Karnataka State Heatwave Action Plan

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Karnataka State

Heat Wave
Ac on Plan - 2023-24

The annual mean global temperature will likely be at least 1° Celsius above pre-
industrial levels (1850-1900) in the coming five years (2020-2024). The change in the
climate is influencing globally and resulting in increasing weather aberration
instances. Heatwave is among the one which is increasing in terms of frequency and
severity. Heat waves worldwide have become more extreme and frequent due to
human-influenced climate change and global warming. Further, the frequency and
duration of heat waves have increased.

Heatwaves can lead to dangerous consequences, including heat stress and heat stroke
and can cause loss of human and animal lives. Thus, it is necessary for the concerned
authorities to take appropriate Preparedness and mitigation measures to minimize the
impact of the Heatwave on the population in vulnerable areas.

Karnataka state has always taken innovative and proactive steps towards Disaster
preparedness and mitigation measures. Continuing that tradition, the Karnataka
State Disaster Management Authority (KSDMA) has prepared Karnataka Heatwave
Action Plan 2023 as per the NDMA guidelines 2019 for the State. The action plan
intends to minimize the probable hardship faced by the community due to Heatwave
conditions in the State during the upcoming summer season.

I congratulate Dr. Manoj Rajan, Commissioner of KSDMA, for proactively developing

this comprehensive Heatwave Action Plan for the State. I urge all the concerned
Departments and Agencies to use this action plan to take necessary measures and
implement the Heatwave mitigation measures suggested therein. Also, I recommend
the departments conduct community outreach programs to create awareness amongst
the public about the dangers of the Heatwave and remedial measures to be taken at
the community level.

Sri R Ashoka
Hon’ble Revenue Minister
Government of Karnataka

Global climate change is inevitable. Climate Change reasons increase the mean
average surface temperature over a region. We are already witnessing extreme
weather events. Heat waves are projected to increase in number, intensity and
duration over most land areas in the 21st century. It is a period of abnormally high
temperatures, more than the normal maximum temperature. In the past few years,
India country as a whole experiencing the impact of heatwave conditions in terms of
an increase in the number of heat wave days and an increase in the number of States.

Over the past two decades, Karnataka to has witnessed an increasing trend in
temperature during March-June, particularly in the North Interior and Coastal
Karnataka districts. A heat wave is a combination of temperature and relative
humidity; the threshold for each individual varies. Hence, there is a need for mass
awareness of effective health interventions for the prevention of heat-related illnesses
and mortality. It is now widely recognized that many heat-related risks are
manageable through timely warnings about an impending event and adopting a
heatwave action plan.

In this context, the Karnataka State Disaster Management Authority (KSDMA) has
developed Heat Wave Action Plan 2023 for Karnataka. The action plan aims to
provide a framework for implementing heat response activities in a coordinated
manner and facilitate the stakeholders by providing insight into various aspects
related to heat risk reduction and coordination among various departments,
individuals and communities for mitigating the impacts of the heat wave. Mass public
awareness through electronic and print media has been accepted as the key to tackling
heat waves.

The efforts of Commissioner KSDMA and his team in bringing out the Heat Wave
Action Plan 2023 are appreciated. I am confident that the Action Plan will go a long
way in mitigating compounded risks from rising heat.

V. Rashmi Mahesh, IAS

Relief Commissioner cum Principal Secretary
to Govt, Revenue Department (Disaster

The Year 2022 was the sixth warmest year since global records began in 1880 at 0.89°C;
despite La Niña conditions keeping the global temperature low for the second
consecutive year, 2022 is still 6th warmest year on record. This value is 0.13°C less
than the record set in 2016, and it is only 0.02°C higher than the last year's (2021) value,
which now ranks seventh highest. The 10 warmest years in the 143-year record have
all occurred since 2010, with the last nine years (2014–2022) ranking as the nine
warmest years on record.
Over the past several years, there has been an increasing trend of heatwave conditions
in India, impacting many States, Districts, Cities and Towns. The World
Meteorological Organisation (WMO) issued a statement on global climate in 2018
asserting that global temperature would continue to increase due to climate change
and global warming. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) fifth
assessment report pointed out that, the number of warm days and nights had
increased globally between 1951 and 2010.
Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 has reiterated the need for
a more integrated approach to adaptation, sustainable development, environmental
management and DRR, and on the need to improve data on disaster losses by building
on, expanding, and strengthening existing national disaster loss databases and risk
analysis. Heat Vulnerability is linked to characteristics of individuals, buildings and
urban structures.

This Year's Heat Wave Action Plan 2023 has been prepared by the inclusion of
experiences in previous years. I am sure that District administration and field-level
functionaries will find the Heat Wave Action Plan 2023 beneficial and hope that the
nodal officers of the departments as well as the District administration, will take early
and required steps at the appropriate time in dealing with heat wave during the next
heat wave season from April to June to minimize the adverse impacts.

I acknowledge my thanks to Sri. Gavaskar, Sri. Aadarsh and the other team members
for their contributions in preparing the Heat Wave Action Plan-2023.

Dr. Manoj Rajan, IFS

Karnataka State Disaster Management Authority,
Government of Karnataka

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 1

CHAPTER 2: HEATWAVE VULNERABILITY ............................................................................. 7

2.1 Definition of Heatwave ............................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Vulnerability Assessment ........................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Declaring Heat Wave for the State........................................................................................... 17
2.4 Temperature / Humidity Index ................................................................................................ 18


3.1 Early Warnings & Information Dissemination: .................................................................... 23
3.2 Forecast and Issuance of Heat Alert or Heat warning .......................................................... 27
3.3 Temperature Forecast: Specific Range, Time duration, and area ...................................... 28

CHAPTER 4: HEATWAVE ACTION PLAN AND ITS APPROACH ..................................... 31

4.1 Rational for Heatwave Action Plan ......................................................................................... 31
4.2 The objective of Heat Wave Action Plan ................................................................................ 31
4.3 Action Plans ................................................................................................................................. 32
4.4 Key strategies: .............................................................................................................................. 34
4.5 Identification of Colour Signals for Heat Alert .................................................................... 34
4.6 Colour Code Signals for Heat Alert and Suggested Actions .............................................. 35


5.1 Prevention of Heat-Related Illness: ......................................................................................... 37
5.2 Hospital Preparedness Measures for Managing Heat-related Illness: ............................. 38
5.3 Acclimatisation: ........................................................................................................................... 39
5.4 Identification for Heat Wave related illness and recordings of causalities: .................... 39
5.5 Health Care Facilities wise Reporting in Integrated Health Information Platform
(IHIP) developed by NCDC .................................................................................................... 39
5.6 Need for data and analysis ...................................................................................................... 40
5.7 Prevention, Preparedness, and Mitigation Measures: ......................................................... 41
5.8 Cool Roofs in the Indian Context ............................................................................................ 44
6.1 STATE LEVEL .............................................................................................................................. 46
PREPAREDNESS DURING MARCH - 2023 ........................................................................ 48
6.3 DISTRICT LEVEL ....................................................................................................................... 49
6.4 DEPARTMENT LEVEL .............................................................................................................. 50

HEAT WAVE - DO’s and DON’Ts.................................................................................................. 62

ANNEXURE –I: Case Definitions: Range of Heat Illness …………………………………. 68

ANNEXURE – II: Heat illness Treatment Protocol ..................................................................... 70

ANNEXURE-III: IEC Materials ...................................................................................................... 72

Table 7: RESPONSIBILITY MATRIX ........................................................................................... 89

Table 8: INTER AGENCY COORDINATION ............................................................................ 91
Table 9: STRUCTURAL MEASURES ........................................................................................... 94
Table 10: INVESTING IN DRR...................................................................................................... 96
Table 11: CLIMATE CHANGE RISK MANAGEMENT ........................................................... 98

ANNEXURE- IV: Death reported due to Heat Wave (States report to NDMA)…………...116

ANNEXURE- V: Deaths Due To Heat-Related Illness – State………………………………118

ANNEXURE VI: Maximum recorded temperature for last five years (2017-2022) ............ 120

ANNEXURE VII: Abstract for number of the Districts, Talukas & Gram Panchayats
having 95th percentile of the maximum temperature of >43 deg C ....... 126

Air temperatures on Earth have been rising since the Industrial Revolution. While natural

variability plays some part, the preponderance of evidence indicates that human

activities particularly emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases are primarily

responsible for making our planet warmer. According to the temperature analysis led by

a scientist at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), the average global

temperature on Earth has increased by at least 1.1 °C since 1980. Most of the warming has

occurred since 1975, at a rate of roughly 0.15 °C to 0.20 °C per decade.

Fig 1: Annual Global Land and Ocean Temperature Anomalies Graph. (Source: NASA)

The Year 2022 was the sixth warmest year since global records began in 1880 at 0.89°C;

despite La Niña conditions keeping the global temperature low for the second

consecutive year, 2022 is still 6th warmest year on record. This value is 0.13°C less than

the record set in 2016 and it is only 0.02°C higher than the Year 2021 value, which now

ranks seventh highest. The 10 warmest years in the 143-year record have all occurred

since 2010, with the last nine years (2014–2022) ranking as the nine warmest years on

record. As per IMD, after 146 years, India has recorded the warmest February, with the

maximum temperature rising to 29.54 degrees Celsius across the country, which is the

highest since 1877. (Source IMD press conference dated 1st March 2023).

Asia had its second-warmest year on record at +1.80 °C. This value is 0.26 °C less than the

record year set in 2020. The Year 2022 marked the 35th consecutive year with

temperatures above average. Asia's 10 warmest years have occurred since 2007. Asia's

trend from 1910–2022 was +0.17 °C per decade.

The annual mean global temperature will likely be at least 1° Celsius above pre-industrial

levels (1850-1900) in the coming five years (2020-2024). The change in the climate is

influencing globally and resulting in increasing weather aberration instances, and

Heatwave is among the one which is increasing in frequency and severity. Heat waves

worldwide have become more extreme and frequent due to human-influenced climate

change and global warming. Further, the frequency and duration of heat waves have

increased. Since 2014, India has experienced 12 of its 15 warmest recorded years.

Heat Wave is also called a ― SILENT DISASTER as it develops slowly and kills &

injures humans and animals. The adverse impacts of Heat waves can be significantly

reduced by educating people on the dos and don'ts of Heat waves and developing a

culture of reporting health issues to medical facilities in time, ensuring timely diagnosis

and treatment.

Global climate change is inevitable. Climate Change reasons increase the mean

average surface temperature over a region. We are already witnessing extreme weather

events. Heat waves are projected to increase in number, intensity and duration over most

land areas in the 21st century. It is a period of abnormally high temperatures, more than

the normal maximum temperature, during the pre-monsoon (March to May) summer

season. Heat waves typically occur between March and May and, in some rare cases,

extend till June.

According to the India Meteorological Department (IMD), Climate research and

Services (CRS), Climate of India during 2022 stated that The annual mean land surface

air temperature averaged over India during 2022 was (+) 0.51 °C above the long-term

average (1981-2010 period). The Year 2022 was the fifth warmest Year for India on record

since nationwide records commenced in 1901. However, this is lower than the highest

warming observed over India in 2016 (anomaly of +0.71°C) and higher than the previous

year, 2021 (anomaly of +0.44°C). The five warmest years on record, in descending order,

were 2016 (+0.71°C), 2009(+0.55°C), 2017 (+0.541°C), 2010 (+0.539°C) and 2022 (+0.51°C).

It may be mentioned that 11 out of the 15 warmest years were during the recent fifteen

years (2008- 2022). The past decade (2012-2021/ 2013-2022) was also the warmest decade

on record, with the decadal averaged annual mean temperature anomaly (Actual-LPA)

of 0.37°C /0.41°C. The Country averaged annual mean temperature during 1901-2022

showed a significant increasing trend of 0.64°C /100 years (Fig 2), while a significant

increasing trend was observed in maximum temperature (1.0°C /100 years) and a

relatively lower increasing trend (0.28°C /100 years) in minimum temperature.

Fig 2: Annual mean land surface & air temperature anomalies averaged over India for the

period 1901- 2022

The anomalies were computed concerning the base period of 1981-2010. The dotted line

indicates the linear trend in the time series. The solid blue curve represents the sub-

decadal time scale variation smoothed with a binomial filter. (Source: IMD)

The Country averaged 2022 monthly mean temperatures and was above normal for the

ten months except for January and February (anomaly 0.09 °C, -0.16 °C respectively),

where it was normal. The All India mean temperature during the month of March with

an anomaly of +1.61 °C and April with an anomaly of +1.36 °C were second highest since

1901 and December with an anomaly of +1.00 °C was the highest in 1901. The maximum

temperature was the highest, and the minimum temperature was the third highest for

March since 1901. The maximum temperature was the third highest, and the minimum

temperature was the second highest for April since 1901. The maximum and minimum

temperatures were the second highest for December since 1901.

One of the Country's hottest and longest heat waves began recording weather reports.

The highest temperatures occurred in Churu, Rajasthan, reaching up to 50.8 °C, a near-

record high in India, missing the record of 51.0 °C was set in 2016 by a fraction of a degree.

In 2019, 32 days were classified as parts of the heat wave, making it the second longest


The heat wave coincides with extreme droughts and water shortages across the Country.

High temperatures and lack of preparation exacerbated the water crisis. Higher daily

peak temperatures of longer duration and more intense Heat waves are increasing

globally due to climate change. As stated in the State Level Climatic Monologue

prepared by IMD, as indicated in (Fig 3), State averaged summer mean maximum

temperatures have increased over Andaman and Nicobar, Andhra Pradesh, Goa,

Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Lakshadweep, Maharashtra, Mizoram,

Rajasthan, Sikkim & Tamil Nadu.

Fig 3: Mean Maximum Temperature trends for 1951-2010 for the Country

Karnataka has been subjected to various Natural Disasters Especially, Hydro-

Meteorological disasters, every year. Devastating weather phenomena like successive

Droughts, Floods, Fires, Landslides, hailstorms, Lightning, Heat waves, and strong

surface winds have been causing loss of life and property in the State. The State is highly

vulnerable to Heatwaves; out of 31 districts in the State, 15 are vulnerable to heatwaves

on a different scale. Climatological data indicates that North Interior Karnataka (NIK)

districts are prone to high-temperature days. Whereas other regions of the State, like

South Interior Karnataka (SIK), Coastal and Malnad regions, are less prone to high

temperatures when compared to North Interior Karnataka due to maritime air over these

regions. Still, on some occasions, high temperatures may also develop over these regions

in situ under favourable conditions. Considering the extent of vulnerable communities to

high temperatures and heat wave conditions, the Government of Karnataka has prepared

an action plan for Heat Waves based on guidelines framed by NDMA. The State

Government notified that Heat Wave is a state-specific natural disaster and proactively

conducts weather watch meetings under the chairmanship of the Additional Chief

Secretary and Development Commissioner of GoK, involving several line departments.

It has led to better-coordinated actions to deal with natural disasters like heat waves.

Karnataka State Natural Disaster Monitoring Centre (KSNDMC) is a unique monitoring

centre for collecting observational weather data at every 15 minutes intervals with its

densely located weather monitoring network across the State to take timely decisions by

the Government. The extensive ground weather observational network established by

KSNDMC plays a significant role in providing the observational meteorological data and

issuing timely weather-related warnings like heat-related bulletins and also forecast for

the next 3 days at Grampanchayath level and the next 5 days district level warnings from

IMD through different dissemination modes like Varunamitra help desk to the general

public, mainly farmers community and also disseminates through WhatsApp groups,

Social media, email & messages to the concern officials at District, Taluk, Hobli (sub-

block) & Grampanchayath level.

Based on the last 20 years (2002-22) max temperature data, estimated by KSNDMC, the

threshold values with the 95th percentile (a number that is greater than 95% of the

numbers in the given set) at the taluk level. When it reaches the threshold / critical

temperature value in °C, more focus is given to the taluks to minimize the heat-related



2.1 Definition of Heat wave

A heatwave is a condition of atmospheric temperature that leads to physiological stress,

which sometimes may cause death. The World Meteorological Organization defines

a Heatwave as five or more consecutive days w h e n the daily maximum

temperature exceeds the average maximum temperature by five degrees Celsius.

Different countries define Heat waves differently in the context of their local conditions.

In India, Heat wave conditions are considered if t h e maximum temperature reaches at

least 40 ℃ or more for plains, 37 ℃ or more for coastal areas and at least 30 ℃ or more

for hilly regions.

