3BSE069489-602 - en Panel 800 Version 6 Panel Builder Programming and Installation 6.0-2
3BSE069489-602 - en Panel 800 Version 6 Panel Builder Programming and Installation 6.0-2
3BSE069489-602 - en Panel 800 Version 6 Panel Builder Programming and Installation 6.0-2
All rights to copyrights, registered trademarks, and trademarks reside with their respective
3BSE069489-602 5
6 3BSE069489-602
Section 4 - Tags
Adding Tags ........................................................................... 105
Removing Unused Tags ......................................................... 106
Basic Settings .................................................................... 110
Scaling ............................................................................ 112
Data Exchange ................................................................... 112
Others ............................................................................. 112
Adding Tags during Editing .................................................... 114
Selecting Multiple Tags ......................................................... 114
Tag Actions ............................................................................ 115
Internal Tags ........................................................................... 116
System Tags ........................................................................... 117
Array Tags ............................................................................. 119
Array Tag Set Up ................................................................ 120
Cross Reference ....................................................................... 121
Triggers ................................................................................ 121
Poll Groups ............................................................................ 122
Station Handling ...................................................................... 123
Index Registers ........................................................................ 125
Index Addressing Example ..................................................... 126
Using Index Registers for Station Handling .................................. 130
Expressions ............................................................................ 132
Definition ......................................................................... 132
Using Expressions ............................................................... 132
Library Expressions ............................................................. 134
Limitations ....................................................................... 134
Data Exchange ........................................................................ 135
Importing and Exporting Tags ....................................................... 139
Handling Columns .............................................................. 139
Saving the Import Configuration .............................................. 140
Tag Import Example ............................................................ 140
Importing Tags from the Command Line ..................................... 144
Filtering Tags .......................................................................... 145
Tag Format ............................................................................ 146
Aliases ................................................................................. 148
3BSE069489-602 7
Section 5 - Controller
Adding a Controller .................................................................. 153
Notify Window .................................................................. 155
DEMO Controller ..................................................................... 155
External OPC Server ................................................................. 155
OPC Classic Client .............................................................. 156
OPC UA Client .................................................................. 156
Updating Drivers ...................................................................... 159
Updating Drivers from Internet ................................................ 159
Updating Drivers from File .................................................... 160
Synchronizing the Controller Clock ................................................ 161
Section 7 - Objects
Blinking Objects ...................................................................... 185
Limitations for operator panel Targets ........................................ 186
Shapes .................................................................................. 186
HMI Controls ......................................................................... 187
Action Menu Object ............................................................. 188
Alarm Viewer Object ........................................................... 190
Analog Numeric Object ........................................................ 190
Animated GIF .................................................................... 193
Animated Label Object ......................................................... 194
Audit Trail Viewer Object ...................................................... 195
Button Object .................................................................... 195
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10 3BSE069489-602
Section 11 - Scheduler
Scheduler Set Up ..................................................................... 335
Adding a Scheduler ............................................................. 335
Section 12 - Reports
Reports Template Set up ............................................................. 337
Limitations ....................................................................... 337
Database Driven Reports ....................................................... 338
Reports Set Up ........................................................................ 339
Adding a Report ...................................................................... 339
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12 3BSE069489-602
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Section 23 - Troubleshooting
Project Build Failure ................................................................. 437
Backup Project Issues ................................................................ 437
Invalid Names ......................................................................... 437
Adobe Reader not Recognized ...................................................... 438
Expression Cannot Be Found ........................................................ 438
Performance Issue Related to Graphics Card ...................................... 438
Error Related to Third Party Controls .............................................. 439
14 3BSE069489-602
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16 3BSE069489-602
Section 1 The Configuration Tool
The Panel Builder software is used to configure operator panels PP871, PP874/874K
PP877/877K, PP882, PP885, PP893, and PP896 from ABB.
Panel Builder contains all basic functions needed in an application. The functions
are tested and developed with customer needs and preferences in focus.
Pre-defined objects in Panel Builder can be used to create complete process images,
providing an overview of a complex application. You can customize the pre-defined
objects or create objects of your own.
Communication drivers for a large number of controllers and automation equipment
are available.
The help file assumes that the most recent versions of the system program (image)
and Panel Builder are used.
3BSE069489-602 17
Introduction Section 1 The Configuration Tool
Tip icon indicates advice on, for example, how to design your project
or how to use a certain function.
Although Warning hazards are related to personal injury, and Caution hazards
are associated with equipment or property damage, it should be understood that
operation of damaged equipment could, under certain operational conditions, result
in degraded process performance leading to personal injury or death. Therefore,
fully comply with all Warning and Caution notices.
18 3BSE069489-602
Section 1 The Configuration Tool Introduction
Panel 800 Version 6 operator panels can be connected to many types of automation
equipment, such as PLCs, servos, and drives. Further on, the expression controller is
used as a general term for the connected equipment.
Related information
Data values in a controller are referred to as tags.
Tags may also belong to the system or be internal. A tag has a symbolic name and
can be of different data types.
Objects connected to tags can change values in the controller, and tag values can be
reflected by changing object appearance in various ways. Objects in a screen will
remain static until connected to a tag.
Related information
3BSE069489-602 19
Introduction Section 1 The Configuration Tool
Panel Builder
Panel Builder System Requirements
Parameter Recommendation
Processor 2 GHz or higher
Operating system Microsoft Windows 7
Microsoft Windows Vista
Microsoft Windows XP SP3 1
Software, drivers and protocols may have been updated since the DVD was
produced. Therefore, it is recommended that you use the built-in update function in
Panel Builder before creating a project.
Related information
Update Software
Updating Drivers
20 3BSE069489-602
Section 1 The Configuration Tool Introduction
Related information
Panel 800 Version 6 System Software
3BSE069489-602 21
Introduction Section 1 The Configuration Tool
Getting Started
Panel Builder is installed on a engineering PC, where projects are developed,
designed and compiled. The project is then run in an operator panel or PC to observe
and control a controller (or a group of controllers).
Panel Builder projects can be targeted for
• An operator panel from ABB
• A keyboard operated panel from ABB.
• A PC (Industrial PC) from ABB
22 3BSE069489-602
Section 1 The Configuration Tool Introduction
Support on operator
Item Support on PC target panel target
Media Player Supported
Not supported on PP87x
PDF Viewer Supported
Web Browser Supported
Navigation List Box Supported
Screen Carousel Supported
Drop down shadow Supported
Not supported on PP87x /
PP88x panels
Rounded corners Supported
on rectangle
Opacity Supported
Report Supported Reports containing charts
and pictures can not be
printed from an operator
panel target
Dynamics All dynamic settings are Some dynamic settings
supported are not supported on
PP87x / PP88x panels,
e.g. background color for
button, trend viewer and
3BSE069489-602 23
Introduction Section 1 The Configuration Tool
Support on operator
Item Support on PC target panel target
meter, and min/max values
for meter
The models PP874K and PP877K are keyboard operated panel versions based on PP87x, and the same Panel Builder
items as for PP87x are supported, unless stated otherwise.
A project for an operator panel can be used without any restrictions imposed by
A limited number of controller tags are available for a standard PC project. The
number of tags is controlled by a USB hardware dongle.
The number of used controller tags (including DEMO controller tags) is shown in
the lower right of the desktop. The figures will turn red if the number of used tags
becomes greater than the number of available tags.
There are no license restrictions for internal tags.
Related information
Internal Tags
DEMO Controller
Product Registration
The first time Panel Builder is started, a registration dialog is displayed. Entering
the registration key provides unlimited access to all program functionality and
software updates.
Alternatively, select to continue using a trial version of the software. You may
evaluate Panel Builder with full functionality for 30 days. When the evaluation
period has expired, it will still be possible to use the software, but the functions in
the Run and Transfer groups will be disabled.
Project Size
The project size is shown in the lower right of the desktop area when designing an
operator panel project. The size was calculated at the latest validation.
24 3BSE069489-602
Section 1 The Configuration Tool Introduction
The Panel Builder software is supplied on a DVD. Double click on the file setup.exe
found on the DVD, and follow the instructions to install Panel Builder.
The installation creates an icon for Panel Builder in the group named Panel Builder.
Click on Start/All Programs/ABB Industrial IT/Panel 800/Panel Builder to
start Panel Builder.
Configured Features
Panel Builder offers the possibility to add customer-specific features in the program.
This is done through the use of registration keys that are entered after the Panel
Builder software installation has been done.
Related information
The top folder for a specific application designed with Panel Builder is referred
to as the project folder.
During runtime, project database files can be updated, for example with new recipes.
This means that to completely reproduce a project that has been in operation, it may
be necessary to combine source files with files retrieved from the operator panel.
3BSE069489-602 25
Introduction Section 1 The Configuration Tool
File Structure
A project contains a set of files related to the functional and graphical design and
a set of files related to the runtime operation of the project, where the latter is
compiled from the design files.
Project Folder
When a new project is created, a folder with the project name is created as the
top-level container, the Project folder. The files that define the functional and
graphical design reside in the top level of the project folder. Other folders are created
as a result of validation and build.
Pictures that are used in projects are converted to .png files when the project is
Pictures are resized to the largest static usage in any of the project screens, in order to
save memory space in the panel. If a picture is enlarged in runtime using dynamics,
the enlarged picture will have a lower effective resolution.
Project pictures are stored in the Symbols folder as a compressed folder named
The Temp folder contains intermediate build files from project compilation.
The Temp folder also includes the Output folder. The Output folder contains all
files needed to run the project in the target. These files are copied to an operator
panel when the Transfer command is used. For a PC, the Transfer to folder
command is used to copy the necessary files to a USB stick to the runtime PC via
a network connection.
It is necessary to open ports in the firewall for the runtime PC application.
26 3BSE069489-602
Section 1 The Configuration Tool Introduction
2. Copy all single files (files not included in any folders) as well as all folders,
except the Temp folder, in the project folder.
The database used for Panel Builder projects is of SQL Server Compact Edition type.
The contents of the database can be managed with third-party database management
tools. Panel Builder includes a database viewer object that can be used to display
database contents in runtime.
The database is initially transferred to the operator panel using the transfer command.
The database will only be updated if there are changes made in the project that
affects the database contents, for example:
• Changed or added recipes
• Changed or added data loggers
• Changes to alarm handling
• Changed or added trend viewers
A copy of the database can be made with the Upload Database command. Some of
the databases can be exported individually in csv, comma separated values, format
using the Database Export action. If possible, it is recommended to use the database
export action rather than the backup database action.
Related information
Database Viewer Object
3BSE069489-602 27
Introduction Section 1 The Configuration Tool
Related information
Upload Database
Database Export
28 3BSE069489-602
Section 2 Working with Projects
This section describes Panel Builder and explains how to work with a project for
an operator panel.
In Panel Builder, ribbons tabs are used instead of menu commands. This reduces
the number of steps needed to design complex components, and also supplies an
attractive user interface.
Ribbon tabs are located in the top section of the tool window. Each ribbon tab
holds one or several control groups. Each group contains a set of related controls.
Controls are made to design screens, and to make settings for objects and controls
in the project.
Creating a Project
A project can be created according to the following sections, but the work process
can be adapted and rearranged if needed.
Connecting to a Controller
Establishing communication between an operator panel and controller is necessary to
allow operator observation and control. The larger the project is, the more important
it is to ensure that there is a suitable communication design.
There is a built-in DEMO controller in Panel Builder. It can be used for test and
simulation purposes.
Related information
Creating a New Project
Select Controller
Communication Design
DEMO Controller
3BSE069489-602 29
Creating a Project Section 2 Working with Projects
Related information
Alarms are used to make the operator aware of events that require immediate action.
An alarm is set when a certain condition is met. An alarm condition is designed as
a logical evaluation of a tag value. Alarms can be divided into groups to create an
order of priority.
Related information
Alarm Management
Function Keys
Function keys can be used to perform actions and execute scripts. This allows
operator control of data and screen functionality independent of which screen is
Related information
Function Keys
30 3BSE069489-602
Section 2 Working with Projects Creating a Project
Multiple Languages
Translation of texts and system texts can be performed directly in the application, or
via export to a text file to be translated in other software. The file is imported to the
application after translation. The application language can be changed in runtime,
for example based on a tag value.
Pre-translated system texts are provided with Panel Builder. These texts are
adapted for a PC, which means that they contain more strings than what is
available for panel targets. This results in warnings when importing the system
texts to projects created for a panel, but these warnings can safely be ignored.
Related information
Language Management
Access to objects and actions in the project can be limited using security groups
and user passwords.
Related information
Security Management
Text Library
With the text library function, text tables can be created, where values are linked
to texts.
Related information
Text Library
Audit Trail
The Audit Trail function allows tracking of operator actions.
Related information
Audit Trail
3BSE069489-602 31
Creating a Project Section 2 Working with Projects
Data Logger
Data can be logged and saved to file. Bit, 16-bit, 32-bit and Real (Float) values can
be logged. Be aware that logging of data consumes system resources and memory.
Related information
Data Logger
Setting and resetting digital tags in relation to the real-time clock can be performed
using a scheduler, in order to control events in the process at special calendar times.
Related information
Recipes are used to set or save a predefined group of tags in one operation.
Values can be predefined or collected from the controller, and then saved to a
recipe in the operator panel. The operator can download the recipe at any time to
the controller, which will start working with the recipe values. Recipe handling
makes it possible to reuse large parameter sets, to improve efficiency of time critical
production where a change of products must be made quickly. Recipe files can be
created in the development project or with the operator panel.
Related information
Recipe Management
The reports function allows adding excel report templates to the project.
Related information
32 3BSE069489-602
Section 2 Working with Projects Importing an Panel Builder 800 Version 5 Project
3. Click Finish.
The project will be imported to the corresponding Panel 800 Version 6 target. All
screens will be imported and graphical objects in the Panel Builder 800 Version 5
project will be converted to corresponding Panel Builder objects. Some objects
may not be supported.
Functions such as recipes and data logging work differently in Panel Builder, and
will have to be reconfigured in the imported project.
During the import, a log file of unsupported objects and functions is created. It
can be saved to disk for future reference.
3BSE069489-602 33
Optimizing Performance Section 2 Working with Projects
Optimizing Performance
The following section presents a couple of issues to consider in order to optimize the
Panel Builder project. Some parts are related to the communication driver; other
parts concern CPU load and flash operations.
Communication Performance
Signal Types
Tags used for driver communication can be static or dynamic. These are updated in
different manners.
Static Tags
Static tags are updated continuously, even if they are not currently shown on the
panel display.
Additionally, the operator panel reads the following items continuously:
• Alarm tags
• Data logger tags
• Multiple languages tags
• Controller tags with value change events
The communication time is not affected by the following:
• Alarm messages
• Schedulers
• Tags linked to function keys
34 3BSE069489-602
Section 2 Working with Projects Optimizing Performance
Dynamic Tags
Dynamic tags are updated only when they are presented on the display. An analog
numeric object serves as an example of when a dynamic tag is used.
Communication Design
This section describes how tags are read and how the reading can be optimized to
make the communication between the operator panel and the controller fast and
Tag Packages
Tags to be transferred are not all transferred at the same time, but are grouped
into packages. The number of tags in each package depends on the driver for the
To make communication as fast as possible the number of packages should be
minimized. Consecutive tags require a minimum number of packages, but it is
perhaps not always possible to program it this way. In such cases there is a “waste”
between two tags.
Waste is the maximum distance between two tags that can be kept in the same
package. The size of the waste depends on the driver used, and is included in the
driver help file, e.g as in the table below:
3BSE069489-602 35
Optimizing Performance Section 2 Working with Projects
Driver x Analog signals Digital signals
Number of signals/package 29 124
Waste 20 0
This specific driver can have 29 analog devices or 124 digital devices in one
telegram. If you use bit-addressed words in the selected driver, you can fit 464
(29 × 16) digital devices in one package. This is almost four times as many devices.
ASCII Strings
ASCII strings are transmitted in separate telegrams, and having a large number of
strings will affect the communication performance negatively. If an ASCII string
only has a small number of different string values, it may be a good idea to use the
Text Library function in Panel Builder with predetermined contents, thus minimizing
impact on driver performance.
Related information
Text Library
36 3BSE069489-602
Section 2 Working with Projects Optimizing Performance
• Number of tags
• Number of sampled tags in trend viewers and data logger
• Number of alarms
• Driver performance
• Multiple drivers
• Type of panel
• Alarm list size
• Size of pictures
• Scripts
Poll Groups
The default setting in Panel Builder updates all tags every 500 ms. If some tags may
be updated less often, it is possible to assign them to a poll group with a lower update
interval. Poll groups are configured in the Tags configuration page.
Optimizing screen update time minimizes CPU load and flash operations. This can
make a significant difference in graphic-intense projects that approach the limits of
the panel’s capabilities.
3BSE069489-602 37
Moving Objects with the Touch Screen Section 2 Working with Projects
Screen changes are carried out most efficiently through a show screen action, either
on a function key or an object.
Using objects with gradients creates a slightly higher load on the CPU. If a large
number of objects use gradients, this will make the screen update time significantly
slower. Pay special attention to objects with gradients that are updated frequently,
e.g. a bar graph with a style with gradients connected to a tag that changes at short
Using the reports function in a project will result in an increased panel startup time.
Related information
Action Groups
Trend Viewer
Data Logging Strategies
38 3BSE069489-602
Section 2 Working with Projects Moving Objects with the Touch Screen
Operate Objects
For an object to react, it is necessary to specify the behavior, typically by assigning
a tag and defining an action. All objects can have actions linked to mouse down,
mouse up, mouse enter and mouse leave events. Some objects have a predefined
behavior, like sliders setting values, but can also have actions linked to mouse down
and mouse up events.
Pressing a button triggers a click- and mouse button event.
Text Box
Pressing on a text box object displays a virtual alpha-numeric keyboard on the panel
screen. Type a text using this keyboard and finish by pressing [ENTER].
Analog Numeric
Pressing on an analog numeric object displays a virtual keyboard on the panel
screen. The keyboard type depends on the format chosen for the Analog Numeric
— String, Integer, Decimal, Hex or Binary. Enter a value using this keyboard and
finish by pressing [ENTER].
In runtime a validation of the value is done. If the value entered is out of bounds, the
corresponding limit value for the object will be shown.
Pressing on the desired value position of a slider object sets it to the pressed position.
Related information
Actions Ribbon Tab
Mouse Button Action Triggers
Click Action Trigger
Virtual Keyboard
Validation Group
3BSE069489-602 39
Peripherals Section 2 Working with Projects
External devices such as a USB hub, flash drive, mouse, or keyboard can be
connected to the USB host port.
The operator panel has built-in Ethernet port(s) for connection to controllers via
TCP/IP. The number of ports varies by model.
Related information
IP Settings
Memory Card
An external memory card can be used as storage of e.g. pdf files and media files,
to reduce used internal memory. Access to the files on the external memory card is
available via scripting.
Related information
Project Group
40 3BSE069489-602
Section 3 Development Environment
Related information
File Menu
3BSE069489-602 41
Starting Panel Builder Section 3 Development Environment
Projects can also be created or opened later from the File menu.
Related information
Creating a New Project
Importing an Panel Builder 800 Version 5 Project
Starting Panel Builder from the Command Line
Upload from Target
5. Name the project and define where files are to be saved in the PC environment.
42 3BSE069489-602
Section 3 Development Environment Starting Panel Builder
The target can be changed later, from the Settings group on the Project ribbon tab.
When working with a project for panel PP874, PP877 or PP88x, it is possible to
select the rotation of the panel from a drop-down list.
When working with a project for a standard PC, it is possible to select resolution
from a drop-down list. The PC resolution can be changed later, by entering the
Settings group on the Project ribbon tab.
Related information
Changing Project Target
Select Controller
Select the appropriate controller for the project.
3BSE069489-602 43
Starting Panel Builder Section 3 Development Environment
The demo controller, including regular tags (data containers) and counters, is used
to design and test a project directly on the engineering PC without connection to
an external controller.
Internal tags that work like controller tags, but are independent of an external
controller, can be defined.
It is also possible to connect to an external OPC server.
The controller can be changed later by clicking the Controller button on the
Controllers tab of the tags configuration page.
A project can connect to more than one controller. To set up multiple controllers:
Related information
DEMO Controller
Internal Tags
External OPC Server
Multiple Controllers
44 3BSE069489-602
Section 3 Development Environment Starting Panel Builder
Select Location
The Select Location dialog controls naming of the project and where project files
are saved in the computer environment.
2. Select where to store the project files by clicking Browse, or accept the
suggested location.
3. Click Finish to create the new project.
Opening a Project
To open an existing project using the wizard includes the following steps:
1. Start Panel Builder.
2. Select to open a project.
It is possible to open a compressed ZIP file of the Panel Builder project. The user
will be prompted for a path where the ZIP file can be decompressed.
3BSE069489-602 45
Starting Panel Builder Section 3 Development Environment
Related information
Compress Project
The Project Explorer contains a folder area, and is managed as a docked window.
The desktop area is where screens are drawn and where tags and functions are
46 3BSE069489-602
Section 3 Development Environment Starting Panel Builder
Related information
Project Explorer
Positioning Windows
3BSE069489-602 47
Starting Panel Builder Section 3 Development Environment
Related information
Keyboard Navigation
Pressing Alt on the keyboard displays which keyboard shortcut commands can be
used to execute a command or to enter a control group, e.g. Alt + F opens the File
menu, and Alt + I displays the Insert ribbon tab control groups.
Keyboard shortcut /
function key Description
Ctrl + P, Switch between screens according to their order on the
[number of the desktop
Ctrl + E, L Lock selected elements on active screen (E indicates
active editor)
Ctrl + E, H Hide selected elements on active screen (E indicates
active editor)
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + Y Redo
Ctrl + A Select all
Ctrl + X Cut
48 3BSE069489-602
Section 3 Development Environment Starting Panel Builder
Keyboard shortcut /
function key Description
Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + V Paste
Ctrl + N New project
Ctrl + O Open project
Ctrl + S Save project
Ctrl + B Bold style
Ctrl + I Italic style
Ctrl + U Underline
F1 Display help file. Pressing F1 from within the Script Editor
displays scripting help.
F5 Validate project
F6 Run
To start Panel Builder, and open the project named Test1 in the directory
C:\MyProjects, select Run from Windows start menu, and type:
• "C:\Program Files (x86)\ABB Industrial IT\Operate IT\Panel 800\Panel
Builder 800 Version 6\Bin\NeoIDE.exe" "C:\MyProjects\Test1\Test1.ppbproj"
File Menu
The File menu contains commands for creating, opening, closing saving and
compressing projects. It also offers the possibility to upload a project from a target
and to update drivers and Panel Builder software via Internet or from file. The File
menu is accessed by clicking on the top left button.
3BSE069489-602 49
Starting Panel Builder Section 3 Development Environment
When you start Panel Builder and select to create a new project, a wizard guides you
through the creation of a new project, in the same way as having selected Create
New Project from the Welcome page.
Related information
Creating a New Project
Selecting Open displays a dialog that allows selection of an existing project file
by browsing.
Selecting Save saves the project to the current project folder.
50 3BSE069489-602
Section 3 Development Environment Starting Panel Builder
Save As
Selecting Save As allows saving the project with a different name and/or in a
different location.
To ensure that the original project remains unchanged, the new project file must be
created with the Save As command before modifying its contents.
Creating a new folder when using the Save as command helps keeping the large
number of project files neatly collected and easy to overview.
Selecting Save as cannot be used in order to make modifications of an existing
project, keeping the original project unchanged, and saving the new version
with another name. Changes will affect the original project anyway. It is
recommended to make a backup copy of the original project, for example by
using Windows Explorer, prior to modifying it.
Compress Project
Selecting Compress Project compresses the project and saves it as a ZIP file. The
user will be prompted for a path where to save the ZIP file and will also be offered
the possibility to password protect the ZIP file.
Related information
Compress Project
3BSE069489-602 51
Starting Panel Builder Section 3 Development Environment
Parameter Description
Connected targets Choose the target type to transfer the project from.
Upload Starts the transfer of the ZIP file from the selected target.
The user will be prompted for a path where to decompress
the ZIP file. If the ZIP file is password protected, the
user must enter the password to be able to upload and
decompress the ZIP file.
Upload is supported for PP87x, PP87xK, PP88x, PP89x
and PC targets. If greyed out, please update to latest
“System program”.
Verify The verify function enables the user to check if a
target platform configuration is identical to the project
Verify is supported for PP87x, PP87xK, PP88x, PP89x
and PC targets. If greyed out, please update to latest
“System program”.
Log Show the data being logged during the upload and verify
52 3BSE069489-602
Section 3 Development Environment Starting Panel Builder
Related information
Panel 800 Version 6 Upgrade
Close Project
Selecting Close Project closes the current project and activates the start wizard.
Update Software
The latest updates and patches for Panel Builder can be downloaded directly via
an Internet connection.
Update Drivers
Drivers can be updated via Internet or from file.
Related information
Updating Drivers
Clicking the About button displays information about the current version of Panel
Builder including the product registration key.
The active project needs to be saved in order to access the list of features.
Clicking the Options button allows making settings that control the behavior and
appearance of Panel Builder.
3BSE069489-602 53
Starting Panel Builder Section 3 Development Environment
Language Options
Select in which language to run Panel Builder. A restart of the application is required
for the new language selection to have an effect.
Build Options
Select whether the CheckForUnusedTags function should be activated or not.
When building a project, the function checks for unused tags and presents a dialog
in which it is possible to remove these.
Related information
Removing Unused Tags
Ribbon Options
• GoToDefaultRibbonStrategy: This option changes the active ribbon based on
the context of the selection in the desktop. When an object is created or selected,
the General tab tabs becomes active in the ribbon area.
• SimpleRibbonStrategy: This is the default setting, and does not swap the active
ribbon when the context of the current desktop selection changes. Clicking on an
object opens the Home ribbon, and double-clicking opens the General ribbon
for most objects, but for buttons the Actions ribbon is activated.
54 3BSE069489-602
Section 3 Development Environment Starting Panel Builder
Related information
Screen View in Desktop Area
Clicking the Exit button closes the application. If there are unsaved changes, you are
asked if you want to save them before exiting.
3BSE069489-602 55
Starting Panel Builder Section 3 Development Environment
Saves the current project to the location specified when the project was created.
Executed commands can be undone using the Undo button. Clicking the small
arrow at the right of the Undo button lists recently made changes for selection of
the undo operation.
A command that has been undone with Undo can be redone with Redo. The
keyboard shortcut for Redo is Ctrl + Y.
Performs a validation of script code and compiles the project. If the project is
valid, a simulation is started on the engineering PC with connection to the selected
controller. Also available from the Transfer/Test group on the Project ribbon tab.
