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National Fire Protection Association Report https://submittals.nfpa.org/TerraViewWeb/ContentFetcher?commentPar...

First Revision No. 103-NFPA 780-2020 [ Global Input ]

Add text to existing annex from from current A.4.13.2.

A. should finish by reading:
Consideration of the corrosive environment is necessary in the selection of an appropriate stainless-steel alloy as a material for
the grounding electrode. Research has been presented that warns that stainless steel is very susceptible to corrosion in many soil
conditions. Extreme caution should be used with proper soil analysis where this type of rod is used.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 24 13:18:37 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee The last sentence of existing A.4.13.2 is deleted because the requirement discussed is specific to lightning protection,
Statement: not to grounding of electrical systems. The remaining text in A.4.13.2 is applicable specifically to so it is moved
into A.
Response FR-103-NFPA 780-2020

1 of 132 4/1/2021, 12:21 PM

National Fire Protection Association Report https://submittals.nfpa.org/TerraViewWeb/ContentFetcher?commentPar...

First Revision No. 16-NFPA 780-2020 [ Global Input ]

Section 4.20.2 through 4.20.9 have been revised and reorganized. This results in a multi-section 4.20.2. See attached file.

Supplemental Information

File Name Description Approved

FR16_4.20.2_rework.docx FR 16 reorganized 4.20.2. For staff use
780_Global_FR-16_4.20.2_rework_for_ballot.pdf For ballot

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Thu Nov 12 15:31:28 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee This first revision reformats, enhances, and clarifies the rules and requirements for surge-protective devices (SPDs)
Statement: under one section of Section 4.20. Technical terminology, spelling, and abbreviation revisions have been made to
correlate the NFPA 780 with the NEC (NFPA 70), primarily Part II. of Article 242 in the 2020 NEC.

New corresponds directly with Section 242.22 of the 2020 NEC.

New corresponds directly with Sections 242.20 and 242.30 of the 2020 NEC and replaces the language being
deleted in (former has been revised for clarity and new annex material has been added to provide the reader
guidance from NEMA and the NEC regarding enclosure environmental ratings.

Response FR-16-NFPA 780-2020

Public Input No. 65-NFPA 780-2020 [Sections,]
Public Input No. 69-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. A.]
Public Input No. 142-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. A.4.20.5]
Public Input No. 68-NFPA 780-2020 [Sections 4.20.8, 4.20.9]
Public Input No. 76-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. A.]
Public Input No. 73-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. A.4.20.5]
Public Input No. 71-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. A.4.20.8]
Public Input No. 70-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. A.4.20.4]
Public Input No. 11-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No.]
Public Input No. 169-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No.]
Public Input No. 141-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No.]
Public Input No. 67-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 4.20.4]
Public Input No. 75-NFPA 780-2020 [New Section after A.]
Public Input No. 63-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 4.20.2]
Public Input No. 72-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. A.]
Public Input No. 66-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 4.20.5]

2 of 132 4/1/2021, 12:21 PM

Important Notice: This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA),
Copyright © 2021 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties.

Note: 4.20 was renumbered to 4.19 due to other changes in Chapter 4.

4.20.2* Surge-Protective Device (SPD) Protection Requirements.


An SPD responds to surges by lowering its internal impedance so as to divert a surge current to limit
the voltage to its protective level — the measured limiting voltage. After the occurrence of surges,
the SPD recovers to a high-impedance-state line-to-ground and extinguishes the current-to-ground
through the device when the line voltage returns to normal. The SPD performsachieves these
functions under normal service conditions, which are specified byspecific to the frequency of the
system, voltage, load current, altitude (i.e., air pressure), humidity, and ambient air temperature.

SPDs shall be installed at all power service entrances (see, 4.20.4, and 4.20.5 for selection
criteria)services supplying a building, structure, or equipment.

SPDs shall be an integral part of the service equipment or located immediately adjacent thereto.*

SPDs shall be installed at entrances of conductive communications systems (including, but not limited
to, CATV, alarm, and data) and antenna systems.


Antennas are considered a part of conductive signal, data, and communication services. 2

SPDs shall be installed at all points of supply where an electrical or electronic systema service, feeder, or
branch circuit conductor or cable leaves enters or exits a building or structure to supply another building
or structure if and where the conductors or cables are run over 100 ft (30 m).*
Important Notice: This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA),
Copyright © 2021 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties.

Surge protectionSPDs shall be permitted for installation at subpanels or branch panels andto be installed
anywhere on the load side of a service disconnect overcurrent device or at the point of utilization (outlet
or signal termination; also termed supplementary protection)on the load side of a branch circuit
overcurrent protection device up to the equipment served; this protection is in addition to that required
by and

A. 3

Permanent failure of electrical and electronic systems can result from conducted and induced surges
transmitted to an apparatus via connecting wiring, as well as from the effects of radiated
electromagnetic fields impinging directly onto the apparatus itself. Protection at of primary panels
and subpanelsthe service equipment and downstream equipment (coordinated cascading SPD
system) is recommended to reduce such effects.

To reduce the probability of failure of mission-critical equipment or equipment that is critical to life
safety, surge protection should also be considered on for the branch distribution panels equipment
powering theis equipment. IEC 62305-4, Protection Against Lightning — Part 4: Electrical and
Electronic Systems Within Structures, recommends that the length of system wiring between the
point at which the SPD is installed and that of the equipment being protected be no greater than
30 ft (10 m). Induced voltages can be reintroduced onto long lengths of system wiring, which can will
add to the protection level (Up) of the SPD. If this the protection level exceeds the withstand voltage
level (Uw) of the equipment being protected, the protection afforded by the SPD might not be
adequate. In such a case, the installer should locate an SPD closer to the point of utilization of the
equipment. This same philosophy extends to the protection of service panelsequipment.

Depending on the presence of other protective measures (e.g., shielding), SPDs should be
considered on for branch distribution panels equipment as close as 30 ft (10 m) or more from the
primary service entrance panel equipment where the electrical equipment fed by the panel
equipment is susceptible to overvoltages. Inductive coupling of electrical and magnetic fields can
result in surges sufficient tothat can cause damage to susceptible electrical equipment.*

SPDs shall not be required where, under engineering supervision, it is determined that the surge threat
is negligible, or the lines are equivalently protected, or where installation would compromises safety.

A. 4

Most services to facilities will require discrete surge suppression devices installed to protect against
damaging surges. Occasionally, services will might be located in an area or a manner where for
Important Notice: This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA),
Copyright © 2021 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties.

which the threat from lightning-induced surges and overvoltage transients might isbe negligible. For
example, the requirements in (also see also A. exempts services less than 100 ft
(30 m) in length that are run in grounded metal conduit between buildings requiring surge
protection. Other examples where SPDs might not be required to be instal⁠led at each service
entrance are those applications where for which fiber optic transmission lines (with no conducting
members) are used. The standard recognizes that there can might be acceptable some exceptions.
and cConsequently, the standard allows for such exceptions to the requirements for surge
suppression on electrical utility, data, and other signal lines, provided a competent engineering
authority has determinesed that the threat is negligible or that the system is protected in a manner
equivalent to surge suppression protection.

The Aallowance in this standard for the exemption of surge suppression protection at specific
locations is not intended as a means to provide a broad exemption simply because surge
suppression equipment might be considered inconvenient to install. Rather, this allowance
recognizes that all possible circumstances and configurations, particularly those in specialized
industries, cannot be covered by this standard.

Determinations made by an engineering authority for exempting the installation of SPDs should
focus on the likelihood of lightning activity in the a region, the level of damage that might be
incurred, and the potential loss of human life or essential services due to inadequate overvoltage

The following Ffour methods of analysis are commonly used for this determination, although other
equivalent analysis can be used. The four methods are the following:

(1) A risk assessment could can be performed in accordance with IEC 62305-2, Protection Against
Lightning — Part 2: Risk Management, and surge protection requirements could can be
waived if justified by the assessment.

(2) The A lightning flash density/risk analysis is an analysis tocan be performed to determine the
frequency of lightning activity in the geographic area of the a facility. As a rule of thumb, if
the flash density exceeds one flash per square kilometer per year, surge suppression or
other physical protection should be considered. Lightning energy can indirectly couple to
services at ranges greater than 0.6 mi (1 km) to create potentially damaging overvoltages.

(3) Plant/facility statistical or maintenance records can also be used for risk analysis. If these
records can be used for risk analysis, if they demonstrate the lack of damage on a service
due caused byto surges, as well as they can be used to justify low risk of surge damage to in
a particular systems or facilitiesy.

(4) The A lightning electromagnetic environment analysis starts with acan take the threat of an
electromagnetic field from a nearby lightning strike and computes the magnitude and rise-
time characteristics of transients coupled into services feeding a structure or facility. Based
Important Notice: This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA),
Copyright © 2021 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties.

on the computed threat, SPDs can be sized appropriately or omitted, as warranted. This
analysis is typically performed for in critical communications facilities and in for military
applications. Electromagnetic environments for such an analysis can be found in MIL-STD-
464C, Interface Standard Electromagnetic Environmental Effects Requirements for Systems,
and IEC 62305-4, Protection Against Lightning — Part 4: Electrical and Electronic Systems
Within Structures.

In all cases, the criticality of continued operation, potential life hazard to persons and essential
services, and the consequences of facility damage or shutdown should be consideredfactors in the
analysis. If a hazardous condition results from a surge causing temporary shutdown without
permanent damage (e.g., through due to the disabling of a computer or communication system),
then the requirements for surge suppression as articulated by Section 4.20 should not be exempted. [Move to]

The SPD shall protect against surges produced by a 1.2/50- µs and 8/20- µs combination waveform
generator.* [Move to]

SPDs at the service entrance shall have a nominal discharge current (In) rating of at least 20 kA 8/20 µs
per phase.

A. [Reassociate to]

SPDs are typically sized significantly larger than the expected challenge surge level. At With service
entriesequipment, it is generally agreed that a nominal discharge current (In) of 20 kA will provide
adequate protection. However, larger higher ratings that protect against less probable but more
powerful lightning events will usually provide a better capability to handle multiple strikes and have
will usually provide a longer service life.

Rating the SPD's In higher than the minimums in this document is recommended in areas with
frequent lightning.

Where installed, SPDs at on branch panels or subpanelsdownstream equipment should have an In

rating of 10 kA 8/20 µs or greater per phasemode.

Where installed, supplementary protection (also called point of utilization protection) SPDs should
have an In rating of 5 kA 8/20 µs or greater per phasemode.
Important Notice: This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA),
Copyright © 2021 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties.

4.20.4* Measured Limiting Voltage of an SPD. [Move to]

The published voltage protection rating (VPR) of the SPD for each mode of protection shall be selected
to be no greater than those that given in Table 4.20.4 for the different power distribution systems to
which they can be connected.

Table 4.20.4 Maximum Allowed Voltage Protection Rating per Mode of Protection Provided for
Different Power Distribution Systems to Which the SPD Can Be Connected

Line-to- Neutral-to- Line-to-
Power Distribution System .
. . .
Neutral Ground Ground Line

120 2W + ground 700 700 700 —

240 2W + ground 1000 1000 1000 —

120/240 3W + ground 700 700 700 1200

120/208 WYE 4W + ground 700 700 700 1200

277/480 WYE 4W + ground 1200 1200 1200 1800

277/480 WYE 4W + HRG (high-resistance ground) 1200 1800 1200 1800

347/600 WYE 4W + ground 1800 1800 1800 4000

240 DELTA 3W + ground

. — 1000 — 1000

(corner grounded)

240 DELTA 3W (ungrounded) — 1000 — 1000

480 DELTA 3W + ground

. — 1800 — 1800
(corner grounded)

480 DELTA 3W (ungrounded) — 1800 — 1800

Important Notice: This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA),
Copyright © 2021 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties.

A.4.20.4 [A.]

The measured limiting voltages of the SPD should be selected to limit damage to the service or
equipment protected.

Devices rated in accordance with ANSI/UL 1449, Standard for Safety for Surge Protective Devices,
reflect that the voltage rating test in this edition utilizes a 3 kA peak current instead of the 500 A
current level previously used in the SVR test of the 2nd edition of ANSI/UL 1449, Standard for Safety
for Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors. [Move to]

The short-circuit current rating of the SPD shall be coordinated marked with the available faulta short-
circuit current rating of the supply (panel) to which it is connected, in accordance with NFPA 70.

The requirement for a short-circuit current rating marking shall not apply to receptacles.

SPDs shall not be installed at a point on the system where the available fault current is in excess of the
SPD rating. [Move to]

The maximum continuous operating voltage (MCOV) of the SPD shall be selected to ensure that it is
greater than the upper tolerance of the utility power system to which it is connected.

SPDs shall be permitted to be located indoors or outdoors.

SPDs shall be made inaccessible to unqualified persons unless the SPDs are listed for installation in
accessible locations.
Important Notice: This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA),
Copyright © 2021 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties.*

Where used at a point on a circuit, an SPD shall be connected to each ungrounded conductor.

A.4.20.5 [Reassociate to]

Surges can be induced upon any line entering a structure.

Where installed, branch panelsdownstream equipment over 100 ft (30 m) from the service entrance
equipment should have L–G or L–N and N–G modes of protection. Additionally, L–L protection is also
permitted — although this is usually achieved by with the L–N modes across two phases.

The following modes of protection are possiblecan be used to minimize the voltage differences
between the individual conductors:

(1) Line-to-line (L–L) protection places the SPD between the current-carrying conductors in a
power system.

(2) Line-to-neutral (L–N) protection places the SPD between the current-carrying conductors and
the grounded conductor (neutral) in a power system.

(3) Line-to-ground (L–G) protection places the SPD between the current-carrying conductors and
the grounding conductor (ground) in a power system.

(4) Neutral-to-ground (N–G) protection places an the SPD between the grounded conductor
(neutral) and the grounding conductor (ground) in a power system. This mode of protection
is not required at the service entrance (primary service panel board)equipment if the
neutral-to-ground bond is implemented at this location or within proximity of this the point
of installation. Thus, in general, an SPD with only L–L and L–N modes of protection might be
required at the service entranceequipment.

(5) Common mode is a term used for a mode of protecting telecommunications, data lines, and
so forth. This mode places the SPD between the signal conductor and ground. It is analogous
to L–G mode in power systems.

(6) Differential mode is a term used for a mode of protecting telecommunications, data lines,
and so forth. In this mode, an SPD is placed between the individual signal lines, analogous to
the L–L mode of protection in power systems.
Important Notice: This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA),
Copyright © 2021 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties.

A surge-protective device shall be permitted to be connected between any two conductors —

ungrounded conductors, grounded conductors, equipment grounded conductors, or grounding
electrode conductors.

The conductors used to connect the SPD to the line or bus and to ground shall not be any longer than
necessary and shall have no unnecessary bends.

4.20.8* Earth Grounding Electrode. [Move to]

The Rresistance of the earth electrode system used in the grounding of SPDs shall comply with NFPA 70.

A.4.20.8 [A.]

The effectiveness of the an SPD is based on the impedance of the path to ground. A lower
impedance minimizes the voltage differences of conductors attached to SPDs near the service
entrance and reduces the chance of arcing or insulation breach. Consequently, it is essential to
minimize impedance in this circuit.

4.20.9 Physical Characteristics. [Move to] []

The SPDs shall be protected with consideration for the operational environment conditions and
according to the manufacturer's installation instructions.* []

Enclosures and other ancillary equipment shall be listed for the purposemarked with environmental
rating(s) by type.


For information on enclosure environmental ratings, see NEMA 250, Enclosures for Electrical
Equipment (1,000 Volts Maximum), and Section 110.28 of NFPA 70 (NEC).

4.20.3 Surge Protective Device Ratings.

Important Notice: This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA),
Copyright © 2021 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties.* Electrical Power Circuits. Signal, Data, and Communication Protection.

SPDs shall be listed for the protection of signal, data, and communications systems.
National Fire Protection Association Report https://submittals.nfpa.org/TerraViewWeb/ContentFetcher?commentPar...

First Revision No. 17-NFPA 780-2020 [ Global Input ]

Section 4.20.2 through 4.20.9 have been revised and reorganized. This results in a multi-section 4.20.4. See attached file.

Supplemental Information

File Name Description Approved

FR17_4.20.4_rework.docx FR17 4.20.4 reorganization
780_Global_FR-17_4.20.4_rework_for_ballot.pdf For ballot

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Thu Nov 12 16:26:00 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee This first revision reformats, enhances, and clarifies the rules and requirements for surge protectors under one section of
Statement: Section 4.20. Technical terminology, spelling, and abbreviation revisions have been made to correlate the NFPA 780 with
the NEC (NFPA 70), primarily Article 800 in the 2020 NEC and with the applicable product certification standard (UL 497
series). combines the requirements found in the current 4.20.6 and into one section for clarity and conciseness. provides location details that are currently found in and

Annex material has been added to to point the reader to the applicable IEEE C62 Standards related to isolation
transformer surge protection.

Response FR-17-NFPA 780-2020

Public Input No. 86-NFPA 780-2020 [New Section after]
Public Input No. 219-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No.]
Public Input No. 21-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No.]
Public Input No. 168-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No.]
Public Input No. 92-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. A.]
Public Input No. 88-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No.]
Public Input No. 91-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 4.20.7]
Public Input No. 90-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 4.20.6]
Public Input No. 89-NFPA 780-2020 [New Section after 4.20.4]

3 of 132 4/1/2021, 12:21 PM

Important Notice: This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA),
Copyright © 2021 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties.

Note: 4.20 was renumbered to 4.19 due to other changes in Chapter 4.

4.20.4 Surge Protector Requirements.*
Surge protectors shall be installed on all signal, data, and communications systems that enter or
exit a building or structure or supply equipment, including proprietary equipment from
communication utility providers or tenant communication utilities.

Antennas are considered part of conductive signal, data, and communication services. [Move to]

SPDs Surge protectors shall not be required if the a service provider has made other provisions
for lightning surge threats.*
Surge protectors shall be installed where signal, data, or communications system conductors or
cables enter or exit a building or structure to supply another building or structure and where the
conductors or cables are run over 100 ft (30 m).

