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Morrey’s The Elbow and Its Disorders

5th Edition Bernard F. Morrey

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The Elbow and
The Elbow and
Its Disorders

Bernard F. Morrey, MD Joaquin Sanchez-Sotelo, MD, PhD
Professor Professor
Department of Orthopedic Surgery Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Mayo Clinic Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
Rochester, Minnesota; Consultant
Professor of Orthopedics Division of Adult Reconstruction
University of Texas Health Science Center Department of Orthopedic Surgery
San Antonio, Texas Mayo Clinic
Rochester, Minnesota

Mark E. Morrey, MD, MSc

Assistant Professor of Orthopedics
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Mayo Clinic
Rochester, Minnesota
Anatomic dissections: Manuel Llusá-Pérez, MD, PhD, and José R. Ballesteros-Betancourt, MD
1600 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
Ste 1800
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2899

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Previous editions copyrighted 2009, 2000, 1993, 1985 by The Mayo Clinic Foundation.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Morrey, Bernard F., 1943- editor. | Sanchez-Sotelo, Joaquin, editor. | Morrey, Mark E., editor.
Title: Morrey’s the elbow and its disorders / [edited by] Bernard F. Morrey, Joaquin Sanchez-Sotelo,
Mark E. Morrey.
Other titles: Elbow and its disorders.
Description: Fifth edition. | Philadelphia, PA : Elsevier, [2018] | Preceded by Elbow and its disorders /
[edited by] Bernard F. Morrey, Joaquin Sanchez-Sotelo. 4th ed. c2009. | Includes bibliographical references
and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017013655 | ISBN 9780323341691 (hardcover : alk. paper)
Subjects: | MESH: Elbow Joint | Elbow Joint—injuries | Joint Diseases
Classification: LCC RD686 | NLM WE 820 | DDC 617.472044—dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc

Senior Content Strategist: Kristine Jones

Senior Content Development Specialist: Ann Ruzycka Anderson
Publishing Services Manager: Catherine Jackson
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Design Direction: Bridget Hoette

Printed in China

Last digit is the print number: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

The first Morrey’s The Elbow and Its Disorders is dedicated to my wife, Carla.

Carla has patiently supported me through the “all-nighters” of the first edition
in 1983 to my editing chapters while on our 50th wedding anniversary trip in
2016. I cannot thank her enough for simultaneously rearing our family while
encouraging me through all aspects of my career.

It is only fitting that the first “eponified” edition of this title be dedicated to
the one person who has had a major role in all the previous editions.
For her love and steadfast support I am forever grateful.

Joshua M. Abzug, MD Andrew T. Assenmacher, MD Allen T. Bishop, MD
Associate Professor ProMedica Health System Professor of Orthopedic and Neurologic
Departments of Orthopedics and Pediatrics Toledo, Ohio Surgery
University of Maryland School of Medicine Monroe, Michigan Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
Baltimore, Maryland Consultant, Division of Hand Surgery
George S. Athwal, MD, FRCSC Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Julie E. Adams, MD Professor of Surgery Mayo Clinic
Associate Professor Orthopedic Surgery Roth McFarlane Hand and Upper Limb Rochester, Minnesota
Mayo Clinic and Mayo Clinic Health System Centre
Rochester, Minnesota St. Joseph’s Health Care Jeremy Bruce, MD
Austin, Minnesota University of Western Ontario Chattanooga, Tennessee
London, Ontario, Canada
Christopher S. Ahmad, MD Travis C. Burns, MD
Head Team Physician New York Yankees Yaser M. Baghdadi, MD Lieutenant Colonel, United States Marine
Chief, Sports Medicine Service Surgical Resident Corps
Center for Shoulder, Elbow and Sports Cleveland Clinic Orthopedic Surgeon, San Antonio Military
Medicine Weston, Florida Medical Center
New York Presbyterian/Columbia University Fort Sam Houston, Texas
Medical Center Champ L. Baker, Jr., MD
New York, New York Hughston Clinic Christopher L. Camp, MD
Columbus, Georgia Sports Medicine Center
Shahryar Ahmadi, MD, FRCSC Mayo Clinic Department of Orthopedics
Assistant Professor of Orthopaedics Champ L. Baker III, MD Rochester, Minnesota
Director, Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Hughston Clinic
Department of Orthopaedics Columbus, Georgia Brian T. Carlsen, MD
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Associate Professor
Little Rock, Arkansas José R. Ballesteros-Betancourt, MD Plastic and Orthopedic Surgery
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Mayo Clinic
Eloy Dario Tabeayo Alvarez, MD Traumatology Rochester, Minnesota
Shoulder and Elbow Unit Hospital Clínic Barcelona;
Department of Orthopedic Surgery Faculty of Medicine Andrea Celli, MD
Hospital Universitario La Paz University of Barcelona Shoulder and Elbow Unit
Madrid, Spain Macro and Micro-Dissection and Surgical Hesperia Hospital
Anatomy Laboratory, Human Anatomy Modena, Italy
Kai-Nan An, PhD and Embryology Department
Professor Emeritus Barcelona, Spain Charalambos P. Charalambous, MBChB,
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine MSc, MD, FRCS (Tr & Orth)
Rochester, Minnesota Raul Barco, MD, PhD Honorary Professor
Shoulder and Elbow Unit Consultant in Trauma and Orthopaedics
James R. Andrews, MD Department of Orthopedic Surgery School of Medicine
The Andrews Institute Hospital Universitario La Paz University of Central Lancashire
Gulf Breeze, Florida Madrid, Spain Preston, United Kingdom;
Department of Trauma and Orthopaedics
Karen L. Andrews, MD Jonathan D. Barlow, MD, MS Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Associate Professor Assistant Professor Blackpool, United Kingdom
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department of Orthopedics
Mayo Clinic Division of Shoulder Surgery Neal Chen, MD
Rochester, Minnesota The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Assistant Professor
Center Sports Medicine Harvard Medical School;
Samuel Antuña, MD, PhD, FEBOT Columbus, Ohio Massachusetts General Hospital
Chief, Shoulder and Elbow Unit Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Orthopedic Surgery Joseph M. Bestic, MD Boston, Massachusetts
Hospital Universitario La Paz; Assistant Professor of Radiology
Orthopaedic Department Diagnostic Radiology Emilie Cheung, MD
Hospital La Paz Mayo Clinic Associate Professor
Madrid, Spain Jacksonville, Florida Orthopedic Surgery
Stanford University
Palo Alto, California

Contributors vii

Akin Cil, MD Neal S. ElAttrache, MD Justin L. Hodgins, MD

Franklin D. Dickson Associate Professor of Associate Clinical Professor Orthopaedic Surgeon
Orthopaedics Department of Orthopaedics Rouge Valley Health System
University of Missouri-Kansas City Keck School of Medicine Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Truman Medical Centers University of Southern California;
Kansas City, Missouri Director, Sports Medicine Terese T. Horlocker, MD
Fellowship, Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic Professor of Anesthesiology and
John E. Conway, MD Los Angeles, California Orthopaedics
Team Orthopedic Consultant Department of Anesthesiology
Texas Christian University and University of Bassem T. Elhassan, MD Mayo Clinic
Texas at Arlington Mayo Clinic Rochester, Minnesota
Medical Director Rochester, Minnesota
Texas Health Ben Hogan Sports Medicine Jeffery S. Hughes, MBBS, FRACS
Orthopedic Specialty Associates Larry D. Field, MD Orthopaedic Consultant
Texas Health Physicians Group Orthopaedic Physician North Shore Private Hospital
Fort Worth, Texas Mississippi Sports Medicine and Sydney, Australia
Orthopaedic Center
Roger Cornwall, MD Jackson, Mississippi Carrie Y. Inwards, MD
Associate Professor Professor of Pathology
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Antonio M. Foruria, MD, PhD Department of Laboratory Medicine
Department of Developmental Biology Shoulder and Elbow Reconstructive Surgery Division of Anatomic Pathology
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Unit Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
Center Head, Orthopedic Surgery Department Rochester, Minnesota
Cincinnati, Ohio Fundación Jiménez Díaz University Hospital
Associate Professor of Orthopedics In-Ho Jeon, MD, PhD
Omkar H. Dave, MD Surgery Department Professor
Omkar Dave MD PLLC Autonoma University Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Orthopedic Surgery, Sports Medicine, and Madrid, Spain Asan Medical Centre, School of Medicine,
Arthroscopy University of Ulsan
Houston, Texas Hillary W. Garner, MD Seoul, South Korea
Assistant Professor
Joshua S. Dines, MD Department of Radiology Srinath Kamineni, MD, FRCS-Orth
Sports Medicine and Shoulder Service Mayo Clinic Professor of Bioengineering
Hospital for Special Surgery Jacksonville, Florida Brunel University School of Engineering
New York, New York and Design;
Robert U. Hartzler, MD, MS Consultant Elbow, Shoulder, Upper Limb
Karan Dua, MD Assistant Clinical Professor Surgeon, and Clinical Lead
Research Fellow University of the Incarnate Word School of Upper Limb Unit
Department of Orthopaedics Osteopathic Medicine Cromwell Hospital
University of Maryland Shoulder and Elbow Surgeon London, United Kingdom
Baltimore, Maryland The San Antonio Orthopaedic Group
San Antonio, Texas Graham J.W. King, MD, MSc, FRCSC
Thomas R. Duquin, MD Professor
Assistant Professor John W. Hinchey, MD Department of Surgery
Department of Orthopaedics Assistant Chief of Orthopaedic Surgery Western University;
University at Buffalo Shoulder & Elbow Fellowship, VA Site Director
Buffalo, New York Director St. Joseph’s Health Centre
South Texas Veterans’ Health Care System; Roth McFarlane Hand and Upper Limb
Anil K. Dutta, MD Adjunct Associate Professor, Orthopaedic Centre
Associate Professor Surgery London, Ontario, Canada
Orthopedic Surgery University of Texas Health Science Center at
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Jeffrey C. King, MD
San Antonio San Antonio, Texas Clinical Associate Professor
San Antonio, Texas Western Michigan University
E. Rhett Hobgood, MD Homer Stryker MD School of Medicine
Eric W. Edmonds, MD Mississippi Sports Medicine and Kalamazoo, Michigan
Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery Orthopaedic Center
University of California San Diego; Jackson, Mississippi
Director, 360 Sports Medicine
Rady Children’s Hospital San Diego
San Diego, California
viii Contributors

Joyce S.B. Koh, MD Robert L. Lennon, DO Steven L. Moran, MD

Senior Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Associate Professor of Anesthesiology Professor and Chair of Plastic Surgery
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Mayo Medical School; Professor of Orthopedic Surgery
Singapore General Hospital Supplemental Consultant Mayo Clinic
Singhealth Regional Health System Mayo Clinic Rochester, Minnesota
Singapore Rochester, Minnesota
Bernard F. Morrey, MD
Sandra L. Kopp, MD Kevin J. Little, MD Professor
Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology Director, Pediatric Hand and Upper Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Mayo Clinic Extremity Center Mayo Clinic
Rochester, Minnesota Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Rochester, Minnesota;
Center; Professor of Orthopedics
Young W. Kwon, MD, PhD Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery University of Texas Health Science Center
Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery University of Cincinnati School of Medicine San Antonio, Texas
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Cincinnati, Ohio
New York University School of Medicine Mark E. Morrey, MD, MSc
New York, New York Manuel Llusá-Pérez, MD, PhD Assistant Professor of Orthopedics
Professor of Human Anatomy and Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Mikko Larsen, MD, PhD Embryology Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
Consultant Plastic Surgeon Barcelona Medical School Rochester, Minnesota
Department of Plastic Surgery Department of Anatomy;
Launceston General Hospital Head of Trauma Unit Michael R. Moynagh, MBBAOBCh,
Launceston, Tasmania, Australia Hospital Clinic, Barcelona FFRRCSI, MRCSI
Trauma and Orthopaedics Assistant Professor of Radiology
Susan G. Larson, MS, PhD Barcelona, Spain Department of Radiology
Professor Mayo Clinic
Department of Anatomical Sciences Harvinder S. Luthra, MD Rochester, Minnesota
Stony Brook University School of Medicine John Finn Professor of Medicine
Stony Brook, New York Division of Rheumatology Robert Nirschl, MD, MS
Mayo Clinic Founder Chairman Emeritus
Lisa Lattanza, MD Rochester, Minnesota Nirschl Orthopaedic Center;
Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery Senior Orthopaedic Surgeon Emeritus,
Chief, Division of Hand, Elbow and Upper Alex A. Malone, MBBS, FRCS (Tr & Virginia Hospital Center
Extremity Surgery Orth), FRACS Arlington, Virginia;
Orthopaedic Surgery Senior Clinical Lecturer Clinical Associate
University of California San Francisco Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Professor Emeritus
San Francisco, California; Musculoskeletal Medicine Georgetown University Medical Center
Consultant Surgeon University of Otago Washington, DC
Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery Christchurch, New Zealand
Shriners Hospital of Northern California Michael J. O’Brien, MD
Sacramento, California Pierre Mansat, MD, PhD Assistant Professor of Orthopaedics
Professor of Orthopedics and Traumatology Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Thomas Lawrence, MD, MSc, Department of Orthopedics and Tulane University School of Medicine
FRCS(T&O) Traumatology New Orleans, Louisiana
Consultant Shoulder and Elbow Surgeon University Hospital of Toulouse
Trauma and Orthopaedics Toulouse, France Shawn W. O’Driscoll, MD, PhD
University Hospital Coventry and Professor of Orthopedic Surgery
Warwickshire Thomas G. Mason, MD Mayo Clinic
Coventry, United Kingdom Rheumatology Rochester, Minnesota
Mayo Clinic
Brian P. Lee, MD Rochester, Minnesota Panayiotis J. Papagelopoulos, MD, DSc
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Professor and Chairman
Orthopaedic Associates Amy L. McIntosh, MD First Department of Orthopaedics
Mount Elizabeth Hospital; Associate Professor of Orthopedic Surgery Athens University Medical School
Visiting Consultant Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children Attikon University General Hospital
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Dallas, Texas Athens, Greece
Singapore General Hospital
Singapore Robert Nelson Mead, MD, MBA
Tulane University School of Medicine
New Orleans, Louisiana
Contributors ix

Rick Papandrea, MD Felix H. “Buddy” Savoie III, MD Jarrod R. Smith, MD

Partner Ray J. Haddad Professor and Chair of President
Orthopedic Associates of Wisconsin Orthopaedic Surgery Smith Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, PSC
Pewaukee, Wisconsin; Tulane University School of Medicine Ashland, Kentucky
Assistant Clinical Professor New Orleans, Louisiana
Orthopaedic Surgery Jay Smith, MD
Medical College of Wisconsin Olga D. Savvidou, MD Professor of Physical Medicine &
Milwaukee, Wisconsin Associate Professor Rehabilitation
First Department of Orthopaedics Departments of Physical Medicine and
Hamlet A. Peterson, MD, MS Athens University Medical School Rehabilitation
Emeritus Professor of Orthopedic Surgery Attikon University General Hospital Radiology and Anatomy
Mayo Medical School; Athens, Greece Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
Emeritus Consultant in Orthopedic Surgery Rochester, Minnesota
Emeritus Chair Pediatric Orthopedics Erin M. Scanlon, MD
Mayo Clinic Rheumatology Jeremy S. Somerson, MD
Rochester, Minnesota Mayo Clinic Assistant Professor
Rochester, Minnesota Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and
Samantha Lee Piper, MD Rehabilitation
Orthopedic Hand and Upper Extremity Alberto G. Schneeberger, MD University of Texas Medical Branch
Surgery Consultant Galveston, Texas
Southern California Permanente Medical Privatdozent at University of Zurich
Group Endoclinic Zurich, Klinik Hirslanden Robert J. Spinner, MD
San Diego, California Zurich, Switzerland Chairman
Department of Neurologic Surgery
Adam M. Pourcho, DO Benjamin W. Sears, MD Burton M. Onofrio Professor of
Instructor of Sports Medicine Orthopaedic Surgeon Neurosurgery
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Western Orthopaedics Professor of Orthopedics and Anatomy
Swedish Medical Group Denver, Colorado Mayo Clinic School of Medicine
Seattle, Washington Rochester, Minnesota
Adam J. Seidl, MD
Matthew L. Ramsey, MD Assistant Professor Anthony A. Stans, MD
Professor Orthopedic Surgery Chair, Division of Pediatric Orthopedics
Orthopaedic Surgery University of Colorado Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Thomas Jefferson University and Rothman Aurora, Colorado Mayo Clinic
Institute Rochester, Minnesota
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania William J. Shaughnessy, MS, MD
Pediatric Orthopedics and Scoliosis Surgery Scott P. Steinmann, MD
Nicholas G. Rhodes, MD Department of Orthopedic Surgery Professor of Orthopedic Surgery
Senior Associate Consultant Mayo Clinic Mayo Clinic and Mayo Clinic Health System
Department of Radiology Rochester, Minnesota Rochester, Minnesota
Mayo Clinic Austin, Minnesota
Rochester, Minnesota Alexander Y. Shin, MD
Professor of Orthopedic and Neurologic Matthew T. Stepanovich, MD
David Ring, MD, PhD Surgery Clinical Fellow
Associate Dean for Comprehensive Care Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Pediatric Orthopaedic and Scoliosis
Professor of Surgery and Perioperative Care Consultant, Division of Hand Surgery Fellowship
The University of Texas at Austin–Dell Department of Orthopedic Surgery Rady Children’s Hospital San Diego
Medical School Mayo Clinic San Diego, California
Austin, Texas Rochester, Minnesota
Philipp N. Streubel, MD
Joaquin Sanchez-Sotelo, MD, PhD Thomas C. Shives, MD Assistant Professor
Professor Professor Orthopaedic Surgery
Department of Orthopedic Surgery Department of Orthopedic Surgery University of Nebraska Medical Center
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Mayo Clinic Omaha, Nebraska
Consultant Rochester, Minnesota
Division of Adult Reconstruction Jo Suenghwan, MD, PhD
Department of Orthopedic Surgery Juan P. Simone, MD Assistant Professor
Mayo Clinic Shoulder and Elbow Surgeon Department of Orthopaedics
Rochester, Minnesota Orthopedic Surgery Chosun University
Hospital Alemán Gwangju, South Korea
Buenos Aires, Argentina
x Contributors

