB; min power 15 W rms; max power 50
W rms; sens 92 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4/8 ohms. Eb-
DMS-55001 Speaker ony wood -grain finish. 11" w a 24" h x 8" d; 16
Features 12" woofer; 6" midrange; 1" tweeter. lbs $170/pr
FR 30-21,000 Hz 23 dB; Max power 250 W; dark
oak wood veneer; 41" high x 12.25" deep x 15.5"
wide 5450/pr
CALRAD ELECTRONICS dome tweeter. Power handling 200 W contiuous/
20-316 Compact Bookshelf Speaker 350 W peak; imp 4 ohms; crossover frequencies
DMS-35001 Speaker Passive -radiator speaker with stand-alone mounts 250 Hz, 1,103 Hz, 4,600 Hz. 14.2" wide x 47.25"
3 -way speaker with 8" woofer; 4" midrange; I" or universal mounting brackets. 4.5" low/mid hide x 15.6" d $5,000/pr
soft dome tweeter. FR 35-21,000 Hz ± 3 dB; max driver with 1.5 -lb magnet assembly; 2.5" cone -
power 150 W; genuine dark oak wood veneer; 37" edge -radiator tweeter; 0.36" -thick wood -core cab- Cr 100 Floor -Standing Speaker
h x 8.75" d x 10.5" w; 40 lb $659 inet. FR 53-18,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 3 W 4 -way bass -reflex speaker features 260 -mm (22
rms; max power 40 W rms; crossover at 2,500 10") woofer; 160 -mm (2: 6") bass/midrange; 38 -
DMS-20001 Speaker Hz; imp 8 ohms. 4.62" w x 7.75" h x 5 25" d; 11 mm (2:2 1.5") midrange; 25 -mm (2-_. 1") titanium -
Bookshelf bass reflex speaker with 8" poly cone lb S I 80/pr dome tweeter. Power handling 180 W continu-
woofer and an' poly dome tweeter. FR 40- ous/300 W peak; imp 4 ohms; crossover frequen-
21,000 Hz ± 3 dB; minimum power 5 W rms, CANTON cies 250/1,100/4,600 Hz. 12.6" wide x 41.3" high
max power 75 W rms; sens 92 dB sPL/W/m; imp x 14.1" deep 53,500/pr
8 ohms; kumaka laminate; 21 Ib; 10.5" w x 20" h CA 30 Active Speaker
x 8.5" d $249/pr Quad -amplified floor -standing speaker with dif- Cr 90 Floor -Standing Speaker
ferential amp and motional feedback system for 3 -way bass -reflex speaker features 260 -mm (z.-,
DMS-2500i Speaker each driver section (120 W woofer, 100 W mid- 10") woofer; 120 -mm (22 5") midrange; 25 -mm
Two-way speaker with 8" woofer; 1" soft -dome range, 100 W tweeter). Features four 260 -mm (22 1") titanium -dome tweeter. Power handling
tweeter. Frequency response 35-21,000 Hz ± 2.5 cone woofers; 190 -mm cone woofer; 38 -mm met- 150 W continuous, 250 W peak; imp 4 ohms;
decibels; maximum recommended power 150 W; al -dome midrange; 25 -mm titanium -dome tweet- crossover frequencies 450/4,000 Hz. 12.2" w x
kumaka laminate finish; 22" h x 8.75" d a 10.5" er; Darlington output stage for amps; auto on/off 35.5" h x 12.9" d 52,250/pr

144 &FERE.° BUYERS' GUIDE 1988

Cr 80 Floor -Standing Speaker switching for up to 4 satellite speakers. FR 20-70/
3 -way bass -reflex speaker features 220 -mm 90/120 Hz ± 3 dB; amp output power 140 W ea; CERWIN-VEGA
8.5") woofer; 120 -mm 5") midrange; 25 -mm THD and <0.1%. Black, white, or walnut finish. Digital Series Speakers
I") titanium -dome tweeter. Power handling 13.5" w x 15" h x 15" d; 50 lb 52,000 ea
100 W contiuous/150 W peak; imp 4 ohms; D-9 Speaker
crossover frequencies 450/4,000 Hz. I 1" w x Plus C Subwoofer 3.way, 4 driver, floor -standing speaker with 15"
31.5" h x 11.5" d 51,500/pr Compact passive 310 -mm cone subwoofer for use woofer, dual 6" midranges and 1" tweeter. Fea-
in connection with satellites such as Canton Plus tures Hehnholz/Theile enclosure fabricated from
Karat 60 Bookshelf Speaker S. FR 22-120 Hz; min power 35 (2x) W; max pow- high -density pressed board with woodgrain vinyl
3 -way speaker features 260 -mm woofer; 120 -mm er 75 (2x) W; sens 89.9 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 finish and acoustically transparent brown stretch
midrange; 25 -mm titanium -dome tweeter; power ohms. 14.7" w x 13.4" h x 13.8" d; 10.5 Kg; grille. FR 29-20,000 Hz; power range 5-350 W;
handling 100 W continuous/150 W peak; imp 4 black, white, walnut finishes $550 ea sensitivity 101 dB; impedance 4 ohms; crossover
ohms. 12.4" w x 22.9" h x 12.5" d $1,500/pr frequencies 500 and 3,500 Hz; 35.5" x 18" x
17.75"; 85 lb 51,050r
Karat 40 Bookshelf Speaker CARVER
3 -way speaker features 220 -mm woofer; 120 -mm The Amazing Loudspeaker D-7 Tower Speaker
midrange; 25 -mm titanium -dome tweeter; power Floor -standing panel speaker with line -source rib- 3 -way tower speaker with 12" woofer, dual 6"
handling 90 W continuous/130 W peak; imp 4 bon drivers with low mass, high efficiency, and cone distributed midrange driver in large cham-
ohms. 10.9" w x 20.1" h x 10.9" d $1,200/pr high speed. 4 planer subwoofers in panel for low ber, 1" horn tweeter. Features circuit protection;
frequencies and ribbon for mid to high frequen- midrange. tweeter level controls; FR 25-20,000 Hz
Karat 30 Bookshelf Speaker cies. Black. Min power 100 W rms; max power ± 3 dB; crossovers 500 and 3.5 kHz; sens 98 dB
2 -way speaker features 220 -mm woofer; 25 -mm 350 W rms; setts 91 dB sPL/W/m; imp 5 ohms. sound -pressure level W/m; maximum recom-
titanium -dome tweeter; power handling 80 W 24" w x 60" h x 4" d; 160 lbs $1,576/pr mended power 200 W; imp 8 ohms.... 5870/pr
continuous/I10 W peak; imp 4 ohms. 10.8" w x
17" h x 10.9" d 5800/pr D-5 Horn -Tweeter Speaker
CELESTION Floor/shelf 3 -way speaker with 12" woofer, 6"
Karat 20 Bookshelf Speaker System 6000 Subwoofer cone midrange, I" horn tweeter. Features circuit
2 -way speaker features 200 -mm woofer; 25 -mm Double dipole low frequency array primarily for protection; tweeter level controls; FR 32-20,000
titanium -dome tweeter; power handling 50 W use with SL 600 model (below). Uses 2 12" long Hz ± 3 dB; crossovers 700 and 3.5 kHz; sens 96
continuous/80 W peak; imp 4 ohms. 8.7" w a throw units in each of the 2 systems and is sensi- dB sPL/W/m; max power 150 W; imp 8
13.5" h x 8.2" d 5650/pr tivity matched to the SL 600 with adjustment ohms 5660/pr
available. Electronic section contains crossover
GL 300 F Speaker and EQ components, with variable gain and exten- D-3 Bookshelf Speaker
Low -profile 2 -way speaker acoustically tuned for sion controls 53,000/pr 3 -way shelf -speaker with 10" woofer, 6" cone
wall mounting. Features 25 -mm dome tweeter midrange, 1" horn tweeter. Features circuit pro-
(fabric); long -throw 160 -mm cone woofer cone. SL600 2 -Way Speaker tection; midrange, tweeter level controls; FR 30-
Enclosure surfaces black or white; grille of perfo- 2 way sealed box design, using Aerolam cabinet 20.000 Hz ± 3 dB; crossovers 700 and 3.5k Hz;
rated steel plate; color to match enclosure; per- of 12 liter volume. 120 W program power han- sens 94 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; finished in
mafix spring clamps; 5-m connecting cable; re- dling and designed for use on rigid stands. Cop- hickory woodgrain vinyl w/brown stretch cloth
movable grille. Nominal imp 4 ohms; nominal per dome tweeter and bass unit with integral dust grille 5580/pr
power handling 40/60 W; FR 48-30,000 Hz; cover 51,800/pr
crossover at 1,700 Hz; 12.6" w x 8.66" h x 3.15" SL6S. Similar to above. Two-way speaker with D-2 Vented Speaker
d $500/pr aluminum I -piece tweeter and 6" dual -surround 2 -way vented speaker with 10" woofer in cast alu-
With walnut finish $550/pr woofer 5900/pr minum frame and I" voice coil horn. Features
high -frequency protection circuit breaker; direct -
GL 260 Speaker 700 Sealed Box Speaker radiating vented enclosure; hickory woodgrain vi-
Weatherproof low -profile 2 -way speaker with 2 -way sealed box design, using Aerolam cabinet nyl finish with brown stretch -cloth grille. Fre-
160 -mm woofer, 25 -mm dome tweeter. Features of 12 -liter volume. 120 W program power han- quency response 30-20,000 Hz; power handling
wall -mounting suitability; white or black finish; dling; uses integral speaker stand. Metal dome min/max 5/125 W; sens 94 dB; nominal imp 8
perforated metal grille. 42-30,000 Hz; crossover tweeter for high frequencies and 2 -part roll sur- ohms; crossover frequency 3,000 Hz; 23.5" h x
1,700 Hz; power range 60 W; distortion <1%; round on woofer $800-$1,000 14" w x 10" d; 38 lb $440/pr
imp 4 ohms; 10.5" h x 7.12" w x 4.75" d$475/pr
With walnut finish $525/pr DLIO Series 2 3 -Way Speaker D -I 2 -Way Speaker
Bass -reflex speaker with separate midrange enclo- 2 -way speaker with 8" woofer and I" voice -coil
HC 100 Speaker sure. 10" woofer. 6" midrange; 1.25" aluminum high frequency horn. Features resettable high -fre-
Bookshelf speaker with 110 -mm cone woofer, 25 - dome tweeter, and 6" bass unit with integral dust quency protection circuit breaker; vented cabinet;
mm dome tweeter. Features Permafix spring cover and roll surround 5900/pr hickory woodgrain vinyl with cloth grille. FR 30-
clamps; 5-m connecting cable; one -point mount- 20,000 Hz; power min/max 5/100 W; sens 92 dB
ing fixture; removable grille. FR 48-30,000 Hz; DLS Series 2 2 -Way Speaker W/m; 8 ohms imp; crossover frequency 3,000 Hz;
max power 60 W; imp 4 ohms; black, white, or Sealed cabinet speaker with 8" celoprene cone 20" h x II' w x 10" d; 49 lb/pr $340/pr
bronze finish; 5.12" w x 7.5" h x 5 75" d; 5 woofer and 1" metal tweeter. Designed for stand
lb 5325/pr mounting, uses figure 8 cabinet brace and is avail- SW -12B Subwoofer
able in simulated American walnut or black fin- Vented direct -radiating subwoofer compatible
Plus S Speaker ishes $540/pr with most 4/8 ohm speakers. 12" floor -facing
2 -way bookshelf minispeaker suitable as satellite driver built on die-cast aluminum frame with 7 -lb
in connection with Canton Plus Beta and Plus C DL6 Series 2 2 -Way Speaker magnet. Power range 5-125 W; sensitivity 92 dB
subwoofers. Features 110 -mm cone woofer; 25 - Sealed box design, 8" woofer and 1" metal -dome W/m; woodgrain vinyl veneer finish; measures
mm dome tweeter; flush wall mount; removeable tweeter. Designed for use on speaker stands. 13.25" high a 25.5" wide x 16.25" deep; total
grill. FR 45-30,000 Hz; minimum power 20 W; Available in simulated American walnut and weight 48 lb $300/ea
max power 80 W; sens 87.2 dB sPi./W/m; imp 4 black finishes 5430/pr
ohms. 4.72" w x 8.07" h x 3.94" d; black, white,
brown finishes $325/pr DL4 Series 2 2 -Way Speaker
Walnut finish $495/pr Compact, 2 -way sealed -box speaker, using 6"
woofer and 1" metal -dome tweeter. Designed for The listings arc based on data
Subwoojers stand or bookshelf mounting $330/pr provided by the manufacturers. For
more product information, contact
Plus Beta Active Subwoofer an authorized dealer or the
Floor -standing bi-amplified woofer system con- CELLO
taining amplification for satellites and subwoofer. Amati Speaker manufacturer directly. Manufacturers'
Features 310 -mm cone woofer; signal -correction Compact speaker or wall, shelf, or stand mount- addresses and phone numbers are
circuit; thermal overload; short-circuit protec- ing (see listing in accessories section for speaker listed in the directory
tion; bass level control; adjustable crossover; ad- stands); available in many finishes. 27" w x 20" h beginning on page 226.
justable input sens; auto on/off; terminals and x 10" d 53.500/pr

S I F:REO BUYERS' Gunn: 1988 145

AT Speaker Series minate cone woofers; 6.5" polylaminate cone M SERIES
midrange; 5" polylaminate cone midrange; 1"
AT -15 3 -Way Speaker dome tweeter. ER 25-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min pow- M-909 Floor -Standing Speakers
3 -way bass -reflex speaker includes fuse protec- er 50 W rms; max power 500 W rms; sans 88 dB Genuine wood enclosure, spaced grille with solid
tion. 15" woofer; 2 5" midranges; dome tweeter. sPt./W/m; imp 2 ohms. Oak finish. 22" w x 45" h wood trim, flocked anti -diffraction baffle. 3 way
power handling capacity 5-400 W; sens 102 dB x 14" d; 150 lbs ea 53,300/pr Quasi -Phased Array 51,100/pr
W/m; nominal imp 6 ohms; 36.5" h x 19" w x
18.5" d; 85 lb 51,080/pr 11 3 -Way Floor -Standing Speaker M-907 Acoustic -Suspension Speaker
Air -suspension speaker available bi-wired and bi- Real wood walmut enclosure, spaced grille with
AT -12 3 Way Speaker ampable. 10" polylaminate cone woofer, 5" poly - solid walnut trim. 3 way with 10" woofer, 5"
Similar to above with 12" woofer, 1 5" midrange. laminate cone midrange, 1" dome tweeter. FR 30- midrange, I" dome tweeter, damped enclosure.
Power handling capacity 5-200 W; sens 97 dB W/ 20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 50 W rms; max 28" h x 14.5" w a 12.5" d 5820/pr
m; nominal imp 6 ohms; 30" h x 16" w x 14" d; power 200 W continuous, 500 W peak; sans 86
55 lb 5690/pr dB sPL/W/m; impedance 4 ohms; oak finish with M-905 Tuned -Port Speaker
black grille; 14" wide x 39" high x 11" deep; 75 Real wood walnut enclosure, spaced grille with
AT -10 3 Way Speaker lbs each $ I,495/pr solid walnut trim. 2 -way speaker with cast -frame
Similar to above with 10" woofer and internal 8" woofer and 1" dome tweeter; front -firing
self -resetting circuit breaker. Power hadling ca- T4 2 -Way Bookshelf Speaker tuned port. Sensitivity 91 dB; power range 20 W
pacity 5-150 W; sans 95 dB; nominal imp 6 ohms; Air -suspension box speaker available bi-wired minimum to 125 W maximum; nominal imped-
28.5" h x 14" w x 13.5" d; 40 lb 5620/pr and bi-ampable. Features 8" polylaminate cone ance 8 ohms; 24" high x 13.5" wide x 12"
woofer; I" dome tweeter. FR 40-20,000 Hz 23 dB; deep $590/pr
AT -8 2 Way Speaker power range 25-100 W; sans 88 dB sPL/W/m;
2 way version of above with 8" woofer, dome imp 4 ohms; oak with black grille; 11" w x 23" h DAYTON WRIGHT
tweeter. Power handling capacity 5-100 W; sans x 8" d; 35 lbs each 5760/pr
94 dB; nominal imp 6 ohms; 21" h x 12" w x 10" D XG-10 MK II/d Electrostatic System
d; 26 lb 5410/pr DAHLQUIST Electrostatic speaker system. Centered special
leaf tweeter, XIM-11 interface module, 2/XW-10
SE Speaker Series DQ-20 Speaker subwoofers 59,549
Three-way vertical -phase -array speaker intended
380SE Speaker for floor placement. Speaker contains 250 -mm XG-10 MK II/i Electrostatic System
Floor -standing bass reflex speaker with 15" cone cone woofer; 120 -mm cone midrange; 20 -mm Top -centered tweeter, XIM-11 interface module,
woofer, 2 7" polyolefin cone midranges, and I" dome tweeter. Minimum power 70 W rms; 2/XW-10 subwoofers 57,894
VC elliptical tweeter. FR 29-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; impedance 4 ohms. Available in oak with black
minimum power 5 W rms, max power 405 W or white grille 51,800/pr XAM-7. Speaker 54,035/pr
rms; sens 102 dB sPL/W/m; imp 6 ohms; black
vinyl; 90 lbs; 17.5" w x 36" h x 19.5" d$1,080/pr DQ-10 Speaker XAM-4 4 -Way Speaker
Phased -array speaker. Features low -diffraction 10" subwoofer; main drivers 6", I", 0.6"; ambi-
300SE Speaker time -delay treble -slope control; solid walnut or ence driver 6". Crossover assymetric 100 Hz,
12" cone oak trim black or white grille cloth; in mirror -im- 4,300 Hz, 11,000 Hz; 4 -ohm min imp; 48" h x
woofer, 7" polyolefin cone midrange, and 1" VC age pairs. FR 37-27,000 Hz; crossovers 400, lk, 11" w x 16" d; 80 lb 51,491/pr
horn -loaded dome elliptical tweeter. FR 25-20,000 6k, 12.5; power range 60-200 W; imp 8 ohms;
Hz ± 3 dB; minimum power 5 W rms, maximum 31.5" h x 9" d 51.200/pr LCM-la 3 -Way Speaker
power 255 W rms; sans 98 dB sPL/W/m; imp 6 ST -10 Stand 580/pr Supertweeter; 1" soft -dome tweeter, 7.5" Bex-
ohms; black vinyl; 65 Ib; 14.5" w x 32" h x 16.25" trene woofer; front panel tilted 20'. FR 40-18,000
d S900/pr DQ-1 W Subwoofer Hz ± 3 dB; min imp 4 ohms; 20" h x II" w x 14"
Subwoofer with 13" driver in heavy cast frame d (bottom), 7.1" (top); 22 lb 5608/pr
280SE Speaker for biamplified systems. Features walnut or oak
Floor -standing bass reflex speaker with 12" cone finish with black or white grille cloth; 28" h x 18" ICBM -1 Subwoofer System
woofer, 6" cone midrange, and I" VC horn load- w x 14" d 5395 May be used as stand for LCM-la or used sepa-
ed dome, elliptical tweeter. FR 32-20,000 Hz ± 3 rately; will increase maximum overload of LCM-
dB; minimum power 5 W rms, max power 155 W Dynamic Tracking Studio Monitors la by 12 dB at low frequencies. Frequency re-
rms; sans 96 dB spLW/m; imp 6 ohms; black vi- sponse extension to below 16 Hz. 2 long -throw
nyl; 44 lb; 14.5" w x 25.5" h a 11.5" d $690/pr DQM-9 Speaker 10" woofers; min imp 4 ohms; black vinyl finish;
Dual rear -firing tuned -port speaker system fea- 48" h x 11" w x 24" d; 66 lb $1,323/pr
250SE Speaker tures rigid die-cast zinc chassis drivers on anti -
Floor -standing bass reflex passive speaker with diffraction baffle in "unbox" enclosure; 11" woof-
Hemholtz Thiele acoustically dense enclosure er and 5" cone midrange feature flat -wound rib- dB PLUS
with sound absorbent baffle and circuit breaker bon -wire voice coils; tweeter is 1" soft dome. All dB Plus speakers have I" dome tweeters, wal-
protection. Speaker contains 10" cone woofer; 6" Power range 25-200 W; sans 95 dB sPL/W/m; nut -vinyl finish. black knit grilles, and nominal
cone midrange; 1" VC horn loaded dome ellipti- crossovers 450 and 3.5 kHz; imp 8 ohms; 14.5" w impedances of 8 ohms with minimum of 4 ohms.
cal tweeter. FR 32-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; minimum x 25" h x 13.25" d; 55 Ib; suede gray Nexte: vi-
power 5 W rms, max power 125 W rms; sans 95 bration damping and oak or walnut sides with 1212 Floor -Standing Bass -Reflex Speaker
dB sPL/W/m; imp 6 ohms; black vinyl; 41 Ib; black lacquer top finishes 51,350/pr 2 12" viscous -damped cone woofers; 6.5" cone
12.5" w x 28" h x 11.5" d 5600/pr midrange. FR 23-22,000 Hz ± 3 dB; minimum
DQM-9 Compact Speaker power 10 W, max power 200 W; sans 103 dB
240SE Speaker Dual rear -firing tuned -port speaker features rigid SPL/W/m; 54 lbs; 12.24" w x 36.60" h x 11.5"
Bookshelf bass reflex speaker with 10" cone diecast zinc chassis drivers on anti -diffraction d S1,000/pr
woofer and I" VC horn loaded dome elliptical baffle in "unbox" enclosure; 9" woofer and 5"
tweeter. FR 32-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; minimum pow- cone midrange feature flat -wound ribbon wire 1010 Floor -Standing Bass -Reflex Speaker
er 5 W rms, max power 125 W rms; imp 6 ohms; voice coils; I" soft dome tweeter; power range 25- 2 10" viscous -damped cone woofers. FR 25-
black; 36 Ib; 12.5" w a 25" h x 11.5" d 5470/pr 140 W; sans 92 dB at 1,000 Hz; crossovers 450 22,000 Hz ± 3 dB; minimum power 20 W, max
and 3.5 kHz; imp 8 ohms; 22.75" h x 14.36" w x power 150 W; sans 100 dB SPL/W/m; 45 Ib;
200SE Bookshelf Speaker 11.25" d; 43 Ib; suede gray Nextel vibration - 12.24" w x 36.60" h x 11.5" d 5750/pr
2 -way version of 240SE. Direct -radiating 8" damping finish 5980/pr
woofer, 1" tweeter. FR 32-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; pow- Oak or walnut sides with black lacquer 990 Floor -Standing Passive -Radiator Speaker
er range 5-100 W; imp 6 ohms; black; 32 lb; 22" x top 51,200/pr 10" viscous -damped cone woofer. FR 30-22,000
10.5" x 12.25" 5410/pr Hz ± 3 dB; minimum power 10 W, max power
ST -9 Speaker Stand 100 W; sans 98 dB SPL/W/m; 37 Ib; 12.24" w x
Nonresonant floor stand for DQM series speak- 32.60" h x 11.5" d 5550/pr
CHAPMAN SOUND ers; provides rigid mounting, 3.5" upward tilt;
T9 4 -Way Floor -Standing Speaker matte black finish; capacity; 100 lb. 11.25" w x 880 Bass -Reflex Speaker
Air -suspension speaker comes standard in bi- 14" h x 12" d; 7.5 Ib; oak or walnut veneer and 10" viscous -damped cone woofer. FR 35-22,000
wired, bi-ampable configuration. 2 10" polyla- matte black finishes 580/pr Hz ± 3 dB; minimum power 10 W, max power

146 S ERE() BuvERS. GUIDE 1988

For the music listener, evaluating complex sounds imaginable,
loudspeakers is one part science with an absolute minimum of
and nine parts art. The difference coloration or distortion.
in measured response between But you can go even further.
two speakers may be slight, You can demand that two
yet one will sound superb, S loudspeakers, working togeth-
the other merely adequate. er, define between them the
The only test in-
struments which reinarkabie exact point in
space from
can accurately
and reliably distin-
guish good from bad--
how the which each indi-
vidual sound
originally emanated.
or great from merely
good --are your ears. And
even they have
to with
You can also expect
a sense of the acoustic
14 inwhichthe re -
knowledge and cording was
care. made.
A loudspeaker
has a difficult job.
It must reproduce th
out brl1 S
.41% To hear a pair of
sounds ranging from
the quietest whisper
e est actually do this is an
unforgettable experi-
ence. Once you've
of a human voice to the full in heard it, it's unlikely that you'll
thunder of a symphony ever settle for less.
orchestra. That's a ratio For these characteristics
of about one to a billion. are essential to the
It's beyond the range of suspension of disbelief
any loudspeaker made today vital to the appreciation of
--but this need not concern recorded music.
us, as it is also beyond the Please take the opportun-
range of any recording ity to audition a pair of
medium. However, within its DQ-20 loudspeakers, and
range, a good loudspeaker bring out the best in
will reproduce the most your music.

EDAM 111-Q IlUllST

DAHLQUIST, INC., 601 Old Willets Path, Hauppauge, NY 11788
Telephone: (516) 234-5757 E FAX: (516) 234-5781
100 W; sens 96 dB SPL/W/m; 29 Ib; 11.88" w x dB) and consistent "Listen Anywhere" "Self -Bal- grille; 17" wide x 41" high x 6.75" deep; 42
23.88" h x 11.5" d $450/pr ancing" stereo imaging throughout room. Com- lb $549 to $599/pr
puter -designed crossover and asymmetrical cabi-
440 Bookshelf Bass -Reflex Speaker net individually tailor amplitude and phase of Time Frame TF 350 Speaker
6.5" polypropylene cone woofer. FR 45-22,000 output in psychoacoustically optimized radiation Floor -standing transmission -line speaker with
Hz ± 3 dB; minimum power 10 W, max power 80 pattern. Imp 4 ohms; sens 92 dB sPL/2.83 V/m; acoustic anti -diffraction lens. Accurate impulse
W; sens 94 dB SPL/W/m; 16 Ib; 9.5" w x 15.88" power range 20-250 W. Walnut or black vinyl response for digital sources. Features a 6.5" mag-
h x 9.25" d 5350/pr with matching grilles. 31" h x 14" w x 11" netically -shielded cone woofer and a .75" dome
d $699/pr tweeter. FR 42-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 10
dbx W rms; max power 100 W rms; sens 89 dB SPL/
DCM W/m; impedance 8 ohms. Available in dark oak/
dbx Soundfield IA Speaker brown cloth finish. 31 lb. 37" high x 15" wide x
Two floor -standing enclosures, each with 4 10" Time Frame TF2000 3 -Way Speaker 7" deep $399 to $449/pr
woofers, 4 4" midranges, and 6 0.5" dome tweet- Floor -standing folded tapered transmission -line
ers. Self -balancing phased arrangement produces speaker with two 8" cone woofers, two 6.5" cone Time Frame TF 250 Speaker
both measurably flat axial and power response midranges, and 1" horn -loaded tweeter. Accurate Floor -standing bass -reflex speaker with 6.5" cone
(20-20,000 Hz ± 2 dB) and stable and consistent impulse response combines with high efficiency woofer and .75" dome tweeter. FR 50-20,000 Hz
image anywhere in listening area (no preferred and power handling for digital sources. FR 30- ± 3 dB; min power 10 W rms; max power 50 W
listening location). Computer -designed crossover 20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 20 W rms; max rms; sens 89 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms. Dark
individually tailors amplitude and phase of each power 1,000 W rms; sens 92 dB SPL/W/m; imp oak with dark brown grille. 34" h x 13" w x 6"
driver to produce psychoacoustically optimized 8 ohms. Available in dark oak or brown grille. d $249 to $299/pr
radiation pattern and constant imp (4 ohms). Sys- 60" h x 23" w x 11" d $1,999 to $2,299/pr
tem includes processor to go in preamp/receiver
tape -monitor loop. Processor equalizes speaker Time Window 3 Speaker DENNESEN ELECTROSTATICS
FR and also features power amp monitor/speaker Folded transmission -line 3 -way speaker intended Dennesen Nine 3 -Way Speaker
protector; rumble suppressor; adjustable HF/LF for floor placement. Features time -coherent point Floor -standing bass -reflex electrostatic hybrid
EQ and high-pass/low-pass filters for ends of au- source for more accurate off -axis sound reproduc- speaker designed for minimal edge refractions
dio band; auto ch balancing for out -of -balance tion. Adjustable high -and middle -frequency ener- and reflections. Features electrostatic tweeter sys-
program material; ambience control; bypass (for gy output, narrow to wide image spatial control; tem; 10" bextrene woofer; 6.5" bextrene mid-
headphone listening); and replacement tape moni- also utilizes acoustic anti -diffraction lenses. 8" range; 6 3" electrostatic tweeters. Phase corrected
tor; Sens 90 dB SPL 2.83 V/m, average room; cone woofer; 6.5" cone midrange; 2.75" soft -plas- and time alligned. Includes separate electronic
power range 30-400 W/ch; system will produce tic -dome tweeters. FR 24-20,000 Hz; min power crossover for bi-amping in stereo or summed sub -
110 dB SPL in 3,000 cu -ft. room. Walnut or oak 10 W, max power 200 W; sens 90 dB; imp 8 woofer. Includes summed subwoofer. FR 20-
veneer with dark brown grilles. 42" h x 14.5" w x ohms; available in dark oak with dark brown fab- 35,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 50 W rms; max
14.5" d; 80 lb $3,000/system ric; 45 Ib; 16.25" wide x 39.25" high x 12.36" power 200 W rms; sens 89 dB spL/W/m; imp 8
deep $1,399 to 1,499/pr ohms. Oiled walnut finish. 11" w x 35" h x 15" d;
Soundfield 50 Speaker 60 lb $2,650/pr
Two floor -standing vented enclosures each with Time Frame TFI000 3 Way Speaker
10" woofer, 6.5" midrange, 4" uppre midrange, Tapered transmission -line speaker. Mirrored im-
and 3 ultra -wide -dispersion 0.5" tweeters. Phased age with 8" woofer, .75" soft plastic dome tweet- DESIGN ACOUSTICS
arrangement produces both measurably flat re- er, acoustic anti-defraction lens, 4" mid -frequen- PS -30 3 -Piece Speaker System
sponse (34-20,000 Hz ± 2.5 dB) and consistent cy driver, transmission line termination. Max Consists of 2 PS -5 satellites, PS-LF bass module.
"Listen Anywhere" stereo imaging throughout power rating 50 W rms pink noise continuous/ Satellites are low -diffraction design with 5" mid -
room. Sens 91 dB spL/2.83 V/m; imp 4 ohms 300 W peak program; 8 ohm imp; sens 91 dB W/ woofer, 1" soft -dome tweeter. Bass module has
nominal, 2.5 ohms min; power range 40-400 W; m; 49 Ib; 49" h x 19.5" w x 8" d $999 to 1,099 12" dual voice coil, long -throw woofer; power
phased -arranged crossover 200 Hz, 800 Hz, 3,150 satellites/subwoofer 35/250 W $695/set
Hz, main axis. Walnut or black base and top wit Time Window 1A Speaker
matching grille wraps $2,000/pr Hybrid transmission -line speaker intended for PS-LF Bass Module
floor placement. Improved version of original Down -firing dual voice coil, long -throw 12"
Soundfield Ten Speaker Time Window with wide-angle sound distribu- woofer with twin crossover networks at 18 dB/
Two floor -standing sealed -box speakers each with tion, pinpoint imaging properties and high power - octave, 140 Hz. Features input for use with PS -S
2 10" cone woofers, 2 4" cone midranges, 4 0.5" handling capability. Features cylindrical back satellites (below); biamp inputs for use with other
dome tweeters. Features outboard processor with and triangular -prism front. Optimized for min satellites. Response to below 40 Hz; walnut ve-
adjustable low-frequency/high-frequency EQ; EQ time -dispersion error. Contains two 6.5" cone neer cabinet; brown cloth grille; power range 15-
for against -wall and out -from -wall placement; by- woofers with acoustic lens; 2.75" soft plastic 250; 21" h x 16" w x 16" d $350/ea
pass switch for headphone listening; replacement dome tweeter with acoustic lens. Min power 10
tape monitor; self -balancing phase arrangement W, max power 200 W; sens 91 dB; imp 8 ohms; PS -5 Speaker
produces measurably flat axial and power re- dark oak with dark brown fabric; 32 Ib; 15" w x Acoustic -suspension 2 -way miniature bookshelf
sponse from 30-20,000 Hz ± 2.5 dB. Power range 36" h x 11.75" d $879to 949/pr speaker with 5" woofer, I" dome tweeter. Fea-
40-300 W; nominal imp 4 ohms; sens 90 dB sm./ tures midrange, tweeter level controls; walnut ve-
W/m. 14.5" w x 34" h x 14.5" d. Oak/walnut ve- Time Frame TF 700 Speaker neer cabinet; brown cloth grille. FR 80-16,000 Hz
neers S I ,499/pr Floor -standing folded tapered transmission -line ± 1.5 dB; crossover 2.5 kHz; sens 85 dB sm/W/
speaker with 8" cone woofer, 4" cone midrange, m; power range 15-50 W; imp 4 ohms; 11.25" h x
dbx Soundfield 100 Speaker and .75" dome tweeter. Accurate impulse re- 7.36" w x 5.5" d 5350/pr
Two floor -standing vented enclosures each with sponse for digital sources. FR 34-20,000 Hz ± 3
10" woofer, 4" midrange, and 3 ultra -wide -dis- dB; min power 20 W rms; max power 250 W; DA 360 Indoor/Outdoor Speaker
persion 0.5" tweeters. Phased arrangement pro- sens 90 dB sm/W/m; imp 8 ohms. 45" h x 18" w Omnidirectional all-weather speaker for indoor
duces both measurably flat response (39-20,000 x 7" d $749 to $799/pr or outdoor use. Features rust -proof heavy-duty
Hz ± 3 dB) and consistent "Listen Anywhere" plastic enclosureas; dual driver system, white fin-
"Self -Balancing" stereo imaging throughout Time Frame TF500 Speaker ish; mounting from angles or pipe mounted from
room. Computer -designed crossover and asym- Mirror -imaged floor -standing loudspeaker. Fea- bottom $240/pr
metrical cabinet individually tailor amplitude and tures 6.5" cone woofer; .75" soft -plastic -dome
phase of output in psychoacoustically optimizes tweeter with acoustic lens; folded, tapered trans- Point Source Series
radiation pattern. Imp 4 ohms; sens 91 dB sm/ mission -line bass loading; FR 34-20,000 Hz; pow-
2.83 V/m; power range 20-250 W. Walnut veneer er range 10-100 W; sens 90 dB sm/W/m; imp 8 PS 103 Floor -Standing Speaker
with dark brown grilles. 32" h x 16" w x 13" ohms; dark oak finish with dark -brown fabric Acoustic -suspension speaker with down -firing
d $899/pr 10" woofer housed in a seperate enclosure within
the cabinet. 6" midwoofer and 0.75" dome tweet-
dbx Soundfield 1000 Speaker er in the upper portion of the cabinet. 5 -way bind-
Two floor -standing vented enclosures each with For explanations of abbreviations, ing posts will accept bare stranded cable up to 8
8" woofer, 4" midrange, and 2 ultra -wide -disper- specifications, and technical terms, gauge, looped wire, banana plugs, spade lugs, and
sion 0.5" tweeters. Phased arrangement produces consult the glossary on page 221. terminal pins. Cabinet is mounted on casters.
both measurably flat response (45-20,000 Hz ± 3 Sens 88 dB spL/W/m; power range 30-250 W/


Hz; sens 90 dB SPI /W/m; power range 15-200 solid wood. 2 DM -2x satellites house 3.25" cone
W; imp 8 ohms; 14" h x 13.75" d x 11" w$500/pr woofer, 0.75" dome tweeter, 0.15" supertweeter;
2 BMW -2 subwoofers house 6.5" cone driver and
PS -8A 3 Way Speaker 2 7" passive radiators. FR 38-30,000 Hz ± 3 dB;
Bookshelf acoustic -suspension speaker. Features power range 20-200 W; sens 87.5 dB SPL/W/m;
8" down -firing. long -throw woofer; 4" cone mid - imp 4 ol-ms; black or walnut finish $999/system
woofer; .75" soft -dome tweeter; tweeter level con-
trol; mirror -image driver placement; acoustically - DLS-2 Ultimate Speaker System
treated baffle; crossover at 200 and 2,000 Hz. FR 4 -piece speaker system with satellites carved from
50-20,000 Hz; power range 15-175 W; sens 89 dB solid wood. 2 DM -I satellites house 3.25" cone
sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; walnut -vinyl fnish; 9" w woofer, 0.88" dome tweeter; 2 BMW -2 sub -
x 11" h x 13.75" d $380/pr woofers house 6.5" cone driver and 2 6.5" passive
radiators. FR 39-19,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range
PS -6 Bookshelf Speaker 20-250 W; sens 87 dB SPL/W/m; imp 4.6 ohms;
Two-way design features 6" woofer; 0.75" soft - black or walnut finish; satellites 7.5" w x 4.5" h x
dome tweeter; FR 50-20,000 Hz; sens 88 dB sPt./ 3 5" d; subwoofers 12.5" w x 10" h x 8.5" d; 38
W/m; power range 15-100 W; 11.5" d x 12" h x lb $899/system
8.12" w; 12 lb $240/pr
DLS-IA Intimate Speaker System
PS -6V Shielded Bookshelf Speaker 3.piece speaker system with enclosures made of
Acoustic -suspension speaker. Features 6.5" long - solid wood blocks carved out for crossover and
root mean square; nominal impedance 8 ohms; throw woofer; .75" soft -dome tweeter; mirror -im- drivers. 2 full -range DM -I satellites with 3.25"
38.25" high x 13.56" wide x 13.31" deep; 55 lb age driver placement; acoustically treated baffle; cone woofer, 0.88" dome tweeter; I small BMW -
ea $950/pr shielded magnets for use with video monitors. FR I subwoofer with 6.5" cone driver. FR 54-18,000
50-20,000 Hz; power range 10-103 W; sens 88 dB Hz i 3 dB; power range 20-325 W; sens 86 dB
PS -10 3 Way Bookshelf Speaker SPI /W/ITI; imp 8 ohms; 8" x 12" x 11.5"$260/pr S?L/W/m; imp 4.6 ohms; walnut, golden oak, or
Acoustic -suspension 3 -way speaker with down - teak; satellites 7.5" wide x 4.5" high x 3.5" deep;
firing 10" long -throw woofer, 5" midwoofer, 1" subwoofer 16" wide x 5.5" high x 8" deep; system
soft -dome tweeter. Features tweeter level control;
DESKTOP weight 28 lb $579/system
mirror -image driver placement; acoustically
treated baffle; walnut -vinyl finish; brown cloth DLS-2x Intimate Speaker System BMW -2 Intimate Subwoofer
grille. FR 48-20,000 Hz; crossovers 190 and 2,000 4 -piece speaker system with satellites carved from Floor-staiding subwoofer with 6.5" cone driver,

It's been a rare virtue in sound.
Introducing the new Design Acoustics
Until no_W PS103 3 -Way Loudspeaker
While other speakers attempt to make their mark with bombast and sizzle, the
Design Acoustics PS103 loudspeaker system has been created to accurately
reflect the actual sonic drama of the music. No more. And certainly no less.
Hear the original acoustic space
The PS -103 starts with smooth, uniform response for every octave of music.
That's basic. Dispersion at the higher frequencies is also enhanced by a
tapered, sealed, independent Point Source enclosure for the 6" mid -range
and 3/4" tweeter. The result of this comb,nation is an appropriate spaciousness
to the reproduced souna ...neither collapsed, nor overextended. With the
PS103, the illusion of a live performance is more accurate, making possible a
more intense reaction to the music.
Bass you can feel
The illusion is enhanced by the extended bass performance from the 10"
down -firing woofer, housed in its own cabinet with unique multi -element
baffles that stiffen the enclosure while smoothing and extending useful sound
output. You both hear and feel the deepest bass, while sensing the original
room acoustics all around you.
Honestly superior
Before you settle for an artificial sounding speaker, give our spectacular
honesty a chance. Audition the Design Acoustcs PS103 loudspeaker system
today. Write for the names of Design Acoustics dealers in your area. Like you,
they are very serious about very good sound.

An A..ocho Technic() Cornoony
1225 Commerce Drive, Stow, OH 44224


SI FRE() Bill-its GUIDE 1988 I49

2 8" passive radiators. FR 39-175 Hz +3 dB; min imp 6 ohms. 4 -position tweeter attenuation layer bass and midrange speaker cones and treble
power range 20-150 W; sens 86 dB SPL/W/m; from flat to -9 dB in 3 -dB steps. 23.75" w x 27" h speaker domes. Stiff plastic layer resists flexing.
imp 5 ohms; black finish; 9" w x 9" h x 9" d; 10 x 13" d; 70 lb 5499 ea Other damping layer controls resonances Ferro -
lb $525/pr fluid -cooled treble voice coils.
Sentry 100A Monitor Speaker
DM -1 Intimate Speaker Compact monitor with Super Dome tweeter and T/E 320 Series II 3 -Way Speaker
Bookshelf speaker of solid blockwood carved out 8" direct -radiator woofer in an optimally vented Floor -standing speaker with 10" woofer, 4" mid-
to house parts. 3.25" cone woofer, 0.88" dome enclosure. Features front -mounted high -frequen- range, I" tweeter. Features dark -oak -grain vinyl -
tweeter. FR 175-18,000 Hz -3 dB; power range cy control; 4th -order Butterworth tuning; utility veneered cabinet and brown grille cloth. FR 38-
20-125 W; sens 85 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; cabinet with scratch -resistant matte -black vinyl; 20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; crossovers at 300 and 2,500
walnut, golden oak, or black; 7.5" w x 4.5" h x steel -reinforced grille covered with gray cloth. Hz; power range 15-250 W; imp 6 ohms. 34.25" h
3.5" d; 4.5 lb 5300/pr Designed for rack mounting. FR I meter on axis x 13" w x 10" d $500/pr
anechoic environment swept 0.33 -octave pink
S-1 Speaker Stand noise ± 3 dB 45-18,000 Hz; crossover frequency T/E 280 Series II 2 -Way Speaker
For use with wide-screen TV, stereo TV or audio 2,000 Hz; long-term average power handling Floor -standing speaker with 8" woofer, 8" pas-
system. Phase aligned; flat black finish; invisible above 40 Hz 30 W; short-term 10 -ms power han- sive raditaor, 1" tweeter. Features dark -oak -grain
wiring track. 8" w x 17" h x 8" d; 2.2 lb S65/pr dling above 40 Hz 300 W; imp 6 ohms. 17.25" h x vinyl -veneered cabinet and brown grille cloth. FR
12" w x 11.12" d; 28 lb S255 ea 32-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; crossover at 1,800 Hz; pow-
ELECTRO-VOICE er range 10-100 W; imp 8 ohms. 34.5" h x 12" w
Interface Series II Speakers
Each Interface 2 -way full -range vented direct -ra- LFT-III Planar Doublet Speaker T/E 250 Series II 3 -Way Speaker
diator system uses an r midrange/woofer and Single -diaphragm Linear Field Transducer with Floor -standing speaker with 8" woofer, 4" mid-
1.5" Super Dome tweeter with a 25-W long-term diaphragm remaining within constant magnetic - range, I" tweeter. Features dark -oak -grain vinyl -
power -handling capacity in a scientifically -de- flux field over entire displacement range; push- veneered cabinet and brown grille cloth. FR 42-
signed "optimally -vented" enclosure. Lowest oc- pull operation; soft-foil/mylar diaphragm with 20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; crossovers at 300 and 2,500
tave of speaker's bass response is reproduced by the very thin traces and narrow gaps between each Hz; power range 15-225 W; imp 6 ohms. 25.5" h
vent (Interface 1) or vent substitute (passive radia- trace driven directly by amp; recommended x 15.5" w a 8.25" d $360/pr
tor, Interface 2 d 3) so as the frequency lowers, the placement at least 3 ft from rear wall; diaphragm
excursion of woofer decreases producing better area 580"; peak -to -peak displacement 0.2". FR T/E 120 Series II 2 -Way Speaker
transient rsponse. lower distortion, and 6 -dB high- 35-40,000 Hz ± 4 dB; power range 50-200 W; Bookshelf speaker with 10" woofer, 1" tweeter.
er efficiency. Cabinets are particle board covered sens 83 dB SPL/2.83 V/m; max SPL 106 dB at 1 Features dark -oak -grain vinyl -veneered cabinet
with simulated walnut -grained vinyl and include a m; imp 8-22 ohms; 27" w x 54" h x 1-3" d; 90 lb and brown grille cloth. FR 38-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB;
dark -brown grille. ea $2,700 crossover at 1,800 Hz; power range 15-100 W;
Interface 3. FR 40-18,000 Hz ± 3 dB; long-term imp 8 ohms. 25.5" h x 15.5" w x 8.25" dS320/pr
average power capacity 50 W; 10 -ms short-term
power capacity 200 W; sens 92 dB sPL/W/m; ENERGY
T/E 100 Series II 2 -Way Speaker
imp 8 ohms nominal, 5 ohms minimum; cross- Reference Connoisseur Bookshelf speaker with 8" woofer, 1" tweeter.
over frequencies 57 Hz acoustical, 1,500 Hz elec- 2 -way bass -reflex mirror -imaged speakers, Features dark -oak -grain vinyl -veneered cabinet
trical. Includes 12" low -frequency radiator. matched 0.12 dB left and right. 6 different exotic
14.75" w x 25.25" h x 13.13" d; 33 lb . 5630/pr matched wood veeners available. 7" polypropyl-
Interface 2. FR 47-18,000 Hz ± 3 dB; long-term ene cone woofer with PVC -stitched suspension;
average power capacity 50 W; 10 -ms short-term 1.5" dual hyperdome tweeter. FR 25-20,000 Hz
power capacity 200 W; sens 92 dB sPL/W/m; ± 1.5 dB off axis; sens 89 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8
imp 8 ohms nominal, 5 ohms minimum; cross- ohms; power range 20-200 watts; 35.36" high x
over frequencies 66 Hz acoustical, 1,500 Hz elec- 11" wide x 14" deep; 80 lb; priced according to
trical. Includes 10" low -frequency radiator. finish from $1,500-$3,000/pr
13.75" w x 24.25" h x 10.69" d; 25 lb $546/pr

Interface 1. FR 56-18,000 Hz ± 3 dB; long-term Reference

average power capacity 50 W; 10 -ms short-term 2 -way bass -reflex front -port monitors matched
power capacity 200 W; sens 92 dB sPL/W/m; within 0.12 dB left and right. 7" polypropylene
imp 8 ohms nominal, 5 ohms minimum; cross- cone woofer with PVC -stitched suspension; 1.5"
over frequencies 79 Hz acoustical, 1,500 Hz elec- dual hyperdome tweeter; includes stands; lagos
trical. 11.38" x 21.25" x 9.69" 5420/pr walnut or black vinyl. FR 34-20,000 Hz ± 1.5 dB
off axis; sens 89 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; pow-
Sentry 500 Monitor Speaker er range 20-200 W; 24.62" h x 10.5" w x 12" d; 34 and brown grille cloth. FR 40-20,000 Hz ±3 dB;
Monitor speaker with Constant Directivity for lbs 51,060/pr crossover at 1,800 Hz; power range 15-100 W;
uniform coverage over 100' angle from 250 Hz imp 8 ohms. 21" h x 13" w x 7" d $260/pr
on up to 10,000 Hz and a 60' -angle coverage for Pro Monitor
up to 18,000 Hz to eliminate "hot spots" or "dead 2 -way bass -reflex mirror -imaged speakers T/E 70 Series II 2 -Way Speaker
zones" at particular frequencies. 12" direct -radia- matched 0.5 dB left and right. With stands. 7" Bookshelf speaker with 6" woofer, I" tweeter.
tor woofer and Super Dome tweeter aligned for polypropylene cone woofer with PVC -stitched Features dark -oak -grain vinyl -veneered cabinet
minimal phase distortion through mid -band suspension; 1.5" dual hyperdome tweeter. Wal- and brown grille cloth. FR 55-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB;
crossover area. Designed for 0.25- to 0.5 -space nut -grain vinyl with black sag -resistant fabric crossover at 1,800 Hz; power range 15-90 W; imp
mounting. Optional WB-23 wall mount for cor- grilles. FR 28-20,000 Hz ± 1.5 dB off axis; sens 8 ohms. 17.5" h x 10.5" w x 5.75" D 5200/pr
ner mounting. FR I meter on axis anechoic envi- 89 dB SPL/W/m; 24.62" x 10.5" x 12" $800/pr
ronment swept 0.33 -octave pink noise ± 3 dB 40- EPI Time/Energy Monitor Speakers
18,000 Hz; crossover frequency 1,500 Hz; phase Time/Energy Monitor speakers combine elements
variation 300-3,000 Hz ± 30'; long-term average EPI
of Time/Energy speaker technology with design
power handling 100 W at 8 ohms; short-term 10 - EPI Time/Energy Series II Speakers concepts of pro monitor speakers for many perfor-
ms power handling 400 W; nominal imp 8 ohms; All EPI Time/Energy Series II speakers have 2 - mance benefits of T/E Series II speakers.

T/E Monitor 2 Three -Way Speaker

Floor -standing speaker with two 10" woofers, 6"
PRICES LISTED cone midrange, and 4.5" x 2.75" horn tweeter.
Features black -ash woodgrain vinyl -veneered
are manufacturers' suggested retail prices cabinet with black grille cloth and tweeter output
level control. Crossovers at 500 and 5,000 Hz;
(also referred to as list prices); power range 10-275 W; imp 6 ohms. 37" h x 14"
actual selling prices are set by individual dealers. w x 10.75" d $600/pr
All prices are subject to change without notice. T/E Monitor 1 Three -Way Speaker
Floor -standing speaker with 10" woofer, 6" cone


midrange, and 4.5" x 2.75" horn tweeter. Fea- AMT 1D Speaker PS -820 Bookshelf Speaker
tures black -ash woodgrain vinyl -veneered cabinet Floor -standing passive -radiator 2 -way speaker Passive radiator speaker with 6" woofer, Heil
with black grille cloth and tweeter output level with 12" polypropylene woofer, 12" passive radi- Air -motion transformer tweeter -midrange with
control. Crossovers at 500 and 5,000 Hz; power ator. Features 21.5" x 21.5" Heil air motion 10.4" x 10.4" radiating area. FR 42-23,000 Hz ± 1
range 10-250 W; imp 6 ohms. 30.5" h a 12" w x transformer with mylar articulated diaphragm; dB; sens 89 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 ohm; power
9" d $440/pr midrange presence, brilliance controls; oiled -wal- range 5-125 W; solid walnut finish .... $259/pr
nut finish; black -brown grille. FR 35-23,000 Hz
TE Mini Monitor Two -Way Speaker ± 3 dB; crossover 800 Hz; max power 400 W; imp EUPHONIC AUDIO
Floor -standing speaker with 10" woofer and 4.5" 6 ohms; horizontal/vertical dispersion 120730*
x 2.75" horn tweeter. Black ash grille cloth. sens 91 dB sPL/W/m; 35.25" h x 16.25" w x Precept Model A 3 Way Speaker
Crossover at 4500 Hz; power range 10-150 W; 16.25" d; 85 lb $1,199/pr Floor standing speaker with 2 polymer -cone mi-
imp 8 ohms. 24.75" h x 11.75" w x 11.12± dranges, 1" fiberglass inverted -dome tweeter, 10"
d $360/pr AMT II Speaker coated paper cone woofer. Internally wired with
Floor -standing passive -radiator 2 -way speaker Monster Cable. FR 35-18,500 Hz ± 2 dB; sens 91
Magnus Series Speakers with 10" fiber cone woofer, 10" passive radiator. dB 48 2.83 V rms; min imp 4 ohms; 39" h a 13"
Features 21.5" x 21.5" Heil air motion transform- w x 13" d; 65 lb/ea $2,200/pr
EPI Magnus A24 3 -Way Speaker er with mylar articulated diaphragm; midrange,
Floor -standing speaker with two 12" woofers, 6" presence, brilliance controls; oiled -walnut finish; Precept Model B 3 Way Speaker
mid -bass driver, and CDH tweeter. Features con- black -brown grille. FR 38-23,000 Hz ± 3 dB; Floor standing speaker with 8" polypropylene

stant -dispersion horn tweeters; dual level con- crossover 900 Hz; max power 160 W music; imp woofer, 4.5" TPX cone midrange, 0.75" treated
trols; closed frame. Crossovers at 500 and 4,000 6 ohms; horizontal/vertical dispersion 120730% linen dome tweeter. FR 36-19,000 Hz ± 2.5 dB;
Hz; power range 10-350 W peak; nominal imped- sens 91 dB sPL/W/m/; 33.75" h x 15.5" w x sans 91 dB 48 2.83 V rms; min imp 4 ohms; 36" h
ance 4 ohms. Walnut -grain vinyl -veneered cabi- 15.5" d; 65 lb $899/pr x 11.5" w x 11.5" d; 53 lb/ea $1,550
net and brown grille cloth; 10.5" high x 17" wide
x 10.88" deep $700/pr Mini Monitor 620 Speaker FISHER
2 -way mini Bookshelf speaker. Features dynamic
EPI Magnus Al2 3 -Way Speaker 5.25" long excursion woofer; 1.25" dome shape STV-440 3 -Way Speaker
Bookshelf speaker with 12" woofer, 6" mid/bass tweeter; 5" passive radiator. FR 60-20,000 Hz ± 4 Features 15" woofer; 5" ferrofluid midrange; 3"
driver, and CDH tweeter. Crossovers 500 and dB; power range 10-60 W; sens 87 dB sPL/W/m; ferrofluid tweeter; magnetic field compensated;
4,000 Hz; power range 10-300 W peak; imp 4 imp 8 ohms; oiled walnut veneer finish; 7" w x
ohms; walnut -grain vinyl -veneered cabinet and 12" h x 7.5" d; 16.5 lb/pr $158/pr
brown grille cloth; 25.88" h a 15.36- w x 11.5"
d $500/pr High -Dynamic -Range Speakers

EPI Magnus All 3 -Way Speaker HD -312 Speaker

Bookshelf speaker with 10" woofer, 6" mid -bass Floor -standing bass reflex speaker with 12" woof-
driver, and CDH tweeter. Crossover 500 and er, 3" a 7" horn midrange, and 2.4" horn tweeter.
4,000 Hz; power range 10-220 W peak; imp 4 FR 38-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 10 W rms,
ohms; walnut -grain vinyl -veneered cabinet and max power 110 W rms; sens 95 dB SPL W/m; imp
brown grille cloth; 22.88" h x 12.88" w x 11.5" 4 ohms; walnut or grain vinyl; 42.5 Ib; 14.5" w x
d $400/pr 25" h x 12" d $399

EPI Magnus A10 2 -Way Speaker HD -310 Speaker

Bookshelf speaker with 10" woofer and CDH Floor -standing bass reflex speaker with 10" woof-
tweeter. Crossover 4,000 Hz; power range 10-200 er, 3" x 7" horn midrange, and 2.4" horn tweeter.
W peak; imp 4 ohms; walnut -grain vinyl -veneered FR 45-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; minimum power 10 W
cabinet and brown grille cloth; 22.88" h x 12.88" rms, max power 65 W rms; sens 95 dB sPL/W/m;
w x 11.5" d 5320/pr imp 4 ohms; walnut or grain vinyl finish; 35.5 Ib;
12.25" w x 22" h x 12" d $339/pr
EPOS by MUSIC HALL HD -210 Speaker 150 W rms max. 17.8" w x 38.6" h x 12 8" d; oak
ES 14 Speaker Floor -standing bass reflex speaker with 10" woof- vinyl veneer finish $600/pr
8" custom-made woofer; aluminum tweeters; er, 2.4" horn tweeter. FR 45-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB;
black ash or walnut veneer. 19.5" x 8" x minimum power 10 W rms, max power 65 W STV-430 3 -Way Speaker
11.5" $900 rms; sens 95 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms; walnut Features 15" woofer; 4" ferrofluid midrange; 3"
or vinyl; 12.25" w x 22" g x 12" d $279/pr ferrofluid tweeter; magnetic field compensated;
100 W rms max. 17.8" w x 36" h x 12 8" d; oak
ESM by ENERGY Performance Series vinyl veneer finish $400/pr
ESM-2 Bass -Reflex Speaker
Mirror -imaged pair with 8" woofer; I" ferrofluid PS -1220 Floor -Standing Speaker STV-420 3 -Way Speaker
dome tweeter; phase -corrected crossover at 2,000 Floor -standing passive -radiator speaker with 12" Features 12" woofer; 4" ferrofluid midrange; 3"
Hz; walnut or black ash vinyl; black grilles. FR woofer, Heil air -motion transformer tweeter with ferrofluid tweeter; magnetic field compensated;
40-22,000 Hz ± 3 dB; sens 86 dB SPL/W/m; rec- 10.4" x 10.4" radiating area, dynamic 4" mid- 100 W rms max. 14.3" w x 29.7" h x 12 9" d; oak
ommended power range from 12-100 W; nominal range with hi -temp voice coil. FR 28-23,000 Hz vinyl veneer finish $300/pr
impedance 8 ohms, minimum impedance4 ohms; ± I dB at midband; sens 93 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4
23" x II" a 11"; 24 lb each $350/pr ohm; power range 10-200 W; solid walnut fin- STV-410 3 -Way Speaker
ESM-3. Similar to ESM-2 except FR 45-22,000 ish $429/pr Features 10" woofer; 4" midrange; 3" tweeter;
Hz; power range 10-80 W; 20" x 10" x 9"; 20 lb magnetic field compensated; 60 W rms max.
each $250/pr PS -1020 Floor Standing Speaker 12.3" w x 25.7" h a 10.9" d; oak vinyl veneer fin-
Floor standing passive radiator speaker with 12" ish 5200/pr
woofer, Heil air -motion transformer tweeter -mid-
ESS range. 10.4" x 10 4" radiating area; FR 28-23,000 Amplified Speakers
Hz ± 1 dB at midband; sens 93 dB SPL W/m; imp All amplified speakers feature built-in amplifiers
AMT Series 4 ohm; power range 10-150 W; solid walnut fin- rated to deliver 30 W/ch into 8 ohms with no more
ish $369/pr than al% THIX 3 -way bass -reflex design (except
AMT -Monitor Speaker STA-226. 2 -way); r woofers; 4" midranges; 3"
Floor -standing passive radiator speaker with PS -920 Bookshelf Speaker tweeters; magnetic field compensation; RCA line
21.5" x 21.5" Heil air motion transformer with Passive -radiator speaker with 8" woofer, Heil air - input jacics.
mylar articulated diaphragm. Features 12" cone motion transformer tweeter -midrange with 10.4" STA-226. (2 -way) 8" woofer, 3" tweeter ... 400
passive rad; 12" cone woofer. FR 35-23,000 Hz x 10.4" radiating area. FR 38-23,000 Hz ± 1 dB at STA-341. Matches height of Fisher 25" PC series
± 3 dB; minimum power 35 W rms, max power midband; sensitivity 91 dB sPL/W/m; impedance TV'S $400
400 W rms; sens 91 dB sPL/W/m; imp 6 ohms; 4 ohm; power range 5-100 W; solid walnut STA-361. Matches height of Fisher 26" PC series
oiled walnut finish; 18.5" x 41" x 12" . $1,299/pr finish $319/pr TV'S 5400


STA-381. Matches height of Fisher 27" PC series nut and oak finishes. 16" wide x 44" high x 18" Genesis 33/2 2 Way Speaker
TV'S $400 deep; weight 100 lb $2,200/pr 2 way speaker with 10" tuned passive radiator.
Woofer and tweeter same as 66/2. FR 39-25,000
TV/Audio Speakers Studio IV 3 -Way Speaker Hz ± 3 dB; sens 91 dB W/m; recommended pow-
All speakers feature 8" woofer; 4" midrange; 3" "Flow -resistance" floor -standing speaker with er 15 W min, 150 W max; imp 5 ohms average;
tweeter; magnetic field compensation for place- duocone drivers and series networks. Features 8" oak veneer; 29 " h x 16" w x 8" d; 31 lbS650/pr
ment near a IT or video monitor. Max power 50 W duocone woofer; 2" duocone midrange; 1.75" vinyl finish $550/pr
rms. dome tweeter. FR 26-22,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power
STV-380. 10.2" w x 25.6" h x 11" d... $220/pr range 10-1,000 W; sens 91 dB sPi./W/m; imp 8 Genesis 22/2 2 Way Speaker
STV-340. 10.2" w x 23.4" h x 11" d... $200/pr ohms. Walnut finish. 12" w x 39" h x 18" d; 75 Rear mounted 10" passive radiator. Woofer and
STV-013. 10.2" w x 24" h x 11" d $200/pr lb $1,230/pr tweeter same as 66/2. FR 46-25,000 Hz ± 3 dB;
STV-012A. 11" w x 19" h x 11" d $200 sens 91 dB W/m; recommended power 15 W
C/3 -L 2 -Way Speaker min, 150 W max; imp 5 ohms average; oak ve-
FOCUS SPEAKER SYSTEMS Full -transmission -line -loaded speakerfor use neer; 23.5" h x 14" w x 7.6" d; 28 lb $500/pr
alone or as a satellite. Features 6.5" duocone vinyl finish $440/pr
High -Definition Tower Speaker woofer; 0.75" dome tweeter; series networks; pyr-
2 -way staggered -transmission -line speaker with 3 amid shape. FR 60-22,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power Genesis 11/2 Bookshelf Speaker
phase -aligned drivers; 1.25" inverted Kevlar range 10-250 W rms; sensitivity 91 dB sP1./W/m; 2 way acoustic suspension speaker. Woofer and
dome tweeter with 3 -lb magnet; 2 8" -mm woof- nominal impedance 8 ohms. 10.5" wide x 13.5" tweeter same as 66/2. FR 50-25,000 Hz ±3 dB;
ers; lead -lined cabinet; cabinet made of 14 -layer high x 15.5" deep; 20 lb .... S950/pr assembled sens 90 dB W/m; imp 5 ohms average; recom-
epoxy -pulp sleeve; internal bracing; rounded baf- C/3 -L Kit. As above except as a kit to put togeth- mended power 15 W min. 150 W max; 19 " h x
fle; subenclosure for tweeter; solid oak bases, er $430/pr 12.25" w x 7.5" d $330/pr
tops, side rails; 1st -order crossover at 1,000 Hz;
crossover components matched to better than 1% Model 0/3 Subwoofer Kit Genesis 7 Bookshelf Speaker
tolerances; adjustable and removeable spiking Mirror -image dual -channel subwoofer kit with 2 -way tuned -port speaker with 0.8" polycarbon-
system. FR 35-20,000 ± 2 dB; group delay better transmission -line design and 10" woofer. Normal ate dome tweeter; 6.5" polymer/fibre woofer; FR
than ± 0.02 msec; nominal imp 4 ohms, min imp input for use with Fried satellite speakers, biamp 60-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; sens 90 dB W/m; recom-
3.2 ohms; sens 92 dB SPL/W/m; power range 30- input for use with other satellites. Response with- mended power 10 W min, 60 W max; imp 6 ohms
200 W/ch; 14" w x 64" h x 16.5" d; 115 in 3 dB at 20 Hz; power range 25-200 W; fuse average; 16" h x 11.75" w x 5" d $200/pr
lbS2,950/pr protected. 31" h x 24.5" w x 13.5" d $700/pr
Model SM/3. Similar to Model 012 except 12"
.7 High -Definition Monitor Speaker woofer and max power 400 W. 38" h x 29.5" w x GNP LOUDSPEAKERS
2 -way computer -matched time -aligned speaker 15" d. Kit $800/pr Valkyrie II Acoustic -Suspension Speaker
with Pox Pulp internally braced cabinet; 8" woof- Floor -standing speaker with midrange lead -sus-
er; I" dome tweeter; contoured port; hardwired A/3 2 -Way Speaker pension system for better isolation and all poly-
crossovers. FR 37-19,000 Hz ± 2 dB; nominal Features 8" polypropylene woofer; 1" soft -dome propylene drivers. Features 2 6.5" cone woofers;
imp 8 ohms, min imp 4.8 ohms; power range 30- tweeter; edge -on free -flow filters; line tunnel. FR 3" dome midrange; 6.5" cone midrange; I" dome
150 W/ch; sens 90 dB SPL/W/m; 12" w x 28" h 45-20.000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 25-100 W; imp tweeter. FR 32-21,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 25
x 12" d; 37 lb 8 ohms; crossover to power 200 W rms; sensitivity 90 dB
Matching Stands $195/pr tweeter at 2,000 Hz; sensitivity 89 dB sPL/W/m. SPL/W/m; impedance 8 ohms. Walnut, stained -
23" h x 13" w x las- d $635/pr oak or black satin finish. 12" wide x 46" high x
.5 High -Definition Monitor Speaker 15" deep; 188 lb $1,895/pr
Bookshelf speaker with Pox Pulp cabinet; 8" Q/3 2 -Way Speaker
woofer; 1" dome tweeter. FR 45-20,000 Hz ± 3 Features 8" polypropylene woofer; dome tweeter; System 220 Acoustic -Suspension Speaker
dB; nominal imp 8 ohms, min imp 4.8 ohms; edge -on free -flow filters; circuit -breaker protec- Floor -standing speaker with minimum-diffrac-
power range 30-150 W/ch; sens 90 dB SPL/W/ tion. FR 45-20,000 Hz; power range 20-100 W. tion/phase-coherent separate satellite woofer and
m; 12" w x 19" h x 12" d; 27 lb $750/pr 20" h x 13" w x 10.5" d $440/pr all polypropylene drivers. Features 2 6.5" cone
woofers; 3" dome midrange; 6.5" cone midrange;
FOSTE X Beta Full -Range Speaker I" dome tweeter. FR 34-21,000 Hz ±3 dB; min
Full -range speaker of mini -monitor proportions power 25 W rms; max power 200 W rms; sens 90
RP2001 4 -Way Planar/Cone Speaker with polypropylene cones, linear crossovers. Fea- dB sP1./W/m; imp 8 ohms. Walnut, stained -oak
Sealed bass enclosure for cone woofer; mid -bass tures 6.5" polypropylene woofer; composite or black satin finish. 12" w x 42" h x 15" d; 138
planar driver handles 200-1,000 Hz; dipole mid- tweeter with 2" cone and 0.62" dome; series filter lb $1,149/pr
range handles I k -7k; 12.5 -mm -wide supertweeter crossover; distributed bass -loading free -flow filter
with samarium -cobalt magnet. FR 30-45,000 Hz; system. Walnut or black -ash finish. 13 5" h x 8" System 110 Acoustic -Suspension Speaker
sens 90 dB SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms $3,300/pr w x 8" d $325/pr Floor -standing speaker with minimum-diffrac-
RP2001R. In rosewood $3,500/pr tion/phase coherent -separate satellite woofer and
Duo Subwoofer all polypropylene drivers. Features 8" cone woof-
RP1001 3 -Way Planar/Cone Speaker "Flow -resistance" floor -standing subwoofer with er; 6.5" cone midrange; 1" dome tweeter. FR 44-
Vented box with cone woofer; planar midrange dual -voice -coil polypropylene driver. Features 21,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 25 W rms; max
and supertweeter. FR 40-45,000 Hz; sens 90 dB 10" cone woofer. FR 30-100 Hz ± 3 dB; power power 150 W rms; sens 90 dB sPt./W/m; imp 8
SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms S1,990/pr range 20-200 W; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms. Walnut, stained -oak or black satin finish.
RP1001R. In rosewood $2,190/pr ohms. Walnut or black -ash finish $330 ea 12" w x 37" h x 12" d; 102 lb $749/pr
RP60 Coaxial Bass -Reflex Speaker Model 20 Acoustic -Suspension Speaker
Regulated Phase tweeter mounted in front of 6.5" GENESIS Bookshelf satellite minimum-diffraction/phase-
woofer in vented box; 2 voice coil/magnet assem- Genesis 66/2 Floor Standing Speaker coherent speaker can be used with or without
bly; double spider. Frequency response 70-20,000 3 -way floor -standing speaker with ferrofluid woofer. Features 6.5" cone woofer; 3" dome mid-
Hz $598/pr cooled 1" inverted aluminum dome tweeter, 3" range; I" dome tweeter. FR 59-21,000 Hz ±3 dB;
RP80. Similar to RP60 except 8" woofer$738/pr treated fabric dome midrange in tuned sub -enclo- min power 25 W rms; max power 150 W rms;
sure, 2 8" magnesium silicate filled polypropylene sens 90 dB sPt./W/m; imp 8 ohms. Walnut,
cone woofers, 4th -order tuned port. FR 28-25.000 stained -oak or black satin finish. 9" w x 17" h x
FRIED PRODUCTS Hz ± 3 dB; sens 92.5 dB W/m; power range 30- 9" d; 22 lb $599/pr
G/3 3 -Way Speaker 350 W; imp 4 ohms; oak veneer; 44" h x 18" w
Floor -standing transmission -line speaker with se- 12" d; 81 lb $1,800/pr Model 10 Acoustic -Suspension Speaker
ries crossover networks and duocone drivers. Bookshelf satellite minimum-diffraction/phase-
Features full -free -flow transmission -line loading Genesis 44/2 2 Way Speaker coherent speaker can be used with or without
of midrange and aperiodic-design principles for 2 way design with 10" tuned passive radiator. woofer. Features 6.5" cone woofer/midrange; I"
linearity and dynamic range. 10" polypropylene Woofer and tweeter same as 66/2 (above). FR 34- dome tweeter. FR 68-21,000 Hz ± 3 dB; minimum
duocone woofer; 6.5" midrange; 0.75" dome 25,000 Hz ± 3 dB; sens 91 dB W/m; imp 5 ohms power 25 W rms; max power 100 W averaged
tweeter. FR 23-22,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 10- average; recommended power 15 W min, 150 W root mean square; sensitivity 90 dB sPt./W/m;
200 watts averaged root mean square; sensitivity max; oak veneer; 32.5" h x 18" w x 9" d; 42 imp 8 ohms. Walnut, stained oak or black satin
91 decibels sPi./W/m; impedance 8 ohms. Wal- lb $800/pr finish. 8" wide x 12" high x 7" deep; 15 lbS350/pr

152 Smitt:o PktivERs. Guini 1988

net with removable black grille; 41.5" high x 29" deep; 22 pounds each 5665 ea
REUBEN GUSS ENTERPRISES wide x 18" deep $3,850/pr
Sub 9000 Powered Subwoofer
Custom Monitor Speaker System H Series 110-W powered subwoofer with auto or manual
Custom speaker system with 204 drivers in 8 en- All cabinets in the H Series have hand -rubbed wal- turn on/off and built-in crossover with cabinet
closures. Features 24 15" woofers; 48 5" mi- nut veneers and black knit grilles. equalization. Features 12" cone woofer; thermal
dranges; 32 1" dome tweeters; 100 custom piezos. and excess current protection; digital filtering
Power range 100-900 W rms. 4 cabinets 30" w x H-100 Speaker techniques. FR 20-150 Hz ± 3 dB; max power 110
72" h x 20" d; 4 cabinets 22" w x 72" h x 16" Aligned air -column speaker with 8" long -throw W rms; wens 92 dB sPL/W/m; crossover slope 24
d $100,000/system woofer with 1.5" high -temperature voice coil, dB/octave. Black metallic finish. 13.75" w x 17"
chemically treated cone, 1.5" air -column mid- h x 13.75" d; 27.5 lb $520 ea
System 1: Guss Monitor Speaker System range, 2" low -mass cone tweeter. Frequency re-
Floor -standing speaker system with 102 drivers in sponse 50-20,000 Hz ± 4 dB; power range 5-50 W
4 enclosures. Features 12 15" cone woofers; 24 5" rms, unclipped; crossover 2,300 Hz; 21.5" h x
dome dual -diaphragm midranges; 16 1" dome 5380/pr
10.5" w x 10.5" d
tweeters; 50 custom piezo-electric supertweeters. HB-3 3 -Way Speaker
Controls include midrange; tweeter; rear ambi- H-200 Speaker Hand -assembled acoustic -suspension speaker
ence; satellite. FR 25-25,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power Aligned air -column speaker. Features 10" long - with 10- doped -cone woofer; 4.5" doped -cone
range 30-600 W; sens 92 dB sPL/W/m; imp 6 throw woofer with 1.5" high -temperature voice midrange and 0.75" soft -dome tweeter; remov-
ohms; walnut oak; 36" w x 73" h x 21" d; 375 lb, coil, chemically treated cone, 2.5" air -column able rear panel for bi- and triamping. FR 35-
60 lb 550,000/system midrange, 1" coated mylar dome tweeter. FR 35- 20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 15-200 W. Real
25,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 5-100 W rms; imp walnut, or gloss -black finish. 25" h x 13.36" w x
System 2: Symphony Speaker System 8 ohms; crossover 2,600 Hz; 30" h x 15" w a 15" 11.36" d; 46 lb $1,198/pr
Floor -standing speaker system with 26 drivers in $650/pr
4 enclosures. Features 4 15" cone woofers; 6 5" HB-LC 2 -Way Speaker
dome dual -diaphragm midranges; 4 1" dome H-300 Speaker Hand -assembled reflex -tuned bookshelf speaker
tweeters; 12 custom piezo-electric supertweeters. Aligned air -column speakers with two 10" long - with 6.5" Bextrene woofer; 1" dome tweeter;
Controls include midrange; tweeter; rear ambi- throw woofers with 1.5" high -temperature voice time -aligned crossover. FR 38-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB;
ence; satellite. FR 28-22,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power coil, chemically treated cone assembly, 4 1.5" air - power range 20-75 W; imp 8 ohms. Walnut or
range 30-300 W; sens 92 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 column midranges, two I" mylar dome tweeters. black finish. 16.36" h x 9.25" w x 9.25" d; 20 lb
ohms. Walnut and oak finishes. 2 cabinets 22" w FR 30-25,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 5-150 W ea $650
x 54" h x 20" d and 2 8" w x 25" h x 8" d; 165 lb, rms; imp 4 ohms; crossover 3,400 Hz; 43" h x 15"
12 lb $12,000/system w x 15" d 5I,000/pr HB-2R 2 -Way Speaker
Hand -assembled reflex -tuned bookshelf speaker
System 3: Concerto Speaker System SPL-1 System with 6.5" doped -cone woofer; r. dome tweeter;
Floor -standing speaker system with 22 drivers in Includes 2 SW -10 bass modules, ST -4 phasor ar- 15 -element crossover; physical time alignment. FR
4 enclosures. Features 4 12" cone woofers; 6 5" rays, tilt stands for SW -10, aluminum adjustable 40-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 8 ohms; power range
dome dual -diaphragm midranges; 4 1" dome stands for ST -4, mounting screws, stereo cross- 15-100 W. Walnut or gloss -black finish. 16.36" h
tweeters; 8 custom Piezo-electric supertweeters. over, Allen key. All parts have hand -rubbed wal- x 9.25" d; 19 lb $599/pr
Controls include midrange; tweeter; rear -ambi- nut veneers; black knit grilles. Frequency re-
ence; and satellite. FR 30-22,000 Hz ± 3 dB; pow- sponse 25-25,000 Hz ± 3 dB. HB-1 2 -Way Speaker
er range 30-300 W; sens 92 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 SW -10. Aligned air -column subwoofer with 10" Hand -assembled acoustic -suspension bookshelf
ohms. Walnut and oak finishes. 2 cabinets 22" w woofer with 1" high -temperature dual voice coil, speaker with 8" doped -cone woofer; I" dome
x 54" h x 20" d and 2 8" w x 25U h x 8U d; 150 polymer cone, magnetic suspension, EFM mag- tweeter. Features removable rear panel for
lbs, 12 lbs $6,000/system net; 3" polymer cone midrange, magnetic suspen- biamping FR 42-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 8 ohms;
sion, with two 3" air columns; imp 6 ohms; power power range 10-75 W; sens 89 dB sPL/W/m.
System 4: Sonata Speaker System range 15-100 W rms. Walnut vinyl or gloss -black finish. 18.75" h x
Floor -standing speaker system with 12 drivers in ST -4. Polar -aligned phasor with phasor-array su- 11.5" w x 9.25" d; 19 lb $329/pr
4 enclosures. Features 2 12" woofers; 2 5" dome pertweeter; imp 8 ohms; power range 15-150 W
dual -diaphragm midranges; 6 custom Piezoelec- rms; 12" h x 5" w x 5" d $1,700/system Point Five 2 -Way Speaker
tric supertweeters. Controls for midrange; tweeer; Hand -assembled acoustic -suspension bookshelf
satellite. FR 32-22,000 Hz t 4 dB; power range HECO OF AMERICA speaker with 6.5" doped -cone woofer; 1" dome
30-200 W; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms; tweeter; especially rigid cabinet. FR 40-20,000 Hz
walnut and oak; 21" w x 38" h x 19"; 110 Ib, 4 SAT 6000 Bookshelf Speaker ±3 dB; power range 15-75 W; imp 8 ohms. Wal-
lb $3,000/system Acoustic -suspension speaker with low -loss cross- nut or black finish 5270
over for amplitude and phase -response correc-
HARTLEY PRODUCTS tion. Features 4.12" cone woofer; 1" metal -dome HITACHI
tweeter. FR 80-32,000 Hz ± 3 dB; max power 50
The Reference W rms; sens 87 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms; cross- HS44040 3 -Way Tower Speaker
Floor -standing 4 -way speaker with 24" super - over point at 2,200 Hz with 12 dB/octave slope. 12" woofer; 3" midrange; 2" tweeter; 12" passive
woofer, 10" midrange, two 7" tweeters. Cross- Black metalllic finish. 5.75" w x 8.25" h x 5.12" radiator in rear; max power 120 W; wood cabinet;
overs 250, 3,000, 7,000 Hz; FR 16-25,000 Hz; d; 5.5 lb $300/pr detachable grille cloth 5300/pr
power range 25-300 W; impedance 5-8 ohms;
wood cabinet with removable knit grille; 50.25" h D6300 2 -Way Speaker HS43050 3 -Way Tower Speaker
x 36" w x 24" d $4,995/pr Bookshelf acoustic -suspension speaker with 4.12" 10" woofer; 3" midrange; 2" tweeter; max power
cone woofer and 1" metal -dome tweeter. FR 80- 60 W; detachable grille cloth 5250/pr
The Concertmaster 3,200 Hz ± 3 dB; max power 50 W rms; sens 87
Floor -standing 4 -way speaker with 18" woofer, dB sPL/W/m; crossover point at 2,000 Hz with HSA6120 4 -Way Tower Speaker
10" midrange, two 7" tweeters. Crossovers at 12 dB/octave slope. Black metallic finish. 8.12" w Bass reflex; 10" cone woofer; max power 120 W;
250, 3,000, 7,000 Hz; FR 16-25,000 Hz; power x 4.5" h x 4.75" d; 7.25 lb $280/pr magnetically shielded; 4" midrange; 3" tweeter;
range 25-300 W; impedance 5-8 ohms; wood cabi- 1" ribbon supertweeter; detachable grille
Subwoofers cloth $220/pr
The listings are based on data Sub 6000 Compact Subwoofer HSA2028 2 -Way Tower Speaker
provided by the manufacturers. For Floor -standing subwoofer with auto or manual Bass reflex; 8" woofer; 2" tweeter; max power 30
more product information, contact turn on/off. Driven by 90-W amp and includes W, wood cabinet S150/pr
an authorized dealer or the two 60-W amps to drive satellite speakers. Fea-
tures 10" cone woofer; adjustable input sensitivity IMAGE
manufacturer directly. Manufacturers' and bass level. FR 25-120 Hz ± 3 dB; maximum
addresses and phone numbers arc power 90 W rms; sensitivity 90 dB srt./W/m; All Image speakers. both in the Concept and Ref-
listed in the directory crossover slopes 24 dB/octave for subwoofer, 12 erence Series. have nominal impedances of 6 ohms.
dB/octave for mids and highs fixed at 120 Hz. with minimum impedance of 4 ohms, and black
beginning on page 226.
Black metallic finish. 11" wide x 11" high x 12" grilles.


