Placement - Rohit Singh - 2019-20

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October 04, 2021


Rohit Singh

Vill - Samhuta,
Rohtas - 821303


Dear Rohit,

We are pleased to offer you employment with Vodafone India Services Private Limited (the “Company”)
appointing you as Engineer Trainee. Your employment with the Company will be effective from October
04,2021. This position will place you in Band I of the Company.

1. Place of employment

Your place of work will be Pune EON, Kharadi, Wing - 3, Cluster – D, Ground to 4th Floor, Pune - 411014.
During your employment with the Company, depending upon business requirements, you may be
transferred/ deputed to any operating office or location of the Company or any Group company which may
come into existence in future, in India or Abroad; or you may be required to work from home which shall at
all times be based out of the home address as per office records, unless otherwise approved by the
company in writing . You are expected to keep your home address updated at all times in company records
during the course of your employment and maintain reasonable infrastructure at home to perform your
services effectively while you are working from home (details will be provided separately). You understand
that the Company shall provide you with the necessary equipment, and IT assets as may be required to
perform your services efficiently. You shall be responsible for any damage to the assets provided to you by
the Company during and post termination of your employment and you agree to the same.

For adherence to the applicable regulation related to your employment and all other matters connected
with the employment and to provide you any organizational support and assistance that you may require
from time to time, your assigned office location be Pune EON, Kharadi, Wing - 3, Cluster – D, Ground to 4th
Floor, Pune - 411014. However, your services are transferable, and you may be assigned to any other
department, function, location or to another company under the same management, whether existing or
to be set up in future. In such cases, your employment will be governed by the terms and conditions of
service applicable at the new undertaking.

2. Annual Compensation

Your Total Target Cash (TTC) is INR 425,000. Below are details for your reference. Please refer to the
Annexure for a detailed breakup of your TTC.

a) Total Fixed Pay – INR 386,364. This includes your Basic Salary, Allowances namely House Rent
Allowance, Management Allowance, Leave Travel Assistance any other allowance as applicable and
Provident Fund.

Confidentiality: C2 - Vodafone Internal

C2 General
Rohit Singh
Letter of Appointment Dated October 04,2021

b) Target Incentive – INR 38,636 You will be covered under the Global Short Term Incentive Plan of the
Company which is a Performance-linked Plan.
Your Target Incentive is 10 % of your Total Fixed Pay per annum.

Your actual incentive payout will be calculated based on the incentive framework published by the
organization during the course of your employment and your continued employment with the Company
on the date of payout.

c) Your compensation will be subject to the applicable tax rules and regulations.
d) You will be eligible for Gratuity as per the applicable Statute and other Benefits as per Company Policy.
For details please refer to the Annexure.
e) Target Incentive is inclusive of the interim bonus as payable under the statue.

3. Proof of Age, address, personal details & change in such particular

You will be required to produce satisfactory proof of age, address other personal details at the time of
commencement of your employment.

Proof of age is accepted and recorded on the Company’s registers, you will not be permitted to seek a
change in the date of birth specified by you.

You are advised to keep the details updated at all time. In case of any emergency or otherwise the latest
details shared will be treated as final and any communication sent by us at the available address provided
by you shall be deemed to have been delivered to you.

4. Probationary period
Your employment is subject to a probation period of 360 days from the date of joining the services of the
Company. During this probation period, the Company shall evaluate your performance and you will be auto
confirmed upon successful completion of the probation period.

Prior to confirmation of the probation period, the Company may terminate this engagement either by
giving 30 days’ prior written notice or payment in lieu thereof.

5. Performance Review
Your performance shall be reviewed periodically as may be decided from time to time. The continuity of
your employment would depend on your sustained performance to the satisfaction of management.

6. Leave
You will be eligible for privilege leave, sick leave and casual leave, as set out as per Company’s Policy.

7. Retirement
The retirement age in the Company is 58 years.

Confidentiality: C2 - Vodafone Internal

C2 General
Rohit Singh
Letter of Appointment Dated October 04,2021

8. Notice Period
After confirmation, this contract of employments is terminable by serving 60 days’ notice period. However,
during probation your applicable notice period is 30 days. Serving notice period is mandatory. Any decision
to waive notice period will be at the sole and absolute discretion of the Company, or any payout in terms
amount of salary in lieu of such shortfall of notice period shall be based on prevailing Company policies.

In case, you do not serve the applicable notice period without formal notice period waiver approval from
the Company, you shall be treated as having abandoned the services. The Company may, in such cases at
its discretion, initiate such legal proceedings as is appropriate.