Andrew R. Thoreson, MS Roger P. van Riet, MD, PhD Jacqueline S. Weisbein, DO

Biomechanics Laboratory Elbow Surgeon Partner and Medical Director
Division of Orthopedic Research Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery Napa Pain Institute
Rochester, Minnesota Fellowship Director Napa, California
President of the Belgian Elbow and
Thomas W. (Quin) Throckmorton, MD Shoulder Society Daniel E. Wessell, MD, PhD
Professor Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Department of Radiology
Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Traumatology Mayo Clinic
University of Tennessee Campbell Clinic AZ Monica Jacksonville, Florida
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery University of Antwerp
Memphis, Tennessee Antwerp, Belgium Ken Yamaguchi, MD
Sam and Marilyn Fox Distinguished
Nho V. Tran, MD Ilya Voloshin, MD Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery
Associate Professor of Plastic Surgery Professor of Orthopaedics Chief, Shoulder and Elbow Service
Mayo Clinic Director, Shoulder and Elbow Division Washington University School of Medicine
Rochester, Minnesota Department of Orthopaedics St. Louis, Missouri
University of Rochester Medical Center
Ann E. Van Heest, MD Rochester, New York Dan A. Zlotolow, MD
Professor Associate Professor of Orthopaedics
Department of Orthopedic Surgery Carley Vuillermin, MBBS, FRACS Temple University School of Medicine;
University of Minnesota; Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery Attending Physician
Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare Harvard Medical School; Shriners Hospital for Children
Shriners Hospital for Children—Twin Cities Staff Orthopaedic Surgeon Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Minneapolis, Minnesota Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Boston Children’s Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts

The fifth edition of The Elbow and Its Disorders is very special to me As is well known, there is a tremendous challenge in providing
personally for several reasons. First, this now represents over 30 years relevance through various types of communication. Today’s standards
since the first edition appeared, sharing our interest in diagnosis and are characterized by instantaneous access to the most current informa-
treatment of this “forgotten joint.” More importantly, this edition tion available in an electronic format. This edition, therefore, makes a
introduces once again Dr. Joaquin Sanchez-Sotelo as a co-editor and significant effort to maintain the tradition of this title as being the
also introduces for the first time my son, Mark Morrey, as a co-editor. definitive reference and containing clinical, relevant information
Future editions will be hallmarked by their innovative contributions regarding elbow disease and its management. But, importantly, it has
and exceptional ability to communicate and teach. This edition is also also made a considerable effort to utilize the advances realized with
hallmarked by the decision of the publisher, Elsevier, to rename The complementary video clips and electronic navigation. As has always
Elbow and Its Disorders henceforth eponymously as Morrey’s The Elbow been the case, we are forever in the debt of our many colleagues
and Its Disorders. I, of course, am extremely humbled by this decision worldwide who have shared their interesting cases with us and have
and am not only grateful to the publishers but also to my colleague, allowed us to publish some of their material. It is our sincere hope and
Dr. Sanchez-Sotelo, and to Mark, in whom I have the utmost confi- expectation that this fifth edition will be the best and most relevant yet.
dence will not only continue the publication of this material into the
future but will improve on the quality and relevance as well. Bernard F. Morrey, MD


It is most appropriate to recognize with appreciation my many ortho- supportive and patient. One of the unsung heroes through all of these
pedic colleagues worldwide who have supported and encouraged me years has been my manuscript secretary, Donna Riemersma, who never
through the five editions of The Elbow and Its Disorders. In fact, the ceases to amaze me with her calmness and patience.
beautiful anatomic dissections featured in this edition are the contri- I must again thank Carla and the kids, Mike, Matt, Mark, and
bution of Dr. Manuel Llusá-Pérez, Dr. José R. Ballesteros-Betancourt, Maggie; thanks for your understanding and unfaltering support,
and their colleagues from Spain. The tremendous support provided by even as this project has extended a bit beyond what was originally
Drs. Sanchez-Sotelo and Mark Morrey for their contributions as well anticipated.
as their advice and encouragement is evident throughout the text. I Finally, my colleague, Joaquin, and my son and colleague, Mark,
particularly wish to recognize Dr. Shawn O’Driscoll, who has been my have not only been a great asset in the preparation of this edition but
partner and colleague for most of my career. The orthopedic com- have also assumed the task of taking this project into the future. I could
munity owes him a tremendous debt of gratitude for his numerous not have left this challenge in more capable hands. I have no doubt
contributions to elbow surgery. I especially appreciate his desire to that they will not just sustain the quality but will make it measurably
challenge existing thought and dogma and continue to push for a better and continue to adapt to the changing times and expectations.
better understanding of disease mechanisms and physical diagnosis. I As always, this will be done in the future as in the past, with the monical
am thankful to Elsevier, who has determined to “eponify” this title. The focus of improving patient care. Godspeed.
support of the publisher has been unwavering, and the editorial and
production crew of Elsevier has been not just professional but also Bernard F. Morrey, MD


PART I Fundamentals and General Considerations 48 Hinged External Fixators of the Elbow
48-1 Application of the Dynamic Joint Distractor
4 History and Physical Examination of the Elbow
4-1 Ulnar Nerve Subluxation
4-2 Resisted Terminal Extension PART V Complications of Trauma and
4-3 Arm Bar Examination Elbow Stiffness
4-4 Localizing the Interval Between the Brachial Radialis and
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus for Palpation of the 49 Persistent Elbow Instability
Posterior Interosseous Nerve 49-1 Reconstructive Options for Persistent Elbow Instability
4-5 Percussion of the Lateral Antebrachial Cutaneous Nerve 49-2 Allograft Reconstruction of the Coronoid
4-6 Posterior Plica Examination
4-7 Tennis Elbow Shear Test 50 Nonunion and Malunion of Distal Humerus Fractures
4-8 Range of Motion Examination 50-1 Open Reduction and Internal Fixation for Distal Humerus
4-9 Radiocapitellar Load Test Nonunion
4-10 Posterior Lateral Rotatory Drawer Test
4-11 Elbow Examination Under Anesthesia With Fluoroscopy 54 Extrinsic Contracture: Lateral and Medial
4-12 Moving Valgus Stress Test Column Procedures
4-13 Gravity-Assisted Varus Posterior Medial Rotatory 54-1 Open Contracture Release: Medial and Lateral Column
Instability Grind Test
55 Elbow Stiffness: Arthroscopic Contracture Release
55-1 Arthroscopic Osteocapsular Arthroplasty for
PART II Elbow Arthroscopy Primary Osteoarthritis

20 Arthroscopic Management of Elbow Plica and

Loose Bodies PART VI Sports and Soft Tissue Injuries
20-1 Elbow Plicae and Loose Bodies
60 Percutaneous Ultrasound Tenotomy Treatment of
22 Arthroscopic Management of Osteochondritis Epicondylitis
Dissecans of the Capitellum 60-1 Percutaneous Ultrasonic Tenotomy
22-1 Microfracture of Contained Osteochondritis
Dissecans Lesion 63 Elbow Tendinopathies: Acute Distal Biceps Tendon
63-1 Mayo Two-Incision Biceps Tendon Repair
PART III The Child and Adolescent Elbow
67 Articular Injuries in the Athlete
33 Osteochondritis Dissecans 67-1 Capitellar Osteochondritis Dissecans Lesion Treated
33-1 Treatment of Osteochondritis Desiccans With Microfracture
Elbow Lesions
33-2 Osteochondral Allograft Transfer for Osteochondritis
Dissecans PART VIII Joint Replacement Arthroplasty
87 Radiocapitellar Prosthetic Arthroplasty for Isolated
PART IV Acute Trauma Radiocapitellar Arthritis
87-1 UNI_Elbow Radio-Capitellum Replacement
39 Prosthetic Radial Head Replacement
39-1 rHead LATERAL Implant 90 Linked Elbow Arthroplasty: Rationale, Design
39-2 rHead RECON Bipolar Replacement Concept, and Surgical Technique
39-3 rHead Extended Stem Replacement 90-1 Coonrad-Morrey Total Elbow Arthroplasty
90-2 Highlights of the Zimmer Nexel Total Elbow Surgical
43 Coronoid Fractures Procedure
43-1 Lateral Approach to the Elbow for Radial Head Fixation
or Replacement and Coronoid Fixation 92 Distal Humeral Fractures
92-1 Total Elbow Arthroplasty for Distal Humerus Fractures
45 Distal Humerus Fractures: Fractures of the Columns
With Articular Involvement 93 Total Elbow Arthroplasty for Distal
45-1 Open Reduction and Internal Fixation for Distal Humerus Humerus Nonunion
Fractures 93-1 Total Elbow Arthroplasty for Distal Humerus Nonunions

Video Contents xvii

PART IX Complications and Salvage PART X Nonprosthetic Alternatives and

of Failed Arthroplasty Salvage Procedures
104 Isolated Polyethylene Wear and Elbow Replacement 110 Synovectomy of the Elbow
104-1 Fluoroscopic Examination for Bushing Wear 110-1 Arthroscopic Synovectomy of the Elbow

108 Revision of Failed Total Elbow Arthroplasty With 113 Anconeus Interposition Arthroplasty
Osseous Deficiency: Impaction Grafting 113-1 Anconeus Interposition Arthroplasty
108-1 Revision Techniques for Total Elbow Arthroplasty
114 Interposition Arthroplasty of the Elbow
109 Revision of Failed Total Elbow Arthroplasty With 114-1 Interposition Arthroplasty With Achilles Tendon Allograft
Osseous Deficiency: Humeral Replacement and and the Application of the Dynamic Joint Distractor
Allograft Prosthetic Composite Reconstruction
109-1 Allograft Prosthetic Composite Reconstruction
The Elbow and
Alex A. Malone and Susan G. Larson

INTRODUCTION Early mammals from the Triassic (210 to 160 mya) and Jurassic
(160 to 130 mya) periods also had radial and ulnar condyles. However,
The human elbow forms the link between brachium and forearm, the radial condyle was more protuberant than the ulnar, and the ulnar
controlling length of reach and orientation of the hand, and is one condyle was more linear and obliquely oriented (see Fig. 1.1). The two
of our most distinctive anatomic regions. An appreciation of elbow condyles were separated by an intercondylar groove. The ulnar notch
phylogeny complements anatomic knowledge in three ways: (1) it had articular surfaces for both the ulnar and the radial condyles, each
demonstrates how the elbow has evolved to facilitate specific functional matching the configuration of the corresponding humeral surface. The
demands, such as suspensory locomotion and dexterous manipulation; oblique orientation of the humeroulnar joint resembled a spiral con-
(2) it explains the functional significance of each morphologic feature; figuration, which helped to keep forearm movement in a sagittal plane
and (3) it assists in predicting the consequences of loss of such features as the humerus underwent a compound motion involving adduction,
through disease, injury, or treatment. elevation, and rotation during propulsion.
Most of the characteristic features of the human elbow significantly The trochleariform distal humeral articular surface in modern
predate the appearance of modern Homo sapiens. In fact, current mammals largely came about by widening the intercondylar groove
evidence suggests that this morphology can be traced back to the and the development of a ridge within it (see Fig. 1.1, bear). The
common ancestor of humans and apes, extant approximately 15 to 20 articular surface on the proximal ulna is oblique in orientation, and
million years ago (mya). the distal half retains an articulation with the ulnar condyle. This spiral
trochlear configuration allows the forearm to move in a sagittal plane
while maintaining the stability of ulnohumeral contact through the
EVOLUTION OF THE VERTEBRATE ELBOW cam effect of the ulnar condyle during humeral rotation.
The distal humerus of pelycosaurs, the late Paleozoic (255 to 235 mya) Most small noncursorial mammals have maintained the spiral
reptiles that probably gave rise to more advanced mammal-like reptiles, configuration of the trochlear articular surface observed in early
possessed a bulbous capitellum laterally and medially. The articulation mammals. In larger and more cursorial mammals, the trochlea displays
with the ulna was formed by two distinct surfaces: a slightly concave various ridges and is narrower to improve stability, although at the
ventral surface and a more flat dorsal surface (Fig. 1.1).11 The proximal expense of joint mobility. Only in the hominoid primates, which
articular surface of the ulna was similarly divided into two surfaces include humans, chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, and gibbons, is the
separated by a low ridge. Reconstruction of the forelimb of these medial aspect of the distal humeral articular surface truly trochleari-
reptiles suggests that they walked with limbs splayed out to the side. form. In the next section, we discuss the functional significance of the
The humerus was held more or less horizontal, the elbow flexed to 90 unique aspects of the hominoid elbow joint.
degrees, and the forearm was sagittally oriented. Forward motion was
brought about by rotation of the humerus around its long axis, which COMPARATIVE PRIMATE ANATOMY OF
propelled the body forward relative to the fixed forefoot. Elbow flexion
and extension probably were useful only in side-to-side motions. The
ulnohumeral joint, with its dual articular surfaces, was well suited to Much of what follows is taken from the detailed studies of Rose.20,21
resist the valgus/varus stress produced by humeral rotation, and the The humeral trochlea may be cylindrical, conical, or trochleariform in
proximal end of the radius was flat and triangular, precluding prono- nonhuman primates.21 The trochlea is conical in some prosimians, but
supination. It appears, therefore, that stability rather than mobility was a cylindrical trochlea seems to be the most common shape and is
the major functional characteristic of the elbow of these late Paleozoic observed in most prosimians and New World monkeys. The trochlea
reptiles. is also cylindrical in most Old World monkeys but with a pronounced
Cynodonts, the more immediate ancestors of mammals from the medial flange or keel that is best developed anterodistally (Fig. 1.2).
Permo-Triassic period (235 to 160 mya), had their limbs underneath Only in apes and humans is the trochlea truly trochleariform, possess-
their bodies rather than at the sides. The distal humeral articular ing medial and lateral ridges all around the trochlear margins, which
surface consisted of radial and ulnar condyles separated by a shallow contribute to the stability of the ulnohumeral joint, substituting for
groove (see Fig. 1.1). The proximal ulnar articular surface was an the radiohumeral joint, which is freed for pronosupination throughout
elongate spoon shape for articulation with the humeroulnar condyle. the flexion range.11,20 In most species, the articular surface of the
The lateral flange on the ulna for articulation with the radius was sepa- trochlea expands posteriorly to the area behind the capitellum. In
rated from this surface by a low ridge. This ridge articulated with the larger monkeys, the lateral edge of the posterior trochlear surface
groove between the radial and ulnar condyles, displaying some features projects to form a keel that extends up the lateral wall of the olecranon
in common with the “tongue and groove” (trochleariform) type of fossa (see Fig. 1.2). In hominoids, this keel is a continuation of the
humeroulnar articulation characteristic of many modern mammals. lateral trochlear ridge and helps form a sharp lateral margin of the

CHAPTER 1 Phylogeny 3


Hominoid primate Graviportal mammal Cursorial mammal

(chimpanzee) (elephant) (gazelle)

Partly terrestrial
mammal (bear)

Generalized mammal
(tree shrew) Prototherian

~100 mya

Jurassic mammal ~155 mya

Late Triassic mammal ~215 mya

Cynodont Early Triassic ~250 mya

Pelycosaur Late Paleozoic ~300 mya

FIG 1.1 The major evolutionary stages in the development of the elbow joint from pelycosaurs to advanced
mammals. The distal ends of the humeri are shown on the left, and the corresponding radius and ulna are
on the right. The form of the pelycosaur elbow was designed to maximize stability. Subsequent evolutionary
stages show accommodations to increasing mobility. (Adapted from Jenkins FA Jr: The functional anatomy
and evolution of the mammalian humeroulnar articulation, Am J Anat 137:281, 1973.)

olecranon fossa, providing resistance to varus and internal rotation in The great apes (chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans) and the
extension.20,21 lesser apes (gibbons) move about in a much less stereotypical fashion
The trochlear notch of the ulna generally mirrors the shape of the than do monkeys. To accommodate this more varied form of limb use,
humeral trochlea. In humans and apes, the notch has medial and the hominoid humeroulnar joint, with its deeply socketed articular
lateral surfaces separated by a ridge that articulates with the trochlear surfaces and well-developed medial and lateral trochlear ridges all
groove (Fig. 1.3).20,21 around the joint margins, is designed to provide maximum stability
The differences seen in the configuration of the humeroulnar joint throughout the flexion-extension range.20–22 The use of overhead
across primate species reflect contrasting requirements for stabiliza- suspensory postures and locomotion in apes has led to the evolution
tion with different forms of limb use. In most monkeys, the humer- of the capacity for complete elbow extension. Apes even keep their
oulnar joint is in its most stable configuration in a partially flexed elbows extended during quadrupedal locomotion. The ideal joint
position owing to the development of the medial trochlear keel antero- configuration for resistance of transarticular stress with fully extended
distally and the lateral keel posteriorly.20 elbows during quadrupedal postures would be to have a trochlear
It is not surprising that this position of maximum stability is the notch that was proximally directed. It could then act as a cradle to
one assumed by the forelimb during the weight-bearing phase of support the humerus during locomotion. However, a proximal orien-
quadrupedal locomotion. The anterior orientation of the trochlear tation of the trochlear notch would severely limit elbow flexion by
notch is a direct adaptation to weight bearing with a partially flexed impingement of the coronoid process within its fossa. The antero-
limb. However, such an orientation does limit elbow extension to some proximal orientation of the trochlear notch in apes thus represents
degree. a compromise that safely supports the humerus on the ulna in
4 PART I Fundamentals and General Considerations



Zona conoidea Lateral trochlear ridge


Posterior keel


FIG 1.2 Distal humerus of a baboon, a chimpanzee, and a human from anterior, distal, and posterior aspects.
The lateral trochlear ridge is well developed in both the human and the chimpanzee but is largely nonexistent
in the baboon. The baboon humerus displays prominent flanges anteromedially and posterolaterally. The
lateral epicondyle is placed higher in the chimpanzee than in the human and displays a more strongly
developed supracondylar crest.

