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Term Paper

PE 4

Submitted by: Ian Peñol Submitted to: Ms Almasin Olga

Carlo Sarmiento
Glazy Mae Seño
Ivy Grace Tara
Glennie Joy Tonducan
Justine Roy Mari Villaluna
Kho Kho
According to experts, the game of Kho Kho,
which was once played on chariots and went
by the name of Rathera, is believed to have its
roots in the Indian state of Maharashtra. The
Hindi word for chariot is "rath." The current
iteration of Kho Kho, which is played by people
on foot, was invented in 1914, during the First
World War. The Deccan Gymkhana club in
Pune was the first to publish Kho Kho's official
rules and regulations. They gave the sport a
disciplined appearance. Kho Kho was displayed with other native Indian sports like
kabaddi and mallakhamb at the 1936 Berlin Olympics. In 1959–60, Vijayawada in
Andhra Pradesh hosted the first-ever All India Kho Kho Championship, while the
national tournament for women was held in Kolhapur, Maharashtra in 1960-61.
Moreover, Kho Kho demonstrations took place at the 1982 Asian Games in New Delhi
and the inaugural Asian Championship in Kolkata in 1996. It was a medal-earning
activity at the 2016 South Asian Games in Guwahati.
Over 25 nations currently field national Kho Kho teams.

Tools needed
 An open space, about 27 metres by 15 metres
 Two poles
 String or chalk

 Mark the playing area with the chalk or
string. Draw a line down the middle of the
field and place the poles at each end of the
dividing line.
 Divide yourselves into two equal teams (12
is ideal but not less than six). One team are
the chasers and other, the defenders. Don’t
worry, you’ll get to swap around often.
 The chasing team lines up on the middle line, facing in alternate directions. You
can only ‘chase’ on the side of the pitch you’re facing.
 The defenders enter the field in groups of three. Defenders need to avoid being
tagged by a chaser and can run anywhere on the field. If you get tagged, you’re
 The chaser at the pole starts and must try to tag one of the defenders on their
side of the field. If a defender crosses the line to the other side, the chaser taps
one of his teammates who is sitting facing the other direction and shouts “Kho!”.
 The teammate must then try to tag the defender.
 Chasers can swap with a teammate every time the defender moves into the
opposite side of the pitch.
 Chasers, your aim is to tag all the defenders quickly.
 The team that gets the defenders out the quickest, wins.

The side of the chasers shall score one point, for each runner out.
In the knock out system, the side that scores
more points at the end of match shall be
declared as the winners. If the points are equal,
an additional inning shall be played as follows.
As soon as the first point is scored the turn shall
be closed by the referee. He shall stop the 'stop
watch' with him simultaneously. The time to put
the first defenders shall thus be noted. The side
that has taken less time to score the first point (minimum chase) shall be declared as
winner of the match. The process shall follow till the winner is decided.
If the points of a side starting the match as chasers exceed the points of the other side
by 9 or more points after the first innings, the former side shall have the option of
requiring the latter side to follow on its turn as chasers, without forfeiting their rights to
take their innings as chasers afterwards in case the other side exceeds their score.

Moral Lesson
Kho kho is a team game. This game helps develop team work, physical fitness, team
skills and their thinking skills
Tumbang Preso
Tumbang Preso, sometimes referred to as
Tumba lata or Bato lata, has maintained its
appeal over time. The fun and inventiveness that
come from the wonderful sport have been
passed down from generation to generation.
Backyards, streets, and open spaces are all used
to play the game. It incorporates components
from Tag and Dodge-ball to teach players agility
and strategic thinking. Even though Tumbag
Preso originated in the Philippines, its creation
date is unknown. Also unknown is who made the game. The kids who enjoyed it would
assemble and begin playing the sport with any equipment they could find. From
generation to generation, its appeal has been transmitted and it continues to draw a lot
of interest from kids and some adults worldwide today.

Tools needed
 A empty can (soda can, soup can, etc.)
 Chalk (tape or a rock works as well, just something that can be used to mark
 Slipper/Sandal/Flip-Flops (any of these options work)
 At least 2 players
 First you need to make the “playing field”
 place your empty can down wherever and draw a circle
around the can, this can be called the “can zone”
 Then walk about 7ft (2 meters or so) away from the circle
and draw a straight line, this is called the “toe-line”
 In Tumbang Preso there are the hitters (people who stand
behind the toe-line and try to knock the can down with their
slipper) and the person who is “It” (they stay by the can
zone and try to tag the hitters once they cross the toe-line to
retrieve their slipper)
 To determine who is “It” first players can stand by the can
and toss their slippers as close to the toe-line as possible the person whose
slipper is farthest is “it” (you can also determine this by other means such as
rock, paper, scissors, etc.)
 Once you have determined who is “it” the hitters will line up behind the toe-line
 Then the hitters will start trying to knock down the can with their slippers
 After they toss their slipper they must cross the toe-line to retrieve their slipper
 The person who is “it” can only tag the hitters once they have crossed the toe-
line and have touched their slipper
 Additionally, if the can is knocked out of the can zone the person who is “It” must
place the can back into the can zone before they can tag any of the hitters
 Also the person who is “it” cannot try to block the hitter’s slippers from hitting the

The game will continue until all players have been
tagged and the game will restart when all player are
now tagged and whoever is the last to be tagged
will be it in the next round

Moral Lesson
Players will learn Agility, physical development, Grit,
determination, Strategic thinking and developing

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