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Modelling and Implementation of exact linearization

technique for PV microgrid system

Harish B N1,Kruthik gowda H P2,Monisha V3,Poornachandra B S4,Preetham S N5,
Vinutha A R6
1 Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, P.E.S College of Engineering, Mandya, India.
2,3,4,5,6 Student, Department of EEE, P.E.S College of Engineering, Mandya, India.


Solar photovoltaic (PV) power generation has grown in popularity as a renewable energy
source due to the numerous advantages it provides. These advantages include the ease with
which it may be assigned, the absence of noise, the longer life, the absence of pollution, the
shorter installation time, the high mobility and portability of its parts, and the ability of its
output power to satisfy peak load needs. DC-DC converters are commonly used in solar energy
harvesting systems because they enable more efficient usage of solar cells. One of the
challenges is selecting an appropriate converter, which has an impact on the operation of the
PV system. The modernization of various distinct DC-DC converter topologies for solar energy
harvesting systems is discussed in this article. Boost, buck-boost, single-ended primary-
inductance converter (SEPIC), topologies. This project implementing with help of SEPIC and
boost converter.

Keywords : photovoltaic (PV), single-ended primary-inductance converter (SEPIC),

renewable energy sources (RES), total harmonic distortion (THD)

1.INTRODUCTION variety of reasons, including the fact that

these plants have a significantly longer
Because of the huge increase in the
lifespan, are less harmful to the
extraction of fossil fuels, which has a
environment, require less maintenance, and
negative influence on the environment, it
can generate more power to meet the
has become increasingly desirable to
demands of various loads. The most
employ renewable energy sources. It
essential aspect is that solar energy is really
motivates a large number of researchers to
renewable. It is available every day and can
devote more effort to researching
be used anywhere in the world. This solar
renewable energy sources (RES). Solar
energy harvesting technology is becoming
photovoltaic (PV) technology is becoming
more popular as an alternative to fossil-
increasingly popular in power plants for a
fuel-generated electricity. A solar water different input voltage needs. SEPIC
heater is an excellent example of a solar converter is a buck-boost topology, unlike
energy harvesting application that is widely the classic buck-boost that is an inverting
used in sunny climates around the world. topology. A SEPIC converter is
Power electronic interfaces or power characterized by using two inductors, one is
converters, such as DC-DC converters, are at the input and another one is connected to
required to convert the unstable DC output the ground and these two inductors are
voltage from a solar PV energy harvesting connected by a coupling capacitor, which
system to the voltage rating required by any effectively puts the L1 and L2 in parallel
suitable utilization voltage. The topologies when a switching signal is applied.
of DC-DC converters are intended to fulfil
The general topology is shown in Figure 1,
the specific demands of DC loads. There are
and consists of a SEPIC converter
numerous types of DC-DC converters that
responsible for extracting the energy and
can operate as switching-mode regulators,
storing it in a battery bank. Then, a Boost
regulating the unregulated DC voltage with
converter is used to rise the voltage from
conversion to an appropriate utilization
12/24 V to a reference voltage for the DC
voltage by increasing or reducing the value
link. Thus, this topology allows the
of the DC output voltage. Each converter
connection of both, DC and AC loads.
requires a power switching device to turn
Finally, by using a full-bridge inverter, the
on and off as needed. In addition, load
conversion is made to supply AC energy.
matching and increased power output from
The inverter output is connected to an LCL
the PV systems should be possible with the
filter to obtain a sinusoidal waveform with
usage of DC-DC converters in conjunction.
a lower total harmonic distortion (THD).
For drive the AC load we need to convert
The configuration includes two different
into AC using inverter
voltage levels, a low voltage to include
typical batteries of 12/24 V, and a higher
voltage to be used in the AC voltage 110 V.
2.1 Block Diagram
The proposed control technique is applied
The Single-Ended Primary Inductor to these two power converters (SEPIC and
Converter (SEPIC), a flexible and effective Boost). In both converters similar transfer
DC-DC converter topology, can step-up functions are obtained for the design of the
and step-down the input voltage, making it current control loops.
the perfect option for applications with
Fig 1: block diagram

3.Results and discussion

Here we are using a DC-DC converter for
make stable the solar energy systems
because they enable more effective
utilization of solar

Fig 3 : boost converter output

Fig 2 : SEPIC Output

solar cells, which is the primary reason for

their widespread use. This section will
make stable output and this stable 12 Volt
Fig 4 : inverter output
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