BABOON CHIMPANZEE HUMAN extended elbow positions during locomotion without unduly sacrific-
ing elbow flexion.1
olecranon On the lateral side of the elbow, the articular surface on the capitel-
process lum extends farther posteriorly in apes and humans than in monkeys,
allowing the radius to move with the ulna into full extension of the
elbow. In addition, the capitellum of apes and humans is uniformly
rounded, reflecting versatility rather than stereotypy in forelimb usage
(Fig. 1.4).
The gutter-like region between the trochlea and capitellum—the
coronoid zona conoidea—is a relatively flat plane that terminates distally in most
process monkeys. In the hominoids, it continues posteriorly (see Fig. 1.1).20,21
The zona conoidea articulates with the bevel of the radial head, and
differences in its configuration reflect differences in the shape of the
radial head.
FIG 1.3 Proximal ulna of a baboon, a chimpanzee, and a human. The The radial head of hominoid primates is nearly circular, and the
trochlear notch is wider in the chimpanzee and the human and displays peripheral rim is symmetrical and beveled all around the circumfer-
a prominent ridge for articulation with the trochlear groove. In addition, ence of the radial head for articulation with the zona conoidea (Fig.
the radial notch faces laterally in the chimp and human, unlike in the 1.5). This configuration provides good contact to resist dislocation of
baboon, in which it faces more anteriorly. the radial head from the humerus under the varied loading regimes
CHAPTER 1 Phylogeny 5


supracondylar Monkey
Low and
High developed
lateral lateral
epicondyle epicondyle

FIG 1.4 Distal humerus of a baboon, a chimpanzee, and a human from Ape
the lateral aspect. The articular surface of the capitellum extends farther
onto the posterior surface of the bone (small arrows) in humans and
chimpanzees to permit full extension at the humeroradial joint.

Supination Pronation L M
FIG 1.5 Diagrammatic anterior views of the right humeroradial joint of
a monkey and an ape in the prone and supine positions. In the monkey,
the lateral bevel of the radial head comes into maximum congruence
Monkey with the zona conoidea (hatched area) in the prone position, thereby
creating a maximally stable joint configuration. In the ape, the rim of
the more symmetrical radial head maintains good contact with the
recessed zona conoidea in all positions of pronosupination. This con-
Lateral tributes to a configuration emphasizing universal stability at the ape
lip elbow rather than a position of particular stability, as seen in the
monkey. (Adapted from Rose MD: Another look at the anthropoid
elbow, J Hum Evol 17:193, 1988.)

Ape of the ulna in most monkeys and prosimians faces either anterolater-
ally or directly anteriorly, whereas in hominoids, it faces more later-
ally.20,21 The configuration observed in apes and humans emphasizes
a broad range of pronosupination with a nearly equal degree of stabil-
ity in all positions.20,21
In general terms, most of the differences in elbow joint morphology
between quadrupedal monkeys and the apes can be related to the
development of a position of particular stability in monkeys versus
FIG 1.6 Diagrammatic view of the radioulnar joint in pronation and more universal stability in apes.
supination in a monkey and an ape. A section through the radius and A few additional features of the human elbow are shared with apes,
ulna in the region of the radial notch is superimposed on an outline of
such as a more distal biceps tuberosity (longer radial neck) relative to
the distal humerus. In the monkey, the radial notch faces anterolater-
ally, whereas in the ape, it faces more directly laterally. The radial head
their body size.21 In apes, this is probably related to the demands for
of the monkey with its lateral lip comes into maximum congruence in powerful elbow flexion to raise the center of mass of the body during
the pronated position, conferring maximum stability in this position. The climbing and suspensory postures and locomotion. Although the
ape radioulnar joint, on the other hand, displays no such position of radial tuberosity faces more or less anteriorly in most primates, it faces
particular stability and instead emphasizes mobility. (Adapted from more medially in apes and humans, reflecting their greater range of
Rose MD: Another look at the anthropoid elbow, J Hum Evol 17:193, pronosupination.17 Extreme supination is an important component of
1988.) suspensory locomotion in apes, and the medially placed tuberosity
provides maximum supination torque near full supination.14,30 Apes
and humans share a relatively short lever arm for triceps compared
experienced by the hominoid elbow and can stabilize the radial head with that of most other primates, which is generally attributed to the
in all positions of pronosupination.20,21 demands for rapid elbow extension during suspensory locomotion.
In most monkeys and prosimians, the radial head is ovoid and Finally, apes and humans are distinguished from other primate species
the proximal radioulnar joint articulation is restricted to the anterior in possessing a biomechanical carrying angle at the elbow. Sarmiento22
and medial surfaces; as a result, the joint becomes close packed for has argued that the evolution of a carrying angle in apes is related to
stability in pronation (Fig. 1.6). In apes and humans, on the other the need to bring the center of mass of the body beneath the support-
hand, this articular surface extends almost all the way around the ing hand during suspensory locomotion in a manner similar to that
head, implying a greater range of pronosupination.20 The radial notch in which the valgus knee of humans brings the foot nearer the center
6 PART I Fundamentals and General Considerations

epicondyle and a less well-developed supracondylar crest than is seen

in the apes, reflecting diminished leverage of the wrist extensors and
brachioradialis.23–25 Humans have no bowing of the ulna that is related
to enhancing the leverage of the forearm pronators and supinators in
apes.1 Finally, a diminution in the prominence of the trochlear ridges
and steep lateral margin of the olecranon fossa in humans can be
related to the overall reduction in stresses at the human elbow and the
concomitant relaxation on the demands for strong stabilization in all
When exactly did the basic pattern for the hominoid elbow arise,
and how old is the morphology of the modern human elbow? For
answers to these questions we must turn to the fossil record.

cg Dendropithecus macinnesi, Limnopithecus legetet, and Proconsul heseloni
(all from Africa) are among the earliest known hominoid species dated
to the early part of the Miocene epoch (23 to 16 mya) for which
postcranial material is known. Overall, the distal humeri of the first
two of these forms resemble generalized New World monkeys such as
Cebus (capuchin monkeys). The trochlea does not display a prominent
lateral ridge, and the zona conoidea is relatively flat. The trochlear
notch faces anteriorly, and the head of the radius is oval in outline with
a well-developed lateral lip. These features generally are con­sidered to
be primitive for higher primates (monkeys, apes, and humans).8,9,20
P. heseloni, on the other hand, does display some features charac-
FIG 1.7 Frontal view of an arm-swinging gibbon showing the skeletal teristic of extant hominoids. It has a globular capitellum, well-developed
structure of the forelimb. The carrying angle of the elbow brings the medial and lateral trochlear ridges, and a deep zona conoidea forming
center of mass (i.e., center of gravity [cg]) more nearly directly under the medial wall of a recessed gutter between the capitellum and
the supporting hand. (Adapted from Sarmiento EE: Functional Differ- trochlea.20 In general, the elbow region of Proconsul resembles that of
ences in the Skeleton of Wild and Captive Orang-Utans and Their extant hominoids in features related to general stability and range of
Adaptive Significance. Ph.D. Thesis, New York University, 1985.) pronosupination, yet full pronation remains a position of particular
The limited fossil material that is available from the late Miocene
epoch (16 to 5 mya) suggests that many hominoid species, including
of mass of the body during the single limb support phase of walking members of the genera Dryopithecus (from Europe), Sivapithecus
(Fig. 1.7). (from Europe and Asia), and Oreopithecus (from Europe), displayed
All of these features have been retained in humans because of the features characteristic of the modern hominoid elbow. Although it
their continued advantages for tool use and other behaviors. Powerful is possible that these features arose in parallel in different genera, the
flexion is clearly important. The continued importance of the carrying more parsimonious explanation is that they inherited this morphology
angle is perhaps less obvious, but one advantage that it does offer is from an early to middle Miocene common ancestor, possibly similar
that flexion of the elbow is accompanied by adduction of the forearm, to P. heseloni.16,29,31 Assuming that the characteristic features of the
thus bringing the hands more in front of the body, where most hominoid elbow are shared derived traits—that is, traits inherited from
manipulatory activities are undertaken. a single common ancestor—we can say that the elbow morphology of
The morphology of the modern human elbow is not identical modern apes and humans can be dated to roughly 15 to 20 mya.
to that of the ape elbow, however. In some cases, the differences are The majority of paleoanthropologists agree that humans are most
simply a matter of degree. For example, although both apes and closely related to the African apes (chimpanzees and gorillas) and that
humans are distinguished from other primates in the medial orienta- the two lineages arose in the late Miocene or earliest Pliocene period
tion of the radial tuberosity, it is more extreme in position in the (between 10 and 4 mya).8 The earliest known fossils of the human
ape; in the human it is typically slightly anterior to true medial. In lineage (hominids) date from the early Pliocene era, approximately 4
addition, although the olecranon is short in both humans and apes to 5 mya. There are three genera of these earliest hominids currently
compared with most monkeys, it is slightly longer in humans than in recognized, Ardipithecus, Paranthropus, and Australopithecus. The latter
apes and also shaped to maintain this length throughout the range of is the best known and most widespread genus, and includes the famous
flexion—both of which are advantageous for powerful manipulatory “Lucy” skeleton from Hadar, Ethiopia (Australopithecus afarensis).7,12
activities.6 The genus Homo, to which our own species belongs, first appeared
Other differences between the elbow morphology of humans and about 2.5 to 2 mya in East Africa with its earliest member species,
that of apes can be related to the fact that the human forelimb has no Homo habilis.
role in locomotion. These differences include a less robust coronoid All of the hominids from the Pliocene period were bipedal, although
process and a relatively narrower, proximally oriented trochlear notch some probably spent significant time climbing trees.23–26,28 The devel-
in humans, indicating relative stability in flexion rather than the need opment of bipedalism freed the upper extremity from the requirements
to support the weight of the body during quadrupedal locomotion in of locomotion, placing greater emphasis on increasing mobility. The
extension.1,13 Humans possess a smaller and more distally placed lateral ability to supinate and pronate was an immense advantage to hominids
CHAPTER 1 Phylogeny 7


AL 288-1m KNM-ER 739 Gombore IB 7594

FIG 1.8 Distal humerus of Plio-Pleistocene hominids. Gombore IB 7594 represents early Homo on the basis
of the moderate development of the lateral trochlear ridge and low position of the lateral epicondyle. AL
288-1m (part of the “Lucy” skeleton, Australopithecus afarensis) displays a more prominent lateral trochlear
ridge, a recessed, gutter-like zona conoidea, a high position of the lateral epicondyle, and a well-developed
supracondylar crest. Therefore, it resembles living apes in many features of its elbow morphology. KNM-ER
739 has been attributed to Paranthropus boisei and, like AL 288-1m, has a lateral epicondyle that is positioned
above the articular surfaces. However, it is more like Homo, with the moderate development of the lateral
trochlear ridge.

in caring for their young, defending themselves, and gathering food. It genus Homo are similar to those of modern humans in having a
was also critical in efficient tool handling, which developed approxi- prominent interosseous border, a supinator crest, and a well-marked
mately 2 mya, at about the same time as H. habilis, although there is hollow for the play of the tuberosity of the radius.4,5,15 It appears,
debate about which species of early hominid was responsible for therefore, that many of the characteristics that distinguish the human
making them.27 elbow from that of the ape can be found in the earliest members of
Several distal humeri are known from these early hominid species. our genus.
All of the early hominid distal humeri lack the steep lateral margin of In overview, the combination of comparative anatomy and the
the olecranon fossa that is characteristic of chimpanzees and gorillas. fossil record indicates that the modern human elbow owes its begin-
However, they do show a considerable amount of morphologic varia- nings to our hominoid ancestry. Current evidence suggests that many
tion in other characteristics (Fig. 1.8). On the basis of the contour of of the characteristic features of the human distal humerus and proxi-
the distal end of the humeral shaft, the placement of the epicondyles, mal radius and ulna can be projected back approximately 15 to 20 mya
and the configuration of the articular surface, the fossil distal humeri to a common ancestor of extant apes and humans. Functional analysis
have been divided into two groups. The first group is characterized suggests that this morphologic structure arose in hominoid primates
by a weakly projecting lateral epicondyle that is placed low, at about in response to the need for stabilization throughout the flexion-
the level of the capitellum, and by a moderately developed lateral extension and pronosupination ranges of motion to permit a more
trochlear ridge.23,24 These are features shared with modern humans, versatile form of forelimb use. This morphology was still largely intact
and consequently, this group generally is referred to as early Homo. following the evolution of upright posture and bipedal locomotion in
The second group includes the Australopithecus and Paranthropus the earliest known hominids. However, as the forelimb became less and
species and is characterized by a well-developed lateral epicondyle that less involved in locomotion, the hominid elbow underwent additional
is high relative to the capitellum. These features are similar to those modifications, relaxing some of the emphasis on stabilization and
of modern apes. increasing performance throughout the range of movement. The fossil
A number of fragments of early hominid proximal radii have been record indicates that the distinct form of the modern human elbow
recovered representing each of the currently recognized species. The probably first appeared about 2 mya in our ancestor H. habilis. This
proximal radial fragments that have been attributed to early Homo morphology has changed only subtly during all subsequent stages of
display a much narrower bevel around the capitellar fovea than that of human evolution.
the modern apes and the earlier hominin group. This provides for
articulation with a more shallow zona conoidea and a more vertical
and uniformly wide surface on the side of the head for articulation
with the ulna, favoring pronosupination over stability. Other primitive SGL would like to thank Jack Stern and John Fleagle for helpful com-
hominoid features include thick cortices, a relatively long and angu- ments on earlier versions of this chapter and Luci Betti-Nash for the
lated radial neck (lower neck shaft angle), and a more anteromedially preparation of figures.
(rather than medially) placed biceps tuberosity. Many of these features
are still present in a small percentage of modern humans, limiting the
functional conclusions that can be drawn and suggesting a mosaic REFERENCES
pattern of evolution.18,19 1. Aiello LC, Dean MC: An introduction to human evolutionary anatomy,
Some early hominid ulnae that have been recovered appear London, 1990, Academic Press.
to retain many primitive features, including a longer, more curved 2. Churchill SE, Pearson OM, Grine FE, et al: Morphological affinities of the
shaft, greater mediolateral width proximally, and a nonprominent proximal ulna from Klasies River main site: archaic or modern? J Hum
interosseous border.1,2,10 However, early human ulnae attributed to the Evol 31:213, 1996.
8 PART I Fundamentals and General Considerations

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Anatomy of the Elbow Joint
Bernard F. Morrey, Manuel Llusá-Pérez, and José R. Ballesteros-Betancourt

This chapter discusses the normal anatomy of the elbow region. Medial to the trochlea, the prominent medial epicondyle serves as
Abnormal and surgical anatomy is addressed in subsequent chapters a source of attachment of the medial ulnar collateral ligament and the
of this book dealing with the pertinent condition. flexor-pronator group of muscles. Laterally, the lateral epicondyle is
located just proximal to the capitellum and is much less prominent
than the medial epicondyle. The lateral ulnar collateral ligament and
the supinator-extensor muscle group originate from the flat, irregular
The contours of the biceps muscle and antecubital fossa are easily surface of the lateral epicondyle.
observed anteriorly. Laterally, the avascular interval between the Anteriorly, the radial and coronoid fossae accommodate the radial
brachioradialis and the triceps, the so-called column, is an important head and coronoid process during flexion. Posteriorly, the olecranon
palpable landmark for surgical exposures (Fig. 2.1). Laterally, the fossa receives the tip of the olecranon.
tip of the olecranon, the lateral epicondyle, and the radial head In approximately 90% of individuals,85 a thin membrane of
also form an equilateral triangle and provide an important landmark bone separates the olecranon and coronoid fossae. The medial supra-
for joint aspiration and elbow arthroscopy (see Chapters 39 and condylar column is smaller than the lateral and explains the vulner-
80). The flexion crease of the elbow is in line with the medial and ability of the medial column to fracture caused by trauma and some
lateral epicondyles and thus actually reflects the joint axis and is 1 to surgical procedures.56 The posterior aspect of the lateral supracondy-
2 cm proximal to the joint line when the elbow is extended (Fig. 2.2). lar column is flat, allowing ease of application of contoured plates for
The inverted triangular depression on the anterior aspect of the fractures involving this structure. The prominent lateral supracondy-
extremity distal to the epicondyles is called the cubital (or antecubital) lar ridge serves as a site of attachment for the brachioradialis and
fossa. extensor carpi radialis longus muscles anteriorly and for the triceps
The superficial cephalic and basilic veins are the most prominent posteriorly (Fig. 2.6). It is also an important landmark for many
superficial major contributions of the anterior venous system and lateral surgical approaches, especially for the “column procedure” (see
communicate by way of the median cephalic and median basilic veins Chapters 11 and 54).
to form an “M” pattern over the cubital fossa (Fig. 2.3).2 Proximal to the medial epicondyle, approximately 5 to 7 cm along
The extensor forearm musculature originates from the lateral epi- the medial intramuscular septum, a supracondylar process may be
condyle and was termed the mobile wad by Henry.37 This forms the observed in 1% to 3% of individuals.44,48,80 A fibrous band termed the
lateral margin of the antecubital fossa and the lateral contour of the ligament of Struthers sometimes originates from this process and
forearm and comprises the brachioradialis and the extensor carpi attaches to the medial epicondyle.38 When present, this spur serves as
radialis longus and brevis muscles. The muscles comprising the an anomalous insertion of the coracobrachialis muscle and an origin
contour of the medial anterior forearm include the pronator teres, of the pronator teres muscle.34 Various pathologic processes have been
flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, and flexor carpi ulnaris. Henry associated with the supracondylar process, including fracture44 and
has demonstrated that their relationship and location can be approxi- median4 and ulnar nerve38 entrapment (see Chapter 72).
mated by placing the opposing thumb and the index, long, and ring
fingers over the anterior medial forearm. The dorsum of the forearm Radius
is contoured by the lateral extensor musculature, consisting of the The radial head articulates with the capitellum. It exhibits a cylindrical
anconeus, extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor digitorum quinti, and exten- symmetrical shape with a depression in the midportion to accom-
sor digitorum communis. modate the capitellum. The osseous contour of the radial head, on the
Dermal innervation about the proximal elbow is quite variable, other hand, actually is more elliptical in shape, with a major and minor
being provided by the lower lateral cutaneous (C5, C6) and medial axis. The disk-shaped head is secured to the ulna by the annular liga-
cutaneous (radial nerve, C8, T1, and T2) nerves of the arm. The ment (Fig. 2.7). Distal to the radial head, the bone tapers to form the
forearm skin is innervated by the medial (C8, T1), lateral (musculo- radial neck, which, along with the head, is vulnerable to fracture.82 The
cutaneous, C5, C6), and posterior (radial nerve, C6–C8) cutaneous radial tuberosity marks the distal aspect of the neck and has two dis-
nerves of the forearm (Fig. 2.4).19 tinct parts (Fig. 2.8). The anterior surface is covered by a bicipitoradial
bursa protecting the biceps tendon during full pronation. However, it
OSTEOLOGY is the rough posterior aspect that provides the site of attachment of
the biceps tendon. During full pronation the tuberosity is in a dorsal
Humerus position; this allows repair of a ruptured biceps tendon through a
The distal humerus consists of an arch formed by two condyles that posterior approach11 (see Chapter 63) and is helpful to determine axial
support the articular elements of the trochlea and capitellum (Fig. 2.5). alignment of proximal radial fractures.26 In addition to the bicipital

10 PART I Fundamentals and General Considerations

FIG 2.1 The palpable landmarks of the tip of the olecranon and the medial and lateral epicondyles are col-
linear with the elbow extended (A) and form an inverted triangle posteriorly when the elbow is flexed 90
degrees (B).

