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772 Pump Unit

8.772.8001EN / 2019-11-29
Metrohm AG
CH-9100 Herisau
Phone +41 71 353 85 85
Fax +41 71 353 89 01
[email protected]

772 Pump Unit


8.772.8001EN / 2019-11-29
Technical Communication
Metrohm AG
CH-9100 Herisau
[email protected]

This documentation is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

This documentation has been prepared with great care. However, errors
can never be entirely ruled out. Please send comments regarding possible
errors to the address above.
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Table of contents

Table of contents
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Instrument description ......................................................... 1
1.1.1 Model versions ........................................................................ 1
1.1.2 Connectors .............................................................................. 1
1.1.3 Intended use ........................................................................... 1
1.2 About the documentation ................................................... 2
1.2.1 Symbols and conventions ........................................................ 2
1.3 Safety instructions ................................................................ 3
1.3.1 General notes on safety ........................................................... 3
1.3.2 Electrical safety ........................................................................ 3
1.3.3 Tubing and capillary connections ............................................. 4
1.3.4 Flammable solvents and chemicals ........................................... 4
1.3.5 Recycling and disposal ............................................................. 4

2 Overview of the instrument 6

3 Installation 7
3.1 Setting up the instrument .................................................... 7
3.1.1 Packaging ................................................................................ 7
3.1.2 Checks .................................................................................... 7
3.1.3 Location .................................................................................. 7
3.2 Mounting the tubings .......................................................... 7
3.2.1 Mounting the pump tubing ..................................................... 7
3.2.2 Installing the inlet tubing and outlet tubing .............................. 9
3.3 Connecting the peristaltic pump ....................................... 10
3.3.1 Connection to a Sample Processor ......................................... 11
3.3.2 Connection to the 731 Relay Box .......................................... 11

4 Operation 14
5 Operation and maintenance 15
5.1 General notes ...................................................................... 15
5.1.1 Care ...................................................................................... 15
5.1.2 Maintenance by Metrohm Service .......................................... 15
5.2 Pump tubings ...................................................................... 16
5.2.1 Selecting the pump tubing ..................................................... 16
5.2.2 Suitability test for tubing materials ......................................... 17
5.2.3 Tubing dimensions ................................................................. 17
5.2.4 Tubing lifetime ....................................................................... 17
5.2.5 PharMed® pump tubing data sheet ....................................... 18
5.2.6 Viton® pump tubing data sheet ............................................ 19
5.3 Tubings ................................................................................ 20

772 Pump Unit ■■■■■■■■ III

Table of contents ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

6 Troubleshooting 21
6.1 Problems .............................................................................. 21

7 Technical specifications 22
7.1 Peristaltic pump .................................................................. 22
7.2 Power supply ...................................................................... 22
7.3 Interfaces and connectors ................................................. 22
7.4 Ambient temperature ......................................................... 22
7.5 Reference conditions .......................................................... 23
7.6 Dimensions/material ........................................................... 23

8 Accessories 24
Index 25

IV ■■■■■■■■ 772 Pump Unit

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Table of figures

Table of figures
Figure 1 Front 772 Pump Unit ......................................................................... 6
Figure 2 Inserting the tubing olives ................................................................. 7
Figure 3 Installing the pump tubing ................................................................ 8
Figure 4 Fastening the pressure clamp in place ................................................ 8
Figure 5 Connecting the tubings ..................................................................... 9
Figure 6 Screwing the union nuts tightly ....................................................... 10
Figure 7 772 Pump Unit directly on the Sample Processor ............................. 11
Figure 8 772 Pump Unit via the Remote Box and 731 Relay Box .................... 12
Figure 9 Direction of rotation ........................................................................ 13
Figure 10 Calculation formula for the permeability (C) ..................................... 19

772 Pump Unit ■■■■■■■■ V

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 1 Introduction

1 Introduction

1.1 Instrument description

The 772 Pump Unit is a versatile peristaltic pump for conveying or evacu-
ating liquid media. It was designed specifically for the production opera-
tion and laboratory environment and enables a wide range of applica-
tions. Unlike membrane pumps, pumping organic solvents or liquids with
solids content is no problem for the 772 Pump Unit.
Therefore, the 772 Pump Unit is equally well suited for use in titration, e.g.
for evacuating titration samples with silver halide precipitation and as a
delivery pump in larger automation systems. By using the respective suit-
able tubing material, a wide variety of tasks can be managed.
The flow rate of up to 600 mL/min opens up a wide range of applications.

