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Equity & Excellence in Education

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Inclusive Pedagogy: Teaching Methodologies to Reach

Diverse Learners in Science Instruction
Mary A. Moriarty
Published online: 20 Sep 2007.

To cite this article: Mary A. Moriarty (2007) Inclusive Pedagogy: Teaching Methodologies to Reach Diverse Learners in Science
Instruction, Equity & Excellence in Education, 40:3, 252-265, DOI: 10.1080/10665680701434353

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Equity & Excellence in Education, 40: 252–265, 2007
Copyright c University of Massachusetts Amherst School of Education
ISSN 1066-5684 print /1547-3457 online
DOI: 10.1080/10665680701434353

Inclusive Pedagogy: Teaching Methodologies to Reach

Diverse Learners in Science Instruction
Mary A. Moriarty
Downloaded by [North Dakota State University] at 07:33 05 December 2014

This study used quantitative and qualitative methods to examine the use of inclusive pedagogy by science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics (STEM) faculty at three community colleges. The purpose was to identify barriers to the
adoption of inclusive teaching methods for diverse learners and students with disabilities and to propose ways to break
down these barriers. Two hundred and eleven community college STEM faculty members in Western Massachusetts
were sent a questionnaire that was administered electronically, and 11 faculty members were interviewed, 9 of whom
also were observed in the classroom. The most significant among the barriers reported were the lack of an inclusive
mindset, lack of knowledge about pedagogy, high teaching loads, and lack of time for instructional development.
Implications for practice and research are discussed.

Over the last few years considerable attention has been Change in the way society views disability coincides
given to the need for educating a diverse workforce in sci- with recommendations about science instruction. Re-
ence, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). forms in science education (National Research Center
Reports from the National Science Foundation (NSF; [NRC], 2001, 2003a) and research on diverse learners
1996, 2000, 2004) have stressed the critical importance of (Dunn & Waggoner, 1995; Gardner, 1999; Sternberg &
STEM education and identified women, minorities, and Grigorenko, 2002) have contributed to recommendations
individuals with disabilities as being underrepresented for changes in instruction to meet the needs of a wider
in STEM fields. Individuals with disabilities are among range of learner types.
the most marginalized of these groups (Wolanin & Steele,
2004) and face significant obstacles and barriers to access-
ing higher education STEM programs (Burgstahler, 1994; THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES AND
NSF, 2000). Identification and elimination of these barri- RELATED RESEARCH
ers are critical to the success of students with disabilities
in postsecondary education, particularly in community The Nature of Diverse Learners
colleges, since this is where many students with disabil- In the past few years, educational researchers have
ities begin their postsecondary education (Hall & Belch, paid considerable attention to the way traditional forms
2000; National Center for Educational Statistics [NCES], of college instruction have perpetuated a model that
2000). views disability in a negative light and places the bur-
The paradigm that has dominated the treatment of den for learning and accommodation on the individual
disability both within society and within higher educa- rather than on the system. As we begin to move to a
tion has emanated from a theoretical approach that looks more social responsibility framework for thinking about
at disability from a medical perspective (Marinelli & Dell disability, we begin to see individuals with disabilities
Orto, 1999). More recently, researchers have begun to as falling within a range of different types of learners.
look at disability from a social theory perspective (Hahn, Researchers have challenged traditional views of intelli-
1999), which allows us to think about disability in a new gence and learning as one-dimensional concepts used to
way and opens avenues for more inclusive teaching and measure all learners and have conceptualized learning
learning. in new ways. For example, Gardner (1999) indicates that
new educational paradigms have altered the conceptu-
alization of intelligence so that we can no longer look
Address correspondence to Mary A. Moriarty, Springfield Techni-
cal Community College, One Armory Square, Springfield, MA 01102. at either intelligence or learning from just one perspec-
E-mail: [email protected] tive. The research in the areas of multiple intelligence

(Gardner, 1999), learning styles (Dunn, Griggs, Olson, about students with disabilities so that all students are
Beasley, & Gorman, 1995; Dunn & Waggoner, 1995; seen as falling on a continuum of learners with differ-
Kolb, 1984; Miglietti & Stranger, 1998; Sarasin, 1995), ences in learning styles and strengths (Meyer & O’Neil,
and brain-based learning (Bransford, Brown, & Cocking, 2000). The move to UDL represents a major paradigm
1999) share a common belief in the diversity of learners. shift from treating people with disabilities as part of a
Of growing concern is the possibility that the teaching medical model needing specialized care to a model in
practices at our colleges and universities do not effec- which everyone is treated as an individual with varying
tively serve students with non-traditional learning pro- strengths and learning preferences (Sandhu, 2000).
files (Sternberg & Grigorenko, 2002).
Progress in STEM Instruction
STEM Instruction in Higher Education Overall, the research on instructional methods in post-
secondary education indicates that faculty, particularly
Much of the research on learning and pedagogy has
faculty in science and engineering, continue to rely on
led to a reformulation of the traditional ways we think
a traditional lecture format for instruction, regardless
Downloaded by [North Dakota State University] at 07:33 05 December 2014

