Busness English

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Today's term is working capital working capital is the money available to the

company for the day-to-day activities very important because it is the lifeblood of
any business here's the formula for working capital we have series of carrying
assets and that represents a certain amount of money.

Current liabilities and that equals working capital but what is a current asset a
current asset is any asset that can be converted into cash in a reasonably short
period of time good example of current assets could be accounts receivables or
inventories marketable securities are prepaid expenses so all the money that is
other assets that we will become liquid cash in less than a year period now the
next term is liabilities and what is a current liability the same thing a liability it's a
commitment but an application that a company has that needs to be fulfilled in a
reasonably short time less than a year so working capital is so important because it
represents or it's an indicator of the overall health financial health of the company
and you need to understand this concept very well so that you can participate in
meetings or you can talk about different aspects of the business but always using
numbers and because if you don't have numbers you just another person with an
opinion so practice this term working capital the money available to the company
for today operations.

Today we are going to introduce a new concept which is very common in to the
economists theory which is called the break-even point to put it simply the break-
even point is the point where the total costs and the total sales are equal which
means that the company has no net profit or losses graphically you can see that
the break-even point is the point where the total cost and the total revenue curves
meet the break-even point analysis is important because it provides helpful
information to managers and businessmen about company which pretty much uh
demonstrate whether the company is being profitable or is how team allows us to
calculate the break-even point to have a special formula fixed cost divided between
told sales Germany minus the cost to make the product which is called also the
contribution margin as an example we have this $500,000 which is the fixed cost
divided in between five hundred dollars which represents the total sales revenue
minus three hundred dollars which is the cost to make the product all of that equals
two hundred two thousand and five hundred units which is the break-even point
that means that a two thousand and five hundred units the company will have no
losses nor profit we hope you found this video useful and let you enjoy it thank you
so much for watching

Given the following, calculate working capital for ABC, Inc.
1. Accounts receivables: 13,238$
2. Accounts Payables: 1,485$
3. Inventory: 500$
4. Payroll: 3,500$
5. Taxes: 898$

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