A Solar Power Generation System With A Seven-Level Inverter: Jinn-Chang Wu, Member, IEEE, Chia-Wei Chou

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A Solar Power Generation System with a Seven-Level Inverter

Jinn-Chang Wu, Member, IEEE, Chia-Wei Chou

Abstract-- This paper proposes a new solar power generation conversion interface is important to insure there is no waste of
system, which is composed of a DC/DC power converter and a the energy generated by the solar cell array. The active
new seven-level inverter. The DC/DC power converter integrates devices and passive devices in the inverter produce a power
a DC-DC boost converter and a transformer to convert the
loss. The power losses due to active devices include both
output voltage of the solar cell array into two independent
voltage sources with multiple relationships. This new seven-level conduction losses and switching losses [5]. Conduction loss
inverter is configured using a capacitor selection circuit and a results from the use of active devices, while the switching loss
full-bridge power converter, connected in cascade. The capacitor is proportional to the voltage and the current changes for each
selection circuit converts the two output voltage sources of DC- switching and switching frequency. A filter inductor is used to
DC power converter into a three-level DC voltage and the full- process the switching harmonics of an inverter, so the power
bridge power converter further converts this three-level DC
loss is proportional to the amount of switching harmonics.
voltage into a seven-level AC voltage. In this way, the proposed
solar power generation system generates a sinusoidal output The voltage change in each switching operation for a
current that is in phase with the utility voltage and is fed into the multi-level inverter is reduced in order to improve its power
utility. The salient features of the proposed seven-level inverter conversion efficiency [6-15] and the switching stress of the
are that only six power electronic switches are used and only one active devices. The amount of switching harmonics is also
power electronic switch is switched at high frequency at any attenuated, so the power loss caused by the filter inductor is
time. A prototype is developed and tested to verify the
performance of this proposed solar power generation system..
also reduced. Therefore, multi-level inverter technology has
been the subject of much research in the past few years. In
Index Terms—multilevel inverter, grid-connected, pulse width theory, multi-level inverters should be designed with higher
modulated (PWM) inverter voltage levels in order to improve the conversion efficiency
and to reduce harmonic content and electromagnetic
interference (EMI).
The extensive use of fossil fuels has resulted in the
Conventional multi-level inverter topologies include the
global problem of greenhouse emissions. Moreover, as the
diode-clamped [6-10], the flying-capacitor [11-13] and the
supplies of fossil fuels are depleted in the future, they will
cascade H-bridge [14-18] types. Diode-clamped and flying-
become increasingly expensive. Thus solar energy is
capacitor multi-level inverters use capacitors to develop
becoming more important since it produces less pollution and
several voltage levels. But it is difficult to regulate the voltage
the cost of fossil fuel energy is rising, while the cost of solar
of these capacitors. Since it is difficult to create an
arrays is decreasing. In particular, small-capacity distributed
asymmetric voltage technology in both the diode-clamped and
power generation systems using solar energy may be widely
the flying-capacitor topologies, the power circuit is
used in residential applications in the near future [1, 2].
complicated by the increase in the voltage levels that is
The power conversion interface is important to grid-
necessary for a multi-level inverter. For a single-phase seven-
connected solar power generation systems because it converts
level inverter, twelve power electronic switches are required
the DC power generated by a solar cell array into AC power
in both the diode-clamped and the flying-capacitor topologies.
and feeds this AC power into the utility grid. An inverter is
Asymmetric voltage technology is used in the cascade H-
necessary in the power conversion interface to convert the DC
bridge multi-level inverter to allow more levels of output
power to AC power [2-4]. Since the output voltage of a solar
voltage [17], so the cascade H-bridge multi-level inverter is
cell array is low, a DC-DC power converter is used in a
suitable for applications with increased voltage levels. Two
small-capacity solar power generation system to boost the
H-bridge inverters with a dc bus voltage of multiple
output voltage so it can match the DC bus voltage of the
relationships can be connected in cascade to produce a single-
inverter. The power conversion efficiency of the power
phase seven-level inverter and eight power electronic
switches are used. More recently, various novel topologies for
seven-level inverters have been proposed. For example, a
J. C. Wu is with the Department of Microelectronic Engineering, National
Kaohsiung Marine University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C. (e-mail: single-phase seven-level grid-connected inverter has been
[email protected]). developed for a photovoltaic system [18]. This seven-level
C. W. Chou is with the Department of Microelectronic Engineering, grid-connected inverter contains six power electronic
National Kaohsiung Marine University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C. switches. However, three dc capacitors are used to construct
the three voltage levels, which results in that balancing the
voltages of the capacitors is more complex. In [19], a seven-