FIG 2.2 A line placed over the flexion crease (A) is actually situated approximately 1 cm above the elbow
joint line (B).
CHAPTER 2 Anatomy of the Elbow Joint 11

Fascia brachii

V. basilica humeri
V. cephalica humeri

N. cutaneus
M. biceps brachii

M. pronator teres
Lacertus fibrosus
M. flexor carpi radialis
V. mediana cephalica
V. mediana basilica

N. cutaneous M. pronator teres

antibrachii lateralis

V. mediana antibrachii V. basilica antibrachii

V. cephalica antibrachii

Ramus anastomoticus
M. flexor carpi radialis

Fascia antibrachii

FIG 2.3 The superficial venous pattern of the anterior aspect of the elbow demonstrates a rather charac-
teristic inverted M pattern formed by the median cephalic and median basilic veins. M., Musculus; N., nervus;
V., vena. (Redrawn from Anson BJ, McVay CB: Surgical anatomy, vol. 2, 5th ed. Philadelphia, 1971, WB

Lateral supraclavicular
(C3 and 4)
Axillary (C5 and 6)
Lateral supraclavicular
(C3 and 4)
Medial cutaneous of
arm (T1 and 2) and Medial cutaneous of
intercostobrachial (T2) arm and Axillary (C5 and 6)
Lower lateral
(T1 and 2)
cutaneous of arm Posterior cutaneous
(radial, C5 and 6) of arm (radial)

Lateral cutaneous Lower lateral

of forearm cutaneous of arm
(musculocutaneous, Medial cutaneous (radial)
C5 and 6) of forearm

Radial Medial cutaneous

(C7 and 8) of forearm (C8, T1) Posterior cutaneous Radial
of forearm (radial)

Lateral cutaneous
Ulnar (C7 and 8) of forearm
Median (C6, 7, and 8)
A B Median

FIG 2.4 Typical distribution of the cutaneous nerves of the anterior (A) and posterior (B) aspects of the upper
limb. (Redrawn from Cunningham DJ: In Romanes GJ, editor: Textbook of anatomy, 12th ed. New York,
1981, Oxford University Press.)
12 PART I Fundamentals and General Considerations

FIG 2.5 (A) The bony landmarks of the anterior aspect of the distal humerus. Note the 6-degree valgus
angulation of the flexion axis and long axis of the humerus. (B) The prominent medial and lateral supracondylar
bony columns as well as other landmarks of the posterior aspect of the distal humerus.

FIG 2.7 The elliptical radial head is stabilized to the lesser sigmoid
notch of the ulna. Note the symmetrical, circular portion that articulates
with the capitellum.

as the insertion site of the medial ulnar collateral ligament. The

triceps tendon attaches to the posterior aspect of the olecranon
FIG 2.6 Typical supracondylar process located approximately 5 cm process.
proximal to the medial epicondyle with its characteristic configuration. On the lateral aspect of the coronoid process, the lesser semilunar
or radial notch articulates with the radial head and is oriented roughly
perpendicular to the long axis of the bone. Distal to this, the supinator
radial bursa, several other potential bursae have also been described crest serves as the site of attachment to the supinator muscle. On this
about the elbow (Fig. 2.9). crest, a tuberosity occurs that is the site of insertion of the lateral ulnar
collateral ligament.51,56,65
The proximal ulna provides the greater sigmoid notch (incisura ELBOW JOINT STRUCTURE
semilunaris), which serves as the major articulation of the elbow that
is responsible for its inherent stability (Fig. 2.10). The cortical surface Articulation
of the coronoid process serves as the site of insertion of the brachialis The elbow joint articulation is classified as a trochoginglymoid joint.76
muscle and of the oblique cord. Medially, the sublime tubercle serves The ulnohumeral joint resembles a hinge (ginglymus), allowing flexion
CHAPTER 2 Anatomy of the Elbow Joint 13

and extension. The radiohumeral and proximal radioulnar joint allows

axial rotation or a pivoting (trochoid) type of motion (Chapter 3).

15° Humerus
The trochlea is the hyperboloid, pulley-like surface that articulates
with the semilunar notch of the ulna covered by articular cartilage
through an arc of 300 degrees41,72,76 (Fig. 2.11). The medial contour is
larger and projects more distally than does the lateral portion of the
trochlea (see Fig. 2.5). The two surfaces are separated by a groove that
courses in a helical manner from an anterolateral to a posteromedial
The capitellum is almost spheroidal in shape and is covered with
hyaline cartilage, which is approximately 2 mm thick anteriorly. A
groove separates the capitellum from the trochlea, and the rim of the
radial head articulates with this groove throughout the arc of flexion
and during pronation and supination.
In the lateral plane, the orientation of the articular surface of the
distal humerus is rotated approximately 30 degrees anteriorly with
respect to the long axis of the humerus (Fig. 2.12). The center of the
concentric arc formed by the trochlea and capitellum defines the
flexion axis and is on a line that is coplanar to the anterior distal cortex
of the humerus.58 In the transverse plane, the articular surface and axis
of rotation are rotated outward approximately 5 degrees referable to
the epicondylar line (Fig. 2.13), and in the frontal plane, it is tilted
approximately 6 degrees in valgus42,46,79 (see Fig. 2.5).

Proximal Radius
Hyaline cartilage covers the depression of the radial head, which
has an angular arc of about 40 degrees,76 as well as approximately 240
FIG 2.8 Proximal aspect of the radius demonstrating the articular degrees of articular cartilage that articulates with the ulna, hence
margin for articulation with the lesser sigmoid notch, the radial neck, approximately 120 degrees of the radial circumference is not articular
and tuberosity. The neck angulates about 15 degrees away from the and amenable to open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) for fracture15

Radiohumeral B.

Supinator B.

Cubital interosseus B.

Bicipital radial B.

FIG 2.9 A deep view of the anterior aspect of the joint revealing the submuscular bursa (B.) present about
the elbow joint.
14 PART I Fundamentals and General Considerations

Guiding ridge Greater sigmoid notch

Transverse groove Radial notch
of greater Supinator crest
sigmoid notch and tuberosity

Tubercle Olecranon
Ulnar tuberosity B

FIG 2.10 (A) Anterior aspect of the proximal ulna demonstrating the greater sigmoid fossa with the central
groove. (B) Lateral view with landmarks.


FIG 2.11 Sagittal section through the elbow region, demonstrating the
high degree of congruity and articular arc of the distal humerus. Note
the limited capacity of the capsule.
FIG 2.12 Lateral view of the humerus shows the 30-degree anterior
rotation of the articular condyles with respect to the long axis of the
(see Fig. 2.7). The lesser sigmoid fossa forms an arc of approximately
60 to 80 degrees,41,76 leaving an excursion of about 180 degrees for
pronation and supination. The anterolateral third of the circumference In the lateral plane, the sigmoid notch forms an arc of about 190
of the radial head is void of cartilage. This part of the radial head lacks degrees.73 The contour is not a true hemicircle but rather is ellipsoid.
subchondral bone and thus is not as strong as the part that supports This explains the articular void in the midportion.84
the articular cartilage; this part has been demonstrated to be the The orientation of the articulation is approximately 30 degrees
portion most often fractured.82 The head and neck are not colinear posterior to the long axis of the bone (Fig. 2.15). This matches the
with the rest of the bone and form an angle of approximately 15 30-degree anterior angulation of the distal humerus, providing stabil-
degrees with the shaft of the radius, directed away from the radial ity in full extension. In the frontal plane, the shaft is angulated from
tuberosity28 (see Fig. 2.8). about 1 to 6 degrees42,46,72 lateral to the articulation (Fig. 2.16). This
angle contributes, in part, to the variation of the carrying angle, which
Proximal Ulna is discussed in Chapter 3.
In most individuals, a transverse portion of nonarticular cartilage The lesser sigmoid notch consists of a depression with an arc of
divides the greater sigmoid notch into an anterior portion comprising about 70 degrees and is situated just distal to the lateral aspect of the
the coronoid and the posterior olecranon (Fig. 2.14). coronoid and articulates with the radial head.
CHAPTER 2 Anatomy of the Elbow Joint 15

Axis B

A 5° Epicondylar line

FIG 2.13 Axial view of the distal humerus shows the isometric trochlea
as well as the anterior position of the capitellum. The trochlear capitellar
groove separates the trochlea from the capitellum. The flexion axis,
AB, is about 5 degrees anteriorly rotated compared to the epicondylar
line, AE.

FIG 2.14 The relative percentage of hyaline cartilage distribution at the

proximal ulna; a transverse portion of nonarticular cartilage divides the
greater sigmoid notch into an anterior portion comprising the coronoid
and the posterior portion with the olecranon.


FIG 2.15 The greater sigmoid notch opens posteriorly with respect to
the long axis of the ulna. This matches the 30-degree anterior rotation
of the distal humerus, as shown in Fig. 2.12.

Carrying Angle
The so-called carrying angle is the angle formed by the long axes of
the humerus and the ulna with the elbow fully extended (Fig. 2.17). In
men, the mean carrying angle is 11 to 14 degrees, and in women, it is
13 to 16 degrees.3,42,68 Furthermore, the carrying angle is approximately
1 degree greater in the dominant than nondominant side.89

Joint Capsule
The anterior capsule inserts proximally above the coronoid and radial
fossae (Fig. 2.18). Distally, the capsule attaches to the anterior margin
FIG 2.16 There is a slight (approximately 4 degrees) valgus angulation
of the coronoid medially as well as to the annular ligament laterally.
of the shaft of the ulna with respect to the greater sigmoid notch.
Posteriorly, the capsule attaches just above the olecranon fossa, distally
along the supracondylar bony columns. Distally, attachment is along
the medial and lateral articular margin of the sigmoid notch. The In so doing, it crosses the joint obliquely over the radial head and neck
greatest capacity of the elbow, 25 to 30 mL,69 occurs at about 80 degrees and inserts into the anterior distal capsule near the lesser sigmoid
of flexion.40,69 notch (Fig. 2.19). While a normal structure, it can become thickened
The anterior capsule is normally a thin transparent structure, but and in so doing produces the well-recognized symptom complex rec-
significant strength is provided by transverse and obliquely directed ognized as a snapping elbow. It has also been implicated in tennis
fibrous bands.22,56 elbow–like symptoms in those without the classic snapping sensation
Plica synovalis. A fold of the anterior capsule, the plica synovalis, (see Chapter 59).
is invariably present but is of variable prominence. Duparc credits The anterior capsule is, of course, taut in extension but becomes
Testut with the original description in 1928,24 but the clinical relevance lax in flexion. The joint capsule is innervated by highly variable
as the cause of a snapping elbow is credited to Miyazaki et al. in 1958.54 branches from all major nerves crossing the joint, including the
It courses from proximal to distal and obliquely from lateral to medial. contribution from the musculoskeletal nerve (Fig. 2.20).29
16 PART I Fundamentals and General Considerations

21 16 10 5 0

FIG 2.17 The carrying angle is formed by the variable relationship of the orientation of the humeral articula-
tion referable to the long axis of the humerus and the valgus angular relationship of the greater sigmoid
fossa referable to the long axis of the ulna. (Redrawn from Lanz T, Wachsmuth W: Praktische Anatomie.
Springer, 1959, Berlin [in German].)

FIG 2.18 Dye distends the capsule. Note the extension of the capsule in the sacciform recess of the radial
head and the complex network of fibrous support to the capsule (A). Distribution of the synovial membrane
from the posterior aspect, demonstrating the presence of the synovial recess under the annular ligament
and about the proximal ulna (B).
CHAPTER 2 Anatomy of the Elbow Joint 17

The collateral ligaments of the elbow are formed by specialized thick-
enings of the medial and lateral capsules.

Medial Collateral Ligament Complex

The medial collateral ligament consists of three parts: anterior, poste-
rior, and transverse segments (Fig. 2.21). The anterior bundle is the
most discrete component, the posterior portion being a thickening of
the posterior capsule, and is well defined only in about 90 degrees of
flexion. The transverse component (ligament of Cooper) appears to
contribute little or nothing to elbow stability.
The ligament originates from a broad anteroinferior surface of
the epicondyle.64 The ulnar nerve rests on the posterior aspect of the
medial epicondyle but is not intimately related to the fibers of
the anterior bundle of the medial collateral ligament itself. This
has obvious implications with regard to the treatment of ulnar nerve
decompression by medial epicondylar ostectomy. A more obliquely
oriented excision might be most appropriate to both decompress the
ulnar nerve and preserve the collateral ligament origin. On the lateral
projection, the origin of the anterior bundle of the medial collateral
ligament is precisely at the axis of rotation at the anterior, inferior
margins of the medial epicondyle62 (Fig. 2.22). The posterior bundle
inserts along the midportion of the medial margin of the semilunar
notch. The width of the anterior bundle is approximately 4 to 5 mm
compared with 5 to 6 mm at the midportion of the fan-shaped poste-
rior segment.55 Recently ultrasound assessment has proved helpful in
further documenting the dimensions of these structures.61
FIG 2.19 The radial synovial plica (arrow) originates from the proximal The function of the ligamentous structures is discussed in
lateral capsule and courses distally and medially, enveloping a portion
detail in the following. Clinically and experimentally, the anterior
of the radial head.
bundle is clearly the major portion of the medial ligament complex59



Radial Ulnar
To anconeus

Left anterior Left posterior

FIG 2.20 A typical distribution of the contributions of the musculocutaneous radial median and ulnar nerves
to the joint capsule. (Redrawn from Gardner E: The innervation of the elbow joint, Anat Rec 102:161, 1948.)
18 PART I Fundamentals and General Considerations

Anterior bundle

Posterior bundle

Transverse ligament

FIG 2.21 The classic orientation of the medial collateral ligament, including the anterior and posterior
bundles, and the transverse ligament. This last structure contributes relatively little to elbow stability.

FIG 2.23 Dissection demonstrating the “Y” orientation of the lateral

collateral ligament complex.

Radial collateral ligament. This structure originates from the

lateral epicondyle and is actually a complex of several components
(Fig. 2.24). Its superficial aspect provides a source of origin for a
FIG 2.22 The origin of the medial complex is at the axis of rotation, portion of the supinator muscle. The length averages approximately
which is located at the anterior inferior aspect of the medial epicondyle.
20 mm with a width of approximately 8 mm. This portion of the liga-
This is the projected center of the trochlea.
ment is almost uniformly taut throughout the normal range of flexion
and extension, indicating that the origin of the ligament is very near
the axis of flexion.
and has been divided into anterior, posterior, and deep medial Annular ligament. A strong band of tissue originating and insert-
subcomponents.62 ing on the anterior and posterior margins of the lesser sigmoid notch
forms the annular ligament and maintains the radial head in contact
Lateral Ligament Complex with the ulna. The ligament is tapered distally to give the shape of a
Unlike the medial collateral ligament complex, with its rather consis- funnel and contributes about four fifths of the fibroosseous ring.51 The
tent pattern, the lateral ligaments of the elbow joint are less discrete, structure is not as simple as it appears because fibers arc medially and
and individual variation is common.30,31,40,74 Our investigation has laterally to secure the annular ligament to the ulna.71 A synovial reflec-
suggested that several components make up the lateral ligament tion extends distal to the lower margin of the annular ligament,
complex: (1) the radial collateral ligament; (2) the annular ligament; forming the sacciform recess. The radial head is not a pure circular
(3) a variably present accessory lateral collateral ligament; and (4) the disk75; thus, it has been observed that the anterior insertion becomes
lateral ulnar collateral ligament. These observations have now been taut during supination and the posterior aspect becomes taut during
confirmed by others. The current thinking is to consider the complex extremes of pronation.89
to be roughly in a “Y” shape, the arms of which attach to the anterior Lateral ulnar collateral ligament. In 1985, Morrey and An
and posterior aspects of the semilunar notch12,71 (Fig. 2.23). first described the so-called lateral ulnar collateral ligament.56 Before
CHAPTER 2 Anatomy of the Elbow Joint 19

Annular ligament
Radial Accessory collateral ligament

Lateral ulnar collateral ligament

FIG 2.24 Schematic representation of the radial collateral ligament

FIG 2.25 The lateral ulnar collateral ligament complex has a humeral
complex showing several portions, one of which, termed the radial
origin at the axis of rotation and inserts into the tubercle of the supinator
collateral ligament, extends from the humerus to the annular ligament.
crest (arrow). Due to its site of origin on the flexion axis (circle) it is taut
This is the portion that is implicated in clinical instability.27
both in extension and in flexion.