A. [Reassociate to new]

SPDs Surge protectors should be placed on both ends of external signal, data, and
communication lines longer than 100 ft (30 m) that connect pieces of equipment or facilities,
to protect against surges coupled into the wiring or caused by ground potential differences.* [Move to]

Signal, data, and communications SPDsSurge protectors shall have a maximum discharge
current (Imax) rating of at least 10 kA 8/20 µs when installed at the entrance.

Where surge protectors having a rating of 10 kA 8/20 μs do not exist, devices complying with
the requirements of Section 1.3 should be installed. [Move to]

The selection of SPDs surge protectors shall take into consideration aspects such as the
frequency, bandwidth, and voltage. [Move to]

Losses (such as returns loss, insertion loss, impedance mismatch, or other attenuation)
introduced by the SPD(s)surge protector shall be within acceptable operational limits.*
Surge protectors shall be grounded.

Important Notice: This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA),
Copyright © 2021 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties.

Additional information on the surge parameters of isolating transformers can be found in

IEEE C62.69-2016, Standard for the Surge Parameters of Isolating Transformers Used in
Networking Devices and Equipment; IEEE C62.36-2016, Standard Test Methods for Surge
Protectors and Protective Circuits Used in Information and Communications Technology
(ICT) Circuits, and Smart Grid Data Circuits; and IEEE C62.43-2005, Guide for the
Application of Surge Protectors Used in Low-Voltage (Equal to or Less than 1000 Vrms or
1200 Vdc) Data, Communications, and Signaling Circuits.
Surge protectors that perform their protection function through isolation shall not be required to
be grounded.* [Move to]

Surge protectors that do not perform their surge protection function through isolationSPDs
protecting communications systems shall be grounded in accordance with Chapter 8 of NFPA 70,
with the exception of devices that perform their surge protection function through isolation.

A. [A.]
The purpose of the a SPD surge protector is to equalize L–L, L–N, L–G, and N–Gconductor-
to-conductor and conductor-to-ground potentials. While a good ground is important, a good
bond is imperative to minimize the damage due caused byto lightning and power contact or
induction. Common mode is a mode of protecting telecommunications lines, data lines, and
so forth. This mode places the protector between the signal conductor and the ground. It is
analogous to L–G mode in power systems. Differential mode is a mode of protecting
telecommunications lines, data lines, and so forth. In this mode, a protector is placed between
the individual signal lines, analogous to the L–L mode of protection in power systems. [Move to]

If Where the point of grounding in referenced in is more than 20 ft (6 m)
away, a xsupplementary ground reference point shall be installed at the SPD surge protector
location. Acceptable supplementary ground reference points shall be permitted as follows:
(1) Equipotential ground bus bar
(2) Structural metal framework in accordance with 4.19.1
(3) Ground reference at a secondary power distribution panel
Acceptable supplementarySupplementary ground reference points shall be permitted as follows:
(1) Equipotential ground bus bar
(2) Structural metal framework in accordance with 4.19.1
(3) Ground reference at a secondary power distribution panel [Move to]

SPDs Surge protectors shall not be grounded through a down conductor of the lightning
protection system.
Important Notice: This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA),
Copyright © 2021 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties.* [Move to]

SPDs Surge protectors shall be located and installed so as to minimize lead length, and
interconnecting leads shall be routed so as to avoid sharp bends, coils, or kinks.

A. [A.]
Longer, or looped, SPD line and groundsurge protector conductors increase the impedance of
the SPD groundprotector circuit. Increasing the lead length serves to increase the pass-
through voltage at the point where the SPD protector is wired into service signal, data, or
communications equipment or a branch panelboard. Consequently, it is essential to minimize
lead length impedance in this circuit. [Move to]

The SPD surge protector grounding conductor, if provided, shall be installed in accordance with
the manufacturer's installation instructions.* [Move to]

All SPD componentsSurge protectors shall be accessible for inspection and maintenance.

A. [A.]
Some SPD units are provided with a failure indicator. This feature is recommended because
it facilitates maintenance or test procedures. Where used, this indicator should be visible.
Building maintenance should consider pPeriodic inspection or testing of SPDs should be
considered as part of building maintenance. (See NFPA 70B.)

4.20.5* Facility ac Surge Protection.
The protection of service entrances shall use Type 1 or Type 2 SPDs, in compliance with
applicable standards such as ANSI/UL 1449, Standard for Safety for Surge Protective Devices.
SPDs at grounded service entrances shall be wired in a line-to-ground (L–G) or line-to-neutral
(L–N) configuration.
Additional modes, line-to-line (L–L), or neutral-to-ground (N–G) shall be permitted at the
service entrance.
For services without a neutral, SPD elements shall be connected line-to-ground (L–G).
Additional line-to-line (L–L) connections shall also be permitted.

4.20.6 5 Communications Surge Protection.*
SPDs shall be provided for all communications systems (including, but not limited to, CATV,
alarm, and data systems) and antenna systems at facility entrances.
Important Notice: This document is the copyright property of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA),
Copyright © 2021 NFPA, and may not be used for any other purpose or distributed to any other persons or parties.
SPDs protecting communications systems shall be grounded, with the exception of devices that
perform their surge protection function through isolation.*
SPDs for data and signal line protection shall provide common mode protection, with the
exception of devices that perform their surge protection function through isolation.

Differential mode protection should also be provided where practicable. Utility-Owned Communication Equipment.
SPDs shall be provided on all proprietary equipment by the communication utility providers or
the tenant communication utilitiesy.

4.20.7 6 Installation.
Installation of surge suppression hardware shall conform to the requirements of NFPA 70.
National Fire Protection Association Report https://submittals.nfpa.org/TerraViewWeb/ContentFetcher?commentPar...

First Revision No. 67-NFPA 780-2020 [ Global Input ]

reorganization of Chapter 7
Subsections under headings will go with this renumbering.

Supplemental Information

File Name Description Approved

FR-67_restructure_of_Chapter_7.docx FR-67 Restructure of Chapter 7. For staff use
FR-67A_restructure_of_Chapter_7_for_ballot.docx For ballot

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 23 10:06:08 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee The existing layout of Chapter 7 condenses all protection requirements for specific classes of structures into a single
Statement: Section 7.4. This revision revises the layout of the chapter to separate each protection application into its own section to
make the chapter easier to use and eliminates 6 digit paragraph numbers.

The Committee Input also reduces the size of some clause headings for consistency.

Response FR-67-NFPA 780-2020


4 of 132 4/1/2021, 12:21 PM

Chapter 7 Protection for Structures Containing Flammable Vapors, Flammable Gases, or Liquids That
Can Give Off Flammable Vapors

7.1* Applicability.

7.2 Principles of Protection.

7.3 Protective Measures.

7.4 Protection of Specific Classes of Structures 7.4.1 Operating Facilities (Non-storage Applications).

7.4.25 Storage Tanks Under Pressure.

7.4.36 Aboveground Tanks at Atmospheric Pressure Containing Flammable Vapors or Liquids That Give
Off Flammable Vapors.* Fixed Roof Tanks (Metallic) and Tanks with Internal Floating Roofs. External Floating Roof Tanks.* Sliding Contacts.* Fixed Contacts. Parallel Conducting Paths (Seal Assembly from the Floating Roof Tank). Insulation of Gauge or Guide Poles. Metallic Tanks with Nonmetallic Roofs.

7.4.47 Earthen Containers at Atmospheric Pressure Containing Flammable Vapors or Liquids That Give
Off Flammable Vapors.
National Fire Protection Association Report https://submittals.nfpa.org/TerraViewWeb/ContentFetcher?commentPar...

First Revision No. 137-NFPA 780-2021 [ Detail ]

Add annex to 4.8.13 Down Conductors and Structural Columns.

When it is necessary to install down conductors on or within the required bonding distance of steel-reinforced
concrete columns in an existing structure, engineering consultation should be sought before piercing the column
to access the rebar. Disturbing the concrete could impact the structural integrity of the steel-reinforced concrete
column. If the engineer denies the alteration of the concrete column, coursing the down conductor on the column
can be used as a means of last resort at the direction of the AHJ.
It is highly recommended that no attempt be made to bond steel-reinforcing cables in post-tensioned concrete.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Feb 02 12:52:04 EST 2021

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: Annex material provides guidance when working on existing structures with steel

reinforced concrete columns to consult a competent engineering authority prior to

making any effort to access rebar encased in concrete.

It also warns against disturbing the concrete on any post tension member.
Response Message: FR-137-NFPA 780-2021

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First Revision No. 138-NFPA 780-2021 [ Detail ]

Add annex to 4.12.3 Concrete-Encased Electrodes.

Concrete-encased electrodes used in the grounding of lightning protection systems should be limited to those
specifically designed for that purpose. The AHJ or its designated representative should confirm and document
that the concrete-encased electrode meets the requirements of 4.12.3.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Feb 02 13:00:36 EST 2021

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: The addition of the annex material addresses the concern that new construction does

not guarantee the concrete-encased electrode will meet the criteria of 4.13.3 unless it

is designed specifically for that purpose.

Response Message: FR-138-NFPA 780-2021

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First Revision No. 139-NFPA 780-2021 [ Detail ]

Delete current 8.1.3 along with any associated annex and move all text as new annex item for current 8.1 Application.
WhereAn AHJ might elect to omit the installation of a lightning protection system when all of
the following conditions are met,: lightning protection systems shall be permitted to be omitted:

(1) The facility is served by an approved local lightning warning system as determined by the AHJ,
and the lightning warning system permits explosives operations to be terminated before an
approaching thunderstorm is within 10 mi (16 km) of the installation. Data by López and Holle,
“Lightning Casualties and Damages in the United States from 1959 to 1994,” suggests that a
minimum warning distance of at least6 mi to 8 mi (9.6 km to 12.8 km) is required to ensure
that there is no significant damage from a lightning strike.

(2) All personnel are evacuated to a shelter providing adequate protection.

(3) The resulting damage and loss from a lightning strike are acceptable to the AHJ. Annex L
provides guidance for performing a facility risk assessment.

(4) The facility contains only explosive materials that cannot be initiated by lightning,and where
no fire hazard exists, as determined by documented tests and analyses and approved by the

(5) Personnel areInjury to personnel is not expected;to sustain injury;there will be ais
minimal risk of economic loss in relation to the structure, its contents, or the surrounding
facilities; and the potential resulting damage and loss from a lightning strike areis
acceptable to the AHJ.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Wed Feb 03 11:00:34 EST 2021

Committee Statement

Committee The information in previous 8.1.3. was related to the decision on when to install lightning protection systems. Section
Statement: 8.1.3 is relocated to the annex because the information was not related to the installation of a system.
Response FR-139-NFPA 780-2021
Public Input No. 191-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 8.1.3]

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First Revision No. 98-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 2.2 ]

2.2 NFPA Publications.

National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169-7471.
NFPA 61, Standard for the Prevention of Fires and Dust Explosions in Agricultural and Food Processing Facilities, 2017 2020

NFPA 70®, National Electrical Code®, 2020 2023 edition.

NFPA 122, Standard for Fire Prevention and Control in Metal/Nonmetal Mining and Metal Mineral Processing Facilities,
2015 2020 edition.
NFPA 664, Standard for the Prevention of Fires and Explosions in Wood Processing and Woodworking Facilities, 2017 2020

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 24 12:41:04 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee This first revision updates several NFPA referenced standards to the most current edition at time of the First Draft
Statement: Meeting.
Response Message: FR-98-NFPA 780-2020

8 of 132 4/1/2021, 12:21 PM

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First Revision No. 81-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 2.3.3 ]

2.3.3 UL Publications.
Underwriters Laboratories Inc., 333 Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, IL 60062-2096.
ANSI/UL 1449, Standard for Safety for Surge Protective Devices , 2014, revised 2016.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 23 14:47:27 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: UL 1449 is no longer referenced in this document.

Response Message: FR-81-NFPA 780-2020 UL 96 and 497 are not referenced in the body of the standard.
Public Input No. 167-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 2.3.3]

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First Revision No. 99-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 2.4 ]

2.4 References for Extracts in Mandatory Sections.

NFPA 70®, National Electrical Code®, 2017 2023 edition.

NFPA 115, Standard for Laser Fire Protection, 2016 2020 edition.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 24 12:41:52 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee This first revision updates several NFPA referenced standards to the most current edition at time of the First Draft
Statement: Meeting.
Response Message: FR-99-NFPA 780-2020

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First Revision No. 126-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 3.3.1 ]

3.3.1* Air Terminal.

A strike termination device that is a receptor for the attachment of flashes to the lightning protection system. and is listed for the

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Dec 01 13:41:25 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: Revision removes requirement for listing from the definition.
Response Message: FR-126-NFPA 780-2020

11 of 132 4/1/2021, 12:21 PM

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First Revision No. 84-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. ] Loop Conductor.

A main-sized conductor encircling a structure that is used to interconnect grounding electrodes, main conductors, or other
electrically conductive bodies.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 23 15:34:28 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee The definition of down conductor, roof conductor, and ground loop conductor all specify it is a main-sized
Statement: conductor.
Response Message: FR-84-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 138-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No.]

12 of 132 4/1/2021, 12:21 PM

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First Revision No. 85-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. ] Maximum Discharge Current (Imax).

The maximum instantaneous value of the a current through the a surge- protective device (SPD) having an 8/20 µs waveform.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 23 15:39:02 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee This first revision adds a hyphen between “surge” and “protective” to correct the spelling and to correlate the use of the
Statement: term “surge-protective device (SPD)” in the NEC (NFPA 70) with the NFPA 780.
Response FR-85-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 49-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No.]

13 of 132 4/1/2021, 12:21 PM

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First Revision No. 86-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. ] Nominal Discharge Current (In).

Peak value of 8/20 µs current waveform selected by the manufacturer for which an SPD a surge-protective device (SPD)
remains functional after 15 surges.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 23 15:40:34 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee This first revision spells out “surge-protective device (SPD) in its entirety to match the defined term in the standard and
Statement: to correlate the use of this term in the NEC (NFPA 70) with the NFPA 780.
Response FR-86-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 50-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No.]

14 of 132 4/1/2021, 12:21 PM

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First Revision No. 127-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 3.3.16 ]

3.3.16 Gastight.
Describes a structure so constructed that gas or air cannot enter or leave the structure except through vents or piping provided
for the purpose.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Dec 01 14:05:11 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: Revision deletes unnecessary definition.The intent of term is clear where it is used in the standard.
Response Message: FR-127-NFPA 780-2020

15 of 132 4/1/2021, 12:21 PM

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First Revision No. 87-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 3.3.18 ]

3.3.18 Grounding Electrode.

The portion A component of a lightning protection system, such as a ground rod, ground plate electrode, or ground conductor,
that is installed for the purpose of allowing transferring lightning current flow into the earth.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 23 15:42:14 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee What is permitted to be used as an electrode is in the normative text. This is a revised definition of a grounding
Statement: electrode.
Response Message: FR-87-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 2-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 3.3.18]

16 of 132 4/1/2021, 12:21 PM

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First Revision No. 129-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 3.3.23 ]

3.3.23 ISO Container.

Intermodal container designed to transport freight by ship, truck, or rail built in accordance with ISO 1496, Series 1 freight
containers — Specification and testing — Part 1: General cargo containers for general purposes .

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Dec 01 14:21:28 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: Revision deletes unnecessary definition.

Response Message: FR-129-NFPA 780-2020

17 of 132 4/1/2021, 12:21 PM

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First Revision No. 88-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 3.3.26 ]

3.3.25* Lightning Protection System.

A complete system of strike termination devices, conductors (which could include conductive structural members), grounding
electrodes, interconnecting conductors, surge protective devices protection , and other connectors and fittings required to
complete the system.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 23 15:54:20 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Changing surge protective devices to surge protection to refer to all surge protection methodologies that could be
Statement: employed as part of a lightning protection system.
Response FR-88-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 51-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 3.3.26]

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First Revision No. 89-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 3.3.30 ]

3.3.29 Mast-Type Lightning Protection System.

A lightning protection system using one or more masts that are remote from the structure to provide the primary attachment point
for a lightning discharge and that provides a zone of protection as described in this standard .

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 23 15:55:41 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Added text clarifies that the mast-type lightning protection system provides a zone of protection, as described in
Statement: Chapter 4.
Response Message: FR-89-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 192-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 3.3.30]

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First Revision No. 90-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. ]

3.3.11 Explosive Explosives Materials.

Materials, including explosives, blasting agents, and detonators, that are authorized for transportation by the Department of
Transportation or the Department of Defense as explosive materials.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 23 15:59:44 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee The definition of explosives materials is separated from materials used for lightning protection components.
Statement: Explosives materials are not used for lightning protection.
Response FR-90-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 3-NFPA 780-2020 [New Section after]
Public Input No. 4-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No.]

20 of 132 4/1/2021, 12:21 PM

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First Revision No. 91-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 3.3.37 ]

3.3.36 Solar Array.

A group of solar photovoltaic (PV) modules or solar thermal collectors wired or connected together in a string or larger collection

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 24 12:04:41 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: Revised text makes the definition consistent with normative text.
Response Message: FR-91-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 44-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 3.3.37]

21 of 132 4/1/2021, 12:21 PM

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First Revision No. 136-NFPA 780-2021 [ Section No. 3.3.42 ]

3.3.42 Structure. Metal-Clad Structure.
A structure with sides or roof, or both, covered with metal. Metal-Framed Structure.
A structure with electrically continuous structural members of sufficient size to provide an electrical path equivalent to that of
lightning conductors.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Feb 02 12:46:23 EST 2021

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: Revision removes definitions of terms not used in standard.

Response Message: FR-136-NFPA 780-2021

22 of 132 4/1/2021, 12:21 PM

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First Revision No. 82-NFPA 780-2020 [ New Section after 3.3.43 ]

3.3.42* Surge Arrester.

A protective device for limiting surge voltages by discharging or bypassing the surge current.

A.3.3.42 Surge Arrester.

