B - Tech - PGP - IV Year

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Scheme of Studies & Examinations B.Tech.

(Printing Graphics & Packaging Technology) 4th year

Cou rse No. 401 402

Course Title

Internal Assess ment 25 25

Gravure Technology Print Management & Entrepreneurship Development Printing Plant Layout & Machinery Maintenance Printing Substrates and Ink Technology Print Finishing Digital Printing Costing and Estimating Quality Control in Printing and Packaging Elective Advance Printing Technology (Elective-I) Advance Graphics Technology (Elective-II) Advanced Packaging Technology(ElectiveIII)

Exam Schedule T P/ V 75 75

Total Mar ks 100 100

403 404 405 406 407 408 409

25 25 25 25 25 25 25

75 75 75 75 75 75 75

100 100 100 100 100 100 100

410 411 412 413 414

Gravure lab Printing substrates and ink technology lab. Print finishing lab. Quality control lab. Project Total

25 25 25 25 50

50 50 50 50 50

75 75 75 75 100 1300


GRAVURE TECHNOLOGY Note: The Examiners will set eight questions, taking two from each unit. The students are required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks. Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 100 ( 25+75)
UNIT-I Gravure: History of gravure, Gravure products and markets - Publication gravure - gravure packaging and converting product gravure. Gravure Screens. Gravure cylinder preparation - Diffusion etch - Direct TransferElectromechanical process - Laser cutting. Electronic engraving systems today. Chemical engraving methods and equipments cell configurations-advantages and disadvantages. Cylinder correction methods - Re-etching electro mechanical engravings, Colour balance etches, spot plating. Well formation - variables, basic types. Cylinder construction and preparation - Cylinder design, types. Balancing the cylinder. Copper plating and polishing, Reuse of cylinders. UNIT-II Gravure Doctor blade assembly Blade angles. Blade distance from Nip, Blade edge, Blade mounting. Doctor Blade wear - Fatigue, Corrosion, Abrasive, Adhesive wear, Doctor blade materials, Doctor blade Holder configurations, Blade setting procedures, Preparing blade for use, Doctor blade problems. Gravure Impression Roller - function, Roller covering, Roller pressure, Cylinder diameter, Roller design & configuration. Balance-static & Dynamic. Roller setting. New developments. Storage of impression rollers. Impression roller problems. Impression mechanismsmechanical, Hydraulic, Pneumatic. UNIT-III Gravure Press and Its components: A generic printing unit.Sleeve&solid cylinder,single and two revolution ,sheet fed and web fed machines Typical press configurations.Gravure publication presses-characteristics. Packaging Gravure Presses - Folding carton Presses. Flexible Packaging presses, Label presses. Product gravure. Other gravure presses - Intaglio plate printing, offset gravure and flexogravure. Gravure with flexo units. Gravure units as other equipment. Gravure roller coating. Gravure folders - types. Gravure Ink Dryers - Need for ink dryers,Drying water based inks, Dryers functioning,Dryer limitations, supply air valves, balancing the dryer, filters & dampers, roller condition vital. Heat Sources - steam, electric and gas, combination gas/oil, thermic oil, waste heat form incinerators. Solvent Recovery Methods. Gravure cylinder preparation- basic construction, surface finishing, sleeve and integral shafting of cylinder, Electo-mechanical, electron beam & Laser engraving. UNIT-IV Gravure Substrates: Paper substrates-Roto news papers, Coated papers, Gravure packaging paper substrates - properties. Label stock, Paper board. Non Paper substrates - surface preparation, plastics-properties. Metalized films - Aluminium foil, Foil laminations. Gravure advantages, limitations. Future of Gravure Printing Industry. Recommended Books : Gravure process and technology - GAA. Printing Technology - Adams, Faux, Rieber.

(402) Print Management & Entrepreneurship Development

Note: The Examiners will set 10 questions, taking 5 from each Section. The students are required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least 2 from each section. All questions will carry equal marks. Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 100 ( 25+75)
Section A PRINT MANAGEMENT 1. 2. 3. Business Environment Printing Industry in India & Abroad. Impact of globalization & IT. Management Nature scope and importance of Management, Functions of Management Scientific, Management, Introduction of CPM & PERT. Production and operations Management Locations and Layout of plant, Maintenance management. Quality assurance, Total quality management (TQM), ISO. 4. 5. Marketing management Marketing and its functions, distribution channels, salesmanship and advertising. Human resource management: Manpower planning recruitment, selection, Training performance appraisal Wage and salary administration. 6. 7. 8. 9. Financial Management, Nature, Scope objectives and functions of Financial Management. Work flow and organizational structure in a printing press. Cost Accounting: Cost concept, cost sheet, B.E.P.analysis,cost reduction and cost control. Depreciation - Introduction to different methodes and their comparison.