Concept 200 Ported Speaker EMIT K tweeter; 3" polydome rear radiator; poly- RS 5000 3 -Way Speaker
2 6.5" woofers; 0.75" cotton dome tweeter; cross- graph K composite polypropylene/graphite 5"
over at 2,100 Hz; Italian black walut vinyl. FR 35- Acoustic -suspension speaker with 10" cone woof-
mid -bass dome; 3" edge -wound polydome K mid- er, 3.5" cone midrange, and EMIT planar tweeter.
23,000 Hz t 2 dB; sens 87 dB sPL/W/m; power range; internal crossovers; biampable; oak solids
range 35-150 W; 43" FR 42-32,000 Hz 3 3 dB; min power 20 W rms,
x 10" x 15"; 66 lb and veneer with high -density particle board with max power 135 W rms; sens 89 dB sm./W/m;
each $900/pr furniture -grade lacquer finish. FR 29-45,000 Hz imp 6 ohms; oak vinyl; 15" w x 24" h x 10.25"
t 3 dB; crossover frequencies 80, 800, and 4,500 d $590/pr
Concept 100 Ported Speaker Hz; power rating 60-340 W/rms; sensitivity 89
6.5" woofer; 0.75" cotton dome tweeter; cross- dB sPL/W/m; impedance 4-6 ohms. 59.5" high x RS 4000 3 -Way Speaker
over at 2,100 Hz; Italian black -walnut vinyl. FR 21.5" wide x 8" deep $2,698/pr
45-23,000 Hz t 2 dB; sens 87 dB sPL/W/m; pow- Bookshelf acoustic -suspension speaker with 8"
8 Kappa. 4 -way design similar to 9 Kappa with- cone woofer, 3.5" cone midrange, and EMIT pla-
er range 35-100 W; 16" x 9" x 11"; 23 lb out supertweeter, rear -firing tweeter and radiator,
each nar tweeter. FR 44-32,000 Hz t 3 dB; min power
$600/pr and 1 woofer. FR 33 Hz -45,000 Hz t 3 dB; power 20 W rms, max power 125 W rms; sens 89 dB
rating 50-250 W/rms; sens 89 dB sPL/W/m; imp sPL/W/m; imp 6 ohms; oak vinyl; 12.5" w x
Reference Two Ported Speaker 4-6 ohms. 47.5" h x 20.5" w x 8" d $1,898/pr 22.5" h x 10.25" d $478/pr
8" doped woofer; 1" polyester soft -dome tweeter; 7 Kappa. 3 -way design similar to 8 Kappa with
crossover at 2,200 Hz; lagos hickory vinyl. FR 35- 12" woofer, 3" polydome K midrange, and EMIT
20,000 Hz t 3 dB; sens 88 dB sPL/W/m; power RS 3000 2- Way Speaker
K tweeter. Power rating 40-200 w/rms; FR 37 Bookshelf acoustic -suspension speaker with 8"
range 20-100 W; 24" x 1" x 12"; 31 lb Hz -45,000 Hz. 37" h x 17" w x 12" d $1,318/pr
each cone woofer and 1" polycell dome tweeter. FR 45-
$370/pr 6 Kappa. 3 -way design similar to 7 Kappa except 22,000 Hz t 3 dB; min power 20 W rms; max
the woofer is 10". Power rating 30-150 w rms; power 100 W rms; sens 89 dB sPL/W/m; imp 6
Reference One Ported Speaker Frequency response 39 Hz -45,000 Hz. 25" h x
8" doped woofer; 0.75" polyester soft -dome ohms; oak vinyl; 12" w x 20.75" h x 10.25"
15" w x 10.5" d $998/pr d
tweeter; crossover at 2,200 Hz; lagos hickory vi- $310/pr
nyl. FR 40-20,000 Hz t 3 dB; sens 89 dB sm./W/ SM Speaker Series RS 2000 2 -Way Speaker
m; power range 20-100 W; 19" x 10" x 9"; 20 lb
each Bookshelf acoustic -suspension speaker with 6.5"
$260/pr SM 150 3 -Way Speaker cone woofer and 35 mm polycell dome tweeter.
Floor -standing bass -reflex speaker with 15" cone FR 57-22,000 Hz t 3 dB; min power 15 W rms;
Reference .5 Ported Speaker woofer, 2 4.5" midranges, and 1" polycell dome
6.5" damped woofer; 0.75" polyester soft -dome max power 75 W rms; sens 89 dB sPL/W/m; imp
tweeter. FR 29-27,000 Hz t 3 dB; min power 10 6 ohms; oak vinyl; 8.8" w x 14.25" h x 7.75"
tweeter; crossover at 2,500 Hz; lagos hickory vi- W/rms, max power 300 W/rms; sens 101 dB d
nyl. FR 45-20,000 Hz t 3.5 dB; sens 87 dB sm./ $200/pr
sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; rosewood vinyl; 19" w x
W/m; power range 20-75 W; 16" x 10" x 9"; 15 39.5" h x 12.5" d $1,118/pr
lb each RS 1000 2 -Way Speaker
Bookshelf acoustic -suspension speaker 4.5" cone
SM 120 3 -Way Speaker woofer and 35 mm polycell dome tweeter. FR 72-
INFINITY Floor -standing bass -reflex speaker with front - 22,000 Hz t 3 dB; min power 8 W rms; max pow-
mounted high-level and mid -level controls. Con- er 50 W rms; sens 89 dB sPL/W/m; imp 6 ohms;
IRS Series V Reference Speaker tains 12" cone woofer; 4.5" cone midrange; 1"
Modular 4 -piece 3 -way floor -standing speaker. oak vinyl; 7.5" w x 12.75" h x 6.75" d. $146/pr
polycell-dome tweeter. Minimum power 10 W
Features 2 woofer modules with six 12" woofers rms, maximum power 200 W rms; sens 98 dB
in feedback loop of servo amp (2 1,800-W woofer sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; rosewood vinyl; 15.75" w JAMO
amps); 2 midrange/tweeter modules with 12 -di- x 33.25" h x 12.5" d $778/pr Digital Monitor Series
pole midrange drivers; 36 tweeters in dipole line-
source array (24 front/12 rear -facing); bass vari- All Jamo Digital Monitor speakers feature Jamo's
SM 100 2 -Way Speaker Center Bass Reflex technology for increased sound
able low-pass filters; low-pass variable damping; Floor -standing bass -reflex speaker with 10" cone pressure at low frequencies and decreased sound
woofer level controls; selectable input imp mid- woofer and 1" polycell-dome tweeter. Min power
range/tweeter amp control; woofer phase switch; coloration, phased -aligned drivers, anthracite fin-
10 W/rms, max power 150 W/rms; sens 98 dB ish. and detachable grilles.
servo bass on/off circuit; Monster Cable wiring sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; rosewood vinyl; 14" w x
for midrange and woofer. FR 16-40,000 Hz t 2 Digital 200. 3 -way speaker with 10" woofer, 5"
29.5" h x 12.5" d $518/pr midrange, and 1" dome tweeter. Features treble
dB; crossovers 70 Hz nominal, 60-120 Hz at main
control unit woofer/midrange, 5 kHz midrange/ and midrange sound pressure control; treble over-
RS Speaker Series load diode. Peak power 300 W; continuous power
tweeter; midrange/tweeter amp input range 100-
500 W/ch; oiled and "Grand Piano" Indian rose- 200 W; sens 92 dB sPL/W/m; FR 20-24,000 Hz
RS 6000 3 -Way Speaker t 3 dB; crossover frequencies 540 and 3,800 Hz;
wood finish; 100 -ft cable for hookup of mid- Features 2 10" cone woofers, 2" dome midrange, imp 8 ohms. 32.25" x 15.75" x 13.75"; 53
range/tweeter to midrange/tweeter amp. Woofer EMIT planar tweeter. FR 41-44,003 Hz t 3 dB; lb
modules: 7' 6" h x 18" square; midrange/tweeter $1,198/pr
sens 89 dB sPL/W/m; min power 35 W rms; max Digital 120. 3 -way speaker with 8" woofer, 4"
modules 7' 6" h x 40" w (with hollow and sand- power 200 W averaged root mean square. 15"
filled curved wing sections) .... $45,000/system midrange, and I" dome tweeter. Features treble
wide x 37" high x 10" deep 5850/pr sound pressure control; treble overload diode.
IRS Series Peak power 180 W; continuous power 120 W;
sens 91.2 dB sPL/W/m; FR 30-22,000 Hz t 3 dB;
IRS Beta Speaker crossover frequencies 890 and 4,900 Hz; imp 8
ohms. 27.5" x 13.75" x 11.75".; 37.5 lb $798/pr
Includes (per side) four 12" woofers with servo- .

Digital 90. 3 -way speaker with 6.5" woofer, 4"

controlled polylpropylene/graphite fiber injection
midrange, and 1" dome tweeter. Features treble
molded cones; 2 upper bass/midrange (70 Hz -60
sound pressure control; treble overload diode.
kHz) planar push-pull drivers which act as di-
pole; low -mass EMIT with neodymium magnets Peak power 130 W; continuous power 90 W; sens
for upper midrange; low mass/neodymium 90 dB sPL/W/m; FR 35-20,000 Hz t 3 dB; cross-
over frequencies 960 and 5,000 Hz; imp 8 ohms.
EMIT'S from IRS V (in dipole configuration) for 23.5" x 11.75" x 9.75"; 24 lb
the lower treble; SEMIT (a smaller aperture EMIT) $598/pr
Digital 70. 3 -way speaker with 5.5" woofer, 3"
which extends response beyond 44 kHz. The sys- midrange, and I" dome tweeter. Features treble
tem operates in biamp mode and includes the IRS
V servo control unit overload diode. Peak power 100 W; continuous
$10,000 power 70 W; sensitivity 89 dB SPL, -IW/M; FR 40-
IRS Gamma. Similar to Beta with 2 woofers and 20,000 Hz ±3 dB; crossover frequencies 1,200 and
I upper -bass midrange $5,500
4,600 Hz; impedance 8 ohms. 19" x 9.5" x 6";
IRS Delta. Similar to Gamma with accelerometer 15.4 lb
servo system $398/pr
Professional Series
Kappa Series All Jamo Professional Series 3 -way speakers are
bass reflex and incorporate Jamo's proprietary
9 Kappa Reference Standard Speaker Controlled Dispersion treble array of multiple
5 -way design features 2 12" cast -frame L/C - horn -mounted tweeters. All Professional Series
tuned woofers; sEmrr K supertweeter; rear -firing Infinity IRS Beta speakers feature XLR connection sockets and


screwed terminals for large cables; removable wire - 16.5" x 10.25" x 8.75"; 14.3 lb $320/pr 13.25" d; 70 lb 51150/pr
mesh grilles; black finish, reinforced corners, and C90. Bookshelf 3 -way bass -reflex speaker with 8" L8OT 3 -Way Speaker
a self-locking future for easy stacking. cone woofer, 3.25" cone midrange, and 1" dome Floor -standing speaker with 10" aquaplas-lami-
Professional 400. Features 15" woofer; 5" horn tweeter. FR 40-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; peak power 120 nate woofer; 5" polymer -laminate midrange; 1"
midrange; 5 1" horn tweeters. Peak power 560 W; W; continuous power 90 W; sens 91.6 dB sPL/W/ pure-titanium-diaphram tweeter. Power han-
continuous power 400 W; sens 95 dB SPL/W/m; m; crossover frequencies 1,200 and 4,000 Hz; imp dling: 150 W continuous, 600 W peak; crossovers
FR 25-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; crossover frequencies 8 ohms. Black or white finish. 14.5" x 9" x 8.75"; 800 and 4,500 Hz; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m. Oiled
900 and 4,000 Hz; imp 8 ohms; max sound pres- 11 lb 5240/pr hardwood veneer. 33.5" h x 14" w x 11 75" d; 53
sure 121 dB. 35.5" x 20.5" x 16.75"; 92.6 Ib1,800/ C70. Bookshelf 2 -way bass -reflex speaker with lb $850/pr
pr 6.5" woofer and 1" dome tweeter. FR 45-20,000
Professional 300. Features 12" woofer; 5" horn Hz ± 3 dB; peak power 90 W; continuous power L6OT 2 -Way Speaker
midrange; 3 1" horn tweeters. Peak power 420 W; 70 W; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m; crossover frequency Floor -standing speaker with 8" high -polymer -
continuous power 300 W; sens 94 dB sPL/W/m; 2,500 Hz; imp 8 ohms. Black or white finish. 12" laminate woofer and 1" pure -titanium tweeter.
FR 30-20.000 Hz ± 3 dB; crossover frequencies x 7.5" x 8.25'; 8.4 lb 5190/pr Power handling: 120 W continuous, 400 W peak;
1,000 and 5,000 Hz; imp 8 ohms; max sound C50. Bookshelf 2 -way bass -reflex speaker with 4" crossover 2,500 Hz; sens 89 dB sPL/W/m. Oiled
pressure 118 dB. 29.5" x 17.33" x 13.33"; 57.3 cone woofer and 2" cone tweeter. FR 70-20,000 hardwooc veneer; 30.5" high x 12" wide x 10"
lb 1,200/pr Hz ± 3 dB; peak power 60 W; continuous power deep; 38 83 $590/pr
Professional 200. Features 10" woofer; 5" horn 50 W; sens 89 dB sPL/W/m; crossover frequency
midrange; 1" horn tweeter. Peak power 280 W; 2,600 Hz; imp 4 ohms. Black finish. 6.5" x 4" x L2OT 2 -Way Speaker
continuous power 200 W; sens 93 dB sPL/W/m; 6.75"; 2.9 lb $160/pr Bookshelf speaker with 6 5" filled-polypropelene
FR 35-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; crossover frequencies woofers and 1" pure-titanium-diaphram tweeter.
1,200 and 6,000 Hz; imp 8 ohms; max sound Power handling: 100 W continuous; 400 W peak;
JBL crossover 3,000 Hz; sens 88 dB sPL/W/m. Oiled
pressure 116 dB. 25.6" x 14.75" x 11.5"; 42
lb 800/pr LT Series hardwood veneer. 9.36" high x 14.75" wide x 8.5"
deep; 36 lb $430/pr
Compact Line Series LlOOT 3 -Way Speaker
C120. Bookshelf 3 -way bass -reflex speaker with Floor -standing speaker with 12" aquaplas-lami- JBL Series
8" dual -magnet woofer, 5" midrange, and 1" nate woofer, 5" high -polymer -laminate mi-
dome tweeter. FR 38-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; peak dranger, and 1" pure-titanium-diaphram tweeter. JBL 940 4 -Way Speaker
power 140 W; continuous power 120 W; sens 92 Max power 200 W continuous, 800 W peak; Floor -standing bass -reflex speaker with 1" titani-
dB sPL/W/m; crossover frequencies 1,200 and crossovers 800 and 4,500 Hz; sens 91 dB sPL/W/ um -laminate dome tweeter, 10" x 8" high -poly-
5,000 Hz; imp 8 ohms. Black or white finish. m. Oiled hardwood veneer. 36.5" h x 16" w x mer -laminate cone woofers, and 5" high -polymer -

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(312) 498-4648



laminate cone midrange. FR 34-25,000 Hz ± 3 dB; netic structure. Max power 200 W; nominal imp to match characteristics of JBL B380 and 13460
min power 10 W ems, max power 300 W rms; 8 ohms; crossover 3,000 Hz; sens 88 dB sm./W/ subwoofers. Features active low-pass filter with
sens 94 dB spi/W/m; impedance 4 ohms; rose- m. Hand -oiled Burmese teak; 14.7? h x 9.36" w crossover frequency continually adjustable from
wood vinyl finish. 65 Ib; 18.5" wide x 43.75" high x 7.19" d; 17.5 lb $590/pr 63 to 125 Hz. Passive high-pass will bridge stereo
x 10.25" deep $790/pr amp to provide single-ch drive. Provides proper
Pro III 2 -Way Speaker -Featured on Cover voltage drive for JBL B380 or B460 subwoofers,
JBL 830 3 -Way Speaker Audio/video monitor with I" titanium -dome adjustable imp compensation for different amps.
Floor -standing bass -reflex speaker with 2 8" tweeter, 5" high -polymer mid/low driver, and s/N 95 dB; THD 0.01%; max outputs 18 dBV
high -polymer -laminate cone woofers, and 1" tita- high -spatial -identification dividing network. Fea- (10,000 ohm output load); IMD SMPTE 0.01%; 2
nium -laminate dome tweeter. FR 40-25,000 Hz tures magnetic shielding; die-cast enclosure mate- Ib; 5.5- w x 1.88" h x 7.5- d $350
± 3 dB; minimum power 10 W rms, max power rial; polypropylene structural foam. Sens 87 dB;
200 W rms; sens 94 dB sm./W/m; imp 4 ohms; max power 100 W rms. 9.5" h x 6.25" w x 5.63"
rosewood vinyl finish; 53 Ib; 16.7? w x 39.7? h d $240/pr JENSEN
x 8.75" d $590/pr MTC-1 Adaptor. Clamp -on unit that allows Pro Model 3120 3 -Way Speaker
III to be mounted on photo tripods, mic stands Features 12" cone woofer; 5- midrange; 3" tweet-
JBL 630 3 -Way Speaker and other wall or clamp -mount systems . $35/pr er. FR 48-21,000 Hz; max power 150 W peak, 60
Floor -standing bass -reflex speaker with 2 6.5 - MTC-2 Wall/Ceiling Mount System. Allows Pro W continuous; imp 8 ohms. 29" h x 15.5" w x
high -polymer cone woofers and 1" titanium -lami- III to be mounted on any rigid surface while per- 10.5" d; 30 lb $379/pr
nate dome tweeter. FR 42-25,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min mitting the speaker to be aimed in almost any di-
power 10 W rmss, max power 150 W rms; sens 93 rection. Includes MTC-I $40 ea Model 3100 3 -Way Speaker
dB sm./W/m; imp 4 ohms; rosewood vinyl finish. MTC-3 Clamp Mount System. Allows Pro III to Features 10" cone woofer; 5" midrange; 3" tweet-
40 Ib; 15" w a 35.75" h x 8.25" D $450/pr be clamped onto variety of objects such as er. FR 43 Hz -21 kHz; max power 125 W peak, 50
poles, or table tops while permitting
shelves, W continuous; imp 8 ohms. 20" h x 13" w x 10.5-
JBL 82 2 -Way Speaker range of adjustments. Includes MTC-2 $65 ea d; 24 lb $299/pr
Floor -standing bass -reflex speaker with 8" poly-
mer -laminate cone woofer and 1" titanium -lami- Everest DD55000 3-Wya Speaker
nate dome tweeter. FR 45-25,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min Features constant -directivity design; 15" woofer JPW LOUDSPEAKERS
power 10 W rms; max power 125 W rms; sens 90 in vented enclosure; defined -coverage horn -load- AP3 Infinite -Baffle Speaker
dB spi/W/m; imp 8 ohms; rosewood vinyl finish. ing midrange; biradial constant -coverage horns; Features wiring for biamp capabilities; 200 -mm
30 Ib; 14" w x 22" h a 8" d $330/pr ultra -high -frequency slot -loaded ring radiator; doped -paper -cone woofer; 19 -mm soft -plastic
mylar capacitors; aircone inductors; polystyrene dome tweeter with Ferrofluid damping. FR 55-
JBL 62 2 -Way Speaker and polypropylene bypass capacitors; 3 position 20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 10 W rms ; max
Bookshelf bass -reflex speaker with 6.5" high - switches to vary output levels of compression power 100 W rms; sens 100 dB spi/W/m; imp 8
polymer -laminate cone woofer and 1" dome driver and ring radiator; mid -bass attenuator; ohms Available in walnut, black ash, blonde ash
tweeter. FR 55-25,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 10 high -density compressed wood; Rosewood ve- or teak finishes. 53.36 lb/pr; 10.25" w a 20.5- h x
W rms, max power 100 W rms; sens 89 dB sm./ neer. Power range 40-250 W; imp 8 ohms; sens 11.5" d $499/pr
W/m; imp 8 ohms; rosewood vinyl finish. 16 Ib; 100 dB sm../W/m; crossovers 850 and 7,500 Hz.
10" w x 16" h x 7" d $230/pr Mirror -image pairs. 55.13" h x 36" w x 20" AP2 Infinite -Baffle Speaker
d S9.900/pr Features wiring for biamp capabilities; 200 -mm
Ti Series doped -paper -cone woofer; 19 -mm soft -plastic
Subwoofers dome tweeter with Ferrofluid damping. FR 60-
250 Ti 4 -Way Speaker 20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 10 W rms; max
Floor -standing speaker with 14" woofer, 8" lower B460 Subwoofer power 80 W rms; sens 80 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8
midrange, 5" polypropylene midrange, and I" ti- Bass system consists of JBL Model 2245H 18" ohms. Available in walnut, black, blonde ash and
tanium-diaphram tweeter. Mirrored -image SFG driver mounted in vented enclosure of 8 cubic teak finishes. 42.32 lb/pr; 10.25" w a 17.2? h x
magnetic structure. Max power 400 W; nominal feet. The combination is third -order quasi -Butter- 10.25- d $349/pr
impedance 8 ohms; crossovers 400, 1,400, and worth. Features die-cast aluminum frame; inte-
5,200 Hz; sensitivity 90 dB sPL/W/m. Hand - grally stiffened cone with foam surround; edge - Pt Infinite -Baffle Speaker
oiled Burmese teak finish. 52" high x 22.5" wide wound voice coil with 4" diameter and nearly 1" Floor -standing speaker features 200 -mm doped -
x 14.25" deep; weight 126 lb $3,790/pr long; individually machined magnetic pole piece paper -cone woofer; 19 -mm soft -plastic dome
and back plate; cone coated with aquaplas damp- tweeter with Ferrofluid damping. FR 65-20,000
240 Ti 3 -Way Speaker ing formulation for optimum mass and density; Hz ± 3 dB; min power 10 W rms; max power 70
Floor -standing speaker with 14" woofer, polypro- large high -flux symmetrical -field -geometry mag- W rms; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms. Avail-
pelene midrange, and ultra -low -mass pure-titani- netic structure in dirvers to reduce second -har- able in walnut and black finishes. 33.5 lb/pr;
um-diaphram tweeter. Features sFG magnetic monic distortion; density -compressed wood en- 10.25" w x 17.2? h x 10.25- d $299/pr
structure. Max power 300 W/ch; nominal imp 8 closure; 1" thick and heavily braced. Min recom-
ohms; crossover 900 Hz, 4,000 Hz; sens 89 dB mended power 200 W; imp 8 ohms; crossovers 63
sm./W/m. Hand -oiled Burmese teak; 36.62" h x Hz (external crossover); sens 94 dB; magnetic as- J.S. ENGINEERING (JSE)
18" w x 12" d; 85 lb $1,790/pr sembly weight 20 Ib; 24.81" h x 38.31" w x Infinite Slope Model 1.8 Speaker
24.25" d; shipping weight 125.5 lb ... $1,700 ea Infinite slope phase shift bass loading speaker
120 Ti 3 -Way Speaker with patented phase shift. Contains 8" and 10"
Features 12" woofer; polypropylene midrange; ul- 8-380 Subwoofer cone woofers, 6- cone midrange, and 28 mm
tra -low -mass pure-titanium-diaphram tweeter; Bass system with 15" bass driver and 4" ribbon - dome tweeter. FR 35-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; minimum
SFG magnetic structure. Max power 250 W; nomi- wire voice coil in vented alignment. Features power 20 W rms, max power 300 W rms; sens 90
nal imp 8 ohms; crossovers 900 and 4,000 Hz; hand-crafted oiled American black walnut veneer dB sn/W/m; imp 8 ohms; oak, walnut, black
sens 89 dB sm./W/m. Hand -oiled Burmese teak; cabinet; biamp option with BX63A; max recom- gloss; 100 Ib; 16" w x 38" h x 16" d $1,695/pr
24.5" h x 14.5" w x 11" d; 54 lb 1 ,190/pr mended power 600 W; crossover frequency 63
Hz; sens 90 dB; 27.5" x 20.75" x 17" ... $750 ea Infinite Slope Model 1 Loudspeaker
18 Ti 2 -Way Speaker Sealed floor -standing speaker featuring Infinite
Features 6.5" polypropylene woofer; ultra -low - BX63A Dividing -Summing Network Slope crossover and patented Phase Shift Bass
mass pure-titanium-diaphram tweeter; SF0 mag- Electronic dividing -summing network designed Loading. Front of speaker angled 15'. Two cone
woofers 7", 8"; 28 mm dome tweeter. Available
in oak, walnut, black gloss. FR 40-20,000 Hz ± 2
dB; power range 10-150 W; imp 8 ohms; sens 90
PRICES LISTED dB spL/W/m; 13" x 29" x 14.5- $995/pr
Model 2. Similar to above except has cone woof-
are manufacturers' suggested retail prices ers of 12" and 10", with 6.5" cone and 2" dome
midranges, 21 mm dome tweeter. Front of speak-
(also referred to as /1st prices); er angled 8°. FR 25-24,000 Hz ± 2 dB; power
actual selling prices are set by individual dealers. range 50-350 W; sensitivity 90 dB srL/W/m;
nominal impedance 8 ohms; 47" high x 18" wide
All prices are subject to change without notice. x 16" deep at bottom of enclosure, II" deep at
top; 150 lb 52,295/pr


"How Come So Much?"
It's easy to spend a lot of the throat of a horn and into the eye KLIPSCH. Now
money on speakers. So make sure of a compression driver, you may be that's performance.
you get a lot of value and perfor- on to a speaker worth your money. For your
mance in return. Oh, and the listening test. nearest KLIPSCH
Start with the cabinet. Don't That's the most important. Compare dealer, look in the
settle for wood grained plastic. Look several models with the hottest licks Yellow Pages. Or
for real wood in a time- honored on your favorite CD. You'll know call toll free,
design. when you've turned on the speakers 1-800-223-3527.
Then peel back the grille that deliver real dynamic range. KLIPSCH HERESY Il PICTURED ABOVE
cloth. If you find some ho- hum

keep shopping. If you're staring down

Check that brand again. We
handful of cheap cones and domes, bet it reads KLIPSCH?
KLIPSCH. Now that's value.
Infinite Slope Model .6 Speaker x 35.5" h x 16.36" d; 70.5 lb. Walnut or black ash 10.5" deep; 21 pounds each 5490/pr
Floor -standing ported speaker with infinite slope finish S1,800/pr KS150. Optional stands S79/pr
crossover (100 dB/octave). Features 8" cone Rosewood finish $1,850/pr
woofer; 1" dome tweeter. FR 40-20,000 Hz t 3 104/2 KUBE. Active bass EQ with controls for C30 2 -Way Speaker
dB; power range 5-150 W; sens 91 dB sPL/W/m; contour and extension $200 Bookshelf closed -box speaker with 8" polypropyl-
imp 8 ohms; walnut, oak, black lacquer finish; ene -cone woofer and 1" soft -dome tweeter. FR 70-
II" w x 23" h x 13" d; 35 lb $599/pr 103/3 3 -Way Speaker 20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 10 W rms; max
Bookshelf coupled -cavity bass -loading speaker power 100 W rms; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8
JVC with woofer operating into resonant chamber ohms. Simulated walnut and black ash finishes.
vented at bottom of enclosure to combine sensi- 9/75" w x 20" h x 8.5" d; 16 lb $350/pr
SX-A3 2 -Way Speaker tivity of bass reflex with accuracy and bass -exten- KS280. Optional stands S89/pr
Bookshelf passive -radiator speaker with self -re- sion of acoustic suspension. Features 8" cone
storing protection for more tweeter power han- woofer; 6" polypropylene -cone midrange; 1" fer- C20 2 -Way Speaker
dling, LED overload indicator. Magnetically rofluid-cooled soft -dome tweeter; hybrid cross- Bookshelf closed -box speaker with 3rd -order bass
shielded for both audio and video use. Features over network with built-in passive crossover and loading to increase low -frequency extension and
8" x 12" passive radiator; 8" cone woofer; I" soft - outboard KUBE active bass EQ with controls for power handling. Features 8" polypropylene -cone
dome tweeter. FR 35-23,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power contour and extension. Conjugate load -matched woofer; 1" soft -dome tweeter; shelved low -fre-
handling capacity 130 W/200 W (music); sens 88 passive crossover presents amp with uniform imp quency response. FR 72-400 Hz ± 3 dB rising 3
dB sPL/W/m; imp 6 ohms. Wood finish. 13.5" w at all frequencies. FR 50-20,000 Hz t 2 dB; min dB to ± 3 dB 800-20,000 Hz; min power 10 W
x 24.5" h x 11.31" d; 31 lb 5400/pr power 50 W rms; max power 200 W rms; sens 92 rms; max power 100 W rms; sens 90 dB sPL/W/
dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms. Walnut, black ash, m; imp 8 ohms. Simulated black ash and walnut
SX-A6 4 -Way Speaker rosewood. Includes feet for shelf mounting. 10.5" finishes. 9.75" w x 13.5" h x 8.5" d; 12 lb$290/pr
Floor -standing 4 -way 5 -speaker system with two w x 22.75" h x 12.5" d; 38 lb $1,390/pr
3" ambience -enhancement drivers in rear, self -re- KS103/3. Optional floor stands for free-standing C10 2 -Way Speaker
storing protection for more tweeter power han- placement $109/pr Bookshelf closed -box speaker with 3rd -order bass
dling, LED overload indicator. Features 9.25" x loading to increase low -frequency extension and
13.75" passive radiator; 8" cone woofer; 1.25" Model 102 2 -Way Speaker power handling. Features 6" polypropylene -cone
soft -dome midrange; 1" soft -dome tweeter. FR 25- Bookshelf closed -box speaker with 6- polypropyl- woofer; 1" soft -dome tweeter; shelved low -fre-
23,000 Hz t 3 dB; power -handling capacity 150 ene -cone woofer and 1" ferrofluid-cooled soft - quency response. FR 90-500 Hz t 3 dB rising 3
W rms, 240 W music; sens 89 dB sPL/W/m; imp dome tweeter. Features hybrid crossover network dB to t 3 dB 1,000-20,000 Hz; min power 10 W
6 ohms. Wood finish. 15.36" w x 31.88" h x with built-in passive crossover and outboard rms; max power 60 W rms; sens 88 dB sPL/W/m;
10.23" d; 38.6 lb 5250 ea KUBE active bass EQ with controls for contour imp 8 ohms. Simulated black ash and walnut fin-
and extension. Conjugate load -matched passive ishes. 8.25" w x 12" h x 7" d; 8 lb .... $220/pr
SPSWD 3 -Way Speaker crossover presents amp with uniform imp at all
Floor -standing 3 -way bass -reflex speaker with frequencies. FR 65-20.000 Hz "2 dB; min power
low -magnetic -leakage design for A/V use. Fea- 50 W rms; max power 200 W rms; sens 92 dB KENWOOD
tures 12" woofer; dark walnut finish. Power han- sPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms. Walnut, black ash, rose- LS -P9100 4 -Way Speaker
dling capacity: 120 W/240 W (music); imp 8 wood. 8.25" w x 13" h x 10.5" d; 15 lb $790/pr Basic Series floor -standing speaker with 17" pas-
ohms $135 ea ULS20. Optional floor stands
er; 4" polypropylene midrange; flat -leaf su-
SP3WD 3 -Way Speaker C Series pertweeter plus 2 cone tweeters in wide dispersion
Floor -standing 3 -way bass -reflex speaker with Ton-Siule vertical array; high-grade crossover
low -magnetic -leakage design for A/V use. Fea- C80 3 -Way Speaker network; auto -resetting overload protector; high -
tures 10" woofer; dark walnut finish. Power han- Floor -standing closed -box speaker with conjugate rigidity enclosure; simulated rosewood finish.
dling capacity: 100 W/200 W (music); imp 8 load -matched crossover network that presents Max input power 250 W; sens 91 dB/W/m;
ohms $220/pr amp with uniform imp at all frequencies. Fea- crossover FR 900, 5,500, 10,000 Hz; imp 8 ohms.
tures flat -diaphragm woofer; 6" polypropylene - 17.31" w x 44.5" h x 13.25" d; 62 lb .. 5720/pr
KEF cone midrange; 1" ferrofluid-cooled soft -dome
tweeter; matched real -wood walnut, rosewood. or LS -P5100 4 -Way Speaker
Reference Series black ash veneers. FR 50-20,000 Hz t 3 dB; min Basic Series floor -standing speaker with 13" pas-
power 15 W rms; max power 150 W rms; sens 89 sive radiator. Features 8.5" polypropylene woof-
Model 107 3 -Way Speaker dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms. 10.5" w x 33.5" h x er; 4" polypropylene midrange; flat -leaf su-
Floor -standing coupled -cavity bass -loading 12.5" d; 44 lb $1,090/pr pertweeter plus 2" cone tweeter in wide disper-
speaker uses 2 woofers operating into resonant sion Ton -Sallie vertical array; high-grade cross-
chamber vented at top of enclosure to combine C60 2 -Way Speaker over network; auto -resetting overload protector;
sensitivity of bass reflex with accuracy and bass - Bookshelf closed -box speaker with conjugate high rigidity enclosure; simulated rosewood fin-
extension of acoustic suspension. Features 2 10" load -matched crossover network that presents ish. Max input power 150 W; sens 90 dB/W/m;
cone woofers; 4" polypropylene -cone midrange; amp with uniform imp at all frequencies. Fea- crossover FR 800, 5,000, 10,000 Hz; imp 8 ohms.
1" ferrofluid-cooled soft -dome tweeter; pivoting tures 8" polypropylene -cone woofer with die-cast 14.56" w x 35.44" h x 10.69" d; 40 lb . $480/pr
midrange/tweeter head assmebly with individual alloy chassis; I" ferrofluid-cooled soft -dome
contoured enclosures for minimum diffraction, tweeter; matched real -wood walnut, rosewood. or LSK-702W 3 -Way Speaker
reduced off -axis coloration, and optimum stereo black ash veneers. FR 66-20,000 Hz t 3 dB; min Features acoustic -suspension enclosure; 12"
imaging; hybrid crossover network with built-in power 10 W rms; max power 100 W rms; sens 89 woofer; 4.5" midrange; 2" cone tweeter. Max in-
passive crossover and outboard KUBE active dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms. 10" w x 18.5" h x put power 160 W; sens 91 dB/W/m; imp 8 ohms;
bass EQ with controls for contour, damping, and 12.25" d; 27 lb 5690/pr simulated woodgrain finish. 14.81" w x 26" h x
extension. Conjugate load -matched passive cross- KS340. Optional stands $109/pr 10.56" d; 26.5 lb $285/pr
over presents amp with uniform imp at all fre-
quencies. FR 20-20,000 Hz t 2 dB; min power 50 C40 2 -Way Speaker LSK-502W 3 -Way Speaker
W rms; max power 300 W rms; sens 90 dB sPt./ Floor -standing closed -box speaker with 3rd -order Features acoustic -suspension enclosure; 10"
W/m; imp 4 ohms. Walnut, black ash, rosewood. bass loading to increase low -frequency extension woofer; 4.5" midrange; 2" cone tweeter. Max in-
13" w x 46" h x 17.75" d; 99 lb 53,900 and power handling. Features two 8" polypropyl- put power 130 W; sens 90 dB/W/m; imp 8 ohms;
104/2 KUBE. Active bass EQ with controls for ene -cone woofers; 1" soft -dome tweeter. FR 68- simulated woodgrain finish. 14" w x 24.19" h x
contour and extension S200 20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 10 W rms; max 10.56" d; 23 lb $220/pr
power 100 W rms; sens 91 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8
104/2 3 -Way Speaker ohms. Simulated black ash and walnut finishes. LSK-302W 2 -Way Speaker
Floor -standing speaker with cone woofers verti- Cabinet measures 9.75" wide x 25.75" high x Features bass -reflex enclosure; 12" woofer; 4.5"
cally aligned, coupled -cavity bass loading tech- midrange; 2" cone tweeter. Max input power 160
nique, chassis -less drivers, conjugate load match- W; sens 91 dB/W/m; imp 8 ohms; simulated
ing. Two 8" cone woofers, two 4.5" cone mi- woodgrain finish. 12.81" w x 22.31" h x 8.56" d;
dranges and 1" ferrofluid-cooled dome tweeter. For explanations of abbreviations, 16.5 lb $145/pr
FR 55-20,000 Hz t 2 dB; power range 25-200 W; specifications, and technical terms,
sensitivity 92 dB sound -pressure level with input consult the glossary on page 221. LSK-05S Surround Speaker
of 1 watt measured at 1 meter; imp 4 ohms; 11" w Full -range speaker for rear -channel sound. Fea-

158 S I- Kt.( lit I. RS' Gl wt. 1988

ures 4" x 6" dual -cone driver; acoustic suspen-
sion wedge -shape enclosure designed for horizon -
al or vertical placement. sens 90 dB sPL/W/m;
or dark oak finish. 8" wide x 14" high x 8" deep;
16 lb 5250/pr PLANAR
'nip 8 ohms. Simulated woodgrain finish; 7.69" w The Purist Series
x 10.88" h x 5.69" d; 3.1 lb S89/pr
Purist LT 2 -Way Speaker
LSK-OIS Surround Speaker
Full -range speaker for rear -channel sound. Fea-
tures 4" driver; acoustic -suspension enclosure.
Floor -standing speaker using 2 pi/4 pi configura-
tion. Features 2 6.5" polypropylene cone woofers;
1" dome tweeter; bass loading via 8" passive radi-
$495 PAIR
sens 90 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms. Simulated ator in loaded -line configuration. FR 35-20,000
woodgrain finish; 7.69" w x 10.88" h x 5.69" d; Hz t 2 dB; imp 4 ohms. 13" w x 43" h x 6.5" d;
3.1 lb S49/pr 60 lb $700/pr

KEVEK BY RMI Purist ST 2 -Way Speaker

Floor -standing speaker features 6.5" polypropyl-
ES.12 3 -Way Floor -Standing Speaker ene cone woofer; 0.75" dome tweeter; 6.5" passive
Ported speaker; 8 -sided cabinet houses 12" cone radiator in loaded -line configuration. FR 35-
woofer; 6.5" cone midrange; 19 -mm dome tweet- 20,000 t 2 dB; imp 4 ohms. 13" w x 43" h x 6.5"
er. FR 30-20,000 Hz t 3 dB; power range 20-300 d; 47 lb $525/pr
W; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms. Natural or
black grilles. 22" w x 49.5" h x 11" d; 50
lb $1,790/pr
Titan 6 -Way Speaker
ES.I0 3 -Way Moor -Standing Speaker Floor -standing ported speaker. 12" polypropyl-
Ported speaker; 8 -sided slim -planar cabinet ene cone subwoofer; 12" polypropylene cone
houses 10" cone woofer, 6.5 midrange, 19 -mm woofer; 6.5" polypropylene cone mid/woofer; 2"
dome tweeter. Ht 50-20,000 Hz t 3 dB; power textile -dome midtweeter; 1.12" synthetic -dome
range 20-200 W; sens 89 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 tweeter; 0.75" synthetic -dome supertweeter.
ohms. Natural or black grilles. 20" w x 40" h x Crossover points 60, 90, 500, Hz; linear -phased
10.75" d; 43 lb 51,290/pr driver arrangement in mirror -image pairs; front -
mounted fuse and noninductive level controls. In-
ES.8 2 -Way Floor -Standing Speaker terconnecting harness of color -coded high-perfor-
ported speaker. 8 -sided cabinet houses 8" cone mance speaker cables; 5 -way heavy-duty binding
woofer, 19 -mm tweeter. FR 55-20,000 Hz t 3 dB; posts. Mirror -matched high-grade walnut veneer.
power range 20-150 W; sens 87 dB sPL/W/m; Black grille with nonresonant frame. FR 12-
imp 8 ohms. Natural or black grilles. 18" w x 22,000 Hz t 1.5 dB; min power 35 W, max power
31.75" h x 10.25- d; 31 lb $900/pr 250 W; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 or 8 ohms;
245 Ib; 18" w x 60" h x 22" d. Grilles, stands, and
ES.6 2 -Way Ported Speaker casters included 55,000/pr
6.5" cone woofer, 19 -mm dome tweeter. FR 60-
20,000 Hz t 3 dB; power range 10-150 W; sens Trapezium 5 -Way Speaker
88 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms. Natural or black Floor -standing ported speaker. 12" polypropyl-
grille; 12.5" w x 20" h x 8" d; 18 lb ... $495/pr ene -cone woofer; 6.5" polypropylene -cone mid-
range; 2" textile -dome midtweeter; 1.12" synthet-
ic -dome tweeter; 0.75" synthetic -dome su-
KINDEL AUDIO pertweeter (tweeters have magnetic -fluid cooling/
PISA 2 -Way Speaker damping). Crossover points at 90, 500, 3,000,
Floor -standing line -source speaker with vertical 7,000 Hz; linear -phased driver arrangement in
array of 6 6.5" woofers and 16 I" dome tweeters. mirror -image pairs; front -mounted fuse and non -
FR 35-22,000 Hz t 3 dB; power range 5-500 W inductive level controls. Interconnecting harness
nns; sens 94 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 or 2 ohms. of color -coded high-performance speaker cables;
Available in oak or walnut finish. 22" w x 67" h x 5 -way heavy-duty binding posts. Mirror -matched
9" d; 130 lb ea $2,000/pr high-grade walnut veneer. Black grille with non -
resonant frame. FR 12-22,000 Hz ± 1.0 dB; min
P-200 MKII 2 -Way Speaker power 45 W, max 200 W; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m;
Sealed -box speaker with high -frequency control, imp 6 ohms; 205 Ib; 16" w x 60" h x 20" d. In-
binding posts, and low -diffraction grille. Features cludes grilles, stands, casters 54,030/pr
2 6.5" polypropylene woofers (1 for low bass and
1 for mid bass); 2.5" cone tweeter; 0.75" dome su- Labyrinth 4 -Way Speaker
pertweeter. FR 40-22,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range Floor -standing ported speaker. 12" polypropyl-
5-100 W; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms; ene -cone woofer; 6.5" polypropylene -cone mid-
crossover frequencies 300, 1,500, and 8,000 Hz. range; 2" textile -dome midtweeter; 1.12" synthet-
Natural or dark oak finish. 10" W x 24" h x 10" ic -dome tweeter (both tweeters have magnetic -liq-
d; 32 lb 5600/pr uid cooling/damping). Crossover points 90, 500,
3,000 Hz; linear -phased driver arrangement in
P-100 MKII 2 -Way Speaker mirror -image pairs; front -mounted fuse and non -
Sealed -box speaker designed for stand placement.
Features high -frequency control; binding posts;
inductive level controls. Interconnecting harness
of color -coded high-performance speaker cables;
low -diffraction grille; 6.5" polypropylene woofer;
2.5" cone tweeter; 0.75" dome supertweeter. FR
5 -way heavy-duty binding posts. Mirror -matched
high-grade walnut veneer. Black grille with non -
45-22,000 Hz t 3 dB; power range 5-50 W; sens resonant frame. FR 16-22,000 Hz t 1.5 dB; min
86 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; crossover frequen-
cies 1,500 and 8,000 Hz. Natural or dark oak fin-
power 35 W, max 200 W; sens 91 dB sPL/W/m;
imp 6 ohms; 185 :b; 16" w x 48" h x 18" d. In-
-Unique technology
ish. Cabinet measures 9" wide x 18" high x 9"
deep; 21 lb 5350/pr
cludes grilles, stands, and casters $3.000/pr -Ordinary price
Trapezoid 4 -Way Speaker * Speaker photographed with
P-50 MKII 2 -Way Speaker Floor -standing ported speaker. 12" polypropyl- magnetic structure removed.
Sealed -box speaker designed for stand placement. ene -cone woofer; 6.5" polypropylene -cone mid-
Features high -frequency control; binding posts; range; 1.12" synthetic -dome tweeter with mag-
low -diffraction grille; 6.5" polypropylene woofer; netic -liquid cooling/damping; 0.75" synthetic -
2.5" cone tweeter. FR 50-20,000 Hz t 3 dB; pow-
er range 5-50 W; sens 86 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8
dome supertweeter with magnetic -liquid cooling/
damping. Crossover points 90, 2,000, 7,000 Hz;
ohms; crossover frequency 2,500 Hz. Natural or linear -phased driver arrangement in mirror -image 1645 Ninth Street
White Bear Lake, MN 55110



5985 Atlantic Dr N.T., Unit 6, Mississauca, Ontario L4)A, 1S4 Phone: (416) 673-3777
pairs; front -mounted fuse and noninductive level tweeter; crossovers at 600 and 5,000 Hz. Sens 93 with an impulse power of 500 W. Features built-
controls. Interconnecting harness of color -coded dB sm./W/m; imp 4-8 ohms; 14.2" w x 24.7" h x in adjustable electronic crossover (80, 120, 150
high-performance speaker cables; 5 -way heavy- 11.9" d 51,450/pr Hz); vo'ume control; 12" long -excursion sub -
duty binding posts. Mirror -matched high-grade woofer. FR 20-80, 20-120, 20-150 Hz t 5 dB; max
walnut veneer. Black grille with nonresonant Monitor Tower 140 3 -Way Speaker power 500 W; walnut, mahogany, black/antique/
frame. FR 18-22,000 Hz t 1.5 dB; min power 20 Floor -standing acoustic -suspension speaker with unfinished oak finishes; 14.62" w x 15.12" h x
W, max 200 W; sens 92 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 10" long -excursion woofer, 2" suprynol-dome 14.62" d $999
ohms; 115 Ib; 16" w x 40" h x 14" d . 52,000/pr midrange with 2.3 -lb magnet, 0.75- titanium -
dome tweeter; 8 wood or 4 glossy lacquer finish-
Stat Monitor es. Power range 10-140 W; sens 93 dB sPL/W/m; KLIPSCH
Floor -standing or large -shelf 3 -way ported speak- imp 4-8 ohms. 11.12" w x 37" h x 11.12" Klipachorn 3 -Way Speaker
er. Features 12" polypropylene -cone woofer; 6.5" d $1,400/pr Fully horn -loaded speaker requiring corner place-
polypropylene -cone midrange; 1.12" synthetic - ment. Sens 104 dB sPL/W/m; power handling
dome tweeter with magnetic -liquid cooling/ Monitor 141 3 -Way Speaker 100 W; FR 35-17,000 Hz t 5 dB. 52" h x 31.25" w
damping. Crossover points 90, 2,000 Hz; linear - Floor -standing or bookshelf infinite -baffle speak- x 28.5" d. Priced depending on finish from ap-
phased driver arrangement in mirror -image pairs; er. Features 12" long -excursion woofer; 2" soft - proximately $3,198/pr
front -mounted fuse and noninductive level con- metal dome midrange; 0.75" titanium -dome
trols. Interconnecting harness of color -coded tweeter. FR 20-32,000 Hz t 5 dB; imp 4-8 ohms; Belle Klipsch 3 -Way Speaker
high-performance speaker cables; 5 -way heavy- walnut, mahogany, teak, cherry, black/white/an- Horn -loaded floor -standing speaker with same
duty binding posts. Mirror -matched high-grade tique/dark/unfinished oak finishes; 13.75" w x drive components as Klipschorn. Sens 104 dB
walnut veneer. Black grille with nonresonant 22.88" h x 10.62" d 51,250/pr SPI /W/m; power handling 100 W; FR 45-17,000
frame. FR 18-22,000 Hz t 1.5 dB; min power 15
W, max 200 W; sens 93 dB sm./W/m; imp 8 Monitor Tower 125 3 -Way Speaker
ohms; 95 Ib; 14.5" w x 26" h x 14" d. 51,000/pr Floor -standing acoustic -suspension infinite -baffle
speaker with 8.5" long -excursion woofer, 2" su-
Stat Miniature Monitor prynol-dome midrange with 2.3 -lb magnet; 0.75"
2 -way ported speaker. Features 6.5" polypropyl- titanium -dome tweeter; 8 wood or 4 glossy !ac-
ene -cone woofer; 1.12" synthetic -dome tweeter quer finishes. Power range 10-125 W; sens 93 dB
with magnetic -liquid cooling/damping; crossover SPL/W/m; imp 4-8 ohms; 9.5" w x 33" h x 9.5"
point 2,000 Hz; linear -phased driver arrangement d 51,149/pr
in mirror -image pairs; front -mounted fuse and
noninductive level controls. Interconnecting har- Monitor 121 3 -Way Speaker
ness of color -coded high-performance speaker ca- Bookshelf infinite -baffle speaker. Features 8"
bles.5 -way heavy-duty binding posts. Mirror - long -excursion woofer; 2" suprynol dome mid-
matched high-grade walnut veneer. Black grille range; 0.25" titanium -dome tweeter with Ferro -
with nonresonant frame. Frequency response 38- fluid magnet. FR 22-32,000 Hz t 5 dB; power
22,000 Hz t 2 dB; minimum power 5 W, maxi- range 10-130 W; sens 92 dB sm./W/m; imp 4-8
mum ISO W; sensitivity 93 dB SPL/W/m; im- ohms; walnut, mahogany, teak, cherry, black/
pedance 8 ohms; 30 Ib; 9" w x 15" h x 9" d$700 white/antique/dark/unfinished oak finishes;
12.25" w x 20.5" h x 10.25" d 5900/pr
Monitor 101 2 -Way Speaker
Trapezoid Subwoofer Bookshelf infinite -baffle speaker. Features 8"
Floor -standing subwoofer with 12" polypropyl- long -excursion woofer; 1" titanium -dome tweeter
ene -cone driver, built-in 180 -Hz passive cross- with twin magnet. FR 35-32,000 Hz t 5 dB; pow-
over, and separate direct -to -woofer terminals. er range 10-80 W; sens 92 dB sm./W/m; imp 4-8
May be used with electronic crossover or optional ohms; walnut, mahogany, teak, cherry, black/ Hz t 5 dB. 35.62" h x 30.12" w x 18.75" d.
low -loss 4 -point passive crossover/low-pass filter, white/antique/dark/unfinished oak finishes; Available in exotic woods. Priced depending on
in mirror -image pairs. Features interconnecting 10.62" w x 18.36" h x 8.62" d 5903/pr finish from approx $2,598/pr
harness of color -coded high-performance speaker La Scala. Fully horn -loaded 3 -way speaker simi-
cables; 5 -way heavy-duty binding posts. Mirror - SAT -1 2 -Way Ported Speaker lar to Belle Klipsch but available only in natural
matched high-grade walnut veneer. Black grille Bookshelf speaker with 4.25" long -excursion birch, stained birch, or black finishes. Specs same
with nonresonant frame. FR 16-2,000 Hz t 1.5 woofer and 7" titanium -dome midrange/tweeter as Belle Klipsch. 35.5" h x 23.75" w x 24.5" d.
dB; min power 25 W, max 350 W; sens 92 dB with twin magnets. FR 68-32,000 Hz t 5 dB; pow- Priced depending on finish from approx$1,706/pr
SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 95 Ib; 16" w x 40" h x er range 15-70 W; sens 89 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4-8
14" d 5600/pr ohms; walnut, mahogany, teak, cherry, black/ Cornwall 113 -Way Speaker
white/antique/dark/unfinished oak finishes; 5.5" Features 15" woofer in ported enclosure; horn -
Stat Subwoofer w x 9.88" h x 7" d $560/pr loaded compression tweeter and midrange. Sens
Ported subwoofer with 12" polypropylene cone 100 dB sm../W/m; power handling 100 W; FR 38-
driver, built-in 180 -Hz crossover, and separate di- Subwoofers 20,000 Hz t 3 dB. 35.75" h x 25.5" w x 15.5" d.
rect -to -woofer terminals. Features interconnect- Available in exotic woods. Priced depending on
ing harness of color -coded high-performance Subwoofer 501 Active finish from approx 51,638/pr
speaker cables; 5 -way heavy-duty binding posts; 12" long -excursion woofer; subsonic filter; stan-
mirror -matched high-grade walnut veneer; black dard feedback; room -matching control; double -T Forte 3 -Way Speaker
grille with nonresonant frame. FR 18-2,000 Hz filer; RCA/DIN inputs for preamp, CD player, Features horn -loaded compression drivers for
t 2 dB; min power 15 W, max 350 W; sens 93 dB etc.; I -way crossover at 80, 120, or 160 Hz; tweeter and midrange; 12" woofer; 12" passive
SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 80 lb; 14.5" w x 26" h x choice of finishes. Impulse power 500 W; 16.6" w radiator mounted on rear of cabinet. FR 32-20,000
14" d 5450/pr x 15.8" h x 16.2" d; 46 lb 51,400 t 3 dB; sens 98 dB sm./W/m; power handling
100 W. 35.38" h x 16.5" w x 12" d. Available in
KIRKSAETER Subwoofer 500 exotic woods. Priced according to finish from ap-
Floor -standing infinite -baffle amplified subwoofer prox $1,180/pr
Monitor Tower 260 4 -Way Speaker
Floor -standing acoustic -suspension speaker with Heresy II 3 -Way Speaker
2 10" long -excursion woofers, 4.5" coated -cone The listings are based on data
Feature horn -loaded compression tweeter and
lower midrange, 2" soft -metal midrange with 2.3 - provided by the manufacturers. For midrange; 12" woofer in sealed enclosure. FR 50-
lb magnet; 0.75- titanium -dome supertweeter more product information, contact 20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; max handling power 100 W;
with Ferrofluid; 8 wood or 4 glossy lacquer fin- an authorized dealer or the sens 96 dB sm./W/m. 21.36" h x 15.5" w x 13.5"
ishes. Power range 10-250 W; sens 93 dB sm./W/ d. Available in exotic woods. Priced depending
m; imp 4-8 ohms 52,000/pr manufacturer directly. Manufacturers'
on finish from approx 5882/pr
addresses and phone numbers are
Monitor 201 3 -Way Bookshelf Speaker listed in the directory Kg' 2 -Way Speaker
Air -suspension speaker with 12" long -excursion beginning on page 226. Floor -standing speaker with 12" rear -mounted
woofer; 2" soft -metal midrange; 0.75" titanium passive radiator, 2 8" polymer -cone woofers, and

STEREO BUYERS' Gum 1988 161

horn -loaded tweeter. FR 38-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; R-100 MKV 3 -Way Speaker bass and midrange isolation chambers; internal
max power 100 W; sens 94 dB sm./W/m. 24.25" Floor -standing bass -reflex speaker with 10" poly- bracing structure; fuse protection circuit. FR 34-
h x 15.75" w x 10.75" d. Oak or walnut finish. propylene -cone woofer; 4.5" cone midrange; I" 22,000 Hz sens 92 dB; crossover 750 Hz/4,700
From approx $598/pr dome tweeter; circuit -overload protection. FR 35- Hz; power range 15-200 W; Available in oak,
20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 15 W rms: max walnut, teak, white rosewood or traditional rose-
kg' 2 -Way Speaker power 100 W rms; sens 93 dB sm./W/m; imp 4/8 wood formica finishes; 65 lb ea; 43" h x 13" w x
Features rear -mounted passive radiator. Cross- ohms. Solid -select maple top. 16" w x 30" h x 15" 5.5" d $495/pr
over frequency 1,800 Hz; FR 35-20,000 Hz ± 3 d; 40.5 lb 5600/pr
dB; sens 90 dB sPi./W/m; power handling 65 W. PM12 Acoustic -Suspension Speaker
18.88" h x 11.5" w x 13.25" d. From ap- FXT-8 MKVI 2 -Way Speaker 3 -way acoustic -suspension speaker with 12" poly-
prox $420/pr Floor -standing double -active speaker with two 8" propylene woofer, 4.5" midrange and 1" soft -
polypropylene -cone woofers; 1" dome tweeter; dome tweeter; separate bass and midrange isola-
KOSS circuit -overload protection. FR 40-20,000 Hz x 3 tion chambers; computer -matched crossover net-
dB; min power 15 W rms: max power 100 W rms; work; FR 32-25,000 Hz; sens 92 dB. Finished in
JCK/5000 Wireless Speaker System sens 92 dB sm/W/m; imp 4/8 ohms. Solid -select traditional rosewood or teak formica; 32" h x 14"
Infrared wireless speakers with tone/volume con- maple top. 13" w x 33" h x 12" d; 30 lb $560/pr w x 6.5/13" d; 55 lb/ea 5489/pr
trols on each cabinet; on/off power switch; bat-
Omnidirectional -cabinet monitor system designed DMS Isobarik floor -Standing Speaker
to deliver total sound dispersion. 8" translucent Isobarik-loading 3 -way speaker with 12", 9"
long -throw bass driver with matched 8" passive woofers, 5" midrange, 2 1" dome tweeters. Can
radiator; two 4.5" extended range drivers mount- be triamped. FR 25-20,000 Hz ± 1.5 dB; cross-
ed on 45° side panels; 2 I" soft -dome tweeters also overs at 375 and 3 kHz; instantaneous dynamic
mounted on side panels; 6" horn mounted on
1 range 54 dB; imp 4 ohms; power range 50-500 W;
rear panel; separate bass and midrange isolation 30" h a 15" w x 16.5" d $3,295/pr
chambers; ur sloped stands; twin rear -firing
tuned ports; 3 -way computer -matched crossover S.A.R.A. Isobarik Bookshelf Speaker
network. FR 32-35,000 Hz; min power 25 W; max Isobarik-loading 2 -way speaker with 2 8" woof-
200 W; sensitivity 91 dB. Finished in oak, teak. or ers, 1" dome tweeter. Cast structural foam hous-
walnut formica; 105 lb/ea; 27" h x 33" w x 11" ing. FR 36-20,000 Hz ± 2 dB; imp 4 ohms; 17" h x
d $895/pr 13" w x 10" d $1,350/pr
tery recharger (batteries not included); 2" tweet PY15 3 -Way Speaker K.A.N. Acoustic -Suspension Speaker
er; 6.5" woofer; FR 40 Hz -20,00 Hz. 15" w x 9" h Features pyramid design; 15" poly driver with 2 -way bookshelf speaker with 5" woofer, 1" dome
x 5" d $350/pr 54 -oz magnet; 4.5" poly -coated extended -range tweeter. FR 70-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 8 ohms;
driver; 1" soft -dome tweeter; midrange isolation 12" h x 7.5" w x 6.5" d 5550/pr
M/100 Plus Powered Speaker chamber; exstensive internal bracing; twin rear -
Built-in 20 -watt amp allows connection to any firing tuned ports; computer -matched 3 -way Index Acoustic -Suspension Speaker
headphone jack of TV, portable tape, or CD play- crossover network. Rosewood or teak finish with Floor or bookshelf placement; 8" KEF B200 cone
er. FR 50-30,000 Hz; s/N 80 dB; THD <5% at 1 removable black grilles. FR 25-25,000 Hz; sens 92 woofer; I" dome tweeter; cabinet of full 0.75"
kHz; 4 ohm imp. 27 lb/pr 5260/pr dB sm/W/m; crossover 600 and 4,700 Hz; min high -density particle board; 50 -strand 20 -amp ca-
power 20 W; max power 250 W. 37" h x (8.5" x ble. FR 60-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 15-50
M/90 Plus Double -Woofer Speaker 21.5") w x (6.5" x 14") d; 85 lb ea 5795/pr W; sens 87 dB sm/W/m; imp 8 ohms. 11" w a
Features 2 4.5" woofers; and 1" dome tweeter. FR PY12. Similar to above with 12" long -throw 17" h x 8" D; 17 Ib; black woodgrain.. $425/pr
50-30,000 Hz; sens 88 dB sm./W/m; 4 to 6 ohm woofer, 4.5" poly -coated midrange, 3.5" pheno-
imp; max power 20 W continuous, 100 W peak. lic -ring tweeter, computer -tuned port, 3 -way
12.88" h x 5.25" w x 5.5" d; 30 lb/pr 5220/pr
. crossover. FR 25-22,000 Hz; sens 90 dB sPL/W/ M&K
m; crossover 700 and 4,000 Hz; min power 10 W; Satellite 1B 2 -Way Speaker
Dynamite M/80 Plus Speaker max power 175 W. 32" h x (6" x 17") w x (6.5" x Acoustic -suspension speaker with 2 5" polypro-
Acoustic -suspension bookshelf speaker with auto- 13") d; 55 lb ea $649/pr pylene woofers and 2 I" soft -dome tweeters. Fea-
matic circuit breaker to guard against speaker tures 36 tonal balances through midrange; tweet-
damage. Features dual -active 4.5" woofers, 1" LT12 Tower Monitor Speaker er character switches. Walnut or oak finish with
dome tweeter. FR 50-30,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min pow- Features 12" poly woofer; 4.5" extended -range black grille. FR 70-22,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range
er 10 W/rms; max power 100 music; imp 6 ohms. driver; 1" soft -dome tweeter; separate isolation 7.5-400 W; imp 4 ohms. 21" h x 7.75" w x 7.62"
8 lb. 5.25" w x 12" h x 5.25" d 5180/pr chambers for bass and midrange drivers; exten- d; 19 lb $695/pr
sive internal bracing; 18° sloped -front sound
M/60 Plus 2 -Way Speaker plane; twin rear -firing tuned ports; 3 -way com- Satellite 2B 2 -Way Speaker
Features I" dome tweeter; 4.5" woofer. FR 100- puter -matched crossover network. Rosewood or Acoustic -suspension speaker with 6.5" polypro-
30,000 Hz; sens 84 sm./SV/m; imp 8 ohms nom, 6 teak finish with removable black grilles. FR 32- pylene woofer and 1" soft -dome tweeter. Features
ohms min; power range 15-75 W music. 8.5" h x 25,000 Hz; sens 93 dB sm./W/m; crossover 700 selector for 36 tonal balances; midrange, treble
4.75" w x 5.5" d 5135/pr and 4,000 Hz; minimum power 10 W; maximum character switches. Walnut or oak finish with
power 250 W. Enclosure measures 46.25" high x black grille. FR 65-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range
LASER AUDIO 14" wide x (6" x 12.5") deep; 90 lb ea . $695/pr 15-100 W. 10.5" h x 6.5" w x 7" d; 9 lb $525/pr
FXT-10 MKIV 2 -Way Speaker WD 80 Wedge Speaker SX-4 2 -Way Satellite Speaker
Floor -standing double -active speaker with two Acoustic suspension speaker with 38° off vertical Acoustic -suspension speaker with 2 5" woofers
10" polypropylene -cone woofers; 1" dome tweet- front sound plane and 8" polypropylene woofer; and 2 I" soft -dome tweeters. Features selector for
er; circuit -overload protection. FR 35-20,000 Hz 4.5" midrange; 1" liquid -cooled soft -dome tweet- 4 tonal balances via multiple inputs. Black vinyl
± 3 dB; min power 15 W rms: max power 125 W er; 3 -way computer -matched crossover. FR 38- finish. FR 70-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB $475/pr
rms; sens 94 dB sm./W/m; imp 4/8 ohms. Solid - 25,000 Hz; sens 91 dB; crossover 800 Hz/3,700
select wood top. 13" w x 33" h x 12" d; 30 Hz; power range 7-150 W; available in oak, wal- Satellite 3B 2 -Way Speaker
lb S600/pr nut, teak, white rosewood, or traditional rose- Acoustic -suspension speaker with 5" polypropyl-
wood formica; 45 lb ea; 36" h x 11" w x 2.5/12.5" ene woofer and 1" soft -dome tweeter. Features se-
R-150 MKV 3 -Way Speaker d $495/pr lector for 4 tonal balances via multiple inputs.
Floor -standing bass -reflex speaker with 12" poly- Black finish with black grilles. FR 100-20,000 Hz
propylene -cone woofer; 4.5" cone midrange; I" LP 8.8 Acoustic Suspension Speaker ± 3 dB; power range 15-100 W. 10.5" h x 7" d x
dome tweeter; circuit overload protection. FR 25- 3 -way speaker with translucent 8" woofer and 6.5" w; 9 lb $375/pr
20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 15 W rms: max computer -matched 8" translucent passive radia- Walnut veneer with balck grilles 5425/pr
power 150 W rms; sens 95 dB sm./W/m; imp 4/8 tor; 4.5" midrange; 1" liquid -cooled soft -dome
ohms. Solid -select wood top. 16" w x 30" h x 15" tweeter; rear -mounted 6" wide -dispersion horn; SX-7 2 -Way Satellite Speaker
d; 40.5 lb 5650/pr computer -matched crossover network; separate Bookshelf acoustic -suspension speaker with cir-


cult -breaker protection. Features cast -aluminum Hz ± 3 dB; power range 30-150 W; imp 4 ohms; ers are dome shaped. Black wood -grained vinyl
box with perforated metal grille; 4" paper -cone sens 88 dB sPL/W/m; 14" w x 50" h x 14" d; 67 with black metal grilles.
midrange; 0.75- soft -dome tweeter. FR 100- lb $2,190/pr D. 10" woofer with cast -aluminum basket; 4"
20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 5-100 W; sens 87 midrange; I" soft -metal tweeter. FR 40-29,003 Hz
dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms. Black finish. 4.5" w x Beta Floor -Standing Speaker ± 3 dB; power range 10-100 W nns; sens 90 dB
7.36" h x 4.5" d; 6 lb $220/pr 4 -sided pyramid -shaped speaker with 8" woofer, sPL/W/m; imp 4-8 ohms. 16.5" w x 24.5" h x
5.25" midwoofer. European mahogany or black - 15.75" it 26.5 lb $500/pr
Subwoofers oak veneer. FR 37-29,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range C. 8" long -throw woofer; 4" midrange; 1" soft -
30-120 W; imp 4 ohms; sens 87 dB sPL/W/m; metal tweeter. FR 46-29,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power
V1B Subwoofer 13" w x 43" h x 13" d $1,790/pr range 113-90 W rms; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4-
Internally amplified subwoofer with 12" polypro- 8 ohms. 14.62" wide x 22.5" high x 13 75" deep;
pylene driver. Features preamp, power amp in- MSP Series Speakers 22 lb 5430/pr
puts; active filtering at 24 dB/octave with adjust- Acoustic -suspension speakers with Ribbon -Wire B. 8" long -throw woofer; 4" midrange; 1" soft -
able roll -off point. Walnut or oak finish with voice coils Soft -Metal Dome tweeters: baffles elec- metal tweeter. FR 54-29,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power
black grille. FR 18-125 Hz ± 3 dB. 18.75" w x trostatically coated with flocking to reduce high - range 10-80 W rms; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4-
17.75" h x 15.75" d; 50 lb $800 ea frequency ripples; tweeters and midranges cooled 8 ohms. 14.12" w x 20.5" h x 14.12" d; 20
V2B. Similar to V IB except less powerful. 43 with ferrofluid; cabinets of extra -heavy-duty high - lb S370/pr
lb $650 ea density multi -layer wood with internal bracing. A. 8" long -throw woofer; 4" midrange; 0.75" Su-
V3B. Similar to V2B except less powerful and pronyl tweeter. FR 54-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power
black painted enclosure. 17.5" h x 17.5" w x MSP 300. Floor -standing speaker with 2 8" long - range 10-60 W rms; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8
14.5" d; 43 lb $550 ea fiber -pulp woofers, 3" cone/dome midrange, 1" ohms. 14.12" w x 19.36" h x 14.12" d; 17.5
tweeter; European walnut or black -oak veneer, lb $300/pr
VX-4 Subwoofer top plate 8 -layer hand -finished black lacquer. FR
Internally amplified subwoofer with 12" driver 32-29,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 25-150 W; imp
and 50-W continuous power output. Features ad- 4 ohms; sens 88 dB sPL/W/m; 11.5" w x 42.3" h
justable low-pass filter. Black vinyl finish. FR 40- x 11" d; 60 lb 51,490/pr Magneplanar Tympani-IVa
125 ± 3 dB 5400 ea MSP 200. Floor -standing speaker with 8" long -fi- Planar -magnetic speaker with reduced -mass mid-
ber -pulp woofer, 3" cone/dome midrange, I" range driver. Features 5 -ft -long, 2.5 -microns -
VX-7 Subwoofer tweeter; European walnut or black -oak veneer, thick foil tweeter. 3 panels per side; 71" h x 18" w
Acoustic-suspention subwoofer with specially de- top plate 8 -layer hand -finished black lacquer. FR x 1" d $3,800/pr
signed 50-W amp and 8" paper -cone woofer. FR 37-29,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 25-120 W; imp
50-80 Hz ± 3 dB; max power 50 W internally am- 4 ohms; sens 88 dB sPL/W/m; 11.5" w x 36.6" h Magneplanar MG -Ills Speaker
plified. Black vinyl finish. 10" w x 11.75" h x 9.5" x I1" d; 52 lb 51,290/pr Floor -standing full -range bipolar panel speaker
d; 25 lb $330 ea MSP 110. Floor -standing speaker with 8" long -fi- with planar -magnetic and ribbon -driver design.
ber -pulp woofer, 3" cone/dome midrange, 1" Can be biamplified. Drivers are I planar -magnet-
Accessories tweeter; European walnut or black -oak veneer, ic woofer (620" sq.); I planar -magnetic midrange
top plate 8 -layer hand -finished black lacquer. FR (170" sq.); 1 line -source 5' bipolar ribbon tweeter
LP -1S Passive Electronic High -Pass Filter 39-29,000 Hz; power range 25-120 W; imp 4 (14.25" sq.). Imp 4 ohms; off-white cloth, oak
Line -level electronic high-pass filter for biamping ohms; sens 88 dB sPL/W/m; 11.5" w x 31" h x frame; 55 lb ea $ I ,995/pr
with M&K subwoofers. Available in 8.5" front 11" d; 42 lb $1,090/pr
panel or 19" rack mount. 100 Hz crossover point MSP 70. Bookshelf speaker with 10" woofer, Magneplaner MG 2.5/R Speaker
at 18 dB/octave. With bypass switch $275 2.75" midrange, 1" tweeter; black woodgrain vi- Floor -standing full -range bipolar panel speaker
Without bypass switch $250 nyl. FR 39-29,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 25-100 with planar/magnetic woofer and 42" long rib-
W; imp 4 ohms. sens 90 dB sPL/W/m; 12.6" w x bon tweeter. 2 -way design, optional grille fabrics,
RC -1 Satellite/Subwoofer Remote Control 22.9" h x 11.5" d; 33 lb $790/pr oak side rails 51,550/pr
Allows adjustment of all available tonal charac- MSP 60. Bookshelf speaker with 8" woofer,
teristics remotely. Features midrange, treble char- 2.75" midrange. 1" tweeter; black woodgrain vi- Magneplanar MG-IIC Speaker
acter switches; 100 -Hz filter or full -range satellite nyl. FR 41-29,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 25-90 Floor -standing 2 -way speaker with Magneplanar
operation; satellite/subwoofer phase correction; W; imp 4 ohms; sens 89 dB sPL/W/m; 11.5" w x woofer and tweeter. Features oak side rails;
subwoofer level control. 8.75" w x 7.88" d x 2.75" 20.1" h x 10.5" d; 28.6 lb 5650/pr brown fabric grille. FR 40-18,000 Hz ± 3 dB;
h; 3 lb S 185 MSP 50. Bookshelf speaker with 8" woofer, 1" power range 25-200 W rms; imp 5 ohms purely
tweeter; black woodgrain vinyl. FR 45-29,000 Hz resistive; crossover 400-1,600 kHz at 6 dB/oc-
Satellite Speaker Stand ± 3 dB; power range 25-80 W; imp 4 ohms; sens tave; 71" h x 22" w x 2" d; 70 lb .... $1,225/pr
Stand for M&K satellite speakers. Allows for per- 88 dB sPL/W/m; 10.7" w x 17.4" h x 9.5" d; 22
manent attachment of satellite to stand. Walnut/ lb S500/pr Magneplanar MG -IC Speaker
oak veneers, black vinyl finishes $95/pr MSP 10. Vented minispeaker with 5.25" polypro- Floor -standing 2 -way speaker with Magneplanar
pylene woofer and 1" tweeter; high -density cabi- woofer and tweeter. Features oak side rails; off-
V Filter net in textured black vinyl. FR 60-29,000 Hz ± 4 white fabric grille. FR 45-18,000 Hz ± 4 dB; cross-
Plug-in high-pass filter for biamping with M&K dB; power range 25-50 W; imp 4 ohms; sens 87 over 1.6 kHz; sens 82 dB sound -pressure level
subwoofers. 100 Hz crossover at 6 dB/octave. 3 dB sPL/W/m; 5.7" w x 8.9" h x 6.9" d; 6.6 with 1 -watt input measured at 3 ft.; power range
versions to match amp input imp $50/pr lb $390/pr 40-200 W rms; imp 5 ohms purely resistive; 60" h
x 22" w )1 2" d 5880/pr
Monitor Series Speakers
MAGNASPHERE by MAGNAT Bookshelf acoustic -suspension 3 -way speakers with Magneplanar SMGa Speaker
Delta II. Gamma. and Beta speakers have Soft - low -resonance, high -rigidity diaphragms designed Full -range 2 -way speaker with 0.5 -mil diaphragm
Metal Domes; Ribbon -Wire voice coils of oxygen - for low coloration. Crossover networks use low -dis- driven by Magneplanar magnetic field. Features
free copper wound on aluminum core for better sipation capacitors designed for improved imaging oak side rails; brown fabric grille. FR 50-16,000
heat dissipation and power handling; ball -shaped, and texture. Magnat Ribbon -Wire* voice coils Hz ± 4 dB; power range 20-100 watts averaged
baffle -free midrange and tweeter spheres for omni- used in tweeter for 40% increased winding density root mean square method; impedance 4 ohms
directional dispersion; black perforated steel and improved transient response. All woofers are purely resistive; crossover 2.4 kHz; 48.56" h x
grilles. cone shaped; all midranges are 4" cones: all tweet- 24.25" w K 1.75" d; 70 lb 5495/pr

Delta II Floor -Standing Speaker

6 -sided acoustic -suspension speaker with 6 5.25U
long -throw woofers; gray or black enamel. FR 32-
29,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 30150 W; imp 4 PRICES LISTED
ohms; sens 88.5 dB sPL/W/m; 13.8" w x 44" h x are manufacturers' suggested retail prices
13.8" d; 65 lb $2,990/pr
(also referred to as list prices);
Gamma Floor -Standing Speaker
4 -sided pyramid -shaped speaker with 2 8" woof-
actual selling prices are set by individual dealers.
ers, 2 5.25" midwoofers (I front, 1 back); Europe- All prices are subject to change without notice.
an mahogany or black -oak veneer. FR 32-29,000