56 3BSE069489-602
Section 3 Development Environment Starting Panel Builder
Performs a validation of script code and compiles the project. If the project is valid,
a simulation is started on the engineering PC without connection to the selected
controller. Also available from the Transfer/Test group on the Project ribbon tab.
Related information
Project Ribbon Tab
Ribbon Tabs
The ribbon tabs contain grouped controls for editing and maintaining a project,
screens and objects. Click on any ribbon tab to display the ribbon.
Use Minimize the Ribbon and Maximize the Ribbon to collapse and expand the
ribbon control tabs, or double-click on a ribbon tab. This can also be done from the
Quick Access toolbar.
Related information
Home Ribbon Tab
Project Ribbon Tab
System Ribbon Tab
Insert Ribbon Tab
View Ribbon Tab
Dynamics Ribbon Tab
General Ribbon Tab
Actions Ribbon Tab
Quick Access Toolbar
Additional Properties
Some ribbon groups include additional properties that can be configured by clicking
the small arrow in the lower right corner of the current group.
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Desktop Area Section 3 Development Environment
The properties window displays available property groups available for selection at
the left. The property groups available differ depending on which object is selected.
Desktop Area
The desktop area displays screens and configuration pages for project components
such as controllers and functions. The desktop area shows only one screen or
component at a time. When multiple screens or components are opened a row of
tabs are shown in the upper part of the desktop area. Clicking on a tab activates
its contents for editing.
If there are more tabs open than can be displayed, navigation arrows in the upper
part of the desktop area can be used to scroll between them.
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on and off the in-place editing function that allows editing text in an object directly
when selecting it on the screen.
Show/Hide Info
It is possible to show information about which tag each object is connected to, and
if dynamics or actions are configured for the object, by clicking on the Show/Hide
Info button.
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Desktop Area Section 3 Development Environment
Fit to Screen
Click on Fit to Screen to make the screen the maximum size that will fit in the
desktop area.
The following methods can be used to zoom in to or out from the desktop area:
• Selecting a set zoom value from the Zoom drop-down list.
• Setting the Zoom Slider to a desired zoom level.
60 3BSE069489-602
Section 3 Development Environment Desktop Area
Panning of the current screen is possible in Layout mode, if the screen is larger
than the desktop area.
• Press and hold [Spacebar] (the mouse pointer will change its appearance from
an arrow shape to an open hand).
• Drag to pan the screen (the mouse pointer hand closes in panning mode).
Incorrect code entered in text mode (Xaml and Script) may result in errors that
are not possible to recognize during analysis and build.
Erroneous code may result in unpredictable behavior and loss of data.
Screens and objects are usually edited in Layout view mode.
A screen layout is defined in XAML (eXtensible Application Markup Language)
code. The .xaml files are stored in the project folder.
XAML code can be added and changed in the Xaml view mode. Any changes done
in the XAML code will affect the screen layout.
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In Script view mode scripted actions can be configured for screens, objects, tags,
function keys etc.
To display a script guide that describes Panel Builder scripting possibilities in
detail, select Script view mode, click anywhere in the code, and press F1.
ABB only offers support for scripting for the included examples in Panel Builder
Objects that can trigger events will show with expandable nodes in the Script view.
Clicking the [+] of such a node expands it and shows the trigger events for the
object. Double-clicking on an event inserts its method heading with an empty code
body. Scripts are written in C# syntax.
When actions are defined for an object, this will have precedence over script code.
Avoid using multiple trigger methods as this may lead to undesired behavior.
Use either a script or define actions with the controls on the Actions
tab. Avoid using Click Action Trigger actions in combination with
Mouse Button Action Triggers.
Creating scripts that block execution, waiting for other resources or user input,
is not supported.
The ValueOff and ValueOn events for internal variables are available for
selection in script mode, but they are not executed when running the project.
If an external editor, e.g. Visual Studio, is used for editing a script, the
cross-reference will not be updated when building the project in Panel Builder.
The Remove Unused Tags function will report tags used in these scripts as
For Panel Builder to recognize a change made with an external editor, the script
file needs to be opened in Panel Builder and provided with just any small change
using the script editor in Panel Builder. Save the project once more before build.
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Avoid static state when using script since this might cause memory leaks.
Always remember to unsubscribe events previously subscribed to, in order to
avoid memory leaks.
Some objects, such as text boxes, list boxes and combo boxes, rely on script code
for advanced behavior.
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Desktop Area Section 3 Development Environment
Name Completion
A context sensitive name completion feature (IntelliSense) can be activated during
typing with [Ctrl] + [Spacebar] and it triggers automatically when a period (‘.’)
is typed after a code element. Using items outside the current scope is defined
with the keyword Globals, but it is not possible to script to other screens than the
currently selected.
Methods are completed without argument lists. Add parenthesis and arguments
to complete a selection.
Incorrect script code may result in errors that are not possible to recognize during
analysis and build. Erroneous code may result in unpredictable behavior and
loss of data.
Not all tags available in Tags are visible in IntelliSense when scripting. The name
completion function will not show tags and objects that have names similar to
script command names.
Script code can be used to format objects. If an object attribute is selected a tool tip
with allowed methods will appear. Methods not part of the default C# API is either
addressed with the full path or the library can be included.
Related information
Error List
Tag Format
Format Group
Filling a rectangle object using a color gradient from one color to another color.
64 3BSE069489-602
Section 3 Development Environment Desktop Area
The following code implements a gradient from red to purple in the rectangle. The
library with the “BrushCF()” method is added with “using” in the beginning of the
example, together with the default libraries.
When a timer is used in script code, it is important to close the timer in the code.
Renaming objects and screens included in scripts in Layout mode will cause the
scripts not to function.
Referenced Assemblies
Third-part components and objects that are added to the project via Referenced
Assemblies will be made available when scripting. Their methods and properties
will be included by the name completion function, in the same way as for built-in
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Related information
Referenced Assemblies
Name Completion
Aliases can be configured in the Aliases view mode.
Related information
Positioning Windows
The behavior of many windows can be adapted in order to suit the user; for example
shown or hidden, or moved to another position on the desktop.
Docked windows representing control tools can be converted to floating windows.
Control tools can be docked separately or be managed as a tabbed group in a
window. A docked tool window supports auto-hide.
When a window is dockable, a guide diamond appears when the window is moved
on the desktop. Extended position arrows appear at the desktop edges. The guide
diamond makes it possible to dock a tool window to one of the four sides of the
desktop area. When a tool window is undocked, it floats on top of the desktop.
Dropping a tool at the center of a guide diamond creates a tabbed group of the tools
inside the window that the guide diamond belongs to.
Docking a Tool
Drag the window heading to any position on the screen. If the tool is not docked
it will become floating.
To re-dock a tool:
1. If the tool is docked already, double-click on its heading to change to floating.
2. Drag the tool to the center of the desktop. A guide diamond appears, pointing
towards the four edges of the desktop. Release the window to the desired
direction. When the mouse pointer is in position, an outline of the window
appears in the designated area.
66 3BSE069489-602
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2. Drag the tool to the center of the existing group. A guide diamond appears.
Auto-Hide enables a maximized view of the desktop area by minimizing tool
windows along the edges of the desktop area when not in use. Auto-Hide is turned
on and off by clicking the Auto-Hide pushpin icon on the window title bar.
Tool windows will expand to original size when the pointer hovers over them. When
a hidden tool window looses focus, it slides back to its tab on the edge of the desktop
area. While a tool window is hidden, its name and icon are visible on a tab at the
edge of the desktop area.
The Auto-Hide function has to be turned off before a tool can be moved.
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Configuration Pages
Many functions, such as Alarm Server and Data Logger, are configured via table
style configuration pages.
In some cases there are multiple configuration pages for a feature. When applicable,
the configuration page for a feature can be opened to allow direct access. For
example, it is possible not only to select a tag, but also to declare new tags, directly
through the Select Tag field for an object.
In a configuration page, the Home tab is used to add and remove items in a function
or controller.
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Keyboard Navigation
Navigation in configuration pages can be made using arrow keys or with [Tab].
Pressing F4 inside a table cell will in some cases open selection list.
Pressing [Enter] acknowledges a selection, and pressing [Esc] cancels a selection.
Press [Delete] to remove a value when editing in a field. If a row is selected when
pressing [Delete], the entire row will be removed from the table.
Use [Spacebar] to toggle a value in a check box.
Press [Ctrl] + [Tab] to shift focus from the table.
Auto Fill
Fields in the configuration tables are when possible automatically filled in when
[Down Arrow] is pressed when at the last table row. When needed, names and
tag identifiers are incremented to avoid exact copies of symbolic names and tag
identifiers. Incrementing is done if the last part of the string is an integer number. A
“1” will be appended to the string if no numeral character ends the string. This is
useful when there are consecutive tags of the same type in the controller data.
Filtering Items
Items in configuration pages can be filtered by selecting Show Selection from the
Show Selection/Show All button.
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Several conditions can be used, and the different values/operators that can be used
for making conditions are displayed when clicking on the condition building blocks.
Operands and operator nodes are context sensitive. Name strings are not case
sensitive. Values in the filter builder are saved individually for each function during
an edit session. A filter is built as a logical expression tree. A filter typically has
operations on individual column values as leaf nodes and logical operators serve
as main nodes.
The following color scheme is used:
70 3BSE069489-602
Section 3 Development Environment Screens
Color Function
Red Logical operator
Blue Column operand
Green Value operator
Grey Value operand
An indication that a filter is used is displayed at the lower part of the configuration
Selecting Show All from the Show Selection/Show All button in the configuration
page displays the complete, unfiltered list.
Screens contain objects that can be displayed for the operator in runtime. A screen
can contain predefined objects, such as buttons or an alarm list. Pictures of physical
objects, such a pump, connected to controller data, can also be included to be used
for control and monitoring of the physical object.
Properties are defined for each screen.
Screens are edited in the desktop area and can be managed from:
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Screens Section 3 Development Environment
If the project title on the Project tab is left empty, only the screen name or screen
title is displayed.
Background Screen
It is possible to use another screen as background screen, to, for example, create a
uniform design of the screens in the project and avoid repetitive configuration.
72 3BSE069489-602
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Follow the steps below to use a background screen:
1. Create a background screen with some reusable elements, such as navigation
buttons, and rename it to a suitable name.
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Screens Section 3 Development Environment
3. Keep the new screen open on the desktop, and select the background screen
from the Screen group of the Home ribbon tab.
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Startup Screen
The startup screen is the first screen that opens when a project is executed. By
default, Screen1 is set as startup screen.
Another startup screen can be set at any time by right-clicking on the screen on the
desktop or in the Project Explorer and selecting Set as Startup Screen.
The selected startup screen is easily distinguished from the other screens in the
Project Explorer by a blue outline when in focus.
Screen Template
The installation of Panel Builder includes a number of screen templates with basic
functionality. It is also possible to save your own screens as screen templates, by
right-clicking on the current screen and selecting Save Screen as Template.
The screen template can be used in the current or other Panel Builder projects.
If a selected screen template contains tags that were not previously included in the
project, you can select to automatically add these to the Tags list.
To use a template screen, click the lower part of the Add Screen button in the Screen
group of the Home ribbon tab. A preview of screen templates is displayed.
User-created as well as predefined screen templates may be deleted by right-clicking
on the template in the preview and selecting Delete Screen Template. The folder of
the selected screen is then permanently deleted from disk.
Screen Security
Using security settings for screens makes it possible to restrict access to screens
based on user security groups, similarly to object security.
It is not possible to set security for the Startup screen.
When using a background screen, the security settings of the top level screen are
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Screens Section 3 Development Environment
When screens are imported from other Panel Builder projects or from
Panel Builder 800 Version 5, security settings are included and will be used in the
current project.
Related information
Object Security and Visibility
Popup Screen
Normally, only one screen is visible in the operator panel in runtime. Sometimes, a
popup screen that behaves like as a floating window may be useful. Any screen can
be configured as a popup screen:
1. Check Popup screen in the Screen group of the General tab.
2. Set the start position coordinates (X, Y) to determine where the screen will
open. The position (1,1) corresponds to the upper left corner of the screen.
3. Set the desired width and height in pixels of the screen resolution.
Clicking Modify Screen Size/Position allows changing the popup screen size and
position by dragging it with the cursor. The coordinates are updated automatically.
Different styles can be selected for popup screens for PC targets.
When using a web browser or pdf viewer object in a popup screen, only the
default style for the popup screen is supported.
76 3BSE069489-602
Section 3 Development Environment Screens
Preloading Screens
The first time a screen is opened in a running project, some time elapses while
compiling it. In order to minimize this time, it is possible to preload a maximum of
10 screens from the Screen group on the General tab while the screen is selected.
The selected screens will then be loaded at application startup instead of when
opening the screen.
The time saved at screen opening is instead added to the application startup time.
Events related to screen actions (Screen Opened, Screen Closed and Screen Closing)
will not be carried out when a screen is preloaded.
Preloading the startup screen (or its background screen) has no effect. Popup screens
cannot be preloaded.
The preload function is available for operator panel targets only.
Importing Screens
Screens from other projects can be imported, by right-clicking in Screens area of the
Project Explorer and selecting Import.
If the selected screen has a name identical to one of the existing screens, a new
screen name is proposed.
If the imported screen includes tags that do not already exist in projects, you are
asked if you want to add these.
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Screens Section 3 Development Environment
No tag information, other than tag names, will be added by the import function.
There are different methods to align objects in screens; Snap objects to other
objects and Snap objects to grid. Grid properties are managed by right-clicking on
the current screen and selecting Grid from the context menu. It is also possible to
select not to snap objects.
Grid settings are global and will affect all screens.
78 3BSE069489-602
Section 3 Development Environment Objects
The different grid styles can be used as a help pattern when doing the layout of
the objects on the screen.
Objects that can be created in a screen are available from the Objects group and
the Component Library.
Snap lines are used to position objects in a screen and align a moved object with
other objects.
Information about tag connections as well as size and distance information for
objects on the current screen can be displayed by using the buttons in the lower
part of the desktop area.
Related information
Handling Objects
To insert a default-sized object, click the position on the screen where you want
to place the object.
To give the object a specific size and shape, press the mouse button and drag to
create the object on the screen. Press and hold [Shift] while creating an object to
retain the aspect ratio of the object.
When creating a line object, press and hold [Shift] to constrain the line at 45 degrees
3BSE069489-602 79
Objects Section 3 Development Environment
The Select tool is available at top left in the Objects group when the group is not
expanded. The Select tool is the default tool when editing screens. After applying
any other object control, the mouse pointer will return to the Select tool. When
the Select tool hovers over a selected object the mouse pointer changes to a cross
with arrowheads.
The position of an object is part of the properties for the object. The position of an
object can be changed in different ways:
• Click and drag an object to move it to the desired position.
• Open the property grid and edit the Left and Top coordinates.
To move the selected object one pixel at the time, select the object and use the arrow
keys on the keyboard.
The size of an object is part of the properties for the object. To change the size
of an object:
• When the Select tool hovers over the resize handles of a selected object, the
mouse pointer changes to an arrow. Resize the object to the desired size.
• Open the property grid and edit the Height and Width values.
To resize the selected object one pixel at the time, select the object, press [Shift]
and use the arrow keys on the keyboard.
Rotate is only supported for projects designed for PC targets, and not for all objects.
80 3BSE069489-602
Section 3 Development Environment Objects
Angle and rotation center is part of the properties for an object. The rotation center
for an object is shown as a small white circle which by default is located in the center
of the selected object.
When the Select tool hovers over the rotation center of a selected object the mouse
pointer changes to a circle inside a square with arrow sides. This indicates that it
is possible to move the rotation center.
To change the rotation center of an object:
1. Point to an object to select it. When an object is selected a red frame with
handles is shown around the object.
2. Drag-and-drop the rotation center circle to the position that is to be the center of
the rotation.
When the Select tool hovers next to a corner of the selection frame for a selected
object the mouse pointer changes to a circular arrow. This indicates that the object is
possible to rotate by the frame handle around the rotation center.
To change the rotation angle of an object:
1. Drag to rotate the object around its center position.
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Objects Section 3 Development Environment
Related information
Object Browser
Property Grid
Creating Series
The Create series function facilitates creating a number of identical objects. The
function handles adding graphic elements as well as controller connections.
The following example creates a series of analog numeric objects quickly and easily:
1. Create an analog numeric object and connect it to a tag (in this example; D0).
2. Right-click on the object and select Create series from the context menu.
82 3BSE069489-602
Section 3 Development Environment Objects
3. Fill in the number of objects to add and make settings for the address
incrementation, and click OK.
Parameter Description
Number of copies Enter the number of columns and rows to create
Spacing Specify the number of pixels between the added objects
Address Select how to increment addresses for the added objects.
incrementation Only addresses available in the driver will be added.
Increment direction Select if addresses are to be incremented in horizontal or
vertical direction
Graphical objects are added on the screen according to the settings made:
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Objects Section 3 Development Environment
Right-clicking in the Tags configuration page and selecting Create series makes it
possible to create a series of tags quickly and easily, without adding graphic objects.
84 3BSE069489-602
Section 3 Development Environment Navigation Manager
Navigation Manager
The Navigation Manager is used to manage screens and their relations with respect
to project navigation in runtime. It can be activated/deactivated from the View tab. It
provides an overview of all screens in the current project.
Screen Relations
The Navigation Manager is used to create relationships between screens.
Dragging the mouse pointer from one screen to another screen creates a relation. A
button with a Click action is defined in the first screen. This Show Screen action
has the second screen as target, and when clicking it in runtime, the second screen is
Double-click on a screen to open the screen for editing in the desktop area.
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Navigation Manager Section 3 Development Environment
Add Screen
New screens can be added directly in the Navigation Manager.
Dragging the mouse pointer from an existing screen to an empty location in the
Navigation Manager area creates a new screen, with a relation to the original screen.
A button with a Click action is defined in the first screen. This Show Screen action
has the second screen as target, and when clicking it in runtime, the second screen
is opened. The button must be removed or changed manually if the new screen is
deleted later.
Changing the setting or the type affects the appearance in the Navigation Manager
Navigation Overview
It is also possible to display the Navigation Overview by selecting it from the
View ribbon tab. It provides an overview of all screens included in the project,
with zooming facilities.
86 3BSE069489-602
Section 3 Development Environment Project Explorer
Project Explorer
The Project Explorer shows all screens and components included in the application.
It can be activated/deactivated from the View tab.
The Project Explorer is divided into five groups; . Screens, Functions, Data
Loggers, Script Modules and Recipes.
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Project Explorer Section 3 Development Environment
The Screens explorer lists the screens included in the application. Clicking on a
screen opens it for editing in the desktop area.
88 3BSE069489-602
Section 3 Development Environment Project Explorer
The Screens explorer offers a possibility to assign screens to groups.
• Right-click on the All screens heading in the Screens explorer and select Add
group followed by entering a unique name for the group in the appearing dialog.
• To assign a screen to a group, simply right-click a screen in the Screens explorer
and select “Add to Screen Group” from the context menu. Select a group to add
the screen to from the appearing “Select Screen group” dialog.
• To show available groups, double-click the All screens heading in the Screens
explorer. Screens not assigned to a group will be listed as ungrouped screens.
• Right-clicking a group enables a context menu from which you can choose to
rename or delete the group.
Deleting a Screen group also deletes all of its assigned screens.
It is also possible to assign a screen to a group by a simple drag and drop operation.
Drag the screen symbol and release it on the group.
Zoom Slider
The Zoom slider is found in the Screens explorer and provides a way to quickly
zoom in and out of your screens explorer.
The search function provides the option to search for screens using the screen name
or screen-id.
The search is only performed within the selected group.
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Project Explorer Section 3 Development Environment
The Alarm Server, Multiple Languages and Security functions are predefined, as
well as Tags, and cannot be deleted from the Functions folder. The other functions
can be added from the Insert menu. Most functions will be available from the
Functions folder after having added them to the project, but some functions are
assigned folders of their own.
Clicking on the function in the Functions folder opens its configuration pages for
editing in the desktop area.
Alarm Distributor
Alarms can be distributed between operator panels, with notification via printer,
SMS or e-mail using the alarm distributor.
Related information
Alarm Distributor
Alarm Server
The Alarm Server handles alarm groups and alarm items.
Related information
Alarm Server
Alarm Groups
Alarm Items
Audit Trail
The Audit Trail function enables tracking of operator actions.
Related information
Audit Trail
Function Keys
Function keys for operator panels as well as for the regular PC keyboard can be
90 3BSE069489-602
Section 3 Development Environment Project Explorer
Related information
Function Keys
Multiple Languages
Configuring multiple languages for user texts and system texts are supported. The
texts can be exported, edited and reimported to the project. A tool for automatic
translations is also included.
Related information
Language Management
The reports function allows adding excel report templates to the project.
Related information
A scheduler can be used to control events in the process at special times.
Related information
Users and groups of users can be set up for security purposes.
Related information
Security Management
Clicking on Tags in the Functions folder displays the tags configuration page in the
desktop with all the tags that are used in the application. Tags are added by clicking
on the Add Tag/Add System Tag button.
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Project Explorer Section 3 Development Environment
Tags can belong to a connected controller, or be internal. Internal tags can be used
and selected in the same way as a regular controller tags.
System tags are used to monitor or access variables from the system, for example
Used RAM or DateTime. System tags are indicated by blue color in the tag list.
Related information
Internal Tags
System Tags
Text Library
With the text library function, text tables can be created, where values are linked
to texts.
Related information
Text Library
Several recipes can be inserted in the project. Each recipe function handles a
pre-defined set of recipe items.
Related information
Recipe Management
Script Modules
Clicking on a script module in the Script Modules folder opens the script editor in the
desktop area. A script module can be included to program features not covered by
included functions and actions, or to be used to share functionality among functions.
There is also a script action function that can be used to apply script modules to an
object in the same way as with other trigger actions.
Related information
Script Action
92 3BSE069489-602
Section 3 Development Environment Component Library
Data Loggers
Data can be logged and saved to a database on time intervals or depending on
changed values.
Related information
Data Logger
Component Library
The Component Library contains reusable components for a project.
The Component Library includes a large number of predefined graphical objects,
categorized into groups. User-defined graphical objects and other files may also be
saved in the component library. All components in a sub folder must have unique
Examples of components that may be included in the library:
• predefined components
• objects
• text objects configured with multiple texts
• symbol objects configured with multiple symbols
• grouped objects
• external pictures
• text
• folders (file folders)
• HTM/HTML files
• media files
• PDF files
3BSE069489-602 93
Component Library Section 3 Development Environment
Since plain text can be saved as a component, it is possible to save reusable script
components by dragging a section of script code from the Script view into the
Component Library.
A component is displayed with its name and a thumbnail representation in the
Component Library window.
Grouped objects are displayed as a thumbnail representing the primary selection of
the object. Text files and folders are represented by operating system thumbnails.
Only static graphical objects are supported in Panel Builder.
Project Pictures
The Project Pictures folder is project specific, and contains pictures that are used in
the current project. The components in Project Pictures are stored in the project’s
Symbols folder.
Project Files
The Project Files folder is project specific, and contains files that have been added
when creating the project.
Project files and folders can be added and deleted from the Project Files folder before
downloading the project to an operator panel. The Project Files folder is located in
the Project folder.
For instance, “C:\MyProjects\ProjectFolder\Project Files”.
It is also possible to access the operator panel via FTP to add and delete files and
folders after the download, provided that the FTP service is enabled in the project.
Related information
94 3BSE069489-602
Section 3 Development Environment Component Library
A text file, that is saved in the Component Library will be converted to a text box
object when pasted into a screen.
A component (picture or group) that is originally copied from an object with a tag
connection will keep its tag connection and any dynamic properties when used from
the Component Library.
If a component with a tag association is reused in another project then all
referenced tags must be present in the new project.
3BSE069489-602 95
Component Library Section 3 Development Environment
User-Defined Categories
Right-click on an empty space of the Component Library window and select Add
Component to add a component to the library. To create a new category, select
Add Category and choose a name of your preference. A category could also be
renamed or deleted.
User-defined categories are not project specific. This means that all objects saved in
a user-defined category will be available in all Panel Builder projects.
The Search feature provides a case-insensitive and alphabetical search, based on the
component label, in the current folder and in all sub folders.
The Zoom slider at the bottom area of the tool window can be used to change the
size of the displayed components. Resting the mouse pointer over a component
displays a full-size picture of the component.
96 3BSE069489-602
Section 3 Development Environment Component Library
XAML Guidelines
All information, including the image, must be contained within the XAML-file.
Links to external objects will result in missing objects. Furthermore, the appearance
of the XAML-file may not be dependent of external inputs, like for example a
parameter controlling a multi-picture based on internal logic within the XAML-file.
The following restrictions apply:
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Component Library Section 3 Development Environment
98 3BSE069489-602
Section 3 Development Environment Component Library
These are the only properties that are supported for XAML-binding within
• ISymbolViewboxSignature.Fill is presented as “Fill” within the property grid
• ISymbolViewboxSignature.Stroke is presented as “Outline” within the property
• ISymbolViewboxSignature.StrokeThickness is presented as “Outline Thickness”
within the property grid
It is not supported to bind to anything outside of the component.
3BSE069489-602 99
Property Grid Section 3 Development Environment
Property Grid
Most properties and settings for an
object or screen are defined from its
General and Home tabs.
A detailed overview of object properties
is available by selecting Property Grid
from the View ribbon tab or by selecting
Properties from the context menu.
The property grid includes more
properties and settings than the ribbon
tabs, for example size and position of
objects, and delay of mouse and touch
screen input in runtime.
Property groups can be
The window is configured with auto-hide
functions. Its appearance can be
managed just as other tools; as docked
or floating windows.
The Search feature provides a case-insensitive and alphabetical search, that makes
it easy to reduce the number of displayed properties.
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Section 3 Development Environment Property Grid
Toggling views
The different views in the Property grid can be selected by using the menu on the
top of the window.
The properties most commonly used can be added to a Favorites-category for easier
access. The favorites are saved per object type, i.e. Button has one set of favorites,
Analog Numeric has one set of favorites, Chart has one set and so on.
A yellow star indicates that the property is added as a favorite. By clicking the
star, the property is deselected and removed from the Favorites-category
When clicking on a greyed out star, the corresponding property is added to
the Favorites-category
Copy Properties
Multiple properties can be copied from one object to one or more
targets. The properties can be selected either one by one by clicking
the checkbox next to each property, or all at once by clicking the button
for Select all, followed by a click on the Copy Propertiesbutton. The
values are then pasted onto the target object(s) when selecting the
target(s) and clicking on Paste.
3BSE069489-602 101
Object Browser Section 3 Development Environment
Only the properties that are shared by both source and target objects are
Object Browser
An overview of all objects included in a screen can be displayed in the Object
It is easy to bring objects that may have been obscured by other objects up front, by
using the arrows at the top left.