Copyright (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

level inverter topology, configured by a level generation part

and a polarity generation part, is proposed. There, only power
electronic switches of the level generation part switch in high
frequency, but ten power electronic switches and three dc
capacitors are used. In [20], a modular multilevel inverter
with a new modulation method is applied to the photovoltaic
grid-connected generator. The modular multilevel inverter is
similar to the cascade H-bridge type. For this, a new
modulation method is proposed to achieve dynamic capacitor Fig. 1 configuration of the proposed solar power generation system.
voltage balance. In [21], a multilevel dc-link inverter is
presented to overcome the problem of partial shading of generates a sinusoidal output current that is in phase with the
individual photovoltaic sources that are connected in series. utility voltage and is fed into the utility, which produces a
The dc bus of a full-bridge inverter is configured by several unity power factor. As can be seen, this new seven-level
individual dc blocks, where each dc block is composed of a inverter contains only six power electronic switches, so the
solar cell, a power electronic switch and a diode. Controlling power circuit is simplified.
the power electronics of the dc blocks will result in a
multilevel dc-link voltage to supply a full-bridge inverter and III. DC-DC Power Converter
to simultaneously overcome the problems of partial shading As seen in Fig. 1, the DC-DC power converter
of individual photovoltaic sources. incorporates a boost converter and a current-fed forward
This paper proposes a new solar power generation system. converter. The boost converter is composed of an inductor,
The proposed solar power generation system is composed of LD, a power electronic switch, SD1, and a diode, DD3. The
a DC/DC power converter and a seven-level inverter. The boost converter charges capacitor C2 of the seven-level
seven-level inverter is configured using a capacitor selection inverter. The current-fed forward converter is composed of an
circuit and a full-bridge power converter, connected in inductor, LD, power electronic switches, SD1 and SD2, a
cascade. The seven-level inverter contains only six power transformer and diodes, DD1 and DD2. The current-fed forward
electronic switches, which simplifies the circuit configuration. converter charges capacitor C1 of the seven-level inverter.
Since only one power electronic switch is switched at high The inductor, LD, and the power electronic switch, SD1, of the
frequency at any time to generate the seven-level output current-fed forward converter are also used in the boost
voltage, the switching power loss is reduced and the power converter.
efficiency is improved. The inductance of the filter inductor is Figure 2(a) shows the operating circuit of the DC-DC
also reduced because there is a seven-level output voltage. In power converter when SD1 is turned on. The solar cell array
this study, a prototype is developed and tested to verify the supplies energy to the inductor LD. When SD1 is turned off
performance of the proposed solar power generation system. and SD2 is turned on, its operating circuit is shown in Fig. 2(b).
Accordingly, capacitor C1 is connected to capacitor C2 in
II. Circuit Configuration parallel through the transformer, so the energy of inductor LD
Figure 1 shows the configuration of the proposed solar and the solar cell array charge capacitor C2 through DD3 and
power generation system. The proposed solar power charge capacitor C1 through the transformer and DD1 during
generation system is composed of a solar cell array, a DC-DC the off-state of SD1. Since capacitors C1 and C2 are charged
power converter and a new seven-level inverter. The solar in parallel by using the transformer, the voltage ratio of
cell array is connected to the DC-DC power converter, and capacitors C1 and C2 is the same as the turn ratio (2:1) of the
the DC-DC power converter is a boost converter that transformer. Therefore, the voltages of C1 and C2 have
incorporates a transformer with a turn ratio of 2:1. The DC- multiple relationships. The boost converter is operated in the
DC power converter converts the output power of the solar continuous conduction mode (CCM). The voltage of C2 can
cell array into two independent voltage sources with multiple be represented as:
relationships, which supply the seven-level inverter. This new 1
Vc2  Vs (1)
seven-level inverter is composed of a capacitor selection 1 D
circuit and a full-bridge power converter, connected in where VS is the output voltage of solar cell array and D is the
cascade. The power electronic switches of capacitor selection duty ratio of SD1. The voltage of capacitor C1 can be
circuit determine the discharge of the two capacitors while the represented as:
two capacitors are being discharged individually or in series. 1
Because of the multiple relationships between the voltages of Vc1  Vs (2)
2(1  D)
the DC capacitors, the capacitor selection circuit outputs a
It should be noted that the current of the magnetizing
three-level DC voltage. The full-bridge power converter
inductance of the transformer increases when SD2 is in the on
further converts this three-level DC voltage to a seven-level
state. Conventionally, the forward converter needs a third
AC voltage that is synchronized with the utility voltage. In
demagnetizing winding in order to release the energy stored
this way, the proposed solar power generation system