1.1.1 Model versions

The 772 Pump Unit is available in the following three versions:

2.772.0110 772 Pump Unit

2.772.0120 772 Pump Unit with aspiration equip-
2.772.0130 772 Pump Unit with rinsing equipment

Each version includes different accessories according to its use (see chap-
ter 8, page 24).

1.1.2 Connectors
The 772 Pump Unit needs 16 - 24 V DC voltage.
Power is supplied to the pump via the direct connection to a Sample Pro-
cessor (e.g. 814 or 815) or to the 731 Relay Box (connection via adapter
cable 6.2160.010).

1.1.3 Intended use

The 772 Pump Unit is designed for usage in automated systems in analyti-
cal laboratories.
This instrument is suitable for pumping chemicals and flammable samples.
Use of the 772 Pump Unit therefore requires the user to have basic knowl-
edge and experience in handling toxic and caustic substances. Knowledge
with respect to the application of the fire prevention measures prescribed
for laboratories is also mandatory.

772 Pump Unit ■■■■■■■■ 1

1.2 About the documentation ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

1.2 About the documentation


Please read through this documentation carefully before putting the

instrument into operation. The documentation contains information
and warnings which the user must follow in order to ensure safe opera-
tion of the instrument.

1.2.1 Symbols and conventions

The following symbols and formatting may appear in this documentation:

Cross-reference to figure legend

The first number refers to the figure number, the sec-
ond to the instrument part in the figure.
Instruction step
Carry out these steps in the sequence shown.
Method Dialog text, parameter in the software
File ▶ New Menu or menu item
[Next] Button or key
This symbol draws attention to a possible life-threat-
ening hazard or risk of injury.
This symbol draws attention to a possible hazard due
to electrical current.
This symbol draws attention to a possible hazard due
to heat or hot instrument parts.
This symbol draws attention to a possible biological
This symbol draws attention to possible damage to
instruments or instrument parts.

2 ■■■■■■■■ 772 Pump Unit

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 1 Introduction

This symbol highlights additional information and

1.3 Safety instructions

1.3.1 General notes on safety


Operate this instrument only according to the information contained in

this documentation.

This instrument left the factory in a flawless state in terms of technical

safety. To maintain this state and ensure non-hazardous operation of the
instrument, the following instructions must be observed carefully.

1.3.2 Electrical safety

The electrical safety when working with the instrument is ensured as part
of the international standard IEC 61010.


Only personnel qualified by Metrohm are authorized to carry out service

work on electronic components.


Never open the housing of the instrument. The instrument could be

damaged by this. There is also a risk of serious injury if live components
are touched.
There are no parts inside the housing which can be serviced or replaced
by the user.

Supply voltage


An incorrect supply voltage can damage the instrument.

Only operate this instrument with a supply voltage specified for it (see
rear panel of the instrument).

772 Pump Unit ■■■■■■■■ 3

1.3 Safety instructions ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Protection against electrostatic charges


Electronic components are sensitive to electrostatic charges and can be

destroyed by discharges.
Do not fail to pull the power cord out of the power socket before you
set up or disconnect electrical plug connections at the rear of the

1.3.3 Tubing and capillary connections


Leaks in tubing and capillary connections are a safety risk. Tighten all
connections well by hand. Avoid applying excessive force to tubing con-
nections. Damaged tubing ends lead to leakage. Appropriate tools can
be used to loosen connections.
Check the connections regularly for leakage. If the instrument is used
mainly in unattended operation, then weekly inspections are manda-

1.3.4 Flammable solvents and chemicals


All relevant safety measures are to be observed when working with

flammable solvents and chemicals.
■ Set up the instrument in a well-ventilated location (e.g. fume cup-
■ Keep all sources of flame far from the workplace.
■ Clean up spilled liquids and solids immediately.
■ Follow the safety instructions of the chemical manufacturer.

1.3.5 Recycling and disposal

This product is covered by European Directive 2012/19/EU, WEEE – Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment.
The correct disposal of your old instrument will help to prevent negative
effects on the environment and public health.