A surge arrester also prevents continued flow of follow current while remaining capable of repeating these functions.
Requirements for surge arresters are outlined in Part III of Article 242 of NFPA 70 and Section 19 of ANSI C2, National
Electrical Safety Code (NESC) . For further information on surge arresters, see IEEE C62.11-2012, Standard for Metal-
Oxide Surge Arresters for AC Power Circuits (>1 kV) , and IEEE C62.22-2009, Guide for the Application of Metal-Oxide
Surge Arresters for Alternating-Current Systems .

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 23 15:27:57 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee This first revision adds a definition to cover a method of surge protection of premises wiring systems and equipment over
Statement: 1,000 volts using the same definition used in the NEC (NFPA 70). Annex material is also being added to provide guidance
on surge arrester installation requirements and applicable product certification standards.
Response FR-82-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 52-NFPA 780-2020 [New Section after 3.3.43]

23 of 132 4/1/2021, 12:21 PM

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First Revision No. 134-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 3.3.43 ]

3.3.41* Surge.
A transient wave of current, potential, or power in an electric circuit. Surges do not include longer duration temporary
overvoltages (TOV) consisting of an increase in the power frequency voltage for several cycles.

A.3.3.41 Surge.

Surges do not include longer duration temporary overvoltages (TOV) consisting , which consist of an increase in the power
frequency voltage for several cycles.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Dec 01 14:43:54 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: Revision moves narrative text to annex.

Response Message: FR-134-NFPA 780-2020

24 of 132 4/1/2021, 12:21 PM

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First Revision No. 22-NFPA 780-2020 [ New Section after 3.3.44 ]

3.3.45* Tank Battery.

A group of tanks and the associated process equipment for crude oil production or saltwater disposal.

A.3.3.45 Tank Battery.

Examples of items that might be included in a tank battery are connected piping, walkways, electrical systems, and
data/communication systems.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 16 12:39:05 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: A new definition is added to define the term used in the new Section 7.5 covering tank batteries.
Response Message: FR-22-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 131-NFPA 780-2020 [New Section after 3.3]

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First Revision No. 83-NFPA 780-2020 [ New Section after 3.3.44 ]

3.3.43* Surge Protector.

A protective device for limiting excessive potential and current on signal, data, and communication circuits caused by lightning,
contact with power conductors, power induction, and rises in ground potential, while also preventing the continued flow of the
follow current while remaining capable of repeating these functions.

A.3.3.43 Surge Protector.

A surge protector consists of single- and multiple-pair air gap arresters, gas tube arresters, or solid-state arresters, with or
without fuses or other voltage-limiting devices. Additional information on surge protectors can be found in UL 497, Standard
for Protectors for Paired-Conductor Communications Circuits ; UL 497A, Standard for Secondary Protectors for
Communications Circuits ; UL 497B, Standard for Protectors for Data Communications and Fire-Alarm Circuits ; UL 497C,
Standard for Protectors for Coaxial Communications Circuits ; UL 497D, Outline of Investigation for Component Secondary
Protectors for Communications Circuits Used with Specified Voltage Suppression ; and UL 497E, Outline of Investigation
for Protectors for Antenna Lead-In Conductors.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 23 15:29:57 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee This first revision adds a definition to cover a method of surge protection of signal, data, and communication systems
Statement: and equipment along with annex material to provide guidance on applicable product certification standards.
Response FR-83-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 53-NFPA 780-2020 [New Section after 3.3.44]

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First Revision No. 92-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 3.3.44 ]

3.3.44* Surge-Protective Device (SPD).

A protective device intended for limiting the surge transient voltages on equipment by diverting or limiting the surge current
that comprises at least one nonlinear component and preventing the continued flow of the follow current while remaining
capable of repeating these functions.

A.3.3.44 Surge-Protective Device (SPD).

Requirements for SPDs are outlined in Part II of Article 242 in NFPA 70 . Additional information on Type 1, Type 2, and Type
3 SPDs can be found in UL 1449, Surge Protective Devices . SPDs are designated as follows:
Type 1: Permanently connected SPDs intended for installation between the secondary side of the service transformer and
the line side of the service disconnect overcurrent device.
Type 2: Permanently connected SPDs intended for installation on the load side of the service disconnect overcurrent device,
including SPDs located at the branch panel.
Type 3: Point of utilization SPDs.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 24 12:07:53 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee This first revision correlates the definition of “surge-protective device (SPD)” in NFPA 780 with the NEC (NFPA 70).
Statement: Annex material is added to provide guidance on where to find requirements for SPDs in the NEC along with a reference
to the applicable product certification standard.
Response FR-92-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 54-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 3.3.44]

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First Revision No. 135-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 3.3.45 ]

3.3.46 Transient.
A subcycle disturbance in the ac waveform that is evidenced by a sharp, brief discontinuity of the waveform. It can be of either
polarity and can be additive to, or subtractive from, the nominal waveform.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Dec 01 14:45:09 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: Narrative text is removed from definition.

Response Message: FR-135-NFPA 780-2020

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First Revision No. 132-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 3.3.47 ]

3.3.48 Vapor Opening.

An opening through a tank shell or roof that is above the surface of the stored liquid and that is provided for tank breathing,
tank gauging, fire fighting, or other operating purposes.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Dec 01 14:39:37 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: Revision removes definition of term not used in standard.

Response Message: FR-132-NFPA 780-2020

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First Revision No. 93-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. ] Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage (MCOV).

The maximum designated rms root mean square (rms) value of the power frequency voltage that can be continuously applied to
the mode of protection of a surge protective- device (SPD).

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 24 12:30:39 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee This first revision spells out “root mean squared” and places “rms” in parenthesis to comply with the NFPA Style Manual.
Statement: A hyphen is added between “surge” and “protective” to correct the spelling and to correlate the use of the term “surge-
protective device (SPD)” in the NEC (NFPA 70) with the NFPA 780.
Response FR-93-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 55-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No.]
Public Input No. 197-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No.]

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First Revision No. 94-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. ] Maximum Permitted DC Voltage (Vpvdc).

The maximum permitted dc voltage rating across a photovoltaic surge-protective protection device (PV SPD).

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 24 12:32:39 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee This first revision corrects the name and spelling of “PV SPD” by changing the term “protection” to “protective” and
Statement: by adding a hyphen after “surge”.
Response FR-94-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 56-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No.]

31 of 132 4/1/2021, 12:21 PM

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First Revision No. 95-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. ] Measured Limiting Voltage (MLV).

Maximum magnitude of voltage that is measured across the terminals of the surge- protective device (SPD) during the
application of impulses of specified waveshape and amplitude.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 24 12:33:50 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee This first revision adds a hyphen between “surge” and “protective” to correct the spelling and to correlate the use of the
Statement: term “surge-protective device (SPD)” in the NEC (NFPA 70) with NFPA 780.
Response FR-95-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 57-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No.]

32 of 132 4/1/2021, 12:21 PM

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First Revision No. 133-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. ] Nominal System Voltage.

The nominal voltage (rms) of the power frequency supply.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Dec 01 14:42:21 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: Revision removes definition of term not used in standard.

Response Message: FR-133-NFPA 780-2020

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First Revision No. 97-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. ] Normal Operating Voltage.

The normal ac power frequency voltage rating, as specified by the manufacturer, to which the SPD can be connected.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 24 12:36:42 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: Revision removes definition of term not used in standard.

Response Message: FR-97-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 58-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No.]

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First Revision No. 96-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 3.3.49 ]

3.3.49* Voltage Protection Rating (VPR).

A rating (or ratings) selected by the manufacturer based on the measured limiting voltage determined when the SPD surge-
protective device (SPD) is subjected to a combination waveform with an open circuit voltage of 6 kV and a short-circuit current
of 3 kA.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 24 12:34:43 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee This first revision adds “surge-protective device” before “(SPD)” to correlate the use of terms in all of the “voltage”
Statement: definitions of the standard and as used in the NEC (NFPA 70).
Response FR-96-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 59-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 3.3.49]

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First Revision No. 112-NFPA 780-2020 [ New Section after ] Additions to Structures.
An existing structure requiring Class I materials on which a new addition requires Class II materials shall be permitted to use
the existing ground ring conductor installed and determined to be suitable for continued service.
Class II air terminals and roof/down conductors shall apply only to that portion of the structure exceeding 75 ft (23 m) in height.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 24 14:11:41 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee The new section addresses the cases where an addition that would meet the criteria for a Class II structure is added to
Statement: an existing Class I structure with a lightning protection system meeting the requirements for a Class I structure.
Response FR-112-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 77-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. A.4.14.2]

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First Revision No. 51-NFPA 780-2020 [ Sections 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 ]

4.2 Materials.
Protection systems shall be made up of materials that are resistant to or protected against corrosion. or protected against
Combinations of materials that form electrolytic couples of such a nature that, in the presence of moisture, accelerate corrosion
is accelerated shall not be used (see also Section 4.3 ) .
One or more of the materials in through shall be used. Copper.
Copper shall be of the grade required for commercial electrical work and shall be of 95 percent conductivity when annealed. Copper Alloys.
Copper alloys alloy shall be as resistant to corrosion as is copper is . Aluminum.*
Aluminum shall not be used within 18 in. (450 mm) of the point where the lightning protection system comes into contact with
the earth is possible or where rapid deterioration is possible.


The greater the separation of metals in the galvanic series, the greater the propensity for corrosion. Galvanic corrosion
between aluminum and steel is generally not a problem unless they are in an environment rich in chlorides.
Hernández, et al. (2011) reported that the size of pitting in aluminum is greatly influenced by the concentration of pollutants in
and the wetness of atmospheres. There was a linear relationship between pitting parameters and the chloride content in an
environment, with a lesser effect from sulfur ions. The addition of sulphate ions to chloride-containing solutions increased the
probability of larger pits.
The corrosion rate of aluminum increases with increasing relative humidity and temperature. Bengtsson, et al. (2001)
reported that a humid salt spray environment increased the corrosion of aluminum by a factor of 10 to 20. It was suggested
that the rapid corrosion of aluminum coated with salt in humidity-free air is connected to high-pH areas that develop in the
electrolyte surface due to the cathodic reduction of oxygen.
Conductors shall be of electrical-grade aluminum with a minimum chemical composition of 99 percent aluminum.
Copper lightning protection materials shall not be installed on or in contact with aluminum roofing, aluminum siding, or other
aluminum surfaces.
Aluminum lightning protection materials shall not be installed on or in contact with copper roofing materials or other copper
surfaces, or where exposed to runoff from copper surfaces .


Runoff from copper surfaces and components is particularly detrimental to aluminum and aluminum-based coatings. The
intent of this requirement is to ensure that lightning protection systems are not installed such that they can be compromised
by incompatible runoff. The AHJ or building owner is responsible for understanding runoff issues, as well as issues with the
interaction of lightning protection components with other elements of the structure.

Lightning protection systems shall be designed to minimize the effects caused by runoff from both copper and aluminum
lightning protection materials to prevent the deterioration of incompatible materials and minimize the degradation of building
aesthetics caused by staining.


Aluminum and copper on any structure must be designed and installed to ensure compatibility such that the expected
lifecycle for any given component can be realized. The AHJ or building owner must have a thorough understanding of these
compatibility issues.

4.3 Corrosion Protection.

Protection shall be provided against the deterioration of lightning protection components due to caused by local atmospheric
Copper components installed within 24 in. (600 mm) of the top of a chimney or vent emitting corrosive gases shall be protected
by a hot-dipped lead or tin coating.
An aluminum conductor shall not be attached to a surface coated with alkaline-base based paint, embedded in concrete or
masonry, or installed in a location subject to excessive moisture.
4.3.4 Connectors and Fittings.
Connectors and fittings shall be compatible for use with the conductor and the surfaces on which they are installed.
Bimetallic connectors and fittings shall be used for splicing or bonding dissimilar metals.

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Fittings used for the connection of aluminum down conductors to copper or copper-clad grounding equipment shall be of the
bimetallic type.
4.4 Mechanical Damage or Displacement.
Any part of a lightning protection system that is subject to mechanical damage or displacement shall be protected with a
protective molding or covering.
Where metal pipe or tubing is used around the a conductor, the conductor shall be bonded to the pipe or tubing at both ends.
4.5 Use of Aluminum.
Aluminum systems shall be installed in accordance with other applicable sections and 4.5.1 through 4.5.3 .
Aluminum lightning protection equipment shall not be installed on or in direct contact with copper roofing materials or other
copper surfaces, or where exposed to runoff from copper surfaces.
Aluminum materials shall not be used within 18 in. (450 mm) of the point where the lightning protection system conductor
comes into contact with the earth.
Bimetallic connectors shall be installed not less than 18 in. (450 mm) above earth level.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 17 12:56:26 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee This First Revision reorganizes Sections 4.2 through 4.5 for clarity and to eliminate redundant text. The revision adds a
Statement: reference to where the user can find guidance and specific requirements related to corrosion protection. It incorporates 4.5.2
into to consolidate restrictions on the use of aluminum, with annex text to identify factors that can lead to rapid
deterioration of aluminum. It merges the text in 4.5.1 into an existing 4.2.4 to recognize the probability of corrosion of
aluminum from copper runoff. The revision relocates text from Section 4.5 that belongs in 4.3.3 and deletes the redundant
text that is now incorporated into the relevant sections of 4.2 and 4.3.

The text related to copper runoff was clarified by adding annex material for.4.2.4. Additional material was added to create
4.2.5 to emphasize the problems created by copper runoff.

Response FR-51-NFPA 780-2020

Public Input No. 182-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 4.2.4]
Public Input No. 199-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 4.5.1]
Public Input No. 184-NFPA 780-2020 [New Section after]
Public Input No. 179-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 4.2.1]
Public Input No. 180-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 4.5]
Public Input No. 181-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No.]
Public Input No. 213-NFPA 780-2020 [New Section after A.4.4.1]
Public Input No. 186-NFPA 780-2020 [New Section after 4.3.2]

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First Revision No. 4-NFPA 780-2020 [ Sections, ]
The overhead Overhead ground wires shall be a minimum diameter of ⁄2 in. (13 mm) and shall be self-supporting with
minimum sag under all conditions. Overhead Ground Wire Conductor Size.
Overhead ground wires shall have a minimum cross-sectional area equal to that of a main conductor.
When steel or stainless-steel cable is used for the overhead ground wire, it shall have a minimum diameter of ⁄2 in. (12.7
Connections between galvanized steel overhead ground wires and copper conductors shall be made through a suitable
component that does not permit direct contact between the two materials.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 10 06:07:21 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee It is recognized that the size of main conductors, with aluminum and copper as permitted materials, have sufficient cross-
Statement: section to safely conduct lightning currents. Steel cable applied to overhead ground wires, as a lightning conductor, is a
special case permitted only in this application to address concerns of mechanical strength. It was never the intent that 1/2
inch diameter was necessary for ALL overhead ground wires, including copper and aluminum. A 1/2 inch diameter
corresponds to over 4/0 AWG, which greatly exceeds the diameter of Class II copper main size conductors. The 1/2 inch
diameter for steel overhead ground wires was implemented between the 2014 and 2017 editions and was selected to
account for the increased resistivity of the steel material compared to copper or aluminum. (Overall path resistance of the
conductor decreases as cross-sectional area increases.) This revision, enacted after the 2014 cycle, was not intended to
account for the resistivity of the aluminum and copper main size conductor that have electrical properties sufficient for
lightning current, requiring no increase to their cross-section to apply to overhead ground wires.
Response FR-4-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 163-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No.]

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First Revision No. 2-NFPA 780-2020 [ New Section after ]
A curved perimeter of a structure shall be protected so that the outer edge of the structure is less than 24 in. (600 mm) from a
straight line or chord between two adjacent air terminals, as shown in Figure , unless it is in a zone of protection in
accordance with Section 4.8 .
Figure Flat or Gently Sloping Roof with a Curved Perimeter.

Supplemental Information

File Name Description Approved

FR-2_figure_4.7.6.3.pdf FR-2 new figure - for staff use

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 09 15:28:48 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: The figure adds clarity to the existing requirement.

Response Message: FR-2-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 205-NFPA 780-2020 [New Section after 4.7.6]

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First Revision No. 3-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. ]*
Structures that do not exceed 50 ft (15 m) above the earth shall be considered to protect lower portions of a structure located
within a one-to-one zone of protection, as shown in Figure and Figure
Figure Lower Roof Protection for Buildings 50 ft (15 m) or Less in Height.

Figure Lower Roof Protection Provided by Pitched-Roof Buildings 50 ft (15 m) or Less in Height.


The purpose of Figure is to provide a graphical representation of the area protected by the upper roof. The
reference point is the eave because the criteria in 4.7.3 have been met and, thus, air terminals are not required on the
ridge. It has been determined that this area is not susceptible to a direct strike.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 09 15:45:44 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee A greater explanation is necessary to understand that the protective angle is provided by the eave of the upper roof. A task
Statement: group has been formed to clarify the protection of multilevel roofs. The text in 4.7.3 that indicates air terminals are not
necessary on the eave of pitched roofs meeting the criteria of 4.7.3. The direct tie in between the protective angle
and multiple level roofs could be seen to exclude the applicability of the requirements of 4.7.3 when dealing with pitched
roofs on the upper level of a multiple roof structure. Restructuring of Section 4.8 may be necessary to address the
applicability of more than one of the methods identified in 4.8.1 used to determine the zone of protection for a structure.
Response FR-3-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 217-NFPA 780-2020 [New Section after A.]

