Subclasses by The Dozen
Subclasses by The Dozen
Subclasses by The Dozen
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Path of the Night Raider
Barbarian Subclass
Some barbarian cultures revere the Shadow Incarnate
darkness and learn how to use it to their
At 14th level, each time the relentless rage ability is
advantage. these people might be
triggered, and you succeed at the saving throw,
nocturnal, live in the shadow of endless magical darkness spreads from you in a 15-foot
forests or they are denizens of the radius sphere. A creature with Darkvision can't see
underdark. Warriors of these tribes are through this darkness, and nonmagical light can't
not only used to the darkness, they use it illuminate it. You however, can see in this magical
to their advantage. their bodies and darkness. The darkness dissipates after one minute.
weapons coated in black paints, giving
them a ghoulish appearance. Most of
them also use face paint when they are
raiding civilised settlements, inspiring
great fear into those who are awoken by
such a shadowy, hellish and silent
attacker. Night raiders are superior at
skulking their opponents, surprising them
and shredding them to pieces before they
can organise themselves.
Skulking Warrior
At 3rd level, you gain expertise on stealth checks
when you use the hide action in an area that is at
least lightly obscured.
Bonus Proficiencies
When you choose this path at 3rd level, you gain
proficiency in the Stealth skill.
Ghoulish Presence
At 6th level, while you are raging you look like a
hideous ghoulish creature. The last humanoid
creature you hit with a melee attack has
disadvantage on any attacks rolls it makes against
targets other than you.
Perfect Timing
At 10th level, you learn how to perfectly time your
attacks. When you attack a surprised creature and
score a hit, you can treat it as a critical hit.
College of Ventriloquism
Bard Subclass
Bards of the college of ventriloquism are Furthermore, you can also expend a Bardic
Inspiration die to impose disadvantage on a
known by all, loved by many and hated by creature’s saving throw against your enchantment
some. The latter group is mostly irked by spells.
satiric performances of the person in
question. Another slight inconvenience to Speak from the Stomach
this group is that the ability to throw one’s At 14th level, even magic cannot contain the
voice makes the ventriloquists chatter throwing of your voice. You will always be able to
hard to muffle, even with their own sock fulfil the verbal component of a spell; even when
under the influence of the silence spell.
puppet stuffed in their mouths. Furthermore, you have perfected the art of
mockery and can cast vicious mockery as a bonus
Experts at mimicking voices and action from now on.
improvising characters on the spot, the
ventriloquist might often be mistaken for
the village fool. Nevertheless, some of
them conduct more serious performances
and they can even tap into the magic that
follows their charismatic performances.
Bonus Proficiencies
When you join the College of Ventriloquism at 3rd
level, you gain the ventriloquism and puppeteering
No Strings Attached
At 3rd level, you learn to thwart your enemies by
throwing your voice. When you are dealing damage
with a cantrip, you can expend one of your uses of
Bardic Inspiration, rolling a Bardic Inspiration die Ventriloquism: Gagging, or otherwise obstructing
and adding the number rolled to your damage as your mouth does not refrain you from talking or
psychic damage. casting spells with a verbal component.
Puppeteering: The following table details which
Puppet Master kinds of puppets you can make during a long rest and
at what cost. You can convert any of these puppets to
At 6th level, others are enthralled by your
a spellfocus at the cost of an additional 2 gp.
performance like puppets on a string. Whether you
use this power to aid your allies, fool your enemies
or just pull some pranks is up to you. You can use
the countercharm feature as a bonus action at the Type of puppet Material cost
cost of a Bardic Inspiration die. Sockpuppet, fingerpuppet 1 cp
Rod puppet, glove puppet 4 sp
Marionette, dummy 2 gp
Automaton, clockwork 5 gp
Travel Domain
Cleric Subclass
The gods of travel are patrons to those Fast Paced
who seek a better place to live or simply
Starting at 1st level, your movement speed is
want to broaden their horizons. These
increased by 10 feet. While you are concentrating
gods teach that it is unwise to travel on a spell targeting an allied creature, its movement
unprepared and bless their followers with speed is also increased by 10 feet.