about teaching. This is particularly true for the sciences,

of evidence that indicates students will be more satis-
where considerable research has focused on understand-
fied with their learning and achieve more with learner-
ing how students learn (NRC, 2001, 2003a). Traditional
centered approaches (Kardash & Wallace, 2001; NCES,
undergraduate science instruction has tended to con-
2002; Peterson, 2003; Seymour & Hewitt, 1997; Walczyk
strue science teaching as the transmission of knowledge
& Ramsey, 2003). Since the majority of the research
through the delivery of information from faculty to stu-
conducted was done at four-year colleges very little in-
dent (Taylor, Gilmer & Tobin, 2002). Through a lecture
formation is available concerning adoption and imple-
format, the faculty member would transmit discipline-
mentation of reformed practices or UDL in community
related information, while the student would obtain
colleges, which enroll the greatest diversity and numbers
knowledge through listening and recording. The role of
of students with disabilities (NCES, 2000). The absence
the learner in this context is seen as passive and prior
of research in two-year colleges is noteworthy for several
learning and world experience are de-emphasized. More
reasons. First, one of the defining characteristics of the
recent research has emphasized the need for learner
community college is its vision of itself as a teaching col-
participation and engagement in the learning process
lege (Grubb, 1999). Therefore, one might speculate that
(American Psychological Association, 2002; NRC, 2001,
there would be a greater interest in innovative teach-
2003a). Teaching practices that focus on the student’s con-
ing strategies. Second, two-year colleges tend to have
struction of knowledge are seen to be more effective in
higher percentages of students who are women, minori-
the development of science literacy (NRC, 2001, 2003a).
ties, and persons with disabilities (NCES, 2000). Many of
Reform efforts have placed a strong emphasis
these students learn in non-traditional ways and could
on teaching practices that foster interactive, learner-
benefit from more innovative instruction (Sternberg &
centered approaches. The National Science Education
Grigorenko, 2002). Third, nearly one half of all under-
Standards (NRC, 2003b) act as a guideline for effective
graduates with disabilities are enrolled in two-year col-
science instruction and emphasize that science is for all
leges (NCES, 2000), indicating a greater need and per-
students, regardless of age, gender, ethnic background,
haps a greater demand for pedagogical methods that
or disability. Science is an active process that engages
will effectively reach these students. The available lit-
the learner both mentally and physically, and scientific
erature reveals little about the possible implementation
inquiry becomes a central tenant of science learning.
of reformed practices in community colleges. However,
the literature does suggest that there are considerable
Techniques Applicable for Students obstacles to implementing these instructional changes in
higher education in general.
with Disabilities
Among faculty at four-year institutions, a number of
National reform efforts have placed a strong empha- practical, attitudinal, and environmental barriers exist
sis on the importance of recognizing different patterns that prohibit the adoption of innovative and inclusive
of ability and have advocated for inclusive pedagogical pedagogy (Jensen, McCrary, Krampe & Cooper, 2004;
approaches for all students, including those with dis- Silver, Bourke, & Strehorn, 1998; Sunal et al., 2001). Bar-
abilities. Fortunately, the advent of Universal Design for riers, such as class size, time, assumptions about teach-
Learning (UDL) has provided a model that incorporates ing and learning, knowledge about pedagogy, and col-
inclusion as the center of instructional practice. In the lege resources and supports, all have significant impact
last few years, theorists have begun to take a serious on teaching. Community college faculty members most
look at UDL as a model, which incorporates an under- likely face similar barriers. However, the focus on teach-
standing of diverse learners and promotes inclusive ped- ing in the two-year college, the differences in responsi-
agogy (Rose & Meyer, 2002). UDL shifts the perceptions bilities between two- and four-year college faculty, and

the differences in the types of students enrolled may all ods of curriculum delivery used by community college
serve to mandate a very different pedagogical environ- STEM faculty? (2) What are the levels of awareness
ment. The review of literature supports the need for ad- and knowledge of community college STEM faculty
ditional research in the area of inclusive pedagogy in about inclusive teaching practices? (3) What are the
STEM, particularly in two-year colleges. personal, attitudinal, and environmental factors that
inhibit community college STEM faculty from using
inclusive pedagogical practices to serve students with
METHODOLOGY disabilities and other diverse learners?
Research Design
Site and Participant Selection
The purpose of this multi-site case study was twofold:
(a) to identify barriers to the adoption of existing inclu- Three community colleges in western Massachusetts
sive teaching methods by STEM faculty in the commu- were selected for the multi-site case study, which allowed
nity college environment, and (b) to propose ways to for a purposeful sample of approximately 211 full and
break down these barriers, thus leading to increased use part-time instructors from STEM disciplines. Of the 211
Downloaded by [North Dakota State University] at 07:33 05 December 2014

of such teaching methods. The case study incorporated STEM faculty members, 11 were selected for interviews,
a sequential method, which was used to obtain quanti- and 9 were also observed in their classrooms.
tative and qualitative results from a sample of commu-
nity college faculty. This method as defined by Creswell
(2003) begins with quantitative methods to seek a broad
base of information and is followed by qualitative meth- AND ANALYSIS
ods to gain a more in-depth understanding. Quantitative
Consistent with the case study approach, the focus of
this study was an in-depth understanding of community Survey instrument. A questionnaire was developed
college STEM faculty from three selected community col- to collect data about the instructional techniques, teach-
leges in western Massachusetts. Data collection methods ing approaches, and barriers to the adoption of inclu-
included a questionnaire, interviews, observations, and sive pedagogy by community college STEM faculty. The
document analyses. The use of multiple data collection instrument was specifically designed for the study and
methods provides triangulation and helps to ensure that was, in part, a modification of several questionnaires
the researcher looks at the phenomenon and context to used in similar studies. Stefanich and Norman’s (1999)
the fullest extent possible (Rossman & Rallis, 2003). survey of faculty attitudes, Walczyk and Ramsey’s (2003)
survey of innovative instructional practices in science
instruction, and Sunal and associates’ (2001) survey of
faculty inquiry-based teaching practices were used as
There are two major limitations specific to the case models for item selection. Research on the barriers to
study method. First, the case study method is context implementing inclusive pedagogy in four-year colleges
dependent; as such, conclusions cannot be generalized also was used to develop questionnaire items.
to other situations (Rossman & Rallis, 2003). Second, The questionnaire was self-administered via a web-
the case study is considered to be interpretive research site, was cross-sectional, and contained many items that
(Creswell, 2003). As such, there is a danger of results were based on a Likert scale. The instrument was for-
being impacted by researcher bias or subjectivity (Mer- mally pilot tested in May of 2005 with a group of 12
riam, 1998). However, maintaining rigor in data collec- health division faculty at Springfield Technical Commu-
tion and analysis, as well as obtaining ongoing feedback nity College, and modifications were made based on
from other professionals, can minimize the effect of re- their input and responses. Following the pilot test and
searcher subjectivity. Rossman and Rallis (2003) recom- modification the questionnaire was administered elec-
mend a number of strategies for insuring that a study tronically to 211 STEM faculty members currently work-
is credible and rigorous. Among the strategies that were ing at the three community colleges. The survey return
employed in this study are audit trails documenting the rate was 72% (n = 152). Table 1 shows the demographics
process of gathering, analyzing, and interpreting data; of the participants at all three campuses.
member checks for participant verification; and the use The three campuses are very different in size, geo-
of multiple methods of data collection and analysis. graphic location, and academic focus. Despite these dif-
ferences the overall demographics of faculty are very
similar, which provides a greater level of confidence in
Research Questions
the generalizability of results.
The following questions formed the basis of this Quantitative data analysis was used to evaluate
study: (1) What are the current teaching styles and meth- data collected through the questionnaires. Questionnaire

