ENT SWT Rajiv Dhawan 28, NOVEMBER - 2023
ENT SWT Rajiv Dhawan 28, NOVEMBER - 2023
ENT SWT Rajiv Dhawan 28, NOVEMBER - 2023
Q.2) A 27-year-old man presents with complaints of chronic nasal congestion. About 2
months earlier, he had an upper respiratory tract infection with rhinorrhea and nasal
congestion. Since then he continues to use oxymetazoline nasal twice daily. Physical
examination swollen turbinates and no purulent discharge. What is the most appropriate
a. Discontinue oxymetazoline
b. Antibiotics
c. Oral antihistamine
d. Discontinue oxymetazoline and start steroid nasal spray
Q.3) An adult patient while having food suddenly develops choking sensation and is
unable to speak. What is the immediate management?
a. Chest Back thursts
b. Heimlich’s Maneovure
c. Intubation
d. Cricothroidotomy
Q.5) A young Diabetic patient on with high glyosylated haeoglobin levels has
presented to ENT OPD with blood stained nasal discharge, eye swelling, blurring of
vision and recent history of loose upper teeth Which of the following is the first
investigation in this case?
a. Serum Ferritin Level
b. CT scan Nose & Paranasal sinuses with contrast
c. MRI Nose sinuses and orbit with contrast
d. Nasal Swab
Q.6) A 17 year old male patient presented to ENT OPD with the history of nasal
obstruction and severe nasal bleeding. The nasal endoscopy picture shows a mass in the
choana as given in the image. What is the possible diagnosis?
a. Pyriform sinus
b. Eustachian tube opening
c. Fossa of Rosenmuller
d. Sphenopalatine foramen
Q.8) A adult patient is a known case of bronchial asthma. He has a history of regular
medication. The nasal examination shows the presence of nasal polypi. Which drug he is
most likely sensitive to?
a. Aspirin
b. Ampicillin
c. Penicillin
d. Erythromycin
Q.9) An old patient operated for a malignancy. The post operative neck picture neck is
given in the picture. which of the following surgical procedure has been done in this
a. Total Pharyngectomy
b. Total Oesopagectomy
c. Total Laryngectomy
d. Hemi laryngectomy
Q.10) Which of the following is not an indication for the following device?
a. Larygospasm
b. Acute asthmatic attack
c. Laryngeal Diphtheria
d. Maxillofacial Trauma
Q.11) Patient has enlarged tonsils and is unable to swallow. Patient is also complaining
of ear pain. Which nerve is the Likely a source of ear pain?
a. Arnold’s Nerve
b. Jacobson’s nerve
c. Vidian Nerve
d. Nerve of Wirsberg
Q.12) A patient presented with progressive growing swelling from the last 2 years. On
examination it was dense, mobile and nodular as shown in the image below. What is the
most likely diagnosis?
Q.13) A woman is presented to ENT OPD with complaints of nasal obstruction O/E
yellowish crusts are seen in nasal cavity covering turbinate & septum. She also had bad
smell from nose with anosmia. What sign will you find in this case on anterior
rhinoscopy examination?
a. Roomy nasal cavities
b. Nasal polyp
c. Foreign body
d. Inferior turbinate hypertrophy
Q.15) A patient presented with fever, muffled voice and difficulty in swallowing. The
oropharyngeal picture is shown in the image. What is the diagnosis?
a. Quinsy
b. Parapharyngeal abscess
c. Retropharyngeal abscess
d. Ludwig’s angina
Q.16) A 7-year-old child while playing fell down. He has developed nasal blockage on
both sides and there is swelling around the nose. What is the further treatment of this
a. Fracture nasal bone reduction
b. Septal Heamatoma drainage
c. Start nasal steroids spray
d. Oxymetazoline nasal drops
Q.18) A 7-year-old post tonsillectomy child was lying in the ward .He started severely
bleeding in the ward and is: Which of the following should be done?
