Rex TI Sales 201019en Ed2 RevA
Rex TI Sales 201019en Ed2 RevA
Rex TI Sales 201019en Ed2 RevA
Minimized hydrocarbon losses Maximum safety and environmental protection
Loss control management focuses on minimizing hydrocarbon To protect your staff, the public and the environment from
losses to ensure that you reduce environmental impact, while damage caused by overfilled or leaking storage tanks, you
maximizing the amount of refined product obtained from need an automatic tank gauging system with reliable alarm
the crude oil that you purchase. Precise tank gauging makes functions. Rosemount TankRadar Rex and Pro gauges are
it easier to identify your loss sources and quantify them. This among the safest overfill alarm sensors in the business.
way, you can re-evaluate your priorities and thereby quickly Both are TÜV-tested and approved for overfill protection
boost savings and profitability. according to the German WHG regulations. Moreover,
TankRadar Rex is suitable for SIL 2 applications in accor-
dance with IEC 61508/61511.
Reduced OPEX and improved plant efficiency
Your entire bulk liquid
storage, just a click away.
Major oil companies around the world use
Rosemount Tank Gauging systems from Emerson to
improve the efficiency, safety, and profitability of
refineries, tank farms and terminals. The main
benefits include proven reliability, multi-certified
accuracy and minimum maintenance. Also, the
Rosemount Tank Gauging system is in full compli-
ance with all existing oil industry standards.
The system includes both the custody transfer-
class TankRadar ® Rex gauges and the multi-
purpose TankRadar ® Pro gauges. Depending on
your setup, you may benefit most from a single
stand-alone radar gauge with a local read-out or
from a complete system solution that is able to
handle hundreds of tanks and distribute data
globally via the Internet.
Level and Volume Transmitters. Should you require more than six tempera-
A single Rosemount TankRadar gauge mounted on top ture elements per tank, a Data Acquisition Unit (DAU) will
of an oil tank will deliver measured liquid level values as be added.
well as calculated content values such as Total Observed Using the TankMaster software, you get Gross Observed
Volume (TOV). In stand-alone applications, the read-out typ- Volume (GOV), Gross Standard Volume (GSV), and Net Stan-
ically comprises a Remote Display Unit on the tank top or on dard Volume (NSV).
the ground.
Hybrid Tank Gauging (HTG)
Temperature, Water Interface, and Pressure Add two Digital Pressure Transmitters; one at the bottom of
Add a Multispot Thermometer with an integrated Water the tank to measure the liquid pressure, and an optional one
Level Sensor (WLS), and the system will not only deliver for vapor space pressure measurement. Together with the
measured liquid level and volume, but also calculated aver- TankMaster software, this provides a complete hybrid tank
age temperature and water interface level. gauging system, delivering measured values such as observed
With such temperature data available, level values are density, hydrostatic and vapor pressure, as well as calculated
corrected for any thermal expansion of the tank walls. hybrid values such as density and mass – all online!
A Multispot Thermometer (MST) with six PT100 tempera-
ture elements can be connected directly to the TankRadar Flexible field communication
Rex transmitter head together with two Digital Pressure The system can communicate in several ways: via standard
buses, such as Foundation™ fieldbus and Profibus, via our TankRadar Rex and Pro gauges support Emerson’s Smart
proprietary TRL/2 bus, or by emulation of other vendors’ Wireless concept. It utilizes self-organizing (mesh) networks
fieldbuses. to ensure that your measurement information will always be
Via the fieldbus, the gauge is connected to a Field Com- available. Self-organizing networks automatically optimize
munication Unit (FCU), which continuously polls and stores connectivity to achieve the highest data reliability.
tank content data from groups of radar tank gauges, and Unlike other approaches to in-plant wireless, which
DAUs. The FCU delivers tank content data to the Rosemount require direct line-of-sight between the instrument and the
TankMaster inventory management software. This ensures communication gateway, Emerson’s Smart Wireless concept
that the system is continuously updated with fast and reli- ensures maximum network integrity by allowing devices
able tank data. to communicate with each other. Every device serves as
If you prefer, data can also be delivered directly to your a network connector, which means there is no single point
DCS/SCADA system or plant host computer via various of failure.
protocols. Should a temporary obstruction block a direct connection,
the network automatically reroutes the signal to an adjacent
Wireless installation device, ensuring network reliability and data integrity.