Clicking the buttons at the right side of each object enables simply hiding/showing
and locking/unlocking objects.
102 3BSE069489-602
Section 3 Development Environment Help
Note that the top-to-bottom order in the Object browser corresponds to the
front-to-back order on the screen.
The Output window contains messages concerning the project validation and build.
Created project files with folder paths and any found errors will be listed in Output.
Incorrect code entered in text mode (Xaml and Script) may result in errors that
are not possible to recognize during analysis and build.
Error List
The Error List contains information about problems and errors detected in Panel
Builder for the current project. Build errors are reported in the Output window.
The Help file for Panel Builder can be opened by pressing F1 on the keyboard or
using the Help button in the ribbon tab heading.
3BSE069489-602 103
Help Section 3 Development Environment
104 3BSE069489-602
Section 4 Tags
Objects connected to tags can change values in a controller, and controller values
can be reflected by changing object appearance in various ways. Objects in a screen
will remain static until connected to a tag.
A tag has a symbolic name and can be of different data types.
Tags can belong to a connected controller, be internal or belong to the system.
Internal tags are used to handle local data values, and can be viewed and treated in
screens just like regular controller tags.
The global tag list provides an overview of all used tags, regardless of controller.
This makes it easy to develop projects that can be used with a variety of controllers.
It is also possible to connect a tag to more than one controller simultaneously.
Adding Tags
Tags are handled by clicking on Tags in the Functions folder in the Project Explorer.
3BSE069489-602 105
Adding Tags Section 4 Tags
Clicking the Add Tag/Add System Tag button adds a new tag to the list. Make
settings for each added tag. When predefined values are available, these can be
selected by clicking the arrow at the right of the table cell.
106 3BSE069489-602
Section 4 Tags Adding Tags
Similarly, when building the project, a notification of any unused tags will
automatically be done by displaying the Remove Unused Tags dialog. To disable or
enable pop-up of this dialog, go to Options in the File menu. Select Build options
in the list and then select CheckForUnusedTags under Misc. Change the status of
the function to True or False.
3BSE069489-602 107
Adding Tags Section 4 Tags
Always review the candidates for removal prior to removing unused tags, since
removing tags that are used in e.g. a script can result in a corrupt project.
108 3BSE069489-602
Section 4 Tags Adding Tags
The Sum method inside the script can be utilized in many different contexts. The
following picture shows how Tag3 will contain the sum of Tag1 and Tag2 when the
button is clicked. Notice that the tags used in scripts must be activated to work
as expected.
3BSE069489-602 109
Adding Tags Section 4 Tags
Related information
Tags Editor Options
Basic Settings
To reduce complexity in the tags configuration page, some columns can be made
hidden/visible. The basic settings are always displayed. It is possible to customize
which columns to show by default using Tags Editor Options.
Enter name, data type and access rights for the tag. Select if the tag is to belong to
a controller entered on the Controllers tab. If no controller tag address is entered,
the tag will be treated as an internal tag.
110 3BSE069489-602
Section 4 Tags Adding Tags
Parameter Description
Name Symbolic name. The name can be any alphanumeric
string, beginning with a letter (a-z, A-Z).
Data Type (Tag) Selection of presentation format; for example used
to show the correct engineering unit when using
scaling. DEFAULT follows selection made for Data Type
Access Rights Defines access rights to the tag
Controller Controller address
Data Type (Controller) Selection of data type
To rename a tag it is necessary to enter the Rename dialog for the change to take
place. The dialog appears when clicking on the three dots to the right of the name in
the tags list.
3BSE069489-602 111
Adding Tags Section 4 Tags
Related information
Scaling affects only tags connected to a controller.
Checking the Scaling box displays the Offset and Gain columns. These parameters
are used to change the scale of the controller value to a value shown in accordance
with the following equation:
Panel value = Offset + (Gain × Register value)
When the value for an object is changed from the operator panel, the scale is changed
to the value shown in accordance with the following equation:
Register value = (Panel value - Offset)/Gain
Scaling does not affect the defined maximum and minimum values, or the number
of decimals.
Data Exchange
Checking the Data Exchange box displays the Direction and When columns. Data
exchange supports real time data exchange between different controllers; also of
different brands. The data exchange can be performed when a digital tag is set or at a
certain time interval, set up on the Triggers tab. Data exchange can be selected for
individual tags, array tags or for the complete range of tags.
Related information
Data Exchange
Checking the Others box makes it possible to configure a number of additional
tag properties.
112 3BSE069489-602
Section 4 Tags Adding Tags
Parameter Description
Description An optional description of the tag. Description of system tags
is added automatically.
Please note that the description can not be more than 200
characters long. Descriptions longer than that will cause build
Poll Group Makes it possible to poll groups of tags at different intervals.
Always Active Prevents the tag from becoming inactive. This may be useful
for actions and scripting purposes. Note: The Active setting
for the controller on the Controllers tab is predominant over
the Always Active setting for a particular tag.
Non Volatile Keeps the last tag value in memory even when the panel or
PC is powered off. Only available for internal tags.
Initial Value Makes it possible to assign a tag an initial value at system
startup. Only available for internal tags.
Index Register Makes it possible to select a register from which an object
is to collect the shown value.
Action Makes it possible to configure actions based on a condition of
a tag.
Log to Audit Trail Logs operator actions on the tag. Only available if the Audit
Trail function is activated in the project.
Audit Trail Optional static or dynamic descriptions for operator tag
Description actions, that are saved in the Audit Trail database and visible
in the Audit Trail Viewer. If Dynamic Description is selected,
value before change can be included in the description by
using {0}; value after change by using {1}. Only available if the
Audit Trail function is activated in the project.
3BSE069489-602 113
Adding Tags Section 4 Tags
Related information
Tag/Security Group
Mini Toolbar Options
114 3BSE069489-602
Section 4 Tags Tag Actions
Tag Actions
One or multiple actions can be configured depending on a changed value of a tag.
The Action column is displayed when the Others box is checked in the Tags
configuration page.
Clicking ... in the Actions column for the selected tag brings up the Action properties
window. First, a condition is configured by clicking Add under Condition. Select a
condition, enter a value and click OK.
3BSE069489-602 115
Internal Tags Section 4 Tags
Related information
Actions Ribbon Tab
Internal Tags
Internal tags can be used to calculate values that need not be represented in the
controller, for example information only for the operator. Internal tags are selected
in the same way as an external controller tags. Any number of volatile user defined
tags can be created.
116 3BSE069489-602
Section 4 Tags System Tags
Internal tag values will not be saved in the operator panel when the project is
restarted, unless the Non Volatile option is used.
Unlike the regular drivers, it does not matter if internal tags are used in consecutive
order or not.
System Tags
System tags are used to monitor or access variables from the system. System tags are
handled as regular controller tags, i.e. can be used in screens, logged, included in
scripts etc. The Date and Time system tags can be used when you want to use the
controller clock in the panel project. The following system tags are available:
3BSE069489-602 117
System Tags Section 4 Tags
118 3BSE069489-602
Section 4 Tags Array Tags
Array Tags
An array tag is a tag containing multiple values.
3BSE069489-602 119
Array Tags Section 4 Tags
120 3BSE069489-602
Section 4 Tags Triggers
When using controllers with named variables and accessing individual bits with the
syntax VariableName.BitNo, array tags of data type BOOL with bit addressing, are
only supported for 16-bits tags.
Related information
Chart Object
Data Exchange
Cross Reference
The Cross Reference tool provides an overview of where a specific tag is used in
the current project.
All occurrences of the tag in the current project are listed. Double-clicking on an
occurrence in the list automatically brings you to the object or function where the
tag is used.
The cross reference tool can be accessed by clicking the cross reference button on
the Tags tab or on the View ribbon. It can also be accessed from the context menu.
Triggers are used to determine when data exchange is to be performed; based on
tag or a certain interval.
3BSE069489-602 121
Poll Groups Section 4 Tags
Parameter Description
Name Symbolic name. The name can be any alphanumeric
string, beginning with a letter (a-z, A-Z).
Tag Selection of a tag, which when changed to a value other
than 0, triggers data exchange
Time Time interval between data exchange operations in the
format HH:MM:SS
Poll Groups
Poll groups allow grouping tags for polling at 5 different intervals. The groups
defined on the Poll Groups tab are available for selection from the Tags tab after
checking the Others box.
122 3BSE069489-602
Section 4 Tags Station Handling
Parameter Description
Name Symbolic name. The name can be any alphanumeric
string, beginning with a letter (a-z, A-Z).
Interval Polling interval in ms
Station Handling
For some controllers, it is possible for the operator to define from which controller
station to read or write values. The station number is given as a prefix to the
controller address.
The station number for each controller is defined on the Controllers tab of the Tags
configuration page, by clicking the Settings button.
The default station is set on the Settings tab, and the stations are defined on the
Stations tab.
3BSE069489-602 123
Station Handling Section 4 Tags
Figure 9. In this example, from an Ethernet driver, Station 0 is the default station.
The default station is the station addressed without using a prefix. The other stations
can be addressed either as a fixed number or as an index register. With fixed station
numbers, an object is always connected to the same controller address, and only the
value of this controller address can be used in the object.
When addressing for example D10 in station 2, the following syntax is used: 2:D10
124 3BSE069489-602
Section 4 Tags Index Registers
Related information
Using Index Registers for Station Handling
Index Registers
With index addressing, it is possible for the operator to select from which tag an
object is to collect the shown value. Without index addressing an object is always
connected to the same controller address, and only the value of this address can
be shown in the object.
3BSE069489-602 125
Index Registers Section 4 Tags
Which tags to use for indexing are defined on the Index Registers tab of the tags
configuration page. Up to eight different index registers can be used for each
controller, and each index register can be used for more than one object. Index
registers can be connected to any tag in the global tag list, but the tag has to be
selected for each controller.
Tags are connected to index registers on the Tags tab.
In general index addressing can be formulated as:
Display value = the content in tag (the object’s address + the content in the index
If the content in the index register is 2, and the address of the tag specified in the
object is 100, the value shown in the object will be collected from address 102. If the
value in the index register is changed to 3, the value in the object will be collected
from address 103 instead.
126 3BSE069489-602
Section 4 Tags Index Registers
The following example is based upon the presumption of three motors, and the
torque and speed of each motor is held in a different tag:
2. Add tags and labels and connect them to Demo Controller tags according to
3BSE069489-602 127
Index Registers Section 4 Tags
3. Select the Index Registers tab and connect Index 1 to the MotorIndex tag (D0).
4. Select the Tags tab again and check the Others box in order to display the
Index Registers column.
6. Now, create a ComboBox object for selection of motor, and two analog numeric
objects that will display (or set) the Torque and Speed tags for each motor.
Also add explaining labels.
128 3BSE069489-602
Section 4 Tags Index Registers
7. Click Configure Texts for the ComboBox object, connect the object to the
MotorIndex tag, and add three texts and values according to below.
8. Connect the analog numeric objects to the Torque and Speed tags.
9. In order to test that the index addressing works even though no controller is
connected, add maneuverable objects, e.g. sliders, and connect them to the
D11–D13 and D21–D23 tags.
3BSE069489-602 129
Index Registers Section 4 Tags
10. Run the project, enter values for the objects connected to D11–D13 and
D21–D23, and select the different motors using the ComboBox.
130 3BSE069489-602
Section 4 Tags Index Registers
This means that the value in the controller address connected to Index 1 will point
out which controller station number to read or write values.
3BSE069489-602 131
Expressions Section 4 Tags
Related information
Station Handling
The Expressions functionality is used when connecting an object to a tag and the
purpose is not to use the tag value as it is. Expressions enable the user to e.g.
extract a bit from a tag, add a dynamic offset or gain, and then to use this value for
a specific object.
Static offset and gain for a tag is set in the tags configuration page.
The same expression can be connected to more than one object in the project.
An expression is a one line return statement in C#. The default expression code is
Using Expressions
Right-click on an object and then click the button next to Select Tag. The
Expressions dialog is displayed.
132 3BSE069489-602
Section 4 Tags Expressions
Related information
Library Expressions
3BSE069489-602 133
Expressions Section 4 Tags
Library Expressions
Examples of expressions (how to extract bits from an int) are included when
installing Panel Builder and can be added to the project by clicking Load.
Expressions can be reused in other projects by saving them in the expression library.
Select the expression in the drop-down list and click Save. The expression is saved
to a file in the PC. To load the expression in another project, click Load. A selection
dialog is displayed. Select the expression in the drop-down list and click OK.
If you have saved expressions to the library that you want to remove, click Delete
and select among the saved expressions in a dialog. Expressions included when
installing Panel Builder are not listed, since these cannot be deleted.
An expression is executed only on read, i.e. when the value is changed in the
When writing a value (from e.g. an analog numeric tag), the expression is not
If another tag than the original tag is used in the expression, the expression is not
triggered on its value change.
If an expression that is used in more than one location is either renamed or deleted,
references will not be updated. A build error will be given.
Expressions can be used for all data connections except for
• actions
• the Property grid
• recipe item tags
• current language tag in Multiple languages configuration
• trigger tags
• index tags
• scheduler tags
• dynamic text for alarm items
134 3BSE069489-602
Section 4 Tags Data Exchange
Data Exchange
Data exchange between different controllers is supported; also between controllers
of different brands. The data exchange can be performed when a digital tag is set, or
at a certain time interval. Data exchange can be selected for individual tags, array
tags or for the complete range of tags.
The data exchange function is isolated from general tag/controller settings. For
example, a tag assigned read access only for the operator, may still be read and
written by the data exchange function.
Follow the steps below to set up data exchange with three different controllers
1. Select the Controllers tab of the tags configuration page and enter short names
for the controllers in the ID column, and make sure that all controllers are active.
2. Select the Tags tab and check Data Exchange to display the Direction and
When columns.
3BSE069489-602 135
Data Exchange Section 4 Tags
136 3BSE069489-602
Section 4 Tags Data Exchange
4. Click ... in the Direction column to set up the direction of the data exchange.
3BSE069489-602 137
Data Exchange Section 4 Tags
5. Add a trigger tag on the Triggers tab with time interval for data exchange or use
a tag, which when greater than 0, will trigger the data exchange. Alternatively,
set up a trigger that includes both value change and a time interval.
138 3BSE069489-602
Section 4 Tags Importing and Exporting Tags
If the poll group contains many tag values that change frequently, the time
required for them to be handled could exceed the set poll time. This could lead
to problems updating the data exchange between the controllers. Set the Poll
Group Interval to a higher value or use a time trigger to control the data exchange
Related information
Handling Columns
The import function allows skipping columns, or binding columns in the import file
to any column in the Tags configuration page.
The Name and DataType columns must always be bound.
A column may only be bound once.
3BSE069489-602 139
Importing and Exporting Tags Section 4 Tags
140 3BSE069489-602
Section 4 Tags Importing and Exporting Tags
3. Select Export tags from the desired controller to export the list to a text file or
an Excel sheet. Enter a file name and browse to a location. Define how the to
separate the columns and which columns to export. Use the arrows if you want
to change position of the columns.
4. Click Export.
5. Open the text file in a text editor or a spread sheet application.
3BSE069489-602 141
Importing and Exporting Tags Section 4 Tags
6. Change all current tags to corresponding tags used in the new controller, and
save the file.
7. Select Import tags to the desired controller and browse to the updated file. If
desired, select a row from which to start the import. It is possible to rebind
columns before importing to the project, and to exclude columns. These settings
can be saved by clicking the Save mapping as import module button, and
will then be made available for selection from the Import module drop-down
list at next import.
142 3BSE069489-602
Section 4 Tags Importing and Exporting Tags
3BSE069489-602 143
Importing and Exporting Tags Section 4 Tags
9. In case there are name conflicts, these can be handled by changing the name,
overwriting, merging or skipping conflicting items. The actions taken are saved
to a log file for future reference.
If you select Overwrite, all settings for the existing tag will be overwritten.
If you select Merge, existing actions for the tag will be kept.
Related information
Basic Settings
144 3BSE069489-602
Section 4 Tags Filtering Tags
Example in Windows XP
To open the project named Test1 with the tag file VarFile.txt in the directory
C:\MyProjects, run Panel Builder from the command line with the following
NeoIDE.exe “C:\MyProjects\Test1\Test1.ppbproj” /ImportTags=“C:\MyPro-
In Windows Vista, the complete path (within quotes) to the executable file has to
be included.
Filtering Tags
A selection of tags can be displayed using the Filter Builder. Several conditions can
be used, and the different values/operators that can be used for making conditions
are displayed when clicking on the condition building blocks.
Operands and operator nodes are context sensitive. Name strings are not case
sensitive. Values in the filter builder are saved individually for each function during
an edit session. A filter is built as a logical expression tree. A filter typically has
operations on individual column values as leaf nodes and logical operators serve
as main nodes.
Perform the following steps to create a filter:
1. Click on Tags in the Project Explorer.
The tag list is displayed in the desktop area.
2. Select Show Selection from the Show Selection/Show All button to build a
3BSE069489-602 145
Tag Format Section 4 Tags
It is also possible to filter tags depending on tag name by typing in the Filter box.
The filtering affects the tags list directly as letters are entered in the box.
Figure 10. Only tags including “te” in their names are displayed
Figure 11. The filter indication when having entered “te” in the Filter box
Related information
Filtering Items
Tag Format
The following tag formats (data types) are available in the dialog for a tag, provided
that the selected driver or OPC server supports the tag format.
146 3BSE069489-602
Section 4 Tags Tag Format
(2)Regarding resolution of values in 32-bit format: both Panel Builder and the operator panel can handle up to six
decimal digits of an integer 32-bit value. Remaining digits will be truncated or changed into zeros.
For use in script code, the following table shows the type representation in C#. This
is used when there is a need to do a type casting, for example in calculations that
are using overloaded operators.
3BSE069489-602 147
Aliases Section 4 Tags
Related information
An alias should be treated as a property of a screen and can act as a stand-in for a
tag. The alias can be used to reference a tag wherever that tag can be referenced
directly. When used, Panel Builder will act the same as if the original tag had been
used. Each screen using aliases can be configured with a different instance different
tag references.
Using aliases will enable reuse of screens without having to create a new duplicated
Creating Aliases
Aliases are handled by clicking Aliases on the desktop view mode tab.
148 3BSE069489-602
Section 4 Tags Aliases
Clicking the Add button adds an alias to the list. Make settings for each added
alias. When predefined values are available, these can be selected by clicking the
arrow at the right of the table cell.
Basic Settings
Enter Alias name and Default value for the alias. If no default value is entered, the
alias will be treated as a local screen variable.
Parameter Description
Alias Name Symbolic name. The name can be any alphanumeric
string, beginning with a letter (a-z, A-Z).
Default Value Selection of tags to create aliases of. If no tag is selected
the alias will be treated as a local screen variable.
The default value will be the default value for the alias
in the created instances. It will also be the reference for
the default instance. See Instances.
Data Type Selection of data type. This setting is enabled by first
clicking the Data Type checkbox.
The data type will by default reflect the data type of the
selected Default Value.
The aliases created in the project are presented in a table on the instances tab. It is
possible to change the value for the aliases in this tab, in order to override the default
value configured in the aliases tab.
3BSE069489-602 149
Aliases Section 4 Tags
If a value for an alias is changed in the instances tab, the new value is displayed with
bold text to indicate that it differs from the alias’ default value.
To revert back to the default value, delete the value followed by pressing [Enter].
The default value can be changed in the aliases tab.
Parameter Description
Instance Symbolic name. The name can be any alphanumeric
string, beginning with a letter (a-z, A-Z).
Aliases The names of all aliases created in the project will be
displayed in the columns headers. The values connected
to the aliases will be listed in each columns.
150 3BSE069489-602
Section 4 Tags Aliases
Related information
Action Groups
• Aliases do not support array tags.
• Aliases can not be used in connection with expressions.
• Aliases can not be used with the Trend Viewer object.
• No scripting support for value changed event on an alias.
3BSE069489-602 151
Aliases Section 4 Tags
152 3BSE069489-602
Section 5 Controller
Panel 800 Version 6 operator panels can be connected to many types of automation
equipment, such as PLCs, servos, and drives.
The expression controller is used as a general term for the connected equipment.
It is possible to connect a tag to more than one controller simultaneously. This
makes it possible to use the same application with different controllers. Controllers
can be enabled and disabled in runtime. A project can contain multiple controller
A project can also be connected to an external OPC server.
Related information
Multiple Controllers
External OPC Server
Internal Tags
Adding a Controller
When a new project is created, one of the steps is to choose which controller brand
and model to connect to. Clicking on Tags in the Project Explorer, selecting the
Controller tab displays the Controller configuration page.
3BSE069489-602 153
Adding a Controller Section 5 Controller
Parameter Description
Name Symbolic name. The name can be any alphanumeric
string, beginning with a letter (a-z, A-Z).
ID Optional short name for controller; displayed in functions
such as Data exchange.
Active Selection of which controllers are to be active in runtime.
Change of active controllers can also be performed in
runtime using an action or script.
Controllers are added and deleted using the Add and Delete buttons.
Clicking Controller allows selecting another controller, and Settings displays
settings for the selected driver.
Clicking Help in the driver settings dialog opens the help file for the driver.
Related information
Select Controller
154 3BSE069489-602
Section 5 Controller External OPC Server
Notify Window
If a communication error between the application and the controller is detected in
runtime, this will result in a communication error, and a Notify Window will be
displayed in the operator panel. The Notify Window is a floating window that starts
in the upper left corner of the screen. It is also used to display the alarm indicator.
The Notify Window can be moved to any position on the current screen.
DEMO Controller
The DEMO controller is used and selected in the same way as a regular controller
driver, to design and test a project directly on the engineering PC without connection
to an external controller.
A number of predefined tags can be selected:
The DEMO controller also includes counters and digital tags with predefined
3BSE069489-602 155
External OPC Server Section 5 Controller
To validate tags from a remote OPC server in the Panel Builder project, return to the
Controllers tab and select the remote OPC server once more, and click OK.
This procedure is necessary as the tags in the remote OPC server may have been
changed since they were selected on the Tags tab.
OPC UA Client
Settings for the OPC UA client can be made in the Choose Controller dialog. Open
the dialog by clicking the Add button on the Controllers tab.
Enter the URL to the OPC UA server.
156 3BSE069489-602
Section 5 Controller External OPC Server
Parameter Description
URL Enter URL to the OPC UA server.
Only UA TCP Binary is supported which means the URL
must start with “opc.tcp://”
Authentication Choose whether to use anonymous login or enter a user
settings name and password to enable a secured login.
Namespace settings This setting offers a possibility to declare a namespace
URI and bind it to a prefix.
Tag View settings Namespace separator character: Enter a character to
be used to separate the namespace URI prefix from the
tag ID when presented on the tag tab.
Default namespace: Select the default namespace URI
prefix to be used when entering a tag on the tag tab.
3BSE069489-602 157
External OPC Server Section 5 Controller
Parameter Description
Subscription Max subscriptions: Enter the maximum number of
settings subscriptions supported by the server(1)
Max items per subscription: Enter the maximum
number of items per subscription supported by the
(1) Please refer to the server manual for limitations
158 3BSE069489-602
Section 5 Controller Updating Drivers
Supported Functions
Data Access (UA part 8) is supported.
All variables of data types that are used in Panel Builder is supported. Read / write
of objects, structs and arrays is not supported.
Limitation Description
Browsing Browsing of servers / nodes is not supported.
Address input in GUI NameSpace and BrowseName is used to identify a
variable in the server.
If this combination is not unique, the client cannot identify
the variable.
Related information
OPC UA Server
Updating Drivers
Drivers can be updated via Internet or from file.
Each driver takes up approximately 500 kB. To use the downloaded drivers, Panel
Builder must be restarted.
3BSE069489-602 159
Updating Drivers Section 5 Controller
1. Click on the Panel Builder button and select Update Drivers /From Internet
to update available drivers to the latest version, or to install new drivers.
The list shows the version number for the available drivers and the version
number for the installed drivers.
3. Click Download.
Related information
File Menu
160 3BSE069489-602
Section 5 Controller Synchronizing the Controller Clock
Related information
File Menu
3BSE069489-602 161
Synchronizing the Controller Clock Section 5 Controller
When the value is changed in any of the system tags, they will be written to the
Related information
System Tags
162 3BSE069489-602
Section 6 Web Server
The Web Server adds the possibility to use a server-side Application Programming
Interface (API) to interact with a running project. The API operates over the
HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and can be accessed from any compatible
device. In addition, the web server can host web pages and related media to be
consumed by web browsers.
The bundled Javascript Software Development Kit (SDK) makes it easy to build
interactive web pages that utilize the API.
Login settings for the web server are available from Server group on the System
ribbon tab.
ABB only offers support for the examples described in this chapter.
Login Form
The web server provides a default login form that is used for clients to authenticate.
It is also possible to override the default and provide a custom web page that
matches your overall design.
To override the login form, create an HTML file called “login.html” and place it in a
folder named “Website” in the root of the FTP root directory.
3BSE069489-602 163
Web Server Configuration Section 6 Web Server
This file will be used instead of the default when clients access the address “/login”.
The Javascript SDK provides tools for creating the form using a few conventions.
Note that this only applies if you have authentication enabled in the web server
Authentication Script
Reference the authentication script
Login Button
Mark a login button with the predefined id “ix-login”. Any element can be used.
Invalid Credentials
Optionally add an element with the predefined id “ix-invalid-credentials” that will
be shown if the login fails.
164 3BSE069489-602
Section 6 Web Server Javascript SDK
Javascript SDK
Javascript SDK Overview
The JavaScript SDK provides a rich set of client-side functionality for accessing the
server-side API calls. This enables the possibility to build highly interactive web
pages that uses tags defined in the project.
1. The first step to build an interactive web page is to reference the SDK by
inserting the following script into to the header of the html.
2. Next, the SDK needs to be initialized. In its simples form the following lines
need to be added after the reference to the SDK:
This will make it possible to use the defined tag metadata attributes to incorporate
the project tags into the web page.
The following line will, for example, insert the value of Tag1 into the HTML
3BSE069489-602 165
Javascript SDK Section 6 Web Server
Formatting of a tag value can be applied to a tag of numeric type or a datetime. The
format is defined using the data-ix-format attribute.
The following table describes the custom date and time format specifiers and
displays a result string produced by each format specifier.
Tuesday, February 07, 2012 12:27:24 PM is used as input.