The following criteria are used to declare a Heatwave condition prevailing:

a) Based on Departure from Normal

 Heat Wave: Departure from normal is 4.5 ℃ to 6.4 ℃

 Severe Heat Wave: Departure from normal is >6.4 ℃

b) Based on Actual Maximum Temperature (for plains only)

 Heat Wave: When actual maximum temperature≥45 ℃

 Severe Heat Wave: When actual maximum temperature≥47 ℃

c) Criteria for describing Heat Waves for coastal stations

 When maximum temperature departure is 4.5°C or more from normal

Warm Night: It should be considered only when max. Temp. ≥ 40°C. It is defined based

on departures of minimum temperatures and is as follows:

 Warm Night: Departure from normal is 4.5°C to 6.4°C

 Very Warm Night: Departure from normal is >6.4°C or more

2.2 Vulnerability Assessment

Identifying the vulnerable population helps in designing appropriate strategies and

interventions at the community level. The physical vulnerability could be due to age,

pregnancy, chronic disease, type of housing, occupation etc. Each city or town should

assess using available resources and robust scientific methods. One of the methods could

be a case-control study in a community or a workplace to identify the most vulnerable

population and the risk factors of being vulnerable. The first phase would be a household

survey gathering information on socio-demographic data, medical conditions,

medication use, adaptive practices during summer, community strategies, and

challenges. A qualitative technique should be used to explore the opportunities,

challenges and innovations during summer. The list of the possible vulnerable

population can be but is not limited to pregnant lactating women, elder (>= 60 yrs),

children (<5 yrs), persons with disabilities (physical or mental), persons with chronic

diseases, persons suffering from immune-compromised diseases, and or persons with

debilitating conditions patients taking certain medications (anti-cholinergic).

The districts of North Interior Karnataka are prone to high temperatures for a longer

duration of a year (Fig 4). Coastal and South Interior Karnataka are less prone to heat

waves when compared to NIK due to the occurrence of maritime air over these regions.

Still, on some occasions, Heat waves may also develop over these regions in situ

under favourable conditions.

Last six years (2017-2022) district wise recorded maximum temperature in deg C provided in the

Table: 1

District-wise and year-wise recorded Maximum temperature details with location &

date for the last six years (2017-2022) are provided in Annexure: VII.

Fig 4: Heatwave-prone districts of Karnataka

Based on the last 20 years (2002-2022) temperature data, KSNDMC estimated the Taluk-

wise maximum temperature threshold values with t h e 95th percentile as per the

IMD recommendations (Fig 5). According to the threshold obtained using the above

method, more focus is given to the particular taluks to minimize the heat-related

impacts whenever it reaches the threshold / critical in ℃.

Fig 5: Taluk wise maximum temperature 95th percentile map of Karnataka
95th percentile:

Percentiles are used as an indicator of likely occurrence of particular event. Percentiles

are related to deciles and are expressed as a number out of 100 (similar to a percentage).

The percentile refers to the ranking of a particular value relative to all of the values for

that location. For example, if there are 100 years maximum temperatures for a location,

95th percentile (is a number/value that is greater than 95% of the numbers in a given set)

represents the only 5% of the years, Maximum Temperature values are crossed out of 100 years.

Maximum Temperature thresholds are fixed based on Percentiles method for monitoring

Heat Wave condition in the Karnataka State. For the last 20 years of Maximum

Temperatures data form 2002 to 2022 has been considered and calculated Maximum

Temperature thresholds for March, April and May months and presented in the Fig 6.1

to Fig. 6.3.

Month wise spatial observations are given below:

March: Percentile values of maximum temperature thresholds are ranging from 34° C to

44°C over the state. The maximum temperature thresholds varying from 38°C to 42°C

spreading across majority part of the area in state. Thresholds are ranging 42°C to 44°C

over the parts of Raichur and Yadgir districts. Whereas, the maximum temperature

thresholds are varying between 34°C to 38°C over the parts South Interior and Coastal

Karnataka regions.

April: Percentile values of maximum temperature thresholds are ranging from 34°C to

46°C over the state for April month. The maximum temperature thresholds are very high

for North-Eastern districts of North Interior Karnataka region with ranging from 42°C to

44°C. Remaining parts of the state is varying between 38°C to 42°C.

May: Percentile values of maximum temperature thresholds are ranging from 34°C to

46°C over the state for May month. The maximum temperature thresholds are very high

for North-Eastern districts of North Interior Karnataka region with ranging from 42°C to

46°C. Parts of North and South Interior Karnataka regions are varying between 38°C to

42°C. Whereas, the maximum temperature thresholds are varying between 36°C to 38°C

in the parts of Malnad and Coastal regions.

Fig.6.1 Taluk level 95th percentile maximum temperature map for March Month

Fig. 6.2 Taluk level 95th percentile maximum temperature map for April Month

Fig. 6.3 Taluk level 95th percentile maximum temperature map for May Month

District-wise maximum temperatures recorded during last six years (2017 – 2022)
Sl.No. District 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

1 Bagalkote 45.3 42.9 44.5 42.6 40.2 43

2 Ballari 45.3 44.7 44.7 42.8 40.7 44.1

3 Belagavi 43.3 41.6 43.7 42 41.3 41.9

4 Bengaluru Rural 39.1 38.3 38.7 38.7 38.6 39.3

5 Bengaluru Urban 39.6 38.1 39.9 38.9 38.9 39.7

6 Bidar 44.1 44.4 45.2 45.8 42.2 45.6

7 Chamarajanagara 40.9 39.6 41.7 40.4 40.1 38.1

8 Chikkaballapura 40 40.4 41.5 40.6 40.7 39.1

9 Chikkamagaluru 39.8 39.5 40.9 40.9 39.6 39.9

10 Chitradurga 42.9 42.5 42.7 41.9 40.2 40.9

11 Dakshina Kannada 39.8 40.9 42.8 42 40.7 39

12 Davanagere 42.5 43.1 43 41.5 40.7 40.8

13 Dharwad 42.1 41.8 43.9 41.9 43.2 43.4

14 Gadag 42.8 41.4 42.9 42.5 41.5 43.4

15 Hassan 39.9 39.6 40.8 40.1 38.9 39.2

16 Haveri 42.9 40.9 42.7 40.5 42.2 41.7

17 Kalaburagi 45.1 45.3 46.6 46 42.5 44.4

18 Kodagu 39.4 38.2 39.8 40.7 39.3 36.9

19 Kolar 40.6 40.3 40.8 41.5 39.9 40

20 Koppala 41.8 43 44.8 43.5 41.9 42.4

21 Mandya 41.6 39.8 40.5 39.7 39.9 39.6

22 Mysuru 40.9 39.2 40.9 40.2 39.8 39.6

23 Raichur 43.6 43.7 44.9 45.2 42.6 44.8

24 Ramanagara 42.8 41.8 42.6 41.5 39.6 39.7

25 Shivamogga 40.9 40.1 42.1 41 40.6 39.7

26 Tumakuru 42.7 41.5 42.1 41.3 40.7 41.4

27 Udupi 39.1 39.5 40.1 40.2 38.9 38

28 Uttara Kannada 42.3 41.9 44 40.1 41.4 40.2

29 Vijayapura 44 43.8 45.2 45.3 42.7 44.9

30 Yadgir 45.3 45 45.8 45.1 43.7 44

Table 1: Year-wise and District wise maximum temperature recorded over the State during 2017-2022

North interior districts of Karnataka state are prone to heatwave-like conditions. Past 6

years (Fig 6), district-wise maximum temperature observations indicate that extreme

north districts adjacent to Telangana and Maharashtra States experienced high

temperatures during the peak summer season. However, it was observed that, during the

years 2020, 2021 and 2022; the observed max temperatures were comparatively less than

the 2019 max temperatures recorded over the State.

Fig 7: Last six years (2017-2022) district-wise maximum temperature recorded maps
2.3 Declaring Heat Wave for the State

To declare a Heatwave, the above criteria should be met for at least two stations in a

Meteorological sub-division for at least two consecutive days. A Heatwave will be

declared on the second day.

The annual All-India daily maximum and minimum temperatures heat wave in India

typically occurs between March and June (Fig 7). The annual Cycle of Minimum and

maximum temperature in India is as follows:

Fig 8: Maximum Temperature typical pattern in India

Karnataka reported less mortality due to Heat waves during the same period. Still, the

North Interior of Karnataka remains vulnerable to Heat waves as many of these are

bordering districts of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh (Rayalaseema). As recorded

through the KSNDMC weather monitoring network, most parts of the North Interior

Karnataka (NIK) have recorded hot weather conditions.

Based on the experiences, KSNDMC identified the districts likely to be affected by

heatwave conditions over the State, and the map is given.

Typically, NIK (as shown in the Fig: 4) remains dry from March to June. Several districts

of this region have recorded temperatures above normal by 3℃ to 5℃. In general, many

districts increase maximum temperatures observed above normal by 2-4℃ from March

to June.

During the summer, the high temperatures of the past 5 years in neighbouring States of

Andhra Pradesh and Telangana (then undivided Andhra Pradesh) unprecedentedly

high day and night-time temperatures resulted in 2776 deaths (Source: THE HINDU

newspaper dated on 19th Dec, 2022).

2.4 Temperature / Humidity Index

The level of heat discomfort is determined by a combination of meteorological (temp, RH,

Wind, direct sunshine), social/ cultural (clothing, occupation, accommodation) and

physiological (health, fitness, age, level of acclimatization) factors. There will be no

harm to the human body if the environmental temperature remains at 37 ℃. Whenever

the environmental temperature increases above 37℃, the human body starts gaining

heat from the atmosphere. If humidity is high, a person can suffer heat stress disorders

even with the temperature at 37℃ or 38℃ as high humidity does not permit the loss of

heat from the human body through perspiration. Heat Index values are used in some

countries to calculate the effect of humidity. The Heat Index measures how hot it feels

when relative humidity is factored in with the actual air temperature. The Heat Index

chart used by the National Weather Service of the USA below shows that if the air

temperature is 34 ℃ and the relative humidity is 75 per cent, the heat index – how hot it

feels – is 49 ℃. The same effect is reached at just 31 ℃ when the relative humidity is 100

per cent.

The chart provided in Table 2 is developed for the prevailing heatwave conditions and

the acclimatization of people in colder countries; however, it does not directly apply to

India. The US National Weather Service states that the Heat Index calculation using

this chart may produce meaningless results for temperatures and relative humidity

outside of the range depicted in the chart. As temperature and humidity outside the range

of this chart are not uncommon in many parts of India, they cannot be directly used. The

notion of looking at temperature and humidity in combination is good; however, to

develop a usable matrix in the Indian context, more research needs to be done.

However, the temperature is not the sole criterion for Heat waves; relative humidity and

other meteorological factors determine Heatwave conditions. Threshold values of

temperature and relative humidity are to be determined for each district of Karnataka to

take a specific action plan, especially the humid region comprising coastal districts of the

State - Uttara Kannada, Udupi & Dakshina Kannada are more prone to heat index-related



Temperature (˚C)
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
40 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 37 39 41 43 46 48 51 54 57
45 27 28 29 30 32 33 35 37 39 41 43 46 49 51 55 57
50 27 28 30 31 33 35 36 38 41 43 46 49 52 55 58
55 28 29 30 32 34 36 38 40 43 46 48 52 54 58
60 28 29 31 33 35 37 40 42 45 48 51 55 59
65 28 30 32 34 36 39 41 44 48 51 55 59
70 29 31 33 35 38 40 43 47 50 54 58
75 29 31 34 36 39 42 46 49 53 58
80 30 32 35 38 41 44 48 52 57
85 30 33 36 39 43 47 51 55
90 31 34 37 41 45 49 54
95 31 35 38 42 47 51 57
100 32 36 40 44 49 56
Caution Extreme Caution Danger Extreme Danger
Source: Calculated °F to °C from NOAA's National Weather Service
Table 2: Temperature and Relative Humidity Heat Wave Index


Karnataka State Natural Disaster Monitoring Centre (KSNDMC) has taken up pioneering

and path-breaking initiatives towards monitoring natural disasters and risk reduction.

KSNDMC has established a network of GPRS-enabled and solar-powered Telemetric

Weather Stations at all the 850 Hoblis (sub- Tehsil: 250 sq. km each) and 176 Micro-

Watersheds in the State (Fig: 6). The weather data comprising temperature (⁰C), Relative

Humidity (%), Wind Speed (m/s), Wind Direction (Degrees), Rainfall amount (mm) and

intensity (mm/hr) data has been collected at every 15 minutes through these weather

monitoring stations.

The density of the weather monitoring stations network is the highest and first in the

Country. Also, the temporal resolution of the data collected (96 data points a day/station)

through this network of stations is a need of the hour for the researchers to develop

simulations and related advisories. The monitoring network can capture the highly

uneven distribution of rainfall and weather parameters in terms of space and time; in

turn, it helps the decision-makers make a timely decision at the micro level.

The Centre has established a state-of-the-art facility to collect data at a very high spatial

and temporal resolution, data analysis, information and advisory generation and

dissemination to the Stakeholders in a near-real-time. Necessary computer/web

applications have been developed to collect, store, analyze and transmit reliable,

accurate and seamless data with the least manual intervention. As a result, the time

interval between data collection and decision-making is almost near-real-time. Based on

the near real-time data collected, the Centre identifies and maps the vulnerable hazard

areas, prepares reports with advisories and disseminates them to stakeholders.

Fig 9: Telemetric Weather Stations network across the State

High Spatial and Temporal resolution data thus collected from the ground on various parameters

are being converted into information. Subsequently, in conjunction with the weather forecast, the

meteorological information is used to generate customized weather Advisories and disseminated

to the users. Providing early warnings about possible extreme weather condition, Weather

forecast at high spatial and temporal resolution helps the end-users to plan and implement

appropriate measures to minimise the adverse impact of extreme weather condition.

KSNDMC issues Temperature bulletins during peak summer days each time maximum

temperatures distributions are high in the State and maps are also generated based on the

recorded through the Telemetric weather Stations (TWS) network installed at every

Hobli level (Sub-block). This network provides every 15 minutes interval temperature

data with an approximate 25 sq. km grid distributed all across State. The experimental

temperature forecast for the next three days at gram panchayat level by Space Application

Centre (SAC) – ISRO and IMD 5 days district level temperature forecasts issues through social


Maximum Temperature distribution (Fig: 10) for past 24 hours (from 0830 hrs IST of 20th April

to 0830 hrs IST of 21st April 2022 over the State.

Fig 10: Spatial distribution of observed maximum temperature map as on 21st April, 2022

3.1 Early Warnings & Information Dissemination:

Information Dissemination plays an essential role in disaster risk reduction. KSNDMC

has employed various Dissemination systems to send Disaster-related information

through Alerts, Advisories and Early Warnings to all Government Executives &

Communities in Real-time.

KSNDMC has developed a unique integrated public alert and warning system called

Disaster Early Warning System (DEWS) to disseminate early warnings to the potentially

vulnerable panchayats effectively. DEWS will provide rapid, reliable and effective

communication to the public in case of major emergencies such as natural disasters like

Floods, Heavy releases from upper catchment reservoirs/ Dams, Hailstorms,

Earthquakes, Heavy rains, Lightning & Thunderstorms and Heat waves. This DEWS

equipped potentially identified vulnerable panchayats with integrated announcement

systems. This system has features like text-to-speech, recording service, automated

message service, scheduled broadcast of messages & group broadcasting. These pre-

defined features will be issued during pre & post-disaster events whenever crossing the

limits of defined threshold values.

The warning messages will be broadcasted to outdoor receivers with the Public address

system automatically using the DEWS system at that particular Gram Panchayath office

before any disaster occurs, with the help of the existing highly dense weather

observational network and forecast mechanism in the State. A dedicated team of

operators and technical officers monitors regularly. It follows the specified criteria for

each disaster and issues alerts/ early warnings accordingly to the likely affected

community/area in advance to effectively minimize the loss of life and property in the


The warnings and weather advisories will also be disseminated to the public in regional

language through 24 x 7 Interactive Help Desk “VARUNA MITRA” operational at

KSNDMC. The database, customized to every Grampanchayath, of about 28 lakh farmers

/ general public available at KSNDMC will also be used for disseminating the disaster

related information along with weather advisories.

CAP Platform:

National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), under Ministry of Home Affairs

(MHA) has implemented Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Integrated Alert System for

geo targeted dissemination of disaster alerts through various media. Centre for

Development of Telematics (C-DOT) is the technical executor of this Project. Under this

project, the Cell Broadcast (CB) technology also explored and geo-targeted alerts can be

delivered to citizens in a short span of time and in case of severe heat wave conditions CB

can be used for dissemination of alerts clarified by NDMA.

Implementation of CAP platform

The platform will facilitate to Alert Authorizing Agencies (AAA’s) , the Alert Generating

Agencies (AGA’s) and the Alert Dissemination Agencies (ADA’s) to give flexible geo-

targeted alert dissemination in English or in vernacular language over one or multiple

media to the targeted public, based upon Alert Category (i.e., severity type, vulnerable

areas and lead time). CAP based Integrated Alert System has developed Standard

Operating Procedures (SOP’s) to AGA’s and general guidelines to all project

implementing agencies & AAA’s by NDMA and C-DOT.

CAP platform enables near – real time dissemination of early warnings through multiple

means of technology including SMS, Cell Broadcast, Radio, TV, Siren, Social Media, Web

Portals and Mobile Applications using geo-intelligence. This one-stop solution is a

concrete step towards realizing Hon’ble Prime Minister’s 10 point Agenda for Disaster

Risk Reduction.