Table 1
Demographics of survey respondents

Characteristic Response (n) Response (n) Response (n) Response (n)

Gender Male (74) Female (77) Other (1)

Ethnicity White (139) Latino (2) Asian (6) Other (4)
Teaching Status Full time (87) Part time (64) Not reported (1)
Educational Level Associates (3) Bachelors (11) Masters (101) Doctorate (37)
Age 20 to 35 (18) 36 to 50 (61) 51 to 65 (73)

responses were recorded in Microsoft Excel and ana- ified to include observation criteria that relates to Uni-
lyzed using SPSS statistical software. A number of sta- versal Design.
tistical methods were used to analyze data. Factor anal- Data were collected from interviews, observations,
ysis was used to discover patterns in the relationships questionnaires, and related artifacts. The constant com-
Downloaded by [North Dakota State University] at 07:33 05 December 2014

among variables and to reduce data to a manageable parative method developed by Glaser and Strauss (1967)
size. In order to answer the research questions, descrip- was used to analyze data. This method encourages the
tive statistics and frequencies were calculated for each gradual development of categories, subcategories, and
variable, and correlations among variables were deter- themes through a process of analysis that begins with
mined. Multiple regression analysis was used to deter- the initial collection of data. The data, once broken down
mine the relationships between the dependent and inde- and sorted into categories and subcategories, were used
pendent variables. Table 2 describes the definitions for for theme development.
all the variables used in the analysis.

Factor Analysis
Interviews and observations. In addition to the quan-
Key variables of interest in this study include ques-
titative method, a qualitative method was used to ob-
tionnaire items that relate to instructional practices,
tain more in-depth information regarding instructional
knowledge about pedagogical approaches, and attitudes
practices, beliefs, and barriers to implementing inclusive
and beliefs about teaching and learning. In order to de-
practices. The final qualitative sample consisted of 11 fac-
velop a more meaningful set of indicators, factor anal-
ulty who agreed to be interviewed, 9 of whom were also
ysis was used to group questionnaire items into related
observed in the classroom setting. The interview sample
scales. Factor analysis is a technique that identifies com-
consisted of faculty who teach Anatomy and Physiol-
mon patterns and associations that can be used to group
ogy, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Developmental Alge-
many variables so as to maximize in-group commonality
bra, Calculus, Computer Information Systems, and En-
and between-group variability. The items used in the ex-
gineering. Each of the 11 faculty participants was for-
ploratory factor analysis were rotated orthogonally, us-
mally interviewed for approximately one hour. Initial
ing the varimax method,1 2 resulting in variable dimen-
questions were designed to reflect the research ques-
sions within each category. Some items were dropped
tions and fell into three categories: teaching methods and
as the result of conducting a reliability analysis using
strategies, attitudes and perceptions, and barriers to im-
Cronbach’s alpha to determine strength of reliable as-
plementing inclusive instruction. Questions had been re-
sociation among grouped variables. Factor analysis re-
viewed by a panel of three STEM faculty members prior
sulted in nine instructional practices, six beliefs about
to the commencement of the qualitative portion of the
teaching and learning, and two environmental factors
study and were modified based on their input.
(See Table 3).
Nine of the 11 participants interviewed were observed
in the classroom in order to gain additional informa-
tion about teaching techniques. Observations served pri-
Descriptive Statistics
marily as a source of data triangulation and verification.
An observation guide was developed based on the fol- The first two research questions ask about the cur-
lowing: an observation checklist compiled by Merriam rent teaching practices and level of awareness concern-
(1998), the Reformed Teaching Observational Protocol ing inclusive teaching practices of community college
developed at the University of Arizona (Lawson, 2002), STEM faculty. Descriptive statistics provide a means for
and the STEMTec–Core Evaluation Classroom Observa- examining the range and level of use of different instruc-
tional Protocol adopted by Berger (Sireci, Zanetti, Slater, tional practices as well as an analysis of the relationship
& Berger, 2001). The observation instruments were mod- between variables. Frequencies, means, and standard

Table 2
Variable definitions with means and standard deviations1

Variable Name Variable Definitions

Personal Characteristics
Subject (SCIENCE) Single item identifying subject currently taught (1 = Science, 0 = All else)
Science = 40%
Subject (TECH) Single item identifying subject currently taught (1 = Technology, 0 = All else)
Technology = 24%
Subject (MATH) Single item identifying subject currently taught (1 = Mathematics, 0 = All
else) Mathematics = 25%
Status: Full-Time (STATF) Single item indicating employment status (1 = Full-time, 2 = Part-time)
Full-time = 57%
Degree (DEG) Single item indicating highest degree obtained (1 = Associates or Bachelors,
2 = Masters or Doctorate) Masters or Doctorate = 91%
Gender: Male (GENM) Single item identifying gender (1 = male, 2 = female) Female = 51%
Environmental Factors
Downloaded by [North Dakota State University] at 07:33 05 December 2014

Time for Instructional Development Three item scale that describes institutional factors that limit innovation
(TIMDEV) Standardized alpha reliability = .56, Mean = 10.93, SD = 2.34
Institutional Resources (INSRES) Three item scale that describes institutional support and resources
Standardized alpha reliability = .59, Mean = 10.67, SD = 2.27
Attitudes and Beliefs
Inclusive Mindsets (INCMIN) Eight item scale indicating a propensity towards inclusive thinking
Standardized alpha reliability = .78, Mean = 28.01, SD = 4.30
Technology Comfort Level (TECCL) Four item scale describing the level of comfort with technology use
Standardized alpha reliability = .78, Mean = 16.58, SD = 3.57
Teacher Responsibility (TERES) Three item scale describing beliefs about faculty responsibility Standardized
alpha reliability = .59, Mean = 9.38, SD = 2.17
Pedagogical Competency (PEDCOM) Two item scale that indicates self-assessed participation and knowledge of
pedagogy. Standardized alpha reliability = .62, Mean = 8.23, SD = 1.54
Need for Change (NECH-I) (NECH-D) Two single items indicating beliefs about the need for change (1 = Strongly
Disagree to 5 = Strongly Agree) Institutional – Mean = 3.86, SD = .966
Discipline – Mean = 3.16, SD = 1.10
Instructional Practices
Technology Utilization (TECUTIL) Six item scale describing ways in which technology is used to enhance
instruction Standardized alpha reliability = .82, Mean = 18., SD = 6.03
Varied Presentation Strategies (VPRESTR) Two item scale describing techniques that are used to reach different types
of learners Standardized alpha reliability = .58, Mean = 7.87, SD = 1.80
Interactive Learning (INTLERN) Two item scale describing student participation and interaction in class
Standardized alpha reliability = .71, Mean = 6.79, SD = 2.19
Student Engagement (STUENG) Four item scale describing ways in which student interest and connection to
learning are fostered Standardized alpha reliability = .62, Mean = 14.16,
SD = 3.77
Diversified Instruction (DIVINST) Three item scale describing techniques used for different learner types
Standardized alpha reliability = .56, Mean = 9.6, SD = 2.92
Traditional Teaching (TRATEA) Single item indicating class time used primarily in a lecture format (1 = Never
to 5 = Almost Always) Mean = 3.17, SD = 1.15
Alternative Assessment (ALTAS) Single items indicating alternatives in the way students express what they
know (1 = Never to 5 = Almost Always) Mean = 3.64, SD = 1.31
Pedagogical Variety (PEDVAR) Six item scale indicates use of a variety of innovative pedagogical
approaches Standardized alpha reliability = 8.23, Mean = 21.8, SD = 5.20
Multimedia Instruction (MULINST) Single item scale indicates level of use of multimedia instruction. (1= I have
never heard of it, to 5 = I know what the approach is and I use it on a
regular basis) Mean = 3.72, SD = 1.15