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First Revision No. 5-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 4.9 [Excluding any Sub-Sections] ]

Main conductors shall: do the following:

(1) Interconnect all strike termination devices
(2) Form two or more paths from each strike termination device downward, horizontally, or rising at no more than 1⁄4 slope to
connections with grounding electrodes, except as permitted by 4.8.1 and 4.8.2
(3) Permit one rising path on pitched roofs not to exceed 50 ft (15 m) in length
(4) Permit one rising path not exceeding 1⁄4 slope on flat or gently sloping roofs

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 10 12:13:59 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee The phrase “do the following” was deleted as it is not necessary. A limit to the length of the rising path was added to
Statement: be consistent with other sections of the standard.
Response FR-5-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 140-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 4.9 [Excluding any Sub-Sections]]
Public Input No. 207-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 4.9 [Excluding any Sub-Sections]]
Public Input No. 209-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 4.9 [Excluding any Sub-Sections]]

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First Revision No. 6-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 4.9.11 [Excluding any Sub-Sections] ]

Down conductors located in runways, driveways, school playgrounds, cattle yards, public walks, or other locations where subject
to physical damage or displacement shall be guarded.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 10 12:29:44 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee This revision removes an incomplete list of locations and reinforces that down conductors are to be guarded any
Statement: where they are subject to physical damage.
Response FR-6-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 7-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 4.9.11 [Excluding any Sub-Sections]]

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First Revision No. 7-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 4.9.13 [Excluding any Sub-Sections] ]

Down conductors coursed on or in in reinforced concrete columns or coursed on or within the calculated bonding distance of
reinforced concrete columns or structural steel columns in accordance with or reinforced concrete columns or
on structural steel columns shall be connected bonded to the reinforcing steel or the structural steel member at their its upper
and lower extremities.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 10 13:05:03 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee The electromagnetic coupling between the down conductor and the reinforcing steel or structural steel in a long parallel
Statement: path is addressed for conductors coursed on, in or near structural columns. It also allows calculation of the bonding
distance to be used to locate conductors outside areas subject to electromagnetic coupling.
Response FR-7-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 85-NFPA 780-2020 [New Section after A.]
Public Input No. 84-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 4.9.13 [Excluding any Sub-Sections]]

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First Revision No. 100-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. ]*
Each down conductor shall terminate to one of the following:
(1) A grounding electrode dedicated to the lightning protection system
(2)* A grounding electrode system of a building, structure, or facility that has multiple grounding electrodes bonded together
with a ground ring electrode meeting the requirements of 4.12.4


For lightning protection, a single integrated (interconnected) grounding system including lightning protection, power
systems, communications systems, and other grounded systems is preferable.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 24 12:44:27 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Annex is added to A. to clarify that a single integrated grounding system is preferable for the grounding of
Statement: the LPS, power, communications, or other grounding systems in the structure.
Response FR-100-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 218-NFPA 780-2020 [New Section after A.]

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First Revision No. 104-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. ]*
In corrosive environments, the use of stainless-steel alloy grounding electrodes shall be permitted.


Consideration of the corrosive environment is necessary in for the selection of an the appropriate stainless-steel alloy as a
material for the grounding electrode . Research has been presented that warns that stainless steel is very susceptible to
corrosion in many soil conditions. Extreme caution should be used with and proper soil analysis should be performed where
this type of rod is used. which contains detailed information on the grounding of electrical systems.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 24 13:23:53 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Existing A. was modified to clarify stainless steel is the material for the grounding electrode. The text in A.4.13.2
Statement: is applicable specifically to regarding installations in soils that could be corrosive to stainless steel so it is moved
into A.
Response FR-104-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 188-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. A.]
Public Input No. 220-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. A.]
Public Input No. 221-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. A.]

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First Revision No. 102-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. ]*
Ground rods shall be not less than 1⁄2 in. (12.7 mm) in diameter and 8 ft (2.4 m) long.


IEEE 142, Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems , states that the effect of the
ground rod diameter on the resistance of the connection to earth is small and that ground rod diameter is more a function of
mechanical strength and rigidity. Driving a 1 ⁄2 in. (12.7 mm) diameter 8 ft (2.4 m) ground rod into sandy soil is easily
accomplished. However, driving the same 8 ft (2.4 m) ground rod into rocky soil or 80 ft (24 m) ground rod into sandy soil
could require the mechanical strength of a 3 ⁄4 in. (19 mm) diameter ground rod. The designer should select a ground rod
diameter based on sound engineering practices and the success of the selected diameter in previous installations.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 24 13:08:54 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee The annex material provides guidance on ground rod diameter sizes with respect to soil types.
Response FR-102-NFPA 780-2020 The PI’s proposed solution as written addressed an issue in only one soil type and added
Message: unnecessary expense to some projects. Creating annex material that addressed the submitters concerns was a better
solution and also addressed various soil types.
Public Input No. 16-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No.]

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First Revision No. 106-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. ]
Ground rods shall be copper-clad steel, solid copper, or stainless steel.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 24 13:34:21 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Existing is relocated to as it provides material requirements of ground rods and belongs in
Statement: 4.13.2.
Response Message: FR-106-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 8-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No.]

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First Revision No. 108-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. ]*
The concrete- encased electrode shall consist of one of the following:
(1) Not less than 20 ft (6 m) of bare copper main-size conductor
(2) At least 20 ft (6 m) of one or more bare or electrically conductive coated steel reinforcing bars or rods not less than 1⁄2 in.
(12.7 mm) in diameter that have been effectively bonded together by welding, structural mechanical coupling, or overlapping
20 diameters and wire tying

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 24 13:39:34 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Additional text is provided to be consistent in terminology and clarify that plastic coated, fiberglass, or other non-
Statement: conductive reinforcing bars may not be used in concrete-encased electrodes.
Response FR-108-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 9-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No.]

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First Revision No. 109-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. ]*
The ground ring electrode shall be in direct contact with earth at a depth of not less than 18 in. (450 mm) or encased in a
concrete footing in accordance with 4.12.3.


Soil and climate conditions could, due to a lack of moisture or reduction of surface area contact, create high resistance
between the local earth and grounding electrode(s), as well as the associated conductor(s). Where such conditions exist,
additional measures should be considered to reduce the resistance of the lightning protection system to remote earth. Some
examples are using ground enhancing materials or, where practicable, embedding the ground ring and grounding electrodes
below the permanent moisture level of earth at the site.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 24 13:54:51 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Annex material is added to offer guidance on additional measures that should be considered to reduce the resistance of
Statement: the lightning protection system in environments where soil moisture levels are likely to drop well below the 18 inch
minimum burial depth during drought conditions.
Response FR-109-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 17-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No.]

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First Revision No. 110-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. ]*
The radial electrode shall be buried not less than 18 in. (450 mm) below grade.


Soil and climate conditions could, due to a lack of moisture or reduction of surface area contact, create high resistance
between the local earth and radial electrode(s), as well as the associated conductor(s). Where such conditions exist,
additional measures should be considered to reduce the resistance of the lightning protection system to remote earth. Some
examples are using ground enhancing materials or, where practicable, embedding the radial electrode(s) below the
permanent moisture level of earth at the site.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 24 13:57:15 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Annex material is added to offer guidance on additional measures that should be considered to reduce the resistance of
Statement: the lightning protection system in environments where soil moisture levels are likely to drop well below the 18 inch
minimum burial depth during drought conditions.
Response FR-110-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 18-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No.]

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First Revision No. 122-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 4.13.6 ]

4.12.6 Plate Electrode or Ground Plate Electrode.*

A ground plate or plate electrode shall have a minimum thickness of 0.032 in. (0.8 mm) and a minimum surface area of 2 ft2
(0.18 m2).


The 2 ft2 (0.18 m2) surface area requirement can be accomplished by met using a 1 ft2 (0.09 m2) plate with both sides in
contact with the earth.*
The ground plate electrode shall be buried not less than 18 in. (450 mm) below grade.


Soil and climate conditions could, due to a lack of moisture or reduction of surface area contact, create high resistance
between the local earth and ground plate electrode(s), as well as the associated conductor(s). Where such conditions exist,
additional measures should be considered to reduce the resistance of the lightning protection system to remote earth. Some
examples are using ground enhancing materials or, where practicable, embedding the ground plate electrode(s) below the
permanent moisture level of earth at the site.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Wed Nov 25 11:51:58 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee The annex material currently linked to 4.13.6 is specifically linked to, not the entire 4.13.6. The asterisk is moved
Statement: from 4.13.6 to and the annex text moved from A.4.13.6 and added as new A.

Annex material is added to to offer guidance on additional measures that should be considered to reduce the
resistance of the lightning protection system in environments where soil moisture levels are likely to drop well below the
18 inch minimum burial depth during drought conditions.
Response FR-122-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 30-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 4.13.6]
Public Input No. 19-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No.]
Public Input No. 31-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. A.4.13.6]

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First Revision No. 119-NFPA 780-2020 [ Sections, ] Bedrock.
Where a method of is impossible, radial(s) shall be permitted to be laid directly on bedrock a minimum distance of
12 ft (3.6 m) from the foundation or exterior footing. A ground ring electrode encircling the structure shall be permitted to be
laid directly on bedrock a minimum distance of 24 in. (600 mm) from the foundation or exterior footing.
Where a use of the method of s in is impossible not possible , radial(s) shall be permitted to be laid directly on
bedrock a minimum distance of 12 ft (3.6 m) from the foundation or exterior footing.
A ground ring electrode encircling the structure shall be permitted to be laid directly on bedrock a minimum distance of 24 in.
(600 mm) from the foundation or exterior footing.
In those cases where the grounding conductor is laid directly on bedrock, the conductor shall be secured to the bedrock every
3 ft (1 m) by nailing with nails , conductive cement, or a conductive adhesive to ensure electrical contact and protect against

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 24 15:54:54 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee The revision eliminates the 2 requirements in same section and clarifies the grounding conductor in is
Statement: that conductor used as the radial or ground ring electrode.
Response FR-119-NFPA 780-2020

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First Revision No. 120-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. ] Sandy Soil Conditions.

Because sandy or gravelly soil conditions are characterized by high soil resistivity, multiple Multiple grounding electrodes shall
be used to augment the lightning grounding electrode system in installations characterized by high soil resistivity, such as in
sandy or gravelly soil conditions .

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 24 15:56:35 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: The requirement is reworded to eliminate the narrative and clarify that more than one electrode is required.
Response Message: FR-120-NFPA 780-2020

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First Revision No. 121-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 4.14.4 ]

4.13.4 Underground Metallic Piping Systems.

Interconnection of underground metallic piping systems shall include, but not be limited to, water service, well casings located
within 25 ft (7.6 m) of the structure, gas piping, underground conduits, and underground liquefied petroleum gas piping
systems. If the water pipe is not electrically continuous due to the use of plastic pipe sections or other reasons, the
nonconductive sections shall be bridged with main-size conductors or the connection shall be made at a point where the
required electrical continuity is ensured.
Interconnection of underground Underground metallic piping systems requiring interconnection to the lightning protection
system shall include, but not be limited to, the following: water service, well casings located within 25 ft (7.6 m) of the structure,
gas piping, underground conduits, and underground liquefied petroleum gas piping systems.
(1) water Water service
(2) well Well casings located within 25 ft (7.6 m) of the structure lightning protection grounding system
(3) gas Gas piping
(4) underground Underground conduits
(5) underground Underground liquefied petroleum gas piping systems
If the a water pipe is not electrically continuous due to the use of plastic nonconductive pipe sections or for any other reasons ,
the nonconductive sections shall be bridged with main-size conductors or the connection shall be made at a point where the
required electrical continuity is can be ensured.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 24 16:06:23 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee The revision eliminates the multiple requirements in 4.14.4. Item (2) was revised to indicate that the spacing is to
Statement: the lightning protection system.
Response FR-121-NFPA 780-2020

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First Revision No. 116-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. ]
Horizontal grounded metal bodies that are parallel to a main lightning conductor and that are within the bonding distance
calculated in or shall be bonded to the main conductor at intervals averaging not more than
100 ft (30 m) along the main conductor unless inherently bonded through construction at those locations.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 24 15:30:24 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: The existing text is revised for editorially.

Response Message: FR-116-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 10-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No.]

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First Revision No. 117-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 4.16.5 ]

4.15.5 Materials.
Conductors used for the bonding of grounded or ungrounded metal bodies requiring connection to the lightning protection
system shall be sized in accordance with bonding conductor requirements in Table and Table .
Conductors used for the bonding of grounded or ungrounded metal bodies requiring connection to the lightning protection
system shall be sized in accordance with the bonding conductor requirements in Table and Table

Connectors for equipotential bonding shall have a minimum surface contact area of 0.021 in 2 (0.133 cm 2 ) for copper and
0.032 in 2 (0.208 cm 2 ) for aluminum.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 24 15:35:52 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee A new section includes dimensions for bonding connections. The dimensions mirror those in UL 96, Lightning
Statement: Protection Components.
Response Message: FR-117-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 206-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 4.16.5]

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First Revision No. 8-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 4.20.1 ]

4.19.1* General.
The requirements for surge protection systems installed for the electrical, communications (including, but not limited to, CATV,
alarm, and data), or antenna systems or for other electrical system hardware shall apply only to permanently installed surge
protection devices (SPDs). Surge protection shall comply with the following:
(1) Type 1 or Type 2 listed surge-protective devices (SPDs) permanently installed on premises wiring systems operating at
1,000 volts or less in accordance with 4.19.2
(2) Surge arresters permanently installed on circuits, equipment, or systems operating over 1,000 V in accordance with 4.19.3
(3) Listed surge protectors permanently installed for signal, data, and communication systems in accordance with 4.19.4


Surge protection alone is not intended to prevent or limit physical damage from caused by a direct lightning strike to a facility
or structure. Rather, it is intended to defend against the indirect lightning effects imposed upon the electrical services to of a
structure as part of a coordinated lightning protection system installed in accordance with the requirements of this standard.
Surge currents and their corresponding overvoltage transients can be coupled onto electrical utility feeders in a number of
ways. These mechanisms include the magnetic or capacitive coupling of a nearby strike or the more dramatic, but much less
frequent frequently used, conductive coupling of a direct cloud-to-ground discharge. These overvoltage transients pose a
significant threat to modern electrical and electronic equipment.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 10 13:31:21 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee This first revision re-formats 4.20.1 into three parts to address surge-protective devices, surge arresters, and surge
Statement: protectors. This new formatting and the additional criteria for surge-protective devices, surge arresters, and surge
protectors enhances the rules for surge protection and more closely aligns the NFPA 780 with the NEC (NFPA 70), IEEE
C62 Standards, and applicable UL product certification standards.
Response FR-8-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 61-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 4.20.1]
Public Input No. 20-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 4.20.1]

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First Revision No. 10-NFPA 780-2020 [ New Section after 4.20.2 ]

4.19.3* Surge Arrester Requirements.


For further information on surge arresters, see IEEE C62.11-2012, Standard for Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters for Alternating-
Current Power Circuits (>1 kV) , and IEEE C62.22-2009, Guide for the Application of Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters for
Alternating-Current Systems .
Surge arresters shall be installed in accordance with and when a building, structure, or equipment
operates over 1,000 V.*
The duty cycle rating of a surge arrester shall be not less than 125 percent of the maximum system voltage available at the
point of application.


The selection of a properly rated metal arrester should be based on the maximum continuous operating voltage and the
magnitude and duration of overvoltage at the arrester location as affected by phase-to-ground faults, system grounding
techniques, switching surges, and other causes. A surge arrester should never be installed where the rating of the surge
arrester is equal to or less than the maximum continuous phase-to-ground voltage at the power frequency available at the
point of application. See the manufacturer's application rules to select the specific arrester for a particular location.
Surge arresters shall be permitted to be located indoors or outdoors.
Surge arresters shall be made inaccessible to unqualified persons unless the surge arresters are listed for installation in
accessible locations.
Where used at a point on a circuit, a surge arrester shall be connected to each ungrounded conductor.
A single installation of surge arresters shall be permitted to protect a number of interconnected circuits if no circuit is exposed
to surges while disconnected from the surge arresters.
The conductor used to connect a surge arrester to a line, bus, or equipment and to an equipment grounding conductor or
grounding electrode connection point shall not be any longer than necessary and shall have no unnecessary bends.
The conductor between the surge arrester and the line and the surge arrester and the grounding connection shall be not
smaller than 6 AWG copper or aluminum, or it shall utilize a conductive material that has a capacity and withstand rating
equivalent to at least a 6 AWG conductor.
A surge arrester protecting a transformer that supplies a secondary distribution system shall be interconnected in accordance
with Part III of Article 242 of NFPA 70 (NEC) .

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 10 13:58:24 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee This first revision provides the prescriptive and performance criteria for the installation of surge arresters for circuits,
Statement: equipment, or systems operating over 1,000 volts.

Annex material is provided for Section 4.20.3 to refer the reader to the applicable IEEE Standards related to surge
arresters. points the reader back to and to identify the locations where surge arresters must be
installed so that it doesn’t have to be repeated in 4.20.3. provides criteria for MCOV ratings and is derived from Part III. of Article 242 in the 2020 NEC. Annex material
is provided with this rule to provide additional guidance. and provide additional location requirements and is aligned with 242.46 of the 2020 NEC. provides details on the number of surge arresters required and is aligned with 242.44 of the 2020 NEC. provides details for the routing of conductors and is aligned with 242.48 of the 2020 NEC. provides additional details on surge arrester conductors and is aligned with 242.52 of the 2020 NEC. provides details for surge arrester interconnection

Response FR-10-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 87-NFPA 780-2020 [New Section after 4.20.3]

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First Revision No. 29-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. ]
They Strike termination devices shall be at least 5⁄8 in. (15 mm) in diameter, exclusive of the corrosion protection.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 16 14:04:25 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: The pronoun was changed to noun for clarity.

Response Message: FR-29-NFPA 780-2020

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First Revision No. 30-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. ]
The hood serves shall be permitted to serve as a top loop conductor and shall be when connected to each down conductor
using a connection plate with an area of not less than 8 in.2 (5200 mm2) bolted or welded to the hood.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 16 14:22:17 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: The revision confirms that the hood is permitted to serve as a top loop conductor.
Response Message: FR-30-NFPA 780-2020

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First Revision No. 12-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 7.1.1 ]

This chapter shall apply to the protection of structures containing flammable vapors, flammable gases, or liquids that give off
flammable vapors.


