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BANGALORE Electric vehicle generate both personal and global benefits. Its benefit is not only in term of economic but also have environmental benefit. Sustainable economic growth of India as well as rest of the world will d e p e n d o n e f f e c t i ve e n e r g y p l a n n i n g . Ne a r l y 4 0 % o f t h e wo r l d s e n e r g y c o me s f r o m petroleum. Natural gas contributes to another 20% and these two natural resources account for 60% of the worlds energy. The growth in consumption of oil and natural gas in the past has been such that the consumption has been doubling every 15 years. And not only these used of this form of energies has great environmental pollution. This trend is likely to continue and will lead to complete depletion of natural resources and will lead to great environmental disaster in next 30 years. Therefore v e h i c l e s wh i c h a r e e mi s s i o n f r e e , w h i c h d o n o t u s e p e t r o l e u m products and which are inexpensive to acquire and operate has been introduce in the market after great research which are h ig h l y s u c c e s s f u l . The main objectives of this project is to study the perception of buyer and user towards Electric-bike which was introduce in Bangalore recently with a case study of Bangalore base Kacharakaran Hall, Kalayan Nagar Post yo- bike dealer (Electric bike) and the economic feasibilities of electric bike (yo-bike). Some other objectives of the project are : To find out the awareness of consumer about the electric bike in Bangalore city. To find out the reason why consumer refers to electric bike. To find out the factor influencing the sales of electric bike. What are the post purchase experiences of electric bike consumer. To find out the market share of Bangalore base Kacharakaran Hall,Kalayan Nagar Post yobike dealer. Statement of problem: To study various factors which influence the consumer perception towards electric bike. Review of literature : 1) Research project on electric bike. Electrotherm (12 oct 2009) : ( Research Health & Medicine.) This project is conducted by Electrotherm a Yobyke company specifically in Raipur city with main objective to find out the perception of buyers and users of electric bike in the city.

They found out that more than 96.66% of the people in Raipur city are aware of the electric bike and another important finding of the project is that battery backup is one of the important factor affecting the sales of electric bike. The study also found out that there is need to bring more awareness of various others feature of electric bike brings to a consumer mind by providing them vouchers and literatures in differentregional languages. I have a strong opinion that the company should conduct some workshop as part of promotion where people are given opportunities to have test drive and other activities which will attract people to buy electric bike then normal bike. 2) Electric two-wheelers in China: Analysis of environmental safety By Christopher Robin Cherry, University of California, Berkeley: One of the research question addressed in this dissertation is the compared to the predominant alternative modes, bus and traditional bicycle-under what conditions do electric bikes provide a greater relative benefit in terms of mobility and accessibility improvements than relative costs in terms of energy use, environmental impacts and safety. The research was divide into two case studies and carried out in Kunming and Shanghai since many of the impacts are local in nature. - This research project investigates areas like electric bike user demographics, vehicle use characteristics, and factors that influence mode choice through a user survey. Calibrate a choice model that identifies factors that influence current mode choice. - conduct a life cycle assessment (LCA) of electric bikes and compare energy use and emissions outcomes to those of alternative modes, namely bicycles and buses. Identify safety impacts of electric bikes and develop mode shift scenarios that influence the overall safety of the transportation system. Quantify mobility and accessibility changes in terms of origin to destination travel time differences and jobs access, compared to bus and bicycle use. The research also brings out various negative impacts that will happen with the electric bike since this bike use electric and in china most of the powers are generated from burning of coal. 3) Life Cycle Assessment of Transportation Options for Commuters: Shreya Dave 1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) February 2010. The analysis of the total energy input over the life of a vehicle is known as life cycle assessment. This study quantifies the energy input and environmental impact of various transportation options using life cycle assessment. It synthesizes the literature available for LCAs of automobiles, trains, and airplanes, and includes an original assessment of walking, bicycling and using an electric bike. While the electric bike examined is based on a generic Pietzo2 model available, the study was conducted to academic standards without bias from the company.

In order to compare modes of transportation in terms of their environmental impact, a complete life cycle assessment (LCA) was conducted. Using Carnegie-Mellons EIO-LCA methodology the manufacturing, assembly, operation, and infrastructure life stages were considered for energy input required. Building upon available research for the impact of vehicle and public transportation, the impact of these phases was calculated for walking, bicycling, and electric-bike. Electric bikes use less than 10% of the energy required to power a sedan for each mile traveled and emit 90% fewer pollutants per passenger mile-traveled than a bus operating off peak. Both habits and financial motivators impact the efficiency at which a form of transportation operates. For example, due to the amount of time a public bus runs offpeak, its average emissions per passenger-mile-traveled is greater than the emissions of a Boeing 737 per passenger-mile-traveled. According to this study, walking, conventional bicycling and electric bikes are release exactly the same amount of greenhouse gas emissions. While an electric bikes consumes more energy (both to produce and to operate) and releases the associated greenhouse gases, a conventional bicycle requires the operator to work harder and breathe more heavily. In effect, the impact of the electric bike is entirely negligible. All forms of personal transport (electric bike) are at least three times better than any other form of commuter transport. 4) Marketing research project on electric bike: bike- United States e

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