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1.0 PROJECT INFORMATION..................................................................................................................4
1.1 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................4
1.2 CONTRACT INFORMATION..............................................................................................................4
1.3 SCOPE OF WORKS............................................................................................................................5
2.0 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITY............................................................................................................5
3.0 GENERAL ORGANIZATIONAL CHART................................................................................................6
3.1 PROJECT TEAM RESPONSIBILITIES...................................................................................................8
3.1.1 Project Director........................................................................................................................8
3.1.2 Project Manager.......................................................................................................................8
3.1.3 Construction Manager / Site Manager / Site Agent..................................................................8
3.1.4 Project Engineer.......................................................................................................................8
3.1.5 Health and Safety Officer/Supervisor.......................................................................................9
3.1.6 Quality Assurance Manager......................................................................................................9
4.0 SAFETY CONTROL...........................................................................................................................10
4.1 Toolbox Talk...............................................................................................................................10
4.2 Safety Inspections and audit......................................................................................................10
4.3 Work Permit System..................................................................................................................10
4.4 Accident and Incident................................................................................................................11
4.5 Safe Working Practices..............................................................................................................12
4.5.1 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).....................................................................................12
4.5.2 Material, Storage & Handling.................................................................................................12
4.5.3 Plant, Tools and Equipment....................................................................................................13
4.6 Manpower and machineries on site..........................................................................................14
4.6.1 List of Machineries..................................................................................................................14
4.7 Construction Material................................................................................................................14
4.7.1 Introduction on Selecting and Testing of Construction Materials...........................................14
4.7.2 Flowchart step........................................................................................................................15
4.8 Inspection and test plan............................................................................................................17
4.8.1 Inspection and Testing Plan Flowchart...................................................................................18
4.8.2 Non-Conforming works and actions to be taken....................................................................19
4.8.3 Flowchart for Non-Compliance/Conforming Report..........................................................20
5.0 HEALTH..........................................................................................................................................21
5.1 Medical and First Aid.................................................................................................................21


5.2 Drinking Water, Welfare and Sanitation....................................................................................21

6.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY..............................................................................................................22
6.1 Environmental Protection and Waste Management.................................................................22




Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) is a document created by project team and a critical part of any
project, as it enables to agree a set of quality targets with the client. This is to ensure that the
project is well executed with the highest level of quality and efficiency

The objective of this Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) is to facilitate the Quality Control and
implementation system is drawn up to ensure that the materials used, and the works carried out for
this project are in accordance with the specification and to established good engineering practice.

Implementation of Quality Assurance Plan through the quality parameters and guidelines, for both
technical inspection and quality control testing for each item of works is to preclude the
incorporation of faulty or substandard materials in the works, and to enable unsatisfactory
workmanship to be detected and rectified. Therefore, this shall fulfil the objective of Quality
Assurance Plan.


Client :

Main Contractor :

Original Contract Sum :

Site Possession Date :

Original Completion Date :

Construction Period :



The works for this project comprises all as shown in drawings, and/or specification and any other
drawings and documents which may be issued from time to time during the course of the contract.
The Works including but not limited to construction and completion of the followings: -

a) Clearing and reinstatement works

b) Earthworks – cutting, filling, trimming and compacting

c) Construction of RC cross over, 1.8m wide concrete footpath and 900mm height G.I handrail

d) Roadwork – prepare formation to receive new road pavement


Management accepts the responsibility for impressing upon all employees that safety
Injury prevention have a high priority at our company and that all rules and policies will be

 Provides leadership and guidance to each workers on site.

 Periodically reviews the safety records and reporting functions.
 Promotes and attends safety functionalities.
 Maintains open lines of communication between employer and employees relatively
to the free exchange of safety suggestions and information.
 Monitors the follow‐up on recommendations made to improve performance and
prevent accidents.