Flow chart of CAP Integrated Alert System to AGA’s, AAA’s & ADA’s

Fig 11: Different modes of dissemination of Information

Links for Information Education and Communication (IEC) Materials

1. YouTube playlist (English)


2. YouTube playlist (Hindi)


3. https://ndma.gov.in/index.php/Resources/sign_videos/Early-warning-Heatwave

4. https://ndma.gov.in/Resources/sign_videos/heat-wave-preparedness

5. https://ndma.gov.in/Resources/awareness/heatwave

6. https://ndma.gov.in/Natural-Hazards/Heat-Wave/Dos-Donts

3.2 Forecast and Issuance of Heat Alert or Heat warning

India Meteorological Department (IMD), Ministry of Earth Sciences, is the nodal agency

for providing current and forecast weather information, including warnings for all

weather-related hazards for optimum operation of weather-sensitive activities. It warns

against severe weather phenomena like tropical cyclones, squally winds, heavy

rainfall/snow, thunder-squall, hailstorm, dust storms, Heat waves, warm nights, fog, cold

waves, cold nights, ground frost, etc. It also provides real-time data and weather

prediction of maximum temperature, Heatwave warnings, extreme temperature, and

heat alerts for vulnerable cities/rural areas.

A new system of exclusively heat-related warnings has been introduced with effect from

03 April 2017 by IMD. These warnings, valid for the next four days, are issued around

1600 hours IST daily and are provided to all concerned authorities (Departments of

health, disaster management, Indian Red Cross and Indian Medical Association, NDMA

etc.) for taking suitable action at their end. A bulletin in extended range with the outlook

for the next two weeks (for all hazards, including Heat waves) is issued every Thursday

(available at http://imd.gov.in/pages/extended.php ).

In addition to the above, Climate Forecast System based forecasts maps of daily

maximum temperatures and their departures from normal for the next 21 days(issued

every Thursday) are also available on the IMD website;

(http://nwp.imd.gov.in/cfs_all.php?param=tmax &

http://nwp.imd.gov.in/cfs_all.php?param=tmaxa respectively).

In 2016, IMD introduced a system of issuing seasonal temperature outlooks for the next

three months; for 2023, the seasonal outlook for the temperatures valid for March to May

2023 was issued on 01 March 2023. These seasonal outlooks are issued as a press release

on the IMD website and through electronics and print media. These are also provided to

all concerned Chief Secretaries, Disaster Managers, and the health sector through the

India Medical Association (IMA).

3.3 Temperature Forecast: Specific Range, Time duration and area

IMD issues forecasts and warnings for all weather-related hazards in the short to medium range

(valid for the next five days) every day as a part of its multi-hazard early warning system. These

warnings updated four times a day, are available at


The operational system of weather forecasts and warnings is summarised in the chart below:

Now Casting: Short to medium range: Extended Range: Seasonal Range:

(Lead time/validity (Lead time/validity of 1 to (Lead time/validity up (Lead time/validity
Of 3 to 6 hours) 5 days) to 3 weeks) up to 3 months)

According to IMD seasonal Outlook for maximum and minimum temperatures during March to

May (MAM), 2023 issued on 01st March, 2023 Indicates for Karnataka State; the seasonal max &

min temperatures are likely to be normal to below normal probabilities over North & South

Interior Karnataka districts; Whereas, Coastal Karnataka districts are likely to have normal to

above normal probabilities.

Heat Wave outlook for March to May season 2023 issued based on Multi Model Ensemble

Forecasting System by IMD indicates; Majority of the North Interior Karnataka Districts are likely

to have 20-30 % probability of Heat Wave during March-May; Whereas, probability of occurrence

of the heat wave in the rest of the State is less likely.

Fig 12: Probability of Heat Wave Occurrence during March to May – 2023. (Source: IMD)

The experimental based temperature forecast for the next three days with 12 hrs interval at

gram panchayat level generated by Space Application Centre (SAC) – ISRO in collaboration with

KSNDMC is available on daily basis and the dynamic spatial maps will be prepared through

automated applications developed at KSNDMC and maps are available in KSNDMC daily

reports and website for public usage and also to all the concerned line departments as shown in

the below Fig. 13.

Fig 13: Temperature forecast map at Gram panchayat level for next three days with 12 hours

interval as on 21st April, 2022


4.1 Rational for Heat wave Action Plan

Many States are affected during the Heat wave season, such as Andhra Pradesh, Telangana,

Odisha, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra,

Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Haryana, Punjab and Delhi. The actual

numbers of deaths resulting from Heat waves are higher than the reported numbers. Mostly the

deaths in rural areas due to Heat wave are often not reported. The booming service sector with a

large number of vegetable vendors, auto repair mechanics, cab drivers, construction workers,

roadside kiosk operators etc., is particularly vulnerable to the Heat wave conditions. Though the

richer sections of India can cope with higher temperatures by investing in air conditioners and

coolers, the poorer population remains vulnerable to the higher temperatures. These Heat wave

related deaths can be prevented with an evidence-based plan, effective implementation and

frequent updating in line with recent scientific development.

Hence, a State-level strategy and plan to combat Heat wave should be developed. Comprehensive

heat preparedness and response require government authorities, non-governmental

organisations, and civil society involvement.

4.2 The objective of Heat Wave Action Plan

The Heat Wave Action plan aims to provide a framework for developing plans for

implementation, inter-agency coordination and impact evaluation of Heat wave response

activities in cities town that reduce the negative impact of extreme heat. The plan's primary

objective is to alert those at high risk of heat-related illness in places where extreme heat

conditions exist or are imminent and take appropriate precautions. The plan also calls for

preparedness measures to protect livestock/animals as extreme heat causes significant stress to

them as well. The Heat wave action plan intends to mobilise departments and communities to

help protect communities, neighbours, friends, relatives, and themselves against avoidable health

problems during spells of very hot weather. The plan also intends to help early warning agencies

and the media be proactive on steps taken to negate Heat wave impacts. The

administrative/preventive actions that need to be taken by multiple agencies

ministries/departments are enumerated in the Roles and responsibilities Table: 12. All

districts/cities/towns can learn from their others' experiences and develop a plan to deal with

Heat waves effectively.

4.3 Action Plans

Recurring /regular activities

a) Putting up display boards for colour coded Heat wave alerts and Do's and Don'ts in public

places such as parks, hospitals, etc.

b) Multiple medium of communication (in Kannada) like TV, Radio and Newspaper for


c) Identify and reduce awareness gap by disseminating information using pamphlets,

hoardings, LED displays on advertisement boards.

d) Change in timings of schools, colleges, offices, markets, etc.


a) Installing temporary kiosks for shelter, and distribution of water, medicines, etc.

b) Developing mobile applications for spreading awareness on heat-related issues and locating

shelters, drinking water kiosks, etc.

c) Issuing advisories for tourists.

d) Setting up special cool shelters for "Wage Employment programmes such as Mahatma

Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MNREGA).

e) Providing shade and drinking water for on-duty traffic personnel.

Medium Term:

a) LED Display boards installed at District Headquarters displaying the real-time weather data

pertaining to Rainfall, Temperature, Humidity and Wind Speed should be incorporated into

precautionary measures for Disaster Management.

b) Involving Forest department to collate local coping and adaptation strategies indigenous

technologies such as vernacular building materials and construction of green building.

Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) etc. related to Heat wave risk mitigation.

c) New heat wave criteria must be evolved based on gridded data with maximum and minimum

temperature to develop a scientific model to determine all-cause mortality.

d) Zonal/regional HAP for megacities like Bengaluru, Mysuru & Mangaluru etc., should be

developed for its effective implementation.

e) Identify "heat hot-spots" in State through appropriate tracking and modelling of

meteorological data. Promote the timely development and implementation of local Heat

Action Plans with strategic inter-agency coordination and a response targeting the most

vulnerable groups.

Long Term:

a) Focused capacity building- Heat wave mitigation management should be added in school

curriculum to sensitise school children and local people. Training programmes in local level/

community level for awareness among people.

b) Integrate climate variability mitigation and adaptation efforts in HAP.

c) Yearly improvisation of Heat wave plan through response and feedback data collection.

d) Operational forecast of maximum temperature over State in short, medium and extended

range timescale is very useful in giving Heat Wave outlook.

e) Up-gradation of forecast system & associated equipments to provide Heat wave alerts

minimum of 2 to 3 weeks prior to the event.

f) Health-harming air pollution apportionment studies, emission inventories and health impact

assessments of ambient and household air pollution through District wise Clean Air Action

Plans and use these findings to inform policies targeted at reducing the main sources of

pollution via an inter-ministerial approach.

g) Evaluation of cascading effects of Heat waves over flood, drought and hydrological models.

h) Involvement of academia along with collaboration and more participation from higher

educational institutes may be developed. The centres for excellence and dedicated research

centres may have a pivotal role to play.

4.4 Key strategies:

Severe and extended heat waves can cause disruption to general, social and economic services.

Government agencies will have a critical role to play in preparing and responding to heat waves

at the local level, working closely with health and other related departments on a long-term

strategic plan.

a) Ensure preparedness and convergence between departments and other stakeholders.

b) Establish Early Warning System and communication systems

c) Developing inter-agency response plan and coordination in field

d) Preparedness at the local level for health eventualities

e) Health care system capacity building

f) Public awareness and community outreach

g) Collaboration with private, non-government and civil society

h) Assessing the impact - feedback for reviewing and updating the plan

4.5 Identification of Colour Signals for Heat Alert

IMD Currently follows a single system of issuing warnings for the entire Country through a

colour-coded system as given below. This system advises on the severity of an expected heat

hazard. However, threshold assessments carried out in different parts of the Country tell us that

different cut-off points determine the warning signals appropriate for a specific state/region.

Therefore, the States, districts and cities should carry out their respective threshold assessments

for mortality and provide the information to IMD so that it can provide specific warning alerts to

those States.

Red Alert (Severe Extreme Heat Alert for Normal Maximum Temperature
Condition) the Day increase 6º C to more

Orange Alert (Moderate Normal Maximum Temperature

Heat Alert Day
Condition) increase 4º C - 5º C

Yellow Alert (Heat-wave Nearby Normal Maximum

Hot Day
Warning) Temperature
Below Normal Maximum
Green (Normal) Normal Day
Table 3: Alert Criteria for Heat Wave

4.6 Colour Code Signals for Heat Alert and Suggested Actions

Colour Code Alert Warning Impact Suggested Actions

(No action)




No cautionary Normal activity

are near

Heat is tolerable
for general
public but
Heat wave
moderate health
(Be updated)
Yellow Alert

conditions at (a) Avoid heat exposure.

Heat Alert

concern for
isolated (b) Wear lightweight, light-coloured,
pockets loose, cotton clothes.
people e.g.,
persists for 2 (c) Cover your head
infants, elderly,
people with
chronic diseases

Colour Code Alert Warning Impact Suggested Actions

(i)Severe High (a) Avoid heat exposure- keep cool.

heat wave temperature. Avoid dehydration.
conditions Increased (b) Wear lightweight, light-coloured,
persist for 2 likelihood of heat loose, cotton clothes.
days. illness symptoms (c) Cover your head.
(ii) though in people who (d) Drink water frequently, even if not
not severe, are either thirsty.
but heat exposed to sun (e) Use ORS, homemade drinks like
wave for a prolonged lassi, torani (rice water), lemon
Heat Alert for the day

persists for 4 period or doing water/juice, buttermilk, etc., to keep

days or more heavy work. yourself hydrated.
(Be prepared)
Orange Alert

High health (f) Avoid alcohol, tea, coffee and


concern for carbonated soft drinks, which

vulnerable dehydrates the body.
people e.g., (g) Take bath in cold water frequently.
infants, elderly,
people with In case of SUNSTROKE: The main
chronic diseases thing is to bring down the body
temperature. Lay the person in a cool,
place, under a shade. Wipe her/him
with a wet cloth/wash the body
frequently. Pour normal temperature
water on the head. Consult a Doctor

(i)Severe Very high Along with suggested action for

heat wave likelihood of Orange Alert, Extreme care needed for
Extreme Heat Alert for the day

persists for developing heat vulnerable people.

more than 2 illness and heat
days. (ii) stroke in all ages.
(Take Action)
Red Alert

number of
heat wave
exceeding 6

Table 4: Colour code signs for Heat Wave and suggested Actions


5.1 Prevention of Heat-Related Illness:

Heat waves characterised by long duration and high intensity have the highest impact on

morbidity and mortality. An increase in humidity may exacerbate the impact of extreme summer

heat on human health. There is growing evidence that the effect of Heat wave on mortality is

greater on days with high levels of ozone and fine particulate matter. Global climate change is

projected to further increase Heat waves' frequency, intensity, and duration and attributable

death (WHO). Heat-related illness is avoidable. It can be best prevented if the vulnerable

populations/communities are made aware of prevention tips, basic Do's and Don'ts through

effective use of various media.

Preventive and mitigation measures to be taken during Heat wave as follows:

a) Rescheduling schools and office timings in vulnerable districts (North Karnataka) to avoid

peak heat periods during summer.

b) Flexi work time for workers under MGNREGA to avoid peak heat.

c) Productivity discount (reduced target/workload but paid full wages) during summer to

prevent fatigue and exertion.

d) Mass awareness on hydration and drinking water in strategic locations to be made

available. ORS will be adequately stocked.

e) Building Public Awareness about Heat waves, dos and don'ts and management through

innovative (Information Education Communication) IEC activities focusing mainly on

vulnerable communities. Community Outreach program at ward level and Panchayat


f) Do not leave kids unsupervised in parked cars. Vehicles can rapidly heat up to dangerous


g) Give them plenty of fluids to drink and check on child for concentrated (dark – coloured)

urine, which can indicate dehydration.

h) Listen to radio; watch TV; read newspaper for local weather news.

5.2 Hospital Preparedness Measures for Managing Heat-related Illness:

Paramedics and front line workers to be trained at Hospitals in all Districts/ BBMP should

ensure that the following measures are in place:

a) A detailed action plan to tackle heat-related illness well in advance of hotter months.

b) Operational framework- preparing specific health adaption plan, development of

guidelines and response plan in the line of State Action Plan.

c) Need for updating heat health action plan, and issuing advisories for hospital

preparedness, surveillance and weekly monitoring, including capacity building.

d) Promoting strategic media coverage of climate and health linkages at the State level in

Kannada language to increase support for climate mitigation and adaptation responses.

e) Long-term measures such as adopting cool roofs, improving green/forest coverage and

analysing health impacts in urban planning.

f) Paramedics and front line workers to be trained according to the Standard Operating

procedures to tackle all levels of heat-related illness. Capacity-building measures for

doctors, nurses and other staff should be undertaken.

g) Cases with suspected heatstroke should be rapidly assessed using standard Treatment


h) Identify surge capacities and mark the beds dedicated to treat heatstroke victims and

enhance emergency department preparedness to handle more patients.

i) Identify RRT (Rapid Response Teams) to respond to any emergency call outside the


j) Ensure adequate arrangements of Staff, Beds, IV fluids, ORS, essential medicines and

equipment to cater to management of volume depletion and electrolyte imbalance.

k) May try to establish outreach clinics at various locations easily accessible to the vulnerable

population to reduce the number of cases affected. Health Centres must undertake

awareness campaigns for neighbourhood communities using different means of

information dissemination.

l) Primary health centres must refer the patients to the higher facility only after ensuring

adequate stabilisation and basic definitive care (cooling and hydration).

m) Hospitals must ensure proper networking with nearby facilities and medical centres to

share the patient load which exceeds their surge capacities.

n) All cases of heat-related illness (suspected or confirmed) should be reported to IDSP

(Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme) unit of the district.

5.3 Acclimatisation:

Those who come from a cooler climate to a hotter climate, especially during the Heat wave season,

are at risk. They should be advised not to move out in the open for a period of one week. This

helps the body get acclimatised to heat. They should also be advised to drink plenty of water.

Acclimatisation is achieved by gradual exposure to the hot environment during a Heat wave


5.4 Identification for Heat Wave related illness and recordings of causalities:

It is important to undertake an objective identification of Heat wave illnesses and systematically

record casualties resulting from Heat wave. Districts may form committees at the district level

with members not below the rank of Assistant Civil Surgeon. Tahsildar, and Inspector of Police

to enquire into the deaths due to heat strokes/ Heat waves for correct reporting. In order to do so,

the following four factors need to be taken into account.

• Recorded maximum temperature during the particular time period and place.

• Recording incidents, Panchanama or others witness, evidence or verbal -autopsy.

• Post-mortem/medical check-up report with causes.

• Local authority or Local body enquiry/verification report.

• Cases of heat exhaustion and heatstroke should be reported.

5.5 Health Care Facilities wise Reporting in Integrated Health Information Platform (IHIP)

developed by NCDC

Reporting of heat wave related illness and causalities are the key to drawn causal relationship

between heat wave and health impacts. The verifiable data on heat wave illness will enable future
research on approaches to deal with Heat wave. National Center for Disease Control has

developed Integrated Health Information Platform (IHIP https://ihip.nhp.gov.in/idsp/#!/login)

for reporting on health related illness, logins for which is available with Health Department. All

Health Facilities to be on boarded to IHIP platform for reporting. DHO will ensure compliance

to the same and shall provide weekly consolidated report for the district.

5.6 Need for data and analysis

As Heat wave is a notified as a State-specific disaster in Karnataka. In order to prepare

for and take those necessary mitigate actions against Heat wave, we need data on age

group, sex and occupation of those who die of Heat wave. We also need to collect data

on whether the deaths occurred indoors or outdoors. Similarly, data on the economic

status of the people who died needs to be collected. A format for collecting this data is

provided at Annexure V & VI, which the SDMAs and DDMAs will use.

