Technology, Rahim Yar Khan
Although the Parliament is the supreme policy-making authority in the country,
in actual practice, it is the cabinet, headed by the duly elected chief executive
i.e., Prime Minister or the President, which formulates the foreign policy. The
Constitution requires that all-important foreign policy decisions ultimately must
be taken by the cabinet
Foreign Office:
Normally, any foreign policy proposal would be initiated by the Ministry of
Foreign affairs which is the focal point for the initiation of all proposals relating
to the foreign affairs of a country. However, there may be cases where any
issue relating to any ministry has foreign policy implications.
Armed Forces:
All over the world, armed forces play an extremely crucial role in the making of
the foreign policy of any country for obvious reasons. However, in the case of
Pakistan, they play the dominant role. There are multiple reasons for the
larger-than-life role played by Pakistan’s armed forces in the political
governance of the country,
Non-state Institutions
Although foreign policy formulation is a very structured process involving
formal institutions of the country, three non-state institutions provide important
inputs in this process. These are the think tanks, media, and civil society
organizations. Think tanks and research institutes play an extremely useful role
in any country’s formulation of policies by providing an independent
assessment of the ground realities as well as recommending a course of
Foreign Policy Making in India falls under the jurisdiction of the Union or Central
Government of India. Like any other country, India's foreign policy expands its
sphere of influence, strengthens its role across nations, and makes its presence feel
like an emerging force. The Prime Minister of India and the Ministry of External
Affairs also have an important role in determining Foreign Policy Making in
India.Due to the complicated global economic scenario, it becomes important to
understand the Foreign Policy Making in India. We have shared the process of
policymaking, along with details about the role of the Parliament in policymaking in
India here.
To achieve the goals of foreign policy making in India, 2023 brings several
obstacles and opportunities. The rise of China and its influence on India's
neighbourhood, for example, is a source of concern for the country. Moreover, the
conclusion of discussions for an EU-China Comprehensive Investment Treaty
dispels the idea of Chinese isolation following the Covid-19 outbreak and
strengthens China's position.This brings in the need to pay attention to foreign
policy making in India. Some of the steps that the country should take is increasing
convergence with the United States. India must carefully address foreign policy
difficulties and harness opportunities to shift the regional power balance.
Here are the details of everyone involved in the process of foreign policy making in
• The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) balances and maintains foreign policy
making in India.
• A cabinet minister leads the Ministry, supported by the Deputy Foreign
• The MEA's administrative structure is divided into two categories: territorial
divisions and functional divisions. In its relevant domain, each division is in
charge of policy coordination.
• Foreign Policy Making in India is a crucial process directly managed by the
Ministry of External Affairs and the Prime Minister of India.
• With the rise of tensions among several foreign countries, Foreign Policy
Making in India has become crucial.
The process of foreign policy making in India requires following certain principles of
international standards. Here, we have shared some of the essential principles of
foreign policy making in India are:
• Mutual respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of each other
• Equality and mutual benefit
• Non-aggression pact
• Peaceful coexistence
We begin with the assumption that domestic political considerations can influence
foreign policy decisions. 2 There are some analytic advantages in placing the
foreign and security decision-making areas in a domestic context. The formal rank
and authority of different bodies within Chinese domestic politics are relatively well
established. Rank consciousness dictates the way that officials and their agencies
interact with each other.
Almost all members of the bodies charged with implementing any policy are first
and foremost members of the CPC. The Party's power is paramount. The Party's
highest body ranks higher than the highest State body's rank; the Party outranks all
sectors of the State, including government departments; the Party controls the use
of force through the People's Liberation Army (PLA), which is an armed wing of the
Party rather than a conventional state army, and the Party controls the consultative
mechanisms of the state, which are designed to reflect popular opinion.
2 The Rule-Makers
The Communist Party of China and the Government of the People's Republic of
China have separate decision-making structures although some entities overlap in
function, authority and even personnel. Therefore, within the formal Chinese
political system, decisions are made along dual tracks: the Party track and the State
track. From the point of view of understanding how the political system works, there
are three major coordination bodies of interest: one within the Party and two within
the State.
.3 Major Bodies in the Foreign Policy Decision-Making
The ultimate decision-making body on crucial foreign policy issues (and any other
issue of utmost relevance) is the executive committee of the Central Committee,
called the Politburo Standing Committee (PSC). The PSC oversees consequential
decisions affecting China's major relationships, including the United States, Japan,
Russia and North Korea. The PSC also has to deal with emergencies or
international crises, such as border skirmishes or international incidents. While one
assumes that there are a number of so-called ‘point men’ on the PSC covering
various strategic issues—Wang Qishan on Sino-US relations, Li Keqiang on the
European Union and Zhang Dejiang on North Korea for example—with the
exception of PSC chair Xi Jinping, none of the other members have specific foreign
policy responsibilities.
4 The Warring Entities
Historically, the military establishment has been an important interest group in the
Chinese political system, and it continues to wield substantial clout. Whether the
military would like to have a greater role in foreign policy, decision making is not the
focus of this article. However, what is important to note is that the Party leadership
upholds a decision-making system that keeps the military at arm's length from
political decision making. The military has a completely different governance
structure than other areas of the Chinese state. This provides it with a good deal of
autonomy over its own professional and operational activities
5 Old System, New World: Problems of Chinese Foreign
Policy Making
All foreign policy actors claim to operate in the name of China's national
interests—and thus almost all actions can be justified. The Ministry of
Commerce promotes China's prosperity; the People's Liberation Army
defends China's sovereignty; the oil companies ensure China's energy
security; local governments raise living standards; netizens uphold China's
dignity, and so on. When this is combined with the natural bureaucratic instinct
of ensuring sufficient resources for one's department, conflations of interest
can emerge. For example, the PLA is prone to exaggerate the tensions over
maritime interests to ensure sufficient funding for new vessels and aircraft;
and in doing so, it is likely to find a natural ally in the one or more of the
national oil companies aspiring to explore resources in contested waters.
The President
Under the Constitution, the President serves as head of state and head of
government. In most other governments (Britain’s and Germany’s, for example), the
two functions are separate. As head of state, the President is, in effect, the
personification of the U.S.: its visible image, its official voice and its primary
representative to the outside world. As head of government, he formulates foreign
policy, supervises its implementation and attempts to obtain the resources to
support it. He also organizes and directs the departments and agencies that play a
part in the foreign policy process. Along with the Vice President, he is the only
government official elected nationally. This places him in a unique position to
identify, express and pursue the “national interests” of the U.S.
Department of State
Until World War II, one agency, the Department of State, established in 1789 and
the highest-ranking Cabinet department, and one individual, the Secretary of State,
who is directly responsible to the President, managed foreign affairs. The traditional
functions of the State Department and its professional diplomatic corps, the Foreign
Service, include: negotiating on behalf of the U.S. government with foreign
governments and in international organizations; defending U.S. position in the
The Pentagon and Security
The U.S. emerged from World War II a nuclear superpower with global interests,
necessitating expanded departments to handle foreign policy, and chiefly, security.
Military power serves as an instrument of diplomacy—as a means of achieving
goals defined by civilian officials of the government. The head of the Defense
Department is a civilian secretary who serves in the President’s Cabinet. The
principal military adviser to the President is the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
a strategy board consisting of the senior officers of the Army, Air Force, Navy and
Marine Corps.