deviations for the variables were calculated in order work. Table 3 shows the adjusted mean and standard
to further examine the nine instructional practices, six deviations of the scales.
beliefs about teaching and learning, and two environ- An examination of the practices data in Table 3 shows
mental factors. In order to provide a meaningful com- the use of practices to be within a standard distribu-
parison, each scale mean was adjusted by combining tion; varied presentation strategies, interactive learning,
the indicated questionnaire items and calculating the alternative assessment, pedagogical variety, and multi-
combined mean. Each of the scales was categorized into media instruction are slightly skewed in a positive di-
practices, beliefs, and environmental factors in order to rection, indicating a trend toward higher reported use
conform to the research questions and theoretical frame- of those practices. Varied presentation strategies with a

Table 3 the most interesting pattern with 35% of respondents

Adjusted means and standard deviations for reporting a strong agreement, while the remainder of
instructional practices, beliefs and environmental scales the respondents distributed across the remainder of the
means in relatively small percentages.
Practices Mean SD
The inclusive mindset scale is made up of a combined
Varied Presentation Strategies 3.93 .90 set of beliefs that relate to the desire and willingness
Multimedia Instruction 3.71 1.15 to adopt methodological approaches that are inclusive
Alternative Assessment 3.63 1.30 of diverse learners in general and students with dis-
Pedagogical Variety 3.63 .86
Interactive Learning 3.40 1.09
abilities in particular. A positive skew is indicative of a
Diversified Instruction 3.22 .97 trend toward embracing those beliefs. Within this scale,
Traditional Teaching 3.17 1.15 frequencies showed that 78% of respondents indicated
Technology Utilization 3.13 1.00 they agree or strongly agree that they are receptive to
Student Engagement 3.08 .77 making changes to accommodate students with disabil-
Technology Comfort Level 4.14 .89
ities, and 75% agree that students with disabilities are
Pedagogical Competency 4.11 .77 capable of learning the material in their class. Respon-
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Inclusive Mindset 3.99 .62 dents also agree that they try to match their teaching
Need for Change – Institution 3.85 .97 styles to accommodate students’ learning needs (74%),
Need for Change – Discipline 3.16 1.10 and they agree that they continually look for better ways
Teacher Responsibility 3.12 .72
Environmental Factors
to teach and are open to new forms of instruction (88%).
Time for Instructional Development 3.64 .78 Pedagogical competency relates to the belief that one is
Institutional Resources 3.55 .76 knowledgeable about different teaching approaches and
that actions have been taken to improve teaching skills.
Over 79% of the respondents indicated that they agree or
mean of 3.93 shows the highest reported use within this strongly agree that they are knowledgeable about differ-
category. Varied presentation strategies include present- ent teaching practices, and 82% agree or strongly agree
ing material in multiple ways and using hands-on in- that they have taken part in workshops that relate to
structional aids in class. The traditional teaching scale teaching.
has a mean of 3.17 with 42% of respondents indicat- The final scales indicate dimensions of environmental
ing that the class period is spent primarily in a lecture factors. The two dimensions, time for instructional de-
format. velopment and institutional resources, also fall within a
The alternative assessment scale with a mean of 3.63 normal distribution with slight positive skews, indicat-
requires further examination. A first glance would lead ing a slight trend toward beliefs that relate to having time
to the conclusion that 57% of STEM faculty provided to develop new teaching approaches and the resources
alternatives (such as portfolios, projects, exams, and pre- with which to do so.
sentations) in the way in which students express what
they know. However, a closer examination of frequen-
Correlation and Regression Analysis
cies on other questionnaire items reveals that traditional
forms of assessment are most commonly used. For ex- The third research question asked what the personal,
ample, 89% of respondents indicated that exams are fre- attitudinal, and environmental factors are that inhibit
quently or always used as assessment, while 56% indi- community college STEM faculty from using inclusive
cated that projects were frequently or always used. Pa- pedagogical practices. Correlation and regression anal-
pers were used by 37% of the respondents and port- ysis was used to address this question and to determine
folios were used by only 19% of STEM faculty. The the relationship among the variables. The degree vari-
findings suggest that even though 57% of STEM fac- able was collapsed in order to provide dichotomous vari-
ulty members indicate that they provide alternatives, ables for further analysis since an analysis of frequen-
the alternatives consist primarily of exams, followed cies showed little variability between the responses of
by projects. The finding suggest a predominate use of respondents who indicated masters and doctorate de-
traditional forms of assessment used by these faculty grees. In addition, an examination of frequencies showed
members. little difference between the responses across campuses.
A similar pattern of distribution is shown within the Therefore, the campus variable was not included in the
beliefs category with many of the distributions slightly analysis. Future research may reveal some existing dif-
skewed in a positive direction, indicating a trend to- ferences across campuses.
ward agreement with those beliefs. Technology comfort A few correlations are noteworthy. Of particular in-
level and the pedagogical competency show the high- terest are the correlations between beliefs and instruc-
est means, followed by inclusive mindset and need for tional practices. For example, inclusive mindset is pos-
change – discipline. Technology comfort level presents itively correlated with eight of the nine instructional