Data from various domains are very much needed to have a sound evidence-based

policy. Its proper stratification valid and reliable data is needed for mortality and

morbidity-the health outcomes directly and indirectly related to heat. Most recent work

exploring the effects of ambient temperature on human health has not considered the

direct heat-related health events such as heat strokes, heat exhaustion, and fatigue.

However, counter-intuitive it might seem, these direct health outcomes are often not

preferred by the research community. This is because their definitions are not always

standardised, and the application of these definitions often may not be clinically feasible.

Moreover, these direct heat outcomes are often biased by other factors in the affected

area, thus compromising their validity. Instead, the research community has frequently

examined the effects of heat on general health indicators that include all-cause mortality,

disease-specific mortality and morbidity - cardiovascular and respiratory events being

prominent among them, visits to emergency departments of health facilities, demand for

ambulance services and others - which might be causally associated to soaring

temperatures. Hence, the availability of such data from vital registration system of local

and district bodies, various tiers of health facilities and health departments are essential

to carry out meaningful analysis of heat-related health events.

Reliable meteorological data, which constitute the exposure variables, are also necessary

for robust evidence generation in the field- this includes data regarding various

dimensions of ambient atmospheric temperature, relative humidity, rainfall and wind

flow. Standardised atmospheric pollution data are often used to control their variations

in these health prediction models, which can refine the dependency estimates of health

outcomes on atmospheric heat.

Mortality data must be acquired from the registrar of Birth/Deaths at different levels. The

determination of threshold values and characterising the temperature-mortality

relationship and vulnerability assessment. It will help in preparation of heat action plan.

All these data are needed in a time-series format - collected at the same time intervals, at

the same locations and for a considerable period of time, so that studies can identify even

the smaller but critical effects of heat on the affected population can be based on statistical

data. Along with strengthening the vital registration systems, a proper data sharing

strategy among all stakeholders should be developed. Each death should be registered at

the respective municipality and/or block and the concerned medical officers should

provide a medical certificate for the same. The format given at the end of this chapter has

been adopted from the Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of

Odisha, can be used for collecting data on Heat wave related deaths.

5.7 Prevention, Preparedness and Mitigation Measures:

Built Environment

According to experts, urban areas have a significant role intending to climate change.

They point out that construction of roads, buildings, and other structures replace the

naturally vegetated landscape within urban areas, leading to changes within the

microclimate. As a result, various urban and pre-urban or rural landscapes observe

different temperatures, which leads to the development of Urban Heat Island (UHI)

phenomenon. The impact of Heat wave and UHI altogether affects human health, energy

consumption and the environment. Local warming from the UHI intensifies the

discomfort of urban residents and increases their vulnerability to heat stress. Urban areas

experience different UHI intensities due to different physical and built characteristic

properties. Building material, building height and density, population density, and

percentage of green cover are a few of the factors that affect the magnitude of UHIs

between different cities.

Examining the local cause of the disproportionate increase in temperature assists in

identifying vulnerable hot spots for developing various mitigation measures. Each city

should assess its built environment and identify major factors contributing/controlling

the UHI magnitude. The assessment could be carried out and evaluated from local or

regional research groups or institutions. Based on the assessment results, critical urban

areas should be mapped and assigned priority of action accordingly. In long term

measures, these factors should be incorporated in urban planning and design policies or

proposals to minimise the heat stress risk.

City-level medium/long term measures

a) Identification and evaluation of factors leading to disproportionate increase in

temperature within the city.

b) Generating a Heat wave risk and vulnerability map for developing a strategic

mitigation action plan.

c) Mapping hot-spots within the city and integrating them in vulnerability assessment.

d) Measures to reduce the temperature in these hot spots by developing vertical

gardens, small parks with a water fountain etc., must be developed.

e) Coordination with different research and educational institution for built

environment assessment.

f) Allocate part of research and development in the financial budget approvals for Heat

wave action planning.

g) Curbing future UHI manifestation by incorporating findings from the built

environment assessment into urban planning and design policies or bylaws.

h) Integrating heat action plan with the development plan. Development plans should

be should focus on reducing heat stress and water stress in the city.

i) Adhering to building codes in the city.

 Cool roofs to Provide Affordable Thermal Comfort: Urban residents living in slums

have fewer options to adapt to rising temperatures. This increases their vulnerability

to heat and results in greater adverse impacts of extreme heat on these communities;

in their issue brief "Rising Temperatures, Deadly Threat", the NRDC and IIPH

Gandhinagar identified several specific factors that increase the vulnerability of slum

residents to extreme heat:

 Higher exposure to Extreme Heat: Slum residents are more likely to be exposed to

heat since they work primarily outside or in unventilated conditions. They live in

homes constructed of heat-trapping materials with tin or tarpaulin roofs their

communities lack trees and shade.

 Greater susceptibility to Health Effects of Extreme Heat: Lack of access to clean

water, poor sanitation, overcrowding, malnutrition, and a high prevalence of

undiagnosed/untreated chronic medical conditions due to poor access to healthcare

heighten slum community members' susceptibility to extreme heat's effects on health.

 Fewer Adaptation Options Available: Slum residents lack control over their home

and work environments, with limited access to (and inability to afford) reliable

electricity and cooling methods like fans, air coolers and air conditions, insufficient

access to cooling spaces, and a dearth of health information on which to act. All these

factors reduce slum residents' opportunities to adapt to increasing temperatures.

5.8 Cool Roofs in the Indian Context

Leading studies have shown that cool roofs work to guard against increasingly warmer

temperatures in Indian cities. Cool roofs need limited maintenance, and a cool protective

coating can be reapplied every 4-5 years and increase the longevity of the roof beneath it.

This, combined with the nearly 20% savings on the building's air conditioning costs,

makes cool roofing very cost-effective over the long run. In a country where less than

10% of households have air conditioning, access to affordable cooling can be a matter of

survival for millions of people and not just comfort. Light-colored roofs have been used

as traditional heat management techniques in India. Slum communities are one of the

groups most susceptible to extreme heat because of the lack of access to cooling and that

slum housing is often made of heat-trapping materials such as thin sheets, cement sheet

(asbestos), plastic and tarpaulin without sufficient ventilation. As living standards rise,

the demand for cooling and air conditioning will rise dramatically, threatening to strain

the Country's electric grid, worsen air pollution, increase fuel imports, and magnify the

impacts of global warming. Reduced air conditioning use is critical to saving energy

consumer costs, reducing emissions and reducing hydrofluorocarbons. Thus, an

affordable solution is cool roofs.

A cool roof is a white reflective roof that stays cool in the sun by minimising heat

absorption and reflecting thermal radiation to help dissipate the solar heat gain. Research

has shown that city-wide installations of highly reflective roofs and pavements, along

with planting shade trees will, on average, reduce a city’s ambient air temperature by 2

to 4 degrees Celsius in summer months and also large scale, cool roofs can reduce the

urban heat island effect in a city. 1,2

Cool roofs include coatings and treatments such as

lime-based whitewash, white tarp, white china mosaic tiles and acrylic resin coating and

provide an affordable solution for providing thermal comfort.

Livestock preparedness during hot weather: Extreme heat causes significant stress to

livestock. There is a need to plan well for reducing the impacts of high temperatures on

livestock. Keeping an eye on the weather forecasts and developing a mitigation plan for

high to extreme temperatures can be effective in ensuring that the livestock has sufficient

shade and water on hot days.

Prevention, preparedness and mitigation measures for various stakeholders are

enumerated in the Roles and Responsibilities Managing Heat Wave in the following

Table: 12.
Natural Resource Defence Council, "Looking Up: How Green Roofs and Cool Roofs Can Reduce
Energy Use, Address Climate Change, and Protect Water Resources in Southern California", June
2012, http://www.nrdc.org/sites/default/files/GreenRoofsReport.pdf (last accessed on 05 April,

2"Vishal Garg, Cool Roofs Toolkit, "Cool Roof Activities in India",

http://www.coolrooftoolkit.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Vishal-Presentation.pdf (last
accessed on 05 April, 2017)

“Heatwave Action: House Owners’ Guide to Alternate Roof Cooling Solutions, April 2022”

Benefits of Cool Roofs



Karnataka State Disaster Management Authority (KSDMA) and State line

 KSDMA in coordination with KSNDMC shall update Heatwave Action Plan as

per the NDMA guidelines 2019.

 The authority must circulate Heatwave Action Plan to all Collectors & HoDs of

concerned line departments with instructions for its implementation and appoint

a Nodal Officer at State, District and Taluk levels for communicating early

warning and coordinating the implementation of Heatwave Action Plan.

 The authority instruct departments/ agencies to prepare and submit their action

plans to state government.

 KSDMA reviews and monitor the heat wave situation through video conferencing

with concerned line departments/districts/ Taluks. Widely publicise Do's & Don'ts.

 KSDMA in association with I & PR department, Panchayati Raj along with

KSNDMC shall publish IEC print material (print material, video, radio jingles etc)

in regional language. Warnings may be disseminated by using SMS, WhatsApp,

Facebook, Twitter etc.

 The state Health and Family Welfare departments must ensure stock of ORS

packets at health centres, anganwadis, schools and other important locations.

 Education department must re-schedule school timings to avoid hot weather

impact. Schools may start early and close before noon or as per the local climatic


 Panchayati Raj institutions must setup large- scale drinking water stations (kiosks)

at public places.

 The Panchayati Raj Department shall set up special shelters for

MGNREGA/construction workers and rescheduling their working hours.

 The revenue department shall undertake local thresholds assessment with the

partnership of expert institutions

 The KSDMA allocates funds from SDRF for the plan implementation including

preparedness, capacity building mitigation activities (long term and short term).

 The revenue (DM) department provides a common web based platform (Whats

App or other comfortable social network) for inter- department/ agency

coordination an knowledge management.

 KSDMA instruct departments to take preparedness measures based on the

warning issued by IMD and KSNDMC. KSDMA has to ensure proper reporting of

heatwave related impacts including deaths by each departments as per the formats

issued by NDMA and SDMA shall compile the same and send to NDMA.

 SDMA organizes state level awareness programme on heatwave impact

mitigation and preparedness to all the concerned department heads during the

first week of March.

 To undertake an awareness campaign to inform and educate the public on Heat

wave Do's & Don'ts.

 Undertake necessary steps to prevent heat-related deaths.

 Hold regular Press conferences on the risks and dangers of heat-related illnesses,

activate "cooling centres" such as temples, public buildings, malls, etc. and urge

NGOs, community groups and individuals to open drinking water/buttermilk

kiosks at public places during Heat Wave conditions.

 Urge power companies to prioritise maintaining power supply to critical facilities

(such as hospitals and UHCs).



 Separate awareness material should be prepared for different stakeholders

including citizens; medical professionals; municipal & panchayat authorities;

disaster response teams like firefighters etc. (Action – Deputy Commissioner’s


 To incorporate some multimedia lecture sessions in schools to sensitise children

on dealing with extreme heat conditions. Protocols and dos and don’ts for hot

weather should be prepared in accessible formats, and various other modes of

publicity like jingles, films, pamphlets etc. should also be prepared and issued.

(Action – Education Department)

 IMD to issue daily weather forecasts in a manner which can be easily interpreted

and disseminated. It was also discussed that TV news channels, FM radio etc.

could spend a few minutes daily to explain the daily weather forecast in a manner

which would allow citizens to take necessary precautions. (Action – KSNDMC)

 Detailed fire audits of all hospitals and that mock fire drills be done in all hospitals

by Fire Departments. (Action – Fire Department)

 Coordinated effort to deal with forest fires. Systemic changes should be made to

support efforts to prevent and tackle forest fires. (Action – Forest Department)

 Availability of fodder and of water in reservoirs should be tracked. (Action –

Animal Husbandry Department)

 Food Corporation of India was asked to prepare to ensure optimal storage of

grains in extreme weather conditions. (Similar action by Cooperation


District Disaster Management Authorities- District line departments

 District Disaster Management Authorities (DDMA) organizes review meetings

with district line departments before heat season starts and revise heatwave action

plans at the district level.

 District Commissioners hold regular Press conferences on the risks and dangers of

heat related illness, activated “cooling centres” at important locations – Religions

places, Community and Public buildings, Malls and bus stands.

 District administrations also support NGO’s, Community Groups and Individuals

to open “Free Water Shelter” at public congregation places for providing drinking

water and butter milk during Heat Wave conditions.

 Undertake awareness campaign to inform and educate the public on Heat wave

Do's & Don'ts.

 DDMAs must ensure all line departments are following guidelines under the

heatwave action plan.

 Provisions should be made to ensure physical distancing along with the

availability of soap, water and sanitising stations.

 Undertake necessary steps to prevent heat-related deaths with the support of

district line departments.

 Hold regular Press conferences on the risks and dangers of heat-related illnesses,

activate "cooling centres" such as temples, public buildings, malls, etc. and urge

NGOs, community groups and individuals to open drinking water / butter milk

kiosks at public places during Heat Wave conditions.

 Ensure that all concerned line departments/agencies are well connected with the

early warning facilities from KSNDMC and IMD.

 DDMAs has to ensure heatwave impact reports from all the concerned line

departments as per the formats issued by NDMA.

 Organize district level awareness programme on heatwave impact mitigation and

preparedness to all the concerned department heads during the first week of



1) Department of Health and Family Welfare

National Center for Disease Control (NCDC) has formulated National Action Plan on

Heat Related Illnesses in 2021 and has been circulated to State Departments. The plan

outlines challenges posed by heat wave, heat-related illness and their management from

Primary to Tertiary level; SOPs for surveillance of heat wave stroke cases and deaths;

preparedness plan before and during summer season; special emphasis on Heat Related

Illness in elderly, infants and children, pregnant women, outdoor and manual workers

and other vulnerable sections.

 Department should increase resiliency to extreme heat at Health Facilities level by

arranging uninterrupted electricity supply, install solar panels, adopt measures to

reduce indoor heat through measures of cool/green roof, window shading etc.

 Capacity building training to Medical Officers, Health Staff and sensitization of

grassroots level workers on heat illness with focus on early recognition and

management through training manual developed by the NCDC.

 As per the heat wave management advisory issued on 28th February 2023 by the

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, following action

needs to be taken.

 Compliance of National Action Plan on Heat Related Illness for effective

preparedness of health facilities to address heat impact & management of cases.

 Review Health Facility preparedness in terms of essential medicines, intravenous

fluids, ice packs, ORS, drinking water as well as dissemination of necessary IEC

materials based on the Do’s and Don’ts on Extreme Heat/Heat issued by the


 Undertake orientation/training and issue alerts to village level functionaries.

 Adopt Heat focused examination procedures at local hospitals.

 Develop a monitoring mechanism for implementation of Heat wave health

hospital preparedness plan.

 Deploy additional staff to take care of persons affected due to sunstroke, activate

Emergency services and keep an adequate stock of ORS and Intravenous (IV)

fluids in all hospitals / PHCs / UHCs.

 Follow a standard protocol for investigating and arriving at the cause of death.

 Adopt a uniform process for registration of casualties/ deaths due to Heat wave.

National Action Plan for Heat Wave Illness 2021, NDMA Guidelines on Hospital Safety

1. National Action Plan for Heat Wave Illness 2021



2. NDMA Guidelines on Hospital Safety (https://nidm.gov.in/PDF/pubs/NDMA/18.pdf)

3. Translation of pictorial Dos and Don’ts to Kannada (in coordination with Health


Prevention of Fire in Health Care Facilities

Compliance to Health Ministry advisory dated 2nd March 2023 on prevention of threats

of Hospital Fires in Government and Private Health Facilities, which sets out the


 Compliance to National Building Code of India and National Disaster

Management Authority guidelines on Hospital Safety.

 Undertake regular Fire Safety Audits and inspection on various structural and

non-structural elements of fire safety.

 Fire Safety and regular fire drills to be undertaken as part of hospital disaster

management, with clearly spelt out responsibilities of different hospital

functionaries and other stakeholder agencies.

 Hospital staff to be trained and reoriented in prevention and management of fires,

including operating fire equipment, patient evacuation to minimize the risk of loss

of lives and property.

 Provisioning for adequate availability of functional fire detection and alarm

system, automatic sprinkler systems, fire extinguishers, wet risers, hose reel,

ample water storage and supply, etc.

Reporting and IEC Activities

 Online daily surveillance on heat related illnesses and deaths through Integrated

Health Information Platform (IHIP) developed by NCDC.

 IEC and Community Level Awareness guidelines about the precautions to be

taken to safeguard against heat wave issued.

 Social media campaign on heat and its impact on health as an ongoing activities.

2) Department of Agriculture and Horticulture

 Constant monitoring of crop condition and lookout for heat stress on crops.

 Contingency plan to mitigate heat stress on crops. Weekly monitor at State level.

 Satellite image based monitoring using NDVI and satellite imaginary provided

Mahalanobis National Crop Forecast Centre, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers


 Based on IMD’s and KSNDMC weather projections, Agriculture Department in

consultation with UASs to issue regular advisories to farmers.

3) Department of Forest, Environment and Ecology

 Formulation of Action plan and preparedness for Forest Fire Management.

 Creation of fire lines and water harvesting structures, control burning and

engagement of fire watchers in high fire prone districts.