Section-B 10. Entrepreneurship Development Entrepreneurship: A Perspective: Recognition of the need for entrepreneurship and self-employment development, Entrepreneurship spirits, Significance of entrepreneur in Economic Development, Scope and trends of small enterprises, Small business/enterprise-the driving force for national growth, Types of small enterprises, Economic, social and psychological need for entrepreneurship, characterization, qualities and pre-requisites of entrepreneur, Selection of a potential entrepreneur, Identifying & Evaluating Business opportunities. 11. Quick Start Method Methods and Procedures to start and expand ones own business, life cycle of new business, Franchises, creating your own franchise, Multilevel marketing schemes, Buying an existing business. 12.Business Planning Process Why is a good business plan required? Business Plan-the major benefits, sub plan, Business plan-blue print to success and financing, Small manufactures business plan, Feasibility Study, Preparation of Feasibility Reports, Project Reports.

13.Forms of Ownership Different forms of ownership-sole proprietyship, partnership, joint stock company, Selling, Selling your venture, planning for succession, Valuation of a business, Responsibility of a good employer, Risk management, What risks does your business face? 14. Instructional Models Govt. support to new enterprise, incentives, sources of finance. Entrepreneurship Development Centre, Role of Govt. and promotional agencies in entrepreneurship development, Entrepreneurship development programmes, Role of various institutions in developing entrepreneurship in India. Recommended Books :1. T.A. Saifuddin Management aspects of printing industry by Nirmal Sadanadn Publishers, Mumbai, Ist edition. 2. G.G. Field- Printing Production Management by Graphic Arts Publishing, 1996. 3. Balaraman PMCA by Ramaya Features & publications, 1987. 4. Mendiratta B.D. Estimating & Costing by Print Trade Publications, 1999-2000. 5. Ruggles Printing Estimating Principles and Practices by Delmer Publication 1985. 6. Maintenance Engineering Handbook 7. Lindley R. Higging, Mc Graw Hill International Edition. 8. Operators Manually by GATF. 9. R.D. Aggarwal-Organisation and Management-Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Ltd., New Delhi 10. Entrepreneurship Development - Colombo Plan Staff College for Technician Education. 11. Entrepreneurship Development & Management - Jose Paul, N. Ajith Kumar. 12. Entrepreneurship Development Programmes & Practices - Jasmer Singh Saini.

(403) Printing Plant Layout & Machinery Maintenance

Note: The Examiners will set 10 questions, taking 5 from each Section. The students are required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least 2 from each section. All questions will carry equal marks. Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 100 ( 25+75) Section A
Plant layout Site Selection: Strategic issues of location. The supply-distribution system, Dynamic nature of plant location, location strategy factors influencing choice of location. State regulations on location. Backward areas and Industrial policy. Govt. Policies for decentralization, Industrial estates, comparison of locations-urban v/s rural areas advantages, sub-urban area. Economic survey of site selection. Analytical approach. Plant Layout: Objectives of good plant layout, principles of plant layout, importance of plant layout, situations in which layout problem may arise, factors on plant layout, Methods of plant and factory layout-operation process chart, flow process chart, flow diagrams, string diagrams, machine data cards, templates three dimensional models, correlation chart, travel chart, load path matrix method. Introduction to Types of plant layout and suitable layouts for various printing industry. Plant layout procedure: Accumulate basic data, Analysis and coordinate basic data, decide the equipment and machinery required, Select material handling system, sketch plan of the plot for making factory building. Determine a general flow pattern, Design the individual workstation. Assemble the individual layout into the total layout calculate storage space required, Make flow diagrams In work stations and allocate them to areas on plot plan, Plan and locate service areas, make master layout. Check final layout. Factory Building (Press Building): Introduction, Advantages of a good factory building, Factors affecting the factory building - nature of manufacturing process-flexibility-expandability-service facilities-employee facilities-lighting-heatingventilating-air conditioning-appearance durable construction-security measures-noise control.

Machinery Maintenance 1. Drive and Control Systems Transmission systems such as AC and DC motors, belt, chain, gear, cranks, connecting rods, Paul and ratchet mechanisms, Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Electrical, Electronics and mechanical controls. 2. Erecting and Testing Equipment needed for erection - selection of location and environmental conditions erection procedure for various prepress printing and finishing equipments and machinery -loading and transport of raw materials and printed product with respect to layout design commissioning. 3. Repairs and Reconditioning