166 3BSE069489-602
Section 6 Web Server Javascript SDK
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Javascript SDK Section 6 Web Server
The following table describes the custom numeric format specifiers and displays
sample output produced by each format specifier:
Tag Description
Value Value Format
0 Digit 4 00 → 04
4.5 0.00 → 4.50
.1 0.00 × 1000 → 1.00 × 10-01
# Digit, zero shows as absent 4 ## → 4
. Decimal separator or monetary 4.5 0.00 → 4.50
decimal separator
E Separates mantissa and 5.55 0.0 × 1000 → 5.6 × 1000
exponent in scientific notation
1000000 0.0 × 1000 → 1.0 × 1006
, Grouping separator 1000 0,0 → 1,000
1000 0,# → 1,000
; Separates positive and negative -5 plus;minus → minus
5 plus;minus → plus
0 plus;minus;zero → zero
-5 0;(0.0);0.000 → (5.0)
[] Custom subpatterns 700 [>500]###.##;[<1000]###;#
##.# → 700.00
400 [>500]medium;[>1000]###;
###.# → 400
1001 [>2000]high;[>1000]nor-
mal;[>500]low → normal
168 3BSE069489-602
Section 6 Web Server Javascript SDK
The second element has the data-ix-submitbutton attribute used to submit the
new tag value.
The data-ix-submitbutton attribute takes the tag names, separated by comma “,”,
to be submitted when the button is clicked. To submit all tags an asterisk “*” can
be used.
iX-invalid Style
Basic validation is done on input values. If the value cannot be assigned to the Tag
then the value will not be set. To indicate an invalid value the framework will set
the CSS class “ix-invalid” on the element. This can then be used to provide the user
with visual cues of the invalid state. For example, the following CSS snippet adds a
red border around the input when the input is incorrect:
Refresh Modes
To control how tag values are refreshed, the data-ix-refresh attribute can be used
with elements defined with data-ix-tag or data-ix-setter.
It is recommended to use the least frequent interval that is required by your project.
3BSE069489-602 169
Javascript SDK Section 6 Web Server
After loading the JavaScript SDK, call iX.setup to initialize the framework. This
will wire the tag metadata attributes that you have defined in HTML and will start
periodical polling if this is needed.
Property Type Description Argument fault
refreshInterval Int The refresh interval of tag values Optional 5000
in ms. For performance reasons
it is recommended not to use low
values for this setting.
refreshMode String Overrides the default refresh Optional one-
mode of tag values. time
Accepted modes are: none,
onetime, interval.
refreshMode- String Overrides the default refresh Optional one-
Setter mode of tag setters. time
Accepted modes are: none,
onetime, interval.
This example will set periodical refresh interval to 10 seconds, set the refresh mode
of HTML elements marked with the data-ix-tag attribute to interval and set the
refresh mode of HTML elements marked with the data-ix-setter attribute to refresh
only once.
170 3BSE069489-602
Section 6 Web Server Javascript SDK
Refreshes the tag values of the provided elements manually. The attribute
data-ix-refreshbutton can be used to achieve the same function.
Only an element that have been marked with a valid data-ix-tag or data-ix-setter
can be refreshed. The value will be refreshed regardless of the refresh mode
set on the element.
This example show how you programmatically can achieve the same behavior
as marking an element with data-ix-refreshbutton. In the example, the HTML
element with id "tag1Id" will be updated when the element with id "refreshButton" is
clicked. This example uses jQuery (bundled with iX.js) to bind to the click event
of the "refreshButton"
In Javascript:
3BSE069489-602 171
Javascript SDK Section 6 Web Server
Refreshes the tag values of the provided tag names manually.
Only tags used in conjunction with data-ix-tag or data-ix-setter or created by
iX.createTag can be refreshed.
This example show how to programmatically refresh the tag values of "tag1" and
"tag2". When refreshButton is clicked the "tag1" and "tag2" will be refreshed even if
the refresh mode was set to 'none' when creating the tag.
Creates a representation of a server-side tag on the client-side.
172 3BSE069489-602
Section 6 Web Server Javascript SDK
Type Description
iX.Tag An instance of iX.Tag. See Tag Class for a complete
This example show how to display a warning if the value of "tag1" exceeds 70. The
example is using jQuery (bundled with iX.js) to hide and show the warning box.
3BSE069489-602 173
Javascript SDK Section 6 Web Server
Retrieves a tag by name.
Type Description
iX.Tag An instance of iX.Tag. See Tag Class for a complete
This example shows how to retrieve an instance of a tag after it has been created.
"tag1" and "tag1Again" will refer to the same tag instance.
Commits any unsaved tag values that was changed using iX.Tag.setValue for the
provided tag names.
174 3BSE069489-602
Section 6 Web Server Javascript SDK
This example show how to commit changes to tag values on the server in a batch.
Note that the value must match the data type of the tag on the server.
Tag Class
iX.Tag is a class representing a Tag. The methods and properties of a Tag must be
accessed through an instance of iX.Tag and not the class itself. Typically a Tag
instance obtained using iX.createTag or iX.getTag methods.
iX.Tag Properties
Name Type Description
isDirty Bool Flag indicating if the local value has been
tagProperties Object An object with data retrieved from the server.
See tag metadata below. Note that these are
only available after the first refresh. Also, only
value is refreshed not all of the metadata.
value Flexible The value of the tag. The type of the value
depends on the data type in the project.
Never use this property to set the value.
3BSE069489-602 175
Javascript SDK Section 6 Web Server
Tag Properties:
Set the tag value manually. To commit the value to the server side call iX.commit.
It’s vital that the value that is set corresponds to the data type of the tag.
Adds a callback that is called when the server-side value has changed.
176 3BSE069489-602
Section 6 Web Server Web Service API
Unsubscribe from changes.
Refreshes this tag. It is recommended to refresh tags in batch (using iX.refresh)
instead of refreshing individual tags.
Commit this tags value if the value has been changed. It is recommended to commit
tags in batch (using iX.commit) instead of refreshing individual tags.
Accepted Types
It is possible to negotiate which media type that will be returned as a representation
of the resource being retrieved. Use the Accept header in the request to specify the
desired media type. text/html and application/json media types are understood as
response formats for tag related resources.
A client request providing an unsupported media type will be responded with the
following message: “406 - Not understood”.
3BSE069489-602 177
Web Service API Section 6 Web Server
Tags Resource
Lists tags available in the project.
Tags Resource
Verbs: GET
Uri: /Tags
Tag Resource
Resource for interacting with individual tags. To perform multiple operations on tags
it is recommended to use TagBatch resource instead.
Tag Resource
Verbs: GET, PUT
Uri: /tags/:name
GET params: Name: The name of the tag, e.g., Tag1 SystemTagDateTime
PUT params: Name: The name of the tag, e.g., Tag1 SystemTagDateTime
Value: The value to set the tag to, e.g., 12, "foo"
178 3BSE069489-602
Section 6 Web Server Web Service API
TagBatch Resource
The TagBatch resource is a resource used to perform batch operations on tags.
TagBatch Resource
Verbs: POST
Uri: /tagbatch
POST includeMetadata: boolean indicating if only the tag value or the
params: full tag metadata should be fetched
getTags: List of tag names to return
setTags: List name, value pairs representing new tag values.
3BSE069489-602 179
Web Service API Section 6 Web Server
180 3BSE069489-602
Section 6 Web Server Web Service API
The returned value (initialValue) for tags of datetime type is presented in the
ISO8601 format.
Example: "2008-09-22T14:01:54.9571247Z".
3BSE069489-602 181
Web Service API Section 6 Web Server
182 3BSE069489-602
Section 7 Objects
Static and dynamic objects that can be included in screens are available for selection
from the Objects control group of the Home ribbon tab.
Not all objects are visible in the normal view, but are made available by scrolling.
Clicking the expand button displays all the objects, categorized into groups.
3BSE069489-602 183
Section 7 Objects
An object can be created by clicking on it in the Objects group and then clicking on
the screen, or by dragging it from the Objects group and dropping it on the screen.
This creates the object with default size and appearance.
Dragging the object handles resizes it. Object appearance can be modified using
the commands in the Format and Font control groups, but also by the controls on
the Dynamics ribbon tab.
Settings for a selected object can be managed with the control groups on the General
ribbon tab, and actions can be configured from the Actions ribbon tab.
An object style that is to be used frequently can be saved as an Object Variation, in
order to immediately apply a predefined appearance to the object when creating it.
Related information
Object Variations
184 3BSE069489-602
Section 7 Objects Blinking Objects
Blinking Objects
Some objects can be displayed as blinking objects. Blinking is enabled for each
object individually using the Property Grid.
The blink settings can be entered either from the General group under the Dynamics
tab, or from the Property Grid, under Animations. In both cases selecting Blink will
open the Edit Blink Dynamics dialog.
Parameter Description
Blink Interval Constant blink intervals:
Time in ms from when the object gets invisible one
time until it gets invisible the next time. For operator
panel projects, the minimum value is 400 ms, and it is
recommended to use a blink interval of a multiple of
400 ms to ensure a harmonic blink experience (400 ms,
800 ms, 1200 ms, 1600 ms etc.). For PC targets, the
minimum value is 200 ms. The default value is 1200 ms
for all targets, and the maximum value is 10,000 ms for
all targets.
Blink intervals bound to a tag:
Select Tag for Blink Interval changes blink frequency
based on the selected tag value.
3BSE069489-602 185
Shapes Section 7 Objects
Parameter Description
Blink Enabled Select Tag for Blink Enable makes it possible to enable
and disable blinking depending on the selected tag value:
When the tag value is equal to the given value (=True),
blink is enabled. When the tag value is not equal to the
given value (=False), blink is disabled.
Security has higher priority than blink, and an object hidden by security cannot
be made visible through blink.
Related information
General Group
Related information
General Group
Static shapes such as Line, Rectangle and Poly Line can be used to draw background
graphics. Tags can be linked to shapes under Dynamics, to change their appearance
(e.g. color and position) depending on value changes of controller tags.
Points for an existing Poly Line object can be adjusted by selecting Edit Points
from the context menu.
186 3BSE069489-602
Section 7 Objects HMI Controls
Bevel for Poly Line and Ellipse is only supported for projects designed for PC
HMI Controls
Dynamic objects such as buttons, analog numerics, sliders, meters and trend viewers
are linked to tags in order to create control and monitoring functions.
The tag associated with an object can be selected and changed from the Tag/Security
group on the Home or General ribbon tabs, or from the context menu. Links to tags
(controller tags, internal tags or system tags) are selected in the Tag drop-down list.
Objects containing text can be edited directly from the keyboard, either when just
created, or when a single selection is done on the text area of the object.
It is also possible to use script code to control the text contents of buttons, texts
or text boxes.
Use of braces around digits, such as ‘{0}’, is not allowed in text objects. This
will result in an error when opening the screen.
3BSE069489-602 187
HMI Controls Section 7 Objects
Text Object Touch Combo Box Touch List Box Trend Viewer
Object Object Object
Settings for the Action Menu object are available from the General ribbon tab while
the object is selected:
Settings Group
Parameter Description
Edit Actions Opens the Edit Actions dialog
View type Choose between Bar, Expand and Tab
Item Width Set the width of the items. This is only available for the
Bar and Expand View types.
Item Height Set the height of the items
Orientation Set the orientation of the items. This is only available
for the Bar View type.
Picture Width Set the width of the pictures for the items
188 3BSE069489-602
Section 7 Objects HMI Controls
Parameter Description
Picture Height Set the height of the pictures for the items
ScrollBar Width Set the width of the scroll bar.
Parameter Description
Text The text to be displayed for the item
Picture The picture to be displayed for the item
Make Transparent Set transparency on the item
Action Configure the action when the item is clicked
The Menu Groups tab in the Edit Actions dialog contains the following properties:
Parameter Description
Menu Group Name The name of the menu group
Picture The picture to be displayed for the menu group
Make Transparent Set transparency on the menu group
Make sure not to use semi-transparent pictures in projects targeted for operator
panel. Since these targets do not fully support opacity, semi-transparent pictures
may turn out unclear.
3BSE069489-602 189
HMI Controls Section 7 Objects
Related information
Dynamics Ribbon Tab
Related information
Alarm Management
Alarm Viewer
190 3BSE069489-602
Section 7 Objects HMI Controls
Zero Fill Fills empty character positions with zeros, to let the
maximum number of characters always be displayed
The “Limit Characters to” function, in combination with the string format type
is not supported for the Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and Simplified
Chinese (Compact) languages.
Prefix/Suffix Group
Parameter Description
Prefix/Suffix Text value that will precede/follow the object value
Tag/Security Group
Parameter Description
Select Tag Connection to a tag from the tags configuration page
Select Security Allows limiting access of the object based on security
Groups groups. If left empty, the object can be accessed by
Select Visibility Configuration of visibility:
Default: The visibility specified on the General tab of the
Security Manager is used.
3BSE069489-602 191
HMI Controls Section 7 Objects
Parameter Description
Disabled: The object is disabled for users with insufficient
access rights
Hidden: The object is invisible for users with insufficient
access rights
Normal: The object looks normal also for users with
insufficient access rights
Format Group
Parameter Description
Auto Stretch Font Resizes the font to fit the height of the object. Default
setting for the analog numeric object.
Disable Operator Input Disables input in runtime
Transparent Makes the object transparent, i.e. makes the frame and
background color invisible
Validation Group
Parameter Description
On Input Input values are validated, based on Lower Limit and
Upper Limit, when the box is checked
On Display Background color changes according to Other Colors on
the Format tab if upper or lower limit are violated, when
the box is checked
Lower Limit/Upper Minimum/maximum value that can be entered in runtime
Limit when On Input is checked, or that will change the
background color of the object when On Display is
192 3BSE069489-602
Section 7 Objects HMI Controls
The font size of the analog numeric object is auto-sized when resizing the object
frame by default, and is not adjusted in the Font control of the Home ribbon tab.
Uncheck Auto Stretch Font in the Text group first, and then change the font
size on the Home ribbon tab.
Animated GIF
The Animated GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) object allows including a moving
graphic picture in the Panel Builder project. Animated GIFs can be imported to the
project by browsing the PC environment for graphic files. Imported animated GIFs
are added to the Project Picture folder in the Component Library.
The Animated GIF can be connected to a tag which controls animation. When
the value of the connected tag is 0, then animation is turned off and the picture is
displayed static in its initial design. An Animated GIF not connected to a tag runs
animated continuously.
Settings for the Animated GIF object are available from the General ribbon tab
while the object is selected:
Settings Group
Parameter Description
Change Picture Opens a browse dialog for selection of picture
Reset Picture Restores original height and width to picture
Stretch Adapts height and width to the selection frame when
resizing the picture
Transparent Makes the object transparent, i.e. makes the frame and
background color invisible
Make sure not to use semi-transparent pictures in projects targeted for operator
panel. Since these targets do not fully support opacity, semi-transparent pictures
may turn out unclear.
3BSE069489-602 193
HMI Controls Section 7 Objects
Tag/Security Group
Parameter Description
Select Tag Connection to a tag from the tags configuration page
Select Security Allows limiting access of the object based on security
Groups groups. If left empty, the object can be accessed by
Select Visibility Configuration of visibility:
Default: The visibility specified on the General tab of the
Security Manager is used.
Disabled: The object is disabled for users with insufficient
access rights
Hidden: The object is invisible for users with insufficient
access rights
Normal: The object looks normal also for users with
insufficient access rights
Parameter Description
Text The text to be displayed in the animated label
Animated If enabled, the text starts to animate
194 3BSE069489-602
Section 7 Objects HMI Controls
Parameter Description
Animation speed Set the speed for the animation. Minimum value is 1,
maximum value is 32,767.
Animation Direction Set the animation direction:
From right to left
From left to right
From right to left to right
From left to right to left
From down to up
From up to down
From down to up to down
From up to down to up
Related information
Dynamics Ribbon Tab
Related information
Audit Trail
Audit Trail Viewer
Button Object
The Button tool draws a button with a text and/or picture. The button can be
configured to perform a specific task in runtime via the Actions ribbon tab or using
script. The text on the button object can also be set to depend directly on a tag value
3BSE069489-602 195
HMI Controls Section 7 Objects
using the General control on the Dynamics ribbon tab. If a picture is used, the picture
file is added to the Project Pictures folder in the Component Library.
Settings for the button object are available from the General ribbon tab while the
object is selected:
Picture Group
Parameter Description
Picture Selects a picture to display on the button. Pictures
from the Project Pictures folder is available for selection
directly. It is also possible to browse the PC environment
for a picture.
Select No Picture to remove a previously selected
Checking the Multi Picture checkbox will make
it possible to display different pictures based on
the value of a connected tag according to section
Configure Multi Pictures.
Multi Picture Multi Picture or single picture displayed on button.
Transparent Makes the picture transparent
Make sure not to use semi-transparent pictures in projects targeted for operator
panel. Since these targets do not fully support opacity, semi-transparent pictures
may turn out unclear.
196 3BSE069489-602
Section 7 Objects HMI Controls
4. Click Add to add pictures and configure start and end values for each picture.
You can browse the PC for pictures, or select pictures from the current project.
5. Click OK.
The picture on the button will now change according to the value of the selected
tag. When the value is out of limits, no picture is displayed.
Clicking the small arrow in the lower right corner of the Picture Alignment group
displays the picture properties with a number of additional picture settings.
Style Group
Parameter Description
Style Predefined graphical styles for the button
Appearance The appearance of the button, including possibility to
make the button rounded and settings for each corner
of the button.
3BSE069489-602 197
HMI Controls Section 7 Objects
Additional predefined styles for this object are found in the Object Variations group.
When editing default button style properties, for example corner radius,
appearance in runtime may sometimes differ from when designing the project
in Panel Builder.
Related information
Object Variations
Text Group
Parameter Description
Text Text displayed on the button
Multiline Lets the text run over more than one line, using [Enter].
Confirm the text entry by pressing [Ctrl] + [Enter].
Word Wrap Wraps the text to fit the width of the button
Configure Texts Links the displayed text to a tag. The Text field value is
shown if the selected tag is not within the set limits
Visibility Group
Parameter Description
Transparent Makes the object transparent
198 3BSE069489-602
Section 7 Objects HMI Controls
Related information
Actions Ribbon Tab
Component Library
Figure 14. Circular meters in Black Full style, Chrome Half style and Vintage
Quarter style
Settings for the meter object are available from the General ribbon tab while the
object is selected:
3BSE069489-602 199
HMI Controls Section 7 Objects
Style Group
Parameter Description
Style Predefined graphical styles for the meter. The smaller
styles are intended in particular to allow full visibility in
the smaller operator panels.
Appearance The appearance of the meter; full, half or quarter
200 3BSE069489-602
Section 7 Objects HMI Controls
Additional predefined styles for this object are found in the Object Variations group.
Related information
Object Variations
Using animation on the circular meter objects creates a higher load on the CPU.
Therefore it is recommended to limit the use of the needle animation to only a
few circular meters per screen, especially for the smaller panel models.
Tag/Security Group
Parameter Description
Select Tag Connection to a tag from the tags configuration page
Select Security Allows limiting access of the object based on security
Groups groups. If left empty, the object can be accessed by
Select Visibility Configuration of visibility:
Default: The visibility specified on the General tab of the
Security Manager is used.
3BSE069489-602 201
HMI Controls Section 7 Objects
Parameter Description
Disabled: The object is disabled for users with insufficient
access rights
Hidden: The object is invisible for users with insufficient
access rights
Normal: The object looks normal also for users with
insufficient access rights
Visibility Group
Parameter Description
Transparent Makes the object transparent
Scale When unchecked, the scale color of the meter is made
transparent. Scale color is set from Other Colors on the
Format tab.
Chart Object
The chart object is used to display values of connected array tags.
Settings for the chart object are available from the General ribbon tab while the
object is selected:
202 3BSE069489-602
Section 7 Objects HMI Controls
Parameter Description
Line Fast
Line Horizontal
Line Point
Header Set the name that is displayed above the chart
3D View Set a 3D look and feel for the chart
3BSE069489-602 203
HMI Controls Section 7 Objects
Parameter Description
Minimum Set the minimum value of the Y1 axis. If automatic is
set, this value is ignored.
Maximum Set the maximum value of the Y1 axis. If automatic is
set, this value is ignored. When using charts with visible
labels on curves the maximum value is extended to make
room for label.
Style Group
Parameter Description
Style Set the style of the chart
Visibility Group
Parameter Description
Scale Set the visibility of the scale
Transparent Make the chart transparent
204 3BSE069489-602
Section 7 Objects HMI Controls
Parameter Description
Header Set the header visibility
Legend Set the legend visibility
Parameter Description
Name The name of the Series, as shown in the legend in the chart.
X Tag The X Tag values.
The tag must be an array tag.
The number of elements shown will be the lowest common
denominator of the X Tag array size and the Y Tag array size.
Y Tag Optional: The Y Tag values for the chart.
The tag must be an array tag.
If this value is not chosen, the X Tag Values will still be visible
and the Y Axis will be set automatically. The number of elements
shown will be the lowest common denominator of the X Tag
array size and the Y Tag array size.
Size Optional: The number of elements in the tag arrays. This
property overrides the sizes of the X Tag array size and Y
Tag array size. If this value is not set, the lowest common
denominator of the X Tags array size and the Y Tags array size
will be chosen as size.
Labels Set a label for each point in the chart. There is one label for
each available tag value.
Color Choose the color of the series.
Thickness Set the thickness of the series. This applies for the chart types
Line, Line Fast, Line Horizontal and Line Point.
Axis Type Select the Y Axis that this series will use.
3BSE069489-602 205
HMI Controls Section 7 Objects
Chart objects with large arrays where values are frequently changing may affect
Related information
Array Tags
Settings for the database viewer object are available from the General ribbon tab
while the object is selected:
Settings Group
Parameter Description
Show Controls When the box is checked, the user is able to select
database and database table in runtime
Database Path to database to be loaded automatically in runtime(1)
Table Name The table in the selected database to be loaded
automatically in runtime(1)
Browse Data Table Opens a browse dialog for selection of database and
database table in design time. The path and table name
will be added to the Database and Table Name fields.
(1) If the entered database or table does not exist or is not valid, an empty database viewer is displayed in runtime.
Related information
206 3BSE069489-602
Section 7 Objects HMI Controls
Related information
Date, Time, and Region Group
3BSE069489-602 207
HMI Controls Section 7 Objects
Figure 15. Linear meters in Classic Horizontal style and Eclipse Vertical style
Settings for the meter object are available from the General ribbon tab while the
object is selected:
208 3BSE069489-602
Section 7 Objects HMI Controls
Style Group
Parameter Description
Tag/Security Group
Parameter Description
Select Tag Connection to a tag from the tags configuration page
Select Security Allows limiting access of the object based on security
Groups groups. If left empty, the object can be accessed by
Select Visibility Configuration of visibility:
Default: The visibility specified on the General tab of the
Security Manager is used.
Disabled: The object is disabled for users with insufficient
access rights
Hidden: The object is invisible for users with insufficient
access rights
Normal: The object looks normal also for users with
insufficient access rights
Visibility Group
Parameter Description
Transparent Makes the object transparent; only indicator bar and
scale will be visible
Scale When unchecked, the scale color of the meter is made
transparent. Scale color and indicator color are set from
Other Colors on the Format tab.
3BSE069489-602 209
HMI Controls Section 7 Objects
Settings Group
Parameter Description
Configure Pictures Configuration of start/end values of intervals and
selection of pictures for each interval. Pictures can be
selected from the Project Pictures folder or from the hard
disk. Transparency can also be set. Original picture size
is displayed. The Add/Delete buttons are used to add
and remove items to/from the object.
Reset Picture Restores original height and width to picture.
Stretch Adapts height and width to the selection frame when
resizing the picture.
Lock Aspect Ratio Maintains the height/width ratio of the object.
Make sure not to use semi-transparent pictures in projects targeted for operator
panel. Since these targets do not fully support opacity, semi-transparent pictures
may turn out unclear.
Related information
Component Library
Picture Object
The Picture object allows using a picture as an object. Pictures can be imported to
the project by browsing the PC environment for graphic files. Imported pictures are
added to the Project Pictures folder in the Component Library.
210 3BSE069489-602
Section 7 Objects HMI Controls
The displayed picture can also be dynamic; depending of a set of pictures that have
been linked to intervals in a tag value.
Settings for the picture object are available from the General ribbon tab while the
object is selected:
Settings Group
Parameter Description
Change Picture Opens a browse dialog for selection of picture
Reset Picture Restores original height and width to picture
Stretch Adapts height and width to the selection frame when
resizing the picture
Transparent Makes the object transparent, i.e. makes the frame and
background color invisible
Make sure not to use semi-transparent pictures in projects targeted for operator
panel. Since these targets do not fully support opacity, semi-transparent pictures
may turn out unclear.
Related information
Component Library
Settings for the Roller Panel object are available from the General ribbon tab while
the object is selected:
Settings Group
Parameter Description
Title Set the title for the Roller Panel
Title Visible Determines if the title is visible or not
3BSE069489-602 211
HMI Controls Section 7 Objects
Parameter Description
Loop Scroll Determines if the values will loop around or not
Disable Operator Input Determines if the Roller Panel is editable or not
Text Group
Parameter Description
Configure Texts Opens the Configure Texts dialog
Parameter Description
Text The text to be displayed for the item
Start Value The starting value for when this item should be selected
End Value The ending value for when this item should be selected
Related information
Dynamics Ribbon Tab
212 3BSE069489-602
Section 7 Objects HMI Controls
Slider Object
The Slider can be used to adjust a numeric value. The slider sets a value to a
connected tag. If the tag value changes for other reasons, the slider control handle
will show the actual value in runtime.
Figure 16. Sliders in Chrome and Eclipse Horizontal styles, and Vintage Vertical
Settings for the slider object are available from the General ribbon tab while the
object is selected:
3BSE069489-602 213
HMI Controls Section 7 Objects
Style Group
Parameter Description
Style Predefined graphical styles for the slider. The smaller
styles are intended in particular to allow full visibility in
the smaller operator panels.
Appearance The appearance of the slider; horizontal or vertical
Tag/Security Group
Parameter Description
Select Tag Connection to a tag from the tags configuration page
Select Security Allows limiting access of the object based on security
Groups groups. If left empty, the object can be accessed by
Select Visibility Configuration of visibility:
Default: The visibility specified on the General tab of the
Security Manager is used.
Disabled: The object is disabled for users with insufficient
access rights
Hidden: The object is invisible for users with insufficient
access rights
Normal: The object looks normal also for users with
insufficient access rights
Visibility Group
Parameter Description
Transparent Makes the object transparent
Scale When unchecked, the scale color of the slider is made
transparent. Scale color and indicator color (color of the
handle) are set from Other Colors on the Format tab.
214 3BSE069489-602
Section 7 Objects HMI Controls
Text Object
The Text object is used to display read-only information for the operator. The
displayed text can be static, or linked to intervals in a tag value that contain different
strings. The text object can also be set to depend directly on a tag value using the
General control on the Dynamics ribbon tab.
Settings for the text object are available from the General ribbon tab while the
object is selected:
Text Group
Parameter Description
Text Text that the object displays
Multiline Lets the text run over more than one line, using [Enter].
Confirm the text entry by pressing [Ctrl] + [Enter].