The Rosemount Tank Gauging system offers different
options for wireless communication: between each tank and
the control room, or between the FCU and TankMaster.
The custody transfer-class tank inventory gauge.
Still-pipe array antenna Parabolic antenna Horn antenna gauge LPG/LNG gauge
gauge RTG 3950 gauge RTG 3930 RTG 3920 RTG 3960
TankRadar Rex
TankRadar Rex is designed to deliver reliable tank inventory densed. This makes the gauge an excellent
data with custody transfer accuracy, for all tank farm and choice for all products, from the very clean
refinery applications. Instrument level accuracy is ±0.5 mm to asphalt and blown bitumen.
(0.020 in.) under an ambient operating temperature of -40
to +70 °C (-40 to +158 °F). Still-pipe array antenna gauge RTG 3950
It features built-in multiple temperature inputs, analog RTG 3950 is suitable for tanks with a still-pipe, such as
inputs/outputs, HART inputs for pressure transmitters and crude oil tanks and gasoline tanks. It has a drip-off design
relay outputs for complete inventory, hybrid and custody array antenna and features Low Loss Mode technology that
transfer functions. Furthermore, TankRadar Rex is third- enables highly-accurate measurements even in rusty and
party assessed and considered to be SIL 2 suitable. It is also deposit-coated still-pipes. A removable waveguide facili-
TÜV-tested for overfill protection. tates hand-dips and sampling.
Parabolic antenna gauge RTG 3930 Complete technical information is available in the “TankRadar
RTG 3930 has a large heavy-duty stainless steel and PTFE Rex Technical Description” which can be downloaded from
antenna. Thanks to its drip-off design, the antenna is
extremely tolerant to products that become sticky or con-
The powerful, versatile level gauge.
TankRadar Pro
Supplementary tank sensors
As a supplement to the high-precision TankRadar Rex and lio also comprises a range of pressure transmitters, tempera-
TankRadar Pro, we supply reliable, cost efficient medium ture sensors, water level sensors and communication units to
accuracy radar gauges for smaller tanks. This enables system customize your tank gauging system. For detailed technical
integration of slop oil tanks and additive tanks in your tank information, please visit or contact
gauging system. your local Rosemount Tank Gauging sales representative.
The complete Rosemount Tank Gauging product portfo-
Rosemount TankMaster
to DCS
Customer PC
TankMaster PC
Data Remote
PC workstation
Acquisition Display Water Level Temperature Pressure TankRadar
in network
Unit Unit Sensor Sensor Transmitter Gauge
Gauges emulated by
TankRadar Rex
Smart and easy retrofit with
• Auxitrol ®
• Enraf ® tank gauge emulation.
• GPE ®
• GSI ®
• L&J®
• Tiway®
• Sakura®
• Tokyo Keiso®
• Varec®
• Whessoe®
The Tank Intelligence staff will back you up
All Rosemount TankRadar® gauges are designed to be main-
tenance free, self-calibrating and highly reliable. Moreover,
installation, setup, configuration, and commissioning are
TankMaster FCU 2165/2175 simple operations that can be done by almost anyone.
However, your tank gauging system deals with enormous
quantities of petroleum products, representing huge finan-
cial values and considerable safety risks. Therefore, your
Tank Intelligence solution also includes access to local tech-
nical support from Emerson’s Tank Gauging specialists, just
in case you should need it.
Protecting your plant
All refineries, tank farms and fuel depots have a huge respon- Approved for overfill protection
sibility in ensuring that overfill incidents do not occur. In Both Rosemount TankRadar Rex and Pro gauges are TÜV-
this context the most important task for an automatic tank tested and approved for overfill protection according to the
gauging system is to prevent incidents, by providing a reli- German WHG (Wasserhaushaltsgesetz) regulations. The
able High-High level alarm function. You can rest assured approval means that the TankRadar gauge can complement
that Rosemount TankRadar® gauges provide you with one a traditional High-High switch thereby introducing redun-
of the safest possible overfill alarm solutions on the market. dancy into the safety system. In this way, the safety level of
your plant is improved.