4 ■■■■■■■■ 772 Pump Unit

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 1 Introduction

More details about the disposal of your old instrument can be obtained
from your local authorities, from waste disposal companies or from your
local dealer.

772 Pump Unit ■■■■■■■■ 5


2 Overview of the instrument



Figure 1 Front 772 Pump Unit

1 Status LED 2 Locking lever with clamping screw

For displaying the operating state.

3 Pressure clamp 4 Rotor

For the counterpressure to the pump tubing.

5 Tubing clamp (outlet) 6 Tubing clamp (inlet)

7 Connection cable
With M8 plug for connection to a Sample

6 ■■■■■■■■ 772 Pump Unit

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 3 Installation

3 Installation

3.1 Setting up the instrument

3.1.1 Packaging
The instrument is supplied in protective packaging together with the sepa-
rately packed accessories. Keep this packaging, as only this ensures safe
transportation of the instrument.

3.1.2 Checks
Immediately after receipt, check whether the shipment has arrived com-
plete and without damage by comparing it with the delivery note.

3.1.3 Location
The instrument has been developed for operation indoors and may not be
used in explosive environments.
Place the instrument in a location of the laboratory which is suitable for
operation and free of vibrations and which provides protection against
corrosive atmosphere and contamination by chemicals.
The instrument should be protected against excessive temperature fluctua-
tions and direct sunlight.

3.2 Mounting the tubings

3.2.1 Mounting the pump tubing


Selecting the correct pump tubing is very important for its function and
lifetime (see chapter 5, page 15).

1 Cut the pump tubing to a length of approx. 17 cm.

2 Insert the tubing olives (6.1820.050) into the two tubing ends.

Figure 2 Inserting the tubing olives

772 Pump Unit ■■■■■■■■ 7

3.2 Mounting the tubings ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

3 Clamp the pump tubing 1 into the pump head according to the
drawing below such that the tubing and the tubing olives are fas-
tened by the tubing clips 2 and 3. The tubing must be as centered
on the roller as possible.

Figure 3 Installing the pump tubing

4 Press on the pressure clamp 5 and fasten it in place using the locking
lever 4.

Figure 4 Fastening the pressure clamp in place

5 Tighten the clamping screw 4 so that the pump tubing cannot slip.
With the pump running, gently tighten the clamping screw until the

8 ■■■■■■■■ 772 Pump Unit

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 3 Installation

liquid flows evenly. After a run-in period, correct the setting again if


Do not clamp the pump tubing too tightly or apply too much pres-
sure, as this causes greater wear to the pump tubing and the
pump will generate excessive pump pressure.

3.2.2 Installing the inlet tubing and outlet tubing

As the inlet tubing and outlet tubing, two different tubing types are avail-
able. Both tubings are included in the scope of delivery .
■ PVC tubing (6.1801.120), 2 x 2 m
■ PTFE tubing (6.1812.000), 1 x 4 m


Which of the two tubings to use depends largely on the solvent used.
PVC tubing is more flexible and has the advantage of making less noise
during the pumping operation. It must be noted that the PVC tubing is
not resistant to solvents.

Install the inlet tubing and outlet tubing as follows:

1 Cut the inlet tubing and outlet tubing to the suitable length.

2 Connect the tubings to the tubing olives of the pump tubing using
union nuts.

Figure 5 Connecting the tubings

772 Pump Unit ■■■■■■■■ 9

3.3 Connecting the peristaltic pump ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■


To fasten PTFE tubings in place, you have to widen their openings

(e.g. using a Phillips screwdriver). You can use a piece of sandpa-
per to make the PTFE tubing easier to handle.
Do not heat the tubing ends to widen them, as otherwise the con-
necting nipples can be damaged.

3 Screw the union nuts tightly to ensure a secure tubing connection.

Figure 6 Screwing the union nuts tightly

3.3 Connecting the peristaltic pump


Follow the instructions listed below for connecting to a control device.

The instrument can be damaged if operated with the wrong supply

The 772 Pump Unit needs 16 - 24 V DC voltage. It can be connected
directly to Sample Processor models 814, 815, 855 or 864.
When using the 772 Pump Unit in an automation system with remote
control, we recommend using a 731 Relay Box for the power supply.

