Instrument Air Compressors: The Lifeline of Oil and Gas Facility. Volume 1. A Case Study of Oml 17 - Nigeria

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Volume 9, Issue 5, May – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Instrument Air Compressors: The Lifeline of Oil and

Gas Facility. Volume 1. A Case Study of
Oml 17 – Nigeria
Okparaocha Godspower Chukwudi; 2Onosemuode Christopher; 3Agunbiade David Bolarinwa;
Itoghor Monday Ogheneruona; 5Omomoemi Agbegha Emmanuel
Department of Environmental Science and Toxicology,
Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun, Nigeria

Abstract:- Instrument air compressors (IACs) play a I. INTRODUCTION

pivotal role as the backbone of oil and gas facilities,
providing essential compressed air to power critical Instrument air compressors (IACs) stand as
instruments and pneumatic systems. (Thomas Paulose, indispensable components within the intricate operations of
2024). Instrument air is a critical component in the oil and oil and gas facilities, serving as the lifeline that powers
gas industry. It is compressed air that is used to power critical instruments and pneumatic systems essential for
instruments and control systems that are used in the operational success. (John Smith et al, 2020). In the dynamic
production, processing, and transportation of oil and gas. environment of oil and gas (production and processing, the
(EY, 2020). This paper delves into the indispensable reliable and efficient functioning of IACs is paramount to
significance of IACs in ensuring the reliable and safe ensure operational continuity, safety, and productivity
operation of oil and gas facilities, elucidating their crucial
role in various operational processes, including control This paper delves into the pivotal role of IACs within oil
systems, safety devices, and process instrumentation. and gas facilities, elucidating their significance in various
Through a thorough examination of the importance of operational processes such as control systems, safety devices,
instrument air in the oil and gas industry, this paper and process instrumentation. By providing a steady supply of
emphasizes the paramount importance of maintaining compressed air, IACs facilitate the operation of pneumatic
optimal performance and reliability of IACs. It discusses equipment used for valve actuation, process control, and
the key challenges and considerations associated with safety interlocks, among other vital functions.
ensuring the continuous supply of instrument air,
encompassing equipment reliability, energy efficiency, Furthermore, the introduction explores the multifaceted
and maintenance practices. Furthermore, the paper challenges and considerations associated with managing and
explores effective strategies for optimizing instrument air maintaining IACs within oil and gas facilities. From ensuring
compressor performance, encompassing proactive equipment reliability to optimizing energy efficiency and
maintenance, technological advancements, and implementing effective maintenance practices, oil and gas
operational enhancements. (Abhishek Kumar et al 2021). operators face a myriad of complexities in managing their
Utilizing case studies and real-world examples, the paper instrument air systems.
illustrates the profound impact of proficient instrument
air compressor management on overall facility reliability, Through this exploration, the introduction sets the stage
safety, and operational efficiency. In conclusion, this for a comprehensive examination of instrument air
paper underscores the critical recognition of instrument compressors, highlighting their critical importance as the
air compressors as indispensable assets within oil and gas lifeline of oil and gas facilities. By recognizing the
facilities. (EY, 2020). It emphasizes the imperative for indispensable role of IACs and understanding the challenges
proactive management and optimization to uphold their and opportunities in their management, oil and gas operators
continued reliability and efficacy. (Paul J. Holdcroft et al, can strive towards enhancing facility reliability, safety, and
2015) By prioritizing the maintenance and performance operational efficiency.
of IACs, oil and gas operators can elevate facility
operations, mitigate risks, and uphold the industry's II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
commitment to safety and environmental stewardship.
A. Site Description:
Keywords:- Instrument Air Compressors, Oil and Gas The overview of the oil and gas facility under study,
Facilities, Compressed Air, Safety, Control Systems, including its location, operational scope, and infrastructure
Pneumatic Equipment, Maintenance Practices, Energy layout as shown in figure 1.
Efficiency, Optimization, Proactive Monitoring, Equipment
Reliability, Technological Advancements, Operational

