Tech 40
Tech 40
Tech 40
Received 6 December 2007; received in revised form 28 January 2008; accepted 5 February 2008
Available online 21 April 2008
The strain-hardening exponent, used in describing the plastic flow properties of materials, is evaluated from the characteristic length
in the indentation size effect (ISE). A linear relationship is found between the strain-hardening exponent and the log of the ISE charac-
teristic length for Ni and SCM21 (structural steel) samples with different plastic pre-strain values. These results are explained through the
Taylor dislocation hardening model and a representative stress–strain approach. A dimensionless function characterizing the plastic
deformation using only parameters generally measurable by nanoindentation testing is also proposed. The feasibility of developing a
unique dimensionless function is studied for 22 metals.
Ó 2008 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Indentation size effect; Nanoindentation; Strain-hardening exponent; Plastic flow properties
1359-6454/$34.00 Ó 2008 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.-Y. Kim et al. / Acta Materialia 56 (2008) 3338–3343 3339
curve is fitted to more representative stress–strain data length is analyzed via a Taylor dislocation hardening
measured by the various sharp indenters with different model and the representative stress–strain approach. We
angles, the effectiveness of this technique is limited due to report this relationship for 22 different metals.
the many experiments required. Algorithms using FEM
have also been proposed [13,14,17–22], and inverse analysis 2. Experiments
[18,19] shows that universal dimensionless functions are set
up by many forward analyses, by which the indentation The strain-hardening exponents of samples were inten-
force–displacement curve is determined from the stress– tionally controlled by interrupted tensile tests. Uniaxial
strain curve using FEM simulations, and a material’s tensile tests were performed on pure polycrystalline Ni
stress–strain curve is determined inversely by inputting and SCM21 at a displacement rate of 1 mm min1 until
the parameters of the indentation force–displacement curve necking occurred. On the basis of the stress–strain curve,
and indenter geometry into these dimensionless functions. tensile tests were interrupted at true strain values of 5%,
These FEM simulation-based methods are, however, 10% and 15% for Ni, and 2% and 5% for SCM21. The
strongly dependent on the particular FEM simulation uniformly deformed gauge sections were cut and gently
and dimensionless functions used. The experimental evalu- polished up to 0.3 lm alumina powder. Nanoindentation
ation of plastic flow properties by nanoindentation testing tests were conducted on undeformed and 5%, 10% and
using a single sharp indenter, as discussed here, thus offers 15% pre-deformed Ni samples, as well as on undeformed
clear advantages over existing techniques. and 2% and 5% pre-deformed SCM21 samples. The con-
One of the key parameters representing plastic flow tinuous stiffness measurement (CSM) technique of the
properties is the strain-hardening exponent, n, for those Nanoindenter XP (MTS Inc., TN, USA) using a three-
materials that obey the Hollomon equation, r = Ken, where sided pyramidal Berkovich indenter was used in all nan-
r is the true stress, e is the true strain and K is the strength oindentation tests. The loading/unloading rate was con-
coefficient [25]. Most materials show a linear dependence stant at 0.2 mN s1; the maximum load was 100 mN,
with the slope corresponding to the strain-hardening expo- and a drift rate below 0.05 nm s1 was allowed. To estab-
nent when true tensile stress is plotted vs. strain on a log– lish the relationship between the strain-hardening expo-
log scale. The present work began by considering the pos- nent and the ISE characteristic length, 22 metals were
sibility of a relationship between the strain-hardening subjected to uniaxial tensile tests and nanoindentation
exponent, n, and the ISE characteristic length, h*. The tests under the conditions described above. The samples
ISE is an increase in hardness with decreasing indentation were general structural steels (S45C, SKD11, SKH9,
depth observed in numerous nanoindentation experiments SKS3, SKD61, SCM4), cast irons (CI300, CI600), stain-
[23,24,26–45]. It is believed to be associated with the geo- less steels (STS 303, STS 304, STS 316L), API X-grade
metrically necessary dislocations (GNDs) induced by an steels (API X65, X70, X80), Ti alloys (pure Ti, Ti–6Al–
inhomogeneous plastic deformation. Nix and Gao ana- 6V, Ti–5Al–2.5Sn, Ti–10V–2Fe–3Al), Al alloys (Al2011,
lyzed the ISE in crystalline materials by calculating the Al6061, Al7076) and pure polycrystalline Cu. Their
density of GNDs around a sharp indenter based on a elastic moduli, Poisson’s ratios and shear moduli were
Taylor dislocation hardening model [27]; Gao et al. and measured by an ultrasonic pulse-echo technique using a
Huang et al. reformulated the mechanism-based strain gra- two-channel digital real-time oscilloscope for the theoret-
dient plasticity [29,30], and Swadener et al. extended the ical calculation of the representative stress induced by
Nix–Gao model to a spherical indenter, taking the inden- nanoindentation.
