8401 Information and Communications Nology (ICT) UNEB Sample Paper New Curriculum 2024 Plus Scoring Guide

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Paper 1
2¼ hours


Uganda Certificate of Education


Paper 1

2 hours 15 Minutes


This paper consists of two sections; A and B. It has five examination items.

Section A has one compulsory item.

Section B has two parts; I and II. Answer one item from each part.

Answer three examination items in all.

Any additional item(s) answered will not be scored.

All answers must be written in the answer booklet(s) provided.

© 2024 Uganda National Examinations Board Turn Over

Answer the item in this section.

Item 1.

Isaac is currently running a stationery shop where he sells scholastic materials and
provides photocopying services only. On daily basis he gets clients inquiring about
passport size photographs, business reports, statistical data and formal letters. He is
concerned that he may lose some of his customers due to limited services. He
contacted a company dealing in ICTs which sent him a brochure bearing some of
the ICT tools shown below.


IMAGE 1: Source- https://www.monitor.co.ug/uganda/magazines IMAGE 2: Source- images of digital devices - Search (bing.com)

Given limited knowledge on the ICT tools displayed on the brochure, Isaac failed
to select which ICTs would be appropriate for his business


(a) Guide Isaac to select the appropriate ICT tools that will help him improve his
services and retain his customers.
(b) Advise Isaac on how best he can maintain the ICT tools in good working

This section has two Parts; I and II.
Answer one item from this part.
Item 2.
A few days ago, thieves broke into the computer laboratory of a school and stole
various equipment. The network server was amongst the stolen equipment and a lot
of the school’s important information was lost. As it all happened, some computer
parts were broken and scattered all over the laboratory floor.
The following morning, the laboratory attendant collected the damaged parts in a
box and dumped them at the garbage pit assuming that most of them would no
longer function.
Box of damaged computer parts and dumped items

Source: www.boldbusiness.com
(a) Advise the laboratory attendant and the school management on what could
have caused such occurrences and the measures they should put in place to
prevent similar incidences.
(b) Demonstrate how the school and other partners can manage the items
dumped at the garbage pit.

3 Turn Over
Item 3.
The youth today are fond of spending most of their time using ICT mobile devices
while on the road and being online late in the night, as reflected in images 1 and 2.

1 2

IMAGE 1: https://missionaryjill.com/wp-content/up 1 IMAGE 2:  1

Majority of the youth are not aware of the consequences of continuous use of ICTs
and some have suffered health issues, data loss and breach of privacy.
The newly elected chairperson of the youth at the district wishes to address this
challenge through a sensitization campaign on the theme “ICT’s and the youth
You have volunteered to talk to the youth. Prepare a presentation about these
consequences and how they can be avoided.
Part II
Answer one item from this part.
Item 4.
Noeline is a qualified primary school teacher who has taught in a nursery school for
quite some time. She has been earning a monthly salary of UGX 200,000 though
not promptly paid.
She recently landed on her dream job in a newspaper advert below.

The school requires applicants to submit their application letters, Curriculum Vitae
(CV) and academic documents online. However, Noeline’s academic documents
are kept somewhere in an envelope and she does not know how to go about this
If Noeline approaches you to guide her through the procedure, provide a write up
showing required steps and ICT tools that Noeline should use to successfully
submit her job application.

Item 5
The Government of Uganda wishes to boost all Saving and Credit Cooperative
Organizations (SACCO) in various districts by providing them with funds.

A women’s SACCO wishes to apply for the funds and the group does not want to
miss out on this golden opportunity. They are required to access an online template,
fill it with the SACCO details before the deadline which is soon.

The chairperson of the SACCO finds it challenging to download, fill and submit
the filled form to the district website since she lacks ICT skills.

The form to be filled is shown below.

