Activity 4.1

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Ging Jr. C.

Hist 11

1987 1973 1935

PREAMBLE We, the sovereign We, the sovereign The Filipino people,

Filipino people, Filipino people, imploring the aid of

imploring the aid of imploring the aid of Divine Providence, in

Almighty God, in Divine Providence, in order to establish a

order to build a just order to establish a government that

and humane society, Government that shall embody their

and establish a shall embody our ideals, conserve and

Government that ideals, promote the develop the

shall embody our general welfare, patrimony of the

ideals and conserve and nation, promote the

aspirations, promote develop the general welfare, and

the common good, patrimony of our secure to themselves

conserve and Nation, and secure to and their posterity

develop our ourselves and our the blessings of

patrimony, and posterity the independence under

secure to ourselves blessings of a régime of justice,

and our posterity, democracy under a liberty, and

the blessings of regime of justice, democracy, do ordain

independence and peace, liberty, and and promulgate this

democracy under the equality, do ordain Constitution.

rule of law and a and promulgate this

regime of truth, Constitution.

justice, freedom,

love, equality, and

peace, do ordain and

promulgate this

POWERS OF Article VII, Section The President shall The President shall
be commander- have the power to
of the 1987 inchief of all armed
grant reprieves,
Constitution vests forces of the
commutations, and
executive power on Philippines and,
pardons, and remit
the President of the whenever it becomes
fines and forfeitures,
Philippines. The necessary, he may
after conviction, for
President is the Head call out such armed
all offenses, except in
of State and Head of forces to prevent or
cases of
Government, and suppress lawless
impeachment, upon
functions as the violence, invasion,
such conditions and
commander-in-chief insurrection, or
with such restrictions
of the Armed Forces rebellion.
and limitations as he
of the Philippines.
may deem proper to

FUNCTIONS OF Congress is liable for Article VIII (20 The 1935
making empowering sections)- The Constitution, which

regulations to ensure Legislative power included a political

the soul of the shall be vested in a framework basically

constitution is National Assembly. indistinguishable

maintained in the The batasang from the American

nation and, on pambansa – one, became

occasion, correct or unicameral employable. The

change the actual legislature. This was framework required

constitution. To ratified and a President to be

create regulations, proclaimed by chosen on the loose

the official body President Marcos on for a 4-year term

emerges with two January 17, 1973 (dependent upon

fundamental reports: amidst widespread one re-appointment),

bills and resolutions. protest and a bicameral

controversy. With the
Congress, and a free
proclamation of a judiciary.

new Constitution,

the presidential form

of government was

changed to a


parliamentary form
BILL OF RIGHTS No person shall be The State will elevate ARTICLE III.—BILL
deprived of life, civil rights to
liberty, or property guarantee the
(1) No person shall
without due process nobility, government
be deprived of life,
of law, nor shall any assistance, and
liberty, or property
person be denied the security of the
without due process
equal protection of relative multitude of
of law, nor shall any
the laws. The rights individuals. Towards
person be denied the
of Filipinos can be this end, the State
equal protection of
found in Article III of will control the
the laws.
the 1987 Philippine obtaining,
(2) Private property
Constitution. Also possession, use,
shall not be taken for
called the Bill of happiness, and
public use without
Rights, it includes 22 demeanor of private
just compensation.
sections which property, and

declare a Filipino impartially diffuse

citizen's rights and property

privileges that the proprietorship and

Constitution has to benefits.

protect, no matter


DECLARATION OF The State shall The State shall Sovereignty resides

ANDD promote a just and promote social in the people and all
dynamic social order justice to ensure the government authority
that will ensure the dignity, welfare, and emanates
prosperity and security of all the from them. Sec. 2.

independence of the people. Towards this The defense of the

nation and free the end, the State shall State is a prime duty

people from poverty regulate the Of government, and

through policies that acquisition, In the fulfillment of

provide adequate ownership, use, This duty all citizens

social services, enjoyment, and May be required by

promote full disposition of private Law to render

employment, a rising property, and Personal military or

standard of living, equitably diffuse Civil service.

and an improved property ownership

quality of life for all. and profits.

NATIONAL The 1987 The public region The public region as

Constitution defines contains the characterized by the

the national territory Philippine 1935 Constitution

as comprising the archipelago, with comprised of all the

Philippine every one of the domain surrendered

archipelago, the islands and waters to the United States

archipelagic waters, embraced in that, under the Treaty of

and all other and the wide range Paris of 1898 among

territories over which of various domains America and Spain,

the Philippines has having a place with and every one of the

sovereignty or the Philippines by islands embraced in

jurisdiction. notable right or the Washington

legitimate title, Treaty of 1900

including the regional among America

ocean, the andSpain, and the
air space, the earth,
of 1930 among
the ocean bed, the
America and Great
separate racks, and
Britain, and all the
the other submarine.
domain over which

the public authority

of the Philippine

Islands then

practiced purview.

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