Electrical Installations in The Building Designing

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Helena RUSAK l Joanna NAZARKO l Jarosław MAKAL l Marcin SULKOWSKI
Electrical Installations
in the Building –

Helena Rusak
Joanna Nazark
Jarosław Makal
Marcin Sulkowski

Bialystok University of Technology

Bialystok 2023

The elaboration of this student textbook has been funded by the ICT_EDUPAND Project
2020‐1‐PL01‐KA226‐HE‐096196 financed by ERASMUS+ Programme
Holistic approach towards problem‐based ICT education based on international
cooperation in pandemic conditions.

Reviewer: Assoc. prof. Vytenis Sinkevičius, PhD

Science editor in the discipline automation, electronic, electrical engineering

andspace technologies: Prof. Jan Dorosz, PhD, DSc, Eng

Copy editor:
Joanna Nazarko, MA

Marcin Dominów

© Copyright by Bialystok University of Technology, Bialystok 2023

ISBN 978‐83‐67185‐65‐3 (eBook)
DOI: 10.24427/978‐83‐67185‐65‐3

The publication is available on license Creative Commons

Recognition of authorship – Non‐commercial use – Without dependent works 4.0
(CC BY‐NC‐ND 4.0)
Full license content available on the site

Table of contents

1. Introduction 6
1.1. Elements 6
1.1.1. Resistor 6
1.1.2. Inductor (magnetic coil) 10
1.1.3. Capacitor 12
1.2. R‐L‐C circuit in Sinusoidal Steady‐State Analysis 14
1.2.1. Phasor representation 14
1.2.2. Impedance and admittance of RLC circuit 15
1.2.3. Power and power factor in AC network 16
1.2.4. Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s laws in AC circuits 18
1.2.5. Examples 19
2. Lighting design 22
2.1. Basic volumes used in the description of lighting in rooms. 22
2.2. Sources of light and luminaires 25
2.3. Volumes characterizing the quality of lighting and their standardization 30
2.4. Methods of the lighting calculation 35
2.5. Mistakes made in lighting design 38
3. Determination of loads on electrical installations 41
3.1. Determination of circuit loads 41
3.2. Determination of switchgear loads. 43
4. Definition and methodology of calculation cross sections and conductors and protective device 48
4.1. Definition 48
4.2. Methodology of calculations cross sections conductors and protective device 49
4.2.1. Introduction 49
4.2.2. Installation and dimensioning of cables 49
4.3. Calculation of the cross‐sectional areas of circuit live conductors and cables considering
overcurrent protection of the cables 55
5. Electric shock protection in the low voltage installations 61
5.1. Effects of electric shock 61
5.2. Measures of electric shock protection 62
5.3. Measures of basic protection 63
5.3.1. Basic insulation of live parts 63
5.3.2. Barriers or enclosures 63
5.3.3. Obstacles 64
5.3.4. Placing out of reach 64

5.3.5. Automatic disconnection of supply 65
5.3.6. Double or reinforced insulation 69
5.3.7. Electrical separation for the supply of one item of current‐using equipment 70
5.3.8. Extra‐low‐voltage (SELV and PELV) 71
6. Form and scope of design documentation for electrical installations 73
7. Language note 82
8. Websites www 85
9. The Polish‐English Dictionary 86
References 108
Websites 108


This book has been written for foreign students designing lighting installations as part of the Electrical‐
Equipment‐and‐Installations course. Since the projects of these installations require knowledge of
Polish regulations and international standards, it is very helpful to describe them and provide
appropriate sources/links. It can be as an introduction for the reader to electrical installations in the
building designing. This book can also be used by everyone who want to deepen the knowledge of
electrical terminology in English. The online availability of this book in the OER (Open Educational
Resources) hopes that many students will benefit from it.

1. Introduction
The equivalent circuit of the supplying line can be presented as connection of Two‐Port
Networks (Fig. 1 1). The resistors R and inductors L represent the resistance and inductance of the
wires from which the transmission line is built. In air lines with the length over 60 km and voltages
more than 35 kV we cannot neglect the capacitance currents (between two wires and/or between one
wire and the ground).

Fig. 1_1 Model of supplying AC line.

The elements that model the real physical phenomena in supplying line are as following.

1.1. Elements

1.1.1. Resistor

It is an element that resist the flow of current and converts electrical energy to heat. Also we use
resistor for modelling a phenomenon in the circuit even there is not any resistor (i.e. internal resistance
of DC battery).
The ability of a material to resist the flow of charge is called resistivity. Materials that have low
values of resistivity called conductors (of electric current). The high value of resistivity is characteristic
for insulators. Electrical conductivity is the reciprocal quantity of resistivity. Conductivity describes the
ability of material of well conducting an electric current. In the Table 1.1 the resistivity and conductivity
values of some well‐known materials are presented.

Table 1.1. Resistivity and conductivity of selected materials at 20°C
Material Resistivity, ρ (Ω•m) Conductivity, σ (S/m)
Silver 1.59×10−8 6.30×107
Copper 1.68×10−8 5.96×107
Gold 2.44×10−8 4.10×107
Aluminum 2.82×10−8 3.5×107
Iron 1.0×10−7 1.00×107
Platinum 1.06×10−7 9.43×106
Constantan 4.9×10−7 2.04×106
Carbon (diamond) 1×1012 ~10−13
Sea water 2×10−1 4.8
Drinking water 20 to 2000 5×10−4 to 5×10−2
Wood (damp) 103 to 104 10−4 to 10–3
Glass 10×1010 to 10×1014 10−11 to 10−15
Hard rubber 1×1013 10−14
Air 1.3×1016 to 3.3×1016 3×10−15 to 8×10−15
Paraffin wax 1×1017 10−18
PET 10×1020 10−21

The resistance of a wire (use for supply an electric load) depends mainly on three factors: what
material it is made of, its shape and its length (Eq.1.1). The resistance R of a conductor of uniform cross
section can be computed as

𝑅 𝜌∙ (1.1)

where: l – is the length of the conductor, measured in metres (m), S – is the cross‐sectional area of the
conductor measured in square metres (m2), and ρ (rho) – is the electrical resistivity of the material,
measured in ohm‐metres (Ω∙m).
The resistivity and conductivity are proportionality constants, and therefore depend only on the
material the wire is made of, not the geometry of the wire.

Worth remembering
Formula (1.1) is not exact, as it assumes the current density is totally uniform in the conductor,
which is not always true in practical situations. However, this formula still provides a good
approximation for long thin conductors such as wires.
Another situation for which this formula is with alternating current (AC), because the skin
effect inhibits current flow near the centre of the conductor. For this reason, the geometrical
cross‐section is different from the effective cross‐section in which current actually flows, so
resistance is higher than expected.
Similarly, if two near each other conductors carry AC current, their resistances increase due
to the proximity effect. At commercial network frequency these effects are significant only for
large conductors carrying large currents, such as busbars in an electrical substations or large
power cables carrying more than a few hundred amperes

The relation of the voltage and current was published in 1827 by Georg Simon Ohm (1789‐
1854) as so called Ohm’s law (Eq.1.2)

𝑖 (1.2)

where: v – is the voltage, measured in Volt (V), i – is the current, measured in Amper (A)

The higher the resistance, the lower the current flow. If it is abnormally high, the conductor
could be damaged due to burning or corrosion. All conductors give off some degree of heat, so
overheating is an issue often associated with resistance.
The lower the resistance, the higher the current flow. Possible causes: insulators damaged by
moisture or overheating.
Many components, such as heating elements and resistors, have a fixed‐resistance value. These values
and the permissible power value are often printed on the components' nameplates or in manuals for
The power delivered to a resistor is (Eq. 1.3 and 1.4)

𝑝 𝑣∙𝑖 𝑣∙ (1.3)

𝑝 𝑣∙𝑖 𝑖∙𝑅 ∙𝑖 𝑖 𝑅 (1.4)

The energy delivered to resistor at time t is always nonnegative (Eq.1.5)

𝑤 𝑖 𝑅∙𝑡 (1.5)

Worth remembering
Resistance cannot be measured in an operating circuit. This is due to the way in which the
ohmmeter measures the resistance value. If you measure the resistance of an element in an
operating circuit, you will either get an incorrect result or damage the instrument. Accordingly,
troubleshooting technicians often determine resistance by taking voltage and current
measurements and applying Ohm's Law:
𝑣 𝑖∙𝑅
If resistance is unknown, the formula can be converted to 𝑅 . In AC circuits the multimeter
indicates the effective value (called also as rms value) of voltage (current) and the resistance
value can be received as

The resistance of metal film resistors depends on temperature because the resistivity of metals
typically increases as temperature is increased. The resistivity of insulators and electrolytes may
increase or decrease depending on the system.

The dependence of resistance in the term of temperature is expressed in equation (1.6)

𝑅 𝑇 𝑅 1 𝛼∙ 𝑇 𝑇 (1.6)

where: 𝑅 – resistance at reference temperature (usually the room temperature), 𝑇 – the reference
temperature, 𝛼 – the temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR).
The values of TCR of some typical materials at 20°C are presented in Table 1.2.

Table 1.2. The temperature coefficient of resistance of some materials at 20°C.

Materials Temperature coefficient of resistance (at 20°C), 1/°C

Silver 0.0038

Copper 0.00386

Gold 0.0034

Aluminum 0.00429

Tungsten 0.0045

Iron 0.00651

Platinum 0.003927

Manganin 0.000002

Example 1.1.
Calculate the change of the resistance of a 200 m long air power connection made with
a 16 mm2 aluminum cable when the external temperature is 40°C in summer and –30°C in winter.

The resistance of this connection (1 wire) is

𝑙 200
𝑅 𝜌 2,82 ∙ 10 0,353 Ω
𝑆 16 ∙ 10

Assuming that it is the resistance at 20°C we can calculate its values at 40°C and –30°C

𝑅 0,353 ∙ 1 0,00429 ∙ 40 20 0,383 Ω

𝑅 0,353 ∙ 1 0,00429 ∙ 30 20 0,277 Ω

The changes from reference resistance (at 20°C) to higher one is up to 10% and to lower one is more
than 20% (is decreasing).

We see that the resistance of wires, resistors, and other components often change with
temperature. This effect is used in temperature sensors that call thermoresistors. They are made of
metal, usually Platinum (i.e. Pt100, Pt500, Pt1000) or of ceramic or polimer (thermistors).

1.1.2. Inductor (magnetic coil)


An inductor is an element which stores electrical energy in a magnetic field. An inductor can
be constructed by winding coils of wire around a magnetic core. Inductivity L (in H) is a parameter that
represents the inductor and it depends of its construction i.e. number of turns (of wire around the
core), cross‐section of the core and its magnetic property µ (permeability). The more turns, the higher
the inductivity. The inductivity also depends on the shape of the coil, separation of the turns, and many
other factors.

The current flowing in a circuit produces an associated magnetic flux (Eq.1.7).

Φ 𝐿∙𝑖 (1.7)

The energy stored in inductor is expressed as

𝑤 (1.8)

The change in the current through an inductor creates a changing flux, inducing a voltage
across the inductor (Faraday’s law). The voltage ε induced by any change in magnetic flux through
the circuit is given by

𝜀 𝐿 (1.9)

for L independent of time, current and magnetic flux linkage.

The negative polarity (direction) of the induced voltage is given by Lenz’s law, which states
that the induced voltage will be such as to oppose the change in current.
Inductors store energy in the form of a magnetic field; this mechanism results in an opposition
to AC current known as inductive reactance XL.

𝐼 (1.10)

𝑋 𝜔𝐿 2𝜋𝑓𝐿
where: f – frequency of sinusoidal current, L – inductivity.

For AC signals with low frequency the influence of an inductor can be neglected. In DC circuit
(in steady state) inductor behaves as short circuit.

The difference between inductance and inductivity is that inductance is the property of an
electric circuit by which a voltage is induced in it by a changing magnetic field while inductivity is a
measure of the capacity for magnetic inductance (also measure of ability to store the energy in
magnetic field and also the ability to create the magnetic flux).

In the medium and long transmission lines reactance is more significant than resistance. When
sinusoidal current flows within a conductor, the numbers of magnetic flux lines changes and an
electromagnetics force is induced in it (Faraday’s Law).

The magnetic flux linking with the conductor consist of two parts: the internal and the external
flux. The internal flux is induced due to the current flow in the conductor. The external flux produced
around the conductor is due to its own current and the current of the other conductors place around
it. The total inductance of the conductor is determined by the calculation of the internal and external
flux. In home and industry installations the wires of transmission lines are very close to each other and
we must consider this effect especially if there are large currents flowing in the wires or the signal
frequency is high (i.e. Internet connections).

Worth remembering
In practice inductors have a measurable resistance due to the resistance of used wire and losses of
energy in the core. The equivalent circuit of a real inductor is presented at Fig. 1.2

Fig. 1.2. The real inductor’s equivalent circuit.

The RL presents the active energy losses and is mainly referred to as DC resistance. The quality factor
(Q) of an inductor is the ratio of its inductive reactance to its resistance at a given frequency, and is
a measure of its efficiency. The higher the Q factor of the inductor, the closer it approaches the
behavior of an ideal inductor. High Q inductors are used with capacitors to make resonant circuits
in radio transmitters and receivers.
The Q factor of an inductor is defined as


Inductors with ferromagnetic cores experience additional energy losses due to hysteresis and eddy
currents in the core, which increase with frequency. At high currents, magnetic core inductors also
show significant difference from ideal behavior because of nonlinearity caused by magnetic
saturation of the core.

1.1.3. Capacitor


A capacitor is a circuit element that stores electrical energy in an electric field. A typical
capacitor is constructed with two parallel separated conducting plates. Capacitor are represented by
a parameter called capacitance (in F – farads). Its value depends on the construction of an element in
particularly on surface of the plates, the distance between them and dielectric property of the medium
(Eq. 1.11).

𝐶 𝜀 (1.11)

where: 𝜀 – dielectric constant of medium which is between the plates, S – area of the plates, d – the
distance between plates.

The charge q(t) stored by a capacitor is proportional to the capacitor voltage v(t) (Eq. 1.12)

𝑞 𝑡 𝐶∙𝑣 𝑡 (1.12)

In general, the voltage v(t) can vary in a time and consequently, the charge q(t) also varies as
a function of time. This fact means that there is a current, which is a natural consequence of the change
in the amount of charge (Eq. 1.13)

𝑖 𝑡 𝐶∙𝑣 𝑡 𝐶 (1.13)

when the capacitance C does not change in a time.

The energy stored in capacitor is expressed as

𝑤 (1.14)

Worth remembering
Understand that capacitance is not a physical device. It is capability of any material/body to held
charge over itself. Even human body has capacitance. The moment that material/body receive some
charge in actual, it becomes capacitor. Now in case of transmission line, it has lot of charge running
in the form of current.

From (1.13) it is easy to see that for the DC current the capacitor behaves as a break in the
circuit. Thanks to this property, it is used as a DC filter in power grids.

The flow of electrons through a capacitor is directly proportional to the rate of change of
voltage across the capacitor. In AC circuits the current flow is also proportional to voltage at capacitor
when it varies with frequency f:

𝐼 2𝜋𝑓𝐶 ∙ 𝑉

Capacitive reactance XC in a purely capacitive circuit is the opposition to current flow (1.15).


The formula proves that if either the frequency or capacitance is to be increased, the overall
capacitive reactance would decrease. Similar to a perfect conductor, the capacitor reactance would
reduce to zero as the frequency approaches infinity.

1.2. R-L-C circuit in Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis

1.2.1. Phasor representation

Lets consider the circuit consisting of R, L and C connected in series and supplied by a voltage
source of Veff (volts). The resulting current Ieff is flowing in the circuit. Since the elements are connected
in series, thus current is same through all of them.

We can describe this circuit using (voltage) Kirchhof’s law

𝑣 𝑡 𝑣 𝑡 𝑣 𝑡 𝑣 𝑡 (1.16)

and regarding dependences (1.2), (1.9), (1.13)

𝑣 𝑡 𝑅∙𝑖 𝑡 𝐿 𝑖 𝜏 𝑑𝜏 (1.17)

Solving this equation is very complicated in time domain (even for a simple one‐loop
containing these three elements) so we employ to establish a relationship between time‐varying
sinusoidal signal and its representation as a phasor in complex numbers domain, i.e.

𝑖 𝑡 𝐼 √2 sin ωt φ Im 𝐼 √2 e Im 𝐼 √2 e e (1.18)

𝑖 𝑡 𝐼 √2 sin ωt φ ⟹𝑰 𝑰𝒆𝒇𝒇 𝐼 e (1.19)


𝑽 𝑽𝒆𝒇𝒇 𝑉 e

The equation (1.17) may be written with the use of phasor representation

𝑽 𝑅∙𝑰 𝑗𝑋 𝑰 𝑗𝑋 𝑰 (1.20)

And the current is easy to determine

𝑰 𝑰𝒆𝒇𝒇 𝑒 (1.21)

𝑖 𝑡 √2 sin ωt φ 𝑎𝑟𝑐 𝑡𝑔 (1.22)

This technique converts the differential equation to an algebraic equation that is easier to
solve in spite of components consisting with complex numbers.

For the convenience of the analysis, the current can be taken as reference phasor. Therefore, the
phasor diagram for current and voltages is presented below (Fig.1.3)

Fig. 1.3. The phasor diagram of voltages and current in RLC serie circuit

where: VR is in phase with I, VL is leading the current I by 90° and VC is lagging the current I by 90°.

and the lengths of phasors are the effective (rms) values of

𝑉 𝑅∙𝐼 – voltage across resistor,
𝑉 𝑋 ∙𝐼 – voltage across magnetic coil,
𝑉 𝑋 ∙𝐼 – voltage across capacitor.

1.2.2. Impedance and admittance of RLC circuit

The expressions below are used to describe the elements in a complex domain

– impedance of magnetic coil 𝒁 𝑗𝜔𝐿 𝑗𝑋

– impedance of capacitor 𝒁 𝑗 𝑗𝑋

– impedance of resistor 𝒁 𝑅.

This RLC circuit can be presented as at Fig. 1.4

Fig. 1.4. The RLC series circuit

The equivalent impedance of this circuit is

𝒁 𝒁 𝒁 𝒁 𝑅 𝑗𝑋 𝑗𝑋 𝑍∙𝑒 (1.23)


𝑍 𝑅 𝑋 𝑋 , – modul of impedance,

𝜑 𝑎𝑟𝑐 𝑡𝑎𝑛 – argument of impedance (1.24)

The inverse of the impedance is called admittance

𝒀 𝑌∙𝑒 (25)
𝒁 ∙

In general, in AC circuit, the impedance is made up of two parts so is the admittance. The real
and imaginary parts of these parameters are presented below
𝒁 𝑅 𝑗𝑋,
𝑅 𝑅𝑒 𝒁 – resistance,
𝑋 𝐼𝑚 𝒁 – reactance,

𝒀 𝐺 𝑗𝐵,
𝐺 𝑅𝑒 𝒀 – conductance,
𝐵 𝐼𝑚 𝒀 – susceptance.

