Lec 11-12

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Earthquakes, Seismology, and

Mountain building
Mohammad Moshiur Rahman
[email protected]
Rock Strength
• Under compression, rock are very
• Under tension, rocks are very
Strain and Deformation
• Elastic
– Absorb, store, and release energy
• Plastic
– Absorb and internally consume energy
– Permanent deformation
• Brittle
– Absorb, exceed, and break
– Permanent deformation
Seismic wave

Kinds of Shockwaves
• Shear
Kinds of Shockwaves

• Shear
• Compression
Seismic Energy
Released at the Focus
• Body waves
–Shear, designate “S”
–Compression, designated “P”
intensity: amount of damage that an
earthquake causes

magnitude: the actual amount of Earth

Mercalli/Rossi Scale
1. Not felt except by very few
2. Felt only by few persons at rest
3. Felt quite noticeably indoors
4. Felt indoors by many, outdoors by few
5. Felt by nearly everyone, many awakened
6. Felt by all, many frightened
7. Everybody runs outdoors
8. Damage slight in designed structures
9. Damage considerable in designed structures
10. Some well built wooden structure destroyed
11. Few, if any, structures remain standing
12. Damage total
Mercalli/Rossi Scale
1. Not felt except by very few
2. Felt only by few persons at rest
3. Felt quite noticeably indoors
4. Felt indoors by many, outdoors by few
5. Felt by nearly everyone, many awakened
6. Felt by all, many frightened
7. Everybody runs outdoors
8. Damage slight in designed structures
9. Damage considerable in designed structures
10.Guiseppe Mercalli (1850-1914)
Some well built wooden structure destroyed
11. Few, if any, structures remain standing
Michele Stefano de Rossi (1834-1898)
12. Damage total
Relative Earthquake Scale
1. Detected only by sensitive scientific instruments
2. Detected by individuals standing quietly at rest
3. Felt by everyone
4. Dishes, windows disturbed
5. Damage slight
6. Damage slight in designed structures
7. Damage considerable in designed structures
8. Few, if any, structures remain standing
9. Shock waves seen on ground surface
10. Damage total
Richter scale
The Richter scale measures actual
Earth movement and energy released.

With every step up on the Richter

scale, the actual amount of Earth
movement is multiplied by 10
Richter Scale
8.0 and Great earthquakes.
7.0 Major earthquake.
6.0 Destructive earthquake.
4.5 Some local damage may occur.
3.5 Felt by many people
2.5 Generally not felt
With every step up on the Richter
scale, the actual amount of energy is
multiplied by 30

tsunami: harbor wave

meter: instrument that measure but does not
leave a record

graph: instrument that measure and also

leaves a recording

P waves

S waves
Possible Definition
for “Mountain”
• A mountain is any topographic feature
higher than 1,000 feet above the
surrounding terrain
Kinds of Mountains
• Volcanic
• Block-fault
• Domal
• Foldbelt
Oceanic Ridge
• The biggest mountain range in the world
in terms of length
• A total of 40,000 miles all connected
• One in every ocean
Block Fault Mountains
Basin Range
• The generation of high-angle
normal faults
Basin Range
• The generation of high-angle
normal faults
• Faults alternate direction
Basin Range
• North-South trending
• Block fault mountains
foldbelt mountains
Components of
Foldbelt Mountains
• Side-by-side
• Almost always paralleling the
edge of the continent
James Hall
Hall’s Discovery
• The total thickness of sedimentary
rock within the folded Appalachians
was many times greater than the
total thickness of sedimentary rocks
in the interior of the continent (the
Mississippi Valley)
orogenic styles

Orogeny involves massive

horizontal compression

Epeirogeny involves massive

vertical compression
Orogenic styles
• Ocean-continent
• Ocean-island arc-continent
• Continent-continent
• The only place you have geoclines
involved is in opening oceans like the
Atlantic. You do not have geoclines
involved in closing oceans.

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