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Control Valve Seat Leakage Test

Hadi Veyse – Oil and Gas Operation Superintendent

Seat Leakage Test

The manufacturer shall advise if the achievable leak rate is less than the maximum allowed leak
rate. If agreed to by the manufacturer and the user, the actual leak rate and allowed leak rate and
the corresponding test pressure may be reported on the final certification.

Leakage shall be specified by the following code:

X: Leakage class: I to VI
Y: Test fluid: G (air or nitrogen), L (water)
Z: Test procedure: 1 or 2
 For example: III L 1

These seat leakage provisions do not apply to control valves with rated flow coefficients less than

Class VI is intended to apply to resilient seated valves only.

1. This part of the standard cannot be used as a basis for predicting leakage when the control
valve is installed under actual operating conditions.
2. The actual and allowed leak rates, along with the corresponding test pressure, can also be
included in the test certification upon agreement between the manufacturer and the buyer.
Test Medium

The test medium shall be liquid or gas, as specified in each test description:

a. Liquid: water at a temperature between 5 °C and 50 °C. The water may contain soluble oil or a
corrosion inhibitor.
b. Gas: air or nitrogen in clean condition, at a temperature between 5 °C and 50 °C. Clean helium
gas or nitrogen gas may also be used for low temperature seat leakage test using the pressure
and temperature corrections given in following table, NOTE c. .
Test Procedure

The test medium shall be applied to the normal or specified valve body inlet. The valve body outlet
shall be open to atmosphere or connected to a low head-loss flow measuring device with its outlet
open to the atmosphere. Provisions shall be made to avoid subjecting the measuring device to
pressures above the safe operating pressure resulting from inadvertent opening of the valve under

When liquid is used, the valve shall be opened and the valve body assembly filled completely,
including the outlet portion and any downstream connected piping. The valve shall then be closed.
Air pockets shall be eliminated from the valve body and piping.

When the leakage flow rate has been stabilized, the rate of flow should be observed over the period
of time that is necessary for obtaining the accuracy specified as follows:
 The accuracy of the instruments used for measuring seat leakage shall be within ±10% of full
scale and shall be used within 20% to 80% of the scale range.
Test Procedure

The seat leakage test, carried out with reduced differential pressure used as given in test procedure
1, is used to verify the quality of the sealing surfaces and the alignment of internal parts, but it
cannot be used to verify the mechanical strength and rigidity of parts required for sealing, nor can it
be used to verify the correct sizing of the actuator for the maximum operating differential pressure
since the seat load effect is disregarded.

 Test procedure 1: The pressure of the test medium shall be between 300 kPa and 400 kPa (3 bar
and 4 bar) gauge or within ±5% of the maximum operating differential pressure specified by the
purchaser if it is below 350 kPa (3,5 bar).

For valves produced in a single copy, or when testing prototypes for a new series, it is therefore
recommended to perform the seat leak test in a manner that tests the whole valve closure structure
at the maximum operating differential pressure, using test procedure 2, or to adjust the actuator
thrust by agreement with the purchaser.

 Test procedure 2: The test differential pressure shall be within ±5% of the maximum operating
differential pressure across the valve as specified by the purchaser.
Leakage Specifications

Leakage classes, test mediums, test procedures and maximum seat leakages shall be specified to be
in accordance with following table:
Leakage Specifications

For the conversion of the compressible fluid volumetric flow rate, use standard conditions, which is
an absolute pressure of 1013,25 mbar and 15,6 °C, or normal conditions, which is an absolute
pressure of 1013,25 mbar and 0 °C.
Leakage Specifications

Leakage rate factors for Class VI:

 The number of bubbles per minute as tabulated is a suggested alternative based on a suitable
calibrated measuring device, in this case a 6 mm tube (outer diameter; wall thickness 1 mm)
submerged in water to a depth of between 5 mm and 10 mm. The tube end should be cut
square and smooth with no chamfers or burrs, and the tube axis should be perpendicular to the
surface of the water.
 If the valve seat diameter differs by more than 2 mm from one of the values listed, the leakage
rate may be obtained by interpolation, assuming that the leakage rate varies as the square of
the seat diameter.
 For seat diameters 400 mm and over the maximum seat leakage for leakage class VI is about
40% of the maximum seat leakage for leakage class V, test procedure 1.
Leakage Specifications

The maximum seat leakage in the table refers to air/nitrogen at the test procedure 1 conditions. If
different test pressures are required, e.g. test procedure 2, subject to agreement between the user
and manufacturer, then the maximum allowable leakage flow rate in Nm3/h with air or nitrogen as
the test medium shall be:

Where p1 is the inlet pressure in kPa absolute, OR:

When p1 is in bar absolute.

In the case of other gases, like Helium or Nitrogen, with different inlet pressure and inlet
temperature, the maximum allowable leakage flow rate in Nm3/h shall be:

Where p1 is the inlet pressure in kPa absolute, OR:

Where p1 is in bar absolute in bar absolute.

T1 the inlet temperature of the gas in K, ηAir the dynamic viscosity of air at 288.15 K and ηGas the
dynamic viscosity of the test gas at T1.

These conversions assume laminar flow and are only valid with atmospheric outlet pressure. They
shall not be used to predict flow rates under actual operating conditions.
Example 1

Valve description:

Globe valve
DN 100
PN 40
Seat diameter: D = 100 mm
Rated flow coefficient C: Kv = 160 m3/h
Pressure differential ratio factor: xT = 0,72
Liquid pressure recovery factor: FL = 0,90
The following test differential pressures are used:
 Test procedure 1: Δp = 300 kPa (selected by manufacturer).
 Test procedure 2: Δp = 3500 kPa (maximum operating differential pressure specified by
Example 1

Test procedure 1 using water as test medium:

Rated valve capacity:

N1 = 0,1
Fp = 1
FR = 1
C = Kv = 160 m3/h
ρ/ρo = 1
Δp = 300 kPa (selected by manufacturer)
Example 1

Test procedure 2 using water as test medium:

p1 = p2 + Δp = 3600 kPa
p2 ≈ 100 kPa (open to atmosphere)
Δp = 3500 kPa

Maximum allowable differential pressure for sizing purposes:

FL = 0,90
FF = 0,96
pv = 2,34 kPa
Since Δpmax < Δp, the flow is therefore choked.

Rated valve capacity:

N1 = 0,1
FL = 0,90
FR = 1
C = Kv = 160 m3/h
p1 = 3600 kPa
FF = 0,96
pv = 2,34 kPa
Example 1

Test procedure 1 using air as test medium:

p1 = p2 + Δp = 400 kPa (absolute)

p2 ≈ 100 kPa (open to atmosphere)
Δp = 300 kPa

Fγ = 1
xT = 0,72
Since x shall not exceed (Fγ.xT), then use x = 0,72 to calculate Y:
Example 1

Test procedure 1 using air as test medium:

Rated mass valve capacity:

Rated volumetric valve capacity:

N8 = 1,1
N9 = 24,6
Fp = 1
C = Kv = 160 m3/h
p1 = 400 kPa
Y = 0,667
x = 0,72
M = 28,97 kg/kmol
T1 = 293 K
Example 1

Following table shows the maximum allowable seat leakages for all of the leakage classes:
Example 2

Valve description:

Butterfly valve
DN 800
Seat diameter: D = 800 mm
Test procedure 1: Δp = 350 kPa
Test medium = Air

Maximum allowable seat leakage for class VI and seat diameter over 400 mm:

Leakage rate factor is: (0,071 * Seat diameter) = 0,071 * 800 = 56,8 ml/min.
Thanks for your attention

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