Recycling The Construction and Demolition Waste

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Recycling the construction and demolition waste to produce polymer

To cite this article: Mohammad T. Hamza and Dr. Awham M. Hameed 2018 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1003 012088

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IHSCICONF2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1003 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012088 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1003/1/012088

Recycling the construction and demolition waste to produce

polymer concrete

Mohammad T. Hamza 1 and Dr. Awham M. Hameed 1

Applied Sciences Department, University of Technology, Iraq, Baghdad.

[email protected]

Abstract. The sustainable management for solid wastes of the construction and demolition waste
stimulates searching for safety applications for these wastes. The aim of this research is recycling of
construction and demolition waste with some different types of polymeric resins to be used in
manufacturing process of polymer mortar or polymer concrete, and studying their mechanical and
physical properties, and also Specify how the values of compressive strength and the density are
affected via the different parameters. In this research two types of construction and demolition waste
were used as aggregates replacement (i.e. waste cement/concrete debris, and the waste blocks) while
the two types of polymer resins (i.e. Unsaturated polyester and Epoxy) as cement replacements. The
used weight percentages of the resins were changed within (1٥, 20, 25 and 30) % to manufacture
this polymer concrete.

Keyword: polymer concrete, demolition waste, Unsaturated polyester, Epoxy.

Concrete is a synthetic stone that is a mixture of water, admixture, binding material and additives. The
world concrete commonly means Portland cement concrete (PCC), in that binder is Portland cement If the
binder is synthetic resin of polymer, then we talk about synthetic resin polymer concrete (PC) (Now on the
currently accepted term ’polymer concrete’ is to be used) [1].
Polymer concrete (PC) is a comparatively young building material. It is primarily used for repairs, and
for formation of sidewalks and wear-resistant stratum [2]. Research works in the literature [2] mostly test
the properties of concrete purposed for given purposes. For enable the publishing of a new material, its
mechanical and physical characteristics should be tested methodically. Many researches of several years
aim to discover the characteristics of polymer concrete (PC) in detail, inclusive compressive strengths,
flexural strengths, slow plasticity, fire resistance, and the relationship between concrete and concrete, and
between polymer concrete and reinforcement rods.
The strengths and physical properties of polymer concrete mostly depend on the kinds of binder and
admixture. In case of Portland cement concretes, standard strength is determined at 28 days [1]. It is also
known that in case of cement concretes, strength is increasing continuously, and subsequent solidification
can be observed even after 28 days of age. One of the most favorable properties of polymer concrete is
extremely rapid strengthening, showing values approaching final strength as early at several days of age
[4] [5]. However, there is no reference in the literature to long-term time-dependent rise in strength.

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IHSCICONF2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1003 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012088 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1003/1/012088

In situation of Portland cement concrete (PCC), the strength and physical characteristics of concrete are
basically fixed by the state of affairs of production [1]. Decisive circumstances of production include
temperature, and the duration of mixing and compaction. Previous study [3] to its the first objective is to
get to know how the strength properties (compressive strength) of polymer concrete of a given composition
change in function of time (from mixing to 90 days of age) while the second objective of it is to study how
the strength properties (compressive strengths) of UP polymer concrete are influenced by the quality and
duration of mixing and compaction. The current study aims to recycle the construction and demolition
waste for using again to produce the polymer concrete after the mixing process with different polymeric
resins in various weight ratios.


2.1. Epoxy
Sikadur-52 is a 2 parts, solvent free, low viscosity injection-liquids, based on high strength epoxy resins
produced by (Sika yapi Kimyasallari A.S. Turkiye). Table (1) illustrates some mechanical and physical
properties of epoxy resin
This epoxy resin has kindly adhesion to the concrete, mortar, stone, steel and wood. Sikadur-52 is
applied to fill and seal voids and cracks in structures, for example bridges and another civil engineering
building, industrial and indoor buildings, e.g. columns, beams, ground, walls, floors and water keep
structures. It not only forms an influential barrier against water sweating and corrosion strengthen media,
but it also Structural aspect bonds the concrete Parts together.
Table 1. Show the properties of epoxy
Mechanical & Physical prop. of epoxy
Density 1.0850 g/cm3 at 20 ᴼC
Compressive strength 52 MPa after 7 days at 23ᴼC
Flexural strength 61 MPa After 7 days at 23ᴼC
Tensile strength 37 MPa After 7 days at 23ᴼC
Flexural strength
E-Modules after 7 days at 23ᴼC
1800 MPa
Thermal expansion coefficient 8.9×10-5 ᴼC-1 from -20 ᴼC to 40ᴼC

2.2. Polyester
Unsaturated polyester (UPE) resins are the most usually used for the composites industry. Polyester resins
have a good equilibrium of mechanical, electrical and chemical characteristics. Unsaturated polyester resin it
was used in this research is produced by K.S.A. Typical the properties of the unsaturated polyester resin are
described in Table (2) and (3).
Table 2. Show physical Properties of unsaturated polyester resin
physical properties of unsaturated polyester
Density 1.9-2.0 kg/dm3 At +25 ᴼC
Percentage of Styrene 22 % At +25 ᴼC
Viscosity 1000 mPa . s At +25 ᴼC
Color Purple At +25 ᴼC
Specific weight 1.15 At +25 ᴼC
Hardener time 6 minutes At +25 ᴼC

IHSCICONF2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1003 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012088 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1003/1/012088

Table 3. Show mechanical properties of unsaturated polyester

Mechanical properties of unsaturated polyester
Dry value Weigh value Units
Tensile strength 91.5 88.3 N/mm2
Tensile modulus 9.30 7.71 KN/mm2
Flexural strength 176 164 N/mm2
Flexural modulus 7.38 6.59 KN/mm2
Glass contain 27.4 ------ %

The polyester resin has good chemical resistance characteristics. The chemical environment has to be
well-known before polyester or vinylester resin can be selected. Polyester resins are suitable in weak alkalis
and excellent in weak acid environments.