This chapter applies to structures that might contain a hazardous (classified) location.
Sections 7.1 and 7.2 provide administrative information and a discussion on the general principles of the protection of
structures containing flammable vapors, flammable gases, or liquids that give off flammable vapors. These are only general
principles. Specific requirements for specific applications can be found in the sections that follow.
Section 7.3 provides general protective measures and baseline requirements. These requirements apply to all structures
except where specified otherwise for specific structures. It covers all the aspects of protection, but all the requirements might
not apply to every structure.
Section 7.4 contains requirements for specific classes of structures. Subsection 7.4.1 provides the requirements for
operating facilities and other non-storage applications.
Section 7.5 applies to storage tanks under pressure and Section 7.6 addresses aboveground tanks at atmospheric
pressure. Section 7.7 addresses earthen containers at atmospheric pressure.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 10 15:07:53 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee The purpose of the annex text is to explain the layout of the requirements in the chapter and reduce confusion as to
Statement: the applicability of the various sections in the chapter.
Response FR-12-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 216-NFPA 780-2020 [New Section after A.7.1]
Public Input No. 78-NFPA 780-2020 [New Section after A.7.1]

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First Revision No. 13-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. ]
A primary means to reduce the ignition of flammable vapors shall be to minimize the presence of those vapors in locations that
are vulnerable to a source of ignition, such as heating, arcing, or corona discharge caused by one or more of the following:
(1) A direct Direct strike
(2) Upward streamer
(3) Lightning electromagnetic pulse (LEMP)
(4) Secondary arcing

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 10 15:15:15 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: Energy in unsuccessful upward streamers should be considered as a potential ignition source.
Response Message: FR-13-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 202-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No.]

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First Revision No. 14-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. ]*
Flammable air-vapor mixtures shall be prevented, to the greatest extent possible, from accumulating in areas where a source of
ignition is likely to be present.


Systems should be designed to control the air-to-vapor ratio and maintain that ratio at a level that is not flammable to mitigate

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 10 15:18:27 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee The new text encourages the alternate approaches to prevented damage to structures containing flammable vapors
Statement: by maintain those vapors outside of the flammable range.
Response FR-14-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 211-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No.]
Public Input No. 212-NFPA 780-2020 [New Section after A.7.2.1]

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First Revision No. 20-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 7.2.2 ]

7.2.2* Inherent Protection.

Metallic structures that are electrically continuous; tightly sealed to prevent the escape of liquids, vapors, or gases; and of 3⁄16 in.
(4.8 mm) thickness or greater to withstand direct strikes shall be considered to be inherently self-protecting self-protected .


A structure is considered inherently self-protected from the effects of lightning if, by construction and perhaps intended
design, components of the installation are sufficient to protect against direct strikes, strikes near a structure, strikes to an
incoming line, and strikes near an incoming line. In such cases, additional lightning protection is not required.
In practice, such structures are uncommon due to the presence of structural vulnerabilities that undermine the inherent self-
protection. These structural vulnerabilities include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) Vents that compromise the seal
(2) Valves or other appurtenances that provide a location for secondary arcing (see 7.5.2 )
(3) A floating roof that is not sufficiently bonded to the tank shell
(4) Primary and secondary seals that do not completely prevent the escape of flammable vapors
(5) Any electronic equipment that requires SPDs
(6) Any structure that permits the accumulation of flammable vapors
For structures containing flammable gases or vapors, protection should also include procedures to prevent the accumulation
of gases or vapors that would require classification of the location where direct strikes or arcing is likely to occur.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 16 12:17:43 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: Annex material is included to clarify the intent of 7.2.2.

Response Message: FR-20-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 160-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 7.2.2]

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First Revision No. 19-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 7.3.6 ]

7.3.6 Surge Protection.
Surge protection shall be provided for equipment and services in accordance with the requirements of Section 4.19 and
NFPA 70.
Surge protective devices shall be positioned installed outside a hazardous area (classified) locations where practicable.*
Surge protective devices positioned protection installed inside a hazardous area (classified) location shall be approved for the
hazardous area in which they are installed within enclosures identified for the Class and Division of the specific location .


Additional guidance on the installation of surge protection in hazardous (classified) locations can be found in Sections 501.35
and 502.35 of NFPA 70 (NEC) .

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Thu Nov 12 16:38:37 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee This first revision makes editorial changes to clarify the rules for surge protection installations in hazardous (classified)
Statement: locations. New annex material gives the reader a pointer to the applicable sections of the NFPA 70 related to surge
protection in hazardous (classified) areas.
Response FR-19-NFPA 780-2020 The term surge protection adequately describes the protection covered in Section 4.20. The term
Message: “overvoltage” does not adequately address the risk exposure presented to a premises wiring system from lightning.
Public Input No. 95-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 7.3.6]

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First Revision No. 31-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. ]
Except as specified in and, a ground ring electrode or ground loop conductor supplemented by one or more
grounding electrodes, as identified in 4.12.2 through 4.12.7, shall be provided for structures containing flammable vapors,
flammable gases, or liquids that can give off flammable vapors.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 16 14:28:54 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: The revision clarifies the number of electrodes to qualify as supplemental.
Response Message: FR-31-NFPA 780-2020

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First Revision No. 21-NFPA 780-2020 [ New Section after 7.4 ]

7.8* Tank Batteries.


The requirements of this section are not applicable to nonmetallic tanks. Considerations for nonmetallic tanks are discussed
in Annex N and are not within the scope of Chapter 7 .

Protection of tank batteries shall include the protection of associated equipment.
Strike termination methods shall be provided in accordance with 7.3.3 and .
Site appurtenances — such as flare stacks, separators, and heater treaters — outside of a zone of protection shall be


Consideration should be given to interconnecting the grounding electrode for the site appurtenance discussed in 7.8.3 to
the battery grounding system, depending on proximity.

A grounding system interconnecting all the components and ground within the tank battery shall be provided for ground-level
potential equalization of all the grounding systems and underground piping within the battery.
In locations where direct strikes or arcing is likely to occur, engineering methods shall be used to minimize the accumulation of
flammable vapors in areas where a source of ignition is likely to be present.


A method of venting in locations where arcing is likely to occur is to install a vapor recovery system or, at a minimum, a
horizontal vent line that terminates at least 50 ft (15.2 m) from the tank battery.
All vents, flame arrestors, and thief hatches should be maintained in operating condition. All thief hatches should be closed
during normal tank operations.

Surge protection shall comply with 7.3.6 .

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 16 12:36:02 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee The new section and annex material address the additional application addressing the interconnection of systems into
Statement: a complete integrated lightning protection system for a tank battery.
Response FR-21-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 130-NFPA 780-2020 [New Section after 7.2.1]

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First Revision No. 15-NFPA 780-2020 [ Sections, ]

Structures containing hazardous (classified) locations used in for non-storage applications shall comply with the requirements of
Section 7.3 unless justified by a lightning risk assessment.


For structures in which the a hazardous (classified) location exists in only one part of the structure, it shall be permitted for a
risk assessment might to utilize the lightning protection zone (LPZ) concept in accordance with IEC 62305-2, Protection
Against Lightning — Part 2: Risk Management.
The lightning risk assessment provided in Annex L does not currently incorporate the concept of defining multiple lightning
protection zones (LPZs) LPZs in a structure, but the methodology for the assessment is given below .
An LPZ is characterized by a common set of lightning risk components and not necessarily by walls or other physical barriers.
LPZs are generally used to address risks related to a specific area(s) in or around a structure. They are associated with
specific characteristics of susceptibility to lightning-related threats. A structure might be characterized as a single zone or it
could be divided into multiple risk zones, where each risk zone is defined by a common set of relevant risk components.
The advantage of using the LPZ concept can be seen where only a portion of a larger structure needs to meet the
requirements of Chapter 7 and the cost of protecting the structure as a single zone would be greater than mitigating the risk in
that zone. Dividing the structure into lightning protection zones enables each zone to be assessed individually to determine
whether measures could be taken within that zone to reduce risk to a tolerable level and not require the measures to be
implemented throughout the structure.
In such cases, the characteristics of each zone in the structure must be evaluated, taking into account each risk component
relevant to that zone. This enables the most suitable protection measures to be applied to each risk zone, tailoring the
protection against lightning for specific applications.

7.4.2 Operating Facilities (Nonstorage Applications).
For structures in which the hazardous (classified) location exists in only one part of the structure, it shall be permitted for a risk
assessment to utilize the lightning protection zone (LPZ) concept in accordance with IEC 62305-2, Protection Against
Lightning — Part 2: Risk Management .

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 10 15:41:31 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee New A.7.4.1 incorporates previous and A. with explanatory text developed by the committee to provide
Statement: guidance on the use of lightning protection zones in assessing structures where a hazardous (classified) location exists
in only a part of a structure..
Response FR-15-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 161-NFPA 780-2020 [Sections,]

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First Revision No. 24-NFPA 780-2020 [ New Section after 8.1.4 ]

Lightning protection shall be installed as specified in Chapter 4 , except as modified by this chapter.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 16 13:15:23 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Adding 8.1.5 clarifies that lightning protection requirements from Chapter 4 are applicable to all ordnance buildings
Statement: not just earth covered magazine.
Response FR-24-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 81-NFPA 780-2020 [New Section after 8.1.4]

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First Revision No. 32-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. ]* Grounding of Masts.


A significant difference in the resistance to earth of grounding systems can result in a significant difference in current division
from an attachment point on the lightning protection system. For lightning protection systems using mast or catenary systems
consisting of three or more masts, the use of a ground ring electrode should be considered. The use of a buried grounding
conductor interconnecting systems using two masts should also be considered if there is a significant difference between the
value of resistance to earth for the two masts.
Grounding of masts shall comply with the requirements of Section 4.12.
Metallic masts shall be grounded as shown in Figure
Figure Connection of Metallic Masts to Ground Ring Electrode.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 16 14:31:46 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Annex material added to increase the explanation of ground ring conductors and the improvements they make to
Statement: the overall LPS,
Response Message: FR-32-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 194-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No.]
Public Input No. 193-NFPA 780-2020 [New Section after A.8.3.5]

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First Revision No. 33-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 8.3.5 ]

8.3.5* Integral Lightning Protection Systems.

Strike termination devices directly attached to the structure shall be installed as specified in Chapter 4, except as modified to
meet the zone of protection requirements for a using a striking distance of 100 ft (30 m) striking distance as specified in 8.2.1 .

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 16 14:34:41 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: Editorial change to clarify the intent of using the correct striking distance.
Response Message: FR-33-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 195-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 8.3.5]

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First Revision No. 25-NFPA 780-2020 [ Sections 8.4.2, 8.4.3, 8.4.4, 8.4.5 ]

8.4.2* Concrete-Encased Grounding Electrodes.

Concrete-encased electrodes shall comply with 4.13.3 .


Section allows for the use of copper-clad steel and stainless-steel ground rods; however, AHJs should understand
that installation of these rods in some conditions and locations can greatly affect their serviceability over the expected
lifecycle of the lightning protection system. Soil conditions with rocky or larger gravel concentrations can abrade copper
cladding, exposing the steel core to corrosive elements that can greatly diminish the performance and effectiveness of the
electrode over time. Acidic and corrosive soil conditions can adversely affect the lifespan of stainless-steel grounding
Grounding electrodes, as defined in Section 4.12 , that are used in lightning protection systems in explosives facilities shall be
selected from the following:
(1) Ground ring electrodes
(2) Ground rods
(3) Radials
(4) Ground plate electrodes
(5) Concrete-encased electrodes
Ground ring electrodes shall be augmented with a minimum of two ground rods. meeting the requirements of .
The ground Ground ring electrodes shall be installed no less than 3 ft (1 m) from the structure foundation or footing.*
Ground ring electrodes shall be bare copper conductors meeting or exceeding 105,000 circular mils.


A conductor with a cross-sectional area of 105,000 circular mils ensures that cables can remain serviceable over the lifecycle
of the system.*
Concrete-encased electrodes shall be designed, installed, and verified as specified in 4.12.3 prior to being placed into


The effectiveness of concrete-encased electrodes can be drastically influenced by their design and implementation. It is
recommended that AHJs fully understand the design characteristics that influence the effectiveness of concrete-encased
electrodes as they pertain to their applicability in conducting lightning energies into the earth. The design requirements of and and are particularly influential in the effectiveness of the concrete-encased
electrode’s ability to perform and function and to transfer lightning energies into the earth and should be confirmed.

8.4.3 Ground Ring Electrodes.

Ground ring electrodes shall be bare conductors meeting or exceeding the requirements for Class II conductors.
8.4.4 Radials.
Radials shall comply with the requirements of 4.13.5 .
8.4.5 Ground Plate Electrodes.
Ground plate electrodes shall comply with 4.13.6 .

Supplemental Information

File Name Description Approved

FR_25_Attachement_for_8.4.2.docx attachment for FR 25 Section 8.4.2 - for staff use

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 16 13:26:37 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Revision clarifies the requirements for grounding electrodes and supplements the grounding requirements in Section
Statement: 4.13 specifically for an ordnance facility. A conductor with a cross sectional area of 105,000 cir mils ensures that the cable
can remain serviceable over the lifecycle of the system’s install.
Response FR-25-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 196-NFPA 780-2020 [Sections 8.4.2, 8.4.3, 8.4.4, 8.4.5]

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First Revision No. 26-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 8.6 [Excluding any Sub-Sections] ]

Surge protection as described in Section 4.19 shall be required for all power, communications signal, data , and
data communications conductors and cables entering or exiting a structure housing explosives.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 16 13:39:02 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee This First Revision aligns the terms used in Section 8.6 with Section 4.20 and adds cables in addition to conductors to
Statement: be inclusive of all wiring methods utilized for signal, data, and communication circuits.
Response FR-26-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 96-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 8.6]

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First Revision No. 27-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. ]*
Strike termination devices shall be placed to cover protect the headwall, any ventilator, or other metal bodies as required to
provide protection in accordance with Sections 8.2 and 8.3.


The AHJ should determine the necessity of the placement of strike termination devices other than headwalls, ventilators, or
other metal bodies. When an earth-covered magazine can provide metallic (Faraday-Like) cage protection, as defined in
8.3.2 , non-metal bodies that do not penetrate the structure can be omitted from consideration for strike termination

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 16 13:41:15 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee This revision clarifies whether strike termination devices are required to be placed on headwalls, ventilators, or
Statement: other metal bodies.

Annex material was added for clarification of required strike termination protection.
Response Message: FR-27-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 198-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No.]

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First Revision No. 28-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. ]*
SPDs Surge protection installed in accordance with Section 4.19 shall be inspected in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions at intervals not exceeding 7 months, or when visual inspection is performed, and after any suspected lightning


The manufacturer’s installation instructions or product markings might provide additional criteria or guidance on how and
when to inspect, test, and maintain equipment providing surge protection.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 16 14:00:28 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee This First Revision clarifies that all methods of surge protection will need to be inspected, tested, and maintained at the
Statement: intervals defined in the section. Information related to the manufacturer’s installation instructions or product markings has
been moved to annex material from the main rule to remove a potential loophole in the requirement where inspection
details are not provided by the manufacturer.
Response FR-28-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 97-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No.]

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First Revision No. 48-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 9.2.5 ]

The cover for the hub, referred to as the spinner, shall be protected with a strike termination device as required in by
Section 4.5.


A hub is also referred to as a spinner.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 17 12:23:36 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: The information is beneficial and relocated to the narrative portion of the annex.
Response Message: FR-48-NFPA 780-2020

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First Revision No. 34-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 9.3.1 ]

Because the nacelle, hub, tower, and base structure sections of the wind turbine typically house electrical and mechanical
control systems, consideration shall be given to the protection of these systems with bonding, shielding, and surge protection in
accordance with the following:
(1) Separation distance and bonding techniques maintained in accordance with Sections 4.14 and 4.15
(2) Maximized distance between lightning conductors and electrical system components and electrical system cabling located
on or near a ground plane
(3) Electrical system cabling magnetically shielded by either braided wire sheath or wire mesh screen or bonding of metallic
conduit, cable trays, or raceways
(4) Electrical equipment that is exposed to lightning electromagnetic impulse (LEMP) located within metal enclosures
(5) Large loop areas within electrical cabling avoided
(6) SPDs Surge protection installed as close as practicable to the equipment to be protected

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 16 14:51:03 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee This First Revision changes “SPDs” to “surge protection” to be inclusive of all surge protection types recognized in
Statement: Section 4.20.
Response Message: FR-34-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 98-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 9.3.1]

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First Revision No. 35-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 9.3.2 ]

SPDs Surge protection shall be in accordance with Section 4.19.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 16 14:52:20 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee This First Revision changes “SPDs” to “surge protection” to be inclusive of all surge protection types recognized in
Statement: Section 4.20.
Response Message: FR-35-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 99-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 9.3.2]

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First Revision No. 49-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. ]
The strike termination devices shall be mechanically strong to withstand the roll and pitching action of the hull, as well as heavy

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 17 12:27:44 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: The additional text is necessary to properly describe the “devices” referenced in
Response Message: FR-49-NFPA 780-2020

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First Revision No. 50-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. ]
Depending on the material, the contact minimum The minimum contact area for a connection in a main conductor shall be given
by (for copper), (for aluminum), or (for other metals).

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 17 12:29:01 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: The wording was unnecessary and did not contribute to the intent of the section.
Response Message: FR-50-NFPA 780-2020

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First Revision No. 37-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 10.5.5 ]

10.5.5* Galvanic Corrosion Protection.


