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This document outlines how to create an entity relationship diagram (ERD) for an employee management system database. It identifies the main entities, their attributes, and relationships. It also shows how to install and use MySQL Workbench to design the database structure and visualize the ERD.

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This document outlines how to create an entity relationship diagram (ERD) for an employee management system database. It identifies the main entities, their attributes, and relationships. It also shows how to install and use MySQL Workbench to design the database structure and visualize the ERD.

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Vaishnavi Awchar
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Employee Management System

This will help set up a database for the Employee Management System (EMS) to manage the
following functionalities:
1. Employee Details:
 Store and manage information about individual employees, including their names,
addresses, genders, and salary details.
2. Department Details:
 Maintain records of different departments within the organization, including their
names and locations.
3. Project Details:
 Track information related to various projects in the organization, including project
names, budgets, and locations.
4. Salary Records:
 Manage salary records for employees, including salary amounts, start dates, and
end dates.
5. Attendance Records:
 Keep track of employee attendance records, including attendance dates and
statuses (e.g., Present, Absent).

We will use MySQL Workbench as the DBMS to create the database and its related

1. Introduction to MySQL Workbench

What is MySQL Workbench?

MySQL Workbench is a unified cross-platform, open-source relational database design tool
that adds functionality and ease to MySQL and SQL development work. MySQL Workbench
provides data modeling, SQL development, and various administration tools for
configuration. It also offers a graphical interface to work with the databases in a structured
 You can create a Graphical Model using MySQL Workbench
 MySQL Workbench provides reverse engineering for live databases to models
 MySQL Workbench offers a forward engineering model to a script/live database

2. Installation of MySQL Workbench

The installation process is similar to other operating systems.

1. Open the MySQL website on a browser. Click on the following link: MySQL

2. Select the Downloads option.

3. Select MySQL Installer for Windows.

4. Choose the desired installer and click on download.

5. After it downloads the installer, open it.

6. It will ask for permission; when it does, click Yes. The installer will then open. Now,
it will ask to choose the setup type, here, select Custom.

7. Click on Next. With this, you will be able to install MySQL server, MySQL
Workbench, and MySQL shell.

8. Open MySQL Servers, select the server you want to install, and move it to the
Products/Features to be installed window section. Now, expand Applications, choose
MySQL Workbench and MySQL shell. Move both of them to ‘Products/Features to be

9. Click on the Next button. Now, click on the Execute button to download and install
the MySQL server, MySQL Workbench, and the MySQL shell.

10. Once the product is ready to configure, click on Next. Under Type and Networking,
go with the default settings and select Next.

11. For authentication, use the recommended strong password encryption.

12. Set your MySQL Root password and click on next.

13. Go for the default windows service settings and under apply configuration, click on
execute. Once the configuration is complete, click on finish.
14. Complete the installation. This will now launch the MySQL Workbench and the
MySQL Shell.

Once MySQL Workbench is installed, select the Local instance and enter the password.

Now, you can use the MySQL query tab to write your SQL queries.

Identify Entities
 Start by identifying the main entities in your system. These are the objects or concepts
about which you want to store data.
 Each entity should correspond to a table in your database.

Define Attributes
 For each entity, list the attributes (properties or fields) that describe it.
 These attributes will become columns in the corresponding database table.

Identify Relationships
 Determine how entities are related to each other. There are three types of relationships:
one-to-one (1:1), one-to-many (1:N), and many-to-many (N:M).
 Represent these relationships using lines connecting the entities.

Let’s see a few examples of relationships:

1. One-to-One: When each entity in each entity set can take part only once in the
relationship, the cardinality is one-to-one. Let us assume that a male can marry one
female and a female can marry one male. So the relationship will be one-to-one.

2. One-to-Many: In one-to-many mapping as well where each entity can be related to

more than one relationship and the total number of tables that can be used in this is 2.
Let us assume that one surgeon deparment can accomodate many doctors. So the
Cardinality will be 1 to M. It means one deparment has many Doctors.
3. Many-to-One: When entities in one entity set can take part only once in the relationship
set and entities in other entity sets can take part more than once in the relationship set,
cardinality is many to one. Let us assume that a student can take only one course but one
course can be taken by many students.

Many-to-Many: When entities in all entity sets can take part more than once in the
relationship cardinality is many to many.

