Design and Development of A Smart Shopping Cart System
Design and Development of A Smart Shopping Cart System
Abstract— In big shopping malls to purchase things in the Screen. Billing system is done by transferring the data by IOT
shop there will be a huge crowd in holidays and the crowd will [1-2]. But in this they can’t add or remove the product. Hence
be more during offers and discounts period. People buy more the author designs a system of which each trolley should have,
things on those days. After finishing purchasing, he/she should and it creates a best way of shopping. It consists of RFID
go for bill counter for billing purpose. The biller will bill the reader and the product has RFID tags by which the product
things by using barcodes and it is a time taking process. If it details will be known. The details will transfer to the billing
continuous it will lead to make long queues in the billing area. counter by ZigBee module, but the main disadvantage is it will
This research work is used to avoid this problem. To overcome
operate for the short distances only [3-4].
this problem the product should have RFID tags and the
shopping trolley should have LCD screen and RFID reader. Smart trolley using Arduino: The device consists of,
When customer puts some product in the trolley means it display, switch, power supply and RFID reader. The
automatically detects the product, product name and the purchasing of the items is done by transferring the data which
amount will be shown on the LCD screen. If you don’t want the is scanned by the RFID system using barcodes. But in this
product then you will take away from the trolley, and it will printing of bill is hardcopy [5-6].
automatically remove amount of the product from billing. The
trolleys (Cart) first detect whether the mode of shopping is RFID based advanced shopping trolley for supermarket:
online or offline. And the total amount will go to the billing In this paper the author designed a system consist of RFID and
system by Zigbee module and IOT so that it can save more time using the GSM module they will transfer the billing data.
and avoid crowding and queues. Online shopping means it Also, it will show the weight of the product also if the weight
requires network. is less, it will automatically the beep sound will come, and it
indicates that the product is not good to buy. [7-8]
Keywords—smart shopping cart, Radio Frequency
Identification (RFID), Internet of things (IoT), Zigbee module Human guided smart trolley Using Arduino and RFID: In
this paper the author invented a trolley which is completely
I. INTRODUCTION guided by human with some smart systems. It shortly we can
The proposed smart shopping cart is more useful, comfort call that as mini robot for shopping purposes.
and efficient in purchasing the goods. In this work a unique II. PROBLEM FORMULATION
trolley with automatic billing system using RFID is designed.
The main objective is to avoid crowd and to provide A.Problem Defination
comfortable shopping for customers. The smart shopping cart Now a days most people prefer to live in cities and are free
will reduce the time of billing process. The cart having RFID to visit Malls, Markets, Shopping complexes to secure more
system used to deal with the billing system. The data will be items. They face lots of difficulties and problems in shopping.
transferred using wireless by ZigBee Module. Every single When the customer has not brought money enough for
trolley will have separate RFID device to check the RFID tags purchasing, takes lots of disappointing moment to take away
and separate trolley address. The customer will automatically the product. And some shopkeepers will not give any
scan the product and can see the total product amount on LCD discounts provided in the product and that also want to be
Screen. This will be more useful for the malls and big rectified. Also, for the billing it takes much time and leads to
shopping complexes, and it gives a nice and comfortable standing in a long queue in the crowd perhaps, it is not safe to
experience for the people, and it will lead to attract people to standing in crowd in this pandemic situation. To solve these
the shop again and again. problems using this solution is identified using Universal
Smart/Innovative shopping cart proposed by author Product Code (UPI) and Radio Frequency Identification
designed a smart trolley for shops. The device is fixed in the (RFID).
trolley. In that the product and the product name and amount B.Problem Solution
will be displayed in the LCD screen and the total amount also
will be automatically calculated and will display in the LCD A buyer goes into the supermarket and takes the trolley for
buying things. Each trolley is fixed with RFID reader device.
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2022 Third International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT)
The mode of purchase is checked with the Arduino online or Flash memory: Used in the process of storing. It’s a
offline. If the customer brings the RFID tag near to the RFID permanent application storage if once you unplug the
reader means it will automatically read and give the identical Arduino, you know need to upload the application again.
number which gives the details of the product to the Arduino.