MARANTZ The CIS Electrostatic Speaker 30 W; imp 8 ohms; crossover frequencies 350 and
Floor -standing curved electrostatic speaker. Fea- 1,000 Hz. Cabinet constructed of 0.75" high -den-
SP 1515 Ported Speaker tures wide -dispersion format for full -range repro- sity particle board with internal bracing and air-
Floor -standing speaker with 15" woofer; 5" ferro- duction; 2' x 4' electrostatic cell to reproduce all tight assembly covered by walnut veneer. 30" h x
fluid cone midrange; 3" ferrofluid cone tweeter; frequencies from 50-22,000 Hz; 30' seamless hor- 14.75" w x 10.06" d; 43 lb $1,198/pr
sculptured furniture -style cabinet. Max power izontal dispersion; 4' line -source vertical; arc -free
165 W; sens 92 dB sm./W/m; imp 8 ohms; Bar- diaphragm; see-through appearance. FR 50- XL1 2 -Way Compact Speaker
tonwood vinyl finish; 18" w x 32.5" h x 16.5" d; 22,000 Hz ± 2 dB; power range 20-150 W; sensi- Bookshelf speaker with 6" woofer, 1" dome
47 lb 5400/pr tivity 85 dB sm./W/m; impedance 6 ohms. Avail- tweeter, and 1,000 Hz crossover network. Fea-
able in variety of finishes. 26" w x 48" h x 2" d; tures 0.6 -ampere fast -acting fuse. Max power 80
SP124 Tower Speaker 50 lb $2,490/pr W program noise, 200 W peak; min power 30 W;
3 -way speaker with 12" woofer; 12" passive radi- imp 8 ohms; sens 85 dB sm./W/m. Cabinet con-
ator; 4" midrange with ferrofluid; 3" tweeter with structed of 0.75" high -density particle board with
ferrofluid. Max power 170 W; sens 91 dB/W/m; McINTOSH internal bracing and air -tight assembly . $525/pr
imp 8 ohms. Oak vinyl finish; 37.75" h x 14.75" XRT-22 Speaker System XL 1W Subwoofer. Dual -voice -coil subwoofer
w x 13.5" d; 33.7 lb $400/pr 2 -piece speaker consisting of bass cabinet contain- designed to complement and extend performance
ing 2 12" woofers and 8" midrange drivers, and of McIntosh XL I speaker. Features 12" woofer;
SP104 Tower Speaker tweeter column containing 23 I" tweeters. Bass two 1.5 -ampere fast -acting fuses; walnut veneer
3 -way speaker with 10" woofer; 10" passive radi- cabinet: 40.75" h x 25.75" w x 12.75" d; tweeter cabinet protected by an oil -like multi -coat hand -
ator; 4" midrange with ferrofluid; 3" tweeter column: 79.5" h x 10.5" w x 1.63" d; oak fin- rubbed lacquer finish. Sens 85 dB sm./W/m; max
withferrofluid. Max power 135 W; sens 90 dB/ ish 54,000/system power 100 W program noise, 250 W peak; min
W/m; imp 8 ohms. Oak vinyl finish; 37.75" h x Walnut finish $4,250/system power 30 W; crossover frequency 90 Hz. 32.22" h
13" w x II" d; 30 lb $340/pr x 17.5" w x 11.75" d $549 ea
SP103. Same as above without passive radia- XRTI8 Speaker System
tor $300/pr 2 -piece speaker consisting of bass cabinet contain-
ing 12" woofer and 6" midrange and high -fre- MERIDIAN by MADRIGAL
SP 1200 Ported Speaker quency column frame containing sixteen 1" dome M100 3 -Way Powered Speaker
Floor -standing speaker with 12" woofer; 4" ferro- tweeters. Features 3 -ampere fast acting fuse for Inter -Active speaker with 4 power amps (3 70 W/
fluid cone midrange; 3" ferrofluid cone tweeter. woofer and midrange and 1.25 -ampere fuse for ch, 1 35 W/ch) driving 2 5" woofers, 2 5" mi-
Maximum power handling 165 watts; sensitivity tweeters. Cabinet constructed of 48 -pound densi- dranges, 12" dome tweeter. 0.75" birch cabinet
90 dB sm./W/m; nominal impedance 8 ohms. ty fiber board with walnut veneer exteriors. Sens of low resonance with rear -loaded passive radia-
Bartonwood vinyl finish; 15" w x 29.5" h x 11.5" 86 dB sm./W/m; max power 150 W continuous tor. 39" h x 16" w x 18" d; 70 lb ea; wal-
d; 32 lb $300/pr program power, 500 W peak; min power 30 W; nut $6,300/pr
imp 8 ohms; crossover frequencies 350 and 1,500 Rosewood finish $6,775/pr
SP 1000 Ported Speaker Hz. Bass cabinet 27.22" h x 17.5" w x 11.75" d,
Features 10" woofer; 4" ferrofluid cone mid- tweeter column 57.31" h x 10.5" w x 1.63" d; to- M20 2 -Way Powered Speaker
range; 3" ferrofluid cone tweeter. Max power tal weight 92 lb $2,250/system Ported speaker with two 5" woofers, 2" tweeter,
range 130 W; sens 89 dB sm./W/m; imp 8 ohms. power supply, 2 power amps in low -resonance
Bartonwood vinyl finish; 13" w x 27" h x 11" d; XD 717 3 -Way Speaker cabinet; 0.75" A -quality birch plywood cabinet;
25 lb $240/pr Floor -standing speaker with 12" woofer, 6.5" all -metal stand with resonance damping available.
midrange, and I" dome tweeter. Sens 87 dB sm./ FR 38-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; max output 105 dB;
SP 800 Ported Speaker W/m; recommended power handling 30-100 W; 20" h x 15" d x 7" w. Walnut or teak finish; with
Features 8" woofer; 4" ferrofluid cone midrange; imp 8 ohms; crossover frequencies 350 and 1,000 amplifiers $2,300/pr
2" ferrofluid cone tweeter. Maximum power 60 Hz. Cabinet constructed of 0.75" high -density Rosewood finish; with amps $2,600/pr
W; sens 89 dB sm./W/m; imp 8 ohms. Barton - particle board with internal bracing and airtight
wood vinyl finish; 13" w x 26" h x 8.5" d; 15 assembly. Walnut veneer protected by oil -like M30 2 -Way Powered Speaker
lb $150/pr multi -coat hand -rubbed lacquer finish. 37.75" h x Compact Inter -Active speaker with 5" woofer,
17.5" w x 11.88" d; 66 lb $1,598/pr 1.25" tweeter; time -delay correction; power sup-
SP208 Ported Speaker ply; power amps. FR 38-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; max
2 -way speaker system with 8" woofer and 2" XD 715 3 -Way Speaker output 100 dB free-standing, up to 103 dB on
tweeter. Max power 50 W; sens 90 dB/ W/m; Floor -standing speaker with 10" woofer, 5" mid- shelf; 14.5" h x 12" d x 7" w. Walnut, teak, or
imp 8 ohms. Oak vinyl finish; 18.75" h x 10.63" range, and 1" dome tweeter. Sens 87 dB sPL/W/ black ash finish; with amps $1,625/pr
w x 8.38" d; 10.5 lb $120/pr m; m.'x power 100 W program noise; min power
All speakers are ported; nominal imp 6 ohms (min
The Monolith Electrostatic Speaker 41; black knit grilles; dome tweeters with crossover
Floor -standing curvilinear electrostatic panel point of 2.200 Hz.
speaker mouned atop tuned subwoofer box. De-
signed for wide dispersion without the use of de- MI Floor -Standing Speaker
lay lines or lenses. Constant voltage crossover 2 8" polypropylene woofers with 38 -oz magnets
provides phase coherency. Features 2' x 4' ek- crossing over to 2 4" cone midranges (I front, I
trostatic cell for 100-24,000 Hz and 12" polypro- back) at 300 Hz; 2 0.75" soft dome tweeters (1
pylene -cone subwoofer with 2" voice coil that is front, I back); black lacquer. FR 20-22,000 Hz ± 3
down 3 dB at 16 Hz. FR 28-24,000 Hz ± 2 dB; dB; min power 60 W; max power 400 W; sens 86
power range 30-500 W; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m; dB sPL/W/m; imp 6 ohms; 120 Ibs; 19 5" w x 60"
impedance 8 ohms. Available in variety of finish- h x 9" d $3,000/pr
es. Measures 25" wide x 75" high x 13.5" deep;
165 lb each $4,850/pr 460 2 -Way Speaker
8" woofer; 1" dome tweeter; black vinyl. Fre-
The Sequel Electrostatic Speaker quency response 40-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; sensitivity
Floor -standing electrostatic/subwoofer system. 88 dB sm./W/m; power range 15-120 W; 25" x
Features visually transparent electrostatic trans- 10" x 11" $400/pr
ducer that operates from 200-24,000 Hz; 30'
seamless horizontal disperson in vertical line - 360 2 -Way Speaker
source format; I' x 4' electrostatic cell; super -low - 8" woofer; 0.75 tweeter; black vinyl. FR 50-20,000
mass 10" subwoofer in tuned chamber with ma- Hz ± 3 dB; sensitivity 88 dB output with input of
trix voice coil to create linear field in large excur- I watt measured at 1 meter; power range 15-100
sion modes. FR 26-24,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range W; 20" x 10" x 9"; 20 lb each $300/pr
30-300 W; sensitivity 89 dB sound -pressure level
with 1 -watt input measured at meter; imp 6
1 210 2 -Way Speaker
ohms. Oak and black finish. 14.5" w x 74" h x 6.5" woofer; 0.75" tweeter; black vinyl. FR 60-
13.5" d; 110 lb ea $2,750/pr Martin -Logan Monolith 20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; sensitivity 88 dB output with


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input of I watt measured at 1 meter; power range coated -paper cone woofer; 1.1" soft -dome tweet- sens 91 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; natural oak,
15-70 W; 15" x 9" x 9"; 15 lb each.... $230/pr er. FR 38-25,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 20 W dark oak veneer finishes; 39 Ib; 23.5" w x 11.88"
rms; max power 150 W rms; sensitivity 89 dB h x 11.88" d $699/pr
sound -pressure level with input of 1 watt mea-
MISSION ELECTRONICS sured at I meter; impedance 8 ohms. Walnut,
Argonaut Floor -Standing Speaker teak, or black finish. 12" wide x 20" high x 12"
2 -way speaker with time -aligned drivers and deep; 25 lb ea $595/pr 300A 3 -Way Speaker
transverse -folded cabinet. Optimum placement Internally braced acoustic -suspension tower
near rear wall; 2 reinforced homopolymer 8" MLP-202 II Bookshelf Speaker speaker with IOU long -throw woofer with butyl
cone woofers; I" super-elipse cavity -loaded tweet- Acoustic -suspension linear -phase speaker. FR 60- surround, 1.5U midrange, IU soft -dome tweeter.
er; spikes. FR 35-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 28,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 10 W, max power Large magnets for powerful bass and no over-
50-200 W; sens 94.5 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms; 150 W rms; sens 89 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4-6 ohms; hang. Power range 10-150 W/ch; nominal imp 4
walnut, gray, black; 50 Ibs; II" w x 38" h x 12" in walnut, teak, or black; 8" w x 13" h x 10" ohms; crossovers at 900 and 3,000 Hz; resonance
d $1,499/pr d $445/pr 45 Hz; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m. 10.75" w x 11.5" d
x 31.5" h; 57 lb 5750/pr
Freedom 2 -Way Speaker CR-7 2 -Way Speaker 200A. Similar to above except no midrange driver
Time -aligned drivers; integral locking stand; Acoustic -suspension bookshelf speaker with and 8" woofer. Crossover at 1,700. Power range
transverse -folded cabinet with visco-elastic damp- asymmetrical cabinet design to eliminate internal 10-120 W/ch. 39 lb 5500/pr
ing; optimum placement near rear wall; 8" rein- standing waves and improve dispersion and flat-
forced-homopolymer cone woofer; 1" super -el- ness of frequency response. Features 6" treated -
lipse cavity -loaded tweeter. FR 40-20,000 Hz ± 3 paper cone woofer with metal grille; I" soft -dome
dB; min power 20 W; max power 150 W; sens 92 tweeter with metal grille. Available in mirrored WTS-1 Speaker
dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; black, gray, walnut; pairs. Black finish. FR 70-25,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min Portable self -powered speaker with I5 -W cordless
28 lb; 11" w x 24.5" h w 12" d $899/pr power 20 W rms; max power 200 W rms; sens 90 amplifier. Features 2 -channel FM receiver; micro-
dB sPL/W/m; imp 4-8 ohms. II" w x 7.5" h x phone; miniature body pack stereo transmitter.
Renaissance 2 -Way Speaker 4.75" x 7" d; 10 lb ea $395/pr Speaker houses 6.5" woofer; 1.5" cone tweeter.
Integral locking stands; transverse -folded cabinet 8.5" w x 12.75" h x 7.31" d 5200/sytem
with visco-elastically dampened walls; 8" poly- MLP-201 2 -Way Speaker
propylene cone woofer; 0.75" polymer -dome Acoustic -suspension bookshelf speaker with 9"
tweeter with ferrofluid; crossover frequency 2,400 free -edge paper -cone woofer, 1.1" dome tweeter.
Hz. FR 40-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; nominal imp 8 FR 48-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 10-100 W RS -100 3 -Way Speaker
ohms; power range 20-125 W/ch; sens 90 dB Floor -standing speaker with twin -transmission -
SPL/W/m; 10" h w 21.6" w x 11" d; 23 lbs/ea; path low -frequency (varibly damped) enclosure.
black/walnut $649
MTX by MITEK Features Poly -Arc adjustable high -frequency ar-
Pro 215 Floor -Standing Speaker ray; 10" polypropylene passive radiator; 2 8"
707 Bass -Reflex Speaker Bass -reflex speaker with computer -aided Thiele/ polypropylene woofers; 1.38" cambric -dome mid-
2 -way speaker with limestone/polypropylene Small -aligned cabinet. Features 2 15" cone woof- range; I" elliptical -dome tweeter. FR 28-18,500
front baffle board; steel -reinforced 8" paper woof- ers; 2 5" PL -5 cone midranges; 3" horn -loaded Hz ± 3 dB; power range 25-200 W; sens 90 dB
er; 0.75" ferrofluid dome tweeter. FR 50-20,000 tweeter. FR 50-21,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 5- sPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms. 14" w x 42" h x 16" d;
Hz ± 3 dB; min power 20 W, max power 100 W; 400 W rms; sens 102.2 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 103 lb 51,500/pr
sens 92 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; black and ohms; heavy-duty aviation carpet; 125 Ib; 18.5" w
walnut; 17.7 lb; 10" w x 19" h x 11" d $499/pr x 46.5" h x 16" d 51,400/pr RS -500 3 -Way Speaker
Floor -standing acoustic -suspension magnetically
700 Leading Edge Acoustic -Suspension Speaker Pro 115 Floor -Standing Speaker shielded speaker with mirror -image dsign. Fea-
7" high -rigidity plastiflex cone woofer and 0.75" Bass -reflex speaker with computer -aided Thiele/ tures 12" cone woofer; 5" polyvinyl acetate -cone
ferrofluid-cooled dome tweeter; injection -molded Small -aligned cabinet. Features 15" cone woofer, midrange; 1" soft -dome tweeter. FR 40-20,000 Hz
polypropylene and limestone baffle board. FR 50- 2 5" PL -5 cone midranges; 3" horn -loaded tweet- ± 3 dB; power range 15-130 W rms; sens 92 dB
20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 15 W rms; max er. FR 60-21,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 5-200 W sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms. Teton oak finish. 14" w x
power 100 W rms; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m; imp 6 rms; sens 99.6 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms; heavy- 27" h x 10.75" d 5499/pr
ohms; black, walnut $349/pr duty aviation carpet; 77 Ib; 21.25" w x 29.75" h x
16" d 51,200/pr SWO-300BU Subwoofer
70 II Acoustic -Suspension Speaker Magnetically shielded bass -reflex subwoofer with
Constraint -layer -damped cabinet to reduce reso- Pro 210 Floor -Standing Speaker 12" cone woofer, built-in 60-W amplifier, and 3
nances; 7" plastiflex cone woofer; 0.75" ferro- Bass -reflex speaker with computer -aided Thiele/ selectable turnover frequencies (70, 100, 150 Hz).
fluid-cooled dome tweeter; black. FR 60-20,000 Small aligned cabinet. Features 2 10" cone woof- FR 20-150 Hz, 20-100 Hz, or 20-70 Hz depending
Hz ± 3 dB; power range 15-75 W rms; sens 90 dB ers; 2 5" PL -5 cone midranges; 3" horn -loaded on selected turnover frequency. 20.69" w x 17.94"
SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 10.5 Ib; 8.5" w x 15.2" h tweeter. FR 70-21,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 5- h x 15.34" d; 32 lb $299 ea
x 8.5" d $249/pr 300 W rms; sens 101.6 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4
ohms; heavy-duty aviation carpet; 67 Ib; 23.5" w AVS-300E 2 -Way Surround -Sound Speaker
x 18.25" h x 12.5" d 5880/pr Compact acoustic -suspension speaker designed
MOREL ACOUSTICS for rear -channel reproduction of surround sound.
Duet 2 -Way Double -Magnet Speaker Pro 110 Bass -Reflex Monitor Speaker Features 5.5" cone woofer; I" polymer -dome
New MDT -33 tweeter, 28 mm soft -dome design Thiele/Small alignment; 10" cone woofer; 4.5" tweeter. Power range 5-60 W; nominal imp 8
with double -magnet structure, Hexatech tech- cone midrange; 1" horn -loaded dome tweeter; ohms; sens 89 dB sPL/W/m; FR 60-20,000 Hz.
nique winding (aluminum wire, wound hexago- covered with heavy-duty aviation carpet. FR 75- 6.5" w x 9.75" h x 5.62" d 5199/pr
nally) and ferrofluid cooled. MW -164 6" double - 21,000 Hz; power range 5-100 W rms; sens 94.8
magnet woofer also using the Hexatech voice coil. dB sPL/W/m; imp 4/8 ohms; 14" w x 18.5" h x
FR 40-22,000 Hz ± 2 dB; power handling 150 W 12.75" d; 42 lb 5680/pr
rms; 8" w x 15" h x 12" d; 20 lb 5950/pr LS -100 3 -Way Speaker
Floor -standing acoustic -suspension speaker. Fea-
MLP-403-II 3 -Way Speaker
MUSIC AND SOUND IMPORTS tures 12" cone woofer with 20 -oz magnet; 3" cone
Ported floor -standing speaker with Variovent. 9" Mas 925 III 3 -Way Speaker midrange; I" cone tweeter; auto protection unit.
free -edge paper -cone woofer; 3" dome midrange; Floor -standing speaker with 10" polypropylene - Sens 86 dB sPL/W/m. Glossy black oak enclo-
1.1" dome tweeter. FR 38-25,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min cone passive radiator; 8" poly -cone woofer; 1.75" sure 5250/pr
power 10 W, max power 125 W rms; sens 88 dB textile -dome tweeter; 0.75" textile -dome tweeter.
sPL/W/m; imp 4-8 ohms; finished in walnut, FR 30-18,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 25-150 W;
teak, or black; 21" h x 12" w x 10" d; 26 lb5750/
pr Model 2 Vented 2 -Way Speaker
6.5 plastic cone woofer vertically aligned with fer-
For explanations of abbreviations, rofluid-damped dome tweeter; 4th -order Butter-
MLP-206 2 -Way Speaker
Acoustic -suspension bookshelf speaker with cabi- specifications, and technical terms, worth woofer loading; 1st -order crossover with
net proportioned similarly to the smaller MLP- consult the glossary on page 221. mylar capacitors; min -diffraction baffle; nonaller-
202 II (below) with 33 -litre volume. Features 9" genic antistatic black foam grille; external fuses.

166 STEREO Btividts Omit: 1988

FR 4424,000 Hz ± 3 dB; sens 91 dB sPL/W/m; sPi/m/2.83 V; power range 10-90 W; peak han- order vented design. Simulated black oak finish.
power range 5-60 W; 11.25 w x 20.4 h x 10.9 d; dling 150 W; impedance 8 ohms. 32.5" high x FR 70-22,000 Hz ± 4 dB; THD at 92 dB -1%;
shipping weight 26 lb. 11.5" wide x 11.5" deep at base tapering to 9.25" imp 4 ohms; sens 88 dB sPL/W/m; sustained
Black formica $330/pr x 9.2? at top; 24 lb $700/pr power handling 55 W rms; max power 150 W
Walnut or oak $300/pr rms; time aligned within 0.05 las. 9" h x 5.88" w x
Model L2 Speaker 6.5" d $235/pr
OHM ACOUSTICS Features 8" woofer; 2" tweeter; 2" supertweeter;
tweeter level control; oiled -walnut finish. FR 42- CMs330 Compact Monitor Speaker
Walsh S Vented Speaker 20,000 Hz ± 4 dB; crossovers 1.7 and 10 kHz; Bookshelf speaker in die-cast aluminum enclo-
Features Walsh driver; 3 controls for lows, per- power range 8-100 W; sens 100 -dB SPL at 3 ft; sure. High -compliance polypropylene 4" cone
spective (midrange), and highs, each with 3 posi- 20" h x 12" w a 9.75" d $595/pr woofer, 1" soft -dome tweeter with phasing plug
tions; gold-plated 5 -way binding posts; gold inter- and ferrofluid damping. 12-dB/octave crossover
nal connectors; Monster Cable internal wiring; Model E, Speaker includes separate choke for woofer. With mount-
veneered top edge of cabinet. FR 25-25,000 Hz 2 -way vented speaker with 8" woofer with 5 -oz ing brackets. FR 60-22,000 Hz ± 4 dB; power
± 4 dB; min power 50 W rms; max power 500 W ferrite magnet and 1" liquid -cooled voice coil. range 10-80 W; sens 89 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4
rms; imp 4 ohms; LOCO -W headroom rating for Features liquid -cooled Penta-Vented tweeter; ohms. Black aluminum. 4.62" w a 7.12" h x 4.5"
CD's. Available in walnut, oak and rosewood fin- 2,700 Hz Sub -Bass Activator; vented enclosure d; 6 lb $215/pr
ishes or teak/white/black lacquer. 95 Ibs; 17.5" a (quasi -third order Butterworth filter); press con-
17.5" at bottom tapering to 15" a 15" at top; 43" nectors; 0.62" flakeboard stock, oiled -walnut fin- CRs220 Compact Bookshelf Speaker
tall. Limited edition run of only 500 sets world- ish; 21.5" x 11 5" x 7.25" deep; imp nominal/ Remote speaker with birch finish. 6-dB/octave
wide, each signed and numbered $4,800/pr minimum 8/4 ohms; FR 48-17,000 Hz ± 4 dB; ef- crossover with separate choke for woofer. Mount-
ficiency 0.73%; recommended power 7-75 W rms ing brackets included. 4" woofer; 1.5" tweeter. FR
4X0 Floor -Standing Speaker on music$395/pr 80-20,000 Hz ± 4 dB; power range 10-60 W; sens
Bass -reflex speaker features inverted conical sur- 92 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms; 5" w x 8.25" h x
face driver; gold-plated 5 -way binding posts; gold 4.5" d; 6 lb $110/pr
internal connectors; lead -lined cabinet; Monster ONKYO
Cable internal wiring; casters; tuffiex transmis- S-70 4 -Way Speaker Subwoofer
sion block; ferrofluid cooled; protection circuits; Bass -reflex speaker with 12" polypropylene -cone
acoustical attenuator for controlled dispersion; woofer with high -power voice coil, 5" PVA-treat- BPI -A60 Bass Perfect Image Subwoofer
sonically transparent circular metal grille. Stan- ed ferrofluid-cooled midrange, 1" polycarbonate- Subwoofe- with built-in 60-W amp. 6th -order
dard finish walnut and oak, available in Scandi- dome ferrofluid-cooled tweeter, and as- polycar- bass alignment with amp equalized for driver. 12"
navian rosewood, black, or white lacquer. FR 32- bonate-dome ferrofluid-cooled supertweeter. Fea- dnver with 2" voice coil and 5 -lb magnet; high -
23,000 Hz ± 4 dB; sens 91 dB sm/m/2.83 V; tures self -resetting auto overload protection. FR or low -Z inputs; auto turn -on relay; adjustable
power range 30-500 W; peak handling 700 W; 55-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 10-150 W rms; crossover gain; 1" -thick nonresonant enclosure.
imp 8 ohms. 40" h x 15.5" x 15.5" at base taper- sens 93 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms. Natural -oak - Simulated rosewood finish. FR 20-180 Hz ± 3 dB;
ing to 11.75" x 11.75" at top; 63 lb $2,000/pr veneer finish. 16" w x 40.75" h x 10 25" d; 49 THD at 100 dB <0.5%; input sens line 250 mV -
lb $600/pr 1.5 V, low -Z V; input imp line 50 kilohms,

3X0 Floor -Standing Speaker speaker 22 ohms; power output 60 W nns from
Bass -reflex speaker features inverted conical sur- S-58 3 -Way Speaker 20-180 Hz with -0.05% THD; low-pass cross-
face driver; press -connector inputs accept banana Floor -standing bass -reflex speaker with self -reset- over adjustable from 63-180 Hz; 12-dB/octave
plugs or up to 12 gauge wire; lead -lined cabinet; ting overload protection. Features IS" polypro- slope and infrasonic filter. 27.5" h x 15.75" w x
casters; tufliex transmission block; ferrofluid pylene -cone woofer; 5" PVA-treated ferrofluid- 13.75" D $525 ea
cooled; protection circuits; acoustical attenuator; cooled cone midrange; 1" polycarbonate-dome
circular metal grille. Standard finish walnut and ferrofluid-cooled tweeter. FR 65-20,000 Hz ± 3
oak, available in Scandinavian rosewood, black, dB; power range 10-100 W rms; sens 92 dB sPt./ PENTAGRAM
or white lacquer. FR 36-22,000 Hz ± 4 dB; sens W/m; imp 8 ohms. Oak vinyl finish. 17.5" w x P -10A Floor -Standing 3 -Way Speaker
90.6 dB sm/m/2.83 V; power range 18-200 W; 33.12" h x 12.88" d; 48 lb $400/pr Pentagonal pyramid speaker with external or in-
peak handling 300 W; imp 8 ohms. 36" h x 13.5" ternal crossover and no resistors. 15" damped -
x 13.5" at base tapering to 10.5" x 10.5" at top; S-38 3 -Way Speaker cone passive rad; 10" cone woofer; 3" dome mid-
43 lb $1,500/pr Floor -standing bass -reflex speaker with self -reset- range; 2" ribbon tweeter; discteck wiring; poly-
ting overload protection. Features polypropylene - propylene capacitors; 10 -gauge aircore coil. FR
2X0 Floor -Standing Speaker cone woofer; Pv A -treated ferrofluid-cooled cone 24-20,000 Hz ± 2 dB; min power 35 W; max pow-
Bass -reflex speaker features inverted conical sur- midrange; I" polycarbonate ferrofluid-cooled er 250 W; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m; imp 7.3 ohms.
face driver; press -connector inputs accept banana dome tweeter. FR 65-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power 26.5" w x 33.25" h x 24.5" d; 92 Ibs; oak or wal-
plugs or up to 12 gauge wire; sub -bass activator; range 10-100 W nns; sens 91 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 nut finishes $2,250/pr
tufflex transmission block; ferrofluid cooled; pro- ohms. Oak vinyl finish. 14.5" w x 33" h x 11.5" d;
tection circuits; acoustical attenuator; circular 37 lb $300/pr P -8A Floor -Standing 3 -Way Speaker
metal grille. Standard finish walnut and oak, Damped pentagonal pyramid speaker with no re-
available in Scandinavian rosewood, black, or HS -15 2 -Way Speaker sistors. Features 12" damped -cone passive rad; 8"
white lacquer. FR 44-21,000 Hz ± 4 dB; sens 90.2 Compact speaker with high -strength mesh grille, polypropylene cone woofer; 3" dome midrange;
dB sm./m/2.83 V; power range 15-120 W; peak 6.25" cone woofer, 2 2.75" cone tweeters. Dark 2" ribbon tweeter; discteck wiring; polypropylene
handling 203 W; imp 8 ohms. 32.5" h x 11.5" x gray finish; mirror -image pairs; FR 55-20,000 Hz; capacitors series circuit; quasi 12-dB/crossover.
11.5" at base tapering to 9.25" x 9.25" at top; 29 max power 45 W; imp 8 ohms. 8.12" w x 13.87" h FR 34-20,000 Hz ± 2 dB; min power 25 W; max
lb $1,000/pr x 9.62" d; 10 lb $250/pr power 150 W; sans 90 dB sPL/W/m; imp 7.3
ohms. 18.5" w x 23.5" h x 18.5" d; 54 lbs. Oak or
Ohm C, Speaker walnut finishes $1,100/pr
Features 10" polypropylene driver with 38 -oz fer- PARASOUND
rite magnet; 1.5" liquid -cooled voice coil; penta- AWs280 All -Weather Speaker P-6 2 -Way Speaker
vented liquid -cooled 1" soft dome tweeter; 10 -oz Ported bookshelf speaker designed to function Speaker with specially shaped internal bracing
ferrite magnet; 2,400 Hz/14,000 Hz Sub -Bass Ac- outdoors year-round. 6" polypropylene cone system. Features 6.5" polypropylene cone woofer;
tivator; vented (quasi -third order Butterworth fil- woofer, labyrinth bass loading, 1.5" poly cone 1" dome tweeter. FR 45-22,000 Hz ± 2.5 dB; pow-
ter); press connectors; 0.62" flakeboard stock - tweeter. High -density particle -board beige enclo- er handling 60 W; sans 91 dB sPL/W/m; walnut
oiled walnut finish, oak on special order. FR 37- sure with molded outer shell and mounting or oak veneer; 14.5" w x 18" h x 8.25" d; 22
21,000 Hz ± 4 dB; imp 4 ohms; 26.36" h x 15" w hooks. FR 65-20,000 Hz ± 4 dB; power range 10- lbs $495/pr
x 11.75" d $750/pr 60 W; sans 88 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms. 10" w x
14.5" h x 9.5" d; II lb $245/pr WP -1 Wall -Mounting 2 -Way Speaker
1XO Floor -Standing Speaker Transmission -line speaker with discteck wiring
Bass -reflex speaker features inverted conical sur- CPI -440b1 Compact Perfect Image Speaker and polypropylene capacitors. Features 6.5" poly-
face driver; press -connector inputs accept banana 2 -way speaker with 4" high -compliance carbon - propylene cone woofer; I" dome tweeter. FR 40-
plugs or up to 12 -gauge wire; tuffiex transmission fiber -reinforced polypropylene cone woofer and 20,000 Hz ± 2.5 dB; min power 15 W; max power
block; ferrofluid cooled; protection circuits; I" ferrofluid-damped soft -dome tweeter with 60 W; sens 91 dB sPL/W/m; imp 7.6 ohms. 13.5"
acoustical attenuator; circular metal grille. Wal- acoustic blanket. Nondiffraction cabinet; 1st -or- W x 36" h x 3.44" d; 23 lbs. Black grille
nut finish. FR 48-20,003 Hz ± 4 dB; sens 90 dB der network with polypropylene capacitor; 4th - face $495/pr


WP -2 Wall -Mounting 2 -Way Speaker Euro Series PC -30 Subwoofer
Box speaker with acoustic -suspension enclosure; Down -firing floor -loaded acoustic -suspension
6.5" polypropylene woofer; I" dome tweeter. FR 745 ES 3 -Way Speaker subwoofer with met-polyproplene bypass capaci-
60-20,000 Hz ± 2.5 dB; min power 15 W; max Floor -standing acoustic -suspension speaker with tors, internal passive crossover for use with satel-
power 60 W; sens 91 dB sPL/W/m; imp 7.6 angled projected front baffle for minimum dif- lite system; feet extenders for heavy carpeting;
ohms. 13.5" W x 7" h x 3.44" d; 12 lbs. Black fraction. Features 8" cone woofer; 6.5" cone mid- genuine wood veneer. 8" solid -piston RPF woof-
grille face $275/pr range; I" soft -dome tweeter; removable min -dif- er. FR 35-150 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 15-150 W;
fraction grille; rubber surround on woofer and sens 89 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms; walnut,
PHASE TECHNOLOGY midrange. Accepts banana plugs. FR 35-20,000 stained oak, light oak finish; I1" w x 12" h x 13"
Hz ± 3 dB; min power 15 W rms; max power 120 d; 25 lb $250 ea
Phase Coherent Series W rms; sens 93 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms. 10" w
x 35.25" h x 11.75" d; 42 lb $550/pr
PC -1000 4 -Way Speaker PINNACLE
Floor -standing phase -coherent passive -radiator 535 ES 3 -Way Speaker PN15 4 -Way Speaker
speaker. Features met -polypropylene bypass ca- Floor -standing acoustic -suspension speaker with Floor -standing 4th -order -vented speaker with
pacitors; 10" solid -piston RPF radiator; 8" solid - angled projected front baffle for minimum dif- t.cR-type modified quasi 2nd -order phase -coher-
piston RPF woofer; 5.25" solid -piston RPF mid- fraction. Features 6.5" cone woofer; 6.5" cone ent network. Features 10" polypropylene woofer;
range; 1" soft -dome tweeter; accepts banana midrange; I" soft -dome tweeter; removable min - 1.5" convex fabric -dome midrange; 1" convex
plugs. FR 30-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 25 diffraction grille; rubber surround on woofer and fabric -dome tweeter; 0.75" polycarbonate flui-
W; sens 250 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; walnut midrange. Accepts banana plugs. FR 40-20,000 dome supertweeter; mylar capacitors; ultra -low -
and dark oak; 15.5" w x 38.25" h x 8.5" d; 70 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 15 W rms; max power 100 resistance air -core inductors. Imp and resonance
lb $1,300/pr W rms; sens 92 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms. Wal- compensated. Finished cabinet with removable
nut or black -ash vinyl finish. 8.5" w x 33.12" h x grilles and binding -post terminals. FR 36-21,000
PC-800Ho 3 -Way Speaker 10.25" d; 32 lb $450/pr Hz ± 3 dB; min power 15 W rms; max power 150
Floor -standing acoustic -suspension phase -coher- W rms; sens 92 dB sPL/W/m; imp 6 ohms. Ma-
ent speaker with met -polypropylene bypass ca- 325 ES 2 -Way Speaker hogany or cherry wood veneer. 16" w x 27.88" h
pacitors, 10" flat solid -piston RPF woofer, 5.25" Bookshelf acoustic -suspension speaker with an- x 9.94" d; 46 lb $750/pr
flat solid -piston RPF midrange, I" soft -dome gled projected front baffle for minimum diffrac-
tweeter. Features removable min -diffraction tion. Features 6.5" cone woofer; 0.5" dome tweet- PNIO 3 -Way Speaker
grille; genuine wood veneer; speaker protection. er; removable min -diffraction grille; rubber sur- Floor -standing 4th -order -vented speaker with
Accepts banana plugs. FR 30-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; round on woofer. Accepts banana plugs. FR 55- LcR-type modified quasi 2nd -order phase -coher-
min power 20 W rms; max power 150 W rms; 20.000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 15 W rms; max ent network. Features 10" polypropylene woofer;
sens 91 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms. Walnut or power 80 W rms; sens 92 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 1.5" convex fabric -dome midrange; 1" polycar-
dark -oak veneer finishes. 14.5" w x 36.25" h x ohms. Walnut or black -ash vinyl finish. 8" w x bonate fluidome tweeter; mylar capacitors; ultra -
8.5" d; 57 lb $950/pr 17.25" h x 8.75" d; 17 lb $240/pr low -resistance air -core inductors; binding -post
terminals. Imp and resonance compensated. Cab-
PC-600Ho 2 -Way Speaker Subwoofer/Satellite Systems inet has built-in 2" pedestal and removable balck-
Floor -standing acoustic -suspension phase -coher- knit grilles. FR 36-21,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power
ent speaker with met -polypropylene bypass ca- PC -60/50 Subwoofer/Satellite Set 15 W rms; max power 150 W rms; sens
pacitors, 8" solid -piston RPF woofer, I" soft - 3 -piece acoustic -suspension subwoofer system sPL/W/m; imp 6 ohms. Hickory vinyl finish. 16"
dome tweeter. Features removable min -diffrac- with down -firing floor -loaded woofer and 2 -way w x 27.88" h x 9.94" d; 42 lb $499/pr
tion grille; genuine wood veneer; speaker protec- compact phase -coherent satellites. Features met -
tion. Accepts banana plugs. FR 35-20,000 Hz ± 3 polypropylene bypass capacitors; feet extenders Monitor 200 3 -Way Speaker
dB; min power 20 W rms; max power 125 W rms; for heavy carpet; tweeter level control; accepts Bookshelf acoustic -suspension speaker. Features
sens 91 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms. Walnut or banana plugs; solid hardwood and veneers; re- 12" polypropylene woofer; 4.5" polypropylene
dark -oak veneer finishes. 12" w x 31.25" h x 8" d; movable minimum -diffraction grille; speaker pro- midrange; 0.75" polycarbonate fluidome tweeter.
42 lb $620/pr tection. 10" solid -piston subwoofer, 6" solid -pis- Push -spring terminals and removable black -knit
ton midrange, I" soft -dome tweeter. FR 30-20.000 grilles. FR 38-21,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 10 W
PC -60 2 -Way Speaker Hz ± 3 dB; power range 25-200 W; sens 87 dB rms; max power 100 W rms; sens 92 dB sPL/W/
Bookshelf phase -coherent acoustic -suspension sPL/W/m; impedance 8 ohms; walnut, stained m; imp 6 ohms. Woodgrain vinyl finish. 13.25" w
speaker with met -polypropylene bypass capaci- oak, light oak finish; satellites 8" wide x 13.5" x 23" h x 12" d; 35 lb $449/pr
tors; accepts banana plugs; solid hardwood and high x 8" deep; subwoofer 13" wide x 14" high x
veneers; removable min -diffraction grille; speaker 15" deep; 60 lb $790/set PN8 Compact 3 -Way Speaker
protection. 6" solid -piston RPF woofer; I" soft - Acoustic -suspension speaker with 0.75" ferrofluid
dome tweeter. FR 55-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power PC -40/30 Subwoofer/Satellite Set polycarbonate tweeter, 4.5" polypropylene -cone
range 15-100 W; sens 87 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 Ultra -compact 3 -piece acoustic -suspension sub - midrange, and 8" polypropylene -cone woofer. FR
ohms; walnut, stained -oak, light -oak finishes; 8" woofer system with down -firing floor -loaded sub - 60-21,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 10 W rms; max
w x 13.5" h x 8" d; 15 lb $460/pr woofer and 2 -way phase-coherant satellites. Fea- power 80 W rms; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4
tures met -polypropylene bypass capacitors; feet ohms; Hickory vinyl veneer; 9.75" w x 15.25" h x
PC -40 2 -Way Speaker extenders for heavy carpet; accepts banana plugs; 8.88" d; 32 lb/pr $299/pr
Bookshelf phase -coherent acoustic -suspension genuine wood veneer; removable minimum -dif-
speaker with met -polypropylene bypass capaci- fraction grille; speaker protection. 8" solid -piston PN7 3 -Way Speaker
tors; accepts banana plugs; genuine wood veneer; subwoofer, 5 .25" solid -piston midrange, 1" soft - Bookshelf bass -reflex speaker with 6.5" polypro-
removable min -diffraction grille; speaker protec- dome tweeter. FR 35-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power pylene woofer; 1" convex fabric -dome tweeter;
tion. 5.25" solid -piston RPF woofer; 1" soft - range 15-150 W; sens 89 dB sound -pressure level 0.75" polycarbonate fluidome supertweeter.
dome tweeter. FR 70-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power with input of 1 watt measured at 1 meter; imp 4 Push -spring terminals and removable black -knit
range 15-80 W; sensitivity 89 dB sound -pressure ohms; walnut, stained oak, light oak finish; satel- grilles. FR 55-21,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 10 W
level with an input of 1 watt measured at I meter; lites 6.5" w x 9.75" h x 5.25" d; subwoofer 11" w rms; max power 70 W tins; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m;
imp 4 ohms; walnut, stained -oak, light -oak finish; x 12" x 13" d; 45 lb $610/set imp 4 ohms. Hickory vinyl finish. 9.25" w x 14.5"
6.5" w x 9.75" h x 5.25" d; 10 lb $360/pr h x 8.5" d; 26 lb/pr $249/pr
PN 6+ 2 -Way Speaker
PC -50 Subwoofer Bookshelf speaker with front -mounted Diaduct-
The listings are based on data
Down -firing floor -loaded acoustic-supension sub - port design. Features 0.75" ferrofluid dome
provided by the manufacturers. For woofer with met -polypropylene bypass capaci- tweeter; 6.5" polypropylene woofer. FR 55-21,000
more product information, contact tors; internal passive crossover for use with satel- Hz ± 3 dB; sens 89 dB sn/w/m; min power 10
an authorized dealer or the lite speakers; feet extenders for heavy carpeting; W rms; max power 60 W rms. Hickory vinyl ve-
manufacturer directly. Manufacturers' genuine wood veneer. 10" solid -piston RPF"' neer; 9.25" w x 14.5" h x 7.88" d; 26 lb/pr$229/
woofer. FR 30-150 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 25- pr
addresses and phone numbers are 200 W; sens 87 dB sound -pressure level with in-
listed in the directory put of I watt measured at 1 meter; imp 8 ohms; PN6 2 -Way Speaker
beginning on page 226. walnut, light oak, stained oak finish; 13" w x 14" Bookshelf acoustic -suspension speaker with 6.5"
h x 15" d; 33 lb $330 ea polypropylene woofer; 0.75" polycarbonate flui-

168 STEREO BUYERS' Gunn.: 1988


leap is a trademark of American PAotors. Walkman and Discman are trademarks of Sony Cap.

For those of you who have wanted to listen to high quality Walkman'" or Stereo TV Receiver to the latest portable CD
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duce° the world's flick of a switch, their exc'usne High Voltage/High
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amplifier in 1963- mode for driving either 8 Ohm or 4 -Ohm loud-
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fier In 1g2. the without distortion, overheating or current limiting.
Citation '4 the first
In an area where the smallest interference can result
FM stereo tuner with
Dr Saner Harman Founder and Chairman in the biggest problems, te new Citation twenty-one.
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duction its symmetrical circuitry and many
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Now just as the original Oration separates GoldiNaled input
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dome tweeter. Push -spring terminals and remov- finish. Each enclosure measures 15.34" wick x nut -grain vinyl finish. 26.5" h x 14.94" w x 13"
able black -knit grilles. FR 55-21,000 Hz ± 3 dB; 47.44" high x 16.81" deep $700/pr d $280/pr
min power 10 W rms; max power 60 W rms; sens
88 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms. Hickory vinyl fin- CS -607 4 -Way Speaker S-V707X(BK) 3 -Way Speaker
ish. 9.25" wide x 14.5" high x 7.44" deep; weight Bass -reflex speaker with 12" dual -voice -coil Magnetically shielded speaker with 8.69" poly-
24 lb/pr $ I 99/pr woofer, 4.75" midrange, horn tweeter with acous- mer -graphite woofer, 2.06" midrange, and 1.69"
tic lens, and twin-piezo supertweeter. Features tweeter. Max power 100 W. 18.12" h x 10.62" w
PN 5+ 2 -Way Speaker EBD (electronic bass drive); LED power indicator. x 9.44 d $270/pr
Bookshelf speaker with Diaduct-port design. Fea- Imp 8 ohms; sens 96 dB sPL/W/m; max power
tures 0.75" polycarbonate ferrofluid tweeter; 210 W. Walnut -grain vinyl finish. 25.56" h x CS-VXSOA 2 -Way Speaker
5.25" polypropylene -cone woofer. FR 65-21,000 16.12" w x 11.25" d $600/pr Magnetically shielded compact speaker designed
Hz; sens 86 dB SPL; power range 10-50 W; imp 6 as surround -sound or external ry monitor speak-
ohms; 6.75" w x 11.25" h x 6.88" d; 17 lb/ DSS-5 3 -Way Speaker ers. Wall mountable (rear brackets attached).
pr $149/pr Bass -reflex speaker with 10" cone woofer, 2 62" Features 7" woofer; 2.5" tweeter. Nominal imp 6
cone midrange, and 1" dome tweeter. Features ohms; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m; max power 60 W.
PIONEER mirror -image driver alignment; Pioneer's LDMC Rosewood -grain vinyl finish. Sold as mirror -im-
(linear drive magnetic circuit), EBD (electronic age pairs. 8.69" w x 13.75" h x 7.5" d . $200/pr
CS-V900D 3 -Way Speaker bass drive), and DRS (dynamic response suspen-
Magnetically shielded audio/video speaker with sion). Imp 8 ohms; sens 91 dB sPL/W/m; max CS-G201WAII 3 -Way Speaker
12" polymer -graphite -cone woofer, 4.75" one- power 120 W. Walnut -grain vinyl finish. Sold Bass -reflex bookshelf speaker with 10" woofer, 3"
piece solid -boron -cone midrange, and beryllium only in mirror -imaged pairs. 22.44" w x 12.81" h midrange, and 2.62" tweeter. Imp 6 ohms; sens
ribbon -type tweeter. Features metalized-film ca- x 11.44" d $500/pr 90 dB sPL/W/m; max power 100 W. Walnut -
pacitors and OFC cables in crossover; rounded grain vinyl finish. 24" h x 13.75" w x 11.81"
corners on front baffle board; floating grille; Pio- DSS-E6 3 -Way Speaker d $200/pr
neer's LDMC (linear drive magnetic circuit), EBD Features 7.88" polymer -graphite -cone woofer;
(electronic bass drive), and DRS (dynamic re- 2.88" boron -cone midrange; beryllium ribbon CS-GIOIWAII 2 -Way Speaker
sponse suspension). Nominal imp 6 ohms; sens 91 tweeter; mirror -image driver alignment; Pioneer's Sealed -box bookshelf speaker with 10" woofer
dB sPL/W/m; max power 240 W; crossover fre- LDMC (linear drive magnetic circuit), EBD (elec- and 2.62" tweeter. Imp 6 ohms; sens 90 dB sut./
quencies 650 and 4,000 Hz. Genuine walnut ve- tronic bass drive), and DRS (dynamic response W/m; max power 50 W. Walnut -grain vinyl fin-
neer. Sold only in mirror -imaged pairs. 15.38" w suspension). Nominal imp 6 ohms; sens 91 dB ish. 22.44" h x 13" w x 7.81" d $140/pr
x 26.75" h x 13.88" d I 300/pr sPL/W/m; max power 120 W. Sold only in mir-
ror -imaged pairs. 18.5" w x 10.62" h x 9.56" S -X7 Full -Range Speaker
DSS-E10 3 -Way Speaker d $480/pr Compact bass -reflex speaker desined for sur-
Bass -reflex speaker with 12" polymer -graphite - round -sound applications. Features 3.5" driver;
cone woofer, 4,75" boron -cone midrange, and be- CS -V9920 4 -Way Speaker sens selector switch; black vinyl finish. Imp 16
ryllium ribbon tweeter. Features mirro-image Floor -standing magnetically shielded bass -reflex ohms; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m; max power 30 W.
driver alignment; beveled cabinet edges and float- speaker with 15" woofer, 5" midrange, 2.5" 5.44" h x 7.5" w x 4.5" d SI 20/pr
ing grilles; Pioneer's LDMC (linear drive magnetic tweeter, and 2" supertweeter. Imp 8 ohms; sens
circuit), EBD (electronic bass drive), max power 150 W. 35.44" h x
namic response suspension). Nominal imp 6 17.31" w x 12.81" d $460/pr POLK AUDIO
ohms; sens 91 dB sPL/W/m; max power 240 W. SDA-SRS Signature Reference Speaker
Genuine walnut veneer. Sold only in mirror -im- CS -V704 3 -Way Speaker Floor -standing speaker that incorporates coher-
aged pairs. 26.75" w x 15.38" h x 13.88" Magnetically shielded speaker with 12" woofer, ent Line -Source True Stereo (SDA) technology
d $1,100/pr 4.75" midrange, and 2.5" tweeter. Nominal imp 6 for 3 -dimensional imaging. Features 15" planar
ohms; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m; max power 100 W. passive radiator; 8 6.5" trilaminate polymer mi-
DSS-9 3 -Way Speaker Rosewood -grain vinyl finish. 15.38" w x 36.56" h dranges; 4 I" silver -coil soft -dome tweeters. FR
Bass -reflex speaker with 12" polymer -graphite - x 13.5" d $400/pr 14-2,600 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 10-1,000 W;
cone woofer, 2.62" boron -cone midrange; berylli- sens 95 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms. Oiled oak,
um ribbon tweeter. Features mirror -image driver CS -V9020 3 -Way Speaker walnut, or black -lacquer finish. 21" w x 63.75" h
alignment; Pioneer's LDMC (linear drive magnetic Floor -standing magnetically shielded bass -reflex x 13" d $2,990/pr
circuit), EBD (electronic bass drive), and DRS (dy- speaker with 12" woofer, 5" midrange, and 2.5"
namic response suspension). Nominal imp 6 tweeter. Imp 8 ohms; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m. max SDA-SRS2 Signature Reference Speaker
ohms; sens 91 dB sPL/W/m; max power 240 W. power 150 W. 35.44" h x 14.94" w x 12.81" Floor -standing smaller -version SDA-SRS. Fea-
Walnut -grain vinyl finish. Sold only in mirror -im- d $360/pr tures Polk's SDA True Stereo Technology for 3 -
aged pairs. 26.75" w x 15.38" h x 13.88" dimensional imaging; 15" passive radiator; 4 6.5"
d $1,060/pr CS -407 3 -Way Speaker trilaminate polymer bass/midrange drivers; 2 1"
Bass -reflex speaker with 12", 4" midrange. and silver -coil polymer -dome tweeters. Power range
DSS-7 3 -Way Speaker 2.5" cone tweeter. Imp 8 ohms; sens 94 dB sPL/ 10-750 w rms; sens 93 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms.
Bass -reflex speaker with 12" polymer -graphite - W/m; max power 150 W. Walnut -grain vinyl fin- Oiled -walnut, -oak, or black -lacquer fin-
cone woofer, 2.62" boron -cone midrange, and be- ish. 24.81" h x 14.94" w x 10.38" d $360/pr ish $2,000/pr
ryllium ribbon tweeter. Features mirror -image
driver alignment; Pioneer's LDMC (linear drive S-V909X(BK) 3 -Way Speaker SDA-1C 3 -Way Speaker
magnetic circuit), EBD (electronic bass drive), and Magnetically shield speaker with 8.69" polymer - Floor-standng speaker. Features 4 Polk MW
DRS (dynamic response suspension). Nominal graphite woofer, 1.38" midrange, and 1" tweeter. 6600x trilaminate polymer bass/midrange driv-
imp 6 ohms; sens 91 dB sPL/W/m; max power Features tone control. Max power 120 W. 18.12" ers; Stereo/Dimensional isophase crossover sys-
210 W. Walnut -grain vinyl finish. Sold only in h x 10.62" w x 9.44" s $360/pr tem for blending all 12 active drivers of 2 SDA-
mirror -imaged pairs. 25.56" w x 14.56" h x l's; SL 2000 L/P high -frequency radiator incor-
13.56" d $720/pr CS-G301WAII 3 -Way Speaker porating an exclusive silver -coated voice coil
Bass -reflex bookshelf speaker with 12" woofer, windings for FR beyond 25,000 Hz and hyperbolic
CS -707 4 -Way Speaker 4.75" midrange, and 2.62" tweeter. Imp 6 ohms; section polyamide diaphragm; sub -bass radiator.
Bass -reflex speaker with 15.75" dual -voice -coil sens 91.5 dB sPL/W/m; max power 120 W. Wal- Recommended power 10-500 W; FR 15-26,000
woofer, 4.75" midrange, horn tweeter with acous-
tic lens, and twin-piezo supertweeter. Features
EBD (electronic bass drive); 3 -position tone selec-
tor; LED power indicator. Imp 8 ohms; sens 98 dB
sPL/W/m; max power 300 W. Walnut -grain vi- PRICES LISTED
nyl finish. 28.56" h x 17.69" w x 10.56" d$720/pr are manufacturers' suggested retail prices
CS -V90 4 -Way Speaker (also referred to as list prices);
Magnetically shielded speaker with 12" woofer, actual selling prices are set by individual dealers.
6.31" low midrange, 4.75" high midrange, and 2"
tweeter. Nominal imp 6 ohms; sens 90 dB sPt./ All prices are subject to change without notice.
W/m; max power 120 W. Rosewood -grain vinyl


Hz; imp 4 ohms; crossover frequencies 50, 100, quency 4,500 Hz; imp 6 ohms. 17" h x 9" w x 70R Stand -Mount Speaker
and 2,500 Hz; system resonance 15 Hz; sent 95 8.88" d 5220/pr 8" woofer with focused magnetic gap; 2nd -order
dB sPL/W/m. Oiled -walnut or -oak cabinet. crossover at 1,800 Hz; black or hickory. FR 60-
Black studio version at lower cost. 43.5" h x Monitor 4A 2 -Way Speaker 20,000 ± 2 dB; sens 88 dB sPL/2.83 V/m; power
16.5" w a 12" d; 85 lb 51,600/pr Bookshelf speaker with trilaminate-polymer 6500 range 15-150 W; 13.5" w x 29.75" h a 12.75" d;
woofer, 1" moving -coil high -frequency radiator, 45.5 lb es 5600/pr
SDA-2B 2 -Way Speaker and isophase crossover network. Features cabinet
Similar to SDA-1B except 2 6600X bass/mid- and grille design to eliminate diffraction effects 50R Stand -Mount Speaker
range and SL2000 tweeter drivers. Crossover fre- and terminated transmission duct that loads 8" woofer with focused magnetic gap; 2nd -order
quencies at 50 and 2,500 Hz. FR 15-26,000 Hz; bass/midrange driver into deep -bass range. FR 55- crossover at 1,800 Hz; black or hickory. FR 70-
system resonance 15 Hz; sens 92 dB sm/W/m; 21,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 10-80 W; max 20,000 ± 2 dB; tens 88 dB sPL/2.83 V/m; power
imp 6 ohms. Oiled -walnut or -oak cabinet. Black output 114 dB SPL; crossover frequency 4,500 Hz; range 15-150 W; 11.5" w x 22.25" h x 10.5" d; 29
studio version at lower cost. 39.5" h x 16.5" w x imp 6 ohms. 14.5" H x 8.5" W x 7.36" DS170/pr lb ea 5500/pr
12" d 51,200/pr
40R Stand -Mount Speaker
SDA Compact Reference System + (CRS+) POLYDAX 8" woofer with focused magnetic gap; 3rd -order
Bookshelf speaker with SDA technology for life- Audax EZ-302 2 -Way Speaker crossover at 2,000 Hz; black or hickory. FR 70-
like three-dimensional imaging. Features 2 6.5" Compact speaker with die-cast aluminum, mir- 20,000 t 2 dB; sent 90.5 dB sPL/2.83 V/m; pow-
trilaminate polymer bass/midrange drivers; 1" ror -imaged, wedge-shaped enclosure to eliminate er range 15-150 W; 10.25" w x 21" h x 17" d; 24
SL 2,000 polymer dome tweeter; 10" passive cone internal standing waves and optimize acoustic lb ea 5350/pr
radiator. FR 24-25,500 Hz; power range 10-250 coupling. Features 4" cone woofer with butyl
W; sens 92 dB spi/W/m; imp 4 ohms. Black ash, rubber surround and die-cast ZAMAC basket; 1" 30R Bookshelf Speaker
walnut or rosewood furniture -grade vinyl finish. soft -dome textile tweeter matched to woofer. FR 6" woofer; 3rd -order crossover at 2,500 Hz; black
Hand -rubbed oak or walnut finish available at ex- 60-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 10 W rms; max or hickory. Frequency response 80-20,000 ± 2
tra cost. 20" w x 12.5" h x 9.5" d 5800/pr power 50 W rms; sens 86 dB sm./W/m; imp 4 dB; senstivity 87 dB sPL/2.83 V/m; minimum
ohms. Available in matte -black finish. 8" w a 5" power 15 W; maximum power 125 W; 8.5" wide
R.T.A. 12C Monitor 3 -Way Speaker h x 6.62" d; 7 lbs 5300/pr x 14.5" high x 8.25" deep; 15 lb ea.... $250/pr
Real -time -array floor -standing speaker with 12"
low -resonance molded -foam subwoofer, 2 6.5" PROTON Subwoofer
polymer -laminated bass/midrange drivers, and
SL 2,000 tweeter. FR 17-25,000 Hz; crossover fre- AL -300 Floor -Standing Speaker Subwoofer 1
quencies 40 and 2,000 Hz; power range 10-500 Floor -standing speaker withs 12" woofer air -sus- Optimized for 50R speakers, can be used with
W; imp 6 ohms. Walnut- or rosewood -grain fin- pension enclosure with 30 -oz magnet and diffrac- 30R or other speakers with sens 86-92 dB sm/
ish. Genuine walnut -veneer finish available at ex- tion control to alter radiation pattern; 3.5" treat- W/m; stereo crossover network at 100 Hz rolls
tra cost. 39" h x 16" w x 12" d $960/pr ed cone midrange with integral subenclosure; 1" off frequencies going to satellite speakers at 6 dB/
polyester soft -dome tweeter with fluid cooling. octave; 2 8 extra -long -throw woofers with alumi-
R.T.A. 11T Monitor 3 -Way Sepaker num voice coils can be combined for mono; tuned
Real -time -array floor -standing speaker with 2 8" port; black or hickory finish; Barton hickory or
low-resonanace subwoofers, 2 6.5" polymer -lami- black ash. Power range 30-200 W rms; system
nated bass/midrange drivers, and a 1" polymer - resonance 26 Hz; sens 88 dB spi/W/m; 22" w x
dome tweeter. FR 15-25,000 Hz; power range 10- 22" h x 22" d; 90 lb $700
250 W; imp 6 ohms; crossover frequencies 60 and
2,500 Hz. Black -ash or rosewood -grain fin-
ish $850/pr QUAD
ESL -63 Electrostatic Speaker
Monitor 10B 3 -Way Speaker Full -range electrostatic doublet speaker with di-
Sub -bass radiator/sealed floor -standing speaker pole source (radiates sound from front and back
with 10" fluid -coupled subwoofer, 2 6.5" bass/ of panel reflecting energy from wall behind
midrange drivers, and 1" soft -dome tweeter. FR speakers). Features 2 protection circuits. Power
22-25,000 Hz; power range 10-250 W; imp 6 range 100-190 W; sensitivity 86 dB, 2.83 V rms;
ohms; crossover frequencies 60 and 3,000 Hz. impedance 8 ohms; axis band limits -6 dB at 35
Black -ash, walnut -grain, or rosewood -grain fin- Hz, third -order, -6 dB at 20,000 Hz; 92.5 a 66 x
ish. Genuine walnut -veneer finish available at ex- 27 cm; 23 kg; black 53,150/pr
tra cost. 28" h a 16" w x 11.5" d 5660/pr Rosewood 53,250/pr
ESL -63 US. Professional version $3,600
Monitor 7C 3 -Way Speaker ESL -63 Pro. Professional version with carrying
Sub -bass radiator/sealed bookshelf speaker with handles 53,800/pr
10" subwoofer, 6.5" plasticized bass/midrange
driver, and I" soft -dome tweeter. FR 26-25,000
Hz; power range 10-100 W; imp 6 ohms; cross- QUASAR
over frequencies 60 and 3,000 Hz. Black -ash, wal- SW99 2 -Way Speaker
nut -grain, or rosewood -grain finish. 24" h x 14" System impedance 4 ohms nominal. 6 ohms Bookshelf box speaker. Features 10-W/ch inter-
w x 9.25" d 5520/pr weighted average, 3.3 ohms min; sens 90 dB sm./ nal amp; 5.5" cone woofer; 2.5" cone tweeter. FR
Monitor 5B. Similar to 7C but 8" subwoofer and W/m; 100 W average 1,000 W peak into 4 ohms 35-20,000 Hz ± 10 dB; max power 10 W; imp 8
SL 2,000 tweeter. FR 31-25,000 Hz; power range for 250 ms repeated 10 times with 2 second inter- ohms; black; 7.28" w x 12.28" H x 8 16" d; 20
10-60 W; imp 4 ohms. 21.5" h x 10.5" w x 8.5" vals. FR 39-20,000 Hz ± 2 dB; THD <1% at 85 dB lb S200/pr
d S400/pr SPL $899/pr
SW30 Full -Range Speaker
Monitor 5Jr+ 3 -Way Speaker Bookshelf round -ball speaker designed for use as
Bookshelf speaker with I" SL 2,000 tweeter, 6.5" PSB SPEAKERS rear -channel speakers. Features 4" cone mid-
tri-laminate polymer bass/midrange driver, and by LINCOLNWOOD range. Includes stands. FR 150-20,000 Hz ± 10
6.5" fluid -coupled subwoofer. FR 29-26,000 Hz; All speakers are 2 -way, with 1" dome tweeters; imp dB; black. 6" diameter; 5.25 lb S50/pr
power range 10-100 W; imp 4 ohms. Black -ash, 8 ohms: long -throw woofers with aluminum voice
walnut -grain, or rosewood -grain vinyl fin- coil: acoustic Butterworth crossovers with air -core
ish S300/pr inductors and bipolar capacitors. RCA
SPK500 Dimensia 3 -Way Speaker
Monitor 4.5 2 -Way Speaker Stratus Tower Speaker Floor -standing bass -reflex speaker with Zero
Bookshelf speaker with 6.5" tri-laminate polymer 8" woofer with focused magnetic gap; cloth -dome Magnetic Distortion for placement next to video
bass/midrange driver, I" moving -coil highd-fre- tweeter; 2nd -order crossover at 1,800 Hz; light monitor. Features II" cross -carbon woofer; 4"
quency radiator, and isophere crossover. Features oak, dark oak, black wood finishes. Frequency re- pure carbon midrange; 1" titanium -alloy dome
cabinet and grille design to eliminate diffraction sponse 60-20,003 ± 2 dB; sensitivity 88 dB sPL/ tweeter. FR 28-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; max input pow-
effects. FR 30-25,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 10- 2.83 V/m; power range 15-150 W; 13.5" wide x er 160 W rms; imp 8 ohms. 12.75" w x 36" h x
100 W; max output 114 dB SPL; crossover fre- 29.75" high x 12.75" deep; 45.5 lb each 51,300/pr 12.5" d $549/pr


SPK400 Dimensia 3 -Way Speaker 7. Die-cast metal enclosure; long -excursion 4" measured at 1 meter. Dark walnut veneer finish;
Floor -standing acoustic -suspension speaker with woofer; I" soft -dome tweeter; deluxe crossover 16.7" w x 39.8" h x 16.3" d; 112 lb .. $3,200/pr
Zero Magnetic Distortion. Features 12" nylon - for smooth response without artificial peaks;
coated woofer; 4" resin -coated midrange; I" soft hanger slots and recessed spring connectors for Atrium MK -II 3 -Way Speaker
dome tweeter. FR 35-20,000 Hz t 3 dB; max in- wall mounting. Max power 40 W; 7.1" x 4.4" x Floor -standing bass -reflex speaker features 10.2"
put power 120 W rms; imp 8 ohms. 13.63" w x 4.3" $100/pr woofer; 4.8" midrange; 1" tweeter; screw -lock
24.25" h x 12.75" d $399/pr 25. 5" long -throw woofer; 2.5" tweeter; walnut connection terminals; fuse overload protection.
veneer. Maximum recommended power 40 W; Max power input 140 W continuous, 180 W peak;
SPK250 Dimensia 2 -Way Speaker 11" x 6.7" x 4.3" $60/pr imp 4 ohms; sens 91 dB sPL/W/m. Dark walnut
Acoustic -suspension speaker with Zero Magnetic 0.6. Powered speakers with 2.5" drivers for use veneer finish; 13.5" w x 33.6" h x 14.5" d; 84
Distortion. Features 8" polypropylene woofer; I" with portable CD players and pocket stereos; 8 C lb $2,000/pr
soft -dome tweeter. FR 45-20,000 Hz t 3 dB; max batteries needed; with case, strap, cable. 5.6"
input power 80 W rms; imp 8 ohms. 9.5" w x H $50/pr Plenum MK -II 3 -Way Speaker
15.63" h x 9.5" d $269/pr 18. 4" driver; spring terminals; walnut vinyl fin- 3 -way bass -reflex bookshelf speaker. Features
ish. 9.4" x 5.75" x 4.75" $44/pr 10.2" woofer; 4.5" midrange; I" tweeter; screw -
SPK050 Surround -Sound Speaker 3.5. Molded enclosure with steel grille; spring ter- lock connection terminals; fuse overload protec-
Full -range speaker with Zero Magnetic Distor- minals for attached cables. Maximum power 15 tion. Max power input 130 W continuous, 170 W
tion. Features 4" polypropylene cone; color -cod- W; 5.75" x 3.6" x 3.1" $40/pr peak; imp 4 ohms; sens 89 dB sPL/W/m. Dark
ed input terminals; pivoting mounting brackets. 2.5. 4" driver; walnut vinyl finish. Max power 10 walnut veneer finish; 13.7" w x 22.8" h x 13.4" d;
FR 200-15,000 Hz t 3 dB; max input power 50 W W; 6.6" x 4.9" x 3.1" $32/pr 55.2 lb $1,600/pr
rms. 7.13" w x 7.38" h x 7" d $149 3. 5" driver; walnut -vinyl finish. Max power 7 W;
10" x 8.5" x 5.5" $28/pr Forum MK -II 3 -Way Speaker
0.3. Cube speaker with 3" driver; walnut veneer. 3 -way bass -reflex bookshelf speaker. Features
REALISTIC Max power 7 W; 4" x 4" x 3.3" $26/pr 9.6" woofer; 3.9" midrange; 0.7" tweeter; screw -
Nominal imp of all Realistic speakers is 8 ohms. Mounting Brackets. For 7W and 7... $14.95/pr lock connection terminals; fuse overload protec-
Mounting Brackets. For 3.5 $9.95/pr tion. Max power input 110 W continuous, 150 W
Mach Two 3 -Way Speaker peak; imp 4 ohms; sens 88 dB sPL/W/m. Dark
Vented Ferrofluid-cooled speaker with 15" woof- Supertweeters walnut veneer finish; 13" w x 17.5" h a 13.4" d;
er, 5" cone midrange, 4" dual -radial superhorn Dynamic. Extends response to 40,000 Hz; mounts 36.8 lb $1,600/pr
tweeter; level controls for midrange and tweeter; in or outside speaker cabinet; maximum power 50
walnut veneer. Max power 160 W; sens 94 dB W; 4" H $22 Piccolo Miniature Speaker
SPL/W/m; 27.56" x 17.75" x 11.81" .. $500/pr Piezo. Extends response to 27,000 Hz. Max pow- Satellite speaker may be used with or without
er 75 W; sens 96 dB sFE/W/m $13 companion subwoofer. Satellites feature 4.19"
Nova 15 Speaker cone woofer; 0.75" dome tweeter. Subwoofer fea-
Walnut -veneered vented speaker with 2.5" tweet- tures 10.19" cone driver. FR 48-22,000 Hz t 3 dB;
er. Max power 60 W; 19" x 16.75" x 7.5"$160/pr
REVOX power range 20-70 W; sens 86 dB sPL/W/m; imp
Agora B Amplified Speaker 4 ohms; black finish. Satellite 5.5" w x 8.75" h x
MC -1800 Acoustic -Suspension Speaker Floor -standing triamplified active ported speaker 5.75" d, 5.5 Ib; subwoofer 15.36" w x 14.19" h x
Bookshelf speaker with 8" high -compliance woof- incorporating three 100 -watt amps with active di- 14.62" d, 32 lb. Satellites $350/pr
er and 2.5" wide -dispersion tweeter. FR 70- viding networks in each enclosure. Designed to be Subwoofer. $375 ea
20.000 Hz t 3 dB; max power 50 W rms; imp 8 driven from preamp or direct from high-level
ohms. Oiled -walnut finish. 10.9" W x 17.75" H x sources such as CD player. Features push-pull Studio 4 Acoustic -Suspension Speaker
6.9" D $120/pr dual -woofer design with one woofer facing into Compact speaker with black cabinet and metal
enclosure to eliminate even -order harmonic dis- grille. Features 9" cone woofer; 1.25" dome mid-
MC -800 2 -Way Bookshelf Speaker tortion. Two 8" cone woofers; 4.75" cone mid- range; 0.75" dome tweeter. FR 40-22,000 Hz t 3
6.5" woofer; 2.5" cone tweeter; removable cloth dB; power range 20-70 W; imp 4 ohms; 11.5" w x
grille; push -on speaker terminals. Max power 40 18.31" h x 11.62" d; 20.5 lb $600/pr
W. 13.5" a 8.88" x 5.31" $80/pr

40-165 Mini Speakers

2.5" square drivers; attached cable with mini plug Twenty -One Infinite -Baffle Speaker
for portable CD players and pocket stereos. Max Floor -standing speaker with custom-built drivers
power I W; 3.6" x 2.9" x 1.75" $20/pr designed to have the speed of electrostatics. Fea-
tures two 8" cone woofers; 1.5" cone tweeter. FR
40-155 Stereo Mini Speaker 30-22,000 Hz t 3 dB; min power 20 W; sens 92.5
Single enclosure with 2 1.5" drivers; mini plug for dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms. 19" w x 31.5" h x 9"
portable CD players and pocket stereos. 3.12" x d; 54 lb. Mahogany finish $1,695/pr
3.25" a 1.25" $10
Eleven 2 -Way Speaker
Optimus Speakers Floor -standing speaker with 8" cone woofer, 1.5"
1000. Floor -standing bass -reflex tuned -port cone tweeter. Custom-built drivers designed to
speaker with 15" high -compliance woofer, 5" have speed of electrostatics. FR 40-22,000 Hz t 3
midrange, 3" tweeter. FR 50-20,000 Hz t 3 dB; dB; min power 20 W; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m; imp
max power 100 W rms; sens 92 dB sPL/W/m; 8 ohms; 12" w x 21" h x 11" d; 36 lb. Mahogany
imp 8 ohms. Oiled -walnut finish. 17.3" W x 31.8" finish $795/pr
H x 11.6" D; 44 lb $400/pr
900. Floor -standing bass -reflex tuned -port speak- range; 0.75" titanium -dome tweeter. Low -fre-
er with 12" high -compliance woofer, 4" mid- quency amp utilizes feedback to compensate for
range, 2.5" Ferrofluid tweeter. FR 50-20,000 Hz back-EMF. Also features 4 -step bass and treble All Rockustics speakers are designed with an in-
t 3 dB; max power 100 W rms; sens 90 dB sFt./ controls; bass -blend switch; auto power on/off. divdually hand-crafted natural -look stone enclo-
W/m; imp 8 ohms. Oiled -walnut finish. 14" W x FR 30-21,000 Hz t 3 dB; sens 110 dB sPL/W/m;
29.75" H x 10.88" D; 33 lb $300/pr real walnut veneer finish with brown grille or pol-
600. Bass -reflex speaker; 8" woofer; 4" midrange; ished ebony finish with black grille. 16.75" w x
2.5" cone tweeter; removable cloth grille; recessed 29" h x 16.75" d; 68 lb $4,000/pr
color -coded spring -loaded terminals. Max power Black lacquer finish $4,400/pr
70 W; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m. Oiled walnut ve-
neer $200/pr Symbol MK -II 3 -Way Speaker
Floor -standing speaker with 12.2" passive radia-
Minimus Speakers tor. Features 12.2" woofer; 4.8" midrange; 1"
7W. Walnut -veneer mini speaker with 4" woofer; tweeter; screw -lock connection terminals; fuse
1" soft -dome tweeter; removable cloth grille; overload protection. Max power input 200 W
spring terminals. Max power 40 W; 8" x 5" x continuous, 300 W peak; imp 4 ohms; sensitivity
4" $120/pr 92 dB sound -pressure level with input of 1 watt


sure to blend into outdoor landscaping. Rockustics S-V929U 4 -Way Speaker range 5-85 W rms; sens 92 dB sPL/W/m; 9.5" w
speakers are completely water- and weather-proof Floor -standing magnetically shielded speaker for x 18" h x 7.6" d $160/pr
for outdoor applications and feature positive, nega- audio/video use. Features 12" cone passive radia- S62. Similar to S82 except 6.5" woofer and max
tive. and ground connection terminals. tor; 12" cone woofer; 4" cone midrange; 2.5" power 70 W $140/pr
Stonehenge. 3 -way speaker with 8" woofer, 5.4" cone tweeter. FR 29-22,000 Hz ± 3 dB; max pow-
midrange, and 1" dome tweeter. FR 54-18,500 Hz er 160 W nns; sens 92 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms.
± 3 dB; power handling 150 W; imp 4 ohms; sens Simulated wood -grain finish. 15.25" w x 41" h x
90 dB seL/W/m. 85 lb $1,500/pr 11" d; 48 lb $600/pr All SDM speakers are bass reflex, with 5" cone
Hillside. 3 -way speaker with 8" woofer, 5.4" mid- midrange, 1" horn tweeters, crossovers at 2,000
range, and I" dome tweeter. FR 54-18,500 Hz ± 3 S-V828U 4 -Way Speaker and 5.000 Hz, nominal impedances of 8 ohms,
dB; power handling 150 W; imp 4 ohms; sens 90 Floor -standing magnetically shielded speaker for minimum impedances of 4 ohms, in walnut or
dB sm/W/m. 120 lb $1,500/pr audio/video use. Features 10" cone passive radia- black vinyl with black knit grilles
Rocky Jr. 2 -way speaker with 6.5" long -throw tor; 10" cone woofer; 4" cone midrange; 2.5"
polypropylene -cone woofer, 1". soft -dome ferro- cone tweeter. FR 32-22,000 Hz ± 3 dB; max pow- Monitor Three Speaker
fluid-cooled tweeter, and third -order crossover er 160 W rms; sens 91 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms. 12' woofer. FR 25-22,000 Hz ± 3 dB; sens 98 dB
(3,000 Hz). FR 58-18,500 Hz ± 2.5 dB; impedance Simulated wood -grain finish. 13" w x 37.44" h x SPL/W/m; power range 15-125 W; 26" a 15" x
5 ohms nominal, 3.7 ohms minimum; sensitivity 11" d; 41 lb $460/pr 12"; 33 lb each $600/pr
90 dB sPL/W/m $650/pr
S -1000U 3 -Way Speaker Monitor Two Speaker
ROKSAN ENGINEERING Features 12" cone woofer; 4" cone midrange; 3" 10" woofer. FR 30-22,000 Hz ± 3 dB; sens 97 dB
cone tweeter. Built in self -restoring overload pro- SPL/W/m; power range 10-112 W; 24" x 14" x
Darius Speaker with Integral Stand tector. FR 32-22,000m. max power 160/w; sens 9". 29 lb each 5500/pr
2 -way infinite -baffle speaker with dedicated cage 91 dB sPL/w/m; imp 8 ohms. 15.25" w x 37.5" h
frame on spike feet that clamps cabinet at 8 nodal x 11" d; 391b $350/pr Monitor One Speaker
points; all panels of 1" Medite with mitred joints; 8" woofer. FR 35-22.000 Hz ± 3 dB; sens 96 dB
tweeter mounted on minibaffie suspended on S-V727U 4 -Way Speaker SPL/W/m; power range 10-100 W; 23" x 12" x
springs from main cabinet (desiged to resonate at Floor -standing magnetically shielded speaker for 9"; 29 lb each 5400/pr
frequency well below tweeter's range) for isola- audio/video use. Features 10" cone passive radia-
tion from woofer and cabinet effects; can be used tor; 8" cone woofer; 4" cone midrange; 2" cone
away from walls, angled in at approximately 90'; tweeter. FR 30-22,000 Hz ± 3 dB; max power 65 SHAHINIAN ACOUSTICS
separate crossover. Cabinet 16" x 18.5" x 10.5"; W rms; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms. Simu- Obelisk 3 Speaker
stand 17.5" x 38" x 13". lated wood -grain finish. 13" w x 34" h x 10.25" d; Folded doable -prism 50" hybrid transmission line
Rosewood $3,500/pr 28.5 lb $320/pr speaker with 8" asymetrically placed high tem-
White ash $3,030/pr perature voice coil, poly woofer, 10" mass -load-
Walnut $2,900/pr ed -membrane viscous -damped polypropylene pas-
Black ash $2,750/pr SCOTT sive radiator, 2 1.36" cambric ultra -light exposed
Crossover 5265 All Scott speakers use acoustic -suspension enclo- dome midranges, 4 0.36" "W" -shaped polymid-
sures with PVA-coated woofers. dome tweeters. Imp 4 ohms nominal; min power
SANSUI 50 W; maL power 500 W. Walnut and oak stan-
S12T6 Multidirectional Speaker dard finishes; optional finishes available. 29" h x
XL -500C 4 -Way Speaker Floor -standing 3 -way 6 -driver speaker with 12" 14.5" w x 12.5" d 55 lb $1,750/pr
Floor -standing passive -radiator tower speaker. woofer, 2 4.5" ferrofluid-cooled midranges (I
Features ported enclosure; polypropylene mica front, I top), 3 1.75" ferrofluid-cooled tweeters (I ARC 3 -Way Speaker
and carbon midrange (PM -C); 12" passive rad; front, 2 top); oak -vinyl finish. FR 42-20,000 ± 4 Vertical transmission -line speaker with time -
12" TCCF cone woofer; 4.75" cone midrange; 2" dB; power range 15-175 W rms; sens 92 dB sPt./ aligned phase -correct driver placement. 8" high
dome tweeter; 0.62" dome supertweeter. Max W/m; 16.5" w x 31.2" h x 10.7- d $480/pr temperature voice coil; polypropylene woofer;
power 320 W; sens 93 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms. SIOT5. Similar to S12T6 except 10" woofer, 5 10" mass -loaded -membrane viscous -damped pas-
Available in walnut finish. 15" w x 40.56" h x 13" drivers, max power 150 W $400/pr sive radiator; 1.36" cambric ultra -light exposed
d; 55 lb $1,320/pr done tweeter; imp 4 ohms nominal; min power
5153 Floor -Standing 3 -Way Speaker 30 W; max power 350 W; natural, medium or
XL -300 4 -Way Speaker 15" woofer, 4.5" ferrofluid-cooled midrange, dark oak finish on 0.75" fiberboard. 27.5" h x 14"
Floor -standing speaker. Features ported enclo- 1.75" ferrofluid-cooled tweeter. FR 40-20,000 Hz w x 9.75" d; 42 lb $1,050/pr
sure; 3 -step level control; 10.5" TCCF cone woof- ± 4 dB; power range 15-175 W rms; sensitivity 91
er; 4.75" PC -M cone midrange; 2" dome tweeter; dB sPL/W/m; 18.75" wide x 33" high x II" deep; Lyre 3 -Way Speaker
0.62" dome supertweer. Max power 270 W; sens 45 lb $400/pr Lamb's -wool -filled plastic isolation chamber for
92 dB sPL/W/m; impedance 8 ohms. Available in S123. Similar to above except 12" woofer and 5.25" Poly/Hybrid curved cone midrange. 8"
walnut finish. 15" w x 31.12" h x 9.06" d; 46.2 max power 150 W $330/pr Poly/Hybrid curved textured cone woofer with
lb 51,000/pr 1.5' Hi -temp voice coil; 1" Polyamide dome
Audiophile One 2 -Way Speaker tweeter; 10" passive radiator. FR 30-18,00 Hz -3
XL -100 3 -Way Speaker Bookshelf speaker with 3 -way binding posts; pas- dB. Dark or light oak veneer; 23.50" h x 11.75" w
Floor -standing bass -reflex speaker. Features port- sive tweeter protection; air -core crossover coils; x 11.75" d: 43 lb 5850/pr
ed enclosure; 3 -step level control; 10.5" TCCF 6.5" woofer; 1" textile soft -dome tweeter. FR 55-
(tri-composite carbon -fiber) cone woofer; 4.75" 22.000 Hz ±4 dB; power range 15-150 W rms; Elf 2 -Way Speaker
PC -M cone midrange; 2" dome tweeter. Max sens 90 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms. Oak -vinyl fin- Forward firing small monitor with tuned -damped
power 200 W; sens 91 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms. ish. 9.2" w x 14.75" h x 7.12" d 5300/pr vent enclosure. 5.25" polypropylene woofer with
Available in walnut finish. 14.75" w x 26.56" h x rubber edge; 1" polypropylene -dome tweeter. FR
12.81" d; 28.7 lb $850/pr S103 3 -Way Bookshelf Speaker 55-18,000Hz -3 dB; imp 6 ohms nominal; min
10" woofer; ferrofluid-cooled 4.5" midrange; power 25 W; max power 150 W. Natural medium
S -5000U 4 -Way Speaker 1.75" center -mounted ferrofluid-cooled tweeter; or dark oak finish. 12.5" h x 6.62" w x 7 75" d; 25
Floor -standing speaker features 12" cone woofer; hickory -vinyl finish. FR 45-20,000 ± 4 dB; power lb/pr 5375/pr
5" cone ferrofluid midrange; I" dome tweeter range 10-100 W rms; sens 92 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8
with ferrofluid; 0.50" dome supertweeter with ohms; 11.75" w x 21.75" h x 9" d $230/pr Subwoofers
ferrofluid. Max power 200 W; sens 91 dB/w/m;
imp 8 ohms. 16" w x 41" h x 11" d; 481b$850/pr. S82 2 -Way Bookshelf Speaker Contra Bontharde Subwoofer
S -3000U. Similar to S -5000U except does not 8" woofer; 1.75" ferrofluid-cooled tweeter; hicko- Twin conical slot -loaded -horn subwoofer with
have 0.50" dome supertweeter $700/pr ry -vinyl finish. FR 55-20,000 Hz ± 4 dB; power both channels incorporated in common enclosure
each having folded -horn path. Two 8" polypro-
S -2000U 3 -Way Speaker pylene rubber -edged high temperature voice coil
3 -way design with passive radiator. Features 12" woofers; FR 16-1,000 Hz -3 dB; imp 6 ohms
cone woofer; 4" cone midrange; 3" cone tweeter; For explanations of abbreviations, nominal/ch; max power short duration peaks
12" cone passive radiator. Max power 160 W; specifications, and technical terms, 1,000 W. Walnut finish on0.75" Finland Birch.
sens 92 dB/W/m; imp 8 ohms. 15.25" w x 41" H consult the glossary on page 221. Optional finishes available. 35" h x 27.5" w x
X II" 13; 44 lb 5526/pr 18.5" d; 180 lb $850/ea