Resistance, reactance and impedance respectively in a geometrical representation compose right

angled triangle (Fig.1.5).

Fig.1.5. The triangle of impedance of AC circuit.

1.2.3. Power and power factor in AC network


Fig.1.6 A simple AC network

Lets consider the simple circuit shown in Fig.6 and assume the steady‐state voltage and current
in this network as
𝑣 𝑡 𝑉 √2 sin 𝜔𝑡 𝜑
𝑖 𝑡 𝐼 √2 sin 𝜔𝑡 𝜑

The instantaneous power is

𝑝 𝑡 𝑣 𝑡 ∙𝑖 𝑡

2𝑉 𝐼 sin 𝜔𝑡 𝜑 sin 𝜔𝑡 𝜑

𝑉 𝐼 cos 𝜑 𝜑 𝑉 𝐼 cos 2𝜔𝑡 𝜑 𝜑 (1.26)

It consists of two terms: the first one is constant (in term of time) and the second term is a cosine wave
of twice frequency of voltage/current signal.

The first term is defined as active power expressed in watts (W)

𝑃 𝑉 𝐼 cos 𝜑 𝜑 𝑉 𝐼 cos 𝜑 (1.27)

where 𝜑 𝜑 𝜑 is a displacement between voltage and current.

This displacement is caused by the presence of capacitance and inductance in RLC circuit. If
there are only resistors then 𝜑 𝜑 and the voltage and current are in phase. When if there are only
capacitors or inductors (the pure theoretical case) then 𝜑 90 or 𝜑 90 . The active power is
a mean value of instantaneous power and can be expressed as an average value of 𝑝 𝑡

𝑃 𝑝 𝑡 𝑑𝑡 𝑉 𝐼 cos 𝜑 𝜑 (1.28)

The product 𝑉 𝐼 𝑆 is named as the apparent power. It present the maximum average
power that can be transferred with the voltage and current values 𝑉 ,𝐼 . Its unit is called VA (Volt
Amper) and has the same physical size as Watt.
The reactive power is given by

𝑄 𝑉 𝐼 sin 𝜑 𝜑 𝑉 𝐼 sin 𝜑 (1.29)

The physical unit of reactive power is watt. However, to emphasize the fact that Q does not
represent the flow of active energy, its unit is usually given as VAR (Volt Ampere Reactive).

The power factor (pf) is defined as the ratio of the average power to the apparent power

𝑝𝑓 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜑 𝜑 (1.30)



Worth remembering
The companies that deliver the electrical energy very often define the power factor as
𝑝𝑓 𝑡𝑎𝑛 𝜑 𝜑
Note that regardless of the sign of the displacement the 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜑 𝜑 0. It causes that we must
give the pf value with additional information about the character of a load (inductive or capacitive
– leading or lagging). There is no need for this if you give the value as a tangent of displacement.
The angle 𝜑 𝜑 is the phase angle of the load impedance and is often referred to as the power
factor angle.

1.2.4. Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s laws in AC circuits

The well‐known forms of basic formulas of electrical circuits in time domain (Eq. 1.30)
will be presented in frequency domain by the following equations

∑ 𝑖 𝑡 0, ∑ 𝑣 𝑡 0 (1.31)

∑ 𝑰 0, ∑ 𝑽 0 (1.32)

where: 𝑰 – phasors of all currents (rms) converging at a given node of the circuit,
𝑽 – phasors of all drops of voltage (rms) at a considered loop of circuit.

For an one‐port network the Ohm’s law is of the form

𝑽 𝒁∙𝑰 or 𝑰 (1.33)

where: Z – (equivalent) complex input impedance of an one‐port network,

Vk, Ik – complex voltages and currents at the network nodes and loops.

1.2.5. Examples

A. Transmission line
For the general analysis the single Two‐Port Network seems to be sufficient approach of the
real line.

Fig. 1.7. Equivalent model of the real transmission line.

The losses of current can be define as ∆I = I1 – I2

The losses of active and reactive powers are

∆𝑃 𝑃 𝑃

∆𝑄 𝑄 𝑄 (1.34)

The drop of voltage ∆V is a difference of effective values of voltages at the begin and end of the line.
∆𝑽 𝑽 𝑽

The analysis of work of this line can be presented with relevant calculations or with the use of phasor
diagrams. Fig. 8 presents the phasors for the line loaded by an inductive load (i.e. RL circuit).

Fig. 1.8. Phasor diagram for R‐L load of the line.

B. The home electric installation (1‐phase)

Typically, in a home electrical system, there are R and R‐L loads on a single phase of power
supply. Since the lengths of the wires are not very long, with the 1.5 mm2 and 2.5 mm2 copper wires
used, their resistances are small and are, for example, for l=10 m respectively
10 Ω∙𝑚∙𝑚
𝑅 , 1,68 ∙ 10 0,112 Ω
1,5 ∙ 10 𝑚
10 Ω∙𝑚∙𝑚
𝑅 , 1,68 ∙ 10 0,07 Ω
2,5 ∙ 10 𝑚
These resistance values, combined with the values of the currents flowing through them
(up to 10–16 A), mean that the voltage drop on the supply line will be less than 2,2 V (10 A at two wires
line 1,5 mm2 and 16 A at 2,5 mm2).
Because of this fact the diagram of an example load of such a line can be shown in the Fig. 1.9.

Fig.1. 9. Schematic diagram for a typical home one‐phase section of installation.

Manufacturers of household electric equipment do not specify the value of their resistance or
inductance, but only the nominal power that these devices have when supplied with their nominal
voltage, in this case 230 V.
Lets assume that devices presented at Fig.9 have respectively the power:
𝑃 500 𝑊, 𝑃 1500 𝑊 with pf=0,8 (lagging), 𝑃 100 𝑊, 𝑃 400 𝑊 with pf=0,6 (leading).
In this section the installer placed a 16 A fuse. Check that the total current supplied to these loads does
not exceed the current of this overcurrent circuit breaker.
Since the active power is 𝑃 𝑉 𝐼 cos 𝜑 , the current can be calculated from the relationship

𝐼 ,𝑰 𝐼 𝑒 (1.35)

𝑰𝟏 𝑒 2,17 𝐴; 𝑰𝟐 𝑒 8,15 𝑒 𝐴;
∙ ,

𝑰𝟑 𝑒 0,44 𝐴;

400 ,
𝑰𝟒 𝑒 2,9 𝑒 𝐴
230 ∙ 0,6

The total current in this section is

I=𝑰𝟏 𝑰𝟐 𝑰𝟑 𝑰𝟒
2,17 8,15 𝑒 0,44 2,9 𝑒 10,9 𝑗2,6 11,2𝑒 𝐴

Its rms value does not exceed the value of 16 A.

The phasor diagram of these currents and voltage is presented below (Fig.1.10)

Fig. 1. 10. The phasor diagram for currents and voltage of an example of a loaded section of a home
electrical system.

2. Lighting design
Lighting design is a comprehensive process aimed at achieving high‐quality lighting that meets the
user's expectations and also complies with current lighting standards, requirements and
The primary objective of the lighting design is to determine the types of luminaires, the types of
light sources, the number of luminaires and their optimum positioning, as well as how the lighting is
to be maintained. Only the lighting designer's expertise in the field of lighting technology and his/her
experience can guarantee the desired lighting effects of the designed object.
We start work on a lighting project from the planning phase, so we identify the main design objectives,
the client's preferences, and analyze the facility and lighting needs. In the next stage, we formulate the
design and lighting requirements. Based on the data obtained, we create a lighting concept and select
the luminaires, their type, the power of the light sources, the method of light distribution and choose
their optimal location.
The design of interior lighting is a rather complex procedure. On the one hand, it is necessary
to comply with the lighting parameters defined by the lighting standard, but at the same time it is
necessary to select lighting fittings that meet the requirements of the place where they are to be
installed. On the one hand, the requirements relating to the aesthetics of the luminaire adapted to the
type of room should be met, and on the other hand, the requirements relating to the environment in
which the fixture will operate should be fulfilled. Installation requirements and possibilities can also
be a limiting condition. When designing a lighting installation, it is also necessary to take into account
the costs that the realization of our project will generate for the client. It is therefore necessary to
develop an economically rational design.

2.1. Basic volumes used in the description of lighting in rooms.

Among the physical quantities necessary when describing lighting must be:
Luminous flux – symbol: Φ, unit – Lumen
Luminous flux Φ is a measure of the amount of light energy emitted per unit of time. Luminous flux is
the portion of the optical radiation emitted by a light source that the human eye can see per unit of
time, e.g. a light bulb emits, in addition to visible radiation, infrared radiation; the same is true of a
halogen bulb, which emits both infrared and ultraviolet radiation – both invisible to the eye – in
addition to visible radiation. A light source with luminous intensity I emits a luminous flux in an
elementary solid angle dω

𝑑𝛷 𝐼 ∙ 𝑑𝜔 (2.1)

The unit of luminous flux is 1 lumen (1lm). This is the luminous flux of a point source of light with an
intensity of I=1 cd, sent out at a solid angle ω=1 sr.
● Luminous intensity (or the intensity of a light source): symbol – I, unit – cd (candela)
Luminous intensity is the angular (spatial) flux density in a given direction describing a light source.
Luminous intensity is the quotient of the luminous flux emitted by a source in a given direction, in a
cone with an infinitely small angle of dilation encompassing that direction, to the solid angle 𝜔 of that

𝐼 (2.2)

Luminous intensity is a vector quantity, i.e. the same point of shining surface can have different

Fig. 2.1. Graphic interpretation of light [source: https://lenalighting.pl/o‐nas/baza‐wiedzy/937‐


● Illuminance: symbol – E, unit – lx (lux)

Illuminance E is the measure of the power of light energy per unit area illuminated.

𝐸 (2.3)

where: dS is an element of the surface perpendicular to the incident luminous flux

● Luminance: symbol – L, unit – cd/m2

Luminance is a measure of brightness. It depends on the intensity of the illumination on the object
under observation, the reflective properties of the object’s surface (color, degree of roughness) and
its apparent luminous surface area. The apparent luminous surface area is the size of the area of the
luminous plane perceived by the observer depending on the direction of observation:

𝐿 (2.4)

The difference between the concepts of luminance is illustrated in Figure 2.2.

Fig. 2.2. The difference between illuminance and luminance [source: https://www.lampy‐

● Luminous efficacy – symbol: 𝜂, unit lm/W

Luminous efficacy (luminous efficiency) defines the quotient of the luminous flux emitted by a
specific light source to the energy consumed by it per unit of time (electrical power) and characterizes
the efficiency of light production; it makes as much physical sense as the efficiency of other electrical

𝜂 (2.5)

Figure 2.3 shows the interrelationships between the different quantities used to describe lighting in

Fig. 2.3. Relationships between the basic quantities used to describe lighting [source:

2.2. Sources of light and luminaires

One of the important parameters of light sources, from the point of view of lighting design, is
their luminous efficacy (Fig. 2.4), i.e. the number of lumens produced by the source from one watt of
its power. From the point of view of the operating costs of designed lighting, it is advantageous to use
light sources with the highest possible luminous efficacy.

Fig. 2.4. Luminous efficacy of light sources [source: https://cena‐energii.pl/przelicznik_mocy_

For technical reasons, light sources cannot operate independently. They must be placed in
luminaries that serve one or more of the following purposes:
– fixing the light source
– connecting it to the supply system;
– ∙ the right direction of light;
– ∙ protecting the eyes from glare;
– ∙ protecting the light source from external influences;
– ∙ achieving a decorative effect.
Particularly noteworthy is the selection of luminaries as devices to protect light sources from
external influences. The selection of lighting equipment for environmental conditions includes:
– chemical composition of the working atmosphere> chemical resistance of the luminaire construction
– ambient operating temperature of luminaires > Ta range dust, moisture > IP degree of protection
– mechanical resistance of luminaires> IK rating
– resistance to ambient corrosive conditions> corrosivity category C
Explosion hazard zones (EX‐ zones) of gas or dust are not only found in large industrial plants in
the chemical and petrochemical industries or in mining, but also on the premises of small businesses
such as paint shops, mills, sawmills or coal and coke boilers. In all these places, an explosive
atmosphere may exist, i.e. a mixture of flammable substances in the form of gasses, vapors, mists or
dusts with air, in which, once initiated by an ignition source, combustion spreads spontaneously.
According to safety rules, equipment used in and EX zone must meet a number of requirements.
All explosion‐proof luminaires must comply with parameters adapted to the type of explosion
hazard zone and the properties of the mixture. Explosion hazard zones are classified according to the

probability and duration of the explosive atmosphere. In zone 0, the explosive atmosphere is a mixture
of air and gasses, liquids and their vapors (G), and the explosion hazard is present continuously,
frequently or for long periods. In zone 1, characterized by the same atmosphere, an explosion may
occur occasionally during normal operation, while in zone 2 the hazard does not occur during normal
operation and when it does occur it is of short duration. An analogous classification regarding the
probability and duration of explosive atmospheres applies to zones 20, 21 and 22, with the difference
that they contain a mixture of air and combustible dust (D). Luminaires intended for use in explosive
atmospheres are classified according to the danger zones in which they can operate: 0, 1, 2, 20, 21 and
22. All luminaires must have a document certifying that the product is approved for use in the specified
conditions, i.e. a CE declaration of conformity or ATEX.
Luminaires for EX zones should be selected so that their maximum external surface temperature
does not exceed the auto‐ignition temperature of substances forming explosive atmospheres, and thus
do not become a source of ignition.
Luminaires can be adapted for extremely high or low temperatures. Examples of luminaire
operating temperature range values given in the data sheet are shown in Fig. 2.5.

a) b)

Fig. 2.5. Excerpts from the luminaire data sheets with the indicated operating temperature range

The degree of protection against dust and moisture provided by various types of housing sealing
systems is indicated by a special code made up of the letters IP (International Protection Rating) and
two digits, the first of which indicates protection against solid objects and the second of which specifies
protection against the ingress of water. In the case of luminaires for the EX area, the most common
codes are IP 66, IP 67, IP 55, IP 65, IP 68. The number "5" in the first position indicates protection
against the ingress of dust in quantities that interfere with the operation of the device, while "6"
indicates complete protection against the ingress of dust. The second position specifies protection
against the ingress of water. For example, a "5" guarantees protection against water jets from any
direction, while a "6" indicates applied protection against strong water jets or wave flooding from any
direction. A '7' in the second position, on the other hand, provides protection against submersion to a
depth such that the lower surface of the enclosure is 1 m below the water surface and the upper
surface is not less than 0.15 m for 30 minutes. The enclosures of explosion‐proof electrical equipment
must at least comply with protection class IP 54. Table 2.1 provides a summary of the protection classes
of equipment.

Table 2.1. Impermeability classes of appliances [1].

Another parameter worth paying attention to, especially when designing lighting for public
places or outdoor areas, is the mechanical resistance of the luminaires. The classification of mechanical
resistance is shown in the following table (Table 2.2)

Table 2.2. Mechanical resistance classification of equipment [source: https://www.smd‐

From the point of view of the working environment of luminaires, corrosion resistance can
also be important, especially if luminaires made of steel sheets operating in corrosively aggressive
environments are used.
An important parameter characterizing luminaires as electrical appliances is the protection class, which
states to what extent the users of the appliance are protected against electric shock. The standard
defines the following classes:
class 0 – luminaire has only working insulation,
class I – luminaire with protective insulation and protective connection,
class II – luminaire with double reinforced insulation,
class III – luminaire with safe low voltage supply.
Below is a detailed description and graphic designations of the protection classes (Table 2.3)

Table 2.3. Protection classes of lighting equipment [1].
No. Class Symbol Luminare
1 Class 0
working Protection against electric shock is provided only by basic
insulation insulation. The enclosure and other non‐voltage parts of the
luminaire are isolated from the live parts by means of working
insulation. It is not possible to connect the luminaire to the
protective conductor of the supply system. Luminaires with
protection class 0 should be replaced by luminaires with
protection class I or II.

2 Class I Protection against electric shock is not only achieved by basic

insulation, additional means of protection are used. Accessible
Working conductive parts (metal enclosure, etc.) are connected to the
insulation protective conductor of the permanent supply system in such
together with a way that they cannot become active if the basic insulation is

3 Class II
Double or Protection against electric shock is achieved not only by using
reinforced basic insulation, but also by using additional means of
insulation protection. Double insulation or reinforced insulation is used.
The luminaire is not connected to the protective conductor.
The luminaire may have a homogeneous housing of insulating
material covering all metal parts, or it may have a metal
enclosure and double insulation applied at all points, and
reinforced insulation where this is not possible.

4 Class III
safe low Protection against electric shock consists of supplying a very
voltage low, safe SELV voltage (up to 50V AC rms) from a protective
transformer or inverter with separated windings. The
luminaire should not have a protective terminal.

2.3. Volumes characterizing the quality of lighting and their standardization

Workplace lighting influences the quality of vision and thus not only productivity, but also safety.
The aim of lighting is to create visual conditions in which people feel comfortable working visually. This
is the case when the following conditions are met:
– it is possible to fully distinguish details,
– seeing is not unpleasant, does not cause undue fatigue or discomfort.

PN‐EN‐12646‐1:2012 lists among the parameters affecting lighting quality:
– illumination intensity,
– uniformity of illumination,
– glare,
– color rendering and light color,
– flicker.
In addition, when selecting a luminaire for the room in which it is to be used, the environmental
conditions in which the device will be used should be taken into account, such as humidity and
dustiness of the air.
Illumination intensity
In the lighting standard PN‐EN‐12464‐1:2012, the specified values of required illuminance are
adapted to the nature of the visual work performed in the room. An example of the values is shown in
Figure 2.6. A full table of required room illuminance values can be found in Appendix 1.

Fig. 2.6. Examples of selected illuminance values according to the standard EN‐12464 [7],

Uniformity of lighting
Another standardized parameter for the quality of room lighting is uniformity. This indicator is defined
as the ratio of the minimum illuminance to the average illuminance over a given area:

𝑈 (2.6)

The minimum surface illuminance uniformities required by the standard are given in Table 2.4.

Table 2.4. Required values for uniformity of illumination on surfaces depending on the type of activity [7]

Type of activity performed Smallest acceptable

uniformity of illumination
Work surface on which long‐term (casual) work is
carried out

Work surface on which short‐term (casual) work is

carried out

Communication routes (corridors) 0,4

Uniformity of lighting is influenced by the parameters of the luminaires used and how they are
positioned in the room. The luminaire’s light curve (photometric polar diagram) and light distribution
angle are among the dimensions that characterize the luminaire and significantly influence uniformity.
In order to visualize the light distribution of a luminaire, its luminous intensity is measured in
various directions. By converting the results into the values that would be obtained using light sources
with a total luminous flux of 1000 lm, a curve is created which is called the luminaire luminosity
diagram. The conversion to 1000 lm makes it possible to compare the luminosity curves produced for
luminaires with different light sources. The angle of illuminance, is the angle of intersection of the
curve of the luminaire's luminance diagram with the radial line defining half the value (50%) of the
maximum luminous intensity (Imax – cd/1000lm) of that luminaire.