instability of the joint, it was shown to be deficient.63,64 As such, it is

considered the essential lateral stabilizer of the elbow joint (Fig. 2.25).
Accessory lateral collateral ligament. This definition has been
applied by Martin to the ulnar insertion of discrete fibers on the
tubercle of the supinator as described previously. Others have termed
this the lateral arm of the “Y” ligament.71 Proximally, the fibers
tend to blend with the inferior margin of the annular ligament
(see Fig. 2.23). We consider this a variant of the lateral ulnar collateral
Quadrate ligament. A thin, fibrous layer covering the capsule
between the inferior margin, the annular ligament, and the ulna is
referred to as the quadrate ligament19,20,59 or the ligament of Denucé75
(Fig. 2.26). Spinner and Kaplan have demonstrated a functional role
for the structure, describing the anterior part as a stabilizer of the
proximal radial ulnar joint during full supination.75 The weaker pos-
terior attachment stabilizes the joint in full pronation.
Oblique cord. The oblique cord is a small and inconstant bundle
of fibrous tissue formed by the fascia overlying the deep head of the
supinator and extending from the lateral side of the tuberosity of
the ulna to the radius just below the radial tuberosity (see Fig. 2.26).
FIG 2.26 The quadrate ligament is a specialized thickening of the The morphologic significance is debatable,52,75 and the structure is not
inferior capsule that bridges the anterior inferior aspect of the annular considered to be of great functional consequence.9,31 At this point, we
ligament and the anterior capsule at the coronoid (arrow). The oblique continue to consider this structure as a curiosity.
cord originates from the lateral tuberosity of the ulna and attaches to Bursae. The bursae were first described in detail by Monro in
the radius distal to the tuberosity (open arrow). 1788.55 With subsequent elaboration, Lanz recognized seven bursae,
including three associated with the triceps.51 On the posterior aspect
of the elbow, the superficial olecranon bursa, which develops around
this, however, Martin had described a lateral ligament complex age 7 years,17 is situated between the olecranon process and the subcu-
mentioning fibers inserting from the tubercle of the supinator crest taneous tissue and is well known33 (Fig. 2.27). A deep subtendinous
to the humerus. This structure subsequently has been demonstrated bursa is present as the triceps inserts on the tip of the olecranon. An
to be invariably present and critically important clinically and was occasional deep subtendinous bursa has been described but may rep-
formally named the lateral ulnar collateral ligament.65 It originates resent a degenerative process. A bursa has also been described deep
from the lateral epicondyle and blends with the fibers of the annular to the anconeus muscle in approximately 12% of subjects by Henle,36
ligament, arching superficial and distal to it. The insertion is at the but we have not appreciated such a structure during more than 1000
tubercle of the crest of the supinator on the ulna. Although the origin exposures of this region. On the medial and lateral aspects of the joint,
blends with the origin of the lateral collateral ligament complex the subcutaneous medial epicondylar bursa is frequently present, and
occupying the posterior portion, the insertion is more discrete at the the lateral subcutaneous epicondylar bursa occasionally has been
tubercle (see Fig. 2.25). The function of this ligament is to provide observed. The radiohumeral bursa lies deep to the common extensor
stability to the ulnohumeral joint; in cases of posterolateral rotatory tendon, below the extensor carpi radialis brevis and superficial to the
20 PART I Fundamentals and General Considerations

Medial epicondylar B.
Lat. epicondylar B.

Ulnar n. B.
Subanconeus B.
Subtendinous B.
Sub ext. carpi
Intratendinous B.
radialis brevis B.
(Radiohumeral B.)
Olecranon B.

FIG 2.27 Posterior view of the elbow demonstrating the superficial and deep bursae (B.) that are present
about this joint. n, Nerve.

radiohumeral joint capsule. This entity has been implicated by several interosseous recurrent artery at the posterior aspect of the elbow.
authors16,66 in the etiology of lateral epicondylitis but is probably not The radial collateral artery penetrates the lateral intermuscular septum
a major factor. The constant bicipitoradial bursa separates the biceps and accompanies the radial nerve into the antecubital space, where it
tendon from the tuberosity of the radius (see Fig. 2.9). Less commonly anastomoses with the radial recurrent artery at the level of the lateral
appreciated is the deep cubital interosseous bursa lying between the epicondyle.
lateral aspect of the biceps tendon and the ulna, brachialis, and supina- The detailed vascular anatomy of the elbow region has been nicely
tor fascia. This bursa is said to be present in approximately 20% of described in great detail by Yamaguchi et al.88 The major branches
individuals.74 The clinical significance of the relevant bursae about the of the brachial artery are the superior and inferior ulnar collateral
elbow is detailed in Chapter 74. arteries, which originate medial and distal to the profunda brachial
artery. The superior ulnar collateral artery is given off just distal
VESSELS to the midportion of the brachium, penetrates the medial intermus-
cular septum, and accompanies the ulnar nerve to the medial epicon-
Brachial Artery and Its Branches dyle, where it terminates by anastomosing with the posterior ulnar
The cross-sectional relationship of the vessels, nerves, muscles, and recurrent artery and variably with the inferior ulnar collateral artery
bones is shown in Fig. 2.28.27 The brachial artery descends in the arm, (Fig. 2.31).
crossing in front of the intramuscular septum to lie anterior to the The inferior ulnar collateral artery arises from the medial aspect of
medial aspect of the brachialis muscle. The median nerve crosses in the brachial artery about 4 cm proximal to the medial epicondyle. It
front of and medial to the artery at this point, near the middle of the continues distally for a short course, dividing into and anastomosing
arm (Fig. 2.29). The artery continues distally at the medial margin of with branches of the anterior ulnar recurrent artery, and it supplies a
the biceps muscle and enters the antecubital space medial to the biceps portion of the pronator teres muscle.
tendon and lateral to the nerve (Fig. 2.30). At the level of the radial
head, it gives off its terminal branches, the ulnar and radial arteries, Radial Artery
which continue into the forearm. The radial artery typically originates at the level of the radial head,
The brachial artery usually is accompanied by medial and lateral emerges from the antecubital space between the brachioradialis and
brachial veins. Proximally, in addition to its numerous muscular and the pronator teres muscle, and continues down the forearm under the
cutaneous branches, the large, deep brachial artery courses posteriorly brachioradialis muscle. A more proximal origin occurs in up to 15%
and laterally to bifurcate into the medial and radial collateral arteries. of individuals.53 The radial recurrent artery originates laterally from
The medial collateral artery continues posteriorly, supplying the the radial artery just distal to its origin. It ascends laterally on the
medial head of the triceps and ultimately anastomosing with the supinator muscle to anastomose with the radial collateral artery at the


59 59


61 61

Brachial a. and vv.
Biceps brachii m.
Brachialis m. Median n.

Radial n. Basilic v.
Ulnar n.
Brachioradialis m.
Medial intermuscular septum
Ext. carpi radialis longus m.
Lat. intermuscular Triceps brachii m.
C (57) Humerus
Medial antebrachial cutan. n.
Pronator teres m.
Flexor carpi radialis m.
Basilic v.
Ext. carpi radialis
longus and brevis mm. Flexor digitorum superficialis m.
Ulnar collateral lig.
Dorsal antebrachial
Ulnar n.
D (59) cutan. n.
Flexor carpi ulnaris m.
Tendon of common ext. digitorum, Flexor digitorum profundus m.
carpi ulnaris, and digiti minimi mm. Anconeus m.
Pronator teres m.
Radial a. and v. Tendon of biceps brachii m.
Lat. antebrachial cutan. n. Medial antebrachial cutan. n.
Superficial radial n.
Flexor carpi radialis m.
Brachioradialis m. Palmaris longus m.
Ext. carpi radialis Common interosseous a. and median n.
longus and brevis mm.
Flexor digitorum superficialis m.
Antebrachii fascia
Ulnar n.
Flexor carpi ulnaris m.
Deep radial n.
Ulnar a. and v.
Common ext. digitorum m.
Flexor digitorum profundus m.
E (61) Ext. digiti minimi m. Ulna
Ext. carpi ulnaris m. Interosseous membrane
Supinator m. Anconeus m.
FIG 2.28 Cross-sectional relationships of the muscles (A) and the neurovas­cular bundles (B). (C) The region
above the elbow joint. (D) View taken across the elbow joint. (E) View just distal to the articulation. a., Artery;
cutan., cutaneous; Ext., extensor; Lat., lateral; lig., ligament; m., muscle; mm., muscles; n., nerve; v., vein;
vv., veins. (Redrawn from Eycleshymer AC, Schoemaker DM: A cross-section anatomy, New York, 1930, D.
Appleton and Co.)
22 PART I Fundamentals and General Considerations

Brachialis Biceps and lacertus fibrosus

Radial n. Median n.
Brachioradialis Brachial a.
Pronator teres, humeral head
Radial recurrent a.
Flexor carpi radialis and palmaris longus
Deep and superficial
branches of radial n. Pronator teres, ulnar head
Supinator Ulnar n.
Ant. and post. ulnar recurrent aa.
Extensor carpi radialis longus
Ulnar a.
Flexor digitorum sublimis Common interosseous a.
Pronator teres Posterior and anterior
interosseous aa.
Radial a. Anterior interosseous n.
Flexor carpi ulnaris
Flexor pollicis longus
Flexor digitorum profundus

Dorsal branch of ulnar n.

Ulnar a. and n.
Volar interosseous a. and n.
Pronator quadratus Median n.
Abductor pollicis longus

FIG 2.29 Anterior aspect of the elbow region demonstrating the intricate relationships among the muscles,
nerves, and vessels. a., Artery; aa., arteries; n., nerve. (Redrawn from Hollinshead WH: The back and limbs.
In Hollinshead WH, editor: Anatomy for surgeons, vol. 3. New York, 1969, Harper & Row, p 379.)

level of the lateral epicondyle, to which it provides circulation. For interosseous branches. The interosseous recurrent artery originates
better visualization, the radial recurrent artery sometimes is sacrificed from the posterior interosseous branch. This artery runs proximally
with the anterior elbow exposure. through the supinator muscle to anastomose with the vascular network
of the olecranon (see Fig. 2.31).
Ulnar Artery
The larger of the two terminal branches of the brachial artery is the
ulnar artery. There is relatively little variation in its origin, which is
usually at the level of the radial head. The artery traverses the pronator Specific clinical and pertinent anatomic aspects of the nerves in the
teres between its two heads and continues distally and medially behind region of the elbow are discussed in subsequent chapters as appropri-
the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle. It emerges medially to con- ate. A general survey of the common anatomic patterns is given here
tinue down the medial aspect of the forearm under the cover of the (see Fig. 2.28).
flexor carpi ulnaris. Two recurrent branches originate just distal to
the origin of the ulnar artery. The anterior ulnar recurrent artery Musculocutaneous Nerve
ascends deep to the humeral head of the pronator teres and deep to The musculocutaneous nerve originates from C5–C8 nerve roots and
the medial aspect of the brachialis muscle to anastomose with the is a continuation of the lateral cord. It innervates the major elbow
descending superior and inferior ulnar collateral arteries. The poste- flexors, the biceps and brachialis, and continues through the brachial
rior ulnar recurrent artery originates with or just distal to the smaller fascia lateral to the biceps tendon, terminating as the lateral ante-
anterior ulnar recurrent artery and passes proximal and posterior brachial cutaneous nerve (Fig. 2.32). The motor branch enters the
between the superficial and deep flexors posterior to the medial epi- biceps and the brachialis approximately 15 and 20 cm below the tip of
condyle. This artery continues proximally with the ulnar nerve under the acromion, respectively.47
the flexor carpi ulnaris to anastomose with the superior ulnar collat-
eral artery. Additional extensive communication with the inferior Median Nerve
ulnar and middle collateral branches constitutes the rete articulare Arising from the C5–C8 and T1 nerve roots, the median nerve enters
cubiti (see Fig. 2.30). the anterior aspect of the brachium, crossing in front of the brachial
The common interosseous artery is a large vessel originating 2.5 cm artery as it passes across the intermuscular septum. It follows a straight
distal to the origin of the ulnar artery. It passes posteriorly and distally course into the medial aspect of the antecubital fossa, medial to the
between the flexor pollicis longus and the flexor digitorum profundus biceps tendon and the brachial artery. It then passes under the bicipital
just distal to the oblique cord, dividing into anterior and posterior aponeurosis. The first motor branch is provided to the pronator teres,
CHAPTER 2 Anatomy of the Elbow Joint 23







FIG 2.31 Illustration of the posterior collateral circulation of the
elbow. There are perforating vessels on the posterior aspect of the
lateral epicondyle, in the olecranon fossa, and on the medial aspect
of the trochlea. The tip of the olecranon is supplied by perforators
from the posterior arcade in the olecranon fossa. The superior ulnar
FIG 2.30 Illustration of the anterior extraosseous vascular anatomy collateral artery (SUC) is seen terminating in the posterior arcade.
demonstrating the medial arcade and the relationship of the radial IR, Interosseous recurrent artery; IUC, inferior ulnar collateral artery;
recurrent artery (RR) to the proximal aspect of the radius. The inferior MC, middle collateral artery; PUR, posterior ulnar recurrent artery;
ulnar collateral artery (IUC) provides perforators to the supracondylar RC, radial collateral artery; RR, radial recurrent artery. (Redrawn
region, medial aspect of the trochlea, and medial epicondyle before it from Yamaguchi K, Sweet FA, Bindra R, et al.: The extraosseous and
courses posteriorly to anastomose with the superior ulnar collateral intraosseous arterial anatomy of the adult elbow, J Bone Joint Surg
(SUC) and posterior ulnar recurrent (PUR) arteries. The radial recurrent 79A:1655, 1997.)
artery provides an osseous perforator to the radius as it travels proxi-
mally and posterior. B, Brachial artery; R, radial artery. (Redrawn from
Yamaguchi K, Sweet FA, Bindra R, et al.: The extraosseous and intraos-
seous arterial anatomy of the adult elbow, J Bone Joint Surg 79A:1654, in the humerus that bears its name. Before entering the anterior
1997.) aspect of the arm, it gives off motor branches to the medial and lateral
head of the triceps, accompanied by the deep branch of the brachial
artery. It then emerges inferiorly and laterally to penetrate the lateral
intermuscular septum. The nerve is at risk of injury from surgery or
through which it passes.2,39 It enters the forearm and continues distally fracture at this site. Two recent studies have placed the position of the
under the flexor digitorum superficialis within the fascial sheath of this radial nerve as 54% of the acromion/ulnar distance21 or 1.7% of the
muscle. transcondylar distance.87 After penetrating the lateral intermuscular
There are no branches of the median nerve in the arm (Fig. 2.33). septum in the distal third of the arm, it descends anterior to the
In the cubital fossa, a few small articular branches are given off before lateral epicondyle behind the brachioradialis. It innervates the bra-
the motor branches to the pronator teres, the flexor carpi radialis, the chioradialis with a single branch to this muscle. In the antecubital
palmaris longus, and the flexor digitorum superficialis. Because all space, the nerve divides into the superficial and deep branches. The
branches arise medially, medial retraction of the nerve during exposure superficial branch is a continuation of the radial nerve and extends
of the anterior aspect of the elbow is a safe technique. into the forearm to innervate the middorsal cutaneous aspect of the
The anterior interosseous nerve innervates the flexor pollicis longus forearm (Fig. 2.34).
and the lateral portion of the flexor digitorum profundus. It arises The motor branches of the radial nerve are given off to the triceps
from the median nerve near the inferior border of the pronator teres above the spiral groove except for the branch to the medial head of the
and travels along the anterior aspect of the interosseous membrane in triceps, which originates at the entry to the spiral groove. This branch
the company of the anterior interosseous artery. continues distally through the medial head to terminate as a muscular
branch to the anconeus. This accounts for the variability of the anco-
Radial Nerve neus when rotated or reflected from its origin.10,43,67
The radial nerve is a continuation of the posterior cord and originates In the antecubital space, the recurrent radial nerve curves around
from the C6, C7, and C8 nerve roots with variable contributions of the posterolateral aspect of the radius, passing deep to the supinator
the C5 and T1 roots. In the midportion of the arm, the nerve courses muscle, which it innervates. During its course through the supinator
laterally just distal to the deltoid insertion to occupy the spiral groove muscle, the nerve lies over a bare area, which is distal to and opposite
24 PART I Fundamentals and General Considerations

Musculocutaneous nerve

Coracobrachialis Median nerve

Long head of biceps

Short head of biceps

Lat. cutaneous
Pronator teres
nerve of forearm Brachialis (C6, C7) Palmaris longus
Flexor carpi radialis (C7-T1)
Flexor digitorum Communicating branch
superficialis (C6-T1) with ulnar nerve
Flexor pollicis longus
Pronator quadratus Flexor digitorum profundus
(C6-T1) (C8, T1)
Opponens pollicis
(C7, C8?, T1)
Abductor pollicis brevis
(C6, C7, C8?)
Flexor pollicis brevis
Lumbricals 1 and 2
FIG 2.32 The musculocutaneous nerve innervates the flexors of the (C7-T1)
elbow and continues distal to the joint as the lateral cutaneous nerve FIG 2.33 The median nerve innervates the flexor pronator group of
of the forearm. Lat., Lateral. (Redrawn from Langman J, Woerdeman muscles about the elbow, but there are no branches above the joint.
MW: Atlas of medical anatomy, Philadelphia, 1976, WB Saunders.) (Redrawn from Langman J, Woerdeman MW: Atlas of medical anatomy,
Philadelphia, 1976, WB Saunders.)