Cardinality Notation
Cardinality represents the number of times an entity of an entity set participates in a relationship
set. Or we can say that the cardinality of a relationship is the number of tuples (rows) in a
 Use notation (such as Crow's Foot Notation or Chen Notation) to indicate the cardinality
of each relationship.
 Cardinality describes how many instances of one entity are related to how many instances
of another entity.
 Common notations include:
 One (1)
 Zero or one (0..1)
 Many (N)
 Zero or many (0..N)

Add Attributes and Constraints
 Include additional information in your ERD, such as primary keys, foreign keys, and
constraints (e.g., unique constraints).

Create the Diagram

 Use specialized diagramming software or tools (e.g., Lucidchart, draw.io, or even pen and
paper) to create your ERD.

Refine and Review:

 Review your ERD with stakeholders and team members to ensure it accurately represents
the data model and relationships. Make any necessary refinements.
 Entities of Employee Management System
1. Employee
2. Department
3. Salary
4. Project
5. Attendance

 let’s identify the attributes and relationships of each entity for the Employee Management

 Employee
 EmployeeID (Primary Key): A unique identifier for each employee.

 First_name: The first name of the employee.

 Last_name: The last name of the employee.
 Address: The address of the employee.
 Salary: The salary of the employee.
 Sex: The gender of the employee.
 Date_of_Birth: The date of birth of the employee.
 Email: The email address of the employee.
 Phone: The phone number of the employee.
 DepartmentID (Foreign Key): The department to which the employee belongs.
 ManagerID (Self-Referencing Foreign Key): The manager of the employee, referring to
another employee in the same table.
Many-to-One with Department: Each employee belongs to one department.
 Department
 DepartmentID (Primary Key): A unique identifier for each department.
 Name: The name of the department.
 Location: The location or office of the department.
One-to-Many with Employee: Each department can have multiple employees.
 Project
 ProjectID (Primary Key): A unique identifier for each project.
 Name: The name of the project.
 Description: A description of the project.
 StartDate: The start date of the project.
 EndDate: The end date of the project.
 Salary
 SalaryID (Primary Key): A unique identifier for each salary record.
 EmployeeID (Foreign Key): The employee to whom the salary record belongs.
 SalaryAmount: The amount of the salary.
 StartDate: The start date of the salary period.
 EndDate: The end date of the salary period.
Many-to-One with Employee: Each salary record belongs to one employee.
 Attendance
 AttendanceID (Primary Key): A unique identifier for each attendance record.
 EmployeeID (Foreign Key): The employee to whom the attendance record belongs.
 AttendanceDate: The date of the attendance record.
 Status: The status of attendance (e.g., Present, Absent).
Many-to-One with Employee: Each attendance record is associated with one employee.
Table Structure
1. Employee

2. Department

3. Salary

4. Project
5. Attendance

 ERD Diagram
In this ERD:

 Employee - Department Relationship:

 The Employee table has a Many-to-One relationship with the Department table.
 This means that each employee belongs to one department, and each department
can have multiple employees.
 It is represented by the foreign key attribute DepartmentID in the Employee
table, which references the primary key DepartmentID in the Department table.
 Employee - Manager Relationship:
 The Employee table has a Self-Referencing relationship for representing
managers and their subordinates.
 An employee can have another employee (manager) as their manager.
 It is represented by the ManagerID attribute in the Employee table, which
references the EmployeeID (self-referencing) in the same Employee table.
 Salary - Employee Relationship:
 The Salary table has a Many-to-One relationship with the Employee table.
 This means that each salary record is associated with one employee, but an
employee can have multiple salary records (e.g., for different time periods).
 It is represented by the foreign key attribute EmployeeID in the Salary table,
which references the primary key EmployeeID in the Employee table.
 Attendance - Employee Relationship:
 The Attendance table has a Many-to-One relationship with the Employee table.
 Each attendance record is associated with one employee, but an employee can
have multiple attendance records (e.g., for different dates).
 It is represented by the foreign key attribute EmployeeID in the Attendance table,
which references the primary key EmployeeID in the Employee table.
 Creating a Database

Using MySQL Workbech, create a new database for your Employee management system.

create database employeedata;

 Using a database
use employeedb;

 Creating the Tables for each entity



First_name VARCHAR(255),
Last_name VARCHAR(255),
Address VARCHAR(255),
Salary DECIMAL(10, 2),
Sex VARCHAR(255),
DepartmentID INT,
ManagerID INT,
FOREIGN KEY (DepartmentID) REFERENCES Department(DepartmentID),
FOREIGN KEY (ManagerID) REFERENCES Employee(EmployeeID)

CREATE TABLE Department (

Name VARCHAR(255),
Locat ion VARCHAR(255)