ter’s geometry as a parabola [23]. Although the presence
of local strain gradients producing a higher GND density 3. Results and discussion
is the key explanation for the ISE, while any increase
in strength during uniaxial deformation is caused by homo- Fig. 1 shows the tensile true stress–strain curves for
geneous hardening from an increase in the density of statis- undeformed Ni and SCM21; the strain-hardening expo-
tically stored dislocations (SSDs), Elmustafa et al. verified, nents n and strength coefficients K of undeformed and
by analyzing trends in the activation volume with hardness, pre-deformed samples are presented in Table 1. These val-
that the ISE is driven by the same dislocation mechanisms ues were calculated from the uniaxial stress–strain curves
as strain hardening [36]. of undeformed samples by assuming that the stress–strain
This work examines the relationship between the strain- curves of pre-deformed samples have constant elastic mod-
hardening exponent and the ISE characteristic length. We ulus during unloading and reloading. The true stress–strain
perform interrupted uniaxial tensile tests on Ni and curves of undeformed Ni and SCM21 samples were found
SCM21 (structural steel), and thus obtain different values to be described well by the Hollomon equation. The strain-
of the strain-hardening exponent by intentional plastic hardening exponent n was found to decrease and the
pre-strain. The values of ISE characteristic lengths were strength coefficient K to increase with increasing plastic
measured by nanoindentation using a Berkovich indenter. pre-strain. Fig. 2 shows the hardness variation with inden-
The experimentally determined relationship between the tation depth. ISE characteristic lengths were calculated by
strain-hardening exponent and the ISE characteristic using the Nix–Gao model:
3340 J.-Y. Kim et al. / Acta Materialia 56 (2008) 3338–3343
a 5
500 Undeformed
5% pre-strain
10% pre-strain
400 4
Hardness (GPa)
True stress (MPa)
15% pre-strain
100 2
0 5 10 15 20 25 250 500 750 1000
b 600 5
2% pre-strain
5% pre-strain
True stress (MPa)
Hardness (GPa)
0 3 6 9 12 15 250 500 750 1000
True strain (%) Indentation depth (nm)
Fig. 1. Uniaxial tensile stress–strain curves of undeformed (a) Ni and (b) Fig. 2. Hardness vs. indentation depth for (a) Ni and (b) SCM21.