from the radial tuberosity.22 The nerve is believed to be at risk at this

site in cases of fracture of the proximal radius.78 It emerges from the the ulnar nerve. Furthermore, the structure flattens with elbow flexion,
muscle as the posterior interosseous nerve, and the recurrent branch thus decreasing the capacity of the cubital tunnel (Fig. 2.36).63 This
innervates the extensor digitorum minimi, the extensor carpi ulnaris, accounts for the clinical observation of ulnar nerve paresthesia with
and, occasionally, the anconeus. The posterior interosseous nerve is elbow flexion. Similarly, elbow instability can cause traction injury to
accompanied by the posterior interosseous artery and sends further the nerve.50
muscle branches distally to supply the abductor pollicis longus, the A few small capsular twigs are given to the elbow joint in this
extensor pollicis longus, the extensor pollicis brevis, and the extensor region.8 As the nerve enters the forearm between the two heads of the
indicis on the dorsum of the forearm. The nerve is subject to compres- flexor carpi ulnaris, it gives off a single nerve to the ulnar origin of the
sion as it passes through the supinator muscle14 or from synovial pronator and one to the epicondylar head of the flexor carpi ulnaris.
proliferation.25,28 Compression and entrapment problems are described Distally, the nerve sends a motor branch to the ulnar half of the flexor
in detail in Chapter 72. digitorum profundus. Two cutaneous nerves arise from the ulnar nerve
in the distal half of the forearm and innervate the skin of the wrist and
Ulnar Nerve the two ulnar digits of the hand.
The ulnar nerve is derived from the medial cord of the brachial plexus
from roots C8 and T1. In the midarm, it passes posteriorly through
the medial intermuscular septum and continues distally anterior to the
septum and under the medial margin of the triceps. It is accompanied Relevant features of the origin, insertion, and function of the muscles
by the superior ulnar collateral branch of the brachial artery and the of the elbow region are covered in other chapters dealing with surgical
ulnar collateral branch of the radial artery. Although supposedly there exposure, functional examination, and biomechanics. This informa-
are no branches of this nerve in the brachium, an occasional motor tion also is discussed in various chapters when dealing with specific
branch to the triceps is encountered (Fig. 2.35). The ulnar nerve passes pathology. The following description will serve as a basic overview.
into the cubital tunnel under the medial epicondyle and rests against
the posterior portion of the medial collateral ligament, where a groove Elbow Flexors
in the ligament accommodates this structure. The roof of the cubital Biceps
tunnel has recently been defined and termed the cubital tunnel reti- The biceps covers the brachialis muscle in the distal arm and passes
naculum.63 Retinacular absence accounts for congenital subluxation of into the cubital fossa as the biceps tendon, which attaches to the
CHAPTER 2 Anatomy of the Elbow Joint 25

Radial nerve

Triceps (C6-C8, T1)

Post. cutaneous nerve of arm

Post. cutaneous nerve of forearm
Anconeus Brachioradialis (C5, C6)
Deep branch Extensor carpi radialis longus
of radial nerve and brevis (C6-C8)
Superficial branch of
radial nerve
Extensor pollicis longus
Extensor carpi ulnaris (C6?, C7, C8)
(C6?, C7, C8)
Abductor pollicis longus
(C6?, C7, C8)
Extensor digitorum
(C6, C7, C8) Extensor pollicis brevis

FIG 2.34 The muscles innervated by the right radial nerve. Post., Posterior. (Redrawn from Langman J,
Woerdeman MW: Atlas of medical anatomy, Philadelphia, 1976, WB Saunders.)

posterior aspect of the radial tuberosity (Fig. 2.37). The constant The muscle is innervated by the musculocutaneous nerve. The
bicipitoradial bursa separates the tendon from the anterior aspect of lateral portion of the muscle covers the radial nerve as it spirals
the tuberosity, and the cubital bursa has been described as separating around the distal humerus. The median nerve and brachial artery are
the tendon from the ulna and the muscles covering the radius (see Fig. superficial to the brachialis and lie behind the biceps in the distal
2.9). The bicipital aponeurosis, or lacertus fibrosus, is a broad, thin humerus.
band of tissue that is a continuation of the anterior medial and distal
muscle fasciae. It runs obliquely to cover the median nerve and brachial Brachioradialis
artery and inserts into the deep fasciae of the forearm and possibly into The brachioradialis has a lengthy origin along the lateral supracondylar
the ulna as well.18 bony column that extends proximally to the level of the junction of
The biceps is a major flexor of the elbow that has a large cross- the midhumerus and distal humerus (see Fig. 2.38). The origin sepa-
sectional area but an intermediate mechanical advantage because it rates the lateral head of the triceps and the brachialis muscle. The
passes relatively close to the axis of rotation. In the pronated position, lateral border of the cubital fossa is formed by this muscle, which
the biceps is a strong supinator.6 The distal insertion may undergo crosses the elbow joint with the greatest mechanical advantage of any
spontaneous rupture,57,77 and this condition is discussed in detail later elbow flexor. It progresses distally to insert into the base of the radial
(Chapter 63). styloid (Fig. 2.39). The muscle protects and is innervated by the radial
nerve (C5, C6) as it emerges from the spiral groove. Its major function
Brachialis is elbow flexion. Rarely, the muscle may be ruptured.35
This muscle has the largest cross-sectional area of any of the elbow
flexors but suffers from a poor mechanical advantage because it crosses Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
so close to the axis of rotation. The origin consists of the entire anterior The extensor carpi radialis longus originates from the supracondylar
distal half of the humerus, and it extends medially and laterally to the bony column joint just below the origin of the brachioradialis (see Fig.
respective intermuscular septa (Fig. 2.38). The muscle crosses the 2.39). The origin of this muscle is identified as the first fleshy fibers
anterior capsule, with some fibers inserting into the capsule that are observed proximal to the common extensor tendon. As it continues
said to help retract the capsule during elbow flexion. The major attach- into the midportion of the dorsum of the forearm, it becomes largely
ment is to the coronoid process about 2 mm distal from its articular tendinous and inserts into the dorsal base of the second metacarpal.
margin. More than 95% of the cross-sectional area is muscle tissue at Innervated by the radial nerve (C6, C7), the motor branches arise just
the elbow joint,49 a relationship that may account for the high incidence distal to those of the brachioradialis muscle.
of trauma to this muscle and the development of myositis ossificans In addition to wrist extension, its orientation suggests that this
with elbow dislocation.83 muscle might function as an elbow flexor.
26 PART I Fundamentals and General Considerations

Ulnar nerve

Flexor digitorum
profundus (C8, T1)

Median nerve Communicating branch

Flexor carpi ulnaris

(C8, T1)
Deep head of flexor Triceps m.
pollicis (C6-C8) Abductor
Adductor pollicis Digiti minimi opponens
(C7, C8, T1) (C7, C8?, T1)
Lumbricals (C7-C8, T1)
Palmar and dorsal Ulnar n.
(C7?, C8, T1) ME

FIG 2.35 Muscles innervated by the right ulnar nerve. There are no B CTR
muscular branches of this nerve above the elbow joint. (Redrawn from
FIG 2.36 With flexion the cubital tunnel flattens, compressing the
Langman J, Woerdeman MW: Atlas of medical anatomy, Philadelphia,
ulnar nerve (A and B). CTR, Cubital tunnel retinaculum; m., muscle;
1976, WB Saunders.)
ME, medial epicondyle; n., nerve; OI, olecranon. (Redrawn from
O’Driscoll SW, Horii E, Carmichael SW, Morrey BF: The cubital tunnel
and ulnar neuropathy, J Bone Joint Surg 73B:613, 1991.)

Clinically, the origin of this muscle and its relationship with that
of the extensor carpi radialis brevis have been implicated in the patho-
logic anatomy of tennis elbow by Nirschl (Chapter 59). of the extensor surface of the forearm (see Fig. 2.39). The muscle
extends and abducts the fingers. According to Wright, the muscle can
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis assist in elbow flexion when the forearm is pronated. This observation
The extensor carpi radialis brevis originates from the lateral superior is not, however, supported by our cross-sectional studies.1 Innervation
aspect of the lateral epicondyle (see Fig. 2.38). Its origin is the most is from the deep branch of the radial nerve, with contributions from
lateral of the extensor group and is covered by the extensor carpi the sixth through eighth cervical nerves.
radialis longus. This relationship is important as the most commonly
implicated site of lateral epicondylitis. The extensor digitorum com- Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
munis originates from the common extensor tendon and is just medial The extensor carpi ulnaris originates from two heads, one above and
or ulnar to the extensor carpi radialis brevis. At its humeral origin, the the other below the elbow joint. The humeral origin is the most
fibers of the extensor digitorum communis and brevis are grossly and medial of the common extensor group (Fig. 2.40; see also Fig. 2.38).
histologically indistinguishable from one another32 (see Fig. 2.39). The The ulnar attachment is along the aponeurosis of the anconeus and
longus and brevis share the same extensor compartment as they cross at the superior border of this muscle. It is a valuable landmark for
the wrist under the extensor retinaculum. The brevis inserts into the exposures of the lateral elbow joint. The insertion is on the dorsal
dorsal base of the third metacarpal. The function of the extensor carpi base of the fifth metacarpal after crossing the wrist in its own com-
radialis brevis is pure wrist extension, with little or no radial or ulnar partment under the extensor retinaculum. The extensor carpi ulnaris
deviation.1 The extensor carpi radialis brevis is innervated by fibers of is a wrist extensor and ulnar deviator. Fibers of the sixth through
the sixth and seventh cervical nerves. The motor branch arises from eighth cervical nerve routes innervate the muscle from branches of
the radial nerve in the region of its division into deep and superficial the deep radial nerve.
Extensor Digitorum Communis This flat muscle is characterized by the virtual absence of tendinous
Originating from the anterior distal aspect of the lateral epicondyle, tissue and a complex origin and insertion. It originates from three sites
the extensor digitorum communis accounts for most of the contour above and below the elbow joint: (1) the lateral anterior aspect of the
CHAPTER 2 Anatomy of the Elbow Joint 27

Trapezius Clavicular portion

of pectoralis major

Groove for
cephalic vein

Sternocostal portion
of pectoralis major


Deltoid tuberosity Serratus anterior
Teres major and
latissimus dorsi
Brachialis Short head of biceps brachii
Long head of biceps brachii
Lat. head of triceps

Lat. intermuscular


Tendon of biceps brachii

Extensor carpi
radialis longus Bicipital aponeurosis

Pronator teres

FIG 2.37 Anterior aspect of the arm and elbow region demonstrating the major flexors of the joint, the
brachialis, and the biceps muscles. (Redrawn from Langman J, Woerdeman MW: Atlas of medical anatomy,
Philadelphia, 1976, WB Saunders.)

Supraspinatus lateral epicondyle; (2) the lateral collateral ligament; and (3) the proxi-
mal anterior crest of the ulna along the crista supinatoris. The form of
the muscle is approximately that of a rhomboid because it runs
Subscapularis obliquely, distally, and radially to wrap around and insert diffusely on
the proximal radius, beginning lateral and proximal to the radial
Latissimus tuberosity and continuing distal to the insertion of the pronator teres
Pectoralis major at the junction of the proximal and middle third of the radius (see Fig.
Teres major 2.40). It is important to note that the radial nerve passes through the
supinator to gain access to the extensor surface of the forearm. This
anatomic feature is clinically significant with regard to exposure of the
Deltoid Coracobrachialis lateral aspect of the elbow joint and the proximal radius and in certain
entrapment syndromes.75
The muscle obviously supinates the forearm but is a weaker supina-
tor than the biceps.38 Unlike the biceps, however, the effectiveness of
the supinator is not altered by the position of elbow flexion. The
Brachialis innervation is derived from the muscular branch given off by the radial
Brachioradialis nerve just before and during its course through the muscle with nerve
Origins fibers derived primarily from the sixth cervical root.
Elbow Extensors
Triceps Brachii
Extensor carpi Pronator The entire posterior musculature of the arm is composed of the
radialis longus teres triceps brachii (see Fig. 2.34). The long head has a discrete origin
from the infraglenoid tuberosity of the scapula. The lateral head
Common originates in a linear fashion from the proximal lateral intramuscular
Common extensor flexor septum on the posterior surface of the humerus. The medial head
tendon tendon
originates from the entire distal half of the posteromedial surface
FIG 2.38 Anterior humeral origin and insertion of muscles that control of the humerus bounded laterally by the radial groove and medially
flexion of the elbow joint. by the intramuscular septum. Thus, each head originates distal to the
28 PART I Fundamentals and General Considerations

Biceps brachii

Triceps brachii Brachialis

Olecranon Brachioradialis

Lateral epicondyle Extensor carpi radialis brevis

of humerus

Extensor digitorum

Extensor digiti minimi

Abductor pollicis longus

Extensor carpi ulnaris Extensor pollicis brevis

Tendons of extensor carpi

Head of ulna
radialis longus and brevis

Styloid process
of radius

FIG 2.39 The musculature of the posterolateral aspect of the right forearm. (Redrawn from Langman J,
Woerdeman MW: Atlas of medical anatomy, Philadelphia, 1976, WB Saunders.)

other, with progressively larger areas of origin. The long and lateral This may have some functional relevance of stabilizing the fat pad to
heads are superficial to the deep medial head, blending in the midline help cushion the elbow as it comes into full extension.86
of the humerus to form a common muscle that then tapers into
the triceps tendon and attaches to the tip of the olecranon with Anconeus
Sharpey’s fibers.13 The tendon usually is separated from the olecranon This muscle has little tendinous tissue because it originates from a
by the subtendinous olecranon bursa. The distal 40% of the triceps rather broad site on the posterior aspect of the lateral epicondyle and
mechanism consists of a layer of fascia that blends with the triceps from the lateral triceps fascia and inserts into the lateral dorsal surface
distally. of the proximal ulna (see Fig. 2.40). It is innervated by the terminal
Innervated by the radial nerve, the long and lateral heads are branch of the nerve to the medial head of the triceps. Curiously, the
supplied by branches that arise proximal to the entrance of the radial function of this muscle has been the subject of considerable specula-
nerve into the groove. The medial head is innervated distal to the tion. Possibly the most accurate description of function is that proposed
groove with a branch that enters proximally and passes through the by Basmajian and Griffin and by DaHora, who suggest that its primary
entire medial head to terminate by innervating the anconeus, an role is that of a joint stabilizer.5,20 The muscle covers the lateral portion
anatomic feature of considerable importance when considering some of the annular ligament and the radial head. For the surgeon, the major
approaches (e.g., Kocher, Bryan-Morrey, Boyd, and Pankovitch) to the significance of this muscle is its position as a key landmark in various
joint. lateral and posterolateral exposures and is emerging for usefulness in
The function of the triceps is to extend the elbow. Lesions of the reconstruction of the lateral elbow.
nerve in the midportion of the humerus usually do not prevent triceps
function that is provided by the more proximally innervated lateral Flexor Pronator Muscle Group
and long heads. Pronator Teres
This is the most proximal muscle of the flexor pronator group. There
Subanconeus Muscle are two heads of origin: the largest arises from the anterosuperior
The attachment of some muscle fibers of the medial head of the triceps aspect of the medial epicondyle and the second from the coronoid
to the posteromedial capsule has been termed the subanconeus muscle. process of the ulna, an attachment absent in approximately 10% of
CHAPTER 2 Anatomy of the Elbow Joint 29

Triceps brachii

Lateral epicondyle
Anconeus Extensor carpi radialis longus

Posterior border of ulna
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
Extensor carpi ulnaris

Flexor carpi ulnaris


Extensor pollicis longus Abductor pollicis longus

Extensor indicis Extensor pollicis brevis

Styloid process of ulna Tendons of extensor radialis

longus and brevis

Dorsal interossei
Extensor indicis

Tendon of extensor

FIG 2.40 The extensor aspect of the forearm demonstrating the deep muscle layer after the extensor
digitorum and extensor digiti minimi have been removed. (Redrawn from Langman J, Woerdeman MW:
Atlas of medical anatomy, Philadelphia, 1976, WB Saunders.)

individuals39 (see Fig. 2.32). The two origins of the pronator muscle ulnaris (see Fig. 2.38). It becomes tendinous in the proximal portion
provide an arch through which the median nerve passes to gain access of the forearm and inserts into and becomes continuous with the
to the forearm. This anatomic characteristic is a significant feature in palmar aponeurosis. It is absent from approximately 10% of extremi-
the etiology of median nerve entrapment syndrome and is discussed ties.70 Its major function is as a donor tendon for reconstructive
in detail in Chapter 72. The common muscle belly proceeds radially surgery, and it is innervated by a branch of the median nerve.
and distally under the brachioradialis, inserting at the junction of the
proximal and middle portions of the radius by a discrete broad tendi- Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
nous insertion into a tuberosity on the lateral aspect of the bone. The flexor carpi ulnaris is the most posterior of the common flexor
Obviously, a strong pronator of the forearm, it is also considered a tendons originating from the medial epicondyle (see Figs. 2.33 and
weak flexor of the elbow joint.1,7,81 The muscle is usually innervated by 2.38). A second and larger source of origin is from the medial border
two motor branches from the median nerve before the nerve leaves the of the coronoid and the proximal medial aspect of the ulna. The ulnar
cubital fossa. nerve enters and innervates (T7–T8 and T1) the muscle between these
two sites of origin with two or three motor branches given off just after
Flexor Carpi Radialis the nerve has entered the muscle. These are the first motor branches
The flexor carpi radialis originates just inferior to the origin of the of the ulnar nerve, and therefore they are useful in localizing the level
pronator teres and the common flexor tendon at the anteroinferior of an ulnar nerve lesion. The muscle continues distally to insert into
aspect of the medial epicondyle (see Fig. 2.38). It continues distally and the pisiform, where the tendon is easily palpable, because it serves as
radially to the wrist, where it can be easily palpated before it inserts into a wrist flexor and ulnar deviator. With an origin posterior to the axis
the base of the second and sometimes the third metacarpal. Proximally, of rotation, weak elbow extension also may be provided by the flexor
the muscle belly partially covers the pronator teres and palmaris longus carpi ulnaris.1
muscles and shares a common origin from the intermuscular septum,
which it shares with these muscles. The innervation is from one or two Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
twigs of the median nerve (C6, C7), and its chief function is as a wrist This muscle is deep to those originating from the common flexor
flexor. At the elbow no significant flexion moment is present.1,23 tendon but superficial to the flexor digitorum profundus; thus, it is
considered the intermediate muscle layer. This broad muscle has a
Palmaris Longus complex origin (Fig. 2.41).45 Medially, it arises from the medial epi-
This muscle, when present, arises from the medial epicondyle, and condyle by way of the common flexor tendon and possibly from the
from the septa it shares with the flexor carpi radialis and flexor carpi ulnar collateral ligament and the medial aspect of the coronoid.38 The
30 PART I Fundamentals and General Considerations

Brachial artery
Median nerve
Triceps brachii

Aponeurosis of biceps brachii

Pronator teres
Brachioradialis Brachialis
Ulnar artery
Radial artery

Pronator teres (cut) Humeral head

Radial head flexor digitorum superficialis

Superficial branch of radial nerve

Extensor carpi radialis longus Flexor pollicis longus

Flexor carpi ulnaris

Abductor pollicis longus
Ulnar artery and nerve
Extensor pollicis brevis
Flexor digitorum profundus
Flexor carpi radialis (cut) Median nerve
Flexor retinaculum
Deep layer of flexor retinaculum

Tendon of flexor digitorum profundus

FIG 2.41 The flexor digitorum superficialis is demonstrated after the palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis
have been removed. The pronator teres has been transected and reflected. The important relationships of
the nerves and arteries should be noted. (Redrawn from Langman J, Woerdeman MW: Atlas of medical
anatomy, Philadelphia, 1976, WB Saunders.)