The Company reserves the unequivocal right to terminate this agreement at any time at its sole discretion
by paying 60 days salary in lieu of notice. The Company will not have to furnish any reason or explanation
for such decision. This contract should only be accepted on full and complete understanding and
unconditional acceptance of this term and condition.

9. Termination of Employment by the Company without Notice

Your employment may be terminated immediately and no payment in lieu of notice will be payable to you,
in the event your service is terminated for:
a) Any breach of terms and conditions mentioned in the appointment letter on your part;
b) Any act of fraud, theft, misconduct, disloyalty, moral turpitude committed by you;
c) Any declaration or information provided by you to the Company which proves to be false
d) Willful Suppression & concealing of any material information by you;
e) Any breach of Rules and Regulations of the Company as applicable / maybe applicable to you from
time to time
f) Violation of Company’s Code of Conduct
g) Negative background verification checks
h) In case of your absence for a continuous period of [5] days (including absence when leave, though
applied for, is not granted, or when you overstay the period of sanctioned leave by [5] days), would be
treated as abandonment of the services by you and can lead to appropriate action being initiated by
the company as per the applicable process which may lead to termination.
i) Any violation of the confidentiality or privacy guidelines and/or policies of the Company

10. Return of Information

On termination of this contract, you will immediately give up to the Company, all correspondence,
specifications, intellectual property, formulae, books, documents, effects, market data, cost data, drawings
or records, etc. belonging to the Company or relating to its business and shall not retain or make any copies
of these items. You shall also return immediately on termination all the properties (viz. laptop, sim card,
access card etc.) provided to you by the Company during your employment. The terms of termination are
strictly confidential between you and the Company.

11. Responsibilities & Duties

Your work in the Company will be subject to the rules and regulations of the Company as laid down from
time to time in relation to conduct, discipline; and other applicable laws, including Vodafone policies
related to Code of Conduct, Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Work Place policy, Anti-bribery policy,
Privacy Policy, Health, Safety and Wellbeing policy etc. Any non-compliance to any of the Policies of the
Company by you may result in appropriate action, which may include reprimand or even termination of

Confidentiality: C2 - Vodafone Internal

C2 General
Rohit Singh
Letter of Appointment Dated October 04,2021

your services. You will always be aware about the responsibilities and duties attached to your position and
conduct yourself accordingly.

You may be assigned work hours as per business need or exigencies from time to time and you will be
expected to deliver the same appropriately.

12. Exclusive Employment

Your position with the Company is a full time employment unless otherwise specified, and you are required
to devote yourself exclusively to the business of the Company. You will not take up any other work for
remuneration (part time or otherwise), or work in an advisory capacity of be interested directly or indirectly
(whether as a shareholder or a debenture holder) in any other trade or business, during your employment
with the Company, without the prior written approval of the Company.

13. Confidentiality
The terms and conditions of service including your compensation are strictly confidential and should not
be disclosed to or discussed with anyone.

"Confidential Information" shall mean any information owned by the Company (including its respective
subcontractors, suppliers, customers, clients or other contacts), including, but not limited to any financial,
trading, economic, internal operation, policy, regulation, agreement, corporate plan, strategy,
organization, procedure, system, analysis, customer, employee, supplier, business or technical data,
discoveries, ideas, concepts, know-how, techniques, designs, specifications, drawings, blueprints, tracings,
diagrams, models, samples, flow charts, data computer programs, disks, diskettes, tapes and any other
information (including personal data as defined by the ‘GDPR’ Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the
protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of
such data - the “General Data Protection Regulation” or “GDPR” or any other applicable regulations),
which is disclosed to You or to which You have access during Your employment relationship in written,
oral, magnetic or electronic format or in/on any other tangible or intangible format or support, whether
or not they are explicitly marked as “business/confidential/secret information”.
a) The Company is involved in the control, processing and transfer of highly confidential and secured
data and information. In connection to this activity, You agree that in order to discover the security
risks, to enforce the security requirements, to avoid the injury of, the loss of and the unauthorized
access to the data, to avoid and to prevent the unauthorized access to the information systems,
Company shall be entitled to continuously observe and monitor the data stored, processed and
controlled in the information system and also the communication, potentially including the content
of the communication.
b) You will maintain secrecy and will not disclose to any third persons, any of the trade secrets or other
confidential information of the Company or its affiliated companies, including but not limited to,
proprietary technical data, specifications and methods of manufacture. You will take all appropriate
measures necessary to keep such trade secrets and confidential information from being disclosed to,
or received by third parties. Such trade secrets, proprietary technical data, specifications and methods
of manufacture shall, at all times, remain the property of the company.
c) You will not reproduce, store in a retrieval system or transmit in any form or by any means – electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise-any copyrighted material or document,