STFIREO BtivERs Gun* 1988 175

Double Eagle Stereo Subwoofer cal to reference speaker. Features 10" mass -load- ± 3 dB; sens 89 dB sPi./W/m; imp 8 ohms;
Stereo subwoofer in one enclosure with acousti- ed dynamically balanced long -throw high -power 16.06" x 20.75" x 14.5"; 43.5 lb ea; rosewood or
cally separated channels. Two 8" polypropylene woofer; 5" cone midrange; 0.75" low -mass poly- walnut veneers $1,700/pr
rubber -edged high -temperature voice coil woof- mer -dome tweeter; 0.75" low -mass polymer -dome
ers; two 10" mass -loaded -membrane viscous supertweeter. Dual gold-plated inputs for biwir- OA -51 2 -Way Speaker
damped polypropylene passive radiators. FR 26- ing or biamping with or without electronic cross- Bass -reflex (tuned to 38 Hz) speaker with 7"
1,0000 Hz -3 dB; crossover 18 dB built in at 140 over. Hand -sanded hand -rubbed matched oak or woofer and 1" dome tweeter. FR 32-20,000 Hz
Hz; imp 6 ohms nominal/ch; max power short walnut veneers. FR 24-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power ± 3 dB; sens 88 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms.
duration peaks 1,000 W. Walnut finish on Fin- range 80-400 W rms; sens 86 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 16.94" x 11.88" a 10.88"; 28.5 lb ea; rosewood or
land birch. Optional finishes available 30" h x ohms. 44" h x 14.75" w x 12.75" d. Oak$1,800/pr walnut veneers $1,000/pr
23" w x 14" d; 105 lb $850/ea Walnut $1,890/pr
OA -50 2 -Way Speaker
Type E/II 3 -Way Speaker Bass -reflex (tuned to 30 Hz) speaker with 6.5"
SIGNET Floor -standing bass -reflex speaker with 8" poly- woofer and I" dome tweeter. FR 28-20,000 Hz
SL -100 Definitive Image Speaker mer -treated woofer, I" soft -dome tweeter, and ul- ± 3 dB; sens 89 dB sPt./W/m; imp 8 ohms; 14.5"
Floor -standing bass -reflex speaker with Ferra- tra -low -mass 0.75" ferrofluid-cooled rear -loaded x 18.31" x 12.44"; 33.5 Ib; walnut, black, and oak
lipse, wide -dispersion frequency invariant acous- dome supertweeter designed for flat early -arrival veneers $800
tic lens to provide dispersion greater than 120° at of sound and accuracy of listening room response.
20,000 Hz. Phase coherent for better imaging. Hand -adjusted crossover for specific drivers as-
Features 10" long -throw cone woofer; 3" sures acoustic performance virtually identical to SONOGRAPHE
reference speaker. Dual gold-plated inputs allow By CONRAD-JOHNSON
biwiring or biamping. Features rear -loaded port SL 21 Mini -Monitor Satellite Speaker
for optimim low -frequency room loading. Hand - Vented; 6.5" polyproylene woofer; 1" dome
sanded, hand -rubbed matching oak or walnut ve- tweeter; golden oak cabinet with brown grille. FR
neers. FR 39-22,000 Hz ± 1.75 dB; imp 8 ohms; 52-20,000 Hz ± 2 dB; power range 10-80 W; sens
sens 93 dB sPL/W/m; power range 15-150 W 90 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 10.5" w x 14.5" h
rms. 33" h x 14" w x I1" d. Oak $960/pr x 10.5" d $695/pr
Walnut $990/pr
SW 1000 Stereo Subwoofer
Type Q 2 -Way Speaker 2 side-finng magnetically shielded 10" woofers in
Bookshelf speaker designed for stand placement. golden oak cabinet. FR 25-110 Hz ± 2 dB; power
Each speaker is individually adjusted to match range 10-200 W; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8
reference speaker within fraction of dB. Features ohms; 36" w x 19.5" h x 18" d $849/ea
6.5" polypropylene cone woofer; I" rear -firing SW 500. Same as SW 1000 except mono, with I
textile -dome tweeter; flush grille to eliminate dif- 10" woofer; 18" x 19.5" x 18" $595/ea
fraction. Crossover frequency 2,200 Hz. Hnad-
sanded and rubbed matched pairs in oak or wal-
nut veneers. 10.5" w x 15.5" h x 6.75" d$780/pr SONY
Type Q Stand. Speaker stand designed for use APM-66ES 3 -Way Speaker
with Type Q speakers. Can be mass loaded with Bass -reflex speaker with APM (Accurate Pistonic
sand or lead and incorporate spikes on the bot- Motion) driver technology that incorporates
tom. Oak or walnut veneer. 32" h $ I 20/pr light, rigid, flat -diaphragm deisgn. Features 66
sq-in APM woofer; 7.4 sq-in APM midrange; 1.4
Type J/II 2 -Way Speaker sq-in APM tweeter; built-in circuit breaker for
Bookshelf bass -reflex speaker designed to maxi- tweeter protection; heavy-duty cabinet construc-
mize accuracy of early arrival sound and listening tion with rounded edges. Includes speaker cord.
soft -dome midrange; two I" soft -dome tweeters. room response. Hand -adjustment of crossover FR 30-30,000 Hz; sens 89 dB sPL/W/m; power
FR 40-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; min power 25 W/rms; values for specific drivers assures acoustic perfor- capacity 100 W nominal, 200 W peak; nominal
max power 200 W/rms; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m; mance virtually identical to reference speaker. imp 6 ohms; crossover frequencies 600 and 4,500
imp 8 ohms. 12.68" w x 35.83" h x 15.81" d; 66 Features 8" polymer -treated curvalinear cone Hz. 15" w x 26" h x 14.38" d $1,100/pr
lb $1,450/pr woofer; I" soft -dome tweeter; dual gold-plates in-
puts for optional biwiring and biamping. Hand - APM-22ES 2 -Way Speaker
SNELL ACOUSTICS sanded, hand -rubbed oak or walnut veneers. Sens Bass -reflex speaker with APM (Accurate Pistonic
92 dB sPL/W/m; power rnage 15- 150 W rms; FR
Type A/III 4 -Way Speaker 49-22,000 Hz ± 2 dB; imp 8 ohms. 23" h x 13" w
Floor -standing acoustic -suspension speaker with x 10" d; 38 lb. Oak $650/pr
curved baffle to eliminate diffraction, mechanical- Walnut $680/pr
ly isolated midrange enclosure, floor -loaded Type J Stand. Speaker stand designed for use
woofer, and rear -loaded supertweeter for accurate with Type J speakers. Can be mass loaded with
room response. Hand -adjustment of crossover sand or lead and incorporate spikes on the bot-
values for specific drivers assures acoustic perfor- tom. Oak or walnut veneer $98/pr
mance virtually identical to reference speaker.
Features 12" high -power long -excursion mass - Type K 2 -Way Speaker
loaded mechanically isolated cone woofer; 5" me- Bookshelf acoustic -suspension peaker with 8"
chanically -isolated cone midrange; 1" individual- polymer -treated curvalinear cone woofer and
ly adjusted controlled -dispersion dome tweeter; 0.75" ferrofluid-cooled soft -dome tweeter. De-
0.75" low -mass ferrofluid-cooled dome su- signed for accuracy of both early -arrival scund
pertweeter. Dual gold-plated inputs allow biwir- and listen -room power response. Hand -adjusted
ing or biamping with or without electronic cross- crossover values for specific drivers assures
over. FR 24-26,000 Hz ± 3 dB, 38-18,000 Hz ± 1 acoustic performance virtually identical to refer-
dB; power range 80-400 W rms; imp 4 ohms. ence speaker. Dual inputs for optional biwiring or
Hand -sanded, hand -rubbed matching oak or wal- biamping. Oak, walnut, or black veneers. Imp 8
nut veneers. 23.5" w x 50.75" h x 14" d; 148 lb. ohms; sens 90 dB sPt./W/m; power range 10- 100
Oak $4,680/pr W rms. 18" h x II" w x 9" d. Oak S430/pr
Walnut $4,490/pr Walnut $450/pr
Type K Stand. Speaker stand designed for Type
Type C-i 4 -Way Speaker K speakers. Oak or walnut veneer $93/pr
Floor -standing acoustic -suspension sloped mir-
ror -imaged speaker with midrange and tweeter
baffle and rear -loaded supertweeter for optimum
SONAB by AUDIOSOURCE Motion) driver technology that incorporates a
room response and flat early -arrival sound. OA -52 2 -Way Speaker light, rigid, flat -diaphragm design. Features 45
Hand -adjusted crossover values for specific driv- Bass -reflex (tuned to 30 Hz) speaker with 7" sq-in APM woofer; 1.4 sq-in APM tweeter; circuit
ers assures acoustic performance virtually identi- woofer and I" dome tweeter. FR 27-20,000 Hz breaker for tweeter protection; heavy-duty cabi-

176 STEgi-A) B1'11.125' Gt 11)1. 19S1i

net construction with rounded edges. Includes woofer and 1" dome tweeter. FR 50-20,000 Hz 208A Stand -Mount Speaker
speaker cord. FR 40-20,000 Hz; sens 88 dB am/ ©3 dB; power range 10-70 W rms; sens 93 dB Thiele -optimized bass -reflex speaker designed for
W/m; power capacity 80 W nominal, 160 W SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; walnut or black vinyl; floor placement on special stands. 8" cone woof-
peak; nominal imp 6 ohms; crossover frequency 20 lbs each; 9.5" W x 15.9" H x 9.25" DS250/pr er; 1.5" cone tweeter; 0.5" aluminum dome tweet-
2,000 Hz. 11.5" w a 20.38" h a 12.62" dS500/pr er; finished in walnut vinyl. Power range 10-100
W; FR 38-20,000 ± 3 dB; sens 91 dB spL/W/m;
SPECTRUM LOUDSPEAKERS 33 lb ea; 14.5" w x 25.5" h x 10.5" d $395/pr
SOTA INDUSTRIES Model 410 2 -Way Speaker 208AB. Black, pebble -grain vinyl $395/pr
Simile 2 -Way Speaker Floor -standing Thiele -aligned bass -reflex speaker 208A0. Oak veneer $495/pr
2 -way slot -loaded speaker with passive radiator. with plastic -impregnated 10" composite matrix Black lacquered stands S59/pr
7" woofer, I" tweeter. FR 45-22,000 Hz -3 dB; cone woofer; 1" dome tweeter with acoustic imp
sens 91 dB W/m; crossover, staggered ploes, bass transformer. FR 18-22,000 Hz; min power 30 W 108A Bookshelf Speaker
filter at 1,000 Hz, high-pass filter at 3,000 Hz; rms; max power 250 W rms; sens 89 dB sPL/W/ Theile-optimized bass -reflex speaker. Features 8"
16.25" h a 12" w a 11.5" d at base; top 9" w x 7" m. Natural oak or walnut finish. 14.5" w x 38.5" cone woofer; 1.5" cone tweeter with aluminum
d; cherry finish $1,295 h x 11.75" d; 59 lbs $749/pr dome tweeter. FR 48-20,000 Hz ± 4 dB; min
Ebony, rosewood $1,495

Enigma Dipole Subwoofer
Free-standing enclosureless single -source moving -
coil subwoofer with electronic crossovers and all
More than
cables. Features fail-safe over -excursion protec-
tion device; 2 self-contained signal generators; ac-
tive 3rd -order (18 dB/octave) electronic cross-
just a
overs with FET/polystyrene highpass and FET/
polycarbonate lowpass design; straight -through
(no switch contacts or controls) highpass and
gold Tiffany input and output jacks; internal -sys-
tem polarity testing; 1" solid rock -maple speaker
frame; front -panel switch for before/after com-
a complete
paring; optional 450-W MOSFET drive amp. Min
power 50 W; max power 600 W continuous, 1,200
W pulses; sens 88 dB sPL/W/m at 50 Hz; imp 6
ohms min. Solid exotic hardwood finish. Without
amp $2,495 ea
1500 Concert Monitor
Computer -tuned 2 -way bass -reflex, mirror -im-
aged pairs with matched parts. 1" horn -loaded
soft -dome tweeter with free-floating dome sus-
pension; 15" woofer with high -gauss linear forced SIGNET
motor and epoxy potting. FR 28-23,000 Hz ± 3 SL -100
dB; sens 102 dB sPL/W/m; min power 20 W;
max power 250 W; imp 8 ohms. 34.75" x 18" x
16"; 90 lbs ea; walnut grain vinyl; base at-
tached 5900/pr The Ferrallipse Acoustic Lens
700 Concert Monitor
combines and focuses the output
Computer -tuned 2 -way bass -reflex mirror -imaged Many speakers offer a reasonable of two precision 1" high frequency
pairs with matched parts. 1" horn -loaded soft - illusion of simple left -right stereo. transducers to achieve truly uni-
dome tweeter with free-floating suspension; 12" And some can also provide well- form 120° dispersion coupled with
woofer with high -gauss linear forced motor and
epoxy potting. FR 32-23,000 Hz ± 3 dB; sens 101 balanced, full -range sound. But the uncommonly high power handling
dB sPL/W/m; min power 15 W; max power 200 new SL -100 loudspeaker system from capacity.
W; nominal impedance 8 ohms. 27.75" x 14.36" x Signet goes a significant step further. Before you select a speaker system,
12"; 45 lbs ea; walnut grain vinyl; with 10"
stands $700/pr It reaches beyond the speakers' visit your Signet dealer. Bring your
physical location to precisely most demanding analog or digital
500 Concert Monitor recreate the spatial dimensions of recordings, and your memories of
Computer -tuned 2 -way bass -reflex mirror -imaged
pairs with matched parts. 1" horn -loaded soft - the original recording. how music really sounds. Then sit
dome tweeter with free-floating suspension; 10" This three-dimensional accuracy down, relax, and close your eyes.
high -gauss plastic -coated woofer. FR 34-23,000 is achieved by a patented break- You'll be transported by a remarkably
Hz ± 3 dB; sens 98.5 dB sPL/W/m; min power 10
W; max power 200 W; imp 8 ohms. 23.36" x through in directivity control: the convincing sonic illusion. The new
12.12" x 11.88"; 38 lbs each; walnut grain vinyl; Ferrallipse Acoustic Lens.* A remark- Definitive Image Loudspeaker,
with 10" stands 5500/pr able dual -ellipsoid sonic reflector, only from Signet.
100 Concert Monitor
it was originally presented to the Ferrallipse. is a registered trademark of
Phase Coherent Audio, Inc.
Computer -tuned 2 -way bass -reflex mirror -imaged scientific community at the Audio
pairs with matched parts. 1" horn -loaded soft - Engineering Society Convention on
dome tweeter with free-floating suspension; 6"
high -gauss plastic -coated woofer. FR 38-23,000
Hz ± 3 dB; sens 96 dB sPL/W/m; min power 5
W; max power 150 W; imp 8 ohms. 16.75" x 9" x
9.5"; 20 lbs each; walnut grain vinyl; with 26"
October 14,1985. A reprint of the AES
paper is available on written request.
The Signet SL -100 loudspeaker is its
first commercial audio application.
4701 Hudson Drive, Stow, OH 44224
stands 5300/pr

100S Mk II Bookshelf Speaker

Bass -reflex speaker with 6.5" polypropylene cone


power 10 W, max 100 W; sens 92 dB sPL/W/m: netic -field motor structure for driver. Fea- pairs with same finish options as Sigma $1,495/pr
imp 8 ohms; furniture -grade walnut -vinyl finish, tures built-in 1,000-W PWM digital -switching
30 lbs/pr; 11.5" w x 14.5" h x 9.0" d $249/pr amp. Solid I" butcher -block oak top. FR 20-120
108AB. Black pebble -grain vinyl $249/pr Hz t 1 dB: max power 1,000 W; sens 91 dB sPt./
108A0. Oak veneer $319/pr W/m; imp 8 ohms. 27.5" w x 22" h x 18" d; 100
lb $1,249 ea Reference Speaker System
Without built-in amp $649 ea 5 -piece system with 2 subwoofer columns (each
SPICA with 2 10" woofers), 2 midrange/high-frequency
Angelus Floor -Standing Speaker Opus Two 2 -Way Speaker units (with 7" midranges, 1" dome tweeters, leaf
Mirror imaged speaker system with 8" plastic Floor -standing acoustic -suspension speaker with supertweeter; golden oak with radiused solid -
cone bass/mid driver, 1" soft dome tweeter, com- 6.5" treated -cone woofer, 1" composite -dome hardwood edges; active electronic crossover sup-
puter optimized crossover, built in adjustable tweeter with copper -clad aluminum voice coil. plied. FR 22-32,000 Hz t 2 dB; power range 10-
spikes. FR 45-17,500 Hz t 3 dB (90-15,000 Hz Features symmetrical magnetic -field woofer de- 250 W; sens 91 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; sub -
t 1.5 dB); crossover 3,400 Hz (-6 dB); recom- sign with copper -clad pole piece for reduced 2nd - woofer columns 14" w x 69" h x 14" d; satellites
mended power 50-200 W; imp 8 ohms: 21" w x 10" w x 44" h x 10" d $6,800/system
46" h x 10.25" d; 57 Ib; walnut finish $975/pr
oak finish $900/pr LM 310 Floor -Standing 3 -Way Speaker
10" woofer; 7" midrange; I" dome tweeter; oak
TC-50 Bookshelf Speaker cabinet with radiused solid hardwood edges. FR
Acoustic -suspension bookshelf speaker with tri- 25-20,000 Hz t 2 dB; power range 10-200 W;
angular shape allowing system to be within 15' of sensitivity 91 dB sPL/W/m; impedance 8 ohms;
absolute phase from 350-5,000 Hz. Features 6" 70 lb $2,950/pr
cone woofer, 1" dome tweeter. FR 58-14,000 Hz
t 3 dB; power range 25-50 W, 100 W peak; sens LM 300 Floor -Standing 3 -Way Speaker
83 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms; 13" w x 15.55" h x 10" woofer; 7" midrange; I" dome tweeter; oak
11.75" d; 21 lb/ea. Oak or walnut veneer$450/pr finish with cream, brown, or black grille. FR 32-
20,000 Hz t 2 dB; power range 10-100 W; sens
Servo Subwoofer 91 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 13.75" w x 44" h x
Floor -standing sealed -box subwoofer with servo 14.5" d; 70 lb $2,450/pr
amplifier. Features 8" with 1" peak -to -peak ex-
cursion woofer; 50 W rms min amp; servo feed- order harmonic distortion; imp -matching conju- LM 260 floor -Standing 2 -Way Speaker
back system; crossover. System resonance/Q 30 gate crossover network with extremely low group Ported; 8" polypropylene woofer; 1" dome tweet-
Hz, total Q 0.5; low freq extension -3 dB at 25 delay (± 0.2 ms from 100-20,000 Hz); solid -oak er; oak cabinet with radiused solid -hardwood
Hz; input imp 110 kilohms open, 10 kilohms I in- end caps. FR 42-24,000 Hz +0, -3 dB min power edges. FR 41-20,000 Hz t 2 dB; power range 10-
put shorted. 17.5" w x 14.5" h x 15.88 d; 47 lb; 35 W rms; max power 250 W rms; sens 85 dB 100 W; sens 91 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; 12 w x
oak or walnut veneer $595/ea sPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms. Oak or piano -finish 39.5 h x Ild; 50Ib $1,595/pr
black. 10.5" w x 39" h x 5" d; 20 lb ... $699/pr
Opus Three. Bookshelf version of Opus Two. M 250 Floor -Standing 2 -Way Speaker
SPL 10.25" w x 17.5" h x 9.75" d; 16 lb ... $649/pr Ported speaker with 8" cone woofer and 1" dome
All SPL speakers have dome tweeters. nominal im- tweeter; oak finish with cream, brown, or black
pedance of 8 ohms, with minimum impedance of 6 grille. FR 42-20,000 Hz t 2 dB; power range 10-
ohms, in black -ash vinyl with black knit grilles.
SYMDEX 80 W; sens 91 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms. 10.63"
Epsilon Floor -Standing Speaker w x 33.75" h x 11.12" d; 45 lb $1,185/pr
4000 Bass -Reflex Speaker Sealed -box speaker with modular phase -linear
2 10" woofers; I" tweeter; crossover at 2,200 Hz. crossovers. Features time -aligned drivers; polpro- LM 210 Floor -Standing 2 -Way Speaker
FR 25-22,000 Hz t 3 dB; sens 98 dB sPL/W/m; pylene capacitors in crossover; 10" cone woofer; Ported speaker with 6.5" polypropylene woofer;
power range 20-150 W; 43" x 13" x 16"; 65 lb 6.5" cone midrange; I" soft -dome tweeter. Power I" dome tweeter; oak cabinet with radiused solid -
each $900/pr range 50-250 W; sens 85 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 hardwood edges. FR 46-20,000 Hz t 2 dB; power
ohms; 13" w x 48.5" h x 13" d; 110 Ib; black cloth range 10-80 W; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8
3000 Bass -Reflex Speaker with oak or black top plate; computer -matched ohms; 10.5" w x 33.5" h x 10.5" d $950/pr
2 8" woofers; 1" tweeter; crossover at 2,200 Hz. pairs $1,795/pr
FR 30-22,000 Hz t 3 dB; sens 96.6 dB sPL/W/m;
power range 15-125 W; 37" x 12" x 16"; 52 lb Sigma S Speaker
each $700/pr Acoustic -suspension speaker with 6.5" bextrene Prestige Series
cone woofer and 1" soft cambric dome tweeter. Westminster. Floor -standing dual -concentric
2000 Passive Radiator Speaker Features physically time -aligned drivers; movable speaker with Sync -Source Time Alignment; com-
8" woofer; I" tweeter; crossover at 2,200 Hz. FR track -mounted tweeter; linear -phase crossover pound horn enclosure; 15" cone woofer; 2" com-
35-22,000 Hz t 3 dB; sens 95 dB sPL/W/m; pow- network; new crossover network and internal pression -horn tweeter. FR 18-20,000 Hz t 2 dB;
er range 10-100 W; 33" x 12" x 9"; 33 lb wire by Randall Research; cut -away cabinetry for min power 10 W; max power 200 W; sens 96 dB
each $500/pr min diffraction; 2 sets of input terminals for bi- SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms. 43" w x 59" h x 28" d;
wiring. FR 60-20,000 Hz t 1 dB; 10" w x 22" h x 253 lbs each. Walnut finish $10,000/pr
1000 Bass -Reflex Speaker 6" d; black -lacquer formica, walnut with black Guy R. Foundation Memory. Floor -standing
2 5.25" woofers; 0.75" tweeter; crossover at 3,000 grilles; matched pairs $995/pr dual -concentric speaker with Sync -Source Time
Hz. FR 40-20,000 Hz t 3 dB; sens 90 dB sPL/W/ Alignment; quadruple -ducted -port enclosure; 15"
m; power range 10-75 W; 21" x 10" x 12"; 26 lb Gamma 2 -Way Speaker cone woofer; 2" compression -horn tweeter. FR
each $400/pr Acoustic suspension speaker with I" cambric soft 29-20,000 Hz t 2 dB; min power 10 W; max pow-
dome tweeter, 6.5" bextrene sandwhich individ- er 203 W; sens 95 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms. 31"
ually damped woofer. FR 60-20,000 Hz; crossover w x 43" h x 19" d; 136 lbs each. Walnut fin-
STILLWATER DESIGNS 1st order , Bi-wire capability; High -Q air -core ish $6,800/pr
Hideaways Surround Sound Speaker coils; polypropylene capacitors; noninductive Edinburgh. Floor -standing dual -concentric
Behind -the -couch ultra slim surround sound wire wound resistors; 45 lb/ea; 10" w x 6" d x speaker with Sync -Source Time alignment; dis-
speakers designed for use with any surround 39" h; base plate measures 13" w x 13" d$995/pr tributed port reflex enclosure; 12" cone woofer;
sound decoder. I" dome tweeter; 8" polypropyl- 2" compression horn tweeter. FR 30-20,000 Hz
ene woofer; 10" passive radiator; power range 10- Omega S Woofer t 2 dB; min power 10 W; max power 203 W; sens
100 W/ch; imp 8 ohms; crossover 3,000 Hz; 17" Specially designed add-on woofer system with 92 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms. 25.5" w x 40" h x
h x 30" w x 5.25" d (bottom) x 4" d (top)$470/pr 10" bextrene driver for use with Symdex Sigma 16.5" d; 97 lbs each; walnut finish $5,500/pr
(above) to form integrated 3 -way system with in- Stirling. Floor -standing dual -concentric speaker
creased dynamic range and power handling; con- with Sync -Source Time Alignment; dual variable -
SUMO tains passive crossover network for interfacing distributed enclosure; 10" cone woofer; 2" com-
Samson Bass -Reflex Subwoofer with the Sigma as well as provision for biamping; pression -horn tweeter. FR 35-20,000 Hz t 2 dB;
Floor -standing subwoofer with 15" composite - spike feet standard; gold pin and socket intercon- min power 10 W; max power 150 W; sens 93 dB
cone woofer, 18.62 -lb magnet assembly, 4" nect to Sigmas (no jumpers); FR to 40 Hz; 13.5" w SPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms. 20.5" w x 33.5" h x 15"
edgewound copper voice coil; symmetrical mag- x 31" h x 13.5" d; sold in computer -matched d; 48.5 lbs each. Walnut finish $3,700/pr


Planet Series SB-L95 3 -Way Floor -Standing Speaker ohm imp; tripod mountable; linear -phase design
Mercury II Gold. Tuned -port bookshelf speaker; Bass -reflex speaker with diffuser -equipped tweet- to sound especially good while playing Genesis.
8" woofer, dome tweeter. FR 52-20,000 Hz ± 3 er.Linear -phase design for waveform fidelity. 4.75" woofer; 1.12" tweeter. FR 65-33,000 Hz ± 5
dB; power range 25-120 W; sens 93 dB sPL/W/ Features 15" cone woofer; 4" cone midrange; dB; max power 80 W music. 40 W DIN; sens 86
m; imp 8 ohms; 9.75" w x 20" h s 9" d; 17 lbs 2.12" cone tweeter; aluminum bobbihs and heat - dB sound -pressure level with input of 1 W mea-
each $850/pr resistant voice coils for high power handling; sured at I meter; 5.36" d 5310/pr
Mercury Mk 11. Similar to Mercury II Gold ex- nonresonant fabric dust caps. FR 32-22,000 Hz at
cept 16 lbs each $600/pr 16 dB below average level; max power 200 W mu-
Eclipse. Tuned -port bookshelf speaker; 6.5" sic; sens 93 dB srL/W/m; imp 8 ohms. Simulated
woofer, dome tweeter. FR 53-20.000 Hz ± 3 dB; woodgrain finish 17.75" w x 31.36" h x 12.92" d; CS 3.5 Coherent Source Speaker
power range 25-100 W; sens 93 dB sPL/W/m; 35.9 lbs 5370/pr Floor -standing electronic -bass -equalized speaker
imp 8 ohms; 9 lbs each $350/pr with 10" cone woofer. 4" cone midrange, and I"
Comet Series SB-X300A Ported Floor -Standing Speaker dome tweeter. Features complete time coherence
Comet II. Tuned -port speaker; 10" woofer, dome Honeycomb -disc speaker with thermal relay pro- by sloping baffle; complete phase coherence by
tweeter. FR 45-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range tection; easy connections; 9" woofer; 2" mid- synthesized first -order crossover system; 3 -di-
10-100 W; sens 95 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; range; 1.12" tweeter. FR 45-30,000 Hz ± 10 dB; mensional sculpted anti -diffraction baffle; elec-
26" x 25" x 13"; 25 lbs each $450/pr max power 110 W; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 tronic bass system; magnetic distortion -reducing
Comet I. Tuned -port speaker; 8" woofer, dome ohms; walnut -grain finish; 12" w x 22.44" h drivers; cast -magnesium driver chassis; polypro-
tweeter. FR 58-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 10.5" d; 21 lbs $320/pr pylene crossover capacitors; 30 -mm thick cabinet
10-100 W; sensitivity 94 dB sPL/W/m; imped- panels; real wood veneer. FR 23-20,000 Hz ± 2
ance 8 ohms; 10.5" w x 19" h x 9" d; 15 lbs SB-C250 2 -Way Compact Speaker dB; Power range 50-250 W rms; sens 89 dB sPt./
each $300/pr With 7" crystallized MICA PP -diaphragm cone W/m; imp 4 ohms. Teak, oak, walnut, black,
Comet. Similar to Eclipse (see Planet Series woofer, 1" dome tweeter. Max power 100 W mu- rosewood finishes. 13" w x 42" h x 13" d; 75
above) except FR 55-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; sens 94 sic. 9.19" w x 14 62" h x 8" d $300/pr lb $2,450/pr
dB; power range 10-100 W; 8.5 d $249/pr
SB-L75 3 -Way Floor -Standing Speaker
TECHNICS Bass -reflex speaker with 12" woofer; 4" mid-
range; 2.12" tweeter; aluminum bobbins and
SB-M3 3 -Way Moor -Standing Speaker heat -resistant voice coils for high power handling;
Ported linear -phase honeycomb -disc speaker with nonresonant-fabric dust caps. FR 33-22,000 Hz at
mirror -image cabinets; tweeter and midrange at- 16 dB below average level; max power 150 W mu-
tenuators; low -noise 18-dB/octave mid/high sic; sens 92 dB srL/W/m; imp 8 ohms. Simulated
crossover; heavy-duty terminals for large -gauge woodgrain finish. 14.19" w x 27.16" h x 12.84" d;
speaker wires; resettable thermal relay protection. 23.8 lbs $270/pr
13" woofer; 3.12" mid; 1.12" tweeter. FR 38-
35.000 Hz ± 5 dB; max power 200 W music, 100 SB-L55 3 -Way Floor -Standing Speaker
W DIN; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m; imp 6 ohms; 68.3 Bass -reflex speaker with 10" cone woofer, 4"
Ibs; 15.75" w x 26.36" h x 13.12" d $1,800/pr cone midrange. 2 12" cone tweeter. FR 37-22,000

Hz at 16 dB below average level; max power 120
SB-RX50 Bass -Reflex Bookshelf Speaker W music; sens 92 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms.
2 -way speaker with 9.5" flat -diaphragm woofer Simulated woodgrain finish. 12.78" w x 25.59" h
and coaxial 1.12" flat -diaphragm tweeter. Can be x 10.56" d; 18.7 lbs $220/pr
placed upright or sideways without affecting
sound quality. FR 30-48,000 Hz at 16 dB below SB-L35 2 -Way floor -Standing Speaker
average level; max power 160 W music; sens 87 Bass -reflex speaker with 10" cone woofer, 2.12"
dB sPL/W/m; imp 6 ohms. Wood finish. 11.89" cone tweeter. FR 42-22,000 Hz at 16 dB below av-
w x 18.92" h x 11.09" d; 36.4 lbs $920/pr erage level; max power 100 W music; sans 92 dB
sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms. 12.78" w x 25.16" h x
SB-R200 Wall -Mounting 3 -Way Speaker 8.97" d; 16.3 lbs $150/pr
Passive radiator speaker with concentric coaxial
honeycomb -disc drivers, passive radiator outside. Micro Series
all in the same plane for phase linearity. Reset -
table thermal relay protection; internally shield- SB-F2MK2 Mini Honeycomb -Disc Speaker CS 2 Coherent Source Speaker
ed. Includes wall kit, angled stands, flat speaker Sealed -box speaker in die-cast metal enclosure. Floor -standing ported speaker with 8" cone woof-
cables. 12.5" passive radiator; woofer; tweeter. FR Internally shielded. Resettable thermal relay pro- er, 3" cone midrange, and 1" dome tweeter. Com-
65-25,000 Hz ± 5 dB; max power 160 W music, tection. Protective metal grilles. Switchable 4/8 - pletely time and phase coherent. Time coherence
80 W DIN; imp 8 ohms; available in black; 19.8 ohm imp; tripod mountable. Linear -phase design. achieved with sloping baffle; phase coherence
Ibs; 23.88" x 14.88" x 3.75" d $675/pr Contains 5.5" honeycomb disc woofer; 1.12" hon- achieved with synthesized first -order crossover
eycomb disc tweeter. FR 55-33,000 Hz ± 5; max networks. Features anti -diffraction grille; cast -
SB-X700A Ported Floor -Standing Speaker power 100 W music, 50 W DIN; sens 88 dB sPL/ magnesium driver baskets; polypropylene cross-
Honeycomb -disc speaker with thermal relay pro- W/m; impedance 4/8 ohms; metallic enclosure; over capacitors. FR 38-20,000 Hz ± 2 dB; power
tection; easy connections; 12" woofer; 3.12" mid- II lbs; 6.25" wide x law high x 6.75" range 50-250 W; sens 87 dB sPL/W/m; imp 6
range; 1.12" tweeter. FR 35-30.000 Hz ± 10 dB; deep 5370/pr ohms. Oak, walnut, black, rosewood, teak finish-
max power 180 W; sans 90 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 es. 12" w x 39" h x 12" d; 62 lb $ I .550/pr
ohms; walnut grain finish; 15.33" w x 27.33" h x SB-R100 Passive -Radiator Speaker
12.88" d; 39.6 lbs $550/pr Ported speaker for wall mounting. Features 3 CS1 Coherent Source Speaker
concentric coaxial honeycomb -disc drivers, outer- Floor -standing bass -reflex speaker with 7" cone
SB-X500A Rprted floor -Standing Speaker most of which is a passive radiator, all in the woofer and 1" dome tweeter. Features complete
Honeycomb -disc speaker with thermal relay pro- same plane for phase linearity; resettable thermal time coherence by sloping baffle; complete phase
tection; easy connections; 10" woofer; 3.12" mid- relay protection; internally shielded; includes coherence by synthesized first -order crossover
range; 1.12" tweeter. FR 37-30,000 Hz ± 10 dB; wall -mounting kit and flat speaker cables. Con- system; anti -diffraction grille; polypropylene
max power 130 W; sans 90 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 tains 10" (outer diameter) honeycomb -disc pas- crossover capacitors; cast -magnesium woofer
ohms; walnut -grain finish; 14.19" w x 24.81" h x sive radiator; honeycomb -disc woofer; I honey- chassis; 30 -mm thick cabinet panels; real wood
12.88" d; 33 lbs $420/pr comb -disc midrange; I honeycomb -disc tweeter. veneer. Frequency response 56-17,000 Hz ± 2 dB;
FR 70-25.000 Hz = 5 dB; max power 100 W mu- power range 40-150 W rms; sensitivity 87 dB
SB-RX30 2 -Way Bookshelf Speaker sic, 50 W DIN; sens 87 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 sPL/W/m; impedance 6 ohms. Teak, oak, walnut,
Bass -reflex speaker with magnetic shielding for ohms; finished in black; 9.9 Ib; 12.36" w x 12.36" black, or rosewood finishes. 10.5" wide x 36"
placement near TV's. Features 9" flat -diaphragm h x 2.5" d $325/pr high x 10.5" deep; 41 lb $950/pr
woofer and 1.12" flat -diaphragm coaxial tweeter.
FR 44-30.000 Hz at 16 dB below average level; SB-FIMK2 Mini Honeycomb -Disc Speaker
max power 120 W music; sens 88 dB sPL/W/m; Sealed -box speaker in die-cast metal enclosure; TRIAD DESIGN
imp 6 ohms. Wood finish. 10.56" w x 14.97" h x Internal shielding: resettable thermal relay pro- System Two Speaker
8.97" d; 16.5 lbs $420/pr tection; protective metal grille; switchable 4/8 - Floor -standing acoustic -suspension speaker sys-


tem with time -offset -corrected satellite woofer Features 15" cone woofer; 4.5" cone midrange; range 10-120 W; sens 90 dB set./W/m 13" w x
with 70-W built-in amplifier. Features 6.5" poly- 2.5" cone tweeter. FR 40-22,000 Hz ± 3 dB; mini- 27" h x II" d $300/pr
propylene cone woofer; 3.5" treated -paper cone mum power 10 W rms, max power 125 W rms; VSP-82. Features 8" woofer; 2" tweeter. Power
midrange; 0.75" Ferrofluid-cooled dome tweeter. sens 92.5 dB sPi./W/m; imp 4 ohms; walnut, range 10-50 W; sens 89 dB sm./W/m. 10.63" w x
FR 35-20,000 Hz ± 4 dB; power range 25-100 W; grain vinyl finish; 54 lb; 17.75" w x 29.75" h x 18.75" h x 8.38" d $160/pr
sens 87 dB sn./W/m $400 ea 14.5" d $358/pr
System One Speaker UL -1230 Speaker VELODYNE ACOUSTICS
3 -piece all -acoustic -suspension speaker. Features Floor -standing acoustic -suspension speaker with ULD-18 Powered Subwoofer
2 time -offset -corrected satellites; infinitely adjust- 12" cone woofer, 4.5" cone midrange, and 2.5" Floor -standing subwoofer with servo -controlled
able volume control; 6.5" polypropylene cone cone tweeter. Features protective circuit with re- long -throw 18" driver with 3" peak -to -peak linear
woofer; 3.5" treated -cone midrange; 0.75" Ferro - setting circuit breaker. FR 45-22,000 Hz ± 3 dB; travel; 350-W amplifier; electronic crossover set
fluid -cooled dome tweeter. FR 45-20,000 Hz ± 4 minimum power 5 W rms, max power 100 W at 85 Hz; level control to match subwoofer output
dB; power range 25-100 W; sens 88 dB sPL/W/ rms; sens 92.5 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms; 29 Ib; to satellite speaker output; walnut, oak, or black.
m; imp 8 ohms; oak or walnut finish; 5.5" w x 14.5" w x 26.5" h x 10.75" d $298/pr FR 15-85 Hz ± 3 dB; max undistorted output of
8.5" h x 5" d; 20 lb ....S525/three-piece system 32 Hz 114 dB; cabinet 23" w x 31- h x 22" d;
UL -1030 Speaker amp 17" w a 3.5" h x 11" d $1,850
HSW-400 Powered Subwoofer Floor -standing acoustic -suspension speaker with ULD-15. As ULD-I8 but with 15" driver and
Floor -standing powered subwoofer with 2 oppos- protective circuit and resetting circuit breaker. 17" w x 22" h x 18" d cabinet, output capability
ing 8" drivers designed to cancel cabinet reso- Contains 10" cone woofer; 4.5" cone midrange; 109 dB at 32 Hz $1,350
nances and couple with floor and back wall when 2.5" cone tweeter. FR 50-22,000 Hz ± 3 dB; mini-
placed near a wall. Features built-in 100-W pow- mum power 5 W rms, max power 100 W rms; ULD-12 Powered Subwoofer
er amplifier for operation below resonance; two sens 92.5 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms $258/pr 12" servo -controlled down -firing driver; 100-W
8" polypropylene cone drivers. FR 44-115 Hz ± 3 UL -208 Speaker rms Class B amplifier; passive crossover set at 85
dB; power range 5-200 W; imp 1,000 ohms. Wal- Bookshelf acoustic -suspension speaker. 8" cone Hz; line- or speaker -level connection; subsonic fil-
nut or black finish. 24 lb $400 ea woofer and 2.5" cone tweeter. Features protective ter -3 dB at 15 Hz; walnut or oak veneer. FR 15-
circuit with resetting circuit breaker. FR 60- 85 Hz ± 3 dB; output capability 103 dB; cabinet
HSS-400 2 -Way Speaker 22,000 Hz ± 3 dB; minimum power 5 W rms, 16" w a 17" h x 21" d; controller 8" w x 1 5" h x
Acoustic -suspension speaker with unique shape max power 100 W rms; sens 93 dB sPL/W/m; 6" d; 32 lb $849
to produce proper time -offset correction. Fea- imp 4 ohms; walnut grain vinyl finish; 18 Ib;
tures 8" polypropylene cone woofer; 1" dome 10.75" w x 18" h x 8" d $198/pr Passive Crossover/Bypass
tweeter. FR 100-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; power range High-pass crossover with bypass capabilities for
10-100 W; sens 89 dB sPL/W/m; imp 8 ohms; ULD-I8 or ULD-15. 7" w x 1.5" h x 6" d $100
walnut finish; II" w x 18" h x 8" d; 13 lbS450/pr VANDERSTEEN AUDIO
Model 4 5 -Way Speaker
HSS-300 Bookshelf Speaker Floor -standing dynamically aligned sealed 5 -way WHARFEDALE
Acoustic -suspension speaker with time -offset -cor- speaker in cast basket. Features two 12" cone Diamond V Speaker
rected satellite design to match HSW-300. Triad subwoofers; 8" cone woofer; 4.5" cone midrange; 2 -way bass -reflex speaker with 6" polypropylene
powered woofer crossover designed for minimum 1.12" dome tweeter; 0.75" dome supertweeter. FR woofer, 0.75" tweeter. Frequency response 40-
phase shift. Features 6.5" polypropylene cone 26-30,000 Hz ± 2 dB; power range 100-200 W; 20,000 Hz; imp 8 ohms; power range 15-100
woofer; I" dome tweeter. FR 90-20,000 Hz ± 3 sens 89 dB sPL/W/m; imp 4 ohms. 18" w x 52" h watts program $600/pr
dB; power range 10-100 W; sens 89 dB sPL/W/ x 17" d; 150 lb. Available in oak or walnut
m; imp 8 ohms; oak, walnut finish; 8" w x 12" h x finishes $3,850/pr Active Diamond Plus Speaker
12" d; 11 lb $350/pr Built-in amp with 3rd -generation monolithic de-
Model 2C 4 -Way Speaker vices; on/off switch; volume control; bass reflex;
Bass Base Powered Subwoofer/Cabinet Floor -standing 4 -way bi-wired speaker. Features 4.5" woofer, 0.75" tweeter; 5th -order crossover;
Floor -standing combination powered woofer and 10" cone subwoofer; 8" cone woofer; 4.5" cone choice of 6 finishes $500/pr
video cabinet. Designed for use with most 25"- midrange; 1" dome tweeter. FR 29-21,000 Hz ± 2
27" TV's/monitors and a VCR or VDP. Features dB; power range 40-150 W; sens 89 dB sPL/W/ Diamond IV Speaker
8" polypropylene cone woofer. FR 42-110 Hz ± 3 m; imp 8 ohms. 16" w x 36" h x 10" d; 60 lb. Oak 2 -way bass -reflex speaker with 4" polypropylene
dB; min power 1 W rms: max power 500 W rms; or walnut $1,125/pr cone woofer, 0.75" tweeter, in black or walnut. FR
adjustable sens; imp 8 ohms. Walnut, black, or 40-20,000 Hz; imp 8 ohms; power range 15-100
oak veneer. 30" w x 14" h x 18" d; 50 lbS300 ea 2W Subwoofer watts program $600/pr
With vinyl finish $260 ea Floor -standing sealed speaker with three 8" cone
woofers. Features 200-W internal amp; cast bas- Diamond III Speaker
HSW-300 Powered Subwoofer ket; crossover. FR 26-80 Hz ± 3 dB; sens 82-94 dB 2 -way speaker with 4.5" woofer, 0.75" tweeter,
Floor -standing acoustic -suspension powered sub - sPL/W/m. 18" w x 18" h x 17" d; 80 lb. Oak or with 5th -order crossover, in choice of 15 finishes.
woofer augments bass performance of small- to walnut $1,200/ea Frequency response 5-20,000 Hz; output 101
medium-sized speakers. Features 70-W power dBA DIN; imp 8 ohms; power range 15-100
amplifier for operation below resonant frequency; Model 1B 2 -Way Speaker watts program $300/pr
8" polypropylene driver. Frequency response 38- Floor -standing ported speaker. Features 8" cone
100 Hz ± 3 dB; power range 5-200 W; impedance woofer; 1" dome tweeter. FR 38-20,000 Hz ± 3
1,000 ohms; 12" wide x 10" high x 11" deep; oak, dB; power range 20 W; sens 100 dB sPL/W/m; WOLCOTT AUDIO
walnut finish $250 ea imp 8 ohms. 12" w x 36" h x 10" d; 50 lb. Oak or MDF Omnisphere Speaker
walnut $650/pr Floor -standing bass -reflex speaker uses a single
ULTRALINEAR by ESS point source of sound with a spherical dispersing
VECTOR RESEARCH surface. A vertically aligned tweeter driving the
UL -1530 Speaker space between opposing and closely spaced 6" ra-
Floor -standing 3 -way acoustic -suspension speak- All Vector Research speakers feature anti -resonant dius sphere and semisphere forms a radial horn
er protective circuit and resetting circuit breaker. 1 -piece woofer baskets; mid- and high frequency which along with 4 quadrant pyramid -mounted
drivers with ferrofluid damping; soft -dome tweet- woofer/midrange drivers produces single -point -
ers; bass -reflex design; 8 -ohm impedance; light - source omnidirectional dispersion. Features four
oak finish. 6.5" polypropylene -cone, butyl -surround woofers;
The listings are based on data
28 mm soft -dome tweeter; dimmer -controlled
provided by the manufacturers. For VSP-124. Features 12" woofer; 5" midrange; 1" lamp in sphere, auto electronic tweeter protec-
more product information, contact tweeter; 12" passive radiator. Power range 10-250 tion. FR 30-20,000 Hz i 3 dB; power range 20-
an authorized dealer or the W; sens 92 dB sPL/W/m. 14.5" w x 39.25' h x 250 W rms; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m; imp 6 ohms.
12.5" d $500/pr Unit on casters (with floor -loaded ports) for easy
manufacturer directly. Manufacturers' VSP-123. Features 12" woofer; 5" midrange; 1" repositioning after rearranging the furniture.
addresses and phone numbers are tweeter. Power range 10-250 watts; sensitivity 92 Walnut -veneer finish. 21" w (at base) x 50" h x
listed in the directory dB sPL/W/m. 14.13" wide x 27.5" high x 11.5" 21" d (at base); 86 lb $3,750/pr
beginning on page 226. deep S400/pr MDH. Same as MDF except black/grey high-
VSP-102. Features 10" woofer; 1" tweeter. Power tech finish $2,950/pr

180 STEREO BUYERS' Gunn.: 1988

YAMAHA tweeter level controls. Music input power 200 W; T -Series Speakers
sensitivity 90 dB sPi/W/m. 12.62" wide x 23"
Monitor Speakers high x 12.88" deep; 36.3 lb $598/pr NS -75T 3 -Way Speaker
Bookshelf speaker with 12" carbon -cone woofer;
NS -1000X 3 -Way Speaker NS -100X 3 -Way Speaker 2.36" titanium -carbide -dome midrange; 1.36" ti-
Bookshelf speaker with 12" pure -fiber cone woof- Bookshelf speaker with 9" pure -carbon -fiber cone tanium -carbide -dome tweeter. Features heavy-
er, 3.5" beryllium -dome midrange; 1.12" tweeter. woofer, 2.36" pure -carbon fiber cone with titani- duty cable -connection terminals; American -wal-
Features in -line configuration with rounded baf- um -carbide dome midrange; 1.19" titanium -car- nut -veneer cabinet; midrange and tweeter level
fle; low -distortion crossover network; midrange bide dome tweeter. Features field -isolation dual - controls, low -distortion crossover network. Music
and tweeter level controls. Music input power 200 magnetic system; low -distortion crossover net- input power 200 W; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m. 14.36"
W; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m. 16.75" w x 27.75" h x work. Music input power 160 W; sens 91 dB w x 26.75" h x 12.75" d; 47.3 lb $770/pr
13.19" d; 92.4 lb $1,980/pr SPL/W/m. 12.25" w x 20.88" h x 10.88" d; 30.8
lb $498/pr NS -55T 3 -Way Speaker
NS -1000M 3 -Way Speaker Bookshelf speaker with 10" spruce -cone woofer;
Bookshelf speaker with 12" woofer, 1.12" berylli- NS -20M 3 -Way Speaker 2.36" titanium -carbide -dome midrange; 1.36" ti-
um -dome midrange; 3.5" tweeter. Features tan- Bookshelf speaker with 9" pure -spruce cone tanium -carbide -dome tweeter. Features heavy-
gential -edge suspension; acoustic -suspension de- woofer, 1.88" titanium -carbide semi -dome tweet- duty cable -connection terminals; low -distortion
sign; acoustic equalizers. Music input power 200 er; 1.12" titanium -carbide semi -dome su- crossover network. Music input power 200 W;
W; sens 90 dB sPL/W/m. 14.75" w x 26.62" h x pertweeter. Features resonance -free enclosure sens 89 dB sPt./W/m. 14.12" w x 24.36" h x
12.89" d; 68.2 lbs $1,398/pr with 3 -way mitered construction. Music input 12.36" d; 40.7 lb $570/pr
power 160 W; sens 91 dB sPL/W/m. 10.62" w x
NS -500M 3 -Way Speaker 16" h x 10" d; 20.9 lb $398/pr NS -35T 2 -Way Speaker
Bookshelf speaker with 12" carbon woofer, 4" ti- Bookshelf speaker with 10" spruce -cone woofer;
tanium -carbide semi -dome midrange; 1.19" beryl- NS -10M 2 -Way Speaker 1.36" titanium -carbide -dome tweeter. Features
lium -dome tweeter. Features resonance -free en- Bookshelf speaker with 7" single -sheet white - heavy-duty cable -connection terminals; low -dis-
closure with 3 -way mitered construction; low -dis- cone woofer, 1.36" soft -dome tweeter, acoustic - tortion crossover network. Music input power
tortion crossover network; midrange and tweeter suspension enclosure. Music input power 100 W; 180 W; sens 90 dB sPt../W/m. 12.62" w x 21.75"
level controls. Music input power 200 W; sens 92 sens 90 dB sPL/W/m. 8.44" w x 15" h x 7.75" d; h x 12.25" d; 29.7 lb $390/pr
dB sPt/W/m. 14.75" w a 26.75" h x 12.75" d; 13.2 lb $338/pr
51.7 lb $798/pr NS -25T 2 -Way Speaker
NS -W2 Super Woofer Bookshelf speaker with 8" spruce -cone woofer;
NS-200Ma 3 -Way Speaker Supplements bass response for any speaker sys- 1.36" titanium -carbide -dome tweeter. Features
Bookshelf speaker with 10" laminated carbon-fi- tem. Especially useful for compact speakers. Fea- heavy-duty cable -connection terminals; low -dis-
ber/spruce cone woofer, 4" pure -carbon fiber tures 10" woofer; built-in 40-W amp with volume tortion crossover network. Music input power
cone with titanium -carbide dome midrange; 1.19" control; magnetic shielding; easy system connec- 160 W; sens 89 dB sPt./W/m. 11.25" w x 19.5" h
titanium -carbide dome tweeter. Midrange and tion. 17.81" w x 14" h a 12.36" d; 24.6 lbS249 ea x 10.12" d; 21.1 lb $270/pr

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AIWA dB with <0.3% THD; With 2.5 m cable and stan-

dard stereo phone plug; 8.5 oz $135
HP -x10 Mini/Phone Headphones DSR-38 Lightweight Headphones
Headphones with flat -formed diaphragm. Fea- K -240M Free -Field Headphones Lightweight headphones with cord on one side.
tures oxygen -free copper litz wire cable; gold- Free -field stereo headphones; dynamic tits trans- Features samarium cobalt magnets; aluminum
plated duo -fit plugs; samarium -cobalt magnets; ducer and 6 passive radiators in each circumaural voice coils; super -thin large diameter diaphragm.
low -bass control. FR 5-25.000 Hz t 3 dB; imp 40 cup. FR 15-20,000 Hz; imp 600 ohms; max SPL FR 16-24,000 Hz t 3 dB; imp 40 ohms; sens 103
ohms; sens 104 dB SPI. with 1 mW input. In- 119 dB at 0.3% THD; supplied with 10 -ft 4 -con- dB SPL with 1-mW input of 1,000 Hz; max power
cludes mini connector; phone connector.... $95 ductor cable and .25" phone plug; 7.9 oz $110 100 mW; mini and phone connector $100

HP -A606 Mini/Phone Headphones K145 Headphones DSR-50 Open -Air Headphones

Features 1.63" driver with 104 dB sens; volume Two-way electrostatic/dynamic semi -open head- Dynamic lighweight headphones with double -
control; mono/stereo switch; mini & standard phones. FR 25-24,000 Hz t 3 dB; imp 150 ohms; dome 40 -mm diaphragm made of 16 -micron -
phone plug included. FR 7-22,000 Hz; imp 40 phone connector; 6 oz, cord 10 ft. long .... $95 thick polymer. Features ultr-lightweight copper -
ohms; max power input 200 mW; cord length 8.2 clad aluminum -wire voice coils; gold-plated mini
ft. 3.1 oz (without cord). Available in black or K-141 Monitor Headphones plug; gold plated mini to phono plug adaptor;
white $40 Semi -open stereo dynamic pro monitoring head- Digital ready. FR 16-25,000 Hz t 3 dB; imp 300
HP -A202. Similar to above without stereo/mono phones with Mc transducers. FR 20-20,000 Hz; ohms; max power 200 mW; sens 101 dB at 1 mV/
switch and volume control. FR 10-20 kHz $30 max SPL 120 dB at 0.5% THD, imp matches 4-600 ch at 1,000 Hz; 195 g $80
ohms; 10 -ft 4 -conductor cable and standard 3 -
AKG conductor stereo phone plug; 6.9 oz $85 DSR-48 CD Compatible Headphone
Super lightweight version of DSR 50. sens 97 dB
K-340 Stereo Headphones K135 Headphones W/m $70
Two-way electrostatic/dynamic headphones with Semi -open dynamic headphones. FR 25-18,000
fixed -charge electrostatic transducer/dynamic tits Hz t 3 dB; imp 150 ohms; phone connector; 5.6 DSR-12 Phone -Plug Headphones
transducer and passive diaphragms in each ear - oz.; cord 10 ft. long $75 Standard size headphones with extremely light-
weight ear units. FR 20-22,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp
K-130 Stereo Headphones 200 ohms; sens 105 dB SPL with 1-mW input of
Supra -aural stereo headphones with dynamic me 1,000 Hz; max power 100 mW; phone connec-
transducers. ER 20-20,000 Hz; max SPL 119 dB; tor $70
imp 200 ohms at 0.7% THD; 10 -ft 4 -conductor
cable with 3 -conductor stereo phone plug; 4 DSR-68 Mini -/Phone -Plug Headphones
oz $65 Standard small headphones with large diameter
diaphragms. FR 20-20,000 Hz t 3 dB; imp 32
K-45 Stereo Headphones ohms; sens 95 dB SPL with I-mW input of 1,000
Ultra -lightweight supra -aural stereo headphones Hz; max power 100 mW; mini and phone connec-
with dynamic tits transducers. FR 30-18,000 Hz; tor $60
max SPI. 117 dB at 0.9% THD; matches 4-200
ohm outputs; 10 -ft 4 -conductor cable; combina- DSR-88 Micro -Dynamic Headphone
tion standard/mini stereo phone plug; 2.7 oz $55 In ear design. Mini to .25" gold plated adaptor.
Sens 104 dB W/m; dynamic samarium cobalt
K-2 Mini Headphones speaker unit $45
2 tits dynamic transducers; adjustable earcups
with washable cushions; matches 4-200 ohm out- DSR-64 Mini Headphones/Earphones
puts; 9 ft cable; combination standard/mini ste- Mini headphones that detatch from band to be-
reo phone plug; 3.2 oz $40 come earphones. FR 30-20,000 Hz t 3 dB; imp 32
ohms; sens 100 dB SPL with 1-mW input of 1,000
ALARON Hz; max power 50 mW; mini connector.... $25
RY-245 Stereo Headphones DSR-70 Mini -Plug Headphones
Headphones for use with portable and home ste- Conventional small headphones with mute
reos includes 0.25" stereo adaptor plug; 3.5mm switch. FR 40-20,000 Hz t 3 dB; imp 32 ohms;
cup. Connects directly to headphone jack of re- mono adaptor plug; 2 extra sets of earpads . $10 sens 94 dB SPL with 1-mW input of 1,000 Hz;
ceiver or amp or across speaker output terminals. RY-242. As above without accessories $5 max power 100 mW; mini connector $20
FR 15-25,000 Hz; SP'. 117 dB at 0.1% THD; nomi-
nal imp 400 ohms; max continuous input 200 DSR-69 Anti -Vibration Headphones
mW/ch at 117 dB SPL; includes 10 -ft 4 -conductor
AUDIO-TECHNICA Conventional small headphones with anti -vibra-
cables with 3 -conductor .25" stereo phone plug; AP1400 Open -Back Headphones tion system. FR 40-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 32
13.5 oz less cable $215 Imp 4-16 ohms; FR 20-22,000 Hz; sens 105 dB ohms; sens 92 dB SPL with I-mW input of 1,000
sPt./W/m; 0.25" phone plug; 10 ft cable; 5.5 Hz; max power 100 mW $15
K-260 Open Air Headphones oz S60
Open air, circumaural stereo headphone with dy-
namic tits transducers. Matches 4-600 ohm out- AP1300 Closed -Back Headphones
puts. 10 ft cable; standard stereo plug .... $160 Imp 4-16 ohms; FR 20-20,000 Hz; sens 108 dB Form 1 Headphones
sPL/W/m; 0.25" phone plug; 10 ft cable; 5.4 Dynamic, semi -open headphones. Features light-
K-240DF Studio Monitor Headphones oz $50 weight self-adjusting earpads with tension relief
Designed with a flat frequency response based on pads to remove pressure from ear. FR 20-20,000
European requirements for reference monitor AP1200 Open -Back Headphones Hz t 3 dB; imp 35 ohms; mini & phone connec-
headphones. FR 20-20,000 Hz t 2 dB; max input Imp 4-16 ohms; FR 20-20,000 Hz; sens 90 dB tor $110
11 V; Matches 4-600 ohm outputs; max SPL 95 sm./W/m; 0.25" phone plug; 6 ft cable .... $40 Form 2 Headphones $55


t AKG 1986 A. Akustisclie and Kino-Gerate GmbH, Aust-ie
field method. Features very large, low -mass- dia-
BEYER DYNAMIC phragm design. FR 15-30,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 600
DT 48A Standard -Reference Headphones ohms; max power 100 mW 116 dB SPL; sens 96 15-115 Lightweight Dynamic Headphones
Audiometric -calibration, standard -reference dB at 1 mV/ch at 1,000 Hz. Includs 0.25" con- Transducers designed to eliminate breakup and
head phones for acoustic measurements. FR 16- nector. 9 oz $175
20,000 Hz; max power 200 mW $320
DT 108 Headphones with Microphone
DT 48 Headphones Combination single -muff headphone with dynam-
Features removable/replaceable ear cushions and ic boom microphone for live and remote broad-
10 -ft coiled cable. FR 16-20,000 Hz ± 2 dB; imp casting. Features rugged modular construction,
200 ohms; sens 105 dB SPL with I-mW input at straight or coiled cord with numerous mic and
1,000 Hz; max power 96.8 mW; phone plug; 14 headphone impedances, designed for extended
oz without cord $300 wearing. FR 30-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 400 ohms
standard; sens 94 dB SPL with 1-mW input of
DT 109 Headphones with Microphone 1,000 Hz; max power 1,000 mW; phone plug;
Headphones with dynamic boom microphone for cord length 10' coiled or straight; 10.75 oz with
use in live and remote broadcasting. Features rug- cord $170
ged modular construction, available with straight
or coiled 10 -ft cord in numerous mic and head- DT 100 Monitor Headphones
phone impedances, comfortable for extended Recording -studio monitor headphones for pro-
wearing. FR 30- 20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 400 ohms; duction and post -production. Features detachable
sens 94 dB SPL with I-mW input at 1,000 Hz; straight or coiled 10' cord; available in numerous
max power 1,000 mW; phone plug; 14.5 oz with impedances, modular construction. FR 30-20,000
cord $200 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 400 ohms; sens 94 dB SPL with 1- reduce harmonic distortion and phase differences.
mW input of 1,000 Hz; max power 1,000 mW; FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 32 ohms; max
DT 880 Headphones phone plug; 12.5 oz with cord $150 power 300 mW; sens 98 dB at I mV/ch at 1,000
Semi -open, circumaural headphones with rare- Hz. Includes stereo 0.25" connector and shielded
earth magnets. FR 5-25,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 600 DT 96A Multi -Purpose Headphones cable. 230 g $165
ohms; sens 94 dB SPI. with I-mW input of 1,000 Headphones used in interpreting installations at
Hz; max power 100 mW; phone plug; 10' cord conferences and conventions, listening libraries
length; 7 oz with cord $170 and language labs. Can be used with or without
DT 880 Studio. Studio version of the DT 880 circumaural ear cushions. Features detachable 40-416 Mini Headphones
where extremely wide frequency response and straight or coiled 10 -ft cord. FR 30-17,000 Hz ± 3 Dynamic headphones features rare-earth mag-
long wearing comfort is required. FR 5-35,000 Hz dB; imp 400 ohms; sens 94 dB SPE. with I-mW in- nets; adjustable headband; 7 -ft ultra -light, tangle -
± 3 dB; all other specs same as DT 880 $210 put of 1,000 Hz; max power 360 mW; phone resistant cord; super -soft ear pads. FR 20-30,000
plug; 4 oz without cord $140 Hz t 3 dB; imp 38 ohms. Includes mini and 0.25"
DT 990 Dynamic Headphones connectors. 1.25 oz $36
Circumaural stereo headphones with very large, DT 102 Single -Muff Headphones
low -mass -diaphragm design. Frequency response Headphones for broadcast, recording and disco 40-411 Mini Headphones
equalized to diffuse soundfield method. FR 5- cueing. Features detachable straight or coiled 10 - Features rare-earth magnets; adjustable head-
35,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 600 ohms; max power 100 ft cord; available in numerous impedances; modu- band; 5 -ft cord; super -soft earpads. FR 30-20,000
mW 116 dB SPL; sens 96 dB at I mV/ch at 1,000 lar construction. FR 30-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp Hz t 3 dB; imp 32 ohms. Includes mini and 0.25"
Hz. Includes 0.251 connector. 8 oz $185 400 ohms; sens 94 dB SPL with I-mW input at connectors. 12 oz $19
1,000 Hz; max power 1,000 mW; phone plug; 9
DT 770 Dynamic Headphones oz without cord $105 40-399 Ultra -Light Headphones
Circumaural stereo headphones with bass -reflex Dynamic, open-air micro -mini headphones with
system to improve accuracy and detail of low fre- DT 550 Lightweight Headphones adjustable headband; 4 -ft cord; super -soft ear -
quencies. Closed design isolates ambient noise. Headphones with semi -open, circumaural design. pads. Folds up to fit in pocket or purse. FR 20-
Frequency response equalized to diffuse sound - Lightweight, adjustable suspension, 10 -ft coiled 20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 32 ohms. Includes mini
cord. FR 10-22,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 600 ohms; and 0.25" connectors $14
sens 95 dB SP'. with 1-mW input at 1,000 Hz;
max power 100 mW; phone plug $125 40-421 "Pick Pocket" Headphones
Dynamic, open-air mini headphones with 5 -ft
DT 220 Headphones cord and foam earpads. Folds up to store in cas-
Headphones with extremely lightweight, closed sette -sized case (included). Mini connector. 10
design; wide -band drivers; soft circumaural ear oz $I1
cushions. FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 400 ohms;
sens 102 dB SP'. with I-mW input at 1,000 Hz; 40-417 Mini Headphones
max power 100 mW; phone plug $120 Dynamic, open-air headphones with 5 -ft cord and
mini connector. FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 32
DT 330 MK 11 Semi -Open Headphones ohms. 1.5 oz $11
Circumaural headphone with rare-earth magnets.
FR 15-18,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 40 ohms; sens 85 40-425 Stereo Earphones
dB SPI. with 1-mW input at 1,000 Hz; max power In -ear -type headphones feature 6 -ft cord and
100 mW; phone plug; 6.75 oz $80 molded strain reliefs. Imp 8 ohms; max power
300 mW. Includes mini connector $8
DT 320 Lightweight Headphones
Headphones with semi -open, circumaural design. Replacement Foam Earpads
FR 30-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 600 ohms; sens 88 Replacement earpads for Carter -Craft headphones
dB SPI. with 1-mW input of 1,000 Hz; max power 40-405. For 40-399 headphones. 2 -pair pack-
100 mW; .25" phone plug; 3.75 oz $65 age $2.45
40-407. For 40-417 headphones $ I .65/pr
40-409. Earpads for model 40-411 and 40-416
headphones $2.15/pr


are manufacturers' suggested retail prices AH-D6 Open -Air Headphones
(also referred to as list prices); Digital -ready headphones with foamed mica flat
actual selling prices are set by individual dealers. diaphragm, I.C-OFC cables/wiring, and phone
connector. FR 15-22,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 32
All prices arc subject to change without notice. ohms; max power 200 mW; sens 98 dB ... $100
AH-D4. Same as AH-D6 except sens 96 dB $80

184 Btwt:Rs GLIDE 1988

AH-D3 Headphones headband with self-adjusting pivoting yokes, soft with piezo-electric element. FR 10-40,000 Hz ± 3
Features high -polymer diaphragm with double - padded vinyl cover, 10 -ft cord; 10.1 oz $50 dB $90
dome construction for improved rigidity and
well -damped sound reproduction; LC-OFC voice JCIC/200-S Cordless Headphones Pro/4AAA Plus Stereo Headphones
coil to eliminate distortion; high-energy samari- Dynamic circumaural cordless headphones fea- Features extra -large voice coils; oversized diaph-
um -cobalt magnet; 1 -point cross -support design; ram. FR 10-22,000 Hz ± 3 dB S70
OFC cable $60
SST/7 Headphones
AH-D1 Headphones Dynamic circumaural closed stereophone design.
Features high -polymer film diaphragm; copper - Features notch -type headband adjustment; multi -
clad aluminum wire in voice coil; high-energy sa- pivoting earcups; volume balance control on
marium -cobalt magnet; 1 -point cross -support de- coiled cord. FR 15-30,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 60
sign; OFC cable S50 ohms S70

FOSTE X SST/6 Headphones

Dynamic open-air headphones with temporal -pad
T20 Studio Headphones design and volume balance control on coiled
Regular Phase system in planar polyester ribbon cord. FR 15-20,000 Hz ± 3 db S60
drivers (diaphragm suspended between opposing -
pole magnet assemblies); deposited spiral voice PortaPra Headphones
coil; oversize ear pads; adjustable headband; an- Supraural folding headphones for high -end porta-
siotropic ferrite magnets; diaphragm 1.375"; all ble or home use. Features exclusive Comfort
parts and assemblies secured by screws. Imp 50 Zone malt -pivoting earcup adjustments. Mini
ohms; sens.96 dB with 1 mW; max input 200 ture infrared transmitter and AC adaptor. FR 20- plug & .25" phone plug; 2.5 oz w/cord S50
mW; max output 119 dB with 200 mW; FR 20- 20,060 Hz ± 3 dB $ 1 60
30,000 Hz; 10.6 oz S89 Porta/Pro Jr. Headphones
130 5125 JCK/100 Cordless Headphones THD <.2% at 100 dB SPL 1 kHz S40
TIO $65 Infrared cordless design. ristz <.25% at 100 dB
SPL. 3 oz S130 K4OLC Plus Headphones
JECKLIN BY ASTATIC Features dual balance controls; volume control.
SST/10 Headphones Rated at 100 ohms and 104 dB SPL W/m in-
Float II Headphones Designed for digital A/v equipment. Sens 0.36 V put S40
Headphone supported by broad band over head rms at 100 dB SPL $120
and spacer behind ear that keeps headphones SST/5 Headphones
from pressing on ear. 2 drivers; dynamic compli- Pro/4X Plus Stereo Headphones Dynamic headphones with closed circumaral de-
ance with aperiodic damping. FR 30-20,000 Hz; Dual -element design combines rare-earth magnet sign. Features adjustable leather headband and
distortion <0.8%; imp 200 ohms; 385 g; 3-m ca-
ble; 6.3 -mm plug $125
Float L Similar to Float II except FR 35-20,000
Hz; distortion <1%; no aperiodic damping . S98

Headphones that work with your ears,
HA610 Open -Air Stereo Headphones not against them.
Lightweight headphones feature moving -coil
drivers and a double headband for lightweght
comfort. Sens 105 dB at I mW; max input 100
mW. 7.1 oz. with cord S50

HACD5 Open -Air Stereo Headphones

Lightweight headphones feature copper -clad alu-
minum wire voice coils and mini stereo plug with at
standard 0.25" plug adaptor $40

HA5I0 Open -Air Stereo Headphones

Lightweight headphones feature moving -coil
drivers and a double headband for lightweght
comfort. Sens 106 dB at I mW; max input 100
mW. 7.1 oz. with cord S35

HA4I0 Open -Air Stereo Headphones

Lightweight headphones feature moving -coil D7 99t. head-
drivers and a double headband for lightweght phays 14.?
comfort. Sens 97 dB at I mW; max input 100 souldfrie.alequalizati-m," basei on
mW. 5.9 oz. with cord S30
new straw 9fho-iv the human ear af-
KENWOOD fect.; ;est- d This design produces a flat
frequ?ic, response. oecurately recreatir g
KH-500 Stereo Headphones the e.7.pmence of the f.stening environment.
Open -type dynamic headphones with fold -up
headband $30 Hcsfa-.4fin" dicOragms and Neodyne" magnets are two more reasons
DT 990s t aye won technical aid critical acclaim in Europe and America.
KH-D7 Stereo Headphones They .1.e:ivercd a 3ilperb sound" and were ".. . remarkably comfortable
Ultra -lightweight micro headphones with detach- to war" dcording to Stereo Review.
able headband $20
So if a enjoy losi-ig yourself in the music. start by finding the Beyer
dale- dour area. Cifl the reader response number below, or write -
beye-dflynansic US, 5-05 Burns Avenue, Hicksville, NY/1801.
HV/1A Headphones
High -velocity headphones with low -mass Decilite
drivers for 15-30,000 Hz FR I 3 dB. Distortion
ACCT* a SAWN beyerdynamicA
0.5% at 100 dB SPL; sens 0.9 V rms for 100 dB an grid : EL:410VA 4190 rta. Sent, St. Laurent, QUebtl: 4T1A6 (514)3416933 Telex 582408o
SPL. Acoustical sponge ear cushions; extendable
foam filled ear cushions. FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 3 LASER BY SWIRE MAGNETICS connector and mini -to -0.25" adaptor included. FR
dB $40 20-20,000 Hz t 3 dB; imp 28 ohms; sens 102 dB
1270.9513 Lightweight Headphones at I mV/ch at 1,000 Hz. 2 oz $40
KSP-II Headphones Replacement stereo headphones packed in clear
Portable, collapsible headphones. Features reticu- plastic box $5.49 DP -SIX In -Ear Dynamic Headphones
lated foam ear cushion; carrying bag; 2 plugs$35 Ultra -mini stereo earphones with folding head-
MEMOREX BY MEMTEK band. Mini connector, mini -to -0.25" adaptor, and
K6X Plus Dynamic Headphones compact carrying case included. FR 50-20,000 Hz
Lightweight headphones. 100 dB SPL; imp 100 Sonic-Lite Headphones ± 3 dB; imp 18 ohms; max power 30 mW; sens
ohms; 6.3 oz $32 102 dB at I mV/ch at 1,000 Hz. 5 g $36
SL -88 Deluxe Stereo Earphones
SST/4 Headphones Dynamic wear -in -ear -type headphones with rare-
FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 35 ohms; sens 100 earth samarium -cobalt magnets. Contoured for ORA ELECTRONICS
dB; 6.3 oz $32 max comfort. Features gold-plated connectors. Studio Spec Brand
Includes mini connector and mini -to -0.25" adapt-
KSP Sound Partner Headphones er. FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 16 ohms; max GHII1G Stereo Headphones
Featherweight phones for pocket stereo use. power 30 mW; sens 106 dB at 1 mV/ch at 1,000 Lightweight, compact headphones with gold-plat-
Folds into compact size to fit into denim tote bag Hz. 2 oz $15 ed plug and 27 -mm ferrite drivers $3.60
(supplied), comes with accessory adaptors .. $25
SL -90 Deluxe Stereo Headphones
KPL/4 Headphones Dynamic headphones with rare-earth samarium -
Hear -through headphones for stereo, VCR or -rv. cobalt magnets. Human engineered curves, con- EAH-D8 Rare -Earth Headphones
Features self-adjusting slide bars; washable cush- tours, and angles for max comfort. Digital ready. Rare-earth magnets for high output and increased
ions; mini -mono adaptor; spare cushions. FR 18- Features gold-plated connectors. Includes mini efficiency; mini -jack adapter. Earpads designed
20,000 Hz ± dB; imp 100 ohms; 8 -ft cord .. $25 connector and mini -to -0.25" adapter. FR 20- for sophistication and comfort. FR 15-25,000 Hz
20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 32 ohms; max power 100 ± 3 dB; imp 45 ohms; max power 102 dB SPL.
KPL/3 Headphones mW; sens 100 dB at I mV/ch at 1,000 Hz . $15 1.36" driver; cord 8.23 ft; 3 oz $60
Portable headphones. Features volume and bal-
ance controls, screw -on adaptor; spare cushions. SL -60 Stereo Headphones EAH-Z70 Dual -Driver Earphones
FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 35 ohms, mini con- Dynamic lightweight headphones with adjustable With tweeter for highs and woofer for lows; gold-
nector, phone connector $20 headband and super -soft ear cushions. Includes plated plug and gold-plated adaptor for full-size
45" cord, mini plug, mini -to -0.25" adapter. FR phone jacks. Max input 50 mV (123 dB); imp 28
KFF/300 Headphones 50-18,000 Hz ± 3; imp 32 ohms; max power 100 ohms; sens 106 dB SPL/mW; 4 -ft straight
Blue/yellow lightweight stereeophones with dual mW; sens 92 dB at 1 mV/ch at 1,000 Hz .. $10 cord $50
balance controls, includes headband cover, spare
large cushions, and .25" home adapter. Sens 100 SL -40 Stereo Headphones EAH-S35 1.3-0z Headphones
dB; imp 35 ohms; 3 os $20 Dynamic lightweight headphones with adjustable In black, blue, or red, with adaptor for full-size
headband, and flexible pivot earpiece mounts. In- phone jacks. Max input 100 mV (118 dB); imp 40
KMP/800 Headphones cludes 45" cord, mini plug, mini -to -0.25" adapt- ohms; sens 96 dB SPL/mW; 4.9 -ft straight
Sidewinder earbud design with ultra -thin diaph- er. FR 50-16,000 Hz ± 3; imp 32 ohms; max pow- cord $25
ram, spare cushions, home adaptor. Distortion er 50 mW; sens 80 dB at I mV/ch at 1,000 Hz.
<1%; imp 32 ohms; 0.75 os $20 1.5 oz $5 EAH-Z31 0.15 -Oz Earphones
In black, pink, red, gray, or white; with case. Max
KFF/200 Headphones input 50 mV (123 dB); imp 16 ohms; sens 106 dB
Dynamic opean-ear headphones with L -type NADY SYSTEMS SPL/mW; 4 -ft straight cord S25
plug. Features covered headband; extra cushions; IRH-210 Stereo Headphones
and spare adaptor. FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp Cordless stereo headphone. Infrared transmission EAH-Z28 0.19 -Ox Earphones
35 ohms; sens 100 dB; 2.5 oz $16 35 ft range. Separate volume controls for each In black or pink, with case. Max input 40 mV
ear. FR 45-15,000 Hz ± 3 dB $100 (122 dB); imp 32 ohms; sens 106 dB SPL/mW; 4 -
KPL/2 Headphones ft straight cord $16
Features adjustable headband; pivoting earcups;
spare cushions; .25" adaptor. Imp 35 ohms; 2.5 NAKAMICHI EAH-Z9 Folding Headphones
oz $15 SP -7 Stereo Headphones Adjustable headband. Max input 40 mV (117
Lightweight stereo headphones provide broad, dB); imp 16 ohms; sens 102 dB SPL/mW; 3.6 -ft
KMP/600 Headphones flat frequency response, extended dynamic range, straight cord; 0.71 -oz $15
Detachable headband and sidewinder earbud de- and minimal distortion. Utilizes 25 -micron thick
sign. Includes hone adapter. THD <1%;0.75 polyester film with 40.5 -mm diameter and 18.3 - EAH-S18 1.3 -Ox Headphones
OZ $15 mm voice coil. FR 20-20,000 Hz; imp 45 ohms; Adjustable headband, soft ear cushions; adaptor
max power 100 mW; 3-m cable; standard 0.25" for full-size phone jacks. Max input 100 mV (1 1 1
KMP/400 Headphones phone plug $80 dB); imp 16 ohms; sens 91 dB SPL/mW; 4 -ft
Protective carrying case. THD <1%;0.5 oz $12 straight cord $10