Consultant Team Contractor

Supervision Team
Resident Engineer Project Director
& C.O.W

Project Manager

Site Execution HSE QA/QC







3.1.1 Project Director

 Represent the Contractor’s interests in all aspects in the execution of the
 Ensure the successful execution of the overall project.
 Ensure that the Client’s requirements are completely satisfied in terms of
quality, safety, schedule and performance in accordance with the

3.1.2 Project Manager

 Appointed by the Project Director and is authorized to decide and take all
necessary actions to ensure speedy, effective and economical completion
of the project.
 Responsible for overall execution and management of the project.
 Review plan on time frame, funding limitations, staffing requirements and
needs, management of resources and assign duties, responsibilities and
scope of authority to the project staff.
 Raises contractual matters where relevant.
 Ensures contractual obligations are met.

3.1.3 Construction Manager / Site Manager / Site Agent

 Responsible to the Project Manager for all construction activities on the
 Monitoring the performance of workers and Sub Contract personnel.
 The preparation and issues of construction plans for overall construction.

3.1.4 Project Engineer

 Develop and implement plans on time frame and allotment of resources to
various phases of the project.
 Monitor and coordinates day to day activities of the project to ensure goals
or objectives are accomplished within the prescribed time frame and
funding parameters.
 Compiles data and prepares monthly progress report.
 Monitors the site conditions in relation to traffic, impact on neighbours,
structural safety drainage and other temporary site measures and facilities.


3.1.5 Health and Safety Officer/Supervisor

 Monitors the Safety and Environmental Protection Management System to
ensure compliance with relevant acts.
 Liaises with the Department of Safety and Health DOSH), JKKP and other
relevant government authorities on safety issues.
 Compiles safety procedures and safety plans.
 Prepare the roster for 24 hour works including an Emergency Respond
 Hold safety discussions with all personnel involved in the project.
 Organize and implements training sessions, first aid sessions, tool box talk,
employee induction and safety briefing for new employees on a regular
 Making sure all workers are registered with relevant government bodies.
 Work with the nominated Safety Personnel for each Sub-Contractor.
 Reviews Sub-Contractors method statement of safety.
 Checks on the validity of PMA certificates of cranes and other lifting
 Checks and verifies erected scaffoldings and temporary works propping.
 Monitors environmental issues relating to noise, pollution and health.
 Monitors the traffic behaviour and public complaints.
 Monitors the security of the site.

3.1.6 Quality Assurance Manager

 Report to the Project Director.
 The preparation, updating, amendments and issuance of the Quality
Assurance Plan.
 Ensure that the Client’s requirements are completely satisfied in terms of
quality, safety, schedule and performance in accordance with the contract.
 To review and approve Work Procedure and Instructions.
 To hold QA/QC Meetings with the Project Team.
 Monitor the status of implementation of the Quality Assurance Plan.
 Monitor the implementation of Project Procedures.
 Review QA/QC concerns of the work process and make recommendations
for improvements.
 Assigning and responsibilities to the Quality Control Officer and Site
Inspectors and monitoring their performance in the execution of their



4.1 Toolbox Talk

Tool box talk will be conducted periodically in a group of workers of by respective
SM/SE/SO’s for specific work as required to reach the required level of competencies.
During this meeting the hazards involved in the activity and preventive measures will be
highlighted. All topics in connection with site activities will be covered in the meeting to
create awareness among the workers regarding safe practices. It will be done as per
job/specific site requirement.

4.2 Safety Inspections and audit

In order to monitor effective implementation of HSE requirements at site the
following periodic inspections, audits and review shall be carried out:

 Daily site inspection

Inspections of site shall be carried out regularly, prior to the commencement of daily activit
while executing a new activity or during any time of the day by the site engineers/
safety officers and all other site management personnel. The high potential HSE deficiencies
shall be recorded and forwarded to the cm for immediate action.

 Site Safety Audit Procedure

Safety audit is a detailed and organized process. It could be time consuming and requires
money but it is more beneficial at the long run. It also helps improve the overall health and
safety performance and safety culture.