Name VARCHAR(255),
Description TEXT,
StartDate DATE,
EndDate DATE
EmployeeID INT,
SalaryAmount DECIMAL(10, 2),
StartDate DATE,
EndDate DATE,
FOREIGN KEY (EmployeeID) REFERENCES Employee(EmployeeID)
CREATE TABLE Attendance (
EmployeeID INT,
AttendanceDate DATE,
Status VARCHAR(20),
FOREIGN KEY (EmployeeID) REFERENCES Employee(EmployeeID)
 Insert records
INSERT INTO Employee (EmployeeID, First_name, Last_name, Address, Salary, Sex,
DepartmentID, ManagerID)
(1, 'John', 'Doe', '123 Main St', 60000, 'Male', 1, NULL),
(2, 'Jane', 'Smith', '456 Elm St', 75000, 'Female', 1, 1),
(3, 'Bob', 'Johnson', '789 Oak St', 80000, 'Male', 2, 1),
(4, 'Alice', 'Williams', '101 Pine St', 90000, 'Female', 2, 1);

INSERT INTO Department (DepartmentID, Name, Location)

(1, 'HR Department', 'New York'),
(2, 'Engineering Department', 'San Francisco'),
(3, 'Sales Department', 'Chicago');

INSERT INTO Project (ProjectID, Name, Description, StartDate, EndDate)

(1, 'Project A', 'Software Development', '2023-01-15', '2023-07-30'),
(2, 'Project B', 'Product Enhancement', '2023-02-10', '2023-06-20'),
(3, 'Project C', 'Sales Expansion', '2023-03-05', '2023-08-15');

INSERT INTO Salary (SalaryID, EmployeeID, SalaryAmount, StartDate, EndDate)

(1, 1, 60000, '2023-01-01', '2023-12-31'),
(2, 2, 75000, '2023-01-01', '2023-12-31'),
(3, 3, 80000, '2023-01-01', '2023-12-31'),
(4, 4, 90000, '2023-01-01', '2023-12-31');

INSERT INTO Attendance (AttendanceID, EmployeeID, AttendanceDate, Status)

(1, 1, '2023-01-01', 'Present'),
(2, 2, '2023-01-01', 'Present'),
(3, 3, '2023-01-01', 'Absent'),
(4, 4, '2023-01-01', 'Present');
 Select records

Retrieve all employee details

SELECT * FROM Employee;

-- Retrieve specific employee details by EmployeeID (e.g., EmployeeID = 1)

SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE EmployeeID = 1;

-- Retrieve employees in a specific department (e.g., DepartmentID = 1)

SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE DepartmentID = 1;
 Update records
-- Update the salary of an employee (e.g., EmployeeID = 1)
UPDATE Employee
SET Salary = 65000
WHERE EmployeeID = 1;

-- Update the manager for an employee (e.g., EmployeeID = 2)

UPDATE Employee
SET ManagerID = 3
WHERE EmployeeID = 2;

-- Update the location of a department (e.g., DepartmentID = 1)

UPDATE Department
SET Location = 'Los Angeles'
WHERE DepartmentID = 1;

 Delete Queries
-- Delete an employee by EmployeeID (e.g., EmployeeID = 1)
WHERE EmployeeID = 1;
-- Delete a department by DepartmentID (e.g., DepartmentID = 2)
DELETE FROM Department
WHERE DepartmentID = 2;
-- Delete a project by ProjectID (e.g., ProjectID = 3)
WHERE ProjectID = 3;
-- Delete an attendance record by AttendanceID (e.g., AttendanceID = 3)
DELETE FROM Attendance
WHERE AttendanceID = 3;
 Other Queries
1. Retrieve Employees Managed by a Specific Manager:
-- Retrieve employees managed by a specific manager (e.g., ManagerID = 3)
SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE ManagerID = 3;

2. Count the Number of Employees in Each Department:

-- Count the number of employees in each department
SELECT Department.Name, COUNT(Employee.EmployeeID) AS EmployeeCount
FROM Department
LEFT JOIN Employee ON Department.DepartmentID = Employee.DepartmentID
GROUP BY Department.Name;

3. Calculate the Average Salary in Each Department:

-- Calculate the average salary in each department
SELECT Department.Name, AVG(Employee.Salary) AS AverageSalary
FROM Department
LEFT JOIN Employee ON Department.DepartmentID = Employee.DepartmentID
GROUP BY Department.Name;
4. Find the Highest-Paid Employee:
-- Find the highest-paid employee
SELECT * FROM Employee
WHERE Salary = (SELECT MAX(Salary) FROM Employee);
5. Calculate Total Salary Expenses:
-- Calculate the total salary expenses for the organization
SELECT SUM(SalaryAmount) AS TotalSalaryExpenses FROM Salary;

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