Word Wrap Wraps the text to fit the width of the object. Not available
if Autosize is selected.
Configure Texts Links the displayed text to a tag. The Text field value is
shown if the selected tag is not within the set limits.
Auto Stretch Font Resizes the font to fit the height of the object. Not
available if Autosize is selected.
Auto Size Resizes the object according to the size of the default
text string length and font size. Default setting for the
text object.
3BSE069489-602 215
HMI Controls Section 7 Objects
Settings for the Touch Combo Box object are available from the General ribbon
tab while the object is selected:
Settings Group
Parameter Description
Auto Size Item Height The Touch Combo Box will ignore the Item Height value
and size the values automatically
Item Height Set the height of the individual items in the Touch Combo
ArrowBox Width Set the width of the Arrow Box
ScrollBar Width Set the width of the scroll bar
Text Group
Parameter Description
Configure Texts Opens the Configure Texts dialog
Parameter Description
Text The text to be displayed for the item
Start Value The starting value for when this item should be selected
End Value The ending value for when this item should be selected
216 3BSE069489-602
Section 7 Objects HMI Controls
Related information
Dynamics Ribbon Tab
Settings for the Touch List Box object are available from the General ribbon tab
while the object is selected:
Settings Group
Parameter Description
Separator Visible Show or hide a separator between the items in the Touch
List Box
Item Height Set the height of the individual items in the Touch List Box
ScrollBar Width Set the width of the scroll bar
Text Group
Parameter Description
Configure Texts Opens the Configure Texts dialog
3BSE069489-602 217
Media Controls Section 7 Objects
Parameter Description
Text The text to be displayed for the item
Start Value The starting value for when this item should be selected
End Value The ending value for when this item should be selected
Related information
Dynamics Ribbon Tab
Related information
Trend Viewer
Curves Group
Communication Performance
Media Controls
The media controls are used to display media files, pdf files and web pages in
runtime. The following media controls are described:
218 3BSE069489-602
Section 7 Objects Media Controls
Project Files Default option for browsing. The project files are listed in
the Component Library. At least one of the folders has
to be chosen.
External Memory Card Select this option for browsing if project files are placed
on an external memory card. At least one of the folders
has to be chosen.
Settings Group
Parameter Description
Media Source Select a media file to add to the media player, from the
project files folder or by browsing the PC
Connecting a tag to a Media Player Object will cause the media player to try to
play a media clip with a name that corresponds to the tag’s value, ignoring the
configured Media Source parameter.
3BSE069489-602 219
Media Controls Section 7 Objects
Prior to running the script, the media file has to be added manually to the Project Files
folder. When the script is executed, the file will be copied to the output directory.
Events for the media player can be used, for example:
Related information
Component Library
Settings Group
Parameter Description
PDF File Select a PDF file to add to the PDF viewer, from the
project files folder or by browsing the PC
Buttons Select which buttons to make available in runtime
In an operator panel, all PDF files in the project files folder will be available for
selection in runtime, if the Open button is checked.
220 3BSE069489-602
Section 7 Objects Media Controls
When using a PDF viewer object in a popup screen, only the default style for
the popup screen is supported.
Related information
Component Library
Popup Screen
Adobe Reader not Recognized
Settings Group
Settings for the Web Browser object are available from the General ribbon tab while
the Web Browser object is selected:
Parameter Description
Address The default web page of the web browser object.
Home The web page that will be displayed when the Home
button is pressed.
Favorites Addition of web pages that will be available for selection
from the drop-down address field in runtime.
Address Read Only Checking the box disables entering text in the address
Address Field Unchecking the box removes the address field in runtime
Go Button Unchecking the box removes the Go button in runtime
3BSE069489-602 221
Special Controls Section 7 Objects
Parameter Description
Home Button Unchecking the box removes the Home button in runtime
Back Button/Forward Unchecking the box removes the navigation buttons in
Buttons runtime
Referring to a local HTM/HTML file can be useful for example when the operator
panel is not connected to Internet. The local file — a .HTM- or .HTML-file — has
to be located in the Project Files folder of the current project, and is addressed in
the following format: “File://filename.html” where “filename.html” represents the
actual file”, e.g. File://ReadMe.html.
Related information
Popup Screen
Special Controls
The special controls are used to create attractive navigation facilities in runtime.
222 3BSE069489-602
Section 7 Objects Special Controls
General Group
Parameter Description
Orientation Select horizontal or vertical orientation for runtime scrolling.
Scroll Tolerance Defines tolerance of pressing the touch screen (or scrolling
with the cursor) slightly outside of a navigation list box item
in runtime before the navigation is actually carried out.
The individual items in the navigation list box object are handled by clicking
Configure Items. Use the Add and Delete buttons to add and remove items to/from
the navigation list box.
3BSE069489-602 223
Special Controls Section 7 Objects
Parameter Description
Picture Selection of picture by browsing the PC environment or
among the project files.
Screen Selection of screen to navigate to.
Script Info Optional text to serve as a reminder if scripts are used.
Text Text displayed under each navigation list box item.
Only visible if Show Text is checked under Item Settings.
Use the up and down arrows to facilitate reorganizing of navigation list box items.
Related information
224 3BSE069489-602
Section 7 Objects Special Controls
If the Panel Builder system requirements for the graphic card are not fulfilled,
the visualization of the object will have limitations. Hardware acceleration is
General Group
Parameter Description
Number of Visible Maximum number of visible items.
Scroll Duration (ms) Time used for an item to move to the next position in the
Use Reflection Adds a reflecting layout to the object.
Auto Scroll Makes the object rotate automatically.
The individual items in the screen carousel object are handled by clicking Configure
Items. Use the Add and Delete buttons to add and remove items to/from the screen
3BSE069489-602 225
Debug Tools Section 7 Objects
Parameter Description
Picture Selection of picture by browsing the PC environment or
among the project files.
Screen Selection of screen to navigate to.
Script Info Optional text to serve as a reminder if scripts are used.
Text Text displayed under each screen carousel item.
Only visible if Show Text is checked under Item Settings.
Use the up and down arrows to facilitate reorganizing of screen carousel items.
Related information
Actions Ribbon Tab
Debug Tools
Debug tools are used for troubleshooting and monitoring.
226 3BSE069489-602
Section 7 Objects Windows Controls
Related information
Alarm Management
Alarm Distributor Viewer
Windows Controls
The following Windows controls are described:
Check Box Object Combo Box Object Group Box Object List Box Object
Settings for the check box are available from the General ribbon tab while the
object is selected:
3BSE069489-602 227
Windows Controls Section 7 Objects
Text Group
Parameter Description
Text Text that the object displays
Multiline Lets the text run over more than one line, using [Enter].
Confirm the text entry by pressing [Ctrl] + [Enter].
Word Wrap Wraps the text to fit the width of the object. Not available
if Autosize is selected.
Auto Stretch Font Resizes the font to fit the height of the object. Not available
if Autosize is selected.
Auto Size Resizes the object according to the size of the default text
string length and font size.
Text Group
Click Configure Texts to enter texts for different values.
228 3BSE069489-602
Section 7 Objects Windows Controls
Select a tag, and then click Add until there are enough rows in the table. Enter
texts and start values.
It is also possible to use script code to control the contents of a combo box.
The following script code relies on the existence of a combo box (ComboBox1) and
a set of predefined recipes (“Book” and “TV”).
When the screen opens, the script clears the box and writes the recipe name strings
in the box. Selection from the combo box triggers loading of a recipe.
Related information
Recipe Management
3BSE069489-602 229
Windows Controls Section 7 Objects
Text Group
Click Configure Texts to enter texts for different values.
Select a tag, and then click Add until there are enough rows in the table. Enter
texts and start values.
It is also possible to use script code to control the contents of a list box.
The following script code includes two objects on Screen1, a button (Button1) and a
list box (ListBox1).
230 3BSE069489-602
Section 7 Objects Windows Controls
When the button is clicked, the script is triggered and a string is written to the list
box and the value of an internal counter (count) is incremented.
Related information
Related information
Property Grid
3BSE069489-602 231
Windows Controls Section 7 Objects
Text Group
Parameter Description
Text Text that the object displays
Multiline Lets the text run over more than one line, using [Enter].
Confirm the text entry by pressing [Ctrl] + [Enter].
Word Wrap Wraps the text to fit the width of the object. Not available if
Autosize is selected.
Auto Stretch Font Resizes the font to fit the height of the object. Not available
if Autosize is selected.
Auto Size Resizes the object according to the size of the default text
string length and font size.
It is possible to use script code to make a group of radio buttons enable combined
control of a tag value. Exactly one of the radio buttons is active (set to 1) at any time.
The following example includes 3 radio buttons and a tag of int16 type.
232 3BSE069489-602
Section 7 Objects Windows Controls
Radio buttons are grouped based on which screen they belong to.
Related information
3BSE069489-602 233
Additional Controls Section 7 Objects
Text Group
Parameter Description
Text Text that the object displays
Multiline Lets the text run over more than one line, using [Enter].
Confirm the text entry by pressing [Ctrl] + [Enter].
Word Wrap Wraps the text to fit the width of the object
Read Only Disables input in runtime
Visibility Group
Parameter Description
Transparent Makes the object transparent, i.e. everything but the text
will be invisible
Additional Controls
Panel Builder allows using and creating third party controls in order to enhance
application functionality and additional customization. This section describes
different technologies and includes configuration examples.
234 3BSE069489-602
Section 7 Objects Additional Controls
To understand and use all the information in this document, .Net development skills
are required.
ABB only offers support for the examples described in this chapter.
Related information
Referenced Assemblies
Error Related to Third Party Controls
Target Platform
Different technologies are used for third party controls depending on the target
platform for the Panel Builder application. The target can be either PC or Windows
Windows CE has no support for vector graphic (WPF) and only uses .Net Compact
Framework which is a subset or the .Net Framework used on a PC. Windows CE
does not natively support GDI+, so GDI+ related functionality was removed from
.Net Compact Framework.
PC Target
Two different technologies can be used for a PC target:
• Standard Windows forms and GDI+
• WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation)
WPF uses vector graphics, and the appearance of the control is described in XAML.
Since Panel Builder is a WPF application, it is recommended to use WPF when
developing customized controls or user controls for a PC target. Controls developed
in WPF can bind to a tag value in Panel Builder, in opposite to Windows forms
controls, that cannot be bound to tag values.
Windows CE Target
Windows CE only uses the .Net Compact Framework (a subset or the .Net
Framework used on a PC), and does not support vector graphics (WPF). Windows
CE does not natively support GDI+, so GDI+ related functionality was removed
from the .Net Compact Framework.
3BSE069489-602 235
Additional Controls Section 7 Objects
Some of the limitations regarding third party controls are listed below:
• Control Designers (a designer class that can extend design time support) are
currently not supported.
• Type Converters in a separate design dll are not supported.
• Complex property editing in the property grid is not supported. All complex
properties have to be set up in script.
• .Net Compact Framework controls can include design dll and so called
AssmetaData dll to handle attributes that are not supported in Windows CE.
Currently this is not supported by Panel Builder. Because of this, it is important
to always test the code on the target platform.
• The Script Editor allows scripting against properties and methods that are not
supported in Windows CE. Because of this, it is important to always test the
code on the target platform.
1. Select the Objects group on the Home ribbon tab, and fully expand the Objects
toolbox by clicking the lower right arrow.
236 3BSE069489-602
Section 7 Objects Additional Controls
3BSE069489-602 237
Additional Controls Section 7 Objects
3. Select controls to add among the default controls, or click Browse to add
customized controls.
4. Click OK.
The added controls are now available under Additional Controls in the Objects
238 3BSE069489-602
Section 7 Objects WPF Controls
Third party controls that are used in a project are not copied to the project folder.
This means that it is not possible to open a project with third party controls on
another engineering PC without installing the controls. But the application will
work in runtime on another target, since references are copied to the output folder
when building the project.
WPF Controls
WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) uses vector graphics, and the appearance
of the control is described in XAML. Since Panel Builder is a WPF application, it is
recommended to use WPF when developing customized controls or user controls for
a PC target. Controls developed in WPF can bind to a tag value in Panel Builder.
User controls and custom controls are supported in WPF.
ABB only offers support for the examples described in this chapter.
3BSE069489-602 239
WPF Controls Section 7 Objects
• The appearance of the custom control has to be defined in XAML, as the custom
control itself has no look.
Most of the controls in Panel Builder are custom controls, which makes it possible
to restyle them to various different layouts without changing the code files; just the
240 3BSE069489-602
Section 7 Objects WPF Controls
1. Start Visual Studio to create a new project, and select WPF User Control
3BSE069489-602 241
WPF Controls Section 7 Objects
10. Compile and test by adding the control to the Panel Builder toolbox.
242 3BSE069489-602
Section 7 Objects WPF Controls
Example Code
3BSE069489-602 243
WPF Controls Section 7 Objects
1. Start Visual Studio to create a new project, and select Windows Forms
Control Library.
244 3BSE069489-602
Section 7 Objects WPF Controls
3BSE069489-602 245
WPF Controls Section 7 Objects
6. Use the following code to connect the control to a tag value in Panel Builder:
The code shows how the value is set on the user control when the tag changes its
value, and how the tag value is changed when the user control changes its value.
246 3BSE069489-602
Section 7 Objects WPF Controls
Windows Forms control objects are placed on top of control objects created
with the Panel Builder software.
1. Start Visual Studio 2005 or 2008 to create a new Smart Device Project.
3BSE069489-602 247
WPF Controls Section 7 Objects
4. Use the same code as in the Creating a Windows Forms User Control for a PC
Target example.
Always test your code on the target platform, as properties/methods currently not
supported may be included in the code. See Limitations for details.
248 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
Each of the ribbon tabs holds a set of one or more groups. Each group holds a set of
one or more controls that are used to manage screens and functions in a project.
The behavior of the ribbon tabs can be configured to be context dependent using the
Options button in the File menu.
Double-click on any of the ribbon tab headings to collapse the ribbon area. A
double-click on a ribbon tab, when the ribbon is collapsed, brings back the original
style. This can also be changed from the context menu of the Quick Access toolbar.
Tooltips are displayed for all controls on the ribbon tabs. The tooltip offers a brief
description of the selected control.
Panel Builder contains the following ribbon tabs:
3BSE069489-602 249
Home Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
Related information
Quick Access Toolbar
Clipboard Group
Screen Group
Objects Group
Font Group
Format Group
Tag/Security Group
Name Group
Clipboard Group
The Clipboard group contains the paste, cut, copy and format painter controls.
Cuts the selection to the clipboard. Also available from the keyboard with [Ctrl] + x
or from the context menu.
Copies the selection to the clipboard. Also available from the keyboard with
[Ctrl] + c or from the context menu.
250 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs Home Ribbon Tab
Copies the clipboard to the current screen. Also available from the keyboard with
[Ctrl] + v or from the context menu.
Text from a compatible source, e.g. clipboard text, will be converted to a Text
Box object when pasted into a screen.
Format Painter
The Format Painter control is used to copy formatting from one object to another.
This is useful when creating a uniform appearance for objects.
To apply formatting to another object:
1. Click on an object with the desired format and font properties. Click on the
Format Painter control. The mouse pointer changes to a paintbrush.
The format properties from the first object is applied to the selected object.
Format and font properties can be copied between objects of different types, for
example from a rectangle to an HMI control.
Modification to an object using the Other Colors control is not applied when
using the Format Painter.
Related information
Other Colors
Screen Group
The Screen control group contains the add screen, background screen, delete screen
and current language commands. Screens can also be added and deleted from other
controls, such as the Navigation Manager and the context menu of the Project
3BSE069489-602 251
Home Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
Add Screen
The Add Screen command creates a new empty screen that opens for editing.
Clicking the lower part of the Add Screen button shows a selection of screen
templates that are available for selection.
Delete Screen
The Delete Screen command removes the current screen from the project, and also
disconnects any associations from other screens to the removed screen.
A deleted screen cannot be restored with the Undo command.
Background Screen
Current Language
Current language is the language that is being used at the particular moment that
the project is designed. If multiple languages are not used in the project, only
Default is available.
Related information
Language Management
252 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs Home Ribbon Tab
Objects Group
The Objects control group contains static and dynamic objects that can be added to
a screen.
Related information
Object Variations
For many of the objects it is possible to apply a preset style, using the Object
Variations feature. For the Button object and the Circular Meter object there is a
large number of different styles available as default, whereas for most other objects
it is possible to save user-defined styles.
To display the Object Variations menu, click on one of the objects in the Objects
menu. The Object Variations menu appears to the right of the Objects menu,
provided that there are some styles available for the selected object.
To add user-defined styles in the Object Variations menu:
1. Select an object to start from.
2. Modify the object, using the tools under the Home ribbon tab or the Property
3. Select the designed object and right-click to open the context menu.
3BSE069489-602 253
Home Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
The new variation will appear in the Object Variations menu when clicking on the
object type it originated from.
254 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs Home Ribbon Tab
The object properties are shown in the Property Grid. When saving the variation
the following properties are saved (when applicable):
Object Property
Action Menu Object View type
Alarm Viewer Object Button position
Analog Numeric Object Limit number of characters
Number of characters
Number of decimals
Animated Label Object Animation direction
View type
Chart Object Chart type
3D view
Show header
Show legend
Show scale
Digital Clock Object Display format
Show seconds
3BSE069489-602 255
Home Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
Related information
Font Group
All fonts available in the engineering PC is available for selection when designing
the project. All fonts used in the project will be included when downloading the
project to the target.
The number of fonts needs to be considered when calculating the total size of a
The default font Tahoma does not support Chinese characters in operator panel
projects in runtime. The font has to be changed to a font that supports Chinese
characters, e.g. MS Song. Keep in mind that some fonts require a lot of project
The Font group is used to change text style. The text style is defined for the
currently selected object.
256 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs Home Ribbon Tab
Format Group
The Format group controls the color and position of a selected object. Predefined
quick styles offer selection of uniform appearance for different objects. Selection
of multiple objects makes it possible to easily affect more than one object at the
same time.
Clicking the small arrow in the lower right corner of the Format group displays the
shadow, fill and outline properties with a number of additional format settings.
It is possible to use the Format Painter (in the Clipboard group) to copy color and
font properties from one object and paste it to another object.
Related information
Selecting Multiple Objects
3BSE069489-602 257
Home Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
The Arrange control can be used to order, group, resize, align and distribute screen
258 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs Home Ribbon Tab
Order Objects
The commands in the Order Objects group are used to send objects to the front
or back of each other.
Command Description
Bring to Front Positions the selected object on top of any overlapping
Send to Back Positions the selected object behind any overlapping objects
Bring Forward Makes the selected object swap place with the nearest
overlapping object
Send Backward Makes the selected object swap place with the nearest
obscured object
The Object Browser offers an easy way of arranging objects to the front or back
of each other.
Related information
Object Browser
Group Objects
The Group Objects commands are used to manage selections of multiple objects. A
grouped object is moved and treated as one object with respect to formatting and
resizing, and can also be stored in the Component Library for reuse.
Any selection of objects on the screen can be grouped.
When multiple objects are selected, one object is the primary selection. This is
shown with an orange frame, while other objects in the group have blue frames.
Click on any object in the group to change this to the primary selection.
A grouped object can be resolved into individual objects using the Ungroup
command. A property that was given to the group will be kept by each of the object,
provided that the property is applicable.
3BSE069489-602 259
Home Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
Position Objects
The Position Objects commands can be used to align and distribute multiple objects
neatly. Objects can be aligned vertically and horizontally using the primary selection
for the group as guide object. Objects can be aligned with respect to their center
(center/ middle) or their edges (top/bottom/right/left).
Related information
Component Library
Snap Objects to Other Objects
Quick Styles
The Quick Styles control contains a number of preset visual object color schemes
that can be applied to screen objects.
The predefined graphical styles make it possible to achieve a uniform appearance on
items like meters and trend viewers. An object that has a style applied can be further
customized, for example with font settings.
It is also possible to customize the predefined styles to styles of your own preference.
The quick styles are not specific to the current project. They will be available for all
Panel Builder projects.
Controls in the Style group on the General tab can be used to reshape objects
such as meter, slider and trend viewer to predefined styles. These styles are not
the same as the quick styles.
Related information
Font Group
260 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs Home Ribbon Tab
Other Colors
Color settings for special properties of an object, for example scale color for a
meter or out-of-range validation of an analog numeric object, are available from the
Other Colors control.
Shape Fill
The Shape Fill control is used to alter the fill color and gradient of the selected
shape. A preview of the colors in the Shape Fill selection window is displayed
directly on the object on the screen as the pointer hovers over the different colors.
Shape Outline
The Shape Outline control is used to alter the outline color and outline width of
the selected shape.
Shape Effects
Shape Effects makes it possible to add bevel style and shadow effects.
Bevel in combination with fill color “no fill” is only supported for PP89x and PC
targets. The bevel will not be visible in runtime on other operator panel targets.
Tag/Security Group
Connection to controller tags as well as object access (based on security groups) and
visibility are configured from the Tag/Security group.
3BSE069489-602 261
Home Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
Parameter Description
Select Tag Connection to a tag from the tags configuration page.
Tags may also be added directly, but will be remain
internal until connected to a controller tag. Click ... to
configure expressions.
Select Security Allows limiting access of the object based on security
Groups groups. If left empty, the object can be accessed by
Select Visibility Configuration of visibility:
Default: The visibility specified on the General tab of the
Security Manager is used
Disabled: The object is disabled for users with insufficient
access rights
Hidden: The object is invisible for users with insufficient
access rights
Normal: The object looks normal also for users with
insufficient access rights
When access rights are not fulfilled, showing an access denied message or
opening a login dialog can be configured using the security function.
Related information
Adding Tags during Editing
Security Management
Name Group
All objects and screens are automatically named when they are created. The name is
displayed and can be edited in the Name group. Screen names can also be edited
in the Project Explorer.
The name of an object is a symbolic identifier and is an alphanumeric string,
beginning with a letter. Name strings can contain letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9),
and underscore (‘_’) characters.
262 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs Project Ribbon Tab
Renaming objects and screens included in scripts will cause the scripts not to
Related information
Project Explorer
Invalid Names
Run Group
Transfer Group
Project Group
Run Group
The Run group enables validation, rebuilding, simulation and debugging of the
The build control validates the script code and compiles the current project.
3BSE069489-602 263
Project Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
Recompiling the project using the Build control will result in only the changes
being made to project to be recompiled. To fully recompile the project, instead
use the Rebuild control.
The rebuild control validates the script code and recompiles the complete project.
A test of the project can be executed directly on the PC. Clicking Run will perform a
validation and start a simulation, if the project can be built. If errors are found during
validation, an error message will be displayed.
During simulation, the project will communicate directly with the configured
controllers, provided that the controllers are correctly connected to the development
If there are unused tags in the project, the Run, Build, and Rebuild commands
will result in a notification about this. The CheckForUnusedTags function can be
disabled or enabled under Options in the File menu.
If project build fails, check that the absolute path to the project, including its
components, does not exceed 260 characters.
Projects must be stored on the local hard drive for Panel Builder to be able to
run or simulate them.
It is also possible to test and run the application on the engineering PC without
connection to the selected controller, by clicking Simulate. If the project is valid,
the simulation is started.
For keyboard operated panels, the simulation of the F1 - F12 keys can be done with
the corresponding F keys on the PC keyboard. Keys F13 - F22 are simulated by
pressing Shift + F1 and so forth on the PC keyboard.
The Debug command will allow the user to debug scripts in a real c# debugger with
the possibility to set breakpoints etc. The command builds and checks the current
264 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs Project Ribbon Tab
project, and launches the application associated with the generated file. The function
scans the engineering PC for an installed debugger. If no debugger is found, a link
for downloading debugger is presented. User preferences for the script debugger
may be entered under Options, available from the File menu.
Visual Studio 2008 requires SP1 in order for associated files to be opened
automatically (i.e. using the Debug command).
Debugging of a project with Script module included is not supported using Visual
Studio 2010.
Debugging of a CE project is not supported using Visual Studio 2010.
Related information
Removing Unused Tags
Transfer Group
The Transfer group enables download to operator panel, upload database and export
to folder functions.
Time zone, region or daylight saving settings will not be transferred if these
settings have been changed manually in the panel.
The Download control sends the project to an operator panel or a PC with an Panel
800 Runtime installation, in the network environment.
3BSE069489-602 265
Project Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
Parameter Description
Connected targets Choose a target type to transfer the project to.
Download Start the project transfer.
Click the “Download all source code ( for later upload)
” checkbox to compress the project and save it as a ZIP
file on target.
Click the “Password protected” checkbox and enter a
password to protect the ZIP file.
Download is supported for PP87x, PP87xK, PP88x, and
PP89x targets, and for PC targets with a Panel 800 Runtime
Click the “Copy downloaded project to Memory Card”
checkbox to copy the downloaded project and the targets
266 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs Project Ribbon Tab
Parameter Description
IP settings to the memory card. When project is copied to
memory card, it can be used for restoring the project(1).
Verify The verify function enables the user to check if a target
platform configuration is identical to the project configuration.
Verify is supported for PP87x, PP87xK, PP88x and PP89x
targets. If greyed out, please update to latest “System
Log Show the data being logged during the download and verify
An automatic check is done for mismatch between the Panel Builder version and
the target system versions. All version parameters are considered. If the target is
indicated as being incompatible with the version of the Panel Builder that hosts
the project, please update the target with the latest Panel 800 Runtime and system
program versions.
If the target for the download contains newer files or files that don’t exist in the
project, a dialog will appear prompting for which files to be kept, overwritten or
Related information
Panel 800 Version 6 Upgrade
3BSE069489-602 267
Project Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
3. The download dialog opens and all panels connected in the network are listed
with information about IP address and panel type. Select the panel to download
to in the list.
The panel will respond to a download request by stopping any current project. The
panel will display that it is ready for project download. When the download is
completed, the new project will automatically start running.
The panel settings can be controlled from the panel’s Service menu.
It is necessary to open TCP port 9999 and UDP port 9999 in the firewall for the
runtime PC application.
If Chinese or Korean languages are to be used in the operator panel, then firewalls
in Windows must be configured to allow TransferClient.exe full access on all
ports, otherwise project transfer might fail.
Related information
Service Menu
Starting a Panel 800 Runtime project on a PC
Upload Database
The Upload Database command will collect the database from an operator panel in
the network environment to a file on the engineering PC. The panel will pause during
the upload, and will be started automatically afterwards.
268 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs Project Ribbon Tab
The database may only be collected from a panel running the same project (i.e. a
project with the same name and of the same size) as the current Panel Builder project.
3. The Upload Database dialog opens and all panels connected in the network are
listed with information about IP address and panel type. Select the panel to
collect from in the list.
4. Check that the IP address is correct and click Backup.
Exports the project to a folder. The export dialog allows creating a new folder.