Principles of reconditioning -repair methods for various parts - Roller comprising and Re - rubberizing - ebonite covering damping and inking systems - paper transport systems and feeder head. 4. Cylinders, Bushes and Bearings Cylinder constructions - testing run out and taper - cylinder bearing supports - eccentric bushes - removal and fixing of bushes - changing of oil seals maintenance of bushes and bearings. 5. Maintenance procedures Need and importance of maintenance - Definition, types, Maintenance policies Maintenance organization Maintenance of pumps and compressor - Lubricants, their types and Characteristics, Lubricating methods - Central lubrication with return oil Manual lubricating Greases, oils, Greases, oils, grades - preventive maintenance, break down maintenance. 6 Identification & rectification of faults. Maintaining different types of Letterpress, Offset, Gravure & Flexo Machine.
Recommended Books :

Facility layout and location-Richard L.Francis, John A. White. Computer Aided Production Management - Mahapatra Production and Operations Management - Mchelmann Oakland, Lockyer Practical Plant Layout - Herold B.Maynard Industrial Engineering Management System- Dr. S. Dalela, Dr. Mansoor Ali Industrial Engineering & Management - O. P. Khanna Industrial Engineering and Production Management-M. Mahajan. Materials handling for Printer - A. John Geis, Paul L. Addy. Electrical Engg. By B.L. Thareja Part I & II Theory of Machines By Khurmi & Gupta S.Chand Publisher New Delhi

(404) Printing Substrates and Ink Technology

Note: The Examiners will set 10 questions, taking 5 from each Section. The students are required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least 2 from each section. All questions will carry equal marks. Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 100 ( 25+75)
Section- A Paper: Introduction, Paper fibers & pulps paper performance, strengths and durability, absorbency, dimensional stability. Fiber structure- cellulose, hemi celluloses and lignin, Paper manufacture - Stage1 - pulp preparation, mechanical pulp, refiner mechanical pulp, thermo mechanical pulp, chemical processessulfate or Kraft process, sulfite process, combined chemical & mechanical process. Bleaching: Stage 2stock preparation, non fibrous additives, fillers or loading. Stage 3- refining the pulp, pulp freeness, refiners, pulp cleaning. Paper manufacturing process paper making machine. Wet-end, Head box and slice. Fiber orientation. Angular flow. MD: CD ratio. Wire section. Forming wires. Press and drier sections. Calendaring and Finishing- Hard calendaring, soft nip calendaring, super calendaring, machine glazing, paper coatings. Performance requirements for pigment - coated papers and boards. Recycled paper: Introduction. recycling process, fiber preparation- screening, centrifugal cleaning, flotation, washing, deinking plant function, continuous drum pulper, prescreening and cleaning, primary flotation, cleaning, fine screening, thickening, dispersing, brightness control, washing, thickening and storage. Deinking chemistry. Bleaches - Hydrogen peroxide, Oxygen & Ozone bleaching, reductive bleaching agents, chelating agents, sodium silicate, catalase enzyme, agglomerating chemicals, surfactants. Biodegradation of surfactants, dispersants and the principles of washing. Choosing a suitable paper: Characteristics of paper. Printing process requirement. Paper varieties for printing. Printing defects associated with paper. Reel defects. Testing methods. Measurement and calculations: Paper sizes. Influence of moisture and RH on paper and boards. Paper storage Requirement. Methods. Variables affecting paper storage. Print quality achievable on different types of paper. Paper properties and printing problems-Introduction, printability, runnability. Surface and directional properties of paper & boardsubstance, caliper, bulk, compressibility, surface smoothness/roughness, air permeance, static and dynamic friction. Surface strength and internal bond strength - picking, fluffing, splitting. Strength properties - stiffness, folding endurance, bursting strength, tear resistance. Optical properties - gloss, brightness, whiteness, yellowness and tint indices, flurescence, opacity. Introduction to Non Paper substrates Surface preparation, plastics-properties. Metalized films - Aluminum foil, Foil laminations. Advantages, limitations. Future in Printing.