 Forest Survey of India, Dehradun generates forest fire alert twice a day on a real

time basis using Satellite data, which is being disseminated to concerned

stakeholders. Forest fire vulnerability map has been prepared with forest-fire

danger rating and forest fire forecast system. For Karnataka, 167 large forest fire

alerts had been issued during the month of February and 597 alerts have been

issued during March till date. The alert to be disseminated at near real time to all

concerned stakeholders to take suitable action.

 State forest department to undertake response measures to control forest fire

through forest staff, fire watchers and local communities.

 As directed by Ministry of Forest, Environment and Climate Change, funds under

Centrally Sponsored Scheme, CAMPA and Wild Life Management Scheme to be

utilized for forest fire management.

 Support of Airforce/Navy/Coast Guard for Bambi Bucket operation in case of

major fires. Coordination with Fire Department and NDRF to assist in tackling

major fires.

 24/7 Control room with Toll-Free number is set up in the Ministry.

 A new scheme “National Programme on Forest Fire Management” is being

prepared with funding support from NDMA with an outlay of around 1200 Crore.

The programme will support forest fire preparedness, response and mitigation in

100 most fire prone districts in the country. Forest Department to identity districts

prone to Forest Fire and Submit proposal to Ministry of Forest, Environment and

Climate Change.

4) Department of Water Resource

 Track reservoir levels.

 Water available should be prioritized for drinking water purpose.

 Jal Jeevan mission in heat wave prone districts to be accelerated to ensure piped

drinking water.

 Ensure equipment in pumping stations are functioning

5) Department of RDPR

 Ensure adequate and clean drinking water supply in rural areas.

 Monitor functioning of RO plants and other water supply equipment.

 Repair of damaged platforms of hand pumps, repair of damaged pipe lines. Repair

of damaged pumping machines.

6) Urban Development Department

 Ensure adequate and clean drinking water supply in Urban areas.

 Monitor functioning of RO plants and other water supply equipment.

 Repair of damaged platforms of hand pumps, repair of damaged pipe lines. Repair

of damaged pumping machines.

7) Minor Irrigation Department

 Repair of damaged canal structures.

 Repair of embankments of minor irrigation projects.

 Repair of weak areas such as piping in tanks.

8) Department of Animal Husbandry

 Ensure adequate fodder and water availability for cattle.

 Proactive Surveillance for identifying heat stress in animals.

 Issue of advisory of timely advisory to farmers based on IMD heat wave forecast.

9) Energy Department

 To take proactive measures to meet rising electricity demand and ensure there’s

no load shedding during summer. Peak demand to be gauged and gaps in power

supply should be addressed.

 Ensure National and Regional Integration of Power supply grid to ensure

immediate restoration of power. Monitor function of Load Dispatch Centers

 Ensure uninterrupted power supplies to critical infrastructures such as Health

Care Facilities, water pumping stations etc.

10) Revenue department (Disaster Management)

 Review and revise heatwave action plan

 Circulate state plan with all the concerned line departments and agencies

 Ensure that all departments are ready with their action plan.

 Instruct all concerned line departments to send daily and monthly impact report

as per the format attached in the Annexure- V.

 Monitor capacity building activities and awareness programmes both for the

officials and vulnerable community.

 Document heatwave impact data and best practices in heatwave preparedness and


 Share consolidated heatwave impact data and best practices to NDMA

11) KSNDMC, Revenue Department (DM), GoK and IMD, GoI

 Ensure timely and accurate temperature forecasts and communicate district wise

maximum temperature details on daily basis.

 Giving Heatwave alerts/warnings promptly through Mobile application, Social

Media pages, SMS, E-Mail, DEWS and KSNDMC website.

 c) Posting bulletins on the website whenever temperature crosses 40⁰c in plain

areas and 37 ⁰C in coastal areas and make sure that the information has reached

the health department officials, district administration and end users.

12) Information and Public Relations (I & PR) Department

 District officers has to be instructed to identify high risk areas for giving more


 Develop IEC material (posters, pamphlets, leaflets, wall paintings etc.) in local

languages and widely publicise them for creating awareness.

 Create public awareness on heat-related illnesses and preventive tips (Do's &

Don'ts) through electronic media (TV, FM Radio), print media (News Papers) and

Social Media (Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp).

13) Municipal corporations

 Identify a vulnerable place in the city, town, and slum areas, which are hotspots

for Heat wave, and ensure drinking water facilities.

 As per direction of ACS & Development, During the travelling time inside the bus

also, drinking water facility made available in the heat prone districts

 Open parks/open areas during daytime for providing spaces with shade.

 Regular sprinkling of water on roads.

 Construct shelters and sheds at public places and provide public parks during the

Heat wave season.

 Promote cool roofs initiative -paint the roof white, create green roofs and walls,

and plant trees in the neighbourhood to keep them cool.

 Appropriate planning while constructing new buildings (e.g., in architecture,

width/height ratio, street development, orientation and site) in urban areas.

 Ensure capacity building of structural engineers, civil engineers and architects for

construction of green buildings and maintenance and fire safety of structures.

 Ensure construction of green buildings which adhere to the environment and

building codes.

14) Labour & Employment department

 Organise awareness camps and publish health advisories on Heat-related illnesses

for industrial and other labour. Direct employers to reschedule working hours for

outdoor workers to avoid peak hours (12 Noon to 3 PM).

 Coordinate with the health department and ensure regular health check-ups of


 Ensure the availability of drinking water and undertake other necessary measures

for construction workers.

 Regulate / Reduce piece rate for daily wages worker.

15) Animal Husbandry Department

 Preparation, implementation and review of Heat wave action plan to safeguard

the cattle.

 Activate field staff and Gaupalaks/ Shepherds at village level to create awareness

among those with Livestock on Animal Management during Heat wave


 Create shelters for livestock and animal husbandry and maintain it.

 Pre-positioning of adequate veterinary medicines and supplies.

 Provide and maintain cattle troughs with safe drinking water.

16) Information Technology (IT) department

 Preparation of dashboard/interface for monitoring Heat wave conditions in the


 Bulk SMS alerts to be sent through this dashboard/ portal.

 Develop a mobile application for spreading heat-related issues, alerts and

information about shelters and drinking water.

17) Education Department

 Reschedule school timings (restrict school timings between 11 AM and 3 PM, start

mid-day schools) and vacations as per the Heat wave situation.

 Ensure cool places for all educational institutions, and availability of drinking

water facilities.

 Ensure that students avoid outdoor physical activities during the summer. Don't

allow open-air classes.

18) PR&RD department

 Implementation of instruction for mainstreaming heat health precautionary

measures, including rescheduling of working hours and reduce piece rate, in all

schemes and programmes.

 Restrict the working hours between 11 AM to 3 PM under MGNREGA.

 Ensure shed for resting and drinking water facilities for workers at all workplaces.

19) Electricity and power supply department

 Ensure repair & maintenance work on time for uninterrupted power supply.

 Reschedule load shedding of power to avoid peak heat hour.

20) Transport Department

 Ensure shelter/shades at Bus terminals/stops.

 Ensure drinking water facilities at major bus stops.

 Ensure facilities for First Aid at major bus stands / terminals. Consider changing

bus timings to avoid peak heat hours, in consultation with the district


 Ensure shade and cool jacket for on-duty traffic police as they are more exposed

to Heat wave.

21) Divisional Railways Manager

 Repair/maintenance of mechanical/ electrical system on priority basis including

fan and cooling system.

 Ensure drinking water facilities in trains and at railway stations.

22) Forest Department

 Ensure proper afforestation (greenery) at public places.

 Continuous watch in the forest area to avoid and prevent forest fires.

 Provide safe drinking water and shade in forest areas.

 Maintain water bodies/ponds in the forest area for wild animals & birds.

23) Tourism & Endowment Department

 Ensure proper registration of tourists who are visiting the State.

 Publicise advisories for tourists on Heat wave conditions in the State.

 Build temporary shaded areas and ensure availability of safe drinking water for

pilgrims at religious places.

24) Department Of Education

Preparedness at Schools: (Heat management planning)

 Create infrastructure that reduces exposure to heat e.g. room ventilation, access to

additional fans, shade provision (plant trees or build structures), and source

alternative venues for outdoor activities.

 Consider the provision of at least one priority area of the school with artificial


 Build staff and student awareness about the prevention, monitoring and

identification of heat stress symptoms.

 Consider suitable uniform options that incorporate UV protection and cooling


Managing schools during excessive heat or heatwave conditions

 Modify or suspend normal school activities during excessive heat.

 Postpone any outdoor or sporting activities where appropriate
 Increase access to the coolest areas of the school grounds or facilities for lessons or
other activities.
 Ensure students with additional support needs are appropriately supervised,
including the monitoring of their hydration.
 Ensure school lunch boxes are stored in cool areas.
 Facilitate and encourage students to drink plenty of water and to stay out of the
 Department of Health recommends that during hot weather, water (room
temperature or slightly cool rather than very cold) is the best fluid to drink.
 Every school must have first aid kits with sufficient quantities of ORS packets and
other essential items.
 Undertake normal first aid procedures in the event of a student or staff member
becoming heat stressed.
 Schools must prepare separate action plan for hot weather preparedness.
 Communicate the action plan details to teachers, supporting staff, transport
agencies, children and parents
 While preparing guidelines in the action plan, ensure that the following areas are
to be covered - Class rooms, labs, play grounds, cafeteria, school buses
 Ensure physical distancing and personal hygiene measures at the special shelter
facilities, drinking water facilities

Playing and exercising safely in hot weather

Factors to consider when cancelling or postponing a sporting event include, but are

not limited to:

 The temperature - both ambient and relative humidity (local weather conditions
can be checked on the TSDPS and IMD website)
 The duration and intensity of the event (for example, an endurance or distance
event has more potential for problems than a stop-start team event)
 Rest and drink breaks
 Time of day
 Local environment
 Acclimatisation of the participants
 Fitness levels of participants
 Age and gender of participants.


Sl. No. Do’s Don’ts

Expose to direct sun light or hot.
1 Try to stay in cool places
Move under hot sun without
2 Use umbrella during hot days
Wear thin loose cotton garments, Use of black and synthetic, thick.
preferably white Colour clothes during summer season
Move under the hot sun without a hat or
4 Wear a hat of cotton or a turban
Try to void outdoor physical activity. Attend to strenuous physical.
from 11a.m to 04 p.m. activity under the hot sun
Take ample water along with salted.
buttermilk and glucose water
Take measures to reduce the room
Allow direct hot air into the living.
7 temperature like warning, using window.
shades, fanning and cross ventilation
Delay in shifting the person suffering
Shift the person with heatstroke.
8 from heat stroke to a
symptoms a cool dwelling
cool place
Person suffering from heat stroke should. Person suffering from heatstroke.
have minimum clothing to have thick clothing
The person suffering with Heat wave The person suffering from heat.
10 stroke has to be sponged with cold water, stroke to be sponged with hot water and
indirect application of ice packs. to be exposed to hot air
The person suffering with heatstroke.
should be kept in between ice blocks
If the persons affected with Heat wave Delay in shifting the person affected with
12 stroke and are not showing any heat stroke whenever there in no
improvement, he/she should be shifted to improvement in his condition
a hospital immediately,
Providing preferably
adequate water/ ORS/ with
cooling facility. After coming from outside immediately,
13 Buttermilk once coming from outside
drinking Tea/Coffee/ Honey
during summer

Table 5: Preparedness at Community level- Do’s and Don’ts

Knowledge of effective prevention and first-aid treatment, besides an awareness of potential side-

effects of prescription drugs during hot weather, is crucial for physicians and pharmacists to best

mitigate the effects of heat illness. The details of case definitions are mentioned in Annexure-II.

Heat Disorder Symptoms First Aid

Skin redness and pain, Take a shower using soap to remove oils that
possible swelling, may block pores, preventing the body from
Heat rash
blisters, fever, cooling naturally. If blisters occur, apply dry,
headaches. sterile dressings and seek medical attention.

Painful spasms usually Move to a cool or shaded place. Apply firm

in leg and abdominal pressure on cramping muscles or gently
Heat Cramps
muscles or extremes, massage to relieve spasms. Give sips of water;
Heavy sweating. if nausea occurs, discontinue.

Heavy sweating,
Get victim to lie down in a cool place. Loosen
weakness, skin cold,
clothing. Apply cool, wet cloth. Fan or move
pale, headache and
Heat victim to air-conditioned place. Give sips of
clammy extremities.
Exhaustion water slowly and if nausea occurs, discontinue.
Weak pulse. Normal
If vomiting occurs, seek immediate medical
temperature possible.
attention, call 108 and 102 for an ambulance.
Fainting, vomiting.

Heatstroke is a severe medical emergency. Call

108 and 102 for an ambulance for emergency
High body medical services or take the victim to a hospital
temperature. Hot, dry immediately. Delay can be fatal Move victim to
skin. Rapid, strong a cooler environment. Try spraying cold water
Heat Stroke pulse. Possible on the body and fan the wet body. If possible,
(Sun Stroke) unconsciousness or sponging or cool bath sponging to reduce body
altered mental status. temperature. Use extreme caution.
The victim will likely Remove clothing. Use fans and/or air
not sweat. conditioners.
DO NOT GIVE FLUIDS ORALLY if the person is
not conscious.

Table 6: Symptoms and First Aid for various Heat Disorders

Must for All Do’s

a) Stay at home and listen to the radio; watch TV; read Newspaper for

updates/advisories on the local weather.

b) Drink sufficient water as often as possible, even if not thirsty. Persons with epilepsy

or heart, kidney or liver disease who are on fluid-restricted diets; or have a problem

with fluid retention should consult a doctor before increasing liquid intake.

c) Use ORS (Oral Rehydration Solution), homemade drinks like lassi, torani (rice

water), lemon water, buttermilk, etc., to keep yourself hydrated.

d) Wear lightweight, light-coloured, loose, cotton clothes.

e) Avoid going out. If it is necessary to go outside, cover your head (cloth/hat or

umbrella) and face. Avoid touching any surface as far as possible.

f) Maintain physical distancing at least 1 meter from other persons.

g) Wash hands frequently and properly with soap and water. When soap and water is

not available, use hand sanitiser.

h) Keep separate towels for each member of the house. Wash these towels regularly.

Other Precautions

a) Stay indoors as much as possible.

b) Keep your home cool -use curtains, shutters or sunshades, and open windows at

night. Try to remain on the lower floors.

c) Use fans damp clothing and take a bath in cold water frequently to cope up with

excess heat.

d) If you feel sick – high fever/throbbing headache/dizziness/nausea or

disorientation/continuous coughing/shortness of breath, see a doctor immediately.

e) Keep animals in the shade and give them plenty of water to drink.


a) Do not go out during the lockdown. If you have to go out for essential work as

permitted, try to schedule it during cooler hours of the day. Avoid going out during

peak heat hours -especially between 12.00 noon and 3.00 p.m.

b) Do not go out barefoot or without a face and head cover.

c) Avoid cooking during peak hours. Open doors and windows to ventilate the cooking

area adequately.

d) Avoid alcohol, tea, coffee and carbonated soft drinks, which dehydrate the body.

e) Avoid high-protein, spicy and oily food. Do not eat stale food.

f) Don’t touch your eyes, nose and mouth without washing your hands.

g) Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

h) Do not go out if you are sick; Stay at home.

Employers and Workers


a) Provide clean and cool drinking water at the workplace.

b) Caution workers to avoid direct sunlight. If they have to work in the open

(agricultural labourers, MNREGA workers, etc.), ensure that they cover their heads

and face at all times.

c) Schedule strenuous jobs to cooler times of the day.

d) Increase the frequency and length of rest breaks for outdoor activities.

e) Give special attention to pregnant workers or workers with a medical condition.

f) Make all the workers wear face covers, maintain a physical distance of 1-1.5 m from

others and practise hand hygiene. Provide soap and water for frequent hand

washing. Caution them to not touch their faces without washing their hands.

g) Make provision for lunch/dinner space in a manner such that there is a 1-1.5 m

distance between two persons.

h) Sanitation workers should cover their heads, wear mask and gloves. Don’t touch the

mask after wearing it. They should wash their hands thoroughly and frequently.

i) Once you go home after work, take a bath and wash your used clothes thoroughly.

j) Always follow Social Distancing.

k) If someone is sick, he/she must be reported to the duty supervisor.


a) Don’t spit, smoke or chew tobacco at workplace.

b) Don’t shake hands or hug others.

c) Don’t touch your face – especially eyes, nose and mouth.

d) Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

e) Don’t go to work if you are sick; Stay at home.

Police / Traffic Police Personnel

a) Wear cool jacket while on duty during the day.

b) Stop people/vehicles at a distance from you. Do not touch the documents you are

checking. Also avoid touching any surface, as far as possible.

c) As far as possible, wash your hand regularly and thoroughly. If soap and water are

not readily available, use hand sanitiser. DO NOT touch your face with unwashed


d) Wear face mask at all times. Change them periodically and dispose of the used mask


e) Drink sufficient water, as often as possible, even if not thirsty.

f) Use protective gear – shade, sunglasses, and sunscreen.

g) As far as possible, relatively young personnel should be put on traffic duty during

the day.

h) When you go home after work, take a bath and wash your used clothes thoroughly.