practices (technology utilization, varied presentation Multiple Linear Regression

strategies, interactive learning, student engagement, Multiple linear regression was used to identify the
diversified instruction, alternative assessment, pedagog- relationship between dependent and independent vari-
ical variety, and multimedia instruction) at a .01 level of ables. A blocked hierarchical ordinary least squared mul-
significance. Inclusive mindset is negatively correlated tiple regression was used to identify the predictive rela-
with traditional teaching (also with a p < .01). tionship between these variables. Instructional practices
Similarly, technology comfort level is positively corre- and attitudes and beliefs were identified as dependant
lated with seven of the nine instructional practices (tech- variables. A regression analysis was run for each prac-
nology utilization, varied presentation strategies, diver- tice as a dependent variable using personal characteris-
sified instruction, alternative assessment, and multime- tics, beliefs, and environmental factors as independent
dia instruction with a p < .01 while student engagement variables. A regression analysis also was run with each
and pedagogical variety correlated at the .05 level of belief as a dependent variable and with personal charac-
significance). Pedagogical competency also is positively teristics and environmental factors as independent vari-
correlated with eight of the nine instructional practices ables. Each of these variables will be discussed sepa-
(varied presentation strategies, student engagement, di- rately. However, it is important to note that the total R2
Downloaded by [North Dakota State University] at 07:33 05 December 2014

versified instruction, and multimedia instruction [ p < values for each of the practices values are within a sig-
.01] and technology utilization, interactive learning, al- nificant range ( p < .01 and p < .001) indicating that the
ternative assessment, and pedagogical variety [ p < .05]). overall model fits the data. Similarly, the total R2 values
Pedagogical competency is negatively correlated with for four of the six belief variables show that the model is
statistical significance of p < .01 with traditional teach- a good fit for the data at a .01 significance level. Results
ing. Interactive learning ( p < .01) and alternative assess- of the regression analysis are reported in Tables 4 and 5
ment ( p < .05) also are negatively correlated with tradi- below.
tional teaching. The regression analysis indicates some interesting re-
An examination of the correlations3 suggests that lationships. For example, the individual variable Beta
there is a significant relationship among beliefs about values indicated varied presentation strategies has sev-
teaching and learning, the use of traditional methods, eral important predictors. Inclusive mindset ( p < .001),
and the actual provision of more innovative instructional technology comfort level ( p < .05), and need for change –
practices. The correlation matrices were used to formu- discipline ( p < .01) are all positively associated with var-
late the regression analysis that will be discussed in more ied presentation strategies. These findings suggest that
detail in the next section. faculty members who have more inclusive beliefs and

Table 4
Results of regression analysis with practices as dependent variables

Personal β β β β β β β β B

SCIENCE −.31∗∗ −.15 −.34∗ −.11 −.22 .03 −.16 .05 −.11
TECH .17 −.04 −.06 −.02 −.04 −.32∗∗ −.07 −.07 .07
MATH −.31∗∗ −.32∗ −.11 −.10 −.21 −.20 −.24 .07 −.31∗∗
STAT .12 −.01 .11 .04 −.18 .10 .16 .26∗∗ .15
DEG −.04 −.06 −.00 .06 −.03 −.11 −.03 .05 .08
GEN (M) −.13 −.06 −.08 −.14 −.16 .09 −.17∗ −.03 −.15∗
AGE −.10 −.00 −.10 −.01 −.01 .04 −.14 −.11 −.02
R2 .25∗∗∗ .07 .09∗ .03 .07 .13∗∗ .10∗∗ .10∗ .15∗∗∗
Timdev .13 .32∗∗∗ .32∗∗∗ .38∗∗∗ .10 −.28∗∗∗ .09 .40∗∗∗ .15
Insres .01 .06 −.06 .01 .10 .02 .01 .02 .02
R2 .02 .11∗∗∗ .09∗∗ .13∗∗∗ .02 .07∗∗ .01 .15∗∗∗ .02
Incmin .01 .30∗∗∗ .15∗ .26∗∗ .17∗ −.20∗∗∗ .21∗ .21∗∗ .24∗∗
Teccl .51∗∗∗ .15∗ −.02 .08 .09 −.06 .20∗ −.08 .36∗∗∗
Teres .07 .07 .09 .15 .23∗∗ .06 .11 .15 .03
Pedcom .05 .01 .14 .14 .24∗∗ −.08 .02 .44∗∗∗ .07
NECH-I −.02 −.15 −.17 −.04 .01 .01 .07 .00 .13∗
NECH-D −.03 .24∗∗ −.19∗ −.04 −.05 −.01 −.10 −.15∗ .12
R2 .22∗∗∗ .17∗∗∗ .14∗∗∗ .12∗∗ .17∗∗∗ .05∗∗ .11∗∗ .31∗∗∗ .21∗∗∗
Total R2 .48∗∗∗ .35∗∗∗ .32∗∗∗ .29∗∗ .26∗∗∗ .25∗∗∗ .22∗∗ .56∗∗∗ .38∗∗∗

∗ ∗∗ ∗∗∗
p < .05; p < .01; p < .001;

Table 5
Results of regression analysis with beliefs as dependent variables


Personal β β β β β B

SCIENCE .01 −.12 −.32∗∗ .06 .19 .04

TECH .09 .09 −.09 .06 −.07 .07
MATH .02 −.49∗∗∗ −.39∗∗ .00 .06 .06
STAT .05 −.00 −.30∗∗∗ .13 .10 .09
DEG .01 −.03 .01 .24∗∗ −.19∗ −.05
GEN (M) −.08 −.14 .01 -.10 .01 −.12
AGE −.12 −.05 .01 .10 .13 .21∗
R2 .03 .26∗∗∗ .14∗∗ .13∗∗ .07 .06
TIMDEV .50∗∗∗ .10 .08 .28∗∗∗ .04 .13
INSRES .07 .01 .08 .19∗∗ .11 .02
R2 .25∗∗∗ .01 .02 .12∗∗∗ .02 .02
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Total R2 .28∗∗∗ .27∗∗∗ .16∗∗ .26∗∗∗ .09 .08

∗ ∗∗ ∗∗∗
p < .05, p <. 01, p < .001.