Copyright (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

Fig. 2 operation of DC-DC power converter, (a) SD1 is on, (b) SD1 is off.

in the magnetizing inductance back to the power source.

However, in the proposed DC-DC power converter the energy
stored in the magnetizing inductance is delivered to capacitor
C2 through DD2 and SD1 when SD2 is turned off. Since the
energy stored in the magnetizing inductance is transferred
forward to the output capacitor C2 and not back to the dc
source, the power efficiency is improved. In addition, the Fig. 3 operation of seven-level inverter in the positive half cycle, (a) mode 1,
power circuit is simplified because the charging circuits for (b) mode 2, (c) mode 3, (d) mode 4.
capacitors C1 and C2 are integrated. Capacitors C1 and C2 are
charged in parallel by using the transformer, so their voltages Mode 3:
automatically have multiple relationships. The control circuit The operation of mode 3 is shown in Fig. 3(c). In the
is also simplified. capacitor selection circuit, SS1 is on. Since D2 has a reverse
bias when SS1 is on, the state of SS2 cannot affect the current
IV. Seven-Level Inverter flow. Therefore, SS2 may be on or off, to avoiding switching
As seen in Fig. 1, the seven-level inverter is composed of SS2. Both C1 and C2 are discharged in series and the output
of a capacitor selection circuit and a full-bridge power voltage of the capacitor selection circuit is Vdc. S1 and S4 of
converter, which are connected in cascade. Operation of the the full-bridge power converter are on. At this point, the
seven-level inverter can be divided into the positive half cycle output voltage of the seven-level inverter is Vdc.
and the negative half cycle of the utility. For ease of analysis, Mode 4:
the power electronic switches and diodes are assumed to be The operation of mode 4 is shown in Fig. 3(d). Both SS1
ideal, while the voltages of both capacitors C1 and C2 in the and SS2 of the capacitor selection circuit are off. The output
capacitor selection circuit are constant and equal to Vdc/3 and voltage of the capacitor selection circuit is Vdc/3. Only S4 of
2Vdc/3, respectively. the full-bridge power converter is on. Since the output current
Since the output current of the solar power generation of the seven-level inverter is positive and passes through the
system will be controlled to be sinusoidal and in phase with filter inductor, it forces the anti-parallel diode of S2 to be
the utility voltage, the output current of the seven-level switched on for continuous conduction of the filter inductor
inverter is also positive in the positive half cycle of the utility. current. At this point, the output voltage of the seven-level
The operation of the seven-level inverter in the positive half inverter is zero.
cycle of the utility can be further divided into four modes, as Therefore, in the positive half cycle, the output voltage of
shown in Fig.3. the seven-level inverter has four levels: Vdc, 2Vdc/3, Vdc/3 and
Mode 1: 0.
The operation of mode 1 is shown in Fig. 3(a). Both SS1 In the negative half cycle, the output current of the
and SS2 of the capacitor selection circuit are off, so C1 is seven-level inverter is negative. The operation of the seven-
discharged through D1 and the output voltage of the capacitor level inverter can also be further divided into four modes, as
selection circuit is Vdc/3. S1 and S4 of the full-bridge power shown in Fig.4. A comparison with Fig. 3 shows that the
converter are on. At this point, the output voltage of the operation of the capacitor selection circuit in the negative half
seven-level inverter is directly equal to the output voltage of cycle is the same as that in the positive half cycle. The
the capacitor selection circuit, which means the output difference is that S2 and S3 of the full-bridge power converter
voltage of the seven-level inverter is Vdc/3. are on during modes 5, 6 and 7, and S2 is also on during mode
Mode 2: 8 of the negative half cycle. Accordingly, the output voltage
The operation of mode 2 is shown in Fig. 3(b). In the of the capacitor selection circuit is inverted by the full-bridge
capacitor selection circuit, SS1 is off and SS2 is on, so C2 is power converter, so the output voltage of the seven-level
discharged through SS2 and D2 and the output voltage of the inverter also has four levels: -Vdc, -2Vdc/3, -Vdc/3 and 0.
capacitor selection circuit is 2Vdc/3. S1 and S4 of the full- In summary, the output voltage of the seven-level
bridge power converter are on. At this point, the output inverter has the voltage levels: Vdc, 2Vdc/3, Vdc/3, 0, -Vdc/3, -
voltage of the seven-level inverter is 2Vdc/3. 2Vdc/3 and -Vdc.