Confidentiality: C2 - Vodafone Internal

C2 General
Rohit Singh
Letter of Appointment Dated October 04,2021

which is property of the Company – for your own benefit or for the benefit of any third party, either
during the course of your employment or after your separation.
d) You will treat all Confidential Information as confidential and protect it from unauthorized disclosure
or access. You understand and accept, that any unauthorized access to or disclosure of Business
Information may result in irreparable injury to the Company.
e) You will be privy to personal information or data available in the Company systems, platforms, portals,
etc. and that making copy/copies, filming, writing down, downloading or storing of Confidential
Information or personal data will be a breach of obligations of Your employment. You will ensure not
to copy, write down, download, store, film, etc. the Confidential Information or personal data in any
format, including but not limited to, physical or virtual mediums. You will be solely responsible for
abiding by the Company’s privacy guidelines and/or applicable policies.
f) Any breach of the obligations specified hereunder, either during the employment term or following
the separation thereof, shall be considered by the Company as a material breach, which would serve
as a ground for the Company to terminate Your employment with extraordinary notice and/or claim
for damages against You.

14. Intellectual Property:

You agree to disclose and assign any invention, development, process, plan, design, formula, specification,
program or other matter of work whatsoever (collectively “the Inventions”) created, developed or
discovered by you, either alone or in concert, in the course of your employment and the same shall be the
absolute property of the Company. Any rights to inventions that arise out of your activities hereunder, (or
if ownership rights cannot be transferred under applicable law, any exploitation rights relating thereto) shall
be transferred to the Company in accordance with applicable law. You shall, as and when requested by the
Company (at Company’s cost and expense), assist the Company in perfecting the Intellectual Property
Rights in any manner the Company deems fit.

15. Knowledge Transfer

During the course of your employment, you may be required to travel for Company sponsored training or
any knowledge transfer program. The company will bear all expenses pertaining to such training on
knowledge transfer or special skill program as applicable as per the Company travel policy then in place. In
case you decide to leave the company before completion of terms as per travel undertaking the Company
will be entitled to recover any amount equivalent to the cost of training undergone by you which shall be
in the nature of liquidated damages. The cost of such training will be the sum of the Boarding charges, daily
allowances and lodging expenses as incurred by the Company.

16. Non-solicitation

During the term of your employment, and for a period of ONE (1) YEAR after separation, you agree not to
solicit any employee or independent contractor of the Company on behalf of any other business enterprise,
nor shall you induce any employee or independent contractor associated with the Company to terminate
or breach an employment, contractual or other relationship with the Company.

Confidentiality: C2 - Vodafone Internal

C2 General
Rohit Singh
Letter of Appointment Dated October 04,2021

17. Miscellaneous

a. Your employment shall be governed by the rules and regulations decided by the Management from
time to time, some of which are contained in the Code of Conduct of the Company.
b. Please note that while joining the services of the Company and during course of your employment
with the Company, you would be required to notify the Company immediately with details of civil or
criminal case/s instituted against you in any Court of Law or any complaint/show cause
notice/prosecution with/by any Police Station or by any statutory authority. Any act in breach of this
term shall entail initiation of appropriate action as deemed fit by the Company.
c. Delay or omission in exercise of any right or remedy shall not impair such right or remedy or be
constructed as a waiver.
d. It is hereby agreed that in the event any Central or State laws or statutes come into force at any time
which affect any aspect of the terms and conditions of your service, the same shall be assumed to be
incorporated to your terms and conditions of employment by reference.
e. The Courts of Pune (Maharashtra) shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute arising out of
or in connection with this employment.
Please confirm that the above terms and conditions are acceptable to you and that you accept the appointment
by signing a copy of this letter of appointment.

We Look forward to welcome you in Vodafone India Services Private Limited!

Yours faithfully,

For Vodafone India Services Private Limited

Tejas Gokhale
Head of HR – _VOIS India Centre

Disclaimer: “This document and embedded signatures transmitted with it are confidential and
intended solely for the use of the individual to whom they are addressed. The signatory disclaims any
unauthorised use of this document carried out without prior written consent.”


I acknowledge, the terms, obligation and attachments contained herein, and without demur accept the same.

