Lat Tool

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(Reg. No. 10296/1979)

OFFICE: F-18 D Kunj Apartments, DDA MIG Flats, Opp BSES Office, Hari Nagar, New Delhi -110064
Narayan Lal Rakesh Kumar
General Secretary President, AIKVTA
(Mob.) 9969185568 Member (Staff Side) JCM (KVS)
E-Mail [email protected] (Mob.) 7224985327
Website: E-Mail [email protected]
F.01/AIKVTA HQ/GS/E/2022-24/178 Date: 23-05-2024
Most urgent
The Hon'ble Commissioner,
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (HQ)
New Delhi-110016

Subject: Request to extent the date of fill the LAT Tool for Analysis of Test Results 25th June instead
of 25th May 2024- regarding
Reference: 11-Acad029 (Misc)/21/2023-AC(TRG)/ l565-91, Date: 17-05-2024

Esteemed Madam,
Regarding the aforementioned subject and reference, AIKVTA requests to extend the date for filling
the LAT Tool for Analysis of Test Results to 25th June instead of 25th May 2024. This request is made
because most teachers are availing their vacations, either in their hometowns or other locations, or
are utilizing their LTC.
KVS HQ New Delhi forwarded the referenced letter to all DCs in all regions without mentioning any
last date. However, most Regional Offices directed the teachers to submit LAT test results by
25.05.2024 at 2:00 PM. For example:-

“उपययुक्त विषय के संबंध में सूवित ककया जाता है कक LAT test results के संबंध में जानकारी drive link में किनांक
25.05.2024 को 02:00 बजे तक भरना सयवनवित करें | संलग्न िस्तािेज़ आपके सूिनार्ु एिं आिश्यक कारु िाई हेतय
प्रेवषत है |”
If the said work was so important, then please cancel the summer vacations of all KV teachers and
use them as you wish to.
The KVS authorities are urged to reconsider the designation of teaching staff as non-vacational staff,
given that they are consistently engaged in various tasks during vacation periods.
I kindly request your esteemed attention to look into this matter and take necessary actions for the
welfare of both students and teachers. It is imperative to cease such practices during vacation/
breaks to ensure the well-being of all involved.
With regards

Narayan Lal
General Secretary
Copy to: for information and necessary action please
1. The Additional Commissioner (Acad.) KVS HQ New Delhi for information
2. The Joint Commissioner (Admn-I), KVS HQ New Delhi for information
3. The Joint Commissioner (Pers.)/Acad/Fin./training, KVS HQ New Delhi for information
4. National President of AIKVTA HQ
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An Autonomous Body under Ministry of Education, Govt. of India
18, Institutional Area, S.J.S Marg, New Delhi-110016
Tel.: 011-26521841

l 1-Acad029(Misc)/21/2023-AC(TRG)/ l5 6§- C/1 17.05.2024

The Deputy Commissioner
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
All Regional Offices

Subject: LAT Tool for Analysis of Test Results- regarding

Madam/ Sir,
With reference to our letter number F.1 l-Acad0338T(7) / 1/2019-AC(TRG) / 1240- 70,
dated 23.04.2024, the Leaming Achievement Test (LAT) was conducted for classes
III, V, & VIII .in all Kendriya Vidyalayas on 29.04.2024.
It is important to analyse the score of this test for planning of further pedagogical
processes/ interventions. A tool is being provided to all the schools for analysing
the LAT score.
Details about the LAT Data Analysis Tool:

• The tool will work in online mode only. The teachers should not download
the file, rather they should fill in the details in the online mode only.
• The LAT tool has a school-wise spreadsheet (file), structured into three class-
wise tabs: 3, 5, and 8. Here's a breakdown of the class-wise tabs:

o Question Details: This tab provides essential information about each

question, including the question number, subject, learning outcome,
learning outcome code, competency, competency code, and key.
o Student Data: Each student's details and their responses toward
assessment items will be entered on this tab. There are only two
· columns which are editable, the remaining cells in the entire sheet are
locked and non-editable.
o Report: This tab automatically generates reports based on· the data
entered under the "Student Data" tab.

Details about Learning Outcomes:

Learning outcomes matched with the assessment items have been taken from the
learning outcomes document published by NCERT. Below is a link to the
document with the learning outcomes:
https: / / wvr», ncert.nic. in/ pdf/ publication/ otherpu blica tions / tilops 101.pdf
Since we do not have specific learning outcomes for San skrit (Class 8), the learning
outcomes for Sanskrit assessment items are based on the goals defined in NCF on
learning of 3rd language.

Details about Competencies:

Competency is a general term that describes the desired knowledge, skills, and
behaviours of a student graduating from a programme (or completing a course).
Competencies are learning achievements that are observable and can be assessed
systematically. The documents to various competencies can be found below:
Reading Literacy-
htt s: cbe documents SAS CBLF Readin -Literac -

Mathematical Literacy-
htt s: cbe documents SAS CBLF Math-Literacv -Final. df
Scientific Literacy-·
htt s: cbe documents SAS CBLF Scientific-Literac -

In case of EVS (class 5) and Social Science (class 8), competencies have been
framed on the basis of NCF guidance and the levels of Bloom taxonomy.

How to use LAT Analysis Tool:

The tool is organised into respective folders (region and school-wise) for easy
accessibility by schools. A region-specific invite of the folders is being given· to the
AC / DC of the respective regions and a school-specific invite has been given to the
school heads (access has been given to personal email addresses of some school
heads). A region-wise sheet containing the school heads email address and link to
the school folder has been attached for your reference. School officials will fill out
the student details in the 'Student Data' tab. Please find the order and the path of
the folders below:

Region-wise folders < School-wise folders < LAT April-May 2024 folder< LAT tool
drive. oo .le.corn drive folders 1ZwMlL2T H9aKH hdht1ZZ 7iv5'572 r

·• Data Requirements:
o Teachers are required to fill in the ''Student Data" tab with student
details and their corresponding responses (using dropdown menus).
The marks column will· be · populated automatically based on the
responses provided.
o After uploading the data on the tool, each school should provide
scanned copies of some students' LAT test papers. This will be done
randomly to maintain the integnty of the assessment process. These
scanned copies will be used solely for verification purposes and will be
handled with the utmost confidentiality.
• Details about the Report:

After the data input, the school-level reports will be automatically generated.
The report will have three sections:

o Report based on students' responses

o Report based on learning outcomes
o Report based on competencies

Schools should use these reports to analyse the performance of their students and
plan future pedagogical strategies at their end.

Please ensure that this task is completed within a week of receiving the LAT
Analysis Tool so that region-wise and overall KVS report can be prepared.

Yours sincerely

Joint Commissioner, Training

1. PA to commissioner, KVS (HQ), New Delhi for information.
2. PA to Addl. Commissioner (Acad.), KVS (HQ), New Delhi for information ..
3. PA to Joint commissioner (Acad.), KVS (HQ), New Delhi for information.
4. Ms. Sonika Tyagi, Rupantar, Sri Aurobindo Society
5. Guard File

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