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Products Solutions Services

LNG tank gauging solution

Measurement and control of
level, temperature, density
and rollover prediction
LNG tank gauging solutions
2 LNG tank gauging solution

Mastering the challenges of

LNG inventory management
We provide state-of-the-art solutions and highest accuracy level measurement
instrumentation that you perfectly control and monitor the inventory of your

Meeting evolving demands Energy flows around the Need to do more with less? Take advantage from a
world may be unpredictable, anyhow you have to predict dependable partner who is by your side for the long haul
and control your operation. The complexity of facilities and and ready across the globe, offering:
processes is increasing and at the same time you have to
reduce downtimes. Safety This topic allows no compromise. We manufacture
accurate, robust and reliable instrumentation to ensure
As the industry faces tightening regulations and reduced safety and elevate your overall reliability and productivity.
resources we support across the full life cycle of your project
with your deadlines in mind. We enhance your competitive- Efficiency Just as your goal is to extract maximum
ness with reliable, accurate and traceable asset information. resources, ours is to maximize your efficiency and return
on investment (ROI).

Availability The LNG storage sector faces three challenges:

the availability of resources, services and technology.
Endress+Hauser can assist you with each.
LNG tank gauging solution 3

The storage of LNG at cryogenic temperatures presents some unique

challenges that must be handled properly to ensure that the plant is operated
safely and efficiently.

Safety by choice, not by chance

Our portfolio of instrumentation is designed to meet the

needs of safe and reliable operation in the oil & gas and
chemicals industries. Functional Safety requirements
according to IEC 61508 and ISA documents are included
by design. Proservo can be used in applications up to
SIL3 in homogeneous redundancy. All of our products
are designed and qualified in our independently certified
laboratories. This includes the development of safety
related hardware and software.

Increased productivity

Accurate measurements provide the preconditions for

efficient work along the process chain, from production
and transport through to processing, storage and
distribution. Our highly precise instruments are custom-
made to meet respective needs. We also support you
to reduce inventory costs and increase productivity
with complete inventory visibility 24/7. Our integration
capabilities and inventory management software
solutions enable collaboration and business decisions
among different stakeholders.

Best-fit products, solutions and services for higher


For more than 60 years Endress+Hauser has proven to

be competent, reliable and trustworthy. We are where
you need us, already present in more than 120 countries
around the globe.

With our offering ranging from single sensors to complete

automated solutions, we are your one-stop partner in
instrumentation and automation. We are happy to support
you with technical expertise.
4 LNG tank gauging solution

LNG tank gauging solutions

Measuring and managing of LNG inventories is a sophisticated task. We offer
the high quality instrumentation you need in combination with in-depth
industry know how and engineering and maintenance services.

The challenge A typical LNG tank works with a wide Our solution Our high accurate level gauges and
range of instruments to measure liquid level, liquid density, instrumentation in addition with the Tankvision inventory
liquid and vapour temperature, liquid and vapour pressure, management system guarantee you highest transparency
skin temperature and much more. Addionally you have of inventories in the plant or headquarters. Keeping the
to make sure that two layers of different densities are not constant temperature of the liquid gas, such as -200°C, also
rapidly mixing with the side effect of large amounts of gas results in many technological challenges in handling cold
being released, also known as rollover. temperatures. We offer a temperature monitoring system
for the cooling down and the leak detection. In addition
our LTD system monitors the level, temperature, density
profiling and rollover prediction. That is not only important
if you want to know what is happening in the tank, but also
helps you to determine the next process actions.

Level, temperature, density, rollover: LTD System SI-7000

LNG tank gauging solution 5

Instruments to measure and display inventory data

Level: Temperature: Multi-point average temperature

Proservo NMS8x Prothermo NMT539

The intelligent tank gauge Proservo The Prothermo NMT539 is an

NMS8x is designed for high intelligent HART signal converter
accuracy liquid level measurement with a combined multi average
in custody transfer and inventory temperature measurement for
control applications with NMi- and cryogenic liquids, LNG, LPG and
PTB-approvals. It meets the Butane.
relevant requirements according to
OIML R85 and API 3.1B and it is • Measurement variables:
SIL2/3 certified. Liquid and Gas
• Temperature range:
• Accuracy: ±0.4mm -200 to + 235°C
• Measuring range: up to 55m • Measuring range:
(std), longer range is optional, on up to 99.9m
demand basis

Level, temperature, density, rollover: Local indicator:

LTD System SI-7000 by Scientific Instruments, Inc. Loop-powered Field Indicator RIA15

The LTD system SI-7000 creates a The indicator shows the measured
density and temperature profile of signal on the large, backlit display.
the tank. With its Stainless steel No separate power supply is
316 mechanical body is the most required, the indicator is powered
applicable for LNG tank and directly from the 4 to 20mA HART
marine applications (FLNG and loop. It displays the measured 4 to
FSRU). 20 mA HART values.

