2007 HEMIC Individual.x17381

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International Youth Mathematics Contest 2007

Hongkong Elementary Mathematics International Contest (HEMIC)

Individual Competition
Time allowed : 1 hour 30 minutes

Hong Kong : 29 July – 2 August 2007


 Write down your name, team name and candidate number on the answer
 Write down all answers on the answer sheet.
 Answer all 15 problems. Problems are in ascending order of level of
difficulty. Only NUMERICAL answers are needed.
 Each problem is worth 6 points and the total is 90 points.
 For problems involving more than one answer, points are given only when
ALL answers are correct.
 Take π = 3.14 if necessary.
 No calculator or calculating device is allowed.
 Answer the problems with pencil, blue or black ball pen.
 All materials will be collected at the end of the competition.
1. The product of two three-digit numbers abc and cba is 396396, where a > c. Find the
value of abc .

2. In a right-angled triangle ACD, the area of shaded region is 10 cm2, as shown in the
figure below. AD = 5 cm, AB = BC, DE = EC. Find the length of AB.


3. A wooden rectangular block, 4 cm × 5 cm × 6 cm, is painted red and then cut into
several 1 cm × 1 cm × 1 cm cubes. What is the ratio of the number of cubes with two
red faces to the number of cubes with three red faces?

4. Eve said to her mother, “If I reverse the two-digits of my age, I will get your age.” Her
mother said, “Tomorrow is my birthday, and my age will then be twice your age.” It is
known that their birthdays are not on the same day. How old is Eve?

5. Find how many three-digit numbers satisfy all the following conditions:
if it is divided by 2, the remainder is 1,
if it is divided by 3, the remainder is 2,
if it is divided by 4, the remainder is 3,
if it is divided by 5, the remainder is 4,
if it is divided by 8, the remainder is 7.

6. A giraffe lives in an area shaped in the form of a right-angled triangle. The base and
the height of the triangle are 12 m and 16 m respectively. The area is surrounded by a
fence. The giraffe can eat the grass outside the fence at a maximum distance of 2 m.
What is the maximum area outside the fence, in which the grass can be eaten by the

7. Mary and Peter are running around a circular track of 400 m. Mary’s speed equals
of Peter’s. They start running at the same point and the same time, but in opposite
directions. 200 seconds later, they have met four times. How many metres per second
does Peter run faster than Mary?

8. Evaluate 22007 − ( 22006 + 2 2005 + 22004 + ...... + 23 + 2 2 + 2 + 1)

9. A, B and C are stamp-collectors. A has 18 stamps more than B. The ratio of the
number of stamps of B to that of C is 7:5. The ratio of the sum of B’s and C’s stamps to
that of A’s is 6:5. How many stamps does C have?

10. What is the smallest amount of numbers in the product 1 × 2 × 3 × 4 × ... × 26 × 27 that
should be removed so that the product of the remaining numbers is a perfect square?

11. Train A and Train B travel towards each other from Town A and Town B respectively, at
a constant speed. The two towns are 1320 kilometers apart. After the two trains meet,
Train A takes 5 hours to reach Town B while Train B takes 7.2 hours to reach Town A.
How many kilometers does Train A run per hour?

12. Balls of the same size and weight are placed in a container. There are 8 different colors
and 90 balls in each color. What is the minimum number of balls that must be drawn
from the container in order to get balls of 4 different colors with at least 9 balls for each

13. In a regular hexagon ABCDEF, two diagonals, FC and BD, intersect at G. What is the
ratio of the area of ∆BCG to that of quadrilateral FEDG?



14. There are three prime numbers. If the sum of their squares is 5070, what is the product
of these three numbers?

15. Let ABCDEF be a regular hexagon. O is the centre of the hexagon. M and N are the
mid-points of DE and OB respectively. If the sum of areas of ∆ FNO and ∆ FME is
3 cm2, find the area of the hexagon.

~ End of Paper ~

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