KPL/1 Headphones
ONKYO EAH-Z17 0.16 -Oz Earphones
Pivoting earcups ultra lightweight, .25" adapter. DP -G4 Circumaural Headphones In black, pink, or blue, with matching cassette -
2 oz $10 Light -contact -over -the -ear headphones with soft style case. Max input 50 mV (119 dB); imp 26
leatherette adjustable headband. Features high ef- ohms; sens 102 dB SPL/mW; 3.3 -ft straight
KFF/100 Headphones ficiency and wide dynamic range for digital cord $10
Red/blue/yellow lightweight stereophones. In- sources. FR 10-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 32 ohms;
cludes .25" adaptor. Sens 100 dB; imp 35 ohms; 2 max power 150 mW; sens 111 dB at I mV/ch at
oz $10 1,000 Hz. 0.25" connector. 5 oz $52
CD -4 Headphones
DP-L2X Dynamic Headphones For digital or analog playback, lightweight. FR
Supra -aural headphones with 28mm tangential - 20-20,000 Hz; sens 110 dB W/m. 7.5 ft cord with
The listings are based on data edge diaphragm for improved deep bass response. standard gold plated plug $60
provided by the manufacturers. For Special earpad adjusts to individual ear contours.
more product information, contact Mini connector and mini -to -0.25" adaptor includ- CD -2 Stereo Headphones
an authorized dealer or the ed. FR 15-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 30 ohms; max Headphone for digital or analog playback. Sa-
power 100 mW; sens 110 dB at 1 mV/ch at 1,000 marium Cobalt drivers, lightweight. FR 20-20,000
manufacturer directly. Manufacturers' Hz. 2 oz $44 Hz; 7.5 ft cord with standard stereo plug; Y type
addresses and phone numbers are 4 -conductor cord $45
listed in the directory DP-LIX Dynamic Headphones
beginning on page 226. Supra -aural lightweight folding headphones with CD -1 Elliptical Shaped Headphones
volume control and stereo/mono selector. Mini Intermediate size eliptical shaped headphone. FR


20-20,000 Hz; sens 105 dB; 7 ft Y cord with gold channel $35 OA -66P Stereo Headphones
plated mini stereo plug and standard stereo adap- Featherfone 106. Similar to above except FR 20- Open-air headphones with strontium -ferrite mag-
tor $25 18,000 hz $30 nets. Features ultra -lightweight adjustable head-
band with replaceable polyurethane foam ear
CD -6 Stereo Headphones Featherfone 104 Headphones cushions. FR 20-20,000 Hz; distortion less than
Lightweight headphone with dynamic high veloc- Designed for in ear wearing. FR 20-20,000 Hz; 0.5%; imp 32 ohms; sens 92 dB SPL with I-mW
ity element with polyester film diaphram and Sa- sens 98 dB. $23 input at 1,000 Hz; mini plug; .25" adaptor plug;
Featherfone 102. Similar to above except sens is 1.1 oz without cord $6
92 dB $21

0A -101P Featherfone Stereo Headphones

Lightweight open-air stereo headphones. Feature SE -V100 Audio/Video Headphones
lightweight headband; polyurethane foam cush- Features low -loss 24.6 -ft oic cable with gold-
ion; 6 -ft Y -type cord; FR 20-18,000 Hz; distortion plated jack; titanium drivers; linear -suspension -
<0.5% at 100 dB sPi., 1,000 Hz; sens 100 dB SPL edge copper -clad aluminum wire coils; light-
0.25 V input at 1,000 Hz/ch; max input power weight design. FR 5-50,000 Hz; sens 110 sPi /W/
0.05 W; 2.0 oz $26 m; imp 32 ohms $99

0A -99P Featherfone Headphones SE-50D(B10 Dynamic Headphones

Ultralight intra ear stereo headphones. FR 20- Features dome driver with titanium diaphragm;
20,000 Hz; sensitivity 105 dB; 5 ft cord with mini 10 -ft Y -type straight cord; mini and standard
stereo plug and mini to standard 0.25" stereo plug. FR .7.-50,000 Hz; sens 108 dB sPi./W/m;
adaptor $8 imp 32 oh-ns $60

OA -88 Featherfone Headphones SE -205 Dynamic Headphones

marium cobalt magnets. FR 20-20,000 Hz; sens Headphones with convertible Mini-Featherfone Features adjustable headband; 8 -ft cord. FR 20-
110 dB W/m; 7.5 ft single side entry cord with for headband or in -ear wear. High -velocity sa- 20,000 Hz $33
gold plated stereo plug and mini stereo adap- marium -cobalt drivers; ultra -lightweight adjust-
tor $80 able headband with replaceable foam cushions. SE -30D Headphones
FR 20-20,000 Hz; distortion <0.5% at 100 dB Features titanium -dome drivers; linear suspen-
Featherfone 108 Headphones SPL; imp 32 ohms at 1,000 Hz; sens 98 dB SPL sion edge; copper -clad aluminum -wire voice coils;
Stereo headphones fit directly in ears; volume with 1-mW input at 1,000 Hz; max power 0.05 8 -ft low -loss OFC litz-wire cord; mini and stan-
control. Frequency response 20-20,000 Hz; sensi- mW; mini stereo plug; 4 -ft cord; .5 oz without dard plugs. FR 10-25,000 Hz; sens 103 sPL/W/m;
tivity 105 dB; SPL 0.25 V at 1,000 Hz for each cord $7 imp 40 ohms $3I

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Manufacturers are only too glad to send TODAY
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AZDEN CORPORATION (A leader in transducer technology for 35
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QUASAR SS -L33 Dynamic Stereo Headphones adjustable headband. FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB;
Isolation -free, around -the -ear stereo headphones imp 600 ohms $119
SV406 Headphones with 1.56" drivers. Imp 60 ohms; FR 20-20,000
Deluxe headphones with adaptor plug for use Hz; max input power 500 mW; sens 104 dB/mW; HD 420SL Stereo Headphones
with 0.25" jacks $50 2-m cord; 4.4 oz without cord $33 Open -Aire headphones with fabric -covered ear
cushions and adjustable headband suspension
REALISTIC MS -33 Dynamic Stereo Headphones strap. FR 18-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; sens 94 dB with 1
Lightweight on -the -ear mini dynamic stereo mW input, nominal SPL at 1,000 Hz; THD 1.0%;
PRO -60 Acoustic Resistance Headphones headphones fitted with mini stereo plug, with imp 600 ohms; 10 -ft stranded -steed cable with
Variable -density ear cushions, 10 -ft coiled cord adapter for use with home audio equipment. Imp phone plug; 4 oz $99
with 0.25" phone plug. THD <0.5% $50 30 ohms; FR 35-20,000 Hz; max input power 100
mW; sens 97 dB/mW; 2.5-m cord; 1.8 oz without HD 414SL Stereo Headphones
LV-10 High -Velocity Stereo Headphones cord $23 Headphones with replaceable 10 -ft stranded -steel
Vented -back headphones with 2" dynamic ele- cable with phone plug and adjustable headband.
ments. THD 0.5%; acoustic foam earpieces; soft FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 600 ohms.... $89
vinyl -covered headband with self-adjusting yokes;
10 -ft coiled cord, 0.25" plug $40 HI) 250 Headphones HD 50 Mini Headphones
Closed cushion headphone with resonance free All user repalceable parts. FR 20-20,000 Hz, 3 ft
Nova -65 Adjustable Headphones cable w/mini to phone plug adaptor $75
Side -mounted controls for volume and balance;
vinyl drivers; foam -filled ear cushions; padded HD 4105L Stereo Headphones
headband; 10 -ft cord with 0.25" plug $32 Lightweight Open -Aire headphones with replace-
able 10 -ft stranded -steel cable with phone plug.
Nova -55 Dynamic Headphones FR 20-18,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 600 ohms.... $65
Samarium -cobalt magnets; mini plug. FR 20-
20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 3.2-600 ohms; max power PD 100 Mini Headphones
5 V. 3 oz $30 All user replaceable parts. FR 23.18,500 Hz, 3ft
cable w/ mini to phone plug adaptor $58
Nova -40 Adjustable Headphones
Stereo headphones with 3.5" dynamic drivers. HD 40 Lightweight Headphones
Imp 4-16 ohms; soft cushion earcups; padded ad- Open -Aire stereo headphones with 10 -ft strand-
justable headband; 10 -ft coiled cord, 0.25" ed -steel cable with mini to phone plug adaptor.
plug $25 FR 20-18,000 Hz ± 3 dB $49

Nova -45 Lightweight Stereo Headphones

0.25" plug adaptor and rare-earth magnets. FR SIGNET
20-20,000 Hz ± 10 dB; imp 32 ohms; max power TK44 Circumaural Headphones
40 mW; 6.5 -ft cord; 3.3 oz with cord $25 Electret-condenser headphones with adaptor box.
FR 10-22,500 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 4-16 ohms; sens 100
Nova -52 Folding Stereo Headphones dB at 1 V/ch at 1,000 Hz $300
Rare-earth magnets, 6.5 -ft cord with 0.12" mini
plug. 3 oz $20 TK-22 Headphones
Moving -coil dynamic headphones. Features dia-
Nova -10 Stereo Headphones transmission. FR 16-25,000 Hz $199 phragm 20 microns thick, polyester dome. Voice
2" drivers; adjustable vinyl headband with cush- coil of 40 -micron silver -copper wire; self-support-
ioned earpads. 6.5 -ft cord, 0.25" plug $15 HD 230 Headphones ing. Fabric -covered foam earpads; soft suede -fin-
Nova -16. Similar to Nova -10 except has separate Lightweight headphones with separate woofers ish inner headband. FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp
Glide Path level controls $20 and tweeters. Features acoustically sealed ear 4-16 ohms; phone connector; cord 11.5 ft.
cushions; adjustable headband. FR 10-30,000 Hz long $130
Nova -37 Dynamic Headphones ± 3 dB; distortion less than or equal to 1%; imp
Folding headband; samarium -cobalt magnets; 600 ohms; phone connector; cord 10 ft long, 9.2 TK-21 Dynamic Headphones
mini plug $15 oz without cord $199 Full-size lightweight open -ball moving -coil dy-
namic headphones. Features 8.2 -ft cord; mini
Nova -35 Stereo Headphones HD 540 Reference Headphones connector; phone connector adaptor. FR 20-
Micro stereo headphones with foam earpads, ad- Open-air dynamic headphones with integral 20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; sens 98 dB SP!. (I mW input);
justable headband, 5 -ft cord with 0.12" plug. <3 acoustical silk dampening diaphragm. sens 94 dB; imp 4-16 ohms. 99 g $80
oz $14 imp 600 ohms SI79
TK-20 Headphones
Micro -in -Ear Stereo Headphones HD 430 Headphones Moving -coil dynamic headphones. Features fully
Stereo headphones designed to slip into outer ear. Open -Air headphones with circumaural ear cush- rotating yoke and pivot combination for wearing
0.6 oz $13 ions that rest around the ear. Features replaceable comfort. Folds compactly into belt pouch (in-
10 -ft stranded -steel cable with phone plug; adjust- cluded). FR 25-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 4-16 ohms;
Nova -33 Lightweight Headphones able headband. FR 16-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 600 mini connector; phone adapter. THD 0.5% at 100
Portable headphones. 1.25 oz; foam ear cushions; ohms $155 dB SPL. Cord 4.9 ft long $60
0.12" plug; 4 -ft cord $10
HDI 2 Wireless Headphones TK-11 Headphones
Nova 36 Lightweight Headphones Stereo headphones with separate transmitter that Moving -coil dynamic headphones. Features ball -
Fold -up headphones with foam pads; flexible 4 -ft. plugs into headphone jack of any receiver or amp joint pivot for adjustment. FR 30-20,000 Hz ± 3
2 -oz cord with 0.12" mini plug $7 for wireless transmission. Individual volume con- dB; imp 4-16 ohms; mini connector; phone adapt-
trols; rechargeable battery. 2.9 ozs $149 er; 1.9 oz; cord 4.9 ft long $40
Nova -34 Lightweight Headphones SI 2. Wireless transmitter $145
Imp 32 ohms; FR 40-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; max SONY
power 100 mW; mini plug; 4 -ft cord; 3 oz with HD 425 Headphones
cord $5 Open -Air headphones with circumaural ear cush- MDR-CD6 Dynamic Headphones
ions that rest around the ear. Features replaceable Supra -aural headphones with sealed -ear design;
10 -ft cable with phone plug; adjustable headband. 30mm dome driver unit; spring -loaded soft -touch
SANSUI FR 18-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; distortion less than 1%; eliptical earpads; one-sided cord; independent
SS -L55 Dynamic Stereo Headphones imp 600 ohms; sens 94 dB with I mW input; 5.5 left/right side click -sliders; stereo Unimatch plug;
Isolation -free dynamic stereo headphones with oz without cord $135 glod-coated double -layer high -molecule film dia-
around -the -ear design and 1.56" drivers. Imp 100 phragm and copper -clad aluminum voice coil.
ohms at 1,000 Hz; FR 20-20,000 Hz; max input HD 222 Headphones Imp 45 ohms at 1,000 Hz; sens 110 dB/mW; rat-
power 500 mW; sens 104 dB/mW at 500 Hz; 2-m Closed -ear light -weight headphones with replace- ed power 0.1 W; power handling 0.5 W; FR 2-
cord; 4.8 oz without cord $42 able 10 -ft stranded -steel cable with phone plug; 25,000 Hz; cord length 9.8', 3.9 oz $120


MDR -V6 Dynamic Headphones SRS -225 Stereo Headphones ST -2 Lightweight Headphones
Closed -ear -type monitor headphones with fold- Semi -enclosed stereo headphone with high -veloci- CD -ready full -range stereo headphones with 1.5"
ing -type compact headband; 40mm driver unit; ty moving -coil driver. Features adjustable ratch- high -velocity drivers, adjustable black plastic
oval earpads; stereo Unimatch plug; OFC litz et -type headband with specially engineered spring headband; 7.5 -ft Y -type 4 -conductor cord, 0.25"
cord. Imp 63 ohms; sens 106 dB/mW; rated pow- suspension; circumaural design. FR 10-22,000 Hz; to mini adapter. FR 20-20,000 Hz t 3 dB; imp 32
er 0.3 W; power handling 1 W; FR 5-30.000 Hz. sens 94 dB at I mW; imp 100 ohms; max input ohms; max power 100 mW; sens 100 dB at I
Includes soft case $100 100 mW; distortion <0.5% at 1,000 Hz; 10 ft mW/ch at 1,000 Hz. 5 oz $30
cord with 0.25" plug. 8.6 oz 575
MDR -V4 Dynamic Headphones ST -1 Compact Lightweight Headphones
Closed -ear -type monitor headphones with rugged CD -ready home or portable stereo headphones
folding headband; 30mm driver unit; one-sided with 1.36" high -velocity drivers; adjustable black
cord; stereo Unimatch plug; OFC litz cord. Imp 45 headband; 7.5 -ft Y -type 4 -conductor cord, 0.25"
ohms; sens 104 dB/mW; rated power 0.1 W; stereo plug; soft black -vinyl -covered foam ear
power handling capacity 0.5W; FR 10-25,000 Hz. cushions. FR 25-20,000 Hz t 3 dB; imp 32 ohms;
Includes case $80 max power 100 mW; sens 110 dB at I mW/ch at
MDR -V2. Similar in design to MDR -V4 550 1,000 Hz. distortion <0.5% at 110 dB. 5 oz $25
MDR -V1. Similar in design to MDR -V4 530
Microwafer 14 Lighweight Headphones
MDR -S505 Dynamic Headphones Headphones with adjustable folding headband.
Large -size open -air -type headphones with volume Features blue dual -density ear cushions; dynamic
and tone controls; large -size earpads; 30mm high -velocity elements with polyester -film dia-
dome drive units; one-sided cord; stereo Uni- phragms and samarium cobalt magnets; mini
match plug. Imp 45 ohms; sens 104 dB/mW; rat- connector. FR 10-22,000 Hz t 3 dB; imp 32
ed power 0.04 W; power handling 0.1 W; FR 15- ohms; setts 100 dB SPL with 0.25 volt input; max
24,000 Hz; cord length 9' 10"; 2.1 oz $70 power 0.1 W; distortion 0.5% at 100 dB SPL. 5 -ft
Y -type card; I oz without cord $40
MDR -A60 Dynamic Headphones
Verical in -the -ear -type headphones with Sony's
Acoustic Turbo -Circuit for power bass and STAX
smooth high frequencies; 16mm sapphire driver SR-Lambda/SRM-1 Mkt Headphones
units; natura-form bio-tech curved headband de- Stanton SRS -265 Series Headphone Panoramic -imaging professional earspeaker sys-
sign with 3 -point folding mechanism; OFC litz tem with Class -A direct -drive amp. Connects to
wire; stereo Unimatch plug. Imp 18 ohms at SRS -215 Stereo Headphones pre -out or record outputs. FR DC -20,000 Hz t I
1,000 Hz; sens 108 dB/mW; rated power 0.03 W; Semi -enclosed stereo headphone with high -veloci- dB; imp 50,003 ohms; sans 102 dB SPL with 1-
power handling 0.05 W; FR 10-25,000 Hz; cord ty moving -coil driver. Features adjustable ratch- mW input of 1,000 Hz; min power 0.00005 mW;
length 47.25"; 0.7 oz $70 et -type headband with specially engineered spring card length 7 ft; 15.1 oz with cord $999
suspension; circumaural design. FR 20-22,000 Hz; SRE-16 Extension Cord. Five -meter cord for SR -
MDR-M33A Dynamic Headphones sensitivity 98 dB at I mW; impedance 50 ohms; Lambda $89
Features soft -touch elliptical earpads; one-sided maximum input 100 mW; distortion <0.5% at
cord; stereo Unimatch plug; 23mm dome driver 1,000 Hz; 10 -foot dual -conductor cord with mini SR-Lambda/SRD-7 Professional
unit. Imp 25 ohms at 1,000 Hz; sens 100 dB/mW; stereo plug and standard 0.25" phono-type screw Panoramic -imaging professional electrostatic ear -
rated power 0.05 W; power handling 0.1 W; FR on adaptor. 8.6 oz $65 speaker system with energizing adaptor that con-
15-14,000 Hz; cord length 9.8'; 1.7 oz $60 nects to amp outputs. Features circumaural de-
ST -PRO Stereo Headphones sign. FR 8-20,000 Hz t 1 dB; imp 8 ohms; sans
MDR -S303 Dynamic Headphones Features closed -cup design; high -velocity samari- 102 dB sm. with I W input of 1,000 Hz; max
Large -size open -air -type headphones with large - um cobalt driver with mylar diaphragm; adjust- power 10,000 mW; cord lenght 7 ft; 15.1 oz with
size earpads; 30mm dome drive units; one-sided able headband; soft vinyl isolation cushions. Sens cord $599
cord; stereo Unimatch plug. Imp 45 ohms; sens 100 dB with 0.3V input; max power input 250
104 dB/mW; rated power 0.04 W; power han- mW/ch; imp 100 ohms at 1,000 Hz. Includes 7 ft SR -Sigma Headphones
dling 0.1 W; FR 15-22,000 Hz; cord length 9' 10"; coil cord with molded strain relief and 0.25" ste- Panoramic -imaging electrostatic earspeaker sys-
1.9 oz $50 reo plug $55 tem with energizing adapter. FR 30-35.000 Hz ± 2
dB; imp 8 ohms; sans 94 dB SPL with 1-mW input
MDR -E272 Dynamic Headphones 35M/HB Dynamic Headphone of 1,000 Hz; max power 10,000 mW; special con-
In -the -ear -type headphones with gold-plated L- Single -cup open-air headphone with headband in- nector; 16 4 oz with cord $599
shaped mini plug; Sony's Acoustic Turbo -Circuit. tended for disco use. Features high -velocity driv-
Imp 13.5 ohms at 1,000 Hz; sens 104 dB/mW; FR er; samarium cobalt magnet; 0.25" connector. FR SR -Lambda Headphones
18-22.000 Hz; cord length 39.38"; 0.17 oz $40 20-20,000 Hz t 3 dB; imp 100 ohms; max power Panoramic -imaging electrostatic earspeaker sys-
0.25 W; sens 110 dB at I mW/ch at 1,000 Hz. 3.8 tem with energizing adapter. FR 8-35,000 Hz t 2
MDR -S101 Dynamic Headphones oz $55 dB; imp 8 ohms; sans 102 dB SPL with I-mW in-
Large -size open -air -type headphones with 23mm put of 1,000 Hz; max power 10,000 mW; special
dome driver units; large -size earpads; stereo Uni- 35M/SR Disco Headphone connector; 15.1 oz with cord $489
match plug adaptor. Imp 32 ohms; sens 98 dB/ Shoulder -rest single -cup headphone designed for
mW; rated power 0.04 W; power handling 0.1 W; 111 use. Features samarium cobalt magnet; soft SR -Gamma Headphones
FR 20-20,000 Hz; cord length 6.5'; 1.9 oz... $30 foam -filled, leather -like ear cushion. Frequency Circumambient imaging electrostatic earspeakers
response 20-22,000 Hz; impedance 100 ohms; system with energizing adapter. FR 10-35,000 Hz;
maximum input 0.25 W; 3.8 oz $50 max output 109 dB $349
SRS -265 Stereo Headphones ST -4 Open -Air Headphones SR -5/N Headphones
Audiophile/professional headphone with deluxe Features high -velocity samarium cobalt driver Electrostatic earspeaker system with energizing
dynamic driver. Features patented independently with mylar diaphragm; adjustable rachet style adapter. FR 25-25,000 Hz t 2 dB; imp 8 ohms;
suspended earcup design for wearer comfort. FR headband; soft vinyl isolation cushions. Sens 96 sans 97 dB sea. with 1-mW input of 1,000 Hz;
5-22,000 Hz; sens 96 dB at I mW; imp 100 ohms; dB with 0.25 V input; max power 250 mW/ch; max power 10,000 mW; special connector; cord
max input 100 mW; distortion <0.5% at 1,000 imp 60 ohms at 1.000 Hz. Includes 7 ft coil cord length 7 ft. 13.9 oz with cord $249
Hz; 0.25" plug. 8.6 oz $125 with molded strain relief and 0.25" stereo
plug $50 SR -84 Lambda Jr. Headphones
SRS -245 Stereo Headphones Electret earspeaker system with energizing adapt-
Semi -enclosed stereo headphone with deluxe dy- ST -3 Open -Air Headphones er. FR 20-20,000 Hz t 2 dB; imp 8 ohms; sans 95
namic driver. Features adjustable ratchet -type Dynamic full -range stereo headphones with full - dB SPL with 1-mW input of 1,000 Hz; max power
headband with specially engineered spring sus- isolation cushions, 2" high -velocity drivers, sa- 10,000 mW; special connector; cord length 7 ft;
pension; circumaural design. FR 10-22,000 Hz; marium cobalt magnets, mini to 0.25- adapter. 7.5 oz with cord $199
sans 94 dB at 1 mW; imp 100 ohms; max input CD ready. FR 20-20,000 Hz t 3 dB; imp 32 ohms;
100 mW; distortion <0.5% at 1,000 Hz; 10 ft flat max power 100 mW; sans 112 dB at 1 mW/ch at SR -34 Headphones
4 -conductor cord with 0.25" plug. 8.6 oz $100 1,000 Hz. 5 oz $40 Electret earspeaker system with energizing adapt -


er. FR 25-20,000 Hz ± 2 dB; imp 8 ohms; sens 95 HP -206 Stereo Headphones auxiliary membranes per system; half -open de-
dB SPI. with I-mW input of 1,000 Hz; max power Lightweight headphones with volume control; sa- sign. FR 16-20,000 Hz; SPL 94 dB; imp 600 ohms;
10,000 mW; special connector; cord length 7 ft; 8 marium -cobalt magnet; 0.25" plug adaptor; 2 ex- nominal loading capacity 200 mW; distortion
oz with cord $129 tra earpads. Imp 32 ohms $22 1.0%; automatic strap adjustment; gimballed ear -
cups; 3-m cable; 330 g $90
Accessories HP -202W Stereo Headphones
Lightweight headphones with 0.25" plug adaptor W 766A Dynamic Headphones
SRD-X Adaptor for Stax Headphones and 2 extra earpads. Imp 32 ohms. White $18 Lightweight (2.2 oz) mono/stereo headphones
Portable adaptor that allows Stax electrostatic HP -202B. Blue $18 with 8 -ft coiled cord. FR 20-20,000 Hz; imp 200
and electret earspeakers to be connected to a HP -202R. Red $18 ohms at 1,000 Hz; lightweight adjustable head-
headphone jack. Operates on batteries or AC pow- band $90
er adaptor. Features variable gain control. FR 25- HP -102 Stereo Headphones
25,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 300 ohms; max power Imp 32 ohms $13
0.03 mW $159 YAMAHA
TECHNICS YHD-I Foldable Headphones
SRE-15/N Extension Cord Orthodynamic headphones. FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 3
5 -meter extension cord for use with all Stax ear - EAH-T10 Compact Headphones dB; imp 125 ohms; max power 1,000 mW; 100
speakers $35 Lightweight headphones with flat planar trans- dB/mW (109 dB/V); mini connector; phone con-
ducers. Frequency response 15-20,000 Hz ± 7 dB; nector $75
TEAC total -harmonic -distortion 0.2% (100 dB SPL,
1,000 Hz); sensitivity 100 dB SPL (I mW input); YHD-2 Headphones
HP -402 Stereo Headphones max input 300 mW; 3.53 oz; includes mini and Similar to YHD- 1 except with 99 dB/V; imp 125
Deluxe lightweight stereo headphones with soft standard phone plugs $65 ohms $55
vinyl foam cushions. Imp 38 ohms; includes 0.25" YHD-3. Similar to YHD-1 except with 97 -dB
plug adaptor $35 EAH-T6 Lightweight Headphones output $30
Compact headphones with stereo mini plug and
HP302 Mini Stereo Headphones standard stereo headphone plug adapter. FR 20- YHL-003 Headphones
Samarium -cobalt magnet. Imp 32 ohms; includes 20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; imp 40 ohms at 1,000 Hz; max Lightweight fashion -design headphones with mini
0.25" plug adaptor and 2 extra earpads $26 power 100 mW; 1.25 oz $40 plug and adaptor for phone plug. FR 20-20,000
Hz ± 3 dB; imp 150 ohms; sens 103 dB SPL with
HP -308 Stereo Headphones 1-mW in put of 1,000 Hz; max power 100 mW; 6
Lightweight stereo headphones with standard UHER AMERICA ft. cord; 2.8/1.8 oz with/without cord $50
0.25" plug adaptor and 2 sets of replacement ear - W765A Stereo Headphones YHL-006. Similar to YHL-003 except with small-
pads. Impedance 32 ohms cls Dynamic stereo headphones with one active. 6 er diaphragm $40

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product information?
Whenever an advertised product sounds interesting, turn up the

Use our FREE INFORMATION SERVICE to get the detailed facts and
figures you need to make sound purchasing decisions.
Manufacturers are only too glad to send you their
literature ... free and without obligation.
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ad, and circle that number on one of the FREE INFORMATION
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190 STEREO 111 Irk'( ;t I I )1. 1985


ACCUPHASE BY MADRIGAL 6000 -SF. Similar to model 6000 but also contains ±3 dB; S/N -118 dB; THD 0.005%; IMD
a built-in subsonic filter (18 dB/octave below 15 0.01%. 17" w x 2.75" h x 8.5" d; 5 lbs $259
G-18 33 -Band Graphic Equalizer Hz) $181
Third -octave stereo graphic equalizer with sepa- Octave Plus Equalizer
rate power supply for each ch; fully balanced in- Unit combines 10 -band octave graphic equalizer,
puts and outputs; 66 individual filter amps, each AUDIO CONTROL warble tone generator/analyzer, measurement
with discrete components and operating with c -l01 Series Two Equalizer/Analyzer mike. Features center frequencies 31.5, 63. 125,
constant Q throughout their range of 4.3; cham- Stereo graphic equalizer features 101 -LED spec- 250, 500, lk, 2k, 4k, 8k, 17k Hz; max 12 dB boost
pagne -gold or black -anodized finish. S/N 110 dB. trum analyzer display that operates on various or cut; stereo warble tone source adjustable to
17.5" w a 6.31" h x 14.81" d; 26.4 lb .... $3,650 levels; shows controllable peak -reading modes each band center via rotary switch. 2 -position
(fast/slow); horizontal LED's indicate SPL; range buttons; -20 to +3 dB lighted meter regis-
FISL Electronic Crossover switchable calibration levels from 2/dB/LED tering mike input; 18 dB/octave infrasonic filter,
For stereo bi- or triamplification; plug-in boards (analyzes pink noise and mike) to 4 dB/LED source/tape monitoring. FR 3-100,000 Hz ± I
select crossover frequencies and slopes; 0.5 -dB - (displays wider dynamic range). Center frequen- dB; THD 0.008%; input imp 100,000 ohms; out-
per -step level controls from 0 dB to 20.5 dB for cies 32, 60, 120. 480, 960, 1,920, 3,840, 7,680, and put imp 150 ohms; S/N 116 dB, charcoal face-
passbands. S/N 100 dB; 18.3 Ib; 17.5" w x 4.4" h 15,500 Hz; boost/cut range max 15 dB; -1 dB plate $239
x 14.7" d $2,425 subsonic rolloff at 25 Hz, -3 dB rolloff at 20 Hz,
-21 dB rolloff at 10 Hz; variable input level sens Ten Series Two Equalizer
ACE AUDIO with calibration; auto mike/line input switching; Stereo graphic equalizer with video/sound input
pink -noise generator; stereo paired equalizer slid- and switching, 18 dB/octave infrasonic filter.
6000-6 Transient -Perfect Electronic Crossover ers; 18 dB/octave subsonic filter; phase correla- Features LED's in slide controls; flashing LED to
Designed for optimum transient performance at tion rumble reducer circuit. FR 3-100,000 Hz indicate when in tape EQ mode. Center frequen-
any crossover frequency; passes perfect square ± 0.75 dB; distortion 0.009%; hum and noise cies 31.5, 63, 125, 250, 500, 1 k. 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k
waves. With 1frequency module (interchange- -116 dB; 10,000 Hz bandwidth; input/output im- Hz; boost/cut range max 12 dB; FR 3.100,003
able), 6 dB/octave slope, dual level controls. Dis- pedance 100k/I50 ohms; 19" wide x 6.5" high x Hz ± 1 dB; THD 0.005%; S/N 120 dB ... S229
tortion 0.002%; noise <95 dB; 2.25" h x 6" w x 3.5" deep $429
4.36" d $175 Video Soundtracker
Ten Plus Series Two Equalizer Stereo synthesizer with dynamic noise reduction
6500-DSB Electronic Crossover Stereo 10 -band equalizer with LED indicators in and 5 -band equalizer for television or VCR
Designed to operate with any pair of stereo sub - slide controls with warble tone analyzer Features sound. Frequency centers at 60, 250, 1,000, 3,500,
woofers to provide extra bass below 100 Hz; twin video sound input and switching; 18 dB/octave 10,000 Hz; Digital stereo synthesizer; 14 -dB noise
level controls; Bessel filters provide optimum infrasonic filter. tape EQ with flashing LED reduction at 7,000 Hz. FR 10-15,750 Hz ± I dB;
slope and improved group delay; any frequency warning indicator; calibrated mike with response S/N -80 dB; THD 0.05%; 17" w x 2.5" h a 6" d;
available from 40-200 Hz; slope 12 dB/octave, curve; sound pressure meter with 0 dB LED. FR 6 lbs $159
distortion typically 0.002% at 2 V output; in- 3-100,000 Hz ± IdB; THD 0.07%; S/N 120
cludes 1 plug-in frequency module $156 dB $329 Oetave Equalizer
6500 -SF. Similar to model 6500-DSB but also Features paired -octave slider controls, tape re-
contains a built-in subsonic filter (18 dB/octave Richter Scale Series Ill Equalizer/Analyzer cord EQ; 18 dB/octave subsonic filter. FR 3-
below 15 Hz) $181 Designed to enhance bass response; perfect for in- 100,000 Hz ± 1 dB; S/N 118 dB; THD 0.008%;
tegrating subwoofer and satellites, smoothing 17" w x 2 5" h x 6" d; 6 lbs $149
5000-6 Subwoofer Electronic Crossover transition from bass to middle frequencies; com-
For mono subwoofers; crossover frequency 100 bines six -band half -octave bass equalizer, warble
Hz (other frequency optional: extra charge $16). tone analyzer, programmable Linkwitz-Riley 24- AUDIO DESIGN ASSOCIATES
Provides 18 dB/octave slope on subwoofer; 6 dB/ dB/octave electronic crossover; measurement EQ-5 Stereo Equalizer
octave on satellites for smoothest overall re- mike; center frequency slide controls at 22.5, Two channel, 5 -band equalizer with ± 0 dB range
sponse. More than 1 subwoofer can be connected; 31.5, 45, 63, 90 and 125 Hz, ± 12 dB; stereo war- and unity gain controls; Features bypass switch;
built-in bridging amp; 1% precision compo- ble tone source adjustable to each center band via power switch and indicator; external DC power
nents $161 rotary knob; -20 to +6 dB lighted meter register- supply; compact design; standard EIA rack -
5000 -6 -SF. Similar to 5000-6 but also contains ing mike input; 18 dB/octave infrasonic filter; mountable. Frequencies 37 Hz/109 Hz/675 Hz/
built-in subsonic filter (18 dB/octave below 15 source/tape monitoring; equalize program; low - 1,300 Hz/15,900 Hz; FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; s/
Hz) $186 frequency (12 dB/octave at 200 Hz) summing cir- N 85 dBl THD 0.05%. 2 Ib; 19" w x 1.75" h x 5.5"
cuit for rumble reduction; frequency point pro- d $659
5000 Subwoofer Electronic Crossover grammable (24 dB/octave) electronic crossover
Designed to operate with subwoofers or mini circuit for subwoofer and biamplification modes;
speaker systems. Features level control, defeat mono and inverted mono outputs for bridging; AUDIONICS BY FOSGATE
switch. Crossover 18 dB/octave at 100 Hz; noise gold jacks. FR 3-100,000 Hz ± 1dB; THD SD -3 Dolby Surround
-90 dB; distortion 0.025% at 2 V out, 0.01% typ- 0.005%; input imp 100,000 ohms; output imp 150 Dolby Surround'", Pro -Logic"' surround audio
ically; 2.25" h x 6" w x 4.36" d $161 ohms, S/N 120 dB $349 processor. Provides high seperation of Dolby Sur-
Kit $120 round software utilizing newly developed Dolby
5000 -SF. Similar to 5000 but includes subsonic Phase -Coupled Activator Laboratories technology. All technical specifica-
filter. 18 dB/oct below 15 Hz $186 Detects and dig.tally reconstructs fundamental tions are essentially identical to Dolby Labs
musical frequencies attenuated in the recording CAT -I50 theatre processor. Built in 40 W/ch
6000 Electronic Crossover processes. Propnetary intelligent circuitry dis- amp; pink noise generator for speaker calibration
Designed for bi- or tri- (with 2 6000s) amplifying. criminates between sound sources, passing some with autosequencing, and logic derived center
Features plug-in frequency module; built-in pow- (like most voices) without adding spurious lows, front channel. Variable time delay; infrared re-
er supply; IS crossover frequencies, 200-10,000 while restoring missing musical fundamentals. mote control; All analog circuitry operates in
Hz at 12-dB/octave; 2 tweeter level controls. Features in/out switch; subsonic filter 18 dB/oct; class A mode. FR L/R front 20 -20,000 Hz ± 1 dB;
THD and IMD 0.002%; input imp 220 k/ohms; programmable electronic crossover; crossover CF 103-20000 Hz ± 1 dB; Dolby surround out-
output imp 100 ohms; hum and noise -90 dB; 6" output level; tape monitor; detection ratio sensi- puts -3 dB at 7500 Hz; s/N front channels typicl-
w x 4.36" d x 2.25" h $156 tivity adjustment; rack mount. FR 5-100,000 Hz ly 90 dB $795


lb; 17" w x 3.5" h x 9" d $300
ADC AUDIO RESEARCH GX-45 10 -Band Graphic Equalizer
Sound Shaper SS -525X Equalizer EC -21 Electronic Vacuum -Tube Crossover 10-band/ch EQ with graphic display, t 15 -dB
Automatic computerized I 2 -band system/room Low -frequency, passive high -frequency electronic boost/cut. Designed to handle 2 tape decks for
EQ with channels separate or together and real- crossover; features individual low-ch level con- dubbing purposes. FR 10-35,000 Hz t 3 dB; s/N
time spectrum analyzer. Features dbx technology; trols; 9 -dB max gain; auto warm-up muting; fixed 90 dB; THD 0.005%; max output 6 V. Black. 17"
remote control; precision 2 -dB settings; switch - frequency capacitor kits available. Input imp w x 3.5" h x 9" d; 9 lb $225
able I8-dB/octave infrasonic (subsonic) filter; mi- 100k ohms; THD 0.003%; outputs match Audio
crocomputer with 4 memories for storing user - Research power amps; 19" w x 6" h x 5.25" GX-36 10 -Band Graphic Equalizer
created EQ curves; switchable FL display; elec- d $995 10-band/ch EQ with ± 15 -dB boost/cut. Designed
tronic rocker -switch frequency controls; left and to handle 2 tape decks for dubbing purposes. FR
right ch attenuation; 2 tape monitors; 2 -way dub- 10-35,000 Hz t 3 dB; s/N 100 dB; THD 0.005%;
bing; EQ record; buitl-in pink -noise generator.
AUDIOSOURCE max output 6 V. Black. 17" w x 3.5" h x 9" d; 8
t 13 dB control range. Includes calibrated elec- EQ-One Series II Graphic Equalizer/Analyzer lb $125
tret-condenser mike $600 Rack -mount, professional -type stereo graphic
equalizer with built-in real-time analyzer, pink - BOZAK
Sound Shaper SS -412X Equalizer noise generator, omnidirectional electret condens-
10-band-per-ch octave equalizer/spectrum ana- er mike. Features LED display of 80 red, 10 green, E -901A Signal Delay
lyzer with pink -noise generator. Features cali- 2 red I.EDS that constantly give accurate music Continuously variable delay system from 30-260
brated electret-condenser mike; oversized FL RTA readings, infrasonic filter. Center frequencies ms. Recreates concert -hall ambience in the home.
display for L. R and L + R channels; 2 tape mon- 31.5, 63, 125, 250, 500, lk, 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k Hz; Features re -mix for up to 3 sec of delay. FR 100-
itors; 2 -way dubbing. Control range ± 15 dB. boost/cut range t 12 dB; FR 3-100,000 Hz t 0 75 15,000 Hz t 3 dB; THD <0.09%; hi-freq adj ± 12
17.5" w x 3.5" h x 11.75" d $400 dB; distortion 0.0045% 20-15,000 Hz, 0.027% dB. 15 Ib; 17.75" w x 2.50" h x 9.75" d $649
20-20,000 Hz; hum and noise t 99.7 dB at 1 V; E -902A. Same as E -90I A with addition of 35 W/
325X Graphic Equalizer max input/output 6.8 V; input/output imp 100k/ ch built-in amp $899
I 2-band-per-ch equalizer/real-time analyzer with 68 ohms; infrasonic filter slope -18 dB/octave;
5 memories for storing user -selected EQ curves. analyzer display range ± 16 dB; pink -noise output
Features microphone; pink -noise generator; level/imp 100 mV/6k ohms; mic sens -73 dB at CARVER
stepped EQ controls; narrow -band bass sliders; in- 1,000 Hz ± 3 dB; mic imp 600 ohms; mike FR 30- Digital Time Lens
frasonic filter; 2 -way dubbing. Center frequencies 16,000 Hz; 19" x 8.36" x 5.22" $370 Designed for use between a CD player and
at 25, 40, 63, 100, 160, 500, 1,000, 2,000, 4,000, preamp, integrated amp, or receiver to ameliorate
8,000, and 16,000 Hz $400 SS -One Surround Sound Processor the hot, harsh, bright sound sometimes found on
Dolby surround sound processor with variable CD's by changing frequency balance. Also
Sound Shaper SS-117EX Equalizer surround -sound effects and built-in rear-ch amp. changes ratio of L -R to L+R to recover lost am-
10-band-per-ch octave equalizer/spatial expan- Features variable digital time delay; LED audio - bience and spatial detail. 17.36" w x 1.33" h x 4"
der. Features 20 lit sliders; multicolor LED dis- level indicators; preamp outputs; synthesis and d $259
play for spatial -expansion level; 2 tape monitors; matrix stereo/surround for non -Dolby -encoded
2 -way dubbing; spatial expansion in/out and level software; 100, 10,000 Hz boost circuits. FR 20- C-9 Sonic Hologram Generator
control. Control range t 15 dB. 17.5" w x 3.5" h 20,000 Hz t 3 dB; s/N 85 dB. 16.5" w x 2.25" h x Designed to restore lifelike space and dimension
x 8.75" d $250 11.5" d; 8 lb $300 to music. Sonic Hologram Generator precisely lo-
SS -One System. Same as SS -One with pair of LS - cates instruments and vocals in 3 -dimensional
300SL Equalizer Ten 2 -way compact speakers for rear ch $370 space by using otherwise inaudible phase and
Slim -line 10 -band equalizer/real-time analyzer time information to recreate the original vector
withmicrophone and pink -noise test signal for AV -Four A/V Selector/Surround Sound sound field. Requires no special source material
fine-tuning speakers and room response. Features Synthsized surround sound with built-in 15-W/ or additional speakers. Specs and performance
I5 -dB control range; large FL display; lighted ch amp, 7 -band graphic EQ with spectrum ana!yz- identical to Sonic Holography section of C-4000
EQ sliders; sttep infrasonic (subsonic) filters; 2 er, 5 video/stereo audio inputs, RF in and out. preamp. 19" w x 1.75" h x 4.62" d $249
tape moitiors; 2 -way dubbing. Center frequencies Features DNR; antenna switching, RF maodula-
at 32, 63, 125, 250, 500, 1,000, 2,000, 4,000, tor. FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; s/N >80 dB. 16.5"
8,000, and 16,000 Hz $240 w x 2.25" h x 10" d; 7 lb $200
The Audio Palette
Sound Shaper SS-100SL Equalizer AV -Three A/V Selector/Processor For changing tonal balance in 6 low -Q bands cen-
Slim -line 10 -band EQ with ± 15 dB control range. Audio/video fader, enhancer, color and hue con- tered at 15, 120, 500. 2k. 5k. 25k Hz; max boost
Features FL RTA display; 18-dB/octave infrasonic trol for 5 video/stereo inputs and outputs. Fea- or cut 12 dB; sep input controls for L and R; con-
(subsonic) filter; EQ record $160 tures spectrum analyzer display; RF in and out; trols for absolute phase (right 180°, left 180°, 0°,
RF modulator; DNR; stereo synthesizer; antnna 180°), EQ (out, in, blend), monitor/center (+10 to
AKAI switching. FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 3 dB; s/N >80 dB; <-40 dB), and output level (+10 to <-40 dB);
chroma phase 45%; chroma level 200%; en- Class A discrete circuitry $8,900
AS -P302 -B Surround -Sound Decoder hancer 0-9 dB. 16.5" w x 2.25" h x 10" d; 6.75
Dolby- and matrix -surround decoder and video lb $200 Master Supply
switcher with 4 video and 2 audio inputs. 20 - 120 V AC $2,250
function wireless remote control; 25 W/ch sur- EQ-Eight Graphic Equalizer
round amp; front -panel video aux input; tone 10 -band equalizer with 90 -LED spectrum display.
control; muting; independent record selector; in- Features LED'S on slide controls; control range
put balance; 3 surround balance memories. FR ± 12 dB; audio inputs plus second set of inputs DB-10 Bass Turbocharger
10-25,000 Hz t 3 dB; S/N 90 dB. 17.3" W x 3.1" for video audio or other high -output source, EQ A combination bass equalizer/subsonic filter
h x 10.2" d; 10.8 lb $299 rec switch; EQ defeat; tape monitor switch. FR 5- which boosts bass response at 30 Hz by 5 to 10
100,000 Hz t I dB; s/N -80 dB; THD 0.03%. 5 dB (switchable), and at the same time eliminates
Ib; 16.5" w x 2.43" h x 7.12" d $160 all subsonic distortion below 20 Hz. Allows pow-
APHEX SYSTEMS er handling to be increased while adding substan-
ESP 7000 Surround Decoder AZDEN tial low frequency information to response. FR
Surround sound decoder with 6 full range out- t 0.25 dB; rated output 2 V rms; max output 8 V
puts, L front, R front, center, L rear, R rear, cen- GX-500 Graphic Equalizer rms $60
ter. Ratiometric circuitry provides up to 50 dB 33 point 1/3 octave graphic EQ designed for studio
separation. Dolby Surround"' compatible cinema or professional applications. Allows input attenu- DB SYSTEMS
mode; infrared remote controls power, balance, ation from 0-20 dB; equalizing range ± 15 dB; FR
volume, separation, mode and tape monitor. FR 10-100,000 Hz t 3 dB; s/N 106 dB; THD .005%; DB-3 2 -Way Active Crossover
main outputs 12-50,000 Hz +0 - l dB (music 17" w x 3.5" h x 9" d; weight 3.5 kg $495 Fixed frequency active crossovers 6 or 12 dB
mode), subwoofer output 12-150 Hz -3 dB; dy- Gaussian. Features screwdriver adjustable level
namic range 96 dB; THD 0.03% for 0 dBv input GX-50 Equalizer controls on outputs; separate power supply. FR
level; output gain trim ± 8 dB; 1.75" h x 9" d x Black 10 -band equalizer with real-time spectrum 10-100,000 Hz t 3 dB; s/N 95 dB; THD 0.003%;
17" w (19" wide with optional rack ears); 11 analyzer; pink -noise generator; mike. FR 10- 2.5 lb; 8.5" w x 3.2" h x 7" d $292
lb $995 35,000 Hz t 3 dB; S/N 90 dB; THD 0.005%. 10 Three-way 18 dB $539

192 S iERFct BuN ERs' Guilit. 1988

Two-way 18 dB $384 coding and full monitoring possible; hardwire by- outputs or A/v inputs S795
Three-way 12 dB or 6 dB $349 pass. Dynamic range 105 dB; THD 0.1% 100- DSM 3603 Surrround Processor
Two-way 100 Hz, 18 dB S322 20,000 Hz, 0.5% 30-100 Hz; IMD 0.2% ... $299 Same performance characteristics as DSM 360ag
DB-2A Power Supply 585 less remote control, side channel outputs, A/v in-
DBP-1 Auxiliary Cable 518 120X -DS Subharmonic Synthesizer puts, variable time delay or noise reduction. All
Rack -mountable subharmonic synthesizer with decoding functions are otherwise identical . S495
DB-3-24 In -Phase Crossover adjustable bands and varible subwoofer crossover.
24-dB/octave crossover minimizes irregularity in Synthesizes 27-55 Hz subharmonic fundamentals
radiation pattern through crossover region. High, from 55-110 Hz program input. Features variable HARMAN KARDON
low-pass outputs always in phase with each other, phase -coherent crossover for subwoofer applica- EQ8 Graphic Equalizer
6 dB down at crossover frequency. Noise perfor- tions. FR 25-20,000 Hz ± 1 dB; dynamic range Stereo IG-band graphic equalizer with infrasonic
mance improved by 10 dB over 18 dB DB-3. Re- 105 dB; crossover 12 dB/octave highpass (-3 dB filter continuously variable from 5 to 30 Hz; sepa-
quires DB-2A power supply or DBP-1 cable. at 120 Hz), 6 dB/octave derived lowpass $299 rate L and R input controls with overload LED's;
User specifies frequency. Available in 2 -way tape monitor; tape EQ. Center frequencies 31.5,
only $490 63. 125, 250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k Hz; max
DB-3-24-100. Standard version of above, set at DENNESEN ELECTROSTATICS boost or cut 12 dB $258
100 Hz, with additional common bass $405 Phase Restoration Device
Corrects for high -frequency phase delay caused
DB-5 Tone Control by output filters in digital recorders and CD play- JVC
Tone controls with 3 high and 3 low break fre- ers. Features process or bypass, phase plus, phase SEAM770BK Graphic Equalizer
quencies; low -frequency boost switch and outputs minus. FR 10-100,000 Hz ± .1 dB; s/N 90 dB; Electronic 7 -band graphic equalizer with infrared
for sum and difference signals. FR 10-100,000 Hz THD 0.01%; 5 Ib; 10" w x 1.75" h x 8" d $300 wireless remote control. Features 7 frequency
± 3 dB; S/N 96 dB; THD 0.0008%; IMD 0.001%. equalizer controls per channel; 6 user preset
Requires DB-2A power supply or DBP-I aux ca- equalizations; 6 programmed preset equaliza-
ble if used with existing DB Systems equipment. DENON tions; LCD for S.E.A./real-time spectrum analyz-
8.5" w x 3.2" h x 7" d; 2.8 lb S380 DE -70B Dynan-ic Equalizer er; computer -controlled electronic equalization.
DB-5AU. Similar to DB-5 with oak cabinet and 12 -band stereo graphic equalizer. Can be used to Remote control functions include adjusting fre-
gold jacks $465 control dynamic expander function for increased quency response; recalling a preset equalization;
dynamic range at selected frequencies with ad- memory of user -programmed EQ curves; adjust-
DB-7 Phase Inverter justable rate level. Features separate rec out and ing volume; fade -muting sound; initiating preset
Phase inverter and bridging adaptor with super- input selectors. 3-positionmonitor switch. FR 10- scan; selecting transfer, reverse, or flat re-
sonic and subsonic filters (18 dB). FR 10-1000,000 200,000 Hz -0, -2.5 dB; low distortion sponse $400
Hz ± 3 dB; S/N 109 dB; THD 0.003%; IMD -0.0003% at 1.000 Hz 5470
0.003%. Requires DB-2A power supply or DBP- ACA -36. Wood side panels for DE -70B .... S30 SUA30 A/V Surround Processor
I aux cable if used with existing DB Systems Surround sound processor with three surround
equipment. 6.2" w x 2.2" h x 4.5" d $195 effects including Dolby Surround, hall surround,
FISHER and simulated surround. Features built-in ampli-
ASR -875 Surround Sound System fier; left/right calibration and delay -time con-
Surround system includes CAV-875 surround trols; volume control for rear speakers; preamp-
14/10 Equalizer/Analyzer sound processor/amplifier with wireless remote level output for external power amplifier; hea-
Automatic computerized equalizer/analyzer ana- phone jack for surround sound headphones. Pow-
lyzes and displays the precise sound spectrum er output: 10 W/ch into 8 ohms from 40-20,003
heard in a room at either fast or slow speeds from Hz with no more than 0.5% THD 5235
a program input or microphone and adjusts sys-
SEA12BK Graphic Equalizer
7 -band graphic equalizer features 7 frequency
controls per channel with ± 10 dB control range;
S.E.A. recording for equalized tape dubbing; -6
dB input attenuator to prevent overload distor-
tion; transistor inductors for expanded dynamic
range. FR 10-50,000 Hz ± 3 dB; s/N 110 dB; THD
0.03% at 1,000 Hz. 17.19" w x 2.44" h x 7.86" d;
tern output to compensate for room anomalies. 4.2 lb $100
Memorizes 10 optimum room settings and can
average them and recalls any of the equalized set-
tings at the touch of a button. Features real-time KENWOOD
analyzer with display; microprocessor -controlled control and WS -460 surround speakers. Proces- GE -1100 12 -Band Graphic Equalizer
I4 -band EQ; pink -noise generator with calibrated sor features Dolby Surround processing, simulat- Basic series graphic equalizer with built-in reverb
microphone; digital SPL meter. Center frequencies ed, hall, and stadium surround effects, switchable amp and 12 -band spectrum analyzer display. Fea-
at 31.5, 45, 63, 90, 125, 180, 250, 360, 550, 1,000, 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50 ms delay; 4 sets stereo video tures independent L/R channel EQ controls; ± 12
2,000, 4,000, 8,000, and 16,000 Hz; control range inputs; 2 sets stereo video outputs; 1 aux input; I dB EQ range; L/R or L+R display selector; LED
± 12 dB $1,299 tape monitor; 24 -function remote control. Each illuminated slide controls; time -delay and depth
speaker features a 6.5" woofer; 3" tweeter. Power controls; two tape monitors with bidirectional
Digital Series Dynamic -Range Controllers output: 30 W/ch into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz dubbing and monitoring; full -effect recording; EQ
with no more than 0.5% THD S399 normal/reverse selector; -6 dB attenuator; THD
Rack -mountable dynamic -range controllers with 0.003%; s/N 105 dB. 17.31" w x 6.44" h x 13.75"
overeasy compression for background listening. d; 13.6 lb 5430
Expansion yields CD -like sound from LP'S. rxt ra- FOSGATE
dio. and rv/video. Features impact recovery for DSM 3602ag Digital Surround Processor SS -96 Surround Sound Processor
more lifelike "punch": ambience to adjust spa- High seperation surround audio processor. May Audio/video surround processor with remote
ciousness and stereo focus; full LED; hardwire by - be used in systems ranging from 3 to 8 speakers. control. Features Dolby Surround processor; the-
bass for comparisons; tape/source and pre -record Subwoofer out; built in 40 W/ch amp; variable ater and stadium effects; time delay control; left/
or post -play tape procession. time delay; infrared remote control; selectable ste- right channel calibration controls; two VCR in-
3BX-DS. Processing all done in 3 individual fre- reo stage width; Dolby surround decoding; logic puts with dubbing and audio injection; VDP input;
quency bands for minimal adverse interaction derived center channel; 4 A/v inputs; tape moni- tape monitor; video monitor; FL display; 15 W/ch
among instrumental ranges $499 tor; bass EQ. All anolog circuitry operates in class amplifier; preout connection to external amplifi-
1BX-DS. Similar performance to 3BX with I- A mode; Polystyrene and polypropylene capaci- er. 16.56" w x 3.44" h x 10.81" d; 9.9 lb .. 5350
band full -range design 5279 tors in audio signal path. FR 2-30.000 Hz ± I dB;
THD/IMD typically 0.05% or less; s/N typically SS -75 Surround Sound Processor
224X -DS Type -II Noise Reduction System 85 dB or greater; sep 35 dB; 17.25" w x 2 75" h x Features Dolby Surround processor; theater and
Rack -mountable NR system doubles tape deck's 12" d; 12 lb S1,195 stadium effects; time delay control; left/right
dynamic range with 40 -dB min noise reduction. DSM 3602. As above less built in amp ... $995 channel calibration controls; surround volume
Features 2 -deck switching and dubbing with en- DSM 3604. Same as DSM 360ag less side channel control; LED leve meter and power indicator;


built-in 5.5 W/ch amplifier; preout connection to sLu-3 outputs $1,700 125, 500, 1.000. 2,000, 4,000, 8,000, and 16,000
external amplifier. 16.56" w x 2.19" h x 8.56" d; EQ 551 Graphic Equalizer Hz $295
6.8 lb $250 10 -band graphic EQ with separate controls con-
trols for left and right channels and equalized EQ-25 10 -Band Equalizer
GE -76 9 -Band Graphic Equalizer tape output. Calibrated mic included. FR 20- Graphic equalizer with adjustable frequencies at
Features independent L/R channel EQ controls; 40,000 Hz ± 3 dB; THD 0.005%; s/N 80 dB. 16.5" octave intervals from 31.5-16,000 Hz. Features 10
± 12 dB or ± 6 dB variable range; spectrum ana- w x 2.88" h x 7.62" d; 5.9 lb $250 slider controls per ch $269.95

EQ 130 Graphic Equalizer EQ-540 9 -Band Equalizer

10 -band graphic equalizer with seperate controls Graphic equalizer with 9 bands/ch and built-in
for each channel. 5.5 Ib; 16.5" w x 2.62" h x 8" graphic indicator $200
d $130
MARK LEVINSON BY MADRIGAL EQ-35 Integra Graphic Equalizer
lyzer with separate left & right channel displays; LNC-2 Electronic Crossover 12 -band graphic equalizer with signal generator.
reverse mode switch; EQ record switch; line, tape, Modular system for frequency division of line -lev- Features individual controls for each channel;
adaptor input/output connectors. 16.56" w x 3.5" el signals. Features 4 active filters (2 high pass, 2 1.ED slide markers; signal generator for all center
h x 10.38" d; 7.9 lb $240 low pass); on/off switch for each high- and low- frequencies except 16 and 32,000 Hz; step or
pass filter, internal stereo/mono switch and Ca - sweep generator mode; level control, ± 12 dB or
GE -56 12 -Band Graphic Equalizer mac connectors; hand -brushed and black anod- ± 6 dB adjustment range switch; operation mode
Features independent L/R channel EQ controls; ized finish; 18 dB/octave slopes, optional 6 -dB or display; delta power supply; silver finish. Center
± 10 dB EQ range; LED display; output level con- I2 -dB slopes for 3 -way stereo operation; optional frequencies at 16, 32, 64, 125, 500, 1,000, 2,000.
trol; line/tape input/output connector; EQ on/off 6-dB/octave slope OCS modules; output level of 4,000, 8,000, 16,000, and 32,000 Hz. s/N 100 dB;
switch. 16.56" w x 3.44" h x 10.25" d; 6.01b$160 each frequency controlled by 10 -turn locking po- THD 0.01%. Also available with black -matte fin-
tentiometer on front panel. THD 0.002%; wide - ish as model EQ-35B $320
GE -46 7 -Band Graphic Equalizer band noise less than 102 dBV unwtd; accuracy
Features independent L/R channel EQ controls; within 5% of specified crossover point; PLS-15I EQ-240 Graphic Equalizer
± 10 dB EQ range; LED display; line/tape input/ separate power supply load regulation 0.05%; wi- 7 -band graphic equalizer includes a spectrum an-
output connector; EQ on/off switch. 16.56" w x deband noise output 18 µV; LNC-2: 2.25" h x alyzer display with level control. Features LED in-
3.44" h x 8.88" d; 6.6 lb $100 19" w x 7.88" d; PLS-I51: 4.36" h x 4" w 10.62" dicator for each band; EQ bypass switch; moni-
d; 12 lb $3,280 tor/tape-source switch. Center frequencies at 64,
KINETIC AUDIO INT'L 160. 400, 1,000, 2,500, 6,300, and 16,000 Hz. s/N
MEMOREX by MEMTEK 100 dB; THD 0.01% at 20-20,000 Hz, 1.5 volt out-
3 -Point Crossover/Level Control put. 17.12" wide x 2.81" high x 10.12" deep; 6.4
Monophonic passive crossover/level control sys- DS -10 Surround Sound Decoder with Amplifier lb $210
tem that keeps low frequencies from entering Reproduces Dolby surround sound. Features 15
miniature monitor, satellite speaker systems. Fea- W/ch through user's two rear speakers, or car. be EQ-18 Graphic Equalizer
tures crossover level control and mid -high-pass used as a stand alone audio amp. providing 5 W/ 7 -band graphic equalizer with LED indicator for
filter. Crossovers 65, 90, 180 Hz; converts 4- to 8 - ch to front and rear speakers. Dolby surround each band, EQ bypass switch, and monitor/tape-
ohm load. Can be built into Kinetic subwoofers. mode can be selected, or choose the stereo All source switch. Center frequencies at 63, 160, 400,
Mono version $150 mode, allowing non surround encoded stereo pro- 1,000, 2,500, 6,300, and 16,000 Hz. s/N 100 dB;
grams to be played. Input balance control; front/ THD 0.01% at 20-20,000 Hz, 1.5 V output. 17.12"
4 -Point Crossover/Low-Pass Filter rear balance; flat black finish with gold letter- w x 2.88" h x 10 d"; 5.3 lb $135
Monophonic passive crossover to be used with ing $130
subwoofer for filtering out unwanted midrange
and high frequencies. Crossover points are 60, 90, Infrared Cordless Headphone Adaptor PARASOUND
180, and 350 Hz; imp 6-8 ohms. Can be built into Infrared transmitter beams any audio source to a PVA-1 Audio/Video Equalizer
Kinetic subwoofers. Mono version; 15 Ibs; 4" h x special receiver module that can accept all mini - With 18-W/ch Dolby Surround -Sound amp; 3 -
15" w x 10" d $150 plugged headphones $70 band surround EQ; remote controls video inputs,
main audio level, surround audio level, color,
LUXMAN NEC hue, sharpness, video fader; video switching; lin-
ear push -type controls; electronic input switch-
G-100 Graphic Equalizer AVD-700E Surround -Sound Processor ing; color and sharpness correct; video fader; 10 -
10 -band graphic EQ with ± 12 -dB cut/boost on Remote -controlled 16 -bit digital -delay surround - band, 3 -color spectrum display; 2 -way tape dub-
standard iso centers. Features expansion/com- sound processor with Dolby, hall, matrix, and bing; RF input; 3 video inputs; front panel jacks
pression enhance to improve dynamic range; for VCR 2. S/N 100 dB; 17.25" w x 4.25" h x
STAR circuit topology; post and pre -record EQ 8.5" d $595
capability. FR 10-50,000 Hz ± 0.5 dB; s/N 110 dB
1HF A-wtd; THD 0.003%. 17.25" w x 3.88" h x EQS-1 Equalizer/Spectrum Analyzer
9.44" d; 5.9 lb $250 10-band/ch graphic EQ with fluorescent real-
time spectrum analyzer and built-in pink -noise
MARANTZ generator. Features 22 multiple-detented and illu-
minated 30 -mm stroke sliders; illuminated
CDA-94 Outboard D/A Converter switches; subsonic filter; bi-directional tape dub-
Used with CD players and other digital compo- bing; record EQ switch for dubbing; switchable
nents providing digital output. When used with creation surround circuits. Features inputs for up line input; display peak hold; electret mike. Max
Marantz CD94 eliminates ground loops, contact to 10 video and 5 audio sources; mix -and -match boost/cut 12 dB; center frequencies 30, 60, 120,
of any video with any audio source; master level 250, 500, lk, 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k Hz; S/N 100 dB;
control; reset button to set all volume levels to 17.25" w x 4" h x 9.5" d; 10 lb $345
-40 dB without affecting any presets; volume in-
dicators that indicate display levels of front and EQ300 Graphic Equalizer/Analyzer
surround sound channel by channel. FR 10-20,000 12 -band graphic equalizer with real-time spec-
Hz +5, -1 dB; s/N 100 dB. 16.94" w x 3.16" h x trum analyzer. Max boost/cut 12 dB, center fre-
13.39" d; 16.1 lb $729 quencies 16 (cut only), 30, 60, 90, 120, 250, 500,
1,000, 2,000, 4,000, 8,000, 16,000 Hz. Multiple-
NIKKO AUDIO detented 45 -mm slider controls ganged by fre-
quency; illuminated 2 -color LED tape -monitor
rectification; accepts 2 wired digital inputs with EQ-950 Graphic Equalizer/Spectrum Analyzer switch; EQ record switch for tape dubbing; by-
additional input and output connectors for DAT Features 10 bands/ch; spectrum display of sepa- pass switch; detented level control; I6 -Hz vari-
tape deck; automatically selects correct sampling rate or combined Lilt EQ settings; pink noise gen- able rumble filters; 90 -Hz room -boundary con-
rate for DAT deck; fixed and variable line out- erator; mic for EQ slope; EQ bypass; source selec- trol; AC outlet. S/N 100 dB; 9 Ib; 17.25" w x
puts, adjustable headphone level and balanced tor; tape in/out. Center frequencies at 31.5, 63, 4.25" h x 8.5" d $240


EQ225 Equalizer/Analyzer sound expansion; line -level center- and rear -chan- AV -99 Audio/Video Processor
Illuminated LED's; separate level control for nel outputs; tape monitor loop; AC convenience A/V proccessor accepts signals from any line out
each channel; tape dubbing; video sound input; 3 - outlet. Power output 30 W/ch from 100-6,000 Hz format. Features digital "Video Art" special ef-
color spectrum display. S/N -100 dB; max with no more than 3.0% THD; s/N 60 dBA (sur- fects; video enhancer; A/V faders. Terminals for
boost/cut 12 dB. 17.5" x 2.88" x 8.5" .... SI85 round speakers output). 14.5" w x 3" h x 13.13" 2 VCR's. 1 camera. I audio component, and 2
d $349 monitors: dubbing capabilities; audio insert; char-
PIONEER acter generator terminals. Video input sens
MGE260 10 -Band Graphic Equalizer 1.0vp-p/75 ohms. Audio input sensitivity -6 dBs/
SP-101(BK) Surround -Sound Processor Features Dimensia system design; automatic 47 kilohms. 16.94" wide x 4.06" high x 11 25" d;
Features 4 processing modes; 2-ch rear output for power -on; lighted slide controls; fluorescent spec- 9 lb $650
unequal delay decoding; super -bass synthesiser; trum analyzer display; built-in muting; EQ-bypass
adjustable low-cut filters; simulated stereo; switch; power -off bridging; AC convenience out- VX-99 V deo Processor
switchable inout level. 16.56"w x 2.38" h x 13.25" let. EQ center frequencies: 31.5, 63, 125, 250, 500, Similar to AV -99 but without audio processing
d $350 1,000, 2,000, 4,000, 8,000, and 16,000 Hz; adjust- and video wipe features $600
ment range ± 10 dB. FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 0.5 dB;
SP-X707(BK) Surround -Sound Processor s/N >100 dBA; THD <0.005%. 14.63" w x 3" h x DS -77 A/V Surround Sound Processor
Features 4 surrond modes (simulated stereo, sta- 10.38" d 5219 Provides amplification for rear channel and cen-
dium, theater, and Dolby); dynamic expansion ter front for audio and video sound. Features su-
switch; super -bass switch; wireless remote con- per bass synthesizer; peak attacker; simulated ste-
trol. 30 continuous average W/ch. 2.94" h x REALISTIC reo; built-in amp delay memories. Decodes spe-
14.19" w x 13.06" d $320 31-2020 10 -Band Equalizer cially encoded video tapes. FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 3
10-band/ch EQ with spectrum analyzer; IMX dB; THD 0.09%; delay time theater and hall 20
SG-60(BK) Graphic Equalizer spatial expander; tape 1 and 2 in/out. S/N 95 dB. m/sec; 10 W/ch for rear speaker drive. 16.94" w
Features 12 bnads/ch; independent controls for 16.22" w x 2.62" h x 8.47" d; 6.1 lb $130 x 2.94" h x 9.88" d; 8.6 lb $400
left and right ch; 2 tape monitors; input level con-
trol; balck finish. Center frequencies at 16, 32, 64, 31-2018 10 -Band Equalizer AV -77 Audio/Video Processor
125, 250, 500, 1,00, 2,003, 4,000, 8,00, 16,000 and 10-band/ch EQ with IMX spatial expander. S/N Combines functions of video processor, audio
32,000 Hz; control range t 12 dB. 5.19" h x 95 dB. 350mmwx 64hx 146d $60 processor and audio -video switcher in one unit.
16.56" w x 13.81" d 5300 Video controls include detail; sharpness; picture;
SAE Art 1, 2 and 3 controls and special effects change
EX-9000(BK) Dynamic Processor color and intensity; wipe (horizontal and vertical)
Features dynamic range expansion; noise -reduc- E-101 Parametric Equalizer and fader. Features connections for 2 VCRs, vid-
tion effect; FL level indicator; input level control; Computer direct -line parametric equalizer with eo disc, video camera and audio amp. Permits bi-
tape monitor switch; black finish. Center frequen- digital display. Features 2 bands with 10 memo- directional audio and video duplication, mike
cies 50, 500, 5,00 Hz; attack time 4.7 ms; release ries/band; "pre" tape EQ feature. Bandwidth ad- mixing and voice-over or dubbing. Multi -dimen-
time 2.7 ms/6.8 ms switchable. 2.38" h x 19.56" sional controls for expanded stereo or stereo sim-
w x 3.38" d $260 ulation. Includes dbx NR. Built-in RF converter.
Video FR 6.5 Hz to 10 MHz ± 2 dB; video s/N 62
EG-X707(BK) Audio/Video Processor dB; max audio output level 1.0 V; IHD 0.05%;
Features 7-band/ch graphic equalizer; spectrum dbx NR effect improved by 30 dB. 17" w x 3" h x
frequency display; video enhancer (detail, sharp- 10.44" d; 8.2 lb $400
ness, noise cancel, white clip); color control (col-
or, balance, hue, color depth); audio/video fader SE -88 Graphic Equalizer
control. 3" h x 14.19" w x 13.12" d $225 justable from 0.3-3.0 octaves; boost/cut range Computes -controlled I4 -band graphic equalizer.
± 16 dB; rated output 2.5 V nits; THD 0.02%; s/N Features front -docking, full -featured remote; 5
SR-60(BK) Reverberation Amplifier 100 dB; 19" w x 12.5" d x 3.5" h $650 memories: bi-directional tape dubbing with or w/
Features solid-state RBSD circuit; reverb, echo, o EQ; instant flat response; memory backup. EQ
and duet effects; visual display; tape monitor; E010 Parametric Equalizer center frequencies 25, 50, 100, 160, 250, 400, 630,
black finish. Reverb time 0-3 seconds (reverb and 3 -band stereo parametric equalizer. Features ad- lk, 1.6k, 2.5k 4K, 6.3K, 20K Hz; boost/cut
echo); delay time 100 ms (duet). 3.88" h x 16.56" justable center frequencies, level, and bandwidths. range ± 10 dB; s/N 100 dB; FR 10-100,000 Hz.
w x 13.38" d $210 Continuously variable output level; line/tape 16.94" w x 4.36" h x 11.94" d: 9 lb $500
monitor; LED peak indicators; walnut grain side
GR-551 Graphic Equalizer panels; level range t 16 dB; bandwidth range 0.3 SE -80 Graphic EQ/Spectrum Analyzer
Features 7 bands/ch; built-in spectrum display to 3.0 octaves. FR 20-20,003 Hz ± 3 dB; s/N 90 10-band/ch EQ with oversized fluorescent real-
for each ch; tape monitor switch; EQ on/off dB; THD 0.03%; MID 0.03%. 13 lb; 18" w x 4" H time spectrum -analyzer displays for each channel
switch $200 x 14""dD 5299 sepatately or together. Features connections for 2
tape decks; EQ recording and bypass; LED'S built
AVS-700 A/V Selector/Enhancer into each EQ slider. Center frequencies at 32, 54,
4-input/3-output video switcher with stereo au- SANSUI 125, 250, 500, 1,000, 2,003, 4,003, 8,000, 16,000
dio. Features RF or video switching; 2 -way video SE -99B Graphic Equalizer Hz. Control range ± 12 dB; FR 10-100.000 Hz ± 3
dubbing; audio -only dubbing to a hi-fi VCR; DNR; 12-bands/ch computer -controlled electronic dB; s/N 110 dB; THD 0.008%. 16.94" w x 4.44" h
simulated stereo; separate record and view selec- graphic equalizer with II memories (5 user acces- x 8.89" d; 7.3 lb $350
tors; front -panel input/output. 16.5" w x 2.38" h sible, 5 factory set. I auto flat). Built-in mike
x 8.5" d $160 automatically sets flat room response when used AV -C10 Audio/Video Control Center
with remote control. Features light pen for set- Cinema surround sound processor with built-in
GR-470(BK) Graphic Equalizer ting EQ as alternate to remote control. FR 10- 15-W/ch amp, 5 -band graphic equalizer, and se-
Features 7 bands/ch; slide controls with LED in- 100.000 Hz ± 3 dB; s/N 120 dB; center frequen- lectable surround sound effects. Features 4 video
dicators; black finish/ Center frequencies at 60, cies at 16, 32, 64, 125, 250, 500, 1,000, 2,000, inputs for bi-directional video tape or disc dub-
150, 400, 1,000, 2,400, 6,000, and 15,000 Hz. 4,000, 8,000, 16,000, 32,000 Hz; ± 6 -dB and ± 12 - bing; inputs for video accessories; PCM digital au-
2.38" h x 16.56" w x 8.69" d $100 dB range. 16.94" w x 4.81" h x 11.94" d; 11.7 dio processor; RF connection; VDP front -panel
lb $725 input; audio -insert capability. FR 20-100,000 Hz
GR-X505(BK) Graphic Equalizer
Features 7 bands/ch; independent controls for
each ch. 2.19" h x 14.19" w x 12.44" d $90

R( :A
MSP400 Dolls) Surround Sound Processor
are manufacturers' suggested retail prices
Dimensia surround sound processor with built in (also referred to as list prices);
amplifier and Dimensia remote operation. Fea- actual selling prices are set by individual dealers.
tures Dolby Surround; simulated surround; the-
ater surround; stadium surround; front/rear All prices are subject to change without notice.
channel volume with mute; loudness; bass boost;


+0, -3 dB; s/N 70 dB; THD 0.02%; EQ range ± 12 6 ch output seperated L/R surrounds in rear, and DC 4415 Third -Octave Equalizer
dB. 16.94" w x 3" h x 10.25" d; 9.9 lb $320 subwoofer output; wireless remote. FR 20-20,000 Third -octave stereo equalizer with 21 controls/
Hz ± 0.5 dB (front L/R, center); s/N -90 dBV; channel. Center frequencies 40, 50, 63, 80, 100,
SE -800 Graphic EQ/Spectrum Analyzer THD (front LA, center) <0.1%, (surround L/R) 125, 160, 200, 250, 315, 400, 500, 630, 800, 1,000,
10-band/ch graphic EQ with oversized fluorescent <0.3%; 16.81" w x 2.38" h x 15.03" d; 11.10 1,600, 2,500, 4,000, 6,300, 10,000, 16,000 Hz.
real-time spectrum analyzer display for each lb $1,000 Features EQ defeat; infrasonic filter; tape monitor
channel separately or together. Features EQ re- and tape record; Differential/Comparator circuit-
cording and bypass. Center frequencies at 32, 64, ry for unity gain setting to within 0.1 dB accuracy
125, 250, 500, 1,003, 2,000, 4,000, 8,000, 16,000 SONY for highest dynamic range capability. THD and
Hz; control range ± 12 dB. FR 10-100,000 Hz ± 3 DAS-703ES D/A Converter IMD 0.01% at 2 v; s/N 114 de at 10 v output; in-
dB; s/N 110 dB; THD 0.008%. 16.94" w x 4.44" h Outboard digital -to -analog converter designed to put imp 47,000 ohms. Front panel rack mount,
x 8.89" d; 6.8 lb $290 decode digital audio signals. Features auto selec- brushed aluminum with charcoal finish ... S599
tion of 4 different sampling rates (32, 44.056,
RA -1000 Electronic BBD Reverb Amplifier DC 2215 Differential/Comparator Equalizer
Features 2 cassette inputs; bi-directional dubbing Stereo 10 -band equalizer with Differential/Com-
facilities; twin mike mixing facilities with separate parator true -unity -gain circuitry for input to out-
volume controls for duet effect; color graphic dis- put balancing accuracy to within 0.1 dB. Equaliz-
play of reverb effect. Reverb time: echo 0-4.5 sec, er filter circuits use precision wire -wound passive -
duel 30-200 m/sec. THD 0.025%. 16.94" w x coil inductors for high gain, low noise and distor-
4.44" h x 10.75" d; 3.7 lb $300 tion. Front -panel controls include tape monitor,
LED defeat/EQ defeat and EQ tape record. THD
SANYO and IMD 0.01% at 2 v; s/N ratio 114 dB at 10 v;
44,1, and 48 kHz); optical transfer system for an- boost/cut range ± 15 dB. Includes frequency
SAV200 Surround -Sound Processor alog/digital isolation; separate large -capacity spectrum analyzer test record, computone charts,
Features Dolby surround -sound decoder; con- power transformers; double PLL clock system; cables. Front panel is rack mount, brushed alumi-
cert -hall surround mode; variable time delay; ste- left/right dual -monaural construction; digital num with charcoal finish $399
monitor switch; LC-OFC wiring for all analog sig-
nal paths. Recommended for use with Sony CDP- DC 2214 Third -Octave Equalizer
705ESD, -605ESD, and -505ESD CD players. In- Same as DC 2215 except equalizer filter circuits
cludes 2 audio connecting cables and 1digital have op -amp synthesized inductors. THD and IMD
connecting cable. 17" w x 4.12" h x 16.12" d; 33 <0.01% at 2 v; s/N ratio 106 dB at 10 volts;
lb $1,800 boost/cut range ± 12 dB $299