Fig. 2.7. Dependence of illuminated surface size and illuminance on luminaire distribution angle and
distance of working surface from luminaire [source: https://luxon.pl/oswietlenie‐stanowiska‐pracy‐

Fig. 2.7 shows that if the distance between the work surface and the luminaire was 200 cm,
the surface would be illuminated with an intensity of 191 lux, whereas if the distance was 150 cm, the
intensity would increase to 300 lux, but the uniformity of illumination would decrease, as unlit areas
would appear between the illuminated areas. If luminaires with a narrow light distribution are installed
at a short distance above the working surface, very poor uniformity of illumination is obtained on the
working surface, with alternating bright and dark areas visible.

The assessment of unpleasant glare in rooms and workplaces involves comparing the Uniform
Glare Reduction Ratio (UGR) value determined in the lighting design with the limiting value (maximum
acceptable value) of this parameter, in accordance with the EN‐12464‐1:2012 standard. The UGR glare
index determines what the risk of glare is for a given lighting situation. The value of the glare index
depends on, among other things, the photometric shape of the luminaires used, their positioning or
the background luminance.

A distinction can be made between direct and indirect glare. Direct glare results from light rays
falling directly from the luminaire, the light source, into the human eye, while indirect (reflected) glare
results from light reflected from various obstacles (white walls, furniture, etc.). Direct glare is the main
cause of discomfort, which at luminance values above 700 cd/m2 will cause unpleasant glare. Lighting
should be selected and installed in relation to the workstation so as to offset the discomfort caused by
glare. The standard gives, in tables of lighting requirements, UGR values for specific types of interiors,
tasks or activities. The required UGR values should be taken into account at the design stage (Table 2.5)

Table 2.5. UGR values allowed at selected workplaces

Type work, premises UGR logarithmic UGR linear scale

PN‐EN 12464 [7]
Operating rooms 10 71
Quality control of microelectronics 13 169
Drawing, colour controls 16 200
Painting, sorting 19 948
Mechanical repairs 22 2249
Stairs, warehouses 25 5334
Corridors 28 12649
[source: https://www.elektro.info.pl/artykul/oswietlenie/159977,ocena‐olsnienia‐swietlnego‐na‐

Light color and color rendering

The color of light is defined by the so‐called color temperature (Tc) and is given in kelvin [K].
Light sources that emit white light can be classified according to their color temperature into three
groups: warm (less than 3 000 K), neutral (intermediate) (3 300 to 5 300 K) and cool (cold) (above 5
300 K to 6 500 K). Warm‐coloured lighting is ideal for rooms intended for relaxation: the bedroom,
bathroom or living room. Cold lighting is more conducive to concentration, stimulation and learning.
It is also more beneficial for work that requires visual effort. Cold‐coloured bulbs work well in offices,
production halls and can be used to illuminate the desk area, for example in a desk lamp. In hallways,
vestibules and staircases, neutral‐coloured light can be used, i.e. between warm and cold.

Fig. 2.8. Light color vs temperature

[source: http://www.swiatlo.tak.pl/1/index.php/wskaznik‐oddawania‐barw]

To ensure good color reproduction and proper color contrast, light sources with a high color
rendering index should be used. Then the objects we observe appear in their natural, unadulterated
colors. The color rendering index Ra (CRI) has a maximum value of 100 and corresponds to natural
sunlight, which is the reference for other light sources. The Ra index carries information about the
extent to which a light source allows colors to be observed.
Light sources with a color rendering index greater than 80 should be used in working rooms, while light
sources with a color rendering index greater than 90 should be used in rooms where accurate color
reproduction is particularly important, such as in school art classrooms, textile, meat and paint shops
and dentists’ surgeries. There are also light sources designed for color control workstations. Their color
rendering index is as high as 98.

2.4. Methods of the lighting calculation

A widely used, free‐of‐charge programme for the calculation of both interior and exterior lighting
The programme allows both the loading of a .dwg file and the creation of an object directly in the
programme using the menu: Main menu > Constructions > Floor and building constructions. An
example of the effect of a building floor created in DIALUX is shown in Figure 2. 9.

Fig. 2.9. Window for creating the object for which the lighting is to be calculated [source: software
Dialux evo].

Once a building plan has been imported or plotted in Dialux (or an individual room), it is
necessary to select the luminaire(s) to be used for the lighting design. Dialux has the ability to import
the lighting fixture catalogs of a large number of lighting equipment manufacturers. A view of the
programme window through which the selected luminaires can be imported into the programme is
shown in Figure 2.10.

Fig. 2.10. Window for loading luminaire catalogs and their selection for use in the project [source:
software Dialux evo].

In the luminaire positioning menu (Figure 2.11), the positioning method is selected and the
effect shown opposite is obtained. When the option Start calculation is selected, the programme
calculates the lighting parameters in the object for the selected assumptions.



Fig. 2.11. View of the luminaire arrangement menu in the object ( a)) and the effect of the selection
made ( b)) [source: software Dialux evo].

Once the calculations have been performed, it is possible to view the results and save them as
a .pdf file. The content of the report is also up to the designer. The most important values to check and
accept (or reject and run another simulation) are the average illuminance and the uniformity of
illuminance. If difficulties arise in achieving the required uniformity of illumination, a margin of 0.5m

from the wall can be used, which is not included in the uniformity calculation (it is assumed that visual
work is not carried out right next to the wall).
How the results are derived is up to the user of the software. The most relevant information
needed to assess whether the choice of luminaires and their positioning is correct can be found under
Documentation>Building>Partment>Work plane (Fig. 2.12)

Fig. 2.12. Results of room lighting calculations [source: software Dialux evo].

The most important parameters shown in Fig. 2.12 are E – average illuminance and g1 –
illuminance uniformity (Emin/E). In addition, isolux (lines of constant illuminance values) and the
position of the planned luminaires are plotted on the room drawing.
A more detailed description of the programme can be found in studies [2, 7].

2.5. Mistakes made in lighting design

Although the design of lighting in rooms, particularly with the use of appropriate software, appears
to be a relatively straightforward task, several seemingly innocent mistakes can be made during the

design process, which can lead to calculation results that are not in line with reality. Where do such
errors come from, when the standard clearly and unambiguously defines the requirements for
lighting? Sources of error can be:
– failure to take into account all the requirements contained in the standard,
– deliberate actions to achieve a satisfactory calculation result,
– a lack of complete knowledge on the part of the designer as to the parameters of the room or the
type of pattern work to be performed there.
The last of the above‐mentioned reasons deserves special attention. Lighting parameters should
be calculated, and compared with the requirements, on a working plane. Usually the height of this
plane is assumed to be 0.8m. However, it should be noted that this height will not be appropriate in
all rooms, e.g. in passageways this surface will be the floor area. Incorrectly defining the height of the
work surface may result in it failing to comply with the parameters defined by the regulations.
Another source of errors in the calculation and results of illuminance in rooms may be the
incorrect assumption of floor, wall and ceiling reflectance coefficients (the values of reflectance for
individual room surfaces can be determined in the Dialux programme or the default ones proposed by
the programme can be adopted). It is not uncommon for the reflected light (indirect component) to
account for more than half of the obtained illuminance value on the working plane. For calculations,
standard values of reflectance are usually assumed (wall – 50%; ceiling – 70%; floor – 20%). However,
if, for example, dark‐coloured walls or a large area of glazing is involved, this should necessarily be
taken into account in the calculation. Furthermore, the technical description of the lighting installation
should provide information for which reflectance coefficients of the surfaces in the room were
Ignorance by the lighting designer of the environmental conditions in which the luminaires will
operate can also result in incorrect luminaire selection. Also, a change in the intended use of the room
after the lighting has been designed or during operation can lead to the lighting losing its proper
function. Different luminaires should be chosen for a room in a bakery, where the luminaire is exposed
to dust (flour), and others for a room in which, for example, cleaning takes place, causing water
In the design process, attention should also be paid, for example, to the temperature at which
the lighting equipment will operate. When designing lighting for a cold store, luminaires should be
chosen that will operate faultlessly at temperatures down to –50°C, whereas in the case of bakery
lighting, the temperature may exceed 30°C.
An important influence on the result of the illuminance calculation is the maintenance factor
adopted. Its value reflects the soiling of the luminaires during operation. In an ideally clean room, e.g.
operating theaters, the maintenance factor can be set equal to 1. The dustier the room, the lower the

factor should be. In moderately dusty facilities with a cleaning interval of approx. 2 years, this
coefficient is assumed to be around 0.75–0.8. The Dialux software allows the designer to set the
maintenance coefficient value freely for individual rooms in the building (Fig. 2.13).

Maintenance factor

Fig. 2.13. Location where the maintenance factor is set in Dialux evo 10.1 [source: software Dialux evo].

3. Determination of loads on electrical installations

3.1. Determination of circuit loads

If we consider the types of final circuits we are dealing with in a building electrical installation project,
these are:
a) Lighting circuits,
b) Socket circuits
c) Machine supply circuits on the production floor
The simultaneity factor kj is used to determine the loads on both circuits and switchgear. The
simultaneity factor is an estimate that takes into account the fact that it is rare in an installation that
all equipment is switched on at full power simultaneously.

In the general case, the circuit load power can be calculated as:

𝑃 ∑ 𝑛 ∙𝑘 ∙𝑃 (3.1)

𝑛 – the number of appliances with power 𝑃 connected to the circuit under analysis
𝑘 – simultaneity coefficient for equipment with power 𝑃
The simultaneity factor may have a value in the range 0,1⟩

a. For lighting circuits, the factor 𝑘 1 because switching on a circuit switches on all 𝑛 lamps of that
circuit, which have equal power and operate at full power and the formula 3.1 takes the form:

𝑃 𝑛∙𝑃 (3.2)

E.g. a circuit consists of 20 lamps of 12W each so the circuit load will be equal:
𝑃 20 ∙ 12𝑊 240𝑊

b. for plug socket circuits, 𝑘 0,3 is taken as the maximum load per socket, with a power of 𝑃
2000𝑊 and then equation 3.1 can be written as:

𝑃 𝑛∙𝑘 ∙𝑃 (3.3)

Suppose there are 4 single‐phase sockets connected to a circuit, then the load power of the circuit will
be calculated as:
𝑃 4 ∙ 0,3 ∙ 2000𝑊 2400𝑊
c. For circuits feeding on the production floor, the following situations are potentially possible.
c.1 The circuit supplies only one appliance then the circuit load power 𝑃 is equal to the appliance
power i.e. 𝑃 𝑃

c2. The circuit supplies several devices working together (e.g. successive process line devices with
different capacities), then equation 3.1 can be written in the form:
𝑃 𝑃 𝑃 𝑃 ⋯ 𝑃 ∙𝑘 (3.4)

The power values substituted into the above formula are the electrical power of the equipment. In the
case of motors, it must be remembered that the power given on the appliance nameplate is the rated
power at the motor shaft. To obtain the electrical power value, the efficiency of the motor must be
taken into account and the electrical power calculated as:

𝑃 (3.5)

where: Pm means rated mechanical power, 𝜗 – motor efficiency.

The efficiency of the motor should be read off the appliance data sheet. This figure depends on the
design of the appliance, the materials used in its construction and, finally, its power. In the absence of
such information, the example values given in the table 3.1 can be used.

Table 3.1. Examples of motor efficiency ratios

Type of Rated Rated Rated Efficiency Power Full‐load amps

motor output Pn speed Torque Ƞn factor Iln at UN (nominal voltage)
Nn Mn cos

[kW] [HP] [min–1] [Nm] % – [A] [A] [A]

380V 400V 500V
2p=4 N=1500 min–1
Sg 80‐4A 0,55 0,75 1430 3,7 74,4 0,76 1,5 1,4 1,1
Sg 80‐4B 0,75 1,0 1425 5,0 75,4 0,77 2,0 1,9 1,5
Sh 90S‐4 1,1 1,5 1405 7,5 76,7 0,80 2,7 2,6 2,1
Sh 90L‐4 1,5 2,0 1410 10,2 79,0 0,78 3,7 3,5 2,8
Sg 100L‐4A 2,2 3,0 1425 14,7 82,0 0,80 5,1 4,8 3,9
Sg 100L‐4B 3,0 4,0 1415 20,2 82,7 0,81 6,8 6,5 5,2
Sg 112M‐4 4,0 5,5 1435 26,6 85,1 0,82 8,7 8,3 6,6
Sg 132S‐4 5,5 7,5 1450 36,2 85,9 0,84 11,6 11,0 8,8
Sg 132M‐4 7,5 10,0 1450 49,4 87,0 0,85 15,4 14,6 11,7
Sg 160M‐4 11,0 15,0 1460 72,0 89,0 0,85 22,1 21,0 16,8
Sg 160L‐4 15,0 20,0 1460 98,1 89,5 0,87 29,3 27,8 22,2
Sg 180M‐4 18,5 25,0 1470 120,2 90,5 0,90 34,5 32,8 26,2
Sg 180L‐4 22,0 30,0 1465 143,4 91,0 0,90 40,8 38,8 31,0

The 𝑘 factor is determined from the process line documentation or from information provided
by the production technologist of the industrial plant.


If appliances with electrical powers of e.g. 11kW, 15kW and 7,5kW for which the simultaneity
coefficient 𝑘 0,5 has been specified work together, the circuit load is calculated as:
𝑃 11 15 7,5 ∙ 0,5 16,75𝑘𝑊

3.2. Determination of switchgear loads.

The value of the load on the switchgear that we determine during design determines the calculated
current of the circuit feeding the switchgear, and thus the cross‐section of the cable/supply cable. If
we do not properly determine the load of the switchgear, e.g. by simply adding up the powers of all
the devices connected to it, the result will be an oversizing of the cable feeding the switchgear, and
thus the installation will be economically inefficient. Furthermore, for the selection of reactive power
compensation devices we need information on the load of the switchgear in which we intend to place
the compensator, both with active and reactive power. It should be added, however, that currently
the selection of compensating devices takes place after the start‐up of an industrial plant or other
facility and the determination of the reactive load value.
Let's assume that our example installation has switchgear:
a) Lighting – to which the lighting and socket circuits are connected
b) Power – to which the production equipment circuits are connected
c) Main – through which lighting and power switchgear are supplied.
There may be more than one lighting and power distribution board in a large building.

a. Lighting switchgear – lighting circuits and socket circuits are connected to this. To draw up a balance
sheet for the RO lighting distribution board, we need to to note that lighting lamps can have different
wattages and power factors, i.e. light sources can be either inductive (e.g. fluorescent lamps) or
capacitive (e.g. leds). The value of the power factor can be read from the data sheet of the device or,
in the absence of such information, it can be assumed that for fluorescent luminaires 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜑
0,8 (inductive), and for led luminaires 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜑 0,9 (capacitive).
The simultaneity factor for all lighting in the building is also an important factor. This is a different
coefficient this time than for a single circuit and is due to the fact that not all lighting circuits in the
building are switched on at any given time, e.g. lighting in toilets, some storerooms and corridors etc.
are used for a short period of time. From this it follows that the simultaneity coefficient for lighting
𝑘 0,8 (2) can be assumed in such buildings where the predominant room is a production hall in
which the lighting equipment is fully used. The value of coefficient 𝑘 can be taken as less than 0.8 if

there are many rooms in the building fulfilling different functions which are not used simultaneously
or, e.g. in office buildings, higher than 0.8 as in these buildings the lighting is used in almost all rooms
of the building simultaneously. Examples of simultaneity coefficients for lighting are shown in the table

Table 3.2. Examples of simultaneity coefficients for lighting in different types of buildings [2]
L.p. Type of facility kjo
1 Industrial building with production hall 0,8
2 Public buildings 0,95
3 Hospitals 0,7–0,9

For sockets throughout the building, the simultaneity factor is usually taken as 𝑘 0,15.
The general formula for the design load of a lighting distribution board by active power can be written

𝑃 ∑ 𝑛 ∙𝑃 ∙𝑘 𝑛 ∙𝑃 ∙𝑘 (3.6)

Similarly for reactive power:

𝑄 ∑ 𝑛 ∙𝑄 ∙𝑘 𝑛 ∙𝑄 ∙𝑘 (3.7)


𝑄 𝑃 ∙ 𝑡𝑔𝜑 (3.8)

𝑄 𝑃 ∙ 𝑡𝑔𝜑 (3.9)

whereby 𝑡𝑔𝜑 is the result of the 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜑 0,9 assumed for sockets.
Based on the determined values of active and reactive power loading the switchgear, the apparent
power can be calculated from the formula:

𝑆 𝑃 𝑄 (3.10)


Suppose that a lighting switchgear is connected:

– 20 fluorescent luminaires of P1=36 W,
– 30 fluorescent luminaires of P2=58 W,
– 70 luminaires with led sources of P3=12 W,

– 50 single‐phase sockets for which the load power 𝑃 2000 𝑊.
The active power load of the switchgear is then calculated according to formula 3.6 from the
𝑃 20 ∙ 36 30 ∙ 58 70 ∙ 12 ∙ 0,8 50 ∙ 2000 ∙ 0,15 2640 15000 17640 𝑊
17,64 𝑘𝑊
The apparent power load, on the other hand, is calculated according to formula 3.7 as:
𝑄 20 ∙ 36 ∙ 0,751 30 ∙ 58 ∙ 0,751 70 ∙ 12 ∙ 0,483 ∙ 0,8 50 ∙ 2000 ∙ 0,15 ∙ 0,483
1441,74 7245 8398,4 𝑣𝑎𝑟 8,4 𝑘𝑣𝑎𝑟
𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜑 0,9 → 𝑡𝑔𝜑 0,483
𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜑 0,8 → 𝑡𝑔𝜑 0,751
The apparent power loading on the switchgear will be equal to:

𝑆 17640 8398,4 19537,2 𝑉𝐴 19,5 𝑘𝑉𝐴

b. The power distribution board – the circuits of the production machines are connected to it. The load
on the power distribution board is most easily determined using simultaneity factors. Values for these
coefficients are best obtained from equipment data sheets and/or from consultation with the
production technologist. When such data is not available, statistical values should be used. The value
of these coefficients will depend on the power of the individual pieces of equipment, their mode of
operation and their number. In modern industry, the values of simultaneity coefficients for production
equipment have increased, due to changes in the organisation of work and automation of production.

Table 3.3 Example simultaneity coefficients for machinery and equipment [2]
Lp. Device/machine 𝒌𝒋𝒎
1 Fans 1
2 Compressors 0,9
3 Lift motors 0,6–1
4 Lathes 0,6–0,7
5 Resistance furnaces 1

In the absence of further information on how the motors work, a simultaneity coefficient of 0.8 can be
assumed for outputs below 100 kW and 1 above 100 kW.

1. The following equipment connected to the power distribution board was installed in the workshop:
– 10 fans of Pw= 250 W,
– 5 compressors of Ps=12 kW,

– 5 3f sockets with current I=16 A,
– 10 lathes of Pt=4 kW,
– resistance furnace of Pp=15 kW.