Section- B Printing Inks Introduction, solvent based inks, water based ink, ingredients in Ink- pigments- properties, types, carbon black, inorganic pigments, organic pigments, physical characteristics of organic pigments. Vehicles for liquid inks, vehicles for paste inks, UV curing vehicles. Additives - driers, extenders, anti oxidants, waxes. Oils- vegetable drying oils, semi drying oils, non drying oils. Drying mechanisms physical drying mechanisms, absorption drying, evaporation drying, chemical drying systems, oxidation polymerization drying, radiation drying and curing, microwave drying, infrared drying. Viscosity Newtonian flow, units of viscosity, viscosity & temperature, factors influencing viscosity, simple low viscosity inks, complex high viscosity inks. Ink requirements for printing processes offset, letterpress, flexography, gravure, screen printing. Optical properties of ink films, rehology and ink transfer requirements, ink distribution and transfer on the press, method for the direct measurement of ink setting on coated paper. Printing Ink manufacturing machines & equipments. Paste inks - single roll mill, twin roll mill, triple roll mill, ball mill, twin horizontal mixer, uni-roll mill, high speed stirrer milling. Liquid inks - ball mill, pearl mill, sand mill, bead mill, shot mill. Trends and developments in ink manufacturing process. Radiation curing Introduction, radiation curing inks, ink cure considerations, chemistry of uv curing-photo initiation, propagation, termination. Cationic curing, electron beam curing. Security Inks Range of security inks, special security features - fluorescence, phosphorescence, reflected by improved filters, magnetism, security printing inks for cheques-penetrating L/p inks, water fugetive inks, inks reacting with pen evadicators, red-ox reagents, inks reacting with solvents, invisible reactive inks, carbonizing inks. Security inks conformity tests and Q.C.tests-tests for chemical resistance, light fastness, rub resistance test, crumpling resistance test, grinding control, colour control, control of the rheological properties, control of drying time, control of various specific properties. Environmental considerations in security printing. Recommended Books :Printing materials science & technology - Bob Thompson-PIRA Advances in printing science & technology Vol.24 - J. Anthony Bristow Hand book of Print & Production - Micheal Barnard, John Peacock Introduction to Printing Technology - Hugh M.Speirs. SIGPA 1987

(405) Print Finishing

Note: The Examiners will set eight questions, taking two from each unit. The students are required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks. Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 100 ( 25+75)
UNIT-I Introduction: Bindery In The New Millennium, Latest Developments in Print Finishing. Organization and Workshop Layout. Importance Of Book Binding. Growths Factors In Print Finishing. Book Binding Tools- Forwarding Tools, Finishing Tools. Binding Room Equipments- Laying Press, Standing Press, Sewing Frame, Glue Pot, Board Cutting. Book Binders Materials & Quality Control. British Standard Paper Sizes. International Paper Sizes. Ra & Sra Sizes. Advantages Of Iso Paper Sizes. Board - Kinds Of Boards. Reinforcing Materials. Securing Materials, Covering Materials, Adhesives- Factors Governing The Choice Of Adhesives, Use Of Adhesives In Print Finishing, Effect Of Wet Adhesives. Theories Of Adhesives. Principles Of Adhesives. Solvent Based Adhesives, Water Based Adhesives, Pressure Sensitive Adhesives. Types Of Adhesives. Adhesion- Physical, Specific. Miscellaneous Material. UNIT-II Structure Of A Book: Physical Parts Of a Hard Bound Book. Operations Of Ideal full Cloth Binding Production-Pre- Forwarding Operations, Forwarding Operations, Finishing Operations. Jogging, Counting, Cutting, Slitting, Trimming. Folding Binders Aids, Characteristics Of Printed Sheet, Planning Imposition, Folding Schemes. Hand Folding- Folding To Paper, Folding To Print, Lump Folding, Puckering, Advantages & Limitations Of Hand Folding. Machine Folding Knife Principles, Buckle Principle, Combination Of Knife & Buckle. Folding & Machine Direction. Advancements & Developments On Folding Machine, Folding Machine Paper Feeders, Tips For Smoother Folding. Tipping - In/ Attachment Of Plates. Gathering - Single Sheet Gathering, Collating - Collating Marks. Insetting - Make Up Of Insetted Work. Inserting. UNIT-III Securing Methods: Wire Stitching - Saddle Stiching, Side Stiching, Stabbing. Thread Sewing - Letterpress Binding, & Stationery Binding. Saddle Sewing, Side/Flat Sewing, French Sewing, Sewing On Tapes, Sewing On Cords, Sewing Two Sections On, Whip Sewing, Stub-Binding. Adhesive Binding/Perfect Binding - Advantages. Quality Control In Adhesive Binding. Lay-Flat Adhesive Binding. Mechanical Binding Loose Leaf Binding - Traditional Styles Used. Spiral Binding. Wire O Binding, Plastic Comb Binding. Case Binding. -Stages In Sheet Fed, Stages In Reel Fed, Case Making, Stages in casing-in. Ring Binding - Inter Screw, Ring Metal - Types, Loose Leaf Ring Binding. Ring Shapes. Burst Binding, On Demand Booklet Binding. Preflight In The Bindery. Publishers Binding. Magazine Binding & Book Binding. End Papers: Purposes, Kinds of end Rapers, Quality of Paper Required for Pasting End Papers. Pressing, Gluing The Spine, Smashing the Spine, trimming the Book Edges, Rounding- Advantages, Rounding M/C. Backing - Backing M/C. Lining - Advantages. Head-Tail Bands, Caps, Book Marker. Method Of Attaching Head & Tail Bands. Covering Covering Styles. Pasting Down, Pressing, Inspection.