4.3 Work Permit System

Required work permit shall be obtained for specific work as required in the document of
client. Concerned employees at site will be made aware regarding the basic acquirement of
the work permit system. The permit shall be kept at work site during the execution of work.
The following are the permits, which shall be obtained as per the standard rules and job

 Hot Work Permit

A hot work permit is required to carry out any work involving the use of a local source of
ignition capable of igniting flammable of gases, liquids or any other materials in a restricted
hazardous area. Example: Welding, burning, grinding, blasting, soldering, open fire,
opening up of electrical equipment in gaseous area

 Height work permit

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Height work permit is required to work at the height above 1.8 meters.

 Electrical Permit
An electrical permit is required for any work on energized electrical system

 Excavation Permit
Within the restricted area excavation authorization is required for all excavations regardless
of depth. In addition to that other appropriate work permits shall be obtained prior to start
of excavation.

4.4 Accident and Incident

 All accidents causing injury and/or property damage will be thoroughly
investigated by the Supervisor and SM/SE/SO or of the work place of the property
damage, with the assistance of the Contractors SM/SE/SO and report on the
standard accident investigation forms.” Near misses" will also be investigated and
reported on the same form.
 The main purpose of these investigations and reports is to determine the underlying
causes of the accident or near‐miss and to provide for corrective measures in order
to avoid recurrence as well as occurrence of a similar incident elsewhere on the
project site. An additional purpose is to determine the responsibility for the
incident and disciplinary measure to be taken if required.

The procedure:
 Injured person or the first‐aider to report accident to Safety personnel giving all
relevant details.
 Safety personnel to enter the detail in the accident book taking care to ascertain
exactly what occurred.
 Injuries which require the first aider to refer the injured person to hospital or to their
doctor should be immediately notified to the Safety Supervisor on site and notified
to the company office by telephone.
 In such cases the Safety Supervisor, accompanied by a representative of the
employees, must investigate all the circumstances of how the injury was sustained
and a company accident investigation report completed.
 The findings of the investigation will be examined by the Safety Manager and the
chief executive with the objective of identifying measures to avoid a repetition.
 These control measures will be introduced after consultation by the Safety Manager
on site.
 Injuries or incidents at work leading to ill health which result in an absence from
work of more than 3 days must be notified to the Health and Safety Executive
 Injuries or incidents leading to ill health which are more serious than those
mentioned above (including injuries leading to death) must be notified to the Safety

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Department immediately by the quickest possible means (i.e. by telephone). This call
must be followed by a written report within seven days.
 The accident location should be barricaded off pending an investigation into the
circumstances of the incident, which led to the injuries. This investigation should
include statements from all witnesses and any plant or equipment involved in the
incident should not be touched nor moved until the investigation has been
 The investigators will discuss their findings with the chief executive to identify
measures needed to avoid a repetition. These measures will be introduced as soon
as possible after consultation with the construction workers

4.5 Safe Working Practices

A Safe working practices should be followed by all employees and site staff, SM/SE/SO shall
strictly observe the safe working procedures detailed below. A job safety analysis (JSA) shall
be made of each (major) method of (construction) procedure prior to commence its
operation activity in order to arrive at the safe working procedure. Such JSA may be
incorporated into the Work Method Statement.

4.5.1 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

 All employees shall wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at the project SITE,
except inside offices, rest‐room and accommodation buildings.
 Shall arrange appropriate Personal Protection Equipment for their individual
employees that include helmets, safety shoes, and safety belts with full body
harness (For height Job) as minimum. All other PPE’s like goggle, ear plug, hand
gloves etc. shall be provided as per specific job requirement.
 Head protection (Safety helmet) and foot protection (safety shoes/gum boots) shall
be worn by all the employees while working at SITE. Safety belt with full body
harness shall be used while working at height >1.8 m. Safety belt shall be anchored
at shoulder or above height.