To be able to calculate the active, reactive and apparent power load on the switchgear, we need to
assign power factors and simultaneity factors to the individual devices connected to the switchgear.

Table. 3.4 Power coefficients and simultaneity coefficients assigned to the equipment in the sample

Lp. Device name Power Power factor Simultaneity factor

kW 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝝋
1 Fan 0,25 0,75 1
2 Compressor 12 0,85 0,9
3 Socket 11 0,9 0,15
4 Lathe 4 0,82 0,65
5 Resistance 15 1 1

In doing so, it is first necessary to calculate the power we can connect to a single three‐phase 16 amp
socket. We make the calculation using the known formula for power in a 3‐phase system:
𝑃 3∙𝐼∙𝑈 3 ∙ 16 ∙ 230 11040 𝑊 11 𝑘𝑊
From the data collected, we can calculate the active power balance of the switchgear:
𝑃 10 ∙ 0,25 ∙ 1 5 ∙ 12 ∙ 0,9 5 ∙ 11 ∙ 0,15 10 ∙ 4 ∙ 0,65 1 ∙ 15 ∙ 1 106 𝑘𝑊
To determine the reactive power loading on the switchgear, we calculate the reactive powers of the
equipment from the relationship e.g:
𝑄 𝑃 ∙ 𝑡𝑔𝜑
Table 3.5 Calculated values of reactive power of devices installed in the power distribution board

Lp. Device name Power Power factor 𝒕𝒈𝝋 Reactive power

kW 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝝋 kvar
1 Fan 0,250 0,75 0,882 0,22
2 Compressor 12 0,85 0,620 7,44
3 Socket 11 0,9 0,483 5,313
4 Lathe 4 0,82 0,698 2,792
5 Resistance furnace 15 1 0 0

Using the data from the tables above, we calculate the reactive power loading on the power
distribution board:
𝑄 10 ∙ 0,22 ∙ 1 5 ∙ 7,44 ∙ 0,9 5 ∙ 5,313 ∙ 0,15 10 ∙ 2,792 ∙ 0,65 1∙0∙1 57,8 𝑘𝑣𝑎𝑟
Apparent power loading of the power distribution board:

𝑆 105,75 57,813 120,5 𝑘𝑉𝐴

c. Main switchgear – Using simultaneity factors at the level of load calculation for the subordinate
switchgear (lighting and power), the load on the main switchgear can be calculated as the sum of the
loads on these switchgear:

𝑃 𝑃 𝑃 (3.11)

𝑄 𝑄 𝑄 (3.12)


Let’s assume that the lighting and power sub‐districts are supplied from the main 𝑅 switchgear.
The load on these switchgear is equal to respectively:
– lighting switchgear: 𝑃 17,64 𝑘𝑊, 𝑄 8,76 𝑘𝑣𝑎𝑟
– power distribution board: 𝑃 105,75 𝑘𝑊, 𝑄 57,81 𝑘𝑣𝑎𝑟
The load on the power distribution board will then be:
𝑃 17,64 105,75 123,39 𝑘𝑊
𝑄 8,76 57,81 66,57 𝑘𝑣𝑎𝑟

𝑆 123,39 66,577 140,2 𝑘𝑉𝐴

4. Definition and methodology of calculation cross sections
and conductors and protective device

4.1. Definition

Maximum load current: IB

At the final circuits level, this design current (according to IEV "International Electrotechnical
Vocabulary" ref 826‐11‐10) corresponds to the rated kVA of the load.

Maximum permissible current: Iz

Current carrying capacity Iz is the maximum permissible that the cabling for the circuit can carry
indefinitely, without reducing its normal life expectancy.
The current depends, for a given cross sectional area of conductors, on several parameters:
 Constitution of the cable and cable‐way (Cu or Alu conductors; PVC or EPR etc. insulation; number
of active conductors),
 Ambient temperature,
 Method of installation,
 Influence of neighbouring circuits.

An overcurrent occurs each time the value of current exceeds the maximum load current IB for the
load concerned.
This current must be cut off with a rapidity that depends upon its magnitude, if permanent damage to
the cabling (and appliance if the overcurrent is due to a defective load component) is to be avoided.
Overcurrents of relatively short duration can however, occur in normal operation;
two types of overcurrent are distinguished:
 Overloads
These overcurrents can occur in healthy electric circuits, for example, due to
a number of small short‐duration loads which occasionally occur co‐incidentally:
motor starting loads, and so on. If either of these conditions persists however beyond
a given period (depending on protective‐relay settings or fuse ratings) the circuit will
be automatically cut off.
 Short‐circuit currents
These currents result from the failure of insulation between live conductors or/and

between live conductors and earth (on systems having low‐impedance‐earthed
neutrals) in any combination.

4.2. Methodology of calculations cross sections conductors and protective


4.2.1. Introduction

The cabling and its protection at each level must satisfy several conditions at the same time, in
order to ensure a safe and reliable low‐voltage installation, e.g. it must:
a) Carry the permanent full load current, and normal short‐time overcurrents,
b) Not cause voltage drops likely to result in an inferior performance of certain loads, for example:
an excessively long acceleration period when starting a motor, etc.
Moreover, the protective devices (circuit breakers or fuses) must:
a) Protect the cabling and busbars for all levels of overcurrent, up to and including short‐circuit
b) Ensure protection of persons against indirect contact hazards, particularly in TN‐ and IT‐ earthed
systems, where the length of circuits may limit the magnitude of short‐circuit currents, thereby
delaying automatic disconnection (it may be remembered that TT‐ earthed installations are
necessarily protected at the origin by a RCD, generally rated at 300 mA).
The cross‐sectional areas of conductors are determined by the general method described in next
part of this Chapter. Apart from this method some national standards may prescribe a minimum cross‐
sectional area to be observed for reasons of mechanical endurance.

4.2.2. Installation and dimensioning of cables

For a correct dimensioning of a cable, it is necessary to:

• choose the type of cable and installation according to the environment;
• choose the cross section according to the load current;
• verify the voltage drop.

Current carrying capacity and methods of installation

Selection of the cable

The international reference Standard ruling the installation and calculation of the current carrying
capacity of cables in residential and industrial buildings is IEC 60364‐5‐52 “Electrical installations of
buildings – Part 5‐52 Selection and erection of electrical equipment‐ wiring systems".

The following parameters are used to select the cable type:
• conductive material (copper or aluminium): the choice depends on cost, dimension and weight
requirements, resistance to corrosive environments (Chemical reagents or oxidizing
elements). In general, the carrying capacity of a copper conductor is about 30% greater than
the carrying capacity of an aluminium conductor of the same cross section. An aluminium
conductor of the same cross section has an electrical resistance about 60% higher and a weight
half to one third lower than a copper conductor.
• insulation material (none, PVC, XLPE‐EPR): the insulation material affects the maximum
temperature under normal and short‐circuit conditions and therefore the exploitation of the
conductor cross section.
• the type of conductor (bare conductor, single‐core cable without sheath, single‐ core cable
with sheath, multi‐core cable) is selected according to mechanical resistance, degree of
insulation and difficulty of installation (bends, joints along the route, barriers...) required by
the method of installation.
Table 4.1. shows the types of conductors permitted by the different methods of installation.

Table 4.1. Selection of wiring systems [8]

Method of installation
trunking, flush floor
(including skirting

Conduit trunking)
Without faings

Cable brackets
Cable trunking
Clipped direct

Cable ducting

On insulators

Support wire
Cable ladder
Cable tray

Conductors and cables

Bare conductors – – – – – + –
Insulated conductors – – ++ + – + –
Sheathed Multi‐
+ + ++ + – 0 +
cables core
armoured and Single‐
0 + ++ + + 0 +
mineral core
where: ++ Preferred
+ Permitted.
– Not permitted.
0 Not applicable, or not normally used in practice.

Methods of installation
To define the current carrying capacity of the conductor and therefore to identify the correct
cross section for the load current, the standardized method of installation that better suits the actual
installation situation must be identified among those described in the mentioned reference Standard.
From Table 4.2. it is possible to identify the installation identification number, the method of
installation (A1, A2, B1, B2, C, D, E, F, G) and the tables to define the theoretical current carrying
capacity of the conductor and any correction factors required to allow for particular environmental
and installation situations.

Table 4.2. Examples of methods of installation (part of table A.52.3 of IEC 60364‐5‐52)[8]
Reference method of
installation to be used
Methods of installation Description
to obtain current‐
carrying capacity

Insulated conductors or single‐core cables

in conduit in a thermally insulated wall

Multi‐core cables in conduit in a thermally

insulated wall

Multi‐core cable direct in a thermally

insulated wall
Insulated conductors or single‐core cables
in conduit on a wooden, or masonry wall or
spaced less than 0,3 times conduit
diameter from it

Multi‐core cable in conduit on a wooden,

or masonry wali or spaced less than 0,3 B2
times conduit diameter from it
Insulated conductors or single‐core cables
in cable trunking on a wooden wall – run
– run vertically
Insulated conductors or single‐core cable in
suspended cable trunking (a)
Multi‐core cable in suspended cable B1 (a) or B2 (b)
trunking (b)

Insulated conductors or single‐core cable

run in mouldings

Insulated conductors or single‐core cables
B1 (a) or
in skirting trunking (a) Multi‐core cable in
B2 (b)
skirting trunking (b)
Insulated conductors in conduit or single‐
core or multi‐core cable in architrave A1

Insulated conductors in conduit or single‐

core or multi‐core cable in window frames A1

Reference method of
installation to be used
Methods of installation Description to obtain current‐
carrying capacity

Single‐core or multi‐core cables:

– fixed on, or spaced less than 0.3
times cable diameter from a wooden wall
fixed directly under a wooden ceiling

Single‐core or multi‐core cables: E or F on

perforated tray run horizontally or E or F

Bare or insulated conductors on


Multi‐core cables in conduit or in cable

ducting in the ground
Single‐core cable in conduit or in cable
ducting in the ground

Maximum operating temperature:

The current‐carrying capacities given in the subsequent tables have been determined so that the
maximum insulation temperature is not exceeded for sustained periods of time.
For different type of insulation material, the maximum admissible temperature
is given in Table 4.3.

Table 4.3. Maximum operating temperatures for types of insulation (table 52.1 of IEC 60364‐5‐52)
Type of insulation Temperature limit °C
Polyvinyl‐chloride (PVC) 70 at the conductor
Cross‐linked polyethylene (XLPE) and ethylene 90 at the conductor
propylene rubber (EPR)

Mineral (PVC covered or bare exposed to touch) 70 at the sheath

Mineral (bare not exposed to touch and not in contact 70 at the sheath
with combustible material)

Admissible current as a function of nominal cross‐sectional area of conductors

The current‐carrying capacities of conductors in all different situations are given in

international standard IEC 60364‐5‐52 in the form of tables giving the admissible currents as a function
of cross‐sectional area of cables. Many parameters are taken into account, such as the method of
installation, type of insulation material, type of conductor material, number of loaded conductors.
As an example, Table 4.4 and 4.5 gives the current‐carrying capacities for different methods of
installation of PVC insulation, three loaded copper or aluminium conductors, free air or in ground.

Table 4.4. Current‐carrying capacities in amperes for different methods of installation, PVC insulation,
three loaded conductors, copper, conductor temperature: 70°C, ambient temperature: 30°C in air,
20°C in ground (table B.52.4 of IEC 60364‐5‐52) [8]

area of conductor mm2 Installation methods


A1 A2 B1 B2 C D1

1,5 13,5 13 15,5 15 17,5 18

2,5 18 17,5 21 20 24 24
4,0 24 23 28 27 32 31
6 31 29 36 34 41 39
10 42 39 50 46 57 52
16 56 52 68 62 76 67
25 73 68 89 80 96 86
35 89 83 110 99 119 103
50 108 99 134 118 144 122
70 136 125 171 149 184 151
95 164 150 207 179 223 179
120 188 172 239 206 259 203
150 216 196 – – 299 230
185 245 223 – – 341 258
240 286 261 – – 403 297
300 328 298 – – 464 336

Table 4.5. Current‐carrying capacities in amperes for different methods of installation, PVC insulation,
three loaded conductors, aluminium, conductor temperature: 70°C, ambient temperature: 30°C in air,
20°C in ground (table B.52.4 of IEC 60364‐5‐52) [8]
Installation methods
area of conductor mm2

A1 A2 B1 B2 C D1

1,5 17 16,5 20 19,5 22 22

2,5 23 22 28 26 30 29
4 31 30 37 35 40 37
6 40 38 48 44 52 46
10 54 51 66 60 71 61
16 73 68 88 80 96 79
25 95 89 117 105 119 101
35 117 109 144 128 147 122
50 141 130 175 154 179 144
70 179 164 222 194 229 178
95 216 197 269 233 278 211
120 249 227 312 268 322 240
150 285 259 – – 371 271
185 324 295 – – 424 304
240 380 346 – – 500 351
300 435 396 – – 576 396

4.3. Calculation of the cross-sectional areas of circuit live conductors and cables
considering overcurrent protection of the cables

The following methods are based on rules laid down in the IEC standards, and are
representative of the practices in many countries.
General rules
A protective device (circuit breaker or fuse) functions correctly if:
 Its nominal current or its setting current In is greater than the maximum load
current IB but less than the maximum permissible current Iz for the circuit, i.e.

lB ≤ In ≤ IZ (4.1)

where: IB –current for which the circuit is designed;

In – nominal current of the protective device;
IZ –continuous current‐ carrying capacity of the cable;
I2 –current ensuring operation in conventional time of the protective device – tripping or fusing current
corresponding to zone “a” in Figure 4.1.

 Its tripping current I2 “conventional” setting is less than 1.45 Iz which corresponds
to zone “b” in Figure 4.1

I2 ≤ 1,45IZ (4.2)

The “conventional” setting tripping time may be 1 hour or 2 hours according to local standards
and the actual value selected for I2. For fuses, I2 is the current (denoted If) which will operate the fuse
in the conventional time.

Fig. 4.1. Current levels for determining cross section of conductors, circuit breaker or fuse
characteristics, where: Isc – short‐circuit current, Iscb – maximal short‐circuit current of breaker [3].

Voltage drop

International standards (IEC 60364‐5‐52) [8] has specified voltage drop between the origin of
an installation and any load point should not be greater below Table 4.6.

Table 4.6. Voltage drop in low voltage installation according to IEC 60364‐5‐52 [8]
Lighting loads Other loads
Type of installation
(%) %

A – Low voltage installations supplied directly from a 3 5

public low voltage distribution system
B – Low voltage installation supplied from private LV 6 8
supply (note 1)
Note 1 – As far as possible, it is recommended that voltage drop within the final circuits do not
exceed those indicated in installation type A.

Basic inputs to evaluate voltage drop calculation is:

 Data of cable (resistance R ohms, reactance X ohms, and cable length from power origin to loads),

 Consumer load (load rating power in kW and power factor).

• Voltage Drop Formulas:
a) Three‐phase circuit voltage drop formula:

U  I ( R cos   X sin ) 3 (4.3)

Voltage drop in percentage:

U %  100
Un (4.4)

b) Single phase circuit voltage drop formula:

U  I ( R cos   X sin ) 2 (4.5)

Voltage drop in percentage:

U  100
U nf

c) DC circuit voltage drop formula:

U  2 IR (4.7)

Voltage drop in percentage:

U  100
U n (4.8)

U – voltage drop, in volts; U% – voltage drop, in percentage; cos – load power factor,

R – Resistance of cable, in ohms per phase, X – Reactance of cable, in ohms per phase;
I – load current, in amperes

Fig 4.2. Diagram for the selection of cable size and protective device rating for a circuit [8]

Example of calculation of the cable cross-section current

Let's find out what if you need to determine the cross‐section of copper cable to connect three‐
phase home appliances with a total capacity of P = 27,5 kW with power factor cos = 0,93. Such a
connection is made with five‐core cable is laid in the ground (Method D.1, Table 4.4). The power house
is made from three‐phase network.
Taking into account the reactance, power in appliances and equipment is as follows:
P = 27,5 kW;
S = 29,56 kVA
Defines the currents of the input:
𝑆 29560
𝐼 42,7 𝐴
√3 ∗ 𝑈 √3 ∗ 400

At five‐core cable takes into account only the phase cores. For cable laid in the ground, you can
determine the current of 42,7 A and cross‐section 10 mm² with current‐carrying capacities IZ = 52 A
(according to Table 4.4).

Example of the calculation of cable voltage drop

For Example, it is necessary to calculate the voltage drop on the carrying cross‐section of
conductor s =2,5 mm² (cupper –  = 56 ), with a length of l =20 m. It is required to connect the one

‐phase welding transformer with a capacity of S= 7 kVA.

 Resistance of the wire is:
2∗𝑙 2 20
𝑅 0,2857 Ω
∗𝑠 56 ∗ 2,5
 The current in the conductor:
𝑆 7000
𝐼 30,43 𝐴
𝑉 230
 The voltage drop across carry:
𝑉 𝑅 𝐼 0,2857 30,43 8,694 𝑉
 Percentage of voltage drop:
∆𝑉 8,694
∆𝑉% 100 100 3,78%
𝑉 230
Suitable for carrying a welding machine according to the requirements of the rules of operation of
electrical installations, because the percentage drop on it the voltage is in the normal range. However,

its value in the supply lead remains large, which may adversely affect the welding process. Here it is
necessary to check the lower allowable limit of the supply voltage for the welding machine.

5. Electric shock protection in the low voltage installations

5.1. Effects of electric shock

An electric shock is the pathophysiological effect of an electric current through the human
Its passage affects essentially the muscular, circulatory and respiratory functions and
sometimes results in serious burns. The degree of danger for the victim is a function of the magnitude
of the current, the parts of the body through which the current passes, and the duration of current
The rule IEC 60479‐1 defines four zones of current‐magnitude/ time‐duration, in each of which
the pathophysiological effects are described (Fig 5.1). Any person coming into contact with live part of
electrical equipment risks an electric shock.

Fig. 5.1. Zones time/current of effects of AC current on human body when passing from left hand to
feet, where: A curve – threshold of perception of current, B curve – threshold of muscular reactions,
C1 curve – threshold of 0% probability of ventricular, fibrillation, C2 curve – threshold of 5%
probability of ventricular fibrillation, C3 curve – threshold of 50% probability of ventricular, fibrillation

The effects of electric shock in individual zones (Fig. 5.1) are as follows:
 AC‐1 zone: Imperceptible,
 AC‐2 zone: Perceptible,

 AC‐3 zone: Reversible effects: muscular contraction,
 AC‐4 zone: Possibility of irreversible effects,
 AC‐4‐1 zone: Up to 5%probability of heart fibrillation,
 AC‐4‐2 zone: Up to 50% probability of heart fibrillation,
 AC‐4‐3 zone: More than 50% probability of heart fibrillation.
Therefore, the protection of persons against electric shock in low voltage installations must be
provided in conformity with appropriate national standards and statutory regulations, codes of
practice, official guides and circulars, etc. Relevant IEC standards include: IEC 60364 series, IEC 60479
series, IEC 60755, IEC 61008 series, IEC 61009 series and IEC 60947‐2.