Finishing Processes: Cover Decoration & Other Processes. Print Finishing Operations - Embossing & Debossing, Blind Embossing, Gold Blocking /Foil Stamping. Die Printing. Thermography, Velvet Printing, Marbling, Varnishing, Graining, Laminating, Gumming, Gluing, Punching, Perforating, Drilling. Label Puching, Appliqu. Edge Decoration Requirement, Colouring The Edges, Marbling Edges, Edge Guilding. Round Corner Cutting. Numbering Folio Numbering, Double Numbering, Duplicate Numbering. Principle of Rotary Numbering. Skip Numbering, Automatic Numbering. Kindes of Indexes. Ruling - Principle Of Pen & Disk Ruling M.C. Ruling Terms. Banding & Lacing, Poly Bagging, Mailing, Creasing, Bundling, Tacketing. Ultra Violet Curing & Infra Red Curing. Binding & Finishing Machines: Study Of Various Modern Machines. Modern Guillotines - Single Knife Guillotines. Three Knife Trimmers. Knife Grinding M/C. Gold Blocking/Foil Stamping M/C. Wire Stitching M/C. Straw Board Cutter. Laminating M/C Small Laminating M/C. Pouch Laminating M/C. Tunnel Laminating M/C. Tipping M/C. Smashing M/C. Back Gluing M/C. Roller Gliding M/C. Inline Rounding M/C. Lining M/C. Modern Lining M/C. Cloth Cutting M/C. Foil Blocking M/C. Rotary Blocking M/ C. Casing In M/C. Case Making M/C. Box Waste Disposal Process. Box & Carton Manufacturing Process. Adhesive binding machine.

Recommended Books :Binding And Finishing - Ralph Lyman Binding And Finishing Part-1 - B.D.Mendiratta Binding Finishing Mailing - T.J.Tedesco Introduction to Printing & Finishing - Hugh Speirs Finishing Process in Printing - A.G.Martin.



Digital Printing
Note: The Examiners will set eight questions, taking two from each unit. The students are required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks. Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 100 ( 25+75)
UNIT-I Digital Documents Introduction to Digital Printing fundamentals Pixel image, Digital image, Digitazation, Half toning colour reproduction, colour jumbs, resolution andits qualities. AC quiring Scanning of different original, Selection of technology of Programme. Transfer of Digital Photographs. Documentation Image file formats TIFF, EPS JPEG files text files and past discription languags.

Digital Printing Processes Silver faldire, Phernal, INkjet, elictrostatic processes. Rendering Typeline Art and images. Colour management Introduction and future, Characterizing input and output device use of CIELAB, CMS Market & Applications: Introduction. Defining On demand. Defining Digital Printing. Defining variable printing. Typical lengths. Shortrun process colour printing. On demand printing & Publishing concepts. Future on-demand. Market research Where are pages created. Number of originals and run length. New technologies shift existing methods. Economics of on demand printing - Economics of long run. Advantage for the buyer. Efficiencies of Digital on demand work flow. Shortrun pricing paradox. UNIT-III Database Marketings Role: Customizing traditional print. Customized on-demand print. The future. Other forces of change Interactivity advantage. Online interactivity advantage. Interactive TV. Demographics. Advantages of search & Retrival. Alternative media-CD-ROMs. Manufacturing costs-Paper mailing. Alternative media-online. Commercial online services. Commercial applications - Just in time. Appropriate applications for on demand & DP. Advertising. Author reprints. On demand products. In-appropriate applications. Marketing and Selling On-Demand Services - TV programming and ATM cards. Value added. Advantages of on demand.Selling factors. Accepting digital files - File transfer for on-demand. UNIT-IV Networking: Networks for printing. Networks for publishing. Networks for Inhouse. Ideal Network. WAN (Wide Area Net works). Flexibility. Changing Markets for Print. Market projections, Projection of changes in the no.of colors. Moving towards shorter runs. Recommended Books : Digital Printing On Demand Printing - Howard M. Fenten, Frank J. Romano



COSTING AND ESTIMATING Note: The Examiners will set eight questions, taking two from each unit. The students are required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks. Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 100 ( 25+75)
UNIT-I Printing Company Organization: Printing management, principles, functions, Organizational criteria, Skills requirements, Types of business, Printing company management structures, Management team responsibilities, Business plan, Management styles, Management decisions, Communications, Print market ing and sales - marketing, sales. UNIT-II Human Resource Management Concepts: HRM for printing, employment policy, evaluation of skills requirements for printing occupations, recruitment, job evaluation, staff appraisal, motivation training, human resources factors that limit productivity, staff flexibility. Manning and training requirements, States of industry, Analysis and development of human resources strategy. Management personal skills and development, job satisfaction through involvement. UNIT-III Estimating: Purpose and functions of estimating from printer point of view & customers point of view. Difference between costing & estimating. Qualifications of an estimator, working environment, estimators tools, estimating paper selection of paper, allowance for waste, allowance for trimming, weight of loose sheets, weight of a reel of paper. Estimating Ink - Ink consumption formula, Ink allowance for spoilage. Estimating binding materials - Board requirement, estimating covering materials, estimating sewing thread, estimating stitching wire, estimating adhesives. Terms and conditions-approved by AIFMD. Estimate Form and Computer Aided Estimating. UNIT-IV Costing: Job costing, its need and procedures. Elements of cost and their method of recovery. Cost sheet. Daily Docket. Work Instruction Ticket and their importance in costing.