Copyright (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

Fig. 4 operation of seven-level inverter in the negative half cycle, (a) mode
5, (b) mode 6, (c) mode 7, (d) mode 8.

The seven-level inverter is controlled by the current-

mode control, and pulse-width modulation (PWM) is use to
generate the control signal for the power electronic switch.
Fig. 5 model of seven-level inverter under different range of utility voltage,
The output voltage of the seven-level inverter must be (a) in the range of smaller than Vdc/3, (b) in the range of (Vdc/3,
switched in two levels, according to the utility voltage. One 2Vdc/3), (c) in the range of higher than 2Vdc/3.
level of the output voltage is higher than the utility voltage in
order to increase the filter inductor current, and the other The seven-level inverter is switched between modes 2 and
level of the output voltage is lower than the utility voltage, in 1, in order to output a voltage of 2Vdc/3 or Vdc/3 when the
order to decrease the filter inductor current. In this way, the utility voltage is in the range (Vdc/3, 2Vdc/3). Within this
output current of the seven-level inverter can be controlled to voltage range, SS2 is switched in PWM. The duty ratio of SS2
trace a reference current. Accordingly, the output voltage of is the same as (3). However, the output voltage of seven-level
the seven-level inverter must be changed in accordance with inverter can be written as:
the utility voltage. v o  d  Vdc / 3  Vdc / 3  k pwm v m  Vdc / 3 (7)
In the positive half cycle, when the utility voltage is Figure 5(b) shows the simplified model for the seven-level
smaller than Vdc/3, the seven-level inverter must be switched inverter when the utility voltage is within this voltage range.
between modes 1 and 4 to output a voltage of Vdc/3 or 0. The closed-loop transfer function can be derived as:
Within this voltage range, S1 is switched in PWM. The duty k pwm G c / L f 1/ Lf
ratio d of S1 can be represented as: Io  I*o - (Vu - Vdc / 3) (8)
s  k i k pwm G c / L f s  k i k pwm G c / L f
d  v m / Vtri (3)
where Vm and Vtri are the modulation signal and the The seven-level inverter is switched between modes 3 and
amplitude of carrier signal in the PWM circuit, respectively. 2 in order to output a voltage of Vdc or 2Vdc/3 when the utility
The output voltage of the seven-level inverter can be written voltage is in the range (2Vdc/3, Vdc). Within this voltage range,
as: SS1 is switched in PWM and SS2 remains in the on state to
v o  d  Vdc / 3  k pwm v m avoid switching of SS2. The duty ratio of SS1 is the same as (3).
However, the output voltage of seven-level inverter can be
where kpwm is the gain of inverter, which can be written as:. written as:
k pwm  Vdc / 3Vtri (5) v o  d  Vdc / 3  2Vdc / 3  k pwm v m  2Vdc / 3 (9)
Figure 5(a) shows the simplified model for the seven-level Figure 5(c) shows the simplified model for the seven-level
inverter when the utility voltage is smaller than Vdc/3. The inverter when the utility voltage is within this voltage range.
closed-loop transfer function can be derived as: The closed-loop transfer function can be derived as:
k pwm G c / L f 1/ Lf k pwm G c / L f 1/ Lf
Io  I*o - Vu (6) Io  I*o - (Vu - 2Vdc / 3) (10)
s  k i k pwm G c / L f s  k i k pwm G c / L f s  k i k pwm G c / L f s  k i k pwm G c / L f
where Gc is the current controller and ki is the gain of the As seen in (6), (8) and (10), the second term is the
current detector. disturbance. Hence, a feedforward control, which is also