10 ■■■■■■■■ 772 Pump Unit

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 3 Installation

3.3.1 Connection to a Sample Processor

■ Plug the M8 plug into the socket on the Sample Processor provided for
this purpose.

1 2
Figure 7 772 Pump Unit directly on the Sample Processor

1 Sample Processor 814, 815, 855, 864 2 772 Pump Unit

Instruments with Pump Connector. Peristaltic pump with M8 connector.


The Sample Processor 824 Easy Sample Changer does not have an M8
socket. However, the adapter cable 6.2160.010 can be used for the
connection. For details about connecting the 772 Pump Unit to the
adapter cable, refer to the manual for the 824 Easy Sample Changer.

3.3.2 Connection to the 731 Relay Box

Connect the 772 Pump Unit with connection via the Remote Box
(6.2148.010) and the 731 Relay Box to a remote interface.
■ Connect the M8 plug (1-7) of the 772 Pump Unit to the corresponding
socket on the adapter cable.
■ Plug the adapter cable into low-voltage DC current output DC1 or DC2
of the 731 Relay Box.

772 Pump Unit ■■■■■■■■ 11

3.3 Connecting the peristaltic pump ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 8 772 Pump Unit via the Remote Box and 731 Relay Box

1 Sample Processor 814, 815, 855, 864 2 Remote Box (6.2148.010)

Connection via remote interface.

3 Remote cable (6.2125.100) 4 731 Relay Box (2.731.0010)

5 Adapter cable (6.2160.010) 6 772 Pump Unit


Ensure the correct polarity of the banana plugs.

The red plug (positive pole) belongs in the red socket, the black plug
(negative pole) belongs in the black socket. Reversing the polarity of the
connecting plugs also reverses the direction of pumping.

12 ■■■■■■■■ 772 Pump Unit

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 3 Installation

Figure 9 Direction of rotation

1 Direction of rotation 2 Outlet

Correct direction of rotor rotation with cor-
rect polarity (clockwise).

3 Inlet


For information on controlling the 772 Pump Unit using the 731 Relay
Box and a suitable control device, refer to the manual of the 731 Relay

772 Pump Unit ■■■■■■■■ 13


4 Operation
The 772 Pump Unit does not have its own operating units. It is operated
and controlled via the main instrument in the linked system.

14 ■■■■■■■■ 772 Pump Unit

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 5 Operation and maintenance

5 Operation and maintenance

5.1 General notes

5.1.1 Care
The 772 Pump Unit requires appropriate care. Excess contamination of the
instrument may result in functional disruptions and a reduction in the life-
time of the sturdy mechanics and electronics.
Spilled chemicals and solvents should be removed immediately. Above all,
the plug connections on the rear of the instrument (in particular the mains
connection socket) should be protected from contamination.


Although this is extensively prevented by design measures, the mains

plug should be unplugged immediately if aggressive media have pene-
trated the inside of the instrument, so as to avoid serious damage to
the instrument electronics. In such cases, Metrohm Service must be

5.1.2 Maintenance by Metrohm Service

Maintenance of the 772 Pump Unit is best carried out as part of an annual
service, which is performed by specialist personnel of the Metrohm com-
pany. If working frequently with caustic and corrosive chemicals, a shorter
maintenance interval could be necessary.
Metrohm Service offers every form of technical advice for maintenance
and service of all Metrohm instruments.

772 Pump Unit ■■■■■■■■ 15

5.2 Pump tubings ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

5.2 Pump tubings


Aggressive liquids
Leaking liquids can pose a risk of injury and damage instruments.
■ Use suitable tubing only.
■ Regularly check tubing for proper fastening and for damage and


In every case, the user has sole responsibility with regard to suitability
and safety of pump tubing. Therefore, it is extremely important that
before each use, the safety and effectiveness of tubing is tested based
on application-specific laboratory, field or clinical tests.

