Project Charter Template 2

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Project Charter
Document Control
Document Information

Document Id [Document Management System #]
Document Owner [Owner Name]
Issue Date [Date]
Revision Date [Date]

Document Approvals

Role Name Signature © Date

Project Sponsor

Project Review Group

Project Manager ©

Quality Manager
(if applicable)

Procurement Manager
(if applicable)

Communications Manager
(if applicable)

Project Office Manager

(if applicable)

Copyright © i
Table of Contents

1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................2

2 PROJECT DEFINITION............................................................................................2
2.1 VISION....................................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 OBJECTIVES................................................................................................................................. 2
2.3 SCOPE........................................................................................................................................2
2.4 DELIVERABLES.............................................................................................................................. 2

3 PROJECT ORGANISATION.......................................................................................3
3.1 STAKEHOLDERS.............................................................................................................................3
3.2 ROLES........................................................................................................................................3
3.3 RESPONSIBILITIES..........................................................................................................................3
3.4 STRUCTURE..................................................................................................................................4

4 PROJECT PLAN.....................................................................................................5
4.1 APPROACH...................................................................................................................................5
4.2 OVERALL PLAN..............................................................................................................................5
4.3 RESOURCE PLAN............................................................................................................................6
4.4 FINANCIAL PLAN............................................................................................................................7
4.5 QUALITY PLAN..............................................................................................................................7

5 PROJECT CONSIDERATIONS....................................................................................8
5.1 RISKS.........................................................................................................................................8
5.2 ISSUES....................................................................................................................................... 8
5.3 CONSTRAINTS...............................................................................................................................8

6 APPENDIX...........................................................................................................9
6.1 SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION.........................................................................................................9

Copyright © ii
1 Executive Summary
Sum up each of the sections in this document concisely by outlining the project:

 Definition
 Organisation and plan
 Risks and issues
 Assumptions and constraints. ©

2 Project Definition
This section describes what the project sets out to achieve. It outlines the vision for the
project, the key objectives to be met, the scope of work to be undertaken and the
deliverables to be produced.

2.1 Vision
Describe the overall vision of the project. The vision statement should be short, concise and
achievable. Examples of vision statements include:

 To deliver a robust, scalable financial management system to the business

 To procure new work premises with adequate capacity and functional surrounds
 To successfully introduce new customer service processes to the marketplace. ©

2.2 Objectives
List the key objectives of the project. Objectives are statements which describe in more
detail what it is that the project is going to achieve. All objectives listed should be Specific,
Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound (SMART).

2.3 Scope
Define the scope of the project

2.4 Deliverables
Highlight the key project deliverables in the following table (includes examples):

Item Components © Description

New  New physical building  ////////////////////////////
physical  ///////////////////////////
premises  Interior fit-out  ///////////////////////////

 Telecommunications

New  Accounts payable module  ///////////////////////////

system  Accounts receivable module  //////////////////////////

 Payroll module  /////////////////////////

Copyright © 2
New  Complaints website  ////////////////////////
complaints  ///////////////////////
process  Complaints resolution process

 Complaints measurement  //////////////////////


3 Project Organisation

3.1 Stakeholders

Stakeholder © Interested in
CEO Alignment with company vision and strategy
Financial Controller Alignment with company budget
Health and Safety Office Alignment with health and safety standards
Government body Compliance with legislation
Industry body Compliance with codes of practice

3.2 Roles

Role Organisation © Resource Name Assignment Status Assignment Date

Role Organisation Person Unassigned / Assigned xx/yy/zz

3.3 Responsibilities
List the generic responsibilities for each role identified.

Project Sponsor

The Project Sponsor is the principal ‘owner’ of the project. Key responsibilities include:

 Defining the vision and high level objectives for the project
 Approving the requirements, timetable, resources and budget
 Authorising the provision of funds / resources (internal or external)
 Approving the project plan and quality plan

Copyright © 3
3.4 Structure

Depict the reporting lines between each of the key roles described above within a Project
Organisation Chart. An example follows:

Copyright © 4
4 Project Plan
4.1 Approach
Describe the approach to be taken to implement each of the phases within the project.

Phase Approach ©

Initiation Outline the method by which the project will be further defined, the project team
appointed and the Project Office established.
Planning Define the overall planning process to ensure that the phases, activities and tasks are
undertaken in a co-ordinated fashion.
Execution Describe the generic phases and activities required to build, test and implement the
deliverables of the project.
Closure Describe the steps required to release the deliverables to the business, close the project
office, reallocate staff and perform a Post Implementation Review of the project.

