Cloud-Based Passenger Experience Management in Bus Fare Ticketing Systems Using Random Forest Algorithm
Cloud-Based Passenger Experience Management in Bus Fare Ticketing Systems Using Random Forest Algorithm
Abstract— Sustainable urban mobility requires optimizing Android app to streamline the process. The Android app has
public transit passenger experiences. This system integrates a QR scanner for the bus ticket system [2]. The Android
cloud technologies and the Random Forest algorithm with bus smartphone plays a vital role in human existence by allowing
fare ticketing systems to improve efficiency and customer individuals to maintain constant online connectivity. It
pleasure. Cloud systems provide real-time data processing for proposed implementation of a QR scanner into the bus
price structure and route optimization in research. Cloud ticketing system.
computing lets transportation providers quickly adjust to
shifting demand, enhancing service dependability and The smart application will automatically assign seats to
responsiveness. The Random Forest algorithm is integrated passengers, allow digital ticket bookings, and accept cashless
into ticketing procedures to estimate passenger demand and payments, encouraging digitalization and smart cities. The
optimize prices. Historical ridership data, weather, and special user's source will be updated automatically when connected
events are used to provide reliable fare estimates and to the bus stop device [3]. The user can check seat
suggestions using machine learning. This case study shows that availability, order tickets, obtain a seat instantly, and see the
the suggested approach improves passenger experience, displayed waiting time. The system will assign the seat that
waiting times, and system efficiency in a metropolitan will be unoccupied in the shortest time if seats are not
transport network. Scalable, cloud-based infrastructure adapts available. When the user connects to the device at a bus stop
to different transportation system sizes and configurations.
and pays digitally via the site, buy a ticket and enjoy an
Findings show that cloud computing and machine learning
innovative and pleasant bus service. The bus conductor will
algorithms may make public transportation systems more
responsive and passenger-centric. As cities seek smarter, more
verify the ticket booking acknowledgment, an e-Ticket.
environmentally friendly transportation solutions, such RFID-based ticketing systems are superior. Passengers will
breakthrough technology offers potential for public transit. have RFID tags with unique IDs and data [4]. Passengers
enter the bus and strike the RFID reader. Thus, database data
Keywords— Passenger experiences, Bus fare ticketing is retrieved to build E-Ticket. The Computing Device
systems, Route optimization, Resource allocation, intelligent receives RFID tag data from the RFID Reader. This
transportation computer device's GPS module tracks position, and the GSM
module accesses the database. The computer equipment
I. INTRODUCTION calculates the fee based on the passenger's distance and
deducts it from the account of the vehicle.
With the global population constantly rising,
transportation services are in more demand than ever. With Smart Bus System offers electronic ticket booking. The
regard to India, over 67 million of the country's people are bus's entrance and exit gates have two components. Each
considered to be of low socioeconomic status, whereas over device scans the entry and departure of people using RFID
40 million are considered to be middle class [1]. Meanwhile, tags [5]. Each device features a GPS module that updates the
these communities overwhelmingly support public transit bus's position at brief intervals, helping to track passengers at
rather than purchasing or operating a personal vehicle. both times. The technology calculates the fee based on
People have always preferred public transportation since it is distance and subtracts it from the passenger's E-wallet, which
the most cost-effective option for them. Everyday living has can be handled through the S-Bus mobile app. The suggested
been made more accessible by the constant development of system would include two Android apps for passengers and
new transportation methods. It recognizes the importance of bus conductors and one website for admin, and a GPS
transportation to people's daily lives and has developed an module on the bus. The bus's current position with time and
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improves the transportation system's dependability by Cloud Platform
eliminating any interruptions and delays.
5) Random Forest Algorithm for Predictive Modeling:
An innovative step towards better transit system Dynamic Fare
Real-time Data
prediction and optimization is the Random Forest algorithm's Structure
incorporation. Passenger counts, ticket sales, and even
weather are all part of the data set that our machine learning
method sifts through. The Random Forest algorithm takes Route Planning Random Forest
into account several decision trees to properly forecast future Algorithm
demand, enabling the system to proactively modify
schedules, prices, and services. Scalability
Bus Fare
6) Adaptive Pricing Strategies: Ticketing
To developing adaptable pricing methods, the Random
Forest algorithm is crucial. The algorithm finds a happy
medium between riders' desires and the agency's financial Sustainability & Future
stability by analyzing the many factors that influence transit
demand and then recommending traffic modifications
accordingly. Maintaining competitive pricing encourages Fig. 1. Block diagram of proposed model
ridership and maximizes revenue collection via this
adaptable strategy. B. Random Forest Implementation
7) Case Study Implementation: 1) Data Collection:
A case study is conducted in a metropolitan Information gathered from the transportation systems
transportation network to install and assess the suggested past, including things like the number of passengers, the
system. The usefulness of the system in optimizing transit weather, any noteworthy events, and the time of day.