Senior Citizens


a) Stay indoors as much as possible. Don’t go to crowded places like parks, markets and

religious places.

b) Keep your home cool, use curtains and fans or cooler.

c) Maintain hygiene by regularly washing hands, especially before having meals.

d) Call a doctor immediately if you feel sick and experience any of the following:

e) High body temperature, with or without body ache

f) Throbbing headache, dizziness, nausea or disorientation

g) Coughing and/or shortness of breath

h) Unusually poor appetite

If you are looking after a senior citizen:

i) Help her/him in regularly washing hands and Ensure timely meals and water intake.

j) Use a face cover to cover your nose and mouth while attending on him/her.

k) Wash your hands thoroughly before touching him/her.

l) In case you are suffering from fever/ cough / breathing difficulty, don’t go near

her/him. Try to make someone else attend to him/her during that time.


Case Definitions: Range of Heat Illness - Typical Presentations-symptoms, signs & prognosis

Clinical Age Setting Cardinal Cardinal/ Important Pertinent Prognosis

Entity Range Symptoms Signs Negative
Heat rash/ All, but Hot Itchy rash with Diffused red colour Not focally Full recovery
prickly freque environme small red bumps skin or vesicular distributed with
heat/ ntly nt; +/- at pores in the rash, itching of the like a contact elimination of
Miliaria childre insulating skin. Seen in skin without visible dermatitis exposure and
n clothing or setting of heat eruption supportive
swaddling exposure; bumps care
(wrap in can sometimes be
tight filled with clear or
clothes) white fluid
Heat All Hot Painful spasms of Uncomfortable No Full recovery
cramps environme large and appearance, may contaminate with
nt, frequently used have difficulty fully d wounds/ elimination of
typically muscle groups extending affected tetanus exposure and
with limbs/ joints exposure; no supportive
exertion, seizure care
+/- activity
Heat All Hot Feeling Sweaty/ diaspora No Full recovery
exhaustio environme overheated, light- etic; flushed skin; coincidental with
n nt; +/- headedness, hot skin; normal signs and elimination of
exertion; exhausted and core temperature; symptoms of exposure and
+/- weak, unsteady, +/- dazed, +/- infection; no supportive
insulating feeling of generalized focal care;
clothing or vomiting, sweaty weakness, slight weakness; no progression to
swaddling and thirsty, disorientation difficulty in heat syncope/
(wrap in a inability to swallowing stroke if
tight continue activities food or continued
clothes) speech; no exposure

Heat Typical Hot Feeling hot and Brief, generalized No seizure Full recovery
syncope ly, environme weak; light- loss of activity, no with
adults nt; +/- headedness consciousness in hot loss of bowel elimination of
exertion; followed by a setting, short period or bladder exposure and

Clinical Age Setting Cardinal Cardinal/ Important Pertinent Prognosis
Entity Range Symptoms Signs Negative
+/- brief loss of of disorientation, if continence, supportive
insulating consciousness any no focal care;
clothing or weakness, no progression to
swaddling difficulties in heat stroke if
(wrap in a food continued
tight swallowing exposure
clothes) or speech
Heat All Hot Sever Flushed, dry skin No 25-50%
Stroke environme overheating; (not always), core coincidental mortality even
nt; +/- profound temp less than 40 signs and with
exertion; weakness; degree Celsius or symptoms of aggressive
+/- disorientation, not 104degree infection; no care;
insulating fully alert, Fahrenheit; altered focal significant
clothing or convulsion, or mental status with weakness; no morbidity
swaddling other altered disorientation, difficulties in even if
(wrap in a mental status incoherent swallowing survives
tight behaviour, coma, food or
clothes) convulsion; speech, no
tachycardia; overdose
tachycardia; history


Heat illness Treatment Protocol

Recognizing that treatment protocols may vary slightly according to the setting. (EMS,

health centre, clinic, hospital emergency department, etc.), the following should apply

generally to any setting and to all patients with heart related illnesses:

1. Initial patient assessment primary survey (airway, breathing, circulation, disability,

exposure), vital signs including temperature.

2. Consider heat illness in differential diagnosis if:

a. Presented with suggestive symptoms and signs.

b. Patient has one or more of the following risks factors:

i. Extremes of age (infants, elderly)

ii. Debilitation/physical deconditioning, overweight or obese

iii. Lack of acclimatization to environmental heat (early in summer season)

iv. Any significant underlying chronic disease, including psychiatric,

cardiovascular, neurologic, hematologic, obesity, pulmonary, renal, and
respiratory disease.

v. Taking one or more of the following:

a) Sympathomimetic drugs, b) Anticholinergic drugs, c) Barbiturates, d)

Diuretics, e) Alcohol & f) Beta blockers

3. Remove from environmental heat exposure and stop physical activity.

4. Initiate passive cooling procedures.

a. Cool wet towels or ice packs to axillae, groin and around neck; if patient is stable,

may take a cool shower, but evaluate risk of such activity against gain and

availability of other cooling measures.

b. Spray cool water or blot cool water onto the skin.

c. Use fan to blow cool air onto moist skin.

5. If temperature lower than 40o C, repeat assessment every 5 minutes; if improving

attempt to orally hydrate (clear liquids, ORS can be used but not necessary; cool liquids

better than cold). If temperature is 40o C or above, initiate IV rehydration and

immediately transport to emergency department for stabilization.




Keep animals in shade and give plenty of water to drink.

Table 7: Responsibility Matrix
Heat Wave Understanding Disaster Risk

Sl. Sub-Thematic State Agencies and their Responsibilities

No. Area for DRR State Responsibility

Observation Recurring/ Regular (RR)

Networks, KSNDMC in • Support for organising training.
Information Collaboration • Dissemination
Systems, with IMD- • Maintaining preventive measures as per National and State Heatwave action
Monitoring, Bengaluru & plan.
Research, Space • Vulnerability Assessment and Establishing Heat-Health Threshold
Forecasting, Applications Temperatures.
Early Warning Centre (SAC) - • Strengthening and maintaining monitoring and data logging systems for
and Zoning/ ISRO Temperature, Humidity, etc. required for threshold for heat wave alerts.
Mapping • Establish and maintain Community-Based network for sharing alerts.

• Promote studies, Documentation and Research.

• Provide Training & Technical support.
• Studies on vulnerabilities and capacities Covering Social, Physical, Economic,
Hazard Risk Ecological, Gender, Social Inclusion and Equity Aspects.
Vulnerability • Updating HRVCA.
Universities &
2 and Capacity • Identification and listing of vulnerable Population / Communities / Settlements.
Assessment • Identification of groups requiring special attention.
(HRVCA) • Develop guidelines.
• Constitute/ strengthen the mechanisms for consultation with experts and
• Conduct audit of Equipment and Human Resource Requirements.

Table 7: Responsibility Matrix
Heat Wave Understanding Disaster Risk

Sl. Sub-Thematic State Agencies and their Responsibilities

No. Area for DRR State Responsibility
with IMD-
• Support for organising training.
Dissemination • Extend technical support.
of warnings, • Create awareness preventive measures.
data, and • Extensive IEC campaigns to create awareness through media.
information • Specific messages for highly vulnerable groups such as Elderly, Young Children,
Outdoor Workers and Slum residents.
Disaster Early
System (DEWS)
Disaster Data Department of Recurring/ Regular (RR)
Collection planning, • Systematic Data Management of Data on Disaster Damage and Loss
and KSDMA, Assessments
Management DDMA • Disaster Damage and Losses 2005-2015 baseline.

Heat Wave Inter-Agency Coordination
Sub-Thematic State Agencies and their Responsibilities
Sl. No.
Area for DRR State Responsibility
Recurring/ Regular (RR)
• Creating/ strengthening the institutional framework including assigning
nodal agency and nodal officials at different levels.
• Preparing state/region-specific Heat Action Plan.
• Team preparation and streamlining coordination mechanisms.
• Technical inputs for implementation based on experience from different
• Collaboration with NGOs/CSOs.
• Ensure the Local Administration (City/District) can understand and
meaningfully use all the heat wave-related information from various
agencies and health authorities – Central and State.
with concerned
• Team preparation and coordination – officials and agencies are well
Overall disaster Departments,
1 prepared for the Heat Wave Season.
governance RDPR-PRIs,
• Coordinate with IMD regarding Forecasts, Early Warning and Alert
DMA-ULBs, and
System Based on Drought Severity.
Health and
• Appointing a State Nodal Agency and Officer.
Family Welfare
• Preparing/Adapting Heat Wave Action Plan.
• Implementation as per specific conditions in the state.
• Develop a clearly defined Interagency Emergency Response Plan with
roles and information flows clearly marked out.
• Ensuring coherence and mutual reinforcement of DRR, CCA and
• Partnering local institutions with National Institutions / Experts.
• Adapting HAPs developed in other Countries /Cities, Monitoring And
• Evaluating Implementation and Impact on Mortality and Morbidity.

Heat Wave Inter-Agency Coordination
Sub-Thematic State Agencies and their Responsibilities
Sl. No.
Area for DRR State Responsibility
• Directives/ Advisory on shelters, creating awareness, managing
resources, organizing Medical Support, Strengthening Hospital
• Organising and coordinating the immediate response.
• Coordinate with Central agencies.
• Implementing heat action plan.
KSDMA in • Establishing First Aid/ Medical Aid facilities in key locations.
Collaboration • Identify vulnerable places and provide safe drinking water points at
with those places and worksites; also, provide ORS.
RDPR- • Develop a system to provide safe drinking water in public transports
PRIs, DMA- especially in the drought and heatwave prone districts.
2 and Response
ULBs, HFW & • Avoiding outdoor games/sports activities.
Animal • Livestock preparedness during hot weather - ensuring that the livestock
Husbandry and has sufficient shade and water on hot days.
other concerned • Heat treatment wings in hospitals.
departments • Establishing medical assistance facilities at places of mass gathering.
• Implement a system of heat alerts to trigger early morning shifts for
schools and offices/ Rescheduling school and office timings during heat-
wave season.
• To construct cool shelters, bus stands, etc., that offer shelter from Heat
• Promote creation of green roofs to mitigate the impact of Heatwaves.

Heat Wave Inter-Agency Coordination
Sub-Thematic State Agencies and their Responsibilities
Sl. No.
Area for DRR State Responsibility

• Issue Heat wave alerts, bulletins and weather forecasts on Short /

Medium / Long range duration.
• Periodical reviewing and updating heatwave action plans.
• Public awareness and community outreach.
• Coordinating the dissemination of warnings to all, down to the last mile
–remote, Rural or Urban; Regular updates to people in areas at risk.
Warnings, with IMD-
3 • Follow the alerts/warning.
Information, Data Bengaluru.
• “Do's-and-Don’ts” during a heat wave should be available in local
languages and disseminated through media.
• Documentation.
• Collecting Data from States.
• Maintaining national-level database.
• Collecting Data/Information necessary for Review/Update of the plan.

Heat Wave Structural Measures
Sub-Thematic State Agencies and their Responsibilities
Sl. No.
Area for DRR State Responsibility

• Directive to promote cool roofs and heat reducing integrated development.

• Strengthening/mainstreaming the network medical assistance facilities.
• Temperature forecasts and heat alerts will be sent as bulk messages on Mobile
Heat wave
Phones, Local Electronic Media, Electronic Screens at Busy Traffic
1 shelters and other
Intersections and Market Places.
• Effective transportation.
• ULBs to facilitate the public to take shelter in public parks and gardens
during a heatwave condition.
• Guidelines and technical support for incorporation of protection from Heat
Wave in multi-hazard resistant housing schemes.
Social Housing KHB, Slum
2 • Ensure incorporation of protection from Heat Wave in multi-hazard
Schemes Development
resistant features in the planning and execution of social housing schemes in
Heat Wave prone areas.

Hazard resistant
strengthening, • Collaboration with technical agencies and implementation.
3 and retrofitting of • Take up measures to provide or upgrade the existing buildings to heat
all lifeline and resistant structures.

Heat Wave Non-Structural Measures
Sub-Thematic State Agencies and their Responsibilities
Sl. No.
Area for DRR State Responsibility

KSDMA, • Implement Guidelines to prevent people from heat related hazards.

RDPR- PRIs, • Improving the forest coverage and green Areas.
Techno-Legal DMA-ULBs, • Promote use of building materials that provide protection from heat.
regimes RGRHCL, • Promote designs to reduce heat island effects in urban areas.
KHB, Slum • Facilitate integrated development plans that can cope better with Heat
Development Wave conditions.
Board, Recurring/ Regular (RR)
Nirmithi • Implementation of Risk Transfer Arrangements including multi-hazard
2 Risk Transfer Kendra’s insurance for life and property.
• Policy Framework.

Heat Wave Capacity Development
Sub-Thematic Area State Agencies and their Responsibilities
Sl. No.
for DRR State Responsibility
Recurring/ Regular (RR)
• Training and orientation programs for Central Govt. Staff,
other direct Stakeholders.
CDM - ATI. • Training support for youth through NCC, NYKS, Scouts
State Universities & and Guides and NSS, SDRF, CDEF, community, and
Technical Institutions volunteers.
1 Training
• Train key officials regarding pre, during and post Heat-
Health & Family Welfare Wave season activities.
(HFW) • Training for CDEF, Community, and Volunteers.
• Training for deployment of Rapid Medical Response Teams.
• Training on heat-wave specific Health Care for vulnerable
Curriculum State Universities & Tech.
• Inclusion of Heat Wave and similar issues in various
2 Development Institutions,
Central & State Education

Heat Wave Capacity Development
Sub-Thematic Area State Agencies and their Responsibilities
Sl. No.
for DRR State Responsibility

KSDMA, KSNDMC, ULBs,  Support awareness campaigns/ IEC.

RDPR,  Support network of Civil Society Organizations for
Dept. of Health & Family awareness generation about coping with Heat Wave.
welfare, CDM, ATI, State  Promoting awareness, alertness and preparedness.
3 Universities & Tech.  Training programs for public, PRIs/ULBs.
Institutions, Central & State  Carry out Mass Media Campaigns in Heat-Wave prone
Education Boards areas.
 Create awareness of coping with Heat Wave and HAP.
 Generate and distribute awareness material to the public.

Recurring/ Regular (RR)

Department of Health &
 Promoting the planning and execution of emergency drills.
Mock Drills/ Family welfare
 Identify and resolve communication gaps between
4 Exercises KSDMA, CDM – ATI,
participating departments, partners and the public.
Health and Family Welfare
 Joint execution of emergency drills with local bodies to
address Heat Wave Emergencies in relevant areas.

Recurring/ Regular (RR)

 Conduct training programmes.
KSDMA CDM – ATI,  Promoting skill development for –hazard resistant
Vocational Department of Health & construction with emphasis on protection from heat in Heat-
5 Training/ Skill Family welfare, ULBs, Dept. Wave prone areas for different types of housing and
development of Housing, PWD, PRED infrastructure.
Dept’s of Education, WCD  Creating Tot teams for different trades relevant to Heat-
Wave protection in the construction of different types of
housing and infrastructure.

Heat Wave Capacity Development
Sub-Thematic Area State Agencies and their Responsibilities
Sl. No.
for DRR State Responsibility
 Train the volunteers to assist the public in Heat Wave
Recurring/ Regular (RR)
Empowering  Guidance to addressing Heat Wave emergencies in relevant
Social Welfare and
women, areas.
Backward Classes
marginalised  Promote gender sensitive and equitable approaches for
6 Department. Department of
communities, awareness raising.
Disabilities & Senior Citizen
SC/ST, and persons  Incorporating gender sensitive and equitable approaches in
Welfare etc.,
with disabilities Capacity Development for coping with Heat Wave


Heat Wave Climate Change Risk Management
Sub-Thematic State Agencies and their Responsibilities
Sl. No.
Area for DRR State Responsibility
Recurring/ Regular (RR)
 Research on local threshold and Climate Change Adaptation.
 Improving the dissemination information on of GACC and
Research, in Collaboration
Forecasting, Early with IMD-
 Develop GACC impact scenarios relevant for occurrence of Heat
1 Warning, Data Bengaluru, Dept. of
Management, Forest and Ecology,
 Improving the forecasting of intensity, severity of extreme weather
Zoning, Mapping KSDMA,
 Improving the assessment and monitoring of Intensity, Severity of
Extreme Weather Events & Forecasting.

Heat Wave Climate Change Risk Management
Sub-Thematic State Agencies and their Responsibilities
Sl. No.
Area for DRR State Responsibility
 Develop Database Management System relating to Heat Wave &
Climate Change.

Recurring/ Continuous (RR)

 Impact Assessment, Periodic review and evaluation.
Revenue  Incorporate updated info on GACC in HRVCA while preparing or
Department, in periodic revision of DM plans.
Hazard Risk
Collaboration with  Creation of data bank and hazards risk & vulnerable mapping.
Vulnerability and
KSNDMC, IMD-  Assess Heat Wave risk and vulnerability due to GACC.
2 Capacity
Bengaluru, Forest  Update Heat-Wave vulnerability maps based on projected GACC
and Ecology RDPR- impacts.
PRIs DMA-ULBs,  Assess the trends of Heat Wave risk under GACC scenarios.
Universities  Assess GACC risks of vulnerable and marginalised sections.
 Provide technical support and guidance for comprehensive HRVCA
considering GACC impacts.

