CHAPTER 1 Cguro Final

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A Research
Presented to the Faculty of the
Senior High School Department
University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue
Mandaue City, Philippines

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the
Subject Practical Research 1








April 2023




Rationale of the Study

Study habits are at the core of academic success. It is an action like reading,
taking notes, conducting study groups that students perform frequently, and regularly
accomplishing the learning goals. It can be defined as effective or counterproductive
based on whether it serves the students well. Thus, study habits are purchasing out
devoted and uninterrupted time to apply oneself to the world of learning. This affects a
student's success in school. Additionally, academic performance is how well a student
performs inside the school; it results from their hard work and studies. Improving
academic performance in a student is one of the goals of every educational center.
Study habits are commonly known as the usual behavior or habitual practices by
a person in order to study and learn effectively. Moreover, study habits help students
make their studies easier to understand and make their learning experience comfortable
and enjoyable. Having good study habits are important for a student because it will help
them to improve their academic learning and skills. Some students may have ineffective
and inefficient study habits which may cause them learning problems and get frustrated.
This study needs to be conducted as it will help in finding out how common
study habits affects the academic performance of the student. Additionally, it can provide
valuable insights and knowledge to the academic and professional community. The
results of this study have the potential to provide valuable information that could be used
to improve the academic performance of the students, ultimately enhancing their chances
of achieving high grades and succeeding in their academics.

In a study phenomenological by Arieta and Saco (2017), findings showed that
study habits play a significant role in students' life. The success or failure of each student
depends on their study habits. The study also says that study is an art and requires
practice and effort. The success of each student depends on the ability, intelligence, and
action of the students. Thus, many effective study habits can help a student to improve.
Similarly, in a phenomenological study by Fouche (2017), he described good study
habits like doing homework, actively participating in class, managing time, staying
focused, and working hard showed a significant positive correlation on their academic
performance. Further, students need to develop study habits because these are study
strategies that are applied in learning. Without developing study habits, students cannot
perform and improve their academic performance.

The study will be conducted at the University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue
located at A.C. Cortes Avenue, Mandaue City. The researchers chose this location
because there are Senior High School Computer Programming Students, the selected
participants, who are the main focus of the research study as they are the ones who can
provide the data needed for the study. Additionally, this location is selected as the
researcher is only limited in the area.

Cognitive factors such as intellectual ability are regarded as predictors of

academic success as quoted by (Sikhwari, 2016). Many researchers have examined the
role of non-cognitive factors such as study skills, motivation, study habits, and attitudes
on academic achievement. The study revealed that study habits have a positive impact on
the academic achievement of learners. Additionally, according to a study by Goud (2018),
findings showed that students had a favorable attitude toward study habits in his study
entitled "A Study on the Factors Influencing Study Habits of Tenth Class Students in
Their Academic Achievements." The analysis centered on caste, locality, and style of
school management on the academic achievement of tenth-class students. The research
demonstrates that these influences affect the study behaviors of the respondents. The
report underlines the value of cultivating healthy study practices, such as time

According to Sreelekha et al. (2016), in their research entitled "Study Habits and
Academic Performance of First-Year MBBS Students." The primary goal of education is
the improvement of the students as they study in their school years. In their study, first-
year MBBS students were chosen as the respondents who participated voluntarily in their
research. The use of a Standardized Questionnaire was adapted. This research revealed
that students with fair study habits significantly scored more than those with poor study

Oriogu and Subair (2017), explored the impact of reading patterns on the academic
achievement of students. The findings indicated that there was a substantial impact on the
variables in the sample. It is suggested that students can read more to acquire the more
necessary information for their academic purposes. According to Rabia et al. (2017), in
their study entitled "A Study on Study Habits and Academic Performance of Students,"
results showed that there is a significant relationship between study habits and the
academic performance of students. This study indicates that study habits identify a person
and how much he would be able to learn. Moreover, the result indicated a significant
relationship between study habits and the student's academic performance.
In the study of Jhoselle Tus et al. (2020), a survey was conducted with total of one
hundred twenty-six (126) Grade 11 Senior High School learners participated in this study.
Moreover, the main research instrument utilized in the study was the Palsane and Sharma
Study Habit Inventory. Its eight sub-scales are budgeting time, physical condition,
reading ability, note-taking, learning motivation, memory, taking examinations, and
health. The findings showed that the respondents' study habits are at a relatively average
level. The result revealed no significant relationship between study habits and academic
performance. Also, the results showed that the study habits of the students are at a
relatively average level. Additionally, enhancing students' study habits are relevant,
especially in note-taking, reading ability, and health, thus improving their academic

The general objective of this research is to determine the common study habits
and its relation to Senior High School Students’ Academic Performance.

The objective of this research is to determine if the common study habits affect
the academic performance of the students. The researchers can also use this as a basis to
help students to make them aware and avoid what to not do and do in their studies. With
the evaluation of the common study habits, students can enhance the behaviors and
techniques they use to help them succeed in their studies. The knowledge of these habits
and practices will allow us to better understand how students study and help them
become better learners.