4.5.2 Material, Storage & Handling

 All materials should be maintained in neat stockpiles with well‐laid aisles and
walkways for ease of access and retrieval. There shall not be any projections in the
 Do not store wet or oily materials and materials like jute, cotton gunny bags etc.
together. They can ignite spontaneously.
 Store chemicals and other goods in stable racks, properly labelled. Mutually reactive
chemicals should be kept away from each other. Display procedures to be followed
in the event of spillage / leakage.
 Goods at high temperatures must be arranged so as to allow safe cooling and should
not come in contact with combustible material.
 Tools, which are returned back after use, must be kept at the earlier marked place.
 Storage place should have proper ventilation.

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 Drip trays should be provided at all drum‐filling locations, including diesel,

petrol and oil filling points.
 Electrical switchboards should be properly secured. No other work such as repair of
machinery, testing of grinding machine should be done at site‐ store.

4.5.3 Plant, Tools and Equipment

Hand Tools
Accidents arising out of hand tools can be attributed to any of the following reasons:
 Using the wrong tools
 Using the tools which are in poor condition
 Using the tool in a wrong way or ignorance on part of user of particular tools

If the above three conditions are taken care of, we can eliminate all the hand tool

 Using the wrong tools.

- The weight, size and type of tool should be selected to suit the job being carried out. Using
pliers or wrenches as hammer, using screw drivers as chisels, using screw spanners in
place of ring spanners, using pipe wrenches as spanners are a few examples of using wrong

 Using the tools which are in poor condition

- Tools provided with wooden handle should always be used with the handles intact. The
handles should be tightened with wedges whenever necessary. Split or broken handles
should be replaced immediately. Pipes or rods shall not be used as handles.
- Sharp tools improve accuracy and are safer than dull tools. Accumulated dirt or grease
should be wiped off immediately to avoid slippage. Shovel and pick handles should be free
from splinters, splints and cracks. Insulated and non‐conducting tools should be tested
frequently for their electrical resistance. Mushroomed chisel is a serious source of hazard.

 Using the tool in a wrong way or ignorance on part of user of particular tools
- Wrench should always be placed on nuts with jaw opening facing the direction in which the wrench
is to be rotated. Wrench should not be pushed but be pulled.
- Chisels should be held with steady but relaxed grip. Chisels being stuck by others should be held by
tongs or other holding devices. Always chip away from yourself and protect others by screening.
Use goggles while chipping. While using screwdriver, the object should not be held in hand or
- Blades of hack saw should always point forward and the entire length of the blade should be used in
the forward cutting stroke. The stroke should be steady and firm to avoid jumping of blade.

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4.6 Manpower and machineries on site

Table 1 List of manpower

No Manpower
1 Surveyor
2 Carpenters
3 Concreters
4 Steelbender
5 General Worker / Chainman
6 Machinery Operator

4.6.1 List of Machineries

Table 2 List of machineries

No. Machinery Tasks

1 Excavator Site clearing, earthwork
2 Bulldozer Earthmoving, demolition
3 Dump Trucks To remove and transport unsuitable material to designated
dumping ground
5 Lorry To transfer material from one point to another
6 Motor grader Create a flat surface during the grading process
7 Paver Distribute, shape, and partially compact a layer of asphalt
on the surface of a roadway
8 Compactor/Roller Compacting backfill, compacting crushed rock and
creating a level grade
9 Piling rig Drive a pile into the ground

4.7 Construction Material

4.7.1 Introduction on Selecting and Testing of Construction Materials

All material proposed for used in the permanent works shall be approved by Engineer.
Relevant tests shall be witnessed by S.O. to ascertain the sustainability of same for use in the
permanent works.
All test results shall be recorded in the standardized forms relevant to the project. Any test
that cannot be executed at the Site Laboratory shall be tested at an outside accredited

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laboratory or by specialist sub-contractor for the works. In such a situation the test reporting
shall be as per their formats and shall be accepted by the S.O.