The Chairperson approaches you to guide her through the required procedure.
Provide a write-up indicating the necessary steps and ICTs to be used by the

Paper 1


Uganda Certificate of Education


Paper 1

New Lower Secondary Curriculum


© 2024 Uganda National Examinations Board


Competency (Basis of Evidence: Skill/ability exhibited/Score SCORE

Provides a focused Produces a focused introduction 01
Describes a minimum  Identifies and describes 5 or more of the listed ICT 04
number of ICT tools/Software which will help Isaac improve his
tools/software that are services and retain customers
required to setup a Computer set
functional system. Digital camera
Application Software 03
 Identifies and describes 3-4 of the listed ICT
tools/Software which will help Isaac improve his
services and retain customers
 Identifies and describes 1-2 or more of the listed ICT
tools/Software which will help Isaac improve his
services and retain customers
 Identifies and describes 1 of the listed ICT
tools/Software which will help Isaac improve his
services and retain customers
 No response

Explains maintenance of  Identifies and explains 5 or more management 04

ICT tools in good measures of the listed ICTs/software
working condition  Identifies and explains 3-4 management measures of 03
the listed ICTs/software
 Identifies and explains 1-2 management measures of 02
the listed ICTs/software
 Identifies only 1 management measure of the listed 01
 No response 00
Conclusion Provides a relevant conclusion 01
Format of presentation A formal document: 01
Either a Report, a letter, a CV or Proposal

Competences Basis of Expected responses
T1(a-c) Mentioning  needs a desktop computer/Laptop with at least a i5 core
processor(4.0GHz), 500GB of hard disk and 4GB of RAM. This
T2(a-d) relevant tools computer will be capable of handling the kind of work at Mr.
Bogere’s business since he will be in position to process
documents, edit photos as required by his clients.
 Un interruptible power supply unit. This device helps the user to
T9 (a) Explaining how the continue working for a short time in case power goes off. This
enables a user to save the client’s work. The UPS will be
T10(a) tool is used
connected to the wall socket, then the computer and its devices
T12(a) get from it. It also regulates the voltage reaching the devices.

 The software. Software means electronic instructions that help

the hardware accomplish tasks.

 To prepare formal letters, business reports and organizing

statistical data. For that he needs to obtain MS office suite.
 In order to produce good photos and passport size photographs,
He should install Adobe suite with packages such as photoshop,
illustrator which can be used for photo editing.
 The printer. A printer is a peripheral device that converts soft
copy into hard copy. Digital-colored all in one printer with a
speed of about 20 pages per minute to handle tasks such as
scanning, printing passport size photos, formal letters and
business reports and so on. A printer is connected to a computer
using a data cable then its drivers can be installed.

 has clients who inquire about photos. A digital camera will be

used for taking clients photographs and passport size photos.
The photos can then be transferred from the camera to the
computer using USB cables, edited and then printed.
 For clients with hard copies to be converted to softcopy, the tool
needed is a scanner. This changes hard copy into soft copy.

 Cover ICT tools to avoid dust

 Installing antivirus to protect ICT against virus attacks.
 Use UPS to protect ICT tools from unstable power supply.
Management/  Switch off ICT tools after use
maintenance  Regular servicing of ICT tools to keep them in good working
 Regular updating of software

Competency (Basis of
Evidence: Skill/ability exhibited/Score Score
Provides a focused Produces a focused introduction 01
Explains the causes of  Identifies and explains more than 4 causes of insecurity 04
breaking into the lab in the laboratory.
and theft of computer  Identifies and explains 4 causes of insecurity in the
lab equipment laboratory. 03
 Identifies and explains 2-3 causes of insecurity in the
laboratory. 02
 Identifies and explains 1 causes of insecurity in the
laboratory. 01
 No response


Provides security  Explains 3 measures, identifies key stake holders and 04
measures and mitigation their roles in e-waste management
for improper-waste (1 measure for each listed stakeholder)
management o School Administration
o Lab Attendant
o Students
o Community 03
 Explains less than 3 measures and identifies key stake
holders in e-waste management of the listed stakeholders 02
 Identifies and explains more than 4 measures of
insecurity in the laboratory.
 Identifies and explains 4 measures of insecurity in the 01
 Identifies and explains 2-3 measures of insecurity in the 00
 Identifies and explains 1 measure of insecurity in the
 No response