Assigning IP Settings is only supported for PP87x, PP87xK, PP88x targets.
3BSE069489-602 269
Project Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
Related information
Starting a Panel 800 Runtime project on a PC
A project that has been transferred using the Export command must be started by
opening the .exe-file in the project folder. A running project is not detected by any
of the transfer or service status dialogs in the runtime PC. This means that it is up
to the user to keep track of the status.
Project Group
The project target as well as name and title are available for editing in the Project
Group. The project title is displayed in the title bar in runtime by default. Leaving
the title empty displays the screen name/screen title only in runtime.
The Project Group also contains the Compress Project command, a Project Settings
control and the possibility to refer to other assemblies using the Referenced
Assemblies control.
270 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs Project Ribbon Tab
Related information
Compress Project
Referenced Assemblies
Compress Project
The project source files can be compressed into a Zip file using the Compress
Project command. The Zip file can be saved to an USB stick or, on the condition
that a network connection is configured, directly to a folder in the runtime PC.
Parameter Description
Path to Zip file Browse to the location to save the Zip file.
Password protected Optional password protection of the Zip file.
Related information
Opening a Project
3BSE069489-602 271
Project Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
Properties such as application behavior in runtime, system font and settings for
mouse and keyboard can be edited by clicking Settings in the Project group.
Related information
Alarm Button
Display Panel
Mouse/Touch Input Delay
System Font
Virtual Keyboard
Screen Name and Screen Title
Alarm Button
Parameter Description
Show Screen Selection of screen to be displayed when the predefined
Alarm key on a keyboard operated panel is pressed.
272 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs Project Ribbon Tab
Parameter Description
Overwrite Files on This setting can be used to determine the default
Target behavior when transferring projects and the transfer finds
critical files already present on the target.
Pre Transfer Add commands to be executed before the file transfer.
Only available for standard PC targets.
Post Transfer Add commands to be executed after the file transfer.
Only available for standard PC targets.
Related information
Pre Transfer
Post Transfer
Pre Transfer
The following commands can be executed before the file transfer:
3BSE069489-602 273
Project Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
Command Description
Reboot Reboots the target. Possible arguments: True and False.
Using True, the target tries to start any project present.
The argument False, or no argument, prevents the target
from starting the project automatically.
Wait Pauses the execution of the commands. This can be
useful if the user runs commands that takes time for the
target to recover from. Possible arguments: a number,
indicating how many whole seconds to wait.
Run Starts any given process. The first argument must always
be the path to the executable to be run. Keep it inside
quotes if it contains spaces.
Other arguments:
/p: or -p: are parameters for the process to start. The
parameters must be inside quotes and separated by
/noshell or -noshell means that the process should be
run outside of the command shell.
/wd: or -wd: means working directory for the process to
run. If left empty will default to active projects directory.
The parameters must be inside quotes.
/wait: or -wait: means that the TargetControlService
should wait until the process has exited before continuing.
If the process does not exit by itself, this argument should
be left out.
It is possible to use the following macros in conjunction with the Run commands:
274 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs Project Ribbon Tab
Macro Description
$projectpath$ Replaced by target project folder. If the user has
downloaded an executable together with the project and
wants to run it, this macro represents the destination folder.
Example: "$projectpath$\dbbackup.exe"
/p:"backup.bak" -noshell -wait
This will run the dbbackup.exe with the startup argument
backup.bak, it will run outside the command shell due
to -noshell, and the transfer will not continue until the
process has exited due to -wait.
$startproject$ Registers and starts the project. The transfer will continue.
$finished$ Tells the system that the transfer is finished and closes
connections. The project will not start. Should only be
used in Post Transfer.
Post Transfer
The same commands and macros as for the Pre Transfer can be used, but are
executed after the file transfer.
Only available for PC targets.
Related information
Pre Transfer
3BSE069489-602 275
Project Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
Display Panel
Parameter Description
No Title Bar Displays the project without title bar in runtime.
Title Bar Displays the project with its title and a set of minimize,
maximize and close buttons in the title bar.
Close Button Displays the project with its title and a close button in
the title bar.
Topmost Makes the project the topmost application in runtime.
Only available for PP89x and PC targets.
Maximize On Startup Makes the project maximized in runtime.
Only available for PC targets.
Screen Size Screen resolution.
Only available for PC targets.
276 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs Project Ribbon Tab
Parameter Description
Panel Rotate Displays selected rotation. It is possible to change the
rotation of the panel and panel content by 0, 90, 180
or 270 degrees. Only available for PP874, PP877, and
PP88x targets.
Panel Type Displays selected target. It is possible to select another
Related information
Changing Project Target
Graphical objects
Popup screens
Dynamics size and move
(1)A minimum scaled font of 10 pixels ensures readability in the smaller operator panels
Not all objects and styles are supported for all project targets. When changing to
another project target, objects and styles that are not supported in the new target
will be deleted and will not possible to restore. Removed objects are logged, and
displayed in a window after the transformation. The log may be saved to file. Build
files are always cleaned and project saved after transformation.
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Project Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
Changing back to the previous target will not restore removed objects.
Related information
Property Grid
278 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs Project Ribbon Tab
System Font
Parameter Description
Font Select a system font that will be used as the default font.
Font Size Use the increase/decrease font size buttons or set a
specific default font size.
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Project Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
Virtual Keyboard
Parameter Description
Enable Virtual Select whether a virtual keyboard is to be displayed when
Keyboard alphanumerical input is needed.
Keyboard Layout The layout of the virtual keyboard.
The virtual keyboard that is displayed in runtime depends on settings made for
the Multiple Languages function. If only the default language is used, the project
settings (above) are used.
This function is not supported in keyboard operated panels.
Related information
Language Management
Referenced Assemblies
The Referenced Assemblies command makes it possible to refer to your own or
third-party .Net assemblies (.dll). Their methods and properties will be made
available when scripting and will be included by the name completion function, in
the same way as for built-in components.
1. Click on Referenced Assemblies.
2. Click Add.
280 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs System Ribbon Tab
3. Browse to the desired dll file in your PC environment and click Open.
The methods and properties of the added dll file are now available for scripting.
When referencing your own third-party assembly (.dll file) make sure not to have
two files with the same fully qualified assembly name in the same folder:
You have the files "Iocomp.Instrumentation.CF2005.Ultra.dll" and
"Iocomp.Instrumentation.CF2005.Ultra.WindowsCE.asmmeta.dll" in the
same folder. Both have the same fully qualified assembly name (but different
file names). Trying to add a control from the first assembly will seem to work.
However when the application uses namespaces in the XAML to locate the
correct assembly it will pick one of them, and it might be either of them. If it is the
wrong assembly you will get a message saying that there is an error in the XAML.
3BSE069489-602 281
System Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
Select time zone, whether to adjust for daylight saving, and region. If no time zone
is selected, the time zone that has been selected for the panel or PC will be retained.
Choose SNTP time synchronization if the panel clock is to be synchronized against
an external SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) server. Enter the name of the
SNTP server and the time interval for the synchronization.
The SNTP time synchronization is supported from PP87x/PP87xK version 917
and PP88x version 244.
The date and time display format (for example using AM/PM for time) is based
on the operating system settings. For operator panel projects, this format may be
altered by selecting another region.
For a PC the regional settings for date and time display need to be changed in the
system account to be carried out correctly.
1. Go to the Control Panel and select Clock, Language and Region, then
Region and Language.
2. Make the regional settings in the dialog box under the Formats tab.
282 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs System Ribbon Tab
Buzzer Group
Select whether to let a key beep sound when making keyboard input in runtime.
Only available when an operator panel is selected as target.
Backlight Group
Select to automatically turn off the backlight after a certain number of seconds,
and whether to keep the backlight on if a notifier window (e.g. alarm indicator or
communication error message) is visible.
The backlight settings for a project are saved in the operator panel. Consequently,
changes of the backlight settings for the present project will revert to the operator
panel values. However downloading another project will overwrite the settings.
Backlight settings are supported only for operator panel targets. For other targets,
the Microsoft Windows screen saver may be used.
3BSE069489-602 283
System Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
Servers Group
The Servers group contains the FTP, Web Server, OPC UA Server and Remote
Access commands. The FTP and Remote Access commands are only available when
an operator panel is selected as target.
284 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs System Ribbon Tab
When enabled, it is possible to upload/download files to/from the operator panel
provided that there is an FTP client program in the PC, e.g. Internet Explorer,
Windows Commander or some other standard FTP program.
It is possible to set up access to the FTP server with login requirements and/or as
anonymous. An anonymous user has read-only access rights. A user that logs in with
the correct user name and password gets read/write access rights.
Only available when an operator panel is selected as target.
FTP is not supported for PP89x.
Remote Access
The Remote Access function makes it possible to access, reflect and control an
operator panel from a PC by using the free VNC client program Remote Access
Viewer together with the built-in VNC server in the operator panel.
It is possible to set up Remote Access with a view only password and/or a full access
password. The view only password allows reflecting the panel remotely; the full
access password allows also control of maneuverable objects in the panel.
Only one VNC client can connect to the VNC server.
Only available when an operator panel is selected as target.
To protect secrecy when entering a password via Remote Access Viewer, it is
recommended to use the PC keyboard. Otherwise it is possible that the cursor on
the remote operator panel displays which keys are pressed on the alphanumeric
For more information about Remote Access, refer to the documentation for Remote
Access and Remote Access Viewer.
Web Server
Enables the possibility to host project files for a web client.
3BSE069489-602 285
System Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
Parameter Description
Enable Web Server Click this checkbox to enable the web server.
Port Enter a server port number.
Enable forms Click this checkbox to enable forms authentication and
authentication enter user name and password.
The password can be any alphanumeric string. The
passwords minimum length is four characters and the
maximum length is 20 characters.
Related information
Web Server
OPC UA Server
Enables the possibility to publish tags with an OPC UA Server.
286 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs System Ribbon Tab
Parameter Description
Enable OPC UA Click this checkbox to enable the OPC UA server.
Port Enter a server port number.
Allow anonymous Click this checkbox to enable anonymous login. For a
login secured login enter user name and password and leave
the checkbox unchecked.
Address space
All tags, except array tags, defined in project will be shown.
The tags will be put in a folder named Tags in Namespace TagProvider on the server.
The NodeClass of all tags will be Variable.
All tag values will be published scaled with the offset and gain of the tag.
3BSE069489-602 287
System Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
Parameter Description
Access Right AccessLevel /
Description Description
Poll Group Interval MinimumSamplingInterval
A certificate will be auto generated and self-signed when the server first starts up.
The certificate will be valid for 20 years.
The certificate contains no IP address since this could change after the certificate
has been generated.
Limitation Description
Discovery Not supported
Encoding / Transport Only UA TCP Binary
User authentication Only user name / password
Only one account
Security No encryption support
Related information
OPC UA Client
288 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs System Ribbon Tab
Printer Device
Parameter Description
Printer Connector Select USB
Printer Type Select printer type. Selection possibilities: PCLINKJET
Printer supports PCL Click this checkbox if the printer supports the PCL 5c color
5c printer protocol.
This option is only available if the printer type is set to
Network settings Not available
Serial settings Not available
Page Orientation Portrait or landscape orientation of the printout
3BSE069489-602 289
System Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
Parameter Description
Printer Connector Select Ethernet
Printer Type Select printer type. Selection possibilities: PCLINKJET
Printer supports PCL Click this checkbox if the printer supports the PCL 5c color
5c printer protocol.
This option is only available if the printer type is set to
Network settings Enter Printer name / path
Enter user name
Enter password
Serial settings Not available
Page Orientation Portrait or landscape orientation of the printout
290 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs System Ribbon Tab
Parameter Description
Printer Connector Select Serial
Printer Type Not available
Printer supports PCL 5c Not available
Network settings Not available
3BSE069489-602 291
System Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
Parameter Description
Serial Settings Port Name: Select which COM-port the printer is
connected to
Baud Rate: Select the baud rate for transmission of
Data Bits: Select the number of data bits in each
Parity: Set the parity bit. The parity bit in each character
can be set to none , odd, even, mark or space.
Stop Bits: Select the number of stop bits to be sent
at the end of every character. Selection possibilities:
None, One, Two or TwoPointFive.
Hand Shake: Select which handshaking protocol to be
used. Selection possibilities: XON/XOFF, CTS/RTS.
New Line Character: Select end of line character.
Selection possibilities: None, CR/LF, CR or LF.
Serial Settings Page Length (lines): Select the number of lines to be
printed out before form feed. Form feed will not take
place if the page length is set to 0.
Page Width (characters): Set the page width specified
as the maximum characters in a single line of text.
Code page: The code page consists of a table of
values that describes the character set for a particular
language. The default code page in Panel Builder is
Page Orientation Not available
292 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs System Ribbon Tab
When printing via Ethernet from an operator panel, the network printer must be a
shared resource in the Windows network.
Connecting a printer via Ethernet requires that a PC is connected between the
operator panel and the printer.
Printing to a color laser printer via Ethernet is not supported for operator panels.
The printer class PCL 6 is not supported at all for connection to operator panels.
Parameter Description
Pincode Enter a pincode for the service menu. No pincode
enables the service menu for all users. Only numbers
(0–9) are allowed.
Related information
Service Menu
3BSE069489-602 293
Insert Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
Functions Group
Functions Group
All added components are available from Project Explorer folders. The Project
Explorer already includes alarm server, multiple languages, security functions and
tags. All functions are managed through their configuration pages.
Parameter Description
Text Library With the text library function, text tables can be created,
where values are linked to texts.
Data Logger Data can be logged and saved to a database on time
intervals or depending on changed values.
Alarm Distributor Alarms can be distributed between operator panels, with
notification via printer, SMS or e-mail using the alarm
Script A script module can be included to program features not
covered by included functions and actions, or to be used
to share functionality among functions.
Recipe Management Several recipes can be inserted in the project. Each
recipe function handles a pre-defined set of recipe items.
Function Keys Function keys for operator panels as well as for the
regular PC keyboard can be configured.
Scheduler A scheduler can be used to control events in the process
at special times.
294 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs View Ribbon Tab
Parameter Description
Audit Trail The Audit Trail function enables tracking of operator
Reports The reports function allows adding Excel report templates
to the project.
Screens The Screen control adds new screens to the current
Related information
Project Explorer
Configuration Pages
Windows Group
Windows Group
The tool controls in the Windows group are highlighted when active.
3BSE069489-602 295
Dynamics Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
Layout Group
Color Group
General Group
The controls on the Dynamics tab are used to change the properties of an object
depending on a changed tag value.
296 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs Dynamics Ribbon Tab
A lock icon resembling a chain indicates that a specific dynamic setting is made
for the selected object.
If, for example, dynamic fill settings are made, it is not possible to make fill settings
for the object from the Format group on the Home tab.
Security has higher priority than dynamics.
Visibility has higher priority than blink.
Scripting to a property for which Dynamics has been configured disables the
dynamic settings.
To release an object from a dynamic control, click the control with the lock icon and
click Clear Dynamics in the appearing dialog.
Layout Group
The Move control in the Position group changes an object’s position, based on a
tag value.
Position coordinates on the screen are given in pixels of the screen resolution. The
position 0,0 corresponds to the upper left corner of the screen.
To move an object vertically when a tag value changes:
1. Draw and position the object at the start position. Keep the object selected.
3BSE069489-602 297
Dynamics Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
2. Click on Move on the Dynamics tab to open the Move Dynamics Editor.
298 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs Dynamics Ribbon Tab
When Position or Size dynamics is applied, moving or resizing of the object will
be disabled. A lock icon resembling a chain in the upper left corner of the object
(when selected) indicates that the object has a dynamic control applied and that
it cannot be moved or resized.
The Size control in the Size group changes an object’s size, based on a tag value.
Dynamic resizing of external picture files may result in a resolution loss if the picture
is enlarged to a size larger than what is used elsewhere in the current project.
Width and height of an object are given in pixels of the screen resolution.
To resize the width of an object when a tag value changes:
1. Draw and size the object at its start size. Keep the object selected.
2. Click on Size on the Dynamics tab to open the Resize Dynamics Editor.
3. Select the tag to control the resizing.
4. Fill in the values that for start and finish. Size is given in screen resolution
Start size is suggested based on the current start size. A finish size is suggested
as a fixed increase of the start size horizontally and vertically. A ghost object
will appear with the finish size.
The object can only be resized from left to right and top to bottom.
5. Resize the ghost object in the screen to its final size.
The coordinates for the object is updated. An animation of the resizing appears
on the screen. Coordinate values can also be updated directly in the numerical
fields (End Width, End Height). The coordinates for start and finish will limit
the size of the object irrespective if the tag value is outside its start and end
When Position or Size dynamics is applied, moving or resizing of the object will
be disabled. A lock icon resembling a chain in the upper left corner of the object
(when selected) indicates that the object has a dynamic control applied and that
it cannot be moved or resized.
3BSE069489-602 299
Dynamics Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
Color Group
The Fill and Outline controls in the Color group change an object’s fill color or
outline (border) color, based on a tag value.
300 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs Dynamics Ribbon Tab
General Group
The Visible control in the Visibility group determines if an object is to be displayed
in the screen or not, based on a tag value.
To hide an object when a tag value changes:
1. Draw the object. Keep the object selected.
3. Select the tag that is to control visibility. The object will be visible on the
screen at a certain tag value.
The selected value will be treated as True (visible). All other values will be treated
as False (invisible).
It is possible to select a tag to enable blinking depending on the tag’s current value.
The selected value will be treated as True (blink enabled). All other values will be
treated as False (blink disabled).
The blink interval can be set dynamically or constantly.
3BSE069489-602 301
Dynamics Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
Related information
Blinking Objects
The general control offers a possibility to alter the properties of objects in Panel
800 Runtime.
Converter Operators
Converter operators are used to alter the properties of the objects. The converter
operators can be selected from the Edit general dynamics dialog.
Parameter Description
Bool Converter Converts 0 to false and all other values
to true.
Color Converter Converts value intervals to specified
302 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs Dynamics Ribbon Tab
Parameter Description
Linear Converter Converts values according to the linear
Raw Converter Converts the value to a new value
matching the target type.
Text Library Group converter Converts a value to a text.
3BSE069489-602 303
Dynamics Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
304 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs Dynamics Ribbon Tab
High Region Min ·raw Circular meter Set the minimum value of
·linear the high region indicator.
Indicator color ·color interval Set the indicator color in for
instance the circular meter
Info ·bool Alarm viewer Set visibility for the info
Active ·bool Chart Activate or stop the data
Enabled ·bool Enable or disable an object.
Show header ·bool Chart Set visibility for the header.
Show legend ·bool Chart Set visibility for the legend.
Read only ·bool Control whether for instance
an analog numeric object
editable or not.
Auto-scale X-axis ·bool Chart Used with the chart object
to toggle whether Panel 800
Runtime automatically
should calculate the
minimum and maximum
X Axis values or not.
Show X-axis grid ·bool Chart Set visibility for the X Axis
3BSE069489-602 305
Dynamics Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
306 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs Dynamics Ribbon Tab
3BSE069489-602 307
Dynamics Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
308 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs Dynamics Ribbon Tab
3BSE069489-602 309
General Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
Related information
Text Library
310 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs Actions Ribbon Tab
Related information
HMI Controls in the Objects group
Media Controls in the Objects group
Special Controls in the Objects group
Windows Controls in the Objects group
Tag/Security Group on the Home Ribbon Tab
Related information
3BSE069489-602 311
Actions Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
Parameter Description
Mouse Down A Mouse Down action will be performed when the left mouse
button is pressed down on the object in runtime.
Mouse Up A Mouse Up action will be performed when the left mouse
button is released from the object in runtime.
Mouse Enter A Mouse Enter action will be performed when the cursor
enters the boundaries of an object in runtime.
Mouse Leave A Mouse Leave action will be performed when the cursor
leaves the boundaries of an object in runtime.
For PP87x/PP87xK and PP88x targets the object boundaries are not adapted to the
visible outline of the shape. Instead the active area of the object is extended to a
rectangular box. This will result in a mouse action as soon as the mouse pointer is
placed inside the rectangular bounding box of the object:
312 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs Actions Ribbon Tab
Parameter Description
Key Down A Key Down action will be performed when a function key is
pressed in runtime.
Key Up A Key Up action will be performed when a function key is
released in runtime.
3BSE069489-602 313
Actions Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
Related information
Alarm Server Events and Actions
Actions and Events for Alarm Items and Alarm Groups
Action Groups
Actions are divided into action groups.
314 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs Actions Ribbon Tab
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Actions Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
316 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs Actions Ribbon Tab
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Actions Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
318 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs Actions Ribbon Tab
3BSE069489-602 319
Actions Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
Script Action
Script actions are used to execute script methods in script modules, triggered by
actions. Script modules in the project can be selected, and for each script module
all methods are listed along with their exposed parameters. Static methods are not
4. This results in a list of available script methods for that specific script module.
Select script method.
5. The parameters for the script appears in a dialog with information about the
parameter name and type. Complete the settings by entering a tag or a fixed
value for each parameter, and click OK.
320 3BSE069489-602
Section 8 Ribbon Tabs Actions Ribbon Tab
The script action will now be executed when the object is triggered.
Script actions will have precedence over other script code for an object.
Related information
Multiple Actions
Multiple actions can be configured by clicking small arrow in the lower right corner
of any action group.
Figure 20. Note the small arrow in the lower right corner
The properties window allows configuring and sorting additional actions. The
actions available depend of which object is selected in the screen prior to selecting
the Actions ribbon tab.
3BSE069489-602 321
Actions Ribbon Tab Section 8 Ribbon Tabs
After configuring multiple actions, this is indicated for the action group on the
Actions tab.
322 3BSE069489-602
Section 9 Trend Viewer
This section describes the trend viewer object. Trend Viewers are used to present
chronological data from controller tags. The curves in a trend viewer can have
different sources of data.
The source of data can be a log item for a data logger. The values of the tag
connected to the log item is then stored in the projects database.
The source can also be a Tag. The trend viewer curve then only shows real-time
values and is stored in a RAM cache.
Related information
Database Export
Related information
Communication Performance
3BSE069489-602 323
Defining Trend Viewer Objects Section 9 Trend Viewer
Settings for the trend viewer object are available from the General ribbon tab while
the trend viewer object is selected:
Curves Group
Trend viewer curves are defined using the Edit Curves control.
Parameter Description
Add Adds a new curve to the trend viewer object
Remove Removes the selected curve from the trend viewer object
Name The symbolic name of the curve. This name is shown if a
Trend Viewer Legend is used.
Tag The tag to present values for
Log Item The item to be logged
Expression Expression on a curve is evaluated and applied when the
curve is drawn. If the expression value when the tag is
logged or cached is of interest, the expression on the log
item or the tag can be used. See section Expressions
Color The color of the curve
Thickness Line thickness
Minimum Value Tag A tag that dynamically sets what value on the curve that
corresponds to the minimum value of the Y axis. This
property will scale the curve when the value of the tag is
different from the minimum value of the Y axis (optional).
Maximum Value Tag The tag that dynamically sets what value on the curve that
corresponds to the maximum value of the Y axis. This
property will scale the curve when the value of the tag is
different from the maximum value of the Y axis (optional)
324 3BSE069489-602
Section 9 Trend Viewer Defining Trend Viewer Objects
Dynamics Group
Several trend viewer properties can be made dynamic, i. e. dependent on tag values.
This may be useful, for example, when wanting to present trend viewer values of
different formats in the same trend viewer object.
If dynamic trend viewer properties are used, the corresponding property settings
made in the Value Scale group for the trend viewer object are ignored.
Parameter Description
Value Scale Min / Minimum/maximum value of the Y-scale. The design
Value Scale Max mode value is used only for increased understanding in
design time when tag values do not affect the minimum
and maximum values.
Time Span The time span of the X-axis in seconds.
Time Offset in History Makes it possible to use an offset to step back in history
Mode mode. The start value is when history mode was entered.
The unit is seconds.
If the Time Span value is increased, the trend viewer will initially display only the
previous number of entries (that was displayed before the increased time span). It
will not collect older data for display. Only when the additional time added onto the
time span has elapsed, the cache will be filled with data and a full curve is displayed.
Parameter Description
Min Value/Max Value Start/end value of scale
Major Ticks Number of labeled scale marks on the scale
Minor Ticks Number of scale ticks between two adjacent major ticks
3BSE069489-602 325
Defining Trend Viewer Objects Section 9 Trend Viewer
Style Group
Parameter Description
Style Predefined graphical styles for the trend viewer
Visibility Group
Parameter Description
Scale When unchecked, the scale color of the trend is made
transparent. Scale color is set from Other Colors in the
Format group on the Home ribbon tab.
Grid When unchecked, the grid color of the trend viewer is
made transparent. Grid color is set from Other Colors in
the Format group on the Home ribbon tab.
Use the needle directly in the trend viewer to select a specific occasion. The values
of all curves at the current position are displayed in the trend viewer legend tool.
326 3BSE069489-602
Section 9 Trend Viewer Historical Mode in Trend Viewer
3BSE069489-602 327
Historical Mode in Trend Viewer Section 9 Trend Viewer
Related information
Performance in the operator panel
Click Action Trigger
328 3BSE069489-602
Section 10 Data Logger
Any individual data logger database can be exported in csv format using the
Database Export action. It is recommended to use the database export method
rather than the backup method.
3BSE069489-602 329
Adding a Data Logger Section 10 Data Logger
Related information
Database Export
Adding a Trend Viewer Object
330 3BSE069489-602
Section 10 Data Logger Adding a Data Logger
Parameter Description
Name Symbolic name for the logged tag
Tag Tag to log
Expression See section Expressions
3BSE069489-602 331
Adding a Data Logger Section 10 Data Logger
Related information
General Settings
General Settings
Parameter Description
Table name The name of the data logger table. This name is the
same as the data logger name.
Log with interval To collect data that changes frequently, use the Log with
interval of option, and define time interval in seconds.
Minimum interval is 1 second.
Log on tag event To control sampling of data by other means than regular
time interval, select the Log on tag event option, and
select the tag to use as trigger. Data will be sampled
when the tag value changes.
Log changes only By logging changes only saves memory. The option Log
changes only can be combined with either the “Log
with interval of” or the “Log on object event” option.
Data will only be logged if the value differs from the last
logged value.
Max number of logged The maximum number of tag values to save in the
rows database. When the number of collected items becomes
larger than the set value, the oldest item will be
overwritten. The value must be within the size of the
available amount of memory in the operator panel in
Related information
Click Action Trigger
332 3BSE069489-602
Section 10 Data Logger Adding a Data Logger
Event Description
Log item Value When a value of an particular log item has changed
Log values updated When any log value is updated
3BSE069489-602 333
Adding a Data Logger Section 10 Data Logger
334 3BSE069489-602
Section 11 Scheduler
A scheduler is used to control tags in relation to the real-time clock. This function
is used to control events in the process, for example starting and stopping motors,
at specific predefined calendar times.