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“Yes,” I said. “He controls one camp, and another warlike chief
who occupies the stronghold commands the other.”
“There may still be time when Ngaraki returns at sunset,” she said.
“He will know nothing of it, for he will come by the secret entrance at
the back of the mountain—the ‘way of the lizard’; but he will quiet
them if Te Makawawa cannot. When he comes and sees what he
shall see he will be like a thousand men, and at ordinary times he is
terrible enough, for I have watched his face while he has chanted his
karakias in this cave.”
Under Miriam’s direction Grey and I removed the statue from its
place and concealed it among the wooden gods in the darkness of
the inner cave. It appeared that this removal was only rendered
possible by the fact that, some years before, Ngaraki, impatient at
Hinauri’s delay, had, with great toil and by means of an old sword—
apparently the gift of an early explorer to some ancestor of the
Rangitane—found among the weapons in the inner cave, achieved
the difficult task of sawing through the base of the statue, where it
was in one piece with the marble floor. This was to loosen one more
of the fetters of Hinauri, for, as he said, “How could she move to life
when her feet were fast bound to the rock?” Thus the place where
Hinauri had stood through the ages was now left vacant, so that her
living image might stand there with her arms outstretched to the
western sky, with the same loveliness of old upon her face, and the
same age-long prayer upon her parted lips. This, Miriam maintained,
was not a trick, but a test, for none knew as well as Ngaraki the form
and features of his ancient goddess! None could say with him, “This
is she for whom I waited, for whom I prayed and toiled my whole life

Towards sunset I stood at the opening of the cave and looked down
upon the rolling plain below, with the Lion Rock enclosing the little
valley against the mountain wall. About the banks of the stream the
afternoon sun, obscured from me by some crags that stood out upon
my left, slumbered upon beds of moss, and all was hushed. Thistle-
down floated along the slow currents of the air; gnats and bright-
coloured beetles winged their way above the tops of the dreamy
trees, while here and there a tui flashed out from the foliage to chase
them in the sunlight. And in the bosom of the quiet was felt at
intervals the single bell-like note of the korimako—a drop of liquid
sound falling into the deep well of silence—the ping of some little
heart of air bursting in a single throb of pure delight. These sights
and sounds below were to me the points of a great hush which
reigned beneath the cloudless sky, as if Nature, like a fair quietist,
had fallen into a trance, yet having her blue eyes wide open.
As I leaned against the side of the cave’s mouth and gazed down
upon the dreamy scene, the melancholy of it all laid hold upon me—
that melancholy, I mean, which is at once the matrix of joy and
sadness, and which, like beauty, is far within the eyes that see it,
deep within the heart that feels it. In its atmosphere our souls may
almost bridge vast gulfs of time and enclose far-sundered points in
It was so with me. I wished that those feelings which seemed to
come to me out of the long-lost past might abide with me for ever, or
I with them. Knowing them as the enemies of littleness, I loved them,
not because they were mine, but because they were not. In this still
air of melancholy the things of ancient night breathed at my side, and
the things of to-day were set far back in the dim recesses of eld. The
pre-Adamite city of the plain which Time had trodden in the dust was
a present reality, but the murmur of my friends’ voices from the inner
cave was a ghostly echo from a bygone age.
The silence deepened on my soul, the melancholy mood forgot
itself, and the mellow poetry of “long ago” vanished like the glamour
of a dream. “All things happen here and now,” I said, and the sound
of my own voice disturbed the stillness. Time rolled itself out into
ages. Space unfolded into vast stretches. The melancholy brooding
of my dream returned, but with something added: a thread of fleeting
memory connected with some old-world life. I tried to assure myself
that it was a mere freak of the brain, which may be able to dress a
present thought in the past tense in such a way as to deceive even
its own father.
But it was in vain. I shall never forget the deep impression made
upon me by my instantaneous dream that all things happen here and
now. When it had passed I regarded it as the true waking state, and
this other the dream into which I had slipped once more. An eternal
dreamer dreaming non-eternal dreams had been aroused for a
moment, and then had slept again with less reverence for the
clumsy, sprawling consciousness of his dream. I had laid hold of
some evidences of a life buried beneath the strata of memory: a
monstrous tooth of an old-world passion, a blunted flint-head of
some dart of high desire, a tablet inscribed with a deed of darkness,
a clouded stone in labour with a gem for a sometime crown—these
were unearthed at random as if from some pre-tertiary strata of
recollection; and so I dreamed on and on into the past until, turning
my head at a slight sound within, I saw a white figure advance from
the shadows of the inner cave into the daylight, and pause on the
spot where, with her giant priests around her, Hinauri, the Queen of
the City of the Southern Cross, had set her feet. I passed my hand
quickly across my brow and said to my senses, “Fools! it is merely a
girl of to-day draped in the style of the queen of ancient night to
cheat a Maori chief.” But these words did not multiply, for I saw at a
glance that Crystal’s lovely face was full of those wistful dreams of
long ago which had come to me. Her form was burdened as if with a
sweet, but heavy sadness, and her head drooped, so that her long,
black, rippling masses of hair enveloped her arms and shoulders like
a shroud of darkness, in the depths of which was the veiled light of
her eyes. She was abstracted and did not observe me as I passed
before her gaze and found my way into the shadows of the inner
cave, where Miriam and Grey were standing watching her.
“Is this to trick Ngaraki?” I asked of the former, with a return of my
former scepticism.
“Hush!” she replied, “it is no trick. She is like one walking in her
sleep. Within the unhewn marble I saw the queen of old stand like
that in deep abstraction before she held out her arms to me and the
future. It is no trick. In ten minutes Ngaraki will be here, and he shall
judge if this is the one he has toiled and prayed for all his life.”
Her hand trembled on my arm, and I was silenced. I looked into
her sweet face in the vague light, and saw there again my own
strange dreams of “long ago.” At that moment the thunder of
Kahikatea reverberated far away overhead. He was blasting the
rocks to force a passage through the tunnels. Crystal heard the
sound as if it had been a chord of music in her dream, for she raised
her head, crossed her hands upon her bosom and stood there, rapt,
serene, expectant. The daylight, now falling full upon her upturned
face, revealed a pallor and a look of endless waiting which did not
pass away, but remained unaltered, as if her spirit had flitted from
her body and left them there. Minutes passed and she did not move.
I called her name, but she did not hear. I stepped from the inner cave
and stood before her. She did not see me. Her deep black eyes of
night, wide open and full of mystery, seemed sad and tired of waiting
through the ages, and upon her cheek, pale as the moon-face in the
light of day, her long lashes cast heavy shadows of weariness. It was
the beauty of the marble Hinauri, touched with the conscious stress
of her long and lonely vigil. Awed and silent, I returned to the gloom
of the inner cave to watch and wait.
Sunset was drawing near. The exact moment when the sun ray
would strike in was known to the woman who had spent the best part
of her life in this cave. “A few minutes more,” she whispered to me;
“but it will not come before Ngaraki. He must be already approaching
through the tunnels.”
I heard a slight movement in the darkness among the Maori gods,
and was about to ask who was there, when Miriam clutched my arm
and pointed towards the head of the marble stairs which led up into
the cave. There, framed in the rugged archway, stood the tall figure
of Ngaraki the Terrible, clad in his flowing robe—a magnificent Maori,
whose flashing eye was hard to meet, whose proud, fierce, but noble
bearing marked him out as a ruler of men. His eyes were fixed upon
the white figure in the centre of the cave, standing where Hinauri had
for ever stood. The thick tresses of hair that fell about the graceful
form of his goddess were now jet black. He passed his hand across
his eyes and hit his breast a sounding blow.
No, he was not dreaming. But was it a trick? Had Miriami
blackened the statue’s hair?
He took quick strides and stood before the form in white. Ngha!
the eyes were no longer dull, white stone, the parted lips were faintly
red, and the cheeks, though white as death, were those of a living
He stepped back with a stately gesture of heroic feeling, chanting
in an awed and subdued voice:

“It is not Hingarae I see,

Not Ihungarupaea,
’Tis Hinetuahoanga
Standing there!
The axe is sharpened,
The axe unloosened by the sun,
And now the tree which stifles Tane
Shall be laid low.”

He ceased with the poetry of his fierce heart unspoken in his eyes,
for at that moment Miriam Grey advanced from the shadows with the
circlet of gold in her hands. Motioning Ngaraki to stand aside and be
silent, she drew near and placed the talisman with its sparkling gems
upon the head of the living image. As she did so the pallor and
abstraction, the weariness and sadness, fell from the face and form
of Crystal. She no longer drooped. The warm blood mounted to her
cheeks and sparkled in her eyes. Power and stateliness came into
her pose. She awoke. And at that instant the expected sun ray burst
in, and the dazzling beauty of the Daughter of the Dawn was
In all my dreamings I had never dreamt of beauty as divine as that.
My poor words fall on their faces in helpless confusion. Miriam Grey
caught her breath and stepped back, the limit of human wonder upon
her gentle face. The Maori chief stood erect, his eyes shining like
stars, but his countenance motionless with a control that seemed
more than human. Grey moved a sudden step forward, and, as I
turned my head, I saw in the shadows beyond him the vague outline
of a giant figure I knew. It was Kahikatea, standing with one hand on
the buttress, his head bent forward to view the form of Hinauri in the
sun ray. He had come

by the ‘way of the spider,’ and had arrived at a moment when he well
might stand there speechless with amazement, shaken with the
sudden realisation of desires which seemed impossible of fulfilment.
As the sunlight wrapped Crystal about with splendour, sparkling in
the gems of the golden talisman, glistening on her raven tresses and
close-girt raiment of white, a mysterious change came over her. She
dropped her arms to her side and shivered slightly. Then the sweet
longing deepened upon her form. The lovelight leapt into her glorious
eyes as she gazed into the western sky. Yearning forward, she held
out her arms to some vision which seemed to call her pure soul out
of the depths to array itself in light upon her radiant face.
Surely this was no acting! None could imitate so faithfully the pose
of longing and expectancy which had been so startling in the marble.
No; as I gazed with all my soul, wonder forced the settled conviction
into my mind that it was in reality Hinauri, the Daughter of the Dawn,
waking from her age-long trance. Reclothed in flesh, it was the
ancient spirit of the pure one who, in a far-off period of the world’s
unwritten history, had come down from the skies to rule the people
by the Law of Love. A storm of deep feeling swept doubt from my
mind and gave me clear-seeing eyes to view this thing. Hinauri had
returned. The Daughter of the Dawn had taken up the thread of
memory where she had dropped it in the ages that Time has buried
in the Eternal Sea.
Still bathed in the glowing light she stood motionless, her arms
outstretched to her vision. A little breath of wind sighed without, then
came in at the opening of the cave and swayed the edge of her skirt
till it revealed one sandalled foot. It rippled her raven tresses and
caressed and pressed them gently about her form. Then her beauty
became unearthly in its splendour. Her bosom heaved, her eyes
sparkled with a holy light, and her parted lips uttered a cry of joy in
an unknown tongue—strange, and wild, and sweet, like an echo of
forgotten song. It thrilled the place with music for a moment; then the
sun ray fled and bore it on its bosom away, through all the happy
fields of space.
Hinauri’s arms fell to her side, and she turned to the chief, who
stood silent. With a swift glance she scanned his stately form, and,
when her eyes met his, a look of recognition came upon her face. In
the half-bewildered way of one who is linking the memory of a dead
past on to the living present, she said in even, solemn tones,
speaking in the Maori tongue:
“I know thee. I know thy name. I know that of which thou art the
meaning. Zun! my counsellor in an age gone by; the one who stood
by me in the darkest hour of danger; but stooped from the high
magic that I taught my priests—stooped, and sinned, and fell, to
save me when all seemed lost. Lo! the gross image of myself—the
stranded spar bound down with a stone!—whose was the splendid
lie that gave that image to the Vile Ones to oppress, saying ‘This is
Hia’s real self’? The lie was thine, O Zun! the substitution of the false
for the true to save the sacred stone from their polluting hands.
Misguided friend of long ago! thou hast suffered for love of me and
still must suffer——”
She broke off suddenly, and my thoughts, which were recalling
Ngaraki’s interpretation of the characters on the breast of the Twelfth
Tohunga, found a sudden ending; for, at that instant, there came
from the plain below a sound that shook the air. A sudden tramp of
many feet as one, then silence and a short sharp yell, harsh and
terrible, rending the silence like a savage spear thrust—these were
the signs that told the first terrific movements of the Maori war-dance
on the plain.
Ngaraki’s hand closed tightly on his meré, and he advanced one
foot; but Hinauri’s eyes were sad, and her face sorrowful, as she
mutely questioned him, while we all stood silently by in the shadows,
feeling it was not for us to speak or act.
At length the fierce chief spoke:
“Hinauri has returned, and her people are ready to fight for her.
Ngha! they will fight the whole world and drive them into the sea.”
The sound of the war-dance—evidently a sudden surprise to him
—had half aroused his fierce nature, and for the moment his great
joy could plan no higher tribute to his goddess than to fight for her.
But in another moment he was recalled from his wild impulse, for
Hinauri’s face grew sad beyond words as she answered:
“Zun—Ngaraki—my word is peace, not war; my rule by love, not
violence. Ah! I have awaked too soon from my long sleep. Thou wert
ever fierce and too ready to fight for me. Well did they call thee
Terrible. But hear me, Zun—they may heed my words. If they would
be my people they must live by the law of love and not by that of war.
Go to them. Tell them that my message is peace, and stay their
violence. They make war, not for me, but against me. Go with all
speed, lest it be too late, and thou return to look for me in vain.”
The chief’s fierceness fell from him at these words, and there
appeared upon his face a look of wondering worship, softening his
aspect with the high poetry which lingers long in the heart of his
race. He bowed his head in submission and moved to go. But
Hinauri called him back.
“Ngaraki! Depart in peace: leave war and knife behind you!” She
pointed to his weapons as she spoke, and there was a command in
her voice and eyes.
The chief turned and laid his spear and meré on the white dust
before her, saying: “Not only his spear and meré will the Maori lay at
the feet of the Daughter of the Dawn, but his heart and life also. He
was startled by the sound of war, and thought only of fighting for his
queen. He will go to his people and tell them that the word of the
Bright One is peace and love.”
He turned, and was about to descend the marble steps when his
controlled emotions broke loose. Facing round he held forth his arms
to her, while the answer to his lifelong prayers shone out upon his
rugged face.
“The world is glad!” he cried; “no more shall Papanui’s daughters
weep. Ihi-Ihi has come from the west. Hinauri has burst from her
ancient tomb. By the magic of a woman has she burst her bonds.
And now the long-sealed fountains of the Maori’s breast leap and
dance and sparkle in the sun with music sweeter than the korimako’s
joy. Ngha! I will hasten to my people: my heart is breaking with a
mighty song.”
He hurried away, and his stately form was soon lost in the
shadows below the stairway.
Then Hinauri, the daughter of Miriam Grey, turned to her mother
with a strange blending of emotions upon her face. The dazzling
glory of the ancient queen was now softened by the pure and tender
light of a daughter’s love. She drew near to Miriam, and, placing her
arms about her neck, folded her close, saying in a soft, low voice:
“Mother! my mother! It is all clear to me now. I know myself; I know
my name—it is written on the rocks that are buried beneath the dust
of ages on the plain below, and upon the walls of this everlasting
temple. Now I know the meaning of all my vague yearnings for some
forgotten glory, some mellow splendour of the past, some memory of
my ancient self. Now I know why the thought of ‘long, long ago’
brought tears to my eyes and yearning to my soul; and why I longed
to fill the hearts of women with great thoughts and prayers, for it is by
the high magic of Woman that my giants will come back. Look at
me!” She stood away and held her arms aside, while there rested
upon her face a perfect certainty that none could find a defect in her
person. “Am I not as I came to you at the very first, perfect as the
image that was reflected in the depths of your pure soul? Am I not
the one who came to you and touched your highest thoughts with
fire, who led your soul to the father of my choice? Yes, it was I that
fanned that double flame with the breath of my desire. I gave my life
to you and you preserved it by your constant prayers. Nay, more—I
came to you because you were the only one in whom I could find
myself. In your great love for what is pure and beautiful you held out
all that belonged to me, and I came and took it, for it was mine to
take as well as yours to give. And yet there are some who would say
that I was not; that the full extent of this sign of power is that you
fashioned me according to the model of your mind; that I was one
with formless substance, and you moulded me to this form by the
power of your imagination.”
She smiled and placed her arms again about her mother’s neck.
Miriam Grey’s lifelong prayer for what is pure and beautiful was
answered. She drew her child to her, and the beating of her heart
against her daughter’s bosom spoke first. Then she said:
“You were the love that came to me out of the distant past—a ray
of light from the golden skies of long ago. You are Hinauri, the Bright
One, and yet—and yet you are my child.”
Her goddess stepped back, and again the dazzling regal beauty
flashed out, but with a softened splendour, as she cried: “Ah! pure
mother, whom I chose to be my guide! The stars in your eyes
foretold my birth.” Her beauty changed to loveliness, and, as she
drew nearer and continued, we in the shadows bent forward to catch
her words, they were so low and tender: “Mother, sweet mother!”—
she was nestling to Miriam’s bosom now—“if every woman mounted
to the gates of heaven to find her child, and bore it from the skies
sheltering it all the way, as you have done, there would be no more
sorrow, no more death—only a coming and going of gods
descending and ascending, from heaven to earth, and from earth to
heaven. For long ages men have been only half-born. Earthward-
bound souls have striven with their mothers for whole and perfect
expression in flesh, but Motherhood has fallen from its grandeur, and
they have striven in vain. The Bright Ones ever come to earth, but
when their witless mothers misconceive their power and beauty,
what godlike likeness can they bear? Alas! that women should have
forgotten that their ideals may rule the world. Alas! too, that they
should caricature the gods. It is to restore Motherhood to its first
sublimity and power that I have come, and the mystery of my coming
is the ground-plan of a mighty race.”
Hinauri paused and placed her hand to her forehead, as if she
feared her memory was flitting.
“Though I can recall the past,” she said sadly, “I have no
knowledge of what my future is to be; yet I feel that this clear
memory will not be mine for long. Before the world’s oblivion closes
in upon me again I would search out and look upon certain things in
this ancient place—symbols of constant love for the higher things of
beauty, and symbols, too, of the downward progress of those Vile
Ones who have made stepping stones of their dead selves to
grosser and to grosser worship. And when we go down to work and
pray in the world, should we not leave the pure white image here as
a symbol of our higher selves, for ever holding out its arms to the
glory of the future?”
I glanced at the shadowy figure of Kahikatea, half expecting that
he would make some sign, but he stood motionless, straining
forward, with one hand clutching a projection of the buttress.
Obviously he was too thunderstruck by this fulfilment of his dreams
to act, to move, to speak. I went to him, and grasping his hand, said:
“Your dream is fulfilled. Wait a little longer and you will
He answered by a silent pressure of my fingers. Then Grey and I,
in answer to the wish we had heard expressed, brought forth the
marble statue from the recesses of the inner cave and placed it in its
former position. I remember noting that, as we stood away leaving it
there, the sounds of the war-dance on the plain sounded louder and
more furious; but all thoughts, all sounds were for the time set aside
by what followed.
As Hinauri stood before the stone gazing for a moment upon the
finest, loftiest expression of herself, I heard a deep breath taken in
the shadows near me. Then a hand trembling with a bodyfull of
excitement gripped my arm, and a voice whispered hoarsely, “God,
Warnock—I understand!”
Then Hinauri spoke, and her words seemed to gather to
themselves all the loving prayers that have risen from the lips of
women since the human world began. The thrilling music of her
voice struck some invisible but responsive harp-strings in the air of
the silent cave, and the song of it went singing on and on, coalescing
with the sweet tones that underlie the universe of women’s hearts—
on and on until the Great Tohungas of the Earth quieted the music of
their deeds to hear the strain, and, listening, to whisper: “Hush! we
toil in vain. A woman prays and all is done. Gentle hands knock at
the door of heaven, and the Sons of God come forth to walk among
us”—on and on, a voice made universal, welling from the heart of
every woman and falling on the ear of That-which-Listens in the
throbbing heart of all. Her black eyes—dark with excess of light—
were fired with all the intensity of a woman’s love, as she raised her
arms and voice to the image that was to remain in the high solitudes
of the mountain:
“My pure white Higher Self! I go down to the world, but thou must
stand for ever gazing out into the future, thy very look a prayer for all
that Heaven holds back. Pray on, pure self, and may thy prayer be
ours. When we weak women of a darkened world lose heart, and
almost fall into forgetfulness, then may we look up to the everlasting
hills and see the age-long hope upon thy face, the vision of the
Golden Age within thine eyes, and crystal purity upon thy brow.
Symbol of ideal woman! In every deed may we live always in the
silence of the age with thee, for thou art in the stillness, and the
stillness is with beauty, and beauty is with God. Thine arms are
raised in constant longing; thine eyes look forth into a further and a
further sky. So may our arms be raised for ever; so may we look
beyond the level of the earth and pray that we may always know
that, far above the world’s loud roar, our pure white Higher Self
stands ever as we might stand—clear seers of a pristine beauty,
seekers of a further God and, like thee, crowned with precious gems
of womanhood.”
She removed the circlet from her head, and, approaching the
image, paused before it with the talisman in her hands.
“This will link thee and me together in one life, so that there shall
be one spirit between us. For long ages have we been spoken of as
one: let us so remain, and I, below upon the earth, will never stain
thy glistening white, for all the holy blessings that have fallen on thee
since the world began will fall on me and hold me up. So I remain
while thou remainest, breathing this same pure air. Lo! in token that
we are one life and one spirit, I place my crown upon thy brow.”
She raised it, but her eyes fell upon the characters engraven upon
the inner surface, and, with hands arrested, she read aloud:
“Thou, Hia, shalt return at the dawn of a new age, but ere the sun
has shone twice upon this, thy crown, thou shalt withdraw into the
She paused, while this strange prophecy wrought a sadness very
human on her face. Then she placed the circlet upon the head of the
Something now prompted me to lead the woman I loved to the
man whose face she had seen in her dreams. Acting on this sudden
impulse, I emerged from the shadows and said to the one so far
above me, “He is there in the inner cave. He is there—my perfect
As I pointed towards the buttress she turned her dark eyes on
mine; her lips trembled, and her eyes burned with a light that was not
for me. Then with a troubled and sorrowful sigh—yes, that sigh was
for me—she said, “Wanaki! he was always mine.”
She moved slowly in the direction of my outstretched hand. She
seemed to pause and flutter a moment on the verge of the shadows,
then, with the same joyous cry in an unknown tongue that she had
uttered in her vision, she flew to him, and, from the darkness, I heard
her murmur his name, dwelling upon it as lovingly as her head now
dwelt upon his breast.
“Kahikatea! Kahikatea!”
I turned and hastened down the marble steps, leaving Grey and
his wife to make what they could of it. I would go out and kill
someone—that negro wizard by choice—or be killed by someone, it
mattered little. But at the thought of the Destroyer of Women—the
Poisoner—I pulled up short in my chaos. Yes, everything mattered.
From that evil source danger might still threaten the woman I loved.
What meant the prophecy engraven on the talisman, that before the
sun shone twice upon it she must withdraw into the sky? The other
prophecies had been fulfilled, why not this? It was not fate. It could
not be fate. It was a warning. Filled with a dread presentiment as
dark as the utter darkness I passed through, I went down through the
tunnels and reached the place to which we had climbed from the
margin of the lake. The rope was still there, drawn up as I had left it,
and the cataract was no longer thundering down from above. By this
I knew that the hidden contrivance beneath the water had again
been set in motion, and that both Te Makawawa and Ngaraki had
passed out by the ‘way of the winged fish.’ For me there was no way
but to descend by the rope, and when I stood on the margin of the
lake below, I feared to leave the rope hanging there. Accordingly, I
swung it over a projection near the recess where the torches were
kept, so that no one could find it in the darkness.
When, a minute later, I passed out at the opening in the side of the
mountain, the hideous yells of the savages beyond the Lion Rock
told me that fierce battle was near, if it had not already begun.