Table 1
Parameters measured from uniaxial tensile stress–strain curves and characterized for ISE, and theoretically calculated flow stress and strain-hardening
exponent values
Material Ni SCM21
Plastic pre-strain (%) 0 5 10 15 0 2 5
n 0.452 0.211 0.117 0.062 0.151 0.072 0.035
K (MPa) 864.14 601.84 541.68 511.53 902.66 751.36 702.97
h* (nm) 812.29 628.25 549.76 516.41 811.95 538.47 454.28
H0 (GPa) 1.339 1.506 1.709 1.819 1.468 1.719 1.873
(± 0.039) (±0.062) (±0.072) (±0.065) (±0.079) (±0.094) (±0.117)
Flow stress at 7% true strain (MPa) 252.48 331.43 392.48 440.72 563.47 570.82 576.46
Representative stress calculated 506.35 575.76 615.49 635.05 550.89 676.46 736.49
from h* (MPa)
Calculated n using Eq. (5) 0.203 0.017 0.048 0.082 0.206 0.059 0.001
J.-Y. Kim et al. / Acta Materialia 56 (2008) 3338–3343 3341
pffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi
H 0 ¼ 3 3alb qs ð2aÞ to 0.07 for the Berkovich indenter [10]. Therefore, the flow
2 stress values at 7% true strain were measured from the uni-
81 l
h ¼ ba2 tan2 h ð2bÞ axial tensile stress–strain curves, and the representative
2 H0 stress values in nanoindentation by the Berkovich indenter
where a is a geometric constant, l is the shear modulus, b is were subsequently calculated from Eq. (4) by using the
the magnitude of the Burgers vector, qs is the density of experimentally measured shear modulus, ISE characteristic
SSDs and h is the complementary angle of the conical in- length, and a = 0.5. Table 1 shows the relatively good
denter half-angle (19.7° for the Berkovich indenter). In agreement between the measured and calculated flow stress
the Nix–Gao model, the von Mises flow rule applies and values when taking into consideration the geometric con-
a Tabor factor of 3 is used to convert the flow stress to stant a, which is known to be a constant with value from
hardness. An increase in the plastic pre-strain produces a 0.3 to 0.6. Equating Eqs. (3) and (4) and converting them
higher SSD density, which is manifested by the strain-hard- to dimensionless format by using Eqs. (2a) and (2b) yields
ening behavior and leads, via Eq. (2a), to an increase in the the following expression for the strain-hardening exponent
macroscopic hardness. Since all the parameters in Eq. (2b)
1 h 1 K 1
except for the macroscopic hardness are insensitive to the n¼ ln ln þ
2 ln er b ln er l ln er
plastic pre-strain, the ISE characteristic length is the only
factor that must decrease in response to an increase in 3
ln pffiffiffi a cot h ð5Þ
the plastic pre-strain. 2
The strain-hardening exponent and log value of the ISE Here the representative strain er is a function of indenter
characteristic length normalized by the Burgers vector geometry, i.e. it is constant for a self-similar sharp indenter.
(0.25 nm for Ni and 0.248 nm for SCM21) are remarkably Therefore, the relationship between n and ln(h*/b) is linear
linear for each material, as shown in Fig. 3. The deforma- unless the other two terms interrupt the linear relationship.
tion state of the material underneath the sharp indenter is Eq. (5) also suggests that n can be evaluated from h* when
defined by the representative stress and strain, which is the material parameters, b, K, l, and a, and the indenter
identified with the point on the true stress–strain curve geometry h are known. Since the undeformed and pre-de-
obtained via a uniaxial tensile test. The representative formed samples have the same values of b, l, a and h; only
stress rr can also be described by the Hollomon equation K is changed by the plastic pre-strain, as shown in Table 1.
rr ¼ Kenr ð3Þ Consequently, the third term in Eq. (5) does not vary with
the strain-hardening exponent, and the second term can al-
where er is the representative strain induced by nanoinden- ter the linear relationship between n and ln(h*/b).
tation. In particular, assuming that the Taylor dislocation Fig. 4 shows the relationship between the dimensionless
hardening model and the von Mises flow rule apply, as as- terms corresponding to the ISE characteristic length h*
sumed by the Nix–Gao model, we also have (first dimensionless term in Eq. (5)) and the strength coef-
pffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi
rr ¼ 3alb qs ð4Þ ficient K (second term in Eq. (5)). The linear relationship
between these two dimensionless terms indicates that the
where rr is the representative flow stress at a representative strain-hardening exponent n can be described by a linear
strain er, a function of indenter geometry. Representative function of ln(h*/b) in Eq. (5). The ISE characteristic
strain is defined by Johnson as 0.2 coth, corresponding
-1.70 Ni
0.45 SCM21
Dimensionless K term
SCM21 -1.75
0.30 -1.80
0.2 SKS3 SKH9
between n and ln(h*/b) leads easily to the linear relation- Al2011 API X65
ship between ln(h*/b) and ln(K/l). In addition, the revision SCM 4
API X70 Ti
of the Nix–Gao model in Ref. [44], in which storage vol- 0.1 API X80
Al7076 Al6061
ume of GNDs was corrected by multiplying proportional- Ti-6Al-6V
ity factor, leading to smaller h*, does not change the basic Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al
linear relationship in Eq. (5). 0.0
6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5
If the strain-hardening exponent n can be described by
ln (h*/b)
ln(h*/b), as shown above, it would be very useful in analyz-
ing the plastic deformation induced by nanoindentation, as Fig. 5. Strain-hardening exponent n vs. log values of ISE characteristic
well as in evaluating the strain-hardening exponent by a length normalized by magnitude of Burgers vector ln(h*/b) for various
general nanoindentation test. The true stress–strain behav- metals.