5.2. Measures of electric shock protection

The fundamental rule of protection against electric shock is provided by the standard IEC
61140 which covers both electrical installations and electrical equipment. Hazardous‐live‐parts shall
not be accessible and accessible conductive parts shall not be hazardous.
A protective measure in low voltage installations shall consist of:
 an appropriate combination of a provision for basic protection and an independent provision for
fault protection, or
 an enhanced protective provision which provides both basic protection and fault protection.
In each part of an installation one or more protective measures shall be applied, taking account of the
conditions of external influence.
The following protective measures against direct contact (basic protection) are permitted:
 basic insulation of live parts,
 barriers or enclosures,
 obstacles,
 placing out of reach.
The following protective measures against indirect contact (fault protection) are permitted:
 automatic disconnection of supply,
 double or reinforced insulation,
 electrical separation for the supply of one item of current‐using equipment,
 extra‐low‐voltage (SELV and PELV).
The protective measures applied in the installation shall be considered in the selection and erection of

5.3. Measures of basic protection

5.3.1. Basic insulation of live parts

The insulation is intended to prevent contact with live parts. Therefore, live parts shall be
completely covered with insulation which can only be removed by destruction. For equipment and
installation, the insulation shall comply with the relevant standard for the electrical equipment.
Resistance values of insulation have to higher than those of Table 5.1.

Table 5.1. Minimum values of insulation resistance [8]

Nominal circuit voltage Test voltage d.c. Minimum insulation resistance
SELV and PELV 250 0,5
Up to and including 500 V, 500 1
including FELV
Above 500 V 1 000 1

The insulation resistance shall be sured between:

a) live conductors, and
b) live conductors and the protective conductor connected to the earthing arrangement.

5.3.2. Barriers or enclosures

Barriers or enclosures are intended to prevent contact with live parts. Live parts shall be inside
enclosures or behind barriers providing at least the degree of protection IPXXB or IP2X except that,
where larger openings occur during the replacement of parts, such as certain lampholders or fuses, or
where larger openings are necessary to allow the proper functioning of equipment according to the
relevant requirements for the equipment:
 suitable precautions shall be taken to prevent persons or livestock from unintentionally touching
live parts, and
 it shall be ensured, as far as practicable, that persons will be aware that live parts can be
touched through the opening and should not be touched intentionally, and
 the opening shall be as small as is consistent with the requirement for proper functioning and
for replacement of a part.
Where it is necessary to remove barriers or open enclosures or to remove parts of enclosures, this
shall be possible only:

 by the use of a key or tool, or
 after disconnection of the supply to live parts against which the barriers or enclosures afford
protection, restoration of the supply being possible only after replacement or reclosure of the
barriers or enclosures, or
 where an intermediate barrier providing a degree of protection of at least IPXXB or IP2X
prevents contact with live parts, by the use of a key or tool to remove the intermediate barrier.

5.3.3. Obstacles

The protective measures provide basic protection (protection against direct contact) only.
They are for application in installations with or without fault protection (protection against indirect
contact) that are controlled or supervised by skilled or instructed persons
Obstacles are intended to prevent unintentional contact with live parts but not intentional contact by
deliberate circumvention of the obstacle.
Obstacles shall prevent
 unintentional bodily approach to live parts, and
 unintentional contact with live parts during the operation of live equipment in normal service.
Obstacles may be removed without using a key or tool but shall be secured so as to prevent
unintentional removal.

5.3.4. Placing out of reach

Protection by placing out of reach is intended only to prevent unintentional contact with live
parts. Simultaneously accessible parts at different potentials shall not be within arm's reach. Two
parts are deemed to be simultaneously accessible if they are not more than 2,50 m apart (Fig. 4.2).
If a normally occupied position is restricted in the horizontal direction by an obstacle (e.g.
handrail, mesh screen) affording a degree of protection less than IPXXB or IP2X, arm's reach shall
extend from that obstacle. The values of arm's reach apply to contact directly with bare hands without
assistance (e.g. tools or ladder).

Fig. 5.2. Zone of arm's reach [8].

5.3.5. Automatic disconnection of supply

Automatic disconnection of supply is a protective measure in which

 basic protection is provided by basic insulation of live parts or by barriers or enclosures,and
 fault protection is provided by protective equipotential bonding and automatic disconnection in
case of a fault.
Because exposed‐conductive‐parts shall be connected to a protective conductor, each circuit
shall have available a protective conductor connected to the relevant earthing terminal. Additional, in
each building, incoming metallic parts which are liable to introduce a dangerous potential difference
and do not form part of the electrical installation shall be connected to the main earthing terminal by
protective bonding conductors; examples of such metallic parts may include:
• pipes supplying services into the building, for example gas, water, district heating systems;
• structural extraneous‐conductive‐parts;
• accessible reinforcement of constructional reinforced concrete.

A protective device (circuit‐braker, fuse, Residual Current Device RCD) shall automatically
switch off the supply to the line conductor of a circuit or equipment in the event of a fault of
negligible impedance between the line conductor and an exposed‐conductive‐part or a protective
conductor in the circuit or equipment within the disconnection time required in Table 5.2.

Table 5.2. Maximum disconnection times according to IEC 60364‐4‐41 [8]
System 50 V <U0  120 V 120 V< U0  230 V 230 V < U0  400 V U0 > 400 V
s s s s
a.c. d.c. a.c. d.c. a.c. d.c. a.c. d.c.
TN 0,8 0,4 1 0,2 0,4 0,1 0,1
TT 0,3 0,2 0,4 0,07 0,2 0,04 0,1
U0 is the nominal a.c. or d.c. line to earth voltage.
a Disconnection may be required for reasons other than protection against electric shock.

In TN systems a disconnection time not exceeding 5 s is permitted for distribution circuits

In addition to circuit breakers and fuses as protective devices, RCDs must be used in some installations
as additional protection. Additional protection by means of a residual current protective device (RCD)
with a rated residual operating current not exceeding 30 mA shall be provided for:
 a.c. socket‐outlets with a rated current not exceeding 32A that are liable to be used by ordinary
persons and are intended for general use, and
 a.c. mobile equipment for use outdoors with a rated current not exceeding 32A.

TN system

In TN systems the neutral point of the power supply system shall be earthed. Exposed‐conductive‐
parts of the installation shall be connected by a protective conductor to the main earthing terminal of
the installation which shall be connected to the earthed point of the power supply system. It is
recommended that protective conductors (PE and PEN) should be earthed where they enter any
buildings too.
In TN systems, the following protective devices may be used for fault protection (protection against
indirect contact):
– overcurrent protective devices,
– residual current protective devices (RCDs),
but, a residual current protective device (RCD) shall not be used in TN‐C systems.
The characteristics of the protective device (circuit breaker, fuses or RCD) and the circuit impedances
shall fulfil the following requirement:

𝑍 𝐼 𝑈 (5.1)

Zs – is the impedance in ohms () of the fault loop comprising:

– the source,
– the line conductor up to the point of the fault, and
– the protective conductor between the point of the fault and the source;
Ia – is the current in amperes (A) causing the automatic operation of the disconnecting device within
the time specified in Table 5.2.
Uo – is the nominal a.c. or d.c. line to earth voltage in volts (V).

TT system

In TT systems all exposed‐conductive‐parts collectively protected by the same protective device

shall be connected by the protective conductors to an earth electrode common to all those parts. The
neutral point of the power supply system shall be earthed. Generally in TT systems, residual current
protective devices (RCDs) shall be used for fault protection. Alternatively, overcurrent protective
devices may be used for fault protection provided a suitably low value of Zs is permanently and reliably

Where a residual current protective device (RCD) is used for fault protection (protection against
indirect contact) the following conditions shall be fulfilled:

The disconnection time as required by Table 5.2, and

𝑅 𝐼 50 𝑉 (5.2)

RA – is the sum of the resistance in  of the earth electrode and the protective conductor for the
exposed conductive‐parts,
I∆n – is the rated residual operating current in A of the residual current protective device (RCD).

Where an overcurrent protective device is used (circuit breakers or fuses) the following condition shall
be fulfilled:

𝑍 𝐼 𝑈 (5.3)

Zs – is the impedance in  of the fault loop comprising:
 the source,
 the line conductor up to the point of the fault,
 the protective conductor of the exposed‐conductive‐parts,
 the earthing conductor,

 the earth electrode of the installation and
 the earth electrode of the source;
Ia – is the current in A causing the automatic operation of the disconnecting device within the time
specified in Table 5.2;
U0 – is the nominal a.c. or d.c. line to earth voltage in V.

IT system

In IT systems live parts shall be insulated from earth or connected to earth through a
sufficiently high impedance. This connection may be made either at the neutral point of the system or
at an artificial neutral point. The latter may be connected directly to earth if the resulting impedance
to earth is sufficiently high at the system frequency.
The fault current is then low in the event of a single fault to an exposed‐conductive‐part or to
earth and automatic disconnection is not imperative. Provisions shall be taken, however, to avoid risk
of harmful pathophysiological effects on a person in contact with simultaneously accessible exposed‐
conductive‐parts in the event of two faults existing simultaneously.
Exposed‐conductive‐parts shall be earthed individually, in groups, or collectively.
In a.c. systems the following condition shall be fulfilled to limit the touch voltage to:

𝑅 𝐼 50 𝑉 (5.4)

RA – is the sum of the resistance in  of the earth electrode and protective conductor for the
Id – is the fault current of the first fault of negligible impedance between a line conductor and an
exposed‐conductive‐part. The value of Id takes account of leakage currents and the total
earthing impedance of the electrical installation.

In IT systems the following monitoring devices and protective devices may be used:
– insulation monitoring devices (IMDs);
– residual current monitoring devices (RCMs)
– insulation fault location systems (IFLS);
– overcurrent protective devices;
– residual current protective devices (RCDs).
Where an IT system is designed not to disconnect in the event of a first fault, the occurrence of
the first fault shall be indicated by either:
 an insulation monitoring device (IMD), which may be combined with an insulation fault location
system (IFLS), or

 a residual current monitor (RCM), provided the residual current is sufficiently high to be detected.
The device shall initiate an audible and/or visual signal which shall continue as long as the fault
persists. The signal can be initiated via a relay contact output, an electronic switching output or a
communication protocol. A visual and/or an audible alarm system shall be arranged at a suitable place,
so that it is perceived by responsible persons. If there are both audible and visible signals, it is
permissible for the audible signal to be cancelled. It is recommended that a first fault be eliminated
with the shortest practicable delay.

5.3.6. Double or reinforced insulation

Double or reinforced insulation is a protective measure in which

– basic protection is provided by basic insulation, and fault protection is provided by
supplementary insulation, or
– basic and fault protection is provided by reinforced insulation between live parts and accessible
This protective measure is intended to prevent the appearance of dangerous voltage on the accessible
parts of electrical equipment through a fault in the basic insulation.
Where this protective measure is to be used as the sole protective measure (i.e. where a whole
installation or circuit is intended to consist entirely of equipment with double insulation or reinforced
insulation), it shall be verified that effective measures, for example by adequate supervision, are in
place so that no change can be made that would impair the effectiveness of the protective measure.
Therefore this protective measure shall not be applied to any circuit that includes, for example, a
socket‐outlet with an earthing contact.
Where the protective measure double or reinforced insulation is used for the complete installation or
part of the installation, electrical equipment shall be of the following types, and type tested and
marked to the relevant standards:
 electrical equipment having double or reinforced insulation (Class II equipment),
 electrical equipment declared in the relevant product standard as equivalent to Class II, such as
assemblies of electrical equipment having total insulation. This equipment is identified by the

symbol .

Electrical equipment having uninsulated live parts shall have reinforced insulation applied in
the process of erecting the electrical installation. The electrical equipment being ready for operation,
all conductive parts separated from live parts by basic insulation only, shall be contained in an
insulating enclosure affording at least the degree of protection IPXXB or IP2X.
The following requirements apply as specified:

 the insulating enclosure shall not be traversed by conductive parts likely to transmit a potential;
 the insulating enclosure shall not contain any screws or other fixing means of insulating material
which might need to be removed, or are likely to be removed, during installation and maintenance
and whose replacement by metallic screws or other fixing means could impair the enclosure`s
Where the insulating enclosure must be traversed by mechanical joints or connections (e.g. for
operating handles of built‐in apparatus), these should be arranged in such a way that protection
against shock in case of a fault is not impaired.
Conductive parts enclosed in the insulating enclosure shall not be connected to a protective
conductor. However, provision may be made for connecting protective conductors which necessarily
run through the enclosure in order to serve other items of electrical equipment whose supply circuit
also runs through the enclosure. Inside the enclosure, any such conductors and their terminals shall
be insulated as though they were live parts, and their terminals shall be marked as PE terminals.
Exposed‐conductive‐parts and intermediate parts shall not be connected to a protective conductor.

5.3.7. Electrical separation for the supply of one item of current‐using equipment

Electrical separation is a protective measure in which

– basic protection is provided by basic insulation of live parts or by barriers and enclosures, and

– fault protection is provided by simple separation of the separated circuit from other circuits and
from earth.

This protective measure shall be limited to the supply of one item of current‐using equipment
supplied from one unearthed source with simple separation. The separated circuit shall be supplied
through a source with at least simple separation, and the voltage of the separated circuit shall not
exceed 500 V. Live parts of the separated circuit shall not be connected at any point to another circuit
or to earth or to a protective conductor. To ensure electrical separation, arrangements shall be such
that basic insulation is achieved between circuits.
Flexible cables and cords shall be visible throughout any part of their length liable to mechanical
damage. For separated circuits the use of separate wiring systems is recommended. If separated
circuits and other circuits are in the same wiring system, multi‐conductor cables without metallic
covering, insulated conductors in insulating conduit shall be used, provided that:
– the rated voltage is not less than the highest nominal voltage, and

– each circuit is protected against overcurrent.
The exposed‐conductive‐parts of the separated circuit shall not be connected either to the
protective conductor or exposed‐conductive‐parts of other circuits, or to earth. If the exposed‐
conductive‐parts of the separated circuit are liable to come into contact, either intentionally or
fortuitously, with the exposed‐conductive‐parts of other circuits, protection against electric shock no
longer depends solely on protection by electrical separation but on the protective provisions to which
the latter exposed‐conductive‐parts are subject.

5.3.8. Extra‐low‐voltage (SELV and PELV)

Protection by extra‐low‐voltage is a protective measure which consists of either of two different

extra‐low‐voltage systems
– SELV or
This protective measure requires:
– limitation of voltage in the SELV or PELV system to the upper limit of voltage Band I, 50 V a.c. or
120 V d.c., and
– protective separation of the SELV or PELV system from all circuits other than SELV and PELV
circuits, and basic insulation between the SELV or PELV system and other SELV or PELV systems,
– for SELV systems only, basic insulation between the SELV system and earth.
– In certain cases in special localization limit the value of the extra‐low voltage to a value lower than
50 V a.c. or 120 V d.c.. SELV and PELV circuits shall have:
– basic insulation between live parts and other SELV or PELV circuits, and
– protective separation from live parts of circuits not being SELV or PELV, provided by double or
reinforced insulation or by basic insulation and protective screening for the highest voltage
Additional SELV circuits shall have basic insulation between live parts and earth, but the PELV
circuits and/or exposed‐conductive‐parts of equipment supplied by the PELV circuits may be earthed.
Protective separation of wiring systems of SELV and PELV circuits from the live parts of other
circuits, which have at least basic insulation, may be achieved by one of the following arrangements:
– SELV and PELV circuit conductors shall be enclosed in a non‐metallic sheath or insulating
enclosure in addition to basic insulation;

– SELV and PELV circuit conductors shall be separated from conductors of circuits at voltages
higher than Band I by an earthed metallic sheath or earthed metallic screen;
– circuit conductors at voltages higher than Band I may be contained in a multi‐conductor cable or
other grouping of conductors if the SELV and PELV conductors are insulated for the highest voltage
– the wiring systems of other circuits are in compliance with 412.2.4.1;
– physical separation.
Plugs and socket‐outlets in SELV and PELV systems shall comply with the following requirements:
– plugs shall not be able to enter socket‐outlets of other voltage systems;
– socket‐outlets shall not admit plugs of other voltage systems;
– plugs and socket‐outlets in SELV systems shall not have a protective conductor contact.
If the nominal voltage exceeds 25 V a.c. or 60 V d.c. or if the equipment is immersed, basic
protection (protection against direct contact) shall be provided for SELV and PELV circuits by:
– insulation, or
– barriers or enclosures.
Basic protection (protection against direct contact) is generally unnecessary in normal dry
conditions for
– SELV circuits where the nominal voltage does not exceed 25 V a.c. or 60 V d.c.;
– PELV circuits where the nominal voltage does not exceed 25 V a.c. or 60 V d.c. and exposed‐
conductive‐parts and/or the live parts are connected by a protective conductor to the main
earthing terminal.
In all other cases, basic protection is not required if the nominal voltage of the SELV or PELV system
does not exceed 12 V a.c. or 30 V d.c.

6. Form and scope of design documentation for electrical
The design documentation is a study in which the method of solving a specific technical issue is
presented. It should give a complete answer to the contractor as to how the electrical installation (in
other cases, e.g. substation or power line) designed by the designer should be constructed so that it is
built in accordance with the requirements of standards and regulations and technical knowledge. The
project documentation should be:
– complete – it should contain all the information enabling the contractor to carry out the
installation design in accordance with the designer's intention and intentions,
– clear (legible) – it should have such a layout as is customary, it should be written with the use of
command sentences like:
 The installation should be made with YDY 3x1.5mm2 cable
 Sockets should be mounted at a height of 40 cm above the floor
 Mount light fittings directly to the ceiling.
 The pages of the design should be numbered, just as all tables, drawings and diagrams should
be numbered,
 consistent (unambiguous) – in each part of the design (technical description and drawings)
provided information, solutions should be identical.
There cannot be a situation, for example, that in the technical description we have stated: "Machine
No. 1 to be supplied with YDY5x4mm2 cable" while on the building plan or on the diagram the device
"Machine 1" has a different type of power supply cable specified.
The project documentation should include a cover page that includes:
 title of the dossier in full,
 name of the design unit,
 name and address of the investor,
 names of the designers (in the actual design, with design authorisation numbers)
 place and date of the design preparation
A list of the contents of the documentation should be included, immediately after the title page.
The design documentation for the electrical installation should consist of five parts:
1. The first part is usually information in general, among which are:
– the basis of the study – this is a list of documents with which the designer had to get acquainted
before starting the design. These are e.g. instructions and expectations of the investor,
documentation of other branches, influencing the execution of the electrical design, connection

conditions issued by the distribution company, architectural background and arrangements with
the architect, current norms and regulations, etc.
– scope of the study in which the designer presents what the design includes, e.g. electrical
lighting and power installation, socket outlet installation, emergency lighting installation, RTV/SAT
installation, power line design, etc.

For the electrical installation, the scope of the basic design is usually: lighting installation, single‐
phase socket installation, 3‐phase socket installation, power installation, switchgear design with
equipment, electric shock protection, surge protection, fire protection plus possibly power supply
to the building.
This section may also include other subsections, e.g. assumptions to the design or technical
characteristics of the facility, if the designer considers them necessary to make the design
coherent and fully understandable to its recipient.

