People-centered Development
Management and Empowerment
Week/Day M-T-W-TH
National Service Training Program 2 (CWTS)
Community Empowerment
What is Empowerment?
Three Basic Empowerment Options (Thompson,
What does “empower” mean? Power means 1997)
control, authority, and dominion. The prefix “ em”
means “to put to” or “to cover with.” To empower, 1. Community people can be encouraged to
then is to pass an authority and responsibility to contribute ideas.
somebody. (Wellins et al., 1991).
Civic Welfare Training Service
2. Community people work in teams which What do you want from Volunteering? (Schwartz
share and manage their own work, within et al, 1997)
clearly defined policies and limits.
3. There can be more extensive You may not realize it, but you are going to get
decentralization where individuals are much something out of volunteering – new friends,
freer to change certain parameters and emotional satisfaction, new skills or something
strategies. Evaluating outcomes is an also important to you.
important control mechanism.
Here are eight of the things people frequently say
Building the Community We Want through they hope to get from volunteering.
Commitment by Volunteerism
1. A chance to “make a difference.”
What is Volunteerism? 2. A chance to use a skill or talent.
3. A chance to gain professional experience or
Volunteerism is the practice of providing time and contacts.
4. A way to express one’s religious faith.
skills for the benefit of other people and causes
5. A chance to meet people.
rather than for financial benefit.
6. A chance to develop personal growth and
Everyone knows that volunteering is a “good 7. A more balanced life.
thing to do.” Volunteers are people who are 8. A chance to “give something back.”
willing to take action to build the kind of
community they want to live. They are exactly III. Reflection and Respond/Action
what our society needs right now.
A. What issues do you want to work on?
Reflect on the answer sheet provided in Annex B.
Seven Tips for Youth Volunteers
Problems Resources to Group to Help
1. Choose a job that interests you.
Pick a volunteer job that you enjoy or
one where you can do something B. Answer the following questions provided in
important for yourself. Annex C.
2. Be realistic about your time.
It is a good idea to start with a small IV. Summative Assessment
commitment. TRUE OR FALSE:
3. Consider transportation. Instruction: Write TRUE if the statement is
4. Explore your options. True and provide the correct word if the
Find an organization that needs statement is False. Use Annex D. If possible,
volunteers in the community project. try answering without looking back to your
5. Call some organizations. module. Good luck!
Call up organizations that are interesting.
Tell them that you want to join as V. Feedback.
volunteer implementor.
Introduce yourself and express your Let me know what problems or difficulties you
interest in learning about volunteer encounter in this module. Use Feedback Form
opportunities. found at the annex booklet.
6. Check things out first.
You are not obligated to work in an “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is,
organization just because you called up. what are you doing for other?”
You should see the place first before you – Martin Luther King, Jr.
make a commitment.
7. Make a decision.