5.2.1 Selecting the pump tubing

The most important decision when using peristaltic pumps is the selection
of suitable tubing material. Always use tubings particularly intended for
peristaltic pumps.
The 772 Pump Unit is shipped with PharMed® pump tubing (6.1826.100,
ø 6.4/9.6 mm, see Chapter 5.2.5) made of thermoplastic polypropylene,
which is highly suitable for aqueous media.
If you need other tubings for your application, take care to ensure the fol-
lowing points when evaluating the pump tubings:
■ Chemical resistance
■ Pressure build-up in the pump tubing
■ Sterilizability
■ Temperature of the pump medium and the environment
■ Viscosity of the liquid
■ Permeability of the pump tubing
■ Demanded flow rate
■ Tubing dimensions
We recommend using PVC, silicone, Viton® and PharMed® as the tubing
materials. Contact your laboratory dealer for information on suitable prod-
ucts and their data sheets.

16 ■■■■■■■■ 772 Pump Unit

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 5 Operation and maintenance

5.2.2 Suitability test for tubing materials

Place a piece of the tubing in question for 48 hours in a closed container
filled with the liquid in question. Then examine the piece of tubing for
signs of swelling, embrittlement or other damage.

5.2.3 Tubing dimensions


Use tubing with a wall thickness of 1.6 mm only.

The largest usable inner diameter is 6.4 mm.

5.2.4 Tubing lifetime

The pump tubing has a limited lifetime and therefore has to be replaced
regularly. The following are examples of factors that can influence the life-
time of tubing in peristaltic pumps:
■ Chemical resistance of the pump tubing
■ Pump rate (rotational speed)
■ Properties of the pumped liquid
■ Outlet pressure
■ Ambient temperature
■ Shearing force of the rollers
■ Twisted or kinked tubing
■ Tubing too long
■ Wall thickness of 1.6 mm not complied with

772 Pump Unit ■■■■■■■■ 17

5.2 Pump tubings ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■


■ If the tubing is not tightened sufficiently around the rotor, this has a
negative impact on the lifetime of the tubing, as in this case the tub-
ing tends to fold up. If the tubing is tightened too much, the flow is
■ The tubing will last longer if the pressure clamp is detached when
the pump is not in use.
■ In order to achieve good repeatability of flow rate following a
change in tubing, it is imperative that you always select the same
tubing length.
Before changing tubing:
■ Pump all of the liquid out of the tubing so that none remains.
■ Pull out the connection cable of the peristaltic pump to prevent acci-
dental starting of the pump.
■ Detach the pressure clamp, open the tubing clamps and remove the

5.2.5 PharMed® pump tubing data sheet

Physical properties Polypropylene-based thermoplastic elastomer, contains

Dimensions Inner diameter = 6.4 mm

Wall thickness 1.6 mm

Advantages Ideal for aqueous media

Impermeable to normal light and UV radiation

Tubing can be welded, glued and thermoformed.

Very long lifetime

Restrictions Additives can be dissolved out by the pumped medium.

Applications: Acids Good resistance

Bases Good resistance

Solvents Not suitable

Pressure Well suited

Vacuum Very well suited

Viscous media Well suited

Sterile media Very well suited

Temperature range –60 - +130 °C

18 ■■■■■■■■ 772 Pump Unit

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 5 Operation and maintenance

Permeability (C) for: CO2 1,200

(see figure 10, page 19) O2 200

N2 80

Corresponds to the fol- USP Class VI

lowing standards:
FDA 21CFR177.2600

NSF (Standard 51)

Cleaning/sterilization The tubing can be sterilized in the autoclave without

being damaged.

Figure 10 Calculation formula for the permeability (C)

5.2.6 Viton® pump tubing data sheet

Physical properties Viton®; rigid, impermeable, black

Dimensions Inner diameter = 6.4 mm

Wall thickness 1.6 mm

Advantages High chemical resistance

Low gas permeability

Wide temperature range

Restrictions Limited lifetime

Applications: Acids Outstanding

Bases Outstanding

Solvents Limited

Pressure Not recommended

Vacuum Good

Viscous media Good

Sterile media Satisfactory

Temperature range –31 °C - +204 °C

Permeability (C) for: CO2 38

O2 14

N2 5

Corresponds to the fol- None

lowing standards:

Cleaning/sterilization Not recommended

772 Pump Unit ■■■■■■■■ 19

5.3 Tubings ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

5.3 Tubings
The tubing requires regular inspection in order to work properly:
■ Do not kink PTFE tubing.
■ Ensure resistance to solvents.
■ Check the tubing regularly for any damage.