2. The next section is the Technical Description. It can be said that the technical description is a
detailed instruction to the contractor on how he should carry out the designed installation. The
technical description must be consistent with the technical drawings (referred to below). Both
parts of the technical description and the drawings must contain exactly the same information,
so that there are no discrepancies between them, leading to ambiguities in the design and
problems in the contractor's understanding of the designer's intentions. In addition, the
information contained in the description and the technical drawings can and should be repeated.
It is not advisable to avoid repeating the same information in both design elements. Admittedly,
not every piece of information can be duplicated, some of it will be, e.g. only in the diagrams and
some only in the description.
The technical description can be divided into the following elements:
– description of the lighting installation and plug sockets: it should contain information on which
luminaires should be used in individual rooms and in what quantity, how and at what height they
should be fixed, with what kind of cable the lighting installation should be made, how cables
should be laid (flush‐mounted, flush‐mounted in pipes, surface‐mounted in trays, etc.), what kind
of protection for individual circuits should be installed. It is good practice to include the
information in a table if possible. This makes the design clearer and more readable. An excerpt
from an example of a table forming part of the technical description of lighting is given below
(Table 6.1). Reference should also be made to the drawing showing the building plan with the
lighting installation and the single line diagram of the installation.

Table. 6.1. Sample list of lighting fixtures.
No. Number of Assembly
Name of the room Type of lamp Nethod of assembly
noun. lamps height
– – – Pc. – meters
1. Production hall 1115 PO 236PC 168 Directly on the ceiling 4,7

2. 1115 PO 236PC 9 Directly on the ceiling 4,7
3. 1115 PO 236PC 8 Directly on the ceiling 4,7
4. 1028 SD 136 12 Directly on the ceiling 3,0
5. 1028 SD 136 12 Directly on the ceiling 3,0

6. Canteen 1028 SD 136 12 Directly on the ceiling 3,5

7. Kitchen 1028 SD 136 9 Directly on the ceiling 2,7

In addition, it is worth stating in the description the height of the lighting switches and the
height of the sockets in the various rooms. With regard to the socket installation, it is advisable to
specify the cable with which it should be made and refer to the drawing on which the building
projection with the location of the sockets is marked (provide drawing number and page).
The technical description of the lighting installation and the sockets should also include
information on the IP class (in justified cases also the IK class) of the electrical equipment to be installed
by the contractor.
 description of power installation: it should contain information on the type and cross‐section of
cables designed to supply power to individual machines, the manner of running the cables (under
the plaster, in pipes under the plaster, in cable trays, in channels in the floor), as well as the applied
protective devices in individual circuits. Again, it is a good idea to use a summary in the form of a
table to increase the clarity and legibility of the design.
 switchgears: this subchapter should contain a description of the switchgears used and their
equipment. The designer should specify at least the protection class of the switchgear enclosure,
its dimensions and, depending on the operating environment, the IP class. The description should
also refer to the switchgear diagram drawings. The drawing number and page number of the
switchgear diagram should be referred to,
 protection against electric shock: the designer should describe the devices providing protection
against electric shock for each circuit of the installation, including, where necessary, the protection
against electric shock of the switchgear enclosures,
 surge protection: the type of circuit‐breakers used and their location should be specified,

 power supply system: within the scope of the school project of the installation, it is sufficient to
specify the cross‐section and type of power supply cable, the device constituting its overload and
short‐circuit protection and the type and power of the transformer selected.

The third part is the technical calculations. The extent of the calculations made and included in the
technical documentation is entirely up to the designer and the scope of the project. In a school project,
all calculations (or at least examples from each scope and determined by the instructor) should be
included in the design documentation and all calculation results tabulated in clear tables.

The fourth part of the design documentation is the drawings and diagrams. In order to produce
the drawings that form part of the electrical design, it is necessary to have specific software to enable
them to be produced quickly and accurately. Software that works with dwg file formats is usually
sufficient. Each electrical drawing should be produced in accordance with the general rules for
producing technical drawings, i.e. be produced on a suitable format (from A4 to A0 or other non‐
standard formats for linear objects), a border should be made on each technical drawing, no matter
what format it is. The border should be made with a continuous line 5mm from the edge of the sheet.
Each drawing should have a drawing plate, which is placed in the lower right‐hand corner of the sheet
so that it adheres to the border line. An example of a drawing plate is shown in Fig. 6.1.

Fig. 6.1. Example of a drawing plate (source: own elaboration)

When completing and assembling project documentation, it is important that the drawings
are properly folded and clipped into the documentation. The basic principle is that the drawing plate
must be visible without unfolding the drawing, irrespective of what format sheet the drawing is on.
This means that the sheet with the drawing must be properly folded. We have an example of folding
an A3 sheet in Fig. 6.2.

Fig. 6.2. Correctly folding an A3 drawing for insertion into a workbook [2]

Instructions on how to fold larger formats can be found i.e. at


The drawings that should be included in the project are:

Electrical installation plans:

Plan of the building with the distribution of lamps in individual rooms and the dimensioning of
distances between lamps and between lamps and walls. There should be a legend on the drawing
which includes the symbols of the various types of luminaires on the plan, together with their names
to identify the luminaires. It should also be indicated which luminaires belong to which circuits and
which circuits belong to the lighting switchgears if there is more than one. These designations, if not
intuitively understood, should also have an explanation on the drawing in the Legend section. It is not
necessary to draw the wire routing routes as they will blend together on a smaller format drawing
when printed. This will make the drawing unreadable. An example of a building plan with the lighting
installation plotted is shown in Fig. 6.3.

Fig. 6.3. Lighting installation on the building plan (example) (source: own elaboration)

Plan of the building with the location of the single‐phase and three‐phase sockets marked on
it. The layout of the sockets should be shown on the drawing, with dimensioned distances indicating
where they are to be installed. Single‐phase and three‐phase sockets should be marked with
appropriate symbols and numbered in such a way that it is possible to identify their assignment to
individual circuits and the circuits to the distribution boards to which they are to be connected. An
example of a socket installation on a building plan is given in Fig. 6.4. As with the lighting installation,
it is not necessary to draw the conductor routes to understand the drawing and to make it
unambiguous, but only to identify which sockets belong to the same circuit and to which distribution
board they are to be connected if more than one distribution board is marked on the plan.

Fig.6.4. Installation of single‐phase outlets on the building plan (example) (source: own elaboration)

A plan of the building with the power supply system marked on it. The building plan should
show the location of the equipment to be supplied. How the equipment is arranged in the building (on
the shop floor) is the responsibility of the building owner or production technologist, and they should
provide information on this. In order to show the power installation on the building plan, the cable
routing from the device to the corresponding distribution panel is drawn and the symbols for the cables
used in the individual circuits are marked. The equipment should be numbered and a legend placed on
the drawing should make it possible to identify the individual machines/equipment. If the number of
machines on the shop floor is large, it is possible to omit drawing the feeders and, as for the lighting
system, to number the devices belonging to the same circuit and assign them to the corresponding
Building plans are usually drawn at a scale of 1:50 or 1:100.

Electrical installation diagrams:

The diagram of the whole installation can be shown in one drawing, or the circuits connected to the
individual switchgear can be shown in separate drawings. How the schematic is divided into individual

drawings is up to the designer. There is no rigid rule as to how the scheme should be divided into
individual drawings, other than that the scheme should be clear and logical.

Fig. 6.5. Example diagram of switchgear (box) (source: own elaboration)

There is no need to draw the same circuits more than once, e.g. if there are 10 identical
machines, supplied by the same wires and protected by the same devices, it is sufficient to draw one
circuit and sign 'x10' under the machine symbol. This will increase the legibility of the diagram.
In the schematic diagrams, use the symbols customary according to EN 60617 for the load and
power devices: switches, disconnectors, fuses, etc. The contacts of these devices should be shown on

the diagram. The contacts of these devices shall be shown in the diagram in the de‐energised state. An
example of a main switchgear diagram is shown in Fig. 6.5.
A bill of materials is also part of the design documentation. It contains a list of all materials to
be used by the installation contractor with their quantity resulting from the design. In order to make
the specification more legible, it can be divided into sections, e.g. lighting installation, socket
installation, power supply installation, etc. A fragment of a sample list is presented in Table 6.2.

Table 6.2. Excerpt from a sample bill of materials for electrical installation

Bill of materials unit qty.

Power cable YKYżo 3x10 lm. 230

Calendered PVC tape – blue lm. 230
Non-standard sand m3 33
Galvanised steel wire rod 35x4 lm. 72
Galvanised steel rod with diameter of 8 mm lm. 95
Universal roof bracket, pc. 95
Universal connector pc. 14
Measurement connector complet 4
Conductor- type YDYżo 3x2.5 lm. 480

Conductor- type YDYżo 3x1.5 lm. 480

Conductor- type YDY 3x1.5 lm. 360
Conductor- type YDY 2x1.5 lm. 50
Flush – mounted socket pc. 35
Single installation switch pc. 4

Installation candle switch pc. 24

Installation bell button pc. 4

The project documentation also includes a formal part, which the school project does not have. The
formal part includes, for example:
1. Designer's statement that the design has been carried out in accordance with the regulations
and technical knowledge,
2. Designer's entitlements,
3. Certificate of membership of the designer to the Chamber of Civil Engineers,
4. Conditions for facility connection issued by the Distribution Company,
5. OSH information.

7. Language note

In order to become successful in the field of electrical engineering and electrical installation
design, it is essential to bear in mind that some of the language phrases and grammatical rules may
slightly differ from general English that we use.

In the 1980s a concept called Simplified English was launched in the United States of America and it
was later developed into Simplified technical English. It is a controlled form of English language with
limited vocabulary and rigorous writing rules. It was created to make technical documents easier to
understand for specialists who are not native speakers of English. Even people with low language skills
are able to understand technical documents. There are no unnecessary words or phrases and scope
for creativity is minimal.
Even though Simplified Technical English was originally developed for aviation, it can surely be used in
most areas of technical English.

The main goals for Simplified Technical English are:

‐ reduce ambiguity,
‐ make user manuals more comprehensive for non‐native speakers of English,
‐ make technical texts clearer,
‐ focus on the most important aspects,
‐ make human translations easier and cost‐effective.

Some of the rules that can be helpful when dealing with electrical installation design:
1. Remove non‐relevant information (before doing so, the user has to make sure that this piece of
information will not cause any misunderstanding when deleted)
2. Make sure that there is no ambiguity when it comes to words. Some words have a few meanings,
be sure that you’re using the one that refers to electrical installation
3. Try not to use too many nouns in one row, no more than three is enough.
4. Don’t use the passive voice in the text. It is commonly used when it’s not relevant who the doer
of the action is. At this point we have to highlight that technical English is more about simple
instructions and essential vocabulary rather than sophisticated tenses and fancy words. When
using active voice, it is much clearer to the reader who is responsible for doing what.
Instead of: The fuse needs to be replaced, write The engineer needs to replace the fuse.
5. Use imperative forms of the verb instead of using modal verbs.
Instead of: You should/must obey the instructions, write: Obey the instructions

6. Be consistent when using professional terms. Don’t use synonyms.
7. If you provide norm numbers, double check numbers or letters.

If it is necessary to implement visuals into the work, here are some examples with the representation
of information:
‐ a bar chart/table is best to show a comparison between items,
‐ a scatter plot is best to show a correlation,
‐ a map is best to show location,
‐ a pie chart is best to show proportions of a whole,
‐ a diagram is best to describe a structure,
‐ a histogram/line graph is best to show trends.

The terminology connected to electrical installations is very wide, yet there are some basic words and
phrases an engineer needs to master.

1. Cable types

2. Units of measurements (symbols and names):

a) Ω – Ohm,
b) W – Watt,
c) V – volt,
d) A – amper.

3. Protective devices

4. Test and inspection
a) Inspection,
b) safe isolation,
c) design current,
d) proving unit,
e) departure.

5. Tools
a) wire strippers,
b) multimeter.

6. Other:
a) AC or a.c. – alternating current,
b) DC or d.c. – direct current,
c) transformer,
d) electrical grid,
e) service panel,
f) circuit braker,
g) branch circuit,
h) neutral conductor,
i) grounding conductor,
j) short circuit,
k) outlet,
l) electrical box.

If unsure, go to https://www.electropedia.org/ and look up words and phrases connected to electrical

installations and other topics within electrical engineering.

8. Websites www
American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) www.aafs.org
American Burn Association www.ameriburn.org
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) www.ansi.org
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) www.astm.org
American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) www.asse.org
American Society of Training and Development www.astd.org
British Standards Institute (BS) www.bsi‐global.com
Canadian Society of Forensic Sience (CSFS) www.csfs.ca
Comitato Elettrotecnico Italiano (CEI) www.ceiuni.it
Engineering Consulting and Design (ECD) www.ecd.it
EUROPACABLE www.europacable.com
European Association of Electrical Contractors www.aie‐elec.org
European Committee for Electrotechnical www.cenelec.be
Standarization (CENELEC)
European Copper Institute www.eurocopper.org
IAS Electrical Safety Workshop www.ieee‐
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) www.ieee.org
International Electrical Testing Association (NETA) www.netaworld.org
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) www.iec.ch
International Federation for Safety of Electrical www.fisuel.com
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) www.iso.ch
International Union of Electricity Applications www.uie.org
International Union of Electrotechnology (UIE) www.uie.org
National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association www.nema.org
National Electrical Safety Foundations (NESF) www.nesf.org
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) www.nfpa.org
Occupational Safety and Health Administration www.osha.gov
Polski Komitet Normalizacyjny www.pkn.pl
Professional Electrical Apparatus Recyclers League www.pearl1.org
Standard Association of Australia (AS) www tandard.com.au
Standards Association of New Zealand (NZS) www.standards.co.nz

9. The Polish-English Dictionary

alarm akustyczny acoustic alarm system
alarm optyczny visual alarm system
alarm pożarowy fire alarm system
aparat medyczny medical apparatus
aparat rentgenowski X‐ray unit
aparatura elektromedyczna medical electrical equipment
aparatura łączeniowa switchgear
aparatura sterownicza controlgear
asymetria napięcia voltage unbalance
atmosfera zewnętrzna external atmosphere
autotransformator autotransformer
awaryjne urządzenie łączeniowe emergency switching device
awaryjne wyłączanie emergency switching
awaryjne zatrzymanie emergency stopping

badania odbiorcze initial verification
badania okresowe periodic testing
badania typu type tests
bardzo krótka przerwa very short break
bardzo niskie napięcie extra‐low voltage
basen jachtowy marina
basen natryskowy shower basin
basen pływacki swimming pool
bateria akumulatorów storage battery
beton concrete
bezpieczeństwo safety
bezpieczeństwo instalacji elektrycznych safety of electrical installations
bezpieczeństwo obsługi safety services
bezpiecznik fuse
błąd montażu assembly fault
błąd produkcyjny manufacturing fault
brak uszkodzenia fault free
brodzik paddling pool
bruzda (na przewody) trunking
budowla tymczasowa temporary structure
budynek handlowy commercial building
budynek prefabrykowany prefabricated building
budynek wysokościowy high‐rise building

całka Joule’a Joule integral
całkowity czas działania total operation time
cechowanie marking
cechy agresywne aggresive nature
cementownia cement works
centralne ogrzewanie central heating system

charakterystyka czasowo‐prądowa time‐current characteristic
charakterystyka obciążenia characteristic of the load
charakterystyka urządzenia ochronnego characteristic of protective device
charakterystyka zwłoczna time‐lag characteristic
chroniona część czynna protected live part
ciało człowieka body of person
ciało ludzkie human body
ciało stałe solid body
ciało zwierzęcia animal body
ciągłość elektryczna electrical continuity
ciągłość przewodów continuity of the conductors
ciecz palna flammable liquid
ciężar własny own weight
ciśnienie preassure
czas działania operating time
czas działania urządzenia ochronnego operating time of protective device
czas łukowy arc time
czas przedłukowy prearcing time
czas przełączania change‐over time
czas rozruchu start‐up time
czas trwania duration
czas umowny conventional time
czas użytkowania working live
czas wyłączenia disconnecting time
czas zadziałania response time
czerpnia powietrza air instake
częste przemieszczanie frequent movement
częstotliwość frequency
częstotliwość przemysłowa power frequency
części jednocześnie dostępne simultaneously accessible parts
części o różnych potencjałach parts at different potentials
części wyposażenia items of equipment
część aplikacyjna (aparatu elektromedycznego) applied part (of the medical electrical equipment)
część czynna live part
część czynna niebezpieczna hazardous‐live‐part
część niebezpieczna hazardous part
część nieprzewodząca dostępna accessible non‐conductive part
część przewodząca dostępna exposed conductive part
część przewodząca obca extraneous conductive part
część usuwalna removable part
część wewnętrzna internal part
czujka pożarowa fire detection
czynności łączeniowe switching operations

dane znamionowe rating
dławik gaszący arc‐suppresion coil
dławnica kablowa cable gland
dobór urządzeń selection of equipment
dokument normalizacyjny normative document
dolna granica wartości temperatury otoczenia lower limit of range of ambient temperature
domek ruchomy mobile home

dopuszczalny przyrost temperatury temperature‐rise limit dopuszczalny spadek
napięcia admissible voltage drop
dostępność wyposażenia elektrycznego accessibility of electrical equipment dotyk
bezpośredni direct contact
dotyk niezamierzony unintentional contact
dotyk pośredni indirect contact
dotyk wielkopowierzchniowy large‐area contact
doziemienie earth fault
drabinka instalacyjna ladder support
drgania wysokiej częstotliwości high‐frequency oscillations
droga dostępu (do urządzenia) access path (to the device)
droga ewakuacyjna escape route
droga ziemno‐powrotna earth‐return path
drukowanie printing
drut wire
drut wiązałkowy binding wire
drzwi z napędem elektrycznym electrically driven door
dwufazowy two‐phase
dwuprzewodowy układ sieci two‐wire system
działanie niezamierzone inadvertent operation
działanie ognia fire effect
działanie zamierzone deliberate action
dzienne wahania obciążenia daily variaton of demand
dzień burzowy thunderstorm day
dźwig crane

efekt cieplny termal effect
efekt kominowy chimney effect
ekran metalowy metallic screen
ekran ochronny protective screen
ekran przewodzący conductive screen
ekranowanie ochronne protective screening
ekwipotencjalność equipotentiality
elektromagnes dźwigowy lifting magnet
elektryczna rezystancja ciała ludzkiego electrical resistance of the human body element
grzejny heating element
element kompensujący compensatory measure
element topikowy fusing element
energia rozładowania discharge energy
etykieta samoprzylepna adhesive label

fibrylacja komór sercowych ventricular fibrillation
filtr elektrostatyczny electrostatic precipitator

generator prądotwórczy generator set
główka bezpiecznika fuseholder
główna szyna uziemiająca main earthing bar
główny przewód ochronny main protective conductor
główny zacisk uziemiający main earthing terminal

