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Leaves folded upward, ovate or long-oval, peach-like, one and seven-
eighths inches across, five inches long, thin; upper surface smooth and
glossy, with a grooved midrib; lower surface sparingly pubescent; apex
acuminate, base abrupt, margin unevenly serrate, glandular; petiole one
inch long, slender, pubescent along one side, with a tinge of red, with from
one to five very small, globose, brownish glands usually on the stalk.
Blooming season late and long; flowers appearing after the leaves,
thirteen-sixteenths inch across, white, with disagreeable odor; borne in
clusters on lateral buds and spurs, in threes, fours or fives; pedicels
fifteen-sixteenths inch long, very slender, glabrous, green; calyx-tube
greenish, narrowly campanulate, glabrous; calyx-lobes narrow, acute,
erect, lightly pubescent within, serrate and with dark-colored glands;
petals ovate or oval, irregularly crenate, tapering into long, narrow claws
with hairy margins; anthers yellowish; filaments three-eighths inch long;
pistil glabrous, shorter than the stamens.
Fruit very late, season long; one and one-eighth inches by one inch in
size, roundish-ovate narrowing somewhat toward the stem, conical,
slightly compressed, halves equal; cavity medium to deep, narrow, abrupt;
suture usually very shallow and wide, often a distinct line; apex pointed;
color dark currant-red, with inconspicuous, thin bloom; dots numerous,
small to medium, conspicuous, densely clustered about the apex; stem
very slender, five-eighths inch long, glabrous, not adhering to the fruit; skin
thick, tough, clinging but slightly; flesh attractive light yellow; moderately
juicy, coarse, fibrous, rather tender, mildly sweet next the skin but
astringent towards the pit; fair to good; stone clinging, five-eighths inch by
three-eighths inch in size, long-oval, somewhat elongated at the base and
apex, turgid, with rough and pitted surfaces; ventral suture wide, blunt,
faintly ridged; dorsal suture acute, with a narrow, indistinct groove.
Prunus americana
1. Mich. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 267. 1874. 2. Am. Pom. Soc. Cat. 44. 1883. 3.
Mich. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 268. 1885. 4. Minn. Sta. Bul. 5:36, 37 fig. 1889. 5.
Cornell Sta. Bul. 38:45, 86. 1892. 6. Can. Hort. 16:409, Pl. 1893. 7. Mich.
Sta. Bul. 123:21. 1895. 8. Wis. Sta. Bul. 63:24, 62. 1897. 9. Colo. Sta. Bul.
50:46. 1898. 10. Ia. Sta. Bul. 46:291. 1900. 11. Waugh Plum Cult. 166 fig.
1901. 12. Budd-Hansen Am. Hort. Man. 302. 1903. 13. Can. Exp. Farm
Bul. 43:32. 1903. 14. Ga. Sta. Bul. 67:283. 1904. 15. S. Dak. Sta. Bul.
93:41. 1905.
Prunus insititia
1. Parkinson Par. Ter. 576. 1629. 2. Abercrombie Gard. Ass’t 13. 1786.
3. Forsyth Fr. Trees Am. 21. 1803. 4. Lond. Hort. Soc. Cat. 344. 1831. 5.
Prince Pom. Man. 2:105. 1832. 6. Floy-Lindley Guide Orch. Gard. 300,
383. 1846. 7. Hogg Fruit Man. 385. 1866. 8. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 952.
1869. 9. Thompson Gard. Ass’t 4:160, 161 fig. 960. 1901. 10. Can. Exp.
Farms Rpt. 481. 1904.
Bullace 5. Bullace 7. White Bulleis 1.
The origin of this old sort is unknown. It was cultivated more than
three hundred years ago for Parkinson described it as common in his
time. He says of it “The White and the blacke Bulleis are common in
most Countries, being small round, lesser than Damsons, sharper in
taste, and later ripe.” It is probably one of the first of the cultivated
plums. White Bullace is illustrated and described in full in The Plums
of New York chiefly as a means of comparison between the plums of
three centuries ago and those of the present. It has little value now
for any purpose, though the Europeans still grow it rather commonly
and from seeds, cions or suckers as convenience may dictate.
Prunus insititia
1. Parkinson Par. Ter. 578. 1629. 2. Quintinye Com. Gard. 67, 69. 1699.
3. M’Mahon Am. Gard. Cal. 588. 1806. 4. Coxe Cult. Fr. Trees 238, fig. 15.
1817. 5. Lond. Hort. Soc. Cat. 146. 1831. 6. Prince Pom. Man. 2:88. 1832.
7. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 287. 1845. 8. Floy-Lindley Guide Orch. Gard.
300. 1846. 9. Thomas Am. Fruit Cult. 334. 1849. 10. Elliott Fr. Book 430.
1854. 11. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 190, 214. 1856. 12. Hogg Fruit Man. 385.
1866. 13. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 952. 1869. 14. Waugh Plum Cult. 131.
Frost Plum 6, 13. Late Cluster 6, 13. Late White Damson 6. Late Yellow
Damson 7, 9, 10, 13. Shailer’s White Damson 7, 10, 12, 13. Shailer’s
White Damson 5. Small Round Damson 5. White Damascene 4. White
Damascene 6, 7, 10, 13. White Damask 2. White Damson 6. White Prune
Damson 7, 8, 10, 13. White Winter Damson 6, 13. White Winter Damson
3. Winter Damson 6. Yellow Damson 9.
Prunus domestica
1. Kraft Pom. Aust. 2:33, Tab. 181 fig. 2; 2:44, Tab. 197 fig. 2. 1796. 2.
Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:106. 1768. 3. Pom. Mag. 1:38, Pl. 1828. 4.