The result of this study will be the basis of any possible proposal. The
beneficiaries of this study are the students, teachers, researchers, and future researchers.
The entity and people have different benefits with the outcome of this study. The students
will have an idea on what to look forward to and how this experience will help them in
the future. The teachers will know what specific aspect they should teach the students that
is essential to learn as they can identify areas where students may need extra help to
improve their grades. The researchers will have prior knowledge and may be able to
contribute to the community for the betterment of society by developing new treatments,
policies, and technologies. Lastly, the future researchers will benefit from this study as
they can refer to this study as a reference and/or as a foundation for their own study.

Atheoretical Stance

When undertaking a qualitative study, it is necessary to temporarily put aside

preconceived notions. This is done to avoid bias and ensure impartiality. As a result, the
initial literature review will also be suspended. However, during the analysis and
interpretation of the data, relevant theories and literature will be thoroughly incorporated.
Finally, the theory will be determined after the data has been collected and analyzed.

Philosophical Stance

The philosophy behind this study is anchored on constructivism. This research

philosophy involves the researcher to understand a phenomenon from the perspective of
those experiencing it, thus constructivism integrates human experiences into this study.
Accordingly, constructivist researchers assume that reality is a subjective creation.
Human interests are important for research purposes and knowledge is constructed
through social interaction. There is no reality and such knowledge is shared rather than an
individual experience.

Constructivism implies that reality is constructed through human interaction.

Knowledge is a human product and is socially and culturally constructed. Individuals
create meaning through their interactions with each other and with the environment in
which they live. According to the constructivist approach, it is important for the
researcher as a social actor to emphasize participant observation to understand a
phenomenon from the perspective of those experiencing it. Moreover, constructivism
studies usually focus on the experiences of individual participants and processes and
experiences over time.

As this study looks at the lived experiences of the SHS-CP Students on their
common study habits and its effects on their academic performance, one philosophical
assumption of progressivism in this study is ontological in nature. Reality is perceived
subjectively and has various interpretations as by the participants in the study.
Additionally, it is a fundamental aspect of reality as this is where the learner focuses on
constructing knowledge through real experiences.

This study is an epistemological philosophical assumption as the researchers

collaborate in order to know how the participants best learn from what they consider most
useful in their lives, progressively seeking to tailor learning to a student's experiences and
abilities. The experience helps the researchers understand and gain knowledge on what is
to come and expect.

Another aspect of this study is axiological in nature. The researchers and the
participants' values may affect the study and how they see things in the light of
understanding the different interpretations in conjunction with each other's

Finally, for the methodological assumptions, the researcher will determine the
effects of common study habits on the academic performance of SHS-CP students
through a survey at the University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue. In order to find the
relevant data for this study, the data gathered will be analyzed and organized accordingly.


Domain of Inquiry

This research determines the relationship between students' study habits and
academic performance of Senior High School Computer Programming students in the
University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue Campus in the second semester of the
school year 2022–2023.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of their study habits:
1.1 academic performance;
1.2 environment;
1.3 note-taking; and
1.4 revision technique?
2. Is there a significant relationship between study habits and the academic
performance of Senior High School Computer Programming students?
3. Based on the findings, what recommendation can be done?

Scope and Delimitation

The intent of this study is to determine the relationship between common study
habits and the academic performance of Senior High School Computer Programming
students. Furthermore, it seeks to identify the effects of study habits on students’
academic performance in terms of time management, physical condition, reading ability,
note-taking, and study and revision technique.

The data of the study will be gathered at the University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and
Mandaue Campus during the second semester of the school year 2022-2023.

Significance of the Study

The outcome of the study will be beneficial to the following:

Students. As the main participants of the study, students will benefit the most from this
research as it will provide insight into navigating their study habits. The findings of the
study will provide the students with a basis for awareness and a better understanding of
how their current study habits will affect their academic performance. They will have
more understanding of how to manage their study habits.

Parents. Parents will benefit from this research as it will provide them with more insights
and ideas on how to guide their children with their studies to lead to better performance
in school. It is important for parents to get involved in their children's academic lives and
monitor their study habits, as through this their children are more likely to succeed in

Teachers. This research will benefit the teachers as it will provide them with a better
insight into the common study habits of the students. By understanding their study habits,
teachers can personalize their teaching methods and strategies to better meet the needs of
the students. Teachers who are aware of their students' study habits can identify areas
where they may need extra help or support to improve their grades.

Researchers. This study will be beneficial to the researcher in terms of appreciating the
value of the common study of habits of UCLM Senior High School students and its
relation to their academic performance.

Future Researchers. This study can serve as a resource material for future researchers
who want to carry out research in this related field. Through this study, the future
researcher’s knowledge of the subject will increase, as will their knowledge of the related
field. They'll be able to craft better questions and engage with the participants more
effectively. They can contribute to the investigation of new research on several aspects of
the student's study habits and their impact on academic performance.

wala pay references kay itipon sya after all the chapters


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