IJISRT24MAY524 1998

Volume 9, Issue 5, May – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Describe the instrumentation air compressor systems C. Performance Assessment:

installed at the facility, including their specifications, Analyze the collected data to assess the current
capacities, and configurations. performance of the instrument air compressor systems at the
B. Data Collection:
Gather operational data related to the instrument air Evaluate key performance indicators (KPIs) such as
compressor systems, including air pressure levels, flow rates, compressor uptime, air quality, energy efficiency, and
temperature, and power consumption as shown in the table maintenance frequency.
Identify any operational inefficiencies, equipment
Collect historical maintenance records, including malfunctions, or maintenance issues affecting compressor
maintenance schedules, repair logs, shown in table 1, and any performance.
previous optimization efforts undertaken at the facility.
D. Root Cause Analysis:
Conduct interviews or surveys with facility personnel, Conduct a root cause analysis to identify underlying
including operators, maintenance technicians, and engineers, factors contributing to suboptimal instrument air compressor
to gather insights into operational practices and challenges performance.
related to instrument air compressor management. Utilize tools such as fault tree analysis, fishbone diagrams, or
failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) to systematically
identify and categorize potential causes of performance

Table 1: Instrument Air Compressor FLM Log Sheet

Air Compressor A
RANGE 10AM 10 10A 10P 10A 10P 10A 10P 10A 10P 10A 10P 10A 10P
condition N B
Running SB S SB SB 8869 8871 SB SB 88730 8874 SB SB SB SB
hours B 4 8 2
1st stage 120˚C SB S SB SB N/A 105 SB SB 2.6 2.6 SB SB SB SB
discharge B
1st stage 3.2 bar SB S SB SB 2.5 11.0 SB SB 102 102 SB SB SB SB
discharge B
2nd stage <130 ˚C SB S SB SB 103 2.3 SB SB 11.3 11.3 SB SB SB SB
discharge B
2nd stage <12bar SB S SB SB 11.0 99 SB SB 2.5 2.5 SB SB SB SB
discharge B
Lube oil 2.1–3.0 SB S SB SB 2.3 25 SB SB 95 95 SB SB SB SB
pressure bar B
Auxiliary 80 ˚C SB S SB SB 97 97 SB SB 25 25 SB SB SB SB
water B
Auxiliary <60 ˚C SB SB SB SB 25 25 SB SB 25 25 SB SB SB SB
Air compressor B
RANGE 10A 10P 10A 10P 10A 10P 10A 10P 10A 10P 10A 10P 10A 10P
condition N
Running 8865 8867 8868 8869 - - 8871 8872 88732 88745 8875 88769 8878
hours 8 0 2 4 3 4 5 0
1st stage 120˚C N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

IJISRT24MAY524 1999

Volume 9, Issue 5, May – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

1st stage 3.2 bar 2.4 2.5 2.5 2.5 SB SB 2.5 2.5 SB SB 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6
2nd stage <130 ˚C 105 103 105 SB SB SB 102 102 SB SB 102 103 102 101
2nd stage <12bar 11.0 11.0 11.0 SB SB SB 11.8 11.2 SB SB 11.3 11.3 11.4 11.4
Lube oil 2.1–3.0 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.3 SB SB 2.4 2.3 SB SB 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
pressure bar
Auxiliary 80 ˚C 97 97 99 96 SB SB 98 96 SB SB 95 94 95 96
Auxiliary <60 ˚C 25 25 25 25 SB SB 25 25 25 SB 25 25 25 25

E. Optimization Strategies: Define key performance targets and metrics to track the
Develop targeted optimization strategies based on the effectiveness of optimization efforts over time.
findings of the performance assessment and root cause
analysis. Consider the need for training and capacity building to
ensure successful implementation and ongoing maintenance
Prioritize interventions that address the most critical of optimized compressor systems. (Rachel Adams, et al,
performance issues while considering factors such as cost- 2023)
effectiveness, feasibility, and potential impact on operational
efficiency. (Ahmed Ali et al, 2022) G. Monitoring and Evaluation:
Establish a monitoring and evaluation framework to
Explore various optimization approaches, including track the progress and outcomes of optimization initiatives.
equipment upgrades, maintenance optimization, operational
adjustments, and the implementation of advanced monitoring Continuously monitor compressor performance against
and control systems. established KPIs and benchmarks, (Sarah Lee et al, 2021).

F. Implementation Plan:  Instrument Air Compressors: These are the primary

Outline a detailed plan for implementing the identified equipment pieces, typically reciprocating or rotary screw
optimization strategies, including timelines, resource compressors, specifically designed to provide clean and
allocation, and responsible stakeholders. dry compressed air for instrument and control systems.
(Robert Johnson et al, 2019). Shown in figure 1.