PCM-501ES Digital Audio Processor

reo -matrix mode; 2 -color dimensional surround Digital audio processor for recording and play- SUMO
indicator; surround calibration and balance con- back with any VCR usable in U.S. Features AC Delilah 2 -Way Electronic Crossover
trols; 20 W/ch power amp $150 power for stationay use; digital copy output; 28 - Features front -panel user -selectable frequencies
segment peak meters; black anodized finish. For and slopes; 12-dB/octave high-pass slope; 12- or
SCOTT use with an external mixer. Dynamic range >90 18-dB/octave switchable low-pass filter with level
dB (16 bits), >86 dB (14 bits); FR 50-20,000 Hz control; stereo and mono low-pass outputs with
EQ400 10 -Band Graphic Equalizer ± 0.5 dB 51,003 built-in bridging circuitry; independent low-/
10 bands per ch; spectrum analyzer; center fre- PCM-601FS. Similar to PC-50IES with digital high-pass frequency controls. FR 5-200,000 Hz
quencies at 31.5, 63, 125, 250, 500, lk, 2k, 4k, 8k, interface port, optimum video condition system, ± 3 dB; THD 0.008% max; input imp 50 kilohms;
16k Hz; max boost or cut 10 dB; delay circuit and switchable 14 -/I6 -bit operation $1,400 output imp <100 ohms; high- and low-pass fre-
variable up to 20 millisec; 2 tape -monitor circuits; quencies 50, 63, 80, ICO, 120 Hz with bypass. 19"
EQ rec switch. 17.4" w x 3.72" h x 7.6" d $280 SDP-505ES Surround-Sound/Delay Processor w x 1.75" h x 10" d; 8 lb $399
Digital surround-sound/delay-line processor with
SHURE 5 different delay modes. Features Dolby surround
sound; independent left/right channel delay ad- TEAC
HTS 60RX Remote Extender justment; buitl-in pink noise calibration genera- EQA-30BL 10-Band/ch Graphic Equalizer
Seprate infrared sensor eye package for use with tor; 3 delay memory presets; buitl-in 14-W/ch Controls at 32, 63, 125, 250, 500, lk, 2k, 4k, 8k,
HTS 5200 when decoder is installed in concealed amplifier. Utilizes a 44.1 kHz sampling rate and 16k; Max boost or cut 15 dB; LED's in sliders;
location. .9" h x 2.4" w x 3.8" d $99 full 16 -bit quantization $750 multi -color frequency analyzer with display hold
and variable sens and levels; pink -noise generator;
AVC20 Power Station SEQ-333ES Graphic Equalizer can equalizer I source while monitoring another;
Video/hi-fi expander system with four 30 W/ch Remote -controlled 10 -band equalizer that auto- dubs source while listening to another; subsonic
amplifiers. Features inputs for three video matically adjusts for room acoustics. Features filter; source/record switching; EQ defeat; in-
sources, turntable, aux; 17 -function wirelss re- real-time spectrum analyzer; precision test micro- cludes calibrated omnidirectional electret-con-
mote; three volume memories; three surround phone; 3 inputs and outputs; 8 acoustic memories denser mic and 2 RCA cables; optional rack -
sound modes; stereo synthesizer; video and audio with 4 pre-programmed curves; automatic or mount kit. FR 9-120,000 Hz; S/N 104 dB; 12
dubbing capability; independent volume control manual equalization; battery backup for pro- lb 5399
for each ch; image enhancer; noise filter; two vid- grammed settings. Center frequencies 31.5, 63,
eo monitor outputs; bridgeable to two 60-W 125, 250, 500, 1,000, 2,000, 4,000, 8,000, 16,000 EQA-20 Graphic Equalizer
amps; master volume. FR 20-30,000 Hz ± I dB; Hz; boost/cut range 12 dB (2 -dB increments). 10-band/ch graphic EQ with spectrum display.
image enhancer 0 dB, 3 dB, 6 dB. 21 lb .. $599. 17" w x 4.25" h x 10.88" d $600 Features max 12 -dB cut/boost; rec EQ in/out;
pre/post EQ switch; LED's on slide controls; left
HTS 5000 Surround Sound Processor and right attenuators; tape dubbing; dual -tape re-
Decodes Dolby"' stereo sound encoded in video SOUNDCRAFTSMEN cording capability. FR 5-100,000 Hz ± 3 dB; S/N
discs, video tape, and broadcast TV. Produces AE2000 Real -Time Analyzer/Equalizer >80 dB; THD 0.03%; input imp 47,000 ohms;
simulated surround sound from mono and stereo Stereo 10 -band graphic equalizer with Differen- output imp 600 ohms. 16.56" w x 2.62" h x 6.5"
sources. Provides up to six ch of audio output: tial/Comparator analyzer/equalizer circuitry, d; 6.6 lb 5249
left, right, center, two surround channels, and pink -noise generator. Features 100 -LED (10 -oc- EQA-20BL. As above in black $249
subwoofer. Features Acra-Vector decoder circuit- tave) real-time display with adjustable decay rate;
ry with variable digital delay; acoustic space gen- mike preamp; input for analysis of 3 -head tape EQA-S Graphic Equalizer
erator; remote control; output LED monitor dis- deck, other signal processor; Auto -scan mode; Similar to EQA-20 without spectrum display In-
play. FR 20-20,000 Hz ± 0.5 dB; s/N (front left, brushed -aluminum front panel; hardwood side cludes attenuator, LED meters $149
front right, center) -90 dBV, -85 dBV (surround panels. Center frequencies 32, 64, 125, 250, 500,
L/R); 16.81" w x 2.38" h x 15.03 d;9.13 lb S749 lk, 2,000, 4,000, 8,000, 16,000 Hz; boost/cut EQA-10IIS Graphic Equalizer
range ± 15 dB; display accuracy 0.1 dB; Auto - Stereo 10 -band graphic equalizer with source/
HTS 5200 Generation 2 Scan sweep rate 0.1-10 secs/ octave; THD and tape inputs; 10 -band frequency -spectrum display;
Dolby"' Surround audio processor. Acra-Vector IMD <0.01% at 2 V; s/N ratio 114 dB at max out- EQ in/out switch; pre/post EQ switch; line 1/2
Logic Decoder and variable digital time delay. put; mic preamp input imp 2,000 ohms; FR 20- input selector switch; silver $199
Acoustic Space Generate"; output LED monitor; 20,000 Hz ± 0.1 dB $799 EQA-1011. As above in black $199


off slope entry to 100,000 Hz; THD no greater Black; II lb $599
TECHNICS than 0.01% from 20-20,000 Hz; input imp 20,000 RMA-G60. Rack mount adaptor for EQ-
SH-8065 33 -Band Graphic Equalizer ohms; output imp 1,500 ohms, nominal 1.75" h x 1100U $18
With variable -range indicators and selector; tape - 19" w x 6.5" d $1,400
monitor switch; parallel L, R sliders. Center fre- EQ-5000 10 -Band Graphic Equalizer
quencies 16, 20, 25, 31.5, 40, 50, 63, 80, 100, 125, Features independent left and right channel con-
160, 200, 250, 315, 400, 500, 630, 800, 1k, 1.25k,
VECTOR RESEARCH trols; ± 12 dB EQ range per band; fluorescent
1.6k, 2k, 2.5k, 3.15k, 4k, 5k, 6.3k, 8k, 10k, 12.5k, VQ-125 Graphic Equalizer spectrum analyzer display; meter level adjust-
16k, 20k, 25k Hz; boost/cut range ± 3/± 12 dB; 10 -band graphic EQ with spectrum analyzer and ment; pink noise generator; electret condenser
S/N 110 dB; gain 0 dB; 16.94" w x 13" d x 6.03" pink -noise generator. Features independent left/ microphone; EQ recording capability. Black; 11
h; 13.2 lb $635 right EQ controls; 2 tape monitors; dubbing direc- lb $349
tion selector; rec EQ; 2 line inputs; peak -hold dis-
SH-8066 Direct -Touch Graphic Equalizer play; subsonic filter; input sens switch. Center GE -60B 10 -Band Graphic Equalizer
12-band/ch graphic equalizer sets EQ curves ac- frequencies: 32, 64, 125, 250, 500, 1,000, 2,000, 10 -band independent L/R-channel EQ with side -
cording to line traced on front panel by fingertip. 4,000, 8,000, 16,000 Hz; boost/cut range ± 12 by -side controls. Features 10 -band spectrum ana-
Remembers 8 preset curves; EQ Plus function; lyzer with built-in pink -noise generator and ad-
auto EQ compensates for system FR and room justable level meter; independent L/R output lev-
acoustics. S/N 107 dB; 16.94" w x 4.69" h x el control; continuously variable subsonic filter;
10.09" D; 8.4 lbs $565 rumble -reduce circuit; electret condenser mike in-
cluded; EQ defeat; EQ rec; tape 1/2 monitor se-
SH-AV44 Powered Surround Sound Processor lector with tape copy function. Cut/boost ©15
Recreates or simulates ambience depending on dB; center frequencies at 30, 60, 120, 240, 480,
sound source. Features Dolby surround and 1,000, 2,000, 4,000, 8,000, 16,000 Hz; S/N 110
Technics AV surround system to extract rever- dB; FR 10-100,000 Hz +0, ©1 dB. 17.12" W x
berant sound information from and add phase 4.36" H x 10.75" D; 9.7 lbs $399
shift to non -Dolby sources. Can be used with RMA-G60. Rack mount adaptor for GE -60B$18
mono and stereo signals. Music, movie, and man-
ual modes; 4 video inputs. S/N 90 dB; 25 w into 8 dB; S/N 109 dB; THD 0.009%. 16.94" w x 4" h x EQ-32 10 -Band Graphic Equalizer
ohms. 16.94" w x 3.36" h x 10" D; 10.1 lbs $350 9.44" d;10.5 lb $230 Features independent left and right channel con-
trols; ± 12 dB EQ range per band; fluorescent
SH-8046 Direct -Touch Graphic Equalizer VQ-115 Graphic Equalizer spectrum analyzer display; meter level adjust-
7 -band graphic EQ with curves set by tracing fin- 10 -band graphic EQ with master level with peak ment; EQ recording capability. Available in black
gertip across display. Max boost 12 dB, max cut LED indicator. Features independent left/right EQ finish; 11 lb $299
12 dB. Features FL display of EQ settings or mu- controls; tape monitor; EQ-defeat switch. Center
sic content by frequency band (spectrum analyz- frequencies: 32, 64, 125, 250, 500, 1,000, 2,000, SR -50B Surround Processor/Amplifier
er); 4 -preset EQ-curve memory; switch to reverse 4,000, 8,000. 16,000 Hz; boost/cut range ± 12 Features 5 surround modes including Dolby sur-
EQ curve; EQ-curve-lock switch; EQ rec switch; dB; s/N 109 dB; THD 0.009%. 16.94" w x 4" h x round; adjustable time delay (5-30 ms); bass ex-
EQ on/off switch; tape monitor (source/tape) 9.44" d;10.5 lb SI20 tension; A -B speaker switching. 25 W/ch min
switches. Center frequencies at 63, 160, 400, rms into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz with less
1,000, 2,500, 6,300, 16,000 Hz. 16.94" w x 3.89" than 0.01% THD $299
h x 9.41" D; 6.6 lbs $300
DSP-1 Digital Sound Field Processor GE -40B 20 -Band Graphic Equalizer
SH-8028 7 -Band Graphic Equalizer Features 16 preset acoustic surround modes in- 10 -band independent L/R-channel EQ with side -
With tape rec/playback EQ; sliders with LED in- cluding 6 -channel digital Dolby surround; 16 ad- by -side controls. Features independent L/R out-
dicators; EQ on/off switch; low -noise op amps; ditional preset effect modes; 16 user -programma- put level control; continuously variable subsonic
calibrated decibel scale; tape monitor (source/ ble memory modes; 16 -character LCD; wireless filter; EQ defeat; EQ rec; tape monitor. Cut/boost
tape) switch; rec mode (straight/EQ) switch. infrared remote control; 5 variable perimeter ad- ± 15 dB; center frequencies at 30, 60, 120, 240,
Center frequencies at 63, 160, 400, 1,000, 2,500, justments per mode; digital sound field genera- 480, 1,000, 2,000, 4,000, 8,000, 16,000 Hz; s/N
6,300, 16.000 Hz. S/N 110 dB IHF A; cut/boost tor $899 110 dB; FR 10-1130,000 Hz +0, -1 dB. 17.12" w x
± 12 dB. 16.94" wide x 3.36" high x 7.62" deep; MVS-1. Master volume controller -selector for 4.36" h x 10.75" d; 8.1 lb $239
4.6 lbs $130 use with DSP-1 Features input selector for three RMA-G63. Rack mount adaptor for GE -40B$18
inputs and one tape monitor; fader for CD play-
er $149 GE -30B 10 -Band Graphic Equalizer
THRESHOLD 10 -band independent L/R-channel EQ with side -
Model PCX Electronic Crossover EQ-1100U 10 -Band Graphic Equalizer by -side controls. Features independent L/R out-
Dual-ch. dual-passband electronic crossover with Graphic equalizer with automatic room EQ. Fea- put level control; subsonic filter; EQ on/defeat
17 user -selectable crossover points between the tures independent left and right channel controls; switch; tape monitor with EQ rec. Cut/boost ± 12
range of 75 to 1,602 Hz (750 to 16,020Hz avail- ± 12 dB equalization range per band; 3 EQ dB; center frequencies at 30, 60, 120, 240, 480,
able on special order). Computer modeling and 1,000, 2,000, 4,000, 8,000, 16,000 Hz; s/N 105
optimization of filter circuit design allows 18 dB/ dB; FR 10-35,000 Hz ± 0.5 dB. 17.12" w x 4" h x
9.12" d; 6.3 lb $159

GE -20B 10 -Band Graphic Equalizer

10 -band independent L/R-channel EQ with side -
by -side controls. Features independent L/R out-
put level control; EQ on/defeat switch; tape moni-
tor with EQ rec. Cut/boost ± 12 dB; center fre-
factory -preset memories; 4 EQ user -preset memo- quencies at 30, 60, 120, 240, 480, 1,000, 2,000,
ries; 10 -band spectrum analyzer; pink noise gen- 4,000, 8,000, 16,000 Hz; s/N 105 dB; FR 10-
octave slopes that will sum flat within a few % erator; electret condenser microphone; EQ record- 35,000 Hz ± 0.5 dB. 17.12" w x 4" h x 9.12" d;
without phase inversion. Separate high- and low- ing capability; 18 -key wireless remote control. 6.2 lb $139
pass filter outputs for each ch may be indepen-
dently level adjusted with front panel controls.
Bridged -mono operation possible with normal
and inverted summed mono low-pass filter out-
puts. 2 PCX may be used in tandem for tri-ampli- PRICES LISTED
fication. Uses fully discrete, direct -coupled J- are manufacturers' suggested retail prices
FET, MOSFET, and bipolar devices. External
power supply in separate chassis. Military -grade, (also referred to as list prices);
glass -epoxy circuit boards with gold -over -nickel - actual selling prices are set by individual dealers.
over -copper plated paths. Gold-plated signal con-
nectors with Teflon insulation. FR low-pass filter All prices are subject to change without notice.
DC to cutoff slope initiation, high-pass filter cut-



d $99.95
ACE AUDIO GFS-6. Similar to above except handles up to 6 APATURE BY ACR
4100 -X -24b Infrasonic/Ultrasonic Filter SP -518 Speaker Cable
Active filter designed to eliminate infrasonic 518 strands of electrolytic copper speaker wire
(turntable and record) noise and ultrasonic (RF, with 7 bundles of 37 36 -gauge wires per conduc-
high -frequency noise, etc.) interference. Infrason- tor; ultraflexible PVC jacket $350
ic rate 24 dB/octave below 20 Hz; ultrasonic sec- SP -134. Same as SP -518 but with 134
tion rate 12 dB/octave above 20,000 Hz. Distor- strands $195
tion 0.002% at 2 V output $142
pairs of speakers $149 95 LSD Silver Cable
4000-X-24 Super Infrasonic Filter GFS-6W. As GFS-6 but with stylish white front Linear Synthesized Digital cable for compact disc
Combined active Besse' and passive filter sections panel $199 95 players.. balanced line: 8 conductor with Teflon.
provide low phase shift and an ultra -sharp cutoff GFS-6S. With silver front panel $199.95 0.5 -meter set $40
(24 dB/octave); removes all infrasonic distur- RM-3. Optional rack -mount adaptors for GFS- 1 -meter set $50
bances; individually hand -calibrated. Distortion 6 S20/pr 2 -meter set $65
0.002%; response -3 dB at 20 Hz (24 dB/oc- RM-3W. RM-3 in white $25/pr
tave) $132 RM-3S. RM-3 in silver 525/pr Gold Interconnect Cables
Patch cords for audio and video patch components.
4100 Infrasonic/Ultrasonic Filter 0.5 -meter set
Active filter with infrasonic section rolloff 18 dB/ a/d/s/ 1 -meter set
octave below 20 Hz; ultrasonic sction rolloff 12 B3 Storage Module -Featured on cover 2 -meter set 524
dB/octave beyond 20,000 Hz; IMD 0.002% typi- Stackable wooden cube divided into 3 sections by
cal, 20-20,000 Hz $108 2 vertical dividers. Tambour door in front slides
up into top of unit. Each section holds about 33 AUDIO DESIGN ASSOCIATES
4000b Subsonic Filter LP's (about 99 total per unit). With optional 12 - CC -5 Control Center
Low -frequency filter with 4 rear -panel connectors slot trays, each section holds 24 compact discs Computer control center for system 56. Features
providing 18 dB/octave rolloff at 20 Hz or below, (72 total per unit) or 36 cassettes (108 total per central power control; source constantly monitors
-3 dB. For use with direct -coupled receivers, unit). Single unit can hold 33 LP's in 1 section, 24 all room controls; provides 6 source simultaneous
amps, and/or subwoofers. IMD 0.01% at I V CD's in second, and 36 cassettes in third. Length listening; 5 V opto-isolated control inputs; digital
output; input imp 47k ohms; output imp 150 and width matches measurements of Atelier com- source selection. 25 lb; 19" w x 8.75" h x 11"
ohms; min output load 10k ohms; hum and noise ponents. Black or white $249 d $4,100
- 86 dB; 6" w x 4.75" d x 2.25" h $98 B4. Similar to B3 except open front with adjust-
able shelf $:69 SC -1 Remote Control Speaker Selector
3900 Ground Liminator Centrally switches up to 8 pairs of speakers an AC
Designed to break up ground -loop faults in con- power to audio components. Ability to play any
necting cables, thus reducing hum; employs pas- ALLSOP or all pairs simultaneously with control of a
sive circuitry 521 72560 Audio Care System source transport function and main system off.
Kit $16 Includes record cleaning kit, stylus care kit, and LED status indicators display on/off for each pair.
ultraline deluxe audio tape deck cleaning One 10 amp switched outlet. Used in conjunction
kit $39.95 w/ MC -II and MC -110. 19" w x 3.5" h x II"
d $1,395
AR SRC Stereo Remote Control 59000 Rotary CD Cleaning Device SC -10 Remote Control Speaker Selector. Same
Remote control system compatible with all com- Hand -operated wet -system compact disc cleaner as SC -I except additional 2 switched outlets and
ponent audio systems features 8 -bit custom pro- using soft, replaceable pad to clean from center to ability to control power and transport function
grammed microprocessor and 15 -function hand- edge of disc. Gear drive automatically rotates disc for 2 sources. Used in conjunction w/MC-33 and
held remote module. Operating distance 40 feet while cleaning pad is being turned $29.95 MC -330. 19" w x 3.5" h x II" d $2,600
nominal. Remote functions include system on/ SC -88 Remote Control Speaker Selector. Same
off, volume control, balance control, -20 dB 5800 Orbitrac Record Cleaning System as SC -I except additional wire harness assembly
mute, full audio mute, source switching via re- Hand -operated groove -aligning cleaning head for input source readout. Used in conjunction w/
mote tape monitor, left/right speaker compari- that deep -cleans each record groove with replace- DSP-8 preamplifier and MC -1100. 19" w x 3.5" h
son, sleep timer, full memory of control settings able cleaning pads. Suitable for on or off turntable x 11" d $1,495
with power off. Inputs for main, tape monitor, use. Includes orbitrac cleaner, record pad, solu-
and EPI. (external processor loop) return; outputs tion, spray bottle, dirt removal brush, in storage LD-6 Line Driver
for main, tape record, and EPI. send; indicators case $18.95 Accepts all six input sources for system. Provides
for power on, balance centered, and EPL selected. Model 57000. Suitable for on turntable cleaning 600 ohm buffered outputs; balances source levels;
Attenuation range 0-75 dB plus full -off (>85 dB) only, without record pad and case $13.95 AC power control for six sources. 8 lb ...$2,500
in 1.5 dB steps; noise 95 dB below I V rms, A-
wtd; noise decreases with increasing attenuation; 71200 Automatic Cassette Deck Cleaner ASU-10 AC -Switching Unit
THD <0.01%, I Vrms, 20-20,000 Hz; FR 6-60,000 Features replaceable, non-abrasive cleaning car- Provides AC power switching of 8 music sources
Hz ± 0.25 dB; phono cables, battery and instruc- tridges. Dual pad design makes it unnecessary to and 2 power amplifiers. Used in conjunction with
tions included $189.95 turn cassette over to clean both sides of auto -re- SC -88 central controller and DSP-8 preamp. 5 Ib;
verse decks. Suitable for both home and car 19" w x 1.75" h x 8.75" d 5895
decks. Comes with storage box, carrying pouch,
ADCOM and extra set of cleaning cartridges $15.95 MC -11 Remote Room Control
GFS-3 Speaker Selector Provides control over speakers on/off; system off;
Handles up to 3 pairs of speakers with built-in 75100 Cassette Storage System independent R and t. speaker volume; and control
load protection for low -imp loads; headphone Book -shaped cassette storage system for home or of transport functions. System status LED and
output; Twist'n'Lock speaker connectors for travel. Stores tapes in original boxes with labels thermally protected volume controls. Available in
heavy -gauge speaker wire. Can be used with amps showing. Holds 12 tapes and comes with double - wall mount and table top version. Fits into 2 -gang
rated up to 200 W/ch. 7" w x 2.75" h x 5.25" sided tape to secure original tape boxes ... $9.95 electric box. Used with SC -1 $195


MC -110 Remote Room Control. Same as MC -11 RMV-3 Rack -Mount Ventilator
except I volume control for both speakers. Fits Passive convection unit to allow proper air flow
into deep single gang electrical box. Wall mount to dissipate heat. For all Audio Research® com-
version only $250 ponents $150

MC -33 Remote Room Control RFP-1 Rack -Mount Filler Panel

Provides control of speakers on/off; system off; Available in 1.75", 3.5", 5.25", or 7"
independent it/L speaker volume; 2 source selec- heights 549.50
tion and control of transport functions for both
sources. System and source status LED'S and ther-
mally protected volume controls. Available in
wall mount and table top version. Fits into 2 gang RTA-ONE Real -Time Analyzer
electrical box. Used in conjunction w/SC-I $250 Hand-held real-time analyzer and arc meter with
MC -330 Remote Room Control. Same as MC -33 built-in calibrated electret condenser microphone.
except I volume control for both speakers. Fits Features 10 single -octave bands; 90 level LED's:
into deep single gang electrical box. Wall mount LED's for power, low battery, overload. I lb with-
version only 5305 out batteries; 6.69" h x 3.88" w x 2" $250 A-611 CI) Storage Module
Strong practical CD stoage unit holds up to 10
MC -1100 Remote Room Control PNG-ONE Pink -Noise Generator CDs in their jewel boxes. Fingertip touch release
Provides control of speakers on/off; system off; Battery -powered pink -noise generator $55 system automatically ejects selected CD for easy
independent it/t. speaker volume; one button se- AC adaptor $15.95 removal. Interlocking modules can be expanded
lection of 8 sources and transport functions for Carry bag $34.95 vertically or horizontally. Molded of strong ABS
each source. System and source status readout plastic. Wall or shelf mounting $4.59
and thermally protected volume controls. Avail-
able in wall mount and table top version. Fits into
AUDIO-TECHNICA A-612 Disposable Tape Head Cleaner
2 gang electrical box. Used with SC -88 ... $450 AT605 Audio Insulator System Disposable audio head cleaner for all types of cas-
Vibration -damping feet for use under speakers or sette players. Nonabrasive cleaning fluid applied
MC -1 Remote Room Control turntables to prevent acoustic feedback; individ- by pushbutton cleans entire tape path. Use twice
Provides control of room on/off; system off; digi- ually adjustable height. Supplied in set of 4, with (once each side) then dispose $1.79
tal volume control; direct access of 6 sources and bubble level $33.50
transport functions for each source. System and BOULDER AMPLIFIERS
source status LED'S. Available in wall mount and AT618 Disc Stabilizer
table top version. Fits into standard 3 gang elec- Solid brass disc with rubber coating designed to Balanced Cables
trical box. Used in conjunction w/ system 565275 damp out sound -coloring resonances. Fits over Gold-plated 3 -pin male to 3 -pin female.
MC -3.5 Remote Room Control. Same as MC -1 turntable spindle $28.95 CB75. 75 ft $148.00/pr
except one LED indicator for system status. Fits CB35. 35 ft $95.00/pr
into standard singe! gang electrical $300 AT6015 TechniClean" CB12. 12 ft $64.00/pr
MC -007 Remote Room Control. Same as MC -3.5 Audiophile record maintenance system cleans re-
(above)in wireless hand held version 5425 cord surface and reduces static $25.95 CA06 Interconnect Cables
AT6016. Deluxe stylus cleaning system with en- 3 ft; Gold-plated RCA phono; for general inter-
MC -88 Remote Room Control closed fluid container $15.95 connection 543.00/pr
Provides control of room on/off; system off; digi- AT613. TechniClear record cleaner replacement
tal volume control; one button selection of 8 fluid. Removes dust, dirt, and oily finger prints Boulder Terminator
sources and transport functions for each source. without promoting static. 60 cc $4.50 Speaker -cable termination network provides ter-
System and source status readaout. Available in AT613/500. 500 ml refill $12.95 mination imp for frequencies where speaker cable
wall mount and table top version. Fits into stan- must be treated as transmission line. Designed to
dard single gang electrical box. Used in conjunc- AT609 Headshell Wire Set eliminates reflections back down the speaker ca-
tion with system 808 $325 Replaces original headshell wiring; set of 4 color - ble into amp for improved clarity .... $32.00/pr
MC -004. Same as MC -88 except LED system and coded connectors made of silver litz wire and
source status indicators. Slimeline wireless hand gold plating $10.95
held version $475
AT607 Stylus Cleaning Formula .48 Switch Box
MC -1600 Remote Room Control Cleaning solution dissolves foreign material on High-level switching with gain/balance control.
Provides control of room on/off; system off; digi- stylus without harming known stylus adhesives; Features 4 inputs (CD player, tuner, tape, aux); I
tal volume control; bass up/down; treble up/ in bottle with stylus brush $4.95 tape loop 9 Ibs; 19" w x 1.75" h x 9" d 5500
down; direct access to 8 sources and transport
function for each source. Source and system AT608 Record Care Formula Switch Boxes
LED'S and readout. Available in wall mount and Dissolves fingerprints, loosens stubborn particles, No active components; designed for high -current
table top version. Fits into 2 gang electrical box. reduces static bond of micro -dust, airborne mate- applications.
Used in Conjunction w/ system 8000 5579 rial. Nonalcoholic; use directly on fibers of con- 3 -Way. With headphone jack $195
MC -1700. Same as MC -I600 except with digital ventional brushes; 2 oz 54.50 5 -Way. With headphone jack 5125
readout of source selection $679
MC -1800. Same as MC -1600 except with infrared Vital Link Cable Series MC Cartridge Step -Up Transformer
receptors for use w/MC-009 hand held wireless Designed to provide sufficient voltage to any pre-
remote 5850 AT620 Super Conductivity Cable Set amplifier from low -output MC cartridges. 2" x 3"
MC -1900. Same as MC -1700 except with infrared Litz wire construction with double shielding and x 4" approx. $435
receptor for use w/MC-009 hand held wireless re- gold-plated connectors; for low imp and max re-
mote 5949 jection of RF interference; set of 2 $35.95
MC -009. Same as MC -1600 without LED'S or AT610a Cable Set. Low -capacitance cables for
readout in wireless hand held version $475 connecting turntable and amp; 4 -ft shielded cable CI) Saver
with molded pair phono plugs each end; gold- Compact disc restorer eliminates light scuffs and
plated connectors and separate ground wire; sin- scratches from CD's. 30 milliliter bottle of formu-
AUDIO RESEARCH gle set needed per turntable $13.95 la is harmless to plastic coating on CD's and is
MCP -2 Solid -State Pre -Preamplifier AT641 Cable Connectors. Two gold-plated fe- good for hundreds of applications $9.95
Analog Module® pre-preamp boosts output of male phono feed -through cable connectors; ex-
MC cartridges for input to preamps. Features tends length of other Vital Link cables $10.95
front -panel selectable loading for MM cartridges;
front -panel selection of MC gain and imp; fully Oak Elegants Line
balanced and regulated circuitry. FR DC -80.000
BIB Units have soft -shaped 2.5" -wide solid oak frames.
Hz ± 0.25; harmonic distortion <0.005% at 1 V A-616 Compact Disc Cleaner oak veneer on sides and tops, multi -step finish with
rms output from 20-20,000 Hz; MC noise -100 CD cleaner features molded disc tray; chamois - double -lacquer topcoat, brass accents on oak
nanoV at 10 ohm input RIAA equalized; 19" w x covered cleaning pad/wheel; cleaning fluid; CD frames, through -glass brass hardware. concealed
3.5" h x 8.5" d $1,395 eject lever; chamois cleaning brush $14.95 fasteners, safety -tempered solar -bronze -tinted glass


doors etched with subtle silk-screen pattern, ra- mount jack assembly allows wireless operation. 40-158 Tape Care Kit
diused plinth base. Ready to assemble. Steel and aluminum chassis mounts in any 19" Features chemical cleaners and lubricants for
AV1675. Full-sized entertainment center holds rack. Ground -lifted jacks optional. 19" w x 1.75" heads, guides, and capstans. For use with auto
27" TV; adjustable shelf; glass -enclosed storage h x 1.5" d $166.50 and home tape decks. Includes I bottle each of
with adjustable shelves. 49.25" w x 49.9" h x 20" cleaner and lubricant, a supply of swab -style
d $529.95 Kleen Stix, and a specially treated cloth ..$7.55
A1665. Audio cabinet with adjustable shelves; 2 CANTON
glass doors. 23" w x 45" h x 16" d $269.95 Connect Series Switchboxes 40-130-C Cassette Head Cleaner/Demagnetizer
Connect 50. Handles 1-4 pairs of speakers; DIN Cordless cassette head cleaner and demagnetizer
Furniture Systems Series and phono jack; headphone outputs. Features removes dirt and residual magnetism without use
With rounded corners, soft -shaped tops, fully ra- volume controls for adjusting channels 2 and 4; of any current. For home and auto cassette
diused shelf fronts with decorative accent lines. Li- decks $4.90
brary oak finish, full-length solid -oak door pulls.
cord openings in rear, 72" tall. 40-126 Cassette Head Cleaner
L139WS. Wood and glass doors; middle doors Includes cleaning fluid $4.10
open 180" for TV viewing; 30" w 19.4" d$269.95
L132WS. Audio cabinet with wood and glass 60-415 Jewel Box
doors; 20" w x 19.4" d $219.95 Clear hinged jewel case $2.60
L134WS. Open shelving above wood doors; 30" 60-415-3. Jewel case 3 -pack $5.45
w x 19.4" d $199.95
L124WS. Wood doors; 15.4" d $169.95 Speaker Wire
L121WS. Wood doors; 15.4" d $149.95 2 -conductor, 24-. 20-, or 18 -gauge wire for hook up
L123WS. Open shelving; 15.4" d $149.95 to 8 -ohm speakers. Clear -plastic insulation.
32-150. 25 -ft length, 24 gauge $2.60
AV1375 Deluxe Home Entertainment Center connection to output of amps, receivers; DIN 32-152. 50 -ft length, 24 gauge $4.05
A/V center with 25" h x 27" w TV compartment; speaker jacks $125 32-154. 100 -ft length, 24 gauge $6.15
adjustable VCR shelf; glass -enclosed storage with Connect 20. Switchbox for 1-3 tape decks or 2 32-155. 1,000 -ft length, 24 gauge $52
adjustable shelf; 20.25"-W glass -enclosed audio decks and I high-level signal source. Features 32-156. 50 -ft length. 20 gauge $5.75
area with 3 adjustable shelves; silk-screen pattern left/right regulators to reduce signal levels before 32-158. 100 -ft length, 20 gauge $10.95
on glass doors with wood frames. Solid oak and recording; 5 -pole DIN jacks $75 32-159. 50 -ft length, 18 gauge $7.94
oak laminates with multi -step laquered finish. Connect 10. Similar to Connect 20 except de- 32-157. 100 -ft length. 18 gauge $15.10
49.5" w x 47.62" h x 19" d; 180 lb $399.95 signed for 1-3 pairs speaker switching. Features
standard DIN speaker jacks $65 Connection Cables
AV774 Room Divider/Entertainment Center Dual. color -coded stereo cable with RCA phono
2 drawers below TV compartment; 4 adjustable Record -Care Products plugs on all ends.
bottom doors; wooden door handles; rounded Cantosweep. Record -care brush with antistatic 60-342G. 12 -ft gold-plated plugs $6.65
edges on frame; shelving; drawers and doors. Li- carbon bristles. Removes static charges, dirt par- 60-340G. 6 -ft gold-plated plugs 5 20
brary -oak finish. Cords run through center parti- ticles from grooves before play $30 38-143. 12 -ft $4.60
tion. 49" w x 69.5" h x 15.5" d; 180 lb .$259.95 38-142. 6 -ft $3.25
Cantolink Speaker Cable 38-141. 3 -ft $2.55
AV760 Deluxe Audio/Video Center 40. Premium 40 -mm speaker cable .... $1.45/ft
TV compartment for 26" or 19" TV; safety -tem- 25. Premium 25 -mm speaker cable .... $0.99/ft
pered glass door; 3 adjustable shelves; enclosed CARVER
space for accessories; pedestal base; adjustable MCt Moving -Coil Transformer
shelf above TV compartment. Library -oak finish. CARRY DISC
BY MUSIC & SOUND IMPORTS Matches low output of moving -coil cartridge to
Soft -shaped tops and rounded edges. 47.36" w x standard moving -magnet phono stage. Selector
47.25" h x 15.5" d; 145 lb $229.95 Carry Disc CD Holder switch for 3.9, 39, 110 ohms for virtually any
Holds 14 CD's in a quick open -and -close carrying moving -coil cartridge. Gain 24 dB; $129
A1365 Audio Cabinet case with a protective inner lining of soft ve-
22"-W interior glass -enclosed facade with silk- lour $15-95
screen pattern and wood frames; 2 adjustable in- CELLO
terior shelves; hand -stained and chiseled accent Speaker Stands
lines; rounded edges and soft -shaped design. Solid CARTER -CRAFT Granite $5,500/pr
oak and oak laminates with lacquered finish. 40-428 "Pick -Pocket" Speaker Wood lacquer $2,500/pr
23.5" w x 42.25" h x 16.5" d; 78 lb .... $199.95 Folding speakers for mini stereo systems. Folds Oak $1,500/pr
up to fit in pocket or purse. Over 2 feet of stereo
AV740 Audio/Video Center cable. Includes suede -cloth carrying case. 4" x
L-shaped design; safety -tempered glass door; 3 2.5" folded size; 1 lb $21.90
adjustable shelves; vertically accented doors and Cone -Shaped Feet
side panels; enclosed storage for videocassettes. 60-409 CD Cleaning Kit To isolate components from mechanical distur-
records, tapes, accessories. Arborwood finish; 91 Includes cleaning solution $19.95 bance.
Ib; 4T' w x 36" h x 14.94" d $99.95 C-3. For components and speakers; with double -
60-416 CD Storage Case thread tapped screws 59/ea
AV738 Compact Home Entertainment Center Auto eject and add-on unit holds 5 compact C-4. Tall Counterfeet for components and speak-
L-shaped A/V center with open shelf for 26" TV; discs. Stackable modular design allows expansion ers; with double -threaded tapped screws; good on
safety -tempered glass doors with 3 adjustable of storage system $13.65 carpet $14 ea
shelves; enclosed storage; wood handles; radiused C-37. Replaces feet of Sota turntables $14 ea
door panels; rounded edges; soft -shaped tops. Li- Soft -Touch Cassette Storage Cases C-35. Replaces feet of Oracle turntables $22 ea
brary -oak finish. 47" w x 35.88" h x 15 5" d; 93 Storage cases eject tapes by touching drawer front. C-36. Replaces Sonographe turntable feet $14 ea
lb $149.95 40-218. Portable with carry handle stores 12
tapes $40.45
A641 Audio Cabinet 40-217. Auto unit padded all around for safety, COUNTERPARTS BY SUMIKO
Safety -tempered glass door; 2 adjustable shelves; impact, heat resistant. Holds 6 cassettes $35.65 System Mat
soft -shaped lift top; 2 -wheel casters. Library oak 40-216. Expandable unit holds 6 tapes and is ex- Record platter mat made from lead/barium ener-
finish. 18.88" w x 38.62" h x 17.5" d; 58 panded by purchasing additional units $21.35 gy -absorbing layer, anti -static treatment, poly-
lb $119.95 methylmethacrylate base material, warp -reducing
34-155 Deluxe AC Adaptor concavity. Use with record clamp only $95
CALRAD ELECTRONICS U.L.-approved AC/DC adaptor for 3-, 4.5-, 6-,
7.5-, 9-, and I2 -V battery -operated components. Reflex Clamp
10-112 Patchbay Features universal 4 -way plug. Includes built-in Couples record to mat with reflex action and en-
Point-to-point wiring patchbay provides 32 num- reversing feature. 1.5 lb $12 ergy -absorbing lead/barium coating. When used
bered RCA female jacks for multiple use of tape 34-157. As above with 300/100 mA conversion with System Mat, is said to eliminate vibrations
equipment and signal routing. Double -panel - switch $10.95 and resonances from playing surface $75


CD Interface Mats Cabinet Lights. With matching wood rail; 0.75" rec interconnect cable, terminated with premium
Clear plastic mats permanently adhere to label h; includes cord switch 540-547 DPB-I3PX gold plugs $95
side of disc; constrained -layer damping said to re- Wood Back. Custom slotted at additional I -meter length $49
duce vibration; protects from scratches that can cost $32-$55
damage data. 10 mats per package $10 Wine Accessories. Solid wood hanging rails for Gold -Plated Connectors
glasses and bottle racks 580-596 DBP-9AU. Banana plugs. 8 solderless $24.50
Outlet Strips and Boxes. Filtered and spike pro- DBP-9H. Banana handles. 4 red, 4 black.. $3.50
CUSTOM WOODWORK tected; 8 -outlet strip; isolated $195 DBP-9P. Dual bananas (2 pk) 5I7.95
& DESIGN 2 -outlet box with indicator lamps (always on)$70 DBP-9J. Dual banana jacks (2 pk) 517.95
All of CW & D's Woodmore cabinets are hand- Woodmore Speaker Stands. 9", 15", 30"; with DBP-13J. .25" phono jacks (8 pk) $15.95
crafted of select hardwood solids and veneers. adjustable spiked levelers 5100-5140 DBP-13JR. .36" phono jacks (8 pk) $29.95
Available in natural oak, dark oak, natural Amer- DBP-13P. Gold-plated ph. plugs (8 pk) $17.95
ican walnut, and black oak, with matching Stacking Rails and Bases DBP-13PM. Phono plugs, 4 red, 4 black .529.95
shelves. Cabinets can be grouped or stacked to Solid wood accessories for stacking units into DBP-13PX. Phono plugs (2 pk) $19.95
make complete entertainment centers. wall systems; with leveler brackets and adjustable DBP-14. Gold-plated spade lugs (8 pk) ...$5.95
levelers; rails 0.75" h; bases 1.75" h $224130 DBP-15. Gold-plated Y -adaptors (2 pk) $12.95
Magic Lowboy Audio Cabinet DBP-16. 12 -dB input attenuators $12.95
Concealed audio cabinet rises to user height by DBP-17. Gold-plated ph. coupler (2 pk) 512.95
remote control. Fully enclosed. Max height 53";
closed, measures 47.25" wide x 34" high x 19" Audio Cabinets DBP-6 Phono Equalization Kit
deep 52,100-52,400 DFAV 115G. Complete audio/video entertain- Permits adding 100-400 pF of capacitance to pho-
ment center with pull-out shelf, glass doors, and no input of any preamp or receiver. Consists of 2
21" Woodmore Audio Cabinet storage drawers. 55" w x 22" h x 47.25" d; 190 Y adaptors, set of gold-plated phono plugs with
1 adjustable shelf; casters. 24" w x 21" h x 19" lb $586.95 polystyrene capacitors wired to give 100, 150,
d 5220-5270 DFAV 8. Audio cabinet on casters with double 200, 300, 400 pF. Resistive load (I%) included
glass doors. Features vertical drawer for tapes/ for experimenting with Mc cartridges plus pair of
30" Woodmore Audio Cabinet CD storage; pull-out shelf for turntable/record empty plugs for making custom values $36.95
2 adjustable shelves; casters. 24" w x 30" h x 19" storage. 41.25" w x 35.5" hx 20" d; 132 DBP-6MC. Similar to DBP-6 except for sic car-
d 5270-5345 lb $579 tridges. Loads are I% 10-, 20-, 50-. 100-, 200 -
DFAV-6. Audio cabinet with glass door and ver- metal -film resistors. Two empty plugs includ-
42" Woodmore Audio Cabinet tical drawer for tapes. 28" w x 20" d x 42" ed $36.95
3 adjustable shelves; casters. 24" w x 42" h x 19" h $492
d 5335-5435 DFAV 2. Audio cabinet with glass doors and lift DBP-10 Phono Alignment Protractor
top. 21.25 w x 45.75 h x 19 d; 88 lb 319.95 Accurately measures lateral tracking error of
Woodmore Glass -Lid Audio Cabinet mounted phono cartridges to within 0.25'. In-
2 adjustable shelves; feather -light hinged lid; cast- structions provided to optimize geometry, set cor-
ers. 24" w x 42" h x 19" d 5415-525
DB SYSTEMS rect overhang for minimum error and distortion,
DB-4B MC Pre -Preamplifier useful when checking vertical tracking angle.
Woodmore Entertainment Table Mc -cartridge pre -preamplifier with low -noise cas- Comes with carrying case $24.95
Finished on all 4 sides; with wood base. 47.25" w code amps, diode -protected inputs. Features in-
x 16" h x 19" d $345-5430 ternal low/medium/high gain switch. THD DBP-CK Cramolin Audio Kit
0.0008% 20-20,000 Hz at I V; noise -86 dB at 1 Contact cleaning system. Disolves and prevents
Woodmore Smallboy Audio Cabinet mV; FR 10-100,000 Hz +0/-0.1 dB; input/output oxide formation. Reduces noise and distor-
2 adjustable shelves; casters. 47.25" w x 21" h x imp 9k ohms, 2,000 pF/220 ohms; max load 10 tion $17.50
19" d 5335-420 kilohms, 3,000 pF; internally adjustable gain/
sons/overload dB/40 ± V/45 mV high 5205 DBP-VSP Voltage Spike Protector
Woodmore Lowboy Audio Cabinet With DBP-4 coupler and DB-2A power sup- Plug-in power line adaptor limits voltage surges
4 adjustable shelves; casters. 47.25" w x 30" h x ply $275 that can damage solid-state components.. 514.95
19" d 5415-5515
DBP-11 Phono Capacitance Switch Box DBP-SC Souther Clever Clamp
Woodmore Record Cabinet Features front-panel-switchable 100-400-pF load- Lightweight clear record clamp. 23 g $10
4 adjustable shelves; wood -veneer back; stacking ing for 2 MM phono cartridges. Open position is
accessory. 47.25" x 42" x 14" $410-$550 provided. Gold-plated jacks and plugs ...579.95 dbx
DBP-11MC. Similar to DBP-11 but with resistive
Woodmore Doors instead of capacitive values. Includes 5 -ohm DAV-600G Program Route Selector
Glass Doors. With chrome, black, or gold hard- load $79.95 Rack -mountable audio/video program route se-
ware $30-$73 lector connects 3 VCR's, I VDP, and 3 tape decks
Wood Doors. 160" concealed European hinges DBP-2J/5 Passive Switch Box (1 audio, 1 video, 1 audio Na). Features pre and
and solid -wood pulls $90-$230 Switching module with 10 input and 2 output post switching; RCA phono jacks $399
Rollwood. Veneered razor -sliced slats on wood jacks. Can be used for switching 5 turntables,
track $160-$180 tape recorders, amps, signal processors, etc. Al- Model 400XG Program Route Selector
Drop Leaf. For 21" Woodmore or Woodmore lows for selectable cartridge loading when used Rack -mountable powered switching box has same
Smallboy 555-564 with DBP-6 or 6MC. Can be used for switching capabilities as below except dubbing can be inter-
baseband video (not ch 3 or 4) 569.95 ruped by sound processors and/or encode/decode
Accessories DBP-2JAU/5. Same as DBP-2J except jacks are side of NR unit. Lighted pushbuttons show pro-
Cassette Drawer. Holds 72 cassettes; 4.5 h $80- gold plated $89.95 gram route $279
$90 Optional volume control installed in switch
Slide -Out Shelf. 2.5"; extends 10" $72-80 box $25 Model 20DXG Program Route Selector
CD Drawer. Holds 81 CD's; 7.5" h $90-$110 Rack -mountable passive switching box has in-
Rack Mount. With wood rails, metal channels, DBP-12X Audio Cable puts/outputs for 3 sound processors, INit unit,
hardware to mount 5 units $87-$100 10 -meter length of low -capacitance (400 pF) ste- and 3 tape decks. Direct dubbing between
decks $149

PRICES LISTED Soundtraktor
are manufacturers' suggested retail prices Geometric cartridge -alignment device; sets up
turntable to Baerwald parameters; metal con-
(also referred to as list prices); struction $195
actual selling prices are set by individual dealers. Pivotram
All prices are subject to change without notice. For accurate spindle -to -pivot distance for ton-
earm mounting holes SI95


DENNESEN ELECTROSTATICS moval from sleeve. Super smooth surface will not hand rubbed with Danish oil and wax. Veneered
ooze plastic additives; 10 pack $3.50 panels and shelves have a 3/4" hadwood composite
Locates proper spot to drill tonearm mounting core. Shelves are rated to hold up to 125 lb. Cus-
Cables tom finishes and options are available.
hole. Made of aircraft aluminum. I Ib; 12" x
3.3" Audio + Video Cabinet. 1 fixed video shelf, I
$100 Gold -ens Audio/Video Cables fixed, 2 adjustable audio shelves and dividers. 42"
Perfectionist cables for audio, video; provide ul- h x 49.75" w x 21" d $370
Sound Tractor tra -low capacitance with heavy gold-plated con- Tall Video Cabinet* I fixed, adjustable shelf.
Phono cartridge alignment protractor gives prop- nections with molded nylon insulating sleeves. 42" h x 30" w x 21" d $240
er distance and offset angle for any pivoted in one 2 -meter triple strand $23.95 Tall Audio Cabinet. 1 fixed, 2 adjustable shelves
simple step. Made of aircraft aluminum. 1 Ib; 12" I -meter triple strand $21.95 and record dividers. 42" h x 20.5" w x 21" d$210
x 2" x 3" $100 5 -meter double strand $19.95 Short Video Cabinet. 1 adjustable shelf $175
Same unit but made of plastic $35 4 -meter double strand S17.95 Short Audio Cabinet. 1 shelf and record divid-
2 -meter double strand $15.95 ers
Polaris FM Antenna $150
1 -meter double strand $13.95 Speaker Stands. Matching finish to cabinetry.
Indoor FM antenna. Totally passive, yet has as 0.5 -meter double strand $11.95 15" tall
much as 14 dB more signal gain than dipole an- $130/pr
2 -meter single strand $10.95
tenna normally used. Includes coax cable and bal- 1 -meter single strand S9.95
ance. 1 Ib; 18" x 2" x 2" $40 GENEVA GROUP
Tape Recording Accessories PF-211 Professional Bulk Eraser
D.G. INDUSTRIES Erases reel-to-reel, cassette, 8 -track cartridge
D'Mag Cassette Deck Demagnetizer tapes to noise level of virgin tapes. 2,300 gauss
Compact Disc Storage Unit Demagnetizes tape heads, capstans, and entire
Stackable plexiglass CD tray. Features storage of
flux intensity. 2" w x 3.5" h x 5" d; 2 lb, 4
tape path. Requires no batteries or power oz
29 compact discs; tilts discs for easy reading of ti- $59.95
cords $19.95
tles $29.95 ea
Audio Cassette Drop -In Demagnetizer
Discwasher Tape Deck CareSet Demagnetizes cassette heads in <I sec when load-
DISCWASHER Includes Perfect Path Cassette Head Cleaner and ed in cassette deck. Battery included; red indica-
C.P.R. Capstan Pinch Roller Cleaner.... $12.95 tor light; standard -size cassette shell $18.99
DiscKit Record Care
Contains D4+ record -care system, Zerostat antis- C.P.R. Capstan/Pinch-Roller Cleaner VCR -205 Audio/Video Demagnetizer
tatic instrument, SC -2 stylus -care system housed "Positive Drive" cleaning system for cassette
in DiscOrganizer Removes residual magnetism from heads and
$59.95 decks designed to safely scrub pinch rollers, cap- tape path parts. 290 -gauss field intensity; vinyl
stans with advancable cleaning fabric and harm- covered probe won't harm heads S39.95
Discset less fluid 58.95
Provides essentials of record, and stylus care; in- 10 -cc C.P.R. fluid refill $1.95 Tape Splicing Blocks
cludes D4+ record -care system, SC -2 Stylus Care
System in milled walnut base Specially grooved to hold tape firmly during splic-
$24.95 System II Cassette Tape Care ing. Features 2 deep slits for straight. diagonal
Combination head and capstan, pinch roller cuts. Supplied with double -backed adhesive for
Zerostat-3 cleaner for cleaning and maintaining all home
Anti -static instrument neutralizes static charges mounting without drilling: stainless -steel cutter.
and car cassette players. Nonabrasive dry fiber 5.75" w x 1" d x 0.31" h.
on virtually any surface; works without coating matrix tape safely removes dust and oxide build- PF-311. For 0.25" tapes $32.28
by showering surface with millions of positive ups on heads and along entire tape path. Capstan,
and negative ions PF-312. For cassette tapes $32.28
$29.95 pinch roller cleaner with an advancable fiber -grid
surface and specially formulated fluid removes PF-400 Compact Disc Storage Albums
Discwasher Compact Disc Cleaner tackiness and contamination from capstan and LP -size storage unit for CD's. Each holds 4 CD's
Includes a CD cleaning unit, CD -1 cleaning fluid, pinch roller assembly to prevent jammed and eat-
cleaning pad grooming brush and replacement in clear plastic carrying case. 3 -pack: holds 12
en tapes. 2.5" w x 4" h x 0.5" d $13.95 CD's total $14.95
cleaning pad. 14 oz $19.95
CD -1. I -oz fluid refill $3.95 Perfect Path Cassette Head Cleaner
CD Cleaner Replacement Pads PF-890 Street Strap Pocket Stereo Strap
54.95 Nonabrasive dry system for audio cassette decks Fits all pocket stereos with handles $9.99
designed to remove oxides, and gummy residue
CD Storage System along tape path and on tape heads $5.95 QM -505 Cellular Foam Swabs
Lightweight, durable unit stores up to 20 CDs in Package of 25 swabs, for cleaning audio, video
their jewel boxes. Can be wall mounted. 6" w x 2" tape decks
h x 14.75" d S19.95
Interconnect and Speaker Wire PF-116 Tape & Head Cleaner
D4+ Record Care System Solid core; designed for enhanced clarity and Aerosol spray; extension tube reaches recessed
Safe record -cleaning system designed to remove depth $2.50/ft parts of audio recorders and videocassette decks.
contaminants without reducing record fidelity. 16 -oz can
Consists of D4+ fluid that lifts, suspends contam- $9.09
inants; soft -fiber pad with hand -milled walnut DRAKE COMPANY
PF-410 Compact Disc Cleaner
handle to remove debris and dry record; DC -I PRC/U Universal Remote Control
pad -cleaner brush Easy -to -use premoistened cleaning pads cleans at
$16.50 Hand held remote control for use with -rv, least 5 CD's each. 18 pads. 3 oz
1.25 oz replacement fluid $10.99
$2.50 cable converters, audio/video, CD players or any
6 oz replacement fluid SIO infrared remote controlled components. Range 30 PF-562 Audio Cassette Head Cleaner
16 oz replacement fluid $17 feet; used with up to 3 remote comtrolled units. Cleans heads and tape path components in 5 sec.
DC -I brush $0.69 2.31" w 6.5" L x 0.69" d $120 Features gold -colored metal hubs; nonabrasive
cleaning tape; IP alcohol cleaning solution; stan-
D'Stat II Mat dard cassette housing. 3.25 oz
Turntable mat reduces static charges on contact, ENTRE $7.99
provides cushion to reduce sonic, mechanical BY ANALOG EXCELLENCE
QM -108 Tape/Head (leaner
feedback between record and platter $8.50 ET -100 MC Step -Up Transformer Liquid tape and head cleaner in 8 -oz can .. $6.10
Step-up transformer for MC cartridges. Can take
SC -2 Stylus Cleaner System 3 stereo connections at once with selection on QM -103 Tape/Head Cleaner
Includes scientifically safe cleaning fluid, preci- front panel. 4 -way switch on front panel for imp Aerosol tape and head cleaner blasts loose oxides,
sion nylon -fiber brush designed to safely remove matching to MM cartridges $450 dirt. Supplied with extension tube $6
stylus contamination. Brush has attached stylus -
inspection magnifying mirror $8.50 Audio/Video Splicing Kit
FINELINE DISTRIBUTING For editing and repairing audio cassettes, VHS
V.R.P. Record Sleeves Furniture Systems and Beta videocassettes; splicing tape for 36 audio
Scratch -free record liner sleeves that prevent stat- Fineline Audio/Video cabinetry are finished inside or 24 video splices; leader tape for audio cassette,
ic charge buildup during record storage and re- and out with oak and oak veneers. All surfaces are VHS, Beta; with instructions S5.99


QM -102 Tape Head Cleaner tridges. Distortion <0.01%; 6" x 3" x 5"; 4.4 digital display; digital time adjust controls; sleep -
Liquid tape head cleaner in 2 -oz bottle. Leaves no lb $650 timer setting from I min to I hour 59 min; two
residue; can be used on capstans, pinch HP-T7L. Same as above except for 1-10 ohm car- AC outlets $120
rollers $4.50 tridges $650
QM -122. Same as QM -102 but in 1.7 -oz spill - HP -T5. For 10-40 ohm MC cartridges. Gold fin- KINETIC AUDIO
proof bottle $4.50 ish; aluminum case. Distortion <0.02%. 6" x 3" x
4"; 3 lb $450 Cabinets
PF-105 Mini Super Blast Furniture -styled equipment/record/tape cabinets.
Removes dust and dirt from hard -to -reach areas. HP -S5 Headshell Can be stacked: adjustable -height shelves or rack
1.5 -oz can $2.99 Gold finish; aluminum alloy with OFC copper rails: walnut veneer over particle -board side pan-
lead wires; cartridge mounting screws go directly els.
PF-870 Double RCA Jack into fingerlift. 13 g $85 EC -XL. 48" h x 21" w x 18" d. Deluxe unit with
Connects RCA cables together in series for extra plexiglas door, black dual -wheel casters . $500.00
length $2.99 EC -L. 48" h x 21" w x 18" d $300.00
HUNT BY MUSIC HALL EC -M. 38" H x 21" w x 14" d $200.00
PF-860 Mini -to -RCA Adaptor Cable EDA Carbon -Fiber Record Brush EC -S. 24" h x 21" w x 14" d $150.00
For connecting pocket stereos (or anything with Cleaning brush with carbon fibers supported by
mini jack) to stereo system (or anything with velvet pad to reduce effective length to 2 mm; fili- Speaker Stands
RCA inputs) $2 ments designed to track record grooves; center Straight or tilted speaker stands with dual -angle
pad statically charged to lift dust $19.95 up/down capability and flat black satin finish.
PF-115 Electronic Cable Ties S -L. Large $200.00/pr
20 reusable ties; each 5"; with pop locks; trimma- S -M. Medium $150.00/pr
ble with scissors $2.29
INTRACLEAN S -S. Small $125.00/pr
Reel Tabs
TECHNOLOGIES Stereo Amplifier/Line-Level Control
Precut adhesive -backed Mylar or metal tabs for S -71I Professional Head Cleaner For bi/multi-amping, other amp level adjust-
tape splicing, editing. Designed for use with Gene- Halogenated hydrocarbons clean heads, capstans, ments. Features 10k-, 25k-, 50k -ohm imp; phono
va splicing equipment. pinch rollers; no alcohol $7.95 jacks; connectors; mounting hardware .. $150.00

0.25" Mylar Reel Tabs C-911 Autoreversing Cassette Cleaner Stereo Amplifier/Speaker Selector
QM -531. 1,000/pkg $111.39 In cassette shell; contains S-711 fluid to clean Switches 2 stereo amps into single pair of speak-
QM -526. 200/pkg $23.39 heads, capstan, pinch rollers; nonabrasive clean- ers or 2 pairs of speakers from single stereo
QM -521. 50/pkg $7.56 ing band; automatically switches direction in au- amp $150.00
toreverse decks, replaceable pads $12.95
Cassette Mylar Reel Tabs C-912. Replacement pad kit $3.95
QM -522. 50/pkg $6.68
QM -524. 50/pkg $9.22 D-501 Cassette Demagnetizer SK -3 Pm -Preamplifier
In cassette shel: for insertion into decks .. $24.95 Preamp for phono amplification only. Ultra low
distortion, high resolution design. Adjustable
HEYBROOK D-511 Wand Demagnetizer gain for low output mc and high output cart.
HBS-3 Speaker Stand Hand-held plug-in demagnetizer for heads, cap- Gain at i kHz, 37, 50, 64 dB. External power
Loudspeaker stand designed for stable, rigid sup- stans, tape guides, other metal along tape path; supply. Input imp 0-47k. output imp. 300 ohms.
port. 4 adjustable pointed spike feet top and bot- auto shutoff when not in use $21.95 Adjustable high freq. contour $950
tom. 13" w x 10" h x 11" d 5139.95/pr
HBS-1. Like HBS-3 except 18" tall $149.95/pr C-Sl Audio Cotton Swabs SK -2A Pre -Preamplifier
P -5S. 20" speaker stand $89.95/pr 6 long highly polished maple stick; tightly wound Pre -preamplifier for low -output Mc cartridges.
tip mounted with solven-resistant glue .... $2.95 Features ultra -low distortion and high -resolution
HB-2S Speaker Stand design. Gain 24 dB; Bandwidth 0.8-350 kHz; ad-
Metal, wall -mount stand designed for rigid sup- CD -10I Compact Disc Cleaner justable high frequency contour; output imp 300
port. 9.25" w x 10" h x 9.25" d 599.03/pr Chamois -like brush; cleaning solution; disc hold- ohms $750
er $16.95
TS -1 Turntable Wall Shelf CD -102. Replacement cleaning pads $6.95
Metal turntable wall shelf designed to eliminate CD -103. CD cleaning fluid
structural feedback from reaching the turntable. Portable Stereo Speakers
Features adjustable spike feet for leveling. 20" w Mini speakers designed to plug into headphone
x 16" h x 16" d; 12 lb $98
JVC jack of a portable stereo system.
CK-50 Compac: Disc Cleaner KSC/8000. Dual -amplified speakers. 2-250 mW/
Heybrook Interconnects Automatic CD cleaner features speacially pro- ch; 8.9 oz (w/o battery $25/pr
Hand -assembled RCA to RCA interconnect ca- cessed rotating cleaning pad; auto stop mecha- KSC/5000. Mylar-covered diaphram driver and
bles with gold-plated plugs. 3 -ft length $59.95/pr nism $49.95 amplified power booster $ 1 6/pr
KSC/50. Features dual full -range transducers;
AK -I Cartridge -Mounting Kit 3 2 oz $10/pr
Cartridge -mounting kit with high -tensile screws
and nuts; alien key wrench; open-end nut wrench; SRC -4000 Audio Rack LASER BY SWIRE MAGNETICS
overhang protractor $9.95 Basic series component cabinet features tempered
smoked -glass front door; casters; record -storage Tape Accessories
compartment. 19.31" w x 45.81" h x 16.63" Audio Head Demagnetizer $15.99
HIGHPHONIC d $230 Wet Head Cleaner $4.99
BY ANALOG EXCELLENCE Dry Head Cleaner $1.39
MC Step -Up Transformers AT -56 Audio Timer
HP-T7H. For use with 15-40 ohm MC car- Features 24 -hour clock -timer wtih 12 hour FL
CD -2400 Compact Disc Storage Unit
Holds up to 24 CD's. Securing Release Mecha-
PRICES LISTED nism locks disc in slot and releases disc cartridge
are manufacturers' suggested retail prices at a touch. Made of impact -resistant, high-grade
p;astic. Modular design for adding additional
(also referred to as list prices); units. 18.66" w x 4.9" h w 6.75" D; 3.59 lb$29.95
actual selling prices are set by individual dealers. CD -1200. Same as CD -2400 except holds up to 12
CD's. 12.6" w x 3.95" h x 6.75" d; 2.15 11419.95
All prices are subject to change without notice. CD -800. Same as CD -2400 except holds up to 8
CD's. 6.4" w x 4.9" h x 6.75" d; 1.07 lb .. $9.95


AC -1800 Cassette Storage Unit 21010. For 10 cassettes or personal accessories, quency response and low distortion.
Holds 18 cassettes; impact -resistant, high-grade detachable shoulder strap and belt loop ... S6.50 6 Foot Length $6.99
plastic; cassettes lock in place; stackable; hinged 4 Foot Length $4.99
door. 16.7" w x 5.4" h x 5.3" d SI9.95
LUXMAN Compact Disc Organizer
THE LAST FACTORY Remote Control Accessories Storage unit with independent storage slots holds
Allow remote control of Luxman components from up to 12 CDs in a vertical position. Twin
System Formula Series any desired room. RC401 is the main unit and pack $4.99
must connect to a Luxman amp/preamp/inter-
Formula 1 Record Cleaner grated amp. RC402 and 101 allows remote opera- Compact Disc Storage Case
For first play and deep cleaning; guaranteed to tion from any room. RC403 allows connection of High -quality dust -proof replacement
storage case
remove all surface deposits; cleans 60 records; mi- nonLuxman components to system for remote con- for individual CDs. Standard jewel -box design.
crofiber applicators; 2 oz $13.95 trol from any desired room. Twin pack $2.99
RC401. Remote control splitter $60 FM Dipole Antenna
Formula 2 Record Preservative RC402. Remote control transformer $50 Features folded dipole design length -tuned to op-
Guaranteed to stop record wear completely for RC403. Remote command repeater $70 timum wavelength for FM radio band. No wire
200 or more plays; protects 60 records; microfiber RC101. External remote eye $50 stripping necessary SI.99
applicators; 2 oz $16.95 RC406. Handheld remote for R-103 $60
RT407. Handheld remote for T-107 $50 3 -Pack Audio Albums
Formula 3 All -Purpose Record Cleaner RU100. Handheld remote for U-100 $50 Design allows tape end in or out for hassle -free
Guaranteed to keep records clean without storage. Cassette protection for home or car$0.99
due; cleans hundreds of records; microfiber appli- Cables
cators; 2 oz $8.95 RC100. Extention cable $40 Tape and Record Care Products
RC102. DIN Y cable $30
Formula 4 Stylus Cleaner X -CD. Cassette head cleaner and demagnetiz-
Guaranteed to remove all stylus deposits safely er
hundreds of times. Includes cleaning brush and Record Care Kit $5.99
0.25 oz of cleaning fluid $7.95 CP8 Universal Remote Control Cassette Cleaning Kit $2.99
Learns functions of 8 remote controls. Features Record Cleaner $2.99
Formula 5 Stylast Stylus Treatment sequencer operation to perform multiple remote Record Cleaning Fluid $2.69
Guaranteed to extend stylus life up to 10 times commands with one touch; time -day of week Cassette Head Cleaner $1.89
normal; to be used before playing each record clock; booster for more powerful signal; backlit
side; thousands of treatments; 0.25 oz $19.95 LCD display for night use $99.95 Headphone Accessories

Formula 6 CD Protection System Electronic Cassette Demaganetizer Headphone Extension. 20 -ft lightweight stereo
Guaranteed to clean discs safely and protect them Battery -powered head demagnetizing system. headphone extension cable $5.99
from minor scratches; smudge protectant; hun- Eliminates residual magnetism to keep recordings Y -Adapter. Dual -headphone adapter $2.99
dreds of treatments; applicator and base . $14.95 free of noise and distortion. Works in less than 1 Mono Adapter. Mono adapter for stereo head-
sec on any deck $24.99 phones $1.99
Formula 7 Cassette Head Cleaner
Guaranteed to clean tape heads and tape -path Auto Lighter iw Power Adapter
rollers; 2 cassette mechanisms; exclusive formula; Power battery -operated radio, tape player, or per- MICRO SEIKI
0.5 oz $13.95 sonal portable through car lighter socket. Fea- BY ANALOG EXCELLENCE
tures 6 plug types, 5 voltages, and 2 polari- MT-l000l. Step -Up Transformer
Combination Kits ties $14.99 For 3 -ohm MC cartridges. FR 15-60,000 Hz; 13
See above for contents of each formula. cm w x 6.5 cm h x 13 cm d; 12.6 lb $995
Formulas 2 and 3 519.95 Compact Disc Cleaner MT -1000H. For 40 -ohm cartridges $995
Formulas 4 and 5 $24.95 Cleans digital discs for accurate music; restores
uniform disc reflectivity. Includes cleaning solu- MT -500 Step -Up Transformer
Trial -Size Kits tion, pad, bristle brush, and storage case . $14 99 For 3- or 40 -ohm MC cartridges. FR 15-60,000
0.5 oz of each formula. Hz; 13 cm w x 6.5 cm h x 13 cm d; 6.6 lb $595
Formulas 1 and 3 $7.95 Double Pair Stereo Cable
Formulas 2 and 3 $9.95 4 coaxial cables in 1; stranded pure copper con-
Formulas 1, 2, and 3 $13.95 ductors; color -coded RCA phono-type plugs. Gold MISSION ELECTRONICS
plated for maximum signal transfer and interfer- Isoplat Isolation Platform
Microfiber Applicators ence -free reception $11 99 Isolates vibrations and resonances from equip-
10 in each packet $12.50 ment. Design based on critical application of ver-
Deluxe Speaker Cable tical sandwich of highly inert fiberboard and Sor-
LEBO 16 gauge heavy-duty cable (60% more copper bothane feet. Capable of controlling damping vi-
than 18 gauge) and 19 strand pure copper con- brations in all 6 rotational translational
Voyager series nylon carry cases are water resistant ductors for high conductivity and low signal axes $69
and are suitable to carry a variety of personal ac- loss $11.99
cessories. Features include; zippered openings; pad- The Mission Cable
ded construction; adjustable straps. Various colors Safeguard Voltage Spike Protector Speaker cable in 1 pair of separated conductors
are available. Guards against brief high -voltage spikes in stan- made from pure annealed oxygen -free copper
20030 First Class Voyager. For 30 boxed or 48 dard 110-120-V AC outlets $7.99 strands (651 x 0.07 mm) with nominal cross-sec-
unboxed cassettes, with large personal accessory tion of 2.5 mm; marked + and -; conductors laid
pocket, removable tray, detachable, padded Compact Disc Player Dustcover parallel, separated and insulated together in fig-
shoulder strap, handle, color coordinated hard- Soft durable vinyl CD player dustcover with clear ure -eight section; nominal insulation thickness
ware $19.95 front panel for convenient viewing of controls. 0.7 mm; moninal dimension 3.8 x 9.6 mm; direc-
21230 Custom Lite Voyager. For 30 boxed or 48 Available in medium (14" a 12.5" x 3") and large tional, designed for use with "M" of Mission to-
unboxed cassettes, with large personal accessory (18" x 14" x 3") sizes $5.99 wards amp and "n" towards speakers. Specs at
pocket, removable tray $16.95 20° centigrade: single conductor resistance 7.7
21220. Same as above for 20 boxed or 32 unboxed Graphite Filament Record Cleaner ohms/km; inductance 1.6 µH/m; nominal capac-
cassettes $13.95 Cleans and neutralizes static electricity. Features itance 35 pF/m $2.00/ft
21030 Venturer. For 30 boxed or 48 unboxed cas- electrically conductive graphite microbristles that
settes, adjustable shoulder strap $13.95 fully reach into the bottom of record grooves for
25212. For 12 regular or 6 twin box CD's with thorough cleaning $5.99 M.M. NEWMAN
outside personal accessory pocket and detachable Heli-Tube. Spirally cut industrial grade cable
shoulder strap; interior velcro compartment di- Audio Patch Cables wrap. .25", .38",.50" sizes for bundles up to 4"
vider $11.95 Features gold plating for maximum signal trans- dia; 8 ft lengths; 0.50" $2.25
25006. For 6 regular or 3 twin boxed CD's, dta- fer; low capacitance, heavy shielding for truest 0.38" $1.60
chable shoulder strap and belt loop $7.95 sound; 95% braided copper shielding for high fre- 0.25" $1.45


20 -ft pr $290 16 -ft pr
$130 2-m pr S24.95
AP -I MC Pre-Preamp I.5 -m pr $110 1-m pr $19.95
Imp selectable by front -panel switches; battery 1-m pr $85 From Spool $0.75/ft
powered with recharger included $475 0.5-m pr $75
Genesis Lightspeed Tonearm Interconnect
Discus CD Stabilizer Interlink CD Cable For connecting cartridge to preamp $175
Disc with same dimensions as CD designed to Interconnect cable for CD players designed to in-
stabilize discs for reduced errors $29.95 crease performance and sound quality . . $3.00M Interlink 400 Interconnect Cable
1 -mile pr $9,863 Same "Bandwidth Balanced" design as Interlink
Speaker Cable 20 -ft pr $150 Reference: "MicroFiber" technology: unterminat-
2-m pr $70 ed $1.25/ft
.1f! Speaker Cable 1-m pr $50 20 ft $79.95/pr
"MicroFiber" dielectric insulation designed to Interlink 300 Interconnect Cables 2.0 m $39.95/pr
eliminate "Intertransient" noise. reduce transient Dual -balanced conductors: dual -shield braid and 13 m $34.95/pr
interference, intended to preserve power and dy- foil. IX m $29.95/pr
namics; primary and secondary grouped networks; 20 -ft pr $50 0.5 m $24.95/pr
carrying case. With M -Spades.
15 -ft pr $325
25 -ft pr $500
30 -ft pr
With X -Terminators
15 -ft pr
25 -ft pr
30 -ft pr

From Spool $9.00/ft

Monster Cable Connecting Cables

Improved version of original Monster Cable with
new strand configuration designed for midrange
clarity, faster transient response. and extended low
and high FR. Pre-cut, with universal gold pin ends
with lock -notch.
SO ft 595.00/pr
30 ft $60.00/pr
20 ft $45.00/pr
15 ft $35.00/pr
From spool, not pre-cut $1.00/ft

Superfler Speaker Wire

High -purity copper speaker wire with flexible Dur-
aflex insulation: dividing web between the 1 con-
ductors. Same stranding configuration as Monster
Cable but fewer strands of wire $0.50/ft
25 ft $40.00/pr
15 ft $25.00/pr
10 ft 520.00/pr

Powerline 2 Speaker Cable

"Time Coherent" winding designed to eliminate
phase inaccuracies, align highs and lows for im-
proved FR, imaging; unterminated $3.25/ft
Powerline 3. Smaller version of Powerline
2 $1.75/11


MI000 Interconnect Cables

"Total Phase Aligned Bandwidth Balanced" de-
sign: dual conductors and 3 wire networks: "Mi- When you want the best cabinetry for your Magic Lowboy cabinet used alone (below).
croFiber" M -Terminator connectors. Precut. audio/video components, look to CWD for CWD cabinets and accessories are truly fine
20 -ft pr $450 incomparable choices. Known for superior furniture to cherish a lifetime, handmade, hand
2-m pr $210 style, flexibility and craftsmanship, our modular finished, and outfitted with precision hardware.
I.5 -m pr $180
1-m pr
units let you create a custom wall system
0.5-m pr $110
that enhances the performance of your compo-
From Spool $9/ft nents. A system you can add to and rearrange
as your home entertainment system grows.
Interlink 500 Interconnect Cables Whatever your needs, CWD offers unique solu-
"Precision Bandwidth Balanced" construction: tions for every component requirement includ-
dual conductors with "MicroFiber": designer col- ing the ingenious Woodmore' Magic Lowboy,
ors. Precut.
a remote -controlled cabinet that can be raised Select hardwood solids and veneers available
20 -ft pr $180
2-m pr
or lowered with the mere touch of a button. in handsome Natural Oak, Dark Oak, Natural
1-m pr $50
Set it up without a center panel for monitor American Walnut or Black Oak. Also in
From Spool $4/ft and speakers, as shown in the dramatic Black dramatic High Gloss Black.
Oak wall system (above) ... or with a center High Performance modular furniture that
Interlink Reference Connecting Cables panel to house an audio video system in the keeps pace with your electronic system
Connecting wire with 3 -wire multiple -gauge net-
work for each conductor. Thick core wire designed CALL TOLL FREE
for for frequencies below 300 Hz. 4 medium con-
ductors intended for midrange, hair -thin woven
for the dealer nearest you.
stranded wires made for 700+ Hz (Illinois. call 312/563-1745) CUSTOM WOODWORK & DESIGN INC. Bedford Park. IL 60638

STEREO Bt'vERS' 61.11)1.1 1988 205

NADY SYSTEMS ual volume controls; connection for second amp; 3.5 Fl. Same as above except cleans one side at a
autotransformers; seperate L+R ch ground con- time $649
IR-103 Personal Infrared Stereo Receiver nections for use with bridged amps. 8 Ib; 11.2" w 2.5 Fl. As 3.5 Fl, but slightly smaller $469
Infrared stereo transmitter model IRT-520 plugs x 4.62" h x 5.31" D $280 1.5. Similar to 2.5 Fl except no solid oak cabinet
into any stereo or tape deck's headphone jack. In- SVC-4W. Same as SVC-4 except designed to be or fluid injection $35
frared signal is transmitted to sensor on top of flush mounter into a wall. Pre -construction and
personal receiver. Any number of Nady infrared retrofit versions available $325
receivers can be used in a room. A "slave" trans- SVC-2. For 2 pairs of speakers. Individual vol- ONKYO
mitter, model IRT-520-S is available to extend ume controls; autotransformers $150 CB -90V Audio Rack
range and coverage to outdoor areas such as HD -5W. Accomodates most kinds of wire or con- Rack for Integra and Onkyo components. Fea-
backyards and swimming pools $100 nectors. Features 5 -way rear panel terminals; se- tures black wood; chrome trim; tinted glass; dou-
IRH-210. Integral headphone/receiver $60 perate L+R ch grounds; impedance protection. ble doors; locking casters; adjustable shelves.
NAKAMICHI Can be used with any type power amp; handles 20.62" w x 35.31" h x 18.5" d; 19.94" internal
up to 250 W/ch. 3 lb; 12.5" w x 3.36" h x 6" width; 56 lb $320
DM -10 Head Demagnetizer d $150
Tape head demagnetizer $36 SPS-1. Accommodates up to 14 -gauge speaker RC-AVIM Universal Remote Control
wire and power handling capacity up to 100 W/ Audio/video universal remote control can be pro-
SF -10 Subsonic Filters ch. Genuine walnut side panels $80
Compact passive filters operate at line level to re- Rack mounts $15
move turntable rumble and other infrasonics
caused by record warps and tonearm/cartridge CPM-31 Patching Matrix
resonances. Provides 6 dB/octave filter, down 10 6 x 6 patching matrix to connect tape decks,
dB at 10 Hz. May be used at tape output or amp equalizers, and NR units. Allows a component's
tape -input jacks. 2.6" I x 0.51" diameter$15.00/pr output to be fed to another component's input.
Passive unit with RCA jacks on rear. 9" w x 4" h
NAMIKI x 8.75" d; 6 lb $180
BY ANALOG EXCELLENCE CPM-2. Similar to CPM-31 except with 4 x 4 ma-
trix $100
DM -100 Demagnetizer
For MM and MC cartridges, dynamic speakers, TSB -3 Tape Deck Switch Box
headphones. 164 mm w x 77 mm h x 100 mm d. Allows record, playback and dub between any of
0.7 kg $100 3 tape decks. Patching performed by turning
knobs. Features RCA phono jacks; optional rack -
DF-100 AC Polarity Direction Finder mount ears and walnut end panels. 7.12" w x
Identifies polarity of AC power cord; uses 9-V 2.65" h x 5.6" d. 2 lb $80
battery. 175 mm w x 21 mm h x 60 mm d; 260
g $100 SCW-1 Volume Control grammed to operate a variety of video (VCR's,
Wall -mounted stereo volume controls for remote TV'S, cable boxes) and audio components with in-
AV -101B Headshell speakers. Use of autotransformers instead of L - frared remote capabilities. Learns the remote
Rigid universal headshell with adjustable azimuth pads $48 operations of a variety of components and can
and overhang; suitable for MC cartridges. 16 SCW-2. Similar to SCW-I with stereo headphone store more than 100 different functions into mem-
g $50 jack $66 ory. Control codes for Onkyo products already
AV -101S. Same as above except silver $50 SVC-1. Table -top speaker volume control for re- programmed in. Uses 4 AAA batteries. 7.06" long
A-1. For MM or MC cartridges. 10 g $40 mote speakers. Volume adjustment independent x 2.88" w x 1.25" d $119.95
AV -11. For MM cartridges. 8 g $30 from main speakers. Uses autoformer volume
control instead of L -pad $75
SCW-2A. Similar to SCW-I but has selector ONIX AUDIO BY MUSIC HALL
NIKKO AUDIO switch for 2 different amplifier inputs $66 S.O.A.P. Add -On Power Supply
CO -23 Crossover SCW-2HP. High -power version of SCW-1. Uses Designed to add extra current to power amp, in-
3 -way mono, 2 -way stereo, 22 -point crossover high -power autoformer instead of L -pads. Power creasing dynamics and clarity $400
system with double mids and turnovers ... $700 handling capacity 15- W/ch. 4.56" W x 4.5" H x
2.56" D; 2 lbs $69.95
Woodgrain black pro rack with double doors and DPS-1 Amplifier/Speaker A -B Selector Studio Spec Brand
glass top $269 Permits either of 2 amps to be played into a single
pair of spekers, or a single amplifier to play into CD -2 Compact Disc Cleaner
NPS-1R Switcher either of 2 pairs of speakers. Features high -power Self-contained CD cleaning kit includes cleaning
Remote switching module $200 A -B selector switch box; handles 300 W/ch; rear brush, chamois pad, cleaning base/box, and 1.5
panel connector for up to 14 guage speaker cable oz of CD cleaning solution in pump -spray bot-
NSR150G Equipment Rack or high definition wire pin connector. 2 Ib; 6.12" tle $12.99
Wooden rack with glass door $115 w x 2.8" h x 3.15" d 565 CD -4. Individual CD storage boxes, clear plastic
jewel box design. 2 per package $4.20
NILES AUDIO APX-1 Auxiliary Input Selector MK -116. Audio head maintenance kit includes
5 -input, I -output stereo selector box for 5 line - felt, brush, and mirror probes, replacement felt
MSA-10 Speaker Switcher level signal sources. Allows selection by turning a pads, and head cleaning solution $3.95
Enables play of up to 10 pairs of 4-, 6-, or 8 -ohm knob. I lb; 5.12" w x 2.5" h x 5.12" d $55 ATC-DC-113. Dual -capstan audio cassette head
speakers off of any stereo amp. Features high - cleaner. Wet -type specially designed to clean en-
power -imp matching transformers; logic circuit- PS -1 Phono A -B Switcher tire tape path in dual -capstan or autoreverse cas-
ry; 10 front -panel controls; rear connector ac- Connects 2 turntables to a receiver with only one sette decks $3.49
cepts up to 14 -gauge speaker wire; separate L+R phono input. Features L+R ch grounds; switches ATC-112. Wet -type, audio casirtte head clean-
ch grounds for use with bridged amps. Power both the hots and the grounds for total isolation; er $2.99
handling 250 W/ch. Walnut side panels standard, RCA phono connectors. 4.725" w x 1.9" h x 4" d;
rack mount ears optional. 17" x 3.5" x 6" $550
. .5 lb $50
MSA-6R. Remote -controlled, 6 -position speaker ORTOFON
switching system to turn on or off either from a RC -015 Stylus Cleaner
central location or remotely by using optional NITTY GRITTY Electronic stylus cleaner with tuned oscillator vi-
wall controls in different rooms. Turns on AC Pro MK 3 Record Cleaner brates all contaminants off the stylus assembly.
power to main system as well speakers in individ- Professional -type record cleaner designed for con- Includes 20 ml bottle of stylus -cleaning fluid;
ual rooms. All 6 locations can be played at once. sumer use. Wets, scrubs, and vacuums both sides magnification mirror $34.95
Maintains nominal 8 -ohm load on amp no matter of record simultaneously. Cleans record of all
how many pairs are played. 19" w x 5.25" h x dust, grease, and static charge. Features large oak CC -021 Cassette Maintenance Kit
12.12" d; 16 lb $599 cabinet; strong vacuum motor; quieter operation. Includes autoreverse cassette cleaner and elec-
SVC-4. For 4 pairs of speakers. Features individ- 18" w x 11" h x 11" d; 31 lb $859 tronic head demagnetizer $29.95


If you're like most people who listen to
audio cassettes, you've probably used a tape
head -cleaner and felt pretty good about your
conscientious attitude toward machine mainte-
nance. Unfortunately, most cleaning cassettes
allow contaminants to build up on the capstan/
pinch roller assembly. It's a situation that, if left
uncorrected, can result in your valuable cassettes
being "eaten" when they stick to, and wrap
around, the pinch roller (a problem that's even
more common in car systems). Fortunately,
Discwasher has a simple solution.
Discwasher's Perfect PathTM' Cassette Head
Cleaner uses a non-abrasive tape to remove
oxides from your tape heads. And our C.PR.'
Capstan/Pinch Roller Cleaner uses an advance-
able fabric and scientifically -formulated cleaning
fluid to scrub away stickiness. Used together,
they ensure good sound and "healthy" cassettes.
Now our System IITM approach combines
both technologies in a single cassette, adding
convenience to optimLm tape deck performance.
With regular use, your equipment (and your
cassettes) will have a fighting chance for a long,
happy life together. Isn't that what you'd expect
from Discwasher?

