Barangay Devt Plans

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For the Calendar Year 2019


Program/Project Funding Legislative

SECTOR Activity Output Outcome Timeframe Amount Source of Support
ADMINISTRATION a. Executive service administration to trained barangay officials and to 11 barangay officials trained / 2 January-December 595,306.52 GF
and support barangay assembly conduct barangay assembly barangay assembly conducted
b. Legislative services 311,077.94 GF
1. SB operations To resolved SB resolutions 12 SB resolutions resolved/ conducted January-December
2. public hearing To conduct public hearings 2 public hearings conducted January-December

SOCIAL a. Operation with Day Care Center 1 training of pre-school children Pre-school children trained January-December 34,800.00 GF
b. Seniorcouncil
c. Local Citizens
forCare Program of
the protection To benefit senior citizen Senior citizens benefited January-December 19,187.33 GF
children To improved services for children Services for children improved January-December 18,817.33
c. health care and nutrition program
* Feeding program / immunnization To provide health care for patient To provide nutrition care for children January-December 64,200.00 GF
program / and health care program
PHYSICAL a. Operation of Bantay Bayan To resolved conflicts / to apprehend Conflict resolved / decided / persons 1st Quarter 26,000.00
b. Brgy. Anti-abused program To maintain a drug free barangay Drug free barangay maintained 2nd Quarter 19,187.33 GF
ECONOMIC a. Presence of Brgy. Agricultural To purchase agricultural support Agricultural supply services-partially
Support Services January-December 130,000.00 BDF
services pruchased
b. Regravelling of farm to market road To maintained FMR FMR maintained January-December 40,000.00 BDF
INSTITUTIONAL a. Improvement of Brgy. Multipurpose To improved brgy. Multi-purpose January - December 100,000.00 DF
hall/evacuation center hall Brgy. Multi-purpose hall improved
b. Installation / rehabilitation of street To install and rehabilitate street January-December 46,346.60 DF
lights lights Street lights installed and rehabilitation
c. Purchase of lot for multi purpose To improved multi purpose hall / Multi purpose hall / evacuation center January-December 70,000.00 DF
hall / evacuation center evacuation center improved
ENVIRONMENT a. Establishment of MRF facility a. To establish MRF facility MRF facility had been established January-December 20,000.00 NGO's / CSO
b. Clean and green program b. To improve clean and green Clean and green program had been
January-December 120,000.00 BCF
program implemented

Prepared by: Barangay Development Council Approved:


Punong Barangay
For the Year 2023-2025

Barangay: LAOAC

SECTOR Program/Project / Activity Period of Implementation Output Outcome Funding Legislative Remarks
Amount Source of Support
2023 2024 2025 Funds
SOCIAL Provision of school supplies to poor January - December January - December January - December To provide school supplies to poor Provided school supplies to poor 40,000.00 GF
students/pupils students/pupils students/pupils
Support to Senior Citizen, different abled January - December January - December January - December To provide medicines and vitamins Provided medicines and vitamins for SC, 11, 174.00 GF
different abled person and indigent elderly
person and indigent elderly
IEC on Anti-drug Campaign January - December January - December January - December Printing of IEC materials Printed and posted IEC materials 10,000.00 GF

Support Supplemental Feeding Program January - December January - December January - December To provide Supplemetal Feeding Provided Supplemental feeding 10,000.00 GF
Appointment of 1 Electrician January - December January - December January - December Inclusion of the budget in the Approval of the appointment of 1 30,000.00 GF
appropriation ordinance Electrician
Appointment of 2 Janitorial Services January - December January - December January - December Inclusion of the budget in the Approval of the appointment of 2 37,200.00 GF
appropriation ordinance Janitorial services
INSTITUTIONAL Construction of Bleachers January - December January - December January - December Construction of bleachers bleachers constructed 350,000.00 GF LGU FUND

Maintenance of street lights January - December January - December January - December To install and rehabilitate street streetlights maintained 110,000.00 GF
Rehabilitation of FMR January - December January - December January - December To rehabilitate of FMR FRM rehabilitated 110,000.00 GF

Procurement and installation of solar light January - December January - December January - December To procured and installed of solar solar lights procured and installed 150,000.00 GF

ENVIRONMENTAL Environmental Management Program January - December January - December January - December 280,000.00 GF
a. Maintenance of MRF To maintain MRF facility MRF facility maintained
b. Road Clearing Operations To conduct clean up drive activity Clean up drive activity amd road
c. Clean Up Drive Activity and road clearing opeations clearing operations

d. Hakot Basura

Counterpart of hauling vehicle for solid January - December January - December January - December To purchase hauling vehicle for Hauling vehicle purchase 30,000.00 GF
waste solid waste

Prepared by: Noted by:


Barangay Secretary Punong Barangay

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