Complex Numbers

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Module I

By – Santosh Deshmukh
AECS, Kakrapar
# Introduction :
We have studied linear equations in one and two variables and quadratic
equations in one variable.
We have seen that the equation x 2 + 1 = 0 has no real solution,
as x 2 + 1 = 0
and square of every real number is non-negative. So, we need to extend the
real number system to a larger system so that we can find the solution of
the equation x 2 = – 1.

In fact, the main objective is to solve the equation ax2 + bx + c = 0, where

D = b2 – 4ac < 0, which is not possible in the system of real numbers.
So, we will take as Mathematician Euler who gave this symbol.
−1 =i
Mathematicians – Carden & Euler
Definition of Complex Numbers
If a and b are real numbers and i is the imaginary unit,
then a + bi is called a complex number. And denoted by z,
if we take two or more complex numbers then we will
denote them as z1 , z2 , z3 ,..........etc.
• The lowercase iota symbol is used to write the
imaginary unit, but more often Roman i is used.

What is the real part of 13.2i + 113? 113


What is the imaginary part of 21 - 14i? -14

Re(z) = a
What is the real part of 17i? 0 Im(z) = b
Why are these numbers important?
 So why do we study complex numbers anyway? Believe it or not,
complex numbers have many applications—electrical engineering and
quantum mechanics to name a few!
 From a purely mathematical standpoint, one cool thing that complex
numbers allow us to do is to solve any polynomial equation.
 For example, the polynomial equation x 2 − 2 x + 5 =0 does not have
any real solutions nor any imaginary solutions. However, it does have
two complex number solutions. These are 1+2i, and 1- 2i.
 As we continue our study of mathematics, we will learn more about
these numbers and where they are used.
# Number System : numbers
If y = 0 z = x + iy If x = 0

Real Imaginary
p Numbers p Numbers
, Where q ≠ 0 Can ' t expresed as , Where q ≠ 0
q q

Rational Irrational
Numbers Numbers
, if q = 1


Negative Non-Negative
Integers Integers

With '0' Without '0'

Whole Natural
Numbers numbers
# Power of i -
# Power of i -
Simplifying powers of i:
You will need to remember (or establish) the powers of i from 1 to 4, to
obtain one cycle of the pattern. From that list of values, you can easily
determine any other positive integer powers of i.

Method 1: Divide the exponent by 4:

• if the remainder is 0, the answer is 1 (i0).
• if the remainder is 1, the answer is i (i1).
• if the remainder is 2, the answer is -1 (i2).
• if the remainder is 3, the answer is -i (i3).
Method 2: Divide the exponent by 2 :
( i 2 ) =( −1)n =1 or - 1 based on n is even or odd
• if the remainder is 0, i 2 n =

(i 2n ) i =
• if the remainder is 1, i 2 n +1 = ( −1) i =
i or - i based on n is even or odd
# Example 1 - Simplify i 87

Answer : By Method 1
Divide the power by 4 to find the remainder.
87 ÷ 4 = 21 with remainder 3
The answer is i 21×4 + 3
=( i )
4 21
× i 3 =1× (−i ) =−i

By Method 2
Divide the power by 2 to find the remainder.
87 ÷ 2 = 43 with remainder 3
The answer is i 43×2 +1
=( i )
2 43
× i =−1× (i ) =−i
# Example 2 - Simplify: i89 + i90 +i91 + i92
Answer : Let us simplify each term using Method 2,
(i2 )
( −1)
i 89 =
i 88i = i= i=

(i2 )
( −1)
i 90 = = −1

(i2 ) i =
( −1)
i 91 =
i 90i = i=

(i2 )
= ( −1)
=i 92 =1
Adding all the terms we get
i 89 + i 90 + i 91 + i 92 =−
i 1− i +1 =

Note - In general if we take four consecutive powers of i and add the answer is always 0

i.e. i n + i n +1 + i n + 2 + i n +3 = i − 1 − i + 1 = 0
# Example 3 - Simplify:

∑ (i
k =1
+ i k +1 )
13 13 13
Answer :
∑ ( i k
+ i k +1
)= ∑ i k + ∑ i k +1
=k 1 =k 1 =k 1

= (i1 +i 2 +i 3 +i 4 +i 5 +.........+i13 ) + ( i 2 +i 3 +i 4 +i 5 +i 6 +..................+i14 )

= i1 +i 2 = i − 1

# Question for Practice : Simplify - ∑( i
k =1
+ i k +1
) Ans: i
# Equality of two complex numbers -
Two complex numbers z1= a + ib and z2 = c + id are equal if and
only if a = c and b = d i.e., Re( z1 ) = Re( z2 ) and Im( z1 ) = Im( z2 )
Thus, z1 = z2 ⇔ Re( z1 ) = Re( z2 ) and Im( z1 ) = Im( z2 )

For example, if the complex numbers z1 = x + iy and z2 = -5 + 7i

are equal, then x = -5 & y = 7.
Example 4. If a, b are real numbers and 7a + i(3a - b) = 14 - 6i,
then find the values of a and b.
Given, 7a + i(3a - b) = 14 - 6i
⇒ 7a + i(3a - b) = 14 + i(-6)
Now equating real and imaginary parts on both sides, we have
7a = 14 and 3a - b = -6
⇒ a = 2 and 3 ∙ 2 – b = -6
⇒ a = 2 and 6 – b = -6
⇒ a = 2 and – b = -12
⇒ a = 2 and b = 12
Therefore, the value of a = 2 and the value of b = 12.
# Modulus of complex numbers -
Let z = x + iy where x and y are real and i = √-1.
Then the non negative square root of (x 2
+ y 2 ) is called

the modulus or absolute value of z (or x + iy).

Modulus of a complex number z = x + iy, denoted by mod(z) or |z| or
|x + iy|, is defined as |z|= + x2 + y 2 = (Re( z )) 2 + (Im( z )) 2
Sometimes, |z| is called absolute value of z. Clearly, |z| ≥ 0 for all zϵ C.
For example 5 : 0

(i) If z = 6 + 8i then |z| = = 10.

2 2
6 +8 =100
2 + = 10

(ii) If z = -6 + 8i then |z| = (−6)2 + 82 =100 = 10.

# Conjugate of complex numbers -
The complex conjugate of a complex number is the number with an equal real part
and an imaginary part equal in magnitude, but opposite in sign.
Given a complex number z= x + iy , the complex conjugate of z,
is denoted by z and is equal to z= x − iy see fig.
Example 6.
To find the complex conjugate of 4+7i we change the sign of the
imaginary part. Thus the complex conjugate of 4+7i is 4 − 7i.
Example 7.
To find the complex conjugate of 1−3i we change the sign of the
imaginary part. Thus the complex conjugate of 1 − 3i is 1+3i.
Example 8.
To find the complex conjugate of −4 − 3i we change the sign of the
imaginary part. Thus the complex conjugate of −4 − 3i is −4 + 3i.
# Properties of Modulus & Conjugate of complex numbers -
1. z1 z2 = z1 . z2
z1 z1
2. , where z2 ≠ 0
z2 z2
3. z. z = z
4. z = z
5. z = z
6. ( z1 ± z2 ) =z1 ± z2
7. ( z1 z2 ) = z1. z2
 z1  z1
8.   = , where z2 ≠ 0
 z2  z2

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