An air A spark gap or SPD (such as a gas discharge tube (GDT ) might be desirable to reduce corrosion in the presence of
leakage currents in the water and could reduce galvanic corrosion. However, using an air a spark gap to isolate an immersed
conductor from the water can increase the risk of a ground fault current bypassing any ground fault protection device. Hence,
a hazardous current can be inadvertently introduced into the water. For this reason, measures should be taken to ensure that
loose electrical connections cannot contact any part of the isolated grounding electrode. A spark gap should not be used
where there is the possibility of ignitible vapors or personal hazards.
An air A spark gap or SPD (such as a gas discharge tube (GDT ) shall be permitted to break the path of a main conductor within
8 in. (200 mm) of a grounding electrode.
The breakdown voltage of an air a spark gap or SPD (such as a gas discharge tube (GDT ) shall be not less than 600 V and not
greater than 15 kV.
With the exception of the gap itself, all components in and connections to an air a spark gap device shall have a cross-sectional
area meeting the requirements for a main conductor.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 16 15:03:11 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee This first revision changes “air gap” to “spark gap” to more precisely describe the corrosion protection method as
Statement: defined in 3.3.39 and to change “SPD” to “gas discharge tube (GDT)” to correctly identify the other protective method
permitted in 10.5.5.
Response FR-37-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 100-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 10.5.5]
Public Input No. 108-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. A.10.5.5]

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First Revision No. 38-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 11.2.4 ]

An airfield lighting lightning protection system shall be permitted to be omitted by the AHJ when the average lightning flash
density is two or fewer flashes less than or equal to one flash per square kilometer per year.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 16 15:09:24 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: This change makes flash density requirements in 11.2.4 consistent with flash density in A.
Response Message: FR-38-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 25-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 11.2.4]

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First Revision No. 40-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. ]
Reinforcing steel, where used as part of the light base installation, shall be bonded to the metallic light base using a minimum
6 AWG bare solid copper conductor.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 16 15:17:57 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee 6 AWG bare solid copper conductor is the minimum size permitted. A. states the counterpoise size should be
Statement: determined by the engineer of record (EOR) using sound engineering practices and recommends a 2 AWG conductor.
Adding the word “minimum” permits the EOR to size the conductor in accordance with sound engineering practices.
Response FR-40-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 27-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No.]

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First Revision No. 41-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. ]*
Each light base or mounting stake shall be provided with a grounding electrode in accordance with one of the following methods:
(1) Where a metallic light base is used, the grounding electrode shall be bonded to the metallic light base or mounting stake
with a minimum 6 AWG bare, annealed, or soft drawn, solid copper conductor.
(2) Where a nonmetallic light base is used, the grounding electrode shall be bonded to the metallic light fixture or metallic base
plate with a minimum 6 AWG bare, annealed, or soft drawn, solid copper conductor.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 16 15:20:07 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee 6 AWG bare solid copper conductor is the minimum size permitted. A. states the counterpoise size should be
Statement: determined by the engineer of record (EOR) using sound engineering practices and recommends a 2 AWG conductor.
Adding the word “minimum” permits the EOR to size the conductor in accordance with sound engineering practices.
Response FR-41-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 28-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No.]

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First Revision No. 42-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 11.4.6 ]

11.4.6 Bonding Jumpers.

A minimum 6 AWG stranded copper green insulated bonding jumper shall be installed between the following items:
(1) In-pavement airfield lighting fixture and the metallic light base
(2) Elevated fixture base plate and metallic light base
(3) Surge arresters and metallic light base
A bonding jumper shall be installed between the metallic frame of the airfield lighting sign(s) or other system components not
listed in 11.4.6 and its respective metallic light base.
Bonding jumper length shall permit direct removal and maintenance of the airfield lighting component without damage to or
disconnection of the bonding jumper and not interfere with the intended operation of a frangible coupling.
Copper conductors and copper braids of equal current-carrying capacity shall be permitted as an alternative to the minimum 6
AWG bonding jumper as permitted by the AHJ.
Frangible couplings shall be conductive.*
All non-current-carrying electrically conductive materials having the potential to become energized by a lightning-induced surge
shall be bonded together and bonded to the airfield lighting counterpoise system.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 16 15:26:20 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee 6 AWG bare solid copper conductor is the minimum size permitted. A. states the counterpoise size should be
Statement: determined by the engineer of record (EOR) using sound engineering practices and recommends a 2 AWG conductor.
Adding the word “minimum” permits the EOR to size the conductor in accordance with sound engineering practices.
Response FR-42-NFPA 780-2020

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First Revision No. 45-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. 12.4 ]

12.4 Protection of Electrical and Mechanical Systems.

Where practicable, the electrical and/or electromechanical control systems shall be protected with bonding, shielding, increased
separation distance, and surge protection in accordance with the following:
(1) Separation distance and bonding techniques maintained in accordance with Sections 4.14 and 4.15
(2) Maximized distance between lightning air terminals and conductors and the solar array, electrical control systems, and
(3) SPDs Surge protective devices (SPDs) installed as close as practicable to the solar array and electrical systems (inverters)
and to the solar tracking control systems
(4) The photovoltaic (PV) output circuit cabling electromagnetically shielded by either braided wire sheath or wire mesh screen
or installed within electrically bonded metallic conduit, cable trays , or raceways
(5) Lightning conductors run separately and outside of the cable path of the PV output circuit
12.4.2 PV Output Circuit Surge Protection.
Surge protection shall be provided on installed for the PV output circuit of the solar module from positive to ground and negative
to ground, and at the combiner and recombiner box for multiple solar modules protection of PV systems and PV system dc
circuits .
PV surge protective devices SPDs shall have a nominal discharge current rating (In) of 20 kA 8/20 µs per mode.
PV surge protective devices SPDs shall be listed for use on PV systems and marked “DC”, “DC PV,” or “PV SPD.”
If the system inverter is more than 100 ft (30 m) from the closest combiner or recombiner box, additional PV SPDs shall be
required at the PV output circuit adjacent to the inverter.
PV SPDs provided on the PV output circuit shall have a nominal dc operating voltage or Vpvdc rating equal to or greater than
the maximum photovoltaic system voltage of the circuit(s) as specified in Article 690 of NFPA 70.
The short-circuit current rating of the PV SPD shall be not be coordinated with less than the prospective fault of current of the
PV output circuit(s).
The VPR voltage protection rating of each mode of the PV SPD shall be no greater than three times the circuit’s maximum PV
system voltage to which that mode is connected.
For two-port PV SPDs, the load current rating of the SPD shall be equal to, or greater than, that of the system’s load current to
the inverter.
The maximum rated ambient temperature of the PV SPD shall not be exceeded. AC PV Protection.
SPDs shall be installed for the protection of electric power production and distribution network circuits and equipment supplied
by an ac module system.
SPDs shall be listed and comply with Section 4.19 and Part II of Article 242 of NFPA 70 .
The SPD shall be located at the PV system disconnect as specified in Article 690 of NFPA 70 .
12.4.3 Inverter Output Surge Protection.
Surge protection in accordance with Section 4.19 shall be provided at the ac output of the inverter.
Surge protective devices SPDs shall have a nominal discharge current rating (In) of 20 kA 8/20 µs per mode.
The short-circuit current rating of the SPD shall be not be coordinated with less than the prospective fault current of the inverter.
The VPR voltage protection rating of the SPD shall be no greater than those given in Table
For distribution system voltages exceeding the values in Table, the VPR voltage protection rating shall be permitted to
be three times the ac output voltage of the inverter.
The maximum rated ambient temperature of the SPD shall not be exceeded.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 16 15:36:27 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee This first revision reorganizes the surge protection requirements for solar PV systems to align with the terminology used

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Statement: in the NEC (NFPA 70) and to provide prescriptive and performance criteria for both DC and AC module systems.

Response FR-45-NFPA 780-2020

Public Input No. 83-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 12.4.2]
Public Input No. 170-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No.]
Public Input No. 104-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. 12.4]

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First Revision No. 1-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. A.4.4.1 ]

The requirement to protect conductors from mechanical damage does not preclude the running of exposed wiring at roofing
perimeters, on roof surfaces, or in other similar locations where incidental foot traffic or manual disturbance of the conductor is
possible. This paragraph is not intended to require the concealment of all exposed lightning protection components in conduit or
similar another type of physical protection .

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 09 13:37:49 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: This eliminates the vague word "similar".

Response Message: FR-1-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 29-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. A.4.4.1]

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First Revision No. 105-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. A.4.13.2 ]

Research has been presented that warns that stainless steel is very susceptible to corrosion in many soil conditions. Extreme
caution should be used with proper soil analysis where this type of rod is used. For further information, see NFPA 70 which
contains detailed information on the grounding of electrical systems.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 24 13:27:06 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee The last sentence of existing A.4.13.2 is deleted because the requirement discussed is specific to lightning protection,
Statement: not to grounding of electrical systems. The remaining text in A.4.13.2 is applicable specifically to so it is moved
into A.
Response FR-105-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 187-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. A.4.13.2]

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First Revision No. 111-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. A.4.14.1 ]

The interconnection of incoming services to the lightning protection system should be performed as near the service entry as
reasonable and not meander greatly as direct as practicable through the structure before its interconnection. For larger
structures with services entering the structure at different locations, multiple equipotential ground bus bars (EGB) should be
considered. In these cases, the interconnection of the multiple EGBs is best accomplished through interconnection with a ground
ring electrode.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 24 14:04:42 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: An editorial change to replace “not meander greatly” with “as direct as practicable” for clarity of intent.
Response Message: FR-111-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 22-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. A.4.14.1]

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First Revision No. 113-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. A.4.14.3 ]

Definitions The definitions in NFPA 70 (NEC) and in this standard for bonded (bonding), grounded, grounding, and grounding
electrode are similar. The actual sections in the NEC and in this standard that define what constitutes these various items point
to differences in application, equipment, and requirements.
Section 250.50 of the NEC requires that all electrodes present at each building or structure be bonded together to form the
grounding electrode system, which coordinates with the requirements of Section 4.13 of this standard . The differences occur in
250.52 of the NEC, which describes grounding electrode devices not shown in Section 4.12. Grounding electrode devices
described in 250.52 of the NEC but not referenced in this document include the following:
(1) 250.52(A)(1): 10 ft (3 m) of metallic underground water pipe extending that extends from the structure in contact with earth.
(2) 250.52(A)(2): The metal frame of the in-ground support structure that is in contact with earth.
(3) 250.52(A)(3)(2): The concrete-encased electrode described as #4 AWG, which would need to be a main-size conductor per
(4) 250.52(A)(4): The ground ring electrode not smaller than 2 AWG that is acceptable for Class I but would not be acceptable
for Class II (see Table
(5) 250.52(A)(5): Pipe electrodes described in item (a), which are not included. Rod , and rod electrodes described in item (b)
as zinc-coated steel, which are not covered (see
(6) 250.52(A)(6): Other listed electrodes, which would need to comply with the various paragraphs of Section 4.12.
(7) 250.52(A)(7): Plate electrodes, which would need to comply with 4.12.6.
(8) 250.52(A)(8): “Other local metal underground systems or structures, ” which are not referenced as grounding electrodes in
this standard.
The lightning protection system designer must be familiar with these differences to be able to coordinate interconnection with
other building grounding electrodes or the structural grounding electrode system as required by 4.13.3.
Where separate but adjacent buildings or facilities are interconnected directly (not through a utility) by electric, CATV, CCTV,
data, or communications wiring, the grounding systems of those buildings should be directly interconnected to each other with a
main-size conductor. The need for this interconnection can be eliminated by with the use of fiber-optic cable, shielded wire, wire
run in grounded metallic conduit, or redundant cascading surge protection [SPDs [surge arresters, surge protective devices
(SPDs), or surge protectors installed at the entrance(s) and exit(s) of both buildings or facilities].

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 24 14:57:14 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee This first revision adds the three types of surge protection recognized in Section 4.20 in addition to SPDs alone. Surge
Statement: protection is coordinated with cascading protection which is not redundant. List Item 2 has been revised to coordinate
with the NEC.
Response FR-113-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 105-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. A.4.14.3]

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First Revision No. 114-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. A.4.16 ]

See Annex C for a technical discussion of lightning protection potential-equalization bonding and isolation.
In addition to the bonding of metal bodies, surge suppression protection should be provided to protect power, communication,
signal, and data lines from dangerous overvoltages and sparks caused by lightning strikes.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 24 15:05:53 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee This first revision replaces “suppression” with “protection” and inserts the term “signal” to correlate this annex
Statement: material with Section 4.20.
Response Message: FR-114-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 106-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. A.4.16]

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First Revision No. 118-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. A.4.17 ]

Metallic antenna masts or supports should not be used as strike termination devices. Thin metallic supports could be damaged
and damage to the antenna lead-in conductors will most likely occur. Antenna should be placed in a zone of protection and
isolated from the lightning protection system. Communications conductors should not be located near lightning conductors. (See
Section 4.19.6 4.19 for communications surge protection requirements.)

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 24 15:42:04 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: The text is revised to coordinate with changes made in Section 4.20.
Response Message: FR-118-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 107-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. A.4.17]

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First Revision No. 18-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. A.7.1.2 ]

This chapter shall not apply to the protection of nonmetallic tanks containing flammable vapors, flammable gases, or liquids
that give off flammable vapors. (See Annex N .)

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Thu Nov 12 16:34:54 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: Delete the annex material which duplicated the requirement.
Response Message: FR-18-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 201-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. A.7.1.2]

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First Revision No. 128-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. A.8.7.4 ]

ISO containers meeting the requirements of ISO 1496, Series 1 freight containers — Specification and testing — Part 1:
General cargo containers for general purposes , are sometimes used for temporary storage of various explosives materials,
such as small arms in ammo boxes, various weapons system configurations in shipping containers, commercial explosives,
fireworks, and so forth. Because the metal frame of a properly maintained ISO container does not meet the metal thickness
requirement for strike termination devices, there could be burn-through for caused by some strikes. The metal frame will provide
some shielding protection from lightning electromagnetic effects, and the surface area contact of the superstructure on the local
earth will provide some impedance to earth. These provide protection against the effects of lightning for some configurations and
sensitivity of contents, but not all. In some cases, it might be necessary to provide strike termination devices, additional bonding,
and grounding of the ISO container. Whether the ISO container is to be supplemented by lightning protection is a decision for the
AHJ to make, based on a risk assessment of the sensitivity of the container's contents.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Dec 01 14:19:09 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: Reference to the appropriate ISO standard is moved into annex.
Response Message: FR-128-NFPA 780-2020

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First Revision No. 36-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. A. ]

The function of the a loop conductor is to conduct the lightning current around the outside of the a watercraft while minimizing
the risk of a sideflash to the water, or to the metallic structures and personnel in the vessel. In the absence of conducting fittings
or occupied areas, it is preferable to place the loop conductor as high as possible above the waterline to minimize the risk of a
sideflash between the loop conductor and the water. However, this risk is less for a horizontal conductor than for a conductor,
such as a chain plate, that is more vertically oriented. If conducting fittings or crewed areas exist near the loop conductor, it is
preferable to place the loop conductor between the vulnerable location area and the water.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 16 14:54:41 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee The normative text requires a main-size loop conductor routed horizontally around the watercraft, the reference to a
Statement: chain plate does not add clarity or function to the annex text, and is covered by the last sentence if it is below the loop
Response FR-36-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 139-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. A.]

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First Revision No. 46-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. A.11.1.1 ]

Chapter 11 pertains to lightning protection of airfield lighting systems. These systems are installed underground in both paved
(i.e., e.g., full-strength pavement and shoulder pavement) and unpaved areas. The protected components include in-pavement
fixtures, elevated fixtures, airfield signs, underground power systems , communications systems, control and signal circuits, and
components of runway, taxiway, and apron lighting systems. These systems are installed on in the portions of an airport that
encompass the approach, departure, landing, takeoff, taxiing, and parking areas for aircraft and . These areas include runways,
taxiways, and other parts of an airport used for taxiing, takeoff, and landing of aircraft; loading ramps; and parking areas
exclusive of building-mounted helipads, approach light structures, and antennas. This chapter could also apply to other areas
with airfield lighting systems.
There are two generally accepted methods for providing lightning protection for airfield lighting circuits: equipotential and
isolation. The equipotential method, which is described in, is shown in Figure A.11.1.1(a). The isolation method, which
is described in, is shown in Figure A.11.1.1(b). The two methods should not be employed on a single circuit. The
designer should select the installation method based upon on sound engineering practices and the success of the selected
method in previous installations.
Figure A.11.1.1(a) Equipotential Method.

Figure A.11.1.1(b) Isolation Method for Elevated Edge Lights Installed in Turf or Stabilized Soil.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 17 10:56:59 EST 2020

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Committee Statement

Committee Adding the reference to Figure at the end of Note 1 in Figure A.11.1.1(b) corresponds with a similar reference
Statement: in Figure A.11.1.1(a). Figure provides an elevation view of the concept shown in the Figure A.11.1.1(b) plan
Response FR-46-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 32-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. A.11.1.1]

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First Revision No. 39-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. A. ]

A Chapter 4-compliant lightning protection system and SPDs could can be installed at the airfield lighting vault or other another
airfield lighting circuit power source.
The need for an airfield lighting vault building lightning protection system, SPDs, or surge arresters should be determined by the
Engineer of Record, engineer of record based on sound engineering practices. Lightning protection systems, SPDs, and surge
arresters are recommended for high-priority airfield lighting systems and airfield lighting systems installed in areas with a
lightning flash density greater than two flashes one flash per square kilometer per year.
The criteria in A. can be used to determine if the airfield lighting field circuits should be provided with surge arresters.
A lightning risk assessment performed in accordance with Annex L can be used to determine if the airfield lighting vault building
or equivalent electrical equipment protective structure should be provided with a lightning protection system and SPDs in
accordance with Chapter 4.
The AHJ can determine and approve the need for the airfield lighting vault building or equivalent electrical equipment protective
structure lightning protection system, SPDs, and airfield lighting circuit surge arresters.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 16 15:16:51 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: This change makes flash density requirements in 11.2.4 consistent with flash density in A.
Response Message: FR-39-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 26-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. A.]