Recommended Books :
Principles of Accounting - B. S. Raman Fundamentals of Financial Management - Prasanna Chandra. Cost Accounting - B. R. Bhar Print Management - Derek Porter Printers Costing & Estimating - B. D. Mendiratta Management Aspect of Printing Industry - T. A. Saifuddin. Estimating Methods and Cost Analysis for Printers - K. S. Venkataraman, K. S. Balaraman. Printing Estimating Principle & Practice - Philip Kent Ruggles Print Production Management - Gray G. Field Principles of Applied Costing for Printing Industry - K. S. Venkataraman.


(408) Quality Control in Printing and Packaging

Note: The Examiners will set eight questions, taking two from each unit. The students are required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks. Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 100 ( 25+75)

UNIT-I Introduction Definition of Quality, Quality control, its meaning and purpose setting up a Quality Control Programme, and establishng necessary System and procedures, economic consideration. UNIT-II . Management Consideration Quality Control as an attitude and management tool, managment's responsibility, organization and personnel functions, getting everybody involved. Total Quality Control. Quality Control procedures and methods. Different shapes of quality control. UNIT-III . Materials Control Establishing clear specifications and standardization of materials to be purchased - particularly paper, ink, plates, blankets and rollers, Inspection and testing of incoming materials as part of quality control; importance of proper handling and maintaining records of performance of materials Sampling and sampling plans. Establishing Quality control programme in different departments of Printing organization. UNIT-IV Quality Control Instrumentation Paper and paper board testing instruments for testing printability, print quality and end-use requirements, Ink testing instruemtns for testing optical and working properties and end-use requirements Process control instruments, devices and aids used in the galley and dark-room, striping department, plateroom and press room for specific processes and for general purposes Press sheet control devices used for production of multicolour printing jobs Basic principles of these instruments and devices how they function and what they measure, minimum instrumentation necessary to produce a product consistent with the appropriate quality level. 6. Introduction to ISO:9000 and ISO:14000 series. Recommended Books: 1. W.H. Banks, Inks, Plates and Print Quality, Pergamon Press 2. Quality Control for quality printing, Graphic Arts, Technical Foundations.



Note: The Examiners will set eight questions, taking two from each unit. The students are required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks. Time : 3 hours UNIT-I Modern Trend in Printing 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Digital offset Colour Printing Security Printing Laser using in Pre-Press Printing on un-even surfaces. Bar-coding Facsimile printing UNIT-II Pre-Press Techniques 1) Image setter Technology-Type, Working, Principal, Advantages, Limitation & applications 2) Scanner-Types, Techniques, Advantages, Limitation & applications 3) CTP MachinesType, Working, Principal, Advantages, Limitation & applications. 4) Proofing Techniques and devices UNIT-III Print job planning and Stock control 1) Study of job and its work flow. 2) Choosing stable technique/device and material. 3) Maximum utility of equipment and manpower by alternative scheme. 4) Procurement material for printing. 5) Store-keeping, Purchase, Size and variety of stock, stock room conditions 6) keeping record monitoring stock. UNIT-IV Print Industry in India and Abroad 1) Commercial Jobs in Printing: Pamphlets, Folders, Danglors, Brouchers, Business cards, Prospectus. 2) Use of Computer in Production Planning. Max. Marks: 100 ( 25+75)

References Books: 1) Operator manual GATF 2) Colour scanning and imaging systems-Gary field, GATF 3) Production Planning and inventory control-Seetharama L.Narasimhan, Dennis W.Mcleavey, Peter J.Villington 4) Production Planning ,Control and management-K.C.Jain, L.N. Aggarwal



Note: The Examiners will set eight questions, taking two from each unit. The students are required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks. Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 100 ( 25+75) unit-I
Overview of : Computer Graphics, Interactive graphics, passive graphics. Advantages of interactive graphics. Display Devices : Refresh CRT, Random-Scan and Rester-Scan Monitor, Color CRT Monitors, DVST, PrasmaPenel Displays, LED and LCD monitors. Hard copy devices. Scan conversion : Scan Converting a point, line, circle, ellipse and arcs. 2-D graphics transformations (Rotations, Scaling, Translations, Reflecting, Shearing) Composition of 2-D transformation, 2-D viewing and clipping, Windowing concepts, clipping algorithms (Line, Area and TextSutherland-Cohen, Mid-point subdivision), Window-to-view port transformation, Primitive and attributes. Exterior and Interior clipping.