4.7.2 Flowchart step

Obtain approval for specified Obtain approval for Alternatives /

material and equipment Equipment material and equipment

Contractor to propose Alternatives /

Equivalent material and equipment to
client’s consultant

Contractor to provide presentation for the

proposed Alternatives / Equivalent material
and equipment

No Approval Status
(Client’s Consultant)


Alternatives / Equivalent material and

equipment approved

Filing up technical submittal form for material and

equipment approval (Contractor’s QA/QC

Submission of samples / catalogues together with

technical submittal form for approval (Contractor
QA/QC representative)

Client’s consultant

Approval Status
Resubmit (Client’s Consultant)


 Sample material / equipment approved

 Endorsement of technical submittal forms by
15 | P a g e client’s consultants

QA/QC Material / Equipment approval record

(Contractor’s QA/QC Representative)

Request Inspection /

Client's / RO's

Technical Support Quality Control Testing

Earthworks: Excavation and

M anufactured M aterials
embankment fill, (Including
e.g Concrete pipe, precast Asphaltic Concrete &
Road Base / Sub Base any backfill), subgrade, Concrete
piles, steel bar, bituminous Bituminous surface dressing
shoulder & slope

Testing of
Testing of
Testing & certification aggregate/additives,
aggregates/mineral, filler, job Laboratory test for Test for selection of
from acceptable testing mix design process &
mix design & subsequent lab selection materials materials
facility manufactures testing of specimen,

M eet Specification /


To proceed

Figure 7 Construction Material selection and test flow

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4.8 Inspection and test plan

All equipment and materials arrive at site shall be inspected or otherwise verified as conforming to
specified requirement. Verification shall be accordance with documented procedures.

It is needed to describe how inspections and acceptance testing of instruments, equipment, and
their components affecting quality will be performed and documented. Inspections and tests shall be
performed accordance with quality plans, specification requirement, site inspection and test plans
and checklists to ensure the material and manufactured items supplied are constructed and installed
in accordance with specified requirements.

Moreover, it is needed to describe how deficiencies are to be resolved, when re-inspection will be
performed, and how the effectiveness of the corrective action shall be determined and documented.
There are needed to identify all tools, gauges, instruments, and other sampling, measuring, and test
equipment used for data generation or collection activities affecting quality that must be controlled
and calibrated. The relevant test and inspection data or reports shall be submitted.

Inspection and test reports shall be compiled at all stages and distributed in accordance with a
Project Distribution Plan to ensure that the Project Management Team is fully informed.

For works that require approval from the S.O, a joint inspection shall be carried out together with
the representatives of the S.O.

At all stages of the inspection, testing and commissioning process, records shall be established and
maintained to give clear evidence that equipment and materials have passed inspection and/or
tested in accordance with the defined acceptance criteria.

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4.8.1 Inspection and Testing Plan Flowchart

QA/QC Officer (Contractor)

 Provides QA/QC guideline and requirement

 Delegates tasks to site QA/QC team
 Monitors the site quality control system
 Generates QA/QC control documentation
 Periodic audit on site QA/QC team

Infrastructural Works Structural Works M&E Work Architectural Work

Client’s Log Book Registration

 Contractor’s QA/QC representative to register request for inspection in an Inspection Log Book at
Client’s Consultant’s office.
 Notify Client’s Consultant of “Hold” and “Witness” point.
 Allow 24 hours notification.

Acknowledgement of R.F.I.

 Respective Client’s consultant Inspector to endorse on the Inspection Log Book before
proceeding with the Inspection

Inspection Form and Checklist

 Contractor’s QA/QC to forward Request for Inspection forms and checklist to Client’s Consultant
on the day of the intended inspection.