Copyright (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

shown in Fig. 5, should be used to eliminate the disturbance, Table I states of power electronic switches for seven-level inverter
positive half cycle
and the gain Gf should be 1/kpwm.
SS1 SS2 S1 S2 S3 S4
In the negative half cycle, the seven-level inverter is on
v u <Vdc/3 off off PWM off off
switched between modes 5 and 8, in order to output a voltage
2Vdc/3> v u >Vdc/3 off on off off on
of -Vdc/3 or 0 when the absolute value of the utility voltage is PWM

smaller than Vdc/3. Accordingly, S3 is switched in PWM. The v u >2Vdc/3 PWM on on off off on
seven-level inverter is switched in modes 6 and 5 to output a negative half cycle
voltage of -2Vdc/3 or -Vdc/3 when the utility voltage is in the v u <Vdc/3 off off off on PWM off
range (-Vdc/3, -2Vdc/3).Within this voltage range, SS2 is on
2Vdc/3> v u >Vdc/3 off PWM off on off
switched in PWM. The seven-level inverter is switched in
modes 7 and 6 to output a voltage of -Vdc or -2Vdc/3 when the v u >2Vdc/3 PWM on off on on off
utility voltage is in the range (-2Vdc/3, -Vdc). At this voltage
range, SS1 is switched in PWM and SS2 remains in the on state
to avoid switching of SS2. The simplified model for the seven-
level inverter in the negative half cycle is the similar to that
for the positive half cycle.
Since only six power electronic switches are used in the
proposed seven-level inverter, the power circuit is
significantly simplified compared with a conventional seven-
level inverter. The states of the power electronic switches of
the seven-level inverter, as detailed previously, are
summarized in Table I. It can be seen that only one power
Fig. 6 configuration of the proposed solar power generation system for
electronic switch is switched in PWM within each voltage suppressing the leakage current.
range and the change in the output voltage of the seven-level
inverter for each switching operation is Vdc/3, so switching
power loss is reduced. Figures 3 and 4 show that only three
semiconductor devices are conducting in series in modes 1, 3,
4, 5, 7 and 8 and four semiconductor devices are conducting
in series in modes 2 and 6. This is superior to the
conventional multi-level inverter topologies, in which at least
four semiconductor devices are conducting in series.
Therefore, the conduction loss of the proposed seven-level
inverter is also reduced slightly. The drawback of the
proposed seven-level inverter is that the voltage rating of the
full-bridge converter is higher than that of conventional multi-
Fig. 7 simulation results of proposed solar power generation system, (a)
level inverter topologies. utility voltage, (b) negative terminal voltage for adding the
The leakage current is an important parameter in a solar symmetric filter inductor, (c) negative terminal voltage for adding
power generation system for transformerless operation. The the symmetric filter inductor and the extra filter C f-Rf-Cf.
leakage current is dependent on the parasitic capacitance and
(S1, S2). Figure 7(c) shows the negative terminal voltage of a
the negative terminal voltage of the solar cell array respect to
solar cell array for the seven-level inverter with the symmetric
ground [22, 23]. To reduce the leakage current, the filter
inductor Lf should be replaced by a symmetric topology and filter inductor and the extra filter Cf-Rf-Cf of 1F-25-1F.
the solar power generation system is redrawn as Fig. 6. Figure As seen in Fig. 7(c), the high-frequency ripple is attenuated
7 shows the simulation results of the proposed solar power effectively, so the leakage current can be further reduced.
generation system. Figure 7(b) is the negative terminal
voltage of the solar cell array for the seven-level inverter with V. Control Block
the symmetric filter inductor of 0.95mH. As seen in Fig. 7(b), The proposed solar power generation system consists of a
this voltage contains a high-frequency ripple. The peak-to- DC-DC power converter and a seven-level inverter. The
peak value of the high-frequency ripple is about 30V, which seven-level inverter converts the DC power into high quality
is much smaller than that of a full-bridge inverter with AC power and feeds it into the utility and regulates the
unipolar switching [22, 23]. This high-frequency ripple will voltages of capacitors C1 and C2. The DC-DC power
result in a leakage current of solar cell array. If the leakage converter supplies two independent voltage sources with
current of solar cell array is too high to be accepted, an extra multiple relationships and performs maximum power point
filter Cf-Rf-Cf, as shown in Fig. 6, can be added. Since the tracking (MPPT) in order to extract the maximum output
switching of S4 is synchronized with the utility voltage, the power from the solar cell array.
extra filter Cf-Rf-Cf is only added in the power-electronic leg A. Seven-Level Inverter