Ensuring a reliable overfill alarm
Conventional overfill alarm sensors used in storage tanks, SIL 2 safety
such as floats or switches, have one major weakness: the Rosemount TankRadar Rex has been third-party assessed by
only time you really know that they are functioning is when Exida and is considered suitable for use in SIL 2 safety func-
you run a test. tions, in accordance with IEC 61508/61511. The safety func-
With a Rosemount TankRadar gauge connected to your tion is based on the relay outputs. One relay, or a combina-
system, it’s the other way around. The gauge gives the tion of two, can be used for overfill or dry run protection.
operator continuous information about its status and perfor- Any decision to operate proven-in-use devices always
mance since it is being used in the everyday operations of the rests with the end user. However, third party assessment by
tank farm. Failures detected by the diagnostic capabilities of Exida provides a good basis for such decisions, in accordance
the gauge, will alert the operator to take appropriate action with section 11.5.3 of IEC 61511.
under safe conditions.
EX approvals
• International: IECEx
• Belarus: GOST Standard
• Brazil: CEPEL
• Canada: C-UL
• China: CNACL
• EU: ATEX Directive
• India: Nagpur
• Japan: JIS
• Kazakhstan: GOST Standard
• Korea: KOSHA
• Russia: GOST Standard
• Ukraine: GOST Standard
Safety approvals
and acknowledgement
• SIL 2 Suitable
• Belgium: Vlarem II
• Germany: WHG approval for
overfill protection, tested by TÜV
Metrological certificates
Special TankRadar applications
The distillery business typically sets high demands on tank
gauging precision, for blending, billing and taxation purposes.
With non-contact level measurement and a reliable, mainte-
nance free design, these features make the Rosemount Tank-
Radar gauges particularly valuable for distillery and other
food & beverage applications. Rosemount VatRadar is a
special distillery level gauge range, successfully proven at
many of the world’s most famous distilleries.
Level gauging in asphalt tanks is a very challenging appli
cation made easy by specially designed antennas for the
Rosemount TankRadar gauges. High accuracy is often re
quired in the large bitumen storage tanks (approx. 20 m/
66 ft. high) that are typically used at refineries and termi-
nals. In such tanks, the most reliable measurements are
attained with a parabolic antenna. Rosemount TankRadar
has a proven track record of effectively solving tank gaug-
ing issues for asphalt and blown bitumen tanks.
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
At refineries and terminals, LPG is normally stored in spheri-
cal or bullet-shaped tanks. Due to the high pressure needed
to keep the gas liquefied, opening the tank for inspection or
maintenance of measurement devices is very complicated
and expensive. Rosemount TankRadar gauges measure the
liquid level without any components inside the tank that
may require service. In addition, all TankRadar Rex LPG
gauges are easily calibrated. A patented reference device
function enables measurement verification with the tank in
Renewable energy sources are rapidly becoming important
economic and environmental factors. A Rosemount Tank-
Radar gauge is the perfect choice for measuring biodiesel
(including the plant and waste cooking oils from which it is
produced), bioethanol and blends of biofuels and petro-
leum products. Rosemount TankRadar gauges have been
used for several years to increase efficiency at palm oil
terminals and other plants, because of their outstanding
reliability and accuracy.
Underground tanks
Storing large quantities of oil, LPG and LNG in underground
tanks or caverns has many advantages, such as increased
safety, lower operational costs and less impact on the
environment. Rosemount TankRadar gauges fit perfectly in
underground applications, including those with very long
measurement ranges; over 80 m (260 ft) for free propaga-
tion installations and 110 m (360 ft) if a still-pipe is used.
Both TankRadar Rex and Pro gauges are designed for harsh
environments and can be installed inside the cavern, as well
as outside.
Rosemount, TankRadar, Enraf, Sakura, Varec, L&J, GPE, Whessoe, Auxitrol, GSI, Tiway, and Tokyo Keiso are registered trademarks of their respective
© Rosemount Tank Radar AB. Ref.No. 201019En, Edition 2, Rev A. February 2008
owners. Foundation is a trademark of the Fieldbus Foundation. The Emerson logo is a trademark and servicemark of Emerson Electric Co.
The contents of this publication are presented for information purposes only, and while efforts have been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not
to be construed as warranties or guarantees, expressed or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability. All
sales are governed by our terms and conditions, which are available on request. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications
of our products at any time without notice. Rosemount Tank Radar AB accepts no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this publication.
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