Physics 9 Icse Sample Paper 10 Solution

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ICSE Board

Class IX Physics
Paper – 5 Solution

Answer 1
(a) Light year (ly) is the distance travelled by light in a year.
1 ly = 9.46 x 1015 m
Astronomical unit is the mean distance between the Sun and the earth.
1 AU = 1.50 x 1011 m

i. -4
ii. 0
iii. 1
iv. 15

(c) Let V be the volume of the liquid displaced,

Mass of the floating body = Mass of the liquid displaced
7 kg = V x 140 kg m-3
V = 0.05 m3
 Volume of the block above the surface of the liquid
= 0.07 m3 - 0.05 m3 = 0.02 m3


Total displacement OB = OA2 + AB2

2 2
= 10 m  + 10 m 
= 10 2 m
= 10 × 1.414 m
= 14.14 m along the direction OB
(e) Effects of force applied to a non-rigid body:
i. The applied force can start or stop the motion of the body.
ii. The applied force can change the dimensions of the body.

Answer 2
(a) In uniform circular motion, the speed of the particle remains uniform but velocity

(b) The value of one division on the main scale division, x = cm
Given that the number of divisions on the vernier scale, n = 25
x 1/20
 LC of vernier = = = 0.002cm
n 25

i. Force of attraction exerted by Earth on the book
= 0.6 kg x 9.8 N/kg
= 5.88 N (downward)
ii. Force exerted by book on the Earth = 5.88 N (upward)
iii. The book is in equilibrium under the action of two forces:
A Force of 5.88 N exerted by the earth on the book is in the downward direction and a
force of 5.88 N exerted by the palm is in the upward direction.

i. The cork will become tight.
ii. The cork will become loose.
iii. The cork will become loose.

(e) It is because the thermal conductivity of copper is more than that of steel. Thus, it
helps to transfer heat faster and more evenly than steel.

Answer 3
(a) X-Invar Y-Brass
When contact points are close to each other at a lower temperature, due to
contraction, the contact takes place and hence, the bell starts ringing.

(b) Living organisms require numerous elements to regulate their biological activities
and for the formation of protoplasm. These elements are called nutritive elements.

(c) The pyrex glass has a very low coefficient of volume expansion than ordinary glass. It
has a good heat resistance. Hence, a pyrex glass dish does not crack when heated
strongly while an ordinary glass dish does crack.
(d) In automobiles, to see the traffic at the back, convex mirror is preferred because it
gives a much wider field of view of traffic than a plane mirror of the same size.
Besides, the nature of the image formed by a convex mirror is always virtual, erect
and smaller than the object.

(e) When the object is moved away from the convex mirror, the distance of the image
from the mirror increases (between pole and focus) and the size of the image
gradually decreases. When the object is at infinity, the image is formed at focus.

Answer 4
(a) The medium required for sound waves to travel in a medium should be elastic and
particles of the medium must have inertia. Also, the medium should be frictionless.

(b) Explosions produce sound waves which require material medium for their
propagation. Since there is no medium between other planets, sound cannot travel
through a vacuum medium. Thus, the sound of explosions that take place on the
surface of other planets cannot reach the Earth and we cannot hear the explosions.

(c) The distance travelled by the wave in one timeperiod of vibration is,
0.4 m
Wavelength λ = = 0.02m
120 waves
Frequency ν = = 2 waves/s = 2Hz
Speed V = νλ = 2Hz × 0.02m = 0.04 m/s

(d) A voltmeter is used to measure the potential difference between two points. A
voltameter is a vessel used to carry out the process of electrolysis.

(e) Three magnetic elements are:

i. Magnetic declination.
ii. Magnetic dip or inclination.
iii. Horizontal component of earth's magnetic field.

Answer 5
(a) The following are the properties of gravitational force:
i. Gravitational force between two bodies forms an action-reaction pair i.e. the
forces are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction.
ii. Gravitational force acts along the line joining the centers of the two interacting
iii. Gravitational force between the two bodies is independent of the nature of the
intervening medium.
iv. Gravitational force is negligible in case of light bodies but becomes appreciable in
case of massive bodies like planets and stars.

(b) Given, l2 = 1 m, T1 = 2 s, l2 = 0.5 m, T2 =?

T1 l
= 1
T2 l2
2 1m
T2 0.5 m
= 2
 T2 =
= 2
 T2 =1.414s.