Copyright (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

control signals for the power electronic switches of the seven-

level inverter, according to Table I.
The current controller controls the output current of the
seven-level inverter, which is a sinusoidal signal of 60Hz.
Since the feed-forward control is used in the control circuit,
the current controller can be a simple amplifier, which gives
good tracking performance. As can be seen in (6), (8) and
(10), the gain of the current controller determines the
bandwidth and the steady-state error. The gain of the current
controller must be as large as possible in order to ensure a
fast response and a low steady-state error. But the gain of the
current controller is limited because the bandwidth of the
power converter is limited by the switching frequency.
(a) B. DC-DC Power Converter
Figure 8(b) shows the control block diagram for the DC-
DC power converter. The input for the DC-DC power
converter is the output of the solar cell array. A ripple voltage
with a frequency that is double that of the utility appears in
the voltages of C1 and C2, when the seven-level inverter feeds
real power into the utility. The MPPT function is degraded if
(b) the output voltage of solar cell array contains a ripple voltage.
Fig. 8 control block, (a) seven-level inverter, (b) DC-DC power converter. Therefore, the ripple voltages in C1 and C2 must be blocked
by the DC-DC power converter to provide improved MPPT.
Figure 8(a) shows the control block diagram for the Accordingly, dual control loops, an outer voltage control loop
seven-level inverter. The control object of the seven-level and an inner current control loop, are used to control the DC-
inverter is its output current, which should be sinusoidal and DC power converter. Since the output voltages of the DC-DC
in phase with the utility voltage. The utility voltage is power converter comprises the voltages of C1 and C2, which
detected by a voltage detector, and then sent to a phase-lock are controlled by the seven-level inverter, the outer voltage
loop (PLL) circuit in order to generate a sinusoidal signal control loop is used to regulate the output voltage of the solar
with unity amplitude. The voltage of capacitor C2 is detected cell array. The inner current control loop controls the inductor
and then compared with a setting voltage. The compared current so that it approaches a constant current and blocks the
result is sent to a P-I controller. Then the outputs of the PLL ripple voltages in C1 and C2. The perturbation and
circuit and the P-I controller are sent to a multiplier to observation method is used to provide MPPT [24]. The
produce the reference signal, while the output current of the output voltage of the solar cell array and the inductor current
seven-level inverter is detected by a current detector. The are detected and sent to a MPPT controller to determine the
reference signal and the detected output current are sent to desired output voltage for the solar cell array. Then the
absolute circuits and then sent to a subtractor, and the output detected output voltage and the desired output voltage of the
of the subtractor is sent to a current controller. The detected solar cell array are sent to a subtractor and the difference is
utility voltage is also sent to an absolute circuit and then sent sent to a P-I controller. The output of the P-I controller is the
to a comparator circuit, where the absolute utility voltage is reference signal of the inner current control loop. The
compared with both half and whole of the detected voltage of reference signal and the detected inductor current are sent to a
capacitor C2, in order to determine the range of the operating subtractor and the difference is sent to an amplifier to
voltage. The comparator circuit has three output signals, complete the inner current control loop. The output of the
which correspond to the operation voltage ranges, (0, V dc/3), amplifier is sent to the PWM circuit. The PWM circuit
(Vdc/3, 2Vdc/3) and (2Vdc/3, Vdc). The feed-forward control generates a set of complementary signals that control the
eliminates disturbances of the utility voltage, Vdc/3 and 2Vdc/3, power electronic switches of the DC-DC power converter.
as shown in (6), (8) and (10). The absolute value of the utility
voltage and the outputs of the compared circuit are sent to a VI. Experimental Results
feed-forward controller to generate the feed-forward signal. To verify the performance of the proposed solar power
Then the output of the current controller and the feed-forward generation system, a prototype was developed with a
signal are summed and sent to a PWM circuit to produce the controller based on the DSP chip TMS320F28035. The
PWM signal. The detected utility voltage is also compared power rating of the prototype is 500W, and the prototype was
with zero, in order to obtain a square signal that is used for a single-phase utility with 110V and 60Hz. Table II
synchronized with the utility voltage. Finally, the PWM signal, shows the main parameters of the prototype.
the square signal and the outputs of the compared circuit are Figures 9 and 10 show the experimental results for the
sent to the switching-signal processing circuit to generate the seven-level inverter when the output power of solar power