Heat Wave Climate Change Risk Management
Sub-Thematic State Agencies and their Responsibilities
Sl. No.
Area for DRR State Responsibility
 Sensitisation and awareness creation.
 Support national CCA efforts.
 Prepare Action Plans for CCA.
 Coordination with Central Agencies.
 Sponsor & promote state and local specific efforts for GACC
Mitigation and Adaptation.
KSNDMC in  Understanding CCA needs.
Collaboration with  Study GACC coping mechanisms.
IMD-Bengaluru  Develop CCA mechanisms.
DMA-ULBs, EMPRI  Develop local adaptation strategies and pilot projects.
Climate Change UDD- UDAs,  Sponsor and promote state-specific efforts and local efforts.
Adaptation (CCA) Municipal  Formulate strategy under GACC like Cool-Roof, Green Energy,
Corporations Reducing Omission CO2.
RDPR-PRIs  Promote solar energy at roof top at every house or retrofitting.
All departments  Implement adaptation programs.
 Promote appropriate combinations of Green and Blue infrastructure
 Promote adaptive measures in social protection programmes for the
vulnerable groups.
 Implementation of GACC adaptation programs
 Integrate adaptive measures in social protection programmes for the
vulnerable groups.

State / District Agencies & their Responsibilities
SN Key Strategy Task/Activities State Responsibility District Responsibility
Understanding Risk
Revision of
KSDMA/Rev National
Preparation of DDMA,
enue DM in Guidelines for Preparation/revision of heat
Formulation of heat Action Plan consultation
consultation preparation of Action plan based on SDMA
1 policy. Plan in coordination with
with Action plan revised Guidelines and local
and guideline with all concerned
concerned prevention and experience
stakeholders departments
departments management of
Heat wave
Interagency Coordination
Strengthening of
early Warning
Disseminate the information
KSNDMC/K accurate and
Early Warning Disaster Early received from KSNDMC/IMD to
SDMA/Reve timely alert KSNDMC/DD
2 & Warning System the public at large and concerned
nue systems. MA
Coordination - KSNDMC Departments.
Department Issue Heat Wave
Prepare sop for heat wave
alerts, Warnings
and Coordination
with DDMAs

State / District Agencies & their Responsibilities
SN Key Strategy Task/Activities State Responsibility District Responsibility
Coordination among all
Take necessary stakeholder with clearly defined
measures, roles and responsibilities
wherever Flexible timing of schools,
applicable DDMAs, MNREGA, market and offices
Flexible timing of consultation Take necessary measures,
Response & RDPR/Educa
schools, market with wherever applicable Collaboration
Relief tion, Forest
and offices concerned with non-government and civil
& Animal
Provide departments society Provide occupational
occupational support and advisories special
support and care for vulnerable groups-
advisories children disabled, women and old
Develop monitoring mechanism
Develop a
for implementation of heat action
Provision of funds for heat action
provision of
mitigation plans.
Health and funds for heat DDMAs,
Deployment of rapid medical
Monitoring of Family action mitigation consultation
response teams
medical Welfare plans. with
preparedness Department Surveillance of concerned
and KSDMA heat Wave impact departments
Deployment of
medical Teams

Investing in DRR-Non – structural measures

State / District Agencies & their Responsibilities
SN Key Strategy Task/Activities State Responsibility District Responsibility
Appointment of
Nodal officer at
Revenue Appointment of Nodal officer at
each Ministry /
Department DDMAs, each level (state, districts, tehsil
Preparedness (DM), consultation and block, department etc)
Preparedness Develop strategy
3 and Mitigation Health and with Implementation of heat Action
Measure for preparedness
Measure Family concerned plan
Welfare, departments Issue necessary directions for
Issue necessary
RDRP and preparedness
directions for
Issue directive to
state police DDMAs, Ensure shade for on duty traffic
Revenue department for consultation police, as they are more exposed
Department distributions of with to heat wave and distribution of
(DM) cool. Jacket for concerned cool jacket for traffic police
traffic police departments personnel
preparedness &
Heat Wave should be included in
mitigation DDMAs,
annual disaster event / calendar.
measures in heat consultation
Interstate collaboration for sharing
KSDMA prone states. with
experiences and data
Inter-ministerial concerned
Reviewing preparedness &
coordination for departments
mitigation measures

State / District Agencies & their Responsibilities
SN Key Strategy Task/Activities State Responsibility District Responsibility
Issue directives
for hospital
preparedness &
Prepare hospital preparedness
measures to states
preparedness of the heat health
Formulation of DDMAs,
Short- and Health and and social care system
schemes and consultation
Medium-term Family Ensuring 24*7 heat health facilities
program for heat- with
mitigation Welfare with adequate provision of basic
health safety concerned
measures Department medicine like ORS, Glucose etc.
Ensure departments
Dissemination of heat health plan
by organizing awareness
Mechanism for
heat health
preparedness at
state level
• Develop
framework for
tracking and
modelling of heat • Identify “heat hot-spots” using
hot spot based on framework for tracking and
IMD data. modelling based on IMD data.
Forest • Directives to • Maintain water bodies in the
Department maintain water forest area for wild animals &
bodies in the birds.
forest area for • Afforestation and plantation
wild animals & • Prevention of a forest fire.
• Advisory for
plantation in

State / District Agencies & their Responsibilities
SN Key Strategy Task/Activities State Responsibility District Responsibility
fallow land
available with

Instruction on
mainstreaming • Implementation of instruction
heat health for mainstreaming heat health
RDPR, precautionary precautionary measures,
Labour measures, including re-scheduling for
Department, including re- working hours and reduce piece
and scheduling of rate, in all schemes and
Education working hours programmes.
Department and reduce piece • Ensure shed for resting and
rate, in all drinking water facilities for
schemes and workers at all workplaces.
Water Issue instruction DDMAs, • Ensure drinking water facilities.
Resource for ensuring consultation • Identify vulnerable place and
Department, availability of with ensure drinking water facilities.
RDPR and drinking water concerned • Repair/maintenance of
ULBs facilities departments mechanical/ electrical fault of tube
wells, ponds, Jorhat, at priority
basis to ensure water storage.
• Suitable arrangement for
drinking water supply and
promptly respond to water

State / District Agencies & their Responsibilities
SN Key Strategy Task/Activities State Responsibility District Responsibility
• Ensure drinking water facilities
at all common place and nearby

• Direction to
states to re-
scheduling of
schools timing or
closer of the
schools as per
heat wave
consultation  Rescheduling of school timing
Education • Instruction for
with and vacation as per heat wave
Department ensuring cool
concerned situation.
places in all
• Encourage
research on heat
wave related
issues through

State / District Agencies & their Responsibilities
SN Key Strategy Task/Activities State Responsibility District Responsibility
• Directives to all
industries for
• Implement the direction for heat
wave season
measures to be
• Re-scheduling of working hours
taken during heat
for employees in different sectors.
wave season. DDMAs,
• Ensure drinking water facilities
• Direction for consultation
Labour at workplaces.
rescheduling of with
Department • Coordinate with Health
working hours. concerned
department and ensure regular
• Necessary departments
health check-up of the workers
arrangement to
and provide emergency ice packs
regulate piece
and heat illness prevention
rate and
materials to construction workers.
/urgency for
physical work
during summer
• Advisory to • Heat wave related advisory to
sates for farmers.
Agriculture DDMAs,
awareness Shelter for livestock and animal
Department consultation
generation about husbandry should be maintained.
and Animal with
farmers/animal- • Pre-positioning of adequate
Husbandry concerned
health related veterinary medicines and
Department departments
issues arising supplies.
from heat wave. • Update contingency plan

State / District Agencies & their Responsibilities
SN Key Strategy Task/Activities State Responsibility District Responsibility
• Advisory to regarding provision of drinking
states to ensure water for animals.
availability of
• Issue advisory
to all ULBs in
• Open park/open areas during
heat wave
daytime for providing spaces with
vulnerable states
for preparedness,
• Sprinkling of water on roads
mitigation &
DDMAs, • Construct shelters, sheds at
management of
consultation public place, provide access to
ULBs and heat wave.
with public parks during heat wave
RDPR • Give directives
concerned season.
to construct
departments • Promote cool roofs initiative
shelters, sheds at
such as paint roof white, create
public places,
green roofs and walls, and plan
provide access to
trees in neighbourhood to keep
public parks
them cool.
during heat
• Directive for • To ensure 1) Shelter/Sheds at
protection of bus stops, 2) frequency of
Transport roads from transportation, 3) drinking water
Department melting and take facilities at bus stop.
precautionary • Enable better emergency
measures transport system for affected

State / District Agencies & their Responsibilities
SN Key Strategy Task/Activities State Responsibility District Responsibility
people to health care facilities
with adequate equipment’s

• Advisory to all
states as well as
distribution and DDMAs, • Ensure repair & maintenance
Energy supply through consultation work for uninterrupted power
Department/ DISCOM with supply before and during the
DISCOMS including repair concerned summer.
& maintenance departments • Re-scheduling load shedding
work for
power supply.
• Re-scheduling
load shedding
All General •
Manager of Repair/maintenan
consultation • Repair/maintenance of
Zone and ce of mechanical/
with mechanical/ electrical system on
Divisional electrical system
concerned priority basis including fan and
Railways on priority basis
departments cooling system.
Manager / including fan and
DDMAs, • Ensure drinking water facilities
Metro Rail cooling system.
consultation in trains and railway stations
Corporation • Ensure
s in states drinking water

State / District Agencies & their Responsibilities
SN Key Strategy Task/Activities State Responsibility District Responsibility
facilities in trains concerned
and railway departments

KSDMA/KS • R&D activities DDMAs, • To develop application/ App

NDMC/IT to promote consultation related to awareness generation,
and BT/E- utilization of S&T with quick information sharing on the
Governance/ in the field of concerned Heat Wave Risk Reduction.
Health Dept. Heat wave risk departments • R&D activities to promote
reduction. utilization of S&T in the field of
Heat wave risk reduction.
• Promote research on heat wave
related issues
Investing in DRR – Structural measures
Long term PWD/ULB/R • Long term DDMAs, • Long term planning for heat
mitigation DPR planning for heat consultation resilience infrastructure,
measures resilient with • Promote cool roofs technology
infrastructure, concerned and use other similar heat
• Directives to departments reducing technology
states to promote • Ensure implementation of
cool roofs mixed uses planning adopted in
technology and heat wave affected cities
use other similar • Heat appropriate planning of
heat reducing new buildings(consideration e.g.
technology in architecture, width/height ratio,
• Mixed land use street development, orientation
planning may be and site) in urban and rural areas.
adopted to • Ensure capacity building of

State / District Agencies & their Responsibilities
SN Key Strategy Task/Activities State Responsibility District Responsibility
address heat structural engineers, civil
wave affected engineers and architects for
cities construction of green building,
• Heat maintenance and fire safety of the
appropriate structures.
planning of new • Ensure to construction of green
buildings building, environment and
(consideration building code related to heat wave
e.g. in risk mitigation.
ratio, street
orientation and
site) in urban and
rural areas.
• Capacity
building of
engineers and
architects for
construction of
green building,
maintenance and
fire safety of the
• Issue directives DDMAs,
Urban • Ensure implementation of latest
to states for to consultation
Development National Building Code of India
implements with

State / District Agencies & their Responsibilities
SN Key Strategy Task/Activities State Responsibility District Responsibility
Department/ National Building concerned 2016 Part – IV “Fire & Life Safety”
PWD/PDRP Code of India departments in their building byelaws
2016 Part-IV “Fire
& Life Safety” in
their building
• Issue directives
to states for
construction of
• Ensure construction of green
green building,
building, Energy Conservation
Building Code (ECBC) related to
heat wave risk mitigation •
Building Code
Increase forest coverage and green
(ECBC) related to
DDMAs, area
Urban heat wave risk
consultation • Afforestation and mass
Development mitigation.
with plantation
Department/ Policy
concerned • Coordinate with Transport
PWD/RDPR formulation to
departments Department and Road
increase forest
Construction Department for
coverage and
plantation of trees at roadside,
green area in
barren land and other areas.
view of
Prevention of forest fire and
increasing heat
control measures.
wave risks.
Afforestation and
mass plantation

State / District Agencies & their Responsibilities
SN Key Strategy Task/Activities State Responsibility District Responsibility
Agriculture Advisory for DDMAs, Promote short duration and heat
and short duration consultation resisting crops.
Horticulture and heat resisting with
Department. crops. concerned
Capacity Development
Develop training
module for
qualification at
different level
Preparation of
Capacity Building Develop training module and
plan and conduct proper training program
implementation for different stakeholders
Coordination Heat wave management should be
Capacity alth and consultation
Capacity with different added in school curriculum to
4 building and Family with
Building ministries/ sensitize school children and local
training Welfare concerned
departments for people Conduct capacity building
Department/ departments
capacity building and training program as per
activity. domain and expertise of
Conduct capacity department.
building and t
raining program
as per domain
and expertise of

State / District Agencies & their Responsibilities
SN Key Strategy Task/Activities State Responsibility District Responsibility
Capacity building Capacity building of structural
of structural engineers, civil engineers and
engineers, civil architects for construction of green
engineers and building, maintenance and fire
PWD/ULB/R architects for safety of the structures.
DPR construction of Long term mitigation measures
green building, construction of green building,
maintenance and environment and building code
fire safety of the related to heat wave risk
structures. mitigation.
IEC Campaign to create
Department awareness through print media,
IEC Campaign to
of electronic media, social medial etc.
create awareness
Information DDMAs, Display board with colour coding
Public through print
and Public consultation for heat wave alert.
Awareness and Media campaign media, electronic
5 Relations/KS with Display Do's and Don'ts in the
community and IEC activity media, social
DMA/DDM concerned Public areas, Hospitals, Park, etc.
outreach media etc.
A/Health departments Develop of mobile application for
Issue advisories
and Family faster spread of heat related
from time to time
Welfare issues, alertness, space for shelters
and drinking water.

State / District Agencies & their Responsibilities
SN Key Strategy Task/Activities State Responsibility District Responsibility
Establish a Data
monitoring cell
Establish a Data monitoring cell
and collecting
and collect data from district and
Data from States
maintain state level data base.
KSDMA/He and maintaining
A standardized collection of
alth and national-level DDMAs,
granular data
Data collection Family data base. consultation
Standard protocol for death
and Welfare Standardized with
Documentation Department/ collection of concerned
Adopt uniform process for
DDMAs/UL granular data departments
registration of casualties/ deaths
B/RDPR Development of a
due to heat wave based on the
proper data
post-mortem report, death count,
sharing strategy
type of disease, time and duration.
among all
The KSDMA, DDMAs and concerned department shall nominate senior officer as nodal officer for management of Heat Wave
and reporting.



Name of the State: Year: Reporting Periods: Date of Reporting:

District: Location: Occupation: Economic:

Urban Rural Total

Farmers Labours Hawkers Other BPL APL Total
Age Group M F M F M F s

0-6 years
7-18 years
19-35 years
36-60 years
61 > above
Sub Total
0-6 years
7-18 years
19-35 years
36-60 years
61 > above
Sub Total

*If any other information related to heat wave, please enclose a separate page.
Name and designation of the reporting officer: Signature with Date


S. Name Age Sex Occu Place Date Max Deaths List of Date and Date and Cause
N and (M/F) patio of and Temp reported chronic time of time of of Remarks
o. Address n death time recorded during diseases post joint death
of (Rectal heat present mortem enquiry
death and wave (Ask the (If conducte
Oral) period family conducted) d
or Not members with a
) revenue
Relate Rela
d ted
to to
post- Join
morte t
m enq

Name and designation of the reporting officer: Signature with Date




S. Village PHC Block/City Name & Son/ Urban U BPL Age/Sex Date of Any Cause Death
No. Daughter/Wife Rural R attack of Antecedent of confir
of Y/N Heat illness death med by
Stroke MOs




Sl.No. Name of the New cases Cumulative Deaths reported Cumulative no of Remarks (If any shortage
district (Name admitted due no of cases due to Heat deaths due to Heat of ORS/IV
of all districts) to Heat admitted Related Illness Related Illness since 1st fluids/Treatment
Related Illness due to Heat since the last April.... facilities etc...)
since the last Related reporting period
reporting Illness since
1st April......