10.2cm +10.1cm+10.0cm
(c) Mean focal length of the convex lens f =
30.3 cm
= =10.1 cm

Answer 6
i. Given v = 0, u = u, h=? a = - g
Using v2 = u2 + 2as
0 = u2 + 2(-g) x h
h= ......................(1)
ii. v = 0, u = u, a = -g, t = ?
v = u + at
0 = u + (-g) t
t = .....................(2)
iii. Time of descent = Time of ascent = ----------(From 2)
iv. u = 0, a = g, s = h, v =?
Using, v2 = u2 + 2as
v2 = 0+2 (g) (h)
v2 = 2gh
v= 2gh.

(b) Uses of velocity-time graph:

i. It is used to study the nature of motion of a body.
ii. Slope of v-t graph at any instant gives the acceleration at that instant.
iii. Area under the velocity-time curve gives the displacement of the body.

(c) Height attained by the rocket = Area of OAB

= x 600 m/s x 40 s
= 12000 m = 12 km

Answer 7
(a) Body Y has greater acceleration because its slope is more than the slope of X.

(b) Given l1 = 50 cm, l2 = 50.048 cm

Δl = l 1 - l 2 = 0.048cm
t 1 =0o C ; t 2 = 353K = (353-273) oC = 80 oC
Δt = t 2 - t 1 = 80 oC -0o C = 80o C
ΔI 0.048cm
α = = =1.2x10-5 oC-1 .
I1 x Δt 50cm x 80o C

(c) Inertia is the property of a body or its inability to change its state of rest or of uniform
motion by itself.
Inertia is of three types, viz.
i. Inertia of rest: It is the inherent property of a body by virtue of which a body at
rest will remain at rest unless an external force is applied on it.
ii. Inertia of motion: It is the inherent property of a body by virtue of which a body in
motion continues to remain in motion unless an external force is applied on it.
iii. Inertia of direction: It is the inherent property of a body by virtue of which it is
unable to change its direction of motion by itself.

Answer 8
i. Heat flows from a body at a higher temperature to a body at a lower temperature.
ii. In heat exchange, the heat lost by the hot body is equal to the heat gained by the
cold body.
iii. Substances generally expand on heating.
iv. A certain amount of heat known as latent heat is required to change the state of a
body from solid to liquid or from liquid to gas without any change in temperature.
v. On heating or cooling, the weight of the body remains the same.

(b) In cold regions, when atmospheric temperature falls below 0 oC, the surfaces of rivers
and lakes freeze. Water at 4oC being heavier sinks to the bottom, while at the surface,
it turns into ice. Water remains in the state of liquid in the
lower region. Thus, the aquatic animals move to the lower region in water and

(c) The cold air blowing from the sea towards the land during the day is called sea
During day time, the land becomes hotter than the sea due to its large absorbing
power and low specific heat capacity. In the evening, therefore, the air above the land,
being more heated, expands and rises up. The colder air above
the sea surface blows towards the land to take its place. This sets up the convection
currents which form the sea breeze as shown in the figure.

Answer 9
(a) We know that, acceleration due to gravity , g =
On the earth,
gE =
R 2E
On the planet,
G Mp
gP =
R 2p
According to the question, Mp = ,R p = E
2 2
∴ gp = 2
R 
2 E 
 2 
R 2E
=2(g E )
=2x 9.8 m/s2
=19.6 m/s2
∴ gp =19.6 m/s2

Ray diagram is drawn as shown in the above figure

M1O2 D =M1OM2 =70O
From the figure,
O2O1O  90o   and OO2O1  180o  (70o  90o  )
 20o  
N2O2O1  90o  (20o  )  70o  
But M1O2N2  90o
x = 90o - (20o +  ) = 70o - 
As we know that M1O2D  N2O2D  90o
70o + 70o -  = 90o    50o 7

ii. Given: 1 : 2  3:5, 1 : 2  ?

Applying v = νλ,
ν λ
1 = 2 =5
ν λ 3
2 1
 ν : ν = 5:3
1 2

Answer 10
(a) Divergence of leaves increases.
Reason: When an ebonite rod is rubbed with fur, the ebonite rod is charged
negatively and the fur is charged positively. When the positively charged fur is
brought near the cap of a positively charged electroscope, it attracts electrons from
the plate of the cap to the leaves. Thus, the positive charge on the plate and the leaves
of the electroscope increases due to which, the leaves show greater divergence.


i. The metal piece ‘A’ is called the magnetic keeper.
ii. A is made of soft iron.
iii. Piece ‘A’ preserves the magnetism in the magnet.
iv. According to molecular (or domain) theory of magnetism, the magnet consists of a
large number of tiny molecular magnets arranged in a particular direction. When a
metal piece A is held between the north and the south poles of the magnet ‘A’
becomes a strong induced magnet. The magnetic dipoles in the horseshoe magnet
and the metal piece ‘A’ form a closed loop with no free poles left. Thus, the metal
piece ‘A’ serves the purpose of preventing demagnetization.

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