20 ■■■■■■■■ 772 Pump Unit

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 6 Troubleshooting

6 Troubleshooting

6.1 Problems
Problem Cause Remedy
The flow is not set The flow is too strong or Loosen or tighten the locking lever with the
correctly. too weak. clamping screw.

The liquid is not The inlet tubing and the Switch the tubings so that the inlet tubing
aspirated, but just outlet tubing have been goes into the solution and the outlet tubing
"bubbles" instead. switched. goes into the waste canister.

The peristaltic pump The connecting cable is not Connect the connecting cable.
is not running. connected.

The peristaltic pump The pressure clamp is set Set the correct pressure using the locking lever
is pumping too little insufficiently or not at all. and clamping screw.
or not at all.
The tubing clamp is pinch- Fasten the tubing end piece and the tubing
ing off the tubing. olive in the tubing clip correctly. The tubing
clamp must clamp the tubing in the area of
the tubing olive.

The tubing connec- The tubings are not Check the screw connectors.
tion of the inlet tub- screwed on correctly.
ing and/or outlet
tubing is dripping.

The tubing connec- The pressure is too high. Loosen the locking lever of the pressure clamp
tion of the pump slightly.
tubing is dripping or
If necessary, also use a cable tie to tie down
the cable ends at the tubing olives.

772 Pump Unit ■■■■■■■■ 21

7.1 Peristaltic pump ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

7 Technical specifications

7.1 Peristaltic pump

Direction of rota- Clockwise
Rotational speed 160 - 250 rpm, at 20 V / 200 mA
Flow rate 400 - 600 mL/min
(depending on the supply voltage and the selection of pump tubing)
Pump tubings
Wall thickness 1.6 mm
Inner diameter 0.8 - 6.4 mm
Material Depending on the medium.

7.2 Power supply

Voltage 16 - 24 V DC
Power consump- ≤ 550 mA

7.3 Interfaces and connectors

The 772 Pump Unit does not have any control interfaces. It is operated
and controlled via the power supply.

7.4 Ambient temperature

Nominal function +5 - +45 °C
Transport and –40 - +70 °C

22 ■■■■■■■■ 772 Pump Unit

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 7 Technical specifications

7.5 Reference conditions

Ambient tempera- +25 °C (±3 °C)
Relative humidity ≤ 60%

7.6 Dimensions/material
Width 100 mm
Height 210 mm
Depth 260 mm
Weight 3.20 kg (without accessories)
Housing, upper Polyurethane, coated
Bottom part of Steel sheet, stove-enameled

772 Pump Unit ■■■■■■■■ 23


8 Accessories
Up-to-date information on the scope of delivery and optional accessories
for your product can be found on the Internet. You can download this
information using the article number as follows:

Downloading the accessories list

1 Enter https://www.metrohm.com/ into your Internet browser.

2 Enter the article number (e.g. Variable Produktnummer) into the

search field.
The search result is displayed.

3 Click on the product.

Detailed information regarding the product is shown on various tabs.

4 On the Included parts tab, click on Download the PDF.

The PDF file with the accessories data is created.


Once you have received your new product, we recommend download-

ing the accessories list from the Internet, printing it out and keeping it
together with the manual for reference purposes.

24 ■■■■■■■■ 772 Pump Unit

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Index

C M Pump tubing ............................ 16
Connect Material .................................... 23 Dimensions ......................... 17
731 Relay Box .................... 11 Model versions ........................... 1 Lifetime .............................. 17
Peristaltic pump .................. 10 Mount .................................. 7
Sample Processor ................ 11 O Select ................................. 16
Operation ................................. 14 Suitability test ..................... 17
Dimensions .............................. 23 P S
Peristaltic pump Safety instructions ...................... 3
E Direction of rotation ........... 22 Service ....................................... 3
Electrostatic charge .................... 4 Flow rate ............................ 22 Supply voltage ............................ 3
Power supply
F Power consumption ............ 22 T
Front of the instrument .............. 6 Voltage .............................. 22 Tubing
Problems .................................. 21 Maintenance ...................... 20
Instrument description ................ 1

772 Pump Unit ■■■■■■■■ 25

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