who are comfortable with technology are more likely to about different teaching approaches. However, the num-
use presentation strategies that include presenting ma- ber of respondents (n = 14) with associates or bache-
terial in multiple ways to reach a variety of learners, lors degrees was so small that making comparisons is
including the use of technology. Time for instructional not meaningful. As was the case in the practices cate-
development ( p < .001) also is a very significant predic- gory, math instruction is negatively associated with a
tor of varied presentation strategies, interactive learning, number of the beliefs, technology comfort level ( p <
student engagement, and pedagogical variety indicating .001), and teacher responsibility ( p < .01), suggesting
that having the time to develop new instructional materi- that math faculty tend to be less comfortable with tech-
als is critical to the use of these methods in the classroom. nology and perhaps feel less responsible for the success
In addition, inclusive mindset and need for change – of students in their classes. This finding is consistent with
discipline ( p < .05) are significant predictors of interac- findings within the practices scales in which math in-
tive learning. Faculty members who have a more inclu- struction has a negative association with technology uti-
sive mindset are more likely to use interactive strategies. lization ( p < .01), presentation strategies ( p < .05), and
Faculty members who believe that no change in their dis- multimedia ( p < .01). Science instruction and math in-
cipline is needed are less likely to use interactive learning struction also are negatively correlated with teacher re-
strategies. Inclusive mindset ( p < .01) also is significantly sponsibility ( p < .01), suggesting that these faculty may
associated with and predictive of student engagement, feel less responsible for the success of students than
pedagogical variety, and multimedia instruction, which other survey respondents who teach in the technologies.
indicates that inclusive beliefs lead to increased engage- Further research may identify additional differences be-
ment of students in the learning process and the use of a tween faculty members from the different STEM disci-
variety of approaches to reach students. plines or institutions but were beyond the scope of this
Consistent with the above analysis, traditional teach- study.
ing is negatively associated with inclusive mindset ( p <
.001), technology instruction ( p < .01), and time for in-
structional development ( p < .001). These predictors
suggest that faculty who report lower levels of inclusive
beliefs and those that report that they do not have time The findings from the quantitative data analysis in
to develop new teaching methods due to discipline or to this study provide valuable information about commu-
administrative responsibilities are more likely to teach nity college STEM instruction. The findings indicate that
using a traditional lecture format. a variety of instructional practices are currently used to
Personal factors accounted for the smallest amount varying degrees by STEM faculty. Findings also suggest
of variance among all the variables, particularly within that inclusive beliefs combined with comfort with tech-
the belief scales. No personal factors are predictive of in- nology and pedagogical competencies are positively as-
clusive mindset or need for change — discipline. High- sociated with the use of a range of instructional practices.
est degree ( p < .01) is predictive of pedagogical com- Having time available for the development of inclusive
petency, suggesting that those with either a masters or practices also is shown to be a critical factor, suggest-
doctorate degree are more likely to report knowledge ing that when classroom discipline and administrative

demands are minimized, faculty are more likely to de- nologies in the classroom suggests that improvement
velop new teaching methods. is needed in the area of accessibility. Faculty reported
In reviewing the effect of the belief scales across all a number of barriers that prevent them and their col-
nine instructional practices variables, patterns begin to leagues from developing and using more inclusive meth-
emerge. As indicated by the beta scores in Tables 4 and ods. By far the greatest number of barriers listed by fac-
5, the belief scales inclusive mindset, technology com- ulty members are related to financial and institutional
fort level, need for change — discipline, and pedagogical demands. Instructors indicated that high teaching loads
competency are the three variables that are most predic- and lack of time to develop new methods are the greatest
tive of a range of instructional practices. barriers to inclusive pedagogy.
The quantitative analysis has provided data that are The findings suggest that reaching a diverse popula-
very useful in understanding current instructional prac- tion is important to community college STEM faculty.
tices. In order to gain a more complete and in-depth un- However, the qualitative sample was small and may
derstanding, qualitative methods also were employed. have consisted of only faculty members who were in-
The next section reports the results of the qualitative terested in the topic of inclusion; thus, it is impossible to
analysis. generalize findings to other community college faculty.
Downloaded by [North Dakota State University] at 07:33 05 December 2014


Data from interviews, observations, and documents
collected were analyzed and sorted into categories and What are the Current Teaching Methods?
subcategories. Anfara, Brown, and Mangione (2002) rec-
Findings from this study revealed some significant
ommend the use of tabular strategies for documenting
results that pertain to STEM instructional approaches in
the relationship between data sources and categories in
community colleges. Findings discussed in more detail
order to strengthen credibility and provide the reader
below indicated that (a) community college instruction at
with a visual representation of methodological rigor.
the studied institutions is different from that reported in
The model used was adapted from the work of Con-
previous studies conducted primarily at four-year insti-
stas (1992) and Brown (1999) and shows three levels of
tutions, (b) the use of a variety of instructional methods
analysis. Level 1 depicts open coding. Level 2 depicts
is greater than expected, (c) many community college
the consolidation of those units into more manageable
STEM faculty recognize differences in learner types and
and workable units. Level 3 is the final iteration of cat-
attempt to design instruction to meet learner variation,
egory development. In Level 3, central categories that
and (d) a gap between knowledge of pedagogy and the
best addressed the research questions were developed.
actual application of instructional practices in the class-
The process of categorization created three main areas
room exists.
for further exploration: instructional methods and strate-
Previous research highlighted the continued reliance
gies, inclusion, and barriers. These areas were designated
on traditional lecture as the primary form of instruction
as domains and broken down into categories and subcat-
used by full-time and part-time STEM faculty at four-
egories. A domain is an important basic unit upon which
year institutions (Kardash & Wallace, 2001; NCES, 2002;
further analysis is built. Taxonomical analysis developed
Seymour & Hewitt, 1997; Walczyk & Ramsey 2003). Com-
by Spradley (1980) was then used to analyze the meaning
munity college STEM faculty members in this study ap-
and relationship among domains, categories, and sub-
pear to be very different than those at four-year institu-
categories. Table 6 is taxonomy for the three domains.
tions. Both quantitative and qualitative findings suggest
The number of respondents who reported a particular
the use of multiple methods by these faculty members.
subcategory is listed in parentheses.
Descriptive statistics showed a slight majority of faculty
Instructional Methods and Strategies
members having reported using a variety of pedagog-
ical methods and presentation strategies. Of those fac-
ulty members, 30% of faculty members never use a tra-
ditional lecture format, while 28% occasionally and 42%
frequently use a lecture format. Although the lecture for-
Overall results of interviews and classroom observa- mat continues to be reported by faculty members as an
tions suggest that participating STEM faculty appear to important method of instruction, it is often used in con-
use a variety of instructional practices and strategies. It junction with other methods.
appears that for the most part, instructors are aware of Although the need for improvement continues, the
diversity and the need for inclusion and attempt to teach findings suggest that more instructors in this study are
in ways that reach a diverse population of students. Nev- using varied instructional approaches than are using a
ertheless, findings related to use of materials and tech- traditional lecture format. Multiple regression analysis