4.2 Overall Plan

Provide a summarized plan outlining the sequence of each of the phases listed above.
ary February March April
ID Task Name 5/01 12/01 19/01 26/01 2/02 9/02 16/02 23/02 1/03 8/03 15/03 22/03 29/03 5/04

2 Develop Business Case

7 Perform Feasibility Study …

13 Establish Terms of Reference

18 Appoint Project Team

22 Set-up Project Office

26 Approval to Proceed 20/01



29 Develop Project Plan

38 Develop Quality Plan

53 Fomulate Supplier Contracts

57 Approval to Proceed 2/02



60 Build Deliverables

61 Build Project Deliverables

62 Test Project Deliverables

63 Implement Project Deliverables

64 Monitoring and Control

77 Approval to Proceed 6/02



80 Register Assets in Financial System

81 Perform Customer Signoff

82 Release Documentation & Equipment

83 Release Project Resources

84 Perform Supplier Contract Closure

85 Document Project Closure Report

86 Post Implementation Review

87 Project Closure 17/02

Copyright © 5
A more detailed Project Plan will be drawn up during the “Planning” phase of the project.


Milestone Date © Description

Milestone Title xx/yy/zz Explain why milestone date is critical to business

List any project activities which:

 Will impact on another activity external to the project

 Will be impacted on by the non/delivery of another activity external to the project

Project Activity Impacts on Impacted on by Criticality © Date

Planned Activity External Activity External Activity Low/Medium/High xx/yy/zz

4.3 Resource Plan

Summarize the duration and effort required for each project team member, as follows:

Role Start Date End Date % Effort

Project Role xx/yy/zzzz xx/yy/zzzz xx/yy/zzzz

A detailed Resource Plan will be drawn up during the “Planning” phase of this project.

Copyright © 6
4.4 Financial Plan
Summarize the project budget approved (within the Business Case) as follows:

Category Cost © Value

People  Salaries of project staff $x
 Contractors and outsourced parties $x
 Training courses $x

Physical  Building premises for project team $x

 Equipment and materials $x
 Tools (computers, cabling, phones…) $x

Marketing  Advertising / branding $x

 Promotional materials $x
 PR and communications $x

Organisational  Operational downtime $x

 Short-term loss in productivity $x
 Cultural change Describe

A detailed Financial Plan will be drawn up during the “Planning” phase of this project.

4.5 Quality Plan

Briefly describe the various processes to be undertaken to ensure the success of the project.

Process © Description
Quality Management Summary of how the process will be undertaken
Change Management
Risk Management
Issue Management
Configuration Management
Document Management
Acceptance Management
Procurement Management
Financial Management
Timesheet Management
Project Reporting
Project Communications

A detailed Quality Plan will be drawn up during the “Planning” phase of this project.

Copyright © 7
5 Project Considerations

5.1 Risks
Summarize the most apparent risks associated with the project.

Description Likelihood Impact © Mitigating Actions

Inability to recruit Low Very High Outsource project to a company with proven
skilled resource industry experience and appropriately skilled
Technology solution Medium High Complete a pilot project to prove the full
is unable to deliver technology solution
required results
Additional capital Medium Medium Maintain strict capital expenditure processes
expenditure may be during the project
required in addition
to that approved

5.2 Issues
Summarize the highest priority issues associated with the project. Issues are defined as “any
event which currently adversely affects the ability of the solution to produce the required
deliverables”. Complete the following table:

Description © Priority Resolution Actions

Required capital expenditure funds have High Request funding approval as part of this
not been budgeted proposal
Required computer software is only at Medium Design solution based on current
‘beta’ phase and has not yet been software version and adapt changes to
released live solution once the final version of the
software has been released
Council approval must be sought to Low Initiate the council approval process early
implement the final solution so that it does not delay the final roll-out

5.3 Constraints
List the major constraints identified with the project to date. Examples include:

 The financial budget allocated is fixed and does not allow for over-spending
 There are limited technical resource available for the project
 The technical solution must be implemented after-hours to minimize the operational
impact on the business.

Copyright © 8
6 Appendix
6.1 Supporting Documentation
Attach any documentation you believe is relevant to the Project Charter, including:

 Curricula Vitae (CVs) for key project staff

 Approved Business Case
 Approved Feasibility Study
 Research Materials
 External quotes or tenders
 Detailed financial planning spreadsheets
 Other relevant information or correspondence. ©

Copyright © 9

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