Scheduler Set Up
The scheduler configuration pages are used to set up scheduler jobs, which can
include a set of tags with associated start and stop times.
Adding a Scheduler
A scheduler can be added to the project from the Insert ribbon tab.
The scheduler configuration page will open in the desktop when a scheduler function
is created or selected.
Parameter Description
Name A symbolic name for the scheduled event.
Period Set to Once (default) or to a regular interval (every
minute, hour, day, week, month or year).
Start Date/Start Time The date and time for the first scheduled event.
3BSE069489-602 335
Scheduler Set Up Section 11 Scheduler
Parameter Description
Duration The length of the event.
Tag A digital tag, which is set to 1 during the specified interval.
Stop Time Enable When checked, Stop Date and Stop Time, instead of
Duration, can be used to determine the end of the event.
Stop Date/Stop Time The end date and time of the event. Also resets the
defined Tag to 0. Used when Stop Time Enable is
Action Click the button to configure an action to be performed
when the scheduled event is activated/deactivated.
Make sure not to use the same trigger tag for two different schedulers. When the
first scheduler is finished, its trigger tag is reset, and the second scheduler will
not be triggered.
336 3BSE069489-602
Section 12 Reports
The report generator allows generating Excel reports based on an Microsoft Excel
made report template.
The generated report can be output to a printer or saved as an Excel file.
• Microsoft Excel xlsx format is not supported by the report generator.
• Reports containing charts and pictures can not be printed from a panel target.
• The report generation is not an instant process. It may elapse a shorter period
of time between the first sampled tag and the last sampled tag, depending on
the number of tags to process.
3BSE069489-602 337
Reports Template Set up Section 12 Reports
Configuration Sheet
The configuration sheet is a repository where configurations on the Microsoft Excel
report template can be made. This sheet will not be visible in the generated report.
1. Create a new worksheet in the report template. Name the sheet <#Config>.
2. Row 10, and all rows below, in column A and B can be used to configure the
SQL queries. Enter the SQL query in column B. Use the corresponding cell
in column A to enter a name for the query. The name will be used to refer
to the query in the report template.
2. Click the Define name command from the Insert menu. (In Excel 2007, go
to the Formulas tab and choose Name Manager).
3. Enter a name for the range. The name must be entered in the following format:
Replace “QueryName” with the name that you have chosen for your SQL query.
To present the data in the report, enter the following syntax into the cells included in
the named range:
338 3BSE069489-602
Section 12 Reports Adding a Report
Replace the “DatabaseColumnName” entry with the actual name of the table in the
SQL database that you wish to present in the report.
It is possible to use the named range cells in Microsoft Excel charts and functions.
To be able to use the named range in functions, an empty row must be inserted
under the named range cells. This empty row must also be included in the
Related information
Adding a Report
Reports Set Up
The reports configuration page are available from the Insert ribbon tab.
Related information
Insert Ribbon Tab
Adding a Report
Add a Microsoft Excel report template by pressing Add in the reports configuration
page. In the appearing Add report dialog, type in or browse to the location of the
Excel template file.
If any changes are made to a report template after it has been uploaded to the project,
the template has to be uploaded again.
The template files being added to the project must have unique file names.
3BSE069489-602 339
Adding a Report Section 12 Reports
Parameter Description
Name A symbolic name for the report.
File name The name of the Microsoft Excel report template.
The Show Selection/Show All button can be used to set up a filter of displayed items.
Related information
Performance in the operator panel
Filtering Items
Configuration Pages
Action Groups
Output Devices Group
340 3BSE069489-602
Section 13 Recipe Management
Recipes make it possible for a set of tags to be saved in the operator panel to
be downloaded at later time. The operator can download a saved recipe to the
controller, which will start working with the new values. Recipe libraries consisting
of recipes with different sets of parameters can be created, allowing reuse of large
sets of parameters.
Recipes can be created during the design of the project or from the operator panel.
Recipe data is stored in the operator panel database. Recipe handling functions such
as loading, storing, copying and deleting recipes are handled with actions.
Related information
Actions Ribbon Tab
Recipe Setup
Recipes consist of a set of recipe tags and of recipe data (values).
3BSE069489-602 341
Recipe Setup Section 13 Recipe Management
342 3BSE069489-602
Section 13 Recipe Management Recipes in the Panel 800 Version 6
Related information
Invalid Names
Loading Recipes
Recipes can be transferred to the controller using a Load recipe action when the
operator panel is running. This means that the recipe values are transferred to the
controller. A list of available recipes is displayed when the Load recipe action is
activated. Select a recipe in the list and press [Enter] to make the controller run with
the downloaded values.
Saving Recipes
The Save recipe action can be used when the operator panel is running. Tags defined
on the Tag Configuration tab are included in the recipe. Corresponding tag values
are stored in the selected recipe file when Save recipe is performed. It is possible to
define an explicit recipe, that will be overwritten if it already exists when performing
the Save Recipe action.
3BSE069489-602 343
Recipes in the Panel 800 Version 6 Section 13 Recipe Management
Action Description
Start offline recipe Sets the tags in the specified recipe in offline mode. A
editing notification message is shown.
End offline recipe Sets the tags in the specified recipe in online mode, and
editing the tags are updated from the controller.
344 3BSE069489-602
Section 13 Recipe Management Recipe Export
1. Click Recipe on the Insert ribbon tab.
The Recipe configuration page opens in the desktop area.
2. Add recipe tags on the Tag Configuration tab of the Recipe configuration page
and connect them to controller tags.
5. Connect two of the buttons to the Load Recipe and Save Recipe actions. Select
the recipe title from the Runtime Data tab for Recipe Data.
6. Connect the other two buttons to the Start offline recipe editing and End
offline recipe editing actions.
Recipe Export
A recipe can be exported as a .csv file and saved to a USB stick, an external memory
card or to the project files folder. The export is configured through the “Export
Recipe” action available from the Recipe action group.
3BSE069489-602 345
Recipe Export Section 13 Recipe Management
346 3BSE069489-602
Section 13 Recipe Management Recipe Export
It is possible to select Browse and Select an export path, Export to Path or the
Export to Project Files folder, and also setting another name of the export file.
The Browse and Select an export path option allows browsing for desired export
destination in runtime. This may be useful if available folders in runtime are
unknown when designing the project.
Select the Export to Path option when you want to set the path when designing the
project. If the pre-defined path is not valid in runtime, the operator may browse the
PC environment by clicking a browse button.
It is also possible to select the requested delimiter in the .csv file (comma or
3BSE069489-602 347
Recipe Import Section 13 Recipe Management
Recipe Import
A recipe that previously has been exported as a .csv file, can be imported back into
recipe database. The import is configured through the “Import Recipe” action
available from the Recipe Action group.
348 3BSE069489-602
Section 13 Recipe Management Recipe Import
It is possible to import the csv file using the Import from USB, Import from
external memory card or the Import from Project Files folder selections and
also setting the name of the import file.
It is also possible to select the requested delimiter in the .csv file (comma or
It can be selected whether to ignore the new data or replace the old data, if the recipe
data already exists.
3BSE069489-602 349
Recipe Import Section 13 Recipe Management
It is possible to select Browse and Select a path for import file, Import from path
or Import from Project Files folder, and also setting the name of the import file.
The Browse and Select a path for import file option allows browsing for desired
import destination in runtime. This may be useful if available folders in runtime are
unknown when designing the project.
Select the Import from path option when you want to set the path when designing
the project.
It is also possible to select the requested delimiter in the .csv file (comma or
It can be selected whether to ignore the new data or replace the old data, if the
recipes already exists.
350 3BSE069489-602
Section 14 Function Keys
A standard PC keyboard has 12 function keys, F1 - F12.
A function key can be configured to affect only a particular screen or to be global.
Global function keys behave identically for all screens. A global definition can
always be accessed when the operator panel is running, provided that the current
screen does not have a screen definition for that function key. Screen function
keys have higher priority than global function keys. Function keys included in
background screens have lower priority than screen function keys, but higher priority
than global function keys.
The Function keys function is pre-defined in the Project Explorer when a keyboard
panel is selected as target, for configuration of the function keys of the selected
panel. For touch panel and PC targets, the Function keys function is added via the
Insert ribbon tab, and allows configuration of up to 24 function keys (even if the
connected keyboard does not support more than 12 function keys).
When converting a keyboard panel project to a touch panel or PC project, the
function keys will still be included in the project. When converting a touch panel
or PC project to a keyboard panel project, you will need to add the function keys
from the Insert ribbon tab.
Related information
Security Management
3BSE069489-602 351
Definitions Section 14 Function Keys
The number of function keys differ between different panel models, but the
numbering method is the same: The numbering starts from top downwards on the
left side, continues from top downwards on the right side, and finishes from left to
right at the bottom row.
The keyboard operated panels also include function keys with pre-defined functions,
such as Prev, Next and Home. These are used to navigate between screens in the
running project. When dialogs are opened, the Prev and Next keys are used to
navigate between objects in the dialog.
Special functionality for the pre-defined function keys is also used for the Alarm
Viewer object in runtime.
352 3BSE069489-602
Section 14 Function Keys Definitions
Alpha-Numeric Keys
The alpha-numeric keys are used for entering text and values with the operator
panel. When pressing shortly, the numeric value (0 - 9), minus sign (-), or decimal
point / dot (.), is selected.
When pressing and holding the key for a preset key repeat time, it will change
to toggling between the characters (upper case and lower case letters or special
characters) of the key. In this mode, pressing shortly will change selection. The
character is selected when the preset key delay timeout has elapsed.
The preset time limits for the alpha-numeric keys can be changed in the Keys menu
under the System tab in the ribbon group.
Key repeat time sets the time for which the key has to be pressed and held down
in order to change mode from numeric selection to character selection. If set to
zero, the key repeat function is deactivated and the keypad can only be used for
entering numbers.
3BSE069489-602 353
Definitions Section 14 Function Keys
Key delay timeout sets the time limit in milliseconds for the character selection.
When the time has elapsed the selection is confirmed and the cursor moves to the
next position.
In the Keys menu, it is also possible to set color and width (in pixels) of the runtime
The “2” key gives the possibility to add up to eight user-defined characters in order
to adapt the keypanel to e.g. language specific needs. This configuration is entered
under Special characters in the Keys menu. It is possible to have a separate special
character setup for each project.
Unicode can not be used as special characters.
Shortcut Keys
The shortcut keys enable quick navigation between screens and objects in the project.
354 3BSE069489-602
Section 14 Function Keys Definitions
The shortcut key for the alarm screen is configured in the Settings dialog under the
Project tab. Click on Alarm Button in the list and select the appropriate screen
under Show Screen.
Navigation Keys
3BSE069489-602 355
Configuring Function Keys Section 14 Function Keys
The navigation keys are used for moving the cursor between objects, and for editing
text and values.
In runtime some of the keys can also be used as a means of navigation in the Alarm
Viewer object if this is included in the current screen.
Related information
Alarm Viewer in Keyboard Operated Panels
356 3BSE069489-602
Section 14 Function Keys Configuring Function Keys
4. Click on the button next to the action to display the actions editor. Define the
action to be performed when the function key is pressed or released.
3BSE069489-602 357
Configuring Function Keys Section 14 Function Keys
Related information
Function Key Action Triggers
Multiple Actions
358 3BSE069489-602
Section 14 Function Keys Configuring Function Keys
3. Select script view mode by clicking Script in the lower part of the desktop area.
4. Click on the desired button node. Double-click on the KeyDown node. Edit the
script code to be performed.
The following C# code sets up function key F12 to perform an acknowledge of
all alarms:
Related information
Momentary Function
In order to configure a function key with a momentary function, you need to combine
a Set Tag action for Key Down with a Reset Tag action for Key Up.
3BSE069489-602 359
Configuring Function Keys Section 14 Function Keys
360 3BSE069489-602
Section 15 Alarm Management
Alarm Indicator
Alarm Viewer
Distribution via SMS, e-mail or printer via the Alarm Distributor
The alarm server database can be exported in csv format using the Database Export
Related information
Database Export
Alarm Conditions
Alarms can assume the following conditions:
3BSE069489-602 361
Alarm Server Section 15 Alarm Management
Alarm Server
The alarm server function is predefined in the Project Explorer. Clicking on it opens
the alarm server configuration pages in the desktop.
General alarm server properties are available by clicking the Settings button.
The Properties window is divided into General, Alarm Distribution and Actions.
362 3BSE069489-602
Section 15 Alarm Management Alarm Server
General Settings
Some alarm server functions are based on changed tag values:
3BSE069489-602 363
Alarm Server Section 15 Alarm Management
Log Settings
Parameter Description
Max Number of The maximum number of alarms to save in the database.
Logged Rows If the number of collected items becomes larger than the
set value, the oldest item will be deleted. The value must
be within the size of the available amount of memory in
the operator panel in runtime.
Repeat Counter
To avoid that an alarm that is triggered repeatedly results in multiple entries in the
alarm list, Repeat Count can be used. The current alarm will then only appear once
in the alarm list, and number of times the alarm is triggered will be included in the
alarm text. For display in the Alarm Viewer and for logging, select whether to show
the time of the first or last occurrence of the alarm.
Alarm Acknowledge
The specified actions will be triggered once for every alarm that is acknowledged.
Alarm Active
The specified actions will be triggered once for every alarm that becomes active.
Alarm Deleted
The specified actions will be triggered once when the Clear button in the alarm
viewer is pressed, if at least one alarm is deleted.
364 3BSE069489-602
Section 15 Alarm Management Alarm Server
Alarm Inactive
The specified actions will be triggered once for each alarm, for which the alarm
condition is no longer met.
Alarm Normal
The specified actions will be triggered once for each acknowledged alarm, for which
the alarm condition is no longer met.
Alarms Changed
This event is intended primarily for scripting, in order to avoid performance loss that
may occur when many alarms change status at once. Alarms Changed includes
status changes based on Alarm Acknowledge, Alarm Active, Alarm Normal and
Alarm Inactive, but not Alarm Deleted.
The specified actions will be triggered once when the status of several alarms change
at one occasion. A collection of alarms is returned.
Alarms Deleted
This event is intended primarily for scripting, in order to avoid performance loss that
may occur when many alarms are deleted at once, by pressing the Clear button in
the alarm viewer.
The specified actions will be triggered once when a number of alarms are deleted at
one occasion. A collection of alarms is returned.
Any Acknowledged
The specified actions will be triggered based on alarm logic: when the alarm server
toggles between containing acknowledged alarms or not.
3BSE069489-602 365
Alarm Server Section 15 Alarm Management
Any Active
The specified actions will be triggered based on alarm logic: when the alarm server
toggles between containing active alarms or not.
Any Inactive
The specified actions will be triggered based on alarm logic: when the alarm server
toggles between containing inactive alarms or not.
Parameter Description
Internal/External Selection of internal or external alarm distributor
IP Number Server The IP address of the external alarm distributor
Queue Length The number of alarms to be kept in queue for the external
alarm distributor. When the queue is full, no more alarms
will be added to the queue.
Port Number The port number of the external alarm distributor
366 3BSE069489-602
Section 15 Alarm Management Alarm Indicator
Related information
Alarm Distributor
Alarm Groups
Alarm Items
Alarm Indicator
As long as there are active alarms in the alarm server, the alarm indicator notify
window will be displayed, regardless of which screen is active. The color shows
the current alarm status, and can be configured for each of the alarm groups. The
indicator starts in the upper left corner of the screen in runtime, but can be moved to
any position on the monitor in runtime.
The appearance of the alarm indicator depends on the current alarm status. It will
show the most severe status of the alarms in the list. The Alarm Indicator disappears
when all alarms have been acknowledged, and all alarms have returned to inactive
Select General settings in alarm server properties page to decide for which alarm
statuses to show the alarm indicator.
Default alarm
Alarm condition Description indication
Active The alarm condition is met, and the alarm Flashing red
is not acknowledged
Inactive The alarm has returned to normal condition, Flashing green
but has not been acknowledged
Acknowledged The alarm condition is met, and the alarm Flashing green
is acknowledged
Normal The alarm has returned to normal condition, -
and has been acknowledged
Related information
General Settings
3BSE069489-602 367
Alarm Items Section 15 Alarm Management
Alarm Items
Alarm items are added from the Alarm Items tab of the alarm server configuration
Click Add to define a new alarm.
Parameter Description
Name Symbolic name for the alarm item that will show in an
alarm viewer.
Text An optional alarm text that will be shown in the alarm
viewer. Parts of the text can be made dynamic by clicking
Tag The tag (digital or analog), which generates the alarm
when it assumes the specified status.
Expression See section Expressions
Condition Equal to/Not equal to: The alarm is set when the value
of the tag is equal/not equal to the value specified in the
Trigger Value field.
Greater than/Less than: The alarm is set when the value
of the tag is greater/less than the value specified in the
Trigger Value field.
Equal to greater than/Equal to less than: The alarm is
set when the value of the tag is equal to or greater/less
than the value specified in the Trigger Value field.
Rising/Falling Edge: The alarm is set when the specified
tag goes to one/zero.
368 3BSE069489-602
Section 15 Alarm Management Alarm Items
Parameter Description
Trigger Value Numeric value to trigger alarm with when:
<tag value> <condition> <trigger value> = true.
History Specifies when the alarm is to be removed from the alarm
list. Checking this box means that the alarm will remain
in the list until the list is full. Leaving it unchecked means
that the alarm will be removed from the list when it is
acknowledged and no longer active. If Acknowledge
Required is not checked, the alarm will be removed from
the list as soon as it is no longer active.
Acknowledge Indicates whether the alarm is to be acknowledged or
Required not. Checking the box means that the alarm must be
acknowledged, leaving it unchecked means that the
alarm returns to normal directly when the alarm status
becomes inactive.
Remote Acknowledge A digital tag that acknowledges all the alarm when set to 1
Remote Ack See section Expressions
Enable Distribution Enables distribution of the alarm via printer/SMS/e-mail.
Only available if alarm distribution is enabled for the alarm
server. If the Enable Distribution option for the alarm
group is checked, distribution of individual alarms in the
group are automatically enabled.
Repeat Count To avoid that an alarm that is triggered repeatedly results
in multiple entries in the alarm list, Repeat Count can be
used. The current alarm will then only appear once in the
alarm list, and the number of times the alarm is triggered
will be included in the alarm text. It is also possible to
show a Count column in the Alarm Viewer. The active
time can be shown either for the first time or for the last
time the alarm occurred.
Action Makes it possible to configure one or multiple actions
when a particular alarm event occurs for the current alarm.
3BSE069489-602 369
Alarm Groups Section 15 Alarm Management
An alarm condition is triggered by a fixed value. The trigger value defined for
an analog alarm tag cannot be controlled from a register. It is not supported
to trigger alarms on intervals.
Related information
Actions and Events for Alarm Items and Alarm Groups
Related information
Importing and Exporting Tags
Tag Import Example
Alarm Groups
Alarms can be divided into groups, for example to indicate the priority of the alarms.
One alarm group is defined by default.
Color attributes can be individually set for each alarm group. Alarms can be sorted
by group in the alarm viewer.
370 3BSE069489-602
Section 15 Alarm Management Actions and Events for Alarm Items and Alarm Groups
Parameter Description
Name An optional name for the alarm group.
Text An optional text for the alarm group.
Colors Select foreground and background color for each alarm
Remote A digital tag that acknowledges all the alarms in the group
Acknowledge when set to 1
Remote Ack See section Expressions
Enable Distribution Enables distribution of the alarms in the group via
printer/SMS/e-mail. Only available if alarm distribution is
enabled for the alarm server.
Action Makes it possible to configure one or multiple actions when
a particular alarm event occurs for the current alarm group.
The Alarm Filter will revert to the default settings if the Alarm Group is
Related information
Actions and Events for Alarm Items and Alarm Groups
3BSE069489-602 371
Actions and Events for Alarm Items and Alarm Groups Section 15 Alarm Management
Actions for individual alarms are configured from the Action column for the alarm
on the Alarm Items tab.
Actions for alarm groups are configured from the Action column for the alarm
group on the Alarm Groups tab.
Alarm Acknowledge
The specified actions will be triggered when the selected alarm/an alarm in the
selected alarm group is acknowledged.
Alarm Active
The specified actions will be triggered when the selected alarm/an alarm in the
selected alarm group becomes active.
Alarm Inactive
The specified actions will be triggered when the alarm/an alarm in the selected
alarm group becomes inactive.
The following picture shows two actions configured for when the current alarm goes
active, and another action for when the operator presses the Info button in runtime.
372 3BSE069489-602
Section 15 Alarm Management Remote Alarm Server
3BSE069489-602 373
Remote Alarm Server Section 15 Alarm Management
• Unless the same project is used for the server and the client, filtering (pressing
the Filter button in the alarm viewer) can only be made in runtime for remote
alarms, since the remote server may include e.g. alarm groups that are different
from the project in which the alarm viewer was configured.
Property Description
Maximum number The number of events to distribute to the clients. The
of alarm events to number of distributed alarms affects performance.
Server Mode The alarm server can assume the following modes:
Disabled: The alarm server is disabled and no alarms are
Local: The alarm server processes alarms of its own.
Remote: Alarms are distributed to remote clients.
Both: The alarm server processes alarms of its own and
also distributes them to remote clients
Server Port Any available port. The port needs to correspond to the port
setting for the remote alarm client.
374 3BSE069489-602
Section 15 Alarm Management Alarm Distributor
Property Description
Server address The IP address of the remote alarm server.
Server port Any available port. The port needs to correspond to the
port setting for the remote alarm server.
Alarm Distributor
The Alarm Distributor makes it possible to send alarm notification via printer, SMS
or e-mail. The function can be enabled internally in a project, or in another operator
panel that acts as a server towards several connected clients. Regardless of acting
as server or client, distributed alarms are saved temporarily in the local project
3BSE069489-602 375
Alarm Distributor Section 15 Alarm Management
database to ensure that information is not lost in case of e.g. interrupted power. After
receiving alarms from a client, the server will send a confirmation to the client. The
alarms will then be removed from the client’s database.
376 3BSE069489-602
Section 15 Alarm Management Alarm Distributor
A route defines a number of filtering rules for distribution of alarms. Multiple routes
makes it possible to send different kinds of notifications to various receivers.
3BSE069489-602 377
Alarm Distributor Section 15 Alarm Management
Receivers Tab
The receivers of distributed alarms for each route are set up on the Receivers tab.
Address Book
Click on the Address Book button to enter names, e-mail addresses and/or phone
numbers of the persons that are to be available for selection for distributed alarm
378 3BSE069489-602
Section 15 Alarm Management Alarm Distributor
The Show Selection/Show All button can be used to set up a filter of displayed items.
The contents of the address book can be exported as a .csv file, and then be imported
again after modification using the Import/Export button.
Related information
Filtering Items
Receiver Selection
Click on the Receiver Selection button to set up receivers of each alarm distribution
route; via e-mail, SMS and/or printer.
3BSE069489-602 379
Alarm Distributor Section 15 Alarm Management
380 3BSE069489-602
Section 15 Alarm Management Alarm Distributor
Parameter Description
Alarm Name The alarm item to distribute.
Alarm Group The alarm group of which alarm items are to be
Alarm Text All alarms including this text will be distributed.
Alarm Status(es) to Selection of alarm to be distributed, based on alarm
distribute status. At least one status must be selected.
Scheduler Tab
Scheduling of each alarm distribution route can be configured on the Scheduler tab.
Only alarms that occur between the start and stop times will be distributed.
Parameter Description
Period Select daily or weekly alarm distribution
Day Select weekday, if Weekly was selected for Period
Start Time/Stop Time Select start and stop time of the alarm distribution
Name The name is automatically filled in based on start and
stop time, and cannot be edited
3BSE069489-602 381
Alarm Distributor Section 15 Alarm Management
Related information
Modifying Alarm Distribution Settings in Runtime
Alarm Variables
Variables collected from the alarm server definitions can be included in distributed
alarm information. Variables are enclosed by curly brackets; for example “Alarm
text: {3}”. The following variables can be used:
ber Variable Description
0 State The current state of the alarm
1 StateTime The time the alarm entered the current state
2 AlarmId A unique alarm ID
3 AlarmText Alarm item text
4 AlarmItemDisplay- Alarm item name
5 Count The number of times the alarm has occurred
6 ActiveTime The time the alarm became active
7 InactiveTime The time the alarm became inactive
8 NormalTime The time the alarm became normal
9 AcknowledgeTime The time the alarm was acknowledged
382 3BSE069489-602
Section 15 Alarm Management Alarm Distributor
E-mail Device
Parameter Description
From Name The name of the sender of the e-mail
From E-mail Address The e-mail address of the sender of the e-mail
SMTP Server Name/IP The name or IP address of the SMTP server for sending
Port The port number of the e-mail server
Code Page The code page consists of a table of values that describes
the character set for a particular language. The default
code page in Panel Builder is 65001 (UTF-8).
Authentication Mode Select None or Authenticated Login
3BSE069489-602 383
Alarm Distributor Section 15 Alarm Management
Parameter Description
User Name/Password User name and password if Authenticated Login was
Retry Sending Number of retries if the e-mail cannot be delivered
Time Interval Number of seconds between retries
Subject The e-mail subject; Alarm Variables can be used
Body The e-mail body; Alarm Variables can be used
Printer Device
Parameter Description
Buffer settings Set up the printers buffer settings
Text Font Size The font size of the text to be printed
Body The body of the printout; Alarm Variables can be used
Related information
Output Devices Group
384 3BSE069489-602
Section 15 Alarm Management Alarm Distributor
SMS Device
To be able to send alarms via SMS, you have to purchase an SMS Gateway Service.
Parameter Description
Basic URL for web The URL configuration string according to the SMS
SMS Gateway Service supplier that must include two variables:
{0} for telephone number and {1} for SMS body
Retry Sending Number of retries if the SMS cannot be delivered
Time Interval Number of seconds between retries
Body The SMS body; Alarm Variables can be used
TCP Server
Define the TCP server port. This must correspond to the port defined for the Alarm
Distribution settings for the alarm server.
3BSE069489-602 385
Alarm Viewer Section 15 Alarm Management
Related information
Modifying Alarm Distribution Settings in Runtime
Alarm Viewer
The alarm viewer can be used to show more detailed alarm information than the
alarm indicator. Alarms presented in the Alarm Viewer presents alarm texts from
the alarm server. The alarm list shows the latest alarms. It is arranged in alarm
group order.
The default design of the alarm viewer depends on the size of the selected operator
panel target, in order to allow full visibility and usability of the alarm viewer in the
smaller operator panels.
Settings such as font and button width are available in the Property grid.
The colors of the Alarm Viewer object can be set from the Property grid. The colors
of the different alarm statuses are set in the Alarm Server settings.