Table 6
Taxonomy—Instructional methods and strategies

Domain Category Subcategories (n)

Instructional Methods
and Strategies
Traditional Methods Lecture (1)*
Interactive Methods Group work (3)
Lecture-questions (5)
Lecture-discussion (5)
Student engagement and connection (6)
Experiential learning (2)
Hands-on Methods Problem based learning (4), Participatory demonstration (4)
Manipulatives (3), Visualizations (4) Projects (3), Portfolios (2)
Student presentations (2)
Technological Methods Video/DVD (1), Slides (1), Online labs (1) Course management
systems (4) Internet (2), PowerPoint (2) Discussion boards (3),
Downloaded by [North Dakota State University] at 07:33 05 December 2014

E-mail (1) Computer Assisted Instruction (1) Video lectures (1),

Calculators (2) Interactive computer problems (2) Course
material available electronically (4) Computer demonstrations
Inclusion Beliefs Importance of learner type (8)* Adapting to instructor methods (1)
Inclusive Practices Use of multimodal methods (5) Connection, interaction (9) Real
life examples (6)
Methods of Accommodation Integrated with instruction (7) Separate from instruction (4)
Barriers Attitudinal Beliefs of science faculty (1) Culture of department (2) Student
resistance (1) Faculty resistance (1)
Physical Setting Equipment (2) Classroom design (1) Availability of instructional
material (2)
Requirements Proliferation of information (1) Standards/learning outcomes (1)
Administrative constructs (1)
Resources Professional development (4) Not knowing what to do (2) Lack of
experience with diversity (3)
Finance Faculty pay (4) Lack of state Support (3)
Institutional Demands Class size (2) Faculty teaching loads (7) Size of school (1)
Part-time instructors (1) Time (10)

Indicates the number of faculty reporting the use of each method.

showed that personal characteristics do not appear to findings revealed that these faculty members think about
constrain or enable instructors in the adoption of inclu- inclusion, the way students learn, and how to best reach
sive approaches; the one exception is full-time status, them. The majority of faculty members interviewed indi-
which is associated with knowledge of and adoption of cated that instruction should be modified to be inclusive
a variety of pedagogical methods. However, multiple re- of students with disabilities and students who learn in
gression analysis does show that some environmental different ways. The overall consensus was that teach-
factors do influence the adoption of these methods. Not ing that promotes student engagement and incorporates
surprisingly, faculty members who report having time to multiple methods best serves all students. Of course, be-
develop new teaching methods and who have reduced cause the instructors were voluntary participants there
administrative and discipline related demands are more may have been some bias and these findings should be
likely to use a variety of instructional methods. Also, a followed up in future research. Nevertheless, these re-
number of beliefs (such as inclusive mindset, pedagogi- sults are supported by quantitative data that showed
cal competency, and technology comfort level) are asso- inclusive beliefs to be held by many faculty members
ciated with the use of a variety of instructional practices. and positively correlated with the adoption of multiple
As noted above, a review of the findings has shown methods of instruction. Descriptive statistics showed the
that the community college faculty in this study are dif- adjusted mean for inclusive mindset to be 3.99 with 59%
ferent in a number of ways from their colleagues in four- of faculty showing that they had a strong propensity
year institutions in that they are adopting a variety of dif- toward inclusive thinking. Multiple regression analysis
ferent practices in larger numbers than expected. A brief showed a positive association between inclusive mind-
discussion of some of the factors associated with the way set and eight of the nine instructional practices and a
community college STEM faculty members view their negative association with the ninth practice, traditional
students further clarifies this difference. The qualitative teaching. Within the inclusive mindset scale, over 78% of

faculty members agreed that they would be receptive to sive pedagogy is complex and a number of factors come
making changes to accommodate students with disabil- into play.
ities. These findings are significant in that they highlight
an awareness and willingness on the part of many com-
munity college faculty members to adapt their teaching What are the Factors that Inhibit Faculty from
to the needs of their students. However, willingness does
Using Inclusive Practices?
not necessarily translate to practice. Do instructors have
the necessary knowledge about pedagogy to be able to An analysis of the quantitative results revealed that
effectively modify their instruction and the other factors both beliefs and environmental factors are associated
might influence them? The majority of faculty in this with the use of different pedagogical practices. Hav-
study indicated that they are knowledgeable about dif- ing an inclusive mindset clearly points to the use of the
ferent teaching approaches. greatest number of instructional practices, followed by
technology comfort level and pedagogical competency.
The absence of an inclusive mindset is associated with
What are the Levels of Awareness Regarding lower reported use and is a barrier to implementation
Downloaded by [North Dakota State University] at 07:33 05 December 2014