4,309 Transworld Rooc, Sch.Ile. Pork, IL 60176
A Division of International Jensen, Inc

The makers of the famous D4+ Record Cleaning System.

k -1-,---Noir-iTrw,t1M11111111"11.-
, .

"At least we have our O'Sullivan."

The Marshal. ( °Ili:et-ion. Treasured, classic designs crafted with smoothed,
hand rubbed, nch solid oak frames and fronts. Ilegantly styled furniture, engi-
neered with tomorrow's electronics in mind, with a warm Marshall oak finish.
Truly, the essence of our founder's strong dedication for over 32 years to quality
furniture at a price you can affot d.

Iwo -Dior
TV Cart Wall Unit Wall TVAIURCatinet
Atidel 72600 Model 80632 Model 0630 Mode 80632 Maki 74636

Microwave )ven Cart Audio Cabinet 7V/WCR Cabnet Entertainmen- l'enter

Model 52650 Mead 74660 Model 79410
Model c0690

O'Sullivan (walk): furniture is
available at Fnc audio and
video dealer_, catalog show -
Call or write for a free color brochure O'Sullivan Incase -km Inc 19.11GulfStrcct Lamar, MO 64759 (4175682-3322 moms and r_ta:krs
RC -014 Electronic Static Eliminator justable, retractable top shelf mounted on steel Tape Control Center
Ion gun with trigger control bombards record glides; concealed storage area for tapes and acces- Connects to tape -monitor loop to allow use of
surface with static -neutralizing ion particles; will sories; dual -wheel casters. Bartonwood laminates. three tape decks for monitoring, recording, and
not harm pets, insects, visitors, or furniture$21.95 Overall: 41.25" h x 20" d a 19.5" w, component dubbing; with illustrated manual $25.95
area: 25" h x 15.75" d x 17.88" w, turntable area Micro Head Cleaner
RC -017 Acoustic Shock Absorbers 5.12" h a 15.75" d x 15.75" W $149.95 Nonabrasive tape in microcassette-type shell
4 adjustable shock -absorbing feet help prevent cleans tape path of microcassette machines $2.99
acoustic feedback and allow for leveling turnta- 52192 Audio Cabinet
ble. For use with turntables up to 45 lb .. $21.95 Features tempered, clear -glass lift -lid and door; Mini anc. Micro Tape Tray
black -pebble -grain laminate shelves; adjustable Holds 12 minicassettes or microcassettes; smoke -
CD -040 Compact Disc Maintenance Kit middle shelf; album and/or accessory storage tinted cover $2.49
Includes cleaning cloth, cleaning spray, lens spacel dual -wheel casters. Bartonwood laminate.
cleaner, in album storage box with padded clean- Overall 37.74" h x 15.75" d x 19" w. turntable Tape Recorder Maintenance
ing surface $19.95 area: 5.12" h x 17.62" d, component area: 13.12" Lighted Demagnetizer. 3.5"; for all tape
CD -042. Replacement spray for CD -040 .. $6.50 h a 14.36" d x 17.62" w $89.95 decks $13.95
Universal Demagnetizer. For all tape decks; 2 an-
CC -020 Autoreverse Cassette Cleaner gled tips $9.95
Wet -type cleaning cassette cleans all tape heads, PARASOUND Cassette Head Demagnetizer. In cassette shell;
capstans, and pinch -rollers in autoreverse cassette SAS -22 Spiked Speaker Stands works in I sec; with battery $9.95
decks in 30 sec. Includes cleaning solution and re- Stands adjust up to 22" high; all steel construc- Demagnetizer/Cleaning Kit. Demagnetizer cas-
placement pads $12.95 tion; matte black $85.00/pr sette, probe, mirror, solution, cloth $5.95
Cleaner Cassette. Felt pads clean heads, pinch
RC -013 Record Care Kit LS -20 Steel Speaker Stands roller, capstan; with 0.5 oz of fluid $3.99
Includes walnut record brush with one-way pile; All -steel; matte -black finish; channel conceals 8 -Track Cleaner. Cleans heads and capstan
record cleaning solution to remove dirt and elimi- wires. 22" maximum height. Holds speakers of up rollers; nonabrasive $2.99
nate static; stylus cleaner $16.95 to 50 lb $85.00/pr Cassette Head Cleaner. Removes oxide from
RC -011. Replacement fluid for RC -013 ... $4.95 head and capstan; with fluid $2.69
IS -8 Welded -Steel Speaker Stands Head -Cleaning Kit. With 6 -dram bottle of Freon
RC -010 Carbon Fiber Brush Elevates bookshelf speakers 9" above floor. Holds TF solvent and 6 foam swabs $2.59
Record cleaner with polished carbon fibers to re- speakers weighing up to 150 lbs. Textured matte - Pro -Style Solvent. Freon dissolves dirt and ox-
move dirt from record grooves while built-in cop- black finish $65.00/pr ides on heads; 2 oz $2.39
per -wire grounding system eliminates static build- Head -Cleaning Spray. Removes dirt and oxide
up $9.95 without residue
8 -Track Cleaner. Removes oxide from heads;
RC -016 Disc Coupler Catalyst Interconnect Cables nonabrasive $1.99
Designed to couple the record to the platter for Designed for low series inductance; zero audio Cleaning Swabs. Reusable lintless foam; 10
increased bass response and improved imaging. transfer loss; transposed twin axial internal wire pack $1.95
Includes 2 hubs to fit most spindles $9.95 for low magnetic interference; 1 -end grounded Cassette Head Cleaner. Nonabrasive tape in cas-
shield; gold-plated connectors; connection points sette shell $1.89
RC -018 Alignment Tool machined from solid body; teflon dielectric. Cus- Recorder Cleaning Kit. 2 I.25 -oz bottles of clean-
Phono cartridge alignment tool features mirrored tom lengths available on request. er and lubricant; 10 swabs $1.69
surface with two -point alignment system and cen- 0.5 meter stereo pair $92 Cleaning Cloths. To clean tapes and equipment
ter spindle cutout $4.95 1.0 meter stereo pair $100 dustcovers; 4 pack $1.49
2.0 meter stereo pair $119 Cleaning Sticks. Cotton -tipped 6" wood sticks;
RC -012 Stylus Cleaner 100 pack $1.29
Cleaning fluid removes residue from stylus. In- VTA-16 VTA Tonearm Adjustment Device Head -Cleaner Solution. Cleans heads, tape
cludes fluid and applicator brush $3.49 To adjust tonearm height even while record is guides, capstans, metal parts; 2 oz $0.99
RC -009. Stylus pressure gauge $2.95 playing; tooled :o complement MMT and other "Nonslip" Solvent. Reduces slipping of idler
arms with I6 -mm mounting posts $85 wheels, belts, etc.; fast drying; won't harm rub-
PIB-1 Interface Box
52650 Audio Cabinet Terminates any standard tonearm JIS plug to Cassette Accessories
Solid oak frame & door; finished in oak lami- gold-plated female RCA's; eliminates drag on Tape Splicer. Chrome cut/trim lever; with splic-
nates; 2 adjustable or removable shelves; clear turntable suspension; electrically neutral interface ing tape and instructions $6.49
tempered glass door; casters; Overall 45" h x for interconnect cable $80 Repair Kit. With 32 -page manual, housing, la-
20.75" d x 21.88" w; component area 26.13" h x bels, splicing materials $4.99
17.75" d x 20.5" w $164.95 HS -12 Universal Headshell Hand -Winder. For winding cassettes $3.99
Features solid magnesium; double -lock pins; ad- Index Cards. Fits standard cassette boxes; 20
7920 Entertainment Center justable azimuth. linear-cystal oxygen -free copper pack $1.19
Finished in white laminates with adjustable or re- wire. Includes high -rigidity mounting -hardware Tape Housing. With 24" leader tape and instruc-
movable VCR shelf and ten component shelves. kit $32 tions $1.19
Features pull-out turntable shelf; TV area; tem- HL -29. LC-OFC headshell wires as used in HS - Cassette Boxes. Hinged; clear plastic; 3
pered clear -glass door and twin doors concealing 12 $12 pack $1.19
storage area below. Overall 47.25" h a 15" d x Index Labels. Adhesive; 6 each of red, yellow,
47.88" h; TV area 27.38" h (adj.) 15.38" d a 27" blue, green; total 24 $0.99
w; VCR shelf 6-8" h (adj) x 15.13" d x 27" w; PROTON Molded Mailers. Meets first-class postal regula-
component area 27.38" h x 14.38" d x 19" Equipment racks for audio systems tions; 3 paic $0.89
w $159.95 R12 $249 Budget Mailers. Cardboard boxes with labels;
RI1A $229 meets first-class postal regulations; 6 pack . $0.79
79280 Entertainment Center
Finished in colonial oak laminates with twin tem- Open -Reel Accessories
pered clear -glass doors. Features twin component REALISTIC 7" Metal Reel. With box $6.95
shelving; large TV area for most 19" TVs; twin Walnut -Veneer Audio Cabinet 7" Plastic Tape Reel. $1.39
vein -lined doors concealing storage area; solid Tempered glass door; hinged top, heavy-duty Tape -Reel Holders. Fits most recorders; 2
oak door pulls. Overall 47.25" h x 15.5" d x swiveling casters: software storage space; unas- pack $1.19
48.13" w; TV shelf 21.75" - 20.5" - 19.25" h x sembled. 45" x 18.37" x 17.5" $130 5" Plastic Tape Reel. $0.99
15.5" d x 27.13" w; VCR shelf 4" - 5.25" - 6.5" h x 3" Plastic Tape Reel. With index and timing
15.5" d x 27.13" w; component area 27.13" h x Hickory -Grained Audio Cabinet chart $0.69
13.75" d a 19.13" w $149.95 Full-length tempered glass doors; hinged top; 3
adjustable shelves; storage space for LP's and General Tape Accessories
52550 Audio Cabinet tapes; metal supports; heavy-duty swiveling cast- Bulk Eraser. For all tape except metal and video-
Features twin, tempered clear -glass doors; 3 ad- ers; unassembled; hickory -grained vinyl finish. tape $15.95
justable component shelves; turntable area; ad- 37.5" x 21.25" a 17.25" $120 Editing Block. Aluminum splicer for all tape

STEREO BUYERS' Gout: 1988 209

sizes with 90° and 45° cutting guides; with blade AT -20 Programmable Timer A-3HT Cassette Storage Cabinet
and mounting strip $3.99 Automatically activates equipment for playback 3 -drawer cabinet holds 36 audio cassette. Hi -tech
Foot Switch. Remote -control on/off switch for or recording at any set time within 24 -hour peri- black finish $21.95
typing from dictation; submini plug $2.99 od. Features digital clock and 3 outlets (700 W A-3. Similar to A-3HT except has woodgrain fin-
Universal Splicer. Dual guides; levers secure total). 16.94" w x 2.31" h x 5.06" d $125 ish $19.95
tape; with blade and instructions $1.99
Phone Pickup. Suction cup attaches to handset; CD Carrying Cases
1/8" mini plug; may be incompatible with elec-
SANYO CD418. Padded vinyl case holds 18 single or 9
tronic phones $1.99 RBU1 Universal Remote Control Transmitter double CD's $19.95
Sensing Tape. Metallic tape stops or reverses re- Programmable infrared remote control uses an 8 - CD218. Nylon case holds 18 single or 9 double
corders with contact or photosensitive systems; bit microprocessor to learn and use the infrared CD's $19.95
100" roll $1.99 CD206. Nylon case holds most portable CD play-
Leader Tape. 7/32 x 200" roll $0.99 ers with battery pack and CD's $12.95
Splicing Tape. 100" roll; 7/32", 3/8", or 1/8"
widths $0.79 Cassette Carrying Cases
2029. Padded nylon attaché case holds 30 boxed
or 60 unboxed cRccettes $34.95
REVOX 2076. Padded, vinyl attaché case holds 36 boxed
B206 Infrared Remote Transceiver or 72 unboxed cassettes $24.95
Provides mulit-room remote control of audio/ 1805. Soft -style, padded, nylon case holds 30
video systems utilizing infrared remote transmit- boxed or 60 unboxed cassettes. Includes padded
ters. Infrared signals picked up by receiver mod- carry handles and shoulder strap $24.95
ule and relayed by cable to transmitter "eye" 2079. Padded, vinyl attaché case holds 30 boxed
which must be mounted in line -of -sight to equip- or 60 unboxed rncwttes $21.95
ment. Cable lengths up to 65 feet allowed. Oper- 1804. Soft -style, padded, nylon case holds 30
ates with all makes of audio and video infrared boxed or 60 unboxed cassettes $19.95
remote transmitters. Operates with standard 6 V 2071. Padded, vinyl attache case holds 24 boxed
AC adapter (not included). Receiver: 3" x 1" x or 48 unboxed cassettes $19.95
6.5". Transmitter 1.5" x 0.75" x 0.75" .... $150 2020. Padded, vinyl, double -sided case holds 60
boxed or 120 unboxed rRccettes $19.95
2060. Padded, vinyl, double -sided case holds 60
SAC boxed or 120 unboxed cassettes. Hi -tech de-
C-42 Cassette Organizer sign $19.95
Stackable holder for up to 42 cassettes. Features 1802. Soft, padded nylon case holds 12 boxed or
pull-out drawer system; chrome, black, red, 24 unboxed cassettes $14.95
white, mauve, and blue finishes $24.95 2025. Padded, vinyl, attaché case holds 30 boxed
codes from as many as three different remote con- or 60 unboxed cassettes $14.95
SACpac rol products. Features multi -function controls to 2063. Padded, vinyl, case holds 12, boxed or 24
A belt which carries a removable bag and pouch. execute up to 87 functions from a 36 -button key- unboxed cassettes $9.95
The bag holds a pocket stereo and the pouch pad; 5 LED indicators monitor learn mode opera- 1800. Padded, nylon cassette pouch holds 10 cas-
holds up to 3 cassettes. The belts are black and tion; pre-programmed to work with current settes and/or most popular personal stereo/stereo
the bags/pouches are available in red, white pink, Sanyo RC audio/video components $100 cassette players $9.95
blue, green or black with black trim. The belt is 1906. Cassette wallet holds 6 unboxed cas-
adjustable for sizes from ladies Small to men's settes $7.95
Large $9.95
Record Care System
NCDB12 CD Tote 3 -way record protection -dust cleaning, static re-
Waterproof nylon bag with high -impact plastic moval and friction reduction with Sound Life flu- M64 Preamplifier
insert; holds 6 double or 12 single Compact id. Applicator attatches to turntable spindle to Fixed -gain stereo preamplifier with switch -select-
Discs, adjustable shoulder strap $9.95 meter a controlled amount of fluid onto pad. ed phono, tape EQ; for use with unequalized am-
Total System $27.99 plifier inputs, mic's, as buffer amp in "flat" posi-
CD -12 Compact Disc Organizer Sound Life replacement fluid $8.19 tion; on -off AC/DC switch; two phono jack inputs;
Can hold up 12 single CD's and can be inter- 120 V AC 50/60 Hz, 5 W $99.00
locked horizontally or vertically. Free standing or Turntable Dust Guard
wall mounted; smoked plastic $3.95 Conductive foam turntable pad reduces external SFG-2 Stylus Force Gauge
electrostatic field to repel airborne dust ... $6.99 Allows precise setting of optimum stylus force for
maximum trackability and sharply reduced wear
SAEC BY ANALOG EXCELLENCE ERK-130 Cassette Edit/Repair Kit on records and stylus tip $9.25
ULS-3X Universal Headshell Contains precision splicing block; spindle for
Antiresonant ceramic headshell. Made of sintered manually winding cassette tape; 6 polyester picks
multi -crystallized aluminum oxide of >99.7% pu- (adhesive tipped for retrieval of tape ends lost in
rity. 18 g $125 housing); 6 130 -mil splicing tabs; detailed instruc- Headshells
ULS-2x. Composite headshell. 9.5 g $42 tion booklet $3.59 SK506. Universal -type headshell made of magne-
sium. Features factory -fitted damping material
LX -1020 Interconnect Cable SK -.22. 12.5 ft of 1.9 mil polyester splicing tape and alien screw on collar $25
Separate parallel OFC cable; RCA plugs treated in dispenser kit $2.49 SK505. Straight-arm headshell $15
with rhodium (platinum) $40 #41. 0.5" x 150" splicing tape $1.20
CX-5006A MC Pickup Cord Re -Label Tape
Separate parallel OFC cable; terminals treated 0.75" x 700" write -on white tape supplied in dis- SK314. Auto CD cleaning system. Spins a soft,
with rhodium (platinum); imp 20-120 ohms; 1.5 penser. For labeling all types of audio cassette. dry chamois against spinning CD. Cleans for ap-
m $52 Removable $1.99 prox 20 seconds and then automatically shuts off.
CX-5006B. As above except imp 1-10 Includes bottle of safe detergent fluid, six optical -
ohms $52 S -C -HC Cassette Head Cleaner quality cloths, and 2 C batteries $60
Cassette head cleaner $1.89 SK305. Electronic stylus cleaner $40
SK306. Replacement fluid for SK305 $4
SANSUI SK301. Liquid stylus cleaning formula $5
SERVICE MANUFACTURING SK302. Contact cleaner/restorer with 3 -way ac-
AT -700 Programmable Timer
2 -piece timer/clock automatically activates CD-2HT CD Storage Cabinet tion. Removes oxidation, leaves protective coat-
equipment for playback or recording at any pre- 2 -drawer cabinet holds 40 compact discs. Hi -tech ing to slow -down future oxidation, serves as a
set time within any 24 -hr period. Easy -to -use black finish $29.95 contact enhancer. Tools allow thorough cleaning
touch -panel for programming 3 AC outlets, 700 CD -2. Similar to CD-2HT except has woodgrain of plugs and jacks. For both audio and video
$100 finish $24.95 components $20
W total


SK312. Compact Disc cleaner. Features soft SK308. Cassette demagnetizer for all types of cas- SJ-7 Woodridge Cabinet
leather chamois for surface dust and cleaning so- sette decks. Inserted in unit like standard cassette. Low horizontal cabinet for audio and video com-
lution with optical quality cleaning cloths for Demagnetizes when deck is in play mode. Clean- ponents. Comes with oak -framed glass doors on
tougher dirt $20 ing completed in 10 seconds $20 left and pull-out shelf at right. May be stacked.
SK -310. Record cleaning system with low -residue SK303. Vibration damping compound $10 23.5" h a 42.5" w x 17.5" d $650
cleaning and humidifying solution, convenient
storage base. Unidirectional brush reduces static E-1 Westwood Audio Cabinet
charges on vinyl record surface $30 SME BY SUMIKO
Open audio cabinet with I fixed shelf at record
SK309. Replacement fluid for SK3I0 and other Tonearm Cable level and 3 adjustable shelves. 23.5" w x 49" h x
record -cleaning systems to reduce residues .. $4 Van den Hul mono -crystal twin axial cable with 17.5" d; 72 lbs $500
SK309/500. 500 ml bottle of cleaning agent for right-angle metal DIN plug and gold-plated RCA
SK310 $15 connectors; separately terminated electrostatic SH-4 Magnolia Audio Cabinet
SK307. Audio cassette cleaner tape. Features shields $177 For smaller music systems, cabinet has two inside
phillips-type cassette with alternating wet/dry shelves with space for LPs below. Walnut- or
cleaning system and cleaning fluid $15 Headshell Wires oak -framed doors with bronzed glass. Back re-
Cables Each lead has 7 strands of silver litz wire termi- moves w thout tools. With recessed casters and
SK481. CD high definition LC-OFC interconnect nated to gold-plated clips designed for max con-
cable; 1.0 meter hand -finished solid -wood door pulls. 34.5" h x
$60 tact with cartridge pins $24 23.5" w x 17.5" d $500
VK4I0. Maximum Transfer video interconnect. SH-4GT. With glass top
Features multi -strand wide -bandwidth center $600
P 925 Headshell Spacer
conductor surrounded by as thick -foam dielectric Increases arm -to -record clearance without com- SE -8 Fleetwood Audio Cabinet
for low capacitance and extended high -frequency promising rigidity; matches SME headshell; Bronzed glass touch -latch doors; fixed shelf at re-
response. 2 shileds of denses copper braid and raises arm 0.12" when reset for previous stylus cord height; 2 adjustable shelves. 23.5" w x 42.5"
conductive polypropylene layers insures noise - rake angle $17.50 h x 17.5" d; 86 lbs $475
free transmission of video signal. Gold-plated
male -to -male RCA connectors. Available in l- SM-2 Spiritwood Audio Cabinet
and 3 -meter lengths $30-40 SONEX BY ILLBRUCK
Open cabinet with 2 shelves adjustable at 1.25"
VK4II. As VK410 with gold-plated Quick -F to Sonex Acoustic Foam increments along entire height. Another shelf
Quick -F connectors. l- and 3 -meter lengths $30- Sound -absorbing acoustic foam sheets kill back- fixed to provide space for LPs. Extra shelves or
40 ground noise and control room acoustics by ab- full -extension sliders can be special ordered. 42.5"
VK4I2. OFC stereo audio/video cable; gold plat- sorbing peak frequencies caused by standing h x 23.5" w x 17.5" d
ed RCA to RCA; 3.0 meter $450
$60 waves. resonances. slap echoes. etc. Anechoic-type
2.0 meter $55 wedge shapes traps and diffuses sound for the SA -1 Oakshire Open Cabinet
1.0 meter S50 same live-end/dead-end effect used in recording Fixed shelf at record height; adjustable shelf. 34"
VK212. Economy OFC stereo audio/video cable; studios. h x 23.5" w x 17.5" d $375
gold plated RCA connectors; 3.0 meter $30 ProPhiles. 3" -thick 12" x 40" sheets with beveled
2.0 meter S25 edges. Box of 4 sheets $89.95 SV-5 Windemere Cabinet
1.0 meter $20 Juniors. 2" -thick 24" x 24" sheets. Box of 4 Solid oak or solid walnut cabinet with adjustable
SK402. Litz wire interconnector; low capaci- sheets $54 middle shelf or optional full -extension slider.
tance/low resistance; 10 meter S99 25.25" w x 23.5" h x 17.5" d
1.5 meter $300
SG -11d Mirrormont III CD Cabinet
0.5 meter $35 Cabinets are fully assembled, made of selected Swiveling cabinet stores 40 CD's horizontally, 20
SK403. High -quality all-purpose OFC intercon- hardwoods hand -finished in Danish oil and sealed on each side. Stackable. 10" h x 11.25" w x
nect cable with ground wire; 2.0 meter $18 with finishing wax, and can be customized. Solid 11.25" d $80
1.5 meter $17 oak is standard. but solid walnut is optional for
1.0 meter SG -11a Mirrormont I. As above for audio cas-
$16 30% extra. Cherry. mahogany, or rosewood (or settes. 10" w x 14.9" h x 6.75" d $80
0.5 meter $15 black lacquer on most cabinets) may be substitut-
SK485. LC-OFC headshell wire set $10 ed Rack -mount hardware with spring -loaded fully S-GIILP Record/LaserDisc Cube
VK421. Gold plated RCA to RCA barrel connec- adjustable nuts and infinite internal adjustment Stackable; with record fins. 14.5" w x 14.5" h x
tor $7 on rail for 7% extra. Custom stain (lighter or 13" d; 18 Ihs S80
VK422. Gold plated F to F barrel connector S7 darker) for 3% extra Recessed casters are stan-
VK423. Gold plated female RCA to male F con- dard on all cabinets Removable backs available SG-lldL Compact Disc Storage Unit
nector $6 for cabinets with doors. Holds 40 discs; stackable and wall -mountable;
SM500. Music line maximum transfer speaker hardware not included. 21.5" w x 9" h x 6" d; 13
cable S1/ft SW -6 Laurelhurst Audio/Video Cabinet lbs $76
SM20. Music line gold plated terminal end Horizontal cabinet with bronzed glass lid; doors
speaker wire; 20 ft $40/pr on left side and fixed shelf over audio, video, or Dl Disc Unary
SM15. Same as above 15 ft $32/pr CD drawer on right side. Must specify type of Holds 45 compact discs; locking dividers for sin-
SMIO. Same as above 10 ft $25/pr drawer. 25.25" wide x 41" high x 17.5" deep; to- gle or double jewel boxes; stackable; no hardware
HTI8. HiTec 16 gauge speaker wire $.22/ft tal weight 90 lbs $750 included $49.95
HTI6. HiTec 18 gauge speaker wire $.15/ft
GB50. Gold plated banana plugs; w/red/black SP12L Cascade Left Audio Cabinet Options
insulators $2.00/ea Fixed shelves at record height and turntable Doors. Wood -framed glass, wood, or full glass,
GS200. Gold plated spade lugs; w/red/black in- height (under top glass lid). 2 adjustable shelves. three-quarter doors
sulators $120
S 50/ea 23.5" w x 49" h x 17.5" d; 92 lbs $800 Drawers. For CD's, audio cassettes, video tapes,
GP200. Gold plated terminal pins; w/red/black etc $90
insulators $ 50/ea SP -12H Cascade Audio Cabinet Pull -Out Shelf. Substitutes for adjustable
Miscellaneous Accessories Audio cabinet with one fixed shelf at record shelf $80
MK12T Moving Coil Transformer. Mc trans- height, 3 adjustable shelves, flush -mounted Slide -Out Shelf. Fixed at your specifica-
former to match low output MC cartridges to con- bronzed glass door. Features no -tool removable tion $60
ventional magnetic phono inputs; selectable im- back so almost anyone can remove it without Extra Adjustable Shelf
pedance 540
$300 tools. Solid oak or walnut. 23.5" w x 49" h x Soft Lighting Strips $20
MKIOT. Same as above without selectable imped- 17.5" d; 92 lbs $700
ance $100
SK503. Disc stabilizer $30 SK -3 Crestwood Audio Cabinet SONY
Fits 5 components on 3 inside shelves. Top shelf AVH-555ES Source Selector
fixed at 6" or 8" clearance. Solid -wood door pulls Audio/video source selector for selecting audio
For explanations of abbreviations, and flush -mounted bronzed -glass doors in solid or video sources. Already assembled $450
wood frames. Adjustable -tension hinges hold lid
specifications, and technical terms, in any position. Includes casters. 42.5" h x 23.5" XP-CD7 CD Cleaner
consult the glossary on page 221. w x 17.5" d $650 Automatic cleaner for compact discs cleans com-
SK-3GT. With glass top $750 pact discs automatically $59.95


CPA -I Car Cassette Adaptor SP -98 Pre -preamplifier tridges; designed to improve sonic performance
Adaptor allows hookup of a portable CD player Designed to amplify signals delivered by low -out- in dynamic range, imaging, high -end line-
to a car head unit $29.95 put low -imp MC phono cartridges and low -imp arity $250
MM cartridges. Uses 2 alkaline 9 V batteries (not
CK-CD6 CI) Carrying Case included); total power consumption about 150 AC -11 Stylus Cleaner
Carrying case designed for portable CD play- j.i.W; per ch; gain 27 dB; (x2) ± 1 dB; FR 5- All -in -I brush and bottle $16
ers $19.95 150,000 Hz (-3 dB) input imp 100 ohms; output
imp 1.5 kilohms, s/N 85 dB; (1,000 Hz, 1 mV in) Rigid Mounting Kit
CK-CDOI CD Carrying Case turn -on time approx 15 sec $189 Tools and hardware for mounting cartridges to
Soft carrying case for portable CD players$12.95 tonearm $10
RCS -Plus Record Cleaner
Kit contains cleaning fluid that safely dissolves
SOTA INDUSTRIES oily film, loosens microdust, other debris, leaves
SOTA H Head Amp no residue. Contains antistatic ingredient. Comes Tonearm Adaptor
Reference device for stepping up low -output mc with polarized brush, conductive handle Cleans Adapter that converts 5 -pin phono plug to Tiffa-
signal. Solid-state devices designed to combine 300 record sides $16.95 ny RCA connectors to allow use of high quality in-
tube and transistor sound. Features stiff power 2 -oz refill $5.95 terconnect cable between the tone arm and pre-
supply outboard; inherent distortion cancellation; 8 -oz refill $9.50 amplifier. Uses of copper wire in Teflon sleeving,
extremely wide bandwidth; controlled clipping RC4 2 -oz refill $3.95 gold Tiffany connectors. Includes mounting hard-
characteristics; variable cartridge loading. FR I- RC4 8 -oz refill $8.95 ware $185
1,000,000 Hz t 3 dB; max output 3 V; THD RC4 replacement applicator pad 58.95
0.02%; IMD 0.02%; 6" w x 3" h x 6" d $500 1 -oz stylus cleaning fluid $2.50 Spikes
Adjustable speaker feet that mount integrally into
ARC -S Carbon Fiber Brush the base of speakers or wooden speaker stands for
SOUNDESIGN Safe, fast and effective method of record care, rigid coupling to the floor. Minimize speaker/
Both models in the Soundesign "Wood Classics" eliminates static build up. Manufactured from floor junction area, with best results on rugs and
line are 30" wide and 14.75" deep to facilitate aerospace high -elasticity carbon fiber, each fila- carpets. Level adjustment compensates for un-
their use in modular configurations, each has a ment is strong and flexible to reduce breaking or even floors. Includes drill bit. Sold in sets of
light oak finish with gold and black tone trim. shedding on the record. Contains 1,000,000 fila- 8 540/set
Sides, tops and bottoms are a 75" thick, hidden ments, each filament is 0.0003" (8 microns) diam-
hardware: factory attached roils, and a one piece eter, allowing filaments to track record grooves TALWAR
hardboard back Scandinavian style doors with like a diamond stylus, removing dust particles
push latches. Shelving is fully finished, including and static charges $15 Audio Cabinets
the bottom: hidden cord management system. All Talwar audio cabinets are hand finished and
SAS -3536 Extension Cord fitted with solid -brass hardware. Feature I" solid
WC104K Audio Cabinet. 3 shelves enclosed by 25 -ft black straight extension cord, with mini ste- hardwood sides: structually reinforced joints: tem-
double glass doors. For use with CD player turn- reo to mini stereo plug to be used with mini head- pered and beveled glass: 8 -receptacle power supply
table, receiver tape deck and software collection; phones $9.95 with overvoltage and overcurrent protection: air
37.5" h $90 columns, wire management system with wells for
WCIOIK Television Vca Cart. For use with 19" SC4 Mini Stylus Cleaning Kit $7.95 interconnects, removeable back: heavy-duty piano
or 26" TV's, open VCR shelf, storage compart- casters: full extension drawer for tapes and acces-
ment; 25" h $70 sories: adjustable shelves. Custom-made units with
STRAIGHT WIRE different dimensions marbel tops and exotic wood
Interconnect Cables available
SOUTHER ENGINEERING K-270 Low -boy. 3 -sections, solid red oak, 3 ad-
Clearaudio Pre -Preamplifier L.S.I. Class A interconnect. Imp ± .001 ohm justable shelves. 74" w x 30" h x 20" d; 270
Pre-preamplifiler mounts directly to any Mc pho- from 100-20,000 Hz; copper conductors; air space lb $4,990
no cartridge or headshell with 1" wires. Complete dielectric; Teflon insulated plugs. Also available C-270. Solid cherry $5,640
RIAA built in. Comes complete with power sup- in DIN terminated phono cable. Tan 555/meter pr M-270. Solid mahogany $5,950
ply, line amplifier and volume control, wiring + $90 prep W-270. Solid walnut $6,600
harnesses. RIAA ± 0.05%; max output 2 V; gain TMI. Individually insulated conductors; micro - K-420 Standard Unit. Solid red oak, 3 adjustable
at 1,000 Hz 52 dB, linear amp additional 20 -dB porous Teflon dielectric; polyurethane jacket; sol- shelves. 24" w x 48" h x 20" d; 120 lb $2,000
gain. Symmetrical input. 7 g $2,000 id Teflon plug insulator; locking phono plugs; C-420. Solid cherry $2,270
royal blue $20/meter pr + $60 prep M-420. Solid mahogany $2,390
Clever Clamp Record Clamp Flexconnect. Concentric tubular OFC conductors; W-420. Solid walnut 52,650
Unbreakable clamp molded in Lexan. 23 grams; coaxial geometry; microporous Teflon dielec- K-320 Standard Unit. Solid red oak, 2 adjustable
clear; 3.25" d; 0.36" thick $10 tric S12/meter/pr + $17 prep shelves. 24" w x 36" h x 20" d; 110 lb $1,840
C-320. Solid cherry $2,090
Speaker Cables M-320. Solid mahogany $2,200
STANTON W-320. Solid walnut $2,440
310B Professional Phono Preamp/Equalizer TMC. 96 individually insulated strands per polar- K-220 Standard Unit. Solid red oak, I adjustable
Designed to correctly interface all Stanton -select- ity (10 gauge); solid Teflon dielectric; fully shield- shelf. 24" w x 30" h x 20" d; 100 lb $1,750
ed magnetic cartridges for optimum playback of ed $10/ft C-220. Solid cherry $1,980
records and calibration of audio systems. Fea- Music Ribbon -32. 32 Oxygen free copper conduc- M-220. Solid mahogany $2,090
tures universal mounting brackets; selection of tors; polypropylene jacket; 9 gauge; resistance/ W-220. Solid walnut $2,320
flat or NAB potemphasis curves; switchable rum- 1,000 ft .858 ohms; current rating 50 amps;
ble filter; individual gain adjust; high frequency choice of jacket colors; 1.90" wide x .055" Cabinet Accessories
responses; capacitive -cartridge loading trim. Can thick $5/ft
be used in balanced and unbalanced modes and Music Ribbon -16. 16 Oxygen free copper conduc- Rack Mounting Angles
in -phase and out -of -phase mix of L and R ch for tors; polypropylene jacket; 12 gauge; resistance/ 24" with hardware for 5 components $60
mono reproduction of older records. Output/ch 1,000 ft 1.716 ohms; current rating 25 amps; 36" with hardware for 8 components $90
+20 dBm max; gain/ch adjustable 30-60 dB; bal- choice of jacket colors $2.50/ft 48" with hardware for 10 components .... $120
anced or unbalanced output; output source imp 5 Music Ribbon -8. 8 Oxygen free copper conduc-
ohms, designed for loads 150 ohms or higher; FR tors; PVC jacket; 11 gauge; resistance/1,000 ft Cabinet Lights
I 0.5 dB from 20-20,000 Hz in Flat or Nab posi- 1.365 ohms; .70" w x 0.82" thick $5/ft 30" long interior light $160
tions; THD <0.05% at 20 dBm; rumble filter 3 dB Teflon -12. Class A speaker cable. Concentric tu- 22" long interior light $110
knee at 28 Hz, -35 dB at 5 Hz; max input level at bular 12 gauge wire. Teflon dielectric; polyethyl-
1,000 Hz 120 mV; input resistance 47 kilohms; ene jacket $3/ft Additional Shelves and Drawers
Wood shelf $80
input capacitance 15 pF switchable in 50 pF steps
Glass shelf $110
to 350 pF max; flow resistance 78,042 pF per inch SUMIKO Play -free sliders for turntables $120
when on, 56,981 off; ch sep 60 dB min 20-15,030
FB-I Fluxbuster 4" -deep drawer for cassettes, accessories $120
Hz. RCA phono jacks (input), 5 -terminal barrier $170
strip (output). 7.25" w x 2.5" h x 5" d $280 Eliminates gradual magnetization of phono car- 6.5" -deep drawer for CDs, video tapes


SVC-1 Vibration Isolator max output 2 V; THD 0.01%; 1MD 0.01% 1HF; 4"
Isolation base with air springs to decouple turnta- TEAC w x 2.5" h x 6" d; 5 lb $285
ble from air -borne and structure -borne vibrations. E-2 Bulk Eraser
Features one 24.25" x 20.25" x 1.5" polished Erases 7" and 10.5" reels; pilot light; circuit
granite supported by air mounts. Requires bicycle breaker $100.00
pump or compressor to pump air into unit. Reso- YE 2500 Speaker Base
nant freq 2.9 Hz; max loads 200 Ibs; 24.5" w x E-3 Tape Head and Guide Demagnetizer 3 -position adjustable stand suitable for many
3.5" h x 20.25" d; 95 lb $1,435 Removes residual magnetism $39.99 speakers; sturdy impact -resistant ABS plastic;
matte black; Max weight 55 Ibs; min base 10" x
PLF-2 Power -Line Filter Carrying Cases $44.09/pr
Eliminates subtle distortion caused by equipment ACC -36. Briefcase holds 36 cassettes ....$29.95
interaction as well as power line noise and hash. CDC -20. Briefcase holds 20 compact discs$29.95 VE 2000 Speaker Stand
Functions as a safety device for excessive voltage Epoxy -finished metal speaker stands with contin-
spikes and can be plugged between affected com- Storage Cabinets uously adjustable slope angle. Speaker may sit un-
ponent and outlet. Features active -tracking cir- CSC -36. Holds 36 cassettes $19.99 attached on stand or can be mounted to stand
cuits making it insensitive to load imp. Allows us- ASC-42DX. Holds 42 cassettes $18.99 with double -sided tape or screws. For speakers
ers to plug any combination of components with with base at least 8.5" x 7.5". Max weight 45
no side effects $695 RMK Recorder Maintenance Kit lbs $36.59
3 oz of HC -1 tape -head cleaner, 3 oz rubber VE 3000. Same as VE 2000 except max weight 66
SN-1 Static Neutralizer cleaner/conditioner, 3 oz stainless polish, cotton lbs $45.29
Eliminates electrostatically -charged air particles swabs, cleaning cloth S9.99
that cause dust and debris accumulation on re- HC -3. Replacement head cleaner; 2 oz $4.89 DUO 220 Speaker Bracket
cords. Generates positive and negative ions simul- RC -3. Replacement rubber cleaner $4.19 Speaker clamping bracket designed for speakers
taneously. Operates continuously while record is SP -3. Replacement stainless polish $4.89 whose rear -panel construction makes them un-
playing. Fits onto turntable platform or clips onto suitable for mounting with conventional brackets.
dustcover. Power consumption 0.5 W; discharges Cassette Head Cleaners Speaker clamps between 2 foam -rubber -covered
5000 V to safe levels (<100 V) within 2 sec. 6" w QP-001. Wet system S8.99 85 -mm discs. Pivot point apprcrx 6" from wall.
x 1.5" h x 1.5" d; 3 lb $355 2031. Dry system $1.59 Design to support loudspeaker with maximum
weight of 45 lbs $34.19/pr
MCU-1 Power Control Unit Cables
Allows switch on any component to act as master SAC -215. 15 -ft low -capacitance shielded dual BEK 110C Speaker Bracket
power -up controller for an entire system. Compo- RCA -RCA interconnect cable S7.79 Rotating speaker -mounting bracket can be fixed
nent plugged into master receptacle will turn on/ 2321. 25 -ft coiled stereo headphone extension ca- to virtually any wall. Can be adjusted vertically
off at zero current crossover all components ble with 1/4" phone plug at I end and jack at oth- and horizontally. Black -finished steel supports
plugged into the other 4 switched recpetacles to er end 57.49 speaker weighing up to 55 lbs. Bracket complete-
eliminate turn -on transients. Features 15 -amp cir- ly hidden by loudspeaker $22.19/pr
cuit breaker. Surge current 250 amps max for all
receptacles. 19" w x 1.5" h x 2" d; 5Ib .... $355 TECHNICS Minor 50 Speaker Bracket
SH-8000 Frequency Analyzer Wall bracket for mounting smaller speakers. Con-
FVS-1 Fan Ventilation System Features 3I -point warble -tone generator and 5 - tinuously adjustable through 180° horizontally
Features rack -mountable panel; I fan; filter; vi- setting sound -level meter; tweeter -protector and 30° vertically. Black -finished steel supports
bration isolator; all mounting hardware. Noise switch; sensitive condenser mike; switchable 10 lbs. Bracket completely hidden by speak-
level 26 dBA; air flow 45 CFM. Black anodized (fast/slow) meter response speed for indication of er S11.59/pr
steel panel. 19" w x 6" h x 2" d; 4 lb $170 transient or average peaks; battery check switch
Additional fan $60 and meter indication; carrying case. FR 20-
20,000 Hz ± 2 dB; frequency precision ± 6% or YALE AUDIO
GB -12 Grounding Bus Bar better; output level/imp 70 mV/I kilohm; SPL "Set -It -To -Here" Position Markers
High purity copper bus bar eliminates hum in- measurement range 35-105 dB SPL (0 dB = 2 x Adhesive vinyl appliques indicate where controls
duced by ground loops. Mounts into cabinet side. 10-4 #abar); power source DC 9 V; battery life 10 should be set. Includes straight and curved ar-
Includes all hardware. I" w x 12" h x 0.25" d; 2 hours; 2.2 lbs $185 rows; arrows pointing to lines; pointing hands;
lb; 12" long $70 switches; buttons in; buttons out. Useful for tone
SH-F101 Active Tuned FM Wing Antenna controls, equalizer sliders, tape -monitor buttons,
TDK Compact dipole for reception in strong signal ar- processing loops, etc. Black, red, or white. Useful
eas. Features auto electronic tuning circuit; high for complex systems $6.49
HD -11 Tape Deck Head Demagnetizer gain; manual tuning knob; die-cast base; relative
Compact demagnetizer for open -reel or cassette gain -2 db; figure -8 pattern; half -power angle 90';
decks. Color -coded LED's show charge status output imp 75 ohm; standing -wave ratio 1.2 or YAMAHA
and operating mode. Plastic -covered pivoting tip less; power source DC 18 V; 16.91" w x 6.36" h x YsB-20B Audio Cabinet
discharges magnetic build-up on hard -to -reach 4.44" d; 1.9 lb $110 Fits all standard size home audio components.
heads $25 Features glass lift top and doors. Available in
SH-90S Universal/P-Mount Headshell Adapter black vinyl finish $400
HD -01 Cassette -Deck Head Demagnetizer Combination headshell/adapter allows use of P -
Battery -operated demagnetizer housed in cassette mount cartridges in universal-headshell YSR-27A Audio Cabinet
shell. Discharges magnetic build-up. Recom- arms S30 Genuine oak rack features glass door and oak lift -
mended for decks that activate transport without top $400
power $17.50
SLC-10 Equipment Rack
HC -1 Cassette -Deck Head Cleaner Tweek Fluid Black metal, fits all standard 19" rack mount
Designed to keep recording heads clean by re- Reduces contact resistance and rectification ef- components. Features rack or shelf mounting (4
moving oxide particles. Fits into deck like ordi- fects in all metal -to -metal slip-on connections, shelves provided). 77 lb $399
nary cassette. Use after every 8 hours $1.50 such as cartridge leads, interconnects, speaker
terminals. Designed to make metals act as if con- YVR-2B Video Cabinet
The listings arc based on data ductivity had been increased. Pre -cleaning needed Holds up to 27" video monitor and videocasette
only if contact is badly corroded or very dirty. recorder. Features double glass doors. Black vinyl
provided by the manufacturers. For Brush -on applicator bottle with 0.75 cc diluted in finish $300
more product information, contact 6.25 -cc isopropyl alcohol. Enough to treat an au-
an authorized dealer or the dio or video system 4 to 6 times ...... $18 YVS-1B Video Cabinet
manufacturer directly. Manufacturers' Genuine oak cabinet holds up to 27" monitor and
addresses and phone numbers are VANDERSTEEN AUDIO VCR. Features double glass doors and heavy-
duty casters $250
listed in the directory OL-1 MC Pre -Preamplifier
beginning on page 226. Moving -coil preamp with variable loading and SPS-10 Speaker Stands
high -frequency rcll-off. FR 1-500,000 Hz ± 3 dB; Black wood finish S55/pr



tor. Works with rechargeables. Uses 2 AAA bat- RY-278 AM/FM Headphone Receiver
AIWA teries. 2.88" w x 4.19" h x 0.94" d; 7.6 oz . $150 AM/FM-multiplex featherweight headphone ra-
HS-J600A AM/FM Cassette Pocket Stereo dio with adjustable headband that folds up for
Features rechargable battery system; metal/Cr02 HS -T200 Autoreverse AM/FM Pocket Stereo storage. Features foam -padded earpieces; LED
EQ switch; Dolby B; EQ; autoreverse; anti -roll Features metal/chrome EQ switch; Dolby B; anti - stereo indicator; in -out jack; doubles to connect
mechanism; recording capability; battery indica- roll mechanism; battery indicator. Uses 2 AA with other personal or home stereos (connecting
tor. Uses 2 AAA batteries. 2.94" w x 4.5" h x batteries. 3.36" x 4.5" x 1.36"; 10.1 oz $115 cables not included); operates on 2 AA batteries
1.06" d; 9 oz $230 (not included) $25
HS -J600. As above without rechargable battery HS -T360 Autoreverse AM/FM Pocket Stereo
system $210 Features 3 -band graphic EQ; metal/Cr02 tape se- RY-275 AM/FM Pocket Stereo
lector; anti -rolling mechanism; compatible with Includes folding headphones; adjustable elastic
HS-T600A AM/FM Cassette Pocket Stereo rechargeable NiCad batteries. Uses 2 AA batteries arm band; transparent pouch for all-weather use.
Features rechargable battery system; metal/CrOz (not included). 3.38" w x 4.5" h x 1.38" d; 10.01 3.75" x 1.25" x 0.63" $24
EQ switch; Dolby B; EQ; headphones; autoreverse; oz $100
anti -roll mechanism. Uses 2 AAA batteries. 2.94" HS -T260. Same as above without autoreverse and RY-271 Cassette Pocket Stereo
w x 4.5" h x 1.06" d; 8.7 oz $210 graphic EQ $65 Cassette pocket stereo features slide volume con-
trol; stereo headphone; high -impact case. Uses 2
HS-J700A Autoreverse Pocket Stereo HR-SOIMKII AM/FM Pocket Stereo AA batteries. 4.25" x 3.25" x 1.38" $20
Pocket cassette player/recorder with AM/FM ra- Features folding headphones; second headphone
dio. Features stereo recording directly from the jack. Uses 2 AA batteries. 4.6 oz $75 RY-212 AM/FM/Cassette Pocket Stereo
built in tuner or from included one -point stereo Cassette pocket stereo with AM/FM tuner. Fea-
mic; 3 -way autoreverse; 3 FM presets; 4 -band HR -S08 AM/FM Headphone Receiver tures FM -stereo indicator; belt -clip; carrying
graphic EQ for playback; Dolby B (playback); Features double folding headband; FM mono/ - strap; L/R volume controls; stereo headphone.
one -hour battery charge system. AC -200 battery Uses 2 AA batteries. Available blue, black, or
charger/AC adaptors and Ni-cad batteries sup- mauve; 5" x 3.25" x 1.38" $16
plied. Uses 2 AAA batteries. 3.19" w x 4.75" h x
1.19" d; 9.2 oz $200 RY-273 Mini FM Receiver
Features headphon; slide switch for power and
HS -T500 AM/FM Cassette Pocket Stereo volume. Uses 3 A76 button -cell batteries (not in-
Features remote control; music sensor with feath- cluded). 3" x 1.25" x 0.44" $12
er -touch control; metal/CrOz EQ switch; Dolby
B; headphones; auto reverse; anti -roll mechanism; HITACHI
second headphone jack; battery indicator. Works
with rechargeables. Uses 2 AAA batteries. 3.25" w CP-203R AM/FM Cassette Recorder
x 4.5" h x 1.06" d; 9.4 oz $185 With headphones; locking rewind; auto stop. 3.5"
x 5.5" x 1.5"; <1 lb $60
HS -J350 Autoreverse Pocket Stereo
Pocket cassette player/recorder with AM/FM ra- CP 201R AM/FM Cassette Player
dio. Features stereo recording directly from built- Auto stop; fast forward and rewind; FM AFC;
in tuner, built-in electret mic, and optional stereo headphones; carrying clip; needs 2 AA batteries.
stereo switch; 15 mW output; FM wire antenna FR 60-12,000 Hz ± 3 dB with normal tape; w&F
included; uses I AAA battery; weight (with bat - 0.35% wrms. 12 oz; 3.33" w x 5.5" h x 1.36"
tery) 95 grams. Available in red, black or sil- d $30
ver $70

HR -S06 FM Pocket Stereo

Features folding headphones. Uses 2 AAA bat - CX-R7K AM/FM Pocket Cassette Recorder
teries. 3 oz $65 Autoreverse AM/FM stereo cassette recorder with
built-in battery charger. Features Dolby B NR
(playback only); full -logic transport mechanism;
ALARON Hi-Fi 4 -track fixed head; 3 -way reverse mode se-
RY-381 AM/FM/Cassette Pocket Stereo lector; normal/metal tape EQ selector; local/ox
Cassette pocket stereo with AM/FM tuner. Fea- switch; control lock feature. Includes AC adaptor,
tures FM -stereo indicator; stop, FF, play cassette rechargeable battery, stereo headphone, stereo
operation; belt -clip; slide volume control; stereo microphone, and carrying case. 3.25" w x 4.69" h
headphone; 3 V oc input jack. Uses 2 AA batter- x 1.19" d; 8.72 oz. without battery $190
ies. 5.38" x 3.75" x 1.75" $35
everse; anti -rolling mechanism; auto stop; LED in- CX-F7K AM/FM Cassette Pocket Stereo
dicator lights for operation and battery strength. RY-379 AM/FM/Cassette Pocket Stereo Autoreverse AM/FM stereo cassette player with
AC operation with optional AC -620 or RB-100 Cassette pocket stereo with AM/FM tuner. Fea- rechargeable battery. Features Dolby B NR; full -
adaptors. Operates on rechargeable nickel -cadmi- tures auto -stop; stop, FF, play cassette operation; logic transport mechanism; normal/metal tape
um battery. 3.06" wide x 4.56" high x 1.25" belt -clip; volume control; stereo headphone. Uses EQ selector; 3 -way reverse mode selector; Hi-Fi 4 -
deep $150 3 AA batteries (not included). 6.38" w x 3.5" h x track fixed head; control lock feature. Includes
HS -J360. Same as above without included acces- 1.38" d $30 AC -R7 battery charger, rechargeable battery, ste-
sories and one -point stereo mic. Includes built-in reo headphone, and carrying case. 3.19" w x 4.5"
mic for mono recording $130 RY-280 Solar AM/FM Pocket Stereo h x 1" d; 7.05 oz. without battery $160
Solar cells recharge built-in Ni-Cad battery. In-
Autoreverse Pocket Stereo cludes folding lightweight headphones; adjustable CX-7K Cassette Pocket Stereo
HS -G600
Features metal/chrome EQ switch; Dolby B; EQ; elastic arm band; pocket clip. 3.5" a 1.63" a Autoreverse stereo cassette player with rechar-
headphones; anti -roll mechanism; battery indica- 0.75" $30 geable battery. Features Dolby B NR; full -logic


transport mechanism; normal/metal tape EQ se- RX-SA80 AM/FM/Cassette Pocket Stereo RF-H25 AM/FM Pocket Radio
lector; 3 -way reverse mode selector; Hi-Fi 4 -track PLL-synthesizer tuner with 12 presets; LCD tun- Rechargable credit -card -size pocket radio with
fixed head; control lock feature. Includes AC -R7 ing scale; metal/chrome EQ switch; Dolby B; built-in NiCad battery. Includes charger. 2.12" x
battery charger, rechargeable battery, stereo headphones; autoreverse; anti -roll mechanism; 3.62" x 0.16" $70
headphone, and carrying case. 3.19" w x 4.5" h x tone switch. Needs 2 AA batteries. 10.5 oz; 3.25"
I" d; 6.88 oz. without battery $130 x 4.62" x 1.44" $130 RX-1936 AM/FM/Cassette Pocket Stereo
3 radio -station presets; Ultra -Phonic mode to
MAGNAVOX RF-HX7 FM Stereo Radio Headphones boost highs and lows; headphones; FF and re-
FM stereo tuner built into headphones with cord wind; auto stop; belt clip; needs 3 AAA batteries;
D6643 AM/FM Cassette Tuner to connect to pocket cassette player or portable LED's for batteries and FM stereo. 5.5 oz $65
Autoreverse; 3 -band graphic EQ; FM -stereo indi- CD player; mica -filled fiat diaphragms; soft mut-
cator; 3-V DC power jack; detachable belt clip RF-HDS FM Stereo Headphone Radio
Splash -proof collapsible radio with rubber helical
whip antenna; FM stereo/mono switch; DX/lo-
cal FM-sens switch; plays up to 30 hrs on one
AAA battery (not included). 3 oz $60

RX-SA66 AM/FM/Cassette Pocket Stereo

Autoreverse; Ultra -Phonic mode to boost highs
and lows; anti -roll mechanism; DX/local FM-
sens switch; FM stereo LED; belt clip; FF and re-
wind; headphones; needs 2 AA batteries or op-
tional AC adaptor. 5.5 oz $55

RF-H8 AM/FM Headphone Radio

Folding headphone radio with built-in AM and
FM antennas and optional external FM antenna;
and carrying strap; headphones; anti -roll mecha- ing; FM stereo/ mono switch; power LED; LC FM stereo/mono switch; in silver, burgundy, or
nism. Uses 2 AA batteries. 5.75" x 3.25" x OFC connection cord and phone plug adaptor blue; needs I AAA battery. 3 oz $50
1.5" $70 needs 2 AAA batteries. 5.5 oz $100
RX-SA60 AM/FM/Cassette Pocket Stereo
D6668 Rechargeable Cassette Player RX-SR35 AM/FM/Cassette Recorder With headphones; auto stop; DX/local FM-sens
With built-in NiCad batteries for 4 hrs of play; 3 - 5 -band graphic equalizer; autoreverse; 1 -touch re- switch; FF and rewind; FM stereo LED; belt clip;
band graphic EQ (bands at 100, 1,000, and 10,000 cording; built-in condenser mic; jack for external needs 2 AA batteries or optional AC adaptor; in
Hz); battery LED; electronic tape -speed control; mic; auto stop; FF and rewind; pause; LED's for black, red, pink, or silver. 8 oz $35
AC adaptor for recharging (play possible during
recharging); in -ear earphones; FF and rewind; RF-H20 AM/FM Pocket Radio
EQ for normal or high-bias/metal tape; auto stop. Features slide -rule tuning; FM soft muting; de-
4.5" x 3.5" x 1" S55 tachable belt clip; folding headphones. Needs
AAA battery. In black, yellow, or red. 3.94" x
D6658 AM/FM-Stereo Cassette Tuner 1.5" x 0.36"; 1 oz $35
3 -band graphic EQ (bands at 100, 1,000, and
10,000 Hz); FF and rewind; lightweight head- RF-435 AM/FM Pocket Radio
phones; belt clip; EQ for normal or high -bias/ With headphones and built-in 4 -band graphic
metal tape; electronic tape -speed control; FM -ste- equalizer; FM stero/mono switch; FM stereo
reo LED; auto stop; needs 2 AA batteries. 5.25" x LED; belt clip; slide -rule tuning; needs 2 AAA
3.25" x 1.5" $50 batteries. 3 oz S30

D6648 AM/FM-Stereo Cassette Tuner RF-H2 FM Stereo Headphone Radio

FF and rewind; auto stop; headphones; detach- Open-air design; FM stereo/mono switch; DX/
able belt clip; FM -stereo LED; needs 2 AA bat- local FM-sens switch; built-in and external anten-
teries. 3.25" x 5.25" x 1.5" S45 nas; needs I AAA battery; in yellow, red, or lav-
power/battery and FM stereo; bias/EQ for nor- ender. 2 oz S27
D6636 AM/FM Cassette Tuner mal or chrome/metal tape; DX/local FM-sens
FF and rewind; auto stop; AFC; 3-V DC power switch; headphones; needs 2 AA batteries or op- RF-422 AM/FM Pocket Radio
jack; anti -roll mechanism; headphones. Needs 2 tional AC adaptor. 10 oz $100 With headphones; 4.3 oz without batteries; FM
AA batteries. 3.5" x 4.5" x 1.25" $50 stereo/mono switch; FM stereo LED; slide -rule
RX-SA78 AM/FM/Cassette Pocket Stereo tuning; belt clip; needs 2 AAA batteries; in black,
D1650 Credit -Card -Size AM/FM-Stereo Tuner I radio -station preset; headphones; autoreverse; white, gray, or red. 4 oz $25
Collapsible headphones; dual -slider volume con- built-in 5 -band graphic equalizer; Dolby NR;
trols; belt clip; power LED; power switch in anti -roll mechanism; bias/EQ for normal or RF-411 FM Pocket Radio
headphone jack; FM -stereo indicator; mono/ste- chrome/metal tape; DX/local FM-sens switch; With headphones; FM stereo/mono switch; FM
reo switch; in red, pink, lavender. Needs 2 AAA FM stereo LED; belt clip; 9 oz $100 stereo LED; belt clip; black, pink, or red. Uses 2
batteries. 2.5" x 4" x 0.5" $25 AAA batteries (not included). 4 oz; 2.12" x 3.94"
RX-SR25 AM/FM/Cassette Recorder x 0 62" $20
D6607 Cassette Player I -touch recording; built-in condenser mic; FM
Anti -roll mechanism; lightweight headphones; stereo LED; auto stop; pause; bias/EQ for nor- RQ-JA61 Cassette Pocket Stereo
locking FF; belt clip; auto stop. Needs 2 AA bat- mal or chrome/metal tape; DX/local FM-sens With headphones; auto stop; FF and rewind; belt
teries. 4.75" x 3.75" x 1.25" $25 switch; FF and rewind; headphones; belt clip; dim black, pink, or blue. Needs 2 AA batteries or
jack for external mic; needs 2 AA batteries or op- optional AC adaptor. 7.5 oz. 3.36" x 4.5" x
D666 Cassette Player tional AC adaptor. 10 oz $80 1.44" $20
Locking FF; auto stop; detachable belt clip; anti -
roll mechanism; headphones. Uses 2 AA batter-
ies. 4.5" x 3.5" x 1.25" S25


RX-SA79 AM/FM/Cassette Pocket Stereo
are manufacturers' suggested retail prices
Extra Bass System (off, light, or heavy); autore- (also referred to as list prices);
verse; NiCad battery charger for 3 hrs of play; 3 -
band graphic equalizer; Dolby NR; DX/local
actual selling prices are set by individual dealers.
FM-sens switch; headphones; belt clip; auto stop; All prices are subject to change without notice.
uses battery charger or I AA battery. 9 oz $160


QUASAR phones. Uses 2 AA batteries. 3.25" w x 4.75" h x locking fast winds; FM -stereo indicator; light-
1.25" d $120 weight headphones; belt clip. Uses 2 AA batteries.
GX3686 Cassette/AM/FM Pocket Stereo Available in black, white, or red $50
Features dynamic boost switch to boost bass and FX-W31R Pocket Cassette Player
treble frequencies; autoreverse; metal/chrome EQ Auto -reverse pocket stereo cassette player with RP80 AM/FM Stereo Headset Radio
switch; Dolby B; headphones; anti -roll mecha- headphones. Uses 2 AA batteries. 3.25" w x 4.5" Features fold -up one-piece design for compact
nism; FM AFC; tone switch. Uses 2 AA batteries. h x 1.5" cl $68 storage; rotary volume and tuning controls; ste-
3.25" w x 4.62" h x 1.36" d; 9.2 oz $97 reo/mono switch; mute switch; FM antenna sock-
et. Uses I AAA battery, 4 oz $40
GX3677 Cassette/AM/FM Pocket Stereo
Features autoreverse; metal/chrome capability; F4 Pocket AM/FM Stereo Cassette Player MGR74 Pocket AM/FM Stereo Cassette Player
built-in condenser microphone. Use 2 AA batter- Ultra -slim autoreverse cassette player with built- Mini -size cassette player with built-in AM/FM
ies $90 in AM/EM tuner. Features 2 -way autoreverse; tuner. Features 3 -band graphic equalizer; auto -
Dolby NR; FM -stereo indicator; rechargeable bat - stop mechanism; locking fast winds; FM -stereo in-
GX3800 Cassette/AM/FM Pocket Stereo dicator; lightweight headphones; belt clip. Uses 3
Features autoreverse; built-in speakers; 3 -band AA batteries. Available in black, red, pink, violet,
EQ; collapsible headphones; radio sleep switch; or yellow $30
power/battery LED indicator; phone/speaker se-
lector; flexible FM antenna. Operates on 3 AA bat- SHARP
teries or optional KT655 AC adaptor $60
JC-850 Pocket Cassette Radio
GX3676 Cassette/AM/FM Pocket Stereo Features rechargeable Ni-cad battery; AM/FM
Features 3 -band equalizer; autoreverse with di- tuner; 3 -band graphic EQ; listening while recharg-
rection button; local/ox switch; anti -roll mecha- ing; autoreverse; Dolby B; dynamic headphones.
nism; FM AFC; tone switch. Detachable belt clip Uses AA batteries and AC adaptor. FR 40-16,000
and lightweight headphones included. Uses 2 AA Hz (Cr02/Metal), 40-14,00 Hz (normal). 2.75" w
batteries. 3.31" w x 5" h x 1.5" d; II oz $60 x 4.53" h x 0.84" d; 7.02 oz. Available in black
blue, red, silver $200
GX3667 Cassette/AM/FM Pocket Stereo
Features lightweight headphones; auto stop; fast JC-R72 Pocket Cassette Radio
forward and rewind; LED FM stereo indicator; lo- Stereo cassette player with AM/FM tuner, sup-
cal/ox switch. available in black, pink, or laven- plied charger, and Ni-cad batteries. Available in 5
der. Uses 2 AA batteries $35 colors. 3.5" w x 5.59" h x 1.63" d $50
cry pack; auto -stop mechanism, u adaptor; ste- JC-F3. Same as above without recharger $40
3666 Cassette/AM/FM Pocket Stereo reo headphones; battery indicator; carrying case;
Features fast forward and rewind; auto stop; FM battery case. 4.06" x 2.69" x 0.81"; 5 oz $200 JC-128 Pocket Cassette Radio
AFC. Detachable belt clip and lightweight head- Stereo cassette player with AM/FM tuner. Uses
phones included. Uses 4 AA batteries. 3.5" w x P4 Pocket Stereo Cassette Player AA batteries. Available in black, blue, pink, red,
5.88" h x 1.56" d; 9.7 oz $35 Ultra -slim autoreverse cassette player with Dolby
NR. Features 2 -way autoreverse; rechargeable
battery pack; auto -stop mechanism; AC adaptor;
REALISTIC stereo headphones; battery indicator; carrying
SCP-5 AM/FM Stereo Cassette Recorder case; battery case. 4.06" w x 2.69" h x .69" d; 4
Autoreverse; Dolby B; EQ switch for all tapes; oz $140
LED's for tape direction, FM stereo, low batter-
ies; 2 AA batteries. 5.75" x 3.5" x 1.4" .... $80 MGR 650D AM/FM Stereo Cassette Player
Mini -size autoreverse cassette player with built-in
SCP-24 AM/FM Stereo Cassette Player AM/FM tuner. Features 4 -band graphic equalizer;
L and R volume controls; FM stereo/battery Dolby NR; metal tape capability; FM -stereo indi-
LED; detachable belt clip; auto stop; needs 3 AA cator; built-in speaker; stereo headphones; 3 -way
batteries. 5.7" x 3.7" x 1.6" $40 power operation; case & strap $90

SCP-17 Stereo Cassette Recorder WR66 Pocket AM/FM Stereo Cassette Player
Mono speaker; records in stereo with built-in Mini -size splash -proof cassette player with built-
mics; jacks for external mics; FF and rewind; L in AM/FM tuner. Features specially sealed case;
and R volume controls; compatible with rechar- anti -rolling mechanism; AFC; stereo/mono
geable batteries; case with shoulder strap; needs 2 switch; FM -stereo indicator; auto -stop mecha-
AA batteries. 5" x 3.4" x 1.9" $80 and yellow. 3.44" w x 5.44" h x 1.44" d; 9.35 oz
(without batteries) $29.95
SCP-19 Stereo Cassette Player
Dolby B; autoreverse; EQ switch for all tapes; SONY
LED's for tape direction, batteries; belt clip;
needs 2 AA batteries. 4.75" x 3.5" x 1.4" .. $60 WM-D6C Pocket Cassette Recorder
Features record and play modes; Dolby B & C;
SCP-20 Stereo Cassette Player disc quartz -lock drive system; stereo mini micro-
Equalizer boosts or cuts bands centered at 100, phone jack; anti -rolling mechanism; 3 -way power
1,000, and 10,000 Hz; auto stop; LED for batter- supply. Includes headphones, case, and connec-
ies; detachable belt clip; needs 2 AA batteries. tion cord. Uses 4 AA batteries. 6.74" h x 1.5" w x
4.5" x 3.25" x 1.3" $30 3.75" d; I Ib, 7 oz $380

SCP-22 Stereo Cassette Player WM-D3 Pocket Cassette Recorder

L and R volume controls; auto stop; LED for bat- Features record and play modes; Dolby B & C;
teries; detachable belt clip; needs 2 AA batteries. disc drive; stereo mini microphone jack; anti -roll-
4.5" x 3.5" x 1.4" $25 ing mechanism; 3 -way power supply. Includes
headphones, case, connection cord, and strap.
SCP-26 Stereo Cassette Player Uses 2 AA batterie. 5" h x 1.38" w x 3.25" d; 13.1
Weatherproof housing; belt clip; needs 2 AA bat- nism; stereo headphones; belt clip; locking fast oz $250
teries. 4.75" x 4.1" x 1.75" $30 winds. Uses 2 AA batteries $70
WM-F20011 Pocket Cassette/Radio
MGR87 Pocket AM/FM Stereo Cassette Player Features autoreverse; record and play modes;
SANSUI Mini -size autoreverse cassette player with built-in Dolby B; stereo mini microphone jack; belt drive
FX-W51R Cassette/AM/FM Pocket Stereo AM/FM tuner. Features 3 -band graphic equalizer; system; anti -rolling mechanism; AM/FM tuner; lo-
Features 5 -band graphic EQ; auto reverse; head- rechargeable capability; auto -stop mechanism; cal/Dx switch; 3 -way power supply. Includes


headphones, rechargeable battery, charger, one - WM-F46 Pocket Cassette/Radio headphones. Uses 2 AA batteries. 3.38" h x 4.75"
point stereo microphone, and case. 2.75" h x Features record and play modes; stereo mini mi- w x 1.38" d; 6.9 oz 532
4.38" w x 0.88" d; 8.2 oz 5240 crophone jack. belt drive system; AM/FM tuner;
local/Dx switch; 3 -way power supply. Includes SRF-35W Pocket Radio
WM-F107 Pocket Cassette/Radio headphones and belt clip. Uses 2 AA batteries. AM/FM radio with 3 -band graphic EQ and local/
Features water-resistant design; Dolby B; belt 3.47" h x 5.5" w x 1.45" d; 12.3 oz 580 Dx switch. Includes headphones and belt clip.
drive system; anti -rolling mechanism; AM/FM Uses 2 AA batteries. 3.41" h x 2.72" w a 0.88" d;
tuner; local/Dx switch. Includes headphones. WM-F45 Pocket Cassette/Radio 4.4 oz 530
built-in solar and rechargeable battery, battery Features water-resistant design; belt drive system;
case, and belt clip. 3.12" h x 4.38" w a 1.19" d; 10 anti -rolling mechanism; AM/FM tuner; local/Dx SRF-19W Pocket Radio
oz 5230 switch. Include headphones and strap. Uses 2 AA AM/FM pocket radio uses 2 AA batteries. 4.33" h
batteries. 5.5" h x 3.62" w x 1.5" d; 11.3 oz S80 x 2.38" w x 0.88" d; 3.6 oz 523
WF-F10011 Pocket Cassette/Radio
Features autoreverse; Dolby B; belt drive system; SRF-5 Pocket Radio SRF-16W Pocket Radio
anti -rolling mechanism; AM/FM tuner; local/Dx FM -only radio with water-resistant design and lo- FM -only radio with local/Dx switch. Include
switch; 3 -way power supply. Includes head- cal/Dx switch. Includes headphones and holder. headphones and belt clip. Uses 2 AA batteries.
phones, rechargeable battery, charger, and case. Uses 2 AA batteries. 1.5" h x 4" w x 0.56" d; 2.2 Available in different colors. 2.5" h x 4.38" w h
2.75" h x 4.36" w x 0.78" d; 7.1 oz 5180 oz 565 0.88" d; 1.7 oz 518

WM-F80 Pocket Cassette/Radio SRF-Fl Pocket Radio

Features autoreverse; graphic EQ; Dolby B; belt FM -only radio designed to attach to any standard - TOSHIBA
drive system; anti -rolling mechanism; AM/FM/ size headband. Features built-in rechargeable bat- KT -4097 Remote Control Pocket Stereo
rv-sound tuner; local/Dx switch; 3 -way power tery and water-resistant design. Includes head- 6 -function wired remote control; autoreverse cas-
supply. Includes headphones, holder, and case. phones, headband, armband, and Dc -Dc charger. sette; Dolby B NR; auto shut off; rechargeable Ni-
Uses 2 AA batteries. 4.75" h x 3.5" w x 1.19" d; 1.88" h x 3.38" w x 0.59" d; 1.4 oz 565 Cd battery 5180
10.6 oz 5160
WM-45 Pocket Cassette Player
WM-10011 Pocket Cassette Player Features water-resistant design; belt dove system;
Features autoreverse; Dolby B; belt drive system; anti -rolling mechanism; belt clip. Includes head-
anti -rolling mechanism; 3 -way power supply. In- phones. Uses 2 AA batteries. 5.5" h x 3.62" w x
cludes headphones; rechargeable battery, charger, 1.5" d; 9.2 oz 560
and case. Uses I AA battery. 2.75" h x 4.38" w a
0.78" d; 7.1 oz 5130 WM-F43 Pocket Cassette/Radio
Portable AM/FM pocket stereo cassette player.
WM-F76 Pocket Cassette/Radio Features 3 -band graphic EQ; belt drive system;
Features record and play modes; built-in speaker; AM/FM tuner; local/Dx switch;3-way power sup-
Dolby B; stereo mini microphone jack; belt drive ply. Includes headphones and belt clip. Uses 2 AA
system; AM/FM tuner; local/Dx switch; 3 -way batteries. 3.5" h a 5.25" w x 1.44" d; 8.6 oz 557
power supply. Includes headphones, one -point
stereo microphone, AC adaptor, and belt clip. WM-68 Pocket Cassette Player
Uses 2 AA batteries. 4.72" h x 3.41" w x 1.42" d; Features Dolby B; belt drive system; belt clip; 3 -
8.8 oz 5130 way power supply. Includes headphones. Uses 2 KT -4077. Same as above without battery recharg-
AA batteries. 8.1 oz 555 er 5160
WM-F73 Pocket Cassette/Radio
Features autoreverse; Dolby B; water-resistant SRF-4 Pocket Radio KT -4087 Rec/Play AM/FM Pocket Stereo
design; belt drive system; anti -rolling mechanism; AM/FM radio with water-resistant design and lo- AM/FM pocket stereo with recording capability,
AM/FM tuner; local/Dx switch; 3 -way power sup- cal/Dx switch. Includes headphones and holder. and built-in tuner. Features built in mic for rec; 3
ply. Includes headphones and belt clip. Uses 2 AA Uses 2 AA batteries. 2.25" h x 4.25" w x 0.84" d; band graphic EQ; autoreverse; Dolby B NR; AM/
batteries. 3.48" h x 4.53" w x 1.42" d; 11.2 4 oz 550 FM tuner. $160
oz 5120
WM-F41 Pocket Cassette/Radio KT -4068 Cassette/AM/FM Pocket Stereo
WM-F77 Pocket Cassette/Radio Features belt drive system; AM/FM tuner; local/ Digital tuning; 5 AM/S FM preset tuning; 3 band
Features autoreverse; Dolby B; belt drive system; Dx switch; 3 -way power supply. Includes head- graphic EQ 5120
anti -rolling mechanism; AM/FM tuner; local/Dx phones and belt clip. Uses 2 AA batteries. 3.38" h
switch; 3 -way power supply. Includes head- x 5.25" w x 1.83" d; 8.5 oz 545 KT -4066 Cassette/AM/FM Pocket Stereo
phones and belt clip. Uses 2 AA batteries. 3.25" h Features digital tuning; auto reverse; Dolby B; 3 -
x 4.38" w x 1.25" d; 10.6 oz SI 10 SRF-R7 Headphone Radio band graphic EQ; headphones; anti -roll mecha-
Features AM/FM tuner and local/Dx switch. Uses nism; balance control. Uses 2 AA batteries. 3.31"
WM-F69 Pocket Cassette/Radio 2 AA batteries. 4.8 02 545 w x 4.92" h x 1.36" d; 9.9 oz 5110
Features autoreverse; 3 -band graphic EQ; Dolby
B; belt drive system; anti -rolling mechanism; AM/ WM-43 Pocket Cassette Player KT -4065. Same as KT -4068 without graphic
FM tuner; local/Dx switch; 3 -way power supply. Features 3 -band graphic EQ; belt drive system. EQ $100
Includes headphones and belt clip. Uses 2 AA bat- Uses 2 AA batteries. 4.75" h x 3.5" w x 1.44" d;
teries (not included). 5.28" h x 3.38" d x 1.33" d; 7.8 oz 543 KT -4057 Cassette/AM/FM Pocket Stereo
12.7 oz 5100 AM/FM stereo; cassette; 3 band graphic EQ $100
SRF-FM2 Headphone Radio KT -4047. Similar to above S80
WM-F68 Pocket Cassette/Radio FM -only radio with local/Dx switch. Uses 2 AA KT -4037. Similar to above S70
Features Dolby B; belt drive system; AM/FM tun- batteries. 3.6 oz $33
er; local/Dx switch; 3 -way power supply. Uses 2 KT -4026 Cassette/AM/FM Pocket Stereo
AA batteries. 4.97" h a 3.51" w a 1.73" d; 8.8 WM-41 Pocket Cassette Player Features 3 -band graphic equalizer; headphones;
oz 590 Features belt drive system; belt clip. Includes anti -roll mechanism; balance control; tone
switch; tone control. Uses 2 AA batteries. FR (ra-
dio) 88-108 MHz. 3.25" w a 5" h x 1.44" d; 8.3
oz 560

PRICES LISTED Stereo Pocket Radios

are manufacturers' suggested retail prices
RP -2066 Headphone/Radio
(also referred to as list prices); I -piece design headphone/AM/FM radio. Digital
actual selling prices are set by individual dealers. tuning with 5 AM 5 FM preset stations .... 5170
All prices are subject to change without notice. RP -2057. Digital pocket AM/FM radio w/ 10 to-
tal presets; headphones 560