gniazdo bezpiecznikowe fuse base
gniazdo wtyczkowe socket‐outlet
górna granica wartości temperatury otoczenia upper limit of range of ambient temperature
górna powierzchnia obudowy top surface of enclosure
grunt niestabilny unstable ground
grzejnik akumulacyjny storage heater
grzejnik do sauny sauna heater
guma przewodząca conductive rubber

hamowanie przeciwprądem reverse‐current braking

impedancja impedance
impedancja dla składowej zerowej zero‐sequence impedance
impedancja pętli zwarciowej fault‐loop impedance
impedancja pomijalna negligible impedance
impedancja źródła source impedance
instalacja elektryczna electrical installation
instalacja informatyczna information technology installation
instalacja ochrony odgromowej lighting protection system
instalacja odbiorcza consumer’s installation
instalacja przewodami giętkimi flexible wiring
instalacja silnoprądowa electric power installation
instalacja specjalna special installations
instalacja stała fixed installation
instalacja tymczasowa temporary installation
instalacja uziemiająca earthing arrangement
instalacja zewnętrzna outdoor installation
iskra spark
izolacja ciekła liquid insulation
izolacja dodatkowa supplementary insulation
izolacja gazowa gas insulation
izolacja podwójna double insulation
izolacja powietrzna air insulation
izolacja robocza basic isolation
izolacja równoważna equivalent insulation
izolacja stała solid insulation
izolacja wzmocniona reinforced insulation
izolacyjne właściwości elektryczne electrical insulating characteristic
izolowanie części czynnych insulation of live parts
izolowany system zasilania (IT) isolated power system (USA)

jednofazowy single‐phase

kabel jednożyłowy single‐core cable
kabel nieopancerzony non‐armoured cabel
kabel sygnałowy signal cable
kabel wielożyłowy multicore cable
kabel zasilający feeder

kabel zbrojony armoured cable
kabina natryskowa shower cabinet
kanał (przewodowy) ducting
kanał kablowy cabel chanel
kanał przewodowy cable ducting
kaskada wodna waterfall
kategoria przepięcia overvoltage category
kategoria wpływu zewnętrznego category of external influence
kierunek wirowania direction of rotation
klimatyzacja air‐conditioning system
kocioł boiler
kodyfikacja wpływów zewnętrznych codification of external influences
kolejność faz phase sequence
komora grzewcza heating cabinet
komora ognioszczelna fire‐segregated compartment
kompatybilność compatibility
kompatybilność elektromagnetyczna electromagnetic compatibility
kompetencje osób capability of persons
konserwacja maintenance
konstrukcja obiektu budowlanego construction of building
konstrukcja podtrzymywania ciśnienia powietrza air‐support structure
konstrukcja samonośna self‐supporting structure
kontrola doziemienia earth fault monitoring
konwekcja convection
konwekcja powietrza air convection
koordynacja izolacji co‐ordination of insulation
koordynacja układu sieci co‐ordination of the type of system
koordynacja zabezpieczeń co‐ordination of protections
korekcja błędu error corection
korozja elektrochemiczna electrochemical corrosion
korozja elektrolityczna electrolytic corrosion
korytarz nadzoru maintenance gangway
korytarz obsługi operating gangway
korytko instalacyjne bez perforacji inperforated tray
korytko perforowane perforated tray
kroploszczelne drip‐tight
kształt żyły (przewodu) form of conductor

lampa wyładowcza discharge lighting
licznik elektryczny electricity meter
linia napowietrzna overhead line
linka nośna support wire
listwa instalacyjna z przegrodami skirting trunking

łączenie switching
łącznik jednobiegunowy single‐pole switching device
łącznik pomocniczy auxiliary switch
łuk elektryczny electric arc

magistrala uziemiająca earthing bus conductor
maksymalny prąd dopuszczalny maximum current allowable
maszyna wirująca rotating machine
materiał ceramiczny ceramic material
materiał drewnopodobny wood‐like material
materiał izolujący cieplnie thermally insulating material
materiał konstrukcyjny constructional material
materiał magazynowany stored material
materiał niemetalowy non‐metalic material
materiał niepalny non‐combustible material materiał odporny na łuk
elektryczny arc‐combustible material
materiał palny flammable (combustible) material
metalowa rura wodociągowa metallic water‐pipe
metalowy element konstrukcyjny structural metallic part
metalowy element systemu metallic system component
miejsce suche dry location
migotanie serca, fibrylacja serca cardiac fibrillation
milimetr kwadratowy square milimeter
moc w watach wattage
molo pier
montaż (instalacji elektrycznej) erection (of electrical installation)

nabrzeże quay
nadmierna temperatura excess temperature
nagromadzona energia elektryczna stored electrical energy
napięcie doładowywania floating voltage
napięcie dotykowe touch voltage
napięcie dotykowe spodziewane prospective touch voltage
napięcie fazowe line‐to‐neutral voltage
napięcie indukowane inducted voltage
napięcie krokowe step voltage
napięcie ładowania charging voltage
napięcie międzyfazowe line‐to‐line voltage s(voltage between phases)
napięcie pomiarowe test voltage
napięcie powrotne recorvery voltage
napięcie probiercze test voltage
napięcie przewodowe line‐to‐line voltage
napięcie udarowe wytrzymywane impulse withstand voltage
napięcie wyjściowe output voltage
napięcie wynoszone transferred voltage
napięcie względem ziemi voltage to earth
napięcie zakłóceniowe fault‐voltage
napięcie znamionowe nominal voltage
napięcie znamionowe prądu przemiennego nominal a.c.r.m.s. voltage
napis ostrzegawczy warning notice
naprawa repair
narażenia cieplne thermal stresses
narażenia dynamiczne dynamic stresses
narażenia mechaniczne mechanical stresses
nastawienie prądu current setting

niebezpieczeństwo pożaru fire risk
niebezpieczna część czynna hazardous‐live‐part
niebezpieczne napięcie dotykowe dangerous touch voltage
niedociążenie under‐utilization
niesymetria obciążenia asymmetrical load
nietętniący prąd stały ripple‐free direct current
nieuziemione połączenia wyrównawcze miejscowe
earth‐free local equipotential bonding
niezamierzony dotyk do części czynnych unintentional contact with live part
niezawodność reliability
norma standard
normalizacja międzynarodowa international standardization
normalne użytkowanie normal use
numer katalogowy catalogue number

obciążalność prądowa długotrwała continuous current‐carrying capacity, current‐
carrying capacity
obciążenie cieplne thermally load
obciążenie cykliczne cyclic load
obciążenie mechaniczne mechanical stress
obciążenie o szybkich zmianach rapidly fluctuating load
obciążenie spodziewane load to be expected
obiekt budowlany building
obniżenie napięcia drop in voltage
obniżenie się jakości deterioration
obrabiarka machine‐tol
obrażenia ciała injury
obszar obsługi wyposażenia elektrycznego electrical operating area
obszar ograniczony restricted area
obszar ruchu elektrycznego close electrical operating area
obszar widoczny visible area
obudowa enclosure
obudowa ferromagnetyczna ferromagnetic enclosure
obudowa izolacyjna insulating enclosure
obudowa transformatora transformer tank
obudowa zamykana lockable enclosure
obwód circuit
obwód doprowadzający incoming circuit
obwód jednofazowy single‐phase circuit
obwód magnetyczny magnetic circuit
obwód nieuziemiony unearthed circuit
obwód odbiorczy consumer installation
obwód odprowadzający outgoing circuit
obwód oświetleniowy lighting circuit
obwód pomiarowy measuring circuit
obwód pomocniczy auxiliary circuit
obwód rozdzielczy distribution circuit
obwód sterujący control circuit
obwód uziemiony earthed circuit
obwód wejściowy input circuit
obwód wewnętrzny urządzenia internal wiring of apparatus

obwód wtórny secondary circuit
obwód wyjściowy output circuit
obwód wyższego napięcia higher voltage circuit
obwód wzbudzenia exciter circuit
ochrona dodatkowa fault protection
ochrona ludzi protection of persons
ochrona mechaniczna mechanical protection
ochrona odgromowa (obiektów budowlanych) lightning protection (of buildings)
ochrona podstawowa basic protection
ochrona przeciwpożarowa protection against fire
ochrona przed dotykiem bezpośrednim protection against direct contact
ochrona przed prądem przetężeniowym protection against overcurrent
ochrona przed przegrzaniem protection against overheating
ochrona przed przepięciami protection against overvoltage
ochrona przed skutkami oddziaływania cieplnego protection against thermal effects
ochrona przed skutkami spadku napięcia protection against undervoltage
ochrona przy dotyku pośrednim protection against indirect contact
ochrona przy uszkodzeniu fault protection
ochrona w przypadku uszkodzenia protection in case of a fault
ochrona wzmocniona enhanced protective ochrona
zapewniająca bezpieczeństwo protection for safety
ochrona zwierząt domowych protection of livestock
oddziaływanie cieplne thermomechanical stress
oddziaływanie dynamiczne electro‐mechanical stress
oddziaływanie elektromechaniczne electromechanical stress
oddziaływanie elektromagnetyczne electromagnetic influence
oddziaływanie elektrostatyczne elektrostatic influence
oddziaływanie jonizujące ionizing influence
oddzielenie elektryczne electrical separation
oddzielny przewód ochronny separate protective conductor
odchylenie napięcia voltage tolerance
odległość bezpieczna safety distance
odlewanie moulding
odłączenie isolation
odporność na starzenie resistant to ageing
odporność na uderzenia resistance to impact
odporny na deszcz rain proof
odporny na deszcz ze śniegiem sleet resistant
odporny na korozję corrosion resistant
odporny na lód ice resistant
odporny na warunki pogodowe weather proof
odskoki styków przekaźnika bouncing of relay contacts
odstęp izolacyjny clearance
oględziny visual inspection, inspection
ogniwo galwaniczne primary cell
ograniczenie ładunku limitation of charge
ograniczenie napięcia limitation of voltage
ograniczenie prądów przetężeniowych limitation of overcurrent
ograniczenie wartości prądu limiting a current
ogranicznik przepięć lightning arrester
ograniczone źródło prądu limited‐current‐source
ogrodzenie barier

ogrzewanie heating
ogrzewanie podłogowe floor heating
ogrzewanie sufitowe ceiling heating
określony umownie conventionaly defined
olejoszczelny oil‐tight
ołów lead
oparzenie prądem elektrycznym electrical burn
oprawa oświetleniowa lampholder, luminaire
oprawa oświetleniowa zewnętrzna external luminaire
oprawa wisząca pendant luminare
oprawka źródła światła lampholder
oprzewodowanie wiring system
oprzewodowanie giętkie flexible wiring system
oprzewodowanie stałe fixed wiring
oscylacja napięcia voltage oscillation
osłona ceramiczna earthenware duct
osłona kabla cable covering
osłona metalowa metallic covering
osłona niemetalowa (izolacyjna) non‐metalic sheath
osoba niepoinstruowana uninstructed person
osoba poinstruowana instructed person
osoba postronna ordinary person
osoba wykwalifikowana skilled person
osprzęt fittings, accessories
osprzęt linii napowietrznej overhead line fittings
osprzęt mocujący fixing device
ostra krawędź sharp edge
ościeżnica architrave
oświetlenie lighting
oświetlenie bezpieczeństwa safety lighting, emergency lighting
oświetlenie fluorescencyjne fluorescent lighting
oświetlenie podwodne underwater lighting
oświetlenie zewnętrzne external lighting
otoczenie metaliczne metallic surrounding
otoczenie pacjenta patent environment
otwór wentylacyjny vent

palec probierczy test finger, rest finger
pancerz kabla armouring of a cable
para steam
para wodna steam, water vapour
parametry obwodu elektrycznego characteristics of the circuit
parametry przewodów ochronnych characteristics of protective conductors
pełny zestaw próbek full set of samples
pierścieniowy obwód odbiorczy ring final circuit
plac budowy construction site
plaża beach
pleśń mould growth
płomień flame
płyn przewodzący conducting fluid
pobór mocy power consumption

podgrzewacz wody water heater
podłoga podwójna suspended floor
podłoga przewodząca conductive floor
podłoże z drutu wire mesh
podpora metalowa metal support
podpora przewodu cable support
podpora przewodów napowietrznych overhead wiring support
podział instalacji division of installation
podstawa przeciwwstrząsowa anti‐vibration mounting
pojazd rekreacyjny recreational vehicle
pojazd wypoczynkowy leisure accommodation vehicle
pojedyncze uszkodzenie single‐fault
pojemność cieplna heat capacity
pojemność cieplna właściwa volumetric heat capacity
pokrycie wewnętrzne inner skin
pole elektryczne electric field
pole magnetyczne magnetic field
pole o częstotliwości radiowej radio frequency field
pole przekroju poprzecznego cross‐sectional area
pole rozdzielnicy switch bay
połączenia między przewodami connections between conducors
połączenia wyrównawcze equipotential bonding
połączenia wyrównawcze dodatkowe supplementary equipotential bonding
połączenie cynowe tin‐soldered joint
połączenie elektryczne electrical connection
połączenie giętkie flexible connection
połączenie gwintowe screwed connection
połączenie lutowane soldered connection
połączenie mechaniczne mechanical connection, mechanical joint
połączenie sygnałowe signal connectin
połączenie śrubowe screwed joint
połączenie światłowodowe fibre optic link
połączenie wewnętrzne internal connection
połączenie wyrównawcze nieuziemione non‐earthed equipotential bonding
połączenie wyrównawcze ochronne protective‐equipotential‐bonding
połączenie zewnętrzne external connection
położenie geograficzne geographical location
pomieszczenie handlowe commercial premise
pomieszczenie medyczne medical location
pomieszczenie mieszkalne residential premise
pomieszczenie ogrodnicze horticultural premise
pomieszczenie przemysłowe industrial premiss
pomieszczenie rolnicze agricultural premise
pomieszczenie ruchu elektrycznego electrical operating area
pomieszczenie sterownicze control room
pomieszczenie użyteczności publicznej public premise
pompa pump
pompa elektryczna electric pump
ponowne zamykanie reclosing
porażenie prądem elektrycznym electric shock
porażenie śmiertelne electrocution
potencjał elektryczny ziemi electric potential of earth

potencjał powierzchni ziemi (względem ziemi odniesienia)
earth‐surface voltage (to earth)
potencjał przewodu ochronnego potenctial of protective conductor
potencjał ziemi earth potential
potencjometr potentiometer
powierzchnia dolna bottom surface
powierzchnia dostępna accessible surface
powierzchnia dotykana touchable surface
powierzchnia przewodząca conducting surface
powierzchnia użyteczna usable surface
powierzchnia zamknięta closed surface
powłoka kabla sheath of a cable
powłoka ołowiana lead sheath
powrót napięcia restoration of voltage
poziom bezpieczeństwa degree of safety
poziom kontrolowany controlled level
poziom napięcia voltage level
poziom przepięć overvoltage level
praca normalna normal service
prace ziemne earthworks
prąd błądzący stray current
prąd dopuszczalny current allowable
prąd dotykowy touch current
prąd nastawiony current setting selected
prąd ograniczony cut‐off current
prąd pierwszego doziemienia first fault current
prąd pojemnościowy capacitive current
prąd przemienny alternating current (a.c.)
prąd przetężeniowy overcurrent
prąd rażeniowy shock current
prąd roboczy steady current
prąd rozruchowy starting current
prąd rozruchowy początkowy inrush current
prąd różnicowy residual current
prąd różnicowy zadziałania Residual operating current
prąd stały direct current (d.c.)
prąd stały nietętniący d.c. ripple‐free
prąd upływowy doziemny earth‐leakage current
prąd wyzwalający operating current
prąd wyzwalający różnicowy (znamionowy) rated operating residual current
prąd zakłóceniowy fault current
prąd znamionowy current rating
prąd zwarcia doziemnego earth fault current
prąd zwarciowy asymetryczny asymmetrical short‐circuit current
prąd zwarciowy doziemny earth‐fault current
prąd zwarciowy spodziewany prospective short‐circuit current
prądnica generator
prądnica przewoźna mobile power generator
prądnica stacjonarna fixed power generator
proces produkcyjny manufacturing process
procesy niebezpieczne hazardous processes
procesy toksyczne toxic processes

produkty spalania products of combustion
projektowanie design
promieniowanie cieplne heat radiation, thermal radiation
promieniowanie jonizujące ionizing radiation
promieniowanie podczerwone infra‐red radiation
promieniowanie słoneczne solar radiation
prostownik rectifier
protokołowanie reporting
próba wstępna initial verification
próbka sample
próg bólu threshold of pain
próg wyczuwalności threshold of perception
prysznic shower head
przeciążenie overload
przedział częstotliwości frequency range
przegląd inspection
przegląd okresowy periodic inspection
przegroda ogniowa fire barrier
przegroda divider
przegroda izolacyjna insulating barrier
przegroda ognioodporna fire‐proof shutter
przegrzanie overheating
przekaźnik relay
przekaźnik podnapięciowy undervoltage relay
przekładnik prądowy current transformer
przekrój cross‐section area
przekrój przewodu cross‐section of conductor
przekrój znormalizowany standard cross‐sectional area
przekrój żyły cross‐sectional area of conductor
przekształcenie energii elektrycznej conversion of electrical energy
przekształtnik elektroniczny electronic converter
przepięcie overvoltage, stress‐voltage
przepięcie atmosferyczne lightning overvoltage
przepięcie dorywcze temporary overvoltage
przepięcie łączeniowe switching overvoltage
przepięcie przejściowe transient overvoltage
przepisy bezpieczeństwa safety rules
przepływ powietrza air flow
przestrzeń instalacyjna building void
przestrzeń wewnętrzna indoor location
przestrzeń zagrożona wybuchem potentially explosive atmosphere
przestrzeń zewnętrzna outdoor location
przesył energii transmission of energy
przesyłanie transmission
przeszkoda ochronna (elektrycznie) protective obstacle (electrically)
przetwarzanie danych data processing
przetwornica dwumaszynowa motor‐generator set
przewodność cieplna thermal conductance
przewody szynowe busbar trunking system
przewód conductor
przewód dwużyłowy twin‐core cable
przewód fazowy phase conductor