Work Inspection

 Client’s Consultant, Contractor QA/QC representative

Inspection Rejected Results of Inspection Approved


Non-Compliance Compliance

 Work rejected by Client’s Consultant  Client’s Consultant to endorse on the Inspection

Form and Checklist

Corrective Action
Quality Control Records
 Contractor to propose corrective action rework.
 Client’s consultant to issue corrective action.  Contractor QA/QC team shall compile all Inspection
Form and Checklist.
 All QA/QC Forms and Checklist be referenced and
Rectification of Works Indexed for easier traceability

 Contractor’s sub-contractor

Inspection for corrective works

 Client’s Consultant and contractor’s QA/QC representative

Figure 2 Inspection and Testing Plan flow chart

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4.8.2 Non-Conforming works and actions to be taken

When a non-conforming work is detected, it shall be identified by clear physical marking and if
possible, segregated to prevent further issues from arising. No further work shall be done pending
on the decision on its further disposition by the Project Manager in consultation with the S.O. and of
necessary, with the client or other affected parties.

The QC Officer is responsible to ensure that all Non-Conformance and disposition decisions are
properly recorded and filed with the Project Quality Records. Objective evidence shall be maintained
to substantiate that the repaired works have been re-inspected or re-tested and found acceptable.

Non-conformance can be described as below:

a) Non-Conformance Reports (NCR) shall be in place to ensure that all construction activities
which are non-conformance with the design drawings/specifications are recorded and
reviewed by S.O. and monitored until completion with the assessment of corrective and
preventive action required for such non-conformance.
b) The standard form adapted for each reporting shall identify the action to be taken when an
unintended or intended variation from the design or specifications has taken place during
construction stage.
c) This procedure shall also be used when non-conformance with the design is discovered after
the issues of drawings for construction purposes.
d) Any member within the Quality Assurance Officer’s Quality Assurance Team can identify a
non-conformance with the design and/or specification.
e) Such Non-Conformance shall be immediately brought to notice of the S.O. who will issue the
NCR to the (*Contractor) if it is considered to be of major in nature.
f) The S.O. shall ensure that all Field Staff are made aware of the existence of the NCR.
g) The S.O. and/or S.O. Representative shall carry out regular inspection of material delivered
to site and works done on site, in addition to the inspection of work, as requested by the
(*Contractor) through the Request for Inspection form.
h) Any observance of non-conformance in material, dimensions and works shall be directed by
the S.O. through Site Memo/Site Instructions to the Site Agent of (*Contractor), if
considered to be relatively minor nature. The Quality Assurance Officer shall be kept
informed of such non-conformances.

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4.8.3 Flowchart for Non-Compliance/Conforming Report

Receipt of NCR from Client’s consultant

(Contractor’s QA/QC Representative)

Acknowledge of receipt of NCR

(Contractor’s PM, CM, and QA/QC officer)

Submit corrective action proposal

(Contractor’s PM, CM and QA/QC officer)

No Approval of proposed
Resubmit corrective action
(Client’s consultant)

Proceed on corrective action / rework

Raise corrective action request form (CAR) for

completed rework to client’s consultant
(Contractor QA/QC representative)

Proceed on corrective action/rework


No Approval of completed
Rework corrective rework
rejected (Client’s Consultant)


Endorsement of corrective action request form (CAR)

(Client’s Consultant)

QA/QC Record

(Contractor QA/QC Representative)

Figure 8 Flow chart for Non-Compliance Report (NCR)

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5.1 Medical and First Aid

 Shall maintain adequate number of First Aid Kit in a weatherproof metal or plastic
box for initial medical care. SM/SE/SO will check dressings, splints, & cold packs
once a month to ensure the expired items are replaced.
 Shall report all accidents and near misses to Consultant’s SM/SE/SO. First aid is
medical attention that is typically administered immediately after an injury or illness
occurs. It usually consists of one‐time, short‐term treatment, such as cleaning
minor cuts, treating minor burns, applying bandages, and using non‐prescription
medicine. The overall goals of first aid are:
 Prevent the victim’s condition from worsening.
 Give first aid until help arrives.
 Ensure that the victim receives needed medical care.
5.2 Drinking Water, Welfare and Sanitation
Suitable potable water supply shall be provided for drinking purposes. Shall provide
sufficient numbers of drinking water/food/welfare for their personnel. All such facilities will
be needed to be maintained in clean and hygienic conditions.