a. Start Intravenous line and Shift to Operation Theatre immediately
b. Start Intravenous Antibiotics
c. Adrenaline-soaked packing in the Tonsillar fossa and observation in the ward
d. Cold saline gargles
a. Urgent Bronschoscopy
b. Heimlich’s maneovure
c. Esophagoscopy
d. Tracheostomy
Q.20) A 60-year-old patient with a nasal lesion as shown in the image, choose the most
appropriate diagnosis:
a. Towne’s view
b. Water’s view
c. Caldwell’s view
d. Schuller’s view
Q.22) The given two nasal features are seen in patient of epistaxis and external nasal
deformity. Biopsy from the nose has revealed the necrotizing vasculitis. What is the most
probable diagnosis?
a. Tertiary syphilis
b. Wegner’s Granulomatosis
c. Tuberculosis
d. Leprosy
Q.24) Which anatomical level is being shown by the arrow in given X-ray Cervical
Spine Lateral view?
Q.25) A patient presented in emergency department with c/o respiratory distress and
cough. Steeple sign was found on X-ray. What would be the next step of management?
a. Intravenous antibiotics
b. Humidified oxygen with analgesia
c. Humidified oxygen with antibiotic and steroid
d. Conservative management
Q.26) A 7 year old child comes to you with complaints of snoring, mouth breathing with
hearing loss. His school performance is deteriorating. What is the next line of
management for the child?
a. Adenoidectomy
b. Grommet insertion
c. Adenoidectomy with grommet insertion
d. Myringotomy
Q.27) After emergency tracheostomy patient presented with surgical emphysema. What
is the most likely reason?
a. CO2 wash out
b. Tight suture around tracheostomy site
c. Tear to posterior wall of trachea
d. Block in tracheostomy tube
Q.28) A patient presents to the OPD with complaints of bleeding from nose, nasal
obstruction, and difficulty in breathing. He gave the history of bathing in the local pool
near his house. On examination, red nasal studded surface mass with whitish dots on the
surface is observed. Based on the history, examination and given histopathological
image, what will be the diagnosis of the patient?
a. Rhinoscleroma
b. Rhinosporidiosis
c. Ringertz Tumor
d. Rhinophyma
Q.29) A 50-year-old diabetic male patient was admitted with a diagnosis of Covid-19
Based on positive RT-PCR. Due to sever lung involvement he was treated with
methylprednisolone. The patient was re-admitted to hospital, due to nasal obstruction and
left side facial and orbital swelling, several days after discharge. In sinus endoscopic
surgery, debridement was performed and the specimens were sent to pathology. A nasal
biopsy showed wide hyphae without septa as shown in the given slide. Choose the most
appropriate diagnosis:
a. Candida
b. Mucor
c. Aspergillosis
d. Basidiomycetes
Q.30) A child has swallowed a foreign body. What is the nature of foreign body as per
X Ray?
a. Coin
b. Disc Battery
c. Marble
d. Plastic piece
Q.31) Which sensory nerve supplies the larynx above the vocal cord?
a. Internal laryngeal nerve
b. External laryngeal nerve
c. Recurrent laryngeal nerve
d. Superior laryngeal nerve
Q.32) Which of the following best describes Laryngeal cancer stage T1bN0M0?
a. Both vocal cords involved and fixed
b. Both vocal cords involved and mobile
c. One vocal cord involved and fixed
d. One vocal cord involved and mobile
Q.33) The patient presents with complaints of reddish nasal mass, unilateral nasal
obstruction associated with w nasal bleeding and the diagnosis of inverted papilloma is
made. Which is true regarding the following condition?
a. Malignant tumor
b. Benign tumor
c. Benign and locally invasive
d. It is not a tumor
Q.34) Identify the structure marked with arrow in the given X ray image of paranasal
a. Sphenoid sinus
b. Frontal sinus
c. Maxillary sinus
d. Ethmoid sinus
Q.35) An infant was brought to the OPD with complaints of noisy breathing. The stridor
was reported to improve on lying prone & suckling of milk. The image of the airway is
given below. What type of stridor is expected in this patient?
a. Inspiratory
b. Expiratory
c. Biphasic
d. Positional
Q.37) A newborn baby is having cyanotic spell at birth with difficulty in breathing. The
symptoms improve with crying. What is urgent priority in the managment of the given
a. Start Intravenous steroids
b. Put the baby in prone position
c. Mc Govern technique
d. Start Intravenous antibiotics
Q.38) A child is brought to the OPD with sudden bout of cough & breathlessness. There
is no significant history given by the parents. What is the most likely diagnosis?