Fig 1: Showing Air Reciprocating Compressor System Showing Compressor Control Panel,
Gauges, Sump, and Discharge Drum etc.

 Air filter: Essential for removing contaminants such as  Air Dryers: Used to remove moisture from the
dust, oil, and moisture from the intake air to ensure the compressed air to prevent corrosion and damage to
quality of the compressed air. Shown in figure 3. instrumentation. Figure 3.

IJISRT24MAY524 2000

Volume 9, Issue 5, May – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 2: Shows Cooler Fan Motor, Auxiliary Water Pump and Unloading Exhaust

 Piping and Tubing: Distribution network to carry the  Pressure Regulators and Control Valves: Regulate and
compressed air from the compressors to various control the pressure of the compressed air as required by
instruments and control systems throughout the facility. different instruments and systems.
Shown in figure 3.  Instrumentation: Various gauges, sensors, and control
devices that rely on compressed air for operation.

Fig 3: Shows Instrument Air Compressor Scrubber, Filters, Radiators, Dryers, Tubing & Piping, etc.

 Lubricants and Coolants: Required for lubrication and  Safety Equipment: Including pressure relief valves as
cooling in reciprocating compressors, ensuring smooth shown in figure 4, pressure gauges, and alarms to ensure
operation and longevity. Shown in figure 3. safe operation and prevent overpressure situations.

IJISRT24MAY524 2001

Volume 9, Issue 5, May – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 4: Showing Air Receiver, Relief Valve and the Piping and Instrumentation System

Fig 5: Showing IAC Control Panel, Discharge Drum, oil Sump etc.

For efficiency and reliability of the instrument air power consumption. Ensuring that air quality meets the
compressor, is important that the installation, operations, and requirements of instrument and control systems.
maintenance should be done professionally and according to  Maintenance: Scheduled maintenance activities
the OEM guide. including:
 Routine inspections of compressor components such as
 Installation: Proper installation of compressors, air belts, filters, valves, and lubrication systems.
dryers, filters, and associated equipment according to  Regular replacement of air filters and dryers’ desiccant
manufacturer specifications and industry standards. beds to maintain air quality.
 Operation: Regular monitoring of compressor operation,  Lubrication and coolant checks and changes as per
including inlet and discharge pressures, temperatures, and manufacturer recommendations.

IJISRT24MAY524 2002

Volume 9, Issue 5, May – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

 Calibration and testing of pressure regulators and control according to environmental regulations to minimize
valves. environmental impact.
 Inspection and maintenance of piping and tubing for
 Periodic testing of safety equipment and emergency
shutdown systems. Recognizing the vital role of compressed air, oil and gas
 Troubleshooting and Repairs: Prompt identification and facilities often implement redundancy and contingency plans
rectification of any issues with compressors or associated to ensure uninterrupted supply. One such measure is the
equipment to minimize downtime and maintain system provision of mobile air compressors as standby equipment in
reliability. case the primary compressor fails or undergoes maintenance.
 Training and Documentation: Providing adequate Here's why this approach is crucial: (John Smith et al, 2022)
training to personnel involved in the operation and
maintenance of instrument air compressors. Maintaining  Minimizing Downtime: The primary objective of having
comprehensive documentation including operating standby mobile air compressors is to minimize downtime
procedures, maintenance schedules, and equipment in case of unexpected failures or maintenance
manuals. requirements of the primary compressor. Rapid
 Environmental Considerations: Proper disposal of deployment of mobile units can help maintain essential
compressor lubricants, coolants, and filter elements operations while repairs or replacements are carried out
on the primary system. See figure 6.

Fig 6: Showing Mobile Air Compressor

 Ensuring Operational Continuity: Oil and gas facilities  Reducing Risk of Production Loss: Production loss due
operate around the clock, and any interruption in to compressed air supply failure can result in significant
production can have significant financial implications. revenue loss for oil and gas facilities. By investing in
Having mobile air compressors readily available ensures standby mobile compressors, facilities can mitigate the
that essential operations can continue without disruption, risk of production loss associated with compressed air
safeguarding productivity, and profitability. system downtime, thereby protecting their bottom line.
 Enhancing Safety: Compressed air is often used in
critical safety systems such as pneumatic emergency IV. RESULT AND DISCUSION
shutdown valves and fire suppression systems. A failure
in the compressed air supply can compromise these safety A. Importance of Instrument Air Compressors
measures, leading to potential hazards. Standby mobile Instrument air compressors serve as the backbone of oil
compressors serve as a backup to ensure that safety- and gas facilities, providing the essential compressed air
critical systems always remain operational. required for the operation of instrumentation and control
 Flexibility and Scalability: Mobile air compressors offer systems. These systems are integral to monitoring and
flexibility and scalability, allowing facilities to adapt to regulating various processes within the facility, including
changing operational requirements or temporary pressure, temperature, flow, and level control. Without
expansions. They can be easily transported to different reliable instrument air compressors, the effectiveness and
locations within the facility or deployed for specific tasks safety of these systems would be compromised, potentially
where compressed air is needed, providing versatility in leading to operational disruptions and safety hazards. (Rachel
managing air supply needs. Adams et al, 2020). Finding the right compressed air
treatment based on ISO 8573-1 air quality standard. see table