The data received by the Arduino will be displayed in the LCD SRAM memory: Used in the process of storing. When it is
screen and the LCD will show the product name and amount running also.
and overall cost. It will satisfy the customer to not cross the EEPROM memory: It is also like a flash memory once the
limit. If the Arduino detects that the shopping mode is online data is stored the power may be down or up and the Arduino
the final amount will be calculated and displayed on the screen data also will be saved.
the customer can pay the bill before packing.
ESP8266: The ESP-01 WIFI module is used to get connected
III. METHODOLOGY to a Wi-Fi network for internet access. The ESP01 is based on
the ESP8266 chip is shown in Fig.3. On the GISMO board,
The black diagram of the proposed work is represented in the ESP-01is used as a WIFI adapter to give wireless internet
Fig.1. A 12V power supply (Lead Acid Battery) is fed to the access to the microcontroller. The hardware interface between
circuit. It is given to the bridge rectifier, filter capacitor filter the microcontroller and the ESP-01 is a serial interface. The
and to the 7805 regulator 5V power supply unit. Using Rx and TX pins of ESP-01 are connected to 9 and 8 pins of
Arduino nano and 16x2 LCD display. An alarm is used to Arduino. These pins are not hardware, so the serial library pins
indicate a buzzer sound. EM-18 Module (9600 baud rate) are used to create a port.
125kHz frequency and will read the RFID Tags. EM-18
Module is used whenever the item is added. Whatever are
added a tag of data is send to the Arduino. In that tag, a 12digit
number and gagged are combine with the product and we are
going for addition and subtraction.
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2022 Third International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT)
LCD Display: Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) (Fig.5) is the will detect as online mode otherwise it will automatically
combination of Liquid and Crystal properties. They are having detect offline mode within seconds. fig.8: In the virtual
temperature range. It contains two glass panels and in between terminal we want to type ESP2866 means it will detect that
it has liquid crystal material sand. Transparent electrodes are the shopping mode is Online.fig.9: In this we are going to use
coated on the surface of the glass plates. On the outside of the codes instead of RFID Tags but only in simulation part.
glass panels polarizers are pasted. They are used to polarize fig.10:By using INCREMENT, DECREMENT, MOVE
the light rays to definite angle. Mostly LCD’s will consume Buttons we can change or fix our budget limit. And press
less power, less weight, and thickness is only millimeters and ENTER Button to start the shopping. fig.11: in offline mode
it can be easily powered for long duration. In our project it is
the bill will sent to the bill counter by IOT by ZEROS and
used to display the product, product name, and the amount of
ONES. Like showing in the virtual terminal tab in the above
the product by receiving the data from the Arduino.
image. fig.12: what are the procedures we did in the offline
shopping; the same procedure is followed in the online mode
also. fig.13: The total amount will show in our display itself.
By use of Paytm, G-Pay or some other money transaction
procedures you can pay the amount by online itself. Fig.14 is
showing the placing the items in online mode. Finally, total
items in online is shown in Fig.15.
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2022 Third International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT)
Fig 9. Detection of Offline mode Fig. 14. Placing the items in online mode
A. Experimental reults:
The project work is examined using separate trial cases for
every 1-cm, with three distinct things assessed for all
Fig. Prototype model
practical trials inside a 60-cm trolley with the reader in the
center position. The rate of detection is also affected by the
product's substance.
Fig. 13. Total in offline mode
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CHEMNITZ. Downloaded on December 21,2023 at 17:50:35 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2022 Third International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT)
1.2 data are transferred by ZigBee Module and ESP Module. The
total bill amount will send to the main server and to the bill
1 counter through the main service the designed shopping cart
0.8 will be very useful in time management we can save lots of
time (s)
0.6 time by avoiding long queues and crowd. Want to reduce the
size of the RFID tags. The device is also water and metal
0.4 sensitive. The RFID reader capability is of 50tags/sec. This
0.2 was to develop an app activates the trolley and, it has the
0 capacity to read the tag.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
distance (cm) REFERENCES
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CHEMNITZ. Downloaded on December 21,2023 at 17:50:35 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.