2.1 - Classification of Skills
2.1 - Classification of Skills
2.1 - Classification of Skills
1 - Classification of skills
Learning objectives
Think. Pair. Share - Can you name other skills and where
would they fit on the continuum?
Skill Classification – Basic/Simple & Complex
A complex skill involves a Simple skills have a limited
high level of decision making amount of information to
and has a large cognitive or process. The skill has a smaller
thinking element to it. cognitive element.
Think. Pair. Share - Can you name other skills and where
would they fit on the continuum?
Skill Classification – Organisation
A low organised skill can be A highly organised skill is hard
broken down into parts, or to break down since it is fast in
subroutines. its execution.
Think. Pair. Share - Can you name other skills and where
would they fit on the continuum?
Skill Classification
Skills can be divided into ones that are outcome based and others
that have an unpredictable outcome.
Closed Skills:
These are skills that are
performed in the same
situation and have no
variation. The skills are
unaffected by the
environment. The actions
involved in closed skills
follow a set routine or
pattern of movement.
• Discrete skills with a clear end. These are usually short and
sharp and can be undertaken easily without a rest.
Practice structures
Distributed practice:
Distributed practice is when a rest interval is given to allow
recuperation. Feedback, coaching and advice on technique can
be given during the interval.
It is suitable for:
• Beginners, who can focus
on the next part of the skill
during the break.
of skill
A Massed Practice
B Fixed Practice
C Assisted Practice
D Variable Practice
Practice it!
Exam questions
2. Sports skills can be classified as open or closed skills. Explain
how a coach would vary a training session when coaching open
and closed skills. (3)
Practice it!
Marks Scheme:
1. C
2. If a skill is closed (like a penalty) practice should be in closed
conditions (1), however, if it is an open skill, the skill should be
practised in pressured situations (1) so the player/team get
used to using the skill under pressure of time/opposition (1). If a
skill is open (like a pass during the game) practice should be in
open conditions (1) it should be practised using variable
practice (1) so the player/team get used to adapting the
execution of the skill to match the changing circumstances of
the game (1).
Knowing whether a skill is open or closed means that the coach
can set up appropriate drills in training (1), this means that the
players would practise closed skills in closed conditions to
match the way they need to perform the skill in the game (1),
this allows the performer to focus on the skill without
unnecessary distractions from others (1).