Guidelines and Rubrics

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1. To provide an opportunity to present their research paper (chapter 1 to 3) for

critiquing and revisions, and
2. To provide an opportunity to discuss their work in depth with research


1. The students are expected to provide a hard copy of their research.

2. During the paper presentation, students will be given 10 minutes to present

chapters 1 to 3 through a slide deck presentation.

3. The suggested format and time frame are as follow:

1 -3 minutes – CHAPTER 1 (Introduction)
3 -5 minutes – CHAPTER 2 (Review of Related Literature)
1 – 2 minutes – CHAPTER 3 (Research Methodology)

4. The students will be asked by the panel members questions relative to the study
conducted for 5 – 10 minutes only.

5. The criteria that will be used in assessing the research of the SHS students are as


5 pts 4 pts IMPROVEMENT 2 pts
3 pts
Introduction An intriguing A fairly well Introduction is not Lacks a proper
introduction based on formulated well constructed, introduction.
facts leads clearly introduction with uninteresting, or
into the research some evidence to does not lead into
proposal. support the topic the research
leads into the proposal.
research proposal.
Problem Stated the research Fairly well posed Statement of the Lacks a proper
Statement problem clearly and statement of the problem is not statement of the
provided motivation problem that clearly stated and/or problem.
for undertaking the provides evidence, lacks quality Evidence presented
research. but the evidence is evidence to support does not support the
not as strong as it the problem thesis or problem
could be. statement.
Purpose of Very clearly stated Fairly well stated Purpose of the study Lacks a purpose of
Study purpose of the study purpose of the study is not clearly stated the study statement.
and demonstrated its but did not and/or the value is
potential value. demonstrate its not stated.
potential value.
Literature Demonstrated basic Demonstrated basic Unclearly mentioned Did not mention any
Review knowledge of knowledge of some previous work previous research,
literature in the area, literature or previous in the area. literature, or
and of prior work on research in the area theories.
the specific research but did not mention
problem. Mentioned any theories.
at least 1 theory.
References References are given References are References are No references are
for more than 2 given for 2 relevant given for more than provided, or they are
relevant sources. sources. Appropriate 1 relevant source. not cited correctly.
Appropriate APA APA citation style is Appropriate APA
citation style is used. used. citation style is used.
Writing Very well written Well written Fairly written Poorly written paper
Mechanics proposal with few proposal with few proposal that lacks that lacks
grammatical errors. grammatical errors. clarity; has poor organization. There
Adheres to all the Adheres to most of transition sentences. are multiple
proposal writing the proposal writing There are several grammatical errors.
format requirements format requirements grammatical errors. Fails to adhere to
as presented in the as presented in the Adheres to most of the proposal writing
guidelines. guidelines. the proposal writing format requirements
format requirements as presented in the
as presented in the guidelines.
Presentation Excellent eye Good eye contact, Inconsistent with Poor eye contact,
Skill contact, no no eye volume too low or
distracting gestures, distracting gestures, contact, volume, and loud,
appropriate volume, usually has enunciation. poor enunciation.
clear and consistent appropriate Obvious
enunciation. Creative volume, overall clear distracting
and charismatic. enunciation. mannerism(s).
Visual Aids The presentation The presentation The presentation The presentation
includes appropriate includes appropriate includes appropriate includes no visual
and easily and easily visual aids, but aids. Or the visual
understood visual understood visual these are too few, or aids do not
aids, which aids, which are difficult to complement the
complement and complement and understand, or the information.
enhance the enhance the presenter does not
presented presented refer to or explain
information. information. them.
Mastery of the Student Student Student Student does not
Research demonstrates full demonstrates demonstrates a have grasp of
knowledge (more considerable slight grasp of basic information; student
than required) by knowledge; is at research concepts; cannot answer
answering all class ease in answering student can answer questions about the
questions with questions related to rudimentary research concepts.
explanations and concepts, but fails to questions about the
elaboration elaborate basic research

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