ior of a material is assumed to be
less steels, API X-grade steels, titanium alloys, aluminum
Ee; e 6 ey
r¼ ð6Þ alloys and pure polycrystalline copper. While some scatter
Ken ; e P ey is present in the data, it is clear that most metals show a lin-
where ey is the yield strain. In trying to obtain a quantita- ear dependence of the log of ISE characteristic length nor-
tive mechanical response, the deformation induced by malized by the Burgers vector and the strain-hardening
introducing a sharp indenter into a material can be de- exponent. Note that a linear relation between n and
scribed by a dimensionless function P ln(h*/b) is obtained only when ln(h*/b) and ln(K/l) have
P ¼ PðEr ; ey ; n; hÞ ð7Þ a linear relationship, as in the controlled plastic pre-strain
situation. A roughly linear dependence between n and
where Er is the reduced elastic modulus given by ln(h*/b) for the randomly selected 22 metals might arise
1 from the generally lower strain hardening exponent and
1 m2 1 m2i
Er ¼ þ ð8Þ lower ISE characteristic length of higher-strength materi-
E Ei
als. This result shows the feasibility of developing a unique
where Ei and mi are the elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio dimensionless function describing the relationship between
of the indenter. Ei, mi and m are generally known, and the n and ln(h*/b) for specific materials.
elastic modulus of a material can be evaluated from the
measured reduced elastic modulus. In nanoindentation, 4. Conclusions
the yield strain (second parameter in Eq. (7)) is related to
the portion of elastic strain at a given total (representative) Strain-hardening exponents and ISE characteristic
strain that is independent of indentation depth for a sharp lengths of Ni and SCM21 with different plastic pre-strain
indenter because of its self-similarity. This parameter can were measured and analyzed. A linear relationship between
be inferred from a variety of sources, for instance the ratio the strain-hardening exponent and the log of the ISE char-
of yield strength to elastic modulus ry/E, the ratio of hard- acteristic length normalized by the Burgers vector was
ness to elastics modulus H/E, the ratio of final indentation found. This is analyzed by using the Taylor dislocation
depth to maximum indentation depth hf/hmax and the ratio hardening model and the representative stress–strain
of work recovered during elastic unloading to total work approach. We showed that a linear relationship between
input during loading Welastic/Wtotal [13,14,16–22,46–52]. If n and ln(h*/b) is achieved when the relationship between
the strain-hardening exponent is evaluated from the ISE ln(h*/b) and ln(K/l) is linear, as is the case in the samples
characteristic length, as described above, and the angle of with different plastic pre-strain. On the basis of results from
the sharp indenter is given, the plastic deformation induced 22 different metals and alloys, a dimensionless function
by nanoindentation can be determined by relying only on using the relationship between the strain-hardening expo-
those parameters measurable in nanoindentation tests as nent and ISE characteristic length was proposed to
describe plastic deformation by nanoindentation with a
W elastic h
P ¼ PðEr ; ey ; n; hÞ ¼ Ph Er ; ; ln ð9Þ sharp indenter. A clear correlation between the strain-
W total b
hardening exponent and the ISE characteristic length
Fig. 5 shows the relationship between the ISE characteristic means that the material deformation induced by nanoin-
length and strain-hardening exponent for the 22 different dentation with a sharp indenter can be fully described by
metals, including general structural steels, cast irons, stain- using only parameters measurable through nanoindentation
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