District wise and Year wise recorded Maximum temperature details with location &

date for last five years (2017-2022):

District wise maximum temperature recorded during the year 2017

Sl. Temperature
District Taluk Location Date (⁰C)
1 Bagalkote Jamkhandi Jamakhandi 20-04-17 45.3
2 Ballari Siruguppa Tekkalakote 24-05-17 45.3
3 Belagavi Raibagh Kudchi 19-04-17 43.3
4 Bengaluru Rural Hosakote Hosakote 19-04-17 39.1
5 Bengaluru Urban Bengaluru North Dasanapura_1 16-04-17 39.6
6 Bidar Bidar Bidar South 06-05-17 44.1
7 Chamarajanagara Kollegal Kollegala 08-05-17 40.9
8 Chikkaballapura Gauribidanur Gauribidanur 28-03-17 40.0
9 Chikkamagaluru Kadur Kadur 01-04-17 39.8
10 Chitradurga Molakalmuru Devasamudra 19-04-17 42.9
11 Dakshina Kannada Bantwal Bantwal 05-01-17 39.8
12 Davanagere Davanagere Davangere 14-04-17 42.5
13 Dharwad Hubballi Chabbi 19-04-17 42.1
14 Gadag Ron Hole Alur 16-04-17 42.8
15 Hassan Channarayapatna Channarayapatna 16-04-17 39.9
16 Haveri Savanur Savanur 28-04-17 42.9
17 Kalaburagi Jevargi Nelogi 24-05-17 45.1
18 Kodagu Somwarpet Kushalnagar 03-04-17 39.4
19 Kolar Bangarapet Kamsandra 19-04-17 40.6
20 Koppala Koppala Hitnal 05-03-17 41.8
21 Mandya Malavalli Halaguru 16-04-17 41.6
22 Mysuru Hunsur Hunsur 28-03-17 40.9
23 Raichur Sindhanur Turvihal 28-03-17 43.6
24 Ramanagara Channapatna Channapatna 30-04-17 42.8
25 Shivamogga Tirthahalli Mandagadde 28-03-17 40.9
26 Tumakuru Pavagada Nagalamadike 28-04-17 42.7
27 Udupi Karkala Ajekar 01-03-17 39.1
28 Uttara Kannada Haliyal Murkvad 09-04-17 42.3
29 Vijayapura Sindgi Sindhagi 17-04-17 44.0
30 Yadgir Yadgir Saidapur 25-05-17 45.3

District wise maximum temperature recorded during the year 2018
Sl. Temperature
District Taluk Location Date (⁰C)

1 Bagalkote Jamkandi Savalagi 03-05-18 42.9

2 Ballari Ballari Ballari 25-04-18 44.7

3 Belagavi Raibagh Kudchi 28-04-18 41.6

4 Bengaluru Rural Devanahalli Vijaypura 30-03-18 38.3

5 Bengaluru Urban Bengaluru South Kengeri_1 19-04-18 38.1

6 Bidar Bhalki Lakangaon 03-05-18 44.4

7 Chamarajanagara Kollegal Kollegala 16-04-18 39.6

8 Chikkaballapura Gauribidanur Hosur 29-04-18 40.4

9 Chikkamagaluru Kadur Kadur 19-04-18 39.5

10 Chitradurga Challakere Parasurampura 19-04-18 42.5

11 Dakshina Kannada Bantwal Vittal 03-03-18 40.9

12 Davanagere Harihara Harihara 03-04-18 43.1

13 Dharwad Hubballi Chabbi 24-04-18 41.8

14 Gadag Mundargi Dambal 20-04-18 41.4

15 Hassan Channarayapatna Hirisave 02-05-18 39.6

16 Haveri Hanagal Bommanhalli 25-04-18 40.9

17 Kalaburagi Chittapur Chittapur 30-04-18 45.3

18 Kodagu Somwarpet Sanivarsante 17-04-18 38.2

19 Kolar Mulabagilu Bairakur 27-04-18 40.3

20 Koppala Gangavathi Marali 23-04-18 43.0

21 Mandya Srirangapatna Belagola 24-03-18 39.8

22 Mysuru T.Narasipura Sosale 16-04-18 39.2

23 Raichur Sindhanur Sindhanur 22-04-18 43.7

24 Ramanagara Ramanagara Kutgallu 28-04-18 41.8

25 Shivamogga Bhadravathi Bhadravathi_1 10-04-18 40.1

26 Tumakuru Madhugiri Itakadibbanahalli 02-05-18 41.5

27 Udupi Karkala Ajekar 03-03-18 39.5

28 Uttara Kannada Honnavar Mavinakurvei 09-04-18 41.9

29 Vijayapura Sindgi Sindhagi 30-04-18 43.8

30 Yadgir Yadgir Hattikuni 02-05-18 45.0

District wise maximum temperature recorded during the year 2019
Sl.No District Taluk Location Date

1 Bagalkote Bagalkote Rampura 26-04-19 44.5

2 Ballari Sandur Sandur 13-05-19 44.7

3 Belagavi Athani Kagwad 21-05-19 43.7

4 Bengaluru Rural Doddaballapura Sasalu 13-04-19 38.7

5 Bengaluru Urban Anekal Attibele 07-05-19 39.9

6 Bidar Aurad Santpur 24-05-19 45.2

7 Chamarajanagara Kollegal Kollegala 29-03-19 41.7

8 Chikkaballapura Chintamani Ambajidurga 24-05-19 41.5

9 Chikkamagaluru Kadur Chowlahiriyur 28-04-19 40.9

10 Chitradurga Challakere Nayakanahatti 13-04-19 42.7

11 Dakshina Kannada Puttur Puttur 30-05-19 42.8

12 Davanagere Harihara Malebennur 26-04-19 43.0

13 Dharwad Navalgund Navalgund 20-05-19 43.9

14 Gadag Naragund Naragund 21-05-19 42.9

15 Hassan Arkalgud Arkalgud 09-04-19 40.8

16 Haveri Hanagal Bommanhalli 20-05-19 42.7

17 Kalaburagi Afzalpur Atanur 15-04-19 46.6

18 Kodagu Virajpet Ammati 29-03-19 39.8

19 Kolar Srinivasapura Rayalpadu 27-04-19 40.8

20 Koppala Gangavathi Marali 19-05-19 44.8

21 Mandya Maddur Madduru_2 08-03-19 40.5

22 Mysuru Hunsur Hanagoadu 08-03-19 40.9

23 Raichur Manvi Mallat 01-06-19 44.9

24 Ramanagara Ramanagara Kutgallu 23-04-19 42.6

25 Shivamogga Bhadravathi Hole Honnuru (1) 28-04-19 42.1

26 Tumakuru Sira Sira 27-04-19 42.1

27 Udupi Karkala Ajekar 19-04-19 40.1

28 Uttara Kannada Supa Supa 19-05-19 44.0

29 Vijayapura Sindgi Almel 21-05-19 45.2

30 Yadgir Yadgir Yadgir 24-05-19 45.8

District wise maximum temperature recorded during the year 2020
Sl. Temperature
District Taluk Location Date
No. (⁰C)

1 Bagalkote Hungund Amingarh 06-05-20 42.6

2 Ballari Ballari Rupanagudi 10-04-20 42.8

3 Belagavi Raibagh Raibagh 06-05-20 42.0

4 Bengaluru Rural Hosakote Anugondhalli 24-04-20 38.7

5 Bengaluru Urban Bengaluru South Kengeri 19-03-20 38.9

6 Bidar Aurad Kamalnagar 26-05-20 45.8

7 Chamarajanagara Kollegal Lokkanahalli 06-04-20 40.4

8 Chikkaballapura Chintamani Ambajidurga 24-05-20 40.6

9 Chikkamagaluru Koppa Hariharpur 01-04-20 40.9

10 Chitradurga Hiriyur Javanagondanahalli 03-04-20 41.9

11 Dakshina Kannada Puttur Uppinangadi 02-04-20 42.0

12 Davanagere Channagiri Basavapatna (2) 30-03-20 41.5

13 Dharwad Hubballi Chabbi 02-04-20 41.9

14 Gadag Ron Hole Alur 24-05-20 42.5

15 Hassan Belur Arehalli 29-03-20 40.1

16 Haveri Savanur Savanur 15-04-20 40.5

17 Kalaburagi Afzalpur Karajgi 26-05-20 46.0

18 Kodagu Madikeri Sampaje 01-04-20 40.7

19 Kolar Srinivasapura Srinivasapura 24-05-20 41.5

20 Koppala Gangavathi Karatgi 24-05-20 43.5

21 Mandya Malavalli Shivanasamudra 04-04-20 39.7

22 Mysuru Hunsur Gowdargyare 29-04-20 40.2

23 Raichur Raichur Chandrabanda 24-05-20 45.2

24 Ramanagara Ramanagara Kailancha 06-04-20 41.5

25 Shivamogga Shivamogga Haranahalli 02-04-20 41.0

26 Tumakuru Pavagada Pavagada 29-04-20 41.3

27 Udupi Karkala Ajekar 02-04-20 40.2

28 Uttara Kannada Mundgod Pala 29-03-20 40.1

29 Vijayapura Sindgi Almel 25-05-20 45.3

30 Yadgir Shahapur Doranahlli 25-05-20 45.1

District wise maximum temperature recorded during the year 2021
N District Taluk Location Date
1 Bagalkote Bagalkote Rampura 11-04-21 40.2

2 Ballari Hagaribommanahalli Hampa Sagara 01-04-21 40.7

3 Belagavi Athani Anantapur 30-03-21 41.3

4 Bengaluru Rural Doddaballapura Sasalu 03-04-21 38.6

5 Bengaluru Urban Bengaluru East Bidarahalli 02-04-21 38.9

6 Bidar Bhalki Nittur Buzurg 04-04-21 42.2

7 Chamarajanagara Chamarajanagara Chamarajanagara 03-04-21 40.1

8 Chikkaballapura Chikkaballapura Peresandra 04-04-21 40.7

9 Chikkamagaluru Koppa Hariharpur 27-03-21 39.6

10 Chitradurga Hiriyur Hiriyur 08-04-21 40.2

11 Dakshina Kannada Beltangadi Kokkada 27-03-21 40.7

12 Davanagere Harihara Harihara 06-04-21 40.7

13 Dharwad Navalgund Navalgund 01-04-21 43.2

14 Gadag Ron Hole Alur 01-04-21 41.5

15 Hassan Arasikere Kanakatte 10-04-21 38.9

16 Haveri Hanagal Bommanhalli 06-04-21 42.2

17 Kalaburagi Sedam Adki 30-03-21 42.5

18 Kodagu Virajpet Virajpet 27-03-21 39.3

19 Kolar Kolar Narasapura 02-04-21 39.9

20 Koppala Gangavathi Kanakgeri 05-04-21 41.9

21 Mandya Malavalli Shivanasamudra 08-04-21 39.9

22 Mysuru T.Narasipura T.Narasipura 01-04-21 39.8

23 Raichur Raichur Chandrabanda 30-03-21 42.6

24 Ramanagara Channapatna Mudugerehalli 03-04-21 39.6

25 Shivamogga Soraba Anavatti 06-04-21 40.6

26 Tumakuru Pavagada Pavagada 01-04-21 40.7

27 Udupi Karkala Ajekar 05-03-21 38.9

28 Uttara Kannada Honnavar Mavinakurvei 28-03-21 41.4

29 Vijayapura Sindgi Almel 08-04-21 42.7

30 Yadgir Yadgir Balichakra 05-04-21 43.7

District wise maximum temperature recorded during the year 2022
N District Taluk Location Date
1 Bagalkote Bagalkote Rampura 09-05-22
02-05-22 44.1
2 Ballari Hagaribommanahalli Hampa Sagara
31-03-22 41.9
3 Belagavi Athani Anantapur
30-04-22 39.3
4 Bengaluru Rural Doddaballapura Sasalu
30-04-22 39.7
5 Bengaluru Urban Bengaluru East Bidarahalli
01-05-22 45.6
6 Bidar Bhalki Nittur Buzurg
31-03-22 38.1
7 Chamarajanagara Chamarajanagara Chamarajanagara
29-04-22 39.1
8 Chikkaballapura Chikkaballapura Peresandra
28-04-22 39.9
9 Chikkamagaluru Koppa Hariharpur
28-04-22 40.9
10 Chitradurga Hiriyur Hiriyur
09-05-22 39.0
11 Dakshina Kannada Beltangadi Kokkada
09-05-22 40.8
12 Davanagere Harihara Harihara
09-05-22 43.4
13 Dharwad Navalgund Navalgund
01-04-22 43.4
14 Gadag Ron Hole Alur
30-03-22 39.2
15 Hassan Arasikere Kanakatte
18-03-22 41.7
16 Haveri Hanagal Bommanhalli
01-05-22 44.4
17 Kalaburagi Sedam Adki
28-04-22 36.9
18 Kodagu Virajpet Virajpet
30-04-22 40.0
19 Kolar Kolar Narasapura
26-04-22 42.4
20 Koppala Gangavathi Kanakgeri
30-04-22 39.6
21 Mandya Malavalli Shivanasamudra
30-04-22 39.6
22 Mysuru T.Narasipura T.Narasipura
04-05-22 44.8
23 Raichur Raichur Chandrabanda
30-04-22 39.7
24 Ramanagara Channapatna Mudugerehalli
19-03-22 39.7
25 Shivamogga Soraba Anavatti
29-04-22 41.4
26 Tumakuru Pavagada Pavagada
03-05-22 38.0
27 Udupi Karkala Ajekar
23-04-22 40.2
28 Uttara Kannada Honnavar Mavinakurvei
10-05-22 44.9
29 Vijayapura Sindgi Almel
01-05-22 44.0
30 Yadgir Yadgir Balichakra
28-04-22 42.4
31 Vijayanagara Hosapete Mariyamanahalli


Abstract for number of the Districts, Talukas & Gram Panchayats having 95th percentile of
maximum temperature of 43 deg C and above in the Karnataka State.

District Name Taluk Name No. of GPs

Deodurga 34
Manvi 43
Raichur 37
Sindhanur 42
Afzalpur 31
Aland 51
Chincholi 39
KALABURAGI Chittapur 50
Kalaburagi 45
Jevargi 46
Sedam 29
Aurad 41
Bhalki 42
BIDAR Bidar 37
Basavakalyan 39
Humnabad 37
Vijayapura 55
Sindgi 48
DHARWAD Navalgund 27
Shahapur 44
YADGIR Shohapur 48
Yadgir 46

Table 13: Abstract of No. of GPs having 95th percentile of Maximum Temperature of 43 deg
°C and above.

966 Gramapanchayath form North Interior Karnataka region are experiencing the 95th

percentile of maximum temperatures of 43 deg C and above in the State and details are

provided below Table: 14.

Taluk No.of

Gram Panchayat Names


Name GPs




da,Bhumanagunda,Gabbur,Gugal,Maladkal,Hemnal,Hireb 34

Palakanmaradi, Ganadhal,Hosura Siddapura,Karadi










Taluk No.of
District Gram Panchayat Names
Name Name GPs


















hangapur,Bidnur,Gobbur,Gudur,Hasaragundgi,Kognur,Ch 31



Taluk No.of
District Gram Panchayat Names
Name Name GPs





mbal,Dargasirur,Mogha,Narona,Kawatgi,Ambalga,Ladmugl 51











Taluk No.of
District Gram Panchayat Names
Name Name GPs












r,Dongeragaon,Kalmud,Maraguthi,Okali,Sonth,Kinnisadak 45
,Kamalapur Tanda, Kalmandergi, Neelakod, Mahagaon







lbatti,Nelogi,Hippergas.N.,Jeratgi,Ankalga,Baluandgi,Kallu 46



Taluk No.of
District Gram Panchayat Names
Name Name GPs



Dugnoor,Handerki,Jakanpalli,Kolkunda,Madna,Udgi,Bena 29















ar, Wanjarkhed, Inchur, Attarga

Taluk No.of
District Gram Panchayat Names
Name Name GPs

Bidar, Aliabad , Chimkod , Gadgi ,Malegaon ,Chillargi ,

Bagadhal, Chatnalli , Ranjolakheni , Rekulgi , Sangolagi ,

Sirsi(A), Kadawad , Aurad(S) , Mandakanalli , Bidar South,


Astoora , Chitta , Malkapur , Amalapur , Janwada, 37

Allambar , Chambool , Yeranalli , Marakhal , Srimandal ,

Kamthana, Yadlapur , Anadur , Kolar, Kapalapur(A) ,

Manalli, Markunda , Nagora , Sindola , Baroor , Hokrana(B)




Bhosaga,Ujlam,Matala,Gundur,Algud,Chandakapur,Ghotal 39






adgi,Belkera,Kodambal,Rampur,Dubalgundi,Ghatboral,Gh 37



Taluk No.of
District Gram Panchayat Names
Name Name GPs



Jamanal,Kumatagi,Honaganahalli Gp), Hittinahalli



nibidari,Tonshyal,Mamdapur,Hosur,Jainapur,Devaragennu 55















Taluk No.of
District Gram Panchayat Names
Name Name GPs





aganur,Bagalur,Bammanahalli,Devanagaon,Malaghan,Mora 48






hilakawada,Annigeri,Gudisagar,Hallikeri,Shelvadi,Bhadra 27






Buzurg, Tadabidi, Kadumgera B, Kollur M,T



Taluk No.of
District Gram Panchayat Names
Name Name GPs

Shorapur, Devaragonal , Devikera, Hemanoor, Khanapur ,

Pethammapur , Sugoor , Arkera(K) , Waganagera , Aldal ,

Badyapura , HUNASAGI, Chikkamadanur , Agni ,


Arkera(J) , Baichabal , Kamnatagi , Kolihal , Wajjal ,

Kachakanur , Kirdahalli , Kakkeri, Devatakala , Devapur ,

Tinthni , Hebbal(B) , Kembhavi, Yalagi , Karadakal ,

Malla(B) , Malagatti , Naganoor , Parasanahalli , Yevoor ,

Yaktapur , Heggandoddi , Kodekal, Malur , Narayanpur ,

Bailkunti , Baradevanal , Geddalamari , Hagaratagi ,

Jogundabhavi , Marnal , Rajankollur , Karekal , Teerth








Table 14: District wise details of No. of Gram Panchayats having 95th percentile of Maximum

Temperature of 43 deg C and above in the State.

Fig 14: Map indicating the 95th percentile maximum temperature >=43 °C Grampanchayath


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