2.3. Sand
AL-Ukhaider natural sand was used throughout this work. The physical properties of aggregate
according to Limits of the Iraqi Specification No.45/1984 illustrated in Table 4.
Table 4. Show Physical properties of sand.
density 2.65 g/cm3
Sulfate content % 0.2
Absorption% 0.6
Thermal conductivity 0.7766 (W/m.K)

2.4. Construction and Demolition waste

x Waste cement/concrete debris

x Waste blocks. Show in figure (1).

(A) (B)

Figure 1. Show Construction and Demolition waste (A) waste cement/concrete debris (B) waste blocks

IHSCICONF2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1003 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012088 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1003/1/012088

Some processes were made on this aggregate such as crushing, grinding, sieving, before mixing with
polymeric resin as binder. Table (5) shows some properties of these two types of aggregates.
Table 5. Physical properties for aggregates.
Loose bulk
Samples density Specific gravity Percentage of voids %
Waste Blocks 0.995 1.255 0.207
Waste Cement 1.209 1.522 0.205

3-Experimental Work

3.1. Mixing of Concrete

For preparing the polymer concrete (PC), a dry mixing had been done for both two types of aggregate for
3 minutes and then the unsaturated polyester resin (UP) or epoxy (EP) were added to the mixture after
mixing with the hardener with weight ratio 0.01% for (UP) and (2:1) for (EP).

3.2. Casting and Curing of the Specimens

Before casting, the molds were carefully oiled to be ready for casting the fresh concrete. The polymer
concrete was cast in 3 layers for all samples, respectively layer was compacted by a rod then all samples
were wet-cured at room temperature and removed the molds after one day.

Figure 2. Show the samples

IHSCICONF2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1003 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012088 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1003/1/012088

Table 6. Show the prepared samples (1)

Aggregates with Percentage of Epoxy resin

Percentage of
Samples Aggregates Polymer resin
SCEP N. sand + concrete Debris Epoxy 20 %
SWEP N. sand + waste Blocks Epoxy 15 %
Table 7. Show the prepared samples (2)

Aggregates with Percentage of Unsaturated polyester resin

Percentage of
Samples Aggregates Polymer resin
N. sand + concrete Debris
SCUP Unsaturated polyester 30 %
N: natural
SWUP N. sand + waste Blocks Unsaturated polyester 25 %

4-Test Procedures

4.1. Compressive strength

The compressive strengths test was calculated consistent with B.S.1881, part 116 [6]. This test was made
on 50 mm3 cubes using an electrical testing machine with measurements of 2000 kN. The compressive
strengths of the samples were calculated by applying the equation 1.
Compressive strength = F (force)/A (area) (1)
C = Compressive strengths in (MPa).
F = The maximum load up to failure in (N).
A = Initial cross sectional area of specimens in (mm²).

4.2. Bulk Density

This test was calculated consistent with the ASTM C138 [7]. Where the density was calculated by dividing
the total mass of all materials. The bulk density was calculated by applying equation (2)
Bulk density = M (mass) / V (volume) (2)
ρ = Bulk density in (g/cm3), M= Mass in (g) and V= Volume in (cm3).

IHSCICONF2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1003 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012088 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1003/1/012088

5-Results and Discussions

5.1. Bulk Density

The density of case-hardened concrete is a responsibility of the densities of the initial components, mix
quantities, initial and final water contented, air contented, degree of consolidation, degree of hydration,
volume variations, and consequent gain or loss of water, amongst additional factors.
Dependence on these operators creates density an effective indicator of the homogeneousness of raw
materials, mixing, batching, placing, sampling, and testing. Table (8) shows the bulk density values of
various types of concrete before curing.
Table 8. Show Results of the density
Samples Percentage of resin Density Unit
SCUP 30 % 1.748 g/cm3
SWUP 25 % 1.854 g/cm3
SCEP 20 % 1.934 g/cm3
SWEP 15 % 1.642 g/cm3

5.2. Compressive strength

Compressive strengths test the most important characteristic of concrete subsequently the first consideration
in structural design, is that the structural components must be capable of transport the imposed loads. Table
(9) shows the Compressive strength values of various types of concrete before curing.
Table 9. Show Results of the Compressive strength
Sample Percentage of resin Compressive strength Unit
SCUP 30 % 80.48 MPa
SWUP 25 % 132.55 MPa
SCEP 20 % 121.93 MPa
SWEP 15 % 56.65 MPa

[1] Balázs, Gy.: “Építőanyagok és kémia”, Tankönyv kiadó, Budapest, 1984
[2] ACI Committe 548.: Polymer Concrete – Structural Applications State-of-the Art Report, 1996
[3] Farkas, Gy., Nemeth, O.I.: “Experimental study of polymer concrete’s mechanical properties”
Proceeding of 15th International Conference on Civil Engineering and Architecture, Csíksomlyó,
pp.117-123., 2011
[4] ACI 548.1R-09: “Guide For The Use Of Polymer In Concrete, Chapter 4 – Polymer Concrete”, reported
by ACI Committee, PP.11-16., 2009
[5] Fowler, D. W. , Polymers in Concrete, ACI SP-214, PP. 111-117, 2003.
[6] B.S.1881, Part 116, "Method for Determination of Compressive Strength of Concrete Cubes", British
Standard Institution, 1989.
[7] ASTM C138 "Standard Test Method for Density (Unit Weight), Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric)
of Concrete" Annual Book of ASTM Standards Vol. 04-02/2004.

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