safehavens in the form of inns, caves,
hollowed out trees and the likes. Travel Channel Divinity: Safe Travels
does not only limit itself to the material
Starting at 2nd level you can use your channel
plane either, for there are many divinity to allow you and your companions to
wonderful locations to be discovered travel safely for a short period. When using this
along the multiverse. followers of these feature, you gain the following benefits for two
deities take great pleasure in discovering hours;
new places and faces and thus make for ▪ Allies within 30 feet of you are not
great guides, adventurers or traveling hindered by difficult terrain.
merchants. Deitiesof this domain includ: ▪ Anyone within a dome with a radius of 30
Tymora, Selûne, Waukeen, Baervan feet is not affected by normal weather
Wildwanderer, Ganesha, Hermes and effects. Effects caused by magic (or
many more. extraplanar weather) can perforate the
▪ When you are ambushed, you are not
Domain spells surprised as long as you can see or hear.
You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in Starting at level 14, the dome also protects you
the Grave Domain Spells table. See the Divine from extraplanar weather and the effects of
Domain class feature for how domain spells work. magical weather caused by spells of level 3 or less.
▪ When you hit a target with a weapon Long Live the King
attack, you add the number of other allies
within 5 feet of the target to the damage of Starting at 14th level, every time you revert to your
your attack, up to a limit of 3 damage. normal form you can choose to activate the effect
▪ When you use the aid action to help an ally of the 5th level Insect Plague spell as a reaction
with an ability check, you can add your without expending any spell slots. When you’ve
used your bonus action to revert to your normal
proficiency bonus to the roll instead of form, you also gain the benefits of the disengage
rolling with advantage. This effect cannot action.
be combined with the Guidance cantrip.
Swarm Intelligence
Starting at 6th level you gain an understanding of the
mind of many and can communicate with swarms
of beasts with pheromones, movement and the
likes. Swarms of beasts count as beasts for the
purpose of your wildshape ability and the conjure
animals spell.
Playing Possum
Physiology Expert
At 9th level, you have acquired a broad
understanding of bodily functions of creatures of
your race and another humanoid race of your
choice. You have advantage on attack rolls made
against creatures of these races. On top of that,
you can cast the detect poison and disease spell at
will, but it will only detect poisons and or diseases
currently afflicting humanoid creatures.
Aberrant Entity
Sorcerer Subclass
itself on a success. After using this feature, you
Your source of magic is foreign to this
make the same Intelligence saving throw. On a
world and hard to grasp. Maybe the power failure, you roll on the Short-Term madness table
within you comes from experiments as your mind is damaged from the blast.
performed on your ancestors by illithids
When you reach level 10 in this class, you expend
in the times of yonder, you were dreamt more sorcery points to increase the damage dealt
up by a beholder or some ancient alien by this feature by 1d8 per extra 2 sorcery points
force has gifted you with these powers for you have expended.
its entertainment. Whatever is the case,
the more you find out about the source of We All Float Here
your powers the less sense the world Starting at 14th level you learn to the levitate and
detect thoughts spells, which don’t count against
seems to make and the more different you your number of sorcerer spells known. In addition,
feel than those around you. Others seem you can cast them by spending 2 sorcery points or
to be able to pick up on your strangeness, expending a spell slot.
the look in your eyes, the way you answer
to questions nobody asked aloud and even Mindfeeder
the way you talk and walk seems aloof to
At 18th level, you can feast on the thoughts of
them. Most people fear or hate sorcerers others. When a creature is charmed by you, it takes
with this aberrant power, so often they 3d8 psychic damage at the end of its turn. You
must flee from town to town. The restore hitpoints equal to the amount of damage
Aberrant Entity might find a kindred dealt to the creature.
spirit if it looks far and wide enough and
if he does, they are often aberration
Advanced Telepathy
At 1st level you gain telepathy up to a 60 feet range.
Additionally, you can also perceive the content of
any telepathic communication used within a radius
of 60 feet of yourself.