SIGNATURE: {_:signe1:d Basic Signing (igitalsignature}}

NAME: Rohit Singh
Email: [email protected]
Free text)

* Some roles required ‘Address verification’ and ‘Criminal Record’ verification also. Based on your role, you will be
informed regarding these verifications by the recruiter.

Confidentiality: C2 - Vodafone Internal

C2 General
Rohit Singh
Letter of Appointment Dated October 04,2021

Parenting Benefits at Vodafone India Services Private Limited

At Vodafone India Services Private Limited, we care for our employees and support them to manage all
the roles in their life, Our Policies and benefits enable people to be at their best at all stages of life.
Parenthood is one of the most important phase of life and we understand your needs at this point of

Parenting benefits at Vodafone enables our people to;

• Provide care to women colleagues during this new and critical phase of life
• Facilitates smooth come back from Maternity and support transition during work
• Support colleagues during planning of Adoption/ Surrogacy
• Enable male colleagues to take care of their spouse and the new baby

Maternity leaves
We understand the new role in the life of our women colleagues and support them with Maternity leaves
• 26 weeks’ full paid leave to female employees
• In an unfortunate event of a miscarriage, leave for a period of six weeks immediately following
the date of miscarriage

Adoption/ Surrogacy leave

• 16 weeks’ full paid leave for those eligible for adoption/ surrogacy leave

Return to work post maternity leave

• ‘Part time working’ arrangement to help women employees returning to work post Maternity
Leave. This will also apply in case of Surrogacy/ Adoption leave.
• Women colleagues can opt to work 30 hours in a week with full pay benefits for a maximum of
14 consecutive weeks
• Employees can avail part time working benefits within 12 months from date of

Paternity leave
We understands the role of both the parents during child birth/adoption. Our Parenting Leave Policy
supports all non-birthing colleagues to their new journey. Under this policy, non-birthing partners who
become parents due to birth or adoption will be eligible for parenting leave up to 16 weeks with full
pay. They can avail these leaves within 18 months of baby’s birth/official date of adoption. These can be
taken all in one block or a maximum of 4 blocks, with minimum of 2 weeks in a block of leaves. Upon
completion of leaves, a phased return to work will be applicable for 6 months.

Creche Facility
VISPL has identified crèche facility for the children of all our employees. This enable our people to
focus on work and ensure the kids’ well-being and safety at same time.

Confidentiality: C2 - Vodafone Internal

C2 General
Rohit Singh
Letter of Appointment Dated October 04,2021

Annexure: Compensation Details - Total Target Cash (TTC)

Name Rohit Singh
Designation Engineer Trainee
Band I
Monthly Amount (in INR) Annual Amount (in INR)
Component (A)
Basic Salary (35% of TTC) 12,395.83 148,750.00
House Rent Allowance (HRA-50% of Basic) 6,197.92 74,375.00
Management Allowance 1
11,803.22 141,638.64

Component (B) – Retirals 2

Provident Fund (Company Contribution) 1,800.00 21,600.00

Total Fixed Pay (A+B) 32,196.97 386,363.64

Component © – Target GSTIP 3

Target GSTIP is @ 10% of Fixed Pay 3,219.70 38,636.36

Total Target Cash 4 (Fixed Pay + GSTIP) 35,416.67 425,000.00

1. Management Allowance and Target GSTIP 3 are inclusive of the interim bonus as payable under the statute
2. Retirals includes Provident Fund @ 12% of Basic Salary which is company contribution, an equivalent amount is deducted from employee’s
payroll as employee contribution towards Provident Fund
3. GSTIP is Global Short-Term Incentive Plan – GSTIP Pay – out is subject to Company & Employee performance as per applicable GSTIP Plan and
continued employment with VSS India on the date of pay-out.
4. Total Target Cash: In Vodafone Group terminology, Total Target Cash (TTC) refers to ‘Annual CTC’. This is the total cash including Fixed Pay and
Target GSTIP. Fixed pay includes Retiral Benefit

4.81% of Annual Basic Salary. This is in addition to the mentioned Annual TTC and does not form part of the monthly fixed payment.

Taxation: All payments are subject to taxation as per the Income Tax Rules. The Company will ensure compliance to the tax rules and apply any
amendments to the Income Tax rules when processing the payroll of the employees. The applicable tax as per Income tax rules will also apply to
the Joining bonus and notice period reimbursement (if any)

Confidentiality: C2 - Vodafone Internal

C2 General
Signature: Rohit Singh (Oct 6, 2021 16:29 GMT+5.5)

Email: [email protected]

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