Document Processing Language Programming for processing in Post Script LanguageDetail study about vector graphics and Bit Map images, life size and image compression. Linking objects to URLs for internet webpages. Portable document format, print document format, PDF workflow systems, print job ticket format (PJTF). Raster image processing, linking, electronic dot generator.

Graphic text formats: GIF Graphic Image Format, TIFF Tagged information file format, JPEG- Joint Photographer Experts Group, BMP Bitmaps, EPS Encapsulated Post-script Format, PICT picture, RTF Rich Text Format, DOC Document format, WPG Word Perfect Graphic, Txt Text formats, MS Word. OPI servers, file server & networks, digital file export

Font Management Interactive graphics: Concept of Positioning and Pointing. Interactive Graphic Devices (Key Boards, Touch Panels, Light Pens, Graphic Tablets, Joysticks, Mouse-Voice System) Interactive Graphical Techniques: Basic Positioning Methods, Constraints, Gride, Gravity field, Rubber-Bank Methods, Sketching, Dragging, Inking and Painting. Computer Graphic Software : Introduction, GKS (Primitive, attributes and Viewport, Display subroutines) Introduction to 3-D Graphics Publishing software: PageMaker, CorelDraw etc. References: 1.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Roy, A. Plastock, Gordon Kalley, Computer Graphics (Schams Series) McGraw Hill.
Donald Hearn, M. Pauline Baker, Computer Graphics, Prentice Hall of India. Foley, VanDam, Fiener, Hughes, Computer Graphics, Addison Wesley. Harrington, Steven, Computer Graphics A Programming Approach, McGraw Hill. Dovid F. Rogers; Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics, McGraw Hill. Newman, W. Sproul, R.F., Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics, McGraw Hill. PDF : Printing & Workflow, Frank J. Romano, GATF Publication


806(C) Advanced Packaging Technology Note: The Examiners will set eight questions, taking two from each unit. The students are required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks. Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 100 ( 25+75)
Unit-I Packaging of Food Products (a) Agriculture produce (b) Processed and dehydrated food (c) Milk and Milk Products (d) Meat and poultry products (e) Marine products-Shrimps (f) Spices Unit-II Packaging of other specific items (a) Pharmaceuticals (b) Tea (c) Cosmetics and perfumery (d) Soaps, detergents and shampoos (e) Chemicals and fertilizers (f) Petroleum products (g) Pesticides (h) Light engineering goods and domestic appliances (i) Heavy machinery and equipments (j) Textiles and garments (k) handicrafts Unit-III Method of storage (a) Cold storage, and deep freezing method of storage, their design and usage (b) Irradiation, preservation of perishables and semi perishables Unit-IV (a) For packaging material- physical, physico-chemical properties, registance to light, insect and mould (b) For packaged goods- Unit package : compatibility studies, shelflife studies-with reference to flexible, rigid packs, different types of seals, closured etc. Bulk packages-Evaluation of transport worthiness of filled packages-physical and climatic hazards.



Max. Marks: 75 (25+50) LIST OF EXPERIMENTS

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Study of various Gravure printing machine configurations. Study of various components of a Gravure printing machine. Pre-make ready in Gravure Printing Process. Plate preparation/ Cylinder preparation. Make-ready in Gravure Printing Process. Study of feeding unit of a Sheet-fed/ Web-fed Gravure printing machine. Single and Multi colour printing by using Grauvre Printing Process. Printing on different substrates by using Grauvre Printing Process. Study of delivery unit of a Sheet-fed/ Web-fed Gravure printing machine. Cylinder setting in a Gravure printing machine. Check the practical problems in a Gravure printing process.



Max. Marks: 75 (25+50) LIST OF EXPERIMENTS

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Various samples of Paper and their study. Different samples of Inks and their study. Lightfastness test. Machine Direction and Cross Direction of paper. Effect of Humidity and Temperature on paper. Ink tackiness Test. Printed samples of different printing processes and their study. Ink Viscosity Test. Introduction to various chemicals used in printing. Conusmables and miscellanous used in printing.