operations and increasing passenger experience may be Important results include the number of riders, the amount of
validated via the real-world deployment. To measure how time it takes to complete a route, and the amount of money
well the improvements will work, user monitor on key made from fares.
performance measures including waiting time reduction,
rider growth, and financial results. 2) Data Preprocessing:
Organize features, deal with inconsistent or missing data,
8) Scalability and Flexibility: and transform categorical variables. Determine important
The scalability of the suggested system is one of its main factors impacting the dynamics of the transportation system.
benefits. The system's flexibility to accommodate transit Training and assessing the algorithm's performance require
networks of varied sizes and complexity is guaranteed by its splitting the dataset into two halves.
cloud-based design. The infrastructure may be adjusted to
suit the unique requirements of any transport system, 3) Random Forest Training:
regardless of its size, in any urban location. With Random Forest, a collection of decision trees is
created, with each tree trained on a different portion of the
9) Sustainability and Future Considerations: dataset and taking into account a different set of
The larger objectives of environmentally friendly city characteristics at random. To ensure variety, the training
transit are compatible with the suggested approach. The dataset is used to train each tree using a random sample with
technology helps build more efficient and sustainable cities replacement.
by enhancing the passenger experience, decreasing
congestion, and optimizing transportation operations. Cloud 4) Decision Making:
computing also makes it easy to include new features and Every tree in the forest contributes a forecast when
upgrades in the future, keeping the system ahead of the curve making predictions about the future (such as demand, best
when it comes to public transport innovation. routes, or fare changes). The algorithm's ultimate output is
the result of combining predictions from all trees, either by
The suggested system's primary parts are shown in voting (classification) or by averaging (regression).
Figure 1, a simplified block diagram.
5) Optimization and Adaptation:
Using real-time position data, GPS units installed on By retraining on new data frequently, the Random Forest
buses optimize routes dynamically, making transportation can adapt to changing situations. After training, the Random
systems more efficient and responsive. The use of infrared or Forest may use the data it is currently receiving to produce
camera-based passenger count sensors allows for predictions that can help with things like route planning, fare
optimization of service capacity and frequency as well as modifications, and service optimization in real time.
demand analysis. Collection system for fares with the
integration of contactless smart card readers or mobile 6) Application in Transit System:
payment terminals, this system improves the ticketing Uses past trends, current events, and other variables to
process by efficiently collecting fares and processing forecast the number of passengers. Makes route
transactions in real-time. With the use of cameras or radar recommendations for bus routes based on past patronage,
sensors, drivers can monitor the traffic situation in real time anticipated traffic and special events. Suggests changes to
and make course corrections to maximize efficiency and fares in light of anticipated demand and budgetary
minimize delays. objectives.
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7) Evaluation and Refinement: proven fact. Even during busy periods or one-off events, the
Evaluate the Random Forest model's accuracy and system can adjust to different transit loads because to its
performance on the testing dataset. To maximize scalability. Because of its adaptability, the transport network
performance, tweak the hyperparameters or characteristics. can handle the anticipated increase in ridership and changes
in city life.
8) Implementation in Cloud Infrastructure:
Incorporate the trained Random Forest model into the To enhancing operational efficiency, the Random Forest
transportation system's cloud architecture to enable decision- algorithm's flexibility in demand prediction and route
making in real-time. The system must be able to scale to optimization has helped ensure financial sustainability.
accommodate different loads and more data. Maintaining long-term financial sustainability is achieved by
the system's capacity to dynamically alter prices in response
The transportation system takes use of the Random to real-time circumstances, striking a balance between
Forest algorithm to make data-driven choices that boost revenue production and passenger affordability. Even though
efficiency, better the passenger experience, and optimize we have seen encouraging outcomes to keep working to fix
operational results. This makes the system more flexible. problems and make the system even better. Improving the
algorithm to make more precise predictions, adding new data
IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS sources, and looking for ways to extend the system to
encompass other metropolitan areas are all part of this
Public transport has been greatly improved in terms of process.
efficiency, flexibility, and the overall passenger experience
thanks to the use of cloud computing and the Random Forest To further ensure the security of critical transit data kept
algorithm. Significant improvements in transportation in the cloud, cybersecurity measures must be continually
efficiency have resulted from optimizing routes using the enhanced. Table 1 displays a dataset including both actual
Random Forest algorithm. The technology intelligently and anticipated values for a public transportation system. The
modifies bus routes in response to variables such as traffic, weather, special events, passenger counts, and results (such
passenger demand, and upcoming events by analyzing both as route optimization and tariff modifications) are detailed in
current and past data. Reduced travel times, less delays, and each row, which corresponds to a given day and hour. With
an improved ability of the transportation network to adapt to the use of past data, a Random Forest algorithm may produce
the ever-changing urban environment are all outcomes of hypothetical outcomes, which are called predicted values. By
this. analyzing the system's route and fee adaptations in response
to changing circumstances, this structured dataset sheds light
The ability of the algorithm to make predictions has been on the algorithm's predictive power, the effect it has on
crucial in introducing dynamic fare modifications. The public transportation users' experiences, and the system's
system adjusts fare structures in real-time by taking into overall operational efficiency.