Copyright (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

Table II parameters of the prototype

DC-DC power converter
input voltage 70V
inductor 1mH
PWM frequency 15360Hz
seven-level inverter
capacitor C1, C2 1000F
filter inductor 1.9 mH
PWM frequency 15360Hz

Fig. 11 experimental results of the DC-DC power converter, (a) ripple

current of inductor, (b)ripple voltage of capacitor C2, (c) ripple
voltage of capacitor C1.

current in the inductor of the DC-DC power converter is less

than 0.5A when the average current of inductor is 8A, as
shown in Fig. 11(a). Therefore, the ripple voltages in C1 and
C2 are blocked by the DC-DC power converter. Figure 12
shows the output power scan for the solar cell array when the
Fig. 9 experimental results for the AC side of the seven-level inverter, (a) output voltage changes from 40 to 70V. Figure 13 shows the
utility voltage, (b) output voltage of seven-level inverter, (c) output
experimental results for the beginning of MPPT for the DC-
current of seven-level inverter.
DC converter. Figure 13 shows that the output power of the
solar cell array is almost constant when maximum power
tracking is achieved and its value is very close to the
maximum power shown in Fig.12. Figure 14 shows the
experimental results for the power efficiency of the proposed
solar power generation system. The solar cell array was
replaced by a DC power supply to simplify the adjustment of
output power in the experimental process. With higher step-
up gain of the DC-DC power converter, there is lower power
efficiency. Hence, the higher input voltage of solar power
generation system will result in better power efficiency of the
DC-DC power converter. Since a transformer is used in the
Fig. 10 experimental results for the DC side of the seven-level inverter, (a) DC/DC power converter of the proposed solar power
utility voltage, (b) voltage of capacitor C2, (c) voltage of capacitor
C1, (d) output voltage of capacitor selection circuit. generation system, this degrades the power efficiency of the
proposed solar power generation system. However, the power
generation system is 500W. Figure 9 shows the experimental transferred by the transformer is less than one third of the
results for the AC side of the seven-level inverter. Figure 9(b) solar output power in the proposed DC/DC power converter,
shows that the output voltage of the seven-level inverter has and the energy stored in the magnetizing inductance of the
seven voltage levels. The output current of the seven-level transformer is transferred forward to the output capacitor.
inverter, shown in Fig. 9(c), is sinusoidal and in phase with Hence the degradation of power efficiency caused by use of
the utility voltage, which means that the grid-connected the transformer in the proposed solar power generation
power conversion interface feeds a pure real power to the system is not serious.
utility. The total harmonic distortion (THD) of the output
current of the seven-level inverter is 3.6%. Figure 8 shows the VII. Conclusion
experimental results for the DC side of the seven-level This paper proposes a solar power generation system to
inverter. Figures 10(b) and (c) show that the voltages of convert the DC energy generated by a solar cell array into AC
capacitors C2 and C1 of the capacitor selection circuit have energy that is fed into the utility. The proposed solar power
multiple relationships and are maintained at 60V and 120V, generation system is composed of a DC/DC power converter
respectively. Figure 10(d) shows that the output voltage of the and a seven-level inverter. The seven-level inverter contains
capacitor selection circuit has three voltage levels (60V, only six power electronic switches, which simplifies the
120V and 180V). Figure 11 shows the experimental results circuit configuration. Furthermore, only one power electronic
for the DC-DC power converter. Figures 11(b) and (c) show switch is switched at high frequency at any time to generate
that the ripple voltages in capacitors C 1 and C 2 of the the seven-level output voltage. This reduces the switching
capacitor selection circuit are evident. However, the ripple power loss and improves the power efficiency. The voltages

Copyright (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

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Copyright (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

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Jinn-Chang Wu (M’07) was born in
Tainan, Taiwan in 1968. He graduated
from National Kaohsiung Institute of
Technology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan in 1988,
and received his M.S. and Ph.D. degree
from National Cheng Kung University,
Tainan, Taiwan in 1992 and 2000, all in
electrical engineering. Since 2007, he has
been an associate professor at the
Department of Microelectronic Engineering, National
Kaohsiung Marine University. His research interests are
power quality and power electronic applications.

Chia-Wei Chou was born in Taipei,

Taiwan in 1986. He received the M.S.
degree in Microelectronic Engineering
from National Kaohsiung Marine
University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan in 2013. He
is currently with the R&D Division, Taiwan
Jenfort Enterprise Co. LTD.. His research
interests are power electronic applications.

Copyright (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].

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