przewód giętki flexible cable
przewód goły bare conductor
przewód izolowany insulated conductor
przewód jednożyłowy single‐core cable
przewód jednożyłowy giętki flexible single‐core cable
przewód mostkujący bonding conductor
przewód napowietrzny overhead conductor
przewód neutralny neutral conductor
przewód ochronny protective conductor
przewód odgromowy overhead earth wire
przewód opancerzony armoured cable
przewód połączenia wyrównawczego głównego main equipotential bonding conductor
przewód powrotny return conductor
przewód przetwarzania danych data cables
przewód roboczy live conductor
przewód sztywny rigid cable
przewód samonośny supporting conductor
przewód szynowy busbar trunking system (busway)
przewód środkowy mid‐point conductor
przewód uziemiający earth wire, earthing conductor, earthing lead
przewód uziemiający funkcjonalny functional earthing conductor przewód
uziemiający ochronno‐funkcjonalny functional earhing and protective conductor
przewód uziemiający ochronny i ekwipotencjalny protective earthing and functional bonding
przewód uziemienia funkcjonalnego functional earthing conductor przewód
wielożyłowy multiconductor cable, multicore cable
przewód zasilający supply conductor
przesyłanie danych data communication
przyczepa turystyczna caravan
przypadkowy dotyk accidental contact
przyrząd pomiarowy measurement instrument
przyspieszenie acceleration
przyspieszenie maksymalne maximum acceleration
punkt bezpośrednio uziemiony directly earthed point
punkt gwiazdowy star‐point
punkt neutralny neutral point
punkt neutralny niedostępny available neutral point
punkt neutralny sztuczny artifical neutral point
punkt przyłączeniowy tap‐off point
punkt środkowy mid‐point
punkt wrzenia boiling point
puszka łączeniowa junction box
pył dust
pyłoszczelny dust‐tight

rafineria ropy oil rafinery
rama okienna window frame
reflektor floodlight
reflektor punktowy spotlight
regulacja temperatury temperature control
rezystancja ciała ludzkiego body resistance

rezystancja cieplna gruntu soil thermal resistance
rezystancja izolacji insulation resistance
rezystancja styku contact resistance
rezystancja uziemienia earthing resistance
rezystancja wewnętrzna internal resistance
rezystywność gruntu electric resistivity of soil
rezystywność cieplna gruntu soil thermal resistivity
rezystywność materiału resistivity of material
rodzaj prądu nature of current
rodzaj zasilania nature of supply
rozbryzgi (wody) splashes (of water)
rozdział energii distribution of energy
rozdzielnica switchboard, distribution board
rozdzielnica o izolacji gazowej gas‐insulated switchgear
rozdzielnica o izolacji próżniowej vacuum switchgear
rozgałęźnik wieloobwodowy multi‐way plug in unit
rozgałęzienie obwodu branch circuit
rozruch urządzenia starting of equipment
rozrzut wartości spreed of values
rozwój techniczny technical development
różne napięcia different voltages
różne obwody various circuits
ruchome połączenie przewodzące movable conductive connection
ruchome źródło separacyjne mobile separation source
rurka izolacyjna insulating conduit
ryzyko dopuszczalne acceptable risk
ryzyko szkody risk of failure
ryzyko uszkodzeń risk of damage

sala komputerowa computer room
samoczynne wyłączenie automatic disconnection
samoczynne zadziałanie automatic operation
samogasnący self‐ extinguishing
samorozluźnianie self‐loosening
schody ruchome escalators
separacja elektryczna electrical separation
separacja ochronna protective ‐ separation
seria pomiarów series of measurements
siatka mesh screen
siatka metalowa metallic grid
sieć ciepłej wody hot water system
sieć elektroenergetyczna electrical power network (system)
sieć jednofazowa single‐phase system
sieć lokalna local area network
sieć napowietrzna overhead network
sieć niskiego napięcia low‐voltage network
sieć publiczna public network
sieć trójfazowa three‐phase system
sieć uziemiona skutecznie effectively earthed system
sieć wyższego napięcia higher voltage
system sieć z izolowanym punktem neutralnym isolated neutral system

sieć z punktem neutralnym uziemionym przez rezystor
impedance earthed neutral system
sieć z uziemionym punktem neutralnym solidly earthed neutral system
sieć zakłócająca disturbed network
sieć zasilająca prądu stałego d.c.power supply network
silnik trójfazowy three‐phase motor
siła wyciągania wtyczki withdrawal force for the plug
skrzynka łączeniowa connection box
skrzynka przyłączeniowa junction box
skuteczność uziomu efficacy of earth electrode
skutki cieplne thermal effects
skutki mechaniczne mechanical effects
skutki patofizjologiczne pathophysiological effects
skutki termiczne thermal effects
słup żelbetowy steel reinforced concrete pole
spadek napięcia voltage drop
spalenie materiału combustion of material
spawanie welding
specjalne warunki special conditions
spodziewany prąd zwarcia prospective short‐circuit current
sposób instalowania method of installation
sprawdzanie odbiorcze initial verification
sprawdzenie testing, verification
sprawdzenie biegunowości polarity test
sprawdzenie odbiorcze initial verification
sprawdzenie okresowe periodic verification
sprzężenie zwrotne feedback
stabilne właściwości elektryczne electrical continuity characteristic
stacja transformatorowa transformer sub‐station
stała kontrola uziemienia earth continuity monitoring
stałe źródło separacyjne fixed separation source
stan nieustalony transient (state)
stanowisko izolowane non – conductive location
statek wycieczkowy pleasure craft
sterowanie control
sterowanie potencjałem potential grading
sterowanie silnika motor control
stopień bezpieczeństwa degree of safety
stopień ochrony degree of protection
strata mocy power loss
strefa niebezpieczna danger zone
strefa przemysłowa industrial area
strefa wpływu zone of influence
strefa wpływu połączenia wyrównawczego zone of influence of equipotential bonding
strefa zasięgu ręki zone of arm’s reach
strona odbiorcza prostownika downstream of rectifier
strona zasilania supply side
strumień wody jet of water
stycznik contactor
styk ochronny protective conductor contact
styk ruchomy moving contact
substancja korozyjna corrosive substance

substancja zanieczyszczająca polluting substance
sufit ceiling
sufit podwieszany false ceiling, suspended ceiling
swobodnie spadające krople (wody) free‐falling drops (of water)
sygnalizacja signalling
system alarmowy alarm system
system alarmowy włamaniowy intruder alarm system
system drabinek instalacyjnych cable lader system
system gaszenia pożaru fire extinguishing system
system korytek instalacyjnych cable tray system
system listew instalacyjnych otwieranych cable trunking system (CTS)
system listew instalacyjnych zamkniętych cable ducting system (CDS)
system ochrony odgromowej lightning protection system
system przywoławczy paging system
system rozdziału energii electric power distribution system
system rur instalacyjnych conduit system
system sterowania cyfrowego digital control system
system wentylacji (wymuszony) ventilation system (forced)
system wentylacyjny ventilation system
system wytwarzania energii electric power generation system
szatnia clook‐room
szkodliwe skutki harmful effects
szkodliwe zagrożenie harmful hazard
sztuczny punkt neutralny artificial neutral point
szyb konstrukcyjny building void

ściana drewniana wooden wall
ściana izolacyjna insulating wall
ściana izolowana cieplnie thermally insulated wall
ściana murowana masonry wall
ścianka ruchoma removable partition
średnica dimension
średnica zewnętrzna external diameter
środek dodatkowy supplementary measure
środek ostrożności safety precaution
środek zmniejszający palność flame‐retardant
środki ochrony protective measures
środki ochrony przed dotykiem pośrednim protective measures against indirect contact
środki ostrożności precautions
środowisko environment
środowisko chronione protected environment
środowisko nieprzewodzące non‐conducting environment
śruba metalowa metallic screw

tablica rozdzielcza switch panel
tablica sterownicza control panel
tabliczka znamionowa nameplate
taśma ochronna protective tape
telekomunikacja telecommunication
temperatura dopuszczalna permissible temperature

temperatura eksploatacji application temperature
temperatura graniczna dopuszczalna admissible limit temperature
temperatura instalowania installation temperature
temperatura końcowa final temperature
temperatura magazynowania storage temperature
temperatura odniesienia reference temperature
temperatura otoczenia ambient temperature
temperatura początkowa initial temperature
temperatura powietrza niska low air temperature
temperatura powietrza wysoka high air temperature
temperatura pracy operating temperature
temperatura przeciętna average temperature
temperatura transportowania transport temperature
tolerancje fabryczne manufacturing tolerances
trakcja elektryczna electric traction
trakcja kolejowa railway track
transformator dwuuzwojeniowy double wound transformer
transformator dzwonkowy bell transformer
transformator ochronny (separacyjny) isolating transformer
transformator spawalniczy welding transformer
transmisja sygnału signal transmission
transporter conveyor
trójfazowy three‐phase
trwałość izolacji life of insulation
tynk plaster
typ oprzewodowania type of wiring

uchwyt izolacyjny insulated clip
uchwyt kablowy cable support
układ ochronny połączeń ekwipotencjalnych protective equipotential bonding system
układ medyczny IT medical IT system
układ rozdzielczy distribution system
układ uziemiający earthing arrangement
układ uziemień system earthing
układ wspólnych połączeń ekwipotencjalnych common equipotential bonding system
układ wysokiego napięcia high voltage system
umieszczenie poza zasięgiem ręki placing out of reach
umowny prąd wyzwalający conventional operating current
unifikacja międzynarodowa international unification
urządzenie badane device under test (DUT)
urządzenie ciągłej kontroli izolacji insulation monitoring device
urządzenie jednobiegunowe single‐pole device
urządzenie łączące switching measure
urządzenie ochronne impedancyjne protective impedance device
urządzenie ochronne napięciowe fault‐voltage operated protective device
urządzenie ochronne przetężeniowe overcurrent protective device
urządzenie ochrony przepięciowej overvoltage protective devices
urządzenie odłączające disconnecting device, isolation measure
urządzenie półprzewodnikowe semiconductor device
urządzenie produkowane fabrycznie factory‐built equipment
urządzenie przenośne portable device (equipment)

urządzenie przetwarzania danych data processing equipment
urządzenie ręczne hand‐held device (equipment)
urządzenie różnicowoprądowe residual current device
urządzenie ruchome mobile equipment (device)
urządzenie sterownicze control device
urządzenie wielobiegunowe multipole device
urządzenie zabezpieczające protective device
urządzenie zabezpieczające przetężeniowe overcurrent protective device
urządzenie zabezpieczające z regulacją nastawy adjustable protective device
uszczelka seal
uszczelnienie oprzewodowania sealing of the wiring system
uszkodzenie fault
uszkodzenie mechaniczne mechanical damage
uszkodzenie pojedyncze single fault
uziemienie earthing (system)
uziemienie funkcjonalne functional earthing
uziemienie ochronne protective earthing, protective grounding (USA)
uziemienie robocze functional earthing, functional grounding (USA)
uziemienie układu sieci earthing of system
uziemiony przewód skrajny earthed line conductor
uziemiony przewód środkowy earthed mid – wire conductor
uziemiony punkt gwiazdowy star earthing point
uziemiony punkt układu sieci earthed point of a power system
uziom fundamentowy earth electrode embeded in foundation
uziom niezależny independent electrode
uziom oddzielny separate earth electrode
uziom płytowy earth plate
uziom pomocniczy auxiliary earth electrode
uziom prętowy earth rod
uziom rurowy earth pipe
uziomy połączone równolegle earth electrodes in parallel
uzwojenie pierwotne input winding
uzwojenie wtórne outut winding
użytkowanie utilization

wahania napięcia voltage variation, voltage fluctuations
warnik elektryczny electric water‐heater
wartość bezpieczna safe value
wartość graniczna limit value
wartość skuteczna root‐mean‐square value (rms value)
wartość szczytowa peak value
wartość umowna conventional value
wartość wymagana required value
warunki chłodzenia cooling conditions
warunki domowe household conditions
warunki ewakuacji conditions of evacuation
warunki gruntowe soil conditions
warunki klimatyczne otoczenia ambient climatic conditions
warunki mechaniczne mechanical conditions
warunki przemysłowe ciężkie severe industrial conditions
warunki przemysłowe zwykłe usual industrial conditions

warunki szczególne special conditions
warunki środowiskowe environmental conditions
warunki zainstalowania installation conditions
warunki zakłóceniowe fault conditions
wąż wodny hosewater
wentylacja ventilation
węglowodory hydrocarbons
wiązka przewodów group of conductors
wibracje vibration
wibracje ciągłe, sinusoidalne stationary vibration, sinusoidal
wilgotność bezwzględna absolute humidity
wilgotność bezwzględna powietrza absolute air humidity
wilgotność względna duża high relative humidity
wilgotność względna mała low relative humidity
wilgotność względna powietrza relative air humidity
własne źródło zasilania private source
właściwości cieplne thermal propetries
właściwości elektryczne electrical properties
właściwości mechaniczne mechanical properties
wnętrze wanny interior of the bath
wnikanie wody ingrees of water
wodomierz water meter
wodoszczelny water‐tight
wodoszczelny iluminator watertight porthole
wpływ szkodliwy detrimental influence
wpływy elektryczne electrical influences
wpływy termiczne thermal influences
wpływy zewnętrzne external influences
wskaźnik elektryczny electrical indicator
wskaźnik stanu izolacji isolation monitoring device (IMD)
wskaźnik zadziałania activity indicator
współczynnik jednoczesności coincidence factor
współczynnik mocy power factor
współczynnik niejednoczesności diversity factor
współczynnik obciążenia load factor
współczynnik poprawkowy correction factor
współczynnik temperaturowy temperature coefficient
wstrząsy sejsmiczne seismic effects
wtyczka plug
wykrycie uszkodzenia fault detection
wykrywacz ognia fire detector
wykwalifikowany personel qualified personnel
wyładowanie elektrostatyczne electrostatic discharge
wyłączenie awaryjne emergency control
wyłączenie natychmiastowe instantaneous tripping
wyłączenie zasilania disconnection of supply
wyłącznik awaryjny emergency switch
wyłącznik zdalnie sterowany remote‐control switch
wymagania bezpieczeństwa safety requirements, protective requirements
wymagania dla instalacji requirements for installations
wymagania funkcjonalne functional requirements
wymagania podstawowe fundamental requirements

wymagania prawne legal requirements
wymagania techniczne technical requirements
wymiana wyposażenia replacement of equipment
wymiar dimension
wymuszone ogrzewanie powietrzem forced air heating
wynik badania result of the test
wyposażenie elektryczne electrical equipment
wyposażenie placu budowy construction site equipment
wyposażenie stacjonarne stationary equipment
wysoka temperatura powietrza high air temperature
wysokość (nad poziomem morza) altitude
wysychanie gruntu soil drying
wytrzymałość cieplna heat resistance
wytrzymałość elektryczna electric strength
wytrzymałość mechaniczna mechanical strenght
wytrzymałość udarowa impulse strength
wytwarzanie ciepła heat generation
wytwarzanie energii elektrycznej generation of electrical energy
wyzwalacz przeciążeniowy overload release
wyzwalacz zwarciowy short circuit relase
wyższe harmoniczne harmonics
wzajemne oddziaływanie mutual influence
wzrost temperatury increase of temperature

zabezpieczenie (urządzenie) protective equipment
zabezpieczenie podnapięciowe undervoltage protective device
zabezpieczenie przeciążeniowe overload protective device
zabezpieczenie rezerwowe back‐up protection
zabezpieczenie zwarciowe short‐circuit protective device
zaburzenie elektromagnetyczne electromagnetic disturbances
zacisk probierczy test link
zacisk śrubowy screw terminal
zacisk uziemiający earthing terminal
zacisk wyjściowy outgoing terminal
zaciski źródła zasilania supply intake point
zagęszczenie ludźmi density occupation
zagrożenia dangers
zagrożenie pożarowe fire risk, fire hazard
zagrożenie termiczne thermal stress
zagrożenie życia danger to life
zakłócenia elektromagnetyczne electromagnetic phenomena
zakłócenia łączeniowe switching phenomena
zakres częstotliwości range of frequency
zakres napięciowy voltage band
załączanie niesamoczynne non‐automatic supply
załączanie samoczynne automatic supply
zamarzanie gruntu soil freezing
zamknięcie na kłódkę padlocking
zamknięty otok closed ring
zamocowanie antywstrząsowe anti‐vibration mounting
zanieczyszczenia pollutants

zanik napięcia loss of voltage, voltage interruption
zanurzalny submersible
zanurzenie immersion
zapad napięcia voltage dip
zapobieganie prevention
zasilacz prądu stałego d.c. power supply
zasilanie awaryjne emergency supply
zasilanie podstawowe main supply
zasilanie rezerwowe standby supply
zbrojenie metalowe betonu metallic reinforcement of concrete
zdalnie sterowany remotely controlled
zdolność wyłączania breaking capacity
zespół prądotwórczy motor‐alternator set
zespół prądotwórczy napędzany silnikiem Diesla diesel‐driven generator
zespół prądotwórczy niskonapięciowy low‐voltage generating set
zespół przewoźny transportable unit
zespół ruchomy mobile unit
zestaw elektromedyczny medical electrical system
zewnętrzne źródło zasilania external supply
zgodność z normą accordance with the standard
ziemia odniesienia reference earth, reference ground (USA)
zjawiska atmosferyczne atmospheric phenomena
złącze instalacji origin of the installation
złącze kompensacyjne expansion joint
złączka connector, coupler
zmęczenie (materiału) fatigue
zmiany częstotliwości sieci power‐frequency variations
zmostkowany bonded across
znak identyfikacyjny identyfication mark
znak identyfikacyjny wyrobu product identyfikaction mark
znak towarowy trade mark
znamionowy różnicowy prąd wyzwalający rated residual operating current zniekształcenie
liniowe linear deffection
zniszczenie damage
zniszczenie materiału degradation of material
zwarcie short circuit
zwarcie doziemne fault to earth, short‐circuit to earth
zwarciowa zdolność wyłączania breaking capacity
zwieranie short‐circuiting
zwłoka czasowa time delay

źródło ciepła heat source
źródło elektrochemiczne electrochemical source
źródło pomocnicze auxiliary source
źródło prądu ograniczonego limited‐current‐source
źródło ruchome mobile source
źródło separacyjne separation source
źródło zasilania source of supply
źródło zakłócenia source of disturbance
źródło zewnętrzne external source

żarówka incandescent lamp
żyła okrągła circular conductor
żyła sektorowa shaped conductor
żyły równoległe conductors in parallel

1. Lejdy B., Sulkowski M.: Instalacje elektryczne w obiektach budowlanych. WNT, Warszawa,
2. Niestępski, Pasternakiewicz. Projektowanie instalacji elektrycznych. s.l.: Politechnika
3. Seip G.G.: Electrical Installations Handbook. John Wiley and Sons. Third Edition, 2000.
4. Atkinson Bill: Electrical installation design. John Wiley and Sons, Fourth Edition, 2013.
5. Electrical installation guide. According to IEC international standards. Schneider Electric.
Edition 2022
6. Electrical installation handbook. Protection, control and electrical devices. Technical guide‐ 6‐
th edition 2019. ABB Sace
7. Standards EN 12464‐1:2012, Światło i oświetlenie. Oświetlenie miejsc pracy. Część 1: Miejsca
pracy we wnętrzach. Warszawa: PKN.
8. Standards HD 60364 Low‐voltage electrical installations (multi‐parts standard)

1. https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDIALux.
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to‐wJ5bKYYc.
3. https://youtu.be/TdwNLcdnR58
4. https://youtu.be/2mD3UbSW7ho
5. https://youtu.be/uW‐M8eBHq9U
6. https://youtu.be/u‐jigaMJT10
7. https://youtu.be/QBtZQxBPE9M
8. https://www.electropedia.org/
9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkN5Uh_qqFA

Attention: access to all websites: 04.2023


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