Electric Power Systems Design The Nec and The Iec Approach
Electric Power Systems Design The Nec and The Iec Approach
Electric Power Systems Design The Nec and The Iec Approach
M. K. Sanders
Member, IEEE
TECo., Inc.
206 S E Eastlawn Drive. Ankeny, Iowa 50021-3402
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to compare the techniques to make the comparison somewhat systematic, a project was chosen
and results obtained when a general industrial or commercial and designed using the NEC approach (i.e.both the NEC standards
building power electrical system is prepared using the United and practices) in order to establish a common base. The same project
States National Electrical Codee (NEC") and the International was then designed based on the IEC standards.
Electrotecnical Commission (IEC) Standards. The final design The circuit which will be analyzed (Fig.1) begins with a 1000 kVA
offer the reader the possibility of making an initial comparison transformer operating at 13.2 kV10.480 kV, and 4.8% impedance.
and analyzation of the two methods based of their overall
effectiveness (sizing, protection, co-ordination of protective Table I1
devices with components etc.), safety and cost. In order to make Typical transformer short-circuit voltage
such a comparison a specific example was developed and limited
in detail to avoid complexity in this study. The power source
I Rated Power I Short-circuit Voltage I
[kV'41 [%I
selected will be a delta-wye utility supplied transformer feeding
various load groups such as lighting and motor circuits (possibly from 63 1 to 1250
through associated transformers). Relevant NE Code references, from 1251 to 3150
IEC standards, and appropriate justifications will be made at from 3 15 1 to 6300 7.15
various points. Since this paper is for comparison purpose only,
from 6301 to 12500 8.35
arbitrary values were selected to illustrate various concepts. In a
"real life" design, guigance from the Color Book series of the
from 12501 to 25000 I 10.0
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), is from 25001 to 200000 I 12.5
strongly recommended.
Through underground laterals from the transformer, these service
I. INTRODUCTION entrance cables supply a main electrical contained within the
customers building. This switchboard in turn supplies various other
In order to make a comparison between the North American NEC [I] circuits of which only two will be studied. The first of these, a motor
approach and the IEC approach a specific project using arbitrary branch circuit, feeds a 200 hp (150 kW) 460 Volt 3-phase design B
values has been selected as a case study. A comparison based on a motor. The second, a feeder, supplies a customer owned delta-wye
complete project cannot be made in a single paper due to it's obvious lighting transformer rated at 150 kVA, 0.480kV/0.208 kV, and 5.2%
complexity. A fundamental difficulty in this study is the fact that the impedance. The IEC example will use the same configuration.
NEC design will incorporate North American standards (i.e. voltage 150 k V A
levels, conductor cross-sections, type of cable insulation's etc.) and 13.2kV10.48kV
practices while the European design will incorporate the respective z = 4.8%
1000 kVA
European standards and practices, as i.e. Table I shows normalised 13.2kV10.48kV
2 = 4.8% I
Low Voltage levels [2], and Table I1 shows typical transformer
short-circuit voltage [3]. In other words, the parameters of the design Transformer Feeder
are not only the text-based standards, but also the practices in which Circuit
Fig. 1 Circuit to be Analyzed
round up because the actual calculated value is not listed, the next 180 Ax2.50 = 450 A (16)
standard size 450 A can be selected.
The EGC would be No. 3 AWG for the 400 A rating or No. 2 AWG with 600 kcmil XHHW per phase and No. 2 AWG EGC in a 3 inch
for the 450 A rating. (Seotion 250-95) raceway. Taking advantage of the tap rule in Section 240-21(d), they
Using an inverse time circuit breaker (CB), it would be: will be reduced to No. 410 AWG XHHW and still provide for
continuous current flow through the transformer. A minimum No. 2
2.50x240A=600A (12) AWG EGC would still be necessary but the raceway can be reduced
to 2 inch.
Since Section 240-6 lists this as a standard rating, rounding up is not The secondary side protection could be:
initially permitted.