IJISRT24MAY524 2003

Volume 9, Issue 5, May – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Table 2: ISO 8573.1 2010 Air Quality Classes

B. Reliability and Performance E. Future Directions and Recommendations

The reliability and performance of instrument air Moving forward, it is imperative for oil and gas facilities
compressors are paramount to the continuous operation of oil to prioritize the proper design, installation, operation, and
and gas facilities. Our study demonstrates that well- maintenance of instrument air compressors. This includes
maintained compressors exhibit higher reliability, with fewer investing in advanced monitoring and predictive maintenance
instances of downtime and maintenance-related issues. technologies to optimize compressor performance and
Regular maintenance, including filter replacements, minimize unplanned downtime. Furthermore, continuous
lubrication checks, and system inspections, significantly training and education of personnel involved in compressor
contributes to ensuring the longevity and efficiency of these operation and maintenance are essential to ensure adherence
critical assets. (Emily Parker et al, 2021) to best practices and industry standards. (Sarah Lee et al,
C. Impact on Safety and Environmental Compliance
Instrument air compressors play a crucial role in  Pressure Due Point
maintaining safety standards and environmental compliance ISO 8573-1:2010 is the primary standard within the ISO
within oil and gas facilities. By providing clean and dry 8573 series and establishes the purity classes for compressed
compressed air, these compressors prevent contamination and air. Therefore, to determine your compressed air treatment
corrosion in instrumentation and control systems, thereby needs, you first must know the ISO 8573-1 class for your
reducing the risk of equipment failures and process application. As you can see below, the class requiring the
deviations. Additionally, proper maintenance and monitoring highest air quality is Class 0. In this case, there are no
of compressors contribute to minimizing fugitive emissions specified contamination levels and no specific pressure dew
and environmental impact, aligning with regulatory points, but they have to be below those of Class 1.
requirements and industry best practices. (Rachel Adams et
al, 2020). It should also be noted that some applications may call
for different air quality classes for the different contaminants.
D. Cost Implications and Operational Efficiency For example, the required air quality may be Class 1-2-2,
While the initial investment and operational costs which means it must meet Class 1 regarding solid particles
associated with instrument air compressors may seem and Class 2 with regard to oil and water. Refer to International
significant, our analysis reveals that these expenses are Organization for Standardization (ISO). (2010). ISBN: 978-
justified by the considerable benefits they offer in terms of 0-580-53715-3
operational efficiency and risk mitigation. The cost of
compressor downtime, maintenance, and repair far outweighs While the contamination levels for solid particles and oil
the expenses incurred in implementing preventive are self-explanatory, the one for water probably requires
maintenance programs and ensuring the reliability of these further clarification for non-experts. In this case, the air
critical assets. Moreover, efficient compressor operation quality is determined by the pressure dew point (PDP). The
leads to enhanced overall facility performance and lower the PDP, the less moisture is in your system and the
productivity, further justifying the investment in reliable better your ISO 8573-1 class. See table 2.
instrument air systems. (John Smith et al, 2021)

IJISRT24MAY524 2004

Volume 9, Issue 5, May – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

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compressors and implementing proactive strategies for their [11]. Patel, S., & Lee, M. (2020). Compressed Air Systems
management and maintenance, oil and gas companies can in Oil Refineries: Challenges and Solutions. Journal of
enhance operational resilience, mitigate risks, and uphold Petroleum Technology, 72(4), 65-78.
their commitment to safety and environmental stewardship. [12]. Paul J. Holdcroft, Tim Dugan, and Ray Hardee (2015).
Best Practices for Instrument Air System Optimization
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