Prince Pom. Man. 2:61. 1832. 5. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 285. 1845. 6.
Floy-Lindley Guide Orch. Gard. 300, 383. 1846. 7. Poiteau Pom. Franc. 1.
1846. 8. Thomas Am. Fruit Cult. 329. 1849. 9. Hogg Fruit Man. 730. 1884.
10. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 454. 1889.
Die Weisse Kaiserpflaume 3, 4, 6, 10 incor. Die Weisse Kaiserpflaume
1. Die Weisse Kaiserinnpflaume 1. Imperatrice Blanche 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8,
9, 10. The White Imperatrice Plum 3. Prune Imperatrice Blanche 7. White
Imperatrice 3, 10. White Empress 5, 8, 10. Weisse Kaiserpflaume 10.
Prunus domestica
1. Rea Flora 208. 1676. 2. Langley Pomona 92, 93, Pl. XXIII figs. V &
VI. 1729. 3. Miller Gard. Dict. 3. 1754. 4. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:84, Pl.
VIII. 1768. 5. Kraft Pom. Aust. 2:41, Tab. 193 fig. 1. 1796. 6. Lond. Hort.
Soc. Cat. 151. 1831. 7. Prince Pom. Man. 2:52, 64. 1832. 8. Downing Fr.
Trees Am. 287. 1845. 9. Floy-Lindley Guide Orch. Gard. 298, 301, 383.
1846. 10. Hogg Fruit Man. 386. 1866. 11. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 454. 1889.
Brignolle 11. Brignole 6, 8, 10, 11. Die weisse Duranzen pflaume 5.
Diaprée Blanche 11. Maître Claude 2, 3, 7, 9. Perdrigon blanc 4.
Perdrigon blanc 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Maître Claude 8, 10, 11. Weisser
Perdrigon 11. Weisse Diaprée 11. Weisses Rebhuhnerei 11. Prune-Pêche
(of some) 11. White Perdrigon 11.
Prunus munsoniana
1. Gard. Mon. 9:105. 1867. 2. Am. Jour. Hort. 5:147. 1869. 3. Am. Pom.
Soc. Rpt. 60. 1869. 4. Am. Hort. An. 78. 1870. 5. Country Gent. 35:166.
1870. 6. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 116. 1871. 7. Ibid. 44. 1875. 8. Am. Pom.
Soc. Cat. 36. 1875. 9. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 152, 153, 154. 1883. 10.
Mathieu Nom. Pom. 454. 1889. 11. Cornell Sta. Bul. 38:51, fig. 3, 86.
1892. 12. Tex. Sta. Bul. 32:482, fig. 4. 1894. 13. Vt. Sta. An. Rpt. 10:99,
104. 1897. 14. Wis. Sta. Bul. 63:24, 63 fig. 31. 1897. 15. Ala. Col. Sta. Bul.
112:178. 1900. 16. Waugh Plum Cult. 189, 190. 1901. 17. Ga. Sta. Bul.
67:284. 1904. 18. S. Dak. Sta. Bul. 93:42. 1905. 19. Ohio Sta. Bul.
162:258. 1905.
Nolen Plum 10. Suwanee 9. Suwanee ?16.
Prunus triflora
1. Ohio Hort. Soc. Rpt. 81. 1893. 2. Cornell Sta. Bul. 62:31. 1894. 3.
Ibid. 106:64. 1896. 4. Ibid. 131:194. 1897. 5. Am. Pom. Soc. Cat. 26.
1897. 6. Mich. Sta. Bul. 177:42, 43. 1899. 7. Cornell Sta. Bul. 175:134 fig.
27. 1899. 8. Rural N. Y. 57:515, 530, 595. 1898. 9. Waugh Plum Cult. 140.
1901. 10. Ga. Sta. Bul. 68:33. 1905. 11. Ill. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 420. 1905.
Botan No. 26 2, 3, 9. Botan 1. Botan No. 26 1. Willard Plum 1. Willard
Japan 8.
1. Ia. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 367. 1883. 2. Rural N. Y. 44:645. 1885. 3. Am.
Pom. Soc. Cat. 40. 1889. 4. Cornell Sta. Bul. 38:45 fig. 2, 87. 1892. 5.
Mich. Sta. Bul. 118:54. 1895. 6. Wis. Sta. Bul. 63:24, 64. 1897. 7. Colo.
Sta. Bul. 50:47. 1898. 8. Waugh Plum Cult. 167. 1901. 9. Ga. Sta. Bul.
67:284 fig. 1904. 10. S. Dak. Sta. Bul. 93:42. 1905. 11. Ia. Sta. Bul.
114:148 fig. 1910.
Wolf Free 4, 6. Wolf Freestone 11.
Prunus americana
1. Minn. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 60. 1894. 2. Wis. Sta. Bul. 63:64. 1897. 3. Minn.
Hort. Soc. Rpt. 433. 1898. 4. Waugh Plum Cult. 168. 1901.