The EGC conductor would be increased to No. 1 AWG. 4 16 A x 1.25 = 520 A, rounded up to 600 A (17)
The minimum raceway size would be:
Although there are no secondary conductors, based upon the
350 kcmil XHHW: 0.5166 x 3 = 1.5498 Sq. In. equivalent minimum of two 300 kcmil XHHW conductors paralleled
No.3 AWGXHHW: 0.0962 x 1 = 0.0962 Sq. In. per phase for 570 A capacity, the GEC would be no less than No. 1/0
AWG bare, covered, or insulated and provided with mechanical
Total: 1.6460 Sq. In. (13) protection of 112 inch rigid PVC conduit schedule 40.
The total would be 1.6644 with a No. 2 AWG and 1.7032 with a No.
1 AWG, still permitting the 2-112 inch EMT to be selected.
Part E contains Sections 430-61 through 430-63. Since the branch
circuit originates at the service entrance location, no feeder circuit
450 A 2 inch Raceway Lighting 600 A
exists. 4/0 AWG XHHW Transformer
Part G contains Sections 430-81 through 430-91, and Section 430-83 No. 2 AWG GEC
states the minimum selection criteria for horsepower and voltage
ratings. Fig. 3 - Transformer Feeder Circuit
Part I contains Sections 430-101 through 430-1 13, with Section 430-
109 covering the types of disconnects. Section 430-1 10 covers the 111. IEC APPROACH
minimum ampere rating and interrupting capacity, but the
overcurrent calculation from Section 430-52 is larger than required As a reference Table 111 shows Cross section conversion between
by this Section and is used instead. AWGMCM and mm'.
Our motor branch circuit will now be:
Muximum Cable Temperatures. In the NEC example the maximum
r-7 allowable temperature for conductors carrying over 100 A was
designated as being 75"C, according to Table IV it is to be no greater
than 90°C. With the IEC no such direct correspondencs exists
400 A TD fuse 2-1/2 inch Raceway See Part C 240 A between the steady-state current and the type of conductor to be
350 kcmii XHHW Overloads 200 hp used.
No. 3 AWG EGC (150 kW) Of greater importance is the let-through energy during a short-
or 450A TD fuse or 350 kcmil XHHW
circuit, the ambient conditions and potential physical hazards. The
or 600ACB 350 kcmil XHHW most critical of these considerations is the short-circuit event,
No. 1 AWGEGC specifically the amount of energy let-through. Normally the
maximum value of the let-through energy corresponds to the
Fig. 2 - Motor Branch Circuit maximum short-circuit value when circuit breaker are used, while to
to the minimum short-circuit value when fuses are used. The
C. Transformer Feeder Circuit goveming equation used when studying the let-through energy of the
protection deviceicable system is:
This feeder will supply a customer-owned delta-wye lighting
transformer rated at 150 kVA, 0.80kVi0.208 kV, and 5.2% 1 2 x t = K 2 x S2 (18)
impedance. The conductors will be installed in surface-mounted where:
(EMT) which will run approximately 25 feet to the transformer I* x t is the energy let-through by the protection device (I = the
located at the lighting panel. short-circuit current, t=the amount of time required before
the protection device fully breaks the circuit);
I = 150,0OOVA/(d3 x 4 8 O V ) = 180Aprimary (14) K2 x S2 is the amount of energy whicht the cable is able to absorb
without damage (K=cable constant, S=cross-sectional area of
I = I50,000VA/(d3 x208V)=416Asecondary (15) the cable).
The value of K depends on the type of conductor (Cu or AI), the type
Section 450-3(b)(2) and Exception covers primaly and secondary of insulation used and the initial and final temperatures of the cable
protection and Section 384-16(d) requires the panelboard protection before and after the short circuit, see Table IV. An equation is given
to be on the secondary side. in the IEC standards [4].
The transformer primary side protection and circuit could be up to: About the size of the conductor following the requirement (1 8), and
assuming the actual value of 12t the minimum value of cross section
is calculated by:
The resulting short-circuit current on the low voltage side is 48 kA,
maximum value, and 24 kA minimum value. The impedance given
by the cable length is considered negligible and therefore this current
level is found in it’s entirety at the fault point.
Next we must calculate the contribution presented by the motor
AWG Computed Advised AWG Computed Advised branch circuit [SI. The characteristic current of this branch is
MCM conversion cross- MCM conversion cross- calculated based on the motor size; motor efficiency (0.93); power
[mm21 section [mm21 section factor (0.89), and operating voltage.
[mdl [mm21 The following calculations have all been performed using the same
18 0.82 1 310 85.0 95 load characteristics as was used in the NEC example.
16 1.31 1.5 410 107.2 120 The short circuit calculation for the motor branch revealed that a
14 2.08 2.5 250 126.7 120 maximum current of 1144 A will originate at the motor terminals.
12 3.13 4 300 152.0 150 The impedance offered by the conductor from the motor to the panel
will reduce this current to 1134 A.
The maximum value of the total current which the lighting branch
must now sustain becomes 49.1 kA.
conductor or neutral (S,) must be as large as one phase conductor required. resize the cable based on the short-circuit current as done
(Spy) for cables up to 16 mm2. For cables between 16 mm2 and 35 above (characteristic currents) and choose the larger of the two sizes.
mm the grounding and grounded cables must be 16 mm2. For all
cables greater than 16 mm2 it must only be one half the conductor Feeder Protection. The Feeder will be protected using a type aM
area: fuse I, = 250 A. This is a dual-time fuse which gives us a maximum
protection of 250 A and a maximum starting current of 1000 A. S, =
s,= s,,/2 (24) 120 mm2 conductors will be used for the feeder.
The IEC states that the short circuit protection device has to be
A. Service Entrance Circuit upstream of the conductor and that the thermal protection may
instead be downstream. A frequent arrangement would be to initially
Conductor Selection. The corresponding cable type for the XHHW have a fuse floowed by the contactors, overload protection and
used previously is cable type G7 (XLPE). In normal practice this is protection against loss of a phase. The duty type of the motor,
the type of cable which would be initially selected. Section 1 chapter whether it is AC or DC etc.; all play a part in determining the system
1 of the IEC [I21 states that references must be made to the design. The IEC determines that four cases exist for AC motors
manufacturers recommendations for cable ampacities and for (AC 1 to AC4) and five for DC motors (DC 1 to DC5). For this case a
reductions in such due to burial depths etc. continuous duty AC motor (as used in the NEC approach) will be
Considering the (21), the current for which the cables must be considered.
designed for is: If instead of the dual-time fuse an instantaneous fuse were to be used
the maximum allowable current which could be used would be
I,? 1.1 x2500Ac2759A (25) increased to 250% of the nominal value:
An initial selection of SL= 400 mm2 cable is made. The ampacity of In = 630 A 2.5 x 240 = 600 A (31)
this cable when installed in duct bank at a depth of 0.8 m in soil
having a thermal resistivity of Rho=lOO"C cmrMi is 562 A. This About the size of the conductor following the requirement ( 1 8), and
ampacity is reduced by 5% for each additional metre below grade. A assuming 12tequal to IO6 A's for a 250 A fuse corresponding to 21.5
total depth of 1.8m will be used which corresponds adequately kA minimum value of short-circuit current, and considering K=143,
enough with the 6 ft. used in the NEC calculations. This reduction the minimum value of cross section S,, is:
gives us a total per cable ampacity of:
s 2 sSc= d( lo6 / 1 4 3 ~=) 7 mm2 (32)
562 x 0.95 A= 534 A (26)
By going with the dual time fuse the total voltage drop in the feeder
Additional conductors are necessary all of which will be placed line is calculated using the equation (23).
alongside each other at a distance of 7 cm. from each other. This The reactive voltage drop is considered to be negligible in this case
grouping of the conductors leads to further reductions in the and therfore will not be considered. By using this equation the total
ampacity which results from the reduction in heat dissipation. After voltage drop becomes:
some iterations it was found that a total of 9 conductors are
necessary to cany a load. This was determined bearing in mind that a 240A x 60m
AV = = 2.67V (33)
30% reduction in ampacity must be accounted for due to the close 4 5 x 120
proximity of the cables. The ampacity of the cables became:
Therfore our value of AVN is 1 YO
534 x 0.58 A = 309.7 A (27)
S 2 Ssc = d( 5.5*1OS I 143') = 5.2 mm' (37) S, = s,= SO mm2. > s,, I 2 = 95 1 2
The voltage drop calculation has not been performed in this case