account a variety of parameters, including expected demand,
time of day, and external events. This maintains competitive Over a given time period, Figure 2 shows both the actual
fare pricing that adapts to changing demand patterns in the and predicted number of riders on a public transport system.
transit industry and maximizes revenue collection. The The x-axis shows the time of day, while the y-axis shows the
findings show a significant improvement in the passenger number of passengers for that day. The Random Forest
experience, which has been the main focus of this system. Algorithm's predictions and the observed values are shown
side by side. One way to evaluate the algorithm's
Passengers may get accurate and current information performance in predicting passenger demand is to compare
about bus locations, expected arrival times, and important the two lines. A dependable prediction model is shown by
service updates via mobile applications and real-time lines that are well aligned, although inconsistencies may
information displays at bus stops. Reduced wait times and point to places where the algorithm might be improved.
improved travel efficiency are further benefits of dynamic
route modifications. The ability of the cloud to process
massive amounts of data and calculations in real time is a
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Observed Passengers establishing it as a significant tool in the continuous
Predicted Passengers
development of smart urban transportation systems.
Figure 4 shows a graph showing important metrics of the
Random Forest algorithm's performance in a bus fare
60 ticketing system. It provides a visual representation of the
four most important metrics for assessing an algorithm's
performance: accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 Score. There
20 is a direct comparison of values for each statistic due to the
bar representation. It is easier to make informed decisions to
improve the system's efficiency and the passenger's
1 2 3 4 5
Time (Days)
experience with the help of this visual representation, which
helps evaluate the algorithm's predictive skills.
Fig. 2. Comparison of Observed and Predicted Passenger Counts over 0.86
A Random Forest Algorithm's overall performance in a
public transportation system across numerous assessment Accuracy
sites graph is shown in Figure 3. Different evaluation 0.8 Precision
instances are shown on the x-axis, while the two important
0.78 Recall
performance indicators, accuracy % and mean absolute error,
are shown on the y-axis. When user can see from the graph, 0.76
F1 Score
the algorithm's performance is improved when the accuracy
and mean absolute error numbers decrease. Viewing how 0.74
these measurements change over time may help you judge Performance Metrics
how well the algorithm consistently and reliably optimizes
the transportation system and predicts outcomes.
Fig. 4. Performance Metrics of Random Forest Algorithm in Bus Fare
Accuracy (% ) Mean Absolute Error Ticketing System
Compare the proposed Random Forest model's accuracy
toward the accuracy of present models to make sure it will
Performance Metrics
integrate well with the bus fare ticketing system. To
60 comprehend how the suggested strategy fares in comparison
to current approaches, this evaluation is critical. It is possible
to compare the Random Forest model's prediction power to
20 that of other algorithms and systems by measuring its
accuracy. By contrasting various techniques, we may better
0 understand their advantages and disadvantages, which helps
1 2 3 4 5
with decision-making and can guide future improvements to
Evaluation Points the ticketing system's passenger experience management
strategies for peak performance and users satisfaction.
Fig. 3. Random Forest Performance Trend
The public transport system's ultimate results using the
Random Forest Algorithm demonstrate impressive The Random Forest Algorithm's implementation in the
performance across several assessment criteria. The public transport system has produced remarkable results. The
algorithm's predicting skills are dependable, as seen by system has shown remarkable proficiency in predicting
accuracy percentages that typically hover around 90% and passenger demand, optimizing routes, and dynamically
mean absolute error. This means that the algorithm does a modifying tariffs, with sustained accuracy rates approaching
great job of optimizing routes, adjusting rates, and 90% and mean absolute error scores constantly below 4. The
forecasting passenger demand based on previous data. Points effectiveness of its enhancement of operational efficiency,
on the graph tend to cluster closely together, which is a reduction of transit delays, and, finally, improvement of the
reliable indicator of steady and accurate performance over passenger experience is highlighted by these outcomes.
time. Intelligent urban transportation systems may greatly benefit
from this algorithm's versatility and capacity to learn
These findings confirm the algorithm is well-suited to continuously from real-time data. Its importance in
improving operational efficiency, reducing transit delays, improving system responsiveness is amplified by its real-
and offering an enhanced passenger experience in the ever- time accuracy in making forecasts and modifications. These
changing urban transport environment. The algorithm's definitive findings emphasize the Random Forest Algorithm
strong performance highlights its promise as a game- as a foundational technology, encouraging creative and
changing tool for improving intelligent and responsive public effective public transport systems, which is crucial as urban
transport systems, especially as it keeps learning and environments keep changing. This achievement not only
adapting to new data. These definitive findings confirm the proves the algorithm's direct effect on transport operations,
algorithm's effectiveness in making decisions in real-time, but it also paves the way for a future in which data-driven
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