Max. Marks: 75 (25+50) LIST OF EXPERIMENTS

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Preparation of Quarter, Half and Full bound bound books using, French sewing method / Tape sewing method / Cord sewing method / Saddle sewing method / Side sewing meth Preparation of Writing board. Preparation of Receipt books with numbers in duplicate Preparation of following type of Mechanical binding - Spiral wire binding, Wire O binding, Ring binding. Preparation of files of following designs - Loose leaf file - single piece, Loose leaf file - Two piece tab binder, Loose leaf guard file - Boards joined with spine strip, Court case file, Portfolio Closed file to keep confidential loose sheets. Preparation of these types of End papers - Single End paper, Double or Inserted End paper, Made end paper, Cloth joint end paper, Zig Zag end paper, Cloth joint Zig Zag end paper. Preparation of telephone directory with Indexes and Tabs. Study of various controls, operations and mechanisms of the following machines: Folding machine, Guillotine machine, Cutter and Creaser, Varnishing machine, Laminating machine, Sewing & Stitching machine, Miscellaneous machine. Binding of case bound, publishers binding. Book-emphasis will be given on decoration. Print finishing operation to be conducted - Gold blocking, Embossing, Edge decoration, Thermography, Marbling, Velvet printing, Rubber printing, Die printing, Pouch lamination. Repairing of old books. 12. Study of Pen ruling, Disk ruling, UV curing processes. (413) QUALITY CONTROL LAB.

6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11.

Max. Marks: 75 (25+50) LIST OF EXPERIMENTS

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Paper testing checking grain direction. Tensile strength of paper, burst strength of paper. Substance, caliper, porosity test, cobb sizing value test. Tearing testing of paper, brightness test of paper. Operating test, gloss test, lighting color filter sensor. G.S.M.testing, folding endurance. Moisture contents test, ash contents test. Hot air oven tester, absorbing test. Pick strength, humidity control test, room temp testing. Ink film thickness test. Investigation of pigment properties. Investigation of solvent properties. Measurement of visocity, tack measurement. Test a printed sheet - proof printing and measurement of colour using spectro photometer, resistance testing of prints. Measurement of ink film thickness



Max. Marks: 50
Dissertation will consist the study of development/ modification/ improvement in Process or Equipment in Printing and Allied fields.



Note: The Examiners will set eight questionsThe students are required to attempt any five questions. All questions will carry equal marks.

Time : 3 hours Unit I : The Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies Definition, scope and importance. Need for public awareness.

Max. Marks: 75 ( 25+75)

Unit II : Natural Resources Renewable and non-renewable resources : Natural resources and associated problems. a) Forest resources : Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, case studies. Timber extraction, mining, dams and their effects on forests and tribal people. b) Water resources : Use and over-utilization of surface and ground water, floods, drought, conflicts over water, dams-benefits and problems. c) Mineral resources : Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and mineral resources, case studies. d) Food resources : World food problems, changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing, effects of modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water logging, salinity, case studies. e) Energy resources : Growing energy needs, renewable and non-renewable energy sources, use of alternate energy sources. Case studies. f) Land resources : Land as a resource, land degradation, man induced landslides, soil erosion and desertification. Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources. Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles. Unit III Ecosystems Concept of an ecosystem. Structure and function of an ecosystem. Producers, consumers and decomposers. Energy flow in the ecosystem. Ecological succession. Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids. Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and function of the following ecosystem : a) Forest ecosystem b) Grassland ecosystem c) Desert ecosystem d) Aquatic ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries). Unit : IV Biodiversity and its conservation Introduction Definition : genetic, species and ecosystem diversity. Biogeographical classification of India. Value of biodiversity : consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic and option values. Biodiversity at global, National and local levels. India as a mega-diversity nation. Hot-spots of biodiversity. Threats to biodiversity : habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man-wildlife conflicts. Endangered and endemic species of India.


Conservation of biodiversity : in-situ and ex-situ conservation of biodiversity.

Unit 5 : Environmental Pollution Definition Causes, effects and control measures of : a) Air pollution b) Water pollution c) Soil pollution d) Marine pollution e) Noise pollution f) Thermal pollution g) Nuclear hazards Solid waste Management : Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes. Role of an individual in prevention of pollution. Pollution case studies. Disaster management : floods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides. Unit 6 : Social Issues and the Environment From Unsustainable to Sustainable development Urban problems related to energy Water conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed management Resettlement and rehabilitation of people; its problems and concerns. Case studies. Environmental ethics : Issues and possible solutions. Climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents and holocaust. Case studies. Wasteland reclamation. Consumerism and waste products. Environment Protection Act. Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act. Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act Wildlife Protection Act Forest Conservation Act Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation Public awareness. Unit 7 : Human Population and the Environment Population growth, variation among nations Population explosion Family Welfare Programme Environment and human health. Human Rights. Value Education. HIV/AIDS Women and Child Welfare. Role of Information Technology in Environment and human health. Case Studies. Unit 8 : Field Work Visit to a local area to document environmental assets-river / forest / grassland / hill / mountain. Visit to a local polluted site Urban / Rural / Industrial / Agricultural. Study of common plants, insects, birds. Study of simple ecosystems pond, river, hill slopes, etc.


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