Chap - 05-Digital Hardware Implementation

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Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals

Chapter 5 – Digital
Hardware Implementation
Integrated Circuits
▪ Digital circuits are constructed with integrated circuits. An
integrated circuit (IC) is a silicon semiconductor crystal,
informally called a chip, containing the electronic
components for the digital gates and storage elements.
▪ The various components are interconnected on the chip that
is mounted in a ceramic or plastic container, and
connections are welded from the chip to the external pins to
form the integrated circuit.
▪ The number of pins may range from 14 on a small IC
package to several hundred on a large package. Each IC has
an alphanumeric designation printed on the surface of the
package for identification.
Level of Integration
▪ Small-scale integrated (SSI) devices contain several independent
primitive gates in a single package. The inputs and outputs of the gates
are connected directly to the pins in the package. The number of gates
is usually less than 10 and is limited by the number of pins available on
the IC.
▪ Medium-scale integrated (MSI) devices have approximately 10 to 100
gates in a single package. They usually perform specific elementary
digital functions, such as the addition of four bits.
▪ Large-scale integrated (LSI) devices contain between 100 and a few
thousand gates in a single package. They include digital systems such
as small processors, small memories, and programmable modules.
▪ Very-large-scale integrated (VLSI) devices contain several thousand to
hundreds of millions of gates in a single package. Examples are
complex microprocessor and digital signal-processing chips.
Why Programmable Logic?
▪ Facts:
• It is most economical to produce an IC in large
• Many designs required only small volumes of ICs
▪ Need an IC that can be:
• Produced in large volumes
• Handle many designs required in small volumes
▪ A programmable logic part can be:
• made in large volumes
• programmed to implement large numbers of
different low-volume designs
Programmable Logic - More Advantages

▪ Many programmable logic devices are field-

programmable, i. e., can be programmed outside of the
manufacturing environment
▪ Most programmable logic devices are erasable and
• Allows “updating” a device or correction of errors
• Allows reuse the device for a different design - the ultimate in
• Ideal for course laboratories
▪ Programmable logic devices can be used to prototype
design that will be implemented for sale in regular ICs.
• Complete Intel Pentium designs were actually prototyped with
specialized systems based on large numbers of VLSI
programmable devices!
Programming Technologies
▪ Programming technologies are used to:
• Control connections
• Build lookup tables
• Control transistor switching
▪ The technologies
• Control connections
▪ Mask programming
▪ Fuse
▪ Antifuse
▪ Single-bit storage element
Programming Technologies
▪ The technologies (continued)
• Build lookup tables
▪ Storage elements (as in a memory)
• Transistor Switching Control
▪ Stored charge on a floating transistor gate
• Erasable
• Electrically erasable
• Flash (as in Flash Memory)
▪ Storage elements (as in a memory)
Technology Characteristics
▪ Permanent - Cannot be erased and reprogrammed
▪ Mask programming
▪ Fuse
▪ Antifuse
▪ Reprogrammable
• Volatile - Programming lost if chip power lost
▪ Single-bit storage element
• Non-Volatile
▪ Erasable
▪ Electrically erasable
▪ Flash (as in Flash Memory)
Programmable Configurations
▪ Read Only Memory (ROM) - a fixed array of AND
gates and a programmable array of OR gates
▪ Programmable Array Logic (PAL) - a
programmable array of AND gates feeding a
fixed array of OR gates.
▪ Programmable Logic Array (PLA) - a
programmable array of AND gates feeding a
programmable array of OR gates.
▪ Complex Programmable Logic Device (CPLD)
/Field- Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) -
complex enough to be called “architectures” - See
VLSI Programmable Logic Devices reading supplement
ROM, PAL and PLA Configurations
Fixed Programmable Programmable
Inputs AND array OR array Outputs
(decoder) Connections

(a) Programmable read-only memory (PROM)

Programmable Programmable Fixed

Inputs Outputs
Connections AND array OR array

(b) Programmable array logic (PAL) device

Programmable Programmable Programmable Programmable

Inputs Outputs
Connections AND array Connections OR array

(c) Programmable logic array (PLA) device

Read Only Memory
▪ Read Only Memories (ROM) is a device which permanent
binary information (specified by the designer) is stored.
▪ ROM is non-volatile
▪ Programmable Read Only Memories (PROM)
▪ A block of 2k x n ROM has:
• k input lines – address for the memory
• n output lines – the stored word
• 2k decoded minterms – a memory address
▪ Fixed AND array with 2k outputs
▪ Programmable OR Array with 2k inputs and n outputs
Read Only Memory
▪ A program for a ROM or PROM is simply a
multiple-output truth table
• If a 1 entry, a connection is made to the
corresponding minterm for the corresponding
• If a 0, no connection is made
▪ Can be viewed as a memory with the inputs as
addresses of data (output values), hence ROM or
PROM names!
32x8 ROM
ROM Names
Depending on the programming technology and
approaches, ROM have different names:
1. ROM —mask programmed,
2. PROM—fuse or anti-fuse programmed.
3. EPROM—erasable floating gate programmed.
4. EEPROM —electrically erasable floating gate
5. FLASH Memory—electrically erasable floating
gate with multiple erasure and programming
Programmable Logic Array (PLA)
▪ PLA is the most flexible having a
programmable set of ANDs combined with a
programmable set of ORs.
▪ Advantages
• A PLA can have large N and M permitting
implementation of equations that are impractical
for a ROM (because of the number of inputs, N,
• A PLA has all of its product terms connectable to all
outputs, overcoming the problem of the limited
inputs to the PAL Ors
• Some PLAs have outputs that can be complemented,
adding POS functions
Programmable Logic Array -PLA
▪ PLA is similar to the ROM except that the PLA
does not provide full decoding of the variables
and does not generate all the minterms.
▪ The decoder is replaced by an array of AND gates
that can be programmed to generate product
terms of the input variables.
▪ The product terms are then selectively connected
to OR gates to provide the sum of products for
the required Boolean functions.
Programmable Logic Array Example
Programmable Logic Array (PLA)
▪ Disadvantages
• Often, the product term count limits the application
of a PLA.
• Two-level multiple-output optimization is required
to reduce the number of product terms in an
implementation, helping to fit it into a PLA.
• Multi-level circuit capability available in PAL not
available in PLA. PLA requires external
connections to do multi-level circuits.
Programmable Array Logic (PAL)
▪ The PAL is the opposite of the ROM, having a
programmable set of ANDs combined with fixed ORs.
▪ Disadvantage
• ROM guaranteed to implement any M functions of N
inputs. PAL may have too few inputs to the OR gates.
▪ Advantages
• For given internal complexity, a PAL can have larger N and M
• Some PALs have outputs that can be complemented, adding
POS functions
• No multilevel circuit implementations in ROM (without
external connections from output to input). PAL has
outputs from OR terms as internal inputs to all AND
terms, making implementation of multi-level circuits easier.
Programmable Array Logic Example

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