5.7. Vehicle and Road safety

Our company shall take care that all their vehicles entering the project site should have
necessary documents & register the necessary details at the security gate record at the site.

Shall also stipulate site traffic regulations:

 Displayed speed limits must be complied with all rimes.
 The speed Limits for all vehicles shall be mentioned at specified limit and location
 Specified routes must be adhered to – under no circumstances
 The number of passengers in a vehicle may not exceed the seating capacity of the
 Vehicle should park side to side in car parks and not nose to tail. This will reduce
injuries caused by vehicle manoeuvring.
 A vehicle may not be loaded beyond its load capacity.
 Overhanging loads shall not be carried without authorization. Such loads shall be
marked by red flags during daylight and by light at night.
 Park vehicles only at designated places so that it doesn’t create hindrance to other
 The body of the tripper lorry should always be lowered before driving vehicle off.
 Drivers must posses’ license while driving.
 Vehicles may not be refuelled within restricted areas
 Driver to his superior must report all injuries however minor immediately.
 Seat belts must be worn at all times.

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 Good housekeeping will be practiced by all personnel at all times while within
the construction site. During and after completion of the work, they are to ensure
that their work area is kept clean and tidy.
 Flammable materials shall not be scattered over and shall be collected and disposed
of in sufficient frequency
 Wooden planks with protruding nails, sharp object rising above ground should be
removed immediately from the Work area where people are likely to step on them.
 Temporary electrical cables shall be so installed as not to cause a tripping hazard to
personnel, nor be liable to Mechanical damage by equipment.
 Elevated cables shall be installed at such height as to allow unrestricted movement
of construction, equipment’s and Vehicles.
 Particular emphasis shall be placed on maintaining platforms, scaffolding, stairways
or other elevated places free of Construction debris.
 Shuttering materials, platforms or scaffolding segments should be kept in orderly
manner before use as well as after dismantling so that they do not cause hindrance
to the movement of man and materials.
 Equipment or materials stored at SITE shall not obstruct to essential facilities and/or
Equipment such as fire Extinguisher, fire hydrants, and valves gauges, emergency
exits etc.
 Separate manpower will be provided for daily housekeeping at site.

6.1 Environmental Protection and Waste Management

 During execution of the project different types of solid, liquid or gaseous waste is generated
at site, which may be hazardous or non‐hazardous in nature
• Dust generated at site shall be controlled by spraying water.
• Septic tanks shall be cleaned periodically.
• All waste generated shall be disposed of properly as per the laid procedures and at
designated location of the client. This shall be done regularly to maintain hygienic conditions
at site.

For effective waste management following steps shall be taken:

• Waste bins shall be provided at site, fabrication yard and at storage yard
• Waste shall be collected separately like metallic/non‐metallic, oily and disposed at different
waste bins with blue, green, red and yellow colour
• All employees at site shall be informed and make aware of the waste disposal system.
• Environment protection is prime responsibility of all employees at site including client,
Contractor, Sub‐Contractor to avoid any adverse effect on environment.

The following steps are taken to avoid pollution and to protect environment:
• Do not dispose of used oil or liquid waste direct to the ground, pit or storm drain.
• Dispose of these materials only in properly labelled containers.

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• Whenever possible, insulation materials scraps, shaving, etc., should be wetted and put into
polythene bags in order to eliminate airborne activity.
• It is the responsibility of all levels of management to conduct operations in line with
applicable laws and regulations, including those relating to the health of employees, the
environment, and the use of toxic or hazardous substances.

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