24mar24 - Technical Assigment Level 1 SST

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EVIDENCE 5 SST LEVEL 1: Fourth evidence.

NAMES: Paola Vega, Duván Sierra, Duban Ortega, Carol Rincón, Ramon Ortiz.


Read the following article and answer the questions below:

Bob Hunter is forty years old. He lives in Derby with his wife and their children. His
wife’s name is Linda, and she is an artist. Their eldest child, Richard, is studying
Engineering at Derby University. Their middle child is called Claire. She is fourteen and a
student at Derby Grammar School.
Their youngest child is Sally, who is twelve. She enjoys horse-riding and cycling. Bob is
an accountant and works for Toyota at Burniston. He enjoys his job but always looks
forward to the weekend when he can spend some quality time on the golf course. He is a
member of Mickleover Golf Club, and he plays there eleven years ago.

How old is Bob? He is Forty years old

What does he do? He is an accountant and works for
Where does he live? He lives in Derby
How many children does he have? Three sons
What is his wife’s name? her name is Linda
What does his wife do? she is an artist
How old is Claire? She is fourteen years old
What does Bob do at the weekend? He plays golf
What does the word THEIR, in line 1, refer to? Children
What does the word THERE in the last line refer to? eleven years ago


Linda Starr is an actress. She wants a Job in a new movie. Complete the
dialogue with the correct form of CAN.

Ms. Lee: So, Linda, what (1) CAN YOU DO (you/ do)?
Linda: Yes, I (3) CAN sing but not very well.
Ms. Lee: Hmm. (4) CAN YOU DANCE? (you/dance)
Linda: I (5) YES, I CAN dance just a little.
Ms. Lee: Hmm. No, no, no… You (6) CAN YOU sing or dance very well. (7) ?
Linda: Oh, yes! I (8) CAN cry very well.
Ms. Lee: That's great! Our new movie is Lost Love. You can do the job!

Complete the email with the correct form of CAN

Date: November 3rd From:

[email protected] Subject:

Dear Key Pal,

Hello! My name is Marisol Torres. I'm from Guadalajara, México, so I (1)

CAN speak Spanish. (2) CAN YOU (you/speak) Spanish? (3)
I CAN teach you some words!
I love music. I (4) CAN sing, and I (5) CAN play the piano. My brother, Alex (6) CAN
play the guitar. He is a wonderful musician. (7) CAN (you /play) any musical instrument? I
also like sports. My mother teaches me soccer, also she (8) CAN play tennis, but she (9)
CAN`T ski. It's too difficult.
Please write soon! I'm waiting for your first email.

Your friend, Marisol!


1. Observe the image and describe the actions workers CAN and CAN'T DO
(minimum 8) e.g.: The waiter can walk. The waiter can't run.

1. The painter can use the stair. The painter can`t paint without stair
2. The glass cleaning man can use the harness. The glass cleaning man can`t clean the
3. windows without harness.
4. The workers in the company can work with safety helmet. The workers can`t work without
safety helmet.
5. She can walk in the Street. She can`t walk looking the phone
6. She can receive the coffee. She can`t receive the coffee looking at the personal computer
7. The waiter can carry the coffee in a tray. The waiter can`t carry the coffee in his hands.
8. The cook can stay in the Street. The cook can`t cooking in the Street.
9. The picture can be clear. The picture can`t be clear.

2. Make a checklist to verify the fulfillment of secure practices and safety norms.
Minimum 10 items.

1. Use personal protective equipment (PPE) such as helmets, gloves, and safety goggles.
2. Follow proper lifting techniques to avoid back injuries.
3. Keep work areas clean and organized to prevent slips, trips, and falls.
4. Adhere to machine safety guidelines and lockout/tagout procedures when servicing
5. Report any hazards or unsafe conditions to supervisors immediately.
6. Take regular breaks to prevent fatigue and maintain focus.
7. Use tools and equipment properly, following manufacturer instructions and safety
8. Participate in safety training and stay updated on relevant safety protocols.
9. Practice fire safety, including knowing evacuation routes and using fire extinguishers.
10. Encourage a culture of safety by promoting open communication and reporting near
misses or incidents.

3. Classify the following vocabulary into the correct categories: CANCER,


Complete the following health and safety notices with the words and ideas
below it:

Wash-up after
Use Goggles
Before and After Eating
Take a Shower
Protective Clothing Boots
Hang your Clothes
Washup During
Use Hat

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