a. Foreign body Larynx
b. Foreign body Ingestion
c. Foreign body bronchus
d. Foreign body Oesophagus
Q.39) A 54 year old male presented with nasal obstruction. On examination there is a
polypoidal mass in the posterior part of nasal cavity. This mass is better visible on
posterior rhinoscopy. What is the diagnosis?
a. Rhinosporidioisis
b. Ringertz Tumor
c. Antrochonal polyp
d. Rhinoscleroma
Q.40) A female presented with the following nose deformity, which of the following is
unlikely a cause for it?
a. Wegner’s granulomatosis
b. Lupus vulgaris
c. Tertiary Syphilis
d. Septal surgery
Q.41) Name the anterior most ethmoidal cell marked in the figure:
a. Concha bullosa
b. Bulla ethmoidalis
c. Agger nasi
d. Fovea ethmoidalis
Q.43) Identify the structure marked in the following Endoscopic image of Nasal cavity
a. Inferior Turbinate
b. Middle Turbinate
c. Superior Turbinate
d. Septum
Q.44) Which of the following marked structures constitute parts of the Larynx
a. B,C Only
b. D Only
c. A,B,C,D
d. A,C,D Only
Q.45) 50 year old male presented with right sided reddish pink nasal mass and epistaxis
. CT Scan image is given in the picture . What is the most probable diagnosis?
a. Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma
b. Inverted papilloma
c. Rhinosporidiosis
d. Antrochoanal polyp
Q.46) The marked paranasal sinus opens into which of the following spaces?
a. Sphenoethmoidal recess
b. Superior Meatus
c. Middle meatus
d. Inferior meatus
Q.47) A 19 year old college going girl has presented to emergency with sudden loss of
voice. Her cough sound is normal. What is the most probable diagnosis?
a. Functional Aphonia
b. Mogiophonia
c. Phonaesthenia
d. Dysphonia Plica Ventricularis
Q.49) A 52 year adult patient presenting with right side hearing loss has been diagnosed
to be a case of right sided serous otitis media. What will be the priority in further
management of this patient?
a. Nasopharyngoscopy and biopsy
b. Myringotomy
c. Myringotomy and grommet insertion
d. Wait & Watch
Q.51) A 3 year old child has been brought to paediatric emergency with the history of
fever,severe respiratory difficulty, stridor, drooling of saliva since yesterday. The child is
in a very critical situation with Sp02 level of 60 %. What would be your immediate
a. Get an X-ray Neck lateral view to look for Thumb sign
b. Antibiotic Injection
c. Urgent Intubation
d. Hourly assessment of larynx by laryngoscopy
Q.52) A 3month old baby presents with inspiratory stridor almost since birth. The cry of
baby is normal. The stridor decreases in prone position. What is the possible diagnosis?
a. Vocal cord palsy
b. Acute epiglottitis
c. Acute laryngotracheobronchitis
d. Laryngomalacia
Q.53) A 6 years old Child was operated for Adeno – tonsillectomy under general
anasthesia . In the evening, patient develop neck spasm and is excessively crying .
MRI Neck shows Atlantoaxial subluxation.
What is the possible diagnosis in this case.
a. Orther syndrome
b. Grisel Syndrome
c. Eagle syndrome
d. Kallamans syndrome
Q.54) All of the following are indications of the given device except:
a. Bat ear
b. Atresia of external auditory canal
c. Anotia
d. Chronic wet ear
Q.55) A bilateral profoundly deaf patient is seen to be having MRI Findings given in the
What is the best method of hearing rehabilitation in this case:
a. Cochlear implant surgery
b. Vibrant Sound Bridge Placement
c. Auditory brain stem implant surgery
d. Bone anchored hearing aids
Q.56) All of the following are true about the device shown in the image except:
Q.58) A patient of head injury suffered hearing loss. He has normal tympanic membrane
with type Ad Tympanogram. How much conductive hearing loss is expected in this
a. 30 dB
b. 38dB
c. 54 dB
d. 10 dB
Q.59) A 39-year-old female patient, gives history of right sided ear discharge, foul
smelling and occasionally blood stained for last 6 years. She also complains of hearing
loss for last 2 years. For last 3 days patient has developed fever with chills, headache and
pallor and oedema over mastoid region. The most probable diagnosis is
a. Atticoantral CSOM with Mastoiditis
b. Atticoantral CSOM with Brain abscess
c. Atticoantral CSOM with Lateral sinus thrombosis
d. Atticoantral CSOM with Meningitis
Q.60) In a patient of Temporal bone fracture with facial nerve injury. The assessment
has been done to find the site of injury of facial nerve canal. Schirmer’s test shows
decreased lacrimation, taste sensation is impaired and stapedial reflex is absent. Where is
the level of injury?