• Stainless steel 316 mechanical • 5-digit measured value display

body is superior for rust and cor- with dimension, bargraph and
rosion resistance backlight
• Operating pressure: 0.4 bar • No external power supply
• Measuring range: up to 56 m required
(std), longer range is optional, • Allows the HART® transmission
on demand basis protocol to pass unimpeded

Skin temperature: Multiplexer TM188 Local indicator: Field Display FD188

TM188 is a multiplexer and The Field Display supports a

transmitter mounted in a hazardous range of parameters, such as
area designed to accept up to level, average temperature, 16
16 RTD inputs. System reliability temperature elements, profile
can be increased by providing points and other alarms. Metric
dual redundant fieldbus (RS 485 and imperial units are supported
modbus). We offer the relevant for the different data items. It
RTD sensors to match your supports Modbus Master/Slave
application. Mode. The unit is normally
configured to listen to data on
a fieldbus produced by a Master
device polling slave devices.
6 LNG tank gauging solution

Solutions for inventory management

Data acquisition system: LNG tank management system (LMS):

Tankvision Multiscan NXA83B Tankvision LMS inventory management software

NXA83B is a dedicated tank inventory system. It is ideally suited The Tankvision LMS inventory management system features
for tank farms with various protocols used for communicating reliable LNG real time management. It is a truly open and
with the installed field devices and/or redundancy needs. redundant system and allows tank redundant data, a multi user
system with remote access capability. It can be used as a client/
• A robust industrial operating system with embedded software server or stand alone package. Features:
ensures high stability and availability
• Legacy protocol management; allowing gradual upgrades • Inventory calculation
• No hard disc or fans - no wear out • Gauge operation
• Predefined or customized operator screens via the optional • LTD detail monitor
touch display for typical operation • Alarm generation
• Connects to Tankvision LMS for additional functionality • Real time trending and historical trends
• Profile viewers
• Stratification analysis
• Skin temperature distribution graphic
• Schedule command, etc.

LNG tank management system (LMS): LNG tank skin temperature system (LMS):
Rollover prediction software Cool down and leak detection software

The rollover prediction algorithms are based upon a lumped The cool down and leak detection sensors, located around the
parameter model using energy and material balance equations. base bottom, sides and roof of the LNG tank, are used to detect
It allows the user to visualize the evolution of temperature, any abnormals in the shell insulation that may cause a leak of
density and layer thickness of the stratified layers within a tank product. They are particularly used during the cool down and
from an initial condition for temperature, layer depth and operation.
composition. The change in boil-off rate and vapour pressure
can also be visualised with time. The model can be run for any • View menu – skin temperatures
profile available in the history by using the manual profile • List of cool down & leak temperatures
selection or automatic selection. The model can incorporate • Sensor configuration
various tank operations such as tank filling (top or bottom), • Visualisation
tank emptying (top or bottom) and external recirculation. • Temperature maps
• Shell layer drop down selection
• Historical skin temperatures
• Thresholds / Trending / Alarms
• Set up communications
LNG tank gauging solution 7

Inventory management –
so much more than just a sensor
Reduce inventory costs and increase productivity with complete inventory
visibility 24/7.

Monitoring and control of bulk liquids during processing, Our inventory management solutions support you:
transportation and storage is challenging. You need to keep • Highest transparency of product gain or loss balance by
track of how much raw material you have on site and how reconciliation of stock and in- and outflows in the plant
much storage space you have available. Besides that the or headquarters.
tank environment and relevant safety considerations are • Increase customer satisfaction by improving delivery
of high importance for your tank farm or terminal. performance and avoiding product run-outs or
emergency deliveries.
Precise data from the field are the baseline for inventory • React fast and efficient to supply chain volatilities thanks
and supply chain management. Collection, consolidation to the optimization of the company’s supply and value
and centralization of data becomes more and more chain.
important in the interconnected business world. • Lower inventory management costs by integrating data
in your systems, facilitating fast and effective data
exchange with your partners and systems.
• Increase productivity with higher accuracy of your
inventory monitoring and better planning capabilities.
40m vertical accuracy calibration facility
At Endress+Hauser Yamanashi in Japan, we are able to
perform accuracy testing and highly precise calibration
of level gauges for installation in large LNG tanks.
This facility is the highest of its kind in the world.

This test facility is certified to conform OIML R85

• Laser length measuring device: minimum resolution
1μm or less.
• NMi certification for test installation: maximum
uncertainly in the reference level reading of 0.02mm
(at constant temperature).
• Measuring range: 40m (above ground 8m,
underground 32m).


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