DX Series GT-II Series Cassette Tape
BASF High bias. 70 -microsecond EQ. Heat -resistant tape,
Metal IV Cassette DX4 Ferric Normal Cassettes shell, and clear plastic case. Dual spring pressure
Metal particle fcrmulation features high perfor- Type -I formulation with extended frequency re- pad.
mance cassette mechanism. sponse. Residual flux density 1,700 Gauss, MOL C-46. 54.39
C120. i20 min $5.99 -4.5 dB at 10 kHz. C-60 $4.89
DX4-90. 90 min. $4 C-90. $6.49
Chromdioxid Maxima II Cassettes DX4-60. 60 min. $3
High -density chrome formulation features high- GT-I Series Cassette Tape
performance cassette mechanism. DX3 Ferric Normal Cassettes Normal bias, 120 µsec EQ car audio cassette with
C90. 90 min $2.99 Improved DX3 offers a 12% increase in both re- heat -resistant tape, shell, and clear plastic case;
C60. 60 min $2.24 tentivity and coercivity yielding better high -fre- tensilized polyester backing.
quency response and dynamic range. mot. -6.0 GT (C-46). 46 min $3.79
Chromdioxid Extra II Cassettes dB at 10 kHz. GT (C-60). 60 min $4.19
Pure chrome formulation features high-perfor- DX3-90. 90 min $3 GT (C-90). 90 min $5.49
mance cassette mechanism. DX3-60. 60 min $2.50
C120. 120 min $2.99
C90. 90 min $2.49 DX1 Ferric Normal Cassettes
C60. 60 min $1.74 Low -noise high -output type I cassette with high All tapes have tensilized polyester base material;
sensitivity and high MOL (-9.5 dB at 10 kHz). tape width 3.81 mm: tape length 135 m: yield
LH Maxima I Cassettes DXI-90. 90 min $2.25 strength (5%) kg; breaking strength 1.0 kg; resid-
Ferric tape with high maximum -output -level for DXI-60. 60 min $1.75 ual elongation 0.05%; squareness ratio 0.85; sens
increased signal -to noise ratio. Features high-per- uniformity a3 dB; output fluctuation a4 dB (ex-
formance cassette mechanism. cept for HD: as dB).
C90. 90 min $1.79
C60. 60 min $1.49 FR Series Cassette Tape HD Normal -Bias Cassettes
Type 1 normal -bias casettes with 120 las EQ and co- Coercivity 340 Oe; retentivity 1.300 Gauss: sens
LH Extra I Cassettes balt -modified fine Beridox particles. +as dB (315 Hz).
Ferric tape with extended sin and precision mech- FR (C-46). 46 min $2.69 C-90. 45 min per side $2
anism. FR (C-60). 60 min $2.99
C90. 90 min $1.49 FR (C-90). 90 min $3.99 HR Normal -Bias Cassettes
C60. 60 min $1.24 Coercivity 340 0e; retentivity 1,500 Gauss sens
FR Series Metal Cassette Tape +1.0 dB (315 Hz).
Metal -coated tape with tensilized polyester base; C-90. 45 min per side $3
DENON designed for metal bias, 70 -u -sec EQ; packaged in
All Denon cassettes feature large window, life -time hinged plastic box. HZ Normal -Bias Cassettes
warranty, head cleaning leader, and transparent, FR (C-46). 46 min $5.79 Coercivity 360 Oe; retentivity 1.600 Gauss; sens
H-shaped slip sheets for optimal back tension. FR (C-60). 60 min $6.39 +2.0 dB (315 Hz).
FR (C-90). 90 min $8.49 C-90. 45 min per side $4
High Density Series
FR -I Super Series Cassette Tape CRX High -Bias Cassettes
HD -M Metal Cassettes Super -premium Type I normal -bias casettes with Cobalt -doped iron -oxide particles. Coercivity 550
High -stability pure metal tape formulation uses 120 fAs EQ and cobalt -modified fine Beridox mag- 0e; retentivity 1.600 Gauss; sens +2.5 dB.
high -density dispersion technology that yields a netic particles. C-90. 45 min per side $5
residual magnetic flux density of over 3,500 FR -I Super (C-46). 46 min $3.79
Gauss and a coercivity of 1,200 Oersted. FR -I Super (C-60). 60 min $4.19 MTX Metal -Bias Cassettes
HDM-90. 90 min $6.50 FR -I Super (C-90). 90 min $5.49 Pure metal particles. Coercivity 1.050 Oe; retenti-
HDM-60. 60 min $5 vity 3.000 Gauss.; sens +2.0 dB (315 Hz)
FR -II Series Cassette Tape C-90. 45 min per side $6
HD8 High -Bias Cassettes Chromium -dioxide cassettes with tensilized polyes-
High -density metal particle formula uses New ter base; designed for Type II/Cr0, bias, 70-p.sec
High Technoroum magnetic pigment to increase equalization; packaged in hinged plastic box. Fea-
residual flux density to 2,800 gauss yielding an tures super -fine Beridox magnetic particles High -Output Cassettes
mot_ of -3.5 dB at 10 kHz. FR -II (C-46). 46 min $3.99 Precision -shell ferric cassette in Norelco box.
HD8-90. 90 min $4.75 FR -II (C-60). 60 min $4.49 XR-90. 45 min per side $2.70
HD8-60. 60 min $3.75 FR -II (C-90). 90 min $5.99 XR-60. 30 min per side $2.10

HD7 High -Bias Cassettes FR -II Super Series Cassette Tape Low -Noise Cassettes
Type -II formulation with extended high -frequen- Super -premium Type II high -bias casettes with 70 Precision -shell ferric cassette in Norelco box.
cy response and low noise. Residual flux density EQ and cobalt -modified super -fine Beridox LN-90. 45 min per side $2.15
1,700 Gauss, mot_ -7.0 dB at 10 kHz. magnetic particles. LN-60. 30 min per side $1.75
HD7-90. 90 min $3 FR -II Super (C-46). 46 min $4.39 LN-30. 15 min per side $1.50
HD7-60. 60 min $4 FR -II Super (C-60). 60 min $4.89
FR -II Super (C-90). 90 min 56.49
HD6 High -Bias Cassettes
Type -II formulation with extended high -frequen- DR Series Cassette Tape ME -PRO!! Metal Cassette Tape
cy response. Residual flux density 1,700 Gauss, DR (C-46). 46 min $2.39 Metal -particle tape with high magnetic density
mot, -6.0 dB at 10 kHz. DR (C-60). 60 min $2.59 and high particle acicularity for high MOL Coer-
HD6-90. 90 min $3.25 DR (C-90). 90 min $3.49 civity 1.100 Oe.
HD6-60. 60 min $2.50 DR (C-120). 120 min $4.99 ME-90PII. 90 min $3.90


CFI! High -Bias Cassette Tape C-46 $2.30 SX II Reference Cassette Tapes
Coercivity 660 Oe. C-60 $2.50 Double -coated ionized cobalt and ferric -oxide for-
UFII-90. 90 min $1.75 C-90 $3.24 mulation. Cr°, bias and EQ (70 µsec).
UFH-60.60 min $1.50 SXII-C60. 60 min $6.50
UDS-11 High -Bias CrO, Cassettes SXII-C90. 90 min S8.90
U17 Normal -Bias Cassette Tape Features phase accuracy shell, frictionless slip
Coercivity 380 Oe. sheets. Quin-Lok hubs, cleaning leader. SX Reference Cassette Tapes
UFI-90. 90 min $1.65 C-46 $2.30 Single -coated ionized cobalt and ferric oxide for-
UFI-60. 60 min $1.20 C-60 $2.50 mulation. high coercivity permits use of Cr0, bias
C-90 $3.24 and EQ (70 µsec) for 4-5 dB better S/N ratio.
GI Normal -Bias Cassette Tape SX-C60. 60 min $4.50
Popular series. Coercivity 370 Oe. Normal -Bias Cassettes SX-C90. 90 min $6.50
C-90. 90 min $1 UR-46. 46 min $1.45
C-60. 60 min $0.85 UR-60 60 min $1.56 EX H Reference Cassette Tapes
UR-90. 90 min $1.80 Single -coated ferricobalt formulation: same bias
LASER BY SWIRE MAGNETICS UR-120. 120 min $2.70 and EQ (120 µsec) as EX tape; extra -low noise,
high output.
Laser UHD-il Cassettes Open -Reel Tapes EXII-C60. 60 min $4.25
High -bias ferric cassettes with high energy and ex- EXII-C90. 90 min $6
tended frequency response. XLII Open -Reel Tapes
C-90. 45 min per side $2.59 Designed for use with EE -tape -capable decks.
C-60. 30 min per side $1.99 XLII 35-90. 1,800 ft $16.68 PANASONIC
XLII 35-180. 3.600 ft 545.56 CrO,-Position Cassettes
Laser UHD-I Cassettes RT-90EX2. C-90 length. 2 pack $9.95
Normal -bias ferric cassettes with high-energy, XLI Back -Coated Open -Reel Tapes
high -density formulation. XLI 35-90B. 1,800 ft, 7" reel $12.59 Normal -Bias Cassettes
C-90. 45 min per side $2.59 XLI 35-180B. 3,600 ft, 10.5" reel $35.16 RT-60EN2. C-60 length. 2 pack $3.95
C-60. 30 min per side $1.99 RT-80EN2. C-90 length. 2 pack $5.45
Ultra -Dynamic Open -Reel Tapes RT-60FS2. Fashion series. C-60 length. Color -
Laser XL Cassettes UD50-60. 1,200 ft, 7" reel $8.70 tinted shell. 2 pack $5.45
Normal -bias ferric cassettes with extra low noise UD35-90. 1,800 ft, 7" reel S9
for voice or music. UD35-180. 3,600 ft, 10.5" reel S27.98 Microcassettes
C-120. 60 min per side $2.49 RT-602 MC. C-60 length. 2 pack $5.95
C-90. 45 min per side $1.89 RT-604 MC. C-60 length. 4 pack
C-60. 30 min per side $1.49 RT-90 AMC. C-90. Angrom composition .$6.95
C-45. 22.5 min per side $1.39 CDX High Bias Cassettes
Metal tape for High Bias (type II) setting. Superior
MAXELL tape for recording CD or digitally -sourced music REALISTIC
at high bias. 70µ sec setting. Greater headroom Cassette Tape
Digital Audio Tape for distrotion-free reproduction at significsantly Prices may vary according to quantity purchased,
Features Ceramic -Armor metal -particle formula- higher recording levels than conventional high bias with prices lower per tape with larger quantities.
tion. tapes. New permanent reference cassette mecha-
nism shell. C-90 54.99 hav Type IV Metal Cassette Tape
Fine-grain metal particles; 5 -screw housing:
HBX Il High -Bias Cassettes hinged storage box.
High-performance ferric/cobalt tape for use at MIV-90. 90 min S6.99-$4.89
high bias 70 µ sec setting. Higher MOL's, greater MIV-60. 60 min $5.9944.19
sensitivity compared to standard high bias and
CrO, tapes. New permanent reference cassette MII Metal Type II High -Bias Tape
mechanism. Metal tape for recording and playback with Type
HBX II High Bias C-90 $3.79 II bias and EQ head -cleaning leader; hinged stor-
HBX II (type II) C-60 $2.99 age box.
MII-90. 90 min $5.69-$3.99
HB II High -Bias Cassettes MI1-60. 60 min 54.89-$3.43
Premium tape for high bias 70 µ sec EQ position.
Improved low end MOL. greater sensitivity, new HD Hi -Definition Chrome -Equivalent
R-120DM. 120 min $14.99 permanent reference cassette mechanism. For recording and playback with high -bias Type II
HB II High Bias C-90 $2.79 bias and EQ head -cleaning leader; hinged storage
MX Metal Cassettes HB II (type II) C-60 $2.29 box: index card.
Metal bias/EQ. HD -90. 90 min $4.29-S2.97
MX -46. 46 min $3.98 MRX 1 Normal -Bias Cassettes HD -60. 60 min S3.4942.45
MX -60. 60 min $4.61 Premium normal bias tape. Full lifetime warranty.
MX -90. 90 min $6.15 High visibility clear shell XR Type I Premium Ferric Tape
C-90 $2.69 Hinged storage box with index card.
XLI!-S Epitaxial Cassettes C-60 $2.19 XR-120. 120 min 54.99-$3.29
High-level bias; 70 -µsec EQ. XR-90. 90 min 53.79-52.59
XLII-S60. 60 min $3.77 dbs Normal Bias Cassettes XR-60. 60 min $2.79-S1.89
XLII-S90. 90 min $4.82 Normal -bias tapes for all general purpose voice or XR-45. 45 min $2.45-S1.79
music recording. Features high -visibility clear shell
XLI-S Epitaxial Cassettes C-120 $2.59 LN Low-hoise Type 1 Standard Ferric
Normal bias 120 -µsec EQ. C-90 $1.79 Hinged storage box with index card.
XLI-S60. 60 min $3.77 C-60 $1.49 LN-120. 120 min 53.49-52.29
XLI-S90. 90 min $4.82 C-46 $1.29 LN-90. 90 min 52.79-51.85
LN-60. 60 min S1.9941.29
XL -11 Epitaxial Cassettes LN-30. 30 min
NAKAMICHI 51.59-51.05
Chrome type: high-level bias: 70 -µsec EQ.
C-46. 46 min $3.14 ZX Reference Cassette Tapes Concertape Type I Cassettes
C-60. 60 min $3.24 Metalloy (metal -particle) formulation for record- C-120. 3 -pack; each 120 min S4.99 -S4.39
C-90. 90 min $3.87 ing on metal -compatible decks only; features ul- C-90. 3 -pack; each 90 min 53.59-53.19
tra -high coercivity and retentivity for improved dis- C-60. 3 -pack; each 60 min $2.59-52.29
UDS-1 Normal Bias Cassettes tortion and mot; 70 -µsec EO C-30. 3 -pack; each 30 min $1.99-$1.79
Features phase accuracy shell. frictionless slip ZX-C60. 60 min $7.25 C-90. Single; 90 min $1.25
sheets. Quin-Lok hubs, cleaning leader. ZX-C90. 90 min $10 C-60. Single; 60 min $0.88


Open -Reel Tape featuring low -friction roller guides and high -im- SA 90. 45 min each side S3
Supertape Premium. Polyester base, super-calen- pact case. SA 60. 30 min each side $2.50
dared. 60 min $1.69
5" reel; 900 ft; 1.0 mil; 1-9 tapes .... S3.99 each 90 min $1.95 AD -X Normal -Bias (Type 11 Cassette Tape
5" reel; 900 ft; 1.0 mil; 10+ tapes ... $3.19 each Super Avilyn particles for extra headroom: Labo-
7" reel; 1,200 ft; 1.5 mil; 1-9 tapes .. $5.99 each ratory Standard Mechanism. 120-p.sec EQ.
7" reel; 1,200 ft; 1.5 mil; 10+ tapes.. $4.79 each SONY AD -X 90. 45 min each side $3
7" reel; 1,800 ft; 1.0 mil; 1-9 tapes .. $6.99 each ES Metal Cassette AD -X 60. 30 min each side $2.50
7" reel; 1,800 ft; 1.0 mil; 10+ tapes.. $5.59 each Type -IV position (70 microsecond equalization)
7" reel; 3,600 ft; 0.5 mil; 1-9 tapes $12.99 each
. ES -90. 90 min $11.95 AD -S Normal Bias (Type 11 Cassette Tape
7" reel; 3,600 ft; 0.5 mil; 10+ tapes . $10.39 each Rigid plastic C -Thrum mechanism designed to
Low -Noise. Polyester base. UX Series Cassettes control resonances. 120 -sec EQ.
7" reel; 1,800 ft; 1.0 mil S5.99-$4.39 each Type -I! position (70 microsecond equalization) AD -S 90. 45 min each side $2.50
7" reel; 2,400 ft; 0.5 mil 56.99-55.19 each UX 11. C-60 54.10
7" reel; 3,600 ft; 0.5 mil $7.99-$6.39 each UX 11. C-90 $5.50 AD Normal -Bias (Type I) Cassette Tape
Coneertape. Polyester base. UX-S II. C-60 $4.75 Linear ferric -oxide particles; Laboratory Standard
7" reel; 1,800 ft; 1.0 mil S2.49 each UX-S II. C-90 $6.95 Mechanism. 120 -sec EQ.
UX-ES II. C-60 $5.25 AD -X90. 45 min each side $2.50
8 -Track Cartridges UX-ES II. C-90 $7.95 AD -X60. 30 min each side S2.25
Supertape. 90 mins total time. UX-Pro IV. C-60 $7.95
1-11 cartridges $3.99 each UX-Pro IV. C-90 $9.95 D (Dynamic) Cassette Tape
12-24 cartridges $3.49 each Normal bias: 120 -sec EQ precision mechanism.
25-49 cartridges $3.19 each HF-S Series Cassettes D-60. 30 min each side $1.75
50+ cartridges S2.99 each Type I position (Normal bias. 120 microsecond D-46. 23 min each side $1.60
Low Noise. Polyester base. 40 mins. equalization) D-30. 15 min each side $1.50
1-11 cartridges $1.99 each HF-S 60. 60 min $3.10
12-24 cartridges S1.79 each HF-S 90. 90 min $4.25 Microcassettes
25-49 cartridges $1.59 each D-MC6083. Same dynamic formulation as stan-
50+ cartridges $1.39 each HF Series Cassettes dard -size cassettes. Low noise for speech record-
Low Noise. Polyester base. 80 mins. Type I position (Normal bias. 120 microsecond ing. 60 min ea; 3 -pack $9
1-11 cartridges $2.69 each equalization)
12-24 cartridges $2.39 each HF 46. 46 min S2 05
25-49 cartridges $2.15 each HF 60. 60 min $2.25
50+ cartridges $1.89 each HF 90 90 min $3.15
HF 120. 120 min $4.05
Microcassettes UCX-II-S High Tech Turbo
Micro -90. Max -length micromssrues record 90 Microcassettes High -bias cassette tape with ultra -refined CrO,
mins at 2.4 cm/sec or 180 mins at 1.2 cm/sec. 3MC-60N. 60/120 min S2.75 coating and special housing.
For capstan -drive recorders. 1-9 tapes $6.95 each MC -60N. 60/120 min $2.75 60 min $3.49
Micro -90. 10 or more tapes $5.95 each MC -90N. 90/180 min $8 90 min $4.99
Micro -60. Records 60 minutes at 2.4 cm/sec and
120 mins at 1.2 cm/sec. For capstan -drive record- UCX-II High Tech Turbo
ers. 1-9 tapes $3.49 each
TDK High -bias cassette tape.
Micro -60. 10 or more tapes $2.99 each MA-XG Metal -Alloy (Type IV) Cassette Tape 60 min $2.99
Metal bias: 70 -sec EQ 3 -layer RS -I1 vibration - 90 min $3.99
Minicassettes damping mechanism designed to eliminate sympa-
Mini -30. For rim -drive recorders such as Realis- thetic vibrations for reduced modulation noise. UFX-I High Tech Turbo
tic Minisette. 30 -min recording time. 1-9 MA-XG 90. 45 min each side $9.25 Ferric cassette tape with clear housing.
tapes S2.89 each MA-XG 60. 30 min each side $7 60 min $2.99
Mini -30. 10 or more tapes $2.49 each 90 min $3.99
MA -X Metal -Alloy (Type IV) Cassette Tape
Metal bias: 70 -sec EQ 2 -layer plastic mechanism; CX-!! Professional Tape
SCOTCH improved Finavinx formulation desinged for supe- High -bias cassette tape.
XSM IV Cassettes rior output level and wide dynamic range. 60 min $2.49
Fine metal magnetic particle formulation; delivers MA -X 90. 45 min each side $5 90 min S3.49
maximum output up to 10 dB better than typical MA -X 60. 30 min each side $4.25
oxide tapes and up to 7 dB greater than chrome FDX-I Professional Tape
tapes; low distortion, added high -frequency re- MA Metal -Alloy (Type IV) Cassette Tape Ferric cassette tape.
sponse. and improved S/N ratio. Metal bias: 70 -sec EQ Laboratory Standard 60 min $1.99
60 min S5.49 mechanism. 90 min $2.79
90 min S6.99 MA -90. 45 min each side $4
MA -60. 30 min each side $3.50 Extra Performance 11 Tape
XS II Cassettes High -bias cassette tape.
Features redeveloped premium grade formula with HX-S High -Bias (Type II) Cassette Tape 60 min $1.99
improved signal-to-noise ratio: less tape hiss. dual - Metal -particle tape for high -bias setting: Labora- 90 min $2.49
layer, cobalt -modified ferric oxide: for use with re- tory Standard mechanism.
corders in the chrome or 70 p.sec equalization posi- HX-S 90. 45 min each side 54.50 High Performance I Tape
tion: improved shell for critical mechanical perma- HX-S 60. 30 min each side $3.75 Ferric cassette tape with iron dioxide coating.
nence and 3 -head equipment. 60 min $1.59
60 min $2.99 SA-XG High -Bias (Type Cassette Tape 90 min $1.99
90 min $3.79 RS -II high-performance cassette mechanism: Su-
per Avilyn formulation.
CX Cassettes SA-XG 90. 45 min each side $9.25
Normal -bias ferric oxide cassette featuring im- SA-XG 60. 30 min each side $7
The listings are based on data
proved low frequency output and clarity. 6 -screw provided by the manufacturers. For
impact polymer shell houses an inner assembly SA -X High -Bias (Type II) Cassette Tape more product information, contact
with low -friction roller guides. 2 -layer shell: dual -coated Super-Avilyn formula- an authorized dealer or the
60 min $2.40 tion: 70 -sec EQ.
90 min $2.99 SA -X 90. 45 min each side $3.50
manufacturer directly. Manufacturers'
SA -X 60. 30 min each side $3 addresses and phone numbers are
BX Cassettes listed in the directory
Ferric -oxide formulation for all-purpose cassette SA High -Bias (Type II) Cassette Tape beginning on page 226.
use: polyester base. 5 -screw impact polymer shell Laboratory Standard Mechanism.


Note: Words in italics are defined else-
where in the glossary. moves in response to the stylus's mo-
by William Burton tion.
AC (alternating current): The current
that comes out of the power outlets in capstan: A rotating shaft in a tape re-
ers,and preamplifiers that can be corder that pulls the tape across the
American homes, which alternates used to connect source components
direction sixty times a second.
heads. The tape usually travels be-
such as a compact disc player or a tween the capstan and the pinch -
cassette deck but not turntables, roller. A dual -capstan machine has
acoustic -suspension: A type of infi- which require special phono inputs. two capstans; see
nite -baffle speaker closed -loop.
that uses the air
pressure inside a sealed speaker box balance: A control found on some re- capture ratio: An important specifica-
to control driver motion. It has no ceivers, integrated amplifiers, and pre- tion for an FM tuner, it indicates the
port or opening. amplifiers that changes the relative minimum ratio between the strengths
volume of the left and right channels. of two FM signals at the same fre-
AM (amplitude modulation): A band quency that enables the tuner to sup-
of radio frequencies that carries infor- band: A particular part of a frequency
mation by changing the strength of press the weaker signal by 30 dB.
spectrum. For example, a graphic Smaller numbers indicate better per-
the signal. Most AM broadcasts are in equalizer may divide the audio fre-
mono, but many stations are adding
quency spectrum into ten bands, with
equipment to broadcast stereo AM one control to adjust the relative vol- cartridge, or phono cartridge: A
programs. You must have an AM -ste- ume of each band. The AM and FM
reo tuner to receive them in stereo. small component mounted on the end
bands are distinct parts of the RF (ra- of the tonearm in a turntable, it holds
dio -frequency) spectrum. the stylus that fits in the record
amplifier: A separate component, or
a section built into an integrated groove and vibrates as the record
bass: The lower frequencies in the au- turns. The cartridge turns the vibra-
component, that makes the electrical dio spectrum, such as those produced
signal stronger (increases its ampli- tions of the stylus into a changing
by a string bass or bass guitar. An in- electrical current, or audio signal.
tude). A power amplifier must be con- strument producing bass tones vi-
nected to a preamplifier (or "control brates air more slowly than one pro-
amplifier") to switch and process the
CD video (CDV): A compact disc
ducing treble tones. that combines digital audio with vid-
sound. An integrated amplifier com-
bines power -amplifier and preamplifi- eo programs. CDV's are gold colored
bass -reflex: A type of speaker that to distinguish them from silvery au-
er functions in the same unit. A re- has an opening, called a vent or port, dio -only CD's.
ceiver adds an AM/FM tuner to the in- in its enclosure so that the sounds
tegrated -amplifier configuration. produced by the backward motion of channe: A distinct path for an audio
the bass driver(s) reinforce the signal. Stereo signals consist of two
analog: Audio equipment or record- sounds produced by the forward mo- channels, left and right, which are
ing media that operate with signals tion, which come out of the front. sent to left and right speakers (or
whose waveforms are directly analo-
gous to the sounds they represent; see headphones), respectively (see separa-
belt -drive: A method of rotating the tion). A surround -sound system adds
digital. platter of a turntable by means of a one or more additional channels, usu-
belt, usually made of rubber, that ally for the rear. Mono (or monopho-
automatic turntable: One that sets the connects the turntable's motor to the nic) signals have only one channel.
stylus onto a record to begin play and platter.
removes it at the end of play without
the user having to touch the tonearm. closed -loop: A drive system used in
bias: A very high frequency signal tape decks where the tape is pulled by
added to an audio signal being re- two capstans, one on either side of the
autoreverse: A feature of some cas- corded on tape to reduce distortion. heads, so the part of the tape being
sette decks that allows them to play Type I (normal or ferric) tape re-
or record both sides of a cassette played or recorded is held taut and is
quires less bias than Type II (chrome fully isolated from the hubs.
without the user having to turn it or chrome -equivalent) or Type IV
over manually. (metal) tape. compliance: A measurement of how
easily the stylus of a phono cartridge
(auxiliary): An input jack found cantilever: The rod or tube in a phono can be moved by the grooves of a
on some receivers, integrated amplifi- cartridge that holds the stylus and record. A high -compliance cartridge

Si Elm) Ri VI.RS (:unit.1988 221

has a more flexible stylus than a low - Dc (direct current): Electricity that during recording when the signal be-
compliance cartridge. flows in one direction only; see AC ing recorded already has a lot of high
(alternating current). frequencies. The effect is to allow
crossover (network): A circuit that high frequencies to be recorded at
divides lower frequency sounds from defeat: To bypass a signal -processing higher levels with less distortion.
higher -frequency sounds. Crossovers feature, removing it entirely from the
are used in speakers that have more circuit. Tone controls are sometimes Dolby Surround: A system developed
than one driver. In a two-way speaker accompanied by a tone -defeat switch, for movie theaters, now available in
system, for instance, the crossover which enables the user to eliminate add-on home components and in
sends the low frequencies to the woof- their effects without changing their some audio/video receivers, that adds
er and the high frequencies to the settings, allowing easy comparisons two more audio channels (center -
tweeter. Crossovers are also available of the sound with and without tone - front and rear) to the ordinary right
separately for use in more elaborate control modifications. and left stereo channels. To derive the
systems. extra channels, a surround -sound de-
digital: A digit is a number, and any- coder adds the left- and right -channel
crossover frequency: The frequency thing digital uses numbers in some signals together for the center -front
at which an audio signal will be sent way. A digital tuner may only use channel and subtracts them from
at equal levels to both outputs of a numbers on its front -panel display, or each other for the rear channel, usu-
crossover circuit. If the crossover is it may use digital -synthesis tuning ally sent to two rear speakers.
set at 1,000 Hz, say, a 1,000 -Hz signal circuits for improved reception. Com-
will appear in both outputs, usually pact discs contain a pattern repre- dubbing: The process of making a re-
at half the original level. senting a series of binary numbers cording of another recording. A dub-
(strings of ones and zeros); a CD bing cassette deck can record from
dB (decibel): The common unit of player turns these numbers into a one tape in one transport to another
volume (also called loudness or am- continuously changing current that in a second transport. Dubbing can
plitude) of sound or of an electrical represents the sound of the master re- be done with two single -transport
signal that represents sound. Techni- cording. Digital audio tape (DAT) re- decks or one dual -transport deck.
cally, a decibel is a measure of the ra- corders turn analog input signals into
tio between two power levels. When binary numbers and record these on dynamic range: The difference, in
sound -pressure level (sPL) is measured tape. For playback, the numbers are decibels (dB), between the softest and
in decibels, a whisper is about 40 dB read from the tape and converted the loudest possible sounds that a
and a jet engine about 120 dB. The back into an analog audio signal. component can produce. Higher
decibel scale is logarithmic, which numbers are better because they
means that an increase of 10 dB rep- dipole: A type of speaker that radiates mean the component can reproduce
resents a tenfold increase in power: it as much sound from its rear as from more of the full dynamics of recorded
takes ten times as much energy to its front. music played through it.
produce an SPL of 80 dB as one of 70
dB, even though 80 dB is subjectively dipole antenna: A type of antenna effective mass: A measurement of
only twice as loud as 70 dB. Doubling that receives radio broadcasts from how much a tonearm resists motion.
the power raises the SPL by about 3 two directions. A T-shaped folded di- Tonearms must move quickly to fol-
dB; cutting the power in half reduces pole antenna is often included with a low the groove of a record, and
the volume about 3 dB. Doubling or tuner or receiver. lighter tonearms usually do this bet-
halving the volume requires a change ter than heavy ones.
in SPL of about 10 dB. direct -drive: A method of rotating a
turntable platter by using the motor efficiency: The ratio of the energy put
dBf: One decibel referred to a stan- shaft as the platter spindle. into a component to the energy it
dard power level of one femtowatt produces. Usually specified for speak-
(one quadrillionth of a watt). distortion: An unwanted alteration in ers, an efficiency measurement can be
an audio signal; also see THD (total helpful in choosing the right amplifi-
dbx: Ordinarily, a noise -reduction sys- harmonic distortion) and noise. er for a particular speaker. Speaker
tem-more precisely known as dbx efficiency can range from a fraction
II-developed by the dbx company Dolby B and Dolby C: Noise -reduc- of 1 percent to as much as 10 percent
and used in some cassette decks. This tion (NR) systems designed and li- or more, but this indicates nothing
system reduces the dynamic range of censed by Dolby Laboratories for use about sound quality, only quantity of
the audio signal during recording, in consumer tape recorders. They acoustic energy for a given input
making the soft parts of the music work by making the high sounds soft- power. A more common way of spec-
louder and the loud parts softer. Dur- er during recording and louder dur- ifying speaker efficiency is sensitivity.
ing playback, the processing is re- ing playback. Dolby C is more effec-
versed, restoring the original dynamic tive than Dolby B, but Dolby B is electrostatic: Some speakers and
range and reducing the noise added more common. headphones use a method of produc-
by the tape. The dbx I system is used ing sound by moving a flat dia-
in professional studio tape recorders. Dolby HX Pro: A special circuit for phragm suspended in a high -voltage
Another type of dbx noise reduction tape recorders-the HX stands for electrostatic field.
is used in the MTS stereo -TV broad- headroom extension-that works by
casting system. lowering the amount of bias added EQ (equalization): The process of

222 STEREO BUYERS' (;1:11)F. 1988

changing the relative volume levels of Most people can hear notes as low as with the front wave, usually by plac-
different parts of the audio frequency about 20 Hz and as high as 15,000 or ing the driver in a sealed enclosure.
spectrum in order to compensate for 20,000 Hz. In terms of radio, fre- See acoustic -suspension.
losses or distortion at some stage of quency refers to the wavelength of
recording or reproduction. For in- the carrier signal of the station, such infrared: A part of the electromagnet-
stance, the output from speakers can as 88.1 MHz for an FM station or ic spectrum that is invisible to the hu-
be equalized to compensate for room 1,010 kHz for an AM station. man eye. Infrared frequencies are
acoustics. Phono signals require a spe- used by wireless remote controls to
cific type of playback equalization be- frequency balance: The relative vol- send signals to the components they
cause of the equalization built into ume of different parts of the audio control.
the process of cutting a record. frequency range, from low bass to
high treble. integrated amplifier: A component
equalizer: A component, or part of a that performs the functions of both a
component, that can be used to frequency response: This important preamplifier and a power amplifier.
equalize (see EQ) an audio signal re- specification indicates how evenly a
ceived from a source component by component reproduces different fre- isolation: The separation between a
dividing the signal into various sepa- quencies. A typical spec might be 20 structure and everything surrounding
rately adjustable bands. The most to 20,000 Hz ± 3 dB, which means t; usually used in reference to turnta-
common type is the graphic equaliz- that the component will reproduce ble tonearms and platters.
er, which derives its name from the sounds as low as 20 Hz and as high as
way its sliding controls make a rough 20,000 Hz, and all those in between, kHz (kilohertz): 1,000 Hz.
graph of the selected frequency not more than 3 dB too loud or too
changes on its front panel. soft. If a frequency -response specifi- LaserDisc: Pioneer's trademark for a
cation does not include a tolerance laser -read videodisc. Other types of
filter: A circuit that removes or at- (the plus -or -minus figure), it is essen- videodiscs are no longer available in
tenuates a specific part of an audio tially meaningless. the U.S. Because LaserDisc players
signal. A subsonic (or infrasonic) fil- are similar to compact disc players,
ter removes frequencies below the au- graphic equalizer: see equalizer. some combination units can play
dio range (below 20 Hz). Some cas- both kinds of discs and even the new
sette decks have MPX filters to remove head amp: see Mc (moving -coil). CD videos.
the 19,000 -Hz stereo pilot tone from
FM broadcasts. Tone controls and heads: The parts of a tape deck that LCD (liquid -crystal display): A type
equalizers are adjustable filters. impose a magnetic pattern on a tape of electronic readout that does not
(recording) or detect one that is al- generate its own light, therefore using
flutter: A wavering sound caused by ready there (playback). Most audio very little power.
quick changes in the speed of electro- decks also have another head for
mechanical components such as turn- erasing tapes, randomizing the mag- I.ED (light -emitting diode): An LED
tables and cassette decks. Expressed netic pattern on the tape so that a readout that produces its own light.
as a percentage of variation from the new one can be recorded. The heads
correct speed, flutter measurements of analog recorders are stationary, linear -tracking tonearm: A type of
are usually combined with wow mea- but those of digital audio tape (DAT) tonearm that moves in a straight line
surements in a single wow -and -flutter recorders rotate like the helical heads across the radius of a record; see piv-
(w&F) specification. Lower figures in videocassette recorders. oted tonearm.
are better.
HX Pro: see Dolby HX Pro. logic: In cassette decks, the ability to
FM (frequency modulation): A type of switch from one transport function,
radio broadcasting that carries audio Hz (hertz): The standard unit of fre- such as fast forward, to another, such
information by changing the frequen- quency, named after the German as rewind, without first pressing the
cy of the broadcast signal. An FM sta- physicist Heinrich Hertz. Measure- stop button; doing this in decks with-
tion with a center frequency of 88.1 ments in hertz represent cycles per out logic controls can damage the
MHz will actually broadcast a signal second, that is, changes away from a tape. In a surround -sound system,
that changes from slightly less than basic state and back again. In audio, logic circuits are used to process the
88.1 MHz to slightly more according the basic state is defined either as or- encoded signals correctly.
to the waveform being broadcast. dinary air pressure (without sound)
or its electrical equivalent (a zero -lev- matrix: Circuits in surround -sound
frequency: How often something vi- el signal). processors that can synthesize a rear
brates or changes. Sounds are vibra- channel for ambience even if the orig-
tions and can be represented by elec- impedance (imp): The measure, in inal recording consists only of left
trical signals that change at different ohms, of the total opposition (resis- and right stereo channels.
rates; a low-pitched sound is repre- tance and reactance) that a compo-
sented by a slowly changing current, nent has to electrical power. roc (moping -coil): A type of phono
while a high-pitched sound is repre- cartridge in which the magnets are
sented by a quickly changing current. infinite -baffle: A type of speaker stationary and the coils where the sig-
Frequency is measured in cycles per where the back wave produced by the nal is generated move in response to
second, or hertz (abbreviated Hz). driver is prevented from interfering the motions of the stylus in the record


groove. Some Mc cartridges produce ohm: The basic unit of impedance. a preamplifier and make it strong
very little current, and their output enough to drive speakers.
must be amplified to standard levels output level: A measure of how
by a "head amp" or pre -preamplifier strong a signal is produced by a com- preamplifier: A component that
before further processing by a phono- ponent, usually in relation to the switches and processes audio signals
preamplifier section. strength of the signal put into it. from source components. The only
amplification most preamplifiers do is
MHz (megahertz): One million Hz. oversampling: A digital filtering tech- of the low-level phono signals from
nique used in some compact disc turntables (more precisely, from pho-
midrange: The part of the audio fre- players. The 44.1 -kHz signal from the no cartridges), raising them to the
quency spectrum between the bass CD is sampled at some multiple of same level as signals from other
and the treble frequencies. The mid- that frequency (usually two or four source components (called "line lev-
range includes most voices and the times), which has the effect of raising el") and applying the necessary RIAA
fundamental tones produced by most the frequencies of any spurious sig- equalization.
musical instruments. nals created by the sampling process
well above the audio range. The spu- pre -preamplifier: see MC (moving -
Nim (moving magnet): The most com- rious signals can then be removed by coil).
mon type of phonograph cartridge. A an analog filter with a gentle slope,
moving -magnet cartridge has mag- which is said to cause fewer phase ir- preset: On a tuner or receiver, a mem-
nets attached to the interior end of its regularities than the sharp -cutoff fil- ory position where the frequency of a
cantilever. The stylus motion causes ter needed without oversampling. selected radio station can be entered
these magnets to move near coils of for instant recall.
wire, generating an electric current PCM (pulse -code modulation): A sys-
representing the audio signal. tem of recording that encodes an au- programming: Giving a component
dio signal in a series of binary num- instructions to carry out at a later
mono (or monophonic): An audio sig- bers (ones and zeros). Compact disc time. For instance, many compact
nal in which all the information is players, digital audio tape (DAT) disc players can be programmed to
combined in one channel; also, a decks, and digital signal processors play selected tracks in any order.
component that handles only one all use PCM encoding.
channel, such as a mono amplifier quartz -synthesis: see PLL.
(used in pairs for stereo programs). phono: Abbreviation for "phono-
graph"; used to refer to the low-level random access: The ability to go di-
MPX (multiplex): A method of com- signals produced by a phono cartridge rectly to any part of a recorded se-
bining two or more signals into one and to the phono input where a turn- quence without having to scan the in-
signal. Some tape decks have an MPX table is connected to a preamplifier, tervening sections.
filter that removes the 19,000 -Hz pi- integrated amplifier, or receiver. Pho-
lot tone from stereo FM broadcasts. no inputs use RCA connectors, some- RCA connector: The most common
times called phono plugs. kind of connector for home audio sys-
MTS (multichannel television sound): tems, using small, one -pin phono
The system devised by Zenith and pivoted tonearm: The most common plugs. The cables usually come in
dbx for stereo TV broadcasting in the type of tonearm, it swivels on a fixed pairs, with the right channel marked
United States. An MTS decoder, point so that the cartridge at its end in red and the left channel in black,
which may be built into an audio or can track the record groove from gray, or white.
video component, receives stereo edge to center along a shallow arc.
broadcasts and produces stereo sig- See linear -tracking tonearm. receiver: An audio component that
nals from them. See SAP. performs three basic functions: re-
PLL (phase -locked loop): A type of ceiving radio broadcasts, switching
mV (millivolt): One thousandth of a tuner circuit that improves reception and processing audio signals, and am-
volt. of radio broadcasts by locking the re- plifying the selected signal so it can
ceived frequency to a synthesized ref- drive speakers.
;As (microsecond): One millionth of a erence frequency, which is usually
second. generated by a quartz crystal. RF (radio frequency): The very high -
frequency signals used to broadcast
uN (microvolt): One millionth of a P -mount: A standardized type of pho- radio programs.
volt. no cartridge that can be plugged into
any P -mount tonearm without need RF1 (radio -frequency interference):
noise: An unwanted part of a pro- of adjustment or calibration. Noise created in audio systems by in-
cessed signal that is not related to the terference from strong, nearby radio
original signal. Audio noise usually port: An opening in a bass -reflex broadcasts.
sounds like hiss. speaker that allows the sound wave
from the back of a driver to reinforce RIAA: The Recording Industry As-
NR (noise reduction): One of several the sound wave from the front. sociation of America, which has set
systems designed to reduce the noise standards for the equalization used
added to an audio signal during re- power amplifier: A component that is on phonograph records. Every record
cording; see dbx and Dolby. designed to take an audio signal from has reduced bass and boosted treble,


and these characteristics must be signal: An electrical current that is disc player or phono cartridge to fol-
compensated for on playback by the modulated (changed) to represent in- low the pattern recorded on a CD or
phono preamplifier. formation. vinyl record.
rms (root mean square): A common s/N (signal-to-noise ratio): The dif- tracking error: In playing a record,
method of averaging power measure- ference in level, measured in decibels the tonearm should hold the cartridge
ments. (dB), between the loudest possible as perpendicular to the record's di-
signal a component can produce and ameter as possible. The amount of de-
rumble: A measurement of how much its residual noise. Higher numbers are grees off is the tracking error.
motor noise is transmitted through a better.
turntable to the cartridge. Lower
tracking force: The pressure of a sty-
numbers are better. source: The program signal that is be- lus on a record, usually measured in
ing recorded; also, components that grams.
SAP (separate audio program): A sep- provide program signals either by
arate mono channel that is broadcast playing a recorded program (turnta-
along with the two stereo channels in transport: The parts of a tape deck
bles, cassette decks, compact disc that move the tape, including the mo-
the mis system for stereo TV. The players, etc.) or receiving a broadcast tor(s), hubs, capstan(s), pinch-
SAP channel can be used for various program (tuners and receivers). roller(s), and other mechanisms.
purposes, such as providing an alter-
native soundtrack in a language dif- specification: A numerical measure- treble: The high part of the audio fre-
ferent from that used in the primary ment of a component's performance quency range; see bass and midrange.
channels. provided by the manufacturer.
scan: A tuner feature used to move tuner: A component that receives ra-
speaker (or loudspeaker): a compo- dio signals from an antenna and al-
quickly from one broadcast station to nent that takes audio signals from a lows the user to select a specific sta-
another, stopping on each frequency receiver or amplifier and converts tion from the signals received.
for a few seconds so the user can sam- them into sound waves.
ple it. On compact disc players, the turntable: Also known as a phono-
scan feature is used to move around SPL (sound -pressure level): A mea- graph or record player, a turntable
quickly within a track. sure of acoustic energy, usually en- rotates vinyl records at the appropri-
countered in the sensitivity rating of a ate speed; see cartridge and stylus.
selectivity (sel): A specification that speaker; see dB.
tells how well a tuner or receiver can tweeter: A driver in a speaker that is
differentiate between the selected stereo: The use of at least two sepa- designed to reproduce treble sounds
broadcast channel and other stations rate channels (signal paths) to create (high frequencies).
using nearby frequencies. Adjacent - the illusion that real music is being
channel selectivity (adj-ch sel) mea- produced in the space between, and vent: see port.
sures rejection of signals from sta- even beyond, a pair of speakers.
tions broadcasting on either side of volume: The measure, usually in deci-
the selected station; alternate -channel stylus: The needle -shaped material, bels (dB), of the strength of a sound -
selectivity (alt-ch sel) measures rejec- usually diamond, at the end of the wave of of an audio signal.
tion of signals from stations two cantilever of a phono cartridge that is
channels away from the desired one. vibrated by the groove on a record. W/ch (watts per channel): A specifi-
Higher numbers are better for both of cation that indicates how much pow-
these specifications. subwoofer: A separate speaker de- er an amplifier or receiver will deliver
signed to reproduce bass frequencies to each of a pair of speakers.
semiautomatic turntable: A type that only. Subwoofers sometimes contain
lifts the tonearm from the record an amplifier and a crossover network. W&F (wow -and -flutter): A combined
automatically at the end of the side, specification indicating the speed ac-
though the stylus must still be set into surround sound: see Dolby Surround. curacy of mechanical components
the lead-in groove by hand. such as turntables and cassette decks.
THD (total harmonic distortion): The Lower figures are better; see wow and
sensitivity (sens): A measurement of percentage of an audio signal that flutter.
speaker efficiency that tells how much consists of harmonics-multiples of
sound is produced 1 meter away from the fundamental frequencies-intro- woofer: A driver in a speaker de-
the speaker with an input of 2.83 duced by an amplifier or other com- signed to reproduce the low, or bass,
volts (1 watt into 8 ohms). Higher ponent in its handling of the original part of the audio frequency spectrum.
numbers are better. signal. Lower numbers are better.
wow: A measurement of slow speed
separation: The difference, measured tone controls: Volume controls that variations; usually combined with
in decibels (dB), between the left and affect only certain parts of the audio flutter, a measurement of fast speed
right channels of an audio signal, in- signal, usually the bass and treble,
dicating the amount of leakage be-
variations. Lower figures are better.
sometimes also the midrange.
tween channels in a component.
wrms (weighted root mean square):
Higher figures are better. tracking: The ability of a compact see rms.

STEREO BUYERS' Gum 1988 225

Accuphase by Madrigal
2081 S. Main St., P.O. Box 781
Troy. MI 48099
(800) 521-3832
XL,/ Nt
Conneaut, OH 44030-0120
Middletown, CT 06457 (216) 593-1111
(203) 346-0896 Allison Acoustics
7 Tech Circle ATC by Audio Ecstasy
Ace Audio Natick, MA 01760 231 Elwood Dr.
532 5th St. (617) 237-2670 Rochester, NY 14616
East Northport, NY 11731 (716) 865-9938
(516) 757-8990 Allsop
P.O. Box 23 Audio Control
Acoustat (Division of David Hailer Co.) Bellingham, WA 98227 6520 212th St.
3101 Southwest First Terrace (206) 734-9090 Lynnwood, WA 98046
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315-3380 (206) 775-8461
(305) 462-6700 Altec Lansing
Milford, PA 18337 Audio Design Associates
Acoustic Interface (717) 296-4434 602-610 Mamaroneck Ave.
P.O. Box 6632 White Plains, NY 10605
Santa Barbara, CA 93160 Ambria by Parasound (914) 946-9595
(805) 964-0247 945 Front St.
San Francisco, CA 94111 Audio Dynamics
Acoustic Research (415) 397-7100 71 Chapel St.
330 Turnpike St. Newton, MA 02195
Canton, MA 02021-2703 American Acoustics (Mitek Group) (617) 964-3210
(617) 821-2300 One Mitek Plaza
Winslow, IL 61809 Audio Pro by Sonic Research
ADC (Division of dbx) (815) 367-3000 180 Sunny Valley Rd.
71 Chapel St. New Milford, CT 06776
Newton, MA 02195 Andante by Sumiko (203) 354-9332
(617) 964-3210 P.O. Box 5046
Berkeley, CA 94705 Audionics
Adcom (415) 843-4500 P.O. Box 70
11 Elkins Rd. Heber City. UT 84032
E. Brunswick, NJ 08816 Apature (ACR Industries) (801) 654-4046
(201) 390-1130 RFD #1, Rt #2
Preston, CT 06360 Audio Research
a/d/s/ (Analog and Digital Systems) (203) 886-1562 6801 Shingle Creek Parkway
One Progress Way Minneapolis, MN 55430
Wilmington, MA 01887 Aphex Systems (612) 566-7570
(617) 658-8498 13340 Saticoy St.
W. Hollywood, CA 91605 AudioSource
Advent (division of International Jensen) (818) 765-2212 1185 Chess Dr.
4136 N. United Parkway Foster City, CA 94404
Schiller Park, IL 60176 Apogee Acoutics (415) 574-7585
(312) 671-5680 35 York Industrial Park
Randolph, MA 02368 Audio Technica
Aero (Acoustic Engineering And Research Orga- (617) 963-0124 1225 Commerce Dr.
nization) Stow, Ohio 44224
Baltimore Washington Industrial Park APT (216) 686-2600
8332 Bristol Ct. 176 Walker St.
Jessup, MD 20794 Lowell, MA 01854 Azden
(301) 953-3040; (800) 247-8600 (617) 458-7675 147 New Hyde Park Rd.
Franklin Square, NY 11010
Aiwa ARC (516) 328-7500
35 Oxford Dr. 2510 N. 47th St.
Moonachie, NJ 07074 Suite HH B&K Components
(201) 440-5220 Boulder, CO 80301 P.O. Box 331
(303) 442-8207 Orchard Park, NY 14127
Akai (716) 652-7650
225 Old New Brunswick Rd. Ariston Acoustics
Piscataway, NJ 08854 12 Rt. 17 North B&W Loudspeakers
(201) 562-8500 Suite 309 P.O. Box 653
Paramus, NJ 07652 Buffalo, NY 14240
AKG Acoustics (201) 845-9265 (416) 297-0595
77 Selleck St.
Stamford, CT 06902 Art Audio by OWI Bang & Olufsen
(203) 348-2121 1160 Mahalo Pl. 1150 Feehanville Dr.
Compton, CA 90220 Mount Prospect, IL 60056
Alaron (213) 638-4732 (316) 299-9380
185 Park St.
P.O. Box 550


BASF Cambridge Audio by Michael Baskin Co. Daaefurn
Crosby Dr. 4650 Arrow Highway, F4 425 Huehl Rd.
Bedford, MA 01730-1471 Montclair CA 91763 Building 3A
(617) 271-4000 (714) 625-5525 Northbrook, IL 60062
(312) 498-3090
Bead Amplifiers Canton
16220 Orange Ave. 254 First Ave. N. Daldquist
Paramount, CA 90723 Minneapolis, MN 55401-1690 601 Old Willets Path
(213) 531-6621 (612) 333-1150 Hauppauge, NY 11788
(516) 234-5757
Belles Research Carry Disc by Music and Sound Imports
P.O. Box 307 30 Snowflake Rd. Dayton Wright Group
A 1 Country Club Rd. Huntingdon, PA 19006 97 Newkirk Rd. N.
East Rochester, NY 14445 (215) 357-7858 Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada L4C 3G4
(716) 586-7300 (416) 884-8586
Carter -Craft
The David Bening Company 1916 11th St. dB Pbm Loudspeakers
11007 Candlelight Lane P.O. Box 5185 135 Torbay Rd.
Potomac, MD 20854 Rockford, IL 61101 Markham, Ontario, Canada
(301) 299-8970 (815) 397-3200 L3R 1G7
(416) 475-0050
B.E.S. (Bertagni Electroacoustic Systems) Carver
12753 Moore St. P.O. Box 1237 DB Systems
Cerritos, CA 90701 Lynnwood, WA 98046 Main St.
(800) 592-4644 (206) 775-1202 Rindge Center, NH 03461
(603) 899-5121
Beyer Dynamic Celestion
5-05 Bums Ave. Kuniholm Dr., Box 521 dbx (division of BSR)
Hicksville, NY 11801 Holliston, MA 01746 71 Chapel St.
(516) 935-8000 (617) 429-6706 Newton, MA 02195
(617) 964-3210
BIB Cello
P.O. Box 27682 315 Peck St., Bldg. 23 DCM
Denver, CO 80227 New Haven, CT 06513 670 Airport Blvd.
(303) 985-1565 (203) 865-1237 Ann Arbor, MI 48100
(313) 994-8481
Bose Cerwin Vega
The Mountain 555 E. Easy St. Dennesen by Sumiko
Framingham, MA 01701 Simi Valley, CA 93065 P.O. Box 5046
(617) 879-7330 (805) 584-9332
(415) 843-4500
Boston Acoustics Chapman Sound
247 Lynnfleld St. P.O. Box 18123 Dennesen Electrostatics
Peabody, MA 01960 Seattle, WA 98118 715 Hale St.
(617) 532-2111 (206) 526-8647 P.O. Box 51
Beverly, MA 01915
Boulder Amplifiers Conrad -Johnson (617) 927-2521
4850 Sterling Dr. 2800R Door Ave.
Boulder, CO 80301 Fairfax, VA 22031 Denon
(303) 449-8220 (703) 698-8581 222 New Rd.
Parsippany, NJ 07054
Borah Convergent Audio Technology (201) 575-7810
326 South St. 24 Falcon Dr.
New Britain, CT 06051-3721 West Henrietta, NY 14586 Design Acoustics
(718) 225-0555 (716) 359-2700 1225 Commerce Dr., Stow, OH 44224
(216) 686-2600
Bryston Vermont Counterfeet by Sumiko
RFD 4t4, Box 2255 P.O. Box 5046 Desktop Loudspeaker Systems
Montpelier, VT 05602 Berkeley, CA 94705 P.O. Box 3340, Rosedale Station, Kansas City
(802) 233-6159 (415) 843-4500 KS 66103
(816) 561-1878
BSM by Laser Audio Counterparts y Sumiko
5007 Chase Ave. P.O. Box 5046 D.G. Industries by IEE
Downers Grove, IL 60515 Berkeley, CA 94705 7740 Lemons Ave., Van Nuys, CA 91405
(800) 227-1800, (312) 852-1000 (415) 843-4500 (818) 787-0311
Buff Stuff Counterpoint Electronic Systems Digitrac by Ortofon
P.O. Box 43128 P.O. Box 12294 122 Dupont St., Plainview, NY 11803
Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 La Jolla, CA 92037 (516) 349-9180
(201) 746-4316 (619) 453-9090
Discrete Technology
Bush Industries Creek by Music Hall 2911 Oceanside Rd., Oceanside, NY 11572
One Mason Dr. 108 Station Rd. (516) 764-1121
P.O. Box 460 Great Neck, NY 11023
Jamestown, NY 14702-0460 (516) 487-3663 Disewasker
(800) 228 -BUSH, in NY (800) 248 -BUSH 4309 Transworld Rd., Schiller Park, IL 60176
CW & .1 Walker by Music and Sound Imports (312) 678-8650
Cairad 30 Snowflake Rd.
819 No. Highland Ave. Huntingdon, PA 19006 DNM by Music Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90038-3488 (215) 357-7858 108 Station Rd., Great Neck, NY 11023
(213) 465-2131 (516) 487-3663


Drake Fostex Image Loudspeakers
P.O. Box 112, Miamisburg, OH 45342 15431 Blackburn Ave., Norwalk, CA 90650 135 Torbay Rd.
(213) 921-1112 Markham, Ontario, Canada L3R 1G7
(513) 866-2421
(416) 475-0050
Dual by Ortofon Fried Products
122 Dupont St., Plainview, NY 11803 7616 City Line Ave., Phildelphia, PA 19151 Infinity Systems
(516) 349-9180 (215) 473-7474 9409 Owensmouth, Chatsworth, CA 91311
(818) 709-9400
Electrocompaniet by Music and Sound Imports Fuji Magnetic Products
30 Snowflake Rd., Huntingdon, PA 19006 555 Taxter Rd., Elmsford, NY 10523 Intraclean by American Recorder Technologies
(914) 789-8100 4505-2H Industrial St., P.O. Box 3592
(215) 357-7858
Simi Valley, CA 93063
General Electric (805) 527-9580
600 Cecil St., Buchanan, MI 49107 600 N. Sherman Dr.
(616) 695-6831 Indianopolis, IN 46206 Irish Magnetic Industries
(317) 267-5000 270-78 Newtown Rd., Plainview, NY 11803
(516) 293-5582
One Emerson Lane, N. Bergen, NJ 07047 Genesis Physics
(201) 854-6600 225 Heritage Ave., Portsmouth, NH 03801 Jadis by Madrigal
(603) 431-5530 2081 S. Main St., P.O. Box 781
Middletown, CT 06457
Eminent Technology
508 Cactus St., Tallahassee, FL 32301 Geneva (203) 346-0896
(904) 575-5655 7255 Flying Cloud Dr.
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 J. A. Michell by RMI
(612) 829-1724 2615 Jacaranda, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Energy Loudspeakers
135 Torbay Rd. (619) 944-6715
Markham, Ontario, Canada L3R 107 GNP Loudspeakers
(416) 475-0050 1244 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91106 Jamo
(818) 577-7767 425 Huehl Rd., Bldg 3A
Entre by Analog Excellence Northbrook, IL 60062
12021 Wilshire Blvd., No. 131 Goldbug Labs by RMI (312) 498-4648
W. Los Angeles, CA 90025 2615 Jacaranda, Carlsbad, CA 92008
(213) 453-6306 (619) 944-6715 JBL
240 Crossways Park W., Woodbury, NY 11797
Gold Sound (516) 496-3400
Epicure Products (EPI)
25 Hale St., Newburyport, MA 01950 P.O. Box 141, Englewood, CA 80110
(617) 462-1000 (303) 761-6483 Jecklin by Astatic
Conneaut, OH 44030-0120
Epoch by Stanton GoldStar (216) 593-1111
Terminal Dr., Plainview, NY 11803 1050 Wall St. West, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071
(201) 460-8870 Jensen
(516) 349-0235
4136 N. United Parkway
Epos by Music Hall Reuben Guss Enterprises Schiller Park, IL 60176
108 Station Rd., Great Neck, NY 11023 61 West 62nd St., New York, NY 10023 (312) 671-5680
(516) 487-3663 (212) 582-7781
JPW Loudspeakers
ESM by Energy Loudspeakers Hafler By Power Audio Distributors
5910 Crescent Blvd., Pennsauken, NJ 08109 4632 Cross Roads Park Dr.
135 Torbay Rd.
Markham, Ontario, Canada L3R 107 (609) 662-6355 Liverpool, NY 13088
(315) 451-5721
(416) 475-0050
Harman Kardon
240 Crossways Park West J.S. Engineering (JSE)
2575 El Presido St., Long Beach, CA 90810 Woodbury, NY 11797 519 E. Middle Turnpike
(516) 496-3400 Manchester, CT 06040
(213) 537-2037
(203) 643-2160
Euphonic Audio Hartley Products
R.D. #1, Oakwood Dr., New Egypt, NJ 08533 1200 N. 23rd St., Suite 105 JVC
Wilmington, NC 28405 41 Slater Dr., Elmwood Park, NJ 07407
(201) 929-2613
(919) 763-7422 (201) 794-3900
Fineline Distributing
P.O. Box 90, Londonderry, NH 03053-0090 Heco of America KEF
701 Heinz Ave., Berkeley, CA 94710 14120-K Sullyfield Circle, Chantilly, VA 22021
(603) 432-6716
(415) 548-4013 (703) 631-8810
21314 Lassen St., P.O. Box 2329 Heybrook by D'Ascanio Audio Kenwood
11450 Overseas Highway, Marathon, FL 33050 2201 E. Dominguez St., Long Beach, CA 90810
Chatsworth, CA 91311-1158
(818) 998-7322 (305) 743-7130 (213) 518-1700

Highphonic by Analog Excellence Kevek by RMI

Focus Speaker Systems 2615 Jacaranda, Carlsbad, CA 92008
1101 East Second St., Dayton, OH 45403 12021 Wilshire Blvd., No. 131
W. Los Angeles, CA 90025 (619) 944-6715
(513) 222-3946
(213) 453-6306
Kindel Audio
Forte Audio 3615 Presley Ave., Riverside, CA 92507
1955 Industrial Dr., Auburn, CA 95603 Hitachi
401 West Artesia Blvd., Compton, CA 90220 (714) 787-0662
(916) 888-0609
(213) 774-5151
Hunt by Music Hall 6029 Reseda Blvd., Tarzana, CA 91356
P.O. Box 70, Heber City, UT 84032
108 Station Rd., Great Neck, NY 11023 (818) 345-2851
(801) 654-4046
(516) 487-3663

228 STERF:() Btviits GUIDE 1988

Kinetic Audio Magnavox
P.O. Box 31075 Motif by Conrad -Johnson
1-40 and Straw Plains Pike, P.O. Box 6950 2800R Door Ave., Fairfax, VA 22031
Chicago, IL 60631 Knoxville, TN 37914
(312) 625-9322 (703. 698-8581
(615) 521-4316
Compact Disc Players. Pocket Stereo MTX Loudspeaker Systems (Mitek Group)
Suite L-105, 11140 Rockville Pike One Mitek Plaza, Winslow, IL 61809
Magnasphere by Magnet (815) 367-3000
Rockville, MD 20852 70 Atlantic Ave., Marblehead. MA 01945-3038
(301) 984-1791 (617) 639-1400 Music and Sound Imports
Kiseki by Sumiko 30 Snowflake Rd., Huntingdon, PA 19006
Magnepan (215) 357-7858
P.O. Box 5046, Berkeley, CA 94705 1645 Ninth St., White Bear Lake, MN 55110
(415) 843-4500 (612) 426-1645 Music Hall
Klipsch 108 Station Rd.. Great Neck, NY 11023
M & K (Miller & Kreisel Sound) (516)487-3663
P.O. Box 688, Hope, AR, 71801 10391 Jefferson Blvd., Culver City, CA 90230
(501) 777-6751 (213) 204-2854 NAD
Klyne Audio Arts 575 University Ave., P.O. Box 98
Marantz Norwood, MA 02062
828 7th Ave. S.E., Olympia, WA 98501 20525 Nordhoff St., Chatsworth, CA 91311
(206) 943-5420 (617) 762-0202
(818) 998-9333
Nady Systems
Koss Mark Levinson by Madrigal
4129 N. Port Washington Ave. 1145 65th St., Oakland, CA 94608
2081 S. Main St., P.O. Box 781 (415) 652-2411
Milwaukee, WI 53212 Middletown, CT 06457
(414) 964-5000 (203) 346-0896 Nakamichi
Kyocera 19701 S. Vermont Ave., Torrance, CA 90502
Martin -Logan (213) 538-8150
100 Randolph Rd., CN 6700 P.O. Box 741, Lawrence, KS 66044
Somerset, NJ 08873-1284 (913) 749-0133
(201) 560-0060
Namiki by Analog Excellence
12021 Wilshire Blvd., No. 131
Maxell W. Los Angeles, CA 90025
Laser Audio 60 Oxford Dr.. Moonachie, NJ 07074 (213) 453-6306
5007 Chase Ave., Downers Grove, IL 60515
(800) 227-1800, (312) 852-1000 McIntosh Laboratory NEC
2 Chambers St., Binghamton, NY 13903-2699 1255 Michael Dr., Wood Dale, IL 60191-1094
Laser by Swire Magnetics (607) 723-3512 (312) 360-9500
301 East Alondra Bolulevard
Gardena, CA 90248 Melos Audio
(213) 515-0494 Nikko Audio
723 Bound Brook Rd., Dunellen, NJ 08812 5830 S. Triangle Dr., Commerce, CA 90040
(201) 968-8771 (213) 721-4373
Laserline by Creative Point
44936 Osgood Rd., Fremont, CA 94539 Memorex by Memtek Products Niles Audio
(800) 323-8222, in CA: (415) 659-8222 P.O. Box 58118, Santa Clara, CA 95052-8118 12331 S.W. 130 St., Miami, FL 33186
(408) 559-2900 (305) 238-4373
Last Factory
2015 Research Dr., Livermore, CA 94550 Meridian by Madrigal Nitty C.3ritty
(415) 449-9449 2081 S. Main St., P.O. Box 781 4650 Arrow Highway. #F4
Middletown, CT 06457 Montclair, CA 91763
Lazarus Electronics (203) 346-0896 (714) 625-5525
701-03 Ivy St., Glendale, CA 91204
(818) 242-1215 Micro Seiki by Analog Excellence Nova Electro-Acoustics
12021 Wilshire Blvd., No. 131 P.O. Box 25488. Los Angeles, CA 90025
Lazer-Tech Speakers W. Los Angeles, CA 90025 (213) 477-7491
P.O. Box 28342, Spokane, WA 99228-8342 (213) 453-6306
(509) 467-9369
Novak Loudspeaker
Mirage Acoustics Merrits Island Rd.. Pine Island, NY 10969
Lebo 135 Torbay Rd. (914) 258-4363
60 West St., Bloomfield, NJ 07003-4998 Markham, Ontario, Canada L3R IG7
(201) 429-8600 (416) 475-0050 Ohm Acoustics
241 Taaffe PI., Brooklyn, NY 11205-9960
Mission (718) 783-1111
1556 3rd Ave., New York, NY 10128 5985 Atlantic Dr., Unit 6
(212) 722-0123 Mississauga, Ontario L4W 1S4 Onix by Music Hall
(416) 673-3777 108 Station Rd., Great Neck, NY 11023
Linn Products by Audiophile Systems
(516) 487-3663
8709 Castle Park Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46220 Mitsubishi
(317) 849-5880 5757 Plaza Dr., Cypress, CA 90630 Onkyo
(714) 220-2500 200 Wiliams Dr., Ramsey, NJ 07446
Logan Labs by Symdex Audio Systems (201) 825-7950
P.O. Box 8037, Boston, MA 02114 M. M. Newman
(617) 281-4447 148 Linden St., Suite 105, Wellesley, MA 02181 Ora Electronics
(617) 237-5860 20120 Plummer St., P.O. Box 4029
Luxman (Division of Alpine)
Chatsworth, CA 91313
19145 Gramercy PI., Torrance, CA 90501 Monster Cable (818) 701-5935
(213) 326-8000 101 Townsend St., San Francisco, CA 94107
(415) 777-1355 Oracle Audio
505 Industrial Blvd.
2081 S. Main St., P.O. Box 781 Morel Acoustics
Middletown, CT 06457 Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada JIL 1X7
414 Harvard St., Brookline, MA 02146 (819) 566-5566
(203) 346-0896 (617) 277-6663


Ortofon Indianapolis, IN 46201 Service Manufacturing
122 Dupont St., Plainview, NY 11803 (317) 267-5000 Hastings -on -Hudson, NY 10706
(516) 349-9180 (914) 478-4000
Realistic by Radio Shack
O'Sullivan Industries (Division of Tandy Corp.) Shahinian Acoustics
1900 Gulf St., Lamar, MO 64759 1700 One Tandy Center 33 A/B Cedarhurst Ave., Medford, NY 11763
(417) 682-3322 Fort Worth, TX 76102 (516) 736-0033
(817) 390-3300
Panasonic Sharp
One Panasonic Way, Secaucus, NJ 07094 Revolver by Music Hall Sharp Plaza, Mahwah, NJ 07430
(201) 348-7000 108 Station Rd., Great Neck, NY 11023 (201) 529-8200
(516) 487-3663
Parasound Sherwood
945 Front St., San Francisco, CA 94111 Revox 13845 Artesia Blvd., Cerritos, CA 90701
(415) 397-7100 1425 Elm Hill Pike, Nashville, TN 37210 (213) 926-6337
(615) 254-5651
Pentagram Shure
207-19 35th Ave., Bayside, NY 11361 Robertson Audio 222 Hartrey Ave., Evanston, IL 60202-3696
(718) 423-3923 P.O. Box 8449, Van Nuys, CA 91409 (312) 866-2200
(213) 994-9244
Perreaux by Signet Signet
4701 Hudson Dr., Stow, OH 44224 Rockustics 4701 Hudson Dr., Stow, OH 44224
(216) 688-9400 41 East Main St., Bay Shore, NY 11706 (216) 688-9400
(516) 665-6497
Phase Technology SME by Sumiko
6400 Youngerman Circle Roksan Engineering P.O. Box 5046, Berkeley, CA 94705
Jacksonville, FL 32244 P.O. Box 90482, Nashville, TN 37209 (415) 843-4500
(904) 777-0700 (615) 269-9925
Snell Acoustics
Philco Rotel 143 Essex St., Haverhill, MA 01830
1-40 and Straw Plains Pike, P.O. Box 6950 P.O. Box 653, Buffalo, NY 14240 (617) 373-6144
Knoxville, TN 37914 (416) 297-0595
(615) 521-4316 Sonab by AudioSource
Rowland Research 1185 Chess Dr., Foster City, CA 94404
Pickering 20-C Mountview Lane (415) 574-7585
Sunnyside Blvd., Plainview, NY 11803 Colorado Springs, CO 80907
(516) 349-0200 (303) 528-8388 Sonex by Illbruck
3800 Washington Ave. N.
Pinnacle SAC (Sound Accessories Corp.) Minneapolis, MN 55412-2197
517 Route 111, Hauppauge, NY 11788 6844 Vineland Ave., N. Hollywood, CA 91605 (612) 521-3555
(516) 360-9410 (818) 762-0619
Sonographe by Conrad -Johnson
Pioneer SAE 2800R Door Ave., Fairfax, VA 22031
2265 E. 220th St., Long Beach, CA 90810 P.O Box 60271, Terminal Annex (703) 698-8581
(213) 835-6177 Los Angeles, CA 90060
(213) 726-9999 Sonrise Cabinet Systems
Polk Audio 13622 NE 20th, Suite F, Bellevue, WA 98005
5601 Metro Dr., Baltimore, MD 21215 SAEC by Analog Excellence (206) 641-1900
(301) 358-3600 12021 Wilshire Blvd., No. 131
W. Los Angeles, CA 90025 Sonus by Sonic Research
Polydax (213) 453-6306 180 Sunny Valley Rd., New Milford, CT 06776
10 Upton Dr., Wilmington, MA 01887 (203) 354-9332
(617) 658-0700 Sansui Electronics
1250 Valley Brook Ave., Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 Sony
Premier by Sumiko (201) 460-9710 Sony Dr., Park Ridge, NJ 07646
P.O. Box 5046, Berkeley, CA 94705 (201) 765-3535
(415) 843-4500 Sanyo
1200 W. Artesia Blvd., Compton, CA 90220 Sots Industries
Proton (213) 537-5830 P.O. Box 7075, Berkeley, CA 94707
737 West Artesia Blvd., Compton, CA 90220 (415) 527-1649
(213) 638-5151 Scotch (3M Corp.)
Building 223-5, 3M Center Sound Associates
PSB Speakers St. Paul, MN 55144-1000 N65 W5730 Columbia Rd.
575 University Ave., Norwood, MA 02062 Cedarburg, WI 53012
(617) 762-0202 H.H. Scott (414) 377-0303
5601 Westside Ave., N. Bergen, NJ 07047
Quad (201) 662-2000 Soundcraftsmen
14120-K Sullyfield Circle, Chantilly, VA 22021 2200 S. Ritchey St., Santa Ana, CA 92705
(703) 631-8618 SDM by Sound Dynamics (714) 556-6191
135 Torbay Rd.
Quasar Markham, Ontario, Canada L3R 1G7 Soundesign
1325 Pratt Blvd., Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 (416) 475-0050 Harborside Financial Center, Plaza Two
(312) 228-6366 34 Exchange Pl., Jersey City, NJ 07302
Sears, Roebuck and Co. (201) 434-1050
Quicksilver Audio Sears Tower, 40-15, Chicago, IL 60684
6301 Herndon PI., Stockton, CA 95209 (312) 875-8322 Sound Dynamics
(209) 462-7711 135 Torbay Rd.
Sennheiser Markham, Ontario, Canada L3R IG7
RCA 6 Vista Dr., P.O. Box 987 (416) 475-0050
600 N. Sherman Dr., P.O. Box 1976 Old Lyme, CT 06371
(203) 434-9190


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L 1-800-972-5858
Souther Engineering Thiel Audio
INDEX To ADVERTISERS 429 York St., Canton, MA 02021 1042 Nandino Blvd., Lexington, KY 40511
(617) 828-5050 (606) 254-9427
Spectrum Loudspeakers Thorens by EPI
29 Acoustic Research . . . . 53, 137, 169 1021 Nevada St., Toledo, OH 43605 25 Hale St., Newburyport, MA 01950
30 Advent 25 (419) 698-4488 (617) 462-1000
- AKAI 22.23
3D Acoustics
- AKG Acoustics 183 Spica
16.17 1601 Paseo de Peralta, Santa Fe, NM 87501 601 Old Willets Path, Hauppauge, NY 11788
80 Altec Lansing (516) 234-5757
(505) 982-1894
- Audio Products International
84 DBL 11
Stanton Threshold
81 ESM 15
Terminal Dr., Plainview, NY 11803 1945 Industrial Dr., Auburn, CA 95603
85 Energy 13 (516) 349-0235 (916) 888-0600
45 SPL 9
61 Audio Research 59.60 Stax Kogyo Toshiba
187 940 E. Dominguez St., Carson, CA 90746 82 Totowa Rd., Wayne, NJ 07470
57 Azden Corp.
(213) 538-5878 (201) 628-8000

87 Beyer Dynamic 185 Trackmate

Stillwater Designs
1210 South Main, Stillwater, OK 74074 Unit 21 Central Block, IDA Enterprise Center
18 Carver Corp. 46-47 (405) 624-8510 E. Wall Rd., Dublin 3, Ireland
- CBS Compact Disc Club 81
Triad Design
82 Cerwin Vega 51 Straight Wire
1909 Harrison St., Suite 208 P.O. Box 99, Fairview, OR 97024
- Custom Woodwork & Design/ Hollywood, FL 33020 (503) 666-3666
CWD 205
(305) 925-2470
77 Dahlquist, Inc. 147 Systemdek 7067 Vineland Ave., N. Hollywood, CA 91605
12 Denon America, Inc 57 B-19 Abbington Dr., East Windsor, NJ 08520 (818) 764-1120
20 Design Acoustics 149 (609) 448-7752
Ultralinear by ESS
10 Discwasher 207
Sumiko 2575 El Presido St., Long Beach, CA 90810
90 Dual 91
P.O. Box 5046, Berkeley, CA 94705 (213) 537-2037
(415) 843-4500
74 Electronic Wholesalers 77 Vandersteen Audio
Sumo Products 116 W. 4th St., Hanford, CA 93230
21300 Superior St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 (209) 582-0324
- Harman Kardon 170.171
(818) 407-2427
Vector Research
- Illinois Audio 125 Sylvania 1230 Calle Suerte, Camarillo, CA 93010
1-40 and Straw Plains Pike, P.O. Box 6950 (805) 987-1312
89 Jamo 155 Knoxville, TN 37914
(615) 521-4316 Velodyne
2665 Scott Blvd., Santa Clara, CA 95050
37 Klipsch 157 (800) VELODYNE, (408) 748-1077
Symdex Audio Systems
73 Koss Corporation 55 P.O. Box 8037, Boston, MA 02114
(617) 281-4447 Visa by Interworld Electronics
Lineage Corporation 63 9920 N.W. 12th St., Miami, FL 33172
4-5 Synthesis by Conrad -Johnson (305) 592-9506
38 Luxman
2800R Door Ave., Fairfax, VA 22031
(703) 698-8581 Vogel's by TEI Electronics
39 Magnepan 159 570 W. 18th St., Hialeah, FL 33010
50 Mission Electronics 160 Talwar (800) 327-8811
62 Mitek 165 311 West Point Terrace
W. Hartford, CT 06107 Wharfedale by Hybrit International
3 (203) 521-2263 P.O. Box 2146, Peekskill, NY 10566-2146
47 Nakamichi (914) 739-6267
88 Nationwide Electronics 93
122 Dupont St., Plainview, NY 11803 Wingate Audio
- Onkyo USA Corp 45 (516) 349-9206 20 Sunnyside Ave., Suite A-194
60 O'Sullivan Industries 208 Mill Valley, CA 94941
Tannoy (415) 381-5018
Perreaux 64 300 Gage Ave., Unit I
83 Wolcott Audio Research
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2M 2C8
70 Pioneer Electronics 27-42 2250 N. Bigelow Ave., Simi Valley, CA 93065
(519) 745-1158
24 Polk Audio Cov.2-pg. 1 (805) 527-8842
- RCA Music Service 67 12 Harbor Park Dr. Yale Audio
Port Washington, NY 11050 2702 Azeele St., Tampa, FL 33609
(516) 625-0100 (813) 876-6789
78 Sansui Electronics Corp. . . . Cov. 3
19 Sherwood Electronics Lab 49 Yamaha
1 Signet 177 7733 Telegraph Rd., Montebello, CA 90640 6660 Orangethorpe Ave.
(213) 726-0303 Buena Park, CA 90620
- TDK Electronics Corp. . . . Cov. 4 (714) 522-9105
66 Teac Corporation of America . . . 21 Technics
One Panasonic Way, Secaucus, NJ 07094 Zeta by RMI
(201) 348-7000 2615 Jacaranda, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Wisconsin Discount Stereo . . . . 107 (619) 944-6715


Pure Artistry.
Sansui makes music an art form with finely crafted receivers that deliver crystal clear sound.
Our S -X1200 produces 120 watts* of pure power, with a toroidal transformer
to provide low -impedance driving capability. A transient enhancer adds
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Other quality features include station scan, continuously variable loudness control,
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You'll find many of the same qualities in three other models: S -X900, S -X700, and S -X500.
So select the Sansui receiver to fit your lifestyle and experience pure artistry in sound.

Sansui Electronics Corp PO Box 625, Lync hurst 'L. 07071 (201) 460-9710 SANSUI

22M-211111111112IMO 22C22/22
S -X1200

o TIP0

e S

'20 watts per channel. mm RMS. both channels driven into CIRCLE NC. 78 ON READER SERVICE CARD CRYSTAL br, EACCAIRAT
a ohms hom 20 to 20.000 Hz with no more than 0 018% THD

TYPE I (Normal Position.) TYPE II (High Position) TYPE IV (Metal Position)

AD -X Ycu'll get exceptional sound SA-XG This is the ult mate Type II per- MA-XG Capture the fuli dynamics of
throughout the entire frequency range former that meets or exceeds professional digitally -sourced material on MA-XG. The
with the first normal -bias Avilyn formula- recording standards. A superior RS -II ultimate metal tape features TDK's new
tion designed for wider dynamic range three -layer mechanism, plus TDK's exclu- three -layer RS -II vibration dampening
with superior MOL. Record on home sive dual coated Super Avilyn formulation mechanism, which virtually eliminates
components. make it the world's quietest tape, in any vibration-delivering the purest, clearest
AD -S For cleaner, sharper sound AD -S class. Perfect for all professional and sound. Record on high -end metal com-
delivers wider dynamic range with lower high -end home equipment recording. patible decks.
tape noise. A special rigid plastic C-Thru'" HX-S When you want extended dynamic MA -X Our Super Finavinx metal tape
mechansim provides resonance control range and digital capability. HX-S is the formulation and new DLM (Dual Layer
for clear undistorted recordings. Record premier metal particle tape to use. Record Mechanism), which virtually eliminates
on home component systems, integrated on home component systems. vibration, allows MA -X to deliver a richer,
systems. SA -X The world's quietest tape formula- wider dynamic range with clearer sound.
AD Hot high -end performance is the tion-a dual coating of Super Avilyn-plus Record on all metal compatible decks.
earmark of AD. Linear ferric oxide parti- a unique DLM (Dual Layer Mechanism) MA Superior sound reproduction with
cles for smooth, natural reproduction delivers improved frequency response super -wide dynamic range are the charac-
provide for extreme sensitivity and wider with virtually no noise. Record on home teristics of MA. It delivers true metal tape
dynamic range. For use with rack systems component systems, high -end portables. performance at an affordable price. Great
and auto decks. SA Greater dynamic range and high for digitally sourced music, too. Record on
D When you want premium performance energy sound have made SA the world's all metal compatible decks.
at an economical price, TDK D cassettes most popular high bias cassette. Record
deliver. Available in the widest assortment
of lengths. Record on home tape deck
systems or battery powered portables.
on home component systems, boom
boxes and other portables.
TDK is the world's leading manufacturer of audio 8, video cassettes and floppy disk products 1987 TDK Electronics Corp

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