Conclusion Provides a relevant conclusion 01

Format of the A formal document 01

T1 d Explains the causes of - Weak doors, these make breaking in or forceful entry
T14 (a-c) breaking into the lab easier. This can be solved by using strong metallic doors
T16 (a&b) and theft of computer with strong burglar proofing.
lab equipment and - Weak or easy to manipulate locks/pad locks. These
provide suitable become easy to break or open. It can be solved by using
mitigation/measures. strong locks or padlocks.
- We can also use access control systems e.g., use of key
cards or biometric scanners to control physical access.
- Exposure of important hardware components e.g the
server, external hard drives(keeping them in easy to reach
areas. These have to be locked away in drawers, cabins or
kept out of the computer laboratory.
- Failure to monitor the computer laboratory especially in
the night when its not in use. This gives ample time to
thieves to plan and steal. It can be overcome by installing
CCTV cameras/ 24/7 Surveillance systems.
- Approaches that can - It can also be solved by installing alarm systems that can
be taken to ensure go off and produce noise to notify the security personnel
proper e waste on the forceful entry.
management and the - Failure to mark, label hardware components which makes
how they can be them easy to target and also difficult to find or trace in
applied case of theft. Asset tagging or labelling makes it easy to
track for items when stolen, we can also attach tracking
devices to the important hardware components like the
Server computer.
- Inadequate Physical Inspection. There’s supposed to be
regular inspection of the laboratory to identify and solve
any potential damage.
- Discarded computer components contain toxic substances
like lead, mercury, etc. these pollute soil and water. The
school administration/teachers can reuse some of these
components e.g by crafting them onto display boards for
- Improper e-waste disposal may lead to data breaches and
identity theft. You may not know who will pick on the
hard disk, flash disk and any other storage media you
throw to the dust bin. The lab attendant may first try to
repair or take the component for repair to extract off the
- Health risks; improper handling and discarding of e-waste
can cause health issues such as skin disorders, respiratory
disorders, etc. to people such as waste pickers, children. Its
important therefore to sensitize the school
community/students on the right means of handling e-
-You can also donate the out of use computers and other
components to ICT repair shops.
- Air pollution. Once thrown at the garbage pit by say lab
attendant, e-waste may be burnt which exposes the
community to harmful gasses. The school administration
may sell off or donate the hardware components that are
no longer in use.

Competences Basis of assessment Expected responses

Competency (Basis of
Evidence: Skill/ability exhibited/Score Score
Provides a focused Produces a focused introduction 01
Explains the  Identifies and explains 6 or more causes/consequences of 04
consequences of ICT usage from the listed categories.
continuous use of ICT (2 for each of the mentioned challenges)
-health issues,
-data loss and
-breach of privacy
 Identifies and explains 4-5 causes/consequences of ICT
usage from the listed categories. 03
 Identifies and explains 2-3 causes/consequences of ICT
usage from the listed categories. 02
 Identifies and explains 1 cause/consequence of ICT usage
from the listed categories.
 No response 01

Provides  Identifies and explains 6 or more measures for the listed 04
mitigation/measures categories of challenges.
(2 for each of the listed challenges)
-health issues,
-data loss and
-breach of privacy
 Identifies and explains 4-5 measures for the listed 03
categories of challenges.
 Identifies and explains 2-3 measures for the listed 02
categories of challenges.
 Identifies and explains 1 measure for the listed categories
of challenges. 01
 No response
Conclusion Provides a relevant conclusion 01
Format of the A formal document 01

Assesses system security, Consequences of Consequences of continuous use of ICT tools.
safely uses ICTs and exposure to ICTs and Malware attacks like
manages E-waste the mitigation strategies - Computer viruses. Copy themselves and corrupt the
Topic 1 d Mitigation. Install an anti-virus, regularly update it
Topic 7 c and scan to detect, disinfect and delete viruses.
Topic 8 (a-c)
Topic 16 (a-b) - Trojan horses. Appears legitimate but performs
malicious tasks
- Worms. Self-replicate after breaching the system
among others
Mitigation. Do not use pirated software as this can be
an entry point for Trojans and worms.