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First Revision No. 43-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. A. ]

Airfield pavement systems design is an intricate engineering solution involving a large number of complex variables. Operating
aircraft and pavement systems interact with each other. This interaction must be addressed by the pavement design process.
Structural designs of airfield pavement systems include the determination of the overall pavement system thickness to achieve
the final design objectives. Airfield pavement systems are normally constructed in courses or layers.
Many factors influence the pavement system layer thicknesses required to provide satisfactory pavement system design. Two
key components that affect the structural design of the pavement system are the type of pavement and the load-bearing capacity
of the supporting materials.
A typical pavement system design might consist of the following layers:
(1) Conditioned and compacted earth fill and subgrade below the pavement system (typically 100 percent compaction required)
(2) Enhanced sub-base course material, including additional layering, or enhanced existing subgrade
(3) Pavement base course (flexible or semi-rigid materials to support the pavement surface materials)
(4) Final pavement surface, either hot mix asphalt (HMA), a flexible pavement typically installed in multiple layers, or Portland
cement concrete (PCC), a rigid pavement typically installed in one layer
The thickness of each of the overall pavement layers is determined by based on the structural requirements of the pavement
system based on existing conditions, aircraft sizes and weights, number of repetitions aircraft operations , environmental factors,
and other features.
The airfield lighting system is incorporated into the airfield pavement system. The design of the depth and the height of the
various airfield lighting system components, including light bases, light base accessories, conduits, and counterpoise
conductors, must be adjusted to integrate the components into the varying pavement system layer thicknesses. Although
reasonable effort should be made to comply with the 8 in. (200 mm) requirement contained in, it is for these reasons
that the variation described in is necessary.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 16 15:27:46 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee The word change provides a more accurate description. The term "aircraft operations" would be more easily
Statement: understood in the aviation community than the word "repetitions".
Response FR-43-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 33-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. A.]

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First Revision No. 44-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. A. ]

Exothermic welding is not the recommended method of connecting the counterpoise conductor to a galvanized steel light base.
Refer to Part 12.5 of FAA Advisory Circular 150/5340-30F 30J , Design and Installation Details for Airport Visual Aids.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 16 15:29:47 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: Updated edition number of FAA Advisory Circular to reflect current version.
Response Message: FR-44-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 34-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. A.]

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First Revision No. 52-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. B.2.2 ]

While intercepting, conducting, and dissipating the main discharge, the three basic protection system components do not ensure
safety from possible secondary effects of a lightning strike. Therefore, secondary conductors are provided to interconnect metal
bodies to ensure that such metal bodies are maintained at the same electrical potential so as to prevent sideflashes or
sparkover. Surge suppression devices are protection is also provided to protect power lines and associated equipment from
both direct discharges and induced currents.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 17 14:38:48 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: This revision corrects the terminology used to align B.2.2 with Section 4.20.
Response Message: FR-52-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 23-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. B.2.2]
Public Input No. 110-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. B.2.2]

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First Revision No. 53-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. B.4.8 ]

Lightning currents entering protected buildings on overhead or underground power lines, telephone conductors, or television or
radio antennas are not necessarily restricted to associated wiring systems and appliances. Therefore, such systems should be
equipped with appropriate protective devices surge protection and bonded to ensure a common potential.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 17 14:45:43 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: This revision corrects the terminology used to align B.4.8 with Section 4.20.
Response Message: FR-53-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 111-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. B.4.8]

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First Revision No. 54-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. C.2.2 ]

C.2.2 Inductive Effect.

When a large current passes down the lightning conductor ABC, a magnetic field is generated in circular motion around the
conductor as shown in Figure C.2. The higher the lightning current, the higher the magnetic field. These magnetic field lines can
be referred to as magnetic flux.
The loop BCDEF is intercepted by these lines of magnetic flux. The rate of change of the flux passing through this loop induces
a voltage in the loop, creating a potential difference between B and F. This potential difference can be in the order of a few
million volts, again causing a sideflash.
The bonding techniques described in this standard call for bonding the gaps over which high potentials exist, such as BF, in
order to remove the spark and provide a safe path to ground for the current. The bonding-distance formulas are
calculated derived from the laws of physics, making assumptions on the relevant lightning characteristics that influence the
induced voltage. The assumptions for this standard are based on an extremely severe lightning current, thereby providing a
bonding distance that is almost totally protective.
The voltage across the gap BF is related to the size of the loop BCDEF but dominantly to the height BC rather than the
horizontal measure CD; hence the height h term is used in the formulas of 4.15.2. Equalizing the potentials at frequent heights in
accordance with Section 4.14 also reduces the size of the loop BCDEF, thereby keeping the gap voltage to a controllable value
that can be removed by simple bonding.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 17 14:48:20 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: The term ‘derived’ is more accurate in context.

Response Message: FR-54-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 35-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. C.2.2]

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First Revision No. 55-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. C.2.3 ]

C.2.3 Power and Communications Services.

One factor that is difficult to control is the problem related to power and communication lines entering the building. For all
intents, such lines are at ground potential relative to the extremely high induced voltages. If the line DEF were such an electrical,
telephone, power, or data line not bonded at ground, the voltage across the loop would be enhanced by the resistive effect
described by Ohm’s law Law, as well as by the inductive effect. Hence, BF could soon approach breakdown, which could would
lead to sparks causing fire, as well as the obvious electrical, electronic, and human life problems dangers . All such lines entering
the building should have electrical bonding through surge protection as specified in Section 4.19, thereby reducing the resistive
component and controlling dangerous sparking and damage. If just one wire, however, does not have such suppression
devices surge protection , the dangers described still exist to for the protected building and the electrical equipment. Table C.2.3
shows sample calculations.
Table C.2.3 Sample Calculations of Bonding Distances
h n = 1.0 n = 1.5 n = 2.25
ft m Km ft m ft m ft m
10 3.05 1 1 ft 8 in. 0.50 1 ft 13⁄8 in. 0.33 9 in. 0.22
0.5 10 in. 0.25 63⁄4 in. 0.17 41⁄2 in. 0.11
20 6.10 1 3 ft 4 in. 1.01 2 ft 23⁄4 in. 0.67 1 ft 6 in. 0.45
0.5 1 ft 8 in. 0.50 1 ft 13⁄8 in. 0.33 9 in. 0.22
30 9.15 1 5 ft 0 in. 1.52 3 ft 4 in. 1.01 2 ft 23⁄4 in. 0.67
0.5 2 ft 6 in. 0.76 1 ft 8 in. 0.50 1 ft 13⁄8 in. 0.33
40 12.2 1 6 ft 8 in. 2.03 4 ft 6 in. 1.37 3 ft 0.91
0.5 3 ft 4 in. 1.01 2 ft 3 in. 0.68 1 ft 6 in. 0.45

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 17 14:50:56 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: This revision corrects the terminology used to align C.2.3 with Section 4.20.
Response Message: FR-55-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 112-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. C.2.3]

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First Revision No. 56-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. D.1.2 ]

D.1.2 Visual Inspection.

Visual inspections are made to ascertain the following:
(1) The system is in good repair.
(2) There are no loose connections that might result in high-resistance joints.
(3) No part of the system has been weakened by corrosion or vibration.
(4) All down conductors and grounding electrodes are intact (nonsevered).
(5) All conductors and system components are fastened securely to their mounting surfaces and are protected against
accidental mechanical displacement as required.
(6) There have not been additions or alterations to the protected structure that would require additional protection.
(7) There is no visual indication of damage to surge suppression (overvoltage) devices equipment providing surge protection .
(8) The system complies in all respects with the current edition of this standard.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 17 14:54:51 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: This revision corrects the terminology used to align D.1.2 with Section 4.20.
Response Message: FR-56-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 113-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. D.1.2]

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First Revision No. 57-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. D.2.2.2 ]

Lightning protection system maintenance procedures should be established for each system and should become a part of the
overall maintenance program for the structure that it protects.
A maintenance program should contain a list of more or less routine items that can serve as a checklist and can establish a
definite maintenance procedure that can be followed regularly. It is the repeatability of the procedures that enhances the
effectiveness of a good maintenance program.
A good maintenance program should contain provisions for the following:
(1) Inspection of all conductors and system components
(2) Tightening of all clamps and splicers
(3) Measurement of lightning protection system resistance
(4) Measurement of resistance of grounding electrodes
(a) Inspection, testing, or both of equipment providing surge suppression devices protection to determine their its
effectiveness compared with to similar new devices
Inspection, testing, or both of surge suppression devices to determine their effectiveness compared with similar new
(5) Refastening and tightening of components and conductors as required
(6) Inspection and testing as required to determine if the effectiveness of the lightning protection system has been altered by
additions to or changes in the structure

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 17 14:58:59 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: This revision corrects the terminology used to align D.2.2.2 with Section 4.20.
Response Message: FR-57-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 114-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. D.2.2.2]

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First Revision No. 63-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. E.1.3 ]

The principle of ground resistance measurement is shown in Figure E.1.3. L is the lightning ground rod or ground rod grounding
electrode or grounding electrode system, P is a the potential (voltage) test probe, and A C is an auxiliary the remote current
probe. M is the standard ac- earth resistivity measuring equipment for three-point technique ground resistance measurements.
Convenient distances for LP and LA LC are 75 ft (23 m) and 120 ft (36 m), respectively. In general, P should be at 62 percent of
the distance from L to A C . If a distance of 120 ft (36 m) is not convenient, it could can be increased significantly [or reduced to
no less than 50 ft (15 m)], provided LP is increased/decreased proportionately.
Figure E.1.3 Measurement of Ground Resistance.

The P and C probes should be placed at an angle of 90 degrees to minimize mutual coupling between the P and C probes. A
current, I, is passed through the electrode or electrodes to be tested, L, and through an auxiliary the C probe, A. The distance,
LA , is long compared to the electrode length. The voltage, V, between L and P is measured by the test equipment, which also
monitors I injects a known current, I , and calculates the ground resistance, R, as V/I. Alternating current, generally greater
than 60 Hz, is used to avoid errors due to caused by electrolytic factors in the soil and to remove effects due to caused by stray
Three-point ground resistance-measuring equipment using these principles is relatively inexpensive and allows for direct
reading of R.
NOTE: The individual equipment manufacturer's recommended operational procedures should be used.

Supplemental Information

File Name Description Approved

FR-63_New_firgure_E.1.3.jpg New figure E.1.3 for FR 63 - for staff use

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 17 15:38:39 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee The revised text clarifies the ground resistance test and coordinates test methodology with other standards, notably
Statement: IEEE 81 (IEEE Guide for Measuring Earth Resistivity, Ground Impedance) and Earth Surface Potentials of a Grounding
Response FR-63-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 24-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. E.1.3]

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First Revision No. 58-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. F.1 ]

F.1 General.
Trees with trunks within 10 ft (3 m) of a structure or with branches that extend to a height above the structure should be
equipped with a lightning protection system because of systems due to the danger of sideflash, fire, or superheating of the
moisture in the tree, which could result in the splintering of the tree. It might be desirable to equip other trees with a lightning
protection system because of a particular tree's value to the owner. Figure F.1 illustrates such protection.
Figure F.1 Protection for Trees.

Note that it should not be inferred that adding protection to a tree will not ensure the safety of people seeking shelter under the
tree during a thunderstorm. Possible sideflashes, step potential, and touch potentials could threaten the safety of people
seeking shelter under trees. even if the trees are protected.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 17 15:03:08 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee The revision clarifies that protection of a tree will not ensure the safety of people seeking shelter under the tree during a
Statement: thunderstorm. The purpose of the lightning protection systems is only to protect the tree from damage.
Response FR-58-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 204-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. F.1]

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First Revision No. 59-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. I.1.3 ]

The effects of lightning strikes to metal and composite aircraft are a matter of continuous study. The use of surge suppression
circuitry protection on critical navigational, radio-communication, and radar equipment can help to minimize these effects.
Suitable equipment and electrical wiring layout can also aid in reducing lightning-induced problems.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 17 15:14:17 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: This revision corrects the terminology used to align I.1.3 with Section 4.20.
Response Message: FR-59-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 115-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. I.1.3]

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First Revision No. 60-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. J.5 ]

J.5 Lightning Protection Zones.

A lightning protection zone (LPZ) is an area or zone with a defined electromagnetic environment. For example, LPZ 0 represents
the external lightning threat environment. It is subdivided into LPZ 0A, which is the electromagnetic environment defined by the
threat of a direct lightning strike (full or partial lightning surge current) and a nonattenuated lightning electromagnetic field
(LEMP), and LPZ 0B, which is subjected subject to the same electromagnetic environment but not subject to direct strikes.
Equipment located in an LPZ 0B environment could be subjected subject to partial lightning surge currents.
Direct bond or SPD surge protection zones interior to the structure are characterized by exposure to surge current levels limited
by current sharing, isolating interfaces, and/or by SPDs surge protection at the boundary of the zone. The walls of the structure
will likely attenuate the lightning electromagnetic field; , the amount of which will be dependent on the actual construction
techniques. The initial lightning protection zone in a structure is indicated as LPZ 1 and the specific environment required for the
zone is dictated by the characteristics of the internal electrical equipment (where the LEMP severity is compatible with the
withstand level of the internal systems enclosed). Where there is electrical equipment with greater sensitivity to the LEMP
environment defined for LPZ 1, successive zones should be established. The boundary of an LPZ is defined by the protection
measures employed. Figure J.5 provides the general application of the zone concept and identifies an application with two
internal zones. Subsequent zones reflect the need for greater limitations of surge current, which can be implemented through
additional current sharing, isolating interfaces, and/or and by additional SPDs surge protection at the boundary. Additional
spatial shielding should be used to further attenuate the lightning electromagnetic field.
Figure J.5 Concept of Lightning Protection Zones. (Based on IEC 62305-4, Protection Against Lightning — Part 4:
Electrical and Electronic Systems within Structures, Edition 2.)

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 17 15:19:38 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: This revision corrects the terminology used to align J.5 with Section 4.20.
Response Message: FR-60-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 117-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. J.5]

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First Revision No. 66-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. J.6.2 ]

J.6.2 Distributed Equipment.

Distributed equipment places heavy reliance on surge protection devices (SPDs) . Section 4.19 describes SPD surge protection
arrangements for lightning protection with additional emphasis on supplementary SPDs surge protection, in addition to entry/exit
SPDs surge protection on smart structures. For example, SPDs surge protection are is needed on conductors penetrating an
equipotential LPZ. However, once a conductor leaves the equipotential LPZ and/or a structure, additional surge protection is
needed, especially for sensitive equipment that is placed at a considerable distance from an equipotential LPZ. Distributed
equipment should be installed in an equipotential LPZ rated higher than LPZ 0. A separate LPZ should be established for
remotely installed equipment.
J.6.2.1 Surge Propagation.
Surges, or transients, induced in the conductors of a service (power or signal) are bidirectional, meaning they propagate both
back to the origination of the service and to the location of the distributed equipment. A common error is to provide SPDs surge
protection only at the origin of the service but not at the distributed equipment. The most common types of distributed equipment
affected are cameras, gate motors, and pumps. These installations, which are typically installed at locations remote to a
structure, have both power and signal services. It is necessary to provide common (equipotential) ground at or close to the point
of utilization, which essentially establishes an LPZ for the utilization point. Both power and signal services need appropriately
rated SPDs surge protection at the point of utilization.
J.6.2.2 SPDs Surge Protection on Distributed Equipment Within Structures.
Often, distributed equipment within a structure but outside of an LPZ needs SPDs surge protection . For example, a structure
could have an LPZ established for a computer server room ( [ which has entry SPDs) surge-protective devices (SPDs)] but not
for the equipment connected through telecommunications cabling to that room. More often, a structure will have entry SPDs and
equipotential grounding, establishing an LPZ (LPZ 1). However, primary, or entry SPDs are often not rated to intercept the lower
level transients and surges that can damage very sensitive equipment. So the The primary or entry SPD sometimes cannot be
relied upon for complete protection due to the sensitivity of some equipment. Typically, this equipment includes control interfaces
(touchpads), motor controllers, and cameras. Because this equipment is often sensitive to voltages lower than the voltage
protection rating (VPR) of the primary SPD, and possibly that of a supplementary SPD at a service subpanel, additional SPDs
should be considered at the point-of-use to protect sensitive equipment. However, where applied in multiple layers like this,
coordination of the SPDs needs consideration should be considered .

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 17 15:59:05 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee This first revision corrects the terminology used in J.6.2 to align with Section 4.20 for all surge protection types
Statement: recognized by the standard.
Response Message: FR-66-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 118-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. J.6.2]

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First Revision No. 61-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. J.6.3 ]

J.6.3 SPD Surge Protection Coordination.

Where sequential SPDs are cascaded surge protection is applied to circuits, coordination of the SPDs surge protection is
necessary. Often, supplementary SPDs surge protection will function at a lower voltage than a primary SPD surge protection .
Because the secondary SPD surge protection will operate operates first upon exposure to a lower voltage, it must contain some
method way to limit the amount of current flowing on the internal building cable conductors within the structure, between the
primary SPD surge protection and the equipment.
The objective of the secondary protector protection should be to transition the surge — whether it is a caused by lightning or a
power surge event — from the secondary to the primary SPD surge protection , which is much more robust than the secondary
protector protection . Equipment that has been designed to “withstand” the over-voltage withstand the overvoltage end-of-life
characteristics of a primary SPD surge protection will provide more reliable service overall.
For example, the telephone company employs a primary SPD surge protector on signal conductors, which is are generally
placed at or near the entrance of the structure served. A primary SPD surge protector , usually meeting UL 497
requirements, the requirements of UL 497, Safety Protectors for Paired-Conductor Communications Circuits , is used if the
telephone facility (cable) is exposed to possible contact with 300 volts V or greater. The nominal “ operating voltage” (the
voltage when at which the SPD surge protector activates) is from 265 to 350 volts- V rms for a 100 volt/second 100 V/sec rise
time for a gas discharge tube (GDT). Impulse response (nearby induced lightning) ranges from 500 to 700 volts V for a
100 volt/microsecond 100 V/μs rise time surge. Solid-state devices (typically thyristors) have essentially the same operating
response voltage for both fast and slow waveforms. However, GDTs are generally used at customer locations due to their
substantially better reliability versus the solid-state protectors in lightning-prone areas, such as the southeastern United States.
The secondary SPD surge protector is generally an integral component of the customer’s equipment (telephone set, PBX and
data equipment, etc.) and is designed to operate at a substantially lower voltage than the primary SPD surge protector . Because
the secondary SPD will operate surge protector operates first, it must contain some method to limit the amount of current flowing
on the internal building cable conductors within the structure, between the primary SPD surge protector and the equipment.
Limiting the current will minimize the possibility of fire due to fusing of the internal cable conductors and/or uncontrolled
component failure resulting , which can result in a fire within the customer equipment when the secondary protector operates —
especially with after contact with power lines (power cross).
The components used to help make the transition from the secondary to the primary surge protector can also introduce
transmission impairments on the telecom circuit. Series resistance effectively lengthens the cable facility; lumped inductances
can induce increased roll-off at the higher frequencies, reducing bandwidth; and lumped capacitance to ground results in high-
frequency roll-off. Each of these issues can significantly affect insertion loss, return loss, and balance (common mode). As
required in Section 4.19, the SPDs surge protectors must meet the characteristics of the a protected line, particularly for signal

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 17 15:29:37 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee This first revision corrects the terminology used in J.6.3 to align with Section 4.20 for all surge protection types
Statement: recognized by the standard.
Response Message: FR-61-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 119-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. J.6.3]

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First Revision No. 62-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. J.8 ]

J.8 Overall Smart Structure System.