If millisecond resolution is needed for the alarm timestamps, then this can be
activated using Show Milliseconds in the General tab in the Ribbon or under
Extended in the Property grid.
Some of the color effects require that Vista Style is activated under Extended
in the property grid (default setting).
386 3BSE069489-602
Section 15 Alarm Management Alarm Viewer
Settings for the alarm viewer are available from the General ribbon tab while the
object is selected:
Buttons Group
Parameter Description
Position Controls to which of the borders the buttons will line up
Acknowledge Acknowledges currently selected alarms in the alarm
Selected viewer
Acknowledge All General acknowledge of all current alarms in the alarm
Clear Removes all alarms in the viewer
Filter(1) Allows filtering of alarms in the viewer
Info Performs the action set by Alarm Event Info Requested
Play/Pause Starts and pauses the alarm viewer
Enable Context Menu Show alarm viewer commands in context menu in runtime
(1)Not supported in keyboard operated panels
3BSE069489-602 387
Alarm Management in Runtime Section 15 Alarm Management
Parameter Description
Max Number of Rows The maximum number of alarms to display. If the number
of alarms does not fit in the object in runtime, scroll bars
will be made available. If the number of alarms exceeds
the maximum number, the oldest item will be deleted.
Show Column Shows/hides the alarm viewers column headers
Show Summary Shows status information in the bottom of the alarm viewer
(1)Not supported in keyboard operated panels
Related information
Property Grid
Alarm Indicator
Alarm Viewer
Distribution via SMS, e-mail or printer via the Alarm Distributor
Alarm Acknowledgement
An alarm can be acknowledged in the following ways:
• right-clicking on the alarm line and selecting Acknowledge
• selecting the alarm line and pressing on the Acknowledge Selected button
• pressing the Acknowledge All button to acknowledge all current alarms
• script actions
388 3BSE069489-602
Section 15 Alarm Management Alarm Management in Runtime
Inactive alarms that have been acknowledged can be removed from the list by
pressing the Clear button.
Pressing on the column heading in runtime will sort the alarm list by that column.
This will pause the alarm viewer.
Pressing the Filter button in the alarm viewer opens a dialog that allows the user to
enter a filtering profile to control which alarms to display in the alarm list.
Filtering can be made based on any combination of the following conditions:
• Alarm group: The first column in the filter window shows the alarm group name.
Check the Enable box to show alarms from the group.
• Alarm status: Displays alarms with the status corresponding to the checked
status values.
The Alarm Filter will revert to the default settings if the Alarm Group is
Play/Pause Button
The alarm viewer window can be paused from being updated with incoming alarms
using the Play/Pause button. This allows the operator to inspect and sort the list
without interference from any incoming alarms. The list will also pause when an
alarm is selected.
The alarm list will start updating again when
• the Play button is pressed
• the operator changes screen and returns to the same screen (or goes to another
screen showing the alarm viewer)
• after a 5 minute time-out
3BSE069489-602 389
Alarm Management in Runtime Section 15 Alarm Management
Info Button
Pressing the Info button in the alarm viewer will trigger the action specified in the
Alarm Event Info Requested group on the Actions tab, when an item in the alarm
server is selected.
Any action in the list can be selected.
This action will be applied for the individual alarm first. If no action is specified for
the alarm, the action will be applied for the group. If no action is specified for the
group, the action will be applied for the alarm server.
Related information
Alarm Groups
Alarm Conditions
Alarm Event Info Requested
Key Description
Enter Pressing Enter when the cursor is outside of the Alarm
Viewer moves the cursor inside the Alarm Viewer.
Backspace Pressing Backspace when the cursor is inside the Alarm
Viewer moves the cursor to outside of the Alarm Viewer.
390 3BSE069489-602
Section 15 Alarm Management Alarm Management in Runtime
Key Description
ACK Pressing ACK when the cursor is outside of or inside the
Alarm Viewer acknowledges all alarms.
Left arrow Pressing the Left arrow when the cursor is inside the
Alarm Viewer puts focus on the alarm list.
Right arrow Pressing the Right arrow when the cursor is inside the
Alarm Viewer puts focus on the Alarm Viewer buttons.
Related information
Keyboard Operated Panels
Related information
Address Book Action Groups
Output Devices Action Groups
3BSE069489-602 391
Alarm Management in Runtime Section 15 Alarm Management
392 3BSE069489-602
Section 16 Security Management
Using security groups and passwords in the operator panel makes it possible to
create a security system for the project. Operators can easily be assigned different
authorizations in the project to restrict access to objects and functions. Security
group information and passwords are stored in the project database.
It is not necessary to use this function if unrestricted access is acceptable. The
security function is a predefined component of the Project Explorer.
3BSE069489-602 393
General Security Settings Section 16 Security Management
Parameter Description
Select action on When a users’s access rights are not sufficient to e.g. modify
access denied an object or carry out an action, it is possible to display an
access denied message or opening a login dialog. Selecting
None performs no action.
Select visibility When a user with insufficient access rights tries to affect an
object, it is possible to specify visibility for those objects:
Disabled: Only users with sufficient access rights can affect
the object. The object is visible, but disabled, for users with
insufficient access rights.
Hidden: Only users with sufficient access rights can see
the object. The object is invisible for users with insufficient
access rights
Normal: Only users with sufficient access rights can affect
the object. The object looks normal for users with insufficient
access rights
Automatic logout Checking the box makes it possible to log out users
automatically after a certain number of minutes of inactivity.
After an automatic logout is executed, a screen jump to the
start screen will be performed.
The automatic logout will not be carried out if a communication error (COM
error) is active in the panel. After removing the communication error from
the panel, the automatic logout will be performed within the specified time,
calculated from when the communication was reestablished.
Related information
Logging In and Logging Out
394 3BSE069489-602
Section 16 Security Management Security Groups
Security Groups
Security groups are defined on the Groups tab of the security configuration page.
When objects and screens have been set up with restricted access, the current user
must belong to a specific security group in order to control or see the object or screen.
Parameter Description
Name Any alphanumeric string, beginning with a letter (a-z, A-Z)
Users Selection of users defined on the Users tab to be
included in the group
Users Invisible in When the box is checked, the users in the current group
Runtime will not be available for selection from the Login dialog in
runtime. It will still be possible to type in the user name
and password to login.
operator panel targets only: In order to enable the
possibility to manually enter a user name and password,
it is necessary to click the “Login” header on the Login
3BSE069489-602 395
Users Section 16 Security Management
Parameter Description
dialog in runtime. Doing so and then clicking on the
User—field will present the user with a keyboard on
which a user name can be entered.
Users and passwords for login are defined on the Users tab of the security
configuration page.
Parameter Description
Name Any alphanumeric string, beginning with a letter (a-z, A-Z)
Password Any alphanumeric string; minimum length according to
Password Rules properties. The password is converted
to asterisks as you leave the password input cell.
Description An optional description of the user
Groups Selection of security groups for the user
It is also possible to add users and change passwords directly in a running project,
using the Show Users Dialog action.
396 3BSE069489-602
Section 16 Security Management Users
The login dialog lists all users that have been configured for the current project,
except for users in groups for which Users Invisible in Runtime was selected.
It is also possible to configure a general behavior that brings up the login dialog any
time a user tries to affect an object that is not within the current user’s access rights.
This behavior is configured from the Properties window for the Security function,
and selecting ShowLoginDialog for action on access denied.
The Logout action is used to perform a logout.
Users may also be logged out automatically after a certain number of minutes of
inactivity by configuring Automatic logout in the Properties window for the
Security function.
After logging out, the function Show Previous Screen for function keys and
touch keys will be ignored. This is a security feature to prevent unauthorized
persons from accessing screens protected by passwords.
Related information
General Security Settings
Actions Ribbon Tab
3BSE069489-602 397
Object Security and Visibility Section 16 Security Management
The visibility and behavior settings specified in the security manager will be used
when a security group is set but no explicit visibility is specified. The following
options can be set:
Visibility Description
Default The object looks normal and is visible for anyone.
Disabled Only users in the selected security groups can affect the
object. The object is visible but disabled and greyed out,
for users with insufficient access rights.
Hidden Only users in the selected security groups can see the
object. The object is invisible for users with insufficient
access rights.
Normal Only users in the selected security groups can affect the
object. The object looks normal for users with insufficient
access rights.
Related information
Tag/Security Group
Screen Security
398 3BSE069489-602
Section 17 Language Management
Adding Languages
1. Click on the Multiple Languages function to open its configuration pages.
3BSE069489-602 399
Setting Up Multiple Languages Section 17 Language Management
The Use in Runtime setting makes the language available in runtime. Under
Keyboard Layout, it is possible to select different layouts for the virtual keyboard,
used for alphanumerical input in runtime.
Each added language is assigned an index number. Index number 0 is reserved for
the default language (the language that the application was first created in).
The Add and Delete buttons can be used to add and delete languages.
The Settings button allows connecting the language to a tag. This makes it possible
to change the project language based on a changed value.
Use the Show Selection/Show All button if you want to filter the languages in the
current view.
Related information
Virtual Keyboard
Filtering Items
400 3BSE069489-602
Section 17 Language Management System Texts
System Texts
System texts belong to functions (e.g. alarm server or security), to the system (e.g.
time zone) and to objects (e.g. buttons or sliders), excluding text that the developer
has entered.
Select the System Texts tab in the Multiple Languages configuration pages to edit
system texts.
Several preinstalled translations of the system texts are available for selection:
• English
• German
• French
• Brazilian Portuguese
• Chinese, traditional
• Chinese, simplified
3BSE069489-602 401
System Texts Section 17 Language Management
Use the Show Selection/Show All button if you want to filter the current view.
The Import/Export button can be used to export a system language to a text file for
translation, and then import the language after translation.
Regional expressions for time, date, and weekdays are by default equal to the
settings in the system account, but can to some extent be changed in the Date,
Time and Region Group under the System Ribbon tab.
Related information
Filtering Items
Exporting Languages
Importing Languages
Date, Time, and Region Group
402 3BSE069489-602
Section 17 Language Management Text ID
User Texts
Texts that have been added to objects by the developer are available from the Texts
tab in the Multiple Languages configuration pages. The texts in the default language
can be edited as well.
Use the Show Selection/Show All button if you want to filter the current view.
The Import/Export button can be used to export a system language to a text file for
translation, and then import the language after translation.
When an object is connected to a text in the Text library, the object’s internal
denomination (that is not displayed in runtime) will be presented in grey color in
the Texts list, to indicate that editing the text will not affect the runtime project.
Related information
Filtering Items
Exporting Languages
Importing Languages
Text Library
Text ID
The Text ID function is available from the Text IDs tab on the Multiple Languages
configuration page.
To enable the Text ID function, check the “Text IDs enabled” checkbox on the
Text IDs tab.
3BSE069489-602 403
Text ID Section 17 Language Management
The Text IDs tab consist of the following columns: Text ID, Default Text and one
column for each language. The text in the column Default Text corresponds to the
default language used in Panel Builder.
Clicking Add adds a row with a Text ID that is equal to the highest existing Text
ID plus 1.
Use the Show Selection/Show All button if you want to filter the current view.
The Import/Export button can be used to export a system language to a text file for
translation, and then import the language after translation.
Related information
Screen Group
Filtering Items
Exporting Languages
Importing Languages
Text ID Browser
If the Text ID function is enabled, all text box controls in Panel Builder, including
texts used in Panel 800 Runtime, will be replaced with the Text ID browser control.
The Text IDs are accessed from a popup list by clicking the combo box arrow next
to the Text ID browser control.
404 3BSE069489-602
Section 17 Language Management Text ID
The Text ID browser consists of two tabs, one for using Text ID and one for using
Dynamic Text ID.
• If the requested Text ID text is known in Panel Builder, the Text ID tab should
be used.
• If the requested Text ID text is to be decided dynamically in runtime, then the
Dynamic Text ID tab should be used.
Text ID
The popup list consist of the following columns: Text ID, Default Text and one
column for each language. Right-clicking the column header opens up a context
menu that lists all available columns. The context menu offers a possibility to
configure which columns to be displayed in the popup list.
Parameter Description
Add Adds a row with a Text ID that equals to the highest
existing Text ID plus 1
Reset Removes the Text ID connection and the text falls back
to the previously unconnected text
3BSE069489-602 405
Text ID Section 17 Language Management
Parameter Description
OK Connects the object text to the selected Text ID
Cancel Closes the popup list. No changes are made.
When an object is connected to a Text ID, the displayed text in the Text ID browser
control will be presented in the following manner:
“Text ID – Text”
Text corresponds to the default language used in Panel Builder.
When opening the popup list, the text field acts as a filter for the popup list.
The object itself will only show the corresponding text, without Text ID, which
is disabled for editing.
When the language in Panel Builder or in Panel 800 Runtime is changed, a text
connected to a Text ID will be updated to the corresponding text entered in the
Text IDs tab.
Dynamic Text ID
The Dynamic Text ID tab consist of two tabs — Tags and Aliases — and acts
as a normal tag/alias selector.
406 3BSE069489-602
Section 17 Language Management Text ID
In addition, it is also possible for the graphical components to set a Default Value
Used in Design Mode. This value will be displayed in the object in designtime, but
not be used in runtime.
Parameter Description
Add Adds a tag/alias
Reset Removes the Dynamic Text ID connection and the text
falls back to the previously unconnected text
OK Connects the object text to the selected tag/alias
Cancel Closes the popup list. No changes are made.
When an object is connected to a tag, the displayed text in the Text ID browser
control will be presented as “TagName”, where TagName is the name of the tag.
When an object is connected to an alias, the displayed text in the Text ID browser
control will be presented as “#AliasName”, where AliasName is the name of the
3BSE069489-602 407
Automatic Translation Section 17 Language Management
When configured, the tag value in runtime represents the key (Text ID) to the Text
ID table. The displayed text is the corresponding translation for current language
for the given key (Text ID). If the tag value is not found as a key in the Text ID
table, an empty text is displayed.
Automatic Translation
Panel Builder includes a translation tool that uses Microsoft Bing Translator to offer
quick translations of user-defined or system texts free of charge.
Automatic translations provide limited functionality; especially combination of
words or words with synonyms may be returned as incorrect translations.
The translation tool is available by clicking Translate on the Texts or System Texts
tabs of the Multiple Languages configuration pages. Each language is translated
Parameter Description
Translation Provider Select translation provider among available providers.
Microsoft Bing Translator is the only translation provider
in Panel Builder.
Reference Language Select reference language; i.e. the language in which the
project was created.
408 3BSE069489-602
Section 17 Language Management Exporting Languages
Parameter Description
Only translate items Unchecking the box replaces also already translated
that have not yet been items in the project.
Translate from Selection of source language for the translation operation;
the default language (reference language) or one of the
languages that have been added to the project.
Translate to Selection of target language for the translation operation.
Since the translation tool accesses online translation providers, the translation
operation may sometimes be paused or delayed due to an excess of online users.
Exporting Languages
Languages can be exported to a text file for e.g. translation.
1. Select Export from the Import/Export button.
2. Specify format, location, delimiter (for text file format) and language selection,
and click OK.
3BSE069489-602 409
Importing Languages Section 17 Language Management
Parameter Description
Format Select format of the exported file; text file or Excel file.
Path Browse to the location for the exported file
Delimiter If Text file format was selected, select delimiter from the
drop-down list; comma, semicolon, space or tab
Languages Select which languages to export
Importing Languages
After translation or other editing, the updated language file can be imported to the
project again.
1. Select Import from the Import/Export button.
410 3BSE069489-602
Section 17 Language Management Importing Languages
Parameter Description
Format Select format of the file to import; text file or Excel file.
Path Browse to the location of the file to import
Languages Select which languages to import
Import Strategy Selecting Key performs the import according to the
Designer and Object columns in the multiple languages
configuration page. Reference Text performs the import
according to the Text column. If you have changed
the texts of the default language after exporting the
languages, it is recommended to select Key.
3BSE069489-602 411
Hebrew Language Section 17 Language Management
Hebrew Language
Hebrew is written from right to left, opposite to the way most modern languages
are written.
Panel Builder does not support Hebrew keyboards. However for PC applications
there is a solution to this. It is suggested that you write your text entries using a
Hebrew font in an external text editor that supports Hebrew keyboards, then copy the
text entry into your Panel Builder project.
The Arial Unicode is an example of a font that supports the Hebrew language.
412 3BSE069489-602
Section 18 Audit Trail
Related information
Database Export
Logging Strategies
To meet FDA (Food and Drug Administration) demands, it is possible to log actions
in a strict manner. FDA logging implies that no log entries will ever be overwritten.
If the size of the audit trail database is close to being exceeded (approximately 80%
of the limit), a notification window will be displayed, where the user is warned, and
demanded to export the data. Alternatively, the size of the Audit Trail database can
be increased. If the limit of the database is exceeded, the logging is terminated
and the operator panel will be blocked for any further operator actions. This is
indicated by an error message.
With circular buffering, the oldest log entry is overwritten when the database is full.
No warning message is displayed when reaching the limit of the database.
The database can be exported using an action, regardless of logging strategy. The log
entries are saved in the Audit Trail database, and the information can be displayed
using the Audit Trail Viewer.
3BSE069489-602 413
Using the Audit Trail Function Section 18 Audit Trail
listed. It is possible to log all or only some actions. It is also possible to log tag
changes only (without logging actions).
Parameter Description
Log All/Log None Click the buttons to quickly select all or no actions from
the list
Logging strategy Select FDA or Cyclic Buffering
Max size of database The maximum size of the Audit Trail database
Value change on tags, performed by user actions, can be logged by selecting Log to
Audit Trail in the tags configuration page. This option is enabled only if the audit
trail function is activated in the project.
Related information
Others in Adding Tags section
414 3BSE069489-602
Section 18 Audit Trail Audit Trail Viewer
The description will be saved to the Description column of the Audit Trail database,
and is limited to 255 characters.
3BSE069489-602 415
Audit Trail Export Section 18 Audit Trail
Related information
Action Groups
416 3BSE069489-602
Section 18 Audit Trail Audit Trail Export
It is also possible to select the requested delimiter in the .csv file (comma or
It is possible to select Browse and Select an export path, Export to Path or the
Export to Project Files folder, and also setting another name of the export file.
The Browse and Select an export path option allows browsing for desired export
destination in runtime. This may be useful if available folders in runtime are
unknown when designing the project.
Select the Export to Path option when you want to set the path when designing the
project. If the pre-defined path is not valid in runtime, the operator may browse the
PC environment by clicking a browse button.
It is also possible to select the requested delimiter in the .csv file (comma or
3BSE069489-602 417
Audit Trail Export Section 18 Audit Trail
418 3BSE069489-602
Section 19 Text Library
With the text library function, text tables can be created, where values are linked
to texts. The text library function can be used for presentation of each sequence
step in sequence control. Another possible application is to present error codes,
where an analog signal generates error codes connected to texts in a text library.
The function can also be used to give analog values specific values, depending on
the selected texts.
The text library function is activated by selecting it from the Insert ribbon tab.
3BSE069489-602 419
Connecting Objects to Text Library Texts Section 19 Text Library
The Start Value and End Value can only be given as integers. This could result
in problems updating the text when the input value is entered with decimals,
especially if the input value jumps in and out of the given range. If this is the
case, use the Configure Text function instead. This is available under the
General tab when the object is selected.
A default text that has been entered in Configure Text will not be presented
outside a range that has been defined in the Text Library. In this case, use
Configure Text to define all text presentations for the object.
Related information
HMI Controls
3. Select the Text property, and select Text Library Group Converter.
The object will now present the texts from the text library instead of the value.
420 3BSE069489-602
Section 19 Text Library Exporting and Importing Text Library Texts
Related information
Importing and Exporting Tags
Tag Import Example
3BSE069489-602 421
Exporting and Importing Text Library Texts Section 19 Text Library
422 3BSE069489-602
Section 20 Database Export
Some databases in the project can be exported as a .csv file to a USB stick, an
external memory card or to the project files folder. The following databases are
available for csv export: alarm server, audit trail, data logger and trend viewer.
Database export is not supported during project simulation.
Figure 21. Individual database tables may be selected for export by clicking the +
The default properties for the database export is exporting the database to the project
files folder with the name as given in the project.
To facilitate exporting multiple databases at once, configuring multiple actions
is recommended.
Clicking the ... button next to the selected database opens a dialog from which the
default database export properties may be altered.
3BSE069489-602 423
Setting up Database Export Section 20 Database Export
It is possible to select export to USB stick or external memory card, and also setting
another name of the export file. Leaving the Overwrite box unchecked adds date
and time to the export file name, thus avoiding overwriting an existing export file.
It is possible to set another name of the export file. Leaving the Overwrite box
unchecked adds date and time to the export file name, thus avoiding overwriting
an existing export file.
The Browse and Select an Export Path option allows browsing for desired export
destination in runtime. This may be useful if available folders in runtime are
unknown when designing the project.
424 3BSE069489-602
Section 20 Database Export Setting up Database Export
Select the Export to Path option when you want to set the path when designing the
project. If the pre-defined path is not valid in runtime, the operator may browse the
PC environment by clicking a browse button.
Related information
Actions Ribbon Tab
Multiple Actions
3BSE069489-602 425
Setting up Database Export Section 20 Database Export
426 3BSE069489-602
Section 21 Panel 800 Version 6
System Software
Welcome Screen
When the operator panel is started, the welcome screen is displayed. The following
items about the operator panel are listed:
• Size of internal memory card, if applicable
• IP address
• Image version
If there is a project in the panel, it will be loaded automatically.
If there is no project in the panel, touching the screen will display the Service menu.
Related information
Service Menu
3BSE069489-602 427
Service Menu Section 21 Panel 800 Version 6 System Software
Service Menu
The service menu for the operator panel can be accessed before a project is
3. If the service menu is password protected, you will be prompted for a pin
code. Enter pin code.
4. The touch calibration screen will display the following message:
“Tap anywhere on screen or touch calibrate will start in 10 seconds.”
To access the Service menu with a keyboard operated panel, press and hold the
Home key as soon as the hourglass appears at start-up. Keep pressing the key until
the Service menu is opened (about 20 seconds).
IP Settings
Select to obtain an IP address automatically via DHCP, or specify an IP address. The
IP address can also be set during project transfer.
For panels with two Ethernet ports, select port according to the illustration below.
428 3BSE069489-602
Section 21 Panel 800 Version 6 System Software Service Menu
Use the Date/Time Settings dialog to set the time zone, date and time for the panel.
Erase Project
The erase function will detect if the project is located in the panel memory or on a
memory card. Pressing Erase Project will completely remove the project and all its
components from the panel memory/the memory card.
Copy Project
Selecting Copy Project will copy a project from a connected memory card to the
panel memory.
If there is already a stored project in the target panel, the copy command will result
in a dialog asking if a backup of the existing project should be saved on the memory
If IP settings are stored in the memory card, a dialog will appear, asking if the IP
settings should be applied to the target panel. It is necessary to reboot the panel for
the IP address to be updated.
The copy function can also be used to copy a project from a USB memory, however
without the possibility to transfer IP settings.
Touch Calibrate
Select Touch Calibrate if the touch screen needs to be calibrated. Follow the
instructions on the screen to perform a calibration.
3BSE069489-602 429
Panel 800 Version 6 Upgrade Section 21 Panel 800 Version 6 System Software
Press Close to exit the service menu.
Updating of the operator panel system program requires the following:
• A PC with Image Loader application.
• An Ethernet connection between the PC and the operator panel.
• The operator panel IP address.
• The image file from the DVD.
Transfer Image
1. Double-click on the executable Image Loader file to start the transfer program.
430 3BSE069489-602
Section 21 Panel 800 Version 6 System Software Panel 800 Version 6 Upgrade
5. Click Upgrade.
6. When the upgrade is finished, disconnect power from the operator panel.
7. Reconnect power to the operator panel.
8. Once the system files have been updated, a project can be downloaded to the
operator panel.
To enter the update mode with a keyboard operated panel, press simultaneously the
Enter and Backspace keys at power-on.
When updating an operator panel, it is important to ensure that power is not
interrupted during the transfer.
2. Plug an empty USB flash drive into the computer running the Image loader
4. Click Create.
3BSE069489-602 431
Panel 800 Version 6 Upgrade Section 21 Panel 800 Version 6 System Software
8. Once the system files have been updated, any existing project in the panel
will be started.
When updating an operator panel, it is important to ensure that power is not
interrupted during the transfer.
3. Click Update. Any project running in the panel will be stopped, and the update
sequence will begin.
4. When the upgrade is finished, disconnect power from the operator panel.
6. Once the system files have been updated, any existing project in the panel
will be started.
When updating an operator panel, it is important to ensure that power is not
interrupted during the transfer.
432 3BSE069489-602
Section 22 Multiple Controllers
It is possible to use multiple drivers with one operator panel. This means that the
operator panel can communicate with different controllers simultaneously. The
controllers can be connected to the serial ports on the operator panel and via the
Ethernet port.
If the same tag is connected to addresses in more than one active controller, there
is no way to control from which controller the value is read in runtime.
Adding a Controller
Click on Tags in the Project Explorer, select the Controller tab and click Add to
add a new controller in the current project, and select which controller model and
driver that is to be used.
Tags are added and controller is selected on the Tags tab.
3BSE069489-602 433
Adding a Controller Section 22 Multiple Controllers
Related information
Adding a Controller
Addressing of the tags in the controllers is carried out according to the help file
for each driver.
When assigning a tag to an object, all tags, regardless of controller connection, are
available for selection.
434 3BSE069489-602
Section 22 Multiple Controllers Adding a Controller
The following examples show configurations where multiple drivers are used in
the operator panel.
Figure 22. The operator panel communicating with one controller and one frequency
3BSE069489-602 435
Adding a Controller Section 22 Multiple Controllers
Figure 23. The operator panel communicating in series with one controller via
Ethernet and with controllers of another make.
Figure 24. The operator panel communicating with two controllers of different
makes via Ethernet.
436 3BSE069489-602
Section 23 Troubleshooting
This section describes tools to use in case of unexpected behavior in Panel Builder.
Related information
Upload Database
Invalid Names
If using system device names when naming objects such as controllers, screens,
recipe managers, data loggers and script modules, an error message will be
displayed, stating that this is an invalid name. Examples of system device names:
Related information
Name Group
3BSE069489-602 437
Performance Issue Related to Graphics Card Section 23 Troubleshooting
Related information
Using Expressions
3. Select the Troubleshoot tab and decrease or turn off the hardware acceleration
by dragging the slider.
Should you experience problems with the graphic rendering, make sure the latest
graphical driver is used. If the latest graphical driver is used and rendering issues
still occur, upgrade to a better graphics card.
438 3BSE069489-602
Section 23 Troubleshooting Performance Issue When Navigating in Script Tree View
Related information
System Requirements and Limitations
Related information
3BSE069489-602 439
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