of inclusive pedagogy. If faculty do not have an inclu-

Teaching Practices?
sive mindset they are much more likely to teach in tradi-
Awareness and knowledge of teaching practices are tional ways. If faculty reported discomfort in the use of
central to the use of a variety of instructional methods technology they were less likely to use varied teaching
by faculty. Findings from multiple regression analysis strategies, technology in the classroom, or multimedia
in this study showed that pedagogical competency or instruction. If faculty members reported that that they
knowledge about different teaching was positively as- were not knowledgeable about teaching approaches then
sociated with the use of a variety of pedagogical prac- they were also less likely to understand student learning
tices, student engagement, and diversified instruction. needs, to implement practices that engage students, or
The literature review indicated that most college faculty to be in tune with the needs of different learners.
members teach the way they were taught (Silver et al., Even when faculty members do possess these beliefs,
1998) and for the most part, do not have exposure to or other environmental influences may prevent the adop-
knowledge of pedagogical techniques and diverse learn- tion of inclusive practices. Most notable among these fac-
ers (Sunal et al., 2001). The findings in this study were tors is time for instructional development. Time has been
quite different. Over 79% of the faculty members in this reported as a barrier to the implementation of innovative
study indicate that they agree or strongly agree that they and inclusive practices in a number of the studies listed
are knowledgeable about different teaching practices. A in the review of literature (Bianchini, Whitney, Brenton,
number of them indicated that they know and use many & Hilton-Brown, 1999; Silver et al., 1998). The findings
of the pedagogical practices listed in this study. In ad- from this study support the conclusion that time is a sig-
dition, 58% reported teaching in ways that are different nificant barrier. Time combined with the lack of institu-
from the way they were taught. The community college tional resources, such as financial support and profes-
STEM faculty members in this study appear to be more sional development, represent important barriers to the
knowledgeable about pedagogical practices than what development of pedagogical knowledge and application
was noted in literature about four-year faculty. However, of different teaching practices.
it is important to note that significant numbers continue The findings from the qualitative portion of this study
to teach in traditional ways, and the extent to which in- support the quantitative findings and provide further
structional practices are used varies considerably among clarification. Administrative and discipline related de-
faculty members and among disciplines. For example, mands as well as the high teaching loads of commu-
mathematics instructors reported an overall lower use of nity college faculty members were the most frequently
technology, multimedia, and varied presentation strate- cited barriers to inclusive pedagogy reported in faculty
gies, but they seemed more likely than science instructors interviews. Many of the faculty members reported that
to use interactive learning. In addition, classroom obser- it was difficult to keep up with current course loads and
vations showed that even when inclusive practices were felt that even though they might want to develop new
in place some technologies and materials remained in- methods, time constraints prevented them from doing
accessible to individuals with disabilities. For instance, so. Instructors reported the lack of both institutional and
online labs could not be used with assistive technology, system-wide support. On a systems level, lack of state
reducing accessibility for blind or low vision users. Ma- financial support and low faculty pay scales were re-
terials used in the classroom, such as small print graphs ported as barriers because they both impacted morale
and charts and a video clip without captioning, would and made obtaining necessary funding difficult. On an
also be inaccessible to some students with disabilities. institutional level, faculty members reported inconsis-
Overall, the results suggest that the adoption of inclu- tent support and lack of funding as barriers. The levels

of support and funding varied between institutions and the time and resources needed to fully develop them.
between departments at the same institution. In addi- The priorities and policies that institutions set around
tion, lack of appropriate professional development op- time and resources are critical to the implementation of
portunities was seen as a deterrent in that professional new instructional practices.
development is limited and often not geared to the spe-
cific needs of faculty.
Implications for Further Research
The topic of inclusive pedagogy in post-secondary
IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE AND STEM education has not been well researched. This study
RESEARCH is one step in closing the research gap and findings sug-
gest the need for continued research in this area. There are
Implications for Practice
several important directions this research should take.
This study sheds new light on the extent to which First, this study focused on instructional practices as they
belief, knowledge, and environmental factors converge pertain to a broad group of learners with differences and
with each other in the process of community college disabilities. The next step would be to determine whether
Downloaded by [North Dakota State University] at 07:33 05 December 2014

STEM instruction. The study shows that these factors any differences based on the type of disability exist. For
are important and that they all contribute to the likeli- example, do faculty think about and respond differently
hood that a faculty member will use multimodal teach- to students with different types of disabilities? Does in-
ing methods. The findings from this study indicate that, struction change for students with learning disabilities
within these three institutions, there is a strong inclu- as opposed to students who may be blind or mobility
sive mindset and a desire to teach in a way that reaches impaired? These are important distinctions that warrant
all students, suggesting a potential for the continued future investigation.
development of inclusive strategies. The identification Through the use of factor analysis this study identified
of barriers and obstacles that impede the development clusters of related data that specifically relate to instruc-
of more inclusive teaching methods provides insight tional practices, knowledge of pedagogical approaches,
into possible new directions and solutions to improve and beliefs about teaching and learning. The clusters rep-
practice. resent dimensions of practice that could provide a base
This study has shown that in order to effectively de- upon which future research in STEM instruction could
velop new instructional approaches, practitioners need be built. For example, the three dimensional scales could
an inclusive belief system, knowledge of pedagogy, fa- be used in the development of a target profile for lev-
miliarity with new techniques and technologies, time, els of inclusive pedagogy. Faculty members could then
and resources. How does the community college con- be assessed against this profile to determine areas where
tinue to foster these beliefs and create an environment improvement is needed. The profile could also form the
where inclusive pedagogy can thrive? The findings from base for evaluation criteria at the institutional level.
this study point to a number of specific activities that This study established that a relationship exists be-
would be helpful to faculty: (a) provide information on tween beliefs, knowledge, and environmental factors
diversity, disability, accessibility, and learning styles to and instructional practice. The extent of those relation-
make faculty aware of the nature of the student body ships bears further investigation. For example, how
and their learning needs; (b) provide opportunities for much knowledge is needed in order for an instructor
faculty to learn more about instructional methods; (c) to begin to implement new practices and what types of
create opportunities for faculty to become more familiar knowledge prove most useful? At what point do beliefs
and comfortable with the use of technology in the class- become critical in the process of developing new instruc-
room; (d) establish policies that give faculty the time and tional strategies and are there specific ways to encourage
resources needed to develop new instructional methods; more inclusion? More research is needed to better under-
and (e) create awards and incentives for faculty who do stand the complex interplay between and among these
develop multimodal teaching methods. factors.
In order for these activities to be successful, they must The relationship between inclusive pedagogy and
be provided in a way that respects the needs and time learning outcomes must be investigated. The research re-
demands faculty currently face. For example, offering viewed in this study showed that students in general do
generic professional development opportunities during learn best in environments where learner-centered and
peak teaching hours or busy times during the semester nontraditional teaching occurs. However, no research
may not be helpful to faculty. A more useful approach currently exists that looks at the relationship between
might be to provide educational opportunities based on learning outcomes for students with disabilities and in-
needs assessments from individual departments and to clusive teaching methods within post-secondary educa-
offer at them at convenient times for faculty. Once new tion. Although, we can speculate that a relationship does
techniques are learned, faculty must be provided with exist, empirical evidence is needed.

Future research should include a component that eval- at right angles. Each factor will tend to have either large or small
uates community college administrators’ views about in- loadings of any particular variable, thus leading to results that
clusive teaching. The actions of administrators are criti- make it possible to identify each variable with a single factor.
cal to any institutional systemic change and their views 3. A table of correlation coefficients for all variables is avail-
about inclusion may influence the success of any pro- able by contacting the author.
gram. Further research is needed to clarify their be-
liefs and attitudes about investing in inclusive teaching
practices. REFERENCES
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