The overall concept of protection for a smart structure is essentially a concentric protection concept illustrated by the successive
LPZ in Figure J.5. It includes equipotential bonding at a single point for structures, the EGBB. Equipotential bonding
requirements should also be coordinated with the requirements of Sections 4.13–4.15. The EGBB constitutes the ground
transition for the structure to external services.
Similarly, one or more equipotential LPZs can exist within the structure, each with a single-point grounding bar and ground
transition to the rest of the structure, implemented at the EGBB. Through this ground transition, the EGBB is connected to a
robust earth electrode system. Equipotential LPZs should be used for equipment rooms housing sensitive equipment.
Coordinated SPDs surge protection will protect all boundaries of the LPZs, the structure, and the distributed equipment.
Distributed equipment also must have common equipotential grounding in close proximity, to limit induced voltage differences
that could cause damage. A representative system is illustrated in Figure J.8.
The best way to protect the smart structure equipment is to consider protection in the design and to have an overall plan and
specification for the installation based on the recommendations of this annex and the other requirements of NFPA 780. Close
coordination of the various trades is needed to ensure meeting meet these requirements.
Figure J.8 Representational Diagram, Overall Power/Signal Grounding System (SPDs surge protection omitted).

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 17 15:30:11 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee This first revision corrects the terminology used in J.8 to align with Section 4.20 for all surge protection types
Statement: recognized by the standard and affirms the acronym EGBB for equipotential ground bus bar...
Response FR-62-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 121-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. J.8]

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First Revision No. 64-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. J. ]

J. Surge Protection.

Appropriately rated SPDs surge protectors need installation to be installed on all inputs to the electrical enclosure. (See
Section 4.19.) Another method to reduce surges is use of using fiber optics wherever practicable. SPDs Surge protectors
should be installed on the building end of the wiring to avoid surges backfeeding into the structure and the rest of the video and
control system.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 17 15:51:12 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee This first revision corrects the terminology used in J. to align with Section 4.20 for all surge protection types
Statement: recognized by the standard.
Response FR-64-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 122-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. J.]

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First Revision No. 65-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. J. ]

J. Surge Protection.

Install SPDs surge protection as near as possible to the device at the gate in accordance with Section 4.19. The SPD surge
protection selected should be appropriate for the equipment and should protect both power and phone/control conductors.
Because electrical transients are bidirectional, SPDs surge protection should be installed at the gate and at the structure
providing the service to the gate. Shielded data, signal, and coaxial cable will minimize damage from induced currents caused by
electromagnetic coupling, but will not stop the direct injection of lightning current. Fiber optic cable is immune, however, and is a
good alternative.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Nov 17 15:56:38 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee This first revision corrects the terminology used in J. to align with Section 4.20 for all surge protection types
Statement: recognized by the standard.
Response FR-65-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 126-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. J.]

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First Revision No. 124-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. K.3 ]

K.3 Current Sharing Considerations.

Annex G of IEC 62305-4, Protection Against Lightning — Part 4: Electrical and Electronic Systems Within Structures, provides
information concerning the current sharing that is likely to occur between the lightning protection conductors and the PV output
circuit cabling during a lightning event. For this analysis, it considers the following two cases:
(1) Where the separation distance(s) cannot be maintained between the lightning protection system and the photovoltaic
modules, and, thus, equipotential bonding must be applied
(2) Where the separation distance(s) can be maintained and no bonding between the lightning protection system and the
photovoltaic system is required
Depending on each case, the current sharing of the lightning current to ground is divided between the lightning protection
system and the PV output circuit cabling. This, in turn, affects the selection (class and ratings) of the SPDs that will be installed
on the photovoltaic system. For example, if the separation distance between the strike termination devices and the photovoltaic
modules cannot be maintained for the calculated bonding distance being designed to , then the strike termination devices must
be bonded to the photovoltaic module supporting rack. This then implies that the PV output circuit will also act to carry a portion
of the lightning current to ground. In its simplest form, the current sharing can be considered as:


Ipk = is the peak lightning discharge current
n = is the number of parallel paths to ground
In this example, where bonding is required, n is taken to be equal to the number of down conductors (1), because the PV output
circuit is also considered a path to ground. This is a simplistic model but does serve to illustrate that the photovoltaic system can
become involved in the conveyance of lightning current to ground. This implication then also follows through to the selection of
the surge protective devices (SPDs) that will be installed on the PV output circuit. In the preceding example, where the strike
termination devices are bonded to the module racks, the PV output circuit will also convey a portion of the lightning current to
Figure K.3 depicts a current sharing concept between the lightning protection and photovoltaic systems and how this impacts on
the various SPDs installed.
Figure K.3 Depiction of a Roof Level PV Installation Showing Typical Lightning Current Distribution Among Current
Carrying Conductors and SPDs. (Source: modified from IEC 62305-4, Protection Against Lightning — Part 4: Electrical
and Electronic Systems Within Structures, edition 3 Edition 2 .)

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Dec 01 12:23:48 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: The edition citation was corrected to reflect that Edition 3 has not yet been published.
Response Message: FR-124-NFPA 780-2020

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First Revision No. 123-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. K.5 ]

K.5 Isolated Lightning Protection Components.

IEC/TS 62561-8, Lightning Protection System Components (LPSC) — Part 8: Requirements for Components for Isolated
LPS , provides information on the means of reducing the separation distance through the use of isolated lightning protection
components on PV installations.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Dec 01 12:16:05 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee This component is currently covered by an IEC Technical Specification in transition which is under consideration by IEC
Statement: TC 81 for approval as an International Standard. The Committee will monitor the work of IEC TC 81 and revisit the subject
at a later date. Given this action, it would be inconsistent to cite the use of the component in this application. The removal
of the clause does not preclude the use of the component by a relevant AHJ.
Response FR-123-NFPA 780-2020

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First Revision No. 72-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. L.4.1.1 ]

The equivalent collection area of a rectangular structure with length L, width W, and height H (see Figure L.4.1.1) is as follows:


Figure L.4.1.1 Calculation of the Equivalent Ground Collection Area for a Rectangular Structure.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 23 12:36:01 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: This corrects the position to standard nomenclature and is consistent with the text in the annex.
Response Message: FR-72-NFPA 780-2020

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First Revision No. 68-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. L.5.2.2 ]

Table L.5.2.2 provides a simple method of calculating and using the assessment methods described in Section L.5.
Table L.5.2.2 Simplified Risk Calculation

Data Input Equations Computation Result

Equivalent collection area: W=
AD =
AD= LW + 6H(L + W) + π9H2* H=
H2 =
ND G =
Expected annual threat occurrence:
AD = ND =
ND G = (NG)(AD)(CD)(10–6)
CD =
C2 =
Tolerable lightning frequency to the structure:
C3 =
NC = (1.5 × 10–3)/C,
C4 =
where C = (C2)(C3)(C4)(C5) NC =
C5 =
If ND ≤ NC, an LPS could be is optional.
If ND > NC, an LPS is recommended.

*Use the appropriate collection area calculation as defined in L.4.1.1.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 23 12:06:54 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Table L5.2.2 result variable for Expected annual threat occurrence is identified as ND however this is the result
Statement: variable. In the computation column of Table L.5.2.2, ND is changed to NG.
Response FR-68-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 12-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. L.5.2.2]

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First Revision No. 69-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. L. ]

The annual threat of occurrence due to strikes near a structure (NM) is given by the following equation (see Figure L.


NG = lightning ground flash density in flashes/km2/year (see Section L.2)
AM = collection area of flashes near the structure (m2) (see Figure L.
AD = equivalent collection area of the structure (m2) (see Figure L.
CD = environmental coefficient (see Table L.4.2)

The collection area for flashes near the structure (AM) includes the area extending a distance of 500 m (1640 ft) 350 m (1148 ft)
around the perimeter of the structure. For cases where NM is negative, a value of 0 is assigned to NM.
Figure L. Collection Areas (AD, AM, AL, ADJ, AI). (Source: IEC.)

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 23 12:13:22 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: This revision is made to correlate with IEC 62305-2.

Response Message: FR-69-NFPA 780-2020 See also FR-70
Public Input No. 162-NFPA 780-2020 [Sections L., L.]

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First Revision No. 70-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. L. ]

The annual threat of occurrence due to a strike to an incoming service (NL) is characterized by the following formula:


NG = lightning ground flash density in flashes/km2/year (see Section L.2)
AL = collection area of flashes striking the service (m2) (see Figure L.
CE = environmental coefficient of the incoming service (see Table L.6.7.1)
CT = correction factor for the presence of an HV/LV transformer located between the point of strike and the structure
A L = 40 × L L
L L = the length of the incoming service (see Figure L. )

AL = 40 × LL
LL = the length of the incoming service (see Figure L.
Where the value of LL (used in the determination of A L ) is not known, a value of 1 km is should be assumed for the
assessment. A default value of 500 Ωm can be used for soil resistivity (ρ) where this value cannot be determined.
If the installation incorporates underground cables run underneath a ground mesh, AI could be assumed to be 0 for that cable
set (NL = 0).
CT applies to line sections between the transformer and the structure. A value of 0.2 is applicable for installations having a
transformer located between the strike and the structure. Otherwise, a value of 1 is assigned to this variable.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 23 12:16:19 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee The section layout is modified to increase clarity of the calculation and eliminate any confusion as to whether the
Statement: collection area of flashes striking the service is related to the HV/LV transformer. The soil resistivity factor is removed
since it is no longer used in this section.
Response FR-70-NFPA 780-2020

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First Revision No. 71-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. L. ]

The annual threat of occurrence due to flashes to an adjacent structure (NDJ) at the end of an incoming service can be
estimated by using the following equation:


N G = lightning ground flash density in flashes/km 2 /year (see Section L.2 )
A DJ = equivalent collection area of the adjacent structure (see Figure L. , where A DJ = 40 × L L and L L = the
length of the incoming service)
C D = environmental coefficient (see Table L.4.2 )
C T = correction factor for the presence of an HV/LV transformer located between the point of strike and the structure

C T applies to line sections between the transformer and the structure. A value of 0.2 is applicable for installations having a
transformer located between the strike and the structure. Otherwise, a value of 1 is assigned to this variable.
For additional details, see also L.4.1.1 .

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 23 12:29:37 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee ADJ deals with strikes to an adjacent structure but the equation in L. is for strikes to a line. The equation in
Statement: L. should be equivalent to ADJ.
Response FR-71-NFPA 780-2020

124 of 132 4/1/2021, 12:21 PM

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First Revision No. 73-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. L. ]

The annual threat of occurrence due to flashes near a service (NI) can be estimated by using the following equation:


NG = lightning ground flash density in flashes/km2/year (see Section L.2)
AI = equivalent collection area of flashes to ground near the service (m2) (see Figure L.
CE = service environmental coefficient (see Table L.6.7.1 where AI= 4000 × LL and LL= the length of the incoming service)
CT = correction factor for the presence of an HV/LV transformer located between the point of strike and the structure

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 23 12:39:58 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: The word “by” was removed to grammatically correct sentence.
Response Message: FR-73-NFPA 780-2020

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First Revision No. 74-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. L.6.6.3 [Excluding any Sub-Sections] ]

The value of L T , L F , and L O can be determined in terms of the relative probability of losses related to the injury of
personnel is relative to the number of victims from the following approximate relationship , which can be found with the following
equation :


L P A P = value for loss of human life probability that a person will be in a dangerous place
nZ = number of possible endangered persons (victims)
nT = expected total number of persons (in the structure)
tZ = time in hours per year for during which the persons are present in a dangerous place, either outside of the structure
(LT only) or inside the structure (LT, LF, and LO)

Typical mean values of LT, LF, and LO, for use when the determination of nZ, nT, and tZ is uncertain or difficult, are
given provided in Table L.6.7.9.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 23 13:01:08 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee The sentence is modified to reflect the equation. LA in the equation is changed to PP and the associated identifier
Statement: below the equation is modified accordingly.
Response FR-74-NFPA 780-2020

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First Revision No. 75-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. L. ]

L. Failure of Internal Systems.

The following equation calculates the value of loss due to failure of internal systems:


LC = value of loss due to direct strike to the structure
LM = value of loss due to a strike near the structure
LW = value of loss due to a strike to a service connected to the structure
LZ = value of loss due to a strike near a service connected to the structure
LO = mean value of loss of internal system (see Table L.6.7.8 Table L.6.7.9 )

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 23 13:08:18 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: Reference to table for Lo is incorrect. Table L.6.7.9 is correct reference.
Response Message: FR-75-NFPA 780-2020

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First Revision No. 125-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. N.4 ]

N.4 Charge Potential Equalization.

Charge Potential equalization of the contained product to grounded metal tank components should be considered. If not
equalized, the charge on the product could arc to another mass at a different potential during a direct or nearby lightning strike.
One technique is to reduce the probability of arcing. One technique to equalize the potential of the product to that of the metal
bodies is to install a low-impedance conductive appliance with low electrical resistance inside the tank that is suspended from
and electrically bonded to the thief hatch collar and extending , extends to the bottom of the tank, penetrating and penetrates
the surface of the product at all fill levels. This will not equalize charge the potential in all areas of the product, but can serve to
equalize charge potential local to the appliance.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Tue Dec 01 12:45:26 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee The term charge equalization is not appropriate for bonding and the term potential equalization is more appropriate.
Statement: The section is revised to clarify the example provided regarding potential equalization.
Response FR-125-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 15-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. N.4]

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First Revision No. 77-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. O.1.1 ]

O.1.1 NFPA Publications.

National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169-7471.

NFPA 70®, National Electrical Code®, 2020 2023 edition.

NFPA 70B, Recommended Practice for Electrical Equipment Maintenance, 2019 2022 edition.

NFPA 70E®, Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace®, 2018 2021 edition.
NFPA 302, Fire Protection Standard for Pleasure and Commercial Motor Craft, 2020 edition.
NFPA 407, Standard for Aircraft Fuel Servicing, 2017 2022 edition.
NFPA 410, Standard on Aircraft Maintenance, 2015 2020 edition.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 23 13:38:24 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: Updates applicable referenced standards to current version in effect at time of publication.
Response Message: FR-77-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 37-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. O.1.1]

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First Revision No. 78-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. O.1.2.2 ]

O.1.2.2 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Publications.

US Department of Transportation, Subsequent Business Office, Annmore East Business Center, 3341 Q 75th Avenue,
Landover, MD 20785 1200 New Jersey Ave SE, Washington, DC 20590 . FAA Advisory Circulars are also available at
FAA Advisory Circular 150/5340-30F 30J , Design and Installation Details for Airport Visual Aids, September 29, 2011 February
2018 .
FAA Advisory Circular 150/5345-42F 42J , Specification for Airport Light Bases, Transformer Housings, Junction Boxes, and
Accessories, October 17, 2006 September 2019 .

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 23 13:46:46 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: Updates applicable referenced standards to current version in effect at time of publication.
Response Message: FR-78-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 36-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. O.1.2.2]

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First Revision No. 79-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. O.1.2.6 ]

O.1.2.6 UL Publications.
Underwriters Laboratories Inc., 333 Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, IL 60062-2096.
ANSI/ UL 497, Standard for Safety Protectors for Paired-Conductor Communications Circuits, 2009, revised 2013.
UL 497A, Standard for Secondary Protectors for Communications Circuits , 2019.
UL 497B, Standard for Protectors for Data Communications and Fire-Alarm Circuits , 2004.
UL 497C, Standard for Protectors for Coaxial Communications Circuits , 2001.
UL 497D, Outline of Investigation for Component Secondary Protectors for Communications Circuits Used with Specified
Voltage Suppression , 2007.
UL 497E, Outline of Investigation for Protectors for Antenna Lead-In Conductors , 2007.
ANSI/UL 1449, Standard for Safety for Transit Voltage Surge Suppressors , 2nd edition, 1996.
ANSI/ UL 1449, Standard for Safety for Surge Protective Devices, 2016 2018 .

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 23 13:47:28 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Updates applicable referenced standards to current version in effect at time of publication. UL 1449 2nd edition was
Statement: removed because it is no longer referenced or applicable, as TVSS devices are superseded.
Response FR-79-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 165-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. O.1.2.6]

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First Revision No. 80-NFPA 780-2020 [ Section No. O.2.4 ]

O.2.4 UL Publications.
UL LLC Underwriters Laboratories Inc. , 333 Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, IL 60062-2096.
ANSI/ UL 497, Standard for Protectors for Paired Conductor Communications Circuits, 7th Edition, 2001 revision 2017 .
ANSI/ UL 497A, Standard for Secondary Protectors for Communications Circuits, 3rd Edition, 2001 revision 2019 .
ANSI/ UL 497B, Standard for Protectors for Data Communications and Fire Alarm Circuits, 4th Edition, 2004 revision 2017 .
ANSI/ UL 497C, Standard for Protectors for Coaxial Communications Circuits, 2nd Edition, 2001 revision 2017 .
UL 497E, Outline of Investigation for Protectors for Antenna Lead-In Conductors, revision 2011.

Submitter Information Verification

Committee: LIG-AAA
Submittal Date: Mon Nov 23 13:48:44 EST 2020

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: Updates applicable referenced standards to current version in effect at time of publication.
Response Message: FR-80-NFPA 780-2020
Public Input No. 166-NFPA 780-2020 [Section No. O.2.4]

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