5 - Apiculture Silviculture Lac Culture
5 - Apiculture Silviculture Lac Culture
5 - Apiculture Silviculture Lac Culture
• The term “Lac” derived from
Sanskrit word “Lakha” meaning a
hundred thousand
• It is mentioned in the
Mahabharata as Lakhagriha
(Lac house)
• Rearing of lac insects for
commercial production of the lac is
c/a lac culture.
• The first scientific account of the
lac insect was given by J. Kerr in
• India: 65% of total lac production is seen in
India. Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh account
for 40% of India’s total production of lac.
• Economic importance of Lac:
1.Preparing Bangles.
2.Preparation of toys.
3.Preparation of inks and polishes.
4.Used in woodwork and for making
ornamental things.
5.Used in process of silvering the back of
❖ Scientific Name: Laccifer lacca (Tachardia lacca)
❖ Order : Hemiptera
❖ Host plants : Kusum, Rangeeni (Khair), Ber
(Plum) tree
❖ Feeds on plant juice (Sap)
❖ Lac is the only commercial resin of animal origin
❖ Lac is a mixture of several substances, but resin is
major constituent.
❖ Resin: 68 - 90%
• Life Cycle : 6 months
• Ari Lac: If lac crops are harvested little before the larval
emergence (immature lac).
• Phunki Lac: After the escape of nymphs from brood lac, the stick
lac is left called as Phunki Lac (empty lac).
Lac Extraction
▪ Phunki lac, tied in bundles and immerse in water
(Running water for 3 – 4 days)
▪ Keep in shade for drying
▪ Scrape raw lac while stick is still moist
▪ Crush the lac and wash in water and dried in open
▪ An amber-coloured granular material called Seed Lac
is formed.
Lac Extraction
• Seed lac (packed in cloth bags) held above charcoal
fire and starts melting.
• Molten lac starts flowing through pores of cloth and
leaves impurities behind c/a Kiri Lac.
• Pure lac is dropped on cold surface into round
button shaped pieces or stretched into thin sheets c/a