To reconnoitre the position of the two camps I determined to mount

the back of the Lion from the valley side. I ran across the open space
and climbed half-way up the flank of the great rock, but, finding it
was impossible to reach the summit, I selected the tallest pine that
grew on the side of the spur and went up it in all haste. When I
reached the feathery top I found myself above the level of the Lion’s
back, swayed by the wind to and from the topmost ledge. Here I had
a clear view of the plain, where the savages of both camps were
drawn up in two long lines facing each other. The war-dance was
over, and the time had arrived for single warriors of each side to rush
out, and, with wild gestures illustrative of the coming slaughter, to
hurl taunts at the other.
But my attention was directed more particularly to a scene that
was being enacted in the open space of the enclosure on the plateau
not twenty yards from me. Ngaraki, who had evidently been unable
to quiet the savages on the plain, had found his way into the hostile
pa, where he now stood confronting a small band of chiefs, who, by
their violent manner and occasional bursts of savage laughter,
looked as if they had been drinking waipiro to rouse their utmost
ferocity for the coming conflict.
The violent chief whom I had seen haranguing them was there,
seated upon the ground, while the others stood behind him. His
aspect was one of treacherous hatred as Ngaraki, calm and
careless, yet a savage of terrible presence, stood before him. Then,
before a word was exchanged the tohunga of the temple burst forth
into his message, delivering it in a half song, half speech, while he
paced to and fro with dignified mien in the open space. He told them
that Hinauri had returned, and that he was her messenger. He told
them that her word was peace and love, that she had sent him to
stop the approaching battle, that, if they fought, they would fight, not
for her, but against her. While the yells of mutual defiance came up
from the plain like the manifold voice of Tu—that god of war who ate
his own brothers—Ngaraki’s tones resounded within the pa,
impassioned and eloquent. But his words would find a heart of peace
in the rocks themselves sooner than in the breasts of the savages
before him.
He ceased, and the violent, blustering chief, whom he had
addressed as Amukaria, sprang to his feet.
“He says Hinauri has come,” he yelled, brandishing his axe. “Can
he show her to us? No; he says she is white as the mountain lily:
then we don’t want to see her. Hinauri is no wahine pakeha; she is
Maori like ourselves. I have seen her spirit: she is no pakeha. She
bade me collect a thousand canoes. I have done so, and they will
land at Wakatu to-night. Curse the pakeha! A pot for his head. This is
my word to him.”
He turned and, rushing towards an effigy of the white man, which
stood at one end of the enclosure, its head already half severed from
its body, he struck a furious blow with his axe. The blow completely
severed the head, which fell and rolled upon the ground. At this a
shout arose from the other chiefs; then Amukaria took the effigy’s
head in his hand, and holding it up cried, “A pot for the pakeha’s
Ngaraki stood looking on in silence. Would his fierce blood stand
this test? When the chiefs were quiet again he said calmly:
“O Amukaria, your words are wild. Your plans will come to nothing.
Those who were to come in the thousand canoes are on my side. I
have spoken to them and they have listened to my words. They
come, but they leave war and knife behind them.”
A savage yell from Amukaria announced his baffled rage on
hearing this. Maddened by drink and lust of blood, he appeared like
a demon, with tongue protruded in deadly insult. He danced with
rage before Ngaraki, who stood silent, regarding him with his stern
black eyes. Verily the spirit of Zun the Terrible slumbered within him.
A smile of contempt curled his lip, and Amukaria saw it. Unable to
contain his fury any longer he rushed at Ngaraki with axe uplifted,
saying, “I will cleave your head as well, and heat the oven for you.”
The wary chief did not move. He was unarmed, but he had left his
outer robe within the mountain, and his limbs were free. For a
moment only the axe was poised in the air, but that moment was the
last of Ngaraki’s most unnatural forbearance with such a foe. His
face changed. He would have said “Ngha!” but there was not time—
so sudden was his spring. He caught the axe by its handle and
wrenched it with a sudden twist from Amukaria’s hand; then,
bounding off a pace, he whirled it far away beyond the palisades of
the pa. Before his antagonist could grasp another weapon he had
sprung upon him, and in a moment they were locked in a terrible
struggle, in which I marked down Amukaria as already a dead man.
But as they rocked and swayed in the open space, one of the
watching chiefs took a long-bladed knife and threw it carelessly upon
the ground a few paces from the combatants. It would have been fair
enough if it had been done openly, but the moment chosen was
when Amukaria’s quick eye alone could notice the act. He had
Ngaraki by the hair, but the ariki had his antagonist by the throat with
one hand, and by the wrist with the other. Fully aware that no man
could live many minutes with his throat in such a hand as his, he was
content to keep his grip and wait. But all the while they were swaying
to and fro nearer and nearer to the knife which he had not seen.
The other chiefs stood by in silence. They saw their leader’s face
grow livid, but they knew that he would get the knife. His eyes were
starting from his head, and his tongue was lolling, still in insult, from
his mouth; but they saw, as I did, that he would reach the knife, and
they did not interfere. I drew my revolver, determined to risk a shot at
twenty yards if a good chance presented, but I held my hand,
thinking that Ngaraki was not the kind of man to need my assistance
in a single combat. I would only fire at the last possible moment; but I
could warn him, and I thought to do so by shouting at the top of my
voice. But my words were lost in the general uproar of savage yells
on the plain, and were unheeded.
Amukaria was near the knife now. His rolling eyes had marked its
position. His fingers slackened from Ngaraki’s hair, and mine sought
the trigger, while I steadied myself. His body drooped as if he were
falling. At that instant, judging by what followed, Ngaraki must have
seen the hand which had held him reach out and grasp the haft of
the knife. A yell of triumph came from the watching chiefs, but it was
quickly silenced. As the knife was grasped firmly in the murderous
hand, Ngaraki suddenly let go his fatal grip; then, as the lolling
tongue was protruding still further in triumphant insult, his knee came
up with a terrific crash against his antagonist’s chin. I heard
Amukaria’s jaws clap together like a trap. It was a death-blow. His
neck was broken. He fell back like a log and lay there with the lower
half of his tongue bitten off by his own teeth.
“Ngha!” said Ngaraki at last, as he picked up his half of the tongue
that had insulted him and tossed it to some dogs that were in the
enclosure. As he did so the chiefs sprang upon him unawares, and
after a prolonged struggle he was overpowered, and was soon lying
bound hand and foot with flaxen thongs. Among these chiefs there
was one who urged the others not to kill Ngaraki, but to bind him to
the stake on which the headless effigy stood, so that when they
returned with the pakehas’ heads they might hold a triumph over him
before preparing him for the oven.
“Now let us hear you call on Hinauri to come and set you free,”
said one of them, when the deed was done. Their tongues were
protruded at him, and they taunted him in a manner that is hard for a
Maori chief to bear. But Ngaraki stood in silent contempt, yet his
black eyes blazed with wrath, and his flesh quivered with the
indignity of his position. He tugged and strained at his bonds, and I
saw that if he could but free himself it would be a bad day for his
At this time the battle broke with a rattle of musketry and a rising
babel of yells on the plain, and the chiefs that were still in the pa
hurried down for the fray. The two lines which had been sending out
single combatants for some time now fused in one mass, the
muskets were cast aside after the first few shots, and the fighting
was carried on hand to hand in the grim savage style. In the midst of
the throng I could see the grey-haired Te Makawawa fighting fiercely.
Even as I singled him out he killed his man, and, whirling his club
round his head, raised the savage war-cry, “Whaka ariki!” He and his
warriors were now driving the opposing force back against the
stronghold. As soon as I saw this an inspiration struck me to liberate
Ngaraki, or they would certainly kill him when they were driven back
into the pa. In a very few minutes I was down the tree and rushing
round the great rock. The fighting was close upon me as I reached
the path that led up from the plain, and when I gained the narrow
strip of rock in front of the pa I looked back and saw that some of
them had turned and were retreating rapidly up the path by which I
had come. There was no time to lose. I darted in through the
opening left between the palisades and rushed across the open
space towards Ngaraki, who seemed to be trying to tear the flesh off
his bones in his efforts to free himself and get at the foe.
In less than ten seconds, and just as the foremost Maori entered
the pa, the thongs were cut. The chief turned his fiery eyes upon me,
said “He Pakeha!” and bounded off to strangle the only foe he could
see—the savage who had just entered the pa. Stepping quickly
aside from a fierce blow, he seized the unfortunate man by the throat
with both hands, lifted him off his feet and shook him like a rat in the
air, after which he broke his skull against one of the palisades. Then,
picking up the weapon of his foe, a large greenstone meré, he turned
to the opening of the pa to meet two who were rushing in. Both of
them continued their rush into Reinga, the abode of spirits, with a
clear understanding that they were to leave the door open, for more
were coming that way.
Ngaraki now stood in the opening and fought grimly against the
savages that Te Makawawa and his warriors were driving in. To help
him I shot one here and there as occasion demanded, and at last he
stood on the narrow strip of rock—an object that struck terror to the
hearts of his enemies, for they only faced him as they were
compelled by the fierce onslaught of Te Makawawa and his warriors
behind. For the most part they were demoralised, and were pushed
headlong into the fissure by the press of the throng. Some of the
bolder chiefs rushed yelling on to the narrow way, but Ngaraki’s
terrible club whirled and flashed like green lightning all about him,
and they went down. At last one brave fellow sprang forward and
closed with Ngaraki, and I had to hold the narrow way myself; but not
for long, for, before I had emptied my revolver, I saw bare legs
whirling in the air near by, and in another moment a Maori was
hurled into the fissure. It was not Ngaraki, for that fierce ariki was
again standing on the rock—a majestic figure, dealing death. In the
side-glance that I caught of his flashing eyes and commanding front,
I understood what it meant to a Maori to have the blood of the Great
River of Heaven running in his veins. Verily the spirit of Zun the
Terrible was awake within him.
In the midst of this I saw moving round to the left at the base of the
Lion Rock a large band of savages who had not retreated up the
path to the pa, but were evidently bent on some other object. They
were led by a tall fierce fellow, and I thought I saw the negro wizard
darting to and fro among them. Could they be heading for the
opening of the mountain? I fired at a foe who seemed one too many
on the narrow strip and looked again. The leader pointed his club
towards the mountain, and with a yell pressed forward. At the same
instant a rifle shot echoed from high up in the mountain wall, and the
savage fell forward on his face. Thank Heaven! Kahikatea was on
the alert, but if that band got into the mountain, what could two men
and two women do against them? It was with a sickening sensation
that I had remembered I had descended by the rope and left it there.
Would anyone think to draw it up? Again, I shuddered as I reflected
that in all probability the negro wizard had been into the mountain
while we were in the marble cave. Could it have been he that tried to
hold the rope when I pulled it up?
Filled with apprehension, I noted with one eye that Ngaraki and Te
Makawawa’s warriors were nearly through their terrible work, and
with the other that the band heading round the Lion Rock were in
some confusion and hesitation. There was yet time to gain the
mountain before the negro wizard could urge them into the precincts
of what many of them regarded as the stronghold of the taniwha.
I knew that in every pa there must be a way of escape by the
back, but, failing to find it, I made for the back of the Lion, and
presently stood on the steep rock near the top of the pine from which
I had watched the curtailing of Amukaria’s offending tongue. The
tree-top was six feet from me, and a glance to right and left showed
me there was no other way down. Every moment was precious if I
were to have a hand in guarding the woman I loved from that most
subtle tool of the Vile Ones—the Poisoner. Gathering myself
together, I sprang as the tree-top swayed towards me, and, passing
through the feathery pine foliage, found myself clasping the slender
top of the stem with arms and legs. For the moment I thought it
would break, and there would be an end, but it held good, and I

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