- Phishing. sending emails that appear legitimate in

order to induce individuals to reveal personal
Mitigation. Do not download information or open e-
mails from untrusted sources

- Eavesdropping/ sniffing/ spoofing. it involves

intercepting and reading the data packets traversing
through the network
Mitigation. Encrypt the information travelling over
the network

- Denial of Service (DoS). This overwhelms the

network with excessive requests that exhaust the
resources and make it inaccessible
- Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS). The traffic
flooding the network comes from multiple sources.
Mitigation. Use of firewalls to block traffic from
suspicious sources

- Short circuits. Caused by naked wires, power

surges and liquid spills.
Mitigation. Insulate all naked wires, don’t brink
liquids next to the ICTs and use UPS/ voltage
Health risks
- Eye defects like blurred vision, itchy, dry or red eyes.
mitigation. Use anti – glare screens

- Back pain, caused by sitting in a bad posture or for

mitigation. Sit upright and get poses or breaks while
using a computer

- Wrist pain, caused by injury, over use of the hand or

repetitive stress.
Mitigation. Set your work station right to avoid
straining the hand, get breaks while using a
computer and exercise the hand


Competency (Basis
Evidence: Skill/ability exhibited/Score Score
of assessment)
Provides a focused
Produces a focused introduction 01
Describes  Identifies 6 or more relevant steps with the necessary ICT 04
procedure tools
 Identifies 4-5 relevant steps with the necessary ICT tools 03
 Identifies 2-3 relevant steps with the necessary ICT tools.
 Identifies 1 relevant step 02
 No response
Follows a logical Complete logical flow. 02
flow Partial/incomplete Logical flow 01
No logical flow 00

Conclusion Provides a relevant conclusion 01


Competences Basis Of Assessment Expected Responses

T3 (a,b) Steps/processes/procedures - Stage 1: Converting academic documents
T7 (a,b) Followed to apply from hard copy to soft copy
T11 a online Tools: scanners, scanning apps like CamScanner (CS),
get the document
open the flatbed scanner cover
place it there and cover,
then press the scan button and save the documents.

Stage 2: Creating a CV
Tools: PC, desktop publishing or word processing
Application: start the computer.
Go to all programs,
Choose the appropriate MS-Publisher, Choose Resume,
blank, then create. Design according to the layout
apply appropriate graphics
save the publication as CV on a hard disk/flash

Stage 3: Typing an application letter by use of Word

Tools: PC, Word processors
Application: Start the computer.
Go to all programs, Choose blank document,
type the letter, edit, format and save the document as
Application Letter on a hard disk/flash


Stage 4: convert all documents to PDF

Tools: PC, word processor, Desktop publisher
Open the document of interest
Select file, save as
Set the save as type to pdf and save

Stage 5: creating an email

Tools: PC, web browser
Application: Open a web browser like google chrome.
Enter gmail.com in the web address
Select create account.
Choose the type of account (personal account)
Enter your personal information e.g. surname, first name,
user name and password, confirm password
click next and enter your phone number
verify your account with the code sent to your phone
Stage 6: attaching the files (application letter,
academic documents and CV) on online platform i.e.
Tools: PC, Web browser
Open your e mail
Select compose
Enter the recipient’s address ([email protected] )
Compose a greeting line
Select the attach button and browse to find the files
(application letter, CV and academic documents)
Select send.


Competency (Basis
Evidence: Skill/ability exhibited/Score Score
of assessment)
Provides a focused
Produces a focused introduction 01
Describes  Identifies 6 or more relevant steps with the necessary ICT 04
procedure tools
 Identifies 4-5 relevant steps with the necessary ICT tools 03
 Identifies 2-3 relevant steps with the necessary ICT tools.
 Identifies 1 relevant step 02
 No response
Follows a logical Complete logical flow. 02
flow Partial/incomplete Logical flow 01
No logical flow 00

Conclusion Provides a relevant conclusion 01


Competences Basis Of Assessment Expected Responses

T3 a,b Describes relevant -Access a computer
T7 a,b steps -Downloading the form
T11 a from the web
T13 a -Filling the form
-Taking some photos
about the project
-Printing the photos and
-Scanning the filled
forms& photos
-Uploading the to the
Describes ICT tools - Computers
used. - camera
- printer
- scanner
- flash disks
- CDs
- Modem
- Mobile phones
Procedure -computer-(to access the
-camera-( to take pictures
of the projects)
-printer(print out the
downloaded form and
-scanner( scanning the
filled forms for
-flash disk( storage of
forms to fill just in case)
-CD-( to store the soft
copies for future use)
-modem(connect to
-phone( taking mobile
photos and
logical flow of steps

Paper 2
2½ hours


Uganda Certificate of Education


Paper 2

2 hour 30 minutes


This paper consists of two examination items.