a. Vertical segment of facial nerve
b. Horizontal segment of facial nerve
c. Geniculate ganglion
d. Stylomastoid foramen
Q.61) Which of the following is false about the design of inner ear?
a. Organ of corti contains outer hair cells and inner hair cells in the ratio of 3:1
b. Modiolous of cochlea contains spiral ganglion of 8th nerve
c. Tectorial membrane covers organ of corti of cochlea
d. Apex of cochlea is responsible for hearing high frequency sounds
Q.62) Patient has the complaint of right sided hearing loss. Tuning fork tests show that
Rinne is Negative on right side & Weber test is lateralised towards left ear. What is the
a. Right moderate conductive hearing loss
b. Right severe sensorineural hearing loss
c. Normal hearing on both sides
d. Bilateral conductive hearing loss
Q.64) A 50-year-old male patient presenting with hearing loss complaint was subjected
to pure tone audiometry:
His audiogram is shown below What is the most possible diagnosis?
a. Otosclerosis
b. Presbyacusis
c. Noise induced hearing loss
d. Sensorineural hearing loss
Q.66) A 37-year-old female came with complaints of decrease in hearing and pulsatile
tinnitus. She is found to have conductive hearing loss. Rinne test is negative. On
examination, the a reddish mass is seen behind tympanic membrane. What would be the
a. Glomus tympanicum
b. Serous otitis media
c. Acute otitis media
d. chronic otitis media
Q.67) A patient presents to the OPD with the complaints of episodic vertigo which is
sudden in onset, sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL), and Tinnitus which lasts minutes to
hours with accompanied nausea, vomiting. What is the diagnosis of the patient in
accordance with the given audiogram?
a. Meniere's Disease
b. Vestibular Neuronitis
c. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
d. Acoustic neuroma
Q.68) A 75-year-old diabetic patient presents with severe pain in the ear and facial
palsy. Examination reveals granulation tissue in external auditory canal. What is the
probable diagnosis?
a. Malignant otitis externa
b. Keratosis obturans
c. Squamous cell carcinoma ear canal
d. Exosteosis of External auditory canal
Q.70) An 8-year-old child presented to ENT OPD. The mother is complaining that child
is suffering from hearing loss. The Otoscopy picture is given in the image. What is the
possible diagnosis?
Q.71) A patient presented with painless chronic ear discharge, pale granulations in the
middle ear & facial palsy with the following picture of Tympanic Membrane on
otoscopic examination. Most Probable diagnosis:
a. Atticoantral Otitis Media
b. Tubercular Otitis media
c. Tubotympanic CSOM
d. Serous Otitis Media
Q.72) While Otoscopy , patient started coughing. Stimulations of which nerve leads to
cough in this case?
a. Arnold’s nerve
b. Jacobson’s nerve
c. Nerve of Wirsberg
d. Vidian Nerve
Q.75) Which of the following is correct sequence of auditory pathway from cochlear
nucleus to auditory cortex?
a. Superior olivary nucleus→ lateral lemniscus→ inferior colliculus→ medial
geniculate ganglion
b. Superior olivary nucleus→ inferior colliculus→ lateral lemniscus→ medial geniculate
c. Inferior colliculi→ Superior olivary nucleus → lateral lemniscus→ medial geniculate
d. Inferior colliculus → Superior olivary nucleus → medial geniculate ganglion → lateral