Maddening Mind
Starting at 6th level you have learned how to
amplify and broadcast your alien mind to harm
others. As an action you can expend 3 sorcery
points to magically emit psychic energy in a 60-foot
cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on
an Intelligence saving throw against your
spellcasting DC or take 3d8 + your charisma
modifier psychic damage and be stunned for 1
minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at
the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
The Formless
Warlock Subclass
You draw your powers from a formless, And Then There Were Two
shapeless entity. This entity could be a
Starting at 6th level, you have learned the secret to
powerful sentient ooze or Jubilex himself splitting yourself from your formless patron. As an
or perhaps even a starspawn. The pact action, you can spend half your maximum
you’ve made with this strange being hitpoints and a copy of yourself will appear in an
allows you to change your form. unoccupied space within 5 feet of you. Your hit
points maximum is reduced by half until this copy
Connection with such a weird and cold of you has its hitpoints reduced to 0. If no such
entity will change not only your body but space is available, you cannot split.
also your mind over time. Your texture
will become slimy and you will start The copy of yourself has half your maximum
drooling with a mindless gaze in your hitpoints and acts on your initiative. It has only an
action, no bonus action or reaction. It cannot cast
eyes. spells but can cast cantrips. If you are reduced to 0
hitpoints, your consciousness will transfer to the
clone if it is within 200 feet of you. If it is not, you
Expanded Spell List are knocked unconscious as normal.
The formless lets you choose from an expanded If the copy is out of 200 feet from you for over a
list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The week, it will grow its own consciousness and start
following spells are added to the warlock spell list to plot to replace you. If it succeeds or you are
for you. killed further than 200 feet from your clone, it will
Spell Level Spells regain your max hit points and replace your former
1st Disguise Self, Grease character with a different personality and vague
2nd Enlarge/Reduce, Detect Thoughts memories of its life before the split.
3rd Meld into Stone, Stinking Cloud
4th Stoneskin, Polymorph
Formless, Shapeless, Mindless
At 10th level, your endeavours into the knowledge
5th Seeming, Cloudkill
of your patron have left you a husk of your former
self. Through forbidden texts and rituals, you have
Bonus Cantrips gained the following benefits:
▪ Your mind has been hollowed, you and
At 1st level, you learn the acid splash and
your copy are immune to psychic damage;
resistance cantrips. They count as warlock cantrips
but cannot succeed on History, Nature,
for you, but they don’t count against your number
Medicine, Animal Handling or Religion
of cantrips known.
Slippery Slope ▪ You can use an action to consume your
copy, regaining half its remaining hit points.
At 1st level, you have a certain control over the ▪ You and your copy have advantage against
poisons and acids you wield. Whenever you deal being grappled or restrained.
poison or acid damage, you can add your charisma
modifier to this damage. The copy you gain at level Ever Changing
6 does not benefit from this feature. At 14th level, you have imbued yourself with
enchantments that adapt your body to your
surroundings. You can innately cast the Absorb
Elements spell at first level. When you are resistant
to a type of damage in this way, so is your copy.
Eldritch Invocations:
Nebulous Force
Prerequisite: 5th level
You can cast gaseous form once on yourself without
expending a spell slot. You regain the ability to do
so when you finish a long rest.
Prerequisite: 10th level, the Formless Patron
You get the shapechanger tag, making you immune
to being targeted by the polymorph spell against
your will. You also gain the Change shape action.
Change shape: you magically polymorphs into a
Small or Medium humanoid, or back into your true
form. Your Statistics are the same in each form.
Any Equipment you are wearing or carrying isn't
transformed. You revert to your true form if you
Ooze Enthusiast
Prerequisite: Pact of the Chain feature
When you cast the find familiar spell, you can
choose to let your familiar take the form of a
Raisin Eater.
School of Chronomancy
Wizard Subclass
The school of chronomancy seeks to Temporal Paradox
manipulate time through the practice of
At 14th level, you add the banishment spell to your
magic. All chronomancers know that
spell book if it is not there already.
time is a fickle property and great care
When you cast banishment, you can choose to
needs to be taken when messing with it.
send the target in forward or backward in time
The Moth Theorem explains that even instead. If you choose this option, the following
the smallest alteration to a timeline might rules apply:
have grave consequences. Altering time • If the spell ends before 1 minute has passed, the
itself is thus a risky undertaking target reappears in the space it left or in the nearest
Hands of Time
At 6th level, you add the slow spell to your spell
book if it is not there already. When you cast slow,
you can target one additional creature. Also, when
you cast slow your speed is doubled until the start
of your next turn.
Time Skip
Beginning at 10th level, your mastery of time
allows you to predict your enemies’ movements to
an extent. You can disengage as a bonus action