Answer both items in this paper.

You are provided with support files in the folder UNEB Support Files on the
computer desktop. Use the support files where applicable to supplement the items.

You are provided with a new blank Compact Disc (CD).

Use a permanent marker to write your name, random number and personal
number on your CD.

You should continuously save your work.

You must produce a hard copy for each of your work to accompany a soft copy on
the Compact Disc (CD).

© 2024 Uganda National Examinations Board Turn Over

Item 1
In a certain community, a group of employees formed a savings group called
Sente Kumeza Fund. The treasurer of the group has a metallic box where money
is kept and a small exercise book where members’ transactions are recorded. The
members who borrow, sometimes complain of how the calculations of loan
repayment amount are made.
The savings group recently received a new member, who expressed concern about
the way records are being managed and suggested that a computerized system be
adopted to manage the records. The members took the concern positively but none
of them has computer knowledge and skills.

The records in the small book have been extracted and provided in the support file
KUMEZA.docx. and a sample of the reminder letter for those with loan balances
in the file DEMAND.docx.

Using the support files provided;

(a) Create an electronic storage of the records and use it to produce a graphical
representation of members’ savings.
(b) Generate a list of members with loan balances and prepare a reminder letter
for each of them.

Item 2
In a certain school, the administration wishes to use ICTs to interact effectively
with the Public on all events happening at the school, such as academic affairs,
current projects, sports among others. The public should be able to provide
The administration is also intending to provide an active form for those students
who would wish to join the school.

Develop an online platform that illustrates to the administration, on how to address
the concerns of the school. A support folder called My_School has been provided
containing some files which may be used

Paper 2


Uganda Certificate of Education


Paper 2

New Lower Secondary Curriculum


© 2024 Uganda National Examinations Board

Competency (Basis of Evidence: Skill/ability exhibited/Score Score
 Uses 2-3 appropriate application programs of the 02
Selects appropriate Word processing Software
application programs Spreadsheet software
 Word processing Software Database software
 Spreadsheet software Presentation software
 Database software
 Uses 1 appropriate application programs
 Presentation software 00
 Uses none of the above appropriate application

Manipulation:  Uses more than 6 of the listed manipulations to 03

Uses Application tools to generate appropriate outputs.
manipulate data. Enters data
Edits data
Formats data
Performs calculations on data
Filters data
Generates merged document

 Uses the 6 listed manipulations above, to generate 02

appropriate outputs.

 Uses less than 6 of the listed manipulations above, that

do not generate appropriate outputs.

 No listed manipulation used 00

Product/Output:  Generates 2 products (merged letters and graphical) in 04

Represents data and both forms of output
produces both forms of  Generates 2 products (merged letters and graphical) but in
output (Both Hard copy and one form of output
Soft copy)  Generates 1 product (merged letters and graphical) in
both form of output 02
 Generates 1 product (merged letters and graphical) in one 01
form of output
 Generates inappropriate products in any form of output 00

Competency (Basis of Evidence: Skill/ability exhibited/Score Score
Planning:  Uses any one webpage authoring application 01
Selects appropriate programs
application programs  Uses non-web authoring application programs 00
Manipulation:  Uses 7-8 of the listed publishing features to create 03
Uses publishing features to publications.
create publications. Adds organization name
Adds web pages
Adds page titles
Adds feedback section
Links pages
Creates active form
Adds appropriate pictures, logos, video clips, banners
Organizes content on the pages

 Uses 6 of the listed publishing features above to

create publications. 02

 Uses less than 6 of the listed publishing features 01

above to create publications.

 No evidence of creation of any publication 00

Product/Output:  Generates a website with at least 3 web pages in 03

Produces publications in both forms of output
both forms of output (Both  Generates a website with less than 3 web pages in 02
Hard copy and Soft copy) both forms of output
 Generates a website with at least 3 web pages in
only one form of output 01
 Generates a website with less than 3 web pages in 00
only one form of output

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