Huss221107023 Inam Hussain
Huss221107023 Inam Hussain
Huss221107023 Inam Hussain
Muammad Zafar
Roll No :- HUSS221107023
PRESENTED BY :- Inam Hussain
Class :- Bs-IRRE-4
Course :- Foreign Policy Analysis
Foreign policy is influenced by various factors such as domestic considerations, the behavior of other
states, and geopolitical strategies. Foreign policymakers have many tools at their disposal, which
generally fall into three broad categories: political, economic, and military. Some tools of foreign policy
include: Diplomacy, Trade policy, Economic sanctions, Arms control, and Intelligence.
Foreign policymaking can be more effective when it is internationally coordinated within the appropriate
time frame and procedures.
Pakistan’s foreign policy can be understood with respect to three impulses: the normative, statist, and structural. First, the normative impul
se is a constitutive element of the Pakistani nation-state project, including ideological and self-definitional tropes such as culture, values, re
ligion, and history based on its Islamic identity. The key question is to what extent Pakistan’s Islamic identity provides explanations for its f
oreign policy when international relations literature considers the national interest a more reliable predictor of foreign policy than identity
or ideology.
Theoretically, it is the Parliament of the Islamic State of Pakistan that is the supreme policy-making institution, i
ncluding the formulation of the foreign policy of the country.
Although the Parliament is the supreme policy-making authority in the country, in actual practice, it is the cabine
t, headed by the duly elected chief executive i.e., Prime Minister or the President, which formulates the foreign
policy. The Constitution requires that all-important foreign policy decisions ultimately must be taken by the cabin
Foreign Office:
Normally, any foreign policy proposal would be initiated by the Ministry of Foreign affairs which is the focal point
for the initiation of all proposals relating to the foreign affairs of a country. However, there may be cases where a
ny issue relating to any ministry has foreign policy implications.
Armed Forces:
All over the world, armed forces play an extremely crucial role in the making of the foreign policy of any country
for obvious reasons. However, in the case of Pakistan, they play the dominant role. There are multiple reasons fo
r the larger-than-life role played by Pakistan’s armed forces in the political governance of the country,
Non-state Institutions
Although foreign policy formulation is a very structured process involving formal institutions of the country, thre
e non-state institutions provide important inputs in this process. These are the think tanks, media, and civil socie
ty organizations. Think tanks and research institutes play an extremely useful role in any country’s formulation of
policies by providing an independent assessment of the ground realities as well as recommending a course of act
Foreign Policy Making in India falls under the jurisdiction of the Union or Central Government of India. Li
ke any other country, India's foreign policy expands its sphere of influence, strengthens its role across na
tions, and makes its presence feel like an emerging force. The Prime Minister of India and the Ministry of
External Affairs also have an important role in determining Foreign Policy Making in India.Due to the com
plicated global economic scenario, it becomes important to understand the Foreign Policy Making in India.
We have shared the process of policymaking, along with details about the role of the Parliament in policy
making in India here.
Here are the details of everyone involved in the process of foreign policy making in India:
Prime Minister
Government Agencies
Political Parties and other interest groups
Since India has been a functioning democracy, non-government stakeholders have begun to play a mo
re significant role.
The administration has also launched a public diplomacy apparatus to gather public support for its for
eign policy initiatives both at home and abroad.
In addition, the development of a new type of information and communication technology has resulte
d in substantial changes in how foreign policy making in India is created and carried out.
Mutual respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of each other
Equality and mutual benefit
Non-aggression pact
Peaceful coexistence
China’s foreign policy must rely on opaque and behind-the-scenes coordination organs to work through a large
number of bureaucratic agencies of the state, party, and military, whose primary roles are information gatherin
g and the implementation and recommendation of policy. In addition, some new players, such as think tanks, m
edia, local governments, and transnational corporations, have played a variety of roles to influence China’s fore
ign policy. This chapter examines the evolving role of the paramount leader, the foreign policy coordination and
elaboration organs, the bureaucracies, and the new players in the making and transformation of China’s foreign
Almost all members of the bodies charged with implementing any policy are first and foremost members of th
e CPC. The Party's power is paramount. The Party's highest body ranks higher than the highest State body's ran
k; the Party outranks all sectors of the State, including government departments; the Party controls the use of
force through the People's Liberation Army (PLA), which is an armed wing of the Party rather than a conventio
nal state army, and the Party controls the consultative mechanisms of the state, which are designed to reflect
popular opinion.
2 The Rule-Makers
The Communist Party of China and the Government of the People's Republic of China have separate decision-
making structures although some entities overlap in function, authority and even personnel. Therefore, within
the formal Chinese political system, decisions are made along dual tracks: the Party track and the State track. F
rom the point of view of understanding how the political system works, there are three major coordination bo
dies of interest: one within the Party and two within the State.
All foreign policy actors claim to operate in the name of China's national interests—and thus almost all actions
can be justified. The Ministry of Commerce promotes China's prosperity; the People's Liberation Army defends
China's sovereignty; the oil companies ensure China's energy security; local governments raise living standards;
netizens uphold China's dignity, and so on. When this is combined with the natural bureaucratic instinct of ensu
ring sufficient resources for one's department, conflations of interest can emerge. For example, the PLA is pron
e to exaggerate the tensions over maritime interests to ensure sufficient funding for new vessels and aircraft; a
nd in doing so, it is likely to find a natural ally in the one or more of the national oil companies aspiring to explo
re resources in contested waters.
United States of America
The Senate
The framers, suspicious of executive power, regarded Congress as the most “democratic” of the three bra
nches. Congress’s power to tax and control government spending —the “power of the purse” —is possibl
y its most important. Although the President usually cannot spend money not appropriated by Congress,
he has always been granted some latitude in emergencies.
The Constitution assigns the Senate a distinctive role in the foreign policy process—to advise the Presiden
t in negotiating agreements, to consent to them once they have been signed, and to approve presidential
appointments, including the Secretary of State, other high officials of the State Department, ambassadors
and career foreign service officers.
The President
Under the Constitution, the President serves as head of state and head of government. In most other gov
ernments (Britain’s and Germany’s, for example), the two functions are separate. As head of state, the Pr
esident is, in effect, the personification of the U.S.: its visible image, its official voice and its primary repre
sentative to the outside world. As head of government, he formulates foreign policy, supervises its imple
mentation and attempts to obtain the resources to support it. He also organizes and directs the departme
nts and agencies that play a part in the foreign policy process. Along with the Vice President, he is the onl
y government official elected nationally. This places him in a unique position to identify, express and purs
ue the “national interests” of the U.S.
Department of State
Until World War II, one agency, the Department of State, established in 1789 and the highest-ranking Cab
inet department, and one individual, the Secretary of State, who is directly responsible to the President,
managed foreign affairs. The traditional functions of the State Department and its professional diplomatic
corps, the Foreign Service, include: negotiating on behalf of the U.S